The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, June 10, 1847, Image 4

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— Eummilaivr; -
Van Ambnrg and Drlesbach,
The great lion tamers of modern times,
are both„ I believe, living. Although
they .are , the only persons who have
achieved ; eminence in their profession—
the mastery of wild beasts--it is a sin
gular coincidence - in their history, that
they are both of Dui&origin,—one by
descent, the other by brrth—and that the
State of New York, the natal place of
the one, was also the residence of the
other, at the commencement of his pro
fessional course.
Van Amburg was born in 1812; at
Fishkill, New York State. thirty mile,
from the city of that name. Ile is de
scended, as may be indicated by his
name, from one of the original Dutch
settlers of that state. At the age of fif
teen, with a fine constitution and • great
good temper, he left his :lathe hcime for
New York, where be resided several
'years, as a clerk in the house of a rela.
tive. Van Amburg was, however. not
balculated for the drudgery of the busi
ness pursuits of that city, and found more
congenial employment, after setting out
on his rambles, in a company which was
engaged taking a caravan of wild beasts
through the principal cities of the United
States. had now become twenty
years of age, with a fine figure, iron
frame, and herculean strength, which
admirablY suite I this development of his
peculiar faculties. . Ile is singularly
made, and one of the most athletic ut
his size in the .world. His body is
nearly round; but greater in thickness
than, in breadth; his bones large and
fiimly set, and his flesh almost muscle.
Nevertheless, from his singular conform
anon, he is remarkable. for the lightness
and grace of his movements.
His. first intercourse with lions, &c..
Was purely by accident. At Jersey
City,', opposite New York, a caravan of
lire . animals was exhibited. The lion
uncommonly good tempered, and a.
a part of,the,exhibition, one of the keep
ers was in the habit of entering his chg.-.
On one occasion, this individual was ab
sent, the audience impatient, no one to
enter the cage, and a regular row in per
epectiie. In this extremity of distress,
Van Amburg had compassion,,while lie
felt his latent energies roused . to action.
go into the cage," said he to the .
manager. He took a cane, entered the
cage, walked up to the lion, talked to
him, and in a few seconds they became
quite intimate. In approaching wild
, animals," says Van Aalborg, "unmake is
every thing."
This was but the commencement et
his course, The lion died, and the
company dispersed. lie joined a earn
' van called the Zoological Institute, iii
New York, •which comprehended the
rarest specimens and fullest assortment
of wild' beasts obtainable at that .date.
Here Le prosecuted his favorite pursuit
studied the temper and habits of the on:
nous animals, and proceeded in then
civilization, step by step, until they. were
all perfectly subject to his orders.
He first associated in one cage a lien
and a tiger. This presented remarkable
scones. These two animals would net..
whole months, and sometimes he would
• give over one of them for dead. On
such occasions, Van Amburg, after they
had exhausted each other, would enter
the cage and begin his course of discip
line to control both, Gradually he toltl•
ed animal to animal, till he got an far . k s
ten-animals in one cage. On many oc
casions, he had severe conflicts, with the
tiger 'particularly, but nothing 'datigeroti..
When he talks of these animals, he is
highly interesting. 'cite tiger, says Van
Amburg, is like a reckless, good-for
nothing, drunken rascal, Who spends hts
time carelessly at taverns, and fights at
a Moment. Tigers all have bail, spiteful
tempera. The lion is not so irascible ;
he is slower and cooler, but there are
not the generous feelings about hint
which he has been cracked up for. The
leopards are like eats—playful, but easi
ly provoked.. There is nothing hardly
more interesting than to hear this history
.of his intercourse with these animals
from his'owri lips.
Van Amburg has a cove( and practical
'theory to account for his power titer
them. From the first moment of his in
tercourse with them he talked to them
as! he would to a human being. "They
believe," says he, "that. I have power to
tear every one-of them to pieces, if thee
du' not act as I say. I tell them so, and
have frequently enforced it with a heavy
crowbar." The personal strength,' the
peculiar cast of his eye, the rapidity of
los movements, the tone of his voice. all
tend to present to these animal: an idea
• of ! superior power, which in sudden
bursts of passion makes them crouch in
one corner of ..the cage. Van Ambure's
eyes are peculiar; one of them has a re
roarkable cast, which rather heightens
the effect of the exprissive face. Oct
one occasion, in New York, the tiger
.ferocious: Van Amburg very
coolly took his crowbar, and gave him a
tremendous blow over the head. lie
then said to him in good English, a, 11 I
he was a human creature, .' ot You h
scoundrel, if you show mu .any MOO' 01
your pranks, I'll knock yolir brains ute t"
accompanying it with loud menaces and
strong gesticulation. After this the O
gee behaved like a gentleman for a CM,
pla' of months.
On visiting England, Van Amburg wits
separated from the animals fer se've - rttl
weeks. They arrived in London, he in
Liverpool. As SOOll as he reached 'Lon
don, he went to see them. On his ap
pearance outside the cage one of the
strangest scenes was presented that et, r
was beheld. The lions,tigers, leopards,
all recognized him at once. When he
entered among the group, they crouched,
they drawled, they lashed their tails,
with every demonstration of delight Lin
beholding hint once more. HO scratch
ed the neck of the great male lion, and
his majesty growled forth Iris gratifies
tion in notes which sounded like distant
In ancient and modern history instal,
ces:are known of attempts made 'to tame
single. - ; animals; but till the present era
theta ii,no such mitglity.exhibition of hu
man' Ova animal power as Mr. Vsn Am
-1 uig presents. Yet the feats oftfamili
arity performed in Litndon are noihin”,
'it is said; to those which he. perform ed
in the United States.-Ctst's Adu:
TITIAS AT TABLE.4—A story comes
from New York, that 'some of the: mem
bers of the legislature are much in the
praeticrof applying "the Honorahle7 on
all occasions. At a recent dinner, one
gentleman requested the lion. member.
from Chatauque to hand him the salt.
Another wished the Hon. member front
Otsego to pass the vinegar. And a third
desired the Oen member front Chenaugo
to give him a potato. •
Upsn this, a liberty lean from down
,east, turned to the black waiter and call.
ed out' loudly, Will the Hon. gentleman
from Africa pass the bread !
T/LT IT BY ALL MEANS !—A write, in
a London paper has matured a plan by
which he proposes in future to avoid
_railway' collisions. lie 'advises that an
iron chair be constructed directly in front
of the locomotiie, and that one of the
Directors should sit therein, on every
trip. He thinks this 'patent railway buf
fer' will effect the desired object .—Olive
Brauti •
rtuLADAV - i:wymno.
111)1/CIOE NOAD;sdrovisßattos •• • *rest. Phil
-11• At this establishment may be found
the newest sanely o(Plans od tmentilei Patterns
foe IRON RAILINas is lee United t , trites,
which die attention ol LiMIC an want or any deurip
tion,end ispteledy for Cemeteries, is partiesisris
T he principal part of all the' handsome Railings
at L.airel Hill, Monument, and other celebrated
shimeterie• in the city sod county of Philadelphia,
which hare-been so highly extolled bythe public
Fr were esecuted at this inanufartory.
A large WU t•ItOoM is connected with the estab
lishment, where is kept-constantly on bend a large
sunk 01 re.lyquaile Irue Railing., Ornamental Iron
Settees. Iron Chain, new style plain and ornamen
tal Iron Gate., with an catensiveassortment of Iron
Pont., Pedulals, Iron Arbors, &cr Also, in great
variety, PY roughs and Cast IronOrnamente,stable
far Railings, and other purpose..
'rhe subscriber would also state that in.his.Pat
tern and Designing DeArtment lie has employed
some of the beat talent is the country, whoa whale
attention is aerated to the nusiness—forming alto.
gether one or the moat C.lllllolele uud systematic es.
xililialintent• of the kind in the Union.
ROBERT WOOD, Proprietor.
Ridge Ruud, above Buttonwood street.
Philadelphia, Alarelt 19. 1812 d6moli
'lila'. CIIE:A petrr 001.1) AND:SILVER WATCH
/A. 41 I.everb, lull Jewelled,
Silver do do
Gonl I.epoiel, Jewelled, 30 00
Silver do do 15 1.0
Szleer I/nattier+, five gooldy, 1010
• Gold Watehea. plant, 15 00
:Liver :+pctlacks, 1 75
Gold l'encao. 300
Gold Bracelets, 1 CO
Alno,on band. a large w.orintent of Gold and llatr
Bracelets, finger ring, bre apt pins, hoop elm ringo, gold
pen., mlver opOonn, sag:ll,ooga: thimble., gold neck.
earb and lob ellanot. gourd Lek. and jewelry of every
kl,scriptiun. al equally low 0ne.... All I Want i+ a call
to can v I fir I' costumer, _ •
All kind. of Waichen and Clock repaired and war
med in keep good tithe for one oldgold and .t
-ter bought or taken in exchange.
rate, eight day and thirty hour brae. Clot kr, at
Clock, and Jewelry Slum. No 41J1
rtr, above Eleventh. North ir.ide, Eldladelpina.
jr, I have nowt 1..0ttl and:Myer tonaltehraper
that the above price, rrti“,n
rj 'hammer pOst, many advantage. , over all
1 others—among winch taa) be mentioned,
It. Al anageablene sa—The. raiodatty And force nrihme,
may he controlled with We greatest ex.e. the
Itaulturt L. tu °perm..., and the hamar, am, he .n
•Mnlty arrested. and suspended at ally Itetght.
ur taparitir to execute wort. ul.
ke], M. the large-t 10 the -truttle.t. uhder }:111,
ILf Isle and Chgapetr:A.
In Ay upath all a.dt, L. We curl men
All the hainsiter• ute thade 41f-:laz,..g.
Thr ..I"crthe, .jontiou, exeru.v dry. fur 'hr.. ,
eeeeee an upon tra.--onal4e term..
or the Eatott for floe Esist,:d :slaw
Mauulu.•inrcr. of •
No. 304 Anon. Frout Street.
Bark of 'l7. A. I% i/sun's Cuhind Dine Ammify
AI.I. orders I,llwiiL S. S. 510014, a the oitirc of the
Mr:els:me+ 14. I. 1 . 81.15wg14 will 6,- pronfplly
attended 10. tHUS. U. DERRY
TO WAT . ClEylAtillilltio stud DEACEIO:.•
• .
imI,IIITKR Toole. anal
Nia,,rtak, aml r :tall, and von
At ant I, on 1140 hl a largr a t lt of
•nd 1 . 1,-. I:l4 , ...Matnsprtsig. Verges. AV e.
I land.. romplrir all Tools and Mu
trtatl• bt-loolgmg to Ibc Is,Jr; with a largo. t , artin,..n
at and
lir K. runt, :a ...11. Lin- I,..cni Nrlv
Yank pure.. A'l ande, grout the country punetuall)
—Vonotry Alrrehaole anti oihei+ are invited 1..
call nod ea amine .1 the OIJ Stand, No. 3. `mill Folitth
rt, Philadelphia iantht fiou
PlioladElphr.s, late of the Lem of Odle.
Vitjime:, tVatr.u. resprtifully inf.,. hit frivoit.
and the pail., that he has isvid v.ll keep
urtothinly oo haul and Lir ulna handhothe uurtuteht of
uuhtouaLle terraces UeLieles of allstylev devertpthoo
made to order id the shortest Nut/ewier, uhl eatutted to
he very Led manner, of *elected aatenal
E t out; %IN'S cELLBRATEu INDIAN Li yr:li
5A viLLS, for the cure of Laver Complaint, and
all diseases arising from the Liver. In sick bead.
ache, and at a purgative and Antoatilious I, curs
passed by none.
SValr rolls or u 1 / I .E.tsr.” LlVKlL—,
iolfonatton of the laver, when not the consequence
on an angle nil ink of the disease, begins general:,
with si op..ra of a tonet,iiital disorder of the sly
lire and biltary organ., and tlyrpcpsta Isequently
Scent. to to• the only affection present. 'The pallet
o irregular appetite and in•paired pone.
of dtgestion, acidity, flatulence. slight clothe pains,
ocstonal nausea and to Wing, and a slight Mill
pain and weight are 'ell in the tight side, accompa•
nicti an came canoe will, a dragging pain in the right
shoulder. ISI.n commonly. however, no.ductanct
gnu la et pero , neml L •• 'You of ti , e Liner,
vietwo runt pre, • Je on . thtt n IF:
The Lowe:a are at • • •:ular, costetrcneps
being ccmmonno— oath diarrhoea, the
discharges scanty. dark coloreci, offenatse, •limy,
reenish or muddy. One of the most coolant and
characteristic tyloptnms of Chronic' Liver Com.
plaint is a dry, harsh, constricted state of tne
short dry cough, with slight difficulty in breathi
frequent attendant on this disease. let he
chronic os in the acute form of this disease, the pa.
tient run seldom rest as easy on the left as •in ttirl
r i ght side As the disease ailvances, sight let oft
cotne. on toward. evening, attended with a buritio;
hea tou the pair. of the bastes and soles M the feet;
the nights are restless o and when the inflammation
terminates in suppuration. hectic and rapid Omar:.
tom consume the vital powers.
Alanufacturril and sold wholesale coal retail be
JOHNIi. NIORGAN, 1./toggled -
rorit3l • Wood street. Pitiants,h
• AtslJl' ARRIVAL" AT I ogt.
• • • "
, V 01.I.:N—
-' YgriKtfeiEr2.2i imth" Goo,, "
Ireh Sooms
lonner I,
:to now; pia..
nod ',mord
'zed awl cad,
oOrtl RIM
, eb A wor e"
lin and proord
n, 'de Lauer,
le new. ANo,
Porn. Ti C
w York mad,
Sion", ere
IVashis•glina, D. P.
• -
trZENAS C. ROBBINS, Meehant . eal Flnporrr and
/./ Agent lor procuring Pairoi•, prrpare 0.•
re•Aury Druweng. and INmrs, for Appltram• Oa P. ,
• not, modr an other .00,10, the
proirns.on ti,o Bale. OM, Ile ran be tondllted
oo all gmr-mon. trio., 0, tlir Poomt Laws And dr,
•,m,. n, Pound S , • or Europe Pea, a
dooanre dea,roun4d ui•
CS4I/6•11311ell. mad, at
Patent 1,014,,, pr,or rusk opplseawm /or a patent,
may forward 1j0..r paid. ructoling a Irr of five .1,211,,, , ,
rlror valr,urnt or tl,e,r case w bra ~,, one,
ordl KI ;fell 10 it and air Me 111 1 .3 1 111.0,11
wall I,y a n,w,t of tile liptlilealll to
promptly eormnunie.tted.
All ir nerd on buflnen. mom be ptn.l N.J. 61141 , 1 M. I/
suitable fee. whEin ven lien Opiolo/1 requir , J.
o t.
Chime nF. stree oppoime ibe !Intent Mire
Ile le. the honor of refernna. I.y .
Judge , rnisch, Wa•h:uKwn. 11 C,
Ilan. II Ow al,
H 111 Sh:eve.llll.ouri:
F:rso.w. 1341. k •. Vag.. Pandbursh
_ -
JUST Received rot., tor •a
(root the Foundry of
k Co., New Volk, tit,.
fonts of Type
'0 ,6 1 ILn ourgeo, , ,
171 lb* MininpOrate;
141111 bends,
ih•Two 51,0,n0 Cop.,
Space rola, etc.
A ICI— or zzle. a great
ety or aerond hangTpr. from Noomtre,l to:13 lin, 1.,
). FJowerx, ()zon, l. ot• ete , ivlde ,v,l) he sold
yi S FON d. ToeMroN
Hardware atom Removed.
WHITMORE & WOLFF having removed from the
k corner of * Lanai) arid elan. stoNo 50
Woo.) creel, thine door. shoes t•teharle treet, a
...peering, ark the attennon of bo)nr• io rims, ..met
per .lops natranak. Monongahela end Rusna, dirt el
(rote thomnonfaciure” of F:ogland end “etill.lll Y.
Also. supplies of American Ilardwar., from the prai•
eiral manufamorer• o( the Eastern
nett awl; being entirely new, and purchased upon
the ben ie.,. they feel greareonfidenre in being al•ir
asfully tomem competition from any quarter,
...... .iety cvcroll'ercd in is cm
/ before—made on the moat approved Eastern lam—
and most fashionable Eastem pattern. and colors:
THE CIICAP ROLL, or uosron BLIND, on hand
or made border or all sixes. and at all pricer.
Country Merchants and others are invited to call and
examine the above (or thernschma. as all will he mid
wholesale or renal, and o liberal ejedatlion toad,. 10
Wholnale pprrhoilers.
, veldt y ° A WEM'ERVELT
Wimilissalii - Drug Warehouse Removed
LIA VIC erected an extensive warehouse on the corner
/1 a Wm.and FILST streets, to which They bane
mmoved their Wholesale business, where they will
always have on band an emenlive assortment of all
the artiele• in their line, to which they invite the alien
ones 0( the
„The Drag liminess will be continued at the Ott eland of Sthand Wood ma. sort:
lISERRONS- afflicted with Scrofula, Ring's F.MI.
Cancor,Erysi t iehis,.old Sures, Ulcers, 'Feuer
Illencirial Diseases, or any usher compla d ds ornu mg
from i m purities or the blood., are requested to read
the toilowing tertimonials. in proof or the wonder
fat properties of th e shore named medicine.
We. the undersagned, baring i:ited Mr. Isaac
Brooks. Jr. at thL °then of Mears. Itonrand and
Walton, 37G Market street, Yhrladelphia, corunder
his case the mast remarkable one we hare ever wit
creased or heart of.
Ilia disease was SCROFULA, and terrible must
bare icon h I twelve years' conflict with the de
HisPalate,' c entire rent al hi. mouth, Nose, Up..
per Lip, and lower Lid ol e aten 4ht bye bare been
dmtruyed, his Face neatly up, and part the
Jaw Hone carried awny. And yet We can give m
description of his cone.
Mr. B. talcums us tlmt in January last the whole
interior of his mouth, as well as most of Ina face
was a mass of deep and painful ulcers!
On the I itil ofJanuary last,he commenced takm.
CEA, which checked the dnease m a tow days. at.,
rout that time the cure has progreases.l without to
New flesh bas supplied the place of the Jeep ul
corm. and though badly disfigured, his lace is sound
audhis general health is restored.
We aVe assured that in the treatment of Mr.
Crooke' nose, no blerenriale,Ointments, or Caustic
applicvtions have been used,—to fact, the PAN A•
LEA ALONE. lass wrought U. wonderful change
David Smith, Bucks county, P 3.
Charles L. Rowand. Meadville, Crawford cop,.
J W Jones, M I) South Second street, Pinta
Jacob Lee Pemberton, N J.
E W Carr, 440 N Fourth, above Poplar st, N. L.
s lillough;.Laneaater, Pa.
R 10 Maddock, rtliNorth Eleventh a. Phila.
C W Appleton, bl Ul4O South at. do
Timothy Marlon co.
Daniel Yeakel. Chesout. H ill, Phil idelphia co. Pa.
'Jbtui I turned; 390 Hiull street, Phila.
Welitin Steeling NI IJ, Camden, N. J.
William Hale, 3113 High street, Phila.
J H Potter, NI anulaclucer of NI mem! Teeth, RH S
Niulh street, Phil.
L A Wollenweber. I•:d. Phila. Democrat. 1.77 N :ht
street, do
George W Mentz. Brush Mater, 317 Market St.
Ezra Carr, 159 Chesnut street, Phil.,
A U Gillette, Pastor of Eleventh Itapteit Church,
John t, v.,. Street, Philadelphia, Ann
Land ce.)
Aaron -ands, 164 Catharine Street, Phila.
Daniel McGinley. Kessler 's Alley, do
'Amitew Sweaton, Camden, N
It I-1 1:1311S, West 1%03. ar d R. l' Gilder. .11r./ Al A rket rt. 1'Ild•
ltrhe W Askew:lli, (.0 South Sixth wit. el, do
T S Wagner. Llthngtaplret, I It. eh.. tpat .1.,,, tl..
R J Kernel. I'll Eleventh rtreet, 40
I•eter Shen Stull!). Editor NatiVC t:“gle. tit.
3,0 80j,,e. 1;1 tss le:mune:wet. 1t'a11...1..1k
WI 11.1!•le . clw, Funittivion, 1111ren co low
1. 11( 111
51 1), 114.51r;,513r5.
Russel 'aulield. Pluttostgtst, Pfillade
Tlittin.vt P S Ruby Al U , Ilarr.burgh, Po.
Peter %VI-OlL:Litt Mar Let tat.,,
John 1;04n3, r 1 srucc nt. do
WdJ t 'ran, I . Jstont , t. Paula N. E. Ch. Cad. rinr
- .
John Chambers, l'.-ator lot lode!). l'hgrch. Bri”.l
ot. do
T L Satidcr, l'lctlgr 31/d >Lmdad
• •
11 ' 11111C.,110 and gclail by Itowand )• Walton, Pic
pnctoni.XX Mayket St Ilidadelphia It b. Srller.
57 Weed at. Pith. Lurch, Pa.; Vim. Tli • -.5 . ! Al ark
het et de,; li B Perlezz, Marietta, /lee,
Sharp, K Y;J••liti W
Ute;SW.II & Bcceeth Madigan la,t : Le•r.
vitt, K 1/cireretick & Pellet" Si. Louie, Ale
P II McGraw, Natchez. Me, Hardaway & July
.ten V:cksleirsb,zhe, I . 113,1 c, Jrnhint, Nets Uric.
zr" - ‘ ,.1.T..,1 No 14 DIAMOND AL
,y.: L.IiV. a 3CW door. bolo./
~....i , : i. , ~J -: met, towards dill
~ , tsc e i. , , i
~vt .), E L. ,,. , 1.!It0V1 , 121,
6,-.. """'`
ii.,- - 1. ~- -4- ei. ~...,-72 ,',:ud.:,`,,Y,,z:
..,, , A,,...„ -, p.n.:tat , pretter.
• 4 ~"'n? , .Ittut confine tt. ntienttutt
.., , '
'' .'' .“.. .. th " . ‘"
6 f ••.,•. • I, t.ttvte and .tri.ratr mu
%, - tn • • 1 g01a .; 1 , :r , ..1....1. tt... opt.,
mOnaldri Y , I::ntl '. onnlY " tt j ttal.l l , 7 h:::l " -::
Eleven yraf, .4113111.1 4 e tlrvotcd to Inc att.t.l) Yllti
Matti:fent of Illo , r contpl t tAI. latirlog urbtell tour 1.,
to , hod more I/roc/tor an/l, as run. /4010 Pau ctn. that.
can ccer 1111 to tint ton of .. y V.V..; ant
ply gualifira bon to oder o• , ranee. or apredy.prr....
ncntttnd 1.110114,01, et?, ati Stitielt, 1 11,111 iIfAIN
dtarat.r• anti ail .t... , a--. ,r. , , Ir:tit...rt....
Dr. Nrowt. r.o.t :too,m ..d.t:t
dzsetows Leromee:wo.k.a by now or 'agy r
led by the ow of etoy of the COMM. ttostranw 01 Ow
4.2 y. Ow thew rotoplatow con ratheally and !bor.
nugi.lye he ho Ong given Ito. raw fui une. , ,00
:he treatment of .:eh eaw, awl w,errOed,,n hontirry.
of to.tactee. to curt, per-mot, et luflA n. nevi
of the I,lathler. 3n4.1 Ludt ed dtvelre% Who'hawn fere.,
w•rsi chow eo.en whrre whet, have corts,ned them ,
ho[wlew lit tewl:colAr , y ow ite*,ort, v• Love
man,. tut t, Ixo:c rx; , rience. stunt, ettut •,
evnlKatloo. 1....151,K+,14, tor 'llO4
genera; tracts u. mrd..t, to r.;c• any ot.e.clia.6-7,
;IT Her. or ROO. , D. Itnelen
orrao:ot alibee.l w.tb 1,411. a to cell, e•• he b. pe
o a
parr ruler ncecno th
Skto Macaw., el a n 'Yes, l'eley, etc opecd,y
Cbar.ccewrYorot e ' ^ "• •
,l'a'of co.Scr act Item; e: a dlei..nrc
by oaoog tto., downer a-coinc. civ,oc thc ,ypc:
tom•. eau 0t.t.e.nme.U.5ce , ....0. tor eae
ddreee.g T ortm, ! , 1 co, t o 1 004 enc.,
vog &fee.
I. I 6.11 VIS
left ,rUci towarn it: ctcantog and wtoterette
I the Toed, •trengthcituts the sun,sec enwlf the
breath. Ae. It • hoold be toted every tog. utth • .La
brush. and the teeth and mouth willow) routere a eitch
washing In the too Wet the bra, at dh w
water. or cold will answer. and rub it a / * IN salute. an
the pane. when enough will atthete for <euttneg het
teeth. It leavrms clehrtoto taste $n the owe., and ini
parts most delighniultramance to the breath. I t utandt $
onnvalled as a pleasant, elGeactous. 111.:
safe ‘tentriftee it is warranted ,not 'inure the teeth $
Lotto pre•terva them.
umag it regularly. it will remove the lunar anti
prevent tot acetintalaturtst —prevent the toothache
strengthen the puns, and pre vent ill direase• of mein
Chentusta, physic/ans. and the clergy
,recommend it
decidedly auperwr 10 every. flung of the Loot inn
Ask for tthemtaterCompound Orr: Tuotlt Pay,
oteterve his stganture to attached to each pus
Recommend. d by Dr. Castle, 3,1 Woad way. one w ;.
Our hest Demons. and by mutt of the old estalutsh.Ol
ones tn the Muted Stant., and ever a tenatroly uteri
by the :111.tility of Engintol at.lF.• .-
A large proporuon of {lced...ll.e. I hatalthct mankind
arise from tome derangement of rottow...nor Lowe,..;
which a unfelt tote at the. Cationic Lorena., would ,
entirely °bran, Personn of lulu at babas ...old 41. ;
ways thavo alma at hand. and tale a dose oLottoror I
they feel the Iran dermigentosit thott health A nob
al the, Inteunr• wooia prevent ihou.atok
of cases
For,.len: W5l. 1A,71:,‘,N,. eon,
I..ibe3t) At. .IreZt
118. CULLEN , 1 N .\ N
.11./ HEM EI/V—Warrauted to num or the men.
ey returned. This ure.ll.7i me in prepared .. an In.
than Kencipt, obtained front one iit theM in the Vat
Meet, at great #9,rase. 'll.lO who titre been
familiar with the Indiarm, ;uo. , that thet a anti
r, Ventre.' nithom the Loon loige of Mer
cury ItalsanViir anything of iii. Lind. TSIn
flirted Ilarn now opportunity of toting mom'
Wilma the Oi Balloon This medicine It
pll,llllit hi the ' taut, and heaver 110 trot It on ill,
Prepared by 1:C/11' 11' ALTON and J
wholearle and retail, by .1. 'P. Itowarid.
.irr..ia . lhedt'ndl a.
tlebur g h by R E ra
atry•et,nd by Wy, 0,1“ T
No Cure I No Pay t Plies! Piles 1
[NIL . J F. 4: 11.10. E11itif04 . ...10.1. 1 111.0,11 y 11... /..Alir ,hil
IJ yvsll cure %Isl. say very s ornate. ass! s , u sa a ...
. s , s .
shacks, it not only stnnsedsatrl I allay • ltal s a
taki.nrs la, ,kll Ish.vsling,autsdur-• that ask,. . 1
...fa .
sag. but effectually cure, 'na very short ha r par A.
vaLoae lyres have haen tessdered tuasetable 1... yea , • sa
lts apistscursonlproduccas tso pasts. latt rally. s •sss oar k.
Isle awl plessaitst kerinatscsa il parrahl agl.eleti .yisst
call nod hear +I the arrut mutates al i.e., - • Ape
ha, is eu•ea, they wad be antoutoltea. .1 s.• ssi 'erns. ' r
ths• ray, Who 6144 beets 1111 . 6,11, 1c0,, , .1 ..... goo e.
Mtvroor shire taws. without bilk, curesl ssks
tag 2 hos ile• al (he Ella, tocalson been reaa . a . ,a 1
It ...Ilk beyond srt crsleas ”--11 . h.1. ',tura:, , • oks
CV , . Far mat 0 Pistklayral, 111 11, I-i. :IN .'. ,
SIDI( l''.. IV Fotinh•ireti. twat tvosal s at, . s'•as , 'I c
Drag Store of II I' Srbonoz, Ferletal Al . .., I s las. sh.
No Cure, No Po)"
Endaornn.n :
rilliENE ate few time:atom more c...n...••n
1 trlcrorne than dm I'd. 11, and )et. 1/ . .“ Aar
rug crent clitoris liar° been mode to cu :ry
of Folk. Or:etc:met, haulm:urn, &L ,all r rr
and al lade Ittliebt. Now the Etnhrio..i,,ot
only tnadirine nevi. A person uhu ha. n t
ing with the f the w oral kind c. 0.., leo.
lam, New dewier, almost Ott puriinse 1 , ..nre•
gratitude fur therapeeily cure that Ong
,effected i// him elk, e.—l'hila. Sat. l'ust.
frj•Vor 'sale in Vithiliurgli at the l'Ek I
STORE.I2 lan,,th at and alci ar the :
ffl • e Schwartz. , Fedi:rill f. Allegheny Cit
• VV. - aria.' Wcirme . . Worm,
1 /MM. 12.
Itleasta J 1114 CO, licnte- This I• ort3l. 11 ,
o chid of toineWas .minted wat t Woax• I prm.nid
Venous kin kind. oil Verm.ftage. and adanno,eted the
b ut w ,d, nn e ireed I then a f o f If, fq,
lake's celebrated Venntfoac. and alter a, ntew
dose, the child Moe hunted about o 1,11.01 tI I.,rfe
Worms! The health of the child impr-oed
thel woold recommend Dr. McLane'. V..rotologe
the public, asone of Mc moat mt . .. end ea. • ',rat ',III
dy for worm, now in use II r•I"ITI:It
Sold adtolcoole and retail by .1 KI DD ,:o I, wooer
wood & fourth •1•
lift 'TOW Nt•_ , EN c ~,,, , 1 0•1,11,2i111C1 et 4
PARILLA. wood, .1,•1 eb the Atte
1111. Extract a• tout op in quart I nobs- 1.2
cheaper Won...oar. and wow-word wp •tr to anY
sold Itcure' , w.thoutunlmg, purglog, ersonjf; or
delolnanng the path lit.
re. I 1.•• ti I y And superiority of this ttarsaptrills.
oser WI other rerarnben I. while it cradle.. o,.elkle,
it invigornies the body ; h ts Loot! enceesstully in the
emoval and permanent cure of ull diwnses amine
front an impure Awe of ,he blocel. or habit of the wys•
Look out for Ituttatiunt`—Ur pluleiplrd penal]. hove
eop , t J ocr labels. and put up medicine in the ram- rho
ped bottle.. See that rash bottle ha. the Yrralell .igno
lure of S P Tosentend.
• •
.tor rule by R EetELIA:R.S.(soIe agent tot Alleg heny,;
eaantyd .57 Waal street, between Third and non/
u. myl4.
VININI . ; kliat:4; — monmly Noses brio tArer..
greens. kc ; notable for planting In Cenaelrf'sj
ego furni.hed on application at Inc reed more,
from Nurser...of Ja. I Venlrnp. Illenrhocer.
nleblegf No IN, col wood and Gin ma I
NW= ' 1847 ' 1
Errisesirdife, Paosenvm.
TIIE psbirc are respectfully Info'rated OM thin Liar
will commence running on or about the lath inns.,
anJ continue throughout the reason. The proprietors
have now placed a superior clam of Packets and Reit.
road Cars on the mate, with eaua accortuttodationa,
which will give greater comfort t to traveler..
A Packet Boat will always be in port, and the nme
eling public are requested .to call and examsc then,
previon. to CLIMI rlsewhere.
One or the Packets will leave the landing, toppeaite
the United street :States notel,l cornet PCIIII and the
Canal. every night et Do'clock
For tniorrnatlon apply at the other, Monong ahela House. Water street, or to LEECH Pe Co
mehll or Penn street and Canal
- 1847. Mtft
'I PIE stock of this line tonsists of n double daily
J. Line.or 804 E. iwid Cara, [owned by theruselves,J
which are in good order. The subscribers are preps.
reJ to forward • large quantity of Plerehendlie and
Produce with certainty and dispatch;
Produce or Ylerchandise Lonstgned to uty of the on
dersigned. in forwarded free of any charge for commis•
sion or storage.
Bills Lading transmitted and all instructions pinmptly
‘ttended to.
The !mines. of this Line is eorslue.l oa strictly
: 4 .1.6-keeping principles. Address, or apply to
I) LEECH & Co. Proprietors.
CllOlO Hasi, Pittsburgh
HARR'. ft LEECH. ProOnrlPTh
No 10 Smith Third street. Philadelphia
No 11l North Howard street, DalttmoYe
W H WILSON, Agent.
m. 110 No 7 West street. New York
the way, untl the t, en flak Gide*, damage,
breakage and separation of . goods.
No 070 Market street. Philadelphia
Car Pr. h. Wiry. Ms, Pittsburgh
O'CONNOR A CA, North woe..
W & 1 T TAPSCO7T,I7.• South at. N. Y.
Encoureged by increased tiustneas the Proprietors
have added to their snuck and extended their arrange.
thenU during tinwinter. and are noW prepared to tor
witid ire% ,1 with renulatity and dispatch unourpasard
1,, any oiler line. Their lungexperience ascarriers,
Ific p..lltablc atiperionty of the Portable Boat System,
and tie great cap.,' and convenience of the ware.
houses at tacit end of the line. are pezuharly calcula
ted to enable the proprietors to fulfil their engagements
and areinamodate theii rustornees—eunfidentlyoffering
me past as a guaranty for the future, they respecoully
.oi reit e,,ntinuaner that patronage which they now
eraleitill) acknowledge '
A tu & treolinOr W . tee reed
arid torworded Stemboat charge, paid and liild. of
Liohog tretritnitied free of any charge for Commisawin,
.olnotseing or storage liaviug no titterent directly or
indirectly In ineitottroatn. the interest of the consigivara
inu-t net, siourily I, their pritnaty object In 'hipping
they pledge themnelven to forward all goods
tied to them promptly.and oir the mom advanta
geOu. terms to the
hlarelt 1.1,17 mann
agEiltP IS - 17.
.. &alai
HRI ..El A
la . Without TrJosh
Goo& eonslgned to our cure will In. forwarded With
at the lowest t.otteat noes. Hills of I.albog
trao.untled. Rod all uotruettons promptly' atteoat4l io
trous say rotra rhaT tor storage .or comtoks•ton
Addre•s. or apply to L A I \lc A NULTY &CO
Canal Liasto, Pittsburgh.
Iluvlug a eery hrge and coutntodiout warebou,e,
!etre prepared le receive tot addition to ftencht for
Pluptt,enti• large •nroutit of Produce, .t .on SiCllll,e al
- 10 W rolelt 11111101 e sick u Co
kigkiSMl I S 4 7 • MEd=
E x t , iti! . ..'"Gl, v dt!:-":Zut,lLUZ;rl7lT:r7r.irlrf
Holialsysbutgh. %Valet. ttueet. Peicribtftgl o t uutd
toteduate platers
Um 8011 well lean thr warehouse ore A Me Anotty
& V . ° . PattLltuteh, carry day . (except Sunda) ad nod
tth.ppert ran Khan), ttepetol on having their good. for.
watt. ar.thoot drloy and at fair rates
Th • I.tne tau loaned fur the gpeeial arcotonnalanon
Ot . 11.• traybutton., and the prttptletnr• rcottectfitlly
att. , Ittteratt thorn of patronage
Pear - wars.
. WILLIAM rut.Tv - •-
1f II r'A NAN J,,hti•Low rp A ,:tt•
C A McA.A.1.11.1 . 1 A Co. I . :ilsbuig,
J J MeDe•ttl. John Paltker, Rolnert Moore, Ilagairy
S:.01 M
. nrl/6
- • .
1817. dabigh
'Mt Line tieing compionni of 5.,, 0 b 0 ..L . .k,
1 nii.l
rr ruinong ilaii) Pnlotaitoiti
pan! IL .1.- trentni Ca in,
liebver and Fr, an.' cant. ebng w u 4
C yl Reed'. Line et Smooth°. Frooeit,,, sea
on the i.e..k era! na perpgr , d upon the earlieet open
of Navtgatlon to .carry Freight and Passenger. to
a:J po.ensun the River, Canal anal Loges
paging every fgratty for conveying fre.ght Rod pg. pcoreptne, and tbspatett, the proprietor
end bg[ol4 segregatully aohers fmm then trend. and
be p e genera:ly their pattering,
C M REED, Eno, Propnetor
REEDS., PARES& Co, Deaver. A et.
Jr DIN A CAUGII EY. Fittat,gle Ja
'or 1 , 11.tal anJ W Wel A, tLe at,,g eog g ,
gnuela llogar
aartx TO
t %% heeler, Crocker & Co. Nrw York
h para., Buffalo
N Parks Co.Clevriand
Jai.. A A rnotaong & Cu, Uctroat
Ma'am & Wiliam., Allivraokse
11. a oul & l'oner.Claicato
Wm lamer, Comm.., Penns
air oSi artaclan) re, Kw enel.ergh, Peon,
John Mc Arthur, llononown, do
N% ark & Ackrr, ateenriale, do
Craiag & Framtam Clarkaavilic. do
Ilay• & 'html,, Po
C Mob, Vh.roo, de
It W Cumnishato New Castle. do mtr:a
Wail& 1 847, AtiIAIMIN
11111 I KA AeIa . OHTING .Iltataierinak,
Line. I. o n f o ' w " :2l• 4 V roo d se ' ha s ti'rrri
i •er.ptron to unnecessary. Goods are not tout.hrd on the
route. tiros transbipro.nt or extra handling it *arm/
The Mats are of light draught sod pelforto tlretr
from ara to seven dya.
The eap•etty or oar Warebousea enables us to store
so) enronantnents made lorry_ Reeeterna,siortne, col
I adv•ners !Yee of ettargea -
`• Ilema gully prepared to , matte sale. of Produce, or
respertmlly sotren consignments of sweaters] Flour,
Ituvort, Lard. Boner, ekes., Wool;Peathers.•nd other
art,ele• for sale. on which liberal advance. will be
made and other usual tacit... afforded, pledging our.
I .elves that any I.u.ttress entrusted lo us shall be as
promptly led and upon •0 fair terms as by 'any
other how, /NO IIeFA UDEN &Co
• Canal Hunt, Pittsburgh
I mehltf 179 and :VA Market 111,11.1.1 a
Ecut Bearer Point and Bridgewater,
rroprtentr add A.geOl of aleamera
DIN lITTS•11.1311 ••11
WILI. be prepared on earliest opening at canal nay.
igation mreertve property at Pia whorl lam( ur
tr warebotow, Mr all points on Etta Extension. Cross
1 . .., and Omo Canals; fur all portaOn lake Fr 4e and
upper Lake. ...also to torarentprodUcc, b.e•by Penn'a.
Improvement^ Apply to:or a•ldress .
rebtSl.lll( /A. CYCKCY. It,
rrrrsuultt:li & eI.EVVI.AND LINE.
1846. alaidirla
II Clarke. Ileopt. T. it ehloond k. Co.
Wars...ding & Commission Merchants,
•1 , 111: Agents nod Proprietor, of tam Linn too Lavor
/ ably known In the 04140,1+111 Le nrepared on tbn
earlieit open., of canal Ililvigotton to receive pnap
any at rittal•argh rind (leaver, and deliver the mane at
• 0 3* Poito on nin canal, and *lanes. Lakes Erie
and Michigan, with il.e create. deopatc:4 and at rear.
onside rain.
The propuctorn of thug line 9ohr.n the huuneas u,
their former rtllllool,o nh confident., knowing tho
their funint.en gre emo! to none.
Apply to or adaree•
Il rif jI A RTON. Act. Ihn.hurcb.
CLARKE A. Co. Beaver.
T HlClrtif /ND 4k. Cr r
. . .
TUE Itnionen'a Notable float Company beanie dts.
. o ty,o, th. tinrottiny again went alto article. r ete. of Co
partursh, unites the name of the “Iloonnen'a
and I,lteorme agreeJ to refit the Ptock Po Ott to have o
number or R.I. for ths purpose of tarrying goods
thinugh, slim toa to reglel rerternty--and
fr et encohrogrd try the Itlyeraloy of la.l year'a patron
age, to make more extenvive ornangamento for the rn.
uo year
e would the.fore fel y rifally anima a coM.1130•
ante of one former patron,. and refer all new euvlOrners
to ihoee we have done Lome" for.
1847. E
Far dan transportation of •
roil.AortlTOA, DALTIVOOR Tim Toga, /OD Boma.
ttAhl UE:b %FIGHT:WAN& Co,
orn', Libuttp intent and Canal Damn. Pittsburgh.
• A GERCART /t. Co,
N. ES ltla Orel gored, Philadelphia.
GELsroN & Co, Agents,
Baltimore, Md.
rrrrsnuftuii—Ja. Aleeolly, — Geo. Moran &
W Met7l,lly & Co. Li A & Co, Al Allen &Co.
-1 . 1111. A DELPII IA —Mrorri. Pattprron & en, Rrynold•
AleFitfiend & Co. Flertunx & Becky. Peter Wriest &
Son. .1 Illopham, Josephlz.
NEW YORK—Uno,ll,no &Co, Theo. Perry & Co.
lIOSTON—Reed, lima & Co.
. • • -•. _
CINCINNATI—Adams &Creme, W W Senator
"g. PLEASANT, VA—P A l'ilarblor.
Nora—All omerchnntliac frock New York and Batton
consigned to A L Gerbarr d Co, PlohttlelPhia, will lie r
Promptly Ibkwardedfrea of coontliasion. febl.l
Packs/ye Entity... to Pbtladelithln t
fIIE Canal being now open, the
_IIIMMICbOve Eym. which haa been e•-
tiaisimi tor um conveyance of valuable package. of
oterchondtse t specie, bank notes, rarreDY, , corn.
nteneed caning on Thursday, North l An lona CO by will be d mooched laity until the el..
of the collating plant.
mobil for Palm et and Douai
~IVICI~ffiIUIY. ~~
RW0171441 95013311.01VACIEACT VOL
The near awe indendid steamer
cipt. Charles Hoops towineness lice
galar MN , this day. leaving
burgh at P &cloth, a. W., and Beaver at o'clock. r.,-
. Plusbazgb and Cleveland - Line of Cad
nal Boats daily to Cleveland. 0.; Beaver, Warren and
Cleveland Line of Canal Packets and wtage Coaencs
daily io Warren and Clerelano; Canal Paean Lines to
New Castle .d Gmenville. Pa; Erie Fit on Line
to Meadville and Erie, Neil, Moore A Co's Lines of
Stage Coaches for Cleveland and Wooster. leave Bea
ver daily on the arrival of ateandwat Beaver now
Pittsburgh Apply In
G at lIARTON A Co, Pittsburgh
soli CLARICEA Co. Craver
• , Onion
MIMEO 1847 .
P. N pAgrcs ttiCo; Cleveland, 0
G PARKS. Raves, Pa. 1 Proprietors
tV T MATHER., Pittsburgh, Pa.
rpm: above Line fir Sow fully prepared to trawl-surf
I Freight and Passengers front Pittsburgh and Cleve.
land, to any point on the Penntrylvimia & Ohio and Ohio
Canals. • -
The facilities of •atil Line are not equal:cd by non on
amid Canals.,tu numbers and ua,weny of Wm, sal.,
Ocoee of Cipiains. and promptness. of Agents. As
One Boat leaves Pittsburgh and Cleveland daily. run•
nine in cooneeiion with the Strainer,'
Michigan and 'Lake Erte, between Pittsburgh and
Beaver, and a Line of foal ciao Steamboats, Propel
ra, Brigs and Schooners, on Lakes Erie, Huron, Mi•
ehigan and Ontario
Property forwarded to any part of the Union with
despatch F. N PARKS A Co, Cleveland, Ago
REF 9, PARKS & Co, Beaver, Agte
W T AlATHER.Pittattargh, Agt ,
apil Cot %Ostler tall Smithfield Greets
o at 1847. 44443_
• •-.
• Time to Baltimore St: hour,
Time to Philadelphia
(Only 73 Miles Staging.] •
THE splendid and fast running meainereConrul, Lau.
htcLane and :western, have comnireierd making
doable dolly trips. One boat will leave the Mononga
hela wharf every morning preeewly at e
Passengers the morning line will arrive ill Baltimore
cc ening on dine for the Philadelphia Mail Bum, or
l Road rm. The evening Boat will leave the
wharf daily at 4 o'clock, eacept Sundays. l'aror nger.
by Chit bout will lodge on Word, in comfonablennne
rwmq leave Brownsville nert lamming at fi &clog",
crow me mountains Miley light; , stiro and lodge in ttin•
betland. Thu. avoiding night travel altogether. The
preparations on ibis ratite are ample. and the connectiOn
complete; sw that diatippottilinents or delaya will Ito an
known upon it.
Passengers can woo on the route and resume their
wins again at plenau re, and have etcher of Rail Road
or Isteronlmai between Baltimore and Philadelphia
Raychem chartered - te par tiee in .el as they
Nee your tickets at the offire tra
Monongaliela I tom,
or lit Cherie* Hotel. J AI ESKIhIEN
1847. Mtaii
TllROlttsll IN 114 HOURS.
DACKET Woo. SWAIIOIV Telygtvoll leavy
I vet doily. to 3 o'clok rlir r the atnout at thr
Boat from Ittlirbutgit. ,
tarot, ut WorrYn to
One lot thy hlotl I.t.te of Stagy-, which trove °mor,.
torly itterruiter.lsol arttve at lttevelutol at 3 k, 1.
Thin route is the most exped.tiour bud coottortott , -
One 46.1111 e loske.s.
. • .
• COTES & LEFFINCtv ELI. Warm, Prapr,
lIKED, PARKS dr Co, IGavrr. Are. ,
JOHN A CA UGH El . , corn., %Val, an.l
aptly 9pixtrlte the Mov!angallOn Ilbuw Pist-Lunal
jab al 1847.
rpHis Lion cun.trbog irelhi pa.,414., Puck.
1 vetil rsitt durnig 4,1)011
Ilcave cis. r
land lireermlle, .by arlo.rh Iresight hid
sengent Liclarre, the two ptnnt, will be carnrd pronipti•
oisa at ibe lowest ha..
WICK & A NCO F:R, I IrceOvine, Ara
CR A IC/ /FRAMPTON, Clarl.v,l tr.
Vr+.1,11.1. , :1111 - Sherrnbutqh,
It F:F:11, PARKS*. Co:
.1011:11 A CA 110IIEV, corner Winter ar.llSni.ll4. Id s. ,
arAy 0p,.. ib. NlnnourliC.6
intiii=l -1847 . * CM*
. •.
PhlladelphW, Ltaillasae•, New York
and lio•ton.
/11111.: encouragement Ina line has ret roved vmerm
its commencement. hal induced time ',opt irm.
Om to increase the stock be adding m: number of it rmmt
class boats; and instead of giving receipt's au hereto
fore as agents. we will gun our (Own recepts icr
bright shipped by thin line.
The hosts are all portable, errovermently f eight
I. Liken the whole dratotee o morn! tratortiiptur 01,
thereby preventtng damage from trequent bandit.,
cn the route, and as each boat I. owned try thr
aptain who flans them, which ma a sufficient guar
antes. that there will be no delay en it,, route.
All Produce or Al erchankbne consigned to Pro
nerlentlgr cd will tin forwarded FPIEIm: OF OJAI.
MISSION, for damning and fern mmdlng. and oti I
be shipped without delay at the lowest mica of
otbholt a are
"gc WA lA-I,N ( URU &
Canal 11. m. ht.borgh
• !Stead Strcel.
'Bowlrl's Wharf. lialtunore.
Pittsburgh, Feb. 18, 11117.
1846 A" 1847
, 11E ander/Li /r ued are now prepared tu tor ward pro
/ duce, tre , the Eastern Markers &ulna the enso.
tu g Witter on tlze must favuratirr rent, I, y th,• er
moors rune.
A/I property rottst i ned to us 0 11 1 I.r. .orward,, , ag trc
lowest rate• am! with drop/Itch.
hundise received by itur wore.prnnutt,y ita
warded: C BlOWELl„lustutr e n.
W CASS. Brouttu r vate.
n 41,27; E FAIERTON & Co Corto.e•a gal
.1846 AND 1847
i A ` Z -1 Y
?f , llE4aLwn beak .rill receipt for the dcbvery of rm.
duce la Italian/me by the Alunoneahela Slack water
at the following pncea—
A•bea, liaewt, Ratter, Lead, Lao!, Pork. Talton,
Whiatcy, Cheese, ard Glass—n7a CI• per lOU Ibn
TubaCco,llemp, Flax and Wbrat-14 eta per Isar lb.
Asl,s. (I'm) Apple, Owen., Flaa•Seed, Ulan, and
Leather-106 eta per 1W Ilia
Ole, Sinn. Seeds, Wool-111s elm. per 'pp
Ils.eswitz , Freaks..., Furs, Snake-111.d
—I'U. cis per 1U Ike.
All properly tous,sool to r Ober of lb, undenoetbol
will Le itooexoled wOhoot delay, hoe of l'oomovvore.
al above IJIrl. II lig. Wow., ,Ile
FRFJ(iII rErot and o:l.rra t•
Jiang late r,re Ilrirk, l'eaniner, ar
wogid thi. plat, flow ,Iru!,oir
and Inleriondiate auchn, ran gnalir
urtangtment. vallina I
have • Ituat ountung reaul..sly I...tivran rdid.uf ano
akr.rnidlr. 14.0 11. MILTENI3E/IGER,
jal,ll Siranda. AR,' :In Water .1
FlrES4onsaboal I IA RI.EIII ro,
and refitted in hand...rue ic and
wet Llso Monongahela whorl A •
,hc sa unproved •hr sn won adagyndior
earrysng freight and passersgers, or for towing, sh Las
purchaseacity and power. Any person•. d u.
WM of mum inspect her
also propose ta lease, fur one or more year. toy real
Warks; and to rarnofestergy and It.torts bubo. they
oder g,cal,•4l4rainuges. I furnoth the roller
on sale or charter. my tow boat ••MINER." ilr eau
also hats on fair term. six haws. three Ile, and two
coal bottoms, sixteen car•
woh rapes. (talon,. h, t ,
made for Tull opera... As e.t.a.. of Ibe e tt
tablishotent is Matted:• dtspotted to neauttote
with me ou fererence to tan) af the above particular t,
may addreas me at try Office 411 eitt.thit llnadot • 4.
street, l'ittYourahtar 'at II arlent,near Monougahelr coy.
•ort. TIIOS. It 1101111)
'IONCKRIVING sELLF:Its , Viins 11 , 1 A; E.—A lot..
lJ ale vial producing wauder,—llead the
from the Rev. N. Wakefield, Vassar of I.ll,etty •t.
• Pittsburgh. Mouth 8. 1....47..
Sir. 11 F. Sellout: It is Irvin a sense in dopy, no
Ai with great pleasure, that I hear
nue al your Justly celebrated rcrtnituee I procured a
tingle tool., and gave It lo three of hu had
beret ill Inc .everal weaL• The eldest Wa. rev.,
nold, the next fowl and thtl )04/1/,,1 l'l . olllr/i
th..inn The first ,iamed Ltl) worn, the second
fury seven, and the third n conntil4able number 11.1
recollected. ,ice then they have been
wet' . and a.e wln good heal th
rout. res; no ilolfully. S %Val.:rut
Ftmlt the, Rev. S of .
pal Church.
Mr. II Eltem It tt writ. great pleasure 1 worthd
inform you or the good edeeta or...lured 011 my Poo or
fnur y ettre of age, by your molly celebrated Vent:loge
After bra haatog coavalmoSita, I gave hint three doge,
when he paced an alnam Increclitable nonmer, from
which time his gerretal health has been improved.
-SE Hamar,
Prom the Rev Charles Cooke, of the Alethphat Eat,'
copal Church:
Pittsburgh, Drecatber 14.1245.
Mr. ILK Selle 0: 1 gavel p hal daughter (between
three and fur ye4ie old) three 11011e1 e
of pour Vormatme.
ta pteacription, veldt the happtem soar..—
The number of worm. expelled Ido tan know pi!ctoe-
Iy. but It was large. She Is Wow it rameemon ni m.,1
health. I think the tneMente amp be coulidml with
great unte.tvedne C Cum,
Vet - swinge has neve, been known no (nol on
oi instance, whln.,wonue acomily czeoled,porenni
should give it In Inerereporr to ell Gillen
l'r•pated and sold by H. K renryl
•nd411., on Wood slice,.
, . , . ... ..
For sale by Dr. Capteel. Fifth Ward. .yi
FROM ery Meerut encourage
dßiku nt the subscriber his received mace
he has located himself In Allegheny,
ha. iadu«d him to take a 'eine, ler a
term of years. on the property he now
occupies, in Beaver street, immediately beside the
Presbyterian Church. From the long experience in the
above balloon and • desire to please, he hope+ to err
It and receive a share of public patronage..
Now on hand and foliating to order, Rthekawny Rage
gie., open and top Mires, and every deeeription of
arnage. made to Order, from seventy.five dollen. to
eidthuninet there3-dtfl 1011 N 8011T1I-
ring thew- spot., Stains, or block. Cone Clothe.,
Woollens, Carpets, he, he., and render.. Ore spots
where ens,
ale applied clear, bright, new, and *onces
Sold with full directions Prier 23 cents a
by WMI 1 At:ail-0N ,I£o Liberty •Irrrl-, ho set
or Wood. at his Com and :thoe stOrr. sign of thr 11,
tiout•_. 11l
Wear the Upper Bridge, Allegbeity Ctly I
Trollproprietors of the Star:Cotton Favory relptrt-
Inform thr put., thu: lhor y are now to suer,.
Pal operatio n. Harli, r mploy ed the sr, ewer , ot
Dante. natee. who ha. had an experience of 12
gran to the protwpal uetot,es Al.egbeny Cl.,
they wrwld adonn Mercbaws and D*.alet• grarral
that they will /than)* hare on hand •tt,r.or Coq.
barns.," all Nos • Ratungs, Warp.. an I:rown a.
or .armor wake. t . ..
N. a— , wer. I,Q at I Ise /1/.11. or at tiro oloie oi
er, Ruttier it
Co , iv? I.lbe ry curet, I,
attendtd to. N V Co -
m&Nernertuni curroN YARN.
Candle-Wlek, Batting, Twine, Coverlet
pnriNocK & Co
(SnecesPor.ol Athsektro h Avery.)
- -
- -
PiltignMooll. PA.
Ti. E above einatilmilmrnl being now in imn,emeni
Jon. rution.we Air iminewrin x . very rilen,iveiy.
minki ntlinav) odapini in epicmil
m mineli for benuly ana quality eunnol belinil
by Oily other make in Ilte roomy. The intent.on of
p u .rltl ne.l to nn r.rominntion.
WilinA,vll eillf.os A en
_IR ifzr i_L-;_:±..
( 3)
'.z. \-,, ; A`t .c-• : :., '
, ~,,ib
4,,,,_'wy-:-,,- ~..- t fr e.
P V k
_ ..... . .
- - -
. ....
• , Wl t s uhough We [LEWIS may not Ile erillantchl
Since their vit. nre duly 4airefitt , llCal;
Let Mt delum. rrrjulltre. or pride,
Induce mankind I 0 het the 11,11 If ahtdr:
• .
Mrni , winch. Om' simple, are by licavell
'Yu 131 k-rime the ills or human &rods.'
•.• . •
:,o,lr wh:oh rere,rwl the
unwerral upprohonip Of the ince,cal prorrs.wa of
Great Itntnot,Colllll/114, wt eon, ly-newkopliration of
UnlvenisFu e ran o ronednal agent. by thewie of winch the
onlpitery Golvume liattene..,Elertneninl3lagortic .Mn
r hinen. !ire , entirely ti irpeo.ol with, and the ~yore.
pow rr I)( w“boot any 01 the
objert.ait whtels are in./pa:Ale trot° the general mode
now ot twe. thew, irrogultar interval..
protioulaiti,l, tau, la.r Um! aupi" tail trial, to Lir
Fire.. 1.41 y snjuriuv. . o ral .irinitly
applicalloiri pinicattd, which,. al ,
111.1 litetrgla
.0 Et• •1/11. ell Is 111.1.1:011 •.I . IIS haircut.<
an..wri all
IL. of Ihe ase,. :SI a
. 13 01y ce•pc. at are mar,: safe ar .1
Golriatti , 1:e not a-ril n 1,01111,14011 Walt Alug
netie unlinked) rtirtitniiieetleil in all Jiro -
der, tetrieh torwe front en ralerldol or unhealtiy song of
ta• rirrennt or -troll syd,a. tantiiilitint. ere
anitileg the iito• tin, nits I treil it venal in winch we are
dipiet. The) u W.dintil exception, nom ;me 0.1111-
ph+ 4.a0t,-2n derangement iv the Neuron. iwsiern--
and war 111 the, caw. ilial other 'tunnies.' having
tio often Wiled n new ngent wt.. greatly needed. winch
leani Muni! •I, prole
anti jurtiiiintlit applination ofGalv.tinwn.
The ttel %Wine Itin,
. have hunt tonal with iinli tine
., In ali eau, or it neon chronic.. at,
ing Ihr head. Awe or lied,., e b ( lout. '
Da, !Warm r,
Thothiselir, EfertrAlti,. rrrfixo. NrProus or k
In.figrq ~,,, . Para/pt., Palsy, Eialepry,
Palpitation of Mr Harm Apoplexy, Soffneao Jana.
Sprnat retnrinirtn. I.undiagu, Nouyalgia, Nercrus 2?e ,
mow. !h.—pine,. of Me Ns Cl,',! and
lirnerai 114,141 y. Ileji6rney orNerroo. , PhYru'al F.
erro, and an NI:USIA', ItISORDEItS to rri
I rintirinett
togium. whit li •wmply nervinit
lattgrenrill OE - 87)o:tinge organ., y_lntve heel, Mend
raiktit, iinweiiii.stul. Their ent/Nina"; elkew
..tidt la intim lit. xte lo lie lirlie)ul, and ag
..111 prevre‘tive ti or liol preortling vomplaints th,y
•rqu“11) r,entnittemit.d. The 11 , ngs :Iry al tharirstt
hemg mud,: .of nll, end of vnrioult•orna..
entul ital4ret., tin.l ran be 1.1.0111 by the uto+t
ma.. without th , sl•ghte..l ttcttvrttiettrr. 141 t.
srt,nt.olt rAthe.t. Iterreablc ;ban ol berm,
• •
The Ca'mole Belts, Bracelets, Elands,
Garters, Necklaces, &c.
)1 n wm• ca., of a vete ncvn re chniuning,land of long
:tando, power a. up,:.01 l.y tltt
•adie.rot .arteat the progrte,of n
.luntutely Teel°, tit The Ittproved toodtfleatt...
Galvathe Vella, Bracelet, Ac... o.:.trly r
.r• lb.. objeet:on: tle,rce oipower that
ri eat. ren.t.l) ohta .Mrti. cornpiamt witteh
the tn,,ter.t.a. ug.ttt 1.1 hal van,-tn cun rued! ttt.l
t...”..anetttft rel.everl. Tlo.e art.. are hda,..
e l :110 a.. !,• uo)
of the I co . y. oo.; 45 t511vc . to. thilvome
t arr .01 wt...., tworfa 00' 0 . 5 05
Hnolelnx•ol uth ,t.ooe daunt eroolohy, 4100
Nervou• .1:111 5 111. 0 51 10 01110
•oree-Y .te reva . m.Ye lot Apoplexy. 1 -5 15 5 .,.14 5
•01.0:11 01/ 5 10,1I:0111,
Cheistle's Magnetic Fluid
srJ.ll CI /111,C:1011 It :11g ;be Gaivuale anduil
urired L fIJ. Frrn , h Aln r Goo o: II t 0.0.1
iiiittei.itru .. lit the the peat ut
apidnnd tniattritt at :ie. -
"11,.. 4 i1ii•11 1/ .11 isnOW:lttk prdllll e the • . r..e
Ile 1. or io itnitetri ctilitur pro, rty to !he
!m.0., tip,. thtticitt I loi
posit:tilts apt.. 01 ILI.
•I itjur, it , !Liam" • alai i• . t ,
it. Atitiiiti tintrficia: .1{
t'Sr!'l rat ati• ithit t! r, ret
r •rnr ribeur y attd
Chrixtle's Gahitnic strengthening .Irltt tet• ftn aolu :et Unlit e . it hOt
thr In} nilltar at
to, nt .1,3111 1 l
,11 or,
innotoonr II) ont
the, moot hnutotno. oat tta utent the Pam: t t. m ,4 1 .,7 'n•
Itov , t, the o on,opeo of more nnot. appltcannit. htt.,
arc nottfittent'y recommend,' o• e.elualdr 0 1 11111:Ph 117
thr •, , tltt tthr.. n. It neontot.ent, ornote tte ronte, pt. al
or Pant a , if Ir. ,1a I,Z ~. r t f•t t.• Gar a. Pala
Stdd la Atenenane Alicrtan. hal tr, IVrakneas or res.
non at tie Pulmonary eierlos In Spam: Casnr:e tnt•
ate rrd.ato art or thrmost derided character and thr,
hoot. on,. hero nerd n . ,th euerree. ne;
or 71. e areatet otlvainot, ,st Pomo and W e.t.a no,
of Om lireoot, and Itfr l i ghtrecommended for mu,: or
thood mono: mots ro whtelt r'ernales arc expecorlly lee•le
A • an Gram! Ilat .1 rcogthroing the ny.trai
wt. n left r. toted .11 rrr other euut-s,as
ta conoh.u• ono' Xt . e.ehtre,o oo Prevetrave
foe Co,. and Al . alrection• of the Coast. gener.d4
t he tinteni tar Strrd,arere.ta haver will he foam: a,t
gerni ontl pannattent advontaae In tt trw wen te;
cutoror. att toe vantee or n - knot tonic Kellar:on,
w7th thn tnporlont ntltlttlothof 1110 galrainc er
whrrh nerther ]]] ;marl nor extra woad, while the
knr ewe um.. These arr.c,e• he (goad ettlit el ;
fror from there olm-etatere, rah,. net s
• r ~,,, ernall W thr naltaary trlnstees 0 . tan ..., 11 ,
Vs. The great relchrtly and access of three att.c les
has caused tlrent In Lea ....era-tad hp unprtne.grie
per was. T. prov,ll, agarn,t nopositrun, Dr. Citrams
tslll one nothortecd ugeritin each ea; of Ilir
Thr only neer. t Viltstrurulr. IV. Is IVIL.S. 1 '4.
11, Car logla-st and 100.1 ic.pretabic character. are e n n
.toady reran, .1, regard., are entrardthroury valve
and nit c ens of the 01,000 nria.l... It in tado-Ur tl lart
to dor eity Newl'ork alone, au wn N. of 1-71.•11.
TIII It,SA NU I'KIISONS donna u l e .. ti tno
• nr, have I,ren enure! ) . rraeved of the ar0..1 ..for
citron., rletorder•. some, velvelt Lave eoroplrie. ; 1.1:
fled ..1, tot no, ,'flu e ot urethral art. hatred or ar, or
I ie first on, Are-runs of Ors eity, who rl,s tairrote ot
lititl,ll, and AI ad-ttene Alto-lanes, cm... Molly e , rin
sacral ilos applonntori in r Itnictlet., and with, rhea/.
eepteat rrf thou- wha ate too perjoilterd to give rt tl re
• the . Irn• reve.ard wiowers favor ar,
FL 1 1 ,0 , 1. 11 WIttittt'll .11111., Ire. A
uden.. Farah . , 1 , 1
•s a t all ion.. re .•1 , o ,10.1 happy - to
n t - ot. , ntt :tit 11WWRvat. Itthl
t ile'tth doh et 1., u•-era..ll 00.1 the erbrae, ot W
00, au m It-owlet, names-Idr !dui Let 41
JFTIWI'I A 1.1.1 am' rurrtlter • tired by Ili, of e o
tlet Grrat 'trowel, eft Naturr. AMERICAN rtII
II *lmo.i one ...a.ourlf et dorm I tellanenerticou, ern , TOOT
sequeoll),l•t...errltra .et Ali raft, to Ira for nu••teitt OT
rear tit tler
truld wenele,futr and 'true' by Iv yl. JACKSON at tom
I:oett atiel Short Stott. 3114 Pectrut Meelettue
J.l Ittbrrty lIITEITT brad et' %\'.A. l'eurleterscb 50
rut. and PI toter 'un i t
urn, Ear.u•escr Arriu for We . 1 0111
It If U., unne IT grotoote itto wheel et sold b.,
or Illf aietueented Accrue.
N A PompWel ample .I . frelitoo. dr.
with tht• 11111 e. :1110 Uddr... , 01 Ow Proportor and
opal AEror
of. 1• lope 11‘vroporr of raell ndn
lti7tdoove I . 11 :,,.•••••,, IL? Store
oritupt.LA 551) scitorULOVS StVEI.I,.
0 I Ntl . ..—Seerilla i all IL. inulttplied dorm..
whether in thal of King '.6 End. enlargements the
gland. or hon... Goitre. %%Aide Swellings. et.rowt
Itheuinationi,t:anner, ili.ea.ri of the Skin or Spine,
iir a Pulmonary Crtoluiptoni. emanate I ofoe
and the rad., wit,ch pooomm. prong r•
more ior lt, here tit to the human s).teni. There.
fore, unto., dos proidtple can be destroyed, no red,
eel cure c.ot Le eltected. Lout if the proolplo Open
which the.dwelse depends, to removed. a curd
mind 01, bolo., uumatlernnneru 1/.ltlol
the linenn, shuuldh uillwt d.cll. T:.1:, therefore
In the reason why. tortes.ll.l, 01010). lS uul
veistily im o
eee..rul vino,. nog so man) malignant
ilisea.(l. It deltroya tin! vlroy r prim-Tie Irmo
wlitc.i heir origin, by entering
into ill' :M and with the blood is convey, d
to the iotoirtrll o (owe, removing ,ery p rtielr rf
froin floe sy.deto Prepared a,Li :add ..1 No.
ut it 'Third Street. Phil
Sold at the l'ekdi TV., St ~ 59. 7 2 Fourth sure
f 1',.. elegant or itio T....; , Fn , rate try It A FAIINESIOCK i Co. corner of
A FACT W0111'1! kiNowinc ' ' v. , 1
~,..tda0..,...,,,“ _ .., .IP_
A g ,.. „ , ",
~,„.,„,,„,,„„„,,„, ~,A , ,„,,..,.„.,_ f ADIEU Who l/se Coinnon PrepaterhUralltg are
in to. younger day. her.uttre with hi leer:moo. 1.../ alert nal awe rc how Inghtfally mjnnorra r ....
or the Throat and No, nod n .li,rgrreahir odd Non. he ohm! how coarse, bow rough, how osllow, relow,
~,,,,,p,„.r aig .,,,, ~oho sk,n. lore,. h,. w i„,,,. ~.. and unhealthy the !kin Upprar• oiler using prepared
tom horc IL, tont tot oi hone wutorrord 0 . oh di.en.',. - balk!, Dr, ilk, it is injunoutt, rointnnititn largo.itoon
ono hand rind ...too Weir .0 rtrueh affertr..t that hr had my of t end. We Itae e PeePnrehl •be trial vegettble
hone,. tr, di' tes t hood, est' pmrt brute rovrrrd wt 11 reel, which we tall JONES'S SPANISH LILY
'torn, parotid. rout offenrtve U worn and were nr Inr:r V urn:: h.rg periOcily innocent. being purified or all
low and „ no . a . a h 0„,,,..,.„„,,, b o „, at rh,, ~,,,,, deletermuu qualiter•; and it runpArts to the akin a tiara
of lit. Inn death appeared luretrohle, from 1.1. healthy, 01. ' e t r terr, C l ear. Itaingwhno, o.rthe on."
, r ..,,,,,,,„,„,•,.. ~,,,,,,,, p m , ~,, ..slopre.p.ed ,ho use of tittle netorg n 4 a cortortte on tbe 44, making noon
JAN P.G.4: At 'EFENATIVE, owl hnetne taken log. and inticont.
tern I.utrir. ,• now p,rh.etly eurr..l - Dr. intneg Anacreon. Pr . ..kill Chemist of Moo"'
.1 . 1 ,, • A l:rhatN ATI VV. nrwrotr, through thr r ',On- eli•ers. 4.lyr: "After analysing • JoneshSpanish Lint
,log. , t ,„4 ~,,,.4„,. rho Mon, and rrndien,... diyeu.., Wlute, I foul a pervrovves the most beautiful lOW nano
(nn ter apron]. where., loenred, and Ilin ilitniefouti rat. at Ike PIIIIIC Innn innocent white I OUT Sal, I
tours it hag irerforoted or ilisertueu nj Slim, Cancer, certainl ean eninc.ontiously recommend in lb'. 1¢ all
Scrofula. Urnr re. Liver Complaint, Dygprrport, and mere s e he r e "km nrn.rov ItortOlnYing''
Chrtmic rime:ire, loi truly ustonishrug.
i . rsre Zoom.. rebox • ' .
For .ttle 111 Prusburgh sr the Pekin Ten Starr. 72 ii h Pohl by WM. J ACKPON, at hot float and Roe
suoor, nom w,,,,a...,d rt.° tit the Driig Flare or II I' Store. oh liberty nreet, bead of Wood, at the sign or
schism's. rind to Allegheny coy tuy4 IAwF 0.. Itn. Dent _ Jr)
kir. ItlcLasse's Worm ri pec We ' X , I srI,GAN'Is CGl"TRUP.—"yy,44'.._°lThd,:il.
rIkIIIS is ro eortar It.. by - taking ono trial of Metro . iti puttlighrd end read< know.notowt.h,
j ., Woe, ;:prerGe, a ..1.1.1 of Jinn, Shaw'', was the exprrss/ono. old man i i. o b 7 r o. u z , i ,, , 47 ,p
parsed upwards or 71.1 %Wan, and by the use of Nand
nredicrue a r told or ni) OW. phs,e.l IS Inure wonfm.—' Mt , Moro.n: — T hi. . ..m . v ' '... . 1 1. 7 o th ;. b ... i. t .iffl .l i :
It is truly the loom rut rpriaorg we nn Tontitown I Eller WWI it intuitleaCienr rough arre
... .• 0 g
. t . a Po
seen I mutt lieVC two Mtn! Vint& of Margin,: Co r net S Y m p r . happy to ay, after
e is entirely -tired, I pronounce ynir
MINI GILMORE. .. mg'' ' ' ' "' h '. tern ' med... I have over used. , No
Wilk.; Towtiohin forret , et) rei t t -e .
I wabout !hi. Valuilble mullein. . , •
bu t , ' , .g . va i e by J KIDD /t. Co, No CU IV sod streCt...P . Un th r u ' i j V b. .. ',; '` rg . rp m . „Roirp.,.. Ahr ogbony . ci ii ,
- ____. __,..q - Y— urTino minimum is prepared wheleagre gr r g , o , A ii
f 0 N E ti'lk GENUINE ITALIAN CHEMICAL sr the Hong Ft. '' '. of 10115 D MORGAN rev .
sl SOAP, for sollening the Sk.o, minlicatmg nanny. i Wood Creel, dna dm: below. Diamond A11e7.2 .
and allEruptlonv; for healing chapped lot toll. or cracked I r ,„ rent, Pee dorms. ( et. I
&nu, far thapelling freaks, Inn sunburn and blotched - rmiE , mooni su Ala Lova__ ro r p‘n„.
"km' and P . daOing it fine, twain.). youthful elear nv ,” I neatly dyeing Light, Red or Gray Hair a Dark
Prole ' 311 gents nor cske. The genuine iirnrk i . '''' fttotien or ' ,Mak calm:, withotnelyel,nrg of ifjpifing the
rule by It A FAIINEsTOCK '' C. skin. Sold with faltdtrettloaa Price &Yelp:ad - eril
and t en, Irt mod world us Ind wood are Oth • . 1. ,, i, ,
___ __
ID,Vold by.WM.J AMON, al his Patent Medicine
Warehouse, F 9 Liborry surer, b.f.] of Wood, at the
signal ' the Big Flout' in
"d (or by my le " -11117.Vni.4'7;a7.',Wd
Fm the retimval asid rermanent caps of all dummied ,
arising (lianataspare mats of the blood. '
• ' abeam of, tic system "trim
St-re/Ulm Kieo Plaannatinn, °festinate Amino: me
Enemion. Plopia Or Pumtles Ms Fan Biotelsts,
Bile. Citrateo.o 'ET., Ring Wm. or' Tun, Droll
Hour, Enhagermar ourpsirsof ras.Daser and Joiner;
SmStant trims, Syphilitic Systinent.Seintica or Lann.
logo, and Dismal arising/rem ad injudicious rise of
dfrienry,ettetiasar Dropsy. Earned° or
eft hapruthoset to
L. ..4.' to. Chronic Conetitunonal Disorder. '
ITS timely administration has been attended nr. Ithe •
Imppiest results In many anomalous affections; be
cly intended to fill the void Mr hiCh .111141 bet ty en I
cathartic and aperient medicine.; hence ha modal op
rivit is linnet an alterative &reedy—indirectly, peva !Ittling to ne to the system.
It is highly concentrated for convenience and ports. briny, containing nothing but the expressed essence,
d is the rep.esentative of the Sarsaparilla Root is the eame-rounner as quinines of Peruvian harbor
filorphnn , of, Upton.• It ti an establriMml Mel, that a
few ermine of either Quinine or Itlorphine containi all
the medicinal value of a large quantity of the exude
subuanc es; hence the dur,nottl)of those preparatlons
—find no inVid would desire to drink a gallon mixture
when a half pint contained Me name medicinal value.
'the Sarsaparilla can be dilultd when taken agreeable
to the direction, and mode To snit the hale DI the pa
The following certincetc.addle.sed to the dgenls of
Chicago, fur oishes conelorire proof of it. greet value
in Cone,/ of I'everSore•,
Mrsset Stebbins & Reed—lients: In May, 1911,1 ob.-
taideri at your store a bottle of Sand's Sampanlle, and
was then confined to my beg, wahout sleep for a week,
cm...lotted by violent pain from a regal.' Myer Ramo(
Mug standing, on nay right leg. llly physitganiadvised
me th have the limb amputated, saying 11 WWI the only
means likely to pteserrre my lire. After using half the
bottle the'ktun began to subside. and by the time I b... 1
used uearly three leattles,l was abfe to transactory reg
ular lola's:tem, ROO before I had finished' the rough hot
tie. I was as well and sound as ever! had been. Iliave
nil hesitation in saving thatS a nd'e Sarsaparilla was the
under Provideeee, Or altallig. my limb and I
doubt not my life. I moat Cheerfully recommend it as
the her! article relent fur the purification or the blood
Yours, most respectfully.
The following certificate is only another link in the
great chant of testimony to its merits:
Scorn fku.voet, Canada East, April 19,
Messrs. Sands—Gentlemen: Exposed as we MI to
the attacks of disease, and so frequently disappointed
in proposed rentedies,vre cannot bat look on - the efforts
of euecesclul proetitimtena with interest tad 'gratitude.
TM> ts true respecting your valuable - preparation of
Sarsaparilla. I have bean severely - afflicted torltlycira
with a iltsemse about which "doctor's disagree," and
thew prereripttons were Anil more dieenre. I tried vs.
riou• ritillYlinta but 'found 110 relief until I. commenced
using our excellent medicine, at' which time Lima
wholly confined to nay bed. Alter using it a Lew mouths
I ruts now able to wall about. ride out, and ettioy& tom
fartable degree of health, which L attribute entwely to
d e use of laud's Sarsaparilla. Please accept my aa
surance of gratitude arid regard.
Deme perNetelly neq minted web the above mate
terAit, I hereby certify that the !tame iv true.
'•• • •
ern. TeaitflUbli.—The following is an axiom
from n letter rsceived from Rev. 1.1711 Gahalm
Batissions.3lt.,Oct 22,1845.
Messrs, rondo: I Lave Leen MU creel with a severe
pion la ray tilde. occasioned by a ffiseaserl liver, for the
et inanity years , sairenag at hoses what langpage
Cannot convey. bur since taking.) our Sarsaparilla, I
have I.e. steady. relleved, so much slither I have beeri
able to attend to illy Losiliess, end preach occasionally
for the last line. mantbs. I wholly discarded oil other
medicine. and thorengbly tried the barsiparillit, which
eau recommend tit outlined sincerity m all those who
are in any way alffieted web .y species of scrofulous
complaints! There have becn ro t e remarkable caws
effected by to use in ibis 'trinity. Mrs. 1. Shaer t by
the use of six bottles, wee restored to better health than
slid had before enjoyed for men years, and Mrs. %V.•
veils. who had been severely afflicted with the Erysip•
clot, was entirely cured by the use of a few bottles.
Power truly. WSI..GIALUBIIA.
Far fa taller partieula re and couclustve evidence orris
super.. value and efficacy, see pamphlets, which may
Obinined of Agents gratis.
Ilreparcd and cod by A.ll. th DSandsDruggists,lob
Fulton sr., cameral' I% dliam, Newt York.
$Oll also by 1.. WILCOX, Jr., Pittabargh; 11.. 'fan.
wood, Beaver; Wm. Nation . New Castle; 1). N. Bob
., Brownsville; A. Creigh, Washington; and by
Drugg.sts generally throughout the United States,.
Pelee 81 per bottle—siz bottles for $5.
The public me respectfully requested to rethenther
that it .s Sand's Sarsapan ila dual{ te constantly ochit,
inn such remarkable cures of the roost daScult class of to which the human frame la aohjecl; there
fore ark for Bundle Sarsaparilla and take no other.
what tow mile-mil hire ill such a short time front his di4
ticulty of breathing, Cough and enaction? He
will tell you it wiis srtM Olomonisa, or All.
Balsam.. Ask the consumptive
what has allayed his Cough, rammed
the Pahl it, hit Side and Chest,
checked hie night swats,
placed the rose of holth
upon his cheek? md
he will tell) SliEltligAlVS OLOSALONIAN,
!Mk your friends if they know ofunythieig that wiU so spee
dily cure a lung sod tedium Cough, Raisengßlood, Bran
Dyspectse Consumption, Huarnowse, Influents, and
dcw.e. of the Throat, as the Olonsonnul Lod they will tell
yots—No. , There never )et has been remedy totem:lwo, •to
pi-blie none< which. has been productive of n much good in
n, slam a space of time. Read the following
Astonishing Cores.
Ws. Bova, die cebbected Boston cracker baker, fird Yes
san treet, Ltrookltn, states that los wife hal Leen +(dieted
with Asthma In au Jean' could not find pernasucut re
lief from the best medial adwice which New Turk sod
Croull)n could prodnee, was induced hs try this gnat reme
dy tthe is now nearly well. His daughter who was suffer
ing finos the same disease, tried it,msd was also cured by it.
Mrs 'hind ts now so well thatahe is able to rissfrom her
bed early in the tootling and attend to her usual daties through
the day withooi any annoyance Gorr her distrening t rablay.
H. Jeetson, 19th street, near the Catholic metry,
mune Lo a the store foe the purpose of obtaining a bottle of the
11l mith, hissing been afflicted with Ilse Asthma for room
at ' , sr., ono w. catsup...l on Lb arrival ihat be
could not minak. Ile purchased a bottle and rode home.—
Four days afterward he walked Gam his residence la the of
fice without fatigue, a distance of over two miles kl tell of
the wonderful relief winch he had experienced Imut osiog
about nue half of one bottle.
Coneuen melon of the Long.
51s. Cowart, White stntret, was no kw us the month
of Derrokber last. that he was gum up by hiaphpitian. His
friesolseulertained ton hope of his reeorery. He was pfr
.le.l to try the Olowouisa, and to his surprise it has hir
restorra him to health that he it now able to walk about the
M. Amur, the wife of Wm 11. Attree s James Harman,
Eol and tiro W. Rays, Esq. nth all bear testimony from
tLehr own t 2 rm.* of the healing pomertio of this Circe
Remedy in Consumption of the Long,
Spitting Blood.
Mrs. Twoutocma, 352 Monroe Weal, who bad beer
troubled Mr • root length of thug by a mem cough, end
raised quantities of tilmd, was relieved by one bottle of the
Olomonith, and declares 0 the greatest remedy in the world.
Demos ,arts, 26 Water street, was also 'relieeed hem
the same complaint, although he eras very mock reduced
when he commence d taking it, hatpin beat order the care of
his physician during th e put winter. Al th ough he coughed
constantly and was very much troubkd with night netts,
bottle: of the toned, enabled him to retura to hi. .daily
work. Ile was entirely relieved.
Demo HiX.l/40,11, 60 Light street Geo W. Bonsett,
formerly of Newark, N. 1., Henry Lisbon, 129 Airington
street, and numerous other tenant base . _been speedily and
pernamently eared of-the same complain t by this remedy.
The Array of Names
which coaled be produced of persons who have toed this roil
randy would room than fill a colonise. Ann, the amber
we see permitted to refer to A. M. Binger, 122 Buclay et.,
Me Wtlarn of Hoboken; Mrs. Bell of Morrodown e N.J.;
Junes 0 Dome, 101 fLeade st.; Mrs. bl'Caffree,so
t.; Cobb, I i Third Mena ,e bin Xttree of this
req, mid Mrs Archibald,3s White rhibald,
sold seholemle and retail by Wm. Jarboe, at hi. Patent
Medicine Wriiihnum and Boot and en= Btoee Nol3o Lit..-
Ile street, head of Wood street, Pittslngh. Poce Talbot,
For Coaghs,, reds, Asthma, ana:Constinlitien!
Comrhs,lArttursa...coaNSVMPTlON. h the HUN
GARIAN BALSAM OF LIFE s discovered by the tete
braked Dr. Durban, of London, Engine& and Introduced
ten the Mated Smes under the immediate superintend
ence of the Inventor.
The ealmordhlary'sucsem of this medicine, in the
cure of Pulmimary diseases, warrnme the Asnornan
Agent In soliciting liur treatment the WORST ; POS.
SCULL CARES that eats be found It. the amnouttity—
cases that seek relief in vain them any of the esnunesn
of the day, riv es
to been given up b
m distinguished PhyCONFIRMEDAND
INCURALILE. The Hungarian Mimes has cored, end
to quern POW., bet a slender.' English median, of
!mere and manblisbed tolirney.
Every Amity in the United States should be supplied
who Nushater Ilumeirlan &Mem of Life, not only to
counteract tee rammmpthre tendencies of the climate.
eut la he used as preventive modkine in all sage.
,Orfids, Coughs, Spitting or Moo& Pain in Um Side and
Mom, Irritation and :toren...of he Lung Bronchitis.
of Breathing. nestle Fever, Ni ght
ht Ihrests, -
Easselorlon and General Debnhy , Asthma, Influenza,
In- In large hoUles,mol pet bottle, Stith Mil dine-
Urns Do the nalsonition of Health.
Pnumbleta, contalnlnd • maecof.E.ngUsh and Am
can carthisarna. end other eyidelsce, allarAing the ark
equalled merits of thD Meat Remedy, may be
obtairnd of the Atenla, rittuitously.
DAVID P. BRADLEE, oohs Agent OW the Untied
States, 110 Court street. Mono&
T. W. DYOTT & SONS, Genital Wholesale AVM..
he. 121 Diann streM. PlilledelPida.
, .
. •
....... -
. -- .. ,--7 -11 -. EDICA4-, - -.... - -
D IL SIIE R .MAN. La a imtherethd ay hi malt toe:. 0 - . -
ple..t, so that chihirett still tale rt. ) men ....--
more. See hut kesfetsiorde is aeon , each LusTit k'.
. me pot
bll lfirthi t, Paste on th e back u ach ph,,,,.. r ,
oti ,.
Thew Los.ges ere the aided, mat wake and effect... rem.
tidy formulae, Colds, can.aphozd, whlsquitg tough.,
um, hal.o of the limp or chest, me, . to. 'Ow - pi ..e.etor
h. serer known . ii.ence where they dal not go o pet tam
satisfied.. &feral th.saml toms hs se hem eos4 is -
the hat year, restoring to health pc.ns u almost ate., w s e e
of ....p.m, =dame laboring olden the a0.di.0..t0, --
colds arid weights They Jo sot theck•actiliary op liat,,,
, .
but moiler ritey, m.. o mptelmatiou:sllsy the tmatt, or • •
tation, tad remove the prortatite $e 'etc...., mow.- . .. ,
They'are made Dom a .stibi.tion of a t ...le a siee .IC i
bract, or cough Medicines, mil am hteedly wiper..., le
esrl7 thin WI at kw Shwa complaints. Ilundreda aqua hoo
d re. oftertifitateilmse been uttered of limit' as . ..rint .i r • •
tues,.from those who has. ..saved from . untimely •• - -
end enamel to perfect using thins.
: -_--
Miens duress mod. pain in thc breasthmehle,uot of ohm .
..,k, Poor Atatt' s Plasters (pike only ISJ mots, ) shood be'
applit4 Ore,. the part, and 00.0 tilt slitsch If anes.lej
with cc.imame, • frer cathartic. or laza hie lounge, ue au}
' .
mildmthartic mediciaryntiould be used in Am.., ~,,..„„
The. worm losenges haee been prows. tu .raq IL.. I ,tint
4:00 eases to be inEelhble; the only mrta n worm itesti9ll,
mechnnemerducovered. klany dim.. arise. flu. st...
aad accrion tom; end inteomettferipg, and men death, .rut
.t their ever beteg' anspreted: grown aro mry ottee . _
• ,
latticed with them, and are doctored fur arious compLoidi
without.; bearlic ahem.. done of 11 ese Lemoge• uoull
speedily cure theta. ,
. Slimparets of D'a'res.-Pains it, the 4 iota or limhs, otfra
~ ea hmathipickink at the nom, griutlin o f We tee 11. ourn, -
deeps them • palenemabdia the lips with dabbed cliche,,
blectiugat dm ame,•gnawing sruntistilithe stomw.h,lLLA •
es of heal Deer the. want. ofilac 1.047, light cl•dil or dos ..
triage, heediehe,- droweiners, vertio, taLimet
dreams, saddea carting in sleep, with thigh f .il wra.otiaug,
sometiates a troobknome'reingli, *serial:lams, third, p.illtil,
hue, Ile, had taste in the amuith, ditncall Lreathin, perm at „
the stomach or bowels, Emig. , st o
m a, sinonislitsw, aura, • - ' -
tap...appetite, /mute., bloat. stomach or limbs, gripiogs,
shoottnuains la iano. peke of the body, a muse . wt., -
thing mood an the threat, Itching of the XL. (OW -..rdi to,ILI, a
frequent dishy to pas emembiug fn. the hoods, aid Whit
lima discharges °lonize and moth.. .-
They. giv• immediate relief in mentos or sick 6.i...he,
re pststso of the /mut, loiter. of the spirits, slemosw.l. Lei.---
inliatamator, Pr , putrid 'gore theutd, holm' m summer root-
plai lk, nt, filatuir, oppression or • easeease of sinking of ths Them, I
cha spasms, eramp of the stomach or bowels, by st.'. teal ' 1.
affmiioas,.d al/ nervosa discaets, drowsinem throgli the
day, and through the eight; cholera of}hot • '
era mod., diambasa, lassitude or a - tm. of fati a pe. S•et • i
eon. travelhar. alleadiag large pieties, will God the Lamb. ,
gee redly reettringdi . / oaf peettng . thebutq , atic,ofjoti th ilu..l - • ,
after distsjewort, sr lore the too the epic. jgenL . 2
malty, mama , the aupkasant symptom, arming nom 'd 1
Ico fre• living. Persone who hare ken too high cared .:, ;
abandoned their dissipandhakits, will find these Limengll4 • '. t I
/nimble composers of Ws nerrein h 1 ,
The best strengths:Whig pLester in the synth', aud a un errigu
remedy foe pates, or weakness is. the back, luius, side. nick ,
listabe,rinta, fficaulthin, lumbago, the aim Out iritllion a --- 7 '.
year .11 not soppy the deemed. They require a huh mac,
luor g before eanlamtene. 'Weer.ted superior to all to hem, soil
f oae quarter the usual price, making hot tmly_the lest, hot , • ~,. •
the chea w pest philter ha the world. It afforsts rend is a few - ' -i.-...
ho., and makes awimidinig curie. - _
... .
In liver coasplaint .4 dyspepsia, it should he troth.... '
. . .
the regime( the threw or itiomich, awl it will afford Lonat .4 , . . ....
astoniehiog rebel In coughs, rotas, sotto., ilia:nutty on:
breathing, Mistression of the chest ur shitimett, they w ell We -
'dm roestialrly 4.wth fuel greatly beliefs the pdieta. of . •
taey habit; or Mote obliged to stand much, wall ea air ,
decided rare r use of ton truly stre.theiting Plat,
ter. Ph epee MYOU103(10i these,. pre termite to
'all other., became they stick or adhere bette , r,..l atfordgmat • . ; •
er relief. lo their operation, they ere stamileut,
anodyne. Tidy arc composed of entirely different' nig red i ....
coth lima any other, and lotoeta from the expert.. us mil- i
lions who Ware used-them, as well at the coded testiateti of
all thecelebrated and distioguithed clan and ph., ticiatio, .
be th e most' .efol a. highly medicated platter..
Several persons hare called al the warehouse
• -
theirsurywise and th..., at the akind miraculous corm these
planers.. effeeled.
Directhons tar we are on the back °le.h plash r, cook •a --- I „
fee Amite of Dr. Sherman •um.. It u' onor.. yde should
always ask for Shennan's Poor Man% Plaster, and we that , ,
. .
you get the g.ttior, ea there are many worthless losit:tious . _
hawked - shoal end wild Er the trot . hltritu.i. Plaine, by' I '• '
mprincipled dealer, .
Suhl wholesale anal obi) ey w.i.ACESON at his Pat. I
blediciam Warehoose, No. FY, Liberty: street:, ei,,, of tit • , :
j. 14-41 y.
DR. ROSE'S. . -
g - NO.N.SISI'ING orbit l i .rophylantid Syrup. a err.
. .
e1...r itha remedy for all Cohens, PT. , n and ~t art, - .
lona afrectibno; Cough Syrup, Croup 1; inn (:011- s
central.' extract' or itaroapairi la, dot tile illy
superior to all other entry i
fs, haring git en relief • .
when all others hare .roiled, ing through a new
proctor Mona concentrated,. than any oilier GVPT'
otrered to the public. AS'l'llfilAlrlt: ELl:flit,.
haring effected permanent cur. of that stubborn
! .
disease, when 01. More CET 14 years o•anding.
d sta.ndswithout a rival in that morn di railed
ts ' • ,
Dr. Roses LL
Iferrin, ff a Vo l
se' tutu for chi! • and
!specific for lovers
nine. •
MEAT, for ail eases of weak
complete aubatituto for Willer,
'/C MIXTURE, an jogai/dna
fevers, and indeed is enure of a
.foil kinds than bark or Qui-
Dr. Rose's MC I
where known. is
Vermifuge reel,
- Dr4to.e_s 'ID,:
diseases ut the St !
fictions; &e Tel
passed on the titer
Dispepsis, and all •
soss or atomise o
led in preference to of q other
much and bowels, Ch..lera M-
I high. an encomium cannot he
t of this medicine, incure of
incases that result M. weak
bad dtgestion.
1A1.5.: I 11.1 S, a moat ♦skiable
Decal complaints to which fe.
Dr. Rose's FRI
remedy for those g
mules are subject.
Dr. Rose's TEL ,
No pill 'ever herd,
combines the quaint
anti-dispeptic, Li%
log those diseases
suroption. A youni
a diseased liver for
Crated and appetite
in ail weeks by the,
tore and thesepills ;
breast, &e.
Dr. Rose's SPEC
taint remedy for al
whet her in infants o
ts it for this to
stinate eases, and.
yielded atonse....._
e offered the publicso happily
es of a 931CaOle medieine e ss an
ER. or Stomachic pill, correct
and thereby presenting coo.
Ladj!s years or age, having
shoe tune x her strength pros
:one, was COMpletelnilitarrd
ISO of the Anti-dispeptie
, lot wookiess of the backside,
Fie EPILEPSY,the most ner
cotes of fits orelokuleiont,
adults. So eettain'a specific
blo .disease that the, ritual 06-
ose too of long etandlig, have
years of dilment ree,n
ered, and its several
above, all °therefor th
Dr. Rom's ASTRI
remedy for splutag
blood whether from L
TIC MIXTURE— .ffer many
reh thug cow d. was di:co,
ing efficacy kotoravil. efficiency
GENTOf Itltcolasitixo. , -
GENT COMPOIIN . It, n certnin
lewd, indeed tor d.chargca
Sr. bowel. or ocher pang of dko
Dr. Rose's SYRUP br Cholera and Dowel comploirit. •
This mixture will e • rectally core bowel mom ,la in..,
theeter,Choln ea w
• rims, and. Choleri. Al the woe
the Asiatic Cbo/crs raging in Philadelphia it was
found to he thernest • ecessful in arretning it, ruling:
m ntne tenths of all.thoe• who used it.
What may be said o one of these.remedmo limy • tic
said of all; theirvol e only be appreciattol Lrs
those who try them. ',I sera from Mole villa hove [melt
eared of the various' ;Sladies tient afflict ilie butoorr
body might be given, but we are willing to real the
Matter on the merits ) r comimund.. We have
,panacest for Scrofula, ; its various Gann.. FO
and eMeacious Mall. healing polare astonishmt
many. A casco( C , • .r,occurring in th e of tie.
lateGosemor of Dela • a wus completer) coned in a
few months. The con., had re,
ad been twice rut out by
prominent Surgeons, and renewed itmlf wnli increased
malignity, yet tuderithstanditig the debility of Conant w•
lir. and removal er the soft parts, the tsar of the Pro
phylactie completely', removed every Arr , ore of dot
Caws inntonerable. of the variou's rate. that have
followed the use of these, reinedies ate it. onr p050c...•
lion, but it Is net deemed neemmagy to eamoriale t h em
on the ascot ihem will recommend them to all.
J. SC/lOONMAKER, & Co, No bt Wood VseeS
Agents for Pittsbursh saglld I
.fikr. rtioB7o 4fiViiirtriiir%o
LIfT—A Blessing Ft A bliraele !! A IVenalcr!! '
—To cure PrOprione !and Disfiguremeet• roillat FL W I
Pimples. Free Idea, Sanborn, Solt Rheum. It mil y, Sole
Ileads,Ae,ae.•l 1 I
Four ycari ago last„ August, the capital of France
was astoristhed in euniequence of a di•eov my ...ode by
AA Italian Chemmt Many doutord—ld le Almost
an impossibility that 'Sloshing • arade I s the hands of
man. coald have such Docular pow,. firth/it claimed
by Antonia Vesprini for his inveritiou. Stout clawed
hino and his invention Mr a humbug, bind. otos! many
foolish, persons ,willtodt trims do .the Purim-new,' at
length, after waling it is th e hospital*. thr, birches' So
elm. of Paris (the I.llml chemists in theWoildhlelivered
the following !clang ton, gllOl VV.1,1111: : .
"We have now minutely and eareibily ea omitted tho .
singular Invention of Vesprici. Wellitsvetenuro zed Ca
component pant—we hove used in he v err.', owl
we hesitate not top toutree It heroical .
Soap] as greaohlessi g and a Lolly , urentlertid reme•
dy tor any culaneooa caption or diftmor. Malli of llor
skin. Its Inventor we onside, the aim ffe plolumbropiet,
of suffering mankind.'t • r I •_ •
• • President"
From the tnventiir himself io the ' , resent Prop motor.
'a FOE. Nov. 4. IS/0
In consideration oft rum sum of t g• 400, Shove divot;
red to Mr. T. Jones, residing coy of 'New York.
the whole proccistormanufarturos, together,
iath a statement of thelingredisms,compo•cor toy Ital
nhemical Soap. ID i• to manufacture re tor stir in
the United Stains only, and ho have the privilege of no
mote it 'lone.' Italian, dilemma' fioap. ,
Witness: Ilenry J. 1161dAworth. • t
fra-Sohl by IV JAcKSON. at bit Parma bledmine
W *rehouse, EP I.itterty strcev,' bead of t, mod, a l t
sign of the, Big Boot. r
the only place in Pittsburgh where the LAI U 1 SIM
can he obtained. All Others are C00111014(11.
dt As Gasam tdinei, 3d a, war Fiasi oar, RATES-09 - ADVICItTISING. •
One insertion or 1511.e5, or less • •$0 LO
'rwointertione without alterations • 075
Threett 1 Ott
One Week " " •••• • 150
Two Wile.' *: 3 50
Three" 00
One .%looth, 4 00
Two „ „
Three "' • "
7 .50
ay LW* , adrertieements in same proportiap.
o„„,,iqunre,s months, without alteration,— 10 MI
Each additional square ,
for 6 months, ... 5 00
One.square l 6 month., renewable at pleasure, 15 00
2 to :41 LI IX 00
Each sulditionalagnare far 12 months 10 (0
Two sytates,6 months, re'srable at pleasure, 30 110 •
ooh additional aquare, 6 •• • • ...... 0 . 00
IVZZILLT. OK , 1111•W1IL LT IN DAILY y. 1 1 ,6111.1.
One Ignore.s ifillertiOn., Si
tack additional insertion 37
11C3111M1 C•111/11.
Fivelines Or less, one year,o. 00
" " six monthb __
one year, daily & ueekly, 10 00
" " " six months " " , 800
For DO lines, or less, One insertion, „.,, SO 50
~ .• ~ -Two, - 4 ' , .... ..... 015
" " " Three, " 100
There months 3 50
- _
S. si x
•• " " Twelve " ... 00
rrAO adireatisements to be charged by the aquaro. -
and a - discount of 25 per cent 01 be given where the
Amount of advertising exceed. 50 dollar. per year. •
- amain canes.
lines or less, One year. . :t. ..
' " Sat !numbs,