The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, June 15, 1847, Image 2

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    rriTo Dlttlilll-1171h
M , •Tza 1 . 11711•1 tall VALLI U•ZZITIC to puLlia,..
vw - T r , TO•Wrekly, and ‘Verkly.-11t unuyy en.,
ltals pet annum; the Tr, \ erkly is past r
yg0.14 the IVcekly is 1 vro 1.k.11u,• perannurn. atnca,
bar ed :n 4T
to tlns,on die pet. of nor consort,,.Knul.f ro.lur
riecef morsel benefit.
Extra Copies of 11.7 Report of the Baiting' ,
Committee for Dale at lb,. Offi,e. A large
copies Of title Reporthare npi ..ted u• for
latioa, and it is dealre.le 11141 they .hould he rend to
eery "ma in the city, anti E$ .ghtrorhood th •
head waters of the Ohl°, a. 1,-1$ c.
and Pinabargh. ro4
For LATnr Caintimrelllo Ina.ll.grnrce, Lk,alt.too M
kelp. Rorer N,tre, linpona. M.,r4e) Market, ,
alord page. •
The Centred Rail Road
—lt oailltra seen, by adseitisement .. ..piiday, that c
tractsaie authorized for hitter rodeo ol the C.
tzal [tail Road east from Pittsburgh, and for fit
- teen miles wort from liiiirishorgh. This h-U,'
like an auspicious beginning of that ins at enter•
prise which ere long will unite the Ohio with tlis
Delaware.' We hint taken occasion frequently
to speak - of the importance of this public stock,
anti our iaraest hope is that Philadelphia and
Pittsburgh may sure LT united by that means of
speedy communication which is so necessary
--the to
holiness of both.
The U. 8. Gazette urg 4 the catty coop:,-,
lion of this work, and thus peeks of the inters.,
Philadelphia has lit the rc ' . . I
••The work is o ° the utmost importance to t.or
city; and every. Philadelphian must, feel solicitoug I
to have it advanced with all the rapidity of witscl, i
A work of such magnitude is buscevnble. It a. s
truth of which SUMO of our citizens have net ,i
-toil appreciation, that Bo,too capital is lavn,l,i) '
porired. out in Ohio, in that a conlltia , Als stem
COMMLIDiCati OI I Will., cra long, be had hetvreti ,
Boston and Cincinnati, Meurtinie, Philadelphu
is the natural and favorite mart of the Weal, and
all that is necessary to secure to ourselves, a coo-
unustion and regular increase of the irusinte, id
the city, is to bit active, ftlyeral, prompt, and read?
to meet the efforts of ether places wilh the men,
wa have.' 'there is an Mullense capital in Phili
delphia—vm mean a ca.. 11 capital. but there i. a
gill greater hurinew capital in lac c:. dit which
our merchants have for iLli,cahtyliml late &aline;
and thew, connected with the proper fac.lidvs i.t .
trade, mast continue to augment our huhu ..,..,
and continue the-prosperity;so evident in the pre
sent scason's'tiansactions.”
Tea Casrajrcura —A party of our no
near the Rancho ~ L e Petite," 11. A month dlscovr r •
ed a body of Comanche", who had )611.1 OVI ry
Mexican who messed their path. A cancer.,
"dent of the Forth American say.
They bid killed °ray Mexican ,man they in,
with, and bad with them inno or ten very bre,r
aril young Mexican girls as ptiront 'rite
boys wished me to attempt a re,Ut; but we ar ,
at Pence faith them, and aura's, a bergaa,—•l. , t
me alone and let you alone' •
If is a sorry association this of ours with 0.,.
Caritanches, which prevents nor troops tiiim
rescuing oven AilexiCan women from such
SANTA ANNA ' S PAS,.—The ~ 0. BLIII•till
n,. that Santa Anne produced no cars trout Ike
President, The (alere who bladed hot ateJu.-
boat, was the East Lieutenant , f the slung--10,
Sb Hags, who vr.r&ally told him Met the Corn
modest had orders to alien him to pr<ered.
M. Polk acknowledges the Ma. fu bra !•!• -
UV, and to all intents cod thert I riv
responsible both for the adn.i6,lttn at t'anta At:;),
to Monica, and the vast urnnunt of intschtuf II
which he has tarn so itatrunut.til since hi, It
1, urn. If, however, the nchole 1.1011 in ft gaol
his admission shall ever be conitaindeittd to the
public, it will be discovered that e33nta A1,11,A
visited a! Havana by on Agent 01 ti,e Adinuo.t,
tion and that ,not only Cutout •Jore . Loaner It
official orders to let laina p,s+, bUt that they iv, le
binned upon direct accurst - Ice , (rain the Executiie
at Havana that no ohstruchon should he dieted
to his retain.
d rirry may Rog:tr...4r us
iving 1 , 1.1r...1 •• ILI 11'1 1 , :t•
in...., at 1•.1 , ,.1 a , an.'
Tux SOB Taz•suar.-4...'even
sand dollars in specie were despatched from
Yolkto New Orleans 13.5 t week via Cum,.;:
- lad the Ohio:river, sod accompanied by a (1..,
.ernment (Leg) Butt-Treaintr The ram,y
Lad to be guarded, i.oresl and a heavy amount
paid for transportation. The institutions of it.e
country, before this odious law went into °pet a•
(ion, would have
• coil ,to the Unite,; coatis. Thi, t. only t
the recent tranfactionr:
"Ten days since a gentleman ti uncoil no!!
the Treasury, went from Philadelphia iir
eir$1.000;000 mpecie fr New (Idea,.,: and an..•
thcr . . 1,t100,0Q0 lams rent to the some cey
New York and Philadelphia."
6.....ermary of the Treasury ought n, it.•
forth us of the cost of all this. nod faifing to: do
ao, die hope Congress will require the Errewire
t 4) report the expense of this piece of folly.
Awatt 41,1 Baaa.ll..—We learn from ta Lpo,-
. tagtol3 that. the Administration arc in a fan way
to pi,oroko a war wirh . the lf raxilian. Governroni.
Angry wards between nur !tlinister at Rm fled the
Drsztlian Government, are likely to to trans(' Tu. d
to Washiogton. (mined, the controversy has al.
ready commenced, arid the Drsailian !oliaisto r
tO'be fl , Calletl at once• A i. Wathingtotk carte••
pondent oleo says:
••f have seen and heard enough to tontine. , me
that the present Administration is mourning a tour
of insolence and menace toward the governiti-ut
of • Brazil, that will, of course, lend to a 1000 re
- the prevention of commercial intercourse, and,
ho due course of time, to war.
ming head the Post calls public attention to a par
agraph in the Detroit Free Pre., ;barging the
editor of this paper with saying that be ear.efer
ad Henry Clay, "fur many reasons, as entirely out
of the question ass future candidate fur the public
honors of his country," and some mita things
equally erroneous.. We suppose the Fla Press
and Post would like to bare the charge made true
but at, the expense of spoiling a good story, de
aignedlor party effect, we beg leave to assure both
the Post and Peen that no ouch sentiment ever
fell from our lips. Of all the public men in tart
country, wo iegard Henry Clay a best entitlid to.
end beat fitted for the position of Prasident
of the United Mites.
Ten TUNIC of running 12b miles bellyful
lltonington and New York has been reduced to
ilia - hears. This will put pauengers, lensing
New York et six in the eeening, in Boston of
3 o'clock next morning, three boars too early.
The boats on - the route perform 196 revolutrous,
go 3 miles an hour slower than uhen they ran
the greet taco. It is not contemplated to go to
Stonington even at the net rate,es this trip of
the Oregon is thriquiciest care made, and the
proper time of ardent in Bostoir dote not require
POTATO/4 were planted in Neo . England a
• month earlier this year than last, 'and yet they
are - rooro forward now than they wet‘ then.
deuce in his good gift. all times and scisons,
ordained that in the North. argentine shall hare
more quickness and often morn health than in the
warmer days of the equatorial clime. The wroo . ith
of a mantil'on the• St. Johns ii often the growth
' of two itto South.
'tiaualtlta AND 01110 (4,11.. —The Cut,
fiction(' Mouutsitwor hoinas U 4 the news of the
peremptory refusal of the bictors. Baring. to sub
scribe to the three:tiondrril thousand &Ilium of
the Ctota.peske and Ohio llama bootie. The
Baltimore faun say. r--r• We hs7e it from an au
thentic eud reliableeoutee—froro one ut ths parties
engaged lo thonegotiatton, that.the amount wdl
resdify be takert_hy the out itoltete of Itottoe end
New York."
Tate Firm tiracer 81.1crt
Copped bale . gamed finally the 1 . 0.144011/1. , Ordi
nassee to grade Fifth street, by reducing the rnt:te
elevated part of the hill lost feet. vind etc...tine
the lower put . two feet and a half. The question
vial now go to the Common Council, "
ii4slrolly. bent stoted
ofthe dna Orstaparty. on Wallies Jay last
propositions were adopted for the extension of the
.Riseil (rim Ctuithertend fifty-fire miler westwardly,
hi the :seats tn home! •, 'Maryland; and also
Ile 1:••• renstrea, •.•drin. lt to=ad - Loantbs .
Nionht Leper to the s u uth tide t?;!te Be-
TLC fsflow tog [lyr..rp lanstery of the
111e11.644 proposed. was resit try the President to
the Beard on the eceaside, and the Hop: ...wet was
adept/el by only one di...Jinn; vote In the I.l,ard
of Director.
It a Oh, tean that the corttemplattal improve:
meat tall tat, tht. lt,rsd n..r Cheat rm.,, ale re,
It tt,ll b, ut teach „I the •;costitat stein l'urta
pilelr'lrginia to Patiterthorg, anti lty the con
test:plated improvement* of Cheat t tato trill !Aare
1•1 connection ttnh the tionongabels imprtve
tnenta—and will, it It helleveh onahle n to ba, fur
ther i•Nig oiled to ar.y point on the Ohl° open I
it, oral Zr which :1 :nay dcened 0 . .1•ia.a.1e to go
vtatt..l cot filet at the - 1 tt.
ent meottug of too Il•otot I would roll lho atten
ti ot of the 1,10, : ,c,1 tlar ne,, of a.toot
I•4n the ..... vi
Sem of r sm.., rVAl.tisi.r it to th.
ft I (up., 11,.0
Walt the rt.oww,' why tar dal pitrow
Ave te , t been adpled I.we. ittartltatwt 11
guile Eveittor. 1 Si,. 6.4 pet I.ittd to ts , est
they x t!I not ...rep, entturtatsin-w, twen
Chin, the inhe the C,rmpaay hat outhorig to
tieral the were 1 ot IL fie l r Fetry i chil the
mutimerhAinreo ..” the ptit ef It e City and :tote fa
pr, 1;•11 weuteratil Vle4t• /owlet: th the :le
tees hio then .0.:A.1,y conc,,,, M m
umitte mitl
h: es
togeito r itch the total mosinition of the
ritate'm eiratt 414:C 4 1.14•Ry 141114 1414 4 1 till ace of the
only re::::urce tr w..irh the 11.1311 r ittlato
cioctinue the I the tosil. A /
e:side! application of the i'hy It telt, ree.,:e.l
piyne nt of her nt l it:AA:thus, mud a Julien-to uh
imi4einent elt the 11.: , :nr. ILrng Ina hen
u•ed i.. the tiara.. a the 4 1.. t rend ttu
to.el Ir. m F: I I IChmte rlaea; aa! these ece. hoe:, Amt at that 1:::hil, thcir therm:
w. le : attuutea. 'l'tey Jul hot, however,
Fight ef the tomieu , i.y ei ellen:MlA the sloth at
the f. 41 4 1 ; mml their t.elicy, a,
well n. the cm , I.r '4411,14 4.1 purcoit hes be, rl
interiuptilr, have 1.0,n lina :rutty pr.:sem:a to :IA
Siorkholderi. the I tiblie, ill the arhival
'ln the Im!,131 Iteportof October, I it n t
not doubted, then fore. that ail the ins r
tenet teveleird in Lets aft at enter.-ri,e, and
ty nitalso of duty and 5 anal pelary require, tit it
it ahnuld be pressed forwaral with the uttneat s.
-Invent sr, as in [Le past. the work may he a I
yenned by kratluatiuts. and in such in In:, r as
that curb _step will flee sow soUrrezi of Si% er
ue than COMTeururato v.nh the arse et r els
structinn; and in that wty prevent any tisk b..:1
a partial expcnoitere.
The first step 0ee..1.1.1. to in it the road. :rah-
out int., upticet 10.00 the holt: of tho ;mo t 1 0 .0 00
dep., wits id A Itegheo3 couniv.wh,trlytheder•l
-niem,ul• nolo: :oo peg:loot to that If WWI hr
actelolatod, and other minor ef hitt top o
ti~u , oo the Itsloottoore" market he ilhorroid!y etl
Until theprof. at year, vortainly, there ea
tat i apnureme•Ett in the Siarr of public r pro. o • th it would authoti v• .ernave angmg..ruerda
for the Itiath• r prtnaertelon of the read; and thy.
together with the want of authority to extand is.
beyond the lamb. of Maryland, tower& any p.
ol the Ohio river, necasmnly vasionnlad any
de,l . Enemata. for that plarptue. Till, Pit, I iA).
a. the Board kuom, has been employed in nos.
matattag and rlm;•titta tt.e.r 111,11111,y to :acct
an acing Jr marota of the trash, tipon rye pn v to
line, in the adoption of au, Aar., to te..der th e
at Iti•no Ids in the coal and Mtn lemon of Maly
t onduriye to the trade of 11,1timorr, trio h
•1 rottaddE,ble extent, 1,..yd t tree, o
as termsatina the old t,r,lt moo tittin4 it i .r
mad all other tam, p •tionnit,
opp •r.ttenty La, n , I.etpti tern t, ni,yn
lite! tricattors fts t.ere dCattilt..!,l, to ttt,alti t.t.• r.,tatttittt ttuthort,v for t.•
1,1,1,1,011 I 11,. rt. , . 1., : •
,11 1:A.•,•1 itt • 1.. t 'Cs
jeet havenot Wen atteelled with all the me..
ni.vt neght have heen javtly sprehah th, y
has , n ,t .f t•a.,
, Tint act of tlok ~ 401. , of the laat
aessien. except inr nto to whiela the Comp.,
ny might be iinfasoraliht, and aI,
hope tat et entermincd tlixt the my cf 11'nenling
may be reconciled withoia ain ,ic rolfaC,r4
lallslsture. curl, -IRA
IPriltliti w.. rent the wilmwtry in 3Ceri,l.n; :he
law and lir. ...reunite the tool }writ-int au its tot
•hont3. ~ I ato 1., I J. ,
. I ~;,1.1;.0
Ithe Commonwe n ntl, of Vir4 ., ilin Le , ...ittei;a.
wool.? devil) the duty r•I the Board to um cit
Iprop , ' eXertioti for that purp I do not
that imp: rt ant portions ,t the if twt. tif Vurgt .
is intt•tt s't al in the road ea, a' long
and 1 nni of opinion Ib:• taw, ar t 'tat ti.ian d i
cal will incretne th. it plat r. I wain c
inn, ail etteririon of the r ia Itt a n,ittht r.,
p nir on Owl Oh, in tic only 111,11 s by who
Ilalumore can ensure Ow ad. antaee of the TO..
and trate? 4,1 the sown-western ralleyn 01 the
Ohio and Nl:won...pia, and realize any rulistantril
tiolo ats iarge an expenditure of rant
awl. to my mind. it la equally clear that rv, n c ur b
nenaralnry atitatitagen on iniert be umpornill3 ort I
; diy a terminus at a northern point, wouid I
Le mit riy act whenever than or an intlepthdent
company should complete a m ire zero nary d
h.di.rnrable line to a more southern paint. It
goo wlay known lathe Baartithat serious mean
in connection with the prect.nt Virginia work:: ate'
intw in prow - ran fur this purple.
In the interim to which I base alluded, a law
-hoe also Imax4l the Legislature of Pen...vivant,
sing authority I;) conaruct a railroad from
Pittsburgh to the Maryland linet and, if the en
ctavor. r, tertaincil by some, of the feasittile v
ant advantages of that work, and if the practics
iiiiity of ittoeuring the funds for its construsi
should be realized, it may, in connection with our
main atom, under proper guarantee., prove 3 des.
table tributary to our read: and, in that view.
might present adequate Inducement to pre-o for.
ward nor main stem, to as to encouraze such coo
nee and pie, ourselves in a situation to aid
in making it, if, cons :gently with our ulterior ob
ject, we could do so.
It must be observed, also, that the evens of the
last year have given, arid powerful causes yot
progress are giving to the general enterprise I:1
the country, renewed activity and ptospenly; la
hor of every description is profitably employs-ti—
lts product., generally, cammand j ,the highest psi.
c. 0.; capital is becoming abundant, and the restor
ation if peace is only needed to snake it more 13; ;
public and titivate credit have also materially re
vived, and toe State. on whose aid for the pr ear
non of our road we are s dependent hatortg
wisely adopted measures fin the maintain tilers !
her credit, it is only reasonable to ea fret Oat the
line is at hand when Ave will ho able to render it; t
suiscription evailahleTor the objects for which it
was intended.
lit this pasture of affairs, and in the pre ore
a ltered condition of public and prise° credit, it
hie apperred to Rio expedier.t - to resume the ex
tension of our main line, and to prosecute tl. by
sections to these prints within the limits of oil,
authority, from which we may be enabled hereof.
to extend it to the western water,., on its own
route, or in connection with tither w arks, as
CLIM.I2OCCS may justify. Whether frpra necessity
nr otherwise, the past course of the company has
been art extend the road progre.ively by sections
having been eanatructed first to • Harper's Ferry,
and thence after the lapse of some years, to Cum•
to 'land. A wink of Rich magnitudo as that we are
er.uaare I in, ran 'rarely be prosecuted in any other
.4 3) , :oil the r fret ref waiting to command cep,
tat ter e anplate the entire line, lodoro commencing
part. might and most proba.rly wardil, lead to on
fronts postponement of the wit de enterprise.
A progresaive eatemiion. on the contrary, might
probable effect greater ultimata deapa'ch, and by
a judicious selection of rwetions,' fall with leas
weight idiots the annual revenue; and, by therein,
ing the trade and augmjnting the income, strength.
en the ability of the company, front It. omit re.
r.urcas, Aradually and surely to carry forward the
I confers it not improbable that, netwithrtund•
ing the general prosperity to which I have ad
verted, we shall find no lees propnete antl neces
sity to adhere to a progressive eitersriou of the
road for the future, then we know In reined in
the last. It is to 4 observed, moreover, that lb,
~...t utt ry which tire road on the beat litre
1., tire Ohio river would pan, is almost naturally
divided into sections, each offering considerable
and peculiar advantages, and for thin reason, as
well as in conformity with the mode of construc
tion usual upon such long lines of road, the En
Rimer of the Company, in his repart, dated 10th
September, 1843, of his ceconnoissanre of the
routs between Cumberland and the Ohl, river.
has divided the land into sectious. The route
comprehended in allo.frport extends from t;um•
bcrland to the Ohio,, at the p2uuth of Pisi:iiq•
(.'reek, a distance of lB6} miles, and estimated to
cost $5.440,250.
.. I.lTt. fiat to cends vise Neat, Blebeh cf the
'Polo' 0at...1 no the Metylaud aide, 20i miles, to the
Mou, of Savage river. and by the report of the
Engi a, nowisubmitted, I. estimated to woe, in.
eltding tight of siray and etreking the road, $698.-
0'22. • .
'll,O section onight sbo In are mplished with a
;awing of 8i re lea of a distance, and up.m a line
Mare cheaply Wailed, try leasing the pe-•l.t. r•ad
at the'North Brooch Viaduct; in Virginia. ab .ut
.it mth,a eon ti) C0rbin:113,41..1141 pars.r. a I: WV
of the Knahley; re tMer Maryland about lq, notes
shone t:taut.erl and.
2. l'Ec .co.dvection wou!d lit. nd from the
mouth of up the S3,ICC trier, nod 110 lan.-
mpal tributary. 1 'tob Tr, o beck, to the et...,
trek hope or All. if hroy Surnam, 161 ,otter, nip]
by the. hogmrei. rrpolt Ole re,(MulrlatlCV,
1. ettiMhtod to
3. The thir.i re citon 'you: i :cud from the
Back Bone, It t rottc,b ihe lita.tra Li thr
brad of Sutra y CI, 31 the Brtc'y Num.
mkt, chow:cc tatty, mud s I out t. d to c
$t56000. t
'4. The fourth rut tioo ext. d hem the
Brief). ',Mount ee. .)111.11 to t ' h'atrlr er, o die
lance 12 mile.. rlit.e to the r
Cutlet.. i el the: rep,..t ..1 20.11 Set , t ~, 1812,
slBll,tlllo.—ur rite,:t'i -.311 ''" "'"
first rill, el I ,1,0.5. .liq•
Itnpirk‘rier kr the 771 m
and the nevegate c i..e1e.11.4, ...tucking the
enc. Cit . 55 r0i1,., $1,h4.1 022
1;1 61, 11.roOver.l.y o '.rati,to,rtely twig. Ire,/
with (It', City dl Wheclieg, or ut rune oilier mode
wilreh 'tlie Stockholders may the
ley oily acquire nuthortty to go licyeed the ter
tg,tty of NI eryintel, a whl be!uore cut ;my to can.
rob., the fettle rorepteltended in them, et the te,. Cihrits 4eruud the. State line. it may.
Olden!, be feu r Spa di( et, until such outhotiry
to, h ...tine the ttter,ion Oet
55 mitre of ravel erlareh,a. which it wou:d
Ise r noolle to r extctio:..l vide , 5..010`l ' ll
North ori l the Oleo, either es tt retinue or trynch
01 the mole .
Till` t d'lnlAil sof ititt II giner r. is the report
tam vtli.filillval, .1,7.1.,.1 1.0 (wet, thee filly col,
Irate. I lu tab, rlgott, a i,ttint et -t n 115.4155,11 lb.. Sone
Ito, This, Ihnerver, is 1,151 at, ha pat Lai, awl
! cannot dant-4 that unit wi all Om ad P3lllagee to I e
ex pate., 4.3111: an extensionl j a the r•.u..1. can he
reelraett (a t om the paint I. tac:e coal he 051
hesitattetd in a atending tt OVer the intermediate
distance la [hp between me too State..
It to tall, rbot .rked to th tt plaar, nut Pam tha
p, in: on file State One her . - ill .1, the d,-
lane , 1.1 larkprs'qt , g, - by lh none of a ra:lread,
would bo I h'z !titles; to roltitte Cod, 1354 t hi
‘vt.,•,1. 9 , by a' rout: autaaeaad i.e Ilia recent
law. 144 0.11.2, and to Pattaeurch, feam the point
of digerati:tot; 1231. Parke:tint •c. however. he g
Iso mileil Ittert r il , A II il, li vt r. mud 85 traits
Ficiting Cat tit 130 nidaa lo oat, dean, and
, i
j 151 milt s 14 01. and . 44 . ha lute It, ing lint znilta
lowa . el ten the titer cit.! 411 milt, twat . f
flat-love I. it mu-t Ite ~brio,,. that. ill T. gaol h.
the trade tlnd Pavel of the Wiest and Seth. roan r
of the s.sltttr point, n auld p as. as. in flat rt soca( '
di ,A,, a d renovate o'er the more Narlhein
am! C. ohm/ t. mnta.
I. may ha staled, an-relate. titat, while from Cle
poet ,4 diverge/sre, 55 rail.'. thou Comb. r 1 15 5.1,
P.l e'-urdll rteol.l lt t 3404 .11-11151 Indio Colon,
bu.t. the ,a. arse via 'Wheeling, Iron the tathe
nond, wnild no I trd ed 305
o...d.that from the arnum paint of disir. Welt n h•trn Contherisnd t Cinctranari
by Verir tint &vat., nod' l he nt
Imt 47 0 1 the dtdnore from the same p• t
by the t•ny ttt Whe.ltno. 1 . .. y a rove areord ,,, g
prri•ltt 111/y. WIAIM 435. nod he the way ot
the rntlierybotG or Fi.hirtg l:rcrk only 363
rad,. •
At the Stale hue, qla,, the road would he with
in Ilij s of tae 1:N:a i ,rivcr, and either (rem
the State hue of v.° poeli of threlgeoce on the
lino to Ptttclottoh, taunted to the ac
onti onyirg
retort .1 the rot.:itet r. nothl be isithin Ice
antes Irotit Toropike, and at
the wont a the ,eat,. :tee ar..proare
wialun wary hint. rear: t:t• '.l to . troo rte. r.
tif the coat or it,,, row:. 0..;0f ts.
State until elLe, re:e :11, a of t,tiewtte..
morn. I !chain fro:e 11.,,Lite:. I ate
I.a n, h•eventr. c. td, ort ;he.] • / ,LI I 1.111,
/ 7S /0 (LAI, ( 4,1.11L714/ ( l.inatra
lit,:gLa . O. it It, :craw rate s.I per toile
not he a,urneil in ri gArd 1.1 r.ich
Th, fir.t ei lir, de-crihed, lan
tne,atel.; Sav3, u
r4,lrat... I r Taut a•r. ,.ef L
. Ott,. quid in .
11, Itxtrotst
and of a cape 6ill-11i , ). It c.... 11.1
trait f ..11.1 0.1.•
a 1.., the .1 our t..
3,..rt, r
cay a !opt, ant ala
. .
ttottte ..t 4 , 11,0.11
able poll, a al at a ttSart;•• that ‘...1.11.1 en•ure the
I ade 4i thts rut
rho second 1;-,11 , kr: of Pe ili
wire, would videlio nod
li.uh 3CU nreweriee qua vie v, tn. , Eng
the rpritt of his Ireonw,,sance. task,
the wind , 4 •
••Thr rtorro It
ratti. wrtlon roctrn,
.1., /11 1%.,41 ra,lol-1
iloo to to ...riot iiiil ;or •iitio la :iiiiiii..l i.
:to red touoili u.i• it., i' eon...4mb of NlefvLoal ....t
itrocoagoo,. ti llers i—...• Oi. foil ..1 hiss ii.gli ,r.Cisiio
, iiiiirli 11, n.OO 000lil .Imii. 0,1, il ...1 1,,n, ...,.
ri.u.iiiioil ii. ic , ri iootooo,iiiii,rlio,
it. iiii.kind 222 - 2 k 1,211 d tiono , i,iiiiiion aiiii .2,0! .•
A bout fiticcri miles iii the t red de. t. kn, a. ol
r. lady oldie atv.l„ would extendithe read t i a pone
2 2 2 the Sidle hoer only•tert inits from the N on..
western twrip•ke r and sixteen:and li half from the
Cheat river Improvement; sod that easy 17 MIMI,-
it:cation. by well graded ruads, could be cheaply
made there Call Ire little iloM Li i urn of 01411011
that the eilvmteges i rii-mitsil 111 both oils t o tkent
Tearoom her este nding iho road to their i -.miry :
as early as the means at the e remand iif •'. I:•int i
ploy will authorise. I hour, .tweed on .1 fees
occasv , a that toe imps...went of the Ct. - at r v-•r, i
up to and beyond the p tint ro ha more I by the i
Itlltrigere aril! I / hio It olio ed, had been authorised i a• by-the State ol Virg...a, and that that I mono,- i '
wealth had comented ti. 'contributev.
t.-tiftho of 1
the cost of theimprov•ment. I am not to sup•
pose that with a Bo rrd of Puhire Winks, en....
tubed with the abnity of that of Vir:tnid. the
Slate would have embarked in such an . nterprisc
without a ressonahlo kierul...!ge of its :. avibil.ty
and advantages, arid I have learned fr , an en
gine. r, end others in %alone judgment I • riterato
c.nfielencr, that there can be no douSt . t either.
AL er farther investigation and esslees.o r , I urn
quite free to' re-state it as my opinion c.', I.y.this
Improvetnene, when completed, troth I.i, ,
and freight might he brought as cheap,. , ; 1311 J, or,
Item Bilt•tohrgh to Baltimore, . by a r • ttu. oe
line of . railway by either ol the routes • :et if lo
designated. It required no ....cream. I oto .
to chow that the Measure of astern i.., -a, io a
graded road. f r om the Cheat river to .li - :are I
would mit materially Melva... ; nne it
may be safely c included that, it ilie ii into
tire neared of a connection with let r. u it
Improvement be realized, it could not r et t., et .t
impertant intim:zee over the I l utut. dellhe
toots of thu Company. In any vine, r,eaVel .r.
it may he convillerad a , certain that. Jr f ire e
11.11 nm-re and Ohio Itanroad can be
the Stain lino, the ictisibilyty ttl thd i is .1 II
1,111,n...went will be lolly nand, and i
ny le plated in a •nation hi take Eliot rut. r .
%%Inch .:lrctienee way prove hi La thi
If there her:etta for doteretty dt 13, . it,
Gard to the etreets to he expected treat Oda
pravenurot of the Cheot river, it IA per. :colt .1(1.
can It, FIIMIC as t i the importance of i. f. 11,14.1.
of our railroll:tvnh tho great Malta i.r. t t
pike, leading frinn Parker,burg, and .r. r..nctri it
%arias Iwintx by roads Ir via other 1 a .
Northivgaterti:liirrinin of r
Firer and in the trce.lOr. That road i. it e al) a
Lep ,rtant thonergidare,hir creek of al
. 10. 1 1 •-
11, to Mel ket from that region. Tr.
Doti of strryk, bottle IS•13141 know, ieal, , bee. I,
mg a valuable pert of nor blIA11)0,111. .:1,•1 :site. a
railroad connection with the turnirikr•, 11
hire, could not be easily overrated. l• ~orcl au
tile triereeired traneleirtarron alrorlr rl • •.• .• ton 1-
,1114 sections of the wank, it orr„;111 ler r r d I .1
ly 411 ti,riflllt the es pc•nditure rrecew ,
plate the irroposed extension.
I am of opinion, however, the' lor .•1 of etc
rictithwestern travel, and probably I .11 of the
Weight. We may More surely rely
. up atn , tnin. v.
lion with the Northrestern turnpike of .cir St de
line, thanSj,on the ptosent rialtomho • o eh 41,,.
Ohio river. Ity the f airier, ir. shoo n ray the
Eogll/Cell!rrport now submitted, tin 1r .1, .01.1 he
a gain ell time in the ei.orthwmdcrri wirier going
west of ati least one hour, and of that proceeding
east not hiss than fore hours. The location of the
Northwestern, alio, is in all restricts sul
;wrier; and for at least ten months in the year the
road is WI 4rettr t coudition, affording greater speed
and more canton to the traveler. In the low stare
4,1 water in the Ohio, there would he the greate.t
inyemests, if not nrcassity; to leave the river
aorkerclse,g, tripoli netts below Wheeli g.
a OHO hundred and eighty below Pittsburgh,
whereby the traveler would be enabled to teach the
eastern cities in mach less time, at Ices espenvr,
and with greater comfort. It is even of MOM Irn•
Road, from the
•at.elt! eause, the Nati'
Ohio fliCumbeirind, is rapidly - dilapidating, and
theme who have paid attention , to the anbject, roe
mach reason to apprehend that in a few year. that
Fowl will be 16.1 worn ont eolto iemler it the !curt
deoirt.ldo of any nth s eenruction; an 1 lik Min
theme to danger thutmuch or the travel that has
hitherto pn.wil •ovor it will to diverted to other
aset.rieltr. Of throe the mioit foimidableOs the
railroad. now near!, caimpleled, from Cidenntali
t i .tirrithisky en hole El. and thence by the
Lake arid i :acora t.l [nay heady completed, or
in progress ..1 conyietion, 11
I am of opinion that son ill not I.e able effec.
huilly to coontarart that ries —to whom 1 Imo on
more man one occasion tier !olive, railed the
s , n If the b. aid nod of Ito stoekholderi—on•
ill tv.. can emend our road t i a south, - rii point nn
tile I iino, or ila lifer our connection from U.,. Na.
Intl lioail to do Niirthicatern turnpike train
Park. ratiurg. • 1 s
I to 'neve that ti Oh a Con line or slops
I. In eniinnetion twit t nor riled et the Stile
line, Lie should :not only pimetve the travel we
now have, hat all greatly la its an ono; and I
should egret that with sr! al far-Nies or wagon
'Ann cr,rtalletk. Well 11,e, s oriled m the N atonal
Ital, are w.old i.• able t.ttolse (regent distant...l to
i ... S• mho...tom van. y Own our r 'tended lin,
ell thi to, to lialker.lnurra up no cheaper terms
than in is non, snow:m.l.d tw Wiseeiit,L; or Pitts
burgh. It aeon .. tor, thercf re, that by ratty
f.,,,,,,4 0111 calmer:lO m n+ south, by shorn, and
eln cipr r Intro of cominuniCatten nit!, the Ohio;
by min reecting jamas on that' river, accessible,
ivith good venter, at ell seasons, and ennui diens
welt thrill try roads of greater ceinfert, and at a
saving II nth in time and expense. we amain' he
only edam., Inc the great objects of Our enterprise,
and aJortning the sun at mane of caauntervailitatt
our notilnern and more opulent rivals. I cannot
deem it "thereto , than no P I Itilintite that we are
thus .mail. d to suhatitute ar the increasing em
barrassments of the Natiorial Road a -better con
nection with the Southwest, which, until we ex.
tend our railroad t I in legitimate termination on
the Obio.imust ensure us an Important portion ail
the trawl . and trade of the ISouthavesiern valley of
Von Ohio and dissisaippi risk rs. The frets and
-Intimates up_n which thesi-observations are Imo
Mil, are folly deb..] in the report of the Eng.
r, an I I may, therefore; be excused from rest:-
log Clerni a , present turthrk upon the attention of '
the Bowl.
I think it my ilmjr, loWnver, to stale that the
resunipti on or our gain him, and its prompt ei .
tom.n to tho lmondary blatwroarn the two Staten',
1 n it , My mraht to enatle 11 ta the liberal °Moor
agetnatit and sej•port n.l il na public in this; State
and City, but most eonsiri9rahty strestanthnn the io•
Buena, and ex< rti nits of thrtse li c iteri fits in Virgin is
nn .11 , C11 WO (111.1. En Ai 11 ale;irn fur a renews(
of our charter in that S am. LIT bringing the
moth into sera et we pr wMity with the projoor.l
improvements of the Cdeat and Mon
nivel,, it will rouse up nnoly au a ilia, ied inaltl in sigl•
• ram the old; it may, in a44ltessonable pr 'lnability.
mg Lent our mama for gding forward. end place
m in . advarmed posittoh Iran which we may
I promptly rearah the Ohio in ithout delay, whenever
Iwe may negate the auth.tity to do so I third.l t
I nut um, asoreable tosexpey that,. b fore we eon
l Ole V. , road to the State lire., most of the obst,
I c le+ now in the way, erkahl disappear.
It bar 1 , 1 . 1 . 1) iron UUtt rbe entire cos' of extend
ing the road, including thh adittional power need
ed for working it, retll rt ex-eee.l SI GOO
up :n which the annual itAertit would b e s9ihnotb
and it at•pears, and I i 1134 fhtiilict tram the
report of the Engineer, t hat' the increased crude
and other advantages to he exp. eted (corn the ex
tension will be to le than tri awl to this inti rt.t.
It AV -old, theerf re, appAr lint tenon all the mo•
ttiq, already resent. il it s favor of the or am,
tho externean, even while in progre , ss, would let
he likely seriously UP ntltl to the noribros of the
Company, hut might Meter, ally thcrease its in
come. •
Of etrone. the urea. of Ore Comp:toy to r0g0,7 rn
toole.erl extroodo L. form otr a t *obect of ingot
ry Three. the bored ar. uwa, eonsisOot the of
hate reeervert 111 payment of 11. e tolneerrtion trf trthet tyre
b, the State and oho, err head upon the rondo.. ..1 2..
I. r t e tit ldatr, qt . the anstool +me, nod oi thy credo of err.
Grotto, I will not at petty rootoodr avail.Lll.lo,
of 01211:ee,rtall‘•• that rt,ul.l m
muell The r•rootere ere hat. Lee,
mktg.., or -holt t vietertl is ter% co to the rod d
' ' "'
lautlrlty exten.l 1/, to the 011.1.. wow.
.1, r.Arral.te..l. .111 d .I.,n.tts..
th• prollekr.. ase vv,
••wad .1 e.•••u1e1.nte..1.11111.4
tu reve•l. the Whieru xaterl.
imo • x!..1., t, 11,- Nla“. or 3 Brand,. II
N.40...4 41. 114 OM, that wit 64
.44 rt.p.t....e. vottld
114rcf.4...1 1,14 4.,r duty rat.l.l. r aut tom,,aarlah wan I,‘ atol 4a a. aecata,l,.ll ettaa..kaq L. the Slta• Itn.
pact ta as oh Cur branaal
trskm 1,7 innus ”Itl.. cradat re!, Coalina, t
11, Sta.. P.,. w.l, if tlaaa WI, 1 rhauld thrt
I, o ly arrossl, a, anpsolarsr-r anal um., ta ale oraut,..
the arteneshair es teushe, fa
r.... at track from Meant
I:iars Departs, tale mate, Tha wca Las Ler:, laile asset,
she Erqaerr wad ha clakarote report mraportsend
al! its , 1. 'Ads aas Lava same sea-alll 11,me kor, rye
, rasa ag, Pa. stalsolLpsre „ad areessilk of thp maspaaratea
...rajas - Oa slsar%44 stet
h, asy serape
tars ',sure frau, the coarors , shaul , l prepaaal
the Moend prasniolk ransplrte eke irapr , arlarat I bre
ha, 2, • IL. eta:, ..... sa,rns ,r, fraac-res of the Shor,
lot L taL rs•orl, hy +hu, l 1.r,. tarn det ~,, Aso
.The ttf the Eng..., moat iu a Freternme
11.4 e tt• the 44 ttttb ttit!...l the 1,441., mut Ittrelunre
14 H. aut4 m or react., it itt tlmt thtmc
thu I.4.multtn Itutttml to two cart. The term,
t•tttati • mbher at the H tute at I..eutt Itt.n,
mintg t. the ',relent/ter .1 Um Eft,utteer, ma,
ttetattmletther fr. the mutre of the Vomit Clark
mmter and thtrutt strema and Race and %Vett%
tn.. 'I.. Wm.., entl .1 the rime rut by Pnts...
tame th dmme I Iklct3d. lire mud Well. etrent4,
Knater mt. TM cost of the drat to eetnnated
'llia per r• lade!. •t pt
tte tramt.trtatota at own
Htt•l trade apen the eltentled
,th• r,truAr I, Company
T1.r1.• ~ r apany
furl aull nutrraals end Ike , add..
Is ten prr mot of thr e.dt of
• ust
he ,µ Inte
fretlttrer sOrsir arra.
of ;tuner mstet crralie
t, ef te• repert•u trasataits •
ml, and ,c prr.erve tu Dal
but sn eau, and othrr
ishspeartd, ehse Improvement ua
I am of iqlendt rnal4
rst of thr trade of
t the issrar•l 'mould nor dr
are r•Tirn.led to ) odd marl tl•et•••re oenr..ltfneut. awl It en
wir••••1: reerosoe eur•yeet that
o.erairee•ty of the I•reeent amou
"Jeep, f t •y !wadded MAI
•114 , 7•5C1A I . ol2lrjal.
we..., hot .•41) the trade e
ele•.••ie•allt o••• intended for
erc•e , J mdielorneasle. Witl•
67t. let•• o•.r p•••••er 1•, (11,... th •ld pr••pelee, ll•ereWee. e
'cm1.„k„,,,,,.,,,,, „ „.,„,
l o
mad from Cian
mil ihe State of , aniabil
!prem. cern awl die co
itim bil laiiiiitracitas aial
C assuilum eroinial, ta eb-
I' sr")" . bal Sic 1ii,,,„,
the evils:sea and aim, fa
tg the rig-lit ol say, and Sir
obil ea mpori their peo
`al practicable delay
Oar... erred...
• . tha Maul b 6
lwrlolut 111. L...udery 41
su,d rrferrsng
mt anon*
uf ttu rut. utiJ print-01.i
'al". 0. ..Ir. fur puouir
p.c., the work .1..1er
erortuT to thr
I ttco Odiur3 prow, that tht
r rriri.s trark Oa
of ohe Engoroxr. 44 I
Le re ferred tu
I . to lotate the route.wol to
told. routrart. st cool be
...male, pupt, male or
tlort p.rt. 'aloe
no.. to procure the rhtltt of tea
pia, thethole root ah teotilth
done for peke. Olt
per tent bon& of the Company
of • WhlCh W 5 giv
a telegraphic whin•
picture of one of the
.11 called up.ln to men
y fifteen were dead at
wont tragedies tee hairs he
tion. M . the wnldiug par
the isot advice.. and nr ten more were e 4
pored to din. Th 9 ',Wail who infused the poi
inn into the,l was ;too NI lkinson. and tl.e
is ni wag argent, Th murderer cent to 111 ,
bongo of Mr. Sanderg, ...ern the welding rock
place, a half of a thoat, on
T urkey, three ehicket.g,
game chicken pin, butter, no rn.tuall
t o lest the 'fan:lily a week. all poisJimi, even IJ the
hurter. which wagoiggantly noul•liti.
Mr, Sander's thildren urme the fist who. died .
Mtg. S. not knowing that Icy rhtl lreL w.tro deg.'
or dyi t . g , jr,.ii.l her Ito;artrt I t t rear rnii, ii in to„
nurture en I atlin trotem of the Lord. Su o .....
quested, why% :you:. that lii negrora .ah . tuld
6nue and hi.l her itre.voll—Stry could ~t .. n il
,in.,,, iiiii,pned. Mr. S aut. n. ut..thot, All old !a
llay of seva,ty, rirn. a . "-notate,
We gather the following imalculara from a
Ton. kilt!, slated May 3.1.
• Tim manta wife was one of she servant* at the
wedding, and took Idol a piece of the pound cake
—he ale two munitie full, and nut liking the
taste of it, ate tor mere—yet that killed hen. An
obl lady by the name rot Edens, tirade the cokes,
and the was poisoned, together with In rem and
negro girl is dead, and her mon list ex
peen d to recover.
'the butter that was left at Sandie.' wair
thrown out, and arum fowls ate of it. and died
in a few minutes, Allen Haley and his mother
were the only at the wedding not ;rob:oil
ed. They came late, after the guests were ecru.
rd, and are with the family. partaking of the tame
said they did, even to rho rake. Old Wflkinann
no cutting a fresh coke far them, b u t th e y
partake of it, and "raped death by
then tamed
Moe is a raw for npvr sympalliy, and when
Wdkinsnn shall has., been caught. hied, convirt
rtl and ttentencod, f a a !also humanity to inter.
.pow in till behalf Lr lii. pardon, or or a mince
non of puniahment.
The Lauievillo Journal hits ,h nail on the
head itt. the .19 inetl
••It appears now to be f'olk's pith to let up a
government in Mexico byrtho bayonets of cur own
army with which to negotiate a .peace. The
gnat IlifTlenlly is, that, before Polk can set up a
a government in Mexico, Lis own government in
the Unit, d States will he sot down,'
General Patterson, Colonel Aliercrombis, and
Lieutenenant William., U. S. army, arrivul in
Waallinglon on the I lib.
Etat it now a matter of uncertainty, and at all
mom, will oat take place. during
the present
Doervrtc Correa Goons 'rearm—The ea
pc t of 110irtutio. Cotton Goods duting tie year
audio; May 31, was 33,123 bales. 'there has
been a steady increwe of exports for several years
rot. aroottot exported during the prat year
is greater toy 2 037 baton, lima the export of the
prowouo year.—Busher Jour.
Tar Capital. at Wa,hington. by been milder.
going some iirtprovemonts of gas lantern,
Invented by /Mr. Crotchet,. six feet in diameter
arid six fertfligh, fitted wall ompenor silveroplate
gloss r. Iles-lora. and 'unwonted with a golden
metal hall, is Co lea placed on a mast. one hundred
feat high, .1 the top of the dome. It is thought
that the light will produce a tine effect
Ma. ea 'MI S, on, country man, has received an
order from Laois Phillippn to paint torenty•five
large palming+ for Veros nth a, from the designs
h. solinat'ed to him of the travels of La Salle d n
the Misotssipph St. Lawrence, and the great faker
of North Amaries.
NI JOR i.• %V, whose death and funeral in Bain
:n.4, we recently noticed. lost his life by attending
to tire unfortunate for, ignore whose poverty and
so lilleart commended them to his human exertions.
The (hullos ex la tacos have forwarded to the
Soot, It Rehr f Conanoitree in Philadelphia $lBO,
bring the sum ronrributed, so far, by the people
of idol Nation isiaid of the suffering peasantry of
T.: citizens of Harrishurgb, without regard to
party, have invited our townsman, Major General
Patterson, to partake of a public dinner.
Tut: Hanntsnunou Annus, one of the organs
of the Stara odniinist ration, is out in favor of Oeu.
Taylor for the Presidency.
Tut Anaas Houso, Bratron.—The travelling
community are referred to the edveaticement of
this splendid hind in Boat., Matt. 'rho fol
lowing elimet from a letter lately received from a
diainterested 1,24, fully corrohoratea the senti•
moms of ltd advertisement:
.4 am tt Iffkina at the Aram Hausa, decidedly
the brit kohl I was ever in. and you know I km
an old traveller. 4 never saw ruck luaciuudy
furnishrd opartments in any othst public house;
oar did I ever put up at one with such perfect
comfort Atm satisfaction. The servants, who are
all tutored men, are well trained and attentive,
liar/tentedy at table, which to waved tour timesa
day in an unsurpassed eiyte of elegance andat
corantodat on. The chambeto are furnished with
It r oss e ts carpets, french I eiateads, mahogany
hair-cushioned chairs, m thee.)y wash sinks. milli
in...abaft:table hydrant..., bureau, st4retary and
toilet glare, all of the mast 'costly and superb pain
tern. All the chambers are, moreover, supplied
with gas Astute and hornets, which.. an he ligh
ted and abut off at will. Thera are private a.
' loons with contmuods chambers, for those
. who
r. ratite them; whit • the drawing rooms, reading
room. and saloons for e. ntlernen and Wire are
Spacious and truly magnificent. Roston may well
be prorate( are hotel. I have been ao much era
' trod with my vecommu.leriana hare, on repeated
visits, since lost August, when it was first opened,
that I make it a la' dnt to direct all my friends to
runic here?'
fly rho atri•et of the ete3ruer New York al
Nex Orbaus MI the 7th. we luxe later nea•
G.• 11. Twigcs:, haJ r. acecti Puebla ;In the .29 h
“t.f . r Se.lwrs.
ter..,11 Seeigc..rntnanil t.trnhored rie IL wO.
mt..tytth Whom Leeal.rc.c.l w f
r L., tt...pitut m the In.h 1.410%11,1 ai r hit
CC W atteny,d
ntL . l mg wtth IndigLity
• .f 11;•••• ..; • •.• l .•
ar.d the 1.,
olinntion. theroCom, i. Ow he bi eg•iin becoming
. •
I" ' 11 . , Y• It t:.i . it.•.ilt v.t
ca to t , c kirricAn wh , ott it has stirtnpt.,l
lull fquiem make ii
cola, at la.: •i I.! on.; dr! Able.
1 the elsegruy .1 our ra,, I
minthri 1 , 1.rr. it
1.,.11 11-3 rtn . lairasanarrit fit 111,,',11111111g by
press and in “liiciat alacumm4tr, Ilist it carsaro
‘ Ili a aa sr of ea: et and that this vra•
must Jr. toad, c 9 Of l d 11:d to t•
out ~, "al •ar
%Voitld to Gad the M: ziolo toi iple would op.
thtir ey'o% to iv. r phis the'
chalice that the lorti Sc et id ir,r, 1., Mom,
and that the reply to Lis proclamation may du ono
iihout yiverval indignation againot Ihe in
of atir lo t awar be in id.. agaiint tl.eso
0f11,1.1‘ than salicp we: may no 101.Crr •
t'reause Providenh 1113 V hare' leered the
oulloomion of tht.. ontimunato ointry. Otero may
Te t our children or grand when
thaw, a u, of. Olio( latiopoterii 0..11 hare paafed.
the noble work of rearm:big i hi• mu m,. corn
milted by Ike itopulit:c of the United Siatio on
Mexico. God and lob. ity.
June I 4 -g, P. :M
Flour—The Isrt u ar and inactivity CI en epic
ui of in the market on Saturday.. not preaerat
to-day. The• hueisioax transaend shows a very
buoyant market, and AU impravrtnent in price,—
The sales are 15,000 bide mixed and Western
brand. at $8.37}. 700 Pa at 0 50, and this ale
ceription is n.aav firmly lIOIJ at chat. an d 10 00
.blde of Extra at $8.75. The market clams will
an rip-ellen!
Whr,“—Thera is an improved demand fir
Whaat also. Satre 411011 I.a prime White at 210 c
an 1 of Red 5000 bit at 199/201e per hil—an ad-
TUX(' cu both Jaen linnoi.
Corn-4411ex of prime quallty at 118 to 120 c.
to the ardent of 7000 hu The market opened
at 118 and closed at It:Or —an advance. Held. as
ON. very firm at the closing figure. •
Rye Flour—The eaten to day were at $6,75
per t i dal, but holders are nom demanding $7 per
his continue scarce end realise 60161 crate
per be.
Cornmeal has improved—latex at $5,2525.373
per bbl, the market clobit:g firmly at the outside
Them is ammo movement in the market fur
m—make 400 Mutt Porto Rica nt GaGl r, usu
al terms,
Cotton it depreniol, and ! r hore is nothing doing ,
At present o!jroporiance.
lo Provider. there is no special movement.—
A lea sales new Mess Pork at $l7 and 317}.
:tales Mc, gee( at $ll tor
1: le la, et- l'orreFpwelenee of t he rae.lairch Goa•r:
June 118 i cc r.
Flour—The improved domino] noticed as hoe
ing sprung up on Satuday, is fully and more than
sustained. Prices, h moves, are very steadily
held down to them current to several days pro
sills. The sales are 10112.0110 lib'ettieni sot 11.1
f 8.7538.871 pet iibl, besides various parcels 01
tither descriptions at the customary difference.
Wheat—The market for itYltent continue
Groovy am. Sales prime ‘N.hite Ohio of eWOc Ice
Con:—Sutne roles prime Yellow transpired In.
Jay ut 120 e.
o.lS—'other sales at 62n per hu.
this description 'uf Grail, there is no
thf.f inlet twday at I:1211135c par Go.
istritravol—The mutleet has mote thati f t
.1 tei sli d ht decline of Satu r d a y. N a h a . a t *5,
56.1.15,1 . 0 q pet 1411.
Rye Pour—Further and fair sake al $7,25 pc,
Prorkions—There hove been sales to-day of
['nine Pol:, at :41 4.121, a slight advancer. Of
Mren Beef' lit ,1.1,511313,621. and 'of Prine at
it 9,373.9,50; ()the:Alike no change.
IVhsekey-l-The last ,aleJ of !Ala were at a 6
hut tn•day holders are vunendina for an advance
and have gehetclly niththawn their titane front
the market. •
Lard it in better request, and sales NO. I in
kegs at lOtte—a slight advance.
raghi—.l. No I v. suds ore now oldaiiiing
'4,1'1,1 on Flour per bbl to Liverpeol, and 12a12p
on Groin ptebu. The market is buyant at these
. In Stecka there is no great amount of lit:sinew;
doing. 'rho solid securities attract murk attention,
hut the yanciea arc stiil depressed.
Gotten— The market ir very heavy, and buyers
generally withdrawn for the modient.
Cotterry - ordr,nce of the Por.lorre.
Juno 7th, P M.
The market his exp.:item.) no change in the
Lading staples .in. o the lent repot'.
Jatie 14, 9 PAL
Flour—The advance nolodSatorday b 1301. sus
rained. There were sale. Howard at at $8 50 to
the extent cf only 500 bblet. Suequebanna and
Cey MALI ienitihhe or el ire. rather dull. thre
haring been a fen iniall , aka of the layer at ;8 ;
6:4 The market hoe been Very quiet to day.
S.enething of a demand b. *pang op for
Cotumeal—alles 500 bbla to day at ;531.1.5 -
375—an advance.
Wheat—The market ham siren way to day.--
Sat. prima Whitt, at 2110 c and Red at 109 e, to
extent of 5000 ha only.
Corn—Sa!ea relieve of rime quality at 11_e
113 x tt the extent of 7000 bu.
Provisions—Thero has- been no claangc since
the, close Saturday night. nor sales of Pork, 11..1,
Lard. Baron, &c, showing any variation from
thoilo then quoted.
flraccries are steady and without change.
Tobacco—The excellent demand pestilent In
ihissonarket lax week soil continues, and is ac
companied pith 'a further slight improvement its
prirOs. The inquiry includes most descriptions
of Leaf.
rtA ANS.... - I. there qt ilr(lurg rat,
of .111. n e d.trerr . iitg
t;m.L ' No . It them tor, mor
hrt relief of thr, torn-
Vfg J ..i.eder a mote e.-main reutetly lb rphnnir
ert,bie Eli Tr, el. I, ..cottv.n'rd and
eadtutmLer to the ten thou. ..RI tu•tancer el it, en v.. In
jr:fr,:.l, bolc.talr upul 141 e,, by V; V.\l7- A
NI, 14.1 Fulton street. York; W 311.
ptrvet. unn I'. It. tqwIKIL. 5u1a1.61011.1.,.
Prwe Zell I
$5,0 1 ). BOOTS 5,00.
Tlliy -uitttftrtiter re•pectfullyt tittutart• thy paltlte tlrtt
tte In.cottonetotrd ..Ife Griltirmen,
Ft.t.ittotta, Baas. of good 111a11111. 11.. .,110 worktntutftlt.p
orloutt lot warrant t.topertof to tftq Ilftot ever
tit Fitit•tattglt tor got prltte. Itandttott, Foot
will ttC oltt&t. to tocutture. and wurrunl them ark-rtp,
..tart]. tit tor v. ry low itrter of FIVE 1/01.1.ANS
l7.trti ICtit•tttocrt krt. rot,•trd to nn nod ciao,
noVit•tn. W II FR:St:INK
Irrl'he Her. Dr. Huh., 11,eglenrul,e.uf t'Lem L. r.
burgh, w.II Wrdncoitay Eve,,,ng..s, the 1.
I'resu)termr, Church. (Dr. Ilerion , I the r:roin•c.
:Fentl..l Cur A e..).1. etu0n , 1.44:11,e taken up. ,j 1.5
On Manda>. tl I I.b r the 1:ev..1 H. I'm
tha,. t.Dv /I. t New ~,,,
LYDIA FIRANCFS. is ,t 1.1,r iy:rnon.
Oltutin.b. tn.
0 , p.llll nry Irc on rim rA.I $v m
m 1..17. 31',
01, yeur of 11,...tme JO
, rIN S011:1, 1 1-
WILW r N .11 member 0.3 d Ilw•cof Iteprt
11,11MILVe•n, ii. ..ra ni
It irurrly tua. w, has Iwo,l enlied upoat o
h final ha e. one .o and re y ln. r I
n rur .!ireca•rd Ir.rual Nu uni igot of
roan""... and C 101.• ed wall all ritu.alndi und
v a a •ttv tl •ro , .aatt which eve, Inaac pre,(At
thc runiight Itapotocrs. Frank, wurzu Itrarteti. mai
Fos uttu.aal degree of the c'e.nentr of en,
Cchty an,l tasa;,,,c tl of charrcier, to Iron I an was to
tact. bias. Ilc tvah coratnl cr.;.:,,thee wa
and fccial,ll)! taps.:round ltim. Tr .:t
a devotctl (crud. and a pall c •rttracao,llr, 11..
lira, 111, latent,. :tad It.. mane y..cre rel yI c -towed
Is prom.< any t aale vv./alt./le tat:a:v.:4.--n .1 Itenclit
Inr ncurtiltorbooo. Its , country, or los racc.
Recommended by toe and pub:, p tit in the
at c.a.., of hie lc liant ettizettu, he wee cleured in
t.dt . foul t
rep - .c 11...rm.:ea county in h. Luu.,,,yfute
of 11.• ,fate flu ink lit neat infflartry.
In devote Itimeelly theta ~ tueß
For •olfte I.n.r . p.t ,r 10, health had
prerarlou•, and 'cry, rat I) 10 the 'pore. the .1.••
wit eh I.a , I.l•lter.roft cad h. , U-eint an tan
develope fornottable ..ynopfono. S..rt, Imo cu..,
w was
Isle an re.) . tif.rherge W.llll-4.1.0010e.,,,ru•u0m
n1e.1 to haft
taxt, r 1... heal.h motsolled,
• unnoanin ti.eafterlsitou to the Conon. ere Room.
and mlhelimes tics °Arca probable that Its ardent
devotion fr, htf ente rninett mes made hdli !rug,
that prudent eurc ennodu
loom If which feeble ..Wie 0(
Wer.l.ol.efore the C . 1.0 .0.
the. t he w o. prevaded upon I , ythe adv., o f ho.
Wort and friend: to return I nine, In I.ohell .1,1 re
• and the et fuot.on• of 00 forret °nate toottet. might
potion., Ills 11, Th.ft hope howeVer been Ift,ap
Ile I.nfterett on in :lie home of h.. eh.1.h00.1
• a
per .od (on.. three nionta•. gr.da oily toil°,
an .1 Ole lie one 1 . 110.0• 01 wen- sunir d . Far
so toy we. lc. helma nor den& he fully and Juiettletioy
under • 0.01,e 11.:11.e a , 11.• d.erace, and en ., rtnoted no
floor., a On o reef, er. Ile
the to hi. -a: 4,c
r c in On
zlirr iiio• -111al ,1 lot to I,lr3eril Immo,
taiity ~,,
IGc 1.•.11/1111111•• 1.1 , 11111 , d, ar,' • •••
:I,.•••ed vv“.• 111
I.V. ro Itt two.: .he bniaq
I,eJ w , th B;ni
larr•••- oln.vr ‘4l. ilr r-f , treal
rr the .1.e•to• 'he llt
,n,l• I, • trarvtu tn ints..“l tau, In.v
N. I 1.41,V, to a 1 ihcv- "ally
~,• .e••.1 iecerni tor r,ery,ltie,
ber n, ,
•re'll, r ,o tour`, at la Frgarl s.,
• , ....111 011! p , rm .11r,41 !,rune,•
.14 er • nn t
:1• •A•
s o e
n panolu 151
rll t 1,
•t'r na'or ,‘4 n6
t n
ne" ntnea• ter, tat., rute.ervann ere On
e••• 41 ,, 1 ceeta,ne and an ape,nce
4, rnnetet rt . te c c nen pecu, er r r a 11411, l'n
ar nec nrect a I %Vc.ecree rn rt
neen,nentersed• it.r le in on. parrottaar of lb. , r
.414.1-4•te, nercl L DAN,
.. ,e & w,
D' DF:rmur EA !II EVENING. unabie
14; t t. S va p I n t nv r.tere n The it rat tht• Dis:an.
ha. and taeor.te re.urt. eve. . 'as tr plvase lu•nu•
uneruu• pa. tan.. hue the pleas r to nrirtediner that nt
add.uon to Ire present cumpany. via ' Nlea.r• Nara's,
,ItsrpLy dnd Itunttry, he hu• merriest 1.111 CllGOV • nent
with the talented Vm•atot and•t %I rt . MEI- .rdsn
I. e New Vora ard rhilath•tph a 1. 0nt,1., tVh, sr... up
pe.fir each even., in a *env* of ,ottg•. Luett. Sc.. or.
cOt.”111r1 00 ‘sth Inv ilarmont•te
pa" erog raglatEr changcd • IF
t• of
iri - Pnrson• .slia w,th C r 1.3
plc.., th• vr ord r t Ihr door.
lIC ru.rtltrr ham rur t rrAtrtve luau 0, C , 2!.
:mod I') rotetehehttt ttt the United etatter, u Itt gt•
ode eon:Welts nAturunetat at Ft. Walturittch be ...It
trarle to the trmtst tertronubte tem, The
pck comprtre. Pitt 10'hr,.1., Chasers. lintsrterpprr
iiioc I. ',lir.. liengtttar Itncket. Tolltrltuttit. Pot,t.t.r.
limr. Comte, roangi rot. Fire Crarkrrt. Ftoret r Ihttu.
Mtn.. ne .. Art.. tte Itrtlet• fru 0 the ert...r) prtattpt, Its •
Jll3 I; U1:1 1 .. , 11-11t, 2; South WII3r,
1 1 1,11.1e.pha, /um: 12, 1847. 1.
Clengplo, of Ole •ohne6ber.on Or .11h 111:N-
J ANIIN aid .noctl opprennee Cte
faxmote, I.unine, eabo, 15 year. of age The ..hovr
rc ward ...Jill, Tom, in any poi,. 11-turning hull To the
*ohne ram., but no ehnrges
All pcnon. fiorlo.iden to-11 no or employ Or smal
apprentwo undcr or penalty o( the low.
jelS , v3l•F
\Y—YI /lI4T. ro CONTllA(7l . o..o.—,rul e d
poudts will he rede.ved toot' EDN F. , DAY.. u
to the Itordogll of 11...rodeorrIt un I until
July .n th. Coy of Ptur.burelt, atl oo'elork. A. .1 . ti
the relirr of the hegto-cr, fur the nod ni. ed,,
oprot fifteen nolo/. at the reentylvotin Iluilre.• l I,
teloling Wes: tn. 11, awl fifteen mtle• of no d
Hut of erendittg from
•pre.ficauuoi of the work fan he ...ten It the I:niti.,erA
tare so each pldee. for It° do, preen,. to lb- to,.
opo. writ .ho 411 turther 111.,111:-
Iwn r. Aft I, hod upon oppltexoon Co the Chtetloe A
rd.. Eng., .rt ,n133.,21 V NIF:11111eli. Pro•lt
TroRN Ey Sr LAW. l'aiaOurgh. . COllll.l,
In take the pf. , of :tncl ackl,ow..l , llsniro
Deed., I ,rt-rc, I,.lDartn. lOrpo.lipol.. of ther. wriong
In I, r, r0p1,..1 a..e,1 m-. t+.lull-. of K EN TucKv
011ie, Dar It/1.11 h jr I'slly
I)10 "IF:TAG-11u • I ' nod • Cmicl 811.42.
/ ( , r I.A ritiEND ROE) s ro
I A V . A NA S A 11 -7 , t,tr4,7„,n.
LS C I: C"Ir'"S—"
ANILL A IIEANN-I,nrgr xi re• and frrrh. for
I y p. 15 AIMIGAN
1) TTRIL-5 rt cv/re , ll.•dul
TA ILC 1., Sarr . h.
1.79 for I.y 11111.1.EI?
L , LOUR—Li Comtly. F:otsr for ra , e toy
iels s VoN HoNSIIOUST A, Co
11 APON AND LARD-1 cu•k a••onrJ iii Coll;
I hhiNoJ I.urd;
,15 For +ale by Poi NI/FA MR h CO
AtiN -17 cl,untry Fittanl. leee,ved end
llfor Kale try JOS roINOF:XTIOI tt CO
lIISKEY I.L.b Sl...nog:llml*, for aalo by
Nlel " -- 'n h""
;I ' l . 1 ' .T.7:11 " :2 (fi r . ;VVON
13 AC°N.
14, ek/i Drled Arrk4i landing
on,lforgalel.y Intl .1 AS DALZELL
1 , 1:173 7.0r , la
ate b % y V. It., a choice.
1310 WELL, Agent
1311 ,,, —Sn,AI lIV b.
t7.‘ l l e I;yA N
p o i nS
I—A prime nni
.tore and ior sinlctry
leK AIcCA NULF:-.4:4
' Dl4—(l sack. Alm.ltlA cot rule by
w log & NIei,NDLESS
iTs— I for pair by
try Jobe, D. Davis,
. , oharn:ng, the 17th instant, at 10 &cinch'
srAl be told: an este/14re assortmeotof fresh and..
sonahte Voropean and Donterle Dry Goads, Az.
.taistantiel second band Ileroache with falling
top. caned for one or two hams A,handsome &Mort
went Of necensware, a quantity of groceries. shovelui
bed eorde. matches, kart spaniels cram+, No 3
mackerel herrings, band boxes, &o.
A itrot •Ifi L thitnent of new and second hand boare•
Ir.IJ f0n..., among whrcb are one hair eta( maltogarty
d nod common bureaus, fancy and coctursOn
choirs, L oh and low post bed Meeds, tittles, work end
snub as W., wunlut• bhnds, feather bed., u 2 MDMiI , I/C•
lock mentel clocks, superior mantel lamp., iLtnees: kitchen furniture, window frame., door.
and window st.h.
MEM21313 table and poelict curing, hardware, new and
and hand worttle, tal.tellat,perarols. boots,shoer,
hat•, cap, alum, linen bosom, and col
ars an aro.atrolcot of scaronable ready made clothing,
dry good, utunent totatonentt, d.e. •
tier wan copy.
Ilan e'er.. a matchless :truck for the litowths.
Beau, and Itetcrirattorstof the Dom This Crest e, when
Jame known. will supersede ell other oracles of the
low used' Where the hair its dead, kiarstuthln, an.
health,or otritine gree. a Cam applications will make
the t air sa s h and stork, and give it a heat:Mild lively
. t o t tectrot ee. and will area make it retain its livelirw:,
and iteal•lty color twice as long as all the pentium's,.
tibiae we gelicrutly used. Every Indy end gentleman
ho arc in the linnit of acing oils on their hair, should
"at once purchase a honk of the Chivew Unit Creamer
i• coommsed that it wall of injure the hair like the
whet tirermentions, Lou will.heautify it, and give perfect
•1/•tatqual in every alAtatlea
For testimony lit ite very' superior outdates, ere the
follow - Mg letter front Rev. My Caldwell, to Messrs
ileadcerhou On :stretch, Nashville, lieneral Agenta for
thu Western States:
I.m:retrent the Rev. IL Caldwell, rector of the Frets
I..tcritto atitt.h. rularkt.
Messrs. ilehdelatatt Stretch--Gensleoen: I take
pleasure in adding my testimony In favor of the caret.
eat prcpmuiton railed A. Parrishls Chinese Hair
Cat me—fa: snout two t ears ago my hair was very, dry,
tautly, and dtrpuseil w corne out bat haying procured
a bottle of the Cream; and used it according to the pre
scrtptton, cry hate is now soft, cleave and Elm to the
hem, Many balsams and Olia were tirelied each lea•
meg err hair in a revere slate than before. This Cream,
met my expectations
At an antele far the Toilet, tap wife gives it prefer
cure over Pik being deltratelyreelemed, and not
C h ic to raocidny. The lailics rep- maliy will hail
the Chinese Cream to be ...desideratum in their prepa
ration. for the strict. Reepectfully. Or.
Pula., !wkly.:, 1317. • It CALDWELL
wholesale and retail, in ritahutgh by John
51. Townsend, No 45 Market street, and Joel Mohter,
renter of Wood and Fifth sts. •
Ity v.ttnie of a decree of the Chanrery Court Nash-
villa. nand, at Sday.aertn 1,47 :11 the on,. of John
Reid. administrator. /re, of It I-. L'llortanedieu. es.
I hover, Tatum and others, I shall procrtd to sell at
Tubas Averion, nn the 2111 of August. IN:. ot the up
reeend of the SI orket /louse in Nashville. hclonginSte
the :re 1,111 of R F I.'llontmetheo te. Co.. the Flour
Nila 11.1 thomllery with Imp pens and corn crib attach
ed Sn.d tannery ,s Liinstrtl on the hank af Cumber
land Meer, about aloe mile below N••hviire, including
between -tx and revel, ./ele.ui land. opon which the
lanbleite, are erected. hornand designated** lots
N 04101,1112. till and os represented in AlcGavock's
p.llll of addition to Nashville .
The above Nnl and Distillery bas been erected not
wore thin 9 momhs, and WO built of the best material.
'it, Distillery is capable of manufacturing:4)l4ls whls.
Ley per day. 'Me Flour 11,11 hos only manufactured
Rai brie of Flour since it was finished, so that the ma •
pinery ie pertecily lICM and of the moot modern and
Li brie
k.nd 'fhe Alai in capable of munfacturing
Li brie of Flour ircr day Toe hog pens are capable of
epliitinaing and feeding 5000 hogs, and are well situated
to cue aad eapenge feeding. Themrn crib is
commodious—then. ore also three patent periablecona
go: attached to tbe concern. 1 will alnareceive pevate
orals for coal property until thp day of sale.
The err or cold rob ore RIM/payable m 4 months
110111, the balance on a credit of one. In, and three
years, without interest. 'The purchaur is required to
give now! with approved 'county pa e- yable in Bank, and
a lieu al-o Ice retained upon thproperty further to
ucute the lio•chue radney. .1 C hl
_ . . .
DR. W 001 ) ' 8 flar.ayarilhe and Wild
Cherry ttttt —Rtie new .d vel.ble Ex
tract of .`,ior.upor.lla and Wild Cherry h. been rued great tUCCC•4 for the ',Houma retOwiral of all
paco Mae... their thr from in Impure state of
Vo• biaml:— lubm.3l. a hrolthy tenon of Me Liver--
. -
,renottete• the Nerves and at Date MeVes health an ,
vi,./ La the n bole avv.tenr.
Lt a I ra.tes of Jauna , cr. Indigestion, Dy.pqmia, 10.
Appctur. !Wtan( Cosuveness, t3crofula, Headache
Languur. and that Iteuression of Spun., which ts •
COMM. a couviallit in the Sprina and Sommer season
of the yt Inethotne has not its equal—and a On
not tool 10.11 ronvotec the own asteredutoaa of its peen
irrv rWee. .
For ftnihet pert.ettlaro tie re.der is referred to ih
rAinvileis which viii br farm.bed btu the Agenta,
In Hie e.uinat:ou in which this valuable medicine i
1,) thosr who :la, uied
(o-,:auti4nto the Public -00
Be partieut•r and Itlx fur Vi Wood's Servap ardl
tied tldl:b,ly and tzecivetto other. This
the first mew-Avon of be art cies combined eve
odervd to Me puidie, and toe real !meet... attendmgi,
tmlured Ihr unpriticipled to rounieitett and ion
/ a revenue, one that the i•oples have .
Summand t nod Wild Cherry Bit
on end thrill emelt label on tti
-.4n...1 by ill.. urapriemr, Thornton.Jr
and :.,•uts: W &yr & ETCH
•,.. t. :• SA oVI ?itt , thtiel
I' it.:,er,11,1 . 0 I•nce !I—large bottles
bo opened
,rcpun .1 tc, arecnunalavou vi . slwe, by the
151 it 111..
e attrark:r.nA chi. Iwthienahle Watering Place
nr... L. wrli and y mown, w rcquire ernueurac.on
a\ IN, vettoe nelivoy. enet
pa,ll ..... a. ua manegrr of such au
eatrunendrd nim to the
rnmrd of the rt4trens et •
Me Spying+ tiering
gumrhess, have been engaged: F. pet
pet•nnt• nod a fine band or music,.
navr a •) srt med.
1,11,1 from Cumberland, the western terminus of
'the ll,t,i,,oure and Oh.° listlroad,•nd from Holliday*
Lurch the renooltania C.tual, and Cbsmcershergh,
wexa ieFarriaa• er Coinberland Valley Railroad, to
lc.cord Lave much improved'and are in , good or
iel 1-taugl
11, , AIILE. and COO I [No —The Mock lot dines
more "ce ly Ito., the pen. alica stroogrrand mare r color, ad cArrodes alert pear, lea. lbasa any
other known It l ot !mat quality for all palpate.
Taw Copy..o lab. for the pueptue of writing letters
or dr,“aureos, of which a tvan4fer ropy is to be taken,
Itrel y. glees a cop at perfect as the origt
113,, itltt In. 'tome of that stick y y
iabstance common to
c , p) tog trills.
rf he'curl. Ink gives a rteh mellow read., antrim.
prover tr. nr,ghtness on the P4Per
For permanency of V the
dirge Inks fulIF equal if not
a•I pll tuber. to p e color m otter set on the
coca.. 12, '11.,:it.a.:1) Mr ears:
1.• rr.rrd iii. day, end rpr .ale in any quantity. by
JOrINOTON k eI'OCKTON I Sta . tonyr, nor :dal ket and 'Third PIS
ENERAL TAYLOIL—Julm•ion . atockton
%Shave ittai reel, vcd portrays°, Maint . Grneral Zach
ary Taylor. by A Hotly, tinder the inintrdiate surenn
endrnee end thrcet.on nt" the anderaigncd Macs, (rtdn
ortvital tkttch taken (mm Itle at Camara°, by Capt.
E non, A. U C.
W ,, ; 'be u , der. , Zned, rOn.idot Hoff) Portral of
6e nee al 'raying a g,o.lllltenes. •
Co .Agg. U Navy
Gm A. A. A. G.
(:e. Menne, Lt Topogranbical Engineers
11.001, IN4LAPOLS.. SS. Navy.
M -- Price. 23 cent.. ' jell
ELLER'S vaßsupvac—wAntxx,
eon Cu. Ohio., Noe. Sib. k,44 —Me R E Scher,:
TI, is to certify that 1 pur.hased of Thomas Shaanos,
Eau .nifFbottle of your celebrated Vermifore.and dove.
Innmy little son Mtn fire ) ears old. which took from
Irn worms of • very 11.110 •330. I beheoro your
Vermifuge In he Me best worm mCchcire for children
teal the worldever parlayed. I would thcrefore
upon pareuts who have children of with worms
to ;ire it ts (tar ninl 10.3EP11 11PCLEA RV
Juriire of the Peace
Prepared and sold, wholesale and 'clad, by R IC Km.
oats. :et Wood street. Pittsburgh l_
IP Murphy mei et the attention of leadtes to his cx.
rellcnt tutonment of a hove Goods, ornallog of
Sot; Scotch Mull Muslths;
Soft Ow:** do
non Nonsook . do
Plant !aeons, Barred do, as wcii OS French Lovnis,
vcry newest styles; Embro:dered MuSlias.
far Dr r sses. at reduced prices, at North East corner 4th
anti Market ruts.< Pt. lull
.ben to the :hock of the above ComPany,
d., o r near this city, are requeonl to pay :he rialkar.
to JOSHUA HANNA, Agent for the
Co mpany. 010
1 , / per cent an or before the 15th June nem.
. " 15th
By order of the Company' II O'REILLY
rontramor for the eantimmtion of said Line
,v2-.13t and on June 13,14,13, V, YIP, 30, and July 13,
1 I: and 13.
800 on and New York Pianos.
J liS p iced red, and on hand, the fol.
La flr lowing new znatruments:
OlEe elegant Itniewo Piano Forle
(Premed, Pa10,1,.,,,1wv ooh
Coleman's Cele
brated Ire'vpment tuneable reeds.
The latest impiovement. Made by Nunn. rt Clark, N.
One ylevaOi Piano. pamot tote llama, and
yew ;.lode Icy Chteker ng, Itnaion.
mot, I ooe Iliimasoml Plano Forte, orlailliantr. n..:n. N tav unn. A Clark, N. Y.
Pot Easter„ prices . J lV Woo/well`.., No
'Pool atria, by mlitv t 11 fiLEBER
Audnor to dbeributu the rondo 111 the hands of
Jolt Ur, Ken., Segue:mentor of he . 4 11 7 / 1 8111NOTON
AND virrsuuttuli CORNPIKE COMPANY " All iniereeted will take notice that he will attend
lu•the Ciktas Offre in oho Corona!, of Wakhington, for
Ihnt poron, on Thooday, July 13, 1817. at 1 o'clock, r
n. It II KOONTZ, Auditor
W.u.hit, ion. Jana 12, 1 , 47. • 1n11.31
Hiwroity OF nExico—Just publikhati, by
I AS. II le Janie. Cincinnati.
Tri Ii lIISCORI ttEXICO: her Civil WWII and
Coloroal and Revolutionary Annaly, from the , per,od of
elpmedi. l'ompregt. 1.5:4, to the prevent Me. /BE4
InCinthwt an areount of the War with the United States,
ear.ver and Military Aelnevernente. fly. Philip
Young, NI. D With two Copperplate Maps, nod . even Engraving* of Plane of Dante Ontands. n.a One eol
octavo, of five hundred and ail,ly•four pages,
Commlesion Meacham.,
A RE im,sr prepared to reeesva am! torward all kinds
ao( Meregandise to anv lunA,go he Juntata,Narth
and Wem Ilranch. ann Tidewcr r Cnna la. jell
1 4o•tho Fin mon , Ids/Immo Company, will be held
ete cad, eadme I flortnly. Footh siren, be
tween %Vood and doudifield l'insburgb, on
blonder, the sth of July non Hy order, Re.,
. SA 11.1. G(1:1511.Y, Secretary.
A A El AItGAIN—For .ale . a good Siesta Engine with
iwa !toil,. The Engine la a V inch evlinger, and
4 inkn. The 13041[Tillre aq inches in Ammeter by
xn feti in Inngth. Nice Arply to
S C UTd ßEßi.UeneratAghnit
Intl No3o Smithfield aura
- A - RA liK CHANCE-Agenu wanted 'to sell •
A r a treernl Parented Ingentiort Persona with a capital
or PIO° or S MU can clear from 119:0 WEIS= per annum
Apple immediately to 9 CUTHBERT,
General Agent, 30 Smithfield at
, , SMITHS. Good workmen, with Heady habits,
an heir of g - tod wage• and enn.tani employment, by
Applying et On. office
rill:. eni:l known low of splendul pataetsges neama
.1 eta is new easpowd of the largysk 'mule., bq
finished and furnished, and moat powerful Ira a on
laatel•Ortha Weft. Every accommodation A.a c.. 41,
lon that numey can P.M.. b.. benn p , ovJd• d .or Pb , 7; l
Seegers. The Lineman been to eperataan do Rs , . yea
—have arned • olion of peop , e with set st e team
lei to o these persona. hit boats will he at the of
W turret the day preview. fo slatting, fee th,.. ret,,tl
II &richt and the <any of ptrenget• oat ore rraw.l
o,l f ,
tb, In all case. the passage stoney mett le paid id
advent.. . 1
The bli - ANONGA IiELA, Capt. Slone, l'ilts 2
burgh every blauday okoroisig a: 10 o'clock; %V hrebuir
e vcrylNlond ay cveroug at 10 I'. AI
The HIBERNIA, NO. 11,. are. J. Riinrik:trr. erat
leave Pinaburgh every Tuesday mortiitig 1U o'clock;
Wheeling every Tueitlav evening at 10 I•. kl.
Tbe NEW ENGLAND. NO. A, Capt. S.
Ire rstabor,ll. every Wednesday tuanm•g . za 10
clock . ; Wheeltns-ereiy Wednesday evoung .110 C.
The WISCONSIN,Capt. R. J. Gram will letvelty- 1
burgh every Thursday morning at IO o'clock; '‘t heeling
every evening at IU
The CLIPPER, NO, 2, Capt. C r oak.;ar ill L., vr. Pitt q•
beigh every Friday aaorning at lUo'clock, UN kte:tas
every Friday evening at 10 P. M.
• The MFMSENGER, Cap. Lißfor,l, will , eise Paw.'
burgh every Satanlayparning 4116 o'clot k; .11 tirehng
every :lawn:lay evening a.lO P. M.
Tlae ISAAC NEWTON, Capt. A. U. Mc., 1,11
leave f!iusbargb every Sunday moraine at 10 ,
Wheellag every Yawlsy eveatng at IL , I'. N. • ,
May 20, 1817.
Tgi i .E.,% 4 17:‘,, W r..^ ? ,f*...4?:7 3w k,P 0 . 2 1, 1 '1. - °, l °' .l
Old wool ware tame, ror Irbenv at and Cern's alley
OILS-11002141 N Mottled 2perm Gib --
11.2. " Natural Color do, I
190 U " " '• Whale 0,1 '
1400 " • Bleached dot I
, 200 " Toone& Oil, "Strail•t" I
5 bbl. Lard 'Oil; • .
= " Linwed Oa; J. , • rirdiu , d and for
jr3 solo by A 111.1.1412 & RICIZETSOSI
- .
SUNDRIES -67 sacks Tom. Feathers.
I do Beessras;•
1 do, Wool
10 bbli , Lwd; now hauling pow stair
J J , ritiondon. and-for wain by
iatY I DICKEY. & CO. alter and (root VIA
OIL MEAL-4S bblA 041 Mee;
• 1 casks “ Juft reril .1 and
N 033 Fcmit •treet
IS 70; .
IS " 1.12.
Ali For sale by 9 F VON noN NI1011i•T& CO
CASTER-2Vbb la Ground, in good order, , or onlo
Jo° 'by J C BID ELL
CORN -700 bus. bright Irelkkw QM . : '..bjreand
for sale by 1 JO JC hi DWELL
INSEIRD OIL—Z 4 61,1 s puxeljn;:l trrrivera and
-Lifor •ala fry jpo J C IfIDNKLL
SALT LAMA Allexteny. rced and fur rule by
jet Jl\o F PEit it V. laberty and ,rwin
.-- - -
IMUTHY SEED—:U b"ni, 16.1 , *it by
J. 3 /NO F
DACON-17W las pnmet‘afela reed and fur rale by
11111 le3 JNO F FERRY,
LIELE-9 by. bast recebyedbial for An'e
by jai N ` , CLLERS
HEa , inct-73 bnls No t Han Vil)e k 4 . ):
i tt iltity
SOGAB—V3 Lags In store 2.1 for sale
I.ley r073l JOHN SOO IT &CO
MACKEREL—MI bbliNol•-•Ltage. •
15u b( bbly do, to. p,ily by
k 7 /NO V PiqtßY
BAM) BOXES—tOO dos . assorted Aim s. at mono
Ibennor's pnees, (or sole by It 41 en 1..!E
jnltAtve No D 5 !Dorset street
TOBACCO -2,v bis,Runkeni Nand; 5 Tobacnoi
J. in Mom and for We low by
• WI :DAIZELI2I..vater
. • .
p DKR-1 k! . r. fay. r;
jnl4 For ..:le Li' 4 0.-1!:7.1.:1.1
CHEESE -200 bzi s'or ra!e
Rit4 by IVIC.O k. NIcCAN uI.ESS
WEST CIDER 2 bum!, for sale I.v
AY PRACIIIICS—MI.4. in Lbla an t nck., for
• , 11. bY inl4 ‘V1111( & Ale4ta, M.P..?
I~IIdW INAMILERML-30 Libis,Late, No 3, is I
VI Ibis year's catching, Just received and or sale by
Jed MILLER 4 Ries bi NUN
rlfifl-30 bbl. No 3 Large Mackerel. of, qr,13,"
' 20 bbls No I Marring,
;0 bids No 1 :Lod; •ante .rd G r •o'e by
L131,14—i0.11..b1• Wlcie Lune for vale Li
j c 5
AISEEDI2 bbls and I bag for male by_
%.2CORCIILNGS-31an•superiorqualitr, Ga.le 14
131e5 . NkftMcCUTeti EON,I@a Liberty.
DOTA.ISII-1 tons good loalitT. for aa:e b
VROIT-30 Luc Dry rcaeLer for salt. Ly
R . 1 / 4 R 7.lcetrriDlEON -
ußooMS—too dos. Corn Braoqa. for sale by •
`OAP-50 bbl. Cincinnati. bn .itle by
SALT -100 birbi Pio I Allretenyi for role by
y AUD 01L—A prime artiile or .1' Lard Da.
Lreaostantly on hood and'Atr,rale oy • :
• • JORDAN A 50? i— '
je7 Monnfoefoero, 770 Id Labor,7
ntemiel now, Liberry stmet.lqf‘•
OIIIITKENT-3 gems bleAfimer's Ointment oil
hamil and fat sale lour by
,m 7 J SCOOON , SIAKER & CO, wade
A LaiiiioL=.lo able, alga lirce7f. jam erre - Med ana—
fiirr este by - je7 I fiCtIOONMAKER &CO
LARD OLL--10 bbl., in fine indef. far ?Ade by
je7 ' J fiCtloo:46l4KEll Jr. CO
j BISON SYRUP-45 dozen Pure, Sur site low by
je7 . J 90I1001:
VANILLA BEANS-5 beadles in sile by
r , ANDISCIS—Ipou lb., at 13 cam. per Os, an sale by
je7d9or J 511121113 RO, I.ibt ny alreel
SIDI 3 and SHOULDERS, just re , e'dandtbr
1.1 j 7 sale by J. JORUA '& SON
BR' — tolr...Y.:!6"`4'id.'"' - ' .....n we by .
Ja , S F vON BON.:1111(...T k CO.
I .i OarI i; SJILI•E 11316 —150 ( 1 „ t1 , 1 I'm znL .,
T .
OIL WEAL-45 bag., but reed
. and kr nate by
eny3l S L k W. HAIM/1011
18E0E-4,300 b., bog tumid. id sutra a ',LI far solo
Irby •• roy3t 8 k %V 11.31{8d UGH
lIITTON—I93 bolos Comp foraala
m r oL &LEND 11t43:y /LCD
LARD cilL—WipTiWrc, for kale in nun h_y_ •
ory3l • •• D s:ultuAN
DRY PIBACHEB-3 Wits 'aidl I box, fort reed
and ho gala
jr9 S P VaN BONDI:1088F & CO, 33 Front al
CIDER VINEGAR-19 bbla Pore Chi, Vioo
for Sa t sole by
i3ON N iiO)IST Co. 33 Fond at
is store and for sal -I
Jen . J C RIDS
L bat halve', 'a
I V ELL, %Vater .treet
CUEICIE-40 ban choice I t
00 lb. each, jeer received a
ieh J CHID
yge W. lt, Ireightng
d (Trude t ry
Vb.LI, %Vde idreet -
QOAP-20 u :• No I Ciacino ti Ibyop, Bill Trft'irca
Oyer ideamer l
and for lo by t t
je9 . 4 B MILTENBERGER. CS waler et
rr 133AD-40 carry baa Pilule rein;i 1.
3 do Enna sine; for ea rby
jib J D IVILLIAISk lio.ll. *ender
CIUGAR cult= lIAMS—II lb., jun - received and
1333raale by T OS GO
Olni 3 O(NE
rill. • Opposite Mononealed. Douse
DACOR-3300 lba =toned, ) fine ordri. ;int reed
Lland for tale by jilt , nub U 011ORNE
Ls ANILY LARD-70910ne Ja . y, pm up .4:pressly foe
L 7 family e, (ram 7 math.. ea h Jar—Li , sole Ly
jolt LIOn G t)DICOING.
, .
CYTHE silt:Jaws-60 dm. \ Commanland I Patent—
for sale low by 1 IIt,). U ODiOItIVE
.101 Opposite Monongattela 14ouse
pLOIIII-14 - Llits Fresh Guru td Famliy Flour, in
V store and form, by
.. I
fell I DICKEY & CO, maser and th -- -
ALAI SOAP—ZOO boxtb.landintront inenr Den
Kush r for sale by I
flit • JADES DALZEL Oycet
-100 ma I.bores, pu
Net received and ferrate by
jell corner rmish
p for 'lsm!) use,
P c NA IrfIY
• eld end from 111
SOL ASSEd—SO aS. E., Jan rineiyediter mama;
tiondolier and for soda by E E EAZII I.ION
jnl!. ' pin Kidd of lbe'lbanland
• _ _
TAR-2;hbly Mardi lbYrolina Tsui . receiving by
forsile 3 Ur I.ZEJ.4,
rrA3iNER'S bbl, ryeeiy og by . Can.;
3 ; 1.
_ for sale by Jell •
DIEM BELICK-20,C03 mo r e •ni .
foi lye
inn ELL
%Jon rale at troantitior to roil pure
P7LACfI BBANDT-0 . 1,1 Pose Broady, for ale
in goirtii , ti.os!oiLiihiff_iolp PCMARTIN
BLACK, Merchant Tailor Exclotaao 11.11-
J . ding's. St Clair street. Pittobtalit. Hat(
- - -
e Ric Whibtei
sutra, by
C 31A6T1N
l 7 rErr. for mAtrifyL ,r,r,:,..,?Ri1,r2z.rd
SAJEII-30 bus. malt Whale Army Beans h.r
JJ Isto • by P Cid RTIN
11111BESIC-160 bYs just ;see tied and tbr rile by
jelo .BURB RI DOE.I.VI LSON & CO. water.,
fiLAßß—Stst bas assorted skes, from ask k. Henn
.e.stenuatry brands, in store end for Se% -
ist. •
i t lIIDWELI.,..SVaterst
Air.dNrFACTUIRED TOLFACW-3.1 bra du. Lump l~lo _
ruperior quality, directly from Lynehburuh, Vk
will be sold very low to close - a conrignmedL
jell • • I DICKEY k CO, water sad front nu
BACON—Q,OOO It. . Bacon Pule. for *ale
VAA. TWIST-16 kegs Twist Tobacco Lunt.
Jdo by W & 8 MeCUTCHEON
R—es bbls superfine, R. Walker , . tined. for
sale bJ W t R dIeCUTCREON
FLOUR -4o banes Floor for Bak by l e
7ZNISON RAM R-1:100 Ihs kr, we cri
QOARWS—A few Meek Lace &are OM
0 1 0 be had et the Dry Coed. tiodte
aY w ef