le Women in sr.There are some who. wemlo ettpjxise that to fellowship .another U a Christian, implies an . 'elf .his clean, principles I:, Mad priteVcevir and that for one Church to fel l: lowa b ip another implies a similarly extensive nap . 'pienballon. We have no such notion. We be indeed, that mich Christioofflloweltplm piies ao approbation of the . general character of :the person or chnich fellowshippeni—it pre-sup ',goers that we recognize them on Christians; but ; •alt Mrisit ere many who are entitled to the gene tal appellation of Christians who are neveithe leas. not perfect 111 there •Chrissian charucter, each fellowship does net necess a rily imply a 'Contrictiort of their perreetllel., or a full uppro ballots of all their contlue ; t or principles. It ba. -long seemed to us that there was entirely too much squearnishnese in the world ou the point of Chiristian - fellowship and intercourse. There is undoubtedly ae extreme here, as iu Other (binge, •' spinet which we are to guard. We may not so demean ourselves as to indicate that it in in • dlfferetit what a man believes, teaches or does. Dente there am many who think that they are ✓hound on all occasions to "testify" ugeinst ev.• erything which suits not their owe finical no • times of propriety. The world would'suffer ex "ceeditmly if they were not to lift op their voice, cry aloud and spare not! l'uor cools: their con , sciences give them no rest unless they are de flouncing mmethiog or somebody, and thus clearing their shirt...of blood! Persons of this temperament are anotig the readiest to reject from their fellowship others., to say the least, as good as thenuelves. 'Mc imperfections of these others ate not jest of tine same kind, owing to difference of circuimuancm. Their general • conduct and character may come 69 near the. `gospel standard as their debriuncem, but because theY do not fail . in precisely the ...nue thing', they are to be retreated 23 unworthy of fellow ship A man who has cot the highest remit.: .tion for liberality and kindness to the poor (hire ling—who reduces his or her wages to the low . . est possible point, and gets out of them all the - labor he can—is probably the loud.st la Ids den ' ‘sistrination of the cruelties of the slaeeholder ; -whereas it is evident to every unPajudieed . mind that the only essential difference bet weeu :them consists in the fact that the one lives a few ' •„. degrees farther north than the other; nod the ~,elavekolder, on the other band, who lives out • becomes wealthy by the sweat and toil of his fel . low beings, RI a state of degrading servitude, liable to be sold like the cattle of the stall, and whose minds Ernest not be cultivated for tear - they Mould rise ;hove their condition=the ',Christian alaveholder looks with ineffable con tempt and loathing open all who bear the' hated .• • nid, of abolitionists, or anti-slavery men, thoigheome of them are of the salt of the earth. d.l i t has been taught to regard them as silly, and . perhaps wicked, fanatics, who deserve nothing better than scoff's and tar and retainers. Both of theme men are professing Christians--denouncing each other most heartily as heathens and - atical They have an' equally bad °Melon o r each other, and can have no fellowship. Inn . • our view, neither of them is ros good as he (igh( to be. We 'sea great - evils in both of • them; and we ere great evils in ourselves— . What then? If they• belong to the eallle Church that we do, Must tee leave it? No. • • re7II6QN in ether respects there Merl have ny excellent traits of claarricter—many Christie. virtues. Taking their general character, the vir • toes may have muck the preponderance. If we are merely a private member of the Church, we may probably think it mflicient to set them a 1 better example iu the Mingo wherein we cm. crier* - them to be wrong. If we are persenally acquainted with then., and opporttinity offer., • we may converse with them on the subject in a friendly meaner. If we are an nothorized teacher of religion, we. may speak with more authority, as speaking for God, and the Church —bof if the evil cannot, be remedied, what then.? Leave the Church 1 By withdrawal • By making a violent .cessiOna ee-hieto 7 Not .• for the world. We may not so rend.the•body of Christ and be innocent- Those esteem the Church of Christ far too . lightly who are so . •- ready to leave it er rend it on every trivial oc casion. The imperfections which we discover in the Christian character of others, are not gm , 'ficient to justify as in casting them net from our fellowship, unless we delibe'rately make up our minds that they 'are not Christime at all. If they dee Christians, bet not as perfect as they ought to be, we should give them our hand to • improve them.. Fellowship does not necessarily ,imply a universal approval. "There- may lee things excepted, either silently or expremaly.— Au . illustration of our principle is found.in the cane of the British and Americiu Methodnes heretofore. We bad Christian—we had Meth odistic fellowship one with another. it's ac knowledged each other as confraternal bodies of Methodist Christians Did 'we approve of et?, , orything in the British Methodist.? Nn. But there was nothing . Mat we deemed of sufficient importance to except., expressly. Did their fel ', .Intenship of us imply universal approbetiou. Fur '• from IL' There were some things in us which -.:they expressly excepted—our connexion with slavery 'chiefly. They did not withdraw their fellowship, though they had about as had au ! Opinion of us, of die whole of us, as we new have of the Southern Church, as a whole. • It is on this same principle—this view of the nature of Christian and Methodistic fellowship, .that we have heretofore and up to the present AIILIe advocated a friendly intercourse nod fru . ternal relation, with the Church SOuth Snob fidercoarse doe's not, iLl'our view; imply entire • approbation. It - admits of exceptions expressed and undenteCd; and we should have no objec ' Coos that In : this Case they should eveo be cc premed. If we desire to exercise thd , most factual influence against slavery in the South ern Church, let us first give them their portion. • of the property—negotiate in a liberal spirit thy . other matters of difference—continue our friend ly intercourse with them—acknowledging them an a fraternal Methodist body—at the emus 'tints bearing a respectful but firm testimony against inst their pro-slavery tendencies--just as th e British Mreeleyans have heretofore done with ow Theme 'are our positions. Some affect to lads. understand them, and misrepresent us an South 'lora in our sympathies and principles, because we are iu favor of keeping up a friendly iuter cosines with the South.. We have not said much by way of. explanation, deeming it unnecessary for our own reedits, and having learned that we have very little chance of being heard through • the other papery. This muck we think due to ourselves ; and by .thaw principles we abide; come what may. '\•• • -- • - AEIIICAI. AND SURGICAL °Friel:. aS DIAMOND Ale a few loon betois Wood street, towards tit • ~ market RILOWN, , lisemp been regular!,. J• ''s- . 1. •• .• ' • ' Located lo the tod ¢Yl piu • term., and beril woe yak) ? 1, r . ; gettend c, cmikiiee his miens vin t • to the treatment of those ' • \ "•• h private and defie- 11/111 \ fur wl 4 ch lc. nr ilics experieniv• ramlll/ 0. Fuliatly qualify tins .d Eleven year. awl wooer derail to the etudy treatment of ilk. compl nts, Nonor; which lime i.e has had snore practice and eared more pail.. PIMP annoyer till to the lot of a y Plclilioner/ um ply qualifies Viotti tr as oronces of speedy-pm., ocat;and satisfactory hie Men Okla with 4 .foltc 'di Dr. .4 all disco.. arising therefrom. j ' • Dr. Browa wick, innings Mow" alllieled With rowan diseases which bare beroniceb Male Lynx.. tigers pew s ti by tire use of any of tbe common nostrums die I day: that their complaluts eats be radieilly unit Mor i metre eared:he having/leen his careful attention to the treatment of oath cues, and Simeaotted ra hundred, of instances In caring wpm of intim:minion of be neck of the bladder, and knotted direalies arbtch often rroup , tom those taws where Dawn #2l/e co.imsed t Impalas dmywr. lie pailnitliirly invites each as Lust been long and =maces/fully tn.., by Others tu rand map hi. when every satisfaction will he give, them and ; their eau:strewed JP lieul. thorough an 4 easiattar, pointed mu y how experience, sthdy ancll,l hestigatiormsvhieh It to utqmosiblo for those rooked io Li= practice of medicine to give Any we claw • A trr ilenS/11 or Nopturo—Dr. Drown also torn I„perapas atnieted with Hernia to call, as he has paid painlealar attention this discere Shiallweases; also Pile., Palsy, me_ speedily noted , Altawaveryl r l'aitetus of either Set liru3S , al • distvnec by M.. their disease. or I•1V, glv,ing ail the .rympl lowt,ean(o4llo,l medicines wthdirer/HMO kr by ../1144.Miair BFIO WN, N. U. port oat and vhclo. !4,44 No. A thamoad alter, apposite the Waserry ,louse • „ Nosares a POPE ' ties, trrettalt:Wolt 11.1111dBift FAVIYOII.I6 7 P.O.W.*bove Stinnorood Street. 1410- 3.1...k0phia. At this establishment may be (bead the gsswest Irartety , .1" Pharsted beautiful Patten* whmb the au is ibuseyi. x utor any .lescrify.; linnAnd especially for Coraderici, pacucularly . . . 'The principal part el all the Itandsoitio Railing. at Lan'el , Hill. Monumeet, and othee celebrated remete,ricain the city and county ol . Philadelphia, whieb.hava batman, highly extullt.4,l by 'the public urea., were eiecuted at tow manufactory. . AA large It'areittoont is cennetted *4l; the mitab lishinenti where is kept constantly oh hand a large clock or ready-made Iron Railings, Osnanichtal Iron Settees. Iron Chairs, new style plain and meanies. tal Iron Gales, with au estensivr sawn Iron Posts, Pedestals, Irtin Arbors, he: Alan, is great variety, tk might and Cast tranOrnaments, suitable tor Railings. and other purposes. Thr subscriber would also *tate nut in his Pat tern and Designing Department lio has employed someof ,he best talent is the country, whore whole att.:mil/0 is accrued to the hustecs*--fhMeg grittier one or the tom! templet. mid systemAtt cr. tablislimen at die kind in the Ilniaa. IIUKEIL I' 1V001), Proprietor. Ridge Ho ul, arena Ihnumw,enl street. Irhiladelyhhy March 11 1817 denter ,- ,.. CIUKAP ‘VAT_CIIER. • • ' • • •1 1 111:1:111:AVE,E1:01.1/ A N1,,11.V11R R' ATL'll IN 1•IIINAIW1.1.111A tlold I.etrtx, full .I..wrlli d, 11l 00 B.orer A. 410 . 41 Ut/ :old I.rpincr., 'ewe.llr.l, lA/ IX/ s•ltver do do' 13 W ,tiva rtluarlierr. Gut. qu.ldy, 10 t 1) ()old 1V dirt.... ,1.0,1, IS uu ddyrr Six-cm/deo . . I 73 Gold Pelmet, 2 U 0 (101.11Irucr irt., 4 cm , 11" p. u.ortlottit of (:old Rod Ilatr 1:r:0,,,A., fitly, rime, brritqpin..bool , enr rotX , So. Iwo r . wilvcr ?Not, •ogar toto,, thimble, gold neri, curio &Ind i0t;t220..0. guard key.. and por,iry of dr.crit.on. eqoally All W 221 10 2 010 i enclV.lnt, futlimmtvra. Ali rurJe of %Vutehrr arid repa/r1.4 23. J wnr 14141..1 g5...1 WM' rut O. ll lu., hl ,o end .11. ecr 60.4031 0. 1at..64 1 / 1 ...... It.attge. F.l eAgltt aus :end dotty I.wir 1.3 . 4.ACk04 I.IIWIS I.AM/JMty nt Slow. Nto 43.11 Al.rl, -Ir. e!. e F.leveru n , Nor I•l..ll*J.lphin. I lour rare t. 0.1 nO4 tiiver 1.. s..”...ullehr.aff rho r the iih n prler.. ,00.2 AD7IF T lI'S PATENT DIILILVT.AVVION U==IMI liamener s4l.iy adVa3lligex over vii o,l,,,a—,otung- winch my) br - Il4Mosvi,errlocrot..—Tlrc r.qtriluily.tiol forted . blow or:o1r rollcJ wols tlic Co - "... • .".• wb''V tourr.swe 1* or 0p...10an :rod thr Littoral, irc arrelool. noorrolr - r1 at all) 101)111. I:nor,tr'..lity, or cairmeat, Or riocuto work of all clam 110 latgo..l Itic •L0.1111,L. utdor air Salfir hosnoscr ' Nmpl,ellF, Cumrn. ine, n 1.41 tlen, , ne••• It. Aer....t..1,ty upon all ,te., me tsmrtute,t A Ike hammer, no mane stvll-A. I.IK. . The tsttarritter's evithroe tn extra.. ;triton rut three huttuttere.ri tt; ...rt... twit tytteetuttltte tertlitt 111 }:IIUlI;A TOW N A,gnet, htr the MI nit th Nmilimark ruaiWry. Phllad'a _ :JERRY & NIeKtIRSON, . Munofarlutrro AWNINGS, SICKING BOTIGAIS, WAGON COVERS AND GUM:NII,I.GS or ALL or.scrttrTioNs • No. 384 South FroOt 8 Burk of T. A. liikun'a Cabinet Rine ma.ufy PIIILADELPHIA. ALL order. lerl with S. S. Moon, at the awe tLe A 51erchant'a Ilotel, Polateargh, will be protaati, attended to.. G. DERRY aepla-dla A. C. NICKEL...4"N TO WATC :11.11AK.ICRS nod DI4ALIKt r as. J, LADOMUS, IMPORTER of 'Watches. Waictimake ToolA s and arch Materials, whole,ale and 'customd ton stly on hand large ass:aunt ntor /AMC°, PM.III. and tan V:4111 Glass, Malnspring4 Verges. Dal., Watch Ilands, and a complete amsontarni ot all Thula and Ma of belonging the trade; with a large t 1 1.28111.111 of Gold and Saver Imeer,•Lepnie. and Pmiti Waiehe.. al: of wtych he wilrarmity to sell at the loosest ties.; Vnrk c et• nom Me canon punctually cxrcorit. Id. —Cou'lltry Std hamsarid whet. arc invited in end and ad unain4 or the Uld.Stand k No. 11 b'outli Ponrib roam. Philadelphia. 6.11 M== (WILLIAM OGLE, COACII AND - HARNESS MAKER, MO Claw. a, . — lll PhAatirlpha, Ime of the firve 04Ie . ivejj.:l,.. Watson. respectfully arenas Ina farad. and the public, that he has and wall keep mo hand and tve ale, • handsome savortanot of askonsile Cars, Vebseire 411 atty ks sha doe-110..1 lade to order at the abort. pottuble natter, mmd eaveutt.l en Arc very best summer, of veleeted maternal ly lIISCFI,LANEOII AUENC ,170/1. Ilirxhihglem, D. C. • 7ENAS Slrcbanital Ftngtneet anal L/ Agent Ens ratent., will prejlare We ne er...an Dthsvlngs and Pa pers Algtheanth at nth. and traththet all ththsrm an the line n) itt0f,,,,...0n at the Patriot (Ace. Ile eatt,be OConottlloof On tall Iclatang ii; Pak itt I.a.a.it de,..• mold on On` tinned Snolo . • of Europe re ni xanththro.n.. tionolo ;of nor I...thm ...Wee ft.th.tl , ag atthlicat,on to, a patent na, lot waol po.s rth.ththra a 1,- , . .1.41 ..•, thear .tairment of %IWO Co',o wben immethath oath.. Una will ID 5t.,581 all Ike 111101.11.1100 n blur could Ith v.... 1 of the .thithr.trit In ponlnnll pmmplit Irth-th tth ith•t and coialOon 3 -utable 4e. whene a thrown WM131 3 rethmed Ilthre na r *are, th,th.the the ratroti fight, 1f:. Ith• the honor of retert.a... I.; fnoroonoon, In Ilan Edmund Guth, —.we, 8.1 hoot. , 1!..a II I. ~ I;:,..rt,rtf, • .10 crsthels. 11.3 • ri ' 11103 It Choate:Mu.. , , th , ik th , 1% Allen. Woo I Ifon. 1 It M 1103. l 6 :Eli. liall"1 -3 , rOrli, /lOU. Robert L. I.lnrefe.l;Soata, ling .1 II C Ali.soar,; f!alw II A1...... ,t 3 , lt..thurr. Era , ,th• Wont:, E-u 1 . IStfthuthlt. M==IiZIMIM I ;I . 9EW VlNfk StORF" . I. . 3 .4 ,10111cr 1.?; 1.1. ! ,41:i9 - 1.17_ , , t,NC4c ...,. ' . 01 ,- ! -- i, ! i'iF -I fi rt%F . '- ji-aiR„ . ' 4 ,, P ,IL .:,Zr!! . ..,q,2 4 .-',..1.k:,:46--,ILIE.'. ~.., ~:.; ;, I,,:lk T i'-',.1 7 ,45-..---tzqi.g.e, a . :, d . ;`,",;,4''" . 4 ... t. g . ,,,, t ,.. i. .,,,,. ;; .,...,:),,-.. ,1 II A It f•.: G I; A; '- i ' . ' l . 9 . i lf 1 1 7 e; - t•IIII - 1.3 7 V . 1) P".17,: %;: ""' 4:: ' ,W . ,,t '', . ' . - ! ' itt ; :`'; -;53 i - 4 . SC .. .rgli Trcn t" :lll. •l i.”1:• " 1; .. .7t . , ,,,, ;.:.<; • i1; " g!.4 ,"': ' , Fi r •r . " 1 ,1 . in , In•I ;Io , d &=.l-.T...A.t..-; Aloy. &r.,,,,,.., tV-4-:ifl,_;:4*.ti vs ' :`.7.„',„ h . l ""'' ~... .4,3,...,_.7 , , iRAPY 4 15113;.4 . „ t 7 Sf . l a 1 Voll ' aToru A n ' a:l • .._.T . ; ‘ , .‘7:0,709 . 14.Lfi1. . ~.,. • ; of De lIILPTIC :-kor '' ; ' Z ' Z ' ' '' . . -1. C, 6 n l , .!_,, :- . ~.., c.I{A. I -1 / 4 7.7,7 ". . ...F . .. S 3 • -..., 3 , hew 1 V AT ittic - - . SHIM,. oi.G li.onnet 11110.M.,Bonn . 4 . %illotand Floamot. cheat. s thanever Milliner. eunithed a• unit at wtadenele prieea apls .W 11 °Anita HD Counullor and General . Ageul. WL. PRALL. infomte h. (dentin and th e pub. lie that he hoe cnced the loomem A Bent Mr vying and sailing r eal extutwitt will devote a large poomn of Mr time and az canon to the leasing.Moing and lilting of honersocore. and oth er building.; in collecting nod ;It/trent. ream .and oth. er claim. nod demand., and in attending . .. Aurney sine,. generally. Ile will aim n6ag dtha Lon of loon., contr.., ate. nod. ll fend* wken. information tn fClAtiolllo the prt3 qualtima •nd • emmoibilitien of tenant., Gee for which his extcrodee nrquammntt cmitt'titl3 nualiGe. liim. Ilemay he found 01 hi. real..., No 141 Alien •ireet. until 91.2 o'clock in the ninenhig and after 9 o'clock in the craning, and at other boors at hi. omen. No NI Chamber. ;tweet, and door front room. NEW V 0111.:. . HFPFHIFNCFJ4.—Pon F A Tatinin, 11,.n John H Peon, Hon John McKeon, Hon Ogden Henrwan. Al derman, Echest HenAeni, All Wm V' flrnilk. Hneni Henna.. Hp. J Ran., Fog. ' tnylll2.o TO CON Ta.46TOLLSi. ROFO-itiLg will berceeived at the Oilier of th e I: James , Ulm mad ti.aaaawba.Cllra pimp, in Richmond. Va., oath the 13/k July non, for the. rem •truenon of three stone dams across James River en the hoe of the Company's ermial Lynchburg nod the mouth of t e North river. The fir. of sni dams will be about 31 ft both and likt feet long, and co unted about 4 miler above , Lynchburg: the Val ad will be anent IS ft high and 500 ft Mog i and trimmed about o miles we ss o f Lynehborgh: the third will he about ad ft high and :AO II long, and situated about 13 miles west el Lyuchhuig. The foandutinn of there dams are of rock, and the sureirstrurturar will be required to heron ced Wei a. low water level, during the umc.wit rt. n. Moroi said works may he seen. and specifirSlll.4 obtained. at dm Compeers Clamp m lbrhnand or at the autism], rid We said Otte olio, Isynehliurg, ...a eller theist of ly nest. tl WA LTINi t TNN, Chief Et:nigger Jaossia Myer S Kanawha Co Richinond.44th 1day,147. ReVe • Zi;;;;7l;her;rZl otnoecdEWeplonoZ and mom larhlonoble Eastern on:terns and colors. A l+o THE CHEAP ROLL, or -uoAro:v on Lend o r rootlet. order pr Al ,riere. ontl at all price.. Country Melchor. and other+ ate lorded torsil and reoutine the Above for tbern•elrei, am WI will be lmt ,bolt, or rebel, and a Ither.rl dedocoon wad:. no ,Vizllk,l,lir pelt-brer, °plate A Ive,TER V EI,T =!E==! t,te 1.: a. 11'111.11' Imv.ng removed form the V ..... rr of 1,1, rq and M lawny, to No 60 %Vow, VIVCI, t4i oe door% atone 01 Charles Ilmel.vould 'min-m(011y ask the auennoo ni !awe. m them mock of lIA HUIVA Itli, C lITI.ER •nd 5A1)01.1.31{1% reed per ranne eamanak, Mononnahrla aral Ramie, dare, liym t h e 01110 ta.urers of Kurland am! Germany. ruppaca a( Asa:nano I laidnarr, r/ao the p.O. eyal manta. the Nauruan ,late, now ' , tack bring rnorrly. new, nn.l puteletged arym ilia beat n.rm. they wet grant annh.l. are in Penn, able w9eewfully In mea l rampent.on bow any gaunt,. lher an or marl. r M=llllllSl I s EA WS AIIISCRICAN VEGETABLY. It P.NIIY ATINIt PI ' • For about one year, meet... 10 kI ee of Mr. Sear's Itenntveting Pills.) have, O ro etremtly !nom lit onrush...nil en tie.l irk 1 love made u.r of ,irat V3ll. ti of in 01-rin.l woh eresv,trinaterint livil;tl A 1 , 0 l three month -.1.- r teettreil roe Mr. seueite mtuel ha- .oitietly mitered toe ' frton oddity et my ativantep. Oita lutteit e,o bottle health. Several of toy friends Owl oviiontotanres have made tit. of the POI., end received tottcla benefit ' -from tl ctn. - 1 rah With confidence rectum..4ld ilt , a -IAN6'A 1.1-:1 , 4O17 Iludm .1 Sold. 'choleraic and real!, by 11 A I , Alirtioci: CO. coiner or let and Wood, and 1V00 , 1 . .1101, (Rh sig. _ Wabia — atiiilliiirl -1 1717iiialianse Removed - • _ B. A. VAIESESTOCK & Cl§ HAVE erected an extencive • warehou, on the corner AA of Woo:viand Fian '•treen, 10 which they have - . 41111 . 14 thalr'Wholesale bacinciar, Whetti they unit Morey. Imam hand an entendre asmrttmeal of all tht articles In their line, to which tedy Invite the alien 1101101 the pahile. L' l,l a • hO.ioeu will he continue.] at the out stood corner et nohow.' Nona 'filo , *EVER.? FAILEW Dr. COLLEWILINDIA N VEGETABLE PANACEA' AilEnsonroiciNt , ..th Serials; Eltig's Evil t:aueer, Erpmelas, Old :ions, Ulcers y Tettnr,! Mercurial Diseases, or , any ether complasatsuriting from isapartties of the blood, aro requested to mud the lallaring testimonials, In proof or the wonder nal properties of the above named malieine. READ! BEAD!! READ!:: the ongeraigned, having vimited Mr. l‘aae ktrooks,'Jr. at thh office of Meatia. Itowaral and Walton, Sib Market •trect, drenahltr . his ease the a, It remarkable one we have eat, neasoilor heap I af. llis disease eras SCROFULA, and terrible nom have teen b r twelve year.' conflict with the de c entire motor hie mouth, Nose, Up. per Lip, Anil lower,Lid of the Right bye have been destrojed, his Face nearly eaten up, and part id the Jaw !lone carried away. And jet we ran girl. n., desCription of Its Care, Mr. B. interim on that in January lam. thy %h.'. interior of his mouth, an well ea Ilene 01 lie tar• was a mate of derp and panslul uleene On the 11th el - January last, he cnonnenred Or. CULLEN'S INI /lAN VP:CET/11:LE PAN A CEA, which checked the dkraen in .1 lew dais, al,. earn that time the cure ha, rout al_al ult./mut in tennis:don. New Besb has nappbed Ibe blare of the del. ill 'tees, and thinb badly ihA igurvol, ho, Vire tt.lth.l, and his geucr alhealth m restore°. We are aliallreat that to the trnatm•V or Mr. Brooks' ease, no Me re ' nnal, Om linen te, dl , l:austir . p plic,dions base been used,--in tact, the PAN .\ LEA ALONE, has wrought this wonderful change David Smith, Backs county, N. •l'hailes L. Bowand, Meadville, I' ran bird rot's.. J W Jones, M D Sottth Second street, little Jacob Lee, Pemberton, N J. 'ENV Cur, 441 Al Fourth, above Poplar At, N. I. s Laueuter, Pa. .Irt Maddock, IltbNortli Eleventh At. W Appleton, Id U 41; South et. Ju lauthyCaldwell. Marinn ro. . . Daniel Veakel, Chesnut 1I dl, Il 1..1el p hu co. l'a. John Ihrned,:lllo I Itch otertitAlleln. Steeling hi 0.1%1mi1e,, N. J. Williain hale, ;till I I egli J II Potter, Alaiiiiiheturer id Mineral Teeth, 101 l Ninth street, Phila. I. A. Wollenivelier, E 1. l'lnla 17; N . - street,r Gent ge Mentr.. Brost) Maker. 3t) 31.nrket , t. Earn 4:a r • I. J tlon.olit street. 1 . 1,11•••. ALI Clle:1w, Vaal°, ICle,eott. 1111,1,4 1 - knurl. John Itcll, I•:),c Street. rhiladelid.).). (North .%1..e. can office.) Aaron SanJs, ICA Mr.... Hot. • In noel Aletiinley, Kros A/lev ADdrVer Stiff:WM. Cana., P 4 It ti Evans, %Voss Phil.' Richnrd It. {'. , nog. Gilder. .11/9 hlnrkid et. l'hda John %V Ashuiend„6o houth hlith surto, do 1 , h Wagner, Lit.bhgrapher, Alfa Chonou t street, do II J lientol, IV Kiev.lll .beet, • do Pains Shen Soo*. Editor NA., Eagle, d o Joni Bud.., Wass manufacturer, wdlinothono , . tvi haul Steely, Eunstrtgion. Van If r,, rt, L B Coles, 111 I), licriston,Mart, Russel Canfield, 17..ladelphfa. Thuma P S Roby ht 11, Harnsburgh, l'a, rotor Viinght. `✓'Y Market street. Ylola. James lV fierhn, 103 Colbert .4. du John Coed, 174 Spruce st- do . Ilne, Pastor St, Paol i sfll. E. Ch. Cuban.. . St. Phila. John Chambers, Pastor Id lodep. Chuich, Broad st, de , L Sanders, Publistier of Pledge and Standard, Phila. F I' Sellers. Editor Olive 15 . eh, Doylestown, Bucks co, l'a. Wholesale and Retail by Pogrom] Walton, prietors,S76 Market St Philadelphia It P. Seller* 57 Wood st. Pittshuogh, Pa.; Wm. 'Eh •,52 Mar: ket at do.; b R Perkins, Mancha, Obit!, sawn J. Sharp, Ma ..die, K V; Jelin W Ou &lento... er, Lan , Ohio; Soleil & Reeves, bladison C Noble, Louis K VI Devcroook & Pella., St. Louis, ttlo N ti ItleOraw, Natchez, Miss; Hardaway 5s Jot n stn . V teksburgh , do; Charles Jenkins, New Odra 'Lai 0e.5 . - K ' and EXTERNAL !LYME:Dr, a very large and ,enuantuthona Warcbaaa., ea Ltku• un pr.-pared In receive lin /Wawa. to nea.aLt ant HUNT'S LINIMENT, ihapar,.taa a large amount of induce, Jac- on Surrage at IS now universally adius. fedged to lie - thr j (mato} CAMe AN a cy FALLIBLE REMEUI' for Itheuntalunn. Spa PICK.WOItTII & CO'S LINK. oil Affections, Confractions of the Muscles, Sore Threat and quinsy, besues.Old nice/v.l'min. 1.1 the ! ' 1 47 • iNklMi Back and Chest. Ague in the Breast 310 Yarn,'l,, , l!l''l.npf:l , .;.% for m.• 1111111,4,wz0n Wnl Tooth Ache, !sprains, Bruises, Salt Rheum, Barn, .1:-. I 111../t•taa I a.et any., rtahattaneta, Blatra,tlle, /ohne Croup, Frosted Feet and all N1,1111.11)111.A.E. "awn. Ittaa• .Itt% - , .tar eh, Wawr Sacra. PrarrAl.urelt nod The THI LIST I'llA NT SO( 't LS:, which has at• the w 0 , 0 ,00 0 ,0 0 , IClliidthe application of 0.01 antral IVONHEN Vl' I. ' , f r x .„,„ l: w-Ale,lnxllp M ELM 'INF: la Cann; the norst severe noire of the o no n ell anti epend in. ditlerent Ifivea es above aimed wand the ;uta3.l.-11. , 1;.put ioo.l as: na EIMAJM I Wlln lira hate been bestow n bestowed upon at, Ti. I..rat wat• ;ono., tos l,rr id nt.eannattoJanarn wherever a has been itenslueed i elves ine the nem of." , ""f to call on the A IEI.I f rEi, fore..orl at uure to ' '." .• Oatrorraen the ONI.I K1.11;1:1/1" "I'll Vl' 'A ; , a It, VI. /, 11.11F.1: r Wm/ DS una.. au n eounnentlaa; the nil.. A 11.1.1 A al it, ..... 1. \ 111, .1,1:It , GI. ) The tiltlom tl • eum.,.. "..• I . llyelctitis.volto ' llave been 311,0. - 4110 the Afoul. A M,A 1.1 . 1 ) Ylnatant SUIC Ptieion for many years, is the In,, „ „ t ; „ . et Went, of theyalue of that crir.lanaesl Lsorines.l • • Si en SI et., Deems., 21a, . . Ally near recce ved your note ol yesterday,, LAh . r. ERIE AND 311CIIIGAN LINE. natio:Joy 0104 on iri rel 4 ttttt Hunt's I.lnuere, 1;1.. 4 ' fa 1 Wl7 Its prepared by Mr t Wor t , E wanton. Known., , I . Its cornpowtion, and talon,: Ircquaettly uhed , iew !tee own s le...cry ;rut, mu it:qua - ALIBI voun.. A A K 110 Ft M NN f :ol Pierre I an , KlJnor. holly coecur in the above upolton. N BELCH ER. Yoeutow,i, !an 11, MI.). r—ln reply to your leiter, I would way Bee I hate seed your Etlernal Remedy. called Hunt L.. stet, in toy ractrce same you made rue ac wffil romp...non. nod unllealtatts,ly soy that I believe It to be the lean Latern,l Rent dy rem in one lin lbe complamta r .r you r , commend it. Yours respectfully, LIKNJ I) AIILLEIt, AI to . - (Se° E,Stantou.pisf. I&Among the ma.s 01 worthless artlrles and humbugi that are poured Pot!, at the present il upon the eiruntry, It, is really refreshing to-find something of real practical utility, sour:1100g ono plc, apeedy and 01[CW:11 111 113 operation, and the same tone Iree from thorn rmorproseth el. whirl. generally attend powerful remedies, limit's .L.lnnuent, prepared by tier, E Stantrm, 01 so,: Sing, though it hair "been but a abort tone belore the public, Ins already obtained the conlidenee.uut only of our most iscaliliy and influential cirdscbr, but our most emment pli)slcians. All ark iron 1• edge it tribe a notereign balm. for many 01 the Ills that flesh is heir to, soothing the aching Inn's, and by its genuine atinsu,ating rallueurle,bautshi lig dot sinC from tbosyntem. Mr. Stanton—Sir—S. ring your advertriemem of Hunt's Liniment, I woo induced to try rts collects on my noo, who had been crippled with 3 Imile back front an infant; and it is oltl gratitude I hear testimony to its wonderful healing properbee. Pdy child, who is now tire yrirs ol age, is /11333 iu a raw way of recovery, :Yours, &o. DEAIM UN .0 Pore Orrice, Town Putnam Co. eerbfy that 1 am personal') acquaint, d with mho aborel3.lllled clld, and think the 'lithe, would be sale in saying that his von is plumet well. . JAS w DVIAMAN, Nor 5,1815. Deputy l'iwt blaster. 5.-I sr4All.l 41.0 stat:c that I Isar i. Luen ['or number ryears subject to frequent eta mks ol the Rheumatism. which in many mstonc.a proicnted my attending tnmy Louie... Two or three split, nation, of the Liniment invariably remove all al reations of the Lind. In ermea of bruises. spruirui and sores; too numerous to mention, ;I Las in thia vicinity proved n certain remedy. Is value can only ha estimated by, those who have given it s fait 'Phi. Liniment is sokl at 45 and 1,0 cents par hot. tle, by all the Principal Druggists and Alerchnuts throughout Die country. ak Agnalla inn Noun York. _ HHAIDLE P, PHELPS & Co. 11 2 Water RUSHTON & Co, 110 n.roadaray. A H & D SANDS, coiner Fulton and With on ASPINWALL, 1..% William strei t. • Orders addressed to toe at Sing biog, N Y. be attended tn. GEORGE E bTA NEON, Prnprietor. For sale in Pittsburgh by L IVI LCI /X, Jr, m.,1 J KIDD & Co. Allegheny City, JOHN SA RUE ,T Birtningbani.JOHN bllll9l. Ms. euinplteint PARILLA. Nonder sad lin song or the !! 11n. Extract is put up in•quart nn x cheaper. pleasanter,warranted •1.;/. nor to on) wha. I cons w.taattl Vornitmg, gicketio Or debilitating the patient. The great beauty .ted superior itr or IL Sar...Lp •.I la over all other reened.re win!. it Cfl l ./.. ttrA ili• it invigorainS the Isuly. It uatal nh, IS • dn. removal and permanent rare ut aa.laaea•rt. • ra g horn an Itapute elite of the bk.!. pr al du • testi. • • Look out for loulalulp.!--U1 ry umpied irersonk. sve capful our lahols. and put up toed u. mn MO Ppm 6: peaboules. See each Iron, has %much tore GIS P TolvoArsul • For sale by R POI, :lg. a: for All., eounly,l 57 Wood street, Lc:l....en au,' I • 'lli In. I Clan ISAlll7lsts IX I.P.CTUKES on the lISF.S tsl THE LIS - q5 Caine.. Prevention and Cnvebr c o „,„, Asthma, and Ihseasses_of the newt. On the 1. say of Longevity, and mode of tar.er v log male as • re mate health,symmetry and( icau”; ..srosing r. ea, and cure or those dist:arts that rt.•Jitre 'nom .14r tima, or *hasten Mu s a. Mentions Slam, s s .ase, stomach, Bowels, Kidneys, loves rant, I 11, (travel, and Female Coosplaints. 11. rule, • ..y. practical nod pure, intro a goofy In perfect he ohli and longlli. Engravingis, 37:1 nor. Wetc postage tl! cla. By SAM I II EI,It IN PlTtslki, A. M„ ALB., at 70711110 ‘l..tvA YOBS-. Any pennon reuniting filly cl-nts, hoc will /no. one copy, by mail, in airy parl. imp ß o Feb 10, 1817.1111,1 !la Cure! No Parl — Plle..l - oii d 1 ease. it n ail nly inuarindely nasn and in 6111Isan, Mopsbleeding,aubduen nodlerable ing. bill effenntally cure., in s ern: ,•bon hone ..Lour liven bave been tendered hilt /.11.1t: In, }en, 110 •ppneanon prndueed na 14.1.er nn g.e bin and plenpant urn anon If pere 1., ...filleted • null nod bent of the great nuother of t ,, teta toot Lai, been euteol. they win tttwo•he.t. .‘ g«tilloonot tht. city, who had twee oneer the knit, r•I - the rutgeti thr tryout Horn how. wianut !Kong et:tea. Lan by tett lonians& the V.Lntentwtn loon er.tenlly cure', It wits beyond precedent •!--IPlol. Vatortryfrottner. o,:g- Per onto in Pittsburgh' or the IN TEJ Panne direct, near u-rod, nod ai , ll on h. Won :tar of II P Schwartz Ft t i ent' or Allegheny ntegthlwl tannins ladies, theaslant...l, When you know that You am Promised A ualoral,life.like, snowy white. That you waft still use common Otani, Alla look a deathly yellow fright. The Meter of laughter end of talk If yea would um a hay I JCINE'rt would give yam then en alabaster yet tutural whin awl at the same hem clear and improve it. Vold JACIC9ON9I, Y 9 Liberty sit. Priee 2Sr eel. per _ lest MY, slttrAit_Bl4.!hbds N !. 1.1" Attt,ri I , 154 PENNS itekiißoau ~ • . . . , PUTIAMTIIII io • Pllll./1 DA. xte nAciimonE. , Errlruiretu far Pawnee.. . • . , Flint,: muldie ant rerpretfully Infonnei Marl {his Liam will roinineline rummager or [dart thelMt I mouser, and cominum througirret the -reuer. The i. utieram heyr rim. enteral a aupcmor duo et .rmukutu eadi:IIMI -I‘, nkail Vain nil !Ite: mum, wall extra arrow pnlapues, sa bleb will give utrutet unefest lo.travelets., A Pocket Rem will nlwalr be in pnill and dui I , l{, cling pnlilin ani teqiniiiind to call and carmine tberl, i vuun. to eneugthglev.ruge vlretrinne. • . ''' - 1 , 11111; ONLY NIN 1./OLLA RM..' Orr rf the Nuke., will heave the InnnatgArtMprodle die Vaned Star.. Her.l,l corner Peru •nrce, and the. natal. -very Mgt,: nt t/ e'r trek , ri NI I: 3; DA I'S • Var. rdnrolrunr i l uin lulu m OW alter, notion eahela 11,r7m , . ~ r ler •liti lo 11 1.1.Et31 X ii, meld I rut Peio ri /eta and t %mai %1: id ST In ilni• I'll. AN S MUTAT lON CO. Eiraimik,„`' . 7+l4 18 , 17. -10-'-.0,- D. IL NECII A CO'S. • • OLD P. , TABLISDED 'lit AN:41'0111%11 lON LANK Mt' 1!I:' PI IT , DPIWD... 1:.‘I.T11101W AND NEIV VOID: MITE :to- r 00•... 14 ' 11 1 1 1 111111. 1 11311 1./fir .11 I'l/11, .1/1111:J1 , . by Ow., Toe •ist—cl.l,.., 11111 1 prep, :4 WI, o,uaoLty 1 .1,11 1. rr1,Jud57.1 all6l .'rl laloly mut or 31. reluto4.-, 1..1.4;1,1 tolllll 8 11 ' thr Inv der.igura x.,./11,11 oi uoy ro.omot. 1111/1-1111111/4 inalromonaprool,tly of ILi. Line in conduct/A 11,1 wf.ell) . in tnr 11111.11 Aidren, un-apply io 1/ LEP:1:11k en. Proprtrtors. Cnnal 1711.111,..1.111111,41ig, - 11 kitlll.: . I .l.P.Elfll,Prnitnrior, Nal...Ninth Hind I'lll.laileliilit 4 jii4 IA LOR 141/N,. • Nn 114 fiiurtli Howard .Inert. ilnltintorn \ No: Welt, ontee.l,Nnur York . - PORTAULE 13.L121111.• 1847. a_RiPlik Lrno•ininnuun of Fre.glil l• uvailnig mon on. 1111 Ole t• . 111, ...,11.V1,11C111 oi goo/14. .I:ol(a r ita CASH U7t.:llnrkei TA .AIMS i OVUN Min 00 and %VA, no nl., Protalreirgh t. /II A. Car, Noria aloe, Ilnlinnure 11 a. TrAtbzworr. 75 eouth wt. N nitar - oiled Py fir niear rumness the ertivralia. burr nildril ra sad acir : trir oak and extender! their arrange 1 IfirUfe r and r.uvi [trepan d in Uir ufd •• , th 1, 1 1 .11 1 sand dironich ausurparsi d i is I.plo. 011.1 Inng c a• rare air,. 3111.0.011 nven 11) . 1.10.1 Vortatile How ',torn, and lite great ifunneriy and coience at On. wr, Lou,. vann end at the line, are praulinfly rrd lu ranble the Manlier°n tar fulfil their engsgenirroi nit] acr0. thenl,l•l l .turn.-00...000.10 al a glOOll4ll. tur 'tante. thi!, reiperri u ni 1101 000 11.1111010 .01 11 .0 ,omach pa y purr All curl anile 8. IVY% ..... or will Le fire', trait inrwarrlcrlSicirarLont rhargra paid nail Birk td 'Linda.; truli-nrincd free of ani eltnara for eturrant , on, ado/roaring norage. Haynie no interest directli or ,n,tra at sti.untbnitt., rheanter.. 01 the 4 . 4011051.010 mu .1 rover, r.l. the 0.1100 1 Obect 111 .10.00 21, 00.1 air) pledge rheranclara to forward all goody riotaigrird 10 been pion:pray and on the moat advanta: gruu. wan, ;tribe rimier.- :U2..111.1547 1113, 11113EPENDEIST PORTAIILI: BOAT LINE. • 18 47. Ara m & Full Uk .\S9rUI('rATIUS OF rituuucE AND' SIEKCI)ANDISE TT) AND FROM' BURGH, 11111.ADKI.I . DIA A:11) DALTIM(DEC.. 10 - Without Tr....141 , 44.nt.,dal • Good• eote.itued to our Cafe ...it he forwsolcti out delay, at tine lowr•t current rate., 1.161. Of Iso.itux fmUIJ all ....ovum. prompt.l, al :to (rev (fool any rain. ulaurm for otorax.. or coo. Rite, , . or amyl) to C A M U cA NLTY A. Co 11.t•to. oft 1/... I, a lc dl Iw it, felr , J up the enele.Lullr . 1 Naeltelri ram on Khrteyi p..,, r . WI 1.11, Cmiel I e.rr, far.:l”) fa, convepng Ireigla and p 3... •cnn. prASIVIAt,AI. dt.pat,-1.. prvinictor 41,4 ,a' A . A.,. A, 01,1 I, . !a:I, do, pautnaag... M 1 . .-nprnqn, “v,.t. Ant. 1,1,13 nt FI IL Tal Crud,. A Co, 0,1. 1,01 I' E N I'l. C..,Ck:voland Jo , A A tnottong & 1 1 ,-trod Aletnutn A Wall.ants, It.Vorter, Chicago W 1' ovrer% l'Owcrcovrn, Penn!. tiro Nldcloduss Evanooongl., John Afeddllnst, Ilunt•oo..11, du tt'ark A. Acker, (: . rII., du • Ccdo: S. noutplall Clarkivtlle. do Ildy• 1 . .14 Silarpet.tile,h, 1%, W t 7 Mohan, W t,,, , .ond.nu. N05.1%.40.... do , It lifl6l,llltbr; PORTABLE 131).1T 1.1 F:. 18 , 17: pr t tt miglOrcW • . EtVEEN prrrs M in , RI AND Tut: EA,TERN CITII,, Nla IIoUT rtnt.uiroscrr. •j , IIK mum., method of rustling used I,y 11,41,,,,g l'AlaSilislied Luic, is nom so ssell de. seription 1111eCCASily Goods we not toothed on the route, thus nt transhipme oe extra hAndlute so saved The Iloat.s . ate of 110 dr.laglit and Vitoria their trips It (thin six .0 , .1,11 en)s. Tat. enparay of our Won:Louses essables us to store iitty isons.sthinento wade ton s. Receiving, storing, a..d • advnitet s ithe of eliarges. Rung full} prepared to make It'd., rodure. cups fully sulaut ~gut westesti rthur, ltheoit. Laid lthiter,l:l,cerr. Wool, Vratherr, awl other An .ale, oil . winch ltheral advances tv,ll ne wade and other usual thrill., olloralett, pledging our a that any business eitinisted bu• shall Ut, ex.vole.l and I.us wr inn. , us 1,) any other house. Pun kick'', UUILvi S Co_ C.:LLI 11h , G 1 LA VISS Co ATHII3 aud 4.k. at, J. S. DICKEIe, FORWARDING di, COII3IIKNION East Bearer l'oint and Bridgewater, 1161V6it COUNTY, WA., ll'oprietor and Agmit of olvamer, LAICIE NIUE AND MICIIIOAN, DI ILi lILTVILLX •trrar often AND ntavtn, I , l l7 l, l ;l;:n i 7rV,:c o r n io ' p '' . i . ` „ ' n ' , ` 7,T. g „ "r if. ° ;l l Cut,arehouse, fur on point". Eric Extnsion,. Croon. and Ooio Canals, for oil puns on Lake Ern, nod upper Lakes,. also to rorw.snl prosline,lc.by Penn., Insprovernenes. App,, tu or a•ldrerse rebnleltf r:!CRVI". t 1'(r1'81/1/tIGH & OLE V VIAND LINE. HUM H Cl: It Mop, T rltmontl CLARKS & Vurwardllng .k Commleulon Zillerchants, IIEAVEIL PA. •r , !IF: Agents and Prourieloo a of atilt Lino (tto iavnr ktbly known to the piddle), will tic propared cot eariten °pct.:lg of canal navigation to receive:Jon any at lav,lturgli and Waver, nod dobven the nurse to any Taint on the Ohio canals, and obtoon halo. rrir anti gan, utilA the. gmalogt n 1,0,1410 1,114, Tlle kniirliqemot of ali , line /o ' l.. P ,1 IC LIIII, of thcir runner coltomero tvtll f ,ogslitloote, known:, 1!.:t1 11,err lapertw. 'tr., ..proncf to 11..111`. At.pli to or iohlr. rrok r M iIARYON; CLANK]; It ea. Llcaver. Jam% ; T RICII3IOND C; •.lu'ul. EiMOM= • - • • • • . llownieu's Portable Ikrat t'onthany Iming the 1. , 01.rd. the Comptsny again went ono anielr. of Co. partnerthip under the name of the . 1 1 0611.11.• Lauri^ and liknorous weed to relit the Stock SO as lo have a ovether of I:oats for the {nape." of carrying through ur flOlll >LS to sigh days. With 01 . 1 . 1 , i111(--MIlli I. el eueouragell by the Itheraljty of In. year'. pa•ro.s ap., snake more ve errannenitur. Nor the el.• sum, year. . • We would therein. refit...N(oly ...Leh 11,011111111 in. 11. 1 01 our formes petrorn,nd refer an new enquunnr 111011.1! we have done ...went for. . . kirAMIIB47.I2IEi BOATICIANS' LtN Fur the trempariation ALL KIND, or TO AND rim. llal.trllnolL NFW Volt,. •Nu line tosi. SAM WltillThl A N h Co, corn, 1.0.0it3 itmal uml Cann! I'iti+l,llreb AI. raw lrrA Co, Nn 31.2, tri tarerl, 13.D1:11,GP.1.§:111N en, ' ' 310 iiro. Morgan & Co 1V Mrcerlly & Ck. n k Sammort & Co, iq /Oka& Co. 11.1111. A U 19.1•1 II A—Morrir , Partergon & Co, Iteptol.ll. Alc Frt/lort,l h Co. Flews! k • wo z h, Sort. J ornu. . • NF:W Luo & Co, Thro. rp,4, 110STON—Recd,41util &Co. CINCINNATI—AgIaao w PLF:ASANT,,,VA 7 I' A'Uvrhlrr. N ASH . . • from Vnrk livallnenn ronstgocal to A I. Gritsnn & Co. Piiii3dOphlit, Wlti internnte.lfrnt of entnolimoo. ^ (005 LICECII CON l'ackago Express to anitagaimlle iK M: l os b' w " l ' e r e:l7OTZ; al eonvryance of vs. 1.1.1••• Itage, o s t r wetchado ..pcJr.. Lank notm jewelry. Ae wooed rennung on Tlturoloy, , lgreb Is. . 11VorConc , will 10..413apa te hr.] toly until Ito• r , o, of liar canal., 0 • • • Appl, in I, rot l'eno 61 •1111 CM' .1 Taft.. kw bihdid stratater • ,Cspl.tikarles floor, roonotrocer r regalia irtpa Urea leastor Pot. rirlitteg o'clock, tt.le,nott r U moth Pittabotalt.aad Gltvolaatt lane or Cad 00l Banta doily Clerrlord. Oa Braver,•Wittren and Cloyclana lane of Coal Pock., anti ',age Coacher clailr. to Wortro ( i nc t lo,clant4 Canal Paccet Lint. to Now Gaale and royale. Pa.; Erie Extroston lauc la Mew:V.llr nod.' Pax. Nett, Moore. k. ol tttage• Gnachcs or Cleerroral an Wooster. leave Ilea- Ser .10110 on tlot arrival of a:rowboat Braver (lon ett , lotrgl, Apply to G Al R'l ON & Co. Poraough • null CI,A41:1•11t. Co, - 1: • VIVITLiN Isl 7, 11/1K P10•11151"L1,11//1 API/ 01110 C/1141...!c . BF: IWEEN PI MID; RI.1•1 AND CI.D.VF:LA ND. F. N PA HEN , & Co, Cleveland, 0. - It 0 PA ILIA Heaver, 1%1. Eroprimam 1' ATIIEIt, Piarborrrh, Pa. hl.nvP Line m now fully prepared to trampo Freleld and Parmovers from Pluaburgh and Clove land In any pa. on the Pennvylvtima & mOh nod r Canal% r larilitwr of jolt' line ore not equalled by any of nm ramd., to nurnhcol cmoarn) of; Boni.. esp., neut.,. of Captain% and rtioninoen•nt Aput, hr. On, Mal Purvbu.gb and Cleve/And 4xlll ton nma in connection nal, ihr 24trutners. . . Nl,..l,lprait nod Luke ene, tr,,tweel, and I: • , und v Litte.olfirpt elves t‘tenmbomo, 1,10,110,rg; uu Later tine, 14.,11, Unia Properiy /utwatd••d la any putt of Cllr Unapt wits N PAH KI• k, Cir+clusul, Aqu PAII4:S &Co. Ll.e.uVrr, Ao. %%"I . Agt , apt!! 17or Smitithrld =22 j ar '. 184 7. iingiQ MONONGAIIICLA nOtITY., UIU N.V11.1.1? ANI, CUMBERLAND To. rut, IRE AND I . IIII.ADELP.II/A,..--.--- Tune in Raluenorr Le: how.. • Taar sts 144.4 73 :illlettlittapag.l I and 22222 llr 9lrl.uur nid ciwaturu. have ecustinetterd • Lot anuklo 444 ylnpr. Oar lioat will leave thc Mowing.- helm wharf .every guano, preeiscly us Pit”eligcr •byth• nu JJ hoe will MITIVe e Ithloothre toixt eventhg 1:111e for the l ' lola.telphia Mail hot,. Hall ' Road ...tr. ' fl. tivi•ning Rim! will l the wharf tla.ly al 4 o'clock.. eleetit liktiolas • 1 . .t0.it Itger, hi iote heist teal laklge on hoard. in cotaktrialile v .10 tate ir:1111. 1M1.V1 , 1 , tell 11.1111 L, 111 eriot. ittousittotts today light: wail and lodge to Tina avoid.. ;tight travel altogether he arezarithon. tta thy. thaw air nsitiol.t. and the totnect.orl oinplett.. ro thin klivaiiikainitue:lts nr thilayn will Ito uo inoWwopost it. • , Volowsict i n can trop On the roo told _thetr .fttlic and have choice of Roil Road br SienlTO.ll tostwr i o ' llaltintoto final - Roarkes chartered tdpnrie.l to Rattans We dear na Secule vault tlekels at thlltst6ce.ittlonownilwla at St sliarlec Ilacl. L J 611:SKIM EN (.1,10 TO CLEVELAND via. WARREN. 1847. TIIROUGII IN . 24110U1114. DM:KM' Mae', tiavaliow and Teleartalt leave Rea Ire r of 3 reek.... r . valet tin. arvtgai of II: morning Mar (rota Piturbarah. amt arrive at Warren it Onie for Ore hiail I.ine of Stages, while), leave awned. silly, thereafter. and nrr.ve act:w.f.:land al3otcan•t, r This route ia the anon earribliona and CU1134.4111b,. one a the taken. COTFIS & LEFFINGIV Mare,. Prow. REED, 14M1R1IB& Co. Ileaver. nßrny JOll ti A CA eGllE7,rorn. mod Bought rIJ zitn Ore Mooongab Oa I low e . l'ill.tto rgh , VITTSUORGII AND OVLISEINVILLE goal 1847. 6,M 4 -Z AND Fitp(3llT T 111 , % ; 4i ,.. c.r u u1f: c ...1i n a g( freight 16.okyrr and limrilvtlic, vrluch hngersbrl•V,ll the two point., wilt be c (led protpd. - ana at the lovve.l mica WICK & A RCII ER, Grcenvi!lr, Ago CRAW & FRAMPTON, ClarLovtlie, SIeFAIIL.I ND & KING. IC Brold, 11.% & , laop.l.tagh, do. C 11 A1..1 N- Sharon, O'AI. M ATREWS, do. II El-:1, PARK:S.I C.O, 101 l ACA Ut; I I EY, corner Walct ax..,1.1 nOly o,.i.m.zte the Monow he•a CITIZENS POUTALILE BOAT LINE. &BEM! 18 ' 11 ArtitiigP, laillZlWCZ:l==l • , AI.I KIND! , 3IEIICIIA NDIt , E T. AND DRONI Plalltulelphia, HaManna. New 'cork and 1.10.t0n. 1~ 11 h: enneuragernent (li. line has received Shirt thi eninineneninent, has induced the propse. tors to eternise ilieutnek by adding n number of urn class beatsi and indsesil orgiving receipts us Whreto hire At ugenbi, 'Sr will gi‘e our 011V3. receipts tin ireight :tipped by this line. The hosts are ennsrenenlls r right n the .1...1...1,11n rellhnul teatehipineni, hr pri . erilinit damage limn frequent handlin On Ow neve, and as Ccell b.l is owned by ihr g 'apr.iin who rule them; syleeh is a sulfictent guar antee iliat there will b., delay en Uln route. nr Alerebanilise entisiped to the inidersigted will be forwarded Flat OF - COM. 111II , SION, by ..dranting and forwar nail ...ill shipped delay 'at On r.itns ul U.l I .111 11.1 1 01 , 41111 . 11 - 11.1 . r•o • .Ittal Navin. nburgn, ('1:.411 I. FIELI.AS AV• Broad Street, Plidadelithi.i. F Agcot Wharf. ISalumore. I'lli•to‘lrell, 18, II:47: 1S It; AND TB TIl6 EIST 310110hUllIEL1 ROUTE, VIA DirowNsvii.i.v.t. 01 , M1IFIMANn bobb.culgord arc awe preparrJ lu Nafil ur n . duce, ac., Easterd eurbbt d4g Winter the Inaut havutidde lefln4. by Ilat rap b . • d.ucku• nude. Ali IdcPccl/ co.tbeurd to au aJI Le forreardc.l ,hc b uc.4 /au, dud 'al,repuerb. Slest hand..ct rJ 19 Li. busta cnenudy uarded. J 1 , 11/1VE1.1., Ae't I'db•barelt IV CASS. lltnueusellb• ob.. I: 1:I.ER1'I/N inn.' 18-1(i 18-17 oMtw TO TUE EAST ZIT DALTIMOdE AND Ott i RA I 1. R 0 A U. owl , rcraters will reccepl turd.. delivery of Prw L duce to If.alidwwe by the Alowmprthe. Sl:lB4watt, et rLr (allowing pnees.— A•loes, Mayo°. /lultn., Lead. Lard, Nair. Tallow. W,wkey.Clare.e,arl4 et* per 11/016. Fl..nd Whew-94 rut per tai 11,. A •,..4 Claw, Flltt-Fwed, Gk., and Leather-11G cis per 100 ii skpw. Seed, Wuel—lldew prr 10P fir 0-,vat. Feather., Fur., li,p.witg. rod ' , mak. , grke —l.PrOrper All properly 1,01151g111•4 ID of the unWw-wnrcl w.ll be Aarw.ded without del.ly. fre:prof Comm:-mom, above H II CLARE. llrown.olle. iIANNA A WATERMAN. IrinNlwrgh. w,414 to have Fite Driek, 2Le.. ' I,soughtlu place num add OntedarJa. laudtags, cao mate orfutsgentera.. by a'c'ing on me, •• I have • float ounotog regularly ba.twera Vott•tki,l, ittl mit.TE:smEtuant, Steamboat AKetti Wetter 111 UPIMM TUSteatnliOat HARLEM re, lured refined' Who/Waal:le ins le rind lanal at-the MonOngahela whorl At oho is improved %he to wellsolarard nor carrying Ireight and pnesengerai or for lowing; rh treat capacity and power. Any peraou diver , it to pun:bane will °ream. torrent her 1 al., propoga to least, forolne or moo. yenta ui) raol Work,; g n d mull a energy end borate*. habit. they offer grcat r int vantage, ICAO 1er..., either on oalc or charter!, my low hoot “AIINEIL" Ile ran al., Love rat lair !elm. 11l barge., three Hut, and two coal WWII., rateen ears with Topa, fixture. u•dp ( 0 , full opclattoua. An eartinination el the e e tuldiohinent is invited. remoi4 4141 , 00,11.0 withntn in reference to nus in the Mane rtarneufar miry addrearanu at iny Illtrice Stuatt's Iltukhri. •4. l'ittaqiirairtur at Harlan). /sea r Morniuguliels city. an e zi - 'lllOO. II lia AIEN OF TRUTH. fIUNCICRNING tl vtat proJuvatg won.ler..-14 u l the Gm„ OM tro- Rev. Wakefivltl, l'abtoruf I.lllvny Chulett: . l'onrhorch. March B, 147. Mr 11. IC 6,11 e, .11 in from n.nme „r ,t.,", well an won groat lOramere, that 1 hoar try...no/Iron the vor Ole of your oodly relrhruted Verrnifocr l'proeure.l a single bailie and cave It In three of env cto Idren, who had L.n torral week. The eldeal Iva, seven von old. then next four. and thr yoancerl maloren month.. Th. Oral pardod woo., a oc „ o d Lake ~,, nod Ihr therdi a emondorahle lonnlser Atelimoly rt.colioOled. Solna then dry have here; dome well. and aro gond health Your. rcto,onally, N IV awarics.n.. From the Rev. l Elhibcork„of the :dell. Epteco. pal Church. Alt, It E Merv: la •ii with pent plcoalsre. 1 would informfeu ibe nem! effect* produced' co my rem of Mer re.. of tine, by your.itully cub:bellied Vermiloge. Auer le. lervlnx coovulmonu, I im,re him three dose, when he pw.Ard nu almostredilolde Aluzahrr, item wheel. bore hos getier.l hrblrh ine ha• been nnprovvi. , l St LIACeOCK. l'lnos lIIP Ito• Cllllll.l Cooke, of the Method lgt Ern.- copsl Chore!, • D ' enimtlier 14, 1,15. 111 r. Sellers: I Rave n y little dounhier (between three not! for yenta °kit three down or )oor Virmonge, artor liag loperAcriptlon, with the hoppi. at The wonfier or worm. e.Polled Id° not [now Neel., ly, hut it was large. in now in ponsonsion nf riled health. I think the medicine in yLr confided in with tent itmenervedrie-s. e Ont. - Verenin,g, lu. never brro ke.nwn In irr any &nuance, wit, worm , . ntlually parynit PlYcrolet. In nll other.. .. Prrpaird and Anld by It. 11:. MELIA:ICS, beityern :41 nonl.llb. on Wood i Fur .ale Ly Dr. Crig‘el. Fifth Ward. rayl COACH MAKING. rta)x dm very Itlyruten...image y`.l4 • mesa the aubgeriber has recravedeinee hagdocated hint.clf in Allegheny, luta intlierd him to into o lea, for . a term of pram. °nth., property he now occuplea, 111 Beaver immediately bride the Preebyterian L'hurrh F'roin the long gal...flutter In the al eave Inuoneee and a d, tire Is plerme, he hope. to tiler it and receive. u share of public patronage.. Now on hand and finishing In order Rocka way gong, open nod Into Idagmer, mid aveirrde.eriptinit Carnage, made to order, from goveney•Ove dollars to nigh/honored lims.l4ltfl JUIIIN Italy 171. Atilt: /CLIAeII rrna ,1 atria Gleas spore, Mauna, or Marko trout "Clothe.. Woolkno. Carpet., .le., ace min rendering lie oral. whom it Is applied clear, Mtn ht. new, and prunteee. Sold with full direetiongt Price rake qrSield by WM,' J ntia I,d, r ry ot 'rod. at 4.6 then and Slaw 'net, oi Imot. =ll =MMI =3:=3 .=Ut===l “Wbn ,though the causes may not he explained Since them eistsare duly neccrtnined, Let not de lotion, prejudice, or pride,. Induce monk and to set the Men. netdr; Men ns , wLleh. thol simple, are by Ikay. design To allevive the ills of human DR. CHRISTIE'S GALVANIC RINGS 'AND MAG r=ll=ll ... • • T HIS remarkable invention. which has reeelacil the / unienrail approbiuirm of the medical profeasion of Great !Imam, comprises nit entirely new npplication of t:atva•ism. n• is remedial ogent, by means of which the oranery Galvanic Itatteries,F.Jectric and Magnetic A1e ct0...40, v., njr putt rel Kilispeneed with, end the tnyste• • power of ltalettilititti applied miuet any of the olveehonalahlo are in-eparutilo from Ili.' general mode itow ase. The name dose, and irreguMt Inteevale. witch tialvoni.li t oppi,d iiy the Machin., boa been pronotineed, toter is fair and impartml Trial, tn be derole7dly aril l win to reined y this de l...et that Ibis new unpile..., was projected. able h. af. tor um-comae slue pr•nearrunre, liar been br-tiv b to . pareiteiii titter es( tlertiort The Galeanie /tin, lioWee fittipotta, the expensive Mu. vtiitiee. and in many other re.peets are more raft and certain Alt aceinanlailling In desired &et. Tta. lialranie lungs used lireriniteetion With the Mac astir Fiqui, tire confithitillt reettiTtitreiteil in ail disor der, uhVeAt arise fewer art riViefiled or saintly rads of tke /1,100/11 or vital system. and these round...nut. um mitotic !lie miNtintintel and universal to which are etc valve.. They uriee, without exeeption, from one inin. pie muse—a derangement of the-Plervortslt) mem— and it wa, times.' rase. that other `resisedits , having uncut tailed.. liets ligent was greatly needed,wbielt eeaeleitity Believes, h. been foundln the proper and juilieimis epithet. ten The Galvanic Knees have been u•ed with nitre sac. ervir in all emirs of Ito casaba*, arum in chronic ap plying to the heal. face or lonia.; Gout. T.o•Doloine.r.• Toothache. GroneAilis, rani.', Norma. or Wit Iferadoehe, Patalyiie, Polery, Fira, • Cramp, Yer4nintien of' the Ileum .4poplerry. Stiffness of John" Spinal Coorphiina. Lontharo, Neueodiren, Nervous Da man, thiserness of Me Head, pairs in a. CAW and Side, Orono( ltd ility. Difideney of .1"mvu...4 blysicalEn erm nod ail YOU., liISOFIDHICS. In casts of ranfi rt n e d It spetona. winch is simply it nervous de. rannestwoi ni the digest iv enrenits, they into betr i plootitt equally suceersiut. Their rilitioritintity tQrrls alms the system niotit lie wttnetitiett In tie lietteVed, sad certain preventive' fat the preceding eranplulnts they ritually wenited. nit I:ingv are of, different ~IL lien. madeconini of ail sacs. and of rano= urn... inertiai patterns, and eau hr worn by the Mast delicate telltale without thi• sl.gbtr.t inco.edience. lit fat I, the it rather agreeable thee otherwise, The I:alvanfe Belts, Bracelets, •Bands, (4nrters, Necklaces, ohr.e. Inaale caws ore Yew severe ehitreCtitind of long r.faling. the powerav applied'hy the Galvanie nine' 11l stitheient to arrest tlie progress oi diecaso and ultimately restore hesildt. The iiiiproved modification iii,itte Galvanic Belo, Iltuceleis, Sc.. courtly in.. Mrs tho objection; any degree Of power that :a tenni. red cone readily he obtained. and no complaint which the inysterioue anent of Galvanism can client will fail to he perinanailly relieved, These article. era admo 0 , 110 the waist, atm.. wrists, limbs, onclewor ray pan of the body, with perfect convenience. The Galvanic Nei:knives aretoed with venter benefit ii,cate. of Bronchi. or arsenous of the throat generelly; also in ea., of Nervous Deaffie with atone. uniform ryerel. as a preventiVe kivilpopl se; czy, F 4. chic and phuilar comp/kit:lv Christie , sMagnetie Fluid is used in connection with the Galvanic Ring.: and:all their modifications. This cemposition ba• luso 'timo flininCed by the French Chan Me, lobe one of the tricot exthiordinary discoverie• of modern feience. It lithe ',eyed toprowas the remarkablep owe, of niadWing tb um. wissigira • galenists adj.:miry this Mate. ceasing concentranon of the ingenue, usu.' *est of dlseitee, thus giving tepid and perounienyttlief....4o. other composition in dictator is knokitito prifildte the some arect, or to imp., similar property to the 'nervous spaciu,by fairousof. outward local epPbcation • The ripen., Fluid WOW. twining capable of the est iidury, its application is Ligreahhr;. and it ill a. n actin .2 beneficial ulna result., Full oxide 'aliens and direction. setontpasy—h The combined inventions are in everT way perfeetlibann. 1e..: they are void at prices wile,'" the reach of all and the 'discoverer only requests a fair trial as a test of their ...prising celerity and permarent henfit. Christie's Galruule litredgtheuing Plus. • tern These article. farm another valuable application of the mysteriOus intluenec of Galvanism '• They neson important admits. to the genuine Galvanic ,Garigs and their mudsheations, acting upon the spine pi mein!, but having die advantage of more local applwattost. The) are confidently recommendeff as a called. addition its the speedy cure of Rheumatism, acute °Miasmic; on all nervous complaints, and as a routine rentecy In COSCP of Poen and IDrekness ere Cantor Berk-I'4la in at, Sidi. in Aninutnie Affretion, and in Weakness er,Oppyta. tion of tke Pulararmary Organs la Spinal Complaints thew e ifiet• are of the mostilecided ammeter, end they have often been used with comp/etc success. They are also of the greatest advantage in Pains and Weakness of the Bream, and are hiehly recommended Tor many of thosecomplaints to which females are earrectithy liable. A. . e ff ect.' menus for strengthening the 'latent when debilitated 4-1111 disease manlier caw , Kris a tar tans aid in 001.111UDOliel Weakness, as a Preventive for Ccilitt. and ell to affeetions of the Chest. generally, the listrunie Strengthening Plaster will he found ill erect and permanent nsiesiatnee In a fete INVTI'.I it ustom,. 1.11 the virtues Cl the best tonic preparation, with the tlilpoll3lll addition of the galvanic influence, whirl] is sloth, impaired nos exhausted, while the ac tion c0m1.,. These articles will he found enure!). fre e from those 01,C{1011P which tan constant touWe of complaint with the oril,intry piii.erS eronsMOn our. CAUTION. pa— The great celebrity tied serest. of Sate articles has caused - Mein In lie counterfeited by unprincipled rerun.. To provide iigninst stminaition. Dr. elleltirlE Is., hat cgent lardeli env of the Union. "she enit oxen, sti Pnidiureli. W. IV 'WILSON. ' CEItTI FICATES h TE4TIDIONIAI.S, ill the highest and inast re-pertal4e character, are con, annny received, frpraillg eXtraordinary value d surcess of the above article,. It la believed Oct in the city of New Toth alone, upwards of IDGIIT TIIOU SA ND PERSONS. daring a period of less than %year, have been entirely reliever' of the most p..!.llll once disorders, same or wiisrli have r , bob tied all tanner effait• at niralieul mt. Indeed fli of bon pirtsietans of thiscity. who duration:rye ,•( the Galvanir and hlnenetic Mnehines, constantly ts t mend tisi• applwation praisnee. hod Wit s es• eepsion tlio..e ob. are too ' , tennis...al in gs ye .1 Ctrs el. the iliVetllloo has received unanimous wttli the 11100. intelligent among he A...triton Paean, rhristie 111 at dll unies ready nod most happy stSve eves) facilsty pity. note, and all interested, ass test's Jae the truth °Laos use rnous and she effte.y,ff lit. urover O y nly dorm, tn Piusliiiira, corner Itlatula 11a:let et RR ICST.IOITo those' nfUleted %Milt Diseases of the Lungs. —Tb.. ta, tbo>, nfificird tVI , II We I. pm• nr,tmors. res Connimption, llat I have le-en I.l.nng. sirt ,ver.al wtth a of the naval and 'mat cue,. I u.ed many yiediezbe, bits 1"....1 1.1. valri sn 'top prtpurabon of medicine, until made Dlt. DUNCAN'S Ib:XPEMOIVINT It I.IIEDY. I bane been .Ing Si. veinal& wellisine rctrr I yenta, and vixens Gail it to relieve at lien ,ier I mak, use of .My oceuriation us sit 4 negro!, .er. whielt.kr.cps me almost comoandy engaggd, mouses tar &sea., at Times, to heroine eery alartning.l, hen • nnce procure thin medicine. I therefore take plea toe in making this potilm statement, that other. atter, d with t . disease of the lungs and expectorati, wpm- =ES • and may by cured. I hare recommended Dr Irtii.cate Expectorant Denimly to maim of ely (rieods, mom o Wttoto awe their lives to Ibis mcdtclne. - • Sinuerset.Obio t Oct Id. INS JAAIES lII.WIT the proprietor of the above tordicino would, obo refer to the undemigned persons. utbres dont Perry twenty, on whom any person may cull upon nod' Li convinced that there are chums found. in the above medicine that cannot be excelled: David Culbertson, Ihnnersith Dr D Stone, dre nen entriolibce Dickson tin Mr. ',rimer. dot Geo..Prdbert saithek Jenne Daviien, DR. DUNCAN'S WENTIDIN OPPICE, 131) Syr- Mom •treq. Cmc ot, Sold in Pittsburgh by WM. JACKSON. rI rtilisr4 head of Wood street 2elkiAwT BURNS AND SCALDS' ''-.---- VFEECTUAI.IX end speedily cared by the use o Ca the (inset Remedy of Nature. AMERICA It almost miraculously reduce* Intiamminbtni, ainrions acquently is VIMITIRIIIrd In Oleo,. to !cave tto,cont or Self I ntbe devil. • Pold wholesale and retail by VAT. JACKS()N..at hu !tort and Phoe More and Patent Alediente Watehouse, FJ Lawn' urnet, head o , Wood, rinsburgh ' Vra n ckt l a r t%l b.au rtg ‘ i i :e I . :xelosivo Agent for IVmstCrn Pennyl•aniA, mar I. genwno it sold Iy HIM or 1110 appointed Agent+. ' N. It. A I'amphleteentamog ample direet...tm. An. with tho attunes and mldresa a the Proprietor and eme I ,Agrnt. is enamlopmJ wiio wrappEr nf each bottle A lawdanee or tesliGtrumi man L e •men al the Siam. QUItOFPLA AND SCItOFUI,9US INV.S.—Seciiula in all its nirdliplicitfortnr. vidieilier in that effiing's enlargenicati the - glands or bones, Goitre, White Swellings, :cows Illsematern,Canser, diseases of the Skin or Spine, er of Pulmonary, Consumption, emanate,. front one and the same cause, which Is n poison.. P.M! , h more or less inherent in the human system. There. fore, unless this principle can lie destroyed, no roll cal cure can be °domed, but If 9p principle open which the disease depands, is` removed. a cure must or itccessita Milos., no under under e hat lerin the dwease,should manifest Arad. 'Phi., therefore t. lair reasire why JAYIII/26 ALTERATIVE la SO dot really auccesdul in removing swmany malignant 111.4.131. M. It ' destroys the virus or principle from whic i thine diseases horn theiiiirigin, by entering Mtn the circulation, and with the blood id conveyed the Minutest Sere, removing' Crary particle if dines'. from the epeeist Prepared and Bahl at 1.1 South 'Third Street, Philadelphia. ' Sold at the Pekin 'Fee Store, No. 7.2 Fourth etre° Pittsburgh. mell3l. . , A FACT %%Taira) " 'al ri th. (? . " u" A . grollen.o of &.fuIOOS lodiArre.ll. . . ot 165 younger days ileelllee affeete'd with Illcenttions r the Thrust and gilwe, and a flt , vgrecalrle and uanr blr.,.u,e eruption of the :akin. Indeed; hie wholefy tern bore the mark. of. being saturated with dlev“ , e rim hand and wrist were ad mach aligeted that be had lost the one of the hang, every pan beintetWered sunk, deep, painful, and offensive Vies., and. werefaw hob" leesren d porous as !tansy-comb ft was at that stage . tit I,i. crantilainborben death appeared Ineettohle, from a loathsome disease, that he commenced, the use of JAW NE'S. A LTVRNATIVE, and havntg' taken, Std. teen bottles, is now perfectly cured. . • _This A I.TEIt N ATI VF: bprra les through . the cireulti om non, and purifies the Illt and rradmates diseases front the system, wherever located, and the numinous mires a has perhinard in diseases. of Skin, Canoes, semihi3, Rohr, Liver Dampluf M. Dyspepsia, and other Chronic dtseases, is truly wounishtng. l'oc sate in Pittsburgh lattice Pekin TeWSlnfir; f 7 - 14,11 cocci. uenr wow]. and also at the DiaisStom of it r l'ei talat Altexbenv city -. f..lll4d&avr air. Blol.sse'i Wait •mtnelltle. retold that, by taking one vial of Wenn 1 Mel... nes Worm Npeetbe, a ehtlidof James Shaves praised upwards of :0 worms, and by the no, of said turdieine a 1.161,1 of tny own passed It faege.s sonnu ,_ II is tsolr the tiMst aurpriatng wants medicine I ever •emi 1 nom have Dunmore vials. %VAT UildifilDD. -- • f . Wilkitsf,TowisltiP ref 5.141 byJ KIDD k. Co, No (A W siod.stroaq ifit mel.lo • • lAvalkno uAlic Toxic—We onfantentill . the a/ attention of those drain:Mao( fella:win their half or onprovisir is !wanly, *Ws oltaant plep•fation. We hear it every where higlity *okra of, and espeehtllyhl all there who have made WO of i, I3S pettily elbaaazous atimulating the grow* of the hair, andprevasting owl curing many araciiona akin. It, virtue' , are my aml *Eater:llly proved—X.l' Knn rof rale Pitwburgh at the PEKIN TEA HICIor., 73 roan!, .1 , Wm* sob aloe at the Kw* hereof IY e &harm*, Fedgral it, rtl/eghe.Y ear. ' - ie4 ',- Foribe wise/vat am'tottphneot,eurte of 'oil dteissee; • I. aria :cetera Palmlike. NW* ofthe blvd • • •iit' , M.bsbtM Lie vesicle 0416..a0r Knojdomsa. ado , 4" l ..Ls the Face, liOsteiel,. Sing rate; Salft Hl.l, Rilkeniniexl flied pain yr At &nal rind Aims, Stsotore nivel, Sp • Sylnytaal.!,lielatiro or how. Miudki.al w. if: •U'rt, 'l.l,,,..injict Cllnni'e;Grotaatutiootal pr:3BrArs. „ lie oihe.ly telnifnist rationlitie buena wit - Toted yr.. I die 1. happiest results tit tawny ononealiniti streenons; ha I it is chiefly ended tot II the void odifett ciuts between evils:lloc w opeitietu'rertfihhiei;litt.fice hi Vadat and. 11101 ei an; alterative' direetly—indirectly, pw singe iasiittp, wine In the system: i• • Itt. highly oneeentrateit leeennvenicnee and lona-' eunisining uothiug but Uie .qxprposted essence, hint 14 the :c3. CKI.IIVe jii the Sorsepurills Relit+ it , .the sanie manlier :C., quinine hserl.o,llli2ll Bari:, or sit r . establiished taCti - the.a (ear grump of on ler Quinine or Morphine elOlll/1 All the mei:op...al vat. of la. tie splentity of the erode esi itePeit'the ssilieeiotot of those prepantione —.lei: no woad dt , ll, to dank • gollountiltuter when n half couteinvil die eime nistionool vp:ue. The awa i tsdilutsit sche token Agrecubie to the anitninile in tett ti n v' hone on the pa tient. . . .. .. . . The lbllowlogrert,fiqatr zrufiltreeed to tbo Agtntit at Chicago, furolithes conclu•ivr moot of , tpxreta virtue lo eases of Fever Sofcm. Cntes•w. 111.Sepi i f. IRO. Cleat... etnLhuta .k Reed—tiesits: In Clay, 1E115,1 °L itton,' at yuul rumen tunle of Sand's Sarsaparilla, and 'A/J.114n fined totnY heal,wmmat sleep fora aaara. mica:imbed by violeolptun Info a regal ty fever aceteof lo,og. munding, nil my right leg. Ildy.physta ions - advised me Inhere the limb ammitated, toying it wait Me only likejy to mestere my lire. Alter awing half the halite ,:up,: t.r:Cau substilo, end by tbe lime I had awed Brady litre, bottle:, I was able to traneict mirage nib, Lou:lees, ad thad.finiehed the fourth lot tie, Iwo-, a wea p l and mood cherl had been. I Lave au Itesimmin iti oai ittg Wm tbutdbi Sarmparilla not the mess.,ander Providence of raving toy limb and I doubt sun uiy hie. I tract cheerfully recommend it at. the beet article czotat for alte-perification of the blood Wore. inoet ceepeetfully, • - JAMI*I The (onnwing certilirate twenty 'entither link in the usest cbma of temattunty to Oa media:: _ • Socro - gin.los, Collude Euti, April lib 1(46. Sande—liesttleutra: Kepi:mak un,we om to the otetelot af demmae, an friliatintlydiodp~q pled rugnedieu,ne runnol hut look en the efforts eurreeato I practitioner, with bite-teat tied gratioide. oi nue 1.uslo; ming 3 Gar sktuUteepripurnlicA. of :Memo:villa. I have lanai erismeth ottleted 10(43 e+r. with a 11..t;n..e. about which - dueler's ,disugtee.” and their preiun, , ptient: were mill mute tpier.e. I tried r,ou: related., but found no rain-omit I commenced tiottig:your excellent lard,. at thud I tr.' rontiurdlo Led. Atter camp, A u liwtnualb. I nut now abbe tore,ln ahoutrielemanotilcualy a eotu. . nloalile degree GI krulth, oboe le I attribute conrrly to ti are of eatal' , Faimmarillit. • Inee.ri neer pt 'my on. :or:oar-of aratitoda awl rtgastb. . I M Miltlife Being rnmoriinyaLore stui, innot, I licrnliy l ulu tlin runt.- in true.. • REV. T M Fnr.rogii TeSTll4ll,—'The following to en , ogiruet from a int:, ice, nreal firisn.Rov. %V Ilium O.lunnin Beaune., Vt., Oct 21,1sta Saivls: I bane teen 'ale etesl with 'a - severe pain in my site. tacurrindLliy n diseased liveeirar the i rt re my le.a, suffering_ What language cannel CUTIVV).. lint tiller taking soon Sursaparilln, I have bean cietaly relieved, so Inucbsothat I havebren able to acted to my business, and preach oecesionelly foremast filleeidtionths. 1 wholly dimarded nil elder medicine:and thoroughly tried die Sarsaparala, which I can reesauntraid in timbre,' sincere y to all three who are ir e.i way adlicted with any species of ecnsfulutis emnfllmad. Thero.have Leaned:me remarkable cures effected by its urn in this viciiniy. tiers. Shaur, by the am of six bottles, was redored to anti Mrs. she bail benne ealoyed Wm scars, and Mrs. W. Ste. slim,,rho had been severely addicted With the llrysip. elan, was r afire!) , cured by the like rif few battles. Tours truly, f WAI. OALUSIIA Fer funherperticulars add conclusive evidence or mperior value and efficacy,: see-pamphlets;" which mei be obtained of-Agents greed - - • - repared and sod 4 ALI. ec Dl.lands.Druggists,loll Palma at, cornerof William, Few Yolk. Sold also by L. WILCOX, Jr.,' Piitsbargh,•" IL Iler wood, Denver, Wet, W 641012, New Castle, D. N. Rote Mon, Rrownsvllle; Ccigh, Weshlnglon; and by Druggists generally throughout th. United States. Price Si per bottle—aix bottles for Rim The of am respectfully requested to. rediendier that a is Sand's Sarsaparilla that Ins constantly achiev ing such remediable Care, of the most &Demerit.. of diseases to which; the human frame is subjete therm fore v 1 for nantrot Saraperille. nod take no other. SH.ERMA'S- OLOSAONIAN, • N ASK-TIIE SUPPkItEII ASTICSIA elhot his relieved him in sack short time from lib dig. Badly of break Cough and auffocation? He ill tell you it was "the Olosioinio, ! - 11callog Boho 'ik the 'coosomparra khLL haf alloyed his Cough, reneated the Pain in his Bide and Chest, checked Ms night mats, mad pheed the rose of hcal:11 upon his cheek? and he will tell ems snitenuops oLOseiosins, ALL.HEALItiG BALSAM. • Aak your friends if they know of anything that will soap.. dily . cure hum and tediumsEough !Lawns, of illocd,'Llrou how, Dyspeclie Consumptims, lioanenew Inllmnaa, and disewes .r the Thrtto, dse Olosa.mime and they will tell you—No. There utter yet hm bona remedy intralueed lo nubilbile unike which)... Leen productive of so much mtod in e spore of Otnr. Rein the following A stenlbtilne ()Ares. Wu. Ihteo, the crlebreted M.A., cracker baker, BefNas m its.asklt ts, dates that his wife has been alltio.4 .ktllsma (b o o . year., bud could nut find yernumeht re. lid flado the medical advice which Itsew York and Brooklyn Msuhl produce, was induced to try Oda emit reme dy. She seam cemly,well. H iadattabler whom. audit , firtnril.c.kalac dixa triN and was alto cored by it. Nlntßond is now us that she is able to Jiitfrout her bed early toils< morning and mural to her most d etiallsrough' the day without may annoyance from her &dressing' Malady. Hemel J.armaine, I3th street, mar the Catholic Cemetry, came to the ature fur the pep . ohlainis.g Wilk orthr Isa. been aflkried troll the A.lhma for nions shau :f1 year., and exlmoshd s on his arrlsol that' he could thiraos.k. Ile parch...ad • botaa and rode home— Four days allencrad he walked from his residence to the of fice without- alignsa dwounWof swer. two miles tell of the wonderful relief . whic . h• ha Lad caperieseed front about ooe half of sue book. Consimotptlon of tho Longs: , Mr. Complier, :15 Wbitr strt . et, was so love in the sucteth arl3,-rent,te lash that heti gllVl3 Tiy bisrhyakiati. His fricr,rntertained oo tan. nth raorery.• He was isersua slcd to try the Oatoulat, and to his sorprisr it has so far restorcd him to health that he is oosealtle to walk stout We • . Me. Arveme.the Wire of Wm It. Altree,Juneslimmao s -Fist and teen. W. llays, FYI. ems all. Lear totiesemy faun these un u es perieucc of the hello, properties of ILO ()teal Remedy in Leek eruption of the Lags. tipllLiiig Blood. Mrs. Tuoetsegaste, t Wel Munroe street, who had biers troubled fur a gnat length of lima bya savers eonth; and •ralsedmantilies aC bloat, erjui relieved by case testae a the Olomonian,and declares it.the greatest remedy in the world. Drltlrrit ar. Water. street, wag also • relieved lane tho same complaint, althisugh he sae my marls. enlaced then !Se sirtameneed taking ASharing been under dm care of Isis physkemts during the pad winter. Although he otiogied constantly and ems very rom-lt troubled with tughtmeetiv ? .:l laatlrs of the emaidy enabled Mai to return to Li.• daily worts.dlle leas lecainelyreliered. • • ' Day tts Ilantstassoa.GS La'ght street, Ore W. Burnett formerly or Newark, J., Henry Lisbon, WS Ririe:toe: street, and at:escrow other persons hal e heina..speedily and permanently cured of the same complaint by,this remedy.' The Array or Nomea which could he produced of persons who have med this steal remedy would more thin fill • iolunm. Among the number * we az< win:tilted tattier to A. M. Distinct Itarelai Mr. Waxes or Hoboken; ]lea ofrl. i James IL Devoe,ll/IReadcald)drs MTaffree,7slTilMrary 114 F. Smith, V - 2 Thinl At 51. . s Won Altressof Wu eq:.,!,"„ d it his raked Medicine Was-Aetna aua toot end Shoe . Su:, NOW Lib... ty street, header Wood street, rittsbugh Pe 81 prr.lia For • • tivin- nr.zgr . Attu ntntittltV - fee enhte. tlttettet Mahn.. and CONSTIMITItIN. la fife lIUN °ARIAN 11.(1.4AX.0V .liveoeeted. Uto cele kneel P. Buchata„o(Loutlee, England..ood louadueed tato the Mated St.tel mole, the tataledhte. enpestetetel nee of the lertintor. • "Ilye entaordinary turseti_Of this medicine, In the core of Pulmonary dimmer , , warranty ifie American &wit in erdicillnff Sri treatment the WORST POet. BIBLE OASES that mu be: foetid In sho cruhantuity— eases tlipt`seek relief in vain Sam any of the eaustean temedbea of the day and have been ;men Bye by the, • m u l t itigthed Phisklans as COM'IRYED obed. aM win earg they SPLVDTIN.VATE ' V CA has BBSI - :mask Unarma bat a Wand:tad 'Encileh etedkino;hlf, Remy Wally In the United Mater should be supplied with Socha... Hungarian Balsam of Life, out only, to ammonia tier 'eaasumptive vendenelee of the ellmate, out to he need are preventive medicine inl all roam of Calla, Ostithe. Spitting of Mood, Pala inttlse Ride aid Chem, Irritation and Someway of the Bronchitis Difficithy of Breathing. Iterate Perm. Night 'Rulings, Rneaciation and Oenetal Debility, Aldose, Influenza. lositOroup. l ii‘ Vad In large boatel; at it Per bottle. were full dires- Mae ler the restoration of Health. . Ptah Went. eantalnhte a num of Eaglith and Ameri ca. eurtilleated,"..d .:atte, evidence, attaining The tun equalled marks at this CrenaVawltab Kmede. may W obtained nf the Agents, hratulteaaly. Pa‘llt Intant•Ett. sole Adentrfoi . the Vatted Runes, 119.Caurt street, henna. - • T. W. DYOTT.k. 130103, (leasnd Wholesale Agents. Na. 131 North Second cart, Philadelphia. I'.. sale by It A FAIINtIaTOCK .14 Wa . eopies woad end Itelntftrrets • soya: 11.13/10:8 - ; Whoiao Ottoruon — Prop Chnlit,7'are 1, often not aware bow Aighttully topic.. Las 'to the i k bow coarse, how roa3b,.boir Oil yri ankronbarltßy tin , -km aphritts taller usiti• [trepan-a nenath! Itres , it is iNurrous COnioinin+jaialge quuti tay of lola. We knee prepared • beautiful vegetable article. which we aII JONE S 'S SPANISH LILY W Tl eterME! It is pettedly innoc•nt,Yeinn panded of all deltous qualities; and it imparts to ithe skin a onto. tat, healthy, alabaster, cleat, hying white, at the sumo time acting as a 'oomtet,s en the skin, matins it soft sup! nmthes 1,• Aratereone Practical Cheatiel of Musts. While, say s: "After aualysing Janneatlpanish 1 . 011 While, I Ind it possesses the lawn beautiful and nate. rat. nt the Runic time ifitiJeent whits t evert:lw." I CeTininly m calienlimdy ,cro.mend It, M l l • 0.110.[ skin traders beauttly jE : . 1. :11:1 " Ir 2 y i 7;:7 lAtl/S.ON, As kit boot ann‘hos sttere , s)l.ierty etted, bead of W - .be sign d _ . _ I%,iuttu.A.fv.t. voyciu sTILUP—"II .46.1-14 puldirlira and u t oilc kiumn to the rottiliar , urns the rarteri.ott at cold woo pito Isted donSyrnp. nmactolt, Folirtirtsji ftlr. tha. tOr'inS tiro irtnblnne.. -- utml , roux furattla boll< or Moretto , tloottlaS).o. lota mph entgnly roved. 1 pouttountr! rout uy t o p Or that PtrUttue I biro ever aired.. Nu hoot). -houlti be tronnul atm valuanln.untheny. .ar:RlNlEßTS,rlkngn e np, City . ' en!..mit nal preparo.l' rshrtaale uott retail .t the Pt., MOVE , of ' ' , ..1011N MORGAN Woual ripe!, sore. kierlekirutiontoeul Alley Priec - 5 el! ntn per Ingp-g, felt! Ilt nenily - dteing , -Liglit, Red or flo Hair .flort. permx Drawn or Linde ieolorr rrilthittat dye ittx - or lighting olio..Prald 'with WI -direr tiara l'ritte'so 'rem , tri 01 111.JAtlauttN. al itir:Pto..ot tarotielor tar aruloure, Ri I.d.rtrf ?fret, le. of -Wotl, ht Nino Of U. Bit How.• • • • • • • P. ICA -411kitiekrib0n'11.301. •AglEtgOgbt, ij1166,74.6611 he ai . 1 • arint...ch id rig, I Pat of Timitli Cute us thir tr ack :Slack Phide,..'s LOZENGiId. • • Tl.luiLatenge..re the infra. teibd •Sint..{ Itirantia•oold.,coneimidaus, übinipuis eauoigl.tnia. We tving•or etc,*le. !be 3.,..niur fan am er known an 16.016.• gr 6616 Wig Sit Ind gue iatisfaction.., tlesend,tbeinaidut loue. tine. new 6661 • •alua I< tat rear, - reitdeing to heakt. II ahounteii feonudaptuni,w4 dome hboawg coder die lend du-4 a wee . cobliCand contd.._ Tag du WA 1.166-6 a/141 dry op out randetot tg, pima,. vie-en...mien ail,' Me irritation, and mom die prosnutue or tenni., They we mild. 6661116.11hi51ial ors mat rlet.n....‘ rorat,o. weigh snediewea, Wad 616 idado6l•l6ll, •nwrilling Nonn, Wow conietaints. II uudivan apuu deed. of emanates haw been uffnetd of Unit 4110 vino have awed from. war. it .... and roamed copsrfect health b 3 using tti.u.. Where Were i mach tedu in th e levan or side,une W . Poor main Plasters ()Rice oply tdi m y t applied beer the put,"ind awn relarlcat' anta....l nada cuttileseas • fent eathartin or heath lout w:m; nithartia medicine, eintahl be sasil onuud o n •-, gabaLMA N'S -WOll3l LOZP.3iGE. There unmake:ruse. haw born paned in moor di. Lido OW lobeanen inEdintile; the nay certain %item eneduwe werdnan erect.: !hop donors arises G 0... olui. niud occasion . keg sod intrabratarering, saal seen ale-4146.0a ld their ever 66111 g onaectid; grown peas,. ari ti 'afflicted with them, mud an doctored the 161166, 660,6.66 •ithont any benefit; giber cot dose at then douses, . ...Ail). 'candied. - • • SionpwarirS Senns.—Pains in the joint. or limb.; C.lirn nit taysth,piellag at the note, grinding of the teed durt, alre panatattintesnakatssboot the lipsorititthaJteallh",, bleeding.. the axe,. gnawing peusalida st the 06,46 6 / 6 , 1,64 . 16 of had' o'er the outface ol bodpi slight chide re trims. Ise:whew, dr...tine; 'mann turp.r, drew... maiden starting analeep, Irkht anal actabnong, bee, Amts . . natnetunes • 6.011666.6. culag6 krerishniessi dint, paind d Wale itt mond, dialcan breatLiug, die stamen or bon* faigne, nausea, 5ta6•61.1111, clung media, leannem, Wowed 44.1doaib or limn, ga shootlaslll66. 16 various part. of die bdy; a...am uf tiding rtiongin tho 04,4 netting uf a fregoctit desire to pus mental.; fi ts the bonds, and. ...bin._ Waal ilichatgee - Of shin' c and swum, " • SIIEILIIS N'S C.A.IIPIIOII Lon:NOES. They gine immediate Niel' vienosot or sick Iddituthe, iulotatim of Me heart, 101..11 of the seeds' desuodme ) inilmarant o ry or putrid sore dines, bowel ur moo. r mm.- j.dviht, Litman °pommies, or mem of Salsa, of dhe clues,