. • ' ' . • ... . • , • • : . f ' • 5 1 . . •• a • .. , . I ' . . • • • 1 a • • . , • , I ' ' . . . • . • . . . . • I . • , . ~ .: ..2 • . I . , . . 1 . , • . - • - ••'..l:` ' i ,•,' ,- ••' - ' ... " 4 " .- ..' •.- ,- , 1:.,- . '':.ii. , i, , ,V..i.1 , -.. - . k• ,,,, --- -,•••.•,.• - •-s - '-.2 ,- 7.: -, .-- - ... - • - --.-- f . . , I , . . ......r. I ' I a -••• -,, .... .., . ..., . ~ . .. _ . , .-, . / , ' '' : -.: ' '. . r .' E.•: ': ': ' • .'• '''. : . ":" 7 • '" •-•'''''''' • ill . ri' - ---",';'''':'-: '! - -- . -' --;-.- ' ': 1.. -._ r .f• :-. - A.. :.,, ..:- ''. -,;,: ~:, - ''.!.. : .--' 7 . : ' -' - 1". 7 . - : - i ' . - -. . :::- ;•_.. i--':-.:4 . 1 . " -.--‘tl4 ' . .r•-• '.. - - ''-:'-:'''. -: '- ' -'1:-.- : -4 :' - ::! •; ... , ,T. ' -: -.. : -:, : ' , l ,.;:i ' : ' ' ' ;;;';' ;'• :-:-.,-.:' 1 .: . - i •- • ,.'. - .:.. • .. ] i . --.. '::: -.' ~:',- • : ,-...'-.: ' L,..,: .'. . -. I-- ' L__ --. : -- . : : ', 4 -',- . • •.-- -.. Vki . ~ . . ~ . . .. - 7 - ' ,,,- •-•-- •-•• , ' -, -- -,. - : .!.... ~r..? , , .. ......,: . .. r • • ... , -•, • . .• .-.d.- - ' . • .- . ..., . . . ... • . •,,, , .., - ••t1 . . ~. : .. . ' .. , I '' 1 • ', . I - .•- - '.. -, . • .. - -, .-, • . . . 0 . . . ~..... • • ' I .5 . ,:"...• • • ~,. ' . . .. • • ... . • • ~. , . ..... . 1 . ---------- —.-7 - . -- 7: - .. - 7 7 .. • ..._ —,...„..... --..,------,---,--. _ .. , . ~.....?‘..,„:- . ., a .'' 1 . - ' OI - -2( T‘ r"'-- ;. -..-- - N() ' - ORR ~. TEN - c JULY - 7 AS47. ..'..: i.--. ....'''''' ~ '• , . -.- .1...:, -_ :... ............1 . A:i4a BUSINESS CARS. v /Wit. tamon IWO A. 2.awardo rchbud. 54 Waair . sad lus Ynast Piadad4L._ A TW00D...10/41.dic.C9 4 .: Commiudon .ro o d ad •/. _4,w-congaing hikiehinli, Lauer Warned mlbel too/4 414.1!aodtid s aLUM L. 114 'W.I.NCIIRSTILRideaILt la all lads uf a 4. Led and lancLic regal; tplaual, load, *Oa be cho 1.1n.1.01 enewiogllooLuua, Laoao*Llo Lad =2 . . 11,. Vnralesai• Raul, ms corns of LibTrty".!!?, ...Mu, 'La Tir A FA 11-5114,440041- • CO, Wholasala I . l) au tome r Weed .4 While.. WI • ! v 11•61.i.taili 01P.UTHOYY?1.1.1. °Mall, lb •'Y " b !...' 41 • BAClALliFralt,eo., Gro• rrudate denim, No. r/5 alaukel street, he• alaTz 54. 'lOl4 . -iorwranllog atm ocup..kin Alurcht I Cuau 11.413, PitOU T l'i_r.---_---,----7--. -- __ _,------ ri uaI.AN DO ..I.OOIIUI. Anomey nt J. fire Ln 44.....tcri.L1.,tLyc ;nan li Geldr _MIMI, IVni7t.,.i.•Tni • in . hn 0 Je;ninr 7.la s, W, itafinni;• i i01.1CtItAM:111/111.14/1 N't:CO, Manufacturers %,/ of filar rmg.. e15t.114.a..• A.tirA A. U. nal Swint tteel. 9.,d'iiimlnn! a, tio,oin Tenoning, el`very 414... gripti..o.uot4ufaeloo.) ou, fot. Clair et lirshoctoo. l Wr,r• •t*t • _,-±t,.64lW'S'i (.!ytEl.." Ifolz_l r ___ laSI. it iiriiiiNGniairs.utniinta,wh.l.w. O ro %.) c,., Conunitaion find. Fon...ding hicranntn, dexter , . to Ynnkce, null l'F..burgti nannfactaten, tit JUL. CA.A..-• ...15,51awr 1..0 4, a t'JU1..11,1431 otVil.) Wholesale ltrocera, Claroniasian and I roWarrllng Merchants, Dealers in, Prodatli_wal Pluablogls aloontrinlares..laitth street, between w Ona I in Della loYarter and wbotride Ind :Inn, m oind!tliple Yuri; 7 ar = the WA n borgh. i'a.- "I—'lll. 1.1.,A1at rrodsee and Vatnily Kclu ~lin•Cef, Nol6 talyerly at, next doot tarot. ilety • -' Idanilicas g igio"V't R d t r r on. rinWalicl.d, between 34i: 4 lILLb ------- asa UK a 7. W eslasals rcicFn E n s W t h.salKepot U r: n.sultood, Wood door front 1).. —tons opetoxrf . •GE,1311,11M,T, Wholesale Gm. ALT. a. induce sod Pittesesgh ussaal Ps se- Eo ftllo.fly P. Hood f ,,,,7 "sir: .N.NETT, 0 ..4.1 % 1. 4 tqWl:" d MP, za m a' 1 0 tr . • __.-------- &mewl gal *Ulla W alioaney! at Law. LYI Ofnee teurtoi.4' a' ieW doorli nearer Grant tumo oq FotLte In as VOILIWAUD & eiNAKTSWILL•DICA, Attot• Or,, lAO/ ;but c Marled then SEC, IQ the sonle• nde to ucitu tretweco Cherry Alley mid GMT( .. . . . istrect ~ —.., James %. and. PC,l6.l.'it-°7•1e11-1; o.lilitri ob. VAbora,le.saleft_orool.:rinu. .L • not C0.1%11610[1 Yiernti.t.t•fa.. _ .__ 1T ., :1% ..., Cotton Viola, Nos 57 W nix, and 95 r ut bomb. LE ' felsi 111.1p1E , I•tano Eosin ‘lllsailfatorrir anddesl- .er in Nustesi Instruments, 11l Wood street. near men) • u""Tli P .1 dealer la •ercdaco. tr,c,g, No 17 Liberty at. near Mal Balm. N. 11..thdosso, Pitch, pap., ;...1 .T2O mud. 1"1 . er tiloves; V. ht.:no. e 2 dla!kest . sc4 , 1.11 r•tilr Z.: flgOrlillOitGAll £OO. W.ltral._! , _°; comau.ston uele4x ,x[ ~vn. aftset /141 GYR rilitoll Nareossa. lutd lkalet ii3•l4±We Plulansret 518.1.1urts_is:_e Vauban, W • U. Brie' (AX IL & Coo Brewer., blamer., krT a iid wand inn., Pilybpiet. and Point Brew• enc.,and Pin greet, • ja.4 •COCRIULIS, Cosoialsoon SS& kort Irslabug blachant, No SIO oau•eea,P,nw.r)k. - .. . sauyl 7 -lieo. (i liruvrne..•,^ trd..l.ll' 1.047/111/4 Puece.ara ua 114,1doliap I,lVjkliruvrneja luanomerra sad sualkfiecurers of Will p.Y"• Wurelsoeser Su. N W..t Parw , i.d ,, ..." 1 . ' : ido, mr....:_el-7rtiV0.0u.r.0.., cot. • latli al Saw, nom We 51!3 . 1.1 ,1.!..., Pinssenc>• TAIL.hTIII:IS* TE ILED LEAD Al litarAtmtklblOcchasiteapitt of Lib tn, and CP gra Nis, thtutbarit. , 1615 Isalai DIC CRT. . ROSS.? SIMMS , DICKSY t CM Mogenls Otaters,. 1 Coantoien Mere Mats an/deals:l lapaweaa• • -•• !m Fmnt alftrot.L. TOAPII.I[IIOX, Mummy at Lew,•Pabetraitt. l's resumld Tilt! practice aid. yotoliabo-1 111 the ethrc 7, Ltvotese.ll-• Buillians, Grant stryeb De. 4.inng big tarbeucc by T. J. /ileum& -4 . yeNlicgraT Chrw iv. rioqn.. • - • 1011 X 131 D. 3108/01, Wholesale Vivie n, and des!er to Dye Studs, roots, Otbs, Venuslste, lid J No WI Wood street, one door South of Dianlood • 1 t • • lad! j AMES EGIEUR, it. &Co. tsvecosoors to /ow; Da;01 11.—R, Wholesale and ItstalS cr in Magic snit bunts! itytuutulnist Pep 'Suce, Punt' lbw, Qinlls,rtuttess Prabettery generical, ic! Wand st, Pittsburg% hmsta., Wins. in Wads. g _ 813110021/11Aglint 411. CO. wapie...kThry %voodi Pittsburgh. seplS .7 1 ()SEPIA JO”- e./ Fur... 111 41 istnnl.heldst 11.1t1 • J1!!" . ..,.,`;•.,t , Pitt.tiungs. _ 10IP to.,ravis, Aucnomam, cornet Fifth al and wood WE.... husigre, OS_ 11011 N C. 131I1W Agut7t., Wholes - oc . Cijn: al gilt and Coitnnis.inu Aterthsui.- N'patet sus.. duce shove ibe,t u3aY *lnds, Pittsburgh. (p' Iran, !gain, IC . u t unstufsctantrii t y t,ecs. tinuttg bo ..,.....I.,onufnetorert, No. 44 0 Mute le6 • - J 1" alfAll's tkm;k ti4re, I . lb, neatlklarkft t e. Am!. . mammal, Sclog. Mu I nen o.s_ll lood_ I kwak_go and Malone _•0211_ --- —7,- 1 W. 110BMWTSO M Itatr G 0... Banker, and M t/ .cha ge Broke.; coward( Wood iasid d c treats, Tinsba,tes. AM (Merchant's WWI Itatildingsa asr e Irraterreney Ptate oc 10 1.31 G, Yankwer, den'. In ihn; once, Plitsbovn mananctoten,.7m non, &a. an, No 121borttgo, 11.21,5 _ Jain • R 462441 01 1. ia I it R. 1/lioll3.llate Floyd &Co.) Wbo lantle JGroom. N 0.1112 Litny Ftpo_ Ten r. rbszi-si.i., wh0wk0r,,,cr,c,,,,,w. al con Merchant, and des. et lo Predate sal r, "1 aasnoseuresNosl Wstlrat•lit l_. o'7 L.ld• WHTPIGUAN;WhoIessa Gamer: Tr. lauding .ii COMM I•SiOn tatra."4 Destro us Patoordik adtutolicteasa and Predate, N. dl Wooer and 4 . 1 Ere!? ~ !1 - ----- . qt. I E.wis stiicalsos_dt, c l ..i IV 00101114 1 Li 6 I' Of CM Vora - ord.n ...I c...... , ..i....*Tchnnth and lira ero_in r are ‘26,2512adf, !ITT I sta. • a 1, . fi "2 Rs'illl4".t sneTpx, wbfAti t =; L., F w,,,,, , e 0.,,,,,,,, m.rebartu, Dealers re Produces ad a•atlandth amanfactmea, Nos 13 sold l3?_Wooka_s.j.T."..nrott: , DM_ loon iITOIII. .., IL Hoshfietd.- DLL D. %Mill kil'oll4.ll /a 111311171ELD, Omens and Cum. /ad modal din•di,mod, No 1111 liberal went. Pols I,'' Ala s Is; Nso . tti*:, ! % mkt . M. Ableroban..,...6V,:gr am; Frolll,4oV:recsil:AL w'dWholesale °Torero i'actes, tr k. o, 140.. l!*• SION Whole ale Gro- MIIIP* Igir we and 0.1.111t11610/1 M!re N. 17 , 1.14 El ream. KING. •CORCI & wholesile and Wall flu Mind ay rsorysisetorera. end &akin is Pon] ors comer of %% !^ A and Fift h ins .____...._..4!----.." ' We in M. • IL Plthl i t Vllll.:**l‘..Vaad Fog ' ardl and Coots ! .on Slerchenti. No•b3 l.aberil *ad 113 Void:mew , l'ivatiiirigh. ' ' • ft. : AT 110LIIEP. SON. No. 55 Market *Wet; fee- J.• • ood door II POllker Or Fourth. Cftalfr 6fr , •ad Dwh-ftic Bills of F:schonte,Cortrficates of Drposit. MO uft•rft end :ftpreift. • IL' Collwriorft ...de oft el o.llpriwrips4 eitriithrins O W .S, rwiterl No.* , . die *, __ /V/EGULIVer:IVILWIttir. Vt •Tirre W e l l * , I gVutrt/ er•ttlft nner Air.. A IneltetWn. k 1301 A aItarSCTIMEL k _Co yvbniu.t. Orme» X 11,1 Cumato. ,,, n end I orararkng Merchant*, Pin 41 Warr•trret. &MI 131.1ttlailT - SM:riakiM ierikirr-e-r-kl-Maa et • an Coutt.ikton erkMAAMS, do tw necond septa _— - • 6 it; sisliD Jr. I coponct • sna uomesua foutobl.r Wolk , smalci dud C•rrld, rietrollPgh. " i• ••• D tsar. LI l: aa CO, aulesale Odaaats, , Ananfm • Ll.tadd Ma. haatc, luta da s alas in raeduCa add' Ytualaugh aliaaraciana,.Liwor, at. appcand ;Nada (n 1 .22, I•ntaausr,. Y tay„l" 1111011 MILD BARD, whole:sate aware:Wl dealer. „D„ L„..taes, Mame°, alasemakaro Tools add" Pd foerr. • , Tanner, ard Curl leleraola, and'hatacra 01, • Wa..4 aa. i•aaarab. : malt DOBET. DALZELL & Cat, Whokaalagra , AV 4..kliamilsno add Forwarding Ma Mama, des , lers Ylo4l{lte and l'apabarati Maaasetastar *ow.•. sox 'sot; ,spele ROP•plai,.-; RolitsON 'llCp.ls maii p r o. Ile dace and Comma/odd mel.hMs, .14 mesleq riPadaga Abodacta res, No. Its Libertymice% busiS Ye 31ISCELL INEOUS. ' I ' BOOKS,; MUSIC,' &C. - viiin WELL ; erTrlallltull . 7011LAIXIIIII 301001 , 11 009011 } 1 V & 1,./ PJautesitYalnatictreY•t. hclarreu Fourth NE 5,3 THIRD eT_,,R,Ek a 0 •••no : 1 aed Fifth, CHICHOISIL , Xa'''' 0r,,A.Lttr,r0VA:PrZ.V......,.-.,b. e",•mY6.1.-.Y..i ClO:sr/a I:thrum-The hictory ol .he decline and ~,,,,,m, /,,,, b a ohoo r wo ,; . , ....6.a..--....• f•Pt of the Duman empire fly Edward thbhort,' :until,. and povaleDwel• ... I'do4 Anew I:thtina, rovispil and enameled throttgit,ii. lii..•. Com-tautly on hand nod made., order.- out.preeeded by a preface, and eecompaniid y • a^ P•Two 'Esk.s's" e 5.... he eAet•lletl ttl• ..Y 1 note• critical and hi...erica, nilating prin o iiedly *W. muEetsrl w the s•osE ..EntrY. , Pen T•OnEs 1 the pritanatton or Chrtniinuily: by M. V. Onno4 I 111 r l `'" ll '''' ''''''' ll ' "' II" r' ' ' .l. P. •''' - .LH. " I '•"• I Mintider 4 Public' Instruction for the .kingdom a ~,,,....al ray poet. ..halt please. l'azt hf ice cock i I. .. nee; 'rhe b relnee, note. and earreolions, trans. ••-'••• 6lirfas wiih Plash and Ilea-eh. , rover, . bred Ir.. the French expressly Int this edition ,- edge Mahogany Nurse Vital., I With a notice ol the Lila end character of Gibbon, 14 pair Domain , I and Watson! Reply to tiibbon. In 2 1,01,1. tail. II dor fine mahogany Clem;' ; Ben. 11413 pages. e . .. IR mahogany- Work:Pan... 1 Natorr'• Penti.ula War--Completc. I 101: Imp,. 3 der mahogany Rtwkinct:hairs, 15 mottle top Dretieine littogaott. Illeit.RAt pages.• • ' & pus Ottortontc Hallam'. Middle Ages, Chambeed Rebelllen In 6 marble top Wusk Stand.; * • Scotland, F.obertaint'a T trginci and New England, 16 cherry Work Standa; Runuell'o Err« , and Englols War in America, mad Msh•esnY. Monte CnertY end Poplar INdstehd_.„. of Ramsays Aincrican Resolution. 1 eel' tO. • II de•srOws• s l owl • 'large. .....eIR `l l. C.... 9" Li ear,' 01 American Hortory--Crintmnine order. Fumitit re and Chaim too namenwts to Inentton. ' tie o from the boat authors no American 111atury, nongtf _ - - - • •a-----d- • fildemphy, TMvelat Comwarre Mahatma, Indigos; • NEW HAEDWAHE 1101'ah...,.* Keiolutionnty antler, &c : Me. ;inn Also, Anat. JOSICPII WOODWELL. ` .. ' dotes Poetry and Miscell Menu. crt, elms. ..lusts Cos..' of I •V and .. 4 Rd;li,A Pr of t,•,1 ' h Ul an 'os en•Mvlngli I Vol IMP Uk'ar u AViNt: wtthdrowo (root itie old r, it olker 4. with E o•-• '' , , a - ' ' , 1/ •• In in t o ol January, ISO, I take MU pages. „ .1 pletiaure lan 10 my friends in the city ad Dnisercal Pictorial Library-COntainlll7,7olooGllo , countr m a c e. 1 have opeaedmy new store a tales dostae { r peer' no ththinua •übjecta, compng Natural ' imuled 'laving purehmed my pedalo! MO. llntory,•Natnral Selene«, Agnculture,Rafral Econ..] and made atrongetneute With roanuntettders in this ~,,, nrnym biography. Pine Arta, the Onentala, Travels.. , c f u•lulTple•p•adreel t i n ' froi •h t •I f i l r ani n Vre M o l f a • llit l i ' l 'a• da. I nn - a 4 G."..11„ a.Fati. o "talkYt NI,..•"1""" reading, lI.C. ~,„i ~,,,, 5 ,,,, ~,, 1. ,,,,,,,,,,,,k,„,,., ip,...t or Mr.-- Ne • d eat Imp Ron GIO pp. R'll Mee?. • Merchant'. and others respectfully mooed to cal The Family Medical Library- . 'I realise on Ole , 1 . 0 c l . 4 . l otte . 1 ) . I.". tn"feee I.tcb•aioElef•ewlte.- rPrei T he and Cu« ol Diwa.Mas. by regimen and The following (maven , . a part of my Wm 1 • simple niedientes. Ne...4,,, , evised ...d solar' 1 eteataboat and ee l, Hardt:rare. Cull frtiinita, e e .,./ a lob The addition of a Vegetable Mitten. Mod. File. Naylor's Steel, Codery, lido Tools.tingli, Ve ....L- net the eireeer re ...re. coil dheee Screw.. Locks. Washes , Stale.. So abes,s l . Mag., •-•• poin t ing Screw.. Colon 4 sonny PlanenSawr hln env bond. of nor most «lea 1 e native . pa. .mill • and veneers, and all other articles mock with the Out hoe of Anatomy and .Phyetolugy. Illustrated Ilardwernbminem . i • • mehtlif_r With one has red Engraving*, am of which are awiradi, nit PATEINT DE CISItCA-0.- ' colored. By 3 U Neverni , M . 1 1 - 864 rogns , Bro• _ ...' NOTWI T It SI 'TA DIN G erne...lran Flower 4Marilcn,tamipan,aa-Abadted an immoral opfersdlon I this invent to the roiled Since.; by balyaard Sayers. Landscape tv. e, 01 a rinshin,gh Alen ate. a ni•• and Ornarnebtal tordener. 12 Ino, Shied edition, AMY of 4 1 . 1. 1 .....a5 , °. ',. . 0 mu rosined. enlarged nod illustrated. • ." ''' h " P ' ' Pa ' '-'''''''''r PalulefaDreboin,-Rocky Mountams,&.e. &a •ssusEE.l.E•yeE°.'nte.'lv" Family Teammest o ortano, with and without ' 'l'•'''''''•P'•'"'""r•l'l"fr'•"i"' 6°". 11 4 rol 1 t , lei, sad ['sable , to metes I they also tialluen's Pedotend the preterence,trai y rg nsp . , beesilie it doe,. it, bong the hot. aroog.i.Rice unit Pierce a Debate Bor e 's Works . Lady reoccolerd Dadotran ut site 111,0110.. a lestorandal of the Lake L..11a Hook. Al ores Prtvate Dog°. speaks for itself:- ' 4 tine 3111.01111/ Ronk, Cheap edition. of tan., We • the suMeber.prlelLeal rolitort mowed the orte r. . terrehrrlet roe . ; mch29 chi.. o; pltuburgh and Adegheiw, tha, do hereby cer tify that we have bought the glit to manufacture bed r.eado with Dwane* ( ga l Patt Fastenings. and consider the rotor superior to we.}' aentoa• with wh'elt we aw acquainted. I Jam , Lemon John kleirew i Tli h room & Ci. Hobert FairalO . J Ft Hartl .1 ey Jame. 1.1 Darr John Lnotett, Jr. a 5. Low Po ey & o Lowne & lob. Riddle & Drennan "Moms Earley itugh II Wallare em., David lancer RlOnsof h. lil'Cl Hugh Walla« Moms, likillork David I.ukey For Rights to make and .11 the Wave Redoemi. a r il E I.IIIE-NbIZER Is 6AZZAM , • deeto Patentee rat-raft PRESS BRIO /S. BILAG aIG l 1 e subscribers ht( mg ohlatned • patent. May X 7 111T111 ----------- 01114 .11. WOLPY• Liman«. *.• 1.16 .1 ra Pre« Black hlacaurnend thuringainee then V V Wholesale Denier. zit Hardware, Callen , end. , thorn ghly tested as ability, are no prepared to will May, Le, corner Libeny and tn. C h u n a.m., riu• , nen. and mama. to deliver mach,. to any part el butgb. _ __ • l• LW? , • • • the I at« Slaw. The machine ns don:mm.l.o make --e - _ Brlck from erode -clay, and Will make lanai good I\;7lltrnGlLll4l4;.lyr etund, hav removed mute i - CII,/tiii: 1-1-I:I.LAN & Co., 'twice fan( brick per dim.snflietenitt hard tartar up ~,,,,,,,,b, ~,er,,,,,*(p',,',.,4 rd,truce'onjell•eZeb;o•o,ll,-oiftbtoist',4 PLOIIII FAU'rilllS AND PROPUEE COM- I‘n the Orb En* aroulmathee4Poow and lobs , ol Pre aid Binding. , •Pol MAESION MERCHANT:I. parts • the cis ,drying and handling the !well alter ~ a. 1 be:ito 'winded It ..itnple• 'trona. ion Itabie to get ort , t , 9110i.liV ILVVACS{, Mill natwand [OR lumen. f HO:Ital. na,O 4,Lnc, Made on rerript ut s' , .. , no te( repair. and tar...uncoiled th..4 . . r t e. , an , ire iii , 1 . 0.11 ,.. 1 . • ins 'thUai"''''''' N° ' e" üb Ts rift ''''' .! he : I-' '''''..',.' . "o • . . o e .'llP t " .t l 1r"..mn0,7.7%**.--,:''r ;r---.P,Lo'r,":-nob.,rbtldio"eL ILlictitiesn.lt„ii canal. mar-i wit. itthr.. 1 t.rta kn. t .r. ad /I . t u. )PPI, mg d now'. a. • -.-- "ef t° eda 'a' ar, • can tOrnishtfiem on abort Donee Fora roll description Vir4"--"1"-- XITCHELTBSE,I%,""4.'"' era . . Alet...m. WoUutafotd A To , lox rild.borgn. I rarer ald refer to a toschine noes' to suseeufal opetrt. 1V . ter. Reentying Ihstdlers, and ',Sine and Liquor , m .„ Ti ,„„ '4 ,1 a. to. ity f.,,,,, 0r ., mu, 1 mini .k Allen rein I&ttorn. near the Wsot end of &gad, Nlerchanta, No. Ilk Liberty "nem (opposite Ittigth , t-. 1 i p 0...,,,,,,,.... m oy y., m . 43 ntalp-tf alma., w Ave WWI be happy so explain ven - thole Patsbogh I Inayl2dlly N. lt. :1 produce manstgard to u" to snstoqd whet , I connected with IL to all who nut s i x War 'have di t O. B. ROBINSON, &Malley at l&w. ha• In the warehoo. of Wall•ngford & Tay tor. Fm.burgh• , ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,orh,r,r,d A g e, ,kiti c ttere mire y 5,1,, V S . , removed his °lkea. to the Exch.. trutidttie., or In our more to Phdadelphia. C. 11. & Co. , „,,,it b y . proot p t ly ~,,odo& to • • Si Cant ftrect, nett door to Attic. MUM Jolla, CELBEKT6ON, alc1111,1•EN it Co. I Eli ESII 1511•4111TATION., LII H All IHVAIt I , _ ..!,, . c05.„.....i0. patf _2_ _ • --•-:•...-.-' -''`. • 14y - HI. 0,11.11.11A111/ Minor to t•wic ona taid; 1.1/ i'i 111 E KISNNEDI, ---ii•mk--i-a-rfair. Fin luiso4. I ,T • Del c... 4.. No W • Market sEe‘k P•oburgh. •111.11..i11TE11,1,11. AND W DOLEAAI.F. DEALER , ' , •f," NTENSIVELV tem d wid imp maul donna il. pied not 13-413' ' ' ' IN II A DOW ARE, CUTLICRY/ &c.. lEs loo)ears by-she pn..p.! lo , !“ .. 4 . ,,,,,, ~•,. - niCrailiiiiii-W1.0rtif,7i....,-,i-it ! I.‘ ~,, .hoe No. ltd wood S ttttt . 1 tne wrwetn 'worm. and throughost Do . into or P TTED11:114111. I Penn., ivrova, wdi I, em , ty tot delikerk on Mc open,. theta.--- w„..,,,,.,",L*",,,k,.6,"2„T„,'..t."*'„k'',.,f"'' i A Hp, vk , ter Lout. , or ' n en n k ga large aid... '• : Nav'e a t.e... the iia....at mud 'ol thr.rduralmay "5..":-••-•...--,a --.•,' -":" • ••••• -- ' :.1 ‘1,,:, ' ,.,r L s ~,.. mock ot I/aortas/Le. Clillorl• tool oggenortty ge1 , 004 0 kr “.1e•- b . ,' earwrieneed E t thew .0 urtwenea tolo enDiatt - gb atortkitaeturen, allow - 05 oem • .tot. : ; t hat , hamng 1 ern poret..ed on th e „.. r .,1 0 „,,,ht .ram AI erylanil, where theses Overy Iva. 11.- - - : ...""" e lima -'-"" - - 9 -... ow k kolvakogrnu• , ruk• ~ Knolsod, a,,,t Mt.., fan ' 1,..1 made-11 , fus bin mai, wail it i..aabei. .tl W . WILLSON, Deal. to D a.m....et-very, ~,.. „., ~,‘„,,„,„ „„ ~„,,, , ~.,,,,,.. q,,,,, , et 1 ~,„1, ~ , a „r„tt, ~,....tql They emll le thoroaghly V .Sleet Ware, s.ltlnaCY Dwo I N , S , N. - ''' - ' .11• ,‘" t l - et m't••• le. m , , ,, a s arnetwd I.y ' none a. moaned by i Fumed and • uaspeedk preiaed ey ntarlonry. and rin• A l Let Went. • • ''''' /no I' r.r., • • .o. r,..0n, klully Inv,lnd to eall. . pais a ttention gonin ..‘ 51,-.. t!artri es Co /be pro. ____ _ . _ nd rod aril<i .n I :Foreign and Dotnewic lOry Cowl , tionh caw moo- noic - Lie:lilt°. 4 0 - Clllt AN, 1 • , 0 , ' ,, .' ',., , . . ,ref Alarketand FM/WI la, ~ ' • I,eoromo/IT rgers. ."'.....” . i Uhl 1-.1•1 , 6. POI•let . •I:1 lal LID t 44 'hi' • •0w . 1 . ' "'s .1' , "'"'"" "' "" •. • • • • -II ... , , „t. to ./ rqld W AlAt-L.SIDLN Wit WC-111•.W•34 J.' . I+ , l. x tma M.- , ~ • , Wm, •••1•,, tl.Pi 1 min i.,11 K 1.11.6 ng•oik In , . , a .g. . DE4Smeo..ESt ar -I Wwo sr's' ••• I ,,'s - '' ' 's' iif i,.u'!' ES to tra,ttt , ....era , 1 dinansmon . ... --- Itood streets, will seer , e reosmalk eaaPP': "' .• I r ' l '11.../ imp ess et. w riall IL tha pmen ise and sale Nj 14 W VOCKTIR STRICOT SAM.O,OI, i,' 1 • 5 scoadecines, efumery, h.c. , . . ~t . 01e0y .„.. m0 .,,,, 0 0 ,. ~..y 1 .,.. y . 0 .,,,, , o •1• CON FEC non, nDT AND FRUIT 10 1 11 ' nit rhyme-lan. prwaripuon. earefully cEntioan•e6. - 1 ' . o run r ~ or to „ , k k .pen oo Mno , lay Apo/ Odk Nose ribllf• from Woul ....,.. lel editions can be bad at tat hours of the n.ght rec.. alio torwannno low , .•11l , I tteSt.ur to A Jo )or' s P.tkiss fee Shore. achliadlY• _ ` ` are: .ke &eat Mr the * Mtottdeturen . . 1.0 .111 1 . I '" , s . .0..,..,,d .... t . oo ent o f Fairy C4l,l:olll,tanary. Allll-Wal al to. • John F tqnget constantly aupplte.l v. ittt the Flume. Intel« oi ' y• A „,. ao ~,,,,,,„,,,. ~0 , ,,,,,,,, ,i„ ); „..„ .0 0,..y tSTALI. GIPOEU I & Co., Conams..on .d Fcr- I, Itattharth Ittaitufaeture et the low eat wholesale I moth* 4olto•ring - - ' • II • warding Met thuds, Second,' near Wood meek pnces. 'Orden and co a rgnmcal.m am respectfully 1 Atacama.; Coang Cane; Lemon nl,sentt, Viustnanin• IL- o '4,, ~,,,,,ele• el I PlOry, nein« db. Primer `sm..; i------ ---- I. ...:- _ y e n,. O k a, . A ton.dii do M 0...... P. C 0... DI. M. D&11.1340T051,' A n,...0 00 Law IT, 1.,.k., k..k.; TO rk g, Zoo, Water 'crud , .... Spam. 11..ehil, •W 1•1111/Dargh, Pa, ..nowninthrier tota l e the se. ' U. P. VON Ma Ay , & Co., • Federal Cake;eim or Aar thiPSElll•4g*"'omalthenMen P 0n7e.• • •.7 ( .the - L o .•n n t o rl V Vl" l to 'l.Wal'er.r'C'h'inil'OL.tiTtra'ib4"•.oitoe'el•••"•th 0,7. ' 2-1 1 r- d o • C :.... "•• thi i rdl , l l ' ,!, t.L ' •47:,... 2 .:,,,,' ,',1,.. C7.7.7..;1,'„.T.,,..,ifkk.,17'C.".2;,,,..!.0.:. i • -- - Th .• r ,„-- ~- ,5eer„,,, c ,,,, ~,,,,, . ...I . " " 'n , ',.., ''',.., . o°. ! t" E.- "" P. 1.... Pd'e +Ad s••Itn•••••‘ o' r. .°A °. "`` I „towed ~, ~,,,,', ) .ind hemir by aim otber erudithih I A TRATI • I-. o. mane. • Lab n....ni J litl, Third ante:Lease Sew r. W. 1!1.1.L. he iI It To. lAbyrm 0« n an. , ..in,ite Med.cinc• Now c ..tr.n. k roent al klus CO) ViiT O.'ABBII/NBALTOR,' Attorney al Law A...A !an , ' A. G. i..." . • l'''''' , '' ► C. I Fre. Dread Tari.t,lisak, 8r . initlareflured ao/ell .rot and etJareol. rettli the odd , non of a Yegitaile lawn. Sienna aCo II«, timd IWb m Wheat Flo., . and pee num elldrogs.cvety .11 ten Maim voiakkag nal 11' , . •On'''''• PnPaotion. •Fifth Ofeet, now Smithfield Corn-m seen - ! Grog Glad«, 6. co II .. een aEa ' l'lo uw. ' - :IA A NIIIIEWS and au.* at 00, rant , , , a nabl, mover, medreal plants, ries and other blame« attended lis the wiunctual:up. .._ , ated milk lOU enerarma.,G of l ' 4 " r '""' t '" C " . '''' & r"'^• '''Sfilell.VlNSslCligA3l-S4I,ICY. tiIitAVXDUD / '`atla .la "01' , " , at 'l.'. , 0 .qtrnea • r. atesello & Semple, Wm. Crnahan. Esq.. i !?... r ' o ' l ' ' ' - Let all MO, now pat it who letter :abased b.Lare. 1 we'a'n .d,a , r, •• _ " . ",!7:':, ~l i? , ?, '!_, N . '77°.'d ._ U. . _._ .. B A Vahriemock N.C., Johu,lieefni.E.•;, • Jiirt , P. Pr,: Id 1. ' Al,' tOnTe aln .1.00 •0 • "hat e now `Mum 7lke ~ , ,r, 1 ..i.',,,,,,07.1,:0; .la , , :1: . , , 7 0 , , , ,.. A .. ..... , 5 ., 7 . ~ 7 , . ., .. .:::%:. Ors? Linda ACV Johal W 1 , a1 , ... a ag t l alenk , MetNl/T , E• 11 Al•MW• II a " 1 -eado e 1,111.i01e -ale a. •• v con...wow v. It lour I .... mme t wthio. Ir 40 whermall..rom .5, au' Inc , ~. ~. 0. _ 0. ~,... 0. 0, , ~. . 0 .0. .„.,., 0. 0 0 .. . 3l.reho ow. imam., oi ail who pave trwal,,t prorumwa at tar maw t. • . .... o n, • no_;;;;;;‘,. ,nen,; : ;, n u t _____ ion that .th y ha« thier wad. sku•l ok I "T'.. o .o l ' ',/ •T , I• •'••• • '.• o ' • D E , ik . r b 'Po n ' ' l t' .' It•:; . : .." t",,ll.',Y.'"l:,nr)l7..l.,relik't- 1 ,1'.;7;r1%'[../I'arelt"l",/r".oon rat , ?noel, Cd nll. 1 hare red.. ; ltd,wa,e.ld d'etta!"odot•an Cu waw , mt.." ,!,!, mal 1 ';:' ;' 'a.; le er,' ''"" "'''' ‘" - :"'"" Lead,, ''''. l' n " h '"' -nd " " ''' ' P a "' "''' l " ""''Y ' '''' t 77.•17..u.„.ent put•ned lithe generator „i pomace D, :Out:" Pei 0.. sot i rat 1 ate end a nd prisms mare it • tool it'd pm« au. th inom..« . • So. .... era rrer. , ere ., lip rrer,.., eerehr , re 4 ih ._ kiemene :re- e ...., rat , rite .., .. i. hen) und Yvon Donrmet , T tou w.sh in, e Deo I/Moro. , Alan, On I • '. , „..,...„ ~, , 00 , . , e, ~,,,,,, coppicaL suinci . 3 - -. 103. ii ni -.k is 1, 1•41....M.11 l• c woo 1,7 0,1 abasing rap, Man't tor .e• red:" woo': eon k r..,T.,11././.1,,''',...,r,,,,,0.:;....;,..0,.,,Trn„..•a, , 0 0 ` ,„. 1 Lo . ' 'I ' 0.,(;.?:„1.,,,..0,7,11..m,d.,...0,0.: 5 ,,, k ,. r. Ca, or t/n. , ,1 II made no con-,,anti , tot. them. and. tf 4.touraprein,l•oittirgdi.,..tirltre man- 1 ~ . .i . , : , ~.., :4 ,, .., i.,,,,,a,,,,t ~,,,.,,,d,,,,,,,,,, I .. ‘,rt''o4 PIAN!.'"ErnNY= '• ' ' No 6 Market street I...burgh, Peen.. row . • v,,1, la roomed. .I' • 1 V., A . ._ _ .. _-. 1 u, ,„, ~,, ~,, ~,, ~,,r , ,, and 1 , 00 „,„„„, work, ma,,..,..0.,..;,...:‘,....,....;;Wia.Liihz.„7„.1• ‘l,,;Eiri,k;::;„‘nti;e„.;_ta,;l,l •IT Lli a. , 70 , , a 1/0 . 11111r0 ,.... 0r a t 0 g th kzo e c Regal ri tproye ro in v e w nt a _ . AUCTIONEERS . 10.11 lh ''''''P Pl '''' P 4°P F'" "?."'- ..','.,,,' 1...).4,.. ono tnmr mover...-. any oat on owl. , • ropeetfully i tepe Imo.. titan... 4 goinuthests to call .a g At:W.1.14 ARTIPLKS CDR TOE Totw:r- , .., ,atell.genee. w,ll he .na'.l4l to nest n ‘ lattk . e c ata:: • asztl,L.eranxtte,(o,ore v o re r Inxtnl 6. l , Lik ‘ w v , ..ea , t o l l , gplyX.ist i , AND COM.' ISSION ERHANTS; 11 , y.p..p. ~.•-•,,,, . ~, ....,.‘,,, ...n-. , ~,.,--. ~ . ..'Thr - --• 4 n,. - !': . : ," .; ' ' e D. :r - • d .h . gal 'won ore ..... yin fun«. •••• ALEXANDER LEV Y & 13110:4. , 4,...„,,,,-, „, ~,,,, .ffieaey, t o r rend. ins me •Into Me have bren matron , b • neat. , tmm ct •l at oak • °PPM man eel 1 •"ft •lt a a••••• .. we" . maPAnmit • "he."' ms•me 1, then hoot. Mad roplo 'hey tto ,T. rum ono., .ng a tateamtwat. CINCINNATI & ST. LOUIS 1 nue . the eon:lineal., coat' of the work.... 0me...« .e. , et old not pn.•ts-e , I • team mate ill OVlrr Oa the gamut seder Sal til•b Ett to ..i1•1 edit.. 0 roklaOll/111 , 110. all of of , AO« lime... eelemaled Altoona F.D.'S CM... ' t LI-having fieguantly •ated mare their mat. moor year, fatie• tool mater r: Copper most (erg rot Enies . nod everk variety el work au our fule llerehondi. al Mr 1am...1 raw , • van...mow and , wht. is „ow generally need by th e rosh,cootne eon, Iby lt. tea are aSamynne p oml in re •ke ad v eams the brat of inundy in all panto] tee Untied Nat. • ArnthkracteJ ta aell .his •sork -a lc.. rut eolasolo. 10.0 .. 'i : SHERIFF , Siti7RlC . _ . i ~,,,,,,,.... 0 ,,,,, ~ ~,,,„„..1 1,,,,,. ~,I,lne.,•nd e. if oo nl'e Depostory Powder for retnae•na •onterituont leant allownl JAX U la JAAlll•.Pwl.m,rt.. BENNETT & EVROTHER , 1 n.tikrr I Ioune te, , , ~Ire po,n,pki ~,,,kind tn, naleily hair. •um al« no by rot e Woo W., i meal , ',XI Walton tt• bet Ch ..15,1t,L1wetssursts. 1 i -• . - '''''' l' ''' ''''''-"*1"."4.4"' ." "I '' r ' -'1"'" '"'"- OCT'S PEN nn N.lO P -..hd....0.: , ...-I Tit, I.IIIIENSWAKE AIANDEACIVILESS.,., . JOHN 31. RICHARD.II, .h. , r I,a , m osithamu.l.. an, let Chaoge MO Or gm) . k R ..•,. .....„ . , ~,, • llllmmatlingtoon. (near Plttalsurlyki,lrat. ' 1 Its r. wt.... masmehes. and edtbtowv. too bramnol t ar owl t mune m A ema'a , tc m'''eet . - ..,„ . ' 11 erencroae,' NO. 13'7.. Wad street,- riltsbriroh. I I COMMISSION MERCHANT, ~,,„„„,,,,,i,..,„,. • Kinsey . tntermed eternal 0,0, c4c part Allo.o'l/00 a ,Nudol. A I r./t T r •b•r , /•I f . Cilbwil PSI PE i T ho eon« «bele. ere for wee. v•lhrgeaate an , / watt, 1 -ht al A Emu 'I hi•work ...0ur...-. cottole•aned WlLl.ettPoOttatlY keel...bond nrnnl ...b . ILA LT131014.15. he , ti A Faits,. W 1 weg e, CO to Ilitnamm Me tramted• of entiduelarg , Itn lt , /ol and pen meet en • INam, of our own' rnamtatetare, and • • tram, Drted Fr. t. lees. • to . i .,,,. y roo , ~,,,a . 01 .0 yi.ood and no, si ,.. I prep tiroor) powe........hiehtletriochny iron the thus. superiorquidlii. o ur •ud «wary !Scu -1 INLN„,,br.I•"",-,•:;',"•,'!„s,:,:, '1,..,.„,„,„ 1l• ' ~..._ ,"...: ..--- - ,, p,,, ra .„ ~..t. ~, r, ~,,..,h,,,,,, . 4,1 I, ~,, I,lod Ch.. are re.pectfully °wheel , ' call and en 1 Advanee• mede on ,on liti.sfantory ref. hardware , """'" •••• " . " 41.1 '' a " . I worn. ne L , nrd•ng to thea kneelmot of 10,01. on. aeol om.ne for themeelees.. we aro deterniated to .11 JICIN WALKER, { cr•ar rto tba.r ati.lre.•,.lq. mad ner,l7-10 • , , • Itl I iIitTER AND PEALE& In Foreign and glonacre 1- i i '•'._P„Pe,•_''T;" 'rehee''...,,,S:en,',...,'S, r•?,•;-.,e`es.:rt''..,:r.`; s rr ,l,• t '7` t ," rr ' e s r e l .. ••• •W" ni , •• • • • NP " .••e ' tr 470....fi ,,,,, .• , ... 0 . - I .nose vine •V" we •a r. D .lataf-- Ire ltdreare. uld respeetrulq mania Ins in.. ~7 , ,r " "on• Tuonipsoni A CAMPBELL, o n,, ~i no, o v e r nod r/EI , II , 1,41 I.• r ,...1.,• el.t, E-_-, - Ort.er• sem liy pinilyar mupitalLsl by the rasher and the gt , l , It , ...Sy. thw he ••• now 1. reiring I , '" rat : ,,,' ka wr k ta over e5,.18 cm, no d • • it•l' , l , l 0 I , ..rirA) edt r.deren, will tar o nonntx a...tided to fe1 , 25 COMMISSION MFRCHANTS 1 .praemuntuy of Moaner , at the oln Diane of o • ter 1 r. ,,,,___,_ ~,.. 4 , Ors ‘1 1 11 1' 11 .td tit •ne w DILOVIDI, SPOLd e if WandFiserik Messiah-Col And Planufset . of Linseed 011, .k Wondwril N..« Wiaid suer., tame uhe vrill Morose • ;.:',' 7- = , n.,•••1 w,i 'mot_ I tory. .V., '21.1 Coltimbin Street, Ma. the empire...hie term, Ilr win he ...il, receive. rm. ...plata titre. , Q4'llolll, 12111 /KS an GRIFFITHS & DIXON, • CINCIN r'j ATT. oilio• ...„, tbe Maaufinmi tttttrope and' this sountrl• 13 illeette S e r,ns of Re e 1... No. 1g a 41. 1 , Ly AVINII «tom, mad the otertufanuto of Spades. n'case rani tom «a mitan...,,a) whorls will enable hp to roast. rte wait any.stobl ate „muser. , 00 ,to I nit - 11. J. Slooel.. Illy and Itlo mare Forks kr,. « eaten -1 m•••'•"" Fs'''. ""'' i Cobb'. do dot t 3, ..... th.t.O.••re prepared um rat ad-With. M k 0.1 o*.• Wretern MerChanle ate invited to call mot examine g ioyro. ...t, do ' hi• one& b•-ror• parch' tote eh,. her.. d't 1 t"... 4 . , 1 nice rat he Mot, • ss•P' 11,...., E. ,, ...., Fn... tied C0i1.t... A r tn.. ht 5: I For the couveatienreof their euworners_naddealers ID ---- ejej."----------• • At itrbel i. limey. email And I,,eFirich • liu omptos•-; tech arnele., Mel hare appmnted Thearge C o chran, IA (I.:, the underogithil time wowed frig opartner. 1 S..aiih. Ranh«. and 11.1 1 . on,. 9....ar• .r. . , , Athanossmil Merely... No IS 'carol street : their Age nt li a .hip for the i elf.. of krattOsel Produce, 11. 10. ,, onion. , "1/4`,.....ka iot ted. .i) tow te. the wile of Mel , tottnaihelOrm, All In . rik. odflre Commis.. and Enrwantina bowie... under the to a at wholwair owl red.. rd to boat 01111 rrT et go prompt attedukthon As Nast ad of Muni, 1111cOREW & CO., A 1.4. n-d Wig.' e--0,:.10111, ld., i'4P W0 ,,,, 01 Pe. ' ev,,, „ern.. nem. I.III.IFEITIIS tr. 111.110 N -. m ut 1,11.11 t taten the warehouse. No 0 Commercial Row, per wed blank 11001- nt all !oxen. and MP : snitod. 1 it 1.1.1...5eh tat2-1.,111-i_ . . Libitlty Wert. forninrly mou th ed by hit Wll hmy- ...lOC f a ~st.LIMI whwe all lithonow «misted to o f charge will he 15 1 ' ...Set at bet Ween '. ,eland .. t I a I 1 Urfa ttliterU alt inge liaoultitory,' , , and fatihfullt me lded to. . P""'SORRIS .111451. Amed) of Ph'lndo,Pbln 1-115TURT OF 9'.1.1C°-4'''' i'"'''''' " ; 'Y ; • (TARDNVRClrte't!Noritiol7,llll(4loolllb.:,Tll' 11tt/kilt •pitte. R el; E KW. ... ViTlll.l.sfir.ld,Ohlo ..7.4..' i1 1...t.' 0 P ti 0. ', !! ,7 A ‘,..,' . 7,.. t 0r.:.,,,,,, „.., If .„„ „, ; j-k. 0 , are I• 071 matinfoutuntig the lean ilineHilme FIN DI.ES II vo.nEw..- ,it rondo IS \ dm Cooed Shama Asbhibis our•prittral Plum , rgh. Mon« 21.1•17 tnell•4l I "'""`• 1•mi 14. `" : "" t " . ' , A m. ' . fn. ' d' d I " .aed m p i, by,g,•ll we intend to end narks elate -1;1 ab. - - ------------"---- E.' 4 "." . c ''' , '" ' "".' "' r l ue. ""' '"". I". ' 1 lofts ~ car' potothly ..e. made. • Those eitgaysdin.tant. 'MOM AS KIEN NIC VT, .10, I. 0 o+ a.« W I rm. ,1,,e ide a,' ,It.or t. n iml `amt.. ~, ~,.,..,...,,,,,,,„, 0 ,,,,.. w ,,,•,,„ r, ; „, i0 ,..,„,,,,,., (IF the late nous of Dille hoc & Renard), Looking . cps.. • and at ....i ...• ii t ...env 1,, Pm, p , 0, 0., mO. ~0„., All eel .. enereerr; rterertiez;,; , • rati.. Maniyuctur , •nd dealer . • .4.. C.nt , .. ; '...= 't " ' s '" '''''''' C'''''''' ''''''' ''''' "' " I wse A G raft ON Ce & C., ...stir' an • kon), oil, and Var'ety 1:004a. irreps rok• wilily en hand.. hi. ; 11, an 1r• 0 ,1.,,,,.. , Cain. time. , a., ti , km. 1 ____ __ ._,_ _- __._ imk _.-...-. ,.. y own t oolius.a,are. ever de...lMo° all ktahosans 1 aut• newt , of 000 1”,,, , J. , .4 and • 0 , 0 10 ,,, :, .1,-. , COTTON cud 'l,l. DOLLEN MACH It t i mit Common I.noking 1.1. ,, m , 1.2 -I 4.1.1,1,3d...et I .011 • 'ls ill: miMerther , are now enlarging thett establish .w. m• rt. 1..., W. .• "'Tr.' follett, plant old nitiamental porti a t Irante• •• in •nt. and are pt.:oared to make all kinds a( .IN•itan, n ATIIEWO t PATCII, l ICW MEDICAL 0,011.1{-i.1.,,,00 I .. I All kw& of Clocks. rm.. nod V. suer, II rent., t N ~ ~.„,, onllro toehlor TT. On Om ittnal re...x.llJc Innrie ore 1, Co nd. Ilthe d tut a a l ruainment rai l . •- "•.'",'• .'.‘ `‘'''' ‘.. '" ".."‘". ' .l ". ".."'" ,Or h i.toldre•,.. to us will Wren soda pkitopnanennon -- - , COMMINSIOX MEACHANTR. I d ''• • °-"° "' % ,, ."-en.l Co"l•F .... f• ktaDa g. ,,,, r th. , .... , r. • Av 161ffMN a. pv,SELL : ixr W. wil,so3r, Wa.ch Maker a. Jewelle 1 N 0.4. Water 1". , Ire sand. wh01e....e sit /Malt ntivolor on L 0.1 i ~.., c ,,,..., . . ~,,,,,,, ~...,,,.,,,,.. ~,,k ~, ~,,,,,,,, , redmre and nth, ...applied wilt Plan.. Chow. for I , ~ • ,r I t . .; r . ;; ;;; .; r . r.n , r; ~.;._ , ..,. 1 I ...ova aired, All pony Citv lr la • COM( 4th acrd Market SIC A !Tree unit well I •I . ataa'''• , ''U't Per•• Pr,no, awl 10 I,y link.. et New rad prie. , I 1,1 1 ... , Id. ) • •.:•,.. of ;• %., , 1,, ,... 4, • ••• , , ~ - „ ~,,,„,„„, who „...„.,,„.. ~,,,, ae legtod mock. oi watcher,' JrairdrY.. Pd.. , wic. nod i . W.I. g e r 0 ,... (n ior 4 ,Serpt.lM to ~lac aeli.ll. 111' Pro „,, ,, nn No fel en, wood mod oh .tt. I am' ' e•de ' .a. ''' Military GOLldek. Alwaya on hand and at from. ra. ee ..„ erre r,, ...„ t • ,, , er ., err. .., --- ---•-- 1---i----rutzt-h; ent -- - uwe; - A w Pitt-burgh Pa l 'toe , .., to teed oPtent... ~.`*•." -"'" '' • , ~,,,,,,,, ak ,,l n o,ersfut Cotton l'aCioriniklo - me Neil, fala'ar"...".ift it: l. T ..L er• at . grUrie'O'n•.'".2.2lo'n'•'S4l',"' ''''h''' ,i ' ,..:17 ''. .'"."'"' M "' "" - . '- ' ' ' 1'01'..• COSI.EU, Ploccrio an JA l potherork •N. W 1.1.. -11110 I kook, to nous wonnut ed., Got kilo., the ~,,,, ,rr ,,,,,,,,, 0„..0n0,,,,,0000n ot , p0,,,,,a err to fyo y ..., Dentine Coup«, r0t...001)11.M snit other approved , -- - .I..n.ner of • Wood mei 60, au . Pit.butch....ll keep t odo 0,011, ~1, /k ora router,. rt I t.inroon ot d i ase Cenci flltd. hil'lnachtnes tcado.at din ~,,x,,,,f ....gc.t. may be had at a anmll advance and ; J ,,,,,, A a l :;; I t x . , el ik • i c a u l , . b i, • , '4"4„ , "• i1 , - , 4,DUC.lo.••at'ed- • eonemoily on hand, 00117,.. Paw ~, Dila, It t• ~,..s, •I .- ..t, -,., no' liv.litate et II.RK 4 •• ' , ~,,..,,,... mintstlr !gemmed. • , i I n. , • ,I 2 r.,,,,n , ,... r3l ifil . l'l .ne. , • r''•' --- - --- --- _ . IrrFine watch work done in th e aryl . law won«. I Conim•..irm arid Forwri,ig Ifrrehilni.., IN. It -I'lly pic An'• Or/wok/Lon/ enrehd•i r0mp...m.4 t PIANOS t PIA NOSS •• • Wl7 NOPI. 911 &95 St 111 . 111 r 4 r. •• ' I I ' m II " " ' I I "'" l .l''` l• '' ".• II "' " fl. " °' ” II ' I°I " , F . . r‘ 1:i b twit in-e: , - , ~ .....‘, ,-, i..nno row.. I ......_ .__ - . P..111-envn.. • J•nn• IL laitdda: i 11111711 , • 1111 W 1,1 Mr. %,. I.,Ft r 11•11tInsbre 1 lil:0‘t!t, ~,,A.i.e.0•,71,7,,-..,,a,"2i,,,T,:',c,Pd.a,,',:,0.;1`,.6',.'::r,"',:a..':i , p .,,, .:,,,,,, ; i n ' ,:t,c',,,•,:‘,..„,„.„,,,,,,,:: ..,,1.,,,,,,, i,q..,u,!;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;,,,,,,..,,,,, 1 i 1. FLIRT GLASS ESTABLISII3 II CNT. ; - •TllOO. J. CA11.504., & Co. , too kW «di. 4 _ -.- IA4I.II•VAN V. A LEDLIE aninaismare aad t... 9 cot- , COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Tea, Grover y Petal aid eriivialilt,".lllre-.11.:V', ',."; 'r r .' .. "'` ' l ' ." IF , ~.‘, ..,. d . i,. ' ... ‘ ,1 ‘ . 4 ,,T, " ,. ' ' 41 . 1 1 : WA. a m on heOd all, Mllf.dell artil Mon Fl,nt l Glatiloam is all in vamichen, at their •Voreli,ll3., C OI. 1 ' Nos. N and 4 Light St , • WHi1L.P. , .1./". AND BE 1' A ll.' 1• • .'"11I t LIALTIIIIOI I ti. 1 NO. 141 LIIIEIILTI' STREET. ' Iv. r. So: toolfroc'e.l. - nitol Inman 11,0"etwew , of 1 ve .631 T:;,',l: Itf.,`.V:enrit'7lll'olrlVlO':"ablitl we our ' - cje c.... 1! ~ , i v!!!!.!- . • or. h• titiole on rototgorottut to I 111:NJAMIN 11000 N would w•Pessali. iitO , n. ,ho ' 15,,,tur,,, o od , ~,„,,, 0,, ~. 1,,,„,,,,,,,,,,,..am, It 4. hole whir... hi 1.1 old (rends and liar Nine gm...MN. lh" , he "". I gleth r woe hovll rot Of e' i.. 1'......• , ..... 0. , the , _ .E 4 '"' 4- Pthin'l to our e"H" " a "' " 1 " .• , C k 11 , 01 A sa,-611i all , r. 5..,1151. 1 .c. , . ~.., ~,e111..!.,•51. , b , !! ,1,00.! ...H.! , ~.. ...:. a 11!, It titlY, V. Ite - t . rin oh.nu I he) may ie oh o rd.. withrpompmese. Pareha•er• we rampeetlidiy i lon . 1 , 0• _•a ' %Melted Westland eland« prices and Orin, ' 1 door to Ins old ...ad, where be hone.. by kerimia it I, ~,,,,,.., „, •, or . „ 1 , o • • ~ ,„,,,,,,,,,,,, - - . 1 - - j • ' L EA, 11UN1411.111 bra CIL, 0000 1 l o f ~,,,„1 o we«, ...lona low for «di tool p 0 i • 11-.1 ` ON N 6 6 MAHE , Win P Voting. C Ihne en 1* Plunkett rnykotly • •__________ ___ _ _ _ ~,, F l . , II: IA TA , T. ,kis. AnD ( I .*II '`. ND PR''''''' hr • ' Ifit WWI attentive to lidi panel., to mein n Lharr , Of I N 0,,,, h i ~,,,,,,,. I. r am.,,,,,,,,,,,,i • ' 500N0,, IHMSEN A PLUNIC EMT, 1..1): SWEITSEtt; Conimlowillon Merm• tan«. • po w, r orromme . • : - FLINT IlLAss 61 ANI'FACTL , (I,Ensr , ATTO RISLEY/ AT LAW,. 171 SOUTII WHARVE,I. riIIIADELI 111 A. , c 1,5, FA AL •11 . AV' LOD - J(1;111..011 & 1•11.0.11,1 : Alt E en., pep,, , n ~,,4...,„, ,„,„..„, ~, ~,,„! . A T „ C i N Cl e lll i r ;61 5 11 . -11 , 4 4 1 1 4:Y, N en; E n l l h O n r ee l ) ! P ry g.r i e Il e t r too r 1 ~,5 1, ti r ag ,, , , ,, 1 , yr;:e.,,ordil. 1,,,V,,,,,,::,A1,:;,/,,,,,11a0t?,,...:1!.„irt,1,1,. ;, W ArrfL,..iii.o,tpits,.P..7-:: ! ,.., :, , i: \!. ;I: ~ .:!, ,, ,, ,, , , , , ,, ,L ,Lr, ~y , ~,,,,,,, 011fl' ad Pt OPIPSIO 9 i• C b* " .. II*1.1 ! t .14 sl:oettlotao to ~,,. 1,,,,,,,,,„,,,,,, r aakak , k , N:01/1 , n o r Pen.xpentne mateu oe n n owtedpnwro ot oh ne , ..„ o • ~ • ', to ., r r ,„i t ,a, .. • r nes. s nteN emml at” 111 1114 raVllty• AII Ordera , Pf MAW RD ilt 1 0 , ~,.,„, ii ,„„,,,, „,,., Toewei.,. Venni. P -:'- 'l .- 1 vt.m•m • 01, ...at •I'^ 0ffiatfi...5.1,15."...' . 0- ."„"....„';`,„, ,T,.,.",',.'1,',' ..'" 1 1 r ' ,t o . , , ','', ',,, t „,,,,,,, ' - 'l,' •,. 1 .T.', 1 , n-,t; ~,,,,- pnene , oily nod Ailed . teltannolde .WILL alramMend promptly It Collections. in Wow, -_ _ 61; _ ii.i.i. mi lA. t...N . L i mee , Eit, i errn . =, ,,,,... , ,, ~,..,,,,,,,,..,,r.:l.,,,,t„tothoratxtor,,LlLear,„..,...!it. -. 1. ... ,, , , ; ji , - : - ,n, • •• • , ,, ; • ,, ,, :;, • , - ,,,. .:• ., ...: r " , . , ....; , •: ... " ,„ ' ~,,T,...• '. 1 ' woo. 11.ii-teierz .1.1 , 11 - AT::;;V:1!1:24: ' cal, gv: 14 11., W Mateo, VW Ile andonen Lonnie.. Pa. ; /Wort TO I 'st T I'. AAI 11. AT,AD E N T . . ' " tinit. Oho; • ED tl, AHD P CRANCII Pn'"' 7 ( "" .1-'717111PI:Ilii-CUT•iriii-ox wLutief.. .a. ' krßlar o rgan knell ACO 1 COIMISSION k FORIAAIMING MERCHANT, I = : . ,...,,,,,, ‘ ,,,,. 1 . •-• Munn.« at law •W•••••••11-I•Ilsr • 1,40 I,ty e... lahorcti& enfOthem 1 Pilleturatt I PROM:CP. N NIEHMIANDI6I... 11140111:11 0 Ct. ion. I, • No• . / y DON non Nast", Photo 1.„.8 e. far ego at our newt DT. Mo '1'1" welt. ..11... No 50 Winer rdreet, l'illaborgh P. RAGS,WANTtD. ~ ow. 0, M fat_ .A. A. 1.. „ /ft 1 .14111111..., NO. 53 1), alnr •,ITtl, near Wood, üb. -----------0, Oiliii-041NL Ai', ~A, 1.11 , CI PUTSI,TRY MIXED RAID. , welded, ' ' OW , alr.i.V. I 1 TohoAratm cal Lappet l• ll' tw. 10 Froill. • 1 `` ' Ware, MOT F Aar LI Rix al Tln• Copper, on d Sbe•l I rot, J! NEWTON JONES o 1 100,1/Ull for whir. the bight. pore in CASII will be ' __ , Hat Ilt 11,•.11, ,k, rti Nl,Ol Alo, ao a•.ortment az de raid stond, Maglenter's 1.10, Ware, eud desk/ i n. Untantim and Japanned oft: Want, Nol7 Market meet. The sable re .pw.i. i ' Always ou la ml, every doseoption of %Untie, and • Rayon* too.. treat oddent'. ter RoEng fildljell fully ealls the auontion of the Womthra Nletetadm. MO NO ND .1111:1,A 1101ISE, 1W , apatite raped Dal ebtorldr lame ( IRA !OIL. or EllititlC-Th- oolmr. o' • Pno..^ „„,, r , , a , he , fitted roomette, • I.l4tsbointh. . gm - NOLDS..t. SUFI: ~_, I* -Tpoutt.lV.seoutit Ith el melon,' Ind isk ~,,,, , atikivik.',„,,,,,,w, .• „,_ c oo ps', doolere, in4l others, Mr hilt Igrg , olock a inun• i „ Ace:alb , ror the Net, York Ilse' in« the etv.h l'on• - - - _-_----....--1.. • ••_..._1.-'S.,._ "' V'd C•PP"'••••• •fllk. • l'""-••"- 1 ) i - - • • • .. - it -- "'"cit ---r- r. co ,- ;. --sv II .. d. ' ~-,,,,',:.7":!,-';',.-r--.^ " d 4 " .. '"" .- - r ""''''-' . ' rd.. , .......--.. ~ 1. 0 ' 0. . 1 f r',... , „ 1 H.1:1 BIRMINGHAM TAU FACTORS. , ,me., of imported Howe Ruminator Hardware JP A. I. %LINES II .Et• • i • --• •••• ••••.• MontEY n 0... mot met. tanu y Eloquence, and the Orators ~ i t e ton , t . Tholesale buYen and Es lc SsnerslO • s' - t o.ls• 1i • LEAP, WOO RS.-Tnetralc.cel.td bare i greet.. Ac . sattable far plsolit; m fano:term by J 1 ilea... . obted by ti tt Canon, mi. h Loos aod CAMPBELL & COMES, •. (tj. 1/1 , , , kraCIVIIIrAa or b. in gall • , ot 9 • tried their new work.. located un the bank Ind can be furni«cd no mumeatinn at like wird inure, nour,,,/,,1 aa,, 010,,ty, J., t eee.sed i the ' I'ISIttIIING N A 'ILA Imo: HEAD 11 RA DS.: 11 ---- -----4./70.0 31. II A-I(i.-- 1 the over ~bat, ten Aguedoci, in ASegheny crln ' from Nur.crichq Jno. Wardlop. Manche... , . ...; M..1,n15:1,CREFL114:1;;;.; 1 7,.: ' 017 ° '4•4•7'-_'I.7',II.7IINLIIN a, riTOORION Iron and Copper .Taoks. ' ATI? SNEY AT AW, ..r.g . P.fC't er -- Ca."... oppoqte I ittelturgh. for thr td, ol a alre- ...,_, , - UP , : AND COPPER. 8110 E NAILS, . to lake the Isnot Imo ocknowlrdamnts or no ,. q ,,,,,,, ~, ~,,,,,,,,,. hob ~,) ~,,, g ,,,,,,, , . i.,, 0.., , , .„, •Bersteltlf ind New i'ork Plano. • no Deed, Lew«, Cowmen% Depo.i lin., nr other sari.. ,la . : red lead +til htliernac • Ilachg minded WHITMORE A. WOLVV, In be retard« or p•ed in tb. Slaw or KF:NTI/ eN T. aura d ',, i i i . , , r; na .„ • ....,. thIPOICTFIRS and Dealt« JOHN 11. 11111.1.0 u, No 61 O'er , ' • .t. pdt, maws' Pant, of rnerryi disrp iion . 1301" A, TENNESSEE, Misbierßi end 511. 11l- lbeto" l ' r• .' ' ' ""'''' totProet'lßc ll • Itaa ere,. and oder. fo. oat,- t Mica No. it St (TAO. e Rote., Ilionk•tres , , t • DAP( , ~,,, ~,... , rr ~ ...,,, t ,,, ~,,,reee rot o 00 , I nog:pia . 1 r ' in Ilatelst'an , Cutler, and Ilse •rlik oil k l R o .eut.o.l Pan° rot, , h i .' . - ••PlttebuirEli• SaddlerY , Na D• Wm.! Wee , . 0 end, ni octave. It« Inoue and slew ' 9 ' 7 ""' n "'' '. tad d ' d f •a'a a ' . •,.• k• 1 .. 1, -. ea''''''' ae '' ''' "" d ''''' e " • '''''' '" " b " .. ''''" ''' 'arij ' ' ' . a' ' three dmirs Wane et Unties ~,,I, m e d. h e r0, 0 h„,„, o f 14,,,,,,,e , . PICTSUURIMII. ST- FE 1. - WOl ll l ll ANIFSPRI.N O ' OEO. W. islitiTil .5.C5, , i.„.,.. qt ,,,011.W., 111, Will be able ta sut ply order , 1 • ....o.L •- • Wel. Pasha:eh Pu.. DREWERS I.I4IMTERS AND IIUP DEAII,FIRS `to alnmet tor exent' mrimS f . _ ____,_________.- are ' __;_ PITTSBURO KOH POINT BREWERIES. 1 :: - .,-i,vir. I. A TTEILNS 1;0It-----------sAI.IL-Colch - - -- -------- E• gl. in 0 ernig. ''''' ...161111L15,& 4,1110161, • w . 1...,....1 a..... \ e•6l‘,ll6,gan,ntl:;ll.,Or4dwn•onndy 1 1 '4 , 1, ,! ~ .E . t 0 , I: .. smite 6 octave . i AND - NILE .FACTSFY. „ .., 4 AT A. .mo ...Ca. Mahogany Pomo for made by Cele 7•CANNIFACYURFIRS of Smug and. 11110,1,Sleed• n'rk'"An P 't • '' ,P; d ...• Li P•II I ` I, I•ln.'` , I''';',"l,tl.,.`?:`,, "",gr o " r „ ~I-",',01,1,:T11,,* nr....t.r.n i.i......,..dVarietynno.S;Tonime t• c " . I.•I f: V 5 7, 1 1 1 i,,, „ , f„,,e,,, , • prieel, M Plosah steel Steel Plough Wino, Dna ea LE .... r . --- ---. - 1-'l' b , r..,....! •,- -, ..,...' :,:, 1 , .. 1 - - " , •:ii" , - - . - :n , n , :o' 3 '.:i" , A - - i:` ,, ' , 7;;;:• -- r” . .:c. w-,....,..b.ii..i7:,..-.....Azz..-,....b..:1111.,'u° 7:d n ',.! L". d , I _ ll , ,; -, __ ,. ... 7,.. . ° _!.. ...b: 11.7 . ` 7.. ' ' " ". " '7 4 r''''' bcFrO•' VI I,llValVierlG•st i l n i .T.T.F ••• d " E d aier in h:Pr A 'llnated•• a , Snake. IFI1 1 ,11 1• ;, •1L44 W. HlONBUtogur. l ' / '''' Ito none. i "P"n r Si Minkel St: between Diamona and 4th atreete a=__•anta,..Vl2.___,___ •_ . _.---..; - o r t , n o e ,,A r of Vacs atol Prom ,li e ‘ dren , ,. ,, Pritoh , .7 .0 .,7 ! , , ,,, • ~ MISHCFACTOBBILS OF &TA RC H, ,:/,.. rvarx. TEA. sTouie, , I pittough. _ homy • New Pl4lllOl. VITAMIN'TE.I..I, if not «pns. In WIT 1111 d t.. Ace. PY Fr•PsE .net , war Wm, IRD CJI-DP,S aid-Po-tiiii-OlViiiiriailiirt.entUini, TEST Reeeltud and.opettod .bY the...w i 1 1., . Es eloActi -Tki,iiiiipOsr-nw.ht...,.. vi! uoi. V.t.0‘0rt.... end which Wry ~,,i ot„, ot : 1 g 0 „ . 7, irr All 'wig of Green and fliook Tram 8,, 0 . bred, Stone, rale it redneed puyes. el the j ro b o meoeue th er iomr- ~,„ .., , 4._.• now recelyln4 IL latV4l4ll eAr i cremannagrof of allow Prices soden good Term., ~i /4 • drter 'wig and nua pound packge rail l'imktrrgh Seed No 11l Wood stnet. Omer of n e o e tesarn no. ~Ate Pointy Minederetion 0 ,,,,,,), p.m... o mi t rek-e _. 4. ,.. ,,,ree ~ e ire yew p ' I , ''''''' "!' ' • •!' ~. ...',. die all+l a . SNI.E... r h , • . 1.7 . _ .61 NAVICRSIIOIIAM• • p,,,,,,i ~ ~ . -•, • ! ~,.• r , p.m ...1,11:---------:,, Ice. ~ ~,,,,,,,,,..U.,6:. ,:-.,-- k ''..':-." ." '...___________' . " . ^,..'?''' 7 . _'''' "I^ '''' i ' cr. ' TE . A m - FIT.Z .„ . r.ftl ... loti-iii4:-•-11.00. I ORO efegant Rosev«ud. el octavo Plano bone, witb. ,0000,,,,,,,0reherr0a teveeth feelethelheeeneetette. /lan anal foe Cream Eno. Moved Doti. Tablet. --a rudendid instrument. • t 00... etre ... me ~_l l .;n __ 0....,,,, 11 I ANEIVACUkt.IIIS,I•3II°Iunos•• k ese CU" -ovels L .i . n . e . I 1 PyiN.,r.rt,l-,,!.,Trtr. illil''----7:l,l%‘•rirthk•e•leV.lll. LT: t • tali f i• e hr rr n • '-•••••11/thant' Isaito and private fares AIE one setY 01." ...'" h . . d P. n., ..'. b , Nei , York Of Pllliideintall77l,ol.7olo frifP./MIY WI s a e..., Hoea, Haand Senora Parka, Ac., a, lent throm !'.,quire of . ' ."' hr. ad ---i • ita•l-. - JOHN - DU NLip 1,..1 k. Co, ptid.d. iIENRN i.ERR malt. the attention ot aineen. weeeboune, No II Woods reci, Pitttbargtk ma 1•10 1A 11 PHIL r 6 Woad street I- ' Na 17marb et & nichtt ~ jtv Woodwell'ne4Thlra 00 somas JON 6 (010 0 3, eat &one &INN. BUSINESS C R DS. 51. Vjalangund. , Jno F. huger. . , 1 %V 11.LL1NG1 .. 0 1 . 1 . 13 It. Co.. C 0.1151 IGGION &..11)4. 0 A itOING MERCHANTS. most... IN ICI 001d1.1.T MOORE. Wholesale Grocer, Recta, ' IIEAVV IlAkti)W‘P.J: AND Ills - ing•Disuller. dealer In PrOda .. n, r.b.TV! Al . "' PITTSIII.3 I G I /1 DI AN VI , AGT 17 RES, I"LWI"'..d all k ' f. Vd..."'gn " d D "' ''' "1"' 1512.5RE1 101>15..3 ',mond strect, near WcoJ, and IMLici t t i .J.,No II Lawny street, Pinsburgh. ~ VW. Cunal Ha... Innerly street. hate on Land nod ter olg, ... 2 1idk: 1 V:l l .• •••6' ;7. 7o.'l'mblg'ss ' l be .'` i l , - 4.1..,5-7,°: , "k.,.1': 1 / 4 !t!,,,1,',':.,.:z . ;,..','. - `: , :,',...;!,•. -. : -. ,, , ‘ , ,. , ... „zi .--::A__..,...._...L;: .___L..L___,n,-- JOitra A 4/112t;g1- Ana -Illtni . er gisrlo3 lio.s.trur: ' :)... 0. Reynnlds. • . J. 1......... e • tted dot:Al:mon evades ind Forks, 131WIEVOLDP.4. mum, For.ivardin and t:.O PIP , EStrriage ..iwirte. nod AVM., I 1.11. mission Merchaits, for the Allechen) RtVer Trnde- i AOOll., {mouse hos, 1' wr.. ,pawnt a nd r o momno I dealer: (11GrOCetillAPralore, Pittsburgh Manufactures 5;e4,.......,,,,,,„ m,,,,,, ~,,,n , ..,,‘ „ and Chloride of Lime. I Fume, RI tger.. (Dona 1.00,1 Its The highest prices, In cash. raid 10 oil time. IT I Alettecas,..lla, zu . d . (lmst I . tea , s.. x .. e. 9 !r _l'Y'r_. '!'"l7° ( .Z'"--, 22 V 2 !! 17 ' .=-"---'' 2'7 ' I L-L -A . , - ' ,:..1:r.Z ..„' i"..;t fr ic.,. 1. 72:ri.: „ ..rti ,, Gi. , il c s4i.kte,i 14,0,- K 'h''''' aOl 011 et P/01,01fr,h.Mtutuiattute• .Itl at the IOW , " 4211ACKItlitTT j..1114511{1.F., Wttaletalo DCA 1 ; ~,, ' . feblF 1.7 lett In Fore , gn and. Domr.t.c WY 0 . 0, N. " 1 " .1. Wok ntreet, P.tt.liurgh _ ~ I 01,11Itt 1.. II Donenhower, crtenTITI.P. Gat& DANILN HOWER & CO. Q 11,W. lIASIIIiaIUCITL W oo l ' nlere.tiant,. demi I CU:tl""'W. K.' TOBACCO ' , kJ , cm Oa Einar and Produce generally anal Forward . , , -- ..I.oo392LatiCak Merchants., Nb ,Jl, Wood aO , et. i ,C Ull MISSION 3161:C11 A NI'S, ou 111114 tso.s') :Swab IVphisortir;u=sr,idpNiloiAll:Tsoitth Water Et 'i!,'“1.1,„',":',,71. 1 ,", 0 he',`",",.`,..!'."4 , =: , ' , ` , 7..UZ1. u r r .°.` I ll th ,Iva Vog,nw maionneierer. and the Grower. 01 lie , VC,I, M. rtt Ilithes. and Other place. at 0.1110. Tc 1 . Orr ge at t .! a ono ant .upply pi Inc followmg de.rop non. of Tettonceo which will unsold noon a. urcom iniahltiliT term. , a • 0.) other house in Ih,, elly ur el., where. and all g0.,..1 , ordm - ...1 imin then...rill he war. rano. , enu.tl ti, re inewniut...n , ~,,,,, Gt. lannoneo, e ""I" . • i 1 Vac., . polo lt,re• Penn'n . 5,41.0 To IC onn, lona., mid Fluids. hoer.; ~...1,-. W ) -114. net... crlehlated Aromatic Stag Cave n• illsh, with a large assortment niother pOpnlar brand.; and miumirs et puma. 5. 1.-. I, Ids nod 32. Lump, . 5 . 60 ... ~,,,, 0 , in,,,,, 1..,..,,... T...., Virginia Tart& .Se, tweet 01,11 i.1.1i. • in whole nnd half hoies, wood .....1 im. togetbcr Walt every vancly 0 0 athele belting. 1 ,,, , , to ,he trod,. jeln.dly I J 0 I.aitasa. C "iX; - AN 1....0 - 00:\ • - I.ho- of 1.0.10.tn,Pn Ow, of Notheille, Tenn. j IC RURAL .0 ANDERSON. Denler. in C o n o n, ' 1.1 Formren:a and Cou Merchants, 0,..,m, o. II F.,. 4 rem, atm re I.lrondon.) . Cam , unat I. Ohm. i RUN% ra— -51 Alien & co. I I ' is ',coley ..5. Gin tr,, Fln.buro I Wm. Itinghatn. . . Gray trignepheril. i. 11. Alottut 5. Ile Al..tet, Na.,...14-.Tcot, Yealttsall S. A rnt.to-01 1 V.• 1^ 1.01.0 a Co., Lodi.. ire A)., i. .Sni Inger &W h , mon. / r ., ~,„„.,,, 0 - . •-: Jmnerlehnslott & co f - I''' -- I I . 1l 0 wen. 11 eran A. Co, New Odeon.. I Maggivour & Mown, S e w )art. , 0.151.11 Hotelller A Co.. Rah imore. I gun.l.llngaly A al.. inllllitielfdl. II Mune , Ur.Powon " Ann Ledw:r.h; - • - 'Vv. r W , 1 4, 1 1 i l l J.G. R W. il LEFT FO W R W ICH AGINE., & Cot, Eit v 1 Sti, tt And Connsnl.alem 31erchamaal PLACillkalllNE. La. A TICUI.AII u t,olo - 01,1-10t 1 to cOottglimen“ of Su g ary . 51 ills. Engolcs. or °Lae. a . roc,r. for ()Renato. and Attoi.nya.. REFF.R. 1 0-51misrs `3110..10 de 1...,eht10w.511 The. m” Ltrertlek, New °dear , 51. wart. Lorton& lieurwon, Mr 7. M. Sh.erley, Lou isville. elllems. (101 l & Speer. Ale. Wm. O'Leary. Sone. P‘itetintan Allll.lroltg. 5 cLolwii, Pliwburch. Mrs... Bevan. Todd a. F e n C.nentliatt ^ 51e,..0• tine. 0. Cru. vd, A1e.4... Edmols A Walieun. lion Zenon I.a,wave, Ikon John lanton, l'onoi.o.• ne I.a rein Du" --------------- IHAVVILINIP A.tneo 1-I.w.,,ggrasa •4 7¢fly OprOstii . , Coen Q. AILIIIMIL. ,PAMITZIC. Mummy te , LRW. Ultit, 0 ' Ltreeol buthinog, No ui Fourth suivt. betweeo Wood stuLtemdthfield. • novddltwtv Q.TNIPIININ B 'r AILNET, hltsualitturerot Fun y,t4hnstng and 'iOliel. &Op. W toter wad donn 0 a, pressed Laid Oil, tie. No 17 Pinh st, betwecn Wood and Masked sts. Pittsburgh. Pa. nr•M Z' F. VON OONNIIORST &... Co., Wholesale 16J•Grueett .oesinerding and Commoseion Merchants, -Dusters in P.ttehurstlanuMetures and SVvetent P dure. have removed to their new vintehouse.‘old wood) :Sops earner of Frost et !end Maneery 1..t0r. tov: . , • .., i - • S' A •sion hilieLtebilltutl, alesZ ta r r ert:ltloNasiV . Ttts harsh manufimtured atheles,Cansl IlastMorat 7th st. del ' Q Ns 01 ICS-JRUILIVJLTIs bealet intired.. Vow S r s.FraitTrees i ilidlligriculturali n d itiententsiNo 12dV1 ,.. 00dsttzt :tititt,_____., . . . nib! RSECIi i BEET—Wbolesale tineciAl. & TL'oomursion Illerehsnis. and dealers in Pruden . , l NoTVWood suet, Pittsburgh. N'TT i 111HIRL KENNOP,Jr.,Looktng Glom Itinifeetil i .I. rer, and Dealer in Clocts, Combs, and % noety toods 2 primer of Wood and Fourth wren', ' - lb T --- P Filt77--- R J Forsyth. cis P. MYTH &Co, Commission liirmilai an on • 1 :dialers. l i n dolt. Lumber, Groceries, Potence d i Pittsburgh dinnumcumes, Canal llnsin, Liberty f al ',ee ee l, PilIC, • VAT re hi. MITCIIELTREE. Whcit eie (i nsects,. 21. l, ' V T s ßeetiNing Ristilletn sad Wine and Liquor Alm i Grants, No 160 Liberty street, [opposite :tato sirect.l Pittsburgh.F jegl Joan a. VICK. ' '-' P/1 : 1 1 1 , .X c•,0L 1 .“ ‘Vl C D l tVt • kl i, T , tl l7 : , .f. l7 : ,l7t,':,,,-.„`:,.11.ntl Commission Alerchatus. denlets in Non. Rao , . Glam. Cotton Vistas and Pittsburgh Manufactures generally, comer or Word and Watit sm, Pitinburch. tortil3 IV.' ''",l9:. nlr..',','gle;h.7.,','Z'o'Zd" , ' , ! ,,i l'o" , '.", -se as low as VS cents. . metii3 1100i0 1W.°C0.11111.1.11‘ LtrarLpfitt.°ll.Tlk7erwr tnat=ee and Pittsburgh htanufacturcs, corner oi War, sod J. 1511.VA11. RECTIFYING DISTILLER, AID wuot.eara.t. USALIS OWE it DOMESTIC WINOS 16 LIQ,COIIB, No. 114 Liberty rt., and 54 Diamond alley, PITT6BURGII, PA iy1741 WARRICK 111 A So &Co., Booboo, Asks to ExAsno, fa No and Center of Third and %Vogl marl, gh Pa.. 11 W Williams. 1 Nitiri i i et eieuo. ISurzeurn re Lowrie iii Fattens I YV ILL 1 ASS AI hi II ISISI , ATTORNEYS ASV COUNSELLORS Al LAW. Lll4Efice Nosh vide of Fourth *Lehi,. Sin.thrield.-Ei) ifebl7okerl7F ' 1 -,-- ~ .od !pia ittSea a pal.. .11.11 , IIe&AT K. J. 11 .irroarisi, wad Coungellar CINCINNATI. 011110. Collecueng in Sandie, in Ob.o land in I 1,1 ainol and in Kellogg . ky, precopdy nod eArtnAiy REFER Runani lirtlao son. C' .rye. Win hilln;stit,Ctiuteli& Carothers.. Wu, I VAN. June* P. Pinart. Willoci I)nvic /5,6 Vef.;ge 11.:lone. O. BLACKEIVE&N & CO.. VV lattr'dlf G .117,`: '‘,lT7:. r ' f ' . on hood at ' lf ' ornee full and general af4oranerf erry of inlminli,tg. air line, Water mreet, near Ch Aral In '§E IT W'ITW"A %YUKIO, Toll TO, 14LF OF ' 1 BOILER IRON, BOI BED -ILER 10.:ANDS, FLUE et: FIRE E. F. SHOENBERGF.R PTTSBUILtifI, PA. Ilavusen the Warehouse formerly rrcupted ny.. Water Street, sear Evasra l .eam 11111, MIl hoer on hand a full aupply of ites of bolo, InAt and Ileads, - Plue and Vire-Red Iron, mode from lorbas.Anairra 6lomm . which tortll be sOld at the lowest maxter tate. , Engine Railthirs and otburs, are iallited o call and eIIIIIIi. his smelt Orders pf.. l / 2 7 ,1 5 , 51- if. l Olt, -- 101115 XL TOWNSEND. theca. and Ara , .0 rary. No 0 Slane... tntre doors nLowe'ehred st.. ' ittsberglwil/ h a tonslubtly lall hued ti, well .clert ell smog traentof the Lest todlleeheWhlellTeler. wl,b be Will tell en the men Ka ',lns h t' 1 sendiec elders will be pwomptl? attended In, ~nel 1..., P 1144 wi th wieles they Islay Tely upon C. e enule. 1 I ErrPhysielant' Presenpuons grill Le IllfrYlAlr i V 11(1(1 heady prepared Nose the beet umlauts, At not i n t o 'l the day or night. A6O for sak, a large ' scot of fresh and good Peen , Owl . • • ;4•..,. . - FM WARDING & COMIISSION NV A LLINGFOILD & CO., CA.,MNIISSION & EMI s , Alt .1 NI. MERCHA NTS, I Merolla ?I near Wood. 7\1:.11.1•:.9so V0t5..,11 i1•111.,1 , 1,11rt• ~.I Heavy IL/ tiefo•moe—wtll IsorT ton.. ntsy 1.11 Land • awl , •.1 r.r..ag, .11011[14 end vale! tmme• ec y IMO ad, lovn uck , 1 ir, to. proof .4,, so v ~,. vlcr• 1.,n,..t.tn010 01, el snetl2 ,l VA Lt.. N i.L1, 1 ii ...a r.r. • t.t.LCR 1 DIN..COL3I LIKRCII . NON, ,A7IIOI.ESII.Ii lihOCVbel. t , 1 m:111.SION M KR VI' CliA NIT., owl LEA L.I R 3 in n.: ionct• of Country 1.,,.1...., Coprr, Vin, TJ et IN•np. Tioile.r.o 1 oui, Iron und N 11,1• 2111 r. W:, le 1.,,e1 11, S.W., AG-• u ,Irr, 1f... Le,l I, CO.IOII ), all, ,:l it tli . ., brut ,•,,,,,, 1i0,,,,,, is”,. ~,, e , ,, No. W. V.I. a tol 111 1 1....... ft . -er., q o. ,loor a, ,, ..t u.,- tt.11.,.t wood .trert. rll...urgil. I, 1..1.,../ .svancrs. ot rn.i, Of ,00 11 A m, g, i•on ‘it , • ",* • 1 M WEDN --- UST Ith.CLIV E AT NI A MINER'S—An onosoal •11 ladqe Mach of,ftu D ok, Loth new sud c,porddly that our ilyorllll[Olsl.ll-be coundele for Ar IA of JolY Thr iolloodog. cultich cocupr,o an a. 10, .... 10 . , T 1 .• If‘dhltrook. thc , Vundher, Cap A wn Jlerry at It 1"... Weal The Ide lifid c frentuirs ofJohn sltaze I. ihe Wea hro land dideovithrl le and rrrardm• ' The Sea Scrovo, or iha Quail , of the Coral Ca.,— by It Volker. Vi‘i • Toooni.Oh lforr.dd.ne work h.y Sd.r. t. Buld.rr. rho collrchou of Mon. by Lorre Co:unthodt NlctrusLue for July. lirsham , do do. • '• • N mionni • (In ' ' ' ' do: - tliode I.l.ly's Hook de; Woman . and Son. No I'. ,•-..l.celsore• on ohe on•e o 00 the Lung. and emomo., preveomon and more .1 C.141A110,11101k, Altainal and done eases of•ohe hurl, von .lo 2, .111,tratoonv—loy ;Mineek 3 Filch. c o 11. Ale Icn Ch,valty to 1111 Grankenr,dge, cot:Maundy, Quaver liace to Kesstutly. ' en. • e kitty 'oo Relnonnne. tor %luny tit orr:oe. • do; . • ch,. .Ma 11,!.. the te.ell Drag, on, by over do. Itodl und ittne or ohe Privateer . no' th Iteilde ocom a. font. vu04,1,0 5y..00 A •por,o• votm ro of oraaiee!ea Card , moo' too mo • ..0e 0 otm-rom it ng> •tt , e"dog• or nort t , inem a :mar alma...noted I be Commit no NOllOO O . or 111.1 1...rte....i1k nom Fpren • • ' .o, Il itot l'o •oer,ol I . nor.on pot ,tic 4.t. of Jody.. large om •onalr o JAPIII ea ? Foe ..a_ tot non Literary Urnpordom, sm•Mhed V. nrd .1.4,1 Mem obtd,,. . . • AIM! &vole, . ‘ PPLIg ores 11111 W PUBLICATiOrts— . Ix .1.4 received and our rat. to, .1 I. 111P.A1/, fourth. ', nror ataiket street:— , A Voyage top the Rive, Amnon, ineMdOne a on, Arrive .1 Pam by W. 11. Y demon.. Nevem. m , Peter dorm Cu, pr yncoul I vr.onno coo tie , Wont me Ime M I 11 Woo 1:1, A Younonn , on t . e %, ildetnerv, enot.mc,ng 1 Cyr., Von, up-he !d00.n.-yorod , nod novena Late mopeetor, tor Cep. 1.00, ran klam o.. . I'm•t•cs I Weeks—cheap et! , .• ' aloorin.P' Pt u . I...veg. lloonoomold.li.tyAlsni 111.• 010••• or Mont IlrAtyh I , oly tyj lA no 14,,,0t — ,t .I.l.ted . 0 v 010, 11 2. ono Oh rarYlOrd.e e. Inprpoug V.311”.1 , 1- Cloono. U.- ogvagotootso,PoN Don oil. , tly t; II Er...c... I - , .• • K llo.dtrY Horne. fn tie tlri,e4.l TllOl. .0 the email, el CemPurCono. A 1. , lii2. Ly I.ol.l.ronsod artnt... I ,' • 11 4 I'. , wdorsot , ~, n.mo 00,n0d...e . 1.-,, . Lt. 11, 0.,,p AL.:. • , ••, it.sl.t oo o S. • o t o.,:• - o to, L•oy . sled " - growl , po oso o. t , f • ,and CM010,.(3,1 Mkt. 1,..! Y. hy ide,lao -Vet alma, Eno, o ldahnd bp . P,e Pep t o C 141.,10• , . 51 A 0 , 1 . 1;4 ACM:000 X. 4.1.00, w.th :1110La; 1.0: lie , U. Carry. 'A. Y. e The •Cartrornrstiertre vt, , l Nrocel an., , of the bluit. /no. Ct.. tICIPIII. 14. Permerly Governor a , Conn E.0.117,10,..5ar,,mJ trAlutrilw Coart.,ool. witcalpor..Wy at :W./ 11‘1mn, , pc la. Lty Rev. W•• 11..n1 Th. 10.0. a. r.vv , A Jet. MEM ...MANIJUCT ORIES. --AXLE; EEL '44 'imp A'. Lb' /7“.11.,E.m A Ii,HML.MAN.Zr.Co, toriareompleiO, <V their Non works ate mar refund to outhafen. too .evresy closer/Oda 'of Coaaltdonli Fliptie.spelokif Iron axles, ATIAA MAD kliister, aping WW punset poed; Mil all Wiles of smell *lmr , SUFI • round Ir., vihiakl the Qo y afar for oleo n wh en Wats. Edon: Wordhesie 4.; Wood 'wet; whin they also keep . meted sr-. ooldt Fa plote. and Modurane Wortreein 'of 'Comb trim. C1F6.10 'Srlik-a#,lll.sr.llalrk• Nails I inC Iron: , H. &CO • have aside anangealeate Dlassai Pa C y rte. Crone. manufacturers. ea Shoveler DP adca Forks,&e., and will keep comarrilly karidamer.,, at uric outde hv them.-DOWt., ara ema oard to eall.ta prices and tecleay hde eot UlieltaV it. • _—Orr AtActuNEMOßK.4rANp.Foximpgivi • JOUR. Et ELOANT Alk:00;470 • ''cleeertrinon,l.Onett as/..—CaortilkSlS, aiepdol Fr.clues.. Loom/ • Card tfrirrdess. uir ' - doultina lan ed ' all sites elf Cast 1r0a,.. I ,es . ...asidl albeh Ilmors,of toe.mitnt aid and tooth of all koala . , of every ililienptido fUrritilik ero tic, Eria•rivi wide to :order der Alllt freer:inn, Inn re. (big, ac, ripe" nor hewn* Vacuums—Can Iron WlMove nub, and dloser CiitrnP Order/ left it the Warehouse of .I.,ralowl A On, 1 . .4h.• • prOalpPreo*aliaburili. • t,' & E !la Irwin & Jong aiivriiinion 11 WAnaeD $n ttbeneilir. i, • TN' rrrrem and Idandseturer Of Ciaisnr, Furical laud Dental Instrusaelits, Eluddlersand Iltinerslharid loele,Tut lore! Pawn &ears, no ree. at no varlet,o mane.- turor Pepaniteri. , f it cle J• C. Matinfacturer and /roomer of Son. Sookit a eelnd Tahlo Cutler/4 100'100, Screvore.lr dce,cluors,'roole•d w 3 W SKIDSTREET. dour of leer Dianioad' • And nos luta y weep/oda largeoesonment of Pen 4A. Pocket INIOve., iNk.nOvas • Works; Also Rodgers` and Whostenholose ' VINE. CUTLERS FAhous,Rpdg,x.:Wmie Wartales Itazore,clehoots, RAID , Strop , &a. Tantamee and Wire Ivelot GC NS, •A ND 'PlnrOI.S; ShootAneal:utile and Illaiti`a Revolver, Pomler Flask; ho Ulnae Itacs, Walk raft Coon Sec mno C Cap. Bowie. Dalr. and Sootier, e 'foot. well as Callipets. Divideve, elyers,•Nlppere. rod Vices. Norm, Rules. BUM.. Oill. Polon Slaves, thocksand Dies • Wire. and Iroo Passect.Alth - Inetruments. kr, in icry great variety Md. Jobtelot 'and repairing •netAly and punctually • spant CO-PARTNERNIIIP NOTICE. , W. STE/. Hme of Wiieohre..E. - r. -4 . 4 . 4,4r- DJ err or /twists ood J. A. /nockton Of Patna/rah, ham ix, day . entered into co.pncluership under rtyle and fion Irdeptlenr..Shoenlmser lc Co. eV the An lion Werth Wheeling Va,fra ;IM poem of monofecturink iron and halls of cVerY divans:on. J LIKEiD Illzeltatock, Dar e J ot. e - -_.— F. W 'lll/111,In. i: F garments... J. A. StaCtS ol SCEPIIIINS, BROILIBERGEB A C 0.,. ANCHOR IRON WORK, ... .. Wheelink. Va. Mrmatacince NI b./. of bodes shoe.' toit lite tad netl., d II Neel eitptic want , and .1100 11..6 000 ternd w..h gitionocrv,". Old Juniata Weak., we can tact at •rucis of innlnll MI [Wooded &quartette] omui to any made in the cottntre. All of which wil l be .o dot the Fdlehuntharleet Wsretrouteof ditWeeks emu , d elontoesm.Ln'ater .tier,". ' , lit ALI.FISTIEIif HN VENA.ITIAN BIROW 131.1NDRI FACTORS. .... eo. . .JO ~ TARE. 6 Itus method m WNW hit filen..l. . -- -.7 .- ~..". 1 ...I ~1, ptiblie et Iroto that far rsear' •s:nosrin full °perm°. the on East .160 -- 1."- -, "= - '-- I, of the Mammal, Allots. , ',where a mta: ,-,--. ---- i ram •oroly of Lamle of carton. colon • and teadiumbarc mootantly keptoo hand, ... - -7- - " - also at No .5 Wood bl, Pittsburgh, at/./t. .."---- 11. Phillyeod clo,h Est... N , hen,man Shutters made to order in Rand. repaterd at the Motu. malt. • N. It.O H las. evil he put up, wakmot arm add.- taut! exepme on Mat Mega. berme eed us roe matt in ann , of hie nt Wfwattang. no /dlf otl 1010-111 the 0 01 a ere. .1r e at kamle,6 ATV' IN014; Iledtralitaird: , er. boo rrmailtbod commenced Wanes. at "...1.,- i hit°. mond, where he will he plormcd to 14V hi. old mama:ere and friend.. .."----". '- Church, Strandent. sad ltelltofrotery , . 1 . 0 . 1 ., 10 to 15,150 roped. tag from ...t._,,, p al, attern. ot th e CiAl approved model. and - - eirtaranied to ho of OM boa materi 51 Ineml Watct Rump.. Clamors, Railing, An An. °tether with rvelr cartrty ofltrom Castings, .1 Top, rd, turned and finolied in the neVenni of llo aIIIIC Ann- f. fi-rS• F I. tut solc policie aarrN Arrwro , Meral,.. w c ay celebrated tot am reda otee,dbon et Inatan.te "rhe.Batre..arel Campo tin In , And,. him M. .:. .Inal-ly _ 11It'51• Mee OLLY ACC. • ' .1 IMITATION CROWN . S3,I;ASS'. H. A tZe l t lN l;; Li m the " maLtZeture"oltilM=o o ut r i e r T - I slope. n ote.! =paged tadcrn wheel urea doe late Punt . we non ISOM Fgeparedatfurnoltanarticie of Wtn. dew Glam. edit.. 6 not mper.or, to any C,,ltrider tdrot made in the Vaned State , and Inn little Inferior to OM 11-obel , Crown . . .. ~ e, e are else eery eztrsolvely cuteutca . O.° ... fa. .tol to a Ontatnun Window Glass intn113.,,.. r.v. . Fed. of I al eeeceex dm aminrie opaoth Dealer% Immtralle ate me N fot herrmelve...6onrmnre. house "so IV Wood so et. Potastrgh. Pa. . _,. —as PITTSIUR6II ATEAM iIAItBLI. %CORP.', Net. SU owl 946. Mem snort roar the •L'aopht :11‘yVoArY;Ialbe'ZI, e'n't.:m.lie"'„Z'et.e.Tnreef7tinT Macon Tupa.Toroff ones f Alonuntelftn &et tfh and otosofnetund . CI, L. fear Ift - to t nery Alre , re tor mob N 1..T11% er,olonny p 41141111. 1 th 111.1%. hence tor* rf Lot co Fag. no I at. karovolt them with w ocncle m respect. , no goo d . and Orr 464 .nenterice. Jloc, seer tdero d., a% thenp ar , they rho pure:lite ,thrit, (Pr T V nn,l tee . • ..• JOIIN IgiliCltirio it co.. 0..t:t1.1 From I'ol,oo, nd fiat etx• • • MO. 0MA:I VC flu alle. 't • itnak Ow lava tlmplo.nr vat. .~tcma and wurrortttAi • egt.al to ' 14ssA. Cantor., Gas Fn. ,vngq pur up Ornmpfly ..1,..0,11 • I - - - 11- .ti.r :::‘,.52... " , .0.1:::: \ , .A. ~ . .... ~,,, _ 77.7,... 7 .144 4-Tilirib;9 i,Plo l4 P;it i tO: ...Q. el .14ixtrillit".....Th:•rwriirs' "KtehniEor"lreiMitteor'n.l7:7ortithillit: .;,...,,,17karbe4:n:1:711'1'74:,alt:td. triton the betelen,Manto,.., t I • -... • . i •- . .... inlet alien derinimptnns nith beep earepteni) ; thatnatiseihntillatee up awn seat teskiee end lime 41 My le.: Lamp. he "dole aorensernentni Ihe UMW. hlts beell,hiodMa. , ..“l , amnia.- eye 0.-th. m 0..0f lit , ;beep inloarde the melon end Etleerere of thoto • Ossennoolithli they erthildentlf Inierr sin ehtl• telt &TA= Z I A;e 4Y M " :A I r: 11,10.1;0> ..I- 4141tWasid ftZlrfllltddintem ' amet atthordr. 1e...0 UP 14,n1 nnierear.htith, lehtie in the hey; of Wawa he., ther inn not be ottennerne, ~ . - Irrehttefeeionth4 propnethe. beNtt try,.„ that oott.trg oOnhttle IA igneeneen W - IF pan, and on the pan of I het r tentotheto, haJthilt't 04. Hanel worthy WA eentlehert pstronergehl their fnentte and the pablie treperath •The yr nehl fer bard 11111V6 11.0 berr r.Miller: o 111, :(drama neent.-1 , ft . • • • . totems , Ordiserlit•—• ••••• • -St tin per ite,.. • lieptietitenr . - , ,•-:• . • .... •,,...1-50 , 1 ' N. lit-ThetSnorege Wegme et the Ileum wilt ah "nye Mrioultdi pa the Cannel Steamboat Larding, winch etil/ cormy.bastage in and lionm the areal. free nrehini sTß.rks.T PpAl sVaTbhi nehr r Housgfchrob d l nati, • ntelle re — sr or'l:;;Lti ' 1,15;111 4 4rt1a n r ,. late o 7 nits _ n ß sharent.lret leave menden, Meant:ends tflin 'pa t tdie . gerteralla're‘he l e Cotormarlloa• Hotel for n tetra or geara,and will cleft their-bon e oink. tri make it dea:nhle (pine fortraeih el T ea and MR Bpardert .1 • ' , The Aldtern'sgaeloort and adrotraLly plsontea Canyon light -an& me; brief ng• satuiber nation ialroinins.g chambers, prennnting nienraat ittraerrotre to ' The presentgroprietare having hitri thcespcnenee or 'Teets in rhla rag tuna elsewhere, herroe the vr.ll be able t o give deneral.eautfertinn. being deteimined .rve r diva undivided etlenban to the boniesdanta - • . -Thabai , irilati of IhrePeldl Street House tannest ..tront l hav log (nova on I'merl,:liabtut end Thud nit en. hilt It equally &rateable in sieve of•tue. eriarenn 'sift:teak' lariat Pr Me, Orretirernent Atirgerrate bOordeni II : I. hear by the H the Pat OMP.,ll,e.blitervoin 111.1 . 1,0dil Felten. hooka,alLand bums-retaken Mensu Illsot sweet ant ma eet aims die COT %Chair. than olieri holm 114111.1 t 18,111e1111.64%tbiteciliqy.tocattplrf merchants and generally to all perms ttorm i c : toem "otebir! • ding, A .DU,81.11 „. minima swum . - Formerly . Fuller's' Ildel,'"Washlugtoii, D. C. JOHN I'ANDS, PkOrKTIMit.„ . t' "ft lIE propnetor .fottaarty - Welt with the - well , .I. tomer firtt of .fallar kV., haittleaati' to .calt the, nitration of persona vtattinfethe thapitol„arbether on. ilteattla at Ihtwiheatt,aci tri urwly opened estalatahment .thn -/daniiiou Monte , whirl At.. heart fired .up in a Ilit i e eo liofir ir ;it tii;:. i -1T1:!i.t1`,17:1:...".;.:' , " , T , '. end' of renurrhanta Avenue, nail in the immediate vicinity of yaginaaPeparmientacif 6avertnnentend, the PreeldenesAtaturt.... .. i., . . ~ ~.- ! , • . •.. Ilia take 1•111 alwayi Ix , o..opuNiiiiholl.. cm-, farm no luatiries wr.bi faund id the markets. end no. ...ram areffq , P will be spared.. d er the Man , iert House an auraetere residette9oottli„,stbis any tee fit to boner it with their pattona,c. . ~ ,fri.ploprieuir would paruealifir till th e titration ei , . the othc.nora....Vl4.o4,Nital.tata• Uatai ta *hr. it nor titer beei a favorite Ware of reitert,.. i - INV& .fitirtOri ni . ist I of thgranotieinveyitingiiiir het. , rte. reZ ..: IDAIIIIII-110V*Ifte ROSTON,/ ePtilS epee seas, 11 Sae past seas , i• pre* fie Jo reeeptieo ofJ • intresieniesid ►sent VeXrderb r ,f" Tee densand`for initiated tad setpefor eirtorasooda, bona for the traellotipehltr. supported to IlsairTne. for tbo plan of erecting hoes'. f`r .ttd eareertratretheard be Um leallad jti the Caton *oat while ►e' ha. *pared oenher pains Dos tearer. It the .to of Otte he oitt. he letteeethe pirate to decide Use far he tontine od `" : • This iloose'eantaing Ott aharlirderda cowman:our arranged in votes soy t singlertasos. Tbefunotureera, all made erhdrt . With petienlacatwensm to and conielosoce. a t well as st,4le,end /parties. All the erratertv ineentiaa haee beta Itiaoc subarrvi , nt to the trartlietti case anditotafort. a*_ee expense. of :* Term lean rualrird, tite pohniegr to ,itosedtica" Mud) strOloveinenta arittel. as yet, alreeliar to this I loom. Isortned on Tte rieeipol loser Wirblll'tbrer Stileitlcf rielk Of theirreat Vouthern Vatent railhead it, poll. nod the trainmen Seen. of the eny.thieestnitit ,l ” meat eretestende twill to the pate:weirs of the Outwore and plesearotraokl`, '• • - I. i'°".":'l"'" 1E47. • • , lattawatiro - • of Baltimore. sissyssw., Coma BalliMOR. and' Eutaw Streets, ISALTIEMORE D. ' HENRY F lACg.ON,leufET O f t wend,d and spent°. Bete!. el etuf, vacated IL Mr./loth nottnet. and plansurfTre we lencis to «i as ttiCkiithicy•t•C btia I totch taiaeieectiticYot itrairictenta e yll iiecnc rererv . ed tar tice ffecoonsoduroo of moment gnortmund anon o• I aultion the city Wilt inut tiro FltTallf /LOCK , 11 tivro, ornuarpetaad by any Ihnefth tholJouto The Imo.. it c'evirod aret ratobt.ar itict ic sin Coacher_ Delano at. tie Landing at which the Coacher and Veneto re the Beare are at ail lanes an wanner to Walter p.1.Ct1VC.1 .7 and the,: towage, nci eaoge to the 'keel Temat.-.Gooll.teeelloUnt l ,l *a.laor day. do 11- u,rsrt , COPIUMIII,. - Chiseler Street, Wirrale Alarlirt dud Lombard strums, naikui.re. Tut subsonbea Omuta tear.. the shoed ettol.- Ethreelll,. offer* Mr Beryl , * to the cituent and , Pau l a moterally 111, eouormenn) onuated or reiards the Mosotho.. and flainved Depot--15 In the loom of the =are valency. IfOlontokt Hoaro* -- nFri io fset.nre loestson oleos N inept .IS ilte nia n_intiacentencttl am/F=or. tic Ittlier ptuICTILI ' • t .Ste ax too h. Lep u. up WI. act , : t act:lll4ft, litgicisal.c 4 e alut eq.< end o /It le- up. it u. the pun ou the 04 day - of Apn1,1617. TFe propriei.f treat. , that tic• ut•teinittin; eforr= plena r 101 l iiectlCC At encl., Et" the pstdic pstronage, retiticiti AA at trair•tent. 1 • c..•• - • • t t•AV w • of.at Sm. thn &Veen Delman, Arrini 1a47. mYlea,fff 9/ILT Corner 16•111$ ww4 Sin* etc Ctn.tnawtl. flpfitd artablinkment`lit now to ttabost paler for th e .1 reception oL thwTravelnag panwinter, llama undeandr. acme a thorough: 'temoridwont ths [weals the most exponent:ad men to the West, In the wwlout deparoachig. I g Parc etter•myself that ',lll bc pleased who Tali. The ImmulabiseentraLermatrodimM ''Sesetnet'st ttJA , RH I N. 11.—Alrldrodn ern eases!! teem: emotu,it dre rd'rrrnrri fronrainaon Ornate r.enrrro UOVSE. :Chant gireColll4ltellifitil. • BOVE Werhollt them. et at tleW tur` . tlasoniellotl D],Ttorrell known astabltshroret. has reeetol s r been great I enlarged, mut richly mdcomlly_fomlthe4: it i {muted ter the Most fashionable part of Chesoot wee , . nod in the Imitedime v.einitrof publid planer or rdnurneddrntr r The proprator, - grateful melba verf rihr. ndlrratronspelternwrnfe hnsinfred. willnpare no name to fcnder brildnirenenry way agreeable to his guests .nn l x 1!1 T i t suibtranowiiiiiTi 7 ciat.tiFito - usi! , A TI/elf OLI IL.1 L. ,10usrur unjorto negarunt brs ff. frill:dr that he Is slain lessee of the [:ALT 11.11! Rg..orsere he MlWato, hl• oil (wend% ossariog thto and the pc mtetall etTun *hall Ile spared to maim allashumgaUbi who l'.vor •hm et itt their pawonsge, . dun I.IIF MISC,ELLANEOUS. __. _ . Tp OnT„ . 6 A XIOCIE OP. 0bb . A . 1P,1310 HOU•• LM.,/bh-eif, U Mater, or. Onort.haa xlTahged a 11.4 onenind a plan for beano/ hormeriole Men ha• beta sulo martially oscO ha tiott YeaL ta,Near le . and whenever phtd. has stiee,...l the, decided preirresam ,over. :meter. Furnace...Le • tor advantage + nye-, 14. oreateivelatilyal Temperature. ' ' end Frecdma from i mull" - •*I , ,'_ • • ,-- Urd Ito anfaioannt I)r)tltra •• t. . , •• {M.-karat) , at ended to, and out 1(5012 is 'fret oat al ha, tireat Itorabdity. -• •••'. ~'• IF' - ' • Model and F•prealit‘tiod Inby...a la. ..ern and the ap , jetsam. oinaMed at them , ; per and Ditvivin Nelor) el . . • .1 . WhlorttalalFE, Foo.iato eta 1 - my•Oli ....,,,_,,,___A•Er 4 llt lM !!!!'!! ' !_ oa 1 DR. JOISH IL CHAPPIAN, - -.-•,-----------,-- - -- [ Oren.ll,AoliVib,,Rt,eilitut:tniVic.,,"rv.",u.rale PIRE':h.liD INI A RIVE iNDIJIIANGE4 , lir in this eny b. i- . • e IHF. •Insaranee Co mpany 'or North Antenna, ', UM thereaore den M. Prrle , r.mmi " , "me. ni thn V, 'brooch Oa duly authonled. Agent, tee nothiiri , pubhd, and retpeetiolly au a thale,of.patpualra her, odersto ;mike permanent and s limitt..d jaw.' punster a0 ,.,,,0,‘ given tad e_ Joe. pt. tar or anee on property. in • this city Aid ite oicinkty, and . i , . k.,. .,, r F ,, c .,,,„ , f i.,,, nom . 1...Nn ehipMeno by tbe Canal nod Milky. E r. "'“‘"'' -- ' •. • air tV,lio., Mal), • frIFIECTOV.S. D,,Ft:Ap.corm...; .• lio .n t:. ...oath Fleet, Samnel BF:4a, . ~.. , br.tt. W, Oritytenee. -. • , 1' Mel. Heory. ~. . Charles Taylor Omea: Mnohfteldovirt,apimade, Itletehant• eno 1.. . ~,,i, w,,),,,.„,, 5 ..,,. F. with.i.. , •1! altore,linnoMr t aFf , ,J,!!'n'', ;,..: ~, ,_' ,Pi . ' i Falo ard Smitli; ' ' Ambrose White,'," .' ." iat ,AVOIIINGX._ . 1 , • 1 Job. A• ki..u; • J,..b at.TIMAIs;. rrl!D entoeillite If tr, s 11, 1:i-rive • man the glaOtt , l. - , John White, John R. NeX,, , ... 1 e11f11.1141 l'enneehnisi its.“.• VU ...1 M.Vc., • mate' • :11,„,,.5p. r ope. • . it.chni ~. tAd <War' t't .....!...,.( ro° ' h. " shh:°4 ' h° ...,....°'' [' AV Ui..-Wcleal, • Arthur AI. (..:01i.ini• ', Pc,1 .. 0 Ipt irsiov ail !Cv heel irvorvtuir tem, iv. ~ in oe ,i g t i., o l i lg i i! Ingoeahht COPipaßS,is , .lfie , i ••= moce eraupi,e. Ila Wheel, Fha,err.trrarhopP , r,,.' „_ _ ~,,_ -.,_ 1• , , • in. ~,,,,,,, wnr ,,,,.. N ,,,.. am,b.o, e n.. p,,,,gamma -owl. n mng neon cnartereu in 1/V.l._ lIJ, r t ,,..,,,,,.. 0 d.,„, r ,,,,,,,, , g iv!hvitligeft.l , next:Yeti, charter is perpc .1.11. .ind from ita. lath - atandiag„ ..• 1 !timer. At loSge• 0. aerr NI! • ‘ , ' t.vi , .l PnoMMy sa: lung e.o.ermara,,anap!e madam, and avoiding all -'-' tended ~,, - . . • •-• •, . . , , , r,sbe ..r .11i WI,: h..4rd. ch2r.bet.t..(ollaly!bir N. hl -J,COJ txxheli of of liiaiod N.t.- ' 1 condialed as ollering ample atrocity tattle patina; - ..i(P , Ji tli - ,•"•,,,.tt-a• ' 6 ' 5". 6 "'''"`,"l," - * •• ' e ... - - a , . . ' OSFati AT - ' 00U, ra.ladAPh . a :J" W al '''':•_-_,. •.-:- - -- 4 flr-" , ' -• At let noting Ana= of %t weed. donee dr. 1 C 0... \ OR-WVAA': 1V1C0 4011,3, 4 . ti.' 4 V 11.L.N,f . 10inter and Fro a tie to Pittshurah. 11F 23-If. • LINE. OF CANA!. rACKFTE xND 'XT ADES. "., . a --„,", ~-.:.:- -re - , i '----•:,--- - aggll ' l ' i "i ' - ''' ;461"4: Ai in:ti3Oriila i l tir ip c-9't r ilt i tTl i t. ift Fm11nr%•. ,. 1; t'ANA,I, 1...,,,417 dolly.iA•fni'll t. nw Al.t.oW le' ~ , -,.„,,,c,,,,,,,,,,,,), 6r ia ) ,ii . .hd p h.i. , , ~ Li • EAVt. Xeisver ai1..1 ~' f.:e4 , ,.1 , •+, , n..n. 11 einie i Ilir 1i..1, make loser... perenant til andliMited, L, ~,,ribe si s rendsrai 111.:ATX, non , I ., fio.ernit.4 ,' - • ~, .1 ,‘- or \.. on cVe . ..C.llo Mk . prooetty,,ortTr4, ~ "a ' ' s'"" . "' * '''''' 4 ''''''''''' I "`The BURGH n i tho .1111101 ) DI c Some. whirl. revien Cleve...id I , J!KI . %MIX ~ ii i ..) • i! ' _„ _ • otakerm% ,•_ Ti i i ivei. wilt i..• ft revaa theoaah. reecranf, 11.• (01. On fivotabis fermi, This CoMparl hks i pcimpoio ~,,,,,„, ~, , ,k,,, rand ..e.., .n th. , , a. 61 0, mi dppheattao charter. '' -' ' . . On Lean, atranthent,o"ae• re•Feayeang'F , t;.o.rth'•el :.I CAFITAL,...-.. S4IO,UOO paid In ~ o'iikii lc,. X .i.!...0! , .I*.l l ' . ' _...::: ,_;- ',- ' ; CONTIN!!ENT PUP:I. i ". ... . POW° • ' i: i ii IiAD 73:0,4'Ciaj'ittniirRI , ; Office me ol Tbird end Market on., Ittsligh; '. . nw VI -IL 4. WAKilltqk MAH.lll4,'Ngetn.' - • , Jksteig tibt.o4,l2l....eid.e.morn _-.---" ' apls, • M irr'''• V l• a L W.."' ''' • ' . INSU RA WOE, - . , - • ic: ••• Tgiiii":.tB;:il4ll ,- , .•••- • - 1 Araorrieltra. Vi re insurance 6oili i isiii'' 0 it mlo wm ,,,,,, 0 , . 0 „,,,,, r ~, .;,,,,,.: 1 , I)? PIIII.AIH-.1.1111A; , . ..- . ..: ,1 .....-; N rmet vi lima -For:Mthrne Illanforarc, IltitXll l l..., I CIi•XAS PlelltirAl... CAITr..I. MUMMA run l'ar . ~,,a.ting salmon am (dour:. a- :•• - _ , - Odic in Philadelphia, ...Yu. 72 , Reitilit 'binnir ". . - LI ~ 1 .,,, 1 soulued Worn, F 441,44114 nairrifrn;• -'' i , Midi. DAVID:ION; ;PIMA' "''' '. 4 A las Unman. do ".. do • do , . '2 ova. Folthrh Tooled Ilia rreen, _, . , rti HI3 old toil welliienahli•heirrAX pang tunhontie.to il 1` d o • 0,,t0 rota; -.a rare T , efo. l, .:!"'"'', , I Mutat lkiikin . io. Merrhundioe. Fon...tyre end prop. 1., ,1 6 . , ~ , ,,, T., ,, , ...,,,,;. . ..,.„. . i , ,,...i„,,,„,.„:„,,,,. , , r . n . y „n n s o : o b i rfir e : l l a,hatardou.cbicactenagiunst loOrr''' • ' :i I • ...iArslY; . - • Applications for immune , . In Pitimergh end its • , iscriik.t,,,,,,,,deoepeirloPhon•T'On'd Con.; 1 e•nebborbred non 6..,J. end riot. Wen . fibef • •'-'•' • t 1 lOW led Juniata , 1 . 1 , r , c , i, 5 • o ngr.o,N, ‘ lt i T l A:i, i .„ il rerlita!? or (orb oned prze i v i An . lr i i i rahle,iirixv hig„ . . .!..2 , Jiltig .. .1 . -C-TOterritiliV article a ra . i i xivig , ___ . ' :-..4„ 4!:4,. : 3 1.71 . _..........., J isiioaiu.h.vibtioir.........*o ' , ..k.. , frn , -.. .------ , =-T---.--= -- -.- ---1-7.....--,-.4-4 ....1 4 , mimeo Imy o.shildhn , t• we A•rato - • A. LEDI/1 Ndi CO., , . ~,,,,,,..74_, ;ft tt-Om'ek o _,:', - at me brae bur. it • know NO 77 C s NAL sTNITT, NEW (IFILVANX., ' ,,,•, - r i . iedn'twtk 7 - Id . .'.. ' bus her remove tAloado A tiEts•Tet fort tl Annunt , ubbh•esire•Proutrif Foie. - ~ . ..I..rem_ b ,,,,,,, ,,,,b ~,,abh, ..,,,,,,,,mi fl. Refinery. ,Meray. on hand/ Write mixt af Lor‘retl-'!• ,,,, ,of 7. * ~,, .nieH war . . cos 1.10 v. p•prdered, ernatord, aaefied and Ilartaro .t.p.. hi ."' = t e,,i, WO? mike•red ephis Touscussedinicly - T,, , ,e. ned Barrels 0nec,10,07,,„ ~,,,,,,,,,, Prier. lihryibitintsfaii illooruneo burin en alriifelt ki '. al b d.waisilbarik Ilk tbe Antis Tr Store, No V: of:or above. bn barrels , . • ~,hi, ~A,.,y, ~,,,,,_!...._,. eel •• • • ' .. 4,, nuT WAINITICO-ht Jourtief fesicTenner wit, len, of s it . -'. to L'ILIXEIVI DIAMOHOIL-Juin !revived and d n .' ..d' 0 , ....e. 0.... d ....b) - a - peves as .bo 1 X rot .ute,•• at smonment of %mini Mem Gi., Coro n- the undersinve it. slim'. 'lnwood., at the Done reboome of • 'He ennithore gto6retenstnenderloos win/ t !Meg al l - ..i I JUDD IheDgo3 ItIXII IX ik , ' ia 4 1 5W0149111 ~ • • • . •1.! • N. YORK IDVERTighIENTS - R 1.1161. PROOW istobr , FOR ROOFING; olbfaliber.biito call the oteaocri . I. interested t roollug, to PulitheLliskNlXE/11) VIN PLATE,. and li' many advantages whit! W 7. .pweees over toetatiedenskother! b e warielth !aliens y,4%use ....dg‘.Zi=t4l:..trtirti:baiq to noon , now Gem temen teveral ' , ln , Lo th In thootiodgryi 51551 • in notope Thcy .arc also ..kwa •souject wed couton froth stuldno changes of the pawl Were , . • than columns Too row , kirdn, zidd • d ornnf nannt'-. Metal now fled for roofing. mod corisoconewly totew . 6 ' • much teller wd tighter root Moth.; fa , iVekirg •i•;/ repair, whilst the fusl ra al so he totheoakre." ..• The wobscribers would al t all all the aneydnin6f.all..,,, . i. denletnno.l workers is. throat& WIDE , ' massy` othationt 4 .,..• ' PPooto which Iron them Troweled, eau beeoppliee.—i• gementhienow it to applicable will articles et buo - • . which it Is di:ids - able to pottect Rom the lietiOU'Of the • owitoophere. • And they wield especially toll th e • • toipion of those interested in 1' eIORAPHIC I.INV; •• . 101, ;n, flelranirril Wire. whiehis oawaltunt ednye, ly µwit in Koropc.nnit which answers every •OttoPoWt as a ronllnetot elneltirni. noning whtnikone , '-• holf moon WI moor fin./ fikkw eitthlthwuk/1/- • lathng WO): czeiled mo n ks city, for the Ittlfi of nolowilloa nts, spikes. bolts. wire. to;,they ' be able NM,: any article which may ntleate • red. supply of P intanufaeloreid lhankPpii constantly on hund,fono 16 to dd. wire game- • • •. • - GEO It O AOo Non. Itand In I.lthecrst, NICW TOWS. The 7.1 , ^^1 Melt int talc Inleletine been wowed for die L'lt.nelietawewe st ell as Great itriuid, satiate: topean coonteos,6l.leill leant rOVlllll,l4llWillile in* ken to proven/ any infringement by Impotent,. erode; • • ' ' cruise ; ' i'kwr." , ly • PRLNTB .O,ILX,—SPIUNG -lITYLESIi , • ~ . • • • • 1847, : ~. , - - --' -., —. LEE 4,- B_REWsTa . le,,,.. - .. , -i , :ik' •-. .. .. - , So. 44 Cedar St rhet,e-Iltow Wer.k.l" DEG true to a, Dedeee et gnimalijilar degilera , J.} reeeiraload me ma mhditag j attis WADZISPICS): EXCLIISIVI.ILY Jet- Poland CaVren 50411 Cliitrat ' . relarriang .11 de New Spring Striae, 4 Mad. 1....A1MS Amerirm Sirruferture ...W., ... ettYPITIQS i : ,,, thete T z d t . tteelt, , rttellttrt i e Itiete A t t r;ntV the rat , " .a k..c.:17Zi10 -tiOnT: CREDIT! Ira ~..,... Kea r 4 _ de Firmer ;adage cm Me arm Min, a and beim - aim ;.- j Wrier pram. ... Co io lde. of gram painted ileils,i.ses• paced la ail paadf mime. .1. rurelwer. mill intert• thesneelesi or the etetihilire'esite ! • 1 Ileload be will repaid for ea enaisalcia en. il:An jla .. , 1 L. &A ham peidai gringo Otelitx.feelit% mkt+ ! •prads, arid. erringmAalh Nikita. . wad LEE a SAEWST EA, 44 Cala , Shea. Wholesale Drag Warebowie. ~.-' b . Ig . Tag , CITY UV NEW IrolltV.l. B A. !KAHN I.:sly/I:KA C0.,1ti0.49;.1abn ii.. New York, offer longer a fume gni general , asserauent .1 Drop and Medicines, Dye Storrs' Paints and Ohs of every description. *latch ik:,t'... are prepired and determined to sell for.' .. • c. ' , '-':. Country Merchants and tkuggiata nre,reMladad . - to call and examine their articles. Orders expelled , with faithleincus arid despatch. D.:A.fabouttoekli Verrnihno constantly on hand. ~, ... B. L. /*anemia:lr, . . PittabuslC ,-. • ~, G. W. Fahnestock. • • • PAPER.WAREHOUSE.— tOO. BUILLINU star,' slew TORE: tYRU W. FIELD offea, for sale of ,cirs . WAREHOUS E. :> tdontasew es rersi prices. a very' ektenitre assert,' Pk not PAPER. eoloprienar overt rocesdhle. aszfdy, ?dr pled to the wants of consetireransolr sections, ofße country- roper c,f. all kinds anode , to order ra 'Rot' I,Astockoi is PAPER ilisiittsokii9iorri, a pirtnt is of rem superior qualipri, • PAPER RAKER' 'MATERIALS , of ~eryi description, irepotted and kept etoostaatlilfar boa , vio l Felons , Wire Cloth..Fourdratilia Skaniknog Powder, Blot Ultramarine; Twine; kceii4o ! C. nvotr. Hole ross Rope; flaviiNg, pa ! vh.6l, for wince the higben price to isk wink pool .9419 Pies, Vork, Joie, 1141. I 'll\ S-1.17.KA7k.C.:E1,:,:--. -- laden:tatty *getout Loss or •Damtalgo.hy, -- THE MUTUAL PRINCIft.r.TCOMUIPIELF,[. With the Ildiilailtlll accuriry of a Lock The Reliance Atutuct Inourane e,Co., of. Phirsi CGARTER PERPETUAL - •, George W. Touted, — John M. Atwood& . •Tlmett G Rocideil, • r.. Aahhona, , " . Wm. It-nommen. George ••-, • ,—" George M. Stroud. John J George W.Garoomer . . = 1 Val ILL Make Insurance agams[ Leßoy Dames . VV. by Fire, iu_Prriattu con Mel vicinitl,„on, themes, hors* end other.Roildittre; and oter t fAtlf ture, Goode Wares and Merchandise, on Wapiti faeoeshlclenns. the Mutual- Pnomplo. ernabined tdck' Capital, and the other pronging's of .We Chaster a , :this Corneae]: held oat unesoid indocemeate.helb, • aLprofir anti .mirty, to-those deairomref efectiir insert n cej, tow hicit the Company uk the and erainsnation of Clone intereatcd. Time° edecong insurance 'with this Colapojr o bende the oattal protection against loan, by ordina y teethed of insurance, the additional Jdeactage of a directperuciaation In the vette of ' the Competty, wilkoot any deathly: - r • , • GEURGE W: WULAINED, Prevident, titateunas; Sectetriry,_ ' • • The lubstrber,yrno in the duly 411,tharjseil Agent or tee abort. named Company, In prepared to make Inr,urarice, at Lim, O ffi ce or the. .Ageney, tie • (t. Cita inn 1144 e ., 'I o;..I et. thud door front Wood atreen, and allQire all Itothrr int. rmaenn destrod 2. CAMPBEI;L:' • - - J ILI ft FIISIn Y. • Asolo4l' sr rirrsrenan von son Safety las - seinen Oosapassy of IRP. RISKS opoii buildiniga and r of cv.ry descriptiOn, and 'ItIAktI.ISiK,RISKS um" hulls or cargoes o f vessels, taken - Upon _ most favorable .terms. „ • 1. • Office lathe ‘yarehonie of W. K. Holmes o. 7 Watcr, Dear Jlaiket striet.fitti- , ` N• U. 'Pre lllefeAt of Ulm Comp Any 'met Messiah- . !Unmet... Us eseucy d=1 0 . 4 ./. 6 . IRrrulay wan which e.erf chum apolt them faf • lira lova be ially viarrauttkr , neon In ht. • _ vi e the eoufideove And. panuof ge tristoeada , • .the comnaollty a* -.large to I.he..l.terosrsoss, s . MOS. . !. mnee Coartpany,.*hile the add saruse In se , - • as so institution MS toe most .diairistdeg hatieg an ample past le milli. at, vehicle by Use operutiouoittscharteitscoluitsetlYl l-- .' as yielding to sell person insured bis ducal:Are as ,•. th...profits of the company salient intuiting him 01. any responsibility is hateveri and therefore o — ' po•scair,gthe Mat>33l - pridelplis divested of event ob notions feature, KO- 111 its meat .ttiicthe form. n.,t • • .• NATIONAL, FIRE• „ AND IhiAIUNE INnINACt iNAMPAN'a• , 1 , 111 , 3 well known and rrrordtablo canapOny a Ft, 7J Ntml,thttwithibett rcrizq:UßCill AtIVoNCY inakr norm-martial every kind connected with ti.ks"ol ,, i , traorportnildo loud inland navigator. i to Insure ngainot • • toss or chunago Wareboasea:'' • • Claddings in general. beads. trams, and andel...li description iii:prtronatpropee) on the Moot kavorable tenor, •• .. C ^_ • Appileadons bird:atom itiondod in witboni dried at the elide. No 33 Wind outer . • - SPRINt:KR - • • • AT an Election held at um vac` to sW fella:olw,.n^t=d-rcntl<mee were dawn Diecciora of !his Compiny,lorrao eattring ear. aria ' • " • Joseph W.rtawss. .otrplien 11041. : ; Juan. pi-mower • • - Joim IderJhaid. J \V '11i.% C. on. •:‘ 40,44...15,Carapbe11. Julia Nershoirre. " Jscoli Mawr. Willma:, Nordin, blames opring: . " John sarekict Joseph 0. Lake. - Jnnn And at a'nulttmeni tuseang of the, /10sid,.IrkiEric 0 ar ANIAI4E,E44O., was unanimously la-clectell free- Wen:tor:lm carton; year.. Wm.JANE51100644 4 ... 0 . tr.& 10.1 re JOilrent -.dry _-'1 '- NM= "s MVMO
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers