The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, June 25, 1847, Image 3

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MHZ pdiolsosoklial ix lbe /Ken
c. n
trik,s 4 .d . g, Wl.l4 "Mir
out wmt smrdittimi,*LibalTs l Mal, 4:cep. On
br,lebla Ni mete sod ...R Alirdnucir.sua
[Rise, Ire mei
ZTNAOTf Lostwooo-as nut Sanford%
trttjelll tette.ed art for Ws
Jets . , Faist116117010&.&-00
MACHlEll6.ll:— . 4tel•hls Ito 3 La& for isk SY
isto " - East isle of mod.
WLlSDOZiflorlakiio,oCrieß, HMO ..d (CUM
I. HUTCHISat 00, Inner nod front
j.1b 16 , L 0 B. suLeu ft - 4,11 co lb* I.w norolsvd
nor ub bT rats
160TTait CeRICI-4a tmaa IS to 50
131 i rt..; jag incased sod ion wan
_ 'le ttlqC."o"‘"
ri AVM
" 1 1,I Y r t j . I ,
11;12lb. .1 It lOU a fx#
CL:ntrar. tritargrawar
-OP 11101.-1411 1+441, na. received thisg4yA.
safe by
33 %Villlt Noe.
+COTCIt tIRIIIIIaQ-60 boxer for ola by
JayirceSibad (burin by .
T . g ssuzas
Pre.lo4o,lceelived t-410 •
QTAPLCUI—IV biu Fo><'•leL tut teeetved and
pin.slePS •_UC —g
mitt u.-4oirk .4r b
naI(APPEI47-100 bits Ilir Azle bl
Mi1iii13122.6-200.12,4222.021.022.21 =by. fix bile by •IL H ,
bat 2. • _He 05 /141AP 222 L ,1
24108AC210-12 2 012, Breletb brisTi, Pi Tobacco
.11. !me and for eau law
-J IIALZELL.II I water it
p Attie:mu
_lO4 . Kot mkt by . . JDALZELL
INBX PXACI9UIII-201tos. is Was and sub, for
JIM' NIA CY.611.1g.g.'.. , I=- C -----------, " lino No lc et
.1 Olio Tears cutatiog. jra necived awl Iss Ws by
Jei_ _ _ _ 11 stl 111 NETisO
F I " -: it l io roi t irr4r .
- 10 bbts No I 4okl; No. ii.attliw —ib_y.
,:. Ica * wpm alucursort
Luiz, go big. i... whit: Lift forsal
F L'ArIIZICO-1 , 1 1 4 ,1 • .14 Mira a
ed' x- HEM
- a a
8W11Y7,, .. , !LIN& MTN
. .
ISOAP:-J0 000. glactaos 001•01
SAL T AllaberrJele 01
T 'AHD Otti-th prime! ankle of no Lud,
sod fig rAbio&it eon
CHotfol:ners. No IS Lawny muse
0MT: I nti;O: 51" r1.1 1 _ 1?"6 °44&'"'
J earOXVInAKEit ato4ll wood n
VLCOIKOLIII e.14 , 011 1 c 00 „ tm 6 ,)
.cs fia 4.1. by O. .1
t o bbhog *Su br
L ARD °P.7 " ' ' - ' sC oosgAtissa co
/USW. A tisllll-0-6 CO
aooits-h64 , ..1 3 in mla b)
B -
•ovis~vii~x F iifn l i l r iJt ~ f ~b6 l S f 1S f,
r mrta
sad 6it male
011.14"14-41b'P.11 W WAWA(
&CON-A=lW, bog nom& la mom sod 'Kw soh
.101,by ' my3l .3 Y W 101113,ONLiti
COTTON -too ba4oo Coo= fu say , c 0
TIMP 011.----847eiorcixalo.3 Matzo
ix y3l
Ear PICACILI3S-4 bblo on 4 1 box, Not NeOl
PX V.). BONNSORI1r11:%_0_ 11 From ot
WAR 1T111331/Abb/OFono Cderlrine-
Cear en solo by_ •• • ' _• ,
F VON BONNUOUST &Co. 3310r00t
LLSTEIV-IttbbloGroind,lst goodordm,_for solo
_ -
LT 1191&190.0190.9111,99esereyjeetneeederal
eale by - je9 J., C 11999 , ELL
.r.1,174.411?lt1M7:1M:!1.1. .11 m %i" Isi.ithvb}
',viz t0kai.... 11 34 Jan rseeived
11 - `3. 333aUllii -43 1131. No 1 Han J NU . for 5515.5
V ri t
1011U1.111. NUGAIII-33 tal l Ylsll**o gild krtiair
mscnir.glift.l:—so fiburrio.3—La es '
toe kr,pi. , rsA fir=libi.
' ;Pio 1 , lintart
R ual— /50 tratyrna.boi„
lid; •
R :et 7.lottlt, r:Ea?traha
jkpinfsire &Wm
g j ort i n t4e KM i ltIGOLDior sale. Illimftnis.
C -tl WL A rretl i t r i ll4"
• 5524.11. w &Wane Wise;
Itl 111051.-15 5 teo Walestair Plusanktumahl
.1. Je
_,LI • •
5614/hprisor mkt+. fa Wag
TIMINUtt in sum and ix ...101l • •
1.4 oi . rp_
S°":".4l."lr"""nitifT)riet.t. a co
cr a tal s -:. . 1 . r.
7 leJ : HOW o r aimo.t.4 co, Liberty la
(4214 A1'..40 I.i• 'pp. 0,
2 ° I.,coP'S'r.Sil• irbalppli""'n'ip -
5C .... 1 - Imo LA i it. I,err - -'
' '
ra Nirr-se•ood it'""!v?)a_?l_
.. .:.
[ cur !" .7 .... !- 17 7, 4 ri""" L
ioDes . 7tacco li 7d
, i!'!.,,t..,1,,,,T1 , i t=i ... a pat pup in, vi,,,,, ~,,
'" Pty's-6-4-"*.Y, C FM= 1".“1,4•At.....1
' - .06 . 11q 14 ) 1'. '''''.---..". ti:ll43E'lll.
~,,,,, it_ora._ lod grueelsoa' MI illitataniti"r"""ice-Vat '
•"L — . HAL I_____UKl '
WM:E3-60 bltAll=Nitaxid
T'' 1 1 4 .4 0144 ' " V_Ft(4. mod
%I gonad mad reftWasttlf bar e nara u ,
la it IMLS-4iii lb. tissi;a Ram. is Nam, u fa
bbz." 4:1t. 4
A DUNCAN, water asd (I.M at.
L —A few born BON
01—L b •
J 'mum&
..11111:417bn * • [bbd •rticl% W. a.
BY APPi.ill-41 bblti,butzar
oak, by VO
AGSMILt- 1 . eats Carbonated C
Wow en ALIC-1 mask 43! malt TO r,
4041710.4 al —IV barrels fersale i bk
uoitg i m
OM POW OKILL- . 760 k la
PwrAgu--"E°I riiaiwAN
plowsir agg4rnik "id., p. 40 int gag.
Io idly b.. by
' It • ,t •
• • VIM O' MORGAN v.*, Irons at
7HBL'IE LL~AD - dC tePP J D YOR~(~i1
9~ oiit '
.CICKESE-:1;.;$ las usv lassdintra y ,l l, co
brizie • ' " WtR 110=1'01E03
.11111110111), 011L—WharnIs foe _to bl
Ys J otNapri.ratrle br
. otin aO3 ,
FLOG'VLOVIN.---0 Ws Fresh °must All_lollc .
P VON -1110NNH=n &CO
lot melded and an se. by
1 14 otter... ; 18 /waxiia .toe 1.1
NIZTIL . -10 (1,4031211i1ia C. B. r asiava
r y l
"EVA_ 2 7- f. - . 0 Li& Walltreo • brtad. foe
•- • = aka IIIeCUTCHIXI N
.......rOllll--40 bank Mau he saes '• • '
- • • - . MEV &CO
. lestsom for gals li
i' p usigsw - ICC bra Pp.& reV44.154 for gals
- by N ICK tr. MeCJOI OLEO
•lpß—acae lbe*WalAdi fa tea
-.3 lin I.
V-,000 5ACP1 5 . 46 71 1 ,VT t ax "
1 071"1""tr
rrrramooson maim or TRADE
' ' llavamoraja .1 lllMOrami /Mamma.
• ratiamo. Umlaut , I...ire Amor. Lvare Europe .
CsralsrugUir) Jona'. July I • Junr;4.
Carla Culuastor (FH— . . July I Ma) 31
18r) , Lath. July IT
War! Meru. Juno ito
July 1
ISHusanigaßr.) Harrison, Aug ( ko) 4
Sarah l and s , (811Thommon,
. • '
Orrice Purrasunou GAZtTIL,
Friday blorsiticJorie Y 5.
• :(The sickbays of th• yery competes' sod faithful
Conisoomisl editor of the Gssette, must be the
veleta of itie Proprietors for the want 01 the usual.
attesuos tolaesl =lkea. We hope to be &troop
handed numb) Moodoy.]
The weather Ari-day in qu to warn, with but little
present prospect of rain. There ie, however,
etiotigh water ik the chancel, at present, to last fur
a week or two for the lingua etas. of our steam
, Basin= with* wharf yesterday was quite bridt,
.L..- the riser is in fine navigable order. We observed
'awl fis
_ N steamer!, kestoitlay morning, leavieg the siting
nearly at tbe same time, for ports below, all seeming
lobe well !bighted and crowded with' pusergers.
Whit. them were hurrying their way down t ie
carnet, bearing with them the rich producu of
PittsbErgh industry and skill,.. there mote from be
low,forcing their way into our already crowded
Quays, pouring oot their well stored cargoes in our
mirth, to'hpply the wants or our markets, or to be
pained on to the Athatic sea board. . The activity
and hustle showed ghat activity in basumia.
. le r Flour a very small boainess wu done Than.
day. The receipts continue on a moderate hale,
that is, of Floor designed for sale to this market
The piles coat:Macs to be criminally SS, but holden
who an able prefer swim to accepting that price.
They appear confident ofnu improvemetit.
The inactivity in the Cotton mihet conlinues—
. no ales of eansegnenr t.
:Indust mite Bag Chasse at Sienie.
Saint, 10 Itza at Tin Kates at 515,1X1 r
Sala 100 bot Cara on recalpt at 40. I. be
Side 2 toes Se imp atAte, credit.
The demand a Baca ceacienes •cry fair. The
nansactione in the various lemeriptiona are chieny
at former prices,
Ereighte-;l2oterithsttediag the minced price of
Sone, the Cud freights for the East, keep op to the
pieced' the mouth past. Thiarlitmooroy,-ie raider
contracts made sometime since, cod wider erbich
Mammal homes may be employnd for a len time to
7114 amookt Or specie iart#atala ac Boit., am
irn by tbe calm house „Wok.. to- the ....akbod
, this day, Jabs 190,1 s ir1;730. Exported during
The value of merchandise imported into N York,
etehmlea at that sent to the warehouse, for the
week eedingiune 19th,compared with the alma pe•
fled laid yaw, hes boss as follows:
ISI6. 1E147. . lecture. Decrease
fret jfe.11,312 331,Z11 5484/%
Node.... '2,466 35,483 3692.1 _
Ditiablo..l,of6.oo 1/114,967 ; 31263
Cash reed. 334,413 70.4d5
Cousgaaosara.—CcomMetfeits upon_ the Haver
hill. blue.. Hank, have appeared, which are altered
from a Western broken teak.: The old came are
armed by UMW chemical process.
acoople giviag their came. as
Mutsu Chew and Sarah Sheerer; had: beau liaising
eitastufaii sole.. of tie delonatualien of. 510, put.
postiag to be genuine bills or tile Cayuga county
Seek of the State' of New York, at *taunt plates
V the ay of Law-aster. •
Time it gitiFral dicippointosent, toys the New
Teri raptor, at that retkolt the were by the Ltat
elleteetc ,- speealdeet looked for cons.derable ad.
mace la Breadstuff', and there that believed in a
WI, did not aatteipatft that it would take place as
woe, lt ilerpriceettad adhered la &trope, the top.
Inn! tendency would have been very groat. a. ape.
'ratan Went ready he amema the. Most fltrayagi.t
nine -Mar world base gem up to tea dollar.,
!oat 1/11: 40. sad Wheat 2S. Tim COncOtintr
easid knee bees, that Adana reaction tooltplace,
'he fell ereehl bare been trinindoce—ietch as
♦wid Lye pecidoced wide.pread rain; is it:, is, the
ries did Oat go up so high, nor. is the ile:One
web. el X 0 Caen Mg excitement or starer. b Prices
'tab*, if Allay stand 'at Si. for . Flear aisd 85,th
fee Caen, vats as high se derirabie. ler the general
iced, and unless a farther talk takes place in, Ki-1
4ope. Itnhanstaaa will pay well at the preseat csi - e
ee ntOtems• •
.I:sported the polo( hie*: York from the 1 16
totEit 1130 i Or /aim', lielesiic r.
,Cara, 511,369 bar, F1au.70,8218 bailer H .-
1116 de; ft1ee,213360.1 Beef, MS hhhh, Port, nu
that Owe., 19.970 Put Roma, 1:101 Mars Ann.,
lido-o-,, Lani„t73,7ll Inar Barley, 6,109 hors Him.;
416101* Cotton,grandest -*Arita' Turpentine.
32X1 j er, Wheat, 85,931 - bus; Turpentine, 3,66 a
jam, - bbl, When - 13,1;99 kna; Whale
b. e, Flour: 11,193 WI..
Thomimortr from Nom. York for the last weck
waii41,611,477.0f *tuck at komfilo per cetit was
is'l'lltiniWwen. 93, and clew
lee. 0 0 ; 0, "Pkillle r e fbleiga• • '
ram d Pilladelphm Ledger.
Beirlk(or Ohio, reirtaytrysia and
• sAalterinaget by aka Int steamer ins age
bAtkianalitalleasuL hen beta pokb A portinn most
beassaitfultaiw, ill' asks law demand for
Bitclaarfer Ike autsranieue. A lailbarfrten Lon
wikkia a lers dip, purchased to a con.
aidarabloirstast. Peaasslmnia, at 68; Ohio 6 per
MIL and Stlgt for $600:0 lodisaa
Beediame bans jut green St. Them is a pelt de.
mood for ferserteans Canal and Banking Omni,.
,etill "taint £lB, and Re S Bank shams at 17s 6d
IMO Oltio Ilasicu—frogo The SeV114(1111311i
llMort of. the" ndKampf the Bashi.; I astitutloso •
is Ohio; as peMisbed tg_tho Sate Auditor on th e
Ma k iell‘ w• Ones . thi) Mitovitog particulan,
" ••1 iiiipolideot prinieben of
' ••••'' . ...''' Swim Stale Bluk. Old &sok..
' Tuihid• , INIOD , =7,57/ 41 7,908,9 X, 47
ES.. . .„
. _ _
' Tirial, "irroco.a9 as 7.537.597. al 7.908.9::: 47
Piakacovinsta, Amu ST—Saleo al cattle--600
bud; Mit of JAM* 9:10 takes its New York
PrMaiiiii•Doir waddle 1164 obi pan& IM Cows
--Siderialuibieniu TM ton Aro—Sold iron,
&VS to4llM.lbui Sberri. u nid Lai:OW—Sold
stipnaill trolocEti to Mt itto Primer, and
rilluiSlll, s
_ ,i l . l * t O Tr• - 4 Ledrrt
...Darr - •Jm0i1i,.11.7-4 o'clock, V. 611.-700
e 4 TOTEOMITIMAIIistiIi ibis flora and
this aserkat pins be quieted. Prim Wheat
SI "10. 33+51.6._
esat that. Mixed corn 65e
01*rdlia. NISI.. -al &eighty ant $1 el .CZ
Mr dear t o ' MOM etc for wheal; sad-"Se
'So fru camel some Saes: . _ , ,', • r: ,
• ' sawn 'uctviiro Tins itiA.T.
D. MCW4r. C. PACKET, Pbtlitlelpbis and
ittDttl i grfriniliCKCTS at 3
BEAINIR , PACKETS at 9 aad ID a viand 3 r
°wallow PACKET. Glaasavr,4
norm CAROLINA. St Lows, IR a. N.
RO9LIOZ. St La.% 10 a. as.
A fiRRICA. Cmelaeati, 10 a. -
'PRAIRIE 'BIRD, LoaNtifla, 4 "cu.
-.~'S r /LfS~. A~*CC_~. ~AC ' cN ~f sCL Jj
• .
Beaver. Weepy; Beaver. •
Ceased. Boorman. Brownsville.
Lao Erie, Hemphill. Beaver.
Loan" McLane. Bennett. thaaturvllle.
Rambler, Baultklao. Makaaarrt,;,.
Caleb.Cooe.SW“.. GUMP.. •
„WeUdville. MOW. Wellsville •
Clipper.lan 2. Crooks. Ctn.• •
Friendship, Rods. Nanette.
Mew 'EpWad. Ebbed.. Wheeling.
'Beiiev : Hoopr, Beaver.
Lake Erie; Hemphill. Biwa.
Ceval. Bargain. Brornsville. .
.Lamle McLane, Bennett. 'Boman ills
l* L' Mon. City.
Cobb Cope . Shelll.ll,r•
prp~tep, Moos. on. City.
Sao' 6nm Ctieb tax. do.
ettlett. Welinllle
Soassylsaolo. lint. Cie.
St Antbos . MW. St
ianisoals CBI
OLUMAN ling; Baia HISCARLET, and COPYING —The Mack Ink
drapeeey from • the ran, gg aunrger and mots
color; aud.eortofta steelent test than MOT
ether known. It is of bon qualty r - all purposes.
The Copying Ink. for the purpo se a ...long letters
'erdoeamesta, of. which &flatterer copy is to he taken.
• •If torlubs freely, glen a copy as petted as the anal
sal, sad knn node of that stinky substance common to
other copying lake.
' TM Searles Ink rens a rich mellow sealel, and ifll
- la beigkoneks an the paper
• Far peratanenea r alf eskot the** Inks folly equal If not
itaepase all otbara:leio when the color is once set en the
P0p2.4 it .41 remain LINCIIANO VD kw aro
•• iitteeived the. 4/I Mild kit 41111 e 10
' • J MELLOR, wool ot
Opotbose vidisi want ts 'Ty this
o.lCulams , vulutismaire- , All .44 in 4
ucio eifeleligkied with its wonderful Prects. o •
lanarzoi, , Va , hut. 10, ISMet.
11r. • •
pirlui4M he .1 of vont V
maw. beton. I can gel ustitef supply. Plane send
lito me rem ammo a. pasible. • , ,
it la maw matt sad &dm melt gewl,ol who try st
aredallg a wd will. .1.100 I Isave Pra
ngs/oak% Comaock% Perry% aad. A lams a. ohms..
Unity say"aallar kit►itat yours. Yana ate:
-=s i olta l asP;tlii
i np Gam; It savor falls to expel warms hr. :add
ireabled,widi *co.
d sad sold. wbotirsle ridakby R R On
atZrVoed mese. Pidsburylkaod by Dr. Curd. 64
Mb* bold urkiltray by DY Cum. wzr
l ~--
The Weamboas CaettlJlT. Capt. ki.
°swell. will commerce conning be
weeh Detroit and the Paull Ste
%Rorie °alone Wel, making weeall .
snps Owing .rhe scosesodet. at he
•eason, leans:Qs . Detroit eveseg:goeeday eta o'cloek, P.
The Detroit is one year old, has a pnwer(al low ptew
toe, engine nd is well inispted to the Paull wide.
on board,
1"4".a F°o°° C trlagl Y tUßS & CO, Cleveland
.1 PI IIIAIKRE. Deleon ,
ginrgainainamer r
MrlLor, rna•inr, Will leave aa:abovi,
104 evening. Juror 210, al I ere lork,
'P. M. Fez freigta or passage apply
Orvionry, martyr. omit 1e.., AA•hrwn
• this mormng. June •25 di at Rio'clorl,
A. AL for belght or parsarn 'Wynn ward )1123
Ths. elegnni and ntanneb Packet
, RO , COE,
Jnyenn, rna•ter vr.ll
thi , moriolig, June t .atto tierna.
A N. Fdr freight or povnsge•pply on
The elegant lira draught Steamer
Cahoun, misteettrill leave as siesveF
'this eveiss,Jutto 2Sth,si 10 s'esek,
A. 14— Vorleelght or seepage •prly
6a 2.
. .' 1 be new Steam Dow
Atkinaon matter, will leave ae above
on Monday. June ?NIL at 10 o'clock. •
le. Fur frog tor postage • . 7on beard NIS.
'4'''''t lV d ll7trrl r O P terT '
Caro_pl!ell. matter, prlll leave as above
ea Foday memo& Jane 15121.
o'clock, A. At freight or peasgo apply op board.
Regular Beaver wad falaalgoW Packet.
m a k The new and fast Yenningsteamboat
Shales, roamer, balk erpresely far Buz
trade.•vrill run az a rest a. Packet to
Beaver and Glasgow—leaving PM.-
burgh daily at 3 o'clock,. st ,•nd running to Glizegoir,
mouth at Candy and gegen,Canal )ou Monday, Wei
me rear. and Fri-lay : .
For weight or ensure to Beaver New Lisbon, or the
town. Wert and North ef_New Lisbon, apply on board
or to jes Silk W HARNAUOII. 31 wend went
___ irsis. PAcKla
"McDonald, •- - `-
'lke Ana Steßlarl PALO ALTO, J
— McDonald, mower, will mn regularly
_between Ploakurehand heaver (Kt
place of the steamer Miehigantlmtv
..,4:„. tog Seam, et/ el y morning at 8 o'clock
rad Pfthiburgh every,a fternoon at 3 o'clema.
Kris rwrght or ango apply lo
EItD,PARKS lk CO, Agtgßearer
- ',JOHN A CAllOttElt, Agent,
_ - On Water and Smithfield we. Pittahu h
•• . •
• • The new, double engine passenger
reamer SW &TARA,
(Drangtnordp 13 ruche.)
Copt. Cox. will !rave on Monday,
rh Instant. •t 4 o'clock. r. w, fog
beneillll/11 and intertnedi•or ports and will perform
e trip, yeetalerlynoring . r be lot rester seams)
For IfV , ho or passage weLny on board ied
: %MILAN. alTT , 7s7eri Si YACKKT
new •nd Wind id
N imimer
a gia' Wealarstd misler,mlll leavens alm,
lmmillom Wo od
:31.t0r pimage zppli Wo o d
. .
- WI( Chit a\ II Al t aroutsell.tts.
• The Sue awl teettnek belt .dratight
Mt n steamer • TRIUMPH,
Ciagrey. =ester Intl leave as above
rtikelatte tersteiboat the season Fe
itetght or passage appipen board '
. ,-. • • • .. elit2
. ,
-_The elegant end Inn Packet
art,l leave wtabsere
'girl,' thsinghout the seams For
frelght or passage apply on EiwnE Fryl4_
' iiiftsuirsit - i - siartfircou la ter.
The new and splendid wearier
aosoomma, •
Lyerly WolaVlrallbaik esprestly .
... v. for Ws trades and will 4enee reg.l
larlyduring the Selma.. llit der
will be advenised herrater.' . Milli
II II: U idi ki La IWlCliii, — raig - e — e
The new, hen diaught and fast raw
Cg steamer - - MHO:K A.
rosier; w.Wter.' will ran as • reg•las
ratl.eltraquavn Flusbuith std Ism.
vine. daring /be waren. She leaver on Thursday ev.
wits, May Cu b . et 4 &clock.
For (might or plasma apply on board: wyd ,
y, The light drsoght and fan reasons
aleaniliont . writ:o CHIEF, :
;bloom, as vi. win ply as a regular
parkin between dos plOce and Zane.
vile For ire , gtu or pawntv apply en tumid to w
_____GEO /I_4IIETENUE/1614/4. der
Tbe very liglo Staves •ad abetted.
1. , . . I Keane, • SWALIAJW, •
I ' , ..lVibonivasser.Voill bon .• •bore Ag
ng Ow owls., making revise tripe.
IN. S. Slaws...Ay H melee. 7:!,F , :, „ 1 :?!... Sr. 'I. , ' q
paraago appeo as Word.. • • • • o4a
Pltt.SarEh and Saadish Paralrela
the new and fine vlevater .
..1/UIDSON• •. • '
F.Lbert; otayser,Aa• .nyvvvv4bvv.eetr
alor Lrip. and "rill !cirri. Pity.bovirb
al above every Thunder . awl Mow
• ; um( PTV PACKET. I
The ono incamar
HI • NelAprl 1112,14.1 AT. illnA.A.. above, It •
ing I'S nburgli cwery.lloodaa, W.d
:nrolarand ?collo', at 91 o'clock, A. al., and diorama a ,
to•la elycvery:Toc.dsy;TkuraJay an d Saturday. al 6
ceei0c;..A...... Foe (men: or pasaase apply.. Inar i d
7 7 .7 — AliiiMeatit Alamos Trmdm
• • ~ 'Tbafiosemd km Steamboat
R. , , • ARROW,
Carn,Jacace Atkoania, well condo
ne to ream s egular Paebet do.•
. lifiClU• between rotebev
aMlFinaklia. Sot tremloor paamge apply on Ward
MIL• Tneinc.or afeceanc
Gr. John I , Hoy*, orill.vononence.
her regsbar trips tope above %KM on
Aland o'', Cho adrth inatanl, al 10 o'clock,
a. 11. !of !jai& or wimpy. apply ton bawd or en • .
.• •
• Aftgal•r Pasianarigh and Esisonwitte
.. .
_ s - Packet.
'-' T
he masted lir draught steamer
!NatJames E 141 3 ° ,eitaa g ter i Ywill ran as •
tomes* Father teinseett 'Pinball*
nagl.Znacotilne , . Dans( bed her cabins Sued op tad
famished {among*, itipleole Comet odkra the Sams
mennosidatwas on ortmenseva alga wilt key. on
Tmelay, Day illtt, mg o'clock, P.M. .'
: Foe freight or passage apply on lwatd or to ' ' •
ettrdougotriko kliiiirwiilNG PACKET.
The splendidand Amt cannon{ star
Captuin (7 W Mien, will commence
running is above. on the 2d day of
, • Flarch, teams Plualnugh every
Tomei*, Thu Way und Saturday, a{lo o'clock. A.M.{
soil learjng Wheeling everfblonday, Wednesday aml 1
Friday, al • o'clock, AN. •l , .
The Now England ha. been tennis e.Pr , "l7 De E.
trade. and will leave regutarlY ...bone. For ,Mettler
. onstage apply on board. or lu
rosin t - itillN FLACK, Agent
Mtn' '..
The new, c.k.geni and Cast Packet
C. C. Catlett. Meter, wan /wilt es
prenly for this tads, and will make
daily tope glaring the season, Daring
hosburgh every morning al St o'clock, ' and Dello/tile'
every evening at.; atclock. ,The W. is turitlsheil Iva
"Faber's Patent enegne Wan: Game." For freight
Wharf to
on rd ' . . ' Tell
A keel float in. coustandy at the . Pitcher
art to receive frelgodand the ngent-alw•ys Oil le
spot. . A MellANFi,llecit.
gb o ryl,An, 114.1.1. &ND
" • KMUMLNirtLaY. ,
Tho new and 13t btelvhilteitOn,
agEst W111.11112110T011,
0. M.. !Leven.. con.ger, leave.
longh every Monday', WrOnesday
and F lay at nrirlock, ^ Mr:homey
fteuben.rdle every Torsl in inol
oroy enifistonlay
ot 0 .0.0,, A. M. Per frr paseart •pply oa
Irai;COLI.A a Co l'lnbif 0044 AP. ..1h1:1.1041.
The Ammer
l at .
11 invainize,
Semoej Seth h. reerter, volt remelt:net
lliillllll . .K. aa a regain? pa< het Motet the
lith la., Irayirily rinitharall' ilfary
blonder. Wedoeotey and Fraley, et 10 ipelook. A M.,
1.,,,,,,, Wi.ol Jot e err y Tu rode y.Tharrtlieread Sala. ,
dee, or 0 o'clock. A. &I. Por height err pt..avirs apply
OP Loud.... Vjapii •
flPAilii•AH rirrsou Hun "AND 1111triVieitfletal'
-_ _.
- .
mita k s. Till.: new awl raw runnina newer
11 AllLllll,
wXII. not ow Oregolar racket betwal
the above place, Weenie l'ltorboi
overt Taelldar. l'horoday and ettionlay.•l la Welt.
A. M4 . and Ilrownavillo every_klontlay. Wtelneeday
and Friday, at a o'clock.
For frelebt or p erpliOn boo r.l. gi,,,
Minor Po Pittsburgh
et. sod gashes , lIIe. burg h
aimTUE brio &Might eraennt
Hurd, ithister.orill molt, over - slily trips
to the bistro pots dOIIIIK On sea. OP. •
For freight moldy on lurid
si io. . p 7.. it Wll.liNes Sseti_
Te Traveller+.
lig r iggig FOß
[Sm./mirth , :fie Paairagrat
frill: Canal sad Railroad now In excellent
1. order, the Forgets of this Lint 1011 Dave with pas
monRR er. as Waves. 'Very Menai V o'clock
Packet Krnineliy, Capt. !ruby. Monday, Jana RI.
do Ohio, Craig,' net day, Jane 31.
to Indrana; Darker, Wednesday, Jane gl
do Louniona,Tnorripson ittinchlayiJahe 31.
do Ohlo.icky, Tod/. Friday, Jorle t 3 •
do C,a , r. satin thatl, Jane 20.
•dri Indiana. Dokey,SainhiLJuno 11.
do boas aria, Tharripiton, Monday, Joao I".
do %torah v. igrtd,Y.'gunor•y. June IM •
do tv,..dneseloy,
do Lallans, Crony. Iruo.l.y. /sly I. •
do , I.uir tans, Illorapsori, Friday. Jul, I.
do, Kenuacky,Traby.Sconlayi Jul 3.
do °Ohio Cra•g,3antay.Juiy 4
If yeo 4.ire cheap iranalling nod raorforiede armor•
ageakicata, recoil your iieloo at me P•ehel Otto
Monongahela 110000, Water sorer. or of ; •
D LEECII Is CO Canal Main
inDICAL NOTICE: 2 i profeerretaarre ' ngerorto
Inbarleg been mad.: Dre Speer and Meeks
calla and massage veil' be received al their rower.
They will attend at the office or Dr Drol,Tlurd ot
Park'a ball. ;Pena 0 VII 0 o'clock, r , And . th
oisc. or V. Sp ear; erect, frourb all o'clock. r
TO-The suhreriber revere the eetacmcbt
amoun due an hi/books, to this dote.
"June le, 1817. J.A.MhS SPEER`
Proprielar—G.lLEPALoixo. Mannger—J. W. Anna.
' dat honor of pefolming Putsbatgh on Fnday, Batas.
d l lure
ay Monday and Tuenday, July 2nd, 21d, 6th end
fort dap Indy. -
to open at 7, pod:nuance will commence at j fo
fl o'clock eathevening
There win he a gnat/ 'perforntvdeh ehh Poiniday sad
Tuoday &Amnon+, log to 3 o'cietlejarYsalliee who
cannot wend 10 the evening.
On Mcdiday the keit perforMante will be given at 10
o'clock, A. 11L.
The Company will also perform at Erie, Thundre,
June 71th, Waterford Indt, bleadnlle letn,Greenrjle
03'h, Mercer Wilt , Now Cando altb, nod Ihinnerly,
Tbor•day, July let
Among the Perforate , . twill he found =
W W C.l . llsenr, 'IW Pindb
idllelioqieter, 8 D liZts;
Sammons Drown, John Sbinalei lea Wile r, •
A Rockwell, G °Knepp, .1 liteKnikk . '
Vie. Piquet. thasierst.llaffey, J NeParlanik
Melodeon. Foam; Delman, Old IhnEcenwth
Waken & Piquet. Run iohn.onj W RoxidU,
Knepp k Rdlkwell.
Educe picked Alimeitste in beanuful angst., le ti by
the Lion llegiereif the World. Md. Kendall will Ind
the incinenee preerseion "and Simmered meet amide
daring thepetAnweineee.
Cknene—Reciewstkb. Knave.
ri7" Admission only :Seems. jefldeodkeeit
ONCERTS Every humus daring the W.I. it
which Edema IC:NEARS, SIDIPIIy, law kitINT
LEV, will have the leper of appealing.
Us - r rokthoe changed Nigh ly.
Personsgabbing to be rertrolthith Ice Cream nu
procure their Meares at the door, at Interne each.
ft/Tickets good (Co Ono eight cooly. jar
flair Creme, a matchless article for the Grtearth.
Beauty and Resonation of the Item This Crest • whets
once knwin. Will -apeman all other sortie:C(lM
6 ind now wed. ft beret:le hair is dean, harsh.thm,
healthy or torainggrey, a Bw applications will wake
the hair mill aud dark, and {MO It a beautiful lively
appearance; and will aim wake It retain en Ithertithe
and Inal.hy color twice as long as all Use preparatsons
which we➢generally used. Every lady and gateman
oho th the habit of young silo ea their hair, Should,
irt once purchase a bottle et the Chinese Bair Comm. as
is so compered that it will not leer the hair lie the
whet prepare... bur will beautify weed give perfect
thairtamon in every matzoth
Fot testimony tortavery superior entitle,. wet a
following letter from Rey. Mr. Caldwell, to Megan
',cadential; etrthelt, Nauhville, Benne Area
Western Ylate.l.
• Leer from the Rev. IL Caldwell, pester of Bat Pres
byteries, Church' Pulaski.
,seems. Hendenbou thretch-Gentlensen: .1 take
pi in adding my to
In favor of the excel
thou preparation called Dt. Perrisb's Chine Pair
say hair es
r woe very dry,
!nutty, and disposed to come oat: bet bevies peed. it
• bottle of the (beam, sod used h swathing to the pre
emotion. ic y hie is eon UM, elitioe and game the
head. Many balsam. are Ms were applied thelt lea.
Yummy kart to • worth atetertim lire. ThiaCrema,
however, has Mel ley rapeetations
As an ankle for thd ow onfit give. itieffer
aver all ethers, being delicalelypertlinsedfhed bet
disowned to weedily. -Tae ladies eqv etally will hod
the Chip
Cream so he a desubmitute in twßpremt.
namefor the , us let Respectfally, ke. _.-
Pulaskl,Jaey. 7, L. 917. CALDWELL •
iATllLV: 4 3.ll,3l.ll.?, 3 : . filrlrJettLit,
cofeer era(
Wool and DIM as. !leaf
A X 1111POU.TA.NIC LETTUIL-Tbe lebwring
A:tatter now Dr. Driehma,,of Math-, bet
speaks the umbrzelanguegee bender& Of otterrpayar•
ewe, with haw tried. mid•therefem Ithw Mem sifs
pree-ateJ awe'. Resectotaith, v
• • Lents, Mass.. Jan.17:1644
Dr. David favor-Dear du: I tare oath year medi
cove, no universally kthern by the naweva Joyaels
Farflotonl. In. MY Athena Ow a'emobef of Tun,
atW ratelnten Intlsay, that I have beet Sedeleetteetrith
ha In the use of teat as a mild, safe end treky deco. 11
Rapemonot. that, of any which I haw Veer ere. It
in the heal fee the thllowine obviate moan Is does
not. ,f guru proper dace, themes.* dthegramable
inane, kers not seethe , the leafinitelynthnte the
ssy.tran like beret *thee fapeenoraNts to tease. ONG
our dock abate the appetib of the phew, like other
.tog methelnes, which have kin Wed by the
, Weeny. le • weed. it le tw.iy otqa;te ilia thing which
has beentone for by Of Of fn c l ' h Fs *. i . ' ,."4 ,
1 Wawa
' CU P T . VX Y A Mail AlO, 111.
_pas thloialitberervehre - PROITTP.I. FIORE.
lb Fowl hotel, Oen Wood, aed aortic lbw More 0$
Federal meet, Alkikeny ay.
MAS ttemoved to the thaw on ma
"tree., three &ore above illnd thee
wheelie may be resold (tent 'o'clock ri
• - ay , omit be • •
As he as' demons or beide etaltklea IT, seer bat
those who will make immediate payment wawa the
,frecersuy 00 bus pane nillecuthe be would annul.*
3faithartanehtion to th e following mime All bile ft I
unpaid m the expiration of thirty day*, will be eha d
al We fothrtesag Mew- _
Fa y fttratethTaleth; '
rneallaß-MMO Of he RI Per **.
- All othir theist ow tri th e sethe pruperluso.
All cares to vrelesthiffalleammit .r oth inellnuede
will be considered doe accading la the these few
Of 8.-There are Roma Indebted to leatt 'Atm or-
cocoa, if Mg paid hamedately, will 14 ?Weed. Ow
heather a proorroffirer Mr collection bylbehaenfr
1-Tadditlonal new works, fart teethed at A. MI
trtahnees Melee. ler holy -enorethan eatially at.
traerre-hatisig a net P11,4111l of Emmen{ Tay hsre-
Messorint, engraved hyßenaln." Terriollieraegraeerr
-fetich are Varlalah Feb, and Mown
Washington and hie Ornetale by I T Ileththef.
volutes. erma t rlrte
ErtherDe atheist We Crows of Loses*, by 114 , 4 .
'author °Flo X
; Tlte Inftheitaamf WNW* N. markt. ash.e4 MO .
a The Let Sketch D.A. by. M 7crseeh:;ith
esteems cogrwhip on wood. draw. by the mother.
A Ilmastyofsheumegwof lOMoedeary and Dewar:
of Enniskillen, le 16th md LOOP, by the Kee. Jehaffre
ham.ll A.
The Thief, or Oo and OF thistedthe-ktale the
meat Of M Slue.
Marnsge, by firearm/ler.
Mannewata-fresh *apply.
Ferule at U &MINER%
WIT Saildifoild rt.fd deer fmallecond
— neatvolOimailiasim - sraisslir —
ItA R ANDEK rine Proprietor, sweet:nay Infante
,he public that this estabil.borat will be opened
thdpnyarrd for thethccomandatioe ad *herb by the
thth of this month.
The &unclothe of this fashionable Waterieg,Flien
ate , 00 well and widely karma, to mists enoweraLon
in ard to the public
lien w recce of Mr. MARTIN, babas saucily, ener
gy end amiable. ditpointion, to toe manager of seek an
•mablieliment, have hitherto commeoulth then 10 the
favorable nerd of the wt... a the 6epannged..4l
the two last summers, have been cite WO•
eye and attentive wrath* nod a lan erode( Meath,
have alas been set eyed. P
kha road forte eareberland, the ereatent *menet of
We Baltimore nod Ohm Nailresd..nd hem Flollidaya
burgh. on the Penneybranie Coos I. and Cbanwersba rah,
western Wroth. of Combartand Valley Railroad, to
Bedford have heed muck improved and are in goad or
der. jolgre
11 - 7 . 11"1111 1 1 7 ,
rrO.CON RACTURSWiIoshoI Pnlyosab , 14 Ir..
.1. eetwd at the rimes of the Piliabartgh and Cie , Mewl
Railroad Comther, to We051r40,..1.11,01 011111 JO defect,
A. M., of the 07ks any of July,lo7, for the grading,
widow, and pre mien for the sopenetteehreor that
portion of the hoe between Wmler it eemdlll(dedltelde
IMO, de miles. Plath and +peritoneum wary be seam.
athdottelkeflCF-ef the Canfithemt any time Mew the
ENO to theta key Contrthim will be lou to the low
eat bthlen. bathe letting of that Partin of the lore ,
hem fd'lyetheriNi me, enemata :be /wee toed
Canal, and eate,mlin- so the New Lisboth rind
realcoalinlhe direct., of Cie eel andran inky place wily
in Winnower. fly order , of the Daudet Diremnre
A CATIE YIN thw'r•
-1.3 LA ND, Is now reflidegdatlyearh way, carrying
TOW lha of floods and Proilthe berticeen slave Moms
Menbewlith from din !hit la delivered in Pitiehargh op
We night of the tent day from Cumberland-making
h . c Mont cap.-thecae route for eettlnt oat (roods
?taie Eastern CIlle•
Arid In Llano/tom will era a tech t as to time
rid con.
'Stir only Agents are 1 . 0411 . D A W .4 1-114. ,.. .
n ti . s . lzrgh
- WEAR) MADtitim, CamM
43 BOIIINSON. Baltimore
• • Ml•stoet stud tf ew ork • lanes.
,: 1 100J 011 N 11. MELLON, No Ed Woo d st.
bri ne ced end eiders foi sale— •
O splendid Rosesroml PumFone,
with GI octaves, Iran frame and new
Nola. Made tor Chick siting, Of &Wan •
One elegant Rosewood rianoYOnt, pall 6 ..Xialre•
oludhon tonne. Made elnedirlag.
One Argent Malogang_runpo Fatly hY,IGMO
de, CAI NeW ok. •
the 'rave will be sold at hianulactarri l e prlcel
A im.for wale OA above...met:old loud Piano Forte,
'did, °Mayes
01111EDLIIIM'S BlllpfLinifiliftel—Ais thesea
ann lies nor coraineneed for skid. Mick. the
s u iiiierihres beg leave again in call the anemias df
horkmidiere and others to Oh rely mend nochlo•i
Min will rooraut II equal , if no mperlor to any other
II k row, of the wow price OM Wore
We have • nimilirref eertifieete• Or lbeirrOgOT.
once. whirit wesmytoo iamb Tate for ad eertmiellf•
Ilriettookro Le teen al
etc oopeetfully laeltn glee as • eall
We will give our own ammo.. lir the perfonallece
the riess. hinle or Neely fields for sate
ronal then" ltlienlr
Pmum Ali Outaimatlat
RAILROAD. COMPANY. • May 31,1647.
bathe for receiving additional sobcripliona to the
aW ill Citltharah Connelthalllo Railroad Co ,
he opened at the oCite of the abapany to 1 hie city,
on Tureday,the 9th day or Jana, mid ;And bathe.
oe open from day follay nod the let
Coati , will alth be opened on the .11.11140 , nnar for
ahe bine lima. ai the abet follobnaplaecjirtha:bille.
Keeabrt tonief ,ho di raction of 110101 uilud.aad F.
WeAt !Cerruti under the direattoasifJno.
Plume andlame•Uarthier—al Connellawthe ottin Iha
direction of Henry Illickatone and Henry Waller—al
Conibrlond ander ilitljaeiction of J.. Hay and bine
c . Ja ÷:ey..- Caw 1 VaitCMIERal. Seer-
Ni;6_ll.l4.agy_lV,Cr pt"°'‘,,,.=..rotZ
°Tor, lonilLsionyi ioot:frontr;b:ccdoljliAcrost
wo ;toil,/ notteetotltat tke anqoal elect*, foro heti- -
dentilo eltagono,
of Ind I.Secrotazigil " bo
hel d Plot* u !Oudot /ay nexL at 111 e !.
RM. Plot* TO of we (foto, *l2 o'cfact, r. :- •
0104. • • % WX.vinfutiscos„Ptosttient,
iriix.iii," -- .___ •.
urn o LE a A b s 17 NOCEIt AND v0N1111111 , 10,4,
VT 511:11C11 ANT, No 59 Water otter. ST. LOUM.,
MO. iiimimmy 11.04.
We, to: Lyon, Shod , k Co, and ,
Ea; , Pinsborib^ joltzle
aka extrandbiery ib.fiekte in Me -War/d.
Tab orhiat blot airli itart bott e J rim shoi
or, perianatortgamoted sapihrto nnll . oalt. onan
dinar isiOrmiql . ..26osiig, onto. or 6lni
G 161? SPO7dratillBl JIEDICIIIII.
Tba tad anyerbrityat a1i.5113 , 140. Dia orer
allarlbat llitilithat is, WILMA alb Obboo it Wew
tab do tatty.: h b oat ait *nob, bat SPRINGY AND
SUMMER MlLDMAK,ihierrer bars, it vat NO pram
till whets aroma weanagabso thappas, hat t Crones
Nas t Pea oaf kilt Shod, apoorponsnal ao ober
klananinni' 'And fa this hello parlbetator lb wandbial
emir. It hoe priarsol 'Yam ant pot mope" way
tho 3,000 ere of Bann Cad ; Moot SCR.
ad' them were onaidaroll berrabh. , M. than
aon m p Rb ; onomatiss;
Itio meg of Oolong Dthility sod Waage( tonv
Iglieses Of PoomaJe Complaints ;
141:10 drop of Iferofolo;
LOtt to* of doe Lim Complast
fl o StOkomo of Mem of di. .propoti
'AM ook4o(Coosoloptios,
/id Thomas& of an of DifiSlN allot Blat,iz z Merry
Dripelos, fWMora, Pitolzkooo dm Foot. Ste., toe To.
view with manors era of Sick liestocka. Yoio dot
ahead Mani. lipid • lieetlary to:. Le.
Thio, we are oral.,mom ammo tornoilli.e,lam
Mt,. tram ptlyooors &doer otresb has oft parts of dor
Iflated Mates, safoeuksg
fluakiek, Vo q . aloof tko moot voopestabkdrogrbto En Netw
ork, N. J., iskoss to that Ize eon tofu to more thou LW co
on th at plot:. okoze. Ulm on almonds of oats ist the
Qty of Now York, laid, we will rekr to lotto pleastue,
apt to Duo of elzaroctoc, It is Ibest molleivo Sat the
klovvotive of disco. kovawn. It oadoeitedly saved the livos
of more Ihm
.li,MX,Canattut no P.m fig..:
A. it related the mum of dime; esel p eland them it.
Cm. G. N. itieCulau. as rata Mama *town :cm,
.at molter or lb. Nrw thrtaylatgiatatant, hut kindly and
us Sto Salami% natant. h tails its Saw awry.
/Limas, Jo. O. IH7.
Ayer data I was take. with 1 / 1 4 letdown:a, sudsy what
qatiwohdlia a dabilitakd datr. I was induced I. try Dr.
Tworttatod'a SwattpatU rma tad sit; takiag two or Was bat
-I=ll:.lhats owt . liautd=ll l .,:trod W Pat
'1 Wm* allay day. 1 balm it road toy 116 , ma mould
sot Ea without it sailer taw cwwidatlice.
G. W. Nola., kW U.S. N.
This certificate eadlesirely pewee deal this duseparide
has perfectondrolatrer Mad obstinate save of dm
bleed. Three prom eared in one home is aspreeedented
• •
I.l,Towastuu—lit.;:lllr; I hu. W yietturo to Watts
you that Waco( q thildrou hate bow Mad of the Sea
fah If the too ut. your. uttutlest artlicitto. nay won
atielod nay wanly with hod mon; lam caiy tam tow
latotkol It took them mow. Sto which I foot sopalitutda
dotp . obliptiou. Torn, outputfally,
luoue W. Cum, 103 Womn. at.
Irtaht hhotth. ' 1,1517.
• t
Dr. Towarrodo earryarldli ir • arrantigo and twig
rare pr
is at Cotortphda. Doterowoo, Lreeartetts,oe
Rtlihs, oltitruetal or Dank Illnattnetios, laeratisorent
of t h az lartdostrty ditehargo thereof, mad fee the bra
lbw of 16 rywo•—•• nutter worth. tie malt
of t etata or ears, gwarreed by insphrity,
or rerideat.
Roads( era 6 store rorpritin dm its en6ormitg
km at the Mama franc Perms, all walits - owl
toart la*. it, atom. beetwir Kira ast emery
mate its Lamm It lowoodiataly roastures 01. atm
karts of the of from, which at th. great atm of lar.
It will sot 6 Imparted of or, is ram of Kt *Dam • pa
wn, b orhildt watiikows of oars Farmed, bet in ea
mare the •Illirtedollat 6=466 of eres halo bar repotted
to two tkreral awn when Lothar harbors without child
rroothar twin • 6w. bowiritof this twofoldk rtGew,
hero Imo blea with bethiy oaring,
Dr. Entruettit My *ilk Wog Entrt/y airtmlwrd kg
treason wad guard dekilirsati
ky owl • tough. of -•arftly dams, - amilt the
wank, sod ebb other Ddlethios, ad Write knows mom
min,* Tow noadicia• Ina agaded gnat mew; metabolism-
Inda ranommended oath moor I Lira dearribedjobinna
eta honk of loon Sanwa ofand followed
Ins dignetions Ton rant ma Ind short at
It almond
aor cookplainua id reamed boo Mahn. Meg grandhl
Ow bode. go moiled,' tau Namara fa dm ankanadodr
it ittonosnading 11 too pantie. D Mom,
Allsnly, ug.r. um. Car of Gond and Lydhn
• Coasocsll, Sept. 99 , I$
Dr nt0114014: To all bboo Ibis may mores—This is
• eerily dal ory 'rib oord ors Wide of yo Samporilla
• •• io her coabssosist- odder Use most sidrobri sod
lie? lirt_is~ss, !oda= yd.% Lb. ikiirl
of Jo oarroos - Weetioso lad very o
; ladoeid to try a pefonoka.•ssd nemiramb.... of (th ou
wiro bufosot it,o/ too U, oritkliola or op
;of Joao Uto oor, ordidot dr bow sod
fialeolltiottoot eV hi Jo bound ofalsoanot, ofire
1,18 e=k . if am web of U. oft, Um amoy
!worth, io for• =Um ' 10 11 N kId1ras d' gragot .. dao. "A pro- b".
If dm will le of of foloko to fon, or of coo ,orto,
doolts tbo magma the orditin, pa ors entoolia
tookonho myself for moo okodiou Ed Mani mot
8a 7 •
Tbi. Eattaa of ihnatsowaht hal Imo :what reparad
i.nfmall (mak aaajihhon- Ifa Shlahastarlua na•
Ulla owns llmprodung that eritteal real* ano
taro qf hAn aggliet iitt take a, so it ha crania
preristive: far asy of the lidiefillN oat &anal,
hit% Shashi; an salioaol Oa. dam at Lk Ilia parka
mai bo &lard for oranal yeara by dm akimosthaios !ha
al a /ea rahotbat w /1.• Ow sr* offhateltio,
an it is ea:catail ho a mist nava bs oosolaraiardttn
001 ittoV.o holoW.tils wadies* Is hash
walla rot 4 041 . aft
dames to warich wawa as
h brads* weak acsraa.ntansa mammal, Cho ago
cal comgao-ay Imam dot horaisats tad lody—atea
ao ha atuadiatiog the aptaa as to produce a startaynot so
&mho% wallah it Or raeohariftisafteiaes tab. far Sada
mailmen ad throw. •
• . - -
Too molo lono coopsiocc, doll eyes, Vetch co the
km, mei Ws, ot Goal* art oli n titor
a 10ut... itlf 0 of ILO TocroicodO Sara .
demo Tow Iholl,oesoor frecitle *Wm. obi
ghni otioctios. ayes optra.„.l boacol
—all on of O francfranc tO ar cOf o
tied Wigs.
Ihnairnizitr: 41.1641.0 M
Pr heemond_ . dir-1 him lam Mlrma M mend
Min with dymma alibi met Dm, Mtradra whir sam
osa at wood. Ur 01Twpotilt. Mayer imam, sad •
peal mama mak IMMO lbadord Pe maim (.hr
mad ist,) I hare bera MD. rsta6 ban a mit portion
an My smoorb. 1 trbad Mood remihn, hat dry had
hat Mb or maw* is miming 1M campimL Ima to
OM, sham two mato Mee op try year Lend of da rre
mrilisomil I mot ray wish Mk oa:raoe. Mawr ming
tottan. l PIM am mode mama, MI ihn
otior4 Se•Oliet Vel distaly
mad dots Mit te Om Man ham teen satiated as I ham
ham Themitear• • W. W. Vox Zoom,
• 2".2 " 1 ' .-1146- ALINOST: A ainucir.l"'"*"`
MMita tf or, Vol cameo}
aiindi.ksoll • Thisis My mat De mini Minim
ar IMlTlMMlNaeliliMplia lab
r Manama — Mr Sr. I malales. • Dar am
memo, neith Wen =MI pki• fa my Ili* 11
mnir s nab .• I me mamaneed . hy
animals Wm tbs eamomptims 1 minnd Woo goo.
titiotof . W4 boi
my doctor wit ha maid dr i. o . sot I mat lam
Mmital la hem et loin Wine promeed than
isemido I was am moray Mimed st art hags mi
omla hardly Inealo ; I sem beam rantirdol. and mpernal
to dim; eras Mimi lo R hoi, aard is Mira in bare
• ors Mrs Weed 1 amps Lin 7a. a 7 dow iptione that
mold Mj.aia.tmyer Ims mirrored by .y
mown ; I Mg
mad nd h na
m mbe
t r o of e
Mmimms yeemyd/ymlredDmm
a ea.
a meicne. and o l
at e Va 'll:2=r:lldar, ,b9r., Limn.
I maara ing OM lam mind] Mt re ' d er
.1,1 • lobe lied wry hobo, moi Myr to be Mire •
ly as few mnaki. coach sad Wain the .id,
md siert mob Mrs bdt ea. mi Mee bes my M end
oo for golokivoy wool *nook. , t fat it • dray to give
pan 1401Mital of my dre. poblidkif pleio.
1k00rx.47 Le* In, Brooklyn.
°Pti!°, lB ..•.!" , !!'_''""!"
Dr T roi - ireltoretditlkiaalethg orieis both pity
thntos fa different veneer' the Xtha. '
Th. le wee/410x lee r the Oadltrelped ?brachia ef
the City of Ansi; lam is DIAIIKITT, 'MON ' ITSOCITITA
TB x. ef roille..ated better* it lobes. et there.
saleable refendsooe of the threthattha lathe larked.
16 t Int.tho.-11
• • •-• .1 1 Plum, X te,
R B Ithathave ay
fylpil'l, 16431 I . X Bastetrothuty at W.
Thii ir 10 certifythat 'we, the.todPen preetirin
Tbroothei. Wiliam. of the thly .1 *homy hen fthette
ty prthrrited Dr Txtherod Catepotthl Betroth of Sasso.
perlky awl Beth its Iwo qualttlas trooth rseolothrod it to
the,pthlie thr nth:wish othofetothosel etheraththethe die=
than, to referee. to of of the adthrtholl terdetthe otter is
• lelthentx.,T e,
Wa B pthsrreet, T r.
I etvith Lthaldthe
1. .
rStata et Bows; Dr Dyett Bthen LIS Kato Bee
ovi I hiladelpith; II 8 Ileathroltenist, Bettnosth; sod by
drealsb gene_ ray reegthot I.lx Muted Stars
Wit With art the Ctheida
if pthdoeotakes pot op hi the tarp spare boobs,
whiel costars • ewe aid altateethith writhe. sliest...
P SOWVIACCIDoad hem blows co Use Ohm.
• From the New York Daly Ears* of April P. I 41.
A Ferny thing smeared faith iamb yesterday lt Ina
the adratuthy cab,. Sareprifth &threes of Dr Taenteesst.
Tt utak tingle sot op is peel thew; with of t. .re.
sesta bother poadap are brasthfalothith.ragether with
• the erthll work,th old gliasethn is the Dr, ;made • thew
rarely owlet's& le Broadway. the take tborpoportaxty
thy we Where this at Net. of the •Banax4X44 - 4thertes the
eery reit° pardarity Dim expired.
- •
Nervosa Debility.
• ay, Yo.,ldarehin,
Dr. Towahad WAN. diktat ;wee.or tai oh , 3
.yeart, with a tehaletkatehtg lath.. chests glddiuese ix the
hed, too of appetite, pala ia the twas sod pool debilit y.
bromykt hod - 046i th. wham. lace tad cold to hytich
lam subject to lathy hatieets ati • dyer. l Imre taken other
medicitha, ko totaseciaa r awake, but with littk or maw
no. I tem faecal by teat low la the pare to Up • bottle
of )00r Shtlelpheir•; Ova which I Dual lent nest not
thime takes ..noel moth aod I eo htlibetitatiql, ay
it is the beaueine luso oat takes—Mii yam lo
chest plie s IDe quite adilfereat maa emit Jar Mao
I harepaes yohreeosaparilla t hole sow • bean thell
the tor lead ley soft lots tees it with Om tame
All Ma. I would momenta IS as a Dually mediate
atehandlyoad I fed Mlllll.OOl eat Ifs.° used liars would**.
Dhalf theairtmast den is, hot onamptcally sol to ashy
Docart.• billitto *Nile it restore itppetitei It girth to
the stomach tad bowels that tegalar town beep the blood
ia holey Met so that dims. afoot **likely toaltack the
rfeteht A. 4 to el those who an sot ia •Itadthyout, Iso
ley Dr Tommarre Stroptelth•
,Tattates Shah s 70 Mkt. a
. Canker Is the Meath.
Bekon 1 . 0116 moot of motbatkild wed tle TormezeP
Sentinel& ►u and the Pelte of 'Masud , of chthlres
The joilootehg eertikate la ',theft.' &Om a great aumbe
•.. • • KM Yobs, Apr 119,1147.
• Derenryabd: Dthribri-0“ of nry• &aim yrsa y•ey
Ida with tby Cower in the idea, mg threat Wed.! with
gm' tam my tylar , I Obbiard woo of mit.
wenn! , nal It mod K: "Weill), far width I ese
, yodure yob I Irrtely vatt(4), Yaws ralipEtlidly.
. For nit by R CRELLEIL•• Dmistalp V• 53 cal d,
bit.... 3d sad 4th thy yr be has be. appothted by R.
TOW NITRO sok LAgeat .4114M7 ob." iddtwil,
TAYNS/3 EXPELTORAITt-Wolooimt socoooo io• I
4 At. solmlrollo mood, lbf ralonviof"" . "'
TO Mind* theft ogooopeed of the 100ft..1 ehlusolor I
of otanonions-Its lonelptoy to colsinato iollsostion
of th. Brosteblo. tad tafOolioffile oi" .ii.° of th° °•"-
nii km0...4.1. *yowl &low the volt lOW The
only pootitabla sod of -.11..11P01k obousetko 1. I
to, wow of meesorioloo.•l~ 11 . 103. 0 .0 uee..
•,,,,i,..4 . ~ 0 .., i. e bunimed ISt 4 Jodieiona arldbi.
+ion at*. moody o(Dy.oloroo.-Irkaoo Tieoo
liona Of the
For solo to Banoboula sobs Takla Tea sloreOlt eh
treetonor mi.ol.oialo. o. Um DM Moon of H H.P.
Boinofol, Itodevol or A 110iii....f oity.' .-11fIlaisoT, ,
J) lAITZSL PARIS—WW I " 6r Leal. he.. 4:6
s wiy• es Mad amll Pm sale q ON Liligety Fran, I
sou CaoaL W WaI"CS
411411.21121 - SULTS* t
THIS -bows 144dattio'lliwiss Futtito
466 will hstw464l. die emot 64.
wasidadowbf6twlsl i. ti 4, Ton u. 4 P.10•01 i .
odtddroistit.d tokt 'mu it 446 so bele* e nabled
'4•4ce to Ilteir Imodiattltieodo Rad the pot 4c
feeerlalt, tbot %wino jorepotod sapply..•ll Who tool
with • 001 l wad lo'LJmabb.llatCar ax
notwariouw Itoanwo. - Nworotat., •ni *ma fine
114466 ..tild.1114,•1141 160
0 411.614
. 411.10 f. , nor wood mad oth no
. eu;flLeatre
as smass 4 ta . NstS. weed Won, time Own .u. r.
l'samilt onset SL sus* casabas.( eery ninety of
Nam mad P.sisf!e Is u. buss alMr. airss.Pissess.
trs k x:= Suss. /pay •Imlardkreagl.
, 7S Wad 4:11n4 doer stare Famh
. - Valli leasYS•ao 1 a , I . C ---..----.
4 BMW .& COlSTaltle dote toaattemeahl tau
mill be istrodocod a .IMvius as lloneday
Aoidal Chih. Inesilenta angina a cheap; (lode
iambi* Hater Poodonei anaoodertere Mono of
fashionable Hats hammed sof ad osnised by =see of
the Dade. Owe calf al SEMI. ft. Co%
ISt. head of Woods
Mir -110111 ff 11H1 WAISMOO6II,
11. N. r.ttanci.o.s•for sale•a as fillft,
able taw as way tom in Ntilasirlphis, •
TaVn ' d a peas • 1.9( 17 of lacy= ti
ti =Pal r ee m a (Nr i isalti Leghorn Hsu; Ast
lialaWknom. ae. maks
I? A iiiion — Tifim mere
JUST received from New York, tae Now
tow Wyk for. Haw evroistma of White
Deaver, Pearl sod Waite Preach Caestwere NW, with
Ventilators Those in would tweedifal Oinit Hat are
reepectrally molted to wit. R MOORE
etre- . 73 wood st, 7 dews above 41.
WILLIAM DOUGL.II.B.Iika lot received a
freatedogly o i f e lltinf t d "4 Amass Vira 811 k
Gi tatra fir, Fre w ne . k i ldoleskia Itata. at very to
prier No 18 wood Went
CONTINUO/ to inanaitelorr t and keep
.11L tly an band, ere war et, of Ham
aadel ' ora nut of
the Imolai*, an Orions very k at No
714 Wood tirdet.Partside MIT
By 'Vine of a decrees( the eery Cate at 'Nash
ville,.nastle at Soo May tents. the ease of John
h e, of R P a. •s.
Thayer, Tatum nod ires. I alkali proceed to selrer
Pablo -AlltliCal;ati the Slot of Merest 1817, al the sp.
per ead of the Market Haase In Nashville belonging to
the late fine of R. P. L'llosenternes *. Co.. the Mar
NW and Distillery with brig pens and corncrib math.
ed Said property to situated im the haat of Comber
land River, shoo 31. one mile bear Nashville.
between or Ind .41 aeresof land, apart which the
bonding. tire rammed, Dawn tied derails:lrd as lots
Nos 101.1t4.103 and 104. at repllsenied InMeGavaers
plan of •ddition te Nashville.
The abo. Mill and Lasalle,
emit than V months. and ate built of the ben mostriaL
The is tapelike( mansfactormsbabrts gal*.
key per day. The Floor Mill has only martothel
'403 We 01 Floor :thee it war belched, so that the au
thloory Is perfectly now and of the most sedeni awl
improved kind The WM Is capable of saanfeetterint
IS belt o( Flour per day To. boa pone am dyable Of
casitSiting and feedlot f4OO hos cart aft well elatrued
to saes Libor and expense le f...tnis. The ma crib le
coansiodwasi—there are also three Pine.: Por.ltbblmur
sr. ..ached to the concern. I ends]. mete. prim&
bids for said progeny andl the day of eale.
The term of said ot le are Slat ()payable in 4 months
In Bank, the balme so a credit of ono. two, gad three
yews, whiewt Immo The combater is required
V. stkks withappeortd recenty patablo Bank,sed
a lien will also be retained epos the property thither to
teepee Wic onichasesconey. JB W IT Ck M
Wiener oilers ferule rnlendid Onel
derail/n*lM sienna 00 die North East corner
be rabito tkraers Vetenguesre„ Nahooher
coonty,Oble. bogs, oonneshoes, finished I. ez
esileetstyle, erre in the boo keenest Ira Yoarepernra,
either for • :welling or 'public bane" shaded to His
Lard, siith Imes, stabitng, and all other earivenienees
at Muni.
Motown is mapeanng tery mplair, is sheared ire
mediate], on the Osnalned when tie mines Donator.
Lolling Mill. {4, . 0 7 bell . 16.. ..W k. 1 0 .611
be tifeo.l {perishing piece this lemon of 0 ,
It will he mobiles' for tubas as tine, or exchanged
for property in Mahone. For painealere *elm of
MICE, eanter of Weed end Water Its • Pip.
beret. who an{ gree ail ail iseedk.wrn-
regreellber erns Oar mils the Uwellleg Hmea IL
wide!. H user fardabla the With Weal le
le by 111 het, Ihnitlng on Oennese and 'Alien vitt-etc
Alm Loa of Grimed in We 7A Word, homing ea
Webinerstmet-41 by le Can deep toaeb km ,
Alio, lb agree of aro•nd to Igeseare Township, ad.
Shang tetchy ofddeglieny, in a high -tare of guinea
two. There ua oa do premises • large mates of
henries Apple, Nude. 'Phoeb e and Cherry Thee,.
ir two sf Grape Voses,frow which Wine hie born
oe are la years.
For fartherpsnlealms arepiire at the Lasabes Yazd
OMew of Ilerwart s Devesno.6h st. between Asibliteld
lend Grant. • jr7 01 1 / 1 8. ROWAN'
DeeirldrVialr.llC - ftiTulThiTint—Tiws Fab
MI *cairns ear Oar sale •• re and lot in Nest Mid
' diereiLldereirr army. r The holes is mil rekoleird
for owe sod d raise. hassediniely oil the' Vase a r
e a
niossonGsreel to • deariehrig village ewer by. are
several fanaces and the 133.414 oi a rich renew dia.
MM. a beam and let Le the *mashing village
raaprrilla Mercer emery. The hoes( is well eakelated
,for • tavern or here.
- TlssatehrOrreperty will be sold,ehisp And on se
eemarodaiing tens. iddif Al DICIIP.Y t. Co
waieraad front me
g' kIIW-GartriWirgalirldleafrinierof On-
Leads for me, leis on Die Itor•oo. begs, is
tsabia townslep Moors go. Ohio 130 demi . . ems 00
der naked*. ro are mite pain f.t g welhie
Wawa large q ua with good hoeing aid heves-fail
.lsgenneri• - The hobo member will he sold for ih.ry
Ave hendreddierlsts. air Ov deal re on eareearere. Tr
glagrataireoMpnymeata may he
an made te.hint, wet
phoessiongthesi geolhallidy.. bylaw ishrowion
emPite , „ stAiirrori,ntrriia.a. eer
fTrt. wa w
ALUABLE liztoOsetivrir
he sabseriber siren for sale. in Liss to sari par-
Altasers. her sere- of Land in Reserve Township.
ng the property of the iste (Lapses re...tall
seat Attegtieriy CAI,. The waters of has 161111 Ron
=7O lb. property- and ia ealealate. for
• Or gi . rltla bandies Lats. Title goad and the
wow mai. pairs of PETRA DATES .
Nolir Tirol:. Jose 10 1047.. , Mori
leo Uoiletn! g its7E: i nt:. n i nth erissele;. " 2l
4 feet mete. lta, Boilers Inn 30 inenen dszneeset'br
ID tett ist lessols. iee sAnply in ,
$ ClrrellSEß r. Gentled Agent.
nI4 a • fie 50 essithaeld etseet
AISUB 141/11110/L—Anents wanted to sett
, nonfat Patented Invention Persona wits milt.
of Ilindot WOO eau aimed's= two u,9loolpor.isua.•
Apple inswedonely to 8 CUTIIIKRT,
jal4 • Geownd hgete,llo Bnutilleld st
..111.34G111Z1IFIF .azirwrisair.
Fzieums denims* K portioning me. in thi• Came
ury are referred for mammalian es dm hperinicod .
Ina t, la s (en., or in F. Tama, Druggist; earner •
Pann and limn warm Pirtratiga.
4 2; j oraap i r rhe Banst, -J.
Vottembio Wood Ramie roe WA*. •
THE soderoitorl Woe about to moor* kio Tamers
to ike colony, dam for sea BIZ IIUIWAND
LOTS on Stood street, betin,on Ferry siren rod He.
doge Ante. - - FAO fot twill be meaty feet from ort
meet sad. sillily Art is IlleFA. 71eTm. Itlt be void
ooner erbeto teeetber.• For Imes spelt b tie
roloestber promiors. JOHN CALDWELL
LARD . _ sulenbets having coo:graced
.be tusaufsetere - of Lori 011 are moor o-eparest to
metre all ankle for thst 'article- Muck Oil IS of the
best goal I), and:NM Wall as the lowest market rotes
The atteutiort of Doseches cod (leeces is respectfully
reqoosted.• J JORDAN VON, to Llber y st,
_ , Opposlts heed of floultield
H4olll l llsfretesvoi to the elle, for Cl3o.nittiltl ,
.11-111.10 professional Lesiose, I mil. rent*. Ateneion
II nod its homed las eiteMeore, salatte on the bhdfs
of do ele, one note stove Pinsborett
- JAME+ , o RAR
• • •
'TIII:IWANC.IIterrEa Foit SALE—I baeo * Pala a
Ilarautifal ttaildiret Lee in Mane%motet, war tbe Fete".
fl fet Pant by 110 feet deep, h will be wrd lenr, and
au neen dnueoatiag Itl . ol. Tete. unexeeptionable.
JASlblla tII.4IIFILY. Real Fauna Agent
E , Oll. LE—IMI nen.. unimproved Land, anumed In
C, W. c...ty, Irginia. b miles eau of Purim,.
AD min mint unimproved laud Mingled t miles from
fie OE Alba y, Wino. I CUTHBERT
Rest EH Hike MI nmithield
.I , o' LET—A ening...Maio o...cigar' *in... , row
mining El room, plementi . rsiteved in the Rh Irani.
Erni SIMI per annum. • S CUTHBERT
lea Seniihieid
• -
OR SALE—A , R Harr Brick Dwelling - . 11.r0
penmndy , glassed on 4.h greet. above resabield.
?lire end .CRILO glaYMIIIVAX1:111,.
tl CUTHBERT. Real &mile Otte..
ere No SO .ladMield meet
n 6114 ICIITATIC—Two Bond Dinolim. Hemet
rte, rimmed in Aileghrny titY nn
hoe. contains 6 mow inn% goad tool
361. (iss7J_ ri CU CilitgisT !to 60 Sinitlifirid ot
• _
I ortsusauu. May I'.
lAST. Saturday gave a teaspoon tun uf U A Pak
'nemone C tel my tittle en% 'Os it
betaand See yearn .44, and daring 'hurley she
pampa ll* ‘kriet worn+, averaging more taut a foot in
Na its effeeti
wi oa W4chid. I then gave • teaspoon
fall talxjoariger slate, widths as appal enolF vrall r and
4""" " "V° IIrPFRFMMMT/
Watehroakar. SaMbfinld meet
coPesp asedm' d
d;a nd a ß rs aAI FAB h KA TOCE C S %
OIL Alurphy. Noah had mistreat Farmhand Market
MI& invites the atisarion of buyer+ to hie stack of
die above goods , of most approved ask, and being
p a id
horn the agent of the inanafactatera, esn be
...old at the lavreo price
gog i h k yte ' pl ' ec ill
e. ' l l ndirW o b d oresale R prod c iroit i o lfp daif V :
entrance frost Ilk at Isla
-7 _, cnant.sts Die II A 48 ..
ATTORNET AT LAW. Pittotturlth, Pa.. Commio
riooer w take the proof and achnowlrdernootiot
Deed:, Leattee, CnoonteD,Depoet Doe. or other writings
to be monied or u:ad le the Stow of KENTUCKV,
Dee., Ilorket•Poildioe,d ' h et DOD,'
C U7' .4 es Wt! ~.."1011112 a Cowry 'Mt
Jrroning and Fading lirdwo. k
ait•We for narOary mon •nd gardonera; Woo, • large
torment of Pen and rocket Faivea.•aapanorartlete
—Just] aceored and for nal. lota, it lb. Pittthargb need
dad A' rat Waroboar, Nal3l Wood stn., ear
ia7 S N \YICKBIMRAH r .',
b.3 XI hat Inn eat Cheonne Tohaceo;
70 bed Ilird Eye &oohing do; •• ;
• For B ea b l i efirey ' Inn
loorin elan. " del
a entni rnaor4.l4
had ; GOP COCllRAN.laiirodd street
ATKIN. FILTEgft, Coo parifyingdialt
Wlag nod (amity are. render:ag it as eleoy and
•Weet Its opting water. INC, ore is Very eilinkflTtPft
JP the Eastern clam Far aale by
led CIFNI , COCIIRA N. 94 we et
43RICERY FOR SALZ—A Sm . Hue Dakar and all
We 6 =area for Bohm, nearly nalr, balNlan fib.
n e 1 111 .7". PHILLIPS,II•riied street
TiILY POPLAR-400.000 feet Pool 3.
,JJAksesits; sad Scarlitsg, wettetseleefoLltirstel been
•Alusr - ewe years its the Iftivit—fee tale at Nesst
Went meet, by ...jeleftw. WISP WALLACE
0 VAIN= TWaille—Au wertmenrof
ilietlrseadso6l vitiate OW. a color Itad vadirf •
Alskomses Cab oat bra. Camiabote•—is
Inr at **My Mods Wan of pt AIIIIIPHY
■aassas, xxcalacue naoluez!.s,
POSITE, BANK fiall/S, AND $YE:ClFiiii
Pearl et, neatly oppimitelbe Bank of PimtAiret..
CURRENT MONEY receimii oo Depoitte=Myht
Meeks for sak, and collections :Made on neatly all
Am principal pommio the
Tha togtrest permit. pant for Paolo sad American
Adraeree made ea eaaatortirnis or Prodaee, shipped
Fbart. oe liberal tetras. rAla
i. 1101.1111411 &
, .
Bankers igood Deolon, In Eget...age, Cola'
and Bank Botta,
• 08. 65, , PITTIMUIRGH.
Sail* Rases. Eseloome. Bo yidg Ratio.
Neor_l'o+k, I pr- CletCinPall, - {Bic
Podadolighia,'. I do Joboisrelle. I do
Baltitoon, I do !lII' Laois, . I do
Buying Rum • BANK MITI'S. Buylog Rotes.
Cla, Idid.• Co. & Benp Order, I dip.
Inuiano, . Ido :Relief *to. ! • ' Ido
. ._ .. ._....,....
do roarg amnia
'Virginia, ' Ido NeolYork 'do, Ido
so Whealiog, Nolo.Oricana, Ido
•Eoftetr ado Maryland, fdo
'Co am of
JJOSEPH H. 111=llee of elm firm of Wen. A.•
11111 A Co ,) WM C. CU RR?, Hamm Erie, Ps I
have marred Imo Coparmership, amide the imce of
ILL a CURRY, for ti,d purpose of eant Om an We 1
Ranking and ll:charge hatirre.. in all its branches, at
No 1.3 Wood dred three doors below Fourth, wed
side—where they tantalite custom of their frie left and
the poldie generally- JEMP.II4 II 11111
vichlS WM. C CURRY
30•16,0 1111..1.11LL. Md. C. MART.
&Ind. A CUSHY 4 •
IN FOREIGN A:vrioostwrierintn Y PNMIIT
No 65 Wood street, third door halo' , Poodle, west side.
'COAX Fonds and Corrensy
. riceived on Dogma. need
esiketiout made on •14Me principal Caa• in the
United Piste.
Sight Exchange on Baltimore, Philadelphia, New
Ton. Ilea. sad Cmtinnnti tonstantly for eat&
Oleo, Indiana. Kentucky. Verginis mad Penits)lvania
Dank Notes, bought amid Patton favorable mime
prironed,kc , &
Festinate. .. a
tand., Ireland, lisemany nisi Franco
100011 .
It• lIKEItN, it2OHANtilt
FOR - P.Tlrriticir•Dtiiir:ATlC EXCTIANGE,___
'M. Of Need trout am doer mime Fronk lids side,
toristel Pittsburgh, Pa. • Wool ,
ittiß suwiam 00011
• * . RAIDS.
BANKERS AND EXcllAfifiti BRAMIERS, dealers
as Voitign and Doosettie Bills of Esehonse, Comb.eines of Deiosne, Dank Notes and Coin, corner of Sd
imilkWoOd strocis e directly opposite & Chaska Hold.
4'llllo, Indiana, Kentucky, .ad Panne, funds ale.
NJ Camay and City Ordcra purchased al nalucedvate
dloanant s by . "N I WLSII , :z. , a. SON
deaf, . Parebinee Maker. ad Id ket Pi
Inedlaellauss no lheemnati.. Lama , Lea is
V and MI aeccemble pop. id Me Wined Mans Made
ptimptly, end lipta the lowest term, by
• N nouns*. SON, Exchange Mott' rs
No - 65 Mutes It
if lancet loss on Gncwew. LC/WWII - Maas and
4,./ all caber ancetaible points the United Sumo
'wade ea aecomemalatteg ktnna. HILL &CURRY
• api . Weed.aa. lien deer le Wile gala=
Vwfaittuagat on NC. York. Plata&lph•
_and Da
s. mon coottantly - att sale by HILL &CURRY
*pa %Vood n nay dom to Eagle Nikon
• stawalltsy of Ike Ohio 'lndiana, and Konmeky
it, Banks waned at ves7 f " taws of dinottot.
Nand at. neat door to Fiala Saloon
011110. Indiatawa wag Jitelaatatity Dank
Notes patented at low rates by
'melllll -• •:- • . No 53 Market
• is%•la GaAs WlLtrillii • •
ANCICER A 111 A V WC wbole.lls&d retail dealers
A io Fnaterta Melting, woald
taka tkm wand of beaching the attention. them
oawama .ad the silage ReaeraliVim tbor•foilvenng
Ow. their .rack ha trade. ammo ammo do.. alaA that
tn. mall o. <be.' if cheaper than aLay other
Neck: One .eldn. of P
sad asanan../agan mete Wain enable .
nil Wa n in keep a ellaranetweent or ready mule el..-
nut, as le. peaces Ikon Oar oars be °banned elsewhere
I bear.ent Mack on hand part of the fa/
lomat deacrisaion d gas.: ,• • .
Ism black clash dress eraus,Crearrallaw -114.
• 70 beaten and invasable ado le." . la
NM melt spleadidty mada of giod material
1900 p.ipanti, of all sty.. gaalines and Oros. '
NW rem do do,- . do do
ItAdnriol.inen plain and stitched boaxasslons; ajar.;
aanapenn callarac saaspeaders; mac
dr...d ander sha n k.
,of eyed eanety. ail l of
w w , c inch her .been rerendk pachami and adapted w the
hleathenta and adeft *be toe
mania t.laasLng. tenant do bet. thaa waive - SA..BW
• anO3
Noir Vosi, Noy I 9,014,
Genttement ranevetvesaillyed Meths aince.;• sore
cam ape* die LIMOM o` one or My feet, ',hien was
very pandhirl commenced i s
the ml Roadie,
wren out unteeceraftely. the rex continued inset
denper. rptaad tot he Wan of the'palw of my h.tdr
I not oat, had the advice or h o t • nr i .no, bat need all the
salver and 0104 eve. r '• • .1 Vl7 ,or, Urn tot one
of dear Dan We cant n. paw niarrest the
Idegresa uf the ROTC: coinwit inflammation
at and• yr ic awl wilt, aul pai. and it bad a ffor d
donna into a regatta kw, rote. Mr. :tenant' *ad
of tidied), edwitird arm try snot °Mbar= I Wetted
to the idea, bet apota hit arge/q widths/an, cant laded
to try and to My IRV !lOW' sad artratithrodet. tt ata.
maw inahanta mbittlidt he
I linv-redtteed tha
iallwantalahr, and coomeweill,lmalitm nova, which
I Ido anyluttlarid shieerelf beltern Mat will ear
any theer acre. thernalthlY aPlaird•
R•npectfally www. .rd RAM , S
• For FKII. by R PILIATIL.,II7%Vand el. jr3
. _
I;AtiLISHAIIIIIVAL-47dok;r 7 ithrorrth reAole•
a' urea thistling era. Pro VS %Vend Al ! l•tvl. aP
cairn. Another uthoiee of throd in° Tray nialmserre
red Runs, some very finer rebieriren arrd standar;
• orders :—oredisor rpradtias4o de: 'Aforn Aorta new
wk. bosom s with both Uposi ant standirortodars st
udied rplendid.
asoonassot . cordesttos plain
Iristrot or stasidiag collars. Biwa doswarns •
c 011.., Eno and recast gratifies:. sitiostio oven lo
Fear eariery oo hamar soup 11.1, • • pleth m
ar snacks. gard arrarendinp, Aloportaad or
Tao asoserther , baby liothelneleina or factories.
in ma Enar. is consraerth,sanodiod-orirk. scut fart,
14111•11ble ildadl4,llo is easikd *this Trot to Ass Deaf
Eastern Fences aa fndatinkorill admit
0( lie (Dods .11.*PMfid-.560W - • •
- lt • EDWARD DD,
See A hada:reed undo curers
To - pLisugus ASO 111IACM2
115 e oal.serions Lawto' g been mono /tiled
h nun J. & -Jenes‘ot
lonsweby Members aud-lllaehiaoon, to the Pa
ien—for the sale of their tasoofaname, are as,
led a forni•ts Plamleso•nab all dm Yanoin,
buns_ Work ossed•in dostrVoiXe..
.514,ere-to rancly o(4 antidtessa Coe.
by Locomotive disd Vetalisihry ?nide 'Wilde re.
doss Oil [belt., Oil Copir."ter, #e_ and ortoetotbe
NM so the Wanted mad. amptnitine Soilden
tans Pten, e entail,* of (veleta • •
r • - 11.10ATI ser:rinur
wat t 7 l O, woo. et, Yistabstrith
nos.iniriugo • - .
4 Reams Awned tailed Itlestiont.l9l2l;
rA do do do
4AI do do do t 4117,
•do do do - • - Olo0; .
10 do do do'- -
34 do do do 1317.1, •
Ifs do -Pia. Cook, -• 44i07;
- 40 do 'do do ,24, --
ID do. do ti 4136. •
30 d o Anoned Colon, Ore,
11 do Yellow Madsen. 1..1Wi -
On hand and for sate by JOIIN NIFILIAI .
No El Wand etreet. benne n
Jo 7 I Diamond 111.7 and Parth -beet
01:4Cli. RED and *CA , I4I.A.T sTbi lib hat Into
altrady in Ina byihTs l'erstdent or th'e United estlftni.
sat toeparsinents, and 'both Hoo-ea of Cootnen by no
Weer.r and rennsylvaom,almitionzer
on rernoh e inoitsvions. molten., oild indle•A
ga Th ls.
islnk Imre mote freely ream the t en. itberoves
the peke. and commies steel pent let, then - soy other .
known. -
For permanence of coot vireo Tubs fatly egual. if eve
'mum.. a ft erlives. for when the max it once felon the
oopor it will remain unchengiA for ogre
Jug merited and :or rate to quantities. to soil pop
chalets. by I. URA D
jellil Pouch “ near osket tweet -
RKDUCED—IIIoman Pots:lea No 47 Mar
i let street, between 24 and 4 ti street., revecifstly
sane/meta to the public thou hie pre/wet monk of Well
raper/End Bonien of his mot manefaantro 'every ea
. 1.44.7 and doily ndditiona &retains end,: to IL..
,they ere litusbed—of new ends/Ono/id pat tea Abo,
a mve w m rte o d
m ee kr e of l s i a n gl v e t l h e P '
.r ar ßer s s love
snick.. (and a. her*. In his line.,ltote ammtmerf,) heis
prepared to *ell &encash, mutest an than May -•
memo( tho kind, East ar tl4pa of the asoatuatian
BIT -00063 MUM. DlllabulLS—oi st
Morphy inekel the attention of lard.. to bit ea
eellent amorilaterntof stave floods, ecusisting of , •
son fsateb Met Miudiro;
Yoh Swiss dia.'
Sob Nansook '
Plain Jammer: Marred do, es vre'l as French fawns,
Verret...ail, and unwell' ylert Embra dereirkfuslins,
fee Mreares, at mdliced pr , cei, at Nolth East Corner Orb
sod klerket *been. _ jab!
OPacketAlsie Fa ransA, 4 eask•Seenessor'” Cam
Neel Files, cauterising a very l eAee , l lll. 10.
The. avinics. of Macturtimi noilthurranno , e
is Invited, LOLIANA.I.ENNEDY _
riCILLI Sll.Vkirs.. ilreeieeil au
livid ilia. lo my. largo *weir of (fold nod !Leer PRI-
Lever Watehns. soltabla for Ladies andeleniletnen
—of .he Inlein and howl...lnvpawn.* and of nit ben
manufactory— warranted and for so'k sr very !overni
WINICII—Chroce Ohl th ines tonvistiok — oltDOn .
ea.... London alkite!," and other rod. •ts
"54..rd‘m," sod -1.6.d0n Worker Madeira; IV.
Sherryry. Livtam. Dry ans Moen hinfags Wines—war
rantell.plire—ill sinks sod kende. for sale by
' jell/P c MARTIN
TOLD PILDIF—A soy_r me void
Lldoek ,of the bent Ltande of Gold , rens. joss opened
and for sale at dveloente-pricer, by
!LYSOL WAltlg—ishle.le. — lrevenriTand fleni p
Spoon. Forks, Segar Tongs. Dater Knives de.
mannfattared Sod to, aaleby WWILSON
44. • • Xorner Oh and_6l aaaaa
x i, 1. k i t IX ,.
oi :I,th
[ad far We aalll. o . yy
. ^1 1111 0 D tIV-R7i7,441
mbet ato
POC• c4v
A rr.10«,,i' , 1
Oilt:ke —Far sale I.
1110011.111—Cbace obi .Outr4," `Pre_
_LA releasAili44,,..4 J Aptly & 044` , Iletneb.l,
w4rtsate4 paes—basa anks Cram yaw WM.-An
cuts 4114 boale• a differ.= 'imp asa,
)44.41T1N -
47Awriti43 :1 - /NE1114)." 4 ' Citrae/r.-
ILMITits. 'Good wog kiw ili t.oteedy
eke' bear Ve .4444,444
ellytattb,s aka. , •
VrirellllCTtT444o ince* 7.4 aw e l
L 4
Mtndsol4:b w_ 4rWal_4
tat -
K .
• 7 4 HAIM 1(1.103111112 . 0 . --.11thart. • • "k.
kaustrrioN CLyi CD11.33:0 usuro orr. k
Ciadreati.O.lieltl l3 o 6o :
Dar ffirr-This is to certify In tio
thun WM* with a. distant of chi Gogh or Comothpathat •
that ill thiSpridga Mr 3 I* Mud* wsllt *math
which .pm bramo anton opta ay lain, *Moe oa ltd .f
*pa* or le appeatuthiag Comovrata. • MY twogh the
tight and woubhudeoc. anctuled silth cepiewasigin. rweattn 1
spit up dolly of ciecalwadd I- *lra with
hick dirk nadir_ My atm* Meow eiliMlll sal
Doting-ride time 1 cad slow* by thni of ear mod
skkial Physiciaum they did hot On coat kw*. war
to bawl they pa .p .11 bop" of sttrwartryouthrwiag
me that bathing mono* b. dotty-Hot wty Lary* is•
Lolly *toed,* bored wthaly. I vas this pasosadod by
• Lind .1 .to. to moth a toll of A. ANICIIMa &OM.
not Remedy, width my Physic* pergola *imtl, wing
that medicine - tiroidd Jo ito good, dd wooly MAI odd
more to soy
,thlietring., I tad tthot it woo aj knit nay
hope, and that WI mast Ms of the otheast;(*th ism rter•
dad to *5 t h en hotdd h. twatiog ht. M / rwa to tho
Cinclosiati Other sod obtained 5 bat* of thls Way Valor
ale Medicine, ma catonwored uniuroecoeding to the niraLi...
Lions, which, thetna of adding to squaring, imst
pre too rclig4-Orafeb,nrrestaug the*
.cmihr thailinand tighninikt ay Chcor - giringrois awry
tifi 'ctietigth, *eh war - white sitt-to ikaik4. l .•
Thic milieu moth* to god work, whiek it so isohly
octort4notill woo oath "Mod on- Ildemiset beat
owning to loy . indiamoi, (upwards of 3 ran) Wad Pd se
*ldly at ['With. I hare rectinwsuodell Dr. Marls Is ,
pritorantßentedi othoy bums* to thontsiathuirtthieted
and it *always Kasails** arikr tog Isari *Mari
ill <fetal. N 7 Wtea i. oribi lbw mania" iteso
Visored Lira' acti th nifirriat of Lira
issi min* .with for *co ll* the km ropy notiorted,
hy_lth -- ute of this median*, sad I *maid* Ho - e hot*
thst I takevith we to-day wilMatirelythre Itert: lain**
to Mum dot there are thaws:idiot 7 ralvaliporstwit *Mg
away with this dreadful dcaboysi-1:04811/1UT1011
Were it only ympeelle for time to roman, this *Whim in
bac, betnreit be roe bete, many *ea alight:be prokapf wed
their was meowed :lorry. Thia
medicine will give instant retiil, mist Chinon Mow Mee
the bwil and CeMegli, name the Clittafita Intlei Mott
iim wrength to elm enfeebled wad
. .1.66441 111164
- I
MOSS 51.5, t lUD °Wain, wir • prelbetnamat_
ftreW • il. Ff.LTAL
• Tdoetrebery, Hamilton County, Ohio.
'l.l-11...Timaceelto may not to wtqaninted with no rater
to the an deniened -eitirane of ittaargoeway, Hamilana maw
ty, O, they millet any liam ettimetwelien IM a wn otalemnats
• . . ..
greet, slurs dd. rubtibli lUbibrios coo simple ~
Sold in Pittsburgh, by Wrlt. JAPKSUId, borbor oi
Worst and ljtvttS V.. - ^ Aptl4-01.w
.-.Pis - ID DIAMOND Al,
is. „ .
. 10 4 L a Mr dears below
. ..
.. '
..i . , Da. Ewalt,
- S i , tiring b er-0 rogal•Ayed.
gad to the medmil met
/ . _
I . . f...10t1, Ana been ha roes
time 1 4 1 0 t Send practice,
~ Ilk\ nos &as Ida ancettica
~ . t . ,--6 . tails insolent of Owe
....., . .. Private and delicate nod
, -- ..a . tains (actable. bla roper
- and - eitparianee
ligleven • • • s'r devoted as the - .Mr and
treannein dew Focal* an, (daring *hick naca
bas had more pracues and CIO cased motto pimenta than
• ean •Tel fall %lathe lot of a y private practitioner) ar
ply gunk. hiatus ral tr as anima. of saeada • pal.a•
Poland misfacery t sib vaH afldind ttth asiliSs
diseases:, and .1 discuses uistng therehout:y . . ".
Dr. Drown - would inform thole with Inadas
disease* which have becouseconie by limos morays
,en by the we °ratty of 1 . 4:012.10. 13 • isolinall this
day, that their oomplaints bo radieally and• thor
oughly corad,he having gi o his carefulatuutuan.
trealwal aisebesses, bad socccalodin lusedrilb
of isaunee* in earingpersods of indnadtdoa. at .
! 'Ohba bladder,and kindled Oilman% Wilma dads rainli••
rose those - cues where others have conning this its
hopeless dupale. particabarly,laribta welt as Mee._
been Wig cad ansiteenasfally tressed, by "then us sprt! -
salt /dm, when every Satisfaction 1611 W gtrrat dICM add
1 their cases treated in is eluvial. diordadh odd mdthr-..
nutaser pointed cat by - roug asParlaftes. NW add .
T 1
castigation, which It la impossible for those engaged In -
reel practiess of inedielne to • giro say One Omni •
TEr HUT. orjerastanDr.: Ewan' also um
persons afflicted with Hernia Ko - can, as ltif has paid
parasitise mention this discase_, •• • •
. Skisi . Discuss; also Piles, Palsy, ate-apnea, eared •
rrvery low. •
Yanc mot chats see living at a' distance
by canny theig ' direase wrillattglivlittf
orbs, eau obtain'encdieines with directions for ase. by
addressing T. 1111.0%A.54.. D.. post pa.' and vole
!WliteeVo..6i.Dt mien . ) alley. opr;sho - the ffiraviniy
. .
' _ POLES. - ~.:
na. INW.N.DBISVB Pd.. Speeiio,m worm mak
/1 • 01411 u saml iodised eure, obetbatestemel, behord
ideediaf or Mad, sloq be irritation of Ow kidasyssoil bed=.; - -
der, patos a We beck sad aide, Ludeitual esulbegtok.Moje . _
piles. 10 .71 it.e.P. - -- e, .-- 7 , - , '.,-- -,7- .`"4'k'PO - ' , L2...-'
feet tag ' ood -, a
att , tio rerrek. ':.,., Z¢?tt” : . - 1
rrptire, sad it..., e,ri=ti,s'..k.a. ,,, ;
hely kmodeo la --re 0r.;:...: , ...1e sieee. , :• . . - .
"marl , b....tit - mai, i... Do: LoPhbbl'orOo tillitilei
who a imeds core d db remedy. Main am its mom.
immeraleuss, mooptlity - eissAmenam, baresolma -
Mond sad mum aseo . o f the Mime it bade amoeba
comeaumey tam • il Y WHITE:MD.
Now Yost, Iday, WO. SI Blob Moot:
- I ehessfulty gin m wigwam se to the stabil sol bib •
;Akin effects of. Dr, ismibbyto Wks Spoilie, so t blow it . . 7
booi my mu mpm Mole red sabomoboo, to ladiNdire
Imitee omit mei Mb Dees be armed em i ti k tsgiolArio
New York, M. -, ll4liistk meek
Now Yllek. Mn;, OM
Mr Bmb—Der itir--1 Imo the Amon buoy, b
,our coniitirto, pr. T4II4IIIIPBs lmille, los sok spa
out ewe ia Mame at toy .lend ff . ..0.1=4
Iltol 1 bon Ima sorrnmi al it, a. it MO Si IN] Ms
pomade to eon Me. Newsom e ! am sme bodily to bomoll
eeise se behg lisbilibk, aad do isksimal oboes Moored
akta i. Unlike Imam, to prObun boortielsoa boy ay
depend cgo a cemda eure. .
West Chester, N. Y., Moyne WIN
CO , loradAHLltor Eire—That you sem tomb dims
who my be mimeo& as mil a to rums my limbo& be
the Wadi I hem derived boa to mit .of mor mbobis illga
ode, I comply add. yom request, soi sow do gim my MO-
M.] ill firm of it, Mous 11.18 =AI of a serum Week et
Ithe Piles after holing uoed ober mobiles orithout swum
Yam oritli vomit 1 .
. bid esboisoils ood retM by WM. :AMNION; ill kis m
eld litsdiebse Worboone, sod Boot sad nos Sum, Mu Oil
Weedy Mod, bold of Wood, Pinbto . ok . him, Womb
agllcted rigs HUMUS of. Otis Lasagne
—Thisla to certiffio_thig4med mith tho fine pro.
monitory symptoms of - mica; Mai I Irani. been
laboring for several Tend with a bronchi, amineda of
the throat and hoacteneva I used many coodieirom, hat
Stood no relief in any preparation of oaliciits: awl I .
REMEDY. 'I Imo: been clairsittlis valeta* medicate
fur several year., and almaya Gad. e What*
km relive at*
ever !make use of it: 14 ..C.10. 11 ...;.. .. .
A , .... -
err, orbieh keeps truf alma,: cosseautly VlMlffett.:elltaen
my disease, as timei, telecom. very all,nalag. when
red? .
at once procure this medicine. , I the take pka._
servo makingihm pahller atatemem, that ri.altiet
cd with lo disease of thel.g. and alt Pee mot V'Mnta)
may Itoovr-thrtuair of this v all hattlio njoady,`•
and may be cared. Shave reconmtandect thisteaa's
lispemonmo /leaned). to Many of My friandsomete of
.whom owe their live" to shistnedir lite.
Soerret,Ohio,Oet M A ..... RS JAM HEWTT
The -pioprieros of M e above medic( would, idea
tater wave undersigned versant, who rude in Perry
county, on whom any peeve. Mat mail upon and be
convinced that there 111 e vinitea.foond in the damn
medicine that moot be, expelled : , %. ;
Davit Culetentso Ponierw_ „t• Dr B. Prone, do: Ppm
cis Gabber, Jae k son tyn Mr. Lanamer. do; Dee. Pathan,
Patti elt ip; Jerma Dwrisen, Hopewell tp -
morn atlert, Cincinnati; Ohio.
voldist Pittsburgh by W ht. JACICION. ell Liberty
heat' of FE"' '""4:- ---_:-. ._!. 9 9 , kt'r_.
• Consumptive% Calasa.l.ol6
- Die* sick, ma weigh mon your heart' , -
. . ,
Or pains oilier year brert! • _ .
Try:Dr Doneen'a Mains irk- . _
And it will Mee you
. men. .
gent. fur
Islam en
• papa
bark of
It clears away the minty ckitad -
Di.essespfev.tbo'er tlx soul. . '
And whisper. througl the gt=rrY
••liotst)tealtti may yet toe whole.* _
flat pal:tern. of 1...1* buel
'Ti. wllbering daeay •
It seaTsely nps 4e-morning dew„
•flefora I; fades ;away.
'The Worm of Death was in the stem,'
And strengthened m it grew--
And when it bloomed, le lovelp.geo4)
It nipped thmogh and thetagh... :
That Wonn of Death might be deSe.l,
If Di. Daneen's an were Wed:. - •
And many lovely dannwls saved
the fate of an untimely grave.
tit cameo , nrem..Cineteneu.obl2) where kis valuable
void m Pittsbaria, by, WA!. JACKSONt - eortter of
wmaLkEKi Lsl,opylTtln ap l'M t w?
merhlptoutmel . •
I,..,be.etttkin is ditiAsud esnow
.It:a, whose 'Att.:, berth end
sty.tlutt red oi , beir,—
.y whase mle. sash; breath . • -
Unpleasantis es, until death— . •
• Vett could have- , .11..), Mee or girl:. • _
Truth madam eV MOW termer!,
Dread. • spay menet said carnet.
revs nod whnelsmooth•nd hvaimfal,
Ana ad y, ad
dark as Woe, ;
By reeding whin is veld - , eq no n hove the gt4itibg "ad
Ibis It [taking but tettt.) .. te , lng a 34 tealtle WOW/ IN:e.
Berteltaei-a boa of Jeo&a Altdatelloth
Pace—sad In eat of the gene:eta - lorlealt llama
cb,wieel Th &males emit hay bele,eod leo
•re mitered that thel folkswing are their reM esslAtest
the meth paste Mires the breath s sweet odor, white
;.hand presereett •the teeth kn..l?a hatestalhell
known , be the met exquisite thing eves made ler , Mtne.
. log beatutlynig. arid taming the pow* at ban; lead
Mte .nap, (get the oEl , 2(cm/ones's mind) will ease
eruptione, freckles, he, awl mike dark, 'Mow
white:clear and fate. All. these brats soletwal7)
W JACICSOPn Boot and rhos More aid .Pettila
Medieme Viten]. mg?
tAvarros 11C2P/LCTOItANT-110 riOiesVC
'hi& eillesetaxn •ad ebeip isedleipe- 'tufo It
Con ion wed ether -dlimairs . eamiet , 4*
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