1~ YI 1 ' BUlili`H ~ i;r~iL~'~~: ➢Y EILAITUS.BROuKs RITTSBURGH:. MONDAY MORNING, JUN? 28,-417.47 ffr - Tsist Tresszi isaz Unity Sistrmit is pakiwtked Tri:Wer hay, and Weekly.—Tbe Daily alSoven Dollars per annum the Te-Wnekly alleles Dalian per annan the Weekly la Two Dollar. per annum, Wring endeance ==M:= X! Ur - Advertisements, to...enure summon, .bould be hiuWed iuby fire O'clock in the afternoon. Auenuon .of our eusnomeni. would b. Purdue ifiL The Gazette ha. the largert ba d ad./C(lllring inippent orally paper ants. And n r. therelorwsweroar) .hould searonably banded to FOR 6OVEIL:iOII., FOIL CANAL WAINi%?p"NFR JOsltp II W., PATTON FOP str GEORGE DAR.SIE me, of Alleghrtly City. SO/ ••14.0..L.5. LEWIS C. J. NOBLE, oi I n.h.na Tp. N VELA'. of K'tlktna Tp . MA Will ALL ti W UTZ ELDF:R, Ptttsburgia HENRY LARGE, or M.W.+ TP. voit coux - rw • J W. 13AXTER.ol 11031 - AS PERKINS, a( I.4mrc 1 4 1, Clutr Tp. Y.. ...ITO, tY 11.1.1 A5l CA V k.:N. of Ver,aillrs Tp. STATE CENTRAL COMMITTEE THOMAS E FRANKLIN. L2licll,ly, ('ii, JOHN C KUNKEI.. Daupl,,n ( . num, THOMAS DUNCAN, JAMES MARTIN, THomm4 C HARRIS, l'ork WILLIAM 1,1 ATTS, Cumberland. DANIEL NI SNIVSEIL Adorn.. JOHN I' WETHERILI„I'MIadeIpLmrety JOSEPH K •• ROBERT T CONRAD. THOMAS MetMATII, enuntv DILLVIII LUTHER, ROBERT NI HARD:Frunklm THOMAS NIT M'KENNAN, Wa•h.ngtoer. ANDREW .1 OGLE, Sosnerger lIARMAR DE,NNV. Aliegt,rny. RICHARD IRWIN. Venting° • JOSEPH II KUHNS. 55•eetmorriao.1 O J HALL,Erir. II D MAXWELL. North:moon J D SALISBURY, Suequebungt,.. EI.IIANAN fuming . A PURVIA ICE. Duller . II Kv.•tris, Chew, ROBERT T POTTS, Monicon-rry. 117 Extra Copies of the Report of the Italutnore Committee easy Lo b.d et this Ohre. A large number of r epics of this Helton been pratted 4y ue for e,reu• latiun e and it is desirable that they should be read by every luau it c ay, and to the lll,ltborbood or the head waters of the Oho, well as betweee Itahatturt and PittsLutgh. They may l c hid without Marge. For I.wrin rammercial I well:gem, DOlnt...lle dlsr krrr,Rirer Ne..,llnrarn., Money !awl, I. de, Oust! ;mg, - ELOQUENT TAT NUT. 01 itr.NOLCT.—Hon. S. S. Prentiss, ono of the most Oral orators of the . country, a New England man, born and educated. though thbroughly imbued with the Southern .pi- • sit now, from a !beg tesidenee, was appointed to welcome the Volunteers at New Orleans from l , Mexico. The following are estraets from his apetoi 1 Gentlemen, you have before you a proud andi ' Happy destiny. Yours Mere been no mereenary ! services. Prompted by Patriotism alone you went ! forth to fight the hornes of your country. - Y... 0 now volunterily return to the , pursuits of civil life. Presently you will he engaged in your an oc. 1 .. cupation..! But you will not be without the meet i reward of patricuic service. Year neighbors will regard you with respect and affection. Your chit- dren Will feel proud whenever they hear riwrition made of Monterey' orr(d Buena Vista; and a grate, fel nation hut already' inscribed your names upon its annex. Iruksd r it is a noble sight, worthy of the geniis of. this great Republic, to behold at the all of the country whole armies leap forth- in battle array; and then, when their services are ca longer needed; fall quietly bath and commingle spin with the communities from whence they camen,_,ltuathe dark !ritundeuclond, or miture's mammon+, marshals its black battalions and low. err in the tuirizorn!bat at length, its lightnings spent, its dread artillery silenced. its mission fir! bated, disbanding its frowning ranks, it noel, away into the blue ether. and the next morning you will find it glittering in the- dew drops among the flour ere, 'or assisting with its kindly moisture the grow.h of the yu g and tender plants. Gres nd happy coon ry, where every citizen can at once turned in as effective soldier, over soldier converted fun with into a ',careful till • • B alas! the joy of our greeting ie minks) with wow. We gaze upon your thinned ranks and seek in vain far many beloved and familiar facCin Why corn, they not from the battle field? . Why meet they not the embraces of their losing, . friends! A year ago I saw themmarch faith be. • neath their country's banner, full of lusty life, of! buoyant hearts andthuble emulation. Where. are they now! Where is brave McKee. impettions Yell, intrepid Hardin, chivalrous Clay, and gal . 'lent Watson, with hundreds of their noble cum. nuke, whom we meet not here! Ahl I see it alb— ' year laurel wreaths are thickly entwined with ey. pre sr—the dead cannot come to the banquell— Alas, slam; for the noble dead! If we cannot,wel , come; we will weep for them. Our teary hlrfut and free; but they flow rather ter the living that, the dead; for the nation that his lost such noble .one; for the desolate firesides, bereaved of - .. cherished and loved ones; for the bowed fa Sy, tett the heart broken mother. the sobbing sister. he frantic wife, and wondering chddrtn. For tint° we weep, and not far the noble dead. We envy their fate. Gloriously did they die, those who ren dered op their souls in battle. They fulfilled the highest duty mankind owes to this world—they died for their country. They fell mion stricken fields whi'th their own' valor had already half wen: The earthquake voice of victory. wag in their ears, and their 'dying gaze was turned proudly upon the triumphant. eters and stripes, Honor—eternal honor to the brave who baptized their patriotism in their blood. But there are others who equally claim a place in out ud remembrance. - I mean those who dint rem disweset whose fiery hearts were extinguish ed id the dull camp or no the gloomy march. It h easy to die in battle. The spirit is stirred to. a courageous madness by the rushing Neutrons, the roaring cannon, and the clashing steel. All thy fierce instincts of our nature are 'routed, and the soldier seeks for death to the bridegroom seek. his bride. Besides, • "Elmer. there to tell who bleeds, . And honor's me on daring dear" But to waste away with iicknesr, to be crushed by the blows of an uniben enemy, with whom you cannot'grapple; to know death is approaching slowly but surely; to feel that your name will oe. copy no place on the bright scroll of fame; thus, without any of the pride and rapture of the strife, to meet bravely the inevitable tyrant, is the high eat test of the soldier's courage, the noblest proof of the patriot's devotion. Honor, then--i a:mortal honor, to the brave who tell, not on the battle field, but before the shafts of disease. t, Gallant gentlemen, you will soon leave us for your respective homes. Everywhere fond and ' grateful hearts await you. You will have to run the gauntlet of friendship and affection. The bon. Bras are already kindling upon the hills. In every grove and pleasant arbor the feast is spread.— Thousanda of sparkling eyes are watching esigt.r• ly for your return. Tears will fill them when they seek in vain among your thinned ranks for many a loved and famibar face; but through those man will albino dm smiles of joy and welcome, oven so the nye of the morning son glitter through the dew driips which the sad night bath wept. The above gives one phase, and per hap* the most attractive in the life of the Citizen Soldier. It is the great motel of the Republic in war,--erip. posing the war to be just, rod It meet the appro. eel of the judgment and conscience of the Nation. Wa could single out examples of good in the Ar. my even more attractive than the brilliant picture painted en with a pan of fire, by mu friend of Louisiana, and to make the grouping of wer end "s. the camp perfect, we add the following incident u l in the life and chuacter of Joseph R. Vinton, who fell in the trench,. of Vela Crux Well . don the poet exclaim, "What a pwee of work I• mon!" when thus,--eurroandtal by the Red Meb of the Forest,—the great predecessors of our-rare in the powistion of this Continent,—a people every way more sinned against than sinning,—ono an wand by, amidst clashing arms antEdeath dealing blows. anspfite another Paul, gaze, as it were, "up into Heaven," waking hie Maker to exchange in him 514 Armor of war and ,blood, .for the whole Ar-, mot of God, "tha might preach the wiya of God .11 to man." So d i d Major Vinton pray from the 4 deep communion of his soul, amidst the solemn ejij oe .,. of tbarhßvalglades of Florida. With the grows earth for hi* footstool, the lofty pines as his companions, and the great Architect of the broad, Um Kneen above as his witness, he prayed that he might have the courage to sheath his sword. and fight the good fight of faith. Self-doubting of f his capacity; wad selfialistruwful of his motive., he hadtatxtl,Land put off to name more convenient sewn that which should have been jrispod and . held as the semiprecious jewel of his Life. W e be • tfeud him then, as we knew hinihereaftei to be, a truly good andC*46 era roan, and Ittre,lo a private 41 latter from Fort Taylor, to a confidential friend, le proof of the fact, if proof be wanting, "Since I hare bop here, which is five - or six ilieWitlir 1/11101•10(11411MerflOrClaprcaer - I 4 ~„ Rise at reveille —private 'derotlons—stpdy Crock aqliafrilV•erallt -4lrtafahalatasallFaPitri a o,Mastasit. ,Aharctinivreitet elouP Return Radial. ' Mader: : Readiat abut; ith Ma' : WI Study . Gila an b.:M5..71411k . Major fik, to palmetto Onsplal pryer ' byino.-4. kittinn to Tiiii, bible chmeof twer.a4t.soldiera' sod or thin offican, il2'.:ihe eirenitx?, Mtat , tattoo retire to my tent-Greek and HebieW or rie.: I ligious ,reading ipieate devotion, and bed. .Qa I.Beidays we have have public worship, with gOod 1 attendance from men and officers, the Major and I offidsting alternately. Our interruptions are so 1 few, that the foregons routine is Word. on with I great regalmity day after day. . I hi ajor Vtnton had two brothen who were Epis. copal Clergymen, and to one of these Oust brute i hie death he wrote in the following witching sod 1 prophetic strain. , ••I have hitherto lived mostly for others—but my children will reap sums of the fruits of my 1 velfdenial, by the means I shall lean them of living independently, and securing a good edo. cation. I commit tt em in full reliance!to the tore ! of hien its evenly Pother. and I hope. their Vast, - ; in Him will eves be at least as firm and Unceasing I as has tin n my confidence is the overriding Prue ! idence of God is unqualified ; an that I go to the 1 field of anion fully assured that whatever may i betel' roe will be for the hest. I feel proud to serve my country in this her honor appeal; 'and Should I even the wont—death haelf—tie my lot, I shall merit it cheerfully. contorting fullyin the Wrth -1 fol Roman sentiment. -Puked decorum ral.pro • 1 Porno mon. . Having Nuked ou this picture, look now on i this, in contrast, Irons the histamosee Flaa.7 puder any other isflurnee than the dethon of war, These and almost arthouwnd stn ila crimes noted the year past would have heen avoide4. Seurat.—rout a ax.,-.We lack words fraught gl, with enough of deteatation to tepeen our abhor- reties Z -of an set perpetrated in this tow ,-on Wed- I [lnsley last, by a fiend ill human sh pe. Some time since • gentleman (perhaps an officer) of the tat Indiana regiment, lett a walking cane with a Mr Stip, silversmith an aged Frenchman for the num°a of having it capped with gold. On the paasage down the river of this reainient on the day before mentioned, ono of its prisons, belong '. ing to a company raised in Indiar.apolio, called i upon Mr. Stip and presented bined; en having been seat for the cane. Mr. 8. told him it might I all be very true, but that he did not feel justified 1 in n eking the delissry without ran order from the owner. The demand 1. the cane was repeated , and Mr. Slip again taunt, compliance, when the 1 brutal savage pelted • stick, knocked the old man down, and with a brick dislocated his jaw. and I otherwise horribly mangled bis,fare. Tetanus en sued. and the autonomist man has lain in a state of iiis,nsibility ever since. ' Physicians pronounce ihis recovery hopeless. Would that We could atop here sad say the injury went no farthim Nok so, however. The shock communicated to the filial tendernes of the old man's daughter bereft her of aranan, and she is now a raving 1:111111i11C. How inscrutable the ways of Providence in peraiiting , such barbarian. to encumber the epi rah! The .i rout sick.. and revolts at the idea . the hu roan form is debased by such mean and dastardly , spirits, and that they am enrolled into the armies that fight the battles and upheld the flag of the United States, t Esc seen —The Marisachusetts volanteer, who I some week or two ago, stabbed to dastirmith • bay j• . net the punter of Mr Sinclair of our city, because I he ',fused to give him what he had not, a glue of intoxicating fluid escaped .froni the guard house a few nights sitire. It is thought the sentinel* on duty at the time permitted him to escape. Anon.a weary ace.—On Tuesday evening last eller nightfall, several Maniachaiaeas colon. teen entered the dwelling of a Mexican near the tipper Plana and da minded otchiskyrs A female who s fficiated. remarked that abe kepi, nothing hat • Ibeer. An. some remonstrance, One: of the gee acme's dreg a bayonet which he wore in Ms belt I and stabbed the woman to the bean! ' I Our epee!. is full, or we could add to this pain. . ful record of CAMS,. Raitwar Constissiossas Exec/Lan The rut increase of private businesi before the English Parliament, growing cut of the COOf . • boo of railway., btu called for some new legit'a lion on the subject, to avoid the delay, vexation and expense attending the pementiliOde of tran sacting curb business. During the ,resent shin, there Inite been something like 70U prisaie bills brought into Parliament, nearly 600 of which were railway bills. It has been proposal in the House of Lords to create • Court or Board of Commissionera, by which such private business may be transacted more expeditiously and sans factorily, end at a great saving of expense to the parties, while at the saint tines the functions and pritileers of Pailisment i• et to •private leg Macon. are preserved, 1.. s it the ultimate control in every case. Ibe is .aid is to consist of five members, to be appointed by the crown, to be eo well paid an townie:nand the beet men. In our country it is ant no 1313 NM WO thing for Conger. to injures with flee hundred and one thousand Dills unacted upon. The list Compare passed but few, and wee more neglectful of private claim. than almost any preceding Cdagresa. A commission, such as is proposed in the House of I.Ords„ is necessary for a prompt examination of these claim.. and without it justice will never be done either to the claimants or the Government Commissioner. are appointed to settle claims among our Indian tribal. among States and na. none, and why not fur the thousand debris an , • sing against the United States. It ra not enough that the Gazette, (the organ of all the refined sad aristocratic portion of the Fed eral party in this section of the State,( eball throw its sneers at them (the Gwen:toy—that • distengta tab. ed mth, en Ez President of the United States shall be held, op to scorn and ridicule by the leadlng Whig organ of Pittsburgh. beczese he was ridiscendent Gorr the good old Getman atoch wt" hare Inane New Port what eke is--the Empire State crone glormoc cosfedency —Poet, The Post must haw, es GUte lapel for the in telligence of its own readers.. it tuns tor the opin ions of other men, when than deliberately pub lishing, and now repetting,'• libel like the chore. The f;asette neithir entertains, norkas it given outran. to ono thought derogatory 10 the Ger man character or population. We respect died industry, their hoaesty and their gc - slnitisenship. too much either to assail them upon'. ohe hand, or tike thePoddo midland woo them open the other, Nor would we. for all the ir)litical auccvae incident to such poor flattery, indulge in sr; aharsorless a dander upon spy political adveraari. Polities justly become mein 'end degrading in the estima tion of all good man; when thus the Mew resorts to a opecie• of moral levelling beneath the char• aster of the partisan and unworthy that of • Mtn. The Press 0111 e, on high • duty to the public at large that with • proper self respect Ft the past of those who conduct it, it will never indulge in ar raying any one claw of the community against another, nor the Emigrant against tits:pee:Ole of • country which be has adopted as bit own. 6a - 11 Rasa Ina-prerresata4. The Stackhoklas• ibe Miehipo lientral Rail Road have made arrangements to complala then road to Michigan city by the Aatacon at 1848. The Western Canadian Rail Road will soon be undertaken vigorously, and inch portikte u lase 'necessary to make a continuous line Of Rail Road and plank road to the Niagara Fall*, will be con structed as rapidly as is consistent cilia economy and Mal ility. The road when finished will ems the Niagara at the clusperution Bridge—rche Mock of which is all takes—and connect with the Lock. port road to ltocheater. A Connecticut I lompany have a charter Inc the establishment of a Rail Road from New London to Norwich, on the west hank of the Thames, thence to Willimantic, and from that point to the Masmcbusetts line, WMe direction of Springfield. Certain capitalists (corn Boston ate in North Carolina for the purpose ofmating negotir lions for the building of a Rail from Raleigh to Columbia or Camden; and they hate already purctiaaed the Rirtsmooth and Ftoaiioke Rail Road, and intend to lavehase the Raleigh and .Barton Rail Road. The Tunnearanda Rail Road Compapy has de. claret! a dividend of 5 per eettL upon fla capital, payable on the 14 of July. Mq.s., RIM AND 111M.--Tbere it • irholesale rnillinc inallisiunent in New Yale, where 2000 nom we kept, giving 15,000 quarts ef milk ■ dg, or fire or sin millions of quarts • yeti. These cows are fed upon the refuse of dlatilleria, and Irom trough. supplied by large tanks atell running - .directly from the distillery. The'. milk I. poison ed, and the beef aim, so cows will not list more than a year when fed upon such fare. Wuricouttura Gosana.—.Printe. • *wi z . Wsan,sud A .1 never Noe died since tt. Groom!PL7 1,11j1.2,7;71.11,....Tni5a7.1118. zesd.,; . . ldermie Cowls, nem to tn. etty, bad a 'l ,plalo sail niphtlalk to-day with Sit Secretary', rFlf'dent raffled as F1ktwa20...f... ' 'Marcy, which din latter will be apt to . remember!. FOOle C.o* walesOligilubrieg' g i ven me s ses .Gen. Celebes at the Orman:dant and sent an is nrje•eisit rot tte city '4 , Phil i iii e lphi s , an d f„, - n ga s "grill, to‘tho . .S cie truy, • Heirs% a•ked to the edadial wekerne tzteramliti4its by the coil• n. ateo,_batoAe„pse-nO, and sw.7JOO.- Marcy: - fir Fhiladelphhi, I return yihainik-bsirat grateful ace bowed, and remained treated! His visitor said he kni,wledgenents. was General Leahe .ccimbe, of Kentucky, and he lam happy-to-have availed myself of thle , ot: hid ;Mine to have a few word. of plain cancer,rn casion to visit the city of Philadelphia, and the no . end: , the s ecretary o f W.,. sa id h e , State of Penneylvania; and that whieliaddadgep -I am not the Antedelusien that tbe Government ly mmy mind to the interest of coy visit to your seemed tata , e i pytt i ne db y tnyment o f " me , city, is the We of this COLSeCillttettl Ball. .This is Alibi:with my hair is profuse, and neither grey nor the Hall in which sat that 'mineable body.of men dyed, I have wen some service in my country. I —here sat John Hateock , —ltere sot Thomas Jef eras out in the last war as well as yourself. I i fersm,here oat your own Franklin end Rush— have come to tell you an, that noo ni.e„nli ne.. that vrneraiile, that illostriouS body of men, (God lives of valuable young men—many Kentuckians, bless their airmen a!) who toads the astounding so worthy as yew sons or mine—have been un Declaration to the work!. dist a Nation of Free. neceareatily satin this war with Mexico. and too men livid! math expense has been unnecessarily incurred! Severity years hare gunel since that glorious Sir s the troops that have gone (rum Kentucky, de- event—the linth elder oilfield—arid when seven; sired me to got with them, to watch over, guard ty more years shall have rrissied away—when lA and protect them, and to be lik e a h u h, to mr er Presidents ehall have ei:joYol the honor which are for their health, comfort and happiness. I I nose enjoy. of being thus warmly welcomed by would bare gone with them—l wrsherl to go, and the citizens and inudicipal gpveromeut of this ni -1 would have taken core f them twenty nine ty—l would ask, what human ..gracity ran fare days out of thirty, and the finned). when the aro the pr, sperity end wanner of toy beloved battle came on, they would have taken care of country!—May our Constitution ever be held re- I themselves! But, sir, your system of eel, owns cred,ur 1 7 inioi unbroken snit inviolate. Its dia. and appointments parsed over the heads of men solution .mold lead to starchy—fur in [Joke cue d my experience, arid settled down upon your skis our stietigttr! To pres Core it we should be Tam Marshes, Joe Lames and Gid Pi/tenor but too happy t devoid were uur live. • It is for this, sir, that disgraceful scenes or cur, like As one of the public fundrionariewof the Gov. the faltering of some of the Indiana and Arkentiss eminent of that Utrion—g cupy rug the place I troops at the banker Buena Vista. lithe officers do. 65 Prr sidint of the Republic, yet as s servant had been of the right stamp, the troop. c.iroposed of the people-1 feel, in common, lam sure, with of good men, would never have disgraced them- all the functionedn of the Government, the bona- selves and their Suttee! die, your whole system den yet sant d dory of preserving without blem. ix wrong! ,sh, our Conditution end our Union. I feet that Your political doctors and quacks sent out there, lam wlthin the walls of that room in which the are, fur the most part, enter nuiwn.res, kifhuc a veriereble founders of our Republic—the Signers nut ai t ht more than they curt! Your whole 101 the Decimal.] of InJePernlenep—built up a commissariat and quarterinasteesdepartinents, are liberty—the greatest, the parted, the curt elevating totally wrong. The fat pork and the silt beef you that was ever known to roan. Inuit in Indepen. send out for the tutors to eat, are not the aniele• deuce Hall—rho first time in my life that I hods they ought to have in that climate. Pinvig, tuie had that honor. I feel prodd of my country! I I provide. for the people of every clime that which •.I thank you. not only for your kind and-cats is beet for them to eat. Rice and Old!t kinds of ilia welcome, but Err receiving mtl In the some I light food shiauld ba turnished to our troops in H ill in which you received Lafayette—ethe same Mexico. and nit those heavy. murderous pn.vis. Hutswhere, in firmer days; wan received and hue lona which..re sent there: And then. thereare med, tint g,,," and goal tsars'—whose nem. I. your untutored horses for your dragwins, too, with noiv si e befoie mo—Cilerirge Washiogton, the' their lade fat saddles— n ot the,fird on-get imams , 'Father 4his Cguntry! I thank you, then, not the Iguana of the enemy, they shy, the lot saddle I only for the manner in which you have received slips from its place, the rider cannot, with his tee—but also fir the !Are:" snaffle bit, control hi. horse, and away the com mand breaks! cdr. it is all wrong! I tell you s plainly. I shall so tell Mr. Polk, if I can get a chance t r talk with bits upon the subject. I have addressed a letter to him, in which I inf anted him that if he will assent to my propoSition, 1 will tar nish tdm with sneer.. ign pa.uceo fur the am id la warfare which the Atexcans aro putting Into exviotion." The General ceased talking, and the secretary of War confessed he bad been tarnished win ideas that he had not before thought of. This evening Genetal Combs was at the Krone Honer, and hos obtained the consent of Mr. Polk to give huho a talk of ten minutes at some appoint eat hour 'tram:lrma,. POTOMAC. A nascateln cian-etav cu.—M. lludin an of ficer in the royal household of Loris Phithole Wheat tarnished to this country for cheating in cards. `So our repubbran imusture of royalty must look out. His tricks had been a good while attapected, and it is said that the Diche.re &Aureate, one of the Princesses, remarked to him one day, o You are very lucky, sir; but take are you are watched He was watched. On the Saturday of,Vhan, filly, he mu Mined to a grand party at krigtserid, • game in which there is • particular temptation to cheat by adding cants fle won three- hun , dred fouir and retired alleging that boo I him to the prince; but be would, return as, •:3011 . se he should be disengaged. 'As &XIII as he Wit gone, the cardri were counted which hr bed been dealing and it Wes found he ha added several.— To trap him, another pack was counted nod the number was set'down and certified. On Into re turn they were delivered to him and he playrd with his usual success When he had enhaustrd the mode, the spokesman of the party said to him. these cards were crusted an advance.' We suspect you of having added to them." On to. counting it appeared he had added twenty-six The nest morning be had Ite hardihool to pre sent Edema on duty at the chateau. when the prince orderedl , " m to send to hie re.,:lati m in a quarter fur sot Lair and leave 1,701.111• I• ly America. Such an immigrant as this, we think a fair subject for Native Actacricln intlignanon. I.et him he sent back to -the Christian Princts who educated, blur. The Bieck gays the -culprit sta. pushed int.. the final road to ratify the praligelity ttf 2 hon. ess—who belongs neither to the Opera, ner to the parish of Notre Panic de 1, 'tea-. so vans iere t• guide might Stlftimitee. !Alt V.L.• pies a briilient position in the most alisteerstte to eiery.—Boston Chrunotype. MIIE!=111=1 in science, as in other matters, how one discos. ry to made when we are striving after ann. thing The following is a curious case in point, of rind ing the Amy sesame of what was sought A physician in Georgia, in recently attempting to prepare gun cotton I.y a receipt sent him by a brother physician. was unsuciessful. and fo•urnl. to Ms a.mni•hmeet, that his cotton would or explode nor ignite, being antisit.flammaltle. I.lli investigation, to find out the maw. he found that be hail not used the right acid, muriatic acid we suppose. Herepeated the process, and smolt was 'the Mee; to that he claims. has deco scrod a used.. of rendering cotton incoirstinstitne He says that this cotton can be relished with lit tle expense, as he has tested the tn/Itcr suCichlly to know that it can be tr.soutsetwed into cloth, the lint and texture of the cotton rr..t being in lua lent ir.jored. but capable of being made int thing with as much ease as from the corn. o; material. WATII vs. OIL —The Newark Advettiser states that a new CAlbtSiMata subwitutia4 water for oil to relieve friction in the &mixt of Iron ma chinery, the sales and wheels of CATS c_rrisges, to., was triad by an experimental trip on the fall. road . between . Jeray City and Ells rbethtown.— The apparatus was attached to the Iron sit‘s•nd the bran boxes within which they resdvo, air kept contintially. wet with cold water. By this contrivw3ce- and an sonsurition coinpofitic.n, by which the water is kept catl, all the attru"tar• oil, it is claimed by the invector, are raw mil at it saving of one•sixteenth in the expense; the dd. Greene. being oil at BO cents a gallon ot•d •water nest to nothing. Such is the claim. Pane Gaerra.—Prof, Sete:tabors, f Basle, who invented the gun cotton, has lately to a ur lain point, discovered malleable ghow ! Hu renders piper paste (papier mache) transparent by caus. lag it to undergo a certain metamorphic I.li which be calls Catalytic, for want of en iistolLi K 6le le nu. Ha makes, of this now paper, pines of else, vases, bottles, &c., perfectly impermeable to water. which may be dropped - an the ground without breaking, and are perfectly transparent. He al.m renders paper impermeable, and perfectly imitsl,l, for bank note.. 'Min discovery will lei of an advantage, if ►6aded retwortahly, for rho insui lion of telegraphic wires.—North American. 121:2E11=1 AllOrlall el./RIC/3. DELIALLUIS T..—t M Want, from Baltimore, professing to I. a INA preacher * has eloped with the daugh . ,i of a .... specteble citizen. of Eranstutgli, l'n. He h eueseeded in gettigg • congregation. 111 board I in the family of Fteskectable man by name ..1 Mills. Mr. Mill. hod a daughter Sir,,4„l. you , .: girl of 17 or 18 year. of age, to whom 0 thong • the Reverend pretender auida lore.and on Th.i, :- day last the enamoural pair warted togither ea. ward. The tart that was heard et thernwas Ii it they had taken' the directun of Bellemite or 1 the West Branch of the Susgueltsonao elver., • Wbai mikes (hi. raseal'• conduct. in mill worse ia, that he has at this time a wife a.. 1 Children Baltimore. Mr. J.: T. MOXTOOMISILY piineiyii iif the I. Grange Female loatitute in Georgia. h.e addre• - ed the bliyor - ofelawarinah, e letter em - irnieg fo y dollars, eouteibuted by the young bilk t . , seminary for the relief of the Irish. Tsar Pan.—All great evenlibec,,,.. t he jute of pOetty. and Pollee o Pau . ;hut mt mortaliud id the Troy Whig: Pan our oreil•beloved eousio, rranta Anna, if he 'roams. With hi. ..R, twice • de.e .; • Through oar dart ar SACllfielp•. Pass big .one, hush Ihm and Donn, W E e 9 L 'P rh h . ro d o r7:;.. v arint irto no r To remain, Yours, 1 P. I.—a De. Ilium has not decided yet whether to accept or not, orthe Presidency of J. tremon ledge. at Cannonsburgh, near Pittstmiglt, l'enn'o, whieh•bu beam lately proffered to him. as soy. the Albany Joarnul. Pa.& Molts —lt i 3 14.1.1 that a” impnrio. Utica of &Nth cottons, with the ita.p or the Hartle Mills; counterfeited upon t4eto, boa teen made in Boston. Ba,oaniutso Tor HOORN or FACTOTT soit.—The Lowell Advertiwr says. It k teport eel about the city, very confidently, that the limo for ending the day of labor. it. some of the mill:, after the lit of July. will be changed horn 7 to 6 o'clock. 'H Wooc.—Wool hu been coming In freely daring the past weak, and generally it is in a splendid ustailau7—much banal than It be. been hereto bertothe fasenen We are happy to ray, are obtain- Mg high 'pilau for it in consequence of its sopa Oxlip— Wash. Rep. Secretor, en OCT or Too VOLIiEITILLIOL Many 01 the Illinois volunteers, on their return from Scutt'. army, were induced by speculators to , .11 their certificates for Intl acres of land, for fifty dollar.. There are per. toe who make it • regular bus"Lne.., to sea. . upon the returning volunteets.l and buy their cert.fLatcs for a trilling sum. We would advise the Volunteers to hold on to their certiticeet. ,As in the old war, so now they are bur t by ipeculat irs on all aide., taking advantage I of their neers.itics, and depriving them of the bounties awarded by their country. At a war ning to those who purchaie, the Union asys, that cording to the act of rebtuary last; all sales, meet, gages. &0., ore null and void prior to the lanai of the land mutants or certiticate of treasury scrip The, however, does not meet the cue In regard to the Land nor the Grvarriment Scrip. Thou who buy the land scrip, understand their humus too well to dirposc of it well ut procuring the em deuce necessary for their own protection, and who obtain the uniney scrip of $lOO, are, if i.ou,Lle hill more BEM, Crx r Nu. xmaturs.4—The very large add beautiful workmate.% now ahnost finished, on Water *tree t near the Monongahela House, will sit act y nioeh t:. the appearance of that beautiful street and quay. We question very noel, so far as rear. littieuu are concerned, who that any city in the I 'nine ran beast of superiority over Pins. burgh. During the part week, we hue noticed that a great ttber of foundations, hada fur stores and .I.r. Iling..an: being laid in various portiona rf the I y. and XMme of theta upon a large scale.— h I.lollure, that oar very excellent bleu. r. 1.• • Itt'lly a. mart, work nu hoed as they 4.t.) a,ronvit:a. One culltnicka .11114,we ere told, in progress of “nsttuctian, upv,,rJ, one hundred buildings There tints tell the eury uur future ilestiny :§ 4 t, Srouv.—A eovvr, hur,icaao pikase• its. , 14.1, .I,inz rut i.t•, .i..4.a.1.1,11,:e .54 ;I,t E:pw.eell Cuurch wro In W est, e,unly had Gil es large as hen's eggs. 'The cheat, in tnnne instance., is totally destroyed: the huii is kkcd uff Ue trees, the GAM rid di,,i and the (round in tho Woods is covered with leawrs and hint.. that were kneeled sir I.t the ha.!. I)ne gentleuatn say. that • take 01 his hon., and.tuuks a hale through the ' Wca ran.nta s ••Docoocrals" of West morland hate made the following nominations, For Assrubly.—John Foneuld, of Mountples.' taut: Hereto ft: Laird, ofCireenaborgh; and J. b' I 'ohm:l,h. of Allegheny. For Convnision. , :shield, Or. of Salem. For Auditor. —Thomas Lnita...l bloontpleaaant For 71-erts tirrr.—soin.o. Wt.., of Greensburgh. For 7 rms. i(01 Fu'l goad. of fierapnaltl i and Jacob Wei y of Greensburg. r , 11Pan n .taus.—The Summit (fthicr) Bracoo .aynMn.e Deaf... a young roan at O.:ny e/oz. F.dlo. who tor. been labdring under mental d.rongeruebt 1.1 several neck. para, and lobo, sou, two weak. •gd attempted to mat hao throat, wt la wonting in cun.pany 'Fiat • friend on the bank of the near at Cuyahoga Falls on Saturday morning last. sprang tram hit. friend and leaped off the rack,. nib; the river at a height of SU or 70 feel, and trolled nu apparent injrry. A Morgan. sac So. of Ulf Sef rroLD.—.% nsoihrr and her son overe recently executed at Poitiers. (France,) upon the 1.1010 scaffold. for the crimes of theft s assa,einaiion and paracide:— The mother incited the son to the crtmes which they F.ublitly evolved. The hardened and de praved charattt r of the wretched woman was MOP. Ircrit up to the last moment. when she impiously exclaimed,. -that the I-Almighty would be aston ished it seeing het." Toe •NT1.1.111 . 7 riaavas.—The Hudson, (N. Y.) Republican giv • in detail the evidence sigma of the trial of these personages, who ban of life figured a.t largely in Teghkanie. One of them le Supervisur of the town. Their .sentence is three ynra and tutu months each, to the Biala Prisin. 'Tliey were taken to the prison on Saturday. Toe Pam axe r's reception at the New 'York Battery, war very brillian , . It took place at two o'clock. New York Day, with its voila and flags, .d the landings with their crowds of people,'gave a very imporing appearance to the whole Kea. . l'ne Gnuwavaa at Ohl Princeton are ml6l to their Old Alma Meter, on the 30th, td participate in the Centennial Celebration. Jonathan Edwards will he rourembaresi upon the occasion. Snip FEV6II.—We are lorry to bear that the Snip Foesr is in town, though confined to a oh, gin nn the corner of Penn and Irwin at It was introduced by emigrants miring - from the East. The Dr.sfurfulrfl of Maryland have nominated Philip Francis Thomas. for Governor. It is T x , the Et Governor, Fronk Thomas. Ma= On Weditmday morning. June 234. by Ile, Dr. Fri, ton, et the resolroce of Privol W atinson, E. .Mr. A A RICK Slef cis rnt of Demon. to Mom CATliAalr.*: II %V ELKINS .1 Alle4beny ely . • • DINO. At Mauchline. Footland, on the 4th ult, to Lei nth year. niter • long dine", lIELF:N AKAIOUR, spool. of !oho Brown, and eister.itt.law of the poet Dotns. 400 Fernley evening, the 13th all at her reridence in Boone cwint y, Ky. after a lingering Hee., Mrs.CLA RA, It PIS K widow ut the gallant General Zebtdon N hie, wh o wee blown an at the eiplolloll of the magazine of the tamers at Toronto, loot war, lu the With peer of h er ge. rt.gx nonliong, J one 14th, at NewOrleatte,l'FWAlt tot3LL a native of Knaland. At her mantel ter In these Creek Township, on Sildrath the lildt ,n t. JOHN FTEI . III4N9ON, tr.. in the 801 h. y ear et tn. a. AI Fairy au the 17th, Rev JOHNSON EATON ea.lor of the ge I t retttyletton Church of Fairview, in the lel cent of Ine tote. and the &Oa hit • (a/- fialter . • Pat!neu.. --- Slkoto r At: begleave to call public allenLoo to the following, from Dr. Wm. Doan, of Witilt111•VIIIC ClCtlllOnt Co, and one of the very brat practitioners in the enemy us which he resides, and late Senator In the Suite I..egitlature. km cheering them to tee the lead ieg men of the profession, bursting the bond* of moles. venal pr , rudice, and givingmerit Its due, tie I hove in toy practice been using acme of your rioiseng Panacea, and, a* far, am well pleaira Its its eleeu in Catarrhal and Bronchial Complaints. Please send etc half a dozen bottler—put them at low at you coo, as I expect if it continuestOrtna<lf /1.6 genial sal isfseunn as tf has heretofore. so keep it couatanily tot hone Respertfully. Wht• IM•u. 0. a. 11AMIET11;j1:111P11. :IFe relpi penil • anti? • Ir Chksof:tir 'ATER - MOM:-- MEXICO. • : - 13161 N ERS IN , THE ARMY —• ,z•a • -'- IMPORTANT ' FROM TAMPICO. cemmsaknee or aie Piusburgh Gszeste PIIIL•Pil.,111• • Julia 26-10 A. aa We have an arrival from Tampico 10,14 us occasion t o, apprehend a date of Walla In lb. • • neighborhood of that city not unlike the dieswer which attended ColOnel 51cl otordni n the neighbor• boa! of Vera Cruz. Nem. Tampico was Pauline, a - noted man among the lancers, skilled for dating deeds and greekenterity and movement. lie had been en gaged with a hody of men under hie command both in deeds of plunder and of murder. The America. at Tampico numbered only three hundred ernififty MM. There were many sick among our troops, and the Louisiana Volunteer., who were in Galleon, were dying rapidly from Jimmies incident to the fatal climate. By the same arrival, we have rumors that Ceo. Cedar.leder had been attacked. If true, there can be but little apprehension &trio the result, a. he left Vera Cruz with Artillery and Drattannt, in additibn to the Choice body of troops iunder the command of Colonel Mclntosh. The belief is that the National Bridge can' ue fly bc forced by fifteen hundred men againit the troop. that may be brought by the enemy. Anincroued force is necessary at Vera Cruz at once Co take the place of the troops drawn of by Gen. CanwaLlDXll. The brig Mobile chartered by Gournment to carry troops to Mexico, from New York. had reached the Florida coast where she wasereek• ed. All on board were erred. The New Orleans papers inform as that Gen. Urea was near Victoria (the point designed by I Gen. Tailor frr Ben Luin Potosi,) with a large body of trope. There is no appreberuion that be will venture an attack upon Rough and Ready Tho New Orleans Picayune ways that all hope of the recovery of Lieutenant Mahan has been' given over. The sickness in Mexioo is mainly on the nes board, where it in .very bad, and we fear that some of the previkw accouots have been ex. aggersted. The Mexican troops, in many places, auger in common with the Am vicans. We base more enruurgins account., of • dia. pJaition I.lr Peace, cod particularly from the Pro•• ince* of Zacatecas and Jalisco. The former is tbe great anning'province of the Republic. and is one of the richest in the country. Jalisco refuses *II aid to Santa Anna and his fo' loosen. Yucatan har .grin pledgell banal( to sok ton nentrality, an.l to Con.. Perry. Formes ranee Igaitc,—There were 100 ',meets in Fhr Government service it Vera Um; amat of thanweeployed as transports. The deaths at Vera Crux mensal about 20 . day, and ittey were chiefly American. The Garrison way.vreak, but no fears were en tertained of an at/ l ick... the Mesican• (nun the country. have a greater drewl of the voinito, then the Ainenrens. . . The . Anaerican Squadron has sailed fur•Tolwca. The enemy bed determined to elation forces all spoil` the banks of the .end fire et the Amer! icons as they go up. They have chant 2000 good mops, (L e. for Mexicans.) Cont. Perry will land about 1000 sailors and marines to oppae , this force. The old Commodore will lead the gentling patty in person • Colonel Mclntosh wasattacked within nix miles of the Nacional bridge. There were 300,000 in in the train. and iii the attack made u p o n ih t he Mexicans tarried LIT ttfo,ooo worth of Pro perty. Oa the 9th and 10th of June, the runt= at Mexico wu in a great mate of alarm. Vile Transport Brig Mobile wrecked on the Florida c. an, hod on board !SU troops of the 10th Regiment Tinned Slane Infantry. Forty of the friar'st took to the bolts and ri aelinl the keys when the b. ate were Ja..lred LI per.. Cap uun Benedict of Philadelphia taw, the Mobile- in her peril, and at the risk of lasing his own ship. at- tempted a rune which was successfuL The men ' o 3 the witch were afterwards taken to Manx• , by .the brig Alabama. bound from Idierpool whence they writhe re-shipped to Mexico. l'orreq.ndener of the Vgiobutgla ILterv, IMPORTANT FROM itEXICO.:. 19OTHEB inlet BC GUERILLAS. One Hundredof Me EdeO3yKilkd-15 Ainoi em. Killed-40 Wended. PNII,OILf NIA, .1.11 n Tits steamer Galveston. I.lspi.'llsiabridge. arrived st New Orleans with 150 discharged Vc warm, on their ',turn borne, and • nuaiber of By this saint we loam ihatsesenty 'amid um were atbacke&by a band of Guerillas. ao Weir way .b Vets Cul (rum Puebla. • Notwithrtant. mg the awaiting patty iu large. the whole tune irtised safely at Vera Cruz, arah a scss of ooiy Gemini Cadwideder overtook the enemy after jOinine Colonel Mclntosh. Ile hltaiffith him tight hundred men. choice troop., and his own favorite troops among them. A severe engagement ensued. in which one .hundred of the enemy were killed end a large number, wounded-4ml in which alio the Amen. cans lost fifteen by battle and luny wounded. The enemy were completely rowed and the train enabled to proceed reitbout additional lora Gan. , Cadwalailer Is much praised at Vera Croy and New Orleans: for hia prompt and effi tient ail in succoring Col. Mclntosh. A number of Pronnticiamentois have been it toed Iraqi the city of Mexico, avid a good portion of the Capita/NU declared against Runt s Anna. Santa Anna has again sent In his resignation which, however, was not accepted. Capt. Walker, with hia brigade of horse, armed th the teeth, and as much feared as Texan Ran gers, was to pursuit of the Guerilla troops, and committing havoc among them by way of retalia tion. There eras some apprehension that the enemy might entrench themselves at Cerro Gordo again. and prevent the pump) of supplita, or compel Gen. Scott to return. I shall send you later new. in the morning, Correspondence of the Pittsburgh ().tile . - The President'. Reception. - New Yana, June 26• The President having yestesday been welcomed by the Mayor, (Nay anthorities and Military, to. day he has received the hospitelitiee of the city at the Governot's room. and Welted some of the City Institutiene; The Military escort yesterday sru very brilliant. Exclusive Corrsonondenee or the Pittsburgh Clezette NEW YORK MARKET. June 28 9 o'er. x. Flour—A deptessing intlqemels observable on the market, Which must soaffeet prices for the worm. The transactions toslay are to a mode. rate extent. Sales Genessee at $7,00 per bbl.— of wegcrn, sales at 90,99 i, and of Southern at $7225 per bbl. Wbest—Saks of Ohio Ited of prime quality, deliverable in 'Avatar, at 145 e per lx. Sale. prime While on the spot at 1750 per be. Coto—Prime Yellow is realizing 96198 c per bu. Cornmeal—Sales at $4,75 per bbl. rho motet for Cotton is quiet and bole limit. al businow doing. Pr...biota—Salsa Westam' packed Mess Beef at $13,50 and Prime at $9,50. Sales Maw Port at $16,00s 16,25, and Prime at 513,00413,09. No. I Western Lard realizes 9.91 e. Sales of keg and firkin Bolter at 'Oolitic.. Of Ohio Chita sales at 7a7ic. Generally there a no change in oihei leading articles. No local mars of importance. Szeio.lve Correspondence of the Pittsburgh Gasetts. BALTIMORE MARKET. Joao 26, si P M. Floor—The Niteroi Howard attest Floor to day reach 2000 ItWa at $6,60 pet bpi. At thin Woe holders no. anxious to tell. bat boyars do not purchase with ark freedom. Sales in parcel. at ___,_ --- I IMPATiFlSL — Ckreiii t Mait_ther• Ikfjp4o 4 ), nor nitidersti sales et Aver id 4. ~,:, IVlbili-45a. kw Red Wheorof pike. otiilite e. ..'' ithl34 per ba...idid of pekoe Whits's' Isue ~! -Cecoe;alodiiita sake set waking oCedll2: Wiale ,or 04 beet quedity neeli.e. 85.415 e, eud prune Yelkier 85e per La Whi kay in I,,tge it worth no nova than 35e per The sways'. price of Hee( Cattle on the Hoot this week has been 03.04. Provisioes—Tha deroand for Provisions has bees Iwasaki. take Heel Pork at $l7, rind Rama 51514,50. No rkauge in the prices ot • glair, far any description of Barr. Htext—Xlie oaks of Wrstarn Cora have been at 7iaSt fur Shoulders, 10c for Sides, and 900 is for Hams. Of No. 1 Lard gales at llihtlo4e. In other katling ankles of Inds the minket i. generally without alteration. F.s el est v e Conespondenee of the Pin•Lonth Gazette PHILADELPHIA MARKET. June 26, 8 P. M Floor—The market for Flour relapsed into a very quiet state te-day,and the Wainer done has besot or mull as hardly to support previtsm prices. Sales Western 'Hendee $8,75, and 'Pennsylvania at $6,871 ] per bbl. Wheat—Some inquiry, but the market ie rath er dull. Sales of prime White M 158a159c per bu. Salto also of pied Red Wheat at 148a149e per bu. Corn—The slack on the market for vale has latterly been increased until I.t hinds hold a large amount. Price. have hot varied. Provisions--The recent decline in Pork be. made • little more business—mica at I t 6,50.516; 75 'for new Men, and $14,50 fm Prime. Bee continue. dull and inactive ■1113,50414,00. The demand for Bacon be not active. Sales Western ewe in hhds at 9.410 e, Sides at 93•91 e, and Shoulders at 7galiki. Sales fancy Hama in bbl, at lOga 1.1 ie. Cantused Hams ate hel 41 Ilea. Lard--Sales No I in bbl. at Sic, and kegs at tQc per lb. Rico hul advanced largely—saka $5,75 per 100 Whiskey is held at ale, but the quotation is a nominal one. The rates of Wool for this week reach 20,000 lbe at the extreme priers of 27a39e per lb. Freighta—There are plenty of scowls in port, end European freights continue at a low point.— Flour is taken to Litrerpool at 34 6J, and Grain et 12i1 per bu. The Ezpotte of Brealatuflo from this port for the week ending to day hose been am follows: Flour bhls 103 Meal 41 Wheat bn 80,000 Corn 248 This shows a very slim business in the esport fins for an entire week. Grocer'. —There has been Some actisiry in the market, particularly in Sugars. Cuba is worth a6ic, and NM , Rieo'Cislle. Bak,. P R Molu se. at 31•32 c Butter in kegs and firkins Is selling at 10 h,iii cents. etteme has not varied-411m In Seed, but little doing—prime free Closer• med is held at $4.75. The only sale of Time thy this week was at $2,373 per ho. The Iron market more steadily—Anthracite Pig $25,50200,00 per ton, Charcoal $3043 I.— Blooms $70472,50 per tros. LATER. FROM MEXICO. W shall iesue an extra this forenoon with ad ditional interesting news from Mexico. EAGLE SALOON ONCERT Every Evening Oie Week, by /aeon L RNEASA. MURPHY and HUN rtxv. ADMISSION CENTS. ' Prograaim.. Duna, Piano, Memo. Knelt. t !Dooley. thetas. the Wild Raccoon Track, Murphy . . . .. • , Sunk, death of Warren, Komar, Bolted. the Wtdow Maehree, Murphy Volt; Acrordcon. Burnley c.....11,...76.1 the World. A Murphy &Co. Somt. my Boyhood Homo, from Annlra, Boehm. Crow Ormg,Chausmor. Beatty or Mr Batch of Ball.* Murphy Solo, A , cordeou, Ilmalay Duette, eon. o'er the klttoulight Seapturphy & KIWIS , Ballad. Wandered by the Brook able, rine.. !nth Song. the enter. or Blarney, Murphy. Solo. Aecordeon, Huntley & Aturplky. theme Mary Wan, Mad, =CI Aerortean, nun!, Li no in tno n , ng 11..rler Cream Tickets Ix. cents. el II ACILETT t. WHITE, PP Wood sucet, Pittsbergh, taws receleing a few caws of dewrable and scarce Roods, whet wutIIOVF meta Mc., gawks eery complete . . •a d e xtraedmaty good. for dam KY. 0( dm ymr. They Mee • large amoruarm of Caney hinm, dreg Roof ~ mummer went, :quart', whim gmodr, GitayMetta sad Tweed.. te a 13= INE W A 112.11 J E I:LKV. xsll.‘' EH WA RE, 1: LAMP, , , ke. —A large and well ecleeted meet en. ways on hand at the toreeot inter. bold P . c.., Pencils and Npeetnelu—A lane ruvply low reee,ed W ateL zepaaring done in the ‘werkbest en .net Itb and awatei Q UNDIII.IICI-12 sacks Fishers; , 17 33 whets Goober Pra, a Was do. G M.I. No. I lord, ?bale. repaeked Como. I bap )fool, • I , dos Oman bur', I box l'irseeet Fly Druid.. and Fans: aow lauding and lin sale by y 129 1 DICK FY &CO f • ith 'd AILS. CIA CIIGJULS-110.0Cagers. 'carious brands t... , Jest nv la coau 1%1 sa sameol nom 0 and for le by _yeti G II MILTKNIIERGES, SII saver a W 1:1100 ' GLAIII—ZO/ boxes Bby ID; 73 '. Inlay It: .10 . lobe It for nit b , .. ja.ffl. I . _ 2 , F VON DON!)1110RWr ICO 0 IL J. :IIr. A L —.410,b1.4i..3rN5ate41,..0......._ CO _ ... ''..' VRENCII GLIKAMAXIII—Two eases Emrich I.` nod Karim. Ganglier.. lasi received sad k,r isle by Jet, NW /WILLETT & PIN 1111 li , weed a - I , OI.OaED CMIIIIRICS—Oce eau Wato.and drab colored Combriecout opened owl for tale by 1 , 20 ell ACIIATT & WHITE' fIOTTOX DlAPlCHZ—Tworeases.blearberl and V. , brown Corm* D.•pors, •o exits VOd antelr r iont we'd awl for sole by Je riIIACKLEIT k Nlll nulLLueas-I Cte bonny blue Drills Bla.t recd and for side by Jor6 eIIACKLRTT rs. Will rE bbl. Immo No. 3 edaekeral, tOrl; 50 " Hirlltot; for .ate by 1.3 6, CLARICE& TIIA W.Conal Ho. o 7 bbi•ripwlirb Whiting in more for 7 4.1,. am ct and carriage by DICKEY & jed waxer and Inept ill TlLlC—nee Brick and SteatoboaCrale for sale by tett' 1 DICKEY k CO (11111/11111-Ido hoses now leading and willae wld "on . cheap by j I DICKFX I CO SUGAR -4 hats for talc low to Ciden consignment h 1 Jet 4 I DICKEY at:o LaACE BUTTON — W gross medico .ire Late Ballow foe ladies drewea, toe sale at the 'ramming stores( hand FH RATwed Bifto CMSIIICIS—A large I. Iteautifal patierna, pm receives, and far We IITOW1119Efal) YVo 11.47 t 19 market at iTARIACIATZD IKIALP-4 his Halt a 'Pon* V ten toed mad tory& by R E SELLKFttI 57 weal tt AW WI.IICRY-2731. (nrllrl by R 1 1S : Igi ja96dlvr No. 16 Market bt MU. Third WHITE HAVAMEA BUOAR-10 bones atn perm.. yenta ll•aanna Sugar. just received and foy sale by MILLER RICETSOIII NAPOLEON AND HIS GENERALS, by .1 T Head ley. For vele by jean JOHNSTON &STOCKTON. aII&CILD—An adddioaal nyely a baaay 811. rang C Checks,lust reed at die Dry I.Kods Muse of HUMID LEAGUE MULLIS—A rew . pee more of the .bore popular goo& WM reed al .tare of olet W R MURPtIY VININE-50 by. tut ree'd and for ~I by '6le, irt.l RE SELLERS A?!!Ell A GAUD —l2O lbs by_ bTh.L.LER ' S ) :OTAU reed grstbs by H Ji. va R i Tew lyAlTZll.—:4olbo (pul no li t t lfr ic tnit s • 4:31111AD-50 Lb]. No. I to aryiye and day dale by 0 Wad FORSYTH & DUNCAN L INSEAM OIL-34 bbl. Jan ma iceetved mad (or L•nle by jelli MILLER k RICKETSON SALT -10 eases Tahiti Pall. Jim reed and for sale by Dta fill LLSCR & RICKETdON VllATHElLS—LodUllissitual Live (Dere Froth.,. r store and for rale by jell • I DICKEY &COoratel and front ate • TOBACCO- 0 ate Is Lamp, de, Its, las, and BO limore Plug, CM band and for sale by jelt TAStEY & CIGARIII.O4IOIf Sp r ish . and for role by jolt SASARY BACON AND LARD-i i fx k s axaron ; POINDEXTER CO 41se.-19,=.1F, ..u. to milts Dried Apples,. landing lota JAB DALZKLL _ TARCII—no bore. Poi'. Mittelman) Starch. art by A No. I article ree'd per str Tallman, and by sale by Joel 0 0 MILS lENBliloEit H5lll/1•-•-110 bale/ 1110. dew-rotted ileino,4/2 actO sigoegent and for ale by ALEX. OPHIIION jell 511 water and 105 (=tags LA.IID--I kegs Nn. I Leaf, labl• do do, for role by jetl WICK LIieCANDLEBB B LITTIEDI-1 nook for onle by WICK lb IdeCANDLF/38 Jen ono wood end 'miry Its TIRO KlCONZl6oToisaiiiee7forsidi by - r Jan WILLLAMS &DILWORTH, W wooden WIIIIIIHMT-20 bid. old Ramified In More and for rI ude OS' i!MM - Mtl ERMAN Fbbls J Flow in store JS anti car *ale b e 23 • Id LOAN MACKEELItIe—Ie bblo No.: to moo and fee sale 101:1 311 J SLOAN _ -- , 11 , 11111111 ED SUAD-10 bble No. I la .voralnad fur •aie by j. M k J 2nction clkr 44. r O. Is, MacklOsoer* Waii:aind Wagon Bonn n 4linuon i. .... . ~. :ON Nondarifteinonin th e 2."ntiinti,7o:2 tielati. al tie nen:torrent Sales 100.21, corner of.lifoal Siii 6 , b gar, will kerb , — • .. , 4 . 1 ... raw*, ironed sizes; . -' 30Du 1... Warn haze, W.; ; I Waan and boilenVrdir. Odor ~int. •• ia.t., D DAVId, Auenoneer J Second hand Harouche at Auction.' TIIIS• afternoon et 3 o'clock in front of the tawnier: ml Sales Hoo e. corner of Wood and .Ith as will , w • Id—ti Food gunner of needled hand florae - Thannetrei ith falling top• jenn_ ON :donde! morning the 7-th lart at 10 o'clock, at the Commercial :ale. Room. corner of 5h h and wood us. toll ho sold—an tattoo.. woonwent of reaaoarbit ample and fancy Dry Goole, embraeing the coc k of r retail country store. A large awrirtment of new and remind band Home hold and Kitchen furniture, among which are brut Jest malts:luny Mg.. =Moan t &mains tic Macy and common chairs, table*, bed atm du. looking glawes. man lel clock IN feather beds. bedding. e aeon iing, window blinds. Sec. Mao,. immunity of groccrit, quaemlWare, glasimrart, 'Koenig, gr ow anytime. otatehes. wnppiog.paper, baud boxes, ewaking 1.110,C16, ac At s O'Mara P. M. A quannly of sessonstde restly,nrsde clothing, shoo sueunent of fine shirts snot. Been brooms and collars is, +boos. hots, cars. unnorloot, porton:as, tomcat , struenents, new and ssnotid hand watches.POChcf i Is, fatal ssai Cr', grrrotto fanny goods, ine'retiery, e .jets _ . C=M:M2=! . . ON Wednesday afteleoun the Wth trial at 3 o'clock, will b sold on the premites that falusble Into( Giound senate e near the corner of a: unt and tirant streets, ha.. ing a front oil; fret en:loath street, and catend log pack lOu feet. on the rear of which is erected a three awry Hack Hailding whieh'is tented at 61:0 per annaw. Tideindispatab;e. Taring flOOO cash, balance in two equal ant nal paymems with interest, to be secured by bond and mortgage. -jet! I , HOMPSON'S COMPOUND SYRUP OP TAR AND WOOD NA PHTPA.—,The Portland (Me) Advertiser say. remedy has heed moor successful than any medicine we have ever known for its numerous cute. to Coo•Meption, Spitting liloodoinn in the Side an! !Dean Itrourhins, Atha.. Othrtmate Comets, Iloati.eneet, Snre Throat, Palpitation of the Dean . , Whooping Cough eroup, Nervous Tremor., &v. holivlduals of the It ghert re/l i me:ability in thin city bear ample testimony to its ponce, and actACY to thin of di•eases Among the testimonials lathe value of the above med icine, are several from dittinguithed phrevans of Phil adelphia. Road the fa:Raving Irani Dr. Young, the eminent prelim. . . . . . . l'imatrouJnits, Jan. IS, 1617: Having used in ro) practice,•• well ea in toy owi farotly.•Thompron's Compound Syrup of Tat and Wood Naphtha,' 1 have 00 Lnnar ion to sorts that h is the hest preparation of the thud muse fer pe”onis suffering hum Constootion, Cough , , Cult , alO uLI affecttons 01 die T tweet, Breast; At.. prevulcitt.nt Oh,. raston of y thecar. War re/m.6 o eructs at We have seen whlun a few doystLe person who nave. the follow/its certifies e Ile remains well, brutg per fectly cured or his ate, tvc Putt-anthems, January 3,1347. From a sense of srathade, nod a doubt that the afflic ted may have resource to a truly invale e medicine, I would suite that the benefit I Love eSperiene3d from the or Trompwsn's Compound St rep of Tar and u•e Wood Naphtha. For several years 1 have been afflic ted wtth dour, •Ing racking cough, accompanied with great oppression and dithenity of bre/W.o6i wtdi n son. "duo of light.... lit hie chest. Becounng greatly alarmed, • friend won hod Veen much bencfitted by ibts medic ended me to try ii.l did so, and to • very short note eve 0 alarming ayertrom dwappgaied; my aspecurnation became free, till oppression left me. me cough tensed, and to • few chyle 1 warib:elo go out and attend to my business n well man/ Any further informatton will he eltecrfelly poen the itamted, by. cal Imp, at my reudence,No.l9.l.6. Fount st JO6. 51c3IANAMY-. This invaluable medicine is prepared only by ANC , NEL' Ss DICKSON, at NE corner of Irtfdi and Spruce ors, Philadelphia. Sold In Pittsburgh by 1. WILCOX, Jr. Poke 51/ cents or 61 per bottle. CAUTION—Beware of the many counterfeits that arc now .feat. The unscrupulous are ever toady to deceive the unantre . . veffldGm I==i DR. WOOD'S Sarsaparilla.. .ad Wild II Cherry Bitters-11.i. new and valuable Ex tract of Sarsaparilla and Wild Cherry has been toed with great success for the pcnnanent removal of all midi diseases as take their R. from an impure slate of the blood pommel • healthy actiortwf the Liver— streagthens the Pierces and at onre occures health and vigor to the whole it stem. . in ail cases of Jaand . a, Indigestion, 'Dyspepsia, loos of Appetite, llebnual Coinivcne+s, Scrofula,. Reattach, Languor, and that Depression of Spirit, winds), so COPM7OII complaint in the Spring and SumateLgeasons of the year this medicine ha. not its cqual—and a str: ale tort will convince the most Incredulous of its peco id 'tithe, Fos bodies panieulare the re-der is referred IO pamphlets which will he fornished by the Arente a shoor tog the G•Ii19.11/011 Lll which this trainable medicine i bed by down who hare used o. OBlss.stution to the 'Public 433 Be Particular and art for DI Wood's Sarsaparilla and tVild Chem. Bitters, and receive smother. Phis ta the first preparation of these art' e. combined ever olfered to the politic, and toe great success attending its use has tudneed the unprincipled loeoanterkit and Imi tate. A• • preventive, see that the bottles have the words "Dr. Wood's stersapar.ilit'and Wild Cherry Bit. tees ' pre,sseil on the last, and that each label on the bottle testgned by the proprietor, F Thornton. Jr. :sold, wholesale and retail, by WYATT & AM, general agents, till Fulton street, New York; Wm. Titan, Markett' eet, and I'. 11.1"...arTiz.ftitbdeld street P.to ot drolt. Poet. 511-lOrie Ids HAW and Judge ter Yount<lves! ikIAINDUS Letter in the UottonTreeellerecobe I°lb or rpay Ruyo: Every per win who car. getmorwy enough to leave .lhe country it doing so All the *trip hoand to We V Canada. are erowded. Any price it paid toe • patine tier.* th e A theme; and too ellen the cloned, of coffee tug Ircw'enibat k on frill E.lpa, which prove bet raffia. Xhr terect theittiol ehiporreck of ihe Emtienth u•n r•ae p w.l ,he hid tan hundred and hely • en , graet., trim only 310 to twitter,. and two fit for any voysv. be conseouteree war, ihe leas lost tit We gale oh the v 741,1 terrific gale, which 'year cor respondent wittier-ad . all Oh tword With the exception of three perron• penched. When earner to America mend money to their friends in Ireland, to pay for their hosage 02 the Untied:limes, they iltould always go to well known bourne( ..... . ilarrulealrCo..M N lark nr 110.000, who not only lave kind and faithful scents at Liverpool, and the seaport* of Ireland. bet they IOWA). giVe cmrgnunta•a p•sfage n first claw hroorteato p•rkel ships, where they are properly Sc rommoditrira int z f •Jok or . n o m m preview., they are wdly ant odr.l Lt. ki lIA RN UEN a Co.‘ Intone and Remittance Other. Vieth street one done bee on Wood. JO,:ti LI A KOBINSON finropeaa Ageut EME=I EW 1310011/3—/ust received at No %Wood se. up nun, a few dorsu of thaw very fide, mahatma. b . l: ol :at . td . e4a c it o Ztajeweatteaeorted with A few doren Gnelk SaPpentlerr, and I ease of anew mode manufactured .by the Waterbury Man ufaeturtng Co.. Conn. Mark . 11.1/11Strtned and Nam Sean AdluarangSOek% very morn* for mounter. A beautiful usaurtment 611//1 Cravat.. light and dark rotors. One ease hue Wawa anal 14n•A.L. Carpet Bag, he. he , teceived this merlon, and for a, at Factory pri, ees. by .11 A. f: jell Agents for F.a•trn Manyracturent 1 1 VOTICY.The Stec.°ldersor the Pittsburgh and 1.1 Allegheny Bridge ConFany. For erecting a Bridge mer the Allegheny River, worn the of d 11. d timer ate hereby notified that the annual election for • Plesi. dent, 10 Managers, Tr...Ater and la Secretary, wilt be held an the let Aland. of July next. at ihe wparty'e Roma., Noah Coo of the BrAge. tr'o'clock, Y.lll. ••,•.- . • . . • jeiDif WA!. MORRH.Off, Prerident. aGRICULTURAL .on-1 Horittolial el Implernen ,ribe oca•ton— Corn Pnd Glough, - limn ariiss Pc)thrs; ' Uneatbe and Crud cs. Further :tones and Rings; liner, Raker, Spade., sboviir; • Pruning and Biel tug Pew **t/ nicer; Budding Kolar., PI tour r ricfr.o”; Plant:) tinges, tines :heals. to . A full rupply on hand and for WC IbCy S W froOo u ASII A m ui<l . corer dnd strum I 7' a I.traßLE POETII•A), {V(intirr.-- 1' Tie ricer'. of Marsh reel, . i hhe Poeta and rarely of Etr rope, . -- The Poets and poetry of tberre:ehts, . • The Peere and poetry or Apr. ira; Holm', W11•113l 11 a Nest's 1 . 0 lira! Wolk. hither'', Gray. Beattie and Celina% do; . . Crilleridae,Pbelityand Kehl's, do; /:old mob's i. , . do; Lord Upton', Peelleal 1% , ode, illuetrated; Catapbeire Poeirent Werke; ! Peter...air . do; Mem. Ileerene . • de, Mita Landon'. do; I - . _. Ilartan, Burns and Ifloomrieblie Perm.; . , Mod'. and lion'a I do: for wait by ELLio,rr /t ENC:l.ltili . jela • . . Markel., bet. 3d and Chain:ate TM,' =-- -ti..eiber has jbei 'eritt-- • . ks—The rehrerlher hes ihst teselved frost the Pekin Tea Company's mote is New York, it firth ul) of TEAS jun imported, coiriitting of the ut. uciet fits. 371 cu. to OJAI per 114. A SAY 1e33 Sole Altent for.thu cite, No. Se llh it AAD M A N I PI A A It N Y D It ' d ' W A ° l ° arg l e ar Tl4. - !Pn raent received and for rale. Alm, lac lbs Co.a for Chair re; Jr,Joet received dand' rale •i - F BLUME'S K111W12% LETTERS _ LL the Rt. Roy John Maher, Rosman Calbohe thatiop of N.' York, by kirrria. roce lel cent. I For sale by . ELLtorr & ENGLISH jera fel market street AN4IINGI/N AND lila 3ENI:HAL.. by I T Headley. Tbdi clay reed and , or gale toy. • iumisroN & Kr9cKTON • earner of market gad 3rd oft' FMW ts Y BASKETS—Card and Frail haike.ol vitiate and black &who Irani , brown willow work baskets. and a novel style made of tidy 14,11011, in all forms, cut be obtained at jr/IU EATON'S VA2113-I!nantifal (cart and ihory r prionfmin eight to Three dollirs—aod any quantity of lc. price down to twenty film rents at ymtl EATON'i?, al markets T , • a IDY'S of brochet mud ma. r stitcher, both white nd colored, IFO , ley.2qmperv, ttateltele, Neel' Bead Hags, always on lowa , can It made toOrder Mahon nature . P-H EATON VAT Apr TED TO P U RC IVASE—V high pressing menu Env.. with.or without bolter, from ten to twenty hove trowel. eneli. • Addre•• A li—lert at dor race. jei,Tulif ITEEPING UP APPEA R A NCFPI, or a 'Pale for du. 11. Rich and Poor, Ly TS Arthur. WA day received and for sale at the Book and Slarionery warehouse of Je.26 JOHNSTON P. STOCICTON DI.AID CASISIttIERES—B/ack and while barred toottner.Casaiaterea—tatihionalslitmle—latelj rerd at Dry Good. Muse of Je46 W M VIRLI:111.0 SETTS —llinriroat and w:de; white, plaid and itreatt. • supply l"4lll4:llßptirdt )cytt , T ANNERS OIL-13 1.111 . 1.1 s ninny :5 :lank recaiyanA by canal. and far saln &EMU MAcxy,Rici:.;:tt:lits new No. :1 law Sing from not and! le by jeLki J DAI2KLI. riocsls/Gea—_,soSter 4 tar: • I Tobacco, Germs brand, / UPI e nud bxL . Jela J LIALZEId. ilit--301.141s No 2 aod 3 Idatkeral; • ! No. I II ening% in wary and for Wt. jrn Jlz. R FLOYD GziimAs CLAY —ap iced wad fos saiiitTy 011 TAVEY k INST. ZS wood at IiTINDOW GLASS-400 ax. 7••bttnd ail. iY I , l' ham! and for dad by , Wl4 ..191,1k,Ey 'I, Bar . _ . pOTAIII-10 Lti . mariand for sale by• AIU 3obnsa received and forlaleiry ie*4 • TAB.4EY& BEST --J-16011 !matte.. prime Ycllonr Coin on roams rignment fbr Yee by 1,..14 J C BIDWELL' AM • o • DAILY PACKET LitsTE. tea Iptova Iwe of soLendei pa It4,yer t. Inv els as noir comp:eat of the lancet, elm tar., ben fvfnieotraenivittlOtlEttettsfel bone ve the teuersof the "m. Every a...melee. and roat• 1 Lort nim thAt ._ autAtejzz c ... reez . e i ttre n o peeva . ke per -hovtLeft, fled A WO. ' 6 l' W.V. *them .ert " fe . e " st Wery to their perrona. The bona twill he at the fett of Wood meet the day review a re ur eniretj.ibe the loop....ironi tof (fright end the refry of pe:nista. thr ter. .In all eases Alea passage way alu to plod it. • MONDAY PM:Mali .: Tlic MONONGAHELA, Capt. Sem., rins bandi Mon d ay <v n crn Moelum day loontlotat al to P. 010 of k; every TUZIDAV PACKET Nu, S. Capt.. .C.proAp... will atee Pittabergb every Toenlay raernlntr at 10 o'clock; Vbeeting every 7?er * st rlav even 10 P. !a. IiVXMIIIESDAY6IE3%, The NEW ENGLAND. NO. St. Cap.S..D.aa sem aye •PRu.buralt every Wednesday nsaSnina !Lt tu eloa; Wbee , intevety Wednesday seeding tu r. • M.4IXZXV The %P.ISCOI I I9IN. ChM. ft. J: 0,00 44" 1,04 . , Pius. burgh every Thursday ururrung 1010 o, eluelr•Virr ebeg every Thum:lay evening ai 10 P. N. I FRIDAY PACKRY. The CLIPPER, NO. 9, Copt. Creeks, will lea IrP P. burgh every Friday rearreut at 10 Webek; Wheelie* even. Friday avenue,* al 10 P.M. 'SATURDAY PACK T. The MESSENGER, Caph Listried, Wiltleave Pm, burgh every Saturday venteng a 1 ID M beeline every Sameday evening et 10 P. Ili STINDAY‘PACRICT. The ISAAC NEWTON, Car. 1. 151. - Mu.. Trill leave Piusboor every: l ol,day, moan na 1.114 fielee Wheellag every *matey creams at IS r. Ma 49. 1E47. riv EA—di df cheats Y. • , • do Imperial Tea; • do Gonpoorder do; • dx ,atty bze Y. H Tea; • IS do Superior y. Tea, DS do 100 one: do;• co do Bowden. V.,11. do .' Jost received and D. eale'kivaby Jett •• • nit LEER a tucgsreos . . _ sUNDIUMS-F5O Rooks gran, , SlYeaets G 2 name]. Flo o r, ill...Whitt from .tin! Caleb Cope, and for ule by _ 1 DALIELL Jiz• • —__ • .. •... wilt, at STOCKS YOE SAL!— Oahu. M. .1k AL Dank, Pittabash; 21 - Bawl et. Bridge, Wew•toc►).. Ap By to jag; IC BIDWELL. Agt water •t c S UNDRIES-2n brla Loaf Rarer, 34 brio N.H. Idolanaear a tits No 3 Macke:al Jon ere aired ral for wale by AT. 00D, JOHN. Jk• 4 •II.EIGHTI—To Baltimore, by tan Eelip•a non— I I will contact, at Hi.... 141035 and namouable or 31 was per dap by bbia enridiions soon. je3l.' • JC 13 . 1003 lu ca,Y. Bboolders, exult, 8 do Hemn jou reed per S B Rine.% and !ma le by. jell ATWOOD. JONed LE AND 13110T—ZA pie. Le a d;. as keg, Shot, ;wed Nos; Landing from niaatabout and for rale by. ' Id AG AL EY k &MTH 1.4/ Gar wale br EIAATILIERS—UKU Me prime WeAe.eLL.• reed and (or slle Uy • •• 0 BLACKBURN d: (O leo ear watts et and cherry ell•T MOLAOSEDII: sropr Noues '*l.liiLh. jaaitia owood: VEll3llllllO*-111 lb. ja.i reed lama for We at tee Dreg enueboase of job J KIDD& CO,In wand at os. rgm.r Amenerm mad v... 4 1 4, p u t and or eala Ow TIME .111. f JOG J [IUDk Co Tlea—to pothole. Y. H .thurpowder oat Imperial TeLeeetpred and for solo!Ow by iel6 TASSEY BFWT.,Itk .F . 1114-5 0 Obis Nog Largo Mackerel; bf bbls .". • for solo by jets ?ASHBY ft DEEM =Wood Ft 11700 L SACKS-400 new 40 inch finnan Wool T V Sacks for weeny IIdURPIIY A LAM Liberty et appeente sth doa Corn Urodia• in - daore sod for rode by 111 ,1 SI.OAN- , P'2s *co VII 'wood and 8 library et WHISKW— =Y-v3 bble old ktomieshebe nye Wile. key iu SUMO and br ule by - Il k.I SU/Ail flay PSACIUMII-4Sbo dry Peoolti. for Weld., 11 to dose camglum= by U COCHRAN jeV5 , No VS 'mono , 20 ri,Bbio.r,tgax.; be 2..c01d ! . 1 9? • signment by . x1:1 e& w Vann- LRAD-615 pip Gale. Lead,jalo ree;i‘_eipel ter Robert Mortis, (or sale by jeitt ' MITCHISO kCO OIL jOIWO Lard °Riot iced and Or role by WILSON & (IA lINIAN, • Jett Ini Finin!_styiess bylaw fr'ssry 1 LISSICEIO 014.-30 , bbls Linseed Oil, Jest ..'d JJ on ennsivinensand fon sale by ATWOOD, JONES &CO mu 11103,-11X1 Won cobl 1..4a Cambrin. Pig Iron, L lOW quality, for nee by_ W It nIVUTCHEON, 159 Libor, y.t CANVA22I-1 bal. good Currow received and fog vale by SUACKLETT Jr. WHITE jell .. No 91/ wood weal ri di .to goad amoodowd of new dyke Tweids received and dor ta2e by • Jell, sHecicuar h WHITE;2I) wood et ' Pus PUBTAL-44i1 b.. 'Hai , and 'Odd" Ornate by FRIEND. RHEY a CO YeIS No =maven ant. " o 'a r •• lb Mackerel, Booboo lospootbra, b la ri uding and f or sole .• • _ by BAGALEIi t Sbllllll COTTOII-176 bales Ted's: Comb: .59 bbylre•pbeked; jab For Fair. by DICKEY It COc QOAP-201tos No Cinettinati - Soop t jut rerelyid Ottlff stouter Alllefil•aad for ogle by jeo !I MILTENBEROBIL Nt armor It I•MAIS-40eamy bzs Pal.* 0 iele wi S de rir'nogi for nla by !Mak CO:110 wool rt EGAR CURED lba. jmi n ceived asd 1.36 r sale by THOS ODIMINE I, 4 , AMILY LARD-71,8.m JR., pin op expantly for (amity Ps e, from 7 to 30 lbs each Jnr-6r sale by piIITtIOIS 0 01X010.6. SCYTHE BNEATHS-60 dos. Common and Pelsm !or sale bw by THOS O ODIOHNE . Jett Opposite dlooongslisla Haase I,•LOUtle-14 bbls Friel Crowed Cleanly Flour, in nure rind far sale by iert I DICKEY a CO. enter and heel se. DAI4II bOAY-310-troxes loolLog uo plealiset Ben I. Rook for sale by Jolt . JMIEB DILZELL, tl Inter rue'. HONIGY —nu mollWive., pot op trr fatally ave . iust received 11.11,1 for mole by P C illnitTlN • inll corner vosiddield nod! oot ass ATILAWFS-60 bbl. 11., just received p.r eicareci LV/tiondolier and.for safe bv Y. IIEAZI-,1.70N lull Lain side of the Diamed y lUD RYE INIIIIIIYAIT—Cbsiee H ie Whiskey purr sale in quawities to Mit purcbasers, by belo • P-C lIARTIN (2.1. r ,1186—.50u bts ass d'' es, f 6:B •f , ....try Wands, sw, s, ,, sod for ' sale e J C BIDWELL . WS., si 117, v ANA eliGA!i-40 k b y • 30 bz. Wh for. • jot" MILLER a RICKaTMIN 1)00K POWDMIL—For Pale by 11,09 lAIIDICKO dO '0 'RO '..V , J.1. 7 4177 , 77 . 1(17 , '1 it CO ID 10 COI/FELS-1410 bags pnme Gregn ItioCader, Atfor rale by jag BAOALEY & 0111111 TABOIV-100 his Fox% Cirminani, - ar sate b f BAG ALEY & SaleltßATVll-8 cook. to affiee for sole by Jel9 119 AI AII bICK9IY t CO VANILLA DEANll—arge aixe mod In vale by 103 ' J D MORGAN '. • I R—Z Ws Nord, (Yrolioa Tar, receivin Iota!! O for ioqo .1 D., !rt:1 . N . F.1173 ' 011,-15 bLls res_nivinilqCanal - i;ul e by J LIALZKLI. UMMI;2M r, SACKS Barley on conslament And fur WI ,. by 4n.1 lett a& W Haiti:AVOW ALIkILATUI-8 now hukbag, fui • ale by 0 lett 1 DICKEY. k CO, water and , mm n. BACON 81111105—In care and br //ain I. y - }ma al fr. %V lIARUaI.OII r Sl irnacl at W.A. C"EIIE-73b" 11,iVerilldtril'IblION riumarny SEED-0 tlv ii r je2l. - - - (.20AP-200 las Chllicothe Say . : Jusireeti•ftl askil UGst gide by dl PICKMON .111101 NE-410 or- just received and for saV , by jat • J KIDD tr.,00 DEACU BILABOY—OId Poach RIA/NIV. tor ..1. lln qmunhies io . PC MARTIN a/R. BLACK, blatek.ust r Euebsuge Ball . ding; t 4 Clair street, Pittsburgh. nRILIgaI pp 1.64-40 bbl., warran4.l in good Zr sale b • ; ;eta , P O MARTIN litalN3-4o bur. While Anal Deane C. eale jelo by CAI AMIN, C n j. !IP " VglißirlDs7l ired and t7Zael BA jC,9OI".Mib.I."\ZPrINI'itrVIIPIM VA. TWA'S/F.L - 1i keg; 61* Toletele tor .ale , e y by hieCUdlt..filllE.lolll pO j T—d prime U -'4II W I a 1.1.1C . C 4 A N L AR' b y py ------- /1 la • WICK & hi.caNDLva& VILBSRTII-4 tube Filberts 11;;;;Iie by 1614 WICKt bIeCANDLESS CAIIfOR 016-10 Mai No I, jut rre'd and for Nei, jells • • by R E SEI,LEIII33 1 - irs i cr 'named and for rale VT !KIDDY. OD, a area., at • fix ale br T °W 1"1"1-121." ratITC4 . MUM TAR null': ADID—I cave Juot reed sind io - irobs by Lts2l9 .kcas DICADLIC —lobUlson ha4d and LA (of wale by itY3 -, ALEX. GORDON - - - BACON—ma Ito kw sate br WICK & IiIeCANDI.EIIII WAIALI3 PANACEA-4 bIA is& Toe'4 sal for wk. .4816• by IL E SELLERS ICON -1,001 Wig Salad 4Dr nR ty WICK & NeCANDLEES • 1.1.• jel6 • eta—F.rwhis bY _ wtgct bissCANDLia Mirtra.4" . o'DD bble 8. as liatid and by alb by - • BUILISILIDOR, WILMNIS. CCI Pia PYM.-40 t• - 34 - 3s M•lontait • • • Is - ''
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