~&ELLANY. Haircesthrr Wheat. The .propen time of harvesting wheat has;been ported, by. repeated eXpe . ri inents,.to be when the stalk below the ..,,head.'has changed color—then the circu lation has.ceased. The grain,although ,it dots not yield any milk on pressure, • 10 - yet soft; . but ripens well in the sheaf. . The advantages of harvesting wheat be fore the berry ripens, are, it yields more and better flour, and none is losi by the process of haivesting. • Mr. Coletrian remarks that in England wheat is seldom put into barns, but gee orally into stacks, which are raised by "staddles," ttlade of stood or cast iron, eighteen inches to two feet high. At this, elevation the stack is inaccessible to rats. In Some paris of that country, where the stacks are placed on the ground, they' are plaktered, with lime • mortar from the gronUil two- feet up. and White-washed, to protect them against vermin. The importance of protecting wheat against rats is well known to ev ery farmer. The quantity eaten by these destructive vermin. ir not tIM only, per - hapi . not the greatest, injury they do— the filth which they accumnlatc cannot be separated front the berry of the wheat when thrashed, and being ground, it is . mixed with the flour, rendering it spccky. When the wheat is cut before ,the berry has been hardened, care should be taken not to put it into barns unlil thoroughly dry - , as in barns it is more likely to heat 1 than in Smelts, in consequence of the : greater niass packed together, and the less free access of air, thou in a yard. Mr. Coleman, after speaking of the best kinds of. wheat. cultivated in Scotland, says : "I have seen none superior to the kinds Common in the United States, es dicially the white western wheat. In peed the bakers here, for the purpose of droducing thefinest bread and cOnfec , tionary, prefer the best American flour." Mr. Coleman says that there is no coun try in the world where the average yield • of wheat is so large as in England. -• Within the last thirty years he says that the product has been doubled, although in many parts of the country the crops are still small—not exceeding - sixteen bushels to the acre. Some estates( ..—where•ftfty years since the soil was at poor that it did not produce wheat, aid was thought incapable of producing it, .tow yield an average crop of from forty to forty-eight bushels per acre, and in favorable seasons, as much as fifty-six bushels. Our agricultural statistics are too mea gre to furnish any satisfactory data from „. ;: which to estimate the average yield per .'acre in this State, but it is doubtlessless than in England„.notwithstanding the natural superiority of, our soil and cli mate to England's. Unravelling through this State our observation has forced on us the conclusion that the average yield Of props is in some bad decreasing. in consequence of bad husbandry. - Tin, shank' not be, as by proper tillage the soil can be triode to produce more abun dantly than it did when first brought into cultivation. Some sections of the States lying on the Atlantic slope, where the soil had been so completely exhausted by bad cultivation that wheat ceased t., be raised, because the product would not remunerate the farmer, now p r oduce abundantly. Old fields that have been in cultivation from fifty to . a hundred years, produce better tAtops than adjoin ing land naturally of the same quality when-first cleared and cultivated.' Ex perience proves that farmers consult their own interest, present and prosper ' five, by good tillage, as the amount of labor bestowed on the indifferent cultivii thou nf a large field would cultiVate 4oall one well, and make the aggregate product greater, whilst an additional val . us would be added to the land.—C,,,. PRIMITIVE METHODS OF ADVERTISING —There is a very simple and very an cient way of assembling the people in Norway for public business. A hurl stink, or message-stick, of the size and st.ape dour constable's baton, is painted and stamped with the royal arms, and made hollow, with a head to snrew on upon one end, and an iron spike on the ottier. The official notice to meet, llte rim's, place, and object, aro written on a piece of paper, which is rolled up and plaeed in the hollow. This is deli.ered frodi the public office or court-house of the district to the nearest householder, who is bound by law to carry it within a certain time to his nearest neighbor, who must transmit it to the next, and so on. In Case of two houses equally distant, it must be previously determined by the filed at which he shall deliver it. If the' wner is not at home, he is to stick it the house-father's great chair. the fire-side ;" and if the door be lock'. ed, Must fasten it to the outside. Each is hound to provq, if required, at what .\ hour ho received, delivered, or stuck it. ' He who, by his neglect, has prevented others from receiving the notice in time to attend the meeting, pays a fine for each person so absent. There are fixed stations at which the "bud-stick" rests for the night, and it cannot be carried after sunset or before sunrise. The householder to whom it comes last takes it,..back to the office. Ina country so extensive, with its population scattered in valleys, divided by uninhabited. "Fields," and 'w 4 hth few paths of commu nication, this primitive sort of gazette is the most expeditious mode of publication. In the Highlands of Scotland, the stick, burnt at one end, and with blood on the other, was a similar device for assem bling a clan in arms,—Laing's Norway. _ A TITLF. PAGE.-If it were inquired of any ingenious writer what page of Iris • work had occasioned him most perplexi ty, he would point to the tide page. Of all our periodical publications, the "Tat tler" and the "Spectator" have a priority of conception, and hare the moat •char acteristic titles. The copious mind of Johnson_could not discover an appropri• ate title for his "Idler," as he acknow ' ledges iu the first number; and the title of the "Rambler" was so little tinder- • stood, that a foreigner drank - Johnson's health, innocently addressing him by the • •appellation of "Mr. Vagabond." The • Jewish. and ,many oriental authors were I food of allegorical titles, as "The Heart of Aaron,". "The Bogies of Joseph," "The Garden of Nuts." The Greeks and 'Romans havo'showu a liner taste in titles. They had their "Cornucopia," or borne of plenty; "Pinakidions," or tab lets; their "Pancatpcs," or all sorts of fruits. The Puritan writers had ti curi ' ous taste for titles: "Matches lighted at the Divine Fire," "The Gun of Peni tence," "The . Shop of the Spiritual Apn :thecary." A rhoanmontatle title paw -1 was a great favorite in'the last century. The republic of letters was overbuilt with "Palaces," "Temples." "Gardens," "Pictures ;" and at one time every hook was recommended hy the title of nojeli‘y-:- ",‘ New Method," "New Elements of Geography, " "Thu New- Art of Cook : ery," &c. 1 - ,et a marl be ever so much upon7his guinlagainst a flatterer, slime are mill.a taw points at which he is accessible. • DA.II 40 BOXEI9-201.11witinorted siarcor, at manu J./Cultures prteesi for .ale by It II PALNIES 95 Alatbet wet% ~' ~-~- ,i,...iEDICAL. TO THE SICKDR. AND AFFLICTED SWAYED'S GREA27,• T guar DISCOVERY a . m st far Posiesraphort Coualo,G2 di, Ahma Gement ~ Liver Rusopland, netting Blued, linkman) oe Itromine, Pain in the side and Breast, Palpitio on ai the I' sore Cowin:on sore Throat, Nervous Debility, and all l dies-aeon( the Throat Brew and Lungs, the most effectual and speedy oreeverknown for soot above diseases, is DR.SWAYNE. etraIPOUND SYRUP OP %YHA/ CHERRY. 8 corn • n LIVIP 6 %lianas —Head with aston ishment the wonderlul cure performed by Doctor Swayne's t. sopound Syrup of WILD CHERRY tbiltaLitiLPHl a , Janoty Si, tall. Dr. Swayno—Dear Sir. In justice to yourself Ulti 2 duty I owe to suffering humanity,l cheerfully give my testimony, and declare to the world the moat astonishing effects, and the great cure your 1 oinpound Syrup of Wild cherry performed ou toe, under to mod unfavorable circumstances. I was oho with o violent Cough, spitting of Blood. se vere Pains in the Side and Breast, which seemed to break down and enfeeble my cuotitutton,s s that cry physician thsffight me case hatred the power ni medicine, sod my friends all gave me up to ihe, but thanks to you and the effects al your grotiltacove ry, I now reel myself a well taw, sod raised from a mete skeleton to as fleshy and healthy a man as I have linen for }can, and shall be pleased Jo give any information sespecting my Case, by calling at my residence, 51,11.1111 c street Hurd door below George street, Northern Liberties. Jaco Poona Tertrmrony it now receneedfron all quark/41g' the Gide. The fellowlng letters are presented With a view of more fully showing the opinions of PhylliClA. in testinn to the Medical value of It,, Mk Al M.'s COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD CliF:Rl{l Dr swayne—Dear sir Having used your Corn paui tt Syrup tit Wild Cherry exte es...ly in uty practice, I was requested by your Agent, Doctor , Crotchet to express my opinoin in sooting of its properthw Iv a remedial agent, I inn t clieerlullys I comply, as - I feel by so doing.weß discharge a 1 debt I owe the community at large, and Physicians i in particular As much as I detest Quack Rem, i diet nod P.stent Nostrums. I .via induces' from n [Woe of the must potent expectorants, recent mended in our m Item medlea in some cases ol Managed Loops, to try your preparation of Prow Virginia Of Wild Cherry. Its offorent testy that I has an 'Minh pleased with the roan of that and 2 ...good Owls, that I now prescribe it in prefer ence to all other Remedies where an opeensrant . indicated le the 171.11 dre ided Pneumonia et thseme of the Lawson the alarming bored in which it appears in Kentucky, I regard it as an Invaluable Remedy in the treatment of that notate. To all who know uras I hare said enough, bin ali thin may Le son by perilous nut of the vicinity of Frankton, I will brietly add, that I have been engaged in an, [active practice of my peafewon of It year and am .1.",-E'LY.,(It dusts IT: e'rgillyi:un g ttenftdnoth'usl"7. onto, an Notion in writing. J. H. Kudos, Id D January ith, 1141. Franklin County, ley. VlCAllit ronT, Ky ,Jan'ry ith, 18 ti 'Din above Certificate is NMI one el our Phys. corn living a few miles from here, he is doing g very good practice. and is considered a good Physician, and stands lair, he is, as he says, a regulargraduate De.W L URI. CCHEM, Drama and Apothecary. Tattinonids will neter &am. From the Temperance Pledge. Now that %Vanier is upon us with its attendan train of Putnam.. and Bronchial afl ecfrons,Coughs Colds, &e de . he would advise those afflicted in this way to make immediate trial of Dr. Sway ne s Compound Syrup id Wild Cherry. It Well nom tail to petit rm a permanent cure. The reputation of this medicine ha -canoed manly venous articles to be put forth under its some but the preparation of Dr. Samyne, besides being the first ever offered to the public, is to Only one that Can be relied on. 'The other novena sold for Wild Crierry Syrup, Kenn., &e., are 211 wane. rind worthless, and contain none of the Tutees of the envoi preparo Lion, Dr. Sway.... Compound Syrup el Wild Cherry. From the Springfield Express.. Of the thousands of purported curative wartime I.IIV before the public, but very few are found to possess the healing virtues for which they are re commended Awing the latter we are pleased to learn none stand a better test than Dr. Swayne • Compound Syrup ol Wild Cherry. The affheted I in this sterna) are beginning to use it, and to thee joy they find in its use their hopes, based upon its recommendations mom than realised. The affirated need not &new While then is bile, there now is hope A V AUTION 'TO THE PUBLIC . I 10'sinee the Intmdection of my,artiele to the public, there have a number of oopron,plod ooi. , swots got up 110•UnMe which they assert column %Vile Corry, some are called 1 Balsams," "Raters,' and even Syrup of Wild Cherry, but mine is the original and only genuine pteparation ever Wrote red to the public which can he proven by the put. he Records of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.' The only safeguard against imposition is to see that my sidothre as on each bottle. OR. II stk ANNE l'repari d ~ 0 ,y by Dr. i . ,II 1 eel, at to Prom pal Office. turner of EIGHT and Race Streets Philadelpbm All tk ild therm preparattons being fictitious and counterfeit without his signature, For ale is, Pittsburgh wholesale and road by AVM., 'THORN, 53 Market street, OGDEN & SNOWDEN, corner lad & Hood sts S. JONES, Itit) Liberty street. I Sold also by J Mitchell 111egbeny City, Boyd, Caro & l o Butler, tt i lis nderson,Mer net. Norman i dirndls. lc, J H Burton & Co., Roe; 51 hermit A. h Cleveland; Dents & Son, 0111,101,U5, Wier lirowpavali , hilinh, Wheeling Vu; E It Hinman. Cincinnati, Ohio- ' Dr E Easterly & Co.,St.Loins, J S Morns & Co , Louisville, fits , :Andrew Oliver & Co., New Or ions. a r 5 STANTON'S EXTERNAL LIEN EDT, CALL., HUNT'S LINIMENT, IS now uroversalli acknowledged to he the IN 1 FALLIBLE K :MEDY for itiletlol34.l, Sp, nal Affections, Contraction. of the Muscles, Sore Throat and (join f, Issues, 01.1 Ulcers, Fauns in the Rack aid Cheat, Ague. so the Breast and Fare. Tooth Ache, Sprain., Bruises, Salt Rheum, Burns, Croup.. ' , rooted Feet and all Nervous Diseases. The "FKIUMPILANT SUCCESS which haa at tended the application of this most WONDEKFI i I. in curing the most aevere eases of the different Dow,n above narned,—and the HIGH ENCOMIUMS that have been beatowed upon it, wherever it has been introduced, give. me the nglit to call on the A FF1.11: FED to retort at once t • the ONLY BEM 'FHAT CAN BE RELIED ON. erica tactile unite in recommending the a cle ated External Remedy, Hunt's Liniment, l`tic following letter from the highly eminert Physicians who hare been attached to the Mount Pleasant State Prison for many years is the best evidence of the value of this celebrated Liniment. Sine Stew, Dectitoner My Dear Sir—l received your note of yesterday, asking my opinion in relation to Hunt's Liniment, as prepared by Mr Retiree E Stanton. Kaufman its- composition, and having Irequently used it. I can recommend it to you as a safe External Reme• dy; and in my opinion, the best Liniment now use. Very truly and respectfully Tours, A K HOFFMAN. Col Pierre Van Cortlandt, Croton Manor. .1 fully concur in the above opinion. IV N BELCHER. YoIOITON in, Jan. 14, 1813. Sir—ln reply to your letter, I would say that I have used your External Remedy, called Hunt's Liniment, in my practice since you made' me at quainted with its comprwition, and unhesitatingly say that I believe it to be the beat External Reale dy now in use lye the complaints fur, which you re commend it. Yours respectfully, BENJ la MILLER, ht. D. Geo E Stantan.lisq. From the N Y Sun TrAmong the mew of worthless articles and humbug. that are poured forth at the present day uponthe country, it ie really refreshing to find somthing . of real practical utility, something aim plc, speedy and ellectithl in its operation, ,ansf ii the same time free from those injurious Clem, which generally attend.pnwerfal remedies. Hont'r Liniment, prepared by Geo. k Stanton, of Sing Sing, though it hfo as been but a short time bere the public, by already obtained the confidence, not only of our most wealthy and influential citizens, but our meet eminent physician.. All acknovrl• edge it to be a sovereign balm for many of the ill. that flesh is heir to, soothing the sefling limb , and by its genuine sithau'ating influence, banishing die ease from the system. Mr. Stanton—Sir—Sieing your advertisement 01 Hoot'. Lanitnent, 1 wai induced to try its effects on my moo, who had been crippled with a lame back from an infant; and It i 2 with gratitude I bear testimony to its wonderful healing properties. My child, who l• now tine years of age. is now ill 2 f way of recovery, Yours, &c. DEALMON C PoST , OFFICS,TOW n i ins, Putnam Co. I certify that I am personal!) acqusinti d with the above named child, and think the father would be safe in saying that his son is almost JAS 5Y DYKAIA Nor 5, 1815. Deputy Post Master. I'. S. I would alio stale that I. hare been for a number of years subject to frequent attack. of the Itheummtisin, which in many instances prevented my attending to my business. Two or three appli cations of the Liniment invariably remove all of. (notions of the kind. In eases or bruises, sprains and sores. too numerous td mention, it has in this vicinity proved a certain remedy. Ina value G. only be estunated by those who Dane given it o fair trial. This Liniment is sold at .25 and 60 rents per but. de, by all the Principal Ihuggists and Merchants throughout the country. Wholesale Agenda in New York. HOA DUEY, PHELPS dr. Co, 142. Water • RUSHTON& Co, Ilk ...roadway. A U /SO SANDS. corner Fulton and William. ASPINWALL, 86 William Wee!. Orders addressed to mast Sing Sing, N Y, be attended to. GEORGE E STANTON, Proprietor. For wale in Pittsburgh by 1, WILCOX, Jr, and J KIDD A•. Co. Allegheny City,2ollN SARGENT Birrninghans,JOHN SMITH. fe1.19 LattiCS Indies, Pro nswolshed, When you know that You are promised A natural, life-like, snowy white, Th.l son will mill we common chalk, • 4111.1 feel n deathly yellow Ingle. 'lnc theme of laughter and of talk. If gnu would one a be of /ONE'S Lllly-whim, ii aroold give your ekin ao alabavies:yei amend white, and et Raename Woe. cleat and improve It. Hold at JACKSON'S, ES Liberty st. Price Weems per box. roYB YOU PUSLI.LitiIIEIGUII BCOUBIOI,I Wita...lE meanneas equal yours? Look at koar fair young wile, with her Leah. sunny flee! Look at your own, pined visit eruptions and blotch...! Yei you are too mean to glee Shy cent. for a rake of the great Italian Chemical soarh would entirely free you Grow them, and make yellow akin clear and healthy. Go once to Jackson , • :lime, EV Liberty at Pittalmrgh,and get • cake. . . N U Jackson!. Mike only place In Eittaburgh where the GENUINE is to b• obtained. Beware of Counter. fah , tLrOBSERVIE he trig BOO{ Ganda e.oorway. inch 3 MEDICAL. IT NEVER FAILS! Dr. CUL LE WE INDIAN VEGETABLE PANACEA 13EnsoNs elnietod with `Armfuls, Min's 1"..0rt Carteer, Erysipelas, Oid Sores, Isleers, Tertcr Mercurial Draeases, or any other coMplarots ansing frorio . impuntimi of blood, are requested to rent the lollowing restisuomals, in pact of the evader fat properties al the above numed medicine. READ! READ!! REAM!! W.. the undersigned, having mailed Ale. Ivaan Brooks. Jr. el thh office of Moser,. Rowand and Walton, 376 Market street l'lnlatlelphaa, consider hi. ease the my at remarkable one no hare ever tan nessed or hem t itis disease was SI Itot tt LA , and terrible mum have eon Iv: twelve )earaa' conflict oath the de ara9er: e entire roof ad' hat mon' la, (lp per Lip, and lower Lid 01 the Itrzlat Ott have boor. destroyed, Iris) are nearly eaten up, and part of Oar Jaw lime earrievlawaq . And tot tie eon give b.. desenptlon of his me. Mr. B. tulortna us that Jondary la,. the NI(01. interior of his mouth. as well as host ad WWI n man of deep and planlttl ulcer.: On the ILlth olJavanory Icat , he monmeneml talon s Or. CLILLF.N . S INDIAN, VEGETA FAX A CF.A, which' checked star (11 , (C.1)C. or a tern darn. a.., rolls that time the earn bay ,ithout Limitation. New Hush has anisphed ill ter 1.1 Inn deep id CP.. and lisough Lka4ll dmitgarl.d. In. lace to town, and Int general liralln ns tentorvo. %Yu are assured that o, the tresturent of Mr. Won& case, nu blercurials,thntotents, ctrEJustte sppbcstions hare been used,--In ldrt the I'AN A I:EA ALONE, has wrouglt this o oudellb I 61.1uge Davol !.. , unth, Burks county, to. Charles L. Hum and, bleadvittc, Cmw lord cot', J W Jones, M It South, Second bitCel, Hula Jacob Lee, Pemberton, IN J. E W Carr, 4M 111 Fourth, Know. Voirrutut, I S M lancauter, Fa. Mba Adockrtn North Eluvenillet. holt. RESZSIVIZZBIZEJ . . • . Daniel Yuakel, 'hesteut 1101.1 . 1:11...1clitIo3 rd.. V:, Juitil I larnetl,39o I ligla strutt,ll.l3. ~ . . William Steeling. M 1/, Camden, N.. 1. Wllliani 3.g High street, Pnila. J Potter, lalanufacturer Ili Mineral Teeth, IW • Ninth sae., Phila. ; L A Wollenwelier, Ileiniicrat I": 1 Street,' Jo Georipa 111 Mentz. ttru.h Makzr. 317 Mariet t•I Ezra Carr, l'heznulutrml, Elllla. , . A ra.itor ot Eleventh t Nola. John Beg, Eno Stroet, Philadelphia. IN or.n %toe can officr.) AAVUO Sande , MI Catharine Street. Plots Daniel Met/init.}, Kensleen Alles,. do Andrew Sweaton, Camden, A J. K H Evans, Wear Phila. Richard H. Young, (Alder. -109 Marker et flida John V( Aslimcad, GO Areal] sixth ntrcet, S Wagner, Lithographer, 111 G elleSout street dr H J Eleventh atreet, de Deter Slam Smith. Editor Native Eagle. • tic Joel Ho t line. Glass manufacturer, V' ilizaristorri Wi lien Steely, Farmington, Van Buren en t n .,. L. B Coles, hl D, Rosh., [liable, Russel Canfield, l'hisiologiet, l'hiladet Thomas Y S Ruby Itl Harrisburgh, Is. Peter Wright. 259 Market street. Ilhila. Janice W Newlo.. 103 Fllbert .4. do John Coed, 174 Spruce at. do line, ra.etor St: Paul's 51. E. Ch. Catharine St. Phila. John Chambers, Pastor let Indep. Church, mt. do T 1. Sandere, Publisher or Pledge and :-.tand.trti F P Sellers. Editor Olive 11..510430, Ducks co, Va. Wholesale and Detail by Ilowand Walton, 1',... ..recinct, MK Market St Illoladelphia• Ii V. Seller, n Wood st. Ilitteburgh, l'a.; Wm. Th •, .h.: fit w. het st do.; K B Perko., Marielta,Ohi..; ..aton A Sharp, Mayo. ile, K Y; John W Dane rib° , er, Ohio; Sidell & Reeves, Madison la; C Nuhle , Lo o f ville, K Y; Dcvcrouck & St. Louis, n, I' 11 McGriw, Natchez, Miss; Ilardae.av & Jos:. stem V ickshurgh, do; rharlelJenki., Sew ()rte., La. MEDICAL AND SURGICAL OFFICE. p iAmoNo AL. 11 Wood •ire7l, d trv:a ‘ rt= g murk, Da. BROWN, • • llavtn bern regol I • ate: the sr.dfal ) p . t ' ,- . k m, and Lech for •oun • ,on general in:whey, . Iv, ,vat on ;1( v • to the trenunent . prwate and deiiyikte con, plaints for which tn. oppoL tunnJea and ciper,r, pee ;lilac!) quel.ry 15.1eveu yearr euttnotious r acvoted to the stad) taw) treatment of thom: vornpt (P tduring winch, I.nJa has Lad morn praruce and n. eured WWII palm. tits , can ever sail t. tLe In t of • ) ry o I en, ply qualtites Ivan to °IV. as rarer f apt,ly. perm. nem and Ann..actor) nu, • all talne.ed wan Isleau 311 Id llt V. , • .1.- vv-rylron. . IMIRMWEI . . tud by the use of aul of ft..: osmium nostrums of the day dim, the ns cm:unbolts: eau be rusbeully and that nugtly eared. be hawing given Ins eurefu I ...noon t, the treatment of such flereen •ed .tt butnrre,t of instaners in esmog persons of attbffnut.off (Abe tn., of lbe bladder, sand Lnd,ed donnnws urtoeb oglen res.. nun fLoss eases whets other • have eniungned the.. hopeless desp.r panteularly ms:tes susb us ban been lane, and izanscre , .fuliy .• , y tnlier•toeon I.hca• ura,.l.a a ,aretul aaJ raAnneF. pint^.l eat ve.gatiou, :utporaohle tar 11.a.ca"ga.r , , general pramee of m,l,t an, to g 0..• any oat cla, that... • 11.-7" 'Tenon or floptorr'— Dr. lirrovo Biro cnv, persons sabered wale earl.. , he lop , pa part:color Jncrtuoa 01 , 4 J.scove rqsn Asc....es; POr., I,ry.r.re ru, Chatgrnvery N. U.—Pallet. of rill., IJ.ng n by fial/ng ir mrlainx. rvo 111/ Cor • yoir ; .in; tolown al. dims Ii 4 , 11. 10 . 1 alte adares.ing ItltoW 1.0. In 1 N . 45 14.nn,1 .I , cy. Wn.,/, Haase frr No ram. n 111• V. .Irl9 L t‘i heeler. CroeLer & Co. New tent Oasis, Budalo 'E N Part, & Co. Chrselsted SIIKKBI/1.11116 TouTil PASTE. a• A A ralatlOngh Crs. Drimn McCluresl4w-soh, • • I SCYIC.II OVIT&MICIL annY and wh,rrnua awl & Porter. etterago er-s. re. t:vanst , strgh, l'enna Penn. breath. he. It should.' he used every night Goa Nlacitennt, with • and , John Ale ',dine, ituntstox o, brush, and the teeth and mouth wsiloaly reau.re mango It Ica A Acker, (Sreenvelle, eta W do 141111( 111 the morning. %Vet the hro•h ad., Ced. & Frampton. l:1 • Ile. do • . water. dr cold 'oaf Interver. and rut, d ren. the paste. when enough will adhere fur e among ihr rt• teeth. It leavcs • debetous taste in the mouth, and ten `• .• noun, tln parts& most delightful fragrance to the breath. It rtind• R . N . Or mat 5 unrivalled as a pleasant. etheactous, conven,ent. and POUTAIILE COAT LINE. ' safe dentrifier. Ills WSIITZIII,/ 1110 l to ,teethele.ll, 1847. bona preserve them. UY mthta tt r"gui•flr• Inure the dad kla ßrn iMi to..eArtla riNti NI ..tIg iv ,I,RMP Pe , ent t. acendalatton --Prevent the toothaehc ' 'lll' KEN Pl . l7:,lturaill AND 'rill.: ilk strengthen the gums. and prevent •Il Mseases ot tarn, crrits. TI/A•sli.rwzrot. pLysscians..d the clergy reromincrul /1 a Tr , onvn". d method of carding used nv this long dsmdedlX, every thi" the """. Established Leo,, a now so well 'moan that de. Ask (at r'••"....•Compound uteri. Tooth , P•a " .. et , pnott to unneee”aty. Goods ere not touched ors the' observe htssignature a attached to tacit pot. Recommended by Dr. Castle, 3SI Broadway, one ofll ll .tne,t_t_t our best Dentist., and by most of the old emanksbed ; oneso tho United States, and ever Z , CLIBIIIei y used . 0, 0" .00.0 by the Nobility of England and Frr • ea mode Io u• tvin A largo proportion of the disease. ItataMiet 'trothunt ; •tornta• and ant, from some derangement ord. • tomach or howd• , 77._ veh.b timely use of the Calbst Lorengr• wow, entirely 4Mvaste. Pentona of bilicus habits should al. , , Lined, L aye ard Uty m... Cheese. Wont, Featlecrs. andother ova,gumeua of western Flr•vt, • b • • at hand` and tats • doss wt " . "`'`' Ala•h article. fur sale. on wields 'Metal ad vanees will he bey lent de r •tt d" . " . "" th " .." " " made anti other usual lilfllll/r• •fforded, pledging our -6". useof th " • ' L'""`"X'• would eelvea any hostnesn entrusted in al atoll lir :111 For aisle a: tC 11. ,AcKsIN, corers o r ,v w , promptly coedited and linen as fa, erm. us by un) LibetlY sta I other house /NO FADDI.:N &Co Canal Ilaenn, Pittalmrolt JAS 51 LA VISA Co ft4o and t.ll Al athet st. J. 8. DICKEY, FORWARDING L COMMISSION MERCIIANT, East Braver Point and Bridgetratir, lean COL' sTi, Prcpricon 6111 Agent of steamers I!Iz.1 Ii - - DR. CULLEN'Ii INDIAN VEGETABLE. REM ED V—Warranted to cure, or the CO.. ey returned. This medicine is prepared from an to. Man Receipt, obtained Dohs one or them in the Far West,' at great expense. Those who hare been familiar with the Indiana, know that they can and do cure Venereal without the knowlege 01 Mer cury, Balsam, or anything of the kind. The alb Rimed hare now an opportunity of born; cured wittrou :the use ol Balsam. This medicine I. pienunt to the taste, and learn, ...men on, the breath. Prepared by 110117AND.6. WALTON, and wild wholesale and retail, by J. T. nowand, 3 Ala/et etreet,Philaira. • For imle in Pittsburgh by ft E Sabi, 57 street. Ind by Wm Thn.n.sl. Markel 0 rwlit! No Gore! No PAY! Plies: Piles: TIEL Jaek,un's kkihrocartou ra the only men.: Ines: 1-/ will core duo ro very I Gannon arid in.alde.o. time., It 1101 only intutethately pulasitlli 11,1. Illation, stops all bleenbrog.,•utahrea that noulo a •leo.. Org. but effectual:l cures, Al, a very abort tur,p, rut oboe.< bens have been rtlislered suroerable nar ks nom:canon produces no own, but rather .em Ire bin and pleasant arnaabon It per.. • call end hear of the great number of eaoe. at 4, been rum& they Wlli amtnnothen. A p mar !ht. erty. oho bud been under the knot at ht . , 11/K! for loop, three tone* ortrhout bring cured I •t• I.) tnr4 book. of the Enthroeuraut been er..4ln ; . It Arlie belond precedent ::—(1 . 11.1 .Saturda ,ro• GU-For sale 111 Prtbllnarelt at thi 14.4iN rrtuitt:. 71 Fourth.Ertel, near or.e.al, and .1. o at Doug` tore of II I' ..R.l4wurts, Federal at Al. rt..) tr. ant, :d&. Nu Cure, No Payi fh. Jackson' Pas Roitivasien Net, F rilliEßF: are few the French Cheme. to tic caw of II e ent lu rentat,uittec ~c.t.t lc tete het., at ntec. ttottaneet e etarctste nethett 1, Ito, theente - ceettu tt concentrattou ett the Taguchi...a Use Twat of elete,tc, thca glatne inp...l . •rett • pcnuaturtit Tailef No ettntpetectcto Tel cLertn..l, TA Inowitto pnettuce the ta.lar ed"r et, nr snapart auagur property to The nervT.TaT uyTarns,lTy mewls °i nn outward local upplicution. The agneutt Fluttl coolants nuttatng eapuble orate shrde - e•t at/WY: tte appltcuttun acienble, and It tt. Itarntleuu its actin° so. it is beneficial in its re:. tte_ Full et pla lattune mitt 4,,,,oll.rerompany ill et t-cte••111,4,,,, urc let ever tvu) perfectly t.te, :041 ut ve..tttnt the rt et , ttt!.....1 the runt, requeetu fa, trail uu te • to the, tturptitting e thew, and ;tenet:meta Itettefit Chrbitie'r Chilvanie Strengthening Thew articles form nnottlCY valuable applicaLun of the erry•tecon• lane/terof (iole.tn.s. 'rho,. are ma omportant tubular, tothe gene..