••.. , . . . , . . . . . . , . ' ' • . ... , . . . _ • . ~,•‘. . . . . . . . - • ..,_,...-,A.-i , ' , I :" --• • - . . r • - :. ' ' • . • • . . . . ........- - - ' .. • ..• •, . • . . . ":• , 11.2.'•'-:.7" ; 17:1-.72 - :.*;••••':.712.•- - ..;:Y•'4 , • - .1:.:••• - • , • - rs , . , :;t - ,.., - ; :s:„. - .: - _.: , .. , •:,.:•, , , , .. - .:„. - „ , ; -- li - ,„.L.. - 2: ,- „:„, , _„:..;, ,, ,,• , ,,,...,_;•;.,?: , L,F , ..- , , -,„ .... . . , . .. ~, , :• - ••• ,-.., , '-' ,•,' l' , '": - --.' - '''''''''' --'-----='-'''''-''''''''','-''''..----"--'''''''''''''' . '''''—'-' '' -'''''''''' ' .• ~ • .. ~ • •••• , • ......s. „; 1. , ...,. . ~..,;• • ••.,...J.:•,',„ 1 -', ,- . - ,..1••• - i„..':„!..it•';• - •.•ft.:-. ; -:•$?-0 - , *. , -,..i,.}11:•::; : ', ~.• . , . t ,- • • ''' ''': :. i i ': - --- -.: - ' - '. --- ..': - .. - -f - :2- -- •• - ': - ...:::'''- - - : :.:: -:.: ' :.:: : , ' •',.- ~..- -,; 1 - , •• . • 1 ,, ' .. .., ~„ , . . , •.* ..-_ , ..!•71;.•_-P -- 1 , -: ' ' ' • ',.. ,' ..., .. . • .. . .• ... -_ . ~ . .... • .. ,- .14/ . ,' .. ! . : . , ' . • ~ .. • - . .. - .. • •41 . ..... . . . • • _. . . . . . . . . . • . • ~ . . . . . - 7 -- - 7 ---.-- . ---------- - .. • . . . , . . BE= MZ=I 4 PRICE SEVEN DOLLARS• . BUSINESS CARDS. ALauX4.• Dlgat 4 0SWON.; Oonuattoon and .a w assigns Merchant, a Water sod SUS From.. P.." TWOOD, JONICX & Ca. tit COmlsroott, and I .. .aura:ding ht erchanta, have returned to them Old Err' and' En:0111.1"ml, Pltlo4Ltrb,?..._o."L Bdealer to Wl' Wads of Im7 . ported and Iltruelve &lam Spautsh Leaf, and he eitttatem.Stulassd ettewiug Tonere°, wholesale and n.oi. ;Mt rtllt•ttrel, riftStlntgh, _ O - O011 , 1;O amw •/".I.criaT/dli. Wholesale and Retail comer of Liberty and St" . Chor lamas, Pitt.t..Kh _ _ .1) A IttiONT S T latiliedoVhlaida• aud Re lad deldt•rf iu Fahey and chap!. Dry Goods, No: • hiarlret 60!!1T0,r,4. m)4 A. PAO:CF::STOCK & CO, Wholesale •& ikagglco. corner Wood and Ga. W. jyl —•. . . T 1 A. SAIIIPSONt & Ca, GIXICEIN 036161j.5ic1l U. Ilia Deafen in Pitublitgb lured It:Lawry• street, littoburgh. ocdt7 13 AC lil N]tlTllr whoi..l.'GrOtafs, IB D g , „. 1 telnirgb. _ . •. SNICCO. & CO., Wholesale Oro -1.r..,14er Nu. :GU Martel tweet. be• vre , n th Nnrsli • nova _ ("N A. NicANCILTI A. CO.. Forgraralng and ,matt.mon U."; Piusbond,. CA melt . - - - • - ottLANDO LOOMIS, Avturney al Law, of ll.• nee on 446 Auer i• tac Stankfteld. , Wtn. Colet.n. 1.111" Jenntr46 4 4. Jas. W. !Janata& f 101.1C.1L AN, HAILNIAIV & Cl3 l 6lanufacturers \a co Caging., :14 , 1144 and Azies,' A 11. an 4 64pri1g lite. mid dealers th Coach - I*rinitulnp nt every der if tr.., 11,Inlackny nil 1 4 1— , Cleit Lt. Wand6ase 43 d •L S494totfliotel • _•• .1,4664 & 110/41firat.Whole.le 0316 %..1 ems, Cotrt.44ion and Forwanling Atenduna, dettletn.te. I.dat r and I.l3nirgh naaanattores, No 414 td.`,3 Pt6A•atddt 64.63 iC,,I , Cl•It•ON • S. 1. 11{C.IG.. --.1.. dt ItIcKISIGIT. (successors to H. 1... .t,..cra ..ar ‘i,' holoade 6111,011., Commiitsion ailliPorwiini,itgr Mcirtimitt, lkiik, j, p re d ut o Pit Inagil,Almiests.r...trs. Skstit Wert, LKAWC.I Wood iimin.erv. ratll•liiglt, Pia• • oeill / e 1 g...1.t.t.:11. loiliciner and wholesale sod sera( j . V .d'lslet ,11 Fullce 'ciiiil Staple Variety Ooods,sign in at • t i. t " , nub, iti,- thole, west, near Larerty, Fs. burgh l'n . . . . . . .111 . 1 1 I. IF 'lt &IL k CIL Ilreter•in Proilticii and Family I. Hoist( loi 0/ , 1 NOIO I.ilieny st;tiest door io loc. tier to Mn. to /18 1y .... . JPour , . Pun 'in. J. Karma tevrelL LUP NRWELL, Attorneys it Law, nit... , nunalltelit, toetvre,i 7a and 4th au. ty - • • .. , _ - C , l) WA I:" it r:AZ1C.1.1 . 0.11, Wholesale theeer. -VA C. 1.1 •.•/V ••I 1.. i) u.uene, second door item Ina. lill i A 1.. ~ I eL t• Are . ..61. _ _ 1011* - 0101111LT. It ~k .l 1: UM. A t..r, 4 GEBEIART. I t to tiro- KA re re, 4.1,1., , ~.elte e wet Peuburgh camera , - -•••....... is.w•lty nee lined stn., Pieebersti, Pa I , 9.. et N.,. ' /MLS I 4 15.21.11. IPSOLtgli ..c BENNETT, (lue English. Gal .L'.4 I.sr.lwr A 1171,.. Who . e.ale Urocria.Commlamon and Fotaatdang Merv. AA and Dealers in Produce and l'illslwerla Al.multurr^,7S. 27 NVood +tree; Leuven Sceon..l iz.t.l 'l'l.o r'`•. „ _ mil i,fA Olt A W h. Me K.lllOltT, Attorneys at Law, /V *Alive leftward a law doors nearer Ward street. .I.lliti,oa or Rake walla Old Howe. • . shAdln VOI./ %V AMU &VIW ANTIWSLDY 6 r Anot V.- • w twee, hove .maned rant olfwe to the south s.de.tA / uul W sorr Ore mewl Cherry Alley and Grant strew. . /wet( Vlt Vriend. • the Rite,. Jame_. %Vow. VILt Fait), 111113. Y CO" Wholesale Grnerrs, JO end Cwalsossn Mete hants, and Asentafor Brighton Cotton Veto:, 1t.0. i0 t. W str r and ltd k mat strews Pas burgh. I a (elk ULUSIE, rises FUIIY Manufacturer end deed .l` Sts.lesi ieststeneues, IIY Weal street. sear metal I Aro& o FA 11. JO. WORM. VOICSYTII 4. Co, _COrt101.1•111011 FOrlttrdillif P al.-reheats • 70 Water st. Yittsbays. usayl4 • PM ANC'S ISSCLLERS, Gutoccr, Commission Mirchane and •dealer in Produce, Cordage, Oils, itch r, No 17 Libeny at, near Usual Baiin, Pittsburgh, N. U. Oukam, l',lch, Manilla Rope, ta., alarays on mr2o t w , Gq, 31•020•11. • !Mir It. ,tgh _ r i t:o. BICHILY Wt.koala tirocer and Conn %X, unction aterchnot. and Dealer in Produce and Pottoingt Manufactures. No 19 'Wood st, Pinot - moth. W ''pat. .hl. D. lhoorn. tlkilo. 11111T11 1 Brewers, .Alaluers, •)._la and dealrra in Mpg, Pittsburgh and Fong Brew aro*, Pears and I'm green. ' 1.4 I EOR4Ir. COCHRXN, Caminito. .aod , For. vr Aleloost,No.2l W ad auvel,Puntiorgt. ot , 1 7 ." Solna '1111..1. .1. MILOWNIi, [ructessors ao /1 & Bruarne ] Importer. Warehouse, tonnufaetarers of Walt Payer and General Ware/cute, No. Wood meet. Pannunth. jet/ 11-11Ai - .Er& BROCKWAY, Maggot., :.,-. a letriil.Rqw,ole. the canal basal, Pittsburgh aL nl „__ _ • I lI.ARN lIIRENOT;.WIIITE A. RED 1.14 D 11 Manuilienner. Paint &Oil alereltant, corner of 15L9 LI rot) tad Miura •io. Potsloreb. fel. 10•1011 llCaf. RONGST 010110 T, JR. ISAIAII DICKICT I Cos, Wholesale Grocers, • 1 unnotiou Alereliwits aroldealera in Produce, Not AnaFatornnd Ea Front socrts, Flushing& nov9 lOSRPII KNOX, Malloy at Law, Plutturgh. am: reunited ilie praettee of hie plofeano ill tor enter.. No 7, Italrevvelts Dividing', (leant street. oe. cup•ed during tio aloolee J. Distant astfanar J. Chro.lie : afalsa. . 12,idic 0111 1 D. 111101 WAN. 'Wholesale °noggin , J lnd -dealer ut Dye `hug , . Painnu Oil., Varnish., &r No tilt Wood ottani, coo door South ol Diamood Alley, Pin:burgh. Nutt PIES kr•Elt IL. ie. A. Co. (successors to Joseph 1: 11.011,1 Coaadleraall Writer vat all .1011.19" ll.Wbolc•ale and Howl deal. rein Mame Rol hlu..ical Instruments, Nented ' Paper, Stater, Sint Pena Qualm' Printers , Cant.. and Statnnery generally, No. Wood It, PiUrburgba _AD - Rags bnuelioor Wren in nude __rapt! CO. erleolesale Drug. el • gicie, No. ill Wool :a. Pitlebulgh. lOSIMPti JOILD/131 tr. SON, Cooßamion and Forvesinfing al , rhoot, Na to Surio.fiela ltoor • ' • 'Oath L. t.I.A TI 3i, Attorney at Low Other al mt , ant and eindhficid, mutt ode, Pin.hurgli. Pa 11".11 oleo aLleud promptly to 10.....ert lithe am:, rotate: • _ . 0 0 1 7 101 ID. DAMS. AUCTIONEER, moot oc Fi fth mod Wood .11,1. uniii.ergn ...- 11/11N C. Ulo%it ELL, Agent, Wholeaule al or and Connio•-ein h1e...11201, Water stir .9, Ind Joao above th'rabootealrela linden, Pittidanith 11 r h 0,,, unaltufactireno poen laavta JOLINSTON &—STOCKTOBI• Printers and Paper inanufacturoa, Nd. 41 Atoka 01. •italoogls. I Al. ILEAC'S Hook Ewer, 410, near Iforket si. J.nlgpaal Ills llebobl; Mine!- alit 9.140 ,fl 3 Route and Stanone sid6 W. ROICCATDOBI.t. CO., Osaka, nod Re ef .ehet go Umlela, corner of Wood and Third ,viers, (hieerhaufe Wart Itallaingsa Palebargb, Pa. II Teurreitryourehaved at the total raw oetll eln •iar UR111141t; Whafinale Groner, dealer in Pro. J ebeee. F.bee,azh dennuNclesrea, Tin Plan, he. it. Nip . r.t2 Llhefty Pittnlergb. janb ..leent Floyd Illchnto Floyd. it. s'imt-o, Floyda Coal 11 Leolnnate ..Mwent. No lied l.elinny .treat now:. 1-2011 LIN .. WbolesaleGroont , Conanl. alerelenny and dra.erm Yonduee nod Pitoburgh aranu " inetatell. Nei 54 W my!: en, judo 13:‘irdTt.IRMAS; Wholeanly Gorr, For wardear nod Conineenaion Merchant, D.alnyln Pm-bulb Mamonem,..and Yroolune, No. 31 WWI nail F ,ft /27 isi,vis itt-rcaliso x & Co., Wholaralo LGwen', F .r.l•ot Comminsion Merchant., and de, - en en l'ete,lndale hlnnolkettires: No. 45 - and Vi ..... ' s'•. . enry Las lin John Muslin.. i n. BEISA• SIIIPTOM, Wink bra J Forward in. and Cotoannida Merchant.. Dealen a Produce• ts! tionliurgte, ...Arnim., Nos 13 and 13.51Vand stir , . anat. • John IJ. Jas. D. 121L1.11 ti iscstufiELß, grocer. and Com- DJ, ` mown hi• &chats., Itto 102 Ltbeny street, Pall , 111 AllelL • Melt. Pitinlek. • WM. iC briadak ALLEN h. Gs.. COOlMirfiolll and Forwarding .friateban. 11'ti•t and Front sui,betweenWsoil 1.6 Ni. 3 7011.51, It UNT.EII Co, Wil•OlpSile r olo Ct! / w. Melt "A 4 IL' . .,ZEL aICICICTSOII4, Wholesale tin> "AA ran and ( . ..Ll.l/.1111 Merchants No 170 Liberty t4a Pnisiburati lanl4 • - e. Wi. '7 sydrcittul t tu i r M setmrs . 1 Acte d . - la ti Fsncy Furs. corner and stul • ii l 7:!• 4 & J. SUSAN. Wi utte ssie Deslers_ut 'SI. Produce end et.. end Forward' egsseltSestats e,sy ltfereSsnw, N. 'ell Litany and 'lll Woad streets, PuttlArgb. Sd. l / 4 , No. 6511arliet west, see.' . and door inuu center of Fourth, Dealers to For tner, *ad DORN•IiC. EACIASTOr Conifiootoo or ponit. Daob Notes and .91.ete. Det, ft 5....• wade en cat tie riser". miter threritl out tor Mt./ .We • deem — Ern — to Lc on .s co., Sitholesalt Mk 6 Wiod street, Potshot& • - R Woindextri.—A albumen. C 11 Gran pUENDEXTER it. Co, Whokiale Grocer and Catuotrtnott rod Fororardiog Iklatekonts.llo %Vor-4 Fur, —.•.. : • 414 40. I It. 11. II AK' ILIA,* .toroe% st I art:. Grow /1 . 4141utwrli• Loadlng i neatly uportur tor Pt. Court House. optodato• 110,11.60 T i; Paducelk• riusbwrith• t • wplll • ICIIA nu • T.. LICE:011; Impottei:ldid . Rpc..kg_ilvForetsn...a4Jkkosestie Sutaiety a. sways. . ; n.. nontnson , ' D BRUCE k CO, WfrafrialeOroceal,,cqfrma{a afr.. *am itlerrhanq.„and deslets in Pioduen;smi Pinakkikk 'Sinnonictures, LihenT st. Nposns., t3ittint7. fick st,..VittOnunh , Ps. ' ' '• • snysi_ d ! l icnv iji c 'haemtk.teronistam rad: al( ..7frafreas edec ii ts Can Ise sTdois, and Tanners Oil, No. jai Wfroclar,Plaa:frargh. • .Pl*. BUSINESS CARDS. irce ß rr r l it aL umUI L F L L = lent to r-ntittaee and Pittsl4ll Man " tnartures, Lineny !met. Putiibule, Pa. 1001290. R. 110111001/. 13 ROBISON a. Co., Wbotesate Grocer., Prue .11.. duet, aud Comtnitaion tiletelanta, anti Dealer, in Pittsburgh Manufactures. No. 1811. Liberty ....11P. 1 . - bo b. Pa. taut° ID 0 BEAT !MOORE; Wbelesale Grocer, Rectify AI. lag Distiller, dealer at Produce, Pittsburgh Mum- Cadman, and all kind. of Foreign 2110 Domenic Wines .n11,40 . 1;141, Noll Ltheny street, Pitt.burgh.. Olg : co N tIO ntili ( c ) ll rse hand 7,7 r large !rock of r, cuts. 0. Reynolds. J. L. Av.. DETNOLDP k.IIIIICR, Forwarding .d mission s tor the Allegheny River Trgde, dealers is Groceries. Prodoce, Pirrshorlih //and."... and Chloride of Lime. The highest prices, in cash, paid et all noses for Coot•. Itags. Corner of Penn and Irwin sus , jana IS D. BBartlett _ Tho.'R.White. Q WRITE , Wholesale' Den t., lets in Foreign end Domestic Dry Gadd., No 99 Wood stree t Pittsburgh (MAUI' Sk W. lIAILHAVCIII, Wool Iteidhints, deal . ers in Flour and Produce generally •ridFortirard• trig and Commissidm Merchants, No xl Wood street, thnettargh. tent SARIUM..L PALMER, Anomey at Law.. Office 'a Breed's building, No Si Fodrth Street. between Wood and Smithfield. _,..nostlild.ts I y_ ZPII3DINI3.IIItIIt &TT, Manufacturer of Fan cy,Shaving out Toilet Soaps. %Vinter and !Summer prestted LatdOil, &e. No 17 Ettlh st, betwetn Wood and Market ms. Pittsburgh. Pa. Wood 1~1 F. V 034 tc Co., Wholemle IJsCrocery vorwMing and Commission !erratum*, Dealers in P.ltsburgh Manufacture/an:ld Western Pro duce, have removed to their new warclunivo, told stand) 35, corner of Front .t and Chaucer) Lune. noel SZAMIDICL Forwarding and Commis on Merchant, Dealer to rtall„„rroduce and Pitts burgh manufactured uuele., entialgaisin,nrat,:th st. dal N• WIC KERS LIAM, Denies in Seeds. Fluor O. cn. Fruit Treeh,guil Agricultural 11..14.i/co., Nu I 1 %Vaud street Pittsburgh. te.b2 it - ATiSEIC t BEST—Whoksaln Gravels gr. Cornentwon hlerettgut, and drulerr in Produce No 31 Wand intent. Pittsburgh. ICENNEBV, Jr., Looking Mats .hisiinfaeti, J. ter, and Deities in Cwt., Combs, and Varlet) gaud.. corner of Wood •ild Fourth ...eats 119 .T P Forsyth. R Forsyth. — P. FORSYTH & Co. Commission Merchant. dealers in Satz, Lumber, Groceries. Produce and I•sitstaarrh Manufactures, Canal Basin, I.ihnnY Pittsburgh.. (chin _ satin D. WICK DAVID X 1.71X111..11 • • • err e. Forn Commission Merchant, deniers in Iron, Wass d Conon Yarns and Pittsburgh Maltasetyres m ay, camera Wood and Wet, a., l'insburcti. ntelnl n s 1101; 1111parirr invites the lu'res to call and V . examime hu stoeh of French M when! Collarn, in"one an by as 55 cents. orcht3 -- • I, I OMENS, WholegadoGroet,r,Forstrarding, and Vlf Commas.° Mcreturnr, and Dealer in Produce And Plitstnargh Manufactures,corner of Water and uoutlf64lft PclT•hur.h. ar,l3 WUtTIIORK i WOLPrOblomporters and Wholesale Dealers in Hardware, Cutlery. Stith ihery, itcseorner Liberty and Si. Clair streets, Pula. II) GLENN, Bookbinder, low removed to lea V V crane, or Wood and Third its, ahoy. H. K.yA where be is prepared to do eeeirr . lkitt npuoit Ruling and Biridiug. :mat LIT W. WALLA.CI7. ? 51111%40ne and nvil funti.L. V . og britablottinteut, 1h0.a44 Liberty rirlt, near the eaarr., wtX.IIII4VEILELTREE., Wholemile Geo . Cara, Rectifying Disulleni, anti %rd.. and Loisoti derchieds, No. 141 Ldtcfl) dticat t loppoade Stith I'i Wbuigh. ntoyld•dly R. ROBINSON.A!torney at Law, hasl e:l3: , e " ot ,fi Tec. " t,l.St goo ffi 7to ' Atini E fta cb trorna. ' U"d"r l • v ‘T GARRARD, D ealer Fancy anct maple, I . likry Goals, No ;o Mashes slam, imel3.dly mum the i: Nsuict.) 3Vholeanle Grocers. are now located Mim IN Wood in, when , offer (citrate • large 1151 , 01 . .., n.einaGroceties and Kusborgh alanittaciares. at lose. ,it.ms inkoo favorable terms. mayt3 W. WILSON, Dealer rer %Vetches, Jewelry, .18ilver Ware, Wirers Goods, ho, No 37 ?Jar , : rest. nor: O. — NIGIIPILIt, wholesale. .rid reurldoaler rtr - - roreign end Dome.ve GrY Godd , oordr erod co.- nerof .larker end Founts snr. ausrl . _ _ laWiN idr h ide purchased he -‘ 11,g :Rom of I-Aga ' r Thorn, ieorne's of Penn and. land 'streets, will seep a Cvoll3llll .apply the best diediehme, perfumery . . ke. Payician's presenphene carefully eonspoanded.— %led Mines earl he had al ali ware of the alight. fehlOilly• & Walltnnfotd. ' John ' Stniirt. I,VaLLINGFORD & COMISli”:011 nod Jot , venniins Merthan l / 4 n, Second, twar Wood otreet. Ponstninch. Pa. %VII, DI. MULL INOTODI. guoiney at Low • Pttnthnruh. Pa,.01121111/51011cr to take the ac knowledgment and pla. of Deeds, Leases, Contracta, Deputations, or any o the —writing ( ander seal or no t ) be used or recorded to :he State of Ohm. Men on MUM street,above Sant celd. jell -tf W - Clll C. AUGHLNBAV. MUMMY at Law . Fifth meet, near eltaithfield. Coileettng, ageni ciett and other hotline. at to with punctuality Raraitaxcas • BuaeJs & Wat! CtoghAn. Efq., BA Fahttestock & Co, John iinf Mll, , Graff, Liudray & Co, John NV rtght, Esq, James 51eCully, Eaft, Maj. %V tlita4 Laruntr. . ie2Cly • J. OILVAIt. RECTIFYING DISTI4II.4IER, AIM NrHOLUM.* IN FOREIGN k DOMESTIC WINES & LIQUORS, Na 114 Liberty at., and 53 Diamond alley. errrsuußoll, PA. jyl7-dly Wit!ERICK lITIN & Co., Bankas, Detslars it ErrJuldfdt, Beni Now dad Com, Comer of Thud and Wood nowt•dly Plltostsmigh , Pa. 11 W Wm. Alr•lhnn. [sumo_ m Latr+ief t wiLLIAns A NI/INN, ATTORNEYS ANL/ COUNVELIAMS AT LAW. fri4sce Nor!, olden! Fourth ht,abore holithhehL4h) fehnhlk.herl • Jr.. J. 118.21iRli. TTORNES and Counsellor at La, CINCINNATI. OHIO. Collertiont,in sFonthern Ohio and in Indlatr,a and to Kenducay, promptly and earetuoy attended to. TO-- , llori. Marini Eiddto. tvnt Ord : 4 on!. C ants, %V,n Arkniallt,Cnurclt it Gunther.. We. Hays, Kau-James P. , 4u.n. Wilk<k Oliverlackburn. tiencre la June. 0. BLACKBURN A CO. We"to°rLes,9lt4ll.Pit=r;l:AT:ndistluigl jairt=ll';‘; an hand •L all times a full and general a..runetit of gat.tu,b ~ in theirhue, Water atreeVneArCherryll t ltiy , - Win - RUSE OF THE JIJNIITI ISTIMS,7 /Olt Tilt Batt Of BOILER IRON, BOILER REA FLUE A FIRE lOW IRON. E. F. SHOENBERGER PITTSISUItti 11, PA. Having Liken the Warehouse comet ly occupied 1.4 AL IL Utley k. Co. Wafer ttttt near Erin's Steam BIM, Will keep on band Is fall onpply of kb rat, of Relict Iron and Hood, Flee and Fire-M.ll Iron, mode from' htabertissaintsiloesic which will he mid at the Lowell Matkel. Laws. V.nitißei Wider, and otlimi, are invited endedroll anoiCalUnine hi. stock. Orders promptly at tn bo . t dl JJOANTOWNSF.NDs ogist and Allot!, easy. No 4J Market sh tutee doors above Thad sh, Putebargh, will have constantly on band a well •clect ed aaeortment or the best and freshest gledicider, which ,hr wilt.. on the mein reasonalne terms. Physician" cndint olden will lie prompt!: attended to, nail vuy plied with articles they they rely upon as gelllllo, [l:7 Physicians' PresonpUons will be accurately and neatly prepail (torn th e hest Materials,. any hour of the day or a t Also for sal , a large stack of (reek nod veal Peelle Oen( 'W . tvoIVILSON• Wools (linters Jeweller. and Martel mi.. A large and.well selected stock of watches, Jewelry. :Ayer ware and ildittry (i eals. always on hand nod at renular rot tern prices, Gold Patent Lever, lull Jewelled watches. as low 11.1140, Silver do watches, us low as Ito (leonine Cooper, robin... Johnson and other aroved make of watches may tie bad at a mina!! advan p c p e and wartnaled. IJ:rFtite watch avert done in the very hest manner. app - - PWM., hags I Ft arant. F LINT GLASS &IMAM. ISIID ENTs MULVAN V t LEULIE nianutaeture and keep enn mainly cm hood Cut, Oinaided and Plain F lin t Gloom, in all as varieties, at their ‘Varehouse Mi ner of Nano and Wafer streets, Pitistiurgli. • Our Works confirms in full op.: ration and we ate erotism, ly adding to our smog, welch elial•ler on to 111 orders • wag proloptuess. Purchaser. are rettsmatilly solirited"to call and 'examine prices and terms. mytnety J. B. BWEJTZER, ATTORNEY AT LAW oinc•Atit, oppoolte it. F .r hart i ej n g u l it t el, s7ILL also attend promptly to CM leetiono, Mist. IT Immo, Fayette owl Green Counties, Yu, Ituirox TO Bliteksioek. Rell Or. Co Church /a Ciminero I,Fitorborsit. 'T. Morgan DUAL• irANUFACTURER of Tin, Copps,, end Nbeet'lron RA %Van , sad dealer , in Brnannia ' nod Japanned % C are, No 17 Olarket Sifiti. The sotaerther wane., fully calls the attention of the Western slerehnew, Coornr) dealers,•nd . olbets , to his largo stock of man• Efaeusred 'nu and Copper ware, wing a large mon. mem of imporled Mame Forniahing Itanlwaro - Vilhelesale boyeraand the paths generally, are Intl led w call. WON IMF:WHIM MA LITPALS AND' 110 P PrALERS PITTABORGII AND POINT BREWERIES:. eqrner 14 rter. Alb!) WO I , IOIM. 111(1 (WI Or Viiol. - W. Lktrtafibit • .17SUottartjciti. J.ll. &W, BONERIGIIIT, • ..,t ILINUPITTORBILE 0? ST•11011, IA ARRANTED equal, if not nut:redo, to any made .Y V In toe United t'tatea, and winch they will-diattaan' of al low Prieto and on lewd Terms; oda lyt 8ee...,. r. PILL•• • • • ••••••• rowyl.as. R. P. & 11. 11L11024 Co., ANUFACTURERS of Illannorted Sloven and 01 :Vatic.. Hors, Hay and Simone Forks, ar., an. w.,,,t,„„,N t . Woml,sirerl,l.sll,rlre.h nr1:1 arICKIN TICA'STORE, Pro. it, Ferri. Vaned, mese Mad irr MI goalnieo of Green and Mack Tea. done op in quan.r, half, and one pound . pack ap,e, ging frau fol/ e per poluedl•ilefla A 'kV. IF*, ' Art AU retill" la Co FORWARDING & COMMISSION A. M. WAltlogio4l.• Jne F. Singer. A1a1.130 WORD & CO., CUJI:%II.4SILIIY b FUAWAKUINC -51,EACIIANT9, ONALIIII.I IN lIKAV-V.IISKOW RIF: AGO PITTSBURGH MANUPACTURES, IRFAKEIICUSt.S. Second street. near Wood, and V 1 Canat Bawl. Lrllern . surer, have on hand and for .ale 160,000 lba xi/Ported Steel, vim . Naylor &Co'SCults6hretr,lllimler and German teull Jane. & Quigg's Ans Illtster.e na&and Fort - WO do. Shovels, Spades and arks; C . ••p rings and Axles; &undo, lummox holm) 'Viet. pantat and common.) Sledge., Wedge NlouldsCroirbars;_ • Furnace Ittngers.l.lwriata Mattock 1, Clay ataCoal Fiats A xe.. Scyt he., Sleiles. Log Chainx,&e.. Ike.; I . .r.Salarnander Pnaof safn. Iron. N.H., Glass and other PoUsOurgh Illanufacture. sold al the toweol 64,1 b prite*. C R Denenhower, UMM IL: imarErinowuri& CO =eta TOBACCO COMIBIBBIOII . 11113KCIIINT 8, N.. 59 South Wharves, and No ll7nouth Waiet st EIM=I2I BEII to inform th e trade awl dealers generally of Pittsburgh, that they halm made such arrangement* with the Yumat* manufacturers and the Growers of the West.cst lodic; and other places as will insure large and constant supply of the following rtp. MI. of Tobacco which will be sold upon R. accom. modming terms as any other house In this city or else. where, end all goods ordered tram them wall be war ranted equal to repremintittioni—• • Masons; St.Dommgo; Conn., Vara; Tenn Rico: Tenn'a t iSeedLeaf To Cuba, lgoint; and Tlotida, baceui LSU—llraneb's celebrated Arommie Stag Caren. dish, with a large assortment of other p.p.'ar brood, and qualities of pounds. 5s es It's Ms and lamp, 5.5 a Ss and los Slog, Ladies' Twist; Virginia Twin, &C. sweet and plait tit whole and half Wats, wood and tin, together with every variety e r article belong. ing to the trnde. • jele-dly J L. , I.anstas, t. W Antraastr. lane or Porsburvb, l'a. Lute of Nashville, Ten n. ICIIBI KR t AN DEILSON. Drab,. in Cotten Forwrialing and Commission hlercbants, No li L Front strvey, alArvrißroadsvny,Cinvinnatt, (thin. ..,,, Raven vo— Yd. hl Allen & l'o. Bagaley & S4111”1, 1 Pittsburgh. Wan. Bingham. Perry & Bingham. Alartin & SlnAlister. 1 Nashville, Tenn. Yellin. & A naillead ILAZZAM'S PATENT BEDSTEAD. , .. s o T W I T II ST A IV DI N (. ~.„ .....- f- ....-o- On iiiiilAaiiii uppondott to tins toren: ..,. ; o w I n a , I':;i , tzra , h Meth:me: r:t6; ,-....- and Allegheny c:4 - Ten their twiner --- ono compete rslatne show n themselves alone the vulgar yr mudiee again., Aorrio. 51... and they give flotsam's Beds/end dn. prriciroce, simply because a 'lnures it being the bets, sFang,st, and wool caeca...of Bedstead lei use The ualoWitie testirraintal weal, for Melt:- We. tlicauleenliert mar brut rah:nit 'clutters of We es or Patohureh'ind A dello., O a , dn h ere by or , nry that we haie bought the rein to manufacture bed. steads with afillonitfLrairin Fafteunic, nod rornodet the mote ourcrlor_lo OD, (.1 , 1 , 111,,, ,/lli Vt le, L we are acquainted Janos Lemon John artithw . T It bang A Co llobert Furman J II Barth.) Jame, B Barr John Lateen. Jr. la. Idiocy h ~. lower a hull 'Ladle & Drennan , Thomo. Foil, hoots II Bull. David Luker Rantoey & M`Cellond Ilugh Wallace Mosel Pollock ',Avid Lahti For Rigl.to to make and sell the riliocC IfenictefiA• EIIENE7.ER la (JAZ:LA:M. a "afele..l'l7 Peewee , a . DATEDT PLINO11311.1111.?K ALACILINE L •I ...laser:her. hovoic °blamed I patent. Mal 11l 1,40,1 to Pre,“ Ltricklaelime, an 4; having store then thorn Oily tested n• ili 111 T. a, now prepared to sell rights ond contract in air 170.htltro Ti, any port of the 1 , dud State. Tle- i meanie is desigmed to make I Ilnek front erode clay, aiti mull make 30,1100 oxiii -----, ---,LAO & CO, goom boo brick per du}. tifilricointly hard to ,ihicL op FLOUR FACTORS AND PRODUCE COM- ,n We knit. thus avo.date 14 1 eat..., “nd 1., ,o, Mon. MISSION MERCHANTS. , purio . the c!ay. dr, mg an liondling the aid. mare r ILIERAL cosh advanery made on receipt of eon- I, ' .. :"L .rn ,: d .." '' „ ::-:: , " , :f,':„'„ . ..7:;r,„"V,.'„ . „ ' 7",,. ' 7„,V,',T,: 14 seamer.. Those shipping to Otif address will be L.. rep . • awl i ,• , , ~ .•,,,,,,,, ram three-Munk. value 111 advance in Casa, by oppl) ,t ree ' . . " 4 P ... '`.‘ b " '"' 4 ' ."' '''• . ' e eit enable tt. e orr now lankbog in...line, cod log to oar friends, I eta ruttosh them on shon nob, For o full Jest I,puon Messrs. Wallingford &Taylor, Pittsburgh. Messrs. Thos. Bell &Co . Bridgerort, Ohio , :we w rid refer to a 'onetime now al iralcrO•siiii Oar ro- Kiladelph.. May 6, le ' vn ~; I/0111 li Mill ere, k bottom. iciar no Wert coil oi Liglint ri. 0. Al! produce consigned to tis is inssi m ell ' w - llen a ';' ,, t 1 , % . •' , . , , , , i y , ,,, ,- , , ,v„ - 1 1 0 .01 :,;, - „, 1 1 -44 1 ,„% , „:, ° , - ,, I ; II, ,;......7, n ;:,,, ' ,.1 to the arehou. of Wallingford tc Taylor, Pittsburgh, I ; . . or ta our store in Phtladelphat. ilasiatil no ...bowed A ern k All lor. to our addreini C IL 1 CIL I veal tn. promptly Attended to FRESH IMIVItTATI NS OF IRRUWAKE. I CULIIEIt NON. Meal 11.1.L , 2 & Co .• LOGAN et KENNEDY, , seoLLlff CINCINNATI. I.III',IITERS OF AND WHOLESALE DEALERS. I la , XT - LlN B 4lV l lL V •:' t i l e!.!d i n i n i al E api U tto lia ve l a t i d il ute Ihe pm: IN HARDWARE, CUTLERY, /Le., : gs, ~,.„ ~,., ~, „„,..„„.„„.,,,,, ~„„., ,„',„ a „ No. PS Weod 'I. , I the wealculi country nod thimiclann lhai inter,or ol P TTSBPaGh ' ' Penns teams will be ,atty kle Gel. rrry.oll the onerony A RE 10 ' . . ' lO "'"". °I. """.., large " d '‘ .6. !of Ne g.atde:. 'arc material on 4.1“1.4.,ra0,ninin) comet enens,ve stock of Isardw•r Qatlery. Land k,,,,,..d en e a ds, i• •,.., etedty cal...cues. , ou . Sul lery, &e, which hateing been purchased on the ~.. ~,,,,,,,,,, h e ,,,, At , ~,,,,,, „ e b,., c 4,,, th „,„,,. .., ma adVattiogerni* term. to England. and &reel from ,'„,..„_ 0 , („„,,, matter, w ,„, „.,„, „„, „,,,,,,. th° Nad u thrth "'" '" th " ~t hr l ' Y' "" 4 :, ° th°. 7, th , ° ,l Jed,. a nd tirprironnl I hey vc,ll Ii thoroughlf kr and, on term, 5 ..1117Aficno-of on , . of , . Nofoo'. of h o r ne d and rompacil) pre..eil la, ow, I, mo y, and ma thw la id eer, r is are respectfully ginned to calL note attent , on gor o . Mt•cr• itarlet e. Cc the pro let 2D GEORGIE COCHRAN, • ...opera, 14 COWLS: 4 IO N eii: FOBAV MU. IMa NIF.ReHANT, t intr , , , , mod ~, dierw..e ~i l he r fiononv cx eco• ' L lhif . 2ti Wilall STOLL" - , Prrt•tiClinii, led tot , • ..i.oit iii 1 -11110 A' ACI.Aft F.N CONTES UES to transact a general Como ~,,,, in . man( a Ken. nmon luo, we r e. Humes., especially in the purchase and sale 'no ER - rouicTri STREET CARER Y, of American NI Inuloclal•Cs and Produce. and in i /1 CONFECTION ARV AND FRUIT STORE, tv,,l reernving and forwarding Goals Consigned In his ; open on Mondani April mth. kill •hmt • India Wood an, care. As Agent lor the Alanulacteren. be will be ! sod 0r."... o A aa , " .. ”!? , ; ( "F r i .'• 4 ' . .. 1 ::: ' , 2!..• constantly supplie•l•witlethe principal articles of a c . } .. !„ . .1r,..' . 'ia d ! ah 7„ . Z . ",,,` „,:, , ,','„`Z:;;.„'„`, ; . „7„7„T„•Xl• Pittsburgh :Manufacture at the lowest wholesale i „',;,, ~,,,.„_. prices. Orders o.llli COriautomeola are respectfully • m.,„,„,,„. 1 i 0 ,„,, c a ,., y,.„,,,„ ii,„," solicited. rri l Pawl-:: ll F Conway h ,. ~,,,,,,,,,,, Jr,i, c o k e , A .i.,,,, , i do Ala •Is Cote, H. P. CONWAY A CO., cp n rer Nut.; Waner Juin , t••. r p , g.lt •c., 0 R T,...x1, I Cryl, Ineln, Calaillial.loll and Foosrardlng Federal Coke; A. P's; :lunar, t- P dm Merchant.. and Prcoluce Dealer.--also attend to the Orile m lee e• e Cream , Jel , l• brut , ' -ike. raliaS Purehase. Sale and Sntrienent of Pig Iron. Coal, ace. Coolecuou'iY. he , he • e.^ei eu , m 6 mamier en , elLrElf to, unanctl to quill f unc tn-auLy to, stn eake!e6lablioh• Alseood,Jones &Co bailey c o ISICIII ill It,. etty. L,,,,,,,,., ~ , ,,„1,„, &Co Jitney lira? & I Fresh Bread. T.-us, Rusk. be . momfostm nett solely Graff, Lindsey & Co B Leech & Co ' I from . White Wheat Floor. and Nee nom .leldruc..,,,y Lyon Short, & Co Clarke & Thaw I Malail.ll art .r...-viit:ws, martOttlN drum, a daunts SIIA VINO DILE AD -PR WE RE CE DUD - - - - t.el 11l ti,o, now . ..liana ,Iso •.e. ~, ~./1 •.. cd b- 1,. a n d t ,.,..... n too .• o a . ,/,s, r n on, Siti,si. 11 , ohne. IN oderne t 1..• •,,,,,,• , r :=1. 4 ,,,, . ~,,,, ~,„i b, , te no . 1 tier oi Ole who I c sli 1,1, fi r nil ic a i c say mat thr Oriaa.lll " Di all who boo , IneJ it ptononnee 11 lb.- Moll plca..al con:poi - non that , hey 1,47 c ',cc used. fool nt Mc it tv.,l,•n ere 1,40, ot 11l I bale red-iced Mc pr., min. i nougl. to %Mit, can apron :lny to rseiry lr.fn ;,, ffiv , . ifit +Mt Prose alt lot 10-iving .fo, Griniio. f i tl Do on itir a rich lontrinis• •lin-e. on with sou r r 4invint; cup-. duo i he , red' n viiriii't emit much to fit them. and. Ii lon .are m. 1.111 alsal. tlmaa,,o , Cr will he returned. STEPIIFN tiAltItl.7FP" -, Iron Far Lard Ott Factors' end Fatrev Sony Word, tebta Soh si. op,' ,t , Iron l'a, I 1011, ) Ii A GEL'S ARTICI.ths 1 OR Tii! „,„,,,,,,_ ~ I :Syrriph Sop: coo/piped of ail La-errs 10.1111 cal di.covery of SOlpf 1.1. R elriral-11 lilt ientlinitig the •/.11 con on I istr, us well ila , itlyalitilir 0 di:lit-Pa. til liala boa to th, ...implosion ' Also. Ilaust's celebrated Airovit.l `has tt. Cream. which is coo get roll)' u , etl lif thh f•-h:re, tlc com munity Won cart. of :tic United Slat, • ' Ilnoel's Irept.storr Powder tor tenon -11 e A rp.ei1.,,,,• In, all i 211.1111 11001, 1 0 is ..rated V. c. ii, , I ~,,nd Ilir Dye. a rhen.real result to Vail , b.. ritiiaiiii• iii , r iii , r Ida • da.laninnenald,, and to char, ~i or It uh hat., villifilerc, meatnetam, and r yr Glow, to I, to:moot:I Wasson, block rotor Tsar eloave articles are ha .a . e. ~..F.tr,le an I reiso . , by It A PM INI Si iiCK & CO I,l6ear ( nmi wa o a. sr.! onnd and Ora .t• Hardwarefoll, Cutlery, n.el dirt,, Ac. JOHN W A LH Ell, . _ W I I.anr & W., Lomovlll.3. Ky. Spisnger &. IVhitenarm, jpurinneG, n. insnes John‘lon Ce.s & Co., Nese Ot leans Magarcmor & Morris: New lark. Duvall KeTliler & Co.. BAillillear. tqaB.l,llagaley &Cs., rioladrlpina. Dame' Drabon.l3osion J. 4.;, 117;1;c:ovrii),. . -w.C J. G. W. LEFTWICH & Co., RNCEIVING, FORWARDING, And •Conamlndon Merchants, - • • PLAQVIMIXIC. and Auekapae. REFER 'ffo-11.1mete Sheffield & Lightlow, Mt Tha i mu Limerick; New Orleans. Mrst , r, LunonS Ile:ter . ..3n, Mr. Z Y. Sherler, Lou • Mew.. 11111 .V.. Speer. Mr. ‘Vm. O'Leary, Wightmatt.Arolotroligdr. Niehol.an; Pinabargh. Iterau,ToJd Cluo • . • • •• • Ilynor • Cralnrad, & %Vhttemall. Ilan. Zonon.l.arnauve, Hun John Dnnon; Phaeoemtne tot eelily • - (1 atr of we s:su of M.•!••••110 t'n Whole.ale Ureter. Cosmall•iou C. Flour . Merchant, DEALER rn all kind.. Codtory Prodilee. Cal;. pet, Tin, Tin Plat. Tin rem' Punt., %me. Lead, Ho,* eheit Iron. hon and Waite Laud, 03e Conon Yarn.. Sc, and Pata..urgh Manufarturee geoatall), earner of I.,betly and Irwu2 streets, Pitnbooth, Pa. Czy-Liharal advances, to ea h or Goals, made an con• riginnente of Produce. &a AUCTIONEERS • AND COIPISSION MERCHANTS; AvExANDF.it LEVY & CINCINNATI' & ST. LOCIIS OFFER to dell. totter mtahltditment..l k indd Merebandim at Me tomcat mom .nf Comte...ma and 'ant alwaya prepared to make admitted. The 1.. of refmetmea ataea, if requtred. Letter. addresaed to etther'llome will Ito promptly swotted to. ' ty . ittlty . _ JOHN 9. RICHARD - B, `COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. AU W A rat I.r. ovl.o4rn: BALTIMORE, I V !MARV 'GI., W Vrted PTO. Bee., mud Coun:cy Produce Adranee. noade on ronstgauwou. SamiruCtory r.r crew to dun. addrc..ins 1.1 tI. UM. THOMPSON A CAMPBELL, COMMISSION MFRCHANTS And Manufacturers of Linseed Oil, Nu. 20 Caturnbia Sired, CINCINNATI, OHIO. cacux Path 701 ,C 0 Iy, _ _ i,VALLINGFORD A CO., COMMIS:WIN rOtt W A RASING NI Ellen A \TN, Second Sere 0 1 1 near Wood. w V: i t i tsl i . , o , l4o o; \ 1 0 11 1 ..t i c y t :mar , I ta o VV f carriage springs and axle, besot, ibilbes•nd cik • ie., Bre Foul sales, aontr, vices .blacks:bilbe bellows, ledge.. &e..&c. lIIALCuL N 10.11. , J.Krx I.II,ECH. RIALCOLRI LEECH te SON. IWDOLESALE GROCERS. COMMIRRION %TER CDANTA, and 'DEALERS en at! attain of Ponntry Produce, Cur Pet, TM, Go I'll'....Titattero Toad., Iron rind Node. Zile, Wino. Id. Dye Saar, Harlon Shert Iron, Lend, Cl/11011 Yarn., oak, Are., alai Pirtranrgh Mona acurres acrierady, Nos 04,44. and 91 Lo.erry rarer I,orradoor a , orve rho heroin! Wald queer, Paddrurga, Pa. Loaeral advancer. in rash or roods, madeon crin rortrinerror of prod.., dr , , he. DIKIICELL, OItOTIIKNM tr. Co. - COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Par the adle of,PlMent general!), PUMA DEPOIA. fl - T.it , cml mlvance• made 011 con.ignmenne..Xn P4lllnds, Ikrember slfien . n. W. 011•TIlltilf T. PAT.. I=l COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 0 Water , I.OI I IS, MU. %Win p erilculat .riling of Pro duce, and to order!, for P.r. 1 .0 , 0t itzr. To—linoige Mogran b. Co., I . lll.•orrh.r. torn . _ _ John Nl'Culloge. 7SI lierh•n. Vll Cult.criwn. • JOHN JVCULLOUGH & CO. Commission and Purteardeng Mach=la, NOS. 93 & 95 SOUTH ST. • • 1111W1.1NC,4 THOM. J. CAltmON, A. thy • COI MISSION MERCHANTS, • Nos. a and 9 Light et.. • BALTIHOILE. Cad. adeeneei 1.111 be made on ermaignmeto he trirore eddrcna. 1,1 j, ; „eki y cAR.4ON & KNI !IT, Sinb Lh.A, HU /.• 0., FLOUR FAPTORS: AND GRAIN AND PRODUCE Camndialan Merchants, 71 SOUTH. WHAIIV SO, PHILADELPHIA. k RE now prepared to reee'sve and forward all Irsads A of hfrrehandire to on v laud as on the Juniata. North and ‘Vrel liraneh. eon Tniewn ter Canal. jep.r GEO. B. MILTENBERGEII, STEAM BOAT AGENT, COMNISSION Ig FORWARDING NERCIIINT, PRODUCE & 51ERCIIANDISE BROKER. uglii Ogre; No 56 Water direct. Pittsburgh Pa J. NEWTON JONES STEAMBOAT AAIENT AND COMMISSION .DIERCUANT. MONONGAIINI.A HOUSE. • • Pittsburgh, PA ill A. FAUN EVITOCK & Co'!..WILITE 1.3. LEAD WORKEI.—The undersigned have completed t h eir new works, located on the btn l h o , ose r phew, the Aqueduct, in AtiegliertyaTt . o pposite i'dtsburgh, for the etanuleeture el a au m nor quality or white lead, both dry and round in soil; Man, red lead and litherage. flaying matted . thentselyei Of _all the 'moot improvements in it. manufacture, and eryeted the buildings one very extensive scale, and rttth capacity to make lead in large qoantilies„llicy tvill he able to so l ply orders to alOtest snvaritent. sorb TOltlle. PATT.F.U.NB FOH. SALM—Caw, Isbier l'ane,ra Maker, Allegheny ably Oil Mn. haa the newr , st Patterns forbttoora on band rube, .n tadool or on. 111lIlOesong and &Higher pattern• made In order. I I —Peiig 1775 frjachrEl Bite . tnt till' ipodr d o Nalttral . Colored Sperm oat, de Illoaebed Walter Whale trblds Lard OLl.ust reed and for ode by myrd MILLER & RICKET;IO. N PITTSBURGH, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 24. IS-17 MISCELLANEOUS, JAMES W. WOODIAIiaLL, VITERRURRIE FURNITURE WARE IMMO, NI/ RS THIRD sriterz, • X , A, ra LARGE:nd•nlet-Idid-- wortrat ed Fornnurt, sun Abie for eqe.unlALaN lintels. and prtrutADwriL . lin,s, connurnly on Lund and niado:o order. I he pr.-lent neck on hind cannot Le exec Ilcd by . any utimulactory at the we.tern country. Yee.-•.-.,.hut; to purchase would do well he• g , e, I LI:, .cll.ll. as Cum rlciermaned my prtee. Muth pleu,e. Port of In. /1101. k consitts 50 Salk. with Plo.ll aoJ Hair-cloth cover.. • 3 dui MaLogatly :Surge IJ pair Drew.: ltt dux fine mahogany Ci,a,r, Itt mahogany t Vork fs.ands, 3 dox mahogany Rooting Chair, , 13 marble top Dresmng b par Ihtornam, • tl marblerem Wprk Simla; lr cherry Work Sandi , : 111.1mgany. Maple. Cherry 'and.roplar Iledtteadx of nil de,ription.; and a large aclorrmeni or Common PLII.Ote and chum., too nuntoroua to mention marthr -- NEW HARI) %WAKE HOUSE. JOSEPH WOODWELL: Corner of Wood and p d sts, Pittsburgh, HVINE withdrawn (won the old first. of Walker & Woodurell, on the Ist of January, Lail', I take plcupure in announcing to my friends or rife env stud ! country, that I have opened my new store at the above andplace. (laving purchased toy goOds fur oath, and made airangement. with Cnanufsetyrersthw Country and in Europe to lat tonlitatitly siappbcd, I sin fully prepared to furisoh I lardwarc of all ,kinds. on as goat tent. and ito tow as any lino'. Ea.. , W en ,— hletrbauts and °theta •re. reepectfully invited to col and examine my stock, before purchasing elsewhare• ihr following minor - Wel a part of en) •inek Zileanilwat and Saddlery Ilardwure_glutt Trowninc., Files. Naylor'. Steel. etitlcry. Edge Tool.. Ativut, Vi ces, Locks. Lawfice, Steklen, Scythe., Eutt Maga*, Screw., Union Fa.tory Plant... Saws Mahogany board. and veneer.. and all other tiele• colon vied with the Hardware lowtners ambito* • D • . i NI I'ORTER AND EALER in rrirri . cit nisi] Dint stir 1 tir Ilanlw :lir, , would trroisrt(teli) in n, WI Irissiblr 1 Anil il, put., tt.sn•srstfir. girt hr s• now. r. /sr vi, it,- ssssir rig s.usesity iii 111.14 . 14 . 1 . , 10 0 1^ 01.1•11iiz.:••1 " iArsr I, ..1 %V....v.41.Na Kt Woad :arr.,. wh.cli , wilt ilf-sto, of mi t w it craw icaketiirlile left,. Ile ill he 001114.10111 ter., a, I r •..11 ritrstiticr itticr 'row the Ntitiourrirsurct• Its I:iiropis stiirl ilii• (VW./ • ~ which in 111 rti.ttiliss hint to roans.... with silty e•talil ell tornt. either tact or We., • . , I , so r.ts.rti Myrrh:onto rite invited to cell and rsitiritirto lisis *tor,. i.r.forc ourrho rt.,/ eters...hi,. Aar:: 1 voparruersuaY. lArt: the onderogoed. 11111 e. rolerrd iT.to Cnro.tner• c!..`„,ntr,.:-.'.*=ir..°L':;7::::.K.,,:: :1.!:"1.7, of ORUM. IlleOltEW 6, Co.. of hare token the worehOute. No 4 Cononoro.al Row. ',betty elect!. fortunrly oveurved I.y 'Or II l'u an where all Invorlerr roorroord to o. nut oh W nrye wsll be promptly 2 " ....maul' v ottetnlf a t M(1ILIIIrI Illlt/iyl. lalltierl) ..: PI. 1.1.1.•1i.1...1 Tllll, O ll 51,IIIIHAV ' :n.4,60,1, 11 4 , 0 , rtvoLEv It 11, rati . •: , x, • • 1 • 11101Inagh, Al 2..11 tt I. 1.47. melel T11031A% I.II4NIVE:DIi, JR., I ) F" .he Into firm of 1.11,1. , A Kennedy. I ooli'mo f Gls" loonoloelort r oud denlet .n no , 1r0n1 , .. sod V.r4.ty tlmo. keep. lon moll, c n Land. ol I.•• 410/11111:t.... 1 .1f1urr..... 1. .. 01e.......”1 . 0ti5•1 ll.lt. lllftlgtitali) WO eograllim I.oolt.ng I:13. v, 1.1 11 4. and 5 dotwet rapt., plany and to oJiatetitul j.,ir1.1141,3 1 .tra AU kind. of tllnel•..l . ry y • n.ot %v u neg., iv rett , or do, en, Conm.Thrr.ol. and :k itrin•oll •14.1.r1111....1 Fancy Good, wh01e...a,. Nth •onn'i Told....c — bn rtoo 1,..1,11 . 0. ultd 0i1...v....n0d - 4 oyoti l'heylp,l'hartr, ettr riol , Pr on.. and 10 by i I , ia.ne• u Nrw l'orY 11e.c.... I rill,/11 .... . DIttIOS, D11.14,G5,1. •S .re.:Fo;:t.vrMu"inZBo. ta"r:,1'.1:'*!..",..,',r;.',1,',',.4,•:.',%..1.`:,: 1 t0...1.1111y Ost Itan , l Drug., Pa ntr, 0.1•, 1./).--.1.11. die N II —Phyrleinet ., prereripung, enrof.l y • no.yound.. ett o ..... the 1n..1 tuutertulK. al ...y ' boor of the any ,r ,1, A 1../., ail 11....4411r,a11 01 l'criiire!..ry; Ls, Tig.ll, 11.i,r n 111117.0111 (Ira Iwo, Al.. :ye , whleh he ',II ye, low for cloth.lll., I . . ' Telt, Greocry. Fruit And ProviNlook Store. Wltt/11gC41.1.: A N I) HEl'o 11, • NO. 141 LIBERTY STItNET• F.N.IAMM 110 , 'N onould rcppecliolly lotion. old fro.nd• and Ihe public ccorrolly. tico lin. ogain cow. occd one.. on thr aboac brooch. c. ncil door no 1., old otOOd. whcro — hoc, by le.ccp tot a supply of good eror .cloog low for co.ll and pin lug strict avenuon m 100 poOonc, m merit t .hare ol public potroouge. n-clord COMMISSIONER or 'DENIM AT CINCINNATI-1 aro arnherrllll . r,o, ether , of Yenneyla Bath to i4ke arbrarrhalgar r nll ,+. woolen:. of yr...lg, al-, of irf riN 011 11.10011.11 01 hi peraton• Ohd, 01 00: U••gi or rrraorikd in nth. Omer., 1 door. 1....1 rth , Nrnt 1111 - 11,. Con ethnroi. nun ED:VAUD I' I:8:01011 cartlrd&arl,•l , y a 1 Law RAGS WANTED". • 11.1{8 rIINTRY MIXED HAGS wanted, 100,000 for which the blithest price in CAP!, will be P 00l Aloroya on hr not, every riercrlption Wring and W "Mu" " F himil tVat , LDS A 'WEE roots Corner Peon and rm.. ' , la 1'11,1,116 green., Ice, PLlllUbli . for plononl Cernetry'rt Car, foroiabed ea oppi.eallon an the aced nore. from Nur...m.of du. Wordop. Mancheater. 8 N WICKE:118/1.01 No I:1^ marl and rth, === • . • 'Ty ier . ". Of g MIMWM . . . DF:A E,6:R in Trimming.; and Va 'tow (tom!, Tortoise Tito loon - and Dom tombs, Woolin nnd Worsted', !Imam, Tape, Braid% &e. No 63 folarket Si: benonen Diamond and ith vireo. l'lttobargh. 11..4.110 • 8,.. CAGES and Founts of vomits oizen. eon/mint ty on band. und fat into at dneed one., of tle Yituduttgb Seed Stor, No 131 ‘Vocul Ott eel corner of ntbv.ret jeq n N WICK YIKSIIA ICE. . C CREAM FREEZERR— Ioot teed. a Inge twori ntent or Johoooo canellant Potent Inn Canna Free rfflr...•ninible foe Rote's, Stevnba.n , and prnaln tam IL , . at .101 IN DUNLAP my 7 No 17 tantket It • .I....LITERARY INSTITUTIONS. iOTITUTE. I"ils..„lo..',"T.,"ol:.V.irts,.tht%choiri;'l:',, aßev atd or natnentul ',tenches of a finished education Ore taught mow open Mr the reception of mils at ,be w r en 3d . 52. cud 4th,strects. The cemd Sescon wig commenee on Monday the Fah of Pvhsunry, nod a M intoortant that any who may design erterina should .he present a# beanptacticahle either before or at slut m, 'Phey have secured the services of Professor 11110. HOCK 41 teacher of Music on the Panto and Guitar, who is too well known to need recommesdatiou Alto the sesames of Mons CASIMIR . Dti PVT, author Of -veiui ire . suntazth, de In Ltlcrature FrattesteT•ndother Ll< hoot books in his active language. Mous. is n graduate of the Prityersity and Normal School lot Par's, and stands high as n teacher, 'Those who de etre mama an accurate and thorough knowledgo of ths Preto n !misplace would do wail to place themselves uneer lits instruction • . . For terms, :we Circular or apply to the YOUNG LADIES' SELECT SCHOOL, ALLEGIIENV CITY. . , • , 1 us Inettiution has hot recently been opened under the tuafon of Mr S.. W•Mtlealf• Comer of Sateelnaley need Strawbergy •ta. 'fir success which hos diet far ettrulled this school, le Os ettabbstatrent and progrese, has frilly moaned the expectations of as Inetruetor and hon./ewe. and war rants the hope that he WI II he attained in his efforts - to rendec n a desirable Institution for the education of Young I.mhes in Allegheny and vicinity. The Firet Seation of the nett Academic )ear. will commence on Monday, eb to,. There are yet few va F c*cies to be filled, but an the number of popiheW limited nn early application et do. nratite. For particulate, relay., to tenet, At„ conrult Carolers or apply to die Instructor. felehtf BOOKS,"MUSIC, V . ALILkBLE BOOKS...Published bs J A P James, Walnut atrcet, between Fourth and Faits, Cincinnati. Guam's Gibbon—The history of .he decline and Bill of the Roman Empire By Edward Gibbnn, Ems A new Edition, remind and cur:reeled ihrorigh• out, preceded by a praline, and accompanied by • tortes critical and hot/meal, relating principally to the propagation of Christianity: by Al. F. truant, Minister of Public Instrticlion for the kingdom of France. The prelate, noirs.aniecorreeiiiins, trans. [Wed Irmo the French efiremilylar this edition. With a notice ad the lalrs, , and charadier of Gibbon, and Watson's Reply to (run. On vole. imp.gyn. 1073 pages. Napier's Peninsula War—Complete. I vol. imp. lam.flie pages. liallate's • Middle Agra, Chamtier'e Rebellion se Scotland. Robertson'a Virginia and New England, Rosana'. French and E.aglish Var in America, and itasisay's American Revolution., I vul Ito, I le rare ill Aniennan Ilistury—Containing melee. toms !Mein the best authors no erican itsiearaphy, 'Prase Is, 'nuarerce, t :wastrel., Indians, Herauluilunary Battles. S c. Ar. Aim. Also, Anec dote., l'Oetry and Al iseellaneous Articles. Minna tad with more than WO engravings. I rot, imp lieu flia pages. Universal Picionaklahrary--Containing mailable I papers on iasimes subjects, comprising Natural llntory. Natural Setences. Agriculture, Huta: Ecnn• orny,-Brography. Fine Aria,the Orientals. Travels, j Geography, Botany, Alsseelanenus reading, 'dc. Aro. Iml imp Sin 6-10 pp. tall sheep. ' The Family Medical Library—A Treatise on the flier:notion and Cure of Diseases. by rtyporenvand min plc inedicinev. N, edition, remand and enlar ged wish the addition of a Vegetable Alateria Med i lea. pointing nut the ttttt res. preparations and doses idiom most valuable native niediCal plant.. and an Ina line of Anatomy and Physiology. Illustrated I with one laniiired . Engravings, vita of which arc colored. By J G Numood, I pages :bro. I American Flower Garden EolnpaiLda—Adapted to the United Staten; by Edward , ayert. Landscape and Orvaniebtal Gardener. It ino, Alitrd edittno, maned, enlarged and illustiiterb . .• Palmer. Oregon, it, e j ky Testantert. with and without Polyglot notes,:nd I'malins in metre. ' i Rice and l'ingree's Debate. Burst's Works Laily I.of be Labe. Lalla Rook's. Mort'. Private I sem.. I t.n. Javerale Hawks. Cheap edstioes of various I works in pamphlet frm. meld') -•- ,VKW ILIOOKS, JUST POUIL1S1110.1).= ol the 1,1,101 tte Ciaolre t+olor M P. with a ,nit((010 to , wr.totp ad t tare, pooklencr, wined by Rev •W Feliola. .a..41 , i-o or Dean Ty.naly l.i7epr, and M lan.ter al !Tito y The annu.,ledo no. edits 11,10 1!..v • L:t..lsoir Cl' the Pr .1 I arch a. lilt a...cr.... U. /ion of them.',) rrra/O1 1.11111111 .11 v.,: M... or licooorly, wati a preoenotary iLe eh of 11. e. Chlarrbea ol the Varey of VosoLa. lq Rev. EoLett Da.ckleon, D. Ex.), Theo:ocosal nitsl 31istelfanrous, so Pssoths l froth the Prins:eon Flrosew. • Antetd sse•sos, omits:Sing ilsoconthanthooss Asbort thof, U U. Alvin:v.ler on knolls, ooso voln Fthin en the earlser propheese•—seconsl on the laser proolsrese--soldssetho rarely. Aesso sr sls.Lsoren lienlssos 1111 sa 'Le th •st rr Cost.. Isq , ess ss) 1., a asolss Sothir 31 A. nut,. or is s•lis..or, the Cssors ' , sills ,osru &moon; Is) Duncan MoVsrlass, I) a Mothers of Mote done Isr.sOnso, by Roo Chorleo , linage.. DI. A The WA's:, loots n grneral asthrtmeot of sasork• It all stern:lose:l , x of Isocrusure. for thle , ntlos Itoolsosorr of IT t ENGLI , II IrS rkr end 4th soros* ! 1 / 4 7 W HOOKS Mrrt :wed .M A MINE:M. , : IN 11, Ma: - -:ltge. or rtm •-o m ,or —oiUI ESI=MEM six Out s 111.. ',nix.. cmlittio. Priiirem tat aild.T.uir of LNimtimialon, AmLida. and dam emir.. at tar Ilvairi .on Ow Itityind laing,ray. a st . ati Ly A. . I, • •I•h r a the IV.tve..vr VIC C C.tolvt The Ileiettallne or (4111,5T0 a nil thr Casitltan. n Duly ii 1.1011.0 C.tha IGicn Ilanron.—r...jur I in Lin. in Lord. —.a, ran ..1 Nlir• rti iter. ni "flee 7in j.n tog Gcurral TA, :ot 12t tr... IMEZIEV=ffiII • • • . • A .uoply Piclong Unaher Jort.,tl.alt . , Vor Cale al NI A MINER'S • 5t.:4.1 Jonr in,o2rl V.1.1W PI.:I3LICATIONS. 1.1 4rar).ot rranr.e. hy S. M.. heir 1—.31 coon.. or hrnomn: two renay—thr , rume ran ne 111 or. 111. or, of the Ihrsnait R.pat. la., I.) M. hhebnier..- .ronsnord by W.llarl.tt K•tt 'rm.,: I.y.frintra .1 Melton h. he rar . ry Brownr,or lo•hrry 0. ;Lawton. a tahr Lv of rtuna ea rralivnlustin. nunin wed ot Ann it• nan Ili•tnry nestot of Knowledge , 311?. Intfen h oluqra attene.oter—nnir poora4t.. Itry6.“l .v.th rt.,. 1111.1 M'rtylan.l Mtvler's Unirr. 11,ory, learnt the ...I, pr hr )rer ra Dr-ham - Pot t vat by J. T. Wa.•un or punnent 11.. we: INEMNIEMI Jo., hrr Ciad W Cohthr•lord Itevn , ,rhortary Iron, th. Spasm:, CoonntAt 1:40, to the por , eut tom-. 141 , , oc,onlito,art arro,ntol the ~ arc Itthr Protrd Steen. .s. Pr 0.64.. an) :11.11{NrY Arlveved,rnl, Ily Phrhp Vann. NI u W. oh two eovpclioritp Mop.. and ACV,. r,thhavolg. of Man. of ItAnte I:roundt. he. aloe vol. ,:rue Wll,l, of true Ihthdred athl miry-tour page.. full' „,„., IN 'Nowt. Ott CI or thr efgroa.r• or the Ilerlorn 41111,1,11 d Cl.lllllsl o U. T ,• 2I I ITC glv ohs their nature', , o•nt eon, n,0h00., ef.n.quence, and pr , VOl/011 soldre.,:l to •1,.. ono mrd eo: r. oder: I Itodrethlow 51 Ir. I,i Lat.i.vih... Toe urn W: or Or ,ros I. h... wolsol fart Ivor oral. PI ....ad 1 , i•nd., Atm dher the I.,dr, renal, the cnohory lot al I, 141 L•tore or I I. 111:A0 Yount, m•or NllrAci nue, 11011 Pri.,.-11.4..ry or no, her Uivil W7 - tra and I:olont rl nod RCV:IIII ;emu. Annul., front the period of the. Spools), l'olortst,ls:2o, to urn prate lit hole, i; socithlang so accg,tht of the War with Untied f 'nurse and . sltotary Achtevetheoln. By l'hilip hnu g, AI IA J A t it P JAMES, Pulgltcherneelneinntill. EW MUSIC BOOK—romphlot Form. 13 —The Melodeon: a armee Pelee , ion of song.. Duct', (lhaVelts, Hotrods, Wnitce.g, and Marche.; hlunge. illustrate.; with noggner. rhgrarilig, lower.] 01:12,0. Price 2.5 cent.. Vuggl,lied and for ,tre tip J A Az II I' JANI r S. Walhut Ponrll, and Prit'.. Crucinungri, Aluch 29,1817. PIANQS 1 PI ANOSI I 1 EN/11' 1 . 1.10 I 1 at .1 W 145 7 Istrd , ttret. The siL all In, uml the .1,11 her re be the fmtia It to A.tar. . PM/ 110111 4 in 5. NI o,le h chi). Prif.+Vg, October 22., WE. the umler.ththetl, mould 11,1nrth the ethAeux ol I . M.htogh and Ciriniit that we have appotitthd r II Kh •011. AEeth for Wr-orro Penithylvuitio. for the -ate of our VotheA. troth •vhoin they racy Inc oh "or corn IZew "" Ir F TVZS & CLARK New Vork. t , th I. ICK-oetYlltf t.:1% wIiAL TAIILOIt —John•toet blopon llnve rrce , rvell pnc ol Al kin.. larlo nry Tn)•an, A [lndy, nwler en)' .r.n •ndenre awl alArri,no Of the ulnlernignetl IltEsr", . oricnal •k , ichlairn from lift nI Lansmi,o, Cavt. Flown, et U.O fV undr.r..gnetl. roneider l'ortia.l Genc•al Tu)lnr n iral hlence. I/ C.o.Nrrt, U SNavy A. Ape... A. A. U. nltAiDn. In 'ropotraDhiral I.:§4g/lireiV 16. x. Ixotroot.t, U. tl. Navy jell itiAT nc,,v.%1 and o,ened try the vulwiater, the J followlnle nrw Ow elegant Rcittwood,o octave I`.ooo Fort, Ern .o. 6. Vanrro 11,0. r , rgsnt Rom-woad GI beggary roma Fone, xnh carved Gothw Tmblo.--a•plembd inttrumcnt. Al,, noe cr., Coed tweed 1001.1 Plata., made by 1.141 , Co, rinluda -II :\n\ 1414:1111-11 n 0.1.04 131PORTE.H.1 4 and Delal,o liardwur,i!veirt,, nJ Sadillrtr, No Oil Wood Itreel, Hoic 'limy &rots al.ve Chart. Pslnkhogtv Pa • nprO at J.W tWtatdaroire. , -2Thita kl felifPlanes.. A LARltlionatl oplendol error eat of mahogany and rottevrood grand , no.- lion Piano, watt tnetallit frames anti tot a t •il the htleet motoventra to, watch far annibilat, war and &oaths. wartaated to Lot rttual to au)' tondo at the country. Por kale tow for pointy P 111.U31E: mettle , . No 112 wood to ,/a Jam Mayo alb MODERN CHIVALRIC. or thr Adventure, of Cuptlin Farm,. nod Teague O'llecau. toy II Brackenridge.eond edaion wooer thet author, death, .with a biographical clotted. a erotical disquisition on'the. .+Kk. raid .rplitotplo.y notes, with Illatitration• Irmo original Accigna Iy parley, hound in cloth notepaper. Atilt Nal roN a stII`..KTONI 9 env v. , \l•rlgel .1. ix B 'I -- u r c 1:1 "r b; "'' " TV".f:UWV.;ind MANITPACTORIES; • a U•Q U E•S ' STRUNG, AXLE, - srEka....o...aßpN.,wowit. 111.1-:31101, ILIII AN, & hermit tonsil - twit their;New works, are now prepared. to moniker tom cycry domrydion of Coach and Eliptie /sp ring, Iran ark., A Inertrau [Rimer, spring 100 plough Stroh and all sires of small square and Lound Iron : . which they oTer for sale on liberal terror. at their trairlowar No. f 1 Wood afreas.seriseee they also ikeeroemband templote cud handsome amotrusent of Coach. trim: wings. Carriage hardware, malleable castings, Nall. and -Iron, C. 11.0. Co, hare made ,arrangtments let ors willr S b Day & Crow., manufacturers al pades Forks, be., and will 'keep 'cottoning oh hand Weer, erliele made he tbetn. Ikalers taro respeetiully sot cited to es !lAA prices and mental. ill be matkel dS ibeiTl. irlTint FITS' MACIIINE WORKS AND, FOU Prztrin.n.4 - JOll5 Wil.lollT a 00. A RE prepared so build , Cotton and Woollen Machine Fl. cry or overy description, such as—Carding lla chine.. Spinning Frames' Speeders, Drawr:ng Frames, Railway Steads, Warners, Twill...Amor st , DT, eau.l ll lo Frame.. Loom., Card Grind. , " Shafkine tuned PIZ. of Cast Iron, Ponies and I Imigets. of the lateo pattern., elide and banittatbes, and to of all kinds Ca.tings of cvery description funnehed on abort no. Toe. Pancrai made to order far' hlt:I• (learing, Iron nohng, ,Stelllll Pips for beating Factories. Cast Inn ST Indoor Fath, and fancy Castings generally.— Orders left at the Warehouse of J. Palmer ro, Lib erty woo, will have prompt •Ilfl4oll. -- Rasp To Illackstork; Dell Sr. fn / K hfornbend & Co., G E Warner, John Irwin & Sonic . Pittsburgh. janlp 1: 9 JJI Warner; Steubenville. . JOHN CARTWRIGHT. TAWORTER an.hlaaufamorer of Catlery, Sorttiral I and Dental Toetrutnents, Saddlers and Timers' baud tools, Ta)lor.. , Putelet Shears. de de. Also manor.. tut,. Ttu.sra, Supporter, he, in peat J. C Manumeturer anti ' lmporter of red. l'ooketacui Table Cutlery; Razors, del.., Pace, Saws, Tool., de; bas removed to ti:J N 0140 sTRKEr. Pdtaborgh, *coon& died, be. low Dimmed Alley, Anikhar Isle yrtrr lvrd n large a'soronent Pen N Pocket Kntvee. Knives a P.A.., Al"o Rodgers' tel Whosienholrind PINE CIITL EFIT9 & Duleher's Razors, Fireors, R•ror r , tnip". D.rinaseus and Will' Twist '• cr ri.k:s. AND 'USK... A Ilen's loll'. end Revolvers, Ponder ria-ks skin Belts Game Walker's & Cat's 1.:11rn Cer roon Caps. hewn. Dirk and Hunting Klll.l , T{X.1%.•1101 Callipers,)/eiders, l'lyera. Nipper.. [lend Vire.. tint:loci, Bolos, traces, Dios, ripike Skieks and Des Wire and Iron Gunge, birth. 4nismen' Increments, &e , in rerygretii variety (tr 3— and repairing nearly and puricrually lIMIV.VP?' - - CO-PA ILTNER%IIIP ISOTIOE. I W. tt , FElt . i 'ENS of Wheeling - L. F. gooruher. 4 .. i• ger of lutthen nod 1 A H.-lemon of Ploshurgh, hurt. ht.. tux entered into cuttonmersltip under style 00 firm in Stephrtt. Sitoentterger tt. nt Amthor lion Works, Wheeling Ve., for the purgoee'of ronatutit turtng /000 End nuts of ever) description., W F .110. 10IG.. 3. A. Slorxtom. HEPHENS, 8110BNiERGER Is CO., . . ANCIIOR IRON WORK,t, Wheeling. Va. Nlanddeturc vll Lod of ballot the. ; bar non Ana AII merl rp; ;nen and axles Being coo tweied wok :thorn! , g e.'s Old Jo Works, we can otTel an attic- le of Jon... run (arsodia Sbneabfet'fi .oval to atty made to the v.:lay. All of whlct; will be o• 11 at the Rotoloirgh price, Warehous e of the tVorks color( klnnme and strerta. rny I t A 1.1..F.011RN1 * VKNM AN BLIND FACTORY. 401151 A. DROWN iff .... TAK1 , ..4 that mean*. aciarm hsa (,lends and the putthe at large that ass Factor'" "Vnisw in full operation. on the Earl side of the lhamood, Allegheny. where a elanl slant supply . of.llloolk. of isolate; colors. andqualuma,ore constantly kept on hand, alto at No. 5 Waal st,Vittshorgh,al .1 k. 11. Phillepa , oil cloth wateromn. ss enamel Shutters mode to rtertra m the hest style. IVIIIII• repaired et the ,hottest notice. N. IL Ili. Blinds wall be putuPswdlasal arq " 4 .. postal resspo.e to that they eon be reasoved 611 a ma.. mem so cool of lire or tor Iva/Ming, and castanet the aid os a crew dr e delldly&Wlnteie . -- A. 013LTON, Ltell and flocs Found. "' er. has reliant nod commented business at . Isfi...lc hisso los old eu,ld stood, wh tomers and rre Ire willtr cut he pleased to 74 ',.....- . t.s 'rt. ::", Cherish. Steamboat. end hells of every : .W...- size. from In to 10.10.1 pounds, east from poldepaltbens of the lows stpprolcd modes, and rs to be tit the hem eliterials. slmerif IVerer ?amp-, Counters. Rotting, it , ig , ogether betth every Vunsst of Liras. Catalogs, des:gutt ed. tunosaand finottit-il in the otiweai manner. fir A. F`airs , tlir's sole proprietor of Ilasures Arms Ann,,,,,, MKT., so susily as...shrewd for the reduc• qtr. 111 111,1'hi tlo. r). DJ.' ri4i/ .IL owl Cwinpa. • two t an be had oi han so e t: amts. jantslr WD'. BIeCULL I' a. co. IMITATION CROWN GLASS. H.VV'IPai recently toade very Important Improve eol• to the manufactorreoftloe alum. artiele, and aaopse .no Intel. improved cooler° wheel oven rot flot• le-1111, now enTared to fornielt anon mica( Wi toot Claus. equal, It not .opermr, to uny C,linder made an the Untied State+, and but tilt infermr to he Elnglooli Crown We are ono Ter! , engurreol Poe ....nu, Andof 4 :coon)o,o union. nod Dn.,. INet: And Bunton euery olceertottoo. Den:rl IP. tovoted to call a: ra.mt.nc tor thounuctvo, JI vnre nouue. Pi 0.130 %Vow] strcet, I`nniarglo, " L, rtrNin: Jo; it No, 244 and 246 Ltheily arr., ads, the canal A LW A s on hand and toad, loonies, a 'rge von, ty of Marble Atante44, I . .cf, , Comm 11..1,11 Top, Total, Inrioter, dloutunenta. de ; all Is trodr. o.—: wrolc of the PIO ,n,uctir toted idoo ; 211 ., 1,, aid,: w/old Iwo is o I ~oru-ii N Ver.,. to patellar. NlntOrl4. are orfornicil that it is henccdorth annec••••ary ior.them to Ea, a. I c 3ll ..11,li etem with an ovine o, all tepee' a. good. and (freight, imdrance. dr. conritder• ed.) a 4 as thry run purchase. Orin rot 11. toe a .41 vod eee Per. ==MMMITEEEI %o 8 Marlrt ..trer I, I • lllThargb, Penitn, 'lf • lIF m• wed. rs 1,, nig mule great Improvement. I. in tb, VOIISITiIi taw of Mew rOOKING STOVEB, texpevtrully i.wric pr WOUS tiodding :steamboat. ID call and C.lllltllr h”Lore rowhastirg, a. terra's supply them wnli 1/twl. move,, Forget, and ever) other kind of Copp. r, Tin and Sheri Iron work neccamry in furnwb nalm trig a ,trait. ,Ve ohm make to order on the' .brew notice SAI Tien ., and elmiwwr, Culp, work for ',tenni Engin,. and evary rartew vi ~ark 10 OW inn, Ir. ••••wl-1:IEF k eullltli • BENNETT &..BROTHERi' tart:l.:A:As ARE AlaNurAcrunElis... Birmingham. luenr rltteburglw;Pae • li aiMulsw, No. 137, wo,,d sired, ritt.iwg - h. ifrww t i./ .0011:1AilIty . ki . cp On Ibutd a goal aswirt• writ. .91 W are, ol our own manutacture, and raTrr,ornts.din Wholesale and cum.') Me, .elaw arc reciwcifolly Invited to call and el. Arnam. tut drentscl, a* we ore determined to .eft oterver tlyanlia , owl I,eivro been offered to the pule 1: — / - 44.,1...., ...et I, elvl. arritill[lllllLeJ by the cash or en . . ,•,•• , w•II 4 , .... , n1111111V u5...,1 to feat:l New kho tw rel, Bpaan a•awl York illaweeface GRIFFITHS & DIXON, as nn uua,rrn k., are pal, ad to LII orders int :oat opt at Ea •trai &g e-. l'or the ronverut-neetot thar ow...titters and &airs, in oOtto have apponttcd Georg. , coOttutt, Ottoman.° Merchant. No *I. Wood areet. Agent in. ale rule 01 that. to.roomoturat. All order+ adttnra. rd in him wtli protopt attention,. tot V.Mllogrott• 11.11. URI a.. 11l NON. I..talturclt. Ju4 ' Brent Ittsirro Butt Binge Manufactory, CINCINNATI, U. GARDNER 1 l'a wi.ild ,motel the tr.i.ll tilt! thearr 1,1110 nottolifaettotitip thr tilpgr . < .vri matte on the U Wl' Staiol. atia twr pTinet• poeltutine.a . ontrit.l 1n...nil oat IIkII.IIIIOCIC an ar „. snit nn le 'rho., e.niaieil in the h.11c1.11.11,11 1 . 1 , 1,.. 111 , , 11.. will find it to their Interco' oitic bott• oriter•timininly intended to n. .. 5 A 11AR ItNA:It h Cu. t ort.," Ills a inion At. corroN wad WOOLLEN DIACIIIIN ••oti „ erohrt• moo now enlargnig esto.iltoirt A mm,or iirerortul to make, 014 kinds of Cot and II t ,iotti it NI him on the twat ....mil& trinta 01.1„r„atlitteowit lu no. will meet with inompt WO min Wit:lll'llJAN A DALZELI. I.neoek Ithaltvoy City N II —H Worlotpao, who ha, a ',meat for a very ,op,,rtaot ~oprovvolet t the eal . d,aud svlto h . . been for tIo• la•t ...us •nale of the tone.nool Cottoll INetori...oriliv ‘vsl: g,vr 1,1. 1....r-onat :uncut,. putlfsta..op. 1.0 the alkl• ml, of tho , e cone. rued. all machtna, matte n. IltiN r.t.1,11.11me01. la`ntllv JOHN SHERIFF & Co., Nor: U.t soul PI Frnal _ BRA, Foc.NP2I si/.0 Fu _ ai WI Pa. curt I■. 1 tn. ; , i v ic t ir r e m , n ont o r s;t4k . l . • • • - any - Alru, IPPro Cur lngo, - ficorlicd if oatierea. lane ha ticgo onp.o. m up pnan.oly and PP ree-ble • • Win P 'Young. U Ltanscii. F Plunkett YOUNG, 11.121.11Skt?i & PIaVNILETT. FLINT CLASS MANUFACTURERS, VVA REIIOUSE N4/4.51 Water . and 1114 Orel meet, riitablirgh The 61.1.,a tuutotfacture4 by rill ea.. to anyJ en the country... All orders. prampt :mem.; 0101 Filled on reaelaii•ble lerm., :11 , rrinutitg um other , vinitiog Alit city are °l or.' local' brio, porel...er rell4 LIPPINIZOTI r tiiON IRON tool Net, - s4.orrt, be. for rule at our Oen'. Warehouse, N 0.52 Water sticet, near Wood mo- F a r: n t. 4 Ino,o 1011[10.111 01 eland, Mallaster'e laliony •treet. long mode Irrl.lllllddLlioll ll lo the &Milts :11111, all or se on be filled promptly. no veD GRAFF% LIN'DSAS & Co. BME - . . CAIIIPBELL . & C lESSi FINISHING, N ' Arri r ICHIK HEAD DIFIAGS, F - 1,.. ...4 Copper Tacks, ,-.. IRON AND COPPER SHOE NAILS.' . Pattern Makers' Point, of every. deacription. UlLer Nu. 2SL Cll.lrlt 4 Howl, Third -street. „•• (.4,4 Pllttsbwrik• PITTSDUECIII rsTEEL woßirsahligrliiStr• A:21.1 AXLE FACTURE. aoo 10:414.•• )011.74 412. 2 .• JO! (AVICIO, NSA NEFACI'LI REES of bp•su• • n d rni ce , steel, .12 Ploneh Plough ;Wing, and oo4: Ebplie Sur,•••.ll2nirnere.llrnn A lie, l.le2ler• UI Ca•orwal- and Coach Trimming. r enerally corner of Itb•• and Front street., i'ill•burgh. Pe • - fetid] . . . • (20/1.2.42 TItIcIMINOR —fhe )410*CIII.e.A. tie ~ fee erlarge nod e xle2flee 641 , 51111i4 . 111 0f Coach Triumaiuge of. the Well% at) lek— which art varioto..arl.e lea That bane Flellre-AweAA , R , '".‘" wl•eh they purell•rett for es.h A 19.1" . Awsurer. and ure aide to sell wilo•••.. toy 1.... New York or l'h.ladelplnn. oath! •p/sidly Luin• the •tieut.on ol deawr• JUNES quiciu, no, ¢ofa& I.i au r , Alllll.l - : WORNS., BIRMINGHAM TACK FACTORI. HOTELS. - - IPOUNTAIa TIOTHIL, fir , EVI r R IDET *l . TN cat E . 46 1 • • • FOOD illltlELSTON,ltivrielon: • gems or" toi.a rent long and widely known beinng 00 , 2 o f Irte 010/1 001900,0 lOUS ilium city of Rai Outoo e, has eremite undergone very eglenlite aninitions sad improecuients. g LI entire new mkok been added, cortusit*tg mune us and t idy sleeping apannt rots, and 0i1e11.40 batmintenoam ; - • • - The Ladies department hue afro been completely Ofgaulsett and fined up hva 'nose Unique and beautiful SI y le, In fact the...chola arrangements:o" the Ileums ha been rensintleled; wittrn single eye an the part oldie Peoprielorsoegiyards;thecomfort antipleusore of their Guests, On' which they , congdently assert will lemte eutespansem with any lioiel luthe Union. Their table will always be supplies' mull every sole atantial sad lumpy which the mart et nifonls, served op in • superior style, while in the way of Wines, they will net be surpassed. In conclusion the plopnetore bugle any, that nothing will be left undone on their part, and on the pact of their eiststants, to tender this Hotel' worthy lie continue patronag e of their fnends and the public generally. The poxes for board have also been reduced uttbe follouvutg Wes sees ' Ladies' Ordinary, -SI 7lf per day, Gentlemen.'..: . .....d• . 1.. LI —The Lisggage Waggon of the Hesse will al wayslie found at the Car and Steamboat Landings, whichwbtchwilleoaveq baggage band flout the lintel, fire of charge. myeltf . Iwent. STREET HOUSE, Ciaolusall, 01110—The subscribers .having purchased-the en tire interest of Col. 0 P Viti...2.013, late 0f.1414 well known eitabliohmeal. beg leave to toile to their friends and the public generally. that they have ;Akan mi. roinmoato.. Hotel for-• term of years end will earn their bent energies to make it a desirable home for Trav ellers and City Boarder.. .., The lintel a opacians and admirably planned for eats venlenee, light and ale; kavingsvr number of parlors ualolninrchumbers, presenting unnoual attractants to families. . .. Elie preoent proprietor. having bad the experience of yearn al drio city anti eloewhers.hape they . will brable to give general ontrofacann, beano determined to g . ‘ne undivided unenhon to the house alone. The location orate rejorl Street [louse ot anent...Maly eliehla, having (rows art Pearl, Walaut-wid Thi sari so that ti is equally deiirnble in view of then on eno 1 It of trusneos awe or retirement for private boa ern, It is near hi the Banks, the Post Office, the M rtus 11411,0dd Fella*. Hatband hutone square dittnut rom 'Maio vircet a ri d Iwo parses from the City W laf. thus offering the greaten inducements, especially to ea ntry merel.nto end genet ally at all persons Wooing CI cm -1011N,N0131.K JOIC , I'.I DIIBI. armerly Fuller's Hotel; Washington, t.. 0 , JOIIN HANDS. ntor*wroa. filairo n lirge:T i .' ;SA . mane , : fated Ihd C. begs leave to call the Wootton, of ; permits awning the Capitol; whetheron plearum or business, to ho newly opened estabbittracut i olm - Ofeasion. Howe," which has been dined op hi a; Wyly of comfort and elegance uararpassed by aer wirer Hotel In the city. II is equated it the'vrestern fad of Pennsylvania-Avenue, and in the insatidinel y of the varitras Deproments or Colvernment andl the Provident'. Ilmose. • ••• • 7 • *' I table will always Inc aupplied wit all the cor m Meta and" luxiales or be found in the market.. and no! eapense needn't. , lath be spared to render the fdatviani 'lmam an attraetive residence to all wbo'resy nee 6,10( brioora with little patronage. I tow would paincularly call the mtentionoli Otbeem of the Army and Navyrotri.ltotel. to shawl ulnas ever been a l favorite plate d of 1.04. . ti e . Porters ways in attenioce. on the arrival , . I of the ear.. to convey baregmer freeof charge. atrilld --- - ADAMS taousx, BOSTON: TIIIS new and splendid eatabluhrnesih!erecteddaring i , the past season,o now' open foe the reception ttanaient and permanent bcardeis. .' , in The demand fo r me:reared and eapernr aceamoda lions forthe travelhienpaithe,Xinggeated ',to the proprie:i Union. I ir Ole plan of erecting a hits:, ante h. Is splondor end conseuteece, sboold be net:galled it: wattle he has spared neitheenaholnor spease in the. atonement of this di•Slrettti olneet. lie le vet thepubliel so decade how far he toot tineeeeded. This have tentains ISO apartments conVententlyi arranged in suites ant single lortion Theft:m:l4re west all node in, *Alfa convennoce. as Well as style and Pp :ender: Allybel modern invention: have been made sublet:dent to the; tray:needeale and eomfort.xnd no experience of alt . year: han . enahled - Me propitentr to intro:line teeny. noptovements which. as yet, are peettliar to this 1i0n,..' Linetiled an the princial street within three mina ted walk of the ores:South p ern and \Vuterp railroad de .. and the Online , . section of 140 cayi this establish mem commends itself to the patronage of the bneinesa and plesouretrarel. . L ADAMS Boerne. June, 11147. " ' - I feNeoirlin • M:P=MI Corner of Baltimore and Eutaw Streets, ISALTIXIOMIC, 000. . F JACIMION. PROPRIETOR. _. •Inn splendid and sometime hotel, eligibly . situated tor 14.111 bosom. and pleesurt Tram. , leis. open con . nt. Li -sic Lout' inc a • Mc Ittnat.e• of the brat llmeln, oe:e, eicun no iota, corrfai Claire mit:esoCapertmerdeaie at all stbsons reserved for me aecomincelation of nansientgoesni, and farnibes visiting the city AMlL.find the .b..1 - raw llatissa Biwa, on .o s pasied by airy Hotel in the Union. The locetion- is elevated nod ralntinons and is atm to Deimos and the liandiags,l at which the Coaches t nod Panels nt the House ism ht all times m waiting to convey psmenters and these (baggage, free of clot gem the lintel • Tl[ls.lo.—Ge ntleWelle' o.'' r:er•day. ins ,I r a-tie; • • t.". II doinaurSin • COLUMILIA ..01.011 , Chiirlts Btreet, between ilar4ct Rnd Lombial . - Street., Balt.laxoro.l Tut subscriber havinx taken the above estab. lislament,'ofers hw servicee to the tinsel's and pantie generally. Ito conveniently situated a. reg3r4a the Steamboats and Railroad Depot—is in the most in the more ectensive !mooning floases—and int 1,1:, location oilers to those milling Me city, as ma• ny co • w.en.rstres and comfort* a* the other Prtec , Nti • . ntr Thr hots, ts lan• heirg fitted up wadi hewfuattiauts, in grad taste and style, and.will be open to lbo pubtae in dd. dal da) of Aida, lot?. The propsiet *trusts that odretaittang ens to please, wall mouse to Yam a jaortaola of the pablie yarronage;• renrdeut as well as trao•data. , al ' W IV DIY, •te of the 6toroftDie h Foss • illtittnlot, !tint!: myladdm Ma=N_l Corner Plain and 811111 ate. Cincinnati. rembhatintent di now to the bat order ter the / reeerdosi Wipe )raving ander gene a nu:donna repalroldring the past erbart,..ad haringrhe more enteric:lced men in the 'welt, In' the vitl . oll3l dep. tllletllll. I (Inner mysrlf that all.artil be plea.ed who can.,The 10C111012iecerdral,commodia. owl plentant. Pae 11 Per day. CUIVI.2II. Mach 13,147., F: RII N. fb,,Anhowith not exactly a new !tram, WI. ihe Keene , . new 01: Li! 011 the old bendte. awn!, WASIIIINGTON HOUSE, the nut Street, - Philadelphia. A !SWF:Seventh sweet. nest door te...slasonin Hall ^ 11. This well known cuablishmect hay: recently been. prAry enlarged, and richly nod coati y firnivbed. 'lt is ' , neaten in Me mom balanceable part of ',Chesnut elreel, end in, the Inuaullatc v emitt' of the public placei of amminnent ,'Lla proprietor, grateful for the very "be en, pat rnasgE herein:ire bestowed, will;spare no efforts fi render bin house every am, agreeable to.his guests and worthy of, their coeunued sunned. I ter.ll-21avrann 11111.0C,KHOILTOS'S GALT HOUSE, Louisville, e Ella Il V 4 1 1!, * U Ky.. Where he hopes to rater all lon old friends. aesuring !bem and flirt piddle. that pa Kerr rho!! tla peered in make ell comfortable whofairis, lees with there pirronsge. '• lent 141 y MISCELLANEOUS.. fIOSTOBir MODE'OP 11111CIPSID HOU- , thi , ,+—Mc O. Deeter,Ol4roriud; II - ..ar.stliced and Tateided.phuvforhsaittng haurea,velheitibsabeertoriei , cesefally u•ed in Ihrivaft,Tiew. Vork,Y ' P./wherever ',Tiied. ....rete red the decided irekernee over MO., rafilaver, Se. ilia advantage pre— ' 1.1. Great reeiderity a rcfa.aaw... • . : Tail. Fre'rdiun Insist eavake. - ' hrh. Pia nigOnentinfltrn'ese.' ' • 4th. •Eatil).9.ettilett to, nod not bOble toget out of • sht Greet , I • , &Alvan' and Spne beadon triTty bn •Int n an 1t..-in p.agatita olontitall ot the Ihtmer and Tilt were inetory Of M. U SCAIFF; Ften oto et, • be!. Wood and hletbet-nts • DR. JOHN N. CIIAP.311&1//e U11&1.11.1IdltE, Cl the enba iiction of nornereus (tiroo, hoer:deluded toloeste bfiesell pensioned. 1 to this ctly,_ • lie there'd, offers bie profesetasual semen yet petite, and respectfully /Jilted • thereof, pond. remelt ler ade p t bit given to diheests peculiar tar yeo men and ebilde& , ' • 1 Iletessence t—rrofesset Sifinvel Ch w, Baltimore, . 11. Willi Slekley, • , !Ds R ("ached's , ' " 1 • IL lg. W. lA:emcee. • oirPoeiteNerchaurs Manargebeln House. kelt • • f., 'IIIIF. subscriber bat Ib eel it eaves fermi the Most gef• / Lettsc/F/171 . )nsterlautst au tie /Jailer /stares, • large andeddiete dfisttment of Fate', Vests iduch be will •e 1 ins& on the toed 'price, .T h 'sett.. dinar/fifes Fit Wheat e,,encsirs. (44+ ,1 / a kin .Rife Littbles Bengnlas chef. •Tothllliene,•Pidenonef ,Itaitneb /told ra Triangles. I. igc Crackers, Flower/N.!, NI /nes, e,/se, o:Jers fio.n she rountry.prosuptly In tended to 71• 11 1,C410 bar hal. of a fnesn (It mod tide.- I Sll3. It ifusslha, .3pilleWbmve, '• • Phaaddrh.n,Janc 11, Irv. • Jetur.: ifiow LwsK.or..4,om. rAcia:Ts fkl/ ISTAGFR. "72L'17- 18 17 • Ti . :talitall A Pll A SWALLOW 111/V !Waver dully after the • Ls usitselsirthe deedless ILEA YE& frod Pittsburgh, cc d . cefi r c at 1V peace sestratiog in .ectesoty for the nloges which track Clevelan yeseentred will 6[1,1[411 Ilarnitit.sietiritigb:,ihe on the reekels, and stink in the Pukes, on' cent:cation on load stefistLest akar/ r, .po u b., g t, o'clock,•. ,jet to the 'scrota: . ! • ,G M 11/00'..1 & Co; F"iltsbeigl CI.AKKE & 1:o, 1 Deaver ' JEStE RALOW IN, lesesqrslsan pIS 51 'TA VLOR. • JOHN — DUZ L • •-••• • I s 'n N•ow/XTIs Narket fro;:i it 1174 ' 11=17a ref, atzl: voloostin in part as follows - Obis Jitoloned Warr, 4:Oldish dad Sliderierd 4 lots Oritoonia ds, • do • tl va.ks thigh/di Tooled Basterpinc' ' 410 Oval lot; I easo•T,ay•aod dVdlivilfi • I do' Flo insellvil -1 do • • •'' PWviled War,- • 4 . .015'14/Ight Masi' coppv; dOPlalvsTin. 4o MOW. Awaits Wwev••• .de Tiss•Plssei• • - WIN DUIVLAP,47 Nadi. at 4 1;••; . 4.:;,tr,..t b U iti 4 4 . 4 14 1 edie - two sodhr,a44' f'"•*/ lonlidsraod poissondlosofi ti Isiw. • tw" of ausacrow iiistaavio when ha a w d has best rodoehd to o b do owl, Which law br . L . 74 Yer. Mt g ' r j:lr htsir:SZOW4S-444VdAwf-lhiaTdokilsillSd lS lifsly goo. /dash -• v ' •tc.l l/ Foroil PiUslairet t . 0•244 ssA lvakiis 414,44 h 7 14 Fioritiorest,tietiNN " • marSdkisT • //:A . 1.A7.111141 1 1015 1111 aA iereived• and 4. 7' So wile,a hill •worimeni of ; Th aws Cl.. Diacoood•,Wi the Dross wasv of ' KIDDhOwv ft C 0,40 woods[ VOL. XIV:--"'NO, 273 N. YORK ADVERTISEMENTS . . • FOR 'ROOFING, WINDOW SIIOTTEM s GE subscribers beg to esillfire attention of all Giese A interested in roofing, to their OALVANIZED TIN PLATaa, and to the many advantages which Mel pees.* over all onmalic .and other substances hitherto usedfoethisper k esaposeessiag astluirdo, the strength and lightness of don subontilit liability to nut, having • mow been tested eeveral ell., both so this country grid in Europa They n re also less subject to eapansion and contraction from sudden changes of the ausosph.ere -than !Ammon Tin Mate. lion, Zinc, Ake or any other metal now used for roofing. and consequently term a much better and tighter roof, requiring far less frequent , rtpair, whilst she - first cost is but a wide more. The subscribers would also villeins attests. of all dealers and workers in metals, to the , many other P.- p....to — a-hick Irate than protected, can be applied.-- in general terms it is applicable to all made* of iron which it is desirable to protect from the motion of the atmosphere. And they would espeiddty call Oaf if. trution'ofehoseinterestedieTELhOßAPlllC Ihefs•lialvanited Wire, ishich is now almost etude ly used in Europe, and which nuggets every-purpose as a coaderninschilectrieny, rooung only show one. half oi much as ewer, and possessing Naar dorabili ly with that Metal.. . • Ilavinglidely erected -works in Mtn city for *epee. poSirofgalmintsiataf, spikes, bolts, ssure, - Ac4May vrill be &WOO forms y article which may be desi red.,Alsimply of P es Raanunketured in Eurnlim./ - constantly band,froto 16 to ',desire gauge. • . • • GEO. B. D tlb Nos. II and Illßearer at, N/KW YORE. The Pr tent Rigid for ibis article &as been served for the United States as well ail Great Britain, and mbar European countries, and all Ural OIC•BOff. Will be ta ken toprc vent any infringement' by important,. Of Ofh. . PRINTS ONLY-SPRING STYLES , - .1847. . • LEE 4-B-RE•WEITER J _ • N0:44 Cedar Street. Netwußsik e DEO leer. iakereirDeakrs w Dry Ikeda, Out theft's. J 3 received, and are saw eahibiliag,et the WAREHOUSE EXCLUSIVELY be Printed Calk' on, 500 015E11. eissitrisiad lathe New Sprites i St yles. of British Veatch and Awericea Masofacturei, which. Is ADDITION to their mud stock readers their uwerleatat sae If Oa leoNit beautiful and allroctsve 112 the city; and harks, jest, beat pby Gic CASH AND SHORT CRED,M art by the piece Gumbo. ea the mac ten% at and War ma- Deturers prices. • (so. , wia *73 ia' hal=7yerti. ?mimeos will Wawa thin:sakes of the Sale of Out mar ket, and be well repaid bran assadiaties, ens if they •du L.& B. hart Peculiar advantages Aw elm* eardirallw prises, which we l:cite reepartfully eed. veIaLEE & BREWSTXII. it Cad. Street: . Wholesale Drag Warehouse. IN - THE CITY ON NEW TOME. A. VAHNESTOCK & Co., No. 49, John st. New York, offer for sale a large and pseud asiortment of Drop and Medicines, Dye Melia Paints arid Oita of every description, which th-y are prepared and determined ;to cell low. Country Merchants and Druggists ore relocated - to coil and examine their armlet. Orden executed willaartklulneaa and despatch. B.A. rohnestock . a Veriniluge constantly on hand. 13. A. Vahnestock, B. L. rahncolock, iPittstitirgh. O. W. rl.b t k A. B. Hull, New York, a • r 5 PAPER WREHSC 'LLB, MEW MI NORIC gtYRUB W. FIELD offers for eile' at the lowest • Iktuntfactorers. prieestrer, .eittothre wan nv•ut Of PAPER. compsising every ponible_variii ; adopted to the wemts of eiStnalliera In an 0 eMoury. Pliperefoll kinds made to order at n na ee. 7 tie moekof PRINTING PAPER is enema y . lase a parlor which is of verysuperior optillily. • • PAPER MAKER S' MATERIALS of every . description, imported and kept constantly on hors , r. Feine Wire Cloth, Fourdrinier Wires, Bleaching Pewder,ltioe Ultramarine, Twine, &e., &o. . Courant, Bale Rope. Gmss RoPe; Bagging, &e., I potellased, for which ibe highat price insftsh will be paid lytly New York; Jen,' INSURANCE! Indemnity airatiiiii Loss or Dams". by Piro. , TIIF: MUTUAL PRINCIPLE COMBINED ' With the additional seearjty ore Stock CamiaL The Relian?e Mutual initOrnee Co " of 'CHARTER PREPETUAL ' , LitnICCTICO. . George W. Toland, I 9An . M. Atwood, Thomas C. Rockhdl, Lawn IL Aohharat, vir. It. Tbarripeon, George Nalaker, . George hl:Strond, lan J. Tendert:llN George W. Carpenter.. • gm TILL make Inuirance nip cut Loin or Mango V by Fire, in PITTS/it/nth and richsitr, on licatiel, Stores and other Builthoga, and oo kurui turei Goods, Wares and MerchandOe oo the moat farortble terms. The Motuni PFinciple, combined with a Stock Capital, and the other provisions of the Charter of this Company, hold dot unusual Indacethenta, both of profit and safety, to those desirons el effecting • insurance, t6Which the Company ask the ittention and etiunination.of those interested.' Thor effecting umerance with . this -Compairy have, besides the mat protection sgainet lags, by the ordinay method of inserance, the additional adsantsgeof a direct participation in-the refits ol the Company, mithotti any GEORGE W. 'POLAND, _President. HINCUMIAN, Secretary. . • • The subscriber, who is the duly authorised Agest or the above named Company, is Prepared to make insurance, at the Office of the Agency, is the St. Chu les flow:, Third at., third ,door from Wood' sweet, and will goo all further informatiodesired ref:B4ly. :;10S. J.' CAMPBELL. •• JOHNI FIX IVEY. J , 11., ♦atnr,ar rtrromman rapt sni. • DELAWARE-'MUTUAL Safety Issuer:ince Company of PAXlndians ' FIRE RISKS-npoo buildinga and merchandise ' of every deSeeption, sod MARINE RISKS. upon hullsorenigoe• of vegels, en upon the most favorable terms. 'T": • GT Office intim Wirebottse of R. . llolmn ; As Bro., N0...17. 'Water, near Market street, rats. 'i N. IL The needs of this Company since the tilitr lishmento' the Agency this city. With the pewaymitess. and libeinhth with which evety,chiim open them for . . ' 10 " h.urftcmt kthmteth folly warrant the &gout in in , outing . ..he confidence and puronage of him friends.. the cortionmity at large to the Delaware U. S. loin- Mince Centipany, while is hat the additional wlremages :as an inatitution among tue most Jlourielung m• harrogin ample paid In capital, which *the operayonefitacharteriscontantlyincreasing as yielding In each person insured his due share ol the profits of the company without itrohing• hint in any . responsibility whatever; and thereto:ire ' 'poasestng the hfutsal Principle, divested of•every obnoxious renters, an lin its most at tre.fonn, Elora • —• NATIONAL'VIR AND MARINE INSURANCE CU PANY, • , • Neve York. ' • - m'ilks well known and respectable -. company mine pared, throughtleit NMI/UHL:II Abik.NCY. to makeinsurance of every kind connected with risk. of iransponal ion .liniand nartgation; 10 insure against Into De, , damage by fire; Damning Muses, Warehouses, Ruildings iirgenural, (Mods, W area, and bletehiltdith, and eve 0.01 . 10000 of protocol property.. the 10001 favorable . • • - Applications for Insurance attended to tinißauttleiay at the office, No 7.1 Wood street:,. • ; .SPRINGER lIARBA UGH. AT au Election held at the ales _ Y: , May 121 h, ' the following named gm:Menthe were clown, Dueeioni of dila Company, for the enviably, yeer, viz ' Joseph Wytavage, thuphen Holy, • John Urettnier, John hieChatth . waits. W.Campbell, John Newhouse, JaroleMilter, e: -Slocum, - Mervis Apring,. -- John F. Mackie, . Joseph 3, Lake, •• • -. John J. Remick. - • Auel at • subsequard meeting Jf the: Dented, JOSEPH . W. SAYABIL Eth., was uneninvioal)- te.e.lemeil Pros-, ideal for the snarling year. • Win. JA hl lag BOWS,' jr.o AJournal copy ; , FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE rgiHIF: Insurance Coutpatly nt' North America, 1. thiough its duly mithorined . AgertE the oubscii bar, otlers to make permanent and,limited One, on property,'in this city and. its vicinity, anlj on ahipments by the Canal and Attire. • DIBEt:TOKS, ; • - John C. Smith t'rea't., Smile! Brooks, Ales. Henry, -- Chasten Taylor ' '" ' .Saml. W. Jones, kAvrini Smith,• John' A. Brinro, Jobe White, • 'Thos. P. Cope, - Wea.•Weish • This is the 'oldest Insurance Corti-pear' it's Triter -United States, havieg,been chartered , in 1794..' IFa.l. !, charter is perperdat,. and hem it its high stnodi ,1 long experience,, ample' means, — mid lied:line I, cilia, of an extra it . tassrdost character,. it may: ;considered an oneneg sterile security to the pub! .• • - . musF.s ATWOOD, ' • - At Counting Room of Attroodi..tonsts".& Co - Watir , and Front s .—.. treets, rittsiminh. , epVt.tr, , -- —_rs, , 'INDNINITY Rg lost Lom,hy 'IN DEMNITY FRANK,LIN Fire lima., ranee Com p any OF Pkiladelphia,:L • . . WILL make losnr . anne,permaaentandlimijed, on'every davenptinn ofproperty, In PI3 r.s 7 BURGH and the SURROUNDING COUNTRY, on favorable terta,Th6 - Teornpiny ha. a perpetual charter.' CAYI7 • A6 L' 5400,0 1 :0 paid la. CONTINGENT FUND„ sADS,SCO Office comer of Third and hlarket ata.,littatigith ap .WAHRWX MARTIN Agent MZ= ju.srastata, Vire teem...suet Company PMA/M.:LYME. Cluaraa Ptltrlertut.. 4'4 /VAL 8501,1Mratis Ofice,&e raila&vda, Ai. 79 Walnut Davw,sobt, xxivt. : r Fltanaktif Retie, Seel. , J. 1118 addend wall-estab sated Ceeepeutyeaatina - ei na.." imam Badding", Mere smile*, Forewarn and prop* • eny opt Of WI PS= bsautiono ebanseter, against kw or damage by fire. Applications (or insarineca in Plitebornit and no neaghbottoost. till be received, and sisdts Wien* Meer parpetnally or kr !leaned period., on favorable eaten. by _ • , .6111).' COCIeRAN, - A gent' neat? Nn ‘,nrol A. LEDUI/X4 041.st_ ! 7.: . NO C k NAL STU Eer, NEW ORLE4,IIM, • A DENTS forJ U Annum , . Unleash! &ease Bay& (1. Refinery. Alwa ys els band, a large stuckorient poankead, Combed, Clanged and Bastard Saga., in Tierces and Barrels—Also, Nouar Haase Idelasees.- Psiees liberal and - a - Air allowance =de on ill sate. oSor above. Set bannit.• • ...Mt .. WAI9TED-A loommymaa Tanner Isabela of a' awa and permanent monsoon, by applytog at the stOre of the underaignsd. Ile mmlLavtl iieeet enearamsndations ammo eltaramere Se. ENCLIBH k BENNETT, Ambrose.Whito r 1. into& M. l'booksi, John KichnAl tViiod, - . • •. Arthnr G. Coffin 'See.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers