MEWCAL 'TO' TILE SICII' APO AFFLICTED. DR. SWAY/SIPS GREAT DISCOVERY. rh, gnat Remalyfor Coemsaption, Coughs, Colds, noshina.innachitis. Liver . Complairil..Spitung Blood, thAteultr of Breathing. Pala lathe Bide and Breast. Palgitstion of the Bearclatlneask i froup.ttreken ithestitulion Son So Throat, ervous.Debility, and all -disease. of die Throat Breast and Langs. the most hilfsetual and speedycareeveihmtorn for enrol' Mutsu dincanes;• ' to DR.SWAYNCts COMPOUND SYRUP OP W 11.1) CIO:BUY. Anoinlieta [wino w Iva ess.—Read with astoro Bhment the wonderful cure performed by Demur iSyraytte'a Compound Syrup or WILD CHERRY: , Plilltang.t.ruis, January 13, 18t7. Dr. Swayne--Dear Sur. In justice to yourself and • duty k owe to nattering humanity, I cheerfully give my LeStiliKony, not dgelaie to the world the most astonishing effects, and the great core your Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry performed on me, tinder tne most unfavorable • circumstances. I was taken with a violent , Cough, Spitting of Blood, Be • sere Pains in the Side and'llreast, which seemed In break down and enfeeble my,constitutton, S. l'th my physician thought inn case beyond the power id medicine, and my friends all gave me uP to die; but thank.. to you and the effects cal your great distort • ry, I now feel ouzel' a well man, and Mined from a mere skeleton to as fleshy and healthy a man as I have been for years, and snail be pleased to give an, information respecting my c.c. by calling at in, residence, Mechanic street third door below Georg.. street, Northern Liberties. • .Leon t . . 12,131. Testinumy is now mead from all tpiartera of foe Glubc. • The lollowing letters ale presented with a Tiers of more fully drawing tliciopinicus of Physicines in relation to the Medical value of Or. SW AV N COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD CHERH V Dr. Swayne—lour Sir: tinning used your Cony pound Syrup of Wild Cherry extensmely in m, practice,l was requested by your . Agent, Doctor • Cis:triter to ,express tor opinion in writing of its i properties as a remedial agent, I most .rheerbili, i comply, s• 1 feel by so Mang, I will discharge a , debt I owe the community at large, and Physician.. is particular. As much us, I detest Quack Rem, dies mid , Patent Nostrums, 1 was induced from a failure or the most potent. expectorants. remon• amideed in our matena methma in some cases 0i Diseased Lungs, to try your preparatton el Pruitus Virginia or Wild Cherry. it w sufficient to nay that I wasp° much pleased with the resultwf that and subsequent trials; that I now prhertbe it in prefer ence to alf other Remedies whele an expectorant is indicated. In the snitch dreaded Pneumonia eir Disease of the_ Lungs, in the alarming lure in which it appears In Kentucky, I regard it a. an invaluable Remedy in the treatment of that disease. To an Who knew me I have mut enough. bur as this, may be seen by persons out of the Ecintiy ot.Vrankilirt. I will briefly add, that I have been„ rg. gml in an active prarfice ol my profession of Iye n, and ant a Regular Graduate-of Transylvania, an this is the find Patent Medicine I ever thought /enough art t.. etpresa an opinion in writing. • J. H. ELLISon. M. D. • January 7th, 1217. Franklin County, li v VIIASIN your, Ky.,Jan'ry 7th, 1:47. The above certificate is rum one of our Pliyac clans Jilin; a few Miles from here, he is doing g tier) good practice, and in considered a good Physician, and stands fairp he is, as he any., a regulargreduate. Do. V. L. Coolest an, Druggist and Apothecary Tr-Vinton Mb will never most. From the Temperance Pledge. -Now. that Winter m upon us with its attendan train of Pulmonic and Brune:Mal allections.Coughs Colds, &c. &c , we would ady,se those - alticted I. this way to make immediate trial of Dr. Swayne'. Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry. It will nevei fail to part rrn a permanent CM: The reputation of this medicine has maul many spurious articles to be put forth under its name; but the preparation of Dr. Swayne, besides being the Mat ever offered to the public, is the only tine - that can be relied on. The other mixtures sold Inc Wild Cherry Syrup, Balsams, &c., are all spurious and worthies., 21111 contain norm of the virtues of the original nreparas I Lion, Dr. Swayne's , Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry. - • Flom the Springfield Express. Of the thousands of purported curative nostrum. now before the public, hut very few are found in possess the healing virtues for which they aim ',- commended. Among the latter we are 'pleads,' to learn none stand n better test than Dr. swaync'a COmpounil Syrup 01 Wild Cherry. The aflltrted in this vicinitfrare beginning to use it, and to their joy they find* ris um their hopes based mime ita recommendatirins more than realized. 'the afflicted need not despair. While there is life, there now is hope. . A CAUTION "IX) THE PUBLIC. IrrSince the introduction of my article to the public, there have a number of unprincipled "d.. 'ideals got up nostrums which they nasert contain Wild Cherry, some arecalled "Balsams," "Bitters,' and even Syrup of Wild Cherry, but mine is the original and only genuine preparation over introdu coo to the public. which can be proven by the pub lic Records of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The only safeguard against impositiorits to see that my signature son each bottle. - DR. 11. SWAY& E. Prepared only by Dr. k. Swx awn, at his Priam. pal Office, corner of Eiaae and Racr. Streets, ' Philadelphia. All Wild Cherry preparations being fictiticuss and counterfeit without his signaiure, Far sale in Pittsburgh Wholesale and retail by WM. THORN, 53 Market street, OGDEN & SNOWDEN. corner 2nd & Wood ,tr. S. JONES, IBo.Liberty street.. Sold also by J Mitchell, Allegheny City; Boyd, Cams & Co7,lßutier; Weaver & Henderson, Al er• sera Norman calendar, Meadvillei J H Burton & Co., Erie; hl'Kermie & Kaskell, Cleveland; Denis & Son, Columbus Miller, Miller, Brow:m.01s; Marsh, Wheeling, Vu.; E B Hinman; Cincinnati, Ohio; Dr E Easterly.& Cu. St. Loins; J S Morris & Co., Louisville, Byq Andrew Oliver & Co., New Or. MIMI. anrs 111 ORGAN' S. CELEBRATED IN DI AN. LI V ER ,PILLS, for the cure ,if. Liver Complaint, and all diseases arising from die laver. In nick head. ache, and as a purgahre and Anti... Bilious Pin, tar. passed by p.p. SYMPTOMS or A DisEASTO Lir crt..—Ch,m,,.. inffamation of the Liver, when not the consequence an acute attack of tl, disease, begins generally • with nymptoms ore I unctionsl disorder of the dip.. ties and biliary organt, and dyrpepata frequently . seems to he the only affection present. The patient complains of irregular appetite and impaired powers of digestion, acidity, flatulence, slight cholic pains. occasional LISIMICA and vomiting, sod a slight 101 l pain and weight arc felt in the right side; ACComps.. riled in some cases with a dragging pain in the right shoulder. Most commonly, however, nu distinct pain is experienced in the region of the Liver, except when firm pressure is made on this part, The bowels are always . very irregular. costircomar , being ccmtOon to some instances with diarrhoea, the discharges scanty, dark colored, offensive, slimy, greenish or Muddy. Ono of the most coolant and characteristic symptoms of Chronic Liver Com plaint is a dry, hank, constricted state of Inc akin, a shortdry cough, with slight difficulty in breathing is a Ircqnent attendant on this disease. lot he chronic as in the acute roan of Ibis disease, the pa. Rent eat seldom rest as easy on the left as on the right side. As the disease advances, Ellett fevers come on towards evening, attended with a burning heat lo the patios of the baton and voice 01 the trot; the nights are restless, and when the Inflammation terminates in suppuration. hectic and rapid maraca, lion consume the vital powers. frlstwfdetured and sold wholesale and retailby JOHN D. MORGAN, Do uggist. Wood street. Pittsbargh. SHEILPIANII TOOTH P/HlTic w rfl * WX TIIE best article known kw cleaning and whitening the Teeth, strenzhening thenms, sweethrung the bwath,fro. It should he used ry night with a slid brash . , and the teeth and mouth willouly require a shah washing In the morning. Wet the brush with .earn water. or cold will anstser.'and rob it a tee tone. no the paste, when enorigh will adhere for c.earung the teeth. It leaves.. delicious taste in the mouth, and Hut parts a mast delightful fragrance m the breath. It •mnds parts as a pleasant, edit... Mug, convenient. and safe dentrifice. It is warranted not to injure the teeth, hulls preserve them. fly using it regularly. it will remove the tartar and prevent its accumulation—prevent the toothache - strengthen the gums, and prevent all diseases .of them Chemists, physicians, nod the clergy recommend it decidedly superio rto every thing Or the kind in its,— Ask for Sherman's Compound Orris Tooth Paste, observe his signature is attached to each pot. Recommended by Dr. Castle, ISt Urosstaray. one of our best Dentists, and by main of the old established ones in the United States, and ever awnsively used by the Nobility of England and Per•ro A large proportion of the diseur.t hot afflict mankind some from some derangement of 1.10 • tonne it or howeig, which a timely sae of the Quint lie lozenges would tirely obviate. Peronof bilicua habits should al- Ways have a bog at hand, and take a .lose whenever sinus( eel the lout Uctongemen lin their health. A jnai sin ass of these" Lozenges would prevent thousand. of eases. Yor talent WM . . JACKSON'S, corner of Wood and Liberty ate dscel • NO CURE NO PA% DR. GULI..}.:r'S INDIAN VEGETABLE REMEDY—Warranted to cure ' or the moo. ed ey return. Th.ed micine is prepared from on In• titan Receipt, obtained from one of thetn in the Far West, at great expense. ''hose who have been familiar with the Indians, know that they cao and do cure Venereal without the knowledge of Mer cury, Balsam, or anything of the kind. The all Meted have now nn opportunity of being cured Ale use of Balsam. This medicine VI bleasant to th e taste, and leaves no smell on the reath. . . Prepared by ROWAND & WALTON, and sold wholes/le and retail, by J. T. Rewind, 376 Market street, Philad'a. . For sale in Pittsburgh by R E Seller., 57 wood street. and by Wm. Thern.s2 Market at. oc6.lsef • ---- 7 - 11117 — a Psyt Dr. /sass& Pus Emberanem Neon Puffs! SPHERE ore few diseases more common or troll .. blesome than the Piles, and yet. notwithrtand ' log A r eal efforts hale been made to cure by the use of pills electuariea,liniments, &e., all were lutile and o Stile bene fi t. Now the Embrocation is the only medicine used. A pennon who has been suffer. tog with the Pile. of the worst kind came front Sa: le:D:New Jersey, almost nn purpose to express his grat i tude for the speedy cure that this medicine had effected in his care,—Phila. Sat. Post. 11:11 , or sale in ?disbars!r at the }I:KEN TEA STORK, 7.2 Fourth at.. and aloe at the Dreg Store H P. Schwartz, Federl et. Allegheny Cit YOU PUSILLANIMOUS SUOUNDIUNI. I W I fry?to m nrws re , o ' sTit ‘ ITAti=rt . r: n ;re, ?.7 at ; ni your own, puled crap ttons and InOttbee • 700 me too Mean to give filly ,ceot. for cake of Ow peat Italian ChttoiCal make which would orturely e you froni them, add make your yellow iltjo clear nit.] healthy. Go Stoner, to/del/son% More, t. 9 toberty st • Pittrhonboului get a. coke N /notion% tithe only pl.e In rattbotgli trb , re Ore GENUINE is to to &Samoa. Benton of 'kronor- • . WrOLISF:ItViI the Itte Mot standstn the eloormi ay. meta ' '• ' ;Ding Ware histaist Reaterired H. A. VAUSESTOCK di CO. rested an extensive warehouse on t he earns r WOOD one View serene, to 'Match they have e 4 their lifielroale lsswess, whir. they - twill *Maya}arpon bane an VIICIINITO asaortmeut of all the article* la tacit low, co which they Write the itten llolh of the prltl ie. "The Drag 1.4644 trill be ...outlawed at the Wet eland acne,, of ethane Wood cis.. • • • 4pre • =2:t' , c;=s PIIIADA. ADVERTISEMENTS 11T AJI MOM - 111.A.3.011i11W, IlKiEXlJAU,stierre EloWeinvood Streetfitot- Vik'odel - pidi.: !At thistataidiahtoizZinay berm:rod the greatest variety of Plana nest benonfol Pattered 1110N,.P.AILINGS lo the , Voited : . I.tates to 'which toe anon. ion 01 these 113.1•4/1 pt a.e:eip• tioti,asta - espemally fur, Cesseteriea, is portienlarli invited. . . The principal part of all the handsome }tailings al ',eel Hill, Monument, and other Celebrated , enaetertes in the city and County al Philadelphia, which have been no highly extolled by the public prom, were executed at that manufactory. A [sign WareAtoom is connected writh,the est.!. lishment, where is kept tOnstantlS on hind a lrge stock of ready-grate Iron hailing.. Orna m ental Iron Settees. I inn Chairs, new style plain and ornamen tal Iron (late,. with an estensivenasortment of Iron Post., Pedestal., Iron Arbors, he: Al,:so in great variety, Mronght and Cast IronOrnamentn,suitable for Railinp, and Other purposes. The subscriber would also stole that to his Pat tern sod De.igning Department he hav i employed some of the best talent in the country, whose whole attention is devoted to the busine.s--forinirg alto gether one of the rabid complete sod systematic el. tablishmen .7 of the kind in the limos. ItORFIRT WOOD, Proprietor. Ridge Road, above Buttonweod street. Fiffindeliihia, March Id. DM droner Ea= - . ''M: I'IIF.AI . I-:sl' GOLD A Nllsll.VElt DVATCII I 4:: , IN, PHI I.ADI-1.1411A Goid I,atcro, roll .le-welled, IFIS.IIIf Silver .10 du 2110) Gold, Jewell...l, 30 (II 011ver. do do IS W • Si Ivor quart.erc fine queluy, 111 IA) Gold DR ...hes. plot., • 15 On Sacre :'ll4,l3eiff. ' 175 Gold Ilencils. 2 1111 .• Gold Gr.aorlels, 4 1.111 Al. unhand. 2 hog.. as.rnnenl of (told std Ilatr lloleoll.:4, huger ring., brc n.t polo hoop cal, gold pen., kitver 1.1 , 4.114, ougar 10020. ilutublc, gold neck. eorla and 101 l vial., guard kel • tool 1. ,00 11l of every' dem...Noon al equally low pricer. All I wpm Ol ik Col) to convoi, comornc,a. • All k Maio 14 Wutcheu and Clocks repo/red and orar rattk.d to keep good nine for one yvar, old gold and ed. vet bought or 111Lill in cachauar. rot rule, elglit day a , td thirty hour bras. Clock., of LEWIS LA DO I LIS' %Vetch, Clock, hod Jewelry ;;tor •. 100 414 alurke above Eleventh. North Pule, Illicludrlphia. fL7 llave mune tiold and Si., Levcr/.lo.lchvaper Ono, the above pore.. jall Ana MM= • tp 111,4 I tattooer many advantage. over all / other•—aanong winch Ina) be roc...sled, lu Managetihlesie. , -Th. rdpittatty And foreeof blow y l.a eunindled with the areatrat coma, while the 1.2111111kel !A uperaton, and the trammel inn, be .1 stAtitly arreated, and anvended at any beinLY • 1:•• ❑n] r.alny, or capacity to C3relltO work of all I. mil., how the :argent to the ontall”1. ut der the souse hanunc, . . itt=l Its Aceresadloy upon all %Ales, b, the workmen All the hammy's:ye made :left-Acling. The subscribers contidue to execum order,. for these h:ndarra. of upon rewardable Imam, I , nr iunecr partteulare, inquire of :11ERRICK h Doh' N E, it ...pees of the Potent for the Unned emirs, deel,l y evinhoirart Foundry, PhllaWa DERRY & NICKERSON. Blunufaciutere of AWNINGS, BACKIIIG .80T19918, WAGON COVERS AND GRAIN , RAGS or ALL DESCRIPTION! No. 304 South Front S Back of T. A. Hi ihoria Cabinet Ware Manufy PIIILADELPIIIA. A 1.1. orders left with S. S. Moon, at tbe office of the A Merehautio hotel, l'inaitratt. will i be promfiti) t ended to. Tllttzn. G. DERRY eeplOitile A. C. NICKEIMON TO WATCIIMAKICILS and DICALEitif LADOMUS, IMPORTER of Watehei. Watehmakeros Tools, .d Watch Nistrnals, wholesale and rentilosad eon nanny on band a large assorts:mentor Latent, Patent, and Plain al filarnsprtngs, Verges,'Dials, Watch Rawls, and complete assortment of all Tools and Mu ovials belonging to the trade; wtth a large assortment f Guts: and Silver Lover, Lepine, and lien all of which be will guarmtly to sell &1a:M1... New York preens. All orders from the cum* punctually vier.ned. N. u.-Country Merchants and others ex invited tu call and reamuc at the Old Stand, No. TJ South Fourth cel. Philadelphia. land &a - • CARRIAGES. WTILLAS OGLE, ascii AND • *' HARNESS RIKER, 4. 0 Umlaut et , Phihrdripk n i .. hve of the Grin of Ogle .1. WM.. a tfully inGlepae his ham& mad the pubh , that he has anti rill kno coustataaly itto harld Ind , • hanchome . =averment a =Movable Carriages. Vehaelee of all styles sad dueriptitme made Gs order at the flagrant patiblertotice,ardeseeuted ry the eery ben comer, of selected material feb:l3-ly MISCELLANEOUS. AOENCV IVOR EI'A7TENTB, Washington, D. C. ,- F:NAS C. ROBBINS._ _Blechanieal f.ngincer and Agent tor procuring Paten., will prepare the ne ceseury4Urawinee and Papers for Appheanw r or r ot . cm.. trans•ct all other will in the line of his prolsamon at the Patent Office. Ile cam be commits-LI on all questions relating 10 the Patent law. and dem. woos in he United States or Ea rope. Pe sans at a .fi•tunee desirous of having examinations mode at the Prteo, I titles. print to making uppitention for• patens, may and (non enetuatng a fee of five dollar.. a clear of their case, wheal...WSW atten tion will be given to it. and all the information abut could be obtained bye visit of the applicant in pereoni promptly communicated. All i on busineaS most be post paid. end contain a suitable fee. where a arrinen opinion is required. liffice on F. street,opposue the Patent °thee. lie has the honor of refeinne. by oenrussion, to llon Edmund Burke, Co ~,,,,, s-ioncr of Patente; lion II L, Ellswonh, 40 ,1,,, 11 Knowles, hleelio. •.1 ' Mike; Judge Craneb, W 5.!, . ,.;; Iron. Choate, Ma... U S Senate; W Allen. Ohio. do; lion. J It BoarliehM C, Missouri; Ilon. Willis 11.11, New York; lion. Robert Saint, hl C, illinois, • llon. S Deere, U S Senate; J M C, altsquri; Copt. II hi Shreve. hlitivonti; Taros Brooke, Esq., Pitishorgh. furl. ' NOTHF:R ABRI VA L'' AT MIE • NIL %V YORK STORE-70 MARKET ST taM , OrEN— ate/ lot Cl wholeecle dud W H GARRARD Attorney, Connullor nod Genentl Agent. Wr PRALL , inkinne his Mends and the pub . he that he has commenced the business of Agent for I eying and wiling real mottle. In thia city, and will devote a large 'portion of his time aid atteunint 10 the leasing'. letting and biting of housei,hiormi and oth. ev hoddinag in collecting and disbursing renta,and 001. et clamms and demanda, and in attending to Agency be einem generally. He will elm engage In the negate. lion of losat t eontrneta, rte.. and will famish •uthentie information in relation to the pa, ing gtalitim and rei monsibilitirs of tenants, he for which , rhis extent anniaintance eminently qmiliGes Inut. Ile may be found to his residence, No 141 Allen meeet.until 913 o'clock iti the nieMing and after 0 o'elkielt in the evening, and itt other hours at his nine, No nn Chambers Hetet, god door front room. NEW VORK. lII:FERENICES—Pnn F A Thllnudgi, lion John II I , reon. lion John McKeon, lion Ori , n,Jl.Jfinhn. delsnan Eirten Llenron, Ald. IVm V , Drady, Duo d tingly". Krq..ll , m I Bourne. Esq. my,3d3.n• TO CONTRACTORS. JamePROPO.IA LS will oe ived at th e Office of the ,* River and rece Hartmann Canalnna.V. in Richmond, V.,115111 the 15th hay nail, Sir the con struction of tree alone dams across ladies' River Mt the lute of the Company's Canal between Lyncliblfrg and the mouth of t e Nonh river. Theficet of eaid dams will be about 31 11 high and 400 feet long, and w oofed nhout 4 miles above Lynchburg: the accood will he W 55515 In high and SOU ft long, and Etiolated about nodes west of Lynehborgh: the third ambit be about V. htgb and 300 It long nod situate 1 abet; 13 miles west of Lynchburg. The foundation of these dame are of rock, and the superytructures will be regoored to be ra sed ar high as low water level, donor the preyent sce. son. Mans& said works roa ybe seen, a nil op torficat tone obtained, at the Company's Oface in Rlehnoted or at the sabsentietht Office on veld hoe above Lynchburg, on and after the lof of Jule next. I WALTER OWYNN,cnierbmi.e , ' ' Stowe River & Kanawb Co Riehmond,44th May, IEI7. rey43.3ta _sl2 .VENZTIAN nthancior. ti I.:attain:and best variety overawed 'adds en y before—made on Or Moat approved Eastern plain/ MS most fashionable Ewen, patterns and colors. Also TIIE CHEAP ROLL, or BOSTON BLIND, on band or wide to order of ill sizes. and at an Nice.. Counuy Merchant. and other. arb invited to call and exicolne t h e above for sbenowlve., az all will be laid wholesale or retail, and a liberal dedaction wade to wholcsalt putobacco. aridly • A WESTERVELT Ilirdware 51or• liteammea. lATMTMORM A. WOLFF having relieved from the corner of Lawn) and Lk Clair streets, to No 50 • Wood meet, three door. Memo St Charles HoteLsrould respectfully • ask the attention of buyers to their mock of lIARDWARE, CUTLERY and SADDLERY, reed per Ores Saranak, Monongahela and4Dk.ikt dim e. from the manufacturers of England and LrenuanY. Alert, 'applies of Americas? 11. rdware. from the prim meal manufacturers of the Eastern States. Their gawk being entirely new, and purchased upon the best teens they feel great confidenre in being able weerwfully to meet' competition Noel any quarter , whether elm or west. The licrdwhre Irttstocou, will be continued Itt the old ptyhd. ape sliCAß'tl it thnjW N TLA f ylairrAnLic . For bout one year. omelette to malting ore of Mr. Stt eel Renuveting Pills. I have tellierd'exteenntly from 14spereia. and ao real ntontark I have mode Ism t great varitty of mcdteine without reecieing material nnclit About three months Olaea I commenced using Mr. Scar. Meditate, Which hat entirety relieved me from acidity at my stostacp, and renown see la manfun table buldt. &metal of toy friends aadammannance• have mode etc the and received mach benefit !man cm. I era with confidence recommend thenac • 'JANE A LEE, al7Cladten cc lesale . who andtetall, by LI.A FAIINESTOCE &CC) coiner of letand Wood, and Weed Meth ms. ' ViIIITEALIZ-3.10 ens. p.nnlee andl_yetkao Corp. 1' Lluin; 20u mooned mixes Wadden6 w15;74,1 11, Alt /0.11 and 1041 Window 1 , 4 , 1; dale id oviT q.amiryb III& mrm. ISAM: HARRIS Aigedt add coos. Ilterhans.dab a. 17ANCIPRINTL.--Wo base 'gook+, a laly adios new 'fro Panay Prints, of wont poreboot,Aolcb *pi he cold low to the trade, br Jai Silkelp.ETT & WAITE MEIIiCAL- 11. NEVER.FAILS-1, Dr.COLLENI INDIAN VEDETABLE PANACEA pT;oc'el4r6.ll47"ilifitltstit'dr/21,111th.t'r7.11;tteri hlercerial Diseases, or any other comptaints Anita 6 , .froicilnapenties of the blOod, are requested M the following Leviimoniale. In proof of the wonder fel properties of the above named medicine. READ! READ!! READ!!! Wa the 'undersigned, basing visited Mr. Isaac Brooks. Jr: at DM office of Alesars. Rotund and Walton, 376 Alarket street, Philadelphia, consider his case the mist remarkable one we have ever we weaved inbear a of. His disease wan SCROFULA, and terrible mum hate ices h 1 twelve years' conflict with the de li l m e galite.l - e entire roof of Aa mouth, Note, Up per Lip and lower. Lid 01 the Right Eye have been destroyed, his Face nearly eaten up, and part of the Jew Bone carried away. And }et we ran giro deacnption of his care. Mr. B. informs us that in January last. tbv whol e interior of.hia mouth, as well an 11rust or his 1:m• ins a limn of deep and painful ofeers! On the 14th of.lnnuary last, he conimenrcil 14k.a. Dr. CULLEN'S INDIAN VEGETABLE PAX A CEA, which checked the diactee an a tear dal.s. lona that time the Care Lag prngreshed in termission. New Roth has sop died the place or the deep ul hers, and though had li &chorea, lir lace IS SI/11110, and his general health is restnrert. We ore assured that in the treatment or Mr. Brooks' ease nu Mercorials,Oitittnents, iir 7austic appliestions hand hero used,—til let, the PAN A LEA ALONE, has wrought this wonderful change David Setitb, Racks county, Pt. Charles L. Rowand, Meadville, rein lord stit'a.. J W Jones. At D South Second street. Plela Jacob Lee, Pembertnu, Di J. E W Con, 410 N Fourth. above Poplar et. APOollnugh, Lancuter, Pa. M Maddock, Non], Eleventh 51. 111111. - Appleton, M D4G South at. do . Timm hyCaldwell,Mation co. Al irs.iu ri Daniel Yeakel, Chesnut 11111, Poo delploa O. l'a John Horned, WU Hier street, Phila. , . William Steeling. At 11, Camden, N. J. William Halo, Sili High street, Phila. J H l'ottdr,ftlanulliciiircr di Alinoral Teeth. lOU Ninth street, Phila. • L. A Wollenwelier. Ed. l'eula. Pcinrcrat f. 7; N S. street, do George W Mentz. Bruits 111 aker, :117 Market .St. First arr, 1,59 Chesnut street, Elul., A G Pastor of Eleventh IGoo•t Church, Plnia. John Bell, Erie htrrel,le4elploa, (Ner:h Awe earl office.) /Won Sends, 16.1 Catharine Street. l'lnia Daniel 19ctlinley, Kessler'' , Alit,. de Andress Biseattin, Camden, N Jr Evans, West Phila. ITZMICEINI= . .. John W Ashmead,Go South :math streci tin T S Wnguer,Lithographer, 116 Chtvitut but.... do NJ Kenna, PM Eleventh street, do Peter Shen Son fl, Editor Native Eagle. do Joel Bodine, G 3. manufacturer, Wllitaluidotsti N. J. Wl.lillll Steely, Farmington, Vnn Buren en 1.111, L. Li Coles, M D, Button, M an. Reuel Canfield, Phiskilogist, Philadalphia. Timms P S Roby M D, Harrtsburgh, l'eter Wright. ..kW Market atreet. Phila. James W Nowlin. 1173 Filbert .t. John (and, 114 Spruce et. do Witlivm line, Pastor tat. Paul's M. E. Ch. I 'otlinnne St. Phila. John Chambers, Pastor let I odep. Clone, Broad st, ,do L Sanders, Palilishcr of Fledge and standard F P Sellers. Editor Olive B Do; leston e, lucks to, Pa. • Wholesale a:td Itetbal by Ilowand Walton. prietom 376 Market St. Phdadelpkia• It K Seller. ST Wood .t. Pittsburgh, Pa 4 -, 5. Mar.: ket .t do.; 1. It Perkins, Marietta, 01m.; rat. •.1 Situp, Maysville, K Y; John W Danenho • Ohio; Sidell& Reeves, Madison lair: Noble, villa, K Y; Oeverouck & 1•ellooa. St. Louts, Ali. P H McGraw, Natchez, Mi.q Hardanav Jul n .too d Chi, ilea Jenkiiii, Nevi Orleaa In, ow OC.I STORAGE_ STANTON'S EIPEILN At. 11E11 EIJI - . rrri end werrhinuor. • prep.lfrtlta reecive I.Ps addition io ileight tar HUNT'S LINIMENT ainauut uf Produce, . gin:nut/lige al I s now C A N the IcANUI.I:I' A, FALLIBLE lor Ithrutrintisin—Spi PICHI.VOUTO t PO'S LINE. nal Atfertlono, Cuniroetiono or the Muscleo, :sole 1 s 7 Throat and Quinsy, Issues, Ohl Illerro, Pam. t,. the •'— Back and Citron, Aga r iu the Breaot oud Face 1. 4 ' the tien•Pin'ulloon of WAY Tooth Ache, Mimic., 13rtrioes, Salt Rheum, Burn ., "lt "ill I . Juin*. Croup, Frosted Peet and all NIT.. 'l7 , 1.... "" r0 and The TRIUMPHANT SUCCESS which bar at. tended then pplication of this nowt WONDERI/I I. , MEC/It:INET° curing the most art ere c... of the •t 1 different Dirn es shove natued,—and the 1111,11 . • ENCOMIIIffIS that have been brotowed upon it, wherever it has_ been introduci.d, gives me thetpii to call en the IAVFChit LIC to r,..iort at un e to the ONLY REVEIA"I'IIAT C.‘N . RE_IED ON. panfhe faculty alumin recommending the Orie nted Estero .11 firmed', . r Liniment 'Tic follow., letter Ito , . tic t Phystmans who have been attached to the hlouni • Pleasant State Prison for many years, IS the best evidence of the value of this celebrated Linotien:. Sten Sulu, December h. My Dear Sir—l recruited your note of ycsterda,, asking my optni relation to Hunt's Linnueet, as prepared by Sir Uroron E waitron. No on Its Cow...tine, and having grequently used it. can recoinnicnil ti to you no a oah. Later.inl dy, an on my opinion, the loot I.ibooeut n.. .0 use. Very truly and repertfuilr A HOFF MAN. Col Pierre V3O Cortlandt. Croton Manor. I fully concur in the above opinion, W N RELCIIER l'onarow a, Jan. 14, , Sir—la reply to your leiter, I would say 1.14.3 l I base used your External Remedy, called Hunt's ' Liniment, in my,. practice since you made toe ar quaintell With its tonapusition and unbrailatlnziv say that 1 believe it to he the hest i:ati.riid Reno. on. ~ 004 tl' Ely now in 1/50 Mr the cootplaints for )1, I, too.'" Commend O. Pour. reyertlully, BEN I) MILLER SI. D. tett .pro g Inter St on PI. td printed AtEGrs, led and Cll2b LAW. NS, roi rd Ron. neh h Sem h n godinted 11l de r ntor, irr Inils Dmh atin St riped fAMATAII,” veneer Alm, II aseortment Do tit tin"' GOOUS, knifemen.' RAVAT. Imillork nook Edultni vent cheaper Aleo E Stanton.Eso. lUAmong the tna•s•il worthlour eruct,, humlingS that are poured faith at the present .la,anon the cokntry, it is really refreshing to something of real practical utility. sign speedy anal edeetual to its ot.miton, and :t the same time tree from those injurious edema which generally attend powerful remedies. flout Liniment, prepared by (Leo. K Stanton, tat Nog Sing, though it has been but a short rime before the public, hits already obtained the confidence, not only of ant' Moat wealthy and tnlluential citszczi, but our' most eminent physiciins. All acknowl edge it Cola a sovereign balm fur many of the ilts. that flesh is heir to, soothing the aching Idnh • and by its genuine stimulattug,nllueuee, banishing ene from thug/tem. Mr. Stanton—Sir--S , eing your advertisement of Hoot's Liniment, I wan induced to try no etleob, on my son, who bad been crippled with a laoie back from an infant; sad it is with grahtlide I hear testimony In its wonderful healing properties. lily child, who is now Gre years ut age, is now too far way ofrecovery, Yount, &c DEMMON POST grttre,Tol,lll an, Pi11 . ..0r . . certify that 1 sin personally acquaint. st with the above named child, and think the father .could be sale in saying that hie son is almost v• ell. , • JAS W DARMAN, Nov 5' IBIS. Deputy Post Master,. I.'. S. I ;would also state that I have been fur a numbek d years subject to I requent attacks Cl Ibe Rheumatism, which in manyinotsocea prevented soy attending to my business. 'rove or three apple cations of the Liniment invariably reroute nil at feetione of the kind: . In cases al broom, sprains and uncis, too numerous to mention, &has at tins vicinity , proied a certain remedy, lii salo n nar , only he estimated by those w ha have mien it a tad trial. This Liniment is sold at 15 and so cents perlo.a? de,. by all the l'rincipal Druggists and. Merelsinti. throughout the country. Widest& Agents its Nair I'm*. HOADLF:V, PHELPS & Cd, 1.12 Watut RUSHTON & Co, Ile ._roadvogy. A D K D SANDS. corner Fulton and ASPINWALL, 86 strett • Wrier, addressed to me 'at Sing Si tp, N be attended to. GEORGE F: STA ,NTOPt, Proprietn, Rot sale in Pittsburgh by I. WII.GoX,Jr. st..l J KIDD & Co. Allegheny City, JOHN SARI; F...T Rioningham.JOllN SMITH. t• lytri . o... Net., coeirpotma ka1i...101 one, n PARILLA. Wonder and Bk.", Of the !: Extract m put op ,n quart ball. •- sir I, t o m cheaper. pleasanter, nod snore:tied mrs -Imo to ,cm rald. It cures wanout vomiting, purging, meketoo.. or debilitating the patient. The great beauty and oarsmen or of Ow 'al.. itall other remedies is, "while it eradie.iies dim 1.,' it invigorate. the body. It M tmed mmemmolly in the removal and permanent cure or ill .Is.eno.r. n. •in; (nun an impute state. of the I.loul or halo. or the tenv toot can (or Ittuunhuts:—Ul priertpled reB.• I lee copied ear labels. sad put op ewe unne In the raw L r ped Lolde Nee that each bott'e ha+ the wraten hut tote of 8 P Toweeend. Fen malc . by R E YELLERS, [sole. aPeni tor AReg, ouy county, 57 Wood motet, between Third and it lIIIVALOAHLE VAAIILYCOMPAIIIti SIX Excru RES on the USES in THE ;$ Caste., Pellffelltklo and Cure of Contioni,on A.thma, and Diseases of the Heart. On the laws of Longevity, and mode of preserving male to-, fe male health, symmetry and beauty; exposing - a .05 and core or thime disease. that produce Conan'op- Liner Or shorten lifo n Muslinns of the Skin, S l , Stomach, Bowel., 'kidneys, Liver, Seroluls. l 1r.., lintel, and .female Complaints. It. Mee, surs. practical and pure, Mel It guide to periect b, alth and long life. Engraving., 321 mos. 50 Postage 94 eta. By SAMUEL sIIEI, I, N FITLH, A. M., M. U., at 767 BROAD•W A Y, YORK. Amy person remitting filly cent., rr,e, win rer-irn one copy, by mail. to any part. The trade aupp.sed. Feb 10, 18.17AGni No Clare I Nw Pay Pitt. PlTcp — a, - DB. Jackson'. Embroeation a tbe yid itiedientr dint will cure Mi.very.lollolloll and trouble•inue 'disease. It not only Innuedistely atilt,. pion and Ai, motion, stops all bleeding, subdues that a foolrfttlo ing. but effectually curet., Inn very . F. 144,1 tone par -Clot wins.e liven have been rendered inactuble tor icor.. .Ita application produce. no pain. but pail,. Ili asteeto ble and pleasant sensation V per u, iiinteted wing call and hear of the great If of am, Amer 'been tuned, they will be nolosti... p ',ellen.n of this city, who bad been uniterthe kris. of the solemn lot two of dime times without tieing tared. has by jug? bottles Of the Embrocation. been ersilleally cured. It sells beyond precedentll—irlol. Saturday Canner. W. For tale in Pinsbucch at the PI.KIN TEA STORE, 7R Fourth meet, near wood, and atw at the Drag Store of II P Schwartz, Federal pi Allegheny.- S r .aroCilkw • Liutu, faidieli,l'Of as When you know that you are promised A nataral, liftte, money white, That anon, will still A owe common chak, And look adeutb/y yellow fright. The theme of laughter and of talk IfTat . .mold ,ose Whoa of JUNE'S Lilly-ahoy, It avoid gin Vora akin so alabatncr yet named white. And at the lame•thoo clear and Improve if. Sold at 'JACKSON'S. Lasts) at. Pace 25 rents per I.S. mv , Stlt/A*Td:Ehhtlig NTliffuesir, a muse 1..11in Sale h. R FLOYD TRANSPIAITATION-LINE&--- . . ZeigMildVaitbfig, PEN NNTLT'AL...^qh O.INA L" F itt trawl% 0 :r 3f PACK' raoal riTf~lfcj . 0 to 1 . 111!..0.UA. ADD /LOA MORE ErtillStretylur coh;e. are rerimelfully Informed that thia tine ult: commenee fanning on or about the 161). tomant, Ono corm., gonadal:mg the Prawn The innornaluril Lone now p!.tee.t *.Per.r . clan. of Packets. and Rad. road Cars no the route, wi th Cilia aennanaudanOns, wtoch ;pee grealer LOalant to travelers. A rarer, Urwt o iil alwaya be In port, and the 1.4••• inadke an. requeAcd_ to call and examine them, rev.en. to enea4ste pa...oge elccwhere. • FAItE ONI.N" NINE DOLLARS" tler 01 the l'aekett 4411 leave tae lon ng.(oppeaite. l'ratrd Sla . c• Ilutclo corner Penn street and the Canal. tight at I o'clock TIME 31, DAl ., ‘ • • Forororuan.QH ai.o!v ai.the office. Monongahela N 1, col to . I & MOO t gof Pena ..tree) and Canal ESTEI N TR A NSPILIELTATIONCO. D. LEECH tr . . CO..g OLD Et‘TAltl,l,ltED TILANSPORTATIQI LINK! r wt.:EN rurnAte RO IL. l'it11:1111:1 11 . 111A.1:.11.TINICHtE AND:tit.:WICORK good 0f...1. The Pultronttori ore prepn. .4 1111 a Itttee quaotay tt( M0te1...14.11.c end 0 tv.tltottoty tool 4 valets. tt Itt ot letteod•-t., ott...ottetl to ono of tito n - tttut.lcdleaeul moy,ttbstrge ton commit.- 1it11.141.1 t trat,ilt.ll.4l aual all Iltsmort.On•pronvily ot thy. Leon la conducted on WrleLly At!ll ~,,, • at appl) to "'"" ? r a.T.: 1 14 . : . 11 & Va. Propnetors. Canal Lla•to.l . tnottargh II RRI , & LEECll,l . tnoneton,„ Nu 136outh Thud men,. l'lnlodelphin *CA1 . 1.012 it - SONS, &groin, No 111 North Iluerotd , trent,llallonore 11 It IVII.nitN, Agent, nn: Wein strect.Neer York ITTSOUROII PORTABLE R. LINE. 1847. iii9IPMA. .„, " aptt tltt Itt eoporawrsit risk of delay. damage., la. :Wog. And ,upon yf Kraals. ' ( 111 110 i gll: /a CA ta. I I N. 27a Market Atm.. Notadolphot TAA FEE &O'CONNOR Car utid •%1' a no Mr, Plottltargh O . I . I,SNOtt N. Co, Naltil attret. / Wa. J 7.lBnut It al: N. V. f A g' n. raept..tged Ity naada.ted I.ustetesa the Propr.etara have add. d Ilidtetr ...el. and extended them arrange. thtval,lh.‘,ll.lrl. nod ore lota prepartd to tort ts rd cgow nit ft-tut:tear and dtapatek unsurpaaar d an. °tit, The, Wog ...xpartenea ea gamer, tre p dor ;wt....) al the Portable, Boat A) atein, anti tare 10.11 eaparti) convettienea of the ware. •01 gaol end al then ate. are stegdliarly ealeuta . led 1,. gnalde tin proprietors to fulfil do, angagements 3.1.1 cattm.talatt: the. cutoonters—,tnfi.t...o.affr, thv p. 1 ,1 4walatall that tutor, they reryeetfally •..!tett uance lioUt patronage wrogh toy moor gro..e.uitr aeknou Imiga AI; ,011.,1111,1,14 to l'uotte Irt OV7outtor will be ren'tl 411.1 lOt uni,/ Steansimut charges paid at.d 111116 Of Lethity trannuittott (Inn Of et.) . rhe , ge Mt eorttret•mont mtvattooty ur mnrago I/smog no sok/mit drrnetly or iltmet., meantime.. the toterettt al the ....goon too, 11,1,“1,11 y Ite thetr primary ohji7et Miptnnt mt nint plod,. alma... Mrs to forwent 01l gond,. m. In 011,1 promptly end ma /On ount edvottto• gots• in ilte wer.. Marc m h I. n, Int: ,new I N UK. PE.IDkNT POLLT ABLE BOAT LINE. i' NDI• o 1R fi E zi= 847. • arglial' FOR ref t.TRATATION OF PRODUCE AND fII.ANDISE TO AND FROM PITTS BURGH. PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE. irrWatholm Tr.iir.Gtrrueut..o nod. t-rni.igne-d to our care will Lc forwarded with. ors: driny 01 the low , ot current rain. Della or 1.a.1.nK run-oistird. nod a11...1C.0144 promptly'anendrid to l',von any rats ..trartre fur •rorarre acoonorr-lon Addre-. appi, to 1! A ..deANI.II.TY & Canal rnisburell .nee Ose warehouse ore A MeAnulty ty flay, (esceptSandaya.l and , • spend on having farts gcual • for• o. •iri, will to tsar noes. Wag t.. 1 , 1" Olt op,. I loct . nittennd Bunn ,• p••-. and the propeetuta re•pectrunt I.e . TA.ot patronage. VIIOOII. 1•11 . 1 i rtt¢ru J011N,7111.1.ER 1241=1 I=CIUM2II 1.h1t.11.,1v1m,..1...1..g1, I: ANA . Are.ll 1' A ~ 1 1. AN L 1 • 4. Co, I . .ll+l.utgl. 11LFLiMS.C.s. J J MeL6,ltt. /oho Parker, Robert Moore, Ragaley•burah ni.o4 LHE ERIE ANU 311C111C11 LINE. .1 tS 17. &atr il Wi . '1 , • • 1..,..• l'ropOlct• Jsul Vc.w. on 11, vr.ll to pf.ithr.d 11,1/1 Inc estly,t open• th• Navthat.thr to carry Fththht nntl ..atCorr. 1..C.1%. On the 11,,, Canal .v.. 1 Ithkel. II I irV,V . mr:l,ty for couvellog freight and ',a.. der., sn and dtrpan. proin.ator • t..ol•en from 51..1 fr.endo and tar,panonaar. HE:I.:D. Er.r. Propr.oor ItEED.J. PARKS ken, lie•ver.Ants 1 , r , tVN-CA. 1. 1:11EV, Vand..ah •I. .o,dr. • rt To rrer Crr. Crorlrr A Co New Sort Lir v.., tiord:o N Park% &1 . 0, rerlao4 I, A A rirtritong & Cu, :roil Nlreture & &Irlvraelr, & Ch:rago tr, rower, rowr . rstowri, Vertu* o Slrruhrlria) rr.k.v.m.r,or&irr, Vrmor /oho Sribur, II truirrown, IN reit A Arkrr,lircenreslir, Jo Crra.r & lIuT•A Prorntr, , Irarp.rbarg&, slurao, Sltatarn, An II IV Vortnoremor Nrer Vostlr, do ItICLIANCE PORTA OLE OUAT LIAR. gb i tail 1847. ttltt ,K,...414,1211,1t) .R1.9 1 1 1 M. TV. AM) THE EASTMN CITIE , s. v 1 1111. T TICIA•1111),IiIIT• iturrne, d method of ea rrintß used by Ai? 1.1 1 hits LL Line, Is now rm well known thit wt,ot ion •• otnecrasai). Goods are uot warped on the tot, thus all transhipment or ostra handling is aaeed. ho HOSIA ate of light draught nod perform that, tops tonna six to aty of our 'ever. t.. 1!.. 1 . 1,•• cupar w manures enaldea us to .1111 en) ri..,rnnic is. ode to to .1. Receiving, sw;lng, and Alitll/IVP• tr , e of otminrgr, fully prepared to malts sales of Prahter,' w., rally sobs, consignments ol pressers Float, Warn, Lard Mater, Chce.s. Wool, restbsra . and whet art. Ir• !Os .3,, on winch Ilberal,advattess will L. mads and nth, usual fue,lttics •fforded, pLsdginglast , .Pges ,hat any bil•II/CD. elttrumrd W 04 shall be a. Promptly rsecu,..l and upon as fa.r terms to by any neer tease SicrADDEN 1 Co Canal Basin, Potshargla /AP Al LIA.V,IP St CO lb and 2.11 - . l l•tket - I'hilada_ J. S. DICKEY FCRWARDINC & COMMISSION MERCHANT, Etat Bauer- Paint , grad Bridgewater, nnnnnn eouerrT, Pt., Proprietor and Agent of Cramer, liaUfriPas • L AKE• ERIE AND MICHIGAN, 12;111-, • rrotts rt 71111.131.011 •ND I.{ 711.1, t•ep,epared on unclean opening of canal nee / T ',Wot m rreedve properly at h.:wharf ',water Cuworel,ol., for all poen. on Fine Katen.ton, Cr°. Ct, and Onto Canak for all pore. on Lake Er. and upper Lake...nolo° to forward produce, Ice .by. renal, Apply to or addre. tehll-dd JAS ICCKFY, Nay., prrraisujuni & ei.EvsmAND 1846. it OAT.. II !loop. T. A elooond k Co CLARKE & CO., Vormrardlng Commission Morchinet• 'VIII? Iseult and Proprietors of this tino rao favor I ably known to the public ), will be prepared on tit • earlieri opening tic c•nal navigation In receive prop Crly at Pittsburgh and llosver, and denser the saran a any point on !fir OLIO Cana la, and Alec kri and Mich igen, with the lift aiesi despatch Ind at rears .name sane pronnelor. of tha Inc rolled the bagmen Wwr former ruttomerr with confidence, kricartnr IA them liaett.i.e.. are ieeotid m .11, • Apply tii or address G DI HARTON; Ally, Pittsburgh. CLARICE It Co, Bcaver. T RICIIAIOND & Cr r TO Till: PUBLIC-- 1 . . Bowmen's reliable Doll t'ednpany being dia -1 poised. the Company again went into articles of • nartnerphip under the name of the 'grommet'''. Line;" and likewise agreed thefit the thock ro as to hare a ninnies of Boats for porphm' of carrying geode though tit frner at. to eight day.. with ecrwinsy—bild het encouraged by the bberatny of last year's patron age, to make MOM extensive arrangements for the en. ruing year. Wo would lbw Corr reaprelfully roliril coati ewe of our Insular pauona.andyefer aline* , carom 11,000 we /MVO dune huatoran for. 1847. 110•11111ANS' LINJZ. For tbc Immo:num:l or Al,l. tltOt or Altlll.ll/11,11111T., TO ATIO tool. hill, II•LTINIORS. NNW YOU, AA,. ji c . rox . SAAILILL, WIUIITMAN &Co, Vororr wild Canal Bum. eirtishisrrit. A I. UNILNANT &Co, No Xs Ma rig et laree Pb d Wolp& t. I:I,IiI.:I2,NELNVON & Cn Agent.. llohnuore, 1 . 1711411(;111111-10, Alreully, Geo. Alorgao W & Co. It A Namp•on Co. hi 1.1.11 . C0. 14111. A 1/1 , ,1.1 . /11A—Morri• Palter.. k Co, IlioTrjr & Mernrlond Co. Fleorne k Darby. Peter %Yr.. A Son./ thaoton. Jon• 1111 Gratz.' NEW YORK—Goo:11.o &Co,Tbro. Perry te CO. DOSTON—Reed, laid & Co. CINCINNATI—Adssas.& Crengd, W W VI". PLEASANT. VALI' A Murh;rr. N ASII VILLE—I , Firm lAA II tnerchontlip,o Alm New Wokend Mown, conalgood to A 1. Gethon & Co, rhilodelptos, will be orompOs: folwardalfrea of rotomiwion. CII L PAskago IL.% ' to a' C Prilado 11.1.14. 1111 E. Cans/ it bring now open. 16 also ro 6:6Anon. wheel. Ims e r n es koololbed Mn too coovey•nro of valuable pstkose. It mershanthre, specie, bank notes, /ewer), Le, root orate./ running on Thursday. Marsh 15. An lust'. It•T tell t v dlrpstehel tally omit ihr of the r molding ...s.on. Aryl) to LLECII r ro inflate to. Peon st em! -TRANEMMTIOW - M3S -- REGULAR' ,310113136 E.A.CIL FOR ==M , .The nese tartanlendid steamier . Ciarito Hoot, 0ni41C01,.. L, :r regular mps lnla 0,11 . , leaving PILIA burgh at t anirl3eaver t! r ling ver Pittiburgh and Cleveland Line of Cad nal Bove daily Cleveland. 0 ; Beaver, Warren and Cleveland Line of Gnat Packets and :gage Coaches daily to spar ren and Clevelante Canal Pactet Lines to Neve Castle and oseenville Poi Erie Extension Line to Meadville an d Er se Nod. Moore de Cols Lines of :Rare Casettes for Cleveland and %%ionizer. !nave Ilea ., daily on then rrival of steataboat 'leaver (tom littirbargh Apply in M IIA ETON k Co. Pittsburgh •olt I:LARK E A Co. Deaver UNION LINE, Iffwala 1847. 101.PlealCITLVASIA AND MHO CAKALY, iterwEEN I'ITTziDURUD z AND CLEVELAND. E N V2k O. IL D DARES, Deus,', ra. Proprietors. T MATDER, Yia außh, Pa. rill: above L. I. nove (ally prepared to trap•po JI. Freight and rasftngers from l'illshurgh and Cleve laud, so any paint ea the Venni , ' Ivuua & Ohm and Oat. Canal 4. Thn Cards.. .haid Line ore nal rquolled by any at gold Canals, in uumbem oud c 0.,...) of Ikon, exile thence oh Captain.. nod prompt.. oh Arm., dm. tlthe Bout heave• rito.bargh and Cleveland dolly. tun Moe in eallitetalott with the t•tottucr.t. Khotnran and lAdie Ese, batween Pett%burgh and Heaver, and a Line or hot ela.a stoombow, nopet let s. lings and Selx.ners, on Lek., Erie, Moron, einem., and Ontario Property forwarded to any port of the Union with deapatrlt F N PARKS & Co, Cleveland, A ant REED, PARKS & Co. Braver, /Let. O' MATHER. Pittsburgh, Agt , atail tor Water and Snuthlield mu-eta summit ARRANGEMENTS. l ag " 1547. IDIODINSVDAY AND t`DMIIERI.AND TO DAL TT:4ODR AM/ PHILADELPHIA. Tune to Itattonorr• .... • • ..... •• • .32 trattra. Time to Mtn&iphin • Only 71 Mires Stognm.) el - ‘lll:•plendid and In running siesta.. r s Consul, Lou• 1 to McLane and hav commenced oinking double daily trips. Otte Swami., boat will e leave the Mono:Jowl hida whorl every morning precisely at 1 , o'clock.— Passengers to:Au...morning line will arrive In Llahlinore next evening in Trine for the l'htladelphia Mall Runt, ur Rail Rood eat.. The evening Boat will leave the wharf daily at 4 o'clock, except Sunday.. Priatengers by :air bont 'will lodge on hoard. in comfortable stale room., leave ltrowniville pleat rimming ate o'clock: eros• ine itiouutain• today Iteht, .tip and lodge nt Cunt bei lend. Thus avoiding inela travel altogether The men-traumas on this unite nre ,undue, nod the roaaecuon omplete, so that do , arpontimi tits ur delays Wlll lyo un upon it. rattonevers tan %top on the mole aidresume' their st seam again' pleasure, and have choice of Rail Road or Steamboat brtvreen Itultunore fuel PhllaJelphla. Coaches chafttned to pante. to travel as the, devoto Seeore yogi nekeht at the office. 111o . itothe t V• or St Charles Hotel. 31 'ltilel3. MAO 2, TO CLEitkLAND 11347. E • 'Mill/11611 IN • 11 I)ACKET float. SWiiIOVY .111 TelegrlphiiilTe Ilea Ver of 3 Welork I fir, after the arrifful of lb nfornlng.l3.f2. from littabufalf, and arrive at Warren ue or the Mail 'due of Stain., fenich trove insoted nfereafterand arrzve at Cleveland al3tielock, • , Thip town it the man expeditioua and ciAnfortal.l nut to the !Alms. ' COTES 3.II.EFFINTO WELL, %Warren. Propee REED, PARKS A. Co. Deaver, Agent, /OUR A EAUGIIEW, corona - Wuier and Smithßelil apaly Opposite thh Nlotroagaheia !lease Pittsburgh PITTBIIIIJUGII AND.GILIDENVILLE . . &gait 1847 . tiorga - Trat .•4,II!ACKEs AN., k FREIGHT LINE.' rptlVWTildikeettalstingaf freight and pa area r Par k• mgvlittly during the reason between Beaver and liteeenville, which freight an.. pit. *ono. rs holm+, the MO 'bin's, Will he cart.ed prompt! , and at the Ware. rates. WICK & ARCIIFLA:r OOOO Ok, TRIn CR4(11; & FRAMPTON, Oiovilo., do AI4,,FARLAND & KING. Bop Rood, Jo, Vr. & CLUMP{ Soarpeourgh, do ,CA I I ALAN. Shod., do; WAL ATOEWS, do, H l'A IC ICS A. Co. lienycl. do /MIN A eAr(illEV. ellroler W dr. aed... , a21.145r Id dm n 1,64 Oppo.lir the Alonongabc, Ilduad.l.llldrurgb CITIZENS PORTABLE BOAT LIRE. inbiaai 1847 . gignilfi, ALI KINDS OF MERCIIANDISET6 AND FRO) Plllladelphla, Dalll.nnta , Near York and Boston. • . . . I 111 IIE encouragement this line has received since romraencetnent, has induced the proprie tors to increase the stock by adding o number of Gest • class boats; and instead tif giving receipts as hectare fore as agents, we will gith our owe. receipts for (Might shipped he this line. 'I he hosts are all portable, consequently P eight in taken the olitile dea.aore without transhipment, thereby preventing damage from frequent handling an the mato, and MI each boat tswned by the Captain who rams then, winch is a s o uffielent guar mice tbat there will tic nit delay on tho route. All Produce or Merchandise consigned to the will be forwarded MEE 9F COM -1111St•ION. for ad canning and forwarding, and will be shipped wtthont delay at the lowest rates Of Ireteht IVe ~‘hate eal4te pain .ge IV.kI.I.INGFOIeIe Cu, Canal [lnnen, Pittsburgh. CRAIG, BELLAS & Co.. Age. Brand Sete..., tehtladelphin. MILLE'', Agent linerley's Wharf. ttallimnre. leitenburgle. Feb. ILI. 1147. 184(i AND 1847 !"77" , ;•! - "•;-ia Asa la - ma= TO THE EIST BY MOSONGIBELI ROUTE, VIA 13HOWNSVII.1.1: A CUMBERLAND. rl ill l: utak maned •re now prepared to lot ward duce,ac., to the F.a•eln Markets darng the ...u -lna 1V awl, on tar 100.1 i•votalae terar., by p a . e dasaa• mute. • All prapertyron•aaral to u• torwas.l,l co the kawerl :ater and v.lll de•patrh. I ; lert halithae reer,red byy be. fOOlO ”111111pliy for s - ardad. • 1 C . TV CA,I.S, aa27 IC KRIVOI It Ca Carril•eriand _ . . . 1846 AND .1847 a!MiNiN. TO TUN EAST DV DALTIVIODE AND OHIO RAII,HOAD.. • otshaeribc (I WI i I rreeipt (or die delt , try of Pro. / durr to llalttroom by Ole Ilintentlphela ttlackwater at the following prtcea— • • Ilaeon. E<.& I.ard, fork. Tallow, Wit olt ey.L1w.......,•r .1 lila ss-71 et. prrIPO Tobleeo.ll.ap, Flat and lVbcal--104 els twr 1110 lbs. Arb*s. {Pot) Apples. Cbres , e, Flak. geed, stud Umber-11Z els pet Itil Mt (hl., IU ll* Itre.vrxx.rcalttr., Fur., ti.cutag. irua Suak.-Nan —l2O cis pc, 11/Ullbs. - All propertygned to enter of the undersigned 7111 he forwarded without delay, free of Conannwon, nt :above rate. . II 111,A Itn.llrnworrille. MlMMiNi== . - ERFlltill rk:Rs and I. vendimot • to have Fire Itnek. Produce, as.. htougbl to dim plane from menbenville and intermeMate Innthog, Van make atrandemtnt•. by caning on ote. at I halo a 8011 molting . reFularty I/41.DM Vann/arida and Sienuenvitle. lit.O. 11. kIILTENBEHULR, viol fhemnbont Arent, NI Water in „. __.— - POll. SALM. THE Meambeat HA RLEM tei aired and refuted in hand•ame style and thw at the Monongahela whorl As OD improved them well adam ed for carrying freight mid passenger.; or for towing; oh bon great capactty Sad power. Any atsium a to ,purchnse will of course turfeet be r I also propose to !rote, for one or room ye•i• my Mai Trefiµj and to man of energy and !Miter.. habits they offer great advantages, I con furnish the leisert, either on oale or charter, my tow boat "MINER." Itir can also have an fair ternts ilia barges, dirty Into, and two remw beittnin...istr en ears with rope., 41U:tea mode for full operations An examination itif the es. tlbligihtl*,ll le turned. Permit* dispose:) to. negotiate with 'mein reference to not of the above parterular may address, me at my Office in Stuart'. llulWtn , • .1a lbasintreli, or of Harlem, near Monotiguhele city, aye. _ . THOS. it UA IRD lii K TRWFB, BY AI EN OF TRUTH. lONCFRN ING SELL F:ILS` VER M !FUG E.— A xto -I,_, gic vow produ.,,em wonder..—ltcul We, folloptmg from she Rev. S. Watellrl/. l'anot of Llbeny et. SI 1".. Pittsburgh. hlareli N, 1,47. Mr R. E Heller: It in from • space of duty, an well as with anent plea., that I bear tentimortyro the oar tee of yourjuntly celebrated Vertnifuge I procured siogir bark and gave it to three of my I bathe°, who had been t old, the neat four. and die youngest clabtren internist, Tb, first petard fitly-big worm, th e s e cond forty seven, and did third a considerable number not distinoly recollected. Since then they bar e been dome well, and are 11001 in good health Vetter respectfully, S Waartittra.n. From the Bev. g E Babcock, of the filethpliat Epit pal Church. Mr. ft E PlcMem 11 Is 'Nrb greed pleasure I would Inform you of the goad dice. produced on .my son of four )rnis of age. uy your molly celehrsted Vormtfuge. Aflen his having convulsions, I gave Imo 'lace doses, when be pursed on showntrwredituble number, from winch time hi• rearm' 'mold, ba• been unproved. E BABCOCK From the Rev Charles Wake, of Me 42.1.4,., Em . s copal Church: I l dtdairgb, December 11. I gm Mr. It. Seller), I gave u y little daughter (between three and for year, old) threesores of your Virinifuge, nem/ling to prescription, with the kmproest success The number of worms expelled !do not knowpseeise ly. hut st was largo. She is now in ion f with health. I think the r tnedielne ibay le o congded in with Brent coneterve.biess. C As it.. Vennilap ha. never I;crn knowis fail in any Osman..., who. 'a.m. + aciu•lly rimed, parents ahould R ove sr in pre nll M 1... Prapasual and aold by K. tiF.I.I.ERS, betaaren atal W.od •Ircas. rOr ROI by Dr. Caa•el, Fifth Ward. sayl COACH MAKING. FIRMS the very Meru! eticouramt • ' went the rainwater ham received mime bar located himself In Allegheny, %gams:. c hag mimed him to take • lease for • term of year., en the progeny hr now oceuptes, in Beaver street, immediately beside the Presbyterian Church. From the long expenoice In the above busing. and a desise w pletwer•he hopes to mer- it and' receive a guile of public pawnor~e. Rossetti hand and finfithing to orrice, Rockaway Hop gggarm ' aVe a u x r .iitabon•rat. lwp l l.dtll. Ye RAIN SOUTH. gtie MAGIC ILAISIVK rein i indfralesso K Amine, or Mth Mark. from Cloes, Woollens. Carpets, Re s a.. and. rendering the 'goo where it he applied clear, bright, new. and townie.. Pold with full directions Price 23 cents a rake Irtgold by J ACKW , N,dg Liberty r nee I, head et Waal. at bis Lien, mid r4hor• more, •1,11 or the it ao - COTTONIITTIX - . STAR COTTON MILL, • I.N.r lb. I.7pm, 11.1ge, Ileglimy Cny I _ . . 1 3 1111.7 preiptietors of the. Star Conon Foe•ory rep., t. fully truorm the publm thatthey nevi in niece, fel operation. Davin. employed the aervice•Of G. AS' throes as Manager, who has had mn expertruce of 12 years in the priumpal Factories of Allegheny Cl!.t they would inform Merchant. and Orate. to micasl that they will al way. have on hand superior Comm Yams of all Pit at., Datong., Warp, and !town of rap nor snake.• VOEtiTLY A. On N. 11.--Orden left at the ! or a the note of My era, 'bunter & Co., IM lolarly mmet, will' lit promptly encoded um meh°3d3m N V &Co EAGLE COTTON WORKS. PITTSBURGH. • SIANtiFACIURE CGCRIN YARN. Caodle-Wlek BOtellalt, Twine, Coverlet YARN, CAR kP CHAIN, WARPS. k. KING, PENNOCK &Co •-. (Sam:moors of Arbuckle. /c Annoy.) Jan! Propnetat PENN COTTON MILL. PrITARCIIteI H, PA. 7 , 1 I I.: above establishment being now in sheet...AO operanon. heavyre manufacturing. Very ekteroively: no an te I e of Sheeting., we! adapted to the reta,l trade. which (or beauty and quality cannot be //celled by way other make In the country. The titter . .n of putehaters it solicited to an emollient/ea... • felt Idi ins wit KENNY.). tall &Cn MEDICAL.. - V-•-• ------ cHRISTIE'S: k ! ~,..„, . • ''-\ ' . - - ' s4 : - ---- Ofrott 1 - .: . • ':: -1 - - A POSITIVE & PERMANENT CURE FOR IRIIEUMATISDI AND ALL NERVOUS COMPLAINTS. - - . "Wba nhough the moms may not be egplatesl, Stnee their effects ere stuly ascertained, - het not delusion, prejudice, or pride,' • • Induce mankind to set Line menns guide; hleans which. Lino' simple, are by Heaven destiTed To elle 'late the ills of human hind." DR. CHRISTIE'S CiAI.VANIC RINDS AND MAD— StrriC FLUID. PHIS remarkable invention. which has received the I.universal approbation of die medical profession of Orem Brae., composes •II rowel); nein application of Galvanism, fir a remedial agent, by meant Of which the ordinary Galva:tic Bancriev,Electree anddlagoetmMa chlne., be., are entirely dispensed with, and the inyste rtiM• power of I:alarmism applied without any of the uldiietion winch are inseparable front the general node 'tow The strong doter, and irregular intervals, in which Galvanism is applied by the. Machin.,ha• tieen pronounced, alter a fair and impartial trial, to be decide/By injunout, and it was to remedy thiensdtcal de feet that this new application Win projected, Whieh, uttceosolg and perseverance, It,. been brought to It. present Matt of m rfection 'Vito Galronie Riorr chWr all tilt. purposes of the most expeasive Ma ipnes, and' in army other reiipects are awe saf• end in twist Babies Mr desired etfret. 'rho Galvanic Rings cud in connection with the Mat' ^site Flail, ate confidently recommended in all direr den which tuna from ate mfost , 43 or sinheattay nab or Lao Isnevus or mad tram, and them complaints are among the most painful and until: Taal to which we are {Liirjeel. They arise, althea: exception, from one mm ple cause—a derangement of the Nervous System— and it was in these coves that other 'rentadirei haying so often failed, a new agent was greatly needed, which it is confidently believed, bas been found tat the proper and tudicams application of Galvanism. The Galvanic Bing. have beau used with entire sue ! eras in all cases of Rukcstansa, m chtemic.*P ply ing to the head, face or limbs; Gotta 114•Dolollna.a Thstinal, Bronchitis, Iranige, Nemesis ar Bit 4 Rsarlsots, Fasafrix, Palsy, Epilepsy, FM, Cramp, Pa/pitmann of di. mare, Apepliary, Sob 41.1a0n, &maul Complaints, Lumbago, Nnwalgia., Us TM wars, Maxima, of Me tho 4, pain to Chat and sue. (louse Diediry, klitieney of him. amf PAysitial Ea nay, and ail NEIIVOUS DInORDERS. In cases of toufirmed Dyspepsia. arhich Is simply a nervous de ratigtaltittot the dtgentse organs,they Intact been Mend tonally successful. Theirego aordmary agree. alma the eyelet's must be witnessed to be .belteved, end as a certain preventive for the precedinty compliant. they are equally recommended. The flings are of different 11, ices, being made of all sizes. sad earwaxorna mental patterns, arid can be worn by the /00.1 delicate feinak without the slightest inconvenience:. In fact, the sensation d rather agreeable than otherwise, :- The firdiranic Belts, Bracelets, Bands, Garters, rieckluces, &c• I. some cams of a vete severe character,and of long istamlino, the power applied by the Galvanic Rings is not sufficient Mattrottithe poorest! of disease and ultimately rewotr Italthlt. The unproved medieiaUoo !nitre Galvanic Belts, Bracelets, d-e.,'entirely moo dies this objection: any degree of pewee that la Mai. .red eau readily be obtained, and ao edroptaint which the mysterious agent of Galvanium can effect will fail to be perinancmly mitered, These articles are adap ted to the wain. anon wrists, limbs, alleles. or arty pan of the Indy, with perfect convenience. The Galvanic Necklaces are used with greater benefit in cases or Bronchitis or* Croton. of the throat generatlY: also itt cares of Nervous L4aftiers; and with &Waft IR11(01111 iluerca. AS a preveatiVo for apopleaT i Epileptic OM. and acrobat complaints Christic's Magnetic Fluid Is used in connection with t be Galvanic limp antral! their toodificationz. This! cesniamition has been iret aouneed by the French Chemmta to be one of die most extraordinary discoveries of modem ,cience lit , tie. hewed to ;misers toe recturkat t lcp oavotOr•foderolt at names en ter • (caroms anuin by this means centime mmeentration of the influent, or the' seat of disram, thuo giving rapid and penoanent G.lief No other cimposition to cheats. I. knownto predate the saute enact, or to impart. nattier property to the netvoue tit atem,by ruminant' an outward local appltcation.Th agnene Fluid contain. nothing capable of the sligh_- est deur>: ite applicalion If nable, and it ni a s oploaa vt its action as it is be a ne m ficial inns remit, FLIT expla 1611011 A and directions aeroutpany - it .The emu! toed inventions arc in early In') perfectly burnt rola at pro as wailin the reach or tilt and the "thecuscrer only requests a fair trial as a test of their t-prising only and permanent benefit_ Chris mi tie's Strengthening Plan. These articles form soother valttable applicat.on of the mystenous ottluence of Galvanism. They ate an important adrunclito the gemone Galvanic Rums and then modifications, act , ng upon the same ptincipte, b 4,1 Laving the advantage of name local appheation. arc confidently recommended av • valuable additou in Ihr speedy run- of Rheumatism. acute or chronic: in all neteampbsotts, and as a positive venally in vales of Pans and Workarar in tar Vitro sr Bark, Pain , o Mr 5..4. its ankstostre A/lonian., and in Maim= or Opera. Imo VGs Ifohnonarg Organs In 1.4m0nl Como:tint. he, elects hre of the most decided character. and they oftenhave oen been eyed with complete aneceas. The) an also of the great,' advantage in Pains •td Weakness of the liret.t, and are highly recommended for many of Moor complaints to which female. are mmemally A. •rs eneetual me.. tgthng the ey.letn when delobtated with disease or other catmes; Oct. .ot mat in C011.,11.11041111 lVeakne•N ' as a Preventive tor Colds, End all in affections of the Chest, genera). he Galvanic Strengthentaa Plaster will Le found of embracers a p d ermanent advantage. In • fror it all the virtues of the best Untie pre winds pamoon. with the important addition of the galvanic inaLtUnef which is neither impaired nor etbotoued, while :Leos. non (0111111161[4. These &Males will be found enthrall free fro. those objectaxa whirls are • eoninant ounce of complatnt arab the ordsnary plaster% in common one. CAUTION. E - The great celebrity and access of these articles has caused them to be counterfeited by attpnucipled persons. Top rovide against imposi ti on, Dr. Cations has bat one authorized agent so each city of the Union. The only tweet IP 1 . 1r1W11116, W. IV. WiLSON. CERTIFICATES & TEsTUSONLALS, Of the leafiest and mow respectable character, are con stantly received. regarding dee eatesordioary value and fence. of the above articles. It is believed that in the city of New Vork alone, upsranis of EIGHT TIIOUSA ND DEDSDNB during • period of lest shoo • year, have been entirely relieved of the mast painful rbraitic &solders, some of which have completely-bar ged all fanner e4lon, of medical art. Indeed many el the first physiciane of this city, who disapprove of the Galvanic and Magnetic llachines, constantly rt Cont. mend this application in their pracuee, and with the ea. minion of those to are too prejudiced ba g i vett acre al. the Invention has received unanimous favor with the mow intelligent among the Amen°. Faculty. Lb Christie is at all toes ready,and most happ7no eve.] Cana lily to physicians: and all interested, for tea , mg the truth of hue azsertinits and the eilbettcy.of hu discovery I Only agency in Pitishurgh,coracr 4th and Market at seriAll UGTCliil ANL REALMS rt, FFECTEALLV and speedily cured by the me o L. the Great Remedy of Nature. AMERICAN Olt. 1, alma. minealowly redact, Intlammatioo, nod con sequently im warranted in all eases to leave no seam or war to the dealt. Sold wholenale and remit by 'YAM. JACK N, at ht. Hoot and Shoe Lame and Patent Med ieine.Werebonite. at Liberty street, head o' Wood, Pittsburgh - Prlee comp and 11 pet beetle. W laeloorn being the b.:dative Agent an Western' Pennsylvania, npne i. genuine but what in sold h 11151 or 1118 appointed Agent.. N. U. A Painptdeteontaining ample dreeetions, he. will the name. and address of. the Proprietor and Pitt ripe! Agent. to enveloped with wrapper of earth bottle Abundance of certificate. , east be neon at, the More. febiTtlain ' - S(1101 , 411.A AND SCROFULOUS SWELL-. INGS.—Scrolula in all it. multiplied farina. whether in that of King'. F.rit, enlargement. n the glands sir hone., Goitre; White , Swelliegs,,Ccrontl Itheumatirm, Censer, disease. ciliate Skin or Spine, or of Pulmonary Dansumption, emanate from one and tha Sill9RVAtliie, which is a poisoner.. princip e morn or leas inherent in the bonne system. There. fore. unless this principle can be destroyed, no mdi cal Care ran be effected, but if the ,principle upon which the disease depend., is removed, a cure must of necessity follow, no matter under what form the disease should manifest itsall. This, therefore is the reason why dare.'. ALTERATIVE it 10 0111 rersally succesaful ittliemosing so Many malignant diseases. It de.troye the virus on principle from whic t those' diseases have their origto, by coterie into the circulation, and with the Wood is convert d to the minutest fibre, removing every p ittiele of disease from the sytitem. Prepared and sold at No. 8 South Third Street. Philadelphia. - Sold at the Pekin Tea Slur°, No. T!Fourth same rtttatugh. anehJl. - [Fromdhe Spirit of the Times j A FACT WORTH KNOWING A gentleman of &refute. habits. from Indiscretion in his younger days, became affected with Ulcerations of the Throat and Piotc, and a disagreeable and Ono- Wentre eruption of the Skin. Indeed, his whole at.- te i m bore the marts of being nitrated with Jurors One hand and wrirt were to mach affected I. he bad kat the um of the hand, every part being co cred with deep, painful, and offensive Ulcers, and w re at her low and porous as a honey-emnb. It war a this atone of his complaumwhen death appeared Inevitable, from • loathsome &sense, that he commenced Do use of. WINK'S ALTFRNATIVE, and havingtaken son teen bottles. is now prirfectly eueedd - Thu A LTERNAT/VF. operates through Me circa]. 0013, and punk., the Blood and eradicates diseases front the system, wherever located, and the, nommen cores it ham performed_ in diseases of Skin, Cancer, Scrofula, Goitre, Liver Complaint, Dytpepsil, and other Chronic dimities. is truly astonishing. tt For stle it Pintbargb at the Pekin Tea Store, 7ff 4,h motet, nest wend, and also at the Drag Fiore of II P ttchwarm.. Federal at Allegheny eh,. i misdk o o . 1[1... Itlelnu•'•.Wassallpstolitin— qpii is is to eently that, by taking one vial of Doctor I. McLane Worm SPenthe. a ch il d of James Shaw's pursed up rds of 711 worms, and by the are of said !limited. , a cthild of my own passed 14 large worms.— ii t u ontly I a MOM motorising storm medicine 1 elrer neen. 1 mod have two mote min WM GILMORE Wilkie. Tasters/.lp Far see by .1 KIDD is Co, No GO Wsod street, M. bor, , _ - trtelelo • • ••• ./CYNIC% H AIR Towle—We matinee./ to.the el mimic. of throe eleeiroos of emoting their hair or .IJmythe beerOT, to this elegant wenn t atom, b , be it every where highly *paten of,and.aspeciallTl . ) &Hilo. who have made use or It, OS really efficociou s thoolaiing th e gmerth of th e' hair. and preventing a r.thet many affections of the floe It* vote.. e re ' , wily and auffieiently Proved —N Y. " lER 011 y, ror sate . PEK" .ro ve of Vbarth al, aeon Wood rind aim at ne e ••• II tfaloyans, Federal st,'AlketotO es. J 4 IME=Mi RS'A PAIL' L'ILA: • • l'or rue removal awl ermaireat cam or ail ditermes ansurglinataniter4raro. anneal . the bleed et-L.OIM es , leta me: Serialet. Fires 1 , 4:4. nlormeara roamer. Eneytiesa a- tu.ruh, an Me Fats. l4ata r a., Elks, Co'*.. E;X: EiRS , lima de - red* , Seed Haul, Enlargement end pelt of the Dona red Jain, Stabbern Mee", Syldteiter SyragtsineSeiatica ter Low. bag*, and Unease, or/ring/ an ',Vaasa - foto ow of dloreare,dreitmor Oriwkg, Emus... 10 , 7r.rdr0.. , .. • Lif.. 4 . ..0, Chronic Cantarrmarial (rimadei.. TTY timely admaustrabun has been attended w. I the happiest results in molt anornalone alieetinaX hu iL is ehietly intended to fill the vo.d which.ealsts between cathartic and aperient tYCIi.CIIIGN modsm'or. rand. m that oi an alterau re directly—indirectly, pro e.'ing a lasting tonic to the mstem. 11.. highly concentrated tor convenience and porta.; Linty, nothing I'm the expressed owoeeer and is the rep.mentative at the Sarsiniardia Root, It the seine manner as ltritnine ma Peruvian hark,ol Morplimv-uf (Main. It an estaliii.hed. Met, that , ' few grains of either Quinine or Ntarplinie contain all the mentental value or a large quantity of the made gab ...racer, hee the ',arena.) of Shore prepare:Ma. rot inval i d would desire al drink a gallon IlliSlYl2l when a half pint contained the same mined 'valet. The Sarsaparilla ran he dile ,ken agreeable to the direetton , , and ram In toil Sir taste at the pa tient. . The following certificate rtddieli.rect to the liiittut at Chicago, Mtn' ghee conelm.ive proof 01 its great valor ra eases of Fever Sores. Messrs Steblou. 11‘ Reed—lienti: In May, 1,13, I ob. ,Awned at om store a book of Sand'a :sarsaparilla, and tas then confined to usy bed. wawa, sloop for • Week, ocenstoned by violent your trout a regutir fever sot< ol long statultng, on my right leg. My physicians adeisig me to - ham. Me bmb anomiateil, say mg A was the only means likelyto unnerve my Rte. After osing half the honk the pun began to Bubonic, and by the tone I had ased nearly three bottles, wasuble to 1111LIFIlet my reg ular bustness, and before I had finished the fourth dot de Iw ut l I woo as well :nal sound of ever I had been: I have uo stutmit sat ilig that Panda Sarsaparilla was the rheum,' ender I . llllNtlenee. ofs lg toy limb and I doubt hot toy most cheerfully Fe...lend-a to Me best ornelc extant fur the purification of the blood . Yours., moot reopeetfully. • • m. JAPIE.I MILLER The following certificate is only another link in the great chain of testunurty to at. morns: :002/1 DOLT.. Cattoiln littit, April It 3, • • • • • •. • e - Present Sande—lientlmetu Lc round it. fee ore. to the &Imam of Mecum., and so frequently disappointed to propound remedien, we cannot bet look Oa the efrorts of maceenetul practitioner& with interent Ord gratitude TUB m true renpvceng )Ivar valnalite preparation of Sarsaparilla. I hove been severely &Minted toe iTlyears with u direase about which ii . docloee dellbere , ” and their preneriptions were AtilLuairenliverse. I tried Va• riot remedies but found no relief mud I commenced alma your excellent mndicitie, nt which time .1 war rebuilt confined army bed Atter Miley it a few month. I me now able to wiita Main ride imbued enjoy a care notable degree of lomat,. which I attribute entirely to e oar of tenniPs - - nerrpt-arflm ural., of gratitude and reentd . • • JURY :d . :11 , n r • oe above state nr:v. T f 7 /01-iItRIMAN • F m ma Tmmincevr.—The teat extract Iron a leiter received mitt Her. (blurb.: . • • llya.altalt, VI-, Oct r./.. Mese, Sands: I have Leen alll tied with a revere pain in my ride. occasioned by a doe liver, far ate . at twenty y raw , sintering at halve ... what language sand.. eorveY. bet .inre thking )oar Sarsaparilla, I have beer greatly relieved, an nuieh mortal:l have been able to attend to rry business, awl preach occumon•lly for the last fifleirt math*. I wholly discarded all other medreine, nail ihoroughly tria die Sarsaparilla, which I eon reeetuMllid in truth and Ailleari.y La all those who, are its nary way altheted with any species of scrofulous complaints. There have been some remarkable curer effeeted by to use in rho simian), Mo. I. Shaw. by the ace of six Wales, was restored to berierbialffathan slieJsind before enjoyed for tea years, and Mrs. W... 443. who had been severely afflicted with the Erysip elas, was entirely eared by the use at a fewboulea. Yours truly, Whl. GALOSH& For further particulare nod conclusive evidence of ity cuperror value and efficacy, see pamphlets, which cry be obtained of Agents gratis. Prepared and sari by A. 11. & D Sandr.Druggistsyloo Fulton et, corner of WitliaM, New York. - . Sold ram by L. WILCOX, Jr., Pritsburgh,• 11. liar -susaul, Beaver; Wm. Watson, New Castle; D. N. Rob lona, Brownsvilre . A.lCreigh, Washiugton; •nd by Druggists generally throughout It Boiled States. Pride el per bottle—Lig Doak, for 65. • The . publie are respectfully requested to remember that it is Scud's Sarsaparilla that is constantly ethic,. ing such remarkable rarer of the most ddhcalr class of disearcioo which the human frame or subjenq there fore ..b Fir Banter Sarsaparilla. arid take no other SHERMAN'S: OLOSAONIAN, ASK TILE SUFFEKEIA MOM ASTHMA,- what has rsliavcd hint in such a Add% titan f his dif fident. of Insathing. Cough and ottrocidiesti. Ha ' you It was "the Okstannian, or . Healing Balmy." Ask the consumptive what has allay e d , Cough, maimed the Paha inhi4 *aids and C 1,,.., ducked hie light placed the rose of health upon his cheek! and he will tell ,ou OLUSAOXIANs lox • • .. • ALL-HEALING HAI-SAM. Ask your friends if they Intsaw ofmJthingthalrli.o Tee dB, curt a k n avd tedious,Coogh; Waiving of Blood, Brun Dyypeam Gensamption, Heosseness hidneams, and diseaws of OM Threat, s. the Otmaoniaa! and they will tall I y.—No. There never yet kaa betas remedy introdocal public tiolke which bat been productive of ea much vial iv *weber. a spare of time. • And the B:lowing Astionlaking • Curet. • We. BLINN the eelebreted Bintuncracker-baler, 9B Nas sau street, Brooklyn, statei that hit wife has been sitliettil 001. Aehel/ for 31 years, ind could 00 Bad periLLY4CIII. re- lief from the beat medical Wain which New York .anal Brooklyn maid presluee, was induced to by this great mow/ dy. She is nose neatly well. - Ills daughter who was suffer: lug frt. the Melt disease, tried it, and was mho tuned by iL Mrs Bond is now so well: that she is able to solfrota ben bed early in tbe sournint and attend to her usual d Mimi through the day without any Mosoyinet from bet distressing mandy, 11,05. J•casost, lath µµm% near the L:atbolit Cesettry, came to the store fut the Oaru.e of obtaining a bolt!. of the With the Asthma fur more than al years, and Was. exhausted . hii arrind that be ' could wet smak. 110 par hall a bottle sod rods home.— Four days efterwardlhe walked 800 his rmiderme to the oh fa, without fatigoeis distance of over two mike, Io tell of the wonderful relief iwltich he Inal espeisaoced from mig about me half of .0 bottle. Conoomptlon of the Lung. Mr. Consort., J 5 Anita street, Ins Noo tbe mon th of December last- that he was given up by his pkyakissn. 'His friends entertained no baps at kiss mensal. Hempvsm ded to try the Olasuntian, and la has surprise it bast au. Cu restored him ta health that he is a. able la .1k about the . AM. M. /masa. the wsk of Wro 11. noree,Jamesliannan, lit - awl Geo W. Ilaya,,Faq. on all bear ted.imony flow their own etperienee of the healing ?overlie,. of this Gum. Remedy in txestuaption of the Loop. Splitting Blood. Mr.. Tureamitatz, Sri 1.100/oe. dred, who had been troubled hr egret length of tiew by a ecners' cough, and railed atJantities of Mood, was relieved by ova bottle of the Olossonon, and declares it the greatest remedy in lbw wor/d. Densite Fame, 'M Wider street, leas mho retiree./ horn the same onnplaini although he was eery . nowto reduced when hesointorewel taking d, having been under the tale of kit physician during the rust winter. Although he essegbed constandy Mal war terj much troubkJ orah tight sweats, 2 books of the remedy enabled him ho return to hi. ,daily work. lir was entirely relieved. Davos Hannanson,Bo Lai& street, Geo W. Burnell, formerly of Nenark, N. J., Henry Liaison ' 192 Fthingtrat atreef, and numerona other ?ram. hate been speedily end permanently etred . of the same complaint by thisnemedy. The Arre e VZ Noreen which could he prolneed of who hate toed thia gnat remedy. would mare than a - rollout. Amung_the number we are permitted rtLtr to A. M. Diningcr, led Barclay d Mr. Wshon, of Hoboken; Mrs Bell of klorristoser4 h.,/.1 James B. Devoe, 101 Reade IL; M'Caffree;so Attorney st.; F. Smith, IB Third Atoms., Mn Wen 11. Mtree Ulu city end Mr. Arehtbeld,lS White - . I eald wholesale and retail by Wen Jackson, al hie Talent Medicine Warehouse and Mot and Oboe SW, MOM Übe,. :Lam; head of Woodatreet,Pittabogh. Ines lisps; GREAT ENGLER' REIHDY; For Clingh CAR, Astifia..nua Lonsur:ption LIE CRMT ONLY REMDDY fir Cott!, J. Coughs. Asthma. and CONFIINIPTION,in the IfflN GARIAN HAMAD OF LIFE. dircoarred ley the cede' hatted Dr. Dueltan, of Loudon, Englatill.anJ Intstniarel bate the Untied Snares tinder the Inuardiath naprrinlend The extraordinary succem of this medicine, In thr rem of P11111161(My direasi; - nenantm the American Agent in sollelting gar treatment the WORST 'PDS , SIMS CASES that can ho Pend in the eninteutiltp rases that sent relief ,'vein hem any of the ciartihme nemedke of the day. and bare beam given ear' by the pest distegelshed Phodrians ar CONFIRXRD• AND INCURABLE. The Ilungarlan 11414.1 ham corral, cud nig mum the. MOST DESPERATE . OF CASES. , RP no pasok hosauni. bet. standard Engitsh tunlichte, of, known led established egtMey. Enemy Welly in the United Maim Would be supplied sub Dunham'. Hungarian Balsam nf Lith. not only to counteract the comma/dive tendencies of the climate, ear to be used am a prerentive teediciee In all mono( Coldm.Anmabe,Spittbayorlllnod. Pain In the tilde and Chest, !Monies mid Sure. of the unge, Bronchitis, Dilikethy of Dreething, Ilectic, Forte, Night Sneers, Demetation and Cenral DobilitY Asthma Influence,. . r Darning Dough, and Creep. Cc lanai in large Nutley, at $ll per bottle, with full dins.' Dom Rs the restoration of Health, • Pamphleau enataksl a MUM ofEnglish and Anted cartirlialea, and u , e sbowlag the un equalled merit. et this Crew. Eng Daa , WY, ena7 alaed of the Agents, immune:eta). DAVID F. IMADLEE, quid Agent hr the Dulled States, 119 Conn meet. Boston. MtaEiMiMMEI For Pula by II 4.'I , Aii&E.W.TOCIC k Co. corner Of wood •nd hont street. • 'asyel rADIE4 . Whti 15 - C CoirCloTi r riiiiiiiretiillf, are /4 off en not aware how 1.e./Oily Injurious t ia fa the akin! how coarse, how rough, how uslloy:keklow, and unhealthy the !Mtn appears after using prepared chalk! Besides, it romainiug Marge yam. -thy of lead. iVe hove Prepared a beannful vegetable article, which. we anti .10•AlkNO3 SPANISH LILY WIIITE It h perfectly innement.being purified of ill deleterious qualities; and it Impart. to Me skin a neut ral, healthy, alabaster, clear, hying white, at Me lime amt acting as a cosmetic on the skit, making it enn and smooth. Dr. James Anacreon. ['rattiest Chemist of Nair White, soya: , - Alter alialpang Jones's Lilt White, I Anil po..pwri the most beautiful 411 , f w ent. natu ral . same deaf innocent white I ev o rr .„ : , I. eertninly ran cowcienttoosly recommend o II 'Motto skin requires lienuttfying.". e tt 'n ft ‘' and ' Sh. - Store. leny heed of tt nod, at sign of mint - .h ot• . • to " Aould be o r d in ' ol y il ru Verrpritann, Fel , ru rin I, 1.17. bin n:—This may certify dm diltwoose cough some nine. / beinglit a-book ono.. syru, and am happy to any shot . (111 . , P . " ' I ^or I I I 'P Milhollf this valuable'inedle7de. DAVID I . deltOli6HTS. Allegheny Cry medicine is preparral wholesale and` .at the Uroa Store of AIORGA Al • At nod she., one doer below Diamond Priee - cents per In.. . i,4 • of dyeing Light, Reel or flray Hair a Dart drown r.lnek toter. withibat tlyehm art njuring the skin. Sold Kith full thretl4ll4l.l Price So COI.. air 11l a bottle. • v O,volt by WM. CKP.4. et Io• relfutoir, ED Lit E 3( wify +lnch btu' of Wood, Ogn of its Big Poet. . _ _ IiCLIVIVAL- la=== MCDICilltD:LOXSricir.3,, AND coon r% It. SIIE/114 JJ taix'Atlia.l low ware. liisfre tit/tit* is amata rack Lox tb, tuvr= " 911ta31ASPS UT/UCkl Lozz.Ndes. Them Lorena MUM amital, bid woo red Mutual nen maYM. mid*. e••••••titeted, oiehs &moor eke; me, di puiemoor has mem hewer. au inseams where they didMit ratitratertm. Several thousand Mum beets wird ...Mao the bst year, reruiritig• to health •pentios idamd MO) ,ing ofrommopooe t ead More labocing mderthe reasedim emu, .I'bey do riot souk and dry .4. arc but render It my, procure eapeeto c uity,' Me malt, m ini46012, sod remove Ms provisoate sr mettle ; ram., They W. made combatatio• or • mue vatomiamueiee ormugh macliciesuosid andradMettly septr every Mks me /or Mom emaphdots. ilmtindo it•p dre de of eertifeMits hms been oder.. or th.i. unite • f me., Go al l4o ham brimmed frau ea matotaly • atal reared la porker health by tssittg Meru - When Mere is at•ch pido isthOreast or chit me of Sher maa's Poor thlattes Phrases (price eddy dvati t ) thoold Ls mei- the parr e lhol mi. WI relieved. Ir mauled •Mt eustireorou • feu PlalLlie or Emelt. Mecum or my gal eelmetie medic-Mei Mould be as ORM. I awr•• WORM LOZEZOLA Ttalisi Wine• ,{O4/1/V• ban Nun Mated weave tha.11,400 OW eases to be ioLdlibkl the duly cerho mond dmitei te , torthems ever dummied. Malty discs.. seism Gun amour md mod., Way sad tatettamollmmy, ami mw dedih t met. oat thew rem buoy suspected: (roan venous are ury odrs affirmed MO. Mem, red an doctored for e.t.a feagoLaoal• soy tederm arida am does of MM.; I.ders a m.old ....edit, me MUM. • • . . • • Symptoms ef Irerwas.—Paius in the joins w limbs, afro ea m breath, phithig at the 'wen grinderg of the teeth titan, i', ilerep,ond sonner•paknese about the lipnwith Melted clerk,: -"" Weeding ai the wens gnawingwundion at the Meech, Mod, ee of heat war the maw. at the body). Sight chilh or hi eriugs, eadache, demonism vertigo, torpor, Mouthed Mass., 'old= shelling hi Mei : wi th fright ..d ......,„ a troubiesume wog incriehreal, thirst, I.''''' hue, file, bad Oath in the nowth, did:kelt breathing, punt . the siontach or bowels, fatigue, worm, eovettirentrwi ' , sit; clone tote, lemoune, tthweed .tae or lunlingt leap. shooting pintos an 1/1/000 puts of the kody, a ... ul ...we thing rung iu the throat, itchisi orate b eao toward. night, s frequent desire to pan wasellors from e bowel., and new- Mimi n'id.stlve sf thaw ..d ...... SHERMAN'S CAIIPHOR LOZENGES. . They 'ire imam/MO relief in nervous or orb headache, . relplesice ofthe been, korome of th e marts. deepusoesey, ustrmatto7 or putrid wore thwed, bowel or manner cum plaits, ninon, oppreasion or a seine of Sating of tie close, hitin:, epasenneremp of the stomach or bowels, bpi...snit affeettotis, and tell narrow diseases, downiners thmogh the day, and orakefullow through the ueght, tehokra Vi. Aid. era morbus, Minima, kawitude or • erase of &Sine. ?co ~ woe Moreno( or sateedieg fair parties, win -wen. ges rethly rmoviegid respasing the bouyanry youth; noel after dissipate. marts/ore the tone of trees pal welly, aid meow I the oupleam pout) too bet livitog.. Timms who have been h liv en, and abandoned their dimipalcd hone, um gull there ego d., mini:Ream of air wrote . . -. CUERhIAMC S POOR MAN'S PLASTER. . . The Lest threngebeningphisnir in the world, mid estwerript remedy for pm., or weaken in the had, Minn ride, neck, limbs,irinte, rheumatism; lurnlngo, At, ice One maim a ), ar will rupply the &and. Tney require • link wawa iog Woe eppLaninet "Wwraseed sopenor to anodises and for one qua rt er theme' price, making measly the ken; bet I - the cheapest phiow in the wart& It .Coed. relief in • few loom, and =Ma asoblabfw ewes. In hew complaint and dymepna, it 'Louth he wont low the memo of the M.o. .larch, end it will .fiord vent lad mu:within( relief.' In noughe, odds, anima, difficulty of loathing, °mimic* of the chest or stench, they win M. miehdelytrotstAlmd pertly haat th e print. home of wdenfary Winn or Stow obliged to mud much, will mewl. decided support from nue of thew tab' thwigtheaing ?tu tu, . Phyllis.= generally I-minium:ad daemon pole:ewe lo nil othcrs,borstow they Mick ce adhere better sadsSord great er relief. in their *priming, they are Milano, twinged . anodyne. They an compowd of eethely dinfertat ingredi ents from any ahem, and Mown from the mperlroth of mii leen who ban used "them, a well le the Wiled theinswy of all the othebnioni sod distrl derp and physicians, to be the most useful eadlig enedicaledAtethr. •,.- - t ... • • Several persons hate' al the, wartime. to moor: theirwore wed thankriat thealtacet airman. two these - I/amebas Erase we on the Ma id,iiii phster;ullV it . fike gni), teDr.Bbalms tars. It is important]. rirwW "1.17444. far Bherma4 Poor Man's Planer, sod we Hint E a rd the imam as there are =my mulhime imitations wh nc at ipled d about Wad t old kw the ' taw Shame. Phan% by , ® Sold who/wake and POOR br W, JAMISON at his he. Medicine Weide:one, No. SP, Lihwty,,etrert, Alp of th MO BOOT: - • '.. '-' . pa le.-dly.-- tiSERP . DESERVEDLY 1 1.:ELEBRATE S D CRRONI.' ,• 'THERNEL MEDICINIO4.. jp(VISJSTRILI or his Prophylaciie Symp a cer tmetremedy lorall.Comps. rms.: tad: serow Inas affeetionr Comb Spy". etantP Spur. ceattated - Sarsaparilla; decidedi sup,erior to all • other estmets; bar iisir given relict : when el others have ailed, be ing tinsmith a new process morn' Concentrated than miy other ever olfered to. the public. ASTHMATIC :ELIXIR, having elketed permanent earn elitist stabbern 'disease, when of mare than 12 jean r Awning, hence it stands without a rivet in that moth dteadtd , nutcase. pr. Roares.LINIMENT , for all cases of weak ness or pain, and a complete antatitate for blisters. Dr ROWS TONIC 111IXTUB,E, an iniallibio cure for ctdl a aid fevers,: and indeed is more of a apecific , for fevers of all kinds than hark or Qai stne. Dr. Rdite• INCOMPARABLE V,ERMII KOK, where hearse. is steed in preference to any ,Other Veriniftige preparation. " ' Dr. lto,e a OAK: ANTI-DISPEETIt:, lor all diseases Of the Stomach and bowel.. Clodera tn. fbctiom, rcc Too high en encomium. cannot be. ...Kissed on the merits of this mediclue,ln care of Dirpe in ps, and all disease.. that result from weak- • nem of siemach or bed dge.tioa . Dr. Rone'r FESIALK Itl.l 5, a most saleable remedy for those general' complaints to which re motes are subject., Dr. Rose's' TONIC ALTERATIVE PILLS— Pie pill ever before uttered the public ao happily combioes the qualities of In valstaole mealieine,as an anti - fibtPePtio, LIVER or Stomachic pill; correct ing those disease., and thereby preventing con. samption. .A young Lady 25 . years pr,age,,horing diseaied liver for some time, her strength pros trated and appetitergone, Ina completely restored In sreweeks by the use of the Ants-slitipcptic , 'tare end thtia pill. alone. ' Dr.RoIate•CHRONO-THERMEL STRhNGTH ENINO of the Lick, side bredt.&c. • Dr. Rose's SPE.CIP IC EP I LEPSY,Die most Cer tain remedy for all eases of fits or convulsions, whethei in infanta or adults. So cantata &specific m it Aor this formidable' disease that the moat ob stinate emu, and those toeisfloag 'leading, have yielded at once. ' • DefloseatilltEUJllATlC AIIXTURD-:Arter. many . years of diligent **easel, lb& compound was discov ered, audits seers failing etkeacy places its efficiency ribose elf others for the cum of Rheumatism. - Dr. Rose's ASTRINGENT COhIPOUIIII, sicertain slued,- for spilt - 14 bleod, 'indeed for discharges of blobddy od whether Own pang& bowels comber pasts of the . Dr. lases STRll.Pfor_Choleatsid Dowel complaints —Thismimare will efectstally care bowel complaints, Dysesitery,Glsolistaidorbus, and Cholera. , At the come the &ensue Cholerra waa raging in PluladelPhia it &ma Amidst, be Mesas! suceesefal la arreatirtrhi Cuing man teWha nths of air those wha used iv t may be said of °roof these remedioiermY . br stud of all; their. &aloe will only be appreciated be those who try Meet: Letters from thole who have been eared.uf the various maladies that afflict the - human duly might be given,: bat. we arewaling_ to rest th e matter on the merits of the compou nd s. Whave • ieees Poe Seraftila, In its 'melon. forms. so seedcase& oral efficacious' that it. healing power hors astonished many. A ease of Cancer, aceumng in the wife of lase Governer. of Delaware, Was eompletely clued io n feureatirstbs. The earieer had been wife' era not by premineat :teepees., and mewed nail wit iiereestd allignity,yea coaddranindicig the debility of Counts. troll and removal of - the 101 l puts, the use of the. Pro, phYlectie .eoMplmely reineved'everi•vesuge• of. the , Cases inaimetable of the vane cites LW hav e • followed the ate of these remedies are i.. one posses. lion, but it is not deemed necessary to enamel ale the= millet...of theist will recomuread them to all. , J. iteIIkiONALIKKI4 & Co., No hi Hood Street' Altana for Pittsburgh j d N o, !Ruiz .A*Tol.l2lDifte IslitCo i 4. . i RELYA.Bleising: A Miracle!: I. Uouder:: o core Froptione. and DNllitavements or iti Stn.: Pi plcs.Preckles,SeationanB Rheum. Feeley; Soto • Fade "Ma .l .B..Teit Avail:the espits. ~.c. to r . wet ninithed az consequenee of a dtscoverLutedic by . ,an patina Cheaush. • Many. doubted—Rseented alma t •n I impossibility ithat•Onythiag Made by the-hands or suau. coold Map iamb sigmas poweis as Mei cleaned i by !Antonia Yawata; lbckus invention. limy clewed • Ante add his levenfloo as a ktuebee, rend. Yield many Relish prisons •withoot •trying doihe Mane n„,WeJ Co length,. alley teang it la the hospitals, the Altdicaltlo toy of, Paris (the but chemists la the worldldeliesvpit • the following report to Signor Vesprini: "N'te have sow Minutely and carefully els mai ned the • siniltaarinvention of •Verprini. We have a naives d its colepouent pans. , riattave used a in severs! esna.hod me.ttestatte not ID pronounce it [the Italian Cbeznical `..PI a. a rase blaM B lll , sod steely woodetful setae , dy for my cutaneous eruption et dtrEgortieepiof ibe • skid. Its tin/caw we consider the hoe philautheopha ' of staining mankind. " 1,818ned) . LEOPOLD DUPRF..I%; • ' President" READ T 111.41 From We Inventor himself' wile: pr ate, Prop noon ' Prate. Nov. 4,1E40 coniiderstion Of the tom of =Ay, lavedivet• red to Mr. T. Jones, residing in the city of New York. N. 'whaler/weer* of atanafarturing, together `with a statentern of We ingnediwns my n Cheotteal Warp. lie is torowatfacture n tot the United Water only, and to have the pelt , Icgo of we ntinit in-Mones' ImOan Chwateal Soap." Wurtere !len/ y J.Holdrworth: • IRlgned) ANTONIA VPf!KINI 00-E40,10y ..IAERSON..aIt his Patent Medicine tt arehowe, _ED Liberty street, bead of,k4 ooth.,at tha sign of the Rig MM • I The only plata In Pittsburgh where the GE. INE. — ran he obtained: Alletbent are Gomorrah.: • -, • • PITTSBURGH GAZETTE,..: en&LISJIED DAILY; TBl-WEEKLY & WEEKLY :4, a, mica .rut row. RATER 09'. ADvEnTlitntro. Or, iosertioiror 151ioos, or lon in 50 Tyro in, e rtii ls 7 5 Th* '"' ' 100 One. Week : ' " • "- ...... .. 5 50 Two iYorko ":" r. 50 Thrito ' " . 3CO Onc3looth, 4 130 Troi' . .u• Thre L . oo;r ri . rtire ''' so . c . o . tip In L earne : p .. rop — Or — ti . oa., l 45 7: One'square,6 mliatas; , ifilhour alteration;... 10 00 12 " " •• 'l5 1.0 Each additiotiaslggrani • for 6 meal! 5 00 . „ • .10 00 _ 00 . ! aqt?re z 6 mantis, reiew.ol, ' -z•n 2 4444.444. 4 ni•--- -.acne at pleasure, - 15 CO 1 • 4, 4, • CO Eacli additional wpm for 12 mon th s 10 6U Two moires, 6 montba,:reWable at pleasure, 30 %I Brach additional square, 6 moon., ...... aOU artitun, pit Taii-nyspr.a.ti, is Dalt, One 'nquare. 3 inneiiiona, 51-140. " cacti additional ina0rtin0,.4.,....• I =121322 Fire lines or lex., one year. 600 • six months -300 , " " ode year, daily & seekly,lo 00 sir months •• 00 ADTESTISLIII.II , I IN PAILS. .For 20 lines, or less, One insertion, SO 60 Two, " 073 Three, " I'oo' " ' Three months 6 . 60 Sir ". Twelve 10 00 rrmi advertiewnentelo be charged by the square. Ind n diseeunt crib . per cent to be given when: the arsonist of adzestiamg exceeds. AO dollars per year. etwitaxas canes. jqye bite. or less, QUO "car, .;‘). -_^_ •• 46 00 5 00
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