The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, July 07, 1847, Image 4

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    =aiVwUsE_. -
Some forty.years Mace,
in 'the interior of -my"r beautiful native
State, New York, lived the father of our
Itenfine, an honest' and respectable far
mer. He had but two children--Lucy,
a noble girl of nineteen, and Ellen, a
year or two younger. 'lle first named
.was winningly, rather than strikingly
beautiful. Under a manner observable
:for he seriousness, and a nunlike seren
ity, were colicealed an impassioned ort
tare, and a heart of the deepest capacity
for loriag. She wad remarkable from
Ler earliest childhood for a voice tit
thrilling and haunting sweetness.
Ellen Dutton was the brilliant anti-;
podes -of her sister; a •born beauty."
sehose prerogative of. prettiness was to
have her irresponsible od n way. in all
things,. and at all time.: An indulgent
father, a weak mother, and a.. idolizing
sister, had all unconsciously contributed ;
to the ruin of a nature out at the first re•
mutable for strength gr generosity.
Where in all God's creatures is heart
leanness so seemingly unnatural—is ad'.
rashness so detestable, 23 io a beautiful
Lucy possessed a fine intellect, and :is
her .parents were well reared New Eng
lenders, she and her sister were far bet
ter educated than other girls of her eta
:ion, in that then half nettled palsion of
the country. lo Mose days, inany enga
ged in school-teaching, frow the honor
and - pleasure which it afforded, rather
than from necessity. Thus. a few
months previous to the commencement
our sketch, Lucy Dentin left fur the
'first time hitr fire-side circle. to take
charge of a school, some twe n ty n ah.,,
• - from her %naive town. •
Fur some while her lettere home were
-expressive only of the happy content
meat whieb,sprang from the conscious
mess or active usefulness; of receiving.
while imparting good. But anon there
came a change ; then were those records
tow-home characterized by fitful gaiety,
err dieary sadness; indefinable hopes and
(ears seemed striving for supremacy in
the writer's troubled little heart. Lucy
, laved; but scarcely acknowledged it to
• , ; herself, while she knew not that'she was
loved ; 'so, fora time, that beautiful sec.
and-birth of woman'a nature was like
.warm sunrise struggling with !be cold
• 'mists of morning.
But one day brought a letter whielt
could not soon be lorgotten in the home
of the absent one—a letter traced by a
hand that trembled in sympathy with a
heart tumultuous with happiness. Lucy
had -been wooed and won, and she but
wall - her parents' approval of her
cWe, to become the betrothed of young
a man of excellent fam
ily and standing in the town where she
a had been teaching. The. father and me.
• ther accorded their /sanction with many
blessings, 'and Lticy'e next letter prom
ised a speedy visit from the lovers.
To such- natured as Lucy's what. 3.1
absoibing, and yet what a revealing of
self is a first passion—what a prodigaiity
Of giving, what an incalculable wealth of
teceising--what a breaking, up is there
of the deep waters of the soul, and how
heaven descends in a sudden star-show
• , lerI er upon life! If there in a season when
an angel may look with totem" and-lest-
I'M interest upon her mortal sister, 'tie
when she beholds her heart pass from
the bud-like innocence and freshneis of
girlhood, and taking ; to its very core the
fervid light of lore; glow and crimson
into perfect womanhood.
At lait the plighted loders came, and
welcomes and festivitiea awaited then,.
' W—.- gave entire satisfaction to
father, mother, and even to the exacting
"beauty." He was a handsome man,
with some pretensions to fashion but in
manner, and apparently in character, the
opposite of his betrothed.
It was decided that Lucy should not
.again leave home.till after her marnage,
which, at the request-of the ardent lover,
sin to be celebrated within two months.
and on the coming birthday of the bride.
It Was therefore arranged that Ellen
' should, return with Mr. W—, to
' to take charge of her sister's school fo r
die remainder of the tenni
: - I.The bridal birth-day had come. ti
• had been ushered in by a May-morning
- of surpassing.lavelinees—the busy boors
had worn a•vay, and now it was eialt
• sunset, and neither the bridegroom, nor
' Ellen, the first bride's maid, had appear
ed. Yet, in her neat hum chamber
Lucy, nothing doubting, nothing fearing.
She was already clad in a simple white
st muslin , .and her . few bridal adarnments
• lay on the table beside her. Maria AI
hip, her second bride's maid; a bright.
eyed, affectionate hearted girl ? her cis.-
sew friend from childhood, was arrangin g
to-a more graceful fall, the wealth o!'
light ringlets which *rept her ann.: y
the anxious inquiries of to,
e4tsp , anion, respecting the absent one,.
Lucy over smiled quietly and replied,—
"Oh, So a mething has happened to de•
min them'awhile—We heard -from theta
, the other day,-and all was well. They
will be here brand -by, neverfear."
Evening came, She guests 'were all as
sembled,. and yet the "bridegroom tar
ried." There wore whispenags, am
enities, and wonderings, and tt shadow in
, anxiety occasionally passed CIYET the
fair'face Of the bride elect. At last;
carriage drove rather slowly to the door.
"They ate come!" cried' many voices,
and the next moment the belated bride
'groom and Ellett entered. In reply to
the hurried and confused inquiries of all
-'"around him, Mr. W--s- muttered some
''thing about •• unavoidable delay," and
'."stepping to the sideboard, tossed off a
glass of wine, another, and another.-
- The company stood silent with amaze-
' ment: Finally a rough old , farmer. de
claimed, !'Better late than never, young
: - manao lead out the bride."
W—,strode hastily across the room,
placed himself by Ellen, and took her
• - hand in his! Then, without daring to
meet the eye of any about him, he said :
"I wish to make an explanation—l
am under the painful necessny--that - is,
have the pleasure to announce that I
ma already married. , The lady whom I
hold by the hand is my wife !"
Then tuning its an apologetical man
' trier to -Mr. and Mrs. Dutton, be added,
l I found that I bad never loved until I
knell' your second daughter!"
And Lucy ! She heard all with
strange calmness, then walked steadily
forward and confronted her betrayers!
Terrible as pale Nemesis herself, she
stood before them, and her look pierced,
like a keen, cold blade into their false
- hearts. As though to assure herself of
the dread reality of the vision, she laid
her hand on Ellen's shoulder, and let it
' glide down har.,,wm—but she touched
not Edwin. As those cold fingers ir.•
hem, the unhappy wife first gazed it,
into her sister's face; and as ahe TIFIrL ...I
the gliastly Pallor of her cheek, the lit
ted nostril, the quivering lip, and the in
tensely mournful eyes, she covered her
own face with her hands, and burst 'wo
man, while the' young husband, awed
the tenibleailence of her he had wron.2-
.ad gasped.' for breath,, end staggered
back against the wall.; - Then Lucy
claiping her hands on her forehead, fir
gave voice to her tinguiell anchtlempau
ohs femfal cry, which could but ring 1,,
'test. ..:. ••;
Afler gfrl had been
r i moved to , her chahibitc.a ',rota i senile
ensiled in `the room Pa
r rents and guests urere'''ilike. enraged
against - bet the , tears and pray
ers of his young .wife,-the petted ba4ty
and spoiled child;aflast softened Odle
what the anger of the
,Fasenti, and fin
oppbrtunity for an explanation was Se
corded to the offenders.
A, early explanation it proved. The
rmniiemai, affirmed that'ihe first sighi qf
Ellen's lovely face had weakened, the
empire of her plainer sister over. }Mc af
fection., Frequent interviews haifi4:4o
- the conquest of his loyalty . ;! but
he bad been held in check by honor, *ad
never told his love, until. whin on T hhi
way to espouse another, in an ofiguaolcid
moment he had revealed it. and the avow
al bad called forth an answering aektitivi
ledgment from Ellen.
They had tboughiit km, in orderi"to
save pain to Lucy," and prevent oppind
tam from her, and to secure their dam
happiness, to be married before theiriar
Lucy ,remained insensible for untie
hours. When she revived, and hid l ap
parently regained her consciousneas,
still maintained her strange silenci.=
This continued for many weeks,l'and
when it partially passed away, bet
friends saw with inexpressible grieflthat
her reason had tled--4.she was hopeliSsly
instate! But her madness was of a {gild
and harmless nature. She was gentle
'and peaceable as ever, but sighedl fr'e
nuently, and seemed burdened with same
great sorrow which she could nut herself
comprehend . She had one peculiarity',
which all who knew.her in alter Years
must recollect—this Was a wild fear and
careful avoidance of man. She , also,
seemed - possessed o e. spirit asses .
She could not, she would poi be. Con
fined, hut was continually . escaping from
her friends, and going . .knew not
be e mchuied townorroup.
LE V, a few doors below
' Aro. street, towards .tls,
' • • . market.
iJt' l ite, • DR. assoms:
Havit ‘ ity been regularly ed.
ITb uilf ' :hi th d e lhr d en f ' rs P ons n' t •
.tak time In . general practice,
-- now confines Iris attetion'
, ( to tbe treatment of Moss
and delicate to
llhr iv in a r• •
I toe which Moonshot
sad eiperkace
•••••411. pernlially qualiy{ isis—
Eleven icon _ devoted en the •ntirly an
treatment of Mom comp! 'Ain (during which. time be
has had more practice and a. cured more Patten la
you ever fall In the lot of y PriSeleltmelaimien ton
ply qua d fiea him us fdlif umneesof speedy-pemsa
nent an satisfactory turn — All agitated Sett/144k.
diseases. and all diseases arising therefrom. ,
..ltrouna would inform those adlicted with
chneames which hive
by tissmoskyss,, •
led hy the nse of any of the commis walnut, of the
day. that their complaints can be radically and Shot.
oughly currd, he homng given his Careful attention to
•he treenturnt of such cues, and ...canted in Ikpildredr
cf , nn•lnn:'• toeing Persons of idlatnahon ofbe reek
of tio• Madder, and toothed diseases whtchefien resell
mm Mow cases where others have consigned thetas°
hopeless despair. It. pattieularly invites niches have
been Ineig and nassiscessfully treated by others to con
•tila him, when every satirfastion will be given them and
their cases treated to a careful. thorpetgb and .0114,,A1
manner, poinl,4l oat by longespeneuce study:strut in.
nesttgaboo, which it Is umerwithle' for thiree enga ge d . :s
esneral al practice of medicine to give any 011 O} n
Sit If trots or lituplare—De. Wawa arromn '
persona snieteal with iittlll4 to call, so he has pnfd
Particular ;mention Wu Peane
verylosele. PAP, Palsy, ate _ speedili eared
N. 13.—Pahents of either eel living at a Loan
by mating their diaenae nt writing, awing all the syng , l
man, ran obtain =actors with threettntif th, ore. ey.
sedra,:ing U. pO.l flO4 earn,. a fee.
Mee No. 6.) Mann:tad allelo)PlaPent
il'oshihglon. D. C.
GBAUR C. RORBINnt. Mechanical F.ngittent sad
Age= forpsoeorin* Patent., will prepare the ite..
nese.. Drawings and RT. -. Aipltran. he Pat
att, etnitsztasne; •... ilt nt• 1//te of
Uag / itj cas ininnilnrd
on 'dr Intestine. telanna tt lams and sed
ition. in the United Sum.. a. r.rtisrte Pe sans at a
distance desirous of buying agmstacions made ar the
Patent ./Ifice, prior to making, pot...
may forward (pins pant. enclosing a fee of att,,entlani,
a cleat of their case, when irantmlipto anem
nun , Win be given to d and all the infortabbon that
end,/ be obtained by a emit of the applicant in NiAnnj
prmapily communicate.).
All Imungma boornes. nun, he ymsl paid, nrld madam
.ttnattle fen. trhcre • written opinion in itNitirmi
qir.ce on elreet. opposite the, Patent OfEre
Ile Lan the Lamar ',trete sting, by pennies:int, no
I lon. Edmund Burke, Commissions r of Patent:
Hon, II L Ellsatonh, late do do do;
11 Knowles. klachisim, Potent Office;
Jodeo Crush, Washingwa I)
.Ilos. R Choate, nlasaachimetts, U S Senate,
W Allen. Ohio, do;
Hon./ D Roalin, M C, Missouri;
Hon. Willis Hall. New York;
'Hon. Robot Smith, Id C. alined,
lion. 8 arenas • r S /Senate;
Ilan. I 11 Relfe, N V, Edmond; .
r/111{. H M SLeeee , Miesatril
V.rastas Brook.. Ids.)....Pittomsth
attorney, Counsellor and General :Agent.
urT L. PR&LL. ioronne his friends end the pah.
T V . lie that, he haa commenced the bustnew of
I Anent for "oying and selling reel estal,ln this c.ty,and
ill devote a large pow
oon Of hie ante and nttentron ro the leasing. lediugnad hiring of !wawa, lion, end oth
at butlifingsi tn collecting and diaburaing rent...cloth.
er clay s. and demand.. .din
a attending to Agency bo
ainetee generally. He will alert 'engge in lbe ttecotia.
law of loans, contractit. etc- and or authentic
innoinatton In naafiwa to the raying quablir end Zr.
nono.obolnles of remain; &a' bor which hilt c.vonn.ive
:it 4,1•• I. he
Orli:nearly qualifieottio. He moy be Galln.l
pi In • readence, No 11l "Hien ttinwt. emit It /.2 dela/
j T the and tieleck in the evening, and
'nr ',her boon at bon office. Na . 4) Quoin,. weer, rod
lee froth worn. NEW MM. . •
• -
/IF-FERFACES--"on FA Talton:Ora Hon John H
t. Hon Joins poliron.pon?od2t Hnffrtton . - ,
&on.- •
111 .rtty —owed in ibis wry
beknrt—rnadeod tbs. meat arrows,' 8 . ..., ',i.e.—
:oral moor ihrhiocahle Dosiern pat lernot...l A lap.
or made to order of all sizee.'and al WI prices..erterwy Merehants and others are tovired!to rail and
sterner, the anew br thenvelves, a• all will be sold
wbolwale or scud, and a liberal dedoetioh mutt
wholesale partheaese.
— Hardware.ntoes Igen •
VirIiITMORE A WOLFF haste, r=d . from the
• V camera Lawn) and &Omr sweets, to No Be
'Wood forces, awe doors nhove St Charles Howl. would
respectfully set ' the attention of buyers to the, awe
Per ship. SlHltbnk, hlononnebela and Roane, direct
dam the mannfactorers of Ragland and Gennanv
Also, anenlien of Americanj la rdware. from the pole
opal mansranturers of the . Phatein Stales_
flue stock Laing courtly new. and purchased upon
at..: hem terms they feel great oitnsderwe in being able
sucees.folly to [nee, competition fmm f ont 9u.nrr.
whether east or west.
Toe Ilardware business will be condoned at die old
wand. • agd
Castes, Prevention and Cure of C umption
Asthma, and Diseases of the Heart. On the Lana
of Longevity, and mode of presersiog male and fe
male health, symmetry and beset.; expoving causes
led cure of those diseases that prduceDnasomp.
tine, or shorten life,as Affections of the Shin,Spine,
Stomach, Bowels. idneys, Liver, Scrofula,
Gravel, and Female Danaphtints. Its eel., ease,
prscrmal and pure, term a guide to perfect healitt
and long Ilk. l Engravi 44 pages. 60 Ma.
Postage 91. et,. By , SAMU ngs.
FITCH, A. ht., .11. D., at7o7 BROAD-WAY, NEW
Asy person remitting fifty C.!WU, free.sydlreeeiv
one copy. ill' Mil. 10 ear part. Thy trade enrage,
Feb In, 437-d6in '
REMEDY—Warranted to C 0.., car the mon.
ey returned: This medicine is prepared Aron an 10.
than Ree.mpt, obtained from one of them in the Far
West, at great expense. 'Mose "rho Jaye ,been
familtar with the Indians, know that they can and
do core Venereal without the knowledge orAper
col. Belem, or anything I' the bind. The of
Aimed have now an opportunity at Was eared
withon A. use of Balsam. This niedieirre re
pleasant to th e taste, and leaves no smell on the
Prepared by ROWAND & WALTON. and *old
Arkddetale and retail, by J. T. Rarrnad, r 6 Marker
For aide in Pgradarro by R E Pam, woo.;
arrest and by War Turn.hi. Markri on. ocr.her.
No Cur.! No Pay
T IL Jaekeunta Embnteadon in the.: y nqa irina that
IJ will Cure a...n very tonuttou mid Iroublemaae
duteuae. It not only tottnethately quays Pam and lad..-
.nal:an, stop, aVI hlee4ingoabdnettibat intolerable Itch
inn. but efeemaJla cures, to a very abon tirite'penona
wheat. lines Lava been rendered sa'aenblere years.—
' kPPlt , tntota p rfAuce. pa pain. but "oh,
tht :and plestant tanattton Jr pereona alLieled
ta.innd heir of the great PumAer of 00141 that bare
4,1,1, they toil be awonathea..l A aenttentan of
'who AO been under the knife of the colleen
I. tu, 0e i'.41,134r4 entboht being eared:lea byte
n, OW Hilablcateli<lll. her n eradleulty cured.'
11 -..•"'no," ntenadent ”—trka. SahardayCouner
• Potahutah nt she PE KIN TEA
KI i ' h toe,. Ln, wad: , andlaisckinbe
•. eti Anaghny
. • ~. . _
e:ln Iris - • ;4-7%A viiincts !total
En N 0 and for ohby
a a ei - f:OTOAIiE IVY .
grol /I.7aZirfie• I
CoPtuawitlott,Cocorhi,CoMsdisalcua. Itt•onclutia, Lleai
Coceptantt. etpituag Difficulty of Urcaultiog •
Palo to the ffide nod Divot, Palaitacoo tue •
Ileart,folluenaa,Croup.Broken Constitution,
• .ore Turoat. Pierwooa Dehmty , and all
diseaca of tbe Throat Brian and
Loop; the MOM. ciranual and
apeedyeureeeerknown for
• yon above ffiseasea,
APOTHIx LIVING INITS/LlL—Read with oaten.
aliment the arnoderflif care performed by Doctor
Sviayeelt Compound Saeupof WILD Ell R
lIIILADLLNGIL, January V', I Eta
Dr. Swayno.—Dear Sir: . In *bee to younelf and I
a ditty I owe to ea:tiering humanity,l elreedatly
give my testimony, ann deciana to the world the
cunt: astOnlshing effects, and the great cure your
• Illomptinad Syrup of Wild Cherry performed on me.
uedertne Most unfavorable mtrumetances. I on. I
Caen with a 'violent 'Cough, Spittle:, of Mow. re-
',ere Pains in the Side . and Brutal. which ...lowa
to break down and enfeeble nay COttlaltilti.,• cabal
my ph+ician thought my caw beyond the power on
'medic god my !heads all gave um tip to die; but
thanks! oyanthed the effect, of your great licence
ry, I now feel toyed! a well men, and raised from a
mere skeleton . to as fleshy hilt' healthy a area as
here Keen for years, and email be pleased to give cane
information' iemecting my Can, liy Gail]." at my
readeoce. Meehan oc street,third dm.r helovv - Ge orbe
street, NortheroLibertiea. J aeon. PAINT/tn.
Testimony; not, mooed from ail - partas n/
the Globe.
The following letters are presented with a new
.01 M n
ore ay 'showing the opine. of Physicist's to
relation to the Medical value of Dr. SAVA
Or. Swaytte—'eDenrl 4 ir: Having need your Corn.
pdbad Syrup br Wild Cherry eaten. tvely in to)
practice, I area requested bi your Agent. Doctor
Crotchet to my opinion in writing otos
properties is a remedial agent, I most cheerfully
comply.. I feel by so doing, I win dlrcliarge
debt I owe the cmmunity at large. and Physicians
particulai. much as I detest quack Keine.
dies end Paten Nostrums. I was induced from
o failure of the inn.t potent expectorants. term
! mended in our inatern medic in some cases n 1
Diseased Lanes, to try your preparation ci Plum.
' Virginia or Wild Cherry. It is sufficient inlay tint
.was so much' pleased with the result or that and
iniweigietat trials, that t now prescribe tt to prefer.
once to all other Remedies where On expectorant in
intimated. In the much •drended Pneumonia nr
Dimas, of the Longs, iu the alarming form tu which
it appears in Kentucky, I regard it as an invaluable
Remedy In the 'treatment of that dace.. To all
who know me I have said enough, but as this may
be seen by gersons nut of the vicinity tit Frankfort,
I will brtelly add, that I have been ergaged in an
active practice of toy prof ion of lu years,ond am
a Regal.' Graduate or Trans34vania, and this to the
first Patent Medicine 1 ever thought enough of u.
express an opinion in writing.
J. H. Eaattion, M. P.
January 7th, 1847. Franklin County, K
Fassitrunr, Ky., Jan'ry 7th,
The above certificate is from one of our Physis
Harts living a feast:idles from here, lie is cluing g req.
good weenie, and is considered a good •Phyalcian,
and stands hiir; he ix, as he says, • regulsrgraduate.
Do. It'. L.
Druggist an f Apothecary. ,
Teatirnmials tad next, reale.
- -
• From the Temperance Fledge.
Now that:Winter is upon vu with it. attendan
train of Pulmunie and Hronehial adectlona. Coughs
Cola. duo Ihr . we Would advise moan afilicte4
this way to make immediate trial or Dr. Swaine'r
Compound Syrup of W4d Cherry. It well never
foil to perk em a permanent Cure. The reputatice
nettlin mediator hae caused many enure:en articles
to be pot forth under its name; but the preparation
of Dr.. Sway*ef
beses being the first ever offered
to the puhlief is tie onb one that can be rein ti 4111
The other neatens aced for Wild Shea)) Strop.
Balsams, dr.c:, am an 'pointer and worthies., and
contain none of the virtues , of the original prepam.
non, Dr. Siveyee's Compound Syrup of Wild
From the Springfield Express.
Of the thousands of purported curative nostrums
now before the public, but very few are loon. to
posses, the healing virtue for which they are it.
commended. Among the latter we are pleased to
leant stand. a better test than Dr. Ste:lnes
Compound Syrup of Wild Cheiry. The rtilicted
in this vicinity are beginning to use it, and to their
joy they find to its we their hopes balmd upon its
recommendation. more than reelired. The aalieltrit
need not dcsatlir. While there is lilt, there now is
hope- _
fr3Since the introduction of my article to the
public, there have a number of unprincipled Intl,.
164.1.13 got up nommen. which they aasert contain
IVihll'herry,winie uncalled - Balsams," - Bate.;
,a 0 even Syrup of Wild Cherry, but mine is the
'tied'ta the pubbc. which can be proven t,r ' L ""d
lie Records of the Cominnewealth of Pennsylvania
The only ealegnord egoist onronatt,n o i in to see that
my stgnaturenn nn varb Cottle.
credo Prep ply by Dr. M. S , at hts Pnect
pal Office. corner of Etassi and Pace Street,
Philadelphia.' All Wild Cherry preparations being
6CtItiOUNI atufenUnterreit without his sigcatertt i
For sale inl Piltsburgl. wholesale and retail by
WM. THORN, 53 Market street, r
OGDEN & SNOWDEN. comer 2nd A. Wricld vti. j
11,JONES, 181) Liberty overt
Sold Ob. lir 3 Mitchell. Ntleglidn• I
tarns az Co.l;Pitler; Wearer & livi;detvlit.AY e r•
non NormailUdendsr, Meadville; 3,11 Burson
Co., Erie 11PKensie & Kaskell, Cleveland; Denis
& Son, Colneabus; Stiller. Brownsrill. ; Marsh,
Wheeling, Va ; E B Hinman, Cincinnm, Ohio; Dr
E Easterly &Co. ' St. Louis; J Morris & CO..
LOreleVillO, Ey.; Andreir Oliver & Co., Near Or
a rSI
Ts BIM UPlVOlllilly llCknOWledgfd to he the P.
4. FALLIBLE REMEDY for Rheumationt, spi
oil Affectioni, l!oninictions of the Muscles, Son-
Throat and Illninoy, Inaq , Old Ulcer., Paton to the
Back and Client, Ague in the Beeler and Face
Tooth Ac he , lilprains. Bruises, Solt Rheum, Burns,
Croup, Frosted Feet and all Nervous Diseares.
The TRIUMPHANT :VDCCES which horns,-
tended•the ablication of lbw most (VOM)ERFU L f
MEDILINLin curing the most onyore cawn 4,i the j
'thflerent Pima es above named,—and the 111411
ENCOMIUMS' that have been bestowed upon It.
wherever it hob been introduced, glees me the right
to call no the! AFFLIC PED to retina at once to
. i
'(l7The faculty unite in recommending the rele.
ated External Remedy, (lout'. LetiilnCllL
The following letter from the highly coon', t
Physicians whit have been attached hit the Mount
'Pleasant State Prison for many years, in the hest I
evidence of the value of this celebrated Lowrie., t
. 'Stan Sine, December 3. . 1845,
41y Dear Sir—l received your note ofymterday,
astb:ingt my epist ton in relatton to Hunt's L.:behest.
so prepared by Mr . lieviree E Stanton. Knowing
its composition, end baring Irequently urea tt. I
can recommend it to y os a sate Extviaol Brum..
dy, arid an my npintoti, ou
the beet Liniment no.*
or, Very truly and respectfully veers.
Col Pierre ('rota,, :Mono,
I lolly concur to the /Male opinion.
Vi.f(TOWN, Jan. 14,
iepfy to your letter, I would say that
bare used tour F.:tern:ll' Remedy, c.ollert Hum'.
Liniment, in my practice since you icicle coo ne
quainted with its conipmation. and mi . /earn:tingly
say that I believe iito be the beat External Ileum
di now in use for the Complaints f r which you re
commend R. Yount respectfully,
Geo E Stanton. I
lEI Asnong t,e mass el worthle.s :.Stirlen and
bun:phal l i. that are poured fonh at the present day
upon the coentry, it a really refreshing to nod
something of real practical utotty, something to
pie, speedy and eflectual in its operaiinn, and cn
the same time; tree from tbs..e injuncio.
which generally' attend powerful remedies. Hut., .:
Liniment, prepared by Geo. E sta cion, at stag
Sing;•though it,ba. been but d shua tone hero,
the public, has already obtained the confidence, c A
only of our moil wealthy and influan,
but our moat eminent physician.. ;311 segue -l
edge it to be a sinereign balm fur on :say of the di.
that fleeb it heir to, soothing the eel. 31... ,d
by its genuine etimmating influence, tcni.hin g s
eats from the system.
Mr. Stantons-Sir—S ring your -- .3 3 ierionien
of Hunt'. Liniment, I was induced rry Its CO,
on my sin, who bad been coupleu o ith u ln
tuck from nu infant; and it is with gratitude f,
testimony to its wonderful healing p ~, ~ 3.
child, whd I. now five yearitul age. is icaW to • ,
way of recoirery, Vous., &
- POST Orrice, l'oars. e., l'ulll2l/10
I certify' that; I am perwinallinerm a int i d v* . :3
the chore named child, and think the father il
be sale to wiying!th.t hie son 3. alnoist well.
Nov 5, 181.5. 3 Deputy Post Maine ,
t. S. I would al...tine that I Bore been f. -
number of years Subject to lrequeni stuck. me
Rheumatism, whir/ in many tnagmre. o
my attending to my busing.* Two or three nit
- cation. of tile Lenotent invariabl - :. rotative oh P.
feetloll. of the kind. in cone, of , 11:4C•, *pr. .t.
and sore.. to nuesernua to mantic,., i 3 hen in
vicinity proved certain ',me t h t as value •
only he minim led by those is lin b.. c •ir
Thi. Liniment is sold at I'S and • t:{t tan pet t
Re, by all the Principal Druggist. ••••1 Hernia
throughout the country.
1471olo•n4 , Agents in Nri.- Yak.
Hon ()LEY, k•HELPS & Cu. Water
RustrrOri & Co, 1111 ..r0nd , ..1,
A IS &'D SANDS, corner ‘Viih
ASPINWALL, 86 IVillian. al,pl
Order" addressed to me at Slop 9i V,
be attended to. 1 CE()HGE \ VIDA.
For sole itt Pittsburgh by L WI I ' " .‘, Jr, sr 1
KIDD & Co. Allegheny City,Joli SARGKET
Itirremstram,JOHN SMITH. I, .19
W/10:51.1itteanneisecii equal sourr . I.rok at lour
fah young wile, with her hriefit in,' ir
'in ; on, own, with eruption. 11111 • t
you toe too moo ;iv, nay entr /1 , • rAke ori
great Italian Chemical Soap, whieh wood ...rely twe
c Goo Goo, and make your yellow skin elenr and
healthy. Go Golsen to nekton's Store, rn Liberty .t.
Pitt•lorglhand get a cake.
N B Jaekonn's is the only plate in Pittsburwhre
the GENUINEis lobo °loaned. Beware or C0 0n .,.
.0•0 E SERVE the Mg HOOl rand. in die tinerOrny
Ladies ladies. Pot astonished,
Wheel you,inow that you are promilltd
A natural, moldy ;Alt,
'Mat von will @Oleos, common cloth.
And look a daathly yellow fried.
The th eme of laughter nod of talk.
Urfa woold uth a box of JONPS tolly.ortute, It
wonald give your sksn no alabaster yet mural white.
and at the' tame thor clear and utoproro It. Sold at
tOLlt.eny at Pore uSeents par boi.
.•il__ ~_: _~ 1~ ~~
!arum,r ituacstat 1141.1511,41)
' ErCiutireHry for Pawkier.
'rut: rahile arc reepeellellylnfornted that this Lino
lewd! commence winningoa or about thel6th thou**.
and continue throcahoot the wealt. The proprietors
bite now placed e eup,enor riz.. of Packets mso Rail
rope Can ou the mate, with elms accommodation,
weeb will give greater comfort to travelan.
A Parkin Boat will always he in pon, and the wee
ding public are requested to cell and examine them,
One of the Packeis will leave the laadEng,(oppooae ,
the Iltowel Smell Dolce,/ corner Penr,arther•snO the'
every night at Po'clock. •-•
For / 116,11 .00,1 .141/V atehe blErc, Monongahele
iloow. Water GIV{-1, or to D I.IiF.CH it Co mrhts
ear Penu street and Catisq
RRTYIt4 VlttiffliPOiLTAtltiX—Olir
iftCal l l 447 *
n. LgacCit
ficrwiKoi PrrrsoU,Ron.
cook or Lb, idd , collo,. Or eclair!, daily
1 of; flows mid il!ar4 !owned by sh,,,,lvrOd
wineh dr- mil ,nral order. Tr.., 501.erd,r.... r , mow
rrd rurscdrd ou, quaniity or filerrnsodire •od
Drorles, rrodt rs mainly and dirip•ren;
PrOlkiee et Nlerchrtott ••• roorisused &nye' the 0-
deraigned romanled free of soy rharifri for eons o
rlon niorng,
Daarrair tea and all instruction. prom Sy
- ift roiled ro
ai Intqine.. or this Line ir conducted no slrindy
Sdnoh.le•pald principles. ACdreas, or apply to
D LERCII it Co. Proprierors.
Canal Dario, Pittshargh
HA RRIR & LEECll,Proprieters,
lb 13 floulh Third Meet. PSONShilodelpiri•,
JOS: TAY & Agent..
him North Howa LOR
rd *freer, IlLcurni,
.W if WILSON, Ageot,
No 7 West ortreeLNer."
_et.\owl o.
18 47. affggs
F t a l i I .
the way, and tinc_ronselptent risk of delay, damage,
lanstsee awl forarauon
11011BMVS: Pc CAdil
No Wei hi *Met nntert. Phlthdcipics
Car Penn and Wayne els, Pittsburgh
then ip.NOR & Co, North sweet. U s it im ry e om
& I"I'APSCRiTT, 75 South et. N.\'.., Ar'n ,
Enieourogan by increased , b10i111.3.4 the Pteprietore I
haveenn. gninto their -oak and ertended their arouse.
w dyr , 141.1.1., MIMI, arid am now prepared re Mr.
araid.fro,g with regularity and dispatch ensorpnood
tic on olhr r One. Their long cepertenee as carriers,
the p.tpolne superiority of the Portable Beat disteth.
and the meat capacity and convenience of the were
huuseA et each end of the line, are peettliariy onletals•
led in enable the p ropr imam to fulfil their engagemeno.
ruid nerconuatale their eustoment—oonlidotlyorrennr
:lir pan as a guaionty for the futons, they reapeentufiy
when a continua:mein( that patronage whach they now
gratefully acknowledge..
All economic,. to Taalre h. Manner will be reed
and forwarded Steamboat charges paid :it& Hills of
Lading tramthined free of any charge or Commosnon,
adoneleig or storage. Having no
the dimefly or
indtrectiy nueamtwats, the interest of the ronsignors
mon imeernornly ine,thoir prontry objectin risSinthr
weet and they pledge themselves to forwawi all goods
consionrd no thertrpromptlY and on the meet ottoman
geoMl.arch 1.1,17 tem. to theronniersi
18 47. inihol
turtag about Tranatiirtoom ee ar
Goods consigned to oor care will lie frerwarded with
ow delay. at the iOweill Correa! lA., Hells nf Lading
trarionstllwi e and all sotructatos promptly attended to.
free. frosts or cora charge for atorage or contrenown
Address, or apinglo L A AIcANULTY &Co
Canal harm, Piusborgh
Ila von, u vrry large and contunodxtus warchouer,
arc are prepared to receive it, addition to fteight for
*tenter.) a /urge amount of Produce,..te .on `Storage at
low ras. Imatol C A 1115ANCLTY it Co
lila= 18 4 7. . Milian
llothdayebuigh, Water Street, PcteranarCh and
all tate lard/air places
thir Itreti will Icacc tbe warrltouse of A :tlcAttulty
3 / 4 Ir . P,ttolttuah, carry day. (except Sunday/,)d
rl , PPer.t can al on having their goats for/
U.. /mahout delay and at fair rates.
zrh,• Line, ras amend for. the speelat accommodation
of the tea y I,unnes., and 'rho/ ron prom/et/no respectfully
vt:,c.: .hare of patage.
. ....,.._..
IL. VI. Ir HA R NES ROBERT W 001 1 64
Jul M1,,1.E.11, 1101it01av,,,,,5,
K II CANIAN, John.tow,. Ace,-
1: A !deg.:MELT% a. co, rAw.urgh
J I AloDoott. John Parker, Robert Moore, Dagoley
g smith. Ptostorreh. ..03
. LAMi ERIE - AND Illitilitlll LICE, - -
.;6=l 1847. • disaiwil
T .','„' . ',' k' ,10 ' , ';'::::..7.!',"Z;,%:,'1 1 7:.::',47,:','1r r ,
.„,. Ma; rr..i. iingod rut! r0.....-4,,r Canal Ho*;
r.n.cis 1,......,n Rearnia 11l mot enenreting with
c M Need's Low of„.. 4 teamlnial‘Eropetters and Vemels
oil the LOtes, will 4te Orepamd aro the eerlieet even.
t 1111 01 Navip.n to carry FP; / tit and Pam - engem to
to. r 414. 00 Ih. River. Canal . . Lek..
Hatettigesem'iarility Mr eoneering freight and pam !
reopen smut promptness and dtspaten, the proprietor
ets•li. re-peril - tally .oheit from Weil friends and
h t: emote generally their patronage.
I: Al REED, Ene. Troprzetor B46 R, AND 1847
REEDS. ?ARKS dr. Cm Beaver. net. ,• 1
J.ti IN A I:AIR-MEI%'gh ma
.t NlP:nut:J..les A 'ter Alm. opporie We Nottoopat• f
I,ahola HOW
W heeler, Coockor & Co, Now York
Da,r, tioan:o
N Parks & Cleveland
Jas A Ariatizong4. Co Detroit
McClure & Wit!mom &Given iik.e
ike,sod & Porter, Cbieno
Wni Power, Posierviown. Venda
G. klardolmyre, Evanshunrb, Pen.
.I , ihn /He !Whin, 11.1.2n0. do
Wick k Acker, Greenville, ec,
Gro'g & Frampton, Clarkoville. do
Plumb, Sharpshoi eh, PA
C Sharon,
W Canotnxbam Ned , Castle, do
184 7.
run it..ssrOaTlNG ~.Arg ne,
UITI Er, , sIIHOUT Ilt•11•1111
E nap., d method nr carrying used ne th, lung
ratabi!rhed Ltne, In now an wt.ll known ttsat
toun'.ua..on (4 ocal. are not toocked On the
10, 'ln, 101 iranshoptnent or esti, hanentng t• eased
Boa. are of hot dr4ught.and pvtionn Ittrtr Irlps
n (Tun .lilo day,
Tn.erpacily ot our Watelloune ert/t.:ee WI la store
any rone,gonnots made mu.. Ireeetvwg.storintr, and
advaerre et charge..
Henn tally pr li epared ho ntak• proju,,spretiatill holler, . socg con•lgnlncnui of wewtnrti Mout,
Wool,Featti'ere. and other
nreseire far .1,
or. whJekk liberal eitiVdoC, • 'TIN bc•
made and other usual rucilitten •ffordcd, pledgnl nu,
srl•es that any Lur.ness entrusted to u. slinn
prouptly r.1 , -eu,t A and upon as fair term. on by any.
' i.
titer ha.. NO Mr FADI.II.:.N le CO
Canal Balm, Yttlitntrgk
JAS & Co
t, P .
' TIE and Z ar
I Mket Sbilada
eurmeauina conl6lloli EBRCHANT,
Eau Beaver Point and Bridgewater,
count, p... •
Propnotor and Agnal of unmet,
DAILT OrrREZA crrrousam A/11 444444
IA ILL !re
epicard on carliert open ins or canal tiny-
V 1,11110 to reeetve propel ri e lkt 11.1.10141.14.1 Cr o on awt, ' n r7 lnroi ' o rb e t . , :n n 4 u r n o t r o , nilo pons on Lake E;ie 00.1
type, Lairt..asalro to turtv.l,d produce, / l',ll//'l4
UnfraTlT"' Apply
1846. Elialia
II (Mike.— H. Hoops T. 1. einnond ik On.
a Commission illiSmllionts
TilattyAnno'...,'"" gt7afebi:pv,e.47o(o.-47.
earliest opentng of canal navigation to receive prop
erly Domhtogh and Waver, and deliver the same nt
any point on dm Ohio canal., and slso on Lakes Erie
end Michigan, with the greatest despatch and at relm.
monde rm..
The proprietors of thus line solicit the holiness o
thenr (honer cusowners with f 0114.11.114, knowing Mat
Weir Iseibers are, second lo tout.
Apply to or address
AV lIARTON, Ant, Putsburgh.
CLARKE A Co. Beaver.
al e!l k :L n 7* " p P :rty l' a b g l l ik. z. went r t
paltrier - shop under the name of the qloannen's Lope'
n od Itkewo m agreed to refit the Stock so to hare •
n-umber of floats for the Immo-1i of carrying goats
through to (min •ix to eight days. with centpety—and
fret encouraged by the liberality of lam year's 111111111
age, to mid, roar, extensive •roulgemente for afie en
suing year.
We would there&re respeentily *H ben a counna.
once of oar former paireno.end refer all new cameleer,
lhose are have done bus... for.
BOATBIAN•' 11.1 C,
For the tramp...nen of
1..1..e r ty alone{ and Canal Ramo. Pittsbargh.
Mn 3rA Markel elm., Philadelphia.
Baltimore, Md.
PI FFSIIIIIIIIH—Jaa. McCully, Gee. Mor gan k,
MrColiy A Co. LI A Sampson & Ca, PI Allen Co.
VII lI.A DEL PHI A—Monie PelleromitCn, Reynolds
MeFe demi A CO, Flo Intr.g k Writht&
Von. J Asphalt, Joseph Glut.
NEW ORK—GoodOn• &Co, Th... Terry I Co.
CINCINNATI—Ad s Creech, IN IT Prather.
PT. PLEAsANT, VA—P A Alaelrlia.
Nora—All okerehandiae from New York and flosroo r
consisted to AI. Gerhart tr, Co, Philadelphia, war p a
Promptly forwarded/rotor cooruntwion. rkhro
Package Express to PhEadelpsta,
iimmmsllE canal being now open, hhe
o MU vehicle tun Dees) ell
14,01..teiltne• of voluble peelcogeo of
merchandise, speele. bank nowt, Jewelry, to, nom.
owned running an Tllimeity. March lb..
An /800 CRS.•+ will be nntoniehedlaltyolil Ow 'now
of the ennalingeeteno.
6.41111 y D LEtZfl a Co
nor Pun of and Carla
sicauz.lia` 'Rasa - avvosicor pea
imarieTkomear ate weiiser t
Copt-ChattelHoop, ,
YEa r
regalar trips lt4 ea 'ving Pats
burgh at 9 o'clock, ails ,dad Beaver mll n'elceit.r
ettnnecting arab Pitulnargh and Cleveland Linea 1.1 . 041
` al Boats dai o ly to Clevelnd, 0.; Bettye., wsrr eo en/
Cleveland lone of Cron! Packets on , t entre Coerces
daily to %Varren and Cieveland; Can ?octet Lille? , 10
Near Caine roil I's Erie Extension Line
no Meadvilled flee Neil. Moore k Cu 4 Lines of
bulge Coaches fo anr
Cleveland and (rare Neat
daily on Cie
Apply mrival ntemonnst Net. er. Clout
erga to
. .
G M MARTON &Co, Pi.burgh
a — Tiffiniisik; -- • --
1 nikig&. 1547.
• oil Title PtaNITIVANIA AaD
P N PARKS X< Co, Clewbuid,M• )
R 0 PARKS. Bearer, Pa. 1 Prop:nom
W T MATHER, Potaburgh, Pa. .1
hind, soy path, on the Peinnylvdola rom P
b. Olno nnd Oath
The Online. of rail Line Pre aute.dulled by any on
Rend frond., in numbers and cajacity of 110.1., expe
rience of Cowan... and pnampinr.. of Agent*, ire.
One Dm leave. l'al.bargh and Cleveland m.tll . run.
nine in connecnan Ann. ihelmarner,
Michthon and Lake Iwineren Panburgh and
Beaver, and a Line of Zen Steamboat., Propel
ler., ling. and Schoone, eft /Ake. Erie, Huron,
clonal and Ontario
Prepcny forwarded to anl , pan of th e Union wi th
despakeb ta YAR N tr. Cp. Cleveland, Aida
REPD, PA ITS B'Co. Bonne. A d ,
T MATHE,R. Pittsbargh, AM .
spit Cbr Water and , arollhheld
hlB 4 7. glithkii_
Time to Baltimore ..... ..... h our ,
Than to Philadelphia
, (Only rs Miles Staging.)
T"'plendid and last rittlaine atellnler• COO 4111. PAM
is McLane and samara, havecommeneed tanking
dble daily trips. One boat will leave the Monta ne.
bele wharf every looming Newell: S
Passengers by the morning line will arrive In Baltimore
'nett evening in Thar for the Philadelphia Mail 805 t...
Rol Road rats. The evening Boat will learn the
wharf dally al I oNdoet, casein Sundays. Pnewstreer
by 'this boat soli lodge an board, in eomfortahle state
a t
leant Ilmwoeville neat morning al
, arose tee mountains in day Lent; rap and lodge l n nCult.
bola.. Thus avialgjne nieht travel altogether. The
preparations. this ratite or ample, and the roanertion
complete; ea that di•appoimments or delay s.will in, nn•
known upon It.
Passengers eau slop on the route and resume their
wait again at pleneure, snit nave choice of Rail Road
or Steamboat between ltaltiunwe and Philudelphta
Coaches ehartmed in par,. to travel cos then desires
Nero. Tour ticket. , di il,enfftt Nlonotia. beta House,
or St Charles Unto i J Al RSRIni KIN
larmiliE 1847. labigal
Timot:Gli IN flkil
DACKET Swaltow and Teleriph leavr
Tar dad), aVelock r . outer thu arrival of the
Muffling 13oa• ftvm l'atalattall. and arm, at Warren in
time fur the Mail Late el Saute., which leave mimed,.
ately there. fie, and :Imre al Cleve!and Sc 3 o'clock, r
Thie route InAhe men eapetlttione and connimaltl
one to the Late•.
. .
COTES &LEFFINGWEI.L. Warren. Propr's
REED. PARKS Co. Deaver. Agents
JOU hi A CAIAME:" corner Water ego Bnntbfield
aptly Opposite the , 'Clopongehets Douse FHt•burgh
rrrTsevitoiiAirr 011E8AV-ICLE
am i d 1847.
PACKI:r AND FRI.:1011T 1,1NIt:
Tr. .ll! . .!. i tr;: u ro n z K is o tizilf: :eight and possedvr Pack.
Beaver and Greeoville,l`a . 7 .7vr ' h ' l7 , Ll7r 4 e7eTt ' aVo ' lte
sengers led wee o ibe two polllls, will be carried prompt! ,
an a: the lowest rates.
%VICK & A RCHER. Grectsols, Aots
CRAIG & FEAMPTON.Clorkerilt.., .1
NHPA 11 LAND & KING, lio< Bend.
ttA ye& PLUS] So - Hpsburgh. .1,
W C AIALAN, Shore., . ,t,
IpM. MATHEWS, Polo.,
JOHN A CA 1.1611EY, earner Wow., int' Suptlift
op6H , Opposite the Monongshes t Pittmlol
Man 1847 . WV&
Yoe Tun Tit•tisroltTATlON OF
Philadelphia, blazer., New York
Sad Boston._
T HE encouragement this line has received site
arcommencetnent, has Induced the propri
lento increase the stock by adding a °umber al lire
class boats; and instead of giving receipt. as hereto
fore as agents, we. will gito use ows. redcaps lo
I freight 'hipped by Ibis line.
1 he imam me all r.rtahle. cairowyla nt k f cioh ,
taken the whole oithout
thereby preventing damage from Imprint handlin
on the mule, and a each boats owned try the
Captain who inns them, which is • sufficient guar
antee that there will be on delay on the route.
All Produce or Alerchandian consigned - to the
under-sig. - red still be forwarded Pft RE OF COAL
AI ISSION for admocing and forwarding, and g ill
he shipped without delay at the Inmost ewes of
respertrale 11,,:ac.t z thire..... pairs.
CRAIG. 'anaIBF:LLAS c' Basin, Pittsb w u , gh
Broad Streei, Philadelphia.
' F MILLER. Agent
Bowlers Wharf. Baltimore.
Pittaburgh, Feb. 18,
'USE understsned are now Prepared to forward pro.
I duce. ate., to the Eastern Starkers donna the e
n/Y ngu.
D. ro Wm.,ute on 11, must layorabie tem, by no • ripe
lowest r n ates d w P , UT entiata deo ned to us wit:Le foro rde.! the
anith ty
Iletchand, re,ved patn by tot. Banc promptly
wanted ce C
BIDWELL, /kg% . Potato for
1. W CASK Ihroon•volit. :trait.
AND 1847
T T;:':;;11;"..11."
the pric
A•hes, Mee.. 11.111. r, Lead. Lard, Pod,.
pp tp.a,p. Cbrem.r, ard e:.per WU Ilra.
Toldtcco, Hemp. Flax and Wh.nt—Col et, per WO 111.
Apple,Chee.e, P:ax , dieed. litor, and
Leather-100 erg , per ILO ILa
Ods. Skips Seed., Wool-110 O P p. r I OP d•-
13, erwaxearber., For., U. ead
per i l
A !1 pmpenc eonapiord to ephdr cd . 10.• antic r.iened
will be fora w.ilao.o delay, Ire, ad CormhPidan.
W 11 CLA WK. Drowns. ;Ile.
11.1:::',Lt A WdelT11:11/1a.,1..1.1.orah.
. ,
FREltitl IBRS and others wishing
matto have ire Ilriclr. duce, !cr.
broeght lb F ihni place from Pro
and intennediate landings , can make
• arrangements by callow on me, as
have • Boat running regularly between ihno , urgh nod
Steaeentrillc. tir.O. B IiIIIsTENDERIO3I,
tan., ' Steamboat Agent, an wan, si
TM:Steamboat lIARLEbI re, altrd
a t in handsome style and
now at thelllonottgabela wharf As
she is impmeed +beta welladape ed for
carrying frerght and pathengers; or tor towing-, sb , has
great capacity and power. Any vermin disport. d te •
purrhaw 01,11 0, f 0414. O,OlFeCt hen
I also propose um lease, for one or more years my mai
mud to a manor energy alulltrisineas barrio they
offer great advantages. I ran furnish th e lessen. either
on sale. or charter. my tow boat .. 11NER." Ile can
al m have on fair term* six bere e s, e ire . n . d ais , , ,„..
coal bottoms, srateen ears won ropes, u rea nat h,
Made for fall opera.. An examonntlon rt heel.
tablabotent it maned. l'entens dispersed to neg., ate
with roe in reference to any of the above portrcular i.
irmy eddres• me at my Odlee of Smart's Buildin •4.
street, Pithmorah ior at ((stem, near ?tlanotbratiel, r,i y,
te •ese3 t THOS. 11 BAIRD
CO g T . C:flt u :llll3sKl.l.l.:R. d .
from.he /kyr'. IV2WevlZPVio—rourllltTnyk.:.'72.l
Putsburgh. March 0, 16.17.
Mr R. E. Sellers: It iv from a sense of duty, av wel
with h r., pleasure, that I hear thelounity to tire Vie
toe of your:pally celebrated Vewnifithe I procured a
in& Louie, and gave it to three al my r hildt en, who had
been dl fur several weeks The eldest waseveven
years old, the next four. and the y motet, endure,'
ihout h a „ Th. firot passed briy.six.w ,, nrg , n , ..,; ::::::id
fotty seven, and the third a considerable number • not
distinctly recollected. Sines then they have been doted
well• and are now in good health.
Yours revpcethilly, '
From the Rev. S EBabloek, of the Methodist Epiren
pal Church. .
Mr. H E Sellers: Ito swab great pleasure I would
inform you of the good effecth produced on my mit of
tour yenth of ago, tgy yourthetly celebrated Verguithge.
Ade, hi. having convulsion, I ravelling Ihfed doses,
when he passed an almostreduanle norther. from
which ti th e blig general hea/th ine has keen tatruved.
From the Rev Charles Cooke, of the Mello:slim Epis
copal Chortle
Pitt)lough., December 14. Dia •
RAI Seller, 'lve 0 y Mlle ilaughier (between
tbreo and for Teary old ) a Three doses or t our Virenifugr,
Tleordinx tePrewfiPtieni With the !wow. succeoe
M number of worms expelled I do nol know ghee..
ly. but It Wit large. She 111111:1V, in ..... in n of rwd
health. I think the medicine may lie co/tided in with
great unrerervedne, C Cooke
A • ad. Vernbrngr hne never been known io Ind iv
ny inrtanee, vri.n worm. anivally cslstr.l, par..
boold give d In prercrenen to nil others
Prep.ryd and sold by R. E. SELLERS. 1,...en
nd 410, on Wax! rtre..
For sale by Dr. CrixreL Fifth Ward. in
FROM the very liberal cocoons.,
the rotororiber bar rereived
he bas loonier! himself lo Alleghenysome
has induced him to take a leara, for o
. fern of yearn, on the propeny he now
occupies, in Bearer enrol, ,onmediately beside.. ihs
Presbyterian Churn!, Prom the long omience tg le e
above business and rt desire°, pleat°, ha hopos to o
it and receive a lamp of public panonsge.
. Nome, hand and anlsbitig to order, Rockwall): Bog.
ties, open and lop Buggies, and every dercripuon at
. ftrnadn mad. to ...der, B o at Broom-Pee dollars to
alibi holism!. ' iset=-dtfl JOHN SCIVIII.
r l
44. 211411.110 ACKAIIIVIL SOAP—For ream.
yin( Greene spout; Nein', et Mirk, from Clanton,
Carpeut,,te, &C. and renderine the vats
Where It la appiled C 1,,,, li, ht, be, and •poylv..
sold with fell dinetione Price 1121 cents n rake
TC.V.!'1' , .'2; ,4 4 .1, ."L g " . ..1!•,e 1 , 1- .7„rnlTA.hi s T, t '
• • • •
opt. •
i iWbra ttboaph the Coloa may not be explained,.
me their cp.; are daly ascertained:
Let ram dellsoen, prejudice, or pride,
' Induce. mankind to.' the means aside;
Means which. Ma' simple, are by Heaven damped
To alleviate Me ills of Mximmd."
T INS remarkable inventiomithieb has received Me
mltrrold app ration of the medical prof..lo4lM
ma.manprises an entirely Deo application of
Galvanise. as a remedial agent, by menus of which rise
ordinary Galronic RatteriersEJectne and Magnetic Alm
chines. be., are entirely dispensed with, m¢the wale
nom power of Unlymisai applied wsMont stay of the
object.. a high are inseparable from the general mode
now in arm. The eating doses, and irregular Inurevals.
which flatiron= to Rept, ed by the Alec..., hoe
. e,pronounced, alter a fair and impartial trier ,
decidedly injurious, and it wa, to remedy the radical 'de
feet that this new application was projented,whidir af'r , toil and perseverance, has bees brought
to it. preseat Stale pt dreamt Tbe Oaisionie Moro
answer all the 'outpost. Of (be most expensive Ma-'
hins, rand et army other teep t e. are more off. and
...tie mie onsgshiartirie Jeered efect. •
The Galena. 'neared in connection with Medlar
netir Fluid, are confidently revenue:ended in all ditto-r
-d., sekide arise fees on onfeet*A or oenisollOY 41
Ns mem. tn. viral room, and these Generale& are
among the most painful and universal to which we are
subject 'rimy arise, without exception, from one aim-
plc reuse —it derangement of the 'fervor. Sysfem—
and it was in these eases that ether 'remedies' baring
so often ailed.aaewyeme etly needed, whir
Is confidently believed, has m in p ro per
and rodlettius applietronn Hut;
The Galva nle Rinjes have been need with entire me
cr. in all eases of Betresiartrol. acute of chronic, op"
plyistg to the head, faces ur lietterGout. Ta-Dakesur,
Thabrodte, Pronoritis, Yerriga. Nomura or Sisk Thaditehe i
fadigerion, Pandora Peaty, Epilero,
etiroutems of th e Neon Aropiesar, Stiffssas sac
Fill, Gamy,
Spinal Coarylaints. Lionbago, gyosealgia,_,Nereeste
nom, Disarms of Mt Head, mania the Giot aad Side,
General IhrSility. DOW•neyq Norne . reylPhyriealErt
ory. and ail NEISPOUs i DIPORDERS. In rates of
coufied Ifyroepitia. a barb is simply ry
nee. de-
of.thedigeetive orgaue,dmey have been found
equally successful. Their evriaordinarY elkru upon
I be system most be vertneord to be Irebeved. and as a
rennin prevcenve for the prereihng manhunts they
rte equally romonnended. The Rings are of different
pore., tett. made of all sites, and of mum, a mom
mental patteresoord em woro by the mast ebeate
fentair sertliout the slightest inconvenient,. I n fart,
the era...a it rather agreeable than otherwise,
The Galvanic Belts, Bracelets, Bands,
Gars Necklaces, &c.
Is some caries eta s e ers VCR char. ...Land of long
standing. the power se applied try the Galvante Rings
re tot •taffieima to
arrest the progrees of dyes. tad
timately rerun. ea. 11. nuproved runstifienuon
in the Galvanic Belts, Bracelets, Ate., entirely ro e. ,
die, thin object:on:lllV degree of power that me retpri
red row readtly oht Galvani sm n compnt winch
the mysterious agent ofi easel/het will fail
to be permanently relieved, 'these .iclett ate mina
red to the SSW ot,anus. wrists, limbs, asides. or uuy p a n of the body. with perfect convmlenee. The (galvanic
Necklaces .nre need with ateater benefit Incts of
Bronchitis or affection. of the throat genetally; also s In
ewes of Nervous (Hareem; and with aline.i uniform
niece. ars a presentive for Apoplexy,. F.pi:cpo.- Fast,
add similar complaints
Christies Magnetic Fluid
stared In canneetion With the Galvanic Silvan/NI
their modifirmions. This rememaion 1.. Leen pro
nounced by th hem et. to be One of them.,
extraonlasarydiscoveriesis of modern ecience. It Ifikre
tiered to p.m. the • remarkablep meet of roniering*
attrin Innltlitind nip/rank action by thie Means ceasing
a roncentranon of tine influene, at the' seat of disease,
thus main rapid and permanent tidier No ,other
repot.ation in chem.. is knoeratoproduce the some
effect. or fo import. similar property nit the
eyeterriby itemise( an outward local appleabon. The
agnetie Fluid .ntaina nothing capable ofshe With -
est wary, ar application se agreable, a. it gj
Monies* et its action as it IS beneficial in ,u resaits.
Fail exploiter.ns mid directions aecompany it The
combined tem are to every way perfectly harm
IC , . they are sold at prises walin the reach stall and
di.overer only resoles. • fair trial ati a teat of
their Stlfinnling . .cilicacy trod 11 , 711311 ant beneGt
Christle's Galvanic strengthening Mae.
These artielest farm another saleable application of
the mysiertons tnfiuenre of Galvanism They are m
important adjunct to the rename Gerstein Ring. =I
their modifiemium, miter open the game principle, bat
haying the advantag. of More local Replication. They
theare confidentl recommended as a valmble addition ia
mo cif y
Itbeamaturtu, acute or chronic; to all
servo!. complain., and m a !motive remedy to case.
of NUS and Weakness en AU Fir. Beek •Parn iet
Olds, he Anv Affections, and in Weaknor Opp.
refll,e Pulmonary Organ. -In Spinal Complaints
thei ects are Drib e moo decidedeMeracter,andMey
have often been tied with Complete lucre". They me
also of the greatest advmtam On Pains said•Weakaem
of the Breast, and are highly recommended for many of
boor compltunts to which female. seeespecially liable.
n effectual means Mr strengtntng the eye..
when debilitated with iliseasceri other tau...ace.
tarn aid in COndiTatiOnnt Ireakneos , as a Preventive
for Colds. and, all inaffections in' the Cleo. generally,
the Garyville time terienine Pager wilt be ro tted of
great and permanent advantage la so few word.; it
embraem all the velem of the be.t tone preparation,
with the important addition of the gals.. Influence,
which is neither impaired nor eabssuited, while the le.
non centimes. These article. will- be found entirely
free from those objections which area roams
of eompleunt with the ordinary plasters in eonimen use.
It? The great celebrity and scram of theee ankles
has matted them to be counterfeited by unprincipled
mem.. To provide mete. inromition, Dr: Creueut
ha. beim. authorized ...remit esch m y of tbe Guinn.
The only agent in Pittsburgh, W. la
Or the bleb.. and moo
regmetable diameter, are con
stantly receired, remeding the eltiraordinary• value
and recce. uf the above armies. It is believed that
in the city of New York alone, upwards of EIGHT
THOUSAND PERSONS during a periauf of less than
a year, have been entirely ttiltVed orate most painful
chronic disorders, rome of which hare completely Waf
fled all forseer efforts of medical alt. Indeed many of
tbe Met pry vie.. of this cit. who diaapprove or th e
Gala nrc end Magnetic filar: y ones, emetaetlr rirom.
mend this application in their M.' nee, and with weer
o Mose who are 100 riftjadiefd give tri
al, th on
e' inveonon has raCClVeti IlnUtnnO to
na thllth
be most intelligent among the A menem-Facaltyw with
Cntlain• is at all times ready rod most happy to rive
every facility us phystetans, and all interested, Ms tee&
ins the troth of his ameetioes and the dreary of has
Only rircnCy .Patsburgh.rorner Ith and Market at
re ngSdle
afftleted neigh Di f the Lungs.
—Tinsle to repay to More afflicted with the pre
menitory pity
of Consumption, that I hare been
laboring for several years with a limachi. smeneased
the Mime and lattpcnese. I need many medietnts, but
Cupid no rebel' in any peep:potion of medicine. mail I
k.IIEDT. I have teen using this valuable...Mcrae
ornil year., and etyma a Mid it to relieve when
ever I ,nuke Own of .t. hly occupation as na AUndlOne
Wilich keeps tile almost cosslaittiy enraged. mums
my chit-i.e., in times, no becalm very alarming. %Oen
at once proeure thin medicine. I therefore take plea.
sum an making this public st.reirist, that others affeett
ea yob, diecoec of the lungs and expecturam organs
may know the virtues of this healing remedy,.
and may be eared. I have meonitaended Dr ihnicanb
hispeetorant Remedy to many of my iriendr, au e o
wean 4nee their Imes to this medicine.
SeinereeL Obio, Oct 13. JASICS HEWIT
The pro - pemtor of the above medicine writibi. also
refer in the undersigned person.. who re de :n .Pen 7
county, on whom any Person May .01 uPoii as*
convinced Mat there are vines found tke
mmltc Ina that cannot be expel led:
David Cult:enema, Someram Dr. B Stone, ern yeah.
es Gobbet. Jackson tp; Mr. Lartmer, Goo. Potherb
+I lick Jeered Deepen, Hopewell tp
more street, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Sold itoPlothergh by Wlll. JACKSON. Ffr t i nies t
bend of Wood street. •
FFECTUALLV and speedily cored tic eam o
I'b the (Heat Remedy of Nature. A/IF:RICAN OIL
It almost miracniously reduces Inflammation, mlcone
ntth ly is warranted in all eases to leave tin .lam or
sear i e ffesh.
Sold wholesale and retail by Whl. JACKSON: et his
Root and Shoe Store a Patent edicine W.iehose.
di) Liberty streemheaa an o , Wood, M
Pitti.burgh m
ettle 30
min. and SI per Imola.
W Jackvent being dm Exclusive Agent for s
Y , Tern
Pennsylvania, none is genmee but what is sole HIM
or 1111. appointed Agents. •
N. U. A Pamphlet containing ample direenna,Se,
with the, ames and address of the Proprietor aim Pun
curial Agent. is and
with wiapper of can!: amid
Abundance of certificates eau be seen at the Slone.
INGS.—Scrnittla in all iits multiplied forma,
whether in that of King's Evil, enlargement, e the
V aud. or bones, Goitre, White Swelling., Ttnante
heumatism. Canner, diseases of the Skin or Spine,
or iif Pulmonary Consumption, emanate front ones
and the same ranee, which is a poiannous principle
mtiro or less inherent in the human system. There.
fore, unless this principle can be destroyed, nu fedi.
cal cure eon be effected, but if the principle upon
which the disease depends, is removed. a cure
must of necessity follow, no matter under what loan
the disease should manifest lteelh This, therefore
is the Macon why Jerrie.% ALTERATIVS. 1. an tint'
see rutty successful in removing so Many malignant
disease. It deattoys the, virus or Principle from
who: those at
have their origin, by entering
into the circulation, and with the blood is conveyed
to the filmiest Shim, removing every p Aide of
disease from the system Prepared and sold at No.
3 South Third Street.. Philadelphia.
Sold at the Pekin Tea Store, No. is Fourth atree '
A FACT ai*L"-it'N'i'AvS,z,T--i--
A gentleman of Scrofulous habits from indiscretion
tti bis younger days became affected with 'licentious
of the Portion and No.r, mid a disagreeable and irou-
Mercuric eruption of the Skin. //treed, his whelk, eye.
win hare a nd nks wer e ng slummed with disease—
, line hand wrist so much affected that Ire had
lost the me of the baud, every pan being coVered ml'h
deep, palnlitl, and offensive Ulcer*, and were al hate
low and porous as • honeycomb It wee at this stage
of his complaint.when death co mm Itievtiable, from
a handomme disease. that s
he enced the use of
JAYNE'S ALTERNATIVE, and hams taken sig.
teen 130111 e, I. now pr Fatl y curd,
._Thu ALTERNATIVE operateP through the then).-
bon, and purifies the Blend and eradicates diseases
from the system, wherever located, and the nommen.
cures it hna performed-in disease. of Sitio, Cancer,
Scrofula, Guide: Liver Com plaint , Dyelrepsta, and other
Chroniedseases, Is truly astaniabing.
For mle in Pawlowsk. the Pekin Te of
ee 4th
•treet, near wood. and Mee at the Drug Sate, rif /I P
Seherater. rederal et Alleabenv city nivaigisvF
m - Or
frIIIS is to carpi).ut, by taking one vial of Doctor
klel.ene's Woe , , peethe, a ehild Of Jame! , Shaw'.
parsed upwards of 71, warns, and. by the On of said
teatime° a Hold of My Own paMed II large warms.—
i t s
duly the most surprising worm medicine I ever
seen must have two more stale.
Wilkie. Teemp
toe by J MDD A . t3o. No GO Wood street, Plus
me lte
HAillr'fONlC—We eveiTcditd to the
nithOdoil of thew devireea of re.toring their had or
ithproving beauty, to this elegant Toepatenon.
bruit every orbery highly spoken et, and expeeislle by
alithole who have Made bee a 11, greatly etbearioue
ut otimulating the grow th of the hair, •ed preventible
and inany affections of hr Eltie 111 virtue, are
`. 3, kiently proved—N V '
For ado ot Pittsburgh et the PEKIN TEA lORE,
73 Fourth it, near Wood; and oleo al th e Dteg etot.w .
P *berms. Federal- it, alleshm city. Jell
~: ,•:- , , ,' 'A%O.ic, : iii..-a:.:;, r - 1 :
• N
. 24 84 1•RSAPARILLAr. •
TOM , aed•t eretioetti.eans of an poseUe
• • seising foistor sto wale sett. Used=
oo:koh.of the '
S T= ;a rs=)l.=.
.1 4114. gtr ce.o4wr,Rier.Wern - jer. Steite.tht
Hue, Oitr . oato ef4A. 8.. end Aims,.
Men. Sepiftias alooloorst. 3 oelif • er
tae Disown onsin.fiyom ra‘
Aisreurjr,lximm , Drviaw delmnodart
ritti• &se:Chronic Chuiliesteroal •
wale utodninration has helm :Wooded w. the
to.PPOW. nutty ateastototie elFeetioon he
i• ‘'hwttY ied Mioteeded 4:
gill the void width mats betweesi
eatheme and aperient medieteea, Pp* its Nadu
roodi is that of di alterative tho . elly—lodirscUy, po ,
yin( • lesUng tope bathe leeks, •4 .
_klie highly. cooed:Waled tor eoprenieoes sod ra.:
• •
61114., cortlattnilig cotholutost the. expres...d eue
end .4 tea rep, e.t.a:afire the.Sausietrillal Rap, id
We woe =WM, Quivißb of-PRISIViXeurAr,OI,
arphttl. Opera. eo am/digit&
few pains Cl dider (4dd:tor Mayhew reertinv iU
b. cefi theyaeoteititti voice of • huge ueasily .ot nu mule
hesee the' eporsettry 01 those M0W....
—lnd we tovai . id ovoid doetre aria a plhuseintoo
ort. R half pot eetuelized the seem: methodist waive.,
'the Strlaparille cite he Muted wheiLlateo spoce
tthe direction., and made to Ike hate s m Lee c.
Toe figtowitts certificate addreued to the ditieath
Clalesxo, thrneshes copies:re proof or hu pen,
in ewes of Fever SP..
,• •
1..1 1 1440.111.13qpi. ALI*.
Messrs. Stebbins h. Reed—Germ: In 1Uay,1813./ ob.'
tat ned , sd you, nom' a bottle of Sand's Serseparalm,cak
titte then eemßned tamp bilk. anthem, sleep for a week.
nek'n.imted brvw.4.P.l. mien a regd... kite Nome(
long standlng„On my right leg. My phyekeianaadvised•
PH. to here Malinke antranced„ anytng Ai wea the only
mean. likely iftrijlC4erre geylite. After using hat( the
bottle the ysitiketan to eubside.andbyklie time I bad
nand neatly three /mules, I was ablelnuaucet 074• X.
121.1.111 1 / 1 10”; .Ad before I had finish ,cd th e Gaunt lan
tie, twat as welt did Cued everlAadbeee-, I have
no hesitation iti Cif lag that Sand7s Sereapcitamiem the
tim., u nder Provioetiae, wning
. my... Lima and
doutif rut Tay life, I mast elteerfally.recanacrid L it am
the ben oracle extent for he puribeenompwf the. blood
Finite, remit respect/ally. -•
The following certilleare hi only anithir link in the
great chain of lestiresmy to its Ifillr4r.. :
. Soo BOUM., Canatheratit:April te r lied, •
Math. Scals-Gendeemen: Reposed as,,we mono
the atmekabf . so. frequentlfri durappetiother,
to propocd iemed les, we nannini bat fool, onibe eißtim
of rucecsrhil practitioner, with interest arid grantade
This in true respecolog ) our valuable preps the arf
Ser.sperille. I Wore been scamelfatlieted 10r,13 years . ,
with a dpeare about
. .whirl] ".doetOr'S disarra,," an d
their prermipadn. wre nal more Meanie. Med 101.
rious remethrr -hot (nand no '
relief until! aronseneed
u•lng your oneelleut tirrine„ at which WOO irt•
wholly ronfiliedionty bed: Atter ening it • few months
I our nos+ able tit lir.111( Ithollyide 001 and copy • ease
lortable Ater, of health; lylech I n ati/in. entirely o
il e tats of MatuPtr narvapiAlle. Please atieept my as.'
.allure of gratitude and regard.
Being pervonal/y aeqoainted woe the abate state.
meal,.l hereby eta/(y that the same is ave.
Femme Truerntocr.— The following is an.eitraet
teen letter remised from Rev. William °Calais:
Onctru9a OcksnklE4s.
Mows:Suds: I have bent AZ x, eyed with .a sem en
p a in my aide. occasioned by a d,aen.w liner; for the
in twenty yearr suffering, at tonne whet Liminguige
cannot convey-_ bar same taking your Saitimulltst,
have been greatly relieved, so much so dint I have been
able to Intend to ity bumblers, and preaelreicemdonally
forth. last Sneer:months; I wholly discarded all Other
medicine, and thoroughly Mind the Sarlaparila, which
ev.alliend to [fathead sinecitYto all : Mow who
are In any wny Minted with any species of creations
complaints. There have been some remarkablecurea
effected by . sti use in Jot meinity. Mrs. I. Shaw, by
the urn of au bottles, was restored bbetter health than
she had before enjoyed for ten years, and Mn. W. Ste
vens, who had been severely clieted with the Erysip.
etas, arita entirely cured hype th e tae of • fait bottles.
Yours truly, WM: OALUSHA
For furaterpartieulara and eenelustve'evldenea of tl,.
seperior value and dame'', see pasupb/els, yrhieti ma,
be obtained of Agents gratis. - •
t :voiced and so day A.B. /k D SandaDragglams,lo
- sr, corner of William:safest' Fork,
Sold also.hy L. WILOUX,jr., Pittsbargh; Nap
wood, Bearer; Wen. Watson, New Casuct!U. N. Rob
Brownsville; A. Crtigh, M'ashinglora • Nod -by
Dmalliws generally thfoughou th,, tamed States, -L , ' • '
Prier RI perhoule—six Widen ,S.S.• •
The "abaci ate inspeethilly rumestediu.remember
that it is Sznirstkinapantla theist iscoamlantlyincluseri
leg such remark ablecums of. dm most ddLcult Cart of
diseases to width the hannanlrame sulacer therm
fore emir for qa and tab, no other
what has relined him ASTHMA a
&ore C. Rom hie diE
feculty boembing, Cr.ll. and - safocatioad- H. •
will tell jell st-wa• •Ohe Olomeema r • or All-
Heeding frainsrod - i'Ve• the ecisswooptire
wk. Cash, removed
the Pa. in Mode. and
checked his nt mew, and
placed dig er of health •
*pm his 'otredg and
he win an T.%
suziutelva otosAorues,.
ehle your Crimr dory kw of an_yiblog eyin
day care • tcev . awl When cough, Reims of Bkani, Ana
chid. Comaropti. Mosnenesei lead
diaca. of the Mono, to the di...a.? .t.y wig t ab
patio aotkekeld. bia been pada.. of m muck
on short of eh. Bud due dellowing . ;
A atiedalalan conotoe'r:
• Wee. Bre., the relate toi 'Swine crack. baker, 61
mu itre, Brooke., eta. that Ms wife has britti atierd
7itte Aolona Coen% yew, ind eoubt net B. ; at on
be from Om boo medief advice •whkla an ne' ..d
Bruokiin couid plash., was index. to try this grogram
. Mae id now tamely well His aught. who 11. Wk. ,
log from the - sasoadbeare tried do: d eras aho cored by
Mi. Bard hnavr so well deat aha L. Ale to idiom j
bed early Mite ecowningendaithal to her usnaldCiladeploste
the day wieboat any annoyancellwen lear Middy.
Rmeaf Jame., 194 ear.; wear the d =thray,
came to the dery 6r. she po.peof obtaining a' tottle the
Okommian, Imhof beta Meted with the Adhom hr more
tMa 3/ years, and was neothaeadeol me bit mein! that be
could not Teak. Ra para.. . a beak. and rod. Ine.—
Four days a 1... 1. walked fnem his mid.da to thee of-
ilea sidleut fitigos, die.ed of over two mils,. tell at
the wooderfal relief hick be hadelperimmed - from Wog
about ow half Of m . bottle:
Coraronalapeltoss of the Iskamjor
Mr. Connor, 35 White .12neeti was os kart 11 thef moth
of Deem.. losa that hit margins up by losiebyeadas Hi.
frirorhwertainedoodhop of his reeoreq,; A. Was polar
bed to of the Ohosonion s and to hie, marir kW as
motor. him to Itealth dna be it now able walk about tho
blen A.m, the will of Wm W. Atineolameellaraes,
CortCho Herm Lop am entinam, damol
thaw eons of the all haw t Puget prognerties of du Oreal
Remedy in ptka or the Loago. •
100,11ttlaw idloodo •
Mr.. Tnotzocon, 302 Mom. *pet. whO had Mn.
troubled bra gnat Aceoph of liam by seam.
raised gaantitio of. Mood Ilex repareA py cam hottle..l6l
°l/1:=V" r,56 W:er tirar d t, was alaglisad=
dm same oomph., ale he was very it.,
who , here... Ted takiog having been ember else enrol
his phyumul durusg the put wieder. - .416m0gh ha acne.
com.tly aral wan eery much troubled with Wild noesse: y.
bottles of the remedy "
enabled him ha mum to duly
work. He was eatirely relieved. ' •
DAMP lloconereot,... height ore., Geo W_Eltuirett;
formerly of Newark, ;N. J., Elto. List., • 190 Rhine.
erne, and macro. other Fesnonshal•• hoes - epredily. and
pclatalleally cured of the mew ranoddiat by this in:dy.
The Array.of Names • •
which could. produced of who... use d Oh great,
rowdy areadd mere theall ra edam Anna the uumber
ate permitted.. W. la it, IL.Bhdager,lo2 Bard. st., I
Mr Wilma of Elohohen; Mrs. Bell of ikorrinown, J.;
James 11 Devoe, 101 Rade stdwcara,so adore.
NI.; F. Smith, 02 Third Aram, Mn Wm; 11. Atha of 11111
Mrs. AniZald 25 Whitest
sow wholesele and Mail by W.: Juke., a his - Pais.
Medicine Wandbom mad Edema Shattitsr, No SP Lib.
rystn., head of Wood street, rithbogh. peeve al a. bet
de-- '
- ToottreasTic
rameimanaktathlClF • • •
ITIHE best article Itnown 'tor cleaning and iarhithnina
a. the Teeth, stren,vtbenlitathe gams, sweeten/fifths
breath. dies It should be aced every night with a
brush'snd the teeth andahonth will only require ash
washing in the morning. Wet the brush oink sm.,.
water. or cold vrill.answer. and rob it a few inewal
the poste, when 'enough will adhere for esuung the
teeth. laleares deliemas taste in the mouth, and int
parts e most dellghtfulfregratthe to th e breath. hound.
unrivalled as a pleasant, ethentious, convenient-env
safe dentrigee. It is warranted um to Ihjult the teeth
Pella prrcrvothem. • ' • •
By ..Ing it regebirly,:it will remove th e tartar ant
to ateMaelali.,—.l3,,,,
stremphen the tris, and prevent all dilemma of theta
Chemists. phymeams, and the clergy recommend it •
decidedly importer to every th irigyf th e kind in ustic_
nek for Shennares Compound Orris aboth :Paste,' arm
observe his agnate= is attached to each pok._
Recommended by Dr. Castle, MI Bread dog o
ow best Dentists, sad by maw of the old establisher'
ones di the United States, and eye,
by the a:antiwar' likthlaral and Pre- ew y asw .
A Jorge proponion of. the dimwit kataftietmankint
arise from some derangement of tht • torinuthorhoweo
which a betel,. use of the Carla Ire Lounges wool.
entirely obviate. Persons 4,f bitiems bahito aboald.
ways have a boo at hunt and lake a dose whence.:
they feel the least derangement in their health . Alotir
d i n:ease of th em laming. would prevent thousenel ,
` Forsake. WWI. JACKS-o:o, i ' corner of Weasiani
Lilelly st. dowel
LA often not swore bow fnghtfully injoried• •I IS M.
the skin!. how coarse, bow rough, how sallow, yellow;
• Rad unhealthy the skin appears slider tieing paspareth
chalk! Besides, e it inJurique, roma; ping • largeq....
eletikevadaichVweb gir7c7:4ll44°4lts'illUta!
le perfectly innocent. beingponfied Of all
deleteraosevalnies; end it imparts to the natu
sal, healthy, alabaster, clear, Wring white, al the same.
endacting or 3 cofimnrebn the
Dr. lames iltiltleMin. emetics! Chemist of Maim.
save: "diner analysing Jones's Spanish LOIS
White, I find it ti .wawa the moot beautiful and ente
ral; or the nune time innocent white I ever NMI, I
certainl coneelFntlatnOr recommend Int toe to nail
whom lie n smtre, beuntifying..
e'D'l`rire k 5 cents a boa
la - 5,11.1 by WM. SACIIktON, et his Boot and Phi
:nom. Kt Liberty Street, head of Wood, at the sign
the Ilia Rem
Adman , Pao Eiereesta,,, ath
THESE are few dimmers more c omm o n CU Ima
hlemme than the Piled, Sod
Incyet ootwiqutiai
treat efforts have been made to cure by the are
ornate. electuaries, liniments, dr._ ,c. al/ were futile
and of little benefit. Now the Enibrocatbe ifs the
only medicine used. A person who hat been . nffers.
mg win, the Pile. of the worst tied came from Sa..
lein, New Jersey, almost on palpate to erpreas hie
gratitude forth* speedy cure that this medicine had
effected in his ease.—Phila. Slit. Peat. . •
IlJ°koe sale in Pittsburgh at the PEKES TEA
STORE, 7 Fourth .t.;nod also el the Drug Shore
H P :inhered:, Peden/ et:Allegheny Clt,
ILfORGIIIII C 1117611 111YRDP—.11 should MIL
published and Made known le the Pebl , r' n Thu
was the expresmort rea old asan wale tried thelY . yl
- up,
• Prrramaaa. LW •
hforgem—Thie temy certify Ma 'Mow *Meted
with et troublesome cough some lime. f banns a bottle
of Moreno , . Cough Syrop. tad am
leepp_i_nalY. o o tter
coin/tit, my cough is entsrely rttr4
~ Y
Cough ts) ruts the best msdroine see everoseg..
thobly rheald be lorabont th , a estughle mediates. L .
DAVID atstionbitTA,.. Allegheny t
frpruie besale
i t o nd s et . ‘ g
at the Drag Mom t .1
Wand erect, one door below Diamond away ,
foriteVO ere" AM •
HAlft •Ella
elf WOW Get;. Heir a M
.:A- ask caber, without dyeing erinJoringg
ollltmetkm. fden etate,S e '
'' dby Whf. JAPER*, it tils Patent Medielni
t‘,Vretuniee, ED Mashy .{tent, head Of Weed. at the
.he lanes. • " PO c+
heistelesale Liras Wareheike• tainl.T led' -
IL .L. aktunt_mrrocrit al 00,e
LIAVR enentedan eneennerneenneweeelneenner -
LI of Wean and Pane elreen e le *nen All *IT.
telnovedlheir Wholesale banana,' whine ther will
alweye ern on hen en erteneinassenttneet n e ell
Ow oracles in Ikea:lee, in whnehllheT tends:eine ellen .
inn of th enahile. •• . - •- • • •
The Doss buoinees will be erstale4 ales out mud
ovisitof MUM Wiii; olii .
-.----'----------- --.- ---,==
*:o/cAuse ..i.px.r.xcEs,. -AN ii..pra: WAN . ",
:-' .
..........- fi .I.'tl,l4.trEli. -:- -:
na: Wn..ele,7W fte taiweverft a My la make mi•••.... pkmat, ea thetehildem wiel bee se neday eft r., t
.rem See kit hityamaswits is 4ni,29.,. b,....., a., •
,=j4414,‘r.6 ,-., r !'••,""^ wite ri.. ....o .
. - -. ,; --atts.3,-.0,3 Cnif4lliole-vues
• in..44.00,..ti0....fiy,..... me am etkeft e i mar
1 '..4.r.fileem &44..,..."..." 6. ..,,v41pmc...4. - , ......-
-or **JAI ~,,° , 64 _„ . _ rk•-..,. :tkr....r..,
~b.m........ 11 •4 1 =01.1"....- they Wel *Io - . ,a I 01.
1 1
,fttMlime.a.i *meal themeit halftime kat am mi. ea
tatetempereeekirima Yr &Mar pettais ft Deem tnt., .t. i t
wieoftemplawilftet Moil Weft,' mike the anaimhate,
addieldeow&L'7They dame Meat ad dft ift tie ti•••e Di
-Mitaiseelfeampheitete lo peftweefterekey the ham, Dr
witgr...imlntodoelle.prootatolo er eftiLing• eimr•—
. Vim art *twee. eftesketattow *if a eftstfthweem ipte
weraeSaraftaNied4.% - aea aft weetoftwy tekte Die te
arerykke O pfte lbr Mem tempt:Maw 'lldamma 0 4 . ft Mi.
.A. , ete.9.4%,.. km. bar van.l 'F' .1.-
Nei; [hie time Mee Ma tesammt I:Wat la aity o et, y,„i.,
liaLeaktarai mftraift Ma/ft liy miatfteft• • -
, _ .,l3ll.enteleftmesowir lidaimiethiedelieraile, m ,,,, yei,
ee'. rem &Mk fawn (peke only tairme, ~,,,.,..
Atwittinl ant 1841.1m/c Viol no ' tilt calmed,' II o. 0,..1
L', IVtd. Ott , e_kterathertie or Meta. latftp.,l as.)
Milmtlealtkietrkeiteriammy be lard amemium I*.i..r.
~... .- , Ellilit WAN'S' WOILII L Oki:NOES
ilaa‘llo.ll= n bax• Wm prated to no. thoo.l,iou
Sal/ O&M le* the Dely emu. warm wattle.,
• modemne ...wk. - . :,-.!... L., Many Mores maw Yaa ... au
• ••• aal•kalo . as 00 ftkeeneefferiag, min fterenah, a mi
doe Uokyeareemy groan permit an. ttn at.
Waked lb erj*ka,wed are. ikimarwaler earenn rwarak,ts
: iiit iatyibeterkt,Deiheetita• dal of Waft Learogimi mil
ainspeosati I. or or limit; afire '
a, arreatb,pati a , al the waft,gr of the :esti mau l
Weep,aft at iftempelemmakeembili witkitadm chim e
41.2.... lhemerit varlet saliatim at theemosaft,Daft hedb .4'4.'4'M..,,.
M.P.' thateteithe, thinninno, temp,. wrier, 11.aurbed
,4aasts, meld.. wart* tt .b ,„ with Inght end mamma.
softettwes a traelliftome keerisheift, thife‘/".
hat, kr, Mit take et. wesati, Wank Imethiog, pile in
tbe sitenftkor. tweet., Saiem, hems; eimanidieem, ...a.,--
6,...4,44,1eauma, tamed month or liiiikariguis.
theolletpak. Di mirk. yerh Mar ardy, a wfti awe.
the ea he roat, delft' of them. tamed. raoii, •
t duke to pe th emonattlika Gift am bowels, {l4l aV IMF •
Wpm difc gvy, br.IJ..MI M...
..redid relict in eerrom or Mk kam,•he. •
o faiNicak.. 33 MI Mew, lemew of Vie rk, Merfteft,ft,
at pow* pore Um., ft. el or •fteeer mem
Aipt,#4 ,npfftaka ar • &gator skiing Mine eim,
, „4:,=eretelf of kw ahead. or kreettriift i
'^ii ww fte.dafteme t Idnottilotto' tttht.
,toloblitat Attliorsthino through the oleho abeam, iet that
t awattizifrettift: kissltude or a ram of Wleft. -Pm
to arit*diviuripulin, willriod ,s. a.......-
I:krailyyin.. ilsTpwww the b00r9, 7 of yinali; turd
Mier ile, anareetate the Mx of the
erellaft• mem the oteptement symptom anotog loom
too Ml* renottt who haft heft um hegh Mom, ftd
eiftikemUfterdiesipated Way will awl Omar Lampe ed•
mintak mammy of dream, ' '
iSHERI4IIIWB roort MAWS miks'rEn. . •
Their' etneerMailog,phearrin MI world, mitt ertereMa
emedylairpftp, or minim la the beak kin., eldr, Melt,
alenisipente,rlimMethm,hatheio, &a. Ift.• ODe million •
teistira.e=he %mad • 'They require Matti. wane ••
Car me opium afteMed prier,tll: moath:::',ll
thfthemeet Omer ia the world. It MEM. Mkt in •k 4
'''"ten"4 ..emkh.'"..6rridhil.g ""'' tt titatht. bolt ore' r
It.ritrito.olion.otfOlcloo=e“ .in g.! m.,7, .ad
refer(. la maybe, golds, U ri y of
hf thrlzl7 , :taankh rill fte4
kda taterk&thkee W Lee WV:. ttooit.h idit ~..h.
:itzldreidee,trrvprry Gem Dee of Ix V, anoreta / . 1.-
ir;4 1 ., 0410 la theirport.l3: "blitgatokFtlAoleng"ooe d
ottodroo. TUE era ' ooken.',of ftthety 4:atm, ingi
gob Duman./ «my, Ida' him the stymiere at eall-
Mos who have wed tbisi . i SI loon ....Gs timed Mammy of
wildweekbreted My 'iria.,i„.d dew and pktekiaft, to
he the Mat ftekatift redieued *owl, ,
r0d.e.......1.*: • .al ' the era to Iripien
the sarczemedthweicsoetthealeattetwureeakes cern MN
, • Okertieft throe aft we Ile bark °teeth IMMO t^iO ^
' Mamie of Dr.Shmenati eftair. nmafteetymi should ' •
away. oh kw alairion'e' Poor Man% Pinter, not on 'that
you get 'the gemiwymehere aro maz wartlike. Wakiki.
itawkid Maim wed mkt he the trim mamma. Phet 'be
Ad aligiae W
tr i akial' eked retail-byW. JACKSON at his P... 1-
attmeter,' law ar, Liberty . Meet, Siam ef th
:-. .-_ IT NEVER FAIL.Stf.
LsLs ERSortS elelinted.with Scrofula, King's Esti
•,..Caneer, lEhysipelas, Old Sores; Ulcers; Totter
Mercaftheinses, or any other complaints arising
from, impenues of the blood, are requested to rm-d
tooltillowitig nab - C=ll42n, in proctor the wonder
NI politorties al . the naive mimed medicie, .:
- READ! READ!! REALM -... •
M e the oadenigned, havin,g visited. Mr. - faanc
Brooke, Jr. at thhASee, of Messrs. Rouged mail
W,dfal, 376 Market street Philadelphia, cane:Wei
his cane titiFinet reatarkableone we have ever ark
unsaid er heal tit& -,._ . :
M•, - i
illnetiee wan SCROFULA, and 'terrible Mint
have Cent h 1 twelve yanks' &whet wit& the de
gt" a e gs ... o... .1.. e eft. rOrdirif his Moen; Note , Up.
per Lip, aisinwer Lid of the Right kill have teen
destroyed, hieFerweearlg eaten pp, and. wait of the
Jaw Boma carriodaway. And 'yet we can two os
dolchptioll'of hie care. • . •
An B. milt/nom Ins that ry loot ft...whole
interior of hi. Mouth, as ( well ex mon in his nes .
lona cokes of deep and painful oicend
Oa the 14th ofJaemin fart de Cottiofebeed takia.
' CEA. whieb 'tinned theidimaie in a lew days, at.
roman litim lie care k amprogreesedWithout hi •
New Pooh his se led MS glace of that deep ol •
cericeodThektgh badli isforaired, his Mee ia mead,
tad' hie g -nter health t o restored. ' • . '
We are amend •that to. the, treatment of Mr.
Brottin".Musent hf eicntiali3Ohatesente, or Caustic
apphestartas nave:been aced}-liti fact,:the PA NA.
LEA ALONE, ban-wooed this woad - data char
nand Smith; Beekommissy, Po. - • -•
halide 14.1tointad; Meadville, Crawford co Pa.. i
JW:JoamLAI D-Smitligemerld street; non,
Jacob Lew; Pearbentati-N J: •
.. • .•
&W Cary 440 N Fourth; ;bole Poplar et, N. L. '
S M i Celloollih, Lanenater;Pa.
ti, If Maddock; trNorth Eleeentb et. Phil;,
C W Appleton, IN D46Sornh at. du
Ilmothy Caldwell,,Marion co. htlationi.
'Daniel Yealotl;C h es sol,Hill,Pitilidelphia co. Pa.•
Jatio.HirkiedASOHigh stieetiPlun. , ,
William SlMNigi•M'Diritm,den..Pi.;..•• -----
! with.. Hale 312 Hgkatteet,Phin. .
LI H Patte fi n4 airailp*or,rainind Teeth, 109 !S.
LiAiWollentiveher,- : Phila. Democrat T'.l lii 31,
meet da'
!ortorge W Meets, Drifah Maker, Sl7 Market St.
',ETA Cart,l.P Cheviot etreet, •Phin. - . ,
in D Gillette, : Pas, Of Eleventh Elaptii:t blank,.
I Pinto
llotnt Bell, End Street, .Plailadelphin,ctioch Amer
. ;woo Sandi, 164 Catharine Street, Philo "
Daniel McOtaley; Sealer's Alley, do
Andrew Sweeten, Camden, N J: • , •
11.11 Erma; Wenphila., ..- ' - • -
Richard R. Young, Gilder, 416) Alarkete... Phil.
lobo W Ashate - W; 60 South sigth street. do
T . S Wagner, Lithographer, 116 Cheroot street, du -
B .11Femil, 113 rienth_atreet, , do
ret.Sken Sag . Editor Ala tiro 'Eagle, .10
Joel Bcaline, lii acs eliooldetorer, Willi:l=l,lmo.,
iltlaid j Steiily,Parm . ingtoe, Van Berea co. tows •
P. $ Coles, lid D, Boston, Man.
.. • •
ti me , el Cnel ir d . L_P i ti t t . sitr i et, pt i lla_d , zlr L i a..
',. et e . r Tilt If , , Street, ikt o rk i t .t. ' Phi l i c._. a. .. ,
l '' d Good, 174 Space el. do . :• •
Tifton One, PastorSt, Pau Pa M. E. Oh. Catharine
SCl i hila. .. .
ohn citounben;Partor let Indep. Clinch, Broad
it, do
i ''l' L Sanders, Pablialan of Piedge add Standard,
: I Phila.
F i kret.. Edit& iOine r B 'tech, Doyleatoway
. Wholesale andltend 1413646.6:1;.: Witloa, Pm:
i'it'lt/ 376 61 41.7) 1 St. Ouledelpios• It I. Selleri,-,
Welt et. Pittik,...l:Vm. Th!-_,6 - 4 Mar.
netirh 4 - Eht,
~ onelliMdo,truhlo ar, _
StidsKlElororiltoOr , :din V,V . , tha aeobo v. n rxin.,
Ai% Sided & Belltoti Moines I a; C Noble, Loom.
kille, 1:1-1f; Den...X.l. Yelloot.; St. Linos, Alo.
P H McDtan .111 1atits:Mian Hardawn & Job* '
don •Vtekaboritt,dinChaileaJenkina, New Offen! '
Dora sielni6tir.irOiliik93l your
"Or painialllyiriir brcast?
Dr • D:;cjiusU thid4l
And it Will ereyou , test.
it Ovine; Uni ick.d
Dimuaprei4o r th e .0.1;
Ana whi!iiiiithiv : !. o the 'teeny inroad;
"Veer 'Will silty yal bc whole.*
Seelaidet Newer - beet,' hue!,: •
j It Weleelkitps the triontteg dew,
I Beton. it *doe [way:
I The NORM of Death wag Ut the slew.
And eneettbeeid on aerator
And When of LW:tined, (a lovely fend ••••
Il W PP! ,, a rt , 64.uni
That Wannef‘Deathennkt be defied;; ' '
If D. Danes:Ws en were tried;
And many lovely daanen seVed
_ The hal Of an elitheeil ' •
07 DR,DYrie AN'S Wam.ari omgeovnisdi ,
..eof IDtarCeole; where 19 !nimble ,1" -
W 4T,LV1 ,, ,-1ii,04",i? mar. JACKSON, earner_ .r
Wood end '"" ' .121,IneT
' Y°° ' .r. t4; r41 :7/4 41 Vat i lir;.. .
~ .4r,t,,, h ,„,,, a ut worn.: wr.o,.
, ^ ltasty,dittyfflalor deryee.. _
.. :
r Woe, ns
whose etle offeive %reit th . t
Vepirunatis. la putrid death—
i • yea esiald hese, !Joy, 111•1101 gist—
Troth White as claworpeerl. . . ... . ...
' Breath a el:hey...mat Oaf conso l e . - •,;' ~
rant and White andleiaellt and beautiful,
And Wessel ittlkisdallt tes thee, - : • ,
By reedit/gybe! hi said below. -- • t
• R RADlElltanauflatrcen kneede ate va by (mlsid
this as nollileg biatiretb) Wog a 3i knife ofJon es'a CO.
rU Hail , Restaftulriali $ box of Jones's Amber Tooth
• make - of the rgesuene' Veneer , Behan •
Cheislieal Baur? The smelts canton heir, and yeti '-'' '
are ;owed Vie ' the . Wimp/re a th eir rem goelidei: !.
T watt .he tooth' p 'stem lieehreeltr A .oweet odor, virus '
sea ' plreseetieithe leetlbant.The , heir stud all
ham te be the moat_, 'ate thiog ere; suede ter AIL* t
slur, bean:dying 4 1 ,9 .0 'hig,ttlgrosith o r h e
the ° PRP. ( ret the Maisie font ap;mindi ..eilt earn
all orupnoes &nettles,- be and mike es ti ...
'WIN, elemeetnit fair: AU !he.elbl,,, ate mos o nly) .;
at W JACKPON'er Rota end Shoe Store and Patent '
Mdse,.. Warehouse Wltiberly el. ' ety 7
ho loa.
f' Rev. Chutes Al otionsjaillaister of the 8.0. , ' •
•Qta b. Wooster, tan of Ashtabula.°
r, we. li,1111117117t1:0, Trootletart of C- Dann •. ' •
Che teal Pleases, Gentleseetoe-Por sereest
bar front litObli testetillaViTlA CS of E. Dean's CL al
._Pla*e bp as Et la Vey finality ae a relow/Y fee te e" - ~..
' ataUrmi entakaessatall °acne* of the beck, pain sr, •,
' the hiealiklagatladiatref th e e. Areal and eye., ar. , tn:,. :.:.
:the hTh.t, ite; and ink. plMuilLiq say
it ey led '•-.,
lathe pabliel.thaf la steetasase I lain fond asefitl.! •
ea slehefitiOrielhat mid inaater pioneer, elribet'oti ~-
. 4 ". afal. Gleas° , eharaelef. and tkat it will gerpeal. , •..
ly Ix feud arsalleitatesimerfor
di . ..." -.fin: •., ,
'lrtnelt It le . t rosakto.k.t . tne. arlitaty eatable td, - tbsi,
who esid v roa;ez i of &a, e nl i ga t rMlM . .. ;-,• ,
'' tiv. Zs:Value, &lee."' 4 ' :
by 11 A Eabneutoek & Co. center rust Sir. Woad ---
' `"*l