The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, July 03, 1847, Image 4

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    . _..
M1D.1CA1t.: , , ,, .
'''''' •I'''':'.
. At -
t ..,
11 ff
irtiaifi fl
'DarIIATKW _ -
acmp, abeehaittellined MAIM: PRO. ,
. ."
.. i ca 11;Vi...ri,CliSttl V E.Rled ' 4 . ' R i m
hh. At thlimitabffirketentelity biretta
' 'lloigreatifernolp for ' the greueeteantly of Plane snot beautiful Pilaw-
Coninlisilim 0 - Csaglot,Coldo,'Aubsta:Bron" Low for lEL/N,' P.AILIPitis is the- United Stores, to
Comptairra-trpitong Blood, Difficulty of B r
re , • Which the etiolation id those in want Mary disetip.
-Donna the Side nod Dream, Palratatios of the tion,iiid specially for'ffietneteries,i I. parts duly'
. • tleart,lnfiunsa i croup.breakenCon.thation, i ss i ii ,d 4 - " , :. , .
• - " drore'f bout :fared. Debility, and all
di...Yea of the Throat Drum and . The principal put of all th e handsome Railings
.Leap; the most irdectual and . at Lionel HAD, Mountrient,aod o th er celebrated
- unsedyeumev
c erknown for 'Cemeteries in the eity and toasty of Philai4lphi.,
d oe which have been so highly caballed by the public
press, were tsar-Zed at thasusannfactory.
.COMPOEIND SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY. A large WarerNoom is connected with the entah.
Ainartfcrt LIVING VI ITS Ess:—Resd with adOn- ' , she ..., where . i s u s , coosiss ii s s „,,i, ii i,d a i shie .
,lament the wonderful care performed by Doctor stock ofready.tonde-ton Railing., Ornamental Iron
Soilyne's CoMpound St nip or wi LI) CHERRY : Settees:lron Chaim, new style plain and onsamen
- " ' • ' '- ' ' rfilL•Dv l,lll .• Ja00uq.' 15 . 184., • 'tal Iron Hates,wittinn eatetistvenssortmenter Imo
D''' s "7 °*--D°.-Sir- I° D th " t ° 7 ° '" l " l/4 "' Posts, Pedestals, Iron Arbors, &ci Alio, id great
* *drily V:cnire to •uffering humanity, i .ebeerfelly ~..i.y. V., 0 .0, „„ac., i,„„0„..,....,.„,,,,,„
give my testimony, and declare to the world the hie Ren=„ie.nd notheru_i.
, matt nstonithing elects, endue great core year Thiei ,
non ' , : j ' in, i,.diAin that in hi. ('at
Coral:toed Syrup ofWild Cherry perforated nom, tore and besignieg Department fie has employed
endeftee moo. 'unfavorable care a tristances. 1 was seethe nes thin .,
, i , onni , inn ,,,,,„ ,
whose , sib .,
"k°*.iith.' violent r° "g h • SPi"j'l of 8100 d,.- " atrention is coveted to the basins .-forming alte
sue flint in the Side: and BreaaL which seemed , ~sihee one of We woe ,
neinions„ and um...4,c' n: .
to break down and enfeeble nay constitution,no that I tablishmen : of thistles! in the Union.
my physician thought my lace beyond the newer of i BOBk:ET WOOD, Propnetor.
anedieme, and toy friends all pre Me up lo the; but i Ridge Road, above fluponwood rtreet.
thanks to yenned the effects ol v at
ry. l noir real my Ulla well triari. " n u nd'iM ' ise i d o i f ' rl y' a " Phyndelphle,, March 1. 1837 d6moe. I . -
'' --
Min -skelton to as fleshy and healthy a man as I VUKAP WATCHES.;
have been for y.r., end- slot Ibe pleased to give any i r:-.. irt PHILADELPHIA. i
information tespectuip, My ease, by calhog at my , .I„id L oner ., r i dlJewrited, CIS do I
residence,Mochanie Btreet.third tionibelowtleorge i gay er d o d o t't tia
' sitreet,Northeni Liberties. Jaren PAINTER. , Gold Lemur., Jewelled. VOn
Tedjir ., rad I.y . is auto i
A re e re c tr l al ob i . roat . all quarters of , t. , '
~0,,,,0,c,,,;d0..,„,,,40,,,,,,,,,. . IS NI
to to
• i treat % writes-plain. Ii tor
The followieg letters are presents with a view i Sitter Spectacle. • . "'" t IT. •
Of mom folly showing the opinions of 1.1,7,,w,,,,,,, io ! Gold Penedo, i ICV
r.:'-ion to the . Medical value or Dr. StV A VNE'S 1 Gold Hranclers.
COMPOUND SYRUP irk' WILD ctiEnttv. ; Alwren it,Ood- • toren notontu i. nt of Hold and than
Dr. Swayne--Dear Sin lining. used your Com- I
iniilion,o,cln:riLltfriXii,lTngtrio4 ru . n . it tz : :ni an d th a n
Puood bytay - * r WI" , Gliolry e/tht" ,,, O l Y . 11 my i
„urn and Lk chaiwi.vuud Ley. and iewilY or 0. ,, )
orsocioo, I. w. rot/anted by your Agent. Doctor 1 de .,,,, eboseihsin b i ,,, hi .. rib... .011 I wain ,. n ~,,.
u sbis h se.. to exploit My opinion to writing of its , i i , retivittee
peel:Vera. as a remedial agent, I OinaL cheerfully t e r Alf kind. of Wa.chrs and Clu e Ls re pwred ..nd ww•
• comply: rt. rfeel by so doing, I will discharge a, rained le keep good no m for one yr.; old gold awl sil.
debt I nice the community-at largo, and Phy.imans " orahought / oni .k no Xatt• . ... ....
in partiColar." Ad much as I detest Houk Rome- I For rah, ght day mud thin) hour brass Lloi.X ,at
'dies. and Patent Newer., I was induced form +' Womb. Clock, anti Jewelry triore. No Bat M•rhe
a lailare of the nowt potent eapectoraets, recap. etrcw, alio,. Ricvoillh, North ride, l'htladeiploa.
mended in our !miens otediu In some canna 01 I 117 I have twine tsoid sad Silver Levers wid isi Eeheaper
' Dimmed u Limp, to' try your preparation of Pruned ilino the Slave prices. ttl.rtt
' Virginia or Wild Cherry. ft is sufficient to say that " K MIMIC Tint PATENT
MMER. t,r DIU.K-AL I ash
I was so much pleased with the result of that and I STEAM HA
onewequont trials, that 1 now Prescribe it in prefer- , ' ll` 1 i il "moo. , nor"wrwo olo.oX •4 ,, V , ti o n . tan ,
. 7. over at
outs to all other Remedies where all expectorant is " i ii "lh i r ii .: -- ar ooo n wk"vb.too> be ow t i r . ,
artabinot . s.-3 lir rapl4l.l) sr Jrer W h. , '
~ . indicated. la the much dreaded. Pneumonia or " b‘ ; 5 ,.„,,„ n ,,,, e ,s ~,,, iii ,„ shei b „„,,., wade air
.. MlNSaae of the Lungs; in the abseiling 10170 in Which i
, . huunnet iv in operation. and the home, too, he .
''.. it appears in Kentucky, I regard it . an invaluthie ; roomy arrested, mud suspended at any height
.. Remedyio the trealTent ol that disease. To all Ii- Eniversalli). or capacity in execute work of a l.
''.: lm kene me 1 haves enough, hut or . thid may ; " r oni Webster, to ihe rinalleet, order the .nee
. ,
' , ,be . nice by pardons out of the vicinity of Frankfor t, 1 har i l i rti i.iiiii., , i,ii . c i ii.. _ ,.iiii.i...,
inn , ciii.n _ nei.,.
1 wilLbriello add, that I have been ergag,eil in an , It. 2 ,.. e 1 ee ,,,,,?,b_.
ii ,r,l.
in , ink., b. ~,b ` '‘ eiieiniei,
rr ictive practice of sty lirta i fession .1 . 12 3 earr i and ant . , AD .`, ~,..,„„7„,,,c; •,,,,,,,. „.,,„,,,,,,
A. eg0,..u,5.d0.t0 of 1 rans)lrania, and this I. LI.O ! The •übscritiers continue to execuir orders
for the,_
. Ad Valera Medicine I CVO! . thought enough of to - I . hammer .. of WI ulcer, Upon icumnable moon.
011tl an opinion in writing., For further particular+, ismuire of
J. H. Etteson, M. D. . : MERRICK Jr. TOWNF,
nary 7th, ID/. Franklin County, Kv. i Assignee. of the Patent foram Utut,,l States,
• FR•NICroRT, Ky., j ut
'HO, 111.1 H. " d ` dl "' l , Trathovarit Foundry, Pattlad'aid.
...4 a above certificate is from one of oar Physi- DERRY & NICKERSON, .
dttans living a few miles fro m here, he in cluing; vet
Manufacturers of
tgood practice, and in . considered n good' Phymeian, AWNINGS, SACKING .BOTIONS,
/ end stands fair; he id, as he says, aregulargradoate. I
Druggist an I Apothecary 1 N. 354 Boutin Prang /treats
' reslinuntirdi trill never coax. 1 Bock of T. A. Wilson's Cabinet Ware Nontsfy
From the Teniperelice Pledge. " PIULADELPLIIA.
NoVr that Winter is upon us wildlife attendee I A LL orders len with S. S. Moon, at Me office of die
trio Gentians:tie and Bronchial anections.Coughs ..E1 Muchmre. Howl. Pittsburgh, wi hem otel. Y
Cold., &c &c , we would advise those afflicted to I rtiwodTi,,tri- Tlltltt. 6. DEC
this way to Make immediate trial of Dr.Swayne's I "71.-" V A. C. Ale/Lk:RA/A
CoMpeand Scrim of Wild Cherry. It will never
tail to purl. rm a permanent cure. The repratation
oLlhi. medicine has caused many Comic.. articles
' to be put Barth under its name; but the preparation
of Dr. Swaps', besides being the tint ever OfleiVO
to the public, is tie only one that coo be relied un.
The other miliaria sold for Wild Cherry Syrup,
Balsam, &c., are _all spurious and worthies., anti
contain gee of the virtues of the original pltpat.t.
lion, Dr: Swayne'n Compound Syrup of Wild
Cherry. ' . .
From the Springfield Express.
' Of the thousands of purported curative nostrum.
now before the public, but very few ore found to
possess the healing virtu. for which they are ri •
commended: Among the latter we are pleaud in
• learn noun : eland a Heuer tent than Dr. Skirayne.
Compound . Syrup tit Wild Cherry. 'The afflicted
io thin vicinity are beginning to one it, and to their
joy they find., its use their hope. basedapon it.
reedminendations more than realized. The untitled
need not deutair. While there is tile, there now i.
fI"T'S ince the introdoctino of nay article' to the
public; there list, a number of unprincipled indi
viduals gut np nostrums which they assert contain
Wild C herry ramie urn called" Balmms," “Biticre,'
nod even syrup of Wild Cherry, hut mine is the
original and only genuine preparation ever warrant
' cad to the public. which can be proven by the pub
' fie RUMS'S 01 the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
The only safeguard against imposition is to eee that
my aigenture is on earl, RORIE
Prepared only by 1/r. H. Swore., at h. Priem
pal Office, corner or EiONT and Race Streets,
Philadelphia. All Wild Cherry preparation. being
fictitious and counterfeit without his eignalure, _
For ale in Pittsburgh wholesale Will. retail by
W 111.. T HORN, .53 Merkel street, . - -
OGDEN& SNOWDEN, corner Ilnd & IVomiatii.
S: JONES, IRO Liberty street.
' Sold also bv J Mitchell, Allegheny City; Boyd.
earns & Co.,Butler; Wearer & Hanle:min, Ater
edr, motto's Calendar, Meadville; J H Burton 2.
C0.,-Erie;. hi'Kensie &. Kaskell, Cleveland; Dent.
& Son," tolumbus; Miller, Brownsville; Mani,
Wheelnig;Vat K II Hinman, Cincinnati, shim Dr
E Easterly & Co.. St. I.ouis; J S Morris & Co.,
Louisville, Ky.; .Andrew Oliver tic Co., New Or.
a-r 5
I.1:1'. a f<re door< 1.41n0 , j
Wood /tout, toward. IW
'taking been re-nlarly cd.
cated to the ant' teal ;
lemma, and been for.ine
lane in tenets! practice, I
now confine. Lis auennon
to the treatment of atone
private and delicate coin
plaints for which hie oppor
tunibes sad experience
pecubatly qualify hint—
fieriest lean assiduous r devoted to the study and
....our( those comp!. sp.. Muting which roar he
has bad More practice alai Lea ear , ' Mere paOcala b e
can cart* fall to the kit of m
y orale practinOrter) am
ply /Mapes him to Mit t as u mnces of speedy. perm.
neat vild 4atisfaaary t are to all afffieted with *limo
disease*, and all diseases arts= therefrom.
-Dr. Brows would inform shwa . afflicted with private
discount which have become chrone by time °ram/mem
led by Dm um of any of the conaeon naOratee ate
ilzptheit their complaints can Le radically and therethere •
ay cured,ho helium given ho careful attention to
rho treatment of inch eases, and succeeded in hmdreds
of irotanees in curing pecsort• of influination of he
mmthe bladder, and kindled diseases who: , often result
mm Mose cases where others have consigned them to
hopelesa dupair. Ile panicalarly !sorb. sods as have
kieunkmg and ansuccesefully treated by others to ma.
salt him, when every musfaetion evil I be siven therti and
their cams treated m a careful. thomogis and Intelligent
,notnner, pointed oat by long' experience, study and In
veulitation, which it is irmiussible for those cotagrd re
r em: practice of medicine an gave any lane &a..
Err !I cm: aor Rapture-l ase- j, umma
penono afflicted with Demo to roll, an he ha. pod
panic-alio attention this
v3kin Dweamr, al so Piles, Paley, etc- speedily eared
11.—ffanents of either sat living at a distnoce
by stating their disease to writing, givtng all the eympl
tOms, tan obtain medicines with direction. for use, by
addreming T. DROWN, M. D. poet pte.l and cock..
Dinmond allelloPPomle Way'i 4
r No__ P. 79
-- -
a soonest ocavntric•
heat article k.,imisn cleaning and whitening
1. the Teeth, strentialii•iiing the gums, sweetening the
breath, he. It should be used every ttic,ht with a and
brush, and the teeth end mouth witionly require a diet.
Washer's in the morning. Wet die Grua., folk I , tfiti
water. or cold will answer, and rub it a few limed no
the paste, when enough will adhere fur exerting the
teeth. It leaves& delicmot mate,* the mouth, anit
pastes moo delightful fragrance to the breath. hexed.
unrivalled a. a p!awns, efficacious, conveniret. and
oafs denoffice. It is warranted not to injure the meet.
Walla preserve them.
DT 'Will; it regularly, imwil/ remove the lunar and
prevent es acowmulatton—prevant the toothache
strengthen the gams, And prevent all dire... ot mein
Chenutits, pleysictons, nod Me clergy recommend it a
,cleoidedly supertor to every thing of the kind in ere.-
- Ask fur Sherman's Compound Orris Tooth P.m, oi.d
obverse his il.grialltre ameba to t l4 pat.
Recommended by Dn'eniele, one,st"
our best Deseiso. alit by mutt of the old croblopirld
oileh in the United States, and even &tensor* used
by the Nobility of England and Feces
A large proportion of the discos. t Sataftlictmank tad
anise from some derangement of the •toesachorbograt•
which a Much" ore of Me Cuthst Lozenge* would '
entirely obviate. Persons of bilis. habits should id.
Ga ve' alma.% at band, end l ute a dose whenever.
they feel the lesiiit dentrtgenwet tetheir health. Ajudi
dons age of there Lozenge* would prevent Montan&
of oases.
Forsale Whl. JACKSON'S, corner of Wood end
NO cunt NO PAS.
.REMEDY—Warranted to cure, or the mini
returned. This medicine fa prepared limn an tn.
Flocteipf, obtained from one ol them in the Par
Wem?"" great expense. Those who have been
familiar with the bellows, know that they can and
do cure Venereal without the knowledge of Men
eery, Belem, or anything of the kind: The ad.
Bitted knee now en opportunity of being cared
*Mon :the use of - Bam. This medicine is
• • =mit bathe saute, and leaves eteamell tie the
Prepared by ROWAND 6, WALTON, and sold
wholesale andretail, by 7. T. ttowand, 376 Market
etreet,Philad'a. •_•
For ale in Pittsburgh by ft E Sellers, 67 wood
Iffireet, and by Win. Thorn Market et. 'OefeleiT
No Core No Pays
Dr. Jembers . nes Idthrerestien Nes fraik•
• • T HERE ere few dioramas more common or tras
hiest:me than the Pilot, and yet. notwithemod
ing treat efforts hawrbeen made to can by the use
pills,"electuaries, liniments, 6r.c., all eve futile
had Di Ilttle,Oelles4 Now the Embrocathin a the
APnly medicine med. A penon who has been reffer:
"'nog with the Klee of the worst kind came from ha
prd lam:MO Jersey, ale oat on purpose tnelioreas In
vatiolde for tbeapeedy cure that this medicine had
effected in-hincase.—Vhils. Sat. Post.
r Itrreit dale its Pittaburgb at the PPICEN TEA
STOREl.r.Forirth at, and also at the Drag Store
.•FI P &Aimee, Federal at. Allegheny el,
Non-PokiLLAlNlnovs scoorMainta
_ L t k e u /47:
,'et:gper Owe, ple w ee ' wilb emplane end ow l bee! et
lenAtet We sec. to give ally erenet Atr •ealre th.
grentutlitinCeetnical Weep, witsel would <newly hew
*:rel=lo. 4 11 :et TO d ie * c=rgrwtleit '4 7 l.
Btideugle,end get a cake. • • •
./aelcaen'a latkeoldy pieta bPYtsbarlb where
tret9831.7/BBispebe ebtatned. Beware of counter-:
Dig Maimed:La tliedoireiwi.
G : ~
• '4. LADOMUS,
ritIORTES a( Watch., Watchmaker's . Toole, and
i w nue fdatecials, wholosale and retail, and COO I
«molly on
a lark!, asiortment of Lunette, Patent, i
IPlain Olaas. klaturprlnga. Verges. Dials, Watch
Ganda, and a complete astorunrot 01 all Tools and his
temal• belonging AO the trade; with a largo assortment
of Gold anoVilver Levet. Lipine, and Plain Watelie,
11 0( wlatoVbe Will paraaly to aOll Mil , lowest New
York price.. All order, nom the country punetuall)
executed. •
N. ta—temantry Meschanis aud Gibe. ase Melted us
colt and examine at the Old Stand, No. 31.'NuatIt rough
suers. Philadelphia. Jaunt Mu
-- OA '
. • ' WILLIAM OGLE, MICH .11171
011 its , RsiIRNES3 MsfEER,9OO Chesnut st , ,
pkilashigikie, late of the bra or Ogle 4.
Walton. respeetfu/ly halms his friend,
and the public, that he has and will keep
le a handsome ' stoical of
1 ti" Carnag w n b'' ' '' ".
rehliof all styles ' •
adoottalga and itnptarna
mads in order at the Mort. postible ootiee, and meemedtio
,hen best masursrof selected material. khan])
Washington. D. C.
Zr.1.4A8 C. ROBBINS, Mechanical Engineer and
Agent for procuring Patents, will prepare the ne
ceseary Drawings and Papers for Applwarni ror Pat
ents, nod transact all other 'silliness nn the•line of his
profession at the Patent °Mee. He ens be Consulted
n all questions minting to the Potent Laws and deci
ins in Ibin United State. or Europe Pe sans at a
;tinniiee desirous of having r(amlistatir.Ps made st
P nein Other. prior to mar mg application tor a!went.
mar forward [pow paid. enc.:using o fee of fire duliart. -
n gear statement of their cue, w hen inlaid:tale anew.;
non will Le given to IL and all the lidermation that.
mild be obtained by. Vieit of the applicant in person)'
• promptly communicated.
f Ail renew; on business wrest be post paid. and contain
• suitable fen. where a written opunou is required.
Olken on F. steet, opposite the intent Office.
; Ile has tbe honor of referring, permission. to
Bon. Fielmoorldhule. I ti
. of Proems
' rice II I. Ellswonh • do se.
II Knowles. !Seen, • . Otter;
Judge finch, %Vs . .
Ilan. R. Choate, Mariseltuivas, U S Senate.
W Alien. Ob.doi
llon.l D Rosario, M C, Missouri;
Mow Wil ul
is Hl. New York;
Bon. Robert Smith; DI L. Illinois.
'tr Breese. S Senate;
llon J II rtelfe-Yd C, Muutourii
Cage. II AI Shreve, blisreari,
Erestas Brookr, kip.. Pissbureh
nether lot net
lumater Goods,
Rich ring
ranter Si b. •,
lilt new, plain
and printed_ i •
I AORO k:sl
tried and mil,
shroPrd R 0.1.1.;
ranch A Scotch
lip Old printed
tics` de Cans: is
few rah Drab
Satin Strped
'new. Alm,
II assortment
Sm ix•rlc
ew York made
Solon. AC", '
.1 Flowers, cheaper
wail at wbulewle
ewes spls W N GARRARD
Attorney, Conneellor and General Agent.
VTL. PRALL, informs his Mends and she pub
. lie that he has commenced the businesa of
Agent for 1 trying and selling real otme. in this coy, and
will devote a large portion of hie time and anent.; m
die leming. letting and hiring of booes.sorree and oth
er buildingr in collecting and disbarring redwiandath
er claims abld dentate:J., and In attending to Agency tie.
sine. gerwrally. lle will also engage in the wear.-
tion of loa n g eontracts, cm. and will furnish anthetrie
information in relation to the paging qualities and 're
wonnhilides of mors, be Mr which his extensive
acquaintance eminently qualifies Lisa /ternary be found
at hie residence, ado lel Allen aireet.uniil 9 14 O'clock
in the ironing and after 6 o'clock in the evening, and
otherhoom at two office. No 09 Chamberi oreet;god
floor front roam. NEW YORK.
REFERENCES — Pon F A Tallmadgeh Ron John B.
Seml. Ran John Madman. Roo Ogden an.lialfru. IA I.
derman Va•bert Hermon, Ala. Wm V Brady, tvid
(drawn, Km. Wit J Reome,F • aq. esyl3d3m a
TO CON Ta/kOTOII, — ). -7
ROPOSALS will ho- received at the Othce of the
J.... , River and Kanawha Cameron,
in Richmond, Va., soothe 13th July fool, for the con
struction of three MllO,lO darn. noose Jamie' River nn
the line of the Company's Canal between Lynchburg
mid the !Walk of I,e North river. The Rot of will
dame will he about 31 ft bleb and 409 feet long,aad
iled about 4 miles above Lynchburg: the sewed wilt
be Went 13 ft high and 300 ft long, and situated aleno it
weatof Lynchburgh the third lie aLoaf gi
6 high and 300 it long. and *dolled &WU( 1T ilex Welt
ui Lynchbug. The foundation of there darns are of
rock. and the superstructures will be required to be tin
ged a l high a. law oral., level, during the present *to
Anis. Platte 0 , said works tea ybe .een, and iiiamlfielLllollo
~brained, atthe Company'. °Mee at Wein:send OF al
die ntabseritier`a (Ace 011 rind lane above Lynehlorg•
on snd alter the 1.1 of Juty nest.
WALTER OWYNN,Chief Exotleterl
rr i e F f=d;On - th ' ;o7 i eadlas - * ''
and nano farhionablelernatand ATro
11/Ib:AP ROM PI BLlNO,PiAlraorl
or mark to order of all lid at allorlces. '
Comm) , Merchants an other's are mental ha cad and
examine the above for tbemrelvea, MI all trill be sold
wholesale 9r rotadorml n liberal dedoctian made
,sbolessle prachaser,
Hardware Store Manwoneds
IgTHITMORK 4 WOLFF having removed from the
V romera Liberty end 8t Clair streets:lo No 60
Wood street, three door* above Bt Cherie , Hotel; would
of 11 rItE.VOTteLIi
per elope Beranek. Monongahela and Reasie.' direct
from*. nanofsetoreranf Fragland and Gensurr•
Also, *applies of Alinerielin I loadvrare. fnstu the prat.
mpal manufacturer* of the Enatern States.'
'Theo wok being entirely new aid outdrawd upon
the best Isnali they feel great conaneure In being silo
onsets/ally to Meet conlpetition from any quarter,
arbedier east or west..
The Hardware beainera will be continued at tbe
'Tot rdmalono Tar, oretthate makitht urn of Mr..
idear's R.AaValing Ml* I have sugared exuemaly from
Ni.pciaill.litcd an ne.d Stomach. I hare. Made t.OO of
a great • atiuty of medicine without rceManm Material
benefit. Abend thzeo AMA , Maim l roottWteed acing
Mr. Setet Medicine,' cirikk an... •IMSleved me
from acidity .t my wows* einf if-noted me to oomfor
table heath.. *vendor my Okuda aadammaio other*
h .. e p a d. t ace of %ha PER, and received mach benefit
Sang not., I can with wadded.. locoman:ad them.
JANE 'A LEF.,317 Hodson it
ti o m.atholettale said repay by II A PAILNESTOCK
&Mainzer of let and Wood, and Wood and elthSte.
Wholemalo 11e 'iVwetiatiw l/ uee~Ml '
IT AVE erected we etionalwawarabonae on the corner
I.J. of Woe* and PIM alreere,th which they have
renwrtd their Wholesale bannees,• where they will
always have on hand sty eiterrairo AfOrAlnll , of all
theeetleleat Ant 1.., to 'WO tiny Unita the anon
don of *opaline.
.The love fruitless will be rentinaed at theoLO nand
corivr of ithand Wald Ine. apts
.;A:t' _;oi EVO.ll.' :0 A kLA I - - :::: -'•
Di.aiiibllNDllll VEGETA gLE PLlArgtf•
c! - al with ; Scrofula, Ring's Eml
p F c..., N5 ,e,Li...,..; , 0 1 .1 Sidra, Ulcers, Tort e":
fite&mial Diaeasee,or any other complaisits arising
(mai impieties of the blood, are requested to read
the tollovring testimonials, 12 prod of. the weeder
fat properties of the above named medicine. _
J. • 'READ! READ!! REAM! '
, Ws the undersigned; having - tinted Mr. , here..
-Bicolor. Jr. at title &nee of Megan: Remand and
Walton, 316 Market atria . ; Philadelphia, consider
his' 64.110 111223,01 n remarkable 022 .6 hale ever wai
'e rt ' SCROFULA,m ed tl hea ane " .. " ll l. ll ... and terrible mum
hate been h i twelve years' conflict with the de I
stroyer! l
firaPalaVe„i enatire roofer his rucieth. Nose, Up.
per Lip, and lower Lid 01 the 1-tiglit Lye hare bees
destro i tsd, his Face 11C24, eaten up, and part of the
Jaw en smiled away. And let we can give it
defeription of hia case.
Mr. IL minima Os that in January last, the who!.
interior of his mouth, as well m must or her lac.
mare man or deep and painful eke's!
Shathe 14th orJanuar. law. lie commenced Otto. ;
Di. CULLEN'S INDI /1N t'I.:GE rA ISLE l'il.ii.A
CEA, which checked the d 062E0 10 3 tew da,n,a,t....
rem that time the cure hen progressed without in
• ,New flesh has supplied the place of the deep ut
Mira, and though badly disfigured, lon lace is sound.
Red his general health in metered.
'We are• Amami that in the treatment of Ifitr,
Brooks' case, no Alercurials.Chnimenta. or Caustic
aPpleations nave been used,—ou het , the PAN A
(,KA ALONE, Ms wrmight this wonderful change
Band Smith, Backe county, Pa.
Charles L. Bowled, Meadville, Crawford miPa..
J W Jones. Al D South Second street, l'hila
Jacob Lee, Pemberton, N J.
%V Cary,44o N Fourth. shove Poplar at, N 1..
S I.l'Cullnegh, Lancaster, Pa. •
Al Aladdoelt, North Eleventh st. Pinta
• %V•Appleton, 51 0 46 South Et. de
l'• invothy Caldwell. Marion on. Missouri. '
iel Venial, Chesnut Hill,l'hil delplon co. Pa.
into arned,39oHieh street, Philo.
' William Steeling AI D, Camden, N. J.
William Fle.le, 3,8 High street, Phila.
J H Potter,Alanulseturer el Mineral l'eetti. 1119 5
Ninth street, Phila. I
L. A Wollenweher, Ed. Phila. Democrat :77 N 3d •
street, do
George W Meets. Brush Maker, 317 blarkel. m:
Esra Carr, 139 Chesnut street, Phila.
A 1./ Gillette, Pastor of Eleventh tlapii.t Churl.,'
1 Phila.
; Jobs Beil, Etie_Street, l'hilailelphia,(Noidi Anse, 1
can office.)
Aaron Sands, 164 Catharine Street, Phila. i
Daniel McGinley, Kessler: Alley, do
I Andrew Sweaten, Camden, N J: •
t 11 14 Evans, West Phila.
; Richard It. l'oulv. gilder, 400 Market at. Phila
John W Asfunead . , 60 South Sixth street. do '
'l' S Waguer,Littiographer, 116 C'heseat street, d.
1 B J Kenai', 123 h:leventh street, 110
Peter Skin Soli!, Editor Native Eagle, . de
Joel Bodice, G nu manufacturer, D'illimmtowi.
Wi tiara Steely, Farmington, Van, Buren co, town
L B Voles, M D, Boston, Alms. I
Russel Canfield, l'hisiologon, Philadelphia.
I Thomas P S Roby) Al 0, liarrisburgh, Mi. ..
, Peter Wnght.2..W Mcrket street, Phila.
James %V Newlio, 103 Filbert .t. do
John Gond, 174 Spruce st.
do I
William line, l'astor St. Paul's AI. E.l,lh.Cattlarine ;
I St. Phila.
1; John Chambers, Pastor 10l tilde?. Church, Brom I
at, do
T L Sanders, Publisher of Pledge and Standard,
; Phila.
* P Sellers. Editor Olive Ll •, Doylestown,
' Bucks co, Pa.
1 , Wholmale and (toted by ftnwand Walton, Pro.
;prietors,3l6 Market St Philadelphia- It K Seller.
L 57 Wood st. Pittsburgh, Pa.; %Vm. 'lT' - ,:el Mar..
let et do.; E B Perko., Marietta, Ohio, eaten di
Sharp, Maysville, K 1; John W Dmenho , er,Ciu ,
Ohio; Sidell & Beeves, Aladison la; l: Noble, Li...
elite, K V,• Ileyerouck & l'ellous. St. Louis, Al..
I' II McGraw, Notches. Alio.; Hardaway & Jolt
sloe Vickaliurgli,dri) Charles Jenkins, New Odes,.
_, _
!STANTON'S EXTERNAL ' [ EM li-DY. divine n. very large and eutomishous warehouse,
CALLED , ,w, ~,,, i .n.nor.d to receive (in addition to height for
HUNT'S LINIMENT, . enipinetitio wig.. annitionof Produces Ae..nit 5.M...
IS now unisersally acknowledgrd t o ho - th e IN i lon nin s tis , ' C A hIeANULTY &Co
FALLIBLE REMEDY for Rheumatism, spl , PICK %FORTH & CO'S LI R E.
nal AlTectio., Contractions of the Muscles, Sore j gt",44,,e,5.A 1847.
Throat and Quinsy, Imu.oltl Ulcer., l'ates io tan , -...".
Back 'and pest, Ague ill the Breast and Voce, I L i s ilit.Cst VETT for the itansportabou of WAY
VoulhAch . , Sprains, Bruises, Salt Rheum, Burns, ' 1-s k"ltrltitiT too wren Pittston - en Blairsville, Johns-
Croup; Frosted Feet .dull Nei - seen Diseases. : . e'en , lin'Alatuin'es %Vete , Street. Petembergh end
The TRIUMPHANT SUCCESS which has at • ''' ' ,;',7;,,,,;, th ,;;:jj r, L .,',.,f, " ,,,, o ..„1,„„„ ore A gt o g oo o,,
tended the akolicalinn of this moat WONDERFUL i a. t'•: . f.t•-to•ci..,r• rt day. 'except Sandaye,l and
ISIELHI•INVn curing the must 'more ca re. of the'. it ni•een meesi ....rend nn having their goods for.
ddlerent 'Bien es above named—and the RICH noon eno I lend A ter de/ tit fair rates
ENCOMIUM: , that have been bestowed upon it, , Tit .I.„te was Aimed for the speetal accommodation 1
wherever u s o z i, b een n dy n dy,,,, g in. ~,,,, th, ng ,, 1 11: 71. 7.,1j '411111[....•111.1 then proprietor! reepectfully I
to call on the ASTLIC FED to reset at once to ' ."' ' r.
' ' ."
' r.".
It .t7'i I'll 'IL Wr 111111 JOUN MILLER
ON. . ... rt . NI. it BARNES ROBERT woup , : . ) j
tErflielaelllt!. Malt, 111 recommending (i.e rile- is I LISA M FEI,TI.
sued Salerno Reinmiy. t inuis L.norient r t , i Cs MI-TER. Ho: idoedittigh
The liilliostig letter Irmo t, c Melly CuSinef 1 1l ri I'.l .\A >: lohn-1,0, a A 5 , 0 1.
Phymicians who have beereittached to the Almon : C A NEcANljlal a. Co. P.mimigh
Pleasant State Prison for Dian,. years, ta the best j ~ m „„.., „ , fatter, Rouen 3.0 „, e ,„. ie
evidence of the value pith's celebrated Liniment. g. ,...„'„',,,„:, t r ,`,', ' h
Sian SING, iieeetOber - 21,1131.5. :- j j
. Nly Dear Sit—l receivell your note of ymtentay. i LAKE ERIE AND •MICHIGIII LINE.
asking my .prone in relation to Hunt's Liniment, j is r..; 1 b 47. • igiafidia
115 prepared tty Mr George E Stanfoo Knowing i t4eibia
compel...Rion, and belong frequently used it. I • 1 , 11, I,lv I , og rompo , A 0 1. S'euilenss Leke Erie.
sil recomno yen to you a..... red. E.mcionl Reno 1 ~..I Mi n ens, AA. tic too, i„. i ..„...„ in ni .,,,,,,.
send di my emotion, tie: best LoatoeoL now .i 1 ~ - 1., .• •.' , ,•' ...L . n . . .... 1 .4. •" 1 gr ,
u Very truly and respectfutly roues• is ~,, g1..1v. , .1 LI , wrrana Irte sung won
A L L „„; ~, t• at Rents lane id S.eamlmat Propellers and Vessels
A J i. " `."'''''• tin An Late, will M. prepared upon the <urge. open•
Col Pierre You Cottlandt, Croton Manor. nig A Navigation to retry Freight and Inuirengers to
I fully concur in the above opinion. alt posits on the River, Canal and Lakes.
VI , A BELCHER. iinVinerVery facility for corierying freight end put-
YufIETOIS N, Jan. 14, 1845. 4entr , • ms , th Mutilates' •nd ' , UP.... thPaute. ,
str—ln reply to your letter, 1 would !ay that I sod urea. leermetrolla solicit limn then S tee ds and
have used your External Remedy, called Hinds he P''''''' j ‘' . '" " .l: Tr7 , 1 ,.. 3 . 117 . 1 ....,,..n,.,,
Liniment, io my practice mitten you made me ac i t E xpo . pigßx., g. ,... j ,' , ',Z ater.g. .,,,,,,
queinted with its mormnaition, tied onlo,sititt ;idly JuliN A. CAUGHEY. l'on.b . gla do
say that I believe it to be the best Eaternol Rare cio rinittifirid sod W our us. onlmme the Alminme
dy new in ure c kr the cumplamto r, which yeu re ' cone. tleout•
commend it. - You res pe v
Geo E Stanton, Esq.
(13• Among the •matts of worthless articles all
humbug. that are poured forth at the present day
'upon the country it. Is molly refreshing to trod
something or real 16.1 utility, something rim
plc, speedy and eke 621 in its operation, and it
the tame time Wen from those injurious aeon
which generally attend powerful remedial , . Hunt's
Liniment, prepared by Geo. l Stanton. u 1 Sing
Sing, though if has been but 2 short time before
the public, by already obtained the confidence, not
only of Our most' wealthy and influential citizens,
but our most eminent physicians. All aeknowl.
edge It to be a sofereign balm for many of the Ow I
that flesh is heir to, soothing the aching Wish, and
by its genuine stimulating influence, banithin; die
ewe from the system.
Mr. Stanton—Sir—S. eing your advert...ant
of Hiint's Liniment, I was induced to try ita elects
on my son. who had been crippled with a lame
back from an infant; and ilia with gratitude I boar
testimony to its wonderful healing properties. Sly
child, who is now tine yearn of age, ta cow to a fair
way of recovery, • Yours, Ase
Port OPTsclr,Tottrett Ka, Putnatu
I certify that I am personally acquaints d with
the Rhone named child. and think the father would
be sale as saying that his so
JA n is
DYKt v
M ell.
Nov 5,1845. Deputy Post Muter:
V. S. I would also stale that I have been for a
'number of yearn subject to frequent attacks of the
Rheumatism, which in ninny instances pretreated
my attending to toy basil:am Too or three applt•
cations of the Liniment ihmiably remove all Al.
fecttons of the bind. In of brutsey.yrains
and sores, too numerone to mention, it ha s i n thts
vicinity proved a certain remedy. Its Sabre can
only be estimated by thrum who have given it a fair
This Liniment is sold at !.5 and 50 cents per hot.
tic, by all the Prinetpal Druggists and Itlerchtnto
throughout the country.
Winaksoie Agents in Nan Vorh.
dIoADLEY, PIIELPS & Co, 111 Water
RUSHTON & Co, 110 —roadway.
A B & I) SANDS. coiner Fuliti;, and Will , on
ASPINWALL, 06 Williantatreci
Orders suldreased to me at Sing*St rg, ' Y,
be attended to. CEORGF. nTeNTON,
For sale in Pittsburgh by L WILCOX, Jr. and J
KIDD & Co. Allegheny City,JOHN SAIIGE.NT
Biriningham,JOHN SMITH.
I 111 -7 ft ,, N 6 1 .0.1 o'r , compound I,IIE m•I or n.lll •A
JJ PAIRILLA. Wonder and Inks-mg of tha n
I his Latmet in pot up in quart 1.,a11. •--in Its•
cheaper. plua•unter, nud warranted 111.11,1.0(
sold. It cures w,lnoutyurniOng, 'Jura 111. niche ,
del.lltatmg the Flatten t
The grant beauty and martote ‘I, • Surrip
Over all other remedten io. whir e ....
it ittentorate• the toady. It ,u use , l rue, -00117 1,. die
removal and permanent CUM 14 all 0,,.11/ 11 1 1.11 itlK
from an Illipure state of the W.A. or 1 , 21,1 of 01 1 A . 4'
Look out for Imotafests'—th psonmpled person. ' , ve .
...noted oar labels. and put op tormeens. In the stun la ,
pet, bottles. See that each Imre has the ...Snot • ,ot
tare of S Townsend
For sale by E E SELLERS, [sole agent Mr Allen. "oot
county,' 57 Wood creed, between To and .na
us: •-1
SIY LF,trruttE , mi the. USES ty TIIK LI /
Cannon, Pfel/C111:00 and Cunt tooautopt son
Asthma, and Diseases of the Heart. Un the -I. owe
of Longevity, and mode ol.preservong male at..i th
reat-CI health. symmetry and twenty: espostng ettusee
and cure of those thseasta that produce Comonso.
tin., or shorten life as Attention of the Stun. Spine,
Stomach, Rowels, Kidneys, Liver, scrotal,. 1 . .1e5,
Gravel, and Female Complaints, 11. rules.. Aiy.
practical and pure, term o guide to perfect heal h
and long life. SO Engravings, 321 pages. .50 e
Postage 93 Ms. By SAMUCt. SHIELD() •
FITCH, A. AL, NI. D., at 107 RHO.% f LAY AY. NEW
Any person remitting filly Monts, free,wlll receive
one copy, toy mail, to any part. The trade supplied.
Feb ID, IllaTelfim
y — No Pay IPlies I
Da JaCkson's End/meant. la th e only meditate. that
JJ will eh. this so nosy ond trouble...est
&geese. It not only itantedlstely allay . pion and infla
wane., stops all bleeding, subduesthtil intolerable
ing. bat effectually cures,very Abu. note p. 1.00.
mime lives bare been rendered morionile For years
Its applicatiou produces on pan.lost 'tuber an nature.
Lie and ple•tant sensation. If per. , .. afflictrn will
call and nen, of the (rent nu011...r of
boon cured, they will be nswilislien. A Feinted.° of
Ibis city, who had born under me knit.: at the suig.e
for two Or Ibsen times without toting cured. bas by ta.-
ngg bottlesof the Etabrocaturn. been erailically cutest
It sells beyond precedent :1-11'011. Penn., Cunene
Op. For sale to Pittsburgh at the 1' .KIN TEA
ISTORE,72 Fourth street, near wood, and also at the
Drug NOR of II P Federal at Allegheny i.
ty. enTAlkw
Ladies Indles,Fm eatontithed,
Whin yoa know that Too are promised
A natural, life•lttie, snowy white.
That vott will .11 usr cowmen chalk.
And look n deathly yellow (right.
The theme of laughter end or talk
If yin. would ow a beg or /ONE'S
would give your skin an alabasvr yet. neutral white,
JAC nd. NI
at the lame woe clear and improve it. Sold at
I KNON, re Llbe Tty Et. Poise B 3 cents per hOZ,
cy tit; hbd• R
e ka malr
. . .
.184 r• '
irENXSII/AVAISikijA.S.ILL k iii.Alutarbo4h.rh
"krPgix: Isssr rAcian• -
Earlusiieyfir Pawn's,.
THE public are wept etrally ternner3 that this Line
will CMoAft..< running on or ;demi the teal instant:
sd coutwue throughout the waren. The proprietors
have now pinged a eupt.r clue of Packets and Sul_
rood Cure nii the TOLIII, with extra aeconunodationa. ,
winds will gigs greater comfort to traveler.
Aracket Boat will always he in port, and the twe
et. politic are rwinesnid to gall and examine them,
, At
pr. IN IA entente', pateage elsewhere., .
one of the Packon will leave the landing (oppoode
tLe Unood 1 4 .140015, corner Penn ;met and the
Camel.-very li.ghn in n oVock
ri m r. 31 DA vs
For 'Womana, nnply at the offiee, Monennaheto
t o q., Mt, or tn LEECH & Co
utehln ear Penn smut and Clod
Eaki= I S47'
'POE .4.c0
etemm of doable daily sil Alia Carr. [owned by throarrlVM4l
orlorb Jr,. to maul ordrr. The rolocramrr err
m.d to tondurd a tarec quantity of Idereltattdar and
Produce ordb crttalnty cod dispatch:
l'oelocr or 3lrrehat,JlNe 'on/opted to any of the
deremora JO' 112,narded itccut atty charge tor COnirlfie•
WWI or tortm
1... mt o trait mOdted and all instruction* promptly
lornded to.
The - Inkrinem of thin Line is eoriduetid on-strictly'
mtl.ttth-1,...00m principles.. Address, of apply to •
D LUZII &Co. ProPiietoM.
Canal Dann. PaoLorgb
Id South Thild cocci. Philadelphia
JOS. TASLOIL er.SONS,. Agents,'
-No 114 Nonl, Howard etreet,ll.3luneot or,
• • " 05 . II WILSON, Agent,'
tot 105 No 7 Wear street, NONV York
Bakaa &
and the NW/A
y.tnenta on
die %any. and the .consequenf rift of delay. damage,
1. Hid Sti.llll.oll Di pools.
110 E k CASO
No 27,1 Markel etreet. Philadelphia
t) , r Print and Wayne sts, Pittsburgh'
tCir \Ni ill a Co, North street, tloltimore i A ...„,.
55' a I'l' r.u.scorr. 75 *nub st. N. V. 5 r --
5: , connoted hy inconord business the Propnctors
hair u•turit to die., s ors and extended their arrange.
MCllln 11111,11; ItiC wooer, andsre noo• prepared toter
, watrl it a wnli v....celerity and dispetch ensurpowicd
, alit whirr
ur nor their bog experience as cameo,!
1 the pulp..., superionty of the Portable Boat einem,
mod the great capacity d convenience of the ware•
house, ht each end of the an nue. are petuliasls =kale.
ted to enable the prop...learn to fulfil theirengegernenta
and accommodate their euitorticrii—confidentlyufferiog
, the putt as a guaranty for the future, they respectfully
; wilco ii coutioutoiceor that patronage which they now
ern.eielly acitnowletigr.
1 a qcoroliginucins to Tallire It OT0111?Or wilt be reed
/ 'worded Pleura.. charges paid and Rills or
I Ladiug tranawitird tree of any charge tor Commiscon,
advancing or storage flaying no internt directly or
ioducelly li t
r eam roan, the laterest of the couinguora
, tou.l Oceeo :tray Lc their primary obiect in .birp.s
. wv.i, aid Wry pleJge thenwelvra to forward all goons
I c0...1am:4 a theta promptly end on We most advalpii
; ecous wring to the °wirers.
March 1.12,17,
184 7. ( =rag
ILT lNsll.tont Traallirolcotuei
CNA. eettlflglied la our care minim forward.' %cult.
om the turrmit raw. Hills of LaMorr
ten:l..lrd. 011.a:ructions promptly rarentleil
free Duro any extra. charge for morage or CO M11:11.1011
At1.1r.... or apply io C A Mc AN ULTY tr. Co
tb.lrinM To
1v heeler, CtocArr & Co, Ntyr 1 cut
t:..0 DavA, ttuffoto
K N Nat. Co. Ileveland
Ja. A Anastiong Co, Deuon
sk.clo, A Wil li am, Althemok
II r tvoi R Yon., Clorago
%Vol Vow,. rowrnoown. Fenn.
Geo M arneltnyr 0, Ems .horgh, i'vento
John ?Malawi, Iluntriown, Jo
kk let, a Acker, Ur..lle, do
Craig a Ft wont.. Clarksville. • do
ll.* Is Plaint, Sharpstrurgb, Pa.
W C ?Union, Shoran, - do
II W Cunningham. Near Castle. do morl
184 7 . ROMPS
y or, • rt, r ,SPOILTINU 1,1,11.AL/11, be.- •
EU; virrstsouni AM) THE KA , TF:KN
CITIES, VIII 111/CT 'Rosman. o,
improved method of carry Mg used' by this long
Kstalilisherl Lme. is now so well known that de
: .cr pi ion •ntee essat y Good* are not touched on Me
rani rh o , o il iranshipment ornatrit handling is saved
Ttio nom. me of light dniught and perform their trips'
nem eLII.I ien, 1 1 / 1 11 , 1.
espacity of our Warehouses enable*. to More
uny enosi content' male tour., ReCclVlllß.storinc, trod
free of charges.
Beme (drip prepared to make sdles of Produce, v.
I respeettolly when consignment. of weetent Flour,
Bacon. Lard. Ironer, Citeem, Wool,Fenthers:llfil other
articles tor sale, on winch liberal advances will he
roads .d other usual facilities afforded, pledging our
rely. that any lamiorsa entrusted to o• Will ho .
' ,moray c ar
et.. and uprin as tam terms as by any
other house. NO M eVADV KS b. Co
Cdnal Basra. Pitmlittrgh-
al& and 2:4 Market sr, L'hilada
.7. S. DICKEY,
Bast Bader Point rend Bridgewater,
antis COVIITT, to.,
Proprietor and AlVal e( aletw
lAr epared an curheat Opening or canal
, matron ree,ve property_ SI lal. wharf Lem 0,
in 'fervent:in, fur all patois on Vale kalenlfors,
Cur, sad 0011.1 C 1111.114, for oil ports on I,mlre Erie and
upper Later. u al.n in lorw.trd produce, Ire .ley Penn'a
Itnprovr mews. Apply lo ur address
1e42,1,10 Jrfifi fIICKIII, 11 , 11v.t
eirrsßuitim h CU V F LAND. LINE.
11 Pinar. II ll.op. T. I rlawn4 t Co.
CLARKE & CO., ' •
Forwarding A. •Oommlellon dierchania,
'PIM Agents and,Proorietars of to. Line - too favor
/ ably known to the piddici, will be prepared on the
eurtiem opening of canal navigation to receitreprop
city at l'inidiurg .
h and Deaver, and delverr die unmet&
any point on thy Ohmcanal.,and also on Lake* Erie
nod filichigait, with the greatest despatch and at teas
tiple rate..
The proprietor* of that solicit the hostile.. of
their fanner custoers with confidence, knowing that
'heir (*clinic , EMI s m econd to none.
Apply to or addres.
0 NI lIARTON. Age. Pittsburgh
CI.ARKIb & Co, Heaver. •
Jan& T RICIISIOND A Cr "eland,
TII F. Pam , myrea Poitablo Haab Company b ei n g di n .
i o l.ed, t he company again went into articles of C.
pannewhip under the name of the .Boatmen , . Liner
and likevrisn agreed to refit the !stock so as to have • of Ilea& far the purpose of carrying good.
through in from six to eight day.. with certetory—and
fret ette aaaaa ell I,y the liberality of Ism year's patron
age, to make room e/lensive arrangements (or the en
soma year.
We would therefore respeetfdlly solicit entail's;
once of our fortnerpatrOnt.and refer all new ;anon:ter.
tll those we have done business for.
• 1.847.i1ME11
For the Inrairporlelon of -
Ott. Air trs or MeaCitiollaEr To all loos
Portaretruza, ElatTnrcam, Nat. Vou, mgo Beaton.
sANUr.t. WIGUTMAN & Co, _
c,ornar Libel RIME( odd Canal Hamm Fillerameh.
No am Meartelalreet
ELDER, //ELSTON &Co. Arent&
Balurnore, Md.
ri ritirtjtiGN—Ja.. Moo.
w Ake, c ll ) AC., II A Sampson& Co, AI Alen k Co.
1.1111. A A —Moni Porteraron JeCo r laroolda
McFarland rt CO. 1-lemne & Batty. Peter lynelo a
Fon./ thapham.Joserk Gratc.
riEw N O Reed
k. Co, Theo. Petry Co
BOSTON—Reed, Mond & Ca.
CINCINNATI—Adana & Creagh, W W read/or
PLF.ASANT. VA—P A Moretti... •
to merchnndin from New York nnd &won,
sued A L Gerhart & CO, Philadelphia, moll bor
Promptly forwarded from or comathrit,._ .. was .
- - -
Limon & Com
Package Itexprelle to
• Phlladeki.6la.
iimsu th
tateaaeu , ctmeggance of 'eahmale esll
nasechandlae, .genie, bank note., *Wen., dec cc ac.
nceneed running en Thluadcg. March IS.'
An Ito" V... will be dlae.l.b&l Jellg until thcelnea
of the canalingseneen 1
Apply in D I & Co
or Penn lc and Carol
..___ _ _._ ........___
: ttis ,;.; -- ts shavers t . r's.- I- ' = •
maiMie OM v arrAMdendid iiritrier
.9199AVSM.. -l" ; ; •
Clpt.Cbaries Mom* Manor/mei Ina .
. restilm tops am day. leaving Para
mb at 9 eeloc b. a. ar.,•nd Brayer .12 reelona., sr,
- eonneennd arnb Pittaborah sad Clevelao4 Line of Cad
n*llloloo Only to Cleveland.o.; Senses. Warren and
Cievehmd lAN! of Canal Packet. and nta9e Coaches
dmly to Warren sod Cbevelaam Canal Packet Llll.O 10
Ness Castle and. Gmeoville. P. Ene Extension Lino
at Meadville and Kria -Nell. Moore & Co's LOW, of
dlede Coaebea for Cleveland and Wooster. leave Bean
ver daily on Me arnval a steamboat Beaver fano
Pit:Miami Apply to
li At lIARIO 2 A. Co, Pm-Ponca
a .1.1 CLARKE& Co. Beaver
__: _-
ell Tag ' TLYiRIA •I'6lo 01170CANAL 4
E N. PARKS & Co. Clekelnud O. I
R O PARKS. !Suave, Pa. Peopflelen
T 'MATHER, Pittsburgh, Pa.
P re " above
a v n e dY n a:K ' o n k o nra !gm ' ly
laud, to any twnwon the Peunnylvantn & nand Mu
Camila. •
The of
of naid Line are not equalledliy are on
.aide Cal. In nutubets on/ enoaeity of float. rep,
rienef Captains: and prompinest of MOWN, An.
one Rost leaves Pinaburgh and Cleveland dOy. run
ning in connection with the Steamers.
Miehigun and Lake Erte, between Pittshutgh and
Heaver, and a Line of Got Clot. Steanlwrin, Propel
lers, Drip and Schooner*, on L&Lre. Erie, Iluton,
ehigan and Ontario •
Property forwarded bony Parrot the Caton with
denputeh N PARKS 0.110, Cleveland. Ants
REED. PARKS & Co Beaver. Am.
Iti 7` kdATHER. Piltatinrgh, Atzt. ,
unnt car Water and Smithfield street,
i iEt o . 1 S 41: Vtali_
TIME to UMW MOle• .... • • ..... • • ..!M ha
Time to Philadelphts 10
• (Only 73 Mile. Staging.]
Ttin•plemint and to running steamers Consul. Lea
is hi , Laile and Swatara, have tlontmeneed making
double daily trips. One Igo. will leave the Alonougus
Lela wharf e morning preetaely at k
Pa.thngere by tb morning line will am ye i u lialtimare
next evening;n fob! for the Philadelphia Mail Boat, or
gall Road ers . The evening float will' leave the
wharf dad, at I o'clock, esrept Sundays. Pas•ringet•
Ly •thil hoot will lodge on hoard. in tsantrormble .lateroom.; leave Drowneyille e on minting 41,6 o'clock.
11.110Elaill.liu day light! sap and 'ado in CU.'
heffittld. Thus avoiding night travel altogether. The
preparations on tins Math are a inple.a and the coancenon
Mmlplom on that disuppo,tillnents or tlelart will be un
known upon it.
Passenger. eon atop on the tome trlia resume. tbea
again atre , and pp rhthee of Roll Road
or Steamisiiat between 1:n11mM/re and Philadelphia
Concha , eharteted to 'mutes to travel as they desires
Senate lour tickets of the office. Monongahela House.
or 81 [hashes !tooth .1 AIDSKIMEN
(Chia , , • .
1847. MaMI
DACKET Boats Saraltora Talegraph leave Vex
r daily. at 3 rielock r ober the arrival of thi
morn ve ing Ltua , from Pitthlarralr. and arrive at Warren ii
time tor the Mail lane 01 gram, whieh leave mimed;
*rely thereafter.and arrive at triemeland at 3 Welock, I
This route is the insist expeditious and catnip...thin
one le the I..ekes.
rhs LErri NG W ELL. Warren Props . .
HEED, PARKS & Co, Beaver, Agents
JOHN A CAUGlSEV,eurtier Winer and hinithfie Id sus,
godly Opposite the ‘lonotigshets Cease Pittsburgh
=bib 1841..
PACKET AND rtuat:ll 6, TlNl'..
Tzr j .;l il l t n eLat:;t!ng of freights
da , tttg c ttea,tat heterrett
Beaver and Orcenville. Pa which Treight att. , pas
gengert between he two potato, ./till hr car ried pritmpil•
WO at the lowest fat..
WICK k, ARCIIER. Greenville. AV
CRADA.4. FRANIPTON,C.JarItsv , Itr. dot
31eFA11LAND tt KING. re Demi, do,
..... . . - .
REED, PA Co. 'leaver. • do
/MIN A CA UGIIEI, eurocr With, uutisorthfirhl
aitly Oppn•tte the. Monougnheta 110.11, Pittsburgh
MEI= 1847 . WWI
11*It 'awls, New York
wad 'Boston.
ri ri F. encouragement nes line has received sine
1 Ha commencement, has induced the proprie
tots to increase the stock by adding n nuniber,ol Inc.
class boats; and inatead rife - ming receipt , ' an hereto
fore as agents, we will glee Rile OWL receipts In
'freight shipped by this line.
'I fie boats ate all portable, conneonently
i . ulkcn One whole 41.l.tilre without transhipment
thereby presenting damage frum Irequent handlin
on the route, and as each boat is owned by th
Captain who runs them, which is a su(ficient gua
alder that thorn will be so delay on the route.
All Produce nr Merchandise consigned to th
undersigced will be forwarded FREE OF COS
11,61015, for advancing and forwarding, sad' a i
be shipped without del iy at the lowest rates
tdr .e.pv• .11tre watioc ;. , r.
, %PALLING/ 0111) & Co
Canal. Basin, Pittsburgh.
Bond Street. Philadelphia.
I , MILLER, Agent
Bovsley's Wharf, Baltimore.
. Pittsburgh. Feb. IR IS4I,
1846' AND 1847
" JAmt .. 'rwr'w
'HE undersigned Ara now prepaned to forward lb
1 duce. dte.,to die Kamer. klarketr during the-cc
mg Winter. on the most favorable term., by thi. eat
damn. =to.
All properiy ron.mned m ixr will be f0rw.r.1.,1 k the
10 , 1,C.1 rules and with despatch.
kleichandmo termer d by the , tome prompt!, fnr
warded. C Aret Pitt.bunM.
C ASS.. Brownsville.
7_5; 1.1 .
. .
THE sul4cribers will receipt forum delivery of Pro.
duce to llaltionueliy the Mosionglticto Slocksruter
•t she litlinreing prices.—
Avoca, liArOp, Honer, Led. Lonl: Pork. Tallow.
Whiskey. Cheese, d Vllasv— a e7l ic,s per lOU
ToliAceo,llconp, nag •ed Whent-94 cw per 100 110.
Av.s. (Pot) Apples. Cheree, Plaz•Seed, tilos, and
vu .h
Le hrr-106 cu per Ilia 114
Oils, Skins. Seeds. Wool-110 et. per 10n lbs
Ileessrag. Feather, ve
Fur, Irinng, •nd Stnike.Root
—IV cos per 100Ibs.
All property consignH to either of the undersigned
will Lc r otro. fowarded 'without delay, free of Commitmet,
bOal abase AV II CLAlLLllrownovllle.
lIANNA A. WATERMAN. Pittahnegh.
a FREIGIITEFLS and others wishtng
mt— hare Sire Ilriek. roulime, A c..
brought tu tha, place ham Sombenvllle
and intermediate landings, can make
arrarigeanents. by calling on me, a. I
have a Baal tanning regularly between Pittsburgh and
~,,, , ,,,,,,,,n,, 10.0. LI MlLTENllb:Blibat,
jang Steamboat Agent, St Sealer at
• TltEfeamboat II ARLIN re 4 aired
and r tied In handsome style and
now the Monongahela wham As
she ii Improved she is well adamed for
carryin g y, t sbt and pamenneta, or for worms; Mt Into
great eapacny and pumer. Any Permit dispute d to
numbest will of course inspect her
al. propose to Mime, lorone or more years en) tool
Works; and to manof micro . and business habits the
offer great advantages I Carl furnish the lesser. either
tm .i sale or charter,.my tow boat Ile can
also navy y,d y Itart{t, three lints, and two
coal loultoMf. s.lren torn with room, fiXiares. h..,
made for full
• Art examination oft he e
tablightnant to invned. J'ersolis domosell to nexottate
with no at reference to an) of the above partteulor t,
may anidreer ono at my Oilier In etrilltl'is UMW.. •1•
meet, l'ltt-ourrhtor at 11.'11411,1mM( Monduatthelr city,
ue. Tilt),.. 11 ItAIRD,
'FOE BY Algel OF' 'MUTH.
.j Rlr
from the Rev. Wakefield, l'a kS
litnr of liberty' I 111 Vi
ritiAblirg b. Match S. IM7.
• Mr. R. F. SeHerm It is from • amt.: of ditty, a• well
with areot plea•hre, that I bear traltanotty to the err
Inc of you, japtly hilettrated %Feminine Lprocarat n
~tale b o ta , nod gait it to three nr tel t loldren, who had
boon tll Tor SUIrCII,II weeta The elders won ea•van
y earl. old, the milt four, and the youuaeit eighteen
Month.: The Grit passed fifty-ma worm., the second
fon ty Rod the third a ronauleialite number not
dtstint9g recollected. Sine., then they have been doina
welt: and at!. now in goad health
Yotre reapoolh lly, S W.atttt.
From Um Rev. S 6 Ilabianik, ofri,oMetlodiat Epirco !
'pal Church. •
Mr. H E ffellerr. It is with great pleasure I would
inform you of the gaud effects produced on my sou of
four prose of axe, Imp your jastly celebrated Vennifugc.
After hi. having ecovalaions, l gave him hoe doses,
,be passed an almost increalitable oritalrer, (NM
which rime hi. general lieu h has been improved. •
8 killaa.c.X.
From die Rev Charles Cr lee, of the Methodist Epis
copal Church:
jinn urgh, Deeemberl4,l.43.
Mr. R. K Sellers: I gave y lone (humbler (Linares.
direr. ood rot years old) th e doses of your Virmilege,
ae.rding to prescription, 1h the happiest sneers.—
The numbered' worms expelled I do not know pieeise
ly. hot it was large. She it 110 m in pvseseion of pond
Leahh. blink the medicine may ho contdeil in with
great unrepetTedlies , C Cunxx
As Ibis \formlfuge his never barn known to fail
n instance, wire wombs ocistally easslod, pate
-bould give n in preform , to all other*
Escrowed and sold by R. K. SELLERS , between
nd am on Wood stteab
For sale by Dr. Coast I. Fifth Ward.
- -
FROM the very liberal encourage
„ silent the subscriber has received sine
he bas located himielf .in Allegheny
has induced him to takes lease,for
term of 'years. on the property he no
Emmen,. in Beaver street, Immediately betlde th
PreshyteiitinChurch. From the lung experience tat
Moore himmess and a &Meets please, be hopes in me
It and receive a share of public pettonage
Nowoishaml and finishing Weirder, Noillaway Be •
gies,open and top Buggies, and every deseription of
Canines made Uti order, from nevempfive dollars to
ourhthuneres fasp:lAtfl, ABUTII„,
KialTirg RT — terViii OA:k.Farrcmo
Ting deri
Gleam spots, Steins, or Merles from Clothes,
eifoolkas, Carpet he., di, and. renng ese spots
where is s,
ekari bright, oevr,
Bold with Bail directions rtICII in Oral. t Mae
pErfloldby WM. JACKBON. to Liberty street, !Mai
of Wood, at his Boot anti dem store, sign of the nig
___ .
.r~.. _1
It 4 Ft.:f
_ •
, _ ottoltir
"Wha Waugh the cause may not be egydelned,
Since their Orate ere duly aermstained,
Lel not detention. prejudice,. pride,
alarm mankind to set the mem. aside;
Mena width. dna' simple, are by Heaven desisted
To alienate the Ant of hanath kind"
HIS remarkable invention, which ha, received Me
yrmPethel approadosi of the medical preferment of
Gent Bmain,emnprows an entirely nen applicatioeof
Gal vthnon, as a remedial went, by:seethe - MI which the
ordinary Galvanic Batteries t Electne and umpaie ma
rni..6 the e are entirely dispensed with, and the 01YeM•
north parer of Galvausla smelted vnthool any of flee .
which are inseparable freen*eral mode"
now In use. The *atm doses, and i isnervala
which Galvanism is applied by the gelato, has
been pronormeed, after slaw and impartial tat t ier be
invriano,and it was to remedy Hated teal de•
feet that this new application was proleMediermieht at..
tee unceasing toil and persavethme, as been brthght
to lie ' , resent none of perfeetwn. The Galvanic Map
answer all the purposed of the Mat eXpensive
[-hops, and in respect. We morose/0 and
totem in accomplishing the desired edict.
The Grannie iiingansed in connection with the Mag
netic Fluid, are confidently recommended,iti'efidime
ders mita ria , a frays en eafiablod or rahhahlf daisy
Ms anew w• rind system, and theme compbtints
among the most painful and universal to which we are
' , Mono. They ara.veithoot exeeption, from cum sim
ple cuuse—a derangement of the Nervous System—
rind it was in there eases that other 'remedies' having
to often tutted. a new agent was greatly needodywhich
it is confidently believed, has been forma in the proper
and judicious appliCalielly of Galvanism.
The Galvanic Rings have been used with eatitether
erg/ in all canes of “ItliellATlCK. near. 01 Cit=aS,
plying to the head • face or limbs; Goo, 7Se:
notlaschr, Brenelfelk, Vertigo, Nava w. Sitillastesthet
hulleanidn, Paroldsis, Petry, Spiky., Fib, Camp,
Palm:mins of the Hon, ciPrArrY , &tr.*. et.r.ka,
Spinal Complainer. Lumen. Nwonlgin Neothalhe
then, Dithisew of the Head, pairs in the ChM IteltSfifam
GeneralDMllity, D.iteieoe, of Nava. 4nd PAysieslEn
ergy.ond all NERVOUS DISORDERS. In eases of
radiant Darpepaia. which In *imply a arsons de
reactant I of the digestive ord.'s, they have been found
equally successful. Their caw:Leathery effects upon
the ratem must be witnethed lo be believed, and as a
eennn preventive (or the preceding complaints they
anti-neatly recommended. The Rm. are of different
p.n. Long made of all sine, and of canons orna
mental patterns, and can be worn by the moat delicate
fatale withut the lihat incouvenience. turf.
time sensation o teethe •erecable than otherwise,
The Galvanic Belts, Bracelets, Bands.
Garters, Neckincea, &e.
Iv dome caws Ma sere thyme eharamos,and of long
emudiag. the power as appited by the Galvanic Sew
v not sufficient up arrest the pig reth of dtacath and
ultimately moirehealth. The improved modification
in, the Carranie Belts, Benedetti, Av., entirely, ran
dies Oil , OW:arisen; any degree of power that is, rectal
yrd ran thadtly be obtained, and rte complaint Which
the my {(6710111 agent of Gal cannon can effect
to lie permanently relieved, Thew *Bielee are adapt
ted to the semen, arm, wrists, limb, uncles. or arty part
of the body, with perfect convenience. The Galvanic
Necklaces are used with pester benefit in rases of
Drenching or alreCtioN Mitre throat gene/11111, also in
nßona Nervous Deafness; and with almost uniforma
ece. as a preventive for AftonlexY, EpillPtir Fitt,
anal nailer complaints.
Christie's."' taiggq. Fluid
is aged in connectorn with a Ivanie Ring s
their modtficattons. Thin re m Man has In no
trounced by the French Chem steM be one of the snow
extraordinary discoveries of =adorn thienee la be
lieved to perseth the remarkable', over Offandld l l{ eh
neat unaided e rearm. oath by this Mena etheittit
conmsnemon of the meanie, to the' seat of disease,
Nun girths. zooid and permanent. slid No other
con:W.lli. in dn.lll4lr la known produce the same
effect, of to impart. similar propeny to the, nervrms
thetetotty amuse( an award local application. The
agnehe Fluid contains nothing capable of Mt High.;
est Ijury, ire appbcamon in agreable, and it A.S.
hanaleth at Its trona . tt In beneficial in. 'can't,.
expirmations end directions armorapacor , The
combated invenuons ere m every way perfectly harm
lea.: they are sold at prices witgaithe reach of all and
thc - dtscoverer only requests a fair trim] win test ef
their warping effteacy and permanent benefit " • •
Christie's Galvanic Strengthening Plea.
These armies form another saleable appliention of
the mthievons influence of Galvanism T hey are an
imponant adjunct tithe genuine Galvanic Fags end
them, modifications, Renee upon the same pa inciple. but
having the advantage Of mote local application. They
are oonfidently recommended as a valuable - addmon In
the npeedy cure of Rheuma ) ism, acute orehroni; ,saes
nervous compinina, ond 1B a positive reale. in cases
et Pa in ma Mama in the Cad so Baths PM. fn
sukia Asthmatic Affirms. and in Malaria or Oppms.
lion of Mc Pa/weary Organs In Spinal Complaints
Mete e films are of the most decided character, and they
have often been used watt complete suet°. They ath
also of the greatest adVantage in Paine and Weakne.
ribe Breast, and are hi ebly recommended fur many ol
Aose complaints m a n s ich females are especially liable.
, erecteal men Me strengthened the astern
when debilitated moth diem's , . mother saunest.• eon
t o aid in Consttintionel Weakneee as a Preventive
for Cold, and all o b it a
of the'Chest, genetully,
the H e i st r t n e Samoan., Plaster will be found of
great and a tone nent advaniage In few words; it
embraces the vulva of the best tonic preparation,
with the imponant addition of the galthnie mfinence,
which is neither impelled nor cabthad, while the an
(101, continuos. These article. will he found entirely
free from those objections which are a mamma source
of Complaint with the ordinary pitman in common ale.
The the
m e elebrity 0011 'ceased these
Mtn moaned the to be counterfeited by unprincipled
its.v„ impontion, Dr-Cmartx
hm. bat one authorized starlit a each City of the Union.'
The. ly naent tatalturo, W. W WILSON.
Of the higheet end moat reepectabie character t are con
stantly theeived, regarding the extraolginary l ot
of the .lov e
o n e, It is believed that
in the city of New York alone, upwards or EIGHT
THOUSAND PERSONS.durieg a period of less than
• year, have bean candy relieved of the most painful
ehrone downier, there of which have completely bah
fled all former efforts of medical art. Indeed
o fory of
Ihe first physictonn of thinetty, who disapprove the
Galvanic •and Magnetic Machine,
ant prom
mend this a ppLeAtt ion in their 'leacher, and anthill,- ea.
al, of those who are too prejudiced orgive in a tri
al, the intention has received unthimo. Moor with
the Mast intelligen t e es n die AMerteen Faelitty Dr
Cantle LI; at all ties ready and nal heppy to give
°vet>. facility to physicians, and all interented, for tar
ing the truth of his athertioun - and the efficacy of his
' , dtecovery,
• Only agency in Pittsburgh, center eth,and Market sr
•Pc - genZdt
v e
ambled .with Diseases of the Lungs.
—Thki. a certify in those afflicted with the Gr•t pre•
menitery symptom. of Consemption, that I have been
laboring for teveittl years with a bronchi, liOreniela of
the throat and hoarscneo. / used many medicines, but
Lund no relief in any preparation of medicine. until I
St...MEDI% I bare been using ibis veluable medicine
Las seveel years, and alwen find tits relieve when
seer I make net of it. My occupation as au Auction
eer. which keeps me almost coustainly engaged, cause*
my diseue,nostrice, to become very alarming, when I
lit once procure this medicine. I therefore take plea
ante in making this public statement, dint others adew
with. diocese of the Lungs and expeetemni means
may know the virtues of this i•all beating reedy;"
and may be eared. I pare recommended Dr Punt ant.
Expectoons Remedy to many of my friendr; sumo n
whom owe their lives to this medicine. '
SomenebObio,Oet 13, DM J &NIES lIEWIT
The proprietor of the shove medicine would, Perry refer to the .dersigned persons, win, reit de in Perry
county, on whom any person may call epon,and
comrtneed that there are virtue. found iu above
medicine that cannot be excelled
David Culbertro, fietnellic i e Dr. IL Stone, do, Fran
cm Gaither, J.ksott tp; Mr. Larimer, do; Gees Nilsen
Salthelt /mind Devisee, Dope well nt
mote street, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Sold in WM. JACKSON. fibldtivery
head or Wood mem. ispledikarT -
EFFECTUALLY and epeedily,cored by the nee o
the Great Remedy of Nafuns„ - AMERICAN OIL ,
It alums miraculously reduces Ingernmation, and
sequendy Is warren.' in all cases to no seam or
scar in the Drib. .
Sold wholesale and eels itAir IV M. JACKSON, at his
Boot and Shoe Store and Vatenrhtedicine Werehonse,
93 Liberty atrect head o' Wood, Plitalturgh Price 30
cents and SI per bottle.
W Jack.. being the Exclunoe Agent for IVetterit
Petiortivanst, none Is genuine but what is sold by HIM
or 1110 appointed Agents.
Pamphlet contsonsog *mole directions. do.
with toe name. •nd the.Proprietoremd Pero,
pat Agent. is enveloped with wrapper of each bottle
Abundance of cettleteales can be seen at the Sm..
INGS.—Scrolula in all its multiplied feints
wNether in that of King's Evil, enlargements to the
glen& er Minns, Goitre, White Swelling., Chrome
Itheumatisna,Cunser, diseases of the Skin or Spine,
or of Pulmonary Coneumplion, emanate from one
and the same cause, which is . [...We
mnro sr less inherent in the human system. There.
fore, unless this principle can he deatrOyed, no radi
cal cure can be eflected, but if the principle upon
which the disease depend., is removed, a mire
seal at necessity foliose, no matter under s hat lore
the disease sbnuld rtranilesit itself. This, therefore'
is the reason why JATSZ'S ALTERS:Tins is so Wei
vernally nuccessful in teetering Sc many malignant
diseases. llt destroys the virus or principle from
wine those diseases have their origin, by entering
into the eiteelatiOn, nod with the blood is conuiyed
to the minutut fibre, removing every .p irticle cf
disease from the system. Prepared and sold at No.
8 South 'Third Street, Philadelphia. •
Sold at the Pekin Tea Store, No. Fourth atree
pittabornh. each3l.
A gentleman Of terefillinit habits, teen inditerellon
In his ponder daysr, became affected with Ulcerations
of the Ttactsi and Nese, and • diaagre.tite snd-trou
blewme eruption of their:lain. Indeed, his whole
tem bore the works of being saturated with disease
Ode hand and mild were en mach affected that he had
tom the use of the hand, every_part being coveted web
deep, painful, a ensive Ulcers, and trete its.bol.
lovr and porou••etaomepeotab. It Ms alibis siege
orb is complaini,when death appeared incentabie, from
a loathsome disease, that he commence , ' the Me of
JAYNE'S ALTERNATIVE, and having taken sae
teen bottles. is now perfectly erred.
,This ALTERNATIVE operates through the ...du
lion, and purifies the filond and eradicates diseases
.'from die system, wherever Leafed, and the ntimartios
coma it bee perfornied In Slime.* , ef Skin, Cancer,
*Wolin Goitre, Liver OnerphontiDyspepina,.d other
ChrOnie tilletace, it Italy ettenitineg.
For sale to Pin/thumb atilt Pekin Tea Store, 74116
tpOr wood, and also el the Drug Store of D P
Selman. Fedrtal st Aileen ny city torlitwF
._ _Mrs Molsane's era SponswElle.
Trymis i• to .n.O , wag, L skins one vial of Doctor
MeLoos 4 Woo. Flom • • so ehtld of Jason abaw's
pnmed upwards of 7ts wierMa sad by the us of .aid
medicine a child of my onns panned .14 Imp wonse—
It is stall the most satyriasis WORCI IMOCLICIND I ever
seen. 1 most ben two mons mate
. .
• Virilkins Toir ß rahlp
' For trio by 1 KIDD & Co, No 60 Wood street, Pi
Korth. m6IIIO
JAYNKVI.unia. Tomo—We commenditithe
attention of thole &vitals of ustoring their hair or
improving It. beastly,- to Oda elegant Ptepatannn•
hear it 'every where highly spoken of, and esPOcndl , ,...l •
Witham ',diabase nude am of it, asillta effeamana
in stimulating the growth of the hair, preventing
nod curios many affections of the Skin lu virtile•
sinoly and sufflcientlyproveff - 7/f
For sale in Friusbargh at the PEKIN TEA STORE,
73 Fourth st, near Woodt and sin at tht Pim of
H P Schwartz, Federal sh.llHallitenY city. ,104 •
-- _ . .
~ ;. A rd ivii, - 15j‘FINIVPV a IILLAX
E . .
the' tenth . and t ermeestmed alt Mk..
asinine theotheatavateesiese tha ban. i -
mt.:tor I. . ,.. --
St-44. Enecires.sthri.wathet. 4...... estaithotos
' filrL . bemmile= ;we . . r' ,
RiagVitinie W er t Tame, Scant
Hou'e, Efalargeneas cad , palant the Sara andiAiino,
&Mora Vern, SobliitieSswwitemn,Seincirese -Lam.
eags. end s Dre . ." erasing pow ps vnii.qiciesta we af
dlosilie.tesnaper Itothre...ExTerar .e / . l
Ws, dire. Carona. Cenitioasossal Disorders.
Frb uthrty administr.ion hne been eicuaed Zit. i
1 happiest tets in malty attotaltotor affecti ebe ti '
. atiiehielly losededmillthe vs. situ. ests ' see.
cathartic sod apetment medical.; 'more to . az.
nod: is that or inielteratthe darelly— lndirectly,
•ing a lasting teleo as We system. , -
1 tiehighly concentrated or convenience and No._
batty, contenting nothing but the erbreseed etheniei
and tr Has rep..eatelive. at the Penis es
the wane meatier an Quinine ix of bertrrian Stator
Morphine of Oplum.' it lran established' fact. that a'
k u .o s ilysof ea.. QtimnimarMorphine - recta all.
the_ wiespeinal enlaced' a. large queenly of the era.
_salcitances; hence the thpenora) of Mose prtparanoco
-.4.. invalid would desire. Mak a gatemeethaithe
when a half pint contained Me same medicinal name.
The &es apart& can. diluted when taken agreceble
to the.direeto., .d made mutt the site of the pa
tient. . , . ..•
The foltowittg nerliGeate addressed to the Agents.
Chicago, thrashes .nelative proof of its grealfathe
in eat. of Fever Sore- '
Cille . ...:
. ' rOO, Ill:Sept:It Inie:
Menace. Stet:bin. Zi. Rind—Gems: Id May, 1845,1 o
btained Si yisw store a horde of Sand's Sanaparilla end
wax then confined loin, liethwabom Hen, feeisisek,
occasioned by violent pun in a regal tr felleireoweor
'long standing,. my eighties, Illy phlsielsou advised
ore to have, the limb ouptaated, saying a was the may
means likOlyth preserve mY life. After using half the
bottle the bon begin el ethside t end by the tone 1 'hid
tiled nearly there boules,lvrisabk to traitiant myna
al. business, end bethrelhad fittlebedibe (burn bra
Ile, I was towel! endowed agreed had been...l6a=
.hesitetwe in saying thistliand's Sateriparille we..
wen:, under Prosidease,__pf caving my unit and I
doubt not my life. I ups; cheerfully reeemeithatr it ate
the beetartiele ellau=rifte•tiOti of the blood'
Yours. most. '
. .• L 4AMES-JAMES •
The folldwthe cenificate Windy another link in' the
great date of tethers., . Hedthrithl ,'.• in
Seams Bouros,Cenada East, Aprillll,ls4R.. ..
Messrs. Bands —Gentleme. Exposed ea we are so
the .nekaof disease, .d se frequently disifipOluted
in proposed rtnnedtex,we minion bat look on the efforts
of etweesetal preefitimere with inteteet ar 11. gratitude.
'Thu N. we reoperatg year valuable prepareli. Of
Sanaparlile. 1 have Leen severely allieled for =YUJI
with a diseare el. m which rdoeloli. dliagron,B and
' their prescription , were Mill more dude-e .' lilted ...
rim. rem.* but found no relief ontil I colnutitiebd
wen your excellent inediaine, at Which time loran"
wblly c onfined to my bed , Alter wenn it ILA* mintibe
Inno how able to want al...ride out, and en., atone
liveable degree of health. whieb I attritellateXeretylol
ti e use of band's &repartee. Please accept Plreltl
turattee Of grottoole end reg. JO
RN Dr ':
Being persort•lly reqe•inted with the above mime
tarns, I hereby cert.) that the same is true.
Vaunter: Teressate.—Tbe.thllowing to . :truer
to= a letter received free, Rev'. William Gabithle '
Sinthareac Vt., tee '
blew,. &Ads: I bane linen Kai eted web •
twin in my ate, sect' by a ible.ed ever; for the-
I at twenty leant witerang at tines whatiengeage
e.tatt matey, but since unkitig sure Y rtl I
have teen greatly relieved,. mare soMat thane been
able to attendto my linsi....end runch ....tell,
fettle last fine. note.. I wholly discarded another
medicine, and thoroughly tried the Sar.parille, which
Iran recommoutin and rineerilyth oil thereyrhir
are p lanet ay way effected with any species of ectofeleths'
come. There have been some remarkable cures
urn in lies vicinity. Mrs. I. Shaw. by.
the use of stx bottler, wsa restored tobetiethelliththan
the had before b
e e n for ten years, and Mt a .W. thee
Imes. who had been severely afflicted with the
alas, was entirely eared by the are or a fuotboutes:
Your truly, ... . . AV.SI.MALUHA -.
For further partiorlary md conelustve evidence of.
aperior value and eldesiey, see pamphlets, which mat s
be obtalned of Agents grab,
Itepared and sal by-A./1. - diltliands.ttivggiabi,i oo
Fulton et., corner of W. album; New Nod. •
Held also by L. WILCOX, Jr, Pittebuigh; H. Mar
terood, Ikever; Wm. Watson,New Cutlet 1/..51. - Rob 4
Non,. Etnesarovillet A. Cteigb,. Wealth: Von; and by
Omani. generally thmughoot th. United Suites.
Priced' iter bottle—ell
for N. . •
The rah. are respenthtlly Inquest. to reale..
that it is Sand's bereepanea theta as conitently achiev
ing such remarkable eurei of the most diffleali class of
diseases to which the hum.inune te sebjeen the.-
' boindutSatlianntille. nod take re, other.
Wolf "
ohm has related him in such a.hwt time from hi. did.
Reeky of breahhig, Cough ami sufromtion? He -
will tell you_ it was sit. Ohmonian, or - •
Metes Bahaism! Ask the ecosusepars ,
whet has allayed bb Gras% remand
the Pole in hi. Side earl
checked kb night err= ard
apse bile cheek? md
b. will mllSon
AA your friends if an lama of anyaftWat will so wet
day cure • tons and tatioos Lough, Haws of IHood s ilmo
Mods, Dyspect Comptiou;kkorseocsi,. loduarra, end.
dieser. of the T hroat, .. th e Okirocalso? and they will tell
you—No. Those mewls's' baslesite remedy mad to
public notice widish has best preduetbre or es much good is
w Mort a spice of time. B.& tbs forloseisis , •
Asolamteh In 6 Carom.
We. Sow, the .kbreted 11.1.1Craelter baker, lU Nes
iau Idris, Brooklyn, mato th at his wife Las heat saluted
with As th ma for 30 yors, mul Mudd out Mil permarmet
Lof San the heat ssedlaersdricie which 'New York , and
Brooklyn mold produce, ins induced to try lib grad row
dy. She is now owed, seen. Rik dawider aim waistiffe,
Mig Rom th e lama dream t triad it, and we. .ha coxed bye-
Mrs Bead is saw fro well that the is able_to' from lee
bed early imam moroingaid attend Sher usual dirties I.lih
the day without my mossiatme from d* =My,.
Hums Jecosoo, lash stree; scar the
l e g
came to tbe am. Co. the purpose of obtaining bottle of '.
Wmanise, harieglicen adlatal with the A O.* Air Wow
ho, HI years, mdse., so elbseistett on his vrisal that La
coukt ism speak. Ile purchased - . • bottle and nide-leciner_
b rAll ?C i
6 afe . RUINaf 13•11.7:A.1nte
t, et the -
Mr. COM/orr,3slVtuts, etruch was ea low in the moth
of Secember last. thet be IN suras ep ee y has plipicied.iiis
Meads mastakied no Iwo of hir 4mo-ey.
.11e am persu
ded to us the °Sammie% aod to Eh sesame - It bra silks
maimed him to health the' bele new able lo walk Walt the
Steer , .
Ms Asmara, the wide of Wemai l la
aud Geo. W. Hays, Taw be. Sideway from
R e m owo eratsier the healers properties of 66 Oriel
Remedy io lition of the Longs. •
.Spinta r 8100 d. ..
Me.. Twosome% 353 Moose army who ha town
troubled for a great length of time byWM! conigiaafAii
raised quantities of blood, wee relieved brim. bottle r.the
Olorealan,aod declaim tit grades remedy in the world.
Donne Hamm, %Warr Wad, was oho eslicred from
the same =Waist, Whoosh he war rem mods tedtmed
when he camerewied table(, basin beat media the cars orl
his phyrican dosser
.thie pod wink, 01 . .0 be cooshed
conatestly and was our) iamb troubled with irwidenraa,„4
bottles or the remedy enabled him to return to his — daily -
He woo entirely reamed. • ' '
Dam Hoenreasem, (10 lambi .Gent, Geo W. Ildsmidt,
Aomori,. of Newark, N. ,J.,- Henry Lisboo, lad Ilivingoes
am., end numermsother permits harm -bee speeday ead
permarektM eoeed of the mese complaint by this romaly.
, The Array air Nantes
which corrldbe produced ofsenone wed g nat
moody vroald 19011 lite a admen. Asearislhe ember
we an permitted to w_frs. le A. M.' Gainer, WS &raw M.,
Mr. Wehon of thafekno Mn. Bea , d4
James B. DM% 1171 Rode se.; M'Calfreshso Attmas
air 9 3 Third AT MA*. Mrs' Wen. ft...darn Of this
city, end M. man.da, as Whiti
Sold whoksale lad retail obt Meksoe, at itirretatt
Mediates Warehouse ma Boot motels. Store r Noe? Lam ,
tvereet, bard of Wood street, Pittebtsb. Price 11l par boil
For . Constu‘ Asthma;
Coolie, Mahout. and 001011.t5IPTI0N, lithe DUN
CLADIATI BALSAM OF LIFE. diteovered hy the :Cdie
armed Dr. Thadiall of tomb.. F.Matual. and tpinadheed
lam to. Dohod limn aadertM b..edtae .m 10 . 47.
mar of th e Mentor. •
The esteenedtasiy mit..w of thie inedicint; .1a the
cure of Palmsmery diseases. twmmi litut:Alemime
dons In oolletang be treatment AIM.WOUST POS.
itiMa CANIS that we be Shoed - in the colostoolts—
cues that mak relief la matt Dem mt. a tbk ,
semedke of the day, and have , been given - op WOO.
him • dallorahtbed Physician. err ta./hTIIMCD AND
INC S ORABLE. The ilewtrMo Dante bas cared: nod
rip core. the 1105 T .11P.HtlATC 1W CASES. It kr
pgamic' mama, but • standard English osedicke. of
Looms rout estahlibed /
Drolly in the United Mateo should be seMied
with Duchaa's Ilumarion Dolma Of Litir. sat•ealy
cdentoreet th e . COMAlnfilite tttlaltatitil MS clisate.
ma to
o. ba owed as a proVentl” molielse to oil S. of
Dad.Cottaba Elithsbot of Mad, Palo the 04e end
Mos. Irritation sad Somas. of the. Guam Bruichltis,
nr..thing; new. - p.m; Nlitiv
Wlw and Owen% Illtbalty, - Asthma, *lmola,
01Molog_Conah, and Droop.' • - •
Saghard to lam bottlas;•l
nt.ea of i dgmbottle.wth fbil
Pamphlets filet . costalnina • lina , Eaglisti and
...maw, and er ovidukce. Vadat the tor
Ix=mots of Oa. Cireat na. V i ltl! • .
of tier '•
. DAVID F. PrirAng ode .Aioit . Ike, the' VOW'
Males. 119 Coat street. Swam • -
T. W. DYOTT A SONS. Cleamsl Wheatmeal. &Dada
No. in North Second select. Philadelphia. .
Fornip by II A. PAIDIESPOCX , S Ca eorodr of
wood end front meats . • .
. _
TAol Who Use Outmost Prepared 1301 i. ,reWe
Li ellen not aerate bow frightrally inlanama::Lie to
the shin! how coathe, how rough, how sallo tallow ,
and unhealthy the akin appeara.ader • mina w,
chalk! Besides, it le injurious,' nontaining aluge quan
tity of lead. We have prepared a beantical vegetable
•nicte, which we - call JONES'S 130ANISH , LILY
WIG= It le perfectly imiocent,beleg periled of all
dekluNtGatultlme; and irimpana .11:1 the akin auto
rat, healthy, alabuter, clear, hying while, althoutzlf,
ume =we a coameue all the akin, making it"t'
a nd
Dr. JaMes - .Cheer/on,' Prietleal /Vb.:aloe - of 10.
Omens au-r.—“After analyalualortes , a o intunth
White, I and it punk..innoe the most beasedul and BMW
at the some time ent whited ever saw. -
_certainly can ermsciennoody reeoMmend iu neeinall
whose akin requires besets
'NtMt g sn P6 ,l l ,. 2 ",qt y i rglagird, at haßoot and ' Httiair.
- .WWI, tread of Woad, at:the sign id.
e lO
1 -- ts oim uau+ e. should be
DLL • Debilitated and sada known to-has motion Th.
u old man lab& treed thisym.,
In.Plr nathrjobnietry
Biom.- 1 1.i. 01! , y• mufs I n
ble b .
*lib a troublesome magnum:oe tithe, l
of Atorgan , sCunetSyrup, and_un
_happy . to say, alter
y tomb is entirely - I pronounce mut
gLie g" Jity ' rupthe beiGAgdiciat I hive cher
r ente. )- No
amity bald be withenthliavalinkhle edicin:
e • DAVID-ALAIMJIM Albithear CilY•
grt•Thie medleitue it peeper.* wholesale and Mall
at the
awe of . . JOHN D./downs'.
• wood Meat dooebekret Diamond Alley
'HAIR DYI/....F0r perms
nonAy RedAr Gray Hairs Gad
Brawn Of Lack - toter, vitheat dyeled lalorint th e
shin.'B6l.l wid k di:ethane Price 50 culla.: w . f.'
jr .. g . d . b ,., y;1 ClTZ b etry . J;J,
o P f et ‘ e v n: o l , " o lG th ..
alga of at... 4 11 . 1. /Go
,m14,,,,41400 ....... 441 .,..-,, ,, ,
- 311!t)t‘ t 'ATi1 :, ....;= ,,, - ,,, -, :--
LKEZICATE 6 LPZENOWS,- I.l . Tfive 8ir..,1:-.3 - - • - 14 1- ...
rcittcre. - : , ..' ..'.- - . - ". •
. •
. .
- Till. MERMAN Kai sllftvorool a. oilyati:ossiis s o so. 4 • , . ,
.1.1 Ommuy so iliossziol.Soiso 101 l take It stably ...y . i , i
. soon. &ft Uns lovas sosiso is oroosisl roes is. oi Co .
!ix eel orraoli Pro. ea sire bads of too!. Muer, iss '
_ __ .
.11 rA 3103 LOTE.NuES.Tfiorhaeil, fan AA • rCa iti,fuitaths,coa
at lb. lEopsse 3ilve
I.aD WISDOMS'. 1111.... D. mg pre
,Saa . 3l Amami lEam. Lan brg...hi 1.
r but year
.. .watheohb perm:m*l.l.3P gag
Wu/stair ado the ENENE
!olds nod cogrha. - 11:47Ekrmos Met as.Myll lb. ...It
hw ear
intitElione Est , graft 11* prating. at ..ei/1% ,
31-Ey kw. maim.. of ma
turant,Or eget asedieitiq made
.• !ma ageg.l of that *au....
t.s.l e...“1.**.1. , 1.g . ken gond Imok
restuird tarried/gat/by win
MnW doge n agell pale ro Iloc %manor sl
.11.3 Yaw Mar% Main. wig LEI Na..,)
st. DC
gsolied ogr.lhe NE%
c ad was WE EchersJ. If ail.
coptineesr haw l ee catbird, or lantigt ; lasnes ta)
Ess.trartit gould aged a. arta. sty....
These vas hmeserre ham been pima/ in intl. data 1110
OGO came to le the may entedet maul dostmesmg
mot.. me desamened_ Mem" 41110asaartata tom ao•tor.•
and oceasiott loot and mins meeting, and esen drub, web
out tberr rear beee" seoperm.gtoaa perm. are mr) .•Ilia
aa. meth 011014 aml ere demeaned do
venoms c0u.1.L.a...
is itheedmoy /meats wk. ow doom of thme frnosiv. soul/
speedily mum the. t
si v lS e=7 lll W =ose Plll 7 li4 th
rli . : 111 11.: 1.1 1:1 14.. .
...pond mottoes ap. about thehge,wiek duet. lemik. _
Wein et.. sambarpoadeig Simiation al the stoma.,
es orb. orm the mixer Mt. budy, sleght cledis m b ut -
edqp,...tula dromone, neva, torpor, Mom but .
deem, ..dh. Nerting la deep, with fried ase meatmeg.
PC1611.19411111.31413.= eYnt, ~a cts, thlikl, Ist ' F.
hue, GU, bad testa in I. mood., dl
s, sesto sm —1,
the a.m. or Imerabiattige. mos, sepaisseduaso, .I.llm
dtolfl 514. 111 .. Rh... N Mona. or lambs, Impair. -
.3 Mama pada a dm body, a Kam t.i mo. s
thin ratogunthel amid, etalmg of them. tomerd. oseist, A t
frequent Maim to pa lemmell." from the beneas, mot home-
timer demborgra of.lista end moe.
They OM iimeedsme relief in ...tom or sick Issalmkr,
pdpiudios'of thie bade Immo of thevar., dups..),
koJla..aloal or gestrid sore thou. bor.l or suninur sm.
F=f llll thelleelPtmesica or • sum of abilung of the 11., 1
acct . :A:N S =• .l =o o os t taesm, "l l l :: ' 6111" tilssi=
011, .1 • through the cludien el <LA
era arodPas, dear..., boatede or ic y of t h e r
.' for
ams treed.' or Weeding/arr. parties, ea God the Lomot
iteiP l ia n = l ortr ln te b =?thlP ° llll `'.
ra.. the eoptariat glow. ..main' tram_
. tree In*. Paws.
who lowa ben too herb wen, aud-
Gandensal their daairmhel balky arm 6ali damelreougos al- .....
aka* madmenoil. ..area
The bral...gthemiog phew In the world, hada Mee migo _
remedy for pens,. *c.a. in Gee hack, lobes, solo, ..k,
1.6, pm., rhaismatems, Icaltegm, ar- tee. thsc Imam a
year will eotimipply the dame. 1 /bory regear•liuk mum-
on& befareapphcatma. 'Warranted ceptelor la ail Wass,.
for oat gem. She used Fedor, me.% seemly the timay but
the cheapest Flamm m the amid. It alford s relict au as rem
bours„mod make. namideim" mu.
' 1. hem aeophitit ad dyspepsia, it 4...10 be smog our
the mgt. ofthe kw or steam:lye. it mill afford gent amd
alitookhog zeiGaL la toughy colds, mtlims, duliculty of
brad.", one.= of Ow chest oe stoma, the) .11 Mr
rokdately loathe. 'ratty 1.04 the 'a.m. I "riusom of
dsedentary habits, or Uwe diked to sta. much, V/1/ meths
demdrel 'egret Leo or. of &MI truly iltreogtheateg Pb..
ter. Physician. iressendly reuses.. them, to pref..* to
athaheryleeman thry Mkt or adhere better,.l elk. great. 1
er rrlia 10 thew, °pipet. i, they an atustikat,toem,and
anodpas Thtfara lampssed of miry dlflrmat imp.- ,
tuts irommoy other, ad komm Irma the nprriesme ot .1- 1
limos orb° hare and dim, uwell as the .0.4 kutimoity of
.4 theisclehomad ad dared elm .d pb)secoma, to 1
be theme. tosfulandblgh medicated er.. •
Sere. rooms have at Ala warehouse to carom i
then .tunepromand Wats, et tke ithaeM ...dam cures.... I
phut. here ere.. .
Pu.thmikome .4..." it. Orb te
plaarosok a , ---
6e Ma& of Dr.lllannen man. It a impsmant goil.disati
always ask for aberma4 tora Moot Ilest. - -ated me that -
Merdlb ' ci ' li g re e 'l sold l d h arthlr '1.1111 =11! ". . PZters, lll" Tr;
mleolaole and telaß ley W. JACKSON a la Pain
Malicia. Wareham, No, Ca, lam, •141Nt o 13,0,416 •
800 BOOT. jaa 14-41 7.
.-___ ,— —
I OR.-41.0SE'S ,
ir • ( piSgiTING of bia Prophylactic Syrup, a car- .
VI nab remedy total) Canada naive and •natora. 1
lOUS afrarefinala;Coagn Syrup, Croup naive.
extract of ..Samapatilla,
anperior La all. °that eibaeta, baying linen relic)
wlleonll others hate failed; being thrsonsh -a new
proem more concentrated than any oiler eau
offered to, : he public. ASTHMATIC au
baciag elleeted permanent - tares of that stubborn
diaettoe,..theu .1 men than, is yew. *ending. .
hence It otands without trival in that men decided
. • .
• LINIMENT; for all care? 1.4 moak -
BeR. or pain, and a".. tenriplete eubatiture for blisters.
• Or 'Rose's TONIC MIXTURE, in irbribbia
earn for and fevers, and indeed is nine or a
specific for fevers of all-kinda than bark or Qui.
here hearts. In used in prefete ore to any other
,Venuttbie - pretiaration.
discuses at the Stomach end - biroile,.Ch.dera -- 1.-
rectiona, dtc.., Too bleb ad encomium :Annul - be
paned on the merits of this medicine, is cure of
• Dispepetai Bedell dieesaisothat molt rrbeni Weak
ness of ntomich oi bad, 'digestion. -
Dr. KOSeli rEitlAl.le. 1 11.1 S t &molt maluabie
remedy thore.general con:winning tO irtuch
males are aubject.',
No. piU . Vger. ban. a:feted the p ublic b.ppily
combines theipird dm. of saluanle rundicioe,sean
anti-dispeptie,, LIVER or Striumehle pill , cornet.
tog those disease.,, and thereby prermting core.
gumption. A yoting.lardy 25 years of age; bating
adiseseed liierlitir einem time, her strength pros. ,
bated and sppellte gone, was completely restored
In by . th e iheAllti4Speptiearia
tamed thogepals done. •
Dr. Rose'sCHRONO-THERMEL STRE.lstati ,
ENING PLASTER torweakseu of the back gide
breast, &e. •
• Dr. Ruse'. SPECIFIC EP ILEPSY,the most cer
eals rennedyClbirall cases of fits or COtIVIIIIIiOII/,
sthetherin infante* 'deur, So certain a l i peeine
Ij it avian that the mow. ob.
diorite cases, sad those tooof lon Standing. bate
MIXTURE—A ficr many
of dittgentreecarch this compoend. was discov
ered; Rad Its hover failing eiSeacy pieces Its efficieney
silove LI °therefor *seem of Rileumathicii
D. Rose's _ASTRINGENT COMPOUND, a certain
WatisaY haespittint-bloed. indeed ford ischarge. of
L oad whether DotaLiimps bowels Or oilier parts ofthe
I Dr. Draus'illirßUPfot Cholera and Dowel complaints
-i-Thisirdstaro will criminally care bowel complaint..
Dyseetery,Choluagorbuseutd-Cholera. • At. the time
the Asiatic Choferi Staaramsg at Philadelphia it leap
llama is be thereon souiesaftil in arresting It, caring
dine tenths of anthem tirbn rued ic.
What hestild of one of (hue remedies may br
smirof all: their liaise Intl only be appoeeistrd• be
dm.e wherry them. Lasers hens their wit. Lase bees
eared of the variants malialostbat edict the human
• . . •
body •atight be given, bat we z are ardling to rem the
matter on-the menu, of the coinpaunds. We have , a
eanareahrr hterenths, in its varkents forms, recondensed
and efficacious that he healing power has nototaishe4
Mint,. • A case of Caneer,occurring in the wife of the
.lategoverrior. of Delaware, arm, completely cored ih
neetths. The cancer had been twice eel- out by ,
1119112 1 / 1 .11 &mon. and renewed itself with increased
malignity, yet notwithstanding she debility of Constitn
doe and reesteral'of the att Wt parts, the esp.( the Pro.
s hylatdo completely stemmed, nosey %Twee of the
Cases htunaterabla of * venous cores ittaLlare
billowed the use of lime remedies are our pace r
they sine, bet it it not deemed neceesary to miumetate theal
as the USCG( them will mominenst them to OIL
' a IaCHOONBLAYES, th. Co, -Spiel at pal Street
'take - swam— AwrotrKDTStrD(iiarticr;
Eint—ASles 'Mug!' - A Miracle A Wendt t!!
To 'eons Feeptione end Disfigurements et the Hop,
Pi.rplts. Salt Rheum. Sentry, Sete
Heeds: Ite.otte.
.Foar :leers age.tast Angelo,* capital of. Fiance.
was astonished to conempienceof a disarm) made Ly
an I*. Quanta. '•ldany doubted—it seemed Omit
an Impossibility •Mat anything madelty the -Lands of
pan, could hive sach singable power. artba.etaimell
by Antoola•Vesprini for his invention,. !natty clawed
tom and his Invention se a humbug, (toil wale many
*lists pentane wiLhout•trytog do the ernte stint at.
length, after testing it inSie hospitals. the hi towel to.
eietrof Paris (the nensbetnutts in Me morluldclivered'
Ilte . following repot to Sloe, • . . •
• uWahavo now minp Mly and cattle Ily ea a mined the
singular *ern* of Seeprini. IVeltave ensiysed he
eomponent pans—we have seed it in severe/ rases, end
we hotitote rtot in Plllool.llnt it [the 1/IIiIIiIs,LILMICILI
Soap) cm a peal Lleselog, and a Italy /delta! t
dy to wiy. committee. , eronfien or disagenmint et the
skie. Its invemor we consider the true'riThlindhropist
of suffering manltiod.'
Pmm Hie naventot Ilmielf to the Oteientl`cep Otte , .
. . - PAW, N. 4. IMO
InCOnaiilemlion Of the ram of 113,f00, I Imre dicta
ped to Mr. T. Jones, residing in the cay of ACirllotli:,
N. A., the co bole process or coamilietorioc, ingethef
mrith statement of the liommlionla comicoloa my Ital..
lamCbosnical Soap. lie to manofactate for
she UnitedUnited sole in
Bute. otdg, and to have the pnsh ego of na•
it".fonee !Want Chemical Soap." - '
• Witness: Henry J. noldswonb.
bSnicksriN, at his Paiencslrdieine
Warebtuut, - I Amity meet, howl of mot, at the
'pip of Mr -
The only IMMO is Patsbotzh where the
. 6F,Nuizot.
ean be obtained; i9l,ll,oapere are Coornerfrr"
.8 • 11G , TTE,
EArOosearßAAl4w, 3.l4 . ,...rth (Sln•
Oaikirifscliqn.albtiveri,r .. .
Tyroissasitowlettlontratention .. . ~.075
" re
Two Enka -
cogurt46i,th: - 4 ou
011,ongettententa game protio
orrosquare,6 alteration,... 10 tail
• ~ 1 2, " ',• • .• 15t0
Each tidditionial ignite for 6 m0nth5,....;..5 OD
• "- •• • 12 • ID 01
patfarittare6lstinthe;reTtertratde at pleasure 15 CO'
Caehaddithittalativinellor 12 months 10
rt‘tit 6 mongol reautbleit pleasute;'3o
i tax* linital iqope:6 months, 300
tzt-wxats.i -IN DI/IT
!Qui itinire,3 insertions, SI 60
• " " --nach additional insertion 37.
rite lines or leppone year, . 6CO •
nit month. 5 CO
• , 0•• " 0 00.30Virdaily do .ockly„10
• • -•4 ssix months •• ",- • a6O
..4,,grn.:4lfT. IX . wlsci7 PATIA. _
oxleiss,Dnitiniertion, $O5O.
0 15
• .
" 00
, " `. : 'Mtn,
LThree meaths 9.50 ,
t , " • Six " Ot ! '
''..:',:',.1 - . Twelve .• ..,' 10
uAll ielieetaieeieete to be charged by the .. squa re , °
terra iternietar-S3 Yrer tee% SO bit 046 rapeeo
emairet , er s 4 rertisisg sicsods 60 dollars kr tei ' ---- • -
leire fleet or liisi,:One year,
• •• Eat moth.,,