The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, July 15, 1847, Image 4

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    (us.. [
arssa , lo ,lo,CrE ROAD . , abort SeuanwoOd Steet, rad- B. uf , G kudgrna a re ako e di
it edeiphja At LbS 4 Walabltikraeat may be foiled 1) elawas sal stain% caw, whether neentel.cataesr.
their:abet cutely of Plaarded beataifal yattem hynnr,hbe . S...eta:tire ord. kidneys and bed
-ter BON tttAILINGS in the United ktateap der,yesto es the back rad Ude, &Ached extienon,
wino/ the attenrion of those In want oriel &berg. , ewes
LOD 011 d especially fOr Cemeteries, is partoMlarly FraJe be6racad j e er"el'eeee art "e" eeey'. l .
t with of the bated. or tretnceirce smolt as,tha
wee to exit noes thoSpeette eon be blew with ger-
Ta. Principal Pa , ' oil th e bandlolke Raig. kat rattlyod is a cot= neway. Bpoote is too
at Lay et 11111, Monument, and other celebra i ted r ave., ai d . ma entire!, Wok remedy, witkasot ayor
cestetanes in the cay and county of Philattelp te erPeeeteseekethe e ,_", _ """"eir
which hare been 40 highly extolled by, the public dcll Y
• pram were elevated at taw manufactory. • nista to certify that I know Dr logoldsb is Ms Stone
y A large Wareltuona conneetedanth the estab mar a'"
Ilittenest, whertrie kept constantly on hand a Large
- moth of readparsde Iron achngs, OM/Mental Itoo de o e .h,” Z oo & e ho o ,
Settee,. loon Chun, aew st7lr plain and maniere aita yariirrkaaApi
tad !roe 4; atec.wah an extensive assortment of Itoa • 'Nee York, lasy, • X 4 Sark stre ets
Paco. Pedestal., Imo Arbors, dect Aire, in greet I dterrfareirr.7.
Knee4.2;nb.y.l...wil. hale cad asmd
ra ~
varsety 'Wrought and Cart Ito Ornaunnts, sattable
R.lngle, and . 4 brf bo mw
ring west ' 11:11 W, :gli 1171 tonal rases of te - titus7e
The sehoenber .0040 eh. ctltr that in iris , GEO MIL 3
t tarn alai Deaugaing Departmot he boa erapipled Nev pd, ,1.45„ • Xi Swat one
wane of be beet West in the conhary, *hese whole LaIdErPCLaTISIC
IttetttiOn Is Aerated to the busmeas—formiag alto- Z.., ore, hlry,lB4l
getbee one of Meat tompleteraud syclenuam mr• one P" .. " b . 11 "
sby srAl" 9.11•61 E ha made epee
tabliohnutio 6' of the /laid ea the Caton.
ROBERT' WOOD, rroPftaloi. ta. fe naim 's
Irrre=t " st 01, or 01 wo olsoy opt.. int.
Ilitkit above liTtenwood street. r 0,...b1e lo et= her. Flowerer, rou Lore ead). to thted
Philadelphia,' Morel IL'. Mtl XI. so bone onfoibble, and do ado.< all others 'who on e of
digit tbr hke wooer, tp procure the ar , stie, a , MT soar
'roars loth erepeet. ar
West ClLEgre e N. Y., Shy IS, 1415.
Dr—Dear hot—That you may beeebl lotion
who may be roderog, as writ to In reform my grenade hr
the bet.tlOl have dental from the um of Tone ralstable hiss
rite, I comply aith yo vi u reeunt, and now do toe my esti
motty iu aloe of hattg bora cared of a {brelle Zlticiz
the Meant!, haring used other remegfie, without sutras.
Yours 001 respect I'
Soktutooluttle end woe by WM JACKSON, at his Po
ent hiedsrato Wareleum, =ld Boor cad Shoo Store, Ito. I f)
Liberty oral, head of Wood, esteburgh Poet, SO eons
-ts,•„ld . :,„`e;
towards Iha
- 4- 4 market
lug been regulaily
i tf i Z v Vs n cased to the medical hoe
femora and Lien /biro=
`0 44 . 13.. ra cy.[ rct
1 3 1 , 1. ' 1 ?! 4 •,` , :,„1 ' "1,,,1,, P ,ar
(1 -At" , r IT, .11: toots:lien% of those
\d'es s :e.y/e": A prorate .d drheme rota
,/ V plounn Go winch r orlon
' tunnies and rper't, 'cc
war.' realm tly quality htm—
ILlcren-7etter-oseaborse_s_dero t o4 to,uel_rludy ard
onetime:lt of thou corapl no, (derma wittah are be
ho. bad more ',g aI.. and as cured more paueata than
e. ern, fall to We .of a T
TDi IN PHIL,. - • ' '
Gold L.evera,lollleerelled, - : • fIS 61:1
.• • •
•• Gold Lephies,./eweileld,
Silver •. do do .. / 3 "'
' • Blloer to to
Gold Watehes.'plgin, I 13 00
?cocas, [Walt:lea, •
:3 '•
•' Gold Bracelets, . '4 le
Aloo,on band. a large aasartescal of Gold and 11,1,1
8 "Ke' ,, .1 , fines Bur, breast pine, boop tar range, gold
silver '
.P.allolugar tongs, ambles,
.gald nark,
crab dud fob ebaloe;gaard key and jesrelTY.or "vary
description. at equally loor pricca. Al It %VIAL 1,4 a cull '
to convince announce..
All hinds of Wutehee and Melte reetnred and iver
rutted to keep good hole furors year, old told and 411.
vet. bonen or taken la esehenh , ' " • r
For sale, ehthlAny one tAaty.honr brans - Clocktint
Watch, Conk, andienrelry there; No 4131. hlerke
'lnv, above Enventh. tjonn enie, Fhilhdeleb.•
117 I bare some tiold And Flier Lever, *ell cheaper
thou the obese paces. : _l_. • 1.218.
THIS Hammer posietneu u ay advatages-aver .1
other—among which ma) lit - ticesimmed,
AllthicgaitLldiatat.-The rypidithydrulArpr of blew
May be cannoned with dm greatest cue, while—thi
hammer la to operation. and flu. hammer may be in
_a . m i ttly u trrea „re Ll aad ,s sul n eg , ta i 4lf o t:: . l , :g c. ig vi al
4 4nda. from the largest to the smalleut, nyder they i i
Its dmapbeity. 60mmwinery and Cheapnesn.
Acrenatbility upon all nide..., b, the workmen,
All the 411.11.1.1 Are made toll-Acting. '-
The subscribers continue to czecule orders for thew
, Umbers, of all aides, etpowyrisenable terms.
For furttudgbanteuleirs.ingnire of
Assignees of the ralent far Chu United elates;
deeld-ly doathwark Foundry,
facture's of
No. 384 Rooth 'Front Rtreoti
- Back of '7 A. Wilsim's Cabinet !Wait Manuf
(.1 4. oniers.left wi th 8. O. Noon, at the once.- A. Metr.hant'w Hotel, Yittaborgb„ifill 62 promPtlT
• attended to. THOS. U. DERRY
Aseplo.lly . ' A. C. NICKERSON '
' • • •LADOMUS,' •
IMPORTER of . Watchet. Watchmaker'. Tool/42ml
'l -Watch Materials, wholesale and retail,and con
inanity an hand a large asoortnunt of Lunette, Pitenli
• ' and Plain - Giulia Dialoguing.. Yew* Dials,- Watch
Hihda, sod *complete as •ortment of allTaala and Mt
- • - aeriala belonging to the trodri with a lama awatonent
- of Gold and s,iver Lever Lepine, and-V iwn %whet
, •' all of whirl he will guaranty ielrat the /owes New
' • , York price., All order how the codnio Jinuctoally
eieoated. - • - •
• N. It —ooontre Sleretares and otheneore . invited. to
Dull and ermine at the Old •Standillio:33 South Fbintio
.".• sweet, Philadelphia - ~• • . Jon:Mara I
3E4/031,2...3 Cheilet et,
;:!..11Q17• "
and the pubbe that he
. ..eristantly oil Lind mad Cote evil tootdsoot " V ' esschoe 'ill. t i tT2
—abionable Cortinet Vehicles affil sty! ct
,• made to
th< short. poisibletiottee ". .l1 4'' led n"
- ' he embed manner. of *elected itiaterill
_ _" DR. ROSE'S
d WM5ll4'll/.4: of hit Prophylactic Syrup, a cer
Li tato remedy ler all CONSInIPTIVX and Serena.:
lona affections; C.nigli Syrup, Croup Syrup: Con
centrated., extract of Sansiparilla, decidedly
impeder to all other extracts, - having given relies
When oil others hare railed, being through a new.
• process mare concentrated than any ocher eiir
• altered to the public. ASTHMATIC ELIXIR,
having ellected permanent Mir.. of that stobbern
d.evie, when ot, 'more, than le yearn rmandina,
hence it mends Without arise.] lath= tench dreaded
disetwe: ' •
Dr, Rone's LINIMENT, for all case, weak
'lll9ll tri pain, and a complete stibstitutc.fai blisters.
- .Dr •Rom's TONIC MIXTURE. no
cute fin chit • and Insert! ' , and indeed in more of
specific for feveis of all kind.: than bark "or qui.
when known. M used in, preference to any other
Vermifithe preparation_
Dr. Rose's 'FON IC ANTI-DISFEPTIC, for all
diastases of the Stomach -and bowels, Cholera' in
' fec.tions; one Too high au encomium cannot. be
pasted on the Merita of ibis medicine, in cord sd
Dispepsis; and all diseases that result from vadat
-nen tr stomach et bad digestion.
Rose's FtnIALF. lit I S, a molt valuible
'named) lee those general complaints to which fe
males are subject. .
. • Dr: , Rose's 'IONIC ALTERATIVE
Pio pill aver before offered the pablie so happily
combines them:W.oes of a vibratile medici ae,as
anti-diapeptie, LIVER or Stomachic pill, correct
ing those disease.; and thereby preventing con.
slimption. A:young Lady 25 jean of age, having
adtheased liver for alma Rule, her strength pin:o
usted and appetite gone. was completely restored,
In six weetsby tlth use of the Anti.dirmeptie
thre and them pills clone.
ENING PLASTER,Ior weakness of the back,vide
Dr./tare's SPECIFIC EPII,EPSY,the moat eye
" I lain remedy for all cues. ot its or convulsions,
arbetherin aunts or adalta ,So certain a
Is it for this formidable disease that the moat ob
. 'Linke eases, and these too of long standing, have
yielded at once.
Dr.Roaers IttIEDMATIC /SUTURE—Atter many
yearsof diluomt research dos compound moth
ered, and its never lading efficacy plates Ile etheimicy
above all otheriforr. tbecure of ItheensaMm.
remedy for asthma blood, indeed for discharges of,
blood whether from f.angs, towels mother parts of the
• Dr. Roacht SYUP Lir Choleraand Bowel conalaints
—Thin mixture w alla ffectually me bowel complaints,
• • Dysentery,CholemMorbas, and Cholera. Attlee me,
. the 401000 Cholera was raging`tyl Philadelphia it arm
found to be the most Viceemful in arresting it, coring
atm teethe of all thom lobo wed it.
What may be slfool one of these remedies may br
hid er4 ill; dale vol. will il ly
appreciated be
throe of them.. Letters (area those wbo have (men
eared of ilte 'various maladies that artict the human
body :might be girea,• hot we are smiling to rest the
warier on the merits of the compounds, We, bare ,a
peasceafisrScrefals, in its various kare,,eo condeneed
• and Tificae lam 'that healing - meet' hap astonished
' atany, <area
Om in the wife of the,
k w
months of Delaware, was completely co red 11110
kw months The cancer hod turn twice rot car by.
. prominent Surgeons. and renewed itself with increased
istallimity.yarnoteuthstanding the debility of
and removal of the soft parts, the use of theißto
Elaetic completely rerrovcdcrerY ur.`nlln of toe
• Cues innumerable of the granola caret limitary
followed the are of these remedies are Pi
ee, Omit is not decried neeessary to enumerate them
as tbellae of them wilfrecommend to
Ft to all.
IiCiIuONAIAKER: tc. Co., Nom Wood Suet.'
Piusbergh • aseldly
xlrlo9vivraliroirynsgivr: -"
Now am. Nov th,thla
• • flemiemen t o Some seven or cthht mon th s duce. 011010
'came epos th bottom o. one of my feet, Which was
very patufali.l conamsaced applying the usual tosordies
' fat sand. 'yet onmeeessfady, mer e r continued to get
deeper. and spread to the sae of [b h.. 4 1;
• I hot only p ots a of phy meiaus. hot dal all the
rains aod extractors I could bear of, and antrum
• of them bel she elect ton Neste the pain of arrest the
• down Male tegolai fever rote. .'de. Spencer Rthif rd
of this city. advised nvo, to try Lour qui:mean I rded
at th e idea. bat Opfitl his nrgent I coneinded
ny mid ra,,giellt relief and ootornehresnl. it al'
Vadat tort manemaly relieved the taitt. rahreed the
, lapaatinattorm tiommeoced healing the row, which
• 'le nownearly wed: •
• ' doconfiddanyfind sinsirely believe that it trill roe
anyfever sari.. It thoroughly sprite& •
• amPectfolll, Mows, PARSONS
• by R Sitt.I.R.R.o,S7 Wood Rt.
Fr= Rev 1 Merle. Morton, Misiteide of the Baptist
chomp, Wooster, late of Allernbula,o
Memos. 11. 1 Harris a.. Co, Proprietors of E. Dean%
Chemical Piaster, Centlemeta—For-several years I
have from time tested the •i noes of E. Dean'. Menne al
kialneftt7 Wing it in my bun slyremedy kef ahem.
=tarn; weakness and Muteness of the back, pan an
the breast, inflates:sou of caw throat and eyes,
y orea In
theism - an, &nand I take pleasure sn say nem ouend
so the public,ahat in ever}' easel hare found it meth!.
and Ia believe that said Piasoi,nememte. eine.. of
, th „.„,th do , ,db,..n. a...lei, swatted n will genets:-
ly be found a aullecient rentedy for those dissents t o
*blob' land. McorMenaled, and is justly eamsee th th,
melee patronage of an enlightened eseennuUty
- • Veers Italy, ~ CHAS. MORTON. ,
. Wapner, 0., Dee.. 10,1842. .
Sold by 13 A Fahneatock k ex0..111 , i first' Wm.
streets. . . =Mbar
nosigs7AND SCALD , .
. n eed l EgeMte. v, .d a i nd .f ,if.-A2TERYC, ril s ;1 0
baboon miraculously reduce. ingasuressuou, nod Ca.:
momently Is Outvoted lu nil to leave no ...ate or
--Sold wholesale and Mail by WM. JACKSON, - ht ho
HoOt tad Shoe dons and Patent Medicine W a relsouse,
tO LiteXialmet, bead or Wcod, Pittsburgh. Prsee 10
rents par bottle. -
t .Y.. ''.. fe W ' jja." being
T .. E' • e a l ett v t; ' ,A l gr. an i*r t ; ‘' i t's l t l e lV
or lap"Aed'''S'igenirs.'', ,"Y
- " N. B. a .
gansoliFt corn:imp maple direction...he.
* : - .7...„. with the name and addressee( the Prof tern and Pros
~ - ..4:i old Agent, la enveloped eel . wmpper of each bouie
:',..- ApAta"Prcerbaciabst ea
. be wen atthe Store...
, * tt . jirstaliei - M - Inniittellkt i ra llita
'''' - , ' ''''! 13 . ,' .. : : 0.-fiNOVATING PILLS. .
For aboutoea. year, previous to ankh.' ate of Ur.
! ' ~:igiars!arnoyattig Pill.; thavessaffered =tersely Snot
:• ^fteg,', Its/papist and an teal Stomach. 1. have =de aloof
k Pret variety of =dicier. witboat =name testerlaf
-,-,,,.-.„ Wool three tmentlr. sterol commenced =tag
I.l,,,Siests!e Modicum, whsch has entirely e
In comb.
rel ni.
liC"..from =day tut my stemacp.and no rote
... '.- . Tableland& y
havemadeieS oevnet i PI h m a y m f e o r n e d e s e aivneddmsomtuammeee
. ' tread eft. A etas witcodce recommand them.
JANE en A LEE.3I7 Redman
reid,'Wholltaale and retail, by .1/ A SAILNYNTOCE.
- •
}%), content In and Wood ; and WoogiutdstltHa.
% . . ,
sent and s,..atisfactory ore 'nit • a: -
diseases, and all iltwawca arising theoßitim
Dr. Brown would intone those allikteslVeilit Priem
diseases which have become chunk by rirpe or aggra Ira
ted by the use of any of the romuson nostrums ;of the
day, that their complairns can he radically antl thor
oughly cured, he haVtag given his carotid aneatton to
the treatment of sachcases, and succeeded th handreds
of i nstante. m ea...pen...lW of inflamation of he neck
of Me bladder, sad kladled donates whlch oilers resat
m those eases where others have consigned theta to
hopeless despair.-.lle pa:U . :natty action MlChili• bare
been long and unsuccessfully treated l.y others to roar
salt him, when every unsfarnon wilt be riven them and
their cases treated in a earefulatimmugh and Intelligent
Manner. pointed out by . long experience, study 'and to
' v mitigation. arhieh it is unpussibie for those cagarmi lc
general arena,- of toratictne glee non one etas,.
rr Hemet or Rapture—Dr. Brown also into
persons adieted with Henna to roll, as he has paid
particular attention Mar discare
Skin Dating.; also Piles, Palsy, etc. speedily cured
1' • DC IL—Patents of either sec living at a distaber
by stsung their diwase In writing, giving all the rim;
tams, car obtain medicine. With threCttoll4 rOL.)
addresslar'T. BROWN, N. D. pow' pa' 1 soul earn,.
'Wee fa.
Dutroond alley, opposite. the Wscetal
irrNn rare. n ray.
.149 t.
- - -
U "
L./ It isourprinciple init.° natougement °idol. paper
do/whet eutylausg, which arc hod out. film personal in
veitgation, to be of mditt to the Falb.. Some of [lt.
Jayne., medicines we have usedsn out family harmony
'years. For inattinee the EXPECTORANT, the CAR
MINATIVE, and VF.RAIIFUGE,.which ser know to
be good far the citauplaint• they profess so cure. -Vie I
'were on lathe Ontano the plat summer. alien several
or 0 .,,,,‘,1iing ,omp..rduns. front humph. in Western
New Tort. drank. for many day a. the limestone water
of that region. were broils attacked with violent l/i or. i
rhea, and Dysentery. Mr II had proviued hanwil I
prey toils to leavnet h me, witti -The Dr
in) or," sod In all canes of its use among floe rend,-
ler.ll, it Was successful in efkrungs ' , pretty cure.
We hoc .kn used among oar
intimate friends brdb equal success; sad we fent thin
Weithalles a good act to ramilleas [especially. throe ~1.. r
ton *a they cannot boor acorn to immediate medical
~ 1
to advise them to here on hand boththe Erects,
routnil Carminative. 'The t.spectorani is believed by
rood physicians to he the best recipe for Puboonn• y
Conaunaptivn Complaints, that bar ever yet been cora•
pounded Theirtason is, Pr. Jayne it lint a quack, hut s
*regular, sc wild gc, am! able toga:eat practitioner hon.!
self. , Ills °wild:now ore used by the boat physicians.
of die.Pliilada. taturday Courier
For aisle in Plnslitirgh in the PEKIN 'PEA taTORI..,'
:JFsurth streel. roar Wowl;tutil silo at the Drit*,s me
of ll P Seha ts.. Federal ie. Allegheny icridtvict
i. ' AU NCI - FOE; VAT.ENTS. '
WaShißgiOn, D. C. I
rieNAs C. ORRINS, Mechanical Engineer and
LA Agent tor rotating Patents, wilt prepare the ne
cessary Drawings sod Papers iortlydrheunts nor Pat ,
etas, and Inoraset all other hosineas in the linespf bit'
profusion ay me Patent °dice. Ile esm be mittisulted.
on all quesuorta relating to the Patent Laws and! dent
COCA us tile United Sinter or Europa. Po-sails eta!
dlnonec desirous of having ream lotions made at the;
Poet. Office. prior la colt", , - , r 0 1 .3 1 ,1 far r patent!
me yforward lima paid . ..i.e.,. i ~.e of that 4olial •.,.!
0 el ar statement oi their ei.... ..iounineitinte mien s
lion twill Ise . gwen to a. Lao Mk we information that.
could be obtained by • POOL of She opplicantsin persons
promptly communienteal.
All letters cm busier*a wart kr post paid. and contair,
a auitable fee. where a written opinion is requirpill '
()Mee on F. street, opposite the Patent ei
Ile loos the honor of rtferrite.y, by perm: Ihit. to
lion.Eelmand Burke, Commissioner o Pariart
• Hon. ILL Ellssemills. tale. do dra
H limowles, Marhlnist, Patent Office; .
I Judge. Conch, Washington. /1 ei
Hon. II Choate, hlasraenusetta, L no Se m,.
Hon. 10 Aden. Ohio.• do;
- 110n.3 II Bowlio, hi C, Missouri; .. .
lion. Willi,. Hall, Near York;
lion. Robert Smith, M C. Illinois,
lion. S Idmese, 11 S Senate;
110n..1 11 Relfe,isl 0, Missouri;
Capt. HAI Shwa, hfiranthil I
'Ersstus Rroots,rous., Pittsburgh. 'Style
- - -
Attorney, Counsellor and General Agent.
:ear- L. PRAW, incomir his friends rind the pith :
die that- he bk. commenced the buoiores of
Agent (Jr I nyinr, and aelling real ramie, in Ihi. my amp
Will devote u largerporsion of his bate and anent:tit ti
the ie . :Lning• letting and hiring of kronor., rhyme and qth
er bar:dings; in calker ing and die:yr-Inc rent...nth/91,i
er claim, and demand. all 4 in attend:llg in Agency Iror
11111r2lgenerollyr. fie will aim engage in the arena.
tien of loan., cataracts, etc- and will furnish autimndir
information In i r iation to the paying qualities and t r .
spneaubdtties 'tenant. it for which his extrnsioii
acquaintance eminently qualifies bun. Ile may be Ihunl
at his residence. Nol4l Allen Firer,. until 9 I.lo`eloeg
in the morning and after 6 o'clock In the evening, and
et other hour, at MI oft, No .A) Chambers otrert, Mid
door ,fninst room. NEW.. PORK.
RF.FERF.IipE.:9-I'on F A Tailmindge. Hon John Ii
:ream Ilon,Johin aleKeon. lion Ogden !Jarman. Alt
1. before—made on the moat npprorrd etionern
•and moat fathion ati le Eames n ototern•Oad mom. /1
H Fl
THE Co I' ROLI,. or ups•ro:v ;LIND, on an
dr malls to order of iJI aims:land at a:I priers.'
Country 3leteltator and am, ate invited to car; and
eaaraine tlte above for themrelver, at all wl be ld
wholesale or tetail, alld a liberal deduction il Pladtm
wholesale putehaseta
T ADIB.B Who Vre Common Prepared Chan, ara
la often no t aware bow Inghtrally tillarloas I It lb
Pm Mire' bow ethane. hovrrough, haw .allow, yellow,
and unhealthy the skin epee ara salef atrng prepare d
chalk! Heald., it is murmur, et/ramming rt.!!
thy . of ilead We have prepared • beautiful vegetable
article. which we cull JONFS' SPANIMI 1.141
WIIITE: It is perfectly innocent, herng penked of MI
deleramutammhumn and it imparts to th e skin a num .
rah healthy, alabaster, Meer, firing whae, at the mime
time acting at a e.t.a-Ix on Mr skin, makinc it
and smooth. r.
Dr. Junes fortenton, Practiced Chemist of Wawa.
cringetv nays: "After,annlyslog Joe... Parini.. Lillk
Wham I find tr poraerflea the mutt !Ramiro] and I,llllr
rah at the same:trine innocent white . I ever saw. I
certainly can coat+ eentmorly reepmmend me to a ll
Whom skin regliaeal.eautifthic
7-Prise 'Zenith u box'
Mr:Wild by WAI.ACKKIN, at his 80. and Sbne
Korman Llfierty sue., head of Wood, 01 tin Man of
the Hit Root '
p Courts, Prevention and ruro of Consumption
Asthma, and Diseases of the Heart. Oo the Laws
of Longevity, and male of preserving mole and fe
male health, symmetry and beauty; exposing maw.
and care of those dime:cis that produce Consump
tion, or shorten life,. Affections of the Skip, Spino,
Stomach, Newels, Kidneys, Liver,-Scrolula, ?Bei.
Gravel, and Female Complaints. Its rule., easy,
practical and pure, norm a gunk to perfect tealth
and long life. :re', Engravings. 324 page & 50 cis.
Postage 94 eta. By SAM UEL SFf Pll, D 0 N
PITCH, A.M., ALI/ stlo7 lIBOAD-W AY, NEI} ,
Any person remitting fifty tents, free, will receiv
one copy, hp mail, to any part The tr a de sunlit.
Fels JO 1841.41Gr0
• - NO — eitirtz
REMEDY—Warranted to cure, or the men.
ey renamed. This medicine iaproptred from an I n.
than Receipt, obtainedlrom one of them in the
West, at great expense. :I'hose who have bee*
familiar with the Indians, know that they can and
do mire Venereal wittunit the knowledge of Men:
miry, Batrani, or anything of the kind. The ad.
dieted lave now an.
,xpurtonity_ Or being cotta
witkoo nx e lose of Balsam. This • medicine
plrmeant to the taste, and leaves no smell on th
Prepared by ROWAN D & WAL'FON, and col
wholmiale rind retail, by J. T. Rowand, 376 Marke
we, PMlad'a. I
For rale in Pabilimb by It F. Seller., 67 wood
street. mad by Wm The/16M Market eh oefelva
nrii - Oure 1 - Wriirariii - Wstaet
D n. i. r.t .m gen , s i En2 ,.. broculonls Oie n ooi y modishe di
ditease. not ' on b im=siely allays pa nod lrotadinils:
=non, stops alt bleedin, saneness Mai imolcrablo itebi•
ins, erectnally mum, in a eery Own time petunia
whose lives have been rendered naiscrable.k.r yeass.-:
in ePPtication mance. no pain, btu rasher sorosoi
bit and. pleasant Statalloll.. If persons anbeir2
call and hisser the greet namtew of cues that hoot
two cored, they will be asionithert. 'A gentleman of
ibis city, who bed been ender the knife of the =moo
the tw o 6 :P=2= et b . e a c el l : net fin by al.
It wile beyond pretreat!!-(P ill. . Saturday Conner:
GO- For tale in Pittsburgh at the pyjunT TF
RTORROZ Fourth street, near mead, and also lathe
Drug Boni of If P &hymns, Federal at Alleteny
UM Extra American VeourOolli Jos ,
Rene tale by JOHN D MORGAN. Drooolut
_ .:_e
• ' l . 1 ' TRANSPORTATION : , 11NES;
vo-imv.slCK '-AND - AF7fLICTED....I ass= 18
l D
47,. ANINa - .
- .... M. SWATIEW3 •, .. -
(GREAT DISCOVERY. . I ivilitCNSNr.vAso - A CIA.IVAIL A' R AlLTto..tpri
. • ne t uar IL mar o fer
ENCR.I... - .-.....0T,PAC/11.7 - • •
Cauturallueulk. Colagla, Colds, Ar.thala.Breerllit,.. Liver I/
ColtaPla/. 1 . 1 -'l"'''' l X Ill.nd. l);1l ' e1.1 'r ‘ 11; lb . " 4 "'' PITTSIII/ROll ro PIIII.ADA. ram DALTIIIORV. I
• :ran Judie 'Sots mad Rms.,' CalpatMon of rim
. I •-Deart.lnfloenoberottaltrokenConntlutiod. I Eulatsiremf, Pa/mamas.
; evrte Throat. Dermas Dob.lity. and all ; Tilt) piddle are respecifally informed that this Line
1 dire/mead the Throat Doan amt
j . .J. win commence run/moon or &Mut Cie 1010 instant,
Imars. the men etforanal
jail.. j a:Oro:pal/TA, thronzhnumbe ...inn. The pre j oitioso
.li...cayenne erer known tnr 1 La:crew placed a kupecor elan 01 Packets and ILM
. my of Marc disease,
iaDILDWANNIIS 1 road Can en the roam. with exits occommotlaCons,
l smelt woad give greater rents.,
t to traveler,.
COMPOUND SYRUP Oh WILD CIIER.R \I A rseton moo w ilt n l vrd yo 1/, in porn ~,,,d , h , town.
. , Amanita Lira No VS /TR rm.—Reid with salon- I ekin g pe.hlte are r j egadtted m call and .rather thane,
ahment Lhe wonderful cute performed , by Doctor 1 prem., to enmetna payola ze chewhere.
!Groyne+ Compound Sy rnirof WILD CHERRY: , • -FaitE ONL \ NINE DOLLARS' I
1 PUILADELTiIta, January "1.3, IEI7. 1 ° t.1 . 1 . rPre j !''',llli ''
le., ,be I'lll'll',.l.Pfa”l/,
Dr. Swayne--Dear,!s:ir: 10 juttiCe 10 /tirttrelf and I ',%'',,
.1 , 1 .. 1a j,j 4' , 4 . , ,,, 11,v 9 ; , ; ,:, ,, ^7., , , ' odd .`", iocl the
.gory I ewe .to •aufleritig • humanity, I chebrlidly 'el 51 C7;DA VS '
tprems testimony, 1110 declare 10 the world the F or ~,,,,„„„,,,,, „ p „;,, „, the o pr,„, , hy,,,,,,,,,,N,
mast asioniphing 'oflecti. and Ito great cure your i im am . snort-!roes, arm D I.ol=ll tr Co
Compoand :syrup of Wild Cherry p e ril/MICA Oil toe. 1 mr1,13 ear Penn street and Canal
• under the moat unravel - able circumstances. I was ' WM:STE.Ittgi TICANSPOELTATION . CO.
'liken with a 'violent Cough. Spittin;s of 14100.1. so.
'kin I!aina id the Side and Breast, robscit recto,. ,
.„..,,,....._ sue„ p
break. down and enleoble my coma:Mien. a.. I Oat 1 ..1.... zajth .raL ----0, 1S•I i •
1- ••40-fift• ---'9'.
Mr physician thought me cave homed the power rat; .
D. MEUCCI/. Z. CO's.
medians, and my Mends all gore me op to dim but I . • ' I
lhankalo you and the ell'ecU ol Yet , great didettre ; OLD Ps - FAIll ; lallE j ll TRANSPORTATION LPN'', I
IT• I now keel I:e .Y" il ' " ' l r ." ' '" mired r '"'" " I P 1111.5 DELPHI:, CA CILIIORE ..el ND NEW Volt ft
mere ..keletrtn to ns.'fleshy {ta il healthy . 0 oLe no 1 . ,
j . „ j
j, „ j
j..„ ,
~ , ,
~,..“ j
.. t
~ ,
j have been for years,artil Moll be pleased In g•vo my , 1 . ; •j r , : , ~‘",,' ~,, j,: , ,
j !'•1,•,,. :‘ 7,. ,.. 1 , , ,1 i,
s ;
,: b1• j l . _ I I
1 InfOrmation respecting 1:11 ) 1 care, by celhn g. Al my : sr ,„„,,
..,„ ,„ g„., „,,,, Th:. ~,:„" „ ,;' , .,T
~. .i . 7 , ,.‘ , 7 ,... 1
fresidencellllechanic tireet,third do, below lmor g e I nil to f r ,.., 0 1 n litres 'quantity of 31crehandme and
trees. Northern Liberties. Jacon I'AIMI ma. '-P odor With rerlalrly nod d.apktre.
Trafilunny is core reenacd from all epor:rro of ' . Prot, or
j klerritiontue consigned to
any of the un-
l Me Gidde. . ner..n .1. s• torwitrded Ircr 01 any thar g r ler cumin, r.
.11 nr /lnra e r..
Toe following letter. are presented with a new 1 li,/lr ledti, e iran/rnin, and all instruct.e, prom Cy
pl more fully showing Or opinions of Plirsieisns le ! lured/A/0
relation 10 the Medical 1,410110 r Dr. SW' A VNE'e , Tue a ths Line ie craiducted en nr;city
COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD CIIKEtt v. Sai.l.:oll.lCrepine, 'omen', Attire..., to apply t n
D LEECH A Cs. Popriem..
Dr. SWYNoe—Dear Sir. /Davi og usal your Com.
plural Syruyout Wild Cherry extensively in my . l Costal Mon. Plistnr g ,h
ll A RIOS A LECCll,Propreure,
Practice r I was requested by your Agent, Doctor i Nn 13 :Midi Thod ...nom. 110Indelph:a
Crulcher, to express mys - rminion in writing of Ota • JOS. TAYLOR lk SONS, Acooo,
properties mils rommital agent. I most cheertolls No 1i 4 North !toward street, Ihilemnre
comply. as .1 feel by to doing: I will discharge . lell W It WILsON, Agent,
Debt Lowe the coMmunity at 1ay,...,e, and Phyaicraut ; _._;l;vth' No 7 West street, New York
. .
;in particular. As much an 1 detest Quack Rein, I PITTSBURCiII PORTAB LE B.LINE.
dies and 'Patent Nostrums, I was induced from 1 gikaiii i 1547. at ,..... 6 .
'a lailure or the moat potent expectorants. [4[ool- ;
mended iu our . in Meath, in Spate ens. ol ! j„,.. /II Iltr, trall m ortar o llol rit• - x !ii 61/1/rcen1.::1,1,t,,11
Dictated Lung*, to try your preparation ol Prunus . 2' aoil Om Aonotic 0.1.00. nroming transkimmult. on
lVirginia or Wild Cherry. lt 01 aullicient teary that 1 the ~ ,,Y • end a. , ~,,. , 4 , ,,,1 r , .. a delay. thmoze.
break e t r e aid , /e l ollll o, n , er : ood•.
1 was so Melt pleated with OA result of that and I
, rfours
suisequent trial,. that I now nrcucribc it M prefer., , itOßtlnlinil , . 1 CASH
-nice (omit other Remedies where an erpeCtur.lnt r.. NoVe. Muikat erred. Philadelphia
'indicaled._ln the trldell . dreaded Prommonia i.e TAAFFE ts O'CONNOR
Dl cite or th; Loop, su the alarming lune in winch . Car Penn mid NV n yne 1.., ot.t.,rgh
,it appears in NeuMelry, I regnnl it as an invalnoble I 1 , ) ,Tfrr r 8 ; ,,f r ,...,! -- ??6 , ,g, r . 0 ,7=3;,, ,, ,..4 , 17 0 . i A.ptile
• . n treatment of lint dire... To all t• " 1 1 Focoi.mmi 4 . 4 - 4; i•.•orrnee
j d Muir,. the Perguiemr ,
wi. I.IIOIV me i ough, but . this ma , . ,„„',. „,j,i',.'d „„ Me1r ' ..,...1. - 461 extended Moir twang ,
beeeen by per . ..rink out or the 1 . eel Fintiltfori.. ,„,„,, d mmo .4,, mom, mat, are non prop,. dto toe
1 qeill briellv add,that I - have been egagml in 30 ' Wald i,, g ,t ~ ...tit retiulamy and dispatch orimrpsh•td
I action practice 01 my pretension al 12 erms,and am • Ily any other One 'l heir to
e • spiertenee na curt me,
a Ilegulta Graduate of "finery Dania, and Duette rho l Me Peeddlde auPeonfilf of the It : amble boat Sato.
I tint Patent falmlicine 1 eser• thought enough of to ' ~ ..' , ,, , ,,,.' , . ., ! , , , a , ,, , 1' ', . , 1 n ' 7, ,, , i , , n1, : . . ., . .., .. .c " . ,. ., ‘ 1 . ...P' , '
pczuharls col/mitt
i express an opinion in wfiking.
1 I mil in realer the proprietors to nail der engagement ,
• J. H.•Ect.tenn ,M. D. , and ac,./onneseatQt.r.h
or ' Jarmary 70, 1,347. Frattlant ' Cotm,ly, KY. , toe pert as no:.;nnty for Cie future they rerpcothrily ;
FnAlsklronr. Ky.,..lau'ry lui, IU-17. ',het. a C•,111111“1.11,..i that g oironago wh oh they raw . 1
The above certificate is (sem one of our Iln)sie I gratefully aelnowled,
Ciall• living a fete miles Dom here, be is d wog g very I _ All_ea r emp , hieoisin , y , uutTe A OR/min ;
; 01 , !Ali otue . '..l ,
good practice, and ts cunsulered a good Physician, ; r 1, ,,
j',.,g7,7,;',1,37.,..z.,,,„‘„L;.,,,,,,z,r5.:,,tr' act n Dille j• ,, o ' ,
and ntands flirt Le ie, as he says, a regulaeg,robiate. i notmirto e Oritord, 'luring tio intoren do ertly or
Do. W. L. CiterUHEIL. : ,ntlirrelly .0 a:rair.l,orn., the mu,. 01 the Cone. /s norr
Dreggie. and Apothecary. I man nem:nobly I+ their primary ohject in nipping
Testimenials Will never erase: i wen. and they pledge themselves to forwaid all goods
• , it,,, j „,., ib ' e . 14 ,., ? ,,..,,.. 0 p irig ,.. 1 consigned to them promptly' and on the must advania,
Winter i re. term. to the owner-.
Non. that ta upon us stab its attemdan , • • „,,,„ h 1. ~,,. marb
train of Pulmonle and Drenchtalntlecooni.Ceuglis —
Colds, du dse ,we wouldadvise tnuae athlete./ in. INDEPENDENT PO'itTAnbE
DIM way to make immediate trial of 1/r. Swayncl. I BOAT LINE.
I Compound Syrup of Wild Chen,. It will never ..-:- t . ,z,a . Z l b tO t
lan to perton a permanent cure. The loputatian 1 8,. ioli 7 . d/U460 ”
of Euclid.. h. cali.ed.l.T andou, ....lotOsla I FOR rttt,Tx.t NSPORTATION (ile PROMO:F.
to be put berth under its name; but the preparation 1 AND ALERCIIANIJI!L To AND PROM PI'IT:IL
of Dr. Sway,, bend, being tbe tint O'er ollun.d i LW:IDOL PIIILADV.I.PRIA AND lIALTIIIoRt's
to the pablie., is the only one that can he relit d en .
__IF . : W i 1 ' 1 „ ......'4 . 1 71% . c1 1 ;',',7: l
j ig „,,, , ,d
j , j. 1
The other mister, s midi., Wild lilnerrs Spay, l
~ , , n7: : : 7 ,,,",, , e j ! 'j e , ,, ,',.f::',,,„5 n , „ j „ . 1 , 1 ,,,, , ', ~,,j , ',',g 1
' Balsams, &c., ore all spilr'nus and weribilow. and ; ~,,,,,,,,,,,, jjj , j ~,, j „„,.„,,,,„,,, ~,,,,,,
~ ,,,,0.,,, j ,.„
et/n[3in acne IA tho sin., or the nrlo / 61 p re par.t.
~ „homes„, „„,,,,„,,,.,„,„„,„.„.„,,„ m ,„ 1
Oen, Dr. Swaynes Compound Soup or Wild .1.1.10../ r.ri l lpl / tr: t, A Nle A N CCM' A..Co
Cherry. ' . • Canal Boon. roulorri.
emus the Springfield Elves. , _ i
. Of Mr thoukanda of purported curative nostrum. I ~,,,,,',
;,,,,., ~ ,,. ..'„ U n l j A , ', , , j 4: : -. ,,,,,, ,j ,
j ,,,,,,„
w.,,, ,, , ,.... ,
00W IX tr4re the public, but very fex are 11/011./ to ~,,,,, r . , f,,„ ‘ „..1, 0 ~,5 . j , ,. „ „,,,,,,„„ ~,, ,„.,,,, i „,.
possess the healing virtu, for 1/ hie il the., are 14 • , ,0,,,,..4,11, a Mrge einnoto of Produce. Am .on Sm.,. n!
commended. Among Ole latter we di, [ lir/a. dlO ,„„ 0 , 10 .. ~,,-,, •cAkm AN I.ii,ly . & Z.,.
learn epee slam' a bolter 1,1 than 1 /1..70a, :le . . I Inc! , wouir ii ~. CO's idivE.
Cil.poOCd Syrup at Wild Cheery. 'I he ..fifieted ...".., „....., . , ..,
in this vicinity arc beginning to use it. and to tiro L e.. , 5-ts, 1. - rrAy.s- 1 : . 1 1I . ,i,..W.V1
joy they find in us use their hop, bort! uimn its 1 '''''''„ , ~,,,,” for ,
cr, 07 I 7
.5 7
reconimendat ions, more thou realized. Tlle all:nits, L..--,! i ,,,,-, : ,.,„ „„,,,,-, „,„:,,,„,, John ,
need not despair. While there is tile, there now I+ , , n „, , ~,,,,, ~,„,,:,,, ~,,,,,.... S „, er. ~,,,,,,,,, , ,J , ~,,,,
' , 6,11 n, inir:ll.oo. o il,'
lOW Mr, 7;1,1 , e IA .. ,jll. wars muse of C A NI e Attelly
At 0 Putebeme•••ver. 'la.,. frieeptStin.h r yn j ..,,,c1
i r • 1.,0,...v,..1,..”1,1 io n s th,. l , .. / I n r e.nenni.d.,%.,/n
0, Olt ~ Irt,.llll' - a ., 0,.. prOptinnonienteninle.,
yr e,y, 11. 3..y01i rt. drillN
-rta o'l. ,I I: MINI-.- WIWI+ r wtt...) ,
‘t .t., 11 , i Ft.t..ry
llTlsince the introduction uf tiny article in the
publid, there have a tounber ocurieeiplo.l Aide
vidiiala gat up nostrums which thpp n•..rri ciietaiu
t 'berry, renie arc calin,l •• Ea Irani, - ••L;.; ter.,
and even r:y 'lnv of Wild Cherry but mine w
original and only ceninee preparat tan r r
cent to the public. which can be pre, conic al !:
lin Record, of the i:01111.1.100K,it11 of iota
The only safeguard nip hist i. -ei•
roy Riglltulnte In III! (111 In !114th . . I
Prepared 1.1) by H. SW AV:. L, at ion 1 . 1111.1:1•
pal Office corner a EIGHT and Rica :Arco.
iPhiladelplWa. All Wild Cherry preparations book
fictitious and counterfeit without his signature,
For sale in Pittsburgh WittIICXIIC and retail Ly
WM. THORN, b 5 hlarket weer,
. -
OGDEN & SAOWIWN, corner end Wood ats.
S. JONES, IDZI Liberty street
Sold also by .1 Mt....Ce11, .U1,.,' ^n, City, Br y.• .
to., Wc.,rt r& i ,
cer, Norman Calendar, NlediVolles J ti that,. A.
Co., Erie; IWKocuie & Basket', tlevetacot Beni.
& Soo, Columbus; Brownse1111; M 1,11!/,
-Wheeling, Va.; E B ilinmati.Cinctunatt,Oloot Or
E Easterty & Co.. Bk. Loma; J B Morris &
Louisville, Sy.; Andrew Oliver & Co., New Or
leans.. aria
S now anivormilv acknowledged to be the IN
L FALLIBLE for ffhtuntation,
nal Affections, Ciddractains of the NiuscL4, Sore
Throat and Qiinsy, Issues,Old Ulcer., l'amo tn the
Back and Chest,. Ague -tn tile Breast and Fare
To o th Ache, Sprains, Brumes, Salt Rheum, Burns,
Croup. Frosted Feet and all NT:Trees thseael , a.
tensled the application of thin moat WON DERII I.
NIEL/BANE:in curds.. the most se etre mz•es or the
different i,IHNI , G-3 above named—and the Illt•H
V.:NCO:MICA'S that have been bestowed upon d.
wherever at Has been introduced, gives me the rigid
to call on tlie AFFLIC FED to resort at once to
UTtiefaeultr unite In recommending the role
ated Gsternal ftemegy, I lanes Liniment.
'Ube follossiing letter from the highly eriner
Physicians who have been attached to the n
Pleasant State Prisonfor ninny years. is the best
evidence of the calve of this celebrated Liniment.
51y Dear Sir—l received your note of yesterday,
asking my opin.on in relation to Hunt's ldnoneer,
as prepared by Mr Georee ',Santo, Isnodo,
its composition, and Laving frequently used it. I
can recommend it tomon as a safe Estcrlyd new,
dy. and in ray opinion, the best L.:none:lt nun .11
use. Very truly and respectio ly
. son tr,
, A h: MAN.
Col Pierre Van Cortlamft.Poton Manor.
I (Lathy cumin, in th e aln'ise
. s, Jan.
r—ln reply hi your letter, I would ray that I
have used tour External Itensenly, called!iuuf.
Liniment, in toy practice 'ince 30te made tlig•
quaintedeuttli its cornpunition. and unlinnit.itingly
.ay that I believe it to he the bon External Rene
dy now err nor fur the complaints tir Ober ti yi.o
commend it. Vnun respeethelly,
Geo E Stanton, E.g.
gjtAmOng thd mass ol worthless articles and
humbugs that are poured forth at the present day
upon the country, it is really refrelhing to tiii;e
semething of real practical utbny, something s
pie, speedy and effectual ill operation, and g el
the same time nee from Omn eller,
which generally attend powerful remedies. Hunt's
Liniment, prepared by Geo. :num), of nine!
Sing, thceigh it has been but a shirt nuns befon:
the public, hualready obtained for confide...wee
only ol our incest wealthy end influential eities-n6.,
but our WILL eminent physician , All m terser
edge it to be, a sovereign balm for, many of the ills
Mullett/ is heir to, soothing the siting lardy. obi
by its genuine rtitetu.ateug inilucume,budeatimg
ease from the system.
' hlr. Stanton—Str—S6eing tour adyerteemembe
of Hunt's L;niment, I one induced tp try its rues ,
on my son; who had been erepplesl with a lam ,
sank fromon i0rol11; end - it in with gratitude I liras
testimony to its wonderful healing propelled, hi ,
child, relic it now lion yfOr.lell ago. IS now ill a 11.1
way i.f recover). Vimrs, c ,
DEMMIo\ tilitEEltstype,
Porn OrtVl: , TOW 5 . I KO, Ptynam Cu.
I eertly t.h.4 I am pereonail. ...I.
the above named ebthl, and think the rather woe:
be eaten. etybig,that 1.. a ton i, alm o st well.
J.1!7 , ,W DYK.MII.IN,
Mr L, 113/.5. Deputy. Print Matter.
. . •
I'. S. I would also state that I limo been for a
number oryears subject to (recount attacks at ti.
Rheumatism, which in many instances uretente
my attending to my hoidens,. Two or three
cations of the Liniment invariably remove all a'.
fedi.s of the kind. In eases of biomes, sr..—
andantes, too numerous to mention, it has lo ilk •
vicinity proved a certain rrrialit. valueei..
only he estimated by those v ho have given it
' , •
Phis ie a 25 and edApnes per N.:.
tle, by all the Prinerpal Urogg.sts 5 - 8•8 _.)lerch4l.l.
throughout the country.
Whofereak Agents in Now York.
HOADLEY, PHELPS & Co, 142 Water
RUSHTON & Co, Ijo ~roadway.
A B & D SANDS, corner Fulton and Wilhern
ASPINWALL, 86 William street.
Orders addressed to me at Siug Sing, N 1", ten
be attended to.' GEORGE E STANTON,
. For sale in Fittabargh by L WILCOX, J r. and J
KIDD & Co. AIlagoon) , City, JOHN SARGENT
Sirtningitarn,lollfia smrrii. RIAD
WHOSE means:eine an equal yours ? Look or your
fair pang wife,atith bet bright tumor fore! Idik
at your own, pined with eruptions and Inotchett: Vet
you ere too mean to Oyu filly cent• to. a cake of the
great Italian Chemical Soap, which would entirely (nee
you Rook them, and make your yellow skin clear and
healthy. Go at once to Jackuonke Store, Eh Liberty n.
PlilSiluncli,and get snake.
N If lacknonkt uthn only place in rittutiotgh where
the GENUINE if to lot obtained. Beniaro of Counter.
Icitu t •
irrOSSERVE the yin Dos San& to the doorway.
Ladles, ladles. l'eastonlshell,
• When you know that ynn are promised
Anatural, lire:like, snowy white.
That you will will use.common chalk,
• And tools a deathly yellow (richt.
The emote of laughter and of talk.'
if ylo would use • bar of JUNE'S Lilly•whate, it
',ma give your skin an alabaster yet broural whire.
and at the 11.1.1 tune closet and it,, tore it. Sold .01
JACKSON'S, te tilberty•sh Pnce SJoents per hoz.
• tor.,
!Alit: Elllk; LIAE. -
.. F.r.e p,l e00,,,00ta,0w.0.
Iter i.Plo of ,c,41i,12,1: Prop.-Pe, atul
ortc ie Lokor, prcpa rod upon eurt.e.t Open
:Say.gatnon to vorq Fre.olo and P,P.oPeo,. ur
rite IZ.vor. knurl and Lates
tooll.ty nor wove uPg'and
afol a,pap.n, po;pe,otar
004 stPnt • le ,t 1 t.Ol, w! , ea Ppm Pp, 11:00. 0. and
C .11 REEP, Erie. Propoolor
Co, ilt3Yrr.A,.
JOli a CM,'6IIEV,
ne.. LOT
herle, , ly6kr, r S Co. New ort
Ja. A A nnekroirg Co. Driroo
MeCturr W. 1111.4., SILIIrauL,
W Vusvi mown. Yeloya
Itw . .I;:lcl.c:ruy Evansburcn. Prw,
Mc ,:but, ilunt•iaven,
era.g a; Fr
Hay.. A. 1 . ,c1/ l'a
~•, 4!o
It W Cunnwielmm tv
MiEak 18-17, FERMAN
Fogt gt APtiaTl M
TIVEEN Prrr,Brittai YsO Tin: mus
are n. NC. i.rd on :he
TOW, tilY• Ita.un:vidnent urettra warn!
lloaustTe 11[ftt dratted and rrlorlp sll,r tr.r.
our . 11f‘dehourrl erk4l.le..'u. to •tor,
nn, try. •ruP Itrcr
4.lvi , cer Irce
pr,irurrn.: ..Inl ;e4at I'/.w- e..
ttacon. Lard, liutet,C4., ,
e. t- . .L /.1•er•I evio r,e,. and u.uul our
tI9; 3dy eldrusted to de .1.11 I , e a,
.sod umn. a- :emu... by
ettial 113,, Utit-t urtth
I :uo •
tfcl,lt. MIV :tad 2: , 1
J.. 4. CILY.
Ecot ikarcr Pnint toid Bridgerecdcr,
PIZATCII. roe,?,.
ra •
' LAKE ERIE A 4 -13
IA 7' on oprnt,r; of can•lna,
V V ignuon to roc,fve prt.epert) ach t • wharf two,
for all N.. on C.r.eCiou
Ln,LI 00.0 ft I al. poris on 1.11, Erie und
cpper Lukr.•‘o to tortv.ard
, caprovr.merti. An:Ar to or
2 A:4 r::13:141'. Ilrlorr
pirrsßrivai & LINE.
1846: Malik
I, - C.a.- 11.. n, T. h cluttonl &
Vorwarding Vansrds•lnn Merchants
1 , 11F..1t7nt. Proonetore of Ito. I.lnr pn rawer.
/ly ittnisf o to thr p61,10r).‘,11 I.c preparrd 6,1
tlteic..t open:og .01 r aur.l ot.t rigalinn to tvrTi pow
Trty l'ot‘l•orgft orttl lkosce, anti d(h ger the •Ltine .
1:1). pot t.. 1 eu .T Wm,. *nal, SLlt , f4l. on (a4.+Erie
t,tol .c.fimmo. 5v01..11.0 10,11^ devatell tao.i 0, 11,
oL• • of lb, 1.4 f. folk lt the Ififoltr-f o
thou , V :3-14141, to
ff o no coffifirof kfroo - ox
aro pocood to o.
Apply to nr adders:-
Al lIARTON. Att. r‘tob.o'ki.
CI.ARKI: a Co. Heaver.
JAI , A; • T RICHMOND A. e.r.:¢nd
Mill: Loa tne-ei. kr
1.41 ompady
C.og.ty u - ga.n wet. let.o art:ell , of Co
wwn7rAtt, undo the mom , or tbo “liottlineti.l.itie;.
und bkrw.•o agreed to trGt the T , lnek ao e. In h., •
n.ol.rr or float.. for the purpo, o r oorry o,, yoori
thgnagb til , n.rn e:Gto. Oa,. with Cetteti,l--ont
fr r r izernaagrd by th , libr rally of Itl•L y ear'. puma
u r n, iu mak, ciorc trn..vr orrnogetnettt•
‘,„„rd ',yeti:lllly anliCil • roiataw-
MlCtl vr nor no iner potnoo. mot refer 0111vo owtotorrn
to ills,. we have Cone InO.none for.
Forth., tranfportattosi of
• •
1.1/11.Alaa.rms,. NEW YOU, AND Host..
sure., and Omni Basin. PaHborgh.
• • No:KS Alarket otrect, Plaatlelhin.
G ELSTON & Co. Agent.,
PITTSBURGH-Ins. niecalry. Cot Mann k Co.
I , ,fe o lly a, Co. H A Sampson W. Co, M Allen ice°.
II Pnitercnnw Co, w,,nowic
Me Italian.'
H. Co Psis:vs & &
Stn. J emply°, Joseph Oast,
NEW VOl(K—Gictditas & Co, Theo. Percy & Co.
UOS'lslN—Hecd, Hold H. Co.
CINCINNATI—Adonts a (trough; W W
I..T.'PLEASMIT, VA—P A' Muckier.
NAST Fleming.
Ntrrw—All tnerchsnitire from'New Yolk nnd Haven,
consigned to Alc Gettian & roi Plsilsdeishin, 1.0
otninpily towards.' fru, of commission. who .
tOtll •
FM. Canal being now open, the
Lose Ekr.toss which has keen es
twin. nsit tor too coniessneS Of valuable paskigwi
inarchnndiw, apt de. bank notes; jewelry,
nuanced Tannin/nu Thursday, Minh )5.
An lunisCnaterlovill be dtspaiehed laity until 'bottom.
( " c° '" din "f h'' '''• • Ili LEECH &en
Apply in '
' mettle cot Penn it and Cavil
. • • r EMATEK. -
reward ogler Aid lucturer
• pc . ..Charles I:trop-ceeriwneners
t. ho ots
reaulaz trips tis•dy s leasing Pitts
burg - hut o'clock:s at.,ani.eaver et o'cloc,
ronnecnne with Yrusburgh and Chtveland Li n e( Cad
da , ll , - tileeeland, 0.; Dearer Warren and
Clrycland Line of 'Canal Pankets ca
blue Coaelter
daily to Wuren OA Catlett:lu; Canal Patter Lines to
New die
aad Iheenvllle. Ene Fate' Line
Meadvit!a Azar Erte. Ice:l.:grow- Co's Lines of
Cuathrs-forlClereland and ensit
r. leave
taav the arrival of r.tearannat Dearer warn
Pat-burgh Appl'y co
r: :11 lIARTON & Co. Piclat h
ort . CLARKE & Co. Dcatrr
•rn isgs;:uaLukfila aalr olirts
N A Co. Cleve', nJ, 0.
TI PARKII, 1: -:ter, PA Proprietors.
‘,"r mATitra; Pittsburgh, Pa. I
rrlIE above I.lne is now fohy prepared in truntporr
Preigh, not Ira rn Phisbureh and Cleve.
land, toany poi nt'on tbe - Venntylvanta A Ohio and rthlo
The fardines of afi re Lade are notequallrd by one Oil
I ..idAratials. la amber , Ant ea,taruy of Itoats. rope.
rir nos of Captors nod prninpow-s or Aver., &r.
ckw Dom learet Plutb.reh and Circe.. da,h . ton.
nate in ennnot,:oic with che :steamers.
Nltelnyart awl !Lake Eris. b,wcen Pittsburgh and
Braver; rod a I. re di Ism class :steamboats, Ptopet.
I k.r, ne.,/ relwoneir. on Lakes Erie, Huron. No
eingan and (Warm
Pruner., forwarded to nny par: of the Union with
detasawii I: h PA & Co, Clorriand.'Aets
KFED. PA Was A Co. Drawer, Ago .
W ATH ER. hitsbnrgh, Apt ,
tCt I enr R•v.•r and Smilhf;eld .treeLa
1 11. WI-ilia
mimic AND PIIILADE 1,1.1A.11
T.ihe 1.11.101elpht• . • • k
'Only 71:.1;:, l 4 matna.)
r plik; rolett.lidikrr.lle-t running e • -leamer•COnrldr Loa.
1 .1010,, all a. commenced making
Oor hont svil. leave mo !damage-
Lel:. who. ev.l.. Memo, pree•kely at rl rettork.-
1.,,,,,,10• h.' lit 14.n..,1 , g tor v.:II Jiro. r Italwoore
,1 cll. it: Ilip • fur the Pa.ladelph‘a Mad Bow, Or
Ran Rood r..r.: The eventne Peat attll leave Mc
Ava: ea:ly e krept sundtt). Par/ranger ,
bv Bar tv iedw.oit honed. HI eurnAntable Bate
roams; lcat,e I.l.irtast.‘ tile next morning at ereloedu
ere.. •r 1,041.j;11. ill ally 1,111; •,rp and lodge ineom•
1.e.100d. Thu. ay...0 n , erlt travel altrgether. The
14,3 ratlone on !Gt. 101111 .
• hn or driay• belun
crown opao r..
re.•engera tan 800 00 the ro-on and resume their
eram ple3rur,..t.rd tms, eke . .. Of Mal! Road
or slielon , cal loTvern Balhmene. nad PhOuttelploa.
Coanhe,rharlyte.l m porta.. In;meet t. they devre.
Sertne No ock et• at lb, othr , Monongahela MO.,
or Sr ne
thne;. J MESKIkIEN.
fehld .
• 34 110111 S.
ilAclir:r Beetle Baiaflow and Telegraph leave Lea
ver daily, p airlock r niter the arrivol of thi
morning Boa. Coon Pottl,orglt. and arrive at Warren
time for Mc Mail Loot of Stoge , , whtett leave ionneel
ottelY thereMier,nliti arrive of Cleveland lloieloeir
Thls raw, th ;nom rxpeiltraus and comfonal , lr
or, to lite Lakcf e
CUTI.di &LI:FT:St:WELL, Warr., Yrapr%
REED, PARKS & :Teavrr, Adr ton,
JOIIN A CAtit,:lll:V,,altorrWnter nod Snat.hrteld
uvrly the Moaangal , Ma ,
rr :1.4 ',no: .1J...a rt . Irrupt and p;, -roger 1
el, wit: 11,11:egulat:y during the reawn bemren
:Traver and Gtrdnvillr, Pa. LI I rr.gld and rd.
~ • rger, ,t , ,t wern the K an p0,n1., syll I :.c arrtrd prompt,
dnd at al, !awrat ratl.•
Wi t h ( A Ano Ago,
VITA:6 & FILAMN'ON, eork.riltr,
MrFAI:LA:iII It., Brad, , to.
ITA'dr. 4 A r I; dn ,
W I! ALAN. , ,arn.
WM ,do,
! . .1 (NS Co. 11,4,1 . do.
.:(111:• AIli: .outer r •u, arr , Opp, Ile Ow 11.4,
wa 1847. inniggil-
KIND" —9l -. M1:13.11 A DISE 11, AND FROI
I , ltilodel Otto, Edl Isniore. Nes, Vark
and Bost on_
qii t: encouragement ret rased glace
cointaencenient, hat iodated the pmprie•
inrs to l l ,erae the slur:, hi adding a number ellirsi
cia, boats; and instead of giving receipts as hereto.
lors give our nvo. rect.:ins llnt.,_ht Onin:r s i th,
to. na ‘re .reel/ eupla
the ',bete ureee.uvuteuust,
plest'oling damage flout trequeni handling
oo ll,c route, and am each boat is round by the
I . aptain them. which is a sufficient guar
that there i;1 ha 'VP aday nn CM rod!,
Al; ned '" the
under., nil, .nit be terwarded r: r'n'lfo CO3l-
MI IU . for :air:inning and forwarding, and. tail
shipped itifloint delay at the Ifiwest rates el'
e cergetifi fo.• t e ablin I p,ir•••
na 4r. I si lif/01:1/ :v. Co .
Cabal Hai.. l'itt•iburr,h.
liread I.lolaclglphia.
F . MILLER. Agent
Wharf, 8a1t....
1546 AND I S4
. 1 774 1 4 nrttro -
9 `tit:undeirgur, are :1111t•pg,pAred to,l pro.
to the Eastern MorketAdur.og onto
, t:u. ona, o•ter.. by U.> exp...
p 1
roperly r.on , ott. wordr...l alabe
rati, 4n tit L.px:.-11
vcd 1, kit..route :I+ll,o. fc,
srntl,l J ?et . I•!ttotrgli.
CA, S.
T.ov . J. • F El{ Coto,erland
r (1331(1 BAILI3O AD.
.12liarri454 , avl refit, pr ;or the iteliwini of Pro.
I dure w lirthirme loy the Misitriragsheirt Sl,V.isratcr
el air to:lowitnit Price ,
Barna, Leini I.,Hrtl, Port, Ta:;oi.e.
et , per t. MO IL*
• tetio. Istaip, Pax 1:11 Witteni—olprr 1110 lbe.
• !Pot) tilaso. and
Ft, per 111/ lb,
I fl , rnp cij. per I lie
thiegme:tx.Ftittnet , odd .Suale•ltoot
Al earn:Kiln( tot 01 Or uoilemgned
free or Couunirtion.
„ IE Itrowti , vi lie.
• ,
'MINNA A ‘VATI:ILMAhr Pittsburgh.
• and who" wtslong
Irave Produce,
L .e,pi*Aryl'l. t.1.1L1 111,1 , 1ure 00111 Straw/1...0.1
7 ian , l.ov, can nonkt.
aria,,t ;nem. :.ytall:ng on une. 0.1
I, Plitiourp and
ta..o Mll.l'lolllFatil.ll
nEI.I.PAN , viNiv I rumE ,
arm p.pliteo.g wo.fer , -12c.1 the follow.,
„„„, W.akeGeM. ruitnr of Ll,rty .t. r..
lelt toy., • of d01.,1.. well
.2. wait plenenre. ihat I hear re.ttroony to the ',or
to, of your owl? relit•ittted Venotfeh, I ettoeuratt
rote:. tate;, and gave tt to floc, oi tity.'hadirit, who had
ae ,oral wet The eldrit ' , even
old. the Itelt tittle unit thr. .otoleest ethhtern
vomit.. Tie. (oat Nowa worm, the sond
r.,. 'even, and Oa' third ronntlrtattht number ec not
tecotteeted S.ll, 1;1,1 they hely hero throe
ye't I. and ate now to Feed heattit
Vour. rentutetio:ly. CV *I FFI,I,
/ . .“.11b , IC. V. S Iltthrooi. nt the NIelho.11•11.:th! re
NO. Chute., ' • ,
m,. 11 It o Vjuhl thot.o.l
yuu of tOr gth.3.l carol. thothtothl olt toy , . pr
o thr yro of
H., ~akr thr:.) . or Itth.rriathl Vththalute.iAf oth.• th l%v...g I ',v hm Or
v. - thth hr ollatott .nort.thth tthr, thori
v.thtelt ,thsthth: hrulth hrou ithrthved,
nom tho Hoc lehatirr C.aoke, tho AlrthmloAt Fth.
etyth ehorrh
DereiTild, rl, 1.41.
!dr R II Srd , tr, I gnle } dipeater Iledtve,n
three dod rOr yetira 02 )
3;4-orall.: to 0 , 1, opt.on. ,acra
cdtpri!ed 1 dd oot koow
. a yr.. ehe wito yr 1e,,,r...0tt or Gard
drink, inc&rote mar ire confided tii
carol Comic.
I ---'
Ag 11.4 N . 1,7411.," hnt 11..., Iron known to I:o I to
any lattattet., wl,n vt crtn. a/ molly ...toned, paten,.
.11aulltt.tre It kr, ritt•retcto. In ull "then.
Ptk'n 2 tlt onil ...111 by It. I.:. SIII.I.EIIS, betwrrn al
nnll4lll, no' Wniti •ti art.
' Far talk. k. , y Dr et,Nti, Fl fill Ward. Okyl
, • I FROM the very liberal encourage
silent the subsoil... received
. Q .. tr. ban o located toodel( in A Ilegheny,
lga im ikv gas Ind•sced 11.10 o lease, for a
ISrni of years, on the property he .w
stern ' s., in Beaver street, immediately beside tlis
l'reellyteriatiChuyeh , Front the long experts nen in the
Malec Itnelneenellul lt desire It please, he hopes to mer
it Old receiver Hate of public pato:mpg,
Now on hand and botching to orlsr, RockaWay Bug.,
gies, open and I:tp Buggies, and every. description of
Carriages 1.. order, (root nevenly•fivo dollars to
odthuhonsros Isenllo!tfl JOHN 41B'1 - 11.
•bin GO Mies* o r
v•na limb spots, !Ruins, or Marks from •Clothes,
Woon s ns, &c o , and rendering the 'pots
whert , rt.ii applind clone, briehl, new, and 'Tolle..
Sold with full direction, Brtert LS/cents a make
n( Sretttold
, by ,, llol, , J! , t v eSt‘ON,go Liberty street, bead
IVsod a TS. ' , hoc store, •sign of for Ui g
lATSISII4 1111lt I'UNW..-*Ve routotrod to :t.
ue these.ll ups oi ro , tootog lint boor or
emprovin( to this elegant pie pnranon. Fr. r
bear it over) ' , Mitre spokmi Of, and mpecioltv Ly
all thoor soholt,Me mods no. of It, us greed y otlirit,jooo
stimulattog its rolvlll of the Lalr, amf preventing
and curing rnariEMuctiono of dic skin vl flue, urn
simply and sufficiently proved--N. Y sun.
For We in Pittsburgh at rho PEKIN 'YEA SIORT,
73 Fourth or, neat Wood; and also nt thit Ding Store col
51 P SPltwolls.Fellent ~!p'• iy
Ur. fitotissas's Worm
M 11Fecitio.
shot, by taking ono M
al of Tioctur.
tonnes Worm Specihc, a child of James ines,s
nn reed upwards' of 70 worm., and by Silo use of said
eslicinh chilihof my own gassed 14 'alp worms,—
It is trulystim most surprising worm medicine I over
attn. I most iwo mom mid.
Wilkins Township
Fur eok 11 I 1 1111)1) & Co. No ho street, Pills
burgh. : mch96
- 3)
0 1 00Elt
` --- - - --,, , 4: 1 -.. 1 r-
..., : _-; .
"Whit ahmigh the Muses may not be explained. ,
Since their cinema...sly astemaitied,
Let mu dolucam,preiadle4 or Nide.
Induce mankind to act the umansasidei .
Means which, On' simple, see. by Ileaven
To alleviate the ills of hum. kind."
'rills remarkable imentaion. which b¢+ re ce ived the
cleversal apprObatton of the medical prOfesnon of
Great Druairt, comprises an entirely new application of
Galvanism. as a remedial agent, by means of which the
°idle.) . Galvanic Batteries, lElec tric and Alstgamic Ma
chines. A.c., are entirely dispensed with. and the mystc
rim. wow. of Oako
mnt, apred di without nay of the
objection which art inaeparable Imo th e general mode
now in air. The doing Mae, and irregular interval ,
in which Galvanism is applied Le the Machines, has
been pronounced, after a Ina and impartial win!, en be
decidedly irdutiaus,and it was to remedy this reheat de
fect that this new application was projected. which, af
ter usie.ving tail and perseverance. has b.,. brought
en L. ororent statciof perfection. The Gakanfe Ring,'
answer all thed purpose, of the mast expensive Ala
chines, and mmany Oilier rem.. are more saf4 and
epode in accomplishing the dented effect.
'Phe Gal.:ink Rings used in connection with thb
Flail are confidently recommended in alldisor•
den which arise from an enfabfruf or utikaltha nom of
the airman dr ritedrystem, and these complains ore
twang the most painful and to which we ate
subject They arise. without exception. from one silo
pie cause—a derangement of the Nervous System—
and it war in Were cams that other `remedies' having
to often failed, a new agent was greatly needed. which
it is confidently believed, km.en found in the proper
and judicious pplicatica of Galvanism.
The Galvanic Rings ivies been coed with entire cu.
.s• alt eases of Hiltraliattlial. mete of chronic, so,'
ply ing to t h e head, face or limbai Goof. TV.Dokered
noshes., Bronchi.. Yetwige, A'Arous or Sick Ilind.h2
fudiguarou, paralysis, Paley, Epiff.psy, Fitt, Creesp,.l
Paiyuroffsn of the Heart Apoplex y , Stiffness re t Math
Spinal Comptaink Larnhage, NeMedgin. Nosour 'Tor
n, /h o me,. or the Head, paimin the Cheri and Bide, t
General Lk/Rica. r iltheieney a/Norms ...nd Phyriwa ;
grey. and ell NERVOUS DISORDERS. In cams of
confirmed Dyspepsia, which Is simply n nervous deti
tangement ol the digestive organs,they have been found
equally successful. Their exuaordloary elfeeta upon
the ..item must be witnessed to be believed, fool ou
cena.n preventive for the preceding c.thlaints they
are squall y recommended. The 'Rings are at dightent
p.m, being made at all cam and at Veneta TIM
, ental patterns, and cart be worn by trio Most delicate
le without the-slightest incanvenic.r. In fact,
therenthen It rather agreeable then Otheiwise,
The Galvanic Belts,- Britceicts,- -Bands,
Garters, Necklaces, r
In tome eases of a vete severe charactea,and afloat
•Intidlug, the power as applied by the Galvanic Ringe
is not aufliclent to arr., the 'progresc of disease and
ultimately res.. health. The iniproved modification
Galvanic 'llraCeleta, enjadly tem.
dies thus ethjectron; any degree of power that is reemis
red can readily be othanethlind tin courdnint tehleh
the mysterious agent of Galvanism eon effect will fail
to be permanently relieved, Them. articles ate adapt
tell tot. waist, anus, mi., Itmbs, ameba, or nay part
of We body, with perfect Convenience. The Gather.
Necklaces arc ed with gime. benefit tin eases of
Drench. or Infections aftlie throat generally; also is
ear. of Nervous Deafest; .d with almost uniform
metro as • preventive for Apoplexy, Epileptic File,
ned similar .roptalote
Christie s Magnetic Fluid _
is used in connection with the Gale.. hinge antf.nll I
their modifications. This codipeeiliOn Mot been pro ,
nuanced by the French Chemists to be a. of tha .rat
egimordleary thscoveries of mmleor science. It lab.
lieved pmsew the remark:Oleo ewer of tenderimr lb 1
nava semiSest garranie maims by this means caisson I
con eentrinion of the inflam at die' seat of disease, I
thus giving rapid a Ati
nd ,tm e, attent Alt. Nu other
composition in chentistr Is knownto produce WO same I
editor to impart similar atop.y to the tier roue
sporn,hy ...sof an outward local applicant., The .
agile. Plaid .Contains Dentin; capable MAI, albeit:
e litlatT: applicationagreable. sold it is,as I
hannlesa sr its acorn as it .s beneficial in ita
Pull explanavons and directions accompany' it The
comb s.
ined inventions are in every way perfectlyhart.
Ins; ahoy tire 44 , 1 at prices witran the reach of ell and
the - dew:wen, only reque•ts a fair trial as a Ivo of
lira s surprising efficacy and permanent benefit.
Chrltie's Galt sale atrengthening Plus.
These articles fame another valuable application of I
the order., influence of Galvanise, They are a
im n
portant adjunct to the geutrine Galvanic Rings and
Weir modifications, aeons upon the same Mihail.. hut '
haring the advainago of more local application. They
are confidently rerbelmendell m a valuable addition in
thy speedy cure of inn, motto or clannie;.n all
nerento complaits, and air a positive telliedy in rases
el Pain and Trefliglia o in the f hot or Book, Pain in the
Side, in Animal. Affierions.and IDoktrAirar Opp.,
lien,' Ow P 5.... Organs In Sputa!, COmplaints
their edgesare of the molt decided character,and they
have °Gen been need web complete niece... fhey are
al. of the greatest advantage in Pa.. and I tVeaketteil
u( the Ikea. and are Itnehly tecommerilled for ninny n 1
Oa, complaints in whiek kaiaks arc especially liable..
A• ea rd,:u31.1 means ear •urns.the....,,g the systems
when deb . ilianted with d.seatai or other eau...14:13a ce,-
tam aid sa Constitutional Wdaknem , as a Preventive
tor Cold...end all ... affection. id Om generally.
lie th
eos. , 'di i nt o aci , on la win fluid I
tier: 0,1.1 la a aix veto.;
...brae. oil we vine. at We tact mate prep... of,
with We important addthon of the galvanic Induce&
which is neither impaired mar cabers...l. while the ite.
clan conuithea. These articles will he found entirely
tree from those Objections which are a eminent sourer I
eromelaint stab the ordlnacy plasters in catemon use.
fl The great celebrity and mees, of these ankles
"h a, causr m
d them to be counteriiied by unprincipled !
persons. To provide eit,' lailmhamn. lir. C...a
tat. hat one nuthoriced ascot in cat city of em Union .
Tbe ratty mein in Pinslargl, - W. aV WILSON.
Of the Inches, and mom retspectallie character, are con y tecnived, leg:ailing the- extruorainary value
nd mccess of the above ...rile,. It is believed thnt
in the city of New York alone, upward• of EIGHT
THOUSAND PERSONS. daring a period of less than
a year, have been entirely eel vial of the most painful I
eh one disorders. some of which have completely baf
fled all former Gib.. of medical art. Indeed many of
Galvanic a ymetatis thi• city, whit disapprove of dic
and Plataelr Mae:sales. remtanily recom
mend this tinplate:ma same., yr:move. wine aft the ex
cepoirn of thom wht. are mo prejudice d to glee it a tri
al. the invention has received untountoo. Canoe with
the moot ,ritelligeet mimes it, -Wiener. Paculip. lb
Cbrime is stall paws ready and moat happy to give
<vet y tr, physicians, and all interested, for tent ,
ing the truth of his amertinn• and the effie.y of. h.
Only aviary in PittiOurch.purner hth and Market at
illNiitilIPTION ARRESTED—To those
li articled with Ditielaea of the Longa
x to certify to thew u [lewd with the fire pre
meow, ay/opinion of Confi.orption, that 1 have been
laboring foral yea r, "1" °tit Wbnmelti, soreness of
the throat and hoot-At:ex, I used malty inediernectut
found no mix( .r. cart preparxlmn of medicine. untii i i
R LNiEDY. I hear been oxi.le Mr. valuable medicine
.itir nevem: yearn, and alwx,s hod fi to rebore-when'
ever I make me of it. ocropution as an Auctuan
„,, w i nc h kerpa me almost cox stand)' <neared, eatiFes
my thrice, in times, to become very ifing, wNcn 1.
at once proem, to, medwoir 1 there iarna fore take plea,
cote in mak mg 'has pub i c szatt lutntohptotheri alert ,
ed watt, dificaxe of the lung , and expectorant ors.-
may know the values of hvalire remedy.''
arid ho cured. I have oriosinnended Dr. Diaicait'•
ET:1, , 011.111 Remedy to marry Or my friend.. comers
whom ewe thierr lives to t trio nab/.erne
_Same r.ict. Ohio, Oct El, 105 JAMES DEWIT
The proprietor of thy above medicare would, alto
refer to in endererened pet - robe, whb in Pert,)
county on
robots airy percon may call upon and be
conv ic inced thar there are 11141 ill above
med Me cannot li
cannv car
D 4,111 Culhemeta,Somet., lit Stone, Jo; Fran
lockion tri, Mr. Lor , roer. GeO. Tolbert,
,a; , ek Jerrod Daysen, Mopcovoil ip
morn street, eineomatt, Otis.
Sold in Ptltrburith WM JACKSON, to Liberty
bead of Atm, °'Ti.4l77
r 1 , 11E, 11101aT . ANTOEti. ir... si7,4:Cio•-
1 Itlitli—A Eyesaina! A altracle ' ! A Wonder!!
—roeure Erapttnn* and 1/t.f.averment • of th e :akin,
P,Frplea Ft.c.r.S n.. Sunburn, Salt IF hewn. Scurvy, Fore
Wad., de , he.
roar yea:a ago lasi August, rho carnal of l'ra - tW•c
wt. a.thwaSed in consequence or .111,wovery made by
a , Italian Chrrtnet. Many doubled —it •rented al room
a tinpct•thllliy . that any:haul mode by the hands 01
than, mold' have ouch Plng . tonr porno,. Oa ihnitlaimed
b}l Antonin Ve.pran it..r h.• Invention. .Many el:matte
br and ht. wow:tau, as a humbug. [and. alas! runny
' Inth per.on• wnhout :rya, do the Ounc now ,1 at
le a.n. ne:yes:6a nAn the holotrile. th e Metheul So.
e tv of Patio [ th e fors: chestn.ts In th e ;worldjilel.vt,rea
th following repot: to SiFnor Ve.orru:
•1V... havr 41/3w ounlately ands arefuity exanuned the
toOu otmoon of V r•pnro. We have .analy rt di r
I n
0 0. l ' ltZta n lett:iTo r' if,. ' , ' , " „ ' ,., " ., " ,!, " i l iT,;::l " ,.7, '' . l „ ` :; • ;,;;.7,l9
~.,,1.. a aryla 1t1e, and a sitny wonderful floe
sl top any Otusleett rup:ant rt th•henrcenets: nt the
e at Its nt•Annor we ..on der I:D . ttu.• phtlauthrop...:
... _ ,
I ):"1 . 01.I)
, ' UFA!) 'rills!
, 'non the ot, enter het, If to roc memem Proarneter.
Pruat_Nor 1. I.lrl
. ,
' n conc.:l,lmm of the 'um .1 A 3....), I lowed:vol.
to Mr.T. 'Jane, re, 0 Me r tY 11 f Nrd , Ye , k•
. A., the whole more. ,:t" marmtartunag, marcher
wall n stmerlieur of tlw ingtrilwn• contam tug ril) Ilsl
,nl, Cher:neat 'Jona firmanufartare at kir 4410 m
,tint' oiled Arai, only, and to 1ta..11,0 at: vt lege m um
tsilhg .) - Jour. halloo Chemical ,ctp."
\Vane.: Ilettly J. llottlwrorth.
V(7-Sa1:1 hy W JACh'SON, a, lk:tt Patent 31o:brine
Wan-hen:co 441 Liberty creel, head oftU n..,1,!nt the
stga at th, ilig Illatt.
The oink. Mare in Pittsburgh where thr. (iENTIN I',
ran he owned. All others if, I.lounterfea ,
I)l'lrlA '''''' V o ule c ra i t ' ifrli l le t n ' .l ' n ' g " Mth '' o .t . ' ,re :
, i,
I hie lintel I:: put Up in quart bottlre—ts 010 Inner
eltea, r. plearstriter, and warranted nompor to nut
.old , t :44* wohool ventilate, antNmet s , ekconte, at
dela , :tots the pawn:
Th igiratt loauty and Itarroattv of thl , Snr , tp: , ilia
over ill ether crate:Ms is wlttle it crachealer thcr air.
it ink : ion:to:: the body. It is 0 ,0 .necerinully i tt th e
rerniAmt a11:1 I,CM:thrill rine Of all ear,
Croatian human Mate al the Mr./. or habit of Ilic sys
tem/ f
LOY nerd" Imnalionc—lll principled persons buck
going/liner labels. and pal name.ltetna In the came :Ma
atal .Itleas: , On that each bmtle me the ~,,,,,,,, ,i g „.
Me I 8 It n.
E 0 , ic hy tC irall.l.r.ile. look agent for Allegheny
1 , cl
e,,,,j,-A ,I al 'W oo d street, between Trord and Fourth
„,,, 44 .
.. ~ Mll4
041 0 - A 'S SCIIO ' I.ISI •
,„,i 1 -1 4 1 L Ner A rd ' ul D a in ll ita Ul litiplie S d V it . rrn U S,
wlid,fii r 'alum - ofKieg's Evil, ht enlaqementa n the
glands r 1301101, Molten. W I 0 Swellings, Clitan:e
Ilhean 16)ml:unser, diseases or the Salvor Spine,
or of I,llmonery Consumpubn, emanate from one
moil thermo cause, which iedpoisonous principle
more n lens Inherent in the human system. There.
fore: u ~cm.,this principle non ho destroyed, no mil.
ml curd can be effected, but if the principle. upon
which theydiscaae depends, is removed, a cure
must orneeesstty lotion% no matter under what hum
the diaeasq ehould mantled imell, 'Phis, therefore
is th renahn Why Jsitit's Arreneravr. in so uni
re Ily succemlul in removing so many malignant
.dice en. It destroys the vices or principle liorn '
whi n thalm disease have their origin, by entering
in the ccreulation, and with the blood i. conveyed
'to e minutest fibre, removing every particle of
di Ise from the aystemi. Prepared and sold at No.
8 South Third Street, Philadelphia. - . 1 '.
Sold at the Pekin Tea Store, 1i0..72 retaliative
Pittsburgh.. - .chn.
_. .
Fertile rgatioval =lt erambout care of all ttipeoltsit
antic* Reba an sane cf. the blood
Sertfaa.litivestgltst, iftkosc.sSat; CtimnabeCuraitorio ,
1-..rwpriar4e,1 . ,..4. , en fIIMILif F rot tie Fa , r- Zligulet,
Bars. cA.,,;,... e.,...- r--, Ritxti . learn Or Tow, Scull I
Shad, gstargonent and pain ft the Roan omf.hitta, I
Seib Ekes, Soar.. Sysoterlit, Seiaticet or Lsion- i
Lane, and Dheates oritincfrom is iltjUdi6m , ...' of
Merriory.etscroamDrepsq, E-tpiestere es Zwynixdoseein t
life. -4!... ebanie Orbs:Lama: l Diwrderi -
TTS timely ndrolatoranen has beta. wt . - 'Ube l,
.L happiest results m :may anotetalOur affections; bu 11
it:, catty intended to MI the void Which entoto hetet - cut
catalpa nod Operant bond mine.; beset 'ttio . 4 . ogtil
randi is Mat in tot alleratice Eflreel!y—iralitectlT, PR ,
.viug a tatting Sallie 10 lite o,3tera. . -
1113 highly cOaCcutralett aoconvenient-a and porta
bility, room:ring nothing but the tinticesoed croon e,
and ill the rep.titentatiai of the Sarsupgrillai Root, in
the semi, ma., as lblonnt mof l'er - o vi. Bart Or
Slorplunt of I,lletalt. It .3 au vetabasheld fact; th l a
few grams of either QU?l'lle or blorabine contain all
the ammo:tat valor en a false quantity of the C rte
tabovoces; be/ice:the ',opera:it) . of those bresationms
_ t o no lovit:id would move to drink a gallon mixture!
Lena half pmt contain:red die lathe medictual value.
The Sartapordla ean he chimed when taken agreeable:.
to the direction', and made to 3:1,1 the taste 01 Meru-
The following certificate aditteocd to the *gents al. j
Chicago, furnobet proof of Its greet value
mantes of Fever Sores. . 1
, l'alitaGet. 111-Sept. 1. 1516. i
.. ,1
Mawr,. Stchtiln ti S. Reed—Gents: In May, 1543.1 ob.
mined at your wren bottle of Sand's Sarsapartllo,and
was then confined tomy bed. without sleep for a week, 1
occatioucd by violent pail troin a resu r fever sore;: '
long mainline. on toy refit leg: . My pro gi.eadeited
Me to have the 10th amputated, plying I was the only
mean. likelyin ,swerve my life. After ling half the
bottle the vain boron to itablide, and by the t:me I had
used nearly three bottles,l was aide to treoloaelmY ten .
btar Lamers, end before I had liaithed the Mtn. Lot
tie. !Rot lit well and round as evert bed been. I have
.lictitml.tatavntlf that Sand's Sir...familia was the'
metuto, under. Providence. of saving ray IN. and I '
doubt not my li fe. I mot: cheerfully recommend it ak
the best article extant for the burfication - hf the blood ;
Your., most retbettrutly.
The r011...1eg certificate it only another link in the
great:halo of witinnonY .to ...lot . t .. i'• '- -
.3Cl'll Roues. Canada East, April 151516.3 ..
-bletors.'Sands—Cieniltimen, Exported tit lee are In
the atnakoof disease, and so fretmentlydiSappoinloo
m propated rentridies.we cannot but look on the , dodo
of surcesttal practitioners whb inn-mot and gratitude
Thts to ante respecting 3 out dtalaable preparation of
Santopantla. !have been severely adlicted tor Mvears,
with a ditrate about which - itloctois disagree. fi and
their prewiriptieut were still more diverse. I tried ea;
O rentledier. bat fated no relief until I cotruncneed
epos yogr et:cal:eat seetheine, at w h ich rimes wale
whoa . ; confined. my bat After itons it a few month*
I am now able to -a-a ix atom. rite cut. and enjoy atom-
fintalde degree of health, wtreh I amtbute entirely to
tic a of . .Sartre Smttrortba. Ideate accept roy as
termite et gratitude a n d wrap! _
_ SI _
PS_ ,
Being terforaily ormitainted with the above state
meat, I tierchy certity Mot the Name is teat.
F r Toottgorr.—The following in an extroct
MM.- n letter leCeiveti from Rev. Ntielliam Galashat '
Iltnnittutn,Vb, 0ct.:2.16L5. -.
Motret. Sande: I hive lima Milcied with a severe
pant in ray tide. Oectill:faltil by a tlitell.f.egt liver, for the*
I st twenty :cwt . onfferinewt talcs what language
cannot eons ey, lit: sows taxing oar Sartaboilln. I
have been cream relit:vial, to muc h 30thot I have heed
able to atmat to toy busactt, nod tho.h occasionally,
for the twoilltemonentlis. I wltalls docaracil anodise
medicine. and thoroughly Rind the Sarsamoilla,,whlch
Ican rect., 11l Mi in au:hand tiucerity to alt those who
nee di co . a ay attlitted with any species of eerofuloas
coloptants. l'hort have becn some remarkthle cures
elected lty,itt use iv Mit vicinity. Mit. I. Shaw. byl
the toe of 31i 'Katie, were teettaa LI to better hcalththal
the had Mato enjoyed for tat years, and Mts. W. Stet
stns. alto had boon severely Mllieted with the Eryeipl
el., ins' entaely cared by the use of a few bottles. I
Yours truly. WM. GALUSIIA.
For further particulars 310 conclusive evidenee oral '
Filberts:a value and ellteacy, tot pamphlets, which ma'T
be obtained of Avow trans.
1 rebored a ail nod by A.R. h D Sands.Druggieto,lOß
Fultono .1. t canc.( W titian, New York.
Sold alto by 1.. WILCOX, Jr, Pittsburgh; 11. liar.
wood, Beaver, AVna. WetterhtNew Castle; to.N. Roht,
ison, Ilrownsvillet A. Crtigh, Wathiugtont and ,jn
Druggent generally throughourthi United States.
Price St per bottle—sin bottles for SS.
The public ni4 respectfully regal:vied to remember
that n it Sand's Sart:manil
hat n is counantly .hieva
het ruch remarkable cure. or tbe moot difficult - tins. o(
diseaect to whalithe ham. Statue 13 313Weett here
fore ark for tivitart
and take no other. ..
. .
what liar relined him iOtoch ;thort timc Amu difr
tleulty of hreolliieg, Cough moil rull'ocatice Ile
will tell you it war "the Oloosouialu or All.
Pals.," Ash the conaumptire
Lottot hal allayed hot Coufh, moored
the fain its his' Side aud
checked his eight svirats,and
•• placed the rut, of health
• eionn hir cheek? and
• he snit trll you
• 511ER31A15 , 61 OLOSAONIAN,
)mr friends ifthey know of mythic% that will so 'Re{
dill - cure a hat and teali,,a4 Co b, I.i•ing of Mow!, Lim,
hit, I.4,tptem lAnisamption„.l4mrscoem, lullocura, mal
di.e-wrs of the Throat, iw the Otko.toniad md they will tell
you—No. There kektr Ist has - keen a reMedy isarodund to
public noire which to. gent prod/leder OUP Mach good M.
...abort a spare of Wins. Head Me following
Astatalslttwg Cure... •
NVis. 11... n, the eel . : etted Got. cracks r baker, !las
s,. trew, be...Llsui stows that h tall
as wife hat Lora mood
with Awl.. Load years, m.l mold not nod yen:anent m- I
lief from th e best otedihl advice which ew 'fiat and
Brook o could produce, IC. ileitereea I. try this great mow
sly She is sow hearty well Ills daughtsr wlso miler
from the wine disease, Wird it, and wMalso eared by it.
bin kkeid Ss slow so well that she is able to shamus bee
bed early is Wu uswaing and athrod to her usualdetirsthmugh
the day without my misoymcre from her distrevaing_hdy.
Hasar Jacitsog, 1.111. .tool, near the eithale Ctlnctrh
omit to the wore I.r the [mi.w of obtaining a bottle of the
thotomkto, barbs wil.eted with the Asthma for work
)ears cthat,•ool his arrival tbat he
mold not melt. Ito F&UM/WWIS .bottle and rale
Four days afterward he walked from his miiderce to the of.
La without Augur,* slutakce of aver two miles, to tell of
the swnderful-relief which he had caperienced Ida oomg
'boot one lull of one battle.
Consumption of the Longa.
31, CONTORT, :19 1 1 .10 to the month
of December bob that he was given up by hiaphysician. Ilia
friends entertained au bore of lits recovery.. He wasi persua
ded to try the 01 , ,,moni•ri, and to La surprise it has so for
muffed him health that he is now able it walk about the
Mt. Arraer, the s.ife of Wm A. Attree,hunollarroan
Esq. and Geo. W. flays, Esq. min all bear testimnoy fruit;
their own ealwrience of the L.ali g v w .erties of this Great
Remedy to (,onsumption of the Lungs.
Sp4tllog mood. l.
Mrs. Twounornota, Mir Moor= street, who had been
troubled for • great length of time by • tem= cough, and
raiwd quantities of tdoml, was relieved by one bottle of the
don, and declares 0 the greatest remedy in the world.
Dena. Kat.t.r, %I Water street, was Gm relieved Iron.
the woe complaint, although It< ITU Vtl7 m, adored
heo he odomenced taking st, doinebeen under the care of
his ph) ski= doling the peat winter. Although he ene%hed
cocatantly and war very much troubled with ni g ht sweats, 2
book, of the remedy enabled him to eel= to had daily
week. Ile we. entirely relieved.
DAVID lIVIDEISXOI , I, CO Light street, Geo W. Burnell,
formerly of Newark, N. 3., Henry Lisbon, 199 Riving.=
street, LA numeral. other persons hare beenspeedily and
I permanently cured of the same complaint by this remedy.
The Array of Nanse••
a-bleb could be pnaineed pen.= 'rho base used this great
remedy would MOM than fill • sumo. Among the number
sre , are
permitted it refer to A.M. &singer, /92 Barclay A.;
Mr Wilton of II 'betty; Mrs of Morristown, N.. 14,
James B Devoe, 1 0 1 Bea l e st.; Mr.. MTaffree,so . Attereney
sr; F. Smith, 92 Third Menne, Mn Wm. FI, Attree or thu,
city, and Mrs Archibald. :15 White sr
fluid wholfsale and retail by Wm Jackson, at hielhatent .
1 Medieine.Worelloose end Boot and Shoe Store, No 29 Libre
ti street. head of Woo,l street, fittsbugh. Pete $1 per bot
For Coughs, Colds. Ashanti, and Consump
Tnc. GREAT nsi.) ONI.T itr.mtuv fir tlddy
Crates, .ksthnia, and CONSMITTION. Ls the
mkykyaN 1)k1.11,831 lit LIFE, dinned by the
brans! 1/r. Buchan. of Logan. England. and 'introduced
into the Stilted Stote under the immediate superintend
ence of the invelitor.
The rasavonlhalry Sulks. of thla medicine In 'llly
care nt Paha:al:lnt disences, warrants mph@ AmCrisekri
Mena In soliciting for treatment tan WORST POS.
SMILE CASES ilvn can tai Onion In the cogio
' nunity—
Cases tt, ionk rear( in vein (Inn, ittiy . of the cowmen
mated'. of [bin day, and have been Oven .P by tile.
dleilnantimed Paygiraing,F CONFIRMED ANTI
Doves. Raison has cured. and
Will cure. the MOST IS:AIt:RATE 06 CASES. It It
se quack timeruitt, lad a standard English medicine, of
known sod csmitshed 21h not.
IDIP•ty family'ls IW Unlletl Slates sliatild he supplied
pith thichatis Ilungarian ilaleam of Life, not only to
couskonct Ote culimial,liVa tendencies of the climate.
colt to be used ex et preventive madonna ht all tares ef
Col& tames. Sposiie of lao/sI, Pain In the 61de and
Cheat, LTllatlan and "swear:. of the LIME, ilronehl.k
Ditkelty at Strath.., !hectic Fever, Nita hiltroalk,
Emaciation and I:rale/al Deana,. Aetimis, flag
Illus.= Conga. and Wimp.
Poll it large Lusk', at tl per battle, whit hall tUre.
kn. R. the restoration of !health.
einnalating a oasis orEngliall and Ameri
can ...Skates. nod other evident, Smartng the . thei
eqtralleii men. of hot Great EKlish Remedy, May ha
awls.' of the Acentv, gmtuitunely.
DAVID F. SAADI-Ell, sole Aker. fat the Unl4d
Steles, II) Court sheet, 110.15,0.
T. %V. Dvorr Co SON., General Wholesale Agent..
Na. 11/ North Second erect,
[Or by it A rmiNEwincic. Co. comer
Wool and rrem atm.. my 6
. .
ramini osneli;cs
rrlIF. best article known tin cleaning and whitening
11 thr Tenth, strengthening the. statia,oweetennig the
breath. he. It 'should be used every night with shit
broil, and the teeth and mouth willoilly require a sligh,
washing in the location. Wet the brush with wean
water. or cold will ontwer, nil rub it A few bates on
the paste, when enough will udhere for Aesalug the
meth. It leanest delicious taste in the enouth;ana ten
ports n most delightful (regime, to the breath. It Wanda
unrivalled cola pleasant, efficacious. convenittre nod.
Info dentriGne. It is warronte.l nut to ono , . tethl
butte preserve them.
Ity using it rogularly, it till rennin." the tartar nod
prevent MI necuntylnlion—i ,,, tt tho 'lntllthtChe l
SternKthen the gems, tend pmveni oil auroras of them ,
Chcousia,physmilms. in! he elcreyrevolutuhltd, St,
decidedly superior every Ming of the kiitil /Atte.- -
Ask for Sherman'. Compound Orris Tooth Palle,. mid
awry , tomatoee auseheillo each pot.
is eeemee .„,j..d by Ile Castle. Tell Broadivry.orte of
our b e ., went., tool IIY owel of the old oniablishad
ones In the Unneti Clolvn, and aro+ topesseely, used
by the Nobility of England' and Frr• ra
A knee proportion Of the disease. t.ialtftliet mankind
wise from .oton St:ranger:lent of lln:ntotnochot bowels
which to WM . I% . Irlo Of the Mgt lie Loarnges would
entirely obviene. It:sots of hilican habit. abould al-
ways have a borut hand, and take a doer nchenever
they feel the leastdcrangententul their health. ..a}udi
cioon ate of ihenp. Lozengen prcrent.t.hausand.
l'orpnles: WM. JACIi.S.OIO4 comer of Wood and
Litt: fly el. • • - ;,luerl
T il
E 1 1100111811 tiAlli. ,LIVE—For permi
neatly dyeing Light, Red or' Gray Dart
Drown or Mack color, withouirlyelng or Injuring the.
skin. Sold,with full direction. hien 50 centu,-or el'
Arr2: b 7l:ll ; jeet A r) e . 1 . ; e N I,.. ' hen ' ,I . 11 1 ;
goof dm /2 10
,LOZINOFS, *RD P9Oll. jOitl.
, .
t, 3L gIuiILSIAN hes dimmed a Irei thatege MM. '
aff pleseeist, so that children teal Ms Lt readiq illai.cfli
mode. Sae that hisfeemrim is armed meth hen .r.L ,, r
gm, aAn Wrath hoes en the Ws of each Plasseffotad
Them Lamle see the etholt, liMai. Mtn .4 idselata em •.
al h.' hh% 4 the hhiffa estermittimess hh h h Phd ...S.'s htist
0., tighten. cd the fop elms Me, ese. The prom..
It. ome o Imam so manse wee dap did mot give parer
satisfaction. ffemel tboamat bons ISM bee MS stithea
the san em s retimeing to heattlepereces in shedon men ra ge
es timooption,ami those hboriag under the enew dimmest •
Mite and coughs. -They do sot cheek Med de7 up *Salmi's,
tom wader it easy s pronnete arpeclontim silky the tithhog or
irritation, end mar. the prewiens. or estsnag tILIVII.,
limy are made Gods a embisstiossolia most ratnaide eare
tossed, or estigh enediristeh me ere eadontoedly thstreter to
eve Meg woe Sar those timplaiab. Haulm. mmt d ud othartath' ala ham leem offered of their wooderfid thrs
lueo, from theme who hare Ism sued time me tummy sr., •
and reamed to sserfeet heettittly mintiest: ,
~• 1
, Annie there mou th pima the beast motile, ma either
manh Poor AMA fluters (pricreatrup4 ...,,,) should be•
, applied dies the part, and armed till rehesed. If mentltil
ti tea osetthenewhe Sew calatetie et MMe Image., , seas, •
It mild cathar ti c rowthcitie, should be mod as oreasica a nosh.
ii sane:di/vs *cis 1 I.OZENGES
't• Them worm knatigtwthare Lam proreffin mote Wan 1,400
DM men to be ithdletiks der *nip mom worm deattOyin
inedame stirthsetwertia neap . disams arises froth temen
, and maim bog end lame mwen, sadmen death, tenth ,
t, out their cm Meg emperteds vim. sermons are wel, one.
>Sided with them, ma.e Aortored /or emploim '
a ithoutthy bandit wham me doe of these Lams. amid
1 ,
Simpson's isf Ohnes.—ffeiess he the joint. or limb s offm
dm health, &Ake at th e smehrtionlingpf the teeth derin
drep r and ammo; ardent:maim the liphwith dtetted theelea .
I.Misig Md. nose s gnaw*. seasation at Ihe WIC.* e. 4
es of heat over Minnie. of the beds, slight chills or shis
Mop, headethe, &madam, eertigetoorpar, Mouthed
dream, midden Wasting mikes, with Meet and weemieg,
menetimin a troublesome megfe; feverish:me, this., pallid
hur, SWIM taste in themsenh, ditleolt breaddog, pan, en
• She Mama or botiahr &hi., moms Wthsth , dsholls '..%
'does appedte s Imam, bleated stomach or beds, snpin,
ehootingpsess amicas parts oldie Mip s a mese of some
thing rtitag ea the derma, Minn Oates.. toward. night, a
frequandesire sr something them the bowels, and some
time dierharges of slime ad Imam
gin immediate relief in pence/ or del headache. •
=a L let of the heart, lawarme of the .rpirits, dripsesteenb
tory cm porid wane chew; bowel or ouruse 7 Lcons
plaint, hints% oppreasiou or e meteor aiding of 'ho thew,
chalk, spew, cramp of th e Womack. 1.1 , 4 1. newt
14Z:dicey awl a narrow Ldinases, km:Waimea WIN,: die
ray,. sod walsikkese th rough th e Wirt* cholera or shot,
morhas,' dierdluma, lassitude or a or et Wipe. Per
' was berating or athmuling large pities, will /hid the '
inlly_r toning sod hapartew the buoyeacyof yemthlo med.
eller dim: paths, wWrestorre the teem albs eyes. pal
.rely, and remove a the unplasant mope:Mew ensineumm
has tree tiring. Person who hare bats too ltreresseet •
et / r o d:mud their dinirded haat, will And den?
allEarlt ° 'S room:Alvs PLASTER • *
The haw sinvithaniugptultrin the mad, seal • Singnillp
remedy for pun, or weakness in the book, Cori, side, oak,
tiente,isents, rheumatism, lonstani, as. he. One =Sits •
T pplsousothne d
W ra an nk wi t-eTd hey requ i t r o e s • l h i id k e e wrs:aorm3A
fogobnefoaner the toa l pres s outh u ikgweedy thec
brr, hot'
the cheapen phster in the _world. lt Okada relief in • few
hours, and soOn estaqithing cares
liver compl t end m i=ek, it thould mote over
th=on of the rim or. end It well afforlmt .. sad
as rehet . ecmgte, colds, asthma,
breathen, opprthocer of the ant or atorowl, • -
nediately tooth and greedy benefit the wheat. - Person 0
..des tit 7 habin, or thora to stand much,
_will reotive
decided eupprt tram one of th ne truly strengthening Pb.
'ter. Physenan generally recommend them, in pekoe= to
othentecause they stick or adhere better,thd afford great.
er relief. In their. Chewers stiandeal, haziciend
anodyn. Thy ere cone= . l of entirely dinterent Ingredi;
ents from thy other, and from the egotist:re of mil
lima who hare toed •theat, as ?red as On to test . iem,of
all the oththated lad Ted chow tad &pears, to
be them:at rueful aadhig reedintedytheter.
Siren( gang= hare. at the warehouse to emit. —
their suspense and thathaotithealomit miranileas cures these
plasters hare effected.
Dire:Skin kr me are on that tad oteach plater, with •
hide:de of Dr.Shermen names 'lt is heyortantywi shod d
elem. ask for
rs. Sberman's Poor Ahab. Thatch end elec . :hat
pu get the genunte, es there an runty wrath= !manhole
hawked about end km the true Shenneet's . llthere, by
ei theincipled deale •
Sold wholnale sad retail by W. JACKSON at his Pain
hlrdieiumWerehnose, No. E 9, Liberty. wen, Sige of th
SIG BOOT.' • „ 14-dll.
vossumencom CAN BE cult= Y usisu DR.
- , - Lincionasti, O, blush 3.1;
Dear SiitTitin is to emtify. to the public, partidsdarly to .
those afflicted with a disease df the Luny,.Denolon t, •
Lint u the lipriagof 1643 1 nu snacked with a serene mkt
whin imam became seated open, my longt; showing aD the
symptoms .1 an apponeditimp Cossmapchin. My tough way
tight and troataesome, *melded with copies:n.ol meats; 13' •
spit up daily a Mmaiderable vantity of blood, mesa with
hick dark meter. t My sitaatino became mimes and alarims!
log. During this tima 1 was attemled by min. oar wait
and Physicb.; they did tbe best Lig coald Dr ma, • ben
lit linth they gese all hopes of my memory, tallimniai
me thit wean more amid be doate-.61Wl say longs eeem ko
tally abased, and herald moldy. I orp Aga remolded Ily
a friend of male. make • trial of hr. DWIMPOI Erpwaa
Raiisdy, wbish wy Physiciawepereisud drown, mpg
that tide ;Indiciae would da reo gook, and winald Oill add
more to my suffering. I bold them it Imo my too mad only
hope, and that if I most die of the disease, (ohleit was me.
dent to au,) ihr/V iroold be nothisqpl.l.. Po 1 sot to th.
Cinein=ti Office and obtained 5 tottleabf au. lowly
Ms Medicine, and exameneol okormeoeding to the dine;
tions,whieit, insi.d of adding to my ealreriag, hentedialitly
gun me relief, at con inesting tha tromblimone, Cosh
easing the pined tightsms la my Cho4 giriesg ens a selr
lik and etragth; wkich.monmsabled niss to be shoot aril.
This medicine continmed its, good smirk, which it es nobly
mound, until I was maste-asoosed UM. I base since keen
wending to ray limineni, (upward. of 3 years) and Gal so
Nobly ae twish. I lan kecomacedad Dr. Daum% LT.
pectivantltentedy sang inane.. to limMainulatiolikieted
and It has alseays ported stMesemial 20 fir Ili! ham whom./
itself - tel. My sistep Wusirt LW medicine at present, far •
Dinared Liver end aer'slifectioes the 'Lung's, which ,Ithipt
had saffered with it t o me time; elm has mealy .mend '
by We lase of this emilinitue, and 1 aoicoodidast the 6 koalas
diet I take with= to-day witieatirelyeare her. lam sorry
to know that the... Monsen. of valuable pent. westing
may with this dreadful destroyer-CONSUMPTION.—.
Wore it only possilda 'Dom to mimeos this marl= in
I time, bed. it he ton late, =soy livesmigt6 teprolooged and
their dbirtLies and rtlatioos gain reoffered happy., This
medicine gin instant relief. andel the am U. mei.
ILie hard and painful Cough, moon dm tights.= in the C.:.
. give streng th to dm etifeehled imaciatint frami, and la
Imost em, 1 mis tiertels, will prbet 0000.
. ' NI k rRE 'L W J. FELTED,
.—T Iduatgreasts,Heassibut Cnouty, Chin
N. Bhose whe magnet be aeguatated with toe I refer
to the mdernpat, anima sedlualscenely, Hamilton an.
ty, 0., they millet any time sabstantarte the slam alalesneub. t
Noateas Bacnntau., • .
• • Caryl. SAUL.
.arect,l7here this rateable Medicine on slims IN=
Sold in Pittsburgh. by .Wht. JACKSON. earner of
Wend and Enteur am. aPO4*"..
, Patent Block Sprtug Truss,
lAEWLY INVENTED—Forth° toilet and Permanent
Cone of HERNIA or RUPTURE. (Soiled us all
Tlla operior claims of dos Tress consist in th.orn
parative can with which Irmay be won. . The pad of
wood being neatly balanced on wrings, yields to press
sure on any pan of it, andthomaghly adapts hull to
any movement made by the wearer. It can be worn
without intermiasion; mull a cure is effected.. Tee tubs
.sibera have made arrangements be the manufacture
of these valuable Tames, in a soperiinst&. In Mlle
slelphia, and have them now for sale at theis lance, No.
Mtn thfield at. near Math, Pitubergit.
jean - • Di W. KAUFFMAN.
Satoninf love • teaspoon hill all. A. rib
. neetock &Cesiteimirnee to my little girt, who in
between tour and Eve years old t and daringtheplay she
pa.ged Iltd lame worms, avenwpg ewe man > foot in
Seeing its effects on'this
be then gave aleaapoon
full to her younger slafer, %Mewls appai catty . will, and
Me Paired 37 worms oPcqual size.
• • ' • „ HENRY 03110711
Watchmaker:Smithfield street
Prenatal and a nd y B A FAHNEMTOCK & CO,
cooler Ist and wood. wood and 6tb sts, jeS
No 9ure, No payl
lifOff Page
milk:RE are few diseases more common or Woo
-1 blesome.than the Piles ' and yet. notwithitand
imr, treateflorts hate been made to cure by the use'
of pills, electuaries, liniments, &e., all were futile
and of little beeelit.' Now the Embrocation is
Only medicine used. .A person who has been soffelf
tog with the ('ilex or the worst kind came from Ss
km, New Jersey, almost on purpose to express his
gratitude for the speedy core that this medicine bad
effected in his case.—Phibi. Sat. Post.
• •
ule in Pittsburgh at the PER TEA
SPURS. T_ Fourth at., and also ai the Drug Slum
H P Schwartz, Federal st. Allegheny Cit.
IVI. published and made knownio the pahlie." This
was the expression of an old man who tried the Syrup.
Pirraanaan„Fehruary 11.
Mr. MOritarn—This may certify rho fibrin 6 afflicted
with a troublesome rough some tirne.•l b ought X bottle
of Moran:Pa Cimah Syrup, and am hap py to any, after
iving it.wy mash is entißir cored. I pronnanre your
17m ° i ' l b y :g.orrard thee rirle=s ° Talea h t.l v e ° e"`Z. °, .. No
DAVID 111dItOBEHTS.Alksh.r ci ty
• ire This medicine prepaml lebolemle and retail
at Me Drag Sumo( , JOHN 1) MORHAN
Wood street, one door below Diamond .Alley
Prire7.24 crate per bottle. ' reht
At A. Daze/4/112a Hinz, a mar kW het m
One intention or aline., et' lea,. so bo
Two insertioo withontater 3 tion. 075
Three " • " 4 "' • ~. 1. . 00
One Week ."
_ ' 150
10— Longer adios - Mit' mints In same proportion.
Ono square ,cmontbs, without alteratmo,... 10 00
IS "." _" 15 00
ea cl addi tio nazi square for 6 months 5.00
' 4 ‘. IS " ...,. 10 00
Ono square. 6 months, renowablo at plesunDS, 15'00
" 15 " " " 00
Each additional amuse for months .' 10 00
Two scsunres,6 months, remble at pLeamre, 30.00_
Each additional moose, 6 months, -8 00.
Ono square. b insertions,
" each additional insertion,....
Five h 6nes or len,.ooe year. '
••all ... .... 00
" ono year, daily 6r. weekly, II) IX)
‘, " -" • Nix 'south' -8 00
AsTrarstrusairrs 11‘ ALLILT Plllll4
For or let", One hutertlon, .. . ,
Two, . 0 75
• " ' 'r :Thee, ..
Three 3 . 50
,", ••"•?' ' Six ,- . :.... 6OD
' Twat's d
• trAllt rairertirements toile ehatzedby the'square,
and tediscoont 0115 par cent to be sive' where the
amount or adv./firing emendate dollars per year.
, .
1. 1 3T4? fen, Oee year ' $660
mouttui B QW
x ~,-~,.~ ,;.
~':-x= .