The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, June 11, 1847, Image 2

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r '4,14',-V - . PITTS BU FkG H:
'l4:bOl4Y MORNING, JUNE 11, 1847.
; . 7Zaitt v rllTlia .41/1 D•
p ' e! ' a " l . l .4- 11 4;/
uallce. to AdVerllocr •.
Ovepi.etnents, to kezore .n•ensoft, ttc
T. by G. o'CLact in tilt 1.01,10011. M. , 1111011
penal . our tutiota,r., vroulJ ,nodu ,
WI/ ClYtin C0C,71.1
...106/sIPII W. PATTON'.
• OF [01),)1)
• /On 010•14.4)
FOR A113.1)1(,).
.LEWIS C. 4 NAHL.I..o. of Indinnti Tp.
.MAKSHALI. NwAirrzwELDEti. I.l),lmygn .
HENRY LAB(iE.,of 11111 flat 'Fp.
W. BAXTER, of Patc.urgh.
1001 CKKri COYYIt•]OYtI.
PERIONe, of Lnevrr Pt Tp
ri Atom,
WILLIAM CAV MR, m Vetnailleg Tp
JOHN C KUNKEL. Daur tx.unty.
WILLIAM-AS WATTS, Cumberland .
THOMAS MeGRATII, Philadelphia Counts .
-ANDREW), OGLE, Srnerror,
)(MECH.!! 'CURDS, Westrooseland.
G 1 BALL. Erie.
D 'HARWELL. Nernhurnptan.
I D SALISBURY, Susquehanna.
.ELIIAN AN SLITH, te,ammq ,
HENRY S EVANS, Chester.. A
iILORERT T POTTS, Alontcnrrery.
Lalitlrf Commercial lotell,goccr,Dcomerite Ma ,
Let, River liewadmporm, Mom.). Aluael. &c,
.1104 pare:
-The Chrseite,' in announcing the re,ult of th,
sodioilhlictione in New York, tematke, -for th..
• Mat timeohcrefore, we have ant lemon of
ealjtdgee, Tire nest thing we shall hear ado
be parry decisions."' Will our neighlor trii t
what we hese tad in cooly Sialu in the toteq, f
years boa but political jag. sl \Vest have we
ha the Supreme Court but pold.eal judges] Wh.i
1. rilery judge appointed in Ibis Stare dun:
Strunk's Administration but rebid Loco Focapor.
:firrood . Who evelkneir n Loco Foco Pr/ st.h.ns
or governor to appoint any other than putilitli
Loo4 Foca. to judicial stations?— Telegraph.
We ate sorry to tad the ty;hir; Telegraph op r 0
'the Side of an elective parucon Judiciary, - lug that the ' next cep in such a Judicial reform as
WC will be the choice cf fridges by -the :Erma r
Owls," and Such order of gentry. King Cocci,
and!nat the Perple,will then he the notnin ee v ..ur
lodges, and. a corruption fund will be nrcc sae')
• to'seist sin them. Think you, that a Judge thr,
nominated, end thus elected, will mete out pat!. ot
justice t awirda the men from whom he boa arras.
eat his political elevation. Are Coueua R roup..!—
or whit is worse. "the Pewter Mega" of Tam-
mthy Half and the "Film Point," the prop, r pt
era in which to retire: . Judges? An: StarirLeg ,
latarec Suite Senators. State Exeautivos, lea. coo, ,
_peen[ than politician. of the say and town? It
think not, We think that "the children are or t i
view than their fathere in amain the Jul trio j
system estsglisicl by the Conatitution of the 15
led States. If it is right to elect Judea fir , Sr
Stite„it is right to elect tit-to for tha Cnhw, c..
. if politicians are to Jabs - lo in the Judiciary of
county, why not of the canntry. Our hew,:
prayer is that. et !Mt, oaf ludioiel sy sten, n: .7
be table . In the chimp • everywhere g , ine • o!.
let us have at least ono nucleus that abed email
• the Beacon cf Truth and Juip,ze, alteddin 10; o!
to around. Let cur Judger he put beyond the
dread'of political decapitation, or the hope of v.- !
tidal reward. The wisdom of:experience ,
Iy Worth carnelian, and the sanctity of Conan.
tutional protection from all extraneous intlonneo.
Is worth something. A Jodie, eke Crerar's woe
ehould not only be pure, bnt shove auspicion. ibo
of all rankle - should feel that in the Courts cri• y
bare equal f ienda and e guarantee of impartial
tlice.. A political Judge is no fit reprerentenie of
the law mutate evidence, if his mind mw he 1 o
and by Tolitical friendships on .the one hoer,. er
, prejudice. upon the other. Or pot the election in
the tends of nabobs and millronairos
rutEmasoathat then? Whet could IA the Corp,-
rate }rawer. of any large city accomplish by ire
in money, if it had a ease in Court Jr.
mending such an expentlture. .1 will remove
yori'frona?' or .I will appoint you to office." might
be the language wed, and gold could ea.dy In
the Instrument of dhisAisastrous result, even it a
• Indp had not the ' dt%e., courage to sooner et
EICh meeslily. We soy to the wmmunity.d.lirrr
your public !servants from call by keeping Were
from temptation. This is the prayer of cur So.
viola, and with all duo regard to the ottactunc
of honesty and the rewards of virtue, we feral.'
the prayer, luiepou from temptation, deliVer u.
from evil."
1 rsJ-
5 t
W. are told-that we have none but pahtiral
ludgeti appointed now. This is a mistake. W..
have known Judge. selected by men of both par
ties, of diffarent political opinion., and saki,
the ground of soperior qualifications. In
Yolk the Whigs, in State Convention, tcntlr rf d
10 She Loco Fecal a selection of eandiJaua svh,
abotdd be the best men of. both parties, and in
. numbers equally dividcd between the two. It was
declined, and the end is, not an election of liolges
by the mcierrly of which the Telegraph speaks,
'but by a minority of the People. , Dms toe T,
"miraph like the result of the N. Y. experiment in
electirg Judges, some of whom are Anti,re,
and other. of whom ere ineimaprtent :open ot h er
ground.? From the A ppeal , through the Sapir
and &prior, to the Common Pleas Court. r. N
York, they have puritan Judges- The Why,
of New York remad e unitedly, wan info no each
naiads, and hence Were divided and beaten
They presented the °bye Branch end reCrirad .
cold rebuff in return.. The Whigs went into the
election divided - in numbers, and generally dingo..
ted with the mixerahle !yeti= which had 1,4,r1
gotten up a year or Iwo before by politicians am
Woos to be made Judges, and sumo of wham are
[IOW el!ratta to office. We oppose thia whole.).
tem as a dangeromi innovation upon well tried and
well established principb • of O rnethreen e, no d "
is always with deep regret that we Sc. any Whit
pens favoring any dogma, calculated to overturn
:that which time has - tried nod prayed to be good.
We sod, in concharian, the proposition of the
Whigs of N. Y. City to their hied:nen of the up
podte pan,. of the city and county. Toe mime;
In s ubstance, was made to the State opposition,
Mad la both were rudely repulsed.: •
.1a %Yaw Ors MIAI. Comerrrsz,
April B. 1817.
"The value and importance of an Independent
Judiciary is admitted by all, and tioivevermoci
political psitizans may mob to warp public opinion,
it cannot be denied that besides being qualified Is e
a proper eciabination in themselves of learning_
Went tad integrity, Judge. should Moo la as for
retooled u ponible Iron, Points* Influcencisi.
"To accompliati ■n Joinable a result, and to
the world no this our first aspirin:lent of on Eke.
tine Judietty, the proud spectoclo of s united sup
tart (irresproire of party feclinp) of individual:
distinguished for the qualites which alike eleven-.
dignify and adorn the Booth; the Whig Control
Committee of the City and County of New . Y-slc
tender to the Democratic Republican General
Committee of tlge City and County of •New Y orb
the right hind of fellowship and innte thou, to
' opmoloo in Meting en praiscwottbY au object"
The The o Foco Govvaxon of N. H. is bold
to endorse the "Wilmot Proviso," and to
•-•':''''''''' -/- re in his Missage to the Legiviatme, that
livery ',indeed opposed to our free inatitutioliv,
T' andinjwi. to the higlzrai interests of our Na•
gteert.' This is a now era (or: Lao Fdeoiecto in
I . . die Granita State, and 0 sign that the rata of
Northam .deegh Nee." will by and bi run oat.
U . 's& of Ma Masi - rebus:tie regiment
17P25traer0 byeebe Caannelimo tater desert
lig axe kw tanks. •
cos p,ti-tiurghliaienr
Its volntlon In Mining. •
Waoutenrox, Jane 7, 1847
With a manifest determiitstioa to iewlea a sub
iraratiAl seivire to ynir frtoty catitivms of Pitt
en • Ca- 4 NinOP.. , 0 .- Old
,1.0 e..J : s.l:~iil I; a lip Y. \• IJ b-l:r la'A:.[
ly pro.eided far ',folic conindetatido, romp iiro
porta. .:r,V. EiT VI tha attics mu., soon
tyke Ova in the nutting and ate Falr, npusiinne
of roi,er and other. Ashy Tues. are suiji.t. most conce.lcd idi the In et ir.tcrefts end
r. at pra..perify of ydor sify. Tb. immerse
. w. silt. of this and adjacent .nintrirs i n this
, intifirnt ron4 Broil be devildped, and the guest
faciliiits your sit/slue perces by means of their
unpicred machinery properly oirdcted, sail! soon
htiog these greed sklvrimaitrk fflifi 46 °.•
• P.tudurgh amos ti.c pest wdrk. ,hops of the
volley of the i•on. and in her ei•
. minaret ry o 1 In-whine:). of all 'diode,
n:u•t ust Isrge quanCii win of nipper, sn,l ourht
nag or be daystadelat gae Thor secai /OS of the
c auntyy fat :tits tmiatrttaat anoterittl which I nil
sty as hardly second art w irovartence to bar g•eat
at.tpl., Ing. %Vat:lt!, forther,galsgat t a te .f ttov
i.g ctrin-d t er of aej.: 1.1 p.24,ctiun and
tt.o II 11l of tbn otenin eagsno
and ell 10,1,, kip:end-0a and innchim my,
imhilrnaa6l.l in mining operation, elle may
lead Mr th- aim m ,he graat march el ilonaratic
manufacture in the country, more espseislly iner
t ry hrethell of tnetu Map% loeetsd. egshe is, in the
centre of the illierf.ll le,p,ln of tho UniteJ States,
anal already in column:lc:non with the nehmines
of Nleswo. Th. an natural atheentterst ahoul.l t• 4
be Lverlooke,l nor pkrunnetl to lit thwmant for
moint!.t. .1114 if v ,r 4 elje pt.:4,00:11.111d a. CUr.;
the fulfil tort of pew In al ~a hei for the rroq.,
ny of all dun,. illee . 11(11eS in your city. For
the eorreelneop of this opinian I will refer you t
one . I many Imeler Coo in Er.gtm.), wh , re a
ulsouro.e , in the foe,. of a tint rein, hss
etc, le. 1 the a.ltaneed "no of £1.000,000 far
making pump,entne.• faith en! imple.
mews nt ce•e y and trolivetu able for main; Op.
I hot rc'ecooly oho, yard that •lie public nitric.
ci oc It. :nab tile ner,popecs it tros cottony and
England, hal been ditsr.nrd to the u-t: el n Lev,
nccd ec coocrecal nOOlll in the stn.:lung of coil, r.' yt
cynic hl< tote effected by m-a , acd elven:co-I
It I. coaled that the raving of I rel aleno itII
Somers -eccold lb. corns: to:e500 0110 . p, annum, I
also thot tt , e I 'orcoth Matelot er twc iml nun ht.
tutor{ [tie one front the none one day and ceducul
the esdne to int ta I the next. out that the enormous:
wet, ht, t c 'piper cuo.cequal to 10,000 tons coini
toot ;tettr..ll t ( pr , Juong only al , t Ut 1600 ons ,
01 ni , t tc)c n ci be intalLl,l3 in 04 hours If thecl!
•Ift. 1 , 10 ra'culat On. and elpittatiohr of the :linen
~,,d Innouf :cyders of the old nocrlrl,it ale ter mo-o j
coetnesto ly thot they nit. tired of the (odious and I
cop noise pcoy - res m ar to ere, and are on this quit
rice a, elven, ~.m c Interne , melt in ttlia great atl!
ant.. ant I not h of prarit,ll sccenee.
'I - hat great trtcprove ct
ncaus In thecsntslung and
~„,,,f,c Lur, ,,,/ of c tpp.r are bath necrassty n:
1 1, a... 1 t0c, and ran ca:reect co otoonicolly 4 ILCloift ot ,
, 111,, M Volnut c'eurHey. litre :s Ica doom,
land as rank:nor I f rots I toil adduce the opoe
, con ..1 one t I tbe Incc.: areomp:ished rhenaisc• el
' 1 Flilli, nto re he ceto inly says •• that the Vol
c tate colel. 11 15 us,i nit% lb. hap,neat oiled
to gill mstols. and 'null t , no duo !VIVO as a hasis
i for net:tau:4 g - -Id, silver and capper" And as
1 mote :Lc., 11,4,N k ; doe so:jet 1. altoply 01100 it.
tt h. c uuery. tso II a catn call your at:cm:oil toot
nrc Inc it II re van-. tva cn I code 100- poor to thr. nen,
'co sr prh,cal h• ,o dtleh 111,e ref trent, and ot
i „thi e c, yr,. octs:tc, c welt n•ec tit other in bt re
p, coohlo per,: e, Or: sub.cctlet.g IVIIIIC • 011.1
Ican bear teannionyds t which by rdaron of thn inrt
-1 :a: ri — cco •acyl ins -ettlityl nf the paten: !vas a-tii,.
1 1. n c itd. bar not 1 en tooth , public', v . :herein I
It OA I ',,t 1 iro. wet! a
lf, ii. , T ~.t a , ihrirnit,;
r,-• of ;n1•11,: , .: IJ to rtcto,:og c 11:1, Ar..i
..ti...or tri-t..1.1, by il • .1..i.1.c.1 , 11.1 1 • f 411.1 1100:e
Gat:rry „on.J[T„drary.ri rur,ent pifctjlitratt.g th , n ,-
ia.11.. r .. t..t,t. r......1T I.a r• II .1., ore ..11.1 fa3buf2e
tor••., 'env*, to tile or'rtrata .0 mi.l Ibe I•SiI,II , U,
t... tr .41 I, ,i'.l tn. , . :alit 0f.1.. or. I moo, 4 ,
r,.. ,• s . V....;.-. .1 p:rtitu
miNrx •I I ;.,L , ,. . :.,t. i ..;-0...11 tosoryl.wig.
3a , Icc.
h tho prami, f:rat. cf Gi.vaq
I rat-cir a-ay, Ala We ine.,nt them as . . Ile*
urtee • thr Th , :re beard of it
pl,cr 1,, a' Ght,coss.
in l : ‘k. I: is
that dry romd fir t i.., o iSci, t ior filing the per:
t.i the r irk whets the eh trim is ritatirit.
and that tie procrss is tinacmimpanied wit, r.
s.rd's decree of danger, co that, by. this mode
of ;hoar, meth!. Or, which have so
qui Lily is er I in ilnployed in erin
or, tt• o tt ay ett—i—jy ptrvet,t—t. lut
lo:tiott, to., are em. ot.; 'lts cliveraifi paw"
Ily.m.nna of gslvanic agency Gun powder, cot
ton, and other inflammable substaracea hase been
nat o.ll'e—charcoal has been made m burn, with n
mast brilliant and beautiful oh to flame—water
be• b.. den ‘tr,p;sod into tts lenient try perta—
s-Lib, Love hien melted and set on fire-(my
meat. rf dame it, charcoal and pluming°, bare
been devoes d, as if they had been wrap owed—
Watine, the loudest and heaviest of metals, ha
been toelreil as readily as scat in the flame of
a eentlle—the sapphire, qualm magnesia, lime
and the flares: cumpounes in nature, have W en
made to enter into rn rim,. Os efrocus on the ane
mei I,,yateart7re [pi
. Inos surprising,
Thu neat great feat to be accomplished is
complete revolution in mining
Mn. Pot.e's ra•s T. S•aTa ANN•.—The
Pentt.)lvant.ta any. that 11, tirni•taon at Sr 11
Aorta intended fit th. lat•t of owp-.•e. •
4, fa, ha• ren.thed in nufhing beneficial."
toth:tt to! the tool phiL+>phy of tLa P.un.
wt IVlttilatt to the Prat. who has chosen co muck,
Id hi regard to the "Pass of Santa.
Anna." The Pass ha, results .1, we 're calm!,
told, • it: nothing henefi :nal!" l:erfainly not. It
has resulted in rho bloody bail:. s of Slonte•ny%
lloona Vista,•od Cerro Gordo. It has con us •
'houstrol bra.° mon to contra', and thou,nals
1119, by tin ease. It hoe ploced I skillful haler
st the Ina I of ty. klesicaro Nation, end one
oh or very num r het been no n tllisman of erenlit:
and unrm Itt the ....Nuts, i.l the country. It hes
visaed to outhotny or Mexico thu *pry moan tat. - KO
th• ‘feztaso N.trion led titnisacil tram the c. on
try. It is the nocleuc of power in the petite,. of
Snort Anne of tint war in which we are engage:l.
wt.) of which we s e in prosgset no probable ern'
We telnure ito philosophy of tho roan who ear.
c.o . ' , fold hoe nrins and tell the world that all this
hos rot uhutlifia, nu• beneficial."
Ty s. l'sLeouseir We illy, in
orals, to faciliiste coruir.unicsliun via Cele, spb
bet., en the E ink en acid %Western ci ries. h., es
tablished Agencies et Ciociinniti, Louisville. Aar..
lir receiving sad deli:ruing telegraphic ilespstch
vs. The Ai easy Si Ciociiinsil n inAto Mer.
chant Ezeharige norm, and in I. Mille, at
the dB, of Ghalson, Davis tic Shaffner.
1 . 1. e Agencicr in Western ettier will reerivr
de.pstrlbe up to the latest I rtc fiesta.; period Lice
fore tho chit - lug of rusihr frr Pittsturgh; and will
'attend pi unptly t the delisecf of any despatch.
rectiscd tv nud fr ru Eun ra cities through the
Telegraih to Pittsburgh.
Ail additional or, I ' ll 00111•0 01 (.leolloo 011
Old te:earaiiiiic tiTtirr.ri, 11:0, and NOM'
York. f I the nee the at ire 11-1.1 trroriee,oo tirei
line. •
0,,,, e•NDIDATZ son Corner Inc' Anriti it. •
—An ' , Anti Ma...otZ.".:put.4 the question to us
whether Mr. Irsaier s , the Anti•Mereinic and
Whig catididste far Caunty4-ressurer, is an ad.
tiering' Mae., or 011•Fello.‘ and wish... a re
riposte, ill the camel 0; the Gazette. We an.
ewer by authorny of Mr. It., and also upon the
authority of friend. who glum hint well, that he
voluntarily left both. the Masons and Odd Fellows
some .fifteen year. ego, and is not and hat tint
beet, donde this tin.., n mend', if a y S erif
Sant p iclitifelA Ste hope new du 'Alin rli•
mar is put to reit that Mrq better will receive
the hearty end unenirums sapporrt of th whole
party in Allegheny County. This ie due th to
hurt and to the Anti•Maeonie and Whig Conseil.
lion, who have presented hie agree for the euffne.
1 ges of the people of the 'county.
'New Hsxstaitsts —4'ne i 'ofilcist returns of the
lroto for Governor giertSWillnuns (Loco) 80,806;
Colby4Whia) 21,109; Berry (Ind.) 8,531; Seas.
toing44. 61sjorily for Williams, 1,112,
Intro Sacrist Boon—By Wm.
The Writings of this gentleman who ha the tree:,
cling personiftestion of Tatroarsh, have been gen,
era!) , reaJ and admired. topeciaDY the “Yelling;
Pliph Correepoodene," The wink now - befona
ar .11:13,ZW, .I'4ll .0f fish life, in all
it, ar,d einnot attriligg tod:i
..laiellon and amusement. he descriptinn of the
a/Cliery of that beautiful but unfortunate country
i. eso.edtngly graphic. The book also abounds ,
witti VW. peculiar wit and humoF for which The 1
',Venom taco I. diatinguldied, and will well repay
perusal. ft le published by Buford & Co., No.'
A.lor House, and may tot had at the. Littrary
Depot of Mr. Moran. 4th street.
We acknowledge from the same • ,Wce. the en .
ceipt of a number of the Modern Standard Drio
ma, edited by Epee Sargent.
Manua GC3EIZAL Tlit.o.—Johnetan &
Stockun has isent us what i. vouched by many
of General Taylor's friends ha he a good likeness
of the hero.
-. • .
I keengrasing is by ii. Holy, (ram a tiaeltb to
ken at Csnaargn by Capt. Eau). The likeness
shears n, ••rough' cveri,r, but a countenance
testy' 1 . 6 r tt.n. kindest Oil:es of the hart.
Hun SIAG t/drir Merchant.' Maga
tine and Commercial Renew for lone has come
in hand Its convents hare, even more than usual,
an interesting aml valuable look. They embrOce
th.• fanning subject :—Commerce at France in
1815; Cori of pnehrction add foreign demand bin
nur Brendsulls; Tin. Iron Trade ..f Europe and the
United State.; The American Ari• Union; rummer.
ca.d tiovn• and title. of the !Jotted . rain.;
tile Lois ta-e, Commercial Chronicle and Review;
l'ornnielnitt Regulation.; Railroad, Cairn. and
Stesodoiat si Journal of Banking; Currency
and Finance; Commercial Statistier; Jeurnal of Ali.
long and Manulactures; Nautical Intelligence;
Merelnide Miscellanies; The Bonk Trade.
At tho tnuighly meeting of the Executive Coin
tWitee of the Pittsburgh Hurticaltural Swiety .the
following productions were' exhibited
Cut Flowers, Hosey's Seedling riiea, by
O. A. Fahoestout.
Medics Yellow Mitn.burgii Onino, of Itlif
6prto,Ci soivlngi.e.cti 6 ladle,. in circunifrietnin,
by William
I Bunch P. n I. Giant Aimmagur, each 4 3 inch
cc m ,mcumfetroce, by William C. Dunn.
Caen. Satanic with n profu•icn .4 elegant
flJari,.., by S. S. Wickersham.
Calee.,ia rim. (In fl ..we.,) Napoleon Geranium,
(in bl,un.) Cut flaw London and
Yung Waodo,ll G.watcui. a. by .I,,Au,
Addltions wero afro mc.t.• to th. Litmery. aral
roll ol
tte Awl., •
Ilu pl. Strawberry remarkable sir
and horny nveragii g teasel litif nn ituntAleteti,
tvire saliiititstl ft/ the list time in the Msst—
worm by William Marlin.
Mr NI attain ale; rghibited nine seedling straw.
b. noa from bettssen" nosey's "settling.
Kean: wedling. Brenter'• Victoria, Rossberty and
Ilatialboy. The first we. effected in eighteen
tn int!, OW the a rming , of the 14 tl and toms gist
pitinni, of ning valuable said squat in rite
and G trot vetsl of the bent. •atittics in (1.1!•
A 11sxiiiiis Xpahnia.—John of Verb
his correspondence from M. lice for the North
American :the fog avitig description of a
Mexican friolangn.l„ ,_
Gang along one of the princ.pol duets 1.1 it
lola an, Fr illy night o Ala [wan came by eacloim
and as he appeared
Ii he the ndesttisernent or the evlatilialeelellt be
op :be of I fa:lowed hire. Ttic room where lbw.
hoW was Ist, and vrry frail, fined up this side.
wall, I amt.d to light colors anti the float end
e. Mi., of tick. There was net all American in
the room iihro I 4-rar red and alter sitting half
an hour I tier bit Imo. There aught ht.: b. ea
tasty pr rrobs, i.l I .1.6 ir etigriged rn dancing
thi y aei ilito t tijoy it hugely. but I could
not a:se:veer oeything eery rom-intb: et.e3antiftg
their strange perlortooodis.
The wrre tie: reniarlitililo fir iced
brouly,ndr Were their rthmes Fuel] on to indict, they wet. , ab,ivii the grade called by tic
L.,12541 . 1, 'in, or two of the younver
bier K. t 19•4 u. g
• :II I ter.r. and a .ry tualoTnt,lt
eh ve.iniwri cp.rttd an ii.t.eitiric set of ps
dal torininatbrriti, at d id a •lirrebiled Mentio girl
hat se.en ivil'aug at one of the city passdos
but giiinetally the mos:if:nicht of • ahry
I Th,6,11. r
and solo.. e0.r...g tellers I t
lancers. cut gone A awell es they whirled round
the ?writ muckingintue in opposition to the
s garit, ti a the setetri as. The baud—l had OM
tngnurn that—tune harp at..l two shrtentslook•
ing gu tors. that were retostkohly well payed by
atm. yellow fe,tonn, %oh,. were esolently the .4.
r egrs r a,: In lin, 1-1,,,:zh
la. Melmr3. Irft the oom,
reap, Msliliotnt.eil rrtilt my ar,t right r.f a fan
SRN •T. , R Dans, --I. rile us great pleasure
In rot cv th our evn.enied RIM w.uthy &rut .1,
G e ne ee , Lts ir, Esq , has been nominated for it
election by the Antunasonie end Whig Conven
ton at Allegheny er uoty. r,.rentrotiviin el
M.. I/ •sieAval el rind ..11 first bills:, wilt a de
et.r ..f uity whatafl.res abundant CT
, i•
aMnehot clue tivoi inv el Allegheny only en
Irrtain s i o n a; pisriation his desten{,intelied pcr.
titre, tut are like wive tensible of the imp mance
of see non,i Vir own beat Interco. h% ce, eels
advisedly when wo say teat out friends in Alli
eheny entild rot have , presented to us a candidate
m tee unixeeptionable in every respect than Mr.
Darsie. The nontinatlin is received here with
the higheet degree of sattsfavien a. will be
most amtilv testified at the October eteettlin.—
butkr• Whig.
Ihhinote Can at..—Pala canal. the completion
of which may be coneidoced all certain, is rhoigoe
ell to connect Lake Slichtgan with the Miwautti
pi, through the . lIIMOI/ MM. If will La•hout
100 mtle• in len.lth. extending from Chicago, at
the head of Lake Michigan, to Pcru, OD the lin
net/111nm, It will conicatute a material link in
the great chain of inland navigation and internal
ireprocetnente in the Weet. From Chicago to
Peru them are no attending. and fifteen
,hAcendtng loam, falling 150 Let in Our were
gate. From. Peru to the mouth of the illin
twee, the distance it 2.50 mite, and donee to
Si. Lona by the %ft...xi...lig° it u 36 Mlle.—lna.
Wag the while Alamo.: (torn Chicago to St.
Lame, 396 mile..
Tne populttion of Ptttettorgli i 3 opt,: rJe ,(
20,000. The • WWI'. Allegheny. Law
reucnvillo, Manch!,Ater, Klign. lice„ Reel% the a. 4.
etepte to 50.000. which mey:lte taken se the pule
elation of Pittetturgh —Phil. Ini.
The ferpularion of Prireburgh r. upw.lide ,if
fifty thoureorl and them on one hurrilri . al
!end people within five mile,. of too city. H
in 9111., coarprere ue row women a coin
iw,, Partoburgh it growing et thir tome vino a ra
pidity r quill io elnaust any evy in the 17nein.
' Capt. EI/5T2.1.1 W knit rna, at present in New
Orn Iti - ,Ltre of kb/inner, Ilk, Iteen
by Gen. Curbing Aid ileie•mts with the
emnlurnenty of Maj tr. The Mentachunt'll •' Lir
tart= refinit LI to g ive the GOVC ~, . •. I mr
king linimanone, other wt., Cam. y
ruittit neniority. would hate beet. 'M nj tr in hit
line Captain Webster. will not go Nor.h. L t,
.”1,3m as hi. heiith will permit, inCen.l. , eiwril
to al atemor at. Gen. I :tithing j on. Gon ii
Tnytdr with a detachment of the Thor tilt....
AT the head of our saloon:to Jay Will 1.. um d
the mono of George thew, E;t l , 3. a ... h ,11.1
far the State Senate. As has born ovoid t. •4
ileetiet fir awns year, Allegheny is run r
the t3r titttll at this tuns, and so farni 5F,1 •
mion gees on the sutjvet, the too& ot I. •
county will support the Lob/Imre with t g'd g.
orb!. Mr. Dire, hal mode an midi: abd foul I
olator. end we believe Its constdgents to. gi •
cc illy pleased with him —Buller Dem. -
CONNTVITIXOPLY cerrrepornlence of •I
. nietitiona Inc eirnult amour arrival in the A, •-
tpete;pt of the fleet, •of Mehemet All end t e
Pr.tice de Joinville; the odd part of the rtlf.4 brit
that ~ I d Mille:re whom Prance heti b r ew
to& 0 , 1.1 pr Ring. hke the Bey of 'runic, ha. 011 f
ed his en-slmratinn egainst Greece, wbt , :o Frat
dr clews the will protect.
The lectures of Mr. ft,elding, recently th hret
to foe the Pittsburgh Board of Trade, oil m ,ar
republiKhing by Mr. Minor in his excellent
real Journal, will be issued separately and can
not fail to carry convict:on of the orator- of this
noble enterprise to the mind of emery cand4l read.
er.—e. S. Gar:tilt.
The agent of the Telegraph Company passed
through this ids, lest week, giving out cor.tracia,
antl W 3 prssurne , re thin Aar arrived at Wheeling:
Our neighbor, Mr. Richard Awn, has the c, o ,
to furniati the poles, which are to be 30 feet in
length, and to stand 5 feet in and 25 feet above
ground. from Little to 11i0 Yellow creek, .5 din
Lance oftltre. tniles.—Wellartik Patriot.
Psorurce Vionten.--. 4 War," said Mr. Clay
iu hlb !Weigh letter. ..sin he the consequence of
the sone sation of Tens et this lino in the Mte
nee proposed."
unitiwar," mys Mr Benton, I. the nom,
grimed of . thn enitneation of 'rex.. at the limb
and in the manner in which at was dun,-
iiTINCORE TO prcTstivitc;ti
5. 4 1 1. ..! • dap-canal throne" the htlunceof &labs, reach-
TeX RAti:ROAD Iktilirrtai ATI B•xztwotu ed
,i pa i nt when the Gegrigr,aemend bnd ,n n , np i.
was. Well atiinidedin niunbere,and enthusiastic in thin of the weak is certain. Afrine and .Isia will
chirMterv'Clutuncey brnokir'isas called to toe - the .- refore *son be united. The port of Sure is at
:bait', sod on Ala report was a uh. ss it e .d. 1., Jain 1 the northnew point of the Red are led 65 miles r
Gt , no. cisieg so seeuout of his sisil to Pete- east of Cairo on the Nile, end according w e
burgh and setting faith the intperitance Of the Malta paper this work is to be cocattucted by the
greet enterprise of uniting the Ohio and the Chess porte,Englarol,FranceandAnania which last petty
speak° by means of the Rail Mad: - isalso to undertake the improvement of lb: N de
Glenn rated, that the committee bad been ai far up as Damietta, an important depot of trade
received with great warmth by the people of
The execution of these work. aig.not to be inter.
Piturgh. and entliumium; more even .
than was . or could, under all ,s eoca ,L eoma , roved, even if war should break nut betwetn the
have bsen expectec. ft wan true. some oppt,- contracting parties. Austria is also to undertake
anion bad been manifested, but from a large pro- this work of making the' Nile navigable for large
portion of the oteekbeldcre of the Pittsburgh
" •""
la far up as Damietta, which is destined to
and Cormellsvile Reed they had experienced the
most gratifying reception; they bid freely coo, become a great port. England is to turn her at.
sidered and frankly acted in conformity . , with Lennon especially to Suez, and to task. excava
the p cellar circumstances of the c ote , a n d had tiocw there similar to rhos, at Damietta, and with
readily planed every resolution which could be Fr .. is to
construct the, .,
suggested, Gm:lit/tine the 'primary objects in
The committee, he said, had now returned to
give to their constituency a detsired report of the
erents connected with the,dutin of their office,
sod to mite known what intelligence they had
gathered with reference to the further prosecution
~f the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad to the western
waters. It was twenty years sinco , hat work had
been commenced, and it had progiessed in those
twenty years at the extraordinary rate of nine
m it es per snag M . t , •..&0 fir aught he knew to
the contrary, unless the citizens c - Biltimore
took the matter an hand, it would make no bet.
ter progress for the next. twenty lease to come.
Indeed 'we should nest mach the Ohio, he
thought, unless the people were resolved to set
upon the subject.
It toms the boast of Baltimore, that elle hail
Nam the first to begin the great project of con•
!reeling the Atlantic with the Ohio by railroad
communication; but although. 111, first to begin,
she might In the last to accomplish such an object
He trusted, howesar. that we world not prove re
creant to the American character, in failing.
when we had begun ri good work; to "go ahead."
We have a tome entirely practicable, yet we
patine. and for what! - We Cannot , hope for more
from future re'epna, nor from future, legislation.
f A votre from the!crowd—"we want a file lead
er!"1 . .
Yen, my friendawe want a file leader; some
mail of spiritand—.4or4 one who will
not out)! point the way, but lead tra on to victory;
some cue who will not only give us the mart, but
gn with IA curd lead 1.19 on to the !conaummation
of that anion the intryeste of nor city en much de.
stirs. We have now in our bands the atortest
arid cheapen! rcutnitlm ronnesien with Pittsburgh
coo be accomplished fir $4,, 2 200.000; Pittsburgh
herself will cena my supply $700.000 of this num;
and the Baltimore Company has bonds for $3,.
200,000, keying only $200,000 or $900,000 to
be provided. While to
. 1; r to Wheeling it will
cost 67.000.000, requiring ten times as much to
he obtained for the :proaxutton of the work as
would be writ:tired to get to Pitts arab. Anil
where is it to come from!' Will is stint] give it
t o us; will it cote° from individwal übs:ripAion!
from Will it come the don a 1 No.' Yet it moat
and gold, or you will never have tho means to
carry it to the point where roma of our people
want to god it.
After some further comments. he concluded and
retired, having Port introduced Mr. Carey,eith the
report of the enturnitree, That, gentleman then
proceed to read the reporr, rabid:loess a very able
d oc um e nt, consisting °ran elaborate review al
all the prominent points , of thbo interesting cab
led, and afforded a large; amount of information.
The difference between Pittsburgh and -Wheeling
as debateable terminus of the road thoroughly ex
amined, and maintained to beemineutif in favor
of the former.
The character of Pittsburgh, herrsrtnrir, trade
enterprise, set forth with, monitors and
elroct. The document rrccapied nearly In hour
and a bolt in tho reading, but was listened to
with unbroken attention.
Mr, Glenn dented the• probability of Phtladv
phi' malting her rued without in.ilined
and thee^ were et t on•firrt nail dint/era. that no
oee oh, ever travelled mow them once, be
apt 1 door - villein Let our road hut be oi nv ide v .,l
to tl .• Ohio, and he eared not if [hr re were ten
fno', there would bo bun uetol enGurel for the
wh. , , of there.
rertt wen li.teneJ tp with undiridrd
tent , n by tie At it. enn e lon nn M.
Car, ~tidte,l the I. , ninr r wAviuta+,
were unatiim-udy adopted.
Resolved, That in the opinion of this meeting,
the route fur a railroad tom Pittsburgh, IT the vat
ey if the Youghloghetty, - on the terms of the
charter of the Pittsburgh and Connellwille Rail
mod Company, ought to be accepted by the people
of Baltimore promptly and conelusively, end that
mottiners inout,l be trnmetlin'ely thk• n far the
rn of a tom! from
Foot. in vie,' of a czutittu t• cuonection with the
Baltimore and Ohio Rliiroid at Cumbeeletid.'
Hermon!, That inasmuch its every. eitixen of
Bailin:inf.. who pups taxer, in indirectly yet tut.
ate ono! y a stn . knolder in the Baltimore sad C*ie
Company; . it is properhind right that the
general nitbes of the people of Baltimore, if fa•
snrnbis .the proposed . CA:lll , Ction 11 rtilltJad
1 1 1:tslinsrs11, detail have cmriderniion and
sr:ighl in' the determining of the policy of the
Company In that, behalf nto the extent at keel of
coy. interest in the timek'of the Company.
Resolved, a committee of seven: with power to
add to their number, be appals/ad by the thaw to
• Mout gubsttiption to the stock of the Pittsburgh
and Connellsville Railroad Company, the Bnas
for the etsme Icing now open it the Reeding
1 Room of the Exchange.
'Fho meeting then adjourned.
Tag CEIT6St !Legato. 4\ln TA•er or OISE
W car.— Each day 311/Sd• seine view and power
ful evole of the important benefits tut must
accrue t em every Philadelphia interest by the com
pletion of our Central Railroad. Among then
may instanced the conversation of Mr. 'W—
one of the largest packets of Cincinnati, who in
enhaernatien with gentlemen here, aa.urril them
that one million of two would have passed ov,t
tend the present season. frogobat market, had
it been completed ! Their weight averaged, this
year. 240 lb. each; which would bled 4000,000
bbl. of tilt perk. beighting 240 chips of 500 ton.
each! As they would have been sent in bulk'.the
est tit are of casks, salt and.brine wouldhave been
. saved—whtle mamanufacturecask., sale of
lt, and employment of a multitude of our pea.
pie in curing, packing. &e., would have added
largely to our local business, when adding $7,090.-
0.10 to the, value of this !tingle ample of the teem
ing West, beyond its price at Cincinnati. To
those acquainted with this branch of trade, the
superior valued meat originally cured with Turk'.
Island salt, will at one. be recollected—for such is
the impurity of the Western, that before shipMemt
it is needful to repack the casks. at a charge of SI,
sa regulated by law. The rialto of a voyage doe n
'the Western river., and of spoiling by heat, to.
gather with the enorenno• chargei at New Of.
ens, must not be forgotten. If such be the at
tractions offered by our market for rpork, the ru.
petite economy of securing similar eavingin boa,
must he self evident, PS it is generally driven on
foot to E.stern cities, entailing a heavy loss in
weight over and above the charges of driving.—
The noble aide of the Western valleys and Feud
' ries, mired here Lr foreign markers; would render
Philadelphia ihr great port for the I, s'aipment of
salt provisions, giving an impel,e toher prenmeti
ty ggli r yinat unparallelled. If theeripidmiges
doubted, lot the incredulous refer"to the significant
editorial'recently . is;mbliehed from the N. 0. Vol.
letin of Jan. 214. in your journal.
It it to he lamented that this noble enterprise
ha. berm IS t3ilCl.l on grounds utterly unworthy of
serious consideration. If the commerce lord pros•
petity of 11.oton, were nearly doubled by her
Weatein railroad tn half a dogen years, Philadel•
phis cannot fail to realize far greater henries from
the c:.mplvtinn of her in tit nificient line to .01. I.ou•
is. 'Phu world does not co-tutu its [walled,
and in the rich h tohe reaped by our beloved
city, of/ will ho'bencfited- -and none more than
their whose narrow and illiberal measure, heels
se, far impeded lu progress, and harassed—though
not disenheartened—the patriotic men 'pledger, to
its consummation.—/I. S. Ga:.
Tue Pates cis Bas/in.—After all the (swine
in London, told t4a ftightful vice of flour, bread
is as cheap there as hero. The last dates say that
the 4 lb. lour wxot soh, there far oneshllllng iter.
ling. The N. Y. Journal of GOMM,ce esp.—
On welshing *shilling loaf from one rf 'our most
respectable bskers,it fella little short
. 0( 2 lbs.,
*bowing that the same money procures quite ar
touch broad in london a. in New York.
The (treaters for,thit American Bible_Noniety
last month were $16,691. The numberof tlibin
and Tea unents tuned In the same time was 57,-
488 copies. Eleven new auxiliaries were recog•
nixed; four of them in Teem Neatly thiny
1131111 h r -a hooka were made on leered, to be sent
among ether places to Texas, it three points, It
Mexienior the army and for ht rale/ins in The rlcin•
ity, and to Haiti. This noi.le tiontetyhas enter
ed upon its thirtythird year. . ;
Stockton's .hig gon," mad!, in England, is now
receiving a polish at Ss; Urooklyn Navy Yard. It
will take (hreo nrinths constant labor to give its
exterior thdrayrisita finish.
Tait Ifira anotstsier.—Tblo nave regiment is
composed princfpaily of Kentitckiaos, and is now
nrarly complete; one thouunill and fifty Men are
now on their kray to Mexico, and the remainder
will soon ho obtained.—CouCier.
Gen. Cachrelladet had ordered an , election Lyr
Colonel; to supply the post eses , rd lq the pr,”
emotion Oco. Cushing. •
GUILT 1 10;1L faisoutivciriTte
The Pen thinks the Gazette occupies a no more
elevated position then an 8 by 10 Penny.a.liner, is
without "argument," ..ability" and in a word "pre_
sent 4 nothing above the cant phrase. of the moat
obscure j minds." The Post has a Clillolll to
prise al) this, and bee hid nearly the same each
day for ihe last sixty days, so that our obscurity.
want of ability, lack of argument, &c., at least e'
noires ri fall abate of the attinition of our lucd
sod astute neighbor. Really, if the Poet rwel
es the Gazette to he no weak end Reel f so
strong, wu should hardly think such a waste of
powder was necessary. If we-live not answered the
Poo, it is because we have awn nothing in it
worth answering. Our time is too precious, and
the respect fur our readers too great to gratify even
the sanity of our Amiable neighbors in fighting
TIEII.IIIMI at last been conquered by. the French
On the 18th December the Get of Pottalma, which
had heed deemed impregnable, ma. carried. The
insurgents au r a:jai& eicli:,Wiscration, and on the
221 of Decembeetomi end Mare, the principal
chiefs, folb,wed by upward, of 1000 inhabitants
of Punatoo, took the oath of allegiance to the Gov
enament of the . Protectorate. Following up hi.
MUGU'S!, Governor Brunt marched ['maid the en
cault..aetst of the inourgenta at Papanoo, who
Without even waiting f or a summons, d puled, cu
the 24th, 13 it:temper:germ, representingwil the chief',
to the Regent Patella. to whrrn they anuoijored
their lineation to ou'nuit and recngnise the Gov
ernment of Oho Protictoi ate.
Thus is Fiance acting ugairrat them, Wonder
th,, part of the United States againet Mexico.
We learn that lba s.tip fiver it now rAgitie
aaverely at the lielkveue (halms! N. Y. There
were, within the last two weeks, over ahe,handred
epat sixty deaths at the hospital, caused by abip
tore. !Sarno of tse New York papers call it only
a high typhus, which wo suppose ought nut aur•
price us in a city where the w. ckly &who avorazp
nearly three hundred.
tLu Roan MEFTINH — . rho Board of Ditto
tots of thn Cleveland and Pittsburgh rail foal!
held a mauling at Salem. on Thum/lag. The en•
'inters engaged in su crying Big Yettoss [tree.
route, made report of the two routes 11 , 17/ ottstis
consideration. The Board, at this meeting were
to decide the route, and determine 111, time fur ate.
ing out contracts.
,t3aniassa Datvlvn.—lo :one of do New.
York Court last week it was held to ho negli
gence in the parent of a cIUI I ~f fan: or fore yew*
old, to ruff, it to ho to the carrivge wry of Ito
streets without a Aron Et o, arid thee thy parent
could not recover damage/ far an injury deter Ia
rho child by its being an over accidentally by a
paean driving along the sweet, on his Ullllll arm.
cartons, cod with , nt pew( of and 'peed. Ti,.
I :olirt ant rrnf.d rho plea.
The Report of the Baltimore Its(1 Read Town is a very- able doeurneitt and tee shall
hire oce.arivn to refer to it hereafter.
Nutt...Lent 4, June 10, 1067.
Tho only nen. brought by the &nit:Aim men in contained in t Leiter publiihed in the La!
Patric, the Spailah Journal iri Neer Ode..
Ii elided that ,ltlanta Anon naohed the city of
Mexico no the Intl of Sty. I.irin his on, il
the rabble assembled and petted hin with thin
era of cut at s, and nun atinetl him.
.He took refuge in the National Palace mice rel.
crong police prevented the mob from Creaking
their vengeance on him.
NJ later nes• (rum the army.
Fade. ~ ni 0.. Collet 1.-
PHIL ADF IiPHI A Af 111 i f: F.
duce 10 8, v. M.
Flour—A. pteviniraly noticed, the mail, t woo
very languid and dull early in the week, noentlrd
with falling price. down to ibe el:ao on tVealor ma .
day tattling. 'To day o change for the hotter
has occurred in the market—holders hue new
. creel somewhat of confidence, and thing. mar o
much better wpecL The mat Vet c irnineneed
yenning from the opening and ttintinued to em.
I prove steadily all day. Sales 3000 bbl. WI at and
P. brands at $8,9.5.8,374, eluaing fiat:vat the lat•
ter, singularly enough the stuck on sale at pee.
sent is quite small.
NVheat—Buiers took 1,3(00 prime samples of
i White at 228.223, and statist qurnily sales at 223
,a2:llc per bu. Iked at 2110403 e.
Nide. prime Yellow Corn at I 3alllc per to.
and toward the close at I Idr. In all 6000 ho.
Oats tales at Glic per In
An evil,' demand precede 1.1 Cornmeal, and
males 4000 Wm at $5.26a5973 —an advance,
Of nye sales at Me per ha.
In l'ruviaanum there is on change its either
pri. a or demand.
The Grocery market is ateady' with moderate
Whiskey i. bald at 37e without aaloe--buy
ura refuse to pay tt.
F:sclasor.. ea,r,spondpip, of he ripolairgli (wn,
Jima 10 9 o'c
Floe—The market has nut exhihPed much
activity toslay, neither buyers nor •ellrrs appear
ing disposed to press business. Held,as are
tirm. The stiles wore It $9,75 tie GI'IIUBCO, do
58.923 for Ohio, and to a muderata extent.
to Corn sales Yellow to a fair extent et
115 c.
Rye it held et 136 c, which is shire the pre
sent views of buyers—no salts.
Sales Cornmeal at. $5623 pnr
Whiskey—tdda Am held at 370 ,without salts.
It it an fisting price.
sions--TEern is no partituler movement
in the market. lades new prima Pork •1 $l4,
and of Me. at $16,25x16,50. Of old Prime
at $13.50413,62i.
Ese,t•lvr Ourr.pontienrea me POl.L...tres liwzene.
1.1A1.11510RE MARKS I'.
• June 10, 7 P M.
Plow—Holders finding It impostiblo to obtain
their term. came down to the•tews of buyett and
the 'entail is an increawd Im.iners. Salt •
40001 , h1s lit.vrard st at $6,25, tut • quendi $8,50
erne demanded, which checked businges• Na
sales at that.
Of wheat salon prima White at 210 c.
c ar n i t in tomarat—salts to .•ay at 115 c fir
Sale. Onto at 62c per bu.
Sales Whiektrs in fitile it 363 c
Pros icone—noblers of West.pkil Mess are do.
mending sl7—no sales at Abut. -Bairns is selling
at $1451.1,50 per bbl. Mess Beef I held at $l5
but few or no roles to rstablieh a pric e . jad m . is
$10,25.10,75, but the market is inactive. "
Bacon—A fair business doing in Baron—salea
Hants at 9gs Htic, Side, at Heine, and Should
ern at Pad/C.—an alliance.
No I Lard in selling at former mices.93aloc
to this and keg..
loolve Cofreonoto lenre fhe Pionbufoh Gotoo ,.
. June 10, 5 P. M.
Florkr—the market han - not varied tinesyest.l.
day. Hales Geneasce and Western at $9 per
Grain—the market has relapsed into a dull in.
schve date. •
Provisions hare nut varied in price and are very
I , ..relustve Correepondence of the Polt.b.rh Gazelle
Juno 3J, P M.
Ina market fur Cotton camitue• heavy.
Flour has advanced 121 1 e—Ohio and Illinois
brand. are reallaing-1.6,81 ter
The roadtel for Groin, Provisions, Groceries
&.e., has not varied.
.• . ~- News Items. auction ..., ~.
Tb.p.....;, art.o are Mot adm,r.Ha riugeri, I
are about to chit Pittibc rdb. ' . tap John D. Dada, Aseitleasei , : t' . .
Mn 5m...., daughter of E a..Pa Larne NT TT.' Baits, Paper and %Valetta aiAuctini: -
ar. a, paired through uteri yemerd•e. ; oNS•tin s .dreg aveaing.l2tainanuti,ata oclock...tad
• Comme rt... 1 th. ROO,lll, corner of Wood and Flab
: The rthr, aNNN aN r lki budding • Widmer el. .treet, wat be re:d i • l•ree and•viduabb collection of
licrtainatan to ply between Vera I:tur and New i Tire ' a l' e 'L lriin ' dcOrk ke,
Ter b o n rilte g raturo :tfil NC k.
"" ra
Orient., • ex:en-jar asantraent of Blank
•- • . , • ; a... 1.5 iOntl Merl cap, IanOSOTOad hhOTONP.rri .ki
co..writ tyke of tho deu,ininairan of !•':',7l; , i ' r ° ,'; d ."', c ` h 7`.l,. ° T l ',P;:rf u , mr o lV' 1 s ' d q % . ,PIL il a
$3, purporting to be of the Mechanics ' B.ak ni , ' ,,,, .. , ttehe., I.:e - °••• . • -. , I Jett ;
Newark, Ni,... are in circulation. - '
; Dry GaAs, Boots, Shoes; de . 1
I ON Memlay coorging,l4dt Instants aflOo'cloek,ittt. ,
The Boston Mail says that on Ttietday night, In
ne to._ , an extenstve rtaxenter sena:table, nape
attar Tedroco had ClOCillaaa a beautiful scene, -a I L' d , r:.,,,''Y dry goody boot , shoes.ntsahrnil...ilida...'!.
gm:lt:man rose in the Pciquette, and iudienriiint. I At S 01Clocli, P. IC, '
toddy threw his hat, cane and glares of Me feel t • Queerwastre,Groceriart,Parnitare,Ap. I
of the Prima Dona , with a sereicit of dtlight All 1 One UM, queensware, coonpriiing a headman& aar
literally galoaniafd the house." I soot:lent of fancy and com m on ware, IS baluslslio , s .
. • innekeicl,nt bowels harrings,-licrang Hymn sea, Span- .
In relation to the Bonk at Mcodphia the failure i Iva bales lionle . cortwi Won safeodrovana, bad
of which we noticed yesterday a Mentois paper I c. 7 . 1 c ,.. 2V . ,74=17:,„: 0 41 . .t ~,,,n r, „„,i „ ,; 4_
says -tl.e Presidr nt has gone to Nets Orleans to i ~,,,' f ` ,: - , 4 gggre,uitubeii arcasaa,&c, a qv
~ bt . ',in..
lid ward sperie, and we doubt not that the Bank's 1 de b \narnes; window sash, master places, doors, and
receipts' sent he largo doting the coming thirty I . bu"'","''" : " ' gr' Z '''m p. k m mg ""'''''. 'l l
dsye. its tinCidation. ere unde r stand to be &tuna i A ~,,,,, .„,;s.4ere.ei o f ...wee ready grade; ea-
5450,000, whilst its has of exchange sal, tr.ate 1 ruing. Cann shins. with lawn beacons ansiWellarat tinny
tren . r $700,000." ; teinrtierehlefe and cravats, Spanish and half Briairi.4,
caale. Bew and second hand watches, hue cutlery,
Toe “CrilllSTOall Ca Corona," the ilia cream- Girl
-rasa fancy goals. Ite • -101 l
cr of the now French Transatlantic line, is ad- i . ' Ananiell2l Cop", '
remised to aril from Havre on the Ist of June.
:1 00*
No; An ern:ll.TH 14711LEE.T. ,
~I, ,e rdwr rr.rotitstly Inform- F. publ:O thst
be eohooeorrd [hr tratturactir, of Gentiodon
Fa,lnnahie Soar., of rood otatrroil and workman-lop
who, Ile will war , n .oporior :only Boot COT sonde
to 1.1t”•1..,11 for the Ti... h00d...0 toot
wall mad,. to tnett4ove. WIITTLInt them us rrprr
arotc... iy low pro, o( DOLLARS
CA toe rroot.c...titn and exuro
(0-Sunee* Ginseng .Pauunea.--Nizatem.
Tarr o.r-Me Log lame to cell attetrastots to
the folimetag, fmrn It,. hlThi 'Doan, of IV/0.111,111r
Cleresein Co , 111111 one nf very fit•tinactio!mert sn
We reonly in mi1...1111e de•, and r iete Senator in the
Staid Lrendal e • I her ring that Ow Ira&
ing min of procrs,.on. tnrni- of P.ot- e, .
• I% IMPORTANT LETTER-The following
gotta] pr lothee, and roving . od.rit 411, lull *oat Dr. /Diskant. of Lowell, Mos., but
,„ I.m c ye I stomas the un ifoienMnausge of bundredsOfotherphysi.
fur veil I cam, who have v . rird, and therefore know now to apt
" pram sic Isync's lapectoranu
sMeri. Cot.lftbal and itroneldel • . L0wm..1.1.1a55.,Jart.27,1t41.
rind me t,„„ „ „„„„ „, t ow „,, Dr. David' ,tyre-Dear Sir I have used your enedl
, rine. so tonve rally known by the mum of - Jaynes
"' " .• , Expeciorapt. In my practice for • panther or year.,
.s. he .eretaore . ,Pep constantly MI ca. 'mot truly say. Mat I have bee...more sauces.
nor ,. „ tut in the use. cf Mat as a mild, safe and very ,borough
• , Expectorant, than of any which I have ever Goal. It
is the limo for the following obvious reasons, It.does
I '7,‘"k .1; to tt attrntnnta our reader. to the g:v urnproper doom , oeeubn a di!nirtnnhk
. a. It does not weaken tliebutgumd prostrate the
thvy hod re cord. j . I the t e am, other
FlPecictDols to common noe s
atd..,nor roh,ito oft o•du) • lower They are dee , it el.aie the appetite 01 the patients other
~„. , ..au4riutee med.eitte . .., which have been used by-the
„,„„ „, o no, I faculty. Ina word. it is nearly or quite the thing which
phy.te,.,,m The able d nnd other- 'ottei ate re. has Leon sought for by m6os' Of IkaftellbykitgO"fotsc
411, .6,1,11 VIVI lIM.III at their anwerul pia,. of :twat.. I Ly. .1 rn.t.j. pent. , Vng:Ti ouGlim i t
hodt 1114, the wo.nlectul -ifret*ol •
”,uu,d .. lit j n , Pttobtltelt at the ..FEK/N TEA ' STORE.
01, 0 may t . Tin. hod, 0, AL tt: Fourth Weet, near Vond; d'an at the Plug Store of
~, 4,s „, N o n, •II P 'r , enwan. Federal street, Allegheny Cso•
yr, EW BOOKS Received at lid A MINER'S:
YTE INTYU OFFICE, I'l Yhe Monk's Revenge, or the seeretenem -Amin
. of the Lew Crusades: by Refuel Speng . , Elul!
Tit! no l for . xi,. cony,. or roar citric; i A Tearer Consolation; by Mn. Bader, (late Fanny
nrnble I
city-1 a are
city-1u nt on:pared lo eaccuth .0 it .uperior R
8: . Lothrop of the use. I:.0 . the Lungc and canoe,,
4 . , ..6 il'l-on. molt." , oil tio , o ~ Jo. l'o , o , "ot , pre y ent , on. and.eure of Consumption. Manna:anai dia.
•itinti It r :.;,, ..,....,.,...,.... mils, Ilan. Of ',Wing, : ease, of : the-fleart: on the laws of Loiagayityte.-
ith PS illustrations, by Funnel Sbelden frirth t A-3f
1,11,514 e. Cirrotar, lbindbill, Card., An. le. !
bl Li
1140)0 Artlb it:Antrim:, Pathl/1.41: The Witch of th e Wave, or th e Corsair's Captive.
to a., , 1ii . .. , t . ...e. ,,, M ~., be.....", and all' The Brianntine. or Gotuierro andthe Castilian; Stale
b , in.. of Pribt!.tc J,lll, WlOl net tiro ri Lind et the: roans i of Boinon and Cuba.
Ellen Munroe-sequel lola. in London-last part
biltritage! by Plies 5 . Fel Tier, author of "The loheri..
tithe .
The I.Ve of Georral Taylor-only Lai cents. •
Try for and bra Ennerala-fres h nupply, ,
3lontestitn a the Serf. " "
A InleaTp:Pietoril lninbe
ot :ox
re Itg iis ' . .
eb tomlibfield at. 3d door from Id
To Travellers. ' ---- r 7
_ __ -
(71.11toportaol to Advert advt.,
arpearm the Tr.-Weck!y. thy, receormg the ben
the er214,0n of an. us.:hout any uddmoilsi.i
T. .1.,14:11agc weiboal.
it LAC. —l4 Ibt:ra in the hung calm
ut Ituu.sittototreutuu.; totn,tintnt
sal I%u-A !. Nu . lit ittere Ittr the rubel . ol that meta .
r•tt. d miler a .n.tre errut.ii resuttly than lit ltithunt'
Ve4c0t...0 1-74,1.ur) INu Tr, tier eel a nd
.ut to t.,t t. thou: attances ut .t ..ttn.nt sit
aod VA rr
.- lack; v
•1 , 11 lx
4 kV 4-41.44.444ta, I DA, 414‘,44:41, s
. Jelerftat Tow.i44a p -41 a, a ra44. 4 44, a , ' 04r
L,, , allartinllll lb.. 041111,
t.nd. ,le or or o, Ins ilte % ti tso,
iIE VOILD :11Iti HALAL snitiNus.
in .a7O. It - UN. 1 . 0 0 .54,nr r,pccifutty
Ihe p . z1..1e 13111 th.s cetatpo-hment w; , ;
And ar-ki Cat thp o!
1,4 mottilL
ttttritt:ttortc of 0., f.talt.ctrtetitle lVtlter Pt rt e.
grala, • Jiteovaaro.ria nra'aval r t't
r.vr. Liu courarrarlr, r.ars . 1e
VO, &tie e;,:d of to a •tra. , am Sphiorr• Jar Jg
r o !a, estr.a,li roarrqrd.
.J aNJ trao,r." aat• r , a Inc I.nii or sac. e,
'J.. roar. kr . . ... ColilLyr'an ' vv e. term r., • n,
thr Su'buggue 'lnd Oh o Nagiggragh • old 111
burgh hn Ihr Penn, nnu Cha l.l rubeggriggig a
of Cuggibe glan gn d
Vslry Iregirnagg
b gra' , grru aupgrvg.l and a, in pg., ngg
Vita an ;u•: rrce.and a 1.., SI ajar General Zac
a, Tny bs Ilody. under the inuned:ate !wren.,
losnl , nre 4ndd,,,,0n t, miJers.gnndOiSeert,i.olt
at, inic,l llCitl ma at Carnalga by Csyl
ot,oler lloffr• Pawn,: or
W 1,1• 1,11,i. .1
rapt', gmod
'is U S Nus,
um TopocrnMsteal Eugtoevt
114aat Psr...LA., I.'. S. Navy
U 1 cent.
. Nov. uith. 1e44 —Mr. R Se! el
Ti /• la rut) that I por,a, , ed ot"rootna.
E., .1 n. L ott le of your celebrated Verin:forte, mod go,.
mlruin men five t earl old, whirh to Iron,
I,,in U , orta• of a very ladue mze. I bet eve or
Ve,in leg,. to ire the be.t worth tnedicine for rhi y urct,
that fee xnrd uver produced I would thiactore,t .11
at.n nil
potent Wll4 havochttCren afflict., with wor.
to rune fittat tr Lai J03E1 . 11 31'OLEARI"
luau, of the Pea
Prepared nod *old whole.rire and retail. Icy If -
Lax, :At Wood •ire , tol.eigt, hnt
rt, OH good. 3 *tor, Dwclitng 110
and stole, rtuatrJ no attert..r.rar the rot rt
flow. , 'Ito! house .• wdl rlosq.ed %Nth hail or entrt,o....
guod Itasrotetit 'and coal rvvlt. Tho ,••e
itooto. %emit two 001,1220 a..ove and a gooit I a, in ,
Nice CAW, lams Itt,cra;
Two valu•toirt t!:
seS. • , tolved . the upper mute of Cedar cievt,
01). near the llend -trcrt flridro Pr.ce
catch pp:y r 1 S IlEltr Real E .L.
So:0,411.1,141 .I.•,
WILLEY by. rusttree-v..1 •
lresli seepi) Hmeeo, and Vuena V mak
ilarre Cep, neer
Evan tter French 31e:rYkla at very ic
jell • No re wool . !erre:
~ , n t
p.cce. I,con.
CalcLo Lay< and lot sale
.1 A`
_ . DALZ ELL, 24 wateq
F:..1 •ide of the
Oinf (roue I.y y
yral be sub: v. ry :ow close A con•iqtnera.
id I I DICK Ll' A Cr'. wn.rr an d f rom
I•ri AR 01:111:11.) :LAMS— 1.. r, Jur: rr cc:yr , ...I:
rtio • Cr .1111011N1:
Oppu•nr. Alcooogoboba lloore
ON— 300 izre arwtrrrd. Itt fine order, pet r, r'd
end 6, aiie ,nll '1 al °WOW. I.:
I 210111. Y I.AItD-1.....nue,i 1 / 1 ., put upt.sprerc,
' tanviy Irq:Lk 7to Rt., etch-Jur—Cot talc trn
,nll Taos G ODIURNY
NNEATHN Cumatbn &bbl rat LI
Oro, .alr low by 114JS ti ODIOUNE
['LOUR—II 1.1,1. l're.l/ (hound rutts:ly I laur. 111
e .14 for lime 1,,
)01 DICKEY wlt•r el.l iqs
ALM SUM . 1,0 C • lanthog from Aleamar Ilea
Hugh, tor ',ale
.1 , 1.111'_1 IL% LZEI.I„ 4J water ttrtel
LIONEY—Iue malt bole., put up f.r family use.
/ 1,, .1 received awl far •alc I , y C
101.AV.I:+—GO Ll.i.'. 11., iva m( ived p•r aen
LW ( ICI_ !'. III:A211.IU\lu
f .Saari arains Tar, 1.-rvovwg 1,7 Cu.
1 101 l PIO for ,L*l.• lip' J 11 •
f NEWS 6,1,1 reve,:ng I y Cann] us..l
In 1,, 1.11 1
FIIIz Bit IC IC —V,1.(11 rdorc and lor ,dlc v
OLD Will4KEV—Chok , 1V1,.1.ry
in qua la lalicliatarf, by
DEACII BRANDY — OiI Peaeh Brandy, for fate
lln ntiantllte• wit, C NIA II rI
I IL 111.ACIC,lex...113nt ExeOttr. ,.
rJ/.d,np..eNt'iuiranc.•t,l',u,butgb. lirtf
APPLES-10 bbis, warranted in good
liorder tor Irlo C NIARTIN
D EANS—bo Iwo, small W WIC Army Ilcuns for sale
II jell/ by 1' 51a
Cll EESIC-,1 60 bxF Ines rt . friVed IlmUnt Ws by
/ell/ 111/ WILSON & CIO, water el
'LAMS-50 oar on..yrty.:l qma, (mu o.ois 2440
VT I.< rOLnlir) 1.1011.1, I.!nrewrratr.r pale by
13", e rr' — '' " •e p
•1 A.
TWIST—Hi b.q. J Twist 'rolmero lor mule
1,0 by W & H EON
1 . ; LOI7II.—IU bawl iriour for .ab. by
1' la • VHII:ND.1111E1 &r a
TENISON II A :11 , , , --non 11.• ,nr 521,.. 1,,
pLNITER- 90 liroun n ord.. r, for aitlei
fu ' :l e C lc VI
it. Corn. In slore and
s au J e lISOWELL
31 ithilding Lots in 710 Ward, at Auction! ••
ON Saturday anernoan. the 12th inst.; at f olciock.
en the point:tees, will he sole : Lots N 0.99,110 and 101,
in Plan of At. laid oat by S. Colwell in Laccyyjlle,
basin. each a front of Di feet on the Pittsburgh and
Coal dill Tar:spike Road, and encoding back Ip . feet
to on alley IS feet wide . - • •
Tule indieputable. Ternis at sale,
jrq• • J D DAVIS, Auctioneer. '
twv Acre. or Groun d
vide, at Auction.
rtaturday afternoon, the 12th in 3 o'clock,
will be Sold on the:premises t That hmtdanale'Coantiy
Beat at present occupied by Mr:Cherry, within hheeti
of 0 mile from the descant Ward of the city; haring's
(root of 139 meton Read sttech which is 00 feet wide,
I and e.xtendin• back 00 feel to Delaware Lace;
The hoagie it nearly new, and there is a quantity of
Coal and Limemaite on thapremises. P 01,100411 wishing .
10 View Me property will call on 111.e..Cherry
Tenant Otte fourth cash, balance in duce equal as
asi pa, menu, with interesoo be secured by Dead wed
mortgage. ten J 1) DAVIS; Auedr
- • •
lErdwinir foe r"....ims I
9' •
11111 Canal and Railroad being now in eseelle
order tine Pockets of thik Line will leave With p
nohow., every niet ll2 9 4,29 . 9 : •
Packet Indiana, Berkey. Monday, June 7.
do Lonisana, Tboutpson, Toesday, June 8. -
do • Krlll. ky. Trashy, Wednesday, Jane 9.
do Oan. Craig, Thursday, June ILL
do Indians, Berkey, Friday. June It.
An beuivinna, Thump... 2wentaY. Jena 12.
de Kentucky. ?ruby, 2unday, June 13.
do Oh n, Craig. hienday. June 14,
do Indiana Berkey, Tuesday. lane 13.
do Issuiviaea, Thompson, va ednesday, lane 18
do Renineky. Troy,Tharaday, Jane 17.
re Oole. Code. Felder, June 19:
.1. Indent:, Berkey, tiniurday. June 19.
d. .uiti anal hentwen, eendak. June 23
if y,e. ,L,tre cheap .r ..eking and colufertnele twee
moduoons.• secure your nickels at the Packet Me
Monoognhela House, Wales inserter of
le7 11 LERCII tc CO, Canal Basin
14 lbstory of France; by M. Nichelet—in course of
pubbennont , two vols. Ivo., now readyibe mane eon
he 81,01..1111 Noe:
Illeiory of Mc Roman Republic; by.M. Illiebelet—
rom hiled W.,llorlitt. ben
tvii lit h I Ileinto•lt •
The Foiry,lle wer.or the lointry of a month: .Sale.
Lives of canneitt ludivoluale, celebrated in Ameri
ca n tliitory,
l'be pumait of Knowledge ender didleulties, Mantra.
trO by ann,abstes—mith beaten. .literined Edition,
ith preface and notes, by F. Way land.
umverul tileOry, fiontille earliest scrim:lto
die feet 17%
li elon.ry of Poetical Quotation. by J. T. Wabon.
of eminent Mechanic.. by Howe-
Vied's beriptore Illuttrationa. For tale ts'
te7 .1 I. READ. Ith near Market et
So IS ennuncimel Rose,. Liberty I. opposite Smith
field. 'rite sub.criber ornilid respectfully inform h
friend•.ud the 'emir., ihnt be is prepared to 'fill ell eV
den :tk his line it the ,honest notice. . .
- -
Large and small.ltolls, R. pleitePairt. tand
Loaf Itecad.ol the hone< every MOIIIIIIer,•0 can be 101 l
at the hours of perm. leaving - eiders.
Cakes of all kinds. Weddings and Parties supplied
Cob and Cool actionery at the .hosted notice,
and made of thp best of materials.
A taiga wisortment Of Confectionary, of it best eptel•
ny, alwaye on bead, Which he offer to retatlere at 15
pound for eaah• Aleo. a Large quantity -'
Nem and Forman Fruit, which he will sell VA low.
Can be furnished in the Oily
For Out one /car. previous to mak ips ut* of M.
Seat, Renaming fella. I have .Bared extremely from
It/ orepsia, and an acid Stomach • I have made oat of
a cleat variety of medicine .iviihnot tete/Mos material
anent. About three months mate Ilcommenced wins
Mr. Oar's filediclne,yoLMAhno entirelY sofioYod me
(min 'edify at tor **imp. and *mimed ono to emnfor-
VlLif health. Several of my friends and acquamtances
have made use o' the Pills, and received ranch honedit
em 1 can with confidence recommend them.
JAISE It ; LEß.3l.7llndoein at
Sold. wholesale B' A. FAUN ESTOC
d CO. corner of /et and Wood, and 'nod and 6th sta.
1 5 Rentz. Aosoned Glazed Ilidium,l9.Mt4
ILO. do Noma Prim, , 410.137;
40 do do do • I _
to go do do ,- =Mg •
SO do do • do t 41x31
b do do do -- 21031:
• Iv ; do Fm. Hook, 21137;
4b do do do ' ' 12114,
lb do do do • 1 KOS;
30 do Amorled Colors,
44 do do do PIES,
13. do Yellow Madigan, I SOES;
On 13011 and for sale by- JOHN H MELLOR
Mu 21 Wood olieet,botwoold
j. 7 Diamond Alloy tudTifth %Meet
The Week•.Programene 'Climaged
THE Proprietor Legs leave to .tote th. his Mood. sad
potoltooliat, at the advice of minden:ma familial,
boo boon induced to offor for their amusement a se of AFTERNOON BOIRIES I
rho Lotto( wbittr Till take plot. on,Wednesday,lona
100. commencing at 3 P. x.
twin, inelodings doh of he Cream.
Ira I..LUAU:MRS 'AND MA • 1/111124.
j The rub. riper. harlot; been ap • • inted Agents fei
N,./r. J. tr. IL Jones, ot PhAsdelpliis—inztensseely
kunst. by Plumbets and Machinists id tim Eastern els
ie,j—for d1e . %.1., of their rusanfactara.,am now ptepw
red in furia•it Plumber. with all the, various lunar Id
111 . 20 , went wed in their bunnese.
. .
Alss,esery vancly of blimp sad Seam Cocks used
by Innndaonve and annnonnly Fn,jon R.N.., Wok,-
a•as Cocks, Oa Cops. att. &C sad wbieiribey will
Kri a die We•wro irate sod Engiu,e Builders, at Bu
ten. Pr oes, ex - clods, of freight.
F ITO Wood st; Ptsburgh
• , LICA, BUNKE& & Oa, '
Commleolos Merchalogi. •
ARE now prepared 10 leirCatid forlenurpLll kind.
or rrh noire to no y I ruling on the JcuiipttkNort h
nA WrAl Ltramch, on., Tot • Mall' Conslat'• Je9.l
FT ES Y --.lcat;:tenekeed, jar
4.11. ft, Sri Ship Sanindeli, l ***** .dpenciess
Steel Files,compriaiiiii • earl' general payment.
The , stle.sion of Alachniiibi ednadinets generailY
sidet 110.isood slrett
SA11(10—Ita dozen uartra, Window Palk 10
• groa 11watic.; tnalWooden Bowls; t•leala manorial.
Carpet Chat ; 40 Ila,Woollen•Fillirtm and • amok Sq.
I,IV 01 Waaloartl.,Axe Ilindlca,LonisitPatinocilayt
Rase. and Vorks- , :ar Daly War In any (plant) . In inn
oa•lntner, ISAAC It AItRIY
I, rad, war .
Wood area
odattiott to en Wee stock of Gold and Ninny Pat
ent Lt... Watches. sellable for Ladles and (dentine.
—of the latest and hat dsoliest peon.. and of the ben
onnufacture—wananted led for ••10 .
Very lon-
Jelo - •AV VT • WILSON
LETThR AdeO7CP VATlldli—Jtail received
en colungernont, sod fur sale low:inuin
Ivor.. .per. Linen Post PAper,:vorkey 111 . 1 s;
• 30 do Bishop's Lteer P t
hop's • •
Go do Lawrencefeet Lobe Paean; :
do Cap Pepe , :
--.--• Ckniee Old Vine., coraistinAec , RAer
- 7. - C on e.„ market'," and other Tom:'II P.'
-Selod:Rde," add ` . l.nodem Mark t" Idadaikk; - Pale
,ei,„„, idekon, Drl and *watt Malagt Willea—rese.
~e lo_
,_ . _ - .. •• . Pso MARTIN
7 Iquoltli--Ci,Oier old ard," ''Saikilkltet," YOQ
-I.errt Casklt an," and '1 Ihrpay & Cto,ll:andoo,
Via.pare—Nan a . Cakkan Veni' Locte‘-in
• sok. and bottle. of- dill - Mar 'alaUtla and eralatr4 Of
e'Ve by lelo " P C MAR ,IN
clOl./13 PENS -- A •eary large' and well scanned
I...Trarek the berlluaalao(Gol4 Pra .grallnlrard
end Co: sale utlhe leered prleer,by •
ILVICR Muesli sod Poop
°Spoons, Forks Sops Tongs, Bats Knives, de ,
Inansfaconsd la for sale 6}." W W IVILSCM
int° Corner 4th god 'Unite
y INSEED bbir pore, jv.t received add
clear rata by J c num ILL
4ffit 4Wit
.fjllllls weatnown line of spiced...l enwrap; I tram
: s lieravr irespmged.of. Inevlargwy gunnet.,
neighed and Yuma , end 11:10111 powerful boa-. .. a the
woolen of the West. Every IIeCOILMCWIIiCUI ai r s
few Ant tranteynntrpteettre; havbeivnynevidgd for pat•
wagers. The Line has best in operation fang.. ) ears
—base earned million of peepta
Injury to their Mixon. The boats will he at the - voot oi
Wood ousel We day preview. no parting, for via asap
on ef freight and the Witty of pansengsrs on the invi
ter. In all easea the. wage money most to paid in
Ybt Mr.iNONGAHELA,Capt_Seons,willleare rine.
- burgh every Monday =ruing aL 10 o'eloel; W4•elin6
overy Monday ennuis at 1.0!,. • •
The' HIBERNI, NO. 31, Capt. J. ElnstOLev. will
pitubargh every Fornibs .10 o'clock;
Wbeelipg every Toe tday. evelotyt ai m P. SI.
' The NEW ENGLAND, NO.IO, Cap, Ann, wilt
,every. Wedoentley morning al 10
,ceelorJr; Whechnseveir Wedneully evening.= 10 P.
' . *-tU=X
. • - • -
I. :The WMONSIN; Capt. R..r. Gnat; will leaat' Pius.
Wet every Thoraday wonting:a 10 o'c lock; W di ai
.`ntrY Thlareday• evening at 10 P. N. • • ,
• -
The CLI P .
NO.II, Capt. Creak., will leave Pitt.
tartgb were Friday :naming at 10 o'clock; 6" heeliuy
evecy Fridapevening at 10 P. M.
The hIFYISENGER, Capc Linton!. will /rave
burgh every saturday mottling at ibeklotk; Wheeling
every 'Saturday turning al 10 P. M. .
The ISAAC NEWTON, Capt..... O. 21.(astm,..will
;come ritobargliever*Sendaj morning at in o'clock;
Wheeling e'er? Canday evening at 101 • . M.
4.3CINDIZIICS—OO bap kliCoCoat;e7:
I kr okoca Young Ilyeoo T ea,•
. , 6or bailloopoardc.;
7 cbla No 7 Loaf thusar,
keg Core W kite Load In Oil;
• bbl NO 3 Rooth Mackerel; '
• ' bbla N C. Tar; for 'ale br
Wee R Mr.CU (CHEWY, 162 ibert
VISH-25 bbls Large No 3 Mackerel; ~
r 3 bbt. do, '
• . kr 1,61 i • " -
do I , •
• io '• do;
- ID bes Sealed Herring: for sale by --
J. D WILL/dMS tr. CO,llO wood it
MOTS-2 bblo Sbelled Almonds;
sba• '
I bal.. NAM.I
• s'" - Almond.
I - I Walnuto;
I Cresol Nuts; for sato ty
}ell/ 30 WILLIAMS a. CO. 110 maid s
GolPriCit t r itio Prime 8io;
- 10 015Goor ' .iows;.
• I Mocha, Sw I.y
r. d2 P , L7rr; u - ' d
5 do I. and ti; .
i 15 kegs N 01,6 Twii;
• . PO keg* Palatal tab
jell) Forsake by .1 D CO
QOAP--30 Ewa No 1;••
. 5 las CasLe,_•
100 lb, Ilyee'a Palm; for as's. byl
joy/ ~ W 11 1 11.4 Md a.C9l„lloyroodst_
1)0 WDEIL—NLY l'uV r er;
Faun Gillett. fie st as 's Milli, Ravenna. U. Gr.
den filled, low-Ws mad., by
jets fr.ft fiIeCUTCHEON, Ifd Liberty at
SiINDRIEB-47 oackayealbero;
I beets - Beesaraal • •
• lb Lola No I Lard, ia good Laana
barrels; urarrire, for wtla by
1.0 I DICKEIf a. CO, water •Mi (roans
-2„• 15 &is Henry& IninciPs4. honey ik,v;
4 bzs do • Pound Lump,
lil'ln leinA Lsony l 4 fine
. 6 bin Unitimore Plug: for rule by
WINDOW GLASS-150 49:9910;
' 954 as 698; 75 "
105' " 11/514; ID " 11 / 9 15:
5 " 119111; l 5 " 11919;
. 15 " - 19515; 19 "
5 .•' Sheet Glass: For see Dv
8 F V0:97.10N79 HORST fr. LYI, 97 rlefil
BA.c°slT.4g=, _
. •
3 do 2bootarrc
2 do Assorie.4 Pam.;
1 box " " Far sdk ll
17traarpciw GLASR-150 bore. 2%6. lr4
Y 81W, tail?, 94.1, I (Lc 11,.1.2s IF, lg. to. lot .
ho tc, br'salc by,. IP k R bfcCUIVI II Ob:
itcB ' A 11l lArt
bey ,tiei
VISII-30 bbl. No 3 Mackerel}
• 10 bbl. Nos do;
T 5 boN No 1. 'Ting;
to Ltd* Not :IhxJi-rnmom zold by
ift3. ' • / e. It FLOYD
NEW .31.11.131[1312EL-50•Iibts Large No 3, of
this yeses naiad nuJon received and for sale by
jee , _MILLER Se RICK EiTeo6l
rl9n-30 bids No 3 Large Mackerel. of "IRS?
30 bbls Nei l Hessian
7.0 bbls No I Shad; in store and for sale by
ie3 14111.LER h RICKEINON'
T, 111 E-100 bbls Louisville Mile Lime Mr sale by
17L AtSEED-19 tolls and I bnifor sale by
. rtminexTEEt kto
(00011.0111211015-3tolissoperior Oath", fnr siJeby
notomm-- . 6 too. good gisility. for by •••
BDIT- 7 ,7) tom Dry Peachis for wile bj
kgg - _W & R McCUIVIIDON
I)HDORKW-200 dex. Corn Brooms for sole by
/J k 8 . & nrdsarraigos
`'SOAP-50 bbls Cifiemnati. CM' *ale by -
Si t; l T—too bbla , No I,
ETAI.--,20 was Cambria C. u. Pig,: for 'ale b
lam &mortal, Pittsburgh manufacture.ler
1 Ye& mile by W & 6 31eCUICIIEON
Alla S-114 kegs antonym', Pirlabartgh Manufacture
, tor sale by ja3 - • W R cCUTCHEON
- --
LIRKED OlL— RS barrafor saSe by
• fee F F yob uolsmontsracco
YE FIA)11311.--5 barrels EOra. for owe Ly
jeS /1 F VON itosNholfxr &co
k. CO
tICINLHE--30 cm ion reed me andlor halo by
.4„ my 43 K E BELL '.&3, rood 14.1
WINDOW GLABB-130 ars 8110,
154 ha Walla Ilrr sale by
m •., FORSYIIIII DUNCAN water alellrare sm
INISEICD 0112. barrelo in muse and for
14 lel salt by J JORLIAN bON
L AUD-I.alep a rood articlo, for saio by
:1 JO 6uAN tr. FON
- .7
APPLE'S-12 bbl.; jo4 ieteired. and kr
. 1 ".. 1 . by . kJ I S V V,ON HONNI10551:. CO
tee, jam noelvcd end lot uln
J. vfacte
I le.
o 1 Blank Varnish rsint, roan•
N D MORGAN, Dolglist ,
INZ—lbarteli for •elapy,
• J p mußpert_
, .
—1 asse r smnil nicks, for vat
cue Carbonated, for sate by
(10 ' PEHAIS—Ib barrel, for able by
ROCIC POWDEII.—.4I eg• far rain by
p i ? y TeLsit—No wartintV=64l,lerliai
&MON STUMP—EWA made, and of snt qua!
. .
110, fia sale low hi
. m JOHN D HORGAN, 0! woad. 1
r HITE LZAO-50 kegs Pur s
e. far sale by'
• VII eks-U. J'D M ON. AN
LLEILITIEIS-3 tone, now landing On sale,
b InV4B , . ',DICKEY &CU
nlllitElllll-Ite Dour tandiag; for .a:1,11y
m is, • h. ; I DICK/SY:IeCO
lAHD OIL— A 'vane nu r seo of Na I -Lard Oil
Aeonitastily on band and fol by
Je7 Manufacturers, No I$ Liboyy unit
(ABOUND NUTS-210 bac forailer at Nolo Coal
liomorial Roar, Lilian) Croat, by
jo762w' _ j Ofiftl'llAßD
:0 1 1.15111nro:'roos I.buisacat ou
Jab -14CJ5KTY b brAgElt te CO, 44 Wit d
'L olo7:=taitii.,eispr
je7 J
_yr r , cl'irtd - aild
.a Obr sal. by - CiIIJONSIAKIiit h. CO
_ .
LAHD 01 . 1.-10 m Soo o ,orwo e br
e 7 VC/JOON/ilia/AL le._
idol. Pare, lElf salt lbw by
—5 bandies for Wein'
Ep t ._ l_s_ , c nis p iri , et
/ I LDERS, }not ra'ataTii.;r
I JorcueN kNN
' B rtooms—od...oatiandi.d;
•20 doz. I. Rt. Common; r. zalz by
r jot , . F NON BONINIIORnT tr. CO
f 61311117.114.11 tao. r
)211, A' GORlZN:zalefal
VILITITifiI brat: ni
a slariito
014 R=
, I
0 14 ili a 1 17 45 Mad and toTs4;le by
. .Y3l. $ W HARD/WOO
ACOX —4,300 Ibt;bor mead. a more and forTodo
JAW , my 34 I W Itaßliall
CIoTTOIB-48188. Coooiror sole by -
fo P rtt l le sif i re l Vr ll • ll- : 0:
2 , 13 3 • _ _
roix PZAVIE I 3 fibb. and .1 box, not teed
4"" t°'
131 , 3iNitIORFIT 60 f's 3
jxl) 8 P r 33
C ID= VIRZI - AAR-19 bbl. Pure wet .
fi g P -.1 441Xt RfltibillOßST* 6, 33 PBlOl
Danimi PEACHES-150 Ls. liaises, a Mae
J./article, to MOM' and (Sr sale by
le9 ' li.o RID% ELL, Water stee;,s
1111610 E ^ ••b • e AY—R. • •h •
itelbs each, jest revolved and tot sate , by- - •,f
3 C BIDIVEL. Weler etreet
A •
- biz Cincinnati 1w sees sad
slattaer America and Gar sale 67 •
Id • ti B MILTENBF.IIGS.R. - wider .0
earty - b:APsieletireen;. • ,
•1. S do blatraflee; Cbr sale by
/alb' J D WILLIAMS CO,llO rued at