MAN. ADVERTIAMENTS 1 1 1 - Wit.7 - 1111 - 14 . 1 - 01111.4111.17k0 PACITO2firs ------'-'.'--- R 'DOE ROAD above Bettoswood Street. Ph a,- PIL E S . ' . v i ii INOOLDSTSIPS Piles Smite, ea inter:tat remedy aka '''. 1de4613. At 'hi' °-4.lbli4l ' ent InA i be r ' gm ' i .4 3 ;certain mid rediesl cure, slaubeetetretad, Werra! .-- r k" r4riCV of Plan hbd bk4l , 44 l lllPattetos blerMayor blia,alm, to initMitas ofthe kidoeyasad OW for IRO N - RAILINGS_ ill the United States, to der, put us the,back sod side...hobnobl mathencsa, any :Wbk the atteinimiet !bade PitW=4 of any dtstrip.. tin,., be. rives bid iirp t .cl,,n, • for C ,,.. , d • I I Veda.. Ma. sad omfarement an °Mat non' bud brawl, , "", ' W"''" ". 1 with mos 'pleas d ater .1, ~ ..ti...., . ,41. th. , mles. 4, la al suck mess the Specific be alai with per- Tbe pr.ticipal part of all the handsome Railings j„, ~,y, sod is a ma,. remedy. can The Specific is ante . 'at Las el 11111, e Mtnent,apoer eclebrated tdrgattre, anal...lively ennoble muted), without are OeMetenes in th City and County pl Philo:x.lphi, bele of gamboge, coloomeor Mier-pleamot to tilde Cod pia which luxe been ao highly' eitollml by the nubile hear harmless is the osomdelieras ewe, pram, were executed at thts maeurnettay. . - woo • A Large Wuesitoom is concocted with Um cstalp low to .0 31,11 7 0. , I Its.. Dr. 1. 7 4 ' 4 3 .. rik , P.....f ~..' lee certain mire mid safe rerianty. liming-wen its elect lislthaent, where is kept constantty on baud 2 large ..,,,,. ~..,, ~,,..,,,,,,,i...,,,..1,,,,,,• stock of mealy-made Iron Bailing.. Ornamental Imo g,......1 ...,,,,,,,..,, ( 71, e .., ~,b,...t.,..d. m ,.„,.„,, Settee., Iron Chair*, new style plain and ornanicti• mimes wery 2•12. H 'LIR)! WILITLILEAD. tat Iron (4ates. with aoettenstressaortment of trot N e w York, kb, INS 364 Sixth Wrest Poet., Pedestals, Iron Arbor.. Ate: Also, in great I ehecrfulty them)) testimony as to dm certain and wt. variety, %brought and Caat IronOrnr.rnenta, suitable i•kiaS ervcoul D , , 4 , ' °,1 1 .• r'''' s 8 7. 43,114 I. I n° . 4 , for Ranier , nod other purpaccs. frosn my own capersenee au obserraboo, took =woad, havirg wan awl with sue,. to metro] ewes of pales, male The subithrther would alto Slate that in his Pat ...iy,.....h. GEO. I•IILLER, tern and 14estgoing Department he has employed N,,,, y 0,1,, al, l , acts. alnico, on, some or the best talent AI the cot/ retry, whose whole LADIES' CERTIFICATES I.• attention is coveted to the nosiness-forming alto. New York, May ,114% getheirotse °film most complete and aystnumtic es. SW Brel• - pcnir 50,-, b°' Os . 05.1 b. to mil that tabluilusesl of the hind in the Union. your medicine, Dr. lamildsby l sPiles Spcolle,.has made • per • fret row in threw of nay somr, and I nowitre you tuy word ItOBEILT WOOD, ProP , ie , uf that I hoe ben surprised sit it, as it was usespal ims - - . Ridge Road, abuse Buttonwood street. ~,,,,1h,,,,,,m b e r . 430,5eem.,1 co, new mai& t7,t4....::/ Philadelphia, March It. 1847 dfintos wow as being Infrilibk, and do adeiseall others who are sr - CIIILAPWATCIIIgRe dieted in the like meaner,ln procure the artiek,u they may rpith4l7lll'.APPYr GOLD .ANIISII.VER WATtill der a, no • 331•31 ac t tr s • IL P'...4 IN PHILADELPHIA.Yams with respen, 1:01,1 totem. lull J etre lied, WO PP Vico Ch ter, N. Y., May I/5, 1A45. Silver do do in nu Or. Ineoldthy-Dear Sir.-That you way b.ellt inhere hold lepinee, Jewelled, - 'm is 01,0 may Am suffering, al well at to esp.= my gratitude for Sinter do do Is tat the heacfn 'have derterd from the ase,ofyourval.ble Spe Silver {bionic., fine rioiciiiy. to In eine, I comply wi th your moues, and hew do gar my testi. Gold Watches. Ono. 15th meaty in boor of it, haying Men cured of a seeereattaelt ol Silver Spectacles . 17A the Pike alter baying used oilier onmdies animal nieces , . Gold Pencils, -.! MI Yawn with reap. Gold Bracelet, 4 On Sold wholemle and remit by VIM. JACKSON, at ha Pat. Alsd,on hand.• large aveoruneatt of Gold stud Gun eat Medicine Warchoia, end So o t and Shoe Store,No.lll Druck% finger rings, breast thas,hoop em tate, gold Liberty street, head al Wood, Pittsburgh Prat, 40 roil. POO,, kilver spoons, toga' lone, lambi., gold li e , L, )'boa._ . 300 14-dly " ' b ""'' I g""n"" ''''' ''''''''') a ..‘"t: itir.6lCAL A.s it A t , II.GII2AL OFFICE. dcocciliWc.c .Cn.l.r lc. Prthes. ' All I want ic a e 2 ,1 to'eouvino etalainer,. No ,ii DIAMOND Ale All Mode or %Totems and lltheb• reputed snd wa.• ~,c...,.71, "" 1.1:1', • few doors below , ranted to keep good tan fur one year; old gold out ei h. I e-a,vth Wood 'tree, toward. the verlmoght Or taken in eke heap. , .y . 1i74.4t ..k.i . . minket ' ',TGIF 2212,210! day and thirtphour brass Clack., at ', ue"4 , 4 , ,op DR. DROWN, LEWIS I,A I/031LS' i • - 1 ,1 ••• • • Orb,„ - i itai nu been regularly ed. IValch, Clock, and " airy Jew Store. N od Os& Matte 1 1 „ - itvgf ip . e . ......,,... arnica to th e medics! mi.- bun ci,aboVe Eleventh, North side, l'hilelphia tLF p r 64 . ,. • on•inn. 111141 1,...11 tor .once ty• i base .me (Cold and:zither fervors nill cheaper 1 .: ii 1 i .' Av.• time in erocral pine, i. lbws the Mace pricer. AV 6111 , ' ~1 . :7-'2 . 112,2 rutin', hie o ;esial, NARBITTCTSPATENT DIRSsf.OT,S, ..; "., i.:, 0& Nth the ''''''..."''' 21 '''''' STEAM HAMMER. , 5,35 ,, ''47 nri e , in. ~n , ,,n , d y t,d , ,t , t hi t , i , e , t , ,,0 1 ,1 :, , . r red i N Tont Hammer ~ -Amo ..P°,:ilr= 4,v,P;1.°„11,t',- - „" 0 - , ~,, ,a,.• awl cry, irrice Ito hlnuageablettew-TheraMenityand Oath or w..., ' ~ ..allik -..' - .I , ' ..,) "1". 1 ` , / bm , May be controlled with the greatest ease, while toe I Den, 'care 24..0u0n• ..10vn , 10 , 1 1 . 0 ~, 1100 . 10‘ . 1 1 , o , ,i t i d bathtner ix in operaGon, and the hammer roar be ni. Moment of that Co ma • et•• Ilona. in 11 m stands arremed. dad suspeakled at any Might bashed more practice and at ell 10t1 0100 e Paw , 01, than Its Untveraaldy, Of 10 21221.112. 2-2,1, 00 .2 0 ~..22 222, 0011 10 the In' or a y Pri•mc procuticilert •in - Linde, from thelargest to the smallest, amt We ...or pl) ..221.fir• Mono ''''', I ' , or"'.''""„f" . `l'f'" 43 ,' l ', e , tr . t. ' hammer. ' tend ant ”l'..f2utory It re - -on ow iceru wan 'whoa Its Simplicity. Conith.the et and Chep :v... ' ..1.,..e , , tad all diceaces sithinv theicirein Ito Accessibility 212111 all sale, Lc the workmen . Or. Drown would inform thocc ath , iron• with 2.111-w.O All the huffiness are made Salf.A. ung. d s eaeve winch litre become citron , ci, Inc in seep, ru The subscribers canton.. to 2,0221•0 orders for i 1 ,. ., ; led by the oar of an) 1 . 1 lit' r^ i : att - t i r"l n ll` ‘ ,..,: n i. , , . hammer.. of all sires, vpon ,table terms • day. that their monpla uth eau . ri d tea y • l'or further partieularc.toniure of oughty cured. he bovine dire , n ...000101 unt 10,, io Al ERRICK A.TowNI:. ~ hr urestrnesit ef eau,. aid nthcennied in 11.12 , 1/ ilainat on of li• ” 10 .... Assignees of Ile Pathet forth, Caned Sthie• • 4 'n't•:•.f . r • ' a I' I '" , 1''' .. " ....1. ' ' ',„ i•,, ,, : devlS - IY etouth , sark Foundry, Pl2ll.ll'a. cof the andier. cud kindthed eh vb• . +.a..t lien , . 1,, DERRY & NICKERSON. inm those caws where whet , bee • rc , ••••4.... , 1 ise a 1 1, 0 ,.......1,..path Ile paineuothls 1112.1• • •• 2222 2.4 112,1 tlanofiteturers of I eft i, tons nod nit•urcre•Mily treated by naives us eon. . . . AWNINGS, BACKING BOTIOIIB, ~,, WM. 21b211 Veer) .i.e.actiori will be v‘'enlherti and - . sVAGON COVERS AND GRAIN Dat.t‘ ,ke , r amps.. trey:vim a enrentl. thorough and Jr2rthr .. .t I manner, pointed oci, ly lony crpct r unice. study ill" .2 , Dr •Lt. DEnCliirreonth , en:ration. waeli lis itnno•iibie .at Ito , ' , Uttar. No. 311.1' South Front 1911vell, 1 general , a n,,,t,•• a. to at,' inq nor rim-- • liack of T.. 4. Wilson's Cabinet Ware Manor!, I d..ease • ' . . PIRII.ADELPIIIN. I D- Ileriut or Barnum-Dr Prawn .. a: , i .11, A LI, orders left with B.S. Aloe*, nt the Dame of 'he 1 Ithis° ll, .ff it '''' l wth 0 .1 001 . t. ' ' th- b .„ h's. as. a ll Slerehrin , o Hotel. Pittsburgh, will he proterity 1 particolsr nuermorcih.• ise r c . , ~., .. attended to. .. TIIUS. G. APART ' Stan Dim•ths; Ala 1 , ,c 019', 0.0 et c. ny nun. • ccpucdtr A. C. NI S KEIL:VaN I 27 . ra7c ' i ' it7•1 caller 222 lic • ng at a dien , TO WATCUNALENEIS acid ash:ALL:at n. I by ..,21.14. their 1i11 , ,2r r 111 writthc,gis.lig MI the preer ci J. LADOM US, .,•„. c .„ moo.. medicines will directions thr uth • I:ll , l' ,, O it i c t i TAito ,, f r lf i ztc ,,,, t i l s 'l . l 7;eh no m , fk , c e r ,. 'sToc, „ t i e, ,, : , :i , d I n n - , : ,, t - it g re : ,, y , t , ng T. 11,."Date 1., 11 D post to I olio en.' ...nay on hand a torte stroiortmertlof Lunen, Palt/11, i labia No 62 11C2.1. OPl . :r.' , Or , W.'. and Plain Olga. Mainsprmgs. Verges. Val., •14 mmi ', Hon , ~.., , Ramie, and *complete aesortinceu or all Tools and 142 ~ ITT No eta.._" "s"' _ _. _ term belonging to the trade; with a three amonntio ; • ” , ......„... m , (,),,,,,, , f r.....p l eyNE,, of to le and Silver Lever, Lepine. and Pmin . 1 Valet.... I il • •••• w''... 1 ., • -1 • ' • ' (w o r k,. oll o nch he will guaranty to sell at the threat New i • ll i• " 1 . f Aril l v - l' l ' 0 '" ..l ''''''"'" ia*lol York p Mit/alert. from the eountry pais, t.,..ti, I to net re anything w Mel, we aid out. lawn pepoaa. :I executed. , vest gamin, obe tai al', io ihe Pohl ., eon , c: 01 ',rill/ N. It.--Olontry Merchanta and whets ath .0 0 ,1 ed 10 3a4aa's inediemea,we have used in Oat faxolv. n call and examine at the Old Nand, No al South Poo. ea net. PliiholclDhir h , i,enri pm •,,ou ire the F.N.PbaftUItANT, th e CAI , • • , nn .5.,..„,; ' All N ATI WE, aint VERMII - t'liti. which we Ithow - - -; br toad for the complinniA ::: r; 1` , .. • 1 . 0. 10 " , • CARRIAGES. wicer or lake On•orio thit pas, cum., when WiLLIAOf OGLE, C04(:11 .f SD •. 0 , .., „ ,„, ~,,„, f 6 v 4 11 , ,••• • ~..r2p22.11• 1 112 22.2 2 .11 12 ....2 . ,...! i"RNESS .,,,u . . -V.4 : F i a '',,„7,..FT ' ,..,_,.. ' '' ' 2 ' New " Volt dmllt. an ' nary du) P. th e ;anemone 00. 00-71- -Ph"f d • - •-' la n --- -- 0 ' '', •, In , • on lime bad. bnu , Ard ..11; ..:oleo , Ili: ".‘lanat:- ' W.t."' ' "T ' ehl4 i ' l "" k" fends i rti : ra :-: nj ,),--..,,,,, Mr B had proci.-dhitan r mad Ric .tie, Wash e Ms tad aill tecT ' ~,,- t . f 4 ..., ' !the .0 , 10 - cl.. ea... 0,, of , az hand and kie de, • handsome vamp, of I 3.,":.‘,fr. n ' r.t,,, ' ,01:.',..,: r .a . .ts nee among five eeni ashimable Carsiage, Wine/neon slybe .4 descriptima , ~,,',, ,i .... „,,,,,fw ~, effeenng a irdedy cure mule to °edited the shortest poseiblentome,.4 teem°. co ' ..ii. p . ..,,...„..,,, m . h o er known need geom.( c J l ° ~ , 7 1 . ..t .....r.a. , .... , ...".........,,a':."l 3 ' i. isibma to friends with equal meters, and we feel ti, - - - . we •thstl do a good *el to famine. [especially thrne . ..,1 oa they cannot have acres , to immedice media •kil oto Mins, th em to teen en hand hottithe Evren - i - - . mat and C.nar,a,tre. Tree harm:arm , s belies rd 1 . eons phys Co 10 110 , :se 1.1.21 recipe to , tli thrown ' Coonsieptlec mply.... than' hos ear, tel bes,, ~,, , pounder! 'Gm rennin th. Or /ay rie t• Pol' ' 11111101..1..1 • regalia, scientific, nul abn. medico: prect:Gorr I. t ''' It,' '''":":: nor '''' ". I 'l - '2 /.1 1 17k ." IC I GI•Ifil. " N ": Ed Inc pi' ll c Palacio. sat. n '.t • 1 l'or nele in PoGripall in the PEVIN 'I FA STf /P • :c r., :c t o ~ near i Pearl. oie t aim." tlic Grit S o et 1 1 1. 5ab, broth , . i•• a li-ehebv et 015 al _ SGIRNCIi VON. FATEN'Ts. • ;Vashingloa, 1.1. C. • 9tENAS C. ROBBINS. Mechanical E.4pactir n LI Agent lor , procuring P.m, sviil prepare P. , i e cesway Drawines and rapers 101 Applicante lot P , I rota, and transact oil other husatese tu ihe hex of .. • thole:awn at toe Patent Office. Ile en. be coneolt I on all queetiona miming 10 OW Putot Laws and de 02114 2 th e tinned :ne', • i sacvari Pe ea-, a dictho, decimuc of rem...... . . oi. i• iy in ob. it . : Pain., thiee,t,r nr to v.,: . . capon fora pate . I .2 2. , forward b.., nate • o •th ~ - ten of Lve Ilona . a clear comment of :It. • th.e.„ .....o liumeasuite ally ; Sion will be a.ven to i and oil the whoa:moo It II , 2131121 he ohlained '..) u - ! :t of the applicad in P ercy„ pmnlptly commuutaard. I All letters ou 2:WI kr 2.....1p,d..tha r an.: I a suitable fee. where a written °p into.: II retied I , Moe on 1 1 cireehrippo•ae the Pstro• Ghee. I Ile has the honor oi is ferrule, by nennim•na up /lon. Edmond Burke; remit seinner of Pathan' I lion 11 I. 1:11.-cortit ',lc 'al do ii.... l II Emance. llhirani•i. Paa-iii oit.,, I Judge el altCll. W 1112.122 DC, • I lion. R Chaste. Ilaenthlathette. I! S Sruale, Gan. sii "Ole, tibio. do. lion. J .B Vourbn. Al C, bliwoor . llon. Willi, Ilall. New Work. non. 13 Seoul , al 1 • 111 . 0,- . 7: Ron. 13 Meese. II el:innate: ' 11.1.111 Relfe, RI C. Missouri. cept. Il Al Shreve. Alicsourn • Emma. Ilroote, Rag , Pitts:mean '11.,1 ; .11torney, Counsellor anti Gencral Anent. IV • pnALL. inform. hie fornote a pd ,h,. poi I • V . lie ihot he ba• conimeneed Oa bairn..., Agent for I ovine and scli kne, ma I 011210 111 11110.11.4 i wdl devote a large [...0n of hi. 1100 and nnenllon the leasing, letting and hiring of houses. east.. and oil en buildings, is entice:lna eed diatthrsuth . cr ciaime and drinnothi, and in aitendingio Agency q ,p, . Ile will moi engage in the Pte,nl 1 1/20 of mans, eontracte, rte.. and will furnish authchl information inVelauen rothepaying nualitie• std r spot...l.Ni. ef truants, An tor a hien hit elienn *ego...mace eminent!) nosiliSeo hid Recast be fon at ki• residence, No /el Allen eirecLunisl 9 1.5 0'212 , ill the morning onal atter 6 o'clock In one evening, s 0 1 other hours att bit office. No an ithalnlieril Cr2ct, a dm r (non owe NEW PORE • FREF:RESICES--Von PA Tathriadge. Gib; John Sean. Ilan John fileßeon. lion Ogden Gagne. / daemon Italsert tlesison, Atd Wni V Brody. 0. 1 Gritha*., Pon. Wm J Knome. Ent _c_ny 1.1.V1.21 MEDICAL. DR. ROSE' S DESERVEDLY CELEBRATED eHRDN't- THERNEL MEDICINES. lONSISTING or his Prophylactic Syrup. a c.,r. ' lam remedy for all CONSONIZI Vl:and Smola loai affection: Cough Syrup, Croup Syrup, C..n. centrated carnet of Sarsaparilla, deet.c.lty superior to all other extracts, haring given relief • when all others have failed, being dos:nigh a no, protege more coocentiated than any other ever offered to th e public. ASTHMATIC F.:LIXIR, having effected permanent cures of that st.ntiborn disease. when of more than 15 years rgtdiug, h,eseeit !anode without a rival in that MUCLldreseed disease. Dr:Rose's LINIMENT, for all cases of weak• miss or pate, and a complete substitute for blisters: Ds- Rose's TONIC MIXTURE, an intallitliu earn for chills and fevers, and- indeed is more r.f a • apecifie for fevers of all kinds than bark or Qui nine. Hose's INCOMPARABLE VERMIFUGE, ~,,e,eknorm, is used in preference to any other Vermikn. r.aratioo, Do. s ANTI-DISPEPTIC, for all t the Stomach and bowels, Ch den tn. fectiorst, exc. , . Too high - a encomium cannot be t r u ed o, n . ti l msl bt of that =si r reanly from ;:f . neat or inouuch of and 31Mesbon. Dr. Rose's FEMALE 11.4.5, a most valuable - remedy for those general complaints to which I. scale. are subject. • • Dr. Rine. TONIC ALTERATI PILL , — No pill ever berate Mitred the public ea tr..polly . eve:thine+ the Toddlee of a valuarde modicine,ss in 'esti-diens:pile, LIVER or Stomachic pill, correr. • tog those diseases, 'and thereby preventing roc munption. A young Lody .15 years or age, blil,y a diseased liver for some time, her strength pro.. waled and appetite gone, WAS COMO/Atli reStorNl SIX Weeks by the ustrot the A nti.dispeptic mt . to re and these pills alone. - Dr.ltose'sCHßANO-THERMEL STRLN(rIII .• • . h7,,,,111NU PLASTER, for weakness oi the back... brchsvt. dca Bo ~Mosel s SPECIFIC Et' I LEP:. , Y,the moat. ter -thin for all ease/ of fits Or GOtmilsionr, ' ,b a ther iyoufants or adults. So certain a specitic • eg it for thin furmidable" disease that lb. moot olt• annals those too of long standing, have. yielded'at ones. Dr. Rose. RHEUM3i.TIC XTURF,- After mat years of diligent magma litivermlimouif . ered,aod never failing opsy p 1... ., egise. ,,, y , above ail other s for the cure or . theastatism. Dr. Rose's ASTRLNGENT CO3. ( POUND , a vvr.vrt rhalvdT. for sPimnt, blood, indeed' r, di.tuitge: load whether frow Loner, bowels or calif: Pans n• the body Dr.. Row's SYRUPfor Cholereand Dowel mall'. I mixture .-This mix wit, effectually care boweletom ltysentery,Cbolemhlorins.,suot Cholera. ;St e L. , tne Assent Cholera' was raging an Philadelphia' t• wa. fame to be theme. micemsfut in ....ming it, 01.1 nine tenths of all thost wha usedn. - 1111 ; iVhat may be said of one of these reined ie. they 1...<1 of alli their val. wail only he ep05...0 , d - . „thous's° try the. Lenersfrom thaw who nave um.. • ' cored of the mriou maladies that affiim the hairpin lady might be given, but we are willing to re, muter on /merits of the compound.. iVe ha , •P enance for rels e, in various form,. cond.-man and be e that its healing power has ...P.m 0 tuttsif.. A ease of Cmicer,oceurring in the wife pf 9,1 late thirvernor of Delaware, arm completely cared sal a month.. The neater bad been twine not oat Ly prolsinent "ZilrgoariS, and ren ewed :self with Pierce ~ aMlignity, yet not.thstandir.• iLe ile tut IL] Of Conn ::+ taco and removal of the soft pans, the one of the y,bylactie completely removed every vestige: or P.- dio eaSa• Case. Snorts:mm.le of the various corn. that 4300.011. are of these remedies are p. one ...Soo, hay it is not deemed nem:wary to mommem mein all:. eta .- seiIOONMAXER, & Co., No hi Wood s!reet • *mote fat Pi tsl&arrh •arad I • • . HI; -11110-Cr—&-IffrO titip &Nis • N.B.Y-A Etleul!ingl. A Miracle : A Wonder!! -To care Eruption. end Disfigurement. of the Shia, • Purples. PrecklmeMbum , Salt Übe...Scam), born Ikeda, - •• Four Lean ago last Aitivet, the capital of From , , istm astonished in conwynctimof a diinovei y made ty on lWwn Chemist.. Many doubmg-it seemed alum. • . •n impossibility ve that anything mada by the banns oi man, could hasueb singular powers 110 , 421 by Antonia. Veopeioi for hi. invention. .51. y. ho and hie invention as a humbug, [and. alex mmiy foolish persona without trying do the same length, after testing it in the hospital., the Medical... cimy of Pans [the best chemism in die e the following reponto Signor Vesprinti . • "Wnhave mow eninutely and carnally naersupsd it, Maples invention of VcoprinL We hasc'enalMcd • mmtponent pans-we have O.ed it in several case.. it , td ',Se hesitate not to pronounce it (the Italian Clem cs! '• Soap's , a great bleming, and a Italy wonderful come dy itir any entaneou. eruption or dafigurement of the Ohio. .llts inventor we eonsidei the tree plidantliropSst • of sneering mankind. (Signed) 4.EDPOLD DUPREY • . President" =ll From the mventor himself to the resent Propnetor. ' la consideration of he ruin of i lt;olW l riv 4 ; toheer nen to Kr. T. /emu. residing in Me city a New York. N. Al the whole process of manufacturing, together widen statement of the ingredminta eousynstog soy Ital. cn, n nEntsciap. He ts to manufacture 0 for .ate in the United Sat. only, and to have lbe preyilette ba• min; itiOeues , Italian Cheancalloap.e W Mem Henry .1: Holdurenh. • (Signed) . ANTONIA VIZWRINI eilenold by W JACKSON, or 1. 4 Paeot NWkine Wombat., SO Liberty. street, head of Wood, at the Men of the nig Boot. The etniy place in Pittsburgh where the GENLINE tat) be obtoloed. All others ore Counterfeit. iiirirc - A - MOrTePirtnte t ,11," paRLLI,A. W'onder and Blessing of the Age!! •rkm Ksm.t iv pat opt quart tiottieseeis tones' doer., pleasanter, and warranted superior to any sold. It eareilwlthout vomiting, purging, sickettleg, or, debilitating the patient. The great beaaty and so pe omit , of Ihid &agape rile - over ale other remedies 05 while eradiutes it inViraito l l the body. it a need rue...copy in the reasereal and permanent cure of oil diseases arietng - trate an anoint nun elf the biood. - or habit of the eye. • .' Lank wit ko linnationie.—th pritsetpled pc own• bn••• *toga.* act Inbelt, and pat op medicine. in Pa ran- ••!, • ped beaks.' bee that eacb tattle bas the wont" , • tweet 0 P Townsend. royale br E SELLERS, Iron: agent (or it 1 asaatp,i Pr ~Weed street, between Tard .1111 P )l ay. m 4 , war.m,tfv,,tryox., - gll - .7 , r<.... 4 . 6„ ' . woodg uses,thee don able, i4kChallea lli Ilirtel,eno . 4 =Pa /It*: VUT I LVIN l( Iwyru per atupn i=e;efto.ratt,ll.,",l4%."ti!.l.fromttram, Allia=lergolAsseriesra rlarderare. lean the -- Cfri If *Ma '7llllfeif Ole icSnW7s.:l".pr. bawl beg terms A ur . feel great toadeure re being u•-••• ,get/401411y le meet tompetitimi hole $lll yostc-i, eih*lket ton er eir.t, • • • • • The Inolirere 4,siliese.svitl ho eau Outwit et the idd .:;;;31M1.1i1?,0115..!„;,.....:2 *" veNETIA.Ir aLtain6. l • rl emole . ..4nd hennnffolY A/coo/Send in thi. bek.r2.—made art A. non •ppnvnt F5.t.V. fox , ' an d .wnl f...0..0bbbb, YAW, pb , ocra. barmao. A THE ROLL. or :105fONI 111.41 D. Oil 1.4 or made warder of all Woes. •o,: at Comore Merekanto and others •re Melton lo rad examine. the above for thenz•c,co, ea e'l be wholesale or retail, and • t.I.LTII dC.4{1.73/011 10.1 orboleoakt pafehuen A V: FA3Ti.II gi TO CONTRACTORS. Sc,l)Rllhfl!tAlY dl received at the (Kee . of I James' RI irer.and Kstnists,rha Catalpa in Richmond, Va., °ant be OA July nest tar the ` of nf Oireo .ione dawn serCno River :he line 01 the 'Company's l7anal and the march of t rt North civic The firm of AAA, will he atoms , A 1441! arra 4SO fret !D.C. amil• waled atanat 4 I{l/{C• re,ove'l.yneldnirg the ...enna o Le al/0111S ft Irgh And rnlio fi Inns. udd siti lanAl mon Aides of Lynchburg], ohyu, ft ldsh and WO ft long. and ctuste about 1 . 1 antes se of f.ynehbu , g The foundstam or thete dam. •r ruck, and the nupeystructurA. will LA 'IAN °I in cod a. high A. Inge waits levet daring Inv preseni I ann. Vlan,ed Aard corks y ley leen. Kind •Ip-ciGt at. otsalned, at the Company', (Met in Ric lawn. o Ihr ful•ActiLAdr OR's nn said line Alrovc Lynchl, °nand stir( the teariuly oral. WeI.TF.R C/WYeiN,Ch.ef Eceiliter Jame. Riven In Kanawlie Co ILehruond,24‘ll3lay,l647. rto,294lisivt.hl INVALTABI;S: T/CITIVY coitiriA pito, - O,IX LECTURES °tithe I iSES of Til E Lux( and Pure of Cricrump Asthma, and lhara,es of the Heart. Oil the L of longevity. and mode et assaying male an reale health. symmetry and iwoutyr'espeiing r a and cure or lerse dem*cs that product 4:4115i,i tine, or shorten Allectione of Jim Skin, Stomach, Bowels, Kidneys, Doer, Sciulnia, I' Goys!, and Fenirle Complaints. Its Nies, c r practical and pure. tarn a guide to pedal he. and long life. V Engraving. 3.24 pig!, 50 PnaOse. raii. Hy SAM UKI, SIIP. I. j FITCH, A. 11., II . U , atilt] It ROAD-W.IV. N YORK. Any penson remitting filly ctuis, free. will're , ono copy, he mail, to any part. The Wile enrol Fa. ID, 1547.411iis NO CUItE NI) 11%11, R. CULLEN'S I Pi DIAN vEi.;E:rA D iteatErw4-w...ted to core, ar the q realised. This medicine is proinrcd from , Sian Receipt, obtained fmin one ol Shemin th West, at great expense. Those who have , familiar with the Indians, know that they tan do ewe Venereal without the knowleilen 01 eau, Balsamor anything of the kind. 'l'h r Dieted have now en opportimiu . 01 *Mm 'the use of Baleen. This medic, lensant to the taste, and learn no Ymnli 0 • breath. • • Prepared by ROWAN!) LLAVAI.ToN, an,l wholesale And retail, by J. T. Etorrond, xri street, Philsas.! I , For sale in Pseirbergb by. R ..Nett. and by Wm Tt,nrn,frt` Matkeij rt • . - Alco - treriit.rt i i.irtifiil piles t . D V ;i j lt " e ' Ltr7 " ;lll Y l. ' H: re ' r; .'" c ‘ o¢s "h" n o l : id n' d u ' l!retera n ifa : tharare, ft nnt coo' trantethattly allay aim and ' 1111 . .... T i. ~.; , raspr all hlced tag, ataaltlea that i roblerahlT WI/. leg; at Ararat stlle elms, In a very:4M' lima pe ani a 1..0 c heel haw:het a Tenderod tataerable far yr/tat tt It" a pileation produtcs no ...ant,.bot tallier an a g 1,,,,,. r b:r.o i pleattllnt 11,111000. It penetalt hale:nl,. wal ; , jtl,, hear of the great another al ewe • that' hire ' heee , 111 . they Will be attoni ,.. .a - n. 4 2,ton:tait of I ,h- ray. ta . i 'tit' 'troll ander tat: kniic,nt no: noire,. 1..i,,,,0r'110c0 aloes without hria2 erred. On. liv e o • itc 2 no - let of Ihn thnltine atlolt, here cra.l.Adly ,1-1 II —,r,"•..,tit, PlEZedrtat!--irho a. rhatatil!Learalle. (2).•V., . '.... In ri,l o .Urgi. • ~, -.o..:rmils,,TEA , Natl.:. V: Poach tern,, poor woad.: ind ' ,il•o,*lbto t.,,,, eof II I' ~ .botatu ' , Okra! Jo( ,d,llegt.CrtY co. j ;7,t J 7rtii -- %:eiI7III . I.OTJF .1 ICC 1.-_,IINO II Th • ,------' IE , ~. • • I' THE SICK - AND -AFFLICTD. . a - ' - '. ... - ,-- - 11.15W.1% TNIVIS ' .ll 0 I • 1 sel 7. - rll3 gOA GREAT - DISCOVERY. , pram s yLrtili, tryikaggd... pc LtAILIWAD T. pat Randy for , , _ , . . ~.. . warn... Coughs,Cal.l.,Aillma.. Bennelaitio. liver • , EXI • R 2 .4.a FAST P&M.I7 , - . • .....,, "'lpl' im • 'P u n Bh"d ' thrik.'4l of 6r"lbin errrr , BUFIG:I TM VIII LADA_., NAI.I moat: 1 . 100 ,n the tede and [lseult, 1 slpdannu of She Ilean,lnfluensa,CrouroßrokenCon.titution. . 'EA;rlu&eslnflis PA wie•wett, - Sore Tamit, Nervous Deb.lity, end elf i clit 1E• rwprettally ittoOnied thatittor Line lirsdawre of ,h,• Throat Wen, and ' I will condimater_rblinitie On 0,0.010 Ille IGIIIIIIItaIit, Luna , ibr nimi effectual and .00. mouton. lloOnlolto tl, 'c.,. The . prarieltota 'pec.:l) cure evoknown for shave now planed a sopenor eta". of Packet.... Rail any of above d Inas. s, Ls DR.SWAYNES ; r...d Ca. int the tome, isom extra ammtemodanon., ,' worth will give grime, isonfort to insole.. COAIPOUNI/ SYRUP OF WILD I/DERRY 1 A p ac k, um, sm. ~rs ail. be in pool nod Me t 4 1 A:online AWING IA tlrtiAse . 1 -Ural ai aft ...Dm- I ~..o s paid, orr r e goemil to .11 and a.lainiur t eta, burnt the Triidedui cure perionnt,El by I bo=tor ' i .r. vous to engsgma ;moose el.ewbete. , 'wayne's Compound St sop of WILD CII En It Y: . . , 'TARE ONI'V NINE DOLLARS' . , ,it/H(y,,,,,,,,,,,, January 23, ino . I One or the Pocket* will lean! the landing.toppislte Sin Dr. Swayne—Dea, 0 . ; I n j og s",,,, to ..,„, „,,00 and' ttr Coiled lover 11.0.) corner Pena mrset and the Croat. 'very mans at a o'clock. I duly 1 ewe to sidlertng hornanity, 1 cheerfully ' TI:11 11 31 DANS kite my leatinnony, one declare In • Dm world the - ' ; r ,,, ~,,..,...,. gpo ", , . al , 0 „ oftk . g, mo „,, g o g i„ mud astonishing effect., and Doe great cure your; items.. %Valet Itrert. Of to D LEFAIII &Co 170Mponed Syrup of Wild Carry performed On ow, 1 limb Id con Penn Suet t and Canal Ceder tne MOD unfavorable I was . IIikr.STSCRSiTILANS-PCIELT/1;•P101(C0• itken with a violent Cough, Spitting 01 Blond. gr. I _ ' ere Yams in Um Sole and Llrcot, a loch s eethed ...--.-m.„,„„,_ , w o bleak fIWII alid enfeeble MY constitottan,• . mat slErzi 1,34 i• . gan y phyaicinp,lhought my ease lawlitie the limner all U. 1,17.1CC11 & CO'S. " rnememe, th - d my mends all give tno tip to lie; Lint thaoki to you arid the etleets 01 your rent disrobe 1 oLD LIST Atildri:llD Tii iN..-PORT'AI lON LINE, rY ' I now 4'l "' "„ c"" ' "'" """" 'i." I'm ' PIIII i 1)1:1 l' ' l : l l l . A "' V . :Tritf; r ig ` ll! ` ,; ' 4 , PORK. mere ikeleton t... Ilcahy'and healthy a roan as I 1 ' . " , • • ' ' hive been for years, and %ball be pleased to giim any' daily T! , !.,-„., ,,, ,,T, - .,-L , ,, , L„ ,. .-4-,„-, , ,.: ,- ,, , „-°„..:„..:..; in/urination lc...peering my rose, 11 calling at my „,,,,, 0 ,, ~, so m ord. r eis ....bierd;er ' . ' a,e preen. residenec.Alecliante alreet third door bolow,George I ~.d m ( 4 ,4 1 4 ~,g, quavitily or alereliandlte and street. iNorthern Liberty... J Aeon PAINTrit. Ptral.„..., 000 art nod tnapao2n. TralitnOrny is MAO mewed front all //11LtrierS 0/ 1 Pindore OF A. redo:M., . u,....g0e , 1 In any 01 one ten t t h e Gl o b e. , &raw... Io non nolocl 0, of 001 ['Large ILO Cooono } The folio. iog letter. are presents,' with a stew ! . 11,1t ' .1..X... " 0.....m.n0t 0011 all .11•If•ICOO,PF.F.0 , ) , of mote fully showing the opiumna of l'lrrrocinio to , ...ended in ...datum to the Alrilleal value of Dr. SW ACNE :, : Ike 'mom-. or M. I. i• rod oeted . ~" 0 1 CONIPOUN 00) RI I' OF WILD f likilill I . suolmint rm., moo .i. 1.• Attire.,, et apply to Dr. Swarm—Dear 'mt . : 11.1‘1117, used your COM. . il 1.1:rell ACo Ponwirmw. Canal Hood. Pittehorgit nod Syrup or Wild (Merry • stensisety in mi 113111115 A LEE.III ; Proprietor., pructlce, I oat retioestrol by yoor Agent, liort.o dir. lb :mud. 'Ph id ore. Philadelphia Id.tcher, to caprem nit °potion In writing n 1 11. JWS TAYLon & tiONS. Actor'. propertien as a remedial ngnnt, I nowt dlieerlolly Nn I DI South I lownid street, Ilaitimore comply, as I feel by an doing 1 will diecharge a I w II WILsON. Agent; debt I owe the community al Liege, and Phymcians ' . "o 0' No 7 West ittect.Neur York _ - - in particular. As much as 1 detirm quack Reines DITTSUOII.OIII PORTABLE B. LINE. die+ and P.dent Nostrum., I was induced from lama 1847. &MEM 2 tailitre or the mod potent capectoonts. r: corn lii our miterta sitetht a in mate cone. of 1 121111 th. iratt.portarmil of I re gh. between Pitt.hursh Dorered Lunn, to try your preparation ol P.unto , mot me Adonis' Cm,, avoion g transhipments on Virgin ia or Witt there). Ills se IfieiCat 111”)11141 ' , IFF. WKS atOF IF,. COlVorqUeot r.... of delay, Maage, , ' 1 oar so much (dewed with the result or that and ; ''''" u " , ' : "" ''''''''''''A'7,.% ''''''' ."'Pn'id owl.. alai ' oow owwerthe It In Mier' p.Oßllitflalki A CA 511 en. to all other Ilennilina where an expectorant II No d7o Durkin OW, 1 . 1,112d0/1111.* indicated. In the 'much dremed Pneumonia or TAAFFE a "'CONNOR Mina.: of the Loup, In the alarming loran in which; - IC4" l'ellit Mot %l F••FF F .,,,, p,,,,,,,,,,,0 ' it wilco. in Emilia), 1 rcesid it as an iovaluable 1 OVO • NOII A. Co, North woe, Ilationore {'Agents Remody In the treatment ol that does.. 'Po all 1 7 ,, A . , 1 u T T:' , Prcorr.,l.t4l:::::-:; . ,L , 00 ,,,,,„.,, soho know me I hare said enough, hut as Dm may ! ~,,,;,' , ,,11.1' „ ; .j ). .:T, : 0 7k .„,i es i am i e d 0, 0 ,, a,raoge. I Ile mon by persons nut ol : the Winn, o/ FralikrOrl. 01,111, .1•1•114110 10 111101, mill ore mw pteplaresi la Fla i I VVIII brielir add, that I have been er gaged in an I „.. , ~ „,,,h „ 5 „,,,,,,, „„, ~,,,„,, ~,,„,,., 0 I active pract;ce ol any 1.1 Id )t ar., ilkd sot by all, Darr Inn- 'lir, long al vorvance as cone, 1 A Regular Graduate 01 Tramylvanl2, and Il e s .s the r they a1p.11 , 0 st.pronrs.) of the PoDalde Pout sly eicm, ' ' first. Patent Aledmine I ever thoodhl enough od . and Me Itriod an d mid " m .he ' , so J ' " Noon, at each end or the line or!,arly calrola• I expo." . opinion to writing. . red to enable the proprietors to .011.1 thew mengstneim i d. 11. liLlsoa Al 0 ; ' ' , trot a. notonalato I belf cuswuneo.--couGdmitlyorrertm ' .1 tatury ith, 1317 41 ' 1. 1 , 11 ,111111 'no.” • 0 1 die 114!..1•11.• a Kostatity for We future, they respectfully P lila 0 Yon T, Ey ,lan k ') ;te e Ill!`. I /o:en a c onntaanee of that patrona&rwhmh ilif•Y now j . The .Sore rerllfinalC 0 1 , 41111 One VI nor fool. ailnotol, ac:noleledge. 4 1 mans lolog : a few miles from hero, be is doing g ier) , All consdrunimm to range A. 011onnor will be reed d i gay praelace. and Is comiderwd 2 goad Plowman, •.1 !.,ward,.. chows paid is. DM.. ' and stands late, he is, ohe son. a regulargr.idu ate. ; g L , t",r'''''''''''" l ' ; '" : """ ( ''''' : '' '''''''' m. '''' nil oe Annuli! laving `' no overeat rani)'or Da. il . . L. INWTritAtt , . todoesmy liialeandrants, the loterett or the COMO (mar, DruFg..l en-I 4pntheear) ' ~.. neremunly im thro pranaty 010001 In onpiong . 1 Tutintoniais wail neon . came. , w,.. nod they pledge torm.erre. to Mtwara all m.o. v s ,,,,, ; tg a r,„,,,.., 00 , 0 pl e d ge; ; tonaigned to them promptly and on me mini advs.. Non that Winter II upon us with to attendan ; P : ',l" ‘ ",. o 'ir . ".",,V he `'''" c" : I; tram of Polmonte and Pronelml allecuons l'oughs -d mare ; colds, eLe 50.110 would yd,,,, i. 4 . 4, ifi,c,, I ~, i INUMPENDENT_POILTAULE , ) this way to make imme . dial&loal of Dr. Sa aynt a , BOAT LINE. II Coo/pound Syrup of 11 ild (Amoy. It soil newer , .... _ 184" i * leil ' "*WaIA .... Il ' 7ll ' l'.l. . l' . ' "i thll7l ": lll7n e.:. n . 7 : 1 C ." 1" . r 4 ; . 1 1ii h r .. ”Z• P :' :U i'c '7 ' ' lFull ni NSPOIt rATION OF PRODUCE tots put Roth under its name; but the preparation I •N 1) Ath:Rpil A Plnit.: . TO AN I/ PROAI PI CT.S -: of Dr. Sway., besides being the nrst over alteredllo 11G11. PIIII,ADELI lIIA AND ItALTI/1010. 1117 - Without Trato,ll.rlnonLZl) • unont, nom , hot can be relod on ' : i 'Pli 'l e 'e geil:e ' r k iii i i a llurt . Auld :or Wild i'rserri S. . ' """"'" """''S"" ''''''':"."' will ''" foos:"'''" "'"''' • ."•'' ' out dela). at nor IoW,O aat rritt rates. liar ot Ladms ' t 1111 - aanis, & e . are all spurtou. mid 1.'41.111105, ..n.i , ~,,„,,,g g, ,. ,„, ," ~,,,,,,,,,,,, 0 ,,,,,,,,, g ,, , ,, , , , o, ' II . contain once ol the striae. 10 the original incr..", 0 „ „.,,,,,, ~ , gO .„ r y s ,,,. ,„, . 00 . 0 ,... 0 , „,,,,„,„,, :1' " lino, Or, Swayneht Compound Syrup 01 W.ld &dm..., or am.) to ti A iln AN td1:11' &co r: ' Chem. can,' un.m, ifill.hurgh FRomthe Springfield Espren. i W , e. thousands or porporiert curative mni ato/t I now before the public, but reay kw are bound to posse. the healing virtues Inc who'll they are on is. cononendwil. Am; the latter we are pleated ur • ; learn none stand a [inner test than It., ,wayne's ; ; Compound Syrup le Wad t he.ty. Thn aldicted I in this vicinity are beginninvo use .t, and SO their ,gut they And in Its use their hil7es weed upoiriits r ; retool...gluons mere than leaked. l'lir I need nut despair. While :here is hie. were navy t . ; hope . Stnce the intruduet on or my article in the t g h r iT n eri , ll . l n . Wild Cherty, mime areenlied -13sIsp nmMuuu ..hint,yans'eritliCiloterr: end earn hymn ul Wild Cherry. Imt mine is the original lily genuine premo.itinn tee r era In the I . in he The only esieg Noy, irit. r• toy oi 0.: rii UK. H. SWAVNE. • Prepared only hr Dr. IL SWI !Mt, at ba Pneci • d ' pal Office. corner al Elam. and Rage Streews, ' e . Petladelphta. All Mkt Cherrypreparations beteg ficitiotts and ceunterfeit teithour hut signature, r• Far sale in Pattsburge wholesale •ral retail hr d IVhl. THORN, 53 Market .acct, ' OGDEN & SNOWDEN. corner 2nd Je Wood ,t'' tam L., sold aka h. J Altlll,l. ••111,,,,.1:, • It, Caron & Co ' . Butler; Weaver Headers-,n, Mer. n•• err; Neritian Calendar. 1110.1dt - 01e; J H Burton & sr ' Co.. Erie's elliensie EasAell, Cleveland ; Dem 1 ..1 A 50,,, Coe:rebus. Miller. Broarossrlia; M e nd, Whechng, V 4 •, K B Harraan.Carcinesti, Oleo; Dr Lo E Fastorty & Ca., St. Lours; J S Morns & Co.. Lawassrlle. t l ; Andrew Oliver & t'o., New Or. leans. 4 a r. 3 STANTON'S EXTERNAL. Ili:ilk:En HUNT'S LINIMENT, lin now universally acknowledged to he the I N FALLIBLE lIBIEBY run Rheumatism. Sp nel Affections, Coritractions of the Muscle., Sore Throat aid Quint). Isrues,Old Ulcers. rains in the Bark and ('heat, Ague in the Breast and Fare Tooth Ache, Sprains, Bruises, Salt Rheum, Burns, t 'roan, Frosted Feetand all Nervous thwart.. The TIC 11/ l'llAN'l' SUCCESS ha. at• tended the aptilication of (hi. must WO:LIM:RP U L MEDICINE:in curing the molt severe cases ed the different I tier-es above named.—and the 1111.11 ii:NCOMILNIS that have been bestowed upon it, wherever tt Ma been introduced, gives Me the rigid to 'call nn the A ITLIC ('EI) to resort at once to the ONLY BENIEI/1"111AT CAN BE It EL lEO ON. n - Tbe tenuity unite in rem/unending the rein li:sienna Reiliedy. Hunt'. LIGIIIICIII.. • • The InllnerTg letter from ttio loghly canner t l'hystmatts *lle have been attached to the.Sleent Pleavant Slate Pnaon for many year., ts the bent Mence of the rah. of this celebrated Ls:unmet. Stan Stan , December :SOM.', My Itear str—l re-caved your note of yesterday, nalttng nay mitten in 'Maim to Hunt'. Liniment, all prepared by Mr I,Yettige Stanton. Knowing it. comprwition, and haring trequentlr aced it. I GO "commend M to you as 6 safe Katernal Items 4y, and in my opinion, the beet Liniment nn In use. Very truly.and raYpectfully moth., A K I'ICWFMAN Col Pierre Van r;tortlandt, Croton Manor. I fully concur to the above ofoniurc W A Bk.LCIIKI: Yolcrows, Jan 11. 104.1 bir—ln reply h. yolir leiter, I ',mid thin I have used your Esternal Remedy, ralleci Liniment. in my practice niece you made Inc ar quainted tvith coropinotton. and u.dicaitatinuly say that I believe it to be the heat Italornal llrma dy now in use lor the complaint. for which you rep 'Commend a. Yours re•peetluily, Oeo E Stanton. Esq. ry . &sang the nia-a ol worthies:: article, ad übuga that are poured forth at this prevent day upon the country, it is really ref...lag to hial something or real practical utility, iiiddettisng ple.i.tppedy and ellectual in its operation, and the samp,time tree from those tworions which generally attend powerful muscat.. ' Liniment. prepared by tiro I: Maeton, of Sing, though it has been Inn a 01..1 time bet .re the public, fru already obtained the rs cs fid en ne,..s only 01 our must wealthy and Indi. 'but our moat eminent phygictans. All ark 015.1. edge it to be a aoyereign balm fur ni of the ,is that flesh is heir In, catftlan; the aching by nil ger..on atuutbating 'Miura, hnntallng erste from the plat. Mr. clog your ...autumn:ant oh Ilunt'e Liniment, I wee induced r.. ry its ellt eta ou my sou, who had been cnppltd with .1 I. back from an infants roil it is wall gratituda I testimony to Its wontlettul healing propertms, -I y child, who to now lire yearattl sgn, .•00sti in 01 way of rerovery, , Vara, &r DEM MON C I'OIT Optic ,TUVYM.C•, Catalan Coi I cent fy that I am peranalli acriyainta d the shore named child, and dial the lather ~.,.d be sale m all au am hos son is almost well. • JAS 5V OVEMArk. Nov 5. 11115. Ihiputi Post Maids • •n. wiudit also sidle that I iiave hues • a oundicr of years atilkvet Iq Imq.mut ult.:lts tit :.e Rheumatism. whit n is may' Inskaas ;mm. -.4 my attending to my_ imainets, to„ii IltruP cations .11 the Llniniont insatiably rsinosn faille. in the kind. In car. al sm... end sotes. ton 41./InCru. tun ent..., it hes vielnity proved a certain /worth tia sable • only Ira eattinqrst by Ilona who h span it n .11 Vla 1. Thal ..ittnent is !nisi at 23 and w` renSe per tie, by ail the Principal Druggist. and Aterrl. at. ,througliant the country. Wholesale divas in , M ci r,ork. • 110.1DIA: V, I'll ELYN di I 0.,1 'Wet. RUSHTON & Co. Ill! s 1 If & D SAND:‘, roar, Fulton and Wills on lid Willimn eaten Order. addiriveit lo me at Sick biag, N V. wl.. ho manacled to. I t:1.111(; II I: ,TAATON Fropricar For ante in Pittsburgh by I. WI I.' j j , sod j gum& co. Allegiinny city, vaiiri SAlRit.lll* smrrti. sal' YUU PUtillst.4.lllll,lo l / 1 1 11: Off Oliod with t aoil Lititelivo I,cl you ale ear ene. et give Lill (rap tuna nabs of We great Italian Chemical reap, whschWauill 'Wisely toe t. ma you from lions, d ke year yellow akin Hear and healthy. On at mire to.lackarnib. /bore, 11,,hay riusiliorgh, ad gel a cake ;t1 II iselteem's lathe only plane in Ylilaborgli Ushers. the fittNUlNltis lobe obtained. Mania of lkninte a. fait& , E the pig licoof elan& in the dooiway. Lisdirs. ostoolslisd, lVhert 10 , 1 know list you ars postnissd A natural, snowy while. 'That yes will still use common chilli:, And look • At:middy yellow rt. The thews Of Istsgittss nod If no would use s bon or ONIIII would 1 6. 1 00. skin se slitistssi yet Itsissal whits, and la the oasnu linrovti It Aultl dal JACKSSN'S, S 9 I.lbsny st, hers. Sins'''s pet tor. _ _ iruvoir 7.ry taw and ennanuni.ourt wan-noo, to rcce/ve (in additontll,l,l.c for .11..p0,r0., n larNe .nuodot of Produvr, Sc . on I.toratr!. , low raw% 111,1.1 t' IfrAn.ui.ll:& co_ rt6awoirrit COTS LINE. 1110 Ltauipnval.on of %%. 1:• 1-111,11:11 . 1 . h.q.:vett) Ulau•svale,Johns tuw..lloliata,.......,l., Watt, Suet ~L Sue, P 0 etrrabor and naer, One Ito, o•ni i 1..1 .g warrlnatisc of al .‘ Nieltoulty ..r. te Inept Sunday...l nal •It•i... ritend having the, Roans fo - Wi11 4 1.11 anal 13. f ta, a 'n' • Low was. 10111 S• :as the ..peroal aernottainlatn sa•al the proptonort eta& 4 SS , nal .hare lattroa r a,t Prora•Lort. lal .1011SMI1.1.1.1( .N•I II yt K4,isrlicr I( II , ANAN g Agttll) , C A )IcANCI.'I") l'auburgh ItErEItY.MCF.M. J J, Juba l'arker, Hobert Muoic, it stivilo.l . ..bingl!. .16 LAKE ERIE AND nio tn utivi X 47• gamiwyßi ranrora Irrvraberr tkiaverrand l'rd• Wad rrrunactinanartb C aectrbr Lida or SWAM:K.{ l'roi,ire• and Ilcuala ea Ore lake, Will prritarvd urn ther•nrrirear e r e, ma NaelKarron ro carry Fre...aril and I . .rarranacti to rannia on the Myer. Canal and Laken ri n ernaavers'rnerlrik rile eon reyrng V i e iregbt and par. 'wag , . With rrearrianey• and danratr, pernin rotor rrr , regraersarry rota, ((pa their friend, and b. prtsrla rra,ranyparrntragr. e rtEf:D. .e. Pa - Terrine • •. • IN A CA11:111.1' l'alsb'ge ao t „. A10n0t,%4 gpl.ete Se 'To Whveler,Crilek ' er, A. Co. Ne, or, • , nay., iILIGIO N Park*/ Cu. Clev , i, nA lei A Arrahlrollga. 01, Vetrn.: MeChare & %Vilimany. hroner.llurpgo Wol Power. l'ower,kowil. Pence c:ro lichelon) re, EVWll.l..(zh. Jam &le &Mat, II ut..qon r,410 Wlek & Aekrf ~ ,r eeoedi", An Cmig & Fr:unpin°, , lark:Vtlle. An iley• A floral., e Mtgs. .`brno. , ' CV ConwochAtn New (:e.ofe, 4143 'murs TO THE EAST BY MONONGAHELA ROUTE, VIA BROWNSVILLE & CUAIBERLAND. 'ph F: undertiched are no , l/ prepared to fed ward pm. 1 duce, &c., to the Eautern Markets duet tt the en• 11- I iv; Wutter. on the moat favorable t!I 111., by t,o, e xp. , dtootte mute. All ptoperty eop.tanedto 01. be forwarded ait tnc lowest rate, and withdespatch. !lest handtac reeeored thta mute promptly for warded. J C BIDWELL. . l'ot,hatan. It IV CASS. llrownsedle nout.l7 F. EI:EATON & fn Cun,t.ertund , AND 1847 rucLiAscr. PORTABLE BOAT LINE. 11846 ariglifill• 1847. galigßlE n 311 , .....,,anr.t. 11...- TA KEN l'IVNIWIlt:t1 AND THK EASTERN CITIt g, gnuovr TRAIIIIII I , IIE improved method of carryitig used Its Otis long 1 liismbitshed Line, is now Pb well natio that dn. ct vit onoscessary. Caul/safe not touched on the r 'Cur s oit.naliipu,snt °reitra bdudling is saved Untoalr of Vett draught and perform the.r ulna .11 1 . 11.01•11. ict•evel. day, • T. capacity of our Warehouses enal.lei a. m gm. atly enniogiinicots made tous. adsancrit i.e. of. charge.. orroarcd In make talcs of Prmloee, tar r.per. •mll7 sols.n ro.liinwail• of ...Ism Floor, tiscon. Lard honer. Ott esc, Feather, und tinier articles for sole, on artiddi leers. nAraore• will made and Oz.r uwul f:.rilllir. agordrlL pledging our. •,1 1.1 any ridr.lrd io shall 1., a• platoon, r ardord .1 fad tart.. 1,, 01.1 Ihcr landie 2 NIL alr F ADDEN ea Cdoal 11.1/11, Pittsburgh /AS fit 11, , ,V1S it Ib dld and 111. arket •t. rhdada J. S. DICKEY. FORWARDING 4 CO:113118810: 1 1 East Ilerfrrr Point . and Ilridgetrulen ![o7s* cotrtr, PA., Veo.lfielOr tild Agri° ta•eitnallicto r • isaTaii;al2 imaiming: • LA?le. NIUE /OW .. V n."ela,,tut VCreilttClll.l MUD IIIt•VtIL, ~...pre, p , u r r eal n v et , urttret op , us i l , t , i:g w or b ex t u . l rY In utrurfLJe ' , ' ;ur Cuteep.on. Cl.u mad Canal., U./ all p.,,rtu an Luke F:rir uppeeLake.aualeototarwArd prgolure, Priiteu. Improve 111 .1. A ppi, to or rehlrets 1..141,1 /AS 1::CIWV. Ilen•er •PITIIIBURGII d CLEVII,AND LINE. 1846. II Clary, II limp* T h am./ aco gLARKE & CO.; Forwarding h Gommlhulon o[ercltanta, • la:AI/CIL rig. friit . : and 1'(011,11.0010 iil , 4 Lair J. (moor. .171 y &town to the polthoh win he preportot un oarlteat oPrtotter nr totont Ita.gattort to I, otve prop arty at l'atotturAtt and Itesorrr, and thr •totto any point on the Ohio canals, tool altto cot Loh., Cr.o and attelt.aats, the griAteet aropatrh end to A 94.. ona.tle rr m . proprtetora nr IA,O Arlo roltrti lilligllll,6 1 , 1 their tomer outtlptners Walt conlitlcnt v., nowinor 0101 thetr Atetlittr aro aerorol 11111011, Apply or Atltlf rot. , Ii AI IlAwrim, Arr. Pttivi.oratt CLARKE & Co, (Leaver lan2n . ppp TO TUN PVUILIC. n...mr11 . 8 Notables hoar I'ompany Iwo, dot. tintuouny upain I,llllnln am., to ro. purtnerahtp mole, Iltr 11.1111 of thn .i 4.11111011.4 10111 Itkewo. mgrertl e, 'Or ton Fuld, 10 1.11 V• onflibtr Of limit. for the inirptagd ofqarty , og stunts Ilnnu[ll,i, foon ma in ell. eeflrillly—Goht It el 1111. 01//111.1/ by ihr I il.r,ntltv of is. y rev'. 14111,11- ur, to 01010 1111111" 1111•t1/(13111.1111,101 1/1. 11.11( }CU,. Wr would thrrylorn reg.:W.lly •nheit • rOlllOO/. 1101, of Our Romer patorna,ntul ruler nllnr w rolt9Futlrl. to Woo ren burn Jour billorto for. 1847.aamdEll 110ATMANO1' LirfiG, ralll , 1M1N1101121.1111 Of ,1.1. 1,111. nr Al,lll $1.1,111k, TO AIM 10111111 PlOl./....nnit,1181 , 21m5ep ,, , N.W AANVPI, WieIIITNIAN .51m111011C 4 / 1 .1 1.111•1 0 11,411 A 11. ORIII/AIIT it Cu, ;7111M011altr, 1, 1.11114011.111101. !!1.111!11,.1)1!ii, etl!loHrO rl tri A IN, Illill.lllSNel'.n PITI'MMIIIIOII—Jos Atr4'ully, Oro, hingnn A Ca' w m,,,Joily k I s o. II A MA,nM.nfA ea, M Ath A .to 1.1111,A lIIMXIM A - j 0„,,,„,, Melfimloo.lA AI , 000 p A, ~ A Mon. J NJ SW YORK —fh Mo l r oolool 'oo , Pf riv I:0 d lA A. o. M C 430101N:4AV elool!.„W IV rroilm, I.I.P r AnAIVT, V A A Mholou, fiA1411V11,1,1:-4 , mnrelmodlor room Novo Vnil. owl thaw,. l ono;gortiltO A fimhOO A 01, 1 olfornri.d/rno of 001111A1141,11.. I • 1.1011011 & (1 1 / 9 11 , • p..j<s, Nippon I. Nlfflailoli.4l., Vitool liVlll now Mom . 1 10 .11/111fil 111 ,• b... v 4, ..1.141., !loote r low* ha . l}4, jigoolly. 40 , /toot Otwlstfil IMMO% On lltotttloO, MVO, to, Al. Mk 0 . 4..1 *lll 01.01.Phf `ff 14114 , o of flo+ rooOlMiooliO or. loofa. IS l , I , •a•II ti 4,1 VIII V.llll el owl 14,0 t tRAIMORTATION - LM nisouldia aOII2IOKU rACKYT FOR ttal3:2l . . 17 a ,rov BE .1. le Ar,lif Vllatvientnee- CapLCleuvlrs Ilonpo. coannentee In f agoiaeir,e6 me 'any. leaving burgh an 4 Dena., Weiland, r ‘4.,1 earincelingwdb riti,•lnltalt and d Ciev eyand. Li enn ne Ann I'dil .1114w...dada Clevel.nd. ; Waver, W a:lnv - eland Line of Canal. Parke.: eilairc ammie. didly 111 Warren and Clewed... Canal heel...llnm. at Nev., Castle end Greenville. l'a ; Erie trll,ol. 1.. o Ia .11nadville AIM Erie. Neil. /.I , orr a. We Lone. Id 'mar Coaches for Cleveland sun 1V142111“. Ica, c Mo ver elnilv on then itiral of attain.. er I.ialiu , gh Arid, ' ll :11 11ARTON & Ca. l'inelinekb aid 4 , CLARK% & Co. 11e.vct . GMtM -ii.'. jaki&J ' I IMi WI Tug KKK KK nkrwEEN PITTrtUVItGiI AND CL-VELA E N PARKS A. Co, Cleveland, 0. PAUKS, !Soave., Pa. Pion , aaor• W MATIIIOI, Pittsburgh, Pa ) . 1 -11 K .t,ove 1.10 ...paw fully Tart:Pad to tt Yll.llOO Height and Parsengers from Pittsburgh mid Clue land, to any point on the Pennsy liana &Moo and 1,11,0 Canal.. , The feritala of ruid,Litte ore nut equalled by anit outaid (t, ....okra and caottetty pi Boats. expe• ritatee Caplan's. and of A 6r... hit. One Bora leave , Pat burgh and Cleveland a mita . run• Ping in connection with the Dreamers. hlichigutt and Lathe P.rte, Intlaveen Pattotoreb and !leaver, wad 2 lane of fin eta.. taintia , nata, i -1 10, Brigs and Iteltoonet•, on Lat.". Frat, tioron, elate. and Ontario Proprrlt forwarded to any part of the Union with dcspatoh C I% PAN kr; A li, Cleveland, Apt lIF.CD. PA Mitt Se Co. !trawl, AV• T MATIII:It. Pittsburgh, Aft , wet • t'or Water and Vfnittifield street. SUDIPIKO .I.I3.ItANGEPIEINTS. m ai 1 847.- MONONGAHELA ROUTE, BwwNSVILLE AND CLIMUERLAND TO BAI TIMORE AND PHILADELPHIA. Tunehuoure . • , ht hours. Tine to Philadelphia [Only 71 bitten :gaging.) MOP. eplentlld and lilt running ateanoraConaul, kleLatte and L . 40110 1, 1, base commenced making double daily trips. One boat will leave the hlnnonga• !tele wharl every morning , pocwily et Bo'clock. Powengers by the morntn lne will outer In Unlit mow st eveotng In Um fur the Philadelphia kiwi Rom, or RRail Road sm.. The eventng Rost will leave the wharf dolly at 4 o'clock, except etunnaya.Powengen by Mir boat will lodge 011 booed. afi cotntable state rooms; leave lirownsville next morninglet R o'clock; rm. toe 010001111111 in day light; ma' and lodgein Cum. Outland. .Thus next, ntaht oavel utingethec. the prep•mtions on lisle tome arc amptc,nod the yo.tneCtalo complete; so that dmappointments or delays will Or on known upon it. Paamocers eat, onp on Me mute and resume. their woo again at Wooer, arid have choice of Rail Road or Steamboat between Paltimote end Philadelphia , Poaches auricled to ponies to travel as then destres Scota Now tickela at the office,:ilonottgabela Roo, or St e Charter Hoot. I SIERKIMICN fettle . TO CLEVEI.AAD vla:iminiuum. 1847. MOM/ TIIROLIGII DAUS:I.O Boat. slwaliutv nod Teirmph leave Bee /sr r ilotly, r ;she r the arrival of Ilse morning lkos , !rout ao-lorrive at Wrtrr, •rt woe lug the lful lone Ot :stages, which 'often Iloinsdt• thosealler. and arrive at Ciovelatid 3 o'cloek. r Tlos route is the must expepioul and eortifortahle Ono to the L.alte. COTF-sikIsEFFINGIVELL. Warren. Prortr's I'ARAS k Co„Brover.A.gotos JOBN A CAlalllE':.eortolr Wales auslahnithfielJ opal) . Opposltelhe Slrtnortraheta I louse Pittsburgh PITTSDURGII AND,OREENVILLE jowl 1847. AND FREIGIIT I.IN rill: , Line ealt...ohlog frrt(lot and Pa, rt.. will tut, rehularty thor,g the hem_stozo be oh Craver and Corenville, Pa.. 1,0 trellot sad p Fenger o. between the tyro po. ntoovill be ear rival prom'. and at the loorrod rev,. WICK It ARCH Greenvillr, Ast. CHM.: & FRASIPTON,CIhoI,viIIe, do AlrFw BLAND Brood, oh 11A & P1.U5111. Sharpoltuht It. it. W C MALAN. 1.0.100, rtentracesatm IC PA &CA, WA..., .1n: 11 , 1 IN A CAIN Watt, mud snvillarld .r 6:f the Alunonguhe.• . Pi.burgh CITIZENS PORTABLE BOAT LINE. nig= 18 - 4 I. 011 tilt 1.1113rORT•TIOAI Or ALI KINDS Or AIt.:IICIfANDISP.To AND Philadelphia Bellies.... Neer York and Wilding. 1%11 :g:meltl sl line ho. re te vetamer , .. m,..a.,dbepp.e. tors to increase the stock lot adding r number 01 flint rims boat.; and instead nf giving receipts at hereto fore as agents, we will tire our ow,. receipt, Inc height slim:and '1 this lie. 'the boa, a.O conneininci f eight • Luken the whale dishance without transionincol. thereby preventing damage from frequent handling on the route, and as each hoot is ..wned by the Captain who rune them, which Is a 311flielellt guar antee that there w I ha no delay on the route. A.I Produce Alerdhandive consigned to the undersidr.evi I be forwarded FM*: OF COM MISSION, cad vancing and forwarding, and n lI .nipped withiiiit thei itt /CM teritertfully voileit a share of "stic. path WALLIAGRIRD & Co. ritual Baum, Pittsburgh CRAIG. Ith:LLAS & Co . Agi Brosd Street. Philadelphia. MILLEtt, Agent Bossluy's Wharf, Baltimore. Pittsburgh, heb.p. 1047. 1S1(i AND MIMgEtR TO TIIE EAST BY BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD. suhser,ben wdl receipt for the delorery of Pro. 1 duce to iialtimute by the Alonnusahria :flue': water at the lei low, nig prices.— A,llOl. Baron, Lead, Lad, Pork, Tallow, Whostry. Cheese, and filass-144 ets per laa lb.. . Tobar-re.llemp, Flai.and Wheat-9I rts per I tat lbs. !lobes. (Poll Apple,. Cheese. Flan Seed. than, and feather-106 ru per MUM. Oils, Skins Seeds. Weal-110 et. per top 11.. ,•wak. Feathers, Furs, liut•eug, nd `make —llO et. per lUa All pn.prrty o'oorgural In ,Ihrt Or imiler•igortl woll tt, Mllll it., of li.rsmat..., r r tr , . • 1.14 I 1:1-111.1i.111towikoralp IIArINIA h. WATERMAN. l'ilvdourch . _ . . rtimmt nitts and now,. w. 0..% niall.. ,hav Fan littek i'lptilk, &C.. 1.1014h1 to th , e, plaen tram Sirobenvdie and 11110(11.4.1111I Innohng., ran mak. , minenoent, by rallio• ..” .1, 10. r Lave • Oval ounnuti repalarly lo•intern I . ..thug h nod "Meiunvnvilin , GEO. U. MILTHNIII:ItIi KU. ==lo2= 13113331 . . . ... 'NI t: 5i,..b00l II A R ON .1 .iced mii 4E4 i nod rrhlnd in hanilauntr atyln unit iihw nt the Monunauhetn whorl A , •h I• improved .he w aryl I ailaia ril ein colt rpm( fir ig t an d painniugora; or in, townia, .1, hit an , . capacity and power. Ant. person ,h.pu, d In purchaiw will ot tours., Inorrei hat I Olio irruption no Irate, for one or nine.. tea.. nit nntA gp,,,k,,, a nd tu n mall of energy and Instil.. liatiin..l.l . o a t ., ~,,, ntlartinagaii I ran furniah the Itnier,onlior i 01,111 , ur e1....wi1y , inw noat “Alltiliii " lir rnn alto have an lair thin,• al a Ikatgrs. 1h,.. g i ,„, „„,, ,„ „ crwi homing, oi air. cars with top., fan., AI. mat. Istr full nuns Au AINMIIIIIIi.. of hi , r A 4114111.1 iii luvitril Pprinni• 11.9,0,4 its npiti.nir with inc tn rercratter. in any 111 1111. ,ft 1•11%.• 111111i1.1,111, I. nn, and!cr• Ott' of .“1" OM.' ili !hum l'• Ititilit.a t At rrt, l'itioinirab.ol at liar linn.sinar'Nlonotiaatich nov, , 10' nlt IM II RON', • Tlii: TitVIII, liv AIEN Or Tlll , lll VCR ‘lll , l , liE. 01 I,d Or via, 1111,4111`11, SI/1.111iq• Ihr r,„,„ 10- I rWxl , lloll,l l ll4litt of 1,1111.111. , 1 11 1; Mr It P Amu• kbit,,ll wtill , h 4, I hoot ,r , oult”) M. v. 4 ol Vregoolign I iniwpr.l I Wiat, M• 1. 111.1d1", k heti .11 hn . hl The tla• tea, it lb.. no. 411,1 ,etmikrm 0,101.1 1 1 ithillib• TI , 01.1 ltd.d.M.l ot.o. lolly neve', owl flu. n reotiderehle limn', 1.11, h.” tt well. or r Id. dOdd Viunre d A ~,,, I'm. Ilan It.. ti I: link .14 , .tt .„, prl l'ltior NI, II I; 0..1;v./ ,r,01(1.1.1 I ‘1. , ‘,1 11111. 1111,,,141,1,1111ft,11, , 1 1,41111•1'11, , ,, 1111 tan -1 1.11 1 .01 MIPI 1 1,. lov.llol p•0tru1.010, , ,1 K.. 010000 illi•ro.11 , 1,.10 , 0.00 , ot : 11.0 140.. K.loktill Ilnwllh 1,11 .t.ti 111111.4... 1 V NW... 11.0 .1 .111. • I 'mil, 111 11, 111.1.iliet 1,4011 4 , 11011•11 P 01.1.0411, II I"A M. rs.llvoi , I 1010 n 0110,(10o1 0,10 ih,v„ 00.11. ti/li• 01,0,01.11101, will. Ow 11414. 11l I.lliirvt ' 'no 00.1.10.'111 wo)“.l.,ikollott k 1,1 611111...1N I.llllli /111. , 10.0011 Nit l Ili llitl ,oroi A• 00. hAs 110,Y, pot 4 nllY 111.114.. Pl 10,11 41111110 .01011 •11610111; , v1 , 11 - 111 i11611 , 111 , 11i.i. 11 , .. 41441 , ,,. 11 0 1 hill .11.1 .11111 ,41;1,1,1}11.., 1110 Mb. 41 Y MI lin, 1. 1 111, rtt..l.l ' hiltW owl hot o9AOtt u MAKIt.,IO, F. YPI 4 , 10.0111141 rllllthf. 611111104 ti Oft .11 a 1041+4.01 1,1 ik !WOO. 1 1 44 , 1. 4 . 1 i hth in thin xmo., AO 1 , !11110, 'who vivotir h.114w nohtipta ,, , 111 jialtyyj .104 , 1, 104110111810 V 14614 ,, 1 ), . uyimixo(1141011, hwit itio 1141 i itil#llo.l , . Ili ahort Ithpithog ott , l ilohth I, plow', hit 11.0. 11 1 Illuly co 4 , 11i1P lutt.llF,#.llllllW ' I , - 1.11/W hh hhthl 111 , 4 61.101,41 bl 1119A.1 . W 01 NY; itlxig, , lllllll mill POI V Ilium 1.01," 11 yy,,ttY 11 t V V!!.t1 11 1= 411 0, .. 114 1 1 %II ANS V I:01;4 l 1 1, 41 olio,- „ v!fllll.l%*.' PVIII,IIII r Will 1 11111 1 1. W.°4 ' ,010 'ill!. 9 . t 0,0 phi t- 111 I 1 0111_ If 4t1.11.41 $.1010,1111K 111i41,41 lidwll 1111 1 111..1110111, jt , rlll , rut . loi • • — .4EificAL. 1 e 1.. ; - r : ^ -- i '. ' - - • -t oz :•'`.- 4 .-.. ~ v _ - , A rotim YE A PERMANENT CURE FOR VIII'' fATINM AND ALL NERVOC: s COIIFLAINTS. "Wm, sition•h the Musa may not le expMmea Slam. their (fans are duly arcerimilen. 1,1 601 drltoonn, prejudice, or prole. • Intim e Inanstn , l to/PI lb , Aleut. who-b. :ha'ate by 'leaven ,t e •Lgn . ,l To tin vow,. ON of human kind.,' Dn. elm wrirs GALVANIC RING. AND MAC:- M.:TIC n1.1ill) rernarloante invention. wha h La. sere... , the uniseron opprobution or the Great Drama, rAti , viy new applicutain or Galvanism, as a remedial agent. by meanl of whit blur ordniery GalvatnellaPeru.s,Fleetr.e and Magas tic Ma chines, h,.., ale enure!) dup. me., win, nod the myrie• 11, riou• power of Guise..., applied wdliotit sta. olUectron which are in.eya ruble nom the general c. mule now In use, The stung dose. At mid irrrfiular 'tn . . , " on which Galatlloalll Is applied be Ile! Machthe , h.° been pronounced, after a 1.1. r .a impartial Diablo be ifseulaily injurious, and a was to retard) thus rodteut feet that Ilia li^ar application wan prejcescd, which, rif ler unecoritte tod and perseverarive. hue to lanualit to it. rfeatal Mats of in riection Gs/conic Rings answer all the purport. ot the e punrove Ma chine., arid in many other e , pee are atom ser amnl rsrfain in accomplishing the d, ..,red • 15 rt. The Cirdcanie Row tued ist etaineetion yeah the P:na. odic Fluid, n , e confidently recommend, d .Ji at/ dist, dent terricb ariss Pam .ms mni m a .4 " , °' M m^h.°4 ' , Na morons or riled ay'ran. and these complaint. ore atnang the Moat painful turd trinvereal to whielt ais subject. They awe. without eXcerMit, front one sill, pie eatn , e--1 dernimement of the Nervous ..)s. and it was in thew cares that other •remeams' having ao ohm tailed • new agent wan great:y needed.. Mehl 11. ennfidrntly believed, ha been imand in the prop,' and Athol°. applicanco of lvanta . M. The Galvanic }Nip have bore died with aur ora, in all eases of Ruceitartax, acute 01 ettron ie. ap plying in the head, face no limb, Gout. 21rs/lofortuy, 'Taashada, Brandiirit, Vertigo, Nervous or Ina linulanle, Indmenrion. Paralysis, Palmy, Romltrrmy. F n . Cramp, Puipilarien of Mr Heart. Apopir Sliffnems of Joins, Spinal Comp/dints, Lurntagu, Nrurvia:at, Arsons Try awn, Diasinew of th e Iliad. pain in ter rheraand Fide, (refusal Ikhilasy, kfirienry of Nomsam. P.tarreal Ea. erg,. and all NElt DINA( In COW, 01 c onfirmed 0),,1.ep5,,t. h i cli Is supply a !Jayne- rtc• rangement of the drgeetive urgatu,they have been hound equally ouccratiful. txtiatirdniarS ed , ofs Man , the oyster:lin,. he wstnt..ed to he b e heaml. and as a certain preveutiva 11l the prcoedstig complaints the) ore equally recommended, The Bin, areal different prices. being made of alt Plata. and of cartons Orna mental patterns, and eau be wont by the moo dclic•tt. , female waliont the al glitr,l ineenveit.ent ,. . In tfit t. the settratnin it rather narecahlr than otherwi.e, The tioti4.. nen,, taiel3elekten,lilareaccse,lertz. Bands, la some cures of a acre 1 , 41.11: rlntrnetclinad of Mete eau:Mina. the power a. applied by the nil Emen d is ant .toPmcitt "d.resse and ultimately resat, health, improved nindrifictmon /math fla.vanic Rena. Iltacele , s, Ae inrel) three. die, tine alum, ~,, , uny degree of power Mat ta req red can rmultly be obtained. :tad no camas.. %vin ui yl, the mymet , o,.• aces Or lialvatorm rail ellet I will tall to be permanent.) relieved. 'rheas: artic/cs arc whip. ted to the wa,o, arta, wruta, limb...uncles or any part of the with ptrfect convert:mire. 't Guteamc Nor him, are ured wait go eater benefit m mires or Bronchitis ot affection. of the threat genera I iy; ittsu ranee of NetOtli Its aim., and snide UMW , .111101111 tatter. a• a s preventive for A ponie ). Fpnepne Far, and .111/11Alcutarlait. Chrbate'sMagnette Fluid bard rn coorrrion with the Galyeme trig. aad'Au their , modification.. 'lbis eernpu.nam ha- been pro.' ommee d try t he p,,nnn, noon rt. To be one of the Mors extraordinary ducoveries or modern icienee 111. he - heard to prie....a. the re:nark:Odra OW . er uf 'marina were" sersairind a colranic aeries by this Meniter tallaiag VollerlilfMl/011 Or the aillitene, r,I the" .tit ml,dathave, , Ills. gorotv tepid rota pets...teat 11 het ther I roottioallion 1.1, bend. ri• Loam.. prmlu, r the.atn edict. or nu rollmop Amia, proper, to the tiervan , si) menial Illealo , lll . 001W2M1 local appliration The nrtia Fluid remains 11011.1Ig CaplSlll/. Of rho eat injury, its application In agrealslic, and a is 0 , harmless Pt int action a. it to beneficial ,it .ts resnlu. Full explasatnuts and directions-accompany a The I COMblllrd is Minn. are iir vet y way perfecil y 101110. les, the) are sold at pricer winos; the reach 01 Wlllllll , the 'discoverer mil) 'untie.. n nor tout a- u ri, their surprising efficacy and pertimtient bell. Chrtstler lintinnie Strengthening Phis ters. arucle. (non another valuable uppliem.nn oi the arystknour nLLururc of Gail/ .011,01 bey important 'adjunct to the gs. mime ),alvarne, Rotel slat I thew modifictuoma, anon,' upon the a 11111 1 .1041 0 .11.1, I haWIM the adenomae of more local applicancit The, I are confidently thcomatended a a valuable additior, the speedy.ote of Ithentuatum s , acute or Hamm.. , nervon. complaint*. ma,. rot ye retteray I 01 Poen and Wd: enen in Mr Clew am Bark. Pain no 01r Side, 1.. Amtlonani Arfeneans. mid , tt IreaLno, or (Imre, si e r t of hli• Pubrinuary OF,T/1, In Spinal Cot:wain, I their ran ct• are. of the 1110.1 tier:tried character. a .1,1 the) have often lorrrn liked wol, eansulete surer., They so sln, 0111, Al/V/1011Lp .111'aL11. 00,i live of the Ilreart. and are bully reeommen , l , a tor many co thrum cam claim to wine', °emetic , ate c-pemall) ban:, As all r 1,110. Nur rtrengtheterg the ,a ten. when artolitated Wllll 4il'oraga ornate, eau.• a; a..., rel iant wad ist ~,,, of a• rice, o•ve f u r ,aan ia ••J the o. .1:1, great and per inure zolvanmee In a few Pitntlbi tl embrace. ail the virtue. oi rbe be•s tome preparathin.- with zmponant addition of the Taiyuar influence. winch la neither impaired nor exhausted, while nth at - !MO/1 , 011:1101[a. 'lheve wit lie toned ~,nrely ,free from ditnur object:mu whli.., are a constant ...uric of cornalasin wall the °edam., plmJer- m cojamm, are. CAUTION. • (Ur The grew felrbrlly oral seeps. of there m.n clew a. hits ma one norlinoLed oar. arm e.,eh e;: , ) of the • Men. The en:, In Potriouran, W. It WI Irr) ent CERTIFICATES Ar TENTIMONLA Of the hilliest and most rr.perteo.e &rammer, ur, car nl otantly recrive.d. regard/ad the extrauinar) value and were,. of the snow, emelt, It iv belie, that tn thr ray of New York upwards of .• TIIOUSAND PERSONS donne a prood of if 111111. •ear, have been entirely re:3e ved or the moo painful ch y ronic d:sordern, some or which leave complei. iv bat: , lied all former effort- of toed cal art. Indeed ItMoly nt ' di' fir, piss s,emu. of co : . wlin tli.approv , Galvanic and ]ln s Cial . lol,•. rourtunny r. eon, mend <hi. application 111 the and wor, ine ex. ception of those whe, ate tut to give . a tri, .1. the 111Vt111:1111 has received aluminum. fav,.l unto the m o t intelligent smolt; Pie Maestros Focal,. Dr Christ ea at all times ready and most happy so give every facility to physic/ann . , and all interested. :or leaf tog the truth ollos aasertlinto and the elficar j . of Itl- duct/wry Only agency in Finstonreli corner Ith and NI, vet nenti3.l.o - - d lONSIIMPTIOA AttlfaiSTED—To `l,l' afflicted with Ihteaset of She I.4tnga. —Ti.,. is to eysfethorn o t oilllcied the 4,4 1 pt.- rtonhore lliat 1 bane been laboring for . neveral yen yenh it W , oos. son . o.s. of te the thrtt and Ituarsenn.s. r. 1 „tarty met: r foetid no relief .0 any r ',e p., rm. inelltnine net,' I aen of Mt. 1 , ..X1 4 1:el PYI:CY ' I REMEDY. I have been 4 , 44 . 4 • 4everal ' year, and 11 1 1,,,,t find it to belie% 4 .chn ever I wake use ‘44 . It My terruitatlon as ast A oetton. nen Much keeps oar almost en•quntl . , enear,e, esure•, at nines, to become Leo . al„notite „co at once procure Med:rine therrioce . te plea awe 01 alg ~• rehlte staletnens. that othe, ,at ,der, ed ,rllll 6 ilL•eflat• 01 the !tog, and rat s ee 4,444- 4, *Ye know the virtue. of Sit bean, nod ma, he eured h 1i.,, Torn,' mended 14 I.lreets,,ant 4.14.. ... w.aun ewe their 1:y ., ~.nerrent/li, „ , /et 1.1. 1,0 J Atl • ,. 11l The rota.... ot the 41.0,e ute , 14 4 ... won, akst rein, to the a , ed .1•• • te• 44. I' r 41 1 cost., no wholn any to•y nr.„. 10611. e fr11116.,1 that 14,41 1 lie V• 1111 1 .• 1• , 11/0.1 .sL ,hate 1,1• 4 11, 4 0te that es.. he 1 4 144 . 1:041 David eall ' ,sti4. 14 II „ • 11,11 eis 4:„l , lter. er, Mr i.61r•111, Ii 1.• Vnlld el tp, Jerosi Itav , se, ip I/11 1 1 13 Nt`A 1% VERN II I - Ilk!; lAal Ste more to, netutin, tto: ' 4..41 `, Aciz , o • " Arad 2,1 IV,KoI sue., aid:Mawr 111 SINS 111111) 41'01.135 •izcdh sA • 111 r 1irrn1,41.14,1, . 11 1 1 , 1, .011r1,1iL 1111. 1111111111. 1 1110 111 4 .1 4 ‘ 0 1 1: 1 1 11,1,106.• Ind•••1011,10116.11-1,11a• 1,4,111,111 V 6 • %,. 1 1111.1111••1• 11 t 1 11 . 1 , 11 116 1 •1 1 .0 1 •5 1 , F 09 , 111 04 !lest. 14,14 sehole•ale •o,) root 1 , 1 ,1 Al . 4 C 1 4 404: et In. Marl and 111444 6 . 6, 66 , 66 , 1 11 . 1111.111 1 1 01 1161,0 - W J111., 1 4 , 11• 0 . 1 111...,1•• it••, ..... • (6,04 0.6 t.ut t 1 1 4.1 or 1114 nt , 1440441 Aat 41• It II A I • etorhiot ‘4,,,, 4 1.4„ta alupk with the neote• no , l att. l „ , •• ,t, the I s toetzetrot „ 0pa14..0.4, „,th Netaritee 0... r. 14400 A bomb.. .not 4,14 , 14. e 4 4 16• 11 .,it 11.. 10101,011,1 Nit ot itllFl. , l.ktt ' 7, lith's id I 111 •11 Its utuliolto., 4 , 4111 a. Wh1 1 1111•I 111 11411 .o.fs t O,lll thy tlatnta „„ ..... ra. , „ .1 4 1 4 . 101„ ‘0n1 1414 ,... L 44 hotiotitotm, into to tan 4104 „. "6 1 1111 . , 1 I.IIIIIIOOM. 1 L 1.1•11111; 1 111.11, 1•1114111,0 1t...,, 0110 6 , 666 ,0. ‘,„„„: 6 , 6 6.,k .1,,• 1411 - 044011 , mote lees 101,10111 101 1,0 11.01 10 .1 11 14 1 0 1 1 , 111, • 1114 6 1h1,6 11,16..10 1 1,11 he 01•,111,1,. 1 ,11•••••••11 I'olllllo ,11 Ito 1 1 110,1, 4 1, 1 1 0111 1110 t ote, 4 1 1, 01 , 141 liin.h the 41,0m0. .144. M is inotoye,t, u tut, 044 , 41 ot nonms.lll 11111 1„ , ,itt 111,,1 41.44 o 1,41 lot Ihi dieo,ll, .1,4401, 1 tonle•I 11101 ' Phi.. Iltut alt,„ is the 1 . 410440 Sshl Ai..✓• ‘I Sll%ll l gtS Mi. 1...1111 ..1\,11411411.0 tlise.t.,4 It &stmt. Chit„ Ittiontole „Ito'. I Onto , dlanYen. thin 1 Iti 4 , 0 , 40.. 1 , 11tietitt4 Into hot 1 . 1.1,1141110, 4,111 1. Oh Ow 1 4 14441 1,1 eo4laid 11 , dm tinlites l 11 4 .0, 4 tioutt,4l Orly p „lola 0% ititnyanlleullhe .0.4.1 1 .4 04 . 1 1 41 • 1 41 .441,1 Plc. t, 4 1,4111, 1,4,1 ',net, 1 4 1411.,4 ,14 . 44,111 at lot , 14.14, t hut. stint , 1.1,31. 4, 1 1.0, I 9 .11"1 . WthtTit hN(l\l.lhs, ot nototolot• "et , . '” tt" t''''''t ,tt sat 1: ,1 4 . t• l i Ott. etl t t ,.. . t ol tht, 11,14 t,. 1..1 •,1 atol 44,„ Idesonin stool,. „I lin, 'sed, hit 001 01.111.• oi I , el tot tato , . 441 With ettve.r tte , tehttl 0.4 tth tt•tt. te tt •ttlOVlett ilett lot had lest WO 111,-14 1110 1,11161. 0•1•11,1 11 111.1 1 11,11 c• 1 14101111 0 ,11 Ity6llll, *1610110..1,i otto.vec t o th ,-t tot . .I„,, tes tn..141e 1.,•• 0,01 111 111* VOllllllOlO ,111•1111,1,,L1,11,..11111,11,1,eil wee „able, cm. rt 44'4144 1 1 .• 1 I .• nia's MII.IIN I I\'l s qt...., Ihtinials the vliv , alat , 0411, 1101.11,is ti,. 11144,41, met t ciotttetoot ttiatoot . hoot h t . ot 411111 , 1 .41 4 4 1 , 610 dit. 110111010. 1.11116 11 11.1. 1,1.1110111.1 111 i,ll l'Aut , ei, 14.4411,1a,14,41,4,. I,lt. Ootoplettit,lly•t•thhto,otte t eltcr i i hotot . 0,4.4 , 4 is 1141 Y ottootttliteo I t o • tle l ' insli lo 4l l al the Pel , tit Teo ioin rs, 1,4 .•,.• . I n„, wti 4 ,l 41.1. 11, il 1.0 A''“ l, ^ , ‘V 1 , 11, 11.14 , S 1 1 1114/141;' , 11\VIIIrla Mltlulll4 • ,g,111...1",,.111). OM. 1101111$ .141mIroll101 I,thicA. %Vohs,. olte t teh t , ,111.1 of 001110. „haw''.'4,1 . 0.4 1 11 1 411111 W 111 ' 1011 N -011., 4101 1., Ole inn,.)l ...Id 111...111111•11 0,111, Id' 1arg0,„4„,. It it J 1.14. Op WA 4111011 , 11 A 010111111.0411 1 111 0 1 1,10 01,.11 I atoll hat,. IWO 111, 4 1, , .011 S, . . .... 1% ~ . 111111- Eof I,y 1 ',OP& WA IAV Aeli It A 114 144141 4 4 —‘1 . 4 , I 44.1444 4 144.4144 441.41.1444 f I 0.114,10 g 1144 . 11 144144 , 01 '110141Pi1141141.140u11,4.14.114141'01n.44114 p 1044441441.1 • pa l 1 1 1011' M 101011414 4444t111.11 0'1101111141,v Oil Woo tyllo 14,1111101,maul 14,14.140. 11 1 011414.14 , 441 1 11 111111101 4 11 1 1 4 $ 11.4.4 0114t144 0140 1 11 rY 114 1.1. 44014040 444444 y 41144.4.44414411144..1„44,144, /111.441 ale 4 1, 4.4•'. . 4 444 in 1.4144,0 yi Ihr :'1 1:,1' 144.441 h -1, 41 11'4440. 44. 1 Ott 4101" 1414 g „I 41 V tvloy 0110, 7e4 MEDICAL. SAND S SARSAPARILLA_ For Ow removal abit t ennamint cum ol nil Macaws fie %IMAM tinoviv , i•tote of the blood • • orldtbaof the •csicat viii • Sootnto. ruses ffibammarmr, Manaus _Csteasmoss Empties's, ce Pa wider ow Os Pam Bloido. rhsos, Ring Wawa or Taxer, Seals Mao, Eniollolloll aid purls of iffis Bowes and -Wm; Statham Ulten-SgpAildsc Symp./MU, SditiLlS P Limb tam, and Damsel ending/win an iskiatit‘eiavai we of hrermry, Amer. ve Drum, I.N r• or bomadevice ire Life. Ally. Chronic Coominmental Dimeders.. ETn - •• Innis adminiorubeif hos Uteri attended lthe I I happi est results In many' am! but affectionr, ha ts emeflyantended to fill the void which ergots between' carbonic and aperient rocilteme4 berate lb magas op mtmai t hat of an alterative diredly,dadirectly, pro ving o taxiing tonic to the system. r, i• - • ' It iv highly concentrated tormavenicoce and poor-• lifflty, containing noffing but the caressed essence, and r• Ike rep.rantlebee at the Serpa:pa. Root, to the dime manner as %lender: Doi Perrier. Rark,or. Moulttns of etparin. is an eau. *ad fact,. that ta few prod. of either o vine or Momiltine eontariee all stir tneracinal value of a large quantity of the crude mhtind es; home the sopenortty of Mom prepiriationx lid would desire to drink a gall. mixture , • ha ll lf pi Ilt ebotained the vame medternal The carJapardia• can be diluted when takee,agmtable to the direetion., aid made to millbe taste of the pa tient.. • The following cenificate addressed to he A M 1... 'ffldriago, futolaheloncluvive proof Of ha great value cases of Fever Sores. CHICAGO, lll.Sept. 12,1_916. ob=i tooted Stehltins h Reed—Gents: In 1515,1 oti. , tooted al tout store a tante of Sandhi Sarsopahlls,mid ' p i ffled' lump lied, without sleep for • week, k, violent pain trOm a regal tr forePitoreat lone .ianding,on my right leg, lay phyffim eiaadviscd m nave the limb amputated, saying n was the only means likely to preserve my life. After naing half the bottle the pain began to subside. and by the woe I had nwd nearly three bottles,' wax able to.tmneset my reg al, business. and before I 110 finished Me founh hot tie. I W. I. vrell-and sound as ever/ had been. .1 have no hest union in suyiug that Sand's Sarsaparilla sots rig VICPIIO. under Pnwidenee, of saving my Mob and I doubt not my life. I mod cheerfully recommend •it as the be-t article extant for thettles ak ne of the blood . Yours, rood respectfully, • . JAMEN MILLER The following certificate is only another link in the great chain of testimony thits memo: • Semi Botaay.earanta East, April 113,1(46. 'deter. Sande—Gantlet:dent Exposed as we am to the attacks of rlimme, and to frequently ilitempoloteo tn unmoved remcill es, we cannot but look on the efforts of sucersettil praelltamera with inteiest re d gratitude Tilt. ta truereapepting your valuable prepantlion of :Outwear/Ile. I bare been srvetety aftheted foray years with u dtseme about -which "doctor's disagree,. and their ord.:rip:loos ;advs.! more dnierte. I tried en nous re:net:oat hut' found no relief moil I commenced yew ceilent medicine, et which limo I wav wholly confine d to my lied. Aber using ii a few months too raw Rhin toat ore about ride ouLand <rimy aeon.- fotble degree of wtrelt I attribute entirely to I ll a use of rannthi saimparilia. Please tweept my ar t .comae graktude and regard. • JOIIN N NORRIS . Dente perantalYti reqmided with the above stoic. men, I lamb} madly that the Fame is One. REV. T Al ME 1 en RRIbIAN Peavey, Tairtuonv.—Tbe followingextraet Dom a letter recetsed from Rev. William Galuslim tleartaulalk Vt.,Oct do. ibith. hlct.ay. Stools: I have been "11l end with a severe pant in w e n t side occhtmocal by a thecased' beer, Meuse si twenty yedmi suffering blurs what language cannot convey, lint tame taking )our Sarsaparilla, I have been greatly telleved, so much mthat have heen, able ul attend in My business. end preach oceastoo ally for the lasi ti month.. I wholly discarded all other. Itied.,ll, null thoroughly tried the Sarsaparilla which I eau ieconnnand uth and simmity Mt all thoitewho are in Dint: afflicted with ra,,,vrecesaf scrofulous complaints. There have been sonic remarkable by effected by 110 non in tbs. vicinity. Mrs. I. Shaw, by , the um of sik bottles, was restored tObetterhealthfflan .Ite had before enjoyed for led yeara, and Mrs. %V Stet 'rm.. who had been se reedy afflicted with the Erysip elas, was entirety cured by the omen a few bottles.• Yours truly, GALUSIIA For further particulars and condense evidenee of itv aupertor value and efficacy, set pamphlets, which ma t be obtained of Agents gram. - I repo red and dbyA. U, &DSand•Draggists,loo Fulton at. corner of William, New York. Sold also by %VI LCOX, Jr.. Pittsburgh; H. Har vrood..lJeaver. Wm. Watson. New Emile; I).N. Rob o. Brownsville' A. urine, Washington' and by Druggists getter/1"y thrriughout thi United Slays. Price Sae per bottle—six nettles fort e . -7t);, The public ute respectfully requd to trirtier that it is Sandi teintsparffla Main temanstamly, big dieli remarkable-curer of the most ffifficeEp am of dmemiel yo which die human taste w subject; there on n•lr for ..,inel',.teatraporilla. and take no other. SHERMAN'S OLOSAONIAN, ASR THE skUFWZREIL oho, Lao rat:eyed Liue iu ouch • ohciot IL:wince hio difs rocky of broctiiirig, Cough and suffocation? He stilt WI you it was "the Olomoodau, or AU [leafing Bolsoac" AA the eccsuatitiv• "hat L•• allayed his Cough, roamed • - thr Yodel is his Aide and ChM, ' checked Ito nightsontsb, cad • ' likred Ote row of health uroi hio clock? and • tit will tell you SR ERMAN'S OLOSAORIAN, ALL-HEALING BALSAM - - your friends if they know of anytTing that nil so spec dily core wiliOlLll Cough, Baum; of 13ktrel, Bwat. chine, Dyslectic - Cotitumpticot, ..thservenasa, Indlocen, and di•aw: of th e Throat, to th e Okosonian? end they will 4B you—No. There Mtn' yet has bona remedy introduced to public notice whirl, lon been yenductice of to soda good in ...lost a *rare of time. Brad the following stonl.hong Care. Wx. town, the relehrenol Wins cracker baker, uu treet, BrooLl,o, states that his wife his beets addicted with ddthnoi for 30 year., Ind could not fusd pennatient lief tuts the tem,thedirel advice which Myr York and Crook could' produce, lir y induced to try th is grad rethe.. dy :the is now acerb well His daughter who stha sae , ire froth the mine diocese, tried it, and vota also cored,by it. Ilre Ilona la now th well that die is able to /ion .= her bed early intl.* mornmgand attend. heranaddatiee through the day without soy annoyance Gum her distrandw wady.' He i.e......19th three, near the Catholic Censetsy, came to the store the parr,* of obtaining a Isdli9of the aonthiau, oat ing been afllictol with the Asthma the ithare I than 33 years and was so exhausted on his arrival that To could not spell,. Ile puce_hawd loathe sad rode bona— Four day, afterward ••he walked from his reside. in the of. fire without Wipe a he of one two math, to tell of the wonderful raid which he had eoperseneed from thing . atom! one half of we bunk. Consumption of the Larojar . Mr. Costrorr,3s White Ansi, was so low m the meth or December bob. that be etas gnaw up h }Lis physkian. His fr int s iea-mined no hope °this memory. He eras perm. d. d to try the OlteeMbLO, end to his entries ithes so restored , him to 'with that he is one able to with ititand the streets Mrs ATM= , the wife of Wen H. Atine s hisnotHaromn, theirand Geo W. Hays, Eagle. 01 hear - testimony Dote thew own extorter:me or the healing properties of this Grid lhowdY C.'""' drags d' E ' iNgd . • Mn. Townson... 322 Mown strvet s who had beers os,obled for • great length of Inas by a severs cough,aed raised ooantitin of blood, sem relieved by one bottle of the Olowannan and &chore It the greatest remedy in the wend. , Dennis ket.t.r, OS Water street, was elso relieved hoes the man oxlip:Um, although .he was very much stemmed when he . consineried taking IL having beeit noise the ease of his physician ding the pest wmter.. Ablotoglr he megbed entateutly end rya eery touch toothed With *it nelsay 2 bides r.f the remedyomitted him to rimn to his day work. He nes entirely mitered. them Usenet, on, 60 Light Orem Geo W. Bonset4 formerly of Newark, N. J., Henry Lidsoo, 199 HiaingiOn stem; sod eumerma other persons hen been speedily mid permanently cured of the Man onstplint by this rmedy. The Array of Names which node be produced tif perroos who hie od this gnat remedy would more the aeolomv. Atneog_the member ;LAl'l7:: " o7 4 ll=k ir eat t. tits h lell " XlOnt " t= l. : smesll Devoe,lol Rodeo.; Mrs. M'CafrottNt thtte city!. Smith, th Third avenue, n Wm. H. Allan of We city, and Mn Arehittabi a. 2s Mite ss •. • bold who:dente and retad by Wes. helmet, ml his Patent Medk inetWarehouse and Boot mod She* Shin, No EH Libels tj ormt, head of Wood street, Pnee taiboty • I bilSelell DIVSTNIStee T n tti ' S !Fxtil...72<kttkgltening wn Cotolle'l:ratlulgonoordeeV g the . breath, &e: It iihuuld lie tired cycry eight oriel a titiP brush. and the tenth end ionuilt willonly repwrre a sligh,,, i n t he piioning. %Vet the brush Id erliftst wale, ..1r void Wdl allsornr, bud rubeta few n mei On din ps-te. Wites enough w i ll adhere the ...antra the lc. It. It Icavr• • dellebousle.le is tliwmuuth,ann on I part• a tutot Jelighifill fragrance to the breath. Ititandr to galled at s pl.:asset, efricactoto4 tototetneat /tad I es ....a e ;fi,e. it it net, Delta treere the teeth /ht . , to itte,ervothets. . fly ti one it regularly. it will beagles the tartar ens prevent og nectintfatioiti--ptevent the toothache otettgthen the rung, tail prevent 01 diseal., oilmen Cases..., phfbitnadb, slid the ele,gi•rentamaad iv • dee idealv aspoltal to every thiegrag the bled It. see,— Aga ear ilberwatestlontpooutl theta Tooth Pable, and Vest . .< his wpm.. as etwebedto each pet. Reecruttiended by lir. Otani.,.il I.ltoailarey, one or out lie/t lteutenst and by ea. of the :old tstatilithed i hoc. iu in. Vitited Stales. and even eienovely ewe , ! 1.1 the t o of Snots, mud Phr• tie IA Wile lopportion of Ore disease. li halallieletaehind ar... !tam tonic detail...tent of do , wreathe/ bowels wheel a. litsch sac t.ti the Caleb lie Ilsebelligeberesiel SttStslt oe,sio. Nitwit. of hitkos habits shoat" al, I war. 4.,. Ilk b. At hoed, And tale a doe whottevel Al,. weld. , leatt deIIIIIM.Y.CII{ in their b“141 a Judi ss,s, u., oi les.o Loarttsst wow bOubeadb i Si Vet •••• , ,I, V 1 al I atlf.so7it'tt. cornet of truculent! ' Littetiv tn.. ...eV • - -....-- 111 WI% %VIA llaa i/oonsuou _ L. A, °tau nua ra haw likaallallY I.J.lnclaa an, ak , ne huw aona hoW rolaihn IroW aallOaaa AIM wawa:inn than alau annoearni wan,' prepared o a a i Waal., aln Innllll., ronolotootalaticeakunna. ma on la ad %Va . 1,14,1 Intl. enl Invanauoll yeaalabla ti , Cla O. VAIL SVANII,III LILY pan laentat pati4and of all anna a . ..rant* Inl aka *linomart , lan W. 44 what., al Ibe a came wan • a nan• ann na on. aka-alio, slanting it wn Vcssbeal Ch.:mist af Mame Arvt lolve•Si4111:1411 . L1111 • kL , . fibul tqvutifiii atut:itat. , 410.1.01 Vitule 1 tVet WIC I Wu., I i‘ol 1•.1, , ILO •,440 et 4.0 t reNll.lll2lVild 11111 Y.lO 01 slit., .1. , it itiquittis hti.tuitottis ,i 1 t - 0.11. Istx to, St' St..l.lllSsllhi, m his Boot su4 Mos 1,11,.....1, , V113 Its .41 41 Wood. a 1 010 .40 .of 16 • 114 14. s lIIIM riNtIE.RE MO lb. di.aaaea tour. tolllllloll or trom 11. Iremion that, the Vito*, and yet, notwithathod• 141014111. P beau made lumina by the eve oftull., elimtuarioa, liniments. *O.. all were little at itittr boatel, Now. the Eanbrocatlon is the only 110111111 W 11.11. A I.l,l.llwho s h4llllbeen suffer • ug .itu tho 11ko,, of the %vomit kind came from :111 trio, Now . .leissy, almost on porpeee to uprose his, gratiiiitlx tot thu speedy rem that this medicine had otleetoil to his ea , t—l'hila, hat. Pyet. solo in l'ittsburyiti Al the PEKE TEA ETlall E., lPridnit •t alto to the ()roe Store tl P Sol...acts, Valeria at. Allegheny Cites 14,1.11Y1'' N SVlllle—''ll - eorrola 1e , t 1 1411,1,1,rd and out& Mow.e to the publio II Thle was rho rept...motto( an via Melt ',nettled the Flyrop. p.".esort, rebrowy 1,147. Mt, may comfy am loofa; Llama 1,1411.1..0ew eutish Oonm I boalkl a bottle 01 an d hIIPD.T to ea.trottor “•,11,i. t maglo entirely I pronounce yoor . „ a.m., hare SO.' lived. No ,„„ „ 1., we1,b,...114 valuable medic/At. ba akatallinte, Allegheny City • I h'• ale,betno I. ',topmost tebakoole .“d .11111 ta , l4 mote .10114 D III9ROAN tail nod it:lo.4,one door below Diamond Alley lOW _re,e till, dyrong Light, Bed or Illeny Wale o P terk It or r.looli rolnr,.withoolrlyelon Iniorin U. Sala voitl, tall dlrectioaa rhos dlrten4, oral ,[/-:4 id by Wht. J ACK*Me,at his Paieoi Idedwine Mvuehuumi tO lAbolty *um bowl of Wood. or Mt a. A MAIIMZIBTOCK Ott. • I.IA VP. erected an extensive warehouse on Om orner' 11 of {Vann owl Flout- lo Iv WI 11 .1 bay ei inove,l Wbalronlo llnq al.‘l nosivr 0.11-• In 11,i l!liti...•th in.) invite lb. 51104 will bet goatinaed at thil OLD r 14.1 authetqf WROlailit • • . 19141 .41 1 0143AL' LUICJWAX — Ft c : , ittintinse.tozraars;AND if rgll. SHULMAN a.. distorted is oN la noir W.. 11011 Omani, .0 that <helm tell take it noddy 5•• 1.M.1 limpet. mew h vovad •••* jerkare , ' loth Ph s at the loch of rth , BM of SHERMAN'S COUCH UthCoNtik., These Loners ere the Mr, ..t fed eerie: re n•. WI home., cob* emompuesse, obooplogroo s ,, asth ma, lightoom of thirty., erstok, de. The lot ' V 414,(-- lee beget Itootett •• helm where My de we g0e,..1 et 1 onefsedow.: Arm! ilatowad bear Itra o our the last manner* 4 hold, „, Morse miler the colds andotegkk They dont. cr. MI dry up kr., t., be order dairy, pressoutrpretartke why the terkun... medico, astel room the' proem* or annoq, They re etude frberthe of • met rat e koved,or ough, CM, WV .11b. damphiuts, Sr of eratiforre hese been offered of I• 1 YeAdo•••11.11, WWI from thou who hose tom hell from an rolored Loafer health bye.; then. Viler there se endives la the breast e•ide.o•• Shir l ei rode *Hair therm (price e ll hti mud read ' appll. ewer Ito( parlors woe tilt Mtn.. If , berg teeth mientiMat few near. or hum tarp, orate • weld Minnie corirtior,Arodd turd se hem ',toe 'SHEEHAN'S WORM LOBE:VISES These worts km'. hive been prowl to meth. l o gle Ogd ado w thldfeblai the ad/ ceetam c,eu .",."lag redeem ter decorred. Ma. ) dishes ernes butt. A 1411.• rod Demi= bog nod Sentsesothreg, rid nn drati.,witet out their me hem; suereetrd; grove perm Ire er) ter veered with dam, end are doctored kw canoe retrain' ewithout soy berths him eh dow of 'bole Lorogoo err epeedily eon thee. • fildorkwerf therm—Pains In the }elate or luabo, orre tg...e, gritting of the to e. etre ' deecondateates apekeenalort the lipe o with Mkt. mare, bkeenteg %taw now,..taterew mare tr Mena fath ere heat oar doe Burk. ed the body, alight duds or the eery, rafter, demsions, amigo, torpor, door. „phases, Add. draw le Me. with eight red wrretoor, metro • lioubletweee eouir heriehors, thee. tom , ' - I hoe, els, had tute the meth, did:kelt breal!tistho the Meath or bowel; Mr mock wyrasuatr, ciao appetite team% bloated stretch or Mb., ci tt , shootakpenati et thous pets of the body, a oar is ma thin rung Itt the dowse; thits of the be. both, ott o ,tot,,a hover Min to pre earthisog from the bu•reb, will, Mot diseharre al th ea led meas. ' ISHERthiI Nth CANIPHOII LOZENGE' They give votnedoar Mato terms to .irk hrolachr. • peketation of the bear, Mare of thd.epints, do l wd.oe r, 1 haboomatory or park eon thruet, tweet or meet cove yheint, Men, opera.m or hereof dultog of we rest, cholk, sprats, ramp of the stoma or booth,- hpereo I alAsixass, and all Demos &man, druhters thresh the n, add werfolness through th e eight; ehokru (.• chul aborbm, diarrhea, MM.' toe • raw. of Mom Pee- Ullttht or attenditig large phi., nil/ fuel the Lout.. gee real yentringil =waft the buoys...y.3f youth; ueed itter . limpet/co, millets.. the tone of the aetevo rally, mod remove the tulphreent 'paeans STOW: tives ko re' thing. Pryor who lure been too bah bury and übantloned rd' ei eeparl hales will find these Latency ad. Made commera ef doe rm. IPS POOR MAN•I3 PLASTh/t. The beet streugthetting plaster. thf wot Id, iledb sotePeig. rereedy . Gar pd., . *Mom in the bath, kink tar o ter, links pistersberustion, Imre, ke. kr. Ostr ettl!ext • ,tear 1 , 41 oot supply doe dread. They toque. hule Pante tog bekte syphon.. Whored superior to sad kr me quarter thous.) . pre., making or cmly the beet, but doe Moped Otter in the world. It obeli s ether its a few boo, more astuoultia cum. le yr comphiat sod eljeveptia, it should be wont one the of the leer or womb, audit Ise %ford pt. ma Mit f. eanb., cololsosama, Meaty breathing, oppenhao dile Met or dowrh, they will In mediatly weak wed greatly benefihe zoiient. Venues r• *Artery hake, or those obliged to stand worh, tell emir decided tappet Gm gee of thew Duly stnettobrumg Pim ter. Physimew generay recommend thew,. perireuee ahtlf,bl.lll. 4Fey thek ight. bettrotadadord reek et, ear. In thee operation try ars deeded, tree, and rody... Try are ohrol of entirely difltereut twee ter. Cud tem km the reran. GI on liar who bare red den, as • ell as the rued heron' of all distegaithed ele4g end ?hyena., to ; be the wad red sad highly medie•Wester. Ilemsl push haw Mini at th. 1112lOWE repro' their nerprwesad limas, at &caked toirruleve eons hoe plasters ber elected. Direetkets kr tee ars on the heek - ideselt Plim•e;•ah • _ Nwala Geordie of Dr.flbernosi maw. It is imparter and should ask for thosnettree Poor bleak theater, and sr that tem weenkkao iodation" rol ' ot ' ord l erthrtrne Inman% Pho ers, bl 8 . Jain% Bold whirl. en& retell by NV, .YACKBONst his Paten Meath Wm:choose, No. be, Liberty wee. •t(0 of do BIG BOOT. ja. 14-44. Erd=3:lMil Dr. callus INDIA A ITBSTABLE Oil a CEA PERSOALS afflicted with Scrofula, Kiee , n , Eell• Cancer, Erytupelaa,Old•Sorea, Mona, I cow M arterial Dticaus, or any other cotaplamtearititat .from ittqati!ities of - the blood, am request. dto matt the, following taltimouiale,to proof or the wander ful otopertitreolAtte above named medic! , .', • READ! READ!! REAL)!!! Wo the croliiieiped, haring ,vieited Mf.-leaac Drools, Jr. at Ljah office or Metes. Remand and Wallat, MG Market street. emulate fin ease the mat ormarhableoue we have tiVer ara. neasedor heat- i - of. • - - - . 'Ms disease wee SCROFULA, and terrible must bans been fi t travel year"' coed ict with the de isPalate, l •e.eatire roorolhistootwle,h.ose,tlp. per Lip. and Meyer Lid of the Right Lye hose been elestroicd, hia fans nearly eaten up, cud I..rt oldie Jaw bane carried away. And yet we eau rise na dreenphon of his mire. Mr. R. without u. that in January Lat. for what. interior of hi. mouth, as well ea moat of his face ems a mm of deep tied painful uleend On the 14th ofJannary !utile commenced tallie s , Dr. CULLEN'S INDIAN 'VEGE'rASLE PARA. CEA, which checked die disease in ■ few dap, at.. row that time Ats cure has propound Without nig • New flesh km' eappllid the plarlier the deep el. ems, and though badly dish - glued, his face is mead, and his generra health ie teetered. We are _enured that in the treatment of Mr. Stooks' cue, no Mercurials,Othuheida, or Collette apphintion• have been. uted,—un Oct, the PAN A CEA_A LON E, bacwrought this wonderful change Dared Smith . ; Becks county, Ps. Charles L.'flowand, Meadville, Crawford e.t.a— -! Utlontes,'6l D'South Seiond Plula Jacob 4,ee;Reetbettort,'N .1. E W Carr; 441:1N Fourth, above Poplar st, N. L. s bi , Coltangb; Latieniter,Ya. ' R hi Maddock, =Pettit Eleventh st. Phif a. •(: IV Appletoo;6l'D 46 South aL Timothy M mien co: Minoan. Daniel Yeakel,Cheanut"Pill,Pbil.tdelptlia co. Pa. John Hereed,39o High street, Phila. William Steeling. MD, Camden, N, J. Hale, 373 High atreet,Phils. J A Potter,Manuracturer, of Aileen' Teeth, 109 9. • Ninth street, Phila. PEZMIM==I Geom.& IN bleats. Brooh 111aker, $ll Market SL Ran Corr, LW Chesnut street, Philo: D . Pastor of Eleventh .Ropti4t Masi, 'oho' RelL &Ai Stitt, Phllidelplda, (NonO Amor Aaron Soodoil64 lotbarioe Daniel McGtoley, 'cooler's Alloy, do Andrew Sweatoo `modem, Pi J. • • R H Roans, Wed. POHL Richard It. Young Glider, 409 Market st. flute John W Ashrnead;6o South.Siztli street, do T S Wagner Lithographer, 116 Chesnut ivreet. do B J 129 Eleventh street, - • . do Peter Skim SIM*. Editor Native Eagle, • do Jorl Bodine; Ulass manufacturer; lYillroutdown N.J.. _ Wiliam Steely. Farmington, Van Baron tn. lowa LB Coles, M D, 130411012, ResselCatifteld,Pluainlegod,phlladelphia.: Thomas P S Baby M D, Harrudnargh, Pa: • Peter Wnght.2.s9llmket itreet, Phila.,• James W Nevalin,lo3 Filbert at. do Jelin Good, 174 Spruce at. • " do , Wil livml In r „l'astnr , M.' (I, Catharine' St. l'hila. John Chambers, 'Castor ht Indep. Chord., Broad at, do• T I :louden, Publisher of Pledge and lqaudard, F P Seller.. Editor Ohre DoSle.c?,,ln Bucks co, Pa. • Wholesale and Retail by Boomed • %Yahoo, Pro prietom 376 Market St. Philadelphio. K Seller; 57 Wood it. Pittsburgh, Pa.; Won. Th.. bet at. do.; K B Patina Marietta. Ohio; S ..tan ,& Sharp, Adayerille, Kl 4 j ohn W Mantic. , er,tlin.„ Ohio; Sidell & Reetea,Meiliaoo la;(. Noble, Loult• • K Vt Dertrouel &, St. Lbuiu, Mo. P Batches.,Miss; dud/kw-at 6, John stoo ieksbu rgh, du; Charles Jen'. lea, Neu Orlean Lai - • on Ormartrapt.lve's Consolation - DM. &Jagless - y."110i won your . l.eto Or [mitt..ttitet yo‘Tibressi? Try A. Drues•Vi - ibaling • - Arid It Will glee you refit. It clears the mbty eketd• . • . • Diets. spreads Wet the Noel, ' And mriil•pere ihrough theglootay sbiouh, "fear health cosy yet be %bole. , 7 Se..fond er rare nt. lovely hut,i; III! withering inch notay 11 scarcely *Ti do rimming dcW, Defers' it fwien away. The Nona of Death aria iu ihn stem. And atrefigtioewl gre— Awl when It bloomed. to ioveiy aega-I It alpetall thraegh.and.theough. That D wen= r.Dog if Di mil were te afi edeld be defied,: ' • . mata's tert ADA Many beery daeuelarnved • - ' ha tag et as antirarly grave. Grua. UUNCANII.L.V.H III OFFICK, N.lBo' Sycamore rimy, Cl.lOll/11111, MID; where Mr rateable mettletne Is rota. ‘V Pend pi tu. b.4fi. by M. ,TACOON: eonter of Vaal and Lawrie rye., apt ediew'r_ _ - Noir, whom teeth is foul and yellow-, Yon, whose, skin is dark and wallow— ' Yea whops hair ie Persil and wirer. • • - neeiy.diny red or fief y— -.-- • , • You wham oth offerisivelnealls • • ' Uoptemant is SA snack' draili., - = You could have— boy, manor 1 0,1- white SI snow or pearl. • literati • spicy sweet, and tinkle • :Pure sad white and smooth and hesitant, • .And helmet. say, dark as sloe, !dreai whittle said below. •KHADERS.aay of you can have the alore by bided this is nothing but trace.) using* as bottle of /antes .Co sel Hair liteetoradve-Lats boa of Aniele• Anther Tooth 'Paser.ettd (waste of the genuine Jones's Italian_ Chen:deal Soap: • The articles cost Lot hub, and you areassand thati the followmg km their mar sieelttoo. The exult' paste !Ors the breaS c .sweet usu.. vest. teeth. and . preserves the teeth. h. •Thislasir -loran knoViTo tat the mortexqoisite,th mg ever made La dyer bag: and causing the ones* IJom and the maw, met the eenairte Janet's Pose. mind) 101 core air eraptloar,•fteckles, and WI .1e Wage:clear end fair: all Over/Mums am .413 hodl/ at W JACKSON'S Boot and Shoe tiers and Patent, Medicine Warehintee 01 Liberty at. - • DEANS CHEMICAL: PLAiiilt. - - 'Prom litev. - ' - Chirlee NIMOLI, Minister ord. !Wrist. Quadri, Woonerdale of Ashabolo,o • ' Messes, 14: , tlarearS 4. • Co; Pnatnetoreasf t. Dees'a Chemieal Plaster, Clendemem—Far several _years , Pass Oran Hallerted the vlrtneso(E, Platte. Iff IlWarit ismy family.. a remedy for Rboo• macaw maim. aftd lamanowofike Ma. pain n the hla;whildhiamnon of the dome and tries. MGM In-. .lha breast. /ke;"41417 lake &yang is nay ng to lon and tilwlloalie. diet in every ewe I km' found lt metal. a ndl ad believe test eaM Phew Pelmet.. 510000 of more slaa °Miser y elaaetee.ard that tt'eri:ll general analloaad' a aaffelent remedy for there disease. for wbkb it le. secs iA.J, aid is justly cradled to Me . notlee and apt emegeof an entigetreed eopidieniw • Your. Cllalti Mill , 1 'Std bTli A kaanowoely Si Co. comer First k Wood
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers