. . :. , r , • i . 1 . . , . . ,' .i.. • . ' • ... - ....,.-4= ill 1:$ 4 ..... . 4 . Id .. • .. • . . . I. , ~ . • . 1 „ ..' ~ ~ , ~ • • • . . • . . . .- . . .. -- . .. -• . .. . • .-.. ... • . .. . , • • . . -...-. ' .. - H . :....LT .::::. , -'',.',-::,.....,, 1 1.,.:V f.. - !il - ,.,-,. 7.•- • :-..., , .1,• -;.- :... .'' -.; - . '.. . . . a: . .' I 1 . : ••• • ' 4 ” . „. - . 1 .l' , , i . —.. • : .-. , . ' . ' . 4 • ' , !,., ;. • • . . • .. ~ . . . . • „' . . • 'PEW., • .::,' ;.1 E , ~ . . . .. ... , a. • 0rma........mw00100m......------- ---- - ~ • • -- ' 7 7. 7 -- -- ' . 1 . . PRICE 'SEVEN ,DOLLARS, mist \ESS CARD& ...F - A ~`..'.: . & I u urn ny~ u ~ er.oel u 'l' WOOD. JODIE'S At OS. r. oeommbr: . Slerehml, have re imed i awl Front runny Pinwt h" WecciiiterEs,.de•Ler.in all Intaa of I.• ninl and innp..Le neon. ,- Spaniaa Leaf, and ,banring Tanaccoinebanurla and aa..1111, rd nneea,Plnaaar - nen. • ' ilitomar ninTien, Wbolesals 'sad. Rental Nuegana. eon, of I.ibeny and 84 0111.111 1.1.1111,: A. PSTOCIEL 4i7C-11/.. AVlndelnlje • 1•1•11111,10411.1. J. 1.),%. a IabSIC 0.1111/43. Whoissok• 0n , .0s www v...qh , • ISAO&Loillll-as CO. Wholesale Sw ears ...I 'dace t ealer. Se. lan Macke% street. be vols n st.t ch. %grin • e.., my& A,;„ hioaiii,Tif s Co.o , 9rwrit %-o•44gatuamou yhna.a. C.LOILI 821411, Pi' P • 1111.1..1NDU LOOMIS, "Auonser Caw, of. file...4ilsatrre I.talt cu - • Jouo F. Jeantort. J05.W,11.11=4.- / lALDIABI.IIA 11[3 AN CO, M'" pl Vat c.m ge SO' M.C.sua A. U. IkrakAIENII NC.. Cuarh Trocruninpor every de. Mph.. nt anutheany otr rm. Clair at. areheisa Wa Won .I,st uptsnn• er Cbarks • " •lairra COI NNINOILAIII 1 uosar.ri x mok.a. rria, Comuultatoll d FatWoraing Mordant*, destrn u, Prudsce and l'atabarght onarraratturetcfro I.lltar.l rt. ,•„ na r...huUtlatraT • ( `lalcal/31 & (sodowors. II: ..tuner 6 kadr WhOlasale Uteeers, 011.06.1. 1 . 2 land I orwarnarg 1114rthAllt., lbalera In frodaeo rutslatruh NI nonfat...res. Sixth meat, between Wood anal I.theriu.i.atoborgit, Pa. distil e 3 IC MAtilat, Inntorter and wholesale rug, .ttuater tn raory and dtaple Vary sad` p dl the (tat Comb, 1,11, Ariel neat Lil•CitY. burgh. l'a nul l nlrgL.. - ---- ii. AI. 1, /Older In Prodoce and Family . He idd Un.c,,, Nola Ltbeny st, mil &Mild bit: nre di SI. ,1 ~ .t. • 118 ly ' --------, . 1 Jstio,, Main, J. ((anima anwelL 1 - 11.7:CLOP a. SIit.WEILL, Attorneys_ M Law, .IJ ! nnr .4 .1 4 Sumbhcld, between 3d mu! 4th su., '• , _ ,•, mci.s ty .• —...--1— I; Li QV A ., to 11.110 AZ ICLTON, WOotesolo anaeor. i .r., ...1, side of Isle I, ammo!, secood door from NO , :' •ititt ! -110. 1,1..ina•y13 art .JOIN CLIALart. . VNI, Al.'[. a. 08.11111 ART, Whole ale .ozo- L FJ err . a, dealer. in ii,oduce and Pgusburglllbu t. otorafse• LIIIVA,s,Antrr of Lil, ay oral llAnd st.,lllilgA. PI, WS . . • an I. allaalert. L1N131.11411 A .1,0,•41 HE DINETT, late Fmilial., Md.` E.. lAatar a CO.'Whatetae Oilmen, Coim.. 4 tad Fotwardtna Merck:tau. add DaIWA la riOdata Ilag Plusoutga Aloduivedgrea No. 71 Wood suees,beivree id , ond And Tidal sd, • ' . .. . . aiIML AGRA W a a v. 1119 MR% Atkomay 02ke, .....,00vro . a .. 2vr a doo lu rs a.a. , ' Ar a° ..."t"eL on Fourth in this,. e l_ VOR W lenge a W /KRIM irloolo/41elee. Ai • naSe emit VAC& ID lee' MOW, nut Fon. wort, bemoan Cherty•Allay'asnd Uraal street. R Er;and. Gan. ' int END, BHILIC di CO4 Wboletalatinacers.: 1: a. , Yen inia•aes Merchants...no Arolifarßitan Coluni ni us. Noon: IN maraud rota nun,,. t; UI.UOIR. Piano Emu. Mandracnacon sad dee& r earm Musical otstroolents,'llt Wood urroM. war Falb FOSC•rfil. L'ORSYTH a Cs, Connadonion and Torwrardinir *seri! nlils2o,dll2%inly.l.L. 1,713./LINCISBYLLEBL limner. Cmannuil7n Mombasa and dealer to kNoduce, to an. No 17 Liberty naareanal POW:moil, N. U. oaannu Vann. Pilapina Rope, tuc:alsrayn ea, wand. .--A.ros, Donlan in Oloiren,MO•lery,'lnd, . 1 nay aid &epic T(l6l3ltillp, 1 Alarkel partel; Parsiniran. • f MO./AS; RATilllllll. / %CORGI& IMLOIWAS A. CO., %._X cora laud Comatmau Met-6=U, 106 IV Putsuunch IEO. h. Bir.B.Alt Wkolrosto Broder • • • ••: Mere'. ant. add Llualer In Predieg . Ptaa •uran Alattus Li urea No id 'Wood sr. Pinabo_ltk. a•auols C. f FO. W. 61111TH tr. 0.. Bf !Weft. blighter"; 1.1 a , k 1 dealers nt .16pa. PaUsburgh and Point Brew rr.r., ernn lad Put Worts. SUPS I ‘E-011.01r. COCURAD. Coormlarroo url For. V/ urardutg Merchant, N 0.% W odureet,Piosbarirh. am.? tics Li Broome. ' 1..] BROWNS' telcoms. to' lloldship /.I. rovroe,l Itoponers and marnsLactarers of Wall l'apr r and general How Warehouse, No. 27 Wend . sal 1111.0CILWAY, Clomps's, &D.SC.. .arrral Row, user alto canal Own, Passboreh rocr'll-dly _ 1 ytt.til.i M•Einfielekrer. Par &lel Stelthent,conterceridb sor Wllara 'Satan plena,. noise? loreari, J . SA & Co, Wholesale Onset., I CsaseaSsan Morel/lois anddealars Psolles, Nos 5o , 5 ater end 10 Front mess. Plitsb ..17.1}Craolltesuln°eIrja.A;43T:eY:e 4 of hts7;he ill." 4: — . 171,• totes No 7, Woo: orl. I Build alseo-ua. r.pte4 aurae his abscess by T. J. Bichaso and J. Vl!r2. asdK 11N D. !MORGAN, 'Wholevale Dro&V,s, 'lte and Jd..sler in Dye elan, Penns, Oils, Varnides, No on Wood firms', one dour WWI of IllaroandAlley Poldiarea J AMES NAELII., it. &Co., itoecessoss Jon* 11••1•10eipwale... 3C. Water at «41 • 1011J1 fl. E or node and Mask.' Inotiosoonto, School Books, ro pct, Steel Pert, Qadlo,Prionets , Elationery genorany, No. lit Wood • id, Potsborgit. 11:PIta IdolflO or taken in trade. - - 1511_ satiliwairiaima"ac ti 0.21 Woodol. Pioatough. _ BOX, CoOzoisoion dded Foromfdio, Mereboals, Cito'l9 Wont! 10Pp 0 . 20 .9. n 1, 1011. Bi L. GALLATIN. AURSIW alidior. l3o6 : al W. st, between Grant andSedliscid. Omit 4/6s. Pa. Will alw email prcdVili.Ulliwirmors' • 14 41.01re1. • ' JOE X D. DA Willi LOGTIONEManript, lm mid Viri tL9 10/1•S C. BID WV.I.Lii; 'Aid% Wholeslier.olo- ../c. r and Cidarddiaidoix /deseloditi.Wdddll grdo. door iiiiove the Aligiusigurilis Briditei,FltSbagt lri Iron, Nai is .lad.ssi iiiiiaildfaetatere prices. TOIINSTWII m STOCECTON, • Book..llen l'/.tiler. acJ I. , ,,cr , anurac BEAD'S Dock SIMI, llait, mat Market or. d. Classical. ritcaingic icet o s'riuss Metb.lo.l llosolte net I VW • dOIIiaIrTBOIS 81110., Banters and Kc al gc Wok. A, comer otWood gAd Third otrecm, ()demigod. ilomi IMildhriroatilmloor6,l4r.'' ili-vorrency Ormiolor orrOorrOrroo eeMl 0 wujita, WigaNtialith.ce , v 4 . o ". 4. PP!' 1 ' d.e_e, loi.org4 soarmsfatiarts, nue, &a ma, • pa!' loon 7ltielsud kloyT . ic FLOW Pale I. Floyd* 94 . 1111* Grocen. liabern, ADIES DAJ..i.M.l.,,,WholeisleObtax,Con•lS, 4.1 con Merchant. gad &art= reothsiii iced rim/UAW , manufactures. No x %Yak! . I S. WISTIiCIVIA,Iir: Witoteas*Oaetr„Forr vr.r.l3 eameni.ion Idoefetallf., Deeet Plll4tarlh anmr.. tate o r ud Produce, ,Plm , ,1!d —' .1:17 Idwis 7K,764T-47i9biOnnild I;rnarsa. Fora.d.na .4 CM11111.16011 MP,rolgoata; • and dal en , in nuanualt• M.afactare., ta Ko. 4a Wan , and 911- roar IWO.. • In UUPTOD Who Graders, Lfam.itnn rad I:64mrsaion blerckaata, Deakra Traduce • ad 1.4,04/Igh .Maanfaenters, Ko• 13.4 ol?!Kfinra . 1.111 - • Jator MILO. a a. tholhfield. WOW .OILLI tiIISFIFIELD,tottn to Coat, IVA otomon Nolol Worm , moo t m ar.e. W. K Dar' a, 1 ALLEN a. C 0.,. Coonino' ass MI. Ma.., .Waset and Floe Mts,belwe Woad and 54.tet. Al ric . t it e ( ; 11Cit k V.*l"4S. 91cr. I.l:Eit a ItICILICTIONi, • Wholeaaks atb. cern sad Cainnal.lan Meretmata, Noir/CW.lmi 1Yl• ' taal4 • •01:1EI:11 tc wtholesnie and pituul Msnil Cap snatpaineuirers. unl dealers in Bun) rs-sern!! of IA cod end Pilaw RI, - • ion t k J. SLOAN, WholcsalObtoners, Den!irk ip 7~. Plod. and anJnintarcling and Cnnunin• IfFT?lctennnty, tins 67 LibtOr addIVOO4,:RARsi MIES . 11011, NO SS Matt &net, N . end Aux kola roman of gaanki eign and Domr.tie Mils of Exchange, C . .. n.F*t ., .! 0 ! jßusk and Apctio. CeLteetionl maa•nv ylosjoriost:iplapi!illf IMPIT pW 7 tke • .. • , • , lat.Pl - 11 , V51.110311 a wber..l-= 01 Cs NIG De! 11 Weed mut, . CL t Z444:11 t Oran Pand Commis.. rnd'Fonwiralitg wrakinfi‘. N:4l K~orrurrria N. ix eta so Con ..on steelle lierttood . _ Llit,lLoll, Jr., ',gamer ,a 4 adCf in..rwrign mat „ewe gaglakiity Hans. , etsd I:olita,te ,isntinir.a all &smartens, No R. slat,. V. frISIKKIN LIILLUCH. & CO, IVbeleole tireuers,Coatatis AI, &on blerebeatt, and dealers irt, *Woes and riusburgb hilll.o.CllllCl.l, Liberty I. 5e1.1 Iltteltbreib_rte,' Jr,Ttel,D, ii=do:72 argt.,"/!iVri;'.' T.** %tie. ROB . DIRT. tally& I Cf." ,Wbraillirtale . r rodues • Xklrl.=aanwyattZ aPIE4YJ.I2rE t !* P.. sons. sosisoir. sia6; nomsoni. aI;COM Vriatinle. Cameo* Pro. R. dace Red Commituuon Madman, eat Deelerain Plusbergh bianufacutres,Yie. uC Liberty etteeL.Pitup burgh, Ya. BUSINESS CARDS. u .• U. d&WKLKII, Au.orno) a Law ' ra tiw ' Ll !dap, nearly crypt:4lle • the 13Ne*. t..13e, irt„,-tintrkag-, Rehl:l kmds 0 . /Foreign and Domestic Wines ani Lean, N. It Ltbery street, Pittsbensh. N. B. On hand • eery large stock of sepenor Old Monottnakela Whiskey, which will basal tow for snara:/.19 Reprolola. IRETNOLDP Fiaarardihg and Como aziaroon Alt-till.3il, for the Allegheny giver Trade, I dealers in 0 merit!, Produce, Paraborgh manufacture* 'And Chloride of Lime. 'The highest prices, In cad!, paid at all 60:1<1 for !Coonnry Rags. Coruer of Penn and Trona sta. Anti D 6 Smacklett Mum. R White.. SIIACKIXTT k. WUITHr Wholesale Dew. .lets to Penman and DOMES uc Dry Good% b llfegk Wood street, Pittsburgh k. W. 111/IJiDAUGH, Wont Merchant., deal• ers Flour and Produce generally I , mark ing and Gyottniasion bluebell* 'No 351 Wood: meet; Pinsbargb. •anl,, Ilio rinntL PAL 2H , Attorney at Law. Office 4l..lireeWloullalng;.. RI Fourth street, between Odd' and SediDdliTd.- owildkrty. , O. TEPILUIT anufsentrer or Fan IQ ey,Shaving Jaad Toilet amps. Winter and dimmer reased v. v La o ld m Oil u i•ite mi . kj.... 7n N o 0 1 7 n F s 1:111 a: , c b e i : : y e n t ::: f o.r.nottrigtOixonufacw.res and Wettern Prre d .e... hlark . et ena sf.n.444 lvansburgir m : Pa. cc. L... 14,,,oedhiat., .Im. renewed to Dim new warehouse, id rd stand) Kn. 34 - .Crinter Of Fricnt in and Chancery Lane. nov7 SIASITTIGIL 311ALIMIty Forwarding . ::d Cors7cOre ' Won hlerehard, Dealer in Salt, Pr .and Pins Durph candtafactared aniclea, Canal BLitt, near 7th et. ' d 4 - , i • 7 r. . 1.-drdt:WiLICRALIAIII,-Dealer a st-t-a., Fle. w O. e=Tneedond.Adrycdattral iniplementr,No real T 4 bosi.a... own. a -IL 'Mitcham: mid dentate in Prduee— t.n 8$ rinsbargb.• - • • it rriiO4- • 61317,.J.•41;0ntint ,Giabt llamßew !Icahn . /a. Monk.,ll. 4 iet) twons,nonint of Woo:Amid Fourth meets • JUI ..... , _ . ' .-- T P Poor/tt.. • ~ ....._,-. R $ For.yth. rp P. POMYTIII fr. Cs, Cbmaluiatailerekanis. '1 . dealers in &ill, liisatheirtrittoettrieti; Praia.' and pittstiorth Mazufamires, Canlyi:LiberV i r' W:ti N. F r ag7 kithitr at t aNtsttitaloTrit, &maw 'OD Liberty stmt. I.Priii”. 8 " 1 On WAITE; 11 - WANDlltfilicAtiiiiiiiim, tel. a Aanzia,pww.ol.Groe , tt F9miTtaff... o c...ontalliidinclirattittriLin iron, Nails,yliss, Awn Unsn PinstnittiLikirmarsetaresgenerit ll y , Wat_4lrts; Pituittit......ell.l „;174;.;11 , VI(.. • . 3•l44o464*Wie,Forarasill6iand takaat,aadDeraler, emd.c. Na Pa Laeaa,eaaner of Water and Natalie EL ,r. P. , aa43 tiyurratoitar. dfr. wourems, Jarportersiped TN• .Wlsolasalo Dale. in Hardware. Cudery,Sadi.i. dlery,lrs r eorner Libeny and Bt. Clair streets, Pitts -I..th• • GLENN, Bookbinder, hon reaboved to the V V corner of Wood and Third us, above C. 11. Bay, 'where he is prepared to do every deseriptlort of Ruling d Binding. vir,. W. wee sad and ing establishiaen, N 0.8114 Liberty 4.'4. ..the roar2S WII EL MITCHELTILIGIL WholesaleGro . ma, Rdellrylrig Distillers, and Wine and Liquor Merchants, No. tlki Liberty once; (opposite Sixth sL,) VittayttALima 3Y d 1 0. L nfi4Erterrr Vim: hu SClair s ed et d e aAk.ensa Joe. WH. GADUILAILDs Dealer in Fancy and :7. . Dry Goods Na W tilditethtred, Ddahorgts nersll4lr fILLISIA:I6si itawn udislarist 1 V Diodes) Wholesale Grocer., are Dow lorded at .n 118 Weal etistrhere they offer (*reale • large dews. dieddrfinseenes and Pitsabufgh litarsofzeurrerb as low p a and on favorable terms maylL IYW Mr/401C Dealer. .to Watches, Jewelry, . &cur Ware, Mdlany Goody ix, No. SI Mac. •d_sttecti .1) ll.lllMalt ho:11.8a w and resod Ode, in 11 .Foreignnod Domestic Dry Goods, north ead ado( Itlargetiand Fourth sta. aced VII X P.lll.Wati. Jr h.. •11.Purch•ses -1 lf Wog Shore of Edgar Tho m, corner a Pens.nd I and streets, will Seep a Cintf MI supply at the beat medieloep, perfautery. Thrslelares b e had carefully eonspoemille&— 'lledieines east be ',add all hours of the night , febledly. it. Id Wo,l!ingest& • John V Singer. WALLIN GIVELD & Oa., Commist.on and For wardirig /aerobe." Second, agar Wood etmet, Pittsburgh. P. fetith %ATM. FL. DAILLINGTON, Attorney at Lilo T T Pittsburgh, P.. -commissioner to take die *C hao:oh:dement and poto of Deeds, Leases, Contracts, Depositiows, or any Wee, ueriting Oman seal or not,) to be used or recorded m ;be State of Ohio- Office on Third streei,aberretkett }