.4.,, - MI • MEE __,-------- - - ----- TO TOE SICK AIM AFFLICTED.isidaa ~ _ , c _, lintili t la r, GREATIOISCOVERY. _- • Theme. /Ludy fir i PESINSILVd.,ffI,4 CN" Ll&g, & ILAILytOAD Comunriptima,Cough., Cotdr, &ohm& Semehoir,Ltver , I. . . , Er . , , . , LiPEINi I i FPO . r %ei; oimplann, Spitting Blond, Difficulty of Bortnine, 1 • , rens, e - Pain orthe eldertnel Breast. Palpitation of toe t PITTSBURGH tio POILADA.. IO BALTIMORE. IlleanileffloestmterimpfflrokenCenniunron, • Rairlosirdsjas P81.11.(03. Sore Throat; Nervosa Debfl and all Manses of theiThroat Bream and , i'llr. public are respectfolly informed that this LI. Lung.; the mono etfeennt sad i .1,. will commence room. on or about Meta. instant. • speedycnteeverknown for , t and rootlet. thenoithom We reason. Itie. proprietor. ay of shaved...lL have uow placejl a arming glossal Packets a. Rall is DILSWAYNERI i rued Cars on she mum, with extra . aceemipodsfithos, COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY. stab will Mae Itremnamnit mtm.eleta APOTHan Metro. WITRIII.-Read with 'slue. 1 A Packet 111 . 1 „. 1 4 . 11 111.1111.11.!fir,-,..aanmd tlt's..T. iahment the womierlul Mire performed by Doctor I c l u in g . , ,r P . ,. W w .' .. , T......„ ,, tojrn, ,, ,.< , hg4 Swayne'a Camino:Cid Sjrup of WILD CHERRY: 1 ' ' "'" ..,,niii.,% . ,kry ;,,,V,,,r, um..,:rus., 1 PRILADLLeinia, January VI, 1841. I One of the Packer. will .tire the landing, topposlm Dr. Swayne-Dear Sin le justice to yourself and the Crowd Mates Horeti corner Penn street and tht 2 duty 1 owe to lauffering humanity, I clieerfirlly Canal-every night at bohltock ' I give my tesinsanY, an declare tri the world the , For ~... .12 bt K3l DA v .., ,, . on . most a.tonhing: efects. and the great cure your I , 10. .... ir...,7"..„1.,',„.,11‘.1`Lig...t , l‘' og Li ..il4 , 1 , 2,. ~ ., / tf•fila CompoOnd Syrop,of Wild Cherry performed on me, I arrh , , ear Penn ouster and Canal uOder lose Most Mafairomble eircumstaeces. I wair 1 ' . j o rao with n yi,,,f an j Cough, south, or mow, ft IA E.NTEuni TRANSPEIRTATIONOO.- here Pat. in'the .Side and Breast. whieh sealed ga sp = W break down aid enfeeble my constitution, to that 1847. my phyvician thought my eau borond Ore power al medicine, [red m i Erten& ts all gave me up to Me; but Tt LEECH & CCP& thanks to you an thselfec 01 ,your great discore COLD F.STABLIMIEO TRANnPOR'eATION LINE. ry, I W. feel ro all a ru well man, and raised tm a BETWEEN prrrmittault. Mere. skeleton t° as fleshy and healthy a man as I PHIL& DEI.PCIA. BE AND NEW YORK bare been fot yeas, and shall be pleased tonee arty .1 /11 L ..m. I. oi 1 i ,r00.1. 4 ef a double daily information respecting to u. e . by cag at a rty 1 td,, ~, 14, and ell, (11...11 by themolvca I rendence,blechapic streetthael door below Garr. which are no good order. The tubserber• are Kent , (reet, Northern Libente.. J 11Call PAserg.tt. .1id.Z.,..:'.1.7..r.r.i.......Z.n.d.:..:,,,,,,..,,,,M.1rchinti1i5e and reafinbnl3l i 4 iron' h e 1 i.. all C.ark's of 1 Pro or Merettaudfse . otiLeinel,to any of therm - the Globe. derrogned te torwarded tree of any ehurge fo room . The hallowing lettere are presented with a view nr i t . t.. ..ft , .. _ ....,._, . 1 . ~ .‘,..,„,,, , ..0, , or mote folly showtng the ten. of Pliyinciatur tn , _..!........,.._°1".'' . " 1, ' n ofialllY relatron to tint Ihledical value or 1/r. $ W AVN E'S. 1 -.. q;77,:,...,.. n , „, ~, ~ c0„,c,,, wt ,koF COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD CHI...RR). I Stildgialieepine prtnt lel , . Address, in nor) m iyi..borayne-.1/ear. Sir: Haring used your Com- It LEM:II & Ce. Pro,priemn. pound Syrup of Wild Cherry extenstvely in rag i Canal 11... 'Mutate. practice, I wait reqnested by your Agent, Doctor; CARR!. k LF.ECll,Propneturii, Crotchet to express on °pint. in 'opting of as I No lit South Third etreet Philadelphia JCS. TAYLOR & SONS. Agent, propertiv. 0. 4 remedial :gent. I most cheerfully No Ile Notth Bowurd aunt Baltanors comply.. I feel by vn doing, I mill discharge a I W B WILSON, Agent, debt I owe the community at large, and Phjsieras m, Mb No 7 West street. Mint York in primula , %As much as I detest Quack Reams ' - dies and Paul Nostrums, I was induced Door 1 PIT TSIIURCiII PORTABLE 8.1.111. E. a failure of the m aters poteut expectorants, retool- . OMNI 1847. . miaow tnehded in our me in sortie eta. at i _ _ t r i aana )eta s 1,,, r r y ~,,or Preps lion 0 1 I, r „, I win the tran•ponation of Freghibeiwcen Poghttrah pore,. or Wild Cherry. 'lt n seffleient to aay that 1 4 and Me Allll/I!Ctlics. avnlithig transhipmesto on 1 that way , and the consequent risk of delay, damage, I wail SO mach plergelt with the mutt of (inland I Mrs lam. and .eitisation of goo.. suSsequent Ulan, that I now pre.cribe it in pre. , 1 Nn enre to all other Remedies when to an expectorant 1 BORE P" IrIME & Ire Market Steel. CASII 001 , h.. indurated. In the . mach drooled Pneumonia or ; 1101 ' TA AFFE a O'CONNOR Distale of the Longs, in the alarintng, term in which i Cor Penn and Wayne rt., Panhurali it appears to Kentucky, I regent It a. on Invaluable O'CONNOR &Co,North street lialliutute Retried. in the treatment al that disease. To all W,j T .1 ke,rrir;;;,sio.m,,,l4 y, t Agee. who know me I bare lard enough, but as this may ' Encouraged I. Inerea.eit littniles. the ,Propriciars be lied by raw... oat of the vicinity of Frankfort, have added to them , orti and eau...F.osta . arrange I •1111 brielly add, that I have been etrtged in no Mo. dunned.. winter. mid art non prepared to tor. actiae practice al my profession nl It years,and am I .....1 I "' g ' ',.. , "_ h 1 71 . '79 I . l . l d.P ateh nororPat a t . d a Regular Graduate a Transylvania, and this i. the t 1'L1n:',..T . , ' ,% . 4,1 . ,,,, ' , “ ,,; r oi thd,T r.„' 1 ,7„7:= c ..;;; ' ,:1.: first Patent Medicine I ever thought enough al to 1 and „ wawa . rainw.,,) and roara , wroaa or We ware. expreu an opinion in writing I hOLIYi si each end on the line, are peculintl) calculi.- . J. H. E 21.111011, M. D. i led to enable the proprietors to•fulfd their engagements , January ilh, 11347. . Franklin County, Kr. 1 sod acerwammlate thettrariemet•-eoriftde, Mt) °demo: F . /lantana?, lip ,Jan'rj . ith, Isfi. the Pan as a gumanlY Inc M.' mmte. they ' ...Peed...) Tko mane certificate is Phan one of oar Phut- w hen ~,g."",..n....„17," "I patronage whic!, they now 1 mans wring:. R.L1. ,1,... h..., he i• a.i. 11 4.0 ."- erernirignmetig taTennTe & O'Columr will be reed goad prattee, and n couldend =good Physician. aml forwaided Steamboat charge. paid std lidis of and dads fain he iii, u he up. a regulargnadeat 1 Lading ...mined fore of any charge fat Commissron, Da. 1.). L.. Citummit VA , ~ anthem* or storage Having no interest directly or 1 Druggnt an I Apothecary i indoently in steamboat, the interest of Die y•oneignors Testimonia/s rein never max. ; m... 1 Ilif, ily be their prim., °Nett in snippier, t went and they pledge therasela n to forward all mann Front the Temperance Pledge. I ~‘ „ ,,,,,„,.,i ~, th e m p ro mptly and on the quit nava... Now Chit Winter is upon us with its attend. en. gnu Ingle ewiten. train of Polonium and Bronchial •flectiouCoughs I March I. int/ --. meta ~ Colds, &o, &e, we would advise nose afflteted in - INDEPENDENT PORTABLE Mt. way tO make immediate trial of Dr. Swamies 1 Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry. It will never i BOAT LINE. lag to pergi - rtri a permanent cure. . The reputation ' 1 111aW IS4 7. agtaatl of thiamin:lima half caued many spurious artICIN to be put loitb under its names but the reparation ty•K‘acii,LAIZTIL:2TILAt cLUat.vacK. of Dr. Sony ne , besides being the tint ever offered , `. .„ A utJ 11....11, PIIICADELPHIA AND CALTINIORE. to the putilic, to tie only one that can be relit d on. er W about Trauniment..(l) • 'PM otbdt Iniaturr• told for Wild Cherry Syrup, I boom, eau coed tenor Nee win be f o rwarded u nth. Bateau., Arc., are all aponous and worthless, and ~ oat delay, at the lower current rates. VMS of !Arline Contain none el the airlines a the original prcpara. • transmitted. and Ail tostrucaln. prompt!) atienl to Lion, DE Swayze's Compoad Syrup al Wild ' ftec from an d eharp for sinme , m rnramiri• Cherry. i . a.m., or aeon Jo .... A,JiIcANULTN &CO From the Sprtngfield Eapreas. 1 Canal Rade, Pittsburgh - Of the thousands of purported curative nutrums 1 HI'ORAGF ' . now before the public, but very few are round to I 1.,,,, •. ..., 1., nod eommod.a. w nethon.... C/ARHIAGIUI. wur.rAm oarx, co.scu Ayu t MEDIC.% L AND EICEDICAL OFFICE• pauess the beefing virtues for which they are to- I we ore prepared to receive On addle. to height for .in .. HARNESS ALIEER, 530 nese. iir , . No GS DIANIOND Al. commended. Among the latter wo are pleased to 1 alliptuent) a large ammo of Produce, &c .onntortuse at CA hIcANULTY &Co 4,,.C,i1 d -- Phiteidetrfa, hoe of the firm of Ogls 4. r tir' ' ' '. ' .'"' LEY% a few doors helm lean no. stand a better test than Dr. swayee's 1 low rotes- (mug _ .- - 11411"aufg, Watson. ma:fretfully inform. his fond. ....,. sie.,-, , mid sum, toward. g 0 Compound Syrup Ili wild Cherry. The afflicted I PICRWORTU & CEPS LINE. and the pubite, Mat he has and aid lerp ' , -. 1• 4 yes ,- . market a_.. d.'w 4 .••• • In Om . tensity are beginning to ow it, mid to their 184 7 . igErigial 7.... :.1. 1 o a r - 9 4.. 1 , A. ,,, :,..=, ~. .1117:%:, . l i fr„,... ...A . ....._ ihtl4.X.B. - BROWN jay they find % Its me their hopes bared upon its MEM i' 1! f',.. „ aw l,. ww . Za',.a.d,Yr.u.a." recommendations more . than real weft The afflicted EXCLUMY h:LY for the transpnrat.on of t% Al' am. towel. ainnhorltsk lite no., and erecuLd ni . ,Its. very heat nun., af edema magnet. fctrn-ly ' .: -oi 5 . ....& ..,,r , w.,,,,,,, an d o ar .. in , wan ,. ocedmot despair. WM.. here is hie, there now Is rarty for t he ic n ,„,,,w, j o i n , „s ~, .....3; 1' ,4„,n111k' ' lime in ' general practice hUg• i town. Hothdayeloirgh, Winer Sneer., Perenturgh Ind -- . ---- - ----------- I ... Y. Va r .,' - .: w .y..1 . 4 'Mak •i n t: , / , l e cton ., [..a . ca &gamma' "'A CAUTION 'l'o THE PUBLIC. ISCELLANEOUS. , all intittmedham elect:. I mil of tlashe fl7Silice the Introductron of my article to the ' r.. ? . , 1 . 7 . 8A . .. 1 11 1 . 1 1r..." ,,, .' 7 . 1 .1 .. .....:_ ° , 1 4 . ,: .L A. , :g;g 1w a 1 , % =----= ' '''... I.‘. AM ''? ..-- private aod den.. coon pattite, there have a number or unpnocifiled sod .. , .., i.t.„„„ red,rl Y L b e P , ~,,...4) I I - - ---SkiiiANC: ifl l iitiP A. - • - i" -- E Ter. 1,,. 't . 'h. nOn eve, Idetr g •dr WeShilogiol3, D. C. . 'Aaiun for which his 0r... I 'Meals got up .martins which they start natant 1 ,,,,,w, 1 7,.,, ~,,..„,,,,,,, ~,,,,,, a „y ,„ w ., n „.... ...AO .11, , e, nod r ap er tem e 1 t Wild Cherry, some &recalled -Balsam.," 0 Bitten; gENAS C. BOBBIN . . Mechanical Papua, andll, t, woo formed for the tpeensl aeconnumlaiion Li Arent for ping t,+ Potent., will prepare the I.e ' 1ti„.,,, .... ..,thgo. , S;;: i ell 'II II3 ?:: ' 40 ' ; ""- MaTti .1.1 . 1 " .. s .`".. f Wlll/ C41.11. Y . 41.4 1.1. g 18 th . of .r . ..l 7' hotone r., •nd the P.M eutt• re.Preif.P / naaaari u rnw ,,, a , ar ., p a ,„ ow . App,, , „, io, p ~,, ~, ,, ,,,,,n l , th, ,,,,,.,,,,,„,.„, , ~,,, worm, which ~m, or orripnal,and,Only genuine prepara tio n ere telmds ....., .•• wierni •...re of patronage. eftrat 4044... et all other vainces jo die line a L.• , he, h, o l roar.. practice and .1* cured more paucatt Mae odd to the pudic. Witted can be peewee by the pub- Peope.m. pmfesson at the Patent Office 114 cm 011ekvitsuned ~.,, r .,,, jab to tot of • y private precut:oiler; out Ite Rabe. 01 the tOmmonwealth of Pennsynaoia I. in N PIcKWORTit JOAN 111 ILLER P 01% It BRNES. Roo WcODS w n nil geoatteria relating to the rcent I.aw. ant th.c, R ., ~,,,, 1,,.. pf.. OTIII.e. of tipeedy.,rrasa ; The city safeguard against imparithou ts to see that 0 11.1.1Afi 1 FU LTV wag in the Untied Siang or Europe Pe .2n. at n „,.„, , m i ~,ii sfaentry cure alt oll'ted wi th . 4!. . r.t. ,my signatore inn each bottle. • distal:tee deslroul. of hacto. examinatto. made to o: ~ ......,.. and alt in. 5.0.... at .og lner.hom OR 11. tilV AI . NE. JOIINI MILLER. iteetida , ..l.igh ) . t ~,„,, It . CANA , : Jthn•taa ,, Patent Office. pr 1r to mating apricot.. inr a ii 04.101. I, ~ ...Y. a womd whom Mui , + l, ' ttd sixty l.too . a refound p ol y by lir I , hest. 2, at his Priem • C A Men . ..CIA , s. t.,. I . 4h.hurgh ) May forward loon paid, encro.ing al, a b... dolls, t „e:,.0. orlai h have heron. , mon. by lauc or aggras• , .• - ~, . a clear to gar of weir ma., when immediate alien. ~,i ~,. m e a.a of any ot Me common nano... of Or t pal ne, corner o f &mut and Klee. Streets, Reekhaer Pe. ' • li pint he goren .it at. a ll the infotatatton that .13, ,We Omar cow lito. can he radically and Moo 1 l'lnladelphti. All Wird Cherry prepantsons bring 1.1 P.D.., John 1'..1 . , Ruhr ti Ntoore, Bapley P - coo ame by. Matt of tile annlicani no P.."'“l ' nueol, r ored. he barmy given h., careful eine nt.o in I fictitious and counterfeit without Ins .10ton:re, & sesib Pitt.horeh . naarb eminent . communicated. . .he treatment of sorb cases. and .J ceded to hundred , I Fer eale in Pittsburgh wholesale and retail by LAKE Ems. AND MICiII ' EAN LINE. Au 1,, L ,,,, ~,. 1 ,. ......., L,,, L , P.'"tr....• a" e...' t of ...once. nt etttoti Per..,n.1 .1 ‘. 1....° ? . _ ll '.._,_ Ar ` L 1 WhI,THORN, SS Monet street, a witanle fee. where • semen opinion or required. rrug„ on n,,,,n0 tee p.„,upi n. , : ' '',l',,,,h`,,,baia'adda'aVa.at',.'w.n.,„,,w.`",.„....,,a,7,4,7,,n'`,;r„i`,"a'-,,, a , . O s Gr o E N N Es & - S iso NO u th t. 'D ,, E y N . i re. eoro L er ear! de Di' God sta. ,a4re.. I 647. garasiS !lota. the Honor or /eremite. by perm,smon.. '''''."4'''' "."'""'''''' ''''''."''" base Sold I . b J Mile II AlleghenyCity,Boyd, '1 /Ms Line het og eoutreted of S. , earaboekl.l.ak , Er, Hon. Einnundflnike. Corner ...net of Potent, ~st tons mid un.erre..rnit• •• , ••,1 (3. others in etre It ad y•le , I an , ni r ,, ~, , ,,,„n „ ,, d. ,_,, ~,,,...„,, ~,,,,,,,,,c , , Hun it L Ellsworth-lair do do do, ~,,,,, „,„ ~,,,,, ~, .•, „It egTren•hrei end I ',f i r, A; t 'ii , Miller. Weaver & I lemierson,Aler. ~,,,, n e ~.ri. 0, 1 it...eat en I pot.sneer C ivetl Meals II Knowlel, Machinist, pant (Mice. . oi.th and imetingem , cert iSorman Calendar, :Henna!, .1 li Burn. 1. run, r...:•1 nee. hearer Judge prattle& Washowton. Dc; inoutiet.tur.nlet. Out It , •• • -,,,,iady and ins ' Cu., Erie; Nl'Kenste & K. 1 .1 1, Clereladi Deem iC hl Reed , 1..111e of otratuhaat Propetter• and Yeskels Hen. R Came, Manschniens. V S Sena, heatiga...... 11.14. ' ''' "ri `'.'" 1- ' "'` ." . 7 0 ` a 1 r I 1 4 r aaa " :, I & Silo, Calanbuts; Miller, Broviinardle,• Marsh. on the I.sttes. WM 2 .• PreP°° ,l °P.m th. granr•tilout. ,u.t.,1 pee of on, i .ne to Itt.e on• - , Wheeling. h'a iI . : 11 ‘, 411 . 1 . L 1 7 , ...; . 11 . ff,, 0 i .u . 0 , 6 ,7;r ;If p o ° ' , n ''' , :o v ro, 1 ° " life r r ' , * Goal F and r hr La and . rs " " n iloe. th Allett. hi. do: 14.•.1 B Bowho, M C. noon, t .. 110 A willit Hall. New VOrk; lion. Mateo Smith. 51 4., illinoi• lEr Hernia or Rupterr-Dr Crown al. num I E kilted, & Co. G. . . u , orria C o., , hiring ,v,,,,,,,,,(0r,..v..._ f_r. . __ ' attl tett widi 'term .ic call, as be has ea..) 1 Louishoille, Ey.; Andrew Oliver AL Co., New Or. onc ,„, '',.„.,,, pr „,„,,,,,4, ..„,, dwi ., 1 ina g a. ",47;41,, , ,, '.. w r per.. ic lion. n Breic.e, U 8 tienate, • po u t" attention Min di.en•e I, lean.. . ars lon agent. ...ttally when from then. frends and 11..1 H Kele, RI C. Sithroun. t Dr I' '''' ' ' b."...' '''''''''''. ''''d ', STANTON'S EXTERNAL RE.2I EDI', ' be P o '''''' '''.""*" -- ,, r"--- Capt. II Shreve. fili•PO.r, . t h e low. • n CALLLIt t: 31 It IEO. Erie Proprietor Enures Brook.. Kan- Pitonimreh. tt.' N. It -1•311 , 11. 1 of mther *et limn; at a 4 mane, I , • it F.Elltt, PAR K° A mi. Ite•ve r. Am. rote all Ow ail' i • HUNT'S LINIMENT, RHIN A CAI tillEY.Pll.l..gh 41toreey, Counsellor and General Agent to ''' 'r• ' t " ' '''''" `'"''' . , . • tom- eau ohtam a, d.,1,v. with anet 14,4 .. ige . 1 ,.. ow , aawaraa " a ,,,,,,,,,„,,,,,,d . , t o, IN Cm 4 ,nal,fithl and :it' me I .t. opfo” le the Murtha, ),,N•r_ L. r , RALL. infortio r. .in . and ih e p it,. address,. T Into W 1..„ NI p pos pa 1 snot eni ,m. , • ~ iie that he M. commenced the ba..... nl ~,,, a fee 1.1% Li: I ER, F. REMEDY for Itheumathrm, Sp, , " b '' ''' ma." •,,,,, yes tit Aietit Rtt t O / inn posit o ogtt'al rrtoic- in mnecio,,amt 1 off,, No, nysynamond alley, oppos:le the W•verir I tial Itfections, Contractions of the Muscln, Sore W heeler. Crocker &Co New Y.. m e th ane t. a large protio. , a L.omt• tint ..,,,,,.... ol , ii,„, 1 Throat ad QUirgy, lasues,Old Ulcen, Pain. to the • Deo Darts, Buda. the l. lethne and ht. mg of h0t..., intor, a and oth. , irr tin mot., n ... _ 4 ' 4. I Back and Chest, Ague In the Breast and Face tr. N I'm k• & Cc...et...eland :?.",1",..1,r.1,:0trd',11.,t',1"::,:5",',17,,''',,T,.44,7,Tc%''r,..,1T,,h'-,....L Si UlfsitMAN'S TOOTIII PASTE. - 1 T0.,01 Frosted t.. Bruges, Salt Rheum, Bur.. Jas A Ariniftrotig & Oa. Detroit •la inims In-NTeirtet. i CrOlip. Fros Feet and all Nervous Diseases. r , N.M../ F. William& Milsotolte %,„ '" ,:,' ''""r. , 'II : '''',.,'"V„dT,g,i.,%,.“;;.1,',,,,,',7,7,'‘, ' T . be.,..1.cie line wn fet °gm... ati 4 whi...... I The TRIUMPHANT SIA:CESS which h. at- 1 11 .... 1 ,& Poner. Ct..° Wm Power, Powerstown Pen. rinfOrmatnn"'lrt"Tel'sbo'n' to the paying ytmbut.. and ' r e e f ' 'i , Tm‘,....*.`''.'"."'' '''.'""""'" the ' tended the upalleglian Or thu most ,WON DER EU I. ' i r al b Ise It .hould he u•eil ever )' night sr. a end Deo blaehalutyre, Evaitsorgh. pain t....bdtnet a ‘,...., tt. la whtth to. ertynsier ' '!, , ~, i ,, ~„,..„, . 0 , ..,,,,„,,,, ~,,,,,,y ,10,, ...,,,, I, , A . l . Epte I NY. in curing the most severe ..f"... John 119 Am., ttuninewo, . dr, aptoslntaticeeminently qualtfirta him. Moue be ioninq ".•,,..• ' 7,, ~.,.,„o, Au g me. tint, with ...ton diner.' litsea•es above named, .red the m Din IA rat & Acker, Greenville. da ' h'''""'n'' ' N° I P Ohk" '''''''''' '''''''''''''' '''' er '''' oreolZ ay. an.vrer. and rub o a tote WM, on 1 ENCONII4I I IS that. have been hmtowed upon it, Craig & Frarnmon. CI .... dlr. do ,n tae muting,. ante, C o.,k u m io ~,, ,„,,,,, e , mid ''' ,;: n .tte. when enough wilt adttere for ecotone the t wheletrer it has bees introduced, gives me then night I Ility. & Plumb, sharpen..., Po at other hours or ht• cite. No •JO Chant...cm street rod te ' ,.o. " It le d el .. delicious poor at the remota, acal im Ito dall on the AFFLIC I'ED to resort at once to I th C Melon, !Minors, do door feint room. YORK., , REVRNE: . ' 'on F A Talltudge: H. JuLn B " r " .'"r " e"h""'""'' ''''''' breath ' I''''''''. the ;0N1..Y REMEIIY THAT CAN BE KELRT . R w L'. .. ,.... . , ! ,, ” ~,,••.e.,•,,••• , L. ~..... b r , a ~. a pleasant, elficarnon, ttmvenwitt mt. /ON i I .. -. RELIANCE PORTABLE BOAT LINE. 'Pon:na*".n"V.gto e ' ri g m7l . . l'l lr ion tn (h'l6.l . l' I ll in ra 6 OT. n ts . a• i i: ,' ,l , ',77,,,11-p,:,,=Lfir-:,,,,,r,,,,,...."-•"''''' ' ' ' ''''P'r''"t"''' LIE:r . l'he faceltv unite in recommending the tele. I 101 p 1847. , ti,„,..,. EN. % met J Rom., Esq. .")'36:l'°. •, e autsrly 0 will remove the tartar rem ated External Remedy, Hunt'. Liniment. • 1 --, ICU° rlit:ltßltlV,AL'' AT THL i ' u'm ' " . meet., it. nectintalation--prevent the toothache,. 'Me following letter from the highly crater. i , MK i A o,APORTING 111RARM rwL • LN PITI'sBURGH AND TIM EAsTERN NEW ironic K S OILS MARKET BT int•nirthen the pima sod prevent all domes or nem' Phylician. who have been attached to the Mount 500,y OPEN- Chemist, pfiniema w 101 / 1 We clef=) ggg . .... 1.1. ' .1 . Pleasant State Person for many peen, is the best cleats. all Hobe 7astoltiewatare. "tat.. n. to.. I deculedly anperior le every grin. of Wie k ind in ore.- evidence Of the value of this celetuated Li • t Tim -p-d...-do enrO .,4 toed I. tilt Malt , w ., °,,,,,,."'"' • I Estatiltshed Line. g now . well /grown thin .- ..F....1u... I Ash no. Sherman's Cumpouud Orris Tooth Pane, a• it ' l ° . . sprung , observe Ins signal.< is attached to each pot. i S " . S . ' N .. i' ..... " ..... " ..... , • i ter iptton ta saw. ..... y. tiood• are not touched on the 1A kii , I, e. 1 Reeornmended by Dr. Caelle, 301 Broadway, one en Illy Dose Sir-! receneo your note of y.terbay, ,ome, urns all ,e„0mnp,0,,,,,,,e,ee ~,,,,,,n,,,, ~,,,,,,,,, • - - -- • • --tt of the old eatalifislied asking my opinion in relation to Hunt's Linimen - in from t The tends ateseven light draught and perronn thVITIII. . a ' ''' " " ''• `'' ma to days. PHIADA. _ auon ~...tr , -,,k, A .ciazi: -„....„ yrrge r v . E . R7 r AyLar .,'lltmoosot`..'MK`ateeettottinvitoodltreet,Phll= - Ilkt I ..le'Phl o • Pit UPoest4hllbloootroa7 he 'Mond DriCi; L LEN'S lipul . TENITABLE PANACEA the greatest vabet y of Plazas ale.l l beautiful Palf=rfar lTlElLlON.jnlthetraNtlth ‘teridlle, Kidei Ent for IHON RAILINGS in the batted •Stzteo, to 3.- ~,,....r P.rysi; Hai, Sorfp„ I . lreni. 'fetter ,bled tlwtOsle°4°4° 91 O w e so w",..l.lMeocoP-i Memorial Diseases, Orney other rumple Leta aslant Loa dad ea t ra ll y f a Cesar:tenet, ix putenhell from moll of Oin blood'. are requeited to read le.itooLe ..._ I -.' -s . - tte loilowng teatiedoninls, la proof of the wonder T.• 11 , 4111 . .1 1.1 ell the hatmloome Ball op fa! properttes ed the above trained naediet.. ' at. Lan el Hall, b.I nument, and =per Celebrated READ! itEADR; Rt..IAD!!! therimiert. in the city and toenty Of, Phtlaranlphax. D. the Ondemffined. boner - storied Wt. Isaac tabled base been so =gad) , extolled by the public tfrooks. Jr. at thb office of Menus. Rowsnd And A were etteCtited at tr. Inanurattery . r . %Vett., r..s Mket street Philadelphia, consider A large W./41.11.mults Conneent with the eaten: hi. cue the nrral remarkable one we hare tier wir . liakunent. where is kept constantly cnt hoed a large p e rmed or-bra. . of. Hod! °H . rottoiltotaute lam Balltoes,Orournoal.lbmo His diaerse isms SCHOlii LA. and terrible muel Settees. Iron Chun, tee Hyatt plain sad. =nem.. hare Iron b . twelve years' cordirct with the de =I Iron fiat... with so ettenstmamortineet of Ir., etroyerr • ' Post., Pedestals, Iron Arbors, then Also, to groat 11 1 Palate. e entire roof' of hutmoutb, Neae,Up• Variety, Wromipit and Cast Iron Ornamentsdrotable per Lip, and lower Lid of the Right Eye. harre bees _for Builtnes , and other purposes destraled, his Funs nearly rules up, and part olthe The rabsenner,ooslo 2no %talc that in his Pal .11. done carried away., lad yet we can glee as torn and Designing Daiwa:iota tie hot employed descrphou of Its ear, - lomat of ibe beat talent .the twenty., abate whold Mr. It bramfrot• as t h y , i„.h e „ y „,,, L t .,. the stitch. is uernted to tato Oustaessornatog alto- inteor of mouth, as »ell as Intel at hi• late geiher one of the romt complete sod e)atereatic es. ens a gn.o., of d ee p so d p.tue m e l „v et , tabtiahmen - ,7 of the kind in the Dal.. Oa tr... 11th orient:3,3l.lolc commenced tel. KOBEKT Wooll, , ProPrielor. I Dr. CLLL.EN'S INDIAN YEGE FABLE. PANA ' Iliad. Road, those Dort...out atreet• • l'E ‘ which checked the diurame in a few days, ._ Plffiladelphigi• Mire. Pi. IRO dGm. __,:. mei that Ba t e the run has 1 rogremed aith - out in - —_—___ CIIEAP NVATCIIER. tem.:ion Mate Breit :.• 11' GOLD ANU sILYFR WATCH i Nee dash has sepplird tits place 01 the deep ul. A Fffi IN PIIILAIJELPIIIA rem and though badly diertsured, ht. I me ...want, Gold Levers, l fulliewestri. OH oo and bin general health I. restore„, Silver de do 7 . 3 1 . We are asnirrd alat in the treatment I.l' Mr. OoLd !Apnoea, Jewel). A. 3° " I ' 1 Omaha ca., to Al arcorials.omtruents, or Camille (Hirer de do 1.1. 1 G nu QUlallie”, fins qu•l 1,, iu i ,, appl,Collous inane been used,-in tact, the PAN A Gold =ate. , platn. is tio 1 CEA ALONE. has wrought. this a ortiedul ...urge Silver Spectacle., ITO I laamd Smith, blocks county, Pt. Gold l'encds 1 tar I 1 =tries L. Bravoed, Meada die. Crawlord rol'a.. Gold Itraceldt., i to, „ .1 W Jones Al I) south second Greet. I'uils A 1.. ., b„atoSi a Dug° ...... °°l o r t '''" °"_°_ ' s ,",', 1 Jacob !see, l'entlurton, N l .l Dreeekte, eager vom it breast Inns. lame ear fors- s - '.. F. ♦ w c m , 4pa p, p„, d ,h . „i„,,,,. t .,, , ,,,, d. •,. L. pew., Silver .truoru t rtager mac, wad..., gold no‘ 1.. , _., n n , • curb and fah Gdn.. guard lei • and ',wear, or elm, 1 s'st r urr e o h, Lancaster, a downtown et echalty inn. tr•ed. Alta want .. a NO: it il Multlork, )31 North Eh e ,.,,,a, . 1 to„I, ca coma. mummers. 'I lf Appleton, )1 D 4f. South et di All kind. of Winches ut-i Ctor.• if ea red nod wu. ' •1• 1 ,,,,,h, f: s ki, o il . Marion , o. rd „, 0 , 3 „ . ranted in keep good lime Mr oire ,esi u m goat .311 , 1 . ~ , 3 ,„,, 1 i . , , ,,,i , ~.„ey.,,..t (ill, p hd de , ph, , . p. Ir. bong= or learn ut exchange , intr. lista. 'it= Ili .1. street nil. For sale. e tabula, said th.rt) lonur Id.. Clocks, at , • ~ . , . "I, ' , D om, , l \ thron Sterling AI la, I saldert. h J 'Winch, C'eek and /ea nil, Store. No 0131 .11. r.. %VOW.. Dale. 311 limit Wert. Puna street, above fficeenth..North Fide, Phtienetpta ~1 II Potter, AI ma...canon or Moon; ti Tenth Int. ). me I nnoe wipe bold end Sayer Lever..llel,stp.• r p,,,,,i, s‘ „ ot. 0, 0 1 tn. the stawre price.. 1°21 4 . L A Wthenaote. . )...1. Plold. Ircatmral ill ii ia II Alin li T lI'S PATE:NT DlItE - C - T.AC'r lloN ~,,,,. d „ STEAM lIANISIF.H. . Heart W Mentz, Emit , I.llner, 312 blarket St. fr.... . 1 ,....,, t ,, :: „. :c ., : ,... z n tt y.,,, 12 .,.„ : ,,,,,.. 0,, , . }....,..,, ..„. ~., , ~,,, , ,o , 5 , : ,,,.. I , ods . Its klanegrableues•-Tbe rapid.) and Cameo( mon • A I) tittle., Parlor. , ) Eleventh 1101.11.1 1 buret, May be controlled with the greirte.t efo , e, so bile 11.. pail. Oys.me, I s in 03 ,, , m0t, end the hammer piny to• n Jol. Bell. 1...1.e strect,l l l.llmielpina (Nor h Anon sternly wrested. and folapentleil al any heAcht tan office.) Ito ljn‘yee.ilar , or ...Cocay to ea , uato w",dt oi .. Aaron Sand, 161 t:athart. Sue., Mil+ • biadl4 tom lb<' l . , g .-, no Ito '.°°".." " i d ' r ‘":. """ Darnel Mrt.tille), healer. AID., do hammer A rdrew sa caw. Camden, N J Its Siniplie3y, Centimeter.. and Chrupee as. ita ,O.C.CeaSubdity Span all des, 1.. the cox It 11 E•oo , , West l'hila All Uto hamme.ere mad , self-sou, iticii,dd It. Young, Udder. 40 1 J Ala rket at Phda ssehee continue u. ex mate order. tur .M. , go d , W ,k,,,ars,f, to South airth storm. s du Theirs,hamm of uncle...upon rearm terms "i• , Wagner, Lithographer , lIG fihranut alscrl. , ,' du For balker pante ulars,Anoo re of ' It .1 lacesa,l23El....Lh .erect, dd. MERRICK. Sr TONY NEt Peter sken Smith. Uttar Nat. e Eagle. do Ae•igner.of the Patrol for the Untied Sane, deel&ly roubawark Foundry, Phtlad'a. Joel tiodown, taut. martufar, toter, tY,11,....).,„ „ DERRY it I,IIIIIi,ERSUN, ..ri Jr ~ , „. Wirlinn Stet!) , , r arconntort, • an Buren to. 100 • Manacerearcre or AWNINGS, &ACHING BOTIIIIIS, LLB (soles, all/, Boehm, blase. k Russel t:auneld, I'Matalovist, Plnladelehta. ' WAGON COVF.Itra AND GRAIN BAGS t tit0„,,0., P s ItchyNo,llsuod„,,,,gh,t,.. en ALL DeSenteito. 364 Booth Brunt 5....., Peter W nght. TM Nlarket street. Plata. Na.„ : Jame W aienli o, 103 Filbert .1. do ' Back of t. 4. ailson's Cabinet Wart Motu., y i John Goad, 171 Spruce at. do 1 PMLADELPHIA- , William VOW, Pastor It. Paul's M. E. Cl. Catbartre A LI. orders lea mob S. et Moon, nn the Once of the j • John IderehanDic Hotel. Prtsburgh, will be pramPtr) St. PhDs. I John Chamber., l'astnr Ise Indep. Church, COLO+ , attended to. TIDO. G. DERRY . 1 ' replAdly "`" - ti C. NICKER.ON t, do if L Sanders. Po bltsher of Pledge and. St, marlard • ' ( "I"OIAPKTCIIOIAICERS and DEAleEns. i , , P h i ' s. o r __ J LADOMUS, ' - 1 • P Sellers. Editor Ohre 11 • ch. Doylestown , .111PORVEK of Watchen Wmehramer'a 'Pool.. mid I Bucks en, Pa. . 1 V ' ' ''' " "`""' ''''''''''''. "° '''''''''' "' i Wholesale and Rel. by Rowe. Welton pr.- 1 '.""*" "' d ' I "r ''''""'" "" "`"`' P '""' I 3'6 Market St Pha.cciphi . It E Selkrs. and Plain tilera hlatuspongs Verges LW., %Vt., , Proof... r,, , , s , „ s: Hand., Sod +Complete a...IMM otallToolot and Ma 1 31 Worst at. Pratoof6e , ro-t Dr . 1 . t . r. "r 5, M.' I levala bridging to the "Jule; with • ler. n.sonment 1 kot st do ; F., 8 Peat., blOrielts,Oluo; ratan ts of Gffijaod pricer I : , ercm Lerma , trod Ptom Watch... I Sharp, ItloytVlllC, K l'; John D' Daurnbott er, t, tn. ail erseliteh he artil guaranty to sell et the loweat Nese I Olust; ideal ls Reeves, hladunn la; 1 .1 Noble. Lout,. 1 • ..." 1. M.'"''' Alt "" s '''' c"^" 7 P.m , d"F rale, KV; Devereuek & Pedrosa, st. Louts, o h, i executed. . . Ns D. -Country Me rehants and others ere invited to I' II bleGrals, Natchez. bliss; Hardaway A. Jute =II sad eastern .= the CMlStatid, No 3.1 South Fourth stun %'ickshurgh,claa Charles Jenkins, New Ude. enact: Phtladelehw tan. WI lA. - ne -- , . • ..1, , 4 rrIlE Fre. bethre—made on the must approved Eavtern pine.— and most fashionable Eamon patterns sled rotors Alm THE CHEAP HOW" or BOA PON BLIND, on hand or made to order of all sixes• and at allprtces. Country Merchents and odium are invited to con awl exemine the shove Mr then,elvec. as nil win be cold wholesale or retail, and a liberal deduction made wholesale parchttects.' .0611. W , EATERY', I 41w. 14: : tikethavare — Store — ReTheoredis WIN ['MORE h. WOLFF harms. removed from th e Corner of Liken) and St Claw tere eta, to No 50 Wood wrest,thi cc doors st.re St Charles Hotel, would respectfully ask the attention of buyers to their work of HARDWARE, CUTLERY and SADDLERY. ryeti per ships Swanak. Monongahela sod Routh, docent from the mannfaetarera of England and Germane .Alact,eopplws nf American Hardware. from th e prj el%lntanotacturers of she Enstroll elf alDek tkeing enurely new, and porchawd upon Ike twat terms they feel pent confidence in bring aho sterewfidly to meet compeln:On from any gunner, whether mat ...AL Tao Hardware business will he continued at dm old BILL & BROW istoessors to Hoßlighty t Broome. 'Urn:VI/FACTO FIERO and !ovine. of,FAP VII I.TI N A 2701 ld 68 No n 7 Wood street. Pittaborgit. The inereitalogdemand for American raper 4.16nd/iced Clem in enlarge and Ingres , their Fatten , . and their fa. cilium for oranufaentring are W equal . aB7 in ihe eastern cities. Haring adopted the eastern ...ale el Intleea. they talre pleasure In molting their friend• noel dotter. ar examine their idock, which in now larger than et rmy former period, and may tie found follows: Transpareni indoor Shade, Renee. Aciaerie., (gazed and Comma, pee M7E - Imitation Itentera, Landscaper, Mato nod Fireitninardl l rinth Curtain Paper, pon d.ar ide. plain itreen.end fig Wriling,. ?tinting, rind W rappi lie Paper, Home Board., tee. Raga and Tanner , Sento is en m in , ns l .i.ante . .... ket prarea SASAR'S Am Et SCAN VZOS TABLE . RENOVATING PILLS. For ahaa/ one year. previous to making use of Mr. Star's R'o'a d Ville. I have suffered rutflaa• (Mal I sperwat. and an ASch I bare made use of , a grow vartety.of Me dicine witbout receiving materiel beoefil About tim e moods( since I commenced o•isig Mr. Bear's Medicine. whieii ha. entirely relies,' ith , from acidity al laf stitaticp• and reMored me to rbla'as • table health geeeral or toy friends mid acquainllocca have wade 'sear the Pills. and received snuck b I., neat from tl ern. 'I can with con , c ommeng JAMF. 1.FE.3t7 •I gold. whe n and retail, by II A FAUSIOTTOVE fr..oo,cotner or I la and Wood. and Wood and &1. Is 7 tf Who .11 Uroveft A .VA NESTOOIf. 411; , • T_TAVE e tested art extensi vv. warehouse as tbt corner JIILL of Wean and Alert ,treets, to which they have removed their Wholesale business, where they will always hereon hand on eyeful's assortment et all the articles !Albeit Iliac, to which they invite the terra ties of the Putdie: • • The One easiness will be Continued al the etP sired earrat of Ah'ited Wood are. ; aprg.i. SUOIAL-49 10 & I bida N. O. Sugo, la SIOIO It nd aa:a FLOYD MEDICAL. our beet Dento...of by moot 01 - the - ones in the United States, and ever gi e ns t eely use d by the Nobility of Flnghuld and Pa • cr , A large proportion of the disc. , i kat afflict mankind arise from some derangement of tit s.:l.l°r bowels which a timely use of the klMhat tie Lounges would entirely obviate. Persons of litlicas habits should al. ways have • liox at hand. and rake ,a dose vrlieuever they feel the lent derangement in their health. A ludi emus use of dm, lozenges would prevent thous.ils of eaves. Forsole Whl. J ACK.SON, corner of Wood and Liberty' .lts • deer _ . _ tater ' , fax 1. e nw; rwn 3d printed ted and rani, LAW% • brodrd Rasa , eneh printed an end printed we de Let la few nt.h Drab Satin AM re new Alas 111 Doonalic GOODS , knifemen.' AVATS. eve ark mad. S itl Ac lawaraieb atter CI wt , it. ale NO CURE NO PAI K. CULLEN'S IN DIAN VEGETABLE DREMEDY—Wansnted to care, or the mon. ey returned. This inedicine is prepared from an In than Receipt, obtained from one of them in the Far West, at great eipense. 'nose who hare been rarnillar with the Indians, know that they can and do cure Venereal without the knowle.lge 1 Mer. Cury. B.SiSZIP. or anything of the kind. The af flicted hare- now an opportunity of being cured I so Khoo 'the uae of Balsam. Thls medicine is pleoaant to the taste, "and leaves no smell liar breath. Prepared by ROW AND A- WAUDDN, and sold wholesale and rebut, by J. T. llowand, '46 blatant street. Phila 'a. • for sale to disburgh by N. E Sellers, 57 woo" greet. ',id by Wm "Ilartribh2 Market et. oerabsT -- tarre are PITT 1 Piles I Piles) TA 8.. ,lackson'oEmbrocirtion is the only medirine that I LI will curs this so very common and matrices:one dtsearc It not only immediately alleys pant sod ma n n ., tun, plcedrria , suodsesik at intolerable iteir• toe. hut effectually cures, tn overt abort tune persons veld. , noes have been rendered miserable for y ears lot appileanon produces no pain. but miter on agrees hie and pleasant sensatton If hemp.. atllomen arta roll sod bear of Me great number of eases that here been cured, they witl he astonished. A gentleman of this city. who had under the itnite of the suigeon Arc two or ttnee tunes without being cured. Imo by u 1, bottles of Mr b'anitrocatlon been eradically cured It sells beond precedent —lrPh tl. elaturday Courier 0-For sate in Pinsbursh at the PEKIN TEA SllsHE.7-c Fourrh ntrret, near wood, 'and also at the Prue Store of It P Schwartz. Federal el Allegheny el tt, KlK:taw Noie.i. , lie Par fr. Jatkran' Pao E.jsbriwarrorr Now' Palle 111 H FitE. are few diteases more common or trot. 1 blesome than the Piles. and yet, nutwithstand• ins ereal aorta hate been made to cute by the use of pills, electuariet, liniments, ate., all were Mute and nl little benefit_ Now the Embrocation It the only medicine used. A parson halon who been suffer. log Ititn the Piles of the worst Mod unae from Sa• I. in, New Jersey. almost on purpose to careen Ins wttilude for the tpredy cure that this medicine h.O effected in h's n e.—Phile. Sat. Post. ~ 10 . 1 m .. r in Vitienurgh at the PEEEN TE.A sTotti... 71 rth at. and also ti the, Drug line II P Schw a. 'ou f edema at. Allegheny Cit feblirr , D TowNsKii ;.,,A-&,7,ll..4;iiiiiiiiiii-oi ifAiiii:-; Al PARIILLA. Wonder and !Petting of the Ayr:' ; i This Eatraet is pal ay in quart hottles-ids six 'tim•4 i ,elsesper. pletwapier• and warranted' superior to 1.7, i Id It Cates Wabods vomiting, purgmaisiekening, or i debilitating the patient. Tlin great litanty and saperioritv or Met Sarsaparilla er au other reewMet el, while it eradicates disease, atat ttteleuralet the 1.17. Ii inused successiully In the rem... an d permanent cure of all diseasesatimns Nom .an "nom. emu- of ihr blood. or habit or thy sysi tern- Look oui for Illeteliettr.--(ll.ptineipled ;tenons !met. copied ocr labels. and pin up medielor in the 'ants shs. ped twines tbe that etch boit'e ha. the written &igen Iturn of l' TOWasend For tale by R F. SELLERS. (sole iment fen A ikihettY , restniy.l 57 Wood sircei, between Ti.lrd.and 7durua Mr 113)11 ' I Is Viirti,Cii i. — . -- iri,•.t.sa ',Li,' COMPA:V10111 , 51X 6. L . 141:11' i y m t,S at c : l , o n n th: . l d ,Z . . : k . u :ln a l i I'M LUNGS Amies, nod Discount of the Heart. ,Ott :1,71.b.:". of Longevity, and mode of preoerring male and le male heelth.eymmetry and beauty; espocirtgrauses and cure of dome diseases that produce Costume. • UO3l, or shorten bless ?seediest. of the Skin,Splue. ' Stomach, Bowels, Kidneys, User, Stmt.'' , nee. r Gravel, and Female Complaints. Ate rile., easy. pramical and pure, teem ssuide to pellets. health I and Inn; life. Se Engiivinp, 32•4 pages. 60 et.. I . Postoge 91 CD. By SAMUEL , Kil E. LOON , FITCH, A. 61.,M. U., at 701 bicOAIWAY, , NEW I YORE. : . Any person geMittiag Say cents. free, will receive one copy. lay mail, to any part. Thottederapplied. rub ?0,1.847-dr , m ' ' - MEDICAL . prepa;cd s by Mr George E Stanton. Knowing its •comporrition, and having frequently need it. I can recommend it to you as a safe Eatental Reme dy:and in my opinion, the best Liniment now in es, Vey truly and respectfula TOWS - . A K OFFAIAIS. Col,Pierse Van,Cortlandt, Croton Manor. Volly concur in the above opinion. W A BELCHER. . . Yoescown, Jan. IS, 1845. Strln reply to your letter, I would say that I hive used our External Remedy, called Hunt'. Linitrienton my practice since Ai made me ac q4ainted with its composition. and nahnitstingly Bay that I believe it to be the bent External Reese dy now in use lor the complaints for which you re cpciniend it. YOLLII reetialir, BEN spe ./ U MILI.F.:R, M. U. Geo E Stanton,Esq. From the N V Sun. Among the ma. of worthless articles and l'imnbug• that are poured forth at the present day upon the country, it a really refreshing to hod eumething of real practical utility, something atm pie, speedy and effectual in its operation, and tt the mane time tree from those injurious elects iihicla generally attend powerful remedies. Hunt's Liniment, prepared by G.. E bunion, ol Sing thing, though it ha. been but • short time before the public, by already obtained the confidence, out Only of our most wealthy and iolluentml citizens, but our moat eminent phymcian. All acknowl. edge it to be a ...tip balm for many of the ills that limb is heir to, mottling the aching limb, sod by its genuine stimu.ung influeuce,batushing 'ease from the system. : Mr. Stanton--Str—S• ring your adveritsemtnt ol Hunt's Liniment, I was induced to try its elec. on my MOO, who bad been crippled with a la. :back from an infant; and it le with gratitude I bear testimony to tin wonderful healing prof:mile. My child, who tir now five year ol age. is cow in a t lit way of recovery, Yours, &c DEMMON C 16i Eft ON. Porr Orrtes,Tow. Ha, P.n.s Co. I certify that I am personal!, :acquaint' d e the above named child, and think'the father W 4.1111 be sale in saying that his son is almost sell. JAS W DYKMAN, N. 5, ISO. Deputy fl'uiit Matte:. P. S. I would also state that I have been 6., a number of years select to frequent attacks al :nit Rbeuntattsus,•whic in many instances prem. ed my attending Rimy &Wu.. Two or three ap,ai cations of the Liniment invariably remove all ii• fecitomstf the kind. In ease, ol bruise, OpT..to. and sores, too numeralus to mention, it has in ibis vicinity proved a certain remedy. lie val. • sn only be estimated by those who hare piten It .311 trial. This Liniment is sold at s.saed rents per isms tie, by all the Principal Druggists and Alerch ota throughout the country. Whoksale Agents in New York. HOADLEY, PHELPS & Co, IL: Water RUSHTON& Co, It ..roadway. A II & D SANDS, corner Fulton and William. ASPIN WALL, BR atreet Olden addressed to me at Sing Si ig, N Y, wit. be attended to. GEORGE E "TA P NTN, ritp O rietur For sale in Pittsburgh by I Jr, and J KIDD & Co.' Allegheny Gay, JOH ItG ENT Birmingham,JOHN SMITH. laid!) - - Ladies Judie., amonlehed, When you kuow you are ptoistimed A aural, lnr.lite, enowy white. That you will ler ecomnian chalk. And loot • diwthly yellow high!, The theme of leveller end ol" talk If you would use • beg of JONES Lilly-while, It wo•ld give your akin an alableter yet natural white. and_ at the same time clear and immove it. Sold at JAVCSON , N,t9 Lltwely et. Price:Semite per hoz. toys YOU POSILLAiIIIIOVII SCOUNDREL AU HOSE eleanneso ten equal yoqta! look al )cor TV At young wife, bright saucy lace! Look at your owo, pitted with eneltioos and blotches! Vet Toelott man to WO laity teat. for a cake of Ike me vent Italie° Chemical Neap, which woald acutely (Ice you from them, and make your yeller,/ skin char and healthy. Co menet, to Jackson s Store, fa Liberty m. pietsbarb And get cake. the OENUINEiamba obtained. Berwaot i' nub :Mat= airs. II:r0118ERVE the Tht Dom stands to he naoh.9 , TRANSPORTATION LINES, fee — Vaitariy of oar aroltouros enable • to store? any consignments wade to on. Iteceimns, • storing, and advances free of ensure. Bang folly prepared to make sales of Produce, ors respectfully rotten cons Laments of western Inoue, Damn, lard Bullet, Caeca, Wool, Feather., an do erro articles (or sate, op which hhenn advan ce be made and OlittT uroattroeslittes afforded, pledgurg oar rolvea that any Lamar. entrnmed to to Clan be na promptly, executed rod upon as fair term. as by any other Louse. JAIL , MerADDEN &Ca Canal Basin. Ptustotrigh JAN M I.,AVItk teen mehtlf, MD and 131 Market at, Pailada J. M. DICKEY, — FORWAIDIAO COMSISSION MERCHANT, &id Beam Point and Brid,gewalti, • COUNTY, ex,„ Proprietor and /mutt of Warners ;Eigl[ • LAKE ERIE AND lIICIIIOAII, bLic, •MTINDIN rurrssunou IND erar4 nwreeNde oaae, for ill`polom on t.:r7e Fawn.lon. Crow Cur, and Onio (lanais; lar •I polls on Lake Erie and upper Lake...nail. to gorerard produce, tan.by Penn's. tanproreorenla 4 Apply to or addrea• lehikkallf : • • /Aka rI:CKFT. Beaver PITTSBURGH & CLEVFLAND L1NE.1846. Mail 11. Clarke. CLARK - II ' Hoops im E & Co., ched & Co. • 'Forwardlog & Commis&lon Merchant., BEA VER. PA. pug Agents and Propriety. oft i. Line (o favor- I g hty k now n ..e p.:thh ',will he prepared on On 1 carnet opening of canal evil lion to receive prop my at l'inaliunch and Ilcave , r, and deliver the same ot my point on the 011iAran 1., and aim on Lithe. Erie and Miehimus, with the greaten despatch and ;at rem. mains rates. The proprietors of ths. li e ...licit the libs of their former summer. and with, confidence, know i ng.. h their facilities are w to none. Apply to or add er. f ..• . - 0 h lIARTON, Agt, Pittsburgh. • CLARKPI & Co, Boom, i Im2e T RICIIMCIND &C' - TO TOM: PO BLIC. IE Boaimen's Portable past , onumny Inning din .l. solved, the Cortuntny again wentinio articles of Co. pannership under the name of the - Iloatoteri's Liner and likewise erect' to reTit the Stock m aato have • )sumber of Boats for the purpose of centime good. thinugh in from six to eight data. with certainty—und 1 S el encouraged the liberality of last year's patron age, to make more extensive sum:teem:on for the et• wing year. We would therefore respectfully aolieit • routine knee of oar former pew ot,rind refer all new rummer's to those we have done bueiness for. 11111122 110 alt. {INDS Or Ntheirantriet„To AND gonna P a in T i l tra A n a4 sp li er 7 ta: L io lgliiMi n i N or 1 . 1111.1.1[Ullt• U• 1311 401 1., I , CW Vox, ram ljp. m ., SAMUEL WICIIITMAN er/Co, Corner I.lbesty street and Canal Basin: Pitaborgh. A I. GERHART & Ca, No MO Market evert, Philadelphia. ELDEB,OELBTON & Co. &tants, Baltimore, Md. REFERF.NCF.N. rirmuitial — J as. McCully, Gen Mo r rmin A Co. W McCully & Co. 13 A Pampson & Co, M Abell& Co. PIIII,AVELPIOA—Marri. Patterson &Itermlilt McFarland & Co,' Fleming A Prier Wright I non./ Meehan, Joseph Gat , NEW YORK-000db. Co,Theo. PertS & Co. BOSTON—Reed, Mud & Co. CINCINNATI—Adams k Cossb, W 1 I'. PLE.ApAWry-lIA-,P A Maetier. NAPIIPILLY.—} •Flentr. Nors—All oterekiandiee Dam Neve Volk iota Bowan, oonairid to A L. Gethatt A:Co, Philadelphia, wilt t. pro. tly An warded free .r eationiaahtn. &WO "r . • ' LICECIII.VAiiI; 4 14.. • aeksivii ExprrostEaoc.loo•fr:btiltrilnott,ottpton: th. • b,,,,,, Edproa winch had been fla• taut oar lt. eonneyanor valuable packages.' ettereinutth ' oe apecie , bank,: tea, jewelry,' At , Cola. neneedtooning on That.> bank. : Mardi IP. Ao It •Si.llA,.4ll.bld'diapalehed /oily until the e... of the eanalutigliVhon. Apply to toohli ' „ULOSPOINATIO44]M& , . --------- 111:101411.1//011.1(110'16.101CILT W,OB. ..',. t-,-„_-1.1114/I.lPlins- "•- ,L=Ets• The new and wilandid steamer -'. i Cam. Cbaricals-sasslesset Mir • sags. tyms taw- loop sla eaving 'Edo. bstigh at 0 o'clock:ads ono* Dealer as st Welts.: r al - I smarming stab Piudba rah •nd Cleveland Line of Cad Cleveland, Darla daily to Clevelnad, 0.; Beavers Warren -and Cleveland, Line of Canal Parke. and Stage .COachs daily In Warren •nd.C.ev eta as Can Paeact Weans riesr.Castic and fisenville. tad Eve Egression lAne to. Aleadville and. Eric. Neil. bloom & Cs's Lime of Stage Coseiss for Cleveland and Wansecr. leave Dea ver daily .00 the, lIIIiTaI a atettanboat &ORS Ham rillabllligH APPII . I. I , li ILI .HARTON A Co. Pintsbargb CLAN & Co, Seaver, —- V EI - 11 - 019 LINN s • • - • -, EfZill 847 ° ; XriViliZ. , TH, - rats gaTtraas a •011 OHIO C.. 541.5, BETWEEN 'PITTSBURGH AND CLEVELAND. .. F. N PARKS tr. Co, Cleveland, O. I • It 6 PARKS. V- Pa Pnapriems. - th' T MATHER, Pinsburr.h, PA lIE above Line I. HOW fatly prepared to transyso TFreight and Passengers front Piusharah and Cleve. land, so any point on tha Pennaylvantatc Ohio and Ohio ennuis. , The facilinea of said Line are not equalled by aar on said Canals, m uumbes and capacity of Boas. ispc rivnee 01 Captains and psomptness of Assts. Av. -al Boat lease r rittAblifigh Ind Cieveland dsity. - run• niaa in mins:ion with Sr :Maulers. Michigan and Lake Eno, Istscen Plll.llrgh and Deaver, and a Line of first alas Steainbonta, Propel lob a, Brigs and Schisonera, on Islas Erie, Simon, hi I china and Outario Property forwarded to any psi of the Union with 11topmrh F: N PAH KS Co! Ails REED. PARKS & Co, Haire*, Ails IV, T ' MATHER. htlabargh, AKT, - to Water and Smithfield surp_ jaSUMMER 111111ANGEOSICiTS• i 1817. /MONONGAHELA ROUTH, ma. BROW NSVILI.E AND CUMLIERLAND TO DAL THIORK AND PIIILADELPIIIA. Time in Baltimore-.... • • • • •••••• .y hour, Titan to Plidadalithos - 80 ... 100 t! 78 Miles Staging/I MllF:rplendid and taw running WemmosConwil, Ime• 1. on McLanc.astit :water, have commenced Making, doable daily Inns. One boat will leave the Nannette• hula wharf .cvery morning mcciwty at 8 o'clock.— Passengers by the morning line will arrive In Baltimore flood evening in time for the Philadelphia Mail Boat/ or Ball Road rank The evening Boat will leave the wharf dads', at Mckiek, me nd. y Pea/wager. r h o thir boat will lodge on in comfortable Mate morn.; loon Btonnireille next zooming at 0 o'clock; cram One mountain. in day light; tap and lodge in ChM, lied land. 'Has avoiding night ItaVel altogether. The , e panationt an n dd t tome are amp:e, and the connection in mp colete; so that ill.appoitammits or delayiwill be an known von it. Pawners can , Inn nil the mute and yesame their /ma, again tat pleasure, and have choice. of Rail Road or Cleantimat between Baltimore and Philadelphia Coaches chartered in limile. to travel as the.? deem:, Setae e tour tick e or at the tame. M onongahcla Iloase. or St Charles lintel. . J SIFRICHIgN 0,16. -- TO CLEVIGLAIIID via. W.113.1111LA, 1847. IN 114 1101„IltS. DACKET koala Swallow - end Telremph leave Ba ver dily. at 3 r , after the arrival oPthe wonting lint from Ihustatratt. ana arrive ' .1 Warren in time kir the hleil lane 01 Swam, whic ave inenetit aselptherentter. and arrive M Chmeland Si Sorbet, r • . This route isslie Most eireditimoi and . soraMetable °Dui lbet Lakes. COMA. ALEPH:ID:WELL. %Parrett; Prolor's AKRE , . PARKS is Ca, Reaves, A gents JOHN A CAI:I/11} , W, eon. Water mid Rinithrielil et% apil . ly Opprrslln Pie Slonolgalre l a lipase Pitobargh_._ PITTSBULLGFI AND GRILICNIJILLIC Mali& 1847. PACKET AND VIIKILHIT LINE'. 1TT0,,,,, ;,,,..:0..;:..,.,.,1:vd.t..rt, r t, i , posting., Paeli• Heaver and limienville,ta . hi arbieli s 7reight ows i rin7gin c i• " I mengerabstween the two pointa, will he C/IllEti 'tromp& •nd at the lowest rates. , . WICK A. A RCHKR,Greenville, Ass CRAIG A FRAMPTON, Clartsvilie, do. MrFARLAND tr. KING. Ilia Rend, do. lIA VS tr. PLUMB Shairpaborgh. tiO. W C MALAN. Sharon, do. WM. lIIAIIIRWS, Pains., do'. REED, PARKS& Co. IHravrt. dot J(IIIN A CA eViIIEY . corner Water and Smithfield sig. spAy Oposite,the Mooongabela Omar., Pinsliargh CITIZENS PORTABLY. BOAT LINE.. Man 1847 . WINE roll THY: TR•01111 . 011TATION or ALI RIND* OF hIERCDAN DISE TO AND FROM 11.111.a.r.0. New York wind kloakon. ts c encouragement t t , has his line l induced the ppr ici•inerecelyed since i ro tons to inuresse the stock by adding s number of foot cm.. boats; and instead of giving receipts as hereto fore as agents. are will vire our own receipt.. for freight shipped by this line. nr best. ore all portthlo. ennsequenllv f eight in taken the whole dothilee without ,leamlinpment, • thereby prevcokng damage from Driven% handling i on the mule, and as each boat is owned by the Captain who runs them, which'. a sufficient guar noire that there will tit no delay on the route. All Prink,. or Merchandire consigned to the wiDersigred *dl be forwarded FREE OF COIL MISSION for . ilidrancieg and forwarding, and ...ill be snipped withent delay at the lowest rates 01 ' ieeieht We leipectfolly solicit o shore of t riadic potro , nage. WALLINGFORD & Co, Canes Ram, Pittsburgh. CRAIG, UELLAS & Co.„ Agt. Broad Street, Philadelphia. F MILLER. Agent Boar ley'r Wharf, Baltomore. Feb. If. 1841. AND 1847 mEgfi TO TOE BAST BY SOMONGAHELI ROUTE, ;VIA BROWN , VILLEA CUNILIERLAND. rp underalned are now prepared to forward pro. 1 doer. kc .to the F.astent Alarkets durata the east. ma Wrote, on th e 31.1.1. favoreae 1,11112. Ihu rap , dmort. route. • All property ronstaned sous 'maitre forwarded 3: the km.: rata. and watt dempatekt. Dletrhand , .e rerenved by this route promptly for warded. J C Ag'l.Pturburah. IV CASS. Browtataille. I; Era:RION k Co Coutherland 47 so. TO-TLIE EAST BY BALTITIORIC AND OHIO RAILROAD. I"Lr;:t',l:;l7;,7l!'y'TkPi'.(.l`,:',Tl,a4l:°;rla(wP. at the following pores.— Ashes, Baton, Boots, Lead, Lard, Fork. Tallow, hiskr y Cheese, ard(last-671 c. per 104 lb.. Flax am/ heat cis per 100 lbs. Ashsis, (Pot) Apple. Cheese, Flax:Seed, lila., and Lcoiher-106 Seeds, lOO lb. Sgins. Seeds, W col-110 cis per 100 ID s. Ilceswing,Feathers, Furs. lizifierig, and tinakwftnot —ISO cis per ICOlbs. All progeny consigned to either of the 'undersigned will be forwarded without delay, free of Commun... at above rates. Wll Cl.ARK.llrownwrille. lIANNA & WATERAIAN,-Yittsbeirgh. rowar-dif . _ miffilo NOT/CSC. FUEIOIII'EIIS and others wishing to have Wtre Brick, Predate, Av e ., litought to this place from:Steubenvill and intelmedatte landings can make arrangeMents. by ealluts on me, as I I have a Boot Panning regularly between Pittsburgh and Nteauenville. GEO. 13. 31ILTENSKRUE11, )1,14 Steamboat Agent, 56 Water at . THOERetteaSntAbobrIVARLF-filrei aired and refined in handsome style •nd ROSS at the Monongahela what All she is improved she is welladapted for commit freight and passengers or for towing; all has great capacity and power. A n perann dime% dto purchase Will of courve inspdct her I also propose w lease, faros= or more years my aml Works; a a t d to a ru•nof energy slid humors. haute they offer grea advantages. I can furnish the lessee, ember on vatic nr charter, my low boat "MINER." Ile ran also hat e on .. ir wrens six barges, threi ems , end two coal bot:to.amen cars with ropes, fixture. A... made for l'ull operate/us. Au exammation of tbe es tablishme t oils invtted. Persons disposed to negouste with me nreemace to any of the above particular I, meet,ddress me at my Chfica.m.ettuart's Buildin. • es stre Pittsourch, or at Ilarlent,near Monouguhrh city, •eau.Sl 1110 S. 11 11/11RD THE: TROTH, BY MFN OF TRUTH. fIONCEIIIVING BELLE:IIS' VERMI FUG E.—A alit. X../ ly vial producing wouders.—Read the following p from the Rev. S. Wakefield, l'omar of Liberty ML. Church: Pittsburgh-March 8,1E47, Mr R. V. Pelterr. It in from a seriw of duly, as well es With great pleasure , that I hear tesnmony to the air tue or >riastly celebrated Veronfoge I procured a dash:bath, and cave it to three or ntyr hildren, who bad been di for several week. The eldest was acorn ears old, the .ne four. and the )ooneest eishicen onths. The first parsed finy-olt wormy, the second fo m rty seven. and the third a conslderalde number not distinctly recollected. Since then they have been di well, and are now goad health Yours rear:Wally, A Waal.. Flom the Rao. S E Babcock, of dm Methodist Epir. . p.ki Chute, Mr. K K Selters• It er germ pleasure I wow inform you of the Kr•od effects produced on Oljlkm • ey o , o r or inv, by your molly celebrated Verouifug. After but having mulmons, I gave him three dose when he pawed an almost inereditable timber, fro watch ante bit general health has been 8 B iM proved. rowne, From s he Roy Moyle. Cooke, of the MethalOOF Boyd. Church: l'intiburght Deeenthe'r HAMS. Mr. R. K Relies: 1 g ave n y tittle daughter itteltalero three and for Team )age dove. of your Yin:IOWA acconliait to prescription, wall the happlevt oneness The number of worm. elpalled Ida not know peeler• ly. bat it wim la. give a now In imeveseion of gond health. 1 think th e rg medicine mar be confided in with RMRluenfe•rf-Ttdn[sw. , , c coon. An this Vermithge has n evereebeen known to fad in any inatunre, whair ually exulted, patents ahoUld give it in preference to all other. Prepared sod sold by R. R. BRI.IaFIRS, between .14 and eh, on Woo4..treel; For sale by Ds. Cassel. Fifth Ward. myl COACH MAKING.' FROM the wry liberal eneouritga m meat the sub...Aber received since eta he has located_ himself In Allegheny, %TANA: : boa induced him to take a lease; for • term of years. 013 UM property he now occuptca,'.in Beaver Meet, immediately betide lb. PresbyteelauChereh. From the long experience to the above business and a desire us please, he hopes to mer it and receive a Mare of public patronae g Now on hand and finishing to Orkt, Rockaway Hsu glen, open'andlop Buggies, and ..17 deacriptioned Oned. Ledo to order, severtivfive dollars to firep3-etli JOHN SOUTH. 16/11411C R re me. A vie; Umue,apalN Atainnox Mark. from Clothes, Woollens: Coet°, he., kr...• and rendering the spots share it Is applied clear, bright, new, and spotless. Fold with full directions, Pries IS cents a take ofVell 6l . d at ' Zia W 4 i iet j . A L h Z 2 V 4l,l',..",T,Tiabri ihmt. D LEECH ee Co col Penn It end Carel fN= ills STAR 00 ,T_ON • M I , L ' Bridge: AllaitheeyCit y l• cflltltginispsietorior rhetiern Cation t'selOrY talP.ll •fe Ily itllalil3l the perblielhat the y_ore wain t ricirr.s fel apeman , /teems crepleied Ilse rens mesa W Barnes al Marreger, who has had aii ispenenceOf• 12 ear. in the priecipal ternaries of ...Alleybenf City. they would uttiret Mercliarde and Cadets di general that they will , elate) 'here 'on hand superior , 01011 Venue( ail Not, Datums, Warps, end Prawn Marna lit impeller make., • • • ' VHF/MS aCo N. 4—Aden bA einh - e or at the more of lily. ra, tinnier &Co., lilt Litany street: toil be prnmpo attended to. • ••• N te. Co EAGLE COTTON WORKS. P TSBO C BATH , FACTURE COTTON TARN. _ Candl.Wlek, platting; Twine. 'Qaverlit YARN, CARPET CHAIN, WARPS, ite RING, PFINNOCIi b-Co Minces/ors orAtbdcties t Astryt PENN COTTON MILL. ..Pertsalloori, PA. TitE above establutbuicat. being now in .ncresrful OpeTtUO,W.are taanufactunng. 'airy itteltideuty ,„ rticle of heavy Sheeting., well advtud Wad tre, which for beauty and qaalitY titaJuAA.:XeS C.S" by •ny other wake to dm country. .Tlie attenixtrt of put char." tiotteitc.f In an csartzt nation. frhll./4mltWlt XENNVD• tAltl.tlA k MEDICAL. ctums - rtc , s - --------- \-_z ~ •-•\ -..; -47.-- ( :.- - --0 4 -" 0004 'gilt r , iv --, f_A\" ~. A POSITIVE & PERMANENT CURE POE 11118.UPSATISIS AND ALL NERVOUS COMPLAINTS. "Wha nboagh the mom may not be explatned, Some their 'feu etc duly eseertatned, lea not delusion , prejudice, or pnde, Induce mankind to set the means aside; ' Mean. which tho' simple, are by I leaven desisted To alleviate the ills of Morten MM.. DR. CHRISTIGS GALVANIC RINGS AND MAG. NGYIC FLUID Tlos remarkable mein.. which haa Pecefeed th e 1 universal approbation of the medical redeem. el Great Velem conthaseri an entirely new app....not Galvanism, as a roundlet agent, by means or Mocha. ordinary Galvanic Ilatteries,Elmatte and Magnetic Mei chines, ate , are entirely dispensed with, •iid the nt y sir. rious power of Gelvenatan applied without my of the object nit which ace msepamble Irvin the general mode now In am The &meg dose., and irregular Ina...els in which littP. annum . applied lie the Marlabes ha, been pronouneed, aver a air and inipartial triadstm be drelJrUp rewire. and it waste remedy this redical de rim that this new op Omar., m a. pruend, Which, af• uuccmaig toll and peyerunee. het been bought enema mate of pe r! llott The G ear ante Beep all the purposes of the mold expetteive Mai r 1 in many other respects are more soft and maplishom the deuced effect -Rings used it mnneeuen with thedfan arc cootidently recommended to mildwar art. /rem an rifeseled or wheal.), Itak of 4.1 of .Sell sisten. and Mat complrante are .ng the unlit pandal and univeri.llo which WO. ate direct. They aria, without ...Teeple:at. from one am. ple c ause—a deem:menet of the Nemo. ;)'stem of it was tit these cases that other 'rented 's.' having . olden titled a n agent.. greatly needed whieh It in enefidently belie ee , eel, has been mond talk. rept r •nd jade.us application of Gal...mem . , The Galvanic Rinse bane been used Whir Matra Sne ers, 1,3. 3 .11 eases of asscesnan,amie iii ellemddi - ale ply mg to the head lane or MIME Gout, 7:4-Doiorna, Ibothotho, Bm.kais, Poop, AM.. or .54 k Hooded, 1 ,0 4. , 44 Poroirm Palsy, Erkry, rso, Cramp, Petrone. el As Thom Apopka, Suffems off loans, Spatial Complete... Leaskste, NesinsVm Room Ve rna., Demesne of the Head, pairs its rho CAM owl likil. armed Debsistp. Ikfirsomy of Nem.. and PhyssottErs. ern and MI NERVOUS DISORDERS. In cane of confirmed Dymeprita. which isbartiply a nerve. de rangesimlit ol die Mgeoliveorgans,Me) bans been tomil equally mccessful -their carinordmary elf... upon 'c'en.arn'p'n matt v b e e fur ." Yte . 7 i r c ' c ° : , l 1„ b ' ' " ;A: 4, d I'4 •re, equally recommended 'rho Rimy arc of filament Mice., Wong made of all arcs, and of Ine t mat p w tens,and can . wornbynim ce. female hoot the Met In fact, the tommuon it rather evemble than otherwin, The Galvanic Dells, Brucelete, Rands, Garters, 'Necklaces" die. Is some caw of • rem macre chameteLetid of long otendate the power m applied by the Galamte Rum. ~tot mthetent to latest the progress of &case and clumately restore health. The imprOvedmodifteation n,the Galvanic Belts, Bracelets, Av., entirely reme dies ibis objection, any degree of power that is regret red catt readily be obtained. ad no complaint which the tn) mem. agent of thriven.= n can elect will fad to hepertnmently relieved, Them tract. are adap ted to Elle orals, arm, wrist", IMMS, melee or nay pan of the body, with perfect consentence. The Galvanic Necklaces are used with pester benefit ql "L..* of Btoonehals or affect.. of the throat [a...rally:loM to cares oPNerrous Deaf..., and with almost mitorm success vs a ',lnventive for Apoplexy, Foley,. Flu, math. complaint. Ehelsthietilittlffeletie Fluid ts.ed in conneebon web the Galvanic Rings endlrli their modifications 1 hie commotion hes br en pro frowned by theions. Reach Chem us robe one of the rum e x morainic, dtecoverfee of tender. evict ce It lobe Ived to pm ... the remortabirp owe, or nmlwing th onto movie , et • golwince wtien by this eaten& enuattis `hasonceutratton a the :Ileac., the +eat of disenee, s giving sap d and permanent mbet No other a . ompoation us them.. known!. prolate the rime eircoor to online , . sander property to then em , . system I y mearksof an outward local appliemon. 'I be ego... Float contains trolthon esp.. DO. shah: est injury, ne applmanon I. agrenblr, and 11 ts . bermlese et Ito attain as II . beneficial int. Merits Eat espirmet ot. and direct one accompany I. 'I sr lean I myen% ea are ill 1. Vr, wet perfect , y harm less tbey etc et, d mpg sts mann the 3 ewe', of all and We'd sroverer only request. a fair to a 0 test of their surpraln. efficacy and permanent benefit Christie'. Gals omit Streugthettihir Inas.. ten. -- Three artmleil form another veluablo Str an eet= Of pre my . ..teams influence of Galvaniem hey ate =portent adjunct to the gem ne (Jul Van. Rtngs and me. omd I fiC.Oft., acting pen the awn partesple,lon baring the advantage of more local application they confidently terommended an • valuable addtpon re theerred) k ore of Itheituraturn acute archness . , at all ...mos megrim., end as a poen i e remedy in em es oi Pate a d tekaarters re Ms Lacer or Bark, Paler me tk• Sao, to Mama. .44fects440. and in Weakener Opp.- v. a 4/ res Abnomary Organs In Spinal Oomph.. their effects ace of the owe decided character, and they have often been used wale complete soccer. They err also nt the green... , .;advantage karakul. and Weaki ca. of the !kraal, antl are highly recommended for many .I Mom remittent. to which f, maim are especially labile At an r dermal .c ms for crengthentng the spawn when i t in with dt.mist oro her ceases:ass tots lain aid in Constallan I lr. • mallets, as a Preventive for Colds end all in effectual. of Ma Climb reef tilY theft alveate Strengthening Plaster will be Munn or, great and per th nioneid advantage. Ina few wormy m it embraees all e virtues of the beet tome preparation. with the =pen.% addinon of the galvanic Indtteree which is Smith, Impaired nor exhausted, while the ac• Lion runtimes. These articles will be found merely frre front those ohjetams weer are a constant mince of complatnt with Meer...) plasters in common nee. CAUTION. (1:p• The great celebrity end mem. of there art ale. has mimed Mein to MI manterretted by unprincipled persona To provide against Imposition, Dr antral ha. but one neaten:Ed agent la each capof the flat. The only agent mm PabooM, IV IV W1L....40 \ CERTIFICATES & TV.TIMONIALS , Of the htghest and most respectable etiameter,•re an *tenni reamed, tegarding the extraordinary vu'rtU mid everess of the above &Melee It Is believed that tit the city of New York alone, upwards of EiGirf THOUSAND PERSONS dun. • period of lam than • year, have been entirely relieved of the most peratht chronic dweltm thereof which have completely bat tled all thinner efforts of medical art. ladecd mail) at the firm 003a/clans of this ea), who disapprove of the Galvanic and Maguctlc Machines, coustently remm• mend das Epplicationin their practice, and maid °eV: n ceptio of those nob', are too prejudned to give it urn. al. the overman has received mamma favor with the mom intelligent among ,he American Farah) Di Chartie is at all arum ready and. meet happy to rave tagh facility to pl y avian.. and all tutore.scd, for arta tng the truth of Ins ...erne. and. the clammy of hit. dtscovery .4, o , ll l 7treitcy to PlUnarillk conned. and Hark - Mu --- iTISH.NiI ASIO liCaLlai 4 T, , FFECTUAI.I.V and speedily cured hy the use o r. the Great Remedy d ues .o Naure. AMERICAN OIL It almost mirmakately a d luastentation, and mats seimeotty it warranted in encases to leave . trim or scar it. flmh Sold wholesale end retell by WM JACKvON at hie Root and Shoe Store and Patent Medicine Warebouse. tO Liberty aim.. head o' Want Pknaburgh Pr ,r 50 cents and at Per tt Exel r. W n.. J;1 i t , 15 . ...1 . 1re . : ,. I. vh.,,,, de i i ,u c t e „‘ tr a e , n ‘ a t to fu r id ll b ctr i eg i or HIS appointed At.. Nlt A Pamph add r ess'nlng ample. , medium he with the nenree end of the Propactor and Pa, etpal Agent • is enveloped with wrapper clench honk Abundance of cernfiealeo can to seen at the Stow febrthern _ SCROFULA AND SCROFULOUS SWKLI.. INGS.—Ser - Mita 3n all its malty:led forms, wheiher In that of Kaa's Evil, e slugs menu n the glad** or bones, Goitre, White Swellings, Chronic Rheumatism, ' , &senses of the Shiner Rpm., .1 or of Pulmonary Conaumptton, emanate from tine and the rune eau., *which Is a poisonom mme e more or less inherent to the human aystem There. fore. unless this principle can be dettroted no rid! encure can be elected, but if the prom, le upon witch the diteue depend., it removed. a care nost of necessity tollow, no matter under What lorot the disease ahoold manifest itself. This. therefore to the reason why J Via S'S 4LTZISATIVIL 3. .0 ant 'weeny auccesslul in removing so many Malignant Mimeses. It destroy. the says or principle train wine r 010•8 direct.w have their ongm,hy entering tote the circulation, sod with the blond t. convoyed to the minutest fi bre, removing every p•rucle e ll disease from the 'yam PrepPa+red and sold at No. 8 South 'Third street. Philadelphia. Sold at the Pekin Tea Store, fin 71. Fourth mime l'auburgh. addl. --- [From the y airs* of the filmes I A FACT WORTH KNOWING A gentleman of Serefulotti habits irons Intlwerelion lit kis k ounger day. became &deems ass Ukeretione of the Term. an. NOM, and a dissameable and Iran i Menem eruption of the Mita. Mittel, his whole at n tern bore the maths et being mutated web Mies.° O. hand and wrist mere so much affected that he had / I et the use of Me hand, ever) pan being covered welt d ep, panful, and offensive Ulcers, anti were an !M -II w and {mous as a turnemeemb It we at One stage his romplamtvehen death appeerml Immable, from loathsorno Mama., that he commenced the are of JAN NIPS ALTPRNATIVE, tend having taken aim I en bottles. In now perfectly cured. I Yht. ALTF.RNATIVE operates through the wreaths t n, and purifir. the 1110. and eradicans diseases root the 'pima, wherever located, and the numerous performed In dile... of Skin. Cancer, corer it tins. Laver theriplibub DY•PePamtmel other Chmoic diseases, ...IV tistorash.g. m Pr sale in Pinkburgh et t h e Pekin Tea Sore. 75 4th street, near wood. tad aim al the Dreg Noce of II e 1 Schwartz. Fetters] st A leghtnyesty mr4ikerF ---- Mr. 311,48101:1 1 Worm apecl 13 I T 1 4 1 .114 , :l ~"4,:ht=ar,..b.l c ',I sal, adr.7, r'' 1 Jr::: pursed upwards of In worms, and by the roof an medicate a child of my own remit 14 la worms.— I, i s tad) the most ettrprlang worm attre I ever men m 1 must have two mote vials. WM GILA! RE Wilkins Tesre.hip per as c by 1 KIDD AG), No CO V't ood street, Pit. bomb TAVAIVII 1:141111. tONIC—We commend torte el &nen.. of dem destreusetvemorlng their-hale or improvtng hs b eady, tif this elegant prenatal.. Ire hear It every Mies , hied epekett et, and espectally by Allemse who have made ime of It. mStestly satamoss in situselanag the growth of the hair, and preventing and cluing many siectlons of Me akin Its views are fa •mply oral mciently ptaved—N Y ffirri tonsala it P Al ntsbargh at dm PEKIN YEA. STORE, 73 Folirth at, near Waal, ried also at doe th og Mem of U P Sclivratm,Yederal et, legheny . out store • bottle of port 's Sarsaporill&and wagt Men coGned to my DO, anthem sleep ler a wee.lt OCOLSKIned b y violent yrentlVoo a rex*. fever anent mug aimalltigr Cm my tight leg,. My yMcialteadeised Me 10 ht.! the limb aropitatett, saying ll wan the only mecca likely ID rdeeerve my lire. - After Polng balf .the bottle Me pals began to subside: and by the am I had used pearly thiVe bottled was able to trammel my,rer slur liusineni; and before I had finished the faun b bet tie, I was as well and mind &scowl bed bean. lbove. no liesionmn in ail ingibat Send's liamparillo mu the Meana, ender Pro,denee, of saving my litnb land I doubt nOI my life., kmost cheerfully vemsesmaud .11 • ae the best article extent fee thepunficution of the.ldood • leers, most retipeetlitly. • ' • .“ JAME& hIILLEIL .The following certificete is only another, link in the great chain of testimony to its Mental . . BOLTS IkILSPX.CIMMILEBR4pIiI MIN& Messrs. Bandy—Gentlenten: Eigoooll as see are.te the attacks of direase, and so frequently disappointed .11 proposed reinedmore cannot bat Josh an the efforts or sperefishil praelittOnera xpt..ittleTeat lard grittitwle Thld id tree resneeiing psa saleable preperatiou of tie tannest Ila. I have tweneeverelymikteled tor =tiara with a diteue about which •Idoetorli dimigreejr. and their prescription• were still more M. I tned ttse none reined ire Inn toned no rebefAintil k commenced ' using your excellent medicine, at which time I wop wholly confined. my Led. Alter oiling it stew months ' I not now Oslo tri seam alant“ideotn,earlesifflY•esen • tunable degree of health, which I attribute entirely to II e use of Pand'a Sarasparille.. Please accept my as surance of amnia& and haunt. • • : JOSIN lit NORIUS Being pcit.onally pen-sainted with tLe above state ment, I hereby eirtily , that Meson. is trek. i.• . REV. T Itl MERRIBIAN • FACTIMP TONttnexv.—The following a au retrain horo a letter received from William (Salado. Gnomes+, Vt..,om. on, Inls. 31 , Sundt: I bare been MD rtes with a severe papa ht my - ride. oceasoned by • does.. liver, for the 1 1 twenty year: suffering et titers what losemmige cannot convey, hotsince taking your Samaparilla, I lame been greatly r e li eved, so much Pinball have been able to attend to usl business,andspeocit occasionally &filmiest fifleXtrosonths. Ito hollyidiscarded all other 1 medicine, and thoroughly tried the Perummillm, wliikeh lean recommtpd in uuthund aincerny Co all thorewha , ate In any Ivey...Misted with any species of nraftilmas 1 complamtm . There have been some - remarkable earn I erected hy„tti tisc .in this vicinitytlt. 1, Shaw, by"' ' the pee Of Big bonier, web restoredio belt. bealthttm she had before entoyed for ten Inds, end Mrs. W. &le ' rtehad been aeverely allliuled Willi the Erysip sloe, war entirely deed hy the use al a few bottles. Vaunt truly, , I WM. 11ALUIMIA; For further particular. and conclusive evidenenof tta superior value and efficacy, see pomphlets, which hats be obtained of Agent. are" I repared and so &by A, B. 4D.SandnUrraiats, lo6 Fulton at, cornet:of Willie., New Volk. .. Held also by L. WILCOX; Jr.; Pittsburgb,• 11. liror. wood, woven Wm. Watstm, New Castle: D. N. Rob - Won, lirdivnaville A: Crtigh, ' Washington;' and by Pntagisis graerally thanighoot It. United States.' Price St per bottle-7M tattles Ow ✓ O. - • The bailie ate respectfully requemed to remember that it is Band'atlersapantlia that it is conmintly achiev ing such remarkable curer of the most dig...hell.. of - (coo us which dm human fram takeubject; ilicre fore mil for Smi t s Sonsgaalln. andno other. _ _. _ _ _ .• . ... • . SHERMAN'S' OLOSAONIAN, ABS TEE. sursmazu. • ASTHMA .ha, h. batty of rei..a 'A. i.....h • amt. thee Gas kis did: brosaing, Cough. wed willastion: Ma will tell yob it um ' , the 'Olomonian, or All Healing Balsas." Aslt dte eourtooptiva what haw allaya his Cash. mewed the rain in his Bide and -ChM, . . cackled hie sled mats, and pima dee ma of Wa% upon his amid nod he mll' tell you ' smasunAirs OLOSAONIAN, ALL-HEALING BALSAM. .Ask your triads if they know of aythiug that will m open dily are a long ad tedious Font , re a r of Blood, Ban anis, Dyer min Consemplia. Hamm, latiseas, acel dames or a. Th..; as the Dlmisooke ad an will tall, you—No. There cadet has bews• remedy inteodoned to public node. which hm Imes productive of /0 much good in an Most tt erre of taw. Beal the following A stemlnlaingy Cowen. Ws,. Ban, the celebrate! Bow. cocker baker, SS Ros eau street, Baal; n, maws eat las wife hoe boa allticall with fathma tar 30 pare, and could oat find remanent re. lief front the fat medial adyks which New York and Brooklyn could paha, ats induced to try this 'Testae.- dy. she is now scaly well • His daughter who was mitr ing from the same dame s tried p l aid was alto mood • by it. • Mrs Bond is now vs well that r at k > lc, /arms her 1 W es essiy istbe caorningad Mara taker lasi dr ' dm tbalsee the day without any ameaswe fans her disenswiete,meodYs Hale Fennell; lath sllett, near dm Catholic Feweeby caw to the Aare for the purpme of °Malaise • bottle of a] Glowum, hawing bees aillbaed aria Me &wham kw more dim 31 years aud war es aliainied bade lariat' Met a mold uot spe•k. 1 d ha a nd nadir haws— , Four days afterward ha walked o f his radon. to the of- I fa without fitigue s • distance of am two mila, to tell of • dm wonderful relief which he had aprriemed from ming i about MB half of we bollk. . Consumption bf tb• Lamp. Ml'. mba r lost X) W hil• I.F-4 WY ,chow the ••••;ms f ends ember tub that be Ins erten op by itis physician. Ilia fri atertahned no hope aide p hi. He map ad to try die Olomostims and hb-sarpraa IL Ma 110 far restored him wheal& aid he ia now ible. to walk alma la • areas Mrs Alunts,the wife of Wm 11. Auree r leseesllarowas - Toil and Geo W. Hays EmTum all law testimony b 1 thew ma al...inapt the heal . ing properties of eltie Great "o , grill; L aetds u..Marek.niTeronsonesm, 3139. tir0.0113.1 111(?a, WM hael-t raiuM quati t tlMV, viv! °dim!' ty owe boirli' h o? Ili 0t0W411212,1131d &SUMS ll the greatest remedy ado weal& Dante lima, SS Water h e was aka relieved Mons I tha th e,sam complaint, ahlumelt he was Toy much' reduced Lm ecommaseit Mk* vt, having bews sada ds• cla off bi. physician during the pea winter. Aliboorb be co•Oot ...Wady .h e was way much troubkd widesehtennmea, 4 bolt.. of the remedy enabled him to -return to lb daily work. He was noway relieved. • Deets Hanntason, GB toed- soot, On W. Feratts kemerly of liana, N. J., Henry Lisbon, 199 akington street, and esusamose otar persona hasi been speedily sod permaoally cared of tbe same complaint by this m 7: Th. Array of - Dramas which maid o praiseet arenas who lam tad this great crowdy maid mere lan fill • redeems. Aaseh• number • , : i e r arie,Ae...realt,ldittozkirc: , us id,. M i dittl f •g=, 1 111 /mots B Deem, 101 Bade st.; Mr° M'Carree,so Attonscy st.; F. Smith, itl Third Atroile, Mn Wm H. Mimeo( uric city , end Mn Archib•l43s White st ' Bold wholesale and retail by Wm Fp-boo, at Isis Palma Medicine Worehouse awl Boot sod eh.* More, No HI Liber ec street, heed of Mood street, l'itubugh. Yaw iljer bot dr GREAT EN For Cooghs, Cads, Asthma, and Conitunplion. rroTE CLEAT AND ONLV REMEDY Ref rinde, J. °Mem Rohm , and CONWUMPTION. la the HUN CIAELeAI BALSAM DP LIFT, dlecovered by tbrroffe intend Dr. Denham of London. England, and Intsedoced !Maine thalted States underthe buntedble,naperhoond . ewe of the Inventor. The estraoritnary enneu of dila medkine, the eon el' Pal mewl disuses. animate the Amettems dont te soliciting De treatment the WOIUST TOL lIMLE CARES that sae he Deend ihe contmanki , mem that seek cello( la vale Dom any of tbe Mown leassd a .....„lo. of the dap ndiate.hec&SaniatnyAgDe tetUrirdll7—The Irmtartan Balsam haa enrei. mid WIN roes. the MOST DESPE&ATIE OF CASES. It Is im omen anaemia but a standard English medklan, of known and mettletted edkacy. Bang famil e y In the United States should be supplied &tin Donee's Hungarian Holaam of Life, not mly memareet the coromoreiva tendencies of the climaty sot ut he need ass preventDe minfleine Wall tams et COAL Coelh.. aphtat of Mond. Pala In the Bide and Meru Issitatlnn and dormers of the Lange, &amanita,. Lit=Ledwltietr..lllatUe,er.ih,tntn, .220 We. Dewing Gouh. and Droop. Cr Nola to lame WWI., at RI pm kale, with fun dirits. dons Re the restwatioo of Hoehn, PadtptdMe, containing a owe of tagllsts and Lineal I tau urtitleates; What mid/nem. flearlegmay IN Mr moaned merits of th is Gnat Owlish tweedy, obleMed of , the Ag....._rmnu.ar , .DAVID P. 1111.APLEE. Wet te. the ...tee thaw, 119 Coon mut. &anew . T. W. MOTT & SOK% Ctederal~notds Adam% No. in Norm second Meet. Pleladelptht. 'Po vele by n A FAIINFA LOCK h. Co. comer ell wood end front ewers mytt WkWilliiiCoisuno7Frepared Cheat, are I L.. often not aware bow (pang - ally overman '1 la VI the shin! how cone., bow — rough, how nation,, ellow, .and unhealthy thr Aka, apps Rua after emelt prepared chalk! Beside.,i m injurious, einitelainvilarge wren- My of lead. V.O hoerpronared a beenufal vegetable rusk, orhfeh we call KLIMA SPANISH LILT' ITV., It ts perfectly tunocenhbetwpertled of all deletenous quittilmo and 0 Imports to Ilia Am • Wt. tat, healthy. Mehemet, altar:: twine ernitc, - 11 tha mgt. uma 'cutlet! n toattleno on Ma' skin, making afw.h and smooth. nth. Anacreon, Practical Chem* of Mama. chuseussay , : After moth eine lance's Spanish Ltlla Whitc,l find it pcumeeser the arra beading and natu ral, at be Paine time Innocent 'Onto I ever eaw. I certainly can mineelennowly Fel-omitted it am le whose akin requoms bemauftong." • SUl . Prie• 25 cent*, a Wm OWllretold 1., WM I ArBSON,a) 011 Boot and Rem ot str.F9 1. ben,. swot hood of Wood, at she alp of .bankt be J 3.1. publiehell end made known to the public.. To. Was the r spfreawn mt old men ',howled the Syrup. Yilesssase, Tehmsary ' Mr. diofeam— This may et:etas:dm Acing amide', nd, Irouhleforne cough Kam D a ta,, tempt a beige of Morgun'sConth rup, and lutrAnppy pay.gitea wing. toy cough IR entirely weed: I pronounce prir yg, the best medicine I bleb ever need. No family rhould be without thin valealtiointedletne. DAVID IddIIDBERTS, dellestensall • na-Th.- =dim< pretated tebolesal• mail 4 the DratZr4,4,,,.:. bebw Prise r 3 t , Att hoUD. r • • ••=." Crrf — MUM HAM :DINO-rof Tema .110""11 dypeing Lldht; Redoetirai date It Datt *own or Lida eolor, vdthoordrolowor In)orlog the - Sold with toll diregtioldff Prito,dd ea.n. 0. 1 1! Mode. • -Darr .dold by W?d.JACKSON. at Ole ratoothiodielne- Wirebous, Fe Libetry wool, hdd4 of Wood, u: the < in& ellzaatiurp MEDICATED LOZENUIO44IVD B IL - 1111L83tA . X. has ilisesitt e ury to 1.. k g., j: airs. Bee L. !Lifts simile is Si...id sack 14. vs,•Psi of Tooth lasis as We !mei, or *wit riracr, sud es& BO of Dinsitioss. SHERMAN'S COUCH LOZENGIM These Leers. an the rind, mosses eat ...I mat rem- edy kr eases rais e cesemystes, whoops use" arw ma, lightena of she hasps Sent, ea, se. fin '0,0...5r Me seer knew. an lessee where they did not as esp. *Sawa- Sass" deoamad boss have bear rso sat in the test year, restaniti to beehh penes to Maas ass se 7 or reessason, and those tittareug 1.1. ho ..........1., colds and sought They do ant Sark end dry' op , nesse, but render, st say, prolate speindeths, Ss thews., en writes. sad meson the posnade or sews, sort They en: wade from a cordsistsm of a noir sloh. sr _ newsy or cough mediae% end are vadoatilatly supers- to sky thin us use kr theses omplains. klaideres u,en es hete of rataficanes has bete alfesslLl thaw erenessit., se ries, Goo rhos who lan Oren sled ,fraa Da so u;nt, ans. . end reamed Sprit. health by sat than. ' - -Wise these a arab pant se the breeder side,. or Suer uses Poor AtateL Pose (prim only I.lj reata„) sesst be applied over the pin, and es& All related. It sealed __ sth costaissest_a * ir = th ank or bass lumwres, to ray mad ca th artic medkitte, Seal& be used ee .... ...mon SHERMAN'S WORM Le.r.r.soe..4 rt.i......3.4avit best pored In an. that, 1,400 000 eses le be taleht; the ally cirrus worm bosom sedans en:ransomed. Masy a.m. Wm. Ch 0.... and woo.. Imp sad WM. odiabo, tads. 4.1 h, .01 0h... mar bales esspeted; pots pesos are 'trysts SNOW with theta, endue doctored Ger various rumness "Mint wry beady Una 041 dam of thaw Lossa stall speedily van eat' w SynseWenses.—Pallts to the joints or limbs, oEni sd.. tenth, pickles at the ens, grieding of the 1,40, dure4 skep,sed admire a yeleardahoto the lips,weh &Sad cheeks. bleedissal the awitegnawas soaks at the Sas* dash es oiliest over Use series of the body, slight Sills ur As amp, heasthrle, diessinney verse, torpor, dietuebed dreamt sedate suing la Seep, ash [Sett and ......ro, Motion • Lrorablesom cusp, Averitheess thirst, paw kw, fits, bad lea. is the south, Mash be etles, r.... , the aomarl or boinhcfattges, oases, seastahses, re& Sous appetite, heasses, bloated stomach or lathe, gipes., slisoliej,Stres Fa serious parts Mils body, a sure to seta Wag nun sta the Omar, netting o[th...sus towards Do., s [request desire to sos sompethes Gnat the bosh, ad ....r 1.. diteharges Meths end must snr.ameres CAMPHOR LOZENGES. Ths7 . gin thasediss rdirf ha nervosa air sick Le adahr, selpeatsat of the bran, kenos of the spina, doses-my. es Indemendm paid wan thrall, bowel or 3.1.1.. tow plus% fanden y g, MM.= hir• SR. of steams of the clas, Hhola, spas, soap of Hos Swath or' bust hste nes t ntis% sad all venous dkomos, Meshes noel Ito thy, ad wthefulnese these the WOO Sobs us Sol en zombie, diarrhea, ballade or a more of Edigue. per Savants ster *trendies Imp parties, sal dad the Losde. sec really resthiug, sod ImpaSs th e broortury of youths sad GU . .. , hrl tn. L they,wdl restore the thee of the. gran gni one llsieTlersans ." 4" l:=6;e7t= rt;:ts,Tel: abandoned their dtheisted Whits, will Sad these i Lesemps al mirth/. composes, ef LW acres ' ' , IT NUN'S POOR MAWS ELASTER. The best assitbraieg plessar la the world, sad • ramie remedy kr puns, or weafteesa Ire the e .c win., ads, meth, laelts,,Lths,thepardissa, latabso, at. kr, Os malts a TriTairr= a r '"L arrenterna " p7orb e :lt u tTairs, for one Pater the usual pries, making same!, the best, but - the.. , oad eurei ia the wont It sands nth( in • few bow awl masks nacelle/ties curet In las emaphint sad dyspepsia, it gonad la won and the neer of the liver or slinaskt, and it will *Surd pea and astonishing MOE In reset colds, skean. darbeulty of breathirs, oppendou of the thst or 0hn.... they will ena sadists}, booth mid pearly benifd the sties. Penis of sedentary Wits, or lese obliged lessad much, sail rebels decided Nast from eat of Ilse truly staseleeniag rim ier. Pap ireals seanally ressoneed them, a pelmets so WI abers,hectusa they stick qr adhere better,andeNted pest er relief. la their greeds they are stinsulent, lona, soul anodes. nay an come .o. of mainly dilEnst Ingredi ents fast any other, and from Us esperience et mil lions wise hassled them, as wells the woad restless of MI th e =AWLS and dlstathlad deny wed ?Issas, to te the mad mild sad li medicated plaster. _ weed stersosa hen at the warehouse to express their ad thaelmod the eleaustainculan cures that phase ban Agate& Directives for am en islle beck eif each 'philtr e witk a &cantle of GA Masa= same. It is impartent ) els theauld always tali to Slemliti Pair Mates Mitre, asol we that yst set the sausis, as then an sass worthless inuestists hawked Seat mid sold for the true Shesanan's P laten, by sprieripled Salem Sold wholesale and retail by W. [AMMON et Lis tarn Marina Werthoss, No. Or, Liberty street, Sip fIL BIG BOOT . .I - ---- jai lelly. DR. ft_OSEIS DESERVEDLY VELBUILAT,EDCHRONI THEEMEk. ONSISTING of his Prophylactic Syrsp. a ter- G , • • tam remedy /or ILD CMISOIIeTIVZ and 1-:crolh- loos offections; Unugh Syrup, Creep Spay Con- ' ceetrated extract of Sarsaparilla, "decieedly superiOr to all other estraeta. having eve. relict when all ethers bine faffedrbeing through a new ~ process more concentrated than any oilier ever offered to the public. ASTHMATIC ELLEIR,= . —. having elected permanent tares of that stubborn .disease, when of more than 'l2 years s•aoding, benme it standa without a rival le that much dteadul Mem.. . Dr. Rose's 'LINIMENT, for all c.re of weak-- _ nest or pain, and a complete substitute fn. blisters. Dr Rose* TONIC MIXTURE, an ittlallibiu core for chit a and fevers, anti indeed in more of a -specific for fevers of all kindi than bark or QM- . Dr. Rave's INCOMPARABLE YERMIFUGE, - Vhere known. is used in prefrence to_ar.) other • esonfoge preparatirie. Ur.rline's 'JUNK: ANTI-DISPEPTIC, lon all -:-- diseases 01 the Stomach had bowels, Chime in- . fections, die !Foe high an encomium Cannot be s passed on the merit. of this (medicine, is. cure of - Ilirpepsia, cod alt dlseasei thet — Mmalt from weak- ..• .eess of stomata or haddiganion. . Dr. Rowel - FEMALE I I 1.1 S, a meet voluble remedy for those general complaints to which fe male. an subject. I 1- . , • Dr. Rested TONIC ALTERATLYE PILLS— No pill ever before cdfenithe public so bnppily combines the T . ulin of a • hurtle medicine,. an anti-dhipeptief LIVER or S :amebic pill, correct ing those disease, and reby preventing cow: 1 sateptlo. . &young Lady o years of age, luting a diseased liver totem., lie, her strength pros- , tented appetit e Poo , completely restored ' in Mx weeks y the use of th Anta.dispeptic ma ' lure atuithese_pilla alone. Dr.RomesCHRONO.THP.: MEL STRLECTII ENING PLASTER,tor weaker. of the haik,eide. , breast. &e. - , - _I . Dr. Risen SPECIFIC EPILEPSY,the mini cel -1 taro Mindy- for all cave of flu or convulsions, _ whetherin infants or adult., I So certain a specific mit for this formidable disease that the most ob- ' atioate caeca and those tarot long standing, have yielded at once. I - Dr. Rose's RHEUMATIC MIXTURE—After mad,' yeara of diligent reacerch thalempound was disco.- emd, and its ocher failing illicae_y Meer its efficiency . ' , Went nil theta be theme of Khertminitat. • Dr. Rom IO '. ,ASPNOBLIT pia/POUND, a ramie . remedy for ,tipitung blood, *deed for dleckarges of blood whether frontlongs, bowels or taker pans of the lady. , , Dr. Itose*SYRUP far Chotemaed Bowel complaint. —Thissaixtere will elfectually cum boweLemplaints. • Dpentery,Cholara Mottles, end Cholera. Altha.. ! the Astaue Choluasna raging - mPhiladelphia it' woe foond to be Menem seetesafel In arternellk W cuing •,, ninetenths of all thou who need it. hat may be said of one of these remedies may by mid of an; their value will only be appmcimed lea those who try them. Letters from those who have been cored of the variant maladies that abet the human body might be given, bat we me aniline to rest the 1 canner on the menu of the oompounns. `tie- bare a 1 panacea for devote!. in its various Mrtimom condensed L and alleluia. diet its healiog power has -astonished -, sooty. , A ease.' Cancer,oce erring in the wife of the late Governor of Delaware, was amplaM/7 owed io a Aar menthe. .The cancer had been twice cot