THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. BY Eaasrus BROOKS &Cox. ,PITTSBURGH: • WRDNESDAY MORNING, JUNEJo. 184,. 13:r Tam rrrrsat In Dam, GAirrra td poanaaed Duly, Tri-Wyealy, and Weekly.—TM Daily in Saran' lbllun perstanam.; the Tri-Weekly Pre Damper IV annum' the <4.l,7jr:Tro Dollnra par /1.1110, Ana, dart:ana aMME=LE!MI • - - • Il • -• lreelt insertion, should be handed in by fire o'clock in the afternoon. Attention ..,ao thaaan the part of oar <mummers. mould be .endue begot manual benefit. The Gazette ha. the largest ha • minima el/L . OIIMM sad adverrismg magma of any paper in Wartem PanneylanM, ired is Ibrrettore nee &&&&& y thataireniaelnenta should be masonably handed an FOR UOVLIIIiOa, (or Cure.. CoS - NT,4 rout CANAL C0M511.47/10NER JOB/CPO W. PATTON too cotsunt-oto CigerhO ' F: torAV, A ortlegheny City LEWIBrot ps _l,la:ti:a!Ls LiiIIISTIAN SNIVEL •. of Writing Tp AIAKSBIALL SWARTZWELUER, Pittsburgh. HENRY LA Tp. TOE °OCR"TI.LMOL. .1. W. BAXTER, of Pittsburgh. • FOSE On., ec 4 THOMAS PERKINS, of Losses Sl. Ciair Tp WILLIAM CAPE. of Tl. STATE CENTRAL COMMITTEE -.. THOMAS E FRANKLIN, I.aneaater Ca) JOHN C KUNKEL. Dauphin Canon,. THOMAS DUNCAN, •• JAMES MARLIN, THOMAS C HARDLY, \Nat. WILLIAM Al WATTS,Cumberlend DANIEL M SIIYSEIL foam r ITETHERILL.PhiIaJe.Iph , hT•,, JOSEPH'S CIIA NOLEN, ROBERT T CONRAD, • "THOMAS MeORATIL Pllliade!ph, DILLER' LUTHEIL.Ceeke. ROBERT AL BARD.Ermltlin THOMAS M T MICENNAN, W•ttneetwi . ANDREW 1 OBLE, Sotheree4 HARRAH DENNY, Allegheny. RICHARD IRWIN, Venaugo • JOSEPH KUHNS. WeLllhheelh••• , • O 1 MIL. Elle. II D AL AXWELL.Nontwnpton B SALISBURY, Sustauebannh. ELIiANAN 3u ITH, W)oanß. SAILOR!. A PURVIANCF:. Duller .lIENRY B . EVANS, Melte r. . ROBERT T fOlTS,Montgegtery. Copies of the Report a the Handoote Committee maybe hod at thic ftthee. A law maga, of eopie. °I'M". Report have leen prtmett 1 .1 on for lotion, and it is deniable that they should be read iit every also in the city, and In We nemkortmod of :be head waters of the Ohio, as writ se between nalta!nnet and Mutts's!, They may be hadwisbent chugs. Forum: ebeetneretal Imegtgenee.lkaalLatie r kelt, River News,lmpons, Money glarket, dc, ter thud page. • . Bee fbarthPage for Xlisellasteissis Yew. An Interesting Narrative The Mexican war hari contributed to develipe, what the two ware with the meet powerful Guy ana:mato of Europe ought long ego to have proved / the 'ability of out countrymen both to defend them. spleen at home, and, If need be, to carry on a Isar of invasion against a diatant * enemy. We hope hereafter that neither the invective of other na. done net our own relfesteem s , will require any ad• ditional evidence of American Courage, URI or ceiabitity to endure hardships. Even our Vol !inteer soldiers, upon whom, in cues of great emergency, we most always place our chief refi wee, have shown • military capacity which. un der a wise chieftain, will mike them forever in• vincible. It is the peculiar province of a country tatters there is freedom even to excess of liberty, to develops mankind. Our very Deers. sides ought to make es men of caurage,—not of that brute forte which want upon our species, as who' men tnever should, and never can, where there ht.& mutual, Christian spirit,—but of that high moral courage, which, looking to the end from the beginning. in wady to date and to do for the honor of Winning the prize it pussies. For our young men, few of whom are born to•fortane, it is written as with. prophetic spell, that the Le.eon of Youth, Much nue bee reterved for n bright 51anhood, "Oar old men for counsel and ow young moo for War," has been the proverb of moat Republics, bat with us in the present war, we have seen our old men, some of them three aeons year. and ten. Mewling to the battle and enjoying the fire and smoke of biatie oi a pastime. We are a young Nation as yet, with a multitude of people among as oldei'lhan oar Constitution, and with scores *tided:B6om before the birth day of our National Independence. Three seem and eleven years ie the time paned since the Pioneer. of the, Repufi lie, with Lexington and Banker Hill for axaaion. to prove their mettle, set up for itirmselw., and with such principle. to start upon a. are containid la the Declaration al Independence:: and as were afterwardsembodied in the Constitution, we shou ld indeed bare exhibited both a moral and physical declension mnwoithy of our race. if we had done Jerrthen we hive. _ . - Our thoughts haws been turned to this subject from the chancier of a jouiney, : by stator and by land, by wilderness and by cities, among men CIT. ifi ci d an d me , uncivilized, which upon few mu ..s base been equalled. We allude to the march df Colonel Doniphan and his men, which, had it occurred anterior to Herodotu. or News phon, would hare been handed down by Miss historians as one of the greatest events of .early , Indeed, in many reepeent the furious Burch of Xenophon wu like that of our Win* country Cofonel. Thooth not utight in ,the athool of Le .Sociatia nor the companion of a Cywis. ha has shown Mena a- man.of unanpased prudence and courage. JEfe has traveled like the Athenian at the bead, not of 10,000 Greek., nor upon l re treating march, bat . forward, a. did the Greceu , over high mountains and widespread deserts, fele: ing rivers and living upon the herbs of the frequently encountering dangers but shears over. coining them as they arose. It is due to each a man, now returned from with an expedition of sacrifice to the refinements of home, that -some memorial should be left of Ws put achievements. 2. Col. Doniphsn's absence was just a year. On the 16th of June, 1868, be and his men were mustered into service st Fort Leavenworth. They ,preeditled thence on the 22d for Santa Fe, which 'Slay ruched on the 18th of August. via Dent's fort, and a distance of 800 mile.. On their way _Alter they encountered three thousand of the '- teeny, end unmoved by their presence, marched ax tidily on by one of the strongest pasue of Mu fee,whano they Cut down timber and raised foal - flotations. The enemy, though every where gout ly limed, fied before the presence of a few Coal. pinks 41 men, most of them raw and undiecip. lion& troops. • Berets Gen. Kearney's - departure (or California . . . fie gave &dere to Col. Dpolphan to maker saes palgn spirts! the Navajo Indians, living in the Rechyalonittains, between Del Norte end the Pa cific Ocean..and the; to report to Oen. Wool, at Chthualittr, !abaci h was understood Gam Wool woukt be before Col.Droniphsp ...kaki reach hint. The second regiment of kliasstri Volunteer, has wind in New Mexico on the 28th of Oct.. Col.- Doctiphin commenced his tampaign against the Nawijos, • . : .The march was install !arduous, but complete- eumoduL The 'Sank's' for ,250 'sari had enfoted4 a war eisittei the IfeziOoe, and ti L atati iewae 'suceeseful. but they were puierably enbdue4 by the premium of our troop; smii in Cooney of five boated warriors they pfoase4 iboweetree to observe peace, both with the 4044 tiastillraWl Kaska Tplcjaornll wee in a country where it ditto pions bsa to be borne ma pack koden tarried by tberneelms, or upon the basks Of make. : :thaw sod storms were the coastal' pastioas d. Doniphan and hii men, 'and some', rwountela panne tosserad haJ near bafere prodded by the foot of man. We nail boor of. Cot. Meagan pain boas di Santo, a dram of ninety mild wigoad wood of stater, and soon after at ?mop mad la lbw day' after, In mid.", Inter, the kink of tho Del. Node. With hut area moo tboy were here met by eleven hi Madams, who called upon them toatmen dpi thin In can of battle they would iik oar sin jotter. The tattle of ßrazil fatibilaysiipi in arentyserren minutes comatemmtlant ft was oar, tbs slum funk; oixty4hfoe 'Linea and .000hopifed wounded. Amnia= had semen wounded and none k I The battle of &memento followed. sod the beltutiftal Arehy ar Mikad:a. Mul*opon a plain .kortimem inocmtaitiOctelki•j. sat and met, sturewdenid to oar ham. The homeward mock was commenced at OM pint, but nit wail $ paii of the rate was mfrs. cad to Wet formud 'reran = whiCh Col. D. bad expected to do dat Chihuahua t This. however, Is nem familiar to oar Madan, and: klwe it for the present, and with the hope that Cot. D, like the Grecian Generaito his marches through, Pe ale, will 0411 us also an account 'of his petting journeying. through the word and least fret/usu. tad parts of Mexico. 'The Navajo Indians are a warlike people, have no towns or houses. or lodger they lire lathe open air or on horseback, and are remarkably wealthy, having immense hero. of horses, cattle- and sheep: They are celebrated for thou Intelligente and good order. They tug their women with great atten tion, consider them equal., and relieve them from the drudgery of inertial work. They are handsome, well made and in every respect a highly eirdised people, bring, ai • nation of a higher order of be. mg. than the Mies ol their neighbors; the Mexicans. In the neighborhood of the havajos are the tribe of Suomi. who hive a city of &XXI qhich, Is one of the most estraonlinary is the word. it is divided into four solid squares, having but two streets ems sing Its centre at nght angles. 'All the building. are two .tones high, composed of gen-burnt brick. The brat story presents a solid wolf to the greet, and is so constructed, that each hoots join., until one.loorth of the city may be said to be one build. ing. The second stories rise from ithi. vast solid iltnl.lllo., a 1111 to designate etch house; leaving room to walk upon the roof ol the first story between each building The inhabitants of Soma enter the second gory of their buildings by !adders, which they draw up at night, as a delence against soy en emy that might # c prowling shout. In this city saga seen some thirty Albino I radian., who have,. doubt, given rise to the story that there is living In the Rocky Mountains • tribe of white atorigines. The discovery of this city of the Semi brill afford the most curious ,petaiallf)6ll.llW3ol OM@ who have w long item-cheat In vain .for a city of Indian., who possessed the manners and habit. at the Agee. No doubt, we have here a race living ak did that people when Cartes mitered Mexico. It is • re markanas fact, that the Salmons *re, since the Spaniard. left the country. refused to hate any in tercourse with the conitun Mexicans, looking Iwo then, as an in'erior Oreple They tile driven from among ago the priests and 'other dignitaries, who formerly bad pos:nr over them. and•resonaed habits and manners of their own; their Greet Chiel or Governor, being the civil sad religious head. Th country round tee city of hornet t. cultivated wile a great deal of rue, and allot& food not only lo r , the inhabitants, but for large nockd of rattle SW I Shfen.. • iChihualma. the capital of the State of Chihua hua, is a city of about fourteen thousand tohabmants, an i of remarkable hnguiv. It is situated one plain. between two high . mouninnil ;bat fit,' in the e." and west. At the north and month. the ePpntrY far in the eye can reach, is open and intelepernd with farms. The building., many of which are very handsome; are composed of white porphyry, that is easily wrought when prep taken Gum the quarry, but by. esposure to the air becomes very And. The old Spaniards rho originally built it, conveyed from a mountain four mules distant, through a stone canal, the waters of a spring. , -This ebundant fountain ri ses in the centre of the grand plaia, overflows air octagonal basin, and then pursues its way over the whole city. The plat ata µmonded by seat.. with back,. caved out td the ealid steno{ At this place. could nightly be seen the Onto, ppiplatinn of Chi huahua, indulging themselves isiwgp andldlseen. As an evidence of the richness Isf the Mine. vet Chihdahua, ceder the Spaniarde, it is eute:.' that the magnificent church of that city, which is of im. men.e proportions, and ornamented by three tow.. ere td solid atone, was built at a min of sin hue. dred (hound dollars, and that tun mne.. satm tuned by a an of one bit on every eight dollars coined in the mines. Then silver mines are as rich as tiny ever were, and inezhaustible; hat the Indi o. have driven die 'Mexicans fron the nchest of them, and the people are too bony It work those in their penession. Ranked. That this Convention do heartily award ot General Ramseur Testae, Gen. WI a nnul bcorr, and all the officers and Soldiers of the Amerman Army now engaged in the prosecu tion of the war wtth Milk.,, the tribute of our gratitude for the distinguished patriotism end' bra very with which they base fought' the battle of thew country upon the fields of Alexia:N . l.nd see would opera the idea for petty or other purposes, of withholding from any of them. and especially old Rough and Ready. the just palm to which thee. are entitled from all true lowers of their country. &solved, That w f have an additional evideoce of the judgment and discriminaticat of the Pm& dent of the United BMus, in the shimmer and es pacity.of the individuals selected by him to tom• mend ow amity. ' The above Rewlu•ioua arra adopted by a JAC, Pore Convention le Alabama. The last ere pre sume was designed as a satire upon President Polk. What else can it MOOD, after the &fiber. ale and reiterated attempt of President Polk to diagram, Generals Taylor and Pettit, by placing Colonel Penton. a portici 'fl and a civilian. a. "Lieutenant General" ~••• •• heads of caches• perieuced and brave .1“.1 what sort of "die. elimination" and 'lodgment" to Moil which weeks to emberrass the present Commander in Mexico by the presence and control 01 one of Mr. Hu. shames'. Clerks from the State Department? May the Nation be saved the monifi.mtioa of any future . .judzroent." "discrimiostion" or "capacity — like this. Eats Colas.-The New York piessea us giv . ins utterance to • genqal complaini against the State authorities, who have slumd the enlarge. meat of the Ens Canal. The Calais at this time an paying lOU. at the rate of 'fine million. per annum, and would yield ibis amou4 elan during the season of usrtgati3n, if enlarged. The Canal at primers is not adficient for much more than half of the requisite businesa, and the con. sequence I. that:the Welland Civil is doing a vast deal of business belonging to the N. York Canal, The Albany Journal thus complain. of the policy of the State Legislature of 1849, which refused the enbugemenn -Had the Erie Canal Enlargement been crimple. ted, in ISO, it would have given us 113,500.008 in 1846, and es the Atlas (Mr. Flagg'Corgan) now concedes, 55,000,000 in 1847! 'With each showers of gold fioodini the Treas ury, the Canals would bare borne the expanses of the Government, and paid the entire Debt of 'the Bate in ten, or at the onwide, twelve yeen! In 1855, or at farthest, in 1857, theref.4e. the Stat. wmid, by purect'ng an enlightened rem of provement, tie free from Debt, and with Public Works yielding their ensue tribute of millions to its Treasury! Our Commercial Stetropolie,doub. ling ispopulation's:A trebling its wealth, would have reflected back its prosperity infertilizing and bountiful streams upon the Avimiltdral.sfechan• iou and Manufacturing portions of the State. Capt.'. V /a VLlgi, of the Qua, terinutees porta:lent, we learn I/./a) W./Wag/M, has been ordered to Pitubargh to profile the neuter, ry armament icc for the enpeditlon which ha. recently been ordered to be organised for the pro. tection of paeans en route for Oregon. The K. pedirion which Mr. Van Vliet accompanies, is to con/ist of five hundred Mutated kliesoori Volun teem Who it to command them we ao not know but Dr. Walker will go out u Auistent Surgeon, Lent. D. P. Woodbury a/ Engineer, arid Capt. Van Viler as quarter Muter. The 'lnatrUCtions to the command, are to meet two block-houses— the first ohree luirelred miles beyond the mouth of the Kansas River, where the Oregon'trail curses the Platte River, and the mecond three hundred mile. beyond the first. The enpedition wilt be exult two years. It is supposed thdJ will here some trouble with the Indians, bet to provide against this, they will take with them 11-ponnd howitzers. Tits Snore Noisasca.—The attention of the City Authorities has at last been drawn to this subject, and on Monday evening a M , Cmorial from Col.rhompion, arming to construct a work of his invention upon the Water Works, wu re. fined to a Sper..tal Committee of the Common COSUICiI. A proposition was else submitted by Mears. Kennedy and Childs: to attach a Smoke Cannoneer to the mime Works, and it a.trining expense. The Committee having charge of the subject, we hope, will give it the attention due 'to It. importance. There are maitrel plans for pre venting the Nuisance, tome of which originated in England, end others in the United Static— We are indifferent es to the plan, no that the nui. wince be abated. If William;e (Rogliah) plan, which to the cheapest, is all that is required to ahem the nuisance, by dl-manna let it be adopted. mi. and a low t COLO. of the been A Rt. Ls, rot Loco Pores To• •1S was.—ff the Tea' of 1846 carried up the pries of sour to is, eight and ten dollars a barrel in dm -different cities of the Utdoo, 'ghetto suddenly reduced it to too4liit and, eight dollars a barrel! Perhspe Mr. Boo', Walker can cipher out this sum to de. fence e.this atitieh discriminating tariff. When the now crop. UV harvested to Europe, and ape de, ceasing to come from Europe. continues to Dow to Male°, we 441 have occasion to Moak. Walkoes Tariff and the flub TpnuenT HIM upon their own true owns. upon bun. • u4ied r, de. • Mar Freedoms Sr To th, Eirgwo of Me Piltsburgit : Giceelic. 'Re n*tett and continued fithedaations titan the adminitiation preaseLltisittlfttmewb*cillin the iiibt to think and speak foitleuty end candid. If of:the tittsent Menicau vrar,"4 , uglie.Lin•iaz inlet Farina onsetver, assos conous.neasidersilons. Party :sal in its anxiety to uphold a weak, and 'Sometimes - a wkked . adniihistration. and to &Taint foolish and viciong measures:often rune etherswt the prominent principle which the party claims. I paresreffaree, to be governed by, thou throwing into bold relief inconsistencies in theory and prac tice that otherwise are rarely detected by the unin itiated. The right to think, speak and print bar renly yet honestly is the living principle of • re public, the great distinguishing mark between rational libeaty and slavery; the wisest heads and the bravest hearts have contended far it for oento • nes, until now it is embodied, (as all imagine) in our American Republic. Nor will it be maintained directly. that any possible contingency or combina tion of circumstances Can abridge or iiterfle with its justexercise. In peace and in war it Tr mains the same, nay to the latter state our duty demands. more especiallyy. • vigorous application of the right. Before resorting to this lac appeal all other means should be it:bawled, and that man would be re• enact to his God, hie country and mankind, who would not "ask boldly and esrnewly to neon so terrible an alternative, Ind when resorted to, to alleviate its horror. and shorten its• duration.— Doti he demerit august, impolitic or precipitate! In the name of jolt ee and liberty let him speak trumpet tongued, -lee affront his God to darter his partj. 'Fie his stern duty as well as clear right —and that democracy that would obtain present l ow advantages, political or otherwise,. b trenching .upon cr abridging this right is the foe if freedom and a lying cheat to lure men nn In des inn. Can any one read the coarse chum and vulgar incentive cast upon all who dare tg' impugn the motives of the administration, and doubt the policy of the war, without perceiving that the fire d-rm of speech and of the pros. is dirt oily assailed. Do not the administration pres es from Alas to Thertites menace and threaten these wholetnecate the war. With future popular vengeance and dis grace I and what heeler ppniahment mould be in tinted than pphlic, odium! To kg sure they base not the power like the French National Coaven. ' don IA make decrees trimly fothidding an espies. Wort of opinion under penalty of chopping head, tongue and all—but what they can do, that they dare do, attempt to creetwt popular fechng that will produce the eame effect that the French dimes die , . If this be not so. why denounce !hi ne who deem the war unjust u traitor.. "giv ing aid end comfol to the enemy," as the phrase now is. If an honest expression of opMau will give maid and comfort" to an enemy, then w e are in adiletpme, abolish freedom of eprech, or cut oQ heads, the latter n.cele would verve hod, to shorten the speech and punish :the 'treason,—a most' p 0 tent conclusion to (hie great American es petnaent: [ And. certainly a beautiful ilhooration of modern progreerme rJep afettgg, containing within Itself all the seeds and elements of the most . ty rannus wopstehy 30j• Tag Om, Pay sr,-This terrible Koury, may be both tem... eeng mitigated Ly • a.. in tin. simple obsertrance of yome ;m e. y n . .. 7 4 " 7" tars. The Hinton Medics] Journal *Ayr, it is confuted to emigrants whits at see, but frequently bresks out among them after they hare landed.— The mule of this the Journal egplainei es fol" low.: • Soon after leering the vessel, howeVer good their condition at the time, they seize with 'raven ous avidity upon every possobki •ariety of nlible that comes within their ready, to say nothing . f drinks—nod the result is a sudden tog wgement of the stomach. Nature ricks feint' from th e plethora, in` some instate,, by a diarrheei ; in others, • peculiar tuts of the spite.* is iluiph remediable for the tortsidecce of the blood, wboth wee. to boil and foam in the revels—nod this i. ship fever, with all its bad concomitants." Cleans beds, well ventilated rooms, and an evil& mice of crowded hospitals, it sap, are almost cat talo cures in the majority of cases. The Journal adds:— • ..Very little medication i• required in the manage ment of patients Irmo tea. in the kind of tr ee , ment moat satisfactory with the other class, those .iamiktlf from °Ter-Wing, and other irregularities. there may be • variety of opinions. The disewe terminati• fatally, very quickly, at peat hot the wont form, on being removed to cool, airy. apart menu on shore,: are at once meliorated, ordeal the low muttering delirium exist.. tinder each a recovery i. erre. dingly J.. trot. Pauerlial spots, faience' to by foreign authors. have in no instance, thug far been oluetved en Moe, dying here." . The Journal Coo.ll4Crd it not coutegious in the stedioary sense of that term, though person. whpee blood happens to be in • bad condition, if thrown much among it, aro liable to infection. The Jour nal remarks Fatigue, debility, • tainted atmosphere, ur badly ventilated apartments, together with dirret exposure to there in the advanced tomes of thefever, without doubt. may produce It. Ilem awe are perpetually occurring in public Methadone, where foreign peopled are admined,Mod in narrow streets, and old &tiling tenenientseshete emigrants con. regale on reaching the city."' Ws °beams a statement M the New Orleans Times in regard to thee fever.. A vowel indeed with the dimes, on board. Domani Hester and Hawker, members of the Board of Health, rep/tir ed to the. vessel, for the purpose of laminating the extent of the disease. From Mow gentlemen ihq teamed that the chip felt Liverpoolwith two hundred sod sins pueengers, out of white two hundred were taken aide, and eighteen of thenum her died during tce pesage, most of lib= were . children. A boot • wenteen of the cues were ship dyeentery, and the remainder typhoid or ship fever and wellies. As the venal approached a Southern latitude the fever 'seamed a much milder abspe, and nearly all the passengers who were taken with dem now convalescent. Tyra last fact would seem to indie caw that celdand wet, changeable, aming weather eepechdly in the higher latitude*, is 121031 , favorable to the generating and spreading of the fever. Haw to red.:ace AUSIOSL 1.1011,111161. -Of course this is a thing that cannot be done, with certainty in all caws. But that the danger may be nieferislly lessened, we have never doubt. ed. The Rochester Advertiser commenting upon the natant deattmin that place of three pens ens, in one room, by lightning,lays deem the following initiate direction., as well established end und, r. stood, to guard spinet this terrible danger. We copy them for the benefit of our readers 1. Lightning rod. should pass from the m'.t Prominent part of ■ building, in the nen eat din c. Lion to the earth. 2. Any mamas of metalic molter on the roof IT upper part of the building should be connected by • good condectoewith the rod. 3. The upper. end should terminate io two r More points, and be covered with tin or Myer o tbat they me, be right, se rut prevent. the lie t ang from passing easily upon the pint.. 4. They should be carried int , the to lb o three to Wu feel, if cosy cannot terminate iir en r and the rod at the bottom should is surround. I with fine charcoal or blacksmith's cinders, whi, will keep moire and afford'ari easy pas”ge of t .• electricity into the earth. 5. The rod should be from half an inch to ,n inch in diameter, or Mill batter, should be t square and threerfourths of an inch on_ a and be well conrected iu the parts 17 semi*, i and not It joints. Iron, as the chcepmt me ,1 is also an excellent conductor, tho' copper is so! •• dor. 6. More than one may be necessary. This a ll depend upon the size of the building. the elevati .n of object. above the roof. And:the height of t?.. MAXMOTI rr AAAAA —The ditoentiol.• of Om Reamer United diateenow building in New York it will be seen by the following table, is larger than them of the biggest ship of war in our service, the Pennsylvania Dinars:aro ofU. S. Ditnenseene Pm n. Le le Sutton. taw. Length of keel 236 ft. 193 ft. Length byperpen dicaTar 4 , &.. 344 fs. Length spar deck 254 U. Beam 40 h. Depth of bore 31 A. Tim ..- . Mnusge of this eteeroceo computation inessuramens will be about 3,081 tons—that of the Pennsylvenia Is 3,000 tone. The N. Y. Commercial ..y. that, with wimucht strength of Gam and power of engine—if ible ship should torn out to be so buoyant and light of - draftee ls expected, .he will be the feted steamer itj the world, and probably the fastest. If., long get floor to In favor both of buoyancy and Teed and her harp antrum would MILD to promise Wry and rapid prowes through the water. City Infers. Ilinisy we ettet44l4lo witanxiciatioil of the ifinsers*kinging to the jib *story ikeratitantki of University. We think the foandatkokia, it 6 evidence that eine rcii habits . sif inn ugiliuo kod. study are bang brined, Which will make knife acquitements edit pustively easy. .4 school of thorough discipline and unbending principles of government. founded in the judgement of tbe i rsculttand the student's I soi se of right, affords an yricellett mental and mold training to the youthful mi4l. The Cid. semi of Pittsbefigh ainVeresterii Pennsylvania st all be proud of their quiet it witution, for it will yet make them proud of their sons. To-day the r lass in chemistry will be examined. Parents and the friends of education should attend, es ma ny experiments will be tried by the studeuta The annual commencement bus been postponed till September next. The tuamination of the Pupil. of Mr. and Mrs. Gerhorn will ohm commence and be continued for Area day a. DIPCJAIROCII Votzwrgarta..—Trrenty•fiva di.. charged Volunteers atsieel here on TOtamday, on the simmer Ringgold. They belonged to the Baltimore Battalion, who went out under the breve 1.1,115nel Watson. , Many of them had eaf fend severely from Fiancee and fatigue, and some of them ate still earning from dirty*n contracted while on mercies in Mexico. We chanced, also, a discharged soldier at sistiog in loading a steamboat at the wharf the other day. Upon inquiry, we Lund that the poor (dims hid laid his bounty land certificate to some titanium 'peculators; had run throagh with—the but cent ul his !stoney, and was thug reduced to the eituation In which we found him. Steatite Pio Mettr..--Two Irishmen who gate their names ea Jame■. Riley end William Mel) I.IJ, were rattled, by the Mayorie ehiwged with steeling pig motel from Sprung & Co.. They were fully committed on Friday night, end e true hill found by the Gonad Jury on Sat. uiday morning.— Tel. rt." no.n Puovacr lc Miaow:W.—The peo ple of Northern Missouri aro urging the wive o f a Railroad from litanaibal to SL Joseph, aid at a Convention ha LI io ChlHeaths on the gd lad., re. it Iced to petition Coulters for "a grant of alter. nate ecetior.t and parte of sections of all vacant lands rain mitre on. each side of said road *bee located." 'rho members of the Convention ogee uissuirootisly declared their determination, and pledged thearivelver, "to raPpott no anon for Con a re.l who will not pledge himself to the euppo. t of the apprebiltint afotellid, nor will we support any man for Goverrier, Lieut., Governor or mein her of the pegiolaipm who will not pledge him. Belt to give St?eh'ipici in the amatruclioe of the said Railroad; cousisteet with the right of other regions of the State, al contemplated by the am . lotion aforeaald. All the railroads of Nag ExeLaus have du ring the find hie months of the present year been bight, productive. and the semiannual divi.lemYe have In Krona icitincee bran ineteaseth flue • fire per cent in Februsra. The Aga annual' dividend 1.4 Worcester has Mau. ," four per five, and the Lowell. Maine, one centered,. The shares of all the dividend p.y• . int; railroad companieecommand a bigb premium, which induced many to really!, under the loam. *ion that they rule a. high u they ever Y. ficried. • Are tic .aan Steams. Rat mioaa—..Tbe ex penditure* .if thu year were $250.279, and lait your for taste art monthesl97,o3s—en increase of $l4l 113 ui receipts, and but $53,244 in !a pron. to Mu. eatablubad, with a net awn of Pa: 796 for tit m 'nth& A dividend of four per cent on $3,550.000. its percent capital, tette $142.000 g 5165.154 of earning. to meet interest. &0., and Conn • amplue lund. The creation of 4600 anare.r. payable in cash on or before July 2515 will make an aggregate capital of Cm: mil litie of which re gu6r semi annual diva deo!, are c .r.fidently erpeetcd. \aw Harem, ll...Trona Pleataiertatu R Luo..—Tbe track on dos road is now robod nob heavy T rail. A dal - emelt. of thirty Ilioutes is already made in the ranning time between Han fad end Seer Heven, bat the perfectly quiet motion of the note seems to base shortened the time one h•lf. Pounce Ta•ric.—The work of girding for • reeirod nest on the Western Railroad,' toilworn Springfield sod Waterston., has teen watfineuend and will be forwarded ...lib rigor. At.. meeting of the stockholders of the Somer. Tills and Russo Railroad economy, it weds. tormined to commence on the work this fall. Micorro•ri C Roan.--The new ironic ping down fast, and it is in the Ur. gement to pot down fire miles a week. The new pawenger de pot iv up and being aeeere and the foundation of the monster brick warehouse, $OO feat by 100 wide is now being laid. Mt. MLTiIIT. of Hagentown„,*d., who went to Carlisle, Maryland, in puriuit of 110610 tuna. way Slaves, died a dry to two since from the et feet of wounds received from the no di. There is great excitement to Carlisle, growing out of th. recent outrage, and abundant occasion far it, now that it has led to the death of one man, and the injury of many others. Wa hope that public *pinion, era long, in Pennsylvania, will be oda- , quote to the maintainance of peace, and the pun ' ishment of all those who shall attempt to disturb iit At the mms time, it to due to thee awning blasts, to fay that it is now physically impossible for any master to find safe conveyance fir them, through Pennsylvania. It is but tr,flutg with the feelings all prejudices of the People to attempt it nod we hope that barest. er a clove may never, with or with iut rauter's csneeot, put fort upon cur soil. Maracas Wit rare tutcse sonatas,—Be• (no the adjournment of the Connecticut tore, resulutionewerepassed in the stroMprat tamss of approbation of the bravery• and skill displayed by our officer. and soldiers in the Mexican war.— The resolutions were prefaced by the following preamble, the first briiich of which fully endorses, t he view taken by no, ea to the part acted by the President in bringing on the Malicia war t Whereas, la coneeqoenoe of the admiral= of Texas into the Union, -and of the order of the President without the authority of the Constitu tion orl the law, directing troops to march in to the territory in the occupation of Meilee, • state of war exists between the United thetas and Mexico, conducted at greet mrpense of life and treasure—and which rimy result in the acqtrition of a large portion of terntory, hereafter to ba nude states of the onion, therefore," ..Yotreo ANIiIIICA," (the Agrarian, National Reform paper at New Yurk,) •has the following "Free soil nominations." For President. Gerrit Smith, of N. Y. For Vice do, Ram Burritt, of “stihjeet to the requirements of the National Re• form pledge, and the decifion of tht next Indus trial Caner..." The. names, we believe, are alas on the ticket lately norm tnlsd by the AN:llium:dote, at Macedon, N. Y. Moat -ritanatretvz DIKOC Inc r."—Lucrrtia Moll and Mrs. Child g a a iota. each, at the late nonitinetiol of &nab and Bon* for President and Vice, by the •• Liberty-League ' party. TALMO ova 'Nam NT Way iv John I) thark,dentirt, wu erreigned upon, and pleaded not guilty to, an indictment for a con. atrucive larceny. He bad (sued a act of artificial teeth far • lady, and received his pay ; bet for 001i1J other and aubeetioent placea of work he had not been paid, his demand being considered en. orbitani. Under these circumstances he called upon the lady to awe if her teeth worked well, and penitent in having them taken neat to be looked at. The lady complied; the doctor pocketed the teeth, her friends went before the grand jury, and a bill for larceny sr.. found.—Boston Post. EI...CT/10 PYTetononT, on AMBIAL MaaaaT• Loomle and Gillen, it will be perceived by an advertisement in our piper of to day, are delivering a comae of lectures at the Odeon Hell, upon this very Interesting eubject In the course of the evening, a young lady will be thrown into the Masora,: state, and a number of curios. experiments will be performed, for par neuters of which we refer to the advertisment. J. a. lausaaota, M. C. le not in a strong letter appealing to the people of Pennsylvania t o e Hahne their support of the Colonisation poky. fn Africa. Loco Foco C tra.—The Low Focal hold their County Can►entlon to-oq. We 'Mob the Delimits' • pleural meeting, aad the /arty they reproach s &dam defeat. • BY 11AGNETIC-TELEGRAT . n .„ osrlzerpirtirat to riATeirtia•4\ - Th e *dm . ...' Usewerua Which aripeir Ili the Daily rirciAtirsc_caro - r ==-- ---... , . — --,--- - - e- ' 1 ' .•., • err appearia th e Tn-Weart,, th ,,, recti.,,,,g t.,‘: too 0. 917 • 0 9. ,01 1900 ad ,Prtitsburwl• Getette; ~..,_ ,„,..... .. . eficer the isetalanon of a, without' illy add:urine. Taa Pitealdekt maid lifirifoa, b0..1 . 6, id• &air,. Mil. I••••dv•amire.,,,nr.l rr ra cn , ortihling, eily . to IFekten. .He •Nier York in the to r. " n r ... e x P "`e• A d r,0 .'..*.‘ , ... * 1 " . ''''. 4 1.19 . • i -r- _± I ea her, t ,31.-) oop, upon retecoabio irram. ------ Eselovire,.&neCe of 01ePinir;orIgh-Gaseue -•-, -- NEW YORK MARKET. Jona 29 9 o'c iv. it.. Flour—Them has been, a good ant of activity init e te matkit to-day. Sales 15,00 ck bids Gen e 1157,i2}. 2000-10 197,00, and' 1000 r at e fit .. per bbl. There were the current quoUtions . -tiirorigh the day,' but toward the clove an adorn.. w 5. to:, imd.d. dales Michigan at $6,951 'be matket for Ohio hos declined since yester. d . y. Sales prima Yellow Corn at 98a98e. Provisions—Saks new Men Pork at lOC, and Priam at ;19.60. Other leadiog uncles Tynan "about as law quo. tad. Ktrhasiye &respondence of t he Pittsburgh " BALTIMORE MARKET. "" June 29,8 P Flour—Tbe market is quite bare of Flour on sale. —There is, momoser, yelp little doing dent era being disposed to await the Foreign news, ex pected. . . A sated prime Red Wheat at 125 e per Cores—The market tidal) tor both description+. Sales prime' ellow at 85e, and White . of In quality at 83e. Sale. Cornmeal at $4,25 per Ltd Provisions—The market is doll and rices al though s lithe in favor of buyers bane not drclioed lafficiantly to call for change in quotations. Groceries--The arrivals 'of Sugar and Moles. sea hard been slack, prices have given way abed., and the market elms. .betty. Exchouve Correspondence of the Poobnoth Ga7f-ir PHILADELPHIA MARKET. June 29, 7 r. sr. Flour—Prices have given away f nom the eio. sing rate• of yesterday. The sales are 2000 bids Western brands at $6,50 and 2000 .of Pa. at $0,75: Of Wheat ales prime White at 152 e and Itatitt 1452140 e per be. showing a decline from the rate• of yesterday. The market closes heavy and with a downward tendency. Sale. Cornmeal at $4.12i54,25 per bbl. Small sales new Meat Pork at $16,60416:6 per bbl, and Prime at $14,50. Sales Western care Damon at IlislOc.Sales at 9ia9/c and Shoul ders 7ge7l}c. Sales No I Lard in bbl. and kegs at 9i•loic. FROM MEXICO The 121..1 by mail confirm the ibtelltgeoce received by Telegraph. The noes of &ott'. occupation Of Kw Frio i. undoubtedly true. At last accounts it is assetted.that the M.,- jean army i• at El Penort;a fuss ; miles th;s .ide the Capitol, and that it is under command of Generals Um.; V•lritei., Leon, Carta,.. and' Alvarez, the latter baiing eeveral thousand Indiana from the' tlouth: Reports are rife net ibey are (unifying El Penon, and al" near the city. 1 In - the affairs of AmaForpre, when General on wart edvancing gpon Puebla, Santa An pa cornmended his caysfry--stuppwed to be near 1.4000 in number—in perm°. Near 70 - Melt ' tans were killed or wounded, and the .camper I log ot Wa rut is represented as amusing. Nan is Anna, it is thought, was attempting to get between the commands of Generals Worth end iQuitman, but if this wee his intention, he ems most eignelly foiled. FROM VERA CRUZ. • Vacs, June 14 Tax Goexittas.— I am informed, Sou • my authority too well to treat it with t , ,•rriamtl , that six men, Spaniard., from Havana, bet, landed, to-day land, in Vets CM,, and whit will each in leas than four days command a party of guerillaa. ale] learn, from tie same' eulhority, that tWo hundred Spanianls. with six or eight field pieces, are expected ti land on the toast, within fifty mile, of the en, duriig the next ten days, when they will at once organize Into I.ratidiblit. and desperare hand.' These rain are to'enthe 'from Cuta, hut nut, I believe, all from Haego e . I hare seen Dr. has just arrived with thirty wounded and lewd men from ti e train. The train hid reached the Image t.en this party 1, fi, and the led for the moment- The General, (Gedwalader,) however. expected to meet the enemy full force at Encerra, or at Cerro Gordo, and will hare to fight every inch of hie way to defers, or, indeed. to Perot., as we ,bare reason to believe that our troop here evunated the termer post. Pecs ta.June 3. ley, . It it that Alinon , c ha. tern ..enti need !t, be elm at the capitol tor bolding treas.:able; ear. respondence with one of. our general. He it certainly in prison, but I hardly believe he awn be shot There was mioller resolution at the ci ty of Mexico two or three days einee„ at least sorb is lite.wput but it was put down - by 'Gen Bustamente almost 'immediately. The tontine tors of it are friends of Gee. Fail..], end, as i euppowd. of peeps with the United Stater, cod moor their eriee was death to Santa Ann.." Lova aan Canits...--The correspondent of th Tnbraste snit. from Philadelphia. that Wedo day developed • tied moil of uolseful (tat it not believed criminal.) low, jealousy, sad attempt It murder. .Michael ll•aafod and Henri Query were, previous to last spnog. tesidents of Louis. vale, and both paid their addresses to a y. unit 1.17 of mach beauty—Misa Louisa Jenkins. Dorsey was the preferred suitor of the lady. hot 11. f rd bat money, and was favored by the parents The result was that she war persuaded, or rather forced, to marry Hvaford, who immediately brought her to l.•noas:er in this State, nod set up bacons. "--• • A abort time, since. 111/. Bamford, upon mitering the of the hotel where they boaikil,d. encountered Homey. She prevailed upon him to leave her, and he subscawntly itgoed • paper to Bareford, promising to leave the city on • vial!, and molest them no farther. A few days ago, Bamford and his wife came to this city on • visit and pot up at Mts. N names in Market street. On Thursday evening, returning home, *boat nine o'clock, Bamford found his wife's room door locked; and, braking it open, be entered end new D.arelt kuveraing with his wife and her sister. Instant. ly seising a stick, he commenced beating D die) over the bad, and broke hie jaw, and the hones of hi. face, before he could In taken of. Homey was taken to the Hospital, whets it war 'decided that he rung recover, and Hanford is in prison.— The wife manias in town, and has admitted that she has received upwards of thirty letters from Done,/ since her marriage, urging her a o l,„„, tier !targeted. Tweet these are in raesaign of the authorities. In looking over the recoil of thin tale of civilized horror, it is difficult to say wheal sr the menu of the girt, the husband, or the lover, should be most censored. Newer I 'fiteru.—life know of no persons better entitled to be esteemed a• ben efactors, than those whose genius and study Iwo contributed to the mitigation of human suf. feting. We have had our attention rolled to lb: Truss of Moms. Wait and K•olfman, (No. 77 Smithfield street.) and comp Lend it to those sof firing from Demi, or floptire n easy mean• of relief for a very painful disease. It is mann mended in Philadelphia by Drs. 8. Meciellan and 8. G. Murton, Wtt. WOE. The Common Council leave the gondola in regard to the introduction of water upon Bourne. hill. a. it woe. The two Boards non canon. GAZETTE JOB PRINTI4IG OFFICE, ;MID STIICIT, LOUIS Or !INT OPTICS ♦LLCT pp-Wa are new prepared to execute In a 'opener and expeditions manner, all kind. of Joe Paurrola, such a. large Powers. Steamboat Ihll•, Bal• of Lading, Letter Sheet Circular•, Ilaodhill•, Card.. ho., he. .00K £lO I,IIIII . IILiT 111111NIITO to any extent executed In the best manner, and all kinglets( Printing done with ...racy end at the lowest Nem orj-intlittes Gintaeyog Pantacoat--NlmneAt. Tmancony—We beg Wave to tall public attenben to the following, from Dr. Wm. Doan, of With/amyllle Clermont Co , and one of the very first practitioners in the county in which he resides, and late Senator in the State Legislature. It is cheering thus to see the lead ing min of the profession. bursting the bonds of prole. atonal prejudice,•nd giving merit its due: tigir: I have to my practice been using tomcat your Clawing Panacea, and, so far, am well pkos.d in its effects to Catarrhal and Hroneblal Complaints. Please send mehalf a down bottles—phi them as low a. too cam as I easiest if It commies to render as general sat lafaction as it has heretorore to keep It constantly on Respectfully, apt? W. ltr_r Age TOO arectereo HITT Ptces?—Try dun, with out delay, Dr. Llphanea Vegetable Eleetaary, the beet remedy ever offered to public nonce. Th i really en. c medir hie tit the result it a thorough meditta I education, and n complete knowledge of Ike dime..tor which it se reummeuded. The mug uilueplunt roe ce. • attend. It. administration. •..„. Morbid; Wholesale and Retail. by:WItATT . /L Kißtolllil, WI Felton street, Neer York; W Tames, Market street , and P. !awn* Stnithdield street. ploshore,,l•e. Pelee It per hot. • jai, tor S5,PO_, BOOTS NO. 66 VOURTII STR CORNER OF - POST OFFICWILEV. TBE mhsenber reepeetfully Informs MS public that he has commented the mmefacters of Ornebanne porkineekLe Ben, of good material and workmanship. which he will entreat *ulterior many Boot ever made In Pinobar*h for the peke. These handsome Boot will be made to meson, and ...real them as Tepee canted, on tee Wry low price of FIVE DOLLARS CNAII. Gentlemen are mutinied to call and r rani 14, Illier/1. POW W B ERSKINE, frip-Rev. Father 311oElrOy, late Chaplin Alealeo, wlll preach • Charhy Smoot,, it behalf of the Mph. A. lum sa tat Pau.'. Cathedral. , cc•crenicqr . &o'cloc k. tt. =co:2 On the elt6 snot. •I Derrlelearr, by the Rev. Dr. De tVitt the Don VICTOR E PIOLE'T, J MCP. dmegh - ter ea the Hen. Jesse Miller. DIEM At A lbeny, Juoo C6lll, JAMES McROWN, Record On Monday mght all() o'eork.Mrs FRANCES HILL, in the 74th vest of bee age The funeral will lake plate horn her late residence a greet, Mh ward. on Wedneiday morning. Mr Tritt Inst. at Ou'elotk, and proceed to the Cemory. The frim do of the family are invited to attend without (ot her notire. Yestentay morning at 2 o'clock, Blr. DAN'L DUN— Tr R to she 7.h year of hts age The friend. or the lama, ate requested to attrod his funemi afternoon at 2 o'clock, from hi. Lae tea ,Jeoce on the old Washingt.m mad, 4 miles tram tt.r c , Patent Bleck Ilprl4g Truss, The ouper'sw claims of thia Truss con.i.l in the rem marmite< cosa with which it may be worn The pad of woad twine neatly balanced on spring.. yields to pres myon uni part of it, abd Motown:ly adopts itself to movement made by ton weater It can he worn without intermission. until a curets effeetzd. The rub til on het ye made arrantywnents for the tentinfactere of there valuable Trusses, in a superior awls, in Ith,lo. dolphin and hovel them now for sate et their 01E,, No. 77, Southfield at neer.Sirib, Pitiaburp. - GED th ATT, 061 Li W. KAUFFMAN ASk ONlStiVeti EXPERimExrd Prof. Loon; and J. If, %idiot. etf Philadc phis, will Lecture :Iwo I We.ineadavi evening, at 5 o'clock, at the Mans. en P.Ventintiti sac I:l...elltrue•ne it They wi.l present kl.s• Martha. who.< wonderful espetiments have created t he excitement la th e Ea•nrin ince. This young indr, when in th e magnetic plait.. with her eyes perfectly bendaged, hag toe power to teed. tell the - tithe ity watch - eidgeerilte object., colors, , with astuntehing ecr/- rec Other expetnner, no lets temarkuL,e, produced Ad...sure centi )730 , 1 it. a AN ee T pen D B —' Z ''. X; oral 7O . kmat,.e.elWanaa;;ena m . . 10 d . ed to borrow on ano,l pecur.t.r. for W. brae, '<vend atortet of shone,. All ttntle of AR .ne,,. porrapt!y attended no mode., Oran's fr7l' r eeWit, having llncoo, Forma •nd Itcoola• to rent can record tom., t thy nth, (or eery modem, chart,. Please apply at ISAAt! HAILED. , P.301t Cent and t:orn. chant Sat •1 OBATOR. OF FR ANCE—Tn• o.•tors' Franc.; by V,•enttat De Co rueuset,l tranPlated hr • cranit. rOl Lite New Nor( (Mr (row the str.b Vans ed.onn. 0,111 an Filmy on the 4114. , of French RevolO. t.ona ElNuence, and the Orators 0( the 1.4.0.;.:R, ~ J T ilead:ey edited f.y rl 11 lixton, huh not,. as, lboot•plocal addend°. il:astrated, hot received at the Lknth and Otaonnrr, Immo( IhT•t JUll NoMN & KTOCIrroN - • NOTICe. rI•HE Stork hold., of he Fernier.' nest Rank tf Pi:t.bufgh totenilmtking appiieanna .0 the next L.egiflam, tor •ueh alteration of limit eta. ter ea w tg•v•• them nankin; privalegeo, or it deetne , l p.d.rot• a.k tol,,neoporated an a new Hlitl • Up order of uoar.l [Medan.. le3o:lawlin/ TIR/311.60N BEM. fr..b:er. DIE 1 PIS NTLIOS(.I.B BOAIIDIAG 141100 L tr, Workureron Syuare,PlalLatielpial•• 'rill , . PAU Term or thie losinot.ort tv:11 commence.. 1 the In of September lawn:tattoo re•peeting r hornet,. terror. rt , .. may he obtameal At that, Mike. ur by oppt;mttlon to the Priem pal. Je3o,l4rr• straut bt,!• double refuted l'utvr e irell: WA Joutt:e refined Cro•bett. I care In„ f. IS bbbr nrraTted do, I b e t as war, beg,. firtazd: bbis Clan fin!: hbds , for sale by • ie Sr JVty ILLIAMS tr. CO I OfiT- , -A I grxe Nal marked 1.1. lidrlotr lac • kv del r ranee ream th.l IVlgrf,foya al Markel .e The ovv,or wow., Iv Owl pl holm infprumon 4 0. tho Cdioe of gm 3lcrionlyabirla am., 411 the Mon . onrahnlo tenure. Jeatklyr • FOUND—TAU owo,r of a box c0n5..::7""'01,4, marred 1.1. LI/alum, wdl Gad n to mole az I. ti`W ATF:R %I A )1 - 8. Please call and pay the char. Re , and late n assay. jc3041 . 1 DOTTLE CO . Ralt —.Si bates f.uperlor Beale I) Carts of all pores non s,res treetred and fur u by BRAII•1 k RPJTER JO,/ rc , ner nl ;jt. Clair and Liberty at VIAL CORKS - 3 baits I' ,u , Catilljuel reed am! Ltr aale ba jo at RRAVN REITER PLUNK —logllt best Tarter Opium. just Sre'll and att. aq. br i.Yv RR A I;V h. REITER • Qt„ixix — i;', o „: . : 4 " - nedr,(TglVTVElidc .13 6r. j _A L im:—• imp art ele IV II': &. 1 7,1 L C (). x itt i ) c ACID-1 camkjumi z r ßl. , , : raa 0 L :L E OIL-1 bbl pa.t i re fdar l :lpi l i e ,3 l 44 A nb,imli!rtn,l c p-rtn: 0 /or gbh, 1 J.JO D WILLI , AMS & CO. 110 erno.lmt F rtviTs-39 drum , rna Fifa; •i,m. Zan, Currant.: • 10 lwiar NI H 11.i.ricta for *Cr bs / 0 WILLIAM.; !COD lem Fl9llll-141... No 2 Mackerrl, IU Mr, Sealed tier, or, fin ante 1, ; & ' .r ° 7si t igiff ti ii.ltl, (wrmpper• and ErlingY:tt noir rind ILy rale by FUlt9s hi h I 0 r• 10 3pw•lr. 1.1 HnIMP-110 bolc•Ally.1.1.11 I/1 inore.l4 fur yale PORAVT. A: CO B VPVALO painted;; for,alr by je.lo EUR4VTIII - _ OTTON —lOO i l'Prine o•ecl • IS) N Alabama; 112 re packed &las.; for 1 .1 p• - . 11 1 4 11tgliTtl h CC) LEAD , —3O, p,g, lig, , ena 1,30, bet 4 br•h salr hy lan RIMS% TIS IXi DLOO MN —llB la. Tr nes,. iicly wake t, arr j..) p.. I..dy wt .ale by DECAar NUTS 53 oug. and 14,h Lre.h l'exas Pc.nna, Jn store and fior •A'r 0 VG AR bhda oinetil prime in more'iur in'e by ic.211 FORSVT.I .:'.CO MOl. ASSES-104 I „ ol• .tore for sale by 04 K F 0644711 SALEELATUS—IU ra.i• Jam rec'4lalol (or sa:e by 1,10 WICK & McCANDLIN,I D RY PEAC lIIGS —A fine antele irate I.y With% & 51.c.C&N0LF.,:3 ,c3O • tonic( woad and water +ta H&MS, SIDF.I and etiIOUI:DERS-30 cake J.? r^e d and for pal, 00 j.. 10 AT .CO ID JONES „N 10 DEA IOUTIS-10 sar 11 •to store for +ale Ina I.y 11 ,eOO FORtWTII OCO 4VW W 1111 LE ( rUbl: I` l by T An zV vi. 101681 w Nn W Market., cornet Pion) WHITE HAVANNA BVOAII-0 bqi;;;;;• •• perior 'Owe Havanna Sugar.just reeelvra and for sale by jean MILLER & RICKENUN N APOLEON AND HISS E ORRALS, I J' Head fry l'w sale by Jr:l6 JOHNSTON & STOCKTON CHECK S-- A ad.huonal supply of heavy Strrting Cheeks, ust reed st the Dry Goods Douse or jeSal W NIURPFIV HOlllB LRAOUE DRILLS—A . ore fror e . s t t the above popular good,. lon ri 'ANIS( E or Joel Fred and for sale:by rruG EBEL ONEIDA CARB—Pid R 4 for Gale by . jorr, SELL,I,R2 HVD. POTASH —N oz. just reed and fro ao:o by j 0.15 ' R E SELLERS WAFT.IIE/D.w .ID3-10110, s11 , 11 ,3 D—::0 !Ada No I to 5x.e5a4,715i11tt:,),..,,,,, • INSERD OLL-34 bble hitt received aud for .alc by Ir 2. MILLER & HICKIITPON Q A LT 7 IO ease. Talde 3 lir i l . l . a/ 0 by rent L , RA TilEll6-2.1C10 Ihsgood Live Gees< Frill/els /1` 111 Hare and for sale by 0.19 I DICIIO,IC A CA:/, arum and hoot iis 11 1 , CIDACCO-30 his Is Lump, 5a,1124, ICs, aid Bal -1 'mote Plug, on band and for sale by • jell TtILIEV &. BEST Common/L1 A ELA-2.0110 111111 epael.l, Clgarr,. lo,um Common dm in some and for .1c by TASSIII" & KIST B APON AND LARD—I ca. assorted Bacoh; . I bbl No I Lard. loin For sale by PCIND6XTERACO Plo country cure CI eon; 31 , 01, bulk doh • •Id tacks Dried Apple. landing •nd 1614 AS DALZELL f,,'! TA LICII-55 lases Foes IC licinnatal dn.c4. an L 3 A No. I anal, reed per wr Tallman, nod f. sale by fe2.l 0 IT MILICN BICKNER HEll2P—llo haler Mn. dc;rlied neap.. cow. sigoweln and for rale by :ALL:X.OOSOON N•2l . 54 waar and 155 Now on LARD-4 kegs Na Leaf, yeat. do do, for rale by jetl WICK & Mee N CILEN„4 B UTT KR-4 bbl. ffe , r v e i fas .zl,, I ; sy AND L F..5S Jraecur wood and seater al f 10 - 1110 N-150 Mew. for sale 1. as:, WILLI AAILI DILAVOR :It* wood In A 7 g 1 1 . 1:11r/T—bab i l:I v r ., old Rectified 1 . 0 nr i c ,, ud N for F un_yo by j l; ; , A mLly Flour s4or j aV and - for ACKERE L-10 bbl. No. 2 a rare and for sale . leO-I • 11 aJ SI.OA N I • RISI2IED BRAD-10 bbl. No. 1 .lore and 1 forhal jc2s 111181.0 AN ' T Airaim. OIL -156. rely Sian. Do, 49 ea.] and for rale by 1.35 1 01121,14.._ 11 A A lt/L . MtL .. — i tS b lrs j e:! .. po.l , l „ , fm;f:L.- - • , , 9BAco—.lggs G tvrm Tobacco, 6 .1" '.",° 44 X siclandlor J DAI.ZEL F I. No 97in ae I o el; _ .10 • No. n ai R Vair by Jen ERDIASI CLAY tons reeOl •eu rWe by ,1 " TA,O.EI' 1 111. T, 91 wood st „-- Ti - , t - _, zw .---.;;E I - t ; ..,,,,_--.•- m : , , , ,1 1,.7,- , .. -clIILTICITI” - p % rit • ~,, F , VITT OP II ALTLIMILZW, VALUABLE Reid Estate la lbalaly al Habaroacti Palate Pale by THOMPSON' GOVlll,,Anaft et the Ralurnor Esehanne on Friday,lld Istly,,a VAL- I; A ItLE rAIE In the Western panban of that e 4 at Me estrenoty a, &tentage' street. Awl adsolnlnir propeny oPanbert lalluatte.Elq n pf._,E4atandsoastbet late Janne Glnn, An. As a pnesPe ilvaee unoutp•ssed in beanty of situation, anAaa an Ini/Mt meet renal prowe Welty valuable. Elta:Adesniseenent in Baltimore paper& _ By isha'D. Davis, Asetioaeor ---• I ON hareday morning, the In at 100 ae--1 7 . at the Coma •.xial Sale. Llama, tone of Wood at a ad, street., will be sold wnaaat rosette lactose a etai r eta an ptomain .3061.0m.,t or.e.mata. Dry Goode, GrJerenet.Qoaenewara,FElibinf i ike• Mktg rJeCk on, P. M. 5 blf Outs Y ll. Tea, 5.5 Ib. Sparthfia Indigene , fiercer Rice, 2ro lbs batty Innwocrapping paper, band bonen, 6411100e5. grams sr y 1401,134, CMG, CO*lll Wye., wagon bones, a 011.111127 rlf qtwenaware, glualrase, tel ornament, awn.. lap.; • g,naral emonwent of Hod Wrohr and li:when Fornitare, Mantel Ckcks, feo4he t beds, bednitta, winds In blind", tn. • Al 9 o.C.:ock, P. M. .A general assortment affte tablet and poekat eutlew, [Talent pl.'s, handsome wooers, magical laatrunsents, re. and wand band Watches. • pawning of screws, files, rasps, latches and wher hardware; boot; sloe., umbrellas, pwaaols, ready nude cloth lag, to. jar Adzatnlstraters Salo et /tea Estate., 12,200 Acres of Land in Weston Peen's. at - - AUCTION. . • • Wednerdayohie bit day of September, at We. %.J at the C0011131C(CIlli dales Pooma.earberof Woad and hui eta., Pittsburgh, The Collaeriag dominated Imid, ❑te the pn.peng of lame. Trimble, dr., &reused, of Harnsbure. Nine hundred acre! of which lies In the comity Of blamer. viz— . . . . Nes 39,719 and 760.1 n Pr:lntoning ihnonohip; e. 3079 m Freneh Creek toornthip. - Eight honored Acres are In the tenuity of Crawkorti, etrt No ,1333 in Rochdale tornis.hi p; in Athens do; ;. lead in Richmond do; • MCP in Comm do. bordred and illy acres Aire In tke county of Erie, mei Nos. 197,'2)17 and No. And in Waterford tutroAlp, within three mites of the town of Waterford, No. 1950 io shanty township Nine Minciond ail bandied and fifty acres are in 0. .emin iv of McKean. viz: Nos. 349,=00, 57th, 7706, 3711, 3715 MIS 3731, . . The ',boor land, willbovoid in .cp•TA. , fa...— 'no. in Mercer, Crasilbrd and Erie eoundeo Ire prin . tipsily its meta of Ynt , core. Winn of which GO011110: cosi and iron Orn,and da well intepird be farming Those in :McKeanrouni.Tore.principally In-tracts of 100 ar0..., each welhresteretinnd covered with Umber, :rye town or Carydan Woo on pan t f the original twit. Tide indl.potab!e—Terms at nit • Tiltlit H.TRInItILE. 1.,,,,,,i mr . rn • Will.llolitl, jc W , ltt4 cos JOHN D JUNVIS.Aticer Akre. Whig, Mintilvilie Dacca. and Exic Gazelle dai copy until cold„ Hood bill and roper. null chaise u. (see. 17 • Large sale Of Filmdom huts. Heady glade Clothing, kn., kg. Wll.l. be eald at lu ottoek this morning. at Davis' Cominerriai Aviv. Rooms, corner uf Wood and Fififi 1,1. 10 der, roperfine French stale linen badmen !Minot . 4 ilr en botem shirts, straight body and Yoke. do run pintas; • 3 do do plain; ' • al pairs super tweed pairs, lined through; 13 fine C.4.916101t do, fancy and plain; • • 31 " coVonade pants; 9 ;weed and asatirsicre toed.; tit pairs Carrie (Natalia with poeko,.; 43 1 " brown drill overalls, ' 49 Canton Flannel Drawers; Tegether won a quantity of fienay and cheek shistr, mundabotor, demi (rock., . Ilouoe !Ind Lot at Aocttoo. ON allternoon the OVA kn. az 3 o'clock will be eold on the premises. Om valuable lotorGromd thunte near the corner Or Elxib and Grant mettle, ba n tug a (tont et .17 Get *a Sixth street,,and extending back luu feet. on the rear of which is erected la throe .at Bock Building which is rented at 1150 per aseturx. Title indisputable. Tenn. SIMI cash, balance la two equal no on payment. , with inierest, to be scoured by boort so.i.martgells. jag HEALTH, HEALTHI D. WOOD'S daridpdrilla lisid Wild L.l.Cherry Hittars—This neve and Vafeeble Ex= tract of Soiraapar.lle and Wild Cher:76as been used Prat •vilbeld for 4:e. PCNillrieUt reNaval of all ouch diseaors aa take their rue from as Implore mate of the Mood promoter e health? a etia P of the Lieer— reoFthros We rrervea arid id Fire secures bealih and neat to the whole system. In all emelt nfoJaandree, Indigestion, Dispepail, lo of PP‘lite. II abituat Corjsenesa,Herofida, Headache, Languor, and that . Deprrsatop ai Spirits, orkieb is so common • complaint the 8;11113{40d Pommes seuana of the year, this medicine has moth. equal—and i a mot *II matinee the 1110•1 incroditioge o( it. peen- • in virtue. For further particulars the ;:tottt it gerund to the pamphletitwhich rettlbefardabed by die AgeJtiall'• nag the domattonln which this valuable medicine is held by those who have used it. We-Caution in the Public Ile - particular and . ask for Di. litrood`a Ranaparillo and Wild Cherry Moen. and receive soother. Thaw the tint prep.innion of these articles combined ever offered mid public, azd the . peancro*ie attending it. de hail induced the totprinelpted to eneituerfett did unit tate. Aita preventikt, one theft Ite'boUlu Ilene-the word ' , Dr Woodie Sartapdilla a dd Wild Cherry Bit ted' pressed on the glad, and that each label on the y the proprietor, L. Thonotors, Jr. m* ;4117d7 a etrje d rq 6 leal id.aElsil, by WYATP it ISKTCIII. Atli grads' aura.. tut setae wed., blew rnfill WA ittortiet rowel, ithil I'. a. natevait. iffnaiddiek' Itrf, Pittsburgh. Pa. Price. Al—largo honk.. %le - - - - - Mead mud .liaesiego roe Yourselves! ALONDON Lever in tka Boston Travellerof Ma lath of I:ver/ p ers onn who eon get money enough In leave the ronntr7 is doing` so All the ships bound to the U plates or Lanadot. age crowded. Any price a paid lon por•ae act rani too talon Me mewed/ of FuSu ong entbaak triad Mips, p s, Which rove theta Mal:. the recent demarifet shipwreck of the Exmouth i. a Co. in potato Ohs had two hudrad sad :emigrant, vase only 240 tone bonbon. and not fit ny voya,e Theramsequerce was, she was lost mate: gale of the 11741, a ternfie sale, wbich you cor respondent witnessed ,all on board with the exception of Mace person. rerteled. oa panics In America, send money to th•tr frig de, Wh Ireland, to pay 0y their welllie tbe United 8111105, they should ',levy& go tO known house of /deans Hamdcaa N leek or Umtata:who not only have kind and faithful aernts at Loreto.* and the iviaptivie of Ireland. but they always give emigrants a paugge in dtat tins AllwW0•11 packet salpitakeltare they air properly an rommodatrd, and encl.°, Wet 4provilmot, they.. kindly atonekd M." • • .- Melo HAFYNDEN &Co.'s Passage and litentlitanee Ogre. Fifth *trek, one door W.I. Wo od. • • ..10SITU A ROBIN OS EntelpesA Agent 1:3=112 149LF AU PDX. • CONCERT very Evening lbw Werk,Py . ileisrs SNEASS,AISKIIIT.sid nugrlan. , A DMIOSION 14 CENTS. Programmst. Kneses Nes., Dues*, Pokno, --..... -,.. - -..-.--, ehort,;, itte 7 % - i - tld Raccoon Track, Murphy Pont, deat h of Warren, Korot.. • Sailed, the Wad.", Marhreo. - ' Murphy Solt; Aceordeon. • Bantle) Cebrus, Hlgory,of the M arid. Murphy dr.Co Boni. toy Boyhood Home. from Arnelle, Knew COMM Song. Clamming Benny on the Retell of Ball Murphy Solo. IN ' ordeon, ; - Hawley. Laterstalaidene. Boone, tome o'er the Brooch& Ileski!dorphy k Koeu.. Ha lid. ny the Break side, Koe I doh Song. the grove, of Blarney, Murphy. ' ' - Salo Aceordenn . - t °. ' l° ._ 1 ' Doei , e Mary,Bien_. - Ktr-as• & idtaphy. Beihal, Knew., . •' Comm Ski, Sterphy. . S , to. Aecord&A. Huntley nnale. Lit op in the Wining. Irriee Cream Tiekets_l2i ceett. 1019 ritir the flammable, the Judge• or the Cohn of Gem. rel quarter Sersionua Peace, la and in the county of ,Atllegkreny. Tee Petition of loha Shafer, ot the 'township of Pine, on the mnany aforesaid, humbly aheweth, that }an petitioner halh pravided himself with motet al. for the accommodation of trurelen and others, at hit d wellinh,Mutie, in the Township afores uid and prays that poor Wow+ will bepeawd pm horn • license to keep a Public Hone*. Entrnainment. and your petite:lnt r,•it in duty bound, will pay.. . #EIN till,hrFEß . IVc. the sethicribers;eitiscw of the Rearnithhof Pine do certify that the above petatener is of good repowibc 110.11 , 7 ienariewnee, and is well provided who bowie roam and consenienreir for the Remedy:elation and lodging of strangers and trawlers, and that said tavern is necessarr. . . Peter M 0... Thomas Rector, Henry Good, George Roeersi Speaker (initiate. Wm. W• Rogers, Hobert Samuel Henry, John Graham, Ttice.Cochntn, Geo rireer,',u Hoge.. JellkLix• ‘IIIW GOODS—Jun received at Hinge Wood at, op iiaine, a few dore'n or dame very fine, fashioaa. side plan. Troy manefactured Shine, with Hymn and standing collars. A few dwelt fine Silk Elastic easpenderr, and I can of a new 111 nele manufactured by the Waterbury Man. Coi.Conn. /Hack *inn Striped and Plain Satin AdjustlngStocks, very' narrow for summer. A beautiful aibrortmont of Satin Cravats, 14ht and dark colons. - true on,, fine Wilton and Hrasool. Carpet Doge. tr.c.• 1.-.1 - receired ttda morning aad for sale at Faelorf ea foji ' Ilk E TODD Ir4l Agents for Easternklanufamorcts =E:M • • • • QIIACLErTI WIIITEJM Wood mreet,Pittabergb, are receiving a few caws of desirable and nettle gowds, wh,eh will now make their stocks eery comp l ete, and es trmardin•ry goods for thireealion of the year. They tiairc a large assortment of fancy Priem, drew good*, s w um edsmer wear, gbawls, White goods, blinithaut ta s and Te. . Io DIILIIAK 00001. VINE WATCIIa., JEWELRY . SILVER WARE, LA MP S, es—A large and well selected stock &l amp on head at the lowest pelt.. I•ent, Pencil. and epectriclee—.lh tame .apply /et; received. Watch repairing done in the very best manner. W W WILSON jetie co her 4th and market at. SUNDRIBiIb-22taae Feathees; 35 aackstioober Yeas; 2 Rile do; • ti Wile No.l Lard; it betas repacked Caitiff, Y Lap Wool, - on begs; • • " I boo Fleets:lt Fly limb. and Faso; now landing and for sale by trie9 I DICK FY &CO _ _ N°TICE—The therYboldenp or the Pinsbergb end Allegheny • Bvidpre lro npany. for CreCtlllg t Bridge over the Allegheny Itiv, trot the erd of bland cruet the hovel.). nonfled that the annual eleetion for • I.:col dem, In Manners, TlVa.ler and a gleamteacl•be held on the lit blender of July next, at th e ay's Homo, North me of the Bridge. ate o'clock, Y. • , Jetta( • Wht MORRISOS, Preeldent. NEWHADLERY ILAILMVAik Howie- . MIC HAUD T. LICIIICCH. Jlfw 1 - IMPORTER and Denier In fladdlaryaludgeora and 1 Carriage Trimming., Is now receirinfrlarge add. 110. to his stuck, directly from Unatingnant and the eutern Al onefactorley, to which he ...Peed"?' Idyl). tin. attention of annotated. and dealer. Tenentilly. /.25 A, AL adthtionr • , ,d correction. by lbe 111. Rev. Ira ac ?miner. A Al R 9, Dom or CatlEole, and New& nt gulen's b , JO NSTON RURICTON E ima—t b otr .N N: l 3 b oioo , erroli , • . to elf belo No. I Mad; • tree N. I baboon, " 3 able No.l Macke); Hor We ie26,t21 A DRAyo,tr, pm 641 sr aad market of WANTED—By alma, atm +OM Mu sand I radar arprooliceekip in ono of the Ono romis.ioa liolius in duo eltoosion noCisit or Book keeper T 6. bon Warman as *diameter and uosta aalifica givers.. Addresa a line to,Boa Ma, Post °dies. MEd& 'DOW. LUST -On Ptbby, b Ankh mt., • gobi dirosord Watch K. iloo Soder b• Itbor*Lly rwors•led by leaving II n Ilia offteo, or subs oromott its osbwr. bet No. o, pometereist Roe, UP., 111. J... 29 • FLYILEY if MOGIEW .• . CINCINNATI AND PITTSIII;OR . - - ~ '. 'DAILY PACKET LINE. rpm well known Igne of splendid pauenger Stearn :Lan Ili noweolonsed of'Llbe largest, 1... f.,,, Iws, finished and reran ed, and most penernd Ina. on the • • waters of. the West, . 1. :' , .0....... bed ma- • - fon that nenter r e r an 'tonne, ata been parrta• a kw pa.- • stingers. Theune has bee" nt opet•oon for hap,..ry, —hare earned a W han million of people with. to e kn.& • , ' Ocred:treet 7 the'day prey - •en stan'iiinighe.i:7lte' foot eeeep 'f . ' •• tine of (eclat and the entry, of passengers on lac 'eg it- • ter lo' a ll cues the Mange mosey tour,,, ps i ia • ethane*. • rm:== • The NIONONGAIIMA, Cam. Stom;srilt train Piuo burgh every. Monday morning M 10 o'clock; - M• miters Moada7 evening at 10 P..hl • TOZJIDAT_PiCKET. Inirt HIBERNIA, NO. 11. Capt. • J. EtirmWre., will leave Patobargh every Tuesday IMOnthig at to &Moe ; Wheeling eves/ nerds,' ea going at WEDNESDAY- PACKET. The NEW ENGLAND. NO. SI, Capt. A /W+, *ill knee Pittsburgh !MT . Wednesday - morning at ID o'clock; Wheeling gamy W00.000.Y. evening MID " • TINVAIDAY PACKET. The WISCONSIN, Y. Cept.R..r. Grerr,wat Piet. bee Theev'day ret every.Theredeyeeoeneee 110 h lee M. ch/eh: Whevling evry evry PEZDAY.PAIDKIET. Ile CLIP/1A.140-14 Capt. Crlials,wlg trure Pi!tt towel evelg aiday morning at 10 delocli; W herrn,' Mry Friday evening , allO P.M. • SATURDAY PACEILT. The EIFSSEIVOER, Capt. MORA, will leave Pow bwgievery Sunday morni Pt II 400 . 0 K ki .11 keeling every Slag:War evening at l 0 P. 111. /VADAT PACKET. The ISAAC NEWTON, •Cmpt. A. U. M... WO' leave piWburgh every Slanday morning w 10 n'elock Wheeling every Solway evecnig in 10 P. M. hl • IS.. 1E47. --- M ICA-13 ht . chests Y. 11. Ten: • -3 do Imperialanpanni Teat • • d th do; 3V :atty. boo Y. II Tesi er 45 do Superior 33 do • Pageboys .do; _E9 do Superior V. 11. do; Jot received sod for rale to by lett MILLER &Slab:WON --- MKAll—Tbe•nobreritwr has jail teemed from kik .I. Pekin Tea Corepnny's store iu Nei. Vorli.n &c.c. 'poly of TKASjurt imported, rontisting of all the en. ttnfin. fnmt 3 2 1 cto. 10 //lAD per lb. A JAY NES, • JeitS Pofe Agent for taneite, No. IV ith Pi WASHINGTON AND Hl* GENERA Ls. by. J T Ileadrey.''Thia day reed and for aide JOHNSToN f. prrocicroN ;els •• corner of marke nL d lra A.• CABBY DABICILTS—Cerd end Fruit Itaigeteof 1: white nod black Berlin lion. brown wiltow work baskets. and a morel slyte made of tidy cotton. in all form*, eau be obtained at ,retie VllFB,•l`etintiful aarl alld irory Fins—o tryingta price Been eight to three dollaru—esul any queastty :of less pnee down to twenty real. at .KATOBB,ll3mathet st IlDir'S of brochet and once *inches, i oth white and colored, WOileyr, nlippers, ermehela, Neel Bead Bags, always Da hand and can Mamie 'wanks at shalt mace. • r _tr:IIV2sLATIL ' W TIC DTO t0 w nf.H . 23,F , .. ; Lb: twenty. horse pawn' cash. A/Mee+. A B—left mans seam, kiNkte . K.Wh iN agl ,VP AryfternlarC_. ! FATZ:dr;co. st ' isr th err wad Gm ealc at toe beltand &mammy Welsh rase of 1097. JUIINMIN k ISTotISTON fLAtia CAMMENF:S—tIaaIt and Kb,le barred sossaerCasabeis.n—fasitionable roNI . I n 7 ka NC'PHV U VITO NETTS—Narrow and 4..dei "'kart., ill pled and srein.i. a abpply ree•iird at )116 ,IIICILIURPIII °MUM EIONES-111100 Cigars, vanons braad • %. , :Oot reed aa car3Aameni frau, 4? and Or sale by Jcl3 _5O 14BI.TRNO*R114 , L L I Y wale! st WINDOW WASS—Ts tY 1! " y it Or Nall, by jetd A F VON uuxr , iisugsr b- CO OIL 661.118.atp Jew 8 p VON BONNBOBB'r & co • Flf/MEM 431.11011AP15-Taro'ea Fianna and Earls= thnghamgalun rceaivr c d mid dm late' by_ .1818 • SHAMCLETT & WHITE. ida.and COLORED CAMEIIII:7II—Onn ea, etide and den& .lord Cambrieq Jun opened and foe sale Ly Jess 1311ACKLLTT & 1C111:1'd COTTON DIAPIAS—Two caw, b kat bed and brown Cotton Diapers, an extra g r 4 xrueie,jasi reed and for JrnS etiACKLETT MOIL= DRILLINO6—I cam 6.1,74,10,c Drills, LP Just ree'd arid for sale by , 1.10 ' : SHACK% . *WE _ L3lllll-60 bbls i*rals Na. MaelteratiiE , s., r "7- •. Herrine far .1 , 1099 •CL Iltgr & THAW. Co:lait'n..lo ---- [7ITDIITIIIp— obbl. •toani.h Whnina iunom tar sale at cost and carriagelly I DICICE.I" a, CP Jetil •5•3t , r cl (nviLD Midi ..di , tev 9 bostllle for vtle by, leas I DICKEY PO CUME&X—OXIbw&Y.wai; landing iiud will be old my Olelb• by I & CO lIGAR-4 bhdafor sale /ow to Nose consignment by ~ Jae . • I DICKKV b.OO lAOZ BUTTONS—aI gross meduionllse Lase La &was for ladies dresses, for aale at the Trimming store of 1 }eight F H FAWN ,"'AttIAOATICIP SIM P-4 las .t V JIM Itt4 and bar sale by R E SELLURS 51 smod B[HD CAGES—A Wye lot. kootifol pattern. lare reteirenang fia Ule b, RTOWNfEND &Co 3.1612 • • 19 =Oka at pts ININTA.I,— . 4400 ts •Moll and -Cold 1 Hlddt, forsele by . • .I , IIIEND..ItHEY t. CO V jel6 . 4 No 871raird MACHICILICL-250 Ms No 3, Largo . South. il&tacketel, Boma Inspection, landing and for sale Jell/ by MAGA Lti & SMITH C OTTON-I:b b a . te r s , Tenn ao es:uon; jd9 t'ar sale by SOAP - Yo " f jd MILTENB Gh2 :4 • AGAS--40 entry Ibis hicoe Ctreini --- 15 - do .EDra riee; focoale by jell 'WILLIAMS k ecr, 111 abodes_ SUGAR pukatllAvs-15.016.,ju0 received and Ssr nip by • - Al te' 4 ODIDEND kat, • ite opoimabeie ilosi. F*WILY LA RDa-70 Slone Jan, put ezpressly for V Wilily ono, from 7 up 30114 cash hr—G.r sale by jnII_THOS O ODIORNE SCYTHE ONEATUS—OO dos, Comm. a. Patrol ktr.le low by TWO 0 ODIORNE Jul! Opposite Monongahela Heise FLOUB—H bbl. Presh Otound newly Floor, to store and tarsal. , by jell I,DICKEY & CO. water anal (mat sts DALAI 80•1•- , ..WO Lou. landinilicrel;...inTer &ti t. Rush, for sale )411 JAMES DAI , 24 waser nrtet oat ir —lOO anal I box.. p.l K6 l 6 717,1 1 1 ri .w. 41.1124 reeehred 220 forsaly by . 1211 Corner .4.269122fr0 nt . 1401.443 . 1:21-60 ibis P. H., jun received pan tos,. Onpasphst az* for . II HA .11. int I nut side of the yaidd. - . VG° FITZ WRILIIILNY—aWite 8f o Whiskey ter main in qnnauneate suit purchaser*. by P C IiTIN riLAIS—Stos !usassottcd styes; firm raem 1 , 140, %-rberrtenantry Wands, in store nod for are by J C BIDWELL, Wrirer HAVANA SIJOARGO bx linnyo; _ 30 bxs W hitr , for ..k by 3015 FULLER k RICK hTnON RICO COPPZI2-14te bags prune Gme Rio Coder lor eale. by • - jelD IIAtiALEI' A 8111TH TAILOU—I 00 bri Foes rn a b^ 1.7 • UtthEY I 4.l.llll.llllfol—Ocaoks to arrivs, for salts by • ale ISAIAH DICKEY & COI ITANILLA BYAd—Large size ond for, V tittle by. jets it J D 540111tAN TAR -25 hb/a Noah earolina Tar, receiving by fa , ad and for We by J p.. LZELL TANNER 01L- bbis receiving - Ca 1y anal and 'S 415 kink. by sill J 'JAI:ZELL VII= Etalele—xu . 00ti in store Mt for riale by r jolE ....-- J DAL.ZELL 4, 121ACIIS Barter ou ceasig • 0 NM DACOS SIDILS—In 'tom *ad fa MI. by IJ lett — & RA RBA 1.1311. vretraj HMILIII4-73 bxs W. Cheese foren'o G }en W R rmi.rwr itl! -61 411r:efrrYiiltyx piQin-cat; eifitid lafor e.leb LEER PICK riSCON 10FANZ-40 05. , 1 rata. ed and f j orza t7 . o .60 RAM BRANDY—OId Peach Mandy, !or gala D in gaaatilierb raillD P C MA RTIN f R. BLACK, Alerekant Tailor, Exchange , . dingo, EIL Clair meet, PinsbaralL Gssza APPLES-40 lobls, w arrwra ni e,der.or.ele jeW I C MART bytiBBABIR—.3 bev. mall White Ar Beans for side ly C ARTIN, Jam received end for rale by /minimum WILEONAOLIi, ever e ACIOX —WO Ibt Bacon Sider rot sole Bkg IKAL. R pIeO,IITCIII-:ON - _ TWIII7-111 1 kelt 'he Tab./bib r ot v by WtK ihkeUiPtirotv OT more Oltd r•Ale by. .1.0 if Alt CA N1)1.14,‘ — 011:0111 1 V -4 A Tiek:Alisiiiiifi. - (bisyai by — A. /4 4 WICK 84.bleCANULF88 Fll4ll/01,11F—tosebo F r slbeno /or safeby ' n u Cllsrog C 111.40 bblo No 1, Jost ree'WOo,l/ur oak jag,- by /1 E . _.../ 11 / 1 .1.1.:11.4 Jon:rreerea and for tale bpi •,. . ' J KIDD& CO, co wood or , IT TARN-150am good quail!), for role I, Intl - W & X WCVTCII F:Ord gatoaaviao OingST-10bbl•0n baiid And / male by jeY7 ALEX. G( ssm , m. B AlD°lll—woo k" VIL!R irSicet..STS E.tif w a/ahrs PANACEA bss Jan re ed •tol for • ;cc -kW by R E SELLERS B DD A J CI . I;(-000 lb. Hog Round kri sale by '----- - -WICK it lieCAliol,l,4s frOW AND FLAX YARN—Fer sale by L kl{ ' MON& MeCANDLESS Fm.otris—ao. Md. 8.P., es hind NM tbr ule by kit • auguruoos WILSON aco P re 111.011t—POCeas Wakening Flunaein al " 4:lfrirali QPTIO. 77111P/Clllll2llli—so bbls roe'd and hr 1.7. sift by Jraat A URAVO, A4lll-47.seks masa, salted to • Sall by j.,5 Teeel•sd Sad ITER & Co IBICEY-130 bble ell li,tbr male by J BUZIM ' w/ILSON &CO
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers