wi~~Y~t i MEE A peace which leaves our troops in po..easion of Mexico, which chums Lippe: and Lower Cali. r • and Comte, and all the country between the Norco, "Tlitti ii..i'l :, 4 ~ _ , _ :'-''t -I', „.t ~,..7..., . • --- `.. t i and the Rio Gns r eds, must necessarily be a forced . 1 . .L 4 ,...:_,..... '' . ',.' cc.'cc •'" :c ' cc 't ),. -' ;:: ...1 peace, or a hollow one, and such we understand iii . ....,..%" . c .. ..,W, .5.,. - ' ': ',.. T .c.. ' c'-.. ..:.-;:: .. " c ": - to be the extent of the claim of our Government. traL `rill'iMt m :li. •;- - ,,c- 0 ..- '- ,• - •t ;,.. •••• i'' , We oppose it as oppressive on the part of our man ~.,,.. ..:-N.4 4 . , , i t ' f.,...i ",. 1 - 6 . , ~ i ' 't.- 4 '...1•', 4. : -. .. Government, as unchnatian op the part of a pow 'ls.lll. 1•1,.. n.c. . c ...!' 4c 4 '. . - ..":'- ::' ' '...':,• • :,.• •; ; erful nation, not doing to others asst. would have '- - -z-g', 1 1 1 9 - kiS4 . ' if,,..,f„..,';..i' ,„,1 1.4 - '%". I' ' others do unto her , and as }snaking ..f illst ..\., ....,.‘•.* . -,,, ,..v.. ~;_.:. ,:.:........,. o so d cowardly spin: which deabi with a O'''•th... '' ' 'ii-l ' O . ".i i• - • ?'•: ;; '''' ? I* "..s' s. ' ',. .- 1 ' . ,mean ' - tnt we heir dealt, and should 5 40 11 ; 5 :Ai "'''`*;" '-;;',':.:....'...'•''.. "_ • ' .± - wesk "d'°'' ' a' d , eci ,b,i it -0 441) 44f0il 4... .....c:t -...,. , - ._:,..,1 .- - . 4, ,. .... , - deal with one equal in strength an !et! y i ....: ; t '' :cII . , Y. ' : • .-:. :•1•,. . ;,..;.*•:,... ' of position. ,In d 1 thia there is no justice, no self, t5t..j 4 ,, A T,., '-- "...: • : _ L , " '- - • -•-i respect, nothing to roe dignity to our (fel:ern r. I ' s ' ' ''' l i -- '''' Nl-:-. ' : - -4,- *'-'- - . • ••••••‘• • ' 'mutt ot at tin to those who administer ibi affairs 4 - c 4, - ci.... , ..:4,, , ,,- ; :: ~:..,, ~.., ..:-. . ~, : •rhe remaly in our poor judgment, for the rea -1 i.t = ". - 71; % `•, 4 4 "tt . ' ••'- -*;-'il- itz,-:.,••.: -: 1., ent Meteor thing., is to withdraw our uonps to . :i ."-1 .-t ''', - it; .""'-f ~ ..: I '- : •1 1:7; .''' . :.-ti.0",:,,:: ' .- . . "•.• :,- theriuicoast andthe rites, and then await event., '''" '. 4 ."" - . ;.` 1 ••••.•: , -" , ~ z ~,'"- d 1 which cant*. aeon be reached there as in the 1 , ..''."- 7 4 ‘ - `l l - -:.; .1 - Mexico . end at an tmmense saving a ”.... ..; ? 4, ;?+ , :•,:,; ,Fv. :.:.- ': . hoar' .1 " li t tit, e t';' ! ' ~,..,...k:v, i 44. . • i*::- . ..;, , ,:,. ',..:4 1 :., . 4 :. ,;0 - life.and. treasure. The i ntell i gent M ex i can pe. I , 7J 4";b... , ,.. ' 74 ''''' ";:..-a. l 'L'i' ' ' ' " , .`"Li' i .. ". ' . : '.: - .l' . ''''..... ',:. I ple, a s distinguished from her ignorant, besotted ,t.,.,1 4...1. ..., • ;....V.,7 ' - '-f . ,!: . ..:- -- ,,••'Ati i • . ....ii '-,'• li• ■ . ' 7 l,' and mongrel 'population, sae not beyond pseltke .:l'r it/ '''J ' C L7 k.:l 4••. '4:-.1'.'" 'i . 7;41. ; r- 4 .^4 , :: • ; ilou. Nor are rmusy of her li , lilitary Chieftain.- -:tr ' .. : ss;' ,‘ :' i ` 5 '...i. - "`ii/e•, , i4 ':- i.. - f. c - . - -i: •'‘. z I ''' like Herren-and Trim, who are every day grow. ''':".• ; "i '' " ".„1,- , ' r•" - c'''.. 04 , :si'l -"R".f.tn.. ,, '-',-".'in more and more into public favor, beyond pa ----"#"4 I 3 i' .4l '' 'A' , ... 4 •• 4. ' •-•-,-;; , :: ., -.1 . 11, 'The Clergy would have been more '"' 1 •.,.. : ',„ .'-x-a,' , -1 1 ' , , 1 '''' :;;;-;,. ' . an"b'w• , '''.. - . , ,..L .. ... 51 44 - 1 r i .. ,r,,1...A1.1 ., ,,,;' i:- t: :z. ::,,iik . 4 , 1 . peaceful (tutu they have bcen, but for the suspeCt ' .. .''4. .V. ,4 " " ' 1 '''' : • , t/ ic, Y. 4 .. • 'tr." • - inl and afterward. confirmed, hostility of the Ad ;''Alt ...1„- ---., .......- ''' t , " 1 '••=" - r==" •C• • -- : • - d the Crouch property of Mee •':-i-'''-;;''''1'.„.41.1.441;:'-0,:•!:•'•,1•":4:;!..:..,:" ' =•..hinurtration tower d. . . I- -; . ....11.t'" , -94 .- . ;:t . k 4 .4 . .o...stn-4, - ; :,.i:-4, ::::-.." i •i c o. - Even. a thin moment, the (government . ' ; .•': ' ...n•-?.. • ...4.-r" ~. •••..f.,f1,t!.,.;,:.V,;',:='c.....;z•,,f•:".., i - ' ; ,', ,i,i ;.: - 7 4 ,' 'i rj ui ri eing to nuke Peace by placing General :4' I i l' : C'''''.l`.; ',''../ 4. ' '' l h. :In:C. "I.F ' . - ,_- 7'.' - 13L311 under the iturve il linice of Mr. Trist. It ate 1 '!.l.•''''''''e-ti'11'1k44,,,..1,„,:,...,-Ai-lit,-.,;.:1. :• ' ''?, ,t3 ,„'" ... • - i6 _''... ,..i .' . :.known by Mr. Polk that the.. two men wens not . - ' ••• IT ; i ~ , . - * -. j : ' - i 5 f „,..,,,.....,,,,...:.,,,,.:::,,,. well disposed towudyies.t. other when the Neal. '- ' 1 ;'''''' . ;- • : '''' l ;' ' ' '! '' .1 si.O•'; ' • 1 :" . '--.-: _:dent sent the dne as a cord of supervisor of the -.. ",•:'•;-..,•.: ;:- ,'' • ::•-;-"; .ent:fb:44::::,A... : ...... , t 4 , ' , . ' ••'' ' , 11 , -,:t ...1.,-..........-, other. ' • .0.7,• • :• ''''',•. lo At ,-' . ' c ' ,' .t'i . '1i c ,461, ' ;;.: ' to thin bungling manner the, war has been ''' •'"---'''K'z'i..i' l / 4 , ' , "O/..; 1 :4.,..: , •,,.:,.. .. ic ':- .: j '. '''"i . 0"•"' ' •-3'.,: tt -•..i•-• .. managed from the fuu,—now wading an Agent • " -• •` - ‘ 4. # -,-pi . -- -.), ,- 1 , ,, ,,, : , ,z i p.,.,,. : to whit Santa Anna at Havana, and inviting tam _,......5 ii 4., -....- •• 'cl• - : -t - ' ,- "Ar, ,''' '-• '' " w g iving him • nkee t ' " , :'...-:.-rt-1.i4': 4 44* ' P . ,-!..-!x•-. r ,. . f. to retu rn to he. eountry,—no with a train of attendants,—now '•''' - •.,.. - ''' , ••iic. ''''' '''*;*"....,.' 4 '• 171..,''S'I' ' 1 " 4"me. • the man in e Me. 1 ,•tzinit:lht. - ..31:,. • 40.4,. ~,,,,, .: , irx. , `3 1 :1,/tt.; *pill experniog urfideneo ro . . ~t,' ' - ` ,4 141 , -..*':',.. 0, . .1' . 5'. 4 ";: , .,r0 '., to c on g t eak—note prat • "bl.. ll w* ...,........„ .., ,, on.c. r • ,,,'• cif.,.....t.,... , ...41-nao.'..f.;- ',...:-T' , ,F , '•-t.,;"n •laSe- - . - o f r.,..4 'l .4 l,§l., \ lN, e ` c, 4.. i '..i•Ci t-ii lc..--', ... 1. t . ..:. ,' ":. : tiii •'.. -achievement" VI the (nuts of the annexation ' ' ''' • r•-' =••••="tftiP. , •.='-t# , 4 `"' ' 'Z'''. :':',4 le and through all the war, from the tiring '47 . .4tAY =' , =--t... , .1-4 - '1 r . t 5. 4 ....1'''..v , t-,. ex"' year to the Mid-summer of the net t, coo- ; • -• ", - ;s 4 4 ,,f . 4, - Ih - 4: 1 ": -., 4 . : , '-ik , -...,ii- - ,i.': 1 °!* annex both ine ffi cient end .e..Q O•;' , c a , ''' , A, ,, ,,`;',.$ ~ $ , : a.,:;.i.- : -:.x;:i.,.P,1, ettnt! it to a4' ice existence . _ c acc , - . 4t, . I -,41,•: . ...1 4 .;, , ,..,'," . .... c wtiililitalsted to prolong Ira t u b , 45..1 . :A... 1 1 - ,-..t'. 4 5;41' :` ,l l - 10';'f'1 1 if.:: :f iirilli Mew hi Mr . Polk ' • own war. . egi 4: 4, NT, ..yi - - :,...-.., 7f - !`4lt,' ` i":r;l: \ .1? S , '; tilidahehonot of its origin, end hot.' em respon ..,:r4 '', ~,... 7 -5 ' - '- n r . g.„ . 4 ti .",. lE; ''' ''. ' 4 , 11, 1.1.,..i. 1 41 0 ,r.";,; ick he frightful amt. For a year or more it i.';- '..1. i t ° 11 'N' (-":.; .- fro bee n a drain open the blood and treasure of • 7.:r" ..-:','-': ‘. 1 .4-.''''''...'-- ."-Z'''zt ...,.`,.::: ' • -;',:- -='-``' •'-',..' ' ' the dark icture in the :t.. 1 .; . 4 -': . 4',P-ifri , is74l----i4i2-Al.;-i ib .° if64°D. • M ora ll y, " • • P hi the ''''th. 4,- • ~ r , ,'•• '"i i ,,.s : V,,.4: : ~ .; , -3 - ..1 4 ;;..; !. ... - i i, a pf „..,, et ,oar publu history,. wle a.. - -4:4:f.,417=:7':...,''t.::• , ' 3 ‘i...0.?"..1";:i:: ''' or the future ham heavy with cloud., . i ..i. , „ 1 ' - A . - P'?•:ii--11,:,,,,,,..t.1-...--.:', , 2i ,, 41,,:, , 1,- .,' . 4 i;:. duo:pieced additional morrow arid los. We ;'l'''' ' - : ,- 1%; ''' 1:4".".;;•:"Z72.1;'-.P").. -!''l';';"' roost fervently for deliverance from such a f,: -7' g, , ; 1r 1 ',.?;•",,,-- ; ' ''',...it 4 'tx-' . :id ,:,...4.:' %.,••,f,•,; " i '' the Tatum of our brave soldiers from iViK" 44 ' .4 ;. - . - - 1 ::,:i-' , F....-14 ::::.. 0 14 ;".:•:''' .: , R 4 -, ".iltf: - . '... .' - i nu . of life, ;nd for the retu rn of those halcyon 'X':c,:;:-...'.1.. t•i t '- 1 , ..`;i 5 :4 7 ;4• ; ;'T5 1 '''';---"";' ' -'1 ! :' ''-'f .' '' e,adteit there shall be on our part, a wil li ng' I'S''"T ':,, .;.2 ..; ,• 7 11 75:' 1 ".-;:.,..,i - :,-; •, -:...; : I -P.... ' pats in that t•Peace On earth, and /,•...--C:r.";•i!: ilti 2 if " .fZ .' ..:•;;tt ..- •: -.. 1 :4 .: • ...,...i. - ~,tu-,...g ...,- . ncrenlag for th e Pew• ''':::'•';s:':- -,!;-•'' ? ...';•,:i;;J'i , ',' •.:,":- - ,,, ' •- •: • i-- .-- t• -..,' 1 44''1::-'4;''-?''.:. -'' 1...." *.' --77r7.;-----iiiizil'.-fr. - if. f"*.. , '"' - .1.:'-tg - VIC s --= 'l4:7.: ' - ' ' '''• * ...• :- ''''' 4 •" : ' •.. ; • Nsw 11!flurssr led in the rear of his 1.- • - el' .; -..."-..., z.: - r ., ' ,-- . ) .., ', , .."; Nam hes recently era led . street, a my . - t. ,- .""; ,- 1/1:1 -, :,g , ,l''` , '::::-- . ..--i ' 7 ' 7 '•.:;.;' ..:" i ' 'l '' ' I Ilia Dressing 811°°° ' an Fourth' which he 'l' '.l : , - - Y.'''e , 2Y".'"-' -77 ' '. '' 7 .:- '• .'' ~q)notitadhos and Widow. Wain/. . 114' .. -'-i''':''''" 4 ' 7 . -- '." .'' ."'''• ''' '' 'll..fitted . with much we and lasts, forballung .:;''''''-':4 '.' . -: tires. '4' Bubo 4 new and of excellent 1 .,.:.- r o -,--;',",.',.. • ... .. ri .. ...,- . :`,-, :.... - °..- 11. a • and airy, , 1 : 1 , , ::'''',...'';' .. : ".;. - 1" •!. , : , . ado°. . The rooms ere eepectette 6it. ' '• - t t., -''''';' "-.; , , --• : , t , ~;'.. •,..' -.,..,:' .. - ,- • , - • ri d iothtehed with all the appendages tech h .. ' -,.. .• -,- ,••'; , --•- , - ' 1 6'f il u so l o yemeocthts great elamsqtof loin. . , „ , . • ... ... . , , THE . 'PIrfSBURGII GAZETTE. PITTSBURGH THGRIMAY MORNING, JULY 8, 1847 Igr TES rllll.l ua DMIS Oa WWI{ n pobluoe,, Duly, Tri-Weetly, and Weekly.—The Duly Islam. Ilat•per enures; the Tri-Weekly is Etre Dollars per *omelet the tVeekly is Two Dollars per mum strictly io edger.* CZ= LSJ - Ailrenttements, to neeure mum/en. .1.04 he handed in by five o'clock in the enermon. Allenta/AL to tine,on the part of our eigllloMerV. would he rand ur tart Or mutual benefit The Geneve ban ate large•( hu. 11ppatt Of any papa: to Wetlery Peorteylanis, and mu therefore nere.ary ihat advertisements •booid he PCJA01131111) handed In FOR C.OTEILNOR, JA'JNIES Cr-ITE. mono, co,mmi:=sioritle JOSIMPII %V: PATTON tor CVNISKIU....6D C. 0,1 ); r0..T14T0.. tiFORM: ONNSIE, of AllcaltenV Cr 1y • rot., moki..l I.EWIL , C. J. N0111..K.. of /11 , 1431 a 1. CIIHIATIAN 91IVI ..T. of Wilk... Tp INI RSIIALI. wAwrzwELDER, II ENKY LARGE,of 51.ftbn 'f p. roux'," TW1L11,.... J. W. BAXTER, 01 PlM.l,urglt TOR eve rt 1.111011,63... THONIAB PERRI s, of Lowyr al. Oa, Tp na 'WILLIAM CA VEX. or Vrrostliro Tp. STATE CENTRAL COMMITTEE THOMAS F FRANKLIN. Lancaster JOHN C KUNEFI.. Dauphin THOMAS DUNCAN. - JAMI•Z MAR rm. .THOMAS C lIAMBLY, York WILLIAM et wArps.Cll.ll) , ./[flallli DA,NIEL M SMYSh:R. Adam.. JOHN 1' AVETHERILL. rt.dadelphes Ca). , JOSEPH R CHANDLER. ROBERT T CONRAD. THUOI AS DILLER LUTHER. Berl Afea , RATILI.WeIph.a COYIIIA ROBERT M HARD. Frunklnt. THOMAS N T ATEENNAN, Warnington ANDREW 1 OGLE, Somerret, DAIWA R DENNY. Allegheny. ' RICHARD, IRWIN, Venous°. J 051.3.11 KUIINS, Westmoreland I:.1 BALL.Erie. II DI AXWELL. Northampton. J II SALISBURY. Supoettanna. ELHANAN SUITII. W7ornlng• SAMUEL A PURYIANCE. HENRY rr TEVA NS, Chew, ROBERT T POTTS, Montgomery. Far Let= Caroroerual Intelligence. Dontebttc kets, River flew., Import•, bloner' Market, de, pee thud pane. See fourth Page for Ml•rellstaeooe News PACIFICATION OF MEXICO. The war With Mexico hu been a delusion firm the first, and to Lime, perhaps, a sweet illusion .1 . fancy r both at to the honor. of war and the of victory. To the tuber .cow of the country,— I.; men of sufficient feeling to comprehend the loos of life it. has occasioned. and the waste of time and property Rims cost, it has been through• out • cuter reality. painful to think of in the pre sent, and full of portentous conicquences for the future., Mr, Polk told 1.13 in his message of that obldodkav, , victory" which had resulted in the ac quisition of Texas. Otkiers, lik't Henry Clay, fore saw that blood would flow from the first, and it has flowed for some fourteen mouths in one con firmed stream., Nor has it been blood alone which has been spilt. Sickness in almost curry town has visited every camp, until Mexico robes more upon the ravages of disease than her Ar , iniee, for defence. Our ear. are filled with Peace rumors from the 'Capitol of our own Government, but from the Capitol of 'Mexico, and indeed from the w hide Mexican country, we hear nothing but war and rumors of war. So far as any (sets are girt n •we confess we sse but little prospect of peace,— no more now than six months ago, when so many were predicting peace, and no more then thin When the war broke out. War, indeed, was made inevitable by the order of the President to Gene , Fad Tiylor, to tale up his position on the banks of ill. Rio Grande. That of itself was an acted tvai, land the dna nu predicted from the beginning.— Mexico did precisely as the United States would hem done, tad a hostile British Army crossed the Niagara river. nod taken position open OUT own evil. She sought to expel the invaders, but being unequal to ;the task, has ever since retreated be. • fore them. '.ailt baaltb• ! ',. ..• 1 -!:'. ~;--':'.:'.'-",-------- • t' liesetatisi, Ann 11,11 uattise.—A telegraphic! to:threditors of tba Gaulle, doted Bei. .; t'ltdi 7th elie Mat negotiations have bun 1 s ptsia hi the Bibintore Company and Wheelies i Snaiittee, for the eMeoslon of tho EMI Road t., 2 iliiiiiii . iig *Oil' Cuinbarlatid: Nous Venn.. :• L.,..':'. : ..Y tll6o.'.:riiiiiwi 4 ii exPected will be op<l.o :.liiiiitiaisi.. ,Tbe - cirai slim, No mi., 'L '', '' 'lWilbaritittiWlUelieg.iltittilles or which "T . ' L litil4M.... t O Clevelied. The 15th of Anget.t .. , . iiiiiiekitteitt communication with Cin• •.. * ' trfli4 ' • -: • . •: . ISM Laurin in Padilla. .Pl7l;iniediAlfer WOlilingtaft whom 14 .. .. ... . :Tins .onTrlKAincnn. Ftilninnonn , -1 111 more we see of the environs of Pittsburgh, the .611•1 e charmed we are with the beauty of theimats, , try adj scent to the city. i The travekr Over Ea: rope or the ifnited Statee. swept in morns pet:alai pht-es like Niagara Of the 'Notrust. Bridge, the Giant's Cactuses'', ar some scenes upon the High. lands:the Dana* or the Rhine, wig find no coon ' try mote ' beeld , Liful than that within half an hetir's ride or walk around the au called. etitilloky City" i of the West. There is all the wildness of ninon. Lain and ravine scenery, and all Mei quietuses of rep.e as seen in the plain and the Salley. One Inew, which we now the other evening it/ compe -1 ny with some valued friends, reminded es of the 1 forests of Solvates, assent from the bras i en heights erected upon the field of Waterloo, ire. honor of the victory of Wellington. This upon the bor der of our own city, while from the hill sides of Allegheny appears a scene as 'tranquil and beeetiful so the sweet spot which is known the world over as "fair Wyoming." Nestor to rho city again you may survey the three neen that border upon the town, with all its hum of busy i industry, and all the rarietyand excitement of city I life.. Nature has been lavish in her gifts to the people of • cousin, like this, and nut alone in the boundless wealth of the sail and beneath the soil, but in the beauty and variety of scenery that er. cry where meets the eye. Taere is a grandeur in 1 the bills that on every side hem to in. There is • beauty in riversithat have rolled on from-the dawn of creation, sometimes in the quiet of the primeval wilderness of a new world, sametimes swam by the huntsmen and savage.of early times, sometimes freighted with the rich treasures of the marts of business, mid sometimes the mule of so many pleasant reuniaa• at public and social life. Of each, like time itself, with Horace we may sing -Leon, es tat.or srs emus tvlubtlis s cum • There is a chasm, trsa, in the field. of verdure, in the valleys, ea rich in production, iu the (areal trees that tower like the hills all around' us,—iii the cattle wren as upon a thousand hill., and the attraction is almost alike whether seen in the sweet rerkiso of • garden of violets or in the noble water fall, wh se every Clot, to the Fossesior has the mu• of gold and silver. Oh fur some magic wand to sweep the cobwebs nom the skies,—M Mann from such a nom those cloud* of smoke that through the !ne•long day hang like the curtains ut night round about us. The .un and Mson shine as bright ly,ind the stars twinkle as glowingly here as over the broad expanse of the great deep, but absorbed in our selfish gains we forget Goo's beauty and our own comfort, in our devotiot to the l'itammou of gain. OLII PRINCLTON.—The lOOth celebration of Princeton 'College took place on the last 'Tuei. day of June. The attendance son large, and one of toe moat intellectual which has ever assembled in oSe„ country. Among the guests end graduates Were the Vice Pitaident of the U. S., also pit. cut Chief Justice Booth end Chancellor Join... of Del., Judge Grier, of the U.. 5: Court, Judge Jones and Senator Cameron of .Penusylvams, Governor Stratton Senators Dayton and Miller. the Chancellor and Chief Justice of New Jamey Judge Nevins, Judge Dickerson, lion. Mehlon Dickerson, of the clan of 'B9, Cul. Robert G, I Johnson, lion. Silas Condit; David English, Esq. nes. N. S. Prime, and many other venerable graduates. Mao, Bishop Doane; President June kin of Layfayette College, Rev. Dr. Brows, let's President of Jefferson, Dr. Baird. President elect I ' of the same, Prof. ()Lasted' of Yale, Mauna W. Ringgold, EM . President of Washington College, Md.. and several other represent/niece 4 leaned institutions, bet. Pcnnington. , Gov. Heinen, and other es• Governors of our State, Judge Este, of Cincinnati. &c., dec. . VC,* mare': !hit our limited apex 110/4 not al low us to give a detailed sketch of :he interesting ploceedings. The following we copy front the Princeton Whig of the 2d July. They were but ibcidents of the day. • Tbo following sentiment aimed by Robert Me. Knight, Esq of Pittsburgh, Pa.. a graduate of the Class of 11339, wee err nd withomost aver able reorstion Opal pr. :to, Nassau Hall anti L, strength of the fie which binds them together, di: redly with the spore which Impended. them. SMOKE ects•scs.—A gentleman who has watched with interest the efforts now in pro gress fat abaling the smoke ritsisana is willing to cootrila!e his mite rowans elearior• assay the cloud. try offering a e'efd : 4daf w elk /tun • drrd dollars, to the person who shall within sis months from this lima devise the hest Method of c;ansurning or economizing am t h e in ordinary household acres, fire places or cooking apparatus. Mr. B !roe co. of Ike Pittsburgh Glesette, is author ised to .hand o'er" the medal when suitable committee shell bane decided on the merits of the juveniles. In connasion with this subject, the proposer of the medal respectfully submits the following notice of an invention that may possibly be 'constructed with the desired -Smoke destroyer:" patent has been taken out. in England end one is to be secured in the United States, fora new invention, which on being attached to the owl inary kitchen or other fire, will produce e continuauS and sufficient supply of gas to say extant. The apparatus is of suck a simple cunstruMion, that it can be attached as an embellishment td kitchen . ranges, stoves, parlor grates, steam engine fun., nes. &c." The .indtvidnal" above named, is • public ryit ited gentleman, whose genius and enterprise is second only to his wishes for the welfare 'of the city and people where be resides.— Who will try lot the ..gold medal!' Let it be remembered, SlEtam Patch says, that .promo thine can ha done as well as ethers," and that th e i nt a Amerisan Mono is Desperandunr" The ,rre•ri Mal'? Swim Boy blew op on Cum berland river, June 26th, killing 20 ut the aew and and walling several others. The"Sioton Kenton: , which left 81. Louis on the 28th with Delegatee for Ching:, scalded sen end pereonsby the bulging of the Standpipe. A tidy svgs.° frightened that she dropped her child into the ricer, and ores lost. Cincinnati carresptintlent, who.. letter we did nut receive Until the morning alter it was due, ay. that the Clerk of the Declaration heard of the accident to the Swiss Bay at the mouth of the Cumberland, but could not learn any father par titulars, and it to hopid that the report is greatly exaggerated. The Swing Briy was • new boat, but bad old boilers. • Of the Kenton. he says she had with bar 100 pueengers, mostly debvites to the Chicago C! 'elation, and Marx her stand pipe, by which nub dent sevetal persona were badly scalded. During the excitement a child was let (all overboard, and was drowned, which was the only life lost. In nit L. teem J. di,. *de.a. Quince. 17th Juni, 1847. I Frieisiii and fellow citmens I have received your kind invitation of the 10th inst., to attend the celebration of the hundredth Anniversery of the College of New Jersey, on the 29th and 30th deys of the present month. An invitation which I receive with the mostgtataful feelinp, and which I should delight to acceprifut for the infirm state of my health, that howivii, will not at the present tune permit mitt. dwant myself so far from home. I must thezerfore con tent myself, by assuring you of my best wishes for the continued prospenty of that lostitutim to which I. feel myself peculiarly indebted, for re pealed testimonials of their kindness and esteem, and with fervent prayer, to the Father of Light. that His ,bllimaing may beam with undiminished lustre from that golden candlastiek, which his now' for- the apace of a boll CeAtUly, op lipgoly contribitied to illuminate our native land. With groat respect gentlemen,l remain pie natant Filmed. end -C"untrjenen. JOHN QUINCY ADAMS, TUC AIMS— lima wua Luse sale I pain; tinge on Friday at 'ate suction room of John D. Davis, Esq. The price. ware 'ominously , low, if the piciures were good for anything; acime of tho I,t...t_bringtoa bet f Its, awl rnauY but otte half ■ud moo forth this auto. Nes Hampshire is for'addine a distincrished mum to Ito ties of bet children. The Balton Timis says Met the House of Reptssantatives, by a vote of 149 r n 107, bay eoofettsd the 104. teats of eltkteueltip upon Thom,. W. Dart litemned.tur the rottsbuf—,la Upieitr I DiaLTIII fttcasao Meeting et the Bits ' At three o'clo6k ea Weal:end:ly, there was 'l' very full attendertee of the thecolitte of the Bar,al the Colutt Houni. The meeting was one of it most solemn sad uopreeoirn eherset.r, Ira the prienedthge bight.e eppropriate. The foilowiogigentlenien presided: President, Tot. wmaNs. . • • Viet Presidents, hires DeSior, C. 0. Merest./. / Secrdaries • • Cbar l les S. Bedford, Andrew Burke. The meeting liriving been organised, Me. Wiscrisk rose to address the meeting, but was unable to ipeak, Twice be rose, bet MR compelled to resume his seat, being choked for utterance, in remembrance of the severe loss he had etperienced!in the death of Mr. Biddle. We were; he said, called together upon an occasion most melancholy to him sod he felt wholly una ble to say one 'word. Mr. W. endeavcred in vain to speak, and with eyes oufrosed with tears, he yielded to Mr. FORWARD. who said it res. proper that some one should lender t the meeting Resolu tions suitable taithe occasion. He had prepared those for conaiderntion, upon which he designed to make aims nenuks, but he f-lt h inee:f unable to recover from the shack which he hod eaperi. awed this morning on hearing of the death of his friend. His recollection of the deceased went back to 1817, when Mr. Bsddle came to Pittsburgh, where he soon haulms eminent in his profrassion. He was, indeed, a man of Singular industry, of . great attention' to business, of mach energy of ch a racter, and warmly devoted to the profession of the law. He was a scholar also, a man of great eaudition, and had been a hard strident from • child. Tr.° difficulties which beset his path he earnestly and easily overcame. and it was proper, as an encntragentant s the younger tnerriitere of the profession, to Meta ■ circumstance or two coo. netted with his early practice. Mr. F. rev:Acct.d that when Mr. Billie fire took past ill'a ' CASS. that his mice was a, weak and husky that he could not be heard at the apace of a few yardi, but even then bd was readied as a wan of high professional ability, and. a. we all know, his voice anti became powertul. Toe,. were few men, indeed, who could commend at tention as tie did. and be did not know of a unit more profoundly read. It Was his regent to go to the ancient fountains and to consult the ancient models. He ] was, therefore, chute, elegant. se. lest. forcible,,, always speaking to trio pon.t. Such war Mr, Biddle, and the speaker. in conclu sion, said Le' id nut knew when we should look upon his like' ; again. hir. Fortsa'rd then effete.) the following Reso lutions: : Resolved. ;That in the death of the Hon_ R ices nu Biotite, the member. of this bar hate sustained an jtrreparable 1n... Resolved. That we cherish the highest admira• Gm of the piofessional bearing of the deceased. of his general erudition, of hes abilities as an ul• vacate and Statesman, and of his integrity as a Resolved, That as a testimony of our regard • :for the deceased, we will wear the•ususl badge ,d mourning thirty day,. Resolved, ' .'That Muer. Forward, Hampton, i and Haugh, be a Cl.llo6lilleo for the !Rapt.e of transmitting • copy of the foregoing risolutiors. end a letter of condolence, to the widow of the ds ceased, and 16 his surviving relatives. Mr. htethjentess said he seconded the Resolu. Ulna offered !with entire eati.faction, nor was be I eurprised thai the fountains had been broken up in the peren of the presiding officer. He could readily apprelciate feelings which in vain attempt an utterance. Mr. McC. said his intetcour,e with the deCeestd begun 'mkt his boybots.l. and they had lived to his farthest life. He remember- . ed well his hinduesa to him in youth, and, Mere fore, was compelled to speak of hie friend with embarraumelat. Tare was no:atie - more ready to I extend a helping hand than he was, and his ad lice, C)1.10.! and COILKIIaIIOII were ,aware ready. Much of therlovef or and success in the I urru , t he was engagul he attributed to him. Tnoualt elec ted to Congtess, he went there trot as a polnicien but as from the people. He was is all things a wand strict honor. and an example for the pro . fusion here, and for ell its number. throughout the Union. His high attainments and deep re. march worelmanif,s}ed in all his tabu., and waa have 'lost, the bar has lost, the Union has lost 018 I of her hrillitesi and Most brilliant 01'01113t016. Oa motion of 3. Knox, Eq.', Resolved; In further respect to the memory of that . deceased. that the Judges of the Court—their officers, end the officersepf the county„ be request. ed to meet the members of the Pittsburgh Dar, at • put 2 o'cliick on the Bth hut.. at the Court of Common Pleat—to proceed with theta, 10 a bo dy to the funeral of Mr. Biddle. On 11101V0 of. W, McCandless. E.q &wired, That a Committee of three he ap pointed to preaeot the proceedings of thin meeting to the Distiict Court and Court of Comm us Pleat of this coutaty, to the Circuit and District Courts of the United States for this district—end to the Suprethe Court of this State, with the request that they be entered at large on the mintus cf the respective Courts. The chair appointed Mesas. McCandless, She. let and A. Loomis,, as the committer. On motion ofd. A. Wills, EN. Hese/Fed, That • Committee of three to, ap pointed, byi the chair to select an aratur to deliver an Eulogy on the life ondcharacter of Richard Biddle, at • meeting hereafter to be called. Mt Wills thought it due to the Bar that a Lawyer and ldtatesmin of so much eminence should not pass awry without menu merged no tice. In Ml. Biddle the profession had • rootlet and it WAS due to his high character that something, more than: the Resolutions of respite t should be adopted. It belonged, Mr. W. thought, peculiar ly to the young men of the Bar, fiat some re cord of moths man should he preserved. Mr. Darragh thought this was hardly the oc cuion for such a selection. The present meeting was. solemn and &greening occasion, and we are herd assembled to present our condolence for the IC. we have exprrienced. lie thought the firew.iit moilent was out the customary our. but Iner,ly ' suggested it as an objection as to time. The life of the man himself wee well worthy of ine tribute proposed. Mr. Within. thought it not trimytopriste, Mr. Wills' Remlotion w. seconded by Mr. N.r. Mahon in a few appropriee remark., where Nlr. Biddle was spoken ul a. cotemp .0 ea Philip Daddridge sod Parker om, and. • men, as well known M other Stw.•. at hoe,. Movers. Will, Mahon sod Plan .. so were pointed the Committee. liOn motion of Thomas Hamilton; Cig. Resolved, That the ;nor-ceding. of this meet, g be publizhed in the newspapers of thc city. On motion of St. Hampton, Reg ,the town, g adjourned to meet again at j part 2 unlock, P. .1. tomorrow. The proceeding. ..1 the mert...g were signed by the • (Beare. At a meeting of the Board of Managers of • Paul's Cathedral, held'inly 7th. the t.,llowing i.. olutiorui were adopted: Resolved, That we have heard with sincere re. grit of the demise of Sister Mary Aloym tltrny a, a member of the Order of the rioter. of Men Y. which took place at the Mercy 11,..y0al on Too.. day, Bth inst. Resolved, That partaking in the enteral; feeli,g of admiraUon of the video at tiu, dreeawd, and aware of the amiable qualities and distinguished talents which adorned her, we look upon her death as a calainity to the Catholics of Pol.! mei; that the deretednear and real evinced by her to aln.ta doning home and hinds to dedicate herself to works of Charity and Mercy in B. diocese, for which purpose the sacrificed rancho..l amid ...Y. or 'have expected any earthly 'ewe; untilh Iler to limit grateful recAlection and 1111p...0 bil the duty of ahowong to her tenon) every piaisi Ns mark of gratitude and respect. Rushed, That we attend her tunnel in a bet ; thy' tomorrow at 4 o'clock. P. M., and that we hereby request the Cation. societies connected with the Catholic Churches of this city, and the ptblic generally. to unite with us in this mark respect to the memory of the deceased. By order. July 7, L. M. TAAFE, Beey. The Dll sir You paper. notice win another case of outrap upon the person of • young wo• awn. The =kw the third outrage of this kind is New York within kur dry.. V° " -114 guest, Java The Metopes° corri.panicatfi of the lint tlas,arSiting from itteaden, glees the fellowinia of the,iestels in Me Roy: el Cibinet of Bunny; "The ' ll soserritns of ?foamy 111011 hare pew sewed Aladdul'e lamp, to have amused the tare jewels, curing* in precisus mends, and cooly works of art, accumulated in the cans of the Grume Gm:alba, or green vaults. Large goblsts composed of agues, chalcedony ago lapis Insult— rues cut from solid rock cry vni—aapphires, pearls, rubies and diamonds, to the value of many millions exceed and any similar chow Tharp ever seen.,— One of the diamonds is a green'brillionl. weigh' I leg forty carnets, and among the emelt.. to a 1 atone on which is cat a cross, set in a ring for' Martin Luther. The seal-ring of the reformer is also here, bearing a death's head, around which is the motto, "marl cepa cogilo!'"f he moo catty worhs of art ate by Dingfinger, theBaxon Derive ' nut, Cetlini, whose master piece represents an I Uri-metal Emperor holding court, rarrounded by his guards and nobles, in, full costume, melee 4orn ter uf 138 figures}, all •ilf pure gold enamelled.— This trinket occupied Llinglinger right yenta, and coat $58,400, at a pelf id when not one Slams in ten was mimeo to read. It k said that the , dia• moods alone in this CaileC , lo(/ 'would pay off the heavy national debt witii which the country is burdened. Workmen engaged in the dotnolidou of the old church at the Celenthl3, us the Runde Petit Muse Par., lm the purpose of new conrtructi ns. dap turbed many ancient tombs; among them OM dia. coveted one ten feet below the surface, which turned out to be that of a daughter of John, king of Engl..] surnamed Lackland. who granted the Magna Ghana. ithethml probably about the you 1250. King n( Holism) has strongly tredintnen dril the Emperor of Japan to throw open hi. count, y to Europeans, so as not to run thistisk 01 being trmibsrded into eieilinotion, like lhn , Chi- In the parish reestry ''of St. Peter's Parish, Dublin. the regiairy of the birth of the Duke of Wellington rune thus :..--. l Arthur, eon of the Earl end Cuttriteas of Nlomington, born April 30. 1787.' By a &vim of the Landreth of the Cmton of Glans, in 3,riteerlind, all thn palmy men are in rertheied from marriage fore they are 22 years of age. and the femalea before ;hey are CO. Foil nil i• —Thu phenomenon of Fog or Misr occurs at all Sea Nona. and it appears always under the peculiar circumstances explained by Ilurophiy Davis. lint theory is. that radiation of vapeur from mod and Waive sends it up until it meet. with scold stratum of am which eandetiree It .iii the form of mist—which naturally grayness toward the surface. When the radiation is weak, On mist creme to lie upon the ground; but when mere isswer:ul, the earldom of mist may be Drert elevated a few feet above the ground. Mist tioi. may be seen t r continue longer over the water than the land. Owingtil the slower radii - hob of v a por nom water; and it is generally set 11 rii the nell.ivrest pettione 01 ground, oil account On the cold air, us it descends front the au.rouniling t lasing I giound and mixes with the air in the holt low.d.niiaueingita capasity for moisture. Mimi aiso•anes is its character according to its electric state; it negatively affected it deposits it, ' vapor more quickly. forming a heavy wirt of dew, and wetting everything like Fain; hut if pocrively. it continues to existas fog. and retallia the Super in the : stale in which it has not the property of welting like the other. l'he pc in Ind!wag con s titute the tine stratus cloud, %Ye ere •tipar at aellistence in the lame... phere, and call it cloth ; but when it snit, to the moth, or, - will not rke, and we am immersed a cloud on a mluntain,k e tireldifi,we are iu a mis.: but mr rdillle Ull.l will teen' tty Spectator, at • iiwtoliiie in the alley a heapful citretweittus 'room; on the mituntaln...o'....,' . . . The magnifying you, if rain! is a well known acne tiluatun., It. curtualiny and ingot. Ifying effect.. may have been observed by every and us causing distant rounds to be heard tor tf near at hand. Ina. also have been noticed by mane.-- Stephen'. flunk of Me Farm. ' Aor ant - 1.••• • tat.—The following extract from' a killer written by an &leer of an Englith, East Indianian. to a Mend to London. and dated tram the Indian Deem, on the way to Bombay, rel. • ait oreutretice which, although n, t unprecedented, shows what a ilegrtettif enemy, physical and mett•tt. • woman w capable von. acting the influence ot any particulti iiwe,oll; ',A young person of the age of seventeen enter. ed onboard our ship at Doptford, as an ordinary seam., under the uatue of George Thompson, Who performed all the dunes of his matt. with! remarkable ateadincas and dexterity, anti went , ! ' perhaps have remained undiscovered the rest of ithe voyage. had not the LN..wing eitcnoww e ,wo led t, the illyinery. Aco It baring torn <de, Lmitted on Mal, a general al art h - bras the c0r.,1 quer.; on examining Thumps... chest there was found woman's apparel. Clam which, the eager.. dirty concluded he mast have •tolen them when on abate, therefore ordered him three dux-n lashes; when they anal:Opt. ed enforcing the punishment, ha purst Otto team! , solemnly protested his innocence, and ,btaatight tint rifler, continued inflexible; when entreaty was brand ain, with touch teloctance I the acknowledged Act meg; judge 'what mini:kith went pervaded the mind Of every one on board who little expected ar find in the person of George Tb1:471 1 .313.a bloominifyouthful girl. Being qua. none,' by the Captain who the was, and what amid have induced her to take so extriordinaty a step she replied her name cos. Margaret Thorny. • eon; shu had left her uncle, who lives in Diorthuma he mud rreri, to see, her sweet-heart. who quitted England three years since, and it now a reaideni et Home.; the era thin. with which she per formed the moat arduout tail, mounting aloft with amartng intrepidity in the midst of danger, even when the most etperienced seamen appear ed daunted, ••timithed every one; her patience and perseverance, during five - months herd tin be tqualletl ouly by her fortitude ut the at-' : A woman or 0000 rani.—The following very soil equally true sketch is from the I.m.don You nee Oise lady turning a cold ele 10' the assurances it shape:ten, anal. rectottuterotatione I of Milliner.. She ewes 00l how miasma a pat tern may lie: it ! -a I, ugly, or how !et.... a .nape, if it issstiskarili What...et law. fashion sliciatea, she folloe• live. f,f too own, and is never behind a. She wears very beaussfol thing. which people I generally supposed to be brought from at least made by a French milliner, but which ne,l often are bought at the nearest town, and made up by her sewn maid. Nut that her costume hi vitt. , ricks or new—on the osuarrry she Wears many s cheap drew, but a is always pretty and thally_ari old one, but it is always good. She- dealirits too gaudy confusion of scion—nor does she affect: a 1 studied sobriety; but she either refreshes you With • spirited contrast, or range/le you with • josh- times harmony. Not a setup of tassel.. trumps.. ry •ppears upon her. She puts no faith its velvet bands, or gilt !Munoz,or twisted cantina. She is quite •iwari, however. that the garnish le as insp.. tent as the drew; all her borders end Lewis Inge are delicate and (mob, and eloutdd l anything peep out which me nut intended to he wen, it is quite a• muck nose that which se. After all, there to no peat aii raiser in her fashion, or her route. rusts. The wad simply consiets in her knowing the three grand Unities, of dress—her own elation, her Oven a ge„and heepwis point! And no wore wean dres, well who does not: Alter (bie r wo need not sly, that whoever is attracted by the costa.. pill not to disappoinied rd the wearer. She may nut be handsome. our accumpliehed—but we will am wer fur being even tempered. well iefunnwl, thor. uughly sensible and a complete lady."' • The Serene LTKIII, an instrument fa aseerisin• ing who Condition of the lungs. of. which, we bane heretofore spoken in terms of condenularion, thus noticed kilt recent number of the Medico- ChirugitaAlierian Tee deficiency, of vital , cipacity being ascein. mined ; the inference that disease ethos mate where went. established with a painful certainty. The lungs we conceive wall be found In fault in the out majority of 10.141111,01; dnd es there is no one of their diseases whiCh is apt to have,o long a period of latency, end afterwards to be so ob acute, end doubtful in its progress as phthisis often to, it is especially noon this disease bet the 80. mourner to calculated to throw light. Subsequent experience, in two or three cases. mentioned in the paper. verified the melancholy out cipationa /if the author, where consumption had not pre viously been suspected. Farther eitiertence of the reliance to be placed upon this method of emulation will, iu all prjbability, constitute the Spirometer • valuable instrtinciit ito the bands of medical men. Our best ground of hope of tout. batting . obithiais succerodully is found in our be. tog enab.ed to recognise it at its commencement writ, certainty, so that we may ~tack tt early and act aroma. ti with .1.14 , ..C0. Now the hipi tomater promitent to give no the advantage, and we shall watch its use in diagnosis with much intermit and hopefulness. Hasa, CLAY Hserrszu.—Hon. Henry Clay wan baptised on 221 ult. in one of the beautiful ponds on his own estate, near .Lexipipon. He united with the Episcopal Mitch, but demanded The Court. iJjoumrJ yos,erliy, at a mark of rospeci t.§ NIE, BiJdlo. BY MAGNE'fiaIELEGRAPII. c ***** poiadasee' Plttsbiarilk GILLII6. Come:widener: or the Pittsburgh tiasetto. .• Lots or a rhitamo•r.—Tbe wanner ••Star Sptoklei BWnwr" was staggeti below New Or leans week Wuce, and awe lives led in conse quence. Esclulore Corre.pondenee et the Pieseorgh Gazette BALTIMORE MARKET. July 7, 8 P NI, Flour—The 'musket hit exhibited a good' all of activity to-day, and the ales of Howard street reach 5000 bbliet. $6.12i: C J, W eat—Sales of Rah quality at not of prime 128 a 30c, to[the extent 5000 bu. art:lsles of White of only fair quality at 65 and prime at 79c—the entire transuctiona reach 40,000 bu, Prime White Wheat is held at 130 c, without sale.. Carnmral is selling at $3,50 per bbl. Whiskey in bbl. ta selling at 2.5 c. ' Toe market is generally quiet in every respect. Ezel:4%r •••-...p0n Pewee( the Pitteharelt Gehette. PHILADELPHIA MARKET. July 7, 8 P. M Flour—Tne market, has undergone a further decline. Sales 2000 bids Pc and Wiesen. brands at 55.50. Wheat—Prime Red Wheat is bald a t 130, but the p ice is nominal. The Willer* are all out of the market for the present and none buying. Orders • previously in the market hose been with drawn., Corn—Good Yellow has been disposed of at 750 per bu, to the extent of 2000 bu. Toe market for Cotton in firm, but there is not much business doing and things are very quiet. Groceries and Provisions are where they were previous to the steamer. Her neves had no effect on either. Exci.ivr Corresormdanee 01 ibe l'insbarib Gazette BOSTON MARKET. icily 6. 5 P. M. Flow— Ilia market in uniettled, and there hese been no sales to establish a price. Esehture Correeeontlenen of the Pittsbanh Gazette NEW YORK MARKET. • July 7, 9 o'n r. u. Flour—Tbe sales of Genesee° to-day were at $6,00a6,12i per bbl, but no large businees was dote. Salt. Western at $B,OO, Amara wan ors Gcaanau.—The following rich sane is actually said to have taken place.— The &serious% retouch. the Matmonras Flag, in defined Irmo a gentleman high in the cocifidenc• end esteem ut the chief a:tor, but whose Caine we are not permitted to mention After . the battle of the eighth and ninth of May, when the Menscan army in their retreat had rearhed Linares, Gen. Aristaeumtnurprd General. Ammulia, Torrjon, Itiquena, and Canales to his quartets, and thus eddrewed them: ..Gentlemen—l am about to resign the cam. mend of the Army of the North, and I bare sent for you that you ins, know the rens M. which have iorluenced me. They are simply these . I cannot command the army with honor to myself, or country, as long as it numbers so many coward., with high commaud, in its. ranks. You, Ampudia. ere a base cow.,d ; I entrusted you with 3,000 ut my heal troops; you betrayed your trust, peeved ie.:reset to the:mterests el your country,and terror. auteken, fled trembling and dismayed, without twine within half a league of a hostile gun. a•Vou, Torrejon, have. some reputwon as a eavalry officer, God knows how or where you ob.. (Alin,' ; lum only sistonwhed that you sh,mld have the ffroutery to cumumud. Milner... rolled yourself ad artillery ot firer; you have been consistent through life, only in one thing, four cowardice; you are brave, like. I gasconsders, when domers are at a d i stance; but when the hoar of battle arrives, you are either nit to be found, or yotir terror renders your pre sence not only useless but injurous. -And you, Canal. r,eo Leashed Cenerolt-uhel a ! what hater iron! General!--liugh ! • rub Der, a vagabond skulher from rancho to retells, a co Rank) , pauper, whom very presence is loathed by eVery honorable man, sod . writ. claim to the title of General produces the moo profound con tempt. Au for you Colonel Cusco, mgoneund WWI; your brerchts you dirty dog! , “Cendemen, I am time with you ; war crane , - liOti If at au rod. Would that your mvoirection with out unfortunate country was also at an end." Several 11111111210r1 employed on the Boston Wa ter Works deed on Sunday and Monday last town drinking cold seater, when heated. PITTABI UGH WBBILY GAZETTE Notional Aunirersary—The North Amerman and the United States Gazette—Palling before the Host —Gambling not tolerated ip Pennsylvania—A sobs scriber tie norm than hit, years—Gen. Scott and Capt. Patten—Gen. Pillow and Col. Haskell—Tre Right Spint—Penes Rumors—Banks of the United Slates—The People will Speak—Meeting in Re serer oownstop—Letter from Mayor tiowning —hitotuirgh and Baltimore—SuoT.easury Laos 10 Prartlce--Agrictiltural Products of Ohre-Trayew _.Eloquent cal &tepees—Hail Way Conn. miosioners in England—Speculating out of the Vol. untrersc-Plain Talk to the Powers that be—The Presidents ReceptiOn at Philadelphia, and remarks on hi. Journey—A discarded Card Player—Council tilulta—Enagrailon loom the Notherlaads—The ditrictiltae• between Brun! •nd the Gaited States— Freedom of Thought—The Ship Peter—How to Detect against Lightning—Mammoth !steamer— ,ed, News Into the plow—Love and Crime—An interestmg Narrattee—Rod Road hloseruenns— tile Ca nai l —Political Intelligente—Luc Newa Irmo the Army, and the asolemerns - in Heaven—pusesty o the Learned—Proridenual Eacape—The Mon• 7tgatiela Improvement—:;ripper Stueli=Lettera rent a Yorain Anus in Italy, WasSirigton,,&e.— The limier! Settee (tante—Sketch of the Life and Character of George McDuthe—Nieman! Mora. reenta—Mrcrellany, Lliesterelegraphic Voreigo and Domegtie innoterccal—A caiefully domplied Kerte.* of the kl.irketv for the Dan week—The price. in the local cit.: . m akete—The Cattle Market—The once. America. Produce 10 various parts of the Union —Mnount of Flour, Wheat, Curn he., received since the opening of the Canal—Canal bnainem and cloven.soft of produce—Markel in London. cit 3 Newt-I.rd nl Itrel've.r.--Copious Estranta from the leading Journals on the interesting topic. :A the day. Fur sale •l the desk. eine) or in wrappers. Free G rents single copy. Subacriptions Iwo dollars a year in adea'nee. Ll w ,nude the attention of our readers ha the el ruord.ns ry cures oftterofula performed by Dl. Callen', I , lDists regerable Pone a, which they will hid record. eit in unoiher — eoluson of to.day'e paper, The aro doobt the too. wonderlal on record, and y hare en been pronounced by any of oar roost respectable pt. ye. r s The odbcted and others interested, are re que..ett ro•it them at their several places of abode, unit learn nom their own lips the wonderful effects Of ihe niedic.ne 'lle first sane named is Mr Isaac Brooks, who may heseen deity, between the Itow• of 9 A. hi. Oti 4 t'. ut the office of Rowand h Walton, No 3:111 :Outlet •1. *CO (.IDs. Ssller's talumeng v.—Mawr:at. le .ive to eall public. attention to the whoallool Dr. Witt. Doan, of Withannrille Perniont Co. and one of II very first pmentioners the roomy Wil,ll he re. de., and late Senator in the Some I.ost.laime II w etwertne thus to see the lead: mg meat ot the protesmon. bursting the homk.of wonal pr•jud.ve, and giving me Mie Sir,. I hair in m, been using some of .your liisseng PC/ for. am well p1en.441 'et 111 ereels tit Ca:arr.! nnl IlronelnalComplaints. I.leme send me hull 3 11111131 bottle•—pm them •s low as You eau; .1 Papyri if it continues intender as general sat learnon a.. It lia• h..retorore to beep It ennstantly on lane Itexperhfullv. .Ww. Do, .. o. Errirraportarat to:Ad werelairrar—The silver lisententr which appear in the Deity Morning Garet:e alto appe.ir in the Tn-Weekly,,thult recriatne the hen. e 6 of Ilia circulation of all, vrlthout any additional charge. Tint 1.11 Advaniage too. odrentwa, wahaut any extra eapenre. Atlvertiacmcnta are alto intoned in the cunntrY Paper °M it mi. 1,11,011,1 $5,00. BOOTS 5,00. mu. GO WOURTIL STREET, CO.RN Ell t,FI'UriTOF FICK ALLEY. THE no.enber respectfully miaow the pubhe that he hew commenced the manumoure of (Workmen orheanobls fient.of goal maternal and Woilinsanslup 'whim he will warrant rflperluf 10 any DM ever mada di Podshurah the prtre. These handsome Boot will he, made to measure, and warrant them a. tepee -enred, al me very Tow price of FIVE DoLLARe null eurlemen are renuened to call and exam lie them. tyMI W It ERSKINE. GAZETTE JOB PAINTING OFFICE, stmt. 501111 is 07 Part OPTICS pp-Wz are now unveil to einem in anterior Ind expedition. m, all kind. of Jog i.mmoo. l'lmate!•,anner Stratobooi Nina, Dill. of Lading, better Ahem Circulars, Handbill. , Card. IC., . . soon •*IF rAiirnt.r.T PILINTIPIO to any extent executed In the ben manner, and all kinds n! Pnntlax done with accuracy and at the lawns VtairtsSlS ILMS3II. —lt is generally conceded that the medical meanie+ of vegetables WO MOM co.. nant to the human consounion than preparations from minsrel .substances. AS • aloof of Um tints. MINI fumes, Dr Uphams Pile FJectuary fa a atrthlagnS douee. etlftS the moat Si usordlsary hat* heat O&M -rd by its use, and that palnfsalalfsettonthe Piles, is nal!, by the skill of .that Physician, apsedily and alracutally the . . Wholesale and Retail. by WYATT Se. Unlit 121 Fulton street, New York; Wm.Timast, Marlon meet, and P. R. Shirnie, Staltitteld greet PlorLuryb. P. Price ./I per boy. /Valium 30.1 die would c4ll setantioli to the Itige sale of Gold. ood Silver Watcher, iuld fine Jewelry at 3 etelock i r.s.' Aleo i the sale of splendid English and French envoi: watt this evening at ti rielOck. by lithe II Deno, Aue- IttlnCei Js3 Pr'atlas Bv•liteirs;...l•Vanttd at aia I.)ffie , ;* I n jin man mt applemini,t the Pnottikg b.p v•lnr. I 'MLULRIICD. On B.;Jarday the 3.4 Ina.,by Her.-. 1 A Her. CHAS IiteKINLEY b atm MARGARET all of hi. ei Y Oa the 11th inst , at his residence on Founkoat SS octet , t t the Hon. RICHARD MIDDLE , in shoahe azd pear of his age. Hie friends and growth:Maces are respect fully in, I- - red to attend his Norte] without further nutter, from his late residence, this afiernoon at three o'clock. Tiio funeral act vice will he.-ParffillVV.ll l A C hu rch . and the proceseion voill - taave theneto the Allegheny Cestietiy. , • ; f ir The sobiect of this-notice was theaon of the lion : Chance Biddle of 'for fiiimy years Vice President of the of Perinsylvytis e previouv to the !omission of the ca/ttltution_iar 11137, and who she,- wards held the office ritioihanotary of Philadelphia; ceder the administrations of Governors Niglio and tili• Keen. After graduating at Princeton College. Richard Biddle et tared the other •f hi. brother, Willia a it Pal die, EN. as a student of law, end upon his adosiriion to the bar. removed to Pittsburgh in the year 1617, where he perManently settled, and commenced a carter of es tension and honinable practice. Possessing an acute and powerful mind, he gave to his profession an oar. tenting labor and early became a leading member of the bar, a rank which be held to the hoar-of—him death. Ile was distiagnished for • proud and feeling o f honor, which' ever permuted him to he lied into an or" ova where the parity of Isle motives could be question ed. and which gave him an unlimited popularity among all dames and Willal parties of men Iris senor of honor. led him la the roost aerupulous honesty to oil his transactions with others. His great originality of char octet. gave him, in the opinion of-some. a can of cramp trichy. the affection of which woo the mast l opmnite to his nature. In the midst of a mash tem &Ilse premier, he concluded to spend a Mai year. in Europe, and to graiify this wish he gave up the cert ainty of lona., as well as secured profits, ter on thia occasion he returned to all his clients the retaining fees in the carts he had nonmed, amounting at the same time to a very consid erable arm. Dunne his reirldeuee so Europe he wrote and published the life of &bastion Cabot, a work that was well rteeived by his countrymen. t o beentaint diasatisfied - with it, from atone cane himself, he ern plot ed an agent to buy up all the copies. wh.elk be de stroyed. Mier an absence of three years he returned to his native country and resumed line practice at the Pittsburgh her. trete he wan twice elected to Congtesr, but finding the duties irk.= and imunaus m his hi al , ll he reaigned afterseTvinx the third rtsaiun . By the great Ere at April. IRS, he lost the most Vl:till able of dm peroonal property, eonsistmg. In...ides plate and furniture. of Ina library which be hail hero for fears eollecting, end et the time, probauly the morn chowe and Nthable in the vresternicountry. lie was the youngert hankerer the We Niehola• fid dle, EN . , and I ho. pre,cot Commodore Itiddie of the • Late in h 1 he monied a young lady of respentobte family. wh o •orolvel with two eloOlten to mourn li.. death. ErrNOTICE—The fanecal of rine, Mary AiOy/il Straw., late of the Order 01 the Staters 01 lklrrcy,wlll take place tilts day ct J o'clock, r r., front the Mercy llosp.lol, Yettirat. The fnend• of the Inislittopn ore in . vi:ed to attend. N. EI It ti nrt tl•stred th.tt earriegcs be toeughtio the fenerel' HIEALTH, HEALTH! 1) H. WOOD'S Sarsaparilla end Wild Cherry Bitters—Ties new and valuable Ex tract ot narsener.lle mid Wild Cherry' he` been used . with greet rimers* (or the Pero:woent lt oh-salsf ell aseh dnicases as take their rile from an tinpute state of the blood t—tt ptomoten • healthy action ot the lover— wren/then* the Nene* and at Dore seeing. health and vigor to the !whole oleo, • . • In all eaves of Jaunt cc, Indioestion, Dy•p<P. , ..lms of Appetite. Habitual Costiveness, gerottila Headache, !evocator, and that Deprevition or yy,nty, o bleb . common • COOlpiailll in the dyeing and hinnunerveasone of the year this medicine ha. not no equal—nod aeir.- r, l ;, t , r; : i convince the most increduions of its peen- For farther particular, the r.cler is - referred to the paroplet. which will he furnished by thr Agrota.slioar tug the estimatiou an which this valuable medicine is lield h) those who have used it. In-Caution to the Public ..80 lk wonder arid ask for B. Wood's Sarsaparilla and W34,lTherry liters, and receive no other. Thiel the first preparation or these articles combined eve sacred to they Mir, and the great success attending it use has induced the unprincipled to eonnlettert and gun tate. As d pre•entrer, sae , that the bottles have word. “1/r Wood's Sarsapanlla and Wild Cherry Br wry. pressed nu the glass, nod that each label ors 11. horde •igued by the proprietor, 1..: Thornton. Jr eranleoale and retail, by WYATT A KETCH gearral agent., 121 Fulton street, New York; Wu T.u,ro. !darker Street, and P. It. &wax, Scrothfiel street. Pittsburgh, Pa. Price 111—large bottles. jc3dew HAYDEN & COALE, FLOUR, PRODUCE AND tiEVERAL COMML *ION AleßellANTr. No. t 6, Smith*. VI hart, Baltimore. nWI( their wire. to 51erebents and Fanners %Jibe vale of Floor. Grain and Produce general:l., it the Baltimore Barker. end tonn their extensive nrquani tante among purehaserr and shipper,. can weir war rant rausfaciory saws. Correspowienis will rowdesal: be kept advised of the state of the Markets, kr. Rrru 10—M . Not Walla &SOU, I.oltelie)} told. & ts'aits, IT.ividson tr. ' , thunders, Reynold. k Petit King lc Carer lialtirente seitertea.Ca down k Eigtstii Philadelphia liegie , rty. Deer, & Jones: New York flnfrinior, Jaw. . 147. Pouriisibdtrem Wood and Market-at °Wasik Mkarimer'e Exclumge O ffi ce. THE and 4ned to prepared to accommodate sob. 'craters, • d the public generally, with • dellemor hub. Ills new mtabliohtneut will be own to-day, Pro aided with every Ming necessary to lender bathing a briery. Sal.? end SULPIIVR RA TIIr pret.md to mlnired• The above vrtablivbewnt iv fitted up us an r., era elan, being renbilated hom lbe toot and the vabvenLes eJnfident lbw the improvement* combined contribute to render this establishment the most roinfortsble one new In tha city. jyhrMen VASIION XTICW BOOKS.; te.—Tbs Unfortunate Mold, by 1.1 Capt. 0 dbausnwory. The Meows, by an Old Sall., Loring Ar. No. 161and.I6S. . lintbans's Magazine car July. Collura/ism do do; National do do; Union do do. Ilte 60 1 1 011 P 1 1 01114 by Mn 1: I\l Kirkland Owlet's Isadirs Book. • . New Mace. Prints. as. Fur sale by W d CALDWELL ; 2d boor Poo °foe ban Wins..cl st . , 1 Jyt, I=! T HE Ben,. 3lelodeen : valleretion of Stealer Mel . oter.. coosing et song* Flees. monde.. stehe/ to . mending many of the moo popular omen of tb~ day. an:mired and hanoonned for roar nothes he K. ward I. WIW,, Test her of oe Plano Forth andl , neaa Volume I. SI V0i0022 Old of the above lean, 22 P uns. SI ' For glee partien.cncag mantles, and othen whoa,: fond o f pod ornie. On above wort. will he fouth yet . : drawable. Received ..... JOHN N MELLOR, El wood UV A PIT le.o SOON —Place.ln town and country V Gar a number of own and boys- Alan, for a num ber of clefts, saleurten. mbonl reacher. and. Ito, • in stores or repo e. Wanted—places for a osombar of colored men and women, boys and {.rte. Wanted— * number of geed addle etwks ehrunberutaid.Ae., for famine,. in town and country Hee.. apply ay IoAAC HARRIS'S GenenallAgeneV and' Idwilitende 6th PI near wood. A NURSE WANTED. ates—A re-psi:table itinall.fsasily living It/miles from Pinslimb went a Idea small girl toga and Bove iwo small children. Also, several goods cooks, chambermaids. varies and girls for all work. Alio, several men for farming tier. vesting Places wanted for several .boot -keeper. mora sses warehousemen, A P lcam Sr pplV 11 r/HRld'S Agency and Imelbgenee °thee, dth st near wmd /164137. . _ AUN DR Y STARCH PULISH—For preparing Slue h 'without the addivon o(•ny greetty mbar., noJ for p unloving brilliant pearly glow , on tho hoer. Pore laf nano, i 0 . 1 .111. entgle Humid be In every bow, For oak by byl RF. SELLERS, 57 wood at SUN URI SCll—di barrels Floor; LRlaseks Ono.; 9 paella Potato.; 21 pieces Bacon; landing from atm! Cillde rens and for sale by lyO J DaI.ZELL pllKAMS—gllbbis small Whim in mom'and for sal. , LP by WICK k. PleCaNUl.Corl I ya . 1 . nor vs nod and vat, sm_ OTTON—IGU ualee Tenegee .'OllOl io • 101 t! C lot salt by ISAIAH DICK-EY 8. Co • water and SUNDHIES—SA .ark. Bran. racts nor, I .tore for tale by J DA , ZELL Top ACCO-23 Sou.. 1.. Matt's Wand S. rol,acco Nat reed toy Cuttal and focsale IY2 J DALZS.LL. 44 wait, .1 lARO 011E,L1 4 bbl. landing from Nor . It:outland No 2 And tor ..le Sr JTy JAS DA LZELL. w.oct CIIKESK—IS7 bate+ ;Lai. re , 'd end fur Int.. $1 no WICK & cCA p 0 7 4 ,11511-1; - tale R 14.0 A N V1A:144 PARK•A Sll— ri Las\•tar aisle by I 11, WICK ti M1,012;10 F++ " HABIBERRIICII-4 barrels far sale by N. , lye wiLli a MeCANDLESS MAPLE /PEAL—G bbl. b. reed and l'or rale by jytl %VICK fr. hIeCANDLES9 f ODIDICSKI,For lisle by /TS • • MNUFAMURED YORK CCO—Yor:yry .f bread. and sizoo for solo by ryS I DICKEY ICO • D RIDGE lIITOOM—I7 shores /fond moo Dodge 17 Kook for malt , by fye I DICKCtI CO FU. EATON ham ramt received by Ewe. from . New York, Warn Frinve, Lams .Batious, Hoyt' bomber Nei., and other ankles in great demand at 63 31 aaaaa st. jy7dlw Q V A 12.11 —loo bap White Bruell Sugar& L 5J beeps " Havanna do; for sale by Jy 7 DARALRY & SMITH. Nand 1 0 wand Di qv. MAC AND BA R P UGARP—Leverings` Pulse used am Crushed, far dale by the bbl oe recall by iY 7 J ACO/I W F:A NKR TO* YARN—liim Matti received per I ship Oleimore; We by jO .TASSEY & BEST, 33 wood at MACKICRIEL.-40 bowel.. No. 3 Large Oiteirerel, (doe to woman' for sale low, to arrive, by /Y 7 MILLNRIr. RICKROWN, IN/ VOBACCO-10 Laren “Rurrall Itedirou'ir Sy 1 Comdr..' Tobaccorum recaland and for ..l. Irn. MILLER I RICKFTRONT . . " • • S UGLR- 11=1 1 / 4 . . -2"ff'" glv i getr "*" _ Uaf .a gar; jut toreived,and for sale- by ii 7 MILLER k. BICICET80:4 0 IL'—ted•ble Linseed Oil In SION and for sale by — . ly7 • MILLER Jr RICKY:MOIL_ JTAOOII, W AVER, Winn torn, corner of Mar bet and Front ets. nATIII-3X) bushel. Oatore and kr rale by iY7 TaSSEV &REST APPLZI-60 analtels on hand and fix JJ sale ay :10 - MOSEY tam :se a for utl by e do: 'A or Jaar?by few •I • c JACOB e WlK& th VERcc AallINICI—For mac by ale ease, large and mg! b ' • JACOB WHAVEIL SALAD 01L-11 de.Babia brand of late =porta WU, fai gala by • - AL _ JACOB WEAVER AiID,OIMSENO AND 0001SER PEAB -1.4 . 3 bble Lard; -- 6 larks Oinsenr. 11 do. Gooter Pena, W 1.1111, Cur sa.t. 1,3 I DICKEY a. CU watex..llllolll nction saleg ey ,JOB. I): Davis, Auctlaiwir I Valoable Real Ertate at ANetba. ON Batuntar afieenerin. tO6 day of July next. at 3 I Le-o , l.lontte pr. m.Leca.al bailihng imr lround • mile ea the Rrivii. sate he Ileinorigahela iver.orreicotte the foot ol Liberty at. -The above being Will vaned for the rite of a Rolttog Mill or eztertrne anufzeiory.wilr htield tieetbet R tier ired. io the plan. Terote—Out,foarth tort,: balance is 'lin, equal payment, rearing int,real. wah •1`P 70 ...' recreity.given irtuttediately. ' BBB.' putuole , MARCUS BLACK', r Executor+ of thq Estate of BLACK.' I 'Li:rowel Blaolf,Ree l ir IY 7 JOH N B DANlR,Aodlioaeet. - ' Acioninlm (2100 a S. k pr Dry Goodi• • ON Tegraday mornme,lloy MI" of lu o' loek e ht the Commercial Auenon Pomo', COI., of wood and fille mt. will he oldsn emene. a , orunmn of emote am! (envy IWyGomie. AH or wing.r, mint t o o, d m rime n. eastern. . A qntity of tools suitable rocs worker In woe; s'• , j . etas. bier. rasps, be.. men and w nu_ Ws suddies. • U boxes chrome 4 eon, and wen. 2 kegs green plent,ground in al. . A candy of geogendo, querns wt. glucovo. e, mac tel clocks 4 large doors, windo ...ash, /s.e. A huge cosartment or new onl reeond bajb4pow , honor hold ho and lituhen ft:manure --.' lr, . Large Sole of Gold nod diloor Widehes, Fine Jewelry • Gold fens. /kt. ••'• • , • ON Thursday lite Sob lest at 3 O'clock. P. 31., at the Commercial Sal. Foams, <caner wood a n d 3th PIN will he sold-50 Gold and tidy, W,atehes.tonong Which air full jewelled English and Preach lever,. unehors, 1,11 Lepines, in great variety 'remitted all in good order. Also, lade-' and genii.. fine gold chain!, hreeol pins of various deseriptoons, hractoeis. fine god and ilver pent os, best trolley diamond pointed go'd pens, iegenter with a great •onriety of other jewelry which say be examined lie• Ore the tale.. /Y , JOHN II DA.YN.• a. ,-.4,^^", PRIN'T'S ONLY. CEDAR ST.; NEW YORK LEE & BREWSTER ti.tabti•heda otarehouff. in tho - yror IA& for the ri r o. pale of ,upply Ina the Cay and interior Trade-aetth YI COI.II,OEIa EXCLUSIVRLY. at . ' low nite...—and ealhiiiiing, tit NM era.. !. rge , t A •ibartict.l THE WORLD: - - - Tlmy_re row npenleaeral Hundred Porkugeb comprtattr ever; he‘v of v Veltman atet Dotneet:e products., math! of whorti non not to be found el e. AV e re. tool *Mott have pot been pureltaked, And are of tor •ale for Cesh nt.l Our, credit, , • PRICES REDUCED Flt,ll • ONE TO FIVE CENTS per earl bel..w me ,nc, of MOM a nd Muy, pni proTteel Catairgur, ATIT ri, nre concerted datly, Tor the infonnenon er „o •r•. . . PRINT W /11.43101. , E, Neer loel. June, P 47 Paper Mall for Sale. r virtue ef deedo: trust nom 'h cheer lAmislitt. LlChriatopher 5 Lumbditt. and Ws , haat WIC Leuthd.n. and their wive.. to We anderrtgued: wed , he list der of October. 1018, and recorded in the Clerk's Office of Ohio eourny, Vitamin, in bunk dl. paces all and Olt I shall expose to oale..sa rulthenuetton, to the high, t bitter,. at the wont de* of the Court Ilatroe all W Orel ing.Va.. on the FOIIRTEENTIi hale OF AUGUST, 1347.'5t 3 o'clock, r. 0., the toll awing described proper no, to wit: Loll numbered s. 19 and gO, In me annum! plait:lithe town of Smith mmo!, on whirl. to elected • Steam Paper Mill, coheir the -Virgtuin Super 711111,” together with ill Me te ar heredilatut ntellttia• Unto belonging or in ear woo. uppurmill , l,:. O•tonve) - ed to the underrigned mid deed of , awl sforira:d. Tenn+ of *ale. to wit: •500 in cool, and thn baleuee in eight equal payments. in oiX.la elve, eighteen, toes. ty four, thirty, thirty-six. forty.two and forty-aight mouths from the day of oale: cock deferred payment bearing interest and the unetest yo ouch of them to be paid ortn.-ur.sually Dom the Jay of sale. The rtLole to he.srettred hy.• deed of troll upon the propenc ax a trance 1 ettell convey l ob e ly the vetted in no.. though thk title is beltered o b ummetottottabie. lyndtd DANIEL LAMB. T. 4S.CO. PITTSBURGH MAW IMSTITIITE 71ris Instauhon, under tke -rum of Rev. J. 11l Gomm. LID I.aor. in arkiCa all the mild and or notnemal Maerhen of a fintslted,eduentron .are taught Is nom mum for the reception of pap& at No. 52, Irwin. Row, Liberty brit/seen 1,1 and Ath streets. The n'econd will COMinanet on nforday the iRIb of /tattoo, and it t s Important that any mho may design erterlng , sLoold bajlitemut a. fat as poraCli.bie by that time. They twee aerated tne =emcee of Vourseor MM. ma: a. teacher of Music out Me Plano and (:niter, who is too well known to peed recommendation. A com petent nench leather mull he employed mill hum charge of the Department of Vocal Hoge. Prof SUMINSRI- have direminn of the — A Aisne ilanartnlant, and mat give luesons, nt tiraWlite, eketch um. and patnong, lmth os Oil And seter creorn: riot S. to a competent I.C.her. and bye s reeomrimmtationm fmm the first men itt Europe and the .0 ie has also been 'a teimhte in the 41.1 Inst.tutioas of the country. For ten. apply,. , to the Principal , Wines and Llqunnt. J ACOB WEAVEtt, sr ig firotnerwf Frani, offers for eole'n inducing prwcs; the following ertensive variety of Wines end 'Agar.. .elected by bin if—as Armory for the - Gr0..,1 S,cgcu & he Eastem Cidn, hum first antler Leger Preen COSMO and Champagne, Brandies; d 1 Dup.!, Caltilllon, old Alaglory Ifastaut .Chavonyer. Pelevolson. A Setenette.thard Dopey k Co, and. Pin. Cotillion frCo—Vinlaget of I:d6 19 , 3 t, mbra.ing • all the Rochelle and llordcoos assort; in half pipes, grouters and wares, or lir retail. Holland Itins—Pun. Weep, Anchor, Crews Keys, :dederi, Swan and' Hoer Claw broods—new ad old im re n ntt7Sl . e . lo Enelantl. S. t!rnir Amyl. and tarsi cal --wale very mvper.r W bit d erco , ch and Rye, Bourbon Co Coro. %Vines-11444,in., Tenettfres, Lisbon,. Shetrtes,Sic- Iffologas.Pons, Red wines, st:bite wines. Aliments—Claret., Campagnes, lineke, and Sauter. HT eases, limbo Mile, gaantcr csks Idids, derniyans or bottles GRAND GALA WEEK!!! Fritz, reduced! Tickets of Admissimi 123 cis, including a diah of lee Cream ! Free Canaria Triumphant ! ! Ar: DREW , , EdliLv. ICE CRF.ANI I.AI,[IfIV. ruff cri already during tie se.mn tly opaardrof fJGen thositorid Oaten. dad Shang", :!! The proririvor of the &lave e i lJeinue Sidnoil haring ai obtned a required notaber of band.. (corn the East in orderto mantractur Ice Ciewn enough (or the It routed audieuee. hl7 , rnli•ird. tote.. Turn! plerinure to aneouneinir dint the price, ol nniquoion loin, will above board. the old N.v0ra..... • • • Iklesit KN EA MC Het tt7i ¶h-.d repatabon ar 310.,e.att. n.d Nova lira .land unvalled in ibe C ntted w.ll lett', the honor of appetnnnon l l'hundayl ry tme. and thrnatitc tit the week in all tome nrx colleevon 01 . Soaf,te.— Pasitive4, ettanateta the ptottratnnte telt ,realm. frostve preparations ate notk.ttif fa , the 4 rr , ..Pin Annia nary of A afar.. tin Independent r. hundred quartv of ler Cream will. i.e Nepared f or the o,eat.iost 1%1 . . . AB, ONISHINt , FA PERIM ENTS Prot. Loontle and J. H. liiho,nt l'lt Inde phis. will Lecture every evening. it riyhr o'clock, Wforme AND CLAI.VOI.II3. The) wol prearot Misr Hh•, whose wonderful expirimen. Wive cleared great excitement intne F.o.teln mo; I.y. when in the magneto. ..tate.woh her el ca perierilt. bandaged, h. Mc power to read. tett the tiptet... watch. ro, de:ter:be objeer.. eolene,&.e..w.th 01.1.0- r.ey. Other riperiment.xo le.a mount kable..onll lee produced. Adrumunee etlll.l =IME=! 7 WITHOITT LE:ASP SAIRIACAFF *I lime the honor to itiform the lad CS and eolleimeit. sail die inhabitants tit Cedersl, Mut uni'ertaLes corn. plete:y ex•erpate Corns. Bunions, Nails mid every hied n hrturrre on N.. or oettiresa the iota midi° o euitier By means of an Elise? of own 0,..10u is performed in the space en rem m i nute ,..i t h ou t tie .tort pain or danger. and the tim oent may sumore hls occurs:ion und drt., with the 'al ohmic. esmiying the Corns and limit la hit hand The. Operate? e? give. Los anendanee daily from a.m. nil 2 p m. and from 3 till 6 will.he b!eironso hela House Room. NCI 212,0 r attend lore, pattem.. their own randence.if re‘loosd. 1.4 14 half pipes pale and dock Brandy, vintages IST; or do do do •do 1.40; 30 deta bottles do Jo. do do 11.10 consisting of the follosriog celebrated I.mail, Mara. Salente. and A ,equette. Orsini.? warranted pure (min under Conon 'tow , tool, rn N Fork. and shipped here , the- Itsporie 1.. for in quantities to suit liy PC MA RIO, lyl sooMfie Id mid iruin as IIIiPOIITED SUGARS-15 thousand - Principe I.Segars, consisting or Dels Crap. !solo rant. end tlis celeta ated•httemti Bost' l•rundr. '11..e ;Seg.. sir Warranted genuine, as. they were m y,ti, nil will be sold to toy ow-tomers at root_ supply of II ayJna and American Scours, • a". modersto once, SACOU 1-'a..ilV ine,Store, /17 Ito itt eor front Dn S g ° ll l6 r t li w T et i f i fl i nt —' sot:trrT ' eTtVe ' r " ur.' ; 4 7;l Hamilton rt it CO .1. lillAtlay thwoiy ett by mutua (The tottior••ot the eon,r will he Fmiled einter.or the 'into , itexheily city, ;fitly I to, I /it. HASID: 111 N SYlitV A RT. R A It on;tAT, P. P. The stock of monufwilited geode will he oolit tot very reaeonable tern o, tyldOtt• ril. um partnership hit.. elm Alm under Me style and firm of Lewis,&Ham & 1..* Wl4, I. this day dissolved by ',Mull column - fa. 01lam this disposed of hls entire uneven to finks The business of the late firm .111 be ',den by Lewis. Daloell A. Co., who are anthot ;Led IV the name of Me UM Kern for that plArpo , e GF.ORGE JAMES O'HARA, • JAMES, =2lll a — ryy u Iron AVorl — rsT ---- T EWII, DALZELI. & Cot— ilfantif3Mate all site. or roller. Sheet, Ilfrr Iron and :Vallee( the beef riuOrders left at the warehouse of ft llaitrlf.Ze Ailierty in. or 1. S Waterman, Water tt. will reeelie 'prompt attention. tyl OFFICE OF VOX AI.I3.OIIWAT BILIDOZ Co. • Pittlborgh, Itt. ISO 5 'VIM President and blanegem of the .ttliainiimiv far erecting • Bridge over the Allegheny River...mite. she Piltabmgh, in thy cminty:of Allegheny, L.ve.~hi. day declared . dividehd of and dollar and seventy five cents on each •hare of we Capitol Stock of ixid Clem, pany. standing in the name of inilividuels,out of tho prohisi of the Intl six months, which will tie paid to Blockhead - Ma, or their legal repTesentfatteet. on or alter the ledi ins. iyfidl matt J9IIN II • ft Br B. T. "an',' Office Navigation and Fire logirrame Crimprirry,i • Iritrehereh. Jrity 1.1,1,47 S TUN Directors of flit. Contovny hove Ott. flay aerie red a di,dred of one dolor and twenty.hve on each share of the Capnal rttnett, on of the proftto of the Ina 111 bantam pas able on or Wirt the loth tun SyStlttl WWI Ft: EN Vvetenaty TILE Ihks',dent and Hoard of Managers of the 'Kiri Os.. entirberries , br,dgc.ont pan y boon dAy dreg red a 'Modena of one dollar end fifty cents on each .hare of the Capital SOCO of ••14 !loon/any 16 be !mid. to Inc Stockholders on orate the I Orb rust ri K WARNER;Treassrer ty-rdltr• ALLIOUICIT. July 3,147. WANTED—A Gentlemen now in this City wishes u .ituatioos•3llettue.lkoklieeper,or would Ns to devote himself In any occupation urn remtert. Ode kind. mum: is empiointent. d.....t I: Garrue (Kee. ti7,l•ve SUNDRIES -3V casks Potash; 31 barrels Lleved Oa; . 211 bales Flax; 133 boxes Cbre.e; landing ind ter tAle In. )1 , 7 IinGALEYtSSI,TII -190 57 wa...1 • ciactsNlATegrp,,i47liTaittecti4 , DAILY PAONET;L'INE . !..'c'' bathed and fue noised, and es itoleALZ7tt::7l:: seaters of the V. beery acearMitinditGon and rent. fon that money tan ha sh!,pe has be pi elided *mtge.. 'The Line e mop...non kr tire* en. —bane earned a million of poofOt wolmoose Irloo ry ry m Moir ponono The boats will he moths Mtn ot ood street Me nay portent ut matting. tar Ow rerep. non a t f lai r and th e catty at issiooengeni Oil "Lit Mt, I ter. In sir tUtS. the paseage twenty matt I r pa Ut, I advance. . . . The KONUNOANKl.A.Capt..Sceltr,...ilkar• pore, corty Moods) . mantilla at 10 o'clock, kk crock . .. Monday ireuturs. tO . The /1111E1INIA, Nth M s Capt. .7: Alitufstier. rill lei,. Pittsburgh eyes]; Tuesday ...Int - at ill u'elia•li; Wheeling every - Tiscsdp , evening iq 10 P. IVEDNIOIIDAT PACKIET. The NEW . ENGLAND:NO.2, Capa S. !hen, *ill leer, husbpka every IVedneallay Moran.% at Its o'clock; Wheeling eves,. Weduestlay vpbt u og allO P. , invaarostr PACKEIC • The WISWNSI N. 'NM an.t ' "rihi " *" Piw urgheeeryThanday ?Boning at /Ogeelack; %%I+ ,, latis pry• Thuruday eveneig . us to P. hl. . . . - - - . VII/DAY PACKILT. • The CLIPPER, NO. Ai, Capt. Creaks,vri II leave I'm.' tidigh <very Friday morning , al 10 eckvi, V , 1...1.1• every Friday evenipa ail° P.M.—' The itIM.W..IitIER, Capt. L: Turd, wilt 1.41 e rind burgh every thlititrday ytoruirig al IU fietwell It lieennlt evil . Saturday evening an 10 P. M. ` SUNDAY PACK KT. _The ISAAC NEWTUN, Copt _A. h. drew,, will aye Pittsburgh every trendily merlon, at iu o egret. Cheeting every trodoy !IMMIX al ill P. i. May 21.___' —._---- Q . VG AR—I bbls double refined Yolrerirrn, I bbl double refined Crurteii I rasa •• IS bids !treaded do, I tierce Said .10 bags Brazil; 3 Ws Clarified; 3 Mid. N. 0; fovale by , 3 DWILLIA M. 4 3. CO 14 13X-13 et elicei• .. ,Teri. 3 do Intreriad Tea; 'do Gunpowder doi ' • CV racy bo. Y H Tea: 4 do. Hope+ or Y. H. Tea. :0 do tooebtorg do Roperior Y. H. do, /art received and for evle low Ity jell MILLERk RICK ETSON TAS—Tbe eubeiriner ha. Jurd.reter‘ed trusts lhb Pekin Tea Componytomoie in Nem York. Irmo eupoly of TVA,. jolt imported, r eintiotiar rg or oil Om oz.. siethet premilt.:ro per lb. A/A VNl , :er, 1.0 (tole Arent tar lists erre. Nr, trl ill, 5i HOIN, hc.-3 pipes II 1 puncheon Jantaien tlpaite; •• ecotely irhiskeyl warts:mot on/nand rot tale by - yyt IR? ASH I NGTON . HU. GT-NI:HAI S. by JT V V Headley. TLia d•y recd and kor oHe by • JOHNSTON &I - Traci:T.lN • jr.f.6 earner of tanker arid 3rd 1, , A 21114—Veautiful pearl WWI ivory ratis—anryingin L' mine frattretaln to Wren doltaor—ontl any quantity of len pnee down tp twenty. fire 4.C1110 at jean :_eATONlt . , slwarket at rf D of Btoihei and attar Bache, both while and I colored, Pthieyr,. Slipper% enlebelr, Meet Dead 886, alira}• on hand end ran be =de toordcr Mahon nonce fa% I' II EATON IAT A 6 TAD TO PORCHASE—Y Onh prearure , eterm Anone, wall of without boiler, fn. ICA ea twenty hone power each. Aden.. A A—left at thoLoinee. TTEEPING VP APPEARANCE.. or • Tote for dle , II- Huh oud Poor. by.T Anbid. dor rereivrd and fur sate at the Book and edanenrey lor..rrhou.o of jrno JUIViSTON d snAlatiN I)LAID CAISMAIERES—BIark Ind •white 6,,d,rner Chasimemt—fa , bididade .t .le—lidely reed usgusTo plaid and amen; u supply rre•ived al • • %V It PM It MIN'S EMiiiiiMMN WIiA.VANDIA 11P6IA117—I0 igs.res Stl• pencil' White if &valuta Sag. r.jusl rtee rrd tad tor itale by jeZ MILLEN & TAI'O4KON AND WS GENERALS, by J I.N ley. Fo!'sals by je2o JOHNSTON 10.111Cli'rON HAD—al bliteNo. ltourrove and ior rORS11111& I.III,CAN Laciana.lJl lA/Le—A ma. Jun teces•eu Jug lot . .lebr int.' MILLER A HICK , NSON • --- 0 ALT-111 cares Table reed and for csle oby , jeNl MILLE-RN TUChEI . .4.ON •., BACON AND LARD-1 cask asooned iNe.; , I bbt No I Laur.f, jels ' For sale by . POINDEAT lig d. - CO • 011.. „ : 3 1111bbls h t x.eed C‘leilftre,r;t4r..z.;_:;:lgt, DIIOOIIIII-= daten na mare and for sideliy /.) /T 3 . WICK & bIeCANDLICIS ALUII-0) Lbl. in store and dm sale by ' jy3 ' WICK & AIeCANDLESS SOAP - 10J Las Rosin &dip In store and for sale by. 113 WICK,* aIeCANOLOIS .n RIX PE&CUES—IGO butt Maraud &reale by Ks , iv 9 WICK k • IIIeCA NOLEaa . 1010 ILLOS—StoII to. (or solo Ay . . '.':: 1 WICIC .reA :gni Eog Q . ALOsILATUS—For male ire WICK fr. SfeCANDI.Efr% WOOL-3 subs for sole by , • = j • WICK it. bIeCkNULF.:±3 • (11.0VED. SEED-4 iselc. orMeI:AN wkle by' ••• D'S • , WICK & L/LEO • . ibibtP--bi baled teebl pet dtmeTrencon unit final e - • it MA4I.EN kco WA 42*ED— A young loan to weak seni l e:Tinware lanineuni.apply at the ilutosnlanaUffteentetory, Na. 27, Fifth .. ' RlloDbel h itt,":ollN VlAL'coLLtiei~wie~viiicurt.&RE l V U fur aa4'Ly js7o ~ UR A UNbRRIS'P,A'.: OPIUM -100 ILA best Torkiv ()phial:J.l 4e'd soul k../ fur I.le by ie3o Ban u & REITER U I MIX it.-100 or, Quinine just rrnv and tnr ..le by jral MUM , : tr. HEITER D ANl3,,a brie orimall Mite for 4... e by . ilipp leju WICK A SfeCANDESS t fbiItBIXSIAT byF . ask jest -verb ultd formic jeso BRAUN & 11UOTER () X tiLIC east jnit lea t i tgirai r e r N . • 0 L J I: o p 0 I L— I bbl just regltrolrilZpe• SMM. 'AROMATIC SALTll—illway• hand aml for ale by jeli. lIRAUIC on FIFER • CANDLES—loboxes Mari. ID &earint; a "tlpe run for Inc lir jr.311 J WlLLlktik3 k Cu. IC) wood II ItUITS-311 drum. :myna Fir; • , VIAII4 Zairte Cannata; IU bolas 11 A. Raisins; tot rule by' D WILLIAMS .1. CO jean, I , OIiACCO I. 57 hbds Ky. Leaf, (wrapper , and fining/in kIIM and far sale by FLIKEIY n. CO I 3..ater al Wes Mo. U. IL m *143740,11:avy. B k`VALO ILInitES-9 phin ed .11 •`• 'New un it and for sale by : Jed° rom4vrai l co fs OTTE/K-100 bales Tennessee; : l.i let " N disbar.; LOO alk IS —I 15 tops Tenere,Xelly.a hulk.. to sera per Lady Madison. for sato by irtai FORSYTH t CO QtiliTl-40 keg. !maned for male by ' 0 j 33 LEWIS HUTCIIIbON kOD EAD—Ii&S pigs Galena Lead for sale AT I jY 3 • LKWIS HUTCHISON &CO OTTON.IOI.I bales in store and for sale by ly3 LEWI HUTCHIKIN kCO NiCW MACKSHIIiII.-23UbrIallo3,1.aree South sfackerel, Lome lo.peebon, larlatinc awl fur eats jelaby BAVALRYA SMITH QUG AR CURED LAMB-1500 IE•, just reee•naa and Llibrcale by i TLIOS O °DIONNE jnil Opiasita bl000nottel• Ilou•e IP AA/ LA111:1-7oStaue Jars, pat apeApteesty for P /manly Inc, mu/ 7 /DM Wm each Jar—for sal. by • TI /Os 4,-OUISIRNK tAT, r, at% AAll.7+--/A/ Zs. Comatat /tau Pak - at I:lor_aale low by 11103 ODILIKATE . /all It19!..!g!'!""!u ILIALIit CA/XIF—Wu taxes lashang ISltti *trawl, Alen Ku/b, far cafe _jell JAhIES 24 wutei meet - p fo 0/1/ilY—ltdr bemee, put Ur laudly nee Ntwit received earl for rule by PO tit/ KTI N '"" ril I Loot side of the.Moloolol Woe ood 111.04 foi . V lode by jols J 11 MORI:AN 4.0.041E1t'S O.IL-23 Ighls receiving by Canal.-and - , JOr sate by . J Us LZELL, 1:11Ur. ouoo and tor rale by • jolt 1 DALZKLI; 2SACKS Barley on oWs - iininent and kr sal. by *Pa -Bt W HAN BA i)AOON .tore awl tor sato, jets . 11A RBA LOLlinwowl st 0111GACSIC-73 je2l TinoTn y NEED-4 bbis primefor sal, hi' -Vii W h R 114117Fell* ON . i.OOAP—SO bin I.76llloailte Itmop.•inen reirived and 3.3formale b kll - MILLER & SICK F:R,ON I 0 DIN it —4O 01. jut isecivid and for sate- hg jag J. CO Peich Brundy, oses, in gasoline+, to suit,lsl, _OlO ' PC MARTIN J DLACK, Merchant Tailor, lachsnge Ball . din s. Chtir moo, Pittsburgh. isMl. Ihvidend ( , ILEF.INI A PPLE.S-40 bblsivratranied in rood _Tattler. an.sale jele t Y _C MARTIN _. DL ASTER •PiILEUS-40 Mils sat sale by • - 1 Iv! . lC BIDWELL. DRY PICACHNIK—ft Abe ankhtbr•alr by . WICK & bIeCAPIDIX-1,4 earner wood iula !Nair . r *IIAii . r...4II3EIS inds' (111 I.DERI4—= ta.l reed won tor .ale 1e ID AT kV WD; JONES &VG . L lot .ale low by • FORSYTH k L . pE i NUTII-10 male.) st ., ore INlllr.lt - DC4L — iirit;ll best sicalitY. bi jyt C /COWELL / 0111.101116-3un dm new Cil.“ tor 4114 !OW by' • jy - J BIDWICLX - ' I)l4 7 Oi — AW - A - DT II - 3 •1 bap ann . b . ble tre•rt 'few 1 Neut., at Om and for zale by FOR 31.111 k CO j" Lu.:l - . 1 f7: 3- "Pig ; toE"' — L - 41,7, 1 ,!;71c0! various Wands i tot recd on exesiereoeni from S 0 and for gala by G B MILTENUEDGEK. tin sYster et 101CO 3 -thoonbo.lT.l• o, by 113 /DICKEY I. 0.1,, DIONDiY PACIMT TVILSDAT PACKET 11A.TIMDAlt PACKET taItMSIZI =Mi.M=XI 1111 repacked M. in More for: jeM) FORSYTII &CO corner .miEhfield and !Tot su. R. Cnoe~e forsacji,i' — W R mocurcitcos
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers