: . .., . • ' • . . . . • . . • ' ~... . - -.. .• . , 4,, ''.'4L• . . , - ... , . -. 'i • , . . . k. -, • '7, ' . r. , .... I N , • IL , . . . , . .. . . ' • - I ___. 7. ' 1 . . • , , . .. • , „if , . •,.... .. . . • . • _ . , EOM 4 ,- , 7 rA % , -.S.'.* -- Z` , ..t.;* ~=.1,, : : 11:.a..V ' PRICE SEVEi DOLLARS A `i A T'LA•ot)D: '.IIINES4t Co, Cimant.;;,on and have returned - to their old rts rem Leh. and 1.3 WI NCI lir:ST il r alar in .q• of tnt • 1.4 e ors, Spanial. Leaf, add nt. Tooacto, orbcara•le mad J' .2l a. a ...or a u , • , • •Wmg.- B,t A CN aft, LIEF/W.41" Wholeasin al gel , nod St. A flit 0 WN , .. TlJAtAiNita:Yhelesalc and ‘l,4s, I ,11 , 7 and ruplaLrF GOda. No. ar... Thml. • 1. I A II:11C STOCIE CO.; Wbolesale & ..,.‘„, ; loud and Gth N, jyl •-• • - - I,s A. sAgit.sitSlV & Caib risuiretsi-Osniusiissiou LS.tiss Pin.buthirhhutufse ,,,„ „, , , sirseL Pittsburgh &PO A iiA )41/%ll,l , lkoleale , Cinzeill, Id 4,, P.iititorgh • • 8311'191. BACJALE'I & CO., Wholebole Gm• tr. . n at 41arkct gircet. be 4 1 • Vinosibrlptua norS • A..eto Ntr T es. CO.. Formanlmi - and V., „„,,,,... Caned "Ihkeirt, Pmebendd , me el ant 1.. s L 1)0 Logpizs c /Wormy It Law, of. . ni11u,4.r.• , , k_loon F lensutors. dna. W. Ilion:mi. I 101.1i/11 .4.. N.• I 1 A_lLl'd & CU t 114anu:acturers W G., rtne., ud4wl.l dales. U. and Spring V ' k 11 ..011111 . 1 lIM d Ill' t. ogs of every de.— runt rnn.nourwal on SL Cla aane:woe 43 1.131141..4 tiewl N 44•41,./. I . .lure and • l'euxburgh manufactures, No 141 1.1,114 41. . • And C/11,1 , 1 A ktliON (iaceeuorr 10 IL . and MCIL•I4./I{. Maier. an l'rodueo ana Pau:zdilth botsorn Wood end 11. octl4 h: A It, levonee and whole and feud 4.1 titaple Varlet/ Goods, of the t;:t% Cou.n atreo, near/414M. rtl4- ~ I, .. o l ZteL'7l:y t , ,r t:d. u Let ate/ . to t • IMMMMUI I/ UNLOP !:WELL , Attataava at Law, ILL, • hetwoon 31 and 1m as VOW .1 u, 114 1Z k.1..T0N, Wholesale Omen _Ea a•AsL • • ....• e.ccand Soar (=alp. PT:ALT, A. Orri-BILAUT, GM. .12.• rem Intnint.n. and Plusbusgh maltase tures, corm, W. Hand sta., Palsbostrb, ft (e,.17- T WES NETT, 'laic' English. Gal /c t l hat -• an•esale Onscera, Coesanadron and Forsv.:rfni \ n'nil Dealers in ?rod:late 'Karl S tar' vr•b :u1,4, bin 37 :Wood Areal, nalween Stroud •:‘,l ,1.1411 t WJ. .acii.JNICIIIT. dl: on .a Llaw, tfi:tc.. a 1a... door. nearcrUtala Weal, ou old Ifouse. apadlat • %V A &LI & AILTZW &LUNA; Knnr• e „. • • .., remove° toelr &See to the south how Vool ytre.t. berecett Cherry Alley AO Glaht atOor I' It ' tiso Rll.-7y Jame Lb out It I D, Rtl IS: V ,slt: CO., Wholesale Grocers, AMA ,•-•.11,1 11 .t 11 / 1 sod ilestslor Brighten t., , ‘ J; ‘V diet Imd IoS I. runt streets I'n:s -lobs • • 1 4 , 111. 1 -`i E. pan° . Fore blawsracttiTer enideal . •n Muk:. • netrYments, ItY NVood meet. near : rmb L =1,13 JACO!. riallofill. • 1 MIN A.•&1M1TY...: I'O3tsY Tit & and Forsitunting N.. o Wager.. Pittsburgh. =VS4 1.111.\ Nell§ Nilll.l.*BS. iirooer t Coausaluien ,llrckaui aria tlettlq Trail:lce, C0rth5e.',41 , 4 kr.. hr.. No 17 Law•ny'etl ICIt Ck 11,4 Rhin, rausbnre, Chinon, P.r.ch, Ilmilla Ropeide, almsys`en. o nod I - al yin , I Li IL EL ON, Limier 43 In ,oves, r tame} Tnamouga, lU lifaximt .met, r: W. WILSON, Deal atcher, Jre , y, 1 . Silver Ware, Atibur,7 Goo d . &c, Pio. 7 Ma r e krt nov7 - 171.7171:1M1Plilf, aritolesare - ba anal dealer b • .Foreign and Domenic Dry Goods, north east cor ners!' Market and Fourth Or. VII DI 111tWa71. — ar.. haw•r,g web '"'"' • Drug Wore of b"dgar 3 me horn, co:of Prsa ' rd aoJ Hand wear, mlll veep acuarmat supply at the ben ~,edmines, perfumery. &c. ehyvicisn'r prmeripunr. eam' f Ily Uedieincs can be bad as an anarsof the night. COCILIteaIF. C019.181.1t1 and For- I ~:',,, bl Z d s ,?;,„,„ 70 odatrechFiriabargt. ' a go. moao•el. 1 leatlegllgaN Plater M. 1.:O6OIL 111006A.3 a CO. Wholesale Geo; 4' l / 2 0.11•1.0 Aleehaatu, /W/ Woad Ore.& rot. ~ , l / l'a augl I g • U. , !• DIEEltaYi Wholesale Grocer and Cow. k I ~,,, laud bcalcr In Produce aud • lg Wood ...risburytti I W "-nub Al. It. Brown It). W. SatiTki ec C 0. 9 and idatam. d 81.4,ts top•S Vitt•bumb and POillt Brew. 1 4 c.sst cud sRM.. pni • uee. i JILL. x OAVW'K• Li a ilatoraallogoogocita tad maLtufacaurnk of Wall V.,•• nod ~ 11,114 Paper l% O. Fri WaS il•.l' le2o ' . I.J Afß b. BROCK WA V, Monon, No. Coto. .1, re tal V4...11car the carnal -baud, Pittsburg* 'Llit,lt'ut, i .,,„ .4 ,e?TNTZVS;teirrerlt Corner o L I : 1.11,- •rt,.io r.. 44. 04...1 . 14,nar411. . D os•11N g 4411.1 V. 21/11107 DICKti, 3D. ISA' All DICKEY .1. Co, A , linte.4l4 fireerm, Ct.43114.5un 11rrelinn11 , and deafer* In Nadu. No* 14 A Ater nod .07 Ennis .reel, Eansbargli. • -lan* • ftiSKPII KNOX, Attorney al Law: rittibutsb. pa hn.•l , ..... , l.nr.prucitee or tits ptofusao.e ifte In nl•ue tintlatgs. ARAL rupord dur.lng tn• augenee by T. J. I.lighnin ,and J. •11:3d1r.w1fP .1411A -U. MOILO&N, Wholesaler Dniggiin, and a..aier ia Dye Stada. , •lnkua,Varnssbea, de, No 9 Wau cc acc 2, tone door &nub ofUna, Dtaragod Pnt...argh, . - T V.S J. .1. Co. . [..iimors tolarPh eu.kalers,36 %V.., st 31 1011.11 StELLOII., holoaade sod K red deal. er Music and Aludesd Insnonsents.schbtil Books, Paper. dialer,Steel Pero Printers , Cards, and tannery genorsily, Piro. dt V'ood st, Pittsbergli.. • o:7ltoss lough, or Taken m trade. .1 46 I MO LIOON8I.113.6:It t CO...wholesale: . g,tet. No.*l•u clad Porsburgh.. septS OSEPII SCHWAS & BON Was acd CwanaisJ Forwarding Mt:rawly% No B.Liberty n, lorpowte HiTlflierpeki "win,ww , Itow. paria . 1011 AI Is. OA /sLATIN• Alleraityrat 4111. H. heNsecir Want and NendlatsLd, muds side, pmekrrsh. uncurl eroloody to hewn." nth.. adscn.hg ccimne• . JDIII D. DA VIN, AUCTIONEER, chtstel FM. and Wood circ;•ts 1!m• erreh both 101 ID ELL, Ascot, Wholesale GNP. riJ car and Crnoco.mna Merchant, Water street, 2nd door oboe the Mo.Dgahein Undye, Pittsburgh. Ij7 - Iron, Nimi, I doss, ire. at otanafactorerld prices. OFI NISTON £ STOCKTON'' , flooktellers' .J I . l.ntets and I , .prr gonna...ors, No. 44 Marks a4l` u.t.1.101. . y L. READ'S Book thorc, 4111, near Ahrket J Hiscorleal, &boot. Menhodost Hooks atulßtaucatti. SPI• I OCILTHOTSON & CO, Uankeri and - Es. .rinotgo Broket canter of Wood and Third neer-A ihicreltaaes llottl It eiltlinaa) Pguibefil, Irreollenee pureh.ted of the tonal 111.11T4 0.11. 101121 ORJLER, WholcsaieAar, dealt.: in En. a) .1.1i:e; Mil4lpur4ir manufacture., Tin nue. AGSM; No I.ilW.r•.} juOS_ J.. 000. •'' ' ILehard Eoyd. J• k p.. FLOYD, Mato J. Floyd Cosj Whokale • arocer , Noin talkeaty nut. Kra JTAMES 111ALZICLIri IVho!main Grocer Con lane son. Merrhm.n. •nd dea_er Pm:lune and Pinebers nuaturaciarre,No Eau,: in.Pihabrireh. Janl6 h• WATERMAN. iholealde Crneer. For- L el tetaini•sion Merchant. Deere to Pitol,urgh tlmnratultes and Produce, Non 31 Waxer .on 1.0011,1.!:_ - TCIIISOX & %Vholeale La lirocer!, Fare ar:l raR gal Coananiscombletthatta.. and meter. in Ahnatacklreily to. No. 45 W :aura 4 , .. -•- .001- - - - - 1.1 tlxn John Sturm. LAMBERT gIIIPTON, Wholesale (stouts. r or y n .,l., cad Goomasion Merebatt! a vrodueosald I•..4.urst. manofectiar., N 0.13 and 11.5 Wow] - - Jona IL Usa66eiy lac. D. AINDiII lk 'GILLS & 1:11MIIWIRLD Grocers lad Com m,,,'„hiewlatuta, rip . I..i . trery *inc. Pita jaal lT Al Allen e.,. Nlack. Wm. K - Nimiek 7 4 ALLEN -A Os., Cemeekrekon and Forwerdme Lk/ 4 . klerekam•, %Vete: - and Front kui,bemmenWemt and .N.06 Vy..11111, II NTACIL Sr, Co, Who'eagle tirocers 11 I. No iv, . • • ' _ *W. cra anrcks. • llJaktlCh_ RICKETNION, _Wbo!asale tiro. 11'1rers an. 0 , 1,10 6 410 Y Merchant., Na ITO Lihitrtl &Ili., , • ~ Anl4 MeCORD h lcillo , grhoterale Aral: rebut ,m and Cap netnittart . anal dearer* is noisy Fun. earner of 0 ietd and Fifth gts. & J. fiLO.tX. Whule.ilei,rocero. D ,41,, •m• . Produce aird ?tall. and Forcronlingand Caudal., 1110F1 Merchant., Nog tt.3 labeny and Ina Woof %frets; Pittsburgh. . • 7Vf 110EICIES lc SON. No. Mahican' Meech j.. ond door iron. OOOOof Fourth:DE.lcm in For , and Donoedio Odin of Exchange, Enchficaces of Deinnill. Bank Nods and . V- Cotiolion. indica , . all chipriecipatoilialdnanagi. oat Or M.A. , / Nat" dee? A,ll.ll.Pflr, :WILSON k. CO, Wholesale Dry Loodothealera hia 6 Wood suet% riltlll4l,o xon, • A Cu!Leman. Cll (Wait' POANDEXTIGIt. At. Co, Wholesale ,Gtoears Roo Consol,..gek rod Fonmdina alesehasts. No 41 Ws er•liset • deete I ~Y F * 1541. Antra., al lam. titans ea • , ••••Issnt . arnslT °pros he an NIrl• Anplitl3ta• ROIIgIITSON & ItitPACHT, risslace Des/. en MI ComutastOti aterchaat., Na 1011 Seeaad az, Rigelail.Arl!anlvTAeoltarlMere'lLa.letr iqd ware lard and Ca wawa l'rlaunings, of all descalpiioca, Ala ,:aad .014 IL " Ada s.. CO, Wlisese3e Gnit I rCbssiailf diertLaals,' and dealers in 71- and Mandesetufes Lakes) , I L . po .i tt Le sy. RICIIARD BMW, I..lu:desalt. =id mad dealer LeathEL )lornero,shaeparral_Toola .o d, Vend iinTanne.rwda4ees Tale, .nd TR/1,711.04111e., BUSINESS CARDS. - OISSIST lINCLZELL a Co" t% rourAmte tin; ttoem Coonavuooo and Forwarding Merobarna, de. era Produce and PntAbargb Mannf utares, Liberty - COST. 10115011. nwic. a. 31021.011. n ROBISON & Coy, Wholesale Mixers, I',o- dime and Ostsonission literehants, and Dealers in rictsbargh Nanoraetarcii. No. lee Liberty streei, Pins. tonna, IbL OSILT lIMOOIII4 Who/vials Grocer, Reattfy ' OS SST tug Distiller, dealer at Produce, r.u.barst Mann aerates, and all ksnds of Foreign and Demesne Wine. ant Liquors, Go It labcrty . street, Pitud,urgh. ID" G. U. Oo hand . very lame meek of superior Old Monongahela Wlnakey, which will 1.e.0/d low , fur mariDly 0. Rego nada. J. 1.. She, DZYNOLLIT 4 NITRE, Forwsnfing and - LI oilman Igetess.sts, (ord. Allegheny }User Tr4de, dealers is Otocerirs.Produm Pittsburgh hlanufarairs sag 'Chloride of Lime. The highest prices, In cash, paid at all times far Connor Rags_ Cotner of Penn and Irwin sot. C Shietleu . Thos. R Whole. 011/1C11.1.2TT t *HITE. Wholesale Dee. 10 lets on Foreign an( Donleonio - Ihr Goode; No 9$ %Food street, Poti,burgh feht7if Sdr. lIVAIARBAUGH. deal • est ri Fleur and Produce generally and Fonrard ata and Cocamisaion Manama., No 33 Woad sato, Nostalgia. ' Q/DIVEL. PALMIER, Attorney al l aw. Mace kJ 'n Hrecd'a boit.bne, To fit Fourth street, between good and Smithfield. noe3d&wle TEPHICM DAIIIRETT, Manufacturer of Fan , cy,Shating and Toilet Soap. Winter and Mummer pressed Laud fhb he. No 17 Falb et, between ...id sod Market ow Eittsbenth. Pa. 601 1..! P. TOE 110212111loRST t Ca-, Wboteeele, 0. (Innen...reeding and Comm Merchants, Dealers m p,it•Surgh Menufactures and saion Weetern PrCo. duct, have removed to then new entrebouita, (old mend) No 3S, emelt ofFront seand Chancery Lane. not? ABIDEIo 11. KIRA, Forwardimg and Comart. sion Merchant, Dealer 16 Salt, Produce and Pitts log marmfictored articles, Canal Basin, near 7th at. 621 1.! A. VI .101C1C1t411111111, Ikater m Seed., Flew O. Fnut Teen y end Agneoltural Implements, No Wend eamet Pitiehanch• Obit •I lASSEY HO BST—Wbolnala Groom k Comenoscon Werth... and deaden in Produce.— No SS Wood Poodoargb. 4.23 q l llo.i.' KENNEDY, Jr., Loolung Man Warta tar, and Dallier in Cloaks, Combs, uld Varlet) . Goad.. tomer of Wood and Poarib Weals • -- P Forsyth. R J Forsyth_ , P. FORSYTH & Co, Commission !Jarchow *, l.deafen in Roll, Lumber, Groceries, Produce and Pittsburgh Maunfactores, Canal Ruin, Libersy street, Pin/Li feblEl JoMX D. WICK DAVID M CfIDLW ‘1,7 /CIE , £ EPCANDLEDS, Daces...ors to L & J D Wiekj Wbo!erode Grocers, Forwarding end Commission Illerslants. dealers I. Iron, Nails, tilasi, Conn Yarns and Pittsburgh Manufactures generally, eornerof Wood and Watrr sir, Pittsburgh. mehLY Cl= UT R. MURPHY ion=s the iOlC• 10 Can and ' VV . washu his gook of Freeett Worked COWS, • tome as low as OS cents. • =chid I,FTvoloding amt tesiOn ‘ Bderr i cT al artl: 3"'" and Derder m Produce and. Pinstmegir . Matrufaccores, comer of Wwer and touhdeld Pinrburth. Pe. mad . WLIITIKOLLE. & WOLIPV, Imparters and Wholosale Dealers in Ilan.(wane, Curimy, Red d:cry, drei,corner Libony and St Clair mycelia, Pins. burgh. tinV W j etri G eo L oPtlit ' l alo r t ' ve "' C v .Tl m We where he to prepared to do every description of Rubes Tr 11 1 1N . IilateloTratijils — rreart — t1 ing estatilistiment,'hu.:l4 Liberty stet, near the emat siarZ & 11. ISITCRELTREE,, Wholesale Ciro: ems Rectifying Distillers and Wine antiliquor tterchams, No. IGO Liberty *nem, (opposite Sixth iz • t. 4 Pittsburgh ' utsylNy_ . . - 0. H. ROBINSON, Attorney at Lave, boa • removed As °Mee to the Excitant. lOrtldiago, taws any:Court door to Aldet moo Johns. arltrar tky /1. GAILD.A.H.D, Dealer Fan g and tkapao V • Dry Dods, No 71 Market street, l'AtutOorsk. 11.er13-diy *;TEGLIZIiaIir. ISRAITOWYM; (tnpat the Dietricbt Wholesale Gruen. are now located at :Id Wood at, where theyoffer female aI. anon. La +A of Gomm.. an Ptuabaugh Mattafactores. at kite pr. , . and on favorable term. mayl3 Job F !timer. Vtr w AL:ANlArale ... lk Co l, r n mis i st od alui For- Fintbd rich. Pa Cr.tr'4lB Wale DARLINGTON. tstioniey a Lew V eittabitrati, 1.. —atroaiiiarear so asks Ow ado toowledgirent and prets of Deed., Unsay Conuaeta, Depaaitions, or any o the- writing pander wed or rand to iro used or retarded in Ow Cute of Ohio. Oftre on third etreeLatioweSsit acid. kA7 C. AUGIIIIIBAUGU, Attorney a.( Lew ' V V Meech near Smithfield. Concentra, eget. ems and other bustormnitended la with ponetnahty . • 13.4/ & Semple, Croglom. .13 ei Felutemack Co, John Germs, era, Grad, Lamy Co, John Wright. Fag, Jammu McCully, Era, Maj. William tariehey. ir*Ws J. BATAS, RECTIFYING DISTILLER, LID WIIOLIRALt DiALIR IR °REIGN t DOSIESTIU WINES ✓i LIQUORS, No. 114 Liberly 11.,3nd 53 Diamond alley, PITTSBURGH, PA. j917-d1 WARRICK MARTIN & Co., &Wan, Dealers nt Exotnatn Rani Nein fad Coin, Coiner ./Third and Wood Menu, Pittsburgh. P. it W Witham. • Wm. it &on. • . . , .. .. . (Sumas, to Lowrie* Wittiooror . .1 WILLIAMS & SHWA, • 'ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW. 80 , 015c0 Ranh solo of Poosb st, above thoith6stS-00 oil.l7dAyttylr . • ATTORNEY %Al Mansell. %a L• 1 1 ,, CINCINNATI. 01110. CaHullo. in Satathatn Ohio and an 111418 ma and in Renamelan pnanptly sad earrlally anended ce. • REEk:It TO-1I ~ Radian! Biddle. W lkll ak hon. C'arias, Wan ill'lCatigtt, M Catisch Carnahan, Wm Ham at, P. Ranm, aack Dow... jra Oliver lilackbarn. Garner U. Jones 0. BILCIEBUB.II tr. CO. %V. " zo " sra/ L Pit=7:Ar f all=7:datit l' ' = `ens hater al all li mes a fall and general slte lof Mt Sa b a:fir lie, Water street, new CheleY .... Y. limanousE OP 111 k, JUNIATA Winds, Mt TES ILLS OS . . BOILER IRON, BOILER HEADS, FLUE k . 7 . • LIED IRON. \ ; E. F. pHOENBERGER P TTIBOIIOII, PA. Itamni taken the Warehouse brmerly occupied by M. II Rhey & Co. Water II t Ileaer Evate's Italian PIM, Will keep on head ll mPaIY of oil .".°. of 6 °Uor lota sad Heads, Plat and Fire-Bed loon, msde from bloater/orders Simms which will be sold at the lowest MILAN mom. Engios. Builders and others, are invited o'.eall and Imamtc his stock. Orders promptly at. reined to. hi! dt y TOWNIPEIMs theegirt and APntnn" el earl. No 43 hlarket eh three doon above Third M, Pittsburgh. ml base constantly on hand a well select ed amottmentof the best RAW freshest hiedientesotrbich he wilt sett cm the most remonatne ten.. Physicians sending °Wen will be promptly attended to, cod sup plied with a metro they may rely upon as genuine. .113rPtrysteiaosr Prewriptions will be aecurately and neatly prepared from the best materials, at any bow of the "7 or Wight. Also for Wet, a large .look of fresicand good Terre lent W. wit.soar, Watch Makes frleweller , ,• minter ath and Market sts. Ala and well oeleeted stock of watches, Jewelry. Sr! er ware MUM Mfloury Goods. Always on band and at repeat enr tern prtces, (told Patent Lever, fall Jewrflled watches. Al {ow as 040. Oliver do watches, as low ,as Gen nine Cooper, Poles*. Johnson and other approved ,dkaka of watches rimy be had at a small advance and mtnantsd. _ 115rivine watch work done in the very beat manner. miX7.- -----_,_ _______ P. Men.vmtv. Jaw E. i. 30/... - FLINT GLASS ESTABLIIIIOII23IT. A Aut.V.ANV s LESLIE manufacture nod keep eon lAA multi} on hand Cut, ittowdect and Plain Mint Glastrware.tp all Its variety., at their tVa rehouse car tier or Market and %Yaw streets, Pittabm:A. , Our Work. continue in fall operate n and we me. ,eonmso ty adding to our stock, Which enshies al to 411 Weil with promptness. Parchment are reipectlally *dirtied to can and examine prides and tr rms. mylleely , I. B. SWEITZER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Of 3d IS, appeals It. Charleo PITI'SBURtiIIi tuna, 0 o attend promptly to Colleelio., In Wald ITosamo,FOyette and Green Co nue., Pa. Rota To • (17 Lase kstoelr. Dell k Co Church k Comber. ,D T. Dorgan' NI. AP, Nl A PV 4 a UV re. A n u r.,: ,*r it r Tirt P rra; 5 17 """ Ware; No 17 Market meet. The *oboe:wet . re:peet- MIT tans the Wooden of the Wearro Itlershaals, 17ostatry . dealess, mad others, to hie large moth of roan .efaetered • Tar' !Haitooter ware, with a large snout. went of imported noose Famishing Hardware. Wholesale bayeta and the pabhe generally, are ism Itd r _l!. aa11: 1001$ • BRRWRIP..: 14A LATHAN AND 110 P DEALERS PITTINURGD AND POINT , BIBITEDIES. ooniral 'harken. Alley and Penn sk. and foot of Plat Ps. Pittsburgh. Pa. scwartiewr, • Pumuricrogges of /STA gel, ade W A a ß uf a . Ind * ttlgrit4 . Tanialpoie a( lila.. Prices and On good Term., ~,erca3 lsr Beaver Pa if. r. 111.11011 , . •.•LEI. POOTI.M. P. eII.ANILLSON id C:O. I'ArIATFACTU KE RN od li-oovolo 'and rpado., Hoes, Illy sod Mown, Fork., k.e.. he. Warehooad. No II Wood sweet. Ploshordh -. ogoiN3 . 7;i ns MN= VICIA IITOR!, ~ Ne;77l. "erg semi, wear Ant ll7-Ail qealities gf Waco and Mack Tea: in qaan6r, kalt,and one poondkagea, ra t fro. :10 • per paandt• lap Ad i pac NAINA ma Iraaileg ill IhroTog do . .. FOR WARDING A. rd. Wabingtend. • WALLINGP r RD a CO:oll99i= a FON %V . ufNyy LP (ANTS, seat.= to HEART WARD VA • AND • PITTSBURGH ZS . • PACTURES, I)(FARIRSOUSE.3 Seiond street, near Wood, and V Canal Baste. Liberty street. have on band and for Yale 160.000 lb. aarorted &eel, vim •Neykin it Co's Castthievr, Witter and Gentaan te.S, I Jones a. bluigg's Am Rimer bitting arid Fort ROO dortthovels, Spades and Fork.; thurtage `primes end A/AN • Anvils, inmate bole;) Vices, (patent and comtnini) Sledge., Sledge hthaldP.Crownant; Furnace Bingen. (Juniata (mad Manoelm, Clay and Cool Pietc Area. Scythes, ROD. Leg Chaine.A e.. hr.; o:l — balamander Proof Safes. ,Iron. Nada, Olms mad other• Pittsburgh ltdanahr tun. sold at the lowest Priem. ('bib Danenhowet, J Renaldo Sank. CHARLES I . IL; murscnowwdo.s. co. COR3IIBBIOII TO B IC HI C 0 CIIIMTE, Na. 518mo/I.W/tames, and No month Wenn' in ratLAbea.emv BEa to infidel the trade' entrdeilers genendly of Paul. r a h, that they Sava made such artamtrrnents with the Vngium matutfacthrers arid the [flowers of the West, bb est Indies, and other places as will Insure large and constant =apply of the following detenp nons of Tobacco which' will be void upon a. scram. =Mating ten=m as any other Manse to this city or else. where, end all goods erdemd. nom them sell be war. rooted Novato reprewmation:— - Havana; M. Domingo; Cond. Tara; Mono Rico; - Pewee, SoodLoaf To Cuba: Igntni; and Flotida, bacco; MAP—Branch's celebrated Aromatic Stag Coven dieh, with'a large assonment of other winder brand., And qoalities of pounds Is P. too Ms and lea Lump, 56 Gs is and Ws Ping; Ladies' Twist; Virginia Twist, An, sweet and plant, in whole and heir bocci, wood middle, together with every ninety or artiele belong. line to the trade. )chilly . .Lateof Pittsburgh, Pa. Laic of Nathicille, Tenet. , I EHSIIER & ANDERSON, Dalers in 05. n. 'l4_Foterainllay awl Comm.= Mer e chant., No. If Front street, above BrOadffOr,Cl/lf/1111., (Ibis. Man to— AI Alko k co. Bagley & Swan, I P,lnd.urgh Wm. Bing ham. Eleay & Shepherd, Martin & .Ales niter, I Nashville, Tenn. NVeman & ronatead. F Lane a Co., I.ouisville, Ky. Fp,inke, W h'i'ml.: 4 C.einnan, O. Jntnns Johanna k. Co. Heaven. Reran & Co., , ear Orleans. itn7LTAtI:GLN/CitYmOrre: handl, Bayley k Co., Ftulaslelphia. Daniel Deakin, Beaton. G. W. Ledench. W. C. Wileort J. G. W. LEFTWICH .4 Co., RECEI VINO, FORWARDING, And COMllliti.iolll Merchants. DewricuLni A te.t m p l .7l 4 l. l : 3 •3 . a StplcrAl il la, Fartmee, mother oriel. for Op:41cl " REFER . CLklesare Sheffield Cc Liealem, M. Thee muLimerick; New odes.. :Mem.. Longo% k, Daimon, Nr.2 Sherley; Lou. Items. hall & Speer, Mr. Wen. O'Leary, &Men Wightm.. Armstrong*. Nicholson; Pittabursh7 llessrs. Res., Todd & Co.; Cincinnati. 'Messrs. Hynes & Craighead, Messrs. Edwards & Whitest!, lion. Zenon Lalmove, lion. John DIM.; Plainsehnue.l.. • . eel&ty FL GRAM. BIGLIAS rpouß FACTORS AND PRODUCE COM MISSION MERCHANTS - - - •• - - - •• T. IBERAL cult advances made on receipt of coo. I,s sigma... Timm shipping wow address win be tint threie-foarths value in advance in Coo, by apply itt# to oar friends, /deur*. Widlingforß - TetylonPillnbargh. Mess.. Thor WINE Co .Idridgpoo , (Rio. Philadelphia,Ariys,lo4.l I may 27-1( 111. IL All produce consigned to us bless no!ashen in the warehouse of Wallingford Tarlor.rittsburgh, .10 our store In Philadelphia. C. D. A Co. FSPSII IMPORTATIONS OF HARDWARE. LOGAN & KENNEDY, IMPORTERS OF AND WHOLEAAIIE DEALERS SAdDWAILE,CUTLERY, So. lJ 'Wood Street: ' -• •- ----- P ,TTSIBURGIFI. A! RE now at the cove recetenig larraos nidttuans lo their exonaive Mock of Hardware, Cutler), -itet , 'cry, in., uthaeh haring been dieha • ed on the owe a advantage.. mons an Kagland,ind direct Own thta tlentalketurera in thee atotoury, etaable• them to at rep °ode. tenn summed by none anal equalled lay few Purehdaets are respectfully tat vita to cull. t trt — ' ------ GB.olll.ald GOCISBAN, , CiiIIAVISSION & FOHWARL lAG Al EitCHANF. 'CNu 'hi Worn, Sant tur, Prrasite no it, ONTINUES' to lfilkSQ“ inin a general CniGion ktuntraur, especially in the purchase and sale or American hianalactu-es and Produce, ind' t i t n vi receing •nd forwarding Goo is consigned to h • care. As A 'tint for the Maitrilactarer•,l,l will conatautly 'applied with the pnacipal article. el Pittsburgh Manufacture at the lowest wholesale prices Orders and coo•ignsoents are respectfully elicited. fei 7 I It F Cousray L ll • oudioren I O. F. CONWAY & CO., D. ogysah.uF, t , . itiiii. 1:0011/110111111 •011 Perwardiris liferrburs, sad Po:tove Desirra—sloosawndro-the Purehoo, ha/. And Enipmeat of Pig Imo, Gihal, fr. I 01.11Lft TO, Atwood. /ones & Co Ilrowo, Dailey &Co Loren. Sterling! Co Henry Graf Graff, Lindsey & Co IV Leech it Co Lyon Eltlftlk Co Clarke A Thaw anarladla 1111 cots dent. JOHN F. PERRY. (1.2,r 01 thr Grm of !Ital,nitn Lerch & eft j Whotousle torturer Eostatud• on a Flour M en erchant, rIMALMIL irk al, Cods tklantry Pro-lace, Cop. per, Tin, T 1 0 Plates riurers' Znie, Lena, Rona Sheet Iron, Iron and Nast, Lead, Dye" Sian. Conon Yarn,. r 3.14. &e, arid Pli,,,ero, glanuraeium generally, corner et Libegry and Irwin mees, Pittsburgh, Pa. .gg.l.iberal advances, sn Ca•ti or Goods, made on con signments of . Produce. &c eny.s AUCTIONEERS AND COMISSION MERCHANTS; ALEXANDER LEVY & BROS. CINCINNATI LOUIS OFFER to sell at enber emablishmenl. all kindi of Merchandise at the lowest rates of Commesion• end are always prepared to eseko advance*. The best of references Risen. if required. Litters addressed to either Haase snit be promptly attended ta. jyßkilly 401111 RICCI RDS, COMMISSION MERCHANT, Nu. *0 K At :K orrOgTo; ttiik:tirdiUa DALTIOORZ IXTINDOW Oleos. (Pass Ware, Print, 8,1- Yi mai. and Omani Produce. Advances made on coosignmeam. Satisfactory ref emcee to time, addressing try marl. sepl7.llyo UMW 1110111•0111. W. a. corium!. THOMPSON L CAMPBELL, COMMISSION MFRCHANTS /Lad liaaafacturers or Linseed Oil, No. 20 Columbia Sired, CINCINNATI, OHIO ajwcams PAID rot FLIES vvv 4:D 0.01-17 • WALLINGFORD & CO, COMMISdION k FORWARDING .MERCIIA NTS, Sonoma, near Woad. DF.A LER in Piitaliurgh Identitactoror and Ilene. Hardware—will kern warming on bond.• rink of < mare springs and axle.. homes, scythe. and ca la., IDd pool reek anvils, vices.blockriniitod Wedges: 6r kr- metal MALCOLM LEECH. Joaarin a. MALCOLM LISSOM re SON, LATE M. LES:Cm d CO., Wholesale Grocer., Com. mission and Floor Merchants; dealer. in al: kinds Ostentrl Emdeted Copper, Tin Ten Plated Titulars' Timis, Mon and Nada, Zinc, White Lend. Dye SOON Russia Ethan Iron, Lead, Conon Yarns, Salt, de., and Pitaborgh Manufactures generally, Nos 01.03, and de Liberty etrect,oite door above the headed . Wood sum, Pinshargh, Ed Liberal advances, In rsh or goads, made on on eignmeuts of produce. he. ,de. Mehl. & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Forth, sale of Priourcs generally, PIMA DEPIRA. norLibenl e 1 advances made on umeignments.„,al Pallada Direvinher dint D. V. HATHawa. W. T. PATCH. • MATIIRWS As PATCH, COMMISSION MERCIIINTS, No. to Water Street, W,IIST. LOUIS, 140. greeponattlar attention a the selling of Pro. duet , nod to orders for porches, Hens so--fieorge Morgue ale., Poohoto, Pa. rll . • --- Jo hUltadlottgb. J OPKeehon, C OCulbeneon . - JOHN RPCTILLOIJOH ar, CO. Commisairt and Forwarding Ilierelianit, NO3. 93 & 95 SOUTH ST. j•,271y. HOWLING. WIIA RF. lialelmere THOR. J. CARSON. £ Co. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Nos. 8 and IS Lien Sc. BALTIMORE. !tree& advances erdl be made on consigneneni to he above address, by J&S ly CAR..ON& AMMO; lIT, Sixth wt. ItWA; SU .FLOUR FAINVIIB. AND MINUS AND PRODUCE Commlaitlest,_Merrhasus, 71 SOUTH WHARVE . : 4, PHILADELPHIA. A RE now prepared- w receive and forward all load.f Merehandire lo any lanling on he /aroma Nona and Wiwi Branch,. Tniewsdo r Canal. ).9 f 1 Ptusbargh. etel3dl7._ GEM. B. MILTENBERGER STEAM HOAT AGENT, COMMISSION k F6114/11DING MERCHANT, :PRODUCE st 111ERCIIA,NDISE lIKOKER. uirrt9 Otace. No. be Water Surat, Pittsburgh Pa J. NEWTON JOBIEN STEA7iIBOAT CWiltilll3BloN. . . . „ . . . . 118113.011 ANT. MO NO NO A II HOUSE, Plitstnargh. P. B A. FAUNEIITOCK dr. Co'.. WRITE• LEAD WORKS.—Tea undersigned have itootpleted their new works, bleated on the bank of the slier above the Aqurdirel, In Allegheny tile, opposite Pittsburgh, fur the manufacture of a 'ape ner•gailily of white lead, both dry sod ground in oily. also, red lead and litheruge. 'Having assisted themselves of all the recent improvements in it. ,massfacture, sad erected the buildings no a very ostensive scale, and With capmity to make lead in large quantities, thee will" be able to supply order. to simnel any efteoL sine SQ TOTS; PATTERSi • VOft BALK—Catch . Witte?, Pattern Maker, Allegheny Ctly Oil MIL hai the newest Panora. for &or. on hand either in wood or Iron. Mill Clearing and all other patterns inside otdey. •piner riILII—KO gallon Bleached Beale !psi do Neural Colored Sperm OIL eel de Bleached Winter Whale Oil; bbls Lard Oil: lost tared and Orr sale by mitt MILLER tr. iIICICETISOIY PITTSBUR B, FRIDAY !vIORNING, JUNE 18. 1847 • • (MISCELLANEOUS, • JAMES Ws Pcrwattion YlntarettaX WARS Roo k;, A 11A RCS 113 F. THIRO ISTREICP, 1 • IXauct Wm:wild • wmasons:sent of Furniture.' subside Mr Ptemnicant, suchl. rivate Uwe! • boos, coostaritly oo hd and Madam order. I ha pirwint .utiek on baud comsat be excelled by any manafaellury injhe western country. Penton trashing in purchase Ivo Id do well by groom me • call.aa I am determined my iirices shall pintoes In of the Stock consists to— SU Sofas with Plush and Iliirmloth Ildom Mahogany Nurse Choirs; II pad Diaanto 12 .lirs End mahogany Conan Itl matiogiloy 'SUM Mianda.'. • 3 dm mahogany Rol' chain IS marble bap Drf, Mtn. Pt...lt 8 Saur pai rb e ryioontes; ' hop Work SModv; ' cbe y Work 'Stands, Mahogany, Staple. Cherry arid .Poplar Bedsteadi of aII de.< notions: mud bi large assortment of Common Furniture and Chairs, um numerous to menden. anaribf - Pi F: HAII I) WAKE HOUSE. JOSEPH WOODWELL. Corner of Wood and ad at. Plytabetalltr . ILI A VINO withdrawn fenny the old fi r m of `.% & .1 Wood well, on the let of January, 1517, I otkrt pleasure 111 •nnouncing to toy . fnends in the ray and country, that I have opened my.new store at the above named place. Having , - puteh.sed - my goods far cash. and made arrangement. with manufacture. ot thla country and tat Europe mite constantly supplied, I am . ftilly prepared to funEeb Hardware of all kinds. ones. purl term.Reda. low se any hoe. East or West:. Merchant. and others are re.pectfully invited 10 col and examine my Hoek, below purett.ing elsewhere.. The following tromp...a parlor my Hoe& Steamboat and 'Saddlery Hardware. Can Trtettningi.' Files. Nay har's Steel, Cutlery, Edge Teals. V. era, Lochs. Latch., Stehle., Scythes, Don and vene t e hl s im n F d e a.llr .o th P e ar •tensS..ea. c on a us hg eeadn y w l e xi lt yrdh • Ike Hardware Moines. Mehtlif • ' tiIAZZAJI'd PATENT SHEOSTEAD. NOTWITHSTANDING • --; an inmates, opposition to thin inrenj / lion o f a Pittsburgh torches • taw lords nf the Cabinet makers of tb. led Allegheny n ee . and their earner MIS CWlLKLlErattanre.bovrp tbentselve. abtiye the 'utter prejudice spinet hone iwrirmiest.r. and they Ore tiassam's Bedstead the preference...imply, because it dew.. it, Leine the hat. atoe.goo. end mot ire Bedstead in. use. Thee following ...Salon.' speak. for We. the subscriber.. cablori makers of thY noes or hueburgh and Allegheny, vi, do hereby veto ttfy that we have bought the right to manufacture bed. steads with Gastanes Patent Fasteningg, end consider the same super.. to any fawning. ab which we are acquunted. Janos Lemon Jobe . T D loons & Co Rohe. Fair.. • J Ft Hartley Jansen II Dare John Liggett, Jr. Jan Lowry & Nast Lamle & aeon Riddle A Drennan Timor. Easley Hugh II Wallace Dared Later • Ramsey& M'Clelland Hugh Wallace plllot. Ilellock D 4•111 Luke, For Right. to make and sellltheabove Bedstead. angyla EBENEZER P OAZZ AM, detild" Patentee 134111T - irST PRIMUS i CK MACHINE 1 1. e aubwrib ere basing olitained h a vingt. May ISAII,I ra Pres. Brick :dacha., and aloe. then Thom bbl tested Its ability, are rimer prepared m. all{ rights an contract 10 deliver machines to any part of lire 11ared 'States. Ilse machine is designed 10 EMlkti Brick from erode clay, and will make 30.01,0 goe4 nem Orin brick Feeney, aelliciently hard to macl op re ,he kiln, Ikea avoid.% the aaprese and labor of pref. perm • the els), drying and handling buck atter Leine melded. II J. avrong.nol liable to get out moot repair, and .constrerred that 4 can lie mien plee•- and pat together with great flocility,thur render ing a savable. We are now buildiag onrchlues, mad, ran tarnish theta on .bon notice Fora full deacnptiot . we w old refer to a amebas,' now , in We tearful errs bon, .r Atilt creek bottom, near Ike AVerteud of Lightli creel. where we Mall he happy to ektilain everything connected vritb it to all who tatty call.. We have at, present Imo authorised Agent All letters moor addmis will be promptly attended to tAILBEItTg):II, 51cN111.I.EN k se2:l:f ••• F - CINCINNATI. OOLIVAIL 1314.1C1AN. • •—• r, XTE•SIVFL V I n and app , ored during the Put .Ur two yeais. by the principal mar mantirsziorierin ilia westetn country. and throughout tue in: ol Penn.) Ivan, will be ready for deb ry on the operant,: of Navigation. Them oti wh ich theirdurnbtlity and /11011nusay deprodv. I. -elected by es periener ra brought from Slaws.. white the diteivecry tea, Invde—,from futility natter. 110111 warn a ded, se carefully eeparsted bey vaine r thoroughly burned end menpacily ntachre, andev nutc auenuong.en Messrs. mart., A Co.f the.ro pricier, 111 11110 1 11 . CCIS to 11.10101111110.0 wrkinwleded • °Heel. II exle,ll ew swimmer°, well .1 Ire lwpl.lllllcWWele tell on arepeeral,oze 'lll W ACI.e% wal9 ktenee.rwlme ~ewtee . . - rswOkla Ir./eT A. !shoat k e CONFECCIONOR ANO EXCISE sii %Ai open nit Monday, April Mi. four door. now Wood et, auditext awn tb.A Jayne'. I'.k in Tea t‘ure en op lend id a.aartlatot of Fu.ek Ca kr, 'oufeenottary Cron, fterk on the vaunter every de);.among which WO the folloorto•, , l 000 wtwo; Poood Coke; Lemon ILltscan; Furry: Poona , . do; , Pepper Nut.; Jelly Coke; A Imodd do, N. P. Cake; .t ere N o on Warn Jamb et, ,'p,, Federal Cake' A Pe' Pose: do; Orders for lee ' •Criltra, Jelly, Ernie.' Cat. Foney Coofevioasry, Ste., dta areelenno a twiner oaf. nualled to vu.rli y end Leer., ll) any other estaknsh went Lo lb,. capl. Fresh Uremia Twin.. Rook. ie , .manafactured coldly Tram Whoa Wheat Fkinr. nod tree from all drugacvery mann. apa A %LifeRWS DHA Let all the. now Share whetters., Shaved br faar. And these whet airways ehave now Shrive the more. IN ollvt:ne thi• rope., Sharing aitiropoutol to the no 1 oce of the twists... I eon arint confiuenee say Mat the opinion of all who have tried II pronounce it the molt ple.out Composition that 'hey have ever used, and in ordcroa place n wlthrigme reach. all. I have reduce d the price joie • nough to atom an oppenunity pent. toigtve taa trialead judge for then:selves o n biemleimen tr 100 wish for a rich. 1...111 eha., on with your shaving caps. don't be se red! it won't cost mach to finder.; and, if you are riot satisfied, the mon. ewill Ise retooled. STKPHISN BARRF:TF Iron C,i Lard Oil Factory and Fancy Soap Works, khil gth st, opposite Iron Citv Hotel s. - ILTACICLII ARTICLES FOR TIIF. roaxr— //Nymph Soap: compared of an F.artera notanical discover)! of surprising efficacy, fiar vendetta,/ the Mon a. sal fair, as well as imparting a delicate roseate nue th.fieomptakiti. Also, Ilatsers nesebrated Almond Shaving Celnllll. which is !now generally used byMe fashicoable coot. manorin alt passel the United States. . flauel'a Deptiabary Pawner for rentawng auperflutier hair; awl also Wm borkly wriebrated Vegetable. Itatutd Hair Dye. • eliesical remit to enable pertain. to q c Ara hair 'pH...minim...lr, attain. dosage red or pay hair. whisker., otestaele.trind eyebioww, to a beautiful brnwn or black color. Toe sho ne articles are lot rale. Wholesale and eeee be 1 B A PAWLS...Bf OCK & CO win or front and 'amok are wood and nro ws Haratorare, a iterr: - .eatery, - ate, •Jong WALlfirat, fIaPORTF:R AND DEALYLUM Foreign and Dornew L tie Hanlon., mind thspeethilly Inform his Irmo& and the public generollji, that he is now rimming his npriag oopply of Hardware, at the old stand of t V sit el & Woodwell. No LW Wind curet, which ho will dispose of on the !nom reassinable menu: He will be tominnally recessing fresh thoplies direct from the Maitufartarer• in Europe and this country, win& .ortable him to compete with any mob! ment, either East or Wen. • Western RferchantLare Invited to call and ciamine his mock before Pomba... elseraihrro mad Vollyinsenthip. tXTE. die undertia. have entered into Co_partner. ship' for awe palpooo of traanicaos a ?rodeo., Commiscon and Forwardina burble, under the sty, of .0111.11111,./11111OREW. at, CO, and have taken the warehouse, No 6 Cauntereial Row, Wien) . oleo, Formerly occupied by Mr W 0 Posey— where all Lucite., animated to our charge will he ponopily ind fanhfull7 mended b. .• MORRIS OR DIM, (titularly of Philadelphia TIOIS .11 McGRRW. Smithfield, Ohio FINDLEY 0 bIeGREW.a P.astatoth,Marela W.1E47. mehy3 THOMAS KENNEDY, JR.. ;itTn!:cW a rrc, l tt i rSe je al l „ g o7. 9 .lOc d' ic i gm b Z and Tarim Goods, keeps eiwwlantly en hand, or own Inanuisatare eve description in Gill. Alabogany and Gammon Lo oking king Glasaes I, 34. and 3 Calve, rode.; plain and ornsinen.aqvirl CI (runes All kind* of Cloaks, Trays. and %a altars, In sells or dozens; Conlbs. Threads. sad k general R./aim:nem Face) tkwds, wbolesaas at a adnanse• on ens, Pedlar. and others supplied with Parisi's Clans. Car Hiw's Prints, and IV hy N flame. al New York prices No CO. nor cared and 41b DRUGS, DRUGS. ToEt. 1110111.1f:R; Dfugsist sod A gotbstory, N, W. ./ net of Wood Vol 6th rs,.Pinshorgt, I hoop , oonsiontly on hand, Drugs, Pahor, Ws, Dye-stuffs • N. B —Phyriciaoht pfeXcriptiona arefully etnniterind• ad front am ben rnalrrials. an any hoot of thr Cat nr Hicht. Alan, an amoortutent of Perfotorry; finoTooth. air. and Cloth Bro•hea. he. ac which he willsell loan format. may tirovery Fruit and Provision Hier. nsf) . . NO. 141 LIBERTY STREET. BENI.I AMIN: SOWN: wouldleaapeetfullv inform hi old friend. and the pollbe generally, that he ls. Aram enmaw.need be.one..tit the oloive bnoteheo, neat door to hi. old Wand. orl.rre be hoor..,lty kerfong .apply Rend aolitng low for rasp. and pity tag .triet laPention to ht. patron., to Merit • .bare of pubhe patronage. no rdi COM.IIIBIIIO/11MO O OKEDS • CIA T cINCINIVA 11-laomm hor th ad hy,iho Dover= of Pennoylvanla to take eeknowlerfrornts or Fill In rlmminlCol wrinag. sin, etfulemits 0.1 reepa.iriong oI Perm. an Ohio, to be armd or reeonled in Irrituss Ins. ma. Dealer, 1 dmirt Kari • I the Manor's Otbre, ;Innen, Ohio EDWARD P CRANCII myrthltr.wly•F ' • Anornry at Law ; RAGS WANTED. 100,000 kr": !: lit paid , Alwaya, In nil, every derersplion of Writing and AV lapping Paper aad Chloride Lime REV R mrhi 1 Collier Penn and Irwin L a u ra .PitIIER wburah • bloomy now, ami hirer. • peeps. te . Imitable far planting in Cemethro eag be fotnisbed en applies/ion at th e mail store. from Noteeneaor Waralipp.lilanchener. . VI Id WICKERNIIAkI • melatkE a, WIMPY, IMPOKTERV•and Do,divr ,104 llord. or, Gahm. .05 1 Priddirrr. No3o %%WO crew, throe doors shove TI Charles = Mote. Piusbargt Pa. • Its U - 7/DATOS. D E N I M T " " m. 1 Worsteds, Batton', Needles, Pins; Tapc•, ' Uni L ds.. No 62 Market Se belsreet,Dlansond and ad, attest, Pinahoritl6 fenny IVID onCAOESillidi„,Ftoillant:oaftv4,4ltn,stles,urnslaat PinstLeih k ;e n e d ei Store. No 131 Weed nere p e r jea ", e,:e! b a e f gkb creel. WI S N WICKS:RS/IAM CHIM EA NI FREEZER S -Jan reed , a loge seam- Imeat no JpAA.An , ..gApAlthAl PAlelll Ito ERA. Pare: :an...nimble fat Hole'., Steamboats and private fame 1i.... JOHN DUNLAP my? No 17 market .7 • I -LITERARY INSTITUTIONS. PITTSBURGH FERULE, INSTITUT& 'PHIS Insulation,. under the care of Kee. J. bf 1 Komori* AND Lam in *idea all the rho , and or tortnontel btanrhes of a finished educednt are taught la Dow Openfor tbeteeeptino pupae at IC No. S Ilrorlst• /Low, Liberty S ~,,, . between3.l and lifi r streetr. The Semnd l.ermonmdl commence Alorslay the trim of Fed-eery,' and it a• important that any who snay designertertng should be pre a. far no psacurable either belare or at that nay hare secured the ref - ekes . of Freest°, 11110• /JOCK a. trarher of Mut., on the Caen and (louse, its tapered known to need recolonseldartun Also the sersnces of alms CASIMIR I.AUI KW, author or ^Chtertosnathie de la Literature Ftertein..^ endow, vuluable school sours In Ida angle language. Mena f. i 4 a graduate ni mar I:turret . ..ly and 7Nimtn.Al School of Pm.. and Mend. high a. is teaclosr, Those who de. si looloutut an accurate end thorough knowledge of the re Fresno Language would doorell to plait, thettriselaN. unOeT inatrtirtion - Forterrcs, ore Circular or apply to the Fror spa] in( YOUNG LADIES' SEGLIECCT SCHOOL, AI.I4E:GHENT CI FY. Tge'll:,T,'.'"„fm.fr7,.%.7,:triri=p-ed —1 " Corner of Sandusky •nd Eitraprbetryolta. Thenttecte.s which boo thus far attended this oebool, In It establolinsetti and progr has fully equalled the eipeetalia. tolnatreetor and e., rtop•ielor. and war rattla lite he Art he mil he .o.tesned in bet vibrato Yrender it a mi desirable !Imitation for the education of oung Ladies in Allegheny and .leinit). Toe Fir.t Sr./011 al - the next Academie 3 ear, Will commence oultdonday. Feb etb. . Ter re *re et a . fe es an to be filled, but as the nether of punt , . t. limited an earl •pplication is de :able. Fur particulars, relative to tenor s hr., ronsull Circulars or z aptily to the Inotructor. MAI( - BOOKS,•MUSIC, &C. VAL UABLE BOOKS.wl;ublished by J A V U Y James, Walnut Street, between ',armb and Firth, Clneintantl. I iniatit!a Gibbon—The history of the decline and tall of the Roman Empire Ky Edward Gibbon, Ewl A nets Edition, revised and corrected through. out, preceded by a preface, nod accompanied by note. critical and hi•torical, relating principally to the po pagation ,of Christianity: by M. F. Linirwt, Monate, of Publ.- Instruction for the kingdom of France. The preface, notes and corrections, trans. &cod from the. French eapremly for Om edition ' . lPith a notice of the Lde and character or Gibbon, and Watson's Reply to Gibbon. In 2. Cola. imp. Ben, 1072 pages. Napier e Peninsula War—Complete. I tel. imp Bco,&lopusee. Hallam Middle Ages, Chamber's Rebellion in 'Scotland, Robertama'a Virginia and New Englimd, ',Rualielra French and English War in Amenea, and 'Ramlay's American Revolution. 'I col at*. , Li' rai7cri American tliatory—Containing aelec• Lion. from the beat anther. Oil American Illatrory, Biography, Travels, t iamireree .Statiaticw. Indians, Itevolulionary Rattles. &c.,fac. &e. A 1.,,, Anec• dotes, Poetry and Mircellaneoua Illustra led with more than SOO engravinga,'l,Tot, imp Sao 6 40 Part. . . Utuverral Pictorial Library—Containing valuable paper. on tn. inus subjects, comp...log Natural I lYstorrt 2 , l o, riciences, Aviculture, Rural Econ. 'fluty, Lloigraphy„Fine Arta, the Uncoil's, Travel., Geography. Botany, Aimee:tants:ma reading n I vet imp llen 640 pp, fall sheep. Tbe Family Aledacul Library—A Treatwe on the Prevention and Cure tli DISINtIGIO, by regimen and .snriple medielnee. Now edition, realmd and enter- Frd oath the ,Mdttion of a Vegetable hlateria Med. tea. pectin; not the virtues, preparations ant d-see actor most raluahle native ruedleal plants, and'an outline of Anatomy and Plaptiology. Illustrated with one bondrni Engranngs, ea obteb are colored. By .1 0 Nonsood, M 11-86.1 pages Geo. American Viewer Carden Compan.J.l—.Adapted to the trailed States; By Edward Sayers. Landscape nod Ornsmeutal liantener. .12 mo. third edition, sensed, enlarged and illuitrated. Palmer's Oregon, Kielty :11ountatatt,See. dec. Il Family 'rearm., t, se ism. otb and " ' w an ., Polyglot noteeand Psalm. to metre. Rice and Pin -vet-hi Debate. Burn'. %Viol,. Lady of the Late - L2ll. Rooth. Alore's Pnvate Nan. no. Juvenile Boats. Cheap edition. of Tarotas weft. in pamphlet ferat. mehtl NEW BOOT M, Alopu.taol inn L.l or My he• 510 w..., ,1I P., Wtth a wlseton Own Ills terhess 33.114,1ffe• pmdrn. e. erilted Ron IV el am Ca..... 01 Ll , ••••4 - ewn, I kaet .4 I hoop Co4e{e, and 'lent y Choatch Cambietee The annual edit at toned 1.• Bonn Vet. Chttc - Vel.sathe, IY, It 1.1 I h tn r..., of ,b.'l f,•,,./ty ,Mon al 01•, n . ,Kenturh wt, •Ite co of th c ne,,L e s rte. like) ut Virg.st.a, Rev Rohe. Da,,deun. Eswys. Theatogira, anti Nit.cellvtircw, run.rd from tlatPrtnreton tr. Sect.] .eincfraing itLe crocuntml,on• II: Iire.A.WII E. 4, U U. . . . • ~ !• .A.letanden oo I sand, Salo yob. F... 1 on .ampheems—sceoucl on the later rophce/es—wld eepa.. A Cooci.e System of Theoloro.on the of the hoer Coot loom an,,, Soto h M hleo» 4.. author s Moor, the Cr.orrh. — • tti, rot oar.. &moos. by Duncan .M..r..two, of •U. Joon Or.ltsal,' by 'Roe. Cimrle. Ortdaes al A' . • . , Thenoove with a general sontrnoeol or wofko o, Sepromnats of I.4tera.ore for t ale to the lloolconore of ELLIufT4 ENGLIO,II Mari., 61, beb Wand 4.11.14cts wvy BOOKS Received mi . .sl A NINIk /I 'l4e Moist . .^ Itevevie - ,e, the veetei them, —a tale 011 E, Laire Crusades. by Samuel Sprots. E^ci A Year& Con.olatlon: by Mrs ritn.y Nrroble ) 5 , 3 Lectures on the Co AI a the Loop: nod ce.se, prevent ou and cot. of Conoun,plion, Akol.sna,aoli dis• 411.1. of the Olean no the law" o f Lonervay. AC Waal Vbithastratious, by r4taue42. 4 hekten Foch A. hi, The Witch of the Wave ,or the Corsair's Capi,vc Thallreatau. or Guntierre and the Ca stellar) . a tee of lloatoo and Calm • • - Ellen bitniroe—•equel m Lste Lbml.—la-1, pan. !Ramage; by alub Feiner. scamp! . `The I men lane•/' ' The Late of General Taylor--only leY cents. Taylor and his Veneto:le—m.ll dimply. Montesoet 1. the Serf. A large ...poly rico. A Brother Sona:han'y For sale at AI A NIINF.R . S je•- - nrinlifield rt. lid Door awn :XI palm PUBLICATIONS. lr Ilmory of France; by M. pofilieanon: two vole 500., new ready,--the reale can tre supple A ot New Iltstnry of the Roman lb public, by M. Mtchelet— Inflamed by W. Ilaalitt. hag , s Aunt IC:n. 'a late*, by Illaria Meloto.b• •rt. Fairy st Bower,or the btory • month. ta!e • LiVCI. Of Crlllntallinghvidu•lo. celebrated in Ameri TU.fli.lory parmit of Knowledge alleefdirfieoltle., .llu•tre te.llbyanc,-cknes—ort.l. pottnut. Ports,' Eda.on, 'waft err face and neve., F. y n , l en d Meller'e Universal Hofer'', from the earlie.t nerind to Ale year ITV. • flerjonery reeve./ 1.140 t • tit a.. by J. T. Watson. Lives of eminent Mechanic., by Howe. Seriptote Iltoottrabon• For .ale Ly fe7 J I. KKa o.4th near Mafket • ' sij "STORY OW RIZXICO—JoAt publohrd?by L.I. J A & Junes. en...lnnen., THE Mt , / OW , OF oEXICOI her Civil Wars and Chemist! and Retrolutionary A mat., from-the per rd of the Spanish Conqumit 1551/, to the ple.enr time. I 147! merothng an acco , nt nf the War wok the tinned thawr. C . " and hlttitary Aehtettentenor. Ily Plutto oung Wttb taro Copperplate brans, storhsesett Eng, estop of PlotosOf IDauta Groends. an, tOne nor. woe oeimvo, of bee hundred and alltysfour page,. osl I VEW — WEDICAL VVOlM—FraetietiT ' ob ei. eanorm on sortie of the mf the Iteetum Anus. end Cottligious Tet.starts: 'mug thete .rut. clause . symptoms. consequences. and po venom, orate •••preialty addrerred to the Imo turd eat reader W tron.tthatner !it It. of I.itisettle. gy. The author of ati• work has within the •arekroltlet it elirt upward. of seyen hundred rases in ettert and Istuta in A. without tither the knife, the *r ord. fir the rintemmhtrautery. lor sale at me n0.k.14).0 01 11, INEAD • toI2 Fourth, near Market streht , On, her tarn Wary and :01 , 11111 and Itiwolu rinnan Annals, from the period of Spanisii 'onquest, lire% to the present twor,lol7;lneludinK In account hl.the Emoting War with the Unieett Wales. B. Cause. and Miltury Achievements. By Philip Y . OO g, hi I). J A & U I' JAMES, Puttliahen. Cincionati• EW UNIC litJUKTPuraplikt Form. —Thd hleholoont *chroue Men*, Qoartettr, Roane*, Woltte :and ItlJrcheri with it Htstory of Dlosie. Illustrated with numer• ~us engraving, I.nporiai octavo. Pricer cent. ruubslostl and rot-true by J A &II I' JAN. S, Walnut street. Lot. Fourth wad Fifh. . . . . . ci nc im m ti, Ning:cll trlm4ofi PIANOS% I 40 LTEN NI,1:11811. roaawrn runirrortrp. El J W WlBBllBBlB., nn W 5 TlBBl.BB, .TlB. Yixno. mny ea anyuell W.A.! bourn .and the nabno - .3 I.er ll he there from 11 In W. A. 8181 grom P. M , flea. Eit4 . PPrdlig, October •.. '4)) VVe_ihr umlercenni, would anlorm tbr celtzroo , ol YOttlatroh end vimn.t, that on, have unpooord Mr II Siebr r role /kg.. for %Vertern rettorylvains, for Or .41e of our Plano r, ;tor. it whom Mc, may I! eoh ,aloed at our own [Nero Sorts pm es CLARK . vor„,, imr Ntt • DIEJIA% TAlLOR —Joien•inn & tttt I_ll.ave trce,, , il puritan. at .111.1./tGenetat Zaci. ary Tiro, by A Maly, otn.lcr the natnr,b...te at 1,7111. mdcnra •nd direction a( the utuleto gnnl (biker •, frnm 40 orl4 mai •knob take., tram nic at Camarko. by Copt. Fiona, a C • We, 01. andero , rned. canticle, 116E5'4. Tarira:t of Lleartal Tay Ise a a...34llika.trae 11 Coale. 8 Navy cjaa. A Al'iJael. A. A U. lb ~ D. LI •rt grn oh ient Eagineeet Itaaa.lmazaaou U. 8. Nal, rr-p- Prlre.ll4 coma Jell Row Piano.. 11121 . Redeiel d and opendd , by the ettbscrtber, the uJ fallowing Pit Pienott- One elegant Rosewood,Oontave Piano Forte, (Preach Pat O tern j ne elegant Roacwood.4l octavo Piano Forte, watt coped Gothic Tildeta—a splendid Intitrument. Alto one vere goon wpm] bend Piano, made by laud a Co, Philada lIENRti KIAIHKR __ ... a,J W wordwellte,S3Thild .t 'A LARUE Mid aplenditriiaorniteln lIMPIIIIPof mahogany and 'opened grand Jinn Pianos, Pianos, with metallte frames • and with all the latest irngtoeentent., which for durability, one and mach are warranted to be ettosl to anj made .FI the eouatry. Forman tow for Penny • F nLulue MOM. , 12n 112 wood. et :24 AM, above Stl, MODLIEUIr CUIVALIRY. Or the Adepten. of. Captain Peerage and Teapot I.Prteaan; by H Floackenridge. second edition Woes-the mathors•death. with a biographical notfce,• critical disquisition on the *Pk. andexplanatoey notes, with Alattrsissys. from original dpigns by Galley, bound to cloth and paper. JOHNISIDM & dtO:IRTON two 2 env or alpha! a ad wa LU ICatbuy c anod Ink, manufactured and B ik 3 for rile by ' J D AIUROAN MANVFACTORIES D . O .QUESNE SPRING, AELE. STE.EIe & IRON WOKlib I AUL.F.JIA N, & Co., hector{ rompletc• V their New works, art. now internee.' 10 ntostac. Iron every description of Conch and Hinton *printer' Iron la ,axle merle. apring ;tad ptnegh tool all . of ownil untare and noted Iron, which they offer for sale on !intern! terms. a then IrentAroti No. 11l Wood h eel; wham they noto keep on band • complete end headroom worterent of Coach mai. alieea C a rr i age hardware, to:likable resting& Natl. and lam, C. ll.* Co. have mode amtagententx with Mem. Day Crofts. rtioneineforer• of Shovels, raped. fork& Sr., he keep a re .hand ever •rpele made he them. neater, are et...petit - oily &I nand We'll. amen and tem. a iv. TAILS 4fr. Plrr MACHINE AVORKS AND FOUNDRY. Prrvecnco, P*. , . JOIIIA WRIGHT ilk. VOL, A R 1 prepared mbmld Conon and Woollen rry al yery drtenplian. mach ma—Carding tda chine...Spi:lmq Vramcx Speeders, Drar .. .tg Frames, Railway Mend•, Warpor,Terdle.a.tilroni • Dreating Yrantac loom•, Card (.tinder, Re.. Iron Snarling tort ed all sixes at Ca•t if., Mathes and Hangers of the late.t riide and hand Lalbea, And tools or all klnda Canting of every description farmahed on shon on. Lee. Pattern* tonne to order Inr .m.. 1 Gearing, Iron wiling oe. Pteam Pipe for beanies ['triune, _Cart Iron Win Jove and Casteiat eeiterany.— irtlera Jell nt the Pt' archon, of J. Palmer .0 Co., Lite erty street, will have prompt attention. Elackatack. . & Co, J Monthrad & en., G E Warner, Joni. Irwin & &inn, Pittsburgh. GC & j II Warner. Iketikenvilie. janl9 JOUR eARTWRIOUT • • nIPORTHR and hlanufse,orer of CulWy. Surgical 1 and Dental Inhautnenlh Saddlehr•nd Tinners' hand loath Ta)lora' Pinson sheath he he. Aiha manufac tures Ttassos, snpooriera. at in great vaty. J. C . 11aonfse.urer ald 11111,0, let of Pen. Peck-I and Table Cutlery; Rena,. Scissors. Ft les. Sax, Tools,hte, Illa removed lo W 3 N OUD Zs - TREF:P. Pittsburgh, second el.! be low Ithsrunttd Alley. And has late. y rresivrit • Iv rg+ a.rortment nf Pon h l'ocbut Knlwe. r Knlrea i Forks, Moo Rodgers , nod Whomenholme PINE CUTLERY. • Rilosits.Rodgerg.Wade & Ratchet`, flocorLFelvaorr, Razor Strops, Au .D.sulasetto and W t 'tun, (hUNS, RIFLES. AND PISTOLS. Xltetirs Cole, and Rtunz's Revolver., Powder Flasks Shot Delis Dame flags, %Volker's & Co.e Extra Pert eustion Caps. Dolce. Dttk nud Ilunitng Knives. •• Tont...ugh I/twitters. ttl) rya, Nipprrs 'nand Vie.. Names, Roles, Knee., thus, Ppotte Shsres,Stoektwd Iges Wire ins( Iran Guages, /4.tlt. .0111.1 . Instruments, &e.. 10 yet) great uuZtgiT ROt'inlibing and rrpatring needy and punctually done. CO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. W wneow, I_ F. Onoenber r.. v, of Juniata and J. A. gioetton of Pittsburgh, hiive Inks day rmered into coin rtnerrhY under style abd Ann of :Stephens. Stosenberger /1.. Co, at the Anchor ban to ores, Wbeeltne VIC, for the pains... of otanof.ictartng non and naO. 01 every dewryo6o. E. W. ~r arA.n. F Q1101, , V.01.1. 1. A. Arocvrox SC6PHENB, 8110E9lIk86ER k .AM:1101t IKON WORK..., Wheeling, Va. Manufacture all kinds of holler, sheer, bar iron and ails, A 11.teel etipile Finings and eel. , neMa eon retell woh zttrwentierael's Old Jaw.. Works. see C• 11 tree an • mere or Juniata Iron Itiranded &men , ~, , goal to any made ai the er,untry. All of which will be 4.1 the Pitto , uralkprices Warehoused ihe Work., more a ro Mun, and Waters treets myll ALLFCIIIENV VENITIAN lII.IND FACTORS. - • _ . .. • .1011111 A. Dlioll4lli ITAK.Era Mao method to inform has friend* and the Norte at large that hi. Fatten? . alOw an full operant.. of the Fiat male . or the Diamond. Alleghrny. where a eon: nam among, uf Bland. of yarn.. color a atudqualtatea are toomantly kept.. hano, alma at No i foal at, Pattaburgh, at J.& 11. Phillip...oil eloalt anteroom. csa.oato l'huttera made Na water in the hammy', klaitola repaared at the saltoneet noir,. N D. DA fiaanalo will Ite put up. wl.hout any add.- tornal earpaDe ye , hot they eon be moored in a tom me. to care of fire or or wax/tang, anal Wlll,lllll the old of , a ",°r r otorallyawlarnly andirsaes Funnel. • er. has rebtoli and commenced business at bisold stand. here be hill be pleneed td xe Ms old en-turners and Irseuds Clung), riicanbeat. andlls rif every sit, Irma In to 10,10a1 rounds ea.; front p e on. m 1 Me most approirsd =Wel*. and warranted :n it., of the best materials, 0 1 , neral Water Counter. , &a an. pruner unrn evert vitriell of Ilia.. Casung.. , frequir. d. turned and figunbed rn the newest manner. , • . . . . .. , tEr - A r..:• the to, pEpprtetor of I.lAnnet's Anil , 11674.1. SO .14111 erlehrnseel for the retitle Gin tenon In maehtnery Th. !retire untr Compo • ttn rat: he heti °I him on ail mot,. 'not -It - W. 31. JIet;CLL.I 3 Co. IMITATION CROWN GLASS. uAvirsi. reccutl, ;nude very troporuott , onnov, IJ. inent• lb 4. manufacture of lilt above antrle. nod adon , 4•lntf, ttnprovrd r.nrrn svneel oven for Oat. ten,. we a/ 6 nnw prrp.rettin forot..h an umele of dmv Gl.e equal. if not miprnor.i any huller Utek... made to thr Uotttrd Stat., .tad but talk sofertur to at. Eneltsa Wo taro very errhosJoely ettgahrerl In the tonna fartum of Comnitto Woofoto soul ItrhOtt'.tt . Armlet oft. t • r thhot • tea all r 1..h0w1, for Otrtno.:vr. ..tat , t-tr• boa., No 149 Wood olef 1,1,1.,0rh, PITTSti TEA M MARBLE ‘r 214 Libre!. so.. saw LW Cana! .‘ I.‘V s• liana L ind tad, loonier, u tae, v:irw• CI ty Nlartile Nlatucts. P.w.Cernie Tut. c. and Baleen Top, Toral• Monamenta , Lich. twine sonde 01 itterhoweas snaelife. and tomilinrctutco pn ai,wh.nery. be mold law far ca , h. NI II l'er•on. w.•liin t ; to purelitt, Al•intel, ..waled that it 1* In.ner awl!, attore ***** far hen a* I can lainiah Own] with an aruele in all rr • peet. a. 'c.d. end Weight., uaautaare, outfer• • ail cheap w airy ean them for to the Coll and are je/. COPPER. !MEET , lI4DN AND TIN WARP: MAN L/SCI'DFIIf, i No 8 Market sum, Ptllsborgh, Penna: 'I •IlF: solsteetbres halting made great Improvements I in the comaruttiott or thetr COOKING ;moves, rop•ctualy 1 ivme pt mons bedding Stioarnboro• ta eall cad exam:nue before purchasing al. Ore can supply them with Deck Plate, Voract, and every other kind of Copper, Tot tad Sheet Into work sleet...sty In famish tog SteamboaL We alm mate to order on th e shone. notice Val Tdlwe. , and Chamber; Copper morn for :tram Engine. and every canny er Watt In our line Ala stiIERIFF . k. WHIM( BENNETT & BROTHER ; ltirEltfalsW AIW Al ANCPACIIIREhS. Illtakinghstamimear PitlaborgbdPa. II aracniie,.. No. 137, Wood street. Pinsburgik. IFWll.l.con.taiellyl.erp oft h•tod a good assort. meal at ‘1 are, ot nor own manufacture, and supertortmably. Wholesale and country Met Omuta Fre anrespfully armed Oi call and ex amine for the. .el s e, we are determined to sell n,,,,,,,- e dun 1,, seer ',from been Mitred to the pyIN. ite. fa- Ordcts tent by sborl.•ecompanted by the !ZIP or eitv refer. net. 1..01 Ir,prntnrri fel.Ll Nevi Wpatti - emsd - Pork AlAnatac. .• GRIFFITHS & pIXON wee ucalr,•re repo rea :1,1111 all orders Crt ouch •rh- Clo• at Fanner price.. For the converticoreof ihuir coosorners and deolero to nUch orttcleo, tbl, have appooned teeorge Coehrott. Ceontuisoiou Merrhoht, Nil ‘Vtlii/d ,Iteet Ageto 43t the vale al th, rtnuf.troure , ortFre odd retie ed to him will-receive ;whom It:mot - um. Oil the rtw.r.J Villllligeotta :trots Plthurch. Jul y GRIFFI 1118 a. /AXON Great thatera Butt liege alanalifitory, C/111CINIVATi, 0. A GARDNLII tt , orytil.l lumina ills trade that 11,..y are how ,nnsitforisrill ihr i,r.t Boa limp. ecsir toads. ihe nisi... out priori ple hoentells introit to. rill oni as complete an Sr orle n. runrle. Those c , •goned in On, hdr , %-1, s.••• ihr,tls. inna it in their tote:vet to are our Butts All order. nrinopil, Q.:ended •d .O A Ii AM/NEN A Co rorn..h • rosin ais 'COTTON and WOOLLEN MACHINERY PO . V arbl Ir n . .It.e . hlllrn • Iflrt.t. 11.1,11 fcrt•011011, terms unin .:m.«, ,I ys Owe:atuattion I' hillOld:,1 UALZEI.I. Laynelt street, All alteny . t.:itY Pi 11-11 Wrshimno, sr!. has • patent fin a'very important rermss erne ion the Card, and who has been en:l:reed for the loot fifteen •rar. 111 pol, or th e zun , will given and vueres•fit t Conon Factorles of the west. will r• nerwmal a.rentron m protruk up to the oat tr.:hery. no those eorrir crnedlall nmeherres made at this e•thlrliatunern.mnt . ol, • • • s .101111( RIIEDIFF & 55. WI and VI Front eta, a • 041 I. r nm a the late. ranprnved pal to attd warranted equal in ♦ 0. . any Alrro, Brass Carrungs, '"• ' Suivherl it order-. 1. Garr I , I.LII up ortrrupti) snd on res• rouble 'terms Ith11) Wm I' louteg. C-Itantrren. F Plunkett ..YOUNG, LIMAN& 5 PI.UNIKETT, ' FLINT l:Ldo i J 1 A trr r A I:.'r S WA Itl-1110IISE Nos 51 W..rer atnl_ 114 F'rn suet Pittsburgh' 'lle trila,i in...tinctured by us I. wart anted equal in.., the !reentry. Al: orders writ reeerve prmAnt ottrottorr•nd Riled nn-reawthable sane, Merehritti• 4114 0,1,1 , ViCtlilg the any rarein stied mean Iretbre porehrisit el•rarrh ere 6,11 ' LIPp2NR'O2:T II RON. RN Olt&s. IRON and Nail, Shove. I, be. for tate al nor nen Warehouse, No. 52 AAA: r street, near Wood. run.. snug to Front. Arlan, sin - tiesurunent ht lie old stand, 51e54ster's Row, Liberty street. Having made great adddrons to the all Orders eta be Riled prompllV. novl/0 GRAFF. LINDSAY A Co BIRMINGHAM TACK FACTORI CAMPBELL. £ CHESS, namaracraario or. FINISHING NAILS. HOOK DEAD RRADe.., Ironand Copper Tack.. • IRON AND 110i'PER RHOE NAILS, Pattern Makers' Points, nf ,rvery description. office No. YSI Marl. 110,1. llvrd mire. . G. 1.4 Pittsburg:l,' ' OITTHLUR4I/113FEFJLW(HIIIS AnL nt — ' - H7Nir AND AXLE FADIVRY. . - rvac-arnin 10.11 F. van. JONES .t . clvicia, Ni A p7, t: F h A oftz g rg in Rliar a St . e n el i •EliplleB 4nr s all;mmered Iron A - slea. T'ad-dailtn Malleable Canino, and Candi TOMminsa generally earner of Remand Front streen,Pitnbargh, Pa. - Gbta '•" • • • 1tp112111141011..-The statmenttere rue now remetng• lane nod onenstre amendment of Coach Tr minion Of the 'eet alp ie /1••11111Or itorsi. h ire verietterpolee'l m ltat have newer beef Opt sere= ama b ret l anT e arrgle7Le " l l re, te 4 7. r=ro ll at ' ro ' Neer YorY or Ptoledelphi. They would rerspeettally invite the ettratton nt tlea•ers. mrldtro J ot ES - 4,14E1100, cor Rout Ist ow • EI-OT E L vovNTAini HOTEL. LIGHT STREET. BALTIMORE, LOGO & 9'lll3lllToll, , Proprieldr 9 . rriftly ettablini entiong and wAen knowing helm, one of taemosteommotions ta dee coot Itattimeie. has recently undergone very extetouve attempt's tad unprommients. An entire neer wing has been added, comnining nunationsand say Weeping apt rmieniii, and extensive itatitingrieums. The lAdieto department has OM been completely te• organized and fitted - up in .a. Mon unique noJ Leautiful myle. • In fact the whole arrangement of the House ha. hem, remodeled, withsintle ye on the pan of the ;invention toward. the comfort and.le.nere of then Guinn, and which they confidently/men will chal lenge eempar,son it oh any Hotel inn, Union rude willdray. hei .applied with every stk• luxury which die market afford., served up ; In et they will mpe not rto br e st eurpyle, assestwhile in the*ny of Winch die., In roleluslon the propnetor., beg in nay. that nothing wilt-he left undene mi their pan, and on the polo?' their antenna,., m 11.14!, ihi. Rotel worthy the continued patronage of their friend. and th lie s lic g enerao YThe pr era for board here alto Agedeteil to the . following rater :— UMW Ordinary,7s per day. Or nilemenas •• , 50 ~ N. R —The Itaintate 'Morton of the Renee milli. waye be found at the Car and "Steamboat Lending., which will convey baggege to and bum the Hotel, free of chaste • 0.0201 DRAM. tiTILEET HOUSE, Cl4altrnatl, 011111—The subrcribera having purchas-d the en tire interest of Col. r CVilliamon:late of lots well . known ertaltrodtrrinnt-Leg learn to mate to their friend. and the public generally, that they have taken Bps eorninodions Hotel fora ten. of yeah and will exert their he.; energle. to inakeit n derirulde home for Tray ellen and City Boarder. The Howl is variant, and achntrahly planned for con venience, light and atr, having anumber of pallor.. •dyouting ch.tabers, preventing nnosual attractants to The prereni proprirmro having had li. expenener of year. in thle eit) u.J elimorhere.hope they )4111 be able to givegenerl ...faction brig deter - mm.l in roe •ndividial ailen a imn 10 the hinter n alone. . The Ineotion of the Pearl Simi I T h ere leveret ..aenly he view from. en Peril, WM. ni arid Thin! eta. Him ❑ I. ermeli) demtable Jo view of the ronveni are of tiumeem noirinr retirement for percale Louden. I ionear tip the Hattie, the Poo Otfitie. hlmicone Ckld Felloorg Hall and Winne Nome dNtani from. 11.11 omit and tiro squares Irvin the City What!. that. Hiring the greeieet inducements. eimmiallyto country • • 'el imaand generally to alLpermne tra ils6Cinein• ati. ' JOHN NOitLE meliD . JOHN A DUBLE BIAk NSION 110VgiC, Formerly Fuller's .11utel, IVaiblogtoo, IL C. JOHN HANDS, PHOVRIF:ron. propnetor formerly amot.itited mob the well 1 known firts• of Fuller & G. , beg.' Mean to call the attention of persons atoning the Capitol, whether= pleasere or businem, to Ira newly opened mtablisbotent h• 'Alpnsion ((once." =deb h as Peen fired op in-a sit le t comfort and elegance onserpaesed •by any , atter Dorm in the arty. It is attested at the western end of Pennsylwarid Avenue' and In the immediate vieinay of the entice= Depatheenisof Government/rod the Premdent'a House. . . • . Ills tattte led! always be eupplied with all the COOP forte and leashes in be thend to the markets. and no expritee or clout will be spared to render the Meatier, llouse an attractive residence to all who may see fit to, honor it with their patronage. The proprirtor would patoculaily rah the attention of the °Meer, of tbe Army and Navy lo hi lintel to • horn tt (1. ever been a favorite Waco of resort. N LI ' Porten Vevey. in a-pendency. on the arrive] of the cars. to convey bargair heeof charge. milltaf surety mousse, Corner of Baltimore aadjtataw Biretta, HENRY, P JACKcONI., niortarrop I , llls oplendid and @lnsems Henn. el•andy gtaate d `olr both neatness and plenum TrayCileirs. is so eoff. •d site coanhine thequinr.e. Of the Lost lintels wan elegance and enteral Choice aid win , apartments ire Wall seasons resereed ti!c accommodation of , ransientguesia. and farritLys rcntinn the city anti Ind the Parser thicas a Mena unsingaitted by any lintel in he Linton - The locaiinn in enacted andeatenrions. and is aiso ronreinein lei laiyets and the Landings. 1.1 which the Coaches and Ninepin, the House are at al lorries in waiting to'convey pavengtes and their baggage, free or era to to de lintel Tainet—Gentlensent. Ordinary, Si .% per day, mall . Ladle. , do. lin.ylo do Phavarn COLIIINBIA 11011 PIE, barks Street, between Market and Lambaid 14.ree.s, Rat./more. 2 Tun suhkerther having taken the shove riga).- ti se, shnt-nr. nefer. bur Servlc•lr k, the entreat. and pr! lic generally. It it rantrenient4 cleated a• rcutrds the glean:l4omA and Rai load Depnt—ls In the trttot of he more auction, linhontag liouttes—and to fact, the location offerk those VI, tlng he city, us ma • or rouvetreners and comfort, al the other principal Hotels • Tae hau•e 14 now h.ivg fitted tip with new furniture, atyle. and will 0, 1 to the fn'lir 01. I:1.. Oa, in 'April, ir.47 prer t!'nt 11.• u•tretu:itmg NICK • topic ar, will twekirc. to Lim n v.,rtton el the public pa:ronsigr, to•tuen , as well as tran...ent. . W W DIY, Arnl 2. 1471..1e . of the firm of my &IS/Em 006 - IZEIMM3I3 • . . ta Corner Malta and Sixth a, Clatehanall. ' 1 • .0 , 4 catablishrnent to loc. In the hest order lor the 1 reception M the Travriter r. he.. under csnr fro css: wnter. nnd ng • II it..r.aci.ts. I 1, sit e.:l n.va-rn who rail. he Mew .11S central, commodious Inn p1....NM. Faro fl pre any. Cincinnati, Slaich a 1-17. W 511 N. I 1 —Althisigh no; exactly a new Broom. it is the isme•—• near Lyhirt on the old handle anutf_ HARTWiLL'S WASIIINKTON ROUSE, Chesnut Blreel, Philadelphia. r.orK verenth street nest door to' . dasonie Tbi,ortql known enstilishinret hag hero Rreni y pricy 4nd CON 3 forui-Ited. It is .itusad mos. ftshiona•le pallor Cheroot wee., and in the Immediate v entity of-the puld•e place , n 1 amusement propnemr, grateful for the.vesy . • palmnage hemmers bestowed. will spare no effrt. to render his house every way asreeable to his Glens and worthy of their continued rapoort_ ../t•Mavelm TIGLOCKDIOKTON'S HALT HOUSE, Loulavallo, Ky. A EIS Tll ROCK IS LIRTI./AV fee aequanathw TX friend.' that he is again lessee of the. OA LT 110 USE, Louisville. Ky....here ho hopes leiment all ht. old friends, assuring them and the public. that no etfort shall be spored to make abeonifonable whets., tints with their fa voltage. jantldly MISCELLANEOUS. 43111.h1AT [BARGAICD VSE -FOURTH or ONEHALFIN OPFESL of • new, Water Wart Funmee,that la to say, the Bellow,. be propetied by water pourer—now butlthog en Alonongatht Cou u nty, YstrAta, within 8 miles of lidargantown. the Conty Scut, and ugly 3 onion from th Ayer. There hadch antitheft, within SOU miles of t'insout ph. van be or doub.e the sum a•ked There is 00 Ore banks of real quality nod quantity within from one Sunkof a mile to to lade., end goal Dada, to a fine farmtne enentry—tupplies plenty and chqqp. I heTimber bans, any SW acre., land any quantity mom alrefritn Meg 4.111011 W s'ordo of woal per acre, e to t i n fur nace "tie four-borse team and • pair of eat. • hl rtirek the furnace. Twenty tear land, meadow, Aq 11..0, Office, Nralth soop Stat., he, de. The 1110. CC C. he ready for 1.4.1 by the IA of Onto her steel ir applicant. be made anon—two-1.6.f the peke will be tat. an Al-oiled Goodt—one intld in cash,+ the work prucre-In • Inane year-the propra tv •ill pay reeky cent expended, Ad after that will y ield lon per cent prosl.that w.ll lot itren by tori'rptierhtt propr• tole Appneation• .00 Marla Will he oaten led to The ewer o• liem•disappoutted m fand• dun Olean. . the reason for selling ShinPd 'flit perten buy.; ant part or the who e atoll In telt, the pte.ent ownets will sake it. and add finy per cant, lo the elsrai II as with reluct•nce the OAOCIS would refl.- woofe, but if no; hnig e:Rel vat do, rather thin ran d the haiatong et the lutnaee they will do re, and, If wanted, they, w.ll mild end blow the furnace one year.an they ran build heel cheerer thin an, hody Iletept proficient it Jac ho. ne•at for • lungmite. Adua y quantity of the he/1 thlal Wane by on the errmrses. A line di tied If: S. will he immediately attended to. Street or Iran ono be de , ivrreil at "Ittrintrxh for from $l3 to Sal per tau, when n in Worthlrioiti Slow 8.7.1. W a 8: 8. D - Soonren4 conterials band on the q.t. 113..! Tx . It MODE )r n ? E ). l , t ,n c A n 7 . t tOV and ted a plan for hetkong boupt, wh.ctil.• Leen crofully u•cd i n MAP., 1 , 4 c la I wk. . and wherever appl.rd rer:e wed the detidrd pref,ence over Ste.,,.l.'..lttape, &a ' atlvalAagra ore,— lirpat relpgrpty of Temperatute. Pip! Fretdram front smoke. . , and No ouireavant Dr) near 4n. Easily arended to, and not Fable to fet out ,( order .51h Great Entrab;lity„ . /I.3lndel and ~ , p re, f iention tnay.he Fern and the era ot.tatned at the enpner and Tinware teeter) of %VAL H 50A srat ate et. rny2Zof 'bet—Wood and hlarhet sts BAKERY AND CONFECT/ONARY, lu Coibsipirtial Row iippusbe bomb. 6.14. The ....Piet are triireettuily Worm h•p mod. and the pub ie. that h. I• 'impaled to fill all or. Jet. , hi. , Ino at he phon:43 nonce. , - . - • . • , Large and eana.l Hol:a a Irkt, Rya D,,apep,a, and Ina! lima,. ou the hoaae ever). ntafaing ar can La Ira at he houses of pea.ns hantiaa a.ters. Cu,/ Li kn•le W,1.1.00 ettd i.Nf.• rupplied (Nkr. •nd Vontettt•tn try •t the intortest nat., and tnad.of the brni of mairrx/• A lurlPlaua.ttiaentoi daunt y, of the heat gaol oy, always en hood, which Ito en:ara .0 retailer. at IS reitia..per for'uu.l, 0150 a to go quantity of Nut and Furento Fruit, which he wall versa low a. cast he fu,nioped to be env: — le7d..tw — ORAVEIC WAlntir.N CLEVELAND - - . • LINK OF CAYAI. I•ACK#TB AWL) bTAtaS. XkEgra /8•17.;,, C•rb. FA•'KITY TELF:ust.trii 1 SWALltriVi ':-„‘ sod artier al W Arran nest morning In reset:in 'l4 We &ale. rehich reach Eierettrairl belore nicht. • earn steers will I.e receipted securing bertha on Priebe... and sew. In the &arm, on ttypi t e e r iee on board steamboat Benet r. (klnag Ernaburgb at o'bhlCh, a. a. 4 or to the ovum:, II A RION k CO. Eittahs,ab et.SRKE k en. Resler JEZ.44: BA:G[IW IN, !I onOOIOPTI spiti Lt RTAYl.OR,warren JOHN DUNLAP, ,NOwo<11:l . •pnola part as fnlkow".-' • • , Mha.Japannpl War , , Englmh and AMerif .1; 4 has Ilsomna do —"do de, " 2 cook. lingliah Toned Snacepans; I do • Oval.Poo4 I coat T,a)•and Walwr.; I do Enaotalled.Warai II do Preaved Ware: I,daak thigld,Wanei . • IRV lb• vooned ewer; 300am.'rued Co;Oen 1.300 lbs Jan.. Milne; Sa buTes Plate; apt , IN DUNLAP,I7 Matta to • - ... • JTAIrriEIIIIIIIt:TONIC.—AIior ift , hltili — lo ortkOt tor VW goo notteiittolio6' MototOtoo ti Ja vital it profotit. ....the Out gotta' ti n...... 1 ....ortioo is not, food, rottoratioo sad_ pm...aim of ilts Itom• took, _Wookoos• of otiottroos lona." whom lair_ haktooto temi t o t o.,,,, h... hit* Imo Won bald lor yeses; sad en Inisenseneniiide, ma. liar dons' to eloweetnetal to all star randas ttbet ot 0,.v la, to oaks a ' , nal Af fhb Toolqinaiallattly &Woo Ma For do in Pittabssill at rya Peskin To Man, No 72 Footserect, sear Wand I ottitdiltuT VOL. 268 JORK ADVERTIS'F,MENTS ROST. PROOF' IltON • ; • POI ROOPIII, Wl3lloll' SIIVITERS, ' HE sithseribers beg to call the attention Drell Doom interested in roofing, to their GALVANIZED TIN I'IsHTEc and to themany adsrautages Which they possess over all meinlie and othersubstances hitherto towd ref enspur r ose.possessingas they do, thilstrength and lightness of iron without its Itubdity to Hill. ham( now brenthoed several sem. both in this country and ul Europe. They arc also less suideet to eYpaneioll did Contraction (tom sodden chalices of the atuathpbero then truths.* Tin Plate, Iron, Zinc 'or .or oiler tosthl now used for roofing. and consencend7form. a 'north better and tighter root requiring far leu (eminent pair, vehtlet the first cost is buts trifle more. lire subscribers would olsti cull the suenttodor all S and workers in metals, to the Many otnerpoz , pas , * to which Iron thus protected, can be 'hyphed..— : I kgeneral terms it Is appl•eableth_oltardEles or into which it is desirable to yirelltont sot action e! the - .11-I3PATIAILVIZ ill versed N o vH now almost caute ry ased its Ettrope.and which answers every' : purpose as eonductur or electritit, costing only About one had as math as copper, and possessing equal durandis ty with that metal. ..- . • • I laving rainy elected work, in this city for the pot pow of eaCrabizi rig nage, 'pekes. bolts. wire. &e., day will be able to furnisti any article which may be deal. red. A eupply of POWs (manufactured in Europej cotottontla on hand, from 16 to3o wise [mtge. - DEO R. monEwoon R. 6, Noe. and 16 Deaver et, NEW TORE- The Patent Rat for title article bee been 'aceurefl for the U. red Suites a. weir . mai Britain. and other Earopean countr,ro, and all legal rnenetifre wi 11 be ken In prevent sup Infringenient by- imponebo I or oill lOW ly . PRINTS ONLY—SPItING.S TYLES.. 11 LEE R 1817; R EIVSTEn Ne. t' 43 Cedar , New ark., DEO Ime ingsse Dealer-eta Dry floode,lhat they have LP received, and are ease ithibnine,at the WAREHOUSE . EXCLUSIVELY for Priound r arse., SUOLCA.EB, compihing all the New Spring rtylea,.or Britialh &mocha:oil Anseritaa hlenalactung aDDITION !albeit. neual stack, tenders their as , erwelarac..4 the moat heaulifol and attractive in Bitch); end hat' ac ass been pur. chased foiCASII AND -HORT CREDIT S offerot4 rupee, oryseltate on the slow knee, at ..1; below mans. orters Catalcsatoof price (corrected chili,) entl placed fn the bands aborts. Puretumen will inform then:melees of the eh bet, and he well repaid foe ea examination, not purchase. L... B. Idle prase caraway,. Gwesseco priab, which an neweaddly kmkd debt LEE dr. EIREW.WER.I4 Wholesale' Dntg Kasen lase. IN THE. CITY 1W NEWy HISAITs ,A. VAHNI:IiTOCK St Co. ? No. 99: John at. Lan New York; offer for ea e •Inge ae general assortment of Dregs and hlrdicines;l Dye St if. Fames and Oita of every description! Which th 7 are Co repi4d - and determmed to sell loiv. • p Ild ugar, eschanta and 0 lig-gists sie requened to call and examine thine art Ilea . Orden enicatod with fatthlulneas and despatch. B.A. V•ahnestock'n Verinilogo conning, on hand. B. A. Vahnestock, - B. L. Fahoesto^k. rißnittrgh. G. W. Fshoutock, A. B. Hall, New York, a•l6 • • PAPER AREHOUSE. NIL BURLING W siip, NEW roam.. Irtivii W FIEI.Ls offers for sale at the lowest • • Manufacturers' prices. a very extensive auon = to .0W PAPER eat:Emma; every possible ninety, ad.. pied to the wants of eetnaluters in all acetates either convoy. Paper of all kinds made to ardent than I . Teejt . t.: c f . P i ß s INIING PAPER in unusually burr 101p1:11 AtAnleffraTlVll.4l.ll or et rry description. impelled and kept cormentli , oh ban , Felting. Ile Cloth; Fourdrither %het, Bleaehing recede', Blue Ultramarine, raiz!, he., &c.. , wears. Bale Rope. Grass RAGS. Rope, Bedrock, •e., pon - ltaeed, for which tholligkest price tot tqlth trill be paid jyd3y= teem York:Jul...lBUL • ' INSURANCE! but LOOO or Daoanio by Piro. • - THE MUTUAL PIUNthPLE COMBINED With the additional security of It Stock Capital. The Reliance Maw!! "insurance Co" of Phila. CHARTER . PERPRTHAL • DIRECTORS, George W. Tnland, John H. Athroodj I Matisse. Roek Lesvi. R. Ashhurst, Woo. R. Tliontptwn, George llaker,i. Uthrgo ht-throud. John J, Vaaderkiamp, George W. Carpenter. i JILL make itiallranec against Lois of . Darnage by I. ire.' in Purreatthoti and vietn4y, on Houses, Stores fine other Buildings, and on Won& tore, Goods. %Yore. and Mercbandiae, on the most favor ible terms. _ . . The Mutual Principle, combined with a Stock Capital, sod the other provisions of the Charter. of this Company: hold out unusual teducementa, both of profit and safety, to thous desirous of effecting insurance, towhich the Company'ask the attention and examination of those interested. Those effecting insurance with this. Company tt , ve,bellides the usual protection against, loss, by the ordina Seethed of 'entrance, the additional aJ t a ntageof a direct participation JO the profits et the Company, without any debility. OP.OftGb: W. 'POLAND, President. B.M. HINCHMAN, Siiretary: ! ' • • The subscriber, who is the duly authorised Agent or the above named Company, is prepared to make insurance ; at Ma Office or the Ammer, in the . St. Cha les flare', Third st..nird door from Wood street, and . vrtil grre furiliorTOlt..roostion desired J. CAMPBELL. Jolll2ll FINNEY, JR., -- - seam Ai /11 - .61711G11 POP. THY ' DELAWARE MUTUAL safety Insurance Company erPittlidags, WIRE RISKS open badchngs and merchandise! esery descrimion, and MARINE RISKS' open hulls or Cargoes or teasels - , taken upon" the mils( lavorable terms. - •• Ty Office in the Warehnotte ol W. B. Holmes St. Bro., Na. 37 Water, near Market street, rlttll buThit. Tie success of this Compan w y since the estals. lishment ce th e Agetter in this city ithMepromprami and liberality molt which every claim upon diem foe loss has been adhisted. fully warrant Ms egsin to. v inns he confidence end punmarte or his inends and ibeconanimay at large to the thlaware 111.*. Inas ranee Company, while tt has the addltionatadvantagcs • as an InStantlon among We_ cooit-klouinthoug set Philadba—as having. ample Mid in mpi. al; which by inn operation of la charter la coattail tlyincreastog • yielding to „hob penon insured his dna Xtutts ul uts profits of the coMpany a about involving: him in any responsibility whateser,and . theieTOre su passaging the hlu hal rinciple divested of every' obnoxious thattfre, an Pin itainclat attractive WM. nos - NATIONAL FIE 11 ANDMINS; Ift,l; MANCE C U PANY, - New York. ri , lllB well known arid resueetaltlr c re onanTle e're. pad, through Mem PI ITSOURG ip II AltlaNC't make "%samara at orrery kind connected with risk. of transportation and flood navigation imams/moot kiss or damage by fire. Dwellong ttoasra, Warehouses, I - Wilding. ill general, Ovals. M are., and AtelFfiandme, and evely deser m uon or prmonal property on the most favorable terms. Appbr•tionsfiar !mammals attended to 'clam deli at the tam• . ZJ Wood miret 814INUER lIARBAUGII AY. Elektion held at rhOolllce.in 'N. Y. Alit' 121 h. the following named gentlemen were ehoeen Amman of this Cempuny ; for themowing year. via, : Joseph l.V.Savage, elephantloll; Joan Brouwer. John Alcehrun. %Pillion:MG. Ward,' Wilnana W.Compbell, John tiewhourc. Jacob Willkm . S. Slocum, 51urcur Spring,: John F. Aleetle, Joreph r. Lake; John J. Ilefrick. And at a rubsequent mrenng 01 the Bonn', JrlSEltll W. SA.AJAG F.N., was anomalously e-elmst Pre. •dent for the ensmug year. Wm. J A Alits LP 'GCS, i r s Journal copy . Seermery FiltE AND , HI tE INSURANCE. Imurance. Company t Ptorth Amenets, I thniort its duly authorized Agent;the eubseriv ner, (Mere to make poem: tent and limited Diem , anee on pmi Cray, in ts city And its swanky, and ' om shipments by Ira - e aloud Risers. • DIRECTORS. Joan C. Smith Pres't., Samuel Brooke - , Alex. Henry, Obtarles Taylor, ' Seed. W. Jones, Semi F. Edward Smith, ',Ambrose White ' John A. Brown, , Jac o b el. I homes, John White, John R. Nell, Thos. P. Cope. Richard Wood; Wm., Welsh, Arthur U. Cotlin,Seci 'This is the °ldeal Insurance Coat in the United States. having been chartered in 194. Its cuarter le perpetual, and from itv high standing, long experience, ample mean., and aeon:till all •• r aka I , i an extra hazard.° character, it may bet • considered as ollering ample security to the public. _ aIOSES AT it•-• At Counting Room of Maraud, Jones & co., Water-and Front streets, Pittsbursh. • ataMti INDEMNITY I ! Ae inat Lone by Fire—The I , R ANK LIN Fireball . ranee Company of "dadelphia, WILL make Insurance. permanent and limiied, on every descriphon of property, ia pins- BURGII and the SURROUNDING•LOUNTRY, on Covetable term*. This company his 2 perpetnal charter. CAPITAL 3400,000 paktlE. CONTINGENT FUND, SSOOM Office corner al Third and Market eta. r ittatigh. , WARRICK MARTIN, Agent. INSURANCE. A...glean Fire &&&&& Company ' 07 PHILADELPHIA. :• ate CiPti• L NOVXI6 rAfa 91. Office in . Ai/whip/sic, No. 72 Rabaul Street WM. DAVILIION, PreteL Illtl old find leelbestab ihbed Compaoy!Nonmoeife T Irunrt Building., Merchandise, Paramusiiiiityrqp• eny on.. extra hazardo.etiarfiner, opiru, ton damage by fire. Appbeationa for inaoranettitt Pittabirgh- end nil . , annitiorhood rill lie receive and risks fake° perpotaallyor farliraned °ends on favorable terms by nevle A. VILDOIPX. A. CU _. • • NO 77 C STREET NE W ORLEANS. GENTS for. II Amain' Extensive Steam SAND' Rattily. Airrays on ha d.% tarwiWitittat,,,,t . Powdered, Crushed, Chwilled and Seward Soraxto.. Timer. and. tamale. A Coo, Sliest Howe No,. • Pries. tiberal and a fair allowanee made oe all le. isLor above. Sn hernia 'I)(I — ASTVDA Jounietnian Tanner wollwar of a •EE wed and permanent shaalloa, apply., at the Mery or the undersign-at He must h tae rod recommendation. as to shame., he. E'S ENGLISH tk. SENNETT le of dome, run If Limy do • ling orders der Oekar Prerre