IlffMi THE PITTSBURGH .GATE. By ERASTUE BROOKS &px; PITTS B U RG FRIDAY. MORNING, JUNE 244841 CIO. - Tut Frevasravii °vitt:Warns publiabodi Tri-Weekly, and Weekty:—TherOvity fa Seven Donau per alum; du:Fri-Weekly Is Five Dollatsper Zo..s4l l .4WCakilis Two Dollar. pet ..easa, r ri dp Aotlu I. ,Adyortestivs. , • a t tlientseatenta, ,secure ussernen, should be 6 ay five o-eloek 16 the &Pomona A/16611410 ,i.:alisalasolnashiaparsef gateman:posers. mreuld produe tercel animal benefit The Galena has the largest bu -7;.ll4sol•Stalhdaticto indadseraslng soppon of any paper • Wendel" Yennallania, and n to therefore necessary ibatadvenisemeats should b seasonably handed he . FOR °ovum'', GEE. JAMLICS lII*/ 21, (Or emu worn.) • PO CANAL. CA/SIMMIIONER. • JONOPEI W. PATTON (overarm/Am cocirr GEORGE GA6814 . 42( Allegheny Cay LEWIS G. T. ATOTILS, I Of lodiono Tp. CHRISTIAN SNIVEL ',of Wilkins 'fp. MERRY ARSILALL LAIU3k46IIIRIi VPIA n'Tp. RTZWELDER, Tattsbargh B Tot 001:1171 TAILUIVIULIL ... I. W. BAXTER, of Pissboll: Tol COMM, COMILIMONILM.. THOMAS iiritia NS:Oilewer Clair Tp ...., WILLIAM MiTtl r ,Tl ' Versaille. Tp. STAMM. CENTRAL conlivrrzse •`THOMLIS PI FRANKLIN, Lancamei JOHN C KUNKEL, Danphln County. THOhLkal •DUNCAN, - - JAMES MARTIN, "THOLIAS'C HAMBIX, York. WILLIAM ICWATTB,Camberland. DANIEL II SMYSER,Adatne. • JOHN P WEIDERILL, Philadelphia City. JOSEPIFR CHANDLER, a ROBERT T CONRAD, a • THOMAS TgeORATII, Philadelphia Comity. ' • DILLER LUTHER, Berks. • • ROBERT M" HARD, Franklin. THODAWU T DRENNAN, Washtngion. ANDREW J OGLE, Somorant. lIARMAR.DENNY,'AIIegbeny. 'RICHARD IRWIN, Tenant,. JOSEPH II KUHNS, Weettoorcland. D MAXWEL L, Nonhanipton. 118 SALISBURY, Sampiebanna. ELHitNAN BRIM Wyoming. eamugt. A PURVIANCE, flatlet. HENRY S EvArts, Chettcr. •.• ROBE-NTT POTTS, Montgomery. .• • Extra'Copies of the Report of the Baltimoie Coatiaittee any be had at this thrice. A large number of .cop •of this Report have been printed by as for circa - and It is-desirable that they shoold be read by • . every, otaa in the city, and in the neighborhood of the NA waters . atilt Ohio, as well Y between Baltimore and Piusbargh. They may be bad without charge. For LT Commetelal.lnielllsoce. D0113“11C Mar River News, hapom, Money, Market, At , pood Will 'Ammar 7[i11114 We era damned with an article in the Nt Y. Trilme, rebuking the d moaition' so -common in this country and in Eng...and, too, to wail the two 4' Nations for. offences common to each. In there .mutual resentments and animosities we forget our origin, our duty, our mce, our religion, and all that makes men worthy the 'distinition conferred upon at by the common Pr iiant of all mankind. re we Sh*Sitoecarion to gad roult with Englsrol Esiglish firstitatkes, Owl!irk a proper spirit often feel called upon to condemn both the policy '..',atuiprinciphss Of the British Government. But when it comes tom impend:ncut of moral bou t 'sty, or to a hatred of a common anent . any, or, to -• -an earelasiva glorification of oludeiree at the ex• pease of MU neighbor s, we hve not the tidal to participate in it. 'We lows o r own country too Well, and urged it too much,ito seek to hide our -,ffleen kfuednxim tae gy m, . _.* , . de_oehtnernikAt force' fry tiandening them to the shocking eflothentito more'griiity than 0t1r.i ,, 4. ndia4d in India, France .Africs, Ramis in Po - laod nod analog the .Cireasalans, Is no mom than tint lidaed Ades Mericia.':': Why should we •moea.i the Worse 'than all, excuse our misdeeds, as we often have neve them exempt, by the miserable sublenfrum, the if we had not stolen Mexican lend, - Fiance and England would here done so.. Wee ever a poorer plea set up by a ^lemma robber than this! It , l. the old story of England at Copenhagen. If we do rot bombard - .-reArlty, 'berretta will It is the story' of rot. :,,rrfey, extortion, and wrong every where,—worse ereen than the tyranti pin of neeersity,—eo often tiseitth bolster up opprestion in its dipteation to ..ceisktbeireek. It is cowardly not to apply the re_st.tio the hiteks °rods own niters, when they alwors and it is 1110613 to keep up a continual • iipon - ether Malone fOr offenow of a char sew corresfoodmg precisely with oar own.— Pat Chriition Natio' its rather . provoke one another to good works than to that continued jealocug, , , ticketing and Wrath, which has become-so con „date listWeeu lz■ and England Wp hare the -Aistbe'origin,—oro speak the code tungosge, and 7 ' we reriodee MAW common brotherhood and busi , nteniOnentiree so necessary to tie happiness and Pft . R.eo l 7,ql' ol / 4 Pothafe 11 out 6,.11 0 :rA nitio dada lics'!.znighineriirhave conquered old Eng. 44 bat for the.spirit and spunk infoied among tiy old England bensielf.,_ It was Hampden and :'ilktriej , Who kipt alive a Jowl.”( liberty in the I I AraMiti Of oar fathers. The Ship money in Eng E=E!l=M= ~She walms.' ,, Chathees was Is much tba friend of ,10;cokiiii. as of the Mother Country. We :thitetoonithajt odgbud political essoctatioo with Sighed, awksobeek to the imam whoa we were ofberixtue aid flesh is( her flesh. Forget- - , fin die aril in the:, past. we would remember the with- a po4rcusant to whom we 'are ,berssel by , so weary named ties, as fa an we may, npoti these terms of brotherhood which an wvU beano all Christian Nations. Tbia country, day by day,,li boo:Wang mono and more Europe an —inie**6o.44ick diaracia; we hope. Emi grants maws nolooker by haulm& and thousands, :.;buCby, WIN of thoimmula AU thaw lean their "411tbeiJend" behlnd them and al well from good us,from a loee of the principks of peer.. `.,nri.,eininfl bemire to lire upon testae of internal Nsers{vMM,ltfaxrco shows the never. el: sending a 'l.rge additimtal boa; of troops to the wed :of. war. 'To mire the' Guerilla ' 1 party: altanklnig: :Colonel MelistWth am , the walnithie tipeeie .eret Prov'imion wain' under his ccannsarA Genet* Ceara/Jar could only .pare hairtiatien, and thaw he was obliged to essimient . powesst?• - ,Ilum Go , r il las era red; . Irairipi - pertielt to take every advanWore of our lisition„ end whore". they see a peak point. they lift throw reed thensetives of it, as i ln thi at. fli*etsvithrh miedien is made ttmlay. • • ~iilswirdenerai,hrtntment has ezhaasted its thejlei 'et Comma authorising therosiEng,into ierr . bre_of tan !regiments Wars, 'end wirtothowe its powers. an aim en. handed, ander .lhe vet of May, 1840, authoti ring * that:mind men to:be galled htto per s*: .Tbant is, however, a Winding power with theTregident' to Woman the regular Ar. knigslt en& . Company in full rank/ of efm Wand own.' There is power; elm to re ' Ilp6if„the Yoh:Wenn. wbo have been Weenie., IssnlanstantiklAy few or none of the number ire it4ed by any ouch attradioo. though the hook taloa with the $lOO in scrip, or the $l6O in tieMinhelni kink It will mikethe Milian - 02•163 n of the War I.loltirhheitt. t..stad a fares to Monk* satteient •Acthergr. safe pamession of the pointy ahmay as. *Mk an,4 carne daffy * faun into our hand., by `ll.ltei4uomenef oar Army. This difficulty will )4,11,11 Incresood by the *Anna of Genets' Tar. 'iener the grille spools Of °wintry between &kik ' l O.O 8".1441.1.1°11'.' :. , iiii4:i.,,s pm= ciaaa--in Eplionstor 1 : 11i3 M /T: li e , distinguished 0,0 -: A IliverYi,,,,. is aka/ dai or of ...tiiir_„.,44.,7ef tbs'esat . loot!' sarw ta r r, • 0.0049 r—• or b in pgigao da 562 7% . the /Wink alai, gully- sarilea tha t . •".• - he .3m- - ....a. No : ..,_‘.,___Pat#l4l ,•q!al, ' . 114 04.4! a -;- . Raid. mi T 9 " 7 - ,7 ...i.i f ticidaaibit*R" . ilti. .40/4.3°'6.1-.•7hii .1.04,441ii607! PgaZisht ,-Vs v i t''l° /-, 43*.,""ta: ilig,l4 irini.it0,17,!'..„... - 4 1, 0 ttn;OWirlrio . 4°141 .0.17,...1"t in ~. diiii*",g'fighi.ilEtillt4 ii 4044,11.! 0-04 _ 6 ' ii , 51 - i ii4 l4 - 0 .; .:'lii-k'grrraaw -ii .'---.411`a?"--'utiiirii44l Command." of the P.tbburth Omens. Art 1a Halt, ‘ ; Pitinaxes, 184,1 Our eiriige wee a VI& cce sciet• as Oilwelter 7 Afte:r that we were ditaftOrl upwriii of two ritelte tior Oecttemiteen, *cal= eAtt,beed o.* which 1111 . 1 caguctokau woo the only trouble which occurred on the toy. - aye; treeptalittle sea elekness: - : We' anieed ' at last in Marselthu, which interested us • good deal. though now it has been far eclipsed_ by other pla ces weber,. seem • We left Marrillee in a erser rotten old tub of an Dalian steamer, which was bound to Oen* Leghairer, Civita .Vecchia end Ha' plat The impulse of traveling to thcs. boat. is very high callipered to the boats in Or conely— about $23 alitad, besides extravegrait prices for haw extru4loi board from servants, and which we were obliged m pay. The 'only *watt • thiag about these boat. is, that the meals am eapo on deck under an awning. We had i fine view of 'the Italian shore, rocamtsins and towns, all the way to Genes. Here our old. steamer (Polyphe mus was its name.) stopped for', '24,' hou're.‘. The ate happened to befall of. SavOns.a(ho were te sembled to attend a great meeting for scientific purposes. We were tortoni's enough, hoWever, (by the auistance oft mostobliging Genoese gen tleman, whom we mat on board,) to get rooms in the Hotel di Folichi, where we lethal till the next', emoon. In the it:Miming we hired a rakt de wbo tr;olr. us alined to see the churches, PolamePeistlingt. &c. I cannot demo ibe or gave 'you any idea of all the magnificence and beauty which we saw that day. Dickens gives a goal demaption of some portions .of Genoa, but ho passes over a great deal. We passaltlong through the narrowest streets, (Wes narrow fur wheeled ve hicles,) which crontea about in al directious, un demeath. bonsai of immense height, which seemed u old and dingy so if they bed stood many hun• dreds of rue, but in the initial of the dirt atd bad amide and poverty through which we passed, we constantly met specimens cribs richest and gnaiutest architectural beauty. Old shrine. Wood at the comers of the hornet old daor.waye meg. ' nifiautly sculptured—above thew' old has relief.. Averyahero a profusion of ornament, all in mar .ble, but all in decal and dim Every thing we saw seemed to pint back with a mehincholyaith to the former greatness of Mitt famous city. We went through four splendid palace', the Dolma of the Doge, where we saw too beautiful Council Chambers,--thrt, Palasio Harrel°. the' Palau, Dural:to, and the Royal Place. Three of these . - . contained splendid rooms pain al in fresco, and hung with some of the fined pictures, by the old masters. We taw Guidon Vandykes, , , Ruben., Cawaccia, Paul Yen:mesas, and I know not how many MOM. think I was' ore struck with the Gefido's and Vandyke's The portraits of the let ter are beyond all you can imagine. Bat the pie. tare which made. the most impression on me In this huty.eurvey which we were obliged to make. was the famous' picture of the Rome. daughter nourishing her aged father, by Cobb. In fine conception sea color, in truth and etiquette te 0- &nese, it surpnereanythiog I remember to hem seen. As I looked at be, I could runt but gine vent to my warmest feelings. Could I paint fame,. I should selecinthis picture out of del nom, to study and copy. We saw ram the outside of the Pal. am Doris, and the ppm on, which Columbus's house is supposed to have synod. Theyare erect. iug a monument upon it to his memory. "There is also a statue of Columbus upon the side of one of aka old house, under which'stends this insAfsp. hpitalian,—*/ said, / 'ereafer4 and behold a second new. unknown world arises front Ike mates.' Chrinoforo Colombo and Amine Coat ale, as our Cicerone said, the gods of the Genoese. The city. es yodknow, belongs to the Santini an territories, and is the royal residence. lee the Jeingsne absent at 'Turin, and the palace filled with Sivain inidralift-visitarnweveatkedosumo. tested through the •• royal apartments, sow the King's and Queen's chambers and beds and the thrones,. The view id ,Cinio• from the Uarboi G very beautiful. ]Wa ban no time to ascend the hill, which overlook the city; vre.were (KW our old nut shell of a stearner . in the afternoon. We had a motley set of powengers,—Englinh, with Wolfing aardellenPnnabotsll, Italians, and Rus sians, PriestearodNuin„areVnearly all were sick. We were too old mann fa that. Id the night we craned the Gulf of Spends, where Shelly was " drowned, I woke up in thin night while the boat woo pitching and the lightning flashing, end thought of that last inyrige of the unfortunate poet 'over these wane he so much kind, and which his genius has made Metered to Its. Bundrylmornlng—We were in Leghorn, where we landed, passed the Custom Howie without dif. ficolty, and alter the tonal quarrel with those land and water shark., the per] rn .and boatmen, we found wirseli es domlnite! S er,rmndated s t out Hotel. Leghorn, comps., nit Genoa offers very little to see. It la a theerfal Joining city, however. We went into the Cathedral td vesper., and heard some fine organ music:, This Cathe dral is very ancient and very splendid. We arrived at. Florence night be( ma last, or rather at one in the rimming, and are at a fine ho wl. Yesterdey we called to ere Power,. Ha Irs:ke about se he mad to, only hi. hair hi. grown thinner. We found ourselves surrounded by Macke of marble, 'statute - and busts, new itud ,old. Use of the first things I saw was a beat of Judge Crunch, of Washington, on a shelf along side of .Van Ituren's , 1.1 e saw also several busu in marble; among them the grand Deachen of Tue cany, his motet of Eve. the boy holding the .hell to his ear: the neigh marble of Mertens of Cal. down; to be scat to Charleston, and, most beeuti ful of all, the Greek Shea This. is a duplicate of the one rent to England, and Is Wended f Lord Ward. - 'I was delighted with nisei-stem (sr more than I anticipated. It seems to be ahsolu'r pike-Bum I have riot yet seen the Mediceun Ve nus, but am prepared to find it inferior to (hi . It fdlly justifies - all the paiswit has Per received. lloartcusivist. Eexuarrioxitel follow ing fruits, vegetables-ad flower were exhibited before the Executive Committee of the Pittsburgh Horticultural Society, et the last meeting! G.:when . ..its; of the urged km/ =arriving Tweedside 4 inches in 'circumference, weigh IS each,' Cbessint: Wandering Girl,' Ran. genii, Independent, Husbentiman, and Sir Mehl tf France. Two bunches of Rbuindit. of s new rafiety, and excellent quality, one yard in length after bring trimmed. - Strashorgh Onions, Si betbre in cireulpferenre by' William Martin. Gooseberries; Yonne Wonderful, White Ostrich. Whitelmperial, Whim Eagle, New London, Ajts. Roaring Lion and Crownßah, all of largo size. and fine appeared by JtVtitua Rdbinson. Nock Tartanun Cherries, Teri fine; ale.. cut flowers Roes r Mose—White, Red an& I.urerattotrig; Prairie Roses, Queen end Soper* Garden Rh ea; Roca Chtrapneyane, Belle Amiable, Sarum cation, W.U., Cebbsg• china, Triomphe JO Lamesibasig, White Glad Hip, Yak' end Lent ceeter,lfybrid PrownscSlierlanas" teedrey, White Darossit,dooble White Sweetbrier Roarelliene. Peonie s'e F.dalie Hamel:, Trevino and Whit. I'ULL . s,ydratrigert Japonica Gidi Epiphillum, May of. Ur.ica. Ran Albs, Hoye and Conn.; ale% au Elegant Nytophea, or Water Lilly., by Joseph B. Canninghausgardener to C. F. Bream Eq. Cur Muter*, Some of twenty sorts, (s "me of recent 'tripartition) and Pelargoniums. The di,- .p' ll 7 of Rowers Wu filA — MlLtiy of the „Root being of file came beautiful rid rarer varieties. Alexander Speer exhibited a new patent Plough, which, after having been carefully examined, woo pronounced, by competent je . iixes, le a euperus are tide, ands great =prompt-at upon previous can. attractions swan Drew 'roux. !korre.poodonec of 04 Putsborgi finc: • Juna.43d. United States Treasury notes arenelling at 10t —Ude In the highest point they harm yet reached. The receipts of Flour down the North. riwer, since lba let of the month, ;have swaged over forty:thousand barrels & 'day, .4ml the •arporty over tan thousand barrels a day. The receipts of Wheel during the woe period have been 341,956 . bushels, find 917,676 timbal of Cain. Export., from let .to 16th June—..Wbeat,2o6,sso limbers Rye, 54,366 do.; Corn, 46,643' do. • • The Emigrants are arriving hem at a ratio of from four to fourteen thousand a week. There are nearly a thousand of the number Sick at 'gate Bruins with fever. Awed. 30 have died within two day. TER SololCif. 0 AAAAA 101 of extracting ,tha .tone from the blades wen remanily performed near Waynesburg with eminent skill and sumo by Dr.A•il. anpball or Uniontown / upon WIL lam 'Woolveztan. who had bear siTheted with a eakworrius sffactim of the : bladder: almond Iron; childhoo I. Thei.operstor Is a young man of greet coanue.ind cubes", and his aims Is winded to the mote credit as we are told that a similar ears• it hi* not been baail hied in the wide .pace of cuuntry between 'Hageratown and. Pinch/n*o. -Jaw is ihtraesaa, coo Hot n Daniel Start Vim inWe utiie, died at Unioniown, on sada! efletiocii the 19th laitint. &swim was isimamip#in; • UGH; Was ippelided - by Preddint Yolk *WU*: elh?Mi.M.PliT. o o4 l ,. lad .BWes: eity 11du446. He wu City News. _ Grai' l / 2 13oTaLos.—nii(Chnm—che eta a relepeetaitla young lady, while alitilkirig.osi lean. day raw*: with her litothieT, hewn= I*l street:and tlfarriewi AU y, wasliab ieettd* sent*ed,tri et near.rr of emitger: The dieo faciaaide: . _ The young lady. was seised hold pf„hy orier.ol and vengeance threatened if the did not immediately go mar them. The lady summ ed, eml offered all the resistance she could; in deed she was almost thrown into hysterics bj the - fright: The - trother - impleied them - to - let them go home, and informed them that she was his Aster, but: all to no purpose.' The wretch who had hold of the girl, etrack her • despe rate bloW toptin the forehead' with a brick or dub, which created a fearful gash. The young brother Aimee:nod for help, when his life was threatened if e did not .rtop. The girl was in sensible from the blow she received. and the in. . human entinsters were dragging her towards the ally, when • lady living in the neighborhood; heard the noise, and came to the door. go the ilrfesce of the light, the villains fled toward' the ri ce, lea,ving • the poor girl Unseleu upon •the pa ement, and bet young ,brother nearly dead with feu. The lady asoistrod the stranger into bet' hot*, bound up her wound, and soothe ed her 'Untill she was able to proceed on her way home. - It his been peculier to Pittsburgh, as listin ipoished from the large cities of the East, that lady could pus at any time safely along, the streets withitut a protector. It, therefore, be comes a double duty for the city autbotitiu to ferret out and punish such villains. II the night watch ate inadequate to the nereseary prow tiou, let the 'number be increased. It has reared to U. that some of the city watch here make to •much noise in tolling their whereabouts and the hour of the night, that it is quite ito• pessible for- them to hear the dteturbers of the peace around them. The custom of advertising the precise position of the watch, is one "more honored i 6 the breast than the °bureaux," and much more advantageous to rogues than any body else. Tat UnllV.4llll . l.—We attended the examine lion at the Universi i ty on Thursday and were well satisfied that awry : cans la taken to impart sub. gunnel knowledge and to develops youthful thoughts. The acquaintance with language ex hibited by the Mums examined in the rooming was altogether creditable. The clue in Algebra stowed a knowledge of principe, a readiness end success in Orecillin, very satisfactory to those skilled in the science of quantity. Wo came away believing that sound learning I. promoted by the UniversCy, not leas effectually than modestly: Fran Tsas.—The agent of the celebrated Pr. kin Tea Company of New York, Mr. 'goes of Fourth street, near Wood, is now receiving from s he ,Mirupany's . waiehomes. a very large astaon ' mritt theirsuperior Teas. From the wed mer ited reparation which this comp:any has acquired . in other cities as Wells. this, we can with certain Confidence recommend the Teas selected by them to the most fastidious indulgers of this ,delightful beveragC. Pine A —Our conktionary's and fi stores appear to he notionally Well Sapp ed . entb this most delicious production of the South. Thal are sold .1 prices varyiog (torn IY3 to 32 1 cents. Ou a Sea cicrs.—That per Lou strm t between Wood and Smithfield, atilt remains in a horrible condition, and must be very slurrying to those whose business cilia them to this neighbor- Issad.—This_bes,..bwert the saw ever Woes the great fire. We helm that the garret may cam be protteuly 4446 J-end paved, thus rendering that much fitquented thoioughfare equalin aroma ence with other portion. of our well paved city. Tea fine new saramin American Ttele;Ostll leeve.for New Orleans= Monday. Her scum , modationa ore very superior, The Crops Canes A neoan.—We base .rin two leutrs, the one dated I.iyerpool June Bd, and the other -Dutiful June ist, both of which give ea wocour aging account of the crops... In both countries we doubt not from- this tewimony that the harvest will prow a large one, e'en 'in. the yield of potatoes, concerning which ed many doable have bee., 71 - I . a , ird. - Tha weadler for weds in nu, cession has •been delightful, and in both Ireland and England new potatoes had been brought t market, though in Dublin they bad been sold at 2d. thoistund. Utters AT amis.—We bun More enatlainaging accounts of the crops In various ' FLA. of the United States. Many places where the storks of wheat are thin the grain turns out to be of ■ su perior quality. If we minus not the crop of emu will be large beyond ell precedent, end of wheat quite equal to the home consumption and sill demand for export. As Indian earn has be come a favorite article, both in Ireland nod Eng land, it is destined hareems to enter largely into onr i expeat teals. It is an article too which will grave in public favor as its uses become better known. c Tim Basc or klissocat bee reversed the usu al outer of Banking—and instead of i sating more paper than the epoch: on dep.:Me, has limited the isms of hank notes to a point bolo w the amount of speclilu Dank. The diretfors hare an imper afire rule by which the amouotof notes in Oscu lation Mill never exceed the icon of 51,500000. A few days since there were only Mkt in the Miwouri : Bank notes in the sack of the mothas Bank, and one orthebranches hid but f7O. The officers pay gold for checks, which gold Me w eeasels turr: into the bank notes of Willa States. The paierl of this Bank is Weed Worth more than the 'anewie, and to keep it m duo Bail and offi cer. seem not to care for the conselosn,gs alibi, state of fact upon the business community. The St. 1.0 tip Republican canaplaina of this State of thing. ita griaisly °glossies to the liminess corn. counity,and of the Tonna as in hole ion of darrry I fair principle of Banking: ',fidiabiend of 13 psr,share of the ' Wock of the Bank of Chilccuttira was Orilettial to be refunded to tbs storklaidefeas, by an order of the Botta of Trauteee; . iiitaiwil 'an thaflltth'filt. T h is last &rl - m 1441.30 per stunt that hat baelaSeknaled ha the Anabolism in that inwitution. BA1131.10142."&1112 Pnwesonsins. 7 .4ook sit tho 'cirri...4 bide Incladed in the; region ihe Ohio I.lver and the hakes; to strike it at a cen tral pointyou must go to Pittsburgh. Helms a ,at you appresch the outer rim, you grim the tirrons• trisecie. [The whole of the (rode is affected ( Pittsburgh', and m no for as it coo be conirolied by anjose line Of communication, you control it fr ,m that point. Are these things palpable! Is it not time . that we had ceased nur petty, useless .tioctuei-ne shout WO, that.or other msgnifiAl Wile, to g n to Wart at once like men of sense, loth, whet lies be. fore us? ~!Wit base anions ru the io I. ter; and iee have, or can eaSily.hseet..thento.wy to make , it.iosd on . it. Vire base tbiOn/y rout. i n the niye . Ohio.. Why %Olin( 'Wang. or Fish Greek,' or Fishing Credit: : ThesesA, no mute to 'eithit place; if therein:v.ohp chithie of them I. not outer, if they wergidlittrek'neb-hise not got the money to impnive them. nor is th re any prospect , getting ft. Pittsburgh, to why h we can go, is this eery plane M which we 011 ht. to go. If the Whole line et-the upper Ohio w. re open to our selection, Pittabergh is the point to which the tendencies of trade, cimueristances of end the force of foci., would ineriteiog Oltenia diiictiminatlng community.— Boil. Amer. of Wariday, • r' • _ - BLATU lIIANCIPATZ• • T TROV•AItO/011 minn, one:of the principal proprietor,. in Rini's, yielding to the impeders of ,a noble heart, has surf. 'dent, granted complete cultanchiument to eight thousand ruts of, both seam, who belonged to him in the gemetinhent of Nijoi and Shaun, and what . •is more admirable in his conduct is, the emip i e cr . tine his work of. charity,ihe hu •ahandoned to thin poPolation, motorid to liberty by him; for a trifhpg rent, the enjoyment of the domains over which thij are diffused. Tbenemocratic Purl gut, which announces this fact says:— • • vlfiees jolts this new fact to the effort, already made tor the obolirion of bondage in Europe, by the Priciest WOrIX1300; the Coons Pamir god Y. Eologrivoff, sod especielly , to the poweeftil ens enurement even by the Sovereign himself, assi we note( lass,hope shottly. to *NI the day of !SW ty Um, for, wo many thousands 'of men who will furnish theilodlocur typesets of elem 7 the bosom of ;a deletion and civilized nation!"_ lausins.--Maj. Wm. A.Riebaaboa has beta 00adattal by a Sambas coisssation, Ur, Coo. vs" ia tbs district had, rsprassated 6y IMPORTANT INBAR REX/CO, 04 - - 7fil has befallen Sof to sat th eCsidtal.itild lbs MatiesitcPhiets eift among tbsawatilite - Mitt" Aniiii; in an evil ' houtfor !disown poptikkoT permeated- Idireil4 the;hauer, who doeslift oaeu to hes man whecwilt_he trodden open with impunitf,'Srrourrdeintoiriillamse.S. Its avixl n! truth forcibly atm& the minds of all, and on the DictatorVirrivil - oi theitt, the kperos. or mob of the metropolia, assailed him with the realest to theta. Death' to the traitor, falai hezieoldiai to the Timkia! was shouted ow all sides, and he was utoatignominiouely pelted withltaneaThylbli SO ty population that had formerly slung idolised him. • Santa Anna had 'taken iminaludorok which enabled him to avoid a misfit - Rom which would hare proved a blearing to the'. hapless Mexican Republic. By this is meant his being killed by 'the infuriated 4perus.' Santa Amerce* their vengeance, soil shut himself up in his palate. the guard at which had to he considerablS re Intoned to prevent a sueneafol attack. Them he remain. ed up to the Waal date °Abe letter, secluded from all. It was this Unpopularity, no doubt, which led to his tendering his tratignatioa of the Pr.• sidmcy—the place had suddenly become too hot to hold him: HitDE C LINDE LTD TEEM lII4IINOLATIID , Stall who had first eihibited some dispob , 0 ti to part with a little of their immense wealth to decal the country hate completely changed th ? r minds since the publication of Geo. Scott ' s procismanon, doted the llth ultimo. SOing that the Americans promise to respect the property of the Church, which they have hitherto dime; they have decided on not ceding any portion of it for the defence of the country—claiming as en excuse far their sodden change of Intention, that they at fur thought their property would infalibly fail in. to the bands of the Yankees; that they had thew fare realigned themselyea to the Idea of ipmeroosly donating it to their dear country. 1=13:31 ' "The interdict+ I have made of the comforts of home and society of friends, for the rigors in the tented field, renders me impede to appreciate . the many instances of infinitely greater proportionate ucrifices;among vollinteers In the rank to serve their country dining the put twelve months." The sacrifice he hes made! If Oen. Pill,. is not ..the bravest of tba brave," be is the coolest of the cool. Here is his sacrifice - - - Deny Dr. C'. To Wary as Mawr- By dialog I Dites4Xo U 0 Generar• •• • •• • - sd. By loar of Braes- • To T.eniago, limy- • LCCO kraal Hawke. aa Lawyer, par- ALLOW haps- ••• • • ..... 500 Oa Near arra Wawa Annual datti_r to th e ti.i. led States 157,499 .17! Total • • • ......... We hope thew “sarrifi m the country will be ru' • • -um MI as" won't be contagions, Y. Tribunt: , Damn. (Mon trau..—A solemn temxim maxi for the repose of the soul of Mr. O'Connell ha. Iron sung by the Res. Abbe4e Afainfp, in the Church of St. Philip de Reel, Philadelphia, after which there wee • funeral oration in the Irish lan= rune by Roe. Michael T. leaning.. Gallatin Cornson.-.41 New. York ;open ho . announced that Josephß. Chandler has been op. pointwf Presidentof Girard college;With q alt. ry of $4,000, and four, matrons" have been ep. pointed, with salariedt of $lOOO. Doubtful.. . Ds MILT a*. the Pianist h.s started (Ism Pttila aslphis for gni/land. DISC/ARID Sourtrear-The sum of 000,... NU appropriated by Co' nprees for the condole of dirrherged soldiers, who cosy be had.' at Now. Orleans or othei places within tlm V. ableJ by ilireaa6 or by wounds received in the ien ice, es to be unable to proceed to their banes, is Dow eratlable.- , llroonnte ens to he placed iu the bawls of onsene at Now Orleans for distritea nom' Tao Et ern se..—tithr - th the eaten ate • ful weekly abort to be bencefoeth poblisbad iu Latina ; Ky. and edited try,..ttrbo C. Vsagfurri; ly F. Crosby. !Or purpose is to di nner Kr carrel, from die great °b etas:, to its pros. peritylthe institution of Nlevery. CaexceLLoa 1.11/0S has declined being one. sidered • candidate for the l office of ailifiloC of Alabama. The Mo. Cuaacu kfricuaao, has been nentinue.l m the Whig candidata tor Coagrem, in the Ashland District of Kentucky. C;01. Doman,, the •Hero" of Sacranienta spoken of Da t h e Whit candidate fur Goetetax of kltamtut, Weretigh, Varlet,. • : CONICAL AND ONNIOV•. • 800 Ntwe Ina E TTTTT onr.--lhete will be GO tem then $24 attorneys added to the roll daring the present , Trinity Term. emendating how many attorneys there are altesdy on the roll, die viatica is howithe roll can poeribly fnialeh bread foe one half of them I—Punch. A roam LOT, at an examination in grimmer, was asked why the nonn•benhelos" was einguler. She replied immediately, with mach naivete, "Be. claw •uy &inviter they dent get married." • The speculators in grain who are desirous of holding, should transfer their tenaciti from corn to rim, Wales there re dewiest authority go the latter proceeding' in' the celebrated expression: •Rieues fewsitie amid."—Pesack. A 2pas cm anima bu lately been sindonerid at Labial!, in Scothuid. This will afford to do loom ;I that sechidal fish ■ really lin openint. thlsatete n'iAmtraz,—Tbe correspondent of the Boston Allar.givis the following - somerad of this wealthy nobleman whose recent death was such • windfall to ettodry Inatitatioeut:of "He bee cut of his rely dweller with': the smallest eum the law peimitted--etiti will ,wily have $BO,OOO income. Hobs. distributed the rut of hie gigantic fortune in • oxetainplar Mama. among lame two hrindred pink" of all yanks and character. The knobs of • wthrable pair of diamond ear•liorr. for •zafftPlat its ' , equaled to • Huepitall, and the drops. worth 14.000, Feicon, the opera Auger, “for the I leisure," =ye the will, 'f hid in hewing her skip wee." anneal imitate of the property, Including wiessity . • ow , t wo .. it Paris, was .630,000,et Mt dAkre was PO panlownions that ieelns b in Selina 'oci day with • mart Licking hat, be repihareded ldm fits his extrevissoce. "Hat it k the hut'yora pee me ; I had it tamed owe for • franc" !" mid M. d'Aligtr, 'but I did not biker It ckild fie teetered—ham in the free you pialdl will take' the hat," and he traireferred the renrwatedfilltker to hie own head. . friths Therm:id world ismer Lunuumpurs to have taloa the lowa hi,lacttraker7 oalltAbac. seer rho appear. In We nenr le hi. ad, wow, to ray, lbws is not • sing* tiatnaditar sofa in the pubbe preen T h e Athenians sey• a her . .There le a certain gener7 memory'. palace of ..t emmeeder. Ogee • Ilfacinth of %Mann the Carmine of • • h Medea of Pena, the familia 11011111,01 . Gdel, 1. Arnold of Dupree. aid the Doi Visetreireo • • übt.d i e, mum ohne anon now beedthidfite • Aosineof Lira" ' - •`, The A.C. MICR Ca ea i,re, the *Glut rival of Napoleon. with the ecotone of Welliesten,and pronounced by Napoleon himself u. our of the ablest tau tele.. of lbe day. deed in Vienna Oa the 30th of April.' The arch duke catamaran' the Auarlan face at be bloody battle of Warm, ,end held for • while the' fete of the dig seen spinet Napoleon. H. atm ecterunsixted et the beide of Aqua Dalin& in which Marshal Lannu woo killed. Ilia spirit we. cramped and hie in tentions. frustrated, by the lone ••Councik, tar would hevo made a more soccatefol; moldier. He wee uncle of the present Emperor. , A ticesonvr correspondent ingests that ere!, vessel should carry at the bottom other. bold, as ballad, a quanthy at chalk, with which, one or two email tectonic tubes should cotainuracue,— In the event of tris la the rawer, hold, by pour. ing dilated ealphurie add through *elutes, inch a ijointity of carbonic grid gee would ettretaally put out the Boma, On. TATIOII MID vas WlllOl or M•.r• L•on.--Tho MUY/so. W h i % 1 '1 4 Wednesday, passed, 1113300 ff others, the following resolution. .- Racked, That the high intellectual capecitp, the noble sod mum wallas. of the bout, the ono! Loamy, elbsordhorry predates, sea tarot* practical good sena; which hive, uniformly die. =unshed Major . Ueneral seiciev3j.Teiyhr, ea a citizen. and • goblin, o hive lb • world uthrance' of a man" id whom the higheet treat ender oar; Conuitution map be wpwiti with entire coati dance. Wier POINT.--At the close of thi annual MI., eminence on Friday last an address waa daliened: before the raltrating else by E. D. Matuddd; E.q., of Cincinnati. It woo up* the laiportenci end the sutlers to the country of the Military Academy mud wae - one of the ;Acne : .th i g n o. 4to o odono of the leirjectitet hed.ti:-21Pi , ": , • ,The v adnation awe n =bin thirty-4R ii,; o t. or of 'whom aped to bireeleied Jab hem! awe service with the enny In liteibe.,, FeastTexas-- , After — b entstony the rainetteve et lerigth" , Whitt tinthitadilust fa the wallei of the Sen l ave aro' now oafs sod , we thkOk UW ho Mow Vol: Hopi sod taolqiimoot two ilium • fo. 'BlO itotonio:Oilioio they wW b• diarealed. hod (tones few mike, Woof of the Mow when he met ileuestehasinse.Ges..Tejks ntnmioa hits that bielegtesent could POt he ,111001•14. tBY ILARILTX TELEGRAPH: ~iC i Q~ ~• IMPQMTANT - FROM 'MEXICO. tATF., FROM VERA CRUZ ATTACK. two,* THS,4AGON TRAI?i,. ThitSy of FoTty intericau lilted. Specie ..§afe—:Great Lot of Property. Correepoodenee of the Pittsburg* Gazette. Patunaueu, Jane 24-11 A. a. ity an arrival at New Orleans from Vera Cruz, we have Veva Gritz. dates to e late hoar on the 11th instant, and from New Orleans to the 17th hut The news is Important u showing a 'un lit:need filquition .to mail our forces wherever any advantage can be obtained over them. The train of one hundred and twenty five wag on., laden with Providoris and quarter of a mil.. lion of specie, which left Vera Clue early on the morning of ths sthinet, and in command,of eight hundred troolis, was attacked near Vera Cruz by a large band of the Marauding Gnertilla troops. The party were not more than twenty-five miles from Vera Cita. The number of Guerrilla troops making the attock are not named, bat the escort was assailed at all points: . Fort of our wagons were destroyed or iniptor. ed,but the specie, which the:freebooters lino, in seerchpf, sued. The 'attack was u general as it was unexpected, bat the escort ander all the disadvantages of guarding a large train and of be. log compelled to remain by it retained pooesaion of meet of the' government property. We lost however two hundred mules and from thirty to lofty men who wets killed. The, specie west going forward for the• payment of the troop at Jalapa, Paola and Puebla, and the picorision. were deemed tummy for their subsistence. The,Guerillas • have for the time cut off our communication with General Worth and the Coat., from whom we have not head for /MN ally. General Cattoreador was preparing to force peerage through to !Asp and has sent for rein (oreements, but tbr =MI number of troops et Van Criss do not admit of the n (tubed assistance The train was under command eel Colonel Mclntosh: a brave officer, but be would not ad visee without assistance from General Cadwaia. der's command, which had been sent forward. Gemmel C. commanded the relief in prim, but he will meet with no real realms:tee SA the enemy will flea before any additional form. ' Fortunately troop bed just arrived it New Orleans to take the place dr them who would go for Ward under Gen. Cade/Mader. • ,• There are rumors that the enemy; aileking the Bain will eniMich ••thertieelver et' this National The Goenllas have grown hold enough in how. M elm the eery borders of Vera Crust--and arm :prowling like stature. upon the outakirts of our trooP. Posted as 'Tam between Vera Criitnil Puebla, we have no maim apprehension et this end of the line, (Vera Ciut). A large body of troops were organizing near Rio Fri), at our lilt advice., but they were not united. Indeed they are as ripe for civil war as for war *gait the Americana. A large number dick and wounded trooper. 'laud at New Orleans on the 17th, from Vera Wm: , The widow of Glejoilitosifith• grafi the , prty, bee hisibanif,• Paymaster, Ping died of lAi Vomit°, which is tepidly on the increase at Yea ems. Exehastre Conespoe4reee of the riwietrrh PRILAURLPHIA MARKET. June 24, 7 P. M. Plow—There tia• been considerable setirity in niarket today. and tbeasks have been to o very fair extent. air 5000 bbl. Western and Pa. pond. at s7.oo.snd sun bids at $6,87i. Wheal--Selo mixed. Wheel at 150.153. per to Riono—litaks yellow.lM rime quarry at 94a970 bg • ;plot/ier dm crannies' at Ed.RO par. 461.. - Callao—The market is doll, bat bolder/ram ytie markil tor Gracie ries is girt t. and rice. tinsbangsd. Wtilakey is entirely nominal io price. Provisions have not mooed, nor hare Om va tied. raelasare Corntsmodeeeo of tea Plug.lgh Gus NEW YORK MARKET.. • • Jane Se 8 o'c Fkur,Salee of Gurus to s tiashuate extent . •47,35 per bbl. Of Whet k prime maple. of Western Reed at 170 c per btu. Cornmeal, is melting at $5 per bbl for New Jo- Coro--Bales pri.tio Yellow at 990.00e—ehow. lax no . change. Cotton there la no clam Mutant.. ;rot Provisions then is less inquiry, but no *up in the market in other respects. i Elehmove Oorreerteadeeee of the Pitteboteh Gazette BOSTON MARKET.' Jana 24, 4 P. M. Floor—Tbs market striae a good Mal. Them Law bseo oaks of OuNimee today at $7.50. 8.00, and 8,05. Saks of Solotbeam u KO per Mi. • t • Cone—Si:4 air prism I kbbs northern earn `at 700 e, bat Ms muter la dullard prime bard) Mitotatned. • animas. utorra was mewed in Menke for db.:kr:riblike of eiders, baring been appointed 4 colimandri of the &ate of Vora Cm; and order. ed re.fraire for Cordon at • oak. of 24 hoo: ; • Several of the papers complain of the anat. , . new war paper boa warted at liferico—cel grilLs Ociera, and frtemlly to Banta Anna. was sold in Ilwrico, that the adminktration voila publish a circular, by whkb all the genes es 'pa other oblate who mired from Cenci bail; without permission will be &Weed of 'their commknion; , MI6 Prasident.• apemen in Staltintere. e I. the pnwsuce of so much - hospitality sod : 'entitesery. I' feel meld' io the . society of my ouronymert end in the ham of friends. t hare • • g &sued to visit yet,,but it has not before boon toconoisot Pr me to do to. After treonithan two Years of alend amstent confinement and of eis• imaloplng attantimit, my reopotunble public dation bees availed myself of the pronot occarott boo I haw! nasal to 'twos' I met without de irodut to ha pow .....r, be absent fora fear deists= for test of government The prpose .!! toy brief tint is to pay my torpedo to my fel per shims of Dahlman. and of the northan mo ron Of this mutiny. - Had I 'postponed it beyond the present :strzuner, it is not probabl• that soy h er opportunity to mak. Ilor cold hare °man dating gm period of my term of official envier, ? t theaters of which I shaft retire to private life.— And Ilhope, Or, - to retire, baring the aduitaistra. goo of soy country in the bride of a north, out. Mori and that =wary which has bored me n • muytt 1 u t to commit It to that cantor . • • - • - end happy. i thank you. err. , Bujestal. estriem AT LotneTzten,—Tbe .13oellimil Omens Ime letter from Louisville, deo . of the burial invoice. of the volunteers: i Tb, mod touching event of the mournful eau*, 'was beheld in the bereasal and weeping foes oc the orphan children of the lamented Clay, eithey.folloseed the beim. that curled hi. nor. gal remains to Its lest resting place. Mieerestrri..—The Democrats have nominated heeph.W. Mrdthews, of Harebell. for Governor., Mo. Itoteuts was nominated from the dirt:int as a mindidats for terolection to Congresa iyLitaieporiatat .ers Ad triertloors.—Thi adver tisements which appear In the - Daily Alornint Gazette Idea appttria.the TnWeekly, dm receiving thh ben• elf of the emulation of all, without any additional doge. Thig lean advantega bony adverilaciv 3 without any omit *Spews. Adrenieemcota are also' inhaled in* ea* . Itry papal open, retainable tonne. $5,00. • 500 ESN 06 BOOTS UEST,' * CdRN ER OE POST OFFICE ALLEY. RUE suhrenber rerpectfully teen*, the public that he In commenced the •lnettufaiture of Goatanns • Tsalrosalds BOWS, of goorPmatertal and Workmanship which he will woman: superior trisay3leet ten mule In Entsbargh for the price. These handsome Boot will be m e m measure, and warrant them as repro snood, alma- very low • rice of FIVE DOLLARS gentlemen tma wrested to call and exa . m ; W ERSKINE. TYIII2III jou ase equally liable to the altieks ew. lonia:tide or ?be Winnable Eloen..7t sareftenl by Dr. Upham, to elfasied.anders la lbas IOC4:01.! it Is bailed as an antidote to this bane of • saltines, and Is anmanally eenaidered, buns rul rembriy. as the oat y ene Mann wind , tb• can ref witausaidens• On Mtn& slue. Wbolesabs wad Ratall, by WYATI A Talionatteni, Nine Vest; Was.Tnoass, Idadiat woe, and Y. IL Saw's., Snetbfilnia nsuannalls, Ps.. • Prise 111 per bal. , •-. Oe Th.r.g.T COMing di Zia lama . t, by Irr:7lilt flOorko, as r sua.olr of Elio.. 5 1 .•. MARY ANN, datogloar of H. John Huron of Ws city. SALu On the rails, brae wee, Mr. RICHARD. M. BULL P, dayrbtkr Jan Herron, WI or ow Os newlay atertriest the 114th inst., at Green Lawn, J °meant) by the Rev. W Passe. " BAH itaI,YLANUES. 0 ERIVIN, of thi . etty,lo 111. IIdePARLAND. On same, by the Rev. Mr. McLaren, Captain R M D COCHRAN, of Allegheny city, m (aim MARY e, daughter of Mr. Samuel Davin of Row Toworh•p. We 'clam Moab far the headmen.. remembrance which accompanied the above. The wedded pair have oar bon wishes Gar their heaping. At Vera Crux, of ellhono, Major Bosworth, Payma Ler In the U Army. lie sa il ed from New Orleans on the UM mt., end died seen after in Vera Cruz. His remains were brought to Now (Means le charge of his brother. Printing llosinass,..Wasued LL ibi• Office, a Young hlen nequeintad.with the Panting tarsomee, end am who can come well recommended• , tete • '110311410141 COMPOUND SYRUP OP I TAR AND WOOD NAPHTHA—The Portland (Me) Advertiser says :—" This temedy boa been mere euccessfui than any medicine we have eyef hoovers Mr its nae ions cares In Conwmption, Spitting blood, pain in the m tilde and Breast linsuchins, Asthma. Ohettnate, Cooghs, Hamm.* Rare Thom, Palpitation or the Heart, W beeping Cough Croup, Derwin Trenton, &c. Ind imdnals of the highest respectability in this eity ewer ample tesumany to ns power and efficacy in this blast or dimes.. Anew the testimonials to the valued the above med. Wine, are several ham died. rignised physicians of Phil adelphia. Read the foltatirffig h front Dr. Yotmg, she =meat oculist. - - Plllll.l0 -.111 a, Jan.ll3, 1t47. Geeing used in, no practice,. wel l all in my in. fansily,'Tbompeou'e Compound S y r u p of Tar and Wood Naphtha,' I have no hextistion to saying that it is the best preparation of rho kind lee. for pep°. entering boot Consumption, Coughs Colds, tilid an affections of the Throat, BMW, so l prevalent at this 14.100 01 the Jr„ r inve mem vrith W lnlt . fm7rra . ith:g . ?,wlio e ga " ve the following certificate. Ile man., well, being per fectly cured of tits disease: Penalty-nos, January 8,1347. Front a muse of gratitude,and a doubt that the edge led may base resod.° to a truly neralcibbi medicine, I would state that the benefit I have experienced from the um of Tbompson's Compound Syrup. of Tat and Wood Naphtha. For several years !have beet afflic ted with • distressing ractingeoexh,acconipanied with great oppression and &Kwitny of breathing,, with a sew stdbn of bennest at the chest. Becoming greatly alarmed, a friend who had been much benefitted Ity this medicine, recommended me to try 141 did so, and to a 0111, short lima eve p alarming .ympmm direppeared; my expectoration became frevoill oppression left me. my cough ceased, and in a few days I was able to ao out and attend may business a well man. Any farther information will be cheerfully given the •Mieted, by calling at my restdctiee, No. 193, N. Front st. JOS. bIeMANAMV. This invaluable medicine is prepared only by ANC NEY it DICKSON, at NE comer of Fill and Sprite sit, Philadelphia. Sold In Piushiargh by L. WILCOX Jr. Prise 50 cents or SI per battle. CAUTlON—liewsre of th e many counterfeits the are new agora. The anscropekius are nor ready I• deceive that now., M. ern OLD COUNTRYMEN Head and Judea All! YOUMIVeIB . AWNDON Lauer in th e Bowen TreveiJere( th e Ilith of way nays: Reef" Person who catiket money enuogh to leave the country Is doing ars All A. ship. bound to the 1.1 Stat e • or cenada. are crowded. Any prsce te patd tor • peewee I nsete Atlauticoind too often tbe clew& of tufettne a in (nil ships, which prove their