• . , 411.. • . - • , , • . • . , _ „ . . ' . i . , , —.—, ~ , ,n , , ...".:t.., --- 7'il. -, , T ., . "';''''•••'- ' , -. 7::: i - ,. .t.:- . ';';',,*...1' ;4' , .• 4 0 •!..•:' , . -, •-• , `.; i'7 . :*f. , , , ---''''-'-"'"''''''''''' ---' - ~, , ~.,...:„ '..., - J„. , ; •, , .,..;! , , ,, ,.-%>-',..:' ,,,,,, •. , .• - ' , 7' , . , . '.., - ''.' .. - .•,.-.3 C • ' 4 . ••N ' - , . . ."?.:!•- .' _ '.„ ' , t. , c ... 1,... - 1,77. - 7 - . • - ... . i. I _, Jr' ~, -,, ' ~,..',. i . : I I.''', ; . . , - ,l' . ;---. L'' , - ;:.' . - ' I:- .• 1 ' .: i - 1 - 11[ . . .- . . . . ~ . .. . . ~. - ii,;. , ,, , ! , • - • -: ' ''' - - - VOL. XIV:7---NO i. 28 ._ ! . ,. - .,...,, . ...• --:..ii: BUSINESS 'CADS, • - /.n:2 iCN DEAL. 4.1.11100:11, Casuansumn Ind I ...worth% Men butn,..l4)Valer us./ WS I . IVA . Metall WOOD, JOSIICS & CO., Colundssion and onxattiang Ato,trblutil, base returned to tbeir old user srtrlfont !salts. ratans:nab• oosm cit TSa s, dealer In all ItiruLs of Iro• and Imesje &gam Spanish Leal; sod CllolC,6ll.inda.ot enerriagTOolleeo, wholesa Cll le and • ; L. Th;TtiNtes,PlitstAargh. Fn• 01We MaN. 4014.1,05 811121. It AUDi Os, 'CRATER& Claitl24 Wholesale arid Stead • 1.rugg...., coiner or Liberty and St. 1.1.11, alayl4 A. ',Atari FISTOCK & iWholeaule It 171 , c t ! ",112igv:• , ....e 0 r 1 . W..."6th o. sISIITU, Wholesale Proes, In 4,,d zn s, 1Yr..1 , seat, 1.11.11. OAOALKIT CO.s Wholesrde Ons bP No. tat Market street. be. e•lt alltlfidt..7.(lll • 6.. rtaladelplui.• novel .e;A, 'Forvr.nllng trid it - A O.AN - c a w otrsin, Ptrubarii. AlerelsiUts , : mehll Pa • vt - Oltt.A %coo, LOOMIS, ..ctorney MIA., / • •11 •Itt, t.Att ve rtarthfielti. sprit_ Joan P./analog , . la. W. Unita.. I. In 31 A'!, II AIL MAN & CO, 11Innulketur 41-4 • Caut, ittg. 1110 Axles, A. B. sod Sprin tg ", g an.l drat. .n Tnnunings o( every de5,,,,, ,,,,, ornt..t , ty . rt. Chiir Worthus.l3 W , . / ••• I• Phorles !total., • NSINI.:IIAM •11.-OlSMElLWholeaale Oro • Connni.mon anti Forwarding Memnon% to nnd Pinaloargh suannalactareL 114 •t. I , ll.lnnall }wan .. 1. Incalmmo. ••lit(10 11 C: m AkUl lollT . tomenessors a,ll. a tof a w I Whote e .le Comma. and I iqw.ramig ninrchano, Dealrs in Pra eu hae_an4 rEtt,e,urgh ManutnetUre. 811.111 •tteet, belutllrjr _2 :Raw lmparter p— Vastet7o.4. n,ln Cite 1..11 L'Aomb, area, netrLib.llY,;',/ar bora , 1 \ Wit AL..011, loraler in ertidOce and k WWI) %low, Noll bibertvu,neal door toe.. p,r o r 11 "1...1 ty_ - J. Illvimatt. _ 4\174:1LN/V.: SIKAV/CLL.'./Zi1737-n.ys:'-;1-1:1-. „it betweeu :44 and 4th , Is •tr u t AZ LTd, O °taxi, Ta • • ..1.4.••••••• 01 ow . coedUmmoo door from Ur noo. Allct. 1',...1154 _ o •, sorsa cassalor. W as .UP.I.IIIOI.RT, Wholesale G ufo. •rs plaluce smll.llmborgb me torm 1.61,11 F Old PilMbutsb, fr•.‘: - ----- - ' . • austus I. ...In:ff. p.t.i e, isle s irk:NUM:TT. (L btu 6al Lal agl.. • .5..1... S, 1...11.••ei Owen, Cortudo and ds...d Fgrw,ll.l•llr. Mt gen•4.l,. and Des.lets in Prduce Pao i.e rl eo d, stere mores, No. r. Wood smut, bceereco Recoed and .n.... 1. 0• oeti . ___----_ ._.. .. :54.1%,it. A av a neILIIIIOIIT, Auon doors neaKr gys Y" u., on Vo.rus to"ii.d"Z;4l7:;Z;rd Heav e. _ VO it W A it la . s WAIITZWELDEIL,Mun• I •..le ;,, f ow . .t.. , :. bet weed Cherry Alley and Grant ..pfaf .c• , • i• R t'r0...1 s.risather. lassos Wood. Vic &NO. it.tl Elf & CO" Wholesale Gosorss. ll an/ Colons. ..1 51er:twts, and Agents for gaon Slow,. lists, Nu,S; W stet IMO !lei Fromm:v: 1 s ca rry .43 ISLU nano l'orte Mtoulatetoret sad de. A. 7 •rr rn Multod dvdruineno, HY Wood FEU , /AV. VOIL•Till• M. A. //0.11 .1, OIL nor Co t C...11M. and Forwarding r i r retina. N.. igi Wszer st, riltiLl lot Ot. tid_ _ -- VltAltiClll SIZIALSIII.IS. Wooer, CCHTLIPIII.4. r Men:host wool dealer in Pro.., Oordsgs, Oita a.c.ao, No. 7 I.,,,tirrty st, • tear Canal Basin, Pittsburgh, N.. It. Usk sof, Pooh, M 1.11,1 lit.e:ite.,llll.)".. ntr2o and. 4. Dealer ra Wove., Hosiery, and . tple'TrtattuThima, 113 Market Weer, Titut.orgl!. ardl ------- G 0".. litinunlt. WALTSILIEMI sq.ur L. r) mOMAIF. MORMAIII a. CO.. Wholesale tiro kr rare and Curanasswo Morahan., 10dWoodssoset ' angll ?T! ,, .!!2 , r±.._____- -------- _ . 4 .-‘ M A. llMltli'll Wholesale grocer and Com a/ oomoon gloroload. and Deitler in Ihndnee and Pan..net blanilkt-tura* Mn 19 Wood ..I.l22L'ak --- tko. W Smob. PI -' -M a: II BIWN. KO. W. BIT 11 & Co., Brewer., Mainers, Gend dealers it, Hops, Pntsburgb and Point Crew- on- ectut and Poi .treets. ion* - - --- --- If.OILGE COCII.U.AN, Codnuumon and For. I '5 anoints Merchant, No. :A W odscreet,Pineltogb. ens 17 Sa& •..11111. Ono. Cr 21[0... U[ll.l. •in DROW NE [successors to lloldship • I/ & Urn...nab:N.4MM and manofacteurrs ofWall 51LPaper sr ,. r lL,,t_tl, ti'en; hL:____ _L<9o ral Paper Warehouse, leo. Kt Weed Li A .8 & BROCKWAY, Entaists, Plo.l Coen. .Cl. tre.rctul Cow,near the, canal bean, Pittsburgh MART BIIUNOT, MOTE b. RYA) LEAD HManufactarer, Punt &thl Merchant, corms of LAD.. erty ...id Offal. sta, Pitudynreh. W/ test al DICIEST. ROSSAS DIVEST. SZ. SMAIL DICKILIP. J. Co, IWhoksale CoSees, G.inuradon Merchants and dealers in P r oduce, Noe SO Water nnd 107 Front strew, Ihstabarsh 111101CPOL KNOX,' At on 7 Law, Pinsbo J Pa, hoe resumed ten procure of his professio s ta i n his wino Not, kterevretPs Huildings, lima stre.t.tic. copied during te. abectine by T. J. Bhlbim and J. lOtri.!?,,,,..n..,____:;_____:_________ J C :lettr p tn . l i t ly t e Stuffs, l'ai % o V u, h tr i s:V D"ron, No nit Wood stNe i, our dOor Death of Diansind Alley,' Pitteletmh. .1 -• . •-;;-- jut' 1 AIIICS ICIARII, Fa. &Co, Ptucceuura to Joseph Jti. oa.__;_,al_L_Cttast&lnrs..oo Water at. i__ oe3l iltlllaN NERLLOIII, Wholesale and Kettltildeal er itlttrinandldttaical Instrumenta.Pekoot Woks, Paper, Slater,Satel Pena. (Fajita, Printers' Cards, and Piaaenkery. generally. No. El Wood at, Plttabarztt. Mag. bought or talten in trade. J. SCIIOO2II3IA.ICELL C0...h0t...1a [kw tat gtana,No.4.l Wuttaart, PiWbmS ^_T rcpt! TONIMPEL & SON, Cotota;ta.on and a/ I'l4ollllllog Iterrhanta, No In Latteny aa, torpatt jurn ate 5ta.!! trtantnarrn'aßre,_ I OD& L. GALLATIN, AMMO/ at 4b at, Ade n between Grant and SatiaMald. aont *ldea Ptintbargh. Pa. Will also attend promptly acne * I de a taro! adroinma orL,Jy__ fOL U. DA AUcrtoNgfai, Fmk al and Wood .to, Plualltrata_____ oce3 _.— b oonr C. Arnti.,wholc*.k. 7, c•ro.l C.11101,•11311 SIGKII4IIt, Tater WWI. tn. door ttt.ovrt thr alo.atttgattria Undo, Pitiaborea ta- In.Nall- ea. at ettennfacustette prate _ • - 0 1-I—ii.-00.17-Tt.3l_ I,ln-t-rni...l.ll....t,t'i:urs-t-St";:rults,lNo. 44 AIL. PM•hutyL , . 1 1.. It. 1.1110.• iL•d, sum, near Markel It. . al, 111...mai, School. Mireel alnend7,,,,, Hoak. and Summery. ap26 1 Bc 11.013idICTS011 & Co, I.lnakerr dual cLa Mac... corner or Wood and 'Third went., erchant,/ notcl Ituildings,lrdubugh, Pa. , • tr.ro.lrcadypowbund in the usual U" 1N taltir.ll; Wholesale Grocer, aeali.l in Pro. Jdwv, uhurF 4 nissufacturee, Tin Pima, ke. ke, No tal. larier!y sti Soya. • • Soya: 11 k A. VLOYD, Vs. J.Pkyd &Co.] Wholesale --acrrs,No...lo2 Liberty meet. sepia r ASSIGN LIIALZICLL, WholoaaleGnteer;Conani• ./ ..1 Wretll.lll;sal dea.er M Wodttee and Pittsbilligh VlanullartureA.FAl t I Water st.Pittsltossh...... Jana 'lr N. WlLloktltallAßt, Wholesale Cower, Foe Lt. waren., 5...1 Vonn,..sion Moments, Dealer to Pettlairch Manse. tote andsPrOdoee, Nes 31 Water and 61 F , Inittsl4. , j -- - .Mt. h ..c o h ev n a t l s e SWlti UUTCCIOON o Co., n W a shores,EWAerer atol Cartreoa No.as anJ tles'en l Pt..hutch Manufactures ___!A_ lV• . _.. aliwo ss. - _John Shtpon, liriry L 'ben 1 f`BIBEILT I SUIPTOIS, Wbotessis. (truces}, LA Forwantinc ...t.l.Colosnieion .Bleselten, Dealers rn Prodoee •nd l'inetettl• manufactures, N.. 13 and 0w...a ..v.“.....h._ kb23 /nail 7111.11. S 11. Ileatteld. Jo. U. I.l'olll ft/ NJILLIS.& ISVIIIIFIELD,Gtocers and Cosa -1.7. onsaon Metenanta No 1111 Ltberty . ..tree. Pd.. Itorik. - ________ L .." 10 Allen.,Ev ntrz.....Nt5&t:11.... W ca d 11 . ...N=k NLAAterelka4.', Wajelr etdlro"n7sntrlastate*teWs= aadillarlte. ---- ----im4 '/1 VERB, IiVOITICR & Co, Wholesale ill Grocers Jello. Ws. stein.c. ar. ItILLMOIS. Itaiita i tr/CICKTION, Wholesale 0117. Mvent and Cote...ton Itlrrehants, Nu 170 'Albany Auer, Pattatorrh, 1., lanl4 MeCOILD is ILIFO, ..n0t....i. .4 re.a list and Cap msooleeturem and dealers In, Fancy 1......„„, o r .% nod and Fiflh ma. • Lien 2 --.-___- VI ts. J. SLOAN. Wholesale (nocers, Dealers in -,L• Trait:re and-VAIL and Vorseudina and Cowan. . sine Merchants. tics 93 Libeny and 253 Wood streets, Yitubstb. L . - ' ' ft . _ ._.,--------------_______-__ . N lIOLMIEII & Sollis N 0.22 Martel Infect, eee• . ond • door frc4 a corner of Voarth.• Denier% in For man and Domestic' Odle Of Exclsanfe, 6erlificates,of. • Deno.. Dank Noon and Specie. ' -, • - i. • . Wi . c ('hatter wads on nil Me principal din Anmell ens n. Minn/ Nat" - &Cr, O IC RPH, wu.soa AV1.4.4= M,..G.16 Des4ll,, No. b Wood sun% P , K mi ; ass.. A ibriberroori.i - C - r i ffrrai t 01.111MICILT Vat ir: Ce, N lmleuie timobrs 1 - aim Commis...it bud Forwarding blerelanta, No 41, Woo, crt. dee* , VS,SLlERTfidlYiiii — ibiCt i O klEt T FTad—tra si. air CC/M0.1..10U incrattairts, nolWaccrual n, • ' .00 Jr., Imponer"u4 +kalet in Fos emu and Ilcaneaut dadinkay tiara I id . C t :rr i xge "I rimming., a( dewnpuons, No apt._ - Ak, 11 001111.3. 1.3.5: le elri, Whosale s,ou Alcsro.-.1.. mad Ovate. so r,Oduat wta d i nttsburgh h100....,..1u5er, Liberty al opposdc'efalltl-. fo•lo AL l'Oulturot. RIP" aIIP Mips ...botanic' and Mail dealer iss ltier, llturocro, shoentokereTools nud . runt ing., 'runer , •rdeonles•Toola, and Tannens/14 N. tut Wood / I ...Iowa!, seple 11°"1:!.T DALZELL ACe.. Wholesale Uro• retu, l.tuationon end Forwanling hierebante, den lest in Produce and Pittsburgh Manniattnree,- Liberty meet. YdtNurgb, p. ROD'.ia'L 1,011111.7111 - • 11.0018 ON it , Co.. Wholesale Grote/. Pb. it. dote and C0ne11... 0 Nerebeue l / 2 ail Dealers in Pitabor Nanufor twee, No. lee Liberty Meer, Pittio burgh. a. lanto BUSINESS U. 11AW HANS. Anisette, at l.aw,tirnt at • ankkestelt's Mlding., nearly opposite the, Pie • Coon Una., aptlittyra!!! DOIIICRT MOORE. Wholesale Grocer, ing Distiller, dealer n. Produce, Pinsburgt &elutes, and all km& of Forengn arld3r:sterue. P. ides i Li vo . N B. 3!..11.1td. cry large nook of ogonon g aiketa Wlaskey, which will be rold lose for cash. lna3l:l-1y L. U. Reynolds. J. L.. Sete. RIGYNOLDP & IIIIEZ• Forwarding and Coos thltolon Meyerson*, for the Allegheny River Trade, dealers its Groornies.Prodoce,Pittaburgh Manufactures and Chloride of Lime. , The highest prices, in cash. PoO , or alt times for CourroyFaga Cornet of Penn and Irw sts. lanlil B c shaalen t. in Th-lre. eII&CHLETT & qvrE, Wholesale Dea 1, lets In• Foreign and ' estic ,Dry Goods, No fin Woodstreet, trntiburgh __W il. _. fe S 1 1 1 bl7ll AW. A111.13A11000l Merchants, deal. s era in Floor and Produce generally and Forward• enn and Commissim Merchants, No D Wood i ota street, Prneburgh. - S— AIIIVEL P&L/SIGEL, Attorney at Law. Office In Breed's building, No 92 Foorth street. between ' Ind :Smithfield. nosndtrrnly St it BAILIET, Manufacturer of Fan cy,Stutving and!Coilet Soaps, Winter and Surilner pressed Laid Oil,As. No 17 Mk, at, betwessi D . rd and_Maskessts, Pinsburgh2f F. VON BONNOORST & C., Wholesale I.3.6rocers .orsrarding and COlSMintron Derain/us, Dealers in F....burgh Mailufacitires and Western Fro duce, have pawned so their near warehouse. (old stand) No 33, comer of Front stand Chancery Lane. !nos, Q ANDEL. N. ILIENI.Forw.rd.IS ima sion Merchant, Dealer in Salt, Produce and in burgh otantsfactored articles, Canal Basin, neat 7th at dal._ Dealer Ncei.Ttlon Firuit'Vree., and Agrieultaral Inipiements,Ni 1.1 Woad vireo PAISSEX BElT—Wholesale Gmenta womseimr blerebn.tri. and dealer/ PrudoCe.- No 3/ Wood..eel. Pimborigh. !antics/nu Tier,Ralf and Ralf in Clocks, Combs, and /Insists - -'Woonann.FOnribstresis P o , y . P.PURSYTII &Co. Commiesion Merch D a old nt., 1 .dealers in Solt, bututteriGrucet l . l 4 I'rndoee end Pittsburgh Manufactures, Canal Bunt, Liberty febWelt, I.IIIFILUO,_ 15 I M. MITCHELTRE.III. Wbolnale Grocers, W. Rectifying Distillers, and Wine and Liquor 51. ~b.ets, No lisu Lit...ny attest, IttP. ll . 5,515 pro.'lt) Plutaburgh,tett - D. WICK.. DAVID X CADDLIDI ICK & 11110ANDLICSS. purees .% .0.6 WJ D Wlekj Wholesale tiotirent,'Forwerding and Caton:6.ton Metehoott. dealers in Iron, Nail., Mass, 00tuatt Vat. and Platibutith.Manafeeturce generally, eurnerof Wood and Valetar tot; Pittsburgh. 141 b IS . R. DIVRPRY invtles the ladies to call and W. exantiotte his crock of French Worked Calims, some as bra Depts. • • 0.13 VICGRS77tI;gIW Tan i e t ,°r a i P " ZI ‘ u% and vitlAbiughlitarasztares, comer of Water and Northfield au. Pittsburgh, Pa. .15 WITBIOIII4 & WOLFF, Inilmrters and Wholesale Dealers in Hardware, Coilery,Bad dlery, it, corner Liberty mid Si- Clair atrects, ribs bargli. tilS_ . . GLENN, Bookbinder, h. removed to the Wcorner of Wood .cl Thud as: above C. 11. Say, where he is pmpared to do every deScriptiou of Rating aud Bindlog. .ra txr -W. INIVLITOg, ii ---- clon• - iiiiir r — erillilroWy . V V , ing .tabliskraent, rio,INI Libeny met, near the c.aL intiSO . - -- - Wi RI. SLITCRELTURE• Wholesale Gro _ . • cent, Rectifying Distillers, and Wine and Lamar Merchants, Na. lOU Liberty sueet, loPPo ll av Slob stil PlTl'4ltht maytt-illy V%ROBIN s offi SO to thee E auorney atloss • removed hic xch.. Raiding , St Clair street, nett door to Alder at. Johns. liSNOrri ___— cv. R. OAILKAIIIII. Dealer s treet, e and ..Issul V ."Di' Goods, No 71l hlarket Pittsburgh. mvlldtT LlTElGlDCKlllCrifi:VrelalLTllrtirleis Lunn V District ' ) Wholesale Grocirs. are now tackled al Woad at, ntharethey offer forsale a large ammo meet of Orman. and Yotsbargh nlanefaetaru, at low 411. , .a and on favorable term. ratefl3 w. WiLLSON, Dealer in Watches, Jewelry, .A V V . Silver Ware, hlditary Goods, an, No. 57 Alan nntel.nov7 41.01111MPFli, wholesale and m , i ,cull dealtn VS , .Foreign and Domestic Dry Clouds, north cameos. tem( hlarketand Fourth sta. stoat WP( P:AB.Wiai. Jr.. h.. oft ,putelta.cd Ursa Stare of Olgar horn, conic, of Pens itud Oland streets, - will seep:cultism supply of the be. inedieinsa, perfumery. Ise Fhysistan's be had carefully cornpoandeiL - Medicine. cut 1.4 had 0 1 all tours of the night. fetilodly• Wallingford. JObn clinger jiL . AM 11.3101 TOAD & Co., C.oolonssion and F W or. loarding Merchants, flegond, near Wood tin"... Pitubnnet, P. WK. DARLINGTOS. Attorney at Li- Irinsbaret, l'a, ..ortuniaeiouer latake tito ac knowiedgment add pew olDends, beaww, Contracts, Deposition., or . uty Date, writing toneer seal Of notd ho used or recorded ro the Sono of Ohio. Office on ;Tisirdatroot.aboneffisa ' v v . C.. AruarrzAu?lbidA. Uar m,m y a r t , . Lia; cies and other Linos attended to with ponetnalay. Bitsent & Stlol, Wm. Crogiwo, Ewg., B A Fahnestoch &Co, John Herron, Cm, Graff, Lindoay &Co, John Wright. EM , Bones AloCalif, Egg.. blaj. Waha-t Loran , . jelfg•ty ••• • • • RECTIFYING DISTILLER, AN 1,111011111.“3. DIALS* 111 • loestun k DONFITIC WINESk uktuoes, 114 Liberty st., and 53 Diamond alley, rrrrsaußuti, PA. UY"ilvvAittnic AkTiri co. &WWI, Lenten in Exchange, Rani No w Caw, Corner of Third and Weed meets ear Pittabler Wor. ll7 ri Y miitti a I (Sesame e Lorre Akiil " • lav WILLIAMS b. • TTORNEYS AN cOUNELLoas AT LAW, Op -Often Norh side oD f north S et, above Smihtleld.-1h) fehl7dkorlyF E. J. ATTORNEY and Counsellor at lA*, CINCINNATI. 0100. Collections in Southern Obi° and in Indiana nitd in Kentucky, proolptly no ...crony aueruled to. REFER Tt.l.—llon. f 1 bard Wni Beak. Son, C urns, WM bl'Knitylit.CtinrchinCarotltets, Wm Bays, Bur... Bones jrior Weer Blackburn. O. BLACKBURN trCO " W i s t e T a A ngittiursTANn d u i fr i nfr ' ed ' a n r ifet,itilVi: on land at all buses ••full and general ascornuent of ra in k s!: eir • tine, .Walne siren, near Cberry in Ap, TITIMUFIE OTIATTOiIitsTWORIcr, FOR ?MR CLL. 01 BOILER,IEON,IIOIOIIIIItir, FLUE k. FIRE E. F. SHOENBERG ER Pllia ITTIODUALOII, PA. lotto Woreboure formerly occupied oy M. M. hey a i Waterill ttttt • wear Evan's llama Miler Will keep owliend • full simply of all saes Iron and Heads, Floe and Fire-Bed . boo, ma he de from et Wilbur denier. Wooer, which will by sold at t losre market rates. Engine Builders and others, are lin d d call sod examine los stock. Orders promptly at ..nded to. • JFaX4l_7_, JollaN 111 OWIIIIMEMD, Druggist and Apothe• eery; No ad M aaaaa sty mom doors above . Third sr., Pittsburgh...lll have conormtly an hand a well relent ed avaor Uncut of the best led freshest Modscirte r s which he wiliacti on the most reasonable terms. Physicians rending orders will be proutpd7 attended to, and sup plied with articles they may rely upon ai gersaine. n aY l Xp n' al . :ll ' ro P ro ' d . fet:t n sla w te d r litl,..act'a'n' y 'l!?ocarl the day oral g F ht . ,Mao Mr sale, a large stock of fresh and good erro meg,. • le.nl et W. WILSON, Wank Maker & Jeweller , • corner 4th and Market s. A large and well selected stock of watches, Jewelry, Filver.ware and *limy Goode, Always ort hand and al regular eas tern antes, Gold Vow. Lever, fall t owelled watches, w en w as IMO. driver do watches, as lore ars stn. Guine per, Foluas.Jpbmon and other approved make of watches may be bid al a mall advance and warranted. llXFure watch wcak dour in the very best mannept27 r. • a P.tMcursnr. E. lA - ohm] FLINT GLASS ESTABLISHMENT. MI.- U s " t A l nit & h!:. " l )( 47 , ; " : llll t l" Vil ajg:i7Frj. Glassware. la all Its •atiettes, at their Warehouse car per of Market and Water streets, Pittsbutels. Our Marks contiotte In fall operation. and we atr Gamma fy addipg to oar Gook, which eimbles a s t o fill enters - with precoptness.. Purehatra are rtypeetfully solicited to call and examine prices add ter... wylnely J. H . BWEITZER, ATTORNEY AT 'LAW OfIlt• 3d Mt Opp*" It. %VIM. alroattend promptly toCollec ttono, in Ward ingum,Fayette andUreen Counlica, Pa. Rau so (17 anckencr.keikroittekreC' kittnlturatt. 1.1 or _ A NUFA UliElt or , Tin,Copper, and Sheet Iron Ware,' and dealer So Bellannia and Japanned I ". tr N is (4 1 0 ,7 1 1 1 2 e "! alet., and others, to his large stock of coal, Is uwtt ro7tOroTinr.at.c°.:V:47,7,;„"aLl.'`.7l° Micolcsare buyers and the Pablo generally, are in v en. IA Ida 4311.111L1CS DI. Units, A ITORNEV •A -T LAW, Pinsburgb, Commis- A I ;he proof and. knowledarninisugs or Deed., 1.41110, Contracts, DepOlatS, or other ...m be recorded oared . la the Shoes/if KENTUC K Y, INDIANA, TENNESBEE.,I4ISOURI nod NICIII DAN qa;,,,, Duda, Put4ting, hrt j. il UAW. allIgT11;dc. Co, . MALuTtIRA A NOIIIOP DEALF.RN PITTABURGH AND POINT ,BREWERI ES: Corner Datlien Alley and Pean St; and (nolo Phi et, Pltaborpi. • r eW ifunotip• .J• 8. & W. BONIMICIIITs 1111311 PA cT oaK as OF STARCH, WHRANTED eguil i if not ingacrior. to any Wanda toe United Notes. and winch inty diagoad of Wow PriCC• and on good Tema. z . oclr/ Deaver, Pa •• q. •.41.;10,1 F • ••‘••••• • ARAI. POPTI.II • 111. P. & 21161.11011 tr. ; blowup lo 1..11 w.r,b..ei ~ wli N. Med Mecl,PittAhurglk. m. 13 • FORWARDING & COMMISSION. A. Al. Waltritheord. Jno. F. Stunt - WAILLISGIFORD & CO.. ta2aMMISSION A FOROI AR DING MERCHANTS , - • DraLia• 11 • HEAVV HARDWARE AND PITTSDIIII6II NAN FACTURES, VTAREISiIiS49 second sun., toss Wool, and Canal Basin. Idlacrty street. bane on baud and for sale 160.000 lbs assorted Steel. eta Naylor A Co's Conßlister and Centime icsl. Jones & Aut. blaster Spring and Fork :MU doe Shnaels, Spades and }eras i Carnage •plings and /tales; Atolls, (moose hoteF VAree, (patent and common:l 'Sledges, Sledge Monads. Crowbars. Funuce Ringers../untath Bond klanocks,Olay and Coal Picks: A xes, San hes, Sickles. Log Chains...re- kr:, Irrisalarnander Fire Proof Safes. lion. Nail., Glass aitd othernsburgh Manufactures .id at the[ tilo [awe. flee , R Doneu veer J Renaldo Sank. CLIARLEIi U. DANENIIOW ER & CO. TOBACCO' C 0211113810 1 11 11166C0 A rill,. N.. 51 Son‘h Whams, and No 117 south Watem st PHILADELPHIA: 13E0 lo informthe trade and-dealers generally . of Pittsburgh, that they ha,. mode such arrangements with the Vat-gotta thattufacturers and the Growers of the West, West Indies, and other places he will insure a large and 1 constant supply of the following dnicrip uons of Tohacco which will be sold upon a. a,•epu.- isoudahrig wrens as any other noose in this city or else where, and All nods ordered tnna them will be war. noted equal to representation: Ilaeutai ! Domingo, Conn. Yo re( Potter Moo; renteA,fieeilLeaf To Cube; ! Innen and Florida. baceol ALSO,firenelt's celebrated Aromatic Stag Carew dish,with aseonment of other popular brand., and gthilit4B of pcounds..th Ea P.l las and ats Lump, Ss Gs es andills Plug; Lathes , Twist; Vezina TWist. are, sweet and plain. in whole nod half xes, wood and tin, weather with every variety or article belong- Ina to the trade. J Lionta. • Atontesiar; Lather Patiburgh, Pa. Late of Nashville, Tenn. EIINIER ANDERSON. Dealers in Conon, Forwirditra and Comroosion klerchants, No. It C n, em RDAs atereh, above Broadway, Cincinnan, Oldo. !toga co— Al Allen & Bentley & Stnith. Palliburgh. Wet Hingham. Sear & Shepherd, Mania & McAtister, Nasholle, Tenn. Yeoman & Armistead. W F Sptiogor & Whtlealan. ( J Johnillop I Oa., • Hewett, Reran ,4. Co., New Orleans. Magregger & Morris, New kora. Duvall brighter & Co.. Baltinthre. Othialb Dooley & Ch.. Philadelphia. DauienDesbon , Bosom J. O. W. Ledanch. t% - C. Wiloon. J. G.' W. LEFTWICH & Co., .RECEIVING, FORT/ AlLUlritt, And, Commission Merchant.. PLAQUEMINE. Le. DARTICUL AR autumn paid to convignmeno of I Soy - whin., Engtoca, nr othet article , . for Open... and Amain. , REFF.RTO—Meurs Sheffield A Lithtlow, Mt. Th.- en. Litnelick; New Orleata. M . Lofton& Witt on, Mr 7. M. Sherley; Loa , ittaillo. , thleurs., 11.11 A Speer, Mr. Wtst. O'Leary, Robot 074hunnu Armnroog A. Nochohotc ratans - ch. essra4 Revan.Toad et Ca ; einetanci. Manot.', Hynes & Craignead, Moor.. Edwards A Whitcall! lion. Zenon Lehauve, lion. John Down; Piccolo. , L. cclll-1Y CRAW. Co., FLOUR FACTORS AND PRODUCE COM MISSION MERCILANTS. -IJ IBERAI. cash advanceit nude on receipt of eon sigrunents. Those shipping to our address rill Le earn three-fourths val. iu advance in Ca.. sPPIY ins to ear friends, ?dews. Wallingford &Taylor, Flt/rborgis. 'Messrs. Th.. Bell & Co . Bridgeport, Ohio. Philadelphia, May .5, 1515. war:74f N. B. All produce contignea Was is Dutton! when. in the wurelsouse of Wallington/ h Taylor. rittsborgh. ono our Rune in Philadelphia. C. 11. & Co. ERES/1 IMPORTATIONS OE HARDWARE: WIGAN ISIFORTERS OF AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN 'IIANDWARY. CUTLYRY, an., • Na - IN Wood St reeL A • P RE now in the course if receiving large sidations to their extensive stock of Hardware, Cutlery, .trey, he., which having been porebased on the e advantageous IMPS in England. and direct trona the tlanufaesurt in this country, enables thew rn.of t er Dods on reon n s t .qtassed Ly none and equalled by few Porehoset• are respectfully untied to earl. GICOLLOIC COVEiItAN. COhPIt , SION dt. POILWARC Intl hit:PI:HAAT, I No % Woos, Srnist, Pt re•Nonnti. CONTIN ES to timosact general rouroussion Business, especially in the purchase and sale of Atierican blanulacto - “ and Produce. and an receiving end forwarding Goods consigned to till care. A. Arent for the Manufacturers, be will be constantly supplied with the principal articles of Pittsburgh Manufacture at the lowest wholesale priuL Qrders and consignments are respectfully solicited. CCouwei ' L. L loon.nalu. U. F. COLTWAT i CO., PPDSTSatoLll`s, Otoo, CommM ., oo and foloronling Merchants. and Nodoeo Dealero—alvaaneud io Ike Vosehue, Salo And dog:moot of rig loon.Coal,&e. aurae to, Aniord, Jones & Cu Halley k. Co laseno,Sloollog &Co Dal.) Olor Grad', Llnd.oy & Co D Leech k LYOn. SlaTb Co Clarke k Theo maTlOdlo dams --- 'JOAN F. PlaitltY. I Mum of tho farm of lal•lenirn Lorrli fr. Oral' 14113Olotaale taarmatr. Couansluom a. Flout Marclualas, TAIP.AII•EIt. in ell k,aul. of Country Pna•Mma, Coro Per, Tan, Tin Plates. Thrum' Tools, Tom, Lead. Hada Obect Iron, Iron and Nada, White lamad, Dye' Snags. Conon Tama. Salt , far, and Pallehurgl. lalanufacturea genrmlly, ranter of L.beaty end Imam mrce Patoburgla, PIO UCTl.lheral advances. an Colt or Gonda, mule o re r ana iguments of Produce. &r. ) , AUCTIONEERS AND COM'ISSION MERCHANTS; ALEXANDER LEVY & BROS. CINCINNATI & ST. LOUIS OFFER to Reit at either eitahltehmeol, all bode of I Diem...llse at the truest rates of Coma... and rr: always Prepared to make adroit... 'the tiem of references Oro, if required. Lettere wade . ..seed to either Nouns will he promptli sitrodeel to. jr3Odly 1 : JOHN N. ILICIIi 508, COMMISSION MERCHANT, NU. 20 tin it rep s k nif .i . i fi a r c llk . r . 6 CH EA 11 , 1 Dig NIVIN w EII) ,. I.. , V ,, = ‘, G y lrs % .,. ti ,. re, Dried RIM, Dees -IY, made on consignments. flatienteung ref. erotica to Mose addreaeing lir moll. eepl7.ly • 1 er• is A1.11[1.1.- .14 romerstm. THO RIPSON it CAPIPPIELL. COMMISSION. MFiRCH-ANTS Pflagnalacillarerser,Llmmesi 011, No. 20 Coiumbia'Street, t CINCINNATI,' 01110, • . (lac us ram moo nAssr.ol„.o) repttinl y WALLINGFORD k CO., DOMNISSION & FORWAROI NU MPRCIIA NTS, Second near Wood. rkF.ALCHS in Pituburgh Manufacture. rod Hervey .Lk Ilardintre—will keep towtantly on bud a rawk of carriage spring• and axle., trames,scyther and sick les, kre proof sees, snout., vie,. bine kr out.' bellowe, ildrdgeh; he.. he. roe _ hltl roan.. 11. MALCOLM LZECII & SON. WGIiOCERP, COMMIPSIOhI V V CHANTS, and DEALER.' On al: kind. of Country Produce. Copper, Tin, Tin Plate& Tinneg.' Toot., Iron and Nod., Zinc, White Lead. Ine h RLIO•12 rhert Iron, Lead, Canon Corn, Pali. e., sod 4.111/o{lllo blarnifseture. generally. No. Vt. lel. nod 01 iLiberty wie door above the nend of Wood sweet, Pittanurgb, Pa. Liberal &deuces, in cairn or good., made on eon editor:muter produce. fee . he. son i. W. .tarnaws. W. v. ',Tell. *LATHEWII i PATCII. COMMISSVON MERCHANTS, 50.40 Water S icr. Lobis, Will glee pan.colar attention to the *Tilling of Pro dire and to order. for pa re booing auto go—Georee Morgan & Co., Pinrhargh, Pa. snail _ _ John Aliltilloogh. JAI C U Culliermon. JUAN DICOULLOOOIII & CO. Conaninion dad Forwarding Merchants, NOS. 93 & 95 swill ST. lan27le BOWLING'S WHARF, thsiOniors TIIOI9. J.'CAILSON, & Co. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Rom. B and V Light ga, BA LT11110111C• grpCsali advance. will be mode on consignment to be 'above add,..., by j.nS ly CARSON & MeKNIG 11T. Si alb LEA, BUNKER IL CO, FLOUR FACTORS, AND (IRAIN AND PRODIJCI'.I Commission 4glarelmasita, 71 SOUTH WHARVEts, PHILADELPHIA.I A HE now prepared to rereivennteforwartt all Merchandite io 6111, laniliniron the Juniata. Nottl Branch. min Tidewater Canal. jrV f GEO. B. MILTENIIERGER, STEAM UOAT A DENT, COMMIBBIOI & FURIVARDINO MBRCIIANT, YBODUCE A MERCHANDISE BROKER, _atop Ofiee, N 0.60 Water Street, l'imiburab J:EIFEWTON JONES STEAMBOAT AGENT AND COMMISSION MICOCIIAN T . MONONGAHELA HOUSE, Pittsburgh , Pa -- - - A. FAIINESTOCK At Cis's. WHITE B. LEAD WORKS—The undersigned hle completed their new works, located on the bank the river above the Aqueduct, In Allegheny city, opposite Pittsburgh, for, the manufacture of a nape nor quality or white lead, both dry and wound in oil; also. red lead and litherage. Hiving availed themselves at nll the recent improvemeuts in tanuNclure. and erected the buildings on a Ty nzten , dve .11.1n..t0d with env icity to Make I.ed.to large quantified. the. will be able to sat ply ordida to Move any extent_ sorb TOVE PATTEMAIS Putt lIALfC—CliirD S'raster, Pattern Maker. Alleeway uty (4111 .as the newest Patterns far :tares on bond eiiber I wood or Woo. Nill(leattng and all other patterns mad tapPitf • piIITHBIBILY TEA STORM, NA 72., FskriA arca, ,cm, Fria ..p ..6 ,. : !! f l ni . i a t 1 . o 1 of 0 rev n an d Black T. i. 5 . 1 ;Lax Mot SU cp., roonato 1111;i P'u l M i rtlfai , o ^ , •' _ ---------- 2f '. ""........ 1. 13Ax6a9 rOR SALE—A fir6l talc notary uitil on Leatstitre•for Baking, nearly new, for rale cl 'W ept Hams. Eaquiteof lel6 I R tl PRILLIP2,6mood urea' MEECELL9NEOUS --- JANE W. dIVOOPWICIA., rITTSSURein TORNITURT. WAR% 900015, XNO 85 THIRD STREET, A LA a ... - .-...i.t. , ,, • ort:nerd or Furniture. ''' ,. .-..5 , ' ,..4• '• satiable for tateamLasata, '...--,---yL,-. 1 Mods. and pi vac thee!. , ' , .'.w ~ lines. constantly on 1100,1 and made to order. I he present stout 0o hand cannot be eliellrd by arty tnanufactory En the wc•tern country. Pen.... -..,,saing to purchase would do well be t --. f .. rant .. eon.. I run determined my pricer Plush please. Pan a ine .met °comets is SU VAN. with Plush and Hair-cloth covet, 2 doz al ahogany Nurse Chairs, 14 pair Divans: P.l dot fine mahogany Chairs; .1.2 mahogany Work *ands: Idol mahogany Rocking Chu., 15 marble tor Dressing Borrow.; b pair Ottomans, a ramble top Work Stands; ISchccry Work Stands, hlahogany, 51.1.10 Cherry and Poplar IkalstradS Of all descriptions; and a large assortment of Common ' Furniture and Chairs, too numerous to mention. maratf N E W HA It It WAR F. FO LI.S I. • i , JOSEPH WOODW ELL. ' Corner of Wood and Md ate :Pltlabnelllk , HAVING withdrawn from the old firm of Walker A, Witodwell, on the ler of Jenuiry, IS], I tate pleasure in announcing to toy new in the cap and tenuity, that I have opened any new note at the obeys. mimed plate. having purrhased my good@ for ensh• and made arrangements with-rnanulenaurert in this country and 131 I . : W[IIV lobe ed&tuntly supplied, I not fully prepared to furnish Hardware of all kind, en to rod urns and us low us any house East or We., .... Merchants and ethers ore respectfully invited to Otl and eaarernegny stock, before purchasing elsewhere. Tho following comprises porter - my Onck. Steamboat and Saddieo ilrodwarc. Gun Trinintinra, Film Naylor 's Steel, Cutlery, FAge Tools. Anvils. VI. c. Lock.. Latches, Stehle., Scythes, Butt Ilingesi Sc o rews, Union Pomo Plane... Saws Ilitheart& boards and veneers, and all other smelts cormectM/ wati the Hardware businos. mchllt: IJAZZABIN PATIENT lIIIIATEAIN. ..-- • ..- ~- N 0 T.W IT It KT A N DIN U -'l.-4`a': an in nod opposiEon•to this ,twain T --_-_:......./ bon or • rittslorgh Mechanic, a tam Jurity•of thu Cabinet sake. of dos , 7 ' '-7- atol Allegheny coy, and their nova -------- , sus customers hay airflow° khOnealirli above she vulgar proudireugainetimmtineenriona. and ; they give thassam's &Mitred the pretereace.•lmply because it &wren et; being the test. soonest, and mast', roomiest( Iledetrad in uie The A:kiwi.< ManntOntal . meats for itiselfi— We. the •utirerthers pramieal I alsinet makervof the eines of Pittsburgh and A tlothenk . IN. do herehy cep lay that we have bought the right Id manufacture bed• -lea& with Coosa. Paient 1.'5..1 go, and consider the sane supertor to tiny ni..telong , wok which we arc acquainted. e Jall-,slllreor 1 . II lounge Co Robot Ewen. J R Bartley James Ft liarr John Liggett. Jr. dm,. Lowry la Sou Lowrie A. robin Riddle di• Drennan Thomas Palle, Hugh II Wallace David Later Itunrigy A M'Clelland ((ugh Wallace Moses Bullar. Ilavid Lukry For Rights or rmike awl sell the shave Itrilstraila apra , EBENEZER F (MISANI, Patent& filrsiollracrireare}hrtmaohmienla pVialAt-tiCLIZt6d 15413.1 ra Preys Brick Machine, and having inner their ilroro ghly co rd its +litho, are now prepared.. sell rights and contract to deliver ...clins designed ny pan of the l. vied Plates. 'Elie machine is ge to make Brick from crude elay, told will make 30.1010 good .nioni firm brink per day, , sad.tenh hard to f i l2ris up pane him; ti t ...voiding the expense. and lalwir of pr, pane t the elay,drying awl handling the back alter Loin; 'melded. II triumph , strong. not liabieto gel WA PUPA reipair. ;Mali...instate...l non ii can be taken Yu piece. and put tor Iliac t ank great ilicilityAus render- Eng it rumble We are loon building machines. and ran tut nishthern on short notice. For a full dor npPrin we w am refer ton machine now in sae ce.ella opera. Poor .1 Mill ereyk bottom. near the West east of ',ghat street, where we +hall be happy to captain everything concocted with al to all who may call We have at pre-ent no as Agent. All !currant our oddevoit will be prosuptly attended to CULBERTSON, MckIII.T.EN N. Cu,. sepTaf CINCINNATI. BOL 157 AM. i iiikT BRIG an: I - ,'N XTENNIV ELY tested end aoployed dating Map.. 1 a two . ) ears,by O t e principal trod rusinil•NoOr•in ,the war cOuntry. and throughout the niienOr of renn.ylvsnis, 00,11 to. ready lar delivery on Meow-into Dl i'iliirithlitni The utmeriaf on which 11... durability and ruin -moray depeods. I. relectra by experienced mi ners. brought from Man land. where the dossier , y wa. him made—the tactile mutter. with which it is inilies. iled, m carefully stpurated Cher will I e thoroughly bunted sad i con pt by'uneelunely, and sot pure attention giveirk, Me.. Ilsrloy /e Cc the pro. primers. in all irepero to 01.1Eurairs their •eknowledged stips-11101, iv Order. by mad or otherwt will be promptly eXceo ted nit aro.anon to J all, W hICLARCN marl/ 14..ioincio A n Iron Wort" , N 1, - ( . 1 , F. i. 17 . 7 . 0 ' I.a.lrY -4.l.ll,llr;tlitilrfriLfty,ill open on Monday, April fah. fool doors from Wood at, and ner Jour to A Jay ne , Pei.. Tea Store A splerukl absentee. or l'abey Cake, Corrieetionary. Fred, ar , ?te.tion the connterevery day, among which are the kilktartng 1— Macaroons; ' Pound Cat et Lorton Biscuit; Pastry: . poe de. i Pepper Nuts; • . Jelly Ca to; A lm ond do, Mows. , P. Cake: (l in ger N o te; Wales 3 um 4 r.,,par go Marini. FoMteal the,' A. r.. r‘rigar ..4....... Orders rot le Croon.. Jelly. Bride: Cake, Eanev Confeetroaary. te , kr , cireuied in • moaner nue quelled in quali y and be..., I.) snr other enalilmh. awn in nits op. Fresh Dread. Twin, Rork, he . manufactured solely from White Wheat Flour. trod tree from altdmas. every liOni i iilo , . ' kP 3 , AN,p_IIIMS 1111AVING CREAM--Plicie lig IioIbeCALID (set all thme how Shave who never , sthaerd lord., And illore wisuAiwnv• shay. , novel:Eras - a the more. I N art ne Ili sopeidir ' , has mg t'ompoutiii to the am 1 ova. ill the paid,e,l em arab confidence •s thai the opinion of all woo Wive used It prousnmee I I the trieo plesiesnt cormosamii Mat they have earl used, sad in order place ...Mitt the reach of all. I have reduced the prier low • nough to afford au opportunity to every person u, one it •ma I nod lodge tor theetoelors me, 6entlemen iG ina wok tor 5 lien. lu ammo. dia.,. tin with your ehuetug cup, don't he ..., , red! it won't colt much to Gil Mna ei mid, if you are 1101 satisfied. the Mom ey will he returned. SY111•111 , .3 BARRET r Iron City Lard (11l Factory and Fano, coop W^ , k. , fehlgfah ot.opportle [remedy hotel _ . LI'ACCI.-S ARTICLES FOR TIIETOILEP— • I.l.Nymph Soap: manpo•rd pt an Easier., Botanibl di.eurery of surprising effitiaci , for tended im Me slot soft aril fair, as well as nupartteig a delieitte nitrate fine to dm europlexion. Also, llama's celebrated Almond idlinivaig .ereadL which II how ;racially toed by 140 fa•li,rnAble einn• munity in all pans of the Coded Stare.. Oat:el l s Depriatory Powder PH reinovng Wreak.). hair; and also Ms highly relebrated Vegetable I mond 1101 r Dye, • airlines] retail to rneble pr o mo I n dye their hats instant•twomly. and tn w or pry &tr. whiskers, mustaches, and ey ebt owe, to a iscrlitio6l browner Mace color The stove articles are for sale, wholesale and retail, by II A reitritisiocii k CO . - 1/1 ear from 00,1 wood. ard wwwl•nit pi, si• mardware "Co. ter F'• addlery, &e. - JOHNy S virria.tcruit, IMPORTER AND DEALER in Europe and Dame. I lie llordwair, woulit s rroperaulty inform his friends and the palille paterally, that he it now reCeivlng his PpLag surely of hardware, at the old stand of VI mire A WI. , he wed. No fa Wood street, winch he will thew,. ,if no the ulost masa - amble term-. Ile will ho conic receiving free h ”nplie• dire et (min the Memnarturere tit Eonme and tine c ide. will enable him to comptde with any estatikalt. Men, edher l'aut or Wert. SS . ..Merit Merchants are Invited to roll and examine hi. .1001 before purelisoine elsewhere _ ratlits_l. Cepar4nordttir. WE the eliderilatird hove ent[la i d IPSO CPriSltiler• ship 1111 . the pslspil,ti rstng a Preduce. Commission and Forwarding hate. s.., nadir 1110 s 1 Y: 0 or ORION, AlletiltlEW & CO., end have taken the warehease. No a Commercial Row, ',Lefty ill i tel, formerly occupied by Mr W n Posey be where all buunclis cnialinc4.to nun charge will promptly and faithfully aurndril to. 51011141:1 I MUM, formerly of Philudelphla Tll(rtt II MeGIIEW, - tanothfield, Ohio FINDLEY IV alctillEW, • Parsbargli, Match 21.1.-0. THOMAS KENNEDY, JR, dm late firm of tollorytte fir. grlonedy. 100 king lass Manufacturer anal dealer 10 rdoek Condi, l: , and Variet Goole, keens continuity' en hand, of hn own nyanurn y glure. ever, description°. Oat. Mahogany and Comoro& Looking Itinerant 1.2 3 4, and 0 dt.wer 'Toilets . plain and °many:Mal pont ka reasneti All kind. of Clordor, Tray:, and ke alien, in sett. or dormer Combs:Thread, on a nd a general n•aorunen: of :Fang, ' Goods. wholerole. an • mall utlennee crier • Pedlar. and ollo . ry *married with Plrelp's Chlo, l , Cur 'Ler'. Prne, and 10 by 17 Warne. at New York poem mr21.1 No g 3, en, !mainor! ror. DRUGS, DRUGS, Nlllllllrug.int tool Aprobetory, N. W. .loconer of Wood and :ols Pin.longli. mill km? ennstantly nn hand I)rugs, Puna!, Oil., 11),Branfr. • Noll —Phyeteson'e pre.ert photo enrefullyrompoond. erl front the boo rooter ad, at troy loon ot the day or meld. Alen..n to•oronent of r e rfornery, hoe Tooth. Ilsor. ondt%oth 11.1.110 e. be. he. which be will' *ell low for coo& , mro, _I 'reo. Groce I. L . Frail isol Provlo'on lit-ore. • WHOALE AND fa .• NO. 141 LIF6II : T V 4T`ONN'T"(. hi: Vt'S "`'*7::`' BUri,.T,A. p„c ;,n,4%,;,.,17 t. NOM comm. need int Moir r 0 luthr “1.00 hot or her, oral door to lite old .tent, where he boo, hy kertoor, n purply of good erne 1,1,11111 C low for merit unshorntol y • in, .tetet ottentortr ,to his porous, ro merit of polder rotenone,. . __, _ rrehri COnDllgNitetildll 171 d: lkii. E PS A T CINCINN A lI—I oat otohorlied'iry rye rat .n.....i . rettsnylveno In lake rolototeleZfpron of 111 it moaner. of mriong, den ofolorsoAtnd d OtifJPIS of pergola to 01110, tole. 11.101 Or mrded in retool Ivo , site. Orrter.l dillit• E. 1.1 rnElhT NI.VOO/I.oftiel , Ott. etioroth tnroe l:liW A HD I' CEA Net I soyebtleewly•l, • Atones tit Into RAGS WANTED. cum 1.110 Et 11:NTRY MIXED HMIS .001 0 dr 100,11111/ for winch the highest rove in CASII moll be , pod Moor on herd. every dereorlion of Weitirde cad W topping Paper .10a Chioo4/P I oilloo REV NOLDS .t. SHER nre he Corner Penn end Irvein FL , I. rineloirch 7 . - ViNtSY [DWI:Sr, Mooritty roOe. 1.1111 Lver• [woe. be . moitalble focrloroitte ro Concur's can Ire for tit•hrd on oppiteattou at tho peed note, f r o '''''''''"( Jo.. w` lTATgOgitAm . releofNn HIE row WIWI RIO Atli In. iviiiritioiiiiii , Nvos.vio. . .......1- _ ~. in srotatqw rod trealeer '' V - 2 r roldrv. s l:7so (4 :: -.7.: . .1?!'"-,-?.. three door. tehore rt Chad.. ''''"- "..' Hotel. Pittsburgh Po. Pe. "._-- - - _ ------------ •i. HSATOh. EAII.F.R In Trimmings and VasiegGoods. Tortoise 11 Tbell, Ivory and Horn combs, t%',aillen Yarns mud Worsted', 81111011, Needles, Pi., Tapes, Braids, be.. No 6.1 Market p.tt between Diamond sod 4111 streets Pit.borgh. IrD GAGES .d Founs - c7fTrarious - sises.eotiatant ly on band, and for sale at reduced priers, at th e Pittsburgh Reed Stow, No 13l -Woo& mem. come, - WIC/CERSIII,M Sib Efta. TM. CREAfFILF.F.ZEIO=Iint-lei'dTh Cm i Write inlinnonhi excellent Patent lee Cream Free rern. *nimble for Hotels, Steamboat. and p DU et Nriv..LAP (am feat " JOUN c 077 No V market at ING, JULY 9 i . BOOKS, MUSIC, &C. VALUABLE. BOOKSsePubliahed by J A & ll P James, Walnut street,. between Fourth and Fifth. anon:tau: • . • u.ii.i..• Gstiticiorne 'history of the declite and fall of. the Roman Empire ' ity Edward tlibbon, req.. A new Indition, revised sad correeted thrortch• nut, preceded by a preface, and aticompanied by . notes critical and hi4arical, relating principally to I tete propagatioe Of Christianity:. by M. 1.. Guizot, Allender of Public Tostrucilua far the kingdom of Prance.. The preface, notes and corrections, tram. sated from the French evpressly lur this eddied,. With a notice of the Life and Character of Gibbon, and Watson's Reply to Gibbon. In !. rob. imp. hi 0.1073 pages. . I Napier' Peninsula War—Complete. -I vol. iron hou.llllo pages. Ilallam's Middle Agee, Chamber's Rebellion in Scotland, Robertson's Virginia and New England, , Ruturell'a French and Eagluda War in America, and Ramsay's Allleile. Revolution. I vnl 4to. , 1 LPrary 01 American History—Cfmtmeing octet- Rona from the best. authors . America° History, , Biography, 'Presets', I:eimmerce, Statistics,lndianr, 1 'Revolphomary Rattles; Isc. &c. &c. Alen. Acct. ' dotps, m o l e and Altacellancous articles. Maitre I red with than 500 engravings. I vol, imp oor. 1 00 pages. lUniversal Pictorial Library—Containing valuable Universal er' ,ad.. subjects, crimprising Natural Ili. , Nankai Science., Agriculture, Rural Econ . ' leery, ography, Fine Arts, the' Orientals', Travels, Geography, Delany, Miscmlumous . reading, &c. 1 &c. I eel imphvo 610 pp, billatieep. The Family Medical LabrarjA Treatise on the Prevention nod l;ut e of Digqii3Cll, by regimen and 'simple tonlieinci. New edition, revised and enter , g n ed f ouvrrtimbothoev.,isdud.ihtiloceno.ltia,r.Ve.geedtaicb,lei TA,llannteuri.a..Adleds: Ira, pointing out the ,lithos, preparations and doses o w n it t h l ine floe o hundred Aoa 0 my E n . i g id . v P i ty a ti . o . 1 og . y o . r which lluritrat o c re d colored: Ily J G Norivend,M D--Eft4 pages Ova. American Flower Garden Companoa—Arlapted ;toile United Stamm by Edward Sayer., Landscape and Ornamental Gardener. It can, thin] edition, revived, enlarged and illuatrated. ' Palmer's Dreg., Reeky Muuntsins,&c. &c. . Family Teslamert, octavo, with 'and without 'olyglbt notem, and Psalms In metre. Rice and Pingree'e Debates Bern's Works Lady 'the Lake. Lalla Rookb. Mare's Private Der.. n. Juvenile Hooke. Cheap edition of various rks in pamphlet form. .• crich . . .._ GOT RECEIVF - .1) ATM A 'SIINER'S—Aii uouso rI large stock of Books. both nese and old. especially Mat out air sortmentelrall Ito complete for the th of July . The following, which , cbmprise an itt m, are Joseph. Rwshbroolosorthe Poacher, Inreoptain Marry of R N. We heb ri a Land aetut owrcshi f X l i ot l o e r g Aan Mt cuorgrealls. inhaes Great The dro Serywnt,or the Quern of the Coral Cone— by It Harker. Iraq ' Tenon', an isacresting work by Ste Vlu Bolster. The EslmMo collection of Poems by Loogrellow. Columbian hlaptice for Jul titatiam'e do do; National do de: • Godeyis Lady's Book do, Lksdbay and Son, No. P. Six LOCU'. on; the sisis 01 the Icings, an p d causes, rseimon a M nd cum of ConsumPtroo, ramose( the helot, with illustrations—by Baronet S 'lPite h. A.M. Modern Chivalry LI Brackenridge, fashoopplY. M 'l./lairer bore in lienuielty. do; kitty's Redone.. by Mese Leslie, do, Chas. O'hlalley, die'lrrall Dragoon, by Lover do. Rod' and Blue or the Frivateers of oho Revolo ion, a freslcsupply. LM Alas-A large variety o ( amusement CesdrJor die* end giotleusen. exceediugli interesimg, among them a new glib., entitled The Coolest of Antiouis or Old (Seines with new Fares. Olt tits Pietorml Fattier. lot the Ilk of July, in large orsmall qntrires For sale s oat Me Literary EtepOrlllo, simithfie l d 10.2 rd r near Maxlerstreece — A Voyage up the River A. 0 .120011, including a re.. donee at Vatic{ by W. It. CdoraNs. PICTOOIiOII thcin Cure, or morn) went. of the World we lore in; tri,Wra El h Summer In s Wildetners,'entlireerng a Canoe Voyage up Of Illisstompi, and around Labs Cabetior; by Con. Lanneart • .Moure l e Boetical Works—cheap ed. Yin rOOO •11.1.1 ragas. lbes and Ilatmul of the most eminent British Poets t o y tV on or llobriti—Woetrabril i soia., Id too 01.13.411.1.1.1111• Age: comprising roma.. Coen'. Co. ographicaband Doetriptive. Hy G. Francis, Frey A Iltsmis of Rome, from the earliest owe. io thr deeds of Cumorodus. A it UM try Dr. LeonaJd Selmitx The Lis of Wesley. and Rise and rt,r.q• of Mello urbirn It) Rota Cowboy l3. .4 • the late T Cebodor. X. 14 . oral remarks on Me C. aml eharacter ut John Wesley, by Melon. Alex boor. Esq. Veined br Rev. C. Soethei,M• A cSeorld Anoinean b:dinco, with Notes; try Be, P Curly, A. WI. • .. . b.., Correapoodence *ad Mittel antra of It, soo. GAM ecurth. 1.1. D. folliSerlY Governor oiu verb anEalogy pro...cell before the Connecticut I medal Pociery ni Neer Rate., Alai 17, telt:. try 11. W. W Andrews. ,Third Volume 1.11 . 4 R IM W riling. o f W oo k o , oo , lt I; ,, it: otrelattWecitc_dotal tor_ nee U 1; L. a v.A u TRier Wal7 llleditailLibrarys I Tip ßA re T g l i -I , : n ott .n th . e . Picztratt,l.C..o re N n . t .t a z l o t : n r Lemed and enlarged, with Me odd non of-a regt.ble 31..r.0 Illotics pointing sal the ...wen. prepanitiout and Jared of our most valuable, misuse, medical plant., and .0 appert.lig, illustrate...l:with 1110 ewera.lrial , II ill , I which are coloicol., Uy J. li Norwood NI It. The [erect ui the tourer:cork i• to give tbe hitter, cloontirrieic at mou•llll4,pcogre.... and tentitnattou of II /i4i 4041 in eort..o e awl totc , . a it.l., tent, u• 00...1 , 1e. eurierl w ane s e.0.m.,. of all r It‘no °ugh , : tryte yet. ni.lo outlet:tuba the treatment , of 1 o Macaw, in tae termination of moth hornets Ole may I I t ni *take. ITee treatment our•uctrliy the generality of prsetion rm.. nod 1011141 4110.1 entree...o. particularly in 11.0 Dim 'r.A.,a ' , lndoor!. to tho ttroollt and Went, Sea beet, detailed writ. much 011140141C5. 'mud great cart. The FiAlliliv Altai •at I.ito.ry r tt is lielleved.kat gt v en-1 more etter.. ...faction Mart any tumult at Me mood emu.. II) tit atomic and perapteinn , direction.,—ro ilt , t of rentedict anti their proper &rec....soy orir yt 0100 oaf , 400111g00e, will lin entitled to twat many mow. lmolnererwithouttheneeteett Of eillllli • 111 4 iiiifiiei 4o 1 W e have been infononl et head of (amt. , , who have 1,1 Weir house' . 01.1, etaild they ~,,, ninon. anoilrei cops of Mt walk, ten ones the coal could oat puillm, 1 itbavirtg hequently ohved more Man as., in wie year, , 14 It. use. Avow wanted to tell this work—a Ithetol comm. 00 allovord. J. AJoU P. JAAlEr..Putrlrrher ,, 41 itg I Walnut at..pet. eta and.l•ll,lljittelluisall• n !POT'S PRXMANSlllP—Philotartphlcul Th, 11...rat0l Pritchett ,01, klanatert•bto t in three part.; prin:ir y y. , intermedrare and issstli rich port ni tour noels. —by WI A. Root. "thi..Wock•erlortliirearrato,de.ceried 10 11110110/10 1110 painter of conducting Me hand and pee prep ttatorypincrows.lialtleh thrtninglilyr Irbil, the mu. e tc.. c o puty t o in etr . ir Mai oolowiforatina of It nett ath wont , according to Mew aimilartiyof form.tori: ant liVilfoooMl* accompairt inn the •0110111 ii (.140114.1. 0 ti each hook, 'tkrewlteler•ortteranged or to effect area er enemy of tintellabor nod c0m1. , . and tor t oni , . in otoir in write over each page 0011, IlreelVell lliiii d ic unl Ow .410 by • JUR'''. 11 al El.f.t ill Arn .1 w, ol ape! /11WAte rs'anctle'ra''."*"443{"""oN°. !I ; 1 4; % Cobb's d151.:3 45, Kmerantiv I n n 1 23 4. ',on, Smith and Calt/11,11 . . rahmrtir, M y, tb and UNA; rehe Smith. unite Dutton , Gratin., ite above valuable taehool 11. ma a far vale ve, y tom at Wholesale and setall. A t.so—A tarp ...talent of trier Cap Writing Pa per nod blank Books of market st. between 3rd and 4th Il r 1? IllCmeinnan. 11 JAhe 1111 TO li OEXICO—Just publiihed, by 'll IC 111:.110111 OP oP.XIII , her Civil Wars nqd eolonlai and Perolunonai y Anatol., from ate Per-mt oh enntbalt Conquest IVA to the piewni now. 1,41; Irwindale en seem.i. °Cale vs or woli Mc UllO , l Svile.. anth hblitary ACII?0,111.11.. I.y I 1011, 1 1 oung hl I/ S% .11 tom Copperplate Mambas.' .s'ue't h: avings of Plana oh Catt fi le Grounds. e One nine of lien hundred and slaty'-foaupaaes. 014 }MEW !MEDICAL WORK-I'nketienl ob.nr• VI yaw,. ,un Kora uf the dtacaaes of ll3e nod Conligiotts Ilirer nature sem aystiptUitta, coneroecoreot awl too yenta, eepeeiully addre••ed to Ihe Well, 10,41.00 ,coder: I,y IV nenlenhanerf M The aut llt hor ni dot wok IlleS air Near *welled teptvniol. of warn huuotred easel.° PO, and i.1.1111n Am, with.. either the prole. th. 11( mat, or the reolenout cautery. F. , +Wel:110o l:o..lfioune f I. BEAD Fourth, near :iara. , meet PIA NOS I PIANOSfI I ENRY Ik.alet It. rancyn Piano Fortes, /w J %I:malt:veins, No. 143 Thud tnterc Tbe 16.10 . - lofty he of f OOOM at an hour., and dot rub.ro .et there (rout II to 13 A. M , and from 4 to S. M , melt day. Ocuther Ird, 46 ts. the untlernigned, would inform the eittz stoi o Ilttetturgb pod vicinity hot we, IT , e . Ilitelieveole Agent lin We , tern I. ey mop -nle of our Plano n.ile...roin whom touted at nu! own I V 0, 1112.7. uee - NS k. CLAIM Nra 4'vlk•l' 4. l. I. IP4O-aoltbllf y I 'MURAL. TA YLOIt —Johniinlt & too k Vi bairn to*. 000toodportivitm.1.111iOr •Ale our- p 'Paylor, by A Dolly. °niter De orpodune owlenceand di rectum of tho undotNto'd °alto' • on orbimal ikotehtakcit Dom We to anoirbo, by C , D. C Ihrdlikrup royostider 11o1We Portia. General Taylor n gioto D Co otto, U U Nnov tiro, A. Itl'Cobt. A. A. Ueri MEAUX, la Topooranbleal Euvn, IW O. Doan. , U. S. Nay y rr 15 Cent, ItA by Wrtlit.r7n!)(t%:•:tttrSt cUtro'r.routt.... a outsitur of the New VW Ittkr iron Ihr meth "duo.. woh vo.Evtury oo .the oi Tretmli Hen boo p Eloquotice, sod the,Oralum or Nob J T Headley: etlimd I/ C 00 . ," Itivettaphlcal addrodo: Mounted, lot tt..- "' je t :lb ""TANSTON k wrocrros Boater.. and Now Sort Pianos. 1011 N, 11. MELLOR, No bt Wood s OM ll4 llrVeri d ili ' Vro n!l e narl with M Imo frame and iiev .tale. Node bk fnltclerlnk;of. Crow' , One elegant tilocewood' Yin O Row, with 6ottavo and Iron totem', Made by tirinY 00-elegant ahoiany' Pomo Yortemade by Gail SC... New York. The above will be .old or Manufacturer'. prices. for sales. above, a mcond bond Piano Toro wall 3 ocutece }elk _ new Pigmies. JIM Received and opened by th e ennenlinee , following new Planos:— .Ono elegant llogewood,aaaave I Poltern.l . ellte elegant lloseerseal,4l r.t1,. F .T ., carved Goiblo Tabfela—a splendid .9 .00,1 'MOM% b*m , lanooculd• Loud PAR'. K melal all it Woolwell'e,esll.l.l MANUFACTORIES. U t N " "„," sPRING AXLE. MON Avo” . - - ; smi.j4Sfee, HAIL, Co., having eowlsit. ‘...1 their New works, are ttow prettied to Mau it tae ,very destripoon of Cameth and _Ensue ?prwl Iron axle, Mae fie. Milt, trifintg sac! 'omelet Steel, and all Nur of email *pram aott round Imed which. they offer Mr avertn liberal mom al the. tWersturow co.ploodsf whew , they unto keep on hand ompete and handsome asawor tot of Desch trim. minas, Carriage hard Ware, malleable rawsnav,-Niits anti Iron, C. IL & Co, have made arrangemartm with Meier. Day Ir. Crows. manufacturers al Moeda; hand Forks, tee., and will keep constantly on hand.cven article made by them. Dealers are respectfully' sot cord to es ll.as proms and WM/ Will he made libeml. trgi-d'Yen rrrr MACHINE WORKS-AND EfTREDRI,. PITI.C I t 6 R , JOlll4 WRIOSIT /Z , CO,s RE prepared to Wild Colton sod lEadleft Staehln cry of every description such sr—Carding MI. Spinning Frames Speeders, Drys" ti Flumes, -ay Rands, Waspers,'Ntrillats,Spant • %Messing Lansla 4, CAM. ttsinders. kg, Wraugla Iron ed all sizes of Cast Iton, tell ' , test panstnaodide a nil. lisittl-Lataca, tools of A 1111.04 Castilla , of every description furnithad on abort DO. Potternt made to order for Mill Gearing, Iron he. !Meant Pipe for heuthm Factories. Coat t an %%indoor Swill, and fancy Custom , . nonerally "Nor. left at tbe Warehouse of J. Pa hoer In Co., /dlr . elm alreeleal ersa ro iWlaVe prompt ottrulion. Nl' Blaclotork. Ran & Co. J K Moorhead & 00_. 6 E Weimer, Jona Irwin & Fans; Plttaboratt. jaulA tit &J II Warner; Sieatteomllet " _ . JOON CAIITWItIOIIT. IMPORTER nod hlanufnetarer of Cutlery. Surgleol nod Dental Inatrumenta, Satldlarsand Tanta m rs' bond tools. Tay Ion: Patent Sitcom,Alan anatee. Ttutoes, Supporta , . gal &a . in meat Varlet, C. Manufacturer and Importer of Pen. Pocket nod Table Cutleryi,Ratorreictstots. Filcs,Sows, Tools, &a; hat rot/erred to w (KM sTREEr, Pittsburgh. rearrond door be lJ low Diamond And hat late.y rr, vented o lance atrortment nr Pot. t Pocket Knives, Natives Forks, Alto Raisers' and Whomtenholnut i FINE CUTIERT , Ellions.RoJerriZtVotlc & Bombe t's Itazors.SciiSOTS , R aror Stott., Doommat ante Wire '1 wmt DEN& RIFLES. AND Pleercl.S, Alien:. Pole. and Mine+ Revolver', Powder Flake Shot Helm Game Rag., Walker . % & Col" Extra Per. cottion Cop. now iedUirk and Ranting 'tomcat - Poeta. rich at Cellipots. Viglf 11. Ply ars. N timers hand Pier.. Square , . Roles., Braces, Kin, ,spokt Shaves, Stockton.' lbes Wire and Irouriourr atomic& repairing groat annoy CO - Jobbing and t. repairing :tautly and pusic . tu p oll: it 9 done._ CO-PART!IEUSIIIP NOTIGE• w.I4TErtiENSOI htnia.Slanentier. . ser of .1011Liall mid W er Stockton ot ritt.nurgh, have tam day . entered into no-p.i rt nemitip under et) id and firm ot Stephen.. fitment...agar tc f ut the Anthere {Yorke., yibeetung Va., tar the purroay o t uanufacuirtng iron and nails of eyeryilc.optton., F W. STEMPURN F- , P 5 I n OBNBER o OB L & . a C r . ce! ANCHOR IRON WORKS, Wheeling, Va. alanufacture all Lints of holler. sheet, bar Iron and nun., AII steel ciiptte Formes and axle. 11[111g Coll nettled with en Old Juniata Work., we can alter an article of Juniata Iron Stranded Sitoenbereer] equal to any made in the country. All of which will ttx soidat the l'itulturgh prices.. M. arehourc of the Work• corner rf Monroe andrices. Water sweet*. ' inyl I ALLEGHENY VFNA.ITIAN tows ULAN') FACTOR 4. JOlll ui TARES ; ' I cal m inform his friend" 1 ----- i .and the I pthl m ic et al large thathts Fantod` ---_;-=-- . nod in full operation. onnite Ems stde - iir-- i ~. .1 - the Diamond, Allegh. ax , war w s con: Kant supply of Illinds. of earwax colon' • - ' andqualtre,arecionstantlykepton bond,' -,- al. at Nola Wood ets Pittsburgh... l .E •,--- ... 11. Phillips' oil cloth waterounn. °adorn Startlers made to order in the beet style. Words 'K rod at the shortest nottee ' N. U. Ilis Blinds will be put up, without any addi tional ezeptir.e so that they can Pe returwed to u taw mew m erwe of are or tor washlng, and without the Aid of st ewes •Ir e neuldlekwlarele A. Ft/ Latildl, Bell and Mal. Found. as 1 , A er. h rebuilt and commented 1111531C11f at korrekt stand, whew he will be pleased to sec hie old customers and friends. Chinch, Steamboat. and Its of cemy eine. from In to WACO poarta., efiel from patent. of the moot approved models: nod afranted to Lot Couof slic 1..1 materia An.l. Ac. Mineral Witter Pumps. nters. Railing, ogesher woh every eerier) of Urns. Castings, tfresuir. 1.. turned and finwhed of the neateutumiwr. ILTA• F is the Asir potprieter of 11.1111111 e. Ass- Artarrlent AfirrAL. air lastly relebrated for the reduc tion of friction in rudebitter. The Coxes and Co ml..- tatuut van be hod of hint a• nil tone.. bort.tv Vaal- EIcCULL. a ea.' Co. — IMITATION CROWN GLASS. unviriq recently epode very oupormat improve- Ai menu. to the tranulactre o ths above artir.l, and ouloNn ' sielatest improted east.rn wheel oven for flat mow,. ore are now prepared m furnish an oriel, of Win dow Islam, equaL d not ruperior, to any Cylinder Claes made in the Untied States. and but little inferior to Pm Enclish , - -- We .0 tr Iy, ellertrVele 01.1gagell in 11, Inn r o,ry. oioloVr ond f)nn,,,..1-• I' Id BD WO of ee..ry de.e . rl,:und, 11,1 k s 10.1101,1 , ) invited to call a: I viattene fortliriowlVe-. al our house. No. Wood street. Ilittebutallt oral kW7W - K 15T.1.0 Et NandPITTSGH :STEAM AR111.4: WOi4l4S, No.. 040 Liberty sows, was ins Can. IAY Son hood and mode in order. a huge cone. .tl. ty of Marble Mantels. Pier, Conne Tubes. and loteut Tups,Tokoh*oitea. Monument. 40 : which. wing male of the cloncest monde. and it.auk:;to mind wing ho wry. will he 'old low for • ash N. 11. retinas wishing to clue Alamein. me informed slia4it Is hence lorth unnecessary bin them en 00 East, as 1 con futninh them with an arprie respects as good, ottillfreight, insurance. o.e, causider. ed.) as cheap is they can %such:tee them tor in the Fa. Call ond see..intat CUPPEIN, SUSST 1 5 4011, AND TIS WARP: AILNUVAISIIIRY , No 8 Market MTV.. Pittsburgh, Venom • r i ti ? " :l:7::Tit i tTU r i ‘ tio h roll:rr " AtC L lN T4P"..4=l:, renpessfully tavne prem. building Steamboats tp eats aod lanolin brford purchasing, an we can supply them with Deck Stoves. Forges, and every other 1.14 Of Copp, Tin and Sheet Iron woq necessary to furnish. int is Steam boat. Wn also mole so Order on.the shortest none,: Sal Tubes and Chamber: . Copper work for :Rem Engines stuJ runty variety of work tto our lion islo sIIRRIFF t SIIIIIK BENNETT & BROTHER, '44PERNSW ARE hi AN.UFACTUREIiS. Plttsblerstlt,i Pfk. riarchotoc Ao. 137. Wood atrere.'eafab.rgh. ‘v keep on hoed a good noon-. tnrin or Wore, of our own mattinacture and I. Yr I Luiqualio. Wholesale and coontry'Met . t clionso ore 'eventfully invited to call and el amine for thetosclues. as we ore' determined to sell oneupar than hos ever before been offered - to the pub. iie. 0- I entry. •ern i bi mail, acetiniamnied bT the each or .oleocam pre a cioneav 'wended tn. fete. &cm elitoveitc'aiicile .Ica trortt Itttortaltir; tors. , • GRIFFITHS & HA VlNti commenced the ammo - amnia of :Vatic., Plioacln, Day and 'Manure Forks. Ag. on an eaten si scale. are paltered to all orders Mr .14n arti. ci ve es at Eatterit Forma concesitette r their ca•nomers and den le, 6 11l /metes. they have appointed 6corge. rochran, 01111MIM1011 hlorchant. Na ati Wood went. their Agent an the Pale of the...manufacture-. All order , uddreva. ed to hire will receive prompt attention, on the 'nomad entonerna , a-rm.. uturFrnmi 4. DI XON. Mranh. tile areal %Valera Butt Binge Manufactory, GINGINNATI,O. t , l\ GARDNER A. •o. 1 . wvoild taint. Ihey tire 1;ow ttlautteartotitig, the 4,1 Butt 'lite,: ever tomb . tit the United Stale, At this Oka rind hustnexit we ittleml•rod nut romplett, lir ele out pa...lily he. mill, Thu, rooted/11th MO, we dunk. witl find lll to tee Out Hutt, All ot.let• Itromptiy vitt mkt' t.leN o. . ml 5 A GARDNER A C...ter,of ttl; malt op, COTTON •IsA WOOLLMN MACHINERY E are 'now onlarg. tEenr Oatenynn,wat afar no make all bamds n."4.21an a n lWoollen Machu,. ry.. the most rearonal. lets.. "..""""' I.seart gruel, All. ghetly City' N H —ll %% ho hn. psnrn, ver porlant itsprovemr..- on thr entd, awl whn hag !lir er t sg..rml (Mill , 13. h.trryi sear. 10 •Nome DI lie nu errn•re f11Ver...1.0, COI/0111'001.M,, of ilte - w1. 4 will pvi.lls• per4s. l atictoton puHolg tsp. Wale gs otneuns or Ow.. rose,mcd. mar htikr• ogule IA lb eri..6lmtinactit. - I`liinketi VOUNG, 11131SihIN a PI.VNICETT. rl.l fel' GLAS , MANI: venilanird equal in tiny in the country. All coder, vAlfertiVe prompt anoint. and filled on Nbirelintitii and tinier. the city are in • - weal' twin , snarlia•rne 114,11 LIPPIVOT'r RIOS WORKS. llli VS and Non, fur on.. at war now Wtiroltouft:, No. Si %Valor .m.e1.0.11 ruo. lung id Front. Alts, meal at din old cland, Socc. 'Ahem inset. Ilmatnonade goyim addition , ' to, the Holllng Mill, all order , can be filled promptly. GRAFF. LINDSAY a ni BIRMINGHAM TACK FACTORY. CAMPBELL & CHESS. NC'., RC MOO or FlNi sn lrlNan G Nand AILS. CoMpper AW lIV TaAcLk.,l SHAMA IRON AND. COPPER 8110 E NAILS, pattern Makrre Minh, of every description. Nro. Fn. Howl. Tadd ntrnea. • "Piet ebtergthe POTSI.II.IIDIII STSF.L WORKS AilisPitlNEt AND AXI.I Fneruar. uuc rota. • - faun da1..., JONES k QUM% *i• " lk ANUFAC l'U HEIDI of Spties. and Blialer •91,01, M Innnah a tent, Steel Plough Wittee. Coach. and Spring!. I Ilan tnnved-lont A ling. and kaki , . in. Carnnd.. and Coat+ Tt igen:Ling, teaadidly corner of Roan and Front slrent4,Tittabargh, 1n1.23 ch.T.aaven Tr; so now rcceiving s large and eatemsve aershrlatem or Mara Trimmings of lawn elytes—allalng Petlit It •re serious an that have never .trek ,irept ere— whnelo theylmrrehused for cash Cram the' Eastern Maas. . fecutscre. sod. WC 146. sell calory tia• TlJll ha✓rte Neve York or Phdalk pale. ,They stististd rgritrksllY , u rtirr the allentiottaVripmrytOon • • a¢td•"on JUNES as QR WO, for Ros..t ist ots 'IIQ I ,I I ELS • FOUNTAIN HOTEL. • , .LIGHT OTREET. BALTIMORE, FOGG THURSTON, PrOprieldn.. M .o ng hay recentiV undergone very e one of premoaiop xtemive alteration. end eleftentrentees. - tt maize new wing has been-dded. enntainitig numerous and airy 'Jeering um rune nip and • emeisive hatehrg ennui, -•- ' The Ladies' depralmnnt ore:mined and fitted up I .vt m omentique a beautiful style— In fact the whom arrant or the Roma hos been remodeled, with a sinele.eye on the part of the proprietors montnlsilhe errmlart end pleninir t r of tee Gomm, m ead which they confidently, char lenaciecnaron with ab be yllol in the Unon. . - Their Ohio wit always : snpptird wait everyauli, a t and t o which Mortar/et afford. , n Vt erved 14 in n of style,WhUe - in the way.of they will not he surpassed. —y; Ineonalunten the prolitietor. bee nt n0t...1g will be left undone on their yiet,optl un thispattathei ...emit., to render Allis HMO wont! the continued patronnge ortheir friend , and the yeehlie generally: , The prices for board have alto been redneed Id the fa in raw.—' • LLaadd Ordin.Tl 1 1 1.. "y' Vientierneu." - • ISO • N.o—The Begeaye Women of the Hamm will al. ways Mund 'et the Car and Steamboat Landing', I which will convey bag/.se b and fond the Ilmeit free I - or charge ' • mylltf KARL isTREXT 11011111e4.ClneleSetwAlls VOID—The webilerlbers 'hurt tigparchsetl Use et, Me interest of illtrunson. late of this well known estriblitshrnenl.beg leave to rime to their friends and the, public generally, Ail! , they bits , token. woo m onceadtoas lintel far 'tents of years end will exert their best energies to make it a desrtnlitrt h.. , fur To,- ellero and City Boxrdero. Tit, 'tot,' to simaions and ndmirnitly planted for con venience, light onil 'att . , laving a number of parlors in:Pooling chambers, presenting 11101.0111 4111.11.0. fm The present proprietors has InPharl the e pernmee of yenro In cilia city and elsewhere,ltoptithey lienhle to give general setisfaction bents deretteinell to Rise unclivtded nnenneln - 10 the house aione. The location ot the to Street Clouse causteol-oconly eligthlo. having Iron, oyenil. %Velem Alai Third Me, wt that it cyunicy dr...mettle View of the convent. .ett re of beeegres terror renrent,li fia pt team boarders. It Is liens Icy. the Hatilts; Ow Port Otisee, the Mniesole Odd Fellows Oath mid Inn onesquare distant from Main street and two squares from the City NV half. the. otrestog the greatest intlacemen,,roPeeitilly to canary merettan, and genewilly tont] persons vlsiting Cittrin• natl. 3111 IN NO111.1: JOAN A PURI.F: mirrstEns itoosz, Formerly Fuller': Rotel, Washiligtoo, C. C. JOllld llAidlbk . T hce.ll7ll uunof ',crows visiting .he Capitol, whether no /de li- mure or Moine., to his new ly dpenedestablishment -MIIIIIIIOO which has been finetkup in a mile at comfort mid eleguneti ancurouned •by any other lloiel in the city. It is situated at the weateni end of Pennsylvania Avenue, and in the immediate v.cinity of din amino. Departments of Govmnment and the Previdenis Gomm Ills table will always besapplied with all the COM. flawand Ju Mi stine , to be found in the maraelaMmri tin expense orrings will he spared Mrender the Mansion race no annwtive resident . ° to all who may sect fit to honor it wink their paironnge• ,- The Myriam would partmulsay emit hot attentiontho Officer.. (the Annycind Navy Loh'. lintel, to whom , ii hat ever been ajavorac platen( report. • ' ' •N LI renews Magus in ntitteanee.oo.the arrival ofyye ear.. to convey basgage (mei/charge. • myttf - ADABIIVIIOLISE. , BOSTON. t ie nee, and splendtd estabholonenhereeted daring" 1 cite past scason, i" now 'pen foe the reception of transient and perponent bonnier... Toe itranntid for meteor ott and.firrief.oe aceouurtoda• t ions for the tworelltet nubile, pot:voted to the preprint.' eo tw the plan of ererting otel, w forapletator and ns. be enixallca o the Unto. Anal, while he ha" 'paled neither pains not eXperwe in the_ rotatnnraut tit hhts d[e.rable abject: bereaves the priblie to liCrilir hew far he has succeeded. , • This 1100. e. contain. 151.1 apartatenta. eonvententer "twinned in sinter tort single morns. The Canute re IVIA a:I null; to ordt r di particular attention inutility' and ...written.... as w ell car st) In tutd.rplers,or. All the matter:l insentiont hate bees, made subservient to the travelhdh• caw and conttom'auli an experience of rat year. NW enabled the prop . sietor •to introdnee many smut oh cow nto which, filet, are pecaliat lo dos Iron.. I .Dented on the principal latch. within thte , 'thiitt t,er walk of the greet Youtbern and Western railroad de• pots. end the business section of ine ettyohisestahlish• nient totrunends itself to alte patronage otthe Intones. and pleattutetrarel. .: , L ..oLDAIMS • Ito-nos, Jone.ISIL • ,• •t• letsiend3dl EUTAW lIOUSE, Corner of Baltimore unit Eutaw Streets, BALTIMORE. lIENRY inct;:ox..nonuigrott.• 41113 opleudid and spacious Itoirt, o.odl situated lot Idol. 11,0101 4 4 and pl. asurcTracrileto, sc ao eon ivied auto canning of the herr Ilatele ch go.gio and ivo,ldat Cho on 40‘ ono: no.niqnento ate a. nleserved or the accuturrindaliun or ,tarisient gurOnl, nod inzollion 10010 g Inc city dill lied the OkiAw iloFee a Horne, The location by no Bolel in the Union " The location e'evalgO and condition. , and is liOo oo‘turent lo Derail and - the I.andOign. 01. Whiell the end Por,er• 01 Tiro Mese are at Oil limes= scaluog to convey peroeuge otpl Ilia baggage, free ge e 'lnlet I. ~,llcminJonli - - u per day. o piterr i no COLO:NU. • • Cliaries Street, between .ti4rli.l aua Lomtiard •, SI - Itollttisores• A . ,. sabre saws haviag . taisest the Above estato lishinent, at t . , the service' to the citizens sad pantie renerally. ' Is soncenientlyeiluated at 'a —lain the t:1 4 :11 ' 1 ' 1 fi nhs ' l l or s;e 3 its% n e d l 4il p . d m thet, the bonnet cde esti/those visiting the city, As eolivelileoess and sortdosts as the other principal is i•n, Cvnli!ttri .11 p,..11,ac 41.1).: nod w,ci i...oreit Ito ihe palate 11,`,1111sy ol AP r, 1,47 The' pmptiet u'lnters lhat his utireithilthgeffurs to please, wilt-secore to [dal a .'tortwit of-the public pathonieko, modem as well as , •• W W Lyle of th 4 fins of Da to Fogg m16110(11 Arnl . GALT 11011 SIS, t • ••I Corner 211•1111, and tklxtlidSlll. • VMS waiting/mini la now In the besinnler for the ccectriind of the ' lining under; Pine' t th ereetth retwir, during • the put winter, and having the MOM experienced men in th e west, in • vas departments. 1 antler mycelf that all ',c at ' t ion who call. The Incawin Is eentl.l.ooniareadiOlie und idenpant. Fare St pude): •••••• - Much taitcSti • W . t; MAIM . N. S.—Although not ex a ctly ned , ' Brawn, It Is the .nme—a new Whet on the old•hendlit. : anxtf HARTWELL'S WASHINGTON - 110IIIIIL Chrintit Streit, Nhi~ a dclpWa. war^ :x.7lts well also,va entalitithraeor haat recently,Weer great y.enlarged, and vehly atalspsti'y awaisbed -Isla -great the most fashionable poet of Chemtut 'Arent, and' in the anniediate v einite of the' politic place• of amusement •Thepropnetor, grateful feriae eery Übe.; rat patronage heretofore lieetewedt W. lll f/ l lff' n ' ll4 ` l " . to render hat toruss, every way agreeable. to his guests and %%vilify of their continued ...Mow , ' .tord l • ll ta.ehtf _ - TIIIROCK.gIOIITOII.II ' GALT HOGS Yd, , ftltj. l l l ll R 0 Cl:ft' LI HT UN ergs to acquant his 41: friends that he' is 'aorta lessee of the. CAI T It 11 et 11, Louisville. KY...hen . he hopes in meet all his old friends, ariorml them and the pahlie.that no eiron lilt spared to wake 9 F.osilfortartir who favor h. wilt their riiron2ge. jant Idly • .• AIISCELLIIN'EOUS. ORTON DIODE OF , 110 1- 0s It. o.l)tatar.orloa h b i a c s A , b a o rr n ee d and qkliftled n bon,no,s Alle• :esf fully nood in Boston. New York a.c , nod wherever. ipplted. r coo nod the - decide d'prferestec inner , , tooen, Footmen , . &e. Ito 'no/vantage. arc— • 1.1. Grew recullthy, of Tentprrottor. Putt. Frerdont from . rornolte , • :ha No ottplenoont - Dolneoo Oda. Looity upended to, nod not habto to got nut of lode, :oh I:Vent 1111.1Olity: .1 • .• Altolet toprethention may be en nod Ilienp. enrol Ol.lalllcd .21 iht • f.lpref AI rr. Tttnviue l:_tetury Of W 150 tlres..Woonl attl. l / 1 1rLoot eta Llll.. JOHN S. ell PPIAZIo. CIF 1181,r1NiDID".. Ihr 00111.0loPho' nen:tug 0.../ Ithnottortuotcd 10 Ite.N.Or .11,01 permanent . two ehy Ile Atteretore prole...ad oetoieen lo the ado, itod teoprett.ll, .abut. a +bole of p.ototmgo. Pat oeoltor wren to t h.oaoro.peettliJr tr, 3a.fe o ht ii idren. Plot , . Fantod chow'. Nrn.cr.at c:- 11. %vat,. u.ky,- Dr II AlDocitren, - 'rem sho;ll,firld .toect.. oppoo. NlerrhanD lintel hlonotirlholo Donoe. 1 0 1111 , 1 PHI.: mil...ctn.' , fin. jto, rcurlsed tram the newt c.,1 Cvf pt Or', Unqe.l:+l.ll , , a romp:c.c. stoner:wren vol Fier Wore, wh , rte he wit , te lenJe or Me' tritroiraWe tem*. Thi coo , : 4 :maple., 1.1.1 Whrel, Ctri.rer.nea•ahoripr. illue I.lolr. lirefgabeß •Iforke. INdy‘m. Itoinme CJirl or, 'l'6:m4 , k Lim Craukert,nowerrole Mior, hr.. hr. o:deri fe6,:a el, cur..) . pe!eleertly JOliN snatcavr a C No, tri sod HI Front MI, 41“...•-I'iowaritn. lull IW.Fa- Ay, vise, ilte Imre limplovril on. trios :sod . wilt...wed ',goal to tiov Also, Cosilor, finisliril if toiler:Al. I;os I. t. n,. rill ;t 11111 l oi teo.ospir trims • • . onion/ no. N. 11.-1.( 100 I.u.lir I •11 ineall ti.ound Nut, , lla It Itt'SSIEIL. South ‘Vlnnvox 1,141,1e;p1i-u..lus.r 1... ..t. - • II la `1: iqt:AYA klt EIV - ii: -. 43. - airizi.iaiii rAcKm AND •STAI:I , .I±. ‘ - a.g. • IS [V mood. CAN A I.l.n,iii-ITS TI-ll.Elitt.Pll Ii zlW.it lA:9 W .' 9 ,lork. r.:1111et-llir , a mit i.I ii( u i eiitentot.iio 1:1-: A Vial. firat ritt,urgti, aiiil arikrt, iit•Wurreit next Itioriiiiig In - tea irirl fur ihe ~,„ 0 ., ,k,.1, ~,t - b Cl, , ttand innnrn incin- i', , - ! • 1 i•,• , .. , nc.r. will I,i! ii.,11 , 1 , ili h. ...wing Leila un% w.: racket.. iii,il ee•it. in lb , Nage, qn isilpliO3 . ll.otl tin Want Al1,0131)01. Bea. r, Lietiviiig L l:ituli , fgh. as,l); tiVock, •. /4 lor le the ogt noir . • - •• , ~ I: iii. Ili% Fr/ ON k. notlmbnikli. CI.A lila:a-Co, Llenvec. • , • . . irs.4: frA 1.1)W IN. 1, qurignunlm In II TA Num, Watren • ' - . , ". • • MO 17 Market elmet„ ;4'4.w keeti.jinK' hie spring IN,oek ~,, !Itiug.lianlvrarr , $ eon•,bLetiog (0: km.l— 1. 4 Japootoell Wore, 1'a1511.11 and Aoleriqmi 4 tas do' • •• do, ex•ks Flnglteh Tuned ezqcepanCi - I ,10 ltyal Paw I ca.zg To o)nat.,l Woiterc I d.. • l'amnoile:l .AV are; I do, erzt.rd Warr: I cask Ce.5707t I Erie Ilaizmanrd Copper; 30 Copp , 1500 lb. /im re am Wi; •to t..z1"... i4.lz; JOON. nIL,NLA P, 1116Iet app _ cotes thit &obese. • In - .etoluttitatingly ration.. •in be ! hat it rant re—the.best article, witnout any teMane, 0 , t , o . ke he testantdon rettlesiion of we h.= ham 'We know of ontheroat itattnete educe bate du been restored to brads I.,‘,bua ko . r ang and we thbtk Wd cannot da under iv. than to r reommal no nur ed. u , hair, to eke a teal of thisSonicittunedistely Datoet Natl. For =Wm Attaboegh 0 the - Plotkin Tee Swot No 11 Fourth stmt. near Woo* . - ' ‘1,41 Zlllllll DIAMOINDII-40t tecoired and c e le, • full aeartatent. of wt l'ate ict'• Pantondt, at the Dre J warrekooe•of tr. l 6 , KIDS) & C(1,60 wood it N. YORK ADVERTISEM FOB 1100FIIIII,..WINDOW 9 , 11g,4..,• , it. is beg lai r the attention alit those - 1 inmrested in roofing, of theicatAl.VANlZtil) TI • • .. PLAT&s, arid us the many . advantages which MGT- po.l.olllloire all MEMO! and other substances hitherto •g, used for this porgweenpomessiog ts they do;theareogth • • ~. road lights's...of troll without rto handily to InatateriNg been retied reverelj eel s, both to thil . mtioruary,a , in o Europe..eThey'. are. also less satires uselpsmilong and - taint action froofsudden changes of tkeLmologatteren than common Ttn Plate, Iron,Zinconfic ot.fill , lo l ..V'A' metal now used far MAIM. and comer...UV Mr= flinch better and tighter roo4 requirinti ST keel ikelleellt - _.•. repair, whilst the firm cost is hat ato fie more. - • Me subscribers would also call the anestuon of all. ',Jesters and workers in Melee, 10 rite man) , pesos to which Iron thus protected, can la applied.— In general terms it is apPlicablo to„ all armies of iron winch iris desirable to ptoteet from the action of. the attranaphire. And they would rapsentll i r call . the at- • . 'cation of those i nterwited its TELEURA 111C1.11111M- • to Melt Gal vanized‘V ire. which is now almost. entire ly used in Europe. and Wiach answers attry - = sin redactor of eh:ow - icon e - wsttult absslattme • • kali as math as copper, and posscssiog moral darabili7 , llariagl.italy erected works)n ibis city fauna ,„,,,,ornfrolizie4pfs, spikes, bolts. ortre.atc.; they will be ahle to fame. y article whicb maybe dems . ; teal. ft supply oft' es iontaafactured In ltiorime g lN::>'. ,. . aalandy s"‘ rinTailicrliWX4Co ' 'Nos. 14 and 10 Beaverstr;,UWlro/1111L,... ' The Pstent Right this article has beim for the I. angled States a• for wel Ima real Britain. had other . •-t European countries, aad all gammors will to ken to . preveot any infringement by importatiok orotb. ,- erwiso. PRINTS ONLY,SPRINIi STYLES. 1817. LEE 41 . iIitZW7STER , • • •.• Pro. 444-Ceds4ll4reet, Elltw .Y441.k.; FAI Imre to inform Drab. ta Dry hood.. War they km Lb'received, and am bow mbibilimpat WARELIOI.IBR. iiNCLUSIVELN far Printevf Cktkiej,lloo CAILEtt o ; 'comprising all the Mow prlsiii arlridak French and Citurvicia iblattobonori mbieh, i. ADDITION to their vocal Man i !ebbe. theii movollant ultltio *MI beautiful avid attractive I. 14.64- RIBA bre* jot wr pat chavettbietCASll AND SHORT CREDIT.ovra oitiml by rho piece orsockne motta,lenos. at mod Irlow 10311•1%. facturetrpnets. - Crankpin °Cruces (oirre3bul an plaimrin• baistii of buyers. ParrhaverOwill inform lbotamlimrof thc Vashibr the our bet, sad be well nritlitir el/111i1liti91, !trio . iftbards. L. k. B. have *Oar adravitagen for rucutiog ' pant. rots i, voLicli ermoctfolly solicited. • • . LIC.2r sar.wsrEn; 44 Cedar 812,;.4. - Drag Warelbolue. ••'• - • IN TILE CITY OW -NNW. YOKS.,( ID A. kaki N F••eFtNIK ZelSo.; No .L., :zi ceer York, oiler loaf sale o !ergo and Vewera E atom eat of Prep and Medicine.,, Dye -Stars - Taints rid Oils - ofevery description; which thy , are prepared and dew:waived to sell .Country Merchants and thesugists are : requested, ~ :._; to rs, call and examine their article.. Ordeezettatid• -- , , -- .• • ... .• with faithledness mad despatch.. R. A.Slotiltesteck's Vertniluec constantl) h tin hand. , • . , • U. L. Vahatestock. , Pittstlarsh;.' • i • 4 A. - 11: Hall, New York, a • r& _ • PAKER WAREHOUSE., o.uw.Ltego nws , Task;, - •.- :. i WRVS, W. FIELD offers,For sale: at the lowest • • blanafscutrers• prices, a very extenstve asson-_ - nano of PAPER: lomprising every possible satiety. •' adapted tektite wants of Consommes to all sections of tie country. Pripet , of all kinds made to order at shed na ac week of PRINTING PA ER mu:sally lawn aprtof wb let, is ef Valy_sop nor eosin), _ • - PAPER Rt RIATZIZIALS ,••• . of asery descoptiou, traocitts4l had kept constantly on has Felting. Wee Cloth, Fourdrinier ll:caching Powder, Blue Illtramaripe,Twine, to: . • . RAGS.. _ Canress.Bale Rope, Grass Rape, Ilayiing, patritnoal, roc which, tt kigbestpricrun rb.sh Patti • • lreir New Work JAvAlltia._ 2 I U - It ANf CIE! . _ Indentualty against Lou sa Deinssigra _Till: MUTUAL PRINCIPLE COMBINED. With the nthlitional security of a Sunk •• The Reliance Muluat.insurance Co., of rheYd - CHARTER PERPETUAL. ." . • • . DIRECTORS. George W. Tema, John M:AtwOod, - • • - _ Thomas C. itockhil, Lewis IL.Astikarsty. . Wm. litlhompson, George N. Baker, : amuse AL Stroud, • • John J. Vawlerkemp, • George W. Carpenter. • 1 - 47 ILL make interalte - 11.040t. Lou or Damage T by Fire, in PITTSOUVCII. pad IliCifitr, OP • Baum's, Stores and other Buildings, and on Font -• • ture, thirds. Wares and Merchandise, on the most'', The MutualPrinCiple, combined will a hock Capital; and theotherprorisionaol -the Cisliktireeir this Company. hold oat notterial)Adneelowlll4,llol - and Safety, to these desirous or *aging I insomnce . ,towhich the Company nab the olte ~ , `and esammation of thane interested. Those effecting Insurance with this ' itsve,bosidm the use* tiratection against Itied;by she ordina y method wp - losataitee,'me:ndilitiortal.... - advantageof a direct participation in - the pr sfits,ol; - . : the Company, witAoutany ombiEly. IiFA)RGE W. 'POLAND, .Prenidesit..:: B.M. iIIOCUMAS, Beerctary. • • I • . The subieribey, who is the dely.astioriaedAteit t or the above nattled Coo:Tiny. is-prepared to make , :insurante, 'at. the lithee of the Agerney,lctle' Sr. Cho lei Ilote*.Third it...third iloor.from Wood itteht, and will give all further ilif.ttriattoa desired : l,allodll.' ouN vtisarsr.x, J R., DELAWARE ,MUTUAL saregy or rau.dett. FIRC RISKS upon buildings hod merchandise of every desenption, end lot AltllllF. RISKS upon hulls or cargoea of sestets, taken upon - the 3,' rebid favorable terms. p:r thrice m the Warehouse of W. B. figOletee A. Bro. No, 37 Water, near Market etreett4o l ! - ;4111;# b ,rd D. The successor Wu Company same die estab.. ;- : hslueent o . the Agency lo tins coy,. iththernimpeneu and ideraldir witl, which carry claim upon sherd for 1 loss has been adjusted. testy warrant tha agent la 1. , clung the confidence and roaronaga of his friends and ike aolinnanny u'large to the Dammam DL•&MA. ratite Company, . while ofitins the add tunnel adVarnalfc• no an• instituuon among toe moat fiondsktvg in th em—as hawing an ample paid to capita!, which • by the operatiOnontsehattenseonstaqtlytacteaalitt - as yielding latest!' versed Inured his due share` et , thu profit. of the cot:toady vtathont aerolvieg him • in any responsihaltly whatever; and therplure u r " pomade& Inc Mutual principle oltrefted, , 6l creeps obnoxious leature, sal nails maat attractive form. -• • NA I TION L AL AND NIA° tNntIKANCE' r~q • Pa S re7l:llt k riZglaVel i r l Make illantalien of ever) kind e cannati e lail with ht7 tisk. r of transportation and taland navigation •to inside tipsiest ' or damage 14 fire, Dwellmg lhaes, Warehouses. Buildings in general, (foods, Wawa, Mehandme, and Leal y description of persotad property s othe most favorable lama Applications kw Insurance attended to caldron° delaY • I St oir'er r'"3 YPTI I IVIVfit 11 A RBA UOll A - 't. AT an Election held at the Warr e to N. Y. May UM, the fallosanginatand gentlemen worn ebtreen OireciOra • of this tbrytaay 4. fo , r . lll , e , ensuing befoil • • _ • John Brow/rev. Jaen ideChatn, W ilham %Vara, William W.Campbell, John Newhouse, Jacob Bihar, • ts °lover% Nereus ttproig, Johu Joseph P. tAie r _l And et a subsequent meeting of the Board, JOSEPIL„.„ W , leas unanimously re-elected Pre. nivel ion the cern tag ) ear. Vt'sn.JA BUG°B, , Joanat copy Seereraey. FIRE AND MARINE iNSUItANCE. railit: Insurance 'Company or tNortbAidenc2„, , ,,,,..;, • 1 through iu duly atithonsed Agent, the intbneri, ' .berllem TO make perman - al: and limited Insure;.ti once on property, in• this. city did Its vicinity; ate „:-,, on shipments by the Canal and Itixtrt.. • -,„., DlltEerowts: • • -". John C. Smith heel:, Samuel Brmakiii • Rtes. Henry, , • CharleiTaylor s ,:-...• x‘anal. W. Juere, SaintV. niutb, •••• - tail. ard Smith, Ambrode . Whitep : !-- John 'A. Brown, Jacob Al. Thome, Jolio-White, • . John 'rhos. E. Cope, - Richard. Wooigr • Wm. Welsh, . Artinuaitoan,See,..l;. • 'llia iti-ther oldest Inzuradeb Company in the . United States, haring-been chartered in 1794,116C7' charter is perpetual,• and from its. high! lone tskrietet," ample limns, and arinclid 411 . r.stuioV an extra ha:canto - di tharitter, VO. • be''. conidere'd ooering ample secant/ to.the it; . . „ • tIcISES TW.OO -• . At Cutting Itoom.or Water and Front stretta.YittabuTiVr : 10%4 ,• .; • -... , , INO E M NITY''l ' '-' --- ! ' Ag Int LoaAby.Fr,e-rTha FRANKLIN:Fire inia-••-•: , , , •••• ra•kr• Company of Vallailabihia, . ,' W IS.I. onto Insurance, Fiefmancnt and Ilniitedi .."' ,' V V bn ovary dm/violas' nfyroperty, in PITTS 4 , -11URRIEI and t h e SURROLIAMINU COUNTRY... on favorable Comm l'hia company has a Fielltaal' 4 iCAPITAL'' - _ /3 4 MA paid !!., -, CONTINUENT FUN Di. • . '..i . . : SSOO,CCO ONce comor or ThNI and Mutat 484 V ittib'illi , , v:,.._ff . : WARRICK MARTIN,Aseatr.,-: • INSURANCE. .1. _.•-• .Aoltielll2i WU sui* I aaaaa • aeimilasy p.: PUILAUh.LPIII Cmorr riarrnm.b. COMAL WI saN= Office in Philadelphia, Na. 72 14ahsut 'Abed. WM. DAVIDSON nymusx. Nutty, Seer, . , i 1 ,1115 oyl 140 Irell-otpblohed Company postmen so Insare IbmTdlngs,lsl.o.andise,Fimutuni gualprop ny notaartextralignudoua ebtr+olc,. unl Hoe , A g i L l' itll . 74ll:::e " cevt, io auflltt ni til i en s4 e 4w o: Twrpetaally or for ifl tena i s by .10.12 Ato m. . No 77 .CANAIIi STREFITLNBAIRLO;ASIS. • ' A GENTS fur J B Solnal. F.llat - ty,e Stems Suter .. Refinery. Al•ria not larndia large MAY of Loot Powdered, ..No.hed.,Cliplee4 and BaSard Tinier AlMAirehibrai Prierx e. Mal • fag adoranlecsiadalitkell.lalleih? , of. or abov SO barrel*. -, I ATITICp—s .fiitaterowTaavler laNßlTitr T , - - v , 04 TF , aWAal , sitsatical.teraPPlasairSdai ; i non. ma undenign,d. „.• :-.F Hs ao so., veva recommendations as so ekassetei • &a. .Is 4 • _ENGLISH do BENNET;