PHILADI. APYERTISII.ENTS STEAM IRON RAILING ic.AtTORY. • TO' THE I , PICK'APIII) 'AFFLICTED. v 3; IDGE ROM), tiros, Buttotortiod Strehts Phi!. ' - PIG SW A TNE'I4 Ells aderphia.. At tide eatablisllnient thiay de found GREAT DISCOVERY. the garettleati variety of Plans and beautiful Palter. Th. rtht Boned, for far IRON RAILINGS to the United State.. to Co.umpuerk Cimiths,Colds, Asthma Bomeletts, Liver which the attention of rho, in want of any deacrip• • Go.rPlltal , " . g lik" ' Diffi'uhr or nw.°°"' lion, Ind especially for Cemeteries, is particularly I Pain tin the Side and Bream Pamitation of the invited. I Ileartluduenas • Croap.DrohenConstrushori, • Sore Throat Nervous Debility, and Ail _T he principal part 01. all the handlome Railing. I ~,, dither...of the Throat a r ea •nd et Lan el Hill. 111 1 011110011, 31,1 other celebrated ! Leap: the mow effortual and ca:mete/ie. in the city arid county 01 Philadelphia, i 'needy eureerer known tar rhich have been so highly extolled by , the public I any et Metre Morass-•, pretty, were executed at thin DILSWA Vs ICS A large Ware•Ronm is connected with the catch. I citSIPOU At D SYRUP OF IV ILI, MERRY. Liiino wil,Laa.—itead with same. li.h ''''' where is kept c°n " . "‘ i l on hand " ' w t . ' 1 isti ‘ stiWt " trie wonderful Core performed by Doctor sloth of rearlysmade Iron Bashogs. Ornamental I Iron, I Corn oiled Sirup of WILD,I2IIERRY. Settee., Iron Chain, new style plain mot ornanieni I • ,F: ' HIL•IiCLPHIIa, January lki, 1847. retiree Gates. with an ex tensthenthortinent of lens . Ur.Swayne—Dear Sir 111 justice to irouraelf and the:'Posts, Pedestals, Iron Arbors, e: Also, an great ~ dor ., I owe to cofforro . hoo . r . ttr ., if, Ahee , rAii . variety, Virrought and Cast lowOrnuments, suitable give my , AA ,,, AOAy. AAA d' AA , A , A . the world at ; for Railings, and otio, outlaw., „ now .: aeon/along eke!, and the great cure your The nalrecrlrer would also r. i tie that in eat rat I ompouhd Syrup of Wild Cherry performed en me, tern and thieigning Department hn has employed i under tne most unfavorable etreumstances. I wag town .rth. b'-'d talent," ti. '" u. " ,•, rr t....,wh.i. 1 teken with a violent Cough. Spitting of Blood. se attention a cevoted to th'e business—terming Itti • t acre l'n ns in the Side and Breast, which 'teemed glitherpue of the roost mti ouplem dud systematic es. 1 , to break down and enfeeble nty constatutton.s , Pin tablithmen ; of the !muslin the Union. ' my phydetan thought enr wine hovolid the power ot R°BERT ' VW" ' Pw '''''' r . :, ' medicine, and my Erten. all gave mu up to diet but Ridge Road, above Buttonwood stod- '"•,‘ hulks to vou and the effects al your great disetive Philadelphia. Marrh 1.. 'Sri dim, , r y . I now feel coven!! a well man. and raised Rion CHEAP W ATGIIIiii. : mere skeleton to as fleshy and healthy a man . I /Tang CilliAPEsT Girt() A N I,t 1.V,11t OVA CCII ,hoer been for yea., red .hall be plc tied to give any 1 IFN IN PHILAGLI.Pri lA' ' otformutton respecting my rose, by calling at toy (hold Leery., tall Jeyo.i.rai. a ~ , a , reildeurie, Meehan c streetAtord door below t ler;rge I Silver do do -, lAI ' a feel Northern Liberties. JAI:. fare ran. Gold Lectnee. Jewelled , do tat i • Oliver do do IA tit ' Matimmy is nomreamed froth all quarters of .9,19er Qua a, her 44 utt,.., la vii " the Woo, Gold %% aichca. nil, it. r t ~.w . . .: i ' 'Phelolltc wig letter. are prevented 0 olva ate% Silver Spectacles 2 c o •1 of more ful ty showung the opatiene of Physicians in Gold Poled., , Gold Itrace l ts. 4 ot relatton to the Nl...cheat value of Dr. SW A V.NE'S Alen, on hand. a large 1.110111,A1il Of 1301.1 end I lu, I COMPOUND SYRUP IrY WILD CIIERIta. Draectro s finger ri:, i. so mi rins,lloop ..ari0 , 10.C. ,, I Dr !4o'a)ne—Dear Sir, Hari, g need your Cont. pens, silver spoon...tear hota , if.'o,ol.'", Gold ""'" i you II !Iraqi Of Wail Cherry extensively to tny I curb nod fob ethth!..'o.o! ~, " ''', ''ll, o f ''''::: I practice, I war reqoested by your Agent, Doctor deacriPthau at "flu"°"°''' l' , '''' '''' ' wn ''' -'' ' ' I ratchet to etym.a tut opoooo is welting of its to All All kind. of Watch, a,. I C:04. - 1.- Gra. ed. a n d iv w - 1 propertiee as a remedial agent. I nowt cheerfully ranted to keep good Illile Mr ono year, hid mod niol ..I. i eionply.. I 6,1 by so Moog. I will- discharge a ver bought or mace in cacti:toga , . ' •N dotal owe the community at large,mnd Physician,. For aide, etch; day awl thirty hoor braail CAN. k-, hi , i n particular. A. moth air I detect Quack Keine ' LEWIS, LADOMAr ' dow and P.m sit Nos-Gums, I was teamed. from W.f.' , Cr" , "" d ' ll.-w '''''' Wrnw l No .I" ' ''' +t. ' a larture of the nowt potent expectorants, mecum alarm above Eleventh. North •ole. I latioletolun BEI'l have some Gold I,ul S,lver Imverr aalloarap , r ! rusowted iii our materta mediva in emote. cases tit than the above pro., i.r..-J Mil : Dtseased Lungs, to try your preparation Of Troilus • ' Virginia or Wild Cherry. It is aullirient to say that NABIITTIFS PATENT DIRECT-At:VI — ON ' I was an numb pleased with' the rerun of that and STEAM HAMMER. 't faittSFuner po,oreim , many ad rantac , • ay: r u to • airquiatt Bala, that I mow 'prescribe at in preles -1 other ' among wroth am> ve snout:au, , enee to all other Remedies where an expectorant la Its IR ageatitenesa—Tuerspitivity and Cocoa 6,0.. th d. rn thd I n th e eno ,t, died,,, 1 ,„,, 0r00r0a or rot be Mantrolled with the greatest ea., retote I, . Disease of the Lungs. in the alarming term in which hammer m in oPerot;ow l' ^n , I!'" ..°°.'' "'", '"' "' . it apnea. in Kentucky, I regard it . an Invaluable statute arrertrd , and stopeneed at urn bright - Ira uoirtha ,.„ or c 0,,,,,, in , a ,,,,,,, „ o , „, ~ , itmnedy in the treatment of that elan.. To all kinds, from th e I wigest In itio •inall. , t. a: df.r ihr voi . who know toe I have rats! elth"glt. but . this may hammer. he sues by persons out or the voanity al Frankfurt. Its Souplie.ty. Compact'' , w end Caron, , as •-. I will brtella add, that I have hers er gaged in an Its Aver"stittlttj atmi, all sob' , 1 , . or ".r."'`' ...toe practice ol my prqessitor id' i!)eare„and not AR the Itionini r, are mad:. Sch•Ac La{ , ' a Regular Graduate of 'Franey Ivania. and hue is the Thu tialtvcr.ter" centot , i° ''.°`'°°' "°°'" '°' '''' ' first Patent :Medicine I °VC, th ought enough of to ' hemmers. of al I ..m.. upon riai•000l , O - oaao• empress an opinion too riling. . For further pa mettle, itio,ii, co MEllitICI: A'l', IW NI,. • J. IL ELL.., NI. D. Athigithea of the Paieht home I ivied arts Si. January ith. 11117. Franklin County, Inc deettely ,OUlto.V2ll. Foundry, Philo d'• . I' nateltreHT, Ky., Jaufry ith, 1817. DERRY . At NICKERSO:si, The above certificate is Potti ntie.til our Physis Manufnetusers a , mane living a few miles from here, he to doings very AWNINGS, SACiING BOTIII3IB, good practme, and is considered a gond Phyincian, WAGON COVERS AN, (;RAIN i;Alis and stands fair; he le, as he say, a regulargraduale. Dit. la , . L., 0s - it LI. I,I..CiIIPTIONS , . Druggutt and Apothecary. No. ' BS} Roast h Prim' Street, :Textingonials trill nem as &di of T., A. Ibllson'a Cabinet Ware Muntsfs From the Temperance Pledge. , •PIIILAOF.LPLIIIL ~,, Now that Winter is upon us with ija attendan t' i slVt•Zdt' n ' t ,r -lI o w trt i ` t, ' V,'„ S wi ' t ‘t, r 7 r, ": . o . ,: t r i f ` t r e t r o ,'„ ' t ,,,, - tram of Pulmonic and Bronchial affections. Coughs attended to. 1110 S 0. DERNY - (Wits. tic Are .Ith Would advise those afflicted to e acpin.dly g 0,;,i r ,,,,;- Compound Syrup ol Wild Cherry. It will !sever TO WA.TGIIMARICILS was J. LADOINUS, 1 tat to perft yin a permanent core. The reputation i lir tins medicine has caused many spunous articles TMFORTER of Watch.. Watehranio.r, T ua !,, a, J I w,,,i, NI p . i .,,,t,. „,,,,,,„ au , ~,,,,. at , ~, 1 to b e put forth under its none; but the prepardlion smithy an hand a tar, n. airforce/ o . i Liitte,, Proem, ; of lir. Sway.., besides being the tint ever altered hnd Flain tflo.,,ogu Vere, Li:Eil•. 11 nli II ' to the public. Is the only one teat can in relisd on. ands, end a eomp,et, ii,oran..iii at aliTonl. end oi , . The other rimier, s amid for Wild Cnerry Spec, Mantle nelonfluta in the anti'. '''. " '"'"" ....rim — l. . Bahama, Arc_ are all spurious a ad worthies., and of Gold and '',leer Lone ' 1-° ° ° '`' " lion W'''''..l''' I contain none 01 the virtas ii r the original preparas aII of which he wall guaranty to •rii si: t!re Ino-rat New D s. . • Com p ound s • I Wi ld York prices. All orders (rin iho country oil, Ina: "°, ' • . 3 1" e 'lr ythp 0 executed. Cherry .. . . • . N. B.—Country Mtrchat. and milt,* are atvw,l ;•• cell end eliarrynt thr tI:J ,and, No 71.Sluth Foorl. sue, Philadelplua- WILLIAM OGLE, roAcif dSo 11.1ILVEsS 31.11. - E11.,0 Cheanut n, Phdad,:r, ea, Lte uf the fir n of 0,1..1. 7ai2.0111n.r Watuon. rupertfull, outhrhue liu filehd• and the NIA, that hr hat 'and v tit on hand and for sale, Landunne awe.. .d aAionable Gar riaget Velnelea a:I st}lea and drstrynuJ. made to order at the ann.rd. ,141• vier, and exec...l tu tb err, best meaner, of selected ruaterzal le MISCELLANEOUS. AtiENCY FOR PATE.NT., Wa.Thine.ton, IL C. ENAS C. p,.. :.err e. AAgent for procurnm rote, Dram. Ass mut l'a; ror moo,. 'or Pat cots, and transact n I .rtirr r mc r. 1 ,profmrsion at the Petra , 1 , 00 Ilr• c ror , s, on rill goo mons relat.nclr.. , .1. • stuns /II the :5. , . on ;L . distance timorous of ha vrtm o.l3ll,lltl4.titiA mule it Patent pr,r to !oak Ing 5r,, , •.-atinntor purr , I , : may I , rmard [pont u r.l , clear or the, mu: uvr,ll,llllleMUM min mill be gr von tu it Mild OH ttltOtltitllati . could in olanir.ed by • sr, s., of th,- •Nrk.,lll .11 ttt . ,tteli promptly entinnunrcatcdr Ail letters on borate,. inn. Es pool ;m.d.rrumaar n imitable (cc. where • wirtrmi opt rrno rs d, Office on F. street. corms:, the l'arrqd Odr, Ile has the homnr nf referram. b, Ocrtmssam iron. Edmond Burk, Cern:m..lone, of Hon. 11 L. Ellsworth. late Cal do do. II Knowles, Marion.ri. Parent OrEcc, Judge Crunch, Wa-lrarmtf.n. II C. Hon II Choate. Nlna.arrho•ett•, s r. Hon. , 0 Allet,. 05.0. do gn Hon.! U Hoorli rt. hl C. Nl.smor, Hon, Wtlirs Hall, . Vork. Ilea. Hobert Smith, M illroms, lion. 8 Ilreepe. ;•,. Senate, J II Relic. -Clot-UM Shreve, tl 1-orr,. rErastusllronks.i., . Attorney, Connienor and General Agent VAT L. PRA LI, 1..• and • iw that eutuult. it Ageat (or um, and aclhdig real cattle. in tbzi,c.., .1, Ndl dtvo , r large pott.on of km,ng of Lau.ep. warp at“: er baildiagaort er clan. aud denztud, and n mleu.lipe to 'Mere Gonerolly. He olh engng. tit,, .isnn of loanr, corttruts. co. end wOlforn,,l•utn, she information in tv , ut,ott ate pat 1.0 qunhor. and ~ spornobilitics of 1,1.1, An tar wh , c4l bit 11.111.111211 CC emmen.l) /IX. ' UV may a: hi.residence. No 141 Allet, •ireet. uao I v in the moriong nyd r o'clock to the evemox• ni other hour. AL 10. GITICr. No 23 door from ronm. NEW 10111. i. RF.FERENCP:S—on F A Tallonolg-: Ilya J. It Scott, lion John hIcK eon. Ilan Ozd..t •,•• derma., Egbett Benron, Alit Wm V llrnny. Chahar,. EN, Wm J Roon.r. l'Ao L m)l3d - in , • ANOTHER ARRIVAL • ,T TIIE NEW YORK STOILE.-.70 lOLARIEET ST letitnalcr RICh 11 A %N 1. 9 172 .1 , ;. prwrd and evil; W 74 r : • h t I rVe:l 1 . 1. ,, rti T ° .= ^ r•Annti !: rw it. r ` •s}n ?.,7 " r I.Z.A•I°_,4FI mn m 2:` ; ' ,7 'Llfr • -*I P 4 Gentlrsnt[;.' r, llA v V i n T nrr r .. 8.7 "' Bonnel.lthisonn, Bonnet Silks and Flower, tile i; r r Nan ever. Millmers puppl:ncl an an n.' sl 015 W II Ii ARRA RD T . 4 .. - ffi rE greatest end bet( varity' everoed I, lip...Hy Il befate7matle on thr most approvedi:a•icno p's.,.— und moot taollionaDle Ea powtn. and rotor. A l '. 'THE ClIF:ol. HOl.l. or' 130 metn 5 roN num), 0, 10001 oi made to order of all oil,. and at all plat,. • Country March,mts and 'ober. are inroad to aa. tnd 'examine the alone for thentoolveo, sot all wall hr told wholoaale nt ret:lli, load a hl.eral dedorpon tail . m oitolotale purelmoero. •pldly ----- A o't F.ST/41 V 1..1.T Itreervrd and for • ' (emu Fl){lllAry or rico Bruce . di r ak k. Nnor VOI k, the fC nfl t. 131 l , pr ba : 17, %moo Tun. 2.4 try. I.esdr, • 271 I , Two lane NI,/ traps are rule.. em. . Aor rale, r. great ear , Ely or Secour band (,o,,onPaTni a, Flown's, Ornno.111.• en. , arldeb v.:II bel-nrl for c.a. 30.11 N, I (IN h STOCTI/N Markel .1 Hardware Store Retneied w g 1,2, Al t Ic)r ‘ , 7 , 0 L Layout ...loved frf" the wid Stele". streets, lo 0, 50 'Wood Amer, three doors above 0. Charles Ilwr I wowd respectfully ark the anent,. cd but,. 10 the. swek .of HARDWARE, CUTLERY and SADDLERY, reed per shwa Herenek. Honorepthele end {(136.1i. 'Poop the manufactdrere of I.:".Aand:ml , tteer. o l:, eupphes Amer...3.h mid fr I he cr.". Manufacturer. al the Ea." re 0:01.•. their slack betng cawn end 0. 0 hwed 4.0 r the be wrote they feel gr en:att.:nee besni 00,:e toe ...fully In row. ....Icel."n fr.., any whether east or west The Ile.rdware busaters yetll he continued at the old rte. Wholesale Drug Warehouse Removed B. A. FAIDIEIVTOCK & CO. HAVE erected an extensive warehouse on the corner of Woon and Voisr•sio...., to wtoch the) have ',removed their Wholesale I,u,ness, where lb. ) 1.1010 have on. hand on el tem.,r assortment of all the articles in their line, to wroeh they went: lb OIL, non of the public. The Drur business will he renimued at Ar • :corner of &hand Wood its. PITTSBURGH STEEL WORKS AND SPRING AND AXLE FACTORY. MAC , MAN r. 6rlr.e. JONES S. ISNIOO AM; FACI I. , RF:ItS of Spro.r •nd liL.te; tert, Svc: Viough %y•ng.. col.. and ' M i s Sprlngo.ll.rtorred Iron A iks. Solle corner of Rocs and - P.m •ttr• - ..• P.S.hunth,ll%. ' . IIOAOIII TIIIII,IINGS--The r.ul.tribe.r. ate IL/ now remy t aKo lor,re ana eatenolve assort:n-1n of Coach Trttnrotaga of the ',trot any lea— asnona tab, h are Variant , ante!, that haven ever been ' rre— hich tht y notetto•ett fot oolt (non the F;aneva Matto tattaters. and 14,1‘1•1 , to .4 , 11 a+ lore a • any 11 , / , •• t New Thrit or I . ll.l*.latobin. Titro Lomita et . ..peel:any onvite the annotton of deal,. =Md . /hi JO:YES & eor Nora a• lot oto IiEDICAL From the Springfield F:xpre.. Of the thousands of purported curative nostrum. now before the public, but very few are Wood to peas.. the healing virtues for which they are irt commended. Among the latter we are pleased tn learn n ine stand a better trot than Dr. ,twayne ritiopttond Syrup it Wild I lie•ry. 'Ube ffillieted it is sit-Indy are begtninng to use it, and to their joy they find in its use their hopes hastd upon its reeoinettendations more than realized. The affitcted need lint despair. Wilde there is lile,Jhere now is hope tit:l'loN TO ajSince the intmcluction of my article to ilie pubnc. there Isaac a libber ofunprineipled ',duals wit up °attn.:ll7'u hiCh they .assert contain Wild I 'berry, some are called ••Balrains,"••llittera: and even Syrup of Wild rbrirty, but mine is the original and out! genuine preparation erre introtib Ciao Cu the public. which can he proven by the [nib 16cirrilr. ol the l'iiminonsealth or Pen:ls)lv... The only Ayiegnaril egairrt imp pion is to vre that int .ttrie ii.l, IMMIEMEM only by Dr. P. SwAy'sx, at Ins pal Office, cner of E.t.a . 'and Cant Streets, Phil Welpbbl. or All Wlld herrY preparations bea: ticDnous and rounierfen without his 'iv,. re, For sale in Pittsburgh wholesale and retail 11 W NI. THORN. 53 IklailLet sin et. OGDEN & O IVDEN, corn, .!ntl %Von.' .t S JO\E', 1 I.thcrty ,ul.l air" I.) . .1 NI. 11.1.:er cer. Norman 1'.114.r.... • /I aderom, Nltr. e; J H Bunno Co,, Erie; WK.,. in &, ilevelar.di Denis S.Son, rolunitiu.: . ller, Brownertll..i Nlarsh. %Vll..ling, l'a E 6 Holman, rineinn3l.i, Ohio; VT & Co., St. I.nui, J S Morris & , 6FAndre.' Oliver & Cu., New fir - r:r !STANTON'S EXTIaIiNAL RE:ll*Di HUNT'S LINIMENT'', s now, unit...l,llv acknowledged to bel the I ". I %LIABLE 11iINIEDIt s for Rheumatism, s i n nal Affections. Contract.. of the sluscici, Sore Throat and quinsy, Issues, Old Ulcers, lains in the Hick and Cheat, Ague in the Breast spd ha , e 'fourth Ache, Sprat., Bruises, Salt Rheum, Burns, Croup. Frosted feet and all :Nervous Doleases. The TRIUNINHANT slit I:4:Ss Which tia• at tended the studies Lion of this most WONDER 41.1. N1F..1/It. I NE in curing the most severe cases of itie &Hymn:. met Co 4!pise nained,—and the 1111.11 ENCONIR MS that have been bustowed upon it, wherever it lias been introduccd. gives me , the rigot ri call on the A 4 FLIC • I'ED to resort ag, or.ce Ore RENtEI/1"I'llAT CNN 131: REUEL/ ON. prTee laeult. unite in recommending tie odic. ' ated Esternal fternedy, Hunt's Liniment 'fee follow, rag letter front the highly lenuncr l'Osiclans who have been attached to [hi Mount Pleasant Stale Prison for.many years, as lthe but evidence of the value of this celebrated 4inobent. Six° Sine. DeceinDer* Nly Doer sir--I received your note or yiaterd iv, asking my opinion in relation to Hunt*. Liniment, as pleparcd brAlr George E Stanton., Enavii.e, ite companion, and having lingually used it, I can recommend it to you a. safe External Reme dy, and in my iipinion, the best Liniment 'bon in one. Very truly and rexpectfully roam A E HDEEMAN. Col herrn Van Corinna, Croton Mum. I fully concur In the above opinion. BEIA: Yonicrown, Jan. 14, 134. b. •Sir—ln reply to your letter, I would nay that I have used your External Remedy, called Hunt'. Liniment, in my practice since you made iue quainted with its composition. and unhesitatingly say that I believe it to be the hest External Kettle dy now in use lor the complaints fur which you re comsnepd it. VOlll7 redpeClfill , l t • HEM U MILLER,MII. U. Geo E Sbauton.Esq• From the N Y Sun. tD"'Among the ma. of worthleas adicles and humbugs that arc poured forth at the present day upon the country, it is really refreshing to hod something of real practical utility, something sito pie, speedy and ellectual in its operation, and fit the same Aeon tree from those injurioua edceta which generally attend powerful reniediee. Hunt's Liniment, preored by Geo. E Stanton, of ring Sang, thiregh fl has been but a .hurt time bole the public, lii. alrearLi obtained the confidence, not only al our most wealthy and iolluenttal Marne, but cur most eminent phylum.. All 'arketowl. edge it to he sovereign balm for, many of the ilia that flesh a heir to, soothing the aching bleb, and by ita genuine atinaniating influence, banishing eta ease from the ertem. Mr. Atanton—Sir—S eing your advertisement of Hunt's Liniment, I was induced to try Ka effect. bamy son who had been crippled wall a lame ck from ,n infant; and it is with gratittide I bear testimony to its wondedlil healing Rropertres. Aly child„ who is now Ave year" of age, is a fair way of recovery, Yours, One. DEALSION C NICKE4SON. Poe. Or rte . c, Tow n r na, Putnam Co. I certify teat I ant personal]) acquainted lath the aterve named child. and think the father would be sale in saying that his .nn 111 almost cell. JASiW DYKAIAIsr, Nov 5, 1616. Deputy Post Master. P. S. I would elan athe that I bare been (0r a number of years subject to frequent attacks 01 the Rheumatism. cluck in many instances prevented my attending twiny boaters. Tyro or thr ees ppli cations or the Liniment invariably remove all al. Detour of the kind. In cases of bruises!. sprains and sores, ton numerous to mention, It has! in inn vicinity prated a Certain reined, It. value ran only brestimated by those who have given it a fair trial. Thor Liniment is .old at tl5 and 50 rental per hot- Ile, by all the Principal .10ruggsts and Merchants throughout the country., Whoksale Agents in New York. IMUINCISSIMICDZI A 13 & U SANDS, earner Fulton and William ASPINWALL, 116 Willsamatrect. Orden, addresued to to at Sigg Stag, N V, ant be attended tn. 'GEORGE .0 STANTO N, . Prnprntor. For tale in I'disburgb by I. WILCOX, jr, and J KIDD & Co. Allegheny City, JOHN SA II(; ENT Batninghant,JOllN SMITH. 111,19 Ladd, Julian. Fon attonothed. When you know. ;telt you are protswatd A natural.lite-hke. ano..ery 'I Wel ;uu vv;! ..4.1; toe COllllllOll a balk, And look a deal4l) yellow foght, The Ulm. a laughter and of talk if yvu would use u buz of' JOKE' 3 LtilY.White, It woulJ give your skin un alabaster yet mutat white, and at the same time cleat end Improve It, Bold et JACKSON^J, b 9 Libeny et. Price. 23 cents per bog rov rvezzLeourovs Wr HOSE 11.111nr. ean'equal yews? Look at your I fait poling vane, wi th her bright sunny laci.! leek at your own, poled with Crllycon. and Vet youRIO too an 40 glee ally elm. for • rake of the great Italian Chemical Soap, which Would entirely nee huu toms theta,: and make your yellow akin clear and ealthy. Co moony to Jackwin's Store. to Liberty at. Plushurch.and get stake. N U Jackson's is the only place in rinsbuikk Where the G FNUINE is to be obtained. Beware of Comit.r. tout 117) - 0139ERVEthr thg flout num), in the ilporu ay. meta MEDICAL. . -IT NEVER-FAILS! ' Dt.CULLEN'S INDIAN fEGETABLE PANACEA MM 1647. flEft SCMS l attlleVed with serolula, King l r 0 Evil I PEN3ifiy x /IrA!:t r i , s . L l .l l .-N ., , , L r it ~ Lf. .I.II.DOND JI I , , ffysipel., Old Soren, I.•lo.ers, letter . - 1 , Mercurial Diseases. or any other compla,nts arising I fete impuntid of the blood, are requested to read j PITTSItIi Mill no Pll LA DA. Asia LALTIMORF.. the following testimonials, in proud of the wonder 1 E2rinurnly far Powropm. • ltd properties of the above named medicine. : rr/1E med.r are re.peelfully ligoone , l twit ,14;• 1.,,,e READ, El EADP. DEAD!!!' i I will isonincore rename on or ataimitie 1.1..111'10111. IV, the undersigned, having visited ND. Isaac ! and cam"... i 1 h 1 ,hr 'anion 'lieo moo wanes Brooks, Jr. at thh office of Messrs. Rowand arid I has, ne a rs pin "inn , . elay• 6. r.wko , , ow. 410 , 1- Walton, 37e, Alarket street Philadelphia, consider , n ,4:, 1 ,:,,, ~‘• r „'7,;;„7,', 1 ',,`,,,';',7,:::. c . .7,.. 71. 0 .. hi. case the nir at remarkable one we nave ever or , I . .,c,., , ,7,,„T„..r,.,,,, , ,,„„,"„. „,,,, ~,,,„,,..,,. , ~,,o , ~„,.,,, ~,e,,,,,•ted to call wid • ...low term nessed or bear , of. Ors disease was SC. RUFI . 1..1,, and terrible moat , prt v mi. u, eosin:ma ii.,••aer ilienhe I e have teen h i twelve years' conflict with the de ' - PARE "MA' ,NINII DOI-LARS '• 1 : toyer! . , i.e.( me l'selw.ii ,coo it,.ioe Ow Isom,. t0i1..., " Hl..Palate,• e entire roof elfin, mouth Ntise, Up- ~ . 0 1 '''''l 0 . 005 IL'''• roo. , 1., '. `trim and Res per Lip, and lower Lid el the Right Lye hair beet, ! " " o: '"''' ) ' f hl' i jr • Tr l'',,, , destroyed, hie Fare nearly eaten up, and part or the ! 1.,,, ~,,„,„„,,,,,,,„, ~,,,,i, ~, ,i,.. 1t0 L„,.. ai,,,,.j„ Jaw Banc carried sway. And yet we can give ii. I neon. si mer",or t ., i o r to 1.14.Cil &co , desenpuon of his cote. m. 41'1 rot Penn st, eel .1.1011141: 1 Mr. B. "".'. us that . J 4 '. , 'S L. ) . L ' . ' '''''' . 'w I %V EsT oil .!: Tit.% ASPOIt'I'ATION CO. , inters:. of Am mouth - , as well . most ut los tar. • • was a mass of deep oral palatial ulcers! , . .. L i lti r . l .s _k& J On the 14111 tifJanitary Ind. tie commenePd Lakin. a 1.1 4, Dr. CULLN'S INDIAN I.II:EI'ADLE PAN A CEA, winch checked the thseiwr. tri a len ,1.21., :4, U. LEECH . A COSL, roe that time the cure I,l.4pn.gtvast'd wit Iltmt itJ 1 OLD EST A R 1.1711110 TR A NSPORT Al lON I INES nErw EI:A vi rt.-Hull,. Lernitssion, ' N.:W - .11.h IL,, 'applied the place of the Jeep ul. I, 'PHIL\ M-1 ' 1'1 " ''','''' ""-" ' Il A N ''' ' ''''‘ V '"F 1 1 ter, and lliflligh badly dierigured. his lace .5 sound, i . 1 . " .." ' . ''''' ''"' '..'''''. "' ' ''''''''' '' . o I I.ow. 00 C 0... 1114 1 . 3, lon sed I. in, 0... vos; and hi. general health,' traitoreo. artoet, are 14 ,010.1 0111 r I'lie , u1.4.. , .1.. r • 4... s.rtpil. We are .1111).d that in the treatment of Mr. , • nil to orvol 3 1.41,11 ~, , alit.ty of 31.',1, And., and lirooka' case, no Alereurials.Unitments. or Caustic , Pews, .with, el inott sod di1i,,,,,, applications have been ired,—in lact. the PAN A. , Produre or liorelieodwe. tooneotal ~, any of de. et• CEA ALONE. has wrought Ibis wonderful change I, dernsiwil '...iw soled D,,lit sot '',.D.7. In ti• "" 'et.' David Smith Rocks county, Ps. I bailee 1.. lion and. Mead's Ole, Prow lord c01'.,., B I ' '''''' ' 'r" " -' '' '' '"d ell ""."''''''"- N"'. ''' .mm 1.10410. ! J W Jones. NI I) South Second street. Pinta TiL.. a• .... to 11, Lone is conducted en sw,, , dy 'Jacob Lee, Pemberton N J. ~, s,d,laoh te,1 , ,,,,, oralsll.l,. Adren., 1 3 1 111 1 1 1 ', 14 1 li W I..arr,-)11) N Fourth. above Poplar rit, N 1.. ..'".i li LEIICII & 1'.,. Propwmr, i S toll 'ulinugh, Lanraster, Pa. Camil 110011, 1,141 11101 it )1 Maddock, 711 North Eleventh at. Phil, 11A REINS, LI-31111, Proprietor, C IV Appleton, NI 1J .16 south at. do No ta 011311/ Th,ril every r,ololelpleui • Jilt TA 11,01: & St i NS. Agems.i Timothy t:aldwell, NI anion , 4 11. Nltsainiri. No 111 Nonl. Ilaard .treet, Itaimurna Daniel Veakel, Chesnut 11111.Phil.delph.a co. Pa. Wlt ILsON, Agent. ; Juno flarned,3l,o El i :li street, Phila. , tm1,•.5 No 7 West soret.New 0 1 m t William Steeling NI 14 Canitlen, N. J. , I PITTSBURGH PORTABLE U. LINEA William Hale, MR 11igh alreet, Phila. I 1847. it , Xs=ll3 J II Potter, Nlailufacturor ol Nltiler..lTechh. 111) 1, ' iiWitiik Ninth atrect, Phila. _ r a, ion of re alo bet wee„ Paisimii.i, L A Wollenweber. Ed. Phi U• Democrat - :77 N 3...: . 1 , 1 " ::, 1 :,,t Z u . , - . ..::!:,',. , „ , ,,, , . v ,,;,,..,,, ~,,,,,",,,,,,,,, :.,,,' street, en ,he wa,. and 11.4 ~....riorol es uf dlllll ,114111 r. Georgr W Minim. Brush Maker. 317 Market st. urea as as r and .0i arab., oi goals. F:u . b. Cats, Lill Clreautit street, Phila. p,5„,,,," A I) Gillette, Pastor of Eleventh tivu., I harsh, 111 'Wall De, E & CA nt I Phila. . No 0771Ln/et niert, Phdadotelt ~, TA A1.441h "'CONNOR , John Bell, Erie Street. Philadelphm, i Nosh Ante, car Pr/1/1 3/14 WO% 11r .1, 1•50.ta.,14 C3O OfTiCe.) 0, .7 , * NO It A Co, Nooll moue I. 11.1 nit.../.: / 1, Aaron Sands, 164 t:athanne Street, Phita W 11: .; TTA i•scarr.:.. 5,,,,,1, ~ A: A. 9 A ." , ' Daniel Nrcl;inley, lic.ler's Allot, do Flocourae, sy ...., 1,,,,,,,,, 110../ I npr.rtra. Andrew swsaint, C ani d, n, N J. have added 0, dirt, .itirk and elietsted their wrung , K li Eva s; West Phila. mem. donor Ihr 4,1144. 3141 .00 1 ov4 nrepar, it to ho.• Richard R. Young. Glider, Del Nlarket et 1"o's '''' ''''' 0 :'''. r `..” l " . Y ''''' °'''''''' ” u "''''' - r . ' I n • by Ally wrier .111 . . 110, lone t 11,11141114 earlier, John W .151111 Wall, CA) south Stall , Wert, °L' tlar,p3lp3ole tol000r.:, of Mr Portable t °' om in ilt,. i 7 , Wagner.Lithographe j. 116 Criminal street, do . told the grew ruparni /11d 1.3311VC/11 Cll e., to! Ihr wo, Ii J honed. 1W Eleventh street. in, ' Muir, at each rod oi the One. a, pe:olowl, 4.-ahart.,• Peter Shen Smith. Editor Native Eagle. de ' , e , l lii etishle O. 1.... ,,, i 7 ". titt , ' ~,,•' ..'....'• Joel ltod/ne. (113. manor...twee, W ill, tra,ao I. old °Vc"..".. the,, i'u•iot• -- romot.., tot - 0e 0 1 N.J. tho pa si as a soar:nos for thewture. 41e0, reseectoloy sw 00,1 a coomiunocw t•I 41/11 pitmen," who.), the, ,row IV, loam Steely , Farmington, Van Buren co. low. . ernonott, aelnentese• L B Colea, NI I), Boston, Masa. 44 con.gmorn4 U 3 road,. h O'Connor 5,11 be nic'd Kue.rl Canfield, Plosiologrot, Philadelphia. and Mrs.: aided SI( 314131111 charm,. plat at d 1:1 id Thomas P S Roby NI I), Harrißburgh,l'a. Ladng trannutto d tree of ~ eloirge tor t . 0111 , 14.•• 1 1/, Peter Wnght.?...s l J Nlarket atreet, Phila. „ 3 , lv3licuo; or .wrier Davi, no 11410 5 1 d,1411 or Jame. Mo' Newlin, 103 Filbert st. do oaloecily at straintwiati. Me interest g ot the 000.n:dor. John Good, 171 Spruce st. do onto 000,...ardi I,e, thew protisty oi,el oi -tunas west sod Mei pld, theiti•elvi to forward aii e4ed. William 1.. , tic, Pastor St. Pao l's 'it E. Ch. Catha rine ~,,.k„,.,, ~, p ,"„ ; romp , ~,,,,,„ ~,,. ~,,,„, „,,,,,,,,,,,, St. Phila. „„,„,, i „„ i , i ,,,, „„,„,,, John Chambers, Pastor let I ndep. Church. !Doan m a rch I, isa7 st, do . _, 'l' L Sanders, Publisher of Pledge and Standirti Phila. - Sellers. Edam Ohvp B els.) Dylestond, Bucks cc, Pa. Wholesale and Rend by Bowand Walton. l'sn. pnctors. 316 Markus St Idlnladelphta It I. sellers 57 Wood et. Pittsburgh, Pa.; B to. Th ket st do ; E B I'crk,ns, Marietta, 0h,.,, .atno Sharp,Marsa V; John W Dancnho cr t .n. Ohm; cidell & Itcevcs. Nlathsott /a; t' Noble,Lou K V 1 Devernuck & Pellout. St. Louts. Al.. Y 11 McGraw. Natchez, Sl,ss; liardanar & Jobs elan Vlcksburgh , do; Charles Jenkins, New (Moan or. MEDICAL AND SI; ItGfICA I. IIFFICE. e ,.... 1 ....., 77 --.... No GS DIASIOND Ai - ...!::, , - • 1.1:v . tr.' door , orlow G - _,.:;:" ' Woo.l wrrr., toward; I/ • ' 4 2 ill, s ' i,:.r. i n ° C • % :( 271 ~, murk c I. ; 1 1. , • .. 2, 4! - ; ~* nrwr,ttc the in . r . d.raarp:o. A : ,,,,,,*. f4:1 ... i ..• • , rr•boon. add 1..... , U ior -.omr ...i,, '../...,.. ;;."1; '"..t,:'`.7..:,.,;,=; ...,,, As2 , _ t r o , v lhr t:::V14 , ( T: 0 , 1 ,. 111 u, '4 : ' :1:1:10r „. 111;l1 e li% 4: ' .:1 „ail" p..,:''.."'d,ll:llc''..'": E2evert y ear tw.,Juou.. d..soked lo Mc %tu,l IA:, treatmrid of I. rompl t.t. • ~,,' n 4 ...ta Imc 1•• ha, had more pram. , uml r a• cured morr pat, th... the nt van. nenntrtn.nnt, evor fall icy • Dr. Drown wtoral to.a.• ..a..• te.l w.ur ; rwar thweases which have Inworne chronic by lane or •KKrat a led by the use of of the corrosion nostrums ot 11.• day. that th.-.r C3ll In• radteaily oaKhly eared. he h•te mg K. wen the treatment of ut. saw, anal •aceneneal .n torthlre.l ot sn rur rtyr.onw naltortat ott oitte or. • lLe land.l. r. aral :mated d.sea•••• tt whall often sea, m thow eases where coltrt• have ennsteed theal t. nv their ca•e• tt , ,te.,/, ,mini. ,prt: manner. pntnt-d to,ig r i,r.ror •*J vertlpatio. tor • ng.i.frd cvnerll prar,ce of mr I to r. ye uo culr r.a•r dts,asr • . • j - or -Pr prrkrp... a111.e1...1 to a. p part.eal..r ato,al•or. a• S : nl . ll.y. e, y r and Chatigc.ay.- ry Ina. c N of •• •I:pr •,..1 ;:it • T BRIM N, \ I I. po.I pa I nutl r! min) 1,- 1., sawn.: \\..l.ri • Ilouw SIIERMAN'I4 TOOTH PAST le A I 11.111.11,1 0t.,811/11 T . DR Ises , t arty, known tor cieathist and the Teeth strengths • A' , brath. !cc It should Ise sodanver, ri.gln una • •int e sa.a..h s n s , ,s s the morn., Vet the brae , a.", warm water, tor cold .111 sa t et. 9JII rub st a s.-or tes, un the paor, when enough w.ll adhere an r kandig nor teeth. IL leaves. delseson• late m the Mottlll. and ssu par te a mrs•l dellgtoful (rag ranee to me !straits It t • unrivalled as a pleassalit. eascarsoue, conven eht nod sale II l• warranted not to thc Ics Lotto p rrrrr vethrm stetng it regularly. si wcmovestrp. tartar nil.: per vent st• necomulanisit--prevent the lutVhar.r •1,13,(1.114,1 Ulf gum and prevent all discistlae• W.,. 1,11c121.., hICIIIII. and Mr cirrg) ft , Oltolornd decodedly etiperor to every thdig of the kond an u , se Ask for Pbermanls Compound Orr, Tooth Paste .1s d oh•erve Ins cgoature anached to each pot. Recommended by Dr Castle, lel liroadarny. Oar. 01 our beat Dent ...and mcct of the old id ones in the United Soar., and ever seneively Liked by Me Nobtltty 01 England and Fr - . r • • A large propornon of the d.araar I lett allbet manhood' artee from some derangement ot • totnach or bowei• arbseli a timely usw 01 the Ca11...14.e laszenge• .entsrely obv,ate. Persona n 1 blior as lam. •houist way• have a hot Ist It•nd, and tale a doss whenever 'they feel the least derangement ,ntlirar health, A tut', emus use thew Lozenges would prevent tbouvAnd• or Forsale al Arlal. coriter of 1Vu05 ,,,, 1 . 5d Liberty els . . NO CURE NO PXI DR. CULLEN'S I N IA N VEGETABLE REAlF:DY—Warranted to cure, or the mon. ey returned. This medicine is prepared From an to • Mau Receipt, obtained from one al them in the Far West, at great expense. Those who hare bens familiar with the Indians, know Limit they can and do cure Venereal without the knowledge of Mer cury, Balsam, or anything of the kind. The al. flitted into now no opportunity pf bring eared wittiou ithe use of Balsam Thu medicine is plenannt to the bate. anti leaves ob smell an the breath. Prepared by HOW AN I) & tV ALTON, and .old wholesale , nd retail, by J. T. llowaod, .376 , root street, Phtlad'a. For Azle Ln httaburgh by R 57 0, , ..1 Wert. and h. EVor •11. , ..,:r2 .rkrt "ro ...1. No Carol No Pay! Plies: Plies na.incliwin's Embrocation id thr only unnitisa Min will cure this suvrry ornicion atol •••iir diseow. It dot may itmordistrh ulia)• Nina 01111..41, stops all:l•Wrdtappsubduc. that 'OW, lq•ti tag. but rffectulilp, currs, in a wry short tite r• whose :Ives havn het, rroderral tuiwrab.. :nr y, ,s ta opplicat .Ha proSiscr. nu ppart.lon ni ••• n• MP Anil plea.. reit:nit:on nernitis •••ti 3.11 nnd brio- of the great numb., ra-r• Ilannoire he air) Anil itsionished A sting, aof this city, who had he int untier thr keno:. ' •:: for moor dile.. 111{1., iviihout lir:og ruin: ' • 1 • nue! ImPles of tho Eml.roration beno .•::11 precrnicnt :!—I ,111/1 .4) en. (0)- For pain m .ot the Pi i I -A ' , lt/RE. hi! Fourth dirt , t. new wood, aim: : Druz Ntore of If P Enliwurtr Frlli:p.: •t A InTia. ••• tv. No Cure, NoPayl 11, Jackson' Pikr 11111E1IF: are few lilM3•Pil more rim, 111,1 01 r. , a• blesome titan the Viler, and yet, not Nit!. .Idl mg treat eliorta have been Made to c /11 . try P • ote or pill., elm:twines, liniments, he , ail we, title and of little benent, NOW tire Enrifro,:af ion the only medtt the tined. A person who been f ing with the File. of the moral kind r mot fro •f ,• lent. New Jersey, almost on purpose to • rpri a lon gratitude for the speedy cure that tine oferlici. it lord effected in hi. ea•e —I hila. Sat. Post .I_TFor sale of Prttsburgb at the FI:KEN 'FEA STONE.I2 Fourth at, and alu al thy I.ruir lore I' Schwartz, Enderul at. Allegheny On, Worms! Worms' Wol M=== Meesr• I &Jail & CO. Tbt• .. o.erbl. that ch;,l or 111111 e was ollbctetl le .11 VI 01,, I pn.eured werlous . knots or V..ttu•rue. bent .t,.•etetl thn], but arab no Kart I then purchased of De plc Lone's celebrutra Verouroae. nod on, ,vunz n doses. tor child Jar Patera about etquart ol large Worms` The health ol tee enact ..11; r“ved itunterb tely I would recommend Dr Alelann , • V •rowegeilo the public. as one or the most sale nod • thalami retale• tly tor worn.. no. en use. J 11 curcrit Sold wholesale and retail 1,11 KIDD 4. CO. I oroer wood & (numb st• men DR TM% h:SENs. ,. . conitnothit Lson, at SARsA PARILLA Wonder stil ••s , tto of the ' I hi. Extrise o 0 put tp in quart I oohs • .1j tunes cheaper pleasanter, and warrantod sup,mr to st) told. I 01.10011 N.lOOlll Vololll.llj, purgstig, , clventtig, or delnlttanag the patient. The great twenty and sopenotitr of I b saniap,rill• over all whet' remedies is, eel:deft eradicates &or., It Invigorates the botlY. It ts used ranee... 44 in the resnoval and permanent n u from an impure state of the bloosl. or habit of m r . out far Imitat ions !—Ut principled person , hove enpird our labels. and put by rnesimio mike thin • qp • pad onttles Per that each bottle ha steh wr.tten sielm 11100 of 8 P Townsend. For talc R E SELLERS, [sole agent for A Ile_phony enenty,l Wrmd wee?, between Thtrrl and Fourth Hs. mal l - VININti a - 6131~ Monthly from Nu nraena. Igc suitebi• for eiz,; a , , , t la ,. o r e , fup o lei;: , d;n .r . a3tca s t i i . n n ot c n h t , il4r e red more, WICKEItSIIA Incti/Stf . No 13V, cot wood and 6th ant TRANSPORTATION LINES, - INDEPENRENT PORTA.EILEI BOAT LINE. aveitw 1 7 .. mu lbt, TNA NSI•Ott rA I'ION PROPI:CE AND ME.ltell 'lO t) i•lt 111.11611. Pz lII.A DELPHI.% .N 6 BAuriAmity.. oho,. Tr•lL.l,Tinra, rottstnrit to our rste o•t;I 1,,c - ,u0...! ot•ti nut ttrito .01 Ike lowe•I ut trot ra.e. ot tratt.intrtl, tool oottro. ptcutitt,, trrr• loom atty . rtotrgr for. Lorne •or rtnion •s, or mititly C Mo. NULTI . A Co l'ttlateuritt Ilason, a very la , ge and r/al on. wao.lo,o' • wo are ppreparedromve 1... ao ationdoool alilpinent) a large 0111.011111 . lilt love rAtea PICKVI7OKTIII t. COO LINK.. 1 IZWii 1 S 17. fl; X e1.1,1V for thetrootioto Ntr% Cr 1.e.0 ern riottort, .olato job,• too,. liortalut•lattet. ll AO: l'etor.tatr4h... tretrnrtha, matt. (roe o t!:ent ate wart - hoaae %le to ,t Co Poi-bort:la too tloy [..trooa ow. it, • tlt or, art aro,. qt.:or tro oovtag thea tr• 0ut..,1 ....bow delay alta to tali rat... 11. • taste wag ior two mettle epet ott lc collo:to • rti larttne:t. efol ttot proparotr• Ir• .bare or patronage. Pettpt aloe, ' • •• Jr rill MILL! ' 140:0:I: \ tt C . A \lc AN I LI 1 . 11.1 Z AN 01(111 I ,N • I. a LIA till Mill LAKE ERIE AND 5111111U . 15 LINE. ,•-••••• Lr. , , • • • ru”Ning I•clart Vll Itrukl'. Irrrse .r.reart, ~ . trro, ...kit.. ra r r.rlrt prt p•r• r ! , urxra trp pia.rr Nrtyrcuircrtr ilr r rZle a... 1 Ira.. air ell maul Irrv.r rhe lir,er Canal wrirl II ::.ens . • •r:, •t: r Irr orrryt r ,rirg rre.gat assrl ••rtyr• rrrotrorle r r dr,..rrr tlr.. rrr rand reqreciful) A rorr trreit . fr r r rrdr, h- purr ire grurrra:ry NI HEED Prtri,,,tr HELD, It. i. Mitre, Crock, CO T Nt-A Vot, ,0 i.e.., Ittar,,,, N C.1.1.'10,:-.1,1 A Ortrtt lit,. I . .lttet.Chatn, ItttArrr• Powermot.t - tt tit. %kr Ilettnt lulu; Me Stat.. littilltt , ottqt, A lick.. - Crts tt 1-'1 1.11,103. Mat • A. It: imlt C Nltt Att, It 11' l'tittutit,t,.., • RELLAEGE PORTABLE BOXT LEVI. 1847 t r-- Full I it,,..svoßnm. EEN plrr,Bi•ll/ill I\UTIIEE\'J ENS ulprovt thettu,l 4urd 'le :.g 11 Eatat.hthed I.:ne :10W •fl we:l lsouu out .1... t quem u trnuercuotu 1unl• ere um tru. heti uh the Km, the, .1i italuthienettl of 'no. Boas nte of 1,10 drsught and perform r a rise ray to seven as, nnoy or nor Warehon6. s ensl•it, 14 any rons,unintou. tna•le Rece.N.ns.ourar. .41 advane• Ilse o( rlotrges (ay prepay ed to mar s nlen of Produce, :vs re,entiolly novo consvents .ve•lern .ur. Baca. Lard Ila, orl n Wool, Feathers, and 01:1, amele4 for ale, ou winch Lberal ad vanes. ss.:l I.n made and other usual 1.1,111,0 .Corded, pl,o!golg,our. that ally v01t...t0 . ill.. and novo term., I, uo, other how. J NO Mc FADDEN h. lit Co. ioar.l3 M I/AVI.,,!‘ Co 1:19 and 231 Mniket st, l'h.:nola J. Dti DICKEY, • ACCOSIIIISSION MERCHANT, E,4 Beam. Pant and Britiget;Taer, ■IAT En OW NT,, PAL., Norte:or m,d Avn, ..1 .cioners u; a ;i 2 LAKE ERIE AND 'MICEDOAN. fI•ILV BETWEEN' ernerunuit •NII BEAVER. W ll.l:lierßrpared on carlicui op,inzgoi :aleca thanon ,cr:ve mi hoe whom loom or warchnuue, for all pomp, on p air Ertru• C,.• upperend Oom Cmaalc, 6.1 le: prod uc e 1.1:t lAlkrut.••Al.o r0rA . ..‘ , 1 prod. Sr: ,10,1 Improvements A pp:y II( 14.1.1rukuo. l2'0: , 1-0t( JAS r::(1;1 - 1 u-r PITTSBURGH & dLE VP LAND lAN k. 1846. II (nark, II Poop.. T h Vlllllllll4 CLARKE & CO., ForwArding & Commission Merchant., 'IPA VER. PA 7 3 , 11 F: Apo. 1.111 Prooranor. of Low (o, gbly k.0,,v 0 0 ,to. poblof po.paro,l tln. eerleeft opetong of runnylot,. io r-, , t pro, eriy ni l'inaborgli tool Beaver, 11/lii .Ino al tn) room on I/100 lola, and ton 1.110-.• and Mtclogno, with the greateft and rattn 'Fhe propNelors of IS Inr 1.0 , tt,•• their forrnr, rugtotorrp watt confitl,lnc.k.l“ve t t., !lot, fer.ll , llr, are ek.t.o3lii Apply m or atd.lrr“ M ilmtrox Agt.l . ..o.orgt. a CLARKE Zr. Ikavec.! jarn2 , l T :7! •—.1..11,1 TO TI PUEILIC. . - . 1 , 111.: 14.1 1 /nin, ) , .vac nnlae J. ,b,. Company wrinlll. of Co• parinvrrbtp uncle, Ihr 11.1111t1 of the and :,ke,ata., agrnT,l tr 1,1111., Slacka. 1/, ans.. 11 number of lioat• tln, inerpo.n thinuga in Irma six In erant, —and kale ncuarog•al by the I,l,..rnitly ay la., year'. pazrna-- age, m make wore catnap,r arrangement. n 1111. suanc year. gee would ther.fore re.pcpthElly go] cnitt.op unce or our fume, potroo•.unil rctv r all lIV w Lc, those we b•vo done buoirer•• for. asaim 1847. 110•T3IA7S. For Ow Ininrportalum of •LI. RuNira or' Gl rtttl:ltAO UISR , TO Art 0 111.1 1 . 1111-11INLVIII, BA LTlSinkt, Nnv Volt. am, 1101101 SAMUEL' %V itiIITNI ANA Co, strret atod Cnnal A I. “nitlin UT A Co, Thq ket atreci. ELDER, cal..m . ros & Co. Agrnt... PITTSIICRGII—Jas. McCully. Geo. Marian .\. Co . W McCony &ra II A Sluelpftoo & ra. M k e , A 0., PIIII.A Morrk. rutter.on A He ymi 0 • McPutland & Co. 1111 l og I. Iloroy. Peler Wrzg. A Non, 1 Ilisphom,Joscoll Gnu.. NEW YORK—Goodloyo k. Co. Theo I; etry & 110.9 TON—Recd. Gold & Co CINCINNATI—Adams & Crenel, W W Srartmr `ll% PLEAS.% NT. VA—P A Much., NASA VII.LE—F Fleming merchandise from New Yo,i nod &won, consigned to A I. ( .hor k Co. Philadelphia. will be orompily folwardedires of totinockion. f. LEECH at.:CO'S Package Express to Philadeli bin. allMPlLXv i c E Frit: ' wlfert7an n E4 ' n tor ibe convey•nce oNahlahle package , . of merchandise, wrec, ohank •nntr, jrwelry, , corn. u l r moored running on Thor - Way. March th. An lawrrhttcror,lll.edop.of . hrif y th , Or Ebel c•naling oca.n me t a l' to D Co Cu, Nan el and Clar•l TRANSPORTATION LINES. • HEAVE:IIe ,••,„, mite owl ntaintir BEA VEIL, c.l CI. nr , s 1104104 C 1 1 ,101,1” h. r win. dui. leaving lin. A . .24r Fe, tit nil r n cannerti,n - nir C.ese,.n.d lane of C,ad nal Pm. ea ion (I . len and ClEvennini t •... dully in New Cm, le I iai.rlr , Er 2 I . Eine 1 11111 inn rel,. 1.1111.• 01 Yrrg:ll .rt.cai nrciiiinin Bruner, limn 1., . I. 11 .IA1: El, C., It NI. t Itrav,r 13N5 =OE rI.•!•.tqI.WANI% PI:N 11611 ND I:IA.:VELA:SI/ EN PAH V:` , II Po Cluvcltat.l,l/ ) It II PA UK'S Pa Prieltr , t». tV NI ATTPII. P:llol.ttrgil. Pa j • i• Linepritituit d .1 I•titi.cligris troni and Clryri load, trait p.m ail Ilet Venn) N iFfil itiptnitittil 1.1 xi, 1,1 tiustakr. liottiti c t tit 11,. 1.1 4. (1) 11 3111K mpiitiiii• U. Alt ave• Anti Clcivrtla .h, it rain ib nit., it lull N nmet- ItioNtrrri 11. Aver. I.t itr fititl cm.• PrrlF, R• at, utl I.liitr.a Fr it. I itattii. 011M1:11 any NM of thenion with E S l'A It N, Co,• RE PARKS N Ilettiver. IV T AlI . rituvilitiitlil -• SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS. al, SI " 4ir*Ullti• 111 OVNSVII.I,IF: AND CINIIIEIILANO TO ILO TIMOItl: AND I.IIILADELPIOA 'nw lo Bo l000rn• • • • • • ~ boo., Tim ,. to 1.11. •Jn 11 71 Singing.) - rr running 41,1111 ea, Cutp.l I . writ will Irar•• ..t • Ilia %• half iw,r, by IlllZ tole illl/i11111... I,llut fur the aet.lphut Mult Vet..., or t: Ho al rt. vet., Ituat .!! Ira., u at• 1 u'r heel. t to.upt vv 1,••• Iwatoll, .41 consi.rtablr .341 tr,. .I , Kt • irwrn.l7, 1,0 o'clo,, crto•• ”.114 •top an.l..!gr r•... Thu. dtiir rl,lll ulloxrther roure a. atap1e..,...1 hr 0 10.0100 r 010,,,, '4OO thoo/10.11110000• nr I. Ire ‘Oll 11 lrrooto r• ract .1.11 011 Vit. rotor tool rr•tart , thole 110' rtr S. , 1101: , 0[11 Itot t .vver 1 , 3;1.1110, :111i 111 Intletpltor Coulter. for r, 1.1 otret.••• tro, ri• tio rts l'lturro• J TO CUEVEL ANS) • la. ‘V.I.II4IIZN. Ztg — dotti' 1847. Timm I) M . KI.T 11n . r.'33t my 3,1 tptt 1r.,..1tr3 rr ut I r Stilt ittr t 11 1 . 1 ,7, Ott 33”34.,, 1,3' ntteu 1,1,131te, .L 34 IV3trrn 33'1011N.. o 11L t 1 it•OVV it .',l' atrit itcrra•trr nod att., .tt • iM=I=EME 1.1.F11‘.4. 1 vC1.1. I(C./".1 1 . Co. 1 , 0 , 0 r. Arr.. JII'IN A CA 1.1.111" m., WA, :4111..ilfir id .1 Ilotto , I'LoO•orti, • PITTSULTIUDI AND GREENVILLE: IS -17. kr.r AND I ILVD.DT 11,1: ' ' I Jai~ • !we., t.0p0,.,. I.t. rer alt , t at the le,o CHAU: FRAILE.T., N..1 , ,,H.1.AND I 111 NI. l' ~A 1 I• A [ILI \III r, . XV IL NI 11.1 111 - .11 . • ,Alll,- l• I n. p. t r u,.eSra eurszEnis rolurA ULF: 11 , ..AT LINE. L . 1 1 ,Q - 4 IS 47, 4040. 1,4 /1•1 , /1,17../V AL/ NIF iil /I 1 , 11i,E 1.. iil/ rirEE Yuri. nod Et....10a. .r • ^ >I., I,llllb, I id ;I 11111111111=1 rt o do t , , o tool 11, rot. r Men' tan, urtr ,11,1 I"' 41V Ir., W 11.1 1.,(:1,1', .; I li .1. 41:1.1.A • .141 Pfslll,:elph.. ;p•nt 14°,06 ltal;Ino, I=l IS-1(i AND 18 17 1U THE E. 1,51 HI lIONUNG.IIIELA lan TV., VIA ND nni r.. wpriiiintnin in sit,. r-. ~ .1.,11:111 \llliF. l l' , u.; Irn l ml,l ` . iShi TO 'IIIE EAST UV Lt.tI.TIMORE ANS) 01111/ 12 AI I. 0 All. rl,. Tint 14 thr Itt;trtitgati;• • , .titto r B tO, ~ ~ tying Itr•t•t'` • - A•itt••. Ildettri Ituut-r, ',tad. Lard Vort. I%We,, el.. per loop,. 'l'nl llor r,,,, te..d c;•• pc t 100 11 . , t'Itt••••••••• I : ;:tx•St,tl. I att•l 4• —l,. rt.; pt-r IU II;• S,•;lt SN .01-110 crt; per Itkt It.. Fur, t•;ll.ctig. add ',AI, 1:;;;;; cs• 1;••r Itt. Ai; prttprt, ettmt,n;•;; .•;;I,r:;,• ;he tip& r•;gtta..l ;Iwo. 1;•; at tr, air 1 . .; ttni..t• o;t. 111 atioter r;;; - • II 1 , . Itreran.v;ll. • • !lAN NA A- A rt.:lu,', N. l'ai,wrgh. Flll - 111,11,11S anti 'Arno ~ 1.00, ng onv. Ilr.rk. 1 . '0,1 . 1,1..001011, 0,, 'NM 1e1,4,011 . nod tntermr,... Inn.l.sig.. ran Insar aFraaa. ruin •. ou al, a• I Itlve a I:auE analg tegularl, liciwtra .1 6.1 ia ,teaarnv.ll, GEE II MILTENIIK111:1-.1i, ;...o I Agrar, y. Waler El= , rm.:Swat:l4o.lllHr Fs rc 11, n I rein d h ruTs :he r Nio " non ' , " :l7. 7 l7.ltr ' l 0, La Mir niVt d•hr.• <J nn r tr..,111 1111•1 nr for tosvms. 41, wt.] 11, pct., A u ra •Y , n•te , -; ticr I att.,. orotaatrr tra iattr.r. tot ustr or more ytan r• nt) at :Voris::,m, ao it wait of ri t 4) 0131,1,10./let• Is:. 1.4 y ,ttfaar Gtatattittlyantaer) I ran rural,. thr taar•rtri tart.. r cm sr.,. or vlsortrit. ea.) to, boat 11 INIall • tit rata ro lia)t . art Itaar tiara, laatt,•. 11,Ir tttial .o o coal lattliotrot. •t/teritt tiatr. wall 6,1,0. ha {ll/1, mart. tot fut. otterataottal At. raYartnintrtiort 110414:W11,1 tia Pct.°, alarptotiat tat / , ,tII 111,. ttattitaartatr to tott) at, the ao), pat aariut., Matt t:, tr.+ t . my lttlita• taa 1 . • II 0 i• •1/r:^l. at nr ui Ihrtaiin.lttittr Mal o:g.,nrl,ti.l). atra, 1 • 11 t, rI 11.111:11 THE By 11.: , . I'll VER , IIII I.E.- A •.:1. 11•.. It: r.g S 1'.1.10r or I.lberty •I NI I: Chatcl, l'ttt.ltt,it M., •• I -.I: Mr. It Set... It Itom ../Itt, or clot,. u• rt. il tt• I ,llk vrr•et Ir e.t.orv. tont I bear v•t 1,4 4.1. ettot•G it 0 .1. tlitre Iv toy 01.1 111 . XI rOU nild ,ttltt...t. 1611, ILA I,r, 111,1 3 1 . 1,t1•11/1,.1.•, 1111/11i,t, 1.1)1 LIP• 1 t 1 , n, lvt v•• wcl', I,qt [O. 16 , 1.!;i1 n Flool the Ile,. It: Itultettelt; of Litt: , IttOtottyt Epttro Nit, It I. rt.. It If .I`.lll grent it!tt,t•ttre I %you .1 .11.111 I .IIU 111 ote gotta ed.,u product,: on t• to of tottr t , tret• ot our ,u 11)' ettleltr.stet: Vetto to, A:tel iet eottytt , ,oll, 11,1 V, 11110 1111., .11,1, 1.:11.11• 1,1...11111 1 1 / 1 11 11 , 1111 . 1V41 . 11.11.1.. /1111111er 11,111 Oh • 1 tott• Itet ernetal Itentth Imt• been 1111111t11. rd. SE itlllCovil 1 . 10311 kr Hoe ntorirt t'ottl. et of the Mellott,' Ft. Pat-burgh. 1/..rwz:l.r.r I i NII I: I. I:^ I wrt: 1/.1011t:, 11,0/11111, 11l 1 . 111 . , Oil 1.11r1 ,- ,• i t Vtotlll% ript.lled I tin not It :tow Iwt it Wilo Isiree now tn h . ., 01 th.(l k mud It, Ile 1111 y rutifidwl ..1 ,a1:11 Venn foge h:,. twver boot I,llOirm. Co.l 1111) 11,1:1111,, 11:1,11 WPflllll ocionl4 ra,,e,J, onto,. e tr m preo.rener to whet.: prr, in 111111 •old - ty U. E. lo , ween ror o.' 110 on Wood we, l'or en•- e •./. l'Oth Wnrd I COACH MAKING. !glom th,very iib. oxl ..nrouroge • - ment the subserti, 611, rer0,0,.0 Khe hum 10001011 - him•elf to tleglootl. VA.ollto Imo induced hart to tuke len,. for 1, term of yew, on the properly he now oeruple, In Beaver orevt. itotroltuttly Prr.hytertan Church. Prom the longs xpero,ree h1101,,1.1,11111. n &PUP la ple4,, hr. hope to no.l it end 'receive u nlmre or public poironnge. • Now o n hand nod firoslona to ord., Rockaway INS . • opro anti top Happen. nod rvrry dr , er.olo. or Carrtagr, mode no onkr, from %evenly five . : donor. io veto Honour JOIIN s”rTsi '1 , 114, MAGIC MILANI VirIICIAI.- For rt..... 1 vs /1g Cleave nlrot., Sturm/nor Marks from Clomr.. Woolk us. Carp..., he . he.. nodthe spot, wherr. , t ig applied virtsr, bright, vow. orol . tut , d.rertion• :23 rye.. f 17.11.14: by W JAi'l , :••,IN.,/ 1.:b..1., n•„ Woolf. ai Lt, and ..pu 0 , On Uq 0) CO'FION . . .›Arsau 5 ' SARSAPARILLA: For t, r, a.ocal Ind ; core ot all Orrears ....•me frem a51N.9.110. +.6le of the blood Sco;/... E.Nr , .I;rs:.. r 55mn , ..... Ge,tinate Cutaneous o.+/10.00, f itercia a , tuatuir4 on Me Fare. fitenclirs, Frt., I ......,,, R , ,t 1; , ..-u . linsullronn or Toner, Scald Ifia , Entore , m, nt nr;d pain d . At Eon. and Joints .Or Ufre,,, Sypoir:iiir sgerVomr. 3"e fearer or bun- Ntea nnd Ma< tus art , Rao from.. "Vuthda. u.•../ . .11,,,, ,I.cil, or'Dropay, ?—naure or Imprudence in La.. ,t, eirrenr) Cont,itunlmol Insonles. I 1E; :AL,' lunturri• hasteen a.tended w. late I 1 Ilap,• 0.. many at otualour arfeCnOttai bts I; .1.- , h,..tly, ;mended to till the void whrch carom between I ~ttoone end aprr;rot rned.eme-t berice• Int WIN:la op- . lila! til KO oltertatve ;laced) —indirectly, pro i ri.d 1. rue r.., ~ ...t.t 11, ..- ..., the t , .'pr mordla Root, in rm.., nu (bonito. tr. of an Harbor Morph ~.- ot It, 1.10 It A all 11001... , I,oaL tact, 01 . 41 a a , 1 -000. I, ..L4O-1 1 tult; ne nr 3101 done codtaina all lh, in,roott value or 11 three qa.tuty or: the crude •rt,-•nnet.... brace the .ape now) oft otre pteparanona 101 .1 ,rni , ,l tbt•tre 10 think n'ealron mixture wLet, hair port rotnee the puma medternal value. The Ser.itpar , lo eat Ill' ;I; lut,l when taken agreeable 0 li, d,remoon.. 1111 made to mad the tate of Me pa tient. , p,,,, n ag,,„..,, , ernficany oddreawd to the Agents at Cuo,eo. turoi-in... coneluelve proof 0 1 / 4 ,1t0 gretdvalue ot co.r• Or re v, Sop, _ C Lnctuo, iii.. 0 1. 1:.1616. 31..r.r , ,tehl,tll, , f, tired—GelllC In 000 y, 1t45,1 o h. 1110:00 01 Wu .lore a bottle of Fonda Sorsaparilla,and u 00 dot unlined !Grey bed. withou. aterp . tor a week, ~I by v,nlent pa.o Irom a recul "'lever Potent lone, on my r.chr iee 31y phyoiciana darned 0.0 to imve Me I nob noninnatrd,!ayrna it was the only 0 „,.. 1,1,:y to ,ve my 1110; Alter axing half the boll, 1110 1 . .., i.r . cilk 11, +ll.l,ll.lJ++, and by the Moe I hod-- 1., , 1 (1, 1 1., 11.1 r, i,01 , k1. I was able. Ire:tact sny rep. aka lin • 111•+ .111.1 1...f0rc I hod GniPhed the fourth hot .. I ....,, ... a , ell and round na COCCI had been. 1 hove te1a...,,,.... , 1 ~,,,,, 1110 11,01 Sand'a Sarosparrlla wad. ~,,..... 0,..0., Prov.orace. et - saving my limb and 1 coum n ; en, i.,e. I ~,, .1 cheerfully recommend it av , h.- 10 , 1 rt....C.; ...kid fur the pool - motion of the, blood 0111, nu, “.110.011 . 111iy, . . JA3I 1. - -... t 31 I 1.1. ER . i Th , 'Wow. eert,fient i. only another liW In the A 11/SUIVE & PEI:MA:SENT 1;17111: 1 , 011 , .`'- ' , .g, ..,„,,,,„„,„, 4(.10 l Iota; or 11 I mon, 111114 I'3IATISTI ',1.,. Iluilox Canada P.April 13, 11411. .\ ND Al.l. N1:11VOUS COM 11.A1NV. 4 I . ;-,,...,.., s.,,,,l.—tieotlemen; Eargaml as we are to ''''' 1,, 'th oo o , the o ^°*oa mos net be o e ;Moot' , ! Ill^ om ~, Lx , .1.....r..r. and ..o rrequerttly dimppointml ~ do .1 ',lin. ar, anl, :,,,,;rocto.,l ' • . proco‘nt fellleni,ell.ire rancor but look on the effort. 1,, nor rh. 1it..00. per 1 1.1 idai ,11-1,1.,11,1[1 0 Wllil 1111,C$1 and gratitude. I„ nn1k...1 to ...I the 111. , ,,, , 0.11,, 1 Tn. , o. nu e re,p , cting ) on, ‘aluable o, on of 31can. 01,.11, tho' ',rept, al, by I 1 5 0v.;11 .1... ;;;,',l 1 ,r,aper,lla. I have het n.everely atllleted tor Mt years T;; ollrv.ror dr" :1;.,;( humnn k ud " ~:rt r, d.s..a,e nonut w 11 , c1r ..dector'e do.aeree,” and 11 It i'l 1 111:OM'S 1 1 .11.1'.1 \l , ' It; Nt,, , .1:, It M .W. ~,,„ p r,...„,.,,,, ~,, ,ffil ~0,,, ,j,,,, 1 ttied at. Mill , I , I.1:1 I, r en. r , th, .1.'4 hut found no rebel m,llll commenced l 'n IS r ''''''''''''' . '"'"'“ '' ll. ``' l.l., '..• ", r•v"'' O . ' ! 0•,,, ).. or ,skirl nartneinc, Cl libel, Moo 1 was un, v....A t ;Tomb.; mt o. :1... mmlitni! linifi—inli ul • ,1,,,,, ~,,11000i11.,10) hod A nor usne it a few months. 14 ° . •n•0"0tP ,. " "," "'''' , Y oco oPIOo o:-... 01 I 4111110 W :41,1,10 W.Il II rilw+ut rvleou , ..lool ++o;oy ix eon, i. 1,010011. I, ll remodorl ;Moo , . b Y mem , . 0 1 0-I .' I. “” hntul.. , tic,,,, r a 1,00:111. .01,061 uttri lime entirely to ordom r) un,V 11l e 1,,,m.r.r.. P.reut. ; •; no,: 31 aeo..t., ;... 11,. ~,.. ~, ~.,„,;.. ~,,,..„,,,,,, 1.4 ~,,.. 4,,, pr drys o. t too—. 1... ~,n, untruly iliiiin-mrd ..t.lll, 0101 iii. 111)01. .„,.,., , , ~,,, ,y,1,. ~,,, n og,,,d pow., of lial‘niii•lii i.iiiimit x dlioul :di, M tiii. 11.111:ii -NI NOR lIIS 04,1001 Whlr i. are,.....; tr.., Me gimerut mod, , 11l .., ~,,,mi .;i1 rind minted NI.OOI Ii e shove rude ; 1 ow , r tro" 'the .trong , 100 . . , mot • iriNiiiill iiiii , i , ! , ` 0.001, I her,' "-rid, Mot the some ~ true. 'an wh,elr 0r,,,, o.oom 0, 0001:.1 1., 1,10 •1:01/0.0+. Iol+ • ItEV. T 1 31 Ell 11131 AN .._ STAR COTTON MILL I Orttl.4o-,A ite t ,t.rt- t.'t, j, ri r pro; I tctort• u 1 •itt e u t• o t t r • / Intl) .nloont tnr• At .trt• ttt•ry t t. fill opernuoto I inVlrl,ll,lo, nAthr nrl, /Cc, t• (brie. Matrattt, r ... e.. bed La if ) rnr.. trt t h e p rn .r. t t:.rtrotte• ot A t.rt,ltttrq C. t thy .aid tnionn Merchant* and !trnter'. in cern t•t• 1114 they- . will alwapr Lavc un nand rrot. t• • ✓ rne .Itt Nor .11atungtt. , Warl`... nt , itt •••t tt• of rupmor mak.: Volt tr'l 1.1 h N Is ut *h. Mtl o nt t•,.. • . Cs) ~• tr. t .t ; tnie Jr .1 idmeter:ol3m EAGLE COTTON WORKS. P ITT MB V IL all. MAN eirrroN YARN . Untiing, Twine. Cover). • AltN. r•A Reel" CHAIN. %VA .• • Be.. PENNOCIi 3. en (Srtecesnorr.nt A Ittucl. rr n At'ery ) • 1. rt 2 Prnprtrtne. PENN COTTON MILL. rrIF emrlVdrhatertt Irr•ti•it ••ut , '" , "' olirrUta.FlW V• ., ) )• • urttr C. DI kte3vy welt adel.,l to the vt-tu.) .ttle. winch nte I runty mat ounltty Inallnrn r set I,tt •tur•no. tn the enuntry. rele.•.na Itt Itn•t•t , J toxnet nI•011 hi, wit kh" \ MEDICAL r _ ".1%&• - - ' A 4- th...l. , tworrba•te r o orr t ad ' .. l' atr '' lo", '" '" rshittr a 'I hrr:s t otts —lite follow., 11 on extrace '' ti" ''' ff Y ' r hr rr ".. , " at, ' , h . . ". ” •• W • • , ) ‘,..•.• ..' .... I . I :rum a !cot, rt.rtret t etd from -Rev. NV anal Galas* I„ ei that 11,.• thew ept'eralq. , l N . . 1. prop,. .rd. vat, r h 01. i . liultssalag. VA.Oct t ff.:, 1ff1.5. ""' "''' a. ' her - e , '""o'"r• har her " t • ' - "ch ttf• t ~' tt ,thsts, I hr se ne, 'alb clad with a re t vere present •oeit rel p, tit,' 0.1 1 .1.• G../1,10( flint, . 1••• It, I, • •:•• .• ,[1.•01Ird by te altretc-ret beer. for the I 1‘111.1.•••• 01 IIK• 1/ 1 0..1 C2l • II- V. :•1/, " ' ~ t Newt t axis . sad - c:or tet Ata, what lasiguage eti. es. and :ie et .e,tj . Fll.lttl ~..111,14 lire otos , trip ...I . 1•,11111, 4 teevvy, hut s.ticc taking t j cur A"arsapar.ll, l c q rtaitt tt eteettotplwlt.3, elec elea.rrel ea., . lave ' hero crew:, tette:Pe/1,0 much sr that I hove been rhe Galreao'cßeogt useat ..i ea.:at et tete tc..le the ifacr ' able to a' wild to my hostiles, and preach OCCllsll,llally net, Fluid. alt . COIIII. , 1111) re•taenuer,tooled ire off dim-- ! (ostler Iti..t bets , . enontles. I wholly diseAreled all other '1 : ^ r' '' ".4 ' rri t` r Pao" 00 rO./tr' , o l 0 , Ittthroo,Y Bart 0/ ,' 1111•11.1,14`. and thoroughly tried the Sarsupartlla, watch '' ' A "r"ra"" " I 6.1, 9 ,1,0 . a a ' 'lor`a tr a '"l'l tro 'l t "rt. I I can tertununt ml ea It LIIII ettal.sinecroy to all those who _amt.', the. too, cu,e,teti owl ca.cart'ut I, u,....e we aIC :I,• ill an) wag, afflicted watt nevi speetes of scrOfulnus -L ''' .4.L. ' '..., . 1.•. ' • '••• •L n l. ” ' , ari a ." " '", '•'''' •''''• ' en.nrill .lIIP. Titers have Item - some tesnatkOle:e cures I "" e "u r,--- o dataat r aa ^ " , or ' ll, Ntr, ''' ". ',. ' l," : eine - wit lit, els use ,!h:•s steinity. MIA. I. Shaw, by nerd., `,,' " 'h et "' r r . ' - e s ~", oda , • o no , ' a' hnaire , Pic etre uf six leut.lcn. was remote d to lecetcr health thou 0 0 ..0 ailed tt ••••" .K. ttt wa- e 0.0 , 1 b."' t ,., " b." , she 1111'11,4e, eturt}ed for ten yenrs, and Airs. 50. ttr. :I unlade,., i...j., c...,. IF, be., ,/i and ~ ' .." crti., r , ,ts, 0 Ito had beet, severely alltlicled WA the Erysip. sod jut, ,out, urphentit ie ete (::elv.tet nen. •-or, a at .111.,1) . cured Ity then, of a few battles. 'toe ttitir tier It og• have been used wtili eel' r• rue- C 0,,.. truly. %VAL GALUS/lA. aJ, a r-tr'• "' I, .‘ca.a ," at a r-lr o' r ',"•"''• "I' 1• • or i Littler, pa roach.. nod conclusive evolenee of tt._ pis tee to eke head tar a or cut,. (Aunt Ta-lkdareuf.. aunerroe atclor tend efficacy. sec pamphlets, which may 7latoorh. Broaraeres. Vnltga, Ars - rout or She Iltadada, • he chlhoted of Agents gratt.e, t bortirttearr. rtw. , , , ... Pub, Elta , T, , P .,, ' e'""tl , i reit:tree nod st. d lc., . . D Sandt.Druggienst Ina Po , ettattr OeS ~le ritort , 410Stst - s• • t'4 , ll , ww el AA. , I ' llitOtl •I. •collie, of W illiatn, :Saw York. 5p,,,,,, eon, bow,. I.sonAtzeto. Nee...a:aro. .11 - errus 7'..- Soh: ulro by I. IVII.CA.X. Jr. Pittsburgh; 11. lint er.", Li. V lic , , ol lientl. 1 wt. en the Chess nail 5/1r `t I'„d. MoverWro. %Vincent. New Case!, It. N. Rob-. titsres/ isSillty:llVietettryq .V.crote...,ur i.t.Ji,,a En. ta.on lirowtk .vtile; ' A ltmtgle. Witabingion: tend by es yst a 'id off N Et: VL 011 O, l'l s let . './iS la cases ... , Drugg tn i\ ,sta go e4Jhroogleout elo United Slates. I ~..", l e : . • I" l' • .1 15 h c" • r • •oel . Y a 't . ra ,t o • de !rt.,: *I pc bottle—six hottics for 55. 01. hr , :.p . -t v. organs, 'h. J ttaS, eet.' oau" , 'I he jechtle ale respectfully rcquastral to remember, et e"s"Y r at''' . s r '' , Eh , ' ca'.....i'ar , eff co' al oh dent a.s A r and'. ff.trsuparella that aes eouriantly echo . , ' hy `Y r, '" b e w.t.i t ' rse d in he he'..'tt o 0, .. ar 0 :no such reinask able corer of the most dacull elne• of aar.taro i t t et. a." , r h•I .•• Pr• • • • • • • ,,,, ,, ~ .., ” 1• • •'• • •. U. , ) diact -es in winch the In:tante frame es subject; there at.. squall, r..ennteceot t rtt The t ßittes ure ut dtire era' fore for Cnad's Sarsaparilla. and take no ocher. ___. P'•e• - , t... ng made ret an .1,, , . nod en Va/.1)11.1 woo , • tei,ote. pacertis, 11 0 ai r . .. 11 10. wfltll tey the mori . 1, h ,, ' SHERMAN'S OLOSAONIAN, retool , w•shoue ha sl Gls., .neonveliietiec.. In tar I. ASK TILE SUFFERER thc settsaheat .t nether .eCrecoh:, than oelterwt-e. /RUM . The Galvanic Bello, ltracelet, Band, ' .. ASTIIMA . t • un 1 .. . Elute),, Net:kind, ' .5,.• . ~. L. low rrherr,l In= iu such a short limo fru= his dil -1 . , mno , ~,....n a voro rnn,..... 'no I co on r • nirolty of borathing, Cough and rudlcalioe Ha •I+in,l Lie tho powor n. nilMm! hr t.. finlvtoor II :::g' . ,' a.:l hii I nn it was " th e Olosnian, or. AR , no! nam,rm m arre , o mo pn.n.,..• to 4.•onsc no , 1 limn!, Bak.," Ask the y cousumplire hon!th r 4:- ~,,,,ov,,i ..,d1a,,,,,. ,,i,.; has allayed his Coligh, romosed nme Galvan, rr 'h.. itruor.ols. ear ~nroly ion,. ilw ram in his Side .t 1 Clint, • . . . checked his toghtgl•sal.t,md tett 1 rt. r t oot I, , It:01. ttet!..ohl JIII L . 011., . ,.! ~I ,:, i , • placed the pox of health tiNo hi. cheek? and - he yrill tell you teat tIC 4 o.tti Itttr. SIIEILMAN'S OLOSAUNIAN. to .te ~., st to . too t to.ntelet ece. Ihe It.detoot jOlt Net nhtee • ..rt. h -e.l tt. to 1,. to , ' 0 ., It: ot. to , •tt - A1.1.-11F.ALING BALSAM. • "` uC.. ' "'" ' • ' Adt your (mod. if they lomw of anyhin; that will wares ;;;;', '-nee • I'4, and odiour Cuogh, Hatong of Blood, Ury • • 1"r• • ' rloto, Conrumpuou, Floameners, Indultam, and ' of tl'e l'hona, an the Oltmannima? mid they will tell Cha ktie's 3lngsaelic F 11.1.1 Then yrt I'm teen • remedy introduced to '• n•• d ;' , n;o;ert'ou o • u ;o" h•nn•'.; . 4 . • r 1t .,. V , hltt. lots beep modurtive of so much pod m .;"• n'od u;'ou • n • ''•;.. o. • ;' —.bort a Tare of time. Head the following Ant oulsh tug C ur:. .i; baker, 9' , il at los wise has Lreu etllie t,d rumens nr. ...-'' "'".".' ' "''''"'"-"'" I.' 'l' "°.'"' 1 . Itrf hoar lite best enrdical adv I, wleith New ur ra... sod '"'"'''' " "".. t .. ' , " '" :, L „ .' .. ' lt. ; l Booldsz. could „as induced to t r , t ra ltg ra rzt . re or... : ..• d-. o ..e. . 1 !!!!'j ...' J ^. .' . '.jjj, • . ... , .j., et . . sly hi, .. Loss early moll His do- glo roh.o Lured hi it. ":'"- ' "" ''' ' '''" - ' '' 4 '' ' 0 0 i ' " ' ier ...• . .. - r, ro od fie „me dot., toed 11, and was „thra hr. 1. ' '.- '" ''''''' '' '' ' ''' ''""'"' "' "' ' .. •SI .. „ ...„ so well that she is able to ei th , ' ' . . ' .1 ' t 4 em „ .rt4i„., aLtd atknilt. her UM4al &1.. ugh I. u ' d °°°.° ”.. ''°.'' ' . °° I '... 0 +.. ; . Ili. Lils ) without any suo.yaoce from her dater m 5 -. .ou , s l• 1.1 . . - trt t ltl”' ' ll ' il '''' ' . l ' l "".. ',.. .. it„,,, l e , a. 0 .., 1011. street, near the talhol l i n ~ ;. '"" j • -' j ''' '''' jj " " j ' jjj ' - " j. ''''''' " : • . J!it.t..t..r. r,,, 0,... r ..a at obtaining •b. 6 a rr moan "'• j j . j - "j . ' j j ' "": . ". j .., ~ , . . 1 . 1 ! Ine!ln y ram aoil reitatmleJ on , ri 6 6 _ I oj . , ow w eek. lie prorbaseJ a bottle . .. .od . ~ ... to! "0r...-os! r , L.', r' i.! '•'' '. j ' .., ' ! Iw Poor Jaya anerward I.c walked fro m e ha to reyd .a., , Z , T eu 0 .- f (jis;l - n " t ' le ". el ' l i i . at7i ' n ' i ' o, ""' S ' l . ; ', C3 . , ' g " iii . t ' 'n r in .- .': . I.) t. ! i fi i r , : .. ....l . l , ,o r u r t riii ra i a ili t... /.. a ii d ir a ii ii. r i o ia f a i,.... 1 1.. ri. 0 .i.„d ..... ii.i.i, . , ten, 1 ,a,aa Inc half of on< bottle, • L. Coetauisiot lon of the ng the ."."" "'''''''' ''''''''''" ''' " " , Mr. Cortrorr i lbi \Vb.. Wie eb i l.lll3 sL.l ? ar t 0.... Hi. l'e. "..' '' ' ' . '''''''' ''''''' ''''''. m."° "' ° " j° R "' ""j • j f Inemober last. that hew ar gli, up by istsphy•W thra. •Tb.:-: toni 11,e. •.7„11.. st!toj'il •'` J trona, ronsooneJ no hope of Itis re e orert, I.l . e i T u te 6. • "' °j " . '' ~ about the th e I.' ' " ' ' "" ''' " """ . I t.l.calth Mat he in ~, awe to m a 1 fWm H. Attree,Sarucaldartnan, :. :,!'''''"`" i " '..... "." '' '14 ‘ .4 I'4 " . " ' • . F. • and ~Ce l l'. Hap, ra, raa ail i,aaa . tami.or o fro r z :::,..:" '''''''' Aff'am"' '"'' ''' IV ' ''' ' " ' a ' " a, I the i n• „'wo expers....or ,h, i...ii s 1 .0p<,0. a , a 0.: 0 :,, ha. ,,,,, , 0- 0. , I" 'I"!!'!' C.l.r 'v..' ! itrraray no tomomptiou of the Luna.... bill"'"I' "I " s d se who bad been o iiv , !to. t i i , ,!! used w. /t rolol.ele `um •• . / Mr.. Trill...sea, 3's - 2 ?,..roe i, l els e nenvh, en - al, 01 ,lid gra, . ie..; idea twi n , tee l'ineas OW teen.:.-- , ....,,,,... 0 ,,. a groat knot 0 . m . 0 .:, v ayar.,, , , ,,,, ,d, .f.,, ,, , It, NI, ass 00/1 0, litzl.l) reroowl , "'''l J'" ...., . ra......1,1.141i11e. of blood, was h . :J . 6 ra. y.d..tra. ,fie wand: ~., oer . eoip ton , to „ b... .......• tiro e' ,,,, 1, e Olowoins, and deeLeres it the gm it .1.0 1 ra t ~e in, ..... ~,,, ~..,,,,. or ... o e„, , 1, ~ .ng ..'' •'i•j`". Maxie K 01.1.1., Lti Water street, 1.1.21 .. 1 1, ~d d , '"'"''".' ''''' '''''' L. " '" ' '.."",.' 111/: s.kana. to.mpLunt, although he . was hee e n erz rad en er th. raram of e .1 I,LI pII C 0,1•11,11 Orbs. , ~ .11,1••••,11, a Pra.v. olt . ! j ehnn , j „ j nnmenm, take n, hn „,, c Ai, h, ' ' ' 0 , 1 : t, , ,%,", ". „"„ . :"; . ::,,, r4 ,",,,.. '" , r ,'," g. "'” 4 , l ' , ' b0r.1)..... llornig the 'lt wtut„. ag . ''' ' ''''' '' . . .-.....,.'.. 2 . '.- , 'i „- ~.- , .t . : tv ' ''' ','. ' : rot • lli awl ono tery.much troubled with night swea ts,. - 0' lt:l '; ' ; ' :.''l:.." ' :: " ;.; "" ' °-'""'-'- - '''' ''''''', ' - 10a ' 11?. " ..f, tl.• rennrdy euabled him to ivtarn Co his duly ed. '''' '''''. " "". ''' ''''''!:r.;rl ‘.. ' "" H. ''''''r' N ''' O r. t/ li lai d 'oval, am W. Burnett " 0"" "' '"' '0'00" . ." " ' "'"' "''''''''' N. 4 x Li,,,. ....i. g .: I j .o r r o.I • now or/nos:rd. w letle or. ro . ,„„ ni , , N ,,,,,g , N. ~ „„,.). , j., j . no.. othre t00t... bale bean spre I - so "''' ""'' 'r.". ' !:'.''' ` '.:4ill; ''!47li' l ' i, t .... ' „ .1 11: ."' .;e.1 of the . „...e complai„ t by this reme4Y• ' lert ' •,olo.; rs it:coin:no. or: '‘'.°. ' - o ur Array of Natnes . Of e 0.111.11 1, 111 W 111 0, 01 ,• , . CA U 1 110,i. , „bid. elmla be produrrel of person. who hate ma t d:h ra ls ora irzt l''...''''• . r eme dy would more than all a column. AIM.. h D. -The e,,ul e , e'll'llY ..”" " w " of '''• ....leo • "°°. • ed to to A. Al, 8i1,b^"..r,111 . 0 Haeclai st— Ito. '''' ,Arm ' ht a''''''''' I''' i ' i n iZi ' : - .... - T , F s t;ic er d ' g r ,ri7... ' o ' ll Hoboken; Alri Bell oi'liorris town, N , . """. . I. ' ''''''''' '''''''' '''''''' "'" ••C.u. : ' B Duo, 101 pri des,,; , hlr„ bl'eafr,so Attorney b but on.. net hooted ogrotia earl! ety of ../. . ./ r Janie§ . ..,none, ..r, {tr. H. ...,..,,,,,,. V .. n ...„,,,,, ,„ ,•,,,,,,,,,,,, W , , 11...-. . .: F. Sleuth...lTh. _. __. 3 . t ra e ,.‘' . 4 " ' '. (I4:I I t'rIFICATES ar TENTIMONIAI.S. a.,, aaa mr. AuhidiJ, • wi i ll , lb , I,,, r`t .L'o , llmo 1'"•:' , ' , .. ,,,, r , ,,, o' ' i , ....),1 OI:ole>41 and retail by Win Jackson, at his Falco: : ,„, y ~,,,,,,, reg,r,i,o, il. ostraortboory' w.,i.0. 1 31ed , cioe Nt'arebotoe sod Boot and Shoe Sion, Noel/ Libra. 0J , .. , .....‘ ,4 . - ”E`1i... , ` ,,, , r , ~,, if ~. 1'" ,,, ..."'l th••• tx orett. 10-s.l of Wood short, rittaLugh Pi et el per bo , .., .1, coy or New VIII I Moue. upwar.. of Mlt., l' 1 el.. detl6-ly TIIOUSAN I) I'EILSONS dorm, a p..!.',..4 ! . year lia‘h bet, oilfired, - r0:0.v..t1 co the rule • • .0., c'll.ll, olrooraer, stone olmloch hove romple,:i, 1,... 11.-.1 ail lorLn.r odon• . i tned.ral ar, I soi:oul oo ~. y , mozgaszcatzmulzems MMMMEMI =l= EIZZIMM;===== Ch, ;ot I I lqn..• nr.,l mom buppy ,hy.vint Art.l itilert,cd.fn mcih, tru,b 11, et•••,11.,11- aml the effirne: h.' j ugr, y .11 P.aslturcl3 corner •Ith pm] riot AAD - UFFECITALIN and .p , eddy lard o , e 0 r -I thc Gm+, Hanel nl N4lll/1, AAIERICAN 111 li oloroor ortutotor, - n d act , I lotlantinuon, ••ta, srqurotly tr wnrralord 10 all ,x-r• Io Ira,: no .coal or *cur in thelll. S•Icl wholesale , a.' retail hy W5l J.ACIKSON . I .'l • GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY !bed and Shoe Store and Patent 51,hytne W I.Jberty gtr-et I. .t o" Wood, Potshareh For Coughs, Colds - , Asthiuu, and Consumption! .od.t TOP ersrAT cm, L fi nr.muity for rode. 'tin , I I lAollulrt. and M I Ill". le the . - .""-' r'n" " .."""'"" ''"' "'" • N II Al SAX OF dun °erred by the eek.. ()AIDA. . . . or HIS topoioted a een,.. heated Dr. - Durham of London. England. and introduced N It A Pamphlet ectitl.iucnc runol., '1.e..-- as th 11n111 , ,1111d add reg• o,* tb, ropriet, d la n t o h r u tel i, ll , ts , ::l under the Immediate supdrintebal. "' eon :• The eurannimary ILI/ mulleins, In the Gumltioc••• et o•r•?Ilfi••.....• . ..r . ..ecn 0 , . the 5 . .,,e curr of Pulmonary Inge:ties. warrants the American reb; 'nffiat Agent In go:kiting far treatment, the WORST POS. t •11011 \NI) ‘<'Nt)Flll.ol S SWELL CASES that ran be found In the community A 7 I \ in all Its in 9' the """'" tall, ••—"rdnnr the ""it Wiut°S' i INCc It heumattent, t :anger. th.e tsee ol the Skin f. U cure, the 510 ST nr,vnit OF CASP.S. It ig "n , nt‘Pli" l, n" ,l .`ne on quack ttttt trout, but a standard English medicine: of and the Slfilf, p.,t40n0,k, known and ,staldished efficacy. •r lest :n hoer n' 11,0 l ' a r a " la i a i n i n ce nt s , ` Try " V. 'o'o-' 1 - ‘ l, -"‘"• a : ranter:tit the enn ' t::;ruptive tendentlee of the climate, cal c.tu eff e c,e,i, hat ,t the prturtple up'. eut be - thoed St I,reventlve ;nadir'. In ell case. of ...Inch tun . ... .1, tg fet,lovt•Lt, cnr, r:oueltg. an d tng of Blood, Pain the Hide nuJ ttiu,t neeegstli flu nutter h lor to I Chest. Irritation and Soreness nfAire,ngs. the thgease should . mantle.l tt.tnl T5l, then., Ipr Ilrembleg, Beetle Fever, Night Sweats, is Cie rea,nt t b JtA s r north,::A 1.0 1 neat-Litt.. and senora! MOH., 'Milian., ! I, Cough, and Pony. snee,glO I in retn , ti.og so HI .i is ign., ut ,• df r,„,_ dn..... 'i"r . r . "r """' tiontsfos the rortonatton of Health. - "''' G" . " •''' "' , " l, ' ,o "Gg"'• l ') cottualnino toase of Ettglleh and Amer!. MI" :.11t1 .10 1;1at blood to run, d ! son serstkotes. and other evidence, Gaming Mentor to tlot Intoutest ren.oitng vireo , pit,.le , f cowllled merits of this Great English Remedy. may he 1, ao, the a)011.1.1 P. eita red and told "bglit,':Altr i re n tglti,t2k_gt , :tteithoetY. sunlit Third Street . Phil idelpb), IIt.KG, sate &pot for the upsets Mattes, Court street, Boston. k'l•"•""1 "" I• ` •k ' n T " S "'“ • • 72 1.• " 0•L '' ' t 0 " T. W. GTOTT & SONI3, General W'holertio Agealt, I No. In North Second street, Philadelphia. ' . . --- „... „.„ , r . r r ~, rh , ~..... , ! Co ...',. I.y II A IA IIN1:S rcicx .4. Co. corner of A FACT 1N ()ICI If K NV/ 11' INC 1 word "La , t , out ..trt et• nt)6 , c, or hr .., or ~.„ ...- oko „ Ior „.".. ...,, .„..„, r , i i namv., who tee Common Prepera ehilli; are t. Iso. s ejf . ,,,rer dny. hem., lacet...l wt n ....• 1...4 otter, not aware how trlghoully inn:nous I In to of the 'Prawn and An ~, mu. n , , I. nod ~.- i the titin! bow canine. how rough, how s.ttlo a, , ellow, bite...... crow on of the Shut. I t're .1. 1..• w h01e.... ! and unhealthy the elcui appears after us.trg prepared Imo hole ihr 0.0. A. or Len, Antu.n.r... wort ,1...«..•,, ehalk! Resoles. It I. nilmams, emita.ning.alargeguart t toe hand roil wt. were . m.o. nirect e d that he had t lily of lead. We have prepared a benultful vegetahre oor ... oro . orr . irr.rr, teary Vitt r„.., ~...., d ~..., 1 erne:, whirs we can JONI-.`A'S SPANISH LII.V ,1 or,. „.... 0 .. „,,,,,,,. t• „.,..., and ~,,.. r ...... I ll ItITE! It is perfectly innocent. Leong purified end. .... o :„ 1 0r ... „, 5 1,„„ e , ... r m. 11 w... at d n ...., i ....torn...lli...times; and st :mparte to the-skin a nate ....h.. vomplusuton lien den... appeared .....vitatde, Imo. I :111. healthy. algba.ter, living white, atthe.tme ..t 'Yon.lteon... d..e...... 0.1 he eormo-need the u... of 1 ....le noting, as a e.getnt Ue. on the skin. making a... 0 .1 Al AK'S ALTIIIN ATIVF:. 1,11.1 I.ov.tig taken •Is. and sh. ''obi. 1...t.1e...• ono. p,..i.,.., v... - , Dr James a nnereon, ['rattiest . . Chem... or Nla.ea• ..-rh,. Aur Ens .‘l.: VF: ..pera., e throligh the curd,-, env.: :'Abe. aunty...3lg .10,6 '• Spimith tr.'ll, non, aml por,f, the Mood 0.1.1 diet s W 1 .,, ,, , GIIJ d Pe` .e+, '• the no.. hea."”" s ' o°. m. the a, rum, wherever .oeated, and the , nuint,non rat, n. tber arrow tinte r ,nnocettt white I xave I 00. ot 1..... periorm.... ... d.reaves of Skin. Carlo., ruts ron.e.enrousty recommend iil U. 10 011 Sendula, 1.... re Liver Complarm tlyepepvil. and other 1 wl.o . 4., •.. hennufTmg 0 .. . 11,0111 C d. tai t• tr.: y astbrosloog ' • i' r27)r‘..' 25 ''''' 3 1-o , i ,I i. F „, .ale s , 'gf.IIIIIKII at Mc Pekin Ten Store, 7: 1.4 . ../ :Nod br 1, .1 At. .. a I Boot and ShOe wood nod a 1.., at the Drug Store id II g i r-15.0. -, 1..v.i1t .11e... bend of %%cod, at the .Ign of , ,i...,.,. 1'mt,..1 .1 A1!e0,,,,,. ~„, „„ i ,.,,,, ~ , „.. „„„, rit. . iir. Worm Mpeclfle 'PUN , Is to verol) tiff. lay •t•ling one on, of Doctor Mohan. , %Vann Spertlfr. n eloftl of Innic• fof faronartly of 711 Worms. and by foo• .ft.fl forthoffle a ,'hold of iny own pasffefl II large t•uly the Ino•I ‘vorni Ineafrino I ovor ffo,ff 1111.1 haft 1%0 11/0, min • • WII C11.711011r. V It pi Tols t. , lk •n'r hp J KIDD 0 Cri — No Ulf I% . cuul 41tret. burr, . tu . rl4o • .1 NUI Ofi ES'S GENE ITAI.I.VS Ult.\ I', for .oUttung Ihr Plus.our. •1 4 .• Hut Krupiion.l for henltngeltappril enuurr .P. Ilrun far thrpellm( heck lc*. um. •uot.uru utul 1.10, heti Fuld pnolutung btu.. i•ur Purr 7! trul. per col,. utuat.r....m. • lut /I t uurr. , r,• (2PTP. TtIiPk:ATIN N:--nt 111 r 0.41 .1. Talc hy my!, BHA( NA. RErrER MgtDIM =MI= to AN •st ;Amu SYRUP—'9I skald he Al u p t abi,•reit m•I mu& kiimen to tin publici. Th. tva., the exitr, , entst 11110h1 UM , WttO tiled la Symp. lbersecoroi,liebruary ;, 1)47. M, !dun:mu-71 , a lay certify that being maimed ni, rough same time. I bought a bottle 01 t up,and am happy to hay, met cough is courtly cured. I pronounce your the twat medicine I bane ever tared. No c,c,r •t.,..tht be vralsout tbis volatile DAVID 3.IcILOBb:RTS, Allegheny City I; ,• ii ,, • medicine la prepared wholesale and C.llll Jt 11:e Inn,. . Shore Or .101 IN D MORGAN it sireet.ene door Imlay Diamond Ailey Prire . :!s rent, per bottle Aim 'PRE tient!). dyeing Light. Resler Gray Maria Dark Item'. no Z• lark - ecdpr. wilhout dyeing or baringfor with full ileac tutu Price 50 ants. or PI htt.Ple I,y AVM I.A rKSON. at lil. rawnt ‘Varclio.u•r. w Libelry %ire., head of Wootl. ugu of II Lkir Don : 4=111=411111. , 11 EDICAr.; ‘` ' ' _ __ _ =2!==l :DEDICATED LOZED7C/E9, AND DH. SIIERNI AN lam vfiecateien • sn to mae na.l. plemmit y sothat child mu will m it road, ~d,,. ewer. Ste that hie jimsunne is aro. nch Loa et gm, a rot of Tooth Pete cm the Lock of rimier, s-d 1 ewe, 5111 of Direction.; • • • MERMAN'S COVC/1 iOZEN Three Lemenges seethe oleo, swan maw and d'otta-d rim. edyfreioughs, colds, consamptions, whoop.; ma,trerlimem of the longs or chest, stet etc. o, /, ha:tweer known au notanee where tlity slid n, satisfaction. Sclera! thosisand, boats hale Lem sal nt u, the last ki [crams hi Miami ci,r .i,g. ofwasanaption,thd those laboritig under the ...a d1nt...!”,, 4114. Arid ce , mghs. They vh! out entail aint dry tip ttn,0,,., herendr it easy, promote cepa-ems-alio., all, olio/ e Lint. or irritation, and . minute Uie pn,amte or "Lin. They are made from • combination .1 a nowt yahoo, s,ne torus', or cough medicine!, and are .douldedly sopa. I, to cter] thing il, use for those complaint. Hundred s deeds ofrerlikates have been - olfered•ol then warrto, tom, from those relio Lute been sated fn. AY .1 restored to perfat haidth by'using them. Where there u much pain io the breast 0r.L.1,,,n0r et tnao's Poor Al.'s Platters twice trulycoon,) 51......app1ie4 our the pare, sad wooe till relieved. II ... of er with awareness, • few eathartie or GIWITiI 431, mild cathartic` medicine, shovel/1 be 1/Stiflin llll SHE.II3IAN'S WORM L.OZLNUE.s There worm loseogee bare been proved inane/. than. 1,100 000 macs to be inallible; the poly certain worm meditate ever dmemered. Many diseases arises nom en.. cud occasion long duid intense stifering, and errs deo I.; w Ito 001 dui/ swer been .top retril; groan lemons art nor • afflicted with Si, mid are doctored forcarious covo,nnint s without any benefit: when one dose of Chiwo would seedily mart them. • Spor . rootar troterts.—Paito to the joint. co limbs, olkn Tt Wrath, picking et the now, grunting of the ttrii, dorm;_ lie blealling at the ooee,•gawing seosatiott at the stomaci,, tied. es of heat oier the atirthce oldie &AI, alight chill. ~r slot crier,' headache, droarsiurse, vertigo, torpor dotorb. d sudden.starting-insltep, with fright avulse iv pawns,- minctimes • temblesume cmagb, feverishness, 1115.1, psthd hue, file, bad Luta in the inopth, didkult breathing, in the ttootach•or Loath, gangue, nausea syeanialn e .,.., .org o mous appetite, ,leanaess, lAnated itontaCh or limbs, gi VOA ! thoutiogyeito tariona parts of lie budy, •-seuse soma thing ruing 111 the thicat, itching of !Ileums toward, ni g ht, frequent desire to pus econetheerrotai Ito towel, toot none time. diachargea °Cantle and Emir.. SHULMAN'S CAMPHOR I.OZENGES. They glee immediate relief in nerrous-m sick palpitation of the bowl, lowness of the spirits, dest.d,o.ory , p loy or putrid sore throat, bowel or summer cum. plaint, &inner, oppression or a senator sinkiog yr the chest, cholleopasna, cramp of lbe.stousach or bowels, I, sissies I affections, and all MI,. disease, drowsiness through die , day, and wakefulness through the night; cholera o. shot eramorhu, diarrhom, lamitude or a sense of fatigue_ e'er sons trar elbag or-attending large martin, will find the reerving,end impartiog the buoyancy of youth; used alter dissipation, they will re ore the tons of the ay emm gent end remote all thenpkmant been nm this tree firing, Persons w ho bate been too Milt l o o t, gad abandancel these dissipated habits, will find these Learn. ad nimble composecr. of the nen.. SHER:MANUS ram MA:PS PLASTER. The Best strengthening plaster in the world, stud a rosertign . remedy for reties, or weakness in the back, loins, sid neck, Isenb.,rints, rheumatism, Itunlogo fee. &e. Our mi e, llion u ear Irlii uot supply the deamd. They — r — C.quire Ridge warn/- tog before applamtura. Warranted superior to all others, and for one quarter the thual price, mating not only the beet, but the cheapest plaster in the world.. II •ffonls rnihf in a kw bows, and makes ash:visiting cures. In liver comphint and d 3 spepeia, it sheathd le worn over the regim of the therm. stomach, .ml it will afford great and astonishing reliet In cough, colds, asthma, dittsulty of breathing, oppression of the chest or stomach, dr) will ins-. seediately moth and greatly benefit the testing. P. rum of sedition., habits, or those obliged to stand winch, w ill receive drcided support fnon oat of these !col: strengthening Phu. er. Phys leans generally recommend them, to preference to othenLentose they 'tick or adhecr_better, arid afford great er relief. le their operation, they are stimulent, tone, awl anodyne. They are composed of entirely different ingredi ents from any other, and known from the experien 01 mil lions who lure used them, as well as the unite ce d tedimmiy of all the celebrated and distinguished clergy and physicians, to be them. useful mal highly medicated easter. - Serer.] persons bare oiled 8A the warehouse to express the it surprise and thank, at the Memel miraculous cern these plasters here effected. Direetims for use am ma the bt . ielt ofexis plaster, with a facsimile of Dr. Sherman sumac. It is important 3 au should always ask for Sherman's Poor Man': Plaster, and we that • • get the genuine, as them at many worthless imitations awkedahout and sold for the true Sherman's Pla.ters, by unpsincipled,lealers... - • Sold wholesale and retail by W. ACKSONaI his Paters Warelmuse, , No: Liberty elreet, "Sign of th BIG BOOT. • _—_—...__ __._ lam - • • : RS' DESERVEDLY DR CELEB O RA E TE S D CII RUNI— MEDICINES. yNSISTIAG el his Prophylactic Syrop:• eer hun remedy for all CONSVX I.TI V E and :3troili. lon. aeCtioll.; Cough Syrup, Croup Syrup. Con centrated extract of Sarsaparilla, ect orally to all other extracts, haying giveil relic! when all others have failed, being throur new process more concentrated Ilion nay ai LVr ever offered to the public, ASTHMATIC t.I.IXIR, having effected per — monent cures of that htullorn • disease, when of more than 11.--years s ondi hence ft ntonds without a rival in that amen i Lea fed disease. Dr. ROSE . . LINIMENT, for all costs hf weak- ness or pain, and a complete substitute ro, - Mister, Dr. Itose'g TONIC MIXTURE, on ihfollibia care for chit s and fevers ' and indeed is snore of a specific for fevers of all kinds than lark or Quk 12111, • it,. Rose's INCOMPARABLE: Vhillltla:UGE, s here known', is used in proloreof o to ally.- other Vett:eke prepusatillD Dr. Ituse's 'IONIC A PiTI-DISPEI'I it', for all dithasea of the Stomach and bowel., Ch. luta In fections, ecc Too high au encomium cannot he passed on the merits of this medicine, is cure of Dispepsia, mit - ealldiathae• that result from weak ness of stomach et bad digestion. '• Dr. Rose's - FENIALE I iI.I S, a most valuable remedy foi those general complaints to which fe males arc subject. Dr. Rose's Tt.iNic ALTERATIVE RILLS— No pill ever before offered the publican happily combine. the qualities of a valuaole medicine,. an anti-dist:septic, LI V Elt or Stomachic pill, coffool.- Log those diseases, and thdieby preventing won, Sampson. A young Lady X. 5 years of age, having a diseased liver for some time, lies strength pros trated and appetite gone, was completely restored in six weeks by the ate of the Anti.elispeptic mis tore and these pills alone. Dr. Rose's CH Rono-TH Elm EL STRERUTH- E 1 ,41.16 PLASTER, lor weakness as the backside, ..breast, Dr..kose's SPECIFIC EP I LEPSY,the 'newt cer tain remedy for all cases of fits or convulsions, whether in infants or adults. So certain a specific is it for this formidable disease that the most, ob stinatecases, and those too of long standing, bare yielded at once. Dr. Rose's RIIEUAIATIC After ninny years of diligentrewarsh Ills compound was 41 isco v• seed, and its never failing efficacy places its efficiency above ail ethers foe shicure of Rheumatism. Dr. R 014 1 .1.1 ASTRINGENT COMPOUND, a certain remedy . ..for apitung blood ndeed for' ditehirge. of blead.whetherfrom Lungs, towels or other parts of the body., Dr. R•se's SYRUPear Cholera and Rowel complaints —This mixture will effectually Bate bowel coinplainis, Dy Wittery,Cholom Norbus, and Cholera. At the iimo the Asiatic Cholera was raging , in Philadelphia it was found to be the most successful in arresting it, curing Otto tenth. of all those or hi used it. Wit id may be said of one of these remedies may by saW of all; their. value will only be appreciated be. thaw who try them. , Letters from those woo have brae. cored or the amoral maladies that - serum the hem., laxly might be given, hht we are waling to re is matter on the merits of the Compounds. .Wc. h as h . Panaems for Scrofula, in to various tenderised and elheaciotra (hat its healing power has astonished many. A case of Cancer,occurring in the wife of the late Governor of Delaware, wascompletely cared in a few months. The cancer had been twit e tut out by - promitient &MVO.. and renewed itself with increased maliguity,yet notwithstanding the debility of Conallta. don end malarial of the sort parts, the use of the Pro- phylactic completely removed every vcsige et the disease. _ • 'Caw, innumeigble of the vinous cares that have killoweistalte uSe of these remedies are re oar pouts. sioo, but deemed Is that deeedlltteNary to enumerate theta as the osier( them will recommend them to all. J. SCIIOONIMAKEIL (k. CO., No EI Mood Street Agents for Pittsburgh wadi-kr •g HimErovr A - it ICRY—A Blessing; A Altraele !! It Wender!! —To cure Eruption. and Disfigurements of the chin. Pin plea. Freckle., Sunburn, Salt Rheum, Seurvir;Sorc Heads, ac., Four yearn ago laut August, the capital of France. was astonished in consequence of • discovery made by an Italian Chemist. Many doubted—it serrated almost an impossibility that anything made by the handset man. could have sad. singular posters as that claimed by A ntonl• Vesprini foe his invention. Mani Massed hlea and his invendon 111 , • humbug. rand. alart many foolish persons without trying do the same now,) !engin, after heating it in the hospitals, the kis uteal ciety of ('aria (the best chemists in the worldldelivereil the following report to Signor'Veipritii: °We have now minutely and carefully examined the singular invention of Vcsprini. We have nueiyntd its eortiNnent parts—we have used it in severs! eases, suit we hesitate not pnimounee it [the limitait Chtmiral Soap) as a great blessiog, and • truly wo n derful reme dy for any C.M111.31. eruption or dt,figur, loci. of the Its inventor we consider the true philanthropist • of sedition mankind. (Signed) LEOI'OLD DUPIZET President* '• . READ TICS! From the Inventor hintrelt to the present-Propnetor Pa ms. N or . 1,10 In consideration of Me rum of 141.5.1, I have - ieul. led to Mr. T. Jours,leinling in the City of New'Vork. N. .A., the whole process of ItialtutiCluiini, together with watemeta of the tngredisnm compt,tor toy MO nut Chemical:Mop. Ile lo to mattuructu rt. for ale nr the United Motes only, and to hone litcytivtlayi orna, mine it "Judea Italian Chemical Soap.. Wnnemr Henry J. Coldsworth. • .• (Signed) ANTONIA Ofj/-Pold by %V JACKSON. AI his Potent McMullin Worthen, ' fa Liberty 'Meet, head of I% omlJ'at the., sign of Mc big Boot /20 (he only place in Pnlshurgh where tbr - an be °blamed. All others Are Counterfeit_ • PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, u L SI I F.D DAILY, TR.I.WY.EIKLY o. WEEKLY As A. Gassiu S.ildiess, 3d Ir., eras shs Pat Offirt. It A T OF A D.V E TlB 11,10. One insertion of 15 lines of 1e55,.... SO VI Two insertions wii hoe t oll.eintaons II 75 Thee" . . .. .. I 00 One Week " I to Two Weeks. 50 . , 'Phreo " 1 - " ' 100 One Month., 4 00 , Two ." • . '' • • 600 Three "- 750 • g,7 Lager advertisements in uses, imsportion. • One sms;re.6 months, with Out onerous...-. 1000 " .. 1.7 " • , " i . ', -.... 15 00 Eneh additional ignore . for 4 month. 5 00 " . " . " 10 " ' 100 0 _ One squere.6 months ... 2,rana , arable at pkaaure, Is CO iimt . . Each additineilatteare for It' months 10 60 Two ignores, 6 month., re - feeble at pleasure, 9000 Each additional square, 6 months, ' 8 CO IrKiliLT OR TIII.A.U.LKLIF IX o/lri , Arta.• One aquare, 3 insertion., 1 Si 50 " " each additional ihsertion ' 3T Five lines or less, one sear: • G.OO months, ......... ..... - 5 00 "• " " " o, 3'ssr,!daily& weekly;-10 Or) " " " , sir months " •t :8 00 I.OTXIITISXXXIITII IX arzsets ram. For 00 lines, or less, 0 r., 110 . 1 , 117e11i., $O O 7 30 5 " " " • •'" " Three " . 100 Three mont h s,... .... 3 50 " ..Sin " • • 7 600 •• it T we l ve 0 10 00 'I:PAU advertisements to be c6rged by tire square. and n. disc/mot ors per cent to be given where tbe amount or advertising exceeds 50 donne per year. •evetsns Finn lines or len. Ono year. .. . Wiz mouths,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers