iirobu i•iroolis • rms./aro.' Price la easkpaid fir ill tbe caerea owes of eleia INT•Aidd woot.tor my Old wool ',lretothe owl Cecil's alley Ilidkwi I P n; oer Lny 'A n SMELT liD GLASS PAPMTS—{W deur Sia. I, 11,3.33 Gn /OW VS dander, by a tom b. Team it it hit naptifior to the common Sand ittnal bs inantlineuiren. .Par rate by , KIDD k , X).roft 111 a and.wood st• L'NEN . TABLE, DLNPUILS—Orta rave 74 and dti Wont Table Doreen and Dastaak•—• beg -711 good amnia. for Hotels, graeorsheate, le —Need and tor aolo. j . 6.22 giii4cm.ET r LINEN .AND COTTON TAIILK DIA- L large awortattem oraLore Caodr, at low priers, at the Ury Goods Intorno( W R MURPHY Jr?? onnbralle:oraer n( 4th and market tea SErlll EN(IINE ITR SA IX—A Stet= Engine; rabees mate d inch DOI oder. 3 feet stroke—loot ler Itl ft-et loop. It melt diatoeter—rumptete with .goverso cr." Re —in ore one wort. HENRY WOOD 4 wiles op Stontonabela V ETTA AND LACI4—W B klorPttY 6 91 , r. to look at his u suelferst assottatentasbove Grua's. tultabfe for C . apa, felt • itE ss - ININVati A3ll--A lame armament of 11 above Goods Poot. 19i auras up to iba t y It tier and 1 tures, to be fogad at the Pro Goods NA 09Q, g vrt, N mop.. Neu,' • rood article and Wag places—jun recuued anA •or by. r IMUM'PA n HITS. 99 meet ri Ull Ilk east. 01' m . pf re l4A Medium, yvt S'i.er r anal lag laaal d ssr ssie by t ell isSlfinoci.,l7r k.WIIItE IPbTVAKO TOBACCO-40 boxes fr r ol U nirextei's Lump nosy landing, will be nold eery to., to el-we a consignment by 1 DICERV &CO _ _ _ Alf k M. yrr,nir:t.TaFE, Wholesale Gwen, Disiiiitin and Wine and Liquor Aler • ILO loherly ore.. in? mine "3 la th itireet,l ETOttSt: gra•ral . t a,p at CD on itaati at the Altmand a nd Fat 1 ,, ..1“ .tree, • KIM RHODES & ALCORN COFFSC SO—lt owl Gooond,' for stranrooaro add viierri. at the Musta.l nod Broca Fa, wry, rr VIOL rt. w) Il R1U.8.833 ALA-VIM 14,4 ANt FACTr RFD TOBACCO-34 boo 3. Lamp Ala( raper inr gustily, directly Dom Lynchburah, Vs will be %aid v. n low Po elidie a consignment. rat I I IPICKIN R CO,aralreand (root so. I:1014 tletbNI:1111617 911 LW a \oo iternnin hr . Em tide M~4e Dimond joll 1118 11-5.1 bbl. bilnkerel. of •NP46,” taa. Nu I I:ern:46 NI Ida. No I Shad: in mate and for sale by 1/4I alicKersoN j AHD OIL—A mazer ankle or Nat lard Oil A.reonswinlyon h.ol and !or sale hy J JORDAN a SON inafseinrera NOI9 Lawny Cleat DADS WAN IrliD—Coasu y Mixed 'Rap want -11. eJ, inn livaleh die ljahut pri ia Cash will be paid FETES k.IXILLIN9 Firer, below Markel • -_ • • CLARET A:1IO wurre F hlid• C...et V. int; / .1 hI,J• II•ut 6auterne Witm; for sale by }e!!! MILLER t RICKEMON lovod boxes, fossil ZIOT I FA fr.7 1 (.8T8z1 • m)l4 • No Xi Plltb street LABA) OIL - LOA no 1110 hy II A FAIINIMITOCIC =ll=t=3 XTRACT I.OOWOOO-411 Cases SUIZI , r( j SO tcrei.ed Dud fxal se lir H A low PAHRBISTOCX CO NIACKEII 15.16—lut t ) : IV A Ng ha E rr i a:An by 0.18 nut std, of Diatoond 1)(711103%V GLMlS—lOckbares 8 110 and V V is suite and fin . sale by • jets L riallSON &CO, water sud fnkit sei IDOTTLE CORKS—I baler, 1 . 11310 23 10 SO cents bait teemed and for sale by Jain , • d1it.L.1iR.9.37 word .t B'VIAND 1:10.29CS —VIM dos aslark,dsises. at alma factursed prtstets female by PAMEEK talk tar No 93 Market street TUBACCO—Sts las, Racket's Warta, Ss Tobacco dollem and for sale low by l 'MIZELL. 21 water Pi • p o IC 11-5 U begs Ville Powder; jnt4 For talc by ~ DAIZELL MEW ACK10138.1.-40 blita Law No i, at /I true year'e Couching, jaw received and for tale dIILLERM HICCETerON OIIIITIIIICHT -5 grow blealiner's Ointment on hand and for ..ale low 14y 13.41100NMAKER &COON wood st 11)11001116-30dors. Gilt Handled; .1J • Joa. Loom Oise Common- roarer by tel 8 F VON IiONNIIOIST a co AI rg AC KEMAL—SO bbl. No 3—Lae; 130 bf bbla do, for oat. bp jr3 JNO F PERRY GII 6,14,1&E br. W. B, in pow .& 1 11;Pmg enStn=suoll ine •ale by 0- 4 HOB'T DAI2KI.I. & CO, Libe:iy st S CUE R-40 bit prime White liavaaa; e 0 bap Brasil; for sale by ljed ENGLISH & BENNETT, IS and 20 *nod sI YEh NUTS—Reamed ter cashmere, at the Mame and eince Factory, a 7 Fifth am , Eayle „ RHODEN & A Lcoa:v GR.l2 , lle . t , l , :;!l y iEß —SO I , k t l i l t s o a r rg o llo= r tand . 2r, 11 iikoS-Fklib street I i EV ENDOW OLNIW-130 DayBlllE • 130 hit OEM for sa l e by oty,f7 F03.0Y111 A DUNELEN, srater'artd front sts I UNION SI ADP—Frrsb tilde, and of first qoal• for sale low J by rety,lL OHN I) MORGAN.SaI wood 1-/ INSICED OIL—A few' Sarnia la Mare and fw je7 sale by J JORDAN &SON AHD-lul et s a good aniela. Ger. le by je7 JORDAN & PON DRY Ai.24 bib loda. joYi tee eived meal toe rale by jet. S V 1.1.4 V‘IiOtOST k ACINESIA—I ease Carbonated. for sate by yenf D MORGAN IXMTh'. CHALK-1 cask for sale by Y\ ' jes J 111 MORG t 'MOPED...S—Is kakis fas wk LS l_s k 5 .1 D • DIORGAN DOCK pow DICIL—N. kegs kr sak by D. Je3 ISAI All MI CKFT 100 • I)Ol . A.9ll—Na I Polamh,Varranted good. at retai 1 by coy:lt J I 1110R.:AN L , LOUD/ AULPHULC—LAOOIb. for recetrrA and P lormaie brine B A FAHARATOCK & CO j . , A AT ACID-200oz.wrie i ltikrzle VANILLA BEA.IIII-4 lbs superior, jam reed for sale by jel6 J KIDD & CO ( - ILA/M-21u 1.. E4erWan..ll.lloGlaes, Jon reed \land tor hy jela J C BIDWELL..Art G 0 for APFEE-1.4) t* best Rio, received Ibis. day dud We by j , 16 - TA SS.EY & liFed r Plal 1.: , White Piing for saki by TASSFY BET QCOTCII LLRISG 7 6O bozos for sole by lel{ TASSEY t Li}ST TVS 41•!• ba.tree'd and for sale by je t lfl !i4 " .1.412 ' - '• RE VELIERS 12 UTTER-3 LAO • Ere .L I.retii.y Iyls tll4owaoai T ARC II La& Fox'. Scarce. NM teemed and 17111, sale by yIILLF.Nt lIICKETSION FLOUR—to t.,14 Family Float for made 1/y Jads S F VON BONNOON...NT I. CO UT APK•LEB-100 Los Gar solo by D Jet/ • WICK &111eCANDI.E4S 'PIEAC ES—MO km in bbl. and fact& for I , sale by )114 WICK& Mee& N ALICOHOL-10 - ,iri s , pnsel. )an renewed nod for sale by y. 7 J bCstOONMAKER kCO 1 ARD OIL—TO 46N, In fine order. fin Ia I. jA I 13C1-100NMAKFUt k CO TM MON STRIJP-15 dot. Pare, far.de low LI Llje7 J tietIOONM AKER k VAIL A BEAN "4-5 boodles for ask I.y J7 L 7 J. S4.IIItX)NMAICEII A. CO _ l A;118, SIDES an 1 StIOU LDFM•inni reek' and Fat 11 id .ate b, I 'JORDAN r SON A LT-3(1 Lt Ailegbeny, rceu and fat sale by C.) ley J'O F rFRFIV. Libertyandlswin ins rp IMUTILY Sild&O—Jo boo in wore lor Patchy PO JNO F PERRY TbAO l / I —b7(ol6!prunetnulle; re j e r : i d o an F d p for E i l le y by jo, jr3 P141 , 1 9 11.0N-140: on. Mbboning Ponsabe. for nab b y k It FLOYD M° , 14i...V3r.1r—,.0 bblr I prime orde r,ll. Orr 11.fLO rale by r 8 : . ID T'"OTILY BEs:l3—ln store andlorjllenbir,ovz CI A I.ERATtIf , -it, tax Pw c e ,b lial . a cx, .• • HAXIS -500 c.. Caron limns in 'we, for sale Ly J C BIDWELL, Ant. Water in WLTIEC LI:AD-50 kep Pura, for rale by Ltay3l • J D MOROAN ALICELATUri-‘5 tam!, mwlandinj and far Inge le i nEMllle4tu:ll alum landimar able by U ' awlsl DICIRY &CO WAILS-100 k..trt soared, Pirofargh Man kiracture. I.lforikaikt by , It& W & 8 s.eCUTCHEON T 13118ZYD 011.1,5 bsoelsfer rale R P VON BONNHOLvr & CO 13 YE VLOl.' li —5 harocl• Kura. ferule by It 'cS A r VON SION V IiORRIALCO rn.oua-r.s t.,.t. FretTl - Groond. for sole by _ FL 'n1re .....,., drVON BONNIICIRST kb N. -, - ,_ QVIINILIit .utteemed ond sor solo s.ra R JR SELLPIII.S7 wood • ill MET AIL -'.i , 10. eiltAlra C. R. rik foil/ea by ira W' & R Ket.UTCHEON 11108—G um% ...net!, Piliaborgh mantfactus. j.. 4 rub. I.y W h MeCUTCIIRON /111.117A31 ZS UTS-1 packs tee mile by • inl l %VICK t 111c0A ND1.V.89 FLOUR--tra Hat topetine, IL • • Walker brand rot L je9 sale by w & n MeCUTCHVAN FLOOR`-lOl..kirelt 11FririRIgeknEyk CO 17ENIgos 'LAMS—CA Pio (or .ale dr I , lol'.llin RIIF.V.IrO .41 g • rune. Nts rce'il and yr WICK L lilcCANI) CfQK.S,._ JuN •. SWEET ClUlahYlotrrelsfiffsalabr 0 jell WlC**. MoCANDLESS AZON--DOCO In; anened,' In . find order, just ree'd and for oak by lell THOS O ODIORNE • . 1.000 vi nn,?=7 '7 4 V7i1;171:7 2 • 11 L!irdjunt reed and faints by lik:litl 1.1 S. t tV lIARBAIIGH 991681. E llarwpal Oil 00 , te rs tror i ntand W o lfe tEI tr AltIA N. O.MOAR-43 hbd• ItkStore and 11. sate _ • 11 , 11/Liat kitICKETSON COZICRAS-4 bbl.pfr eb mlr HOT & CO MEE ==,•c=:=) COMSIIiRCIAL RECI)RIE rivrsutracia (BOARD OP TRADE. • COMMUTER FOR JUNE. F.CuIteFRFRF. WM. A. HILL. N. I. CRAIG F OE THE 1111AOLT STE MAIIIIi. The *Manahan I Emory. rapt. 11. Cratrell• will trinatuenee running be wren Detroii and the Vault the ..,„ I kiwi. on June ?N. making 'teddy MOVOSOkellf• Of ' lfb• vefolla SOCIIISUILF. , -, ~,,,. daring ,i,. e ~ ..„3 „, , , ~,, 0., Steamer. C010.0.L. ~a t e "....,. 1, .. p.m.= : iemon 'leaving Detroit every Tuesilss al 1. cielimk. P. Cambria tltrl /leakier July I Carla lilolomhe, (Fr/ July I C arla OW Lem July 16 J u no 16 ; I ,' . Thu reiroil iu . one Te . ar .. old-haa a pnwerfid low plea. 'MOn 1241113 , r.d0. la 0,1...../Tled to the Sault trade. V. aehhon. gam) riewitt:- . July. I r. Frcigh. er Yaavage aged,. on hoard, vr to Britannia. llim Harriman Aug I July' I C lIRADAURN A Mr, Cleveland Sarah Mazda tflr)Tbutripaon,. --..1 l N Cletililt r. Dam., ' °erica flrraannon arra,/ Monday Morning, Jane= The weather alone Friday has been clear and warm. Floor—The mune inactlyity and nettle.. obserra• We in the market so °Rea Mace the decline in Fluor preceded again on Saturday. The receipts on sale were small end were dap-teed of with difficulty at r bbl.generally for city use. A ale of 'Army Beaus' at 90c p be. Sale 10 kegs 6 twist Tobacco, at ttie. Sala = bo Bran at 8e et be. Vito! is corning in Ineely and brings very full Sale WO kepi pure While Lead at keg —usual got leather. a sale 500 lb. prime at tttlii. Sale 30 bu d cpples at Me Iv be. There were 4 feel 3 inches water in tlm channel last night, and falling slowly. The Dry Goods business in tepresented in the F.astein title. as very active and prosperous. Large shipments am coming from 'France and England. and particularly of fancy goods. The Dry Goods Reporter 04 New York ,gtv. the Inllowing I ate rex t log article to the trade: But IttUe doing in Muslin de Lainew, poen are atock of good rule. very light. Ginghams are quite aearee nod to ereat demand. Tbero It tome inquiry for Winter Veatings to manufacture for the Southern and Weetern mirkeui; the demand for M.r veill.• la over. Dardee Goods are m fair supply and demand mndente. Some, American P4ddi op are °Beret!, and as they improve In manufacture. Miil interfere nigh the imported. There has been n moderate demand for blur and sw.l..dyed black Cloths. The French importers are quite Inuits,. All Canton Silks are nearer. Neer goods meet with ready *We. Some description of American Woolens hare been piirchaaed under the expectation that they wouldadvance. The stock ol Flannel ri s. which is not heavy, has been blade from material that rusts 20 per cent. less than the same article fs now worth; an advance, which has taken place to to o extent tit 73 per cent. Safe of Kentucky Jeans and roar.e tor the Southern market. hare been made ! and there has been some demand for lorry Cloths ind Cassimerea treat clothiera. There is but al andante accumulation of stock at present. There ia Lout little doing in bleached goods. and 11 though there will be heavy importations of F.ogibh fabrics, it IN thought the lowest pit./ ha.e been reached. Brown goods ate also quiet. 'Elie de nied for drills to export continues ate dy. Prices continue the same. The demand for l'roos has been better the past week. The otneli of good Lyles is light. The demand 4or printing cloths con tones good. BREADSTUFFS—TIIK CROPS. Sc. The subjoined eompariwn Bo w e arc the 17th. with thoae prevailina ibe thh, will at laneeche tent of the dec.. erlateh *as takeo place in ibis brief vote: Priem, June 17. lane Z. Flour, Howard to. • • •SS 311 56.50an,511 Coy NI Ills ••• • • F. 7.1,19 .• • 7,nu Susquehanna. • 5.621 • 11,M1 , torn Meal ..... • • •.. • •• • 5,71• • ... Wheat, I'a red 193a196. • • 137.1.3 i d nal • 170.100• ,• • • It naltle Ro, Md while 112..11 IS. .... kalet fa fellow !MILS se a IA It mill be seen, from the foresoing rempansmb Met wa the decline In Flour M about $O MO: la Com e• I. SI ♦ blot or Wheel eve la be: and In Corn, 23n in 2150 bY.-1134.11 American, Retertley. NEW COUNTERFEITS. • • • .4 remittance was , received yesterday at the Sof. folk Bank, from the Band of Borlingto-, Vt., ci f9fe. There were Sow bills of $lOO each. and two sf 50 each. of the Shoe and Leather Dealers' Bank, Roston, makieg fire hundred dollars. there were eight bill. of 50 each on the 51amachdietts Bank. Boston. All of these bill. has been altered from one dollar bills of the respective banks The 'lterations are to well done, that 99 persons out of every bum:BA would nett detect the cheat. The hws to the party who made the remittance is 5886. We hope thatthe acoondrela who are flooding the e entry with their spurious notes, may soon be de. teeted.—Noston Atlas, Odd. Nubs Bank of Indiana.—l's dated Jane M, 13{3. 'mars, vignette a 6gureof /twice. The Presidents ame is engraved mid Coached over with knee.— rknen we have seen are on the New. Albany Branch.. Rank' of Virginia-s's letter A. pip to Gen. Tow er, Danville; dated March 0, 18.5. The vignette is a female seated beside ad anchor. Kograring lighter and somewhat dint. flank of SanJuvky,o.-2's letter 13, vignette very much blurred. Dated July lob, 11312. Union Bank of Tennenee —l'm letter A. payable to bearer on demand. Dated Jan. I, 11/347, at Jack. ton. Vignette, the Goddru al I.ilierty, and wart boat in the thou.... The paper light and eugraging thin 111/PORTS BY RIVER. WHEELING—Per Now England-26 ache wool, Reed, Perk & co-3661s noise, Clarke 4c eo—f as!. Clarks & Thkw—l etsll sod pipe, M MeDon. bbl. copperas. S McLane-3 .eta wool, L 4 tesro,24seke do, Murphy & Lee. Per Rhode Island-3 bbl. ilour. SO birdr tobacco, owners. BEAVER—Par Lake Erie—is march. II Bruce & en=2 bbl. crairberrys, J A Cairabc)--6 cskis scorch salts,-.Alyera, Hooter & ca__a bas pa par., J A Canahey=l , ...4l' and mks, 20 do bock • wheat; J & R Fload-1 ick,(lol, .1 A Daugbey-11 acks wool, II Graff-2 boo cbEe.e. Wick & AlcCao Ilea—SOtras do. Dickey & co-3G bbls flour, Robs BROWNSVILLE—Per Comol-8 tulls leathM, Wm Bryant-19 sheets h iron, 9 keg. nail.. Bur. Midge & tiVilson - - A75 bars iron, 18 kep nails, f Evans & co-3777 ft lumber, owner—iqt; boa glass. W B Hays-31# bat gram, Smith-12 bbl. fluor, A Vankirk-15 ban glass, Mark. CINCINNATI—Per Isaac Newton-1 trz and I chest, H Mitchell-2 cases good., A Gordon-3 bag. feathers, # bbl butter, G Cochran-1 b., G B /Oaken berger.-19 bb • whiskey. Park & I lannen-22 bills leather,L Hutchison-9 bbl, ale G W Smith. NASHVILLE—Per Nasbrite-2 Mobs tobacco. 1 cab beerwas, V. bap-leathers. 19 du wool, 46 balm cotton, 3 bags feathers, I barrel applm, one half do beeswax, 4do easseed, 1 bag ginseng, 2 bhd. tobacco, J W Butler & Bro-22 hhd. dr, Forsyth & co-46 bales. cotton, Atwood, Jones & co-21 bag. feather., 28 do ginseng. 3 csks beemraz. ki Allen & co—AS bbl. old won, 1 be mdse. 7 pc. w Dos, 1 Mk ado, 1 lot old g bars, Church & Cared, ers-22 bags feathers, 19 done bag.. 6 bbl. lard, do peanuts, 35 bop do, 2 bogs cotton, I do wool. 1 ha brushes, Dickey & co-9 Wads tobacco. J A Ala. to ire-1 bz gims,Curling & Robertson—lo too. pig metal, Wood, Edwards & /McKnight-53 baler furs rod skins, A Beelen, GLASGOW—Per Caleb Cope-515 sok. rye and corn, 33 do wool. 28 bbl. Wheat, rye and dular,B &-, Harbangb-2 MI6 baron, Ewalt & Gebhart-3 sheets boiler. Spencer & tulle paper, I. Loon:dm-4 Ws, I bbl bacon, 11 onb a d fruit, ' Church & Carothers. BROWNSVILLE—Per Louie McLane—l:4 pig metal, Cii&ly. Jaen & co-1(11 tali ;14..1 ala. grell-1 tek wool, A King., MOATS LEAVING VMS DAY. D. LEECH & Co'll. PACKET, 111113delphta eid Baltienore.9r. r. BROWNSVILLE PACKF.TS at 8 A. N. and 3 BEAVER PACKETS at 9 and 10 • ei and 3 r NIONONIGAtIELA CITY PACKETS, 3 r. w. GLASGOW PACKET. GLagow,4 P. N. WELLSVILLE, Welkedle, 9 a. N. HIBERNIA, Wheeling, 10 •. M. MONONGAHELA. ClllCintlAti. 10 WI'OAIIW(B,Cin. 10 •. It. AML.RICAN EAGLE, New °dean.. 10 • N. PORT OF ,PITTSBURGH. 44 TILT WATER 111 THE ARRIVE!). Beaver; Hoops, Bearer. Cannot. Bowman. Brownsville. Lake Erie, Hemphill, Beaver. Louis McLane. Bennett. Brownsville. Rambler, Naughton, McKeesport. Caleb Cope, Sholea, , Glaygow. Wellsaillc, Catlett, Wellsville. Rhodelsland. Dawson. Sunfiab. ' New 'England. Ebben. Wheeling. • Biwalch, Nelson. Mon. City. Nashville, Miller, Nashville. Trenton. Woodward, St Lona. Monterey. Mornwin.ownaville. Hodson. Poe, Wheeling. , Zanc.•ille Packet Galligher. Zanetville Harlem !looker. Hanging Bock, Pacific. 'mislabel!, Pin. James Ron, Kee., Greenupaborg. Cambria, Forsyth, St Louis. Palo Alto, McDonald,Cin.. Eureka. Crow r. DEPAKTEI Bearer. Hoops, Beaver.t • Lake Erie. Hemphill. Bear r. Conant. Bowman. Brownsville. Louis McLane, Bennett. Brownsville. Rambler I laughton, Atom City. Web Cope, Shales, Glarigow. Wellsville. Catlett. Wellsville. Inas Newton. blazon, Cinci 11112 ti. Monterey, Woodwanl, Brownsville. Roscoe Jaren., 5t Lou,.. Hibernia. smith, Wheelina. Prairie Bins , Mellor, 1000.11.. America.tallooso.l: so. Rhode Island, Dawson, Sunfish, • NEW SADLERY HARDWARE 110tIS1: HICLIAILD T. LICIL.CII, Jan/ / IMPORTER and /Water to Saddlery Hardware am Carriage Trimmings, is now receiving DMe add' to hi. awe/ directly from Birmingham and th. eastern Manafactorim,to widen he ge.pcgifally Invite the shtllllo4 of committers cud dealers generally. RAOS-77 sacks emulsify mired,' Joanaised and 4yr mac by Jelb. POINDEER & CO WWbbls Mono:tubela, r V Jell wiLsori k. CO e. BICON -11.0 palm& Hams and 1 1 11.1.1enji!r raga ' x2l by Vi t ft ?WeIITMIMM s a t The .plendol P , 1•861., .ti . rOXI i NG, Ilsys onocr, mr , ll !case as abase on Monday, lone ?NI, al IU o'clock...U. I 0111,1101AorpilreAlre apply off bourd. Jew. . _ FOR NEW ORLEAN:S. 664q01 7 tie new Steam Boat , • j ,A AMERICAN littGLF:. 41, ... tkin.on macer, will !cave a 4 clove cm 3londay. June . 2.86, as :to o'cio< k ... N. For Irelgla nr p Isolage yirpl ran I.olrd. IVIS —' - - Regular Bearer and Glasgow Pack.. The new and fan Tanning aleomboat matCALEB COVE, - Sbotecreater, boift ntre,. 41r rnr tin. trade, wdl ran aa u regu ar I at kelt., Hearer and (Wargo w —la% en‘ l' , • burgh dadN at 30'eloek, r a . and nntinng . tilargow, (mouth of B , andr and Beaver Cana/ lon Alondal. SO r I. ne.day. and Friday For freight or pos.., la Braver New I..vtion or the row.. treat and North of Naar Irolgin, apply rio heard or . oe3 "A W HARRAUGH. 31 wood ..reel 1 LIF.AVE.U. PACKILT. The fine MOM., PALO A UFO, J oathreDonald. MU.; grill run repro.. D Pitolorr e h vol Re tin place of the . anter Alrehiaant legv • rag Reviver every morning at c o'ior k and Fotsburgh every enema. at 3 &obeli. Par ir'igh'or P ligrg r fl ' ..4 CO. Agee. lleavi, JOHN A Ca Utrl 'FA% Agee., jell-Im7 Car Water and Smithfield ca. [ 'i.e.:lra k _ lIFJOCI.A R PACKEF. The new, double engine paoceger 13.•••eam er ISW ATA RA, Mt - aught Only 13 Mcleod Cam Co:, will leave on Alenday, rho 7itt In, tam. sr 4 o'clock. r. Al , for Crnciiirofir and Intermediate per. nod wilt perform her trip. regularly derma the low water oncon For Weigh , or paysage ape! on heard rel Irlf , .(4Vi..Alt - CINEINN ATI & SI LOUIS l'AChl-T - f The new Onti 4plendidOeareer eatTRENTON. Woca/ word moter,ori II leave as above regularly rirmeehom the pewter,. For freighter paa•Age apply on board MT ifi — I , ifIVONCriNATI a Limisvii.i.c. The fine end .aenr4 I , gbi draught inate'teem, . TRIUMPH; G.tarey , rue6ter, wt'll leave a. ale., ir4l:,,,,,h;rt.h.rzhaztp,th)ez=ll.,For =}=U . . Calho un, The ele gain and foto Porte) gm , Calhoun. maw, well leave a. alonve !Wally throughout the .eopon. For freight or pulsate •pplF on hoard., mYF, Pi rtr,tlßlßUti A! ii LOUIS I'ACKEF. The near and Wendt,' .reamer i:Z" GONDOLIER, ‘.,--- ' Isom. trader, 7:,7,7:.V7,,%!;r::::!" . 4„ , larly during the fea,on. lirr do). will be ad rertiaed hereafirr. rue7ll Pwchr:r The new, light draught and taut row' rnng sienna., EU REKA Crowe, mot, will run a• •, rugular packet between P•usbunth end Louie , vine, during the ...on. Sh• !Caeca 011Tburs.Jay eve mnK. May 6th.st 4 o'clock. 6=a== FOR ZANFd3VII.I.Ii. The Itght dranght and list running steuml.nt 1111tiril/ Clll ce, Moore,toaster...ll ply as • regular paeker betarenn dn. place and Zane.- vil'e For fretght . p pplv on board or to owl 1;EO 11 hIIL'IENDERfitt:R. Aar REGULAR CINCINNATI PACKET. ac ,.. The very Halo draught and staaneL Wpm, SWALLOW . , Wilt.ou, nnwier, will .11 a. alwve du mgrthe wawa, tnalirm regular trtp.. Ton 2.4. dre sem only 14 I on.,, water. Pot (malt! or pa4age apply on board. Aran. Pittsburgh Wad Sunfish Packet: The new and fine afeamer m a l t HUDSON, en, tnaster. .has . resu Ebb med her reg ular tnp4 and will leave PinaLurgh •• above every Tharsday and. Alum Jai at 5 o'clock, P. N. For freight or pasangc apply on board. onyd MeKEESPORP, lA. LAD47.lti AND MON° ‘DA. DELA CITE PACKET. ve sirEIL The nei . neamer PCH, `on ma DES AT ner. will run as aboe. I, a tog Pii aburgh every Mond,. v W. d nestle). and Friday, al9l o'clock. A. SI, and hlonon, s h'ela toy every Tue.day. Monday •nd Saturday I, o'clock, A. M. FogfreJghs or na-aage apply mita:v-0 /Y' Allegheny River Trade. The fine ed Not St•amboat ARROW, Cart Jame. Atlctome,nl. me to too. lirpalur Peek, de g ht aest.ent between PliteGorgh and Franklin. For freeght or apply on Gogid. or Ter HEUULA F\JH N.I:SIIVILLt- The flee. rienmer . , . i gai n . WTOM.tera, CON John F 1111), will commence her regular to .h. the Move port on Monday, the th instant, .110 o'alca k, • •1 For "6Sh‘ °' r 1",°, 7 1;M?,'':- 7:14:"A',. mi.hl7 . If.cg at• r P tttt 1. tna rgik ataa Z./Melee tale Packet. ca.o .1-.4.-' ••• The new alng64ritight tar antes ..17.,:r_ ..„ Jame. F. Dn.!, r0...1er. will run a. a - _:,„,r,,,.." regular packet between Pat-horgh farZ.ineaville flaymn had her cabin. fined up and furnished in roperior pi, lc. do. Comet offer. the fine.t oceoraroodots.o• to pa••eneers She seal leave e, Tue.4.lay. May 410. 01 . 10'1.10,i, P NI! Ifni hewn or pa..ne mply on boor& nr to rm. , ts II WILKINS...to mi - e.isrmat .0N) ...v.I::F:iJ.Nt. i.,,,;hi - - 01 -' I 1". iwit V k . : g.ia: Z;l3',""` 10,,,, z , _ c'' . ta GW E nart, will continence , - .;:da - • roaming oLovo.Jo) uf • Month, lc. a, Pktodsoroh 'roory T Lle d :v r :o rh g U ki ? c ' .l '.r ootj4 : 4 11.1 rtoloy. al 9 o'clock:A M. . . 'The New England ha. been bneght rap •t 4.4 the trade. and will leave regularly a. , &Loa e. For fre.ahtor pa...,e apply on board. or to febltt JOHN FLACK, Agent WELLSVILLF: 11AIL 1' PACKET. The new, taltti awl fart Pateket WF.LLEIVILLN. C. C Catlett warier, wa. built • ex• pre.:y for thm trade. and make trwadaring the Ael.on. tea a.ne Pdb.burah firer, mornings, On'clock, Lod , Vellsodle every e renting al 3 o'clock Torn W. isfo or took `Faber'. Patent ntagaene Wan ."Fee tm , gbr , Gnnae r paawage apply on board cad pp.- A Keel Boar 14 enw , lantly at the Pataboreb Wharf m reer-Cro freight, and the agent alwaya nn Oar A 'AIGKA NE. Agent. HE.I•ULAK PACKEP t'atti ELL,WILLE ANY) I=2 The new and lift draught stihr v at rt WILMINFTON. ,C 1 M. F levnt.tga• r. I Pitts burgh every Mond y, Wednetday and irl Way stlo'rloelt, ^ M .Isaves Steubehvale every Tuestltty, Thursday an.) taa , urdtty at &o'clock. A. M. For (might or pa..ar.• •pp , T nn tsnard . ' th,•ll titirul.AK n 1 . 11.111.111011 ANu •• ithELIACJI PAC/CPT. . . The Steamer giWltu 1111112ERNIA, . Sarnaelfhnith rnmer,vrlittnninlnt 4 e running aa a regular paeket shout air. 'WI tart , !raving u.hurgit ever) Monday. Wednevlay at.d Frlday, at 10 o'clock. A M., Igae,ng Whechng e•ery'rue.day.Tbursday and Satur day. at , o'rloek, A. M. For freight or pa.mage apply on I.onrd. ' lanl4 MI!II!MSEI3=IM . . 4 THE new and No enflame steamer 11A KLUX, will ran siva regular Packet between tbe •bove place, leaving Patsbure• 'every Tuesday, Pbaraday •nd e.snardaY. at lOoclork, A. M. and UMWSI•VIiiII every Monday, Wednesday and Freday, at e o'elork. For height ne p .... ge a pp l y nr. h ar d . . Regular Pittsburgh and Zanies% Ills. Packet. TIII Isght draualat gleaner m icat NEWARK, nun', NI war link< wrekly trips tV the alone pan donna thr Res• on. Pot freoghl or ['non,' apply oat bur rd or le apt . WILKPiat. Ageo To Trays ile ..ItIXPRESfir PAST PACKET LiNAP. ge*gE Fon UMW PIDELADELPILI IA AND BALTIMORE. Ercitesirdy for Pane ftgtra rpm: Curial nod Railroad lasingnow In excellent r J. order. the rocket. ellthr. Lino ordl leave atoll Pns . ne.rtro ex follows, eire7 night at k h'r Burk Varier( Kenruelty. Cain eriaby. Monday. Jane 21. in Ohre. Georg, Tue.day, June "tt do . Indoors, Berkey, Wednesday. June rin ..1-ou.siana,Tuornir.st. llursday, J one 21. Kentucky, Trull, Fraley June Zi do OWo Crarg, Saturday. Jure Un. do Indiana Berkey. Sandi, Jon. 27. do lorruro ana,Thrnpron. Monday. June V. do Kenwrky.Trvby, Toes toy, June Sit. do Ohio, Cron(, wrdne.d.y. Au Irrobuna, Iler ,, ,ey.llsia.lby. July I. do lAruts.nna,Thourp.ou, I relay Juh Y. do Kenton ky. Truhy.garurrlary, Jul :I do 1141.0 Cra.T.Sundayilury 4 If you desire cheap Iraarliing'ral eorsrforrohle scream. .e cure your trelms ea she racket t Aluirorterthela House, Water srreet, or of „ I.BECII & CO Canal MIAMI ()RIO RIVER TELEGRAPH. FROM PITTSRURGII:CINCINN ATI. & IA I!IgV11.LF:. !dub,' ,hers ro the Stork of ohs dove Company, resi.. drag ,o or near dii• coy, nee rftioernerl in pay rhe fig torstal.nenia ro JOSHUA HANN., Agent fur thy Corupsny.•ir : 1 , . per cent on or before the lAth June next •i " Ist July " Ily order of the Company' II OIiFILIX ( ~ evractor for the ronvontslion of nail Ude lr'•A 11 and on June 13,11, 13, IS, :1 ,, , A no 4 July !a, 14, and 15 TIION. H. I.AItKIN, .AArli 0 . 1. F S A 1. F : 1/ ROCEII AND C0ND1...N..10T T V MIMEO ANT, No 6U 0 slot ngtrret. ST. WU'S MO kat, w . i.,on. .414,1, & Co, and Anthony 18 ...rn. Erg. PI 1.1110, Pa' telt, bin• frill, Plano. A LA ROE and aplon4 id awortsiient a( .1111,Sit BM% row., a.l arm.' Re tato 1..0, WWI inotalid lint.. and with all the latest troplovomouta. wthich (or durability. lone and touch are warranted to be equal [WWI,' !wide 111 dn. country. Foraale tow for rano t. IF 121.122.1 F No 112 wooe. on 2.1 Jun/ el.votol. To Mo.. M.nof.rtnror. Tltr , subscribersore reermytng reggior . opo k ooof Tennaaga Rata Alh from Lsrerpoo.. of WO les. runoble for Mar.. M acts, ~ehlcll they oder for sale at the lovreat market price TRIaIR I & JOIINSON Na SI. Routh Wha tyre, Philadelphia—sole Agent for tbi•roarkel_ •- - he2rKlit %fiII:NEWS CHURCH lIIS TORY—The timtom 0 011 the Chureteof Chetah by the lam Rev. Joe Milner A. M. with additions and entreetinnt by the [me Reg Inane Milner, A. 111., F. R N. Dean of Cathale. and Itteenient of QUlrt• littler, Cambridge. Q Poe 1 , .ale , fa% JOHNSTON t STOCKTON 1 RAIL ROAD NYTICES. • PESNBILYABr/A I/B/LBOAD .COMPAr INY— icyn CrlritßACTOKßlresiedl pre; purnia wink. received unttl WEDIMBILAY.JeIy in ;he Boroug h of Itarrsottnrels WEVNIIrDAIt July 1,4 in Hint ;IT of Pili.baryb, at It. utel.tek. A. re—al W. otEre sJ ihe ar E.S.VCre. for she g r .e4ire •i.. 1 ...tansy upon Eileen'MAC* 01 the Pernaynnistu Itadruad, ea• tenitsce iVeur (am Ilarnrlturst and fifteen falter or earl' Hastroad evending East from Toe gratheni will include very henry virmk r •is t the aionunt of Ma. nay. including the Peer and.Abutiness, of the lindie ne." the eu.tteetinntia.,l of a nuke .ength. will be unrually !nice Pla u o. and apec - Gcsonon. or the trot/ eon u• hc teen at the EnglLlVer • otfit e incurb .place. Co' dar• • ' day. prov...w. In The One orponord for reeeirtng tf. bid. Any further in r onnltion tan be had upon irp. I.l,cobon io ile Mr( or A moist. EnFone. jot" 0V 1111.RRICA, Pore. - ArTSEIVIIGNI AND COMRELLSVELLE RAILROAD COMPA NV. May 31, 1017 Books for rece 4ving additional mheenpt'ons to the moo t ot the ntodiurgh and ConnelketHe ItentrnadCo; will be opened at the other of 1.. e Company in thir en, on Tuesday, the 016 day of June, at In A 31 . and marm ite open from day to day until the I m of July Rook. win alm be opened on the moo. may and for the ratite vote, at the other following plarra.e. at Mc Kemport under din direction of Hoek Rowland and F. Mum—rit Wean Newton under the direetton of Jno. Flamer and JamenDardner—, at ConnelhoriPe under the, oh mem. of Henry Iltackmohe and Henry Welmr—et Cumherlond under the dimenon of Jon Hay and Calhoun. lel J CAROTHFRA. RAILROAD LETTING. MO CON If RACT our—Se a led Proposals will be re .l. rely..a a , tile care of the Pawhitrell and Cleveland Railroa4 Company. to We:hoar...Ohm. ulna I 0 eactock. A. AI.; of tle 47 It tw y of Jtely, I all 7. for the gladint. Imagine, and preparing for the superstructure of that portton of the line hem..., Wellsitire and Al fJoilkents t 0,11,10 Intim. Plaits and speciLtations may be czar', in e.l at the office of the Company, of airy time fmm the 17th Its the :::th July. Contracts will be let to the low. eat Made.a. A further letting of that POTIMII of the line from 111 . Q.utlkerds mill, enastiou the Sandy and Beaver Canal, and extendito on the New lashou and Canton road In the direction of Cleveland. ve, I I take place early in September. By order of the HAW of Director,. P.11:4w A a cATLmrr, rite y. NOT/CE TO STOCKHOLDERS. 4jaOFFICE of the Cleveland and P . ...burgh Roil RO3ll Company. 1N . ..2:4.11.U, June IP, ISt—An t natal. meof ten pep cent Ilhe.2d trots:metal on the sule•crption to Zrt capital stock of the company is requested to be paid on or,be fore thc lit de y of Augtot.l,l7 Stockholders ia mid roar Sall:m.olm Ohio, will, pay to Jos ft Lerm:, in Pitoborg to J W Robertson A. Co . corner of 3rd and Wood streets, in Wellsville, to Jac Alen. Ill' orderer the Board /.21dmugl A(: CA rix - rr, Secrrthry. IitISCELLANEOHS. 1 r AND GRANDV. , ein the Worict. :i have the lanaor of r.eformtne Pmehurab Prsda)..atn; dAy.lllond.ay and Tu-sday,Julv 2nd, 2111, stlt and 1,11 prigner days old, llooto open at 7. performance will commence al I to o'c lock cacti even nk There will IK a ankon perfoonante on Saturday and Taealay afternoowt, at to 3 o'clock. Inc ramittc• who cannot kliend the eve tong On blotchy the fu .1: per:Orman, W4Il Lu giventat 10 o'clock, A. V. - . The Company will Slsi pe:lnni al Erie, Tharsdar, June SIM FV.iteriwd SUlt, Meadville, vntt ,Green , rdle 3,11. Mrreer :SA, New Cas‘le Suth, and Ilaranny, Thar day, Jul) Anumg the I'olciftlSeDl Will he [nand— NV IV V J Rogers. I W Smith, F: M DIA k 1.011, Itolla Itor.eter, Slt IlalassLn, Ilamanna DrOWn, John PhLn.lie, Ja s IVdry. A Floelraell. 0 Snapp, J Me/in./0 , V , e Paves maters. Sarre), J Mefarland, Measdamy Pitmen, Delsmon. DanlF:tnnsctl. Wallet. Jr Nue, Som Johemn, SN' Knapp A. Hoek*, • rilleeat pirhed Itle.•.astkii• w breolllol ti.3.6etn. led by the 1,:a,, Wel, of the %Verb!. Md. Kendall rill re.d. the .11,...,1, pre, met .1 st.ouree ..neat .ohtle • .I.l , :tte the hterfertni.ht 113122=1 ====l CZEUM - • The Pastan Medical I.l4raryr: ATRATI. , E on 11... Prevencon and Cure or larrea•ce by it atmert snit •oaple Mrdtcroe. Neve edition. revised arid entatged, er.l6 she. add nn rt of a l'egrorUe ito,rta 1 , 011111 U( 001 the ulnae.. prepetratmat and dose% of our most valuable. mauve, medical plants. and an appenlll, alit untied with 110 engraving... of velvet, are entorebt. 11y l G Nott,val 01 It I ... obrert of ti,e111.1%. work 1. to c,.ve I 1..•t0r. eb.hoe.esteu '.),opt air p:< of etono.iitun of 0.1 root:non dar.til. a• correct...to and o e enO al po . o.blr, alined rollt, capaelut• of Olt u tat .1011 ia Say e•ent. IJ wadertake The hemmer. of a ifireake. the urrntbtattoit of tebielt burn. lift hay •ake The treannent purruord , by be rr flrfailiy of pc actson •. nod roundateer•erol. Oa roe olurl 11111, Elldelnte 10 OW Sob) , And Wen. La • leer detailed 'mutt much nitturtenc.. anti great care The Folly Alar:i .01 Lamar, It te Iterad,bal car" to..re groeval tatirtrocti.ro dna any book"( . tbe lid 11v t and • dirrorto,..•,—. .t•t ot /C . d.r. and /lc• r p roper dour • •of our 01 ord.- er II be rti,led to heat mum e 1.., r mete whoa. the re,..-..ntr eulb, to a Hie...ems W e have been Wormed 0, b e of funtil.e.. orbo Lave to their bit that could :bey um Neat.. anotbei ~opt of IseVVOI I, ten tot,. the en.. could not purettarr It-- Au v rb,aeoily •rived more thou that, to one year, I.) . at•r Agin i• %vatted w work—a Ittwrml coma/. .1 A All P. /AU No•liber, M=ME=MM!it59l , 177•:i n ao 4 1 , :ex wher hr may Lr found frtoo 9 u Voek ' A Am be is dearoufl of fag eibp.aird Ly nom 101 l those wbo will make beotediele pain:coo writhed the mit wan, en his parted eolletolnA he would melte pee tieulat uneaten lo the balloofing term* All bib. le anpood al the rip.cran of aim) days, will be eliatArd Or the fimlowts, astra— -1,. I atruetina Treth. $1 Mint 12 to I per cavity All oilier °print on•iivbe proporLu. All caeca who h eligageturtita noi canonised. bills will he eonsidetrifthareeeordina to the above rev Waimea. N B.—There are thorn indebted lo Lim wboae a count., it not pa.l intined.atrly, will be placed in 11.13 , hands of a pmper rarer for collection aptnrehavelF 3iI2IIILELAL SPRINUII . . . . . It A NI)ER•lON. Propri-tor, re •prrtfully mforeni LIU the public Met this estabh•henent will he openrd asill prep/sent hr the areosamiodatoott your's, by the 1511, of moth. The ottrs . 81'1114 (.I:ttionable. Waler.ng Place ore me. weli .acuon ly known , to n enocurral. on In to the ~.41.11.• The 're. of !dr. MARI IN, RUNG ener. ay and annah:r dispotnion. the manor.. of oath an ronahltahment, have !When.° commended ham lho fAvorahle treard of tie pairooa of the Iturtta daring the too haat *unmet*, have even eaa•ed. Experien ced and orricnnon .<I. Milli and • t fine band of Maw, hear Won been aerated. the read from euntherland, the 'western terinmur of the klalumore and Oh, Pulroad , and tenet llolliday• harsh on the reornqlsanlaCantt,andammikershorgb, western terminus of Cumberland Valley Rut ad, to fleeord have been touch Improved mind me t pond or. .der. • Jell-lane HAMMONS Col .011111,1111i1 BLACK : 4 CA ILLET, and COPI ING —The Meek Ink II nos mummer. Ireely, front the pen. styes a stranger •nd awe dotal.- role, and entroJr• smrel pens le. than any other known It Is of Pont comedy lOT all purp thea. Copfing Ink for the purpme of wo to, letters or dueumenth. of whirl, a transfer ropy it , to be tak en. It arrltr• Creel y. that copy as pert, the origi nal, and has none sticky substance Common to other espylng inks. The Semlet Ink gat • ten mellow , scarlet, and min proses In brightne. en e* the paper For permanene i g of Color these Ink, fully equal If not stnpast for when the color is once icon the pap, it will remnant NCIIANti It fur ages litre, s rat thl • nay, and for .ale mis any rpm luny, by J IC/iIk:W.OH, *or... Cu- I lio.e w ho wont to try Ink east bare • Houle grmir jet: , . _ . . ELLEIII4` Vitat3llolll(i IC—'.%il who try it 0 are .1,1,1500 l oral. woo lerrul +fit rte." . . Mr It E - I 'Mull tieritem..eut uf tour Ver. turfy, before I cpn get au.ither omm'y mend •m 11Iwe gto.o went 04 mentlite tr gem( rae,lly and deem .1,041 who zry it me del.gleeit welt .elfre , o. and Miltough I have Fen nestork .., Comstock', Perm . . and • LEM of e her o, Lordly any to lusted for but }num. Vet...A tExton:la letter 1 .1 AI Witsag ntrento 'Mould give this Verutireger r , E I Nt. , on other, It never Lille to expel worst. tumbled welt them. _ Prepared and add xlade.ale and rrraol.ny R F. turr - nun, LC, Wu.l . curer Pilishurgh. cod by Ca•al..s h ord r0 . .1 on A ileo,ny I.v Ir M Curry. lei; • _. RIEDLIGIC'S BRICK PILIANN—Ac the. — ir 1.3 ha• now erontnrored fur making Ifriekt the auh.enbera beg leave again in null Ole 1111[1111011 i.fleklntlitC. and other. to this very oueful marhinr wool warn.. egartl if nor 'aupcnor in any other Brock Pre ...of thew orm price (lOW in rile Wc ha nurnher of ref tiLeare• of their ;terror., nue, winch occupy too marl/ •pace for a.lvernong, Ind can he •ern ut our race. tk.rUn..k..r• NW:e1....1011y nowt II IyN.vr tl• • rail wtllg., out own ,nar0011.... for Ilrr fo'llorminer of tlo. Stille or Coon., . . JOIIN MeI'ADEN & CO apt:, d&wlmF rniial Iro•in A pe!sti ECLIPSE -7, TWO DAY LINE." B . ETwEEN AND CUAIIIER LAND, I. no.v funning &ply raele w ty, rutrying 7 (MO D. 4 ,1 N I:.“.noode. e hewer 1,1 ...nye points M.Th.:A, (min We I:en is glen vele.l l'Awurgh on We night of the ,bird dud frees this moo e.,...Wt0w. twin: fug gown; ...moods flom F:n•ien, Th.. A griit.n Halt:mow well give a receipt or to rime and eau. Tlw tnOy Agent. rm. CHI DW13.1 tr .. 0 wille IVll: I n•w 3IrFA %•6)RF. Caned irltitrm .1 II 11(1111N,IiN. 11.1ttruniv P.Dldit I. NI leF.—.• Prol.l4.iniint arr.4;lrni.4l. Peen made between Dr, rtrwer and rail+ and ine.riuget • moll be reerived at their respecuve Thly will attrnil the ofFier,of Dr. Iltooko,'lVtd It. Paik'o horn N rill 2 &Work, • I*, and,. the Ace of Dr. Fpcei, Penn etrent, from I till 2 a . ..10ck, r. sti leledlin © - The subscriber eyue.lr the settlement 01 ell mount• clue nu hie Leeks, to tl.mdste. Jun• 16. Ifla. .SASIES SPEER 2 , 1 SPLENDID aroloronerst of Rosewood and Idahag 'l. •uv gland action Pitmcnt with nactalle Frarae.ittat for ..le. • . . M. to •olerdtd Re.rwood Pi.m•, laid. Crdeenete elrbratrd a ill ,ItsrLmnut, fin talt• 1L• mpg, mod sgoiol For •slo al I' IN wood street i doort stbore sm AI MAL. DR. TOW SErn'S SARSAPARILL-A, maa extraordinary Medicine the World Thss cm art is put up an moan bott care an tunes alsettp. er, pleasanter, and wan - awed sups for to any add. It nrel disease without rraitata. {orgies. sidearm ar de bi.aatine die patient ,GREAT SPRING AND ) 811,1111ER NEDICINE The gram beauty and supenotity of this Sump. Oa over ail Other Ilediciae . ia whilw it Eradicates Dimas. it Insigne ...der ERNE It is ewe of the very but SPRING AND SUMMDICINES mar known, It not any paeans the whole tryst. and arengthen. the peewit, but e'en. • Nesr. Pare and Rich /flood, • pewee poserared by no other Medicine. And in this Inmate gland secret of its wonslesfut weans. .10 has petnvoard within the past two years, more Wan 21.000 cures of Stier, Calm of Doseaar t at has[ of tharorwere tooeidered ineumbk. Faure thus - AM cams of Citron k Rheumatism; 31 00,1 eases of Dyspepsia 40./ Cam, of (koala! Debdity and Want of Etter,' . :AM ease. of different Femme Camp!..,': 21130 cares of Scrofula; 1,51.4 cum of (Jeer Complaint %WU cases of Disease of the Kidney and Dropoy ;ISO exam of Consumption. Ana Mamma:deaf ammo( Disease of the Ells.d..vis: Erysipelas, Salt Rheum, ?nap:month. Fere fac., a. To. teaser with oat:serous taw. of Sick Headache, Vlll. anside and Cheat, Spinel Affections, Sm. kn. dw This, we are entre, most appear ineredib . e, but we have laten from phylkrie tw and oor agral4 from all psis 0111,e United States, =conning us of estrasirditrary macs. R. Van 'Walk, Esq. near them nt napretablestruggists in New ark N. 1., informs to [bat he can relit to mote titan ILO ea. ses to that plat alone. I here are thousands of rues at the City of New York, at Wei we star refer Si ripspleasure, and lc men of character. It is the best medicine fa. the esentire of disease kronen. It undoubtedly raved the t ramoftrutre than AO= CateotteLe Tut Psi, Sean, As it remore4 the moue of dtrase, &DAT epared them A, the Summer bream. Unman BTATLII Geneve. C.R.G W or who liermo Srorr.a Nora, Lod oxen/Lee of the New Jersey Lelia/own, hos kindly sent m the Gx.lostiog eertificam. It Celle its own story Rotnwo, J tn. 17. Ayrar mince 1 mos Mien with.lhe Ihduc y t.ra en sod my Whole systemdefl in a debtlimted mate. 1 sem induced to try Ur. Tommend's Sarsaparilla, and oiler taking two or three bow ties, Nom very much relieved. md attribute,. entirely male (Mid Sarmpanlla. 1 hare continued takieg it, and find' thax 1 improve every day. 1 believe it saved my II G, and would nos be without it under any wansideration. G. W. Mote.," hie U. S. N. Scaorcha Callao Thirredificate conclusively prvaes that this Sarsaparilla b. perk-ft cowed over the most obtainau disease of Ili. bk.& Three per ;e cured in mu house is unprecedented D. Towsretaw—Dea ” fgfir " : ' YetTeth e pkasure to inform robthat three or ram have been clued of the Sc... rola by the use of yoearellent eaedieine. They were Wheel! eery severely with bad sores, have on:y Ultra four bottles It took them away, for whiCh I feel myself wader Jeep WI-Liu. - Tours, respectfu lly, bade exam, 103 IVuolder Nee York, March 1.1847. (MEAT itEDICINP- Dr. Townsend's Summitla is a sovereign and epeedy cure for incipient Cassunaptson liarermess, LetworrLon, or Whites, olimmucced or difficult Menstruation, Ineoutinueme 1 of Unne, or ussoluntary disebarre thereof, and fur the gen . era! prostration of the system—no matter whether the result .if inherent owe or causes, produced by imegulmity, illnem or accident. Nothing nit be more surmising than its invigorating ef keno on the human frame. Persons, ill weakness and bow tilde, from taking it, at awe become robust and full of energy wider its influence It immediately muter the nil ve le...nos of the ferrate frame, which s the gram nose uf bar- It will sot be expected of us, incases of m delicate ;sta tute. m echibit certfficates of cures perfumed, but we can Aware the effiirted, that hmdreds of cases have been remit.] to us _Several cum where tuoilie • hare bean witgout eltild• met, after ming a few bottle. of this invaluable medicine, hart been blest with health y offspring., di.. Town.peni k being meetly distressed by weakness and general linnetsility, and suffenng continually by pain and a mam of hawing down, Idling of th e womb, and with other difficeltiea and having known eases vette.e yourniedleine ha. effected greet cunt , and also heats ing itsectunnmeded ftr ouch mamas bare described,) obtain. cd e book of your Eatraet of Sarsaparilla. end follumml the dimetiono you gave me In a short period it removed her cemplaints and restored her health. Being mideful ffir the benefits she received, I take plensure in tit us mimicker. ing a, and recommending it the math, /WO Mon., Albany, Avg. 17. INS. Cur of Oland and Lydia. no. Coasacittc, Sept. 29, 18.13. Dr Townsend: To all whom thie may concern—This ie to certify that my wife need one bottle of your Sareapartila !rectum to her confinement under th e moat ahrming .atul delicate circumstances, being troubled with the dropsy, wit. of the feet, nervous adertions, and Ivry much dahlia.. ted vrOtt my persuasion, and the reonnmendation of thous who had used it, eh, was induced to try it with little or no faith, and mace it to my, the inedisme the happy and dethedndengnot only in .tie hours of confinement, but afler tho camp.. or, on. meek of .its use. the droyuy and ner e7ltei7tunt6c' Omni. If dm will be of any eermee to you, or any one who doubts the same. of th e medicine, yen are entirely welcome tu it mbieribe myself your moil obedient and oblirsecant daratatdi TO SIOTIIERS AND hIAttnIED LADIES. Thu Emmet of Sampan]la by Leah assommly prelesmal ta mferamee W female ceampLvals. No.female s.ho has sr. sou to seispumshe saappessarhum that ciits-al p eriod, " The tuna af sol 4 ssegket 1, es It ta a cm tato pp for nay of themstmaroth mad horsibl dams., to Sshaeia female, am aubjeet at dm sum of Isle. This p ored may be delayed for several ream by mosi thlansecheine Nor a Imss ratuab rto th.ss- whs. met arprombing mommb.ssal, st emeulamd tm,amml by mocks.., lb. bbs ms 4 sus %swaths: the system lasletd, mettle:he tesab aaMe faa all pf the detsmste whicb warn art suby It Wm...the •hule system morass permatseasly the Imo, sal maergma—by tecommg.the Sniper Imes of th e. body—out ea far Mimulatims the system as to immluce a mtmessurat re laath, which is the rue of most meslacitms take. Le female weakness anal due.. GIRLS READ TIDS. Yon who have pale eompletion, dull e 1.., Li:we're. on the ace, nn{rh obi, or frect nor! are • uot Tann • rwe a howle or two of Dr Towtnesol'a Sarsaparilla. Itwall elennve ,uur blood • rem.e the freckle. and blutetree, and give gun enematioa. sleuth , g gen, GAM spirits, no beautiful ebtaphwtion —all of whinkt an of immense talc. 10 returner Del ladies. No fluid or sordidoe bar ertsr beta dion-urerril tornriy nrabkh fbe rattan join, or anima in ilavarposing fund Lint orrogihroin, the orTniii a. duopnp.- ramno of Nainainirtha. II tNlNltri.tat .ttlani, May I t lb , Tateaseead.. Str—l bate been a tarn fur teetteal ..... with tlytpepoa to ate wont farms, all,ntled with too, tote or low of appetin. "mate heartburn, and a great atetaino to all kint/s of Col, and Ar week. (what I coubl .at,) I hate toreit unable to retain but • mull portion on my ...mach. I tried the meal ectuedies, but the, 1.4 1.0 Indy or m. tient On ormolus th e complaint. I arm 11/ dared, about two mouths toner to tty 'our Extract of Sa tn. forth., and mow sa Ittlk counties:ter. 16t alter using , nasty two bore.. I Amon my appetitereinurcel, sad the heartburn courtly rezoned, and I would car ne reown. mewl the our urn to thow whit have teen alllntol ael have been Yours, 4-c., W. 48 Va. Zoe,. Nov az, .46 Stwenlalaier ALMOST A MIRACLE • Brad the following,and doubt if yon cm, that kontumps tims esmam be cured 'f'his Is only am of the osteral huisdred caws that Townamul's Saraspari 6 has cured: Thicalellif —Dear Sir. I wen taken • ar link 'oer a . year ago, tth • nevem cough aoJ pain h. my side. It lb c.eated sme reel Cas, indeed I was pronounced by phy ians to hare the gawk consumption raisedqueo• sok. of bad matter, had night sweats, and sinking very fast: my &velar mid lee could do nothing Cor me I went mto the limpital in hope of being benefitted , but was prunumiced them incurabk I was now greatly dist/vaned .4 Me luny and enold hardly btealhe ; 11004 became ematialtd,and mpitted to di, urea confined to my bed, mul wen obliged to base wa ahem indeed I cannot ,gsse you any dew.iption that nomld do justice my case was eopymeed by my friends to Ise plat recovery ; I bed tried ago. number of ten:malice, and ml seemed lo be to no purpose I read of loose moot es• Mitordinasy cures performed by ytnir Medicine n o d s s , t d, you Mt 'truth, I smpreted them was ems• humbug i• them. Uot I was isolated try vs., thankful I did I min. my that lam entirely Lot m far "Loosest, as lobe about soy busiutoo, ood bolsi. to beentire ly well in • feat weeks. rly cough d pun its the side, and night swells ham kit me, anti raise buttrey huh. mid ,on feat gailainget7 umml strength. I felt it • duty to give ,osi • statement ad 7 cam, to publish . if you please ranminpvinc, 461.1ii6 so, En6klrs. Op/nions or Physiclain. Dr Toon.heed union. daily receiving 01,nhrs Boa. phy wises dilFereut paned tbeDniao: 'Thu toamtify that vie, the undersktieJ, Physician., of be City of 41bmi7, bate ma numerous cure pemeribed Dr. r ow ...p c Inewparign e . seni believe it tube ;me of eke mg saluabk reparetiona of tie BarmAtelilja r in tbe market. r r 1.0, 11 0, J Wataoit., x 0, It B eitaaa, et u. P EtiLecutsoes, le a. This is to cestit that we, the stodenimsed, practicing Thorturouian Physieuns of the City of Albany Wait froinents Ir peeseribed 1./eTuernwsulle Compound flatrari of hatsa aud limn its known qualities, etoold recommend it to the public for mercurial, ereofulont, ' and 9there Menton, di.. aws, la preference to of the advertised nutedirs now in A W lAgasct.t.,T e, Albany 4pri12,1641 Wm 6 Bra arum, T r. Principalnferr, I% st, Ran Building s N Y; Red ding 4.. L. Slate rl DOO O , Ur Dysitt k . Sous North Ewe. owl st Philadelphia: R 8 Naomi, druggist, Baltimore; mid by . principiddruggistitgoterally eheougtumt the United States, • Irest bolas and the Connie • Noue genuine, wiles. put up in lbs. Lug* ,luare bottles, which run min a wiles. an signed with the written signal,. of R P TOWN ,P.ND,and hisminte blown on the Otos. From the New York Daily Kerrie of April 7,1:47. x:rtil .:o w it r w:is ,. The whole thistle r t up in good tosE. some of the orna mental landseapr r.....,..bellutill4l,lwhielt,ko g eihte with the scroll work, I. cold, glistening In the smi, mule a show tarots equelkd Bruadway. We lake thin oplairtimity to : say wr believe this em net of the Servapttrilla Jr... 11 es the ,er, veal pupLiarily it has acqumed Nervous Debility. New Yoey, ?starch 27,1647 Br. Tlywnsetid:-1 hare been dikter] more or Imo for 3 year, with • dreadful sinking in the cheat, gidilinem in the hea, Cu. of appetite, pain in the Imam, and general debility, benoggit on liodoubt by the cm/Mud heat and cold to which 1 am 'object to iu my busi 2222 as 1 ham taken other vied ttdi numerous tu mention, but with-little or no our 1 wm Induced by whet law in the perm. 10 try • bottle of pm, nardearira, final which 1 Grand great relief 1 hard linaketi oeverai mire honk, and 1 inn unhesitatingly my it is the beet medicine I bard ever taken-01. pain to my chmt is gime, and I (reignite • different me altog-ether since 1 have Mk., your rialsaparilla 1 ham now a better appetite then ever I had Sty wife has taken it with the way betted. rig! mulls 1 would re mend it ua, family medicine b.armlly, and {eel convinced that if no nerd them mould rod half th rkkaimss there it, and gnaw/timidly not ro many Dctor . . b ills, lls; Inc while 11 restorer appetite. it aho girt. 1.. dm stomach mid Imerel. them', rg uler idned . it keep thehlienl m • healthy mate, so that disease hi Ind whitely to attach the quern And to all dime who art not in a healthy stair, I say ny 1/r Tovnisrsol's thinaparilla • 'roam.. Bantu, st =M= • • • • • • Isccountor annth•rrhilil need Dr Torrnsend's Sarsarnwilbk has saved the hies of 0w...a. a children The rillnsKing tertificste is select...l(nm • great number received this week. Now TO. ? April %HSI:. Dr Tearless& Dear ain—One of my children was very tick with the i tems C the month and throat. attended with great debt tity.teams near dying, I obtained M. of yonr arellent trodieine, and it cured a directly, far' which I rev emu, pm 1 trel ems grateful, Your, npmtfolly, kttta•aau sea, Dealomna et For oak by R:51.:1.1,1,1LW Drongist, No 57 %A ond at, between MI and ath eta; who bas been apt...anted by Dr TOWNSEND mule Agent Gar Allegheny co. jegal4mrlyF TAYNk.7B EXPECTORANT —AVe invite attention to ./ this admirable remedy for Pulmonary, affvotions.— The principle there announced of the morbid character of atm - eel:one—it. tendency to orimnate inflartmoon of the Itrunehia, and eansequent visitation of the nata -1 Mt buttons—it. beyond dispute, the troth itself. The only practicable modes; ft-moving molt obatruntion is I be means of eapentoration. a result which sva are Corn vioned eon always b. obtalood by • judicious eahibi tinn of the remedy of De. Jayne ml Phila. Spirit of the Timed- For sale in Pittsburgh at the Pekin Tea rig:we, :4uth street, near mound, and aloe at the Drug tore of If P flohorarto. Federal a, A Ileth•nv eity. enylidgarT f)LAIITICR PARlll—geluable 10, Land, he al• word on hand nod for gate at No 244 Libepy urn., near )otOn W W WALLACE HAlb: New and Fashionable Hat aadCapStile; un ukut field tweet Theentivriber hes rectally Mar lists. • ed tr. the adman Waists., in this City, and bas . o. opt itts4seetads slbe Pause A . litga . ana .r-Tully se...ch.! awonat al or Mots and Caps, of ever, ile.enotion, editor and '•hape, orliidh he will sell is&w set". lowest cash priers. • Jllavni a made arrangerneut• wi.b th famed Illoneof Beebe & Coster. of New Verb. be will e rows)* have s on band a fulsuppl of their ceiebralea Pe so re, Bilk. and Nutria flat, A•au, Ream. t:asauoere.,t'oey,Utter awt Ashland Han, Lahr' litstem and /lame to intlfiretervi which he will 111 all nines take Wealth's. in showing Ile trete assured that all 1...05 . 141 id be es t i bed with his wleetion and at the same note his prices will rot the mon economical. Ile i• deWnnined tit these reryects, oat to be beaten. Do not. thereto, kneel the Alonou cahela Hoene Hat store, l.nathfichl et. jeViltanrl ?der:ALLAN' gigi FIATS t t being the day the :Spring Faahion ofit Hats will be intrudueed i hy the moot fasb winahle e•tablishmants 1/1 New York and Philadelphia the undersigned take crept p'ea•ure to beteg enabled to announce to th eir nuniemit• friend. and the public grneralle, that we are prePared to supply •II who may favor us with a cal t with th e fashionable Ifaifor he seumn. compristng B4aver.., Neaten., and extra fine Aloleakin Ilato. either whole...de or retail. KIeCORD & KING cur anal and Sib !IX roncritt REMOVAL. s Itl ORE. Oat and Cap Manufacturer/NIA rig removed to N u o 75 Wood rtiet. three doorriatwirer Fourth irirect lii. rook cortriat• of every to or Ilat. and Cap., made in did latest style.: al...Panama Ltilliorn and Pedal Siratir.liadi r tiabOleadlo and 'clad, at it, lowest price S MOORV: arits 15 Wood at. third door aLove roorth Fall Fashion, 1840, HE.,:& COSTAR'S Style Gentlemen's Rats wdlbo tuonduced at KELVIL`S on Thursday A UR Lln Gentlemen wolfing a vd. fqu II otoll`staburgh manufacture a h ead Of holtionuble Ho. Ruponrd oft oduertiard by mount of the trod, please call al , REY:VIL dr. Co'. Mr, Wood STRAW HORNET AND lIAT WAREHOUSE, . . . NO. IS MARKET KTRF:IFT, PITTSI:IIR47II. Alkß. It.. PALMIER &fere for salean us favor able terms tu any bowie o Ilhilalelphia, • emnplete esionment of Strow, Flamm., Rio. Imo sod a great variety of fancy braid stud gimp Bonnets,of the ronng style ALSO—llona Leaf. Struw and Leghorn llntsi Ani firm] Flowers. Ite. Ike inel.s BUMMER FARIIION FOR - liii:Te KE' r4/4 gi JU received from New Vork. th e SUIT el 24, le for Haw. co isistrna of White Heaver T , reori and While French Cars:mem Own, inch Veia.linors Thosewant of a beautiful Iseht Hat arc rentiresfolly t o invitedinvited s Cell., $ MOORE ni)to :1 wood at, 3doore above 4th . _ WILLIA‘I DOUuI.AS ball rust weelved • fresh supply of Ringgold and Iluena Ilia • Silk Glared Caps, new my les. Extra floe French Moleik in !tam of very low jell No 73 wood sweet WILLIAM DOUGLAS, A ClriTIN CM t o manufacture, latpl ',poet enostantly hand. every vrt eery of Moo AIM Cap. of the lAte•l .ty le, and preers very low el No 7- Wo.ol Vlt.t . HOUSES, LOTS, FARMS, &e, .• PROPERTY IN YOUNGsPOWN, ORLO, FOR SALE. dameTllEadverthie o n aid Nunplandid Brmk ladvrelltng Rau,. don the h Eau 2.orner of the rublte Square in I ' untie•rowo, hi boning county, Olao.l It i• large. conunothoas. finished of el: cadent atyle and in hen location in Votanytoarn, natter far. darclling or public boo, attached to of ia a yard, with wale.. atabl:ng, sod all label conventaucco at hand. This town irrTrotiing very rapidly, is rimmed on. inedioiel) on the Conol,nod when tile various Furnace', Rolling Mill. lee, now being built ereyernpleted, will be the oast nourishing plare in ibis section of Ohio It 15111 be sold lowfor earn. or on nine, or ezehanged forproperty in Pittsburgh. For rol•r• inquire oi J D WICK, tomer oi Wood .ndWater ei• iitireh. who will give all intorno...no nend&wil TALILUBLIL PILOP.ICILT 1 , 11K*A1..t.-1 V .I.seriber offers Gn .ale the Dwelling 11.1. e. ...Idyll Ise now re. 1 1 .40.. in the Sialh Word. 'l'6, Lot i. i 8 lii 90 (eel, fronting on Congre.. and Allen eireels. Flee Lni• of Ground in the 7 Ward. (tontine on Welnoter .treet-21 I.y 117 feel deep. ton 25 fret ato y. Also. lu acres of (iround in Rat..., Tovrn.aqi. .1. poio. g br i., of Al,rehrily. in • high •inie of coin. tutu Them Ull lIIV pienn•es lingo njinbri . of and Apple. Fend', Pion,b. and Cberey Trees, an ainvidaner ~.1 (hope Vine., from which Wine lin. been mad, the la.l two yea". For further particulars enqutre at Me Lumber Van! Ofll., to Rowan A I , mm:on, it. beturt en ZttnitltGald and Grant )1.7 Imla CtIA.S. ROWAN Valaibla 16.1 e •[•1101' baneful pre - N.lly. eine., near No , tehetter, drrretly opiwoor the rt.:deuce °flames A nite'ratin liv l . frontons 315 feet.] Ohm Lane Ned extendaig hark 31 . 11 feet to Shetheld .tteet. with Ilona, nod liorrove mean. It will be told together or divided. • lot of ground eligibly warted in Irwin meet: between Penn ..reef and dm Allegheny River. GI feet inches in front. by 110 feet ni &Oh to • 00 (ootAlley. Perwint wi•liing in make invettinenie are informed that portions of that hoe property in Allegheny and Maneliotier. owned by a company .11 Philadelphia- will Ire oft red in the inert et tam a.. the tweet,. y angernent. can tw made, and to wheel, due flout e will he given.' Apply to Gro. !MEE!) le:Colin 04 ..air tweet R . R . A , vsr.t. our, far sal, a I:u r A ' <:; " 1 z. Nlerr. r ream). The. Inar, i ralrutan d an. a narr au.] tlnn an.e.nnar..p. rl, on the l'rtr an Canal In llnatirinnu village near by, arc Piet. Inr,.aces and the 'flakier a rich fanning dn, met. hatt•e asnl lot in the fl.ntrat.hing village of Or. angrville Mercer county. The hoe,' is well ealealsas4 for v tavern or flOre. The above property vin Lela eherap and no se , otimoalaniig term, I:SA I DICKEY !v. Li, art:: • verater alai hoot at• () 1110 LANDS FOR hA LE —4,5 :lc re. of fine •a r. is env on Ise ',reran. Co. iornioa 151.2• 0.4 I.riltia roil h.. uri• drl Thrre rare 011 Mr t, •• •it .Iwril,og Lout., 2 Itargr barn. with gwiit wi einit r tic water. The wh0!,1.? Laii hundred doll,. or div 2.1 to t PUirra-eva. 71. It gitaranierd; pa) own. nul l tit 4.1 ,••••••11,11pven mane,hutely rcr iiiiiirotalion rriiirtre 11‘&11 . 10N.,1111rif Cai . . . VALUABLEr i liorii.lLVti'irou MALE— The •131.. c. _offers Ger i e te• otesi pur rl.•.r., ice,” •I I.l,eeee Tnwee.lem. ee , , eer,le rt% u.r I:.e.t nrar A: .-Ornyni Bow NI& Hun Pa.* through ;be proper,— and O 5k ,4 1.-14:ctenie fur Boucher', or povate thonitng Lot, Title sond mu? thr le N. cs.y. Esquire of. pgrrat isATF Iv rror. Jane ID. 1n47.. _ Purchase.; Alf elation 444 "R Sul brick Dwel. i*g Hoag, aa.ot .I:le.theny city. a•short dance alarrattoe , C•humot. tertarecre Federal and Sandusky Each bon, ra in, and • bull. with fini•lird car. rel. The, holt,' arc very ples.antly cam tnandln• a fine virw of cam,. and warn • Ir.. minnte• walk of Ho. St. Clair and Hand 'Hee, Prole. Merchants or nibs,. 'reshot( to purchrt4 a handsome rc•n/enre, will find it to thew interest to pre do. diem ii jell • tent,on. 8 CI.IIIIBI,RT jell; sletthfied si between 3d and ail% ABARGAIN—For ;ale. a Sand znram Glenne witth las Bonen, The Ennine io 1 inch et tinder. and 4 feet wrote The Mailer. ate 30 inches in diameter. by Yet let.t in length. Nice 1 , 304 Apply 41 F General AVM. 014 No SO tbnithtleld greet Au 7 6.6hiTtiiitk=ii-nu a. NI roteived Invernoon Persona with capital of Or /or can clear from ASOO R to ß tgO: t r i , ,.R o r, Ap or. jorm'd'a'''Y Intl A,or,Sq Hood/field or ALLEGHENY CEMETERY. - .4/Net deolrour of porehtuing Loom thin Ceme I ier art referred for information to the tfuperimend SRL 03 Oar icioutut, or K 11101 , 11, Dringin. COM, 0 Pro warm 1...1.0rgh. ordpr of the Itquil, 1 CIIISLBTT, fleet -0/conf • SoperintemfEnt , aloable Reed It.rt•te for Sale. •VIII. millers Kited In.ing /about to remove his Tonne., to the et/unity. offers kr sale SIX LOTS on Second street. between Ferry street aed Re ...100k Alley. &Leh lot will be twenty feet firma on 2d street and eighty feet is depth. The lots aria I.e sold singly or the whole together. Far terms applt to the subscriber pn the premises JOHN CALL/WELL aping TO LIMP. aA 0031FORTABLE Dwelling Ifouseteontaia. tag Warman, a good cellar. cool vault. yord.ke ...ed tn the lath word on Per end etreet. P 0211,1•1011 given on the lat at July ,rxi—rent *EX raw anneal. jr.l3 CUTIPIEII'f. Smithfield ea — COVNTRE RESIDENCE.' MHAVING remount to the city, for .111V0.111[11Ce ato paofewalonal husineae, I wilt rent the Mansion Douse, and beamed ate enelonore, situate on the Wolfe of th e alonengohela, one auk above Pitieburell. AaW ataertf JA AFT BVlLuillei LOT. theIIANCUP..I. 'ER FM RALE—I Imre for tottle • autoful Raildinn Lot in ArfanthesteLnear.thr Perry. fet boot toy IV. lean deep. It min be •otd tow, and arepilintodaling Tern" unezerpiianabk. onytO JAMES BLAKELY. Re•l •:•tate Anent VOR SALE—A V Flory Brick Dwn.lltng lino••• r ok•attotly Loomed On /oh •treet.ol.one Inc.,n row, and teron• rtrennitno•latinc CCM REICI*. R.. 1 F'olotte Odle, jet` , Nnso Sati•lafield ittreet EAU. ELSTATIZ—Twotoi,tI ftrel•site for nt •tairtl in Atlrtght,ny city. nit eatidu,ky F oh bo.ssc rnntommit - Tontn•••tth goo., ena I Holt, e Pen) SCU I . IIIIFAT. lOn 5n Smthfiettl ANDREW! , EAOLK ICE UREA vn sALOON' ! ALIRIINSION 15111 CUBITS. (Ios:CERT:4 Every !aroma donna A- Weill i vatileh Mea.rn N4:A's. MEP Ell %%add lIIINT n LY:V. wtll have 113.1 honor of opororing. pf - .. Progrniunte.eltatmed Nig Irly• ithtny to I, ' , erred with lee Creatn emit pro , we their TuArts at the door. of Itl e... 1. emelt. My-Ticket. Road for one nrght only. QUINTINO MUSLIN' , AND IRI.II LINENS—W. OIL Murphy. Nardi Ea•l rower.. of EOM h and Monkey atreet, tityne• the attention of buyer. In in. .lock of the above auta.l ,, , of 01A-4 approved foal, and 'wing purrh...ed Porn the agent of 1,0 ittznsufActu an be .old at the towem pnv•thle I n it.. - 1G",",,,. will find a [nod omek of above good, hy the piece, In the Wholraale Room,. up 01011, entrance torn. 4t/ , •‘ jelS CH 1 RLithl AL A TIORNEV AT LAW. 1'4,1..0. N.. emuro-N. .T3..innrr to MI, ihr pFnekt An 4 neknowlrdAsnen•. of Deed, I.ea,o,Ntrol, Drpn.i i ma, nr in he reennleil or n.e.l oft 11,•• M .nf K RNT INDIANA, TEN NI.:SSF.I:, 5115.0U111 and All'llll - A N (Miry f10in ,, ,0 Neill., I jrls.lly .. • T ARM OIL —Thn".nul,,,,her• leaving ronunenerd Lithe monolnrnure of Lunt 011 are now -eoared to e n t e nt e, .11 °Mr,• for th•t ertten , Then. n i• of the 6,1 ,bole). and w,II lir •otd at HIP lawn., market rate The attention of Dramas led Orocerant rewetfully Inqu , xted 1 JORDAN a. SON, 0 1.11, y .t. inyVt( Oppo•tio bend of Stnoth,i• (\CTLEII T—A I evre arleciion of Cutlery. •.z. kil'runing •od Pudding Kotyr.. of rr•rion. pa • wn., surlab'e fur nowt) . oleo and grirdrorra; •Im. large assartmrnt or . Pro and POCkri Knive, suoeriarattirle —juri recelved a..) for •01, i 11, Pitirthorprb Seed and A enrultural IVerrlrous, N nl3l %Wool otrt,l,ror. ner of Gllt. P N W-ieKFRSIIANI SUPERIOR CUT TOBACCO— Xi ban Goo enit ehrwirt•Tnlractoi 711 bill Ilird gyeSmolting do: tl bx. film do do: For sale very low to rlo•e+ rototigronni.l. jrt3 CTO COCHRAN tv&A • WATER FILTF:RK, fin. purifying Water for drink • ing and familyrrnder , ng it ail Near and sw e et as spr Ina water They tre is veryeatenaswe uro to the Eastern e /lira For auk by irl or.o COCIIR . AN.2Cwood sts Rl' - B th A o i F- FOR 1 8 1:5 1 ItZtte . :: . 1; gle me w,tr k :Ze a o " :; er• wmx. Fzquire of JOG I & 11 PHILLIPS, 5 wood ~reel O unman. TWEEDS—An anoorinanD6f Nano nwr Tweeds, of various Ww.. or .ioy owl oordmy DNA Cronin Clotho and Armen, Ca.wimerro—no G. h od . low so Wo Dry Goal* Horde of W MURNIIE kid EXCHANGE' BROKER 7 tt'e: EIVININCY, LAMA A CO., DANKICKII, EXCIIANGE actoßkas AND DEALERS IN VONIMIN A% rociaingic EXCHANGE. CERTIFI-I , ATES Or DE Pl. 11E LAS► NDrE..., AND ==t=MMl CURRE:VT 2OONKV rereiee•l oo Deposur—Sigh Checks Ow sole, and collectiont:toodef on nrarly al the priocipal pointi in the UnitCd niter MMZSS= Adeanrea ovule on corabgaments a( ernshare.•thpped East.•th litseral tenth. tritt.s_ - N. HOLIIKS ISON, Bankers and Dealers la' ratellythage, Cole and Sank Xmaa ho. to . ' STREKT. rITTsRORGII. I Sell/rut Rale*. Eietuther. Haying Rao-.. •New fork , , I Pr. ClnCionatf, di. Philadelphia, f . do Looise!Ili; /do no St Lc..., / do 119 ora Haws BASK NOTES. I , Rupee Hate. Idle. Co & Ser.it Oak., I ths, Inroad. Ido Hebei' Notes. I ,In Sethaehrs Ido I'coasYla.tha C 7. Ido Yi inn, Ido New York do, do Teat.ess an eee, a d do Mary land Wheeling, c o New Orleans, •I do , do a, eau • Coplate rirsblip. HILL.OfiYPII IL lion of the firm of Wm. A. tI 111114. Co and Wlll C. CURRY,rtateof 1t,,,. / Lane ebter.l tato Capartnenhip. under the name o, biLL, a CURRY. torn..petpose of entry mg on the Reeking and Exchan, tm.inrutio Lrenehm a IAo IS t tioatsuer, three doors below Fourth, west ride—where 'hey sobelt the custom of Weir friends and the public generally. • JWKI'II It HILL mehla aaia WSI . C CURRY JWLYII O, -- HILL. Wbll..C. BILL h BANKERS it EXCHANGE BROKERS, DEAI.ERs IN FOREIGN AND DOAlK,rric TIAIE SHHIT MIS 01' EXCHANGE.. CER 1 IVICATF-S or DEI'OSITE, RANK NOTES AND eyiti. NO I Wood creel, third door beam FOYlits. wicm o*ll Fonda and Currency et.ceired on ()eremite and .1 codrationa made on all the principal Cura /II me United Stair. rrngtit Exchange on Baltimore. Phan&'pima. Neve Vora. Dorm nue ettacirmatt CC10111•111IY Wile ano, Indian. Kentucky, Vii and Perteryleama Bank note,, bought and Karl un lneorahle tenno Exchange on k.ngland, Ireland, lrettetarty and France krr ocu red. Sc .41c. enit WILLIAM A. HILL & CO., OA NKERS, sc...icianNukc HROXILItti • • - - . FoRKIGN AND Dukl 1..T1C EXClinNew. cm - rim:Al'E-4 OF' DEposiTE, JI. Iso AND $Ke I K. . Ns 04 Itood elitt door share Fourth, sidt. me.I,IFI Plltsburgls, Pa. (u.tv, •LLINI Krt•PISSI. !EDWARD $1•1111 ieritAmEn s I[7lllPl. BANKERS AND FM:DANCE WWI:EDS. dedterA 111 Ferran und Dnuw.tir Ifill. of IF:xchungc.Crinfi• muof Delo., Mink und Coin. vOrt,ervi mud . WOOd streets, direct!) iwpogileN Chalk. I lotsl m‘22,111. REDUCED RATES ~ 111110, Indiana; Kentucky, and Penna. rand, ale* County and City Orders Naiad/ad at radueed r• ate gileCA.ll. h) N HOLNKS& SON Jerk Krebanre litaker.G.S Scat kat on C P :t i oltl ik arce n ou o :le e po kn iTr. inh i elYl= 1 ;1:1 ' :0: mch9i'Ne6s Market it oLleetion• an Hinclntsen. Lou.vlrle. si is,. and all other aneeriible points in the Crtite•l C , tater, made as aerquostalanrig woos. 1111,1. re CU 11 Ft Y apt Wood at. nen, door lo Ftsgle Saloon pzebange on New Vorkaln ladelphiz, and Halu :note eorroantle. f o sale by HILL tr. CU12141: . . .. .. apo ‘1,..00d st nai t door to filsg!c aaloon 0 urreney Of Ike Ohio Indians,and Keistuck) V B4nis wanted at very ergs rates of discount. HILL. /a CURRY srAl Wood in. rex door to Vaal , Saloon lo i te i n . pu th reb d i i :Tnilclvtie . ..l77 " T " "" k N NOLNIFII S fneht6 Nn 51nrke, Ft giSeELLANE PUSS_ sTAIt STOMA, NO. 70 WOrlD PIITSIIOIIIIIi, PA. AANCKER hMA Eli a Weenie. and retail denier. in Eastern Rentlyormde Clothing, would' ...pent fullo tale Mir method of auliciring the site:Monett their l.olllCfllettol the "puLlig generally, to the following !In. of Moir runt in trade. and tenure lh.m elm, that they will sellss cheap it not clieupes-than nos tinier esmblislinterti in the coy. Our fatilittes of purchasing unt. and msnafserering pods. ore such as to :e tn. all tones m keep a lull assertaMet of read wade eclat inw 111 less price. thou they can no obtain d elsewhere The present stock on hand cousins in pat of the fol 'lowing description of cooda 1 i 1)0 'deck eat!, dress coats, from 210 to .S:0 .. 110 do Jo French do 10.• .32 70 Mown and invisable green do •In . 'l5 000 sae k C. 1., splendidly made /4 of good material lOW pair pants, ol all styles qualities soli prices. 9400 vests On do do is. J do - IMP dozen Liken plain and stitched bounaCltiosi stocks; scarf's,cravats; lm..otosh collars; atisperalenq •rock.; drawers. and ender- shins to every, .vero ty. all of which hoes been recently purchased and adapted to the pref., •en•oli klisrhsto.—end min,. who an. in • WWII or ...Moor g caned do better than ',ail:y.4 a call. iircti _ DIOUNTAI N N mv OrTAE ov II7 , .. Geod....men sesen or eqght mouths shme. a so • ..sum qiott the bottom m Ole illy sra. very painful: I eommeneed applying the ususi rem, the tor sore, tut onsucces.fudy, the sore continued to get deeper. and spread to the .ion of Pic patio ut any Itsurl, I nut only had the advice of ph, bet used all the pain csireetor• I I o and nnn ono of, :tient 1., :he rifece topa:nor arr. st the Pengrie- 4 of tiic soie. lbt co ...ant tannimaticti in ti and a •evere and per, pa.... and It had ixtiteil tail, a regular twee;lot. tipeocer Statrotd Or 111. city. advised inn to try voio Ointment; I laughed ut the idea, hot upon hi. urgent solicitation, I concluded to it and to n.y great relief and astenislitnene. It al most snlancously relieved th- pain, seamed Mc inflammation, and cointnenced healing the sore. nnve nearly well. I do eonfidently and sincerely-Lel:eve that it will ma Ali, fewer sore. n thoioughly applied. • s' PA RAIN, Pnpeetfoll. 'mar. Per 1., It is (;RESII ALIALIVA I.—A I Ilie geseleihwerwboie. r ware 11000, AO fin Wood tdeet Anutlwe 11.00 inn of Orme fine Troy nianibertu ied *AMU, wine very fine, with ley ton at.d - stand.ng collar.: -medium ganliiier, do de: few Mew, new an le brown, with both Brion and wending collar: , w elched: • •plemeil atonement of lorded •nd plant Imbed* nr ownding collar.. .Winn din lemma with collars, fine and needier. qual i ties: aidinoring sweat in ghat ‘nrie.) on hand: twin ties, lowereeme; Wain rat. in kWh.. gm, nototlidep, black and fanny cements, ate. The eithwriber In agent rot :owe di Ike (Meiotic. inibe East. is comiand• .applied with new and fash ionable gewdt, and it cabled indite. way an relies near En•lnqn prices as freight. wall flask An es anti nauon . of the goods is rrtp“tfalipoolicited. RDWARD TODD, kp Agent for En.ero Wiontaworer• TU PLUMBERS A - 21111 - ItAtilt,l4lliTi. 'Ette tubsenbers Miens keen apnanted Agents fur Nitwits J. & 111 innem,ot Pnilndell hat—(calcatively known by Pinuabtro and Machinist. in the rottern en ierl—for the sale tit their manufactures, are now plops. red w furiii.h Yee:alien WM all the matrons kind. al bran work wed in their Maim., .. Also,every vanety of tioageand-theath Cocks toed by Locomotive and thattoottly Fugate Guilders, iaclo• ding Oil Oticke, 011 Cups, &c. Dc , and which they void sell to the Wettent vale and Engine Dailders, at FAS, tern Peers, exclusive of height • LO AN & KFNOhDV PIC Wood at, ritht./1.01 11/LINT/NU PAPNII - Beams Assoned Walked Aledium, 19124 - Isu do Nests feat. 19417; 5.1 do do do 46.1'rs, 40 do do do • 91437, 44 do do Jo 11079; 40 do do do 45/39, al do do do Jh do . Flue (look, 1104; ela do do do IS do do do - 141911. a , do Assorted_ Colors, lan/. : 04 • do 49 21126; 11 do VeNow /l y edium, ^ • 49 , 01:1 Oa hand and for sole b JOHN II MELLOR , No PI Wood Dreet.4ePreen je7 Diamond Alley and lifib ',Peet LIANRISOPPS COLUMBIAN INKI.I.IE. / 1111.ACR, 141 , D dud FCAIII.h.T lak has been already in use by the President of the United Mater. the Depanmento. and both pen es of COttgrem. by the Governor and Legidature of IlentotYlem•la,mid °mom' ous highly re pumb e inoitu ians,eetteerne, and 111 , 1,:d Thu. Ink flows mote freely from Me eq,imprro o f ott the paper, and corrodes steel pens le-, don other known. Pur permane wee of cu'or there Inks . fully equal, nrt urpass. all others. for when the color ee niece ea Olt tic paper it will reenlist unrlmeord for op s. ,a-t received and for mete in guaranies, to sun par.' cleasma, by .1 I. READ jel ' , meth near ael.et street PEN. AND /3014D1C119. ! REDLICEIThuntre, PaltoM, a. 47 Slot. I art strieybetinevo MI and 4 It streets, relreetfhlly anteaunces to the public that his pre et stork of /Vail raper sad llonlersof laisenns atonal:4mm la vet? 01. ereslvey and daily ndilitions are tiring made to it. as they, eta kusbetl—of new and antendid tun ere • ...Also,- o well admitted evothpof Freud Pap? awl nerd Cr 14,n/ recently mine"! the littera cif the above art tElee, kand others. IA his line, not enamel ated,l be is prepared to it for !ash, ennarea than any eatnlallsh "mm of the kiddrrest or Wert of the mountains. GOODeI 1 , 011. DRlKSsiletb— , ‘ V VT Murphy in es the anent,. of Leslie. let• rondo assottotent of above Goods, ecostsung n. Son Scotch 3114174.1. n% Soft SWIP4 110 Soft Nettsoolt Co , Jaeoncr. Barred do, me ao rreocl, Low., ye.ry cll. ;1N...! neu•cm EltlibtO at red Aloe for Drem•e., P.docrd pr.cc,o, at No•th rot nee 411, pro!folaelet eilenta jjlll C rr ship curl.• Spcneer . ." Ca/.1 coo's! g very r. , oer” , o , The nue:pion of Alnehoomo old troo,ln,r., generally I. J n vircd. - I.Oi:A N KONNI-:111' eOlf mond ‘‘ A I et if.l,7,l,yew.ca . yhyd mm , mmy Jaya.. ,tart o$ Gold /owl ye vr I, e y Wawhe.unable.unablel.a•tirn Sod Gearlewco —ot the late.. awl ha , tl.oa gwt• or the ~.1 manta wain.— Watlaliled and •a 4. ai very low twi ce, W w INEN-ebnie 01,1 Sl, 181•14. 1,41,14114 4.ltun -1,,u5.10n Musket," -- owl Whirr run. •14i - rwtglott," and • 1.0. W., Market . '; Slwleira; rule Sherry. birbon, Dry nn s eot ""j" u".l 4.'4' 7 N b l ' jq iIIA FTIN • • rityt.xi v.-vy .Imrae and mad! Va mark of for hest bc•li.fill of Gold Pt:ll.j%ll epcncd ond an •ale a:eleven:l pneer,lry 1 , 1 0 V. WILSON `,bop OSNANIA, ,Fo.kg. tqgar TOIIIIII. en Kolar , Am ninoturoalutrd •nd fel .ititt W ell/ IIIIIONU Al.L2.l.lett. thononion , and Clone.. :n ( b•l4,lmomn•and..maatipao.,, ronotanny on hand and for male allan Ato.tnyol .1 , 1 Ttee F .0)o0 /.... 2 ' Fi " 055.05 . 1/110Da** A ,ORN A. ft.h 1 0 a (Are•nd Cohn.. In so 401 ItVo•he• nnd i, v- y e , 101111 k CO Ccnimwohl °eh ant," - raeignene," rot Castilian," and .1 /bony & Drunker, lad pore.o en Cuerom.lftmae Loeko—n, GaAs End bottle at different vintage and oolonk—ko mdehy P, C MARTIN urAiiirjr767.7TWo...;ol./lINEVAIAN COYPINr- T AMlTimf. ( load 'workmen, with Mood h b' eon hem of road wage* and Constant emNol r merle. " 4 ' otidilneAr thoLoideo. inirees . 7 4 • ai bo nod kl moan° Nano. meet noway and fad length , M 4 reoo, wed and for rase by 'MI ACK LETT & Wllll% tent 911 'nod street MEDICAL etl 111.1111111 C 19" i sumrnox CAN EC CURED - BY v 51160 DR. DUNCAN'S KAPECTOBANT RIMCDIt. - Charismata; 0, Aluelt 341887. Dear Sim—This is tu;otify m the polite, mininalmly to thommilieted teeth a disease of the Lustros Comemptions that in the Spring of 180 I was attacked with a metre cold ehieh .oar becimeseated ..pm my longs, showing all the symptoms of appreachieg Consomptio'n. Aly mash was tight and trouble.. .se, attended w itl, copious Men Mows, I sift up d.ily a, faell4derbl, .p.ensity of blood, &dud With filch dark ®lief. kly sanative, bourse serious aid alaltir Mg. During this time I' win atwedml by two of oar ws.t: skilful rtrysiciaost they did the ken' they could tor me, amen at length they roe up all LoPeo of my creosery, °amen°, me that making moo meld be dooe that my hasp voce fa. MS) discoed, and benne! remedy. I was then persuaded by • friend of mine to make a trial of Dr. Ad . ..twit JErptchl• M. Remedy. whith m 7 rbysicians penis.' spigot, myiag that this mediciare . ,wonld td, and would still add topic to to f estering, r wia them it - nay lot and only , I. and that if I meat die of she durme,.(which war Ird• dent to sod there 'mild be outhissglosf. So I coat to the Cimamati Office and obtained 5 kaiaks of this truly Val.- 'blr Medicine, eat commenced odor wording to the dirk tam, which, inimad of adding la my buffering, immed4torly gave me relief, at once &erratum the trothkeonwiCough rasing the pain and tiglitoess in my Chen: giving testa new . hie and strength, ' , thief, aim enabled me to be .bold again. This medicine cootinued its goad work, which it so nobly nemieneed, until I was made .wood n 1113.. I horsier. twos attentrng to my business, (upwards of J years) and feel at , IWla thy as I wish. I hate reemontenolot Dr. Puttean's Es pretoram Remedy in many,instancrouthosesimiloly adlieted a and it has always proved successful so ho.. i hoe witnewed ;heft. 31y sitter is wag them brilicine at inment. for Disras.l tarn and an Affection cf Ng Lungs, which' aiw had suffered with fur 000Ie time; the has nearly reconied by We Use of this cradkine, amyl am confident the 8 boar that 1 take with ma to-day willastio/y cure her. Ima sown to hoot tut Were are thousands of talnible pesetas westing ay with this dreadful destmyer—ooll,lBoSlPTlON .-- Were it u;dymesible fur those to procure this medicine in time, before it be too late, many ern. might be prokaged end Weir families and relation...main rendered happy. This undkine will gist instant relief. mod at the wane time asses the Lard and manful Cough, reanatt-thetiglitheas in the Chen gar streogth to the eafeebled and entaiimid frau*, and in most eases, f ant cenakt, oeaANDREtY rry,llamiltess - C.ounty T , Ohio. ,N IL—Those nbo M intynot be acquanthed with me I refer to the undendgead eitmeas of Iloutronery, coo. - ty, ,they Is di at any time 0o eta the those agleam.; N, Con J. M ove. DD. DUNCAN'S WESTERN OFTICE, IZUS mature ttttt Inhere this valuable kledicine cm ;dermal., " . Sold , W4l , JACKSON, corner of torum and Lawns ats. rpel4,lkw _ _ PILES, DR. I NOOLDSBVS hies Speeihc, ao intetnal remedy • certain and radical -mire, whether internal, ablaut • bleed* or blind, also, fur irritatioft of Ilichifuge wad blul• der, puns in the back and side, habitual chatlvessets, frup aw, am • Female beim and after. casharoseut are ones troubled with constipation of the bowels or costiveness, aa *ell as the piles. lo all such nun the Spochie ens he lobes with per t,. wkly, and is • eartsio ,reinedy. — The. Specific is WIZ pergetive, and is. natiiely 'getable remedy, without 1.. •per tick of gautbge,colu,,... or aloes—plasma" to laid std paw racily harmless in the mud delicate mach ' www, This is to terrify dal I know Dr. ingoldslsiciPlloSmrik: to be • 0.1112111rE end safe remedy. ing men Melted: in several asses, anrempt AMU, caladium, mentralcon finned and were men of the piles, where it made an satin ems in dery'esse.- HENRY WIIITENELD, New York, &fay, IBLS . 354 Sixth streeL I cheerfully god my rewinsony se to are drain and Wan ishint errata of Dr. Ingobisby's tiles Specific, as I know it from my own experience and obaerntron, Co be hatable; having /dolt used wiltl sadism in emend cues of piles., =lt end female, GEE. MILLER, New York, thy, I." 364 Sixth Mmes. -.4y, . LADIES' CERTIFICAT 7 IB _ New York, May, /815, M. lihaltEhmer hare the *aware to say, that your medicine, Dr. Ingoldelty's Pile Sperate, has made a per fect cure in the eau of my sialk.r, and I now . gisa yummy wont that I hare been stoyrised at it, at it watt In my opinion be yewsible to coot bar. Harmer, I ean vow Way to th e med .. being mannerd do Weise all ahem who are of !lined in the like , to procure tbeartieJe,aa they may depend on a eartain cure. • Vaunt with respect. West Chester, N. Y. ,s •May 15, 1845. ' • D. legoldaby—Dear Sir .— That you may benefit ethers who may be suffering, as well as toespee= my gratitude for the benefit) have densest foam the en of your minable Op. cific, I comply with))our request md slow doer. my testi fa musty in me of it, haring been ' monk& a. Meier< attach of the 'Piles after haring sixd other remedies spweithectitteuccem. by wids re • . Sofa whoksale and retail bYy Whl. JACKSON, &Skis Pat. not bled - fella Warehoneed Scot sod Shoe StooryNo. ER Liberty street, head of Wood, sn Pittsburgh. Price 50 real. P 4 s b..- jut li—dly cIONSUDIPTION ARRESTED—To those' %.--' afflicted with DI f the Langs. —This is to certify to. lila c ofilicied with the firm pre rnonimry symptoms of Consuiniinsin, that 1 have been Inhering for *cedes] years with u bronchi, soreness of i the throat and Imiartenesr. f used many medicines;but found no relief in any preparxtion of medicine, until I allele use 'of DR. DUNCAN'S EXPECTOIIINT REMEDY. I hove been using mit...valuable medicine for eeverot years, and always find it to relieve when •' cove I make use of it Fly 1:C1.11.1011 as all A 0.1011. ter. which keep. me alinost constantly engaged, taxies ray disease, at owes, to IsOcomo very Manning' when I In once procure this medicine. f therefOris take plea sure in mak inx this public statement, that others affect ed with cdiseme of the limes and expectorant organs may know the virtues of this' all healing remedy," asd may be cured. I have recommended Dr. Dunran's Esperanto, Remedy to many of my frirode, some of whom awe their lives to this tnedictur. Somerset,Ohm,Oct 13, 1E45. JAMES 11F-WIT ; l The proprietor of the above medicine would,. aim , refer to the undersigned Nemo., who tee de in Piny county, on whom rep person may roll Upon and Ise convinced that thorn ate vhttms found ill the mole ool•cie that carnet be rseelli- I, . 1 . —a. lb B. Stone, Jo: Fren• c.- Jae. :in Hr. Lai - nth, do; Geo. P 01.., Caul ek ip, Jerrod D.vrecrr, Ile/earn tp DR. DUNCAN'S WYSTEHN OFFICE, 150 Syc- More streel;Cincionati, Ohio • void in Pittsburgh by WM. JACKSON, EH - Liberty head of Wood Direct. apill)d&wer ' IMPORTANT TO TIIE LADlES—Chine', 1. Hair Cream, a thatculeueankle for the (howl& Beauty and Restoration of Vl< Hair. McCrea., when Beau kno on. will supersede all other articles.' the kid bow used. Where the hair i• dead, &Init.:MN une healthy or taming grey, a few applications wilt mak e the lair soft one dank, and give it a beautiful lively appearar re; and will also mail, liveliness and heftily color twice ell the preparatiOns which are generally used. Every lady mad gentleman who ore in the halm of maim oils rat their hair, should at mire purchase.a bottle rot the Chinese Hair Cream,.. it is so composed that it will not uuute the hair lik...the other preparuno., but will beautify it, and gnee Perfect satisfaction in every lusts-ac. Pot testimony to Rs very superior qualitle`s, pee the following letter from Her. Mr Caldwell; to Messrs. tleadersbott &Nathville. General Agent. for ilia Western States: Letter from the Rev. It. Caldoretkparsor of the Pre, bytenen Church, Puleteki. /driers. Ilenderthott . 14iretch—Gentlemen: 1 take pleasure in adding my testimony in favor of the exert :eat preparatien called Ds. Parrish's Chinese hair, Cremo—mr armor two from ego my hmr was very ratdry. till:11y. and rlispowd to come hot having proratedd a bottle of the Cream, wad used it according to the pre scription • toy hair is now sad, do.e and firm to the Need. Many Indium+ and rile were applied each lee, yam my kitty in a worse sLititben before. This Creldo; however. ha• Me/ my eapeempons, hi 011 article lor the Toilet, tny v.fe gives 14 prefer race over Windier, being delicately perfumed, and not disposed to rancidity. Tee endive r ere ciaby will. find t a nn i nnese Cream to best desideratum in their prepw • e fur the tOdet Respectfully. he. Pulaski, Jan`y. 7, Itrl7. R CALDWELL, ED—Sold wholesale and retail, in Pitishoigh by John 51, Townsend, No 45 Market erect, and Joel Mohler, cornered Wood and Fitik sts, WC' Vent, whose teeth n cool and yellow—. You, who, skin is dash and sallow— % ou, whose hr., he harsh and wirey, Itusty,thrly red or fiery-- • You. whore vile offenetve blench .k! Unpleasant ieyyutrid death— You could have— boy, snarler girl— Te.th es whit, as snow or pearl, Itreath u .p.cy sweet, and eunicle Pure and tointe and smooth and beautiful, And hair .011. dark as bIIOC i Lly reading whet t• said below. Rt.:AIWA:a gay of you CM/ have the al nee by (mind ;hi.. to nathotg Luc truth.) tiring a :la tattle al:Jones'. CO. est !lair Re.torause—a Its loa 0f Jones's Atok a , Tooth Poste—and 4. cake of the genuine Jones's Italian Cketnienl Soap. The arneleo cost but little, end you are arruted that the fulktsro. are their gent gonitneat The toed, paste .c.ree the Lrkailt a' sweet odor, white teeth and preserves the teeth, de The hair muff all knit to he the moot 1•Ii,Ilit.10 lit., 4,, made far dres. w I,Zsuirlying. and causing the growth or ham; and the reap, (got the genuine Jug es`r Cotap.mindl will earn till ...rapine, fteckles, de, and vo.tke dark yellers wt.-le. clear and Itnr. All tie•e. tLtogs' are salt lastly) COml JACKSON'S Pool UM! ',hoe Stor e n o d Potent ,ditatun Woo hours 10 Liberty stn myy • . consumptive's Consolation. • - • Does rickrc., weigh upon yourheart? • Ur pains afflict your Lt. trot! Try -11 r. Dusaron's Mating Art, And it will gist yak rent. I: clear. hway the 114;XIV Dl:tense not eat!. o'er Om rail, ; • A thl whiver4 throti!,`, the gloomy shroud, - Your health tiny yet he 1 . 07 C I.nc! woktring with decry .11 .rnrrely O. morning .14,1,!, lip inn. it filth, nwny. Ti,. Worm of Deanh wo• Ole . fern, And AltennOmed oc gre.— Attd whrit is lelmuoval,(n lovely tem,r It vipput/ tLrough uatl IL.OOKh. Tbar Worn, of 14.0 th orgill Ix defied, II Or Duneon , no , l; And many hAieiv Ihr fnrn of an unuArly raor. . • [¢U/t.I.II:NOTIS'S W I . :STEW OCE , FFI, Noll3o Sac mow •trces,Cmrmn , .th.Ao, u brie lot valuable is 10.1. ..F••14 JACUSIM n p earner of ..VroAd nr.ll.aterty DEAN'S E‘IICAL PLAST - ER. :• , Front Rev Chide. Nintino, Matta., Of the 11.136.1 Centel.. Wroth., le, fA-hmt..flnti n Mee,. li. Cart, A CO. Pon Of P. Venn'. Cortnaml C C harier, entlrn:. Peveral %ear* ' bane from tints ream/ the virtnei et 11 Dove'. Chen:teal • ph.aer by wing tt in my family a.a t rm; weakoc. , and lamer... of Me bar, pain in ihr Wears, intimation of the thin. and eye., ague -In the la rata, lkci and I take armeln my nkrtolou end , • rolie publie.that in every refra have found a notfol.' ind I ilo believe anal Plasier po.erser virlo, of morn than ordinary character:and that a veal gement. iy eefund a rufretent remedy for thorn direar.e. for altteh it 111 remeraled, and i• Maly entitled 111 rom notice add patrona ee of an enlighlCHrli enronannav Vont. , Indy, CHM; AIORTIIN • Wooer., 0., Dec.:V. 1641 - Fuld liy LI A Pnhitestoelr k Co. corner VIM k Wood , suer.- • . -- rt Plraottal, • . .11r ".".""Pr p ' :::• Et •rd h. e . 7P.S7ra r rg ' ie m ort• — ili, r ly ' etaging mere Ikein heg effect. on thia child, I then none onezoponal felt to r younger sister. who war/apparently welt, sod .he paeond 37 woren• of equal tine • • • • - . HENRY ClidialP7l - .• Wetchmaker. Smithfield tweet --- Prepared aml find Ity 8 A FAIINFS•mtic it co, . , 1 corner let and wood, and mod endear se, , , jes - )(1.
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