The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, June 30, 1847, Image 1

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A Lk...1A., uleat I.UktOON, C01141018•10II am'
Ih rwalthng Alret 11, 4 Wasetiuld Fro l oto.
[of LL
i TWOOD, JONES & C 0.,) Commlasiou and
.1X I ...meol.hg hlen_hlinte,h•Vh TettUtted teammate
d '''' ' ' "t ••"•!E...TddadV,r!",__ano.Sd'' 2 1
1) WIN C NESTER, dealer Its all k,neaof IV,
.1./• fettled nod LAnneor tegars. Spanish Leaf, and
he elnerew liodenoi rhooria6Tooh6m, wArdd""" d
.7:1'1 . 1 P .?!,.... n dd' d 1 ttt " ; -,..i......„.. *1t ,„ . .:
Vil l.C.icrl ,
DILA UN & ! LEITER, AV &aleend Saud
.1.1 Inu..•;•, COM.' of Liberty •&• "Au "el.,
rafale• tab l'a magt.
1.1 A • FAIIZiESTOCESe , _WtealenHe k
.1.• . rela; . l lirogn.••• ~,,, ier IA .4 •td ma ata. NI
B AGS!. EV & 6.111T111, Avh
&ale Onment, 18
- --
1111111.1. ILIA.G.ICEN &SO Wholesale lime
~,, Cud ti,t, ; , v a • ta,r, co tag la amt. ho•
wren .4 oild tb4.Norte .!I..Phil ph.- nore
g • A. At e .1:11.11.1' V & CO, Forwarding
ar atul
la.; ettnoweion ateiela as, Clknl lta,u, PatabgL,
Fa mut&
at • °RC ANDO LOONIS, &Jamey at Law. of-
A., • hie en I:b •,, AI , V 4 734iihrd. _ Knt_
Win i`cie le John F Jennings. J. W . Hallman.
igi LE 3 1A Y, 11•111... I AN & LO• klanufarturem
lit ot A erne , , -it.ettaa .% 1 ire, 111. H. and SFS.*
eLer. ~,d 4 . ra ler• to l l
naoh Ana= np of every (IC.-
,1,0,n. o.ut.oet. , 0.. ht. CIL.. iill. Warshaw 13
Won •. -, ;i ; len, .e• t Lentesthsel _
N"rl NG 11A.P3 &DO Nig . ll.. Wholesale Una
Vimals. .....)n and Fora - rdiag Marchan&
bud l'auburgl mannfactasys, Na
IF% , l'oLF.wah iaa3
e r n ilaux~rtc
r m IL
i t . F. L lV 4 l , Gl . llyl , V , a r g . cmsaora
and Fury:anima nlerr_liatua DealOs 111 Produce and
Vand,ugali Man •mtra Sun. benrema %Vocal
and 1. r.criv.
waulevala and retail
Slaply Vaimur Goods. Yiam
thatiM - Alur4et Ikar Lag.), Pa.-
burgh. OCiU
nd Family
I li. Fit if, Dealer IS l'rodute ow. _.roly
. nen.. I , LtheDy to, near door to ear
ner oi Mrr,es jlB ty
JS,C. Unnloo. J. iittliMolll
CLOY a sOW "CLL. Attorneys at Law,
jJ °dire. oei.tliford, between 24 aiid 4th am.
D th , o It E. .1Z tf.I.TON, Wholotalo Greer.
.•. u rmr,d, second door from
my 4
LI Mu I' /MIS 011.6.22.
A 4C. u EUIILART, Whaleaala Oro-
r-ra, sirt P.....b.ert and Pdabargh
arra, cuttLer of lalytts ansi Hand aa., Piusbargh, Pa
T,:n h IS 4 A; N. . ••11, L.= • • •
O tit::: NUT T, Gate Ennliab. Gal.
a..p.c-nle Grocer , . Conzoneston and
ForwArdlng and Dnakra in Produce and
Yffisi.urgli No.= Wood etnee4 between
Strand end To.r.i cod,
AL: lt..t tt a Jac Auorneys al Law,
uno, u mar doors nearer Graai struck,
on Foultit 10 420, t Old House. apSdlos
- • -
17OLVA %V AUTZWIE.LI3%.II.,A 110(-
:.•• • tciunved mess oleo so the south
awe t.• 01 1, •LI. urnscett Chet's) , Alley . mid Grant
h, %Vs(
t.ts, 11.6 e). ° dames Wood.
leti 0, au & co., Wholesale Gqwers,
I C.'ll/11111N...1. htesehants, and Afentikkot
Bel On
Cones 1 at., NOS is V. met and to 3 l- root sttesq•
hutah.. a.
r4 .. ns o tru F . o erne
, I:4 l • l 3lll ' z . eture ood : and ,. t e ll
ibend-hoene,Tll: roasren.
FOILSIiTH a< Co., Conandirion and Fbranading
Mei. Imam N.,. 40 What're , . l'ilthburieh. innyl4
L'IRANCIS 8 sztaxas, theder, Corambetion
r Merchant and dealer in Produce, Conlar, Oda.
he. ht. No. liii , erty•st, near Canal Marie. rinabargh,
N. It unlottu. h. Manilla Rope, he, Morays on
band. ' • toro
1f:A.1 . 03i, Dealer m diores. llo.ier) ; end
J: • I d Trioanoug. as Market meet,
jot,. VIA.T.SX•3I PALI' I.
KORGE .11000A.9 &CO Wholesale Ci •
c.,••• mad C0ni..011.1 Merelluots..lo3 Wood &Me
a. ...a,
(.y,t). A. DERRY Wtodosale meet
god Dealer on,r Pr. 411. and
o 4 lure. No ID Wood at, Pinshorn.
M. B. Brown.
SMATII h. Co., Brewers, blohnoto.
de.tiors in ..op.. roLoourgh and Point Brea
not ran and strri,.. jnol
Cik...vlrtgElleCr°<llCont., No. tit ‘f !' ods ' trer,Porobu F z;j:
Su nil. ~.. ilia. - lie*. U. /1.0:00.
lIILL /a 1313.01117 N IC, r cossora w t . .ll i ! lttic
1..p0''',..U.71.77;111.'="r Viarehouse, No. 87 Wdod
."-....0. rol.taugl .1011
HA . S A BitnICKWAT, Druglists, fir , Yeas:G
--,t CJ.I RO, near the canal lrum, P:ttalargh
/ Nlanniactarer. hunt b. 0,1 Merchant, can of Lin
erty .A O'Mara sra.aattabaritt. erg
laallll DIGGIT• 11.0315 T DICEZI, Car
ISAIAH. DICKEY Co, 'Wholesale Grocers,
twolanon Iterrehmtn and dealers in nod.; Not
nntLLE Front streets, roastnstait. ania
OsYPIIKNOX, Auosney at Lair. Pittratnall.
cl , h e.. tcsunitnt the marl: ce of bi, rtofeaanto In
In• °Mee v.,11 • Budd ng, tir.ort &Met ot.
earn"d donut{ h:. ati..earr by T. J. Utgham sad 'J.
eitr , le• a.../r/Ap r.bdtc••ll7
JoD. aII)B.GAN, Wholesale Manila, and diialer in B Steain % , Varnishes, an,
N o 9 it Wood street ye , tour tluorVain Sou Oils th of Diamond Alley,
A 31E8 ILEUM, la. a Co., (Gureettors Jo.epb
Va. Va twl Ship Cpaipliers.3o itt. oral
IWI Wholesale..lM Retail deal
tn 31usio sod Aluoient Instrumento, Pebool Boots,
Paper. Slater,Stest Peno Printers' Card., mod
/Rammer) erne roily, No. et Wood so, Plu.b.aritt.
1r Rap. loughor uYen to %Mao osplrP
ISCIIOONAYAKER & CO. erbolesle Drug' J • p \o. Y 4 ttiood et. Pittsburgh.
_... aey4s_,_.
OSEPH' JORDAN & SON, Cootarisaion and
J Forwarding Mewls , . ow, Nob Liberty at, loppo.le
~,,, .1 11.snt.roll , Raw. JAWS
, .
01IA L. GALLATIN, Anorsej at-Law. Office
Jjib it, between grant and Stratahel4 scan. vide,
Palrburch. Pa. With a 1.5 one. pry:aptly *Wawa*,
a the alip.nnir romslieg
10L.31 IL BAY'S,' AUCTIONEER, camel FlAh
J and Wood .trecta. l'aisAangh 6
1 OILIV C. BID WELL, Arr.. Wholesale Orv
al c-t . and Canv.c•Aloil aletclkant. Water Free:, tad
.door .brave the Alunckngabela Midge; Pittsburgh.
[L7 I, NaLl.., WA., be. at gasablactaren., pee..
no , &
VOIINSTON '& OCKTON,No. Bool.llers
anJ ST mlnef aciorers, 44 Marko
st.PitE.bur,ll. I.S
- _ .
1.. RICADieI Ituik Suare,llk, near Market en.
. theological. litatorical, School, Mimed
e•onli :qcOar.:., • licuk4 and Stationery. gpili
W. 11
011IGHTSON s 00.,• Llankerf a rid En-
Jae 'hakes., corner of Wood and Third 'mem,
(Mrvabaner Ilotel Uuthling,) ?auburn, Pa.
rr2 - 7! - urr.qui purebuara al the UP.I MILS. OFIn
0 CY GRIEIL, Wholesale Goseer, deal.. oi Pro
s) d.4e, I...burgh manufactures, Tot Plate, Ac. £O,
No Ldmrty l'otsburgh. %an_
JC.4O Floyd. Richard Floyd-
Jek, 11,, FLOYD, Data J. Floyd is Co.) wholesale
. Grocer+. No. lag Liberty street. . sepal
JARIES DALZit/J., WholcualleretsriConan 4 7
Merchant, and td Praddee and Piusbattyl
toantma-tarra No al Warm. at. Pitubjak. Pugs
L . S. Mr/CT/CI:11A%, Wkplumle Ens.
war.!.tr; t.. 1 Ct ~,,, 1.1.11011 MClChant.,
Mano m tat mama and Prodder, Na. Water
•n. , root M. :P7
&L Wig ittrrcrusox c.,
I.:racers. I , , , and Commi.sion MrtrbsOl,
and .1.. cr,a folgautacuatas; 43
Waker 2EOl_
lb nry n.. 6.. /oho Sloven.
r - n13F.11.7.&14...t iPTO/31, Wholesale bracers,
id roman: lea and Comansoon Merchants, Dralsrs
n rsslure• ad l'ol4hurgh mantifsetiates, N 0413 and
i3aWnerlrn. ?5i..,...reh fe bir3
•- • .
itifirtd. 1..:
- " & ir•IELD, Grocers and Cum-
N. La w.. 4
Atirtl., ws ligna. kr . n _ Niatiek
M. ttljrcel." ;Allfrou es, be 1 .1 2 Cll . 1;t1
and \is el. . hula
ttalew!.k. Grpeer.
1,1 WILLI. C. W. ittCCCC•O2I.
w1L!48.13 YUCKILTSON. Wholesale °ro
le/Cl/1, al , ,:11•141011 Merchants, No 170 Liberty
MING, wholesale and mud Las
waiturunitent. and dealers In lane)
and Fifth sta. Jan y
I 0 .5:11. Who Jeanie bracers, Deilerita
- add ti,tlt. nod Forarardlng and Coanair
l e3 Liberty stud 2)3 Wool weals,
IV/iota Cs
/r... 1.
a.on %lerchan
Pit 4n:ugh. I
& SON, N 0.76 Abate:lo4w%, i
corn.' of Fourth, Dealer. in Fin
, 114114 of rs change, Cer4c9prpl
I . ti vvd Speue.
vn alias prineipai einos
fo. .
' • d0r.17
Ir.,' Co I
1.1.. • B. ' l
via •
M Goods
Wu..tion & cb., wude&a.,.Dry
atesicre, No. 6 Woad wieet; rittibia66
pOINUXITEIt a Co Wholesale Otate,r
. 0 4 c0,uu,•...6 rod Forwarding Marcluum, No4l
11 un-r strtal,
14 - 0161.111:7
of I au
SON S. itEPPKUT, Produce Dee.
merchocao, No V= Second at,
1 .
i. T. L1L1C...1111, Jr., Importer an
li Fwesau sad .I.lalaratia &We ia.y•tia
~ I,imining., of all demenpuem, IS
dull E CO, %Vuulesiot Omer, Connsils
At bunt Airwit-.41r, deAters In Produce and
Patsi,urtit Ltherty .t. opposne SariCkt-
Geld •1... you.burxn. . . ego
101.1AM.D MAUD, sirholcule asul retail dents,
11 bendier, blarocco, shoemakers' Taiiitsaint Find
ing., 'rumen .rd Cut, isis Tao* and Tanners Oil, N.
tut Wand .t. fd.rbunrh. eyll .
11, ••••• gpinnitiion and Forwarding Mere hanuy dea
lers us Predate and Pittsburgh 13danqa4146;soUberty
sueei,..Entsturgn, febM.
0•11%. a. 10111•015.
RROBISON £ Ca...Wlraleva44 , l*.% PM,
. .red Commission Merchants, and Dealers to
rgh Mansfacustes, No, 1M Liberty meet, Pius.
burgh, Pa. 'Jain '
----7- -
1 . ) FL IIA 101/ 11.11.1112,: Anorno at. Lastr. °Mat:, A. Al Wa hi n =
/med. ',
GFoRD A ioo F nutger
LL. ItakewelPs Lleildwas, aea . sly opposoe the '4 • WALLIN CO.,
_ •_ .._—_
.oL,l3ar a. pnastissiu:Ni A 4 1 / 1 0V ARVIND MERCHANTS. NO 11.1 THIRD STREET.
.8 a o.ars• ix LA RG E 1../ splendid:
i . II F.A V': II h A
It D \VA R k: A N D noon/unit of Furallitre.•
‘A ,7 llt i ll ' a U sr...L ,S U 'L- er ' tr a d trett, h L av7eln r Li v : . .l . esd a i n ol Ituaa. ranstr ' Zl l y ' ots no :s " .7:Zl D mltto order.
gale 1110,000 IlDs a..orted Steel. sir Ihe pre.esit stock on hand cannot he excelled - by any
Naylor &Co's Cast.Shcsr, Bloaer and Deanna toel. 11121111.ClUr yid !nesse...tern country.. P,C,.... -fobing
Jotn4 d. quizeo A. Rhster Spring and Fork - to mocha. wouldalo well to trr.., g ten . call. as' am
.I.VO dos shaysts, Ispades and 4 orks , .letenassed my prices .hilt plea*, Part of ake torlt
Carnage -proms and A Itles; . emoens ia—
Anvils, (mouse hole,' Vices, (parrot and common,/ CD Sofas with Plush and Hair-cloth covers;
Pte., Sledge Mould.. Crowharsi Solos MattaganyDurse Ghana
Punt..., Ringers, (Juniata Iron,j 14 put Divans: •
blaltock a, Clay and Coal Picks, It don Ina mahogany Chairs;
Axes. Seythes, Sickles. Log Chain*, An.. hoc., IA mahogany Work Ands: DeSa!arnander Fire Proof Sates. 11011. Nals, talus 1 ..I dos mahogany Rocking Chairs,
and other Pituthurgh Manufactures sold at the 10wa... , 13 marble top Dresaing Room.,
P!"' kWh 1 Spar Ottomans: .
C Daneßboaret, IRe nnlder Sank. ' 1 , marble top Work Stands,
011(1.1IL ES R. DAIIIENIIOWER & VO. ! .. .i.•"?.,1r‘%,711.....1.,
DOBICRT MOORE. Witsls.'s Grocer, Deetify
/Vase Distiller, tralessat Postlass, flgtsthursh , Sliatits•
&mites, mid all Su:ldoor Dossiers sae Menemle Whites
ism Na 11 Liberty street: raitsbarsh
la , " N. D. On hand • yen , Isms stock of supers.
OW Monongahela Whiskey, which veal be sokl I Dr
sash. .`i marl:lly
L. 0. Iltnynnettecr s • J. Ls Pelee.
MIGYEKIL,OP t 6OYBe Forward.* sett CO6I-
AL miasma Mecca. us, for the Allegheny River Trade,
dearer. iu aroeerie.. Produce, Pnteburgh Man alueturea
aud Cakind• of Lime. .. I
The highest prises, in cash, paid at all times for
era:ILIDIVi.: Corner of Penn and Irwin 11.1. , tansl
It 41 klithell;ti r . •'• • 'I hOs. Rlw hie .
(211ACKLETT , It NVIIITE, Wholesnir Dea-
kJ Ina in Foreign and Domestic Dry
No 99
Wood ansim, Lbsobargh . MA:if I
Sa W. liAlitßkliloTiliileieltiinii:&il
ii era i o Fleur and Produce generally and Forward-
nig nod Commission Mothanta, No 9 Wood sneer,
Pittsburgh. Ilan%
aMttlEille.L PALMER, auomey at Lawi Mee
1...7 . 11 Breed's borMing, No Int Foarth attest. hero-ern
Wood. and doititlifield. nov3d&wl y_
STE.PliEWl3.lltltETT,ltilanufrioureiof Fan •
y,Shaving and Toilet faap., Winter sod Summer
incased Laid Oil, he. No 17 'Fitlii .1, betwei h Wood
arid Market sts. Pittakargh. Pl. . iwill
Mahogany, klaole Cherry and Poplar Ilealtheada of
all ...rewound and a large asmotortat at gammon
Furniture sod Cheirs, too ouoter.s to rnonuan.'
'A V. lii . it'A it 01 - irtaTi.: 11 - 61151., - '
Corner of Wood wad ad Isla,'Pllttablargh,
HAVINO withdrawn M. Mo old lam of Walker fa
Weindurell, on the lel of J•ituary, 11.47, I isfie
pleasure in ennollneing. to my Blends in Odom nod
enuom, that I hose opened toy now siena• at lho above
named pl.. Ilaying mireliamil my gouda far ca.h,
and made atrangementa milk manufacturers ut Mi.
couotry and to Europe lo he Conaldatly enrolled, I am
folly Pradleld IA Womb Ilaniware Of ells knb, on as
mad terms and ns low as .y horror East or West -.
Merchant. end others aro remedially whiled UP cal
and examine my dock, before purchasing clamber..
lhe followi n g contortmos part of my albeit.
Steamboat sod Smithery Badman. Gun Tonsenhur.
Files. Naylor's Steel: Cautery, F:dge Tonle. Andl.,Vl
- Locks. hatches, Sickles, Ncy thes, Batt Bing.
Screws, Gown Facto, y Platter Saw• hlnhogan• Want;
soil veneers, and all other stool.. eonnialed onthlhe
Hardware liminess amend
v 7
en idenstril opposition to thielnven3
bona( a entsbargh illeeliantei aims.'aims.'*
!only cif the Cabinet =Mors yak ihm
and 'Allegheny etty, and their naiad
ouscusioruerabagaahorm Modell.
shove the vulgar oteoldice !mono himutinerndows.and
they give Gaream'a Iledstend the referente, cooly!
bu d .n it donors it battle thmbof. wroorgui, awl mai
ninesimist bedstead tit two. The Altowitg tesmonial
-peaks for melt - ss
Wo. Me subscribers jonilit al robin .rankers of the
ea.., or Pittsbargh and Allegheny. Pc, do hereby cer.
tity that we have bought the og hi to manufacture bed
stead* with tlartam's Patent Fasetintri, and consider
the sante superior upon) Commutes with which we=ar!
James Lemon John 11Prircar ,•,-
1' II loung &en Robed Furman -
.1 R Hanley James 11 User
John Liagell. Jr. Jar. Lowry & Son
Lowne & whin fluidic, & Drenaen
Thomas Farley llugh 11 Wallace -
. David Luker Ramsey & M'Clottand
Hugh Wallace ' Moses lialbwh w.
DavidlL . akey
For Right. to make and sell the above Roloterole
l 1' r' tobscriben having olildned a P.m. , - May 06
WHI ORE & Wet/FF. Importers and 1,1111.1 ea Pres. Brick blarhine, and having slneo then
Wholesdo Dealer/. in hardware, Cutlery, Sad. mum OA owed Usability, are Now prepared to tell
dem, ice, corner Liberty and St. Claw street., ,Pitts. r.glitt and contract to deliver machine. to soy part of
burgh. la'r the l. mcd States. The machine is designed to make
IV YL GLENN, liaohninder, ham removed to the , • t Hoek from erode elar t and .11 make 30,1100 good
CRAIG, BELLAS it Co.. - : sauna firm bock per day, anfftmently
I sl Seel ap
V V rners! Wood .1 Card eta. above C 11. Kay, ,
woman. . y .„ 1 . , ,,,,, A ,, by Ay . Ayyd ,.,,,,, A ,, Ay ~,,,,g FLOUR rAcTons 'AND PRODUCE COM- i 'it the "Y. tha's .`'Y'thtlfi'''''' . l" . `"''' ltd .1... V ."
and filindiug. arsS . !MISSION MERCHANTS. r /mein i the clay,drying and heading the bock after
, I.e Ito 000lded. Ito moots smug. u bitable to getout
1/i y W. WALLACraIy Mill alone and mill furnish. ' 1 lIIERAJ. c.•ll , wlvartce• mode on receipt of can i oo „„ „ po „ . ood ~.o„„roc,od s tn „ ion he
ice ‘,„
• • . log estalidomment, N 0.244 Liberty .1, near the . • S ognment• ' \ ' Lose ishmrstog m out add. •• will be . p. e ee. ..,1 pot together troll great factlayklics model.
mad , 4 rad:s rain three. Worts •attie to advance in Canti.l , l spot) ~." w „..„, w e or . now l oo m., A , ag b,,,,,, and
. tng to our friends. e an tot ntsh them on short nonce. For aMD dew not.
IV £ M. MITCIIELTIUCE, iVhole.le tiro- m Wollma ford A Taylor.Patrbontit. weer rid refer ton machine now 41 antee..thl opcs
V V . errs. Recut ying I/leathers, and 1% tne and Liquor I AN„.... Th ,„ 1,..i. ,a . ..,,, . 11,..,4,. p0rt. 0,,,,,
t.on, a Altll erect bottom, near tin We.l rod of Flehilt
sierchants, No. DU Liberty sueet, toppostte Same in 4 • py,,,,,,, •,1,,, 0 .10 4 5 .
!'“!!!..at_ ..str , f ....., where we shall be happy to exPlasa eYeol 6 sog
mayle.dly N. 11. All produce consignor to e . is ra d io., when I connected with it to all who may cali IVe bane al
1/t 0. H. ROBINSON, Attorney ot Law, ha. in thew .miaow . of W•lhod'ord ''ss T•l.J.i. P '''" h. X h s I present ea .hicused Agent . All letters wear address
It I •
. removed but office to the Exchange Ilutlding, or in oar W.' , in 1 hsla.teldos- C . tr. & Co. i will tie promptly attended to
St✓Oair intact, next door to Able.. Jots.. FRESH ISIVOICFATIONS OF HARDWARE. CCl.evirrAw. MeMILLEN & Co.
ptklgn. .'idar CINCINNATI.
' 1101.IY•111. FIRE BRICKS.
\'' ' V - . 0 1:;,°Good, No ß g ' fil ik ark ' d ' etre ' th.l,TuttrieTP'' IMthitITERS Or AND W ROLF:SALE DEALERS r":OENSIVELY te•irOlota app,o‘a during the past
stocUldl y • IN HARDWARE. CUTLERY. &e.. r, ~,..„,„.„„ by the principal t rs, manefeamodin JJ
%. ,r - EGLIAitTs & DiLikiAvrit, (In. the burnt No. vai Wood Street , the western enantry, and througboat the interior . of
PTT SBUFLGII. ' Penns, Itronta, .11 tur ready rot delivery on the opening
' D . .= Wit.Y.d ' an.YY. • .IYI now '''caul . A RE. now in Me smarm of re ice Woo. •iditisont of Pins Tattoo 'lle material on which 1 heir darahiltty
'a Ile W at, where they offer formic • large sumo. '
um n ofthoYere• end r.D.DRI. Ma...factures, at low ' ..,1. '' l thY " exmtaive ois - k of lioldwere. Cutlery. I end superiority drpend.,o, selected by experteneed au
-1.,•-• • and on favorable terms 1 , ' Ivry bor • who h havtng ben Purchosied on I. ' nes Mooed limo MarylanS whew Me AA very wa.
n 11.13 , ino I 11d4r14.1 4 / 2 ,4 , 0“ 4 knits in England, and titres, fmni fitt . made
--the foible sooner. with 'Ouch II la imbed
` V W• WILSON L '` . '" '" " ''''''" °e "'"' °, ' ' the ` 1 ....D‘' , D. ,,,, , his ~ ., ,,t . "+. 1 . 1 t . . , h ,,,, .. 1 le d , it carefully separated ILey .11 he thoroaohly
' i . 'Meet 'Ware, Ablitory Goods, !cc, No. 57 Mar- ' ict t
on ,eno.sarps..ed by none and equalled tt) t o i rn ed and compactly pressed by mach.nery, sad ow
f.l meet. no. , ' few Purchasre• are remertfully ,iivord to call l „ 0 ,....,..“ ‘ „,,,,,,,.. o, m ea . t .a. Dad e , A Co. Ik e p.m.
17 - 14... - AIVILPIIY, wboldnic and midi drain in , we- Yes l poet... in all telwcw to avattain their .knowksbied
• V .Foretgo and Do Dry Good., north casteor- s 01t..00014 COCHRAN, oiperior:te
• , crof llarfiet and Fourth sm. 00 ." 1 I 1:0A1 Isks Ioh St FOR W kit! 1,1: AI Flit 'li A NT,
s, VII 11;111WIN, Jr., hate no purehlsed do No J. Woo', Sri , .r, l't i rear oh., ' hod a.. app....i.on 'n J ' , HA W SIACLA it F.lsi
1 Woe sate . F- 4 11.' .1
h.." , Y "'""' "( I ` l ' ' ""'' ' 1 - 10N1 /AVE" , ltt-tr.ins, t a genera; I'ortuniassttst .'' itelmngion loin Works
specia y in I te pure isse and
°a. , "t'''.. , . ' i l".7 ° c " „ ° b . " ol V l7 "r th e boo .C. Boonco. e' II I 1 4 sale ' ' -si ir. I,V FoUIt.TU - Drltter.T micka. -- '1: - .Cr,
"amens perfumery. 0. I CONFECTIONARY AND VRCIT SAYRE. Inn
,y,,..a._ or Amerman blactulactu - ea abd 11edure. aud in
' ""''''''' Pr'' ,2l "'"r. ''''''lll
c.'"'"un ° i reCving and torwardot , Ilon is constgaml to his O PY. ff. Aismtdari sr , , ths h'w dm'. from Wood r,
Medictnes can . h at al, tours et the login and nest door to A Jayne'. Pohin Tea Rom . ,
teblttelly• I core. A. Ac.ent Inc the filanulactarers Fr wall be A
~,,,,„ ....,A,,,A, or b...,,,,,,...,,,,,1.A.,..
witiltsiefortt. 777----"--
John -}* ""f ri s ' ---,-..i/ auPpited ash the pe.ocipal articles of cora, ke , fresh on thc mentor deo day, among Muck
VI(rALLIBEGITOELIS it Co., Connts..?. end bon I Pittsburg Maaufacture at the lowest wholesale are the following,- . ,
V V wardtng hlerch.ts, Seeond, nate Mood street. priers. Orden and movirnments are respectfully I.l.antons; Pound La•e: Lemon Btscut.
Pittsburgh, Pa
illyhl. M. DAUL INGTON, Anort t er at Law u r t',,,,,,,, -- -- i . i. - , - -....:., , Astir t i al s rs , . ,,. Vtr . g. r it , d i tlL .,
r., b r l;.: . .pq , Ltr , a r ak .
VII Pittsburgh. Pa, . ornmissioner to tase the am IL F. CON WAT & CU., i I.7:ftni
(o cher; . Al'., , W;.... .11 . '
a noaledgment and pre of Deeds, Leases. Contracts, 1 p0rm..,L.T.,, t . nim, 1 , - ..;mu urea Forward nK I urd .,. r her Cream., Jelly . or.arr. Cake, ..,,,,,,,
Depornuons, or .y °Me - arntmg tanner .4,1 or notl I .6. hl
0 trotace 1 , -? , r , ......a , 0 the 0„,,,,...,,,,,,,..5k, . k g .,, e",,,,,,y ",,,,,,yin a manner ,y.a •
ue used m reeorded in . .he &ate or Oh.. Office on I I order. Salo and:fa/p.m of 1 ig trou.t.ost, &c.
~atted at gash y and beaoty ti) one other estahltah•
read ...above Soon held. . jellwf I . us r eft To , to,. in this ens .. /
WC. AUCHILNBAOOII, Atta - renrat La; I , A ,"'''''' .l ._ sP' , .. - ` k ,F . ,. i l ',
,":,..,,,,, 1% Beier'
erg ff
.Fllll, axed. near Smithfield. Collreung, agen. L . 7*re,,” 7, k un g 5,,,...Y. , tram Whim Wheat Sour. and tree from alldrogs.eary
cies and other bastruanaueroldl to yeah panclaality I , 4 7: ; ;4. 0 7. b .-,1 a-- e n,l- r L0.,k r .,, , :. c.or„,. .0 ANDREW.
lUtratangs- I madoilly demi. demos SHAVING CREAM lUrtißllidEl3 ,
11,.elts A Semple. wan. Cloth. , F... 1 ., -•- . . I soil those tow dome wh oaever Shaved beide,
'BA Fahnestock & Co, lobo Herron, Pio, , .10118 F. PERRY. And thaw teho stator- ttth•ve now Shore the twins.
Graff, Land.ay & Co, John Wr , alt , Sol. ' . 1 I ate of n. e b.. of ‘t.,trott o Lesko k I 'n''
I N offer.. fld• oupertor Sh•ving Compound to thii t,o-
James .11cCullgoklato Mal. ..
~mat Cr` Whole s ale Gs rnos s Flour vet .I lerr put., I eon slit coofsience say that the
tene-ly . r .Diaconal., 1 oponon of all who have tried it pos.unce lithe Wort
J. BILWAIi, ' TIEALER ',I al , lna. or Cosa, Prwhosse. Cop. I pleatont romposamn thanhey have ever .ed. sad in
/5 per, T., l'in PAP. I iniusrit . Yuan , . gine. Lesit, I der to p.m it W/114 /I Me reek of RD. I haw teamed
RECTIFYING DISTILLER, Kassa Sheet lois hain told Naii., •P one Iced. ' .acc rue Y.,• .aciugh to afford anopoortunny m every
eau WHOLlInal., It .D, e Muffs. Conan 1 arn• Sas ke and P tttt sough 1 pern to give 11 a trial •od pain.. tor thempelvea . i So,
ui Liberty arid Irma Gentlemen if you wish tot • ish. logorioul Mi. ,'on
EOlllll6l Jr DOMEBTIO WINES & LIQUOIIb, L.'.7. ,1 1:::::Tz<T,V . ,, . Y.''' . i
~ ,r
~,,, „
No. 114 Liberty st, and 53 Diamond aiky, CO:P•iitheral edrtuteas.tnEsmb of G.ea.....D on mut - much to 'Ol them. and , ii you ammo musfird. the Mato
.....-- .....TEITSIDIRGIL, PA. ognawno of Psalm, We Fo)3 e, will be retuned STEPHEN BARRI-n .. l'
jytl-01 y `...
- '
i AUCTIONEERS testa Steal, cupcake frau Ct. Ildel ..
- - -
attar, Dataters in Zw.kange, luk NOW sad Caw, 1 g mi l vr k u I ,,..i f ym 1( Emig. ' "
11 , Q. 1 HA uc
Goner of WWI and Weld rreets AND 1...1.1.11. ' 11.1‘31 %la 311.1.3H,1,11/ Ain : Nymph Soap': miaowed at an intern Botantrat
k r.Vil , dri \ . Pittabao sibs Pew ALEXANDER LEVY & BROS. ' dime of porposing rifiracy, for re :aiming tee eta
- ---- I .on ant fair, as won a s tinpartittg a dehesie macaw
I I.W V , .' , .... ' Wth ' NI '''''''''' ' CIN CINNATI
' (Siddssobb. Larne* triffism..l LIFTER to mild either esablisbnosnl, all kind • of i Also, Baud a ce/ebrated Almond Shaorri Comm.
WILVIA/41 & 8 111"5 NI. • Mrrehandow at the !owe. rates Of Cocanumarts sod i winch ts now generally used bi the r..h....t.4.,...•
ATTORNEYS . AND COUNSELLORS A LAW. . a I d to&domed. The best of 1 many in all parts of the Gone Sian,
lc • ware prepare make
017•Offico North side of Fourth st, den e Smithfield-4X I • if requs d Letters addreawd to • lI.eIN Depilatory Powder Ito removing superelooaF
, re mem et. gt•en. . .
fehlTd&wly • ither House will he promptly attended to, tytglily hat. mot also his highly relefinued Vegetable legal
' ; Hair Dye. • chouncalresult re enable perms. to dye
JOHN M. RICO/EDS, .hew bate ntsiontanetwoly. and to change red or gore
ATTORNEY E d .Cotas e nl l Zorr Ile% CINCINNATI, , hair ~.lark f.0.b... and eyebrow., to a Wendt,'
OHIO. Galled... in Sondiern Ohio and in ludi.a COMMISSION MERCHANT / Inst.,. black color
so w I n g0,,,y, promptly' and earefelly s e e d e d tn. NU 140 h ATEK or. UM rOIIT. CIIEA PSI De. 1., a h oy , a mol o s are ro, ale, wholesale ..atemil,
REFER TO-11on. Richard Biddle. 11 m Bell & Bon, BALTIMORE, /3 A FAUNESrOCI & CO
C nom, Wm Id'Knigta,(.llurch & Carothers, Win ll2ss,
IirTI ND°W Ch..' Glatt W. '' , 1.11.. d F..'• Ike . ' , telt{ eon front end carol e arss wand end em eta
'ic.,,,,,h,,,.. P. Stuart. BAllock & Davis. 4. T. wag, and Co.try Prod... .
Oliver Dleckbarn. - George IL Janet Advance. made on consmnatens Sausfaetary ref. ' Ifithvilw . j .. o . •, C ;" - --- ... -F• 2 ` iid " & l's A
O. BLACKBURN lc CO. ereneo to Mow addreding by mail_•
11/PORTER AND UP.ALER th Fore i gn •nd Domed.
W i sa l :r i es7=l 6 mli n frig ' 7l.l.l , 2l . t a Zgd •'",,, 0 .i 1 ,t,ir, '..""4.1117,;i g0 , ~r. CAMPBELL , "'" .. ll.d'l l . Y . 1 ." 04 A•PYY I faI 1 /../ DO fort/ 4/.
and the public generally, that he :seen receiving Ins
" ' d '&& ''''" &nil &&& &"'"'" ”&'"n‘ °I COMMISSION MFRCHANTS ; Spring supply of Hrdware, at the old Blonde( Walker
goods in thew line, Water street, near Cherry Alley, And Mannfactsrer• of Linseed 014 A Woodard!. Nola Wood mem, which be will Repo.
Pituthorah. istdell,
No. 20 Colombia Steed, of on the most remonahle terra.
WiliFibUISK OF TDB JUNIATA VOID, . n , Ile will be eontinuslly receiving fresh senpltcadired
CINCINNATi f .._ Ol/I. '" I from the Martafartarer. in F.orope and tete mans, '
WI WI ILLS 01 (o . eallil rata rot nAisesny_D , which vilk enable aim to easapese with any eatabl ah•
BOILER IRON, ROMER HF.Arks, FLUE k FIRE , A .,,,,,, y ,.4 mem, either East or West.
BED IRON. _ - I Western Alerchant. are Som.' to call and exam.
E.' F. M HOENBERGER WALLINGFORD ir. CO. LS wick beinre marks.. elsewhere mad
Ilanng taken' the Warehouse formerly .eapled ny
N. S. Rkey t Co. ,
Water II tt •tt , soar lilts... Steam Mill,
Will keep on hand • full supply of all dam of Melee
Iron and Meads, Floe and Fire-Bed Iron, made from
loslgdastaitria Filasor& which will be sold at the lowest
!Muter rd.. Empac Builders and others, aro invited
o call and examine his stock. Order. promptly at
e oded so. latll dig
-,..--- -..
Q,. P. VON BONAHORST tc Co., Wholesale
h.laCitneers voivrarding and Commission 'oleic:halm,
Dealers in P.nstourgla fdanafaetare• and Westerro Pro
duce. hare removed to their new erarehanosei o hil stand/
r ?o ,
No SS, earner of at Front and Manes Lane. l nose: _
Qsaitran. it.war.n., Fortes mg and Comeau
1.3 situt Merchant Dealer in Sall, I reduce and ti :us
bu otarinfactured aruelea, Canal finsin, as aritto •r.
- _ .._ __ _
•4or toosedToc Flow
Os era. FFllitTrees,aud Aronenlturnt Inotdeturn&No
1.4 Wood street thusttunrh• tent
£ BElT—Wholuutle 6nue.e.g
tatuntnarslon Merchant& scot dealers in Produce
.n 3$ Wood street. Ttuaborgh. 'tort" .
- -
4108. KENNEDY, Jr., Looking Wats kfanufarm
icor, and Malec In ClMkg, Combs, nod V•nct)
Good., cornet of Waitil and Fourth -treeia tig
I P. FORSIt TH &Co, Conami.sion Merchant.
1 dealers in Salt, Lumber, Gwent, Nuance otal
ritniburgh Manufacture, Canal Munn, Liberty lore..
l'ittcburglL fclith
b. M. NIIT..:III.:LTKEI.:, bole•al ,procen,
V .Itceufying and ‘Vme will Liquor Met
hariot, N. VW Libu.Y sweet, [uPP.i,e Nino •"o",)
Patsburigh. less
t 711DIC L M'CANDLESB. leircee..ora to L
J D Wholesale Grocer., Forwardrna and
Coooniesion Slerchante, &alarm in Iron, Nide, Was.,
Conon Yarns and Pin.borlb Manufaciures generally,
curlier of Wood and Warn ors. Plueburah, ~ L inchtd.
DIIIRPIIT inane. the 1V... h 'all and
. exantigne hia slack of French Worker; Collars,
oume as low as cents. sbehld
• _ _
I;_f GREED, WhoteralaGnseer,Forwatting and
V . Coadnisaiou Merchant, and Dealer io Plaine<
and Pittsburgh ?dannfacusres, corner of Water and
Poloistleld sta. Put.burah. Pa_ ants
TOMS X TOWTXXAND. Druggist and !spot.-
earyi No 43 Market or, three doors above Third
Pittsburgh. will have constantly on hand • w:11 select-
rd amoitakew of the beat and treshembiediestle.lAV
be wilt anti on the most reawnabte tem, Ypi
scodiutiotderakeill be promptlywooded to, •nd saP -
plied with articles they may rely upon as genuine.
113" Nit rs na Preserwmeas wall be seem - suety and
achtly prepared from the best materials, at any hour of
Mb day or night.
Al. for .ale, a large neck of fresh and good Perin
vAr W. Week Maker & J•vrtlirr,
PP, corner ith and !darker stn. A large and well
selected stock of watcher, Jewelry. Silver ware and
ktilaary Notorts. Moray. on hand and at/regular ea&
tern peers, Vold Prawn. Lever, fall /ewe watches,
as low as 640. stirrer do immix...tow an tyl
Genuine Cooper, Yetma. Johnson and other apirroved
make of welsh.• may be h. 'eta small advanee and
Os . Fate watch work done in the very hest manner.
f 07
P. MOLVANT. moms E. I.cous.
MULNA N V tr. LEULIE manufacture and kr ep eon.
'Wavy oil hand Cm, liloraderfan4 Palm Flint
Glass iu all as roma" M th eir Warehouse ear.
aer or Ma rketware,
ket and %Saler atreeth, Piaahurxh.
Our Works continuo in Intl operation and we rom
roartan ly adding to our mock. which enables us to fill
orderswith promptridss. Purchasers are rerpenfully
solicited in call and examine poem and it rms.
Office 3tl St, oppoalt• It. Chaile• Motet,
PITT. 11111.111011;
WILL also attend promptly to Colleen..., in W
ington, Payette anil t tLre . , enCounties,
[Cr Ellankinoek, Bell & Co
Murat & Ca maim Pittsburgh.
D. T. Mnly_z_l oet3dry_
• and d.w., It ' rt?.. ' l:7n r•
ll4e-.t Iron
Wore, No 17 glarkrit street. The subierther respect
fully calla Dm attention of the Warrant Merebims,
- Country dealers, 'and other.. to his largo monk of man.
e factored Tin. rind Copper war& arultriroge nenow
tonal Of itorflltt o n
pub l i ca ll•rderate.
Wholes, e with" and thn lc general'), are inet
led to eel' mon
11.:11SMI•XII M. MANS,
A TTORNEY AT LW, nUeloorgh, Po- Cann..
rk once to take the proof and neknowltdotnrota
Sent, Leaser, Coeursets,Depo•i ions or atter writing.
be recorded or need - In the Statetrof KENTUCKY,
'l3 AN •
Odee, Wrlr's ruidi to,lh •I • ), i
• 11,111.0. W. WIMS' Crirs
Corner Darken Alley and Pero) St, nod foot of Pitt St,
Pittsburg& Pa..
3. a Donbgb , Uonbrlitts.
J. & & W. sonramioni,
Wt ` g=4, ° 4l ` ,. '" m-6', to en/ mode
or is Prim. sad an good "T h e‘g.'!" di 'Pe"
5.2).L0T Beaver Pa
11: P. • outz 'own. -
n. P. fr. I. ISICLIOR & P 0... ".
ik4ANINACIIIIIERS of •ilusuarred nvel. and
111 tVidet, &kWh Hoy sod Manors Forks, as., t,
oroboooo, No 11 Wood moot, Potsbe9FO. • morn
Ns. 69 South Wharves, and No 117 south W stet at
LI Eli to Inform the nada and dealers generally of
1.9 P:Usburgh, that they how, made raeh Arrangements
wAtt the Volans solmisfactowni and the lirower• of
the Wen, 5% rat Indies, •nd other nieces a•wdn Insure
a largo and constant supply of the follnwittrdr.ertp
of Tobacco winch will be told upon .l 8101041.
modaung terms s. any 011111 house In lb.. on) or
warn' where, and all goods order-.dthem wdl•ho warn'
nuttedmoat to reprevntatiote— •
Havana: St. Do Ingo; Conn.,
I' l trai Porto Rico; Penn . To
Cub. leum, and Florida, •
ALSO—Denneh's celebrated AIVIII&IiC Stag Coven.
dish. with • large asnonment of other Pottier brand.,
and ofrounds ts Ifs Ina and Us Lump,
: 3060 ea mid WI 1.100; TwinVirgtota Twwl.
I &r, sweet and plum, to whole and half loge, wood
I and I.n, together with every variety or arbele belong
; in, to the nod,. jel6-dly
J 1.10000. 1. 1% , ostiss•oe,
Law of Pin.burgh. PA Low of Nashmlle, Tenn.
, la l' P l o i ntrd Ei t
' Flout street, shove Dmadway,Cancatstatt, Oho..
• kr.rill TO
Al Allen &
Ilagaley & Satan, P:twhergh
%Wm. litnginint.
Seay & sitophonl.
Alustin & %ioA lister, Na•hydlo, Trnu.
Veattunn & Artniatrod
W lame & Cu., hoots:elite, by.
Sy:Huger .t %V totrivan,
Jamos Johnston & Co. '"‘"" n.t ':
Ilewort. Herm A Co., Now llrloant.
Ou=tltte! i gC.C: ' .. N ll7l . :: ‘ too " re.
Said:1,1100010y & Co.. Philatlrlobw.
Dainel Heston. kloston.long
J. Ixdw:eb. 10. C. 1V don
J. G.
And Itlonanal.slon Merchants,
IGARTICULAR Intenton pant to (12.1.1inment• of
/ :Sugar 51111 a, Engines. or mhos a ntelrs fur Opelousa.
and Ana paa.
REFER TO-011ossrs Shel Sold 11 Lightlow, Mr Theo
mas Lune ck; Now Orlear 0.
Aloaare. .uttoult Itetter•ou, Ur Z N. !therley, Lou
' mettle.
I CHles•r•
I PlaunesumS
& Mr. Wm. (Meaty, Robe.
a Arm•l,rn a........rb01e0u; l'imbarah.
tevau, Todd & . Gwenn.
& eramites.d. Nle...ra. Edwards k
/OIL ICIIOI, La,.auvr, Hun John [)anon;
it La
. . . .
Secood Street, near Wood.
nF.ALEHS Smanureb Al•na factures and Mem,
JJ Illraarnee—erni keep toneantly an, hand a aanek
of - rarroase nprings end [isle., ham. ocyl4es and luck.
lea, fire proof safes, PUrclo, vivre biAttomithe belltau,
pledgee. fie.. Are. [octal
lith2 91!1
CHANTS, and DEALERS ro‘ oR Lords of
Country Produce. Copper, Tin 'Tin klate.. Tinnors'
Tool., Iron and Nail., Zinc, 'Mote Lead. Dye Stud,
Ruoia Alert Iron. Lead, Cooon Yarn, soli, Le., and
Sia.bargh Manneacture. aenerrilly. No. 91,49. and 91
I.ll,erty wee, one door wave Ilv head of Wood street,
Sitvlairgli, Pa_
Liberal advance, inmabh or goad, made on ton
~,romen,.of produce. Le. 89. inrllll
n. W. M•TEIS.WS. W. T. lOTt' a.
ANN4I Wter at
ST 1.01715, \II/.
Will give rool.tolor altcniwn In the Dellsopc of 'Poo
duce ,011,1 lo order. for ptorcharonr
Rvtt to—t.nsoon Margo. & Ilioloomh, Po.
. _
John IF
M C OCunwronnt.
Commiwion and Forwarding Mere iamb,
NOW. 93 & 95 SOUTH S r.
iarri7lv. BOW 1.1NG•14 Wit A RF. Ball l mare
T11011..1. CAIIIION, & Co.
Nos. 8 nod V Light St .
Irreash 'Ovalle,. will hr /mule. on ean•ilnmrut to
hr almove eddnue, by
purely CAltz+ONl Es Mr IL NIG lIT. So st
1.4 .Ai MIN & CO,
Cosnml•olota Mrren.orr,
A RE nowprepared to rrrolvr and Forward ail kol•
a of ftirrehdrutlize to nor Isolengrot the Juniata. North
•od Wear Flrarch. Arm Tiff rams. r Canal. )..1F(
. .
augUi Office, No. 30 Walt, Street, P 1.1114,101 Pa.
ix KR Cu ;.1/N
itLeborgh, Pa:
11.1. LEAD WORKM.—Theenderingned hare
completed their new works. located on the'brak of
the river above the Aqueduct, in Allegheny city,
opposite Pittsburgh. for the manufacture of a supe•
nor quality of white lead. both dry and wooed in
oil; also, red lead and 'dimmer,. llama availed
theinaeOrias of all the recent improvement. in its
manuftrtura. and erected the building. a very
nytens4e scale. and with cap icily to snake lead in
large quantities, they will be able to au, ply order.
to alowwt any extent. mien
0 Ishisier, Pattern Mailer, Allegheny tag Chl
ha. the newest Prinerns for thews on hand either in
weAl or iron. Mal Grating and Cloth, rattenw trade
to order.' aptJll
No 71 &sal tom, wart Karr
117 All qualities onereen and Black Teas
done uP i n quartet, half. •nd pound paekshes, ran
Rm. Ri6~r filt p-r missals. SIX A f %VARA
A %CERT FOR SALE—A Got la's Halters. and all
17 ine fistures for Raking, nearly new, for auk on lit,
esti terms. EWillitO of
I H PHILLIPS,* wood street
• Odeparancroblpe
IATK the andownved, haw emceed int.'. COplintlet.
vh/p for the potpose wausaeung aVrodeed,
Omen/a/ow and Footraiding beridvae, oltder the atyd
of 01/Ulle 111160/111CW , t , CO.,
and have taken the warehonoe. No • COMOdereial Row,
I,ineny ondkt, formerly wee/pied U PeWY—
where alt o businew eateneted to our charge wilt be
promptly ad faithfally attended 10. '-
MORRIS ORUM, formerly of Philadelphia
TOO:. 11 NeGREW, nneuthfield, Ohio
Pleskargh, Mewl/ 1td.0.0.
TllOll4lll 1[3351341C0Y, JLLy
f he late firm or & Kennedy, lowlona
Pranalaeturer and dealt( in
and Variety Peeps con•raptl en hand, of tur
own manufacture. rigor deirenprion y
and Common Lookout Glararst Y,4 3 4. and 3 drawer
rode., Own and ornamental port pit framer.
,311 kinds of Clock., Trays. and SS oiler.. In sr.. or
doyen.; Comb,. Threads. and ia general.aasortmeni of
Friary Good., wholrmie at • .m 11 ndrisnre on coat.
Pedlar. and caber. ounoloid :With Pbelp'• Chart., Cur
O , Pont, and IU by 14 (minor al New Vor&pnces
mT2flyr Sin ddl one wood aod 0,0'.,..
JrD 31
. 0111. ER, Hruagut sod Apothecary, N, W,
cona or Wood and 3th au, Potannah. w,ll keep
A. constan tr tly on hand, Drugs, roans, Oda. nre-Watrs•
N. H —Phyaleinte• pram-options carefully entopenod
ed Iron, the besl tnater.als. al any boor oz the day nr.
toght rn
an ala.onrnt,of Peritonetyi Hoe Tooth.
Hatt. nod C.d., litu•has. he. he, which he will sell
low or cash. otni . ) •
Vela, Greeeiy. Viol( ind
D AMIN 110 W IT would rraireelfully inform ht.
LI old friend.. and the public generally, that lie ha.
agant erotism need bootee.. in the stooge branehev, neat
dartso hi. old Fiend, where he hone,
•opply of good article, Wong tow for euidi pay
ota •irict alio/non to hi• patio., la merit a sharing
polder patronage. anehg4
csonsiassiorisca OK DICILDS
. .
AT CINCINNAI I 111111hamed by the Governat
nt' Pentmylvanno take arknow/edgm•nt. , of nil no.
atrumenta of wrinna, gp4daria and 2/p2.•160/11 Or
In Ohm, to tmed of reebtded
nta. Orrtcr, Y door. P.. 1•1 .4' C 11.•
ClllllOll. 01110. EDWARD P CRANCII
nspetalawly•F Attormy et /AM!
er , UNTHY MIXED HAGS wattled,
100,111111 fat which 111 a !oaken, prone on CAPllwAll'he
Nampa on ho nil, every de•croplion of Writtrli end
lT • app.' Paper mai Chloride Lime.
rehf Corner Penn and Irwin ma. Pundottab
, err.. Ike. suitable for planting in Cememy'e
can he farnighed on gponcation at the wed owe,
from Norrerwo of In. Wardrop. Manchegtar.
Mn IN. ono woad and•
IMPORTER* and Ocala.
en Hardy., •nd
Saddle rv. No 9r ‘Varvi stmer r
iterc• doors above P, Choate.
- lintel. Vitsbargh Pa.
• aP. II
TbF.ALER In a nd
[t and VacietyCloo.S..Tonowe
Ye nen. Ivory and [torn combs, Woollen Yarns sea
Worsteds, &atone, Needles,Dins, Tapes, Welds. ky..
No 03 Market St between Diamond and 43, eiroete
BIRD C ONS and FO . ente of winos arses.con want
y - on band. and for role at reduced prier.,
Potsbotgb Seed Store. No 131 Wood trees. tern.. of
ntb street. • le S N.WICKHRSHAM
went of Jobnton's excellent Patent I... Crease Peer-
Len. suitable for How* Disantbows and private. fame
Na t ail l7 market at
_ _
Tills Instalmon, under the rare of Rev. J.
Go ma. AT ta all the ttoltti and ot
titunental Inane sof a finhtal ...umts to arc Initial
is n . aoar opr n for t reeetton of pupils at
OA, Irwles p ow, Liberty Street,
tretweaa 3d and 4th 'Yenta. The Second Etess.on
roomette,. net hlonday the fah of l'e.ruary. and n`l•
Important that any who may design wiener ahoutd
be preacat as far as pflartivaltle caber belore or al that
They have aerated the aerv.res of Pro.Seror RUC).
BOCK a. teacher of Moste on tbn rnseto nod Guitar,
whoa too well known to nerd reeonsmostiat,on Abut
the servers of Mons U/041:5110 LA DHEVT, author of
.. ebrestoosathle de la Lit• nature Francais." and other
voidable school hook• in hi• natty. isnguae. Mons.
L. Is ogrodunte of tha University and Nogtual Selnafl
of and a• a trariter, Those who de.
vire manhunt, no areursie and thorough knowledge at
tba FrentAt Langunor wool! do well ionises. them...lrv.
undelle• itirtrortion
rot torus, rra threalar or apply o the Prlnrmal.
- .
lIIS Inehinhouliaahui reeently Leen opened oinks
IL the Wigan of Mr N. W.MeLeolf. Lit hr
at Sandusky and Straw • rry
flat noes.% winch ha. thu. fur noetsded L.. nchool.
jn II .11[01.basent and pros..., hos fnli)r galled the
exprenthoi. Of ;is luaructof and Ytoprn.tor and war
".• Ihnhoini that hr will Inc ...tinned an hi rah. in
render It o desirable I JJJJJ (or the ell canon of
'loony Indies in Alleghen, and
The First demon of the urn Academic cor.. all
• .• . .
Commence on Monday, Feb &M.
Timm are•vea a fee. vacancie• to be filled
- .
number of ppi.• i• blotted so early applreo
For Valle rile rt, relotire to terror, &
Ctreolars or apply to the I toortietor.
V BUP Jame.. Walnut avert, bettar
fail or the Korean Empire. B Edward
EN A new Edition, revised and otirrecte
ont, preeedid by a preface, and accomp.
notes Militial and hiitorical, relating prin
• . .
the prkpagation of Christacity by M. F. Gnixot,
Minister of Public Ittetructiou ,for the kiegditen of.
PROM The preface, notes abd eorroctiobs, trans
lated rm. the E'retteh expressly for thise dition.
With a notice of the Lite and character oibbon,
aptWateoe's Reply to Gibbon. In f. s imp.
Napiere Penin s ula War—Complete. I I. ulna.
Ilallanis Middle Age. Chamber'. Rebeillion in
ScoUsed, Robertson's Virginia and New England,
Russell'. French and Englieh War in America, and
Ramsey'. American Revolution. 1.1 it.
Lit racy of American History--Contarniag selec
tions front the best authors oar American Dietary,
Biography, Travels, Commerce, Statinics,lndians,
Revolutionary Battles. he. dec. he. Also, Anne
dotee,Pociry wid hltecellaneous entries. Illustra
toil with more than 200 engravings. 1 vol, imp Ono
640 pager-
Universal Pictorial Library—Containing valuable
papers an various subjects, Comprising Natural
I History, Natural Sciences. Agriculture, Re ral Peta
-1 omy,Utogrephy. lion Art. the Orientate,' Travels,
Gemgrapity, .flotany, 11l tacellaneoua Stalling, &c.
he. I eel imp :No 010 typ. fell cheep.
The Family Medical Llbrary—A 'l'reatise on the
l Prevention and Cure el Diseases. II regimen and
1 wimple medicines. New OtillPea,ferlied end enter
! ged cills the addition of • Vegetable hlateria Med, out the virtues, preparations arid di sea
of atittoost valuable nabs, medical plant, and. en
outline of Anatomy and Physialogy. Illuctrgied
with one hundred Engravings, as of which are
colored,By J G Nero cod. M 1.1-664 pages One.
I• ataeritan Flower Garden Compan,ao—Ailapted
to the Rutted States; by Edward Sayers Landscape
and Oreantebtal Liartleaar, it. mo, third ettitom.
enticed, enlarged and allustrated.
Palmer's Oregon, Rocky Mountains, & c. &c
IFamily Testameri. octavo, with and without
Polyglot eotes,and Psalm* to Melee.
1 Rice and Plngree'e Debate. Barn's \Yorks lady
of the Lake. Leila Rooth. More'. Porste Deco
', Eon. Juvenile Books. Cheap cditiors of various
works to pamphlet form. meet/
l x anrh
Goaey's Pot July—Par, l'ash,on.
National Magazine
lootsJ, Lys ua.hor .•t • 0 0 - 0
Log u o 1... r
tre. , ..t, an. 4,03.1“.1w 3. co
00, w
ptria; bY CapL Nlatr)ui..
Tete Adventure, of Me 0!...tta1. .
Advaqtare• of Wart Tripto[mut Tab, rompn , na
important and stavl.ildamamun.—• vilating
Dadtbey and Dowelder—fierh .apply
St. Gees tad S dames, damp , rie—troth dapply •
LeKends and Starlet di Ireland, buyyt—itc•b , .ui.
lidndy Andy; by !Ayr! - 1 1 re, Iro;
Cdrdata.a• C. , -drf")•
Iteselidal W,dow,
Doomunpoon Cur•le: • Drat-fent Treat!, no the
Langs - to prove Coosumptlou • onano•ralde.
eonbutong O. cause. curr and prorenflon tdoturnp
uon. by J. 1,11.•••• Al D.
• Ife•Saa.ntem of D. lour sae 41 Pla a— dononig them
?die bet), and odur Into i*.ues
Cente l :747 . I * o . r ''' :tre r ll l =l7 ' 4. 3 l7l:l . ; " '7 , c ,
Our ex au.l ag.rd ...ordure, c•• ex
teal Smithfield sr reel. 3.4 danr F am *crew'
finer received and for oak by J L !MAD, Fon, It.
near Mark. ..tree,—
A Voyage up the River Amason, ine . talaty • tr , .•
donee at Parr. LT %V, R. Pdtrardo.
rreventsoa better than Cure, or roe.' wants of the
World we Igoe h 1 tcm Eth•
10 Odetners, ernbracln• • Canoe
Voyage up the alkailu , pot and arJunn Lake eutnerlot;
hy Carta Lannert°
Slcor , r Vortical Woll.—ebrap ed .
Hoene. and Gaunts of the moat ins.neur Oritoh Poets
by WO3 110w1‘,11:uatrated 1 vol., 12 mu •,
Orator. of the Aries etatpriring romans, Cr,eal. Th.
ograrhteol, and Dr...olive Ily Ii IL frow., 1.444
A tllitiory of Rocrut, - from the eollie.t woes o the
death of Cornorodua, A D. /RR by Dr Leonardttehsta.
F. R. 2 , E.
The Lee of W”ley, and Lee and Prener... of Meth",
ottlaar lly Robt Southey; Gig., 1.1. D, with Note., I.
the late H, T Coleridge, r/q sod retnaik• on the I.
and character of John We.le,y, by the late Alex Roux,
Esq. IDited by the Re. C. rlouthey, NI. A •ecood
American Edition, with Notes; by Rev. D. Curry. A.
The Corretpondenee and Mired anie•lke Hon.
Jno.Outtnn trona,. D. formerly Governor of Conn.,
with an FArlogy
I cedn before the. onnecticut
ariul bociety at Deur aven. ploy Lly Ilea.
W W And,,A•
Third Volume Lae and IV s now. of Wavhinxien
The above lust received and (or 1.111. by
HIBTOHIC OR /111EZICO—Just publodard, by
)A&UP.l•rne. Cincinnati.
THE viEIDX/1 her Civil Wars and
Colonial and Revolutionary Anna., from Old per , Ui of
ilm Spanish Conquest 1350, to Mr pie , ent t0ne.11,1 , ,
Incladxng anZefOoliliof the ox wilt the nned
lIA N.. and Milimry Achievements. By Philip
Young 111. D w one Copperplate Alarm, and seven
Engiavings of Piano of Dante Wounds...tee. One soo
ante octavo, of fite handled and slily-four poet,
_ .
INlL.m.En 9 lenAt- ac i fi7. l. :nt r e a ll.ta
Amm.and Coons
. Tellarup giving thtr nature,
seal, cause. al mob:aria, coosequeaces. and pr. stomp.
especially addressed io the non mid cal reader: 11 IV N. 11, of lantirvine. Sty.
The &arbor of this toroth boa militias die lam rem 1041,1
.ureeva , ally treated novenly ol hundred comes of
Viler mid Pistol. in A l . io without either the Leofe, the
*cond. or the+ oenttal cautery
For sale al tria lio. Ostore of JLREnD
July , Fourth, near Market MCC%
MEW WOEK—lin hoary of Mem
ill Co, her t 'nil Wars and Colonial and Deride
trona, Annals, from the_ period of 'the apantali
Conquesit, Wad i to the present including
an account of the I:rotting War with the United
•taltet. it. Canteen and Military A elmerenienta. thy
Philip Von g, M D. .1 A 6. 11 t' JAhlihh.
chg./ Putilmhers. Cincinnati.
EN MUtilC BOOK—Pamphlet Form.
LI —The Melodeon: a chive. select toir of sung,
Duette, Cjnartetta, Honor., W %Me., and Marche,
omit a thttory ul Mow. Illuatruied wtl mauler
engraving. Imperial ..ela to Pnee ln cent
l'eultalted anti for rale lay .1 htll' J 51.. 5,
iValnut street. let. Fourth and vat...
Cincinnati, March 1517
HENRYDeshr 111 ra.tert, Plano Fories,
at 1 %V Woogirrelra, Third ; , ireet The
Pilmnsroarbe exasnuted•l &II lanurv. and 11,. /1131,•eti.
her 41 he them inn:. II Lul 19. A. M and from .II tar.
P. .I, each day.
AF-the undecvigued, would inform the I . lllJellO 01
r • illl.l l \IS •nd vJeuno) we have appoooted Mr. 11.
Web., 6ole AlienAr WeWern Prue")lrnniu, lop the
orour Nano Font.. from whom they may i.e DI,
loosed at our own INew I s ar Itl pr,meb
. New York .Sep. I, INS-oeTtsllf
UX.NIC.RAL TAl(l.oll—Juhp•lon & Aloedon
hntre juo Fecal vdd unetrai , ot Nl,nr Got, al h•
ary'ral‘nl. by A 1100 y, nder ,he
!cuddled and direcladl of the '"'m
an oriental tittleb Wien nom Lila at laddaa. by Cad ,
Ratan, A D. C.
Woe, lAA undorsigned. ron•lnet 1101 . ) . • I • ortnt.l of
llcar tat Tayk.c a (nod 111 did.
II Co %az., U tl Navy
Gan. A. hre.... A. A. G.
. . •
Gal NW., 1.1 TOpnvm.h.ral F . .upocrrs
110.1..1 I movuou, U.S. Navy
117 - P6re. VS err.. 1.11
Lorton and New York Plano.
JOIIII 11. MELI.on, Nn SI W. 0.1 .i.
h. rilce vett •nd iars boo oak—
One ipion.lnl ImewonillmonForr,
• . with 61 neinvey, iron frame rind new
eek. Made bv Ouchroingi of Ilno.on
One elegant ItoNewo,l 1.,ii..0 l'orie, wOh 6 nein,.
and iron him, Mods: ~ 1; Cloc•
One rltitont Molloony Piano hrite—toade I.y Gole
&V.,. New Viirk.
Che above. trill br .old al manufacuirees
Also, far lame PI above, • .econd band Piano Vow
argV 3 octave.. 3.19
Raw Pianos.
TUFT Receivedd opened by the subscriber, the
al fat/owing new P ianos:_
One elegant Rosetwood,doctave Piano Tote, Wrench
One elegant REKrurood, 61 adman Piano Torte, watt
carved Gothic Tablerw,a vnlendld t.
Also. dne wary good isecond band Plano, wade by
Lend at-Rabilhitada.. lIENILY KLERKR
;neigh atJ tV Woodwellht, Iva Thud pi
BLUE ca,boysoal m4utaami r ealan4
kr ...lety 7 Cr 610 ROAN
30. 1847
I" , ULF-MAN, DAILNIA7i, k Co., hnOiog completed
%,../ their New crorks, are niivr prer ared to thallathe..
tow r very &or rmoon of trktaeh and Eliptic 'Triage
Iron • olc-o. American Ithwe r, rpriox and p lough Si[f
and at ,the. small ...path,. and maral hon, velpeh
they offer (hi sale on libenol term, at their Ward/maw
Nu. 41 Woodoireet; whew th ey aim Yeti. nu banal a
thouplete and handthror aorortn , ent of Coach WOO
ming, .Carrifge hardware, malleabte cawing, Naha
and bon, •
C. 11. & Co , have mode arrattgementa with Mew,
Day & Crotte. mattuthe Mom - Lthovela; Spade.'
Fmk., , and will keep momently on hand cat,
artteth mode by them. Dealers are recpeelfally 001
cited to cc ll,ao prices and term. so be.pmde Itheral•
to,r &Two
PITT' 1,1 ACil IN F.: WORKS AND rni; Ni)n
Plrroacar.u.' PA.
RF prepared boold Conan land'Wooll . en loolaehin.
o•oy 01 aver): doloroopt,on, aucti,n-I,.onloteog Ut
elooneoo,Bponning Ira/roe. Sperderx, Molo-ng Frame.,
!Lawny I lead, Warpera Twolleolo,Spono • 00,
P.n. , . loom., Coed Grinder.. he.. ~',ought loon
Sum:song lun ed all viva of Can Ima. Valli. and
II m0p.,00, of the Owe., pa i l le fp!, slide and bond Latlors,
•nd tools of•Ilkond•
. • •• • • •
Carom," of every dew-notion (orn.obed on A.rt no
tre l'otterror made to order for 1 1 / 4 1.'l Gearing, Iron
rallla,tre :Item Plot for heating rot...oriel, Coot
Iron Window IW, and fanny Coatroom renerally.—
Order. left of the Warchotoo of J. Palm,. rd G0.,L00
ed) rirrel,votll have Prong. att....-
No. TO
look. Bell & C 0..; K Moothend & Co.. E
tivoro.-r, Jobr. Irwin tr. Sour. l'Ots.burgt,
C & J II Warner. 'Sicubonvlllt:
m PORTER and 111attufamurer of Cutlery. Surreal
• n.I Item./ Ituttrutneunt. Saddler. it TtnnerAiltand
o.ta, Tay lora , Patent Him tt
~ e 6.e. .\ One.
ture , Trugaea, Supporter. kr., peat variety.'
C Ilanularturrr and Imputter of 1 . .. a. Pocket and
Tuttle Cut tery; !tutors, Settwortt. FeleN6asva, Tool, /ke,
NS V 1 OriD tSTRF:Er. I'dtatturpt. itettto.l 11001 be.
Me 1721121
he. Isteey nreAvrti • large .1.01,41111f.1it , •1
Pen a Pocket ICuives, Wolves. Fork..
A. Itmigrrse Wtwotenh
El 'in .Roderrs.;tYadrt Ira whet , . Stax.nrs.ste.stnr.,
Kano, Strop, tr.e. Dania... and Wire wist
Allen'. COI , and Blani's Revolvers, Powder Fla.k•
Shot !Selig (Same flags. Walker', tr. Cox's Enira Yen
-cussion Caps. 'topic,. Dick and Hunting Huts..
Toots. inch tn. D.viders, Itl)ers, Nippers.
(land Vices. Squarea.• Rules, Mares, Ham Ives..
Shaves, Sneks and the, Wirn and Iran
arnatica . Instrumenis,ke. very great variety
01- lobbing and repairing orally and punctual')
1 4 ,
W. screriiEhs Of Wheelt,t. 1.. Shoenher
/-, ger of Junta. mod J. A &nekton of Pittchurgh,
hare fats day entered into cto.p./ unership under ntyle
and firm of ettephenc. Shoenherger & Co, Cl the
Anchor 11010 Works, Wheel:nig Vu., for the pockcste of
monolheturing into and nails of every doiertption.
E. W. ••••rarnsaa. V. F!snow...eau. .I. A. //root,.
Whetting. Va.
3121111facture all 'snide al boiler. .hers. bar iron and
nl., AII steel enrol., Tama and males Brit% eon
neeled with Shoeitherget • Old Juniata Works. wee can
MT, an arucle6( JYIII4III. Iron (brooded , R•oetthetrt , l
int,' to any made m the country. All °lschia wt 111.4
sod at the I,lt•harah once. Warehouse of the t% arta
enrner ..t Monroe nod Water street. rnyl I
.10111 A. 13110W1
STAKE- , ilia method no intone his frtetids
and llt••• pa,he at large that his FactotY
full opernuon, on the Ea.t tide
the Manton& Alleght ny. where a eon: :
Maid rapid) of Blind.. et var. colons,
and go al...sore renamed) , kg - 0011hr,
alt. at NA 5 Wood 01. J.k.
11. null:pied clash waterumn.
.• Cl/r1.0.111 Shutters made to order to the hem style.
Olinda repaired ,I. at, .honor notice.
N. 1.1. 1011 BI M& will - Or PM til , w , th , ntt "tti "d• -
t.ottal excproe en that they tan he removed in a mo
ment in ea.. of fire •Ir tor wash mg. nod wtdann the null
of 0 err w dr e netidt vAwlanit v
6 . A.FULTON.Aliti,iiidflioiWv\;;;;;i•
, rr. Om rebuilt and commenced 1.1.14111 r. at
.4 . ..= his old stand. where he oral he plead to'
. ".......-....,'
see. Ins old mama,. and (vend•
: a.... Church. ettearaboat. and Denser every
I Oa, trout IU to 10.0t0. pounds. coat from
...„,..•: panern. of the ruo. ovtd model+. and
wanted to he or the arp I r m...t mateci••.
Materal Water rra
rump-. Count. r•. I:, du, ,
airether with every var.'s) ot Brat.. et...Ong...ft:qui,
rd. turned and firushed at the neatest tomtit,. .
ErA F 10 the ..olc prim etor of Mamie Aar:-
An arrtoN MILTAIL. MI !Colll ~ rtes ter the red... •
•onol 0 /curet in tr...1...•er, , 'll, Pose. and Comp , .
..a. O l l isle ~ ii... 1.., I. U. 41.4 . : ! 14.-. ,111.11
W.PI•;IScCULL,I S. Co. -
LiVINO recently made eery annum. improve
inersk. in the manufacture. of the snore article, and
adopt. h. Writ Improved rnotern wheel oven for dal.
lir /1111%. ammo now prepared to fetritt•h an art.ctent Wtn
d.ear Masa. equal. if not gaper., 10 any el brider C•ta...
made In the U11,11.1t Z. 4.1,11. awl hull little •etterlor to thr.
Enghth Clown.
Wt. a, al.r. r..r) ...,..n.t.,...:1 enraged
• ...tare of On. ~,, ....• W....M.vt... ....I Itrt., -..." 1'•.t..• F.:0....f evr y de....r.m.ots. meat.-r.v...0r. . 1 .... e
.I•o.ted to 0..11 m lel...1•1111if till th• m. 0.,. ... mt. w•-•••r.
Atm., No. FP Weal ••trirt. P.tomtrnh. V.,- . ,
PITT` HT RCM 1 , 11.:.1A1 MAR HLF: ,;
Na.. oil awl 216 1.4..-rty omt ihr e.t.a!
A JVN' , pa baud • ad rou.lg word., u large ,tr:e.
ty of Marble Iluzgel.. rim cent, r.
Ullicau Top., Tomb Smug!, hlnn ume am a!i .glor It
I.rmg made of the gl.o.egoi marl, awl ,t lured
pr.m-,poil) 1 , , toil. blurry ,g.l!
to pvgLa.t.
...formed that it Is henellanb uonrerasury asr ,Isgra re
go Fast. • Iu 11.mA. then] vrith an arttelg m all
'rape." •• good ca , and tireight.llll4ol3lC,
a, cheap a• they ern parchaaa tbroa for the
F....a Call and ,•••• p. 26
. . .
No 8 Mario. otrett, Pnoburitt. Penns:
TIIE ru.t.rtitcr. Laving made great naprueement.
n the to, rat ton of theta C(N)KING STOVLS,
pee Tally I+.ite pt cactus Itaildlog Steantroata tali
and c seem:Kt - before parcloatnne a• we e•n •apply them
arab Deck Sam, Forget., aid ever) other told 01
Copper, 'gm end Sheet Iron work necessar) in Inman
mg Steamboa
‘Ve al. make to order on the ,honest notire Sal
Tab,* god Chant'-e,, Copper work for enema Engtnent
and every fanny Of work In our line
(.14 k
lallemalsaghasn, !near Pittsburgh.) Pa.
15ard....,, No. 137, ma ,frixt, rilithwgh.
WII.I. constantly keep on hsnd a rood assort
ment of Warr, of ourown manufacture, and
eupertorwabt) Wholesale and country Alm
' , cheat* are respectfully Invited to dell and. ex
attune for theraselses. as we arc detenumed an sell
cheaper than has ever before been offered in tbe pule
If Orders wet by mail, accom pawed by the mutt or
rot - sefewna
. sal hennonntly anewls/I in felids'
hew I, eipi - da arid Pork 211anoktai.
u A VlNGcommenced the manufacture of :Spades,
:shovels, Ilay and Manure Forks. Dre. on on listen
s.. cale. are prepared to fill all orders For !inch Alai
cies at Et.llClll prices.
For thron venicare of their customers and &is/erste
such aeles. rhey have appointed Stemge 'crehran
Commission Merchant. Nu 1,9. i Wood street. their Agri"
fir the sale of their . manufactures. addrcos
ed ti htm will receive prompt atteniion. on .he ml
swinger*. refill. FTllll2t , Ir/ !LON.
P I y
Great Western Butt Iliuge Manufactory,
A OARDNI.R would ovottn ate - In.le th.t
r t . t hey gtre now tunno , Urtottog the first Uott )hull
evernytde in the Iltuoul Stains. A. 1111.% a ourprinct
p i e b.,, n e•s we intend to •.nal n ut zo.comple, wn io
tlele us cun po.ohly male- rho.. e:irrneed in IL.
hardwa , rude. wn (hod,. Will :in,' it 0 their Wert.
tu nee our Hutto All order. orotund) rotendral to
tuls . A lIA MINER Ar or o, -111 • too,
•INI ....era...84 NO' entarion f.e.r cc:1411-1i
to. isi.nn.l ale pr.-parr:4J Lc, mat,. nil lin..ft of
Nod W 01.1.1 %hie .8. ary nu therm. It'll ....We tem
Jr 1. d lo ue w3lnoret wah pm Irt atlcitno
Larnelt Wee,. All. phony City
N W.ghtt.n, who h. • patent torn very
ttapormut ammo. rote . on the Card, tantru La hAa hreti
engaged for the lam (Owen year. in
..oet.e..ful Conn Faetors.... of the ye,
.rdi g ve4u perwaal sue:tuna to putung up. lathe rat
.•tuvnon 1110.1 e turd, all in:triunes lande•al
Co.. Nu, 0,..1 V/ From ot,
• t ll"..
tea.. n.u , .e na .TJr.
ttointmtpinved phl
trtt” Nod .. rnnnn rquiti
tint Aka, Iti
G.t. I it•
vitt up oretuipity rti.l;in
• It ai...t11111.. tut tii•
Win I' Young. I' 1.1,,,,14..0
VLIAIT ULAS:••• nIANn F.ll'l'll It Eitn
AATAItEIIODSI:s.•. 31 UM, .0..1 114 Ur.,
V I' T 1..• olnualactured u. equal to an) lit the country. All cider
w itl 10,,1y1t0trit , ...11,,n1 Gllnl nn r. nal.l
term. hlt•tcleatit. and other- t....itant 1111 t tty arr
yard weal! betnr.. paryna,,tot elsewlser..
titoNWC — .
nod Skov. Int ease nt.,,,r ~,••
1 Wun•lunt.e, No 53,ct, 111,0 W 41.14, Olt
Al•o, .nYanrone. thn Man& AltAlaaler
Rnev. Ltheity nit, el •
Having. mute Arra, nyldalono In thy Rolling Mtn, a
onlcrs ran bt•
nownn 1:IIA FR LINDSAY & to
Iran •nd Cni.per Tacks,
tqlt 2 St Ch.trit • I Itttel, 'I Ittol tttretrt.
Phi Plit•burala.
riTrsquitliti KrEr.t. woriKs ANl).4e - iIiNG
ANI) A3c 1.1-11'At7rOltli
1... AC WI..
m 13 . 1ttz b tALLet i
t•:11role Scw•ini..llononot..l loot Axle.. and dealro.
and Co.h.TlWornings emit}
goner of liow and ', In
tont sweet., i'luaborab
COAigil *HIM aub.crOwt. Sire
n ow wealving • Into pnd evennive assortment of
Caacb•Viwinonas of the Uteri ' , Ors—among h•
art. VlLtiou•amelca that have never b.., kop.
whin theitarchlowd for ci.b &Ow the F.amen.lll••••
laturisp. pad tee able 4.e11 molars. anyfieusa rn•
Now 1 ark dr P64810+1111. Thel, would wogw.Oop)
Inklt• the attentiond.a , we ' • •• •
V.1144.11a. JUrik.}i & QUIOIi, not Ross a 1•1 sta
FOGG & TUUBSTON;lroprietors.
Toneulii 4 crush/tan long and aulary known., hemig
toe twat eprtnnodturts in thrum, or Ha:moon,
bit resentl7.undeterre very ialtrutrua pad
Improvements An attar new wing inta beer. adard.
eontainingratnicirniaanA Cry Carping . apartment, aid
•xtereaire tratbAbgroontr. • •
be L5di.0d.r....1.1 hat retro been completely Ir.
organ..ed and bled up in a mart uniqae and beautiful
airle. In I.e. al.. whole nrrangetnentot the House bar
been remodeled, with • coal. eye on the oast of tb
ornOri,ora towards, the remain nod pleasure or :bait
Cruet., and which they eonfidttl) arrtrt
lenge rompar,son - Venh any'l lot I In Ore Union.
1 heir table will always he plied * r ah every.l.
cantiol anddagary which the maga.% afoul, very. up
tu a rapertor lapis, while in the way.of ,
they will not be auroueed.
• In eolieltmlon the profanes/3ra hag to any, that nothing
Vein to, Intl undone on their part r ,and un the putiftheir
aulatuts, to 'rend, 11Ji4 Ilatel worM,y the continued
patronage oh their rnetial. and rite politic genenally
The pr... for hoard have al. been rodneed the
fallowing rates:—
Lather. Ordiunry, Si 73 per ,lay.
N. ll—The Ilaggage ItThgron Of the Ilan. will al.
way, he found at the Car and SitaIIII3011( Landinga,
which will notary baggage to and horn the Hotel, free
of ebarre ' InYYStr
I 01110—The xub.ribers having pnrehas-d the en
ttre intereat of 001.0 I. XVilltamunt, late of tat, we!)
known etttaltittatolttnt. bey; leave to plate to thew fnenOt
and the public km:locally. that they IMF' Wien this
ronotrodiou• hotel fora term of )ears and wilt exert
their I.te.t etterkses to tool, u a dutroble home for Trav
eller. and Co) Boarder,
• The 'told t• mactotot and admirably planned r ot
. 110: awl ay. harlot n her of parlors
actiontina ettututter, prettentinp, uno , trat altrartnart In
The prevut ioratonetor. havant LW the eXperoentreof
)eur. too thl. rot. stn.. cl.rwhere,ltope they will ba able
to rove general •ati•iveuan bra, detemineol tu give
undivided attenboto to the Wane.
• The to,ll , llllat the Pettit :qr./that.< ostteat.vonly
etirlde. ha vial, Iran. on % aka, tint Thinfpbo,
ow. hut i. equally dr.:table in view of Ilk• vaavitt•
UUai lousAa.. mar or ratirattala pflast,hourder.:
i. brie by the bank, tat L ' Ool ° th ee, thehlal.notr
11,111.0dd Fang,. flail and but anemuarstlirtant tints
Mum .1,, et and let .. ogre. how Ate City W half. tbos.
.45 ring th• atdarrtrtna, npresaay munal•• unit urne.a!ty to pervons egy:l . ll'
anti. JOIIN NOKLE:: - .'-
Formerly Fuller's Hutt!, iVashiagtpo, D. C
propnator formerly aveoctoted with 'the well
known fire of Fader-. Ca, five* Bare to.lo,:ttthe
attention of perm). coining the Cnrrimli .fielitet'n*
niesituri or !twine., ui ht. newly opt tied canna tehtimuf
the -Manalfal 11•00 e." 0 . 1000 bus been fitted up iu a
mile of commit endOverture' unsurpsesed by any
other Hotel . In the city. 11 is mutated at the western
end of Pennsylvania Avenue, aidut in the ii module
vici ntly of the variuos Depe:l.mila Governmentand
the Preetdern's Bowie s
Illii table will always be supplied with all the cote
ions nod luxunes found in the mutters. and no
expense or ctn.& rnared to refuter the hluteion
Boit. 11.11 •0110 1 11•0 Te• 10.0000 10, all who may ,110 fit to
01/110f et with their nominee.
Tim proldirtor would at Ilea hwty call the attention or
the Miters or the Away and !V avy hi• Hotel, to a hom
n Ita. Erg been a lemon.' place of resort.
• N B Ponces always in attendance, on the arrival
of the ears. to convey blebs, frreofeharlte. ntylfin
new and sylend4 establtAnnent.creetedduring .
Lye.. past seams., now pen for the reception of
transwut end permanent "beardeta
Too demand frr tncreasad and .upeeor accothamoda-
Leos for the travellne public, ...Ices..d to the Ptharte
ttr the ping of erceithe a howl.. esr splendor and
cthivelitetwe. shthild beunit 7,111e.1 m the Uumn A e d.
w i n !, t: i .a spared nerd:tat pains nor expense to the
anatitmcni of that destrable *lnert. be leaves the pubic
dee tic how ter In. hut..pueeeeded.
Iluuse ceitlains 1:10 voltmeter.. et:inert/tenth ,
at...teed in suifee an I single ro.nes. The twiliture was
tni made to other with painesatar anent,. to unlit) es,nl
onovr oe well 114 013 ntal splendor. All the
modern insenti one berc hlrti made subservient to the
wet...titre. ease and eonthwt.. nod an experience of '.'et
rr. has enabled the ploptielor, to intreduee many
emplovemenis which. us yet, are peculiar to thus
Loetwed on the otincifial 44,1, within .0 rec 1:41111.11,
walk of the great eeuthern and %Ve.tern railroad do
pow, and the liu.lllC,, seedoo of rue coy, this establish
ment OPITILIICI4II it/U . 11 to Ilse pu.nage of the bIllItit•Ir
and pleasure treed. 1. ADAMIO
Bonen. June, i•lSrott3nt
Corner of Baltimore and Eutaw Street.%
lIEN RV F. JACK ON. 1•110r411r.TOR
IIIIIS -p , ellns and spac.... Hold; el.Ko.l l .e.lotird
boson[.. and :...,rl7rsive I rs. I. so von
ii+ a.• liatur.c• n 1 : : . ,. he at I:nvi.
t.llO.Ce sat ra 0 • rariale t•are al $ll •C 4 .11 ,
arcorrnntrintion of , ransvatgue andfannhci
n , ting the dry sal the Frisw Hamm a /tome,
un•rp‘ssed by any' Hotel is the Limon
The location is etcrateci and 1103 W-ions. snd is else
enurement to Dews and the handing, et which the
Coach, and Putters ui the Iluuw'an,
vort.l,llG toeonvey yaa.rlpi , l 1.1 11,:t I•ngTage, free,
01 rl.l. g , llO 140
Txelv--(3emlemens' Ord -
drier Semi, brlwero Allirisit and Lombard
Toe a/lb.:Thar harnig taarn the above elttab..
21 %Worm, ode. Loy ..erv.ce• to the cit.,. and
tenenttly. nt i• ronvr&er.tly&dusted al
r. Steanthoets nod ita.iread Depai—is In the
0t..1 al •he Wore ettenatve Inver:mg h g
t ii , cauon oder• tholte walking the ely.lo
row:ewe:l,a and cooderti tta the n:hrt proletrial
(ht.,' up 0..11.
goo.l 65'1:551,1, 5.1111 6".55 I.c ..pra .he .....
air 11 Lay of , 4.11,1..1? . "the prrprtrt irita
ot• 40,1..17 the •• iTo.. n . a .- a
• u•orinatin etfor • to please, wills
lie r"
•%"' " " fvNt DI X,
L of 'ap fit. :f P a L. [Ng. F Foi l{
Arrl 1,47. • on
Corner Main and. With sto Cincinnati
tills ertsblishnient is now /a the hest order for the
teceptiolt of the Traveling Public. Ilaeing under
gone a thorough wpair,durtag. the past winter / and
bating the moat experienced men in the wen, in the
allow departments. I hatter myself Mum all will be
pleased who can. The location tacentrial,ounamodtwas
and_plcoratot. Farr ll pi, day. t
Cone/noun. March 13,11 . .-4. MAUI
• N.'ll.—Although not exactly anew Down. it is the
same—a new Whim on the old hondto . • anttlf
Cheintit street, Philadelphia,
gAißoy E Seventh street neggdoor to Ala 4011le
Th. well known ettablithmert 'reeenily been
great 7 enlarged, and 'tally snd ertati'y Or:tithed. It is .
taunted in the most fashionable part ui cheanut street,
Cad no the intraediate v elude of the public place. of
nidotenient The proprietor, grateful for the very 'the. ,
ral patronage henonfers, will epee no drum
reader hie house erery.Way agreeable to his guest.
nod worthy'nf their ennunned'stropoit nwil•dtavrilm
• Louisville, Kr:
. A Rfr,,T,'.'
I, hopes to meet all
avair.op .hem and thetpultlic.that no
edort 'Lail Le /Torts!. In make all comfortable who favor
Woe rnhL thr;r ronage, janllilly
13 OS TON MODE 011.• 11.1017-
'Jo-Lt.:v-7th. ri. Irestr, or Linqou, Iva. arrangni and
patentrd • plarrk g It
r dealin tasaaa, Wblett ha. been rue.
ersofully ticarNora, de , and wherever
applud. La- re:, Ned ,(11, keeled prekrruce over
Farna , e, & adavataaer are—
',t. Great rea - I,l4r:ty of 'Temper:ma,
In. , Very &on front :11161.r.
-:lrd. iio alv:rasitot
4+h. oreodtd 401 1,1,1 e to get ow 01
.5,1+ Great Vor.b.litk. •
A 1
t. arid :v , r•ficn+iou tot, y 1,, ~,n and Ihr np
014... , •1 All ILA and T•ttwarv'tertvt) of
M. :•1:A I PE. 1'
tor.!lti 1,71. Irood and 51.471 oe
BA!. Ist nuriscroio
f-sisisss. hiss sitsiitituslcd its
shin cll .
Ist. tlvnsurss ri.1".,3 Isis prisfe.....oriss: .4011,,, inc
sassd risspeesiullis•o:scso ‘lisis 0/p..1.1.p,
atitssil.o.i 01001110 slia..nseisperia.isit
Ilk,soosciss-1 - roiisisoos SarnisPleli.ny, haltillsore
s Its.alrl. •
Dr. It II Cosshesso,
Ur y.
0000L00 ssls Meer l,anla i !Old.
ne 4 l,llCe. blisaiss.g.slassla Iss411:
• I , II 1 , .ii.• t the
1 e Ull 144 N141C•• It :Alt!,
add itworlitietit ~o cki. which lie win
1, 0 term.*
How,. z:, w
i4C 1.1.u.5ti . ,
N --I,tra l ,fr.iwn !Vv.!,
r 1 i. 1,-.
1:1:i I; OF , 'ANA I. I'ACI:EI , 4 •
:211.714D.'", N 17.
EA VV. t! o elm 1., e no, 04
i4nt the N1C211114. BEA VElthom
aP. , I ll,' IS to, ...atet,pg In x u Sal be
whlt, Len., night.
. , .
l'a•-taitcra mid: 1... 1..,..ipt..11114,.. •. , 14.. - gt.,ha
on the l'a• krta. timl ......t• L,• 11., Stncr, 1:11 sa,ellert,oin
all Ixixrd ...Amara:a Hr.., lt , u , at l'a.t , tgb .a 9
Ito. lairOt.: .
ti M 111. RTON A L
CI.AFIKE.4.Co. Etentsrc,
. jt,' ,, , , F, JIAI.I) , VIN, 1 ottrrt.swn
. -
l ,
. _ M It TA,VI.OII. %Verret.
Jolts LI:tiLA --
%ILI 17 Market otreet..t , nosy or,.ving In. 19 , 11.1
.awk nr - lloo.•-rorto.tOrte Ilanha'are, 1:11111.16In
rtin•••IIPIC on part a•nolow4—
a. Japanned 1 •r.';rnatt;.l. and An.erwan:
. 4 1.1• Ilrotentra do'
ra•kar.aultan Tinned Saucepan.;
'do o .a , Par. , : 1 ea... T.ahl And Waiter.;
I do rot 0nr..1...1 -
I, do V.te.l-4,1 Wore: I to.k 11.101111'S(P;
I 1 II ...Onnterpp;;;:lor,lale•Tinia.,l tiorpr.„
MOO 11..10106M \Y if, 50 tali T. Piste,
Otl . • ' 'Joint/ lIUYI.A P. 17 Musket et
J trial we uoheolattogly itt , r 24
ta—thetwat article, wilt." et para. tow. wrote
reatowio. and prewar...a a.. • ltreuta hair.
of moderate instances when/ heir haw been reetorrd to Leath
htdt Meeiwe. bald for 7d^' ..d we think weawitolitt
peeler favor thwi u rerowintefil to all our rradere otai ar
khh hair. te mates trod areas Took immediatelf
'Boston KaiL
Pair de to PAW:WT.6 11 the prattle Tea' Saw; 'Zit 73
Ft.rof 0.4 " ! • maßikler
A l ttle, a ToPL A ro l" e fi nf 3 : 71 1 ux
saw . : 111:21(.11 "d o•
tier!!! thyrnpflds, al Na Dent art erlioelik of ' '
teltl J KIDD ft tI:Q, 00 WOod st
• m HE subscribers beg to call the intentlon'or all throe
/eresicd in roofing, to th eir GA I.VANIZtaI fl
PLATNS. and to Cie many advantages which they
posies oret all meiotic amSothefrulialanees hitherto
used fal por r oae, worthy do, the strength
snd tightness of iron without it. ii31•.!11 y to rust, hsviog
been tested several ,Fats, both or this. eoutnry anil
In Europe. They are also less subject to elpanaiort
and cow rac tionAlson :odds. ebonies of rho Atmosphere
than common Tin Plate, Iron. Zinc, he any roarer
Irelllll.,llloed Mr roofing, and consennsinly norma
much 'teak, and r,-ter roof , rogra.cog tar his freitiont
et mor, whilst ;he first rout t Luz a bile too..
/ soli • • • , •
e • •
wribers ..owe o :Jae call the attention of al,
tiers and workers in metals; ID the, many other par
p o se, to numb Iron thusprotected, eon be
le setteral terms It applicable lo all artielcir of DOA
is desirable-to poorest :Mal the aeuon of the
etrtresphere. And they would e tries -tally all the ar
e noon of those interostedie TKI.pUlt A PIIIC LINY.I 4 ,
to their Galvantsoil Wire. which is trowalnsost enure
-31,, in Europe. and - which answers every purpose
as eendoetor of electricey, costing ooly abota one
hes much at ropper, and p(....ailnr equal danando
tr with that Weird. •
I Lacing lately erected works in this ear for dm par
pOw at e.learc spikes. :rolls, Wiro. /So., tioy
will lir silo to flaws y niele which may Lo dein ,
rcd A supply-of P cc Imilicfactrtred, in iktrope,j
coooaio I y or hood, from 16 'sir< gooto
GEO. a mouacrWD 4 Co
• •
Nos. II /mil litleiteer et, NEW YORK.
.The Pao,. Right for Olin article, has been neared
for We tio.te..l mate,. a. well as Great Britain, end Woof
European ea ti triee, and all legal measure. Will be In.
Yrn to prorrnt arty infringement by impottaboa Of °O
en..., 0,17.1 -
N 0.44 Cedar ccc t New York.
DEO k., to in firm Dealer; to Dry Chola, that they haw
recritid.and to nor ealtibiting,,al theWAREDOWIE
EXCLDSPIEL Y Fri. Prima rehar, 500 CAMEL. e‘onprisoeg all the New Nprlair Harlem, of British,
Vrretch .4 /invert= hlarn`hturai let kb, to AUDITION
to their mut steel!, =dare their aissrtateat roe of the wet
heautifsit tool atter.* sa theca,: .d hating jest ism ptt
=red kr CASIT AND MORI' CREDIT, are cluedby
the pi= orpackage man stone term , at and ham mew
h. mem
.....ratidve. of priers (earrettrd daily,). are Idaeald t lb. • of bard,
run-haver. isSortothenowle. of Our Kite of Mar
let, and be wet:repair for an quadrat., wen It they
L. & B. ban'
orevitar'' • atwe '
r. l .thd aEwargß, 44 Cede ui,t.
Wholekele Detia ;Warehouse.
Int vas crrv - or = isicurironit.
up , ?r, Co. No. 49, John st.
York, offer, tor aa!e a large and general
anortriment •of Dings and Medicines; Dye Stu&
Paints and Oils of every description,„whickilry
are prepared and determined to sell, low.
Country ltlerchanui and Druggists are requested
to call and examine their articles. Orders executed
with' faithfulness and 'despatch. B. A.Eah tiestock'e
constantirtan hand.'
•B. A. Faisiestock; . ) •.,
B. L. Fahnestoek; ;..f . ittabargb.
U. W. Fahnedeck. -
A. B. Hall; New York, .'
j 11.11UA W. FIELD offers Dr ettle• at the lowest
• Mmutheturere pried', a-yeei esteesiye alslarla
a•iii of PAPER..eomprisirte every possible v•riety ,
sd..ptrd lathe omits at eriessuriera mall sections of the
coivitrj. Paper or all kinds wade to order et shop
conk of PRINTING PAPER is =sluing large
a pastor Which is of veep superior unifier.
of every devoripao, importedand kept eithethady on
hun Felling, With Cloth, Ewa:lathe kti thesi
Blenching Powder, Blue UlltanArine,'Fiainlphg.., An.
nvasa,l3a!e Rope, Booth Rop, BaggiM:',lkeesitAiv
pure based, thr which the highest price m Will he
paid - irSJ.V Nave Norp -
Indemnity egiasut 1.;•• or Dattsage_by
With the addiuonal soenrity of ts . Btoek Central.
The Rtheetee Mutton( Ineurana Co., of Theo.
Gcont, Iy. Toland; f Joint M.
, i
Thomas G. Roektull, Lewis R Ashburn, •
Wm. R. Thompson, George N.:Raker,
George AL Stroadi - /ram J. Vanderkrunp,
theme it Carpenter.
IArILL, nate insurance against Lou or Mini 0
FT by Fire, iti—EITTNIIIIIIOII and vicinity, on
Houses, :Stormiest,' other Build/ago, and 'on' Feral
tere,, Goods, Wares and Merchandise, on the most
favorable. terms. ..,..
The Mutual Principle, combloed with n Stock
Capital, and the other proriaiont of the Chester of
this Company, hold out unusual inducements, both,
of profit end surety, to those desirous of effecting
itomrance,towhich the Campsite ask the attention
and examination of those intereited. ~
Those. effecting inaurance with this Company
1,,,5e, besides this metal protection against lot.; by
ordismy method of insurauce, the additional
adrantageof directparticination the profits ot
the Cempeny t without any mcbffity.
• IiLORCIE: W. *POLAND, Pruideut..
R.M. liiscitatsie, Secretary.
cr day.
du •'Sn
Vw•rubscriber, who is the duly authermbd Agent
or the above umned Company, I. prepared to make
insurance, at the Offinc of the. Agency, in the
Cha Thinl at., : .wd door from Wood
street, and will give ull further iuf.rmation desired
myr-0 4 / 1 3 , •
- • • •
Sniety In•••ranee Company of ptallatteln.
LIME.' RISKS anon build and merchandise
V of eveq deacnotion, MAKINK RISKS
epee bulls or cargoes of veniela, taken anon the
most favorable torme.
ID" tithes in the' "Warehouse of W. B. Holmes
& tiro., Pio. 37 Water, near &Imhoff street, rim.
• N. It. The successotthis Conipiiii) since the emalt.
Bailment o' the Agency to thincoy, with the promptness
awl tlerststy vitth wh•ch ry elem upon Mem for
loss has been adjusted. fog y warrant the agsm in to
siting th e confidence and pi_tronnett of his m et s; and
'Me community at large to Me lieliware ai . ' find
ranee Company, while it bas the tuldittonal ads tages
es en institution among We Fteilet dotal t.;, In.
PhilutPta—as having. ample paid in ; Sthith
by the operAp on eras thane risconstan tiyi acreasing
as yieldinglB each pencils insured hit due oblate of
th • profits Ilk the company Nlthelle involving him
to r an, responsibility whatever; and therefore aa
pomeileg the Mutual principle divested of every
'ohne:sous restore, so l io its mostl attractive form.
no re .
TDS we'll known and resaccottsle, company ts pre.
ared, througakken rrrrAtiuttuil AGENCY. to
make p insurance of <levy kind cenneeteit with risks of
transportation and inland navigation ;Minium Osmium
tow or damage by fire, Dwellingillouses, Warehotwel,
Buildings 111 fft:lolli,(hxyls, Wm co, .ad-Merchaadwe,
and early description of permit! properly on the most
farorable terms.
Applications act Insurance attended to sailboat delay'
at the offico,tio :13AVood mecca.. --
AT an Election held at the (dee in hi. Y., May Iph,
the following nagicJ gentlemen green clanien AreeiQn
of this Company, for the ensuing year, nix --
Jo,eph IV. nag age, :ttrphen llolt
John Brouwer '' John hfcChatn. '
a',uiama. Ward,
John Nowlioura, Jacob:Miller,
IVillwart S. Slocum, • hfarcusnpring,
John P. Mackie, • morph P. Lair, -
John J. lierhielk,
And at a subwannta nsce•tut Of dm EadnI,JOSEPII
VV. SA VAG E. Pp., wit E111. , 10}- tr.ate a uqt
sltdit for tar cnontna year. Wht , J A il ES BOGGS,
09 Vest h Journal copy.
Fl IL E AM) 31A til3t C
Hr. litzurance Company , Istorth.nn.erica,
.1. through its duly authorized Agent, the aubstri
her, ottani to make, permanent and li z oitod :Insur
ance on property, in thin city nod its vicinity, and
on shipments by the Canal and litrafra.
. .
John C. Smith P.:3'c., Scimael srooh,
Alex : 12Irri,i • Chnrlea'llylor,
. •
Saud. W. Jones,
Sand. F. smith,
Krinard smllll , Anibrose,White,
John A. Prown,! Jacob hl. 'Thomas,
John White, • John ItJliett,
Thos. f'• Cope, Itrchard
Wm. Welsh. • Arthur(:. (Nrirm,Sce.
* Thrs'is. the oldest Insurance t:oinpaor in - the
United States. hams been chartered in 14.. its -
chalice to perpetual, and from its high
se atandieg,„
long eahernno; ample mean,, and' asordinii all ,
r of an cites lorfardnus character, it,
considered as olleneg e.'mple security to the-public.
MOS klhl2rob •
•At (.7r.unting Ileum of Atwood, Jeces &
11 trrer'.:srl Front streets, sP.2^,l
.• •
' INDEMNITY. --• . ' •
-‘g mat Inn by nre—The AN I KLIN Fire necO—
ranee; Company of .I . l:ilidelphia,'
ViTILI. make Insurance, permanent and' . Red,
V T on every de sc ription of prnperty, in ITTS
BURGII-and the •SURROIJ?irtiNtI tOt ' -T RY;
on favor:dale terms. Thu conma . ny ha.: n p rpetant
charter. ; , _ , 1
cArITAL gutooo pai4 in.
CONTI:it:KAT 11.4NL1 - .1.500,(VO
0 Irace corner of Third and slarkct ata,,,litbdigh.
an Z.t—tl - ' , WARRICK Af ARTIN, Agint.
Amu10.... Fire insurance .company
0? 1.1111. A DELIIIIA. ;
.-.., .. - nes Praerrran. CArtra L. =OAP ?An ft.
Office in PAiludelphia, No. 72 Ifaintit Street:
i WM. DAVLIMN, Ptelia;
Faanealet reamer, ; .
ril 1 IN old and wen...tall called Cenvany cuntsnann
I. inure Etaittri mrs, Merehand Ow, Pennants and prep
e ny net of an extra haaardeue enaruter, sonnet Lana q,
. daas•ge by fin:
ApNundons for inounnee. in Intraburele WWI tto
neighneoteed. von be received: and Oral. taken I iMir.
perpilually or for Unmed period', on fevered< tern. i.y
GEL). 001111 RAN Agna.
_ .
. .
NO 77 C INA L 7TREET, NEW ontris.* •
AvENTt, for J U 4 rmaut's Ea tannive demo Saw c..
e fiat ry. Alway on hood, iClargn onek o'l.a
Powdered, Croabed, anwlion and Itastald:Se_prOo
Ti ens and Parrela. A4o, Sava Howie Molawar.
Prieea liberatand a fail allaweuwe made on 211.aleit
of. or abwre,SO barrels. , • . !wall •
ITIrILWWW—A Jour.) wan Tanner led/har o( a
'nowt and pen.osnent showing b 7 opplyong it the
' nfi:thVve ' pnd '" 4 . atio eniner
&e. jej eztuListl&Boirttrri