The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, July 08, 1847, Image 4

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    While her parents bred, thei;bitlieir
watchful care and' tinwearying aorta, in
'some measure controlled this sad ,pro-
penalty ; but when they died, their
stricken child became a Wanderer, home.
less, friendless, and forlorn. ' •
Through laughing-springs 'lend rosy
summers, and golden autumns and tem.
pesmous winters, it iris tramp, [ramp:
tramp—no „rest for her of the crushed
heart. and the crazed brain*.
. - . .
1 remember. her. as ,she was in my
early childhood, toward the last of her
weary pilgrimage. 'As my father and
my elder!brothers were frequently ab
sent; and is my mother never cloned her
heart Or - her door .on the unfortunate,
"Crazy Lucy" often apent an hour or ,
two by our fireside. Her appearance
was very singular. Her gO.lll was al
ways patched with many colors, and her
shawl, or mantle, worn and torn, until it
was all open-work and fringe. The re.
minder of her miserable wardrobe she
carried in a bundle, on her arm, and ;
sometimes she bad a number of parcels 1
of old rage, dried herbs, &c. ~'
In the season of flowers, her`; tattered
bonnet, was profusely decorated .witit' , '
those which she .gathered tt, the wood;1
or by the wayside. Her love for these ,
and her sweet voice were all that were I
left her of the bloom and music of ex- i
istence. Yet no--her meek and child
like piety still lingered. Her God had
not iorsaken her; down into the dint i
chaos of her spirit, the smile of His love
yet gleamed faintly—in the waste gar
,den el her heart she still heard His
voic at even-tide, and site was not
"afr id." Her Bible went with her ev
ery here.--a torn and soiled volume, bto.
m is
MS holy 'still, and it ay be dearly'
c ri z
wished; my reader, as the gorgeous
copy now lying on your table, bound ni
"purple' and in gold," and with the gild
ing untarnished upon its delicate leases.
I remember to have heard my mother
relate a touching little incident connect
ed with one of Lucy's brief visits to on.
The poor creature once laid Jier hand
on the curly heol of one of my brothers.
and asked of iiitu his name. "William
Edwin," he replied, with a. timid, upward
glance. She caught away her hand, and
sighing heavily, said, as though thinking
aloud, "I knew an Edwin once, and he
made ore broken-hearted.."
This Was the only hist:nice in which
she was ever known to revert to the sad
event which had desolated her life.
• Thirty years from the time of the
commencement of this mournful history,
on a bleak autumnal evening, a roof&
country wagon drove Mot the village of
C—. It stopped at the almshousti
an attenuated furor was lifted out, and
the wagim rumbled away. Thus mas
Lucy Dutton brought to her native town to
She bad been in a decline fur several
months, and the miraculous strength
which had so lung sustained her in In r
weary wanderings, at last forsook her ut
terly. Her sister had died some time
before, and the widowed husband had
soon after removed with his family to the
far west: so Lacy had no friends, te,
home but the almshouse.
. But.they were very kind to her there.
The matron, a title woman, whose heart
even the hourly contemplation of human
misery could not harden, gave herself
with unweirying devotion to the care of
the quiet sufferer. With the eye of
e Christian faith she watched the shattered
bark of that life, as borne adown the tide
of time it neared the great deep or mei
nity, with ari interest`as intense as thought
it were a royal galley.
One day, about a week from the trine
of her arrival, Lucy appeared to suffer
greatly, and those about her .looked for
her' rel6asa almost impatiently ; but at
night she was evidently better. and. for
the first time, slept tranquilly until morn
ing. The matron, who was by her bed
side when she awoke, was started by the
clear and earnest gaze which met her
.own—but she smiled. and bade the
lid-"good morning!" I.ucy looked be
wildered, but the voice re-assured her,
and site exclaimed,
"Oh what a long, long night this bas
been !". Then glancing around inquiring
' ly, she added, "Where am I?—and who
are you? Ido Mot know you." ,
A wild surmise flashed across the mind
":' , of the matron—the long lost reason of the
'tarinderer had returned! But the. good
~'.'woman replied calmly and soothingly, ,
"Why, you are among your friends,
" and you will know the presently."
"Then maybe god know Edwin and
rejoined the invalid, "have ; they
come! -Ott, I had such a terrible dream!
I dreamed that they were married
-• think, Ellen married to Edwin
strange that I should dream that."
"My poor Lucy," said the matron, with
a gush of tears, "that was nut a 'dream—
t, • 'matt all true."
"All true!" cried the invalid, "then
Edwin must be undue, and that cannot
be, fur lie loved me—we Inled each nth•
er well, and Ellen i 4 my sister. Let me
see them—l will go to them!"
Sli . uleavered to raise herself, butt
fell bask.. at ting on the pillow.
"Why, what; does this mean ?" said
she, '!what makes me so weak ?"
Just then her eyc fell on her own
hand—that old and withered hand! She
gazed on it in blank amazement. •
"Something is the matter with my
sight," she said, smiling faintly, "fur
my hand looks to me like an old wo
• "And so it is," said the matron, gently,
"and so is mine; and yet we had fair,
plump hands when we were young.—
'Dear Lucy, do you not know met I am
Maria Allen—l was to have been your
bride maid !"
I can ,no more—l will not make the
vain attempt to give in detail all that
mournful revealing—to reduve to inex
pressive words the dread sublimity of
that hopeless sorrow.
- • •To the wretched Lucy, the last thirty
tsars Were all as though they had never
been. Of not a scene, not an incident,
had she the slightest remembrance, since
the night when the recreant lover mid
the traitorous sister stood before her,
and made their terrible announcement.
The kind matron paused frequently. in
the sad• narrative of her poor friend's
imadnesa and wanderings, but the invalid
l would say with fearful calmness, "go on,
' r go on," though the beaded drops of agony
!stood thick upon her fOrehead.
!When she asked for her sister, the
matrona replied:
l "She has gone before you, and your
irather also."
'And irty' mother,'" said Lucy, her
-face lit with a sickly lay of hope.
1, "Your mother has been dead for sti,n,
y years."
. • , Dead !, All gone! Alone, cold, dy
~hrtg! 0 God, my cup. or bittorsies.
`ti . Ull!" And she wept aloud.
t Her friend, bending over her, and
mingling tears with hers, s aid affection
'"Our you. know who drank that cup
f.;efore. you."
Lucy looked up with a bewildered rx
ti.!ressiort' and the matron added
it': "The Lord Jesus, you retnenitter
The: mandf. God waseallitd. A-few
'who had known Luny in her earlk days
came also. There was much reveren
tial wmidering and some weeping around
her death-bed. Then roseghe voice of
prayer. At first hei lips moved, as her
weak spirit joined hi that fervent appeal
—then they grew still, and poor Lucy
was dead ( —dead in her gray-haired
youth !
But those who gazed upon that placid
face, and rememberdd her harmless life
and patient suffering, doubted not that
the morn of an eternal day had broken
on her Ntotur OF I'U:ll3.—G-olden Rule.
• . ::, ..-Fs., zt ,.. D
a .(..I.AIIIO doo m Al.Al
...r. 4 b clnw
Wood street, towards the
.re ‘ ':L., , mnrket.
g .T. 'WY ~':.. DR. DROWN,
1 ,4.. 4 1 ...„15 . :;,.. .11avig been regularly ed
-4z..i:..t.,,-..,.r.,-m;,. emitted. the medical ptiti
. - ,r,: - ) ' .'1 . :„.;.- . .... ferwloll, and
for 2001 C
' 1 ~.U.' I ... , -, ilk tone en general practice,
...,, .. , now confines his attention
„.. t J. , ( . „ .., to the treatment of those
r'.. V
private and delicate coat
\ \
plant. for which Ins oppor
- . tunnies and experience
perulearig qualify him.
Mew, year. assinuou• , devoted ua the study and
treistment of those pornpl . at., (during which tame he
has halm ute practice and ran /wed more patients than
eatever fall oMe lot of . y private practitioner) am.
p!y qualifies hint to oVt r ns ars... of •Peedi. Pe. ,
nom and wrinfamory i sr. •nall inflicted watrislicass
diseams. and all discuses irising therefrom.
Dr. firown would inform those untie* with ?insets
do ea sea which have Inconteehronic by Innen, agg rove
led by Me use of any of the Lammed, ii0M1(111n$ Or the
day, that their complain. can be rad:lazily mid 'bor.
°uglily cared, he having given his estreful attention to
the treatment of such,caseih and iii.ceciled its hundcede
. of insmnrca in - miring persons of irtilanuMon ill be nect
of the bladder. and kindld-diseases which often reboil
I , fons Eilori, cases where ° e theta have conogned Mem to
hopeless de!potr. lie patticularly moires such as have
Leen ion; and unsuceessfully treated by others to eon
( run him, when every satisfaction wilt Le given them and
I theneases treated in a rougho and Intelligent
manner. pointed out by long exPertene, mod,' and in
•cistisssition. which it is impossible for mow engaged di
`erncrut peen, e of med.rine no gore any one eds., o
ICY Ilernia or Rupture—Ur. Brown Moo invt
perrott.i ittflictot Item.* to rail, a* he bas pull
In.n , rolor .ltetlllo/11/11. &reeve
Skin Direarer; situ Pller, Putsy,te, oper,lily cored
N. 11.— , Y of either .ez torin at IL thrti.nire
by matthg their on wroom.stroog all the xyrupt,
ton, rate otonat inedtem, with 4treetion, 4,r tow.
toldrersoot T. BROWN, M. U. port I.:s I sod cock.-
og ice.
thrtee No. 65 Dumont/ alley - . oPlv.oe the •
ICY Nn eurr,n tur. .1,11
It tour prirc,ple in the inatiegementof thot paper
to notice anything ts,ll.lth WE hod und, from personal of
Veali,Olllllll, to be of minty IO the pubbe. come of Dr.
Jayne , tnedieines we have used Arrow family for many
yews. For itenanee the EXPEAMDRANT, the CAR
MINATIVE,nd VERNIIEUGE. •Arli.eli we know in
be good for the vomplain. they protests tocure. We
were on Late 0.11/M0 the past summer. when several
ni ear trvelling el:Amnions. from having. in Western
:Sew YoJ a k.drank. for miny days, tic Ilmr.taur water
.11121 moon, were badls snorted violent Diur.
rho, and Dysentery. Mr. D. hod provided himself.
to 'enema h, me, with elle CarantilitlVe of Dr
Jayne: . end to all eases °fit. usehve CYO.-
Mr Ir. It was sureessful in eirceting a speedy cure.
The Eirremrant we have known used among our
'it ttttt ate tri o end• will, equalseeress; and we feel that
we shad d good act to (3111111 r• resimmallY those
wiled so they eanuot have.evess to immediate medical
, kill,l to ads...them to keep on hand both the Expect*.
radhand Carminative. The hipectortuti is believed by
goodj . Imam best recipe for Vultao'neiy
Cor.unipnve Complain., that has ever yet been eon,-
pounded The mama° ismr. Jayne is not a tonal, hut
sreg.lar, selentsGe, and le medical practitioner hie,
elf. li.. I.edict., ore used te: the le, phv•ieinus
For sate in Pittsburgh ha the rioas TEA STORK,
Forth CICCI. near Wool, end alto at the Drug S nte
of 11 P Setstranz Fedenal et. Allegheny. jel9d.wT
Washingtem, D. C.
ZENIAS C. ROGILIPAILI. Mechanical F.natucer and
Agent for procuring Putento, rill prepare the ne..
cessarreDraventas and Papers for Applitatils (or Pat
ents. and transact all other `tun
to the line of Ito.
ptorcssion at the Patent Mee. Ile can be consulted
on allnuesuons tePaung to the Pltent Laves and deer
n the United Siate. or Eamon. Pe sans' at
distance daimons of bovine examinations trade at the
Patent (Nice, prior to mating application for • patent,
man forward [post paid. ettektsing a fee of fire donut,
'dear statement of their ease, when onmeatnte anen
t.. vitt i.e given in it and all the 11110 r IllAitoll ta.ts
could be o,Lltttett by it Ilair si tint appiteaul tit pet aonj
promtly te c rs mmunicated.
All p
siness on bu reset Ee pool paid. awl co .n
'able le,. %Isere a mermen opinion la raga:red.
O su ffice on P. strect,opposite the Patent Office.
lie hos the honor of referring, by pernusaion, to
Item. Edmund Burke, Coonnissionct of Patents;
Ilan. II I. Ellassorta. late dm do do.
II Cotoolcs.slnchnisit, Patent Office;
Judge Cranch. Washinalso O C:
!lon It Choate.. • • •••
lion. IV A 1,14. 04M.
linit.l 11 lit.. 11. •
Con. Willi. Call, •
lion. Robert crank. L. ilLooir.
lion P r, u SPenatr.
lien J II Run, II C. !ili.tourn
Pup. II NI Shreve. Missouri:
Pasta s Brook., Eeo.. Pittsliurah. toy
I) 1101 Crsl,4l, will be received al he Office of the
L dames' River mad Kanawha Caaapany.
lirohniond. Va.. nem the 13th July nor, for the e0n
.1,11,100 .1 Mier wine nom. veto-. jam. , River tdo
the lore at dd. company's costal between Lynchburg
and dm mouth of I e North river. The first of ..,d
darns will i. about 31 A high and 400 feet lope, and sr,
URIC ei about 4 mile. above Lynchburg: the secood will
be al.oalll ft high and 500 ft bug, and situated about'
mile. west of Ignebtrunsh : the third will be about I=
It both and 3uo n lane. and ..llllll.'i about 13 miles west
of Lynchburg The foundation of there dame are of
rook, and Me superstristure• wilt be required trs be era
sed okbleh as low water level, denng the prevent sea.
MO. Plat:eat void works may be seen,•nd spec thearama
Obtained. at the Company'. Office in Richmond 01 at
the sidwerilierrs ()Mee an said hoe above Ly
nu .td after the tat of Jaly nest
WALTER Ili VNN, Chief Engim es
Jam.. Rorer h. Kanawha co
Rochmond liith May, IM7. 40,9-3144,440,12
Attorney, COUniellOr and General Agent.
U L. PRA LL. informe hi. friends and the put,
If . lie that he bars commenced the ha.inew of
Agent for eying and selling real eating in this coy, and
will devote a large portion of km time and emenuon to
the leasing. letting and hating of houses. .toter and oth
er buildings; in collecting and dulwntns rentsomadotic
er roams and demands, and in attending to Agency bu
siness generally. /It will alto engage au the sweetie.
1,0 1 1.1 10.04, contracts, etc.. and wail (umiak atothent.e.
information in relation to he paying gelatines and re,
eponsolnlities of tenants, he for which his extensiae
aegnaintancen nem)) qualifies hi= Ile may be Mum!
at hit residence, No 111 Allea Poem. until 91.2 o'cloc
in the morning and alter 6 &clock la the evening, and
at ether taunt'at his odic, No YU INigesbers street, 2nd
Mi , front morn. NEW RORK.
11F.FEILENCES-- , 'on F A Tallmadge, lion John II
Vesitt, Hon John Afogron. Hon 00 , 1 Hanlon. Al ,
demon Eport Demon, Aid. Wm V Brady. flood
Geohn!;!.hoo,ym 1 Room, EMI.
r , 111: gaeutestand beat variety everotered in std. any
before—madeOn the most approved Earitern plana—
nod mom farhionable Earterrioatterna and roams. Alto
or wade weirder of all sizes. and at all prices.
Country Merchants and others are invitee to earl and
ezainine the above for thee:Helves, as all will be Kild
wbol.ale ar retail, and a liberal deduction snade to,
wholeatile parehasers.
WTMORE & %TOUT having removed from th e
corner of Liberty St Clair streets. No 50
Wood towel, three doom and
above St Maiden hotel. would
respectfully ark the attention of buyers to their stock
of II& ROW& Ite:. CUTLERY and SADDLERY, reo'd
e er Onto n uk. Monongahela sod direct
tramMe manufacturer. of Englaud and Germany.
Al.:humph. of American Hardware. from the prim
coral manufacturers of the Elftern State,
rhea mock being entirely new, and purchased upon
the best tens. they feel great confidence in being able
successfully to meet romp... flout any quarter,
whether east or WEAL
The Hardware twfiness will kr continued sit the old
stand. apt
Games, Prevention and Cure of Consurnpuno
Asthma; and ()Imams of the Heart. On the Lairs
of Longevity, and mode of preserving route nod fe
male health, symmetry and beauty; exposing causes
sad core of those disease. that prnduce Consump
tion, or shorten life,. Affections of thoSkin,Spinc,
Stomach, Bowels. Kidneys, Liter, , erofola, Piles,
Gravel, and Female Complaints. Its rule., easy.
practical and pure, MUD a guide to perfect health
and long life. gn Engravings. M. 4 pages. 50 cis.
Postage 94 cf.. By SAMUEL SHELDON
FITIH, A. Al.. M. D., at 707 lIKOAD.W Y, NEB ,
Any person remitting fifty cents, free, will receive
ono copy, by tuail,.to ■n7 pm. The trade supplied.
Feb 10, 1817-diim
ILI' REMEDY—Warranted to cure, or the mon.
ey returned. Phis medicine in prepared from en In.
don Receipt, obtained from one of theist in the Far
West, at green expense: 'noise who have been
familiar with the Indians, know that they can and
do core Venereal without the knowlmige of Mer
cury, Kalman, or anything of the. kind. The al.
dieted have now an opportunity of being cured
withnu , the we of Balsam. This medicine iv
pie....t to the taste, and lessee no smell on the
breath. •
Prepared by ROWAND 6. WALTON, mad sold
wholesale rind feud, by J. T. Rewand, 376 Markel
For tale in rtttsburch by It I.: Sellers. 57 wool
trent-and he Was Tharn..'d btaatnt naminT
So Pay I Pile.' Piles:
IIR Jackort'sroarneatloom We only medicine that
j willenre c h i o very common and tronblerome
Morns, It not nnly immediately allay pan and Olio
1;fill1.111., sops all Needing, robdoee that onolreable nett•
dig. Ind effectually cares, an a osre •heri ume
oat, lives have been rendered adorable fort' ear.—
la monocular produces no pan. Inn tothoron a .
Me and plesaant .aeneatant. anal., will
t.nti nod hear of the great monitor oi C3{4111 that have
h e ..o eared, they mid be astonished. A gentleman of
On. . who pad been ender the anti. of the enticon
for two or rb, re Woe& Without being eered. has by s••
..toga bottles of the FOrldneaued. been erratically eared.
It oils beyond precodenall--IVlttl. Saturday Canter.
CO- For sale . e. Pittithorett at the PEKIN TEA
SrORE.72 Fourth •If LI, nun. wood, and also at the
1t,,,. Store of II F.: It War 1,7, federal .1 Allegheny el.
• • • Cosigs,Colds‘ReduaLlkoactible.L.Me'r
Complandi - Spitung Blood, Oil of Breathing,
•Pun Intim Side and liteawralpilatien of the
SoreTbroat,'Nervous Debility, and all
,diseases of the Throat Breen and
Lungs; Melte:lra accent and
speedyeareaverlOurem for
any of above Mimeses, •
ANOTWeIt LIVIPO ITlTELlll.—Read..ith anon
lament the wonderful mare , performed by Doethr
Swayne's Compound Syrup or WILD CHERRY:
PaILaDZI.MOIA, January 3,1847.
Dr. Striyoe.;..-Dear Sir. In jollies toymarself and
a dilly owe to sufferieg humanity, I cheerfully
girtamy testimony, and declare to the world the
moat astonishing effects, and the greet mire your
Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry performed on tee,
under tne meet unfavorable eircumetances. I was
taken With n violent Cones, Spitting of Blood, se
vere Pains in the Side and Breast, which seemed
to break down and enfeeble triy constitution, n. tom
my physician thoeght my case burend the power 01
medical); Mittety Iriendaail gore me up to die; but
thsoka to you and the effect. ',t your great disense
r 7. I now feel myself a wellmoan, and raised loon
mere skeleton to a. Ileshy•add healthy a non as
bare been for years, and •112 be pleased to give any
information respecting my case, by calling at my
residence, Mechanic etrect,third doorbelow George
street, Northern Liberties. J sena Veteran.
Testimony is now reamed/ram all quarter, of
the Globe.
The lollowing letters are presented with a view
°Vonore tally allowing the °piton. of Phyatchinain
relation ;to the Medical value of Dr. yrs;r!s
Dr. Swaync—Dear lasing used your Con,.
potted Syrup or Wild Cherry ezteostvely in sty
practice, I was requested by your Agent, Doctor
o u mber . to express my opinion in writing of
propertiesas remedial agent, I most cheerful', I
comply. as I feel by so doing, I will discharge a
debt I owe the community al large, and Physic... I
in particular. As much u I detest quack)teiner
dies nod Patent Nostrums I was induced from
• lailure of the most poten expectorants, recast- I
mem]ed in our manna methca in some wises el
Diseased Lungs, to try your) preparation of Prunus
Virginia or Wild Cherry. lit. sufficient to my 111.11
I was so much pleased with the result of that and
sn'tvequent trials, that I nol prescribe it in prefer.
ence to. all other Remedies where an expectorant is
indicated. In the much drextled Pneumonia or
Disease of the Lungs, in theialarming lortain which
it appears in Kentucky, I regard it as an invaluable
Remedy in the treatment al that disease. 'l'x all.
who know me I bale mid inough, but as this may
be emu by persons out of tlte 'trinity of frankfort,
I will Waal+ add, that I hake been erg..ged in an
active practice al my proreasion at a ycarn,nnd ant
I a Regular Graduate ol Trattvylvania. and this is the
first Patent Aledicine I eV. Naught enough
etprevil an opinion in writing.
1.41. ELLisol, \}..D.
January 7th, Itll7.lfranklin Comity. K
FRANI:roIa; riy ,Jan'ry
The shire rerlificule I-oni one of our
Clang living a few tniles froth here, lie is doing g ver,
good practice, and it constilerml a good Physician,
and stands Ism; he is, as he says, a regUlargradnute.
1.)V141111t Una .ApOthecary.
Testinumids tail never crone- -
From thi Tempera.° Bliidge.
Now that Winter is upnn us with its attendan
train of Polmunic and Bronchial aflections.:
Colds, he h ,we would ladvise those afflicted ii.
this way to make inunednite trial of Or. swayne's
Compound Syrup of Wild, Cherry. It will never
fail to perh rut a permanent cure. The reputation
of this medicine has causeil many Boumus articles
to he put tooth under its name; but the preparabou
of lir. Swayne, besides being the tirst ever uttered
to the public, is th e ouly one t bat can be relied on
The other mixtures sold on Wild I lnerril Syrup.
Balsams, he., are all spurious
contain none id the virtued of the'origtnal prepara.
tion, Dr. Swayne'a Co:ill:L:0nd 'Syrup ol Wild
From the Springfield b:spress.
Of the thousands of puriprted corativnannstrions
now before the public, but rely few am maid
pmsem the healing yirtuea for which they are I v.-
commended. Aiming the utter we nre pletaitti
learn none stand a hill,/ tentthan llr.tovayite . t.
Compound Syrup el Wild: Cheity. aitheted
in thiervicinity arc beginialig to ore it,'and to their
joa they tied in its eye their hopes' based upon its
recommendations more thdn realised. 'lli, afflicted
need not despair. While there is tale, there aria is
hot ,
ince the introiluchlin
[US!. my article to the
pubtic,iherc hare a numher of unprincipled indo
Viaill2l,pbt up nostrums which they -assert contain
Wild (*hurry, some are call nd •• Rulunien. -Bitters:.
and even S count Wild Cherry, but mine is the
original and only genuine preparahon ever ItnlrenlY
end to the public. which can be prwven by the pub.
lie Records the Commonwealth of Pennayl iron
The only wifeguard againatlimpowtion wto ace t
iny signature .• esch bottle.
j Ott. 11. SWA YfSE
Prepared ugly by Dr..ll.f.bwrans, at hal Princi.
pal Office ' corner of Erarry sod Race Streets.
Pbtladelphsa. All Wild Cherry preparations bring
fictitious and counterfeit Without him stignalure,
For .akin Pittsburgh wholesale and retail by
WM. THORN, .53 Market street,
OGDEN off, SNOWDEN. korner .2nd S. Wood ft/.
JONES. I Libeny street.
cold also by J Allrgbeor City; B o yd,
cant.. $. Dotter.; lirtarbr & I leaderatto, ster•
Cor. Norman Calabria., Moadellic; J N Burton &
..3 Eric; 51'Kettaio & gasket!, Clerelatol; [hots
A. n, Columbus; hlaralb
lVba ; 113utaan, Cincimatt, Ohio; Dr
Kailbefiy & Co.. St. Lower, J S 510trt• & Co.,
totrtirle, & Or.
lean.. a r 5
now unirersallt acknowledged to he the IN
FALLIBLE: fur Rheumatism, Sin
nal Affection., Contractuins of the Muscles, Sore
Throavand quinsy, Issuei 3 Old Ulcers, tuns w the
Back and Chest, Agee i the Breast and Face
Tooth ,%che, sprains, Bete., Salt Rheum, Burns,
Croup,. Frosted Feet and II Nenrous Ihscues.
tendeirthe application of thin most D'ONDERFL' I.
MEDICINEto curing the!Most severe cares tithe
Melvin Doea•cs above named,--and the HIGH
ENCOMIUMS that have bean bestowed upon it.
wherever it has been introduced. gores toe the right
to call on the AFFLIC EEO to resort at onco to
a'The (Volt)7 unite in J ' recommending the tele
ated External iLemcdy, lunes Liniment.
Thefollowieig latter from the highly eulinart
Physicians who have Inca attached to the Mount
Pleasant Stale Femur for imany year., is the beat
evidence or the salon of tin. celebrated Liniment.
Sian St ,o, Decerromr 26, 11:15.
. .
My Dear Sir-1 received your flute of ycaterday,
asking'my opinion in relation to Hunt's Liniment,
as prepared by Alr &iconic E Stanton. Knowirg
.its composition, and baying irequently used it. I
can reCommend it to you :s a sate External Hem,
dy. and zn my opinion, the best Liniment flow in
usu. Very truly and respectfully your.:
Col'herre Van Cortl.dt,:t scion Manor.
"ace' Ia
the above
Zt " r n liELCH Elt
YukKloivm, Jan. 14, 131. i.
Sir--In reply to your fetter, I would my that
brie need your External . Keniedy, called Ilene,
Liniment. in my practice..nee you made it
Tainted with its compootton. and uttheadatt m
day that I bele.e rt to be the best Etternel Neese
tly now in use for the complaints for which you 11.
commend it. leoure iespecthilla.
Gen E Stanton. F:aq.
03. Among the 111.3.1 nl worthlem article. and
humbugs that are tenured forth at the present day
upon the country, it is 'really refreeht. to ti m t
something or real peach./ SilUleltlllg ram
pie, speedy and ellectuaL in its operation, and rt
the me time tree Irvin thr..e tnjnni.u. citrus
which generally attend powerful month.. hunt's
Liniment, prepared by Geo. E stamen,. sing
Sing, though at has been; but a short tone boo.
the public, hen already obtained the confidence. 'on
only of our molt wealthy: and tallueatial coin. lie,
but our moat eminent phytociamt. All .1/4111•Wi
edge it tone a noteteign balm fur many or the dot
that Keel is heir to, sootiing the ailing lout, .and
by its gennine anniulattng influence. banish/ ng .11t1
ease raktilt sytttem.
Mr. Stanton—Sirt—Stleing your adirerneenotnt
01 Hunt'. Liniment, I wan induced to try its ell. cm
on my son, who had been crippled with a I out,
back from an infant; and it is with gratitude I ever
tostimonyin its wonderful healing pooperttes. Sly
child, who is now lire yearn of age, in now 111 a lair
way of recovery. , Yount, &
DEMMUN ND:1010o,
Past' °Mira, troWal, Its, Putnam ••
I certify that I am personal]) acquaint, it b
the above named child. and think the father
be sale in saying that lox inn is alintot well.
Nov 5. 161:). • I)puty Peet Mein. r.
V. S. I would also stair. that I have moon I
camber of years subject LO I requent attacks of be
Rheumatism, which in many ' instmices prove ied
my attending to my business. Two nr three a, di.
cations of the .Liniment invariably remove 2 , ai
fecbons ol the , kind. 'Messes of bruise., spi dn.
and sores, ton numerous lo mention. it hoe In On.
vicinity proved a certain reined.. Ira Yalu.-
only be estimated by thuie hn have vven it : lair
This Idnitreent is sold at 25 and Sir cents per bra.
tle, by all the Prlnerpal drruggs, and Jima ~t.
throughout the Country.
Wholesale Agesits in Neu. York.
HOADLEY, ELI'S &'C... llt Wider
RUSHTON & Co, HO ..romiwny.
A IS & D SANDS, ciamer , Foilol/ and Wili.Arn
ASPINWALL, 86 William wept.
Orders addrwised to tile at Sind St ig, N V. sin,
be attended to. GEORGE E ' , PARTON,
Propriet. r.
For wile In Pittsburgh:by L W I Jr;haid J
KIDD & Co. Allegiteny City, JO lIN SARGENT
RioningbauLJOHA SMITH. 1..11111
IA7/10$1:•nranneso can eyoulyeuf- look ai lour
VV fair young wife. with her bright y feet ! •look
a, your own, gourd with eiulnitma am' I. otrlir.!' 1.4
you air ioo mean in give fitly cent' m• a rake ett the
great !Wino Chemical Soap, which won id crinrolY lire
you from them, and snake your
: yellow skin clear and
healthy.' Go St toner i 0 Jackson's Store, -9 Liberty at.
Pittabursh,wid get • calm!
N D Jackson's is the only place in Potsbutgh where
e OF:NUINE sow bd obtained. Beware of edunter.
leittis •
irrOBSERVE the Mg Root stands to the eoorlway.
Ladies. ladies. Pm neionielted,
Wheo you know that you arc promieed-
A natural, lifo-like, mosey whoe.
That you will still mc'contmon chalk:
And look a deathly yellow fright.
Thu theme of laughter and of talk
If you -would use a bog of JONES Lilly-while, it
wroald give sam e b an skabaster yet natural white t
and as the dose clear nod implovc it Sold at
JACKStIPPI4, to Lair.) tt Pore 15 coop per Lox
_ .
•' trier Pracrogp,s.
pnbtio• pectfulilvinfomted that this Line
J. silt commenee running en or about the ttlth instant,
and erintittne throughout the season. The proprietors
have now placed a superior claw of Ppekets .4 R.- .
road Can an the route,. with exult accommodations,
winch will give greater comfurt to traveler.
Packet Boat will atways he in port, and the two.
cling public are requested in ea/I and examine then;
Weed the Pickets will leave the anding,(opfesi te
the United tunes Hotel,' corner Penn intact and the
Canal, every night at 9 o'clock.
TIME 31 DAYS. • '
. .
Far ItCormation apply' at the epee,
e‘ Manettlela
110 r. we!' street, or wD
rnclEl.l ear Penn street and Canal
1 8 4 I •
• - A
• N .
'VlSEstootof tto. conmots of a double doily
L OOf of boats .od Ca, [owned by then , ,ives.l
arbwb Are in good Tito .sabacriber. are papa.
red to f o rwnril u tar, quantity of AlorehAttdae and
Produr4 Of Oil crttahity and dAttten: '
Prudure or Alrretuo.d... , t oto.goed to any of the on•
defoigned. torwardrd tocc of ony chn!ge tor cotton,
won Of 4torage.
Blit• Latik 1111111•1111.acd 2114 JJ IMICI , O/1 4 pro11; , 11y
•ne2Jeol 10,
Th, , Ibis Line condUotod on gerletlx
,r,10,1,1. -s prineaub.s Aedress, or apply to
II LF:IX11 & Co. Proprmooss.
Canal Basin. Patsborgh
11A RRIS k LF:ECll,Proprwters,
No 13 South Third cteeet. Philadelphia
Joc. TAYLOR & SONS, Agents,
No 114 North lloutard street, 11ohnnore
IV b IyILS O N, Agent,
Ina tad
No: We, otteet. New York
- .
lo g o nod Ow ron,quent nti or draty, damage,
breologo an4.rl.urutrno of plod*
rmtyr m.,
91.7- Ilarlet ,10,1.
TA AFr1::: 4,CONS,.H
ear Penis und %V .1) ne Pairtairgl.
eel'' Nrllt 11 Co, North /nth.. lialuinure l A genu
IV Ir TA l'Si 7. rrr. ..rsila at. N. V.
Eticouraged by iithre.tthd Imputes, the hoprieloth
have added so their elock and eatenderl their arrange.
,nooll6.threrg the winter, andsrc eau prepared to roe
ward 00 1( .1 0,11 regularity and dtepateh unaurpriaa..l
L.) an) other Thmr klieg tape
r...etre air 0550015,
11ec 041011, .010. rwriLy of the Portable haul :r) elem.
11101 1 01 C gee, overt.) and 11011Venirocr of Of Wat••
Itutpea at each end or the 11110. are peculiar!) calcula
ted to enable the proprietors tu fulfil their engagensen,
and accommodate their cuetomere—voniolentlyoferoth
the past as a guaranty fur the future. the) reepeettun)
th lied ac on:mummer of that patronage they no..
gratetud) arl.tto, ledge.
all eetiatgUrieelleto Taal k O'Connor will be reed
1001101 0.0010.1 (lhetimboat charges pull and Mlle in
Larbag tranannord free of any charge for Cam nlOOOOl,
advatiettig o orage Having no interest ;levet') or
indomal) to steamboat, the inirreat ol the entiaignoth
11010 neerfoatily 1.0 their proem). other, to thipleng
1 0,0.1 end the) pledge thern.elveg to forward all eomla
romhened to three promptly and all snort ud vain. •
geom. 1000- 0 Ille OWIII, I .
hlareh I. 1 , 17 mu&
COAT LINE.;7;amaill 117, 4alima
AND MF:Itt:II.4NI/12 , 1 . : To AN I' FROM etrlT:i.
111111;11, I . IIII.ADKI.PIIIA A:•11/ lIALTINIt
tValtottl Tratttattrioritt.jj •
Ittttl. voit-tgotett Ittottrettc Itt• Arartl,l
out ;-.l:ty. et the lartv...l rt. trot r. 41•••• 11,11. or I Arttk rt,r,
trutt.trtarptt. artti utt to.trucitt•tt• to NI, Aiwa. ro
11 t•nt 11..) rart l'harnr %%%%%% OPS• 1011
tu A Me A AC LTy A. Co,l•llNlturttlt
Ito,ong n ory largo and ottllttflotllDLN witroltottvo.
po p.tool to torelvt On stklilLon lotogla lot
a.a ..1i Product.. oo Storage. ut
kottc 1111 ) A 11r& NULTY &
I S •I 7. iiiraoa
lot lln. A.p. , .1011 nt AV AV
Flt t. It •J ll',t , nl•I;I-inlrgn. Mt. tOlOlo, Ju1.,;..
:own, I lul..alus otot 51t. t00 , V 11. Mr cot, tor-burgh and
I.lnr warrhousr of , A Alr A nu:ty
S. Au l• n•lanixn erg day . [except Aunda, • ) and
•nq ~, •••, • , S1 • 111t nairmg thrir gcnnla for•
w0,0.....1w.:1K,t0c1e.a, and of not fate..
T... um", got the .pethal , p'rrommodattn
1 al and 14ee prvpr. 00, re.peetrully
..r .4tUrr 01 porinthrlge
/..LIS VlCK , voierti JOHN x 111.1.111
J. VI'S Nll-I.ER 110.1..1u).urgla
0 II CAN A.N. A r^o ,
.1 McAN rN & Ca. I . .i.:“.urgh
11E1c114,11,.. /h.
J J John Palter, Hol,rl 11uirc, Itar,aley
"U - 1:11i P....burgh .131..16
I i 547. • ea:=l,4 l
`.1•111, t.irtr ,kng ronipcned S . vartbolad Lade Kele
01.1 runre.E I,l.Lptgit
rutool.o 1., A ,e , l i; f 44041,04 m, oco-,0,
M Read'. Low or so.annooo
on toe 1.01,4 po.pare4l uponthe arlo-m of on•
tog of Naa144,44,00 ear 4/ Freight 1 . ..4,0ga1, :co
all WA. 04 die Roger. C+40.11 and 1.0 k.,
11, 4 , 0 a t very 04.1
/,14 for couorymg Ana. pas
4,044 4 ,4 OF prompt... and dopoloh, he prop,,uo
an.l seem.. Ja..o.actol, K 41.4, 1,040 Dm., Dira4l4 und
1,0 pu.•1.4,44,4,44 , 14 palm/tap..
C 31 REED, Enc. Enopnetor
KF:ED, PARES /a Co, Ito •vrt.
.1444,N A CA 14411E3' 1'05i.'0.1.4
1,1,1 To
wheeler, Cosiera. Ca, air... , Vatk
N , celurr 3. Wlll.32..lsruat
n.,.tui t wrier. Clue ago
Wut Powers, rowenstoorn, rcuna
tiro SI echclut) zt, KY...huge, Pcnnst
John Nlc Altitut, ll unt.twt, do
t, Irk & Acct., titt.rur.., Jn
Cm, &Fr saga., l'lttric at tn., du
linsa St Vltantl, nharosuttegt, P.
C Stitosta. dc
K SY et.n...shont ` do
ttt a It a ,SPORTING MF.nt:ttnal , i.r. EEES A\l.l ;Fla: liA/TEKist
WIIIIOI, 1 ItAh•llirla MET
m ltr .provcd method of edro utl uee,l :oy ihis.tong
K.naltltt•hrd Late, a t
ow well known Otot tle.
.C. ,, p110/114 uttn , cersary. Goods are not touched on tee
lout, Moo oil ...shipment (nexus hAtullanr 10 a , rti
Ti, ate of I:ght draught and perfonn s tr,ps
,u Tu
noon •ta to .1,w% clays.
capartly of our Watehousesenablea us to store
env conc.gamcnt. Lou, Reccortak.•tor:iis. and
vd raore• tr... of charges.
Ilu•ng fully ',nowt.t IU make aalet of Produce. we
reopecoully ooltro ron..gonlootu or wr•orri. riour;
Boron. Motu, C. 0.,. Wool reolher... and other
• .
made and other usual Oddata• 0r0',1,1, pledgd, adr•
...tat, tato an. etanotod a. to
proraraly au EI,MII latr shall
[Ol Le 11,
ab, Id •e JNO JacNADIO:N Go
Crmat 1 1 41.1 , urgli
1A+:11 1,A1112 4 5..e0
51011 215 .15•11151 Merkel st..1 1 1oilatla
East Hearer L'oita and Brid g emarr,
Balraa COUNTY, PA..,
DAILY lETWDDD rtrracroustou •1.111
WILL be pr pared on earliest open,n,rof esn•l nae•
agate. to rreelve propertyat A. wharf Loot."
warchotAe, fur all po,nto on V.rtr Krten•ton,
Cot, oud Onto tor ell portoLae Erie and
upper Lake.. k 0 to toward produce, tt ,
Ar .Ity Posn'o.
Irm,ruvetnent. Apply 10 or whirr,.
(rWA-dt(I:ICK:N. .
II r; lade. II limp* .r Hann. &Cn
ForwuCrdlng & Castmulltelon Alerchaol.,
pliE Aprots a%id Proor.rtor. of thts Line (.o favor
ally kno wn lli 11.12i/Clox.ll he prepared on tio•
earltem opertoor of ...Taunt' otavntanon 10 receive prop
on . at l'at.lotrah and Heaver, and deliver the sane at
I,ll y Omm on the th%n vaned., and atm. I.ukea Era
and Miehogan. with the greate.t despatch and .ni
'rhe propraqnra of th%. %me noltclt the 1it5.%n: . %..% of
thou farmer . er. woh knownig that
their In e. &reser...n.l to none.
Apply to or adetre.a
CLARKE a. Co, Ilcoit,
partnership under the name of the "lfinatmen's Linej ,
and likewise agreed In refit ho Stock so !ism •
wand,. of Mans (or the Forum.< of carrying goods
through in (non we In eight days. with eertrlnty—and
feel encouragtd by the liberality of last year's patron
age, or make more ell[ll.lVC arrangements for the en.
W e would therefore respectfully Wien comma.
once of our former prthrosis.and refer all new customers
to those we have done throne. for.
For the tr,nsportation 0r
ALI. lIPIDS 0/ 1114TAII•1141•C, TO Alli FLOM
Po/WI/AL/111A, tlavriumnr. Now y o u, AaO Itonon.
Corner Lam.) . street and Canal Mum. Pittsburgh
No drss Market street, Philadelphia.
Baltimore, Mil
PirrsuußGll—J as. AlcCally, Geo. Morgas A
N' Ale Colly h T . A. 14 A I.Ouniotlo & Co, Al Allen A Co,
DELPllIA—Morris Patterson &Co, Reynolds
McFarland & Co. Flenung A Busby. Peter Wn g t i ,
Soo. J Bist.barn.Joaeolt Gnus
NEW YON K & CO, Theo-Perry & Co.
'I4OS-TON—klead, Hard A Co. •
CINCINNATI—Adams A Crewel, W W Scailoir•
. ,
PLEASANT, VA—l' A random
Norz—All merchandise from New York and Comon,
consigned to A L Cech•rt A Co, Philadelphia, will be
promptly forwarded fruof rommounon.
Package Expreee to Philadelt.bla.
111111111MbrottEL=1:';'7,f,Uoras0C:a the
taultshen ter the Convey.. or valuable paek•gra of
here-WA., specie. bank not., jeweirlt• Ac , low
meneed runnill( on Tkuraday, March Its.
An I.NICIINST will he ilopate iteeLla it y until lb.
of the renalona veteten
AVplt to
I) 1.1•1:11111
nr l'etin et 1611.1 Caril
• -apt. eadssetnesia ,
caplet trips. thla,flay.,/eatoorPrits
bargh at o'clock., s.ta., and Reviser Ma ifeloet,
ye. Pftbar {h i nd Cleveland Woe of
dal Moats daily to Clevelmal, 04 Beaver, Warms seal
accented L ine of Canal Pultela and Stage Coultas
dally to %Carron ant arrant:on Canal Puget Lutes so
Neer Castle and Greened* Pa.; Erie Extension Line
try Meadville and Erie. Nell. Moore,& Co's Lines of
tßage Coaches
i.e Ckveland and Wooster. leave Sea
ver doily on _the, arrival of steamboat - &aver from
Ausbilrett Apply to •
• C M IiARTON & Co, Pituharsh
sell • CLARKE& Ca, Beaver
E Pi PARKS & Co, Cleveland, O. 1,
R PARKS, Beaver, Pa. Proprietors.
W T PRATHER, Pittsbnrgh;
TIIF. above blue 1. now fully prepared to transport
Freight and Passengers Dom Pineburgh and Cleve.
land, to any point on the Pennsylvanta & Ohio and Otuo
The facilities of said Line are sot equalled by any on
said Om** in utitabtra had capacity of Boats, nape
ence of Cupisins. and promptness of Agents. &c.
One Mat leaves Pittsburgh and Cleveland daily, nun
sung in chimes:lion with the Mesmer..
SEM/igen and Late Ent, between Pitstat!sh and
Craver. and •• Lhie of first etas. Vieuinboste,
tern Brig.and Sehoonets, on Lakes Ere, Eaton,
chigan Ontario
Prurient forwarded to any pan of the Union with
deppeteh E'N PA i:KS A Co, Cleveland, Aka
REED, PARES & Co, Beaver, Agts
Intl! Cor Wafer and Smithfield streets
i lat 1847. galitilia,
- -
Tune to Italttatore.•• •. • • • • • • • • • , b 2 hours.
Time to Philadelptita• • • id
jOnly :abides ...taging.j
T.lF.•plendal and lent naming ocaumtsConiul, Lou.
ta alct.nite and e.wataro; have commenced making
demo.' trigt. One boat wilt leave the Mononga
hela mbar every emoting ptectsely at ti
Proiretigers by the morning line will airive at Baltimore
next eventng tat Om., for the Philadelphia Mail Boat, or
Hail Bead cute. The eveueng Boat will leave tile
whorl dully at 4 otelaek, except glundays. ?mongers
by au, bout wtll lodge on board. in comfortable state
mon, leave Bra a llo t nail morning at o'clock;
cross tne mountion. in day light; sup and Wee in Cum
berland• Thu.avoiding timid travel altogether. The
preparauon. 011 1111.1011 W are attirde.•nd the cayneetion
eotoplete; ell 11;61 di.oppoottliterits or delays will be un
know.. upon .1.
. Pa..eitecr. can atop an the mum and resume their
.eni. opal at plc...ate...nil nave ehmee of Rail Road
or betweee Baltimore mid Philadelphia.
Coaches charimed in perite. to travel as they deem.
F.....tue your ticket. at do. office alonongabela Haase,
or St Cherie. Ilunel. .1 M rd.KlhlK7d
f.t.t et • m _
1847. MIMI
I),,INKr lloal,Swahow and Telegr•Eph le4ve Ile
L vrr a . i.iJvk r 4.a(trr the arrival nllh
niorn , ag (runs l'itteburKlE. und u le la Warren i
m,. lot the Mail cm Stage.. which Jr...ea
Lhereall,r.and v rat Cirveland at :lifelock,
. .
Tl.,* mute is the snort ~prd.uouN and eunorunalsl
armlo the lake.
COTES dr. NGW WAY ten. Propr`x
REED, PARKS &Vt.. Ileavrt. Arm , .
JOI IN A CAI.3:II ' cornett Woier and Southfield lo
pity °ppm.. hlonongalle.:l I loo.c, Piti.but*
1847. t-M,-.P
. •
TIlS. w 1:::1; - :a 3 :;z 1 ; 1 1f o ret r l K rrior
[tray., 41111 . which irelr_ltt pitf
,I,Ker.,twirreet the twoin!...wllll
- thr .owe rut,
NV A A HlNlER.l:trenvtllr, Kgt•
FRAM Clca4•v,ll., do:
Me FA MLA ND k KINIL H.F; Iw ohl,
(IA 1 +A r Ll' MII ShetplAirg h. do,
NV C M ALA N. `11an..., 41.1;
HEED l'A I(I:SS Q., Hewn, do;
J "II !'s A 1111. turner Water ardSinoilfi. hi
111.. 81cmorwahon 1 . 3..burg10
1547. 416 MP
• .
Philadelphia, Haltioiove. New York
and Boston.
flaltE encouragement thw line has received skier
its commencement, has induced the propri,
Canto increase the stock by adding a number 01 Orst
chow Wos; and inatead of giving receipts as hereto.
fore aa agenza A we will give our owl. receipts for
freight shipped•by Choi line.
The treats are all portable, coneequently f.eight
i• taken the whole detance wttheut tranahipmen
thereli) preventing damage from frequent handlin
cn the route, and at each boat ill owned by th
aptain who runs them, which is a aulfietent gut
ant, that there will bo ka delay on the route.
All linkfure_or Merchandore <unsigned to 111
undersored will . be forwarded tw CON
AllziNlON.for advancing nod forwarding, and .1
be ehipped withriut delay at the lowest rates ,
a Os nl pobite pair.
liaztn, Pittsburgh.
CRAIG, lIKLLAS & Co.. Agt.
Broad Streci, Philadelpins.
I' NULLS:H. Agent
Howley's Wharf. Italumors.
l'ni•burgh. Feb. 18.1.947,
antlerwened are now pmparra . fotward p
I the Ea.wern Mark...during Ihr env •
log %Vow:, on meal favorable, wno., toy 141.1 rip
4:rocni route.
Al. prniwrty rong‘gned iota wilt 0e Gorw•rard at tra
rAle. athl wan dedpatro
Men Nund,c rrc,ved 11) 11.• 1.110 promplly for
yrs rde plpW Ag't
CASS. Iltaurnovil,e
1-7..;F:RTON A. r Com ,, lmati
ISt .004 E
•pro-: Aot,crtero ec II reregot for the del; wrry of Pr,
1 duce to Il.ttnnore ttle . Alonotagahr. : 4 1.1E water
at 11. pr.res.—
11Arm, Iluuer, Lead. Lard. Pork. Tallo•
Cheese; urd I;likee—en rt. per lOU 11,..
Tnharcu.ll, op, Fißl •ud Wheal et.. per 100 lb
,Putl Appire r!lleege, Plax,:ved, Glue, An
Larrioer—lUG a. per IVO lba
thin, rik ma. deed.. %Pool-110 eI. per 10P 11.. .
dikrawst.t. Featherr. Pura. laur.euur, •,,d Straka
-PS, cis per lOU lira
Ali properly
to rahcr of Oa. undrvagnfal
w,ll torwardefl POW ilrlay, free of Confnua•tool,
at alafve rut , . IV II CLARK.Broarnavtile.
II ANNA ar. ‘vATEitmAN, raulaagli.
sigeZ,A r t,:VLl . : and lr m , tl , /te r t
u s :4:s tr . !
to place from Neul , enville
and Intelmeabate landm, eon ake
atrangmnt.l.y cantos on m e, h as I
Lave a Ito. ono., regularly between Potahut . gh and
Swaornville , lik.O. LI NIILTENBERGLK.
,a,t4 Steamboat Agent, fa; Water o
• .„. TIIF. Steamboat lIA RUM re' aired
, . and refined in
style and
now at tbe Monongahela whart AI
ohe is improved shets vrelladapi ed for
carryon; (might and pasaertgersi or for lowtng; oh ho•
great capacity and power. Any person dispow d to
purchttor will Meouroe inspect her
I 10.0 propose to loam, furrow or more year. toy cool
Work, sod to a rani of energy and hammera habit , they
offer great advantage.. I eats fornirk the, either
al.rule or charter. my tow boat "MINER." tic can
, have on lair term. uti Larger. three flotta. and two
rout bon , s.xtrett ears with rope, Ettore. k..,
made tor full opera.... An C.MIIIIIIIIOII Oil be
tablioiliment I* matted. diapoaed to negotiate
with me in referent, to un) of the above particular.,
may mhlre.. ire at to
[Kee in Smart'. Molitor. a 4a
Ateet, or at II arlem, near Monongahela e,4,
auvit T110:4. II WAIRD •
glr voal oft/410,1g orotol,..—=lteoal the following
Irani Ihr Itry Wakrfirld, Pas, of Liberty •i. M
Pi . ..burgh. March e,
Mr It. E (roar a..en•e or duty, a. well
amt. aroJt pleu.are. that I hear repronony to the v.r
tue of your Airily eclebrured Vermicoge I procured a
nog!, bole, and gave it to three &my children, who had
been 01 for reveral were% The eldem was acV
yearn old, the oral four. and the )ooneeet etahte
inantha. The firm pasoed fitty-.t, worthy, the arm
fatty SEMI, and the thud a con.derable number
dtstincily recollected. Snipe then they have been dot
well, and ore now in good health •
your. retp,ctfully, S WrassieLO
. From the Hoy. Hancock, of the Methodiut Erur
pal Church.
Mr. it E Seller.: It ir with great plennure I would
inform you of the good effect. produced on my non of
four Ira, s o a,.
by your justly celebrated Venntfinge.
Alice hi. ha f
ving cow/oboe., gave hint three dose.,
when he panned altnost inereditable number, fmm
which tone hie general health t he. been improv•d.
F. RaaCOCa.,
From the Rev Charles Cooke, of the Methallet Eon
copal Church:
PoldJune, Derember 11. 1613.
Mr. It. 11 Sellers: Ie n y Mule daughter (between
three and for years old) three dose. of your Vormtfuge,
according to prewription. withthe happiest success
The number of worms elpelled I do not know ruction.
Iy. but it was large. She es 11010/ in ry,ssession of gm,'
health. I think the med., may be confided in watt
great tottnervednesa e Quota
AR Verunfuge ha.never been knoorn to fail in
n inotance, wb. worm. actually parent.
.bnuld give tt in pre.... to all /Alien.
Prepated ant cold by IL E. SELLERS, between 34.1
and 4to, on Wood otreet.
For sale by Dr. Ca.el, Filth Ward. myt
FROM the very liberot - eneoirage
• • ment Me mime ber bad received sinee
he 'has huated himself in Allegheny,
• Vixeilak., has adored him to take a lease, for a
term of pram. ortthe property he now
occupies,. to Beaver Meet. immediately beside the
Presbyterian Church. From the long experience PI the
above bosoms, and a desire to please, he hops. to mer
it and receive o share of public patronnge.
Now on band and finishing to order, Rockaway . Bug.
open and top Buggies, end every description of
Carriages mode to order, from seventylve dollars to
e.rhshetn... 15e1,1.41111 JOHN ti 01 1 .134.
Eit - TATiiVer. tlOAP—kbr tern;-
; j7 l 4 : ' ~,, 4 1 ia , A aft spoor,Mains,or Marks from Clothes,
Woollens, Carpets, An., he., and rendering the spom
where it is applied clear, bright, new, and armless.
bid with full directions. Irice =cents a mike
“Wha diough the cosnermay not be explarned,
Since their Oar are duly ascertained,
Let 110 t delusion, prejudice, or pride,
Induce mankind to set the sheens aside
. „
Means which: iho' are by Heaven delogn'd
To alienate the ills aeon= told'
. . .
THIS remarkable Invention, which has reeetved the
uni approbation of the medical Rothman of
Great Bramn,comprises an entirely new application of
Galvanism, at a remedial agenLbY means of which the
onlinaiy Galvanic Baneries,Electric and Magnetic Ma
chines, &c., are entirclydispensed with ,id the myste
rious power of fi re applied without any of
objection which are .e n d inseparab m the general mode
now in use. The strong doses. ad irregular Intervals
in which Galv.ism applied by the Machetes, b.
been pronounced, after a tan and impartial trial, to be
daidally inpurima,and it was to remedy this radical de.
feet that this new application was prodected, which, af
ter unceasing toil and perseverance, h. been tirenght
tow present state of perfection. The Girdanifis Rdnfis
.screr all the purposes of the most eapeuaive
chtnes, and in many they respects ire more saJi and
arraro accomplish
Used in connection with the Afar.
ma< Fluid, one confidently recommended in all divan
den which aria /rant an inifisbilsi er sirthriethis eau of
the nervous or vital skean, and these complaints are
among the snort painful and universal to which we ore
sul6ect. They arise, without exception, from on
pie coure—a derangement of the Nano. Syne
and it was in these cases that other 'remedies , having
so often railed. a new agent was greatly needed, which
it is confidently believed, has been found its the proper
and judicious application of Galvanism.
The Galvanic Rings have been used with entire sue ,
nest in all eases of litlioXartsath steate et chronic. op.
plying to the head, faro or limbs; Goat. 74-Bureschr,
7borliaear, Bro.:Otis ; Tango, Nereus cc =1 HsaJorlie,
frdiiWion Paraly.u. Paley, Cpaersv, Fit,, Cramp,
Paryoustiso If the /hors Apoplexy, Sepias of Joints,
Spinal Compialors. Lumbago, Nsurargia, Nercasis Tr,
atm, Dizziness of 4, Ifrad, in in As Chat and lite,
Gourd y, Dfficiency of Nemo. sad Physical En.
are. and all NEII YOU:, VISOR/ER, In cares of
confirmed Dyspepsia. which i. sinilly 11C/TO.
dqgemter °Nam, they have been Wood
equally euessla.l. - Th eta eatianttlinary effects hpots
the system must he witnersscit to be belieVec. any as a
secant preventrse for the pm all ,romplaints they
are equal') reentatnen,ile:t R.itfis ore o.
Nice., helm, inmle of al/ saes , and of caroms ohms
mental prawn., and eat lie worn by the most delsche
female without the slightest taeonveniente. In fact.
the sensation tt rather sarecahle than ot herwise,
The Galvanic Belts, Bracelets, Bands,
Garters, Necklaces, dec.
in some cases 014 vere severe chitrames, and of long
standing. the powr applied hy Galvanic Rings
not uthemiit t e ar s st the progress of diseaso and
ultimately mem, health. The improved modifitalmii
in.the Galvanic Belt, Bracelets, &c.. cidirely to
dies this objection: arty degree of power that ts mou.
red cut readily be obtained, and no complaint which
the mystermax agent of Galvanism can etas; wilt had
teb 10 to be permanently relieVerl, Artien.'ore
acme. Naa,r,ifail”, wide*. m nay part
of the body, with partici convenience. he Galvanic
Necklet,. are used With greater benefit in cases of
Musician. tit atrectionie of the throat generally; also in
amps <wi of Nervous Dean., and with allui.l undo=
suceess as a preventive for Apoplexy, Epileptic Fits;
and similar complaints..
Chradie's Magnetic Fluid
is used in connection with the Galvanic Rings
!their Modificallons. Thta emnporilton has en iris
!nounced by the French Ghent ma no be one of Me 11:001 cat mordinary discoverles of modern smear,' ills be
lieved to possess the remark etilep ower of rendering IA
wr - Ota rrarrrioet 0 gels:mix actor, by this mean. 001111110
a concentranon of the Infinene, nt the' scut of disc./M s
thus givoie tepid and perm/mei...lief Pm other
t/rapes.. etternnttr it prostuLe the same effect, or to tmpario wonder pmperty to the nerVoar Meroarof an outward local application. The
erten,. Fluid COlOlllll4 31091111, eupuLle of die ofigh:
eat 1 .0 , 04 nr aplition stateside, mid
harmless I.a 0011011 as beneficial 111113 retool..
Full eXplanatiOns and directions acrompeny n The
combined it...talon* are in every way perfectly harts.
lesAi they are sold at prires witein the reach ail all and,
the'iliscoverer only segues. a (tor Irini UR :I WS, o 0
their surprising efficacy and permanent benefit.
Christie's Galvanic Strengthening !'lns.
These entries fonn another valualle apal.ranon of
the mystermus Odlurnee of tialiunisto they are
important adjunct to the genutne Galvanic Rings and
therr molifiClll.ll , , noting upon the stone In mciple. but
haring the advanmge of more local applicanon. The)
are confidently recommended as a valuable addition In
the speedy mar of Rheumatism, acute or chrome; all
nervous omplaints, and as tractive rentroy tn eruct
ut Path and Weaker. in 04 CAras or Back. ?Sir. the
Side, in Aria/none Affirtiorts. sand in treaknew or Onms
tion ej Pohnonarg Organs In Spinal Complaints
their crft 15 are of the novel decided character, and they
haste often been used woth complete. ere.), They are
also of the greatest advantage uI Pains andealtreas
(the Breast, and are highly recommended forn,
many of
those complaints to whteh females are espk,/ally
Al an urinal means tor strengthenotg the system
when debtlitated with disease or other s; twit ce,r
tam and In Courant...l Weakness, ' • Preventive
fur Colds. and all 111 0110.10110 of the Chest, generally.
the Galvanic Strenethening Pla•.er will be found of
great and permanent 110110110 a, lnn waa,s
embraces nil the virtues of the hest ionic preparation,
with the addition of the galvanic Ineuence,
which is neither unpaired nor exhausted, while the me
-lioll continues. These entries will he found comely
free from the:, 0140011 one which are • ronatant source
of comPland With the ordinary plasters 01 common tau.
ID' The great celebrity and aCCUS or there mimics
has VILINfd 111010 to be counterletted by unprincipled
p e r.... To provide earnest imporhuon. Dr. Cutorrin
has hut nne authorised agent m itr) of the Union.
The only agent in Pritshorgh. W
Of the higheat and moat re.piculde character, are con
stantly received- regarding the eXtranntruery value
and success of the above articles. It ts behaved that
at the city of N....1' York alone; upward. of EIGHT
THOUSAND PERSONS. 11011110 a period of less than
• year, hare heen entirely nelieved of the most painful
chrome Maorders, mine of which have completely Wa
ged all former efforts of med teal art. Indeed many of
the first phy ve I.* of tins city, who disapprove of the
Galninte and Machette Maehmes, constantly ircom-
Mend tlos . mplalicanon In the, practire. end wnl, the ex.
cep.. of thew , who are too predutheed to glee a at ;n
-al, the n n has received unanimous favor with
the most Intelltro.nt erelong the AlOOOOOO F.., 112 all trines ready nod most ItaPPY give
every facility In physicians. ..nil all tit:crested, h., telt.
sag the truth of h,s 041% and the MSc.) of ht•
&woven- ;
Only agency in Pitt sburgh.eorner 46 and Marker Pc
k. , afttleted loath DI aaaaaa of the LIIItSIr.
—111.• 11 1 10 fe/tay in those agLeted wlth the ftr•l pre
roonnory •ymptonr of Consamfmon. that I has , been
lalmring 10 sever I years with a bronchi, soreness of
the throat and hoar 0/I[ll. I used many medicine, but
Mend nn rein I I/I.y preparation of utedn Me, until
LMEDr. I havi been using tht• valuable medicine
or several year, and ales). find it to relieve ee hen
ever I make use of it Ny oceupatain us an daemonr
re, winch keeps me Mtuoit comnaistl) engaged. muses
my dtscacte, at tines, to become very alarming w' Mend
atoneel , ocure this medicine I tbetefore le : , plea
suie /II 10 1014 'Ms public statement, that others atreci.
ed with . disease of the lungs and expectorant organ..
may know the values of this • all healing tentedy,'
and may 'lte cured. I have recommended Dr llt:to•an..
Eapcmorant Remedy to many of my triend., .mise o
whom owe them lives In thts enedicide.
Sinuerwl.Ohio.Oct 13. 1143 JAMFh
The pmpnetor of the above inedicine would. &bib
roger to the undeiraigned perrona.who ter de .0 Perry
county, on whm any may d
inpon unithe
convinced that - there are virtues found the nldee
medicine that cannot be excelled
Devil Culbert... Susucruut; Dr. It Stone. 1.. Cruti•
t• Dabber, Jack.n ry. Mr. Lartmer. do; Gear SoStun
blurb op, /error! Davtaen, llopeurril rp
more Steel, Cinetrutati, (lbw
Sold to Potsborgh by Whl. JACK.YON, f..heeu
head of Wood Buret, apl9.lkarT
FFECTUALLY and .peedtly cured by rle• ahe o
the Great Remedy , of Nature. AMERICAN OIL
. .
It eine. miraculously rrduces luflaratnatkm, and com
ecquesttly la 'renamed to all mues to leave no team or
star to the
Sold wholesale and retail by WM. JACKSI/N. at his
Soot and Shoe Store - ant Patent Al edleine Warehouse,
Stit Liberty street. head o' Wood, Pittsburgh Note no
and SI per book.
W Jackan bent', the Ezelustre Agent for Wrstern
p sni ,t,,,", n one genuine but what Is sold Gy.lllhl
or lIIS appointed Agent...
N 11. A Pamphlet Comaintog ample dime..., An.
with the names and address of theAnopnetor and Prin
empal Agent. ma enveloped with wrapper of verb bottle
Abundance of nesifiente• cnn he seen at the Store.
INGS.—Sermula in all its multiplied Rams,
whether in that of King's Evil, enlargemelits o the
glands or banes. Goitre, While Swellings, Cnronit
Rheumatism, Canser, diseases of the Skin or Spine,
or of Pulmonary Consumption, emanate from one
and the same cause, which is a poisonous princip e
more or less inherent in the human system. Therm
fore. unless this principle can he destroyed, no rsdi'
cal cure'can he effected, but if the principle upon
which the disease depends, is removed, a cure
must of necessity follow, no matter under is hat farm
the disease should manliest itself. 'Phis, therefore
i• the reason why hive Cs ALTFRALTier Is in uhi
venially suceentul inremoving so briny malignant
diseases. It destroys the virus or principle i'rorn
whist thou diseases have their origin, by entering
Into the circulation, and with the blood is conveyed
to the unnutest fibre, removing every p irticle of
disease from the system. Prepared and sold at No.
U South Third Street. Phdadelphis.
Sold at the Pekin 'Res Store, No. 72 Fourth rev
Pittsburgh. meh3 .
(From toe. pirit ot r the Tune. I
A gentleman of Sunfish:ma helh. front indiacrenon
111 illc , younger &Lye, became effected with Ulcerebous
of the Thrum and Nose, and a dumgrceelde and trou
blesome eruption of the Attn. Indeed, hie whole ay
'tor bora the marks of Lein, maturated with disease
One hand and wrist were No much affected that he had
I at the use of the hand, every part being covered with
deep, painful, And oren.ive 'Ulcers, and were as hol
low and powtas ez a honey-comb. It was et Mot .mge
of hi. complentl,when death appeared Inevitable, fret
a loathsome disease. that he commenced the use of
JAYN ALTPRNATIVE. and having taken fiz.
`,,teen bottles. is now ',erectly cured
Thu ALTERNATIVE operates through. the circules
lion, end outfit,. the Blood end eindientes diseases
from the systrm, wherever located, end the numerous
S crofula,
it has performed in ditenaes of Skin, Canoes,
Scrofula, Goitre, Liver Complaint, Dyepepate, and other
Chronic (became. is truly istonizlong.
Foe auto in Pittsburgh at the Pekin Ti.. Store s aila
'Heel, near wood, and BINS at the Drug Store of II P
Schwartz. Federal at A Ileehenv ray ntioldkwF
• • •
Ur. McLane's Worm Spectflo—
rplllB to certify tho& by taking one
'rod or Doctor
McLane,. Worm Specific. a child of J oma.
Tyiamed upwitrds of 71. worm, mid by the um of said
medicine child of my own clitsrm , 14 WV Moony.—
It is truly the most surpr,. medicine 1 ever
seen. linnet !we iwo more v 5
- • • .
Wilkins Towns/o
For use by 1 KIDD . Co. No fin t% a. street. Pitts
I'AVAIIIL96 H . .0
AIR OBlld;Ntle;unmend.o th e
J &newton of those desirous of Mooring their hair or
improving its beauty, to this elegant prepay anon. tt e
hear it every where highly spoken of, and especially by
all those who have made ape of it, art greatly eEcclgtrnis
m elintolating pre
the gwth of the hair, •nd vrnting
and many aT ro eetions of the akin Its virtues are
pointy end sofEctrntly proved—N. Y Son
for wn, .1, In Pntsbargh ,at the PEKIN TEA :4 t COW,
I o near %VOW: .d aka at the 'bur m
It C cicharastz, Federal at, Alirghrtsl rttV 1.4
fese sa auxikVil-thatikled . • F.- •
Sentjuh‘V Sisamatisks.p.miaass. Nsteu
AfYsitisoo, .Pwow2Moll. 3 / 4 4
Sam Cimaili Amu ov., Rini Worm or rose, SW..
•RisforganssU Mod yobs gtift Bata aid Joistal s
.. Smarm ;Ike's; Sorkaiite Sggotakt, Sciatica at Low
bage, alatllimato miring/ nom on *Wale:ems •nas
/ 4 ...Tidaitalser Arm Erponsro m Anwinalesee
14 . i. &se, Cie aitic •larensfuntelDimediers.
Tr. timely adminimradou ha bow Intended w. Id.
haPfliett results in many anomalous affections; Lu fi
it (a eb fly inlemiess in 11l the void whichnxims between
nalbSrue and ask`riemmediemen; hence its modus ex- •
n:arla it Matol adallerativo dnectly—indirectly, pm- 1
ring a hutting tonic to the axmenh •
ft bighly concentrated for and pore- I
Ming, containing mthing but tbn 'expressed essence, I
and the re...native of the Saraapanlla Boat;
dies same manner., fddirtinc is to' Peruvian Harkor
litlfr ra in i v r. tif Uprise. le an ennelinbed loch shot I
of eitbe- or Morphine:contains all •
die memeinal value of a large quantity of the cwide
th u s
hence the sayer:or-try
of those prep...ions '
—and no invalid would desire tlrittE a gsliountixtdre
odic. a half pint contained Memnon medicinal saline.
The Sarsaparilla can he dilutwl•arben taken ugrn nule
W the direction., mid made to suit the hod.. tlfo pay
- •
The Col Oddrc•bed ro tisc Agecita
Chicago, flu uithce coaclusfcc proof of itt realue
in coon of Paver Socca.
Corns., lIL FPc 12,154 G.
Messrs. Stebbins,lr....B.ced—Gettln Inlay, 1,15,1 ob..
tamed at your store a (WIC $11111.175 SPlVlparlilS, and
was dice confined may bed, written', sleep tor a week, ,
occasioned by violent pion trorn regul er fever nor.loe
long standing, ma my right leg. Aly physicians advised
Me to nave the4dnalr amputniod, sayaik it p i ns the only
means likely to preserve soy fe. Atter using half the
usedm pain began to subside, and try th e nine I had
used nearly three bottles, I was able revisionist my reg
ular business, arid ',effort. I hadished the fourth but
de. I eras unwell and 'sound no ever bed been. I have
beailltloll 111 saying Nut, and's darsoparilln way the
means, under Providenceof shying my limb tend I
doubt riot my life. I most cheerfully recommend sr st•
the In, article extant for die purification of Ilse blookt
Your•, most revpectfolly, •
The hollowing rertiGeate in only unother link in the
greet chain of testimony to as ma Ins:
' docvn Uouros:Carmda Fast, April lb, IRS.
Messrs. Sasido—Gendemern Exposed no we are to
the smarts of doctor, and so
111 proposed remedses, cannot li d, no the efforts
of voccesodul pramitsoners With interest nett grin:nide
Theo . e rn. respeming (Our valtistde
Sarsaparilla. I have been sr vesely afflicted tor i'.3)CArt
i d disease about which "doctor's disagree," add
hMon 'dosed/son, were roll more diverin. I tried ye.
nobs romeebes
horrid no rebel .1.11 commenced
your Client ut whicb nine
wholly COM finr , liunty bed Alter mainsail& few month,
I am mow
ikloottt.teer oul,und etimy a come
'Onside &Kt, of Leastli, 'abort, I elViimlG eltlirri) to
d e use ol volontovrllla. Ideal, accept m y o + .
surroxr of :Ind.:dote ore
Tlcieg tnor:ner ne 'sem tainted With the above, stale
meet, I bete,: <en, d ttost!be sumo. is true.
—Thr following in 'n ex:rat
trom n :c.I Irma
llnagsmax, V1.,0el 22.145.
Mess,. I have nee,, alit ekeJ web a revere
pant nt my ride. welts:need by a dieca,o liver, for the
I rt la env year , tact.% at nines what language
cannot convey. het: educe lath ], sour Snrnhpairdl, I
have beer, green, reneved..o much so Urn I have been
able to intend to my In,ktle,, and preach uceasmnnlly
JOT the loci fineen months. I wholly kii,orecd all other
metimine, and thoroughly tro.d me :3.a-up:ulna, which
I ca recommend in I.:ahead sincerity to all those who
ac t n an, way afflicted with an, sock:ingot sr:Weimar
coranlaints. There have been conic reniarkable cures
effected by its one in du. vicinny. Nlrs. I, :Shaw, by
the n.e of six bottler. was rysterryl to better health than
she had before enjoyed for :en yyar., and Mr, W. +m
who had been severely ullbeted walk the Er, s, k ,
elas, way °natty eased by the use et a few bottles.
Yaw er pas tru
tic r ly, Whl. iv CIALLISIIA
For furthulars and conch:se evidence olio.
superna value and efficacy, sec pumplitei,, which may
be obtained of Agents gratis.
trepared and ro d he A. IL h USlnttl..Dregaun3,lllo
Fulton sheer., of William, New Yolk.
Sold also by - L. WILUOX. Jr .. Pittsburgh; 11. Ilht.
WoOd. Beaver; Wm. Wat.en, New eintdei D. N. Rob
ison, Waymire/Ile; A. er,.igh, Washington; and by
Druggists generally thmualsnut ilk. Utrat. State,
Price 111 per boule—ris. .1(1CF for
The pubne are respectfully reouesn:d taTenn lid,.
11121 Sand's Samap that it as rann.lantly on bin,
mg such remarkable cure. of the ries. Of
;lima,. m which the human lmtuc , 4Liteect,• nacre.
n•lr fin Snlld , Saisoparilla. and take 110 abet.
what ha, reliesid him us such a short time from his
-4..u1q of torrallioss. Cough aod sciffocaiiio? He
will tell rut it was "the IllOasounua,ur All.
Heating Balsam." Ashthe cienotoplive
what has alhi)cd his Cough, removed
the Vait, io h.. Side and Chest,
checked his night sweats, and
placed the ruse of health
op. his cheek? wad
Ale your friends if they know of anyll t ii .si ng that will soiw
dilyrure hug and tedious Cough eg of Illcant,
Dyipectic Consumption, Hoarseness, lidliceum, and
diereses of the Throat, as the Olomrsnienl and they will tell
you—Ho. Thera never yet has been • remedy in4oduced to
public trance which hes been productive of so much mi.) in
so short • space of time. Head the followicg
Astonishing Cures.
We. tort, the celebrated Branco cracker baker, lid Nas
sau treet, Bracklin, ince, that his wife has bri, ;Aided'
with Asthma fof scare, and could not find 7.ramaismt re
lief film the best medical ethic.. which hew York Ind
Book [pi could preeluce, was Induced to 47 this great nine-
She is tow bearly well. Ilis slaughter litho 'mandrel ,
mg from the ....disease, tried it, and 14.3 aho cured Iry it.
Mrs Bond is moor ad well that she is Ole h. ref her
bed mrly in tbe mornings a attend to bre usual actinthmugh
the day •ithout any .n yarn from her digressing malady.
Hans. J Avatsox, 13th street, near the Catholic Ceinetra,
ease to the store for the purpose of obniniug a bottle of the
Olasoanin. hawing twin afflicted with the Asthma for More
than au on w mlianstid nu his arrital that hr
could nra speak. lie purchawil a bottle not rode home
Few. days afterward he walked frame his residence to the of
fice without Soigne, distance of over two miles, to tell of
the wonderful relief which he had eaperienced Imo using
stout me half of our bottle.
Caremmpflon of the Lunge.
Mr. Comm.., 35 White argot, was to low to the month
of December last. that he was iten up by hiaphyrigian. Ilia
friend. entertained no hope of lus recover, - He wv penult.
ded to try the Olotamitur, and to his suer-tee it hub far
.stored Mtn to health that he iaOcow able to walk about the
Ales Arrua, the wife nf Wm H. Atiree,James Harman,
Kai end Geo W. Hays, Esq. can all bearmaimony tains
their own repine.. of the healing properties of this Ors-a ,
Remedy in Lonsinaption of the Lunge.
, Splitting Blood.
- 51 rs. Tuocnotrut, Xr.t . Sloura orretoillio had been
troubled for a gnat knelt of time by a resersi cough, and
misedriMintilles of blood, was relieved by oue book of the
Olosmoian, and declares it Me greatest remedy in the world.
Daaau Kett-r, 'X, Wider street, ems oho relicted from
the same complaint, although hewae eery much reduced
when he ctimmenced taking n, haring been under the care of
his plipiictina during the pot winter. Although he cnoghed
constantly .J war my much troubled with night swats,
bottles of th e remedy env' him to return to his daily
work. He am enttrely rebored.
Donut Ilanummina.Go (night street, atm W. Burnett,
formerly iif Neernrk, N. J., Ilene, Listens, 199 aivinglan
"street, And mimeo.. other persons hoe been speedily and
periumently cured of the same romp's.. by this remedy: .
The Array of Nantes
*lnch could be produced of penons who have meal this great
remedy .Sail mom than fill I h.lems. Among the number
we ire retained to refer to A. M. Biciuger, Itr2 Barelsy a
Mr. Wilma of lInkokeo; Mr. Bell of - Mom - omen, N. J.:
James D. Devoe, tot 11..0be .t.., Mr.. NrCaffree,so Adore,
pt., Y. Smith, H Third
„ Avenue, Mrs Wm 11. dorm of do,
bald W White st
'' Ll ' i ' l " Att: ' Ol ' e ' eal A s 'h
androod by Wm Jackson, at his rstuth
hledieine Warehouse and Boot and Shot Store, ago en Libre._
ty strait, bead of Wouetstmet, rittsbugh. frice9l per bat
de d e 1 6.1 y
w II eta.II.IUNI 0.11.1.
TitlE best article knOWn for citarting and...harrow:
the Teeth, mengthening the auras, sertetettine the
breath, ke. It should be used every night with tiatiti
be. ht and the teeth nod month will onlytecore a die),
t h
wash g., in the morning. Wet the brush ontl. ~,,,O ,
water or cold will :mower. and rob it ait woes ot.
the ti le. when enough will_ adhere for demone Me
teeth. It lenves• dehciou. taste in the nada., and on
parts a most delightful fragrance. to the breath. I t .tandr ,
outmoded es a pleasant. efficamous. eonveneist. um'
safe de•lttrifice. It is worraute.l not to injure the teed.
hullo preserve damn.
By using it regularly, It will remove the tartar an ,
prevent its actlnnalatioll—prevent the toothache .
strengthen the game, and proient a 4 dinea.e. at them
Cheansts. physicians. and Me clergy teciimmend it a,
decidedly superior to every dime of the kind in use.
Ask fur Iherman's CompoUnd Orris Tooth .'sate, at:
observe his signature is utmehed to each pot.
Reeenninentled by Dr. Cantle, hot Ifroadway, ode ot
our beat Dentists, sad by taunt,
of the old establi.hed
ones in the United :Nate., and e , 7 ,- aiertstvely 0.00
by the Nobility of England and Fli, e.. • "
A large proportion of the diven.e. t lostalll.ct Mankind
ariK from smile derangement oldies tomach or bowel.
which "a tintelv 11...0 of the Oaths ...le I.renges would
entirely °Lennie. Yersotm of bincaa habits should al
wayshave a hos at hand, and take a du. witenelrel
they feel the leant derangement in their health. A Judi
ripen una of these Lozenge. untold prevent thou-and , ,
of eases.
. .
Fur Aak WM. JACKSON'S. eutner of WUKoI 'and
Liberty air
ADIEs Who INte Common Prepared Chalk, are
.1-4 often not aware how Inghtfully Injurious utto
the akin! how coarse, how rou2h, how .allO.,
and unhealthy the ..k.n appear.. urtng pn.huted
chalk! Iteaiden. it iv itnuriou., enionntioCa gm
toy trail. We have Ore Pored n in - nooral Yryemete
WRITE! It ie perfertty inutteent.l.rmg punned of ull
deletermu4 quallue.., an. , unp..rt, to the skin a natu
ral, healthy, alatut•ter, mear, hieing white, at the aurae
time artnis a ..teriw tut the Skin. making it wit.
and itincoth.
Dr. Joule+ A 1 , 0, - 0 1 1. 1 . r501tc.11 Cher."... of Ala.,
nue: I.llal
Whne, I foht It the heuut.tol man.
ru I. u. the -aloe iot..eut who.. I ..ate. I
eertao. vuo eutt.e.ent p•eontilleod to sll
who, %:roi requ. rya Leal. grog
r.erte. 2.5 nt* box
;torn by ce
1 . 111 JACW.CK, at hi• Part nod :q.t.
Store.l-4 I.:berly 'tree t, heud of Wood. to Ate sten of
tk, Hoe tta.l 1214
- No Core - No Psigs
/arisen' Pilo Stidnuration Pierer Foam.' .
HERE are few diminses more monition or nom
Moment, than the Piles, and yet, notwithetand-
Ing treat efforts hare been made tuna re by the use
of pills, electuanea, liniments, Sc., all 'were futile
and of little beneht. Now thu Embrocation it, the
only medicine used. A person who bas been suffer.
ing with the Pile.. of the worst kind came from Sa.
les, New Jersey, almost on purpose. to re p ress
gratitude for the speedy cure that this medicine had
nffioted in his care.—Phila. Sat. Post.
1 1:P1 . m sale in PHtsburgh at the PEK EN TFA
STORE Fourth st and also at the Drug '1.. , tore
H P S chwartz, Federal at. Allegheny Cr
MORG - AlliliEir COUGH STRUP—qt shouliP by
published and made-known to the public This
was the expression of an old man who toed the
Perr.emstan. Fehruaiy I. 1 , 4;' , .
Mr. Hoorate—Thoi may cenify tha theme adhered
with a troublesome cough some rime, I bough hdOlt! ,
'of Illargan'sCough . l9lup. ainl sin happy urea,
your using it. my cough is entirely cured. I pronoun., }O.
Cough 'syrup the beau medicine I hove ever used. No
family •liould be without thie valuable in+dletne. •
. te •
r - r-Th.• rnedtcirse r• prepared wholees nod rer...
at the 1)/ ,, R Nore .JOll II Nil In"
Wood a:reel. one door helots. ll.arnoad Ailey
Prrt , ./5 rent* pckhotrie lettl
111111 C. 11160n1qn 11 AIIL OVE—F, pernT;
neally dyerog Light, lied or Gray Itarr it Dark
linawo or color. wohout dyeo.o or injorinr the
lA.. Sold with fall dirr,on. Trite :al rOlllll, Or el
a bottle.
p — Sold by WM. A KS,/ Patent Medic in. ,
arehoue tAherry e
eet. mad or Wood be
17Y - TatTaiisla urtog Waraboosa
HA YE erected an etreirsiac wattbaue the earner
And Plan which theyihstti
removed their Wholesale twine., where , Merl wilt
:Own , . have on hand an estrnsive toraoriment or all
the s piel,- in rLerr :lir,' to which they ilia/le the ellen
000 of the publre. • .
The lbw , itnent will be entklislutA at Ihr or. riund
.31.1101 6111.4 WOO 4 stl. ' •
D 11: N 2,3'1132 4 so that chakush.militamesitt:alart m:
sums.__. theliiviciisseiges is sahtm s h WSW
rts si Pot ofTooth rate ma the trtdi ueracik
. - Stintbl AN'S tOt:CH LOZENGE. 4.
" The. Lamesps am the mks!, Inuatsure and efflti.4ll ,llk• .
aly for coughs, colds, coaruntiniarte, whonyanecuk g es, suis..
sms,tightness of due Image or c. 0., etc, tic. I.l.epsam...sor
ear b,ret knaaman instance ahem they. 441 w gat ~..ert
satisfied°. &reek! thouswea bares hate hem suld . t. in
thetas year, restarini to health . persona isialmost:ei v rs . tie
oicansumplan,and Mart laboring order the tie„ Jet:. oug
colds and oinghs. They du em cheek east d4 - .14,th.... o ,s,
but render it ivy, protdate elywartath.; altsylte to .to ms or
irritation, ~.4 Icoltr, the parsamwe or exerting n. e.--
They are made! a combination of a most ialttaaksstee
toner, arcane, .eardirmaes, and /of mime. eto
el try - Uong its we We those carapttials. ' Hut:deeds u
deeds ofcertiLcatts hare Leen arrered of thts t 1....41, tru , 5,.,..
..... t... , -
luro, trvekli.e. who have bras wed from ass thstmely se.,
e nd rotund to paten health be using
Where there sa much 'miss Sallie Wrest oralti,du e o f h o ,
eon's rovie .111an'e Varier. firrkt wily Ir.!1 eraits,)• ststo
uppfied neer th e pre, and wo.o tits echoed.. 111 itrii.dsd
watt eustivasem, 0 few eisthaetie or lamaim iartlaws, or shy
sesSleadliartk medicirre, should be mat as mood. ~g o o es
Thew-writ lean est hart Was ponal to weeds. I, tat
tato more to be hirable: the only certain asetti 41....,e,
umillei. ererdascinered. - Nang dia . ...vets dote ...m a
an occasien lOng and intmarstafering, and men lteasti, .41.
out Weir wee bang .oersted; grown persons , ask. ~ 'ode.
...T.icted with than, nerd are doctored for sariatishvuquusts
without any traria; 01.11 U. gla, of two lwariges.ubls
mreed Ili curt them. '
.Seneptoeir • f Irurnar.,Pains in the joints ere hats, odes •
sive breath, picking at tl.e tare r grisiding of 1.11, [4 . 11.4 1 .1rat,
sleep, and at time •pelmirstshatathelipswith ileihm et.eka
Weenie; Oahe huse,aguawing seesadue al the:stfiecii.ll.ols
ei of Loa oser the surface La the body, .fight c Lb ur do,
tongs, headache, drowsiness, I erogv, tarko i doierbed
dreams, sudderi starting in sleep, with - tright ms seresansup
minetibes 11 trouldesem e cough fittrishems, t ina, indlet - :
hue, fits, had Mos hi the mouth, didath Warth err loot ie.
are stomarls or hearth, fatigue, nainel, Ar....13i1,..., •/ist . ,
appelita, Jeanne.; bladed senimell or Il e , galsosrs.
shuuting . phin• rn serious pens oTthe baby, a 'wipe 01 ...tee
1 .
thing rising In the thnna, 1101:Us; of the anus halyards sogiaz a .
frequent dash< e o pros something [nu t arc howelt, a.,,a ..ins,
times discharge. of slime and mucus.,
SIIERM.A.ZIPS C•11P11011. I:o2l.lltiesES.
They . give immediate relief Os latTO s or nick lot:start", ,
N of the heart, hotness of the spseio . drsis uomc. - -,
tralsinnatoa7 or putrid tare thisest,:......l se Ammo, mow
pLtint,Suisousg, oppressine or • stew of sinking of the =at.
..lsolic, gloom, tramp of the stemach ur beach, li!We tit'.
ne ed .loamy
and all arronss diseases, drowsiness'arni.o. the
day, and waliefulneo dough the eight; choler, os . hot
era hmrbus, diarrlsma, lassitude or a saw of fatigue ear
u.sO .1 - Ellin; or alltzuling Large parties, will foul are Lurie.
;esarally resiving,..4 nepotist, the buoyancy alyoLati; used
aOrr du•iration, they willsedure die taut ot the sys'em geuy
en4iy, .4 remove sol die unpltar.da symptom. Orate; trues
tnet free living. Perseus who hate been too hogli !roes, and
abandoned their dissipated habits will,find these h.nesiges ad
usirabfe compose. of the nerves.
. The lest stortsgthehing Nader in them/1,4.4u sow ereiga
remedy Weimar, or weakness in-thi ack, lobar, ide, neck,
limbs, mints, rheumatism, hisolnio; de. de. One nallion •
• ) vars.!' narsupply the dattionl. l'hey require• little warm
th, befurcapplwasar. , IVarranted superior la all 0111tIll, 1 1 / 1 11
kir ohe quarter the usual price, making nut isoly the hirsybut'
harm,platter in the world. It afanh rtltti its akw
harm, and nothm emu:Oh.; cum
la hoe complaint aud'dyispemia, it should Le warn titer
the regiou of ilte liver or stomach, nod it will attune goat anti
asomehing relief, In coughs, colds, gallant., di realty as
breathing, oppressiou of the cheat or starwl, du, will he
medudely .0.1.1111 and mid) , benefit th e 10110114 1 ' i.14.14 1
waretary habits, or arose obliEd In ailiel lIIIIde, In 1 11 tter h .
devidell.pix.. from u m of cle truly or - rued:ruing PIM
ter. • rh,orsons gretrally rscaoluteuil these, io pre teseur; .
aquthfp r lneause they sticker adhere better, ma afloat great.
er rclief. In their uptration,--they are stanulent, mew, and -
sonalsar. Tlay are totlllused of entirely difnereaTtgredi. : .
ents Into any [Mier '
and Inman frum the minnow ti t mil
lions who hare used them,`ar well iss the united lystianuisy of
all dm celebrated end distinguished clergy ard pli)ocians, to
be the lied ar tful and highly medic...lo.lw, f 1 •
Setetvl persons hart callcil al th e warehow to 'rapers,
their slope. tmd thauksnt the ahnart miraculous cares these
Dirwaions for use anon the bark °reach 'plater, with a
facsimile uf Dr. Shernim ea... It is important von slobl.l
always ask for Shertemh Poor Man's Phottr, dr7.l.w that
taut, as the nee many nisorthlessOmitatness
L u tirE t e.tsittt "re
aud sold Ike the true Slittiam's Plasters, by
unpriuchded dealer. ---
I duld E bul?sale mid retail by lir. JACKSON at his Pate,
Medici It -Neu Nll,Liberly street, Airy of di
810 IT. ' • - jai, 11-415. , ,
I . 3l , lltiliNS afflicted With - .Serial - 01a, liituer Etil.
.I. (4th:er r Erympelas; old Swett, [Auer.. l'etter
Men:01411 11/neaten: or any other cinitirlitta. as isitig
fn, , thintrittes of the blood, are reque,l:ll to toad
.the 101 l wing testimonial., ,o proof or the ...oder
fttl properties of the above maned medieito ."
0 lik.:IIDI HE:AD!! RFAIO'!
We :I e undersigned, !lading visited 111 r. loam-
Orooka, pr. at 11111 Offlee or 11lesara. Row mid 0.1
%Volum, ' ,i; Alarket. street, l'hilathelphia, 11 . 111 titter _
hie ease the no st remarkable one we Lane coca '
neraed or hear i of. •
' His diseme wan SCROFULA;and — thrrihle must
have tTen h twelve years' conflict with the de
ifisralite,' • e concerns& of bismuth, [sine, Up
per Lip, dad lower Lid of the flight Eye Ira, it beers
destroyed, his Vase nearly eaten up, and part of tins'
Jew Bone carried And yet we C. 44 gateau
description of his cane.
Mr. B. iiiiiirrna us that in January last. an. wlmh s
interior of hi, mouth, as- vell us most or.l t+ fans,'
was a noon of der p and paodui ulcers!
On the Lith ofJanuary last, lie CUMIIIChecIi taktn u
Clk.:A. which checked the discaiie inn few Ira's, ars.
runs that:time the cure has prOgressed without lei
New flesh has Supplied the place of the deep Ul.
cerv. sod though badly disfigured, his 'omis sound,
and his general health is - restored.
We are fissured that Ift the treatment of /11r:-
Brooks C. no DJercuriale,Ointmenrs, ortfaustic•
pplications ; nave been used,--in fact, the PAD.' A
EA ALONE,Iini wrought this wonderful change
David Smith, Bucks county, Pa. a
Charles L. litiwand,Pdesdville,Cravelord coPa:.
J W Jones. Si D booth Second•Street,'Phila
'Jacob Lee Pembertnn, NJ. • ; ,
:- • ,
E tt,' Carr, 410 N Fourth, above Poplar at, N. 1.. .
S All 'ollough, Lancaster, Pa.
RAI Maddock, = North Eleventh ate Phila. • . •
C W Appleton, ill D 46 South ii( do
Timothy Cakril. Marion co. Minion"( ..
Daniel Peaks ;Chesnut Ifill,Philvdelphia on. r 3. .
John Harntd,r39o High street, Ilula,
Willinn Steeling. Al Li, Camden; N. J.
William 1ia1e1:573 High street,Phda.l, , •
J It Potter,Alitriuthertirer of Mineral Teeth.lo9 ti:
Ninth atreetj Phila. ' ( '1- - • '
L A Wollenweber, Ed. Phila. Democrat ti 77 N al
street, --‘,: do . .
George W Alehtz, Brush • Maker,:.3l7 Market St.
Ezra Carr, 159 Cheroot street, Phila. , • ,
A o Gillette, Pastor of Eleveuth Baptiit 'Church,
John Bell, End Street, PhiladelpAia, !Non II Amer
can office.i I ' • '. ' ... '
Aaron :Sands, It Catharine Street,:Phili....:
Daniel 'tiepin! y, Kesaler's Alley, do, ,-,-.
AndreviSwestiM, Carnden, Pi J.
B it Evans, West l'hila. , • ''
Richard It. Voting, (tilde', 409 Itiarket rt. Phila
John W,Ashme4d, GO South Sloth sine( du
T S Wagner, Liographer,l,l6•Chesnut streot, do
B J Kenai). 1...3 , leventh street, do
Peter Siren Sini 1. Editor Native Eagle, do
Jocl. Bodine, t: ant nianyflicturer, Wihrarastown
N.J. -. V - ' •
Wiliam Steel', Earroingion; Van Buren co. losev
L B Coke. Al 11;t13oston,I,11811.
111.1380 Canfield, Phisinlogict, Philadelphia.
l'homas l' S Ro_l4s AI D, Harnsburgli, Pa. • •
Peter Wnglit.. Alarket street, Phila.
'Jaws W Newlio t 110 Filbert tt. de,
John Gond, 174 Spruce st. . ' do
William Uric, Yostor St. Paul's AL E. el,. Catharine'
St. Phila. I . • •
John Chambers, Pastor lot lndep. Church, Broad
at; do
-- '
T I. Sanders, Pt;t/lisher ur. Pledge sod s Sistolardc
. . _
I , P Sellers. Uttar °lase. I •och, Ll,,ylertnerni
Becko cn, Pi. .t• ! 1 -
Whaleeale.and Itela P0w.)41 {Yahoo, Pro
prietnra,376 • hlarkOt St. Pluladelplaa• It K
57,W00d at. Patsbyrgh;.Pa.; Wm. Th.. 51 Mar
ket at rlo.i Perkins, Alarietta, Olare,S eaten &
Sharp, Kapwille, 4 Y;J.olth Danealihe er,Cia.,
Ohio; Sidell & Kee tiea, Madisop la; Cpinble.
rille, K Y; Deverhuiat & Pelham, St. - Low., Ma.
P 17 hieGraw, Nathlrez, Mts. Ilardawav & Jo),
.ten VelLebergh, do; CharleiJef now thlear3
Consumptives Consolation. -.-
OWN Sick vieigh upcm ) 0. heat .
. .
Or nal ri5 . .4111-your, !it..
Try D r...thancesn's Ilealair 4u,
And it Will itiirr you ;€H.
It cleats away thr tniFtv clout]
Onletuebprettibt,'er the void,
And whaxper. Ittnnviti the &loamy .0.1 , 6/.1
"fair hrtalth.naty yrt be svitolt.”
S. r yonder •c
rriq withermAtls
It seaterly tmortilliA dew,
I:,,forent iudes a . way. •
The Worm JCL/cola' waain iL. •ton. -
And etranailo•taal a, it:area,— •
And wbra it bloomed, Warty !rm., —
It aiPPail iliroogla and througt,
That Wormer Death might be defied,:
If Dr. Duncan's m were tried;
.And runny lovely dos/owls Paved
Pie fat, of an utirebely grave,
uu NC AN'S WENTERN orTick, No 16 0
Syearnore meet, Clouted.. Ohio, ',here lair valuable
methetne is .old.
Yold et Pittsburgh, by 'W:11. JACKSON. teener 'of
Wool end Idberty.sti. \.2. • .uored&rer
, - -
You, whose isooh IS iuu fuud
You, willVe ALio io daik 21ot-sallow—
You, whore Moir . aud vr,rey. _
Rusty,thrty red or her).
You. whore vile ofreurive.l,,,,tl,
a .
Unplrqr wit t &rani—
Vurr could tiro,— Jur or cult
Tegili wture urum - or ;:.tur.,
Breach a sincy uweet.-47d
Pure and white and rothault un4l Leantahal,
And bat antly, dark 11.A.Ire, •
fly reading what is Tani lackey. -,
READERS. any ae you can have the she r;(miud
nn , h; ,, c h „, puda.; using a ant Louie ofJourahs Po•
rut Ohm. the•tarative—a .ISIIOI,OI . Jone,:a A ;;; ;,. Toon ,
. 1 ..,,a)„ n 4 4, of the Xcliuttle Jone.'s
cheT,,,, Soap. The att•ele" too hut little, und.yhu
anefissured that the following are their real quthatlee;
lath., thee* the breath a sweet ,Ahu,
eeth.and pre"erves the teeth, Ae. The hair 'nd' all
knew In he the moat exquisite thing ever erode tur drea
•,tax, heautitying..and cawing thel. Luis, and
the wap, (get therienuineJones's Soup,
wall cure
all eruption", freckles, Ac, arid nr,te 11114,
white. clear and fair. All thaweihipc• are widlonthl
td JACKSON'' , Vont awl Plot cu.!, mot Patent
•• edic,ne Warehoure tO Utterly .1. ' ths l ,
From Rev. Cle/Wee' Merton. Mini-fer ei the HYptillt
Church. Wooner, late' of AgnitsuLa.o .
Afeeurs. 11. Maine & Co, Prope tars of 11.
Chemical Plaster, ticalleinetb—ror sorer:ll year. I
hime from time tested the virtues of E,Desn'm Chemical
Pipit, by using, n its my fmnilY au . * meetly for Rhea-
Mellen; weakness and lameness of the back„pain m
the breast, intlemenon of the throat and et ape to
the bleeet. Ice: and Puke ptenyrre in ray rig to you end
to the public, that in every repo I haye fount it useful.
and ido believe that said Illeitter•potseseet virtues of
more Men brdinery chewier. and that it will general.
ly be found .a sufficipt remedy for there it ireaoela for
which it is recommended, and is luso ) . ent i t l e d , he
notice sad ommeege of an enlightened cominnnijy_,
Voare truly. .Cll/03. 510ICION.
l'if o ooor.o
Sold l.t It A Fahnestoet A Co. coiner Fir" la flood
- - . Law