The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, July 09, 1847, Image 2

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    '1: PITTSBURGH':
Err ' , Tat irrnan Ran Muir Galina itjabliaae.l ,, Tri•Weekly, and WeeklV—Tbd DadVaSITIMU
the Tri-W eekly Five Doan. pir
the WaektYo , Two per annzaa mint,
Notice to Advert/au..
IllerArsTetueemep i
ts, secure nyfertion, should be
banded !ALIT fire o elokk n tan afternoon. mons=
to tioe,on tltajeart of oar ClislOmell. Would be prodee
tine sardattienefa.
FOR tiovEttroz.
for CPU.; catrarT.l
•; 'for CLIMLIFIAND =mart )
' IHX/RUE DAROE, of Allegheny ray.
Jon ....LT.
IAttIV IS C. J..
HENRY LARGE,of Mifflin Tp.
W. BAXTER, of Pittsburgh. '
• A vox ...IT 21...VC11...
TIIUMAB PERKINS, - of tauter Tp.
WILIAM!!! CAVEN. or Vprrailles Tp.
. Foruirsar Covorcial Davo.olic Maio
li es, River Neves, Import., Money Muriel, tor., ore
:Wild page. . ..
.Prliatiag o llaalsteaa,raAyanted at tins 01;Lee. a
411p1111l11. an apprentice a the Printing buto
a _
my • are aware that 'stony of our readers moot
haye become weary with appeals, and perhaps it
is bed a waste of breath and of labor to make
u the cooductors of a public puns.
we diji feel at liberty to temaidailent when all the
worldouound as is full of action. Pittsburgh
certainly blind to bur own interests in her pro -
tented tudimosition to works of gieat . .public he.
• -pavement, and the day may conic again. as alms . '
been in , 'time. put, that our men of - upital and
Inisinatta, our mechanics, and even our day 1..
bares may rue their apathy in the prosecution Of
iteceasery works of public improvement. All this
pi possible end probable. too. The interests so
bee Oeglated are thrift in which the citizens of
• Pittsburgh heves. common interest, and in which
emery man should feel he has something to do. A
'toad to the Eut is within our tench, and it may lo
constructed by Means easily and expeditiously pc n .
• cured within our own State. It is as easy to
unitOPittsburgb with the Delaware or
peake se it was to unite B l ew York with the Lskiii.
or Briston with the Radios.
There is a little city span the shores of the Casco
in Maine, bordering upon, a Say as beautiful as
Chat of Naples, where the population is not one
. fourth theta- Pittsburgh, nor the means in wealth
0 tithe whet it is here, nor the inducements one
belt 'as many', which is at this moment pront,.
ling a public Wink which ere long will unite her
wfih the business and navigation of the great cities
of lkisreresnade. We speak of Portland, a city laid
o ashes in ono war, neatly the .mbar`
a go Which preceded the next, prostrated. by the
lond;imeccilations of a dozen or fifteen years gone
by, and yet recovering her position by a pelson.l
exogamy and on energetic public spirit worthy
the label:Aden of the world, We present her
enterprise as an example to Pittsburgh merchants
and !'itishorgh capitalists.
New York lathe Commercial Emponum of the
new }sold, magnificent in her public winks, vast I
in her resources, kingly in bet riche., and wearing ,
the crown of a nation's commerce, but what New
Turk is, the kiwi using . made benelf, and not I
' alone liy her position upon the borders of the ore.
osithlS noble river rolling at her feet and a harbor
w h,, , M fleets may ride in safety at anchor. She
h as e ivended =Woes apan millions to accomplith
if,j e ....-twelm of them alone in tunnelling
uww ,, ta i m , al rivers, end in evitging pore Water
to ib,j doors o f hfr people,—cod many more snit
fioikoiet,io seeking ,to give convenience. and the
mains of health to het' population. Otto is ex.y.end
lug Millions at this Modust upon her Erie and
Hudson -
Reif .Roads, the haw a weak just coin.
loisweed. and the forma not long ego tesia ed. not
by the rich nor the Powerful, nor by men of largo
capitol, but bY the businew and busy men of the
- cityj—knen of lithe moans and large souk—men
of iies; public epirit: of =tiring energy, and who
waver fail in the amomplishment of whet... awl
ifg,2ettike,—men who are scimetimas called of
.: I bisi/idling interests." and who. so mai bare
f o lt ow y;,:eling and mammon interest with all from
the centre to }be extremes of society. These men
.pipotiott to 1,4,v, York as we now appeal to pitta.
burgh. They went an,:ong bee Capitalists and get
ottotol bl oig , b ut ' no t m o c k; They visited the Mer.
chientlin their warehouses..a pouncing
• the Mechanics in their workehomn:--the Dramsn
upop the Quays,—the Journeymen in tris place Cf
&By labor.—the hisylak. MI fits the
importance of the enterprise, all. ;41=rib:el ome•
thierg, mid all, we know; will be retwaded fir a
gaittl investment of money and inc contribution
'Jost great pub& enlerprie, as all will be here;
we can buy sre and appreciate our own interests..
But for an effort like this the New, fork and Erie
Heil Road would never have been upon the road
to!completion, and never shall we have a Rad
Rirad here until more of public spirit is infused
into our counsels and, among our people.
not the condition of our River at this ma.
inn appeal to um and many peyond us to go
«a µ . DOGS not OUT crowded warehouses, laden
igoc a.. seeking an Eastern market, in like
Manner a ppe,•l tom to go Eut? Oar.very ground,
burdened w ith its mines of . wealth, cries o.t
igaln.t otft k i , gur le)sy, while our klauufacturr, rr,
could the, tee their interests.—as Eistern men
sea thtirs,--wortld shake a the sloth that bang.
tike a network around thetd. Philadelphia at this
. alfliatentsappliee one half the me chelalro retching
the beartraters of the Ohio. by awn. 4 . 4 . the
Pennsylvania Canal, and the remaining half comer
from New Yoh. and Baltimore. She has an in
Sued to this alreidy, and • Rail Road will
add to it two fold. - It,wa • proposed Rail Road
cdimection between Baltimore and Pittsburgh that
asiakened het to a sense of her danger, and we
the enterprise the het commenced will be
ipnweented with an 'untiring energy of purpose.
We will meet bee bens with entire good will, end
•id.hetin 4crling - the trade of : the great il'Vent.
Let bet deal (airy by Pitteteugli, by throwing of
nettictione, Ertl offer as and the West as good
• inaziet, as New York. and Baltimore, and the i 1
not ae ready to bind ne to berou we ue to be
:bound in such • anion.
Men of Pituburgh: ye who toil from sun mean
in'tbo but of sunnier and the cold of oritther, all.
sorbed in labor and lose of gain, impart something
of your time and Work' to the public good. It if
not wealth Which is the only good thine under
r,; - Hersen, and if it were, here ie ■ way to obtain it.
• Ramat the night cometh when no man can
wort, end who, when dying, would not rather
has. the world something better for his hosing
livid in it, than to be consigned to the tomb to
fo4 attended by the curse., or morn, or contempt
• of mantotd.• Thee are works of Art worthy to
be reared std perpetuated. among tn. Them are
temples of Religion, i tearning and Humanity
worthy_ o u r highest sacrifices. There is a way to
mike our homa the happier and ourselves the
berm, by blending something of private charity
and public merrier, with our daily labor. There is
IL holy eiverplr, too, for air ceildran and man.
- kind. •Wa cannot forget and neglect ill these and
• claim talent fulfilled the misthin desigad fora
by the @dive and benevolent Mind
who' stiles the
tliiiverse, far the common good of all his crest-
ago. oritioit the' above, of happeool
ths.!t2tarek. yard of lbs Eforopal Church, where not
the. fitiihrOW
of one oboes eapposs to ha% e
boles polio epirityd cation. It irrrrt•i• helm len •
wise tolled
SieFeel to thr Memos, of
t.; • CSEOItOk: r.VANS„
Who doputcd this lik
Au Ilea WI day of Supleseher, A. O. IKE.
j . ' • . ; •• lo the 47th yaw of hi, op.
lidloWe to LLB city at a yoriod whom she vas yet in 100
gory ad enramoog the fleet so ispot tha , impair to brr
IMl•eitii,inieatorpros obeli Ivo marked her a.
City el the ;rat. •
Iteiliotehe ia join wihiesit dere. oil Mat lesskostorable, to.
%divot, led WO issintir4 it. k
, tigiares ix v counts; - tone, At%
• 'Bentz.; 1 . 1347.:
Mtn. Gaio-Firaugui-Becetne in itc2lt.
' .. BereaM i it Iwo, bodily. though wareely *Me to
epiiitn4. that Ciao in the ElerLal City.l
Behold mjeelf, friend. settled down in quite corn
comfortable quartz:lain tom" Fin efequatfro:Fonfare
Ben let see go beak • little, and give you a rough,
outline off, my enures since we left New York
We bed . a delightful voyage-20 day. to • the
Straits of Gibraltar—but up the Mediterianean all
suns of weather, bet no stormy—only calm. and . 1
head wind. which detained us two weeks. I
cannot tell you how much I enjoy& the at., the
.went days, glorious moonlights and grand waves,
and for myself only one day's yes eicknens. The
morning we entered the elnaiis was. era to air
Few due of my whole life can compare with it.
You who have been the came way will easily ap
preciate the keen delight of seeing lend; after fodr
weeks of lea and sky--and that land, the roman
tic old shorra of Spain and Bubary. How we
revelled in the kipanish Mountains ~ we muted
up the Mediterranean—what deliciouu thy, and
nights. Bat for all this it was a tedious voyage
from Gibraltar to Marseilles. and we were all glad
to get to our port. This being the first (amigo ci
ty we had seen, we enjoyed much the Dually J
the thing—but being nearly used up by custom
house officers, putter., consuls, and el' sorts of free.
take., we were glad to get away. We coiled in
a crazy old rotten bard:Man steamboat; called thy
Polifemuz, which was about as vile an old hulk
as cur lea., in the shape of a oteembost—sup•
ped a day et Genoa. a delightful day. which we
spent in teeing (Thatcher., and Falser.. and Pic
ture Galleriee, and arrived at Leghorn, where we
staid over Sunday. and wok a venom Li Fla
genre the neat day. In Florence we doiniciliated
ourselves for a month, enjoyed ourselves highly
nod sew all the roe and beautiful things, the
whirls es you have seen them and know them, I
will not trouble myself to enumerate.'
We are viith the family of Lenten, very nice
people—ars old couple with a little Signorina
daughter, blonde and amiable, who talks English. I
and is quite a little angel of goodness. lice fath.
er is a jeweller on the bridge. Sheis:the “Gold
emillea daughter,"—only her name in g ot listen.
bet Marie Louise. rowers's duplicate of the
firer k Slave, is the most beautiful.. statue I
have yet seen, ancient or modem,—nod his boy
holding a shell to his ear, nearly, if not 'quite, as
'beautiful 14 the Sieve. Ifta model of the itatue
of Calhoun. rough as yet, is very fine. %Vhile we
were iu Florence, P. made hie firs! rail to Rotor
with Mr. Preston, a brOther of the Colonel.
We set out from Florence in a 'MUM, and
were between 5 and 6 days on the road. %via,
the exception of the weather, which was rainy,
and the beds at the inns, which are dirt; and foil
of fleas, we had a pleasant journey. We saw
some famous old cities, Perugia, Foligno, Spoleto.
Naomi. &c, and had a few hoots to devote to the
glorious Cucade of Fermi. The scenery it highly
picturesque, so raubb so, that I almost made a coat
to return anise day and. used this road more lei
surely, as. as to make some sketches. Wo base,
tint yet decided whether we shall make a short
Tint here, or remain all winter. But lam al
most sure we will do the latter. Here are all the
lutists, thousands of them I am told, and hero are
great works of art, and old rums, and neer us Gee
scenery, which we have not in Florence. Tern
the climate us an much preferable to that of Flo
mace. On the whole, we are quite 'satisfied with
Rome, (fleas and dirt notwithstanding,) ind shall
probably remain. I have seen a good deal, con
sidering I have been here only there or four dare.
', and most of thee" days rainy. I hate exert rte
Coliverrin fly nurooKgthr--and a. mot perfect
moonlight it was.. It equalled all my eapectatior.s.
The other ratios,, the Arch of Septimus, the Fo
rum, Trojan's Pillar, the Arch of Titus, Arch of
Constantine. fee.. &c.. I also have wen revers,
rims. I was disappointed in the Capitol and the
I Parlheon. and indeed, in that general roistcre el
ancient and metro buildings, and iu the atomics
of ltuilie . &ivy, lonely grandeur which I expected
;ti We. Almost every one. in visitiog Rome,
imagine, the old City standing anon fret:tithe mod.
1 em, in the unviolated sanctity of its mauldering
i thins, but he Rode himself greatly divappointed.—
I I harp also been to the graves of Keats and
t Shelley—Rom which tar., yr 1.. .red rows and vines
VI wx
r p t estrye a. ~Tro.!.. ...i Kale simple
moth, there Wes re , tot t.:, ' w ....' . ticoPln marble
I slab. which bore that tam:,., u , s eripaics, which
you wall know. A single rose grew on , the
tomb, which itteseiten plucked for - me. I shared
ii t w i t h my f r i en d. Nothing could be more affect.
I ing than this simple. single rose on the grave
1 of the young pod,* whs. tomb stone tells old
I even his name, but merely aye, cif cons ton/ i,,
: i nta k e ." It was a urea, perfectly d.eliciods after
noon—and the mild imposing air which. to Ltde
climate, touches the leaves as lightly, ar i d t e k. e
',!hem away so gently, seemed In perfect accordance
with nor father in visiting that sweet spot which
Shelly described as a spot which "might make
kune almost in lore with death "
I Rome seems to be fell of artist,. They are all
/kerma by their gray Ruben. hats, beside, and love
pal/loth. I have been twice to Si, Peters, bet no
• yet it the Ilrethete. or to any of the galleries. St
' Pancia is more wonderful sod magnificent than I
h a d e n, - ides of. ' I could hardly feel I was in
I a chusech,.:,sast of all a church der icated to the
i persica bfilim who had not where to lay Itie bead.
The splendor is overwhelming—one'sseuets ache
Iwith the weight thereof.. But how grand. and
b e autiful is the altar! . We get no idea whatever
of the church from the Angraysna we see of it—
Bat hoe, strange, In the =data' all this prelusion
of imkader and wealth, to meet men all deformity
and rags, and filth, who most beg all day for a
penny to keep soul and body together.—and who.
as the very portal" of the church Which Mamie.
'to be the only Christian Church, are treat. d as it
they were forever outcasts from all hope.
The other day as we stepped up towards the
' Capitol, a priest met tur, jingling a box, and beg.
ging stoutly for the Church. Close by stood a
gilded Cardinal's canine. My friend was strong.
ly tempted to point him to it, and ray "free trn.
perera darer." On Sunday we wept td are the
rope perform high Mass, in the Quirinal Chapel.
I It was very imposing, and the music was fine.
curt u.—The Regiatr 'Anal's!
of i.ond:n seems to think that over All denuly.
populated citinthup hang. mu vumnvluhvue totally
different from that :I the care.vry, To th.•lromau
animal its .ffecin are only incidentr.4. pircepti
bk, bestaute iu d elm rinu. ineneo«s act hot sionly
on hi. health% but on smaller animals it won&
times *aorta like a subtle poison u Thus. a Lird
ttniusht in from the country mealy survive. more
than sis or nine months, unlit.. ,cut back spin
fora spate foe pnrar air. Of the existents of thir
miasmatic atmosphere near, London, the Enetieh
Rai/niter General awake in the hdlowitri term.
in • Late report :
• "There is in fact a poison ringing in Itial-nir (of
London) which causes death. It is not-. gas,
sgart of atmosphere of floating particles, under
going incessant transformations, prob a bly b ra d a ,
rims and invisible. This dieeissed mild. arming from
the breath of two millions of people, nom open
sower. and cesspool', graves and slaughter house.,
is continually kept up and undergoing changes;
in one season it is pervaded by cholera, in another
by influenza, at one time it Mars small pot. me.-
ales, scuff-tine and whooping cough among young
children; al, another it carries (eve on its wing..
Lilo an angel death it bat hovered for mom
ries over Loudon. Btu it may ne driven away by
MONIST nano. IN Max rce.—Bankers and
monied men will be interested in knowing some.
thing of the farad. in Mexico. A late letter from
Vera Cm: gives the following of the rotes of ex
change. eke.
Rienzi° ca. Draft. on Puebla at three, day.
sight 3to 4 pet cent. discount cesh t flume of
ibis. drafts lies. been negotiated for payment of
duties at pa.
A few days ago similar drafts on Puebla , were
negotiated with the Quatierniuter of the 11. B.
Army. at par. payable in New Orleans and New
York. ,
Draft. On Meximat 3 day. night. 14 to 15 per
cent. ~discount; Name, 3 per cent.
'd 1 •
nrem'a •
New York, from ind . lst ua a, '2 per cent premiums:
'New pan London, at go dep.' !eight.
In 51,3 poor •; Paris 5 francs 30 t. 1 .5 trance
.0: , ; Crepe, al 8 days' sight, 13 per c.d. premium.
Aliereezr. , .;-Capt, Witiede company of the
15th infamy bee beta relieved by a company of
Dein* Volunteer', the Brady Guards, at Maki•
nu', Capt. W. proceeds at once to join Gen. Scott
and Lis man st'gria
Ts. CTON 07 TAXPICO earl that be bu
received sitar the 7ib of May Inet.on impone sod
tunnsile,lll.• am. $46,565.
before noticed by ato. from which
!ieGoveiateent Geological Survey,.
ingress. had: been coemesied
D. Jackeb . e. of M...1*
W . 7 it'll° tit th
aut iO riud
under the dA
.ocr.v. oI Civdiiiiati. i.;suifirted
Prafmor John
, ctlyidg between Lake Michigan
!lading Mackinaw and Saul Fitc.
kaan will make him beadquattetr.
by Dr. J. • du
and Saperior.
Mane. Dr. /
r during the precept eetsun
•t copper Her
le Oxen, whomte the Government
i ploration of the Chippewa District
.nd the Dubuque District hors
rps et assistants by the appoint-
Dr. DavalD
esitgned the e
of Wisconsin
organized his
ment'of dhas Whittiesey, of Cleveland. Dr.
J. G. itiorwoat of Indiana, Prof. Kentlail or Ciro
einnati, B. Marcy, of New York, and Dr.Shotird,
of Kentucky.iThe present field of observation .
the News says„ will be the northern part of Wis.
cousin and a fortion of the new Territory of Ali t
The fallowing items we t,py f:ont rho News.
Besides the Iman; woo hare hog been ehgagrd
by the various coropanns on bath PiLiCA of Lake
Superior, we 'car that a Mr. Robin.s to dully ex
pectedl here fir Sir George Shupsm—not fuiget•
ting Mr. 0. H. Ni.t,htw, the chief representative
of the Quirbod end IdAte Superior Company, who
has been herFLeral weeks, making the Saul Ste.
Marie bit he quitters.
New Moore To Loan Sermon —The Bilt.•
lab Goveran+t bare established a•sini.motobly
mail to the flapper Mines oil lake Superior, on
the north side of the Lake, a conveyance now
leaves Toron!io on the 13th and 28 di of each month
dad lakes pailengeria through in slaty hours to
Sant Ste. Ma44ie, by way of lake Stincoe, Stui g
enus Bay, still Owens Sound.
New York, the Secretary of this Company, with
a number of men pawed up the Lake , on Thurs.
dry, bound Or their three mile locatiOnt on Carp
River (Leas,) No. 310) with a view of e o mmen e .
ing inuring opettutons in that quarter. Eeploro
tiom, were mlade oil this location during the last
summer by Ors. Dom and Havee x.
Sort, Sr. M• I v (ianitalia '
tl, we
110.1. will
yet Lc led toleitimine this4uliject, for i t certainly
catenecil bull little inveLtigation, to Induce a lite,
al invevtaten in a work that shall connect two of
the greatest (Inland sets" of our country, and
open to our gavelling navigation ri lake coast id
more Man fdieen lltidr.4llllll,—.ll icon. ry vase
as an empire; and abounding in natural Trwairet
of wealth such as no otlict iNetion of the world
ever 12w.
• A Caspar 1 r aver 11051, 1•11 %, 'll3
Solloorter M teor belortsim t 1 Tinker & 1%1. 1 , 1
tins lion bilged on a fork' near Churot,'s or. LI
yard, twelvelmiles below lyre. and bunk. Cargo
oats, all damaged. The aerie] has been raised,
repaced indite ready for railing again.
't'he following we learn by the St. Clair from
Mackinac 'B. 11 . Chesapeake sunk in seven loth.
oras water riff Conneaut, Lake Erie, by collusion
with a brig.! Eight or ntore lives le.. SeLenil
thousand dollarsto &anti, eel all the books, pay
[WM numey, dec. belonging to the boat Went ton
with her, Steamboat Gen. llaireon parked 11,/
those who 'air., tared. ,
Sews Items.
Trait SeTagne.—The French Steamer sailed
frum Cherta tug un the dth. and should have bran
long ago at Test York. Toe We&twinedu rarer.,
which Irk Nose York on . the lid, of Jane, did
nut reach So l uthampten trail the afternoon of the
16th. The Britannia which left Boston at the
lime rune, arrived et Liverp 101 en the 13th..
The mortality in Perhaiicareia during ti e
past stack 6 , 131 been very great—the weather hat
been of that tend which is elartyr proameatiae
ul &erases particularly fatal In children. Tue
minter of deaths during the weak amounted to
222, twang zien,t .100 over the navel average—al
this number }ll7 were under . 20 years of age.
Curl, Juspce Stu:secs. el Non York, the
venerable It riot', Ina. en liiely !rem hr.
recent MK.,
The Mee a eat, noel. is being pushed with
energy to Bo r on.. Mr. A. I. tuner, took $5O
- of at. add. arid Mr. sreirom et Sod:wavelet
fil t 4
tnaltit:at, ri . 52,0ut) non
Ay Eiroeirtesie an Itkvcoe.-- The Buffalo
Ezprers aye that the Unarm wife of a man re
aiding in CM* lest her house with a peramour
• tar Joy
i re. ',Arne hum hi, latebpnri the
sum of $5O , with which be had iyurt 'mama
from England. Tbe injurer.] husband fillownl
i .
the guilty par to :int act Falls. where he craved
the rarer. en. fakirs the err, ,r -ired ir, lloffd i
hefow th e et nit of consinme Min runway.--
met the jute tine erupts A. the docks, recover.
ed his ssoo'4nd wee. and after gi erne the (harp
poiotod LaMar. • fe r kicks, returned to Her
tinitr.-=A Utterlllll, named John Loot; a private
in Capt. Pet:reef/ carnally. was shot it{ Si Limn
I, Met LientMiant Kiniewits,of the same cam•
pea lit the iudixvoui. The cruse, the lirj u!.
beanlay., w it ern trivial. the Lituteuent .111,.
ruin in whild the moo worn thinking en I talking.
order] them! to he quiet, drawing II revolvme
pistol at the ewe time, which he presented and
fired at Lan the belt taking effect nueneritrielr
over the ey brow. Ihe Lieutenant tiled to
make his escaa, but was overtaken, and conveyed
1,3 the celationse.
MO. ,r Axe...irate—There wait a g•ehl r o w
at Annapolisin the Stn, growing out iif a ...On
boat disturbance. The row era. twiteeen the liar
tinaureans and'', the anzer.e of A nnapolvd. brick
!es thrown, airbich struck a lady on the shoulder,
injutiog. Ler pretty sererely. A gentlemen on
booed wh,a e aw the negro throw the brick. teem,
dietely snatetteil a rifle belonging to one of the
Columbian Fhtlemen. and fired at the negro, the
ball entering hie leg. i
The scene on hoard the host at lbw moment was
awful to behold. lathea rind children were
aushing In •••• y direction,eatid • +how. rot bri. k
bate from the Wharf. About • dozen of ktieni were
abruck by the bridal, whilst others bed to be bit I
io pre cent then, from jumping ore, boo r.I
At moon ita inn battle commenced, the capoon
of the him mit loose and endeaviard to run uni
into the stream, but unferiunsiely ho h id not pro
li f
ceederl many sills when him hoot ran aground.
Several of the balls 111.1 were fired friar, th •
vend took e eel on the num.,. on Um wharf,
whether fatally or not was not known on board
the boat. 04e white man on the whit PM , . oh
served to rev we a ball apparently in the p.t of
the stomach, ebirb ranee., hue to kap in the Oil,
and fall, stre riming wilt' blo.l, am if desperately
The bait moved off about 5 o'clock'. and it we.
hoped all wrai over, but on oremsting the whorl ~1
the Navy School. • number of perm,. We ' ll] trir
served loading a cannon, whirl, they pointed at
the Leo:, god , fired ; hot it is itoprotiablo. from roe
eaeite r t Maki 04 Chow grtinictred it. th..t the nit xi
ale wan filled with brier, and stones. However.
nothing from the C.O. Inflated the Ir.:.
A good wady peewee were badly .i sot hut ~0
one killed we believe.
Fasaast,sagrmu—The ~ f Mt. I•
die ware yesterday evening consigned to the gre
V.iflntod him in the Cemetery. The tonere!. r.'
rice. mot place in the Flpiscepal Church. q
ZY'fn lend by the Its,. Dr. Uphold The cos i .••
'Mal hi. late nnidunce to the cbu• 1
by the member. orthe liar lay In•
of citixens and, were afterward. follei 44 b l .
place of interment. The respect for Mr. nil.• ,
appetr. to have been gelatiflininghout theca; , •
Munity, and the Milers services have shown
corresponding regret for hi. 1.34. SYyrupallay on it
hi. sfElictell family arid sorrow for the low vf au
a man. we ate- sure will extend far I wyobtl -
family circle, and the city of hi. re - .,loner. 1
are glad there is to Ire some further i.oltic
bran.e tt commemorate hi. swine., i.e atnhn
and the services he bailiendried proGs•l.",
and the world of lettermil
Mulle—Mr.-ICaldwell at In. r the Pa t
01Gee, in Philo Hall. ha. for vale a tr... rilloiee aird
eatenalve tolleetion of the !Arr., :rod most 1•01
Tunable num.}
Litt:ll's Living Age, (Tete:meg a-leetion ~1
literary genie fredi the r3/101.1.1 redo 144,11, 4,1 Flu r
land, to alto to he found there.
The (Midi) hiattaxlee of literature th art tl
'hare upon ourlablo a new monthly 0 the shone
tltle. published at New York end . en .led by hies
C. M. Kirkland, the well known author , of Forr.l
Isle. A Nowliume, Ac.. 15 cold.. 5... curd...l
enramnp, ol . reireseneed the (Al Limit t'ol
Clay, and anot er entitled News Iron. the Way'—
teith sdmir-b y;•ceelated and dnrel‘rd
They are well worth the pride , tsr sthssertpulb
Mrs. hncourneY, Mrs Childs, Alias Add, Mts.
Sedgwicb, John Neal and a host al other bright
elms, are contntsutors to the present nusubc...Alf.
Morse on 4tb at. has it for sale—wills No.dol s• lie.
tharitable events in the history of Anterica. by J.
Frost, L. L. 1)„, well illustrated end i“sed in nuns.
ben st S cents each.
NAT/AL.—The Norfolk fleecier: sayr:—VVe On:
derstaod that the U. S. steam frigate Allegheny,
LieuL Uoneg. limiter, now at New Orleans, is or.
dared to the Mediterranean. She will psdrahly
touch at some of the northern cities.
th. resijoahen
at.. 2
.„ .
saraC azaithe rite that be eras atilled
thp,aedrevGarertemel l Ot te matter Cr eat : ,
.itriEt by the ti;tiovring withdrawal of Lis resig.
.1 Mexico, Jape, 1847.
'ft, their Et celleitctm, the Secreteriee of the t3ott
ereign Congress.
Exce/hini Sir:—When I reeolved to offer my
farmal resignation of the supreme command of
the Republic : my mind wai strongly actuated by
the ream. which I laid before the august Cot,
geeto, anti by Mete not tete powerful, which it
sppeared to me prudent to conceal. Every ma.
meat confirms me in the solidity and propriety of
ail of them, and !have warted several daysthe .
del i.ion of the legielative authority, a notaining not
only the evils consequent upon a poaitioditurneaw
tastily complicated, bet - Ware which low tram
the stile of expectation and anxiety into which
the pohlie ie tbrown, and which produces at each
monies/1, new changer in the political Aetna. •
larked that my Newt:aim might be taken lulu lot.
medial, consideraton. sad that even in permanent
session, the person might he tleeiguated vibe
cheek soccer d me.
Tlns teltr et ea. not suggested by the desire
to leave speedtly the difficult situation la which I
found myself, but because it could riot be conceal.
ed that any delay whatever would maintain the
public agitation, and draw after it occurrence,
which would alter the condition of things.
antiiusly eriaheil, that whoever might suc
ceed me might even take my phice; because I
knee that the invading army could not immedi.
lately move upon the 'Cspital. end that the new
head of the State would have the timeatftl oppor.
too icy to devise his ineesuiCs , , end prepare him.
self in theananner which should seem to hint most
•suitable. Now, it is known that thelorete of the
eat my are about to move, and that 'they mei dJ
Aro at any moment, and we may stiffer at the wane
tin invasion of the capital antra change of
Government • state of affairs certainly danger.
Our, and whi 7h may perhaps decide the fate of the
war. The news of my operation from the cup.
reme command has been. as I know, the cause
which induce) this resolution. This is an impor
tant °renitence. and one which requires from me
3 resolution prompt and efficient, tot contribute to
the salsation of the Capitol.
During the nine since I gave in my vesignation s
I have received suguler tokeda of the confidence
of ell Oa.. 0. end of persons the most influential
in society. ail have besought me.not to persist in
my inn-idiot:. I see in thorn • determined pur.
poet. to tome me to remain. found on the oecessi
ty of preserving the ;assent state of things with.
out innovation, in order not to endanger the fate
of this Populous city, and of the nation. The ex.
citernent lent been very general, and even the
I troop% .t ihb garrison, and the most numerout
portion of the people, ham been constant in their
insinuation. end'their prayers.
j 1 know rittainly, that the occasion of my res•
te.iatten has caused great excitement in all mind.;
euetuies who resin not to spy out the movements
for who
discord and making revolutionary
movements, avail themselves of 'everything. sell
erideavour, by their machinations, to force en
ostbreek ; men of good faith, who have seen the
disbanded partialls of peace spreading their eedue.
!ions to propagate the persuasion that I ought not
to continue in power. are excited and active ; and
, I behold on all sides the terrible symptom. of •
I revolutionary movement. All Mists the necessary
effect of the delay which this matter has met withl
and which has involved me m gratis and compli
cated responsibilinea.
1 see the enemy profiling by circumstance..
ready t., fall upon us. fwe in addition, the agi
tation increasing on all sides, and I do not desire
tlist Si.. oe should inculpate ma in - case of an
Ultf n
eveat ettlibuting the peraistanest In
toy di termination to a air&all egotism. Never
dull it be 'aid. that for a point of honor. or of
pride. ill undetsuroi, ',referred cry personil wet.
fare to ten country. I stn , about then to make a
IleW I:avarice. exceedingly wetly that of my pride : ,
and I beer treol•ellta withdraw, and do effactually
wri , h•trase • n.y mognalion of the 2nth of last
in..nth. pod I ‘icare that from this moment it .hall
be n.-Id a• na•ing never been preseotetl. The
how of litilfnulty will paw, wad 1 firm in my de
,m nation to anandon power, will do it Without
rtta or rhange in comfoithity to the constito.
A,.! veditio I Indy be •bid, in withdrawing
114,n, di. i•»t, I. niter a ere• notice to my coita
-1,. r 4.6 ~qt, atAy Int tikrile,ll, as by that tune
I may bay., given bid as a last bolmaust to my
Dilate r ! texerrs. God and Liberty!
I N.l-0310 LCZZI 1.11. Ssaet Ano•-
Far the , Pittsburgh Christian Advocate.
II a.i. )..,I.len ni)bitay of Ignite
ileaven.gleveloped plop !,
'Ph' immortal Author of our s.
Become. • mortal • ma.
eeeka Melte hoatile shore. beneath
Ea , led from frienda.abore,...
Th.t dying, he sleight save from &sill
Thr ecoraerr of Me Irvr
A se ant's humble turn, he wears
Obscuring the client.;
In human likeuess he appears,
'That teem his might shine
A life of puvetty and woes,
A shameful death was h6i,
'Mat be might lavish on his !m.
A life uf storm. Wm.
To low my load of sin and ine,
Th., Son of God was given ;
y sins he bore to Calvary. •
Myself he bean to heaven. •
The Lord of Life in death's devil gloom
A slaughtered captive fell;
The slaughtered captive burst the tomb.
Aud vanquished death and hell.
A God—he weeps a man with tan
Aud turves hitnaelf ill prayer;
nrau—lie minutia tu heaven reign
.I , llovalr't Follow there.
Elmlied to the eterual throne.
Who bought us with his blood ;
Ile tztake• the Godhead all our own—
Ile makes us one. With .Gott.
I FRANKLIN, Loneaet, C,s
1 A.ll K.... , MAK TIN,
1 . 1105.1 AS C 11.551E1LY, York
tYII.I.IAM SI WATIS4, rlaol.
I/A NIM.I. 51 S Y SEE. Ado...
10115 I' ETel MILL. Mhiliedelpht• r.ty
10511•11 It CIIANULEII,
THOMAS MeOIIATII, Phllutleiploa County
SNI/11.1:W I 15:1.F., Somerset •
A RSIA ft DENNY. Allegheny.
1./SEl'll II liVllsi4,
s Vestinorelund
D 51A X WELL. Nonharopion.
J 11 5A1.1,3111 , 11Y, Suiejoebinne.
EI.IIAN AN el ti Wyoneng.
lIENIIY S EY ANS, Chester.
Runlair T rre, 31untgreeerl.
fittataett Olsarßß Plassocas--Altroes.t.
7cl:sons—W. beg leaca Iy cuU poblic attention to
the, from Br.-Wini Doan, of IStrha,4,o i ;
Clconoto ,and on , of Ole lost practitiosers to ts U
the counts Bob be rrsides. and late Senator in the
, 41,C ! t ruest., e II :6 rile : crow thus to tee the kW
inamitti the posit:wino. blastula the bonds of promos.
cal latitabOu, and atria& want tis due:
hues in in,. praettre been trio! some of your
tonseity Panacea. and, so far, act] well pleased In its
ells,. in Catarrhal and Bronchial Gortplaintsi Please
send me ball a dwelt hottles—put them as tow SP YOU
raa. ma I ',part a ran der render as general sat
leUe l .o2l Of a be.LUrVIO,OFO. to keep it constantly en
tome. itespectiauy,' n ot , ' Ww. D.ll. D.
s 5 0
.0.110 0 r'
130 : CYrs
'ME Of litoOber . reap,trOT informs the ptiblie that
he isa- raeueneuerei lulaull4°;!lra of Umeatierl
Fos Ammo(. Bono, of good material art; lyuritnanship
wk will warrant superior to arty 800 fire:mode
in Pitti•titiralt for the price. There Ilioffiroo Boot
mad-,. inearnro, and warrant lhem 46 repro
n i we wry low pore of FIVE DOLLARs
Gaul , c e „,k.,,,r.m00100d wenn and elate
111110. a t e
7 . no STRZIT • roar= or Parr CIVICS 4144 T,
Ewa I now prepared to macula in &superior
sod re
rosoner, kinds of
nehta• large Posters t atessoboat Dills, Bills of Lading,
Len, Sheet f , treolart, !lumping, Cards, &at, ar.
In ally ...swot cured In Ow best manner, ane•all
It !no. or rontiott dont, with Rceoney &agitate lowan
Veamasur. tormantas.—lt ts generally Conceded that
the medical propertle• of vegetables are more eons.
n•nt to the human conotitutlon than preparations - from
numeral ottlAttmees. Ai a proof of ilitl,elnuca of the
fanner. Dr Upham's Pile F.teetnary atrillog evi
dence Curet the mott exttaardlaary boas Itsennieet
ed by to uve, and that painful affection the Pile.. la cam,
by the . k ill of that Phyaleistro speedily, and effectually
eradicated • •
Ifr rtold, Wholeanle and Retail, by WYATT k.
nt..lTll.‘ N 1.121 Fulton street, New-York: War.Toona,
Marta mteet. and P. tintaldield 'tenet
Pitt-Looth, Prive It 'per bal. .11.3dt*
The Whig. Imebominatexpunean 1.. Clinch
al their csrefirhite for Governor of Georgia.
03•rc.w+dene. ortbr l'attsb9•Am
PIMA., 9 P. 3L
We have late news from Mexico this morning
via New °dean!.
The Mexican Coogrtom too psetponed the elec
tion of President, and Santa Anna has been mass
Dictator by Congress.
The proclamation has created a msrked semi.
tion in the Capitol and in the country.
dome fire thousand Mexicans hare planted
themselves between Perote and Puebla, with it
determination to attack Canard Cadwalader on his
way to strengthen General Scott.
Mr. Kendall, in his letters to the New Orleans
Picayune, says the prospects of perze are further
removed ihon env, and all the news by that foli
osl goes to confirm it.
From Vera Cruz we also Intro Mat's good deal
of sickneas:prevails in the Army and amonethe
people. The sick and wounded had been com
fortably and safely removed from Jalapa to Pue
General Shields hit Puebla With Col.'Chiids,
oo the 16th, with kloo of the hest troops in the
wi • ice;
Gen.,Bcott had commenced his march to"the
Capitol, and his troops, who were under excellent
subordination, are impatient to plant the menden'
of the country upon the Capitol of Meiico.
This road between Vera Cruz and Jalapa is
pretty. much Infested by cli.ihrost guerillas, but
our people knowing this, keep a ci•il distance from
their lances and their)aram. When they travel
,t is with a tall crowd—one within shoaling di.
Lance of which no greaser, nor any number of
greaserr, would dire approach.
There sceras to be no doubt of Santa Anna's
Ideation to make a stand akainst Gen. Scott at
10010 point•botween Puebla and the capital, and
&r neitt.anival from our little army may tail uo o
another Cerro Gordo affair.
Our dragoons have had quite a brush with the
guerillas near Peyote. three hundred of them
encountered four hundred guerillas in a ravine,
and routed Mem, the hlesitene losing some 30
killed. Our fellows were guided by the AlesWe
of Peyote. ,
Senot.Ainclin i. at Vtm ctifll4l:g olata
the sitre. with 110 apparent ntimenta, or; bum..
of guy kind. 4
11•Fre..potoJratee to, 'lto etu4u , gu I:aten. .
July t1,.7 M.
Flour—Thera have been salts of Howard at.
Flour to slay to the extent of loot) bbls at $5 . .25
per' bbt—a further decline. City Mille is 'nom,-
nail, held ai $6, but there have teen no sale..
Cornerteal—Minlerate sales of Meal at $2:68./
per bbl.
Wheat—Sales Red at 1002103 c per bu.
Com--Ssles of prime White at 68e., and at
Vellow at 68•70 c per bu.
Whiskey in bbls is selling at 27e.
Proviaitinii—The market far Provisians is brat
and has nut varied. Mess Pork is held at $l7
'mod PiiMe at $14a14,50. Baxott.bas been in mod•
erste request with tales. Shoulder, at
Sides OislOe., and thins 9aloi.
Sales keg Lard No: I at Ilk and in Wits at 93e.
Tnekvetage price of Beef Cattle nn the hu.a
this week has been $ 3 2 5 . 11 . 37 i.
Killed Hogs are selling at 5,62646,691.
In the Grocery market nu change whatever
worth noticing.
, a. 1,04....,C t a...,•.•
July 8, 8 P. M.
Flour—Jialea 1000 bbl. weth around Pa,
brand. at 135,56 i per M.I. Thu is about •ll the
!Infanta. dottefin Flow to-Jay.
Corm:nal ia held .t F 3.50 per bid—there
trOrro, but no btlyrrs
COM—Sales prime Yellow at the opening at
75c and at 670 c at the done to the extent of 15,U00
. Cotturi---The market is'very quiet.
Provision. srell but holders and fuos—pricee
however. am to a coruuderabk ea tent nomusal.
e 1.,. .• Cur,eanowle; , .. th.• I•,,bur,
JUly 7.•5 P. Al.
Flour—Geaessce Flour it lulling at $.6.75. but
is vary dull.
The market for Wheal is dull and price* nom.
Prime Yellow Cora is selling at Inc.
Them in a much better felling in Provainne,
it se yet I. unattended by .ny, prtteular move
Nothing doing in Cothtn north repotting.
Earl...ore the Poo.tutrau
/all 8,9 or r. w.
Flour—Some .utility iu the market. Our. of
7000 Ws litineasee at $6.6,064. per 1.04. Soma
parcels of Howard at brought a fraction more.
Wheat—tialea of Ohio Wheat not of prime
quality at 121 e, and Red of rather poor quahty at
125 e—ales of troth reach 10,000 tau.
Soles of inft nue samples of White Coro at 600
and Yellow at 70c per or. 50000 of rum. Val.
low sok! at 75c.
Of Cornmeal nicest 3.873 per WA.
Rye Floor la 'elfin; at $4,50 per bbl.
No clump in the Protision rdarket—it
actarised by donne..
Cor,,!pon.leoce of Ihe Ptit*l.or
July I. r. 3d.
Owing to the unfavorable new. cotton gas de.
alined 3c per lb.
An active busing. is going forward in the To.
bare° market.
Fleur—The eaten of Ohio, Illittoin. Ste e'en:
uniformly at $G and the Minnows doing silty mod
Rale. of Wheat at 120 r per bu.
4: 0 , 0 .,41.....5 a 1e s at $3.874 per
Horn—Sale. of Yellow, corn at 75c per bu..
"'Nuristan. are without change itt 'nicest, but
there in less inquiry.
The markets foe sugar is !min,.
For Moister's there iv little demand and 11.0
market is dull.
Is ha. been heavy weather with us, raining
most of the,day.
The Fiench wesawr which left Cherbourg on
the 15th. wuklegriphed last night at New York.
Porelv. News.
) Livedseout: June If 1847.
, I 'rhe arrival. of wheat iro6l Ireland, either of
Ihome growth or foreign returns hurlng the last fort
night, have been artunderable, as .100 have been
the imports from the United Stated for • week or
;en days. Hrevy loss has taken place in flour
and meal by leakage, which has tendered a large
quantity unmerehantable.
4 The state of the Iron market Circe the depar
ture of the last stearner—Eriglish bar is quoted
al £9 7s. 8.1. to.CB.los; rot 1•210 55.• „CIO Ills.;
Scotch pig .£3 174. fid.; do. In the Clyde, for net
sash .C3.9e, 61. ; Welsh rig .e 5 to, .I.lh ss.
'rho state of frelind is not improved. Crime
and outrage aili stalk throughout that unhappy
The proepects of the crop are 'in general of a
gratifying character.
t• In irelend the loser Opt continues to make
ead ravages. The accounts which come to hand
from the principal cities, more especially from
those in the south and south western parte of the
ate painfully distressing The mortality
Is, of coulee, principally confined to the bumbler
classes, but others higher In the scale of society
ere occseionegy the yiclime of the infection.
Sntrxt SoLverox.—llooker'm Journal of
unit Hietory, glees the following receive for
serving specimen. in natural history:—
Conea t on salt, one part. Muni, two parrs.--
Boiling Water, ten perts—niter when cold.
This enemas for some subjects better than
spirits of wine, (alcohol,) and there are faw - ritus •
Mona chef. it cannot readily be proCueed in time
to preserve a vehisbla glaciate'', which "Would
otherwise be loot.'
D-Ittaparttarat to;Advertlaarsr—Tlat adv.
agamanP Opel, appear in the Daily alororhatarette
also appear ia the Trt-Weeltly, thug free hrlpg the hell•
rat of the effrul.tatp, of all, Without ally raldittrrool
charge. Th..,...d.,tatalra your ad yertireta, without
soy csirs espente. Adven.ententaarp also ill•e rted
~t the eountty paper upon reasonakta tormit,
117v1Va inane the attention or 001 reader W Wa ne
traordlnary cures of Scrolida.pmfoMV4 by Dr. Cnllen's
Indian Irrirtabis Pollan., which they will Culd record
ed in another column of, tolloy's paper. They Me
without dould api more VlVllderiel an green], and have
pLees pronouncedby many of out 1,10.1 respectable
hysician S.. The atilicleel and alters ifilereeled, are re•
quested to visit them at their several plates at abode,
and learn (tout Melt own lips the wonderful effects M
themrdielnit, The fintone named is Mr hue Ittooks,
whollg may be aeon daily, between the hours ofd A M.
anil 4 P.M t the amen( Ituwand k Walton, No 37
Matt.el el l'hilada. oetl
eioccWWlTAMWs..i.C.':R:ittlittiii", intl Pitt -,
dukii4 a andplaig - artinleidittanditioglerdd Yenta li'
Irlissatent gut tidiaidreeeivinit his ehaejd.feia SA ,
Landed in Payment,.sill ;dew!, till foe in-an he inn,
in •• laden, it is thoostt be did not notice the snare pee
neulsrly, and ant hoped this ounce will fall ender hi.
eye, 0.11 he may knew w here o call and reteiye his
money. jOdlt
On board the •treater Ban Raab. on her op ward !rt.
from Commtati m Pitteborgh. /die t•t, Mr. WILatON
P LACK. of Monoagabeta Pay, on hi. way home (mat
Maxie.. Mr. Illaek aro. a metnaer of the Irish Gresh•,
Capt. Porter. and erns at the ad.( e: ParaTetaa, bet
de of Corm Gordo. &c.
At Fon Towwn, Caps WII. ANSINTRONG, a As.
kw•in6 Mew for the Indian Nation thew Ile had
been Gar 11, number of year• a faithfai and efficient nth
cer of the (thsemmenh and was be!oved and reepecn•d
by the Indians and by all who knew lons
puoliOted in the City of Washington, event day at
.1.3 o'clock. r. c.—Sundey excepted—end served to
auto , rober. in the Cay, m the Navy Yard, in George.
town, in 11 lexandri., and to Baltimore, the WO!! 1,.
Mg. at cent. a week. payable to the Pete Agent for
the tVbie, 11. L. Galehrelt, Fag ,nr his order It is also
mailed to any put of the United State* for $4 per an
-0 or St for ca . month., payable in advance.
vertisements of ten hors or less inserted one time
for sil cents. two time. fOY7S cents, three times for el
one week for SI 75, two week. for gt 75, one month 1.4
two months 67, three morel. Sub .it months Sin, one
year sso—pay able always in advance.
The Nonortst. WHIG is whet its name indicates. It
speaks the sentiments of die Whig party of the Untnn
very questron of Mlle policy. It sdvoemes the
election to tee Presidency Of-ZACHARY TaiLot,
to the decision n Whig National Convention. It
make war to the knifeppon stk. the menaces and esti
of the administration deemed to Le adverse to the inte
rests of the country, nod eerie...without Dar or favor
the corruption. of the party to power. Its mann. are
open to every man in the 'tor the discuss.. of
polittcal or any other question..
lii eddinert to politic... large spode in the National
W big will be devoted to ;adamant:lns upon Agriculture,
Mechanics, and other useful arm, &Legg to genetal,
Law, Medicine. Statistics, the. Choice sprelmrits of
American and Foreign Literisture. will elm be given,
including Reviews, de. A weekly list of the Pamir
towed Lt the.l'atent Office mill be published,—
the whet, forming a complete family newspaper.
The Weekly firatiosars; Whig,
One of the largest newspapers in the Votes Pietro is
made up from tie columnswf the Daily National Whig.'
and t pablished every Plourde) for the low price of Sit
per annum, payable in advance. A double sheet of
eight pagen begi yen whenever the press of mew
shall Justify it.
The tnemoim of ktenerat 'Paying written expressly
for die National INlog. are 111 course of publicatton.—
They commenced with lie second number, a loge
number of copic• of Which have been prlitterno rupp:y
culls for hack n{llol/Cu. CHAS W FFINTON
Proprietor of Nation•l Whig
washincon. June it. trrl7. jet:J.l.l,o;m
ATitottsrs , .LlfEßAßY E 3
The Amerwan Drawing 1134. a Manual for the Arita.-
..elm and toia.ox ..Iv tor the Profeasdonal Art.
papal( ~.adopieJ tothe air of publie and plriraleachoo:e
a• well a. lunne.nplornon, bylll Chapman. N. A.
The illlloll . Maraune aar July. (No I.) • new and
splendid Maga:ine, wwb heroutul
Idanin the Founilbna. vol I.
lord Ellwm or the Coc.r.sla.p. by NITA.
Itemarlall!.. el ream in dn. 11, Aur, of Amer:cm, No 11
by J Frott.l. L '•
Itlarkwood'a . alaaaltste for June
Poetry Rua Truth; from my from the trettunn of
I:oethe. oelog Nor. V 3 atUl Whey k I 111.01'i Le
brury ui Chotce Iteuthoq.
51,11e4. a. /1 Wll% plid in, b Ural. Ala yr, Na C
coropier, - ,
Taylor's Cotiotirft, Detec.or. No 57
Chant t:neirtoir./... of Eng. oth Lilt, vole, N
An examinathth of the ens., of Rev. John N. Mai
on Rey John O. ih . ren. and the praerroloo of the
Bo.hor. sad Con rerenee of we M E r lamb at Ni Won'
tngatho Melt.
''Alin, an he Itirsterit Papers for the wrek. jy9
JACOB WEA VICIK. Markel-. homer of Front.
are.. Corsair at oolueing place andtertes,the follow
, a)rrstrit ye eat ,ely of Wines and Liquor, eeieeted It
bout, f —atiortnerty far the firm of Steettt & Co—in the
Ettitern Cote, front first bandy Fret , . Cogyilr and Champagne Mantling.: J I
Donny. Cd.ttllion, old Maglory MutanCo , nnu)er.
Pelovon , on ttc. Chard Dopuy & Co and Pitted
& Co—Vintner of IMO 10 1631, rtribriOlg
all the Enehrt , ,, and lodnana . tlavorrh In WO( pips.
quunet 34,1 °c.v...., or I.y
ilnltand Wrerp, Anchor, Croat Key.,
'Arden. ,VATI and Hour tan.. hronds—new and old
Kony—Nrw Englund. St era. Antigun and imam,
n —mune very.superiOr
nenteh and I righ, IlnounKabel. /EY ,
Ito.ruon CO COM.
W the atlet, 4., Truer. free, Li .lone. she, nee, Ste.
d.. Molugan. Porn, ReJ writley. white wine, .
Muathee—Clarete, Chatnoogoes, llocke, and Sateter, ,
111 , 11
f Intim able, quallneletthe bh,ta, dethithbo•
iki b 101 e.. A liberal mittenau made to the Trade an!
urbole•ale Ithyers upon settlement. • iSR
No. 16, Nolloo4 VI hut. Claltlmorc:
rt VEIN Ilmr ta rviees w sterehuots a.W Pano,r. ,
lithe sa'r of Flow. Grain •ntl Prrnwer grotragy, Ist
tOe Ualutoons arket.and in , mt.!etr laequato
mace nroont purebaPera and obippeT., elm au telt - Mal.
IBM COrreepotuleno will eoa.taolly
i. • t.-pt •J.-i.e iof tr, rate t,P.1.• Mork...,
& Itcy•
,old. a. Nut, Ueltnla.t ,ntth
K.l.Our), italtnnose
1 inalM C. awcii t Eng l, l.:
ilearny, Marc, & Jour.; New York.
ilshimorr.Junr!!l.l,47 21auGal
I,IIE ektlolJrf •of the roomers' Pepofit flank of
PaittnArel, end making •ppileallon ome next
I,o.slonto, for xuell alo4atiotiof rear Courier f.• mill
T. re them o,:oger, or a rtromod ,orot.
oo“o Incorporateda now 1i.0.k.
lit 001,f Or Wiled ihreriorc
jet,likurflgti THOMPSON DELL CIA.,
e. No.l Car•Potate: •
PreDared Calm
- -
Nufluik Co So I Chocolate, reeemrg thi.
brom the msnwartutert and (or isle by
1,11 lIAGAI,ET at. SMITH, y and V wood at
VOA SALK tIKN*I—A three 0100 br:ek
ALlvidiug. 60 by 27 feet kactlarr wttb a (mute
House. Coal Ilouvra, and all newly t reeled
and to perfect ord.., wince In the city of Allegheny.
There .4 a
attached a amall Steam Eagme i fine
running order
rhe eWthlt•ilthent euinbred f r apinntngleotnatt
or the manufacture of Coteton goo.ta, but Teti! -mt for
enant miter brancue• of ma nufactuttee The
ark ell the batiMnua are erected to well eltuatett
and ot ouffir:ent vire'lo athlitiona. buil
d, tt nqutred Apply at a. Oftee of the I'ut.t,o,el,
t:. vette.
Cymp. Fluid 1. 1 / 1
CI ,Eitapaila_
Merehul's Comp Iliad Ext.Sar•ap.stillic
Vonrit WWI on hand and for •aln by B A EMINE....
tack &en . carnal , of firm Aticl wood .d ...AI and
aJith air ,t
1/ at all tour* be Itupp:ied with a very sapetiorqualtty
ai frrah groaud Flour trous Itkr Itnldvrn M,II. by
I VAPI /011:11 D DAVIS rot gr:nel A wit ma_
I . )II,EICOTT'9 MEXICO—A new sop', furl
rr.wived mot in .ale ax 1101 E'S. A
att, rail t ad look at a.
4.2 lINDKIES-22 eagk• Potash,
51100.111granerd 0,1;
lialen Flax.
12;buies loirre: landing and far *note
7 .1010ALF:li
IANDI:001117.1{ PEAS -
i .1 3 &bin Lord:
wack• Glnerar.
Jo re...,cur by
I 1.111-KEY ...1120, water an..111".0 .t.
k.,!Er.114.Ta1-I'ordra Nt.r. and, “t+•• yeah
oole ost.l al EATON,
1) , TrialllllllllC 510,03 gti•rk at
• viOlttllClol—luth Prato and Mark at hr p..r yard.
mak , ng the prettiest t‘unouer Slim" tbas be
Renal. for sale at :AlO:li'L. •
OYES—Paper boxes ol sLrea of sauna
an be bad at iy3 FH EA la.rS
LAUNDRY larMit.3l POLISIF-For p.eparing
tba of toy realty aubslanee,
sod for ptodumng • Imlbant• pearly glasson the linen.
E .
Pr.. . cents. 11.7 -11 .•• ahnuld every
house. Foe male by iyel_R SEI.LF:Ws, vino, if
C Cl DAli:lt~Ll,,eerla Flour,
sae,ks Oats;
pieces Bacon; landing from gm,
C,ndrrella and icy rate Irr W . IDALZKI.L
1314.4.1lia—tibbni *mak Wane in rune and na
car wand and %rah, •In
COTTON -114 vales enexec Conon in
solr 1.1. HICKEY A I
11$ neater and front.
25 sacks :glom .tare nut, fur sale
IVOR ACCO-25 base. It a Ilan'. brand Is Tobateq
I , W reed by Canal and for.alp by
Jl , 1 DALZI.LL Pew, .1
AHD 011L—I1 bbla land7ng from wamer New
to England Not and for sale be
JA,X DALZELI water at
CIIIENSE-147 1101 es Oat ree'd and for tale by
POTASH -6 far ode by
DEAKLAIIII—C cooks ;or rale by •
1 11 8 WICK le IsIcCANDLEdS
RA N BERRIES-4 barrels for sale by
1111.10A11.—n bids put reed and for sale
LI/ by jyt , ' WICK & hIcCANDLESB
I sIIICESIG—For sale by
•s rY ^ I DICKEY CO ,
nod sixes for isle by lyb I DILKEY &CO
BRIDO IC BTOCIE.-17ekaseaand sow Esldge
Duck for sale by ,y 1 I DICKEY & CO
FH. EATON boslum received by Express from
. New York, Linen Fon,. Lace Novo. Hays'
Lewber Dell., mad oilier articles in great demand at WI
:sharked at. ' jy7lllw
(;,1 VO ARS-100 baps White llPSYo , ditdo..
00 boxne v Havanna do; for sale by
11A1/.11.1tV it SMITH. IFtend PO wend J .
rivn 11LE AND OAR SUOdßid—Levering.' Pulverised
end Crashed; for Isle by tbe tad or small by
illl6lll TOW 'YARN—VOd doyen received per
sI ip fyleitntorr; for utile by
jyT TASSEY +l, 8E73;33 woad et
MACkICILEL-60byttettta. - ji.yieif;elCeirl,
i d oo . em yrevo for snie int!, to arrivo.lvy
ITT •111L1,1ill a KICKE rstol , ll. 110 linen , ' 01
I , OBACCO-1 0 boons "Rusitell4.RTylVt - t - siii,
Congress Tobsecojust recetved'and Int sale by
SUGAR—tn . . , case. Savoring's 11 R Loaf Savor;
9.1 barrel. " ralvatised Leaf Su
/r a n just reonved and tor sa'n by
in ? 11111,LF & RICKETSCIN
Ozu O
bbln LIno&I.111 in own and for soloTy
JACOB WEAVER, Wit. !Aare, comer of Mnr
k et and Finn' ons.
aTII-3CO-buithels in more and for Yale by
)y? • _ ' 'WORT & AEBT
Q ALA D OIL—II dy'yirabl; brand of Ister imnom
b.etb b.gly by ' iyl JACOB WEAVER
ON MangMl amain{, the i•aeinet-sa ie debeek,4ol
bead ablesteali re noenacent of /nein and doentabia
war 'r and (ace,. OFF Gond.. U.. - •
Ate O'Clock, P. 51.
A lardy I/vault - 11 of new and second touid household
furniture; cobraeinguearly all ph, variety wanted. by
Aottiekceper. aid others. Also, gtocenes, guessa•
exah.glaaaware, tin +ram, hardware. Callo , l
ra, Fratiktpt stoves, cooking
lids. Sc., wrlpplng paper; baud • bode* shovels, gnu,
scrilxs, 9 da y and 9s hoar Cla,ia,manlet Jalapa, Jeg
At 60'0a:irk, P. ht. ,
A Isaadiome asairosient of fine slartr with linen to
scans ana sollarsoinnimer coats, pasUiloora, fancy vests:
boot, alines. List.. umbrellas. parasols. gold and. silver
NM:CbCP, guns, p , instrarnents, a glowing
of lierman and nibs, fancy goods, le: /ft
Pools, Painling.,.Engtarings,./ewelry,3lsaietlinw
room. au. at Auction. • .
ON Saturday evratitv. the 10th lost at t o'clock at th
Commercial Sale* Roolusi co r of orocid and sth nib wit
be Yoid a large and valuable collection yr Cooks in th
various deniirtrornteof literature.
A quaintly of veryispperior 011 Paintince, hoe Fax
1611 and Fresivh Entraving , among which a one Kt nt
Boyden. iliatinition. Inhak.peare. the most ogee n &
rind watt ever published; one very hoe filusreal Boa;
one superior Comet and owe; one Fieneh Horn, ite
OPi Saturday evening, the 17th inntat 9 o'clote—at
the Commertial Saler , ROMIN turner 0 1 M. 6.1 .ad filth
nts, will be ealdwlthnut resetve, that valuable lot of
ground adjornine the property of El L Fehneetock, bee
ing a Croat at a . .! tees 41 int. hest on Penn at. between Peen
at and lewia's alley end extending-back tin feet.
A 1.. th. lot of ground in the rear of the above, bar
tug ge. feet 41 inches (roost on as open Marall Mel wide.
emendate buck towertln Penn at 7u feet Tenas—One
Gfth cash. re•idne payable in- tour equal annual pay
artan. with intermit. Title Indispatable. 1)9l
ON Saturds• afternoon, die 10th day of July next at
1 o'clock, will be sold on the premiss,YJ building loii
of ground. s tome on be South sidel Illonoogabela
Hies, opposite the foot of Liberty at. 'lle above being
well tuned for t h e site of n Rolling Mill or extensive
?deailment rv, will be sold together. If desired, itceord.
nig no tbelan Teinis—One-foarth eagle. balance in
equalthree payinenis,litaring interest, with
security. Possession given immediately. Tofu modus
MARCUS BLACK, JR/memoirs of the Estate of
ROSS MARX, Samuel Sleek, deedrlY 7 .7 JOHN D DAVIS, Auctioneer.
• •
44 /
Este,tithed . warehouse In the year ISM for the yaw
ppm t.oppt) toe the City and h or 'Flatlet with
low ple.—and ezlottitlng, at All masons
of Ah t est. the !Allyn Armament in
l e 'HE WORLD.
- - -
They are now opening Several Hundred Packs/mg, carry new style of Foteigo owl &wale
pruuuctom. many .of which ore not to he found el e• which hoer just heft, purchased, and gio
.artrd for solo for Cult end Wow, etedit,
- - -
per 3.ard bolo. , the prices of April and May, as pr.
rioted Cataloguer, which are corrected daily, tor th
Information of towers.
. . . . .
New York, Arne,lBl7. -
nit. WOOD'S Sarsaparilla and Wild
1/ Cherry Ellttera—Thill Arm and eatable Ex
tract or Sampanlli and Wild Cherry has been laud
with great tureen. for the pennanat removal of nil
ugh di .aces as take their tree from an irapure state of
the Mond:—:t proutotert• healthy action of the Li•el—
atreegil,tra the Nerves and at once secures health stud
.tern -to the whole eaten, •
In mileage of Joann:re. Indigent., Dyepepsial lour
of Appetite. Habitual
trierofula, Headache,
Languor. cud that Depreuron of Spirits. which 1. go
common a complaint ru the Didion and Cunene,. treaume
of the year, are medicine ha. malts equal—and &sin
gle trial will convince the Mom incredulous of ha poet.
ler virtuer.
For farther particulars the tc-der it referred u 'to th
pstnehlets which win be furnished by the Agents, slicer
held by t lac esthesimate: who have ea lo whised ch this valuable medicine
e • •• '
- .
ache Public 470
Ile parting •t• and ark ln Wood's dansparilla
and Wild Cherry Kamm, and reeeinenoother. Thiel*
the first preparation of there article. , combined ewer
offered ro Me public, and tar great roseate attenstuart its
toe has induced the unprincipled to coometfett and imi
tate As • pieventfre, rue that the honMa bare the
words "Dr. Ward'. Sarrapanda and Wild Meng nits
ter." preared on Pie glass, and that enelrlabel on the
wale a Fianna hy the K
proorietor, K Loritton, Jr.
u,IJ, wholesale and remit, by WYATT' it ETCH
-A M general agent. tdt Fulton street, New York; WK.
Thu., :dram street, and Y. R. idaurvm.disnithfield
street. Pinshurah, Pa. Price St —laigia bottles.
je..1.16ar ' ddy.
Fuurih, beitcten Wood aged Markd-at . opposite
Maj. Larimer's F.sehemge Office.
under•igned iv prepared in accommodate sale.
I...critic., and the public generally, with a delicious
lob. Inn i.cue man. amount will be open ionlay, pro.
.e .d- wail every thins net:emery to mailer Latinos a
.ALT and SIELPIIIIR RATIO , prepared if required.
Th. anon. establishment Is fitted up in an enure new
plan. being ventiliamd fru. Me roof Sod the enbaeriber
la co I. lidesil that the inipmvemenis combined consribate
to render thin eatablichment the most comfortable one
now in the city. jytillen II VASHON
Priers: reduced !.• 'Eckel. of Admistion , 12i do.,
• erre/tidier , . n dish of Ire Cream ! ! Free
' Concerts Triumphant! ! . •
/1M istracfp daringqie salvors bp..ypwarderiffiflsee
thousand Cinema and Strongsys
The proplicior the %how: .p. mac Saloon having
nbmilied a required nuaitier•of hands from the Eat in
obrer 1010•00 , MIGIur Ice.szeiam enough for lhe thronged
audience. nightlyassembled, takes great pleasure in
sinieuncing that thU prices of admission in (atom will
&NM, mated. The old faioriies.
ll: be., reputation as Mug/vane and Vocalist* stand
uvaltrd in the United States, will hate the himorof
tiridemene 0.. ihi• (Thursday) craning, and throughout
he week it tat camw qt collection or Somys,ke
Posttively ebangina the °gramme it Irk evening. En• preparations a a making for The approaching
A nnire nary of American Independence: -
handred quarts of Inc Cream will be prepared .
lOC the penmen., jrl
STONIlsolM: - F:XPERIMENTS— Prof. Loomis.
cl. and J 11. Gthon. of Pluladephia. will Lecture
rivery evening, at cigar o'clock, at the thaws, pa
Para grade too Casinvovaxec. They wit! preaentaliw
Martha, whose wonderful enter:menu knee cleated
eat egettement tome Edw. a riles. Thu. k Wing la
whenin the magnetic . ate, with her eye a perfec t
bands it J. has Inc power to read. tell the time by watch,
ea drverthe objcetii, colors. le . with allonislang amt.
. roc, Odtet experimect. no le..tematkable, will bt
produced. Adottnanee 23 cents Irma
WEIN BoOKl.4,o.—The elniiitinliale 31.7 id, by
LI Capt. O'Stiaugnt.scy. . .
The Meteor, by 311 Old Salt.
Living Age, N 0.113 and 163. •
Graham'. Magazine for Job,
Coluenbtan do dn;.
National do do;:
Union . do de; . i the Ent our edited by
Mr.?. C 53 Kirklmd
tteidevii Ladies Book.
New Mune, Print, kr.
Fur •Bie by W CALIIWF,Lt,tI floor Pon nth
bussslisse. :SW .s. iY,
rpm: Ltoston Melodeon : a cohrclion of Secular Mel.
/ alms. consinting of songs, glee. round. esoeffe.
lr , °triad:as ensuy or rho loom popular pieces of the
Car Armored sod hannotowd for four , whces, by Ed.
•rd L While, Teacher of the /hams Forte .rod Organ.
Volume Ist ♦l. Volurne rod of the above work, 2:14
pare•. al
far go, pil.ti,*..Saging 'orreries, and others .who are
fond to gw.l m oi 0, the alone works fordl be round very
Je.ral... Her tired and rot role by
Cl' JOHN H mELLon,FI wood at
}AIiTkID 130031—relOGS 1,11 town and eCionit)
V V at honcho, of wen and boy.. Also, fora Dum
ber of elerso. salesmen. fohool traoheni, and boys in
taco. nr woreliouwo. Wanted—plans Coin another
of mitered own and women, bogignilgirig. Wantod—
nunWniligier o(Rood white nooks ellabbermaids, &c, for oflown andmintry. appipat ISAAC
HARRIS* OenergliggeOgy and . Intelltgenea Office,
5.4 ft nesi wood. 1 iyB,l4t
NVENE WANTED, tr.-.A aespeelable
II (sooty living 40 miles from Prashurgh wam•
trwe stnol girl to go and nurwiwo small children. Also,
several picas coots t aharnbertnaida. mines and girls
rt. all work. Alonseveral men for fanding.aad hers
vetting, Places wanted for several book-Iteepen,aales.
men. warehousemen, go. Please apply at IdAAC
it a KRIS'S Agency - nod Intelligence Vise, 611* at near
ifw AND
f) IN tit Dl./..Anti---
U 14 half pure. pale and dark Brandy. vadages IRA
tir do do do do do TM,
' 9unor boo les do do .do do IE4O.
rontr•thig, 01 the fuilowing celebrated Laud, Clara.
Niter Caosilion, Saierar, and A treignette. _Brandies
warranted pure from under Custom House lecke in N.
Vora. and slapped here Itv Inc linponers, for sale• in
quannnes to .111 i Pry . fc MARTIN
enr ithfield and front
riIiESOLUTgON—The herewroreeirs.
ring bemern the Put.. r the. until, the firm of
Itemilhoe :lie wart & CO.,i. thin day d iwolved by welds!
coniado The burinei.e of Ole concern will be. willed
lay chile, of We paten. Aileabetir city. Joly 141.1E47.
11&4111:1'0N srhwAKT,
Y. li The mark of tnanafactured goods will be sold
on very rea•onalile terms.
iiIISSOLUTION —The partnership hitherto exist
log under the style nod firm of I , tivvis,oelfarit 1
Lewin, t. al. dcy dissolved by mutual eonsenL les
11 , 11.ra hewing dinposed of his entire interest to Rotten
f 11.11.11. Th allell &Cu.. e.hunsuens of the late firm .11 be nettled
by Leivin,,D idholtresattsmized to use the
name of the Into him for that poly °.
61.11 w lAlllrdt C LEIVI*.
o.4yassta Inns Works.
r EWIB, DALZELL Anie.—Namtheture all
Looses of !toiler, Sheet. tier IrOn and Nails of the 1.1
iialty. Ostlers lett tot the warchoose R Da zelt
tie , liberty st. or L S Waterman,' watt Ir. will receive
prompt attention.
Orrlcs or vult AT.1.1,01110, BLDOn Co ,
Patrburgh, July In, Inl7. 5
, 711 E Prevident and Alanagers of the.“ Company ,for
J. erecting a Biidßo over the Allegheny River. nape
vac Pittsburgh, in the esamyrof Allegheny, have dd.
day declared a dividrnd one dollar and velem) , five
cent. on each share of the Capnal Stock of .aid Rom
pany. Rending in the name of individoalr,out of the
profit. or the la.; pis months, which will Ur paid to
Stockholder., or their legal .prevenlatives. on or alter
the Nil inn. arwIt".10111N lle
. .
• o,lfer Norigotiost sod Fire fortiron“ Geanpony,
Pioehnrab, dul y I.t, 1617. 5
?VHF. threetore of Po• ,eitnpany haves4lls day dada:,
L. red a due dead of one dollar and ileanty.ave cent.' on esch killTe the.Capol el Stool, Oat Or the pluett PC
the Oil month,. ye y•lile on or alley the lath mu.-•
astitd . ROW? FlpiLEr t ecermary . _
" • Dividend:
T •
HE Prerident and Board of Managers of the Nodb•
ern Libottive llndge.:oolpany bare ildadas des's ,
red a Dividend of one dollar milk fifty cent,' On nook
•iiire of the Capital Stook of ratO Company tribe paid
In We ettoekboldercon or offer d's 10th ittat. • • • '
A • urn av v. 3tilv 5.1047 • • ••• j77d3.0
DRIED APPLES-5a bonbels on band and Or
We by 117 TASSEY ABET .
A -
NOOI,;ES—A feur cabala An 1.108 by tbm dmea
drJar,b . - IY7 /AMR I.VRAVVR
SADMIX Elt;-I , or isle t!). threat...larva and amair
Turs, • 1/7 JACOB WEAVER
Ast, am
T2l 3 l:7tOvrt I.'" re l" ' 44 41. "' a
£thhed and moat pentver t ial I..: ' • ' slitt the
ten of the West. Every actonatoodaten and CO"-
fort that ntoorrettletteente, has been paned for par.
eager. The Line is beet mope/sawn ter lee years
—have earned a a:Lidice' of people eldest
injury to their persona: - The team will te at the eat of
Weed alma do day previews to starting, for tee ne er .
too of freigh t •nd the fano!' paesengersoo arra.
ter lo al Casa. The pooae torte) east 1 e pa. 4 ut
amid, VlCiy Monday morning at to o'clock;'.
every' Monday craning at 10 P.M _
The HIBERNIA, NO.ll. Capt. J.
leave Pitiebargh every Tuesday =ming 1•1111
Wheeling every Teerdav evening .t t Y. at ..
Ih. NEW ENG LAND. NM SI, Card. S. Ana, will
leave rat:shoran evert Wednesday inen!..e at I .
oscloek; Wheeling are°. Wednesday . erening 41110 M.
/41 ' •
Th. WWI aipL N. J. Gremlin!! lenve Pins.
burgh every Th inanity guArAjuit %1 !wasps
were Tinueling evening aI 10 P. Al.
Arbe CLIPPER, NO. 2, 4 . :Nkpa Crill43,llSii pv• ring
burire even. Friday, mo rn ing at 101.kbrek; 11 heeling
everqrideyeveineg ar ID P.M. • •
The . hiPMENGER. Cape Liessi t wiltlreie Pule
burgh every Peewee,' ITIONIDg at 100 clot &; 11 heeling
every auunley evening at la P. el.
- -
The ISAAC NEWTON, tbrpt. A. C. Masan, vro
leave Pluaturesh every 04Aulay =meg at iu o'rlCrk
Wheelies every betnaay eMeruni at 10 P. 01.
SUGAR -1 bb43 apatite Trii;qld
1 bbl doable refikud Cruet...di
210 r Lout.
15 bbIA atloNd do,
I iserca stay; ,
10 bap Brazil; ,
3 bblsCbanfiedi •
• 3 bled! N. o.;* kir tab, by
R.A- , 11 of o host* 1. Irtai,
3 do Imperial Tea;
8, do Gunpowder ibx
dY anis. hi* V. 41 Tea: -
• 44 do, Superior Y. WT.,
- do tooeboo do;
do 13operios - Y. do;
Jun received and for sale low by
lat , MULLER dt. RICKE7IIO74
TEAS—The rabretibrr hos just teeonod horn dill
Pettis Tea Coraintnr. more in New Tort, a forte
innerly of TFASjort minoring!, coniiiiiting of uil the vs.
nodes 3711 etc to 11130 per Ih. A JiiirNFA
• linfS. Sole Attain for thl. airr. No 714th in
HOLLAND OIN, ke.-3 pip e s u.u;
I puncheon Jamaica !Tarim; p,
1 .• Scotch Mickey; uracruined pyriond
&I , 'oh , LS _ .11 c wra:m—
TV IlsedleJ, MIN obey neo'd and lor sole hr •
joy 6 corner of market nth! Jot so
F . AlDD—Beaullful p earl e and ivory Para —viiriirtii'll
prier, from algal to three may quatany
of law p nee down to twenty live ewes. at
, EATON'S.. Cl market at
rill DY'S of broiliet and other maybe., Limb
colored. !Yoder, Slipper, Satchel, ewe: Bead
Sag, always art hand and eon be made tool der at abort
'K.... •
WANTED TO PURCHASE—thigh . pressure
1". elms' Engine, wait of without huller. .la woos
Meaty horse power each.
Address. _ A Bleit at tins office. jeffisht
Rich and Poor. by T 8 Arthur. This day
and for sale at the Book and elattonery Wo• al.e of
PLAID- CAWablElibiri-Black white bafrid
rCassioieres-farbiabablr Gyle-linly we'd
-at flr)- Goods house of
_h4 iWG
/XL plaid and erten; a supply r . ec.ited at -
.W R IdUltP/IY'S
WLSIOO, GILLIIB-4T , Bby 10i --
/O by 1T;
lob, 14:for sale
WUITE ULYANNA 111/0411-0 boxes ee•
perior white unseat Son r.hue received end for
- sale by Joill AIILLFAL RIM:ET:um
. ,
NA P y OikO r N . ll/ 1 7 Ills GE:NI:HAL.% by I 'P Head
le2B /0101870 N wrock-roN
SD Ws andva and I as, id.
ieria FORSITII &
s a b r ia, =-44zuakuit.z.triti.,0.4or
SALT—IO eaiea Table alalt.jest recd and for sal;
br _ jeZ. MILLER & RICV.T;ON
BACCO , t AND LARDI tr i kasnllae oo;
m r t g i
_!l 6 For bY POINDIXICitCO
1 - 111.-20bbls Flanseed Oil in awe and Ural. by
; W k .11,CANOLFNti
DROVIEIS.—VVOduIes3 more and for saw by
LIUM-931bis in store and for We by
Ajp WICK k ideCANDI.F/48 —
00/W-100 b.-Rosin Sup in nora and for ule by
DAY PEACIFIMI-100 bo lA uoreand Wallaby
.I' l 7J" ""
S/L i t i mßA.TolB--lior ails ,
WOOL. -5 lacks for sale by
j , • WICK & breCANULEISi
CLOVER 11/KILID—i sacks for We by
wpm ft /Ikea NDLESS
HILECP-83 bales mo`d perstiarTremon end for sate
. by ALLKN k CO -
WANTED—A Tonna oto work Tinware
Y berthas., apply at the Reward and Fairs Factory,
No. 47, Fifth at. nlioorz ALCORN
initi7corisig-.3 bales Wild. - kibistriedliol
for wklo by Seas 'DILLON & REITER
0 lbs best 00=4cm - wed 10
for pale by . BRA UN k REITER
rj.l O. I f •=P , rrnflirtlTlUTllM3f. .11971541
BZAIS . affelelvaretli.W;h4tectr„;:cEirsl
pAPILIONATE . OF ANIMONLA.:I cask lint reed
aodkrralksT 140. BRAUN tr.-REITER
j A e LIC ACID—I cask Art for
OLIVE 01L-1 Obi j ree'd and for gals Ar.•
ags jai:, BRAUN REITER
CMS' AROMATIC SALTt.— Aiwa_ yr on band and
la for We by 1 630 BRAUN d EIMTEJEI
C ANDLIC S-10 boxes Mari
ID " Steatitic. •
je3u I IVILL 6 .II "'E I."
at" CO. Ito woods
F VITS-30 dnuos /my= Itip;
bbl/ Zante Comma;
10 Gout M. K. Raisin; for oak, Li
_ .
hh4o y. Lot!. Orrappefo tad fillingb in more .
, Lad for rain by ' • FURBYTIi tCO
no water or
EDIP-110 D. R. in k F o o re ß, ltan T fi. :t o r eo leby
- WK. •
B IJEVALO ROBES-9141e" pointed;
'• plow ii, wont and
Foa.4rni a co
40r male by jaw
COTTON-1 3 00balrle i llere; .;
tIY• re-peekedWm: more'for
je3o • FORSYTH & CO
LUO/Ifil—llitons T
II per Lady )104son, fa
see M elly make to tiny
kj,l!mmilMllllFig Of: I ..i;ti•r.l
IEAD—uOS pirgOaleiniLepd by
tees In kora and ramie by
'MEW ACI‘JII B ZI, 7 = brla No 7, Large &nub
.10Macketeli. BOIKIII Inspection. landing and for axle JelV ' by BAOALKY A SMITII
O UOAR CURED DAMS—IWO lbs.•just , r.. 4 and
• Opposite Momenimtela Dottie
f.;ANIILY LARD-7081one Sue, put up expreridy fof
V family au, from3-to 30 lbs cub Jar—for We by :
THOS 0 0010110fIE
SUICTkie iaftEATllOl/ dai:Vomaio — •red
for 'Ali km by , THOS ORNIK •
Jail • Ofmasite fdatamalbela Home
DiLlOl ISOAC3O , O bases landing fiim - 1 . 1 - 17/IMMICI. at.
'Hush, for gala by
101 l JAMES DALZEL.4 . 94 wi ter rieset
H,T,E.J.;."L"M °°7P.61,11741,),N•uery
jolt comer etaiihbel4 and tinny sin
LIOLASSPS-51:IEWICITTnit received poestienaer
end for sale Iy " •• Fi Ia:And:ION •
jolt ' kin tide tbe Diatatied
VANILLA NZANS—Large met sad 1)1444 4.1
"deb 7 jets J D /110.iti:AN
'FANNER'S (111.--21 Obis yeteiyiiiir by .Leal gal
for sale to yep .1
JtlOJ[—ygy{p in ~mto W mf ells by
25 . agos Barley !rn
s wiTATiliaredi
, • 4 '07irr.... - .:;•• .14:019
isam-730x, .R. Cheese for ira'bbY
jai a! tR weirrel i EON
TIMOTHY IHYD bhla for sale by
Je yl• • W 0411 IiPOUTCHEON
l oDNii--40 pi. API ILPPITid
jam J KIDD & CO
Pie/Lon BRANDY—OIt Nub Mandy, for sale
n quotultie• to oat b .19 PC MARTIN
r •BLACK, Merchant Tailor, Exchange WI
Canis, lat Pair street,t, Pittabergh. alOtf
Vi REIM APPLICS-4o bblz,wirrinsed ly Rood
order. tot able by
L ASTER Peals-41 bdis fin nle itT
1,1 J 0 BIDW RLI4
IIy I T . PMAOIII/LIS-Atisr l iflo c t
a fomtp s
jo„10 comer wood awl
IDICA IitITS-Vb ul mom fee tale b.. by
X ja,3o , • FORSYTII &CO
-16 bbla but qualiiibritifibi
g lb. now Clone for oulaJorr by
1,./ J 0 BIDWELL
• •
DEO&N MIMI-43 bap and able fresh Texas
1 - Pedanajo non assel kw oda by
.111O—Maidga Walesa Irad vi las i t rr b i r l an c icm
C CIAIII—"MCIRn""i""man
f t m o 0 lad s Gar aids:) ,
. 1 DICKEY it CO