The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, June 25, 1847, Image 4

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    IMM=rts: -,,7 1;
syrAlts lc%
w0...4 for
Coli@olloa,Coesahs,Coldie, Li. or
VCOmfAiliete- Opium;,'DillSealty. of BreatiOng,..•
• Pima ie.*. Bide and Beelll, Faltutatioo of the
Moartlallaanaa,Como.Brolten Constitution,
yore Throat Nervous Pebilitp, and all
' of the Throat Breast aod.
.Longs; teeniest' effiroural and
. • speedyroroeverkawarn for
any of above diseases,
- •is DR.Iat'AVNE'S
••• -Antrease. Llano w teams—Read with astoo
sdaMent the wonderful care performed by Do
Ccrund Syrup or WILD CHERRY:
• . Illtstaxtriaa, January 23,
Dr. Sway Deer Sir In jestiee to yourself and •
" doty I owe to !whirring humanity, I cheerfully
'glee fey testimony, and deelare
tte to the
<etre world Y the.
• • owes •Istobiabing *dada, ad great our
Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry performed on me,
Ytldor tnerorot unfavorable circumstances I was
:teken with a violent Cough, Spittien of Blood,
• Kira - Pains in the Side and Brroat, which seemed
to.breile down end enfeeblethoughtmv my eonablistion,a, that
physitian cave beyond the power ra
medicine, and my friends all gave me op to die; but
thanks to you and the affects of your great discord
..try, 1 pow feel naysell a well men, and milled from a
•, mare skeleton to en flew and healthy a Man as I
bave tweeter years, and shall be pleased give any
Intonation respecting my cam, .by calling at my
resittence;blechanie strietAbini door below George
tenet; Northern Liberties. J•CoB PAIPTIR.
-:LTatisaany wow reamed learn all vuuter,
liar Globe.
• -The lellowieg letters are preseined_with a view
• of mote Daly ahowimg the opinions of POroieians in
_relation to the Medical 'value of Dr. SWA
Drr.Sviayne--Dear. Sir. Having used your. Coin
. pound Syrup of Chorry extensively in 'my
practice I was requested by your Agent, Dotter
Critteltia'r, ter express my opinion in writing of its
properties so a remedial, agent, I must cheerfully
Coloaply, an foel by an doing, I will discharge
debt I
community at large, and rhysicans
In Manual. much a t detest Quack Kerrie
.' 'die.; and Paint Nostrum., I was induced front
• nails:mot the most potent espectorants, mem.
Weeded in cur student medico in some eases 01
Diseased Lungs, to try your preparation of Pruner
• Virginia or Wild Cherry. It is aufficient unsay that
1 aralt so moth pleased with the result of that and
miSonfluent trials, that . I now,prescribe it in
ace to all other 'Remedies where an expectorant is
•• • fedicated. In the much dreaded Pecumonia or
Disproof the Loop, to the alarming lorm in which
It appbars In Kentucky, I reganl it as an invaluable
Remedy in the treatment of that disease. To all
• who know. me I have said enrogb, but ae this may
be men by persons oat of the vicmity stf Frankfort,
I will bneßy add, that I have been ergaged in an
actin practice of my profession 01 It years,and
Regular Graduate of Transylvania, and this in the
hilt Patent Medicine I ever thought enoegh of ti,
• • .P rea on opinion
J. 11. Etas., hl. D.
61 luau, 711 r, 1847. Franklin County, Ky.
Inoircroer,Ky.,Jasery 7th, 11347.
•••• The above certificate is from one of our Physi
cane tato; a fmiles fronabern, be is doing g very
good pracuce, and is considered a good Physician;
tad Stands Dirt be is, as he asysoaregalargraduate.
Da. W. L. Clantallign,
.• . -• DruAist and ApOtheitail•
• • From Ow Temperance Pledge.
Now that Winter is upon se with lie _aUendan
taill of helmonic and Bronchial alleasons.Cough.
Cola, &c. &c , we would advise three ifetcted in
thin way to make immediate trial of Dr. Swayee t •
trompouud Synsp Wild Cherry. It will never
fail to perfrom a permanent cure. • The reputation
• of this media n
hie caused many spurious article.
• to be put torth ander its name; but the preparation
:of Dr. Swayne, besides being the
an ever (Mend
to thi public, is the only one that can be relied an.
The other miztures solaria , Wild Cherry Syrup,
• Balsams, Ate., are all apurious‘ainl worthier., sad
=retain none of the virtue. of-the original 'news.
• - Don, De. Sample'. Comprond S:rrop of Wild
Cbe .
From the Springfield Elpreem •
Of the thousands of purported curative nostrums
now before the public, hut very few are Mond In
-- D owse the healing virtues for which they roe tr.
• commended. Among the Niter we are pleased to
- lean none staid a better test than Dr. Swarm's
• CoMpourid Syrup of Wild Cherry.
it The afflitheir
• lbw Vi c inity are beginning to use , and to
joy they had in its use their hope based upon its
recommendations more than lise read. The afflicted'
seed not dogtrot'. While there is tile, there now it
IrpSinee the Introduction of my article to the
public, there, have a number of unprincipled indy
. 'ideals got up nostrums which tlcaslert contain
Wild Cbetry, some are called "Ba a, Batt.;
wireffit Syrup of Wild Cherry, but mine if the
• original end only genuine preparation ever roulade
ced to the puboc.whsch can be proven by the. pub.
lie Records of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
The only safegnard against imposition as to one that
my sign/date as on each bottle.
- • DB. li. SWAY NE.
' . -Paepansd.only by Dr. H. S ,at his Priem
, • ' ' pal Office, corner of Elwin and Ravi Street.,
• • ; i-lrbilidelphte. ' All Wild Cherry preparations being
'.-/- licistlOom and counterfeit withouihis aignal a nre,
• --* -- ForFor sale 111 Pittsburgh wholesale and retil by
..._; A.THOBN. AS Moire t,
3DBIYI dr, sßeaDV.N,votter 'l.nd drWood yts.
tONES, Illtallberty street.
Old also by J Mitchell, Allegheny City; Boyd,
. .
mg & Co. Sutler;.Weaver & Henderson, Mor
t Normat'Calendar, Meadville, d H. Burton &
Erie; blitemie dr. Haskell, Cleveland, Denis
lacer, Columber, Miller, Brownstrille,• Marsh,
-Wbetbas.,Vl.;.£,B Hinman, Cincinnati, Ohio; Dr
E. Eagerly &. St. Louis, J S Morrie & Co.,
„•.. Lisalivllle, El • Co-,ndrcer Oliver & Co., New
r Or.
"Y'. . .11
ive:riu.s, for the cure of Li ter Complaint, and
a u &seises arising from the Liver. In etch heed
ache, and al A purgatire and Anti.Bilions Pill, stir
" pusedby none.
.:. Sisirrons or • thisinSLl, LIT ra.-4.:Otiain.
imi eme tiee e t the liver, when not the Convey/rocs
.• at sukamitentiack of the disease, begin. genebilty
• with symptom. of a luactional disorder of W e di;e.
• tire and biker, organs, and dysperna frequently
Perini to be the only affection preeent,,The petient
coutplaius of irregultir appetite and impaired pow."
ofthfrestiria, acidity, flatulence, slight choke pains,
• riccamond nausea. and vomiting, and a slight dull
- pain and weight ere fell in the right side, eccomps
. • ailed is some ease. with • draggiegpain in the right
sltealder. 'Most • commonly, however, no distinct
' yule 11 espertenced in the region ol the• Liver,
except When finn premnre ni made on this port
Thethowels are always very irregular. costiveness
. being icumeon in some instances with disrrhoes,the
. • discharger scanty, dark colored, offensive, slimy,
•greenielt or muddy. One of the most content end
~.c.biple?ariztip- qmptoms of Chronic Liver Com
'pilot is k dry, harsh, constricted mete of tne skin,
..' 'a itheirtdry cough, with slight difficulty In breathing ,
-- is a frequent intendant on this disease. lot he
• -chronic as in the acute form of this disease, the pi.
tient can seldom rest as eery
on the lift as en the
fight aide. As the discerns advisees, slight fevers.
eonze on towards evening, attended with a horning
. b a d la the palms of thethands and soles 01 the feet;
• sba r aglan ye
re when the inflammation
bermmatea lit suppuration. hectic and rapid Fame.
lion consume the vital rowers.
- Manufactured and sold wholesale sad retail by
• .JOHN D. MORGAN, Maoist,
InelsM - Woad street, Pittsburgh.
- Slitagaasamall TOOTiI PASTY..
.. • ressonle mmnrrtca
Tbent ayticle known ri
for cleaning and whitening
the Teeth, streartkening the gems,. arreemning the
breath, lr.c.• it shrink be used every night with a slid
ask and th e teeth and mth on willonly require a slink
weaning in the morning. Wet the brash with wArnt
Water. or cold will answer, and rob it a few tunes on
the put., when comet, will adhere for <l.bitsir ibe
teeth. It lesverta dello!). taste in the mouth, Wet tin
parts • roost delightful fragrance so the breath. Ile/Wes
Mativalled as • pleasant, efficacious, convenient. and
It is, warranted not to Intent the teeth,
bats, presersolusna'
By ming it regearlyk it will remove the Miler aud
prevent as - Wettenalsmon--prevent the toothache
strengthen the gums, and prevent all diseases et brut
Ciilbllls,"pLyslebb, and %heelers, reuse:mast, it a
..flecidedty. sepertof to every thing of the kind w we.—
Sa y for Sherman's COMPound Orris Tooth Pane, .u.d
, , obserce his signature is attached to each pea.
Steconcotended by Dr. Castle Mil Dread way, amp(
, ems hem De Dentine, and by most ' ef the old establisted
' . ones in the Wined States, and even at masively used
by the Nobility of England and Prw es
A large prtitairthlo of the disease. t but afflict meek oat
arise from some dertunpunent of the stomacher bowels.
which • Lintel ,. use of Ow Cello tie Lozenges would
attire!, obviate. . Demos of Whims habits should al
ways have a box at hand, and take a dose wheneve
they feel the least derangement tin their health. A Judi
ebb lib of lb. LObliget would prevent thousand'
Versate M. {pm. JACKSON'S; corner of Wood and
Libest, Ws newt
~i: ~., ~h~_.. .
JLP REMEDY--Warranted to cure, or the •roun.,
ay Warned. This Medicine in prepared from an In
dian Receipt, obtained from one el them hi the Far
West . , at great espense. 'Chose who bare been
familiar Venereal Indians, know that they can and.
cla cure Venereal without the knowledge id Mery
curb Balsam, or anything of the kind . . The at.
Meted have now an opportunity of Wing cured
wide* tthe use .of Balsam: This medicine is
pliment to the fasts, and leaves no smell en the
breath. I
Prepared by I to WAND 6:: WALTON. and mid
wholesale and retail, M' J: T. itowand, 376 Market
street,f Idled's. •
For,pale in Pittsburgh by 11. E Sellers, 57 w
, s od by Wsr4LhEr...6s Market at. ockd
rise, PiTft—
', o wre
Dr. /mime DM Jbwersaders Nese Peed
PIIHERE ere few diseases more common or env
.1. blesetee thaa the Piles, and yet. nomithstand-
I: s rat efforts have been made to mare by the use
of ' Is electuaries,liniricnts, dee., all were futile
• of 'little berietie Nordtthe kimbrocsUon is the
scaly medicine med. A person who has been suffer!
mg with the Piles of the worst kind came from Sa
to:4slow Jersey, almost on purpme con
evicts his
--i.gdalltude forth. speedy cure dist-this mcdmine had
effected in Me tam—Kilts. SM . Poet.
Cpror 72, Fou isle in Pittsb
s urgh at tbe PREEN EA
STORE,-rth ~ nd also tithe Drug Store
H • P.Schwarts, Federal se Allegheny City
atOU -PUS I bL
317110:1E.manneuepri Nail yours? Me e! t your
.V Y y*114.1,4(.0, wattage Might Nanc Look
at you own, pitted with emcee. and blotches! 'let
rim aro.lcat mean to
fifty emu Sar • eallior the
vul Italiao Chemical reap which would comely liee
vee roma Mew awl mete y ' estr yellow akin clear and
teeelthy, Go at mei to Jackson's More, OF I.ibeny at.
einshemthand get a cake.
• Y 4 •FP Jockrees Lathe only place in rittabargb whoa
• the OHNUINE tato be obtained. Beware of Counter..
...8701t13P.R.VE the Utilloot stands at the doorway.
_ •P. A..DAILVASITOCK. aco ,
erected an extessivemnuchoseeert thecontes
• - AUL or Wean. and nem streets, ce.whlck they have
eammed. {Sec Wholesale Melbas, where they will
:,;elorltPl haVe On hand act clung. ausnment of all
alaa adobes Is their line, to which May Malta the attest
The.Dtmy Win beierarliraralSl the eti rb a
VIIIIDGE ROAD, above Bettrabwood Street. Phil- ,
lIL sdelphin. At Ulm establahment tritabe found
the reared. sancta erPiaris and beautiful Pattr res
for OWN FLAILING , the United :..IAIOI,
which the. utter...on el those to want of anj
tion,and especially for IDentetenn, is particularly
T be
prim put al all the handsome aashogs
at Lave HA.
Monument, and other celebrated
Cemelerica in the city and county of Philadelphia,
which have bend so highly estollcd by the outde
erns, were ezectited at this ma oufactory.
A large WaresKoom le connected with the estab
lishment, where is kept constantly on hood a target
Mock already-made lroo Batboy, Ornamental Dog,
Settees, I too chain, Dew style plain and ornamen
tal Iron Gate.. with an extenave assortment of tros
Posts, Pedestals, Iron Arbors, &c. Alno, in great
sanely, wrought and CAA IronOrramentir,stutsible
for Baits's, and other Maposea
The subscriber would also *tato that in Ina Pat
tern and Deitgolng Deoutment ulr'PlcUrva
some of Mei Itust talent la the country, whose whole
attention le bowled to the business--fortmog altos
cether one of the coat complete sod systeuratte ass
Libltalumal: of the kind in the Union.
Itost:wr %woo, Propneoir
Ridge Road, shove Buttonwood street.
Philadelphia, March &tom
71[1...t1 l
Its i;014:1/151 sl I.V OVATCII
(told Levers, hillJewal'eri. flst UU
Nitre, do do UU
Gold Lepines, Jewelled, 211 00
'duvet do do 15 le
Silver QAMII ere; fiu,.. lu
Gold W. metres plain, 15 00
&leer Spectacles, • 175
(sold Ilene., la,
Gold Unweleta, A a ,
Alro,on Land
a large assortment of Gold and Ilan
Stanek., gager ruiga, breast pins.buop eat rings gull ,
pens, ailsor spoons, strhsr mugs. thimbles, gold unt k,
eurb and fon Gusto u guard hey. and tearelG ot u•ter/
deseriptiOn, at equally low priers Ad I want is
to convince C.lolaG[ll,
All lands of Watches and Clocks repaired and war
rowed to keep good tune for one )ear, old gold and ail•
'ter bought or tat., nieSehauge
For sale, eight do) arid auttil,Noitillaltin(A.g 01
Watch, ChrekraudJewela t?ittre Nu 4lr :Rorke
stl,R, &trove 1.5. end, North Pule. rinladt.l Ina
I have solos-Wai nod Solver Levers s
thou the Wove prices
11118 Hammer possesses many advantages 010, all
others—among which may be mentioned.
Its klatiageobteness—The rspid and force. idow
meg I. controlled wall the greaust eme: while the
hats.. Is in operation, and the bummer mat be
I eland} arrested, and auspended at our
Ita I.74lYr(mall), 01 capacity - to 0000010 work of all
lava, from the large.t to the sin t hest, order the eater
lw rhinplwa Compactor , . and Cheimisisdi
Its Am essibdity apou all sid. a, I. the workmen
Alla. hammers ore made Self Acting
The übsenbers LO.llllOO execule orders for Mese allslees. upon reaWatable wrms
P'''cub."liraMiolk &TOWN P.,
Aram - acme ( the Patent forth< United Stair,
declEtly earthwork Foundry, Phllodlo.
2dazulfacturers of
OP ALL Utkentrelooti
No. Ss* South Front S
Back of T. A. Rilscrres Cabinet Wart 2flanufy
AL,L,•.°."l`.".,•,,tef`ioaLlb, brposon"irpt;
attended to. Vital.
replilitilly A. C. NICKERSON l •
lAIPORTER of . Watches. Watchmaker's Tools and
I. Wuteh Materials, wholesale and reiall,sod eon
Mainly on 11. , 1 it large nostrum in of Lunette, Potent,
and l Imo Glass, Mainsprings Verges, Dials, V 1 awl,
Ganda, and • oomplete assonsuent of all'louls and Da
lentils belonging to the hide; with, tars, o.lofllllolll
of Gold and Silver Lever, Leonean, nod Phial Won hes
'all of which he will gumming to sell at Mr 100 est Nett
York pr.. , Ali sides trout the reunify puto (unit,
N Nntry Mereh SllOl and ob.. at, ins k,,•1
ran nod egos... at thr OM stand, No good, root lb
meet. Philadelphia juliM! ton
- ILARSE3. 3 MACES, Uhmoet ,
• Plisladifiduia, late of the Grin ef CV., 4.
~rjaaTk....r empertfully inform. ft muds
and the public, that be has ana di Ye*,
most:nal, lemd end for stk., hamlsome omorunent of
uhiumbleCarmegm. Vehmin of all say?. and deveripti,m4
made to u lest,the storied pomibletunre, and .armed
Om very Lot warmer, of selected material. fehM-ly
—.KOE.NCIT—EOII. PdPiWaiirrbe
I , Vnafirrtgrow, D. C.
EN AS C. ROBBINS, Mechanical FAgittere and
ZAgent for paltering PraiLtar, will prepare the te
evisaey Unmakes and P.lpOre for Applicants or Par
cameo , ' treneact all oilier %usinert in the lint of lon
tool% ssion et the Prima Odee. Ile,. bet otoull..l
on ell question* relining le the Potent lawn .4 deei•
won. an the Untied Fedor or Fornpe. Pr .no , e, n
damn,. drain,. of hernia rinioinate , ns made et Me
Patrol °aloe. Teton tO ortZtlig . appltecnion tor a ;Intent,
may forwent Ipow paid. enclosing a fee of five Mims.
• clear statement of their Cline, veheniillotediate Often.
ton vrill be given to it. and all the infottoMmn that
could be obtained by • visit of the applicant pets.)
promptly crommunicated:
Alit. lettere w here .mas pool pa . id, aml
nble fe 0 smitten opinion a. revtired.
Offtee on F. street, opposite the latent Office.
Helms the honor of relent.. lit rwrmirwrin, to
!Inn. Edm.d Burke. Cu.. , of l'alentr;
Hon. 11 L. F.
11 en do;
II Knortlet:Maehm. Office.'
/edge Creech,
1100. R Choate, Mitamalmwta, U S Senate;
Hon. W AlLn. Ohm. do;
Ilon. 1 B Boer., M C, Itanviaz
WillisllelL New fork;
lion. Robert Smith. M C,
Breese. U fitienate;
110 s. .1 11 Relic, NlC,Masouri.
Capt. 11 11 Staseeifitioanall
F..t.ty/ 13rooks. Esq., Pittsburgh. mot
nether lot Itch
hem., Goode,
Rich ttpring
11AW Li'.
meter Si as ••
le new, plan
sod printed
R EG , E St
red and end
mmind Ron..
each & Seines
n and prlitir.l
de Leis..
few ruat Drub
Satin atoned' -
no new.
Dow c•,c
A V .1.. T
leer York Made
%Basra Ate
usual Wl.olreele
prices. ' Wppll GARRAID
attorney, Columnar and General Agent,
I...preez.a., laboring his friends and Me put.
'W. lie that he has commenced the b.... of
Arent for hying end telling real charity, end
will dente a large pOittOo of time and attention te
Me looting. letting and , biting of hot... Sync. and opt•
or buildings; in collecting and disbuning renta,.dotta
eredeitztr and denzands,.d inantlending in Ageney hu
sine. generally. He will Mad engage In the negota
tion Of loan!, contreca, etc.. add sytli furnith suatrime
information in relation to the pet mg q.litier and re
sponsibllnier 'of tenant., Re for which 'ha catenate , :
acquaintance eminently queliffea hint Ile may he found
at t he residence, Nn lit Allen iiireetrunal 9 1.2 o'clock
in the teddreing and alter 6 &Meek in the caroms. uod
at other hours vAas office. No 20 Climber. rare, 2od
floor (reel mom. NEW CORK.
RFAPERENCES—Pon F .A Tallseedge; Hon John 41
Scott, lion John McKeon. lion Orden llnffinso. Al.
derman Firhett Henson Al Win V Brady. td
Mahan, heatt, Wen Ro oms. Fay. my 13t2'n•
MiIiROPOSAIS will be received 2 1 the Office o f he
r Jason , River asp' kitiL9Wllll9 V.mpao l'l
ill Richmond, Va., molt the 12th July neat, for t he es , e .
ettietion of three mono dams nee.. /Mace' River on
lbe lien of the's Canal betwceu L'yrwhltufg
and the mouth of I. e North flee, The fuel el raid
dams will be about 31 Cl high and 403 Met lung, end
anted about 4 miles OKIVIr Lynelamrg : the second wilt
he Mama 13 ft high and 300 ft lung, and onward ato ~, 9
miles ammo( Lynchburg!. : Mild will he about V
ft high end 300 ft lona, end aituated alwitt 13 macs west
of Ly.hbaig. The foundation of there dome me of
rock, and the euperstrnettircs will ha tequiren 1040 rai
sed . high a. low water Merl. during the preiteta ace•
n.Plenset Wolknoanybc towhead open ations
obtained. at the Contralto , ' °Mee in Richmond. on at
the eubwrihres Officean amid line elate Lynch.. g
011.0.1 after the let of./ ely
WALTER o%Vii*N2l, Chief rikiecer
Kotorlia Co
and twat fashionable Eamon pattern , ...leviers. Ale.
TOK•CIIRAl l ROLL, or aosros BLIND, on bend
or nude to order of all fie., and at all prices.
Omani Merchants and ahem are leveed to call and
examine the above for aceiselva s deduction and mane to
ftardwar• Sterna adsamitrads
WIJITMOKE is WOLF F banns removed from the
comer ord.lberts and St Clair streets, to No 50
Wood - mese; three doom above tit Chariot blotel,werdd
'XratilittfiNtlf,VoVilitl gdWATOW'ltticr'eekil
per ships Sassiest, Monongahela and Ramie, direct
from me none factuters or linglend arid Genoa:W.
Also, saglies of American Hardware: from the prin.
c. ViaTsloc a
gertn7reonrurelyFferr7milil pleumr.chised upon ,
Ike best terms they feel great tmendence to being able
summsfullytree competition from any quarter,
whether tame west.
The Ilardera e business will be continued at die old
- -
s IA • B.'S
I.A ,
i - Forr aboot ono ) eat. )inwlose oi asking see of Mr.
Scar" Renovating Ville. bora auffettd ritremely from
apepain. nod cc an d mooch I Lota made nee 0 ,
• W. variety of medicine widinui receiving material
benefit. *lout threw months since I commenced saing
Mr. Seies Medicine which ha* entirely relieved me
from acidity at my Moisten, and remand ma to comfor.
table bealih. .Seseral of my ftiends
have made Die 0 , the Pills, end received meek benefit.
Atm d ens I can wnt,nonndanca =commend Wm,
J Aki F. A LEE. 317 Haitian et
red. ~.tplearrkr and retail. by II A FAHNESTOCK
COreomer of lit and Wood, and Wood and lkh sta..
6 - 011,i — AVIC- 330 c; .ylp ------- . --- L . W y 2 jelttWo Coqxt
. 1. - axito . SXl assorted-Inn' :W 1 :0&11 . mood •;14 , n io,
9.11,1042 and 1014 Window Sattif for .ale' In Loy
odontifylolait customer, HARRIS
* l3 -1 4 ,.. t . ' -..-..-.-; 4r..‘...l_.r°m*f'F.,...l.intl_ftd,",
V/LZICIf-PIGIPTS-Welhave ieceivelf slew ciseit
r funrstila Mart Prins, of fe,esat,ptfiehlife, vfluelt
silt be sold low so Jo 1 .
, J
' • , ' ,
~ ~,.. , ,
~,. , ~ ._ 1... - .1 ?IIIiCKLErr&WW 4 !
EILSONtk afflicted: with 'Scrofula, Kitts Pt-al
PCancer, Erysipelas; Old Sores, Ulcers/Tater
Mercurial Diseases; or , to other complain arising
from impel:Wes of tte blood, are requested }o read
the following testiinorilati, in proof of the cutler
fol properties of theabore named medicine.
We the 111)&10v:dad; befog visited Mr. Isaac
Brooks, Jr. at able office iof Mears. Rowan 'and
Walton, 376 Market street, Philadelphia, consider
his case the meat remarkable coo we bare e'er WO'
netted or hear I of?'" -
dismwe was SCROFULA, and terrible must
have - teen h twelve years' conflict with • the' de
ffisPalate,' e entire read his Month,
per Lip, sod lower Lid of the Right Eye have been
dmtroyeni,hia Fare nearly eaten up, and pan a the
Jaw Bone carried away: And yet we can give llf•
- dowenpuon of his case. i
Mr. B. tritonms us that in January last, the whole
interior of his mouth, as well as most of-lis face
will a Mass of deep and painted ulcers! '
On the 14th ohanuery last be commenced tette,
Dr. CULLEN'S INDIAN 6:Grrnia.E.rm l / 4 A
CEA, which checked the disease an. a lew day.,
soot ibaL time the cure has progressedeithout; in
New flesh has sapplicd the place Of the deep al.
ears, end 'though badly..disligured; his late is wand,
toad hia general health is restored. •
We are assured that in the treatment of Mr.
Brooks' cue, Ott Mercerials,Ointments, or Canatie
applications brae been' used,—to rut, the PANA
CEA ALON E, has wrought., this wonderful change
David Smith, Bricks county, Pa:
Cherie. L.. Rowand, Meadville, Crawloof
J W. Jones. Mll I) Swab Second erect, Phila
Jacob Lee, Pemberton, N J. • '
E W Carr, 4-10 N Fourth, above Poplar at, N. L.
S mit Mtough, Lancalter, Pa.
K hi hladdock,ta Nthib Eleventh st. Phil.
C W Appleton, ht f) 46 South st. do"
Timothy Caldwell, Marion co. Missouri.
Daniel Veakel. Chesnut Hill, Plith.delphia co. Pa.
Joon Harned,39o g: High atreet,
William Stee. DiCamdee, N. , '-•
' William Hale,lin ht
378 High street, Phil. J.
[J II Potter, Manufacturer of Mineral Teeth. BYJ
Ninth street,
I,h-A Wolleoweber; Ed. Phila. DeMertrat tIT7 N
Street, doi
George W Mania, *ash Miter: 317 Market St.
Kara Carr, 159 Chesnut intact, Phil A
. ,
U Gillette; futon at Eleventbliapthitt;hurcti,
John Bell, Enc.:Mosel, Philadelphia, (North Amer
can afiel.)
I Aaron Sands, 164 Catharine Street, Phil.
',Deniel McGinley, Healers Alley, do
Andrew Svocaton, Camden, - N J:
K LI. Evaus,.Wmt
Richard 'll Young, Udder, 41.19 Market at.
John W Ashmead;GO South Sixth street, do
T S W ag ner,Lithographer, 116 Climmit street, do
' U Kensil, F.leveoth street, 'do
etitr Sken Susi.; Editor Native Eagle, .
fuel Bodine, Giata manufacturer, Williamstown
item Steely, Farmington, Van Buren co.
L. B Cram, ftt 1), Button, Mom.
Reuel Canfield, ll'huitilugast,
Thomas S Roby M U,.llanuhargh r P. !
Peter Wright. 9.5$ Market street, Phila.
!ernes W N idid, BO Filbert at. do
John Bond, Ili Spruce at. do
William Line, Pastor St. Paul'. ht. E-Ch.Catherine
Si- Phila.
John Chambers,i Pastor lat holm, Church, Bro.ui
it, do
. 1` L. Sander. Publisher of Pledge and Standard,
P Sellens. Editor Olive 11 ch, Dirylestono;
Bucks co, Pa:
Wholesale mid Retail by Rowena , Mao., Prg.
prietors. 376 , Market SL Philadelphia . R,E Seller.,
57 Wood at. Piturburgh,P.a., Wni. 'l'h. 51' ftlar
ket at ; Perkier.; Mariettat Ohio; eaten h
Sharp, hlaymillu, IL Yd ohn W Dancuboe er,t 'in.,
Ohio; Soleil di Reeves, hladoon le;C Noble;lA , ms
K V. Deserouck S Yellin., St. Lou., Pd.
htelraw,! Natchm. MOM; ilardaeas Jol.•
et. Vickshurth do; Charlet, leaking, New Once.
• *di
: . . --- 1 STORAGE.
STANTON'S IR, XTICKNA 1. 11818111 EDT, , 115.1 e, u very large and cormeralsom woreborms,
C•1..1.1 to svr. me f orward to receive lin addition to boleti for
HUNTS LINIMENT, shpent,. large aseriant.of Produce, dia...tharacs at
h /A f toodul CA 14c.A1 , 11./T..Ty AOs
S...inov universally acknoistedgild to he the lill
I FALLIBLE RV/11E11Y for Rheumatism,
,Spi .
nal Affection, Conimetions of the Minified, Sore / tilariiMll 1 8 4 7 .. abiliall
Throat and he st, Issues, Old Ulcers, a n d the.
ltack and Chest, Agee or the Liman and Face, hslAClAlSltruut for Ike ituteireleatiewittf WAY
rioth Ache, Sprains, I/NIIKNI, Salt Rheum, Korn, .1•• Vil PM /If r heiweesi Milabs,gh,lllsirovilleaulins.
Croup, Frosted Veer. MINI oil
N e w
Dmeasca. 1
min t lindidoldmfgh. Waits thresh Peismbergh sad
The TKllllil VIIA NT SUCCESS which basis, , ''',17,,n,,,„.:1ii,.„,n,, „„,,,„,,.. „ A ~„,„„.„i
tended tbe apelication i . this moat WON Iit.IIWIi I. l i Le.. I,oGµG.N.,cry .1.1, leseept Sends:Ll end
MIDI 'IN Eln curing the most severe ..eP a the , 5g,,,,„,,,,,, „,„,,,,,, , ,,g on hgs f ,,, ,g,,, .g.,,
ilidercnt Pinta no above a:med.—and Me 111011 i ...lett mai.. cation and aii fair rates.
ENCOMIUMS that hairs been loratowed upon it, 1 Th., tans no GPI lorti tor the .perml eecomttualatlon
IVIINIVWf II 11311 been introduced, give. me t one i 1 Of on w.) PKlTliemm 'imew•ifillf
call ill GIN Al ELK: 14:1) to resort at le ' "'•'",ditid •hme id Patmoote: ' -.
the ONLY Et: i;ELN"I'HAT CAN LIE RELIED loilri keKwoirru J011:4 MILLER
IVIThe faultv unileip reromtnetkling the tele- -- 00 it. 1.104 YOLTv.
ated External Remedy. Hunt'. Lautsseut. i J011:11 Mli/LER. ofe.lblaysintrgh 1
The fallowaik letter Dom the highly ciainart i KII CAN AN, Agee.-
l'hysiciane Who have been of
to the Meant i C A MOAN V LTV A Co. INltebaret
11 ' "‘" S9'''' Prison for '"'Y t en "' in Lee beet 1 1 . 1 / McDevitt. John Parker Robot Noore, Regalei
evidence 01, the mien of this celebrated Liniment. , a p„,,,,,. p.„.,..., 4 ,._ _ ' ..a,
SING Sitio. December ,•11,145. I
My Dear Sir—l received your note of yesterday, , LIKE ELIE AND ItICIIIGIVEINN. ,
asicing my opiroon in relation in Runes Liniment, 1 rianiaViia 1 847. g i i iimi a_ _
is prepares! lip Mr George E Stanley. Earmane I •
de compoietinn, and having Irequeutly and it, 1 , r r till Lion hvine seummed of Kan • totes. = gd;
con ,N.,./Nr..l‘l S. you no 3 mite Eatenial Rem e- , and Mich:gab, runnwg daily herwoen.Witisbergh
ay,ana di,lny eplumn, the best Lintomilt nus , se , nil i1ca•••.... , ~,e 'd end P.l•i'..ilwr Canal doe. ,
use. Very truly .0:1 rarpredullyinuyi, 1 n14114g IacIGING yeAVIIINGIG Ene &lid onnittellng *At
. ~, ,C SI Rreal Lie
of *mambo. eropelless anal Vouch,
A K Hd/F4 , a.v• on the Laic, will he prrplterd upon the earliest epee=
Col PierrGYan Cartl2odt, Croton Manor. ~,,, o f r5,,,,,,, g g ~s ~,,, g.,,,,,b,..4 p..",,, al
I fully ceecur init. Jaw.. Opinion. all poiamon the Raver, Canal and Galt..
(V A BELCHER. twin; u , er9 h.thkY for ....,!_./Mke.ghl .ra .P r.-
YORNIOWII,Jact: 14, 1845. •mager• 1idh1....0......r1.!.... .. U._ P.P 1 . 4101
Ste-1n; reply Intern letter,l would say that 1 to , ." , " r " '•"P' •I tI,Y ••• '''' dd. "Id d'oddit' i t" d
Lane used your External Remedy, ulled m e b• P" I " I ' " e•lree Z, u liga ere t ~, ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,r
Liniment; in my practice since you made me ac , . REEDS, PARKS it Co. Seaver. Al.
quaiated rovlth I n comp. - mitten, end nalimitsfangly , PAIN A CACOiIEy, YittslAtb do
v y at thclieve t he n be the but Eaternal Rhine Dm. Mibtlfit Id and Water am. appecte the elamiag•
d n y now in use for complaints far which you re I Soho , . 11....
commend it. Vendsrespectfully, I
Geo E Stanton,Eriq. •
Among the rria.e of worthies. articles and
humbugs that are centred forth at the present day
upon th e country to te really refreshing to had
somedueg of reelprachead utility. something sou
Pie, speedy and elem..' in ito oPeration; sad
etlec cs
the mine time lien from those injurious t
which generally attend powerful remedies. Hum's
Linimeat, prepared by Geo. E Stanton, el- Stag
Sing, though it bas been but a then time before
the public, by already obtained the confidence, not
only oflour most wealthy and influential estisens,
but oid moat eminent physicians. All acknowb
edge it to be a sovereign balm for many of the ills I
that flesh is heir to, soothing the ar.dung limn, and
by its genuine stimulating inllueuce,benobiag.tha
ease ftom the system.
Mr. Stanton--Sit--Seeing your advertisement
of Hunt's Linimeat, I was induced to try its elects
on eny , son, who bad been crippled with a lame
hack from au infant; said it is with gratitude l.bear
testimony mite vronderNl healing properties. M
child, who is now flee years ot age, is now in a fair
way of recovery, YOnal, 45.
DESLIION ch-lagliSoll. •
Pon 0 rYICI, TOW tt tan, Patna irs Co.
I certify that personally acquainte d with
the above mimed child. and think the father would
be sole in saying that his son is almost sell.
Nov 5, 1845. Deputy Pout Muter.
P. S. I would also state that I have belch fur a
number of yearn aobject to Delmont atticka of the
.Ithenumtisin, which in many lastancee preYeated
iy attending to my business. Two or three spoil
mines of the Liniment insatiably remove all at
ceilings of the kind. la cues at bemires. sprains
admire., too numermas to mention, it has in- this
icinity proved a certain remedy. Its value an
oly be estimated by throe who hare given it a fair
na , _
This Idnitnent is noltint tl3 and 50 cents per Unt
ie, by all the Prinetpal Ito:lots blerelttnii
through out the ceuhlry.
Wh.frtprir Age4pin Nett, I",nk.
riioADLEY, KIX:: & Co, 11: Water
111.1S1F1'ON As t:o, 110 ..roadinny.
A K & It SANDS., corner Fulton rod Wilt...,
ASI'IN WAIL, tali William *trek
°Were addremed to me
Sing Si ig, N V, wit,
be attended lA. FAJIIIi F. F. ST ‘NTON,
For sale In Yttlatourgh by 1. IV 11.1'0X, Jr, and J .
Kll/1/& Alleghenyt:ity, /011 N SAKEIt:NT
b. 1.0)
I,tirminghant,JOllN lit6ll'l•H
Itto'K I U N.hWon pilaw
riart ie put up in quert hoot.. m ein
AlEA•per. piAAAAAIN E , nod warranted nor to re)
sild It eiliftWgthalll vomiting, purge , ", 1. or
debildettng the patient.
The great beauty and at:pent:tom of not strap filly
over oil other to, while it ors•hr.4lCo- a.,
it hormorates the bm/y. It EA 11AAii on the
ACIPOVAI and permanent cure of ail dtseasei -lug
(rein an impure maw of the blood. or 1.0.1 o 1 th. •1"
losak ouster Insitatiens!-111 principled person. 'dive
copied Erns labels. and put upsnedteine in the turn -har
ped battles. Pen that each battle has the written • gen
tura of P Townsend.'
For sale by Ran d SELLERS, lank 04ent for Atler t .eny
seounty,) 57 Wa street, between fiord sold I • nob
likkAritHlAlialili A f fir • ki
SVatices,Prevention and Cure or cooso. ; ,o00
Aithna, and Diseases of the Heart. On the lame
of .Loo K e.ty, sad mode ol prerterring mole andfo-
Male health, ernmetry and beauty; °spewing e,,twee
and cure of those diseases-that produce Coeburn's-
Ken, or shorten !dem Affection, of the Skin, `:one,
litatnacti, klowela, Kidneys, Liver, tlcrolula, Filet,
Gravel, end Female Complainta. Its rules, casy,,
practical and, pure. leln a guide to he r
and long life. Engravings, TO pages. b 0 et..
POstar cta. By SAMUEL Sll ELDON
I: Any person remitting fifty cent., free, will receive
one copy, by mail, to soy part. Tho trade supplted.
Feb 10, 18474fit0 •
riencre t Do PAP t - Plies P x7l a~
Ditill"cakr'eqinnrel;l'tttoitt the:tald"ditre* "et
disease' It not may immediately allays pant and intl..
amino, stops aft bleeding,subducs drat intolerable ach
ing. bat effectually cams, in a very short time p.
whose lives bare been rendered b u t for years
Its application produces no pat. but tether on ag Mee,
hist ano
lea sensatlon II persons afflicted will'
call end bear t will groat clamber of-calwa ` Mat have
bead coma,
will he neldeleertl• ' A seellegOlil of
this city, who had heertnader the knife of the ungloo
for two or three times without being eared, has by us
ing 2 bottle. of the Embareation. been C oteaad.
It sells beyond precedent tb-IPhil. ffstarday er.
W.f . = wale in
at. the PEKIN TEA
MVEE,7II Fourth street, near wood, and at= or the
Drag punt of P hwidts, Federal at Allegheny w
ty. smadt
ladies, rot airmatihed,
When you kn.. that you me promised
A natural, Ilfe•Illre, snowy whits,
Thee you sal sun me common char,
And look a deathly yellow fright, '
The Nome of laughter and of talk.
If pm would um. tot of MINE'S Lilly-while, It
at give you akin u alabaster yet w
mental him,
and at the same time clear-and improve it. gold at
J411601.113.e9 Liberty lit: Price MI mato pa box. •
SINAII7I6 O hIniIs 111, • CI, ‘ . gWasx, m.smra oodles.' sale
atigna I
PENNOVVlTArttiisits; a st.a.z.g.coLD
• t Eatiqulsa'rair iatity - 4 1 ; ,• ;1 , •
ErrchoWelyjhe PassirgoLs. .
Tpohlie are respederilislaferrosoi aiiiikA Line'
J. will crochet-nee mouses on or Mewl the 16th instant.
continue Mrdirearontic Pima. The proprietors
Wye mw plated &Msg. , en. of Nck.a.a.kaa6
(trod Carron tbh root& on& inewaccommodatioas,
gebich will glee ssea.tar tont(ort lowavekits.
-A Packet Boot w.ll •howys be An pan,and the troy
chug pol.he are regoorod to tall and asnine them,
P"'"'"•%OnrYlfli NE DOLLARS"'
One oethe Nolo-Hs will leave the hordmg. (opposite'
tin United Swett 110101,) corner Penn sitter the,
Cartel every meows °o'clock • •
TIME 34 -DAYS. •
For 1/I(ormatiOn 'apply at the oliflooi...Norlonlat iO ‘
Ilawe. Water &rem, or D LESA/11 &
mcbl3 cur Penn street and Canal '
atie=l-1841. Mitffk:
Or LEmon es . POW:
itiirwek:N PrITASURGII.
'UE stock of (Mt line et:eosins of a double daily
.1 Line 'or Soma and (Mrs. hreined by thernsewhi
which are in sow:Horder. Thesubsenbers are prop,
d to forward Jame quantity of hlexhandise and
Produce WM rotatory end diltpeleb:`
Produce of Merchandise t ongued m any of the un
dersrgned to (me/holed free of any charge for commis
.] or elorage.
Bi Ils Limbos trill•lllitted and all Mancha:is promptly
trended m. The Wain!.o or tble Line ii inlidneted at strictly
Ishbadolceping pnnerplos. Adore., orappl,
I) LEECH & Co. Pllirientra.
4hinil Beam Pituburgli
11A RRISI A LEECH, Proprietors,
lo 13 South Third meet . Philadelphia
1114 Norte HoWnrd weer , Dalumore
W IVOR, Agent,
No 7 West street. Nee
1847. iligirli_
F.."!` a t,e.,7,7,,Tr0t1it.°!.: - .1 ,1 1 h .117 — ...4" 1 ".'..'t
the way, end the consequent nal of delay, darner&
breakage and separation at scads. .
No TN Market gnat. Philadelphia
Our Penn and'W sync Ste, Pittsburgh
CIaiN3NNOB &Co, North Creel, Baltimore t A .„„,.
IV &J T TAPISCIYYT,I S South et.'N. Y. I — w ---
Ericourvired . by . ineremed'bitainesa die Proprietors
hare added to their stock and exterded their arrange,
mews during the winter, end are now prepared toton
ward frig A with reel:lathy and dispatch unampaseed
by any other line. Their loncerrienellee •S Carriers,
the palpable superiority of the Portable Boat System,
and the Moat capacity and convenience of the ware
, houses at each end of the lute, ate pecallarly camels.
tide enable the propnewirs UP (4161 their etliteiretnuuts
W Beet...oda., their etnitorneria—coollderryofferiog
the rain as a currenty for the Weft, they reloecifolly
.0110 , 1 a ecinueummecif that patronage winch they now.
a...rally selthaniredge.
All coneiguteents la Taaire a OT,onnor will Bill.d
am! tommoded. Steamboat 'charger paid acdor
Lading trammitted free of toty charge for thiencaluion,
ad•lnengy or stomps liallialt OD intereitilareily or
indirectly in swasotamm, the inte rest Of the reanimate
Maul Ilrerssardy ha their psissary object In thippon
and they pledge themselves to forwent all grads
s igned to their promptly Roden the most laden.•
gewgaw's. to the owners.'
%larch LINT math
,it.:. - 7_llllllllllll 18 , 1 7.k
111111 MENA
NSPORTATION or.nsuoucts
Ip-Watiaut Trasaltiptorill.X3
Coals rotalitaal woof rare Ibt fortoraidt.d wdb.
otas artit,tnt th e lowest comets rams. of tad.nt
transauttal, tad tll IflllfUtlin.prusopdy asioadrd to,
0. , from ttttY ettra rharve (or aml , ' or asourttwou
Ultima, or sppir o A IdeANULIN ACV
ISatl HMO, Patstturet
Wbselet,Csocitst It CO, New York
too Davis, Duda.
N Puha tea, Cleveland
Jos A Artnettiong & Co, Dawn
lideCtore k, lidilwaskt•
itirstal A rawai aura.
Wu. Powers, Po
Urn haliayns. Evensiough, newts
John Ws &Ohm, etinisMote 0 0
11.' oh Asko,gitronville,
Cram k granola , . Clartmille.
Ne v. & PShropettotgh, Pa.,
C lonti earm!, • do •
W Conornahater New Castle, do
. eitosp
attiik 1847._ -
It I n viiPOßTtNat
It HE tow toredWa'sintlNoltTerry'ing."lerstlll-this kW . g
Ewalibolied L.u., 50 owe so well know that de
ret iption ts Claude awnetworkedoonte
tome, lbw all Ifenskipteent bundling is aevini.
Thu Nom, used light draw& sad pato. newt un.
foan Otani oven Mm•
The emeeity a ow Matebausw enables ea to su6n,
any consignments made mss Reweinias, owing, MO'
advances fros of chariot.
Using folly prenatal to make soles P
Duo s
eel'. coati...ewe 01 weese n Mer ' .
Cacao, leant Bauer, Cheese, %Veer, retake
awl whet
erne!. Co. sale, alt !Phi& liberal seltanom will ho
nods sod other usuaifiteinue. siontedi pledgi otit
tetras that say botinew• entrusted to We lataT as
moonily row open as fair Wow a s ly
/NO & Co
whet booty
Canal Oasis. Pdoliargh
gra.N-41 DAVIS& Co •
44, aisd WI Market et, Ybilufa
East Beaver Pain! and Bridgwater,.
coilllTT, • !
• • Proprietor and *rat of olr
6570 ii! •W
natal skiwasp rrrrssomais APS
WILL. be po pared on earliest opentnrof renal are
• iew reeeire ptoperty St St•,,ltrktia boat ar,
so wa reho use , art all purer. on Este La tenoon,.Crove
d Onto Canals; for all MAO Oa Lake Eno a
L eper Lakes, an Ow to tor/raid Prod e, ple.hy Penal.
y to or attn..
IL alia
Clara ' 'loops. T. P. elnitasi.
Porwardalg & Conanstsibm
T il atl A y EsoMw tool
i ' l tht:pnil=wlilV prepared o f 7t u ritt " .
colons opent7i eaml omission la receive prop
Groat Pital. out' Resew . , and deliver the mane at
any point on t e Ohio moats. slut elation WA. Erie
and Michigan, with the greatest deipetalf end at Tess-
Gable rates
The mohtiestra of ISIS fine solieit the bosinew of
diet. former cowmen , with witfirlencei knowing thw
I their (minim ate stVollitt to DOM
Apply gt, Pi oe
CLARKE Co, Bearer.
solved, the
pannetehip, under' the name of Hie twee'. Liner
likewise speed td refit the Sleek an to hare
number of Roe. for the plupaa or Milling goods
thoosts in front WS Id eight days, with eerie/my—and
feel encouraged by the liberality of hot year . % narrow
N rr, ...too memeßtensiya arrangeweau for the .n
-e would thereto. respectfully ...ruff. Conlin.-
.. of our Conner parrone i and refer all dear e tlsmmen
ta those we bane done 44.1fiew for. - •
L • fIoATMIIII. LIN*, . • •
• Fort. nonsporultioa ofd
U OSLTIIta, B•LTIPn, Naar oar You; O. Baro n
Corner Liberty Street and Canal Bum. Piusburgh.
L - - • LNIIRRH ART & Co,
• No 3. Pdarket street, Phil ailelphi.
ELDER, UELSTON & Ot.:Agnn, •
• • Belthnote, Md.
; •
PITTEIBUIRIII—Jors. McCully,Morino
W•Mer3rily &Co, El- Ponspeon &Co, 111• Allen &Co.
Pllll,&DE49lllA—Morrie Patterson isC,Rernolds
McFarlane &Co. Eamon* re'BeelrY , Ptrer Wrlettr &
rria,bore; JosepliCalstr.. , ' -
NEW YORK—hoodhari & Co,Theo, Perry &Co.
• nosropc=ll6.l,third&O.
CINCINNATI—Adams & Creagh, W: W irke,,bo,
'con .b
PT; PLEASANT, NA—P A Idnebieci . •
mccr,Unisdive floni Hew Volt and" Boston,
consimed so L °MAK& Co, Philisdniplus, be
c,ompth :
ignoesii to Palloalitible ,
PKkap - 110 Canal betnunor *pen,
hyme nOnelt,ba• the
... m siseeesse valisbte poker , e(
roelsedlneron,a b - k . - r m w. u g, r ct,
mewrhh, : hand , h4d i b y: i t t e
an smog color .111 ir
tbe Waling -:•. LBHAII h
7 - 7 . . D
AMA Inland canal .•
• . . .
.Rigoti e Aß,'
L jigjD . .0 . **AVMS'
'4=l;The now and splendid steamer
• Copt. Charles Hoop, eyournenres her
....1111111-eindairlinps th is day, leaviiir Pins
*aids sillo'doek, .11.,am1 Bearer 11.1 a o'ekek, r st...
enameling monk Ihnstiondt land giver .
Line of Cad
nal-Sown daily to Cknelarid, 04.Ikaver Wm, re na me
gennlind 'Line of Canal Paikets arid gage Comae.
daltio Warred land dovalanoi.eirosl Panne. Liner to
Pi* CiMilt mad °remind. Pis; Ene Ihrtension Lino
11relsdlillo and E.6.- - Niat Wenn Lines of
nage Coaches kir Cleveland and Wainer, leave Ika
vet dilly Oa die wirrind.nt steamboat Beaver from
Pitoilkirgh. Appir td
0.11 lIARTON & Co, Pittsburgh
-soli . CLOMP. & Co. ISCAirel
t 10_
. 7 /
lrvPf.ll„i A .
N UR l
o ttil
,Agp ,e g i il 4 A lp.
I .:.)CtL , PARS&
Co, Cleveland,O. i ,_...,'. '.
_Beaver, P. - Propnetors.
!i - -- -.1/V ill' NIATNEE, Pittsburh, Pa. .
I7.lgirsttrirltitsVi=p,.. irr=4,l7ari"Mt
ftto any-pii — nt int din mug ay Pr sal. a (An and Olin
%The (aniines oivald Lino are noteqindled by any on
Lshid,Cadale,.bitninbeis and capaenfyf lioad i [lre
-40-0!:}11141411' e:gllabilfgh andVevehrod3l4., run
'.!‘blardZi"tirr Liake lb 2n e ir * , botween Pink rib a nd
i ' Iraint, and a Limii - Of apt class nteanaboatt Propel-
Itnckgutho.,..ko.., on Lakes Erie, Ninon, MI-
Iniperty Rwrirarded In toy pirn of . the Union with
despairli . EN PA u, Cleveland, Amu
REED, PARK!! & CO,. Meaner, *gig
%V 'l' MATHER. Pdtsbargb, AO ,
Cor Water and tinilthbeld” streets
jai . 1847. Mali_
Time to Rehm:tore ..... •• • ........ 12 hours. *
Time Philadelphia 40 " -
(Only 71 Miler Staging.)
IHE splendid and fastromine smonersConsal, Loa.
is McLane and Sextant have commenced tusking
double daily trips. One boat trill leave the Monoom.
Imla ; wharf; every otomiog precisely at 8 &clock.—
Passengers by the morning line will arrive in Baltimore
at evening in time for the Philadelphia Mulltoal,o dm
Rail Road ears. ' The evening Ma* will leave
wharf daily at &chock, except Sondays. Fame ote
by tide boat mill lodge on board. in comfortableelate
rooms* leave Uroarnmille next morning are o'clock;
elms the tenants Maim light; sop and lodge in Cen.
Selland. Thus avoiding nigh t travel altogether.. The
preparations on this route ma ample, d elays dthe manection
complete; so that dtsardmintmettut or will boon
known span it
Passengers ean stop on the• route and resume their
o r aga d in at plessum, and bare choice of -Rail Road
or rkeemboat between Baltimore and Philadelphia ,
Coaches charteted to parties to travel as they deism
Penile your octets at the othre,Monongahelo Home
of St Charles . ItomL J di EISKIbIEN
(MI6 _
P!,e ` r da att. ettLTel'oell'iwr "x".,daTlVreir:Paberar 'or-1e;
mining Lloo , from Paula: M. and arrive Wmmo
owe for the fatal Late of Stage., which leave Intoutti
ately thereafter. and arrive at Cleveland at 3 o'clock, r
This Male lathe moot p;pedtlioll• and erunianaLl
ane to the Lakes:
CLEWS &LEFFINOWELL, Warren cropr'r
I REED,_PARKS & Ca, Deaver, Arms
JOHN A CAUNIIKV eaten Water told thslidtfithlrk
Oryafat theme Pottfetits.l
PITTSDMiIf&D AND otliGgetviit.ra
' 1847 - tivreid.
. . .
LT AND IIIEA/lIT 1.00 , ..
rrlll9 Lille e o n.Einsiig of Creith!wsslpar.este, I. wk.
J. ri. . will tun :rxml•tly Janet Ihr nexuAl hempen
I.l.aret and tl4e.vilte,ls. 10, wish I,,slit sit 3 0.•
wage. brlvreen the two pesit4l, will,. caornwl pronlpsl..
I an u at she hote•l title.
11; MX k ARCllF.R.Creenville, A l t.
CRAIG &FRAMPTON, flertpv.l.e. 4..
-II ANNA PLUMB. Stiarpkatetb, o.
1 W C MAI.AN. f.hasurt,
_ Whl. NATIIKWI+, Pulaaai.
Rl-11.10, PARRS & Co. Uric. I. Jo.
JOIIN A CAUGIIFYeorner Water arolSorthfiebt no
104 Oppo.lte do Monattgabeia, Ikno, P,ant,alirtt
WM 1847. OHM
/On Tilt TRanseonTSVlaM or ,
ALL Ittnet OF 111ERCItnetU18g.T. i AND FROM
Plelladelphis, Bedtimes. Neer Tor&
ad Beetles.
VI k: encooragentent (test lie. haa recotwid ware
ita cueollenetsseut, has induced the reverie
tercet increase the nook by adding a number of drat
clarboats; and instead of giving receipts as beret".
lows as ai
nts. we will give oar col. teceipta tut
' freight shipped by this line.
The boats are all portable, consequently fonifla
is taken the whole distance is Knout transhipment.
thereby preventing damage frets itsuauent handling
on the route, and as each boat is own.ed by the
Captain wits:rens them, which is • sufficient guar
Wei that there will ha ao delay on the route.
AU Produce or tderchandiee consigeed to the
undersigred will be forwarded FREE OF COM
MISSION, for advaneieg and forwarding, and . ill
be skipped withoot Aeley et the lowest rates of
We respectfully .elicit a share of piIWIC patro•
Canal Bann, PitudWirgh.
1 Broad Street. Philadelphia.
Bewley's Wharf, Baltimore.
. Pittsborgla, Feb. 18,1841,
1846 Asp 1847
Lat. MiNgiNilia_
pia: undeceived arc sue prepared is forward pm
1 data, tc., to the Eastern Markets daring the use.
nix Wlrtier, on the ism. favorable terms, .by this ex po
dium. mate.'
• All pewits,. eonsianed to es vett! be forwarded at the
lowest rues and enth despatelt.
lien handlee received by Mil route promptly Gtr
warded.: • J C BIDWELL, AO talmrsh.
G W CASS. Brownsville.
a; ERTON Co,Centlierland
RA I sLROAD kraiamiu:
THE eslAeriber• 0011 receipt for the delivery of Pro.
dace to BaiLIISKIM at blonenakeltela glatkorater
at the foll••001P 0 d 00
Astir* Raton, Muter, Lead. Lard, Pork. Tallow.
Whiskey,Cbertee,eind Cl. per Itat lb..
Tolittcel,llerap, Flex •nd Wheel—% et• per 110
Leltve, (PM) Apple... Ehnen., FlasEeed, Mrs., and
Umber-4011as per 100 Ins
0,1513 k kw deeds Wool-110 et. per 100 H..:
Heeewsk,P•atherit, Pam letweng. •nd 13eake-Hoot
—llO et. perlllolos.
All property coadigned enber of the underetined
will le Carysidell without &dee, free of tbaortassiren,
st above Wet, Wll Cl.ARK.Hrovrowilte.
. •
EatFREIGIITE III S and others vrishing
been Ftra (trick. there
bioagltt toilet place front Metthetor tile
and taiensediate Medley., ems snake
. . mrangerneem. by calling on me, as I
have aßoat Wilaritej ICIIIII•fly betweenYlLl•bulllb and
Sgeatiermille. GPO B. tdILTF.OIIIIfIttiKU,
TUE Steamboat lIARI.F.hIwi shed
and rehtted• in handsome atyle and
- t • now al the Monongahela whart A,
she M homoved she a we
eastrag fraght and patoiengers; so for totems; sh ' has
great capacity and poem. Any promo Map. 4 'to
mo wiU aroma. Inspect her
I alas pe. m leave, famine or more ye•m my opal
Wear, and to a mane( energy end business habit, they
offer great advantage.. I eau tarnish the hare, cokes
go ..refi t
•or aharter, soy twer host ••MINIGE O Ile ran
slim have ou fair weans sot barret, dom. Asti, and two
coal bottoms, Nueva CRI• with repel, AXIOM. a t ~
wader for fall oparanona An esamtnelina on In e h
11R1R4011.12/ It Wynn!. Yemoim disposed to negotiate
with me is referenee to any of the above .particalar t,
may eddreat meat my °See tr. Meares Uaildin. • as
otteet, Pdottarytiter at Ilarlein,litmeS.hlono ll' u flia lllgahele Deito,
-•-• • • . -
Rk vsst produeour rioallerr.—Read the arllowtot
from the Kau. a. Wakefield, Paton of tartly n. M I.
Eittthe rgh, March fib tH7.
Mr. R. E. Relicts: It is from a 2.1 , e or duty... well
a. with great plea.ure. th et beer trritniiiiiy to the One
tue of your Jowly ceicentted Yennifuge.. I procured •
sines Wyk and gave it io three m my children, who'hout
been i n r oe theeral weeks The wa. wiren
years old, the nest foil, sod the toungest eighteen •
month.. The forst pained finprox wormy, the second
it seven, landau. Iliad coiudderable number not
distlnctly recollected. Since then they Dave bewildering'
welb_and are new In good health. Y
, 2 .
ours reepeetfUlly, yt.Wrinwrienti.
From the Rev. S Ehlabcrwk, of Ike Methodlit Rothe.
pal Church.
Mr. R 11 Is with gieat pleasare 1 would
Inbrm YOU of the rod .Seca produced on toy son of
rove yews of anel by your justly celebrated Yermifugis
After ht. havtngairmulemith,letave Itim three dewy,
when be path.] en 'almost Ineretlitalde number, from
which tone hie gene:al health hes been improved.
-11 E Beartoci.
From Ilia Rev Charles Cooke, of the Methodlet Epis.
coon Cliarcto
'lnaba ink, December 14, ISM
Mr. R. K Delete I gave a ydaughtertheiveren I
three andut for years old) i dew. oh/ eur _
• .cording to previctiplion, with the haprorat thermos.—
The 'mother of tropes ispelled l do not know retire•
fy, hot It way 1.11(4 Sh, le now in pothessMn of geed
.koalth. 1 ;kink the medloine tney he confided in ninth
Altai bb1e“,,A411161. C (Naas.
Yerefithe Math never been known to fji in
any (duly wbvi worm. actually eiteied, parents
athudd nith pthrerverie lo all ethers. ; . •
' Pee
by DI E. DEI.LERD, between DI
todent, en Wood sewn.
Poe sale hy Dr. Carrot, Filth Ward. rayl
co kcli • MAKING.
ligtFluid pre very liberal entwonme
taint the sobseribor has *received since
he has loaded himself In Allegheny,
Hs fadtmed him to take • Lace, fa , •
Oeetiii• In aqt.igeri=grllatdce=
Pre Marian ChareoA From the long experimme to the
Morro bounces aOd a &Nicola pri - rmeo, he hopes loner
It and mettles a .alsare of public patronage.
Now ooloasstadd AMMang to why, Koekaway UT,
=ol=atife7 1 41e r r .. 7 . ."trertytrtill.ri LE!
el halsmat ' • ' Illeastfl • './ollal Igf'l 4 -.
rgi b. 0 0 SA 11471 5. 1• 4 0, ~...
.bOb bpou, lbainsioi Marks lima Clothes,
Wardletts,Carpoto, lke,.. At pod rendering the spot.
11 1 l e ord Ie i :A P I I i t= n te k s o ;:: : tor= •
• YkOrPorkl bylini, 3 ACKAort, all Liberty .trees, brbd
LOrWeibkill hit but SO Nee more, ago of the BR
Meat the Upper Drifte, Alleghely coy 1
THEpinprierstraof the StrWCOuon Faetirry
fray inform the public thatthey are Maria nweeis
fat opera:inn. Harms wh o
the .• et akesp W
Barnes as 11fAriaAra, who ha s h dan eTlx . ortmc of IS
rare in the prtoeipal Factorise of Allegheny . .Cnyi
they would inform h av eni and Dealers to general
that they will always he War
•h and &operas Cotten
Y arra of •Il Ploa,Balutiga, Warps, and Gown Moslill•
of superior make. N VOE& . TI.V Co
N. FL—Orders left at the MTh, or at the atom of My.
p.rit;Anotteu„,.& Ce..CiO.lttaLstreet, V. rr.F.mptly
Candle:W flatting, Twine, Coverlet
(A/weevers of Afbisekleati Avery to )
PITT• 11111011, Pa.
IIF. above establishment being now , in successf l
l operation,we are manufacturing. very extensively.
•it noir le of heavy Sheering., well adapted to the, retail
trade. which for beauty and quality cannot be enecited
by any other make in the country. The anent= of
purchasers Is solicited to wiesaminaPow
feldlarrikortt KENN VD ilift.PS dr CO
tip... k
Whoa 'Z'ar
“Wha though the mum real not be captained,
Since their Owe tee duly Mcmotined, •
Let not deletion, prejudice, or pride,
Induce mankind to set the means Midek
Means which. the' iimpl6, are. by Deese. destred
To alleviate the ills of human kind . '' .
9 .1 1 RS remarkable invention, which has received the
1 univerml spprobation of the medical profehum of
Great Britath,eurnpinies WI entirely not mitt:matinee(
Galvanism, as • remedial agent, hymen/tor "'Weblike
ordinary G al...Batteries, &hive and Magnetic 111
chines, Ac., Sc., are entirely dispental with and the Myste
rious power of Galvanism applhd wu ltoist any of the
objection which ate insuperable (ma. the general mode
now in me. 'rho sm , ng doses. and irregular latervals.
in which Galvaritem is applied by the Nicholas, bas
beta pronounced, after al.' and impartial Mei, to be
decidaJp injuries°, and it was to remedy this eadicaldee
feet MAIO. new applicallonivas projected, which.
te r unc easing toil and perseverance, few been brought
in im foment state of perfection. perseverance,
Giabostie Rlne
enamor all thereurpones of the most est-halve Mee
thines,and no any other respects are niederefi and
ain in accomplishing the desired eject.
Tt. Gakieele Rings used in connection with the Mag
netic Fluid, are confidently rhommended in all disor
ders which atm./met an windifed we unhealthy Mate el
Mt arm our cc cisel syrtest, and them compLt d el
the must psinlui and universal to which we
-.object They arifr. smboat exeepnon, Rom oe.
pie etiose—• derangement of the nieratm System—
.iid it was in these ease. that other 'remedies' hoeing
no °flee failed. a new egret ...greatly needed, whic h
it is confidently believed, has been Wand In the proper
and judicious applicautn of Galeanient.
The GM.. Rings have been used with entire see-
In all eases of Itnerrnartste, acme es chronic, ap
ti;te to tlke,..h.e:ADW•=•
, ligHtst ile .r es. s lx- li =
ma iro‘noo, Pmetrix, Palsy; Epilepsy, Fin, Comp,
I,s';Zr. 446:‘,./TaltpepiNeett, &Ikea gr „reitA . u .:
I met, Dirtiness of the ileunaitn:WO and Ride,
[ GeneralDdidity. Lkficienegqf Nero. sod PAptintlEw
egy. and all NERVOUS DISORDERS. In case. el
confirmed Dyspep what is limply • echo. de
ezneemeut of the digmb re enema hey have been round
equally shernefel. Tear esti aorittnacv eSeem
the system mast
wimessed to be bebeved, and as •
certain P
ream for the preceding complaints they
are equity reammended. The Rheum of diffetent
prices, Whig made of all sires. and of venoms mew
mental patterns, and ciao be worn by the moo delicete
female without the slightest tnnonvenience. to tat,
the senrmtron it rather agreeable thou Othenrine,
The Galvanic Bella, Onteeleto, Bands,
Garters, Necklaces,.
to mar 000 to of • sere severe ermanneter,rmd ot long
standing. th e power m applied by the Oilstone Role.
ts Dot sedwient to terms Wee roems. of dowsed and
ultimately tem. health. The unproved Modheation.
inithe Gnomic Delta, thscelete, entirely strew
diet this objection:any denote Di power that is rettai
red can readily be obtalned, and no complaint which
the mytmenes agent of ttolvaninco min edict will d
to lie perm.. .illy relieved, The. &steles are adap
ted uttermost, arms, weitts, limbs, antics. or •ety part
of the betty, with prefect ea be. The Clalymte
Nreklacts are Irwin d
with stealer bereft incases of
Mooch. oc Mlrettour tube Moat generally: MM to
eaticahi Nervous Deaf
seo; and with almost MM.
merest as a preventive Mr Apoplexy, Epileptic Fos,
Ina simile g complaints.
ChrtotieNollognetie Fluid .
is used tn connection with the Galvanic Singe antrall
thee enalificatione. This memposhen be. Is en pro-
Doethent by the French Chet uns to be'one of ON USW
e 21
ved g.oimary dl.coveries of modcm .c tepee. It It be
he t o em u-huh remark ablep owes/ f oendeing A
stereo sessieiro • galeesie aeries by this means eauvne
ane...eon of the influene, at the' hat of discs.,
comerrnine in and permanent tulief. No other
titiou in chemise is known. produce the tame
effect, or to imposes seeder property M she nervous
nymermtiy Incense( mt outward local swimming, The
mane Fluid contains milling capable of the shah: .
el Injury; Kee appleaueu le agroabte, and it to ~,,
harmless in its wine impel! haneftetal in Mr coßts.
Fall egithatom and directions aegamparty te Tlsi 10‘ num. are in every yragperfeelly hew
tterm thPy ere mid Kepner. Drina the renal et ail; mu
thediscoveteronly risme. na fa trial as a whet
heir hi-petting efficacy and pe rm anent tmothe.
Christie's Galvanicyro. Strengthening Pl. -
t . I
These articles form mother valuable n ' Men of
the tnyvevous influence of Galvanintin ale an.
imponant adjunct to the rename Galvanic u se end
Mee modifications, meting span the aline lei 'plc. Lot
having Om advantage of more local applieati They
AM confidently reeemmended as • • v•able ton in
the speedy cure of Itheunottem, aeute or chronic, is all
rrous etwiplainte, and as a Positive in mum
ofPain mod Meknes In die Chem re Back, Pirme in thir
Side, in lstleestie Ijfeetiee., and in Weakens se Orte.
sem of the Fedeenee.ry Organs. In Sptnal .Cemplaiuts
their effects are - of the mat dee tied chameter,and Met
have often been need min complete Meech. They el ,
also of the greatest advantage in Pains and Weakness
of Sharma, and ace highly reemosesoded for malty ot
Wye comeilgto which females are especially liable.
A. se efte attache be streng th ening th e syrtem
when debill voile disease. or other mimes:ma cer
tain aid in mutational Weakness, as a Preventive
for Cold., and all in aceticnv of the Chest, generally.
the rielvante Strengthenine Plaster will Ire Found of
greet and permanent edeantega In a few words it
ebreces all the stelae. of the bees tonic prepense.,
with die imponteat addition of the galvanic ingurnee
winch in neither impaired nor exhausted, while the at.
tiomeenunue• anieles will be 4and entirely
free from chose objecume which see a Constant muree
of complaten with the
CAUT/ON . ordoseg elegies-einem:eon me.
Irp The greateelebrity and hems ofthem angel.
has ceased them to be counterfeited by mprenetplM
arsons To reside mann impossion, Dr. Ctlanite
has bet one aothonsed agent IS each city of the Union.
Th teiviriaskiv — m - TE S TI IIIONIALS,
Of the Memel and most rerneetable character, a re eon
stantly thorned. regarding the am... Winery value
and ermeeso of the above articles. It is believed Soo
. 1 ,1
the city of New York alone, spwardt of EIGHT
TIIOUSA D PEGLSONS daring • period of the than
a year, hay been entirely relieved of the roost µvane
throttle th ere. Mite Of which have matplowly be
, fed all for yr efforts of medical art. Indeed many or
the fen phyeientels of this city, who disapprove of the
tialvante sod Magnetie klaehneat.Yonataraly tr...
mend this epplieallon in their practice, and with the ex•
eels'. of lase whaven too prejediced to glee It • to
' el, the invention hag received unanimous favor with
the most intelligent among the American Fecal* , Di
Christie Is at all tittles ready end most happy to give
rem y facility to physic:taut. and all interetted, for test
' me the truth of his attertinnt and the Hiram a he
dthovery .
.only . eeency te PaelinmtLeoroer Itle and Market el
___.'.Pr" ...
—llTualitii-nritirirertrtoli - -
T,IFFECTUALLY and speedily tined by the use o
Cs the (ulcer Remedy of Nature. AMERICAN OIL
It allow taimmiloirsly educes InfiamMatien, and eon
emmently nwarranted in all cue. to leave en seem or
whin the ere,. ' ..
Sold wlesale and retail by WM. JACICSON, egos.
Iteot ant S hoe' tore and Patent Medicine IV seehonse,
61 Liberty street. head o' Wood, Pinsheeett reice on
teWeenet and SI pot boon ,
lk.. being the Exclusive Agent for hVestern
Pennsylvania. none in peewee tint what in seta by HIM
or HIM appointed Agent. •-•
N. H. A Pmealeteonle.htng ample dlnectinne.Se
with the name. and addrees of the Proprwthr ant Pei"
emal Ass-outs enveloped yeah wrapper of each hot.
A liundanee of hoiden.. ran be hen at the St.,
. • •
_ . . _
S INGS—Scrolella In all its multiplied forme •
whether in that of 'King's Evil, etilltrienteets 0 the
glands or bones, Goitre, White Swelling., Clhone
Rheumatism, Ganger, ilitasseet or the Skin nr Spine,
or of Pulmonary Consumption, emanate from one
and the rune cause, which is * poisonous princip e 1
more the len inherent in the human system. There.
fore, unload Ibis principle can be destroyed, so ledi
cal cure can he 'fleeted, but if the'prineiple name
which the disease depend., is removed, a mare
mutt of necessity Wow, no matter under St hat loon
the disekse should Mullett Heel!. ' Thin, therefore
is the ressonothy Jaen a's ALTERATIVE Is so OM
messily enceessfut in remelting an many Malignant 1
•ditentes. It destroys the vires or principle from
whted time diseases hoe their origin, by entering
Into the circulation, and with the blood is managed 1
to the roteutrnt fibre,. removing evert_ P Aide of
disarms from the system. Prepared sad sold at No.
R booth Third Street. Philtdeiphia.
Sold at the Pekin Tex Store, No. 72 Fourth stMe
`lllsburgh. toch3l.
(gram the Foirii of dm Times .1
A gentlemen a( Scrofulous habits, from [Mistreatwn
in his younger dam bemuses affected with UkOrations
of the Throat and Nom. anddimatreable and tree
bitimine eruption of the Skin. Indeed; bin %OWN sy...
lem bore It masks of being -smarmed with threat. --
One hand and wrist were so mach affected that he had
lest the use at the hand...M.P. , being uncered welt
deep, palatal, and offensive sleets, and wets. as hog
love acid porous as • honeycomb. It was et this stage
or hie complaint,when death appeared leamtable, from
loalbtome disease, that he coomieneed• den use at
JAV NEVI ALTERNATIVE, end having takenn us.
teen bottle*, U now perfectly eared. . •
' - 'Pb.„t ALTF.RNATIVE operate. through the &reels
tion, and panne+ , the Blood and cradicales-diseasee
(mg. me Almon, wherever located, and the 110MSIOUS
cures It Mrs perfnrosed In JINIIIMB of Skin, Canner,
Scrofula, 0011 re, Over COMplatllt, Drlpcp.ll{, and Odle(
chmitic dummies, is only eManishing.
For BlomPinsbutgh alike Pekin Tea Store, 72 ash
alto at the Dreg More of P
tielivemo, eral st AlRlMekty. m
liel•aste's Wens Irene
rpHIS is to certify thmt, by takiog one vial of Doctor
I Me LSllefl WWI. Bprelhe•—• child of James Sheor's
parsed u pwards TU wonns, and by the we of said
medmine • child of my inn pawed 14 m edic Is truly the men motorising woven inal ever
seen. 1 most have two MOTOtri Whl ed
Wilkine Troves!'lp
For sale by .1 KIDD A. Co, Noose Wood street,us
01110. 100020
.Thrl Eti---Y011111:1.—We etiolated t the
Jnuention of those desirous of mewing their ha ir or
Improving lot belaty,,lo this claw ptepataiton. e
hear it every where loghll Rake. 04 00 0 o,pocloll, t, y
all those who bare me:lave of it, as greatly camel°.
"tri stimulating the mirth of the hate, wad plateauing
and ming teeny Istions Orthe skirt Its view. are
empty and suflietently.proved—N. Y. thos •
For ule Pltwburgb at the PEKIN TEA MORE,
n Fourth AI. near Wood; and also at the Dieg Slate 01
11 IF Schwan, Federal or. Allegheny city. leg
_ •
. ..
- -----
-------=•-------7---- •
- -.. -oi r.) 8 SARSAPMVILi7.LA:-, ^
Rot the
arising ISMOV•1 mad I, entieuem mare et all duleaset
, fram
ay moms state of *Ola
• . . cabals OM , ti , tel. ".!
5c,,, , , , , ,, &Unman., OlislilitOS f.=
_ ..
.64ficygo, -.0 PlathiLl WS Ma Ram,
Blies, lilreele r W sec P.c 1e . .7. or 1 10 "..°••••
Rad, Salargnia.s. and "Ma elills Seats gad leen,
Stubborn Mos, Sokifisse Syriaplililif i S.ich!Srfre 1,4..
amp, and Dimon erisiMaramaria orpulicsauS Mae,
It ereary..briserer Llispas Slatoesill — err . P .4. .. ?a t.,
We. A. , .., CDrowie Cenuitialima Pi..! , kat,
rTbutnely adminirtranon ha. hams intiudeis w_ the
I happiest malts to many aliontalos. aired/mai bu I
t. chiefly intended to fillthe voidarlirlientashe e eli
cathartic and aperient medleinesi Ciente , ill emAil eys•
sundi is that of as iliteratire
rig • luting tonic to the system.
t. highly coninotrausd tot convenience , and
bilicT, containing nothing but the ezpremerl Members
and.. the rep...native •f the Sarstiparille Pipit*
the 1.103 e manner SIS qUillitte tea Persrianiaari,ol ,,
Moephtn• of illptuni. It le an established . fetVtlial •
few grains of either quinine or Idorphistelecanaina all
the medicinal value of a large quantity. of tbe ., :r
substances; bed= the impenosny of those presi nit
—and no invalid mould desire tonsil* a galleon* um
when a bait plot contained the same, medicinal One;
The Sarsaparilla can Ise diltiftd elan mica edictal&
1 the directions, and made to mit the USW et lltipt,
The following certificate addressed to the Arta at
Chin*, Matra% conclocim proof of its great vtioe
in eases of Fever Sores.
Cutcsoo,, lOW—.
Mean. Stebblits & Reed--Menton to Mey,181.1,1;
voi d
tamed at you , store a bottle of Band's Swamplands, hod
was then confined homy bed, swami. sleep far ia, k.
- diccautoned by violent pain front a regal or fever no of
king standing, on ray agittleg. -My physielansidt
me m have the Ina tamputated , saying it wasthe. ly
masons likely to preserve any life: After anghalf
bottle aspen. began to eutoide, and by the. dank ad
used nearly three bottler,l Vr. able; to transact eny x.'
oda bushiest, and before I had finished the fourth
tle, I was at well and sound atonal had iseera ' 1 a
no hesitahoo inlay iug that ad's Sarapasilla yra e•
at ,
under Providelice, orating my lab' . I
doubt not ray life. '• I shoat chat/folly recommend It as
the best anode timid Mr the parificstich of 1ke,...
Yours, mon rhspectikuly. .
The following certificate nonly. another,.l4, a e
great chat of to to its =en:
Bourn Bourns, Canada Eat, Aprill9,l
Messrs. Saha—Gentlemen: Eaposed at wet to
the attackeof dime., and so frenhentlf it ea
in prokosed roadies, wo rang bal.Wlttolho e ne
of successful prectitionea with Interest
pace grad
This is true respecting lour valeable pandib of
Strapanita.. I have been severely afflicted l Dra y no
with a disease about which 'Moan's •I••grar.7. d
their prescriptions were still more doversk: tidied a..
haus =media but foetid ho relief untill ensaen ed
using your excellent.medicine, at ,whochtdosi I as
wholly confines/so - my bed After Sat it lade" If
lam now able to wale *boat tido out, .0 injoir'se ..
female degree of health, wine!, I Mutate total to
II e use of dad's tiareaparilla Plea'se 'okapitoy ro
nince of grata . and . d regard. 10111. •. M
-••••• 'i 4..
Being personally in:palate( with the above • e.
am, I hereby certify that the ease wit ,
hue. . I
Farina Termear.—Pae following is an est . s
Iron • seller received from Rev-William Banat
Idiagetuss. Vt.,Oet. a I
Messrs. Sado I have beett"afiftted with •se
pa to ist my Bide. occasioned by • daemon Becht/sr' i
I sijseenty yens suffering (Whines what, an
nano* convey. but since taking tour Voraaparoll '
have been greedy telievedoo much onhal I have
able to attend to 19y bitterer, and preach .01410i1 1
for latest fifteens:tondos I wholly. discarded all r
medicine, and thoroughly tried the garaparina, soch
lea recootacced in mama sincerity to aflame
Ire in ay way afflicted with any spates of emahloste
complaint.. There have been scat remarkable
ct el:
eleed by
. 10 Ine in this vicinily. Mrs. 1. Mt*. J
the p.m or sox bottles, wa roared to better health
1 F•
she lad before enjoyed for ten le learn, find Mr l .
sons., who had been severely afflicted 'alba. ;Ery2;
ela, was entirely cured by the am of a fins.bottles.!
Yours truly, NM. OALUMIA.
Fla further psturalar.and coneldunscsideisbe is
superior value sad efficacy, me pamphled, which i
be obtained of Aged vas • •
tapered and so'd by A.B. RD SehdaDragigists, al
Fallon st,cornerof Withal, Now Pak: •
Vold also by L. WILCOX', Jr.: Pitishorgr,-11-'ll e
vened. Beaver; Not Wm.!, New_Cestiet D. N.
ison, Brownsville; A. Plana, Washington:, and y
Druggists generally Washout ils. !land Stare.
Puce SI per bottle—sa mule sfor. $5. - • . ' " .
The public ale respectfully reopened to re m" r
that it is Saad's Barnhardt& that it ts constantly selti v.
int such remarkable morose( the moo digeolici of
duesurs to which the lama trate a abject; the
fore set for Sad's Sampurit Is. and take no other.
' ASTHMA '.47
whet hat ...rimed him is ma &short time from hiScliS
acuity of brenthiug; ewes aid oilfoestired He 'i
will tell sou it too Lilo Oloomiaa, or Alb
Boding ihtheas , ' at Ilse eoestuaptite ' ;
= what as sarynt his Beigh i nstorecl • ' •
the Pain ia his litia sod chest,
checked his night nint6thaad •
pant this no
• upou hmilis chee
tellk?y and
• he
._ •
r.,. .
Ask your (tiniest( they knosi ohmT thing that wit wi nee
• bro sad tedi.s Boob, Ram' of Bloat, Brea
oho: Dyslectic Coauoynoto, Roanassess /amass, mal
diefesen of the Thronois dm Ofiaimaisit reed (bey will tell
you—, No. There loner yet as bons eradystramed to
public mesa which lim boa productive of so meth gootiths
main( a space of time. Read the Sollowne
Astonishing caress' ... ;
aa. Bono ; the celareted Bohm clacker bsker,93 E'as.
7,:=0,•:14,a) , ono tat Lie wife ha
and could tee s bon Is
lief from the hest medical , aria which a Ydrk...
Brooklyn could produce, Will indocell to try (Mortal
dy. She is now early well. BO anchor vibe ma
tanfries the now disease, tried h e was dm oned, by L
Mrs tad is dCrl• at well thst she is ale to-
bed mil Mae morning solattowitaorhsealthales
the day without my winoymee &Om her dionsmoC -
Haar Jscasono, is ant, own (be Cidaie Ca m e
nowt* tbe here far the purism of obtaialagaladief
11 l y e, ha
ti ng been affected with do Asada a.
thm 11l years, nel so io so &ousted au his arrival theirkut
amid mt speak. Ite purelimed a battle end rode imme
Four &pi/gnawed beindked bantam:boa to he
. fee wawa Lamm a dames of ever two m;s latent'
the wonderful ndiee thick ha bed laystriawd• from nag
i about rata' etas boa.
Comisamptrlps ~of iiii. L %al's. . ~ t
i ' Mr. Coma., BsNlte Oren, was m low Wier
of December test.'l.hat le wa• given up by WM Ilibriel... .
friosdi morainal uo hope of kiereoway.' Remo '
' ded to try lb. Olonosima and to la surp ri se it los at
i nand him m bath th an be is saw ea. toalkalanq
Mrs. Arras the mire OfWM U. lttme,JamestiVa
Ent Cho. Wt bel. ma all bass tattimemy
their ont ex ot - e of the healing properties of Mb
Remedy in Cossemition of dm
1 11= 4. -
Mr. Tuamtu... l VßY " ! Lyme. street, Mho bad
Uesbcor . pat= it ton by s mane tettiet,
Mind quantities of ins Warms by one bottle oi I
OlomOltkinoind dechmsst.thellnint
OWN MIXT, VI Water sated, wes sho
tim men costylsint, stboatifb , bi uts tat&AV
when be commenmd slain at, harlieglnimmbYt OM tan
his physicist during Mt peel wham, bklonfalfit I
constantly sad mar eery mach trimbiell meet
Mulct of the remedy stabled him to rests . la. Its y.
mot; Ile erm vainly relterad. •
Dam Ilmmummish GO La, ntiett, Only: 11
St=e,ll:if 1 in
Lilco. 199,
permansatty mood of tie su tier m
contykrint by Miasmata,:
TR • try Of
Mums. 7 •
which wild la proLeor dramas maw ban and this
remeily mredd man Limn e colones. Am:eoliths. nass r
ats"' 'l=-Itlsir ITAT=.
Jai;rwit. Devoe, mu 44 MV , Ara•M
041. Smith, 98 Ibiza Asmsbleri,Wst...s,sasss
sityould Mrs Archlbeld,.s • •
Sold wham& M l l
by Vfm /sans, al la
Medicine Warehouse Mel Boot tadSboe Store, Non
ty street, head of Wood ern trfiatabegla.,
WV. Me Oohed re ti -
Wm. ts — odesT t v anWlWt - .
anssonfdaid sucasi of,thls ,
11 14 e= IT"je 71 7:: .. 1!)(711 tyrs.
othrilundEl that cit ' o u tte a Elm to thelewahsank
ewers that seek rend la sa l t Conn ostY the - .LsolLdni
manilas of Me slapiandi= beadnograyA4
Wfilittellot Igor ta.'ilstano eufarf. and
•Wlll kirk th e lIPOST DESIWATEIII,CASEIL: 11*
a newt sowtrum\ hot oalondon.Elte Wl P.O l O. a ° . a
bimms ant asablisho
Won tamay um thud armeAmid be . ...WWI
whit Dio.'s 1111aanian Balsam 07 I.lln.wet only to
essoutaniet Use nommolloloelAdeltolso of Wo diotoo
twa ta he wed litprateannausedichw la all mat or
Olds, Cosier. laphrbg of Blood, Pala In lbe hide and .
(ar. lwitation aod Some. of the Loon,
Daman of Dreanthrs, _Highs 'llll,
Woo aod Cenral :1002i: mass,
v.* x.ll In WIN bornakat l pet Una.. with MI Ansa
Ilea Ihr td natoration of Malt&
rampkiats.eotlnMS maw of Tsgttsh And 'amini.
oirefleatea, son est aehfinne. ann , nd'
=.l l meths of OW Great Vemadyosay
of the A 4 P. •-• .
DAVID F. DRAMs Ode Abe Vito.
InabllSl Coot slreet. Dom. • -
T. W. [MOTT & &Wilk frestwal wbolasals
Ka Ili Korth Somod oreet, Pkuuldphis: • /yresiA,
Fa , safe by It 'A. FAIINWTOCK do: eiwner
sad and front streets ' sny6
ADIES-.hoWoons epa
1.4 often not aware how frightfully irtiorion2,l is m
the skin! bow coarse, how rolgbi'lmor)el tow,
and unhealthy the skin appears • oiler "Inno r - prepromi
• halk! Besides, it is inionoirs,CaPlaiiiil4•l 3l3 r qua*
Oty, of lead. We ham merest • bemufal woremble
rticle, whkb• we call J ?MPS IteANISD. LILT
WRITE It is porkelly blloceol, being purified of at ,
&lemmata valitier and it imparts to 'thrs akin a nahs
ral, healthy, alabastor, clear, hying white, Othessom
time aerial as' a Osman oti, the iklo, malty hood
d woo
r. James Ammo* Practical Cbetalifiri;
clmatis. sayr 'After analyntur JOnesht Spools/6.1.8it
White, I lhajtt possess. the owst beautiful awl aato
ral, at the same rime innocent white 1 ever awn.
eye , 5
certainly Can conscientiously remannend
whom sklo requital beautifylug." - . • .
Mr Price 43 coats a box
90 - " Sold by Wlll. JACICoONiot Men ad
Pone. PO Liberty street;, head of Wood, in the'sigo .of
• We Dorn.
14fikiNIL shhold
Ii "
p binned and made known to the robin? " •,Thor
was tho expression of tut old *An who tried IMM/rap.
Prmaa tan, February L DV,
ht,hrorrrani-This aY: eettifylloti.rbelagyeaftwir.
told, • troublewne mash Wale 1111 e. 163 1 / 1 01l• 6401
of Moriritn 4 C...o. B r U P , .. 4 1 R4 47.4.1= ILnd ,
anng st, my coup Weentrisly.owl.
Cough Ilyrop Me best atedleitterl twee Oven...r d. -PM
family should be without AID eslaable atedietne.,.
• DAWID.IIinROBERTS; Allegheny Clty I
asediellle islimpansi wholesale , aor retall
at the Drag Pharnof • • 30/1111 D MONDANI -•
Weed in estitisedoer below Dlalhood - Alla
Aut.: DYE-X . - ai?
ken' Wit; Red or D lay Ila j t7a l lara
Drown or nuke k corer, withoat Vaing or.luMnog
pi.. • tip5,...50 cepa., swig/
. fir bleary itreer2head at.,Weedinn
wiry • '
411li amerrolisrunt rood • aust.
h " "c" -
$..,.!? L . - .64 2 42.21""....14t,,,,LA 1.1.4
' ...k
r* snit verbal.
Direetecei—. _
new Lowers liretikaslnc oat wee sad elhetual ~..
.4 ,,,,,,,, A04 ... 0 • 0 ...1.....4 '"...A.K . 0 .10.. r ;...-
- . , !.00 , ...4 40. 0,0 50e.. 6 "4. 1 q.1. lb. pp..,.,
~....a ,
, Vl=
. 11. EL
.. .iwi th =kere tie,. did 50.44,,,, i „,,,,,
liwe Low, whi eat io
lie bit -.-- to /width pen.. Se abgiesienry osse
of sad thoasbirritsi We" the owl disesee.,
- ields eid cache: ' Tisry do .. ..u r ns
awl dry to 1aic...0,,
Aid rewheraey, peamotewspetwetise, olLy the 141 W, ...1.
iiiTi.lii4 , rem* she.-resissete ar ..3411i iflea.m. --•
I / 1 ../ aro kaakLaua 0a g flaAfi wait irdsa.r.em ,
Isorwitowwwile wed wet madodetwaysepeeie to
~ east iw ose for thaw sopphootw. ftwodweds epee how.
I did& ofcesedessow bosh boot amid of thelf 11l . • ~':
1 ~,.., how Gislowleo hoe hers owed from an miliambir..,
vad reikwei tuerfort heath Sp win Goa '
: VVlertilare - issaeohrdesistshe hnsettor side... of whet'
i ~.....93ost, *l i ..nt li% !Erie . Viotti
,t1 . 12s ...i.j i f.....u . : ::
I,w . gt <Wimp, w lisoirsodoisTor hoatire lesi . rag.. r ,
looldeallartie asolisililiaeold be mod es ammo.. I.y.,:vv.
. . ....i.laiii&Alsll'.:,woßas LOZENGI3 .
'.- teen wwww kwooseshonsbees Frond la witch. INO
Wander,. dw 04 esrlate yam -4... yeti
[ embeaviiteriaDowati. , Stony diseweee arises Soot new.
' .1 etaiarloniFsi Wein wafering, sod mil dna., woh
.et their ever buil sopeFted: gra. pa" an very WI.
oflisted WO Gish Gad two lostored So mewls somertwett
'without..)heels; whoa am doe of thew 1..........ithl
~-...5l**MW-Firins:-..MiW is dm jeint• ae We, ores
temTht Sr.", Pathos ed G. wow, ['Win of the teeth duries
Wins plosessalealliatbp,Widt 11566:d elo..ks- -
.- . ----- Sialditamootromisvematies at the tboimel44./k '
es onokorfor dot wares. °sae We, *01.4. 7 4 ....''''
.b.fOrclef oll 44 dwrisioesi, - rertlgo, were. dia&a.a
'dosewsoweiddetiweiwgio Jeep, with fright aid scroown,
wan doste otroolietwoeweeo, feweishaerh Gant, pLilr.i
ht.,* hod lOW it lho iatoth s didesdt briewhissr, p"' sw
the stoma or bowels, fhtiret,'”wees, weawdshawat .Its
siatotypefth;ltisow% hkedaf.' shasael or lisaki kni...M.
'elsiohoojeGos we ...low weroffis hodlos owe of wow
dawns. twale thong, *haw/ the woes lowardeosm, •
i C , , ww . meseweGkiwi frow the kiwi, sal **ea-.
.I_, . .
tsuuraures catesom :LOUNGES: i
, Uri tiew ionaidisto relief la senses "Or lwahette.
=fate knit, Irmoof tho spirits, desissoseety,
OS PO* can anal, bawd or ersowr• or-
Oast, Cat*, oeseolow at' • woof .siakieg et dw. sheet.
. tbeLiS, !Posers .....1. ftOthe dolma or -bomb, hyeterio I
_Akssowh aid WI swims dhows, dominos. dowegb de,
deli awd eirliefoloido dogleg* Ow sightr, 'tho W k oe who!
are toodew, Wdorelwes,lowitedi or Orson el ad vi es. ' ?sr
!eiows trent* or atteadiv imp =joirties, will Sid the Lwow.
1. 0 , , 9 0 7 117, , 5efl thw hammy ofrody owed
, witei diwflehow s w nwhereefres lomat the alwees 04
' ocolfirs Gwegissiial eyssplowo arouse Loon
LW Sew. liar , /*wow absibisi been no lu r k lite* sad
eboadowdliids Lesiphibitsi will Sad these 1A.... it.a
-"...1a.« - - ...a( tieworetes_ _
, '' lt=r2l 7 ll roo — fi — LlAN4 PLASTE r LL.; :;
ea wr u1.....=
mostly far paiss, or L is the ask, ma, Ale. .
thisbOtihtts_tilenteatlaa, [sham he. as: (hoodllipa a
•yeestil thifiammat. They reqaira•buk amm
o' Wm animus. , Wartaaasi attlertor to all atlcoos.l
.bra. gam it5....1 brio...maks act only the bait, bat.
thesis:spa tastes Is tha sorb/. It .6.4 .0 1 .0. } h
bonsai Orkei asbahlbat tarsi} .
• la •kier sod: sobibbfat i. 4 ti pper* it *bald be. saes war
4 , dila lircror ttensah, edit aria trent yam sad
' .stiof, .1* tossibs, stills, rams, diasOly . of
bratthiar. oppress= of The
.best or etamel., they sib se=
nadimbetizoodsami 'porali Leda dm ratiaeL truism of
fietiMaflriiit4 at Am alibied to etsaa smtlor.ll mein
Vl4lr2'" e '''''''''''%.,"'"°l 4 , =
~ 1.1z, b .. ancliPek or &Owl. betteroms . shard item ,
•er • ._ltt Oak mamas dryer* eliessincteetia, sod
..salale l . Dry areLexame . :ll slab* ailltereas birroli
• eith L iay tabor, sse rbtae tho earrieset at Illi l
b:combo bars owl Getetow sell as As sesta oatmeal Of
',Ai thileildwohei Oa
i. tudhed ehrixtritait. t.
Ittna•Chare - T - tata al the vossioast . to riares.
~. Lad thasktot thhabsoet.icattars”ses.thrat
I Pb =aos 1.. OA ten a IU ' bark death phster, eitti a
health& of DrAllatim mums. Lt ' parmatpagaa.d4
sharps& !bellbottom% Poor Zal ml or !or ,
Cgt I,ini poruallohro Om or. miasmas
ibl Shoat end sold km .the' tan L 'a tis.. by
. .
°O• •
taLsrals asdL nieetl L tri a, W. i sCI2OII st hie hhe;
2deetittirr; Woodrow. Noi Liberty km!, d . ar !LA .
211 L sosirr • • . : . • 3,J-",
CONSISTURrof hia Prophylactic Syrup. a ter. -
taus remedy ktr an Coins roes and Scrofu
lous allectlong Cough• Syrup, Crimp Syrup Con- •
- centiated tatmet of harsaperilla, decided', -
armories . to all other climbs, having given relict
"when all other, have Caned, bens/ through st new
posses. WOW coseentrated thanan other lever
offered to the petals., ASTHMAT IC
having enacted permanent' cons of that stubborn
dime., When of more than 12-;yeare ssudieg,
hues it Maeda without a rival in that meta st, ended
- -
Dr. Rose's LINIMENT, for all cane of weak
nese Or pule; and a complete übstitnte foi blisters.
Di- Row's TONIC MIXTURE,. an iolallibia
Tare for chits and fevers,' and indeed is the semi • ,
specific fir fevers of all kinds than bark at
obese keows. is rued in preference to .l: other
Vennifou prepatation.
. Dr. Rose's TONIC ANTI.DISPEPTIC, for all
diseasei at the Stomach and bowel.. Madera to
factions, etc. ..Toologb as encomium cannot be
used on the merits of this. eseniyine, in .cure of
Dietiepsia, led all dbonsei this, rush from weak
ness of stomach cabbed s •
Dr: Rue's FEMALE - FILL S,_ a most valuable
`ammedy.bilhonli genera complaints - to win eh fa
*Meals. stablest.,
. No pill' tier - before offered the public No happily
tombless the muldom el a ululate snedicieeAe as
LIFER'or Stomachic Pill,Correct
ing thaw diseases, and th ereby. prebs tee
entopticia. &young Issdy ?Sums of age, burin
a disrised liver for some, ;hop, hoc ogres:glib pros
' Wasik Mid Sphitita gone, Was completely restored
ism its week, - by the we of the Auti.ditruptie
totesart Ilaalone.
ENING PLASTER,tor treaties" id the ltick,sids
Pr. Rose's SPECIFIC EPILEPST,the mod Oar
lids remedy for all cuss of fits or convolsiens,
whether is wrests or adults: :So rettlis a specific ,
is it torthis Rinsidabbt disease that the most ob..
Oriente eases - , sot theme,too of /emiLetudialli bare
yieldo et one..
Dr.RoseS RI/EVA/ATM MIXTURE-After many
-years ef diligent resonek this compound wee d Mos.
creel, and its next falling ete.ef plates Ito eiScieney
Were ail others for the eats of Ucest a ti sm.
Dr. Rows . :ASTRINGENT COMPOUND, a certain
mei° a..'olw.g blood, indeed for diwherges of
'weed Whethenethees Ltssbowels et other wens of the
• 'Dr. - t,'SiXlll:PfeiiCholint arid iktirei eiateplainta
IMEMIgte . vettl cleat:nay cure bowel complaint.,
flYemistetirlierbusted Cholera. Al the time
Chairs Wu mug n Plttlasielph,ia it was
feenembe tiMmeeenvisensitet rt,
tone Subs of MI Move wits used it.•
-What May be sealer One or One reautimsesay. by
std ailsalseir Ulu will o o h be,eposeemont. be
those whom. that. IStuete funs thosevil, kiss brew
used of the., raring maladies that aim the hums
_pedal be given; bet we:
tueXint . to r i Lm . the .
puma fartSerofahs,t Its 'mime forta;ims Slid: r ose:
nod. ear:admen that lu healing power has ...webbed
many, A cast of Cancer,occernag to the waft
rzs=pt Or Delaware, was completely c la It
'lto cancer had born tense cut be
-PostainemOuteelta.sed renamed tuelf with inetAteed
.maltgatty, yesnotwithatudiag the debility of Counter.
don and removal are the sort parts, the sag of the Pro.
phymeae every "'Air
Oteell WWI Of Ore MIDI* ernes
es trine
Sallemed'ilmUit , a these remedies are in err paws-
Akio. batitdansUbsemed peraintry le i n WA then%
as the use them vett recommend them in sJL
J. SCHOOPMULIEK' t Co., No ,11 weea Mite%
Moats for MOO* • - • • astedly
Ai site - 11110/Ik. alcrouirinntiibit — ov=
. J. 14.91.4,40bre5ien -A atirsele I! A Weeder!!
—To care Emmaus issd Distigmentests of the Pale
Pimples Preeketylessbare, Salt Rheum, Pronry, Soo:
Peer 'year.' Mrs loot ieguti the cannel Of Fria - re
Was ameembed todermence of a discovery nude by
an, Rah. Chestust. , Many doubted—lrscrated. shout
sat hopossibilitylltit anything made by the hands of
mu. algid haVameksiagelar peeress a AM Manned
by Ampule Nesprini fort insculloss, Many clamed
him and bun intend= se a Wuhan, tud. mast tour
, fisabak persons; without - ulnae do the same sum) at
fahmh, elterMsdn i i in the bosplials, the Meismil Po.
clew of Pees (the b i ts ehertdr thsworldidebvered
e ban Mw =rine= and e gra ' 7,ll connoted the
Mulder untasionef . Voiotia .We kne analysed tie
sled sic wvenl ease., nod
pompon ppriosmr.,.:.welave ieel
Pup, as, great Muslim, and a only it (the
wonderful twee- •
Jr for any cemerove erection or ditaiso Meet oftbe
LAM. 'lts mender we ebestder the Aron Oilman:OM
•• • 04 0 0) •:1 . • , LEOPOU) DP kiEY.
• • i - Presideato
IgetOrmsl .
Prom th• viellet Morrell to thei
In onsto Propnosor.
r‘•• •• s, for"
Considelmian of We ern of 53.6011, Skase Mesh
fed is/dr:T.l/(Mo, residing in dm city of New Veil.
N. A., the- whole proems of manufactatialts together'
withs otartereol of the Ingredients tomb& at my hal
, VanCbentiell Poe,: b , otsoubtonos. o for smar m
to" Ignite - tilted. only, and to bane toe go;ivbie ofsts-,
sagA:::::74l:Vr.°li c ted.m'. "1; 5 ' 4. • ,
- rZioNlA.vraritic
lay W :AMMON, at Ms Piteid hr ni ne
V. *0 Liberty street, bead of•ib ot
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