The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, June 26, 1847, Image 4

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. . Ira THE , 14 D IC it. H 013 ./VI A , y ,%/lij s r , L , !ley E . p..
.., -
.' . 'GREAT ' DISCOVERY. ..a t teiphia iiAt.thisellablithiMentaney Dolma{
Ow greac limas, fir the at variety el Plana Mid ...LIM Patients.
Conildniplloll, eAugho,Coidit, Asthma Bronch7tive; Les t , tor IP.ON RAILINGS In the I.' ailed States, Col
Complaint, :Voting Mo., Doliculty,of ly/eargenc, whir. the art nos ol Mese in want of any desetip.
limn In the Side mad Dome. l'Altotation of the I tion,and especially for 'Cenaeteries, la particularly
tlcarhtnfitienocCroup.liroken Constitution, i writ.,
' Sore; Throat N e ram. Debility,. and till rbe principal part of all the halals.. Railings
• ' '- I th " ... '“ :" " . Tb"ll'P Bream.' . 'al 1.3 a-el 11111, gionument, nod other .letwated
Lungs' the most enkenalt/ .4
•peed you t evert mown bit •.• e•eamtenes in the city and county tet Philadelphia,
any of clove drocaec•. ohtch have been an highly extolled by the public
- - • Is DIt•SW Alf , 427.1 . pre., wore executed at Una ralattaraelAry.
COMPOUND SYRUP OP IV ILO CilhAttiY. A 'ante is conneeted with It. estab.
AfloTo6ll 1.00100 erivauw.-Kcad with eaten- ii a h ro nni, whew to kept nor m .n gli on hand n large
.... lament the wonderful cure perforsbed he Ihichir stoat of ready.niadelren fLaillng.,omaniental Iron
Sithynes Com pound al nip or Will" CHERRY- Settees. Irma Chars. new styloplato .11 Orn3SOCII
- DELPHI a , J.muitry g.A. 1617. i 131 Iron ("at.; with set extensive assortment of Ir.
Dr. Sivsyne--Dear Sic In justice to yourself :Ina . l'oata, Ped.tale, Iron Arbora, &re Al., in great
e sluty.l owe to suffering Ittimantlf e I cheefftillY ; variety. Wrong. and Cast IronOrnantents,suitable
gilts toy testimony, 000 declare to the world Pie t for Itatlings, and other purposes.
most altonishing •efleet 2 . and V., grin cure Y 6 .1 The %describerwould 0100 state that in his Pat
„Comp.. Syrup or wad t2t.crt. perl.irgara o.oo'. tern +tut Designing would
ho has employed
under the moat unfavorable rieMmotancrs. I woo . emne tif iho beet talent is the...entry, whose whole
token with a violent '56.66. Spitting 01 ' PPlnbd • se- 1 attention is °mooed to the tnettnew--forming alto.
vete faint to the Side and. Ittemo_ which seemed gather one of the most complete and systematm es+
to-break doWn cad enfeeble nay eonatitullon,s , l that , ~n1,,,,,„,-0 7 „, ,1.,k,,,,,,,,„ ~,,, u,,,,,,,.
my yillysiciao thought of c+st• boi iind the poi,. of ; P.OBER'I I WOOD, Propriems.
medicine, and my Imelda all gave me up to dm; but 1 Ridge Read, above Buctunwood alert.
thanks In ,w.... 11 th, 4 etk . c.i . "i p r. .. grout d 16 2 .44 ; Philadelphia March to. Intl dthoos
ry, 1 anal Mel inyseil 3 we ll tn.. and milted front a i -
Mere skeleton to ha tlealt• and healthy a min .I I 01L16.14P VVATCIII6I6 . •
; el 'Ill: CilEAX•Exilf GOLD ANU SILVKIt W ATLI'
have been Mr yea n, atut tatall be ploase7al to pi,. my , g pga IN p1111,,Dp...13,,,j.,,.
• informattnn le•pecong any case, by calling at my 1 1.4.1 !sacra, hill Jewelled, sty ett
residence,bliielianiCstrect,thiril duo r locloW Ilieorge t Salyer do do Z 1 tot
street, Norther. LMeruce. JAt oil VAIXTKIt. 1 Gold &setae, Jewelled. •ne tat
Teiainumy is nom recared from all iluen - lers of I miser 15 till
the Globe. . :Nicer f.piarners, tine quality, .In en
I Gold W aiehee. plot, 15 OU .
The hollowieg lettere are presented with a new 1 Miser Spectactes, 175
01 more (ally ehowilig the tamale. of Physicians in I tlold Pencils. aOO
relation to the Medical value of Dr. SW A l'N f.'s; Bald ilfweill4w, ' 4 Ott
, glib on band a large awionicent of Gold and Ibus
COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD CIIEIIII.I . 1 ,„..„,,,,,,,,, j ,,,,,, ~,,g, ~, 1,,,,,, hoop amt r‘agii, gold
Dr. Swayed-Dear Sr, Hathl tood .Y", 62 C. i pea., silver spoons, eager touts, thimbles, gold neck.
pound Syrup of 11114 ()Wiry extenovely to my I curt. and fob ebniao. gitaßl keys and Jewelry of every
practice, I -Wan requested by your Agent, Doctor deseetption. at equally low pore.. All I Want if a call
'riling of Its . ,
s t n toe.en customers.
CrUteher. to capon my "P"""" i ' ' -- / Ali .of Wei.. and Clocks repairs-dead wat'
properties as a remedial agcnL I moat theerlully
an I fool hy,a ,, d „ ,,,g . I will d ~,,, h ,f , ~ , r v e r ru ..i s .. dz . @v o r , p ,. grol c..
, t , o: . e . f c lrzt , 7 .. yettri old gold and sib
debt I owe the comnftfnity al ltrge, and Phyaimen. : For sale, eight day and thiny hour brass Clock., at
in particular. As much 'as I detest knack Ream- , LEWIS LADOSIbbd
dies and Patent Noarums, I was induced foto , Welch, Cork, mud Jewelry Store. No 41.11 Retie
• a 1.11000 of the moat potent expe . ctorest6, recoci• . erect, isiore Etymon', Norm auk, Phdadelplita.
• • Meeded in our f.terta teeth u in come cases 01 ; CU 1 have some ld Sil , er Lever...ltches. ,
Diseased Langs, to try your preparation of Peunio 1 'owl 02 olicive Free..
Virgin or 'Wild C:berry, II to sufficient. 'easy that , INAS3IICTITSPA.TNT OIRECT-ACTIOns
1 was so much pleased with the result of that Intl 1 ~..,„1 „ . .., ..,,,,....,.8.,TEA...:1...k!A•,:t51„8..ia._.
. 1,
steldAqtletit trial*, that 1 now prescrdie ain preler• . 1 . „,,,,.„_.,„,:,„, , h , c h„,., ~,'„„.„W„,;„1,
• once to all ether Remedies Where ail expecte/rant A , j„
~ ,...4 . .,,,,,,,,......i.,,,,p , ",,,,,.,„„„, Lice
indicated.- In the much dreaded i'neuutonia.. or i
pa/ tat enatnalled with We proton oast, while the
Disease or the Lange, in the alarming lama in »limb , ~ m operation, and the hammer map bout
it appear§ in Kentucky, I regard ti an an inyaleahlr I itenelr , inted , mid atienonded at an) heig w ht r.
lleMedy in the treaL,,,ent et. 'lot disease. re all I ~,,, ,, i ' . . L00..4.,....:!1tr;,,n,nrtif7:6:.W.ti1Lenteea..17,.
ii.. : L . ... ,
who know We I have.taid enough, but air this may I . ~,,„,• . '
be seen by Ecrsons but of the vicinity or r.okih,„ i„ ~0 , ,,,,q, c 0„,,„„,,„ hod ~.,,,,p n, ...
i will, brielly add, that I have been crgaged to an i It. Aeectialbility Upon all stile, h. the wait.. •,
actienditraetlce of my pr
of 11. year* and am I, Ail the hammers are made Belf-Arung.
• ' a Regular Graduate OFTrans.yivonia, and this is the , The •...rim. ramie. to execute . mien for thew
first Patent Medicine 1 ever thought enough of to I tiaisi o tn . rc , Lf r it i ll saes, Upon execut e
tatatculaza in etre o
esprees an opinion in writing. -. , i ileliVCK a Ttiwrir, .
J. U. ELLlfitn. , NI. D
• 1 A wipes.. orthe Palest ior the Uniial Stews.
Jannaty 70, 1047 . rreelain County, K 1 . :0,.,1.,,,j ) . Southwark FoundryMbilad'a.
• • Fnmixeont,l4.,Jaserylth, IE4/. ; - DERRY & -NicKsitsoic: -
'rho glove certificate is Plain one Of our 1.1961. 1
Mans living a few Mil. from here, he leaning; very ; . iwNisGE4M'arliiN"oPP 9 B r ori cis,
. good peace, and is considered a good l'hysicial, 1
and stands faiti he ix, as he mysisitegulargradoste. WAGON COVERS AND GRAIN RAGS
, Dn. W. L. thatrsen Mt , OF ant. Desertienolte
Druggist and Apiathheary . No. 304 South h`renet Street,
• ' Testimonials will never crate. • Back of T. A. Wilson's Cabinet Wore Martuf.V
Prom the - Pempetance Pledge. I Pli/ILADEI/11137.14
, Now that Winter la open us with its attendao 11. order lee with S. S. *lcon, at the office of th e
Merehantls Much Pittshanlh• will he 1. 1 "/ P"
. train of Pelmet. and Bronchial allecttons.Cuoghs attended m.' THOS. G. DERRY ,
Colds,dic. &c ,wo Would advice tome affllcted to l 1 ceplo4l,l A. C. NICKKRzON
this way to make immediate trial of Dr. Sw - ay nas ,
Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry. It will nest , 1 •
lad Bumf. MI 6 permanent Cure. The TepUlAtion 1 J LADOMU,,,
, rNir ORTER ue Watchee. Watehmancr's Toole, and
44 •of this medicine has caused many 6 6U 211 l2r " Cle P 1 1. Winch Materiels, wholesale .d rentiloonl con
- to be put lord under Hi name; but the preparation ~,,,,,,„.„ head a t ar , ~,,,,,.,„,„,n y j,,,,,,,,, , p .„,,,,
of Dr Sway.; besides bring oho lint ever °tiered land l'ittin Olasa. Mainsprings, Verges, Dials, Wale;
to the pUblie, is tie only one that can be relied on lthinds, end • eamplete ...mentos all Thole and Ma
1 Th i other mixtures sold for IVtld Cnerry Syrup, !ieletil d li , i,ig
...„ Ike tied , ' with •
.I•Md arylortment
• Balsams, &c., arc all spurious and Worthless, moi el . „ ( -el,,,-,., l 4; 1. 442 r, Lee. , nod Plate watch...
contain none of the virtues of the original prepare. V,' ~,,l. 7g . : - .l,..` m il a l e is, - ,;, ,,, ,,,...r w,71,1 0 .- th,410,-- un ,,t t;
th iDre Swayne's cotnpuund Ssrup ul WMI ,„,,„,,,,.
Cherry. , I N. tf --Cmantry Alembants and others are invited IP
. • I ,From the Springfield Express.• !.I1 asuir_umi. at the Old Stand, No. m EcradePounti
~ th
oreOusands of purported curative em te
•i eat Philadelphia_ . . Swett em
now before the palthe, but very few ere Mond to - - CARRIAGES. .
possess the healing virtues for which they ore is 1171.1.P1N 0611,4_ COACH AND
naur.arEss MAELESED Chinatit al
e arn
st d . Among the latter w°-arc -arc pleaaed It/ , p ...1 t• ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_, •
learn stone atand a bettor test mot Dr. Sala yne's gt•-._7.- _. .... - w ... . -__............ . n... i. ,... ,... i n . r 7;11
etnnputind Syrtlp 01 Wild Cho ry. The afflicted • .••••• ~, p ,,,,1,1,TZ,'„,11.„, b „ ..,,,, ~„.„ kip
in this vicinity arc beginning to use it. and to their ern ,t a ady ea bead sod be sals, • aatortiorat of
joy they find in its oval their holies losrel upon as 1 uldwableCarriegee. Vehicles of all sty. sonde...quo.
recommendations morn than realeged. 'f 1:• afflicted ~ made to order m the ...est possildenoties, nod ,staid le
need not despot-. While Mere ta lite. there into i• ; the very best manwer,of seketal mat gal Wally
• hop, • _ ,
A CAUTION TO Till , . 1 . 11111.11'. l . AIISCELIANEOUS.
(o'Snice the IntrOduClion iif in) uric In ~,,
public, there have a titlotlx , ,ol unprincipled 11..] AGS.NCI FOR. PATENTS.
viduala get up tie:Airtime which they rose', contain , Washth,e,ion, Di C.
Wild Cherry, some are called •• ltataalna” "Bitter,' 7 1:71 AS C . . nouniNs. Mechanical .Engineer and I
and even Syrup of Wild Cheery. but lIIIIIP IT Wl` , LI A rot for
pioeuting ,
la wn l•menet prepare Me nee
original and only ;aflame. prep:toll.° est r tittemia • ers•ais Deawmgs and Papers r Applicants for est-
. ced to the Imblic. which can tee preset. by the 110 10.. I ' 1 ! . t..... Vt . d . ' 1 " 0 2 , 0t . .. 0 _ , 6 . 11 . _01/el s „.'t_or: . tle.a.a lat the li , ti o e n o . i ., ti , ts
lie Reenola el the 1:0[1111111(1W1,11h of Pennsylvania . q u a,,1L,.,,,1'•.,....:',,,..„7....;.„,•,7;1,,,,g,,, 1 . 7 . r.
~,,,, ~,,,.,
The only safeguard agaii , ii anpraition is la 0f... 1ii..1 „.., „,h,. ii,,,s 5 0 ..., . shi m ,: p„ c .,„, a , ,
my signature is oti each hottlr. . ' .i. ...... e .I..sotos. of ban Mg exam ..ins made PI Me
lilt. 11. SW A ANL: 1.....1 Imo., pia. to nilt.dia application air a macro,
l I . l'repared only By 10.11. Swami IC, it his Print, iiia; .ora
oral flan paid. eneawaig a fee of five dodos,
pal 011ie, corne.r 01 E.: aMT nod RAC.. Street , . a etre. emir-memo( their ease, arka11111.634616te alien
' i Philadelphia. All %Vile Cherry preparations teeing l 1 c. '1 6 ,. ...7, 11 . ,.L 4 ,„,4,, 1 7, 4 C.?,,...1. 4 .,e d
~,6 11 t 66 ,t'Wrlatahne 1 6 .
Atitlous and counteriett oitlinut lila siZnalltre, pr, 1 p ,;,.,.,,,...:,',L.,,..` . ll w- 7 "Procant to Penweil
Fur sale in l'Otsburgh w holesale and retail by All i nlet ou Moine. most be poet paol, and commie
WISI. THORN, SA Alarket street, , a ramatele tee. where a written opanon l 0 requtred.
O(iDEN .st. SNOWDEN. corner did & Wood .I+. (Mice on 1 , street, the Patent Office. .
S. JONKS, 1130 Liberty street. . Ile has ihn Loner of reterecie. by
.1100. Pefinund Burke. Cp.. - .•..... of Pawno;
- Sold also by .1 Alitchell, Allegheny 1 ay; 11..1.
Iton 11 I. Blower. 1... do du,
Carts & Ito ., Bulle r; Weaver A. Hendervon, NIL. r
ii ...ea Mech . .... . • i O ff ice;
eon Nuelnan Calemlar. Sicadvillei JH. Rm.. A . , lodge Cranes, Waeoioni , . 5 tit i,
Erie; Sl'Kentio & Kaskell, Llevelaodi Dents jj„„,. R 0 ,„, a ,,, yg n ,,,,,,.......„,„ i f ,,,.,4,
& Son, Columbus; Miller, Ilrer. rut sill, i Marti, Hon. W All., Ohio. do;
Wheeling, Va.; Ekt Ilse rasa, C i ncinnati, Obio• Dr 1100. J II flowlin,M Mow .
E Easterly & Co- Si. Louis; J S "dorm A 'Co., Hon %V tilts Ilall. New York;
Ilon. Hawn Smith, M til, Illinois,
Loslisville,Ky.; Andrei , Oliver A Co.. New Or. , Hon. Urea.. U 9 See..
• eons. . ''P.P.'_. iloa 111 Re*, MC, Almon.
vii ORGAN'S. CE1.1 2 .151tAT11 2 .1) INDIAN LI V t.t. Cap. 11 Al PI PI P4.- • A 1 11 64 .1' . •
• Lrastue 'hooka, Fast, PI urgh. myl•
Iv.. PILLS,.for the cure of !Aver Complaint , and
t all ditelaCS atom front 110, 1.1. cr. In etch head. . ‘ URK S R ARRIVAL' , Al' TDB
ache, anti s ati a
purgative and Antisllthoue POI, our. NEW T TORE-79 INARKET
OW °Pali:-
passed by none.
SVlr4eas or A Ibsen , gII LIV“.i.h.
MEW YORK STO - 1.::. A s , '","=c h
a.,,,.ti ,,, , all the Liver. when not the consequence , . _..,-lr --- rar"„,„,„. jill:-. ...,-1
~... Ri n k yi,,,,,,,..
ol an acute attack of the disease, begins generally l, 1,&44 www . 0 ,4 ..i..g._ .•,. Bti
. 4 ciVI L.; ,
l i
with symptoms of a 'unction. disorder, f the dines I ',14 1151 1,5,.,.., 021 • 0 Bummer 81 cs s,
live and Unitary orgaot, and dyspepma frequently ; ` . .„,., 5 ,,fr ... 1 / 4.. 7, ' j ,- . • . 0 :-.. •.2 qatznesculairi
seems to lee the only affecuon present. Tho patterft f 1..`.:! . ..:,. 4 ..,
~....,: eßia. 0 A R P E GE S;
edi l iiplain• of irregular appetite and honored I/005ra ~ 1"..1 - ', • . - .... pr
~,,, ..., ~,,
saf digestion, ncidity, flatulence, slight choke psi., v; i ly wgly . - d jui •• • • 9 LA WN.
occasional nausea a. vomiting, and a slight dun 1,-,,,,,,-, •,.,-,_- ..4 . -embroiled Boa.;
pain and weight are telt in the right side, accompe. 4......„cfc -, gif: - . p , 7,..... ,v;.,i I . lft , . French A Scotch
nied in tent wall a dragging pain an the right ....,_e,,,, r .,. : .7.-g. -. .y 7 '....• P trl . t i r . 2 n r d
ehonlder, :Most comMunly, however, no distract
.g. Xr 2 -; .. v .. ...y" . ..5 c , 4 -n . .
nc , _ , 476 .
pain l• cape fenced in the region el the Liver, t t.17„,t,,,.. 4 ,.. .' i 7.--: ,
. 7 :e .i.5,, b .p,. 6 1 d b
except r• hen hen pressure is made en this part - y ne
The bowels are always very irregular, livenem I.I..§iLIV. .tp,..c,_;,":111,11f...b5'1e
..'i..,. :.
401 . 'D ‘ A,. is n LATA A II , .. O, "
being PCP:IMOD In some instances will - , diarr °ea, t...e Ci ~,,,,i_te _ P* .... - ~ . ..1-7,.--r.•• ~..,, ,an ......„:„.,
discharges scanty, dark colored, olfenai• finny, :1 ".. 4- . . .e,..t ..• - . ,4 5 , . - .. r.,
... of
G R 000 ,..u, ~,
.g.,....,i,h or mudd,y. One uf the most coolant and gi ...' 2 .. Fi
......; - _RI g ~, +..i ~.G , ,,d n, ra ne
characteristic made
of Cheat= L,l , er C.., -a a. - it , .
ig - il`,7 -1- ', CiteiheTs.
plaint la a dry, harsh, constricted state 0111. shin,
.. gl 2 “' ."-- Nov York mode
a abort dry cough, with slight difficulty in breathing' t'..Ye. 4 - vf:lw..-1--_,-.•_,-.7-.--,••••---
.; R ....R e
is a frequent attendant on this disease• lot lie ROPPPI Ribbon., roarer Silks and Flowem,cheaper
chronic as in the acute form of this diseaae, (holt,. than ever. Milliners sopplied as es.' at wl.wleacdc
tient can seldom real as easy on the left at on the pewee. •pl 5 W 11 GARRARD
_ _ _ .-
right side. As the disease advances, slight fevers
come on toward evening, attended with a Darning Attorney, Counsellor and General Steal.
gal PRALL • informs has friends and the puts.
heat to the pilo ts of the hands and soles ol the feet; Iv
the nights are retitle., and when the inflainmatton ~ ,..4,2. 7 .
0 ‘ , 1 %.4 . h . .. , tri ,........., 7,:.1
terminates to •Uppuratton, h ec tic and r a pid !one,. a: dines,. a large postiort Of Ins time end attention m
Lion consume thy vital power.. the teaedng, letting and toting of bauses.swiers and rah.
fdanufaClured and sold wholesale and retail by er buildineat in collecting and diabursing ninvotodotte
JOHN D. MORGAN. DI uggot er elsima snit demands,.d lc attendtag to Agency...
Wood street. Pittsburgh. _
,0 nr 6 0 ,11, 0 e: 2 ,, , , 61 , 1 Y. lie wtlf al t enS4ll9 in the 4 e4 16 - 14 •
ontracis, etc anel will farm. Authentm
infornianon in relation to the pay mg qualities and
aprinctolines of tenants, Ike tor wleele hi• eateuswe
arynannanee eminently qualtfies him. Be may he feund
at has rraidence, No 141 Allen sirect..iil 9 1.0 &clue@
in the morning .std after 6 skl.k in the evening, tend
at other hours at his office. No x 0 Chambers street, Bid
toot (non nomit. NEW YORK. t •
- 0 ".". PEFERKNCES-•Pon F A Talletadge. Hon John II
• in , 6 . 046 . 4 'h" Se.. /lon /oho McKeon. Ilea Old etl lief... Al
.0 . th e 0'"..' demean Egliett Benson, Ald. Wm V, David
...Crewe .the ...du f"... Bother , . Lee. Wm J Boot.. Fist" rsolAdant.
rarer cow convenient. and -
• It ia warranted not to "Mire the teem TO CONTR.ACTORS.
'' I Ipinorcom.. 4 wall be received at the Mice of the
... so using
then, •
Hy using it reguMely, it will ,:move the moor and LlJitawes• River lead Kanawha Casespariy,
I prevent its secomulatton--preelen,l. the tmethei , r o •l:: 1
. ii t i ,u fticis no riro n
. 7 . 11 , , h V ,. .., 0 0 ,0 0 0 , 0 11Te 1,64.ct1y.1
Jame. f.Stillyereoonn
I'''S9''''.- ' - i l• d dTe o e r re n r a tY l rgorn ' tn .. et c Ht " ii ii I the line of Me Company's Canal between Lynchburg
• •• _ e ... ~, - and the traimb of I e North river. The fivet ofßud
d en ,. w ill be about at ft Inch sod 40 9 feet long, arid rat
totted Montt miles above Lynchburg: the second wilt
be Idiom 15 0 Bora and 500 ft long, andsitamed alien , 9
mile. west.' Lynehherah i the third Will be about 9.1
h hush and me ft Magand situate./ atiooll7 mile. weal
of I,Tnehho.g The foundation of thew dams are of
rock, and the auperstructure• will be required tn be ai
red as blab as loss seater heel, ihiang the prevent mea
n. Plena° , send works rosy he seen, and atercifiesuntie
obtained. at the Company's Office in Eche:and or at
rule subscriber , ' Ofriee'on said line abhor Ly.hteurg,
on and sifter the Isi of July next. '
WAI.TER ("WYNN, Cbief Engaa.r
l Yaws Elmer A Kanawha Co
etch/1./undo/4M May,le47. si47S.EavEly II
-____- ..._-_
rultinst rileiTturma
Tle 4Fe e t tl ' i, '' 'P ' u l atftentg f' t e he cle g an um isn,g:reewteinT774.
breath, /Lc. It should he used every night oath " a
s t ti ' d
brush, and the teeth and mouth willowy rediutre a 'lieu
•washint in• the minnow. Pict the brush with worm
water. or cold will answer ; and rob a a ice OWOJ on
the paste, when enough will adhere for ccaning 'he
teeth. It leaves• delicious tour at the -naitati,•na an
parts a most delmhifel fragrence to the locally Immo.:
unrivalled aisle pleasant, efficacious, convenient. and
safe dente/hec. It is warrentot not to allure the term
Ludo preserve then, • •
Hy using it to it will remove the tarter and
prevent as tectimulation—pre•ent the toothache
etrengshen Mc gums. and prevent all disewses mem
Chenusts. pt.) cows*, and the eMrly rigwanneld it a
decidedly superior to every nuntof the kind in itse.—
Ask for therman's Compound Orrts Tooth Paste.. d
observe his signature i• attached to etmh pot
Recommendrd by Dr. Castle, act Itroadveny. one of
• out best I Dentists. and by most of the old esidnandi
ones in the United States, and even ...milady i i .cd
by the Nobility of England and Fro- ce
A large proportion of the diseam. t estiCiflicimunkohl
ar i se fo.,Ca some derangement of thi tomachnr tar wc.•
which a timely um of Ow Patha, ire lament, would
entirely oticate. Pertains of Weeds babe. slmutit
:ej).fel al hand, ends
n ci s d o . e,s It
tat lu•h r
e ' t n tL • h bo ar g t
cions use of these Lozenge• would prevent th 0,031.1.
of cu..
For sale at WM. JACID'UN'S. cornet of Wood and
tObeity dce'r
M EDY—Warranied to cure or the
• o
cy returned,' Tina medicine to prepared front 5/1 n•
.1130 Receipt, obtained s
e em one ol them in the Per
West; at poet expense. Those lio have loco
(unifier will/ the Indian., know that they coo aid
do core Venereal, without the knowledge of Me,
--eury,,Balsatn, or anything of the twat. The cis
flictert have new an oppertnnitv of bring eared'
waken lie rise ot R 310113.. 111H/WOIO .
legsant to the taste, and leases no smell on the
Prepaned by.BOWAND d.. WALTON, and cold
ydroleeale endrsud, by J. 'l'. flowand, 37G Itlarket
street, Philad'a.
, For sale in Pittsburgh by It E Sellers, La wood
• ...greet, andp Tlown,b.! Market pt. oreolarT
Nei ?Kr_
lk.,Tes pa piles Easfoorarion New. Fads
(MEM. aro few disease,' more common or woo
l. blesinne than the Piles, and yelcootwilhitabd.
Mg treat diode have been made. toCate by the um
oif pill., electuanea, liniments, &e., all were bade
glad of little beneht. Now the Embrocation is the
only medicine used. A person who I r on anon suffers
= tog with the Piles of the worst kind na'ete from sa
lem, New Jenny, alined on purpose to coyness las
gratitude fur the speedy cure that this medicine had
offectml in pis Sid. Peal.
11J'For gale In Pittsburgh at the PEKEN TEA.
STORE, 7 Fourth at, , and also at the Drug Store
H P Schwan:, Federal at. Allegheny. ell
VATIIOSE meanness can equal yours! Look at your
T I fair yoeng wife, with her bright sonny Med Look
at your sew, pitted with trunnions and bloteheat Tel
yea ow too mean to give filly canto for a cake a the
great batten COMICSII :'dap, which would enuraly flee
th r them,.a tnee o a I . 44 ;ykowu y ti . o w l akin rn clear , oral ,
Pittsbur, g_h, and delis cake. 7 •
N D Jackson's is the only place in Pittsburgh when
n -y e to be obtained.' 'Pewter of Counter
. oi
irrOBSERV If: the ll.g Dan SIMON to the doorway,
asehD •
'Whi-slieniai-Olagg Warehouse , itesstoved
HAVE erected' linextruoive rchoum on the router
of Woon mid FM? aG03.00 wlneathey hare
removed their Wholeosio• 00 h.,„ they
always hasebn hand on extensive attainment of all
Menthe]es to their late, to 'ditch theyinvite the anon
tonal the puhlic ws nu
The Drug business will be
. ..Lineal at M
)a ndeo
"corner of ethanol Wood ale.
y . tit:o4.o.vtOtiaMTs..7: , - , '. , '-' ,I iiOWAI - C.
greater:end best variety evercheered iohiseity
I before—lnn& on We own approved Eastern plans
nod spirt h0hi01121,12 Eine , . oatter26.22 colors. /dm
CHEAP 1101.1.. or BOA YON BLIND,
,on bend
or wade boarder or 211.422 Bad 61211 p rtes.
Country Ntereh moo and others are invited 10 tail and
e2n22oie tort 61.2v2 for (2221.120 1 . 1 . 11 611 will be add
wholesale or retail, 11111 , 1 a liberal do:faction made os
. _
IllagdWnetritove AlteSMOveo.
DIIEM(IHE k. WOLFF ha Oir removed from the
YV cornerof i dben) and SI Clots ammo. to No 50
Wood wrest, duce doors above St Charles HoteLaroold
respectfully ark the auention of buyem to their stock
per ships daranisk. Iklormagabela and Remit, direct
nom the osanufactaters of England and -Germany.
Alm, +applies a American Hardware , frau the prin.
enial manufacturers of the Eastern Mates. '-
Their cock being entirely
,new nod purelussed opon
the beat terms they feel great mildews in being able
rueriestfally to Meet competition from any quner,
whether east or Weil
The hardware business will be condoned ,at , the old
L SCAR' SAA 11111CAll Vfigum,TAßLeg
For about one year. previoar to utaltiely use of Mr.
. or'l
lo oo valime Pine. I have •elfeted extremelY Gam
14 apepsia. and au awd eteionaelt. .1 Isere mach Life of
4 40444 Varialy of medicine wohoet receiving material
bettefia. Ahoy/ throe months since I commenced using
Mr. Scar's
_Modictne, which Ime entirelto
from acidity at my itoremcp, and rettotoi m e to conifer.
table health. &tamale my Mends ad acgamotance•
have made me 0.1 the NUL and melved meat henelt
Nand eat, I can mill confidettee ratelenthead thew
JANE.A LEE, all Hodson at
gold. wholesale and retail. tryl3 A FAHNESTOCIC
& CR comer of In and Vreadt nod Woad nadith
DOR /ALL-759 eats "parole and row: Oupet
I' Can: ICOashuletisizeo Wooden 111 , 0 744 910.
'919',19.10 and 1914 VVlnilowl' Bath; $OO ialo la 107
quantal to ma customer/. • ISAAC
1.193 L 44r.10,d Foll0 4 0 101441,1 ! dl 44 _
PANCY PRINTS—WC . haroreceled aiiw eithw
I new inyle Fancy Printkor recent parclutse, which
1.1 low to the trad"b
_ , . . ... . . .. . ... .
,-,-- - • IT• NEVER FAILS! - -
~:,...., ~.
alligia . ' INA-Mila '
PERSONS afflicted with Sentra., King's I.ell PEANSVL'I'S NIA CANAL &le AILROAD
t.laacer, Errdpeiss;ol.4 Sores, Illeers. Tet ter E !CI RE. FA3T, encfazr
'Mereerial Ihaeuea, or any other complaints analog
'l vm i. . pan u e . of the w o w; ore re t leetind to re,,d turrt•Gurti:ll to PIIILAL/.1. Ass BALTIMORE.
Olin lollowmg lestintonlalaon pruot or the wonder Eidutrovly foe Pawners.
fil properties old the above named medicine. ri , tic malt., are respectfully Informed that olimLine
READ! READS READ!!! 1. n. di no ll uenee telellug on or about he low inalent.
W. the uoiessigneti, having viattetl Mr. Isaac comma.. inronaboui hie *raison. The prophetor.
Brooks, Jr. at tlah th rice or Messrs. harried and hove aWaldcal d 'arena el.. of Paean. eon Bait.
Walton, VG Market street, Philadelpbm, console. 'w",lO, Coo no lie roues. ' v., nonn nonnoinindslino n,
i vn i ad, Simian, i noon. to wavelets.
him ease the neat'remarkable one we have cur et. a .. l•ne-le ' ri final w all nlw ay. lie In pore, &M the tmv.
nessedor hearlof. .doli; pat lie We nor al to call and • sanitne-thenk'
His disease way SCROFU LA, sad terrible toast i.e.nous le atainagive..ectat• I toeWiltic.
have Peen h t twelve yews' conflict with the de ; • , I'AIIE tAI.V NINE DOI.I.ARS''
strayer! . ii.i..,.1 the I...clEctir will Ica. the Madina.t.mpayile
.1111sPalate,. e entire 'nor of Ens mouth. Nine, lip-' s r I " " '''''''' ' l. " l. ','',.'"' s. e "'"'" ....... . 1 nod the
per Lip and lower Lid ol the Right Eye have been I ' " 03l- - ' t- 1, "1i5 t 0 , 1 , " ,.! . ','1rt,., - ,.s
neetrojly his ram nearly eaten .p. and p.n , 'I a' ,. i r.o. -,oimaLLoa appi, al the alter. ald.ngthela
Jew Bo n e carried owe.. And yet we can give ii, I ti.... .0 lies oi lo 1/ LIVECII h. Co
description of his ease. ' iro-1.1 • rut Penn street and Canal
Mr. B. thlomui us that in Jseuary ladt:lite whet.; th.c,ol, ci t N Tor t isspeyth.ootiolit - co
interior of his Mouth, a, well us wad ol hw I.w. .
mods MU of deip and paudul ulcers!
On the 14th of January lasi, he monuteneed misted sib 1 S .I 7, 491,116.
CEA. Which checked the asea.c 111 .1 few .I.m. .11... I D. LEICCII A. COW.
rum that time the enre - Inisprovv. , ...l v. statut io 01.11 11 , 4 0111.1 , 11E1 1 TRANSPORT AI It IN usc,
. ,
termiesion.itE.l .1, ELN Pi ITARCItt.II.
Nee, Beak hen ,applied th e 0.,,.,,,. the d„p 0 NH I. , 11 1 0 1 . .11.0. 1,A1:110.1.1rIE AND NI:W 11.111 K
cent, and though badly dottigural, lon lace is .wood.• ' I •111. -:ttelt oi 110. 1.r... coii-ign of a bookie Only
and his gementl health is restored.
L ho m . i•I n0,., an.1 , [own. dh) than., tv”.l
."sooty of Alerel.andire and
We Me Illatlred that In the treatment e.l . Alt. , 7;:, ". ,,,...;,,c 5 ' , ' . ' ., ' „7., ' ~,:7,., ' , .' 1.'"..."1":"'" ''' nt'
Brooks' ease, no Aleteurials,Ointiorids, or Caustic I Cretteee vi•tta , eitaaili ....a ..lvipaten.
appllentiOne Pane loon used,-ih fact, the P A.N % . Prink,.. ve It• related,. t timagneet to not of the utv
LEA ALONE, has wrought this wonderful change • derswhed a. torsi hided tree et sop charge for einiiiii,
David Smith, Becks county. Pa. an.. 01, ..0nn , •
Charles L. Bowled, Meadville, Craalord coPt.. 1 0tt.1.4.1.. e trao•sit ned and all ttuntuehoni prancily
J %V Jones. M D South Second Meet., Ph; la'd .
Ihe ta,...... 01 . this lone is candurted on awned)'
Jacob Lee, Pembertai,N J. . -oast!. 1... come prairiplv• Aedreav, or ripply to
E W Carr, 440 N Fourth, ribose Poplar id, N. L. . ii i.r.rlett a co. rumen-ors.
S ACCUllough, Lancaster, Pa. I Canal Ila-in. I•disl.togh
' B. DA Maddock, V 3 Nerdy,
at. Phila. 11.111 EN tr. LElXlll,Propriclar,
C W Appleton, M D 46,South at. do . hot it: South Third etre.. Putiadelphta
imothy Caldwell, Marion en. Mirann, Jos. ea YUJI . _ 5...50N5, Agents,
Ne I i 4 Norih !inward street, Bulinnare
Daniel Yeakeli Chesnut Hill,Phil. delplita co. I - s. w a WILSO7.I, Agent,
John Harned,33J High street, Phila. ' rabid No; West sweet, New York
I William Steeling. AI D, Camden, N. J.
William Hale, 378 High +levet, Phila. • ,P IT Tsittiltoll PORTABLE D. LINE.
J 11 Potter,Maituracturer of Alinetal Teeth, 10.1 •
7 •'- ......., 1847. awn=
Plinth street, Phila.• , i von lite trisiettlefthlettl a fr,,elii rim wren Patteloureh
I.; A Wollelrreher, • E.I. Phtla. Democ ra t 111 Nll Li
..,,d for ~,..,.., ~...,. avoiding treot hi en . e .,,,, t
, attest, do ate way. and toe eonsequent rash of scat. damage,
George 111 Meats, I.lthsh Atelier, 317 Market std tdrakt.,. - ttel •colilello/
Ears Carr, 139 Chesnut street, Phil.,
A D Gillette, Pastor ol Eleventh Ratont Church, ;
Pbtla. .
John Bell, heir Street, Phitadelutsm. (North .1 ne• I
Ceti Office.)
Aaron Sands, 164 Catharine :Street, Phila.
Daniel McGinley, Ken) is Alley, de
Andrew Sweaton, Camden, N J.
11 li Era., Weat Phila.
Richard K. Voting, Gilder. ate Mart.. rt rills ,'
JelitieN Astitomd, GO Stroll, Sixth swot, du .'"
iio=7.: is PASIt .
NI. de Market etreet. Vtulaileh.4m
Cot P. nn and Wayne vhi, Pmaborgli
Wh. 1 1 - 1 AreCIP rr, 75 Soul hri hi V. S ••,'''-
11........e...1 1,, ....word buoinega ihe Front...tors
have u•ldeit hi de,. i oeli and cated taw arrange.
' meto• Jenne the tv.ater, :old ate 'no prepared to nu.
:.:111 " 1::: ' ::::::::141:1: d ß a . sp h it ' l ' eh "' on:e ' r pa; ill
other hoe . ' I 'hear tong es pertenee •11 cursive,
1 the pa ii..iote aupersaraty or itie Po n Goat sta.,
I . S W•gner,Llthuglapher, 116 (Amen t street, do no ,. the ~rat ~,,,,,,.....d ronanotnne.. o r t h e tsnrn.
14,5-liessilt.lM Eleventh street, • do . haws, st noel end of the line. ore pc-oliarly cairn'.
Peter Skim Snug. Editor Native Lucie. dal ted to enable the proprietors in fathl the, eagagetneme
Joel Bodine. Did. talmutrachlect, 4Vhantaton .. and a. rarer.... Mc., roiranaere-1 onfidently °depth,
N.J. , din peel a• a guainuty for Me future, the) rea p ..tinny
t wa a conimmmec of tali patronage which boy now
Wiliam Steel', Farmington, Van Buren co lowl , I . , , .
Of..telett) DeLenette Oe .
1.. B Coles, MD, Lkaton, Mary ' ; dl: meet/emu •nte to race A. O'Connor win he reed
Rummel Canfield. Pliminlognst, Pbdadel pins. • t end It/relented Sewers alt charges paid tied Dins in
Thum. P S Roby Al 11, Hatroburgh. Pa. 1.a.1 ore ern, to.ited tree of any chew Ott Ceram...on.
Peter Wriest. t 59 Market street. Pitt. , kelsat.c...a or /wrap. Having on miens, directly or
James W Newlin, 103 Filbert .1. do . midst ' ,'. 111 ...MO.', the inbred Olt the edit/Wee.
Joke G oo d , 1•74 *nee n t. d o I mu, 11,1,1111 V 1.0 thew printery &deo in propping ,
. west wsd they pledge themselves to forward all gevnln
William Coe, Pesti:tr . :A.l . .l's ht. E. Ch.Ca Wm n tie I otteletene4 le thee, promptly and on the on. advanta.
St. Phila. I Veto , IrtelS to the owner.
Jam Chambers, Pastor Mt lode!, Chit rch, Bow.' March I. i,t7 mei,
TL Sanders, Publisher of Pledge and Similthl .
Phila. BOAT LINE. ,
F F . Sellers. Editor Ohm h.• eh, Du; lestossit. 1 ~,,, i ., 4 1&:e. 1 S
.I 7 • , s a uli i ie g
svo. en, Ps.
Wholesale and Retail by Rowand Walton, Vii. 1 Foe Pith Ma NSPi!ltraTlO.l OF PRODUCE
It E sole, AND MEISCIIANDLO. , TO nn.ll FROM iTcr...t
pn'eton 3% Market St Phaladelphit
57 Wrn;il st. Pittaburgb, Pa.; Win. Th l -,,i! Mar. 1 111.14611, i pui s niA AND HALTIMOHK.
ithom titil.lopmeni ...01
ket . st do.; E l ie. ekins, Marietta, Ohio; ratan a ~ „ oO A,,
~. .E!i no, .0. '1I?
~,, b. ~,,,,*..„,1
w, h.
Sharp, Maysvi KV; John W Danenho.h er, i 'an , „,,, dewy. 0; ii ,,. k ,„.,.., ~,,,,,,,, r. ,,,,, L ,,,,,,
0 , ~,,,,
Ohio; Sidell& Rect., Madison la; C Noble. L.A.. • Ivan...nerd. and •Il anetruetana. prontials alien& 0 to.
villa, 6 V; Deverouck & Peat... St. Louis, Ala : her fain soy extra charge tor outrage or cornanwan
P H McGraw, Nalchea, Mint Hardaway 6. Jul a ; A.l.lreis, or soul) to C A
Ca alcAl
1.18...0, NULTI ivl... Co
'iron Vlcksburgh, do; Charles Jenklas, New &Olean naM.O
Lai . ilch _.,_._
. an sTollAtitt •
STANTON'S EXTERNAL I te.3llC.D l' . 1 1 .ang n sew Mos .. d ea...dons wthellon , ..
cotton v e ~.... ,0ri.......d to fed - ore Ott Ot...1”011 to iiagiti Inv
HUNT'S LINIMENT, 1 •ta.lteteet , a later +Lwow of hroducc, dc .011 Naas,.
lies a ei. e (maw) C A SIcANULTy a i . o
IS now universally ackrow. led, .1 t o n o 0.. IN
nal Atli:mimes, Cordracttous or the Muscles, 7 .... e
~j'. . ' ! :- . ... .r...... I s 4 7 , EWMA
Qum,. Isses, OWL eers, 'atu, ... the "...
Book and Cho., Ague In the Breavt laud r... I t : lit l ..t% si . ter ise IttaisOrteell.oll of et Al
Tooth Aehr, Sprains, Domes, salt Rheum, Rem,
‘,-,.: 1
, If 7 l' - '' , L . '"''''' 1'':' , :' ,,,, V , n i 11f,' , , r . .111....,J0h ,,--
croup, rrottoo Feet and all NI 'sou. Drama,' .
, _:•!!, I. , ",:,
. • , ',•l' ." . ' .."' • • . ' ".••••_ ''..
The TRIUMPH %NT stli'i • EsS which b-., e ''.,::;I:::,::, !, ~.. i s. ud ,, h on ., ..... N al, N„ n n t
tended the applleatoon of the moat W1INIII.1 1 ) I I. 0I o r,. - e .... •ei i i eat ti leer , sued. , I sod
MEDICI Pilblitelleillg then 10,1 once" e.ty ...I It, ',titer.. /Is kr-Olt • . ertea ell vector tnew .Ps is tor
diflerent • Dora es thui c tunied•-and the 1 - 111.11 w'..• .I. n. Ivo. , •I• lal 0 •••• mw rat"
ENCOMltthls Cant Imre been bestinsal upon tt. ,h ; 1..... u a ......^-,
leiMe spec., .•••comoontalleni
•hereeertt ha, hero give. Ic the rv.....i •I "I '' • • '•"•••"
u ., 'a •••• h ,,, r , lPr o,l•r* n - go - nifoil ,
to call unit! n An'l.ll . rcl) ,o o-. 0,, nth out, I. -". '' • ''' ''''' '' ',„," ..',.."',„''K''
the ONLY ttf. , :klA T(10 c I N.O RE lIELII.I. ~.., 1 .,,,, 00 iinhu '" Jrti iN Mli.l.En
ON. •• - i- I 1... I. I I it 'n 51, - _ ItiMERT Wrlerlv•
tu-rti, lacult 1r oni, in r.... 01'11...1.11 1 , 11,e- .. I. , i 1 1.1 i M 1 - III:1•1'
aled F.tertivi 11c.....i. 1100, .I. on .• 0.11 1.1 1 Ile \lfs lot 1 ,•11,.1 1, .
% t , i.
Tile letter Irian litl. li.ght) Lel, at I i
1.1 A 11..,At i.ri ,I' I o C.n.hunch )
Physicians who have bias a wthlted tu the Maud
its /...10 19
Pleamnt.State Prison lor many year., is the he. :I' , i ‘ ,..,,, Tt , ~„, n i .,..,. 1,,,,,,,...,,,.,,, no sh ) .
c mdence of th e value of this gelettrated Lintment. s s n „,, , ~....,„„„ nt,,,n
!vivo Smo Reectimer . .!..ta RI •
n L . • • • ' LAM; ERIE AND AllCuicvi LINE.
My . year ~0-... received Jour cat
iit ), 1
isktrig my optaion in relation lo fluids I.moite: i , ... t7, - -- 74 ) ).4.17 . ,
by Al, lie. tit F. statue, Know.. , , '••_,..i.w.....
- .
as prepares, , by Mr I trorat. .. __
,it.eurnpnaitina, and baring trequoiaty tiara 44. 1 •i • ::, in- v. , . i iii:n.... dm.: :, ...mhos, hat. Cr;
dy, and in or y opinion, the hest 1.141414444,t n 4,4. in 4' d. l• 4'• . • ... •-•
.' ded ..... en- • or. 1 i .44ii 1.4...4 4 4..
use, Very truly and respectfully Woo.. • , ruill..g einem. in ..rnrshd 1 1 . . r sod e ..... him, minel
l' 'i liiimem I iiin ot mainline. 1.1 - opr Arl•.nd Vni.tula
A K 116 " NI"; ' ,:.,fit 4„
in. prnioine errant ilin e•rbcolOpesa-
Col Pierre Van Cortlandt, Croton Mama. nit 44 , Nny•Minnii . carry I.m.dtd and I...rugrgo. to
I fully concur in the abpse opinion. no pr u, on Mr 14;vrr. Callal and Later
W N LIELe114:11. 11, Hs 4yr rs laraOy ireony ey Ulf( treilil and pen.
YOUICIOWN, Jan it, 11144 . •dre• is a. 414 paoininneir and .119atrti. ,he rropt.rho•
bir--11t reply to.pour letter, .1 could ray, 1. I ; nu , ''rrtlo 1 ••••1'." 7 . 14,1 '''. l . Mr. 14•rtida 01,4
Inve used year External Remedy, called !lout's l •'' 14 ' ''" "'''''' 4 7, ~,,,,,-,,,, r , : , ,,r 7 „.. ; ,g, , ~,
e. tOpfserur •
Liniment, is my practice since ynu iminde me , ' KU-A/5.1%4.1MS k in. linseed art•
qunicted Wilk ita composition. end unuraitattngl:,' 4i`i .
CA l tilail . 1 . .i1,g1.a0
may that 1 believe it to be t m
he hest Exterarl Itee. iho ,s. .1..,i,.. , awl 0
W..t, ./.. oppo..- inn aldnonen.
dy now in use fur the eumplainta lir which y 440 in cal, dt lieu.-
commend it. Voursrespeetlulls *;
1 1:14:114.1 D hIILI.ER.NI I r
i t rat TO
lV heeler, Cnn . ker & Co, New York
Geo NV., ituasio
Geo E Stanton,Esq. , E N Park. & CO, Cleveland
1117Anating the moon Lli worthlessedifice and 1. A Arhigifting IC Co , 131.tind
trilnlburt that are poured forth at the present da s AleClarc & %Vahan.. klawaulne
up. 'the country, it is really refreshing to holi : It , oho; a. Porter. Chicago
something of real practical utility, something von Wui Mown, Powervtows,Peon• 1
ple, speedy;and eflectual in its operation, and et : " r° 3!.e.'"Y",..ELao.h..rita, Penn. .
the me time free from tome sajartous encela . Jobo , ..c'ttalor , rto sr.,. 110
tt si. t & Acker, Green', ale, do
which generally Mond powerful remedies. Hants. '
Craig & Frampton. Clark.vdle. do
Liniment, prepared by Geo. K Stanton, of ;Nog lin •a, IS mot, sharp stooge, Pa
Sim/. though it has been but a short time before , . St C Musn, Charon, do
(be public, him already obtained the confidence, not ; ft w Con/wishes : eh New Castle. do mart.
Only of one most wealthy nod Anlluential coot., : RELIANCE PORTABLE BOAT LINE..
but our most emintrot pliyaidgas All acknowl. ; waw a
edge it lobe • sovereign halm for many of the Illf ' 1 ..
84 7
that flesh is heir to, soothing yin aching hush, rod tutt IHA ASPItitTINGT AI .ftGlin&usnr. or.-
- by its genuine stitou.ting lelloctice,hanishin/ du :TW /11:N PITTSBL'IItaI AND TIIE EASTERN
ease from the system. • (Erica, o Pt lira, Tn•ltalltPsl.l.l ,
Mr. S , too— your advert...ism ; al E ,mprovcd method of [amnia aural by tlics lons
of Hanes Liniment, I war induced to try its e l l
I..s•lrhatted Line, is now taa well known that de
r) a toy eon,
had L.. Opp'. with a lame ; "'"1: . 1 .::'` , r;c7:,' 1 . - ,.. 1i „... 14 ;,=1 . 1 .1 ,T, , , 1 . d .74 ,1 :
hack from . infant, 41111 it is With grantiole I be_ar ; ''' 1;;; ta• used[ hal:I draught nod per_form their trip.
teatisnOny to its wonderful healing prepe tom My :,, f.„,,, ~s i„ storm , days. •
child, who is now five y o caor itge. is now iii 11 C.F. T ., ca pa c ity of oar Watch...a...goes o r to store
way of recovery, You Ac any eon.tassroesst. mule to. 11[CeiVIti,,•larilig,
DEAINION C NWKERSON. • 1 adntccrs free of charges
POST 0171CL,, Putnam Co. I pc.aa fifty prepared m make tale. of Produce.
I ",try that I "' wr..1 1 1 .equ,,,mid with I U:5.7"1"..t t,`,."„L",%!:,"ZZ'"oo'l,VeZro,":„.ro l t:e;
L. above named chtld , a. thin the father would 1 „,,,,,,, ‘„,„„,., „ ar p tc p pt i „at ad,,,,occ, molt pa
be sale an saying that his sun is almost atoll. 1 made and otherusual (Belli.* afforded, plod/ging our-
JAS: W DYKMAN, 1 wives that any bo•inssa entrusted to u. shall be .
Ni. 5,1875. Deputy -roil Master. 1 prompily vincula. and Isnon . (air term. as by anY
P. S. I would also state that I have been for a : mbar hou, /NO Me EADDE:I% a. Co
C 41.1 tlarin. raishurell'
I bomber of years subket to frequent attacks of the ,
JAti ilßetVls. a. Co
Rheumattsrn. 'able An many instances prevented
my attending to my plainer.. Too or three appin
cation of the Liniment invariably remote all al.
(notions of the kind. In cases of bruieca, sprymy
sad sore.. too numerous to mention, it has in this
vicinity proved a certain remedy. In value can
only be estimated bY thon alto hare win lit a lan
tr al.
This Liniment it sold at '25 and SO cents per lot
Ile, by all the Principal Druggists and Illerch tat
throughout the country.
Wholesak Agents in New York.
RUSHTON & Co, I IU ..rnadyny.
A kt & D SANDS, corner Fulton and W dlt.ra.
ASPINWALL. 11h Willtanntrent
Orders addressed to me at Sing Si ty. h
be attended to. IIEORGE .NTON,
For mac in•Pittsburgb by L WILCOX, Jr. 3 J
KIDD & Co. Allegheny City,JOHN %ROI ,
Birtaingham.JOHA Slllllll, $.19
.1.)It h&r...s.An enuipound h.alract 01 er:i C n
pARILLA. Wonder sod p 1...., ihr A
1 his Extract is pot up in uunt .
cheaper. plena:ion, and warranied ikp nor in .)
mid It cores graben vontiting, puny.. • et,re.a .1
&Unsung the &nen
The great Wanly and superior. 0f... , Sor.ap . .1a
over nether while th•
it invigorates the hody.• I, is asedo.' the
removal and I.ermanern cure of nil .I,,se. rt. •
from an unpore nate ni the 1101. ,•,1 t U. •• ,••
Look out for Inulanyns!—U. nyine.p.,,l a.,
copied out labels. and pet up mean l l l ll '1•••
ped bottles Bee that ench breve ho. it.. v. ntir,t
lamed S I' Townsend
For sale by Rl' SELLEIth, large sr, or tor All ~
eeoptyj 57 Wood street, nelween Tr.u.l sod I .
w.• I
SIE LECTURkiii on'the l LIES 01 TIIE 1,11 t,
Causes. Prevention and Cure 01 'ammo/. en
Asthma, and !AK.. of the Heart. On the I tio•
of Longevity, and 'node of preaert nig node a. .
male health• symmetry and beauty; ;osing r ..1‘
and Core or those discams that prottutte Cllll, inf.-
tine, or !Morten life,ns Affts
ec°. of the shin. a-ane,
Stomach, Bowels, Kidneys, Liver, `rrololo,• I Ica.
tinsel, and Female Contplaima. 1.. rillev,
practical awl pure, torn; a guide 0. perlect le ilth .
and long life. St Engraving,s, 321 i,ges. .51/ eta '
Poatago - cts. Up SAMUEL Silk:Ll/0N
FITC A. M., M. U., at 707 BROA I i•W AY, I\ EIY
Any person remitting fifty cents, fire will ref rive
0611.8 CORI, to any part. The Nide sup/died.
Fab 1% 7. 16 .
No Owrot, No Part Piles
Jackso n tittio an 's Embrocation to the oat) 1111d t ttletliont: that
ill CUMvery .o.lloii roublo tome
disease. It net only immediately alla y , peol and mils
himdiag, subdues Om tototerable itch
iv:wuW:lll;l(er halelie c e u n ' r . ;t i lJe ' re7i ' zi/ve sh r o a e l , iv r • ' f ' d;
Its application producer no pain. hot lath, r on aoroen.
ble and pleasant *magnum perme• afflicted swot
call mid hear of We great suitor of c., WA that have
been cared, they will be avionithm. A gem/email of
this city. who bad been under the knife of the salmon
for tweet throe times without being coral. has by te
ngft bottles of the Embrocalion. been eradically ovoid.
It sells beyond preeedentfi—{Phil. Saturday Courier. .
grp. Pittsburgh at the PLKIN TEA
STORE,73I Fourth sum), near wood, and afro at We
Slag Blare of it P Schwartz, Federal stAlley,lteny ei•
Lad ladicarte astonished.
When yogi know that you are promised
A natural, hf like, snowy same.
That you will still use common chalk,
And look • deathly yellow fright.
The theme of laughtet end of talk. •
If yon woold use a box of /ONE'S Ld
wood rive your okra an aliemeter yet nat_
and at Um SUM Moe akar and improve
!AMON% Liberty at. Price:Mecum
gutIAR-Ito Wide N. 0. Sugar, In more un d o
or .rd.
and 231.41aTket st,
..1. - e; DICKEY. r
Rog Bearer Point and Bridgrwater,
Pruptietot lind Ag , nt of etc:nem
LAKE ERIE nartiencittamw, '
W ILL. La metalled on earliest operung of canal nal,
• • oration to receive property . at Ir!s wharf boat or
parr se
for all Taunts Go Knen.son, Clore.
Cot, and moo Canals, for all ports on Lake Fare and
upper Lakes, a* ato torwatil produce, &e.lsy Cenn . n.
Improvements. Apply to Of uddre.•
lairet-drf I J itcav-r
jail% 1546. MOO
II 9.1, It !loops. 7'. I rhmond &
Vorararding & Commission Merchant.,
I , IIE Agents and Proorimora thia fd•or
/ ably known to the public), will be prepared on the
cortical opening of canal navigation to receive prop
cm , at Pliwburgit end Heaver, nod deliVer the ratite ai
any point on the Ohiocanal., and afro on Laken Eric
/111•1 ta biguo, wall Ow de•Poldh and et
rotanle rarci
rhe proprietor , . of 'Mo. line widd the Limn,' of
'roan former rummer. odlt t orthilmoe, knowing lbw
die d N 010.. ., tire aerond
Apply to or addrew
ri AI Pnittiurgh.
CLARKE it Co. Beaver.
lama/ T &Cr •
TDE Podable Boat Company being dio
solved, t b e Company again wen, into snide. of Co•
partnewhip under the name wf the '`Boatmenh.. Liner'
and likerriae agreed to refit the Sleek w w to have
weather of horn. for the pimp... of carrying goo&
d i roogh rn from •ia to .ughl data, with cmleitny —and
ft el encouraged by the liberality of la.e ent's patron•
age, to inahe more ex arrangement,. for the etc
%Vt ic .
..411,1 Ihrlt 10te recpwrfully colteit n
etude of our former patron..und refer all new motorail,
ta dint.. we have done boatman fur.
For the trumpery.. of
ALL MOPS OP in rmorAput.t, TO AND •Altoll
1.1111-Allfarllll, SAMUEL wieir V
NA a Co, roar
Corner ty street and A
Canal Damn. Pittsburgh.
No XII Market facet, Philadelphia.
Baltdoorr, Mil
Prrwitu Run—Jas. Ale Cally, GeO. Morgan &
W McCully & Co. If A Pompton &Co, Al Allen ken.
P 1111.5 DPI.PIII A—Morn. Pallel•WlA.C., Reynold ,
McFarland & CO. Flenidir ft Bitchy. pet, w, t h,
Son J Ilisphatn..foceplMtradr.
ppm vottg—dtoodhut & Ott, Theo Perry & Co,
BOSTON—Reed, Hurd & Co.
CINCINNATI—Adams & Creltgh, W W Seedier-
PT.PLEASA NT, TA—P A Moaner, •
NAtilltflLLE—F Fleming.
Nato—All merehindire from New York nohow.,
cofisigued to A L Coition & Co, philadelphot, WM be
promptly forwarded Jim of comobuton.__
Package Itxprea. to Phil...Mittla.
imigam CITE Canal being now open, tb
hove Express which lip. beell en
romances lot the conveyanee of valuable package. o
merchandive, specie, bank nolo, jewelry, Ar , coin
minced running on Thooday. March lb.
An loon et will be ilbipalched lai c until rlo
of 00. esmaling seVort
D• Cc Co
col Penn It sad Curd],
1 The . •
new anesolendid innownr
Capt. Charles 00,. [IOIOOOIOOOL her
°lulu trip. tam ens ,etz
burgh al 9 o.clock, A. ont kleavei , ig n'eleeh, r
eanneeting with INltaborgit arid Cleaerainl leer of Cad
oaf Boats daily to Cleveland, 0; Deaver, Warren and
Cleveland Lane of C....0ut Pockets ono 'nage Coact.e.
daffy on Wuriou out Gen, taint: Canal patens Lane* to
New Caulk sad Grcnvitl. Pa . F:rt , Ea tension Line
to Meadattle and E Neil. Albose Laiws of
t.tnge Coaches the CI 'eland :1101 00.0 t r. leave Ike
a, datly no the a cal
oialcanil , nat Deaver nom
Pinni.orgh Apply t •
(I 01 11.1 II lON n',N
IS' l7 -
TUE YLVAtila •NIP oHIO fArt - at.,
K N PARES A: Go, Cleveland, tr
It G '
PARKS (leave ). r(Optio,ot4
CC 'I . 01 ATI lElit; Peih
itoralt, Pa.
'PI I E ittave Line w now full, prepared 10 tramport
I. Freight 31111 I . llo2tlyers front Put+l4trali and Cies,.
11.0,10 3ely hint on ty Peon.ylvanin tr. I thin u ud
The nf .11 111 Dor lirt . 100 rqua!red hy adv nto
saiil Canals, in anutlifrls and ca,meti, ot Min, rape.
of Captains. •nit promptncon al Agent.. e.
One Mai leave. I'llt.tiorgb and Clerelanit run
tong to connection with the Steamer..
NiklOgan Kr, Ip.twevil Pitc.hwr Os ;Ind
Drayer, and a Line or first .cia.a :steamboat., n n .ei,
tri 11.4% asld SchuOnerA, on Lu es Fr, Gunn., Al..
chain sued Ontario
Property forwarded 10 any part Of OP. 1:010o
111 despatch R 1* I'AIUEhfACo, Cleveland, Al , g
REED, PARKS Co. Denver. Anlu
W 1' Ai/VHF:K. Vittabargh,
Ow Water atakellustlitirld
d at a 1.81
Tone in Itallonare ..... • • .... • •..:T1 baton.
Tone IQ Plutatlelphin ...... • • •t • • •411
(Only 7 , l:tisk.. Steglng.l
pliE.plettJai and WI mooing .0.111,1.C4.11•111.1...
.L Slcl.ane - and 1-Itrataro. boon entnitscaced toskit,
.In bin natty tops. One boat will leave the Itlonnego.
halo- whims overf• Crie1.“.1[•1......i1Y ,01 . , -ec i . k.--
Pa•...tigerN by th, gnorning liar will:Ur., at Baltimore
next etreio ag In Moo fur tlo• rhitadelploa St n , l Ituat, nr
ItosJ var. 'Mr corning 11... ono 6.0,
wharf (Indy at 4 o'clock, exi•ept Sort Pro•-•l2Ocr.
by thlr loot lotice on I.artl estrufortablo omite
!cave Drven.viltr ne.l nanning . nt o'clock:
era.. tan mountain. 3o On
upend lodge to t'urb.
betlend. arnleine Meld travel nltogetlirr to•
reparations on ibia tnuty at., tonal, soot tan tolnerhoo
enraplete; PO that di*appo,oltnvat. til aetays will In, an
known upon It •
ran •top on thy mute atn,l
wets again tot &Iwo.. 311.1 rhoce of ILIA ItOrtti
or Steamboat betwerr Dalt:non . and rbilatrelphra
Conch, charteted in pa rOe• tolllo,l u• thrt
Serail. \our tteltet. thr °Owe onnartral,la Dot' ,
nr Vharlrs Hotel. !lIV.SKINII.IN
TO ciar.vicLAiiv via. WARREN.:
TIOIOI Oil IN 111 1101 K'.
j)ACK 11,1,5“...10ve 'lselegrvph I,:ave livit.
1 ecr datly.Ntt 3 o'clok r .suer the JO,. II( lite
lunrulng Mut. iroul l'at.latreh awl miner ha Warren :n
Uttar tur the Mail I.te , c Stage, h lovir
tberrAftrr.auti errivr ” tit J tor~t, r
Tiu• route is the most e a pedthe” rand coot iweld..
one to the 1..1...
cOrEs &LEfFING WELL. W. ,,,,, I , "re -
IVA.IRIKs:.&ro t:.
, W .. 0, ,t,
aAngde ..
Onym a tethe onnCe oi . r noa - e ~
, " 6.6, 4 1
apA ' ly, i .
. .
PITT/111171E0n N:in GairENVILLE;
gar i atti 1547.
i•Acia:T &ND FnEaliliT LINE.
rills.t 1. , ,, , ren..t:ne of 6,1012nd p.. , ,,,,-t I . •t- 6.
1 eth, vrIII ruo ritithily du, op no. ,e,a.ou I,ei ,r.. 1
Deaver and I.:,•enville. I . J' 1., aviorh ileieht an , p...
, s e ner.ii,,,tweee the ;Ns n0..05, will boceint..l ~,11,1111 •
1 and et the lover.l retro.
W ici: & &ROUT, cr c ,„,u,, Am,
1..1 , A FtLAND 1 KING, Lt..; 11e..d, do,
11A V: , z.• rl.rMil Sharp. r,uteh, Li..
L. , . .
W 41 MALAN. ,i.,..t,
. ,
r •
Uppopar Ihr
AI.I FZIMI. OF 11.:111:11,04 iliSn'T 10 1111 I'l,l
Philadelphia, Ilaniazwe. 14v York
Mad 80.40111.
q K encouragement t .
.linohoe rot nerd bt
n. commie:lcemen . ti.ot •roinced It,, prom
tors to more.a.e the stuck I, add Log luta, of I,
cla*a boatoi and IllstrAti of glvlng temopts bort.
fora :us agent., no
will goo our owe,rei.mpt,
freight itnippea tlo
thert•byri;teitltsig daartge fro.
oo the: mat t. and a; each boat la th
Captain whit run. tlr!a, a gu,
antra that these will he nn delsy route
All Alercl.and.r
notlersizi .1 v. tll,Le forty /Ord tr. Uu. ('W
51ISSIO1. for ..draor lag atal forwardlng, and
L. shipped without del, at the 1.0.,1 tau,
%Ve • z ,, .
\VALLI, l;1.0116L ( . 0 ,
~: 111.1i rit“bl.ll . o
CI; ‘i(;, S. . 1:
limul Sucre, l'lttlAdelph:
kito*ley's 1111 kart.
Vittithurglt, Vet, !R.I.P.
~~iiat Y " u ~ ~.
PRE umluealsord are zinw prewar,' fut wore' PH ,
/ duet. to Ihr l'7ll.ier•l Marko. dub', otpm
W MP, on 1110 moo (sew ol.k taro, by 'l.l. ea Pa
dousila ramie
All properly ronowned m ua will be Ibrwardril st th
lUwert rotes sod 'sub drawl:eh.
Helthantlina ',awed by lbw taste promptly to.,
warded. C 'HOWELL,
W CAOS. Ilruwoaerlie
nouT7 E Et•Effrox
1846 AND 'lB-1
L'* mane . 7:1X7
111401 ,..
ut.: suLacrtberto.llrerclpi forme deLwery of Pm.
due < to Ualtimoie by tta Al gat,.
00112 c follows:1 pnees.—
A , .... Baron. Hutt, Le tld. Lord, Pork, Tadow,
Whoskcy.elteere, and :•05 rt• per 11.11.1.
To pimp, Fiala and Wheat-5M cts , pe 100
Ashes, I Pot) Fla.:iced, and
Lgallier-1 06 ea per P. 11 —
110 e.W pot 1111. 114
Brelll.ll,Feather., Furs..sneeng. and' Soake• Hoot
—PPO cis per 1(101LP.
All property tooPtgned 10 either of Ole ander.gned
oval Le forwarded wsthout tree of Cooonz.t.o.
nt alcove rote, WII t'l„pfK. Itrown.v.lle.
nn•Vdtf _ . .
FRI.:1(011'111h and 0111,4 %PIAUIg
eartoto have Rte Brad, Plodder, A....
btougld to OP* place from r‘teubena.!..
and Intertaedlnte. landing Clll male
atangt.toenta. by calling on toe, v. I
bite a pont t unntng regular I) between I'dlabatel. and
et...waved, UFA). LL AILTENBINGER,
,an 4 - lila...bona Agent. 56 ‘Vdt....,.,
. . .
mai• TI , E. Stcamtmant 11A R1.F.31 re' aired
and refuted in hand.oune ,141 a and
now to the Monorkgall,la whorl .hs
she, is improved .hr is wellslaptcd tor
eatrytng freight and paArkengets; or for lowtag-, if hrs.
great capacity and power Any pet.on di•pos dlO
I.lAreli.o Will (c01t... 0 'aspect hrr
I also propose to lease, tarotne or more year. to) 11,11
Wnlss; and.o • mono( energy suet loustnes. , habit, they
offer great advantages. I nun furnish the lessee. erther
on stale or Hairier. my mix Nast .NIIN Eft." Ile ran
also bare on fair terra. si a barer, Mree Ilms, and two
coal bottoms, Iran en ear , tvLiii roe, ligtures ,1, ~
made for fall 'one...ono An egarnototion oft he e•-
tablothinent is invited. I l'er*ons dispoard to negot , nte
orals rne in reference to ant or the almve particutut s.
may solar,. am at my Oli, iii tivares !holdout a 1.
•trpel., l'ilt.osargh , or at I lectern. near Noitairk..liel. ..,1,
21(20 'lllon . II it al RD
lONCti:IIN INO ,EI,LEIIs' V [Flit:E.- A
%._/•gle vf of pouffe:i og wrttler,—lterol the 'foto.x
from the Pee. Weibel . ..lll, 1 . 41110/ of I.theetY -t. AI
I . otAltutvit. Mare', lit
Mr It. r. It trout a -cute of dm+. uu
Mal tare. pl.ouret that I bras o..ttuout . ',.. tht
o f
,ottrtutolt ceirttrdtutl V cruttfuge I it... 0
s insg:, Gantt, and gave to three my htldren,
Le ill for ocrerni werk• The eldt, wau •
yeara Lhe twit four. and the toting, etui
month.. Tbr Grsl unwed fitly-•a 130131., the e.
fatly anvett, land the third 3 eun.letultte nutotte
dtsonetly,attenttreted. tt.ner then lily halve locutn
Well. untrue nom 111 P 33/ Iteulth
Yourt rr.pdetfully, S {C sstvli
nolo the Ire, S I: Ilal.cock, of the Metho.ft..t
pAI Church.
Mr. tl It ir with (;rent
inform you of the good effect. , produrell on toy w
four yew, of age. by loul tartly ••••let.rir.tlVr,rtitit
After .Li' litt , tug couvolt.Our. I go, Low 'lure .11
when Ire purred on Itlato , lnum ,
KLreh time ht, geortAt heulth tr. to,. !Norm ,
ft 1.. HI
rlolll 114 'tinder. Cooke., of the Meth.
eniurl Church:
Pat•loir.xli, December 14 1,15'
Mt. R. seilers: I rave n y Intle d nug hi, th r , e ,
three and for yen. old) three dowi of 1000 Vinnlftig.
mime 10 InnSelipliOn, 'Yohthe Implllloll 'neer.
The Outtiber of worn. expelled I do son know pseeno
ly. bat it wan toren. Stir Ir now to pnsse.ion or eoe
!mull& I dunk the inedieine in.ty confided in wo
greet uoreservedite , ix. - 1. Cookie
A. this Vermifuge ben never been known loc.
y Instant , . TO, worson actually ernird, pa
Lould give o in pterrenrr in nil nibern
Prtpaled aodpold Iry II E. 'borne.
od tp, op Wood West.
For tale 14. Dr.'esmel.Fillh Word.
- - -
FUO.V. the very Ilherul rut:Gurnee
• went the ' , absentsee has received smite
he bun located himself in Alleglien).
: has induced hien to take A lease, for a
term of Teats. on the propehy he now
occupies, in Beaver stren immediately beside tha
Presbyteri.Chare• Front the loug experience in the
above business and &desire to please. he hopes to met
It and receive • share of politic patinae,.
NOW Orthahld and Gaislung Ca nce r, !Lockman) , nor.
gigs, open and top Buggies, nod every ilelicription
OA/TAW Made to order from seventy Oredollars to
NlTairitWititiCtiffki-iiit;s7o--Fur ro4;,
Ting Mcßae spots, Stains, or Masks dem Clothes.
Woollen., Carpets, de., and and reodentig
the spot.
Where It is applied clear, bright, new, slid sposie•a
Sold with full direetions Price IJ cm. acute
ID`Sold JACICPI Liberty stre . et, head
tai Wend, hi his Beia Mel :shoe *lore. van to the Um
(Norte BPPer Bridge. Mlegirday Birl I
i tat Inoooieo.ono or :h. elltt Cal MC-Foe:MI n, pro I•
tont atiorno the t....b100t that they are now In .0 ••••
int operation. tinottoof employed the Jet nee•of
Ram, us M.lnager, who has had an expettenee of 11
)ettes ta the ',men.' Ineioriea of Allegheny City.
they woold Inforin Mesehants and Dealer. In genes al
that they will alwoya have on hand ennettor Couto:,
Varna of all NOOO , Batting., Warps. and
of .uperior make. ' N Vttfd,Tl.V aCo
N. It —OrJela left at the cot at the were of .lf,•
ers, Ilion, Co., IR Lobe. ty We,. troll be prolontny
attended on. Inch:A=ol N V h. Co
C•malla-Wlck, Bastin, Ts,'lnt, Corerlet
(Soccrssors of As hackies'& A
yei very )
. put:
pill'. alto, emoblivlourin being now in turcrchful
1 nil. ill un, ure rounatheiorteg. very emenvively.
0 . 0t ,0,0 or iwuvr:Theminev, wcll.thlepted to the rrtuol
rod, whirl, Cur beauty and yualny coma! Ito excelled
ttk• nny ether snake itt the country. The uttenhon of
t. utChu , err ttt tottetted to an czanhomion.
(o.ll,llntA wit Kh:NNVD. & en
L .,
- •
"Whir Ithough the maws may not be end... Ml.
Since their {benu rc duly ascertained. not delusion. reMtlice, or pride,
Induce mankind to am Mc nicani. amide;
?lean* which. dm' simple. ore by Bouvet, dempi'd
To allvvinte the Ills of human kind' . •
DR. etittisrirs ciALvAzde RiNus AND NAG-
N E•ric FLUID.
'/ , IDS remarkable ;11Velll,011, whirls has received the
luniversal atiprobalidn 0
ot dicanedical profes•ion of
.rrat Itnoust, WI ClOO ly now application of
fralvannan, n• a remedial agent, by means al yr Inch the
ry totloanic Baur 'le*, Electric and filantwoc Flo
rio., Ac. arc entirely &ism it.ed with, gild die topic.
power oi Galvaitino applied without bay of the
oideetirn which are ii,epa ruble toms the general mode
now exc. The worng dose*. and irregular ustervols
01 wi.vph "idea tom I. applied be Machu:es, has
hero tionitioneed. oiler a lair und 'impartial trial, as lie
derqpllyt•rpoiotst rl was to remedy doe "Idlest de
em that Mi. , 10. a• application wits projected, which, at
meanie an,i penirveroncr, ha, hero br.upst
it. piesrot •nor of pi neaten Tbe Galvanic Shop
mswer itir purposes of the sno.l ciscniivr 111 c.
-Inn., sold ir isny rc.pect. arc re . sno afe and
rim.. in accomplis.hisin the denoted rtfect,
'rime liatennicßinp Used 111 connection arab the dfaiL
me confulmitly renammended in all dim
'', relic). n?ist front an ettrosWed or unhyalay Gait of
the morons or rim! system. and the. earoplaipts are
among Me itur•l mental mid °silvered to Which we are
•übjec, They aroowodmw careption, from rue star
plc ca t t.e—a 'derangement of the Serums,. System—
mil it we.. tit the, cases that other 'remedies' having
°two fatted a new anion ow greatly needed. which
confidently b e lieved, ham been Maud in Me r
andd ,mi.catias lipplir alien of Galvanism.
'lire ...Ivan"- Rings have been used with entiresue
oil ea,.
of H , llL _ i PsolAriYt,cl,
of chronic as
i ; , 1;% o broil fare Gaul, 7k•Demrvai,
,1,. ,alyn;"c.,
Eparlira. rig ,
Porn...ion of tho Heard. Apoplexy, Still qf
Spoof Complaints, [...Maio, Neuralgia. alrrala Tre
mors, 1/ of dm Iliad. pain in tie CAW and gat,
uncle/ tirinitty. of ).crania Paysicol E.
rx§,•..l VOEt. DISDRDEIOI. Is cotta es
named Dyspepsia. which ts rimtply Perrot. de.
ancanentiii'thedicciosve,orgons,lhey have been loand
.nually sneer-Will. Thar esti nordinary eferts open
must be to tic a. •
iersain preventive for She COlciPl•iot• they
arcs-quails recommended. The Rena* are of diecrent
made of all Clel. and of vamps orna.
111,1.1 patio's, and can 110 worst by the, inOstdelicate
female wattout toe abghtest mcouVenience. In foe , '
ihc rciii it rasher acreersblc than otherwise,
The Galvauie Belts, Bracelets, Bands,
thutern, riecklacely &c.
1.1 some eases of a yeer severe clitireCter,ond of !she
pow., a, applied by the 6111/3.121e Rinp
tan •Intrient to arrest the prove. of discs. am/
.uniate , s ....tar health. The noproved modification
Me I.alvan.e Belt, Bracelets, entirely trate.
11/ • 0,00•100.1. any degree of power that iss ressal•
rd con readily be olita;ned, and no comp... which
he my orraiu. , ovetit of lialvanvom VIII effect will fail
Ice p• rmaneti.:, relieved, The. en des are vas,
02 , 01, arm.. ter,ts, limb*, suedes. or may port
the army. hit to riert convenience. Galvanic
~ .el./ne, • ;ire whit
with eicater benefit in canes ot
tooeli.:.• or all. , on. of the throat etherally; also to
•n.-• aforre, and Wllll almost uniform
,oet ......prviinve fur made y, Ep,:epue
otonew complaints
Christi's:Baguette Fluid
...used in connect*n with lbe fialvaniciHingc and-al'
heir nontilicatabil, T 11.• C 00,104110111.a. hr. r pria
tinmeed t., the Freecl. Client si• ho benne of the MO ,
sr ti .0 r.O. • ••• site owes of issciles
o co/runic 11.(110,1 th.* means vaeapit
eane,...tai,on of the ,iifluenc, Me' *eat of dist - toe,
,v vine :mod and permanenttcheft No other
cointa...t.on it. chionwrknowuto prolate the i,Sle.•
et, or to ,mpart o ~mar property Au ,he nercoois
outsvnpl local application. 'lle
'tenet.' Hon/ comm. , nab , tig capable rd die
t unary de oppbco I. traceable, d t•
parin,“ i•I oction it is liesseficitil a n ti., Sesil.l,
in , on• sold dirr. 0010 , aecompaity
tacy at tinee• wniu Ibe-rektla mate alto
Pp , s.coveres rcisor.,l% • fair trial np lt of
Mein rowp.....ig efficacy and Perl.llClll
Christle's ilinitimic Strengthening Plus.
The, article. farm gnawer valuable aivticat on of
the 1n.....ier , 0u. influence ol.G.klv AMMO rhey ate an •
,initortani ' tohonet to tile genuine Galvanic Rtngs and
lima mod,ficationt. scup, upon the same pi incip , c, but
Ravine the nivaniage of mute local application. They
taidalcot , y r , so.nruendanl a. a valuable additon in
the •peed rare of Itheutnua•tn. acute or chronic, in all
net van• e 111,1i , 11111. and ea a posd.Ve rt-lnetty 11,11110 ,
al Pao. a d Weakness in the Caul or Bark Pain in the
Side, in A dunatie—tfecnons, and in Weakness sr Opp,.
,„, a, /hay..., (le
In SpLaal Colnp:atme
thane ear • are of the most tended Character, sad they
Lave oaru neon used with complete P.C.5. They an
al.; of the greate.l advantage La Pains gad Weakness.
of theßreast. and are highly recommended for many of
A..comp non.. to which females are especially lable.
A. PA I IPctual mean% tor .strengthenttur the oystenk
when deallosted wath diseust or othei Preventive cm
tam a,d 111 Conttnutallial Weakne.o. as a
for Coid.. and all in :ace hOll. of the Chest, generally .
the Galvanic Sift ngthening Plaster will be found co
great and permanent advantage. In a few words; it
enkloac•lo all the vutues of the hest tonic preparation.
- soh the attport.lit Uthilhon of. the Aalmate indurate
which i• nenherinistreol . no exhausted, while thus:,
hot, enithnues. There Article, will be found cod:rely
ire. fromtho.e abject:ono Willett are • conihnnt chart.
co covariant: with the ordinary pl ON. asters sr:common ass..
117 . Tlat rent celehroy and mew of theta skeptics
has caused thorn to•bc cthanierfeited bystart:minter!
persons To ogninst imposdion, it.. C . :l'mm
ha. but one authorised agent r os each city of the Union.
Thtsenly agent tit Pktothargh, W. W. WILSON.
• -
the highest and most revectable cheractef, air con.
enmity received.regarding die extrannlionry value
and recce,. of the above articles. It is believed that
in Me coy of New York alone, upwards of Elti/IT
THOUSAND PERF•ONS dormice period of li sr than
y e ar, h are been entirely relieved of them om painful
chronic itimrdeni. Rime of which have completely bar
Bed all former efforts of medical art. I Indeed ninny of
il i e 111,.1pky SIC of this city, who disapprove of Ibe
blidvanie and Magnetic !Machines, constantly
mend Chia . application in their practice, rind with the ett•
rem ion in itio, who ee too przijuilicedm give a a tr,
al. the invention hoereceived onanitninui favor milli
Mr 'mon intelligent ninong the American Faculty Di
clirt.tic is a all timer ready and most happy to ion
evoi y Med p i to p ii) stria.. Anil all interested, for tem.
me Me truth of mirernons end the akin.) of lit.
Only agency ill Paisbargh. confer 9th and Market at
sets2Z+ll v _ _
FL.972l ; atill •eredilyi cure.l by the use o
RemedyL. of Nature. AM °RICA N OD.
It almost mirartdonoly redo,. Inflonatimoon, and con.
sentiently is warranted in all easee le leave no orals or
Voin the tle.h.
ld wholesale and retail Lp Whl. JACKSON, at Ms
Moe and Shoe Store and Potent Medicine Wm elem.,
of. Liberty greet. head o' Wood, Pi...burgh Prier SO
cense ond Si per hoitle.
W Jai lows hem. the Etelusise A.esii for at'-.tern
Penn, i suer, none 1. genuine bin what ro told hi HIM
or 1118 opponit Agent.
,N 11 A Pa ed mphlet teninining ornplo d.rections be.
siith the none.. and eddies. of the Yr:pricier and Pro.
opal Arent, isenvelop...l with eopper of each leole
Abundance of emufiemes con he sere at the Store.
fete 'Mani S
INGS.—Scriliela in nil eta inultitdied term.;
whether lei that of King'. Evil, enlugeinent. 0 the
gland. or billies, Goitre. White Swelling.. t , P.ron t
Itheuteatenn. Canner, diseases or the Skin or Spine,
or of Pulmonary ConsuMption, emanate flout one
and the manic which is a noisome., pi ineits e
more or less inherent in the human rysteM. There.
foie. unless this principle can be destroyed, no rodi
coil cure ran Le ellected, hut ll' the principle upon
which the theca, depciato, toved. a cure
must of necessity fallow, no matter under °hot lorm
tire ki.C.O should mantle.' itoell. Thi.. therefore
to the reap. why JATNE'S ALTLRATIVE it so um
ally meesolul insectoring so many malignant
diseases. It destroys the virus or ptineiplo from
wine iii se disease. here their origin, by entering
tide the reulation, and with the blood, is conreYld
to the n mutest !Lore, 'coloring every p.rtiele of
".lianas I 001 the system.. Prepared.? sold at No.
11 South "turd Street, Philarlelphi.l.
bold at the l'ekin Tea Store, No. 72 Fourth *tree
Pittolhurs 0 . mcl2ll.
(From the Spiro of the Time.
A Krull null of Serofolous helms from lilliOrteiloll
111 Its))o neer days beratne affected with Ulceration.
thoe Thom and No-e, Mid a disaarveatils and tone
a1e... , crap. of the Skin. he teed. los hole st +-
tem lore the mark• of being saturated with income—
line band nil wrist were so much erected that he had
10e1 the ore or Ole hand, every part beg covered with
deep, painful.. and offensive llieetc, sod were as hal.
low and porous os a kidney-climb: h was •I thr• stage
or his romplauthschen death appeared Inevitable, front
a Inailteotne threw, that he connueneed the use of
PO NE'S_ ALTYRNATIVrk and having taken ark.
nee. homes. , . now per , retly Orel).
AIZERN 'Val WE operates throvich Ito nitrate- -
eon, und mina., the Utast and eradiemes dismoie•
Wont file •ystern, wherever located, and the numeral.
cures boa performed In diveatera of Skin, Cancer,
ettifolo. Goitre. Liver Complaint, Dytpcpals, and other
Ch ronic c, sett sce, no truly amoniehing.
For aidePittatiurah at the Pekin Tea Store, 72 4111
near wood. and also at the Dnqr Store of P
Sehastorse. rsaleall 1 , 1 Allegheny elly my 4 IhwF
ur. illel,lanc , s Worm Specific 4.7
rule i• to cermy tad, by taking one Mat of I.W.tor
jWoo Specific, a child of Jame, Shaw,
upwarila of 70 worms, and by the are or raid
medienic a child of nil mai paved 1i large w.f. ,—
It i• truly the mart surpriaing worm medicine I ever
men I mum have two mole vials.
. .
Winona To*orhop
For wee by J KIDD & Oa riodU Flood *tree, Pit
aro& mob`lo
A Ii:VIEVIS meta ToNic—We commend to the
attentieln of those desirous of restortng their Ws or
.mproving it. beauty, to tbis elegant memo:mon. e
hear it esetylfrhere hlghlr spoken of, sod n.
m: ItY
allittose who hare mode use of it, as greetly orteactout
In stimulating the growth of Me ham, and preventlng
and curing tunny stimulus of the skin Im 'rinses are
slyly aml sufficiently ne rved —N Y Son
hor sale / Ihnshorsl3 at Me PEKIN TEA stoftE,
7.1 Fourth at, near Wood, and atm at Me Dtun :Store of
II I' Otel,atts,Fedeml at, Alleghets) cay. •
, , .. _
--,,,..igt,b' .SARSAPARILLA:
Vol the roluovalismclen:anent care at Widnes...
arising foe an j
Wissar• state of the blood
swbabn ee them - won oar . , .•
Semlubs. X.i 5,54 tiamenitiwis. Orreinass Cresowicin
E j .,,,,efo g i er /Wanda on c.f.. Gist..
Bibs. Ciensis Sew, Ring Mon or hum Staid
Hard. Serene:ma avid pans alike Erma and Jen., ;
Stubborn norm Scpkilltic Spoolaut., &Wk. or Low- 1
hags. and Dimas= annegJniet or ot,iolinons sr. ef
Alin - ury, Auiies or Dmpsy, ii-pardre dr ..
hdr.d...4 i
1-01. A!., Carona. Cortninsounni Daunts=
IT.;:usuely suLmitustration ti. bete sew nded vs. I the _1
bappied results amany. anomalous affections; ba t
it is
intended tofill the which canna between I
eathnilic and aperient medicines; treacle its ..d.. .r
rand: m that of an alterative directlyl-iudircetlye pro
vig a lasting tonic to the system. .
It Is highly concentrated tor eonverdence and pans•
bility, containing nothing'but the expressed Lusoneof
and is the
seeing of the Sar.parilla Root, Is
the same manner as Quinine is of Vernet:twit:Q*of
ktorplane of rheum. It m sot tatabliMed face 4 4llmt a
few genii/sof either (Jain , ne or Morphine . con ns aIP
the ocalciant value of a large quantity' ofilin code
mab,tanceni heitee the supcnotity of Owe poparnie, obs
.1 no invalid Would desire to drink • gallon mixture
settee half pint contained the same' medicinal value.
'the Sarsapatrilla can he diluted wben taken agreeable.
to the directioue, and made to suit thy usu.. t h e p.
The following certificate addressed to the Agent. at
Chicago, full nishes critichlS I , e proof of - Rarest value
in eases of Fever Sorrs. •
CIJICACO, 111. Sept. 1c1,1616.
Motor.. Stebbine & Ret-d--Qents: In May, 180,1 Ob.
tuned at you. store a bade of Sand's qarsupartllPtrid
... t h en confined foray bed, with.. sleep fora Week,
occasioned by violent pain brow a regal tr refer et re.'
long sianding,on tuy eight leg. My physicians...eel
me to have the limb amputated, saying 11 wan the Cooly
mese . l i kely tiv preserve niy fife. Aber using half the
bottle the pain begao to subside, and by the time 1 bad
used neatly three bottler,' was able to transact .17.141 -
Oar business, and before I bad finished the (oath bet
Ile. I was us well and mound im ever i had been: Hume
no hesitation to saying that Sand'aSalsaparilla was the.
moos; under PniVieellee, of saving my limb and I
doubt not my life. I mist cheetfully' recommend at as
the bent uncle count lbs the
pectlbpurification of Om /kind
Yuan, nlii . resny,
Thedollowing certificate is holy another link in the
great chain of testimony to it. merits:
Socrit Romps. Canada Ea. Apri119,1046:
Messrs. Sands-Gentleinen: Exposed as we are, to
the attacks of disease, and so frequently diSappoinWo
in proposed remedies, we camiot Out knit on the efforts
of sucees•ful practitioners milk interest stud gratitude.
This it true resin -cling your valuable pieparittiott of
Sarsaparilla. I have been soverel aftlieted tar 3flyeirs
nob a disease about which edo y ctor's diealt re,' sad
their prescription , we testi!' more Ovens.. I tried va
rious remedies .but forted no relief untill commenced
your 'excellent. medicine, at which time I was
whet II roamed to may bed. Alter using it a fewmonths
I run now able to wog about ride out, and enjoy • cone
fortnble degree of health, Wive II I allnbale entirely to
II e
one of tan's smissparilla Please neesPl My or .
*Loaner of gratitude and regatd.
Itcurg personally aerptnire4 with the shove state
mein, I hereby retina thatrhe lianie Ps trne.,
('amnia Tarp.. —The following is an entrant
Woo a letter received frorwßov. 11' illiumGalusho
lismasmay, Vt.,Oet :22,101.5._...
Mew , . Sandi. I bovnArren all] tied widso sew:.
paisi in al) . side. en . ..aimed by a disemou liter, Of the
. in enty years - suffering at bones what language
cannot convey, but linen taking lour Sarsaparilla. I
have been pestle relieved,. much sot. I have been
able to attend to leg hon....aid 0h...M.. 0 4
for the lain fi ilee it wombs. 1 wholly dikarded all other
mcdicine,indthoronghly tried the Sarsaparilla, whob
I can recommend in without aineetityto all those who
are In any way afflicted with any species of iffleofuleius
complaints. There have been woe remarkable cures
cffeetecl by tvii env in this vicinity. Mrs. 1. Shaw, by,
the are of six bottles, was restored to better health than
she had before enjoyed for ten) ears, mid Mo. W. Ste
,who had been severely stinted with the Fry siinil
el., was entirely cored by the use of is few Woks ,
Yours truly, • WM, GALUSHA.
. For further particulars and conclusito evidence ecru
saperotival. and efficacy, we pasupfflets, which mai
be obtained of Agents gratis.
}renew - 4 and sod by A. U. & DSands.Droggints,Ho
Felton al, corneof NS illiam, New York'.
Sold also by 1. . WILCOX, Jr., Pittsburgh; 1L Ilitr
wood. Heaven
. Wm. Watson New Castle; D. N. Rob
ison. Brownsville; A. Coin Wasitingw. edd by
li t
Druggiatir generolly thrombi. th: United States.
Price ilpee bottle—nz Oing a for SS.
The nubile are respeetfullY requested to remember
clot it Is Sand's Sarsaparilla4Mit is constantly achiev
ing-such remarkable cares of hi taint ddrlCall dame(
diseases to which the hu Name is subjed; there
fore elk for. BendrattarsaparifflOand take no other. - .
ASK THE svrificazit
what hasrelieved him in soh &Short dm from his ad.
Beatty of beemhing, Cough end ouffocation3 He -
uill tell you it was , tdo Olosponian s or
. All-•
Frodlug Bahama."' Ask the assomptoor
wtin has allayed his Cough, remand
tM Pain its his Bids sod Chem,
elseeked hi. tightawneayte,and
placed the no of health
upon hie check' awl
he will tell you
oa A 1
Pot your Meals if they knowof anything Hut win so apes
dily num • long and bdious Cough, Ithisiog .if Blood, Ilmst
eh ~ i,, Dyspotte Coustoption, Itorscomo s .Italloomse, and
disc sof the Throat, as the Olosiaotian? .4 they wW tell
you—No. There never yet hiss bents remedy introduced to
public both, which has been product!re of so mewl good in
so short a space of time; Read the Marring
A•tontstking Cures. •
Ws. &M, the celebretod B.olonerteker baker s MN.
sou street, Brokl)u, mates that his wife has bon .Silted
mil. Asthma Wr :10 jean, mod could not Cool pentanast
lief from th e best medical advise which New York M sd
Brooklyn mold produce, Ito induced to try this great reme-
Jy. She is now truly well. His daughter who was suffer- '
ino from the witne.diseme, tried it, and VMS abo cord by it.
Mr. 0..4 is now O well that the is able to Odom her
. 1
led early MM. wooing and attend to her owl duties M.. h
the day without any annoyance from her distrnotg . 3 1 .
throw. J MUI'S, Mk Art., near the clithOtiG , Mt ,
cove to the sture We the purse of obtaining .battle of
Uloomlisu s tattoo been ardrcted with tisr.Asthcat fbr Fore
that :Al rota, sod via so eshatood on hi. arrival thei he
mold tot 'peek. Ile parchaard tactile and rode boom.
Your days .Bement hr walked from hie raidento lothrt; of.
foe without rational, distance of over two mita, to talk e&
the or derful relief which ha had experienced 800 osog
about on half of One bottle.
..1. ..,
Consumption of too Lamp.
Mr-Cosertorr,3s White Wreet, is ot, loot In the month
of December lost. that ha wee giren op by hie thysiehio His
friends entertained no hope of his reorrery r Hs
. wat perms-
Jot to 07 the Olommian, mid ter ha surprise sl has so Ar
restored hint to health that he is tow able to walk goat the
Mrs armee, the 'rife of Was H. Attree s Jasiosllannan,
Coo entl Um W. Ilart s . E.eq. en all Year testimony from
Moo own ertorience of the Foaling properties of this Ortat
Remedy in w.imption of the Loup. - 1
- Mrs. Tflocootams, NA tams strut, who had Mat
!Maki for • treat kagth of Simi by a amen meth, tad
raised quantities of blohd, woe relined by oa r bottle of the
Olooombn,od dacha. tithe greatest remedy ha the. worki.
Dams hems, H Water duet, was alto reheard Nom
the mu tootplaint, slam& he was eery molt tad
oh. he anamenced hiking lt, having lama' luau Me of
hiedpieim during the mot otter. Although be
constantly arol meser7 much troubled with night
bottle. of the remedy emOddhito to return to hie drily
work. He was entirely relined.
Dorm IiIt•IMMIKIN. al ~,.
ti cs street s Oen W. Burnett,
formerly of Newark, N. J., H.q. Lisbon, 159.1thingtoo
street, am!ounterous other persons hoe been imd2 and
peressuratly eared of OA same complaint by this y'
The.Arrsy of Names
which could ha produced of pontos who use used Ibis g . l'
meanly avoid more than MI t column. .Amotorthic noqther.
we are permitted Mercer to A. M. Binthger s 103 Barclayst,
Mr. Wilma of Hoboken; Idea Bell or Morrinhorm M: .1.,
Jowl B p 7 .,100u...4.....; h1 r .11.15A18 7 5,51:1 /Money
Por Congha, Coldsolathina, and Consumidion!
onsets, Asthma. and CSINStridETIOeI,7O it.. nuri-
GAIIAII SALSAS' OF .LIFE, Hammered by the ale-
Wawa! Dr. Ituchae of London, England. end /nundueed
hart Mir United Steles colder the immediate superintend
ence of the invert, km
The ertmordlhary suttees of tide medicine In the
care of Snimanary Hemel, war ra nts the lernairen
Agent le solicittng Cur . °velment lb. WORST PrISS
11115LE CASES that een be toned in the comincialty—.
eases that seek relief in vain kern any of the tountsrin
semeelte• of the day, And have been given up by.: he
west dbtlolalsbed
ytletoec o. CONIIBNID ANY)
rig cam the iII . PI 7 T I DETAVATE n 't £ CA ben Brid. j 'rt n ls
ae quark noetnant, bath standard English tnegleine, of •
Dona and ematilstard ellieney. • •
Emory Wally the Gaited States sdroald hr eumdied
with Doelian's Hungarian Lleleum of Life, nesioWy to
to the consunaulie %endemics of the Mam
sot to he need preventire medicine la Br eases
Colite; Coughs. Spitting of Eked, Tale In the 'gide S od
Irdration and Sorenerrof the Lungs. litnnehitie.
=La Reestblng, Haile Neel% gliggl Smola,
' awl .General Debility, Asthma, Isrduensa,
UmmingCM.lgh,aral Croup. • • '
sn• Beath large bottlet, at SI pee bottle,
Gone Rs tbo mannikin of Health,
l'angdgels, maul/tamp mem of Wish. and Aglaia
... rartilleates. and other evidence,nhowing theum
mashed merits ofilas Great English Sens•WYl mop Si.
obtained of the Agents,firerainamkg.
DAVID F. EILADLEEA min Agent fts the United
Bab:m.llg Coen VOW. la. • '
T. W. DYOTT k.• SONS, General Wholesale Arum,
Na. 133 North Second mreet. Shiledelnhln•
FO' sate by 11 A FAIINESTOCK k Co. corner of
wont-end front strums •
_ _ • utyo
often Cot awste hove frightfully injurious t 4 to
the thin! how coarse, how rough,. bow ..allot,, ellow.
and unhealthy the skin appear.. after •• using preparral
chalk! Resides. it Is injurious, contaitamk•ltstge atom
thy of lead. We hors prepared a heatalfal Vegetable
Wticle,' which...s call. JON*73% SPANDAU'. 4111 A
HITE'. It is perfectly innocent, being purified of all
Arletenons quaintest and it imparts to " - skiri a natu
ral, healthy, alabaster, picot, itCiu white, at the saris
ume actiog as a cosmetic no the skin, mithinS
and smooth.
Dr. James Anacreon. Practical . Chemist of . Massa.
ueetts sap: "Ayer analysing Jones's Pastiest. Lillv • ,
White, I futil possesses the most beautiful and nal*.
rat, at the same time , innocent white I ever easy. I.
certainly can conwientamsty rerammend Its use tooth
whose skin requires beautifyiag."
Price 23 cents a lion
DO"Sold by Mil. JACA O4 O:I, et hilt:toof
and Shoe
5... PP l: bony heiirof Wood, at the sign of
0, Ms amt
e . . 1
wns the s. " : " {i ' re in of ;tide
old man who tried the Syrup
Parmesan; February
m er enni—This may certify the ybeitig afflicted
ueublepoisM"congh same time. I beaght • Male
of blorkunls Cough Syrup, a. am a l aver
iL m y cough la entirely, : are& 1 pmnounce pet
eau. Syrup the best medicine I have, evet used. fie
family should be without this valuable medicine. "
DAVID kluKOßEßTS,Alleirheuy City
irrThis medicine is prepared wholesale !hod retail
awe Drug Sam el idOBOAN
Wood cwt h one
. doer below Diamond Alley
Price:A cents tier onk rsisi
.rffily dyeing Light, Bed or Gray Hair • Dark -
Drown or flub color, wishourdyeing nr injuring Mr
skin. Sold with fell digestion. Price Sti cents. or SI
! • brinle...
• •
EarS. old by W/11.1ACKSOSI. at bi•PaT•tnt My•lien
raraht•am• f 9 Libetty xtreet, bead of WooLlPat th
wan of the klio Wm. r4P
'" - ft.AsTEn:
SHEILMANia' dist..;•aceda vay to male
11 ileamat,aa thhi Gulaine, .in Wu to. reakhi,
See MG isupw makafflxtud each an
0f . each ., 2%." . r,
esaxa. x r s COtCII• LIiZENS - )EYS
• Thesi Imangss Ms %mistily twat hare and rt.-M ari i•m-•
id Ihr coughs, colds, einamptimia school., 444,1,• taxi. for, dorm,. etc: Tha m.pri•
hat aim karma mtramasiec •Isse• r; did Not ;pm
maids:Mo. &mina thotaand balm ham twee Simi nit,.
aliv hit year, ntstarimt to Malta penom almost mar, n,.
ofioapunpuotmand Mir laboring tinder tbe asom it s.n.mic
mil 4. and conabs. Thu do not coach mil dry up Mit
bit readmit easy, peoamte etpietirstioa,alpy ttimni,i
aad remove the prouraide or mein%
Yam, - am mak (ism a combination ot a ism VILIII•Olate
turiat,ar esogiv medicines, and ary undoubtedly tapir., to
Yr7le - V47:l2 . tatTbTttitt '
of Um, wt.. n. I I,
Well, N. Woe atm have been awed ElVOkakil ~,,,
restored to perastlicilth - by minas
Wham than is mach jai in tha Imam. stle,usi ,f Skit
etam'aroorition's rlarbers (prim mly mom,' mio a s,
oam thie part, and lama till Mini& It ran ssi
sub matimitim, a Cm. cathartic ie laxative . 9,, in .1,
mild cathartic sanikinc, shipsid be mid as ociamits
These warm towage. hare been proved In mole Jun
000 em to be hat/late:, the ntilY "'rt. nix
ennitesne ever dastatered. Many din.. wises fioto
and admiral long and inteneestnfering. and even death,. oh.
'out their neer being minded; grown persona are ria
. 2 lieteil with tint+, f.ttd are dortond fur etnioto eutoeb t .uts
./ peoeti4. when me dine of Rena Losenges 6.1 d
speedily ears
Symplenne of Worsas.—Pairas in the joints or limbs, sill - en
sive breati,piciing at the men, grinding of th e teeth onrit,
ideep„and indasei • pakneas about the lipsoeitti noshed c4,r tit,
birednagat now, agnawingdiensalket at the Monona, Lob
ee of heat over the - .Awe of the body, slight chills or shil
demos, madden Starting iv sleep, with fright end st.r.auttug,
.06.11 el a troublesome oaugi, feverishness, thitat,
hne,ll., bed We ia the mouth, difficult breathing, grew tu
the stronseti Or bowels, Wig., mummy - stearnialince., tore.,
elms appetite, leansiese, Waled stomach or ilitobsyga
obnoting . pair parte of the body, a m use of
thing nun the throat, nehirig of thy t 0.2.4 ul,4 1 ,
fragment desire.* pus mouthing km die boucle, au.l anil—
tines Recharges oration and tauten.
• Theyagre immediate relief in one orreit isieduche.
pelpitatro of due beset, lawyer of the spirir duper:4aq,
itortamatog or putrid eon threat, bowel or lIIMIMV
OLIO, hinting, oppression or a rumor slaking uf tee chew,
gbolls, sprats, cramp of the ananneli or bowels, hysterical
affections, and all Dgfio.l dheases, drowsiness throe h the
day, and yarefulaere through the eight; einikra or clod
gra trattess, diankete,-lassitude or a sense of fatigue ?r
-oom tandbag or attending huge pubes, will Sad the husen.
gat really nadrieg d ail impartam the buoymey of you th ; used
Idler dbeipation, wttl nature the tone of the system rag
endk, arid manor Iluratipkemat symptoms arming nom,
too as listry. rayons who hare been towlogli Inert, sad
abandoned their dirwiliated Whits, will Sod thrrei...mtnges ad
miriade eempoeecs of the tench
The best arpgreedry plaster la the world., endIIDVIS
remedy for lOU% or weakness in the back, lobar, side, ova,
linist,,eints, rheumatism, luintego, he. he. One million a
year will not supply Reheard. They require altar warm
ing belnitappholsom Warranted summer to a etiotts,sad
tor_pne queer the rad prige,auring not rdy the buctost
the cheaper , phister ix re world. It affords Mk( in aGm
hours, and rakes asembhing germ
to lire plaint and dyspepsia, it should be wort •ovir
the regiou alkalise.. stomach, amt it will afford great and
mg. •la toughs, colds, asthma, &Acuity of
headlong, oppression of the dirt or stomach, they will iss.
Obtaiddr.oo l / 1 and greatly benefit the patient. Perms of
sedentary habits, or thew obliged stand much, will receive
decided eapport fawn one of diem truly strengthening Ph,
tee.— Pisysionas generally memorise them,'a pr' &race to
r a.f.dhers,lamane they stick or adhere better, mad efred.great
relieg. In their operation they are stioodent, tour, and
anodyne. They ire come uf entirely dß:threat install.
eats from any other, and I. from Mel...perm. ot mil
lions who Isam red ther, ea well in the - errs' testimony of
all the celebrated ad of ' clop and - pby miens, to
be the met useful cadbigrby medicated plaster.
Searralmemos ham celled at the warehouse to express
op Emus
ranks, at the ahnast atinwelous cores them
plasters here •
• Diretioas6r nu xta m eke bask of oath plaster, aids a
Bella& of Pr. Sherman mime. It lei:important) ost druid
sleep ask he Slierman's.roor Man's Plasterord ger that
you get die genuine, ea there arc way eitethkes ashrams
hawked about and sold kw the tree Sherman , a Plasters, by
m SoW
wholeude and Wail by WI, JACKSON at his Paten
Medicine Wareham, No. MI, Liberty street, Sign of eh
1110 BOOT. .--_ tan
D CHROirl-
CONSISTIING of bin Prophylactic Syrup. a cer•
lain remedy lor all CoitaumPTlVE
lons affectionm Cough • Syrup. Croup Spin,' Co..
cent:sited estinet or Sarsaparilla,
::ti r itrl t o • th ni er l a ;l b :11117i ,tirXrguifeTV rebel
process more coocentrated than any
. othor cot r
offered to the public. ASTHAIATIL. MAXIS,
paving enacted permaceal corm of that. etubborn
disease, when of more thau 1.. year, e.uuding,
het:leen stands without a rival in that moot , dreaded
Dr. Rose's •LIINIMENT, for all cases of weak
ness or pain, and a complete sahatitutefor I:l6lers.
Dr Rose's Tome MATURE, soy iLlallibi4
cure for chilli and fevers ' indeed islo.ose of a
sneciLe forferers of all kinds than boil. or 4/sa
here known, is used in preference to aill other
Vennifuge ' , reparation
Dr. time • TONIC ANTI-IMSP Et - Tit . , for dll '
discuses of the Stomach and bowel., Chfcra ta-
Actions, &c Too high an encomium cannot be
paned on the merits of this medicine, is'ease of
Diapepida, and all dieenes that result froth weak
ness of atocasen et bad digestion.
Dr. Roan'. FEMALE. 1 *LI S„ a cant vaiimble
remedy for those general; complaint to which 'fe
males are subject. .
No pill etre before °Heimd the public so happily
combines the qualities of a valuaole medicinexs an
anti-dispeptic, LIVER or Stomachic pill,,currect.
ing these diseases, and thereby preveotinccut.
eureptiOn. A young Lady 25 years of age, having
a diseased !pier, for some time, hbr strength poa
toiled and appetite gone. was c6mpiletely restored
in six eielks by the use of fhb Antt.diapeptic
tureand thesepills alone.
ENINU PLASTER , los weakneas of the back,side
breast, &e.
Dr. Rose's SPECIFIC EPILEPSY:the latest err=
tarn remedy for all case, of fits or convulsions,
whether in manner adults. So rertainn specific
is it for this formidable disease that the most oh
etinste oases, and those too of long standing, hare
yielded'at once.
years of diligent research this compound was disco,
ered, sod its never failing efficacy places it. efficiency
above ail otherathr the cure of Rlieumatisfic
Dr. Rose's ASTRINGENT CO MPOUN . D . • ceniiin
remedy for opitune blood, indeed for dor barges of
blood 'whether fnitn Lungs, bowels or other ports of the
Dr. Roael SYRUP for Chineramtdßovrel - complainni
—This mixture will effectually tote bowel complaints,
Dysintery,Cholerildorbuir, and Cholera. At the limo
Use ASlalle Cholera was raging in Philadelphia it
6..10be t h omutsuccessful In attesting il, caring
alne troths of all those Why need
What may be said of one of Avila remedies may by
said of all; their,lalne will ably bo appreciated bo
thole who try them. Letters from thole who have been
`rated of the various maladies that af6ict toe human
body might be given, but we are w,lllog to rest the.
Mauer an the merits of the compounds. •A% e have
panacea for Scrota Is, in its various forum aaredidenacil
sod eilkssieos that its healing power has ostonished
many. A casco( Cancer,occurring in the wife of the
tate HOVenter df Delaware, was completely elated so
- feartiligintba. The cancer had been twice of oat by
prominent &arena, and renewed itself with itteressed
malignity, yet notwithstanding the debility of Constitu
tion andyetooval of the tenpins, the use of the Pro.
uhylacoo cdmpletcly removed every aeptige
. of the
;acne. . .
- -
Cases illoomeithie Of the cattalos ens.. that have
followed We role of these remedies are ear fosse..
Sion, but It is not deemed ;imam) , to enumerate them
as the ascot them will reednunend them to all.
J.IIICHUONMAXER, ik Co., No St Wood Street
Ascots for [limbers+ sugBdl7
J. ERT—A Blessing! A hliraelo!! A Wonder!:
—To cure Eruptions and Disfigurement...llhr. Phar r
Piet phut Freeklea, Sunburn, Salt Rheum, t•surey, Sore
Ikeda, fre. i fte.
Four. years ago last August, the capital of France
was estoinshed fn consequence ate discovery made by
an braise Premiss, litany doubted—it limped almost
an imponibllity that anything made by u.e heeds of
. man, could hairy such singular powers as than claimed
by Antonia Vesprini for his invention: Many nterocd
him and his invention as a humbug, [rod. alas! 'many
lowish persons without trying do the Caine tut*.] et
length, &Reentering it in the hospitals, the Menial So•
theof Pena [the hest chemists in the worksldeliverea
the folrowing report tO Sigeot
' '°We have note minptely end carefully esentined the
singular invention of Vropripi. We have rontysed its
eosuporroot parts—we have used nits severs; eases. end
'we hesitate not to pronounce it ('the batten t henneel
-Slap] as a great blessing, and a truly wonderful [Mt •
dy for ail ealltneCale eruption or de•Sgur, weal of the
.kin. Its taverner we consider the tine philanthropist
'of selferose mankind.
Fromtbeinventor himself to the pretest, Pror river:
riTll... Arc 4. It-10
Inconsideration of the rem of *3.000. l have dis,ll
- to Mr. T. Joner, the city of Ara Vet.
N. A.; the' whole process of nianufacimirg. ioiteiher
with a statement of the iagtedietits cativo-ins tor Ital
ian Chemical Soap. Ile is to manufaciarc rt tor sale in
the United - States only, and to have the yrir.lrge of na
ming it"Joneat Italian Chemical Poop." -
Witnesolleniy J. llohlswoith. ,
• (SIII.o.t) , ANTONI T
017-Sold by W JACKSON. at his ?seri , !Verb...
arehoure F 9 Liluny street, bead of It
elan of the lira Boot.
Ibe oskly•plnce in Pitieldwgh where the MK.VIJINK
can be obtained. All others are Coonierfe it. ",
- - -
, _ ~ . .. .... .
digs Oatior Swill:Nos, 34 ii, noir sit Port (Om
Oaelesortion of 15 line*, . leo , . 50 E. 4/
Two internee. witheet alteralioiri,.... ' -...... tr ^,
Three r .. '. ' . I OU
One Week . " "
. . •
Tsio West. •• 8 50
Three:'!' " 1.00
Two • • 600
Three . • " •
07 Longer, advailiemeem meno proportion:
One square,6 mouths, without altesatiorr,... 10 00
r -
Each aridiiieuakl square res.& me am, CO
" 10 00
One aquase,6 Months, reueirable at pleasure, IS CO
12" • •...t5 00
Each additional %ease for 12 month. 10 CO
..Two aquuos,Erttionths; re'vrable at pleasare,,3o
'Esetiaddidecal square, 6 months, 8 CO
wies.vt 10 DAILT •rarlitt.
One square. 3 inseriioas, $1 .50
" each additional insertioo, ..... 37
Five Hada or lea?, one year. • RIM
o n
months • SOD
ono year, daily & weekly, 10 OR
" • ..lax months Of .8 00
For 10 lines, or ley, One iosertion,' ... . 50
", " • " 'Three, ir • ..... 100
" • " month., ... . .. 330
lIPTSI, 1$ 6 IV
' .." •. Twelve " 10 00
TrAll advertisements to be charged by tbe 'genre,
end a dieconntedSs per cent to be given where the
Lm of edvertleing• enceeda 50 dollars per year.
WAIN./ CA?11111
Vise lines nr . lets, One
' ^ Sin
• e