18E22 MgElallg! " ritinVIRTIMMENTS •/pGg.gto,,- .oILibIIaIX4i..WROTOKI.I. pi.....d0 —JD, above Buttonwood Street,. Plot the ... At this establishment maybe foetid fa, , aura ra nt n ot Plane arid Lieautifol Pattern • , i 0,.. :MN 'RAILINGS in the' Llelled Statettran Ash the ideation Of those to west oCaoy deserip. devised espeddly for Cooketeries, is particalarly . . . ... T#o priZei pkrt 01 all the handsome Flailing. iat Lure% AI ; . fdoountent, and other Celebrated • Cnostaried le. the eity . and ninny of PhiladelPhia. *high hide been to Inghly 'entitled by the pubhe pied, were eteented at the. manufactory. Aisne Wannitom is contemned with the cond. lialdminiarbace is kept coostaotly on bead a large stock of ready ...du Iron Railings, Ornamental Iron Bettess,lren Chain, aew atyle plain and ent of Iron 'proms:ten. tal Iron Gatti, with an catenate u aortm Pow, Pedestals, boo Arbors, Mc: • Aleo, to great variety; Wrought and Cast Iron Oresments,s,uitable for Railings, and other purposes. • The unimnber would also state that in his Vat tarn said Dairying Debiartment tin tits employed some of the boot talent in the country, whose whole attention bi devoted to the talsine“—lonniag alto. gather ono of Ilia most entilplete and systematic es tabliahmen 2 of the tied in the Unitas. ROBERT • WWI), Proprietor. . • Ridge Road, noose Bellnawoo4 sheet. Phlladelphill, March lit. tart dittos* . .. • ' • CIAMAP WANCllltilib • THE CHEAPErf r GOLD AND PISA' ER w ATr - ti 1 I-Z IN POILADELPIIIA. • Cold Levers. full Jeelled, • 4.45 ea .... Miser do do w • VPU • Geld Leptnes, Jewelled, . 'ail uo, Silver do . do 15 t o Gold gnarlier', fine quabty, IP tu . , Gold %V Ittelsea. plans, . '5 ou laPeerSpeeSseieS, 175 ,_... Gold reneala, 1 OU Gold Brarelels, . 4 10 Alm.on • large m00r... of Gold and Haw Orseekta,fingerrows, Wawa pats, beep eat rine, Kohl peas, skiset spew., sugar tongsohnobler, gold neck. c at and fob chaos, award try' an jewelry of every el:oetlpth, ln, at equally tow rine.. All I want w a fail to et/Ovules eneloWeirs. ' ALI kinds of Watches and Clocks repalrea ana woe ranted in keep good ilme for one year; old golArrryln.l - bonen or taken In exchange. • . • For salosseigiuday and ttitziNviashrt,tai;o:.brirkiit Wareh,Cloct, and Jewelry Store. No 41.11 Matte street, Mame Mastoid, Northesdc, Philudelptioi 07 1 trove some Gold nod Silver Leve . mill chem.. , than the above pncer• . . Maisie INASNITTIVSIPATR.NT bittir...r4teviiiiiA • . , • STEAM HAMMER. 014111:3 Ramona proem.. many edvanutgr• OVV, 033 .1. °Shwa-moons whit Is may be mentioned. lteManageablentsm-The mplitutty and farce.' Id, nal he controlled with the eveateat _< ,t what; hir hemmer is in operation, and tlw hammer way toe :0 sanity sweated, and stopeoded at any height Im U nivermlity, or capacity to:et, work or au kinds, from the larger to the rtuallem, under site maw ttalts Sim pace. lead Clic:smacks- Its Aeccasibiltly .pen all eitleri,lm the workmen • Allelic hammers are mode Pelt -Acting. The sulaterkeers eattelkee la eleape orders for Ihe-• tlatn..n..of ell our. upon reasonable terms. For farther particalars, krnIRICK ATUare Of . D . N F . 1 MER., Araignecaof the Patent (cultic Viut rat Plate , deal! • Southwark Foondry,PlOLlod'a. e-I DERRY & NICKERSON, ManufaciTsrers of AWNINGti, .ACHING 807101118, WAGON COVERS AND GRAIN RAGS OF ALL DESCHIPTIO” ' NO. 355 South Front S .... , Back of T. A. Witran's Cabinet Ware Man ufy PHILADELPHIA LL orders left with S. ti.Moon,•lo the w a n e A of an Merchant's Howl, Pinahorch wilt he plomelly at tended to. TAUS. G. DERBY' sepia-alpA, C. NICKERSON TO VATiiCIIO-AK.1113.11 oneDlKALl4lies: J LADOMUS MPORTER cetVatchca Watchmaker's Tool, and I Watch Materials, wholesale and retail,audxon study on hand • large mamma , at of Lunette, Patent. nod Plain cm.. hlainsprmgs, Verges. Dials, Womb anode, and • complete smoruncnt of all Tools and am weals belonging m the node; wait a largo usvottmeet of Gold and Pity. Lever, Lepine, and Plain Welch,. all of which he grill guaranty to sell at the lowest New Yost' prices. 111 orders from the country punctually essetted. N. R.—Country ISlcrelsaMa and others are invited 30 call and calamine at the 014 Putrid, No. 3.1 Beath Fourth alseellObia• -janti fun "CAHRIAGHAL WILIJAM OGLE, COACH A-VD IiNEHARNESS ALIKE" MI l,Tmuut ot Pkiladdpkia, toto of dm firm of Ogle Woe.NI/ resptetfay inform. his 4 tomb anti potato, llson.. bat and wilt keep roostaallrott hood end for salt, • hand.= ...origami of toltiotoble Canino.. Veloric , ' ofoll gilts en d dosctitoiteo nod. boarder at the shortest poetiliebouct, ond osco *lt 004 ,ho woo boot mom., of Wooded otsictiaL aly MISCELLANEOLT -AGENCIi FOIL PATJENTIL. • WasAf'teem; D. C. f7ENAS C. ROBBINS, Mechanical Engineer and 'LA Agent for mocurmg Paten., van prepare the ne eosaa.r7 Draveinka and Papers for Applicants for gab Cala, and transact all Leber uLLics. Ike lineal Ina profession at the PALCIII Offi4e lie cm be botou'red on all questions relating to thelPment Laws and dret• awns in the Unsted Stab. Oe Europa. Pe sans ai distance desirona of having esaminanons made at ine Pliant Oleo. prior to malting application for tt pp n. . m a enreraa=mirropf 31 ' 7 of firet th' e nr„: e al n : anl w ill g el% a ?el t * o n f 4 l :c " promptly communicated. All leuera on bumnem etasik post paid, and conuto suitable fee. where a written opinion is required. Office on F. stteet,oppasite the Patent Office. Debits the honor of referring, by pc/Leaman, to lino. Edmund Burke, Conmussiunct of Pen... lion Ellswonh. late do do do, II Knowles, Machinist, Patent Mee; Jodge Craneh, Wmhingtani U 0: Ron. R Choate, hlamachumns , IJ S Stmair, lion. Allen, Ohio. lion.] Bowlin,3lC, Mtsseurt, do, W lion. Willis Hall, New 'loft; lion. Robert Smith, M C, lion. B Breese, U S Senate; lion. I II Belie, MC. Misu so ri; Capt. li Id Shrew, Musouri; Ermine 131ootat. Esq., Attorney, COnneellor and lieueral Agent. Agethel nt for buying and selling real estate. n mi y. mid dente large pool. of bit noia md attention it. the leasing, letting and hiving of houses, mores nod i.e.. et buildings; in collecting and disbursing reatcand et claims and demanda,nod in ancothog Ag e 'Mrs. generally. Ile will :Lisp engage to the scotala. of lama, cdotriets, etc... Cod firnindi anthem, information in relation to the , , paying qualities and ie• .ponsibilities of tenants, /se tor ranch hie remen.tee be annul aciplaintanco atainently analifieabtat. Heme l . at his residence, No lit Alien voreeLumil 9 1.2 o'clock • in the morning and after in the evening. end •t other boos at his offtee:No 111 Chamber stied. VaKI toot front Mama NEW FORK. REYERENCLI-Foo F A Talmadge, lion John It Scott, lion John McKeon. lion Ogden ilafftemit. Al derman Egbatt Demon, Ald. Win V ltrady. (latiaor Wm J 11.11 ., E.g. my ta.Lho. " ARAI VA 0 • A r TIIE VICW .1f OILS STORE-49 MARKET ST :SOW OPFIN- Smatter lot rich Bummer Roods, Rich Spnt SIIAW ig Inmate,' St La a, tate new; plain led printed AR EGES, 'tired and end. LAWN itMoi'rd Ream, gnch k Scotch on mid printed rs de Loss, few nab Drab linun Striped /AMATAII." to new. Alm, fall assortinrm Dosi /TIC GOODS, Gentlemen,' .RAVATs. few York made peers. An Flower.. cheap. , ual at whulmiale • GARRARD :-I' . .. . . .. . _.: ..• ',',&_- '3.,5 ,. ,:x. '; ill:: ;•,.',:.,! i i,.. : ‘ ,‘. -. 11'.' l ' : : k4 ' ' . i , 7:!. - ! . o'. 4 ' .; ', ; . . -t,:s ,'i~ ,~'~ ;~,. :~. £ y ~r'''~`~'':i ~; ;IA : 2 . ; • 2 - .! -2- 1 2; ',,. : . 4 • • • - ... TWJESCTIA.I manias. , TIM greatest and best variety evereffered in nut coy ' .berole--Mide OD the moue roved Pastern pl ens— mid most fashionable Eaelc.nres awl colors. be Alnd.° THE CHEAP ROM. or BLIND, on or made border of all sizes. and C l rices. Gnalify bierehlell •da OthCts TO invited ID cell end •DRIZOOD the above for them.] ca. ex all will DD .eld vrbokaale or retail, and a liberal deductimt mad,. to wholemde Perchasers. .... • WWII, A wESTERVELT .—.77-llrir - irre iiiire Ileanoveds ThIORE 4 WOLF Steig removed from the • We l a i rner of Liberty and Clair streets,' to No AO ~ Weed street., those doors above Si Cherie* Hotel, would napectfally_ ask the "acme. of l ayers to their stock HARDWARE, CUTLERY ad' SADDLERY • per ektpe .Seranak, bionenohcla and Russia, direct. ' .hoollthantentifacturers of Elegized and Grimace ,•••;', , *leo, supplies of American Ilanswere, Preto thee:tn. 7 e•I marmfacturers of tDAM. Their stock being eourheely E new, and purchased upon }he best terms they feel great confadence in being able saceemtfully to meet competition from any quarter, whether east or weet.. • . Th e Hardware bestows will be eontlneed m the old • spastaa. - ' Ull. --- ; ---- 1 oa, BROW :M. lincoiloora to Helldal:tip & w Brof one. F. it ANITFACTURERS and Importers PA P MII A N GINO 5, No er Wool runes. Pittsburgh. TN =reining demand for Americus Paper has nduced Anon to enlarge nod improve theirraetory, and i heir fa. cam of age, Mr your rarity colchrated Varmifue , Abel his having concialstorm, Len I goon him three dm ho pureed an almost Interminable number, in which Bum Inns gunman health has been improved. B,E Maroc: From ilne Ben. Charlea Cooke, of the klethodist copal Much: Pittsburgh, eemLer 14,1.15 Mr. R. C. Pelle.: I gave o y Idd D e daughter (between three •ad for years old) three doses of to Vinottuge, peco,thog to preullption, die happiest atlf Tim number of worms elpelictildta out 000 m r eeue ly. hut it was lug. She I. now to pd.... , 01 goad health. I think the medieine luny be confided oosa to with steal stoesetvedttetts. C As lh,s yerminige has neverjoecn known .0 1. nlnstance, when worms actually existed, pa hoold give 0 in imiernnen to all other. Prepared and mid by R. P- SELLERS, lenw. Ind 4., on Wood vtree.. For rale by Dr. 0..1, Fifth Ward. CO A 404.4 M AiKL ib IN I G MUM the vary lera en a. men. the aohsenlier has he has located himself haa iailseedMmto mkt, - Nes _ terse of year., on the•prOpelly be uovo Pmeuries, .10 Del,Cf e., immediately besoJe lh. napytartanQuire.h., Flow tilt loggaipepeem In an and he hopes to met It •nd receive • abase of public pelt...age. n Etymon Mind and Eta to otter, Rockaway fee., *Poo and top Ruggles, an 4 every deacylpitan at a lialiMpell MIMIC 10 0 lid.:Mrsl4:l 1.411114iM041:1147,1; t I 0111. 1"tat -' I,lo,thtllat sp.!, thaicia,or hierk...inteat Cloth., de.,•ate.. and rendenag spon. wheretit spplsed Leah., new, aniMpods., • Pold with Ast. doreetinne Price Viiieenla llTSulal by WM JAI:1041N, iwn.l of Wood, 01 his Ihm end Slum *tore, WO al Ike UN, I Liem. 1.1:EVII cot . Co. II and C . - COTTON •-• -ST AR C 0 T T'O N." Mr.l - 1..'.1- 3 INexththe Lipner Bridge, illegbedyCitil E pmrrietr.of -the Pow Coma, Factory cap. t. uii) 13... the rth!gelkiathey 1..... 01 puree. Ad operation. Baring rutpleted the services.. O. Barnes It• who lee. had an espenenceof 12 yeses tit th e pnnedthl wstheics of A Iteghel ( y City. they woold inform Metebants and Drain. ut genera , that they will always havethrt•band superior Cuoth Yarns of all Nors,Batungs,%Mstra, and thown of superior =to N VOkiiTLY A In N. 11.0rders left at the" Mill, or at the rune of My. ers, floater & Co., Lilian) , newel. will lie poxoptti J . ` EAG LE COTTON WORKS. PITSBURGH. - MANUFACTTURE carTos VARTJ. Caradlo.Wlek, Batting. TWIT.. Coverlet YARN, CARPET CHAIN, WARTS. ike As., KING, ThIdBOCK & Co (BBLITI.II. of Arbucklest o Agery.l Propnent 'PE.NNT 1 I LL . • Pnreevrtoo, rPIIF. above establishalent bethg 1.. iextensively n ruccessni ourrauott, we are Ealtnanet...g. very an anele of !avy tibeetinith, well adaawd to the rets,il trade. t whieh fo w r heanty and qoality cIROOI be excelled by any other Make o , the eriontry• The cardinal. , of purchasers is volielted 10 n Pitt! Oft ie1.11,14.14W. laCENNFSr r e MEDICAL. /Pt s VP -'9ll- A rosiTivt. & PERMANENT CURE FOR • It UMUMSVRIFIRI AND ALL NERVOUS COMPLAINTS. oW ha abolish the are may not be explained, Slime their escalate duly ascertained, Let not delusion, prejadice, or pride, Induce nienkind to set the mean* aehle; Mesita which. Mil' maniple, are by Heave., dcsige l d To alleviate tell ofhuman kind.^ DR. CHRISTIE'S GAI.VANIC RINGS AND MAG NKne, FLUID. T Diu remarkable invenl ion. which hail received the univer.l approbanon cat the medical profemnon of Great Bre cam se entirely new appLeationot Gal.ll.lll am a , a remedial agent, by mean. of which the ordina Gayness Reveries, Oreille end klaStmlic eltineary.ske., ate entirely ...mated with, and the thyme power of realvartime applied without any of th . e i ee welch ere Inseparable Meru the general mode The strung doses. and icre.tlar inters.. aniarn elv is applied by therhlathinel, hat •ed, atter :air end impartial trial, to be sna,smd it was to remedy this teMeal de wy+ application was projected, which, af g best peoeveraece, her been brought ot mate of part...coon The Bekaa. Bin. A the matins , . of the most expensive Ma., chilies, and in many Other epee are mamas/. awl Thein larger itlishins the desired edict. The Galatea Kings until as couticettOn with the mag• d e e r w are an recommended itt dims. ern which an. from an enfeebled at unhetabby s tlate s name. . rani spa.. and these conaplainte are enlong the wilt phittfyil and universal to which we are hitch They anal. without exception. from one sine deranement of. the Nervous Symem imee—a g in these eases that other `remedies' having rai ;led. a new tarsalseo greatly needed, which may believed. h ash boot s f oal In th e riper Ma [Willman.. Gaoa. sante Rings have been need with entire sum cases of R11141‘.4111,1a, Seale at chronic, ap. plying to the head, face or limbo; Gout. Tle-Dolcrinah TWA... Bronchitis, Yertierr, Nemeth ea Sire Haulathe., indigent., Paralris, Pales, Epikpre, OD. Cramp, Palpitate.. of the kiss.. eiPaPL=l4 a/ Spknai Complaints. Lumbago, Managua, Nereus TVs. own, Dissinets of the fleadrin the Char sod Side, Gate. Debility, litificiencyo Neraisra.auf Physiaal.E. agg. strui all NERVOUS ISORDERS. In eases of confirmed Dyspepsia which as simply nervous de rangement oft. digcsure organs, they have been lotted equally succesaful. 'Their cati aordinary effects upon die aystent must lie wttneaud to be lielaved,.•nd s preve.as for the preceding complaints the ros y recommended. The Rings aloof different prier., being made of all Bites. and - of •arsons mental • pattems, and can be wom b by the most delicate female without the abghtect incovenience. le fact, Inc It rather agreeable otherwi.e, The Galvanic Belts, Bracelets, Bands, Garters, NeCßlllgess &Cs In some eases ore vete revere charact.,and of long standing. ate power as applied by the Galvanic Ring. is eat sediment triarrest the progre. of disease and umately restore health. The unproved miedifieauon mn,tbe ,Galvanie Belts, Bracelets, ate., entirely .terne dies.tho objection, any desree of power that is reepti• red ea n modily be °Weaned, and ao complaint which the tellsterheas ass of Galvanism c n effect will fail to be perinaitently relieved. These snicks are ad• 10 ted to the mutt ann.. wet., me tes. or may pan of the lowly, with perfect convenience. The Galvanic Netklaces are used with stealer benefit in ease. of Bronchitis oi +declines wit h throat generally, also forte • cares of Nervous Deafer, and with almoin uniform surer.. aa a preventive Tor Apoplexy, Epileptic Fits, end sander cOmplaints Chrlstie's 11Ingnetic Fluid leaked in en:turmoil with the Galvanic Ritter an dlall W eir modification.. The* c ompsition liss Men pro. lanced b, the French Chen ots o to be otie of the moot ordinary thst °aerie. of modern amens, 11.• to p.n.s lac reetarksiblep ower 01 Tendert lig Li ossirtret • galvanic ,are thi s , moans cousins retention of the infiumm, so the • seat of disease, lying tepid And permanent edict'. No o n mane in chemistr is knowntoprodace the earor at to imparts wanner property to the nervous hhy ineansof i n outward Ideal application. The an Pend contains =thing capable of Me aligli_ . a. oder). at Opiate..." . agreable, laid a to rule. nt its sett. IA beneficial in t i e ri ,Icaespla swam. and directions nerempony n it n r in eve I) way portent) heav ies., they arc told At Fee. wst tes. 01 Ott end the•"Mecovere, only reque.la • tat, tnat as a test of the aorpriaore ether., turd pere.rtent benefit Chelbilen Gal.anic Strengtheulng Plas ters. Thew ante!. form .other valuable applicaron of the mireeihou. inthienee 01 Galvanism They um on insponent adjuuct to the gruel. Galvanic Rings nod their modifications, ambits upon same plinciple. but booing ale advantage of more application. net are confidently retutatuended at a valuable adda in the opeedy cum of fihruni a bsien. tirade ur sit nervosa e mnplainta, and un poen retneay ear.. of Pam and Waal... is th e Chat a Back, Pain in P. Sias to Asteartater Airwer.erand in traumas/re eon of thePaLeneenary Organs - In Spinal Complaints their ...cis arc of Me laosideetded character, and the have of fol b q greater...N.lsec in Pains and W.eakile.o of the lam. , and ere hichlY McomMended for many of Mose natplatn. to which ameles are espectallyjiable. A• edretual meant ad sinnegthetting the apt.° whet, debdilated mob dace. [amber ea ads, eel ad in Constitutional Weakness.. a Preventive that for (holds, and all au adbetimis of the Chest, getmeally. the Galvanic &rel....tote Plaster will La foetid of r greet rid perinatimit advantage. In • few words; e mbraces all the virtues of the hest , tonic preparat.h. with th imponxnl nd di unof the gateaux. influence. o rhich is nettle, impaired nor exhaeated, while the ai - don continues. These erne. , will be foulol entirely free fmin those objection% which are • constant amerce of complaint with the ordinary plastera In common .e. CAUTION. Irf-The great celebrity and assess of times articles has caused them to be connterleited by naprincirled permits. Taprovide . g ains impottneni Dr. Cemarta ha. but one authorized' agent in each city of the (lido. The only agent in Pinahorgh, W. W. the CERTIFICATES & normhastiest audits. retpectatal extraordinary h are eau y resented. regarding the voce and uccesa of the above articles. If is believed that in the city of New York alone, upward• of EI T GH THOUSAND PERSONS during period of leo Mutt a year, have been morel' relieved of the - mono painful Oral disorders, some( which bare completely bob Oral ell former efforts , of medical art. Indeed many of the first ....tens of this city, - Who diupprove of thr Galvanic nod Magnetic. Machie.. MaistantlY ...a mend this appheattn praetree, and with Me ex ception of those no b , ate too prMudieed to give a 16. .1, the anvention has received unanimous favor with the Mo. intelligent oolong the Amene. Faculty Dr every at all times ready and meet kap. to give every facility to phyotetans, and all interested, for test. sie the t ro th of las el..ertirOle and the efficae, of his beer Pm ," drodrily av (act Ova IL. be under* fined of Conomes co, ocove Ottly . agency in Pietsbuegh. coracr,4thand 1 nr el et septit • _ ocALrom VFPECI-UALLY end speedily cured by the use r., the Grew Remedy of Nature. AMERICAN OIL. It almoat miraculously reduce. Infismination, and cone oaquently is warranted in all cases intense no warner scar in the dealt. Will. JACKSON, at his Sold wholesale and retail by fleet and Shoe Store and Patent Modeciee Waielsootte, Liberty urea head oe Wood, Pittsburgh. Price se ems and CI per bottle. W Jackwite tieing the Eselnatve Agent far Wesietn 'ennsylvania, none is genuine but What Is sold I.) .111h1 ir 1118 ippainted Agent , . N. It. A Pamphlet con.ining ample dlreolourate. with the names and address tif the Proprietor and PT,I :ipal Agent. ta enveloped with wrapper of each Imttle Abundance of ce nificates ran tee wee'. the Store. relit:Ann CIWFULA AND SCROFULOUS SWELL. SINGS.--Scroiula in all its multiplied forme whether in that of King's Evil, enlarge m ents'. the gland. or bones, (Notre, White Swellings, Enron.. Ithetonatism,Canser, diseases of the Skin or Spine ornf Pulmonary Consumption, emanate from on, and the same cause, which is a poisonous princip more or less inherent in the human system. There fore, unless Ikta principle can he destroyed, no rad cal cure can be °fleeted, bet if the principle upo which the disease tlepends, is removed, a cur roust of neceasA flinbw, no matter under vi hot Inn Om disease should manifest itaetl. This, therefor is the reason why J SVC ALTLRATIT r, in no vesally successful in rbruoving so many malign diseases. It destroys the sirens or principle fro whirl those diseases have their origin, by enteric into the circulation, and with the blood Is convoy to the minutest fibre, removing every patirle disease, from the system. Prepared and sold at N 8 South Third Street. Philadelphia. :Vold at the Pekin Tea Store, No, TL Fourth fit st Pittsburgh me es years hab my tea sit. :hey e lessee either gest a .hteast * 11, ercond the Ti A FACT WutcritieKNitil E VING A gentleman of rierofulou. MM.., from indascretion an his onger days became affected with Ulcerations y of the 'Pla u roat and Note, and a dimgmeable pod trou blesome ereption of the Skin. Isetemt, hi. whole ev.- te bore the marks of being saturated with dastard —. one hood and wrist were vo much affected dal he had lost the ore of the hand, every pan being hovered with (rep, painful. anal offeneive Ulcer and were as hol low and mamma 5. a honey-comb. It s w at this stage of liar comphona•wlaen death appeare Inevitable, front loot iromealumnae. that he commenced the ape of AY liK3 ALTFIINATIVE, and having taken its. tem. bottle, nowterfently owed. :,„This A l':11:117SIPtv operate. throaghllre eireola. p e n. mid putibet the Wood and eradioatkd diseases from the rystrau, wherever toasted, and the anateroua ewec ,t has performed In doom's of Skin, Cancer, Scroful, Dnee. lUver Comlait, Dyspepstoband other Chrome Mimese ir truly astonising. For sale in Pattabutgli at the Pekin. Tea Stout. 71 fill sal era, neon wood. and also at be Dram Mote of It ra r bwar.s. Federal m Allegheny city myal&wP Dr. tkleLana 'irM? *ism lapeoLfle. latently that, by. taking ono •ial of Doctor hlet.ene's Worm klytecitte. a Cluld of Jatne• paa.daparards Rl' 70 worms, .ond by the o, of aid otstet oo • thild of my *war...tad II lame Worm,— It istruly the most warPristag aroma medicine I ever reen. I Mast hart two mote vllllll. Wlll taLmottit. Wilkins Township Pot m'e IW by t'' F. , 11)D & Co, No 40 Wood Matt. O burgh. • • a ja A Vt l ifff; ' o a f i t L A :111.Tr ff—g tea ampmvlng its Leasty,.to this elitamalr'sPlr . .., i t a hem It every where bible spoke:sera eau pes , apy..y . allay°. who have made ma ono 11111"..!.1".°100;h:CM'roff% °I4 rtrlasl tie "ffi• g-"d— -rol rale in Powborg at the • 7 I al, near "wad, rind aim at the Dtae final. 01 II r setts.,,,,, Federal at, Allegheny city. 04 s ANC) 8 SARSAPARILLA: For the „tellilleal,llo4, Syliteol-ent• 9 t all disease, atisinglren an Incline of thetlbed- •-• • . Obstinate Cwia6w66 • 5 1 " wr ' lions, ' er Tuonfains ski Fatw-Fisackas, Send Biles. Gime. 4 JINIns, Rine W4Oll to listen Near, Enlargement aid pain ist distiflhas Med Aeries, Sonitent Mors, Sdalfllas SysgatartafieratfinweLairew rap, awl Diwww arising freer ast'inherlirriwer-wir i &MY, FaForn.w tslltvadt.f. 14/6 Lee, Chereit Ceresnotasnal Dimmers: yrs timely admitentatien has teen tenoned vs. lite bappiall results in many anima election% WO s chiefly intended to fill the void tablet eintebethrems cathartic and aperient medicine.; bence its sialetall rand: is anted as alterative directly,inditeMll. Pd.", g a lasting tonic to the syien. Ills eoncentrated tor emenretinnennahaPlow' coulaiang nothing but the careened essence, sod as the cep. eternalise Of the Sarnparilla Eon, in the Sarah manner as Qninine is of Percinan Sarigiete Morphine of Op.urts. It tint eptablithed fact, tint few grain* of either Quinine, or Morphine contains xlll -andmondinal- nine of a large monde) , oflhe erode', bwnces; hence the supenonts of those preparations no invalid would _ desire to drink a gallon Mixture wLe n a half rent contained the same medicinal vets, The Sarsaparilla can be dilated when taken agreeable LO the directions, and made to suit the taste of the pis, tient. The following Certificate addressed to the Agents at Chicago, fittnlslies conclusive ;moor or its great vane In cans of Fever Sores. ewers°, 111-Sept. 11, ISM. Messrs. Stebbins Reed—Benne In MaY, tuned at vow mom a bottle of _ Sand's Sanaparillsond was tfien confined to my bed, itham sleep tor a week, oceamoned by violent pain tram a regal ,r fever *Proof long standing, ou toy ttgblliti. My phytticians advised n Woo tha lamb amputatd, saying WWI lbe Only me Means bac!): to pi eserVe ray life. After using half the battle rhos began 10 subside, and by th e tone k had. and nearly three bottles,l erasable to transact my reg.. star business, and before I bad finished the fourth hot 'e. I was as well und snand al evert Oka been: ' have: bes beano in sa)lim, Sand'S Sus apatilla lain the ' 'L., setter Prosionstce, of saving lay litab end I my tire. I most Cheer Polly reeemmtad is as extant for the prification of the blood IrimoN MILLEN. The following ccruftraie is only Wilber link in the ;mat chain of testimony toits Merits: , Sarni blelltrees. Canada East, April 18,114& Mesita. Sands—Gendemt Exposed as we are to the attacks of mediae, and o frequently disappoiradd in proposed remedies. we cannot lost look Oh the draw of saccentul potmittoncra with in ns gratin& Tn. is true (havereseting )our nlluable preparatlau 'at Sariapartlltt. ae been severely afflicted-tor =yam. with it Msease about ranch "doctor's disagree." sad their pecteraptiont were still more diverse. I tried - va rm.% remedies h ue found no relief anta I commted I ) rearmednt inedieine, et which time E wa" wholly eto toy bol. Alter tome it a few months I am no able to wets abotolide out, and color •com rentegree `rteealth, which I attribute entirely to tle tote d band ;arsaparilla Please accept toy as. *Mailer of gratitude and regard. t • JOHN hi NORRIS Been ovqmanted web the above state. meeti'llivraT " Ity e .7%;Z:rli,lMAN Fates Twerothay.—The following is an extract trout a letter received front Bey. William Gunn. Ilsmandan Vt.,Oct.tf, 1053. Woo, Sande: I, have Inca 018 end with a severe win my ride Occasioned bye Manion liver, for the at twenty years . auffereig at times what filename canna convey,. Lot since takinglour Slittaperilla, I have been meetly rebeved.so much so that I have beets able to attend to my business; and preach occasionally for itteletafiftece swaths. I wholly discarded all other medicine,wnd thoroughly tried the Sarsaparilla, whsch I can neounticad in Unhand sincerity to all thole who are in any way afflicted with any species of scrofulous comptnints. There have been some remarkable cures Geed by llst toe to th is neinity. Mrs. I. Shaw, by the use of mg bottles, was restored to bettor health than teen . a before enoyed for tart ) ears, and Mra. W. Sic. ven who had be er's everely °Mimed wet the Ensign elate was entirely cured by the use af few bottles. ur. truly, . • Whl. GALUSIIA To Fo further p end i M and concinstve eTidenee olds super r ior valueillmusy, me pamphlets, which may be obtained of 'Agents gratis. revered and so d by A.B. lc D Sands,Druggists, l . oll Fulton st, corneae( 'Milieus, New Fork, ' • Sold also by L.WILCOS, Jr, Pittsberighi_ wood, Beaver; Wm. Branco, New Castle; N. Rob ison, Brownaville; A. Coigh, Washington; and by . ' Druggists generally throtighant the United States. FnsSlper book—tie wale. for t 5. The pubtie ate respectfully requested to remember that 'a is Saud's Sarsapanlla that no constantly s ti r of such remarkable suns of the most sbllcall ens* of disease.; to which the human frame is subject; there fore ask for Sandia Sarsaparilla. and take tat other. SHERMAN'S OLOSAONIAN, ASK TISK SUFPEUEU ROM ASTHMA what ha Mowed him in Itsch as trots bus rushy of b....thin, Catgli waSscation? Ile 0. we "the Obssonsen, or Alb Heeling IA llit comusptite what has alhytd his Cougbomorta the Pun in het Side and-Chat, checked his night stecute,wid placed the rose of health upon his chat? and he will tell y • SEIERMAII,II OLOS ou AOSIAJS, ow ALL-HEALING BALSAM. SA your friends if they lesow of writhing that tonll pee tiro core a Mg end Odom Gael, Babas of Blood, Bow thou, Dyspeate Conautoldican, tioarseuesa, bijkosata sod diet sof the Throw, as Oa Gloomiest? and they will tell Too le Thera t ..coyer has teat • runedy introduced to pubile not.. 1.16 bes been pealtsclite of Kt mach goad is so short a spsee of Me. "Read the Arlowhig sitemiskins Care. • Wis. 8010 the celebrant lawtoo cracker bakrr, Sas we street SWAlyo, mos that ho wilt has beta afflicted oath Asthma for 20 yeurs, and could oot bed renamed re. ha from the Mt zoolteel Mace which Saw, , York =a Brooklyn could produce, was induced to try tia Fatima , dy She tallow wally Ito daughter who wat Caber. I,ignfrout tbe bond i. saint dome, tried lt,llo t o math by it. ew n oral the the sa able to Nintrala un bed arty to the momenta:l attend Muir mei dutits llitough the day without any &Impact frosts ber distromp2rwq. H e JACKSON, 13th nat, orar the Catholic Lasal, ease to the Wore Cr the parr. of obtabaing a bottle of M Olossuite, having aeheted with the foliose for more duos Zet yearhand mat so eshauated on his arrnal that he could not sprnk. He purehwed • bathe sad wade home— Four days allarlrard ha walked from Ms Mid.. to do of. tee without . doom of over two miles, to toll of oh,wooderfel schtewhich he had armored from am; about oat belt of cm bottle. - Comustptlon tot um Lamp. Mr. Caminar, .75 White lama, ad mks., m Me Stela of locesobtr M. Mt be aro goat up try hit pipit:M. Hie tooth aterteitod toi hope of Wt swerrtry. So wee pa...- dot to try the Olossoutan, and to hie nowise it bee so fer restored him to health that he w ewer able th wallt about the . • streets • rant, the wife of Wie It Attree,Jarecullarmee , Mnrs Fesi md Geo. W. Hays; F.aq. on all tem. teetititeey Croat Lbw owes erperievee!f tbe healing properties of Ibis Groat I Remedy is_ir.onsuarprpteaer the Lungs. fi Itt .. . ma Bloods" - Mn. Twouriotuntre - Mlli Moen. • street, who had Wow troubled for • great hogth of time by a severe eough, and railed quantitimot bloodwee relieved bfoliseltoult of the Olosermien, end lowlarea t ea reared renuedyin Ow wed/. Doom , VALLI . , BS Water s et reeti was alsw'reireved lrom Um tame eomplaust, abbaci be wow easy Meal eadueed when be 0,,u0.a0f taking it+ having been underJbee sari a his physician duriag the put winter. Although ml o. %‘'" eeostantly end war very much troubkd ithntglit OrMil 9. Joules f the rusted, enabh.d Mello delitre to bit daily wwk. 'lie was entirely relieve/1.,. . r . , Vargo limentason,6o Lai& street, Geo W. Blueeli, formerly of .Bie week, ii. J., !leery Lisboa, 199 Itivisgton Were, and numeteao Wier prramhave been speedily and permanently eared or the wane cuuytbdtti Iry.this rowdy, Thu Array trC Named ..• _ . . whielr weighs Omitted of purses who have toed (hit great tram fill • c remedy wetdd more corium. Aisieg_the number we rs permitted to refer le X.3l:Biningrer,'lo2 ilmetsy . et , Sir a Waco . of llobeleat' Mn Bull of -Marriott:ma, li J uan B Devoe, Mitred. ebyllira. Mt ,50,fillorney e.; F. licalth,9l9 Tltird'fiemme. Mee m. 11. AUree of 11,0 city, and Men inchibaid, 35 Whits a- W Sold ethokaale and retail by .Wns jettison, at Ms Patent Medicine Wortbome and 'tool sad ghat More. Jieli9 Law, tT . wroet, heed of Wood street,Firisbogla Fnee tia?an GREAT I. . For Cog Colds, Asthma, and Consangillen , jTH: GRP.? AND ONLY RESIEDUI Gar Cold, .ndes,_Aishina. and CONSUMPTION...tau HUN- OaRIAN dALIJAM OF . LIFE. dtheoyered by this cdte boded De: Both., of teaulon, Enatud, sad treAuted tato ths Milted States under it. lauttadiall . nand" . saes of tba Inventor. Ttis extraordinary theses. ewed. inedicthat care of Pulawaary &smug. rants , the Amnon agent solleinad for treatment the WORdT POS. SIDLE CASES Owl can be thug In the artsulty— cues that seek relief la yen too solid tbe wawa.. of ths day. sad have been e• Physicians as CON, D •AND MAIM? b"11., ( nsulistia Ethane bar mod. aad wql tam the MOST DESPERATE OF CASES: It go out ...num bat a student Enna 'thedietha too. , and establiabsd gnu.), .2.6 Evan , fatally In the Ening States gleam mat Beanwthe Huard= Sedum of 4.111 e. sea y anditersu the oustuuptiye landettetsrat :the Oblate, at to lw awed as • prayeadlie audio:hula All 814 e thou of Othda.Caugnli. Sphithi of Mao& Pala the itref Chow. louden sod Sonoma of the 1.3111X11, Ibutighttlit t of Rreathlng, Ilestlc' Yuen Night Ruud.. • asd Gaunt Dobally, Arilatoe, ladousli Holailad WO. awl Crou - Celhoid la Imp at SI UV lentl4 tellb Mus• LIMO tha regorallon oft - thanks Paspliw. , aM.sW"t Iltheen'af 15401.11 tad Amid. wartMestes, tad evidiathe. shorty kb. ale =edtie: Iltah• of We Drat WWI Illarowly, may Y 8 oft he ACettud•••• ••wl. DA DEADLEM'seII• Apat-fer-tho Valtatil Syy Cunt Onset Donut. T. W. OTC= & lONS, Clastrai Ma le Agin% I Ski:l3llltentilettualitrea C, Foysale by 11 A FAIINES FMK & Co. rinser a mod and front towels • • • wt. &Digs Who Ili . ConTuisa ae ' 1-. often not sarare bortlly ithunotts 1 3$ to the skin! how cause, how rough, hut iellow, and unhealthy th e •kin appeats•after wing prep arre chant! Ranee% it is lalurtous, contalaind•lante-9.••• thy of lead. We foga premed • beamed' vegetable male, which we call JONES'S SPANISH LILT W IfITF3 It is lielfeetly innocent, being purified of all deletenotthqualitlek, add it liapans tot skin • mu. I al, he It alabaster, them, biting tin ts tune smug at • camel.° ca th e olio, thsktal and ".pith. o f Must Dr. hailer , Antietam, Practical thus , clowns carat •Atierintran was Jane:. Spanith Lilts Melte, 1 Sad a pusewk. the awn besatiful and um ral, at the Yams time; mute. , tehae I,'" 1 ectthoil) lion soathoenuousl. retrathaa it* Oft io nl l whose tea m manure. beettittrol• '• FZi'" t r y WA . jrcif,O, al hi. clod te., tttre I.thetty court,' ben. of Wed, al natt.reOf 11,e But. _ INTIOPOIOWSIERDP -:- "It shuld be I Id and wade Isnevlssis bohlinr Tkie w., ntbe e spwthloo of hltedd.soaa,Vhotnied the rap, ab Mt. MorgantrThis stay, clingy tha ibeing_afliteled irith troultletatite ealllttlltee i . o 4 p boullit•ltottli. AlONOtte•CithaltsTtalt; Ilia mat' ydo up alter tt, Siutiglai. entirely ,tureiL' 3 Is3lollllsoel3 veer Cough s)eup the belit medicine 7 Mite wag hied.' No WWI .Wula lwlaidalatdalalaahlr malaise. DA MD MaIitOBERTV B , Mightily Cily • rr_t"Tbia niscliehle pcaparea withleials sad -.nail at Om Ural UMW-•D MORGAN • • -liMisd.r.waSt floar below thasaad MY! , Ptleagarralaapet bawl, • - r • ,felt. IMMOICIMOOMIMMI, 1114.1 a •. • IM— +w perrine• molly dyoing 1,04 Mnl or linty flair a Dirt - . M.ll or Work. ceder: oddest! dyeing o ininfi oli Mr •sltin. Sold with tell direttiont' 'Price lig ettets,S•ll` e book. Irj-old by WM JACKSON , et bin Petrol Medlin,. %Mention., td/ I.lbetty turn, hood of (Vood, it Mir ego of the Mg Mord, OP :m.tr4itc,4. , • . $.lll6l6.llANns bIEDIVATED uacrtocs, ANDIVOIt 154141, • ' PLASTER. .. ' . • DR, isERNIAS dintormoi ti soy to emit ...Inn • J../ Omani., to that thildreo will take Ai reed ttv at, era I . Sr* ihee hiateneVolievie. anoint .otteit bus '44 Lot gee, a PotofTooth Pm* Ottkwheek of etch n"...y,.... 1 -etch dkilof - i SIIERMAN'S coucll tozEstoes. ,•• - , TbeefiLoisagee ere the mix., nesit ware dud sifittast mon ..is 5..c0vg,....1.1.,c...1,441.," .t..,-....5....4.....,.. ~- ..,sigh ea of the limp ..14.' away ate, ea. The 0 opentoe 1. .. 4 W IP. tr a ,, ' ,tr=tl barn le e d e ld '' '! ' ..T.l t at. Slat Mel pow, rmforieg to he.* P.oses * .d...... ...q .t.,. a e povongeniotata abode Wham/ coder Me ant sltormeseg - colds swicoughs 1:60 4 hot vheek mot dry up ttot cogh, _ma ...Writ may, pnet. espet f o-rstiast, allca the inlay% Vr Arra...n-sod -remone. the preens. or eteitiug emote.- - Intel ere wed* frau a.mbinctios of a mot vu1.1.14 .1. Sone, or mesh oretheitses, and we undoubtedly suls — thor to retry Alai um Mr them complaints Mundmos ..... hue. 'deeds ofeertffesdos hare been eared of then -ft ewer tut air- Voehevehltlviri velleibatre been strol Germ emu:set) stems sad nothired to kerAVI bealth. l l seduff Ho.. • • maa ' W'rbPoo*e"r klanVPllst 'b e * “ ' es (pie' eke ottly b"" lWee . t.7 st i .u Sh ttl . :. *iest over the part, Sad .wo. ft till mimed • leak anotimies, n- fete oaths... ham.* Meow, or ear . mildest... malktitte r sbeeld be, used se wises. i.e.. . SHERMAN'S WOW! LOZENGES - met c... be k.'"C" inilfdffer thir"l"'eolypee'rtst"o'w'rrl'it"..=l -,-.. methane ever dtarentred,,Mtry dirs. errs. ft ont .fire . sad ecrerico leg imagfatomistatferieg, me.. death, rich ceat their ever being Marc MIMI pers.. are ..cr, Oleo alien! oiLictheae, C nand -or various motto.. without any benefit; whea one door of When Lounges snort 505.....0 w....—r 0 . —.. in the jointa or baths, 0r,... den breath,pckiag et We ncee,grinding of the nosh Jun. Amp, and %Gimes a pantonabout Me limn the n0.1....i dock, !deeding. dm bow,• palms wirootiou at the Mann+, Cash . es of last user the wham mt. body, Hight c 1011. or .ht' . crimp, headache, domain., 'vertigo torpor, dtousind domon,sedske wartime is Jeep, with tog. land...a...St etemennes a t o t etreobleet cough, feteeithame, lb no, rob. ha s bey but tarn uhe Anutb, difficult brtedoug. loio . the allearth or bowels, fatigue, soma, wrouishoesr, one,' ciao app.lte, , kannewt, bketed t he or butt., go loge • dioothquelas tin vatiosopwls of the Weir, a sm.. rut. thing ma; m the treat, elehen of dm mat towards og., a frequent Main to pew menething fines Me boron, ant enue • Lars discharges - of Anne an d emus. ' . . SHERMAN'II CAMPHOR LOZENGES. They per immediate relief in mesons or rick Wed.., yV a ltaGt ... Li ;aft. hems, kernof the .)trek,op. ...try . ' dr putrid sore Hood, bowel or s.ututr Cl.• phial, feinting, oppecedun ot a tome of shaking so the chest - ehan., spews, cramp of He eneemeh or bowels, bysnriml affeetasts, and all 'nervous disarm, don - esteem through the day; and .watefolools through the flight: . choke. ut chol era iso.rtte, diarrheas, lassitude or • sense of fatigue. Per. rot travelhog or attesding law parties, Will find dm Lou. gn nay reatruqe 3 ad impertn. the buoyancy ofystuth; used ...ler diui Lao% well raters the to. of the syrt.t ref I V . 74. InA77',_ erZor te ' Vr — ... Mt ° ,! " ,4277:7: 1 anima th en dissipated labile, velll Lod ibex re den mirehist empower a die .rets. SHEIIIIAIVE4 POOH ' !lAN'S PLAEITEIL Tbe be. strritheniag plaster in the ward, and II sovereign TCAMiaI for peas, or weak.se w the beck, lidos, side, nest, limbs, pin*, Annotation, lusalega, Ike. ho- Oue eullies •'' rerun. net turn the demand. They require a bole warm fig before opplandsma. Warraated topersor to all othersohtl for an quWer the maoo prier, ankh.; noted, the best, but timeliest...it plaster in the world. It affords. rend fit a few hours, and omakes asumishiog cures In tbabver ereenelet c.d . die eno peria . ,Nito i t i t i lt! ff tlforli our asta= fi r b efi l e}. " l7 cough.: colds, as ' Gana, =ty of resthing, oppression of the chest or ...eh, Heys.' im mediately ,so.h sod greatly benefit the patient. Persons of ...sr/ habits, or three obliged to etead muela, will reetire decided support front one of these truly oresithesiog Pla ter. Villi er rs. geberally recommend them, in ptsfertece to lel otheretecause they elk*. adhere better, and afrord ;real er relief.. Is their operation Hey an Woodcut, tosicond away.. They tow marl of eatirely diffrart. raved fi t mowfrom boy other, sod oown Gem the experience ot mil liotorwho here used them, is well as the touted testimony oh all thegksbrated and dirtinguiehed, clergy and playsicims, to t d ee be the Mort useful esd highly medicated ph.er. ' ' • Berard perms tare calhd at the werebotire to express their varprtas sad thanks,. tha shoo. miraculous cure...* plasters . .. effected. - • pketlor. fist me ere on the back atm& plaster, will • he simile of Or.Shermea emu.. lt is imporoust yuo should ..ways sdr. for Sharma% Poor HMOs Preader, and see that ye. get thogetteine,as there are m. 7 worthless imitaticor hawked aboutoken the true bbernan's Plasters, by ' wholesale sad retail by W. JACKSON at hls Paten Medici. Wertboase, No. PA, Liberty street, trio of ... Rio wan ,'- .., . • ~. .. • ...oo4—tly• ri ) e DR._ft,S S ._ • DESERVEDLY .CELtAIRS ED cESONI - ' THERMEL MED IBM. CONSISTING of hii Proph 'amid Syrup, a can 'lL/ maim remedy loran Consourmas and Smote lons xrectiona; Cough Syrup, Croup' Syrup. Con centrated 'extract of Sarsaparilla, decidedly superior to MI other extracts, having gMen relict when allerthem have failed, being through • new iproven more concentrated than Day other ever offered An the public. ASTHMATIC ELIXIR-, having effected permanent cure. of that stubborn gisease,.vrben of more than If years raiding, hence it Hinds without a rivalin that men dreaded disease: . . _ Dr:Rose's - LINIMENT, for. all case, of weak pen orpalo, and wean:Tient tabstituto for blisters. ii." . .flose's TONIC .MIXTURE, an iniallibis cure for etas nail favor. ' sod indeed is dun e of a specific toil - avers of all kinds than bath or , gal- Dr. Rose's INCOMPARABLE VEILADFCGE, -where known, is seed in preference to any other Vermieoge, preparation!. Dr. Hose's 'TUNIC ANTI-DISPEPTIC, for all diseasesol the Stomach' and bowels, Ch"lera in fection., fan , Too high an encomium cannot he passed on the merits ed, this medicine, in cure of Diepepsia.and ail disea ses that' result from weak. nits of. stomach or had digestion. , Dr. Role. •FEMAI.E t tl.l S,n most valuable remedy-for Diame general complaints to which fri oislesure subject. Dr. Rose's TONIC ALTERATIVE No pill ever before olfered the public so happily 'combines the qualities of a valuaole medicines. an antbdispepti,e, LIVER or Stomachic pill, correct .i:l.omm diseases, and thereby preventing cos. sumptiOn. A yOueg Lady 25 year of age, having *dimmed liver fear some time, her strength leafed and and appetite gone, was completely restored In Ms week. - by the use of the Anti.dispeptic mil turn and.thesepills alone. Dr.R..e.eifaorio-THERM EL STRE.NtrIII ENING' PLASTER,Ior weak neat of the back, side. Dr. Rooe's SPECIFIC EP ILEPSY,the most ens thin remedvfni ell cases of fits or cenvelsious, whether In-Infast. or adults. So Certain a spfmille is itHer this formidable disease that the most. ob stinate apes, end those too of long standing, have yielded at once. . Dealose's RHEUMATIC MIXTURE - Aker w.f . " year. of dilment cesearth th,s compound ra discos . . ered;endim never' ( t h em= fficacy places e ffieiency above all nth= for of Rheumatism. Dr. Rose's ASTRINGENT COMPOIN.D, I . .. L sormin ternedyspitting blood, indeed for disch fps of blood whether Dorn Lags, bowels or Other puts of the .Or.ReseNSTRUPfor Cheleraandßowei complaint. -,Th is mixture will e ff ectually rate bowel complaints. Eli•seinery,Chillarahlorain, and Cholca. • Allhe the Awe= Calera net raging =l' tuladelphia it wan found to be thalami successful in=ado, it. . caring nine tenths of all those who used It. - • What may be aside( one of these remedies may hi amid of alit-their Irking will only be appreciated be dose who Ur dew. Leticia from those 111130 hseebeat mired of the various, maladies that Mini. the 'human body might be given, bet wet. are wdlinuto real t he Matter so tha merits of.tbe munpou n ds. we hav pertorecaksr Sersifelo,inits verionefones.ro cond.. and efficacious 'that Its healing power has Malty: A ease of ilarster,lMCarritla in the r , f a of d m late Governor of Delaitererwas emaplete . in fess months. The came( hail beta IV,. e at not by prominent Salgeonis. and renewed tt✓,~wid carcases rimblralt,,Tatotawillithlltdiod the' Ability at Constitu , miss sod eesmeal of the soft w ti o se r. or g! ne o. f Pz e disease.. • . ,C."„____...1....ad0m0_,.1.,.rthe various cave: that have unmoor. me' am of tar.„ deo, bloc dc.r.ed necessary to enuirreate - them as Molina( aheinn,gi th,.rom 3.4ICHUONDI 'ARM if. Ca, No Ed Wood ;•trool Agents fai Pliribranth seed I• dV • .. , /tDit.i.-A lalealling l it A Idirae !! A %Vander !! --To emu, Eruption.. sad Disfigurement* of vbe P•tov Papled.rteeklea.Panburn, Salt ilhant . ..renal , Pore He • Doer years sow last Aarhus:4lM espial of -France wee amitruabed coneequenee of a discovery Made n liy• whatnots Chemist. Many doubted—lt tamed almost so iraparribiliry 'that anything . tosuNi..bl boodsbr mss, could have each eaugular powers a alai elan nard brAnlollllll Verptial for hie invention. 51any cleared him and his isveinion as humbega*ths, many ".foolisk .poisons vbithat t h e do the - mom. now,) at ' sitar tieting it in the hospital. Me Mr Mc at So ciety of Da= ttho bat ebentiete an the . marld]delio trod the following repoit ileum Vesprinti • !Tie Imre now minutely and carefully examined the 'singular Invention ofVeeprini. We have "Dialyzed its Movement pans—w e ave used it Scam I eaten and see hesitate eat.to pendlum. it (abs! linii”CJaegnical - *AO Oa al great biasing, and a Maly wader - fel teme dy.,tor arty ainaril-0112 eruption or dirfilvan meet of the skim • Its inventor we consider the use hlaniti s p roots Suffering mankind. (Signed) LEOPOLD DUPREY • . President' . - . • READ TILTS! Prom the Inventor himself to ihepresent Prot.riettm. NON, 4; 1 , ,W , •Ittednisideration of 6. yam of •ed to fdr. T. JO M., residing in the city 0.( Nsw N. A., the whole profess of mannfoltatingosgmhe h- With • bodement of the iogrediems eotoliwiMMY lan Chemical: Map- Ila is to Gallikllfmnii. NNW solo In United &vim only, and to hove .* prlvdegs of ne ttling ituJonce ImhW Chemical Posy)! ;Witness: Henry J.ll.lMwoola • • " IBIgoed) ANTONgA VFSPRLO 00-Pald•by W JACKSON, at Vs Patent Medici... ,Warelmarai 131' Liberty lanct, head of D 0.4 sim or the Big Boot. Th.lwitT pl•oe Ansbargh.yrbtra the , Ghliletll: •ma IMObtained. All wile. are Ceinaerfe, -PITTSBURGH GAZETTI: . • YUBLISUED TRI•WERCLX /6 W. ItE ' As cla Oasarte Huailima, Ida, soar W _••• ALATSIII OF ADVICIITISING., iioartios of 151Ioe• or . loss ~ ... $ 0 dz.: ro iooerlioo a without alterations 75 .. . 1 1 00 ... 50 ' 50 ' (XI 4_oo 600 • One WI The . -- One Week Two Went. 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