I==Z2 THE PITT6BUItGH 'GAZETTE: PITTSBURGH:: TUESDAY MORNING9JUNE t2,- 1847 ''Meer eavr-Dame O•salrez pabliseee „ Tre-NVeetily. ;• Sevc l annum; the r eXi J aut i i l Lo t ri - lite Weekly tin.. Da:lump! annum. uneue .4. itnn• - att., to 'Advtittsa". Jr, A4,Tr0,!0.7 .erugepustuou..t...uld lo 4n*r.i" 'Oernoon ournkkeit al rusloinerb, would prod.. - VON UOVEILKOIi, , JAVIV.PI (or erste. corl FOR CANAL J(i6K.PIII W. PATTOIIII tuf CCM6SfW MU CnCITT ) ro..uorua. GELkact: .peahens • • /OR /1.114..L.T. 1.1.1W1S ot. J :41 , 31L.V- IndmosTp sNIVEIN.oI In RYIIALI.,,WitIfTZWELDEOL, Poptourgb HENRY I.ARGE.,of %Olin Tp. rot corm,. pouotarm. • J. W. BAXTER, of Pntrourgh. roo count oollias , Joooo. TOIOIAS PIfILKINS, of Lower: 4 LO. , Tp 1/011 WILUA\ILIO , (P.N, of Verte,llPs STATE CENTRAL COMMITTEE .THOMAS E FRANKLIN. LeAtutcr .11/IIN C KLINK EL. Dattp!im • T.I.IOMAS DUNCAN, •.• JAMES MARTIN, •THOMA* I . I lIAMBI.V, fart. .WII.I4ADI AI WAFIN,Connet.W.KI. DANIEL M SMAY.F:Rg Adam.. .JOAN Y R. CHANDLER, • ' ROBERT T CONRAD. • • THOMAS AlcGßATll,l.l,l4cll.lya • IBLLER LUTHER, ROBERT AI 1101/. FrAnkists THOMAS T MKENNA 1V.1•11.r...; , ..0 ANDREW 1 ()GM; "IfARDIAR DENNY. A grghetty RICHARD IRWIN, 'VfII.IRO Jth 1 l B i:•11 11 KU INS. U ALl,Eriu: 11 11 MAXWELL. Nortliamplott. B SALISBURY, SusqochAnnu. ELIIAN AN slaTii, :41SAILISEL1 A PURVIA !hale, HEN/LY•S EVANS, Cherlr.r. ROBERT T Itlontgrmrry. E y- Exv. Copivs of the It prni or the Bahnuore .. ;Cofrmiitee 'piny be hsd Ws Off... A ts;ge hhifib:de °' copies of dus Repoft have been muted tor us for eireu• is de noble the; they should he 'said 11 every; ;wart in the cdy, audio ;he ocishborhood f dor held seaters oh ho Ohio, us well .a between Baltzloori . :End Plushorsit hilly be had wolhout charge. ; • For Lacs. Commercial lutelltgrocr. Donmsur ?I„•toe, M:V lover ewo, n. •er tear& pew.. Mee taverna Page foriliseellatteaask Ner• TUE NEWS FROM EUROPE, I The Cambria brings the name varirty• of inn I- Ilgerice an the preceding alum.: ea. We hoar the round of courtly rejoicing. of poliiiral elaioor of popular suffering. We see but little dinaunition at auttering io ' land, and the effects of famine indeed are sr•n shiewhera than in this unlortunat'a country. In England there in much ..1 typhos freer ; and it rather upon the inerea, than decline. Thl tilenro is doing in. wont iii Ireland and the pots:.. blight bas again appeared. The mortality at Cork from famine and tote' appears to be trarmso.h.u. Th. re were 277 nee interments in the'Matthew Cemetry one week. — in oar ;lay 67 to the work hofhte there were 02 deaths. isiOnf picture again, and here not frion the Peasant but the Palace. iiThe Queen held a Drawing room ou the ride. in L. datue'n palace, in celebration ul her Mar• ty's birth day. The reception war the m O .l tint. limit this treason. The Queen wore a nit gold embroidered win, of it.titifaeture. trimmed with honeysucani nod tulle. and or wanted with diamond. The petticaat w i. f white satin, trimmed with gold blonde and toile.— jier Aajesty'a was formed of f. athyrr and.a wreath of hontiyauckle, ortianaented with diamond. The seem wan one of royal munifi cence throughout. ,POLITIC SIIITZTALinn has adopted a new and more ridieal constitution. by a vote of 5446 to 3187. The result was the suteet of mach popular j.,y. The open war betwe'en the King and Queen rf bi”gs. as have before enticed, and the Pope. it is seen, iti called upon to annul the solemn bands of eltiandstetween the ill-mated pair. Poarno.o. is Will revolotionwy. The Junta at °podia decline the offer of the British neg.ti_ titian, but Great Britian, having been' invited to =dm peace, will enforce it at the CarrOtl'd mouth. Sir Charles Napier wilicJmysand the expedition against Spain. v . In Fanner the Mexican consuls at Havre arid Marseilles have-protested against trio right taken by the United Siatc;s forCes of substituting their own =item laws for those of Mexico, and bare notified to French merchants that they :must ),ex pect t heir propjrty to Ito confiwated. They state however, that they bare not received will's. or ders Irani their Government to make prat at. but they doubt not that it will be agreeable to it, The Sight assumed by the United States his , gi.en tine to same disensiion in France, and has created Same alarm. • „ We are struck by almost every arrival Inni yairope, at tho feeling manifested by EnrOpean GoVernments at every innovation and invasion of right save that in which they are profitable Ines. data. ..Know thyself," said the wise Greek, and nit is I lesson for Franco and all other nations to ;Miro with profit. From Ira r.x we learn that disturbanh . 4 have taken place at Leghorn on the publication of the decree relative to the pre,. The people cried. "Long live the Grand Duker and 'then went to the house of the Austrian consul, and snouted ..Death to the Auatrisna!" The Governor, for int:de the fele which bad been projected for the lath isi honor of the Pope's birthday, but notarith• standing. the people assembled in crowd..., and ahoured,"Long live the Pope!" ..Long live Italy!" i•Down with Austria!" The dagroorw had to be called null to disperse the — Assemblage. The excellent liberal example of the great oil good Pope is already beginning to be imitated py the princes of Italy. The Grand Doke of Tusca ny ,has eceorded a certain manure of lawny to the prow, for which he him received the blessing. of the wide. The King of Santini. it is end. intends to give a sort of conatitunon to his perrpk; and the Grand Duke of niacin)) , is believed to be inclined to ,do the same thing. • It is not always lisle nor wise to make preckle• bona IS to the crops, hut we have . taken occasion to do so once or twice in public, and often in pri area, when our advice has been asked, and always ta the advantage, we think, of those who bare sought our opinions. Having, however. no totter data to go upon than the facts sea receive, we continue to give them for public information. The reader flu come to a wise cOnCIU4IOII as safely so odnelives. • Prom - Upper and Central Egypt, one 01 the great granaries of the world. we learn that there was a magnificent harvest of Grain, which look place at the close of April. Egypt will export . : four million hectolitres of eOrn by the end of July' . , The proapects of large grain crepe, at the emu-, • log harkrost in the South of Germany, and on the - shorea of the hlediterrimean also appear elms:T ingly encouraging, and from the following pars. • graph' it would mem 'that abundance from last . ' year's crops remain an hand. A letter Ram: • 1 • “Kc4ounts from Glinalter ! state,that daring the .17th, ipth, Roth and 224 ult.,.upwards Of 800 or • 900 reacts, which bad been vrind.hutand for some - • , . - time, hid •suceowled in peeing the, Gat. The Ms. Oil, were laden with grain, dec. A ter passing the Straits they proceeded west:mud. It is belies ..r i - , - ed that the great majority were 1 n.I for Great I Britain and Ireland." • '' • "The foUosiing f rom no intelligent American in ', -.• L o n,yoo; (the editor of the neW.Ba rupean Journal) t i is alan iniportn: • ...- . .. ... . “Thank Heaven: the eapiect of the Mace begin ~.. :44414111 . m brighten. Tbe prices of f sod are ~ . . .I:minimally lower. klaramous enpplien are prepa• ring for England in AnteriM, and; the prospect of eicalmitd int hsrvest is everywhere; indicieed. We ."• read ,in- some papers that certain farmers have ' • et Mid titcli_corn for years, caleulatiog on from 1.24 • •to 165 a carter, and that certain northern mar. chants have, while thousands have been perishing " , l , around them, kept their Warebouies 611 ed to the • - ; • ,,,l .. brim throughout the long winter, and did of lam contemplate sending their corn bark to the Baltic. ''' • ;•aeLei tnrealizo the higher price that there prevail. • - ,'•,- .., ml. Now, if there be ono creature .en God's i • 1 : ', elmilt carer iniquitous than another, it le: the man ''-' ''.., who', Jesting in famine prices rides ‘,9rrougluthod" .: „,„oser th e dying and tbe g dead around him, without • . ' 11 ['a -thought-0C - pity, 5 tear, or.* 1 , 11410 compunction. Nor can we me why the law might trot COli•titU• tiZmally, }each trafficeraioth ii these; In Moult (this, liimeaer, the wales opini.m, intrepidly put forila„May J., mock toward petpetuating stigma 'bey so righttottdy deserve.. 7, 1322=0.1 Centel. NI arrYildt,ml 4l .. u agein Maiming nu. tier from die lit, rary world. in a novel relltd Jo. rieph itushorooki. the Posebin, • - . De Lamanine, the celebrated poet and deputy. tuts obtained an immense suEcese with his /Astaire da Girordins. Upwards of 15,00 d copies have been void, end it is no exaggention to sty that the work is literally in cvety bend. %VAN. Ass. 814110 P —This artiste in about nieitiog the U.. ii., who, wince the halcyon days of Malibu., her not been equalled. The services of this gifted prima donna base been monopolised (far the last two years) by Russia's autocrat, in the Italian Opera of Petershargh. On berreturn to England she was immediately engaged by Mr. Bunn, and accompliabed the successful task of playing s star engagement of fifty, nights in the theatre Royal, Drury-lane, with but two operas. In the Italian States she WU dm successful nom petiter of such artiste. aa Grin, Persiani. and Ca rdin; end we prophecy for her as sucnessfol a course in the United States. Tho ago of O'Cons nu. was 72 an ' a we have the following particulars of his death from the Rev. Dr. Miley his Chaplain. announcing the mei. anchuly event: ~ A latt! my dear friend, O'Connell I. dead! I am so completely overwheland with the blow that I am almost incapable of writing. • His death was terror and happy, for it was sanctified by the exa laments and alleviated by the consoletione which our divine religion lavishes wall' so Such mercy on its children. He replied as first itii word, and afterwards with Look and gesture. to t a exhorts. non. which I addressed to hinanp tote last mo ment. He rendered up the last sigh th the calm of an infant who falls o ff tit sleep, on aturday, at twenty her J . ,.:itjAmites to ten at night.. e requcel ci that InsWgri—that. heart which a ways brat for the cause of religion and liberty—rahould tee taken to Rome. We have had-that noble heart embalmed, and have enclosed it in a silver urn ; the body which has slat been embalmed, will ve ; main bete in a chapel until our return from our pilgrimage to Rome with his heart, and then it will tie transported to his native OVIUI.I Bind, to re. main there to the day of reeurrection. The heart of O'Connell at Rome, his body in Ir land, and hi. soul in heaven—is nut that what e justice of man and the mercy of God demands! A i dieu." O'Connell was the tint Rousso Catholic whn bad occupied s sett In the House of Cumulous of Eniesuil risSenturirs: sod the first Lod Mayor of Dublin iif\thst religious persuasion in three hundred yin , . He Liss represeuted five or, .is counties in Parliament. Ile 1 , 111.1 barn in the wilds of Kerry, Ireland, on the sth of August , 1775, and died at Genoa, in Italy. on 1511, of May 11347, in the 771 year of his age. His father etas a member of an ancient andhonerable eatb, idle family ratermively allied by cdnaanguilisty atol tonnage with the old families of the country. Ho wan altogether nppr.ed to the French Keeulu• non. and studied law in 'England where be was called Lithe Bat in Easter term, 1794. Ilia auccomi a! Bap Bar was 'very rapid .1,1011 became Ili, Sing young Catholic lawyer. practice at lire lay in di lending prisoners. and in a suberqUent pedal ..f his life he was admitted to It the heat criminal lawyer at the Hu. His tl si speech mi record was agatuat the miluu of his country with England, and he there &Three his pref,rence for the Irish Parliament, without emancipation. to annexation to England meth it., Still Le dcrifrml to Ledoyal to the Brit. town He praised George IV. when Le 'lei ird Ireland in loyal language, and always lauded Queen Victoria. In Feltruary. ISM J. N. D'Ea tette chollangod Lim tint tight a duel, because be had called the civic power in Dublin.. a'lng ggr . ly c irporatiun." O'Connell mildly remonstrated against the uafaimeaa.of a chillenge given on such grounds, but accepted it, welds antagonist portal wound, and thereafter declared that he uMloated duelling. .11? would never fight again. He wilt the steady enemy Or slavery, whether upheld Ly Britain, Prance, or America. His just remonatrancea excited 'much of the ire of South ern men tom, years since, but were not the teas Beath'' , pressed daring the remainder of his life. As we find room we.sha'l coke occasion to pro. eet some etter iecide arJivary ninn. A par! rU ribore Ewen we borrow from an intf rotting article in the New York Tribune. The.deatk of Dr. enamel's t has crested it marked sensation in Scotland. He expired as .Iroly as the babe at its mother's breast—as resigned. contentedly. No prow ion. intimation showed that he was heir to nature's infirmity: the hand of disease yrs* not upon him. The brilliant intellect wee to shed its light next day on the General Assembly. While preparing (or this hut detente of truth he fell full of year. and of how A hurricane of unusual violence has been en parrenced all along the Malabar tout, In which hundred, of native weasel. are said to have been died. There is . complainfin China in I egad to the payment of debt. by our people. It i. urged that a GOvernment ought to enforce the morality of its subjects ahroadlend that memo American citizens base been delinquent in paying their debts to 11.itish subjects. A great deal of diwaseion has taken place at Paris between certain American visitent, who claim' the honor of the discovery of her se a mean, of preventing pain. The enstroeersy has been wound up by a letter from Dr Brewster, the well known American dentist, in which he declare. that Dr_ Wells wee the diecoeerer and that he will prove it to the Academy of Scienar. A party or officers mid men ate to proceed to Fort York on Hudson's Day, t be in reedier.. to proceed is the epilog of 184$- in search Cl Sir John Franklin'. ferny: in case nu intelligence 01 the Arctic voyager. should teeth England by that time.' The Pbysician of O'Connell says that during the whole time of hi. attendance upon him it was with tbe grestest,difliculty that he meld induce .him t o t 0,,, food)lle abotainedklrous drink forty Lours. • Tun emigration from Uermany cothinues on e gigantic scale, and the liovernment is alarmed at the loss of as subjcat. Pistons by' the French steamers will be one bane Lesides the inland postage of 10 centimra. Journiclo, periodicals, unbound book.; pamphlets, estalogues, printed canine. et., will be telleelllilre , per journal or sheet, besides the territorial pg . . age. Palace .lEito,lll 80a..... nephew of No polcon, lately died at Florence, from a dissam of the opine. His physician at first gave some hope of recovery. it the Prince used the waters of %er. .1. in the Pyrenees; but the French Gorenr merit refused permission for the prince to ether the French territory.' Acconsvi from the Cape of Good Hope men tion that an experimipt made last year at Natal . in growing ;ha cotton plant had been very suc cessful, and that a joint stork company had been very auccersful, and that a joint stock company bad been formed to perfect and extend the culti vation. A 101ITIOS of the Anti• Slavery Society,. at Convention lately held at Nfaletfon, New York. nominated Gerritt Snalth fovPresident avid Efibu Sancti fa Vice Paexiilant. Tur. Government has just dispatched a special messenger L. Gen. Scott, inVhs person - of Dr. A. ' I H. Saunders of Virginia. A /1.44 . bu beep sent by Abe autbaritics of Cork to Boston. It Le emblematic of 'Me aid fly en by America to Ireland—the eagle is represent ed as .oppartmg the barn and shamrock. In the letter accompanying lbe gag, the Committee say o Convey the amorance to your fellow-citiaenee that if at any time hereafter danger or dimems pf any kind may come °poi them, we shall ant he f wartful—and We trust our dcicendent. will new. „ b e fa raa ltui.--that in ■n hour of deepest ismer, wd desalation, America 13u been to as MU must friend and our mad PlitiOtta moist mt." Gezza cony bu bean sold In New York. ►t maven cent. an ear, brought from Charleston by kluaancsscs.—ha Chariest=Waldo:Oen publishes an anonymous letter from Profess:it Idems of the Mese Newton Theological laditate (Baptletylit that state endowing them ban* note, of one tkossiold dollar each—ta la of. which ere to go towarda s permanent fund for support of the President of the institution—and the thinl tot the benefit of the A. 11. M. Union. Coetnp.dnac , . of the l'ilisburiOirialrtte driumorolLn. ILLeNot.;uns i 5. 'it; -- -- . i - ' St a rritar awl intsettsz." I, You mail observed tba po tritice ti o t n ly th a . C . o u ri brc s . ass: .....,,,, re.... 1. .i.:4: mr...: jm..., the . r..4wi 6'o* helm held " ih""- 4e. '' 1 nableri took paimagi nu, baud a ateamboatit of it , iniriecteil Rail Road fronli 4 Cincitimati teIIR. lelntevilk, bitted for New Orleans A short t iara L.A.. The Contention was I not nuiderootlylit. Iris r the 'trout pushed utfit it was dscovered t at u go d e d. but the aweruar . Ohio, AI a delegate. i. there were no less than twenty gamblers on board e t and much dissatisfaction was expresentl, becrsuse wan present. 'rho City of Cincinnati was rt-prt.-1 so many had beam the same bast It was soop tented. parts of the State. of Indiana and Lllllll, agreed that te c n or fitleen should return ashor i aleor were represented in the con.entio". The' the lion oppoituntty.andwait for another boat.— best feelings on the subject prevailed. and strong i 'Shortly after, this determination w as curried into hopes are entertained that steps will ha taken for effect, and it was while Me . Green was atanding oat the hurricane deck , noticing the landing of • the commencement and successful pratecution o f : partionpf his old hien., that his attention was this groat work. This fine of rail road will lit- arrested by a young man looking ansioualy upon extended eastward, iks as Lt connect Cincinnati I the devoting gamblers. Ho was pale and suits. with =Atlantic cid., and an important inquiry ! I . 'l l s • a im , d e.,. .. i r e k l r t r t F i h‘ g t l i t tri a e l d i t il e l eo llis t : e e m ye m . ..I'll . l . rt is, by what route shall this be dune. td and interested. He sough t the youth. and ark- In MI judgment, the ab ove to" w ill be the him %flintier he was going! He replied that ho great thoroughfare of the %Vest it will p. "knew not wh•re.” and co if to shun further no through the most Wide Par" of Obi., Ind.....tic, ic left tie deck and descended into the cable.— and Illinois, the great agricultural Sinter of the I Green. still more curious. followed him and by the Union. Ohio now produfes mitre wheat than any 1 sapreassin of symi airy, lioally induced him to State in the. Union. sod dm , Ptoducti'°-ev. is ntlp• unbosom himself. He said that his first reply was idly on the increase. In e few years milier . of the I correct—that he really did nut know whither be Stater of Indiana and Illinois will grow more was ,i,. H„ was the ate of reputable parents wheat than is now produced in Ohio. The WOO in WMOII. and bed lili l f ther city a few weeks be remark applies to every other agricultur 41 pr shier I fire for the pur d ose ots kiting Loularille, "which comwaa to the three State. Th. C.,,,,,e,,,, if, place: . t, C , oulltinlekl, ,, loU perceive we bare just Misenurrt which au.' w i ne e r irr e l e r . 1.84 . 1 ,..1.• I passetl.'"rhe teat:mei' for this course were sad will, to a considerable exteat, be drawn eastward. I „„.., ili. h o ,I „,,i,,,,. o r t,„0,01,., w h o h a d 'on this great commercial route. Let •'y Olin en.ed thither, while he was yet a child. The consider the unlimited capacities of th.,l great death . , of ant iii.ter'.. husband had induced her to t Sint , . for agricultural mineral Pri'lerr ~ arid wriie to her brother to coins on, to protein tier in their rapid advance in imptorements, and hn will i her widowho el and mist in settling up the estate. be lost in the rest c o mputation o f th e properly ..lo paionto presided him with all the nocewearira i 3 which will annually pars over that lino el' trim. f or 5h.... m5 ,,.. 5 , geet t him p et nn at io n t o tarry a munication. The cars running east will be freight foe days in :sivw York awl Philadelphia should ed with the results of Weetero iodostte and et , he nook proper and lib] gore him about two hue. terpitso, whilst In return we shall receive the 11'10' died dolers in money. All went smatthly ard dy work of the Eastern and itliddle Stst a. slit pleasantly until he arrived iu Philadelphia. Here through them the commercial e intrilintion of die i tie 10-,k lislgingo at a leading Hotel end soon form. world. I el an aril:vital., with two young men of gen" In adopting the route fir thin great eni rpr.. , , 1 heel extertur, plausible manners, - nod , captivating I \ we "'le , "'ib i wi consider th e leei th , xt e. , av and i titian:as Accompanied by them, lie, during the the interests ti be subserred. N3llOO ii old bi- I day. visited several of the leading intilltutions and commend the tannest r cute, hicauso it it the : a , nigh t „„ 0 „1 an irritation to play . gamy et rhorteet, 0 - cheapest, merely 00 that ground Bot Iwbbit the icily gime of cards with which he was these considerations may he taken Into wow in Itavilhar. Second d ays an d evening. wren occu. connection with the interests o be a leoned.— ; Iled inn similar manner. He then determined ti Without going int, detail. I adept en a bans for I continue his journey, which be did, by taking pee. the route that it shall connect the eines of Pines I aage i n o n e o f the Li e, , for Pitubnrgh. O n ape burgh, Cincinnati and St. Louis. I d o no t doubt I peering at the depot the next morning, he was de that this route is practicable, and that it will iinite lighted 1., bad his two canpanions. They also W"6M a M itClt A"as" extent thou had business wee', and they regarded itaa a plea,- any other. ore t, have so •Ereeahle a companion. After ex• No Western cities con compete with those 1 haust , ng the ord•nary topic, of the day, the game shove named. Teri now c oncentrute p puts- lof whirl was again thought of and renewed.— lion, an active capital, and an enterprise, whiily They brat p l a y e d for rhp s u, r d a , th en h or place them far in advance 01 any other moles in and busily for small sums of moue., The youth the oVi a ; and their future growth ~ill br at , -; became oxeye I, and err they triter, oi the iron cr. eelernted by the cower which loner pr ' , need or, 11, has lost every ol.•11.1r that belonged to, him. their present renown, and this principal ratite f",,,rt, th e etc -Om, of a_sion Jun audirient to pay may be connected with lateral brooches 63 a :o huo poseoge from Pit oMurgh to' Louisville. accommodate with the means of tronsnortattott. Hut again the rtmogers made their app. ranee • country of greater extent and fat lay. man Ohi o tied s te a mer, amt in the ho pe - .my similar imimtshme" vhch eau I st Prejeel- of roc erring whit he hid leas the deluder' young ed. 'rho route is longer than mils', which I min played again, when his gold watch was the have leen named between Cincinnati and Salto sacrnice. On arriving at Cincinnati. he Was nearly rtn/riu.' but this Objection is overcome by the', wad. lie then bethoughl himself a package which greet intermta at tall.cn're 501i...1e the dtstst , ' 1 his mother hod coo Irol to hint tor hi. sister .ou this route. from St. Louis t,. lialtnnore, at,010.1 Ile s ou g ht nor it to bus trunk, Tined and opened be one hundred miles greater then on the m. t it. It contsine I a w-ekhoce se a loovegstr, and en 'direct one, yet by this deviation we unite 'het o , :sealeil !cumin Wlll.ll Wsa ruelteted a hank note wealth, the comae:roe, and the enterprise of Cm• f o r futon. Still tennuteul by the demon of gan.b cinuati and l'ilsburgh. There is not a merchant in ! ittoz. and anxious to regain what he heal base. duo what who dues not draw his oomph... either Ihe returned to pus rile Collssisnion• Whipt directly or Indus oily, from Pittsburgh, and there Ifs y A y eJ hour after I nane . l ost d nr mmuy, rhea is not of them one who would noa-aay that hit, suke . l ari d ho o t Pie neckl a cr. At this point, the connection wok Pinsiturgh is of al much trn• I bunion. of hissitea•ton surre inderentrohle. piirtance is his bu..inf+k al a cOnnectiou tv.th smile was at band, but how could he fleet his Baltimore. 'rho increased dist MCC of the pro- sash r' How could he expiate his folly, his in- Posed route, over the shortest. may ba aaerneme I tatustlon and his crime I He hail left home wish by a run of three. 411 at moat four hour.. and a good naIII , . on a Int...son of sacred dote, and he hew small is the objection as to this inctkiale or w now a thief and a iobbSr. 11.. had nnsem• • time, Whets c,tepared with the advantages recta , pity a, ed funds given under hollowed citctunatatires, ed by it. Go the ,-f moreover' ex /eh. , and h. con.lition war hod ed ileaperate, riot there eau be hole or no objeotioo. fused trot psrplexed, Inc at taxi divermtnetl to rush In a short time, Galsrmote mid ChtibleiPbm from Me hoot, leave the tided package at 11,0 will ton connected with Psnotourgh by eel toad- h on ., et hit water, return and follow the fortunes and it will ant to long !te ft , . a rep road will of the gamblers. who had tempted and laettayed he aamPleled from "ma...b. 'ltmekh Celom him, in the hope that they would not be so heart. bus to Cleaveland. At I:Monotone, or at +.0.11.. 1,,,, t h,„ w h os , oit But the hope T„.„, of more cousenient point, the Pittsburgh real Mar shoe shoat., Le they were ain.mg the Puny divelge. This route, thirefore. though I tug., ihnt 1,!, b„„t us than the tithe., will squire a new constructrod t h e i r b e i ng 1 . 00 many of the fru, ruin of rail road to make the hiPaectilua PmPeeed, l au b und. It was while they were returning that of lees eaten* than the shortest route which has I he a 6,0..t0ce..1 by Green, and that hence stem been suggested. From Columba., or some orb- f0re...1 Itself to ht., eye, st ben be realer.' the ha/le er phint un the Cleveland road, to Pittsburgh. I.n. and wr c t e h m tn e - 0 ,.1 his con liri un Ile would compl-utc the uournirnication betwe4 n CI, I wa r a o ou se us t nail a .lds,r—hod Ise ne e a , a cineeli and rtibb . o*'• The road from Cutjte few do, ft tin havtog ',muted upon what ha nod to Sk Louis whil e iu the State ct Maros. called an innocent game of whist, and , thus he for many mites, pen through the public lands:: truly said, in reply La the question that had been, and it would be a small thing for Congress roput t him—that he knew not whether he wax I give the Company two miles on each side of going. Green advised him to return to his sister the road, to aid in its construction. and make a funk confession—but his heart foiled ' Indians and Illinois, on the line of the pro 1 hi m —h e h a d not t h e mora l nenve. H e could not nosed road. pm.ut generally level : int., t the being be had lottreily oruoced. Ha little to, , ,c . ltilite.l In any pall, VII . tt,l . C ' f j u t y a d ig i t ! l oa n h o lire,. an d grading the route would be anima. Tramiel soon slier deparord. the above States I doubt whether the c or.truc- I T ar , years ro ll e d b y . G ree t aga i n on t h,, lion of the toad, exclusive of bridges, would coati Missusaipm, a passenger no the thy ...pu t t Med. more than ten or twelve thousand dollars in, I Inew ah e tt e, on her way (tom Oilcans to Louisvilha mils An accident happened by which s h e was induced If this mad were completed, I hoar piule Autte tto stop near Plaquemine. While there. a fellow. That in three years the increased tin, of anneal -I passenger remarked that be had jest witnessed a tural products, influenced by It, and the mitten tn lhorriblo sight upon the forward deck of the tswt, in the expedient' transporia's ifi generally. would j, e a..t e n e t{ Goan— toil Immediately pro. ameont to a larger sum than the man, cort f the I eee d e d to the e p ee d„,g„atettd. li e th ere behel d road. With great respect and o.teefo, five men in chains—convicts, on their way from I am truly yours, J. M New Orleans to Satin Hauge, where the State Penitentiary of Layi.i.lnal,,la located. Among them IP,, .youWg. Mehnont—(the name is of course tietions)—the wretched youth who" un fur/snide journey fr.m &Sun to Louisville. toe, /lure Isere 'n !tastily described.' Ho had but a few days lei ore born convicted of forgery, and wohenerd to the Slate Prison for five yeara ' This, gentle reader, W no fiction. but a true story, and the moral it conveys es La the danger if. tomb. ing. cannot be unstaken.— laq. SURSCltirilnif Tn THe 1,:01.1ILI.SVII.1 F. Knit Roan...lt will be seen be the proceroltogs ol the Connell, that the resolution instructing the. It:ret tors ails Baltimore and Ohin Roil Road / to vote for a aubmnption of sdoo.ols/ to the burgh sail Coonellsville Rail Road. was reconinier• ed, yesterday afternoon. bra vote of vies 13; nay. 6.! Alter considerable debate, and bona amended sP al to request," mitcrd of instruct.” the three. Rim, it was pasted by the following vote Ayes, Mew.. Wets, Connolly, Saran, Colon. rttersi Soarrier, Symms,Speildon. 11 lei,. ati Grum Nay.. Altural'rcud•.m, f 'of ton, A ithanw, Creamer, Hager, Reynolds, Gard nor and .Kbv It. ' 11%0 regOintiOD Wlt slightly :mended and tdopted in the Second Brandi, by the following note . Messrs. Stanebury. Waleh, Mode, green, !teem and Melthemon 6. Megan Bolton, Lineberger, Taylor and Page; 4.—Balt. Clipper. We hues the names of the gentlemen selected fr t om the twenty wards of B sliiinore, and appointed tq wait on the cilia ma of Baltimore Li whet t sub , iptions la the stock of the Pittsburgh and Con. riellseille Railroad Company. They meet at the City Hill on the 23,1 inst., for the purpose of con certing rneasursa to carry into eiecimen . the ob. ject of their appointment. The Baltimore Patriot says the Committee will enter upon their duties at once. The Baltimore American *aye "it will be we that in the City Council the Resolution instruct. ing the City Directors in the Baltimore owl (fin.. Bailrowl Company to note fir a eud,•111.11..1i $OOO.OOO la the stock of the Pittsburgh And Con nellerille Railroad Company woo finally pascal This important action will be regarded with gee era! and hearty approval. The continmviry the subscription shall not take effect until PO, burgh and the West shall lubterMet47sno,ll,en I the citizens of Baltimore at least $41m,11011, now, are vie confident, be promptly .net in tort. ABlll.l . IN lialialasvitaii.-4 1.1 r to Philadelphia Ledger, dated Harrimbliril. (P ) June 14, 1847, fay.: - On Saturday last a man, ceiling hini.olf J. iin James in, Jr. was detected in tensing a c.attiter it $lll bill, un the Herriaburgb Biuk,sit the clod store of Himmel & being arrested be strongly . dMaied hie wetted that he had received the forged were found in hi. pocks{t ; hook he exchange ..r - . others, on hi. way frona:Pittebutsh.to this jib s. On searching hie bregtge a. small tin - has found, which on being di.sected, woo huntl contain 111,81. in connterfeit he ', mediate' con cued bia guilt. Th. ecru,, thus lowed was very •ft.cting.. He had w,t7t Lain. young wife, riot eighteen years of a g e, with an font slot month. old. After confewing t he raid—. 4 am a ruined man; I ti,ve ct.tang disgrace upon .1 amiable wife end child " . ' He elated that be bad received th:, r. oz. a mart named Barbour.. which ,he bad paid t.,r in silver, paying twenty-five cents oit.er f elder note. He stated that be bad hopt a be, y stable in Fourteenth strict, Pituburcli. Pa., st.,l that he rented his wand from.the Han. vre rr Forward, of that city. He was committed in de. fault of $lO,OOO bail. His trial %sin r.ime , nf nest weds. TIT following is , is lie .1 . Ile bi I. found in hie F 02400100, via-410s lit slos and 3. of the Phomis Bank, N Y; $3. and $l. Hartford; one $lO bill But,k of B 1- timore; 1,1500 In $2O. of the Wilmington Bat.k; Ws and $2. Bank of Defi,eq; $5, 0,.„, County Bonk; $5. Franklin Bank, Providence; tssk New deny Hank; $5. Mania lie It. N.... 'York; slosand Ss Harrlsburah Batik; siiit Land holder., ft I. $3. Crimmercial Bank, Perth Am. 'any; and Sl..Cherry Volta, Bank, N.Y.Moat of them are 'well executed, and amount in all to $l,BBl. lio bad about $2OO in good money. A. Pitmpurgb has no 14th Mreet, and Mr, For. wan] Ito stable in town, Mr. Jamaeon's .tory i. somewhat crocked. To Coaassroseseen--C. in reply to Mr McLean's Report shall appear tirmorrow. We Lan a large number of tosontaniestions or band which we shall make room for as epeedily se pos -ibis. • TU E YOUNCiv,; VICTIM . o(• Gambian` [fat, wont Ann OHIO ROIL ROAIE—The Bai• smote correspondent of the National Era holds the following language of the conduct of the Bal. timbre and Ohtn Company toward. Baltimore, Pittsburgh and other plate,: The course of the Railroad camp toy, in relss non to the 'natter, ha, Cr my mind, been a stand. ing titanic to this community, and an instance of arunit rairl , nlll tampering with the intestate of the pato, while the way in whoh the Pittotturgh auA Connellaville company has lard need ra • .C 2 1 .0 pen, " WOUILI be positively. intolerable to any pea. ph• lee. patient and firlicating than our Pittsburgh netghbobt Indeed, this whole railroad courtship has been cirri,' ot in et mode decried', corpreifisit in appears.. t and 1" should be di5p....4 to trees it with • cantempbkno ridicule, as such, and char art rile it as a huge twee, land I not good roman to believe that parotid iiilluencts have bear at work, Therein speculation in pros. pert et the lifirginin Priiminu., seine of the perti cipatont in which are know. to me, but I With held their names hit prudential reasons. Kane tact., not a little curious and instructive, as thus 'retire of the private motives by which mankind etc not unlo trendy :Mooted in their public) oats. [nay vet leak out. snipes the Baltimmia conspany should come to its arttkes, under the "one-man power" of de dtstinguished President, and eiteetli lv give us a business connector) with the great Ohio region, by that Potrhurgh route•—• conceal , coati an rood devoutly. t.) be wished, as Orin, nu, poor coll.-ell trade o chance to recover, a far es retarding /wane cireuneasner• will permit. Copper inhere. Ituvr.u. Atay 21 We have had winter him in all its hwy.— Thirty floc feet of snow have fallen at this place during the pait'seaioll. Out. nolwlthstanding, we have got on wry well, and the mines are general. ly very successfully worked. Th. beau 111 MI which I was, contained a vein of green .rbuiet. intermixed with a little spar. and of five feet in width. It belongs to a Pittsburgh Company, and Mr. Jones is agent. The principal mines are get ting out topper boulders by the wholesale. The following in the hest information I hare with re gond to a few of the locations. The Medina Company has struck a Vein, and is doing well.. The Albion is not doing mach at present. Copper Falls is doing a pr al 'business. The Eagle River works are in a more pimp, eandition than usual., The navigation is open at last, and we have bad 'two Imes limn WO S/11.111. Others are hourly cs• wart?. Our tine weather hm commenced, and aver, thing appears busk and cheering. A volunteer, writing an ac count of the pert his people took in the bottle of Cert. , .(fordo, and epealling particularly of Col. Black's regiment, say. Capt. Herron, when the regiment IVAII 'damming, found a man lying down to avoid the iron hail which wen dying at that tint, Capt. H. g.ea him a kink, when his foot Flipping he fell forward, and hithat accident no doubt steed his life—for a grape shot at the indent passed over hint and cut down a small tun immediately Imhind him." It n,, to o told r'l (laid 'Herron, t h at he fall at Corm Gordo, but not that ise'ffave his teat kick tht ra. There's a world of meaning in the following from an old scrap hunk Ti thou wbebest to be lei., Keep thr.e words before Mite, eye,' What thou rpeakest, and how, h c wa,a, Of whom, to whom, when and were. Ic.—The esport of tee, hriog the year ard ing May sl, was 50,79 U tuna. being a decease al about 1.56 . 3 tone over the previous year; and an Inman va , 896 to.s ova the import of !Ma —5. Undue Lmr. ..idsionh,Pfureasice_. e r-A schist meeting pf tri.pertaat t ,10vtirilseiiiie—Tbe ;ker. 1 , tie eonncils LS . ;callisifor this aftertiosn,an '_,La - a1*...L.. e FILVPP ,,, IWO= Daily iimed , g thitiedte nop d'eloek,yi taulnio oxiiideintion the p charge. tranadvantage toper advertisers. vrttbe. phieb VFW b 'medal° teethe bfenoker.Pntvio. "Y tier,. The meeting licalleaf at 4 o'clonk at the adjenrs expe.e. Adverb.. .11r minket At...lrd NVeter Wvr ks t where iti. tropoesd some ssperi- ''"°`f.?""" Paper went. shall be Midi. The eubjent is, of suf ficient importance so induce a !ergo attendance, and we bops every , member of the Hoard will bn in attendamca. The- Smoke Preventive etubra , me both economy aml conseniones. It propane eat alone to Make Pittsburgh a clean city, but fis put money in the purses °ldioms who may ad* the remedy for the Simko Nuisance.-- Tbese inducements combined, are salficient, we hope, to interest the whole community, In the subs jest. Woos. re laos.—The Ledger bout. that or der. ere given for Iron Railing at Philadelphia from Pittsburgh, the Iron City. If so, we hope that our Pittsburgh neighbors will seeno it that they are not beaten by !hell neighbor, on the banks of the Delmore. We have material for u good work here as any where in the Union, and no city should surpass this in the working of Iron. 0[01163 H: HART, for many years connected with the United States - Gazette, le talked of as President of the Eastern Magnetic Telegraphic emspany, over which Amos Kendall now pre. vides There are now aeventeen thouund Poet Offices iu the United States. Gnv Shunt, of Pennsylvania, and lady, arrived at Cincinnati, on Wednesday. BY MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH. Corresportkore of the Pittsburgh (imam Vista between Col. Denlphaa and lb 132=1:23 ZDZILICCUT;IIOII, Jape 2! The Southern Mail, lo day„beings aa intelli gence of a bottle between Colonel Dintplian and the Comanche Indian., near Penes. The Manchea lost seventeen of their number, and were scattered in nil direction. None of he Anntrieene were killed, and only one of the party,—a Volun teer from Minouri.—injured. I=ll A WICIAK. LATIC.II FELON MEXICO. Uy au arrival at New Odours horn Vera Crux, we have a ax k. later intelligence from thq Army and hies jet, The reiOated imprisonment of Aintunte is fumed. Sri to and Voleneie had been ordered to Victe lis fur tie defence. and to appose General Taylor In the Mexican Capital carry thing was in eon lusion from the contentions and quarrels of It ourorootis Irritate. The mull of the election for President is ell in doubt. An arrival from the Dal, . bring. iidelligenra of the movements in that coulter. Gen. Hop. ping had arrived at Metamoras. lien:Scott had warted Get. Taylor to ...avenge with all poreible "peed on his match tcl San Lois. Col. Datalphata, had plated Metamoras OP his. way .to the Brawn to embark for hole. Some of the Jdasarieburetts volunteer. had ac ridently killed ifi3'Jilesician WOMB.. in Mettinureas. Pe...usurers, June 210., 7 P M. The Presideniis expected hero ou his northern leaf on ‘VeatlVidly next. Tan Criminal Court commenced the June term yesterday, with • full bench and with the pros pect of a.sufficienny of Innineas. EArltrwoo eorre.t.osuMore o$ ate Galtur PFIII.ADELPIHA mARkeT. Jdoe 21.1.8 P. M. Our market is a good deal depressed today and prices of various article. use on qui decline, Flour—Boyers ore very shy even at the con cession made by holders. The tele. do-day bare. ly reach 1000 bble et wr fur standard Western, brands. Buyers contend for a further reduction. There are plenty of sellers of Pa. brands at $7,25. but no buyer.. Call, kiln 41nr.1 Comet...ll at $5.401 pej bbl. Of prime Red Wheat sales at 165 and 'sobers queerly at 16111. per hu—the first the opening and the recent the closing price of .the day. At the close there were RPM, but no buyer, at 160 c. Sellers ut While Wheats would eagerly accept 165. for their bat samples, but buyer. bold back. • Prime yV blot corn can easily be bociebt in quatilifirs at 100 c. buyers sae fess. Of Yellow .alrs Southern at 92c per bu—in Pa., round Dodo. lug doing. Game--The market is quiet to-day, but fin= Provisions more steadily—no change in prices, but there is less inquiry. . • In Groceries there to little Worth notice. Cot lee is doll- A good demand prevails for WIZ and Makoiado sugar., and the market may be char actetia.d as sense. Prices bate not .earied. Ervin.lve OtrTusucud-nueac tee Pittsburgh Gazette. BALTIMORE MARKET. lune 21st, 7 P M. Plour. , -Our market has given way will further: To day thereat. 'plenty seller. Kuwaiti at. in the market at $7.00 per bbl. The sales at that are to a fair extent, bat seller. exceed buyers in num ber. -In City Mill. and Susquehanna nothing doing. . Corn,--Sales prime White at 100 c and Yellow at 93e—to the intent of 0000 bu. Whiskey basdeelined—sales in bbl. at 34.. The average min of Beef cattle on the Hoot is $3,75 per 100 lbe Prosisions—The market has not varied in price or demand. NEW YORK MARKET. June 21 71 o'c r. m FluurThe business doing in Flour is not large. Prices hays been maintained pretty stead ily ihroughont the day. Sales °enema at $7,25. Michigsn 5t.57,0057,0111. and mitred branch, at $7 per bbl. - The effect of the news in still felt in the tendency of price.. • White—Sales of Omsk, samples of White .t 1735175 e per bu. The market for Cora i. still unsettled—sales Yellow of prime quality a1.99a100e Firs bu. The f;oiton market ia quiet—no huainess being transacted. 'Proeisions—The market is eemewhat unsettled: 'Sales new Mew Pork .t $16,60, while many de• roma $16,75—0f Prime sales at $13,60, but $12.73 is generelly asked. Holders do . not eppear meth duc.mraged and are generally of the eunct. dent . opininn pricea most improve. Sales 20,000 ltisi Western rendered Tallow et The active demand fa Sugar continues—roar la Amoy ant. Sales Pig Lead at $4,50 per 100' lat. Whiskey Wehcaper—now selling itt.34c. Ezclua.v. rorrearomlence of 1/0 Ptital'Utah Gazette NEW ORLEANS MARKET. June 14th, P M. ,The market for Cotton continual viry nothing doing. Fur Molulu the market Is Tay dull. Flour hali adwanced under the nawa—consider ahle rule, of Ohio. 111inole and Mo.. 'Wands, at r1,123a7.37i pet Md. Wheat of prime quality ham gone to 170 c per ho and rala. . Corolla danced—oleo-Yellow at 75ati5c per bu. Whiakay--14alea common at 2.3 c. There in no change in Provisions, but 11.1 guity. Elyhow, (.lor•mmondenre of h• Pineburah Bssene BOSTON MARKET. Jona 21, 4 P. M. . Flour-. The aales of Oeneasee to-4x were at $B,OO per Md. The mulct!. eloses-heavy. I • •I'he market for Cotton is firm-e-otbersrise no change, . Prowleionte—Operatere are doing but little to day. The market ie firm. • M==M] On the U. B. steamer Col Yell. Capt. Sterling, from Piturburgh; the Independent Grey; Captain Tayln; Lieut. Smith, Hefirw, and Keefe, with SO Volunteers, from Bedford, Pa. Alan the Wayne Chard., from Main conntj:Ts, commanded by raft. Caidwcll, Limns. bier.amy',-Soviers and Soyln-90 man, rank 7Tirr ororlmen on • the Illinois and _ Miehigeo Geoid, (it the Kankakee Feeder,) wire drowned a short time ago, by the sinking of • wow. The neme of but one of them I. given—Conine Turner,* done reason, who left a lame family reaidincht the elate of New York. The Wise of all were obtained, and decently; buried.—Cirs. Atlas. ' • The Re•. Dr. Baird bai been elected President of Jeffesnon College. in place of Dr. Brackenridge, whn hay resigoe,l to scrept • call u pastor of a' Aural in Lexin&ton. BOOTS 5,00. NO. 65 FOURTH STREET, CORNER OF posy OFFICE ALLEN THE auterenbecreepectfullTarifortaa the pubbeilat , habits "commenced the manufacture of Grrafro.r. Furlifrosatt Boat, of good matertal .and credo:l.4.a 'doubt. rill warrant toperiur toasty Boa. eve F made in Pittliburgh for the price. The. hautionne Bout will be made to measure, end warrant theta as repo. tented,el toe eery low price of FIVE .DOLLARS Centlenten are requested to call and exam ea them. ERSKINE. Vos-nt aenl AO{ are equallyTiabla babe attacks of Hremorrhoids or Pilei. 7Le Vesetable Electuary, prepared by Dr. Upham, La. effected wonders:in tins compland It Is hailed as ao antidote to this Mine of hum.,, existence, and Is universally considered, being ' an internal remedy, as she only one upon which the afflicted can rely with confidence Inc radical core Irr :4010, Wholesale and Helm!. by W YJCPT -KETCHAM, IYI Fulton mem, New York; WIC Times, Marirst sweet, and P. R. fisurrani Wuilb&ield street Pittsburgh, Pa. frier M per Iwo Jett Iv Da - News Reporte* Wanted..-An active. spable mac, acqueirted wi th th e city, to furnish ports or the City New;, sod other mailers of local oteresi. Apply lo this ogee. Prlwtlai Ege.ipeaa....ll7anled u ~ th,• Office, a Voute Naeaequainted with yhe Pri n ting latelaes., aad one who eaa come well recommended. geld AJJ.EGUKNY COUNTY, 41. IN an Orphan Courier ratd manly. in the matter of the Admitustoris "Tr ., ,. count of Junes bit Adm. S. Irmo. r i tfjllary Patterson, No 6, Mafth Iron, A od novo to ant. Jul. 16th, I 847, =boil of CI TTTTT P. ttamilhon Flu . Me Court appoint Joseph Knox. . Auditor. dwrihuto tho haltmce Mr hoods of Me Accountant. Ity•the Coon .11111 N YOUNGor ~ All persons interested ate naibed that the Auditor above named mill attend at hts office in Pettey.. It's Sulldiur on Grunt street, in the eity of Pinsburgh, on Monday thellhh, day at ihly next, between he unapt of 8 &cluck • x nod o'c:ock v , attend to the to nes of hi. appointmeM. Irthis uF JOaPPII KNOX. - T Nlftien. I\IIIrICE is hereby wen, that on the dny of /A May. A. I) I e 47, Letters ot Adsulisostratton 11,011 the awe. of John Donavan, late of the Borough tll Birmingham, Allegheny rourity,d - celteed. were grant ed to the subserther All persons havins lam. or demands against the Estate of said decedent. will make known the tutor ta mrt without delay at my re,,dettee in the COI V of Allegheny • jettestliF HENRY llANNElCAdministrabr. AGHICUI.TCRAL and lionieuhotallon:lents for the reason— Coen Plough.: Grain and liras. Sortie.; Snewhs and Crod e.. heythe• Stone. and Rifle.; Hoes, Rake., Spades., Shovel/4 Pruning and Grafting a , 114. mud Knive•, Uuddlog linty., Flower Vela gorai Plant id) tmges, Grua. Shears' A fall supply on hand and for iato by WICKV.R , ti AM pOhl darner of word and 'weal. - A lISORTELI CIL 1111111PAPElt—wo you. , Nu rt. I, ILI anal for sale low tn dude/. by /1 bar of reams. 11 14 far superior io the common, Saud pope, used by utstatiacturers. For sale by int , 1 KIDD to CD, cot 4th and wood ids ICJ - Chronicle and fouraal copy. g) F. AL ESTATF7—Two good I.lwellinr House. 111 for axle, snowed in Allegheny cay, on SiOnualty t. linoe commit. d room.+;b good co., rault ice petty S curlinEß M. No SO Smithfield .t LNfuse,uvro NETTS-6.0 pirccA 74 will /, T/barred iluNuito Nett.. enmcqual I, and . length. reeetveli and for by Sll & Wl4l r2l • 99 wood street lINEN TALE DIAPREIN—Oar ra.t. 74 1-/ and 5.4 Ltnen Tian'e Draper. and Damask 4—a bea r'', good snore, for Hotel., SA‘mtaata, Jte —Reed sad tor sale by jell ACKLP.F rW II ITK • LINR IA N AND COTTON TARL DIA PERS—A large awonment of above Goodt. at low prices, at Me Dry Goods Roust. of W R lend nortbr•.; corner of AM and market ars !IL TIN AND LACIER—W R Morph) wants a buyer• to look at hi. excellent asmrtnient of above Goods, suitable for Caps, Capes, Ise. let • • • - • -- -flaws. OINGIIADIA—A large aworiment of .1./ above Goods. Porn 101 tents op to Me Lomat q nal. and newest styles. to be found at the Dry Goods House W MURPHY UV ANTED TO PURCHASE —2 blab intesrore V Y Smoot Engine, wah or without bo.Or, fru `lltll to twenty hoe, power each. Added.. A El—len at this eft,. )tidal TEAkI ENGINE FOR SALE—A Strum Enloe, 0 Faber's make. S ineb Cylinder, 3 feetrooke—boiler %I feet long. ag inch dianarter—COMPlCle will - tovcrn.. et," .A.c. —in nee one week. HENRYWOOD tealialw miles up MooonAmbela n DIDA Dry Apples. ' GA/ 10 bbts Dry Peaches: 1,11 be gold to 0:ode eon .vareveng by Irll & W 11ARDA CCitt T E AD—On pig , Gra:el,4 reurivtdp str 1,4 Robert Morn:, for e.ld oy ,estt I.IIUTCHNa:NI & OIL -10 001. Lard Oil lart Yr e'd 'and fur ride by WILSON & GARMAN. Foorie street brio,' Ferry stv.et 20 K EUS Lard just reed a:bl fat We by )ett $ Vir (01 --- - an 806.4. n.z.e.,1 Oil on conSigtnnleneAnd l'or csIC ..I.AI by 1 . . , Sk..W 11,11tt \ ro.i .) r. s :• , ..I.i•KS liar lei on con.gnpnrol Itod ivy sr.l.. - y ..-I Jell Sot w tIIRISAVi'II . . ALERATIIII-6 cat. now 'audio.. fan eale 0 jer2 I DICKEY' I CU, water And Iron) ;no MIMED OlL—'lo I,tt. Linseed Ott, Junr , c'd IL on contipment and for • derby ATWOOD. lONE' , & CO BACON SIDES—In store nod for sale by Jet: S & W lIA R13•40.1,:g1 wood .1 lIISK EV— MOO bbn. in •tore •nd for r•ln hy W 1 M 160 Libeny cnfl--"". w. vr;ll,PitriallN, T rr "Y ' V 1 1 . relR.lVt/N DIG 1110 N-100 inns cold b(ui (.Imbna Put !Tv, l icrl q''''' Z(r I l r lP ` A y . , Telilri 4 / 2 . 152 I.ll,cny ••• (00AP-2 , 10 bx•Claritauhe Vosp, reeetwol and 17cac.ale to , leYl NILI.hII & ..VANC . V'EtINTS---. We have received a lew e,re If.ll eold ' lo l vr " to " th r e r t i r n it 4 l:. r iT "''" jaiSHACKLETT k WHITE • O c iI,VITO NWTTT-3, , X), 6-1 Bar redlffirrouito iNrl. 4 2 2i ar ule by o r cle lout Faeces-lu. rece.ved rictql ACKLETT OD vrodd • UIIBRELLAd-4 eases of km pr!ced,raelsook, and good Cotton and tilngemo Umbrella.--opened and for vale by ie2l SIIACKLETT O. %Valli.: IO j o c lar . sc—io 00. reeel•ed aVd frOt o .hZ CO C a t aYb A y S'"-"4- rflaa ' . ! PrWilfl , 7 d `'" jest Naga wood .Irero. TWEJ3I.IS—A - good aseondoent of pew otTdeTweeds, A deceived wad tor tale by Jett SIIACKLATr ac IV 99 wood .t SUBIDSIER-20 brio Loaf 5.4221, brl, S. IL Mal.. 6 tte• No 3 )i•ekerel ) , t•t rt roved •ud for .0 , A 6 let 9 A f.v001). JON6IS & Co lIC AT II ELtlll —l,OOO lb. good Live Geese Feat he. I'in note and for sale bY iota I DICKEY h FO. winter and from -la bey , Su b gar Howe oi jaID ' 1111:17.EY7r!:1;111/11, iS &natal vranni C . l t ill 4 ll , ! o E r . S a t t e ltil IL I 0 ZI-111 Ib. ju.. reed ___Dnig.FiciiitrZedg, rtici;0111:1;50 - oit - suptitiet nTI ljglistt, just received and tut WC at the Drug carte house of jaIG J KIDD & fr,W.A.—no packages V. lI . Ilanpowdar and Imprind I. Tea, received and for aate low by jeld TAssEr & BET, 3 wood et F"`"7l l i',ftil:!`t" r"!!""' for ytly hy jel6 TAS.MEY 13EZT. wood rrollAcCO—do ban la Lump, As, P4o, .-d Bad Innore Plug, on hand an'd for sale by jele • TASSEIi & cEsr CIGARS—CIAO Hair trpaalvb Claara: 10,000 Common do ; nr a‘aa . Lad Aar a•ar by jal 6 BACON AIM LARD—l l mk s lTE . e r d d ll ; neon; nps For sale by FOINDRXTEK a ct) LI Aailb—lirara. eau any nulled. ,rq trees..., and 1.1.c0r Wale by 1.1 POINDF:XTER & CO A. or %? r " 1 !SKr Vl5O W.I. blonongabolo, for rate b FJr.l3 BUFLURIDGE, WILSW: & CO VLOVII.—SUO Lb!. S. I', au hand and for role by iel3 BURLIRIDOE, WILSON !I. CO /V. C1. , 5 , 1;0AR5.63 lab& f , l i t i a L to b r i ,lllll t o t r e s i zl , ;ll ,N I D ACOB. tc.-151..; I b b o o h attaxay aura O d e o c:11, In sacks Dried AprirP: land , na Jnll JAS. ErALZ ELL and for..lr by - -•' - CIIEICRIC —IS ta• prim lam W. K., • choice article, hat received and for tale Ey jet 1 0 ISID,VELL, Agent D IC A wb.,,v i raw c t. eix=l , El 104 COPPERAS -8 bhls Cowin 81i for Pale by Jels 8 F VON IIONHORM• & CO Q%veurs PANACEA-4 bi. just reed all 4 for wile 1.3 jelb by D F SAI.I.NHS Ul ACON-AIDO lb. Dog Round for ..le by Lbol6 mot A MOJA A DLEYS . ._ . /POW AND FLAX YARN—Feb.4le by 1 . sip _ _ WICK & bIeCANDI.F.SS r in EE,E-711 bex• blot reemiied Ind for alai 14 jel • WICK & Mee& N 1/1.}.88 DIG BtiaTAL-440 and 4bldu WK.; r for aate by FRIEND. BNEY a. CO jel3' _ —_.l No 37-water strew - - SC , O , tIVIII/%06—1i tukillv,malgy,ittvric!oby TT L EAD AND 0110.1 . --aPO !. . m••• t.d . . 40 too bp° , oryo'd • Landing from marabout end far tea by • . ••'• rate • HAGALM A BMITII NW X &CXXIIEL-250 bee No 3, Large druth Mackerel, Boston lorpecdon, landlng arid for sale reIC by LUG/LIMY &SMITH COTTON -130 Wee Teno.Crktrobj 59 Logo do, re-packed; For Kate ' I DICKEY 5. CO jel9 DOOR POWDIM—For WY. by 019 , IsAlAll =KEN a CO Liz.. for sale CUMCSIC.4I.O b"Ic• . 1 nicK E„ jr10" ur ... • STARCII-100 b. Fox's Ctnexonaxi,(or Ly Joni • 'BACSAI,HY &SMITH ALR/LTIal —tlesalt• anrive, for eala by JeIDE ISAIMI DICKEY CO 17 A !VILLA !MANN—Lame •ite and (ph, I.f , 1 D MORGAN • . .17, I 2nctton., Slles 71 DI Jokes D. Davis; ractledailleit Ittraday Monona, the 241 k 24,4. a'adhlt, at the Catemeretal sales Stoma. earner efiWood.aod F f h KNrI , S w,d I,n cald—Awanswomeoitsilant and .ci‘ohed, lapin and , Dry lie" di, hoots unu Utiihrelloa'llactlidit, 4 llratd; Utipp22tnair and :Silk Bonnets, for ay' Millen< ty, de. At 2 D'Clock, P. M-, A iplanitty of Groceries. trenswiare, gliwecare., als,tict Clunk.. I,noktde (Gasses, Carpet ajreather ClA..htactraasya.,'lransparrid Windowilinds,rus 2 1h' , .. Shovers, Wiapphif Piiier, Pat lit Blacking. Cook:Ng anaawd.%%'incldw sash, patine! d ra, one stalY gallon copper Kettle., - A amend:user - mentor r.e w and seecnil hand House hold and Kitchen /drag*, he a. r, At S O'Clack. i A baudeame 00000 unent of %Valle's, Pocked Pistols, fine table and pocket Cutlery,lardware.Ccrnlta,taccy :bop, new nod M a de land Watches. Matsu) lttalcw meet", Ready aladc Cloaing, very supreme quality, Tench style shiers orals mane and „nollars, to ther with a qua Any of.valictv ennds. he .Jena I tome and Lot at Auctlaa ON Wednenlay afternoon the Midi inn. at 3 o'clock. snit be sold on the preminti;shat tralutble lot of : Grniost antigun near she corner or Sixth and tirant streets, ay lag IL ot 11 fret on kis lob street, asid extending ek ltru feet, on th , rear of which to erected • three ektcy .11r Or Building wh ash i. rented at in 50-per annum. P. 'rate indiepasable l'crinst *IWO each. balance in Sire equal sus nal pa) went. with :Lucre., robe meowed by , and and mar:gag leer Posture Cale of Valuable goal ninth ON Wvdnesday evening, the g7d inOant, at 19 ritilob,,k, RI the COLOOICICIOI Sair% t• s; coiner Or Wood too, rlfitt,tleflt , , wilt 1•O rod: That large and Very dusty.. ole three. carry brick dwelling brow., with caleardra two 'wry buck hu.ldittc. both hotter, ice hotrac t t urn rutty bock stable.,carrUtgvhporvi he, situate to Wooer et, • below yoFerr reehat inceent occupied by the *plated ber. The L it. 3.lfrt.t tti iuchea wdo by ILO feel deep, extenlog from Wile, to Front µreel. Tile furdiuponi. bk. Terme, 51000 ear1,,2.2000 payable in one tear, residue J 0 fire. yr.', n• WI interest. payable setni.annto ally Alt.°. that .piendid buodlng of ..groand hoeing a (rout or thirty wet on Puquesno ay. netaieen PM and !lay pow, adjoining property as Jickaon, and ellending puck tact Terms, one ban . yeah, 1•••,,lue payable in one yea', will Interent, to ne scented by Tote 4 ind 111.0,412 r. e t JUIiN Et DAVIS, /weer PPIACTON'S NEW PUBLICATIONS— Junrecemed untl foe We by HEAD, ,Foords, nrar Alrf rt avec r. . . 61 • . A Voyage up b e River Amazon, including a reA derc: at Para; by %V. 11. Edward, P,eventson better than Cum or metal wawa of lb, orld we I.ed In; bi tVot Elie . Sumnier in k cm... Acing a Canoe “,e up the .14 around L:dze Cbll4. Leonean Aloore'n Pectoral W,llts—cheap ett. , • . • Haling• Now I~nit Le. 11,1 n, on.l Gaunt. of the most , Attm.t.rltrittl'oeur by Wm tuw , tt—.l uAratell 2 vol.. 12 too Orator* at the Agc : eoloproutta l'Artrurts, Coral. Si. opal hteal,aod G.,crtptrve.. By G 11. Franrte, F.sq A II wary ..f" 'tome, from We.ear..e.t holes u she death at Count.odurt, A D. l'Art try Gr.l.,canatd 2-tcharits. 'Peel.; e of %Et .ley — and 124.0 told Progresi of Med,. t°dont Ily Rob! *oniony. D.l .1,1. D, with Nov., 1 , 0 he late tr. i' I nit I.llq . and ',mail:- on the I f. and [1.21.11C1el 01 1011:I o.Jry. Ly.4.e 1., A!, g,„„.. Eloed by lbe Neu C. C. goulte.,,Al. A *good Asourtrau E,Noen, rb.dr Nolca; I.y Hen. D. Curry, A. u. CorrenponJ , l , an,' Migeel'onies of the lion. Inn Cow-m*13104.1.1. D. tormerly Gogernor of Con:, with an Eulogy pionoolmed oefore the Conneet,cui 1.1031 Sortely Sr New Haven, .oloy By Bev. W %V Andreos. 'rlatrJ Volame Life And Wrinnite of woodo.von. orb, stave lus rerelved and for sale Ity • )e/l. J I. READ AGAZINICR FOR. JULY, with other new work* ill, race d at AI —A ABNER'S: Gocei Lad)'. Rog Ng Eoomis. No.icoal Al ug.rgur BralitoWi `! C.sambel , co:a, xen. • The Cimino( Ift.taly. nr the n du,,sitlirei. , of • Vogs bondi by the author oT The Orange Girl of Venire Log of a Privater, , ,f.Nlaa, • boa:Arad yea. , ago, cola p;ric, by Copt. Mao T., an. The Advroturea art ti o..aball °Ahura. A.I veutur, of Eltler Trytolew“A Tubiconapr .111 Important' di.elo•ure s.ck lkiAlsly scousii Work Dombey and Dthubtrr—freth gupply. St. rhths am James, .ththp.th,--treth thpplv. J..rgethi Ana Stori•th of I r.latot; by loiCer—fie•L•op pl , flan 4 Andy,th,thly CV,tuth Arthur-1,0-h thpply. Iltthuriful C.1..3110. Cnrth!e; • PruCcatTreawth on dm Lou!., to ~roth. Con.nmplion o inatmqeable tonthilaut cau eur.thod.frovegthon Con.orup two. 5.1,4, Ho., h 1 1). A irthil of Lb euuatirrd Flay it—among thein SI totheth. 01111 other Lar is u A brautaul Eng.ll Ti.sue Paper, a.eorted A 4,,p7 ) J0,.ai14.1n... Alqo, Pictorial f u l or the Fourilt of July. ror sule In large or 4tnall quantsner. evencie end rari....l :owl:linen, or nnot Le ei• celled NI - MINF:R • je2l, tir N nld street, 3J door Corn ..leeond DR. W °OD'S Seresperlila sad Wild Cherry next nod va:uable Ex rawl of Sar.apor tool Wi!J Cherry has peen used with great PUCCV., Ihr . the renuaneot removal of' n.ll Poch dt.casra us Luke their gae from an impure mate of the Wood p.osnoteo lo al.lt) acuon of the Liver-- •Er. 0,111- the!ay, aod at uoro spear:.heui zh.o rea enrol go to r In all cases et Jouzs.er, ladicrittlitti. it, 'pepsin, Mar of A ppetite. Costiveness, ecrefuln, Headache. Laimuor. and that Depre.ton of 10pirit., which too • eocatntin.a . complmnt in the ffprine mid Summer vi thr year, thi• medicine har nor In equal—and a gin trial trial all: convince the mots lime:dui°os of its pen, :Tr y o ' r r iuttber pa...limiter, the readni enterer) to the panto time which anti i.e furniabsd y the Agents, 0 . hoer ing itic C 00011 1 ,04 whieli.thi• vain:tide medicine is 1. , h1 i.i Olin, WhO have • the Vublie Tkpar‘i.lar aid sate tor Pt termdo earospardla nod I , llld Cherry and rceeivo el/other; Phi, is the Sint preparation of there art cies euobined over offered to me public, and Me great turceeo attending its use hu tudurcd.Uu,t unprincipled to enamelled and imi tate haq pretreetiine,. see teat the rotor bay, the words 4 0.)0 Wood's Sot . ..nand • and Wild•CliertY n' pressed ou the glass, and that each label on the bottle cosigned by the proprietor, 'fliornton. Jr wholc.le and reiatl. by wyA'rr A k ETCH AM. Reim.' eget., eel Fulton otmet, rime Yerk; Wu POOP,. Nlarkett meet, not P. R.. Smarr Sntithficle U street, l',•bureit. Pa. Price el.large Lentos.• -- p.5 , 16w tide IMF3=M2 • JgI2IIPFLEIGS P_AIIIT PACISET , LINEP/ aka .VIIIL2111:1ElaPb1A .A.aD BALTIMORE,. lErchuirely fur Paavertfttli Hlli Caso/ and itadrund lannq now in ea t ent I 'order the 1 1 .,Leiv olianv. w:11 leave svh• . Packet follow. every night al 9 o'clock Packet liclimety,. Cao Truhy, Monday, June'2l. do Ohm, Crhig, fureany, lane -22 do Indoina,ll,l key, Wvdavaday, lane Z: • , do LAII.I4II,TLCItIp6OI Thorvday;lune 21. do Eentneky,'rruhy. FF,day Jane do Ohio. Creag, lvntaid.iv..lo..o 20. do Indiana, Re‘try. *many. Juno 07. do Gooli.ane,l'aompsou, Mayday. /one 10. do Kenll2 hy.Trnhy. Toes 'an - Jane ill. do 0100. Cja q, Wcallvvdny, June I. do Indiana, Berkey.l'hunalay. July I. do Louisiana, Thompion, rainy, Ju'y do Kenlocky,'l'vuby,tialuolay..lal, 3. do Wm. Cral,Sonday. July 1. • If. ou deolre cbovp . rovelang and goolfortalole aerool coodvtionv, venom your ticket* ni llnn'Paehtt When, Monongahela llou., %Valet .unit,. of Je2l , II I.EInCII & CO, Conet ;3m in . 11AILR O AD LEtrinco. _ 1 .0 CON rif.ACJit Yn—l 4 edled Proyothla will be te l. nova at the orllce of the Pittsburgh an Cleioland Rajlre,dlJe th rgony, In Wellt ville,tnaln until 10 &Clock, A. M., of the t... 71 any of July ,11317, foram F reding. told t png, and preporloefor tho roper - structure of that mill, of the hoe betweed e and II (Wren`, mill, collet.. Plandandypecincilthus othy,be canto. t•te I at the odor, of the CothithttY•tht oil nthe froth the .17th to the :nth July ththrthet• will he let to the low est bolder. A Nether lensed of the? portion of the line n o m Nl'Qntlkeo's erthothe the :thinly and Beaver Canal, and; eltentlior on lb , :Now. l•thltoo and Cannot toad in the &mutant of Cicerland. Will inks piece early 3n September. It; order of the Ilthtd of Dire...* te2l:dry A 13 CATLECT, 11 AYE & teIIUSGXZEBIE =IV • Blum mciteitANTs. No. IG, SnailWa N't OVIPER teem tort - tees to ktorchanig nod Panne.. for Litho sate of Ploitr Ora. Ind l'rodnee 411 the Ulllllllole ktorket.and front their egienstve ahgo•itt r lance among purchseers nittppern. can satnig near. rant Basfactor, no.es.eottelionortne will colintantly be kept ad, iYett of teel.llC a ih. M • Rome to—]Meant,. W. Witedu & Tti.'). cold, & Son, Davidnon & Sattittlere, Hey nold• & etnitn, King & Parch Dalin:tote Tingley, Ca dwell & Ong] oh: Phi Indelphia ligggerty, lhaper &Jou, New York Baltimore, Jima 21, EW GOODS—Juct received at :In 26 Wood at, .I.llnp maim, a few dozen of Bt.m.e very fine, tgmbionw ble wide plait, 'fray manufactured Bet., witti Byron andstanding collars. A few dozen fine Silk Elastie_Baspenderv,ind 1 edme of anew at nele manufactured by the Wateebbry.rdau• ufactuving C 0..; Conn. Black Belie tneed atuL.Plain Satin Adiat•ting StEeltv very narrow (oremine, A beautiful adiwittinal of. -Saba Cravats, lighvand dark colon.. Übe cam fit, Wilton and Brtisse:a Carom (PM, &e, /Ice , vecei vrd Bits morning undfor sate Facom cm. by .k.:B tDL) jetdi . Agents for F.a.tern Atimufdetuters OAK.- RIJN Ult UUL LARS,II.fr. W A RD. .I , IIE It of toe C.., 'DC Al loghen), heto.r about A. engage...to fhe ronetrection of 1. %Voter Wolin,. to and deo rouslof toonoooe ale mosa approved plan tor consul:cone the name, bend. Offer tie ebove reorient for even _pi. tillalipeelfl,2llo. as the Cohnein shall except and upprove—for site proper hunt Erpne and Nonpe 0,,,e0rr for on•ine 1i.0,010 - gel on. of water per bout to an elevation of toe, The Plans and Rpeeifieauone to be left with 1 PAINTER te CA), Lthetty street, on or hefore the 2.1t6 In unt. SY I.VANUY LOTIIROP, Sub l'om' , on Water Wid'lls AI Allegheny .Brdga.llmpatty.. for. ercennik a' Bridge beer the AUegbeny Rivr r, froth thecidAL Band sake; are hereby Aolified,that the Aanual eleelleet fee dent,lo l/innerly Tteakuter and e ne held on the I 4t Alooday . of July next. a ,?,, y Rooin., North rid of the Bridge, at 2 o'clock. I AL Jelin( ,WALL4ORIIItf•LIN, ANDREWS` EAGLE ICE CIEAIII 7 AA LOON , ADMIIIISIONISIj CENTS. ONCCRI'S Eacry Eveninu donor eke. Work, in WIL Ii Lich MCrdEAI3S. AIL/It - PH mtd HUNT- V, will have the honor of appMcing . . • (Er rrogn.... F chanyed Niglily. Persona wishing to he verrdd arnh Ice Cream can' procure their Mew: at the door. at .1111 centaeach.. - .0-Tickent Rani for one nicht only. jal TlaA-715 hf chest* V II Tea: 5 do Inifanal Tea,' • u do OunpOW2Cll4!, , 02 ?an . ..r, .Saperiar do, I•uachong do; CC ' do Saw:or - V.ll. do; Juot received and for !ler IRw `lv 1 laYI MILLER RICIMIFON .• iTZI - 1 aK ifiala;aj a Graeers, .it e CiaLillars; aid Vinitamo Liquor M.. .haste, fra 1130 Libcny attna%tla &Eh auaCid • - ; • • iaTI GROCRIIIF2-70hhds prime !V. 0 Bagar; : • 30 Wilt Lon( Sugar; • •- ,400 bbla bna Mogt,• -••• '• krelmai, • , • • DO bra N 11. sod CP P. Tea; • ' • • • , 11•4 40 "'%,11 LlQUORSTho'iilbserihote arc ZI uncoil 'W;11 aupp heti with Foreigrrand Dow.tie . LinhOrs, Wines COrclials,&o„ which the7 . Will sett on accononodatint Mononntmla 'and .nnierior mMK;lnregn jell .4% lV M NIITC111:1.1 Ito y iI;iINOLNNATI.•IID PITTS ITER ;-.DAILY PACKET LINE Ming aro.brenteara lino of •plantid.p.naettpt. j note renapased of the largert. Fulfte finishedand fatniehedi and molt powerful 6. veater.of the Weil.- /Every accoroniodalion an. fort that money esut, p orwe, ha been ptor idi d f sengere The Line, hatvbeel in operation rot lit ..—eara earned ,a 'mutton. of peoploveritheat tY inprr) to their persons. The boats will be •t the Wood street the day; prevkine m matting, fat the non of freight and the entry of paaarngent on the tee. In all caste the peerage anney.nutsi to advance. MONDAY. PACKET. 71st 11111170N13g 11k11.A. Carr Sony winless...l burgh tvery Mona.). morning as 10 o'ekseg, 11 every Monday evening at 10 P.lll • I . . TUESDAY PACKET. The HIDEHNIs.,NO. Capt. J. Mine Niel leave Pittsburgh every Tuesday morning at law! W-beeling every Tawas. evcesing at In Al WEDNESDAY PACKET. The NEW ENtilsANlr, N 0.54 Capt. S. Dean leave Must:lS/rah Wedne•d•y faOrmil o'clock; Wbeebng Cechy Wednesday evenina_st TIIOI3SDAY PACKET. Tim WISWNSIN, Capt. B. A G.ae.,wili Wavy. burgh every Thurs4y-ehotuiughr every Thunday evening,' 104.. 111. • IRIDAY. PAOKST. ThILIPPIA, NO. 14 Capt. Creels, will !env. Pal. burgh very Friday morning .t 10 &dock; Wnvelint ever) relay evening in 10 P.N. ryn'vralmm . _. . . . . The ISESSENGE/t, Capt. Liof en( t will leave Pm.' hetet every Saturday merino` at 100 clock; % beeltajt every Saturday eveuing at 1U P. AI. 1 SUNDAY PACRILT. Tl,e ISAAC NEWTON, Cap, 4. Nona, wit leave pillmbinalt eveii :Sunday morning ev IU eloei Wheeltag every Vuot ay evening allO !'..L. Al my le.v. -IEI7. L WOOL, WOOL 'rile: highest price in rub mid ' 41 iLc "r "en 1 guano( Elute W ked Wool, by O ILIURPOY & I . l , 7 od nel a w ,r are ,,F ht . ou,' L eeriest and ed'e a;ley - -- LABM OIL—It bole No I, just received and for oale i It A FA WYE:STUCK •tO • jets • i Linnet lErand wood all XTRACT Loowoou-s, cow's tlaoloplb , MAjoot seemed and be role low by • jets U A FAIINIWI'OCK CO - - - N/ACILEASEA;-101 bid. No 3 Largo, for isle by EDWARD IIEAZEINON MEMEEttEI ----- W/NDOW GLILSS-100 boxes flilo - store .11 for sale jets Llt Wren 1'601 , 4 is CO, water sad l roil sls r, Lotin: StLPII OR —IOW Me jug 'ere:rod on I ior sale by jet, 13 A FA/INF:S*1001:A Cu IOTTLE CORKS-4 bales, front to CCM. Grn.i inrl receive./ and lor sale by • jel6 • It K. SFILLERS, 37 wood rt ziaallorg. VA:WILLA BEANS-1 lb. aupetior , junl ree'd and for role by j'l6 .1 KIDD k CU baxes Eberbart'.BxlU(l.l.l, Jum ree'd liand far • ale by jelo C BIDWELL. AO - - 1~0 PPS E . —i(A.baigilr. sierezt!:sirEdl9l;lidislarsid sa'a b) 1) IP 11:CS—.. I. White Pipe, fat sale by . "rns.w.i k OCOTCII !!EBBING-5P bore. ler 1;ala by ''jelo = rhsern - h. II b:ST rir !I:ENTINE-3 IA!. jun repl i ntrtttiVl st by UTTEU-3.bblx Frc.h Hall, re Getved t .n.y CA itSON .k •• _ • sm A 2t c ly ._,„ b., F L , °II , 4° bb . Firmly . V ° llll . .tl ' lt7l4-T SCO • Rl' ,APPLEB,IOO bus for sale by lJ ill I WICK & AleC A\ I/1.11. , S IJAND DOZES— WO dos amileal siat souls esctures's poses, for sale by I .PAl4llbd .0112 2W • ...L . No 95 Mats rt.veel bsatl, I..7eLae. lOC I DA LZELI. 11 water tt P OWDER—SO kep Austie't Hite rower, jnl4 b P , Em lttf 8-4 1.= 1 11 1 7 Z a`P.',: . '" XIEW MACKEREL-10 Mils 1..2, Nu 3, ,a I ibis you's catching, just received wet for sale I, jrm s MILLER k.1111.1a E 7,011 FISH-70rri 3l ir ackeret of - 1,16," Io bbl. No 1 Shutt to store 0 , 0 fer rate by Ir 9 — MILLIAS' ItIC/411.40111 L IME -100 btils Louisville White Ltmr ftr.ale by j,d I'OINDErIEk a CO FL J A , 34.101113-11b1.4. and : .i trafi 3 ~...sirif,l,j.v. - COECILINOII--3 ton. superior swan for sale bf S I , S VI a R McCUTRIIERN.I3ILibeny st P — - • OTABII-6 tons good quality. for sale by ire & 6 MeatiTljF.ON LIRUrr —3O buz. Dry Peaches - W.la by P Jeff W&R MeCUTCHRON DROOMS—:vu dor. Corn Brooms for sale by Jj jes • __W_k Ft McCUTCHEON SO j A , r —5O Obis Cinclonan,fOr .ale by & R AIeCUTCIIEON SA LT— NU bblo No I Allegheny, for role by ,jeB k ItIeCIJTCHEO. LARD prime anicle of No I lAA Oil .ustanny on hand and Car sale hy J JORDAN &SON • je7 Manat.t arm, No 111:ebony street OISTEIENT-3 g;7;r keAlister's Ointment on hand and for aale /oar br — - je'r J BCiIIiONMAKER &CO,V4 wood n A torc.T. tly` — '',7" ; 4 :c rZolik"..ll=d,4,°d LARD OIL-10 bbls,inAntl ordrgiWlßO*l.l.o AXON SYRUP—YS dozen Pure, for ask low by J-. 1 • Jet • J SCllooNbldb: EK (X) VA.WILLA BEAM I —.5 boodles far Yale by V ja7 . 13CI I VIM d.krHa CO *lll6, tIIOY f and SHOULDRInd jug enn`j !sad ar . __"ale by J JORDAN & PON I-30 dot. Gilt Handbcd; SCI doe. Lone biise Coosbnif taimale by •2S IF, VON BONNOOtIOT k CO I° lIIIIVILLE LIMB ,- 30 tails fin yak y I.alnyW , •, A GORDON, rum O VIIIIIT-101) bus. 111 more and for anie by rnr.l • & W GARDA DOH IL At ICAL-43 bap, )en ree d and ler We by my= 8 & lV II A R 111. UOll IL; bog round. in mina imer for ga:a •___9lo _8 & W tiAlittA DOH C 0 ,171 1, N-11* b.'!" C' rilt6 " l. ' K-9 CO AMPpc r nza,, AN lev3. labY PEACHES-3 bbl. botd I , bor, jun reed Ladd too sate by. jrg 8 F VO:g LIONNWSRST & CO, 1.3 Front at Co WEIL viZe sass -19 bbla Pv s _ cia,r %Jolt Gar rile by fru •- , t4 F VON BONNHOBST k CO. 35 Fro. so t-' I FLIED PEACHES - LW bee. legato. pstaTC : LIAM ale, to more end' for sate by let)' J C PHA% ftL.L. Water arreet 1120 , Intild—Wbris choice large W. it. weighing h... , G0 lb. cash, larit received and forwre by ‘. J 0 1.111)WELB., aier weal Jo, OAP-40-bn. Nn I Cineinnatnit.aap, Brar received' Oyer 'warner America and for vale by B MILTEtoBEBDER. S 6 wilier ra 1 S Jo Etna by D WILL I ADS k CO, Du llf aalja S ;I:lly int°'D "A r".- 171ks .. t i itAgl i tq " _j Oipwite Alcuoniabels Hesse DACOS-31Milbsarsoned, in fine order, .41.1 ree'd 0 ute by • inl I TIIOB Ii OUIORNE I,‘ AN!! Ll' LARD-7o &one Jam Put up comers!) . for roomy oee, from 7 to 31) lb* cock .Jar—fo , .le by Jpll TllO3 ODIOGNE QerrilE sNKa'reis—au eon. Common sod Potent Ohs, tale low by 11108 0 OD/UPLNE toll Opposite Moo • oltela House I;LOUR-14 bids , Fresh Ground Fam:l) Fbasr, :a :none and far sale by I DICKEY k CO. aratar and linal ALNI SOAP—' UU boxes lending from *mauler Ilea L Rush, for sale by fnli JAMES DA LZELL, l 4 WO. enact —IVO small boxes, pal p for (pally use, Hjtr 6 recTeivedau4 tarsals by - G /MANTIS jell corner .mbhfield fronLau ,f OLASiF4-80 bbl. P. 11 . ... jual!aela!red pers.samsr 11.11lundaliee and los sale LI , IsAZ S LION _inl I kae side of tau batmoral ' 14" N'"h T."7lriots by Ca. )..I.2LLL nal and for sate by • r i ds ., :d .. 7 .l7__ lt'd -reec_ivirtg j L ii y l7 'lls i ks : l l. ir , L - naz lIRION-rdo,bo3 Wore and for •• . .s by Jolt • DALZ KILL ,ILD gyE WHISINEY—Cboiee aye Whiskey \lt. sale iasiaistaiussso suit parch/stem by P C MARTIN .)/RACH BRANDY—UM Pasch tlmulyour in v unties lo .13 it, P C MARTIN— r i , Wrichan . , Exit/Rage Ball J Lleur meet, Pit al ILES N A P eLifs-40 bbly w.rnu.wd is F... 1 C MARTIN t.)111ASII--60 bur. mush While Ann) Beim for auk A./ )00 h P.O hthRTIN , CIFIZICIE-160bx• lust re ivert and for sale by .elO • OURBilltorlE. WILSON! CO, •rmaer • bliamormd six.. from 6:9.7: 24x214 nt btu coury : l:sand:, in ir.om an d for L. lop J C DID TEL MbbiIIFACTIIRkiD TOVA 'CUS-31 bec.be Lump O' inberior quality, directly crein Lyiicliburgb, Ye. will be cold viry low inclose • consignment. IIICKKY it CO, water and fiord sic n.coo &der areeleity. • . . . a R bleCUTall EON 17.11. TWIST-16 kevi 6 _Twist Tobacco at We Y by WW. it PI eCITICIIECIN POTASH—A prime article. In same roc ..In by /r 44 %VICK re Kr CANDLE... 4 a 7.11101617 iiikrAlreendirMWeilll ;MI WICK L _MeCA N FILM seeks Filtiene fe; ride be ..a• Jnl4 • ' • WICK Mea&NDLESS . HAVANA tiIJOAR-40 Browri,, • 30 togs Whim Pd MUM RICKWIII4I..N Cm/ roa nit.—io bbl.. No I, Jut see'd and for We jell/ . . by it E SELLERS • ALCOHOL—NibbIe, f4ist reeeirefixe for rale by jet J KIDD!ipO, SD weeder_ .:I'OW ' lFial.A -- iiiiir . TV Ye . I - ie.n .- - —i des D—reare }rot toed aod for rale by R Ft trELLERII IrilitAßlC B - AcoN-11,00 pound. Ildmr and sbourd.r, rot tell DVW & It At'CUTCUladdl I )eor. lo•ot oot mop. OMER