MEM THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. PITTSBURGH: FRIDAY MORNING, JULY ia, 18474 O. Tam Ihrisavua Darr Gomm is palkuicial EINISSYMIS 7 . , and Ws/atty.-Mai Daily is trims Dallassyssr • diaTii-Weekly rive Dam iwr swim: Ile is Dollazs per animas wrieup llelotrweeeoesnsoo wan /avenue, oboe! Id tbr to by flea o'clock. is the afternoon. Anerman Utte,ea ale nor eat ea.:mom omelet be P.A.' timi - FOR 0091.11N0R, J•11Z111 * Zll6. mv* IFOR CrtV)4 P O A.T (;NER. ` - aosspu TON , • tor eli101:111.1, COITATT) :016:011012 Osicrlki,;:tt'Allesbsity City. hoi Litany. INKIEL.EO,f Indians Tp. CIIRISTIAN BNIVEIX.of Tp. IIARSHALL ARTZ WELDER, Pinat,ore LABLIE,or Main Tp. B irsuPeorini 1•26,0111.6. j. W; BAXTER, el Plsbargh. It.COMM. COZZIMINZIL :TlONrall PERM NS, of Los= ni.Clair Ty }na Acorroa. WILLIAM CAVEN. of PPlPaillta Tp. PC Ccmaswen Inalltgegee, Dom ..= 11 =gm= nf.e.,tepr., Money Nartei, We gate an' extract Isom a letter oa Mohday Isst; 'hawing the matins *Web had opexated on the weeds of some of the members of the Bald . mote end CIMO Rail Road, by' which they had beer, Isioaritoptonaire a connection with ' Wheal- Wo waitan =mar t to Mr. Alfred !Caney'. isimMism Irmo sozoe el the citizemi of Massillon, ICeoten end Wooster, and in the =ran time o gee both Mr. McLane mid •Mi.:Kelley, by the foliWwiniattleie from the Massillon Telegraph. keen en stile review of Mr. Mamie'. Report spinet a immodest with Pit:An:rib, or rather of Ws Ripen, 'Mikis is both for and unhurt ouch coonsetionF Kr. McLane says w the object therefore is prevent the trade going to Ctereland.” Now if that is really his object, or the design of any orb as either at Baltimore or Philadelphia, we have no hesitation in saving a Rail Road from thecae having aotpisrpose view, sett to come to Pituhmer--thence into Ohio IA Columbiana county peados through Canton and Massillon lit Stark cesty, VVooattr in Wayne county, through Ashland county to Mansfield in Rmidand county. Thence a direct route as near as may be, till it M. uses the Miami Canal. This Mute would , being the wed near the testae of the Meat Grain and Woolgrowing portion of Ohio, and should it be continued to the Atiisiseppi le needy the tome direction, it would command the trade of northern Indiana end Illinois, and unthern Mich igan which are well known to be the principal ' Gram growing portion of .Ibe *aim To glee only a MIS reeve of what may be expected by the adoption of this see, we have taken' the Gt. " lowing statement from the report before referred to Slut year, and of only a portion of the ship ments from this vicinity, sale there to, as to Dover and this pheefrorn the boob; of ate eel Adore a , part of the shipments of the present year to the 23d ult. : From Falun we have the staternents of the shippers. in pert and the remainder mot from that paint se estimate. For VIL• informed= of our distant readers it may te worth a remark, that ?Shia Is in this countypnine miles north ot the town end Roar is Tuacarawai county, 21 nobs south of thia. The shipments' finer, Clinton, 14 sloe north would of course be within reach of Bailllteed here, but we have' o statement from these, and can only siy in relation to them, that they would WA be u large as from Fulton. The productions here named are from the tr. unties of Colomblena.CarrolLTsearawas Holmes, Stark. I Wayne, Coeboetoo, and part of Ashland, a part of Fisk, (areetemoshipo) whichmould be near a the Milt (or a road we have mentromd than any ether market, now seeds its products mostly :to Akron, and they are not preluded. in the stn e ssedwe wok Foe the information of, Mr. McLane we take this occasion to inform biro, that while scarcely say snick, we bus rumored as sent from sin. &Hatt. COluMbits, ZutessAle Or Portsmouth goes io Cedidand, or would be taken on bi- flail Road I if be bad one in that stickily, the 'whole of the productions mentioned In the, table brlori—and sadly more, go to that place, donut the seUon of Canal and . Lake meigatioa. We will remind our 1111111Willlieflat also this while the Ohio ricer fainiebee an slim nearly stay month in the year, for the moth part of Ohio. Indiana and ll the northern parts of these taides, haee'no . suns of transportation for -*bunt 'five month.. ,Should s' railway be maenad through then imerenes wheat Adds the venue season would be Mused to the work of emptying the granaries of OW femme and the warehouses of our met chum Let it be remembered, that south of the 414 peralkd of latitude, and north of the Pm tel Road, is, and forever WI/ be, the grain gureeng potties of the west. It is well to num theiltuther: that frani Piiteaugh west on the mete we have soggeeted, the formation of the coasitry SS.* that a rail way may be construt. and kept in repair with far the expense, than Ia gaff peels of the wed ;indeed we venture to Minn that thereli no portico - 6f this Union where set a work can be gat in operation with as little oath, as upon the route we hew somptsted. Lams u the statement bees given may spirt te this who have never Meted this country. it is =akar, small, in refer:cies` to the ability of . the comery to perdue; far lees than one half of the land in the es:SW we have named is under asitimthe end a large portion of that which is cithilated;thy reason of Imperfect tillage. is not sneett as . prodoetlee as it should be. We say whhont fear of contradictiOn by Vey candid nun who Will view thecoontry end ascertain the facts in sestina to es productiveness that the mate we ' Awe nemod la deeldedli the mart appropriate route for a sad wee of the Ohio River, end we here talue 'imprint to say to our friends in Baltimore that, this section of country will not long be no. sleeted and left without a roid foe the transport , titian Ober tam= pthdtactione With the hope of calibre the attention of our linstengh neighbor, to the imminence of this mute with specie mtheners to the trade' of that • city, we should be god bootie, secs facts toner _ ing that OS. But we totuddefor h for the pre,. eat neleeating only that the quantity of iron rewired Has by the Curial last year wee 290,461 11S-chat netareed . by teams is believed to be u maelsore-Lwith prosifacilities Car transpula tioe, this trade with Pittsburgh to this vicinity and wee, say be armoded to an almost indefinite extent.' ... Suemome of a few of the articles of produce Sipple from MaNdlloo, Dow and Fulton Spine ; the Sae* of Navigation in 1844 and op hr /one See mes Sere parr ~ tiawr i r4 • , Lattaa. TatAeL . I. 511.6.14 to thaterel Wheat laraird, 1,864 rO7 6951141 571,34 u 4.003,82 a , Cara do 14040 15463 15169 (Vmeresenet , 675 m 14.41431 2 sh Pork 4a JOU 4.11 CS T SO 4 Suer Seam PS e 8 51.1.7,749 105 97. A0 0 848087 tee 4a 131,3936 ic ell 163 147,767 Swam 4o 114715 114.75 woe, es ISM same Wes ' nemTrait 43,314 Clam gad• hatt " rah .11 . $ ll sway bap Pit.rrle thow, 7l svtat 15• TM vo ehow moesething d the &Wu of Roll Road entstrill - we add the kileiritig 4 the Little Mi ami Rail Road, Wing the Receipts for the month of Jtote t =le7 1• 451;r . 4 46 54 3,108 21 ' ~~...• The laid innotint received for Freight and Pa« mien for the its :maths ending Jane 20th is is Freginf. 'Pasar66777. .0046 12 V:411 67 • 180,216 06 91747 91 below. l5Ae27 Tirs Heap Wtsw. l —We are glad to learn that de Romigwee Rum Ralem, whom appearance in thlawity ire mentioned on Monday, haM mach= interrlear with some of °ankle/ea, as will prelwidy lead to the *election of Mr. Dopes aa logiewar for Winning . Western Road too Denier. Sass Asa Sweat.— I hese distinguished. perform misertise is single Conant for tO.M9P :VW finigeti so Phil AWL They ere among the irst iitistee of the taiwiest world,--tho ode swot elated wilt Penenini end isoceaskil pupil of thet tibtiosti.ooPmfoni.r. end the other with • brit. rent In Zatope and the Milted Suttee . To host ihem la a tehriiege not often mep to tre . 1 of the kitiMito, end ian tu a l i l sum It will be improved by allwbei Ind in one of the most won• derlitl sod plesdoir of the ecienent. fisuriuits&- ! -The Iffuhip thus christened, are edirtrtieed In eat Col/illlll2l. The waters err .riduedsulided for then Atudiries, and the uireuery hM the! repahnion orbiting cherming;-; trice...; the Eectilapia Iv in the Wirdiund i, dewily* birth the nitration of Western Inset. ids and thia vita' to pursuit of pleasure. - catictigao *Lox. We add to di letters' sheatpubliatiid , the rot , lot is' ag front thatiinn• Donal 4abigerrldlicklwas restiSo the Cohisadlort on *Mt Idsasimreage.lonti 26:147. Gentlemen -;-1 ern quite obliged to yea for you! eery kind owl resprcatul leticr, addomed to me at inviting - me to attend the 1 -% bingo QM': eadtee. if my health bed allowed me to contin uo the. journey; which I wu then prosecuting, it would Imee brought me into the. North West, in time to bare been with you the let of July; bat bang compelled. by Mom., to abandon the per. pass of getting over the was.; mum> rca to my power to attend the CODlreiltiOil. You apish, gentlemen, is term of too Initial coannesidattoo, I feat, of my efforts in the' ' caner of intsroal and WMall Goproveroeta. Ivan only say that these elyta hese Men earnest, Lai non. (11:111.1, and made from the single desire of promo ting tho great interests of the country. Of the toeer of the Government to make appeal:4oone Ed credit's barbers and. clearing riven. I. ie see enterteined • particle of doubt. This power, in spy judgment; is not partial:limited, obscure.• sp• phcatle to same one, and not applicable to ethers. to come Stew, and not to others, as seemito have been the opini,,n of gentlemen connected with the Memphis Conventrou. For Orii• I reject all such Car fetched and unnatural did' o tune. la ray opinion, the authority of the Government in this respect, rests directly on the grant of the Commit del power. to Congresr, and this has bean to can. derstosod from the tweet - deg by rice insist god best men, who have been concerned' t theadinin• latrines' of the Government; and is consequently general, and ininted only by the importance of oath particular subject, and the dikirction of Con. I hope the Convention may Jo much good, by enforcing the necessity of exercising these just powers of the Givernenent. Torre are no new inventions nor new constructions by qualifications of tEe Constitutional power to be totted to; there is no new pelitical pith to be struck out. It is Sim- ply fur the 'rennin t I Rip, whether prejudice, party prepussessions,tuut party oppoctitm shall at length give way to fan reasoning, to precedent and ex. perienee, to the julginent of the gmat men ‘ , 11 , / Stave gone before Ue. had t those - momentoue ten • siderations of public interest, which now so peratively coil noCr.ozl'ees to do its dirty. I am, Gentletiel, with much regard, Your obliged friend and &Nireo citizen. DANIEL WEBSTEI. A Southern 'speech for Western Improvements was made by the lien. 'l'. U. Krug, of Savannah. The Detroit Advertiser gisci the following abstract of the speech: • A load call was then made Yoe lion. T. Butler [l Emig, of Georgia, who appeared Upon the stand, and enchained the audience, for en hone Cr more. with ;retch replete with orgumint, humor and chrquence. The South.. he toll tie—Georgia in particular—was about es unite herself to the great Valley of the Mississippi by iron LIMel . and, in a year, the head wateta of the Savannah wtU bq attired to those df the Tenneste River. and be looked in the ftely day when Cineionati would al; so be lurked Witham. They of Georgia would then invite the men of the West to come in the Wini ter, when Northern mutes were foam, and .oel their produete in the open Harbor., and bee in the orange groves, of itbe South. Ho urged that all the avermes of transportation that could re Num edeN (nth and South. would not suffinsto ear , ry off the immense products of the West. They could hot keep pace with the increasing perdue hums. Government matt interpose: He would pledewhis vote beer, as it had been heretofore, , tor Western Harbor.. and Rivera, slid he 'youth . , Ivote again, es he had aln-ady done.'far alternate . ' sections iff land. for Western Improvement.. fie. and three he represented, would act in good faith and anal runty for the great interests of the Went to comnaon with the interests of the gigolo Ceielp try When be nt down the whole Convention; rose with one consent and cheered eaciferoosly. ooblut 71h. at 11 o'clock. the Convention sib jawed; orith'a brief and brilliant apeech from Mr Bates. of kW :mid, the President of the Conarb tioo. In Coinmitteo of 'the Whole' it woo then Be solved, - • That Moises Galscvt, of N V., be requested to take the chair, and the Committe was then id. dressed by Gov. nebbnf Ohio, A W Loomis of Po.,Goil. Hubble of Wisconsin, S Lisle Smith of, Mr Borjultrhant of Maio. Mr. Oen of Mu,s. If J.Cr Costly nod W M H..d of N.. Y..A. Vassix or ens Stssusirri.LThe following statistics were read to the Chimp Coov,ention- They aro =denied from a pamphlet premed t,l• Thomas Allen, of hiSssuri. This is the hind .f trade and nommen:elm Mr Folk Woes with n 1:., 1646 thr -relents from the tapper country amounted to Si 'millions pfdobaist the steam boats engaged in the trade of St. Loins 'were 251; and the whole nuMber op the Wesinso noels oeaely 1190, valued at 16 million' of dbl. lees, to WA& are to he added 9,009 ben and flat bon'. Tlth alums] coot of transportation is 61 millume. The total value of the domes:lc yro. dors put sII set upon the valley is 260 .1131114 n; sad the value of the whale commerce afloat is WO millions, being dogble the amount ;of the venni foreign commerce Of the 'United State'., The watt. bee of steamboats lost in .1842 was 66;th 1846 Ole muter was 26. Menthol.' lose of lives is 160. The snags, it is well known. base caused n -u) of thew dirastms. But to this commerce of 4014 millions the govesnment dons not ;give even a ri)sg boat, nor a .4nd:tun light L 3 deargaate; the place of &ogee:* Nothing is given for this hammerer. while too foreign commence is protected at en Is prove of 9 or 10 WaST IS 'MC c•csil—The Loco Fouts hare been telling as all along that tho high pried of Wheat and Corn was oiling to the Tariff of 115d6 The pretence woo as shallow and the fabschoOd xi great u ewer &erected:A the conduct of arOn scrapaloal parties°. , For t 11 1 ,3 month past the primed breadstuff. bare been re:oiling, end at the principal ports of entry Menet without any dinthr.i. Lion of receipts. Men hue been purchasing Bread, stoffint high prices under the official and official predictions that there wont! be no retire tion. The editor of the lissbrilld• Union, who oiclued that-ace long as the present tariff remained undistudiul, the [dice Of proeisioni must remain high," was one of these, and can, perhaps, explain to the corn glowers of Tennessee how this fill was occasioned. The last number of the Journal of Commerce, a free trade paper, thus notice, the recent tern - stun in the corn t rade: . •The price at corn iv now so Jiff-rent ham the expectation of the owners far Weal, that the cher gei are more than the article• is worth. Large parcel. of earn and 111.71111 other produce have been abandoccd al the (Awarders, and many carmatts the Consignees; would s-11 fur the charges. The original purchase money is therefore a total Icr.a, and where the owner.; are able, they will sutra a still (weber, loss.' "1 Well, %Imitate free traders, you tariff 4311846 is in full blast, and yet We ue told "the origliod prwehame mousy for whew is m total loss." Find some other reason now for present low prices and the past high one.. ?ileac a good story,--nne that, as Hamlet .sys, shall be "as easy as lying." Baena servos UPI rl , l, PITATIS:II3IIGov. eminent organ announces the recall of the Bra., zillian Minister, and says that. Mr. Liaboa pre. granted to the Secretary of State, on Friday !let Mr. Felippe Pereis Leal. late Secretary of Lege aeon, Charge d'Affaires from the Court of Bran I. Wo give the hope of the Colon that Peace may be preserved betwern us and Brazil. and sincerely • desire Chit it may prove a reality: We am very dmiroue of 'preserting the beat feelings towards BrezP, and we will not permit numerate to believe that her government doea not eodially reciprocate the acntraurot. Mr. Lisboa is recalled, but no pompoms have been offered to Mr: Wien. .Mr. Tod, oar now minister.le now on hie way to Rio Janeiro; and we cannot doubt but that frank and mutual explanations will restore our former.telations to the beat footing. II hoe certainly been the desire of oar administration to do full junior) to the Brazilian government, with out compromitting either her right. or our own. Mr. Tod will, we have no doubt, express this ga timed in the franknt manner. " We understand, from the Ecoptreslata official mange. to tudDepetlee, that he is not altogether .satistied with the ananiement which was made through Mr. Lisboa; and it is also said that the late raiding*, which bad recalled Mr. Luba, have been superseded by ■ new cabinet. A new min ister on the part of the United States, and a new turning on the'' part of the Emperor, will,. he NW. remove every difficulty, and restore the best relations between the two' countries. • 1 Wererme.—Thies regulam;and one welcomer soldier were whipped, had their heads eba4d, and were drummed out of the 'Melee, nmentij at Jalapa., -Moho H. Watson, in the first ArP• key, woo recently collet= to ply dim bah, which he most positively refustal to do, giving is 'ple reason that the deed wu abhorrent to his feelln# - wawa was Conn marshilled, Viand 'find two inonth'apay, and 41 bonne solitarY.impriseimMot. for his disobedience. - •-•:. - MO AK MAJOR JACK DOWAKSCL Wo add anngiiler lettcr from dot Major. and , _ • from hi. ,baluSgtiartars at Iknaningeffle. It ties- , pne. soureitiat at our space for:oti4a,laut a. mons , interesting than limpet any other kind?of reading ', matt, we an give sot tinder•. Omoningsille. aunty doom 'Coat. • in the Slate of Maine. flay fi, 1847. Mr. Galata & Szeroa : My Dear Old Friends: I, My 'etter to you on board the steamboat on Long I -Wand. Sound •sras cut off so short by the bells ringing for us to get ready to go ashore. that I didn't get half through telling you the talk I had with the President that day ; and we've bad so ' touch talk since. and seen so much on the jour. dey, that I shard be able to tell you oneshalf bar quarter on't in a letter.. It would take a whole book to give you a good notion of tho whole story. Hut the President will be back to Washington be. tore,you can get this letter, for he stated to go back on last daturdiy; so you can get the whole account of the journey from him. He'll be do , lytkitcd to set down and tell you all about it , for hs's been amazingly pleased with the whole j mr•' I bey, from top to bottom. He's been on his mob. I hoel'd boots all the Sway. Instead of growing 1 m irtt atoopin by hawing so touch, it seems as if hr siOesl straightoe than aver. He told the Gov ernor, in his speech at Augusta on Saturday olt seldom happens thst the course of Goy man's life • is nark'd by ea disinguished a reception adhea bocci accorded to ma today." Well, so it has been all the way along; hunching, and complimeoling.' and firing, end speeches, and dinners, and sop pen', and shaking hand. On hoaid the steam boat from Portland to -Augusta we got a little' breathing time, and had a good long talk. Says the President to me : Now, Major say. ho. I lint ion to be•candid. No one is a true friend to one In a high station unit et he will be candid and speak the truth. And now, Major, I dont want you to aster me; I want you tade candid, and tell me jest what you think. You went along with Piesdent Jackson when he made Ms tower down Eut,and bad act once t r see the whole opera Son ; and now I want you to tell me candidly, t yob think the people was any more fond of him than they are of me. Well, now Colonel, says I, not wishing to hurt your fielies at 1011, but seein you've asked my candif opinion. I wont deny but whet the people are very land of you, amazingly fond, perhaps ae fund as they can be. Tint atter all, there times slot erectly ineal•to old Hickory's times. Sot what do you mean 1 soya he. Well, tars I, the people alt seems to be emeriti fund. bat some hew it seems to have a sort tot show about it; it dont mom to be so :cal hearty as they showed to did Hickory. Well new, Maj tr, says he. and ha reddened a litde when he said this; asp he, ilizt only shows lioor strong your prejudices sr t in form of the old Ginoral. But I thought you was a man of a stronger mind and soondir judgment. I cant areee with you against the evidence of my own senses. Did you notice all the any along how thick the crowds nod:a round me to shako hands with me . _ . •• • . Yea. says I ; but they i din't go it with each a lathed as they did when my old frond the Gin• coal come this way. They jammed around ! him so they had to climb over each. cohet'a heads t. get attlm. Anal had to take hold s ...theca by the hour together and help him shako hands with'ern.or he never would have got through with or • half of 'em Well then, says he, a.] you mind hoar loud they cheered and hummed wherever we come along Yes Colon I. gays 1,1 he aid all that; but, my gra• cion.! wherever old Hickory made ing appeitranee • the crowd roared tight out like thunder. • Well, Major:'saya he,-they c suhln't beat them cheers that the Demmer ws • and Capt. Hyuders airs me at Tammany Hall. I know ; thunder it- self couldn't best that. It'd no uw4llajor for you t t argue the pint; no President ev. r received ouch marts of honor from the people become, I MD sure of that ; I mean the whole people. F. &waists a. II aa Democrats; that is. if .there it any tech people se Federalists now days, and Me. Richie saws there b Only think, the old federal State of Mawachusetts did the business up as handeome 1111-1 seemed to be •. fond of me as Governor Hill*. ; I couldn't are and difference. You mutt confess. Major, that even your old friend Hickory didn't reelect re moth honor in Maaeachuwtts as I has,. Well now, nye I, Colonel, I dont ward to hurt roar (relies. but jou are jest as much mistaken as you mu when you rent old Rough and Ready in. I to Mexico. Have you forgot how they took the 1 old Giorrol into Coinbiblse (1••11. , te end made a 1 Bret, of bier • Who cares for alit aye the Colonel ; says he turning up his nose, Didn't the Democra , s ar.d Captain Flyndree take me into Tartmosny 11.111 and make a Tammany of m=! No, no, Major Downing, it's no-ass for you to argue the pint against my popularity ; for reo got eyes and I can see ;end I toll you. end I want you to mirk my won! , . I tell you. I . :I 001,1-ITlllol 001, tic nh le woe, ties .set old Hmkrty our rn all Lie life. He was *cry popular- with the Democratic party. but I em folly persuaded he hadn't each a upon the allechoes of the whole people an I hate. Here the President get up and welted theta the Ii mr, and second ina deep study for as touch as fists manatee. At last asp he Msj sr, Imissed a figger is my speech there at Baltimore *other day. face it now, 2Mld I don't know exactly how to get oar it. How sa 1 --royal • "- Why. says he, I ought not to bare mid. 'iota up and down, pint blank, that I Mould retire when thin term was up. I should only talked shout , my desire to retire to private life. I was too Misty I sod committal myself too 50011. There never we. a better chance for any body to be elected. than there Is for me now, if I hadn't mode that unfortunate remitlk. .152k200 stood faire. nail Jefferson mood twice, and I @oppose it is really my July to terve my country as lone 25 they aid— But if I 'should undertake to run ogle, 1 apnea they would be throwing that Baltimore speech In my teeth. • Well DOW, says I. Colonel, Cant you too year way out of that! You wasn't torn down Ear so far as I tan. it's pogrom of a job to gel over that trouble. • - i At that the President brightened up a goad deal and say. he, Hsi .r. Fit tell you what, 'as. if you'll get me are that difficulty handsomely. when wo come to have another shufilo fur the offices, you may chime° any yard in the pack, and you shell , . base it. Well, ear; I, Colonel, almut that remark ell yourn at Baltimore, that you should give up when tide term is cue, all you've got to do is to got 5f r. Richic to take it beck in the Union; let. him do. elate that it war only, a sort of specolation,hastily thrown out, without much coneideratron, and that, is far as he utoaratands, rather the President am any of his Cabinet entertain. l any much views.— Then you, con go along as smooth and cafe ea if nothing had happened. , Fact, that's it, says the Colonel, otaPPiott bfr ,finder; strange I didn't think of that before.— Meier, you do beat all for waiting out of d lßcnl ties ! I believe makeup my mind to go ahead another term; I don . % ewe any thing in the way. I'd tell ryna how IthinlCof working it. I've been reading over Mil lever of 'Piglet'. to the Ciecin tali Signal. - He's: an old herd, but he ain't eying to come another Bona Vista blunder over me. If I don't take the wind out of his mill. be. 1 faro long. I'll engage to 031k2 him King of Mensl mu. And try him on hi. own trek 10 , rii'! come nut and declare that I won't be the candidate' aj no par'y neither; and thkew myself molt the Prude. I'm enovirad, from what I've erre o th s that Whigs will go for me Onset to man. Vim Buren and Wright, who say I'm not the man for the Northern Democrats, may go to wan. Igo for the people, the whole people and nothing hat the' people. Well say. 1, Colonel. that's the road; and wish you a pdessant snd prapereus joimney. Wo had some more talk about the War, before we reached Ammon, but I haven't get time to ex plain to you the Preeinent's views about it In this letter. He says ho means to keep a fight rein over Taylor, and not let him do much, and when lin CIO. do any Mini make him report its to the Government through Scott. I naked him if 13n afraid of^ miking tiro tall a Man out, I Scott by placing him en Taylor'. .boulders, and !reread no, he should look out for that, and if he should make Scott report to the the Greenman , through Mr. Trio. After j"te visited Augusta, and Hallowell, am! Gardiner! I tried to get the President to go out id Downinreille, hut he said he didn't think it would do foe him no atop any longer this time, though there was no place in the country that ho we. more noxious ho see, and he promised. too hear lemmas limo he could get, to make a flying act there. I asked him If he didn't think it would do for me to go out and stop • day or two, as I hadn't. seen Uncle Jahns Or Aunt Kesiah or any of 'eca there for along time. He said, certainly, by all means, and he would' hurry back to Washington and look round Mole, three day. and hat was best to be done !boat this Mesita ar bus. inc.., which, according to the tette rought on from Gineral Scott,: seemed to be getting into something of n mail. He said he would here things all- cut and dried by the time I get back. along to Washington, n that we .raid rn tke up one mind. at once what is beet to be dorm. Vnur old friend, MAjOBJ ACK DOWNING. Hoo. Etrena r'orirreseas pawed through thle city yeeterday, with his fetoily. on his way to Washington, whore'be intends to serum his res• genes so President :of the Washington Mono. wet ! We wish Mr. IVhitilesey abdoduit suesess in his new labers. and trust that =do his inside:es a bionconent worthy of Wash. leiguos, artir the Nation to whose honor and and. far) be so largely contributal, will be erseted it the seat of Gonernmeni. .4“ .. 1 "*.". 1 - : AIYAIA NETIC EIXGRAPH. , AN ECCOCNT Appear ha one of the New Turk ~ _ _-_, ___ plea doodle(' oromiut.efinfl 4 t4 hlinlea - Karr r: (a Pittsboarilo niezetete 1 Ookren- She had signed Me, plidvonf toll cob- r o; - cowew,.i rr iw & i „ - i - ... - - twnu s - 7 - 0 .....4 , :. gi " Lici; "a w" ' Mrl l nhei af Ark Plc'. 1 Tem. rIMPOPTANT FROM MEXICO. peracca S wiay. Mit .1 rim 11 her blob ad ,', ~ 1 - Pule. , lor hi. bo.inins ap the mamba PI her &- . LATE FROM VERA CRUZ. cease, he sant for a half pint of brandy; drank.ef Atlricer from Heziaild June 29-rfrom Puebla it, and sooit'ailer died; the eenbct of the inquest - " to the-301‘. . . being "congestion of the, brain, produced by intex. Ily the snivel of the snowier Alabama we have 'eating liqoots." 1. , direct whines to the above dates. Teo Conan or Tarok.—The Savannah Geor- Genend Scott was at Puebla on the 9th loos I et , ~,,,,,,, the receipt to t h at eh , o f it bar , awaiting the unveil of the reinforcement. en route cinder Generals Cailwalader and Pillow. rel. of Flour from Nashville, Tennesoec, ky Rail- roars Thia was the first Floor that ever come to SUM. Anna has ordered all cosnmunicalioo to that port from Nashville, tuni it was eight daye on he ant off from t h e "Yeekeees" and Prohibited ell ha env. Savannah regard. thin ar the er , reet . ota ,.. notice of the state of defences at the Capital. No merit of an important Western trade. re" ° PP. without authority, and any is te l'a who (dotes this order . The Danville Ps. In filigencet states that 'par. u , ea " a airs ‘ li ' , , The news from the city of !dekko war very cols of fresh ground flour wens brought from Phil. , • indefinite. Gen. Scott had communkated to the adelphia to that place last week, and sold at $l,. „ re , . ~ m omen authorities that Mr. Trio , as an anew. 50 per barrel. This io reversing the usual order lad Agent of the Government, war in his camp. of trails. I and aothnriaed to negotiate a POEM WZIESSOET.—The Whigs have nominated Hon. Santa Anna vainly endeavored to recline the II trace Eaton present' incumbent, for Governor, H.O. Leon Karver,' for Lieut. Governor, and presence of a quorum of the utetobare of Cons George Hovers, En , fir Treasurer. The Demo. geese, to consider Gen. l Scott's eattuxituanattione. Min have nominated ,for Govc . roor II JEE Paul i t ~,,, ~pp,,,,, that * oh aroold Ittomttate t y Ddlumbara, member of Congress ID the 11footpelier march Into Mexico and secure Detect. SrCU &peace. Rev. DIE DEIVIET has resigned the pastoral , The cettenehiP of the Mexican Peen pe' s charge of the Church of the Messiah, New _roota all rusher knowledge at the Capitol of Men , York, which rroigoatori has been accepted, the L oo &p oet ... , church soung that an invitation be given td the - Santa Anna war to leave Mexico in three days ievoreod condense to preach to that congregsation ~,, ,_ throe months in each 'cot, tind thot !age. allowed eons the °mei to take the field. lt is stated that the stun of 51000. every avenue and entrance to the city is Mire& d, Tea Treece Fungi ix CaArazo.—The Ty, but the neces. of the American arms was nut phus fever is making Bad hayoc among the immi- doubted by our troops. grant. recently arrived in (lintels from Europe.— G. .. polo .. h Le said, would be compelled to file cause of this distressing mortality is the ati erne. of ail arootore ,,d anort for t h e rot a, sod the contest the road all along with Quoins pantie, refusal to round to their mama by the &ambition'. until he got beyond Cero Gordo. The enemy Gee lasi-r o I.r.urta.-.--When we copied the took edvintage of a defilo to treat his proviso, oleCietton .f a Lancaster eatcmpontrY. that a re- and hit lose is said to have been were in an en. Cent letter purporting to be from Gen. lasts, and vigetnent with them. paraded in the Pennalvanian, was a forgery. we; mentioned it en a prootible fact. and not became The Government of Puebla was annoyed to we saw any thing in it derogatory to his scholar. Col. Schou, of thefld Amnia. Alvarez was at chip. Gen. I avec ma not be the most elk man Jtilisco, on the 14th of lune, with 300 Cavalry. to write letters, bat fortunalely hr is not a Kane. rh.‘Ametican Star," printed at Padi l la, nag —North American. there aro three month's provision - a in the city, and 'Far Treenail between Detroit and Milwau. kin iv gong forward rapidly. Tho meow" the fields around eel PO all Reeemer, f.relle amount of ewe (122,300 Ike.) ha. been ordered, A Mexican hal been detected by hie country. so well as the register, haunt.. he. The pole , men on the way from the Capital to Pablo, *oh 01 he whale lino from Detroit to Galatea are to drawing.' of the defences and fortifications around be ender contract by the 20th inot. 1 , the Capitol. Ile was tried sod condemned, bat Mlle-COL. FILLNONIT, who .left WILIbiEgNII.It will be remembaterl, a few days iv, with toe re. "eq.°. moue Kit Catsan, designs travelling tender !Sept.. The Mexicans need every means in their paw. teetion, for righteen aerated mile., to a pin/ er-to induce our men to ducat; and they treat throe 1 where she has agreed to meet her husband. She . wno are guilts of such iediscretion shamefully. is mach of th e nit ro stuff fir an American wife. - On Soodny the 20th, a patty of eight Amer' Lx.reesrvi Economic —Tee Convention to cans, not connected with the army, left Puebla amend the Coneaution of Illinois hava.fiacided upon twenty five nemben for the number of the on the Hacienda road towards ' Mesta, for the Senate, and seventy-flee for that of the Hoots of purpose al purclroung mules.; they were encounter. s hepresantailver. in the future legislature of that nit by a pity of L .... and compelled to ruht , State. All the Annericans were wounded and one eq.. posed to be killed. Flee were appeared to be la. I ten pawners by the Mexican. A letter in the Armed= Mar, nye the Ameri can priemete were at liberty and no oue disturb ing them. It is believed they were re-incarcerated at Santiago. Gainer and Dareland may beat fir era; ID to the test it Is doubtful. The Prefect of Puebla recently decamped A x Mexico, with all the city funds. Yerey'e expedition to febsteu was entirely un stroceofu I. Tee :Selene' of deaths in New loth lasi week was, men 96; women 85; boys 12 3 ; Itirbt Total 397. The todasing were among the die. PPS.: Tir.mchitim, coup de, eolicl, cholera inlet:dam. cme.nrption. convulsions, tee. awns, druFsy in the bald, dyseniety, erysipelak (eve, fever typhoid, fever typhus, inturtation . of bowels, end maresmae. City ! .w. Mout 2 o'clack, on Thursday manning, a arable 'Muted on an alley running parallel with Proepect stied, was diecorerelio ho on fire. A boron in -the inahle was burnt I t death. Before, the [lre I .cee extinguished, fire frame dwellings were em tirely consumed. and two others badly injured...— The Wl.e beintied ton dray Mill] named Warden. It is & mystery bore rho fire originated, as the owner bad no li o hr in the stribletbe precious seem Th. , Oscar haiiing kaishetl the argument list. sitj uuned cu l'hureaby. It will terry &Om. Jay the toaeoe.: to Le., 1...14,,..aad at other special baeiriess A 9/ICIAL MEOTISO Of the Executive bish Relit( Cocentiqcs, has been held, and tho thanks of the Committee ptesebted to the acting Ohsis. non, M. Allen, sad the Secieuuy, R. H. Kstr.. The I:Oat East •r ha' b•crl by a c..:auct•tc (cum VI stlitngton, P..• Put t,n, any will procure Suothcr engine. Porso.--Tho hone of Mr. Pollock. which we nouccd es stolen yctienlay, was ..f.mod by officer Hague above EtizaSsibtown. • 'the Misr having turned the bone ic:o the woods, and hid the bil die and cuddle behind a lag, is supposed to have got on board a steamboat and cleated himself: Seim. loo—Thu Jouroeymen Carpenters. who chuck for en increase of 25 cents . perolione on thy 'let of July. have not yet turned ut..• The BOW* having made tbeiScontracte on the bee a of former wages, say they cannot afford the in. cream.. Boma few of the employers, forted by tie elphatlon of their contracts, are giving the invested war'*. It Is hoped that the partitawill meet in the proper spirit, and effect m arrange. merit runtually adenine:cow, betas they throw the bricklayers, etoneinosmoi, prasterets, and brick makers. &e. out of employment. Fires sun Write Srarcrs.—We pert:vivo that the grading of Wylie otre a t is going on, al: though that of Fifth la noi yee Bred. The cos. tract for grading and paving . Wylie street was made lase year.and-the cmitractor having awaited the action of Councils open the grade of Fifth un til Le think. it no lingo" expedient; is pt.:seceding the work. II Fifth street as to remain as it !Ilia is well enough. bit , if public opinion requires an alteration, then thin work le useless, and a public lain will be sustained. This matter ought to be attended to by the propel authorities. Seiciez.—On Thursday morning a nun wan found dead m a pasture 'ficid, in'tho DM Ward, upon whose pe.a.•n were found two labels. mart .. Poison," end ••Areenle." In hia walld R. toad the c , rner of a cambric handkerchief, with the letter. L. IL" worked in red Miele; thin may be • rine to hn identification. An was held by' tha Coroner. and a terdi'Uteturned °that the aeceased who to Ida death by pima." irripbaremetau tbnut the Court Hobs. hekln to look very well Them ire Ice opiniot,a law yers a. to the 1 . 0012 lain.. Kane Runk they wool:. oOly be lounging id &CPA for the idle, uthefa think they would ha very plevant The lawyers htive two Wes to every quevinn. Ref.erted ha the eittehorile TILE LIBRARY MEETING The meeting at the Atheneim Iluildinge, on Thur•,ley, arse rather thinly attended, but tho friendr . of the measUre thought bent 'to organbe ■nd adjourn, and thus mike a beginning. On m Mon of R. H. Kerr. issiall D ickey , was cellni to the Chair, and Samuel Joni" wu ap. 'll.t , i SetrclUX. Mr. Kerr then mad the call of thi routing, cud said: °Mr. Chaiman, I came here expecting to find the aged and experienced of our etrixens lacuna in thin movement, whilst I leaked on and admired. I expected to see here the perrona who aigned,the call of this meeting; I expected to see here my Immediate friend Palm ter, and my Irish friend ivho has just "run down stairs. I am envious that this movement should succeed. Want, of a public library is the dins - grace of Pittsbargh. We area working and an eating people, but is that all we see to dal— We are to have a Hoppdal for the sick; why not o Library fur the reading? At the meeting fur the relief or the Scotch. there was one man, and Ise (myself) I went et it in earnest, and raised ‘thirry•eusen thousand dollars fur the Irish, and *eight thousand dollars for the Scotch.. If one man can do .13 much in. such a cause, bow much 'can wn rlo, although few, to mire a LI- Mary, I will give you a valuable work, aye, two or three. I will devour tome limo and • little money,—this is nut much, but it seems khan • good deal, when the men who hold the wealth of our city glee nothing, and are not burial all." Mr. Kerr then toured lo adjourn to meat In the some place, on Saturday nut, at 8 o'clock, and that the people of Allegheny city be invited to attend. • . • Tee Chairman then atattid that tie only con rented to take theCluar, because he saw 110 much backwardness amen: others, to whom he would gladly yield the precedence. The motion of Mr. Kerr thee prvaited, and the met Mir adjoerneti, Tut riTteatu M i.-reported to hare . sunk at Council 81uff..., hlhe wee chartered to g.) loth., Yellow Stone for furs. and was an ler return when the aucident l occuired. 'Weverel per. sons on hood were reported to hue been drown. ed. We have no futther partlentaii of the accident on Lake Superior. .Tne MASSILLON Tecsature,l' ie the title dr' • new Whig paper jest commenced et bfamillon, flbio. It is of double cordiam size, well. , printed, and the debut of the editor elves evidence ,of reat A rumor was current at Vera Crux on the mor ning of the depanure of the Alabama, that 'Oen. Scott had entered the Capital, and that Gen. Pit, luw bud been raptured ry Guerilla,. The Conger is fah.; and'no credit given to the lett,. FROM BUENA CMTA The 51stamoree Pisa states that • correepon dent ovet the signature of "W. 8. Walker." writes i that ; report came into camp, at Buena Vista, en theltit6 of iota., that a scouting party from Geri. ! ‘Vool'i command had been attacked near Emu. nacion, and all bat our either killed or rude prisiniess. Gen. Wool enticipatia au attack , and to taking every precaution to be in teadinew to repel it. The tether Anther states that it OW undentond that Oct,.' Mayo wee coneentia tine 3 tree br th e uury,,,,, of a:tanking fien• taybi, The American tome at Buena Vista he computes at tocuteen hundred men. Major DM. who left the tamp on the day the lotto 'was written, brings no contlinution of the wircrt. Piatia.. July 15, 50'o P. A firo menial in Philadelphia this morning; at I in a grocery were owned by ?down tboa & tho.conaiiiif &Mils and Ual i.ohitt *wee% lettich totally dewroyed the build. ing. An groin:ion °centred from kegs of powder tho garret of ono of tho buildings which had caught fire, which demolished the upper stories so l d shattered adjacent iinues. rem boildtvp, onS.ath went. had roof, raised by the con. annum, and fell iota the &arms—they became Ignited and tit:frond to the ground. Toe stock a groc:eriee arse bleared. No per 901 hajorrd. Another bra oecured near Owed Caller, dor tog the day, by which four darctitaga were dee • Egcty. Correaboandeore of tits Ptsb9ll6l Gazette. NEW YORK MARKET. Eka,..—.Bales of Geminate at ss.6* p.r bbl. We quota sake of Weit.rn at $5 7515587$ per t111.;-8..otheta brauls at $6.156,11:$ per bureL— Ma:tot arm. Went—Sales of prime mast SI,2OaSI SO per bush. Sales of inferior zed at $1,1041.128 per ho , soles of pima salute Ohio, at 51.30.51,37 pet b u , o,, nn ew ea F1,i12afi1,37 per busheL Perm—Saks of puma alma at Me per be, prime yellow at 70e per bu. Market inactive. C,irn Altai --Ssice are mule at $SAfe per bbl. Prolosions —There Is Ima ioquiri in the mar. kat. H .Idere of Mess Pak. Western No. t pl.. 50 per 100,—Pnme do. Western f. 13,511 per 100. Il.l , lani Lard remain dull. llye.—bales at 81s85e per Isnibel. Grounien--No chastens themirtel. Prices at but gusted. E . Ochabge on London 61 percent, and enemy bills sold at show wee. , The stock market is without change. The weather is very pleasant and warm. amines, ae usual at this sum aline year, la on the decline, in comamptence of* tenetsl absence to the coon: try. ' Pisw Iruuu, July 15,10 P. it Th. Floor market conilonc. Brit, with calm of Hp'w ard street et $6.56.06.p0r tart. Sala W... telo brnds $5,7314.87. SeLai [Pima Wilda Wheat at 120, 128 & 130 canto. Con—Sale! of a toiled lot of White and 11.. d CorW at . 133 Mc pet bo. Sales Prime Yellow at 700.- Our—'Sales Western at 42sitne per Mu Whhkey--Salei at 25c. PrOTWOMI S t ies Pdme Western Potk at $12,50. CotrelponJente or the Pttulturilt tticismlte PHILADELPHIA MARKET. July 15, 7 r. sr. Flour--t3also Pa brands to the extent $OOO bbl.. at $5.5044,62 per bbl: of Western brands at Y 5,2515,50. Cornmeal—Halm at $3,25 per Bales Rod Wheat at 115 c per bo. Salo choloe at 120 c. Sa!Anytime While Corn at 09a70c. florae do. mend 75c. . Oats--Males Western at 45c. The Onttion market continues firm with an up wind tendency. Whiskey dull. Holders demand 22e per gall. No nlee. Provisionr--Nothing doing. Errluswe Correepoadence of 11w Pittslough Uncut.. BALTIMORE. MARKET. July 13.10 P mat—flatel Howard Wept at k 6,60 per bbl. . Sales .Western Lard at ne. • • .Wbeat--Sale• Prime Red at 110 e pee bar. • Corn—Sales prime Yellow at Sic per bar. Rye—Sala at 59.9 1e per bit. Stigar—Sales Pinto Rico Provision.—Nothing doing. . . Clovermeil—Sahn at $4.56a4,75 per bar. Tin Secomo 01110 RLOIYINT, Liept. Ca win,addrneea a note to the Ohio litatestaanin ,whteh he sly= By a commuoJeadon Gore the elscretsty of War I am ins untied that If the reshnent is re•orianixesi so as to consist of a lame' portion of the old oft. am and men, Ito services will be - teaised fot the war in Beale°. Danwenup.—Early on Monday morning last a young man, newly married, working u• dock hind on beard the annum Danube, foil um. beard, jut above Liverpool, Ohio, and inn drowned. • ' ' Tagslik) maretiat, abe human:it P god*, D. 11.. PAI. EWE 01110tV1.4. entlmm, I Misa CORralla C CURTISS, Of N., Ptili t o HALL. .Saturday ErftVag. July - I 7:fr, OWING a the t er is nl t e i rl i d nu ( N . •cv,n, Composer aYY nd first Pianist to the King o the• French and Myst Pretence of the Con e recoil e of Pont,and CAMILLO Tlotenly Pepti Parsairtiorill ginnirre 'km° I. 4, i' departure ref Th eCaaadas, An Only Coisurt. „ C. Pivot! will pley—' The Silver Hell Concert, by Paganini, The fa en. Tremolo, by De Be," The Prayer at Mosta . • • Military Air, ends variations, by f'aganini. 013nThe two lancesoposibass,oodontiredly the great est and most dilficalt Paganint, will he executed ON A PINGLESTRING, by C. breed. Henri Hers will play— Grand Fantasia on Lucia de Lammerukhori Brilliant V eriatiomt on the Puritans; aux Clercs, (variations di Braman.) e Last Romer hammer. Concert will conclude with the Gland Duette on Win. Tell, by Hereand 41 ,, M; The Grand Pianofont to from Mr. Here* CM nfnotory or Pans and has been annulled the Grand Golden medal (- degree) by the gam e C moony. • , C. 5i.11 , 1 WO. it the sport which Pagan_ played In nil bin concerti. and has beef bettecated I to C int by his Imo:anal master. • - Mr Rollback! will preside at the Pianoforte. Tickevhone dollar each. Tope had at the usual Fri. N. B.—Two ttchis will admii onegesttlemen lodic.. I jll6 New York and Behtim Planes. JOIIN H MELLOR. el wood.ohhee on hood •andior sale at senora prices, one yet) . Reweemod Piano forte. manofactured Chickering of &woo, and pronounced by the bestj odic, in the city, to be call Also. Roy lartrament they' h”e heard Price 1130% coon Also. at on extremely low price to oboe consign. Meng—. . Hoe mleodid Mahogany 14 octave Plano form. or brilliant ion.. and in every mope.* very oupenor in emment, manufactured l.y Ali Gate &Co. hew Vora. formerly known as the `New Vora nianotaentring Cenu Also. the following OLD PIANOS=' caprices: ll One' octave German ludo e; o=l •• Piano, made b ga —priese73 • (the " do do orenbanmrpriceSUE Wine 6 do nearly oe mad In N. Vert% and with modern farnitum—pried Be One 0 octavo (tomato Piano,mad Stein In Vim, no, m good order. and socllcelleril Pi tae, at 8175. on r err• it or 6 mouth., with good good E dd to tor I, eh • I Iry •le 0•1 ..1 oc bet • hi Hi E 111 • ti •e o /01.1.P1A., or the White Sulphur end thaly ease :Trine, or Leal, county, Cy, The at eve tidal aro elm' place or summer resoit,is now reedy to deception or vintoro under the direotion of Ml hi Kean, I. .q., retitled for many years of rho Lau rie Marl, Mr. Kean and lady will have the active tegument of the enure boarding department; Mr ranee, of the Metro bar. otore, bowleg rialoon, other arounmentr, sod Mr. Olin of the rp dugs, , L , homey. Ina horses, curlages, An. /cc en.. 0 111 F M Werdon, Stagy Proprietors of untie. will so a regular room horse Pon Coach to Spring, erely Monday. Wednesday and Friday of semen, and Tornihb hopes and carriagent all other ES 1.0 UM. washing to 'lra Oveulopla crsopepreferrang the Vanceburgb mute trill/Sowell to tette: Pon ut satho packet Y. 410 to Vanceborg on P may. Thursday or Soundly, when they will find ours,. and courage, to torward them to the !mango M T C OtrULD. Proprietor P. 9.—Por tuber particulars, an W.V., PIO hid e, et the bowls, weambosts, to., and irthisoe aunt convenient then tato au ranted the following lieu, viz Test Enotopla Is nearer the Ohm liver thontthyother watering place—thoulthas the porestmoontsin am-the I most delightful cold lorphl 'pukka!, telpher. water —Nebol vat, eoldest, element parrot, pleat oaten and most VICIIIOIOO, [bah bate lbactsen in the U. States dull Ili% warmandd by mountain ...dory, walk roman. tie, pternerwine ...I Rh...steed, with good &biog. groom/. fox chasing, deer Maebte, bee.. together with good eatuarg.-d nuking, alumni, walking:sidle& done Mg *helpmeet* the .bloes; outgrowing the dpepep eta, talking Nagano*, mowing fat,lovlnguntay,dreadv Ing to go away, promising to rome again -0,4110z (read., ueighbors, Wien, wirer, sweet treacle, be, es.: end after if it Is cheaper vwying at Escuisma than at an_y other of the fadoonsble watering pined. , . This Is the nage of hundred• who bane been Lbw 1 anti mean to_goesaill . PUP undersigned. as agent of the owners of that choice mid tahmble Lend in,tho Borough of Mem. ebetter, known so the •Company Property,' will expeet. the same, In such portions as may se duetted...if.. Auction, at 30 . 010 ck, P. is- on Elatitriay,suty This property la Insect! known to need any particular desettpuon. It will rerommend itself In the midst of a tht lying popalation. iron]] Trebly remunerate any who mop purchase either for Improvement or in:es:meet The sale will nommenee on the premises, between the residence of 51r. Park and tthe old School Hosme: Terme Pale—On mob, and the lialanee in 4 annuit I pep:neut. with Interest from the dal ornate, se cured by bond and mongoie. DFUDRRDD,94 wend et JDIIN D DAVIP, Alter', lelndtrin PORT WISES-31 bbio Pact Winer, cowls:tog of ::ogle, double and treble Grape, for .010 by thr. package. Alm, olarge variety of Pod. on draught mut in bottles at the vi net store of JACOB WEAVER • 1111. y of Ibis above Wines I caul odly recommend for Medicinal rms. The are C ertain Imported to the United Mates. and' were seleetral personally hoos stocks of the Importers ftom places of grow h. /I'l4l ADICIUJk Wlll/81111-3tqr cake saflollll brands J.V.L In store and for ate by the package Also—L P Bruee.Star. Pi ota, Bland y. Blau thine, eteily and edicts on draught Ihr ale at the wine Mr! or .1 ACM) WEAVER DIRENICRVE OIL PICKLE JAGS-10 dotest I - (lane geld Jars, conventeet for Prearresorbouliog Carrie* tor sale at the wtoe store of Illg JACOB digRAVP.R W HITE 1111Aff p l er store Ichy orbdu and fmeste hie" at the " JACOB WEAVER DOTTLEII--II do. (moor Rook Colosse owoorted colors, dint gLay. doxdort fur ..fle thu arint%un, fa' J ACOB EAVEJI /11 , ruarlert .1 cur UNA Ni EMS 1111K--huable for the season at SS cents per /I lb. Ns charge fm keg i , JI. RE! I), Art rsta • 4th rt near market Win B. Days. . John D. Daley. B Dealeis in Dry . Goods, 'H canal, Blom napes, Pi nstiarch manotattuted ant No. 00 ebony D i Polnazgit. ty10.4 V . RO WA PAPICM-110 maxim full maim is Owe sill for atla by J01174 , 5C0TT a. CO 7 rtymmoei al my, ' , betty o BKIIOIII-18 : lattl o s Erg bra .. re d I sto d f o r .41 1 . bY lll6 .JOIENT t 43714 Ir. ) Wren " ; 41 HET HOMES OF 'Fit o. FOFT4 l —tionees and Jlsncta of the atoet CUOMO% British roet`abr Was Mott tt, i I loomed. I osTrteeired and for tale by JOHNS MIN &STOCICTOrir BOV'S SUMMER DOOR—The Boy's ottemaer Llutlt• de...votive of the satanic, scenery, 10101 life, and (annoy atousettaenta; by Tbs. any thitty . Itlastottiona Just teemed at the Book and ettationery store of Jyl3 3011313F0N & MCKTON ST AIREGIM E FOR SALE, taming nn bat a short tinw,9 inch sy:rode r, feu stroke, Iwo balers, IS het long, LI2 :oche. than:oar. Apply to j 1 , 011.• \Pr itarrEN `•CORCHLD •ALB— is • arks prtaat striae Seerelange; 4 do • do Pored,: irrataret formate by jylt LA WATEe at/O,AI water at (mu at 4 .1111. D-110a bbl. No throned Shad oo bubbly 1..) brat and ler sale by 1113 CARSON A. /JeKNIGHT,6th et LAUD—PS bbliNo. 1 Lard; " Pure ()Irate LaJai in store Cor axle by -j% CARPIN& MeV., la err %L . /1 . .1 , 110;i . 50 , :x e l y all exes front 7.0 tol4 80 /718 'CARSON IteKNIORT - CLAY AND ,CORCIIINtid;—CA hZil Germ. Clay Ymne pure Sally, fer nle by CARSON& NeKNIGHT (,AT • lor e. 7 8 . 1 1 1 7.14, I 11 x. 61: Gl.* in uore; ter rale by . hie L $ VVAIERMAN ifooTOE stibsatiber basSistreeetsed and on hand, bdesnem tae of Boston and N. 1 urk Piano s ever offend Item._ Aon the rear— _ One elegaat Rosawcsni Piano. rande by.Nuatm 'Yr Clark, N or aaperiar loge. Paiee-gery moderate: • One elegem Renamed Paseo, by Caleketiag, liestrat • This instrument was selected for Me matiscriber, by in tdr. Chiekesing, spot pr the lost CrelllVerialtel is tu• factory. Poor moderate. • • One elegant 61 am are BO , GWOOLi non - E1 by Nunn. SI Clark, N.Y • Sande. sevetal cabers of ration. styles and priers, rib and without. Coleman's patent atmeament For sale al the lowest !OM!, pilot s, by It KLYIEIER jt•la at Woodwell S.l third at N. B. Tile poldle are respettfally Invited to call and es al:Moltke above mock _ - A - CON—StMO los RagOricd for ante by 11110 0 N O Sugar; B jyt S F VON SONNHORST tCO lI d 0 bbls N 0 alolaster, DRIED third Pestles halve.; If 1W b. du Apple. in secnei let Rode hy 4Y1 5 La .. A FERMAN FLOUR—dobbl. (real Emend Fesallr Flour In mom V Par tale by IyIS Ltl WATERMAN. ACON-1.000 Ibp Rite:led (or sale by B Jrl6 L 8 WATERMAN DISMAL ASH GlllO for ie.., by t)l5 8P VON 110VN HOEBPA CO 33 front Pt ALSRATIM-9 casksban recd sad for sale by 0I IS , S VON lIONNIIORST it CO .11 —4l.t bas 1,6 ix she by 41.5 8-1 , VON BONN HORST & CO IQ WERT VIDEII-10111•1+ Gru sale by • BOOS P IF VON EIONNIIOILST .1. CO 7 17 i 111111 Fl5/I—.o bbd jun_ ...whited for we by iy7&__ FRIEND. RIIEV & CO, 57 wafer et A9l—Z3 butt 10).41 reed. &rule by 1333 J KIDD &CV. car wood & 4 di to ("1111.0MM LIME-9 eeke pew weed; for able by •J IVIS J KIDD &CO I : RE".411 . 1.b:/wION ff RU P-12 doe 'bow reed; (brink, J. by JYIS - I KIDD tr.. CO . 117"Chrewniele copy ad Vie. GINSENG, FEATHERS AND BEI WAX -1 Ir. ,".T. • 2... kg Fathers; to arrive; for, sale by I DICKEY & CO r shater and front sot LINSEED bbla pure Oil, is tam] older for ale by 'jylil J DOIDESNMAKI.It & CO T ARD OIL—II 4bl. best goaloy for sale by L J SCIWONMAKILIt & 00, Ol wood .l OARIitONATE ArifONIA-30Uibv Inn received; ied V vale by Iyll SCHOON MAKER aC.) A L WI-131.1a PAW= Alum; forsale by IVI4 SChOONAIAKEIR &CO • SALICItA.TIIII-6eskilogurive; An sale by 014 I DICKEY 3Cq Ismer & from LINSEI6O 011.-7 bbl. in wore; for .ale by jyl4 ' ISAI,III DICKEY k Co Fir: wT','lmi • m mace SOUP will E. served op Wale's, Isle 1./ S Mutt, eth et.; every day at l t o'clock. The lovers of TenlePeep are proclaim rly invited as I enter mysrlf thetloylrstteannos be sorpasaed.lySgf !AVM TOW YAKS—enee driven received pea J. ship Utcontorc; for sale by . TASSIIY & LIP.ST, 33 wood st tyliXl46--Paper boxes co all sues great ace OW 1J ean be had u' •of F H EIItUAPS — Gras. ckstia. with . RATON'S, Store 43 market ht IY4 k.. 2 wire and,a able cord at Ir 3 Trim/int SI/NORMS —lse barrchalusui 150 sack/ Oats; • ,m O nsets Pommel; ta pieces Linton; landing from attar and fer sole b. . JyS - S baLgELL• NIA.ISI*-Y5 bow man White in nen and Wen* LP by WICK it. lienUANDlAllit he ear lewd and with:flint 9OTTOS—Itn bniee Tench. Cartonln nem and 1 3 o , rlie by ISJI.t/tH MIMI &CO . ogipatimi—suo sacks Bar* IS mks Shonspi ieeniand tarsal° /Y 8 • J DALZKI.L OH AO CO-23 bole. ha Ban'. brand 5* Tobseco last rod'd by Canal awl Ibrsals by ' )5 J DALZELL.SI mugs , st LAnn OIL bbl s landing from neuwr :Coe &stud No! and for sale by • lye • JAS e_ br • - inAtiaiii6Y DOW /M al . n 6 ror de P 1111-6 cask , s , r y l i eg. mcmitteitn• ye wagg e r:4 ,a orrasss l Slartion Salim kYt • . • kis. Jo/iiik D Davis, Autitil*er Alonday morning, the /Or Itik; at the Cmogoerclal Sate RooL¢S, corner or wut ana Wankel., kr - A g and ar,V.Vire g .ho '" 7.6 " , e w' q mp7in s glq.' " ' ''g r. ' b.... e' d ie3 ....4 matebes,arad.rasset. b'd elmornr.slosea.froatir'ni' parent window blinds A general wortreent of Ueer and xcend hand household Camden; de, •. . , At 6 0r...0ek, P. M. A quantal. of poo and pockeakntvee, kaiiresand', forkfowsiters, opoons wars 'harms boxes,. hill Gr.' Ul orto (reach .secordron., fat • pencil, moo ood second - Itaud . w-itehes, • y made clothing; fine Mum. vsoloty A oode, dr. I fr Books, Paper and Fare Articles.. II On Saturday overtire, the nth Ira, at Sn'elooki 7 ' — Catitercial Bele Boorns,sor 'mood and SW sts, wilt be sold a' a nd. 112faable collectioh of hO O OO, oio o. eing .L. works In tho•arions deolrunonto pl il.t.. - BIM* h sin Frew varirty, letter end capon - Mogi polio , !told pots, tansy artin les, .te..iy It, 7 I '• - . , Famiame at auctsoo •. ON Friday morning, tins 16 th irist!at 9at at th e Fornitare Ware-room of D R Moore. on the aril side , of the Dramond,•in tie city of Allegheriy, apU be sold his entire - stark of Cabinet ware 'and Chair% smarm which are mahogany hair lent. seas, inithagemy drew sing and common bureaus, dining and Fula:ran tables. ladles , wort stands fancy and rammer% chairs in great Tar irw. Also, one turning lathe. Terms_ rash currency. jyle • - JOHN D DAVltrs Aunt - - 3 Padding Lou ol,AucCon. ON Saturday alleindon, do 17th lasmat, an S o'clock 111 be sold on_the iirecuscs' 73 very handsomeTartd . elibly filmed budding lots of {round acjoinma the 7M seradol the city, and horribly:es:armee of J O Mahon, I.lset , a Van of which may tested at the auction robins, and any informationthal maybe dented call he obtain ed by . calling at the office of !damn , tabon in Wash. Inaba. tu 4mat. opposite the 31.30.'3 Ode, or on Mr. James Terms—One-6ft nail', or an sPnmeel codqraed bale , man day P, Ibo,l Cilia. to mat equal arattaak prt)cnnts, wi h interest from day of sate. • . 13 Jollhr 13 DAVL% duet. _ • • . ITalnahle Boat Estate al AltellOß. Ohl-Saturday evetnne,,the LIU hart. at b &cloth, at the Cthathercia, &deo Booms, coenci - at wood and fifth soh will he toldwitkout jesetve, , thal ra!ushth lot' of around ulthining the property of B L Footles:Wit; boo th, a from ortu tee th lashes On Pena •thetereen /land at •no elk) , end extending back II lt feet. 411.0, th at lot of glotrsd in the teat on the Abaco, bar the (refit Mehra i:, M 1 an an open court-30 tett wide, eau-min, back fan, nls Penn a7O fees trait—One fink cash. telidur, peptide in_ sour equal annual owns, with ' , fltte Indiornitathe.' - . JJll PIIINTS ONLY. CEDAR ST: r NEW. YORKt LEE BREW S A FER • tur to the year 1 . 640, for the pup "rrit'ifiTEE,'.Vtet«WA:tigrTe7.l,7,7P • low paces and exhibiting, et all Fawns ! of men year,the Largest A rtortnterat itt • THE WORLD. Tlny are ROW opening Several Ilandred compheing cony new style of Foreign and Dontertie premed., mady of_whirit one net to be round where, and climb bare Fel been purchased, and are offered for sate for Cash and shortrecta, ... • PRICES REDUCED ONE TO_ FIVE CENTS per yard below dm:Fitment April and .At ay, as pet printed Catakrgaes, in.nteh arc corrected daily, for the Iptormatioo Of buyers. . PRINT WARRUOVIIR, Nrie Yert,.J . r . t!,19 . 47,_ #teini iffavrii; - 77 DR: W 00 0 'S Sarsaparilla wad Wild Cherry new and valuable Er. times of .Sanspanlia and Wild Cherry has been used with great meet. for the pennant-ill ratabral of alti etch diacases mitotic their rise from an Impure stale of the blood t—it promotes • healthy action of the Liver- Itreagthem the Nimes and at onto seen malicalth and vigot to the whole system. In elle:ors of Jawlike, lndyeetian, Dyspepsia, low of Appetite. Habitual COplivrocu, erofula , rfeed.,e, ',name, and that Drpretinott of. Spirite, which me. common a complaint in the Pitting and Summer Selmer of the year, this medicine ha. not as equal—and aria ale trial will convince the moat incredulous of its petio le.. virtues. For farther particalars the reader is referred to the pamphlets which will be furnished by the Ageots,sbowt tog tire ernitnalMa in which Mix minable medicine le held by those who have used it- - w...contien in dm Polite .Lt Be particulir and ask for Di. Wood's AareArtieilla and Wild Cherry Bitters. had receive another.' 'Phis in the ten preparation of mere atiOka esAribiAcCl core offered ‘l3 tbepoblic, and tee great scooter AM nilinA itsc has induced the imprincipled to comocifen awl imi tate. As a preventive, at e that Me ee, bark! boto , lllC words Wood's Saimparilla and Wild Ilhetty Ins^ pooled on the glass, and thatotteh label-op the AcAle is signed by no proprietor, 6. nOrMOSI,'Jr. • sold, wholesale and retail, by WVATI . A.. Klima AM, general agents, VS Fnltan ,greet, Nerve Yacht Teo Market street, and Pi. H. Pswvta Evoithfich• street. , Pitolm Pe:, Price 51—large bottles. jr idea , "Ale - isT. Imes AND UItANDLESTIx. iuvcs,sVi rpal pose Wines and Prlind:es;are tithed to call and neassma my latimamek saw Illmore and cellar in' east 1100 bottles. soos.sting of • . WINE1•••-etimen rid ports; ' • Do Madorot; • . • -- Do Shelties; - • • • Do 1 onerdral • • Li hosom Do Do_ royals, . • Do. ATalogas; L. GermatntiViiii . enan4 ,,,, n 4 seamos from w 1 KIS and It lIR 6 'Mali,' dark; !Jo,• - • DoeYinetCastilhossolatle;. • - •Do J d thlpuy • do, • Do Otard.pale; . —' • 2 Do De . ignette. pile; t • Po Pasaro, pain, ef diffnem vinta ges, from 1611 to IM ond'l4. • • • ' • It will trend me much nicotine to show samplesof it alone Winn. and LlOOOl4lO those who may Peer meArlth A Vllll 01 my ‘Ti,,, cellar or Lignar a we it 12 • -'i mrsmiW6etd and (Mot sin • - EAGLE GREAT/ BLLOGE. - CIOSITIVELY the Lll4. Week ot Miens., /MEARS. r MURPHY ad lIUNYLEY, who sal, eppeer in their seal satiety or Songs, Ac. The proprietor takes great Measure in wiling :hale Its, geared the remitted' MLJ P Moos, IrLO wilt lip pear throughout the week in the erlehruted. deism. fi let, nulled IL STUDIO. 'or the Li on s Iterates encounter with the niemea teaaq in alt.tudes. 1.1. Di celeste throwing the Quoit. Rd. The Steer sharpen Mo . his finite white overbransg the Coe. .puetors .4th, Roman °lstituto, n pieta s Gth. jet derytngsbe Lightning tortein alarmed ot Ttetoder 7th Mee/negro. fawning het andal Mb Remake, nom DaitPs gator; or the Staines. sth. Itc rotes (ran the mane. Ita, the Dl mg Cludiamr,s ;molt. tam Tirane Admisr!ou -- ILADICAIt CURE ow Gowns,: • - 1 WITHOUT ammo OR THE ~,.), LEASI' PAIN.—d: SHIRIACARR. I hostas honor to reform the !wiles and L .,1 gentlemen, and the. inhabitants in general, that he undertake , to coma pletely ezierpate Conte Buttantih' Mule atod_ every herd Imbalance on or between the toes without eattiagi kly means of WV Witter of his own invent:on, ino operatan is, performed mule spare of tee manioc williont the Icon pnln or thutuer:und the pa: tie num.y re to ate lor awcapation and 4 rcirt with throw,• isOction of carrying the Cora* and Root in his hood. The ra . opetor tont Ordain alondance daily from h n. et. nil op in. and from 3 till 6 p, m. at the M.,,,,,g2, hell !loom Room. No 819. or will attend An patients nt their own residence if tequirodi ' iyltallor • Cs • Line Sugar; ,TAI bags dark green Rio Cate; IS no,oons S r Indies; a Ornbro Medd.; 100 has Tobacco, various brands; En Walls 0. P,., Mend Ink Tarot' 1006 and LI lb bore.o. P 10111 Y. WT..; :0 MIN N C. Tar außosin; 0.0 " hob; •• • CO b. Snap; - . 1 n . da Mould CavSer; •jr:,-• Clay Pipes., Toast. r wir6 a general a t sOrlment of Gerseerre•j store and An sale on aceeortooodalingten.. Jll5 CARSON a Me/ENO:II ; EA st `,,ANTED SOON—A ritnallon for very experi cooed Teacher, reeill_eilacated,ot eseeant ten. iirnotiials, who andeinanda the mathematic, and pr. , neat reneging. and b. bad a gm at deal 'of osperiener Teaching in different pottier the old matey. Ile is a middle aged man with a Neill., and who wit) strive:to mire the public and fill any soluble , place far a fair salary. rimer:apply at ISAAC ItARRIN S Agency a Io- ta...nen Office:fifth at. near wood. .. . jnd Fort SALE Itarinaittit I'olpit Aarlstint,..*orld to coma American Fiancees,/ colt; Piht,ctea Onto: terfeit Detector, the Greet Fire at Patepurgh,Tayloist Money RepOrter, a Caw Itibles;Testorr.ents and Pehoot Books,Slates and pencil., all the Plusburghlooru ing and most of the weekly, and o Tar rhiltdo , phla c and Eastern papeirs kept daily an the roomer for sale.. ISAAC HARRIS, Agent t Coso,hterchant 10440 MIA at near wood , VINE F