The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, July 08, 1847, Image 1
. . • . ' . . . . ' . o • . , . • ). . . ' ' , . ' . ~ . . r..-., , . , • . . .. . . . . ."\.• ~ . .s s ~.• - 1 . . ....... . , . „ .. , .. . . ._ .. , .. .. . .. ..., . ~.. .. , ~ . . . y... , , ..,. . ...._._.•... _ q • . , $ _ , . . ~,.• ... . .. ... .. ... _. . ..._ ,„„,,• - , $ .„ • . • . _„ . . . ~ • ... ‘.•..,, . , ~.. , ..:_ N(). 284 , - . 1 ------7-f-1 i' ' .=, ~'~ a- ERE BUSINESS CARDS. ALt PALA.. 1.1.41. WI 1 •s. gpa Slorenon4O4 Water and 103 Fr .4' olohlt A T WOOS), JOINS & Oennolssion. and AT ndwanlose Alert:bents, have returned Inthen . old n , ena filer and l'coutennels, Pittston - O. nedl WINCIIRSTIRR, dealer instil l& kind. a of ..:.uned and Inane:K . degara., :h au Leh ma he el.n.ceat thulanor crewing Tenneco, wholesale and Thi r ; dntreet,rinsherglu ..ii.. tt UV rit lit [TIM, Wholesale and Hated J-J earner Libeny lOW St. Clan MM., Pru , negn. Pa. merle _ lVhdmWe d: A IIIYIC%TOCK. III C O e. -'!11!! , !‘"!'` ... AI: LACY , di . ICI ITU, Whole& ID Oroecrs, le id 044 04..4 Dl.l.orsh. • SDI STII. UMIAK. 6: I& 410.. Wholesale Wo re:, and Pruden- dead", Nu. MI Market street. he• war, nod ti,), Nortil • it. Phila•lelphm. twrs •- i 1 A. DIcANULTY Forwanitnir and A n ercha Cuull Hula, insdarn • ' meta i i Int Ir.ANDO • LtM33lllot, Anamay a , L aw , 0( . • .., . !kr ~ iiii wow i ..yo 2nwilifield. - _apl7lL: 'V I ' ; .;.'.41T.,h1.1q rit.S.l7r. ::..Cir L . I".`"' . c . ,,..,,„....„ . ,,...... Nales . A. t U. •:d * Sprilrg, et, r , ,1r....• tt Coach TlMittlis of every des r, io ~. .. 1114.1..., no 3.t. CI si, Wenitunwe 43 ,p,„. .i ... 01.1...... NI Opole:. HuteT. jonlnt / il-Nni)311.:11.‘31 db. BONNER..b.OMora«. ...W.6. 4,_, .. ~.„ i ... ...... -.on add Forwan W et der,• to Peod.r , and rill/.11%1i insmaseture ,, , No k ~, ~...e , •t. I..ti butifti i Pon3 in. c 4 44. .I• Wire. r , n AJCSION w. 0., L Ili ~ cKNICIIIT, (•aeeeNpn to H. 4..... , uner . t.t. , Wooing:tie iiroeet, «Union •ini F..rwuttlitig Al...quilts. Dealer. in 'l,. one and Pi. on,li Monlifoctuten. Sixth street, between Wood I, V S.:AI:FAL. 11if0rfrf and wholesale andretail f LP ..tralri in rata) alul Staple \lonely Hoods, si t irit o the t”it Comb. 111. , , street, near LiknrtY , r.‘ , . - burg Pa tOUt .. • - • ---- I I% I. FItALI , II. Druira in rrodnee and Family JJ. lie 1•••• low,. .. \a•l6 I.•Lialy st, neat door lei Cot. Il err ei e0...1 0 _ -.----- - .Hill ly /a... lawiap J. Harrison !Sewell. lII' si Ist /I. S. SE:WELT., • Auo roeys at • Law, LP Infile- 4,1 .. ,011ibelfl, between 3d and 4th mu Is sk n an all W. kILEIGTON t Wholesale tin/reit Jls .-... ~.h. ,f 1 t... thsitiotid, second door froin Dis. tuna. Ali t •'••••••tatt _ tuy4 It .V•I f - - si.ii GitTAlrr. - T,, , x% A1.'1 . . .k HEIHIIART. Wholesale Gros J.l s, .i• stet.... tio.kwe and l'insburgh lll•lliffAC ....reef .n i.i.. ,ic and 113141 ff.'s, rkttlaftirelf Ca _ l/.110 I. szarscrr. IdNNETT, (tale 1.1111. b. 1. .eh. r J ‘1,.. as IwO,WetlimeerP,COMSlatalion and EM , idoig o baal.. and Denten , in P(Odnen and Yill-magli loges, No.= Wood street, between ood end .1.. . . . ,i A(4ktA AV s caNIOULT, Allarneys at law, ;VI el,: I r ~,,, red A ierrilours nearer Grant strecy 4 . 91 . d aae 120 tr. t\ ' Att U d s a W M ,d T ZVIT A quuw•at enov Weir office In Ow 's •••Ir„nrm ut t.l + rweur Melly Andy aed Grant I' . tiro. Kliey. %Yu.. it LiN 0, IC.II If CO.. la.. I C....n0./.41. 51erchams, mud Aeutsfor Drithion Cwt., Yaw., Nu% 4ier 11114 tY. kroutareeu fe1..9 It ME. Pane hi to4factuter and dcU .L . '••-• to 511,4,11 ilsructuents,ll.l Wood littr., not weal • F0X.01141. NUN a. TOUR. , C lrty l ,. l2 ., onu r .L iesgt +Lo u d Eorohl y Lout ANGUS HICI4LRAS,, capeer, Ghouseeeion i1..:‘,,r,,,1e.T5011,.1111,eM1,era1.zet10.r1;4...0,1re, pit 042,111,14 N. It. Oakum, earl, Meats Rope, Re, Llways go mr.,111 • IGATOr • tkealer • r ancy at.a %.O. Tramings 63 NaTte _ 0 ...I lawman. •Iff AAAAA PAILLW S. (AIKORGE X 1011.3.11.15 Wholesolo'Gro and Cantu:taloa Merchants, 105 Wood store% Pitts!.4rgh ' • aastl_ /11.'0. A• rnaurf Whiaesale Grocer • l.f macaw. Aterobant. and Dealer in Produce and Plusbarip Mannlasturg. la Wood at. l'ltt , s,,.Otais tV , AI. Al. 1/rovrog. N.O. W. AN MIL & Brewers, bialssaO4' . draicrs Ito" Pittsburgh and Point Bros, arms, gcnn and Pot streets. asn, U1E.0111.714 COCILUAN. Cousubsalon and For .‘../ warding . Merchant, No. 20 W okstreet,Piustaugh. conga_ Sau. d L & BROWN* (sateessors to Hs!debi H& ttrovroe,j Importers sod moaufseturers ;Wan d ondGeo. net rikper Warehouse., No. b 7 .irc.. Paper rttlibrgb. • few Li A.B & BROCKWAY, Druggists, N. Cam -11, .n..!!!! How, mar the canal Mum, Poulton& mo,ll-dIT MARV BILIHNOT, WHITE k, TIED LEAD HMaztafactorer. ras at &Oil 741c*.han4 wt. , a Lib y And O'Hara febls I.atAlt DICILLT. 10.11.11 T DICILIT. JIM DICILEY & Co, Wholesale Groema C. ITOlllllliOll Illerehasta soldealers to-Plodooe, Nee So AV awl . and 107 Proof streets, Flustraegh. • peva . . . °SECO KNOX. Attorney au .Law, l'auhate.. JPo., ha. resuoi..l the PM! /100 of his profession In t* °dire No 7, B.aht,V,IMI 1./midi : rigs, Grunt street. oe• roe..u during hi. e by T. J:klieant nod J. riesirs.PlSdkerd7 WIN 1). munciA.N, Whcdessla Dome" sod Jti,stler Dye Studs, 0115, Vsmu au, No Oil Wood street, oar door South of Dismond Alley, Fob...see. jest JABI ES K.N.U.I.L, Jo. & Co.. faueeessors Si Joseph Us SOO, Cos when. de Water st. os3l. Jlleho DIY lI . IMELI.OIt. %Thalami. , soullietai ßoa l dud ,er ]foie and Musical lostrumentrbOl s, Pop., Slater, Steel Pe...Quids. Printers* Culls, and. StottooetY seoorotly, No. td Wood sr, Pittsburgh. IlLt- Hogs bought or Takeo io &ode. sp.L.i.J_ SCHOONIIIISKER. as. CO. wholesale Drug. • gists, No. di Worst et. Pittsburgh. , s , pls lISEXII JORDAN & EON. Commis sad Fororanting Metrlonte, No Id Liberty st, IsKsauto si mod..Ws Row. land • 1 t/i IA L. OA LLATIN. Atm:lmi at Lave. ONce : .1 4t, t, betwertt Grant and Smithfield, Watt, side, , Pttisburgli. Pa %% .11 also attend promptly to 10116416• .11w .4m...a e."”1,. ett!ll-1,11 lot N It. I-La V/14. AUCTIONEER, canter Fifth . lot ssd Wool .tar.“.. VAttslntrab 10IIN . C. lIIIIWEL.L, Airm, WholmMlo—e7o ..l t. r and CW13110..1114 Mcgellam. AVater street, 2nd , ds...r :wen. a M. ~, :igabela lirLdge s PattLareL ''. 11.:1"-nott, Nail. 4.1a.5, 61. at taalsuraetarers' pr.ces. .14/1111STON14, STOCILTON, Nook...Oen No. 44 Norte Ira - - 1.. ILICALII , duor,elw,dem black. in. H2Ouncal, &trod, dliAcel rwo.::. kod Nletlo.liq Itook• ~,olStanonerv• on% 11.01,10:LLTSON Cll.. Bonin,. Elz• .11 .11. Ar Broken, corner of Wood and Thod Atm.% (Mery .2111 . 1 , Iloi.l Ituildinga,)PluAborgh., Pa tr, - .nowacy inot:nosod lit the drool 1a.117 oval 10 IN 0U.111d11., Wholesale Grocer, deal. r Pro .ll toodurantares, Plate, 00, No lonerty st, land Jolla Floyd. aieloird It 1G FLO If 1.11, Pate J. Floyd It 00.1%nholeaale Gron.r.rx. No. lot bibeny rtll,l. . nrpcs alitti 'DALZKILL, Wholesale Groerr.Coneni. "on. 3h:reliant-God LEI PIVAIISCC and riltaUfgh Nano. IL ",4 %Voter el. Pinsbandb. 0010 Alanulti, ..r Product, 11,.. 31 IVat • Sod 03 F 4.1111.110 . MAVIS •iivrculitos 4S. Co.r ‘vholoo. tirocer,FurefunPuesui4 Connaimion Mrmtmom, and scl.'em oti Pl.t.urel, Manufactures, he., No. Ca Water atuler MO. Hews 11. st Men Lairs alumna. LDIBEILT a BlLlPTOTCW,bolnale 4 imeer ., Emmemin,, awl esennestion iderclants, Dralers n Pesioce• ed I , M eurgb manufactures, Nos 13 and .35Werel rt. Mbtri hn Al`Gell. Mob6eld. 'GILLS & LLUIII YINLD, Grot.P.nd maswii hir whams, No 194 Lawny meet. l'au• M M. MUIIOI. K Maack ALLEN CommAssion.andForwadMir Slerehon,. Water anal Front als,betweert Wood 1 Market ' • lasAl rani, I I 1 , vvxu L Co, WhOieslat OrCelf• W. 199 1,1...ay RI. JeZ! c. itaccrrson. & iticuir.Tsonr, Wholesale Ow errs and 0, ~,,, 0.11. Merehastu, Nu IMO Labeny. ee lade & wholesale ”d and cap Insourastufals. and dialer* IA F. corner s‘ and Fi1112215,..t A _. &J. SLO N. Wholesale Lowed', Dealers In Ylodurr land ".441{. and Forwarding and Commie s. Nu...rasps, ti". t 7 Libeny and VS; Wood wens, . todwals 1110LNK. 4, EON, N 0.53 Market annotift.• .4 nod dm, :0.0, rano, of fount,Vealcro in FOr• n end D 01 4 , • ,.. 11.11; 41 Ent:Osage, Conitiraten of flooL N.o o 100 l I , pec A. to- Collett.. made.,. ail A•pA,Airof,iaosA.oroglo ~ trwwi :4noi_ derl7 WILSON & WM/end., Dg p. Goods beak, Ns. b Wad strece, Prosbaro 4oloie ull/ (Iran. DEXT111:11 & Co , Wholesale Grocer. cum. ..... trod Putwardinit Metehant.,?l,,,, 11 1 I,lft.t. derta 011EILTHOPI & ILICPPEUT. Produce 1ie.., 031/11,111./.otl merchants, No becalm:L., • ' . IcJIAILD IN LICYCILI, Jr., !reporter wilt r ..- 41,, i ii Voirian and lkenesur Sadinery 'lard. t.ari.a, I I naming; or WI deseripthitt., No -4,1 iI. t:t.i . ot•boTA. _L __L_ .....,..„ ~16 . ` . L .“-• 1, •-- i: . :ff. •;;/...V4,11 . lilt Ut;r..., co, wi,oo.old pnx.eo, Cannata Li..un 31aii,...... and dealers in rtaduee and Lank alan,i:aciinro, I.iberty.n. onjaaita Math -5.i n.. nininnat.• i'... ..• .. . myi lomat° "CARD, wbalcsala and retail dinner t '''' ' li r !,,,ajc.iiratne.o4aliaeT.riLakLitlo7.l.ooi.„.looid 41'7,11: ' I ter.l .1. VI ..iilla. .011 • rBEILT I,III,ZZLL & CO., Wholesaler/a,- ' • Con!, Comm...a and Forrerarding, Iderdiente, dee m rraittra and Pinibingb alunnaolaiva, !Annoy , in. rittnnino, l'a.__,_____ ___.._:.. ___Ranf__ ' 'TONT. nosison. impel. ni 101.11nai .. 111.013 1 50:a & Co.,' Wholesale Gninenr, PnPro- duce and ilaniannain Merchant.. end Deelee• in , Maga Malian. , tare', No. VA Liberty street, Pius ?+,ll. Pe. Jartlo BUSINESS CNIIDS I, H. IIAWKINS. Anum., orposule tie . 11001 E, Wholesale Grocer, Rectify J.ll. ing Distiller, dealer in hoduee, :tliviii fsenirez, and all kinds of Foreign and Doineiti, anYl.iquors, Nu II v e ry e. FinAnirgh. 1.7 . N. D. On hand' et ry luige pluck of antiendr Old Monongahela Whiskey, whirl, will he ou t low roc marLl-1y L 0. Reynolds. J. L. ~ee. RKYNOLDP k BllEirre Forwarding and Coin. mission bleverix.,ln, for the Allegheny /Liver Trade. drialen is Grocerien.Prodove. bingli Slanaffteturee and Chloride of Lane. The higheet pries. - in raid, paid at 1;111,4 for !Conn, Its, Corner ni renit nnil Irwin rt.. jnieo • SllAtlclett . White. 62,HACKLETT 1% hole..le I mln Forrign awl Dunsc , tic llry G 00.14. No .9 NVoodstreri;TA.l.res 1,4,1;0 o: k rvo i ; Flotr u a n nffn l Me ` g ` e .°° ne l ralit .r a r t ' nra d a ' ni : Ina •nd ennuanwon Merchants, 'No :21 Woad Arran, Nnr.borgh. - tool SBreed's r iP b A u it 1 . 7 Ig E :Pi"ou - rllATtl i c . :l7i , et u nnt; Wood and eanabGeld. __ or3dhrvl_ . . STEPHEN BAJINETT, Blastufarture r of Fan ey,Shaesug and Toilet reaps/Winter and ettn.oter pressed Lard Utl,dr..e. No 17 Firth dt, between Wood and Markers., Pittsburgh. Pe. SP. VON 130211NIIORST k Co., Wltoles.ale •Greeerr - .orarardlng and Cotarnotamn kale , . in P.Delurgh Manufactures and %Veetern Pro duce. have.teenonal to their nese warehou.e. told sired) NO 33, renter or Frotererand Chancery Line. noo7 . SANII.TEL m . KIER, Forwarding and Commis con Nletchans, Dealer lit Sal, Produec and 1' bomb it...lactated Canal Basin. near 7111 rt. N. WIPCNiI.I9IIIA r rs. Ft u Tr E ee.:elid .4 111 grICffu r ' a I.l o :e r ti d ie . lll '2 ,:NO 1 , 2 Wood .greet Patslourgh• o+2 lralassr 116. BEST—Whule.le litocet. k un Nletch.t, mud dealer. - 3u 3. ‘Vuod suees. Pittsburgh. Tau:. KEN N , Jr., L.A.:ER 51nnummu rx. mnl Umner Clocks, Combs, RIO Vane, Lends, cornet of Wnoetsnd Fourth .treet‘ 1)9 TVForcylb. R Fortyth. P. FORSIVTII & Co, Merebant. 1 dellin Salt. Lumber. Grucerie.. nuJ Pittsburgh ALAnutarturep, Carml iel •ireet, l'ateburgh._ tar ac. M. nttr,,ItEi.TRKE. tiver.. V I . Readying IMOleo., au W ne mid t.,,iLinr ro Mri emote. No. WU Lawny sm., Irtß. 1111( D. WICK. iviCK dr. 'MANI:MESS. 1,tur , ...r..1.1 " 1) WOO Who!rattle tiroeer. rom:Arding 1.1•1 t'outuion Mrtrhanr, de a ler. Iron. Was.. oil. Vat. nod Pill.bulgh Motitiracturr. generally, r..siirr of Wood and WALL, m 0,15 wVIL. EItraPIIIIC tilvite• the' 141 4 Zr. to roll . eistutnie his otock of rersiett Wilard twpie ni low 1.3 i IL cent.. CIIMEIta Whola.ada Groc,r.ForwakilnCand . Cattugacon Merchant. and D..atat En and 'uantalet Manufactura., ....ler of ‘Vatat and tanull.firld atm. Pat.harch. not' WIULT2IOII.It. £ WO LFF, Imptortr.l nnJ V t Wholeralr De,nl.,a dies), Jks,cotner I.lLorly stud St. ('lair •teret.. 1.411 s• • ._ • TEL GLENN, Kookbitelet, ha• remored to the V Y corper of Wood owl Thad ata, oho,. t: I I Kay, v. here he to prepared to do eve ry deu. r Ktihog mod litndivig. or.! WW. WAIXACTZ;3ItIIet/tiie-ttturteil furnish . Mg estaldtsoramo, No. ,14 Lttority near the anal. • • - • ruarn llr tic AI. MITCHICLTIME; whatettate ury trt.rsl2-dly ,{ O. ROUINSON; t0t.'6,3 , at I.ow, hat I I• removed ha awe to the Exrbene. !twiddle., rq elan-611ra, next door to Aidet awn Joh,. 4:11:1M AT U. OARHAR!), Des.le, 113 Fain . ) . and Map,' V • Dry Gols, No a Market street, Ilawhorgh. noel:1.411y ILZTAtitt 17. Dii — Wiiirtiqi; tu.m me burnt • V Mistne,) Wholesale Grocer, aso now located at 11,9 Woad at. where they oTer foisak latae wnt of Linacenea and Ilittatourgh Manufacture, at low w-. and on favorable term.. marls W. WILSON. Dearer rn Watcher , . JeWeir), v V . Silver Ware, Attract) . Good, I.‘ . 57 Mar. +Meet. nv. _ Nr 1111RPUlt. wholecalc and tcull dralrt .Foreign .41 Dome... Dry north ea.l cur oeror Markt/and Fourth st, trory/I I rand r street.. will Seco coordant !imply or the he'd medicine., perfumery. he. Phytietort`rr pre.enntorcv crwrfulty frompounard.— frledreines cum e ,Od at ad doors or the feblOdly• • • AAI Wallineford. ' John F Amer,. wA.LIIING FORD t. Cu., Cosarcher;?l, and For wan:lnns Merchants, Seeond, user Mors! •tireL, Pittsburgh. P.(MRS - - IAT 21. DAILL INGTON. Anon,ca.nt Law r! Pittsburgh, Pa, ...oeutoieeioner la rata. ttio at- LndbrledDrent end prcu or Deeds, Leek., Contracts, Depsitaarts, or any who- vrriting longer veil or nou to tun used or , recorded tle ahem ot,Ohio. Office on Third strect.abovegrati •lneettmBon•id. C. AIJOHINBA.UOII, Auorney at LAW Filth ounefi near Southfield. Collecting, aden , d other bus/neat attended to with noneuutlay. amens & Smut .2 le, Wm. °mem:, EN II A FablitNA , CA, Jon„ Graf, y & W. Jobs. Wr , , , m !"eunlY• EN, Al., J. BELVALL. • • RECTIFYING DISTILLER, &en t•BOLtiILt DIMAR 1. volts's! 8 DUMESTIU WINES k LIQUORS, No, 114 Liberty it., and 53 Diamond atk y, PITISBURGII, PA.- WARRICK MA KTIN & Co., DMICIS in -Eke/tamp, Bank Ikkk.l and Coin, Corner of Third and Wood a.k.a., oenrlo-.11 IPlcubtargh: P.. 11 IN William.. to.. (Svemsto Lawrie* Wi/liavil,l • WILLIAM'S & suriNx, * ATTORNEYS ASO COUNST.LLOUS AT LAW. (7304.Mea Norl iiide of Foos a, sa.c stathfield.-00 oithi7dtvrtyF E. .1. figPilLY. ATTORNEY and Comlsellor al. Law., CINCINNATI, OHIO. Colleetioau in Southern Ohio and of Ind.mta uld in Komod'. promptly and eurecutly attended to. REFER Htettatd IGddlr. Wtn Bell b. Son, C o nlll, Wm bilCnigta.Cburth alltroOtera, IPmiln, E 44.. Jame* P. Stuart. Wllloelr t Duvtx Oliver Blackburn. •—• Under B. Joni, 0, BLACKBURN k CU. ' lATIIOI.I* , ALK tinicers fnd 041, Baal V stores, and IldOiliorigh Manufacturint smelt, have on hand ni all mitre a fall and ieneral iiiipottnieni of Foods id their low, Wider idreei. near rt.rtry Alley, eindiardh. e 141WEIIULSE OF THE JUNIATA WURiS, FOR TOR sal Or BO141:11 111.0:4, 110114:ft 'HEADS, FLU & 1.1111 • REV IRON . E. F. SHOEN BERGER: PITTSEIVILGII. PA. Basica taken the Watt.lambs kamerly °erupted icy N. tto. • Water 6t wear Ir.vatr• Stearn %Vitt IteeP on hand a full emptily of all suns of Boiler Iron and•lleads. Flue unit Bire•lled Iron, .made Irmo bmemiluntala et which will bd nt dm lowest market rates. Brtigine Builders and shers, hilt invited a call and examine his stock. Order. protoptly e ogled to. it+:ll dl V J OHN TOWNISKIND, Usurp. and Anodic tory, No .14 Market st, gore doors stare Third st., Psuaburah. will bake ronstuntly on Land n well peke. ed assoetreeelef the best and freshest hlsulicides, winch he wilt sell on the meat reasonabin tenim, mudine orders will be prontiol, attended to, and cup pliml with articles they may rely upon es centime. • Irje•Physicians' Prescriptions will be perorate's. and neatly prepared bum the best material, at an Y of the day or rujlit. Alacefor ewe, a larre su-f k of fresh and good Petra tool _ tool AXT WILSON il , Wotr Mag ee JeWeller, V V. _corner elli and Market sot. A large and well selected 'Mock of watcher, Jewelry, ware and httlintry Goods. Always on Lnud 31M1 at regale, ens. tern pree.,Gerld Patent tearer, lull Jett,led wane!, at low an HR. s;lvrr ah, watchr..llol iOW ha RI n Uennute cnopec, r0b.../otic”oil.snd mt. ee flprovral InakeeCwatthee may be lead ht 1113 d warranted. 1171Flite winch wink done in the very lirst ntannrr. ttten • • _ r: 1 . 11OLO•NIO. L ure , n I .anuit. WLIGIIT GLASS ESTABLINIIMGGT. MGLVANY tr. LMDIA Inatiulariurn anit keep can- Manny on h•nit rot. Mounted and Mein Flini Glarrniittre, In all its ranctiee, at their Wert...a rot a of Market and Water atm., l'iltaburgli. One Work.. ...nue in lett operation. and seente mattan ly aildtng to our flock. which rnatilee. to Gil Warr with Pn..Plttetie. Pura... are rat...trolly i_tej i t y rt tall an . tleaamine pine. and tart.. • J. B. SWEITZER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ome• 3d St, oppo!1;es St. WILL all. attend prompoly to Callen lion, on W nog , ingum.Faynote anog.Lr . e : . 7nonn Mier, Pm. (rxillsekcock. Bell k Cu Thumb Ca radon. I . llollat r It D. T. Morgan Ulll - DIML %KANun+ ruREK Of Tin, Copper, and Shell loon 11/11. Ware, asid dealer in Brost nu i s end itopenee.l r Watt, No 17 Market street. The sot...cribs, respect.. folly Cella the attention of the {Triton/I blerchnuis, comncy dealers, and °thee., to hie large ,tack of mow factored ran Copper man, crab a lunge a•son• mem of imported lloaeo Furnishing It...twist!: Wholeeale Nigerian , ' the patine getierang,“ re mei onset , 'ADo Yn TTORNIN AT LAW, Pittsburgh, P.- Cush... sioner ue take We proof Lod acknowledges-me of "ssdsi Comrarte,Dcrosiii ta other welling. I:ll A b. 9lA " sn ni , VP'S: 71 " 1 "' 'Ain i t t k th e h e1 , 1 ' 71 7 10 f tiler, boar'. 06,1,1 li it • - • usso• v. tIIIITII & No r BREWERS. NIALSIT.RS ANI) 110 P DEALERS PITTABOROW AND POINT BREWERIES.' Corner Elate. Alley Penn Pti 1.1,a 4111: a Pill Si, Plusbiargth. Pm. Lionto Rs &W. BOXIMIGIVP. "ng" EINDVICTURERS OF XTARCII, WARRANTTF- 0 equal, if not superior.. soy mode an the Unnetteraters, and which they win eat low Prieto and o 1 good Term ß «Zi I r eaper s Pa • 11LtooN. reelrf.s;: U. P. t P. lIIGLSOIS & CO.. NA AM/FM.11./10:RA of Ilaturamea &love's and. LIU. Spade,Hone, lily and Manure Finks, Ar., Ite. Wvirhouse t No 11 Wyod Mitch hliaborgh. uurlJ FORWARDING & COALMISSION.! MISCELLANEOUS A. Al Waltittgtord. /no P gCnicr. , 'JAIHICA W. WOODWEIAL, A EABLE BOOKliwnPublialted bv ../. . wA g, L iNGE.oun k, CO.. , Pm-ram:Rau IMUNITURZ IMAMS .ROOMS, COM AIIASIoN .. rORW AR VINO 31ERCIIANTS, I pill rCi TIORIESTIIEET, ' &11 P James, Walnut street, between Fourth Vaal.r.a. to 1 e•y,.. ~_. ALA RD Eund splendid and r,r,h,CinCluOwlis HEAVY HARDWARE AND aa „,„„,,,,, „ F ath, 2. Guixot'il Gibbon-The Whorl ol /he decline anti PITTSBUItaII DIANCYACTIIIIES amiable tor, fa l l or the nom.. Ernri r e BY, g d " . " o "''' , IA, , All1:110sl . .ri Second Mort, near I. wad, and'. lintel. and private De , ' Ewl Anew Ediltott, revised and roircetedlltritgh. ) I , Ca.( Damn 'ahem street. have on tmod mat Mr , hoes, cannet..ll) . hood and made. order. , . nut, preceded by a prefitee, and accompanied by min 1.30,0110 thaw witted Steel. via ' 'he Mew. 'me , an ast ,l commt be eleelled bY ItinY' antes critical and.boteneal, relating principally to Noodi. m Doh. Dii/hgthest, mister no/it:eon. iget. , nianuluctury tit the western rountry P e rnam. ~•h• • Joliet. tr. ..1,,,i g 0 Am Blister ripring and Fmk "aa lho propagation of Christianity: by -M. V. Grolot, - 110 purchase would do well be g...... e. ' a , a e ti. a ., Ism 000 ads Shortie. spades and Fort.; 1 ~p.,,p,,,,,i ~,,, ~,,„..1,,,,, ri ,„ . • p.m of ~,,. „,,,, Minister or Publie lustructma for the kiagtiorn of Caning,. ~opting mal Axle, - France. The unlace, notes anircorrectiuni, trans ./tin/11s, onouse led,' Vie, (mum and comm.,/ 1 r.°"‘" L ' 4,%7 . ,1: PI w a• or. Plc + h nod ilutneloth cover, lased from the French elpreasly,lor this eilitiOn. st e dgea,Sindge Mutild..thruwl....; i edam hlahognitt Nurse Gitairn, - With a notice of the Lac and eharaeter of Gibbon, Ira Riker*. Iduninta Iroo.l II pair Divans: , and Watson: Reply to Gibbon. In 2 cola. imp.( hlntine..Dln) and Coal Pinks. la dot fine tnahneany Chaos, I .isit. 1073 pages. A sem ,kyllioa,Strklea. Log,Chatne,Ar. Ae: 12 mahogany Wt•rk Stands, Lrf - salantand. Ere Proof Sales. trot , Netts , "M" 3 dor mahogany Rocking-elm., 1 Napier s Peninsula Wag-Cutoplete. I .1. ils. 1 and other Pawburgh Manufecture• sold at the too eni . IS marble nip Itre.s.nd Burritos, Ide o, COO pages. . 1 prima oriole j pair thouna on. i liallani • • Middle Ages, Chamber's Rebellion in cll Da - nears. et, .1 16 - tialthi Sank. '• um Mit tap Work Stands. • 1 SColland. Hobert...Ws Vlrginia and New England, CIIARLRS IIL, DAN ENHOWEIf. & 4:0. „, ,‘' 6 ° , 1) W . , ' 5'0,01.. 1 ito,,,Aro French and English IF in America, and TOBACCO , ~c0',...",,g4,,,,'•,',1.10'',,'„'.111,,),,,10rt,4,'71,2.,,,,th,,,,.!.,:0tett,7,1, i Ilimsay's American Kosolulton. 1 •ol 410. COMMIXSION MERCHANTS, 1 Fartutore and Chaim. too nuttoou• moo'lll.oll. Loraty ol Attacricati litidory-Containing seice.. l bung from the beet authora On American History, N0.:41 South Wharves. and No It 7 math Water n . mar ''' . PHILADELPHIA: . Ps EIVIIA It LI 11,' AItE II 01' ~'I.- . lionpap he, 'Prase's. Commerce, Statiatics, I Wt.*, DEG to Inform tho trade and dealer. generally of t JOSEPH WOODWELL. lievolutinhary Battle, &e. &c. &e. Also, Anon. LI rmburgh, than they Ltay..madesuch arrattheinent. I c ar .... of Wood .. d ~, .i. ~,,,,,,,g b, dotes, Poetry and Misr ellancous articles. Illostra yeah the Vv.. inunummumrs and the Grower of I LI AVIN{; wtthdrawn front the old firm ot he Wm' , Oh en Ind.. , and other !deem. , will ittente 111 Wood well, on the 1.1 ot January, 1517, I take GIO pages. W u lke, A, I tml with more than WO oneraring.. I vol es imp IMO n taw and mramut sneely cude fallnwing detetrip- t pleamme in ...mac to any ode at the my and . Universal Pictorial Library -Containing valuable lions of Tobamo which will b e mo ld upon an• aceont• country, that I have opened Val IleW More at the alcove I tope, on mob,. subjects, Crpnproting Natural '''''"" '''''' ',any nil," 'mu" i" ''''.''''' or "''''' ' " ' "n" ''''''''' ""'" """ I "'"'' m y g m ''''' im cc 4 .• i balmy, Natural Sciences, Agriculture, Hurd Econ• where, and all goods ordered trom ,hen, will be wart I and mole arrangement,. ',rob munuraeturere ot this I g h A the Eni on c o lo T”,,.1, mule, equal lo I country and to Eurnpe to Le corumntly supplted. 1 ton nn 'T/ intl/. Y• Fine rt. / , . Dusan it; S Domingo; Cnn.. ) i holy prepared to furrosh Hardware or Mt killd, VII an' Gettemphy, Botany, 510leellaneon. readitig, &c. Vara, Porto Rico; en'a ~ Seed Leaf To I ood icons and un haw us noy hotwe Enid or Wew - &e• I vol imp 1 .. , 610 P. wi . I .PeP. Cc" , !Kim. and nowda. , bac'. I letchants niol othern ere respectfully invited to cal The Family Medical Library-A 'I reatiae on the . ALSO-Ittanelin celebrated ArOlll.lllC ..311g Coven- ' and examine my wock. before purchasinlt elm , ' hem• Prevention and Cute ill thous., by regimen and nail, otM n largo anoonment of other popular brand.. I 'I he followtatg romps...el a penal' nil noel, -simple Medicine.. New eiliDon, revised and mil./ and nommen ot plmtidn• 6. ea la. 16 . mid Ha. Littlini I Steamboat and eel . ittinlware Dun Tritionmen. .", am' 10 " I Ina, 1...1 e , Twin: Vitatam T 5 ,. ., 1 Pte. Ney Men steel. Cott ry Edge Toot, .1,,,1... v.. . goal with the addition rd a Vegetable Metope Med , ' 1, ~,,,, ...I Pls., m whole arid hall boint, owed 1 er n, L ae k., L a ,, "aim, s eyo ,„ . i taa t i,„,.., 1 11,1. imintitq out the shines, preparollona and daze. And ~ ., . .R.her wah curry %ninety o , arttele belong. I s crew , .1„,„. F th . thr , pl an ,....w,,At a b,,a, t,„„i. visor Moat valuable notice medical plants, nnd nn IOC lo the trade JLI a. no. 1.. W i5..10C11.13, Hardware I.u.ine... 111Citelli MO •ane hundred Engravings, am of winch are L ''''''' l' ''''''':"''" P ''' . • t 'l'''' "( N '''' hyilh '• . . re """ I ta A zzitnis i.ATIINT utannTNAD. Ell3lEaL &AN LIF.IISON. Dealers In ...tun, colored. By Jl; Norwood. 51 11-Wit pages vo. • ' NDltv 6 American Flower Garden Compan.on-Adapted e... Fimwarattlg um, Co:nail-nom illetelianw. ,3 - )4 i .'. - N .. 7Wl r II s I' A V10111.11,r1,61,0Ve Llmatlecat .Ciii6 Innen, Olt .... ' i ~.- . :ii - . . - .-C .' " ." m 1 •• tn. I op) 'thou to dos tnven: , tattle United nlalceo Edward Say ..Landscape MCCAW- .." A ......b..10. Mechanic, 1 ..... i and Ornamental Gardener. 1 . 1 torio third edition, Al Allen A. 10. ) lord, c , Om rid . ... mai,'" or one t res tied, retarget! and dluarated• Itugaley a Milan, ‘ t P todati , t. ' and AllechMty tory. and their num!' t itilk.,..r. O t mtn, Becky Mountains, &c. Coe Wm, Diglu/in. 1 I. ~„,,,,, ~,. ~,,,,, i ot m. ; ,, enio , t . n t ;r , : , b . ii . t . : , 1..7 . ..i . 12 ‘ itan . .....1c: i , ~.. d x ir00t00.,„,. seises, with 0,,, without Sea, A. t.heolierd. ) ~,,, ~,,, ..„,,,,,,,, tted.te„d the brete r r ne.., „rainy i I olvglet netes,and -Psalms In metre. Morin ei :fie.ll,lrf, i, N i',11,,1:e. Venn., Veuitriatt A Anutuead 1 betaitne ,t .1..., I, .t. hem, the bro ovongrAl. coot mast Voce an 4 Ptheme's Debate Burris Works Lady 1 W 1 . Lear ACo Into. al le. Ey , ...irenient Itedstead as twe Ti,,,,,,.,.,.., tentirainial or 1110 Lakg.. (AIM Hookli. Mare's Plinio Der.. Sp. .oret A hltemat. . i ,auth, tor ii wit - . 11`.. Juvenile 800.. Cheap editions of .o[liitl. Jaime loonalon ACo 1 ' ... •‘. ~ We the •ute'erther.. ti raltillet maker. of the I „„,.• „ 1 , 0 , a p, I, roe .. roav ,Jit,0 , ,,.. C. , Nen totem,. ; ~,,.. 0 ; o d ,omrei, ; on, Jiegii....., en .•M hereby ecr. - . . . Maggreegor Alorrin, New 10a 1 ~., th. we hair lout la tIL.- ~, . ~, . , tatfiteturc be d ' i 11S1' REGFA V Y:I1 Al 51 A 111154EK'S-An unusual Dusan F.clr & Co.. ll+ tamale t .teats Wlll, ti.0.10111'.. rliteal Fii•leo , i.e... 1111 d Co,ilTldr, . ~ . ~,„ ~,. uook . I, , r „,„ ~ 0 ,, „..,,, hy sum), Itagaley & Co.. PhOutlerploa ' ' he ""''''''''''.` '"" "'""'"" "" h "" w "" thnt . tt!;..,,runent altali t: complete for Me 40,01 July I Dame! M. 0... hunt l'Ul9 I amloamted. The followatg. alma eumprwe 1.1 item .are Jo•eph, J. ti il, .t., ..,twlrll. i dam" . Lemmt Jahn IP 'Grew W ' C ' W ' 1 ' 0 " T 11. Soling d. Vo • R.a.r. Futrailit J. G. W. LEFTWICH & I It Iluttle) C 0., , .1.1111... 11 Burr 11 y h h u lor i cui ,,, k ;„ oj i t .a l.e v„ P „ me , l;c . r . , i n i v o C h : az 1.. 1 t i t . l4... , r i y th a ,, x i ll ~N . i Wen ern Land estate, with Mt Elegant ere.21.1.,0 DECEIVING. rotovARDINO. 1 John Lament. Jr. Jo- Lawry & Son The Sea Serpent, or the Queen of the Coral Care /.141 Coramlaalon Dlerrla•itlat , 10.1.1 ., er att... Duldle A. Ito-imam by .11 Darker Leg PLAQUEMINE. La. 1 Thuina- I . 111., thigh II in T...., an ...renting work I.y Ste Id L Bulwer. .memos paid to eonnignMent• iit : Duval Luker Dewey A 31'1'1rd:tad The I C•traY. a ealleetton of Poem. by Long'ellow. PSugar Minn, Engines, or iota. arm,. fot Opelouwo Hoch Wallace Mows Bullet k Cotuattonn Magartre for July . and Anaheim. Dav ,, l [Arley do, DEFEIIIII-11en.r. SticeLehl A. Licht'oae, Mr Tho' 1 For Hl O ll. to mike and nell ohe.olll. 1te1104... (. .,,, , " . .11 . 7.; . t do. 131114 Lancelet. New ()dram aIiMY m ERENI7.I:II 1 , GAZZAAL, ',:ode) • Lady's lloul du, Mew , . Canon & Ilettemon, Slr Z 34 Sherley. Iwo- &el° P '''''''' . _ Dennney and San. No.o. mail:, , DATENT MENA HILICK - EilialliNN a ~ i.reltlf , On die u-, n of the Lungs, Sad 00,. ElMeatrat Ilall S. Speer. 31; Wm 111,0, 1• E"hew . I 1 e ..ul,crol , re Locate obtained a paten:. May 16 p „p an an d care o f t h at opurttna, Asthma tool thlt- Wtshanan.Anu-trang 0 N.cholaus; Pateltiogl, 1 , 16,1 t a 1.1.0 1.0.1.... M.........,°........g ........ , 1er...! the heart, with 01.• dlostratuans-by Samuel S Ales, 4. kieVait, Todd AL CO ; Ciociromo 1 Moro ahly tented 110 niottly. ate now prep.-ea to ael p a d,. A. s, , Ides., Hine., & C ra . e ae a d, Al a .,. Edward. & , nein. and re diluter inoch,ne. to nay part 0' . Moire. Chtealo Ly 11 11 Breckenridge, fresh simply. Whoralt. Ilan. Zenon Lat.ause, Hon John ITT.; t h e I , ~, ion Th. ~,,,, tan. ,iii e r ,..igued to male Jo. Plamtemm ,, . La limo - wt. Karr ,n Kentneky. ' " P. "' , Dna fram etude vial; situ will matte 30101 ',met ur, .1 Er i,„,„„„.,,, m,„„ E L..,,, . do. -- onivo bon brick , Per n 0)• •^lr'^lrllll'r 1 ,01 ° I. I . " , cl• Chew 11`Mallm, the Irish Dragoon. by Lover do. o. the kiln, thu• n cop.. the ea, ane uod 10b0...0p,. Rod um! Dlue or the Private...or the !bract° ton, a porta .Mr Play, ,Im . tic and Mount. the alter ~,,I, .„,,,,,,. brine nauldeti It .- ,•1 Mille wrong, not I tal•le to ge A 1.0 - A large v Amoy i.f onto...merit Card., for I.a. mom reps, am' . e.0.m." Mat II emit rm t-ikern m me. and g ...mew exceedingly onere mug, ...le limim - mid bleu inir no , win, Wiest i•iciiiil-now imi‘iiii • them n now game mottled The v tinted et' :110110114 Of ,tig il notable We are two , buthlate ataehme. still li t, ~„a „ .. mach ao „. p a ,.„ ran ...sham. an .1100 ,nitre For u lull doe, P.. All Ito Pi .tortal Papers , or the Gh M In!). in large •r w 0.1 imet •t• a 111.111.110. Ln .c..,,•••(.0 opera ; ar „„ a b „„ a „„ . I on. ,ill 3l :'ic" k lwanm• hen, the °ye. ca 3 ", L . chi , I For sate at the Llltrail Eroportutn, tinottficid .d. Hod whew toe .trail 1,1101,) li, explain evort tlonc. [ door faun god, prldb&wltT ... ute. , aoth tt 111 311 WIII, 1111, 1,1. We /11111 e 01 1 - L 1 , ... „, ..t It. t ‘ ajt u u ,, th i t s - . 1 ., a , r , : . 1 . . , , , , ,, ge, u . t . All letter, moor ...W.-, I Alif .. l.. „ lCats , l: d n li . Tl . F. , %V I, i b T/111.1 . C r A , T 0 1 , 1r2s - ,,,, - , ci.' I.Iii.IDDo IN: Me 1111.1.K.N & co.. nem Harlow street:- •Le rib( CINCINNATI. 1 A Voyage up the R.vo AIIII.IOII, o:Mdseg a ren• der ce .111.ara, ny W. 11. Ldward , . 1101.1 V Alt !Klieg - aftlelf.a. VX TEM.IVI:LV t ra,ii rednotooved darter, the pant ,J . ',.o c , a....,"c,"2_m°,..,...C._ur5e.'„!: "''''' ''''''"' 01 the .1' a 1 ao ,c„,• I, th,. ,„„„ ~pal Iron ni.inufs. 000...0 ! r ,1,.7,,,...::`,;. , „ . : ,`,! , `,1, -. ..4'.. , „.,....... ~...... li, ~ g •tr. ~ ~...1 , ) . .0 Tl,l 1,..1,11Lnd On 0:11reial of ~ '7 . 1=7,... . 5 . , • :„._._,,,....,.: 1 .„‘ „; . , ,..6 . 1,... ,, ,,„:„ . Z P..,,,,. t.,,,t,..1. wall,. 1 for drilV. Ty on Ilse open., ~...,•`- . 1 r` . ' '." r' at Na, 4,....,,, 11, mat, tat on ,hicheauoturttlaltiy 1 '').`,C.7„;,..;`,=:, w0ri30_,,,,,,,,‘.‘i„ boa -ui c•nwity t le t ,t,tl,l , ,-elected hy es pexeoe, a o n . "ow tisurtles NEW count. u I tun. Al it , yt tint. whete the t5.t..e.. - ery W. . 1 ' l ' ; .r n ' t ' 4 ' . ' ,.., ' la. '‘ L ' ill ' e fer.l,le matter. with wlorM o ... Imbed. I Itiien 11111111auoto ol the moat , minent Br.osh Met, ~.,1 .. e „ e,, 'dtt, 4cparated they Will Imo' thoroughly IbyW in Dwain -.l.4truted n vole, Itl n „, ;,,.,, ~,„0 , ,,,,,, t ,„.„.,,, t„, ~,,,,,. ~,,, ~,,. O, asups of the Age - el toprisini Purim., Cries . l, Ur - ~I nate lillen Lc, !wren to NI Harr, ,te, l`c the pen ' ogratdocal,iind Ile,tipove By 0 11.1"zanett, ", 1 1 11,10, 0. al ie•pe. oto 111.1111.,11111;11. urknovililged , .1 11,0.015 0,1 R111110.,..71 the earneer, noes ' . I . e deuthat tYanntotin• A 0.1%5 by MA-canard Schmitt, ' ',''''''. cs rn' r. '' .. ' , ". ..: '''''' J '. ;:i . ll ''lL'lr..47,,lTAi'h.t.::7'.'!".' ' t ' Ig.. :I. 'V.. t .' W' "'"3 , aml I ``" ma r "r`'• n ( ''''''. „1„11, g e n....,ar,,,, lion Wort • o,l.•ur 11, •11.„1,1 Nutinc,. Fag. lU. IP, wn, Note, hy It, late S.V t tatentice, .so . and rema.k• on the lify vE , 00 vo vItTII . aT . K ... K:r „. , ..1 . 11 9 , ..D. 1 v 1 ' sand character of John W..ley, by the late Alex Elam. , 11 CO3 FF:tIT It IN Alth .N I t , tai • 1 r ." r 00 j.... , Pot Edon) ht the R e v. C. C. Southey .51. A. Second 1 .ea mt I toadnY ' Al"' I lh, loon dcr '''' Wan Wood .", m....... Ealionts. wall Notes, by Key. D. Carr)", A. I ..1„: at . " "19,10 "Ar.itryne , l'el.lit Ira Slut, . W , ~ ~,,,, ~,,,,,„„,,, o h F ont , Cake. Conteemonart . n, core r aintalence and Aniseellanow of the lion. I Froo. Ade . tre.hoif .re o.tne't ev.'Y "Yt ......R.Als , Jae Coaan Swab, LI. D. formerly Dover - trot of Conti . WO Ifie witourdig - , , , , (with an Catnap ptunouneed before the Com ,eetteni 11. M.... U...., `pound L.•r ; " ...m.°1 1 .r...1 1 I.ll , ll.llFeiewty at New llarenOlo) :11% 15,n. 1.1). Rev. I pa. Nike: .pouge dc: Pee. , .mi . :, 1 W IV Andrews Jell %tiro , ' ~. ,Illoa.a.'". I. . "^: T ieid Volume loin and Woilmt• or Wa ~b,..c h ao , •Inti ter Nut, Caw , 4..0' ''''' , 'lmr•ge 11.- mr••• ; h. above pan received and or rate 1.3 , 1 F.. coal Cake, A -1 . 1., Sugar Jo„ ~,,,, J L READ o r d.,. to l e e Cr wain. Jetty. Linde:Cake, Futter: 1 , , r 5., 5,- ...',_-_,Neal _ - I p c ,„f ec t ~,,,,e. n e , he. e seemed lit A tOILIPV! an I ..-f LID nary. i ~,„,,,,I „, ~,,,.a y .”,, be-tely by •ny °that enahl,h. I A TIICATI•IE on the treenuon and , n. I..CD et t t thin co). I Ja i. by I, gime. 100 outtple Mediernea. New e lam.. ' F ' fe r a '. . Ilread.T.,t,'l,nra.. A.. . manufactured mid). re•nl and entatred, with the adddie nof • . anion . on W into Wheat Flour. am lice Doman druit..emor l m punting ca "he mr 1 " 1 .. Prop '" „.. arn ia e spat - . A Nit SIES S and times of our 0n,.: rateable, noose, medics plants, 11410.1110-eitik.thi guaittvgii ~.,13v:Pv.:1.44.11771....,b,=.11.q. te..o cd_ I I 6 ... 0 ''.`"`l Pc. ' ''''"'" '''' ca '''' S '' ' ''' '" t'rcr' ' ' " l ' he ot r ,, " Z7u ° , Me eitioe wot ' li t. to !eive ,he wart. s, n s t roe., oho...beat .'-hs , •• Lio ‘ ht .0 w.::, , n; , 0 , ... ,. ..f . .. ,, .. , I ~.,,,,,, ..,... ~,L.,.. ~,,,,,,. .‘, , ~,,,,,,,...., 0 1.‘',',.'...::1".,,,.°101,‘,.,..7i',7.;,1:.,;,'",•,nr:0".1, .., 0 , 0 , the ,no ro mmou'd••• • : ... • , l in sr correct, i. o, •11. 1:0 .. 1 "F..... aa ' ' t "' " V ' '''' .l ' p'''''''' ''' ''' l ' :110 ".. 1 ' 1 ' 00. " .7 ,. . 171 o :11Y .1br.'1;1:70114(11.:0:1110"1"tr:1';:.17.11.'111 l'ltf .140 .. d . , . , '.....W , V . ,.... 5 . .' . , ,.;: , ' , , ~I ' ' d ' , ..2 .h ":r. ,r,T h r t , ;::::,,,,,'" . , n , thsea..e ; itt the termtuatton ol Which human itte way . eGe c .', c . r ,' ' ,..".. " L '1 , ' , ' ,,,!„., " ' '' ,.... " ..",r r o r .?, •fro ~^e run pursued by the ncom.ality of proctioe• I n not , new" 3 0.1. , k .....-`'''' - - ''''. ' . ' er. and found awn mecensnal parnoutorly PI he Re ' i'7.ll'''°' rat.'. ". ''''°' " *r 'i' ' '' ' ,”,: e 'r a ',"' , ' , ' , ' „,7',„ * :, m., Endre. to 04.S:oath and Wea& his own denalkd I 000, your ••Immite cop-. dm ' ' 7, 0 ".',,' A ,,,,,,,„ . ~,,, man . 1 with mach matutrnoss and meal ease nut.h to 1.1 arntt .n. ' . "".' ' MEN MA RRKT If 1 The Fanny Mcdiml labrary, it is b r hewed hes eta en 'Li , wi:l •,,. returned S'l'l.,l ,. .00, ~, ,„0 work , I ,w e g en er.„ eiromfaction .ber, any bona ot tha Clod • i r it , C.,1 ) Jard•thl Faro , ry alto ' ext.., 111 us cantle and parepreat tv• direet,onr,-,11 : #1.12 bth at, opt. 'O e 40 " V "' ' lc "' . l l .l a r t c as edLe. and their proper do* ,‘. any one ololdl. i - - . TT Avg, ..a ,wriu,i, 1 . 1 , 11 T 1r Tlll I.r i :F- , .., oar; t atellog:ttee, , , ,ll , l , e . :Tte , d a i! itT , rox:lcan . ...: I riN, "'" ~-. Ac' ''' ac '"'"7' `" "" '. ''' .. r . ' ne d ' . ' .. "‘ I n ,V.Vvl.l. ' er.:,lo7. " .. ' it r. ni head s ' o; la n ind , e,Whol s ar e I di•env./ J.- .olituing m.m.. - I. im . i - .d s i c , / i I •4 0 a ot Id Me 01 tocure anothet ' 'ra s iloit lIL or. ea ,wett on atiptintor a o • '" ' ''''' C 1 '" " m " ' cc a ''• ' ' l' " P ne to th- • 0nati1...31/ ' ,ropy Of the Wolk, ten tones the co .. could not 1,134 , 011. C. Alm. lhatels. cclehrrord Annond Shm. sic Cream. 'tt -hewn ft equemly saved wan than that, In one year, wit, b is i car generally nerd by the r0i1.i... 's di* vim , ' I tit io nis. moony in n/I oar, Of the Ilinted Stale., I Avow wattled 10 ten Ai% wor 1-a liberal Cannel.. ~„,,,,,, ~,., ~,,,,,, p aan t„, a , p .,,,,.,„,, ~,,,,, Vann , I awn allowed. J. Alt U Ir. JAME: 4 , l'Ut•ltahoma I' , 1.1 , t,,,,h,,, ,1„,,, ~, ~,,,. ..od , jeol W•lnut sk Let 4th andSth,LlMollarradlla. 110ir DTs. 0 elli , oeal rekli In eush , e per.o" . In * V . ! DOOT'S We .lirie Lear aal L antheenunG, and It abauge red or a II i it al and Practice a PCIIIO.IIP , Pip . in three p.n.; 1 ,,,, ....1..............L. , 0nd.). 1 ".. , .... ' , ram" . Froawy. intertnedaie and final: each part in foot books Mown. bla ck color ..-d-v Al A. W.. la" work compotes rum, de•tanml The above awe re• 'are for wde, witch...ale .1 triad, i •,,,,,L astr a te th a than ., ar eara t uaana the h a ,, i g ma i pen L ) . 11 A FAH:CO:IOCE A• CO armory procena...,itieli thtieutlghly tram Ilte Mon. '''' ~ on, """',.'" ''''''''• •rd W " . 1.011"". ". 1 ~.' , era oho. in litti.ia(i .1 CP.F16041004 OP 1,411C1, ,, i11d liar& ware Cal. levy, eadtDery, Sc. ; ~,,,,, .molding to the.' ...tartly of lama I on: and JOIIN WALKEIL,..„,,,a,a aceomparti etc' din Immo. es e rule. in DI PORTI .11 AND 1./F:AI.P.It in Froreno rind Domes , aa o, bash'. 'I he whole w•trutterd a. us rd •e great I be Hata ware. would wwnemfalty 110.31 01 It,. Incitd• ~,,,,,,,,,., „f , ine. law , and repeivre , and to e raid, the and dm nub tc acaemil I , ''"" '''' • c. '" " "'""x I "' pond to Write x vet rat h imam twice ileerlYri 6 11sIt tiny Spo.of .070 ,y ol Itantwitte. at the old Maud a Walker „,, a „. aa r e b y . JOHN .1 MEL 'AIR A Wood. , 11. No -a Wood •tww-t, which he will d.•pow P.I . NO ` , l moon' WI et u ( °n 111ost reamotillde Irrni, 1 P . - . - Me win 11 r• c o o tinOany t reei, t v mg (~..di•ilp 011,13 . 11 , 1 OCIIlli IL 1100.11:s 1 . &e from the Mattuluetureo in Ramp,. 011.1 mot country. 1.73 kleette Oe rte• of Ite.idera, Nos wh. eh will enable hint 'tn romp., wills any 'enablish- Sander, do 'do 1 934; .11, rd. r P.. it.o en. 1 Cobli'n do Jo I 2 3.1 5, W :nein Meech mt. ate tnvoed to call and ex entitle I linersat,'• do tla I n a ton ~ ,es ludore purchnwor ...e.where s'nur , s_ , Elecnc. Eine...out Front. and Ceilburn's Aralnn cm"; - Mitcheil,Olite,.:Frnlth nail Goallieh't limograp hive, Gapartneratair. wilt oh. Kirkham and 11411,on's Drammen. W E..."'' ''"d""'''''d. "s''''''"" ''° C'' ' '''''''.. : 11. wove veluarote Sehool Books fantail. sail' low shin !ar the yarrow. ni trnnuefist. a Nottaire, c , , . , c athor ,,, moo and Forward...noir, under ilrr tty.c et .bale"a' a •." ''''..- , , • o of 011.1151. InceaßEW & DO, A t..-A large avrorunent to Lear, Cap P. reut& •a- I t akenkb, • h NIIt• t • ) R., oer and blank 11.11.4 of all site. 101 l and hall nosoid. 1,110 liVr. , ware on, . 0 w nn.erris . , F.L.LICTST Or. EMILIA II Linen, • tr....Lion/Icily we spud Id 51t. Wll l'uney-- , w h ere a L 1 1,u n t0,., entrented m cur 0,,,, e , T it h e • lyt .. _ _ otarkemdc.±etareen ant eel 1t ... """%;z7iy,(41.11,71.1,;,v,,,,,..1„7....i ~,,,,,,,,p , ,,, , 1,-dsTonv iwicezico-Just publisbod, by LI iAOI/ I* James. Cmcinnutl. • TII 9, , F NIeGIIEW. •• , Smithfield, Moo . r , 1.: ills , OR , (IF ~E s ico I h er c,,,,i Poor ~ ~,,,i FIN 1/1.1 :V It 51eGREW..• ' ClAasu 'at' and ItevolumMary /11 , 112 1 2 i, Hoot the poinnd of Powburgh. 51 aretill. 1-47. raelto3 I ii.,,,,,1,, ,,.. , ,..b n ~,,,,, z. ,, n ,.., ,, , I - , , ,,,, 550, to the pre•mit mho . loll; Tuo MAO IC k:fiNICDV. .111 a a at widit he United States. w and SlLloary lie tDevememo. Uy Philip f- I r nh e late hop of •,.,11...Nr a. Kennedy, lank.. it,. Cam . „ „rib ~,,,•, .., ,, 0 0„ 0 0, , 01000, . 0 , ....,,,,, %./1.1.a.0. Ithinunictuter •nd dealer in tine., Mintbr, %ming 5. •rx and Variety 1.3 owl, teem. con•hottly . baud. of lo• Eng..' me acr , Plan-. of ID.' U.. "' "'• ua , `A' ,4'1100200,W te, eVr, ,I<.[Miliat oi I : .11. PilittOplll, UltP. OCIaVo.. en( five hundred &I-ii niXtY• fiam Ms , rid c o mm.,. Li,olotte Glawes. 1:0 :1.4. and 5 thaw., till . .-- . ttodets, plain wait ornamental portro3 Damen - ~,0 ~,,.„ 01 .... 0,,,,.. .,.. „), ~,, ~, 0 ,, , ,,. , 0 , I NE, :,.yurdiEli,..t-,,,r071,7,114.17,17: ''''''"'. ""'":'"`"'"' "" ' """"" "'"'"'"'"' ' ',lts., and C„raWoouerezterta; a ' , tug 1,0 1 1, 001 °M Fanryth.o.le, u hole.„'„ M 0 ..innll advance on minx ~... ' 00 „ . . 1 . th „,,,,, e0n „. 0 „.. e „., a ,,, ~,,,,,n a , Pe'''. .‘"d °"".".'"P"'d """ r "riP" ' C""r'' ' C" . 4%14 ad.l., , ed to the nos toed, al teßler. by W . '' V"""''"" 101,) " rr . ' N , 'W „ ', 1 k ., 1 7 " , r '' ..I;l7,llltntart. HI. U. or 1.,,,i;,, , , ,, ,. K). ~,,,., - ‘-'' -"'''"' ' '"' "' ' l'he author of Ihia work h,swithiii the !Alt le. learn ' .1 rule) IfrOlt dupworde ea seven hunidreh eastern P de• and r intala os Ano,yrithout either the t tale. the 0 . lon the imtential cautery. I Air .1e lit the Banknote of I I, READ mr2. , ___. Fourth, near N1.../ket inert._ CltAlta. lIIKILLAS s Co., ' FLOUR PACToits XND I'itoDUCC COM MISSION MERCIIANTs. evh advance. tout/e on rector. of t on! rogrunetou Thorn ttloyittng to OW' t01d.... PAID eltrauttioonits tu :Avon, et in Cunt, hl u1,1.1,05g to our (item., Alocirut Wollttotfool & Taylor. htothutgb. Ale4ortt, Thou 11.-11& . Bri.lexpott, OLIO. Phdadet . T... May 5,1,45. ntar...-tf ti It produt, rott:10.1 to lAirurror when In the or of Wallosgtool & Taylor, roothurglt, or to our 11101, ot I•htladelphot. &. Co. MEINEIME LOGAN & liHNNIOII, . . IMI,ItTERSI , F AND WIIOI.ESALF. DEALERS IN II AILDWARE. CUTLERY, tc.. ====Vl • P TTSUURGIII. A Suit I•ry, he-. which tworttig linen •purelia•rd Ort not OrOtiV2llll,rou. is on. it Englund, 011541 dim', from Lb, 4111.11,L1,11,, LD do* country. ..14.6W. o w•,t to of WI ...dr on won.. .urpawd t.y woe and cow, tint oy Wu . Powitowsii arc rotiponifutiy moo.. to 00 it. IkKIU&IA No thi Wens. St r. r. sic u GIINTIBI ES to transact a general Conlin..our Basiness, esie,tally in she plifeiVlAP and sale of Attic:Scan Nlanulactn•es and Province. and in reeetving and forwarding IS n;. eonsigned to hi. care. As A;ent for the Alrintilacturers. he will be coustantly abpplied with the pnneipal articles of Ehtteburgh Manufacture at the lowest' wholesale pricer. Orders\er nd cnaignmenta are respectfully solicited. IS ronwa, I. C It. F. CONWAY it • PORTSNltirret, in nn. Connno.non and rcnvannilog Merchant, and l'ndue Un•l.-..—da snrod to the Pore it ane...? . .11e..t S o,pmen of t'Lg Iron.o on:, &c. Atwood, „loner & C., Grown, Gattey & Co - !arena. !Ile, hog & Co Grnry Grad' 6, ad, Lindsey & Co It IA ech & Co I..yon.notb& Cur ~ Clarle S. Thaw marlo.llv 'Mtn,. _ demos • JOIISI . (I.ale of the IJ .1w s i Whole.a.le • Como Flour Merchant, D • • IMALIGIint fill ttinr• CoJnpry Cup. per, Tln. Ton ttnrpr.' Poc,s, Hurt.. Phret Iron, Iron Wipp- Dyr• „cop., Yarn, Nr'r, \c. awl Patc , prch crnpraP... corn, I.,trvery Irwin , l'arr •rtrer,hurcn, AUCTIONEERS , AND coArissiori MERCJIBTS:sI - - • - - ALEXANDER LEVY Ze BROS. " CINCINNATI & ST. LOUIS OFFER to sell at etther mahlistloseol. all knot. of Merchandise. at the lowan rates of Cooorpwon• and are always prepared to make advances. The best of refrrenees 'given, If required. Letters addr aaa c.I to ginner Iflntae veal Le nrontptly attended to, ,rllo.lly _ _ _ JOHN M. RICHARDS, COMMISSION MERCHANT, Nu. AO, WATEM nr. orro.wrh eithArs,DE UMIPIHOHN, lAriNtrow 001.6 AVary., Prtod rovi, II In and Country Yrothare Advance. made on ecnouguronnto. Sno,foe,ory ref. erence to thuoe nooong land. oepl:-1 f . JAYS. 11.11,0, VI. II rasrar.o. THOMPSON ft. CAMPBELL, COMMISSION MFRCHAN TS Mod Nossuractiareraof Lthared OH. • A. 20 Columbia Street, CINCLOATI, 01110. Asa rain non LLL _ - ==MM ,1:0115IISSION o SOH 1Y A ItI,IINU St Eitel Nn Is Second Street, near Wood. DEALEItS l'ot.urgh Illoketufactuten und lleavy liatuwAre—velll keep ro.inutly utt baud •. owek of r•rnage vying. ono, .1,, Pllll,leol. oryllie•nt “1•111.• le, hl. 1..31 ..term,vile v ice. k.,:nnh•k• 1 ,ellow, k , • mumcnLm LEE., JosCyll S. I. CCCII. MALCOLM LEROII & NON., IXTDOLIMALE GROCERS. COMMISSIC IN MFR YY'( CItAINTS, and DEALF:RA on at/ tintla of Country Produce, Copper, Tin, Tin Plato Ttiter: Tool, Iron and Natl.. Zit.., Wlnte Lead. Dye atoll', 'bean. Sheet Iron. Lead, Con on Yarn., Sr it, he., and Vto•hargh IttanutPetute• aette ,,,, Y No' . WE and 2, Lawny r•ttert, on, door above the brad of tli and .trees, Pat.ourgh, Pa.. • I.theral rotrunrea, in emir or mule on rota me or prodtter . he. nteltld W. NITMFWs. Vf. MATHEWS it PAT C.H, C 0 . 111 NI S 3,1 ON MEM HANTS, 43 W•ter titre et. ST ;A atIS, AlO. Rive premolar emotion tut ea ft:alt of-Pro dor, gullo ofdalm fie pu rah.. Rana aa—Grorge Nlortao h Oa. P. tAu tall, Pa. etell John .NCt,;1.1.1. J 111•1:4.,..1.ne1, 1) cun.rin•ois JOIIN 'SI . CULLOUI JO du. CO. I'vfmni.rion.and ForWareing. AlrrehontA, NO 93 &95 HO 11'111 MT. %VII A HF. T 1109../. CARSON, 6 Co. COMMISSION MIERCHANTS. No.. owl 9 Light. 91.•, Lcl lrceltßif 4 , 1311, 4 Will Ito mode 011 mototigtonout to nbove addr....r. by CAIt , ON &Mr "N II: I l'f.l , inh - • - • . . LEA, BUNKER dr, CT.., FLOUR EAcrollS. AND"NM A, AN I) PRorAxE ' • C 001611.10 .1 Hes engin..., 71 SHUT!! WHARVES. }HULA DELPIHA. !IItN new preparod le reeri • e and for• r lira all head. nfllcreluetilru to ati IngsJ mg on air Tuntatit. North onA W .. V " GEO. B. mita ENUEM HEIL, sTEA M II 1 h A T A T COMMISSION . Si FOY IIiIICIIANT, & !Mit., Nu 50 Wnwr Street, I' Stt.burgle ME=M3MM . A EN : I' . AND IN/ dhIIdSION DI T. 11.0 II A NT. HI) - N01`.1i A DUI, A 110 U SF% Ptiltabar /Oa. Pa. I) 1 A. PAIII.NF,STOCH dc CoNoi WIIITE 1.11 11.11.:A I h WOlt horn completed Dial:, new wild., located ois hank el the raver above the Aqueduct, in Allegheny 61 y , appoint° crgh, for the malady tom of a .or/e -rror quality or whde lead, both dr!, and diCiond in oil; rl.n, red lead roil litherage. Daring Availed' of All iheimp cinema°. in It/ tioiar.ctoro. did rreelyd e the Ilia idiom ll•C y eclendve tied!, :old wok eip lad c to make lead 'la largo cluciditinc, they will be, aid a t o .ripply ordren to almost od! octant'. .on, grOVIA i•ATTEILIVit I .0“. ,jeleater.lweet'atte P rn atterns Maker, A' nrghrny han Oil 31411, ne for ' on d rin aroOil Of 4.2 Millfies.olg 41411G0., pattern. , mad., io OPkr. ap I3U . • . - - - E.ark/JILIN TICA 87 'ORE, :!), Pre. n. Four sa wen. tun W.... 1 . 10- All qualities at Green Du al Ileae:c Tea 4ouu up in qusriel, hell; and. one pound I ...tug., 1.11 vele .—.... , ~.........jeil I i .50 .. . &V , Z ,,, '• A r'. '...*• r‘• fast 11110 kff • " , f , a Skin , * for flaking... new' fn. knin ifb I•inquite • 6 jeln J G Ift 91°"" ati=ill 1.111[1./OSL DRUGS. ToE 'it t, , Draggled and ApothecarT, N. W e sel mon, ol +lb l'insledeghe lreeeep on lean& Dye-mulls. Ser. N II Physirma's pre screpLons careful:, •nauseam'. ..el r e m. m e se recsi males eels. 01 any hoe. careful:) the day or e s riet s.e. an :A...M0n0. of l'aerlerenery; fort Tooth. Ileter. rend t Leah Ilretelere. tes. Ni' , S,hich ho well sell 1,,'. feereeusl/, relay I Oa. tory. Erin[ and Provlad on Star e. iIOI.EAI.E d N IIY PAD NO. 341 LI/IEI2TV FATILICK'r, I.)KNJ ANI,V BowN veatdd reapereNllr torsula. Lis LS old Irwin: fa i l IL , . pullet pmerally, 44. k It l id s again comat., Ted WM.11 , 01.11 11 1 , alsove lernarhes, ee e ., door to Ins a' d +Wale when: Lc hop,. toy krt•pote supply of good OfOrlos..otliiiii, lOw for ' 1 0. 11 aid pay • dm strict slier Ilion to Lis patrons, to merit a share of IniWir parranal well?) coma ISSIONER OF DEI.IDS A 'l' CINCINIS 'All —I am readeoreseel leg the linvernor !la Pc Iv: tom to colic orinearinignuna, of all in• au„menlWl 01.0 affidavits and drionaioas of. Olide, se lie. iteerd or retarded in reintsSlart i nen. Or . siss. 2 e 41rte Ht.' !dueler's Oder, etre. Oleree 4 Eli 4V A It lr I. elle% N1 . ,11 y at Law •R1 1 ,13S WANTED.. . it s • DIUNTRY NIXED RA . ..:t 100,000 . {llr vel ich Or Ing rico LAMI Ili br P" br description of Wriurg nut/ I"" otl Chioride Limn.. " r " l' " P" " REYNOLDS& :WEE ; Conirr.l' mut Irwin A_viNiNtigtomE.4 WM: ...v.,- cen, owituhlr for planting in us be (umbra nn nppliexoun at the own, from Nuixoc. Wprd,or, S N WICKEHSIIAM No wm.l ne.llt,), nwh9slr- 0.• WOLFF. tf.l Mlf Hotel. Putalloi glx I apra ti. IG A'l`Oit. nEALER in Trimm itlip and Variety (laiaJii.t.ra,,„ I/ Thal. of and Horn combo, Woollen Yarn. nad jut tone; Newlin, Inn, Tapes, lima, &r.. No 63-Market Si: between Diamond and 4th MR. , ablirgh. j,23dly CADFI,3 and o s ale or vartous•ae..ennllllllll ly on band. and fed ale at reditred often, •t the l'inabatch Seed thare.No 131 Won. corner or 611, 1, 7 • S KWICKERSHAM CD titttila FlLEEZElll4..... — itest reed. Inge rion iii in,. of Johnotint• mslent lee Cream Fret. rme,ble for Hotel., Steamboat. a p Ctn. riVarn lir. or JOH nd N DUNI.e.p No 17 matt et ti BOOKS, MUSK &C„ PIANOS! PIANOMIt IJENRr 8.11111:11, Dealer 1.1 eAate ru Pita° E anrs, 11 ni J W Woodarelre,ria. 85 Thad 1. 'araa. Ihe 1,,,,,,nny be examined al all hoar, and I. sidn'els• 1, ,cacti Ilkere from Id Pl. 4 .5. I, day. a1t0.).. r tr, NV, the underrigned, would inform the ratizetto n l'ioriongh and vicinity that we hove rippoini rid Mr. Ft Weber ndle agent for Warw., Peihwylvani t, for the -ale of our Piano Frulecfrom whom they to ry he oh mirifdwi Or own 'New York I r er • VI% ar CLARK Ni.vr Vprk..4ep. ISllLoothitf ' — I •iGIVERAL TAVLOK—Jaun.lon tr. 811.1 , W0 , • 1 ] lusve j. r .it rcenivvilportraiinn( Al norllefirtiol Zach. ',7,'„):,;,' . .*,,v,'",:l l V,l, A . l :,":' , .'l":r er ta'tZ.".g"l::;l 4 l;k:l:T.Vo -n in ' :on ...boar rlorrh take, 110111 lite bl CIIIIIIIM. by Cipt. .111 nor:, n . U. C 11l v, Ow tionerrignen. to:noler 110ff,'..: Ponlran of orb octal IT a gnat lir cite, D Co,neu. U S Navy Gin. A. Are.., A. A- ii. (:co Mgarig. IA Topographical Engineer: , MART I,lo[AlloLl.. U. A. Nur rr. V 7.1'67725cent,, . 4cll 0 1 1 ., . i T if . lt . t. ,o. o ,v . i f ,o ll FRANCE-' , ..-- I. Tl . ; , O u rAto i r , ....7( 0i t , f ra lkOr t, * ..dro . : l : 4 w r s% :P.:F M :4.7 L ' rs '' U ii... r rt ;o o ' i q F ie ;/: ‘, :ii, '" r ll o b n i :: ' . " . 1 ;." TO itr,l',74.,'":;L t t Irv°,7„:`, ..'.:',YO,-,‘... i 1tin,.1,11 ink! o gldrodo: it u.trated, Ju.ttee ci r eti 'at , I nook h lid Silll3l WU eon. of II ,30 JOIINSTON b. STOCKT ON haste a and New York Pianos. 4111JOIIN It. MELLON, No rl , Vou4 ~ I"O'V'pLta"l7ci"'to",..Woull"; Jr with Oi ucvra, Iron flame a n d ne ri ...le. Made b r Chickethig, of Burma. one e: crud Rosewood' . Piano Forte v aridi 6 octave mad iron storm , Made by: et MkerMr• One elevent MaLogany' Piano Folm—made by Gal ateto. Neuf York, re. nip ;a will be told at manufacturer'. prices. Meer. for sale as above, a second bond Piano Eon ...VAS . yea tel'i __, L ---- New Pioneer USTr Re.reired and opened by the aulricriber, .1 toe &Pant 11 `II W Pianos I nre. clop or Itorrernoodria MOW Fiend Forte, [French .rte oc.l Or . elev. at Rorrorrood,dl octa re Piano Forte, wrt ti . son redrtrothio Feblete—a aptendid inatrarnent. • r po..cone Cere 1.11 wenn& hand Paco, node by nr Co, Phil ads. ItEirl KI.EBMI peLYI ' trV , l W Wooden:ll'B,nd Third et MANUFACTORIES. , _ : . DUQ_UESNE , 1 .SPRING, AXLE . STEEL & IRON WORKS I f , OLF.AI AN, 'LAWMAN. o. Co., having eetuplied Vs their New work., ore now pupated to e n manow. 'wit every desetiption of Eoaelt and El grains.- Iran .leik, Arilefie. Mister, spring sun' pineal. Steel,. and all sixes Mutual' square aud round iron, which they otter lot sale 011 liberal 'Arms. other WanAvute N 0.43 Wood street; whhou the} also keep on bond • complete sod handeorne •asortment of Coach Irian ming., Carnage hardware, iftlilleable castings. Nan, and Iron, , . C. ILA Cut have made arrangements with Metres Day A Crone, manufacturers of Shoed*, L.pd Rork., An., and toil l keep constantly en bond e a ven es ',mete made be them. Dealers are respectfully 1 cited to milLASprices ail,' lefinii Will lie suede Mons!. imt'vdTort rrrr MACHINE WORKS AND FOUNDRY , Prernionan, PA. JOIIN 00., A RE prepared to braid Cotton and Woollen hlnehln• ri. cry or every description, such illt—Carding Mn chines. SPinning Emmen ,Sps•ederv.,Eltay^ng Frame.. Railway 'lend Wsdpers, Treillers,Spoot • sDrening Pow. , Looms; Curd Grinders, Wrought lion thinning tuned all noes of Cast Iron, Pidgins and Gaug er. of Die latest Patterns, slide and hand Lather , ' and tools of all kuidi Canine• of every deseription furnished on short no tice. Pattern's mode to order for Mill Grating, Iron ruling, 'he. Steam Pipe for homing Panories. Cast I Window east, and funny Canute* nenerally.— Ced ron ers, nt the Warehouse of J. Punnet & Co., Lib erty •Iftel, will have prompt attention. Raven vo • Illarknock. belt & Co ' J K Mornheng dr Co.. G E W arner, John Irwin & Sons !linguae , . G C & 1 II Warner; Sieubedvill , . Prill9 JOHN CAILTWIRIGLIIT , T M PORTER and Manufacturer or Gaiety. Surgi 1 end Dental Instruments, Saddlert and Tinners , land tosh,Tartors,Patetit Miran, he ho. Also, manufac turer Trim.... Supparierr. he ~n great vanei. and J. C. MallatettlTer and Importer or Pen. Pocket TAM. Cutler.; Rut/M.:lmmo., Files,Mgem,Tools,hei removed to el 3VI STREET. Pittsburgh; recond door be low Diamond Alley, and ham Into; eeived a tame a.rortment of Pen & locket Knives, Knives a. Parka. Alm Rodgera' and Whostenhohns' Plait ouTLEnv, Ellin... Ftodge lute &Butcher's Kamm, Se mom. Razor Strop' Ac. Nonagons and Wire mol lIIINS, RIFLE'S. AND risToi- , ‘, Iten'r Colt . , and Blunt's Revolvers, POWder FO.ks Shot Bella Game flag% %Valerie% AL c 0... Extra Per. eussion Cap, llovrie. DIM and limning Knives. Toots. such as Callipers. Dodders. 'Flyers. NirP urn, nand Vief.. Square, Rules, Braces. Dins. Shaves, Stocks and Moll Wire and Iron Budges, Math. linitrufnents , he. in very great varietS . (*.Jobbing and repairnm neatly and purictuaily done. surM CO-PAILTNEVLSIIIP NOTICE. 117, %V. sTv ritr:Ne of W hecl . a. F. SnocoLcr• L ear of Jutoota nod 1. A. Stockton or ritraSorlth, and ute , o f cuter., iota copaitotrrnorr under etyla and San of Stephen , Snocolcrger & Co, ict the Anchor Iron Work. Whcrlkna Vu., for the ourporc rnaoufActursog trop and node of every desterrpour. • E. W ...Marmot. F. F `IIOIIMBUICII. J. A. STOCIWI STEPUENS, 8110135 BERGER l c CO., ANCHOR IRON WO W RKS, • heeling, Va. MRllllll,,lore all kinds of Lodes. sheet, Oro non sod nails, A U steel elanir *mines end :mks 'lcing con• red with Sliiientrerlut, Old Junto. Works. we ran oder inn arta' m a de Ju l n.OlO Iron (branded Slim . art) equal to any de i the ettantry. Allot which wdl ho sold 21 OW elltsi.urgh prier.. lVatelionSe dale Works coiner ,1 hlonme st2d WtdEr streets. myil ALLIWIIiENY VRNI TIAN BLIND FACTOR.I. — .1101 IN A: BROWN 'TARES tlii. method to inform his friend s had the public at large that hts FacuarY •uovr in full over:Mott, on the F.,art side 'Arthe'Diatoond, Alleght Ily, where a toy atanraupply of Windt., o il various colois and qualities, are consuoty kept on liana; also at 50.5 Waal st. Pittsburgh, at 1./11. 11. Phil peon cloth stateroom. smitten Shallots made to ord. in We brit style. . Itßittlo moused at Ms shortest notice. N. U. 11. Minds will.he put up, without any add,' lintial ezepiise to that they can lie removed in • ruo mem in ...^ of fire or tor washing, .11 without the 214 NI ft r . ...•. Jr e oet.llll thmlaiiitt . • - - .A - . FULTON, Dell and Unass Foetid. er, has rebuilt and smned lotioness .st ..A...- 1110 old stand, wher ho will Le pleased to .... Pe, is old cortumers and friendl. "'"-- ' Church, Steamboat. and Ltellit of every • 5.—x........- - air, front 10 to UWW potted.. car , (.... interns of the most approved models. and ...-' ' warranted to Le of the herd 1111.thil , ]lt sal Water Rumps, Counter., Railing, tm. Ae. agether with every variety Of limas Casting, if requir• ed. turned and Eltlshrsl in we neatest meaner. A. , lir.f7A• F. is tiro .a l e proprietor of Damps All - ATTRITIIVI Itherm. ',molt celebrated for the frau, bun id ft maim On, noriniters. The itor.e• and Cmpo sttion t an be hod of lota al ull tones. mot -I y_ _ ..._ • WM. bIeCUILLY & Co. IMITATION CROWN GLASS. uAVINU recently made. very oniportant improve /1 men° , to the manufacture of the mitotic anode, and adopt.. 1 1r Intent Improved enturrn wherlovca for lat tentontwe ate now prepared to funti. an antcle ot %1 in tiOW eynal. if not .pertor to any Cylinder Glw. nude in th. United Stater, and but hide tufcrior io Set litglmlt Crown. We are .1.0 very extrntively engaged din the mon arta. of o f Window titan , and 11ruggtct , Put and to of ever de.rtinton. S e l ost . / Orsted to call al, e zantait for Ihrravelir*. at our war %sous , . No. 1.19 Wood miff et PlitAurvh, Pa. 0c.,411 PITMEERGII :STEAM WORE', Not. 144 and 216 Lobate Rasa. asar as Canal A LWA oo hand and made icrorder, • largr aarir laity Narble Malaria. Pier,Ccatie Tables, and Top.sTainb Elohrs,Alsataraculs. &r• all Ilaeao I.rant snadr , ar ebo.rral amble. awl marabnmeti L, Varbit..r), will be , 00141 bakv fa: a tsrli N. LE • withies purrha.k Mantels.. •rn allanayd NilC.V.lOl . lb 1111110 C 66666 y 10? go Faitt, or L • fornlrti them with 0,, article in all r“perith tor good, o Ntl ((night, twins-Attie, rotoider. rd.) as eltrap as lb Y coo purchase them for in the IF:un Call and sr. . tas -- --- - COPPICII.,•suiVAIT.InON. /O Tab, tcARF: UANUiNtCr OUV I Na K Market *IO: n0bmt..1,... 'I I F „7,'":::.',: r ;tio h :lY lg arr d C 7)Zi.riTir ' 74 ' 7vW l :ntheeportfally write per buildill e'l**ntlons , s. to . vni. ranone tnlore pan.lrasia g, no wo, , tn stlPPlY , n vm with peek th e ," ee*,...., or a l ea ,.,,, Other ktnd a Copper, Tan and r.q;eet Irate woe \ - notes., .7 . 4.."- 1111 • Swami... .._„, We atm, meow to onler on the *Anneal . ..._‘. t. '... Tabev and Chnisther, Copp: I work far Swam ....10"v s nod every 'suety of Wiallt 111 Our line. fel.9 KiIt:RIFT fr. SK. TIC _ - . .. .. BENNETT a BROTHER - • I•• grk:F:SSAV ARE :MAN UrAer V KERS. Uts - statngha mine... alitatartaalead P.,. ilgreAtruhe, No. 137, Wood sired, riffsbu%A. ww.e•rtotarly keep on land a good' sown meat at W re, .r our own morn:tenure, and rope :tot quality. .Wholesale ant! country Mel ding. err reepeetfally ,nectar to can and ea. amine for Owl notelvaa at a, are criers ttttttttt to sell cheep. r W. 1 .. ever beittre been offered to the nab- Orders cut by tenth acrompanicd ly thcemh or en refcr..iire tu- t uouintle onc,hted in (eh:o Me v w SllOl/.71, spade .rod Park - Dltiitadrie; tary• • GRIF'FITHS di. DIXON, AVING comn.ttrerd the manufacture of epode.. 1 4 hovelc. ilay 11.1 Nl.yre Forkti-Ar, on an exten sive 'talc, am prepa.real orders 1. nt Eastern rfree - 7 - For the <vow:nicer-eat their CY .0111ery.,(111d ,81 .... G articles, they WA. aprOiliftd le Voeltrnit. Conte:Limon blerclinnt. tin% all[Cl.• their Agen Int the rale of their rucutufacturr, ord," ts addrer. edan bon will receive 11. 0" ...." vantage°. term.. - ta iI FFITAIS y • I.XON. •••;;Ikurrit. July ts-;411.v Una WClterh Bull lllnge Manufac,ols CINCENNATI, 0. A A GARDSKR & would laostll , lhe trade " . they tire now tannolieturitne the bNit ever tnedeto the United 4tatee. A, thiet,te nor p ‘ i,, ply huottiere wo intend to end, net Hr complete en la iieler as caw pcoo..ldy 60 tondo. 'rho, engaged in the lenrdwa.e Male, son shunt. Vrid find 11 lo !belt 111101<1 , 1 la .C..• our BY. All orders nrorntstly nnetpled to. • ns)s A 0 Ai: ON k Co. rain( ~ t h natio em _ - eovroair.nd WOOLLEN SIACIIINEKY •pIIE .nh.etlbem ote oroir enlarge g thea eatablu.b ment.aod um prepared to notice all kinzli of Co non and Woollen Sl:trim...l. on the movi ren.ottildu tr.; ma to o. W meet with ' , moon aticumon IGIITNI & UNLZIL:I4 , harork meet. All , Thetty Ca . ) . N R—ll Wit‘htutaii, Int. A palest important unproven , on the C,od, owl Who has been rogail for the laAl fifteen tear , in atone of the [non ex.en•ive and itnree.Alnl Cotton Parton..., the verdi, glve hi. , personal ...noon to putting up. to the gat irfactoon of thou , cow...toed. all suaeLtne,mado at 111. effit .I.lixhnient. , JOHN SHICHWP Co., No- Mt told VI Vu1....k.,11111:A. s; ItEit.6 of Vii pu.. O.l from alit late* Lolpoog,4l put ter...o warrnno.ll t.qual to Al.o. Cuotior, finoilled` Cu. mtgdio 1,131 i . 6 . wan.o pro ply*, soul on tru.l, • tavII,N4 • YOUNG, & PLUNICICIM • le I. INT GLASS Al A NIA.' AcTII it H S, WICEHOUSE Nos. 51 Water cod tut Fin n V Pittsburgh. The lilac. rusoufactured Ity o • st wort anted equal to toy 111 coontry• Al. ori 'ent will receive pronto Intention stud filled on ...sits We revisit. Merchants and other. shoting the oily nrc in rind tocall Iterate pureitn.tne eltcwitere re' it LIPPINCOTT 111.0 N WUICKw. •.- ritoN end Natl., :shuts!, /..e. fur vale et •se I Warehouse, No. 6:11 Water street, near Wood., ,t ning to Front. Al., an sstottivent al the; old otar.d, Mehl Met 'IV Row, I.thetty street. !laving made greet nddttsons. the. Itolllng n All, all orders. eon Le Glled nrounttic. nue.ll It RAFF, LINIrSAV I BIRMINGHAM TACK FACTORY. •CAMPBELL. er. cEESS, YASIOF.II/117 . 01 , FINISHING NA n y. ca llp',lK 11 . E41/: DR ADS. poir o ASIL L gSt e r3IIOZNAT Le, rallrrn Makers PC ;Wm, of entty dray viptiaM. "rote Na u GL Va.& A Howl, Third Ato P Ittabi Me. WORKS AND SI WiNral— ' AM, AXI.II FACTORY. Isaac lON.. . 1011 W Fr. 'JONES & 411100, MA Nl/FAO FUSERS of Spline •nd Moo or g r eet, Plough V tent. Steel Plough Wings, Co ear , and Eliptie Sprite, hammered Iron A alennnd d talen I is Mailefble and Conch Trimming. y eneo ;SY comer nt: gl o•• and Front street, Pittsburgh, I fehE 'F IN . i tani n t: l l-- e t e lt n e . ;azeg w rl o e f ' COS:11 . 'e r ,, e m ce . " (n.; of .7, emfly lef.-1111111011K ore oar nen. •rtreles hat t hive naier been IreDl t— aoloen they pnrebrned for eath ipandspEartera R)a op Ihettrern and are able ',All pl 41V . O3.410 . 100•11 Nese York et Philadelphia 'pot) . te•pseos• •IY mete the anent:on of dentort. ' mylicift JONES ic 40106,'.. Roan do 011005 • II 0 ZE t S. POI } NTASN 1110 TVA. - LIGHT STREET, BALTIMORE,. FOGG & TUURSTON, Proprirlonr. . mins cm•bli.h ...long and widely know nown as beta& hOne Of lee Met eot001041ion• tlie c Itallimme, as ws sapy undmone very extensive alternuons end cont mine eicere new wing h. been wlded. containing smarten. anal airy aleeping apartments, and extensive haming rooms • The ladieedepartownt has alto ee toru n plelrly organized and fitted up in a most u b nique and beautiful my', Inc' the whole &mammal/I'lh, MM. hoz been reeed, with a single eye O the part of Proprietors lowa.. the matfett an Measure of then trues., and which they eanfideellyi secret elaalit. rune venoms= with any lintel to the Union: '• .Thear tattle will always supplied with every sub stantial and luxury ', 'stn. thent•r et it (fords. served up i d n superior sty while-in the way' of Wines, de., they Will not be ...passed. entrelnsion the propoeli bet an . lastY. that notion( Will he left undone on diet, rt, and n the parlor their apielffente, to render Ilea wi warily the c0,,n0,d patronage of their fnends and We public-generally' - The price. for board.. alma been colored to the following races: -a- lamest Ordinary; ••• • SI 75 per day. (tisntlentens“. (at: N. ffi—The Baggage Wage. of the honey well al ways he found at the Car and Steamboat landings, which will convey baggage to and • from the lint el,mi free rth( ----------- IDISAIII. STREET 1100 S E, Chaellavall, Oilty—The Wilnwribers honing purchased the me tire interest of Col. 'V Willmmtao. late of this well known establishment. beg leave I n e zt In their friends, and Me public generally. that y have takrn'ilii• eornmodiou• Hotel foga term of years and will C.. Weer best energies to it a - desirable boom for Trav ellers and City 130.1td[r.. The lbatel is spacious nod admirably planned for con venience, light and air, having it number of pallor. ndjoitting ebomltel., parenting +mower attrammus to The p • resent modems s having bad th e Mr penence of years in this city one elovalterc, hope they will be able to give general sansfectinn.lieing—diteratiiird to give ymilivided attention to the house along. The toes ti 011 of the Pearl Street House is anent ...only having (non'' on Pearl, WNai nin.lul.l Third Cl., Plat it is equally desirable in view nitlm maven, mice of business meeor retirement for private boarders. It is near by the Bank, the Poet for the klosome rball,Odd Fellows and but 01111,4Uire redo front Main strcetitnd two squares front the City What f. thus altering the greatest inducements, especially to CULBIllry twitch:m.2nd generally to all persons von ing CiOClll. stab. mcb97 ' MAIN 'NOMA: . JOHN A DUBLP: DIAN/HON HOUSE. Formerly Fuller's lIANDIa. Ilutel, Washington, D.t , JOHN PROPRIETOR. 'pia: propresur Cogently oseoclatod with Me well / known fire of Fuller &Co, begs leave to cull din mtenten of persona visiting Atte Capitol, whether o pleasure or business, te ins newt y opened eatablehment li. sAlension 'House," which him bees fined up in a mile of comfort and .elegatice-ainsorpasseil by any oiler Hotel to the city. it is agitated at Me western end of Pennsylvania Avenue, and in the immediate ny of me vori no. Departments of Gocernenentand the-esident's House. His gibe will always he stippled with ill the com forts and Insures to he found in the marten , . nail nit caveat or efforts will be enured to render the Mansion 'louse en 'attractive residence in all ski. may me lit HI boneril wog thee patronage: ' The proprietor would particularly call the attention of the Misers of the Ailey and Navy to hi. Hotel, to • Isom it tags ever been a Maori te place of resort N 0. . Porten storeys in ottendance.en the arrival of the cam taelinvey naeltae. fieedebarae.- ,orbit, - ---• ADAMS HOUSE, HOsTON: I -, HIS new and splendid tetabliehmentiercetedduring .I.lthe pan ve.on, le now open for the twepUonof relesitint and permanent lwatdem. 'lnc demand far increascd and wiper'. scram/nod. Lions +Critic unveiling puhlie, and tri the proprie tor itie pl. of aecting a hotel.whieb. fer splendor and glean e , be uorivkiled in the Unmn• And/ while he ha. spared amber pains nor eapetweihe attainment of thia des.rable ollect. he leaves the public to decide how fur he bas ellecceded — Tho }louse enutein. Ir. apartments. conveniently Ilf(1111(ta suite.. 4 singlet roam. Thefonature was all made to orttkr pat nettle, attention In tintity •oul eonveturnee. on well as style and spleneor. All the, ancients invention. have W. nudesubservient to the onverees ens.-and comfort,.and an experience of :Ili )e a rs Ira. enabled the ptbplietOr towitroureHouse. meny impitivements which, as O. are peculiar to t d his located On the principarstrect, within Mom Mien.. watt of the greet Southern and Western railroad de. pots. mid the of the city, this egabli.h mem commends Unit. LO the patronage of the tat.ine.s and pleasuretravel. • T. ADAIID. Deanna. June. 147. .1.13c0d•-tin . :EUTAW-1100SX, ~ 'Comer of Baltimore , and Eutaw Stitch, IDLLTIIIIORE. BID. 111n1RY F JACK:fOS, , rofir= 4 ,..l, l .T.dtf . "l l ::sda7l7.l":3lra;; i lfer 6 s="ern d 00-1.1 a... ,Oglibirte a.; Me loutuct of the best llotelr with eh fiance and comfort • Chat, dOi , CO of anartmente vela ell seasons reserved for tea accommodation of transient guest., and facilites the city will find the Ertaw Borgia a iloate, uneurpaued by any Hotel 10 the Union. The location I. elevated and salubrious. and is the? tenet ment tu•Drpol• and the lemdings. at which the .Coaelies and Porters ot the House are at all times r waifina to convey pamenger , and theii•lnsgrage, ft of attic to 11. e Itatet T ICIL .F-4;entirilleall'Orai' • mvl7 coLvsz.Bl3 .04,4 E, _ • Charles Street, b:tween Ilarket . and Lombard Streets, Baltimore. - a'roe sabsenher having taken th e above...stab lishincnt. offers by terwces to the citizens and public centrally. It is conveniently situated as wrerds the Steamlwals and ftwilro r ad Depot—is in the 1n.d , 1 of die none extensive hopennig Itonnes—sad in fact, the locanon infers ta those visiting the city. 0. inw ity euove ll i 11l and comforts as the other principal hot., n coo to-iog fined no Will Item furnillll l. , /11 Kiwi Lane and sty 6e, sod win be moot to the penile on the 11 ihty Ap01,1817. ' propriet wino. that olito - of elk,. to please, will secure to Ono a porton of the politic patronage, teltdes well as ”1111.41.1. • Mt WDIX, Late of the film of Dig le Fogg , Itelninere. Aro] 2, 1147. --mylPdenn GALT HUTIGin. Comer Blain and Shah .stA, Olstelastatt• g estsblisbment, n now In the best ruder, for the rereptiou of th e Fraysling Public. Having under gone thorough repair, dmtog' the - pan winter, and hasung the most experienced men io *west, in the vatiout departments. I Satter myself Mat all will be pleased who can. The Location iseenirst, commodious and pleasant. Fare *I per day. thocinosti, March 12,1017. W MARI' B. It —Althoughi n o n oexthe actly handle a new Broom, it ih the. Wnil • MOO( •-- - lIARTWELLV WASHINGTON HOUSE, Chesnut Streit,'Yhilndelphin. Roy': SeV1•11111 ;Urea, nest 'door to ',temente 1101 l t' • AThta well known emtablishmert ha. recently keit great g entargee, and nehly ;warranty furnimbed.' It i• ;natue in the moat feehionaule part of Cheanut *lm, tai to ohs Immediate ...mite of the public; place, of • go , %sealant The propnetor, grateful for theveep all atmnage heretofore beau:med. willapate Oran* der him houae.every way agreeable to him goewm g „g mmg ethy or their continued' annMna etre , T11K,./C MORTON% OALT 110USIC,• Louisville. IIP3 T st ROCK el 0 RTta N uegm to itequlunt tanners that he la again lewee of the GA LT Will Ky.. venue he hop:man meet oil g ig o ld friends, nutiting theta -dud the public. that no Sort Amen be mitered to make all crook:triable who aim . him will their patronage. , tantldly MISCELLANEOUS. 1001 i TON MODEL,OP tt. Deutecidr. Boston, has acranged'and patented a plan Mr heating honeen, Which/has been Dub-, cesafulty oaod iu ir Awroti, New York. nodwherever applied. ha. reeneed th e dechled.plethlLllCO over Sicaer„onacca, e. , he vantage. i.ce— In. Great ortruteritiof Temperature: rod. Freed'. tromwMloke. ard .• No unplematil Dry Isms 4M. Lent). abraded to, and not liable to get out or order. rub' (le e a Burability. A model r a ,'J tapeeiGeation may bit wen and the apt-I, $ 'nab/ cannia.'d al the COpper and Tinware rectory of WYI. It SCA IFE, twat inn.. 'Mtf bet. Wood and Marta , . it, DR. JOHN 9. CHAPMAN, itAL.riNtota:, al the 0011<liallon 01. nameroda I -It, •111,.haenunaladea lobo:ale tilineell pclaVale/11. ly in I tat' Ile ba white rant' prore•ainnal ceiviCee in the pubis and recrectiallVenbent n Mete of ec ;w uliar to inner Yeo ,. Fat , anvoi.o.l givlnt di amwe p menl( and clt..ldren. . cveati'Net t—r n Faint , e now. Baltimore H. l ßexley, t. • Dr R NI 'Couhr., .: . La I'. W. !.inwrence. Ouvicu: S. atilt:rld •Irnoi, 'pp...ln Irrelatnai 110inl. ttr•adrorr, nlurtnuguli•ln U. laIIII, ____..., kiji.. ....----. Fle.s. Nve).vue. T11,.E.;:ri!,3:1`,":•;:g;'...',.71.';: ,N;ni,',7Z,,ro.. 11:46,- nd emilplete a. tortatent of 1 , ,,.. s 'OM. which he will pet it ate tat. tio and inu•t ream V.L'...—,..r.... Thg• atack cionproul t , toi Wheel., Clot,. V.. , ..:11 11 PP 1,11, Nun Light , 11,1101. 4 Rou' , l.. Toll. "VaIII ., .a I tt oIII N 'Um.. C.'..T7lnlinant. I- lie Cruel. *olower Poor, AD. , . he., As. Order , Iran 'oni c oy.. % ploughly at ...1041w ~. • N. 1.1.-1,0(01ophel.,.1 A farmn titan. 1a..1 1 . .. Ji) , . It ItUS..F.I Eli, 27 noon V.Ol.,trit ' . l'h.lade.plt.o. June IS. IClO._ • . jr . lstt DUAVMIt; Mrtiiilltin.V ni.--ciAkt,ik.i.‘.•ND lAN li OF tatNA I. i•AcK.Krs AND si . / 'AUL S. - ' • :rrOgEr" ' iSI7, , ' i.2,l‘iiiiiis -CANAL YAOI: ET? Tr:LEi.RApit 0: MCVALI.OW EA 01 . : tlAwqr .I. , kgy 1.1 1 o'clorl..l. la • 11111 die • a rtt vol ul tiie •outrultant DEAVER. !root 1 1 , 1.u , g0, wAI • MY , ut ‘, erre.. or> I 4.01111112; in ....,, al tat we . no: ,• wliorlt rune'. Cnevelnun heiure . e.eitlietre will be Tel Opted thritn,,l,ie,,ofjpgl.• tflut on the Pocket., von cell.. Jai lb, ~ u ar... Oil .N0. , .. 0 .1 on holm! neamboal Bearer, ileaelw., Pill, trunk al V 1 ,liIVI., A. % .101 . 10 the agenly , 1; 210 DARTON 0 CO, 0. ttlailltet CI.AIIIZE &Ca. Bunter.' 1.0 ' - .1 V.. 4 14F: it .1 Li) SV iN , N. ' grAiwn ' Al II TAYLOR. W 4,..... P'l9; JOHN fiUN No .7 _Msiket wires,c now teceiving bin uak o f Hardware, Itrito't itlinetstung in past ns fe . Plan Japanned W ore,i:llgl.6 A 11113110611; has Uraninite 416d0 . do, tt casks English Timissi Saucepans; lla • 3 do Oa al •I tits; t cafe Tin3•and I do .Knoierwed \% arc - I do eres,ml. Wog., I cook !hied %Tffs; • ALSO, Ihs liebeled ropper; LO plates Tinned copper; I ISfAI 11,3.1matai Wire, ass Tin 11 . 1. , 04 11 , 11 K. f/lIN 17 . 91 km •I gieN N ELTgrrONlC.—Allsr: ring thursiiiitic o is Jwe unhesitatingly pronotince be what n—dre beat atiek, without any eseePX" , in use, fortho sishaestion , and pruierestain of tee hones • hate, a know of numerous lu g where Ina has ei bee Nick eeann which Web.. beld=sod u 4) all wet readers =Ns s. of this Tonic itinwediandy •—• Ihwton : IX. WsML A in rictsteergb st the Peakis Tea Soon,No 32 14„,,,b,ae0et....." ., • . witehl kw' r aLsimws•DiAnicuirDs_j,.i taetead and tc, a full thltonnietii.of Shane. rates gibe. area , [' 'e wands; at t 36 Pang wadeltottes of add • J KIDD 4,..C0, GO wvadtt xiv:- N. YORK. , ADVERTISEIRIs7B RUST PROOF IRON .FOR ROOFING,. WINDOW SOUTTRIIB,Ie. 1 tint subscribers beg to call the attention ernll thou: • isted in roofing, to their GAI.VAPILZIAD PLAT ntere ES. and to the many advnroarres which they - N....ogee - All somatic' and other suliatancenhithenw html for this p'urrose,possmaing wtheyda, the strength and lightness of iron without its liability to colts having now been tested several min both to this Country &M -in Europe They are al. leas - .Neer to csparthlon and contraction from sodden changes of the etmosPbe. Wan common Tut Plate, Iron. Zinn, be n or any other metal now used for roofing• and enniequently nom much better and tighter roof. requiring tartest frequent - repair, whilst the fint coat ittlim a wide more. The subscribers would almical) the anent: of oil Joules and workers in metals, to Abe many other par- ' pmes to which Iron thus protected. nun Im applicil.— In cameral terms it tier et iron which it is desirable to prothet nom the tin actirthof the atmosphere. And - Wey_ would imperially call tN at- teen. of those ilyiphll.l-:GIiAPIIIC to /mil which come tuted In lAillope, and whien almwer. cost at a coml.:tor orelectriritY, mntigg eery a hairs. mush on copper, nod iiz'sieitaig - equal durabili ty with that mem!. -- - • Having lately erected works in this captor the par- . pore of gulvanivng natty, spikes. bolts. %thee. de., they will be able to furrithlrany at tide Wilk ), may be deli.' red. A supply Of PrAes imanductured'hi . Europe,l eonstmitly nu hand, from IG to?: wire gunge. ti EO. IL. MORKWOOD le Co Noe. IA and lb Breyer si. NEW YOWL • The Pe mil Right or this article We been secured for the tl un.d ghat, n. well as Grilat Britain, and other PAropeait counirum, and all legal mea•nre• will be ta ken io pm vent nay fnucemr nt by iniportabo lor oili erwthe. PItINTS ON LY—SP I EIV. sTrix.s.• . - R 184 • LEE Ac BICEIVSTEIC_-• . No. 44 Cedar Street New - l " a rk. DEO Info to intim. Dealer al Dry li:uda s that they Farr - UP' mmiud, ander< now eshibiting,at the WAREHOUSE EXCLIISIVELY Yor Prinull Cal . irot• 500 CASES, Freeze Land all the New Spit ug ti , lll.lea, of Braid,. French and Americua Alateufactamy ,la ADDITION tothcir 'usual stock, rud t r. their assiiiimiat am .1 Ds muck' beautiful and attracave tu the city., and having jest been per. Owed fdr CASH AND SHORT CREDIT, are ar med by der piecaserckage ins the anue terms, at and a :lecturers puma Al idalogues of prices (cmrecad zee yawed La the 11.601 - buyers. , . . Purchaser. grill Diana themalves Of the stale of thamay het, and be wdl repaid Dr au <aaminatiose, CM if thrped not rumba... . L,& B. !we pecan., admneage s for emitting , orditn_ prints, *bah narcifully main LEE & BREWSTER, 44 Cedar Sired._ Who[vale Del* Ware.lionna.` , IN TILE CITY OF NEW YORK.. BA. 'ARNE:STOCK & Co. No. 49, John ci. • New Yorle:offer for safe aJargo and, genera assortment of Drois and. 'Medicines, Dye Starr', Paints and /lila of every description, which t y, are prepared and determined to sell low. - t:oanyy Merchants nod Druggist. are reques d to call and examine their 'melee. Orders excel with faithfulness and despatch. B. A. Palinestric Venoiluge contently on band. . • It. A. Fahnestock, B. L. Fahnestock.• Pittsburgh. 1.1: W. ratinestock. A. B. Hull, New York, aprs PAPER WAREHOUSE. 80. 0.1131111.L1N6 BLIP, NEW- YORK. sY RU$ W: FIELD odes for sale at the lowest • Itlnagua:trent' prices, a very extensive alma .. tet of PAPER. comprising every possible varietY t &pied to the wants ofconsented In all sections of the eatery. Piper kinds made to erdecal short tet I.te stock of PRINTING PAPER Is unusually large . pane( which is of verysuperior quality. - PAPER MANZIL'IS 'MATERIAL! . • • - - or ~errdesetiption, unpotted end kept constantly on hon., eta: Feluny. Wire Cloth, Fourdtinior wire., Blood,lug Powder, Vine Ul G& tramarine, Twine, k c., Lg. BA . _ . _ 0.10M11.11, Bile ROM G ra o - Rope, Ilemling, Cee., purchased, far wttien 111 G highect price in Cash will Ire paid jrZy •. New 'York. Jey,11946.._ I N SAJRAN CE! ladentsolty agairasi - Lotto or Damage by Fires TO MUTUAL PRINCIPLE COMBINED With the additional security of a Stock Capital. The Reliance Mutual Nein:met Co., of Phirti. - - • • CHARTER PERPETUAL. . . • DIRECTOR. . George WI Toland, el Jahn N. Arwood, Thomas C. Ethektoll, Lewis R. Ashintret, R.Thonmson, George N. Baker, George hl. Stroud, . John J. Vauderkemp, George W. Carpenter.' tg[y ILL make insurance eget nat.Lesisr or Damage ' VV, by Fire, in Pirranourin and vicinity, on Houses Store, and other Buildings, and on F urni titre, (food., Wares and Merchandise, on the most favorable terms. The Mutual Principle, combined with a Stock Capital, and the other provision; of the Charter or 1 this Company, bTd out unusual Inducement., both . of profit and safety, to (both desirous of MP-cling insurance, tewhien the Company ask the attention • and examination of those interested. . • Those effecting. tiontrance“with this Company nave, beeldes the usual-protection against loss, by the ordirm y =ethic@ of. insurance,. the additional adrantageof a direet phrticipatton in the pi ofira tai the C ompany, iiilabut any .Itdrility. GLOIttIE W.,TOLAND, President. •_ B.M. HISCHIIIII, Secretary. •n per day. • u ! The rabieriber, who is the duly authorised Ageot - -or the above named Company, is prepared to make .. [Marne!, at the Office or the -Agency, in the Cha les Ilnie*,l-bovl c 6, third • leer from -Wand - Manch, cod. will give 411 further ini.rtnatioa desired CAM JOHli - FUNNILY, JR Aar AT mrsiroanst roa int :DELAWARE MUTUAL saft,ty Waninglice Company of Plilladen a. FAKE RISKS upon buildings and merchandise" or every despriplibn, and MARINE RISKS - . upon bull. or cargnea of vessel., taken upon the, most favorable terms: Mr (Ace in the Warehouse of %V. IL Hattie.. & tko.i No. 37 Water„ near Mark - et street, rats. burgh. • , N. M. The success of this Company since the eittalS lienento' the Agency in this city, with itkeynnroptaiss dmildrnalay wins every claim upon them for loss ha Wen adjusted. fully warrant era month% ow oiling the confidence and punanage of 6u friends and the cominuatity at large bathe lle.laware 3% S. luaLl miter Company, while it has the additional irdVantageit as an inatitution among hie roost flourishing iu Phi ha rung an a wit paid in caph aLtv Lich,. bctheopera:ionnatacharteruiconatantlyincreastng' each penion iniu&il his due share of m...fits of the company without inVolving dint Wally responsibility whatever; and • therefore as posaceing,the Mutual principle. divested of every obnoxious feature, an 1 in ita'ntoat, attractive runt, oo • NATIONAL FIRE -- AND 1.1 AUINF. INSURANCK No York. IrilDIS well known and respectable company C. ere. paredobrough then PITTODURGII E.lNClcio . ..lake Insurance of entry kind connected with talks of transport...llbn and inland narfrutinn i to insure against loss or damage. by Ore, Dwelling Iloures. Warehousear Unildings in general, lioods, Wares, and Metehandise. and every debug/non of personal properly on th e most ',favorable sewn, . • ApplicatiOns for 106111.1ce attended to, without delaV at the office, Nn 9lVood sweet. • • SPRINGER lIAFIDA.,UP II Act. . • • AT an Election held at dri office in N. T., May nil. the following nanwAvntlenten were chosen Diteeiont of this Cowpony, for I e etteuitijg fear, , i= —. /wenn W. enaa g e, ' • StepbennalL Mtn Brouwer. . . /Olin McClain, - William G. Ward, William WAtinnpltell, Pam Newhouse, 'Jacob:diner, • William. Eamon; MartteSpring, - John F. MackiJoe, hn-J. Herri Joneph S. Lake, __ ck. • • And at a subsequent mecum of the Thiard. JOSEPH W. atAVAUK„ sras unanimously reielerted Pies ideal los the ensiling year. Wm.] Allll , -4 111.Nitiii‘,. it 9 Pastes Journal copy tkeretary. FIRE AND•BIARINE INSURANCE.. - 111111: Insurance Company of North America', through its duly au thortsedtkgent, the stibicri her, otters to make permanent and !ranted Insur ance on property, ih - this city and to vicinity, and on shipments by thenal and iv4re. • DITtECTOKS. • Join C. Smith Petit., Sonnet Brook., . • Alen. Henry, Charles 'l'aytor, . Sarni. W. Jones, Saml. F. Smith, - Edward Smith, Ambrose White,. John A. Broie,• - SI. l'hottion, • .John White, ' John P.. Nell, , 1 . 11011. P. Cope, , Wm. Wolah,, This is the oldest Insurance 'Company in th nitellStates, hasi og been chartered in.1191...1. charter pr perpetual, and from its high , standin long esperunace;. ample .meams, , and. avoiding a mkt or an ittra , haaardou.. character, it may considered as oflerineemplellie.ority to the puldi MOSES ATl11001) At Counting Room or Atwood, Jonen'EVC Water and• Front street,. . optllf INDEMNITY-• • - Az that LosilY arire—lle-FILANKt.iN Fire In ranee Company br V ILL mate Insurance, pe'rmanent and limit' ois Culp. deseriptionof property, la I'UI eziKdfl• and the StIttitOIINDI,NG COUNT oodo Orotable tering. • Thor coMpany hen a peryet eharinr;' cAriTAL SICKLOOO p ttoaid ,coraTORIKNT ' • •50v,...j .. pt6c e . INSURANCE. rico.' Piro llstotiromoo . Cosnpan CA VITAL RUM,6OO rAtp 49,15 n, 111 PhikddiddAi. lotabstst • WM, PAY/ DSONi Podt.zo,Sec'yJ • •. ri II IS old and wrlt.ii,titrlirliril . Cortilritny ei;ouno • twilit.. Multi:mg., Ntei irks, itt i• Furniture end p not of up exirti 1, A lui char:rim, ago itd•V ..lisinagr by Lie API . (or 'tit' itiiiiliurAto' en ut•tgliliorboo.l. will lir rod" lateen. peipeu , ally or ii:r 141.'1,4 ..r.I evioutiir lent bEtiC,I4:IIItAN. Arr • A. 1.11131)UX h Cll., • J4ll 77 C STREET, NEW 1)111.EA. A GENTS (or J A/111611Vv.Extrowirer i leana • AReiner/. Alwayaonhand,alargemock a Yo slered, Cru.bed, Clan Gen and Ilartard fii• •Tie, we) and Barrel. AlrO, Savor limn) Meng' l'i Wes liberal and a fair allowance made on at barrel , • in.' . , W4I2IITED—A Jogruelmax . framter twill he 4 . n d and permanent sitaana, by opplym morn of Me unitera;gnnl. • • Ile rns.Mll/Ve eon recommendations as t 6 e a. Jet r ENGLIeII ft arSli 4 litchard Wood, Anhur G. Coffin,Se