The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, June 24, 1847, Image 2

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    -be mill greetet in respect to the
,Intimlortation of
gocalacconing from the Rut. If each road con.
EFLAOTTJS, . vajwirase o u ro camaierej,9oo.leana, and-the •
PITTSBURGH: pact yth jobit nmateiocffff be u
ited Mia
THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 11147.,' or so y ° o l,s' a l ' s° ISOSOOit• or bow could
•"rres - Yon dispose. f the surplua toonsgalhejwo name
&7y, Tfl-W,,kly, and Weekly.-trrhe I.4 l Terieveik from Philadelphia and' inom Lialtits4v, leingeog '
Wis "P s ' ss "' ° ' thsTr '''" . " l° Y S. r " l3° "'P'.! 2000 tods to the ;min too conamtion: whilst the' -'
mown: th e Weekly. Two Dollk)o 011.4,u1i8113. annty
adoneve joint road West would only ventto 1000 tons. '
Aleig sec windatton. therefore,at Mat puitit would
nomoirily take place there, to await a falling off
of trade, or in the end be diverted to porno other ,
and ins desirable channels. -
In addition to the foregoing suggestions, we
would call attention to the rainy difficulties that
would inevitably grow oat of tt acniggle here. be
meth the two Raged cities. of of tunes engaged
in their respective interests foe precedence in ship.
meats, sod we leave it to When who are mote Co.
miller with such subjects, to tat the right sott of
estimate upon them. These difficulties. whethir
upon goodeeeming• Wen. or produce going East,
would he reperimiced, although in-much less pro.
partton upon s joint road 10 or 19 miles long, as
well at one hundred. A. observed ia the outset
of this snide, this apprehension of !connections
with the Prnmylsanis Road having,se we know,
operated to some extent, and been seized upon by
Mr. McLane to create Minn in Baltimore. we have
thought the prevent a proper =anon to give cor .
views foe what they ate worth. Bat we have it
our power now to terve every Ipprehampion
on that score, by the annunciation of the fact
which we have from reliable authority, that the
Penney Ivania Company base drtermiutd upon
their ionic by the way tat' Turtle Creek, which
leads t I the watery of . the• Conuenntugh on the
West side, and the Juniata on the east iti the Alle.
utterly Mountains, and have mooed propMals for
the ecenauction of fifeen miles of the read East
from) W. city, and all.; miles West up the Sus.
queen.' from Ilarriyhergh, thus fettling even
the pal:thinly of connecting with the Commits
villa Compel, on Cushman's riser, or any other
poitn.of the line.
Advertisemen to cecure insertion. should ho
hamted lq five oclock in the nflommoo. Anent:on
to Mot i on the part Or cmr ounomers. would he prodoe
rive of monist benefit Toe hen he flogs" b. ,
dnalsaion nod onset nuns wippot orlon, paper
--in Western Pennsylsois. and it is therefore nce ..... y
VhStadvortisernems should Le tie.tronsibly handed its
"7 - S 7. O7.a;VE.aNO/iy
GMM. JAMES - 111VI3,
(or Ccrralt raft! l
(or crmaziz.z. tozzli
GEORGE DARER, 01 . Atlerheny City
rot •s•entrl.T.
LEWIS C J NOBLE of Indiana To.
cilEamor sNivELY.of WilkutsTp
lIENRY LARGE,o(Alttla. To
• rot corny TiLL,CIRII.
J. W. BAXTER, of Pittsburgh.
A rot cOrnr comtv•mott.
, 111051A5 PERKINe., or Lower tq.Cl.l 'fp
WILIJAhi CA VES,.or Versatile. Tp.
- trr Erten , Copien of the Repolt of the llortimote
QAll2ll!Mae guy too hod at 161.0M0, A litre, itamlier of
Vie" Of Mill Report have been printed by tio for core
Whoa, and - it it deorithie 'that May Mold be rcad bq
ovary man in the city, arid.a the neighborhood of Ihn
head waters of the Ohio, no well no between Baltimore
and Pittsburgh. They goy be hail without ohoge.
rarx.rtarr cotliwymed Intoapyr....DonlcAtte
kets,Rover Negri...lmports, Maury - .Nlnthreq. A , ..
diprd page.
Bca foaribPage for 31114cel lane our New.
nail Roads
"' We hevelong been aware that one enlie groat.
set objections which exist, with the 'Board of Las•
rectors, of the Baltimore Company, to the coo
etruction of the road by tlionsaliartest and cheapest
rotate to this city." in the oppreheneiou of coneer
tient the direction of Philadelphia within this
State ander the Connellawille charter. Nor istioe
objection confined 'late to the Bard, and was it
not diffused to some extent one, the busiLets and
property interests of that city, there would be but
•no voice them not only to the route, hot sob.
aniption. On this point we will endeavor Or set
them right: To unit 'kerns na rnanifistly contra.
ry to the interest of Pittsburgh that Philadelphia
should form coy connection with the Pittebuigh
tad Comaellwrille Oompsny, even if the'llaltimee
mane Should consent to the "shortest and cheapest
route" from this -place)o Cumberland, that Bain
' more has nothing to fear Win that Varier It is
only necessary that th{is subject should he properly
Amtleisireal, even if itwse ever eerioanly enters
tuned in PittelenglOn enterio dispel this obtru
sive spectre from their minds What is it the
people of Pittahurghdesire! The construction of
es many Rail Road termini at this podia as our tv
cel position and commercial advantages would
fairy. claim. Among_ these, from the present
proximity of theltimore Road to Rs, the exten
don of it to this cis.. It would be the Might of
IMy and inadnella is as to turn it off, if by any
reasonable concrete/in., on the grant of such
gain's as their (care or prijudices may base awe.
'tuned in tetatien to the necessity of reatrietlona
on the eubjsct of connection. with the Pittsburgh
and Cortoellsville Road. We tot out in thin du
cession with this pavilion, that what we in Pitts-
beret want I litho termini of es many Rail Road.
ai"wii can aUract hither. Suppaaing then, that
was in contemidation'—while it is manifest there
is no each design—to unite the Pennsylvania Road
with the-litinneilerslleßnd at some paint on Can.
sateen', River East, or elsewhere, Pittsburgh in
that caw would forever he debarred of more than
mile road to the Atlantic. So far as the capacity of
transportation or travel in concerned, both fmde
being united in one at n paint, 50 nr miles
east, have still hot the capacity of one and can do
no more holiness thin - one road only. The Outa
tion presents itself to our mioda as a very clear
one; and we will further refer to it an briefly as
possible, by assuming that the amount of trade
West of us, which will be attracted to our'city,
will be quite equal, if not Wiester than the falai
flee which may be afforded td transport it w the
Atlantic Seaboard, and if this view of the aril ject
be correct, which every day'. experience memo to
warrant, then our trade will be great or Frame.
juet in proportion as our facilities exist. Now
what is the fact in regard to Rail Roads , Thcy
tlm trunapoit only a gia,n amount of toning., and
when that maximum IN attained, their p.iireni
clue of adman. The ability of a road to carry
freight, hire every thing vise, has its limits, anti
Rail Roads mum.; any more accomplish imponsi
bilitiee than steamboat. ar rither, methods at e m.
veyanea. What then world he the enna•gnencea
to Pittaborgh in the event of these two rood. uni
ling, or forming a connection with ?bilatielotos at
• piiitArasy 160 miles East. It is very true that
at such a Allot divergence we would have .
choice of going tO Baltimore or Philadelphi., but
we would in cilict have but ono Rail El.ud, Inas
must as the past of the road common to each.
could by nirpoeibility do wore business than
either one of the linei to Philadelphia or
whilst the constantly accumulating products
..of the West over the capacity of the re oneli to
'','carry, would w , oman', hove rek Wu!. ch.!,
neleer trunsportstiottomd this city, by the ,•ey
fact of the two reads uniting for any given dot
onnee, be deprived, and perhaps &resit, of any op
cresse of trade beyond the capacity of one mad.
No one who regards with interest the futttie pro.
grew of Pittsburgh. we should think, would like
to see it tied down to the capacity of one road.
Mid there are but few now amongst as who do
not believe that there would be full for
tie entire occups •of kith roads to Plidedel.
phis and Satiate were they opened as early le
Olkt Spring. The fact is, there is no calculating
the tonnage and t eel that would be directed to
this point, riot only from the natural and steady
increase of the at West, but the abstraction
that would take pl from other chanuelsto this,
if we were in • • 'on of the means of accom
dating it. Within very few years such More been
the improvemen in the construction of steam
boats On the Obi. adapted to every triage of the
river, that in its lo est stage we scarcely perceive
any diminution o the daily arrivals and dep..,
tures from this • •
'eat road to Philadelphia and
deg et this city lat tbe true
With azt Mae
to Baltimore, both
poiat of diseigiut Pittsburgh would therefore
hare it in herr .r to double her wade from the
imam:me god Teem west of her. .
We don't pro - to know much - Shout tho
amount of freight _ hich could be conveyed daily
over a Rail Road if • giver length. But we
will ampere that th - Pittsburgh and Connellaville
Road .houhl be extended by a route which would
r ,,,
funtirth to the Penne koala Rail Road. Company
an . 4portunity to co nect with it at a point dis
100 mike from t • city; and that the utmost
capecily of the former mpany would be to tram,
port daily Ead 1000 ans. The effect of attar a
condltim of Malls w old be, that up to the point
of Um: motion the toad_ criminon to the cities of
Philadelphia and Baltimore, would secomptisb all
it could perform, while the lords east of that, the
one lending to Philadelphia and the other to Bd.
tinges, !opposing - the trade equally divided be
tween them, could only obtain onnbeir the 'bra'
nay, they might separattly perform' if both on•
armaide tin) independent routes diverod from
this city. if in this view of the subject it conch.
aively, appears that it is sae the inured. of nit:
adelphia, as of Baitimure,, that no such inter.
election should take .place on any portion if the
route Eastward hum this city, common to both, it
is just so plain that it is contrary to the intereitior
Pittsburgh... in proportion as you dimitiih ton
means of transporting the productiof the West,
' dedined for the Atlantic cities, jut io the same
proportion do 'you limit thou inducement which
would othersfise obtain for the great West wreck
Ws Otlet for their ' productions to the seaboard.
Therefore, this city, and a. oturved before, an in.
deperrident mid to rub of these great cities, would
to tlfCeztent of the coparity of both rirads,rdtract
so iduch greater a proportion to this city. •
On the other hand, the autiartsumenu 'Wood
Tb. Quarles Birth-Day
Le. IX 1-0,111'04
The Decision of the Quten's Bieth-Day, the
27th .f My, was thesul jeer of grcist jubilee and
rejoicing in England. The reception ht the Palace
1 , 1113 San most brilliant one of the season. The
company continued to melee at the palace for
upwards of two bouts, and• the suite of state
saloons were completely filled. The Queen—
whom thousands of persons had am isecellent
portunity of seeing as she rode from Buckingham
Palace to St. Jame 's—wore a dues of white toils
nod a wreath of honeysuckle. the boil and skeet
were ornamented with gold blond and diamond.
The head-dress consisted of featheisj gold blots
lappets. wreaths of honeysuckle am" diamonds.—
This costume is spoken alas most superb and pre.
eminent fir its beauty amid the glittitiog throng
which surrounded it
Several Americans were at the Palace,—among
whom was the American Minister and lady, the
last of whom is described as appearing in a train
of white crape, with nicbes of crape and • Bounc
ed crape petticoat over glitter. The head &est coo•
shard of Amply feather* and blond lappets. Me'
Brodhead • Secretary of Legation and the Hon. R•
C. Winthrop, were present at the Drawing Room.
The grand illonsiziation presented ■ Muscling
display-of fight, most tutefully and beautifully
arranged by the aid of gar; forming crowas;stars
shields, anchors, wreaths, cyphers and jets.
Gates wren Fain arm attended - by 100,000
persons and Stepney Fair by 300,090, both upon
the occasion
of the bulidays. All this a well as
Ilho account of the Fait which follows would seem
to indicate that there is no lack of money in Eng.
land. •
.A great Bazaar was opened in the extenaire,
beiklutem r:o so as the Regent's Park Barracks,
on the 2lith ult. 'f he object was to mine fund.
for the dintreasid Irish, and as the. undertaking
wan patronized by the Queen.; the loyal Family
and the leading member. of the arierteeratic -and
faihionable world of London, the real i gn. daring
the three du. the hour continued open were
very large. The stalls were all richly famished
with the choicest artless. t.toete , presided ove r
by the Jr n-hewes, coo-,r . stud didininiatied
1 ladies The Duche.,,..i bad a stall
which occupied a mace of twenty feet in length.
It was of comae Std with soy expensive trachea.
For indenter, Gncy work boxes and cues, 'WM
could he purchased at any" shop in town fur five
; guirrene, were sold at this stall at fifteen to twenty
guineas tech, and there were numerous purchaser,
at them high prices. The Marchioneu of Lou.
donderty, the Vivcounteva Combermere the Var.
chioness of Cltnicarde, the Countess Granville
Lady Beraurale, the Marchiouren of Aiksbuty,
the beautiful Clllll2lBO of Wilton, the .
of Jersey, of Mount Edgecomb, of Brownies', o f
St. Germaine, of Longford, ol Shannon, of Des.
art, of Limerick, and of Littoral; the Duchess of
Sutherland. and her lovely daughter*, were the
ladies who for charity's sake, volunteered their
terriers to he saleswomen for the apace of three
Jaya. Pcihspa thin fact helped materially Ewell
the grossN•ceipts of the bazaar. Oa the first day
the public were not admitted until after the Qiisen
had visited the bazaar and mod' her *election of
articles. The walls 'were fevered with military
trophies of every 'description. including banners,
-shields bearing costs of arms, beheld., swords,
and pistols, very tastefully arraigned in every 'te
rsely of device. The front of each letall was fee.
mood with red and white drapery,rand the aria.
tot-relic namee of Maladies preniJing were embla
zoned en Ulcer letter en sky-blue
The ladle. were every day in the stalls at an
early bour,and remained till the close of the bazaar.
The gay and varigated color* of the articles di.
played had a flue effect, while the dresses of the
ladies, which were of the most rplendid kind add•
rd much to the effect of the whole (rand sore-
The Queen arrived at the tame; on the fast
day at II o'clock in the forenoon, and nmiairied
an hour. She wan einducted through the box tarby
the Harchionese of Londondetry, at whose rich
stall her Mainly' made several purchaaM. She
complimented the. Ilarchiones• so the magnificent
stock of goods in her atilt. The Queen after.
ward. purchesed !revered articles fro the Count
eon of Milton, and the Comte.. of Jersey. She
then bought largely from the Vitaquiless Coen
bermere, whose stall was ...enrol with the richest
works of art many of them bldg the prodocticma
of 'the Viscountena's own Ail The Queen select
ed the most expensive articles of tam and vertu.
The Quern aho bought a statuette of !Wellington.
executed and presented to the basin' by Count
D'Orsay: Her Majesty purchased artkrke, of more
or lees value, at every stall; and even at the ju
venile_stall, she made a very large 'selection for
her own children.
Tills stall attracted 'peat attention from the
number arid variety of .lilaythitip" •pots it, and
from the feet that a bevy of young scions of aris-
tocracy presided over it. Among the natribei.'
ar avail, lovely daughter.' of the „I:ruches; of
Butberland, two beautiful daughters of the Coon.
teasof Ml:mod, sod the youngest child of Bar.
cams Branum.
A. soon as the Queen had left the, burin, the
doom were thrown open to the fashionable world
on the payment of fin shallop sterling for each
ticket! At this high price the. wholo noat s place
was immediately crowded with the toest
ble clume• of both sexes. the leadinkmembers of
the ari.tocracy, and the foreign nunhaerewith
. their ladies. The coup d'oeil at thin moment was
beyond.deeeription. It writhe mostbrilliant and
the musefuhlansble anemblage that has been
seen for a I mg time.
And thin out number of "Wan tad not go
merely to tea and be seen. They opened their
fume and forehand most liberally. Articles
worth really no more than one sharing, went off
at helf.• runes, or twenty shallop! . The be
,mar erse In reality no place for 2. plebe-on, at least
not on the first day. On the nomad and third
dap the pica of *dollen:n were reduced to half
a crown, and from morning till night entry Web
of space nal occupied by anxious end .crowding
thousand., wbo were kept away on the lane day
by the high price of tickets. Four Unwind per.
sons were present on the flan day, which yielded
a net 'remote of one thousand pounds for *dull.
Awn alone; and their purchase. 'kited • much
latter sum.
A Beer and Pose Packing eatabliahment has
been opened in Philadelphia by a Mr. Jeiho Rom
se4l of Irehmd with • view of erring and paellas
pock for the BlitiM market. Mr. IL me are told
hi email of immense wealth and - grest espshiliUra.
Would it not be well for Ween n iro Parke■ to leant
something more of good paeldng at his establith.
mint Aiwirinto provisions hare Iwits damaged
abroad, as mash in chinas'' as in value, from the
badman/ter In which they have been put iip for the
fotaant make.
Mrl Aaron hos in him sill loft poorly bolf
million otikikon for tbo eitabliifuno+t of s
libtail In Now York. H. amok thill ad
'alldctiog Ina his great q., to ourriyo
Corr or Ran. Roam AnsoAD —Eoglscd
wal.faxi be hoed with Rail Roads, - and that with
out nerd to !ha cod of coustaaelko.
- The imaiaexpensive has been the London and
Ellsoltarikwhich cost £287,000 per mite. his
constsacted on arches, and tbei origmel siLIPi•
waited with tionser, and as the owner's" aide to
each home regained to be perfected at the expense
of the company, its law expensea , were immense.
The cheapest railway is the Dundee and Arbosth,
which is only .EBsob, per mile.
When the cod of corwtruction amounts el only
£30,000 pa mile, it may be considered as cheap;
£40,000 u the arenige. and £30,000 u toeing
the "roll figUre." which is about the cost of the
London and Birmingham. The Parlimentary ex
penses licensed in these lines would alone be
sufficient to make linca of similar length in np
Well wooded district of the State,-
Americana's Rama,. r —The atmospheric
principal of propulsion upon railway., is .till a
matter of contnaveray in England. Cpun the
Croydon it he. been tried and abandrmed ;
while on the Ranh Despoil line where vre believe
it hu been lobger in operation, it in still in favor.
We learn from the London Railway Time. that
the Devon line ha been repeatedly worked from
Renter to Daerlish, in every possible way, with
heavy and with lightweights, end that oaths, ex.
perinuots have been eminently suecessful. With
light weights a speed of 70 miles an hour we.
obtained. and with a weight of Ott or 100 tons, a
speed of 30 to 95 miles an boor. Further exten
sions of the line, to Plymouth and to Tomes, are
Rmsaosa Divionan.The Direchrs in the
Boston and Worcester Railroad have declared e
dividend of fire per cent. for the mouths end
ing ou the 31st of Mar. en a capital of $3, 500 .-
000. The dividend of the corresponding
of the last year ems 4 per seat. on. crpital of
$3,000,000. The receipt, of income f..r the 'res
ent year have exceeded those of the tame period
of [Ask year,. by morn than $60,0110.
The Droner°aa of the Western Railroad have
declared a dividend of four per rent. from the
profiut cf the six months/ending on the Z lat of
May. This corporation has voted an ire .... of
upital stock to the arooont. of $450,000 fo the
purpose of making the important improvement of
laying twelve miles of doable track and of making
• large increase of stock of locomotive engines
and of freight cars, demanded by the increased” of the road.
The Lima Sveaatoe Nays is the title if an
excellent news' ape,' published at Sault de St. Ma'
are. It is filled with alining intelligence and te
invaluable to those interested in the mines of the
veal lakes.
We are glad to learn from the NPVII• that there
it ■ prospect of obtaining the desired canal around
the Sault de St. Marie. The following is, in brief,
the contemplated improvement
The estimated cost of • ship canal. with twelve
feet of water, around the Falls is $2OO 000. The
whole {eolith -1g the contemplated cans! is 4,460
feet, a trifle over threelourths of a mite, in winch
distance • fall of eighteen feet is to be overcnene
by two locks of nine feet lift each, and in length
not less than two hundred and fifty feet, and slaty
feet Pride, to I. constructed . of cot stone, and to
have ■ sufficient depth of water to pan vessels
drawing ten feet of water, at all times. The cc.
nal will be 80 feet at bottom and 100 feet at the
water line, and will be constructed on the old wo
ve, by the engineer. of the general government.
which in on a straight line across the bend of the
river at this point; and when completed. (as it t.
hoped it will be in 1849 or early in 1850,) it will
afford some of the finest water power in the 'Nth!
which must in itself afford considerable evader
to the company.
TRUTH STnaetae.TNle F'tcrlos.—'fbe story
of a young man living io Grafton Mon o attroctert,
a few months Inner, a large share of the nteet,nn of
the nesimpapers. Ile had been absent bon, her pc.
rents thlnj yenta, had left them at the age of three
Or bony, and the only recollection he hod of Them
was that he was taken from some large place and
carried he knew not whither. He was to company
for along time with a body of vagrant Indians and
oegroes, among whom he antlered mereditable hard
ships, end by ens not whom he ,s
He finally mete hi. Dat.i,m at ii(DVIJOYDD, it. I
Worthy Baptist clergyman learned and told hts story
to the public. The account came loan aged couple
in Ontario, Wayne county, N. Y., who had loot ton
cAildren about the pencil mentioned, who felt a pe
*culler interest in this case. The result of it is,
that the !fiends of the man (who is poor) contribe
led the means. Coil he by pot been nut to tree tor
mippoisul parents. The Albany Evening Junind
telts the real
Hie :puree, tau voccenltil 'lnc' moment the
mother saw her lost sou. she fainted But the more '
cautions son, anxious in ascertain o certain- ,
taint) whether there were indeed his parents, re.
cooed natoietakirble proofs The mother, with a
mother's memory, described the mark upon his
bank, and the scar al the yenta upon hie loot. He
could no longer doubt, and the scene that folloued
may be better imagined than daveribrul. The pa.
rente r who supposed themsel rt. ebildlewo r rejoiced
oser the'• wan that was found," and the fatted calf
was indeed killed. The eon, who supposed himself
ao orphan, rejoiced to find his parent., even in their
old age. He also ascertained that his real name
was John hi. Wilson, and his age about 3k years.
Ng" , Rooes.—The following new book. may be
had at the book gore of J. L. Read Foetab street,
as will be seen by advertisement: •
The Correepondence and Miacellanic the lion
Jeo. Cotton Smith, L. L. D., formerly (inventor of
Connectmot, ortth•n F:ology pronounced before the
Connecticut Hint/trice! Society at New Haven,
May 27 1846. By Ker. Wm. W. Andrea. har
per. 1847. . . .
Orators of the age ,cortipriaina portraits, critical.
Biographimil and descriptive By Ci 11. Francis,
Log.. Miter of the Maxims of opinio n of th e Dab
of Wellingten. Harper. 1847.
9A History of Rome, from the earlieit times to
the death of Commodes A. D. 191. By Dr Leon
aid Sehmits Y.R. S. E., Rector of the High School
of Edinburgh. Harper. 1847.
The arritimp of Geo. %Vashingtao ; being his car
reapondence,addiesses,lllvaage.,•nd other paper.,
official and private.selected and published Item the
original manuscripts, with a Life of tl e author,
note. and 111.11tflaJON by Jar, d Sparks. Harper.
Anociation discussed, sir the Socin , ims of the
Tribune examined. Being ontroeery between
the New York Tribune and the Cooney and Engor
res. By H. theely and H. j. Raymund. Ilarpets
The LAwyer'• Dsughter, by Jos. Alden, I) D
Author of Eltatbeth Beaton," •• Alton Gordon"
etc Illostrater by Hewett Harps.'. },reside
Library 1847
Ne sod lie, Pretoria! Errland.
Nor. 8 and 9, Nlichelat'sErtnee from the earliest
period to the preient time.
Now that,the Hospital Site has been lolly deter.
mined upono we trust the work will go rapidy no to
completion. Ode of the brat ants of the Trustees
will doubtless be to invite from architerts, desigo•
for the building. While it is oilvisable that the
work should be conittructed with a proper regard
to economy, it should be upon estate cinnamonm de
with the growing requirement or the co.m.dy,
and thus prove an object of ornament and pride V.
our city. We treat, also, that the Damn of the a i.ns
emus donor of the groiteri will be in MM. 11111111,1 r
tocorporatedjrrith•tbejlnatitioa. This' would but he
paying a proper and donned comOimeot, ad
OR. • properskense on the part of the commit, ty
of their appreciation orthe gilt.
We would also suggest to the Allegheny Cent. try
association, aa the Hospital In to ho erected to
their iroolediato vicinity, the propriety of appro•rt
ating a spot Arabia their beautiful groundr, for the
meof the Hospital.
Boston Atlas concluded' a wend article upon the
Presidential Election with the following paragraph
Oer reseal impremions General Ta lot
in a Whig, and that he holds the mane opinion in
regard LO 'Fear and to new Territory. th a Mr. t .3,
espremwd in his celebrated Raleigh letter. whie', i.
ail Viet any Whig,North or South, can . deMre. The
rotted on which we mean to hand, it that OCCIII,Pd
by Mr. Berrien. Mr. Webster,' Mr. I 'aria, and the
rent of the Whig Senators kat winter, and whir , ,n
taken by the Richmond Whig, namely, 11,01 an SI s
Than territory 'hall be utdeo•to the (*mon. 'I ois
platlcrat being estatillahed, the Whig party uno,d,
we shall go into eNetional Convention, name ,ier
candidate and then old Manacborna. will eh.*
her atreegth.
I Lawton By auu. Newtown Cloud who tile
hoes elected Preoblent of the Convention 1.71
41141111 to swan° the data C4/11.ti112„,k
Deatocnit," oral ie jc/aver of leafing the quest, '
of bulking Mta fat the disconian of futwe leg- i
lataterw—or. ie favor of Morpotating a daeno in :
the conotitutiou aitailar tone free banking law ufy
New Yak. His Mellott, it ie theuglit by some . :
elms what may by Prpeeted from the Convention
as regards future Inching. in that State. There
mm to be, from the commencement 'of kletibeia- I
tioas a comrade° power in the State Cotten,
There were if. 1 &albs fu Philsdelpida lag
weelt,9B of whom were ehildreu. As the
weather is becoming wen; and green fruit is
brought to market, it becomes went, to be very
=Woos how they allow their &llama to partake
'of "lhebiddim fruit." unripe fruit however frail).
ly plucked, snd ripe fruit long exposed to tho sun,
an iptiOy deleterious. •
Tat eats a neTTIO rarer Priam, died at the fall.
sif_Gen. Mauling. near Nashville, on the 20th up.,
He was an intpoMed horse, and oast h's owner's,
when landed, {16,000.
Sisals* TO sone roarosr..—lt is stated that
Mr. Lumley of her Majesty's; Theatre, has agreed
to wry on the suit of Burnt againat Jenny hind
at his own expense, and Imo pay all damages him
' melt should there be any. He also gives her
£BOOO fur bar service for the season--gives her
an es client suit of rooms at a fashionable hotel
—pays all her bill while she remains there—pro.
rides a spler.dal-carriage and pair, nod gives her a
private box at the opera fur her (cicada
An Ivnaa ass paper mentions that ♦ very large
eagle which measured seven feet three inches
scrod the wings was lately taken in a trap on the
summit of a hill in Strathspey. Ho bad rtolen
many a goodly lamb from the shepherds.
VCNITILATINO GIAM-A patent has recently
been secured for an intention of what is ulled
tVentiluting Glam." It collides of panes of glass
through which email boleti era drilled obliquely.
au inch or an inch and a half span. thus giving
an upward direction to the current of air.
Caercae ow SLA.v.l.—The British steamer
of war. Penelope, on 17th of March, captured the
slayer Plying Fish, off the coast of Africa. No
doves b mid. On the tltith Marche, Tinted the
Folicidada. with 31: slaves on bored, mostly wo
men and children. On the 4th of April upturn.
the Joann", World for the sprit, for slaves.
PEA.. m•U N'sa —Herodotus makes the Or.
'ado at Delphos Otter Mitt morsel of wisdom.
which 'may be a lesson to all Melt “Peace is ,
bitter than war; since in peace children bury their, but war, lathers bury their children."
We hare ad•ices horn New York, which state
that smite of the large Flour dealers are likely to
be mired in business. under the fall in prices it-
Ten Detivisess.—A letter in the Courier dated t cident to the new+ by the Cambria..
Orootwah, March 30, 1947, cly.
Purirsposhieuee m< Pittsburgh Ouch,
eArnoug die artides of curiosity which you
will herewith, ism cop worn by the religiouv FROM M EXICO.
"gram./ in this rout/try celled Derthhrs. They • . . Poi csuszeum t Juno 23d.
prole. ts have given up the world end to relit We have new. from Ilrazoa Santiago to the
their hellPineee in Go d . The true Dervish never i 10. h. Colonel Doniphao had arrived at New Or.
0311,411, Wean only clothing enough to cover his I lean s with unveil of „ wig ,.
ovitid nest. vriabt• Mead only for to-day, sleeps on
but General Mt non had written a strong manifosto I
a vb. nettle, Millet/ cot with the busy world,
ends his ti I.c ispayerael rommt.a on Walt G against Santa Anna charging him wit h coward
u/ liter him a dollar—he will take only a penny, toe, Arcc,
u. trot will buy bieed Le t0...1ay. He grica nein [Minos declares that the assertion by Santa
P hee i t t et 14.1" everywhere. He rem ' Anna, of the want of provisions and wiver in the .
wherever night overtake, him in the dohs an the
Army, is a falseboMl. He mates that he himself
"J uni "' "pttq the " ride' mutter " het !'had cattle to the number of 000 heed, besides
Havi ng"hi" catwe, he t "" " thin g' "" mile and Ba se of which beappritzed Santa Anne,
-41 he teem. ertur; in the " e h ' end layout of He fulther aseeit.s that the latter', retreat was
13//1. Bat this is the true Dervish. one in a
unjustifiable; that the manner of it was still mile
thon/aml. the mese, vs they swarm in More
so—mening off in the darknrse of thehight, end
lettlet are the her " in the world. ' tier ' leering ihndreds of his poor wounded wldie.•
stile, vagabonds, tit only for the Penitentiary.— the r fate on the field—more like • fugitive. hb
By day. annoying every man the y Inert by their horn hi . enemy . , than a General retiring to
impo teeny, and by night drunk as they can
erttit 6ir force.. It was to prevent these Gm,
Too lazy in work. they are not ashamed to beg, fromtliiing Mite public that he, Gen. Minor/ whet
but can the contraryseeP"" of their P rtheriun peiaecdretlOmpritioned and denied communication
as beggars and accost you with an air of author-
with hiwitienda
ity as though you were in debt to them, and they I
wt re demanding only what was their due
Seri nor —The criminal neglect of one relig• ! Anna entered the city, he war received by tae
ion. opportunity, will most probably indispose and rebbli nub indignant mi. of "death to' Sawa
in.& you for the next —Roby. ,
; Inna " "he cells us to the Yankees," and volleys
Movose.—Th.e are the best Christiena who
are more careful w reform theme,l„, than t o jof sten. in all directions. The General imchid
crnfrule 4-ahem—Fuller.
.„.:',.' Elide his way to the National Palace with all con-
• Tr.., —Lite every thy as if it were die l venient speed, and the guerde were doubled to
lark. you had to live—Lay hold of every Ilea sinici . . • • __
, prevent more dangerous outbreaks.
prOare fcr beaven.—Andreme.
.v.,,,,,,,,,,,,,..... Th , mtn, w h o i„aiii6,.d w i t h i The Mesican clew have wonderfully madifird
proclsmation. Now that they do not lose Icing
hiaPolf is beyond the hope of wh o
:there ; their views since the promulgation of Gin Scutt*.
is the clay of earth without the bra of heaven.— :
R., W. Hamilton. i molested the clergy keep their puree strings tight.
Tr...par.—The spring of peace and content- I 1 7 d r. "' •
ment is within, and Sterefore we had need look The volunteers are returning from Gen. Taylor
rhi. it to clear and undefiled.—Bishop ['atria:. whh greet rapulity. Ere this he is left without
i'at 1./.l.—lie much with God ; and your face any of the volunteers who fought under him at
will .tor... : Kt all men sce the new creation.— Bu r ns vie.
. .. .
. .
Biontlirtll. -,,,gn.
5.Tu.,,.,.—W0 are never beneath hope irfilla-::. „
,- . .
shone n0p . , 1,'4,nn; Favaa.--This sad scourge is on tte
we *re literate heavem—Condor
• e t
rt. n turn. sr...
cetr i i r . . t i o t those attacked 119 In the melignily of the diteete.
to to tho „ spochttor, e, „ tot fittioti up ht . The If. mild freebie are uctreasing in their tilers
greet room in Yolk Buildings, which he intended to goy or mitigate its ravage.. and where medical
f ar rote. n ew to ns, be h a pp ene d at ' li mo to he I aid is .ought for early, the result hate been (axon.
pretty much behind hand with his workmen, and I bk. The heat is intenar; the thermometer tang
corn ng ooe day among them to see hoer they went I ing from 37 to 90 in the shade, tenth day and
toward, side d one of them t e get into the roe- night, which has leen the taco fir the preceding
team, and oldie a speech, that he might captive trn d ays.
how it could he. 1 e.rd; the fellow mounted. and I The/e hare lon P 5 many ea 30 funeral., in or
china hi. Petri , di , Lint 6. Low rent "het t.t i day, arid rho devils either nom this or 0.1,r del
Say , ldr in truth tin w r e-( d 4 I Dun, have averaged about 20 a day.
the knight, "no matter for s that, speak anything
that mots uppermost." "Why here, Sir Richard." The r tapital of Mesita it pearly defenceless in
"li° lovehrcn worlho kingr" Y " • ite Mexican fs„faranaide, and it is thought
these sir weeks, and cannot get one penny of
money : Pray Sir, when de you design •to pay I that if Scott were to I.resent he would cn
!" -Very well. very well." said Richard. i ter-without resirtanre from ti population of nearly
"pray Lorne dew'', 1 hove heard enough ; I ear, I . 2th o do
n°4 I " . ' "'" } lite Afra Plag gives the details of two
dont sdnoire your subject."
• P Partible, ;Mirage., one by a Maesschusetts
:teer, whir stabbed a - women to the heart, bier se•
alto would not cell him whiskey, and another by
an Indiana volunteer, who beat and injured an
old Frenchman, that no tropes were entertained
Gillis life. We hope the nwer evemplary punit.h.
Enna awaits both of these 11.1..1e11.111d. •
Tar Mono. -rastres.—ThinttelebratOsdillee:
how been wild to a committee' of the Cithittle:
chinch, lot •S' 75.003. mi. community have idtv'o
purchased other property at Nauvoo. The build.
ing is to he appropriated to educational purp two.
connected with the church into whose bawl.. it
her passed. The car.trsel requires only thu M.
Wm of the Bishop. to complete it. The lion of
the Mormon. in Naciwoo conannim of thirty of
1 - k ,ir
forty famolie a under chttrgn of Delft! ti, Wells,
have left Nahvon, to join the Califernie peth
tion, Babbitt & lin . atilt remain In...Nem .3 to
close op the affairs of the Mormons:l,. TlSSiet:facts
ale rioted in the Warsaw Signal.*Sfej.eMid.
Rep. • . , ... .
A Remit Res. rots Fsititaas'..i44:lteart
t za.—A squarer of wheat" s an Engliah meaw.
Iwo of eight 'condors! bushels.--s •if you ; see
wheat quoted at 56 shillings it is 7 shillings
bushel. A shilling is 22i scut.; multiply by 7
and you have $1,573 per bushel.
to Kentucky, c irn is measured by the barrel,
which is five bushels of shelled corm At New
Orleans. h bowel of corn is ■ flour-barrel full of
ears. At Ci.icago, lime is sold by the barrel, and
'measured in the mailed sized cask of name
will pass muster. A barrel of flour is seven guar
ter. of a gross hundred (tl2 lbs.) which is the
reason of its being of the aid measure of 195
lbs. A bevel of tar is 20 gallons, while a barrel
of gunpowder is only is small keg holding 25 Um
and that reminds m of cotton, a bare' of which
is 400 lbs.., o matter in what !sized bundles it may
be rent to market. 1
Rules roe Comers° (' ten or
tun Ire pounds of the mitten a your 4;4 to color.
take one ounce of indigo and ace pound of oil of
vitriol, stirring it far half'. hour in an earthen
vessel—let It stand twenty-Par hours. Make •
strong decoction of equal parts, of Ice bark of
hickory and black oak, with water enough to we{
ten or twelve pound. of material to:be colored ;.to
this add doe pound of alum, and strain it through,
• thick bag; place it over the fire and when pearly
boiling, add the liquid blue,} then let it stool
twenty minute. and strain it well. Shouhl any
pediment remain, another straining will be neces
sary—then put in your yam dry. stir it for a few
minutes over the fire and after ten minute. air.
ins, rinse it well in cold water. Thi stronger
the yellow dye; the darker will ho the green.
To P De es.wa x...—.T0 olihiin was, boil
the combs in istrong muslin bag. in • eancepan.
with water auflicient to keep the bag from bUrn
ing ; and whilst boiling, continuo to poem the bag
with a wooden slice or spoon, to extract the whole
'ae you skim off the wax. Drop the wax into
water, where it will swim on the surface. The
wax thus obtained will Ain want refining, to effect
which, place it in • clean saucepan and melt it
over a slow fire. Then pour off the clear wax
into proper vessele and let it cool. .
The Paul DINT of the United States will be in
New York on Priday and remain until Monday,
when be will Irene for Boston •is New Haien,
Hartford and Springfield. He will pan the 29th
-in Boston and visit Lowell on the 30th, Concord,
N. H. July Ist sod Portland on the 3d.
si sag nu. rem
tlweet land of song, illy ha r p doth hang
Upon wdluers now.
bV htle famine'. blight and lever's pang
!ham: wavy on by hrnw :
Vet take by hat p and rase thy voice,
Though faint and low II be,
And let thy sinking bean rejoice
In friend, still 1:11 to thee.
Look oui, lookout cork. the an
'flu, volt my etneratd 'bore,
A thtp of way ia houati for thee
Hui wall no warlike store;
illcr thunder deeps—'ti' klerey'a breath
Thai waft. her oe'r the reo,
Sit. rme• slat forth to deal non death,
Dui heats stew life thee.
Thc graaled
can =My •ante
ism m o nis of Kno weal ping ggag ;
Tlv y ]
c i v n
p ati m ix . er a
. 7 . 1 , 111 e
Vg. c • won en
gn satrow, Woeful sill
Im Erin'tvaice
In MOM =ice, au gorily hill
Colgunlna's glorious name
A Nolan Wow Screnintrr.—' , ln the d or
mid troubled night that DI upon no. there is no
Star above the' horicon to pre us is gleans s[
light. excepting Me intelligen t, patriotic Whig
party of Me United Slate.. '—Daniel —Daniel Wanter.
Vitioc.—Sherp sheering has commenced in Ol
ivia, sal the Journal eapc—'lt h `vilifying In
have good cativo for believing that the price of
.wool - will range 8 or 10 cis, per pound higher
Quin hut year.
pondesec• K Plt!labargh Caliutage
WrzarmEToir; (DEL) Jane 23, n
The Prtaileitt has jog ,reached here in the
morning train of aus - from Baltimore. There
eru a crowd of pawns present at the Depot to
greet hl: arrival, and a Committee of gentlemen
attended Lim from Baltimore. d'eteamboat, gai
ly decorated with flvga. will bare coon for Phila.
delphis. where you will beer of the Preaident's
reception in that city.
Pip LADILLTHIA, June :13
The President arrived in due season from Wil •
nungton, in the boat fhartered bra committee of
76, selected 1431,13 meeting. He landed at the
Navy Yard, under n National Salute. where he
was met by the military of the city, and after a
Censuring march,wasescorted throughthe principal
thoroughfares to the residence of the Vice Presi
dent, wheas guest he it. The City Committee
of receptien met 'him at Wilmington end at the
Navy Yard.
The reception of the President to day, wee •
nmat magnificent one. Geo. Patterson was great.
ly cheered while in the procession, sod was we
of the moat coral knout persons in the line.
The Mexican papulece ere furious against their
lately idalizad General, and two days after Gana
! inerense at Veto Cruz, well in the number of
There is later news from Mexico, reeeitred 1.
the Ledger Express, from Montgomery, which
'ora shall publish this forenoon in an extra.
Ezr , u•ive Corre.pondenrenr ”.Lurgb CLUZI .
June 23, 7 P M.
Fl:ur—The taastet has fallen mill m ore .—
There were sal,• of Howard' ere. at $0,50
per 6e.11, to tine extent of. 1000 lade. !f01d... gen
really are unerilbr4 to accept Hat price, and ask
more. At that figurnitere are snore buyers than
Cry Mills is held at $7 per bbl. but the
quotation is manliest—Mt re are no buyers at that
y rite.
Of Cornmeal sales at $4,50 per bbl.
Prime lied Wheat is nominally 140 e per Lu—
nn buyer
Coro—maderate sales of prima White Corn a
99c, and of Yellow of sindar quality at 90c per
PrJandona—The my riry has fallen off sm.
what, but pica. are not changed. .
Clrnti.vience cane P. 1 1 4611,1 Ciate Ito
June tftb , P M.
Flour—The market bits not .cried. Sole
Ohio and Illinois brands at $7 per bbl, and Si
Louis City Mill. at $7.76 per bbl.
Of Wbest, sales 14,000 bunt 150 c per bti
c,,,,,i2Cousiderable wiles of White at 80485 c
and prime Yellow at 87.00 c per bu.
Cotton—Sala of Louisiana at 9/o*.
Exclostre Correspondence of the Ihrtsbureb Gelette
JULIO 23 8 o'e r. s
Floor—The market has'aequired considerable
firmness, and there is mere boeineu doing. The
sales of Gel:lessee were to a fair extent at
87,25,7,433 per Dbl.
Wheat--Salesprime Red Ohio Wheat at IGRe
per bit"
Com—Sales prima Yellow at 99.1100 c per be.
In Cotton there it no change, and the market
is ea last quoted.
Eteiustvo , Arrespo.lenee or the ritothersh Uaxeste.
rtin.ADELpHIA mmmer.
June 23, 71 Y. M.
Flour—Although prices have give in • little,
yet the market clime thie evening with more firm•
nem on the part of holder.. The males have
beau 300 bbla at $6,933, and 2000 bbl. it $7,00,
which price we quote a. the cloying rate.
Wheat—Primo Wbito is nominally 152 c, ba
there Insve been no sales at tbst price. Tllllllll
tione in prime Red at 150 c to the extent 3000 bet
!qtr. prima Yellow Corn at 95.97 c per bu.
0.4 ere bell at 58c, but there have been n.
Cornmeal-811e. of $4.60 per bbl. •
Provisions-B.le. new Me.. Pork at $16,50
117,00 pot bbl The market ha. been quiet to,
d.y, and previous prier. hardly maintained.
There I. mare inquiry on Macon and Lend, but
otherwise tho market I. uneh.nged.
Mr. Tod, our new minister to Brazil, goes out
in tho Ohio ship-of the-hns. which sails for the
Parifio immediately. Mr. Morgan and family go
with Mr. Tod to Rio Janeiro. We bps every
roam to hope that Mr. Tel will promptly adjust
any cliff: roams that miry exist with Brazil, with
whom it is the desire of our government to main
tain the most &mirth's relations.
Mr. Seth Barton, the Charge of tho'Coited
states to Chili, will go uul in the Brandywine
hum Norf lk about the middle of July. The Ohio
will wilt for him at Rio - Tinein?, to carry, him to
hieport of dcatinetion. The Ohio banal( hi' dew
fined for the Pacific equadton.—Union.
The Dalin:Rae Patriot of June 21,noittaine an
elaberito reply, to the Retied of the eaßironre
Committee vioiting-Pittaburgh. The write:ago.
himself •m largo Stockholder." .Tho troconsuniew
non, though ably -written, doe. not answer the
able Report of the Baltimore Committee.
137/wsportant to Atl•ortlaars,—The atm
tisementh which appear in the Deity ?doming Gauge
also appear in the Tri-Week ly, One receiving the bete
efit of the othcalation of all, without any additional
charge. This isa adirantage, without
any extra expense. Advertiutments are also lnvrtrd
ithuntry papal upon reithunahle term,
. .
Pratt Me Losisitte Jourosl • , 1
. .,
. , ,
W ta" ilottio soma . itwitight 'boort
Wessel- COMP your tees mystenously 3,1' .
'Ye bear no griefs o'er winch to pine,
. i
Nor yet• Mean lo 0014 • mine ;
• Yet oh meet winds that hresnie your tone 1
../JteMit be o'er some helm broken one—
.l-e we/sue/Ms sephyrs smack ring free
mat moms so sweeny—mount for me'
.Andyeararen with 11111;4111C•1111•Ct
Soh skfthing as ye kow k,t,
now ha° tomato your tnsubled tare,
That heaves, and sighs, and know. /in IC.I
11/11 yOllll melancholy swell,
Tbat with my sad beast Malta, Ma—
Ok mom:min wanwe,wild and lbw,
nal alb so sweetly—sigh for me I
And you ye gentle dews Mal fall,
1.141,t drops her dinky pall
V e trentsting dew gems—man or even
That tear to bring a balm from heaven.
Say—weep ye for the sad one's sake
Who bears a heart shat's fit to break'
Then dews of twilight—falhng free
That 'veep to softly-weep for me!
JUAN C KUNKEL. Dauphin Count).
WILLIAM 11 WATTS, Cumberland.
.JOH• WLTHERILL, Philadelphia City.
THOMAS MeGRATIL Philadelphia County.
ROBERT Al Franklin.
ANDREW J MILE, Surnamed.
HARMAR DENNY. Allegheny:
JOSEPH II KUHNS, We...maimed.
J RALL,Erie.
11 D MAX W ELL. Nankai:mum.
1 II SALISBURY, Susquehanna.
ROLM:RI' T PO rrs, Muummeery.
Ej - W. invite the attention of our readem to thr-es
trunralmary curer of Scrofula performed by Dr. Cram's
/radian Irretobfr Panama, which they will find record
ed in ano th er column of's paper 'They are
without doubt the moot wonderful on record, and have
so been pronounced by many of our most respectable
physicians. The afflicted and others hammed, am re
quesied ViAll them at their several places of abode,
and learn from their own lips the wonderful edit.. of
the medicine. Thelastnne named is Mr Imse Weeks,
who net be seen daily. between the boors of 9 A. to.
and 41'. al at dm Mimeo! Rowand t W alum. Nu 310
Market .t. Yhilada. lea
OCI-11.111er•• Ginseng Pansoca.--.llnacAL
Tx.rimonly—Wr beg leave to call public attent:an
the foltowing, from Dr. Wet. Doan, of Witham.,lle
Clermont Co , and one of the very flint practitioners in
the count) to winch be resides, and late Sesame in the
Piste lomslutule, It cheering th us to see the lel&
Ing men of the profession. bursting the bond• of profes
s onal pr mdtec,and giving merit its due:
-Piri I hare to ray="grartine been lasing wasteof your
Ginseng Panace4ancl, ..)Tar, am well pleased in its
mien. in C rrrrr has,,Td Reonehial Complaints. Please
send me half a &ten rotiles—pot them as low as roe
CSIS RA I expect if it continues lavender as general sat
isfaconn so it has heretofore. to keep it constantly on
bang. Respectfully. apt 7 Wut. DOAN.
43,2-w.. are a execute in a function,
and expeditioii , isniGer, all kinds of Jo. Parana.
such as larga-oscrnStrainboat Hills, Hills of Lading,
l.etter Sheet CitOolaia, Handbills, Cards, an, tr.
to any extent executed in the hen manner, and all
killdeer Printing dune with accuracy and li the lowa.,
:.OUTS 5,00.
TINE ruhrentiek"reopeetfully informs the public drat
he h. commenced the nomufactora of Gensbanen
Fashionable Soon. of good mittens' and workmanship
...Irk he will warrant duper.' to soy Boot ever made
411 Pito...sit for the prier. These h.d.ome Boor
will he made to measure, and warrant them as more
wstied, att. very 'tow price of FIVE DOLLAIIs
CASII -Centlemem are requested to rail 'and exam
ne 0 , 11. DI tY U ERSKINE.
(17 - Voont min Angara egnallyliable to the attacks
of Ilmntorthoids or Piles. The Vegetable Flectuary.
pOparct by Ur. Upham, ha Jeered wonders in the.
convict:a It is haired us an anudoto a tics bang of
human ear cent, and is unmersally concdcted, 119 a
internal remedy. as the only one upon which the
sttened rn an roll trtth confid.tec Py radical rune.
• •
.4014, Wholeetaie .4 kLeinib by WV ArT &
K:rciok NI, 121 Fulton street. Nem York; W.'hioax.
Mari. street owl P. R. t 4 S.WVIIL gobthfiteld meet
V. In per box. ie. lot
Printing Buslteess..-Wutted at thie 06Lee,
Voene M.n aequeinted eviat the Peening i•l1•111.. and
one vehe ran cunte sve:l rrconeuentle., ;eta
[Erltellgtoaa Renee.—Bishop Janes 01 the
Methodist Eptecopal Choral, will preach $n the :tooth
Common M. E Chatch, Allegheny Cltv,dua caching.
SerVICE. • to commence at S o'clock. trs24
Ott Wr,lorinlay moruteg, 234 inq.. I.y Rev Grafge
114.11,..1N, FRANKLIN MOORE, .211.1. ItrNEC,
li...lutwetet of W lalorphato, of Uir
Wednesday morning, the :Drat in.t .hy Her. D. R.
rEiIL7• • ON,troth of this cry.
New and Fweblonatote Ilat and Cap Store,
ALUNDEH the Monongahela House,Smith.ft
field street
The eubscribc hex recently esaslis
n or . &t( in the above busine. [hie City, and a.
ow rOl tor inspection of the Pahlm A ear
and carefully telrClCil
r a nd 111 of Haps an d ,p,
every color and shape, whim he sat I eel ,
at the aery lowest mob priers.
'laving [nada arrangement. wh the Dada House of
Beebe & Caste . of New York, h r will alWayi bare on
bawl fon en ply of their celebrated Heaver, Rill, and
Nairi• ! ate ! ssle Caaatoreree r eany,thkgr ano
Ashland Hal., bathe Pketerti and Home mandanuare•
Which he will at all lamel me penance showing.—
Ile ,eels assured Mat all testex arid he sa awn:star hit
sele , taim and at the .amt tam his prima. will eu t the
most economical. Ile is determined in these ressectr,
not to he beaten. Ito not, theictom, &eget the Murton.
gahelm Moose Hat more. titnithfield
Jellthaprl W
East Baltimore Bind, Cumberland, Ed.
milk: undersigned takes leave to ieform his friends;
1 arid the public in general, thar hn has opened •
house of Public Eoterturiment in the new brick hand
t . ns on East Balt:more street, neer the Depot, where he
'it prepared to accommodate all How who may plea..
Neal. upon table on the arrival of the Coaches
and Cars, at tuvistyzfievesnts.
rin lrrKingaire for 'Virginia Hotel,
QatOFFICE of the Cleseland and Pittsburgh
Rail Road Cantonal.
Wauistudi, June 18, 1817 —An instal
not of lea per cent. Ohs b instalioetiq on
the rei.cription to Ott capital stock Of the
continuoll requested to he paid on oßlinforc Um (stilts)
of August. Biockbolders In and near Salutes:lle.
Ono, will pay to Joa. G. Latockt in Pittsburgh, to J tt
Roherwon & Co, corner of Std and Woddlol,oll. ln
ILI J.. Attu. By order of me Roard
ol24durgl A CATLKIT, Secretary.
I, , ELEIGHTES—To Baltimore, by 111 J Ecltpae line
I I I will contract, at abort ton, an I reasonable price.
for 31 tons per day by tOIa capeditious roan ,
104 J C MOW 1.1.1.. A1h
-0 shares M. & M. Bank; Pittabosh;
21 " Hand Pt Briage, th eir mobk) Ap
ply to jat J C BIDW E LL, Agl. wooer 21
GERMAN CLAY —3trtorti ree`J and for .21a by
2:24 TAB"EY & Hb.24T. 33 w.tod Et
WINDOW OLAIS—NO Its suerted sizes on
&& by TASBEY & &RN.
DOTABII-16 casks in more and for we b)
Jai TASSF:Y t 111 FAT
ItAlBllllll-30 boxer received and Zr side Ly
- -
I , OFIN-1.5C0 hod.. prima Yellow Com nn
li siinmant and for sale by Jeri J C kIIOWV.LL
VNDItIES-10 brls Lour Akar;
V 4 brl. N. 11. igelnoves;
6 troo No 3 31ackorel Plot reeeived
jell) . ATWOOD. JON 1.34 &CO
mod for Imre IT
V EATIIER6-4,000 lbsgowl 11.J4c, Gem Fratbers
I DICKEY lc CO w.oe• end from
M OLASSER I II brio , Surr Howe,
jel7 Pc"* llttakl7;sl4ll, 1 8 00d,3 ooi rl
VERMILION—W lbe juet reed
lined for tale at the 0m aratehoasa of
J KIDD& C 0,60 wood .t
CrWOßEir—du as. espenor 1101..Ca1l 000 et
ghee, Just received and eur sale all the Drug were
Kruse of jeld 2 KIDD it (X)
TE&—tOpeckeges Y. IL,Gunpowdendd imperial
Tea. received end for vale low by •
lad TASSEY & LIEST,33 wood si •
.F —5O bbl, No 3 Large Mackerel;
fN bf bide - " for eats by
rata TASSF:V d BEST. 25 wood n
9 , OIIACCO-60 bia la Lamp, da. Iti 4 t6y, and 1%.
1 more Mc on kand and for ode by
jel6 TASsEV & BEST
CIGARS—YAW Half Spa..t.hCillars; .
10,0UU Common . • d.. In at tire Lod
fdr sale LT • JaIG ' TAtIz!EV k at•TiT
BACON AND LAUD—I trir ri . o lorz , Da rani,
}elf. Pot raid by POINDEXTER &VA
171AGR-17 treks country mired, bra re ee ee d land
Ltrar sale by Je l 3 POIN VENTER & CO
IXT lIISICEY—I bbl. Mononithelk ror rate' t 7
pl49Ult--300 bbl aS. F lund and Wilde by , .
V.- 103.80111 . 1111D0, WILSON &CO
ititi4 it - Z(4 bide in Mire—
cod km ..lebY - 11 1: 17k. 14.51.48PM:1V67
Coppetas &r age by_
CON-fuoo rounds Haw and Pboaldarr, for sale
. by W & $ firCUTCHILON
- 444 , A11.011—5u bore. Foe* (Qualmish) Alvah, an
s. A No. I article rue ld per op Talisman, *ad for mils
HMBIP—Ito bald M. ir
de.tarted Ilernp.oa eon.
4ignmeni And for sale by ALEX. 43014D0N
Jeri 6 4 water and t6Sfront rie
LARD-4 keg. I Liar,
II bbis do do,lor rals by' •
BUTTER -4 bbs.
(" 01 ( Ge uk
pe43 • car wood end wilier at*
I) 11. &IA NOKIAS, Allarney at Law; Unmet;
Ilabevrell'a tlaildiap, clearly . opposiir iba Nyw
Court Ilaua, • mfOw9wa
rs:f auction' SArg
Ur; Jana D. Davis, Auctioneer
1.a? . 0 Ihrusged Ilicached r SbetL;ags Atwai
THlSlllomilig In ID O'clatk. at the Commercial Ave.
lion tuna. • cern, wann aad1,441,, Ftraatwa Ina be .o'd
Wwiroat it Mai c.merral, moat good quality. -4
Waltham bleached a/meting" damaged by water on the
'ON Thursday Morning, Me tish-insi., al 1h o'clock
aI the Commercial sales room.,lcomer Mf Wood and
mrects, Lc gold—Al.k% o rtaientot freitt
and aca.ned, ample and Moor, Dry Good., Boots and
r. 43.0. Umbrellas, Parasol*, Brant, Gisnp..9.lyear and
Silk Botticm,ll.icy he.
Atg O'Oloat, P. '
A quandly of Groceries. gaetrunrare, Glassware.
Mann. Clocks, Loolonix filaaana, Cunning.
Beds, Matsrauer, Transparoat Window Made, Grass
t'c)thes, Shovels, Wrappos Paper, Parrot Blankseg.
Cooking:km.ld Window Noah, wanl dcors,ane tilts
gallon copper Kettle. -
A anneral an.rundat or new and second hand Hence.
bald and Kitchen ke, An: '
At • O'Clack. P. M.
A•bcadaeme avuurmactit of Waiters, Barbet' Pimo
fine table and pocket Cutlery, Mardavare. Cond.,
new and accond hand W mates. Muatal Unstrap.
utenia.' Beady Made C.oitung. very rupenot quality.
french. aIF lc *him arab !men dramas and raglan, iu
ether uvula • quantby of variety goody: he.
Howe and Lan at Auction. '
.ON Wednesday a ft ernoon the 3t!th lust at 3..Tielock.
ii sold on the pre ottirett, Mat valuable lot of Ground
siviste near Me earner of,. ullt and Urant streets. hay
tng• front al Cfret en S t i th street, and extending Lack
leet,on be rear of which is erected n'three story
El,ek Building erhieh 'ls rented at 15150 'anaemia,.
Tole indtsmnable Tereurlloo3 cash. balance in two
eons! arovtal payments tub iMerest, to be secured by
bond aud mortgage. jag!
Jun received:lnd forvalrby J L READcronnIL
near Mark et Janet:—
A Voyage tip the River iimixon; including (Mi..
Bence at Para; by W. Edwards.
Pleventiou bettor than Care, or moral Allll.l of the
World me lore im by Wm Ellis.
A Summer M tie Wilderness,. embracing a Canoe
Voyage up the and around Late &menu.-
bCnas. Lannexe.
Moore. Poetical Works—cheap ed.
limas stud Haunt. of the wet emmentilittieh Poet.
by Wm. llownt—iLustrated role., 12 too
Orators of the Age et mpriema l'anenite,coenl, Di.
egemMical,antl Dreeoptive. lly (I, H. Froneq, Kota
A Itteiory of Rome from the ennieet 1/111CA '0 th e
death of Commodoe, A ' 1). 191; brOr. Leonard aeltnsim,
F. R. ti V.
The Lee of Wesley; and RiNit and Progress of Meth
odism fly Rohe Southey. Fon , 1:1. U , velth Notes, by
the law S. T. Coleridge, I q . and remarks on the I f.
and character of Julin Wesley, by the late Alex Raul,
EN. Edited by the Itrir. C. C. se..bie.t.M. A S<COll,l
American 1.110, with Cute 1; by Rey. D. Curry. A.
The Correspondence add Abseil amen of the 1100.
Jt Collna Snl 1.14 D. formeily lin ye I lior uf Conn.,
with an Eakogy monnuneed Were the Connecticut Iles
torten! Fectely at New Haven, Met) 191 n. uy
W W. Audits".
Third Volume Life soli Mini/iv:to! Washinvten.
The ;theme just received sod fur vale by
je24 • • J I. READ
NAUAZINES PEER AiILILV. unit, other ne w .
wort. recrivi..d at hl .4 ill. EN'S:
Code Lady'v Dotk fur J Eschionv.
Nalional Magazitte
(Dubai:oh "
Tamber's Cyelepeedia, No 11.
, The
Chain of Destiny. nr We Adventures of a Vega
bond; by We author of The Orange Cit. I of Venice.
Log of a Privateer's Man, nhundred years ago, rota
Ple. The ; be Capt. Mioryau. -
Advenutres of Mt. Obadiah Otdbuek.-
_ • _ _ .
Adventure:is of Elder 'rivalMoms Toh; comprising
important and war ling dineksiores—a highly mowing
Dombefand Daughter fresh aappls..
St. fleas and St James, complete—trech
Legenda and Stories of Ireland; by Lover—fresh sup
cg d j. A .:l4::; y o. ,l , , fiTTrign"?::ti...i. -
Beautiful Widaar, P
Consumption Curable; • Practical TrelliSb oni the
Long., to prove Consuroptiou a utanageahle diseave,
containtng thirteen.. cure and prevention or Consurory
Dow oy J. 1.. - Rose. AI. D.
A fresh assonrnent of Dtanuatisrd Playa—among them
Macbeth, and other late tocurs..
A beautiful article English - 7%11NC Paper, assorted
ci large stinrgy Pieletial.lonath.m. Also. Pictorial
Couriers, tor the 'Fbtrth of July. For sale M large or
mall quantities.
Our eX101.1.4,r and varied assortment carnet he ex.
celled ' xi, .r IbINKR
Jell Smithfield street. 3.11 door I out Sceind
DR. W OOD '8 Hamtparills and Wild
Cherry Bitters—This new mtd valuable El
inset of Smother Ila and Wild Cherry hos been used
woh great P.... for the rein:tartest rtio‘vdl of tall
snub diseases se tale their tire from - an impure state of
the blood t-11 prom:neon healthy asiion of the Liver—
strengthens the .Nervee and at gore •CCJIT, health on
vi or la the whole syMe.o.
la all case* of Jausid'ee, Indigestion, Di spepsla, on.
of A ppetite. Habitual Coiniveness—smotula, Headache,
Languor, and—that Depression of Spirits, which ea so
common a complarnt in the Spring and Sommer seasons
of the year, this medicine has not Os equal—and sin
gle trial will convince the most incredulous of its peva
tor dam.
For further particula'ra air . re-der is referred to the
pamphlets which will be furnished by the Agents,show
ngtheestimasiou in which this valued° medicine is
held by those who have used a.
CesCaution s; hiblic -00
Ile pa menhir and ask tic 1 , 1 Wood's Cumin:wills
and IV Ch-Hy 11;tlers n;.; vn ~0,41%er. Tho• .1
the first plepa,thon of than, nit el,- e.hhhi,,ed ever
offered to the public, and me . groat recce, attending iiu
sue lieu induced the unprinc i pled to counteireH and tin,.
late. Al. preventive, we that the conies kayo the
words .Des Wood's Sarsapanils and lVdd Cheery Bit.
tees ' perused on tbe glass, and tha, each label' on the
bottle to caned by the proprietor, E Thornton, Je
Sid, wholesale end retail, by Y,VIT & KETCH.
AM, general agents. 14 Flat. sirro, New York; Wat
Timex, Plarket street, and P. It. Hawser. Sosithflet,
alreit P‘ttsburgh, I'. . Pelee ?I—large bottled .
- .4P
Tile Va%.111. Bloc%leo/ lotbratrys
ATEATPCI:ott the Clementon and Cure et Dise;.l.e4
by regimen and simple Aledieines.. New elition,
revised and ea.larpd, with the add lion of a regvesek nfolicia, pointing out the virtues. preparations
and doses of our mast vaidoble, native, medical plants,
and an appendix, ll:nitrated with MU engravings, 0 of
ethieli are colored. By J. 55 Nailwod 31 D.
She our.; of the entire work is la glee theMbitory.
ch•raciesistm symptoms. pater.. and ieution of
s enennon diseases. in tob correct, Tainp'e an nnin d 4 inelli.
gi.ilc tenni as paTsitile. sullen To the esp., its of all
Who ouglll. to ally carol, to uildrr.lkiic OM Imilieu' of.
• disease, in the Yrolaual,oo 01 which burn, i life may
be al state.
The treatment pursued fly the getternlity f premien.
are, and kinhoinst scieessiul,paruenisrly II lilt Di.-
E-oding! to the South and %Vest, has been detailed
with meth minute.. and prat mire I
The Pamiiy bleili•all,Library,lt is be be ved f has given
more general satisfaction Man any took '1 the bind
erotic. By im simple and perspicuous dire tions i —its
list of remedies and their proper dins.. nity 'le of Drai
ner' intelligence, will be enabled to treat any ease.
°banes. witnout the access s °realm. in ...lee
We lia. nronned tot head of faiti.l.e. who have
in their house. %nut, could they not preen anodic,
copy of me moil, len times the rest Fouldn I pin eham
it—having ( wink,
Paved more illan lout, one ycar,
b). Al. o.C.
Agent* wantedto sell this voirk—a lib. I commis
sion allowea. .I. Ads U. 1% JA.11k:. , . .Pub ob er ..
je.23 %Slalom at. bet. 4th and Si b. Caine await. •
pOlLailit will be retained until W EDNESD Y.Jidy IS,
lathe Borough of Itarrisburgh. and until W.EIONEOOAI
Jelly *in ...City of Pittsburgh, at Olo'clue V. A. et.,iit
the otHee of the ICimmtery, fbr Meg rsding add unidiono .
upat loleho exiles or the reisnsyivitn.• Rsiiirosa, .-
tending %Vest from Ilarrisbnrg.atul Sheen Tadao of sa.d
Railroad emending Karl lam Pittsburgh. Tlul3gl2,llrig
will include very heavy wink, an I The amt tint of %la
,suary. including the her , and Abutments o the I3,odgc
Scrod. the Susquehanna, i io a man in k'n/Ph-.*lll be
unusually large 'Pls. slid specTfications of the mil
can be seen at the Engineer's otht• in earq place, for
ten days promo.. to the time appointed Ink receiving
the bids. Any further Inrormsnon ran be h a upon ap
plication to tin Clsit f or Associate Engine.
Intl ' . S. V StEall, rmet
Si,&N nrceTV - e - Zi Niii4iWoesd at
op wairst-st few dozen of Sore very 6n , .ashiona.
ble, wide ;gym. Iray inanufactured Slits, rob . Ilynco'
and wanditig collars .
A few dozen fine S:11 Flaw le Elnypendercould I rev
of a newirucle 'manufactured by the Waterbury &Inn
afaciorin Co .Coon
Slack n un Striped and Elam Satin Adjusting Stocks,
very narrow foranomie, • A beautiful assrc 3 mnent of
Stun Cravats , light and dark colors. • -- •
One case hue Wilton and Brussels Carper op. Etc
at., received Cos morning and for wee at Factory pri.
<es, by li k I P. 101)
Jell Agents for Eastern Illanufsicinrefa
Valuable Meet Estate for bele.
rilAT•beinit,ful properly, situate near Maiiehester.
L d.rectly oppottie the remdetteeorgairtes Anderson .
Eab, (tontine atnnfet on Olt urnsae and emenging tomb
tent to Hnellield wreebarith linen and 4tiprove•
menw. 'lt tell! be sold together or divided.
Also. nlot or ground eltgibly situated in Irwin street,
between Penn street and the Allegheny Weer,44 feet 5
Inches in front, by 114 feet in depth to a At itiot Alley.
Persons wishing to mole Investment, are informed
that portions of that hne property in Alleghtiny ens
glanehester, owned bye ens pony in Philadelpbm, will
be offered in the quartet aasoon or itecesiary at
rangementa eon be made. and of rob eh due relics. win
be amen. Apply to UFO. lIRKY:I3
arc dchghtelhittis it* %yeti lerful ritccts."
. • .
lagnniron, Va . June 10. 147.
Mr. ft I Sellers- I shill herhitgo be out of your Ver
tu:hire beibre I eon get •nether supply. Please gene M rtin
cc Iwo MO of 0000 Sc n0...1b",
It sog fallidly and doing initch gwril, all who try it
ate delighted with no effects, and although I hare Fah
nwork'., COM•Inek . MI Perry , . and a hot of tithe, ii.
hazily any It Poker thr.but 'ours. lours. de
IEAMICI of truer I DI Wagon
'arm. should give Lida Venailhoe, in preference to
all mime; it never fails to expel worms nom a Child
troubled with three.
-• • .
Prenarsd and sold, wholesale and retail, LTA
.LO Wood rnnet, Io and by In; Count. sth :
Warn. o .11 In Allegheny by Is to Corry.
AGRICULTURAL and Nord... al Implements
for its, waren—
Corn I.loubbn
Grunts. thaw Sertirm,
Snewbo•nif Crud es;
edYrbes Sion. until Hideo; -
Soo, Raw, Spades, Shovels;
Pruning and Gralling Sauna:id Knive 6; •
Budding Rely., Fl dor. Selmer;
Slant Syringe'', its.,. Shears. Ar.
A full s.rplY no bond rind far. wiln
corner of wood .d weer.
TRA-15 hi" chest.. V. 11. Ten:
3 do . hoClunperial-Ten;in •
bJ do porrder do; -•
easy by Y. Tea:
43 do Superior T. R. Ten.
do Souehong do; .
• 69 do Superior V. IL Jo:
received and for enh. low fly
FOll SALIC--Zu cub. porno end yellow Csepel.
Chang SECamaned ..xes Wooden Bowls:7-9,3 IS
9 It, Id IYnod 10.14 IV,odo Sofh; for role in ony
quern to soft elleklenero. ISAAC lIARRIR • ,
PRI 41 &rem and Coo_ Me chant. 51 Wel
BACON— eLk• Obos o l:lors, eons, -
8- do llama: lust reedporli U Roscoe,
tad for sale by jib _ ATWOOD, JOUrd.rt CO
FBATUEILII-10C0 ritiate:Weaterajasi reed
and for rale by o BLACKBURN &CO •
retl i ear taracr at and cherry alley
A TIMED TOBACCO—:tiI bn — ses
Mt l oil P d r eug's Pound Lump now landing, will be
sold very consignment ti c..,
lab — j&RELoVD
Fl bbl. No. II and 3 Mackerel; - •
'No. 1 Iterriais fa story and fur Wa
by le= J6 Q FLOYD
Kro TIICON—LIVIL. for wee by ----
airt, Arai mit
. .
r uts knewn hne splenth ts
d pacoper
J 1 els is now composed of the targeat, sordlevh, isst
ltatthed sat thanfsbeth add most powe rf ul Pone on the
scalers of the West. Every aceommodattho and cots
ppimam pmcme, hue beekproesh d for pas.
hangers.: Tin Uhl hu bee, stoparatmo
—tare 'carried "A, minion or people .without me least
tiltury to their persons. 'The dew .rill he at
Wand natal the day preelois to aiming, &alba oteep•
doe of freight and the 0007 of passengen es the
i „ .. 1„, tya {usage &amyl:mot be past is
The MOSONWAIELACait Sun. win ea,,, p itt .
burgh every Monday 010IDIZIlt a lU.o'clork;
every &loudly evuguns u W'. :
The lIIIRERNIa, Till. 2, Cekpt...?../,,. vrill
leave Pittsburgh every Tuesday minting at 1
Wheeling every Taereev evening at 10 P. bi. •
kateta• Ptuabotet every Weduaaday. motnitit,
oteloplc; Wheeling ertstWeP s aeaday erentitg at 10 Y.
'The WP.CONSIN, Capt. R.J. Great, will retire Pius.
burgh avery Thursday morning at terVeteekt tlrreehn i
every That .day evening at ID
• . . .
The CI.IPP Ut, NO.9r tarn. Creigrovill barn P.
burgh every Friday morning at 10 o'clock; V. nveling
evrry Friday evening nt Id M.
- Tpe SIESSENCER: Capt. Li fled, reLi kart. Mini
burgh every Saturday morons at 10o*elock; Wheeling
every. :Ismlay e vetting at ig IIL
N, pt. 4. 0. Mauna. Svill
leave Paleburilh every Slam:ley metallic At le o'cleeli
Wheelieg every eleaday evereng at 10 V. N.
Mai N.
&111TqlitLTREE, Madonna grocers,TVY. Reeufyinintnillers, and Waneutd Liftworbler
camas. No. 160 Libeny street, (opposite SO 11l intend
It. IL - I and 3 for sale low to &alert , by ot num
b...0r-MOWN ii few superior 10 the Gooooll :611d
poper tired by ntanoticturer, For sato by
ten/ /KIDD & f 3 ,, car Ito and
111hils124,111:rtatl.ditn—Irgtrony city,'olo".;dalTourt;•.
rc E••cla boom°
C ain.coai 6 RIM. with rood e!8 rndy
Ac. joyAti 8 UDI HERC...No MuglistlePl!
4 1 J h t
q O .
r ! E r T —dik,0.1.1,ry0..%0d1i:1'1,1,....0e
received and for .alo by SHACKLETC ),If 1,1 EC
92 wani
mud 6 4 Lioeu Dade Diapers and Dmatko—a boa*
ry, good aniclo, for Ifotclo, Steamboats .tie
and tor tale Oy 82/. sitAcKtxr r
CERS—A large asronrconfardAaclicad.,ar low
pricer, al Ihn Dry tfoodo Housoof '• 6 18 - 61. SIU 8641 r
1061 corn x.0(418 and serltearr
IRTTII AND LAICRS—w R &fury:ly wants
il buyers tilook at his excellent astorleneut of above
(lands. suitable for Caps, Capes, &e. Jew
D ES GINGHAMS—A 'Urfa alsortuteat of
above Good., from Iva cent. up to the A ttou r o
Ile, and noatrot Lyles, to b 4 iotoota: the Drt,Doodv
House or tela W R MURPHY
OA MAME—lid It Et et um
IV titu l ar 1 42 ° e, 1 1:111t i o C t without . bailer ' Nal le a to
twenty bore. power coat. . • .
Adiree•Aß—left it ibts eaen. • letidtt.
Faberbt inake.tljaelt Cylinder. 3 feetsttoke—bolt er
VI feet long, nineb 41a/octet —eorupiete with -ravel;
cr." tte —thee alw week. • EIVIIY WOOD' •
eNtl3w ' 4 miles op Mononeabela
20j'AVAry APPlee; -• --
by Or:Peache s will be 'raid w elwe
.LEAD—;)S pig. Goletia.Loaddloo reoeivell per nr Robert Morn. for solo by
je2l. fIUTCHIFON & Co
O IL—lO bli. Lard Oiljust reed and for sale by
ronrth meet britive Ferry atturt
20 ligs Lard last reed and forrata by
& W ii&&11&VGII
n B FILE Flusroil Oil on rmisignlDOLll:and for rale
401../ by Jrnn
_.._._•--b %V 11AHHAILI011
25 SACKS Barley on consignment and for ..le by
jell__ Se W 1 1 / l ltLio UOll
11-8 eats - now 'authofor sale
I DICKEY & CO, wa ridn !nut liy
LTHEM) OIL-3n bbIS Linseed 0 7- 1.
.Le i, consignment and for sale br j""
LOON LINES—In more and for sale - ny ,
Jett `SQIV 11ARBAIA111,31Orood
. .
b. W. R. Cheese for Ito .e
W 51%.. U
telt WS_
T IMOTHY GEED -76 bhls prim), for role by
131 G 1110211-11.0 too. cold blasCambrilt-Pig Iron.
biuChilicortte saap. Just received cud
vANor PRINTan-We have, received a few eases
A. new lityld Antr,rliall, Of recent purchase, which
Jha sold losers, ihe wade. by
J.ll eilAcKLETT,awitrre
. . .
401417/TO NF , TTII-300, 6 , 4 Hatred Illotquiio
/Vd.PleOt. o gondol - unto and long pitecs—iust maned
nod for nate by
gild CI(LF.I7 & BO trend
y EL LAS-3 caws of low weed, medians. and
1.) good Cotton and ttioghoso Umbrella--opened mod
b_ukoY Jog! BHACKLETT & ru
. .
I 041 N E -10 at. jeietreceivediod for eale. .
jat J KIDD& CO
Ctt ---- 'Veiikt—t bales good Conroe., received lied for
iby wilitckLeur willTE •
jet/ No 00 wend sil4at
. .
f od Lew love Tweeds,
jeal Sll:lCtLh'r WEITZ W 'mod my
Cr %YALU'S PANACEA... 4 bar jrnt reed end tor awe
4CON•rAUX lei lima:mad far rale by
r 'ND LAX YARN—For Ws by
f ° X
C " N; E —7° b""
.. . _
PIO METAL—On ions 'llnl , and - Cold" Wan,
far/ale by. FRIEND. HUEY a CO
IBIS -- Nob: stalsraiseet . '
SCORCHING{ -11. eaiks Ira gamin), (o sale by
;eta . .
AND NDOl,_,Ar., O; „
Landios from somooloMm sslttrh";""N";
• .
MEW BIACELEREIr-2.21 Ms MO. Larval:mai
1 1 1 Mackerel, Haman larpcabou, landsor and for sal*
• by /I.II2 . ALEY a.SMITH
- -
COTTON-11247: Tenn,
d . ,
"°' a peeked:
jelg by I DIC.. KY &CO
p°CM PO*DIER—For ..le
Jel9 1 ,4 A1A1, I ntcccv fr. co
bOZ! . •_Checsel , Co! taizgllyeva
k." Jett;
1310 CORI/MN-14W bags proms Gretna Bialloffer,
/lam rale by jab , BAGALEY &SMITH •
TARCII-1139 bn'Fox's Cineianali , for wk S
felt • LIAGALEY B.sBlllll
IJAC6ATl7ll—tetek• army, tor axle by
Jell • • ' VIChKY &CO
Vf . Ie , L , LA BEA
J .B . :l 3 —Lazie sir i 'lV o fr e 4h A , N h4 '
DBIED PEACHES-ISO bun n prim e
article, in mom and kr ule by
kB J C 1 , 11.1 A ELL Wamr •treet
LIJSZSIL--M) baa obame Huge W. E, are,gbing
t,c b. esah, Mat reamed and for sale by
J we. 7meet
SOAP -20 baa No I Cinelanati Soap, jam reeelved
Ame em and km rate by • -
!Pell I.TENBERGKR. Pa armee
A5—~V espy pie Mime
re.tVirneeltior..l. by,
J-y'llryl.LlAMS 141.11 . 1;11 . ..4.1_ ,
jb. ”
Ofor nit by • THOs U ODIORNI
jilt - Opposite Alanonzabelm Ilene
lit A NIILY LARD-7081am, Jan, put ape:wanly for
11 family use, from: to 30 lin each Jar—for aale by
put •'Tilos 0 01: 1 /0RhE
`SCYTHE PNRA2ll.l7.:taTi t a. iDam,aein aM pa lay[
LI la r sale low by THOR 0 001ORNE
101 l OpptritaMotiangabela llama
FreAkt --- tfiC7 --:— nd Family Flow, In
1' mwrit and for sal,: by • •
- Jell • I DICKEY &CO, wilt... , and fiont ata
130A0-5q boxes jaadiag ulna Wesaar Iteit
LHu by for sale by
ANIES DALZIELL, 41 water Lniet
N .
coaric,T-100 small tones, put up for font :se,
1 /lust received arid (create P C MARTIN
- corner reuithfietil and front et.
AA 4 01.A93-50 Pm received pouceoerer
INlVoudolier and for folio b - E IiEfiZELION •
inll • Eari side of tbo !Named -
rf BAR-25
bbL Ennb EMUna no, receiving by Ct.'
naliad forWe ' ,J Dn *AEU.
OIL—D.4SIs seceivingrig Canal noir_
.J for ssOn by , 301 J bALIGELL,
12.1i1.52 15111 C K—tmtno In store and for sale by .•
iTialli — El2lll2l2Y—Clsolea Rye
fornali in quantal. to suit plackasen, by •
I jet° P c klAwirm
Jr U. - BLACK, Merchant Tailor, Exthaao Ball
,;thatira, It Clair zire,t, Pitarburgh.. '
/ - %IL , MEN APPLES-40 - bl ----
by ~,e , ` 4 , i b
1 0 7.47 ,
B E J A .f. %,""!
fiLsalL'—~OU ,. Zs lost xeei~lQ / ~afor *!ebb
' l hrut country Lund; in st d o:47d C r u' a
J C BIDRELL, Violeta*.
A AN I: PACiURED.TOUCCO-34 b. *a. Lamp
of 'wearier quality, directly from Lyaebburgb,Ya
will he sold h ry loer Walesa a eohaignalett.
.mull ' I DICIOCY /k CO, Myer and from its.
BAgr-44"411" ii.""Ventlrchatiteori
TWIST - 16 k 7 .; 41 . 4474 r ta l rgitillade
P7atr l4-'4 171 'l,llBGrati
XIDNOSID*-4. wk. A 1....670,
lat 4 AIeCAN
_ .
pLI,MIGILTII-31 rtelts Iberia far rale by '
4411 - WICK & MeCAN DUMB
30 bx• Whim; far o . olo_by
rsAß.lt ale
pag , • R BI4LLERS
A LCIL)1101.-10 bb jest reveaved and ,
j. 4 3 KIDD& CO. anaroodst .
TOW TAIRE-1,30 hrs. Milril i ae re w ri;
, A
j i "