I:=Ct an. M=M=EME mite price Is cash ma 64'0 4re 'Kenn ,_.. gre4el ' ° ' ' 'l7ll lt e j l ertlY Ula wedl w i r eh ai r; . cOr LaCTIT it and Cl'.eci allay yllSdk.l IN MN MID COTTON TABLE Ma -1 YERS—A. large asoorUsaat of above Ganda, at 10. pa vs, at the Dry tieede Hanle 01 W NlUlteltY -. northeast earner of 4d and market us • ETV{ AND LACES.V N IkletPhY.g• er. SO look al Ms eteelleat Worloseato( stelae los:CaKe, I.)nimss 01110 . 11/111—A aweetweild of &twee Goodl 1110.41 ed cobra ay loth* Kumquat!. Ur • &WI Ile Wcil be bold at Mg bloods booms of • Jett • W 11111158.PHY SIORTIIf.D aLuts pmpsne-t00,... No. AII. t. U. 7 and for *old low to dealer. by a smo te, of remee..l is far saperior so the COMMA Sand popes teed by mosso melaters..hrot tale by ten I KlDDAt%l,midth nod wood no • Lisms TAM.% oureas-o. este .7-1 and s Laws TritAs [Ws , * s), growl music. skpr2lotels, thearsterits, WWTR V " 4 "I • S T A i t ' w " t 'r E s N k ne. F i n Sli=te a rs :Xl:; n,et ZY in diameler—emwlel•_!` l 4!:tel srn r ace —is ki.e use week., „fi. tmv, .FIVa I s ri rl lsl ti T c T •od t o mp B4 .Zanneetv: l forssl:oAy E = : M = P_ *11310.13A1-5 <sign./ low piled, medico, and Ll good , oloal .od thogloun thaprellas—opooed and olf ..le ei • tlfiacKt.err & WHIM ViAeTUIII.IIO TOBACCO-80 boieg lit roook-a.'. Loop now latabog, will be isi.l yen low to fr ingle • Cellalgoownt by' 1 DICKEY'S, CO I,,ASCV eARKETS—Card brown willow acol Font baaltata.of F and tOitk, hOut, wart -key.. and a en EATO o• vol ogle made of tidy OM., IN'S II all fOfOO. . J 111BILIIIIICII—IU7saelol MOM L . • •• . 41. sacks . • a aryl. now, hmaimr from Wdo , Gt..% Cope, and or '3 nALzEt.L. • 14 valor al - - Cy TUCKS A FOIL WALE— • e. al Is M. Bank, IPinsbegb; Hand It Midge, (now Mach). Ap J [HMV ELL, Aiel, water .t 1D bele Leaf Pacer: li - iiii 13— cal I— ' 34 brl. S. N. !datum% 6 tree No Mackerel: lan received N.:i? ' , T' wOOO, JONYCI aco _ . . MIME flakiroors, by dm Eclipro lone— ordl coofft•cn, then moo an 4 rooooooble price, for 1 woo per dny by this expedidooo maw _ J'GBIDWF.LL. 11l 'on , ' ennaled Ifirrinc for solo Ly WIL.I.IAILS a co ,OBACCO—. t• bsop..Y., lab, and Bal. I 'mum Plug, c 011,1.114 • and Cm abl• by • . TA34EV Ir. BEST ACOSI— 10 tlbooldt., elute, . 7 .10 do; ao Bitoosuutt Teed per IS B Rosele, ate .3.1 e by jr2 t ATV. 00D,ABNI k 241 CU a ti 3 we , A . c z afa r :4 , Ind Car f sir !•). eor st mutt eta:T*l.ll.Y Ri , t r y .. to , Conk Uroorl 2 l4 k. I o i vi o re a saa m for N 06451 wood and 8 libeltr •1 lAdad fai saZ FIISIC Elk oiA l cmoagOLela @ye Whi S'"'ay m suoAN . . • 1S *be dry Peach,. far Weber "."• - COCHRAN to eloie von. , snment Pio% wood at Appieq ,au in, reaches; will be sold te. lea 8 &IV lIARBAUGIO OlL7loblati Oillsst reed end (Grubs by WILSON b OFSRMAN; ' • Fourth street below/ Fury meet Ltss~clGU4lL-0 bide Linaeed 01, put reed bt rillaD, JONES a CO ‘ AN V AS: 4 . —1 bolos good Canna., received sod lot •ol.• ' ACYLKIT WHITZ ••••• • Nogilorood nreet g WF.EDS--A 'gond sweetmeat of new styl•Tweeds, rereived and wr min by • . niIACICLETr WIIITE,9O wood st T.ARCII—Su loner Fox's (ancienatl) &web, en CI A Pio. t Teed per ete Talismen,and ule • • e-Z1 0 81111,100BER0Elt UV ate Mn.d liamp,do 000 ILI / Ir: is 2-I :nrs '- ent so l d . fo r oaf; a d rraff... GORDON 1,1 91 dyer add jopllynt.o_ L AAD --I ker.. No I htir do do, for rale_ by . VVIMNDLEIS I.• tiFirrrtatc—a-bai troAarmnIANDLESS ).-11 coy woad and water da 11 t o r,4.nr._‘ftlkirl,l7.-d. TIT iiipkor;v l :l bb Is old BooliTi i=rfot male by . WI3 _F,4OIIR-40 bble l Flaily Flog; In o4or: l dtar A ve AC 1ff.031C 0 bblo N 0.9 so %I.? s t (L., / 11 Y r _ I br_ fees_ ri• 11.1.9911 ED 911AD-10 Obis 1.1(1 .1 . k i m ip Ar l J for sal.. by lea i~twliN7taill ou..—Nwrinßook d o;..jt by canal and for Web? IeIG • J bbla now N. 3 larafii i l .L ' canal .d Ws by Je2s IDA r kp 11 . honst greoiantad , ista—w bblo N 0.2 sod 3 Mackerel; 1 No. 1 io lontrarak OIL lIIISAL-200 bbla for ask kr • jos S P . VON HONNHORST A. Of) RICI4OII OLZIGUA7IIII—Tero 'Preach Fand &alma IhnjPala; last received and for sala by, jet PHAcKLETT & WHITE, lb wada OLORIII) 0.111d218.106-004 cam slabs and I. • drab colored CambricaOnatcranal & WII andfor sada by et,/ MIA ITIS C i r r rora Vol l Arati 11*‘- • .An T 7gr . C..V.Ver d ajc i reed and fo r sal; b y . jda IauLLEI - a ins " 3 , just reed and for sale by OHACKLETT r WHITE FISIP-30 bbf• large Na_ 3 blackeral.l.s/7,• 30 " Iforrioc for We by ; e ms CLARKE & THA W. Canal Haste 1 21 .1 ;a 1 1 316— M b e b s 4 Arear DtgalParilie6" . water sad from sts if IX El— besFGp tua boxes Raw Nachos and 'r M il l be sal vet y fc. A laekriggrar Rog*: *.LADt4lollaied am* inn up In Vanegat dx ...4=tr....4,:tvg=tty.. band NIL. !dastard • &HODES & ALCORN_ lg. • - eioioP 11-gr—C--Ruir o" meow s . Vnowt. and ap.r.a. dm hhesuurd . .. ! Splce F.r..- to,y..n Fifth ta. myl4 RHODES& ALCORN -_-_. F .O -,... lA , N.l Tranosea Bud; ' So b( I 4 " . 2. Ile.riog; for ye. by bb:- No I . • II: IIEAZEIMON 4 11 , ....We a the Diamond -------- - TACE. 111111-Fliri.El- if° giros titedolot owe Lace' .111:1011. it/I dre•oo., tot sale .1 Ilortinneolg .Olrr of WOW F KATtIN Lt li z r., 0, N. 'Aid chi rO b iDAN k SON 3e7 .I.JJaftet eeeee , No IEI Liberty •Iftel 4 1 a l it : I t A e et r and 1, C ° l P 4 liz;.4tnltig"' 1"1, r. 7 wood It G . -- --- ,—,----. ROUND PUITF.N, 05 4015, key soli 4oXes, Ilea Kio ad ad re.tantly on band for sole. by ' „ . 11.110DW 3 to A uwari o - Nov Pao. greet • • AC K ERNA.— ItagAlie Tih6l b/ ; = East ask of Diamond . poisoEkeg.Tie" Ride Poldet; bi 4 Fur nth, by • k J DAUM. IVI ACK hble 3-La!ze:, . I‘.,°Vaf, ¢KI36-1:. v. W. B, an puns skipping was sale ty 4 coal. 04I,ZELL &CO, taboo d L 1013A11.-4)t:c. rum. dr bite Havana' 0 Brasil: An rate by _Et •&!!!....NNETT.IB and woad st N itLeet - 04 tor case:woo at iiiiitastar 1 and Since For wry, tr 7 Flitit street. ray 11 RHODOS & ALCORN INOUNLT qasaMON.A.Anulai .1,13[1:;;;46.14:::t.11:. Mt7sl:9ngrat= A 1 , Airdlk h.. t _- C KOUND—GINGER—Sti Ws sad Sr, kegs ea • and uy RHODES ALOORN No V Fdtl. guest 111.&811.-137 big talk " ISO bis Watt, for sals by F./JO:ay rll f I:..' lrn ' n" ! Fiat :PAEtli—dsasbla for Laza, ie.. al• ways on lw , / ,sod for a*l. al No W W I Li W beM evert, near cos- OHN-15C. i.r.helc prime c ow 11"__'2•21.. . i. , o uses-3(x) w OTAIU-14 casks in store ateavlrom Je' . C 1 VA 1 tf=,111= 7,11 .... 12. o AcoN-.2uu S.• Baron Sides Set WS ST .......N JJ 09 Wa R bießVitisuf -, AS roa,lll.- • 11 - I..lTCRiiit juii ialas-e3 - Ar s s . ' . ki jel6 by R - reofith. - S .. bl., past r..... , . -,,,, . . A ~,/ .1 KIDDt.OO 3 LliyoSS__ -. . . WO IN - li AIL N 7150 dos. csl i as4oz i fo n yzil Eo s tc. 4 ~ . 44:17, 6 1 Ric ii -L- 3 D-4... lu.leivvrewmdeisbi VDIZAULIC O Ins .ak SCIIIICAT- 1 1 0 bblsolikas4 mad by jeV3 MY-IL 10011 DON 1 T 171.0 UR —um bb. fl.P.on band aid kw rag by r 0 5 • • • lIURuRIDOE, WILbON &Am flambee: r Ra too doctor seymele by 1 ,2 ))1 4,17 ban k. a 1 . 3 110,1„.„.„ t C . nm sile . r -• :1 -ti tiA6 bolatyrolalayTla ta a co XVI ,a° • SA Tl+hlo utiVc lettecANDtssa us. by, FLour!'' - IA- A ...""*".. 10Rig MEAL-l 3 Ys (real it-m J C .llO I: lot need ibreale treed is -"'"*"." STlsr—"" bd. &CO j~ltoODl~lu m0n..4"f1."' 10 BIDWELL II&RIP --xvi :es Me. dew.nned Nam and tot . 1 . aalr &CO LE E, I,UUt! aq in , or 4;OSIREILCIAL 11-1:C_011.1 . , .. . ~ .. . .: .'• . 'ALMANAC ----1347771 Sun - 1 Sunl Moon • JULY, I ri.sta 1 seta I ears 1 a 7nirslay -- 14 38 1i 33 I ro 9 Friday 4 , 37 732 217 10 Saturday . 458 7 X 3 7 11 Sunday 438 7 311 4 1 12 Monday . 4391 731 1 sine new moon 13 Tuesday 4 40 1 7 MI 8 6 14 Wednesday 441 730 13 41 ------ 111low•movate of th• °cows Steamer.. ElWatson. exploom Leave Amer Leave Europe E g iorou 'Br) WM, July 16 /tom 11l w g eglorh (Ant) trevr 11. - July I Blilll3lli. (Bn Earyiyon, Aug 1 Jul, I Sarah Sands,ll:loThomr.on• - __._ _ rITTABBRGIB BOARD R 0V conmir.ret: FO JULY ne. PUMICE. JIM. IerADEN. LAAZ TT FOUZION LUTES. In I Haire June I ....Jane London , Liverpoool. PASSENGER ARRANGEMENTS FORitsG. Steam Boat PlcketLtne, learn dad? fur Cin . Maori, 10 A. r. Passenger Packet via Brownsville to Baltimore and Philadelphia, 8 A. sa and 6 r. sr. Canal Packet Line to Philadelphia, d.,i17. 9 r. r. Mall Coach .Line direct to Philadelphia, 9 A. as and 14 r. Western and Southern Mail (20.11 Line, G a. at. North Western via Cleveland, daily, W A. Erie and Western New Sark, daily, 9 a • North Faster° to Philadelphia, daily,. except Sun days, 4 A. r. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE-', OF MAILS. Entail Alvil •ia PAiDdelphia, dm, 3 A. 31„ div Western Mail, Cincinnati and Louisville, Jim M., closes SA. M.. . Southern Mail vu Baltimore and Washington, d 8 P. M., cloves 5 A. M. North Western sui Cleveland, due 10 A. AL. elm 9.A. M. Brio a nd Western -Bess York, due BP. M , elm BA. M. - • .Orr Sics S ics Pirrs•o non tiaervirc,., aturday Ming omduly 10 t The weather is still very warm, with but lit prospect of rain, on account of which business day as rather doll. Floor—The Floor market continues dull, no as IA any conger's's:me having tortured since our I report. We bear of a sale from store of 100 bbl in various lots at prices ranging from 843.5 to 4.31 r bbl: Sales in a small way from the river at $4,14 04,25 ; from all we can learn we think the average quotations maybe Bet down it 51.25. Wheat—Little is doing at pimenq the prices stands at our lost quotation-800 81 c V ba. Corn—No change has occurred; it is worth from store 413a50c r bu—from wagon the same. Cornmeal finds ready sale at 45850 c V Go. Bacon—No change ill:1E00W last report; we bear of small ale* to city customers at, for Halos Sidra 7084—simoao. GAG Gje V ib—lioground 7.1 c lin lb. Considerable quantities continue to ar• rive by river, principally designed for the erastert market. 'Lard is rather Pearce, butevithoat any change in price. gales are made at 811114 c. V lb. Cheese namable firm at former prices. %tie heard of sale. of some V) bra in various lota at 5.1851 c lb. Riee—Salei by the lice at siiisin r lb. sogu—N 0 prime.B6 l 3}"p IS by the 1111(4,11a .1, 71071 r bbl by the bbd. Salt—This article is selling Iroto4 \ oore at 1,3 r too. o. little in market; good timothy gone readily at sew p toe. Pig Metal—We quote Wee of li Hock at sn— Mercer comity metal 531 r ton. blabooing 5.1.1 r ton. Blooms—Sales of Tennessee blooms at 570 - • .. Hemp Isaa advanced a shade trom luta quotAtiont; Wes film at SIC° V . ton. Tobacce—Saiez of manufactured at, a best 304 - , 35c; 5 lump 144 12s1n,12a13c;Itmore plug, 11l 1.5 e; common eavendiab Sc t' lb. Leaf tobacco in fair demand at 3,56 c r lb. The steamer Financier was raised en Thursday, and arrived at the wharf is the evening. tier Inju ry is but .light, some of her upper works only beteg torn tiny, with no injury to the hall. 4 few dare will be sof6cient to put her in miming order, when she will .pin resume her regular trips. tier load was reshipped so the Senbeain, yealrrilay. The new. by the steamer from Europe is regarded as favorable to trade, notwithstanding the depres sion bathe price of Brendatelfe. The ease in the money market, and the promising appearance of the env., am splint the reshipment of specie, and wanantthe belief that we may be able to rotate in title comatry a large portic, of the. twenty lire mul lions of bullion received from abroad, aThe last New York papers represent money ea being abundantly easy at Owe and ail per cent. on totainem notes, and Mei and a half on the highir clam of eecuritlea. 'Pee d4osites in the Bootee barite are Immensely large, sad daily on the le mma. It is estimated that'the July divide oda of railroad, factory, wharf and other corps tines reentiy paid in that city, 31uuunt to mom than million of dollars. • The Cane receipts at Johnstown Irons the open Mg Of navigation thisseason, op to July IM, and th amount received during the same time last yens, i az lollovre : Ammon 01 toll. received up to July 1. S 1847 88,437 `M Seams period last,yeer 55.-1. 59 .. —:---- The amount of wheat received at N P tide water the last week in June, amounted to 6'4.904 bbis over the receipts to the corresponding period last yew. The receipts of corn so far, a period of 61 days ol navigation, exceed the receipts of last year by 538,00. The N Y Express says, thatunder themmpression that prices have declined here, fresh orrs for flour and genie have been received. The probability 1., that with the present reduced rate. of freight, chip emote will continue to be ss ertenaire as ever.— Wlataver map be the condition of the crop. in Eli, rope. the stacks have been .io far exhausted that there cannot he mach doubt that large supplies unll be wanted from is country to replenish and make up the dellciency. Exports of Breadstufla and other leading articles of trade from the port of New York from the 45111 of June to the led of July, inclusive. G Britain. Franre. W Indies Flour bble 74909 33'.7...... •••• 719 Wheat bu5....1V.347 tiM Corn 145317 —......•.. Meal ban Baton lbe W 9841 I Lard 1%8 Cheese 365550 " 140 Beet tree t 2.5 '3l .-XJ3 The lollowinz atatirtice will &hew the rapid crease el trade at Clevelaud, from ioelosive 'f \Arrsirale. From 1830 to 1834.. .8497 remelt.... ..... . From 1834 to 1840..• .5391. .. . 5..91. From 1840 to 1846 '78119 .., LOlO The above are the - arrivals anJ departures only or sallies vessels, there being no data of the move- MOMS of steam la, which most be immense. The amostot of eaporta from the port or I love lanB front 1813 to 184 G, Inclusive, or 5t.3,941.,517 33 From lot of .1 tnn2ry 1317, to "nd -WOO 1417, .• notice the following arrivals, by the Ohio C breadstulls, &-e Flour, buts Wheat, bu Corn, bu Bacon, lb& Lord, Butter, Th. amount or money in deproat, aohject to tee raft of the Secretary of tle Treaaury, en the list Of Jane, wu 56,144. 1 9 0 50 1111 PORT• ISY ST LOUIS—Per Mt Vernon-8 0 lb. loaf sugar, Hotellieno. Use mdse, A M IV•iiingford—'2 bss do .1 P bd. entree, Rhode. & Alcorn—l ba mdse, Atwood, Jones & co-1 be do, II Graff —lO bble linseed Sellere-1 mdse, J hlcradea bble buffalo robe., Forsy th & co. BEAVER—Per Umpire-17 bbl. nod', Jag Coop. ("' BaIiIWrISVILLE—Per Louis McLane-10 eelas woo), raylor & Hogg—l3' bll boo glass, Wm Kyle slot lecke corn, relief of Ireland end Scotlend. P.rCOgissl-27 .hesia b iron, Odeon & Ye( W,Alezinder—SS de, 1.; F.rem,-7 bused, glue, Smith. BOATS LICAVINO Tlllit'llAY. D. LEKCII & Co's. PACKET, Pasladelploa an. Elaltimore.9r. B. BROWNSVILLE PACKETS at B a. re. and .adl r.ll. BRAVER PACKETS at 9 and IDA to end 3 um MO NO NU WIKLA , rr v l'A I !KETs• 3 I:LA`GOWV tilsgutv, 4 r . v. wELLSVILLE. Waiiairille, 9 a. M. PRAIRIE BlRD,lnneinnati. CINDRELLA, Cincinnati. HUDSON, Sonfith. SUNBEAM. LOlliffille SUSQUEHANNA, Cincinnati NlT,VERNElN,Cineintinti. . rrl.T.Stooknorders of die . Farmer.' peprwit trent o 'atfah:grin=r„l,:7, l, gra'n'ge'r h :."4; p.t these Itaaking privilegise, or ir decreed orPcdidd lodised to tar incorporated so a new Bank. 01 order of Laud Dimon , .19plawflot T110,1090N BEI 4 I, BLitt rota OF PITTSBURGH. 7 . 1E01[6 WATETI ARKIVE . D. Consul, Bowman. Brownsville. I•oi;i'e M0...0. Bennett. Browitsvalle. Mosterei, Morrison. Brownsville. estritlen,enrickson, M'Keespors. sislib Co , Slinles:Glasrw. tVellavil. Catlett. Wellsville. llenpire,Young, Beaver. Arrow, &tkinson, Beam. • I DEPARTED . . Conant. Bowman. Broweardle. intim I.le Lane, Bennett. lirowntrille Al onteret. Woodward. Btownsrille. Calm/ Mme. Snot.. Glasgow. Arena. Itelett. Bearer. Swallow W O ilson. n. Dtligenc , Wader St UMW Camdeei Hendrielson, McKeesport. S I- TEAM BOATS FOR THE SAULT oat laTiC, JSAHIIT. CShr t. 11. Te steamb DEPROap Co oaten will commence running he riittwer Detroit and the Sean Ste • Marie on June ?id, making weekly . Inas doting Me. of the enson, nevi g,Detroil ev my 'Nestle) Ist o'clock, P. hl The Pettoi is one yea, old, has a powerful low pre. vote enstne.and is well adapted to the emelt trade. rns Freight or Postage apnly on board, ur to C lIRSDIIURN at CO, Cleveland J N FWD.:RT. Detroit tttlgAnt F W LAWSON, " FOR LOU ISVI LLE. rt. elegant Packet SUNBEAM, Cochran, mute, will leave as above this morning /all Pan. at it/ olelock A. kl tor weight or passage apply on bean!. tt =MEM . . . ta ga , The fine detriikßELLA. For, 111•11 e, Wit! leave 110 spot a this morning, July lUM, at 10 o'clock. • a. For bright or passage apply owboard._ _ 171 0 rola CINCINNATI k ST LOUIS ...... The spleudiJ ard (ant steamer ' ...‘, SUSLIVEHANNA, McComas, master, will leave as aboire thi. morning. July lath, at 10 n'eloel, • is Fir i eight or pa..... asOlr ou b.." OM Pt./9. CINCINNA Pl.-..T1d9 DAY ...I 'Mtn magnificent Part et Al I' 3 ERNON, Parkinson, master will lease as above nis looming, July lON at 10 o'clock, sr FA tright o r r o p:s er shg r e i r u dgm hoard. jylo The elerant Packet MARY ANN. iffito Duncan. :caller, will leave as shove this morning, J illy 9ih. at 11l o'cloek, A AL For freight or passage apply on *Mil 3)9 liegniar Plitsdnargli and Zanetwille • I Packet. The new and light draught steer CODIICT, 'E .— ... James F. Boyd, master, will ru n s • regular packet Itesween Pittsburgh lie. Having bad Leo cabins fitted up and furnahrd rh superior style, the Comet offers the floral acrommodannits to passengers She will Irma on Monday, Jul 5111. at 2 o'cloelt, P. 111. For Bei 'ld or passage apply on board. or to W 3 ' WILKINS, Art _II pi.Ensuar TRIP. The new U. S summer , MIBEA VP.I4, C Hoops, roaster, will leave Me wharf opp osite Me Monongahela 110 am. for 1 Economy and Beaver on Monday 515 4 31. JalY3 id 9 o'clock. A. a.; returning will lease Beaver at 11n . ch ill .e. a, and Economy at 4 r. at. lrld Regallar 0 and Glasgow Packsi., 104 W 1li no new arid fru nothing %Womb°. CALEB COPE, Sales. thafter, builat e2P 4 r 2 l 4 . 4 do* trade will run as regular seller or Beaver and Glasgow—leaning Path. burgh do ly at 3 o'cloc running io lilargow, Ithouth o Sandy and Beaver Canal )thr Mood2T. W ell nenday. and Erving For in:net , or in Bearer New L.nbon.or the towns Went and North of New Lisbon. apply un board or to_ ft.:. 02 k. W lIAROAUGII. MI %rood mreet I REGULAR PACKET. The pew, double engine paithenger 4,11111, • SW ATA RA, - tOraught only I3' inehe , l 4:apt Cox, will lea neon Alontlay, the 7th innant. at 4 o'clock. r. vs . for Clotho. l tt and iniennethate pons and will perform her Utp.l.reenthrly during the low water season • • For rtilit or flatware apnly on brood jr4 ItrX;I:LAR cisriNagri a 31' LOUIS PACKET The new and oplendid steamer TRENTON. Woodward roamer . ..till leaver. Grote rular/y throughout the .ea Fur O eg ciabtor priarage apply nu tthard milk .._ FOR CINCINNATI ra I:OUISVILI.F. The Lae and Haunt' b laght draught ! Mt otraruer TRIUMPH, above Catirry, matter, will kart. as r. gala. la throughput the reason Fur trelghtur pawn, apply on re a son tuyl2 . , CO' I ntin reiv,riimoWliir t TAhA ke z a i r ra i dperm e d CH a T e hinter geit . Ae ; " "tHH'. Ifrrra'„"':.ra:tl'te“rlea'al"r4ll ~ lady durtag the intaaon. Iler day. will I adverosed la r..tallar. my7lf Hi - Aill.l LA It Liiu 'LW ICLETAI.'IS 6 .r -- The new, Itght draught and fast ran. sing steamer KO HEXA. Cower, 1112.[ f. 'Sill run . a regular „ s i i„, th.th, th, wtiaAr.kneor tizee th n a, P:l:• o h en , lt u a , n th dl y .o , u v i , ... nine. lay loth. at 4 o'clock r Fir freight - or passage apply on ho.il , I 1 ) 8 FOH-ZAT-lArril.l4"-- -- ' ~ The light d e co and foot manna 4E4 sicaralmat AIINGO CHIEF, Moore, oftener. tell ply . a regal. OW paeket between this place and um.' eilte. For freight or paimage apply on board or to . 6F.0 H Alll. eF.NTIFRGER. Art 11F.Htl:AR CINCINNATI r.cgrr 1 117: ' r\ '.' ".'"'' non. matter, will Tun a• above Mi me ihe ricamn. imam: regular trlp• The H. draws only 14 inrhe• seater. For freight or pa•••ge apply on board._ a r? U iPlegelboicla id i i imiis it. Pickets The new and hat steamer ILIODSONs Ebben, meow. has reatowd herretell •Iter tripe .1111 WAII leave Foti•burgh as above every Thursday and Milt day t , 13 o'clock, P. M. For freight or passage apply no rd. irseV, McIiF.F.SFORT, F.l. ZA111:*11 AND MONO AGA -114:1.A CITY PAcia:r. The eese iiik e sPircil, Nelson mster,wlllran as alave. ha ving l'ii share, every AlundaY, W. d .Py and Friday, at 91 o'clock, A. M., and Manner a llele City every Tuerelay,Thoraday , and Heturday rah , cierek, A. Al For freight . passage apply on Ward /YZI . I Allaggiteny River Tends. foe arifit The ne and feet Steamboat ARROW, 1 C u . t. Tr:: n Atr i. n ; Till ci r , ::l2: yes tbe armor; between l'ilt.bunth at 4 Elan k lin. For !fright Or p• Oa Re apply on tward. gttif WELLSVILLE DAILY YACKET. aiiialiti Thr new. rlegant and law Packet WRLIAVILLK, C. C Catlett. ;natter, wAt built ra• prr.sly for do* trade, and will make r daily It ma donne the worm. Waving PM4nrgh ewry morning*, 0 o'clock, antiWw ellolle very evening at ti o'clock The W. is farnithed with e "Fabeea relent magnetic Walet Linage! " For (mop n:lialltege apply .. board 1071 f r,:r A Kert Dont t• constantly at the Illuabargh % bar! to tern ice freight, and the agent always on the 141 t. A MeRANF.. Agent. R`FAIIILAR PACKF:F FOR WELLSVILLE AND STE:OREN VILI.F. lain The " 'IV WI VAI :"." 0. M. Swarm.. muter, I. Ping butgh every Mody Wednetder and Ft iday at ll o'clock, l ° M., leaves Ktetatenvilly every 'Faraday, Thaw/lay am/Saturday aign'elnek, A. M. For freight or pasitage apply 9 on lawrd der IthltiMAD PITIDOUROII7 AND k It' Ia.E.I.ING PACKIT. The Steamer oat. lIIBICANSA, Samuel Smith. manor, will commence running a, • regular packet ammt the Pith mot leavig Pittsburghevery londay. Wednesday utvl 4 tidily, at lit o'clock, A. M , cavg Wheeling every 'fuesslay.Thursday and Satin ay,in at Et o'clock, A. Pi• For freight or passaae m Ill y n tvinnl Ft) It: eINCTKi N kIT: nail The elegant souI IIIIRICA. fast Packet A Calhoun, mutes, will leave aye/nye regularly throughes. the .:anon. For Imerit or novvegeApply . hoard. mu't Itegutur Pittsburgh and joists. III:. . Parket. mak TI I E light dzsAt o ar i lisir , IWO, hiss., will lIIIIIIC weakly trip. In the blee:Nil iliirelig . lIIC le. 01 .• rOf 111,1011 Of 'dressage apply to bOl. Id U WILKINS. An Inn 'PI IVSIIIIII":1711 ANU WiII:KLING i•AcKET. The iiiiliVlviiair i t . r j anagstorr Coptssn II IV kksirt, will ronlineute fin'l , l. , "g" r.::,""i•:„Iir„1" d:',74 Toeidely,Thuroilny and baturilny, at 111 o'clock. A. II ; and Inuring Wlldflold rvery Monday, 1% edrievilay sod Friday. at Ir o'clock. A Al. Th. New Virgland huil Lean linughlespreviily for the undo, and will leer: rreillsrly a•sis,v For srriglitor P.'"" " P"' orl''''""'. .lllllN FLOW. AtP Wai _ REIUIAK PACKET FOR NAIIIIVILIik. '.. 'llly. 111 W I•IVS111.1 • , .. lialiti 11i %'OIIIINII, Y, err , Jots V 11.0., will costirnenre Is 1 regolsr trip • to the shale port,. Monday, the :Jill invotilksi Ilho'cluck l S. Poe might . pars %V ... sipii m ly on board or ID .1 KU ri.ER Au). Arm 33.1133 649,1 05431 104'31111 o+o%o • Tr. Traveller.. ”EXPRESII PAST PACKET LINE" PIIILADIELPIIIA AND LIALTIMORNo i • I Errluderly Iv, Pamo(ery ) t r111; , f1;::1 1. :11 , 1 1 1 ,, I , Itt . :I f rvol ... lcmit.tg.tivvitt,.l. cweicaVple.n.t 4enects as follow., every night it 9 o'clock : Packet Itolo.nst,C(pr Berkey, Illondey, Joly 6. • . do bow.lens.Thotopoon, Toeulay; Joly a. do tlenturky,Thoy, Wednesday, Joty 7. d o t eh.. Crate, Tion.dur, July o • P. loddodo It. Iby Foddy, Jot) D no 1,111•1111,41.1utospoon. Ootutday, July ID. do. Keliturky.TlVlly.Suodoy. July 11. do (Ono, Cml, Mond 07. July 19. ' . . do Indiana; Ilerkey.Tneoluy. July 13. do 'Louisiana, ThompPott. Wednesday. July 14. ddo. inatack ir, Trel.Thynalay, Jul . ID. Ohio. Cro•RI TO.Y.J uI 7 19 do Indiana, lterkey.SllllllllSY, July 17. . do Lonitina,Thampaon.nanda July la.] yen desire cheap travelling and c o oodortaDle eLerool ,aodationa, tenure roar unkaia at the . racket oak. MP"" 'hol' 110"'' tYVV.gAICVO, Canal: lug. ACOU 'WEAVER Vitae Sore, corny of Mu .1 Le no.l Fleet ky7 Doane r rale by, Titt . QtY/LTIFST Ao.AU Oill.-11 - •1 algebra:A sagioni 17 hoe, Cor sale by c" 1:: 'Aeon WEAVE& i'.:... Tom. :`~.~, . .': Rill, :ROD ..NOTICES.:' ,- :: '-:-. ,i . --... MI 1)1 - CA 1. , •' -.----. omminiLvAsv. u ..n0akv,0,1p.. , . i i i t;..rowssElot posat Y s7 N il Lie C rteived un ' tiN C E . rd , DiT.J . r; ~s RSI.PARILL A 11l the Boioush of Ilan wheels end until WED:SKr.A . Istraordinm*.dfdicine to the World July 11, In ilarClty of l'iurberldt.o'clock. A. ra., Mi . ..... .41i, C of at.. giore., Me the evokes al il maruory I , .---- _ apon Ricers mile. oi the Celia.). woe Railroad, e leading We from Irma .llarrislan atio Kbyte miles of allot Raiiroad eXienditue Caw 'ittsburgh. The greaten will include very heavy walk, an I the amount of Ale ,rill Um Piers and Abutmenie of the Undue arr Os. the Suapiehouna, f of k mils in .eogili. will tie. unusually huge VI/us and spec•Seetions of thew'elt can be seen la the Engineer's, Mike ill <Mal place. fur ten days previous to the tin.e etpuittied (Jr reeciviou ihe bide Any Anther torah:attain can be had upon air plication to the Chief or Ausociste'Enflor. TR. ibt, 1 V MERRICK, Pres't -RAILROAD LKTTINO. TO CONTRACTURS-fficaled Proposals will be to. mired at the office Of the k•ittsburgh and Cleveland Railroad Company, in , Wellse it le,Chin, unit! Id o'clock, A. II- or the 97'h so of July,lnffi, for the mailing , bridging, and preparing fur Ithe superstruenue nf that portion of the line between wellsvitie and NI (Oaken's.' mill, 101 miler. Plana and specifications manee exam. lied at the office of the CattOwts. et ttnY fro". mho. 17th to the 77th July. COutrabts will he let to the low. eat bidders, A Ratlffir letting of that portion of the line from Alquillten's Intl, creasing the Puna,' Mid 1 1 e4. 97 Comm', sod estendine on dad Nrw Lisbon and Canton road in Me direction of Cleveland, wit' take place ally M September. By order of the'lloard of Direffin, 1-dtptur. i A G CATLE rr:seetv NOTICE TO sTOCKILULDERA. QOFFICE of the Cleveland nod Pitt , burgh Rril Road Company. Watuait.Le., June la; 1"1:—An instal. mein of ten per cent (the 7.d instalment) mi the .liseripuon, to do capdal stork of Me company, is remresied to be paid on ur.belore Me Ist Joy of August. 1947 Stockholders in and hear ffiallueoille. Ohio. will pay to Jos G. Laroch; tii Pittsburgh, to .1 W Robertson A Co ,corber of 3rd mid Woo& Greets, in Wellsville, to .Im. Awn. Hr miler of Me lk.wil Inffidlaual A 0 CATLETT. See • • ______ MISCELLANEOUS. PITTSBURGH WHILE INSTITUTE. er Instin , ande wh ic hre of Rev. J. or / GOMM. a%u Loot. O all the role' and or mammal brunette' , of a finished education are taught is now lfo. e 6tr !paellas Row. LlMarty S . ill d and Oh :Deets. •Yhe elecond Peption commencecoe on Monday the :Mill of /Waft. and if important that any who may design n• tering should be regent ar for a. plactieatile by lholl , tur They have secured the serinces Vodes*Or 11111 l ROCK at teacher of Musk on the Piano and Chyme, who in too well Lime , . to need recommendation *cone , Went ti.ench teacher artll Or employed I Prof. RI M will have charge. of tbe Department of VoC•1 Shia, Prof NU MINSgI. will bare dire Masa of the Attirtic Department. and wilt give lemons, in drawing,ithetcb tag, and painting. kilt it nil. and 'Lame colors. Troi. S 1• a competent teacher. and hes recommendations Bean the first men at Tompe ln and the Untied Stalesf Ihe has also been a teacher the fir.( inrulunonn o countr. For terms apply to the Principal. j)stf TOCNG LADIES' SELE C T SCHOOL.' ALLEGIO:Nr 01111 Inantuttun hoe Let trcend y bees opened muter Tthe Milton or MrN •Oleicalf. tithe Corner of Sandusky and Strawberry alai. The aueeeth winch has thus tar attended this School, In ink estahlithntent and progress, ha. inti . y ,qaalkd the eipentation• of O. limiturtur and Propietor. and war rants the tame that ho II he *tomato! ill lii4 edowe to render it a &mentl , In-Malmo for the educe,. of Young Idultes Allegheny sod 'vicinity. The Foal Session of the nest Academey ear, will commence on Monday, Fel, nth. There are yet a leer vat × to be klle,t. but as the Minnie , of pupita to sunned an rally apphrtmint de• tinkle. Fur particula relative tit wront, r o ill.llll Circular.rulars or apply to the te, Instrunoe t Oft( 1111S3 STRONG'S OA BRDING SCIIOOI. tot 90.10 B OA RD`. No 9, Washington Squarr,Pldladtlphla . fr GC Fall Tram of this Instuuttoo will compeer , oi .1 the In u( lnlormation rothecting oilmen , . tetra.. he ;may to obained at this once, ur b) application to the 'Priori pal. jr3tAlfini• -. _A 'CARD. HAVING made Impoliterrangement. with th e mod eaten. one Impolite Houma in New York tome time back fur my pupply of 'pure Wines and Littnur., and I d are wale Agent. of the folloartng Wore. ni a nd a the Island of 11adetra, of Olard thipay h Con Iwo a my, eloseric.J J Dopuy a Co .and A Set nett. , Thin. Othey, Webber A Fermate , or Oporto; Frtran. , ehher A (Mich of Xems; Spa natant h o , of Al. , detest: Cruse at lingshfield , Clan, /awns.. A POW Champaigne Wow.. They have loudly consented mr Me m use their name, if tomcat/an' to *how that I have teceived and am receiving a large Purply of the atmve brandsof aryl Liqoosq, which I amp repated nil in • pure maw. to there who wel N it u t Ile. Thantfol to my fored• and the pa Ile for pan 1 . .., m p hoe to me a rontinuance of thei C r M ARTINat LI ITS roe onahfirld and front its ECLIPSE ••TINO DAY LINE." FTW KEN CROW %STILLS: AND CUMBER BLAND, Isnow runnin daily each way, carrying 10/ of llood.and Teodoro. between above Swint. Merntgimdinv (Mel the 1.3111 IS delivered in Pitotturgh un the mgtt of the third day Mina Cumberland—MS. ll f this tee MO. egoeditinu. mate fur grthog outlined. from the Eastern Coma. Tie Agent in,Balornore vr,ll give reeriet ar hme and mot. The only Age.. ate 1C DI IIW Ihtmhuteh G W CASS, Bonvorsitth MAGI,IIIII. Caned ,elSdato • .1 It IttICINMLIN, Balt mow and lctt. dot Imotr. ehuslo.ne rtf - We Iwkw.lig bl a n d. N Modem, L 0 do , S Itl do and other Maud, pr Sherry ...uperwt uc'e, Do bbrow. du Ib golaen do; Ithacan Port-much...ten for ,n Fumy, L M do; Treble Gr . npe Prat, Purr Jut, do, A mu—Tenert Lomat, Faye'. y nod sot m Ms, lags, Itt S•uterne, and smote and led wow. th o tnay e ly gentile a pure aniele, 11. Ihr y are it tent (nth the hand.of the Importer, sot fruns under dm Cam toln Ilrone Lock. in New York. For sale to nutted., noun by IYI C •STIN DR WAWA' IN WOOD ANN-GLASS— . 11. 111 half p.p.a pale and dart Brandy. vintage. 1411. qr do do do do do At oc bmie• do do do do t ronstotag th. folluwom I' min You, Ca.nlnan. tity Zs Sal ,er, aslw. Bend—. wsreented purr from mid, t'nootwitotoc Yolk. and stopped herr by Mr Importer,thne quantities to euit P CMAS YIN tint f ielll.selit and front st r SEGARK —V. I . nnetp , ro.nx iMIA Cruz, J ti.oa ohr eetel,Aled Nont t bratuto. I hr•r II m)!...11` v. watrautrd grnaloc a..they w-re ~ccteJ trk).. ~11, .1J 1.11 bewld lu $O, ria‘tanser • mu co.i large sal p 1) of IllaVana Rad Allatf if an Neg.,• al =Wen. puce. J ACOII WEAVER Wuv IS COT Irons • AUItICUI:gt.II.I/.. Mire irnue tor the aenArn— cern Plough.: (Remand Were Rey:Ler; elneallse and Clad re; gcydre• enure. end Me.; Hoer, Raker, :padre, nborelsi Pruning end Ginning Seas end gniVra, Flower Pel•rarrl P.M Sy I ~ .... elteara rer . A full .app l y crbanda and for sale by N I IAI elg2 corner of ArArd and wee, • • IVAWTICD SOON—Plar. Al t a.." , cnuntry V T n another ol men and Lay•. • float . bet of clew, gatemen. • •rhool teacher, a bo,• more* or we...bow,. Wanted—tdarr• tat flood,' a( conned men and women. bo)• and g3tts. Wanted— . number of good winte coot, ritandaertnael, hr for frototte• US alld country l'lra•e apply 6.1 AC is •HRIS'S :enetallAgency and harlitgrnet Sib at near wand A NUIVIIIC , WANTED, er,-- I .r...table 13.. small (sooty lining 10mA, front rinsbure want a n.,e Mill to go and inIf•CIWO all rind... Th. several goods mote, eliannbetreatils. ourws and gni. f o i .11 work. Alm, several' men far fanning and bar . vesting. Pisces A wanted for ovetal hook-keepersontles. men. waretanntemen, kr. Please apply at ISA.‘" 111RRIS'A Agency and Intelligente. nuke, 3th at near wot!. ' Ir d3 l_ Strai1D1,1111(11. MUCK Pl4.lG2ll 7 l—As the sea son hascommenced Cra mah.ng thirks th e ranwribers beMOlir g' leave again to call the 1411M131011 of brickmakers and others to thin very useful ritarlitine.— We will warrant it equal If nut superior . . any other Briek Crew, of the twine price now in ow We have a clamberer certificate., of ther purforo. anre, which occupy too mach •pace for ad re l itwing. but can Le wen at our oar,. tiriehmakera •rr :e.pectfully melted no give UP 3 call W•'sro II give oar oven guarantee for the perform/nee of the Crew. State or County MOO. :or sale .1011:4 AleFAlrliN & rYI anti diewituF canal 1.4•111 & peon • lI.A.IIII.TiI..CRir6 r curriNci OR Tiir SLIM.—W Sill tOACAII'. Loathe honor to inform the lathes and gentlemen, end 'he inhabitants ine. rnteral, that he undertaken to con • 'Octet) , elierprite C.o. Bunton., Nana and everyhard ...stance Oil r between . the noes with° .1 e.t.a. ty Immo • of on Diver of hi• own invent.. .Mr operation vrforrned lathe spare of win 1111131316 without the It est pain danger, and spare s tri°l bt.o°,urAnon Mut drew with 11., .31. i aiiin of cam, the Coro. Roos in tio. band The Operator VVIII give I. attendance dude rrmn Oa. M no and Roma 0l•. MI et the Morning , het. llno'a Room. No :UV, or will intend to paneet... their own residence if 'wooed. partner.p het endure can.. ling between the Sab YMULUTIUN —S ab seribers under the trim of Il•nrilton Stewart k. this day veil by woman elol7lal. It4l ortsent. The A o n,. of tho roste ieOyp r. n. will lie settled '4""( lLe pallid. It SCA S.. A r, vdJ P. S. The 1110011 of rosnufactured goods wil l yie on very reentrilltwrn. iliviot.v.FioN —Th. partntecilop lintheVo 011, 1.1 mg under the toy Ir and Gun ot Lewis,. this day dis.lved by 0101001 eni•ent. Lorn Ja• Oilers• having Onepinsd of his entire ...eon no ri D .1.11. Me hot rnles e s of the lam finn will lie emoted by I,ewtri. Dalaelt & who are anithontred to 0.0 the nem of the late bent for that ['maw. 1.000 1,, lAN) 1....:41111AMA. jyttEtar I A 111.:u C (./..yarnin Iron WOrititt. KWIR. Co.•-Iluoturn•une all lasiaett of Coiner, Ilar 11011 and Nabs of the rood quality. Order.. len at the +warehouse cwt. A Co ,liberly at, or ti Waterman, w tter st. wilt w pttVl , tr ,4 114;1 , 2 1 ; I_l iT,v. lIA 1110111AIID T. LEECH; .110.; " IMPORTER and Dealer In Saddlery ilardwure 1 Carriage Trimmings, Is now r roiv log large odd , Ilona no his ONlck, directly town Ri•ininglisin an d the rw.tern hlantufartnriers, iv which . he respectfunly .thviu the attmtlion consumer/nand dealer* twee:l4l:y.. TUIITI.I4 110 UP. rgkIIRTI.II SOUP whl be retired up at prate:. 1 U liana, ; evetg tiny rat o'clock. • The lore. of Toole Soup ute pa teuly invited a• I pa. ow •elt2 h•it my Gngi 01.111 Di 11f .1. 1. , .. 1 ,.1? 1 _ SUZY° u at4ersi -.. 1 3 .10 flineeng; st bids No. 1 Latd; I bid Financed; now landing Dow Fit Daniel Ilillgionandf_ottrala AO I DICKFLit9_ I _ 1171011;171NaZ g 1111kp 3.s±has opened the largo stable kkj,•• np Fir t at., fanning through to Neeond el t tretween Med and fhtaithgeld Oteeta, In the rear ofhlotwogahela lloura, with an entire new rock ol Domes and Car, apse( Op hest gualilf and latent Styles. Ocoee kept !Itrrery Tlhe hest liar. for male. A. GOOD well broke. Foanilp Um. for gale. Price 150. Enquire at this office. fra tyndlw Tins entreat n put up in Quest Imam: nee trues t ebo r. pleasenter,and warranted superior toasty sal. • entre JJ doeese Rllllol.loblata vomit. pu iet:sickness or GREAT SPRING AND nt% ing the patn SUMMER MEDICINE • The gnat bonny thd 'super - iota) . of this trumpet ills lost ea train Medicine 1., Ishii.. it Eradicates Diocese n Dodo.. ateethe Body. It is one a the or cry hest ItID/lIPTO AND SUMMER MEDICINE- . 4 e'er Imbue, it nothely purifies the witofe system end streerhena the perm. but it Creatra Nese, Pere trod Aire Brood , power pawned by no other bledieine. nod irt this lib the gt and rearet of its 'model ful seems. It hes prig:tread within the put two years, more than 35,000 cum of nevem Cases or Dimas,. et lent 5 tat of these were Considered incurable. More than • • ... . • ;POO noes of Chronic Rheuroatiterk ; , efil , krues of Dyspepsia; 4W ewes of General Debility and %V.. of Fmn[T 7,000 me* of different Female Complaillis; '2,00 caws of Scrofula; 1,1,500 over of the Liver Comp/Mat , 2,5(t0 memo of Disease of the Kidory and Dropsy, 3,1410 twee of Consumption. And Thousands of macs of Disease of the Blood. rill Ulcers, Erysipetsw, Salt Rheum, Phnples on Me Face, Ike., a, Tu. ie.,. with numerous tame of Sick Headache, Pain to the side aod Cheat, Spinal Affections, ha.. This, on are aware, mutt appear incritlib'e, bui we have lam ., scians avid., agents from al, parte of the United State tuforming us of estraonituary cora. It. Van Cuskiik, Esq. oneof the moot reepectabledloggists in New ark, N. I.Fros us th at he can ref lto mote than ISO ca ses tu that alone. 1 here arc thousands of cases in the City of Ne York, which we will refer to with pleasure, and to men of character. It is ter best medicine for Me Pt t reatise of disease known, It undoubtedly esved 11,e lives of, more that Canna. mg PAST $.• SOX ! As it remand the cause of donor, and p muted them fur the Summer wow. UNITSO°Mora. Can. 0. d. ate :Lean or ant limn , STAT. NATO, and member of the New Jerwy Legislature, ham kindly rent in the fo.lowing certificate. It tells its wont story Ita 'ewer, Jab 01. 1747. A year since I was liken with the litflue,,m, and toy whole I fi l o st w eLo left m a debtlitated state. I was imloced to try Ur d'i Sarsaparilla, and after Mania two or t Deshree bon. mg much relieved. add attribute it entirely ho the mid Sarsaparilla. 1 have'continued taking h, and Emil that I improve every day. I believe it vied my /VS, wad would not be w ithout itcmdrr easxsidenaloo. 0. W. IslCLoate . late U. 9 N. BOOM/LA Ccatan This certificate rouchisisely proves that this Sarsaparilla has perlect roolnd orm the most obstinate sltscese of the blood. Three persons cured in one house is w t peettlenty.l Tanta Guthman, Dr. Townsman—Dem Sir : hme the pleasure to WO you that three of my children hare been cured of the Sri Ma by the use of your excellent medicine. They wee bottler; very the y pith bad sorts. hare ati.y taken Cau bottles ;.lt took them array, for which I feel myself wade deep oblirsttou. Tmtra, respectflly, Iss.ao IV Outs, 101 Woostrp Nen York, March 1, 1617. 1.111.F.AT FFAIALE,hIF.DICIPiE. Dr Tionsend i s Sarsaparilla is a sovereign and rpeedy cute far incipicnt Consumption. Ilarrenness, Lencorrbm, or Whites, obstructed use digrult Almstruatioo, incootinsenr• of Urine, or Involuntary discharge thereof, and gar the gen eral prostration of the systetrun matter osetbrr the rvutl of inherent cause or muses, produced by irregularity, num ur accident. , Nothing can be more surprising than ita insigoratln ties ,An dm human frame Per.onsoill wrakons and Leer tuile;fioni taking it, at once termite robust and fullofenergy under it. indium, It inanolistaly amnia.. die vowe ls...au( the female Irmo, whirl, is the great muse of bar- it will not he repented of us, in cues of en deli.. • na- WIC raltibit certificates of tures performed, toil weep assure the afflicted, that hundreds acmes have bees repotted to us. Set...levet where families lure bees without child ren, after um.; • few Lollies of this tut aluable eneshoher, hate Leen blew with healthy of 1.. Townsend: My wife being greatly &strewed la arraaness end general debility, and surertm noatinolly by pain and • stroatton of hearing down, falling of the womb, and with other difficulties, and having k ems Woe your'medicine has effected gene turn anal also bear. ing it recommeoded Wr mei caseate there dtatribeil,l obtain. rda bottle of your Fatted of Sarsaparilla, and followed the bottle 100 gave me In * dtwl period it removed her coinglainot and restdred her health. Being grateful far the benefits she received, I take pleasure na thus aektmaledg lug it, and renanniending it the public,Manta, Albany, .tug.l7, Ittli,a ur Co( Grand and Lydim Cosmcwts, 7ept. 23, PLO. • Dr rev ntrrt4: TO a whom this nay am. ..la—nit is to mill) that my wife used one bottle o( your Samaysrilla main.. to her confinement. under the mot alarming md . delicate mecum...ore, twit, traubted with the deem, meet. ling of the fret, Hereon arra., md very moth debilita ted . with my perouvion, and We recommendation of those who had lied .h. was Mimed to try d, with link ao Wth ~and wilboe it to way, We nardichte had the happy end Stalred effect,trat only in the boomer tomfoieent, but after Oro capital. of one week or its use, do drtipay and mr tom affection meg way to an maniMing derz, and her hcalW i . better than it haJ ham fir a time pm , IC dill wdl be of my mem< you, or my one Whs., doubts the mere,. or medicie, I. are mtinly tacky.. wit I sal...retie ;oriel( your Ilittbi obedient ma mined entrant S Jowls. TO NIOTHEILS AND :MARRIED LADIES. This b:ateart or Sarsaparilla ha beau eopeesaly prepared refertnialso Issaak cosaplaaits. DO female who haa res. ion to suppose she is approaching that eriti-al pined, "The rum /ye," alsould neglect to take a, st nouns presentiie Las any a this swearer...and Lori Lk diseases to *Loh females are subject at oho Mir of This pane nay to delayed for reetral Than e y osiasi this medicine Noe kn.ab , to thos.. oho ar apprbaelso, soonardosel. it ss isblsted natara by spacial nn, do- d asod noir...sno the system ludeed, this sateliciue is inoel albse no all es lb. Ji rate darues ...Sikh are rirli rt. it brat+ , rrlr,lr 4).‘rin. res.e.r. rmaramtly ratto tal enerreir—by in, the unrmurs of Mr trd, stuarlatsug Oft sparer... proJner a .bresurta •eiawu 'dad, ts the roe of wort nrrthrgues Irr frmalr •ralriera a,rl MILLS t/EAD PHIS 1 4 4(4 .ha hare rale compits4.444, 41411 eyes, Votelees v 4 41.4 fare, .44;14 -Li., .44 irectles :Lad are 4 4 ak,„4111.1,1114 I.•[ a bon. .4 a Ur T. 4.1.4. 1 4. Sarmaparsila It well chase. )44u, blvod. are the Ire-ekls wad bleAthea, auJ or you azeimacivo• wiserkli.g rye , , liu. volt, a4441b4.11141 4 .4,41,4.44,444 at !tech are of wawa.. alue v 414.144 l eica Nu thud or medico.. lees ewer Lora etnectereel which ia netwly resewilitea the rustic juice or uliwi iti decticupown fowl awl etwigtheutug the or,aut poem rattiiii :tai U Meets; truur Alba.;, hh Pi Tow.. tut rue— 1 Swirl uttliverd fur vers.! sef* ilypev•irs b. ...it balms, alt. toted with unol tout a itacoutt. 'ari. lite, trireme hearthuro s mod • goat nevirrou to .111 &s oar of ~I.•sal tor lerek• o s i.ut roe. r•soi 1 tistr berm ...le to .Win but • small parti. stoinaeli I tried the iu ll s f ui mo .Up rslor U , but they cti t " r ' y priltu, mad I osiot .y wttli tittle riusudroce, but alter .usg tiearly bow.. t found toy appetite reautriL lud the tioirthoto ..irrly•ruauseal. mud Iv would .r.vtly run.- toesid Ose um. of it to do. who bare been will.. ria I h.,. Hier Tow", ske., W. W VA, %Alit,. N.., Moen 14.4. ALMOST .1 Id 111 CLE. Itrdthe folkwiriog, .Ju doubt if ,ou cut, that ccioeumps ki. niviaut be cut ed This i•ouly our of die h.dord L that To Sarvalwri I. Isauctsml: 1.• Tutrearta —Prat S.tr I et,al .leu • Jittle over • 'v., ego, with • seteru.uissh .4 peso .4 .4 vide It ire rsee .l o n me eery fad, tosiced. I was pisotioutsced by mom.ici. the quick e.trunikts. 1 ratted lasge qtrt us, c , o f b.atter, had eight sweats, .4 aurktuk very feet: iny duets, seid be could do suubiag kse lea. I unlit ioto 4,e boepitsl idlwiger of heal Leurfittesh but was protiouweed there ..,, 00 gbk. I rt. now greatly dtwriewed al the Islay and euirl4 hardly btmthe ; I rout. brew. rm. rated. arid ellusebril tu die, was cutabuird to Lied, .4 w. obliged to have wa elan iu4.4 I raiihat give you .7 deoctiptiou would do jut.' to lay ease I re. visiquieril by my hood. tried • re. number of teovedie luousll'ars:r"'irtu"b• row I wow tun es . : traorditisiy cur. twrfortu i rd by your rueiltrinr. wad tr." tell Jut the truth, I siorreted there wrio route tulork So them Out I snar lush.. hi try il , did us, aryl 110 tr., 1441.101 I did I 1.1. ea, that lea cutirrly .41, bus All *CP lie ivi•ivereul lota aloud on. auil hope to Le rots.- fj well a few weeks. Aty rough sled 1.11 60 the alitr, end night tombs bat. kit toe, asd but very tittle. insis g giujeg my usual 14-eprit. I tell it give youyp 11y lm pnblistt try. pkave, PkTCII BZOWX, 47 44 4 k sdi 7lnksis4P. Opinions of Phy•lel•1111. Ur Thrashe.il is shirt. J.ily receiving ocatro fun ph) o dierrot pane of rs the This is to certify that the si utleipad, Physicians of it,. City of Ale.sy, base in....roue . ores prtactibed Ih T se owuna's Su ss paritia,'lod behes... tube"... af the most I valuable reparations of tLe 12 ., 7 1,,rket. I W 1..., 0, D, I' E Earevuor., r D. .Ipril I, V'ti Thie it to ceefif) 91+1 we the uudervigued, prartieios Th,Guoutau Phytieutus of the City of Albauy hate frequent ly preterthed 13r Tounaro./ . . Cutniuultol FAlrari of Saesa• mottle, and from Itoorro qualttre, would revuttourad it t o the public for out arrululutie, and.hert utaavoue do ease., prefereure to any of the uleertirell trundle. lo* in out, Itrasaar-,v r, lbw." April W r , I' Ur llusce, ) tltuAist, flaitiauire; and by . prot ripaldroggi.te generally throughtio the tit:ilea 5t.11,1, We'd ludiea and the Canada. Now. genuine, oust.. put op in the logelorh cootaits • quart and .idord with the written siguatote of `4lr uENIP,aud hisosuie blown on the Ohm. From the New Turk Daily Etpress of April 9,1 , 47. pretty thing appeared its the sUeet. you,: u It wu the ad. et cab, Keene. of Dr fur1...1. The whole thing te got up oi lute : mune of the oroa tueolud Undrape raiintitige ate beautiful, ettarh, taro her 101011 the wroll riorkain aold, glutrum; m the sou, made • show ta rrly equalk4 Urrodnay IV. take phis oppurtuoity .9 we !where flu, eel act of the drar.apartlla dorrret• the .r.y great popolari9 ifbar acqultrd. Nervou. Deballoy. • N ear YOTIII, Mare Toseutend: —I ham been atllietril ILO, or Irv. for a r ... 7 :, ll:h o7. d ri re w l i ts l brought int noiliiiibt try the continual heat and mild la which la subyrt by in ambiolnets at dyer. I ham Wien other inei lieierm, um aware... mentioa, but milli littleiir minim I rms. I aim loitered by what I saw iu the raper to tr a bottle or )our Samar:mil l ; from I funds reat relie f' I lime tali., several owe bottles, and I sinlimitatlngly say it it the lisst medicine I lave ever taken—the nein in my chest gone, and I G<l quite &different man altogether sin, IPre taken your Sarsaparilla I lime non a better &visitor t)loo mire I hail M y tor ire ha. talon it with the mme Innen *lel mud," Irindil retioniumull pit m • family medicine ticiiiimilly.ani/ I )eel turrineed that II l oused them would pod E. half thr airlines* there is, nod mmampently and so mal., Dodoes bills; for while it tonnes appetite, 1 gives in the striut.lt and bon eta their Air tone" it amt. the mid m a h e althy mate,. that anemic is not aollkely attack the system And to all oho are not In a healthy sta., l loss, ny UrTownu tort ramarrilla. Tlioltan SMITH, 70 Mi. 0. Canker In the nouns., ur loa ea an arrOMlll of knollnrchtld %are& 11. Tioritiamr• Skreaiurill. 14e livn of llooitaio/• of eltildrvet The foiloatios,ertifieate it -4,1,4 (ruin a great number reel seedwart, Ntw , Yams, 'arid e,1:47 Dr Townicudi itteartiri—One Gr toy childnin was very with the Canter in the mouth and throat amaind with great debitil7. Drama meter dying; I obtained snow of your eserltritt medicine, and it cured it directly, fur which I ma )0O 11.1 reel gndelul, Nur. b.tazatirrn F•iwitaa,i27 Mittens*. tt For rate by It 1 , . 1tS Druggiot, Nitta %% Gel et, between al end 11 echo at, echo been airiboril by Dr TOWNSEND tole Agent File Allegheny rm.jeSdteelyV, S. -- - - EILLERIM VERMIFUGIE— 'All who uy it we delighied with im wonderfuffeels I,2ilScriOrt,Va. Jona 10, lel.li. Mr. RF. Feller.- 7 11 .hall peihaps be out of your &e Wer inifour hrfore I elm net an who's aupply . Meese nd me t ni on ' intno ti ldly:it ' sit STU " to 4 Ulh soca/. all who try it are d<l4l4lrd with Its eferis,and Mille:oh I have Fah. oestoura.Comidoelt's. Peeves. and a Maw of other.. hardly any to mated for hut your.- Yotn,k,S, 'Extract of ruin 1.1 . nom , Parent. should give thin Ferntifuge, in piefeleues to all other.; It upon fails lo expel Norma fruit n child troubled with them. Prepared and sold. wholesale , and retaP, hy It E Raw mow. SO Wood meet, Pinsliorith, and lil Dr. Coml. dth Ward, told in Allegheny by LI Al Cgary Ili ~: al ; i DDIDENDIMIN Is nom epee en . See kapott of n. Z 1 pa/eel:Non Psointfieltot,oppeeitt the, itkribbvdre Hatch red Awoing Dr llor.pmares Orrice. Wavelet= eto ru • at red tro 3 r.r, Maly All ranii erne reheat ne Ore dieters , nod errotareended tri t itre vv... nu Maier a .11e.ateu La• been obtamed and will to Is. Perron, voriong the Dispensary for the porreek of: ohtairyna Medicine, to reveal seelyorrion. withheld with order from rave Medreal aeraleatta or reaper lab. ethircit Waring they are actually remit arid destbate or owner. Dr. Chap... Weo has daily °lined his oerrieCs for the present ar, &11) eiCi&N OW...Lk. a pia trocne. ro present at the horn shore terminated to rve each advice as peaewer map teenier. - It is alas desired that the Mayor and canned will via. the D e p.aury mice a week to aseeranu its progress, benefits. end results. && .ItCOl,llll of [ember of asses, trainee of &C., Win be and oat &Tett MOM& by the Dispensary Phyvieien. and published in the city Papers. Ms obieet or die Idiepentary alone titer peer and delta ono: Two ceperieneed Phyeklane of oar city_ he..pi.p, offered Lbw st.r.aCti. ¢r eoneultine Ph) se!elks. b7dho tsrCity PVtipo”i. A N PURSUANCE. eh., ordinanee proandins (or an nerraw of Revenue of thio City," Pt•a(''d 1611, April. tßa..notutir 1. hereby given, that the City Axe. dOr hie len in mirage., for .rear noon by all per.. interested, a lin of the Pep doi business which the 0111. In Collformity laith jid Odance. ' Sac 4 If upon examination of *lnd pcpop then think themeelvesegariewed tip ikataidaemmen , they than ram the same in an affidavit, which .54.4 eh all alto contain a statement Of the tr. &Mount of the. r near can be areellalncit; said affidavit` m be made nod lAft with the Pi, Treumer tic tweet • from the date. the firm publication of Sao notice IVr. That no Impel 'hall lie taken out hir the eh. da,itot the person or flo aegneYedi odd aftdiaktt ,Teeeme c o in e o e f e s e ttl i c ' t. "ee the 12 /A " Se le lreiA7 .44 .V p' City Tren.ry l'Olf , cei on Puerile's:re., 1 doors above Stultheeld streck . bine, bir AR 07.01111114111. f STQR I NO. 70 WOOD :STREET, ill. foo Ait Ntthriit t MAY Kit. auspice:dr ecd rewil Jesters to Erttern Ready made Clothing, evoinld respect Mlle take this thefts:el of solicitingthe alb lan Of their uaartwn and the .public wiww.np Laid at their emelt it Inide• end deenre tto alassn, that they will sell tie cheap if oil chep di er t han e net other e stibliehmettt tit the coy Our feeilittee of utasuth nod owntsfectitrine s..l*. Ire such ee so enable 41. 11.1 all woe@ to keep Iciallaosorpneot of ready made CIO*. trw. at lee. plates than they eon br obtained clrevrhete The Peeoeal .04 an 4.14‘1 egologla ill 1411 of the Col lowing dee:aloha nf gthslit iy i didgeh cloth tlyeu Cooll, fr. Oa 110 to Ih3o. ttho go du Rauch do 30 Id blown and invisible greet do " 7 7 700 their Gaels, OPIf WWI y thado A of good material. 1900 pole pane, of all stylise qualities and fined. wvests Li do do do do damn Linen plain athistitehed bosorashatsistocks; ravats; 1.41130/Si collars; sospetsden; socks: drawers, and under shins of every •artely, all of which have been recently petehneed awi adapted to the present season Merchants and others who ere in want of clothsugieennot do belief 1141110 give OA a call. eldpvfl`ub /5111511110113 SP1LI8015• l'A'R ANDER:4.IN. Proprietor, respectfully informs IWO public ma{{ thin establishment will beopened and prepared to t h e loontainiailanna ill vivito., by he 15th of this month. The attractions of Ibis fashionable Watering I'll, are too wetland widely known, to regal, enitateeatun to a coal to the public lbe services of 111 r. MARTIN th, y gy and amiable D eposition, no e man ager of such an establishment, lave hitherto commended elm to the favorable tegant of the patrons of ibe Sprain* during the two lot summers, have been engageo. Enactien. ell a'nd attentive orealits and a fine bond of mote, hove ahla been secured. lbe road from Cumberland, the KV. (11 torm , an. of tha Baltimore and (Rao Rolroad, and trom Dotys burgh, on the Penne ylvania Canal, and Charnlicourgh, +repent tannings of pmbell4nd Vatioji Railrorl. to Bedford bate been much improved and ate in good or. Jell.togl IA tinisuas coLvainisorfritraii riscA ULM% god L13P1'13113 —The BloY k . 111 h paws He holy Rom the pan. wine Crooner nrul more durable °ohm and corrodes steel pens trio than any other known: It is of heel qilnlity a ll P . ? T . cl , The Bopping Ink. for the parpona of somata letters or documents, of which a tranefer copy is to be taken. origi- It seviarstfreely. glees a ego as perteet as the nal, and too none of that sticky aubatance common to other copying inks, Tl.o Rearkt Ink glees a rich mellow scarlet, and nn proves to brightness on the paper For permanent.; Of cola` these Inks fully oqual if 1101 .111m.11 all ober. , for when the color la Ofiee tel 011 the park,. it will reto4l4l UNBRANDED for ages. kseenred this day, and footle in any quantity, by J 11 MELLOR, wart at Cejss theist-who wont to try this Ink can have o Ilnol grok tele/ Tbi lab ha• boo already to use by the President of the United Sanas it the Departments. and both Il of Conairse,by the Uoveroor and Le of Pennsylvania, and tanner ors hietly reputab institutions, concept., and notid.d unit. Th. lob flow' mons freelY from the pen, improves do the p aper, 51101 earrodell steel pens le. tit.a any o th er known. Por perusanetwe of orthir thews Inks fully equal. if It supass. allioltera for when the rotor au, set on 0 r 'll rents. unebanard thr ages ".17;trec'eiveti YIIII .ale ,n guano , • 11.0.00, ‘ .l ‘ }t 0 1;1;t l-lb r" p oti • t i, n ea r ,Ilarket tire Dal:WI:114J PAP/dl--, 1 5 Reno. A.0..1 (iliac,' N 4,1.1111.10104, l'.ll do Ned- tool •111 do .1.. 40 do di ob. eV do du ,lo :dr du do M, 52 do 'do do I- du rblis • In do du 01 4 1/021, to 91 4 q o •,,,pot,nl 10cr4, 24 do do do 12 do Yellow , Nledium. Wad"; lb, 1...nd and 00 sale .1101174 51141.I.14: ,1 41.441 strert.berw , . j. 7 • Diamond Alley and Pah - beet HAS MN ISTS, I.The solocrit On busing been r.prronit.4 Agent. hle.ra J. b. II JOYIrd, Proluielt I t a- t eateasively known I. Pliant,. and alaelonists to th e 1:01 wed ell. cs)dor the sale ul their caantifartores. are Ilt/W no-po red to forni-b rlanabers with ell the vista.. kind. •1 braaa work used in their business Atao,avery satiety of Gunge and Stearn V.A. wed by I, , ,ennunive and Stationary Ewen. Sothic. int twits, Oil Cup, he.. be , and wbirh they will .011 m ro bade and Engine Llbtaters, at Ea , - ECM Pr era racot•ive in freight lAIGAN A ICENNEIir 07.1'sta.vrifT _ V KW Gall WI-Just ICClllved at Nn :n Wood 51 L• uw stairs, a few doter, of those very fin, lathiuns7 hlr ole p. . a inanufaciticed Slam, wnl, 14104 out coll.. A few doses tote Slit Elsouie Suspender., and I r , use of • new •iticle ttttt farituted by the Watirbory Mon. itleetartNl , Illaek Stun Striped am Piston Sabo Adod Snicks., very narrow lA. summer. A beautiful aissurtmcitt of Satin I:ravats, litchi and dark colors. Ole ease fit. Wilma and Ilruasels Carpet Dap:lke. Ae , reesived this nearnisig and tor s II b. ale at factor, I) pri, • • E fa ct tett Agent , . lor Pastern W TY; ITV ", ?k !:, 4 0 ) !NrOl i t. rt C 411.11 a .orottent slave Gonda etats wag of Soft Scotch hind Muslitts, Soil:S...lw do Son Nitnenok do • Pla:n Jarooet. 'bored do, as wed as French Lawn.. ve o ry cheap, and newest styles; Parkoidered htualins, Uresse-, at reduced ps MCI / at NUS% East coiner 411 dad Market stirets - _ Moro /COW Good. QII Aci.Err tit iIiTK.9I Wood ittritei, rittpliturgh, 1.7 receietntra fitty cote* of det. indite and resTre ctii..l4. onoi ina kr their ttnelt • sert: uomplete, • e e mutilit fur shin itit e.t.a trio ve•r. Tort hone • large 11..111111,0 oteey dreits aninincr 513240.. white good, Ging . totto• knit Toped. 'INK. %SATO'S:I.% JEWELRY. SILVER WARE, LAMPA. hs—A laresand well selected so al. Al • on haw/ at the lowest mire. Gold Pens. Pene.ls and Speetaelea-11 large supply st Freely.). Wateh wt.:arias done to the rary_bost • W WILSON maw GI, and malt et Gs Merano Frame Pl.raretia k ! SPLENDID oconnewnt of fturewood and Mahal TV .haleyand action honor, with.potallo Frame,tutt foo d for rale Alto ,o t at aniesdsl Routwood Piano.. with Colennon'a re wittoted :Bohan ayachrornt,llniobrd ittthoutost motl cgo .tylo, tnd forala at le ItiILUMFM " hcl3 I la wood orreladuortlllTNatiftill 1 8 tLi.V.:14.:i1t.....Vr„..,,t,1144.,t 1.71' e l l. t)e .1 rti an .1 Poop inonuftartured and for,ralr ha ".. W \N l' Wre.4.tttl ar ' ix , .....pl ,_ _. : l'orncr .. ..ltkatul nlarltenctc . _ 11l ThCla—A frooleintit now in the qtly *tears It , woonoto as alert or Hook Keened, or would Ine w. still 1.. dram. tcoretf ho sill, occupation isi•srrprel , r 1....1. ' el, le.ject ID ist•test is sisip , nyinesit, Ad• .liss I: 1.., (is tsur Mrs. , bicllns. eti SC. laglokt liiii7r37;.f W eked. Mil. , lip the late See. Jaa. Milner A. M a•ldittona and mitowiinn• by the lase Rev. ham. Milner A • M., F. It S, Drab of Carli.le. artd Cuilego, Cambridge.rola. - For =rateb.A.; JOHNSTON & bTOCIZTON M Mai . 1 (I , T—On Flighty, the IA.II tot. at gohl 1,, w.,,h ,he finde, vdti Ithet.ally reywairott hylestrime to thfa or ot .lore of the •ulyr 1,.- Nu. Libebv 01. ,ty FIN lA.'S II hInIaREW 114,0 , :kr , f . by 11R AUN A !tram ;,•31f A ooell•r of 19 Omit and I.ibeny RI • • — .111109. 11. LARKIN, IXT 1101. ES Al. Y. 1190CP. 11 AN U 131N1 MISSION, I I lIERCIIA NT, No 39 R% Oct .I . lrot ST. I,OIIIS MO. Ilr frr In Lynn. Shmit Si Co, and Anthony • inls Gina ' • lllftri-011. C. 111110,1, el 1.4414 r manufacture oli lard rf,l. sr.. now Itrennred e 1.., ell order. , for that ',molt. '114 , 41 1141 of the 14e•I noun t). and wt11144...1.1 a. the 'owe., 111111(1,e1ral..e' The attentoot 11.”4.4. a,ll;riii•er , 4 i• rr•perlfully rritroted. .1 JORDA% A SUN, N y .1, 114,27t1 1 fanonle head of ,tinntitield CIUTILF:IRIC —A et.nter I#loollol/ of 1,,,,Pr0n4na nod Budd.% Knot., of •ft t ttt ts rotern.: •Int th'e (44; otura.ry own and gunlene.i al . a , a a...ma'5... , Vet, and I•nele.tgliiit.,ll3l4petior .11.1 r —pl. 1r...11,1 101 d for •alw love, At the l'ilts'orrah , ...rd and Arnoultural Worehouw, 1V4.1444,,,,,r. orr . of 11414 N WIIIIIIII , O4IIAAI 'OLD AND SILVER WATCIIEg--114-reired Niaddlnno to my Idre.tork of UoW sad Siiver Pat. ent I, err %Valet'', eultalale for ladies and Geotlemen —of the tweet and hand•olnelo patterns and or ihe b 1 nunufueture— vr4rrnatted sold fur Auk al very low an -1 ern jwlll W WII,ON • . a QUPERIOII. CUT IOLIACCO I 1 !at Its• fine cut Chown,' Tanta.; • to Itie llird F.je :Looking th 4 tl Itae fine du do; For sale arty l o vlArgaf t liglg i ment.j.L ., . I .11.1irt, far parifyitia i% am, for drink )llkr,4n:Vta' Ltd; ate. rendering it clear arid we el a• ratter water. Tlirp ale is rely ex lett , tfraltrt In the Ettsletto col.. For rala.al lel /Fal 1,1111114 o N.. 41 wood ‘`Sratirt Ile.-.44•l;;pe"tiTe7l;.&:, e.teel tempt:Rug yell , tenets! ' invite attention of black:nit. lent .10111110 4 / Fs iteierally • ' -la d. LOGAN A KENNEDY 10K At% I/ flat l e ' : *t**4*"*" :4, llo F ak a r ki n anka — ne aboonn:f 1Tr..1 A DALVIne w 1p retunuNl nom Mellen. Ile was V A e t. ls ,L n ii te r se ,i: f .c t o l nontiern pan of Virrtints. IgyATITED—TWO Jol;llblf.VblV4 COPPEIr- YY SMITHS. Good woot !aro, *lib steady can bear of goodwages and constant eioployobeot. by pnivlaor va °Mei inl/141d1TO IGTVIII—OOD.IIIettaI 7 rind k . 4 Mharm, Moscolto Nett, good owol d Nil frog* rdwrivq.and break by tIIIACKLE.= end ica Y 9 ww Watt, • • •',:.'EXC}IAM,EIIROhERT. , '..: ,--: 11011.111e1T11AXIMA. ra CO., ItANIX.IDILS. EXONAMOID lino ,it - AND intayilld IN IFOMEIGM 'AND i j . DOMMIITIC }MC:Hi . ..46D. CERTIFILUTES OF D' I.OaDI E. AIA helt NOTDS, tom , itErliti ' Fourth el, nearly omelette the liaoll'oirittoi; h. CURRENT MUNDY. receire4 OW Urpoule , 4 eight Checks for ule, sad collections ;made on ore y all the prineipolpoiatilii the United State*: , • , ' • Tlx highentpreanoto pool for Foreign ' sod A ,T Lena Gold Ad l rg,gery made .n e.aig.l[llllll 00 Prodeter.ehipord Eser.oo liberO N l te . no n o r _ ci _ s _ mii _ ii , li, 0a , • . 4 ajd s Banker. and Dante. to Minnaringe, Coln owl Bonn'. Notes, i - OD. 55, lidakKOT STREET, PITIOILUKcii. 'Setting Kim.. Esellanarr. Doing Korea. No. York; y yr,. Ciecirnau ... ' idly. Potladelploo, tad larohnor, lldo . I.lalamore, • ado Pilroni., . Id* Iloyorgßater , HANK tarriO , O. Duro/annex Dow. . Idle. Co. A Beni, Dolor>, /dia. do; Melia Mona, .dO 40. rooaq.loslankey. 1 . di Ido . NOR.IOO • .do. JO . . Mew Otlrani, ,:. Sdo ~Maryland, .. . '. ado' Whet!ing, T ( 114 . . ,. • ni)iaf 011 Vina ii. Ul 4. Om of the Wm. A. J 111 4 0 .4 .1 and %vm C. (wow/ ameor Erm. Pk) hate e.t.a .0 Copannerthie. bind, r Ilte•baroa m. ILA. 4 CURRY. tor owl hatTa!tw ni , ddYralg On the r a nting and Carbonate biotin. al all branches, hi No h 5 k% cod Are.. now doors: below Footsie. "teat s'de—whets they when the room of their (headband the public. grorttlly • JCk4-1 . 11 1 . 1 DI I . thebl3 Whl. 01' 5. - .cyaßT, HAbL k 0131.111 r, • , ' BANNERS & EICIIANUE DRODRII.i, Datum . - IN FORDION AND nomEesne TjUrk sour 81L,145 CIF EXCIIANGii , DER I 4IICAXE 6 DVrtIAITt:, DAN NITrELAND etel. , No AZ WoAd surri, rhud drot wtami., AR on& 13 eolkeFltitn• mmlr 011. 1 i .br Dirr. Died Ktellangr oar ITatticuitre; . 4 Ns -- w Vort.Domon and egacinnals eirnlieptly for Auk.. J. Ohio, Inch... Kentucky. Voginia And PCIDN) kinds Dank Note.. houFl4 nhd owinworAlleytam : Exchange on'Estglad. liemetv ;0e Fratte, , plue•reiL aq - • . mehlA . -• • WILLIAM A• HILL ' v 'HA AKE BICH itStije. UIIONpIS ion) riumAts IL • , FOREIGN AND 110;11tISTIC EXL.ll4:itig. Non,. No elk Rood Sonar... do. &kr* ' PewiA.. Rau rid., inehlEll PIS r!ok. r _ 1.1. k« •uin. • xxvirANu haul IlittAMErt 41. AAIUN*. B!OKI:10. , AND FACsIANI.P . : ItKOKIIO 4 , elealro in Porrigo ind Homrptie 11.11.0 f Ezeinolr,r,Crl;4. Melo( Peroufr, );.4k Note. no4llllo, Baton to '~I and 100.1 airerivolarctll ori.r.cr; , nip..t.dlV (A agIDUCED IRATICK. ' MU, !Own, r iittiooty. Atha"; al., 'LP Cyuhly had etay iltslcr.purrLiaril at reduced r•ltle dipoouth, by N MIL:UK: 4 I Joel F:xithah.-11.oker. Mai tot rl Apcmu.ti. Inui-,111, I.tor , and all seresathle.pdrolsih the UoileAl W wade tompity, Auld Oiwn the Wiliest ienn.. N KS h. itroltra • • - No 1151arke ., 1 at - - 00.149tiokq on lanannaaTia,unattle. Lainiatal ,lioilier 'icen , ahsle Wants in the united grater, node no aceonntnalat ma aqua. HILL 4,CUILRV spa Wanal At ttanusai . l , ,rie vbnn . . E l i :Kt:rut n ' 11, " (7„ Y v or L i v l lVrek ". l4V:l l'l'. upg st gone ti.l:aoe u Flo ot.kt Iy4.wun, +gl Ke.ucky 1...11116 w 1401.4 111 evry .10‘ iJizrnont. 1111.1.&CUftICY spill %V tar.l a. ncn door I t l io t tr ° s ' putitetl ailo7rtielt;r7aY I"uk. N HOLMES& SON Ne.s %Izakel HOMES, LOTS, FARMS, &e. Pa r Mlll for Sale. ' B\' Value or 6 a,id el 000 (SIM William LandeliO, Cheietopber il.°mldin, owl 1 1 1 1 41 Lan.l.lEv, and Wed.wives to the towlewtoned: dated lite 31 , 0 day of October. I b 3.1, awl recorded in the Clark's Defire of Ohio cooely, Wotan. in book 'di. P-Nr•c 4 4 " and Ala, I 11 . 1,11 eat." , lo .14 rankle aucbotb be Waite. balder. at I.e 11101 of tbeCaurt. Douse t., tV one). Int. Ya.• on 1/e PAU I MENTII DAY Or AVG UIST, 1.4•1 T, a, 3 o'elock, r. at., We tollourng dere t/bed roper• q. to Wit. tql....nbered 151 awl Y•11, - in the otlatna 1 plat of ale town of Swab Wheelble.. on which 10 et,0004 to 1,1 raper Alit, Walled the -Virginia Paper 10,11, , ' toted. , 1 , 1 , all the tenements and he red dameto , thLtw awn betwiatag or to any arise apportw wog.oa ed the oadowttlied by Paid deed of trtwi atofe.a•d. Teta, of wale. to wit: 0500 0 etwb. and the Whiner I n eight 01,01 pay lriuoa ; in 1a.1,1111r0 la, eighteen, Loren.ly lout, thinly, tinny..., 1.1 IY.wo awl follY•eleld . wont!". bum the day or 00101 . 1 m 11 &felt"! polo, Leafier interes. wet We tweeeet opus, . nett al !heal 1a he paid se-or-abets-env bum the A, 01 •ale. The whole to be rewired by a ed of tram 1,011 the ,11,10110. S[llloK a, Itu•tc , I 1.1,101 i ron 'Ply the ode 1 tue. Woo 111 C title w believed 10 1,1. w 4u...tamable. DA Mgt. I.A AUL Yttt , ,e • . l'hul'ENTl Y11tIN11,401 , •N, 1111112, leqp. I r. 7.1 'Ave twee Wrens for fait .1 +pkodid Drtek .Ead4JlVlelriul, l l7;;lTte o , l i o „ o VYng'tot, l = o Lon n :fli o T tie eon tity, Oh io. 11i larle,conen"m o al finigh ,43 eellent 4tyle.;tlwl in the 1.0,1 location 111 l'ounptuven, ...the, few of public hon.; +.n.1.41611 is a yard, With toiler, ,tal.bila, and all why, wwv..wences at hand. T' •• town Is tinprovoffi •rly, as +nested no two. ely th r (h oo .t.aa. -• fb: ration 400111 ti•ea, Hollm Mill sr . woe • owicir Neill he the brow tiourtid.big • 01 • • It will be sold low for ca- it of O. lone. or exchanged fa/property in Pittiburgh. Par particaleri inquire of L X. J it WlCK...toner of Wood and-Water ow. Pots. burst:, who will gwr all information. • .oendhodt — kis Real lf..l rlO foe bale. •I•iiAT hematite! prepetry. rituute near Alrefe'•ustrr. L directly Opprrote the residence of Jellied All. Alt .erann, 0 , 41. fromine 30feet on OW* Lane and extending liege :tit feet to Sneffisld with llotwe and stepwise , . now, lt 'slit I ernid inert.. rOr thee..!. . Alio lir of gnaw I ebgibl, sown. it!! I.owooll 0 . ,1111,. • 1,11 .10,01,11,11ar0b3,..) Il•ser. fit I.lr, n V..e5 14.4,1, by 111. i Wet oideptit to a ffit foul Alley :rd wishing wake rove/won. arc etioneell that postioli• of that fine property in A Ilesheny awl hlaticherier, named hy •eunpany in Philadelphia. 00,11 orfered in the market .I.mi •• the ores...toy six• ta.ger.tlllo can be wade, and of whieltdan non... will. he gage. Apply to • r jeffildlot 9i woad street 11111.3UPACTVISLISIO E TALIII.I9III2IIIdAIT. 'FOY PALE 011 i A three stuti brick LI/ by feet together with • Waken On' agthe noose. Coal Mows, nod 101 newly greeted and Ot perfect *NON 0110010 n the of A Ilealteny. There to also attached q +.A}ll Pte.. Expille in Abe running enter. The eAtabli.lkrtiont 001014)0d rarepinoing . Cooon lot the VaAMINCI.fe of Ilidettin grioiht, bur Will oui, for many other brooches of nornutacturiug !arsine.. The lot on which the Its holing. are erected Or; well situated and W of sufficient liar to acetone...late additional hail ' ding If rewrite& Apply at the Olftee of the Piitalorsh Gazette. • f 11PX1f "TC - g — lat stiheh s • .--- D ERSOlist desirous of pareloluingl larpt Ibis Cone Wry are referred for titforotatiqn Ore Suet...mend fob, On the round. oriel K. 'v...., Driggist, curer r IL.'" "4 11004 ollnent. innaltargh. By arty4.ll We Board, •' 1. 0111141.1 MT, deltllohawlf , • laotwristienfise. Valuable neat 'Cele. , tor bele• . ill' ouder.ogned heine alehP reutowetwilana , ry I' to the ehalltry.. fof,,otle AG IdatdooPecooll sereh . hetwhie Perry "veal tool Ile. dool.l Alley. Fotch Nt'reiN lOOlow•OlY &am , .t ettwt and ettehlY tr . t a,lrpth -'Firm Lne nerd 1., sulJ singly or the WW.' Ott' tt . Thtot 'the goloddiber on tiff prentd , ../011N,LAI,IN ELI; apISAI Fn. /LENT—. Tito. Tkonl et. Aloo t ,the large Roodl.e the' d d carry N ded and n fireupled Sr a I.ltetary,lktpol end Pfi l odlcd l °tide by Alr.hVin A Caldwell f:AV/. ANT_ 65ileuril:17 — tikst u stk.: , 11AV renewed at the airy. for convenwnre ta profeevonal lotaneoe, I wit. reel the Illtin.loll and Mill...lit htteloture, sonatetot the Mud, of the AlOnonThela, one gale above Pittoburel.. inOl4:hase JANIF,P... 1111.AFf . -- QUILI)INU LtVir IN. NANICIIF.I.TEK FOR have fay -ale a loraut4llloll.line'lArkil M.hirtrtht , tw.r al t ftoet hy 11 , 1 fret deep. In wlll I.e ...id 10 Ar, awl Alt neehtlithrtattliog ;Tetlll' IMP crl.l 1. , 11. 1 . 1 ... - tayill A %ICA Iteol I...Ape_fteeot, VI/11 It T. ' • THU N.,. Wutei Jag ',tem. tot N... 1.6 1%0, 5‘.. ""X Mit ll„RbON Veibulir morn y .S 5 feet deep V et/pintos the Intl-ICC for •al. rag.t. j HHRI NC I I:41N a. C.o. %vat.' XI HATS, CA VS -ANI) 11UNNITf6., Sloounr,mlL.l l 1100r.t . 1. .111- Grid •ttrri. 411 t: croft e•t.t Ittin,ll uloovr In nthl now opr tot th, al . the 1.01.1. e. • Immo mud ratetully ot n,,1 ever,. rotor Irr w,ll 111111 stay Ileavlng made unnotrotent• l'Al.wd dc 4:414 , 11, a , Is New Yuri , Wttl4twn . "t' Moot n lull ~ploy of their erltlonicl Ilemvrr, titltc. n' l a l Solna lint, litt..,Cn,orte..W.VANlt A.1.1a0.1 160,1...h0t Caste. sand Itostintnatittlartor ti he oral oil taL, 1. , •••41 ,. .t0 •Imrtint Ile wet...1it...1 that ail tw.t.., .01 width •cleotton, and rt the woe 1,.t will it:n uut•lectnunsoral. 41,1,411411.1444 i 11.... req . ,i.z, tod I.olten. Ito. ..1.11,1•4.w. ikolt. Mown, gabelet Ilett oltn tinoilJirl.l rt. • l,Noltnntl t: W 11e0A1.1.4%1 . . _ • es,i , r.l itnin..!: i1iv1•1i11 Arius twing the dal the Pa4ons ofißi lints writ tdi ntt.l.teed, the 400 , 4 Lath: .11.1.• eiitatdl.ltateunt in N.-or Volk and the 1/114i•if.it/Wd tat, gnat p es•ate lit I.einY inYthl4 to announce ht done, mown.. Mends and Inn pahlte that lee ptepalld to ...apply all who /tiny , tawnt wok a Hitt ends the Gailtionalde WM tor i.e' C.141.0.1111g I:t.er • riftkll.l.l and eats. Rua Moleskin Nth Hats, either n ' hole•alear toad, • Filel:0141.1l KING atl • enir 41.1 athillnit e taa — nsariovm.. • nu A s moon& to Nolb Wood Wrcel•thtee daunt &nova I Gant. street. Ilia sleek eowisti evely,ta”ctY a( lan. and Caps, made in the latest style: alO,Pattasna. ralanyt and Pedal Stmt. With nnitolaskle and remit the lowest .. ' 15 MOORS hay ?ninth • Wan'tl 011;d :doer! • - • , ~t. 44. BEEBE &Cl/STAN:Snipe tiesaleswoogb. ina. introduced at K1•1nir1t!..., 1 ,1„, c a .P. wog •rak twalleiwe „b,„, 1 of Intiolgtqh WWI of kohitatable , 1 1 / 4 . whothcol ..J adv::I7:•ItAST:7 the trada.plioie call at ,•• a wo o d aarlJlf PA""'" York ge Saw JUST received Wee Se;.' ,,,,ng I°`.l. le I.°° ."; ' nth. flowing:fa Ilatiosids °W." ' I.°°" °°4 h terf Ws Wig. Hiking an Yeetitwora—Tl... ° • g mutual _ adwrsoh.veigf °1 10711.111kir DOUGIAR has leo. orceired a 1 rafreeb..upply of Itingeold nal Our. Vir • Silk 61.1 rd C.P.0..w gli... '. •. Itltr.6lle ßC Mnekt4ol.kn 11 'ldv.roodst to very love •ee• " ' • I -., • . .MS el_ Pil:7'—‘ol-st.iiiiiiiijiol;kiad keep ilk , CONITINU IS to atansfletore, s . emassassaly onloOd ie e l ve 1 va rely of Cats •ad Caps o( Co West sty sad pikes Vetilow si No - . 11. 7a - '''. , -:- ''.'•. ' or.' „.. •"I JUNE "war u AIM.' • flos3ulurrum cas RC CUUED lir ileac') DR DUNDANIA F.X?ECTORANT REItIDY". Covina:oi. March SA; . ..., Dear Sies---Thil is Weil-Dry to the rehlk rartimalsrly to thowisillictid nth- a disease of lid Lamour Comumrticla that in the gringo/ ISLf I we. mocked with a ,ete to cold which - tom. , . . . beateenntra man my tuns. Matriag all itte . mmptoms id ma approathiq•Cousumrtime My meglherai tight nettrookserne, attended with inrious eight rents I spit up May a etemdfrable cl-actity of lArml, mood abet • . hick dm* miller: *shanty's Miami verietclo r aitit alarm ing,-'During this thee:ll - wa. ..mind by tenor our own Artful rhydrimn they 41-0 the bed tliii ephl or. um, wawa - , at length tiny gars up all bore of rey ! rti...ry, mclanarn, I , in that amide,- inommiuld to deue--Ikat Olken, nee hitr ', 1. Mil, din., ad !aloud reMedy. -.'' arailienPPOdir!ltr • -a hired of Mine ta rewheallial of 'Dm Dtualed.Erpnto. -f east itnerMly, which sly Fhpclesatts w persistebelpradirayrag,".. ~ Ilit ads.raedicial would do Mt goad., and etil-0.11 wad - _',,V * . .1 wan arsaysruderiag. I old Ikea: it enti : my hat... c011t...*,,. i h0p5...1•41.0,4 if II meat die or Mr 'dnease, tnhielevras tide-,' t! dent to grie f ) . then ~..la b.• ...,hi.44.111... so 3... - ...1..... 1 ! , :t.% , • .•.a;d.withlftist aid.oldaised Sion/Mt-0 this tirdi r y4.;-:7 '• , Me IdeMciar, and itiratotHeed nuns according to the dine, "• ' timis t at/ge tO Wowed or wiLliag to*u., wilkring, hare-0414 y ..• - pen ms ralief,,at..l seinen% thr traublincli rough: r ' ~ easing RI pia ad tightnessin my Iltese, Rhin - um a tiers lira ald wremph, which loan •Olibini me to 1. about again ',• This indiritte. coatiaord in pull w.00,' which it ot nobly • '• - ciMEWarld. mail I tar made a ointilWal. 'I ban* oiner bern aueitilbug ' —us my lowitios, tuystrariL of 3 yeawl and feel to. _ in.., as I with. I hats neoudenaled Dr: Demme* FA. . • illdOnollillfroadyiet may instant.' Mote liinilarlyarilimed • : and lihmailways Profit successful us for or I lm,e.wituvutd. iiPilirreff. kly sine is mbar the medicineat prase.. k.r. a * , . Dimmed .Lien mot au etristiorm . l tai 1.01101(nhielt she . had Want with Le um, eine; .20 t,o nearly ...nem! . 14 Mr meet' th is towlicior, and I ma marshal like T. bctltra , . . the I take with me htday willentirel, ear. hie.. tam.orey • to know that diem are thelii.d. 01 mtir.hle limas Mating, ' sway sink this dreadful deatemer.-CONSIIMPTION:— ' Were It only pcmiSle fur Mow to roeitreLL ..dieWit.irs, time, Mts.< it lis tw. istr,onilly VVV,lniaii be proohgra watt tied families and iridium agtin:Leuilerrd Inippy. - Thii medicine will gigs iadmt wr.l atid. the min Ilion sans the hard and paisfulCuugb, WM..- the-001Mo hither - hest gie noo4th to ild ...Lied add r inaciated !'neat, ad dt mud' OW tdAniO,lk ill jedono a mil. l' tore. ~.t.' . AN DILKW I. 1 , 10.7rE1t. '' -• aloolguntery.ltamiltan (*.i t ty, Obis. 'N. y ) .._.eri„...h tom ti ! ewprainhett with me I ma, ..: to dm made/alp.. tithe if si.engnatry, llama., emu, ty, 0 ,the, fillet my rimem t mtethestededatenraw i , ',isms, naourec., ' C. r• J. Fetus, DR. DUNCAN'S WESTEItN viCE, ReiSyci r msee street, wham nits 4 aluALle 51.1 wine mu -rays be ..i..m r .4._- .11 al l'auliurp. lit 0(51 JACh. 1, 00 ,,,, 00 ~j Wei. mat Liberty set. . _,...----- 114,04-o.tve rit 11011IPSON'S COMPOUNM 'ST/II OP L TAR AND .W(1101 NA l'ltTla —l(lee ro . - tkle)Advettiscrsaye :—*This ieueS t ly tae teen auteessful than any niedtrine weloee r e, harni.t 1 . 0 , iti aMociott. rules. , Cwt. mertitut. Simeon Blood, pain '``..., , r• . Wadi Slide 10.1.1,:mistt.T.Inuebtier. Amidua,Obrunatr ! *-„.• ; ', 4 40 , ... 1 1.... , ........ 1•.. , h 0..., tralptiatient of the -1 ...„ Deot„sV hooping rough Ceoup,NervoutTrentors,lhe; ' -* ' -..,_ - i Individuals of the highest 'especial-04y in thorny bear' :, ''' ,s f ! autrlelcstimony to de poem: .0 rßicecy in this 0101 "..'' . 7. of di,eases .' i Among talwr tent...els lathe val ifs- of die above med- Wide, are se venal front dislingte.hed physicians of Phil- • . .... Og dr IW. ja. 'R ead - the following fruit Dr..sloung, the _ r ' • • e min.% oculist.' _ , \ • ..., l'uttamarrits, Jan:18,180J lllMind ova in m 7 Plato., CIO 'FLU on 10 my own _ .• fano ly,l - Lompistlit's (*.rnroand St don of •It*, 4.4 wood ' Nuplatia,' I line no t iiuue in otying that it to the • beat prep:untrue et th lidd in filie fur pemons tattering ' ', from Cromumptien, Cough., tbild., and , all affections of the Threat, Rtes. Ice, NO inboalent , Ol this reason of the year. • r rr W. li 4Cale.n. D., IR: Spraea St F We hal e r tea within Slew daYsthePer(- 0 . Fli- 0 6. 0 - 0 mhe,reothyll,a,mineociehni,,isdciu.o.c..,,,,l,le errneins well, being per- PrllLoyMbrillo,innoaly,3;ls l7 . .From.a scusenf gratintdmund a doubt that the Male led may Line resource to a truly inyalash*ermedicine, I would rule 11100 Me benefit I - bane experienced trent the ,nee of Thom Cornrow. Syrup of Tar and Wood Naphtha. irersever. years I have been adllic mil with sr Mr lresinng racking eoualt,accoturanied mesh great tippet:m.l.am! difficulty of breathing, with a se. scion of tightness at the cheat, Becoming. greatly .. alarmed, a Inind war. had becu much betieritted by this medicine, recommended ate to fry lh I did so, .4 iu a • very short Rum eve y sclanniug symptom dirappeated: . • ' my egret-deletion became. fr. c, nll oppression lea s tre. •• , My rough ccaw..l, and in- a few ilays I • was 'able go ... owningend tine. iu my tininess it well man. Any further' :..., I formatmit will be cheerfully ot,cu the:a/Slimed, by ''.. cat my le...deuce, Nu.Dil.S. Front 11. : JOS. AIchIANAMT. This invaluable Medicine io pre onl b ANO‘ N EV .4 DICKS(IaI, al NE cornerpared of Fifth a n dSprat. ... l'lrsladelubla. :kohl in Pittsburgh by I. WILCOX, Jr PM eal cents or SI per Imithe. CAUTION—Beware of the many ecluntertens that w ulloat. Tt.o aniferupulous are ever really tu deere the cinwary• ' , , s etgieGnt 1 DIPOILTANT TO TIII-0 ILADIE- - SChinese I Ilunr Cream, a materthis. Lunen 'for the Cflowth. - emit I and Itedatinio it 411 thd It to r. 'fhb , Cren n, 'shun once hr.... tolit surersed • all other articles at' the land tiow..l. Where the Lea 1. ileent. Mush. thin, 11. healthy or meanie erre, ii. few applications's-0/.lmile .-- tho hair soft and_datk. and give it a beautiful Imely '. uppearacre; and will Mad manic it retain tbe Beelines-a • and bean. eater twice as long . all the prilianmions whirl, am guiletully wed. Ever; ladY ...I vnad...; who ten in the helot of a.m.-.lit Ikea . hair, *Ladd at mace pi...hit/ma liatile of the Chinese Heir Crest 11i,1,' _ ll in no ravened that it .11111101 /Mute the hairlike the • . 011101 preparation, bul 0,111 brambly katd kive perfect. lattrfactiun In every nistonee. Pot testimony tufts very 'superior erisifier - seethe' followi. letter from Rev. Mr. Caldwell, to Messrs. .. Ilenderabou .4. Stretch, Natlaville, General Agents for the Western States: Letter from the Rev. It. Caldwell, pastor of the Pres. bytenanChnrch. Palaaki.. ' . . Messrs. Hendenhou 4..Seretch—Dentleaten: I take plenum in adding my testimony in favor ei the eXcel- Inn prepandion called De. Parrisles - Chinese !lair Cream—ier *Wm two years proms ...ram very dry. . • e Wilily, and dispored to come utd:•int having procam -- d • .. *bottle of the Cream, and used:. aceord in g the pre. reription. my hair is now 0.5'1, chaliC and ELM lerlhe . ~., Marl. Many . baloaros and oils were applied each lea- vagrlay Muir MO SnOtno suite ihaii before• Thit !Cream,. . . however, Imo met toy oipecialscoM., ' r •-•• . /loon article tor ihnToilet, nor Wile nil'. .it preier- ford nerd it r another, 'hen gdelieurely perfumed, wad not distemed to fa eke' y'. 'tar 11111 r, 1 Alit cially .01 find the 1 bin -O cruet to he u oh-eh-mutat ,in their Mum- Mum'. fOr Me h as let Req.-v.lly. hi. • Pulaski. Janay. 7, ISt: r : r ft ChLDWFILL E.J - Sold wholetale and fcmil, in Pirrburgh 117 John • __ NI. Townsend, N 045 Math. sired-toms/ Rielltlobles. - , etaned of Waal and EOM sw. -' _ , ROW • DR. JAYNE'S ALTERATIVE.. • . We have lot,. informed' by, Mre Rose of • cure par. ....- formed either by ur.r.htyise'r. AllOrrilllreo Of loch ' num,. itssuretanity ove.r every. ether remedy of the kinaL She has leen «Mimed for I. Ia•, tinted years ' : with NECRIJZIP.S or WI lITE SWRl.L.lNtkcl,•atteadeel' •, . With ulceration. .d enfoliation'of varieut beseeni.dua.: ring which tins: many Once have.. discharged front - "e•--•?.. * the duinal. hone in the CrrIIIMSO. from bode., alma; ' .., wrists mad handl..l Irian built lop, end ;mut the.lelf. - • , for oral Imr.e, and from the right knee,l.esides pea hl uleem nit other parts of her pergnu,'Whielt huge bottled ' the skill or 0 number of the taiiteref neat physicianof , our ch•—dartng•mrst of the the, tier sucleringe have . ..; been ((kenneling and derloralcle *hour three:months: ar— am she Was Induced m 'ley DoJaytti's Alterative, r r. ... which has had an ststotbeningly happy effect main her, ', by removing all rain tend meell.g, a n d caning the .-..': ulcers m heal,whdi 'Ol the .1100 , time bee getirralhealth ,:. : has become cemeietel i •ferlOrfal,..lhTit the WM Wflehr.' '',...,. 2 , n.. more get.n sheelai loefo re she commeneedthe it ,e of .his naii (fattish's. rerpeoun.--feed Eve. (OIL rat further 10101010L011 irl.llofr: of Mts. Riser. No 1•24 ' Mlliettm,Phlladelphim • Eit Gale in PU1.1.01711, at the PERIN TEA STORR. 73 Fedrili at neer New.l. . • •iY S-- • .. . ------ WM. A. WARD, DENTIST, „,,,......-.... II A , Penult rel to the hoviae un Pen . :-.....” .‘"`"•',.,_ vtrect, three door , 1,1 , 0701 I lend *nee! iii r e . "-.. online he. may ho Wand from tl telotel , . -..-- e.W , untlls r v. A• lie tee denirous of bring, employed ley none lot t ~ . . ilea, who will mote o r pliyotrot without the .. . .any oil his part collecting-lie would inane pa le ternior intention to the billowisig urine: All bills tell ' unpaid nt the capitation of thirty day!, will Ire charged , .- at the billowing ratev— - Porfatracting Teeth, 81 ' For Etlling root F 2 to 11.1 per cavity. . All other opet atoll. In the came proportion. ;, Pill varies to Which engagement , are not conlionoin"' bilk will be coneidereil due secluding to the above sea.' : L ~. elation.. N El —There are Omni: indebted in him whoa. ar_ -. • count, if not paidieurnetlealnyt7will be placed Into - • , bun& of a proper idler r for roilmliren 21tilidPIIM111F --- 1 - 1 CO L1C1316 ON' 11, - /i l l4 /i..-il-'-i-arl-81-ri To 1 LT . tiny Voaa, Nov 141544. , (bab:noel , ra. ~,.. or riglit triobtho alare.ll,ore ' came upon Ile bottom or ono i ui my fret, wh:elt wool • , vi , ,r, ras,,Cul, Ire ml op)elyina Mr wilierrvoirdsca Oil eon, t ut no.ue tiveeteeell. the t ore rinnintirit to art . -- t-r , el.rocr unit .terruil toe them, of the pub, of toy hiweott -' i I nid 0011 tool the aelc:c. of ph; ....int., bid obed nil the .•.1 •e an d i y i ee, c v i i truer. I • 1 0 1 W 1103( ii, mid not Al, ~' 101 il • hal thr rif.rome se I,;ve the eratinni neal lac lt roa,ree• iMe 1010 1 demo an. r tttt mons entivinnintan • .:_e ,da l •etveir awl perrecunt teit;e: root el had vented. , tlittVl 11011 A regtdor wee r •ol r. MT. Syooool . 513.1110111 • ' a Pao coy. retyped me to Ity t (1 , ,r (liniment:l laughed , an Poe eelra, lint opion lei• urgent teeticemtimb I costeludeal I tee tit it, not to noy agent iebef owl aemni.lititettli it al moil inetaolanrenaly rebrved Ow i mob teducrid the miltieneation, and colourreirid henteo g tl.ll core, which I, now nearly well. _ I do conGdently nod ••inervely believe that a will COT t 411) fever vote. 11 1101001g111r 0,1.1° , 4. , tterpretiolly year, -• t• - PARSONS , . FOri.llo ley It II t;411.1.111tP , :7 WO/101 it: _. 11 1 1 S 1 . :. 4 -*'';'' it ' '4- HU I- I It i .gft I N :1 1 11 1' 1: 6 13'1i II"; '''' ' .: 1 'lsu .11.01/tour yea. 01,401 , hi tooling orteof Illt.'"e . , 411 1. Itettottillll , g 1 1 1111, I Love curie/eel • atrcuirly Colin Its l icrein. sod an arid Puiomrlr I• 11.01, utsde,oft of ,' ,trat variety of ..demo. willten trceisli.l twist b•liefil Atem doer menthe calico I commenced todolt Mr Pe at'm Alcoholic. wtarlitlea..rinirrly relieved me . • i m ie v e nkty at etc etnanaep. lint re •turre4 sae pesaainhele , ',dile brahle .Sevet ill of soy Itirtni• awl ormianionrea born simile 01.00' 111 t Pill% auJ tetteived rpueli benefit bout tt r ole I ran with elinG,!elitio siavinotiend them ' JANE A 1,PE.317 Iludmoi 4 _ Solil.'wlutleszle and retail, 4,11 A FAILPSTPCK , e A. la , %in t si;r old et and Wood and Wt:th elie. . e EMS I t.e ENTED.-E. rei4.o C,tr IllatKlA at 'it u (Suite 4 .-• . . • To. superior c laistator Ott. Vast copyist as the eam• naturism rasa with wasieb ably be vans. Pd of ! wheal •I.lng part laner.3 on ppringe, 41 pres. •nre any parr et thesoughly 54ahass itself la V may went susabs by tat warm. It ran i.e. wows 71, 0u 07t,,,at °iota wail is cure I. erteetbet: . The rubs • • • ies t bers bake m ate araiterulettis bur the Watnatbknm of these st h Motile Trua , ...l. supetn. 14,1 , , in raila•; lishisCa ail have thes4aow fat al, fie hi 5.1[11/q.:i.tV,,,Z;r• r. W.ICAIIEFFANe."- AST bautniay Yetiaatnelt is,e•• Veribibien to lay tilde girl I. between bull wo.l Gee yams nt4.l.ldaiing the ..y.sba ; - passe4 4115 larita womP,P.CI.ItiOR =ft thin a lurk . t . :seeing ita eireeto air Shia tbmigivd a ft..p.a. all tut lunleangaraildw, who wax ,apateodly led .! : !• " • lINIAX couti ueld orri • • . - wuumb.u. K try. Nuubbr ibmw •Rd ..14 by 1.1 A I , AiIbIIR.IIIXX. Seep, - C.l/0( I' lot and . leiltal. and imn4 and Nortcb:—A prole.i;inisak. stritageiw nt bat Lig liern mailftlietwecn WA. iipser awl p1it11.110..111 at IL. witiwilivA - t. l'hog . will attelill at Air sake Pa (Font ti till Weio&ki 4. 1 ! 4*^ 4 14. open at 1.5,..,rwet t rwittitire.sfiowittilt !2-,e'tkwk; r ahreriber'requejt. tha. al". an amounts doe an his Wahl., w.this . • • • NIL ; AIi.tITSPEEP= .• AtiNll It V rerigui 1., ... is-A.Parprepatibi - • ro f 14Fitasch with/tun the oddition or '.- res9*.b... ll6 trl•i' sal foci...reducing • Scaliest mos. on Cho listes.,.. Price IFS cents, MrTlds - cat' sbouht ri k e in wrier itoute.,.tor xi. by ll= lit - I . .PP- 4 -, 6 , iiviii EMI , 1 :,....- , • i i - i'
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