1 THE PITTSBURGH - GAZETTE. UY ERA6TII6 ORVUKw keo. - PITTSBURGH:, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE /O. 1847 [l:r Tsla runs; tux Daskr Chasm to jusbUssed Duly, Tri•{Veekly, and Weekly.—The Daily is :meet; iloilate per emleau the rri-ll'eeklylx Ptak UAW, per annum. the Weekly la Two boils" per annum, asnaly iw a•hrlxM. Mentes to A,dversisera. • Mr" Adsmnisements, to smote insert:on, shou:d handed in Lyt Roe ciclOck in Me ofiernoon A ttemmo elm,on the pan of Our eastnre,•, wouhl be prod etc 411110 f mutual tetTr , 7 R,OOVERNOR, JADVES LOT'S. 'OM ann . . comer,: FOR CANAL COMMISSIONER. AOMIN.PII W. PATTON. . ••. 101 .11.110.1..e00 memo 200 e.A.20... GEORGE DARSIE, of Aileet.es.y SOS smonsta. LEWIS C.J fiGol.n. of Intlianst Tp CHRISTIAN IKSIVELY, of Willtms Tp MARSHALL OWARTZ WELOER. Pamtatrgb lIF—tiRY LARGE, of Millo p • rot rot nr riltawiton. I. W. BAXTER, of PI:Wm - 0 • SOll 030111 COlollsfloSte. 12110.1 AS PERJO NS, of Lawn et. Clan Tp. ant •CLIIVII. • CA VO.N, of Vegtelllel Tp • For LATilli C [oll inte , a ll lllelltgenCeDoo.ave Mar RpTer New 10611,0112, Moory Market, do, ,cc .M'd pee. • See fintrth Page for lillseallaneaua h•mra The Whig county rionatuattous. We hays been siorprised that any one should venture upon the Intimation that the nominations of the recent County Convention were unfair. A close Observer ISJ wo were of all t tie proceeding• of the Delegates, our conviction was that 16 nomlnetions were characterized by unusual fairness and frukneu for all the uffieers.— The mincer of voting titbid that the proceedings 'should be otherwise then fair. Every man voted as publicly almost u if hie name had been calledelond and the response given in the hearing of the C 0.,. venting, and the extraordinary intereat taken in the result, made the vote of every delegate almost es conspicuous as it would have been by public proclamation. Nor have we seen any evidence of pledges violated, ncr of constituents dissatisfied, with the votes given by those selected to 'repre sent them, though It a possible votes may have been given century both to the understanding at the candidates and their friends, We do hold, howertr, that the instruction of delegates to cola far one man, and one man only, for any office, le neither feasible nor just. Th.s system Of instructing public men to vote for err. Min men, or far certain things, is no Whig doc. trine, and has always been resisted by the Whig party, Conventions of tho People, like legisla tive bodice, should select men in whom they have confidence, sod whom they believe qualified and desirous of representing the beet interests of the County, the State' r the Union, and. through all these, the party which . seeks to accomplish the best good of,set. fTa be trammelled by instruc- Ilona to vote far nnis man, and in no event for any other man, for ady one office, is slavish. The Whig party do not exact it, and Whig delegates would not willinglieserve if thus bound to obey. Preferences may be expressed and defended, and in a Let ballot may be carried out, if in harmony with the beat judge:ents of the Delegates, tat there must been end.to this, and whatever be the end, eirseqd give mtitflentin to all. Least of all , LOWeacc;should successful candidates be made to sect for the mistakes, more, or even violations of word, suppose there to be any, among the Del egates of a Convention. If there is wrong any where, it is with the persona making the nomina tion., and not the candidates selected. Regular nominations, when made In good faith, should be supported with unflagging energy and hearty unanimity. Wu are to remember that candidate. for public office, represent certain great politinl principles. They may belong neither ow Church, nor to our Club, it we belong to coy. They may b. Confartnistv, or Non-Conformists, Catholic! or Caivanister. The Constitoti.na tole rate. all these, and so do we,•asking only of our candidate", and trifiTu - r candidates, that they shall be capable, Emmett. men,.with fixed political- prui elples, and these such es are recognized by tie grant Whig party of the Union. Believing, than, that our candidates ar all good Whig., end all capable of discharging their duties fdthfolly to the people,—believing, too, that one and all were fairly nominated by the Conan• don, we "hall support them with all the directnea. and energy that we Coo bring to bear upon de election. They will all by. deozed, we doubt not, and the only question is, what shellfire , their majority. Let every Whig resolve to eared this majority to the old fashioned number of 3000, of which Allegheny is capable. We Can if we will, and who La there who will not when he ran. PLINSTLYANIA RAI Lill is the ilia day the book. will b e . kept open at the Monengahela House. They)will, however, we understand, be open for subscription, at tics office of the Compa ny. The whole amount subscribed up to 12 o'clock Wednesday, was 289 abates &small amount certainly, and unworthy of s city, which has mo great a stake in the matter. We are glad to learn that several Farmers yesteiday came forward and took stock. We hope to be able soon to announce a very large addition to the present sub scription. Tug RalLeos.o.—A gantleman 60n3 reyene lays That the Railroad urbseriptiins on the line between Pitteburgb end Connelliville will reach the sem of $250,000. Westmoreland has already eubseribert $30,000 end Fayette A 50.000 for the Coone rota. Tam Yearir.22.—This is the• name of Captain Koontz's neis and very handsome low water bast She In one Wf the lighted, and of her claw one of the enemies% neatest. and brat furnished boats acre Witt here. )hawing only 13 inches ligh t she will carry upwards of 200 tons barthen. She is 140, ft. on deck, 135 ft. keel, 23j ft. beam, 23 ft..630r and 4 IL hold. Two Engines-2 boilers 22 ft. length by 86 inches diameter. Cylinders inch and 4 ft. stroke. Wheel 1491. diameter. She has 30 state rooms, and 76 berths in all, wall-furnished. Hull built by McFall, Little ilea. or. Engine. by Lee, Preston lk McGlinot, Cabtos by Hawn.. The Yankee is just the boat fat low faster, and will be a great seedmroodetion to travellers. Her captain and owneris an indefatigable good fellow . who will give every attention to Ate= • Hon Joist W. Davis, late Speaker of the Boon of Representatives. has received the, votes of Ave coontie. in his DiCACI al a candidate for COagrelll. Sains.of the more abs moot of his patty in other parts of the Donna have oontina, ted Gee. W. Corr. Mt. Davirde4dined to be the candidate of s divided party. ft if a sad specta• cis thorto see a connect:as and able Mall thrown overboazd by his political friend* when the' head And front of bill offending ha. been only that to office tit Ilea a gentientateta his opponent. and kat partial to all as a public officer. i Ten MZSICAS . tillitta.—lt ie &fledged in some of the letters from Mexico that the .Maximo Clergy. Are not all opposed to Peace. The Bishop of Puebla, a talented prelate, it i. raid le an ed . • ' sante of peace, and recently told Mrs Storm. (a ' N. Y. lady editrees,) that the Church of Mexico 'was perfectly willing to submit to .any govern mint which'wookl rid them of then: military ty. I • ruts, protect them of limit rights oil propeny . end secure to them the exercise of err holy re llglort. Mrs. Storm, has line. attar the fate of Mr. Plack our Control In Mexico, both being suspected by Banta Anna of being , epies, and or. dated to lave the country at a yrr short notice. Battu ion TIM Eicorcm,—W. ‘l. %Yawn er• knowledge'', by request, the reaelrt last week. pet Reed & Parkee;line, of 30 bbli dour, end 00 mks com .from Delaware tp., Mercer county, Po. .A1'0,480;240 June 9; from Jame eon, from individuate Fayette t Allegheny ecainty la.. tut the Relief of the Deotch. no eitiuos of St. Louis have appointed fifty aeleveecto the River and tuft*, goo veutian. John Tykm In Public Aga " • We bad that aseuale of faith in the good mate uf dettorltpletiehich led that be lirce4l eerie make his appeaser:Oh pakdie &saki: .li.ruiremeat become. the man ft. macb more gram • faily.than Patdic of ii w, aid .ileace than public aivich. that we had .opprwed 'hi. knowledge of men. sal ri.pect for politic opinion. 'would lead turn forever to bold his peace. We are di.ap. Pointed. The Richmond Whig give. publicity to • com- Ruunication signed John Tyler, and in vindication of the course taken hp the Execuiive of 1840-45 in favor of the anixaliou of Tema.: Mr. Tyler webtures "mai the following defence of himself": , -The fade of my public life are mittens of re. cord, and cau neither be expunged nor altered. The impartial future will see the motive in the ad; !and the just historian will look to the good or evil only which will have been developed, and find in the one or the other mme of. closure or of praise. l'o this ordeal I eubniit myself without fear." It it nut that custom of bold, bad, hardened men to be governed by fear, nor to see, much lets make confession, of their guilt. But tried by the rule bete laid down, what shell ere, slut can We say s John Tyler,—what of the part he played in the Harrisburg Convention, where so many crock,. dile teals were shed fors men he afterwards be trayeal,—what for lea bad - faittr.and bad condue towards the friends who tleyste.l him to office.— 'what for his mutt prounption and sale uf office, what, indeed, for the man, ur the office.. adenn istered by the men. %Ve AO nut judge at the motives of Jac steeped its he his in partizan treachery soil in pflolitt,bou of office. Wn will try him by the fact., and by the acts la which he appeals, and thus dddd iglang him, we call upon one impartial acid intelligent WIIIIO.I. w V11111,C41.4 the mull or the officer. • Mr. Tyler ventures only upon ant attecoptedde fence of Ws course its regard to the mimes:anon cf Texas, and be puts hie vitidimiton upon the wool/Jana he knees nothing of intrigue or spec. ulstien, and was governed solely by the good of the country in pressing that measure. -Patriot- Mr. Burke says, "is always the last resort of ectiondrela," and though we do not mean to put Mr. Tyler down in this category, we do gay 'that his conduct in this matter. was bad end bra etionili to have been the offspring only of a de. iraved public servant. He admits that Mr. Cp shu;)his Secretary of State, was his principal counsellor meal°ua to annexation, and in all the growing ont orannexation, and yet Mr. Up sLur was notinirfuely a large holder of Texas property. So wits Mr. Gilmer, his Secretary of the Navy. So were'inany of his friends in Virginia. and all over the Union. Mr. Botts, indeed, at. umpted to "head Captain Tyler" in his with:num. league with the speculators of Texas scrip and land, and for that was banished from the Exec utive, and the delectable anociauona with the in cumbent of the White House. Mr.. B. indeed. has just: informed the Richmond Whig, that the fact of designed summation was - conimunicated to Lim by a large Texas land holderand stock job. bee, not LI member of Mr. Tykes Caine'. nor filling any War 'subtle station, but who he had reason to believe was in constant 'personal inter course with the Cabinet on this subject. Mr. Botts, we know, bring forewarned himself, nil. - teen days before the matter became public et Washington, foretold the designs of the President. And yet Mr. Tyler seeks to cloths all thatohe Cabinet were doing within the veil hl secrecy. Mr. Tyler way unquestionably counselled and impelled by speculators to alit and prosecute the scheme of annexation, and hi; friends have reaped the hods of it by becoming rich, when before thy were poor. From first to last, indeed, hie conduct was bold, reckless, and dangerous to the public interest. His last set was to hurry off, on (he' .•t hinrcb, n Mt....erigt.t to 'I r asa with:the l'y Ire treaty, and the fruits of this hurry was that ill judged and dangerous action in Texas and Wash Milton, which forms one of the conspiem us inci dent+ of the war in which we are engaged. We advise Mr. Tyler to hide hi. bead and his acts tostethet in the deepen or th. mountains :of Vow". Ctrry .1. • • swlll but r,keal lame two Wrung, : to mention him at all, it will ho of a man unexamplel for for his treachery to his friend., and for his false hood to his country. The great importance of Kailrnada to pint burgh Is our ta.,•olrgy for ad often alluding to them. W1,C.10111.4 al public s.teirunlik whore duty it i• to watch with a vigilant eye over the retied tu tererts of thin community, perform faithfully our duty, if we do• not where we we thrum ioiereuro endangered, want the public. on the ectetit of that danger. \Yu perceive that our Boston ueictilmis are ustog their toot etrlts (and we all lawn . whai moult. these effort. are capable of produciog sawn once aroused.) to carry off much of the wade naturally destined t, come to Pittsburgh, and in go east horn this point. Colima continuous Rail Road IS constructed from this city to Pittsburgh. Philadelphia net never compete, with New York as a great depot for dour endemic. In reference to thew Boston movements the Philadelphia 831. lean justly remarks : . " The example of Boston ohouttl not be thrown array upon Philadelphia.. Boston. not content with tapping the manufacturing regi011110( Maine, New Hampshire, and Rhoda Island—out content with tapping the vast improvement. of New York —nut content with seeking and securing a grow. tug trade with the Canadas—is now actually pre. paring m derive ..large portion of the LW:lairs which the New Yorker. thought would be oxen nicely their own on the completion of their great work from piermunl to Dunkirk. We trust that our citizens will we in time the vital necettai. ty of the immediate completien of the Central Rail Road. Not ■ week—not a day—not an hour should be lost." We have warned our Mlizen• spine the don. ger!ofdelaying our Rail Road improvemento un til too late to reap from them, the benefits, which, from our position, we have . a right to expect The divided opinion of our population on thee. aubject, is greatly calculated to erobsrus, if not t. put an end to any immediate proved of a con- nection by Rail Road either Earl or West. Ou own fern are that we shall share the fate of a certain animal, who starved to death between two bundled of hay not knowing with which to begin If we are serious in our desires to have an Eastern cmection, let Of go to work and endear. Of to do something. Every: day. delay elect. I the value and importanre of ;heal works What we want ts action, prompt, immediate •nd unani msos ection.but worst of all money. Taking, as his. Stewart justly observed. at 000 recent EsU I Road meetiog, never built, and newer will build a Rail Rola. The Pennsylvania line now offers us a chance of going ahead immediately and this line is. to be commenced on the let of July. This 'company dime not welt, as has been rumored, to extend its line beyond this city. Pittsburgh, there. fore, will be a great western Terminus. and a Rai • B-sad once completed 'here it will build up a city second to but few in the union. It is therefore of the utmost importance to Pittsburgh. facileate : by every postiblemeans, the progreis of this grout web. We do tilt by these remerks intend 111 fitly way to undervalue the importance of our contemplated connection with Baltimore . but we do net We any satiafaCtory prospect of an arrangement whereby that Bead Will be commies red. At least it is involved in great uncertainty. With the Philalelpbia line, however, there can be no doubt.. It bunt and will come lure. Let our citizens, therefore, unite promptly and ener %enmity with the friends of this route elwerhere Let us net permit our more active and cunning neighbqrs of Boston surd New York. to WO away. with its3r whirl/ 0000 lost . to us, u lost for. ever. Nu na.SC■ roaHlVO9M—Widow. anon ' , theoithodotitilt4nre not allowed to rennin and. - theretore. live in .d egr a.d. sometime ago the Bab. , Mat tea Lail offend a potation of tan thounnd wine, to any Hindoo who would cowry a widow. The -etaie, hue newel been chimed. it if expected that the magnetic telegtsol. 30 . mintestion between New Mims Ltd Motet % win be open by the let of 'August. • Robb's.* Churches Ist Mexico It is a new thing under the sun for our Govern. merp to recommend the seizure of Church prop , erty..ihere being bath robbery and sacrilege in: volved in the recommendation. The organ of the Administration se rugthe ,IT of its original purpose upon the public =dud,: seeks 000 10 weaken the force of its nefarious design, hot without success, since it is concurred in by many of the Party. From the first, the proposition alarmed us, for we knew not what Church or creed might come nest. If the Mexican Catholic: are is be robbed to-day, Mexican Protestants may fare as badly to morrow. Once begin this barbarous war upon Churches and sects, Bishopaand Priests sod the end ally be s war upon our own altars and religion. We feel called upon. therefore, again to condemn the organ of the Administra tion, fur favoring any such design as is expressed in the following from its columns: It is matter of 'grave consideration, if the church continues to oppose a peace and furnish the fuel ..1 war, whether the immense revenue, of the church in Mexico shall he left untouched— whether they shall be suffered to remain ca the disposal of the enemy, and to lee applied to M. lain the tear against us—whether justice and polity do not equally dictate that they should al lead be sequestered during the continuance of the war. ar a legitimate means of cutting off the enemy's sapplies:' The Salem Register quotes the following I.•ies Porn setitiment in harmony with the shove, end we have seen the same elsewhere: A leading foto Fora paper in ‘Veotru V u girlie; used this bing o.Seire the siker arid gold shooed 111 the. Churches in Mexico as an intl....at!' for the . expenses of the war. There is mu, than eno....rh th ere—ii ours by conquest. Where it is. .1 N doing no pal' of Inc human family or t.L'id any iairvier, and if 'could be rigid to return out of these treasure.., the money which their net has forced our gamer/me,/ to expend." We may presume dint uvula, Poll. journal looked to the ram, mode of retuutieratiot , when it said: oWu must lowa indemnity, In return for the loafing our valuable officers and veteran wld.er+; (we wonder artist price this j 'urns! would cOlt, iu such a novel valuation!) in en Uit:minim/lion for !wadi , seventy minknu espendrd to defend ourselven: we shall Inquire to be tend to some nitrate, for the expenns we have incurred, and the indemnity due our [Mazur.- The Catholic pr.., of the country hose oat ; orally become indignant at opinions like there, andlihe following expresses the general verdiiii art of the Catholic. (Flom the Louisville Cants.. We find in one of our exchanges an extract from the Washipston Union, which, for political hardihood and irreligion, may challenge curopar. ison with any of the most revolting propositions of sgraliani•na. The elitor suggests the rob". ry sf the Mexican churches as “ Inatter of grave oi. sidaration.” and argues that, a tweause the Mexican clergy contritute to support the armies of Me z this Goya ...tarot has a right to rob their churches . The same argument would give this Government a right to rob every cit ten of Monica, and indeed in the even of the coat majority of Chritmendom such robbery would be leas henious than that suggested by the editor, which in addition to the other elements of guilt contain. the specific guilt of sacrilego. It the clesgy, by forced loans, have to let revenues. legitiniittdy and justly deigned for totter purposes, ha sacrificed by the civil to Chorines of their country to the defeats, of the State. is that a, reason why ties Government should wage a Bernie/lout war, and despoil the troziples of the Most High ! And because Obits vidusl citizens, by tines or loans, aid their Gov ernment, is that a reaAin why our armies alined like by banana plunder their !WOWS and lay waste their property I It is' a great evil to public morale that such proposals should come lorth in papers ea highly potruniztd and so extensively read.— When aged editors, quasi pensioned by Govern meot, mardlest such rib-rainy, it is astoraishom that hundreds became indoctritia.ed with the lax phiolessphy of the heroes of the health,and that too frequently we have to depicter the sacrilegious spoltrition of our churches not at the point of the bayonet and with heat of drum, but at the mid. night hour or at morning d Iwo? !Frew, thelmcinusis 4 • ./ . 111 rov.—Tinv paper. tine organ ul the Admunstretrou and the mouth-piece of the Quiet' holding saemoerary, suggests the se tore of the church property in Merit ' The follavring disreputable language no a part of the article to which we anode . ...his not a religious buly. but as an engine ot that the Cstholies of !desk s look rp.t tit widt It t.f.r ilseo own pilots...! pointer...it—tofrivol troll test pose:awns, which imposensh the nation—to sustain their own heft sichy,3:irhich lords it over the people—to preserve their power. which weighs down the rest of the dough Of ignorance and slavery—that they Cr 0111 voiit i , ous and active It is a evel for the minim ,11 of untighteousnem, (not for the wrestler,. of cattle) which inspires vial animates the Cita., lies of !0mit...," A Catholic cilia tut i.l the Foited Mater who istu rend each langos,:r 11. this without emotion. mmt have a very frigtil temper. More than hall the lack and file, end nn email number of officio. Of the regular army, arc members of the Cathii he Church, and became they [TIM/Ilea their harm and moil gstlantly defended the national flag of them native or adopted country, the Wavhingtin, Croon seems to think 11" E they are rosily to play the part of cotomon rotten. anti' to ley vocrileg• ions hands on the altars Worn which they kneel in prayer. Let the Government give such Ott order! Doting the fierce conflict at Monterey a itatute of the Blessed Virgin, which ohm! on the bridge lending to the city attracted the eyes of the combatant,. After the storming of the town, 2 party of so!. name., who anticipated the sentiments r f the Union. determined to take down the statute dur ing the night end bring it to einclnuati as a tro. phy ! A cettainUompany called the Montgome ry Guards, tinder the direction of an officer named Kennealy, (Gen. lien a knows theta,) heard of the intended outrage, went privately to the scene, and after a brief contest marched the offuralinn party to the guard-house, without the:atatuta!— het the Administration give an order to plonder the churches, and they may find themseltir v in an unpleasant condition; they may meet, in return more iron than gold. fi does not follow that a man`most bit a thief or a scoundrel becamr he is a soldier. • The Catholic clergy in Mexico did do , ir duty in resistintthe North Americans. Were • for. eign enemy to land in the United States, every Catholic clergyman would opium them; but accor ding to the login nethe Union. the invader., would I sew. gums. be joattßed in seizing onour chorch property, on I SROUCTION Min Darrn.—The Norwich (Ct ) our colleges and on the patnmony of os pbaos, ; Courier states that on Saturday night an Indian on the income of hospitals, and all this wil l doctor, named Guy, persuaded young girl of 16 sanction of religion ! All to be accomplished and to elope with him to pNew York. where under a justified Ithr phanical denunciations of th.: nnato pretended montage, the girl was ruined. The man of tionghtetivsnees" and -welfare of soul-" ! m ether of the girl, who was a widow, an learn. Ws, it :We t s Inelfort of 'mutt" that Mr. Palk I ,J I trig that het daughter had gone, Was ar much in view orlotn he commenced the war, Li: was outcome that she died on Thursday. The girl "toe moor on of unrighteousuess." was engaged to bo marrittl to a I:reputable But the Union is indlgnont with the Ustlio'c ; young mall; but she was of rather weak intcl4 clergy, because they keep the people "in Mr dm :11! lent, but of omit:Dished reputation before this of ignorance and 'Amery." It is rare •port , affair. The doctor was arrested,land a mob kept hear a Virginian rebuke any people fir is., irar ..e ' from lynching him with much difficulty, He and slavery ! It is a clear illustration of the nor. went to Norwich from Providence, but it was I side morality of the timee to heat a 1313I1.1hliele I j currently reported that he has a wile end elold I Catholic clergy for olording ir over th• prop: ." I in Springfield, Mass, though he claimed to be an anti keeping them-'in oigooratire and LI: v. r. " , unmarried man. Guy had left Norwich. whore m [ caching in hie ow. hour: It :l II 4 Noit.c may no: he known to been made notorious by an event. tho nice , f 1 our citizens, but there a living in ,oar midst a which no "north of arty country rail 4 :loci colored ran n who is nepw of Sir dente. Hein en:en:ay._ hash, the great philort3phical historian, whose un- We have no apprehension that the Unt; at's p' .n I timely &rah was so univerrally regretted by the will be consummated now that it he,. :,ran t , whole literary world a few years ago. , The huh . std.( we refer to is to the preacher statitmednver sternly rebuked by the gent testy ofd o Prot, ; the hican church in this city by the colt red ant People,—and in_cantrast to suet, J,1,1.tr Conference. Ilia father, brother to Sir Jitues M.. •elltithrit'. it is ple.11.11! to Sea the Illtenth came over to this country 'from Great ;Britain iu company with Volney, and settled at public sentiment which has been rib . particularly from the Whig press of IL: coon: ; the Grand U•Pid!' in th is Beate, 25 miles below Vidconnu.—lndiona State Journal. , PILLOW AND rt. T1NN1.511•111... came to anchor off Nantucket beach on 51 About twenty offirma of the 2d Tennruce Ree I day night, with the weather very foggy. , rtiment hate published a long addwas to the pub. ateamtc fired gun. repeatedly fora pilot, !.al m i lie, impeaching the military capacity of Geri. Pd wont to her ...„.,,rrree and nn Th urs d ay tnw ! low, and charging hint with having reckleuly lag the fag haring cleared away she writ to w ordered their regiment to attack a porition too TMn wan no doubt the Werbington. full., .trong to be carried by atom and then leaning them, wending aloof himself, without ordering lag i• from the Nantucket Enquirer of the 4 h inward. • I other ;regiment up to moment them, though they . We do not know what constitutes Co, per 1. were nailing rniars• liar attraction of our island, bat we 61,001 n.d AlaallAL Ur Ennui., NO.ILITT.—Lard wonder if one of these ocean steamers %tumid . Durham, Count sod C.Unteu of Montholon, finally lay her bone. upon its shores. W.. would I Connie. of Elgin, Lady. E. Deuce, Lady Alice suggest to the commanders of • ono of then,. a ' tampion, Lady Dorset, Ledy Elgin, with • num. careful re...cm - Montisn of their charts. 1.,r ii moy ber of female friends and a host of servants all in be tint no eucE, island as Nantucket is lakt down the Hibernia. upon them. ' i It is said thal • young lady; who is • great ad . miter of General Taylor's . epistolatory style, en. coined • letter the other day from a •weetheart, enquiring if she would kayo him. Hie immedi. I stely sent In reply, Ortoer•l Taylor's sneerer to Santa Anna,—..Geme and take me." A Dr. Oscharts, Die said, has discovered the art' ~f making paper from wood, without nitric:mid, or great mechanical force. Timber is more use ful tho.eear ; tut seek Migrate told of broad made from new deer—sow anima paper. A Sure re Paosiscr.—A euiefor Slander is about to be instituted against • young lady of Princeton, New, deny, of highly respectable con actions, by a geutlaman at present raiding there. 'rem Buena. ACITROSITIZO at Barcelona have' released {be Americati barque Camelii., captured by a Mexican Privateer. - W•TLII Won.. In rna Cres.—Th., tided Council have passed en ordinance to construct second Basin on Holmes' Hill. Before the question is settled, however, it will he necessary for the other branch of the Council to concur. The Select Council have also ordered the too!. n• of the hill near the flow House. Those bar been a taut animated .debate, and the pro. position will to strongly resisted it, also other branch of the City Council,. fhe eitiune of Bourbon ctronty, Ky., ;without distinction of party hate tendered to the Hun. Thomas Corwin • publie entertainment. it, 2 7iTgerfrftWUREXTIMI. -- 1 . The following is an extract l from a letter d.4-0' at Pliable, and - written by . klanta Anna: The whole pOpulition rff this beautiful city was in motion at the entrance my division, and gave sign. of the mmtardent enthusiasm. I could hardly walk froth being surrounded by thotwanda of citizens, who were burning for inde- pendence and for the republic, and giving utter. i once to their hatred of our invaders. In these I momenta my heart was agitated by different feel-, ing en I looked upon an enthusiastic people cal hog upda me for arms to defend themselves, giv ing the most signal proof of their lZve for the lib., ertynf their country, pd te I reflected upon the y responsibility of those whO haying the mean= had neglected t. take advantage of the good disposi-il lion of khese people, the only want in dna city I Jour Etoellency, svu proper men to move in tb I defence of the national cause." I=l Com. Perry has returned VI Surificias from his cruise. During his absence he touched at Legtme, Pronto's, and other ports un the coast. At Le. gone he raised the blockade. giving instructiot, to the officer in.command to levy the neve tariff on Aft imparts, and a war tat of ten per cent ad valorem on all exports. lie took possession of the fort at the mouth of the river Iluasocualco, destroyed the gems of the enemy Lund there, raised the American dag use the feel, where it now floats, and saluted it with a salvo of twenty one guns. lie proceeded to a town up the river soots twenty mile., of w hi c h h e took peaceable possession, and where also with a national salute, he raised the Ameri can:lllg. The alcaldes of some neighboring vil lages, elide there, came in offering him peaceful preettsion of their respective itatlievicke What may prove of impotence to the floweret mein mod nee it touch trouble and expense; he auceceded in securing et thispleco scalp or chart of the line foi the contemplated canal across the istAnius of Tatmaneiepec with accompanying to. pogrephieal notes. lie had it taken from the ori ginal, dreaft out for. en English coppany, at whose instance the survey was made. The SOWN correspondent of the Picayune Lipon leaching Satin°, I was delighted to find that the piece had not suffered in the slightest degree horn the occupatian' of our farces. The - Meets were clean atd in good repair, andon eve• ry done and at every ivintfoor were senora and senoritas. It war rogue high church day, arid ob. served as afar. The streets were thronged with Mexicans, men and women, and children, 1 and all rigged off in their very hest, The correspondent of the Delta, wr.ting on the 21th, says: • There are six or eight churches, large and max. aloe, r nth containing a vast number of costly 101, gee. Several of the churches are now used so hospitals. I raised ihroagn them, thinking should see s 'me eases of vomit°, es upon our arri vol it 1,01 reported as being dreadful. I found neither vomit° or yellow fever, but the head of the medical department told me he thought there had been s.,me three or four cases of yellow fever, two of which wore soldiers, who had been drunk and exposed for. several dept. i 5 e11,11.1310 WOOL Woo filanar..—Tho best mode of preparing wool for market is as follows: First, before washing, remove carefully with the sheers all locks containing ditt in a hardened state. Then wet the sheep In every pall, and let them stand crowded together for an hour at two. They should lot taken our of the water (when tint put in for wetting) as quickly as may to al ter the wool is fairly wet, in order to retain •-sow. py substance the fleece contains, which sets upon the dirt and gum In the wool while they stand be fore washing. This soapy substance is the find thing to escape as washing is commonly done.-- The best a mode al washing is to usa a fall of three feet or oar r, turning the sheep in different ways under the fell, till the action of the water being. every part of the fleece to an almost snowy white ness. A much less fall will answer a. well if the sheet of water is 8 or lu inches deep. If the water under the tall is not deep enough to remain dear, while the sheep are in, a plank bottom shout I ha provided to prevent .7 sand.oe earthy suhr.toce horn getting into. the wool by stirring up ti.,' water. A clear ruck buttons is just as good. Wheat a fall cannot be had, a clear running stream should he 'frond, and, the dirt worked out pert the from nit 1..+ of the fl,ce with the Land, of.. • liret g the•rtit cp. bd... 'Fe wash sheep trarundiately after a limiting rain, will answer very well, instead Uf wetting as above. After the fleeces are taken off, they should be placed on a smosth, dean II tor, or table, with the outerends upwards, and be carefully examined all over by patting with the hands it find every burr th tut I 1,0 Litt, on: ttithinot Intl. The fleece sticuld then he tolled up snugly, and tied with a small twine. . . Our fanner. have generally no idea of the in• jury they eutTer by neglect of flints matters, to. gether with the ahemeful, dishonest practice of lying up their fleeces with len and even twenty feet id small rope, or with strips of bark two or three inches wide, instead of two or three feel of small twine—wrapping up coarse and unersaheil s,l inside at 10.110 of the finest fleeces—petting to Jul 1•a11.. dirty sweepings of barn Boom—doing up their fleeces wets° that they often mould. The wool put up in first rate order, nod stored awes in a clean manure plane. the next thing is fur the holder to become informed in regard to its value. Goier.' I. 1111 hal been xpending some days in Num..llc snd neighborhood, where we find es. _f en hi. optical flloll2i. showing a high apprecia ation o bit virtues, abillity and qualifications.— The P nwillo Journal say.: , ttl)oring the time that Gen. Irvin remained at Puttartlle he made many friend. His manners ore dignified, quiet - and on:obtrusive. He is a man f strong seine; and has a well cultivated mind, with nothing of the brawling politician, nothing of the tricky manceo•rer about him. WI, would wish that ;lithe people of the state might see and converse with him, as weans aattified that If they could 41, so he would be sleeted by a majority .ii from 20,000 tar 50,000 rates. No matt in the State would make a better Governor, and we be lies.° that the 2nd Tuesday of, October neat will witness his elrction by a handsome majority." Tha Its t. Rose meeting in Baltimore on Tiles illy evening were on/rooted with Books for suf. serlption at the tdmehant's Exchange, which are t he kept open until the Bth of July. just one month. Persons subscribing .fOr the stock . paid $2,50 sport net share at Mei time of subs&ip tion. r i3r-3llAtogit - TELEGRAPII. of Pittsburgh Glasatto Puz•an.rau, Jane 9, 1847 TB& Southern mail received to night *comm. us the following deaths moos the Penu.sy AIM at Jalapaa. They are. ell priveter Wingert, Sheeler, Plunket and Morrison. .No ether nears of importance. The tiew York Telegraph confirms the new. before:given in regard to the Judicral election., and thef are to hue ■ partizan Jrnliciary in the Star. Exchnove Correspondence of the Pmohuro Gazeitt NEW ORLEANS MARKET. Jane 2d, P M. The market fur Cotton is very quiet—prices same as previously. No alteration in the market for Sugar—malc . rate sale.. Flour has not advanced further-.-sslrer 6000 hbla Illinois and Ohio brand. at $6,75 per hbl. Provisions--The market has n,t varied.to any extant worth particular notice. Sales prime Wheat at 120 c per hu. Curs—considerable pales at the extreme. of 711.. 80e for Yellow, an in quality. Currr.poitilence of Ilhe Pitatwrick , NEW YORK MARKET. Juue 9-1 o'c r. Moderate vales elllenersee and Western Flour at $8,75 per bbl. Sales of Baltimore Coy MEV.. Ed $9,25 per LW. IVbeut—E alum iVbito ul !Rime quality at 212 c per tiu. Corn—Yellow. of pritim 11142111 y . w ih I I9e 120 c, soil M.. Uats—eilea to day at eul6le per bu. Of Rye mks at 13:4 per Lu. Cornmeal—Pricer much the am, :tries la $5,623 per bbl Some inquiry for Cotton in noticeable, but it hearetulted in nothing yet. Yruririons—There is an improved inquiry for Porb—sales new Pilaw ai $l4, and old Mess a; $16,123106,25 per b b l. Butier—The receipts are increasing, and price. are on the decline. ! Cheese—new is ale, [wire abundant, and pricea have given way. tirlu , ive,Curtrgronddnre or Me Plltxtnirgh Gazelle HAL TIMORE MARKET. 1=1:3 Flour—The markut is quite dull, and sales are to a very limited extent. Howard street sold to day et $8,50. City Mdls is nocninalli $9; but there are no buyers at that price. Cornmeal-- rhe egles to-day were uniformly at $5.50 per bbl. Wheat hae gone Rack a little. Prime Red is offered at2ooc 'rorithUut buyer.. Of Corn salvi While of prime quality at I2oc. to the event of 1000 bo, allowing an active market. Yellow sold ti.i-Jay at 112.114 c—quite • difference M Whiskey—prices [seine as yesterday. Sales bbls at 374 e. There is no change in the market (or Prey's. ions, and moderato nits at previous prices. F:xela.l,e Carrcvamleara at It, , :asrue PIittADELPHIA MARKET. June 9 8, P. M. Sales Flour 500 bbla at $8,50, subsequently sales 900 bble at $8371, and the decline continu. tog, 4000 bbl. cild at $8,25. 'Market gradually gam way during the day - , and closed at the lowers figures. Wheat—The market for wheat livery dull— sales prime Red at 208 c per bu. Cornmeal—The market opened this morning at $5,50 butao.in receded to $5,25, at which salt s of 43000 bbfr. Provisioms—Pork .has adsanced. Sales mw Weetern pkd Mt./ at $117,50. and old at $lO.OO pet bbl• Son, sales Wont pkd Meet. Reef at $l4 per 111. Extlvive Corresonodenre or rho P,o.hurerk . !. 1 BOSTON MARKET. June 9, 5 P. M. Flour has declined to $9 per 1151 for Genewer and Western brands and is rather dull. In Provisions there is no change whatever. FORMIGN.-14¢1.01 . 1, OHM 11/111 betio con demned by the Parialku la to pay M. Leon Prltri the sum of 10,0001 and costs, for having extend. ed her leave of absence beyond the ireriod fixed 13., evntrar I. A ober has been apparsred I 'ern• mender of the Legion of Motor—the first lour such a rank his been given to a musician; and Felicien David, and Clapiaoa, (both compose.) and Garde Prudent (pianist and composer,) have each received the Crux. of Chevalier. The opera of the ..Pretender," by thicken, one of the ri.itc composers of Germany. had been quite auccessfut at Stungardt. A new opera hi• bred produced et Flaencs, to which the Proiccat and the to, brother Princes Po:detours]. smg with great success, far the beneLt of the pour. Viardot Garcia had made another great hit, at Btrlih :II was to Cilucle.lphegenia to Taunde." Gone Qesunesrtoss,—The Whigs el Erie at an enthusiastic meeting alipteil the hillowit g Resolution : That we hail wait pleaeute'tlie tiontinvitnt General JA.1141 Isar., 01 Crane rentuty, ai the candidate of the Whig party for Gaertner of thn State and !relivee that in hi. unimpeachable motel character, him sterling integrity, his unwavering attachment to Whig principle., and in the un naMmity with which he was nontuated, we b.,. • /We guaranty 01 our SOCCe7II 111 October nest !55,01). BOOTS . 5,(H). NO. 06 VOURTII Colt N R 01' I . OST OFFIC F.: A 1.1. THE ....out., resretfully informs the in.i.nr not I h. corn/neared p manulaeturr (les...me Pashion.abla am.. g0.1111144,111i and wurlman.k.p he wtll warrant .proor toany Ikan r..ver MY, Pno.hargh for thr These bandatnne ...II hr toad, 43 Inca., and warrant theta os from mod, at tor at. ry love plea of FIVF: IX)I.LA CA .611 Cent erorn are requested to can and no Uie.y.t Iry w (17 . Ttrx 'omen& of years •occreled to) hea , th and comfort, in case of limMarrbottla or P,/e.. by Me 0•,. nl Dr L'pham . • Electoary, which has ac ut med • well de mrard reptaiton for im mos! ruccer• in cradm•tma that doirewing complaint. II to 11 , 4 rot. 1,0141), aml fra MacoacrP remliad from a thorough invemicatmn of me causer of this painful and prcoalr fit M•ca.e Br sort], t , holexale and Heist!, by W 1 APP K Krell , IRI Fulton %fleet, New York; Il w Toon, Nlarkm •trect, anal I . R. 'fawcmt, Sunthineld mreef Pimburgh.l'a. Price PI per box ;el to Qo-Seltera Ginseng Pangaea.---N1.1c... beg leave to etal public anent.. It/ the followlng, froth U. Wan Doan, of Withamstrille Clermont Co, and one of the very rust practtuune. in the county in winch he resides, end late . ...tenator in the Suite Legislature.lt is cheering thus to see the lead ing own of the pr01e.... bursting the bonds of pmfe•- s:onal proudice, and giving rotor os due "Sir I bare in my protnee been unlit, spruce! your Ginter% Farmer., end, an for, man Well pleaaed at am offeete In Catarrhal and HoeneWel Catania... I•lea.e seed we hell ta,dorrn boulos—put them am in. , en you ein; as I taped if it continue, in render I. general en Iseaenon am a hex heron:eon., eo keep itconstantly 011 hand. RorepeeVolly. opt) %V a . Done. the.W me to we attention of out reedergi; the ex .ordinary core. of Scrofula pertortnedby Dr. Claim's honors regerohlr Penner, which they will And g ed in another column, of to day's parer They are without doubt the num wondergul on rtrord, and have so been pronounced by nary of oug mout reapeetuliie phparians. The afflicted and when intereawd ere re• endd WI. t o hen, al there several place. of &nate. e learn lingo eir own tip. the wonderful effect. of the inedirtne. The Griot one named gig Vr lartiVe Dwelt. who golly be teen Judy, between the hour. of Y A NI. and 41'. 01 at the offlee of Rovrand A. Walton. No 176 Alarket st. l'hilaila. GIAZETTIG JOU PRINTING OFFICE, nu en COMP. OP POST orrice MAY • CO-Wa are stow prepared to execute its a impretor and expuLtlog• niatoser, all tend. of Jos eatscrtno, toch las large Motor, Steamboat 11311, Milo of Lading, Letter Sheet Cleotaro, Handbill Card•, he., tee HOOK AND IaIIeIILST I . IIINTINO to any event nietuted In the Lest Mann,, and oil kinds of Penning done ova; neentoey and at the lose. exte. ¢7 - Important to Ad. ra.TI atlver risnmenth wroth appear in the Ihnly nlorning Garet, also appe.sr in the Tn-Wenlr ly, (hits rekrrnring the Leo fit of the cereal.an of all, venrusul any Alamo.' change. Advantage lo our uivr, loscia, without any nada expense. Advernsenthros ore alth ni•vrted no ethrnirY "P^^ mawnable term.. Iln WrAlliesdoy. al 5 o'clock, r. xr., Mr. DA VI U NIIERION, of new...town, 1 nolo% above the c.o. at Pi. ,trek (Erni FutWel will lake place a hit Ice rep Ileac to-day, at &clock, P. r. In I'disburgh, an Wednesday, JOHN GOR111.‘", Ole 71kb year alas age. C ILVICIL W ble, Teu , Lle.setY,bbd,b,blo mpoony, Faits Pot. Tuns, Hui er hc , nalynufambired and for sale by WW WI LUIYI Q 010 Corner 4th •nd ll uetnr Pl 4 DIMMER PARIIII-I..able for Lana, ways. band .4 for sale al No VII parecl' near Can. wiOtf W W W , - ITEAS-40 cany bus Prune Greeni 5 do Ei Moe; for win by le10: D WILLIAMS & CC, lu wood. (ILE RYE WHISKEY—Chotre Rye Wlialtt.y Wfor win In quanutlia 10 nod nurebaww, by jeld P C Al A N _ . PEACH DIAANDY— . OId Poach Brandy, fay sale in quutittiet to ann, by jell/ P C MARTIIN R. BLACK, hlerchant Tad., F:actlanan J adong, PI Clair crew, Pittsburp jetoll GamiN APPLIES ...40 bbl., warranted Inigood d!d^f. tnr•Ple bY elO P C MARTIN i n t E T! . —5O bus, swat While kiwi n i tl l =ttg . / " r iIICENE— O W b.. law 'encored and nsi - wle by DIIMAIDOr, WILION & CO,, wan, w Tale IA pythlished at the My of .Washington, every day :at 3 debit, aleepted—and *erred WY arobseriber• is the City, at the Navy Yard, la George town, it Meta/writ, and in Baltortore, the same even ing, at Ci cents a week, payable to the Sole 'Agent for the Witte, 0 L. Cillehrest Elm ,or hi. order. Ittaalso matted to any pat: of the Untied `tunes for Si eta n num. or lilt for at. mood,. onyal.le to advance. • Adeerittemeuts of sc. lunge iCOP rn.erted one here for 511 cents. two tunes for 73 Cents. three times tor one week for SI :5, twO weeks lot SO :S. one month 84. two mouth. 1 5 7 , three month. file, .ix mouths SIC, one year di—payattle el wat in advitme Th e N.Artu"..t. Onto I. what st• nun, ntl.ett.... It sue... the .eoloneols of the Who, par.) to the Uoln" on every Cue :tun of public polio It ottvoca•e, the elecom m the Yrestdener of Z•cosar T .1: .m. subtect to be deemoa of a Whig National Chttoventton It make. war to the knife Upon ALL the measures end Oct. of the administration deemed to Le adverse to the inte test. of the country, and exposes without fear or favor he corruption. at tor pany in power 111. cottons are opf.lllo very fa no in iRe want*,for the di...ton of political or to, other queshuna In fJdittolu politma u large space In the National Whig will he devoted .° pultheation• upon Agriculture, dlebnoict, ther °octant:a Sc] ace to general, I,ow. Meth., Statist/cc, hr. Choice Norco:nen. of American nod Fore's° Laerattire. will also be etym., inetuding Review, ate. A weekly If.t of the Patent. tritur the i!ate, Other Itkrwtbe be Onhlislted— the tattoo /analog a complete furn,ly newtpaper The Weekly National whig, tin. °I the largest newspapers in the United State... in.. the column. of the the National Wh.e, and ts publa•urd eve.y Saturda) rot the low price of PC per annum. p.yuhle If/ advance A doable she'', of shall t e.olllp to leer out given whenever the press uf nutter ' . 111E1 ~,,, Di I :threrri l'a)lor. ,rriorn errpreirly 1, , ` a i ro.ll Wtog o. l. are an ton... of p . O rthlictoro.— fiery ornmetheed %v the ~curld toroth , u lure oumber of cop,. of win h havehen, heron ire toted to , 9110:Y cull. for , 11 V111111141bCPS. CIiAS W FEN TON Proprietor of Natlonal %V bog WASll.lrutoth J woo 3. 1,41". APRA tm Well I have ma hut eatteern inK twltttch heatedenym ea Leen toad, at the pre.eat atc giang Me round* of Memence patter, to the i t iteroatalmvm tiled to ectuttet attral lo,mg the litimg J 'Faulk r outvoted al Nletalte meat Anquathn .1 as I at wuh the la. my laithbothlt at a •.stittor uport, which taut e i c been i.Jr• eutrunh I +Wahl Inn tit eat the lee•ent worth y of nottre wrre th ror Jn too thank 1.,•,• eon oneelrt.l wi aid Cement %Melt the publle gen erull) one .gouraot anode to the Woo. anther-al 111.• ut hrtenn, preparatory w Oiling. for cauterizing ur tle•treyoth the nerve 'l - ow bait 'cleat .t may have h. en the cause tn apparthuly ehargrahle t•e.nro I thuli, perhaps, at Kane mope tram endeavor au ektu Itttaswrlll alt some on 11.0/11111•1,11,4 of those who. whale mamas tthe of th tor prctellll plAslrrence of alma which they know, or one. u k maw. to I, per ferny As to Ceta2nt, of any tottudlo with womb Inn acuatattal, ever Lavine Int tred any out, torn In the 111 sleghteet decree. I drny Th.. 3) ..lode". lot more healthy tn the mouth than Gold . . con be resit) proven—while n• a sedative Its medirinatFortune. I,llllCf 1 or memonaldr value to the Dent in, ...Lute old pet top • • the Teeth rather than destroy them jtlUtletwltF' WA/ A. W ARD X TALUA BLE PROPRIITY FOR SALE— , The iiithriniiithr olfera far tale, i..i 1.1. to null par. Cii.thth. lour arr., of Land in Reactor, Township, ihr iiiiipcis) of the thir Gthitavun gorghcity wiareth of Sthir Mill Hun pith• ihrougli properly—on well culcienieil to 11.rfier . .r petvute Hui ding Loth. role good MO the thrini itthy. liLoithire of perEft HATE'S Nrw no, Jutsrlo,l,l7. oLL); A N SILVER WA . VE•ddttton 10 my firer rinrk of.tiuld and ,t vet Pat nt 1.-t, Watehr••uttattle for Ladtc• and “enstemen —of lbr la hero and ha , ttd.o.hebt patlern• and of the beta snAnul.cture— warrant,' nod tor .pleat vro low pr.- cro J.,10 ma" TO ALA LA KU V. cam...lint, three. Dvrcl hag Douse on Penn .treet. 1., the 101.1111 , 14, .0000 between 4 rrr itort Alley an I WY,Ile •2,.. Yopte•sinu g, yen...10.1.10y. Elmo, at Na :41 I - en' -I ,elnloo , WWI.VA GLACE F • ETTKIII. AND CAP OAPICIL—Ju.t rece.ed I+Cee con•gennent, and tur sale •t Irate .nr le ream.. 4uper. Linen l'ost Paper. 'I arkey Mi.l.; Uu au !Wimp'. Fuoe o, dn Lawrener & L. new Parer: 01 do An Cap l'apt r. jell. lay .JOarN D DAVIS . - c l 2 al 8. 17.2d . a7 r 'l7 r d k d i n :e i 11 - :.S.a”ngton,” and 'Landon Market" .Modena, Pule ,01crry, .I.obon, Dry Pm: Sore. Malaga inct—w•r ranted pun--,n riak. and bottles, !or fl? by . . C MARTIN 11% 110 ELS —Cin.teeoW - tluard." •eiaacue, 1-a 'el Comma," .ma • J I Dupoy & Co.'' Ilramd.e.. wa,ranicll II"/1C1 Cu.tona cat , . and Loitic• of iltfferew vintage and r••10r.,-lOr P IN F ISII —13 , ; ; I:l t : I. rgr .. No ttc ,i trre l , 5 hi hid. IU Lill, • '2 do, II) ha) Scaled I lerriiig. for *air hr J I. W11.1.1.016..4 CO.llO wand _ . . Abiruda, I bat, rk:lperlti. Almond., I • - for b) D M., R. CO. flu w&,d 1 , 01 , PH: IC • 4 . i;1:14 . ,, 1., 10 , 1.J1i4 40 V Jut, Nine!, n, j., J 11 W11.1.1A .10 A. , " I I. •()II %( I. 0 kaa , 110 I.and 15 kr, No1;0 kri• I`ll. l .urgt e.ll, 1(1 . J WILLIAM' .1 Cu SOS P la. tr.a I 5 ensTe, 10)1, 11, Or, 6.t .3;e IA! 1•10 J %Nl , * CO I wt „A . • el. ice,...le 410, i-s•S • 11 W t% , W I.str, ARItl --A: the gentlemen, win,. V%ale Imistatting Atm, twin. lo %Va.! street Another tuvotre of Ego.. Gen t Troy 1111MILVIII rrt .o.e am y itne. ton nhd nr mmar • —nted.ain 41 , 1,11/C., 41C . a kw duarti new 4t. wan bud. it, ion mid..cointg voller•• tact... 4 n...ortittr.slol torded an.. .14 11, ton alo at new 0 . 1 /eau., aamn 1.01:1YAIITIV. 1 1, 11 II •{O . Ci• K . 1./I.l,,endrea. lolme 1114.1 Isar ram, .e.e. Tac aul.ertzlerr tart., agrat -cane oa the i•lettrr.. ..a . • rem•taatim 14,1,ekl wiel4 acre mad la• 13 emarle aatl, tuna re rumb,le. .1. thr. mart) 10.011 /14 near Fatale, ~ers me fer. 7.111. aim.t eMiluemiateal at li,. 1,3.1. 4s , reepecUtel.) au/wiled 1. A,lli i.. raweA tlonelartur., PLUMBEItti AND MACIIINISTN. upptetved 1 11• f J II /one, ot 1 1 ,,,fiwWlph•e --(et w/w.5...y inow.• I•luselln.Kl,l4. i11C11. the Haelcrn - for rah- ol Ihrw ,nmonfactureo. art. now ps,. 1,1 10 (...gw•li Pluini/er• w ilt nli' the vas low .1 Lowd m the r bu-owfw. A 1... r. cry rawly of Gunge cud Steam Cock. u...d Lp Lovomuu•e 12110 ruouonnil Fogme Builder, du 1,4 i Co.. ka, thl Cup., Ur. Sr, cud wtorts theymdl .e.l to .ye We, ttrat trade and Ltgtnr Builders, at Eas• 1,11 l'r col. r xrlti,ve of freiXlit GOCA NI fr. KENNEDY F 19 WO. sr, Potshot e - . LEA, BUNKER & CO., Fl..."L'lt FACTORS. AND ANL) PROM CF - Comml•xlen Merrhmntx, 71 SOLTIH WHARVES, PHILADELPHIA. A Rll prepArett rere'v, 6)nvard all k.ml. \ ',nand!, to atir laalong me the mtma: . ,. Nett la tend l‘t etd Llroult, ana 7:ll4 , Nuir C 311•1, ji v t =II •1 cIIF gulomripor ,x.ll pay the logho.l en trlm e I CA,Itl, for Clean wo.br Fleece, mot 'I IM ed on 4 lamb. 1% o )1. m ht. march mt. ot Smith!, e •1 et. hetweeu Fourth soort knd Diamond Alley. jel/w7I•F WILLI A%I lIA s cL 0u1,0 , •,,,e a ye', frumal omoramot I he olmatam ol AInIMoo..• ul,l coommem moe. a' olvdl 1.0 t: AN A IiENICEDI 1011 IMP wood we-. ti 0 1\ v " , I . 1. , ' , \ r 1 ; 0 ' r r r wide, i ard nup p , ulely room ved I'm A A I lamtlion and other appro. d mole. Al,. wale Shemin', litm If In J yard. Cu, olmltd. /re , Dry fioo.liou, of 12111921118 rt , • N E eon, ttilt and Nlarket tts HOrlt SALE-1W dozen twooned Window : 4 4.1,10 11atehen oat Wooden Bonne; 13n nuts 1...f1e Carpet Chant. 4011ta Woollen Ftllinc and a .may 4 ., ply of Waabltoardo. A le Iland.a. Lowsville Lune. 11., Rake, and Fort.• ',Or ' , ale lowin arty qtr•tudy te tntanter• ISAAC Alan lett I'iflh. net,. pOWDER—r . .I: tFr Rat< rowd,, do F Rack do; From GGie, Au.ten Cr , &NLII, Ravenna, 0. drro filled. low for c..h. lky & AieClirellrAtx. IS! I,6ert, VSHRIES---17 reatben, .4. Iler.vr. lu led. No I Lard, Lt ;toed, 10111..,ei LaTre!., toarrive. for pale by jet; I DICKE,' tr. CO water •ndThint •t 1,, , 0n. ALE—A 2 ,tar, Ilnek I'pl, a‘etillyruitqued 00 4.11 etreel. 31.0ve 0.01111fie:J ' Pr Ire low. atitl term.. V1,1111,3E1'. 14,1 1 , ..11re ()Sire, No Sn Ateuthtield TODA CCO _ " , I Ira. "" '" I.4;und Hon Jump, 12 h Locc, Ge """"'" rIi'AfrIAITC:III.:ON )LACK 011.41ZES at 93 It Murphy /ibex !null y reeeived B act Br rite., for : 4 411utner mar utstg Drrs,.. an Inc a. rally lo.prtce of Orel. prq yard lru W NII7RI . III'' ()LACK (4191141EILETTILA .uperror of Llticte larell rrerived at Dry Good.. Dott.e II MURPHY N corner Db and Mark., DILT PE ACIIES-3 1.4;1• ..ld I In.r.x. ,1•1 reed 4.1 fi,l Nth. by • 1.11 :4 F VON BONN/1011 eIFA fO, 1i Front •I VINEOAII.-lUbblik l'afe ~ ger for eels by pit S P VPIN IP/NNW/R.l'n Cn, 35 Front fit 1111 LIED PEACHES-150 two. Lather, n prima Il•ruele, in nao:e and Ibt sale by Ir. J C RIM% II EENE--,0 bas cho;ce. large W , \JOU It.. rurh , lu.t fl,sesYoll and for sale It) Watt r street OA ba• s^sln I Cotettotatt Soap, j..l[ ree ,. e j 1.,77per steamer atnerire and Mr ssale Jere_ )1 NIII:I'ENBERGh.R. hgtyatee sr • LASH—Stir has assent,/ mace, from fly, to 21C.i0, eountry,brundo, Mote and for sale by led ••• J C Water et . I ) A corgi -AOl,O /b. Bacon Shleo cm, .a le ;r0 011 . & ft - Met: ITTCIIKON I 'A. TWIST-ire kegs 0 Twist Milner° for su , e V tell by W & It NIeCII ICI lEON - . I'l.L bbls 4uperftne. It. Walke;.* brandtor 1 ter salt: !.y W S It hIeCUTCrIEON F . 1.0111./ -l-10 ba ;rel. Flour for sale by ic 9 RIIKV & crl _ • rENISON HAMS—UV lb. for sale by V Jr!) FRIEND, RII _ HAMS—WO Hallo.. limn. in .tore, tor , sie hr Jere J C HIM ELI., Ash Water YLASTICR--?.0 bblallround goo.l order, far . ..ttr. jet,. I,y J r' lILDWFLI. PORN—TIIII bus bnght ll for .le by leo r 111 DW ELL L I2.11 „ 1:11 V) 0 I L h:::1411 pair. 10 ,7 •1 var&laysi 2acticnt . Stiles . John D. Davls..AirDimeci. '3l &Wing Lou in lin Wastqns Alm ON Ramo:lay saternoon, the 12th it et 4 o'elodir n Le p manes, will be sold Lots ND/ 99,100. d 101 in Plan of Lam laid out by O. Colwell in Lanereille, barn., curb •-front of 01 feet on the Patsbergil and Cool Dill Turnpike Road, and extending Lank 100 feet to an alley 11feet wide Title indisputable. Terms at solo itn J D DAVIS, Auctioneer. ON Thursday momma, the 10th instant, dt 10 o'clock, will he sold A large assortment of fresh and etasona.• Lie Do Goods, selected eepreaely for this Market foe an ektenatve mud *sore. AtO'Clock. • Shi chests Young Hyena Tea; • • 10 bbla No 3 Mackerel; - No 1 lierrilig; • Two tie re, s rim lobster°, cigars, boil cords. &eerie. a quatitn• of queenew.re„ glassware, Inaleheet Loges. leather trunk, ; general •••011113031{ of new and second hand household and kitchen fumilttee t fee d., beds. beddant.mattrasset, earpeting,cooking aloes looking glasses, kitchen utensils Ae: At a OVlnck. P. hf: • A gnteral as.nrtment of Vatt.ty Good., fine eatery, Wan,Ta.abt. bat., raps, bonnet., finttabms. vestb linen baton:. and collar., read y made olottnag, gold and oibrer maraca., An. jefi. Itandeome Country Seat, Two Acres of Groom! mod Collage. House near Nine.. vale, 01 Aut.Lon. ,•• . • . tV Saturday afteruoon, the Mat instant, .113 o'clock, win he sold on the premises handsome Country' Sot at present occupted by Slr. Cheery, Within ahnnl o( a mile from the lo 'crab Ward of the city, having a front of InS feet. Read street, which is en feet wade, and canted/0g hack tintl feet to Delaware Lace. The house a nearly new, and there m a quantity of l'oal and Limestone on the premises. Venous wishing to view the property will call mt Mr. Cherry. Ten.: Our fourth cash, balance t o there equal an null payments, with interest. to Le secured by bond'end MOltgage. lei J 0 DAVIS, Auel'i tII32MIMM= • • • , R. W 00 D 'S Sarsaparilla and Wild •LP•Cherry B —This new and valnable.E.a• tract of Perwpaulla and Wild Cherry Ihu been used with great screws for the permanent removal of all such diseases us take their Ilse from tat imptue statnof the blond':—it I.loleallea a healthy action of We Liver strengths.. the Nerves and at once secures health and v ig 0 r 10 the whole st stem. , all cues-of Jaunctice Indigelliioll, Dyspepsia. or Lr Appetite, Habitual Costiveness, Sentfala, Headac e, anguor. and that Depresston of Spirits, which is so common tt complaint in the Sprint and Summer seasons of the year, dm , medicine has not its equal—and a eja gletrial will convince the m w most ineredalo of i ye Ivr vtitui. For further particulars the realer is referred to the pa mph. e. which will le famished by the gents,..b.. , - ng the v46111.00a in which this valuable medicine is held by Mue vele have used it. -"" (P7sCaution to the Public 4:0 Ileparocular and ask for Dr. Wpod's Sarsaparilla nod Wild Cherry Ilittera,•nd receive soother. This is to- fir., Inspiration of these articles combined ever offered to me public, and the rent lucre.. attending its i.e has induced anal unprincipled Incountetfeit and Imi tate As a preventive, ace that the bottles have the words "Dr. Wood's Sarsaparilla and Wild Cherry Ilit ler,' pressed on the glass, and that each label on the bottle is signed Ly the proprietor, Ft Thornton, Jr. Sold, wholesale and tetai I, by WYATT & AM, general agents, tilt Fultoostreet, Now Torkj W. Turns, Market street, nod P. R. Sawves, :Southfield street. Pittsburgh, Pa. Price El—large bottles. je:Sltlw riz i tLa n izvyz ele hl gh an en u y i:tel , a . Trs and Citizens of Mr. Isaac !hal. being very mach engaged with a number of fistula. in collecting . materials•ad getting eat his NEI , DIEECTORY of our two Cates, &e., as soon as p.m hivend wanting money daily to aid and help him—we paid him Gsr oar subscriptions and cards in advance, and respectfully recommend our neighliors and eittreles to hsip Mr. Barrie in the same way when called upon. Wu!. Belli Son. h 8 Waterman, Geroge A three. N nutmeats Von, Whitmore & Wolff. /ammo May. Murphy, Wilson &Co. George R White, Kay& Co. James C Cummins. Coleman, Bunn:tan & Co. Laialen alShiplon, Bagaley & Smith.. (Satinet Adams Church, Caruthers h Co, Wei. Rehirmen. Jr, Bailey. Brown it Co. ilPackstock, Bell & Co, Lease Hutchison & Co, Wet S tans, Atwood, Jones A Co. King, Pennock A Co ' B Holmes & Bro. John McFaden & Co, Forsyth & Co. U Leech S. Co, John Ilanomi & Co. II Graf, /I Chi.ds& Co, Sihhell & JoneA John Chshani Clarke &Thaw, John Grier, Myer., Heater& Co, . . ... .. , . A Beelen. Arthur., Nichol.. &Co, G M I lonon &G., Cuddy, lone. & Co. UA J H Shoenberetr. Loren., Sterling & Co. , 6 W helm., M Allen & Co, Wm Fit &Liam, Edwanl Geszellon. . . JaoCro. it an Son, %Toads, Edwards Ts McKnight. Patsburgh June b. 1017. jnadtmliF AN IMPORTANT LETTER—The following letter from Dr. Brieham, of Lowell. Mau., but speaks the uniforml.g.ge of hundreds ofother phyrd elan who.have tried, and therefore know now to ap. pree ,. J•yucht Expectorant: Lows., Mass., J.. 27, 1614 - Dr. Darid Jayne—Dear Sir: I have need your medi eine, no universally known by the name of Jayne's Expectorant, 10 my practice for • number of years, nail so n won truly say, that have been more success ful in the ore of that as a mild, Cafe and very thorough Expestoram, than of .y which I bare ever uned. It Is the tem for the following obvious reasons. It does not if etre n In proper doers, occasion • disagreeable allure:, ham , not weaken the Inags.d prostrate the ny•tem. like ...ant other Expectorants In eommon use, or doe, it abate the *ppmite of the patient, like other 71T11.1[/11111 1 nted,ernen, which have been used by the far ant nti word it nearly Ewen. the thing which tic-1 ...itch, tor by many tif Ibe faculty for &am'. e it I remain prune. renpectiolly, LOVER BRIGHAM, M. D. For tie in Dittiltach nt Ibe PEKIALTEA STORE, Vi Fourth street, near Wood; and •at the Drug.StOre of elinvarte. Federal sirret, Allegheny City • mnlnjil-terF • , ro the llonaratPe the Judgt. of the Court of General 1 Ctuar.cr Saalcon. of the Peace, in and for theZottn• ty of Allegheny The petit,. of DANIEL FICIIEISEN, of the Firet ap h ,,, of I l a n eny of Pirtalungls. 111 the county aforemid, alicarcth. hat your petitioner hall, provided_ tornaeir will, we tiara for the accommodation of If all. eller, and others,ati Ina dwelling house, in the city and ward eforeasal, and pray. that your honors volt be pleased to grutt tam a Peen..e to keep • pablte boon of entertainment; and loot petitioner, as in deny boned, will play. It's, the subscribers, citiveril of the FR. Ward of the city of Pillokurgi.. decertify, That the shore pad. I•oner As of Food repot. forhonenty and temperance, and well provldell wan house room and conveniences for the arc . ..wry...haunt and lodate, or rangers nod tree and that said tavern is neers”ry. F:alsvard ren,ler.ch. Leopold Sabi Fr. F yvrehas.elyel, P.• tWelsivan, A 11c, len, A. Nardi, Dalsell, C Fol try. Adam Hoek. J Hort', /ernes Irvin, Williams Frank. je9 2ts MEW BOOKS Received at NI A MINER'S: ill The blook's Revenge., or the secret enemy—Male of the Later Crusades; by Samuel Sprlug, Esq. A licarof Consolation; by Mrs. Butler, (lady Facuty Ramble.) • , Lectures on the lite. or the Lung, and ewes. prevention, and cure or Consumption, Asthma. and din eases or the Mart: on the tun of Longevity, tc.— Web evillertiations, by vtamliti Shelden Fitch. A. 111 11 It• • I— The tv aelt of the Weere, or tee Corsair's Captive. i Tine trrotantine us Cunneenc and the Castilian; a tale of Poston alai Cuba. Eden Munroe—sequrl to Life iv London—last part. hlarriage. by Alma S. Fel tier, author of °The Inheri m ! Tae Life of General,Taylor—only 121 rents, Taylor and hia.fienirals—fresh supply. Montezuma, the Serf. • A lam suppl 1 . 1[106 Brother Jonathan's. Fo e r sale a y t M A MINERS leN Smithfied rt. 3d door Bun ltd M!erM= •'EXPRESS FAST PACKET LINE" PIIaI.ADELPSIIA AND BALTIMORE. (Erclyrics:, fur Passmigna.l ry sill.: Coital end Railroad being ow In excellent. I order, the Packets of this Line will leave with pas. specs oo follows, every night at 0 o'clock: Packet Indian., Berkey, Monday..lime 7. do Louisiana. Thompson, Todi bay, June S. • do Kentucky. Truby, Wednesday, June 0. do Ohm, Craig, Thursday, June 10. • Jo Indiana, Berkey, Friday, Jane 11. do Louisiana. Thompson, Ilaturday, June 12 do Iteutacky : Troby, Senday, June 13. do Onm, Craig, blemday:Jaue 114: do Indiana. Berkey,Tuesdey,Jmi 10. • do Louisiana, nouveau, likedaesday, Jane IG . do Kentucky. Treby,Thareday, Jane 17. do Ohio. Craig, Feder, June 19. ds Indiana, Berkey, oaturday, June M. do Innimana, Thampsori,tleriday, June 20. If you desire cheep travelling and comfortable enfant. modations, secure yisor tiekets•at the Packet Men, Slimongabela Huase, Wmer anent, or of in: D LEECII & CO, Canal Basin NTEW PUBLICIATIONiI. . Irtstory of Prance; by MI: hlichelet—in course of pubbeation: two iola. aro., now ready—the .ante ran be 'waited in Nos. lltetory of the Roman Republic; by M. !Michele— trent:hied by W. Math% Paq. Aiint Kitt.ltt Tates; 'by Maria J .Melnto.b• The Fairy lkower t or the history of a month: a We. Ltren of eminent individuals, celebrated In Ameti nil Illetory . . The pursuit of Knowledge ander didleultnts, led by an. , dome—with portratts. Revised Edition. watt preface nud notes. by F. Wayland. Melee'. Universal Ilislory, front the earliest period to :be yenr 171 , . lbenatlary of Poeneal Q , 10.111(•4 by J. T. Mgt.. L.:vc• of eminent alechanies, by Howe. Flnld's ..?eriptit re Illustrations For sole by j,7 J I. READ. ath nett Market tit DAIOERN AND CONFECTIONARY, • Also In Conner. ml Row, Inberty at. opponne field. Tue sub.erilterwa.,..l respectfully mimes ars (need. .1,1 the pubnr. that be is prepared to or. der. rn bin hoe at ill, tisane st notve. Lame and eitial Volta, eyelet, Rye Diopepam.. and Loaf lirf ad. at the ',nate every morning, .r eau I. e . 101 l at the home. of netsons leaving otdata Cate. of nil tunic Weddint• anJ Parties aupplied a I It C..ker and Comemionnry at the .honest notice, and enue,, of the beat of material. • A large arronnwntor Conceetionwy, or the best gall always hand, which he agent to retailers at lb &tits rtsr pound for wok ! Also. • large quantity of Nut. and Foreign Fruit,. which he will sell aa Gun Ine famished in the coy. re7ttaw 1 SIIF.PIIARD •- SE AR'S AMERICAN VEGETABLE RENOVATINta • • lor about ono venni. IV Makin Ur of Mr. SeOl's 1L,M1.111011 have I.lffoted extremely from Dysprpsla,and acid 111. , filomiels: I bare made ow of ersat varinty of inedthine ,without recelving 101140.11 bone fin. Abeut three inottihil.Roo 1 commenced using . Mr. Ser's Medicine, whih has emirelyrelleved roe from ne a .dity at thy sthusacp. c and restored m e to conshw mble health Secerslof my friends and acqUaintanem have made use of the Tilts, and received mach benefit tam d em. I can with confidence recommend them. JANE A LEV., 317 Hudson in Sold. wholesale and retail, by 'H A .FAHNErSTOCK CO, corner of lot and Wood, and Wend sad sts. . • i . P H11 :1 1 lt!? A P tetflrlcr . .ed 31ediutet, 117 M; 150 do Nror " 4 Vrtub t ' " ..37 i Visa; t 101 do 110 do 40 da du do Nal; .40 do do do . . 235..141; .:40 do do do VIA to do do do t 13.1.314 ' i- do Fine Dock, 740141" 4; Ju du do . Ittree, 110 do do do 24036; . r . do — Alooticd Colors, 19:14, , V do do do 21.121; , 2 L , Yellow. Medium, YOY2S; I oo land on4l for sole by ' JOIIN II MELLOR No El Wood street.betareen jr: Diaotoed Alley end Filth .trees -, cONTIMUSED SUIDOEggi E AC; lIZ ICE CREAM SALOON!! . FREE CONCERTS F: VERY EVENING . DURING The Week.-Programme Change& EVERY le VEXING. TT: p P u r kTc d , ' l6l4lr,l7. • :zer., - .; ' , - :.:0 1 . ' 0 70 . 1 r d 1,7, 4 1 ~e bac been induced to offer for their amosesoem a ee : nes of •IPTICILNOON 1101111Eg I The Orator which •11l lake plural% Wednesday, Jon. controrocior . ot 3 r. ■. • Ticket. In ceol h • including a &Ai of lee Cream. JO ASIL • CIISI3NAT2£D PITT,UBBQR DAILY PACKET LUTE. Lashed and (wombed sed , and the m power:Ll boa s com e waters of the West Every ateftwoodation and fan that money can procure, ho. been puresdrd rot pas senger.. The Lino hu bee, in I:Teel...for Cyr, r a il Pe e carried a. midiou of propdt withwa the team int wry to their petvous. The boats will be it the bout cu Wood street freigh the day prevrou. to tuning, butte recap • Poo of and the entry of ph.sengets on the weir. ter. To all eases she pwisage money uatre_re pu,ll. adaabce. MONDA.T PACKET. - The NONONGAIIELA.Capt. Una, welleavr Pius. Ittitihevery Monday' tamping •I 10 cielock.3Vl..cling ecery !Monday creams at 10 P. lq TUESDAY PACKET. The 1110ERNIrs, NO. R s gap!. , teave Pinabargh every Tuesday !Wallies to Wheeling every Toesdav cannon' w Si • . _ WEDNESDAY PACKET. The NEW ENGLAND. NO. 51, Capi, fag, will leave l'itiaburvh" every Weanerday Manting . It/ o'clock; Wlierhok every WrOhescloy eve/00r...i 10 I' . TIIVRBDAY,PACKILT The WISCO:eSIDIL,capt.R...i. Gran., wilt leave P. II f• burgh every Thursday MOrOlgatiuuvittek: %VS, eltee every Thursday evraitig at 10 Y. FRIDAY PACKET. The CLIPPER. NO. SC Cape. Creeks, will burgh' every Friday Inoruieg at le o'clock, tl 't;i.•'u.K every FridayeVievtg st MZM== . . . The SI43SENGIifi. Liwfo.J, wdl leuvr burgh every Saturday morning 1.11L:o'clock: It beeliuq every Saninley evening at Pi P. M. sV DA: SAAC NEMT-TON,PACpI7. tt•burth every nundie C ; Jei ‘ or A i'l e 6. 4ef tl'"" wifi n every &tangy evening esYll ' AI IO -• • • BIBS—RI bags Re. Coffee, IS hf dims Voaug Ilysou Tea. • r has Gonpowdc.; 7 t q des No 7 Loaf sew; . 35 kegs Nice While Lead as M. L• 5 Obis No 915.1 h &lac kerel; bbl. N ti Tar, for side by W & It 5107 U rt111f: Liberis slrees ' DOW GLASS—ISO 1•5511151(f, - 2.5b1i 1548 . . 75 _ ••• 14131 1110 Wel ' 4; 10: " Wolfe 5 " 1 1 / 1 0; 'lO .-. 11.171 15 " " Shell 13 1131'S 5 #10; GI•6 1 9: S F VON BONNIIORSTA C 0,3) F. us.l . Bevorricv. yfatz_ 3 do Vhoulderc 2 do /owned Pacon; !boo - . - .Fe3l , lCi. I.y Je3 8 F VON BONNIIuIO.F 3. 11l ----- • UVINDOW GLABB-150 Inge, a••crted . hi!.... V 8310,10x11,9x1Y, 10114;1 . /112, WA -15. 6.18,1k0 , for talc by W K K AIeCUIC/lEON jeB No IS!l.llJrrty •Urrl FISH —3O Obls No 3 Maoko, I 10 Ibis No V do; - [ x3OOlO No 1 ll•rrailr [[ 10 001.11101 SW; m emit oml tbr Jr jeB[ 01-1) NEW MACKEILELSU !obis Largo No 0; of j,., lttla testis catching, juAt i rair t l 00t . t0r . y!..1 2 y I/I II 0 phis No 1 Largo Mackerel. of 11 ,, t0. - to.lLble No I Herring, ' :0 Kits No I tied; iil noire and for sir hr 1.8 MILLEH It It tekt.:EnCrN CLARET AND WIIIITE WINE.— • ' 8 hit• Darn II me; 3 bluls Haut ifanterne Wine; for .ale lig je9 MILLI lt & RICKRTBON E—t W -b p Prime RIO. in 1001: •ud (or jrB tr. R El.”1"1 LEATHER—IIk J Y . Y. :4We, tbr .ftle by J.B J OY D 1)0p811-53 etkr Pure l'outrh fe i rz l ek olu, 17(7001,-1steke,e0 consi;narrot, for reTet.y V V jeB &II IL LOS ID p 10 1 811.0,1-140 to sl:ll4;tg—lb,-Thln-1- • Laboning Furnace, fnr j.ale by H mon. • - • - N. 0. Sugar, in , tore nn l AA .1 A. • F1.,911) MOLASSk..' , ?-- , bbl. is prune order,-(or J tr. lil LOYD In more and for male • Jk. R °VD bzo Pure. for sole by ROEPT. DALLEI.I. h. CO CiliffElgt=rs - 0 landing mg nor ).9 ROW Il==EM Pilitby 1T !MIZELL k CO, Lawn, 1 , 111:FT-11.0 bbl. • ____ Lan.. fir rate by ' roi:v uErrEitaco L A AXIIEED-1 I,e bblo andl box for by POIN OEX IF:It CO CURCEIINGS ! (..) je9 • Ws R alon•ruperiorqualitr.le by MtCLIVCIIKON,ISII.II ,ty si DOTASII-4 ion r • jefi gt..l quality •1.1 W A. It Ilet.Cirlll:oS. VEWILT—:sO Las 1,1 Year Les for tair by n 7rIcelJTCllEOl,f D ROOMS-100 do. Com Brooms Mr Pllie by reB IIIeCUTCHEON itr -50 bbls n' !It le by NV 3 R AIeCUTCIIEON EMailli 'o I Alleehenv. for rale by . W ..t. R 51eCL/TC/ WON Comb/ la C. ItiPig,. for tale by W er. a Met:RTC/IEON • METAL—pan ,t, m2nufactaTe7,7l; R MeCUTeIiRON Iraox —6 bag luta bale by MAILB-100 kegs for uleby j! storied, Pin.Lursli Mine.: W' R cCeTellEo .LI,I:SEED 01 s / —25 !antis for otele by --- IF VON BONNHOHST dc CO DYS FLOW • barrels Eon. for Nall' by. j•S r VON BONNOORNT .4 co QUININE...4Oot. juin retrivcd odd for sale by ... iayttl I ft SF.LLERS. 57 mood At W I NDow f;.74 r uit—}*()T.Ti:Eitio, -DuNTlV.,=== T DiscTzp.oi _A fewbnr el in co . re and (or -La sale I y . 1 JORDAN A..sorq T Items good article, (dr syelelly . Je7 " J JORI/AS & ON DE.2 bAr jit,C;747017471CU' DOTAIH-4 euk -pmme. Jnat ova d nud fora:. r 6T. myfß: FWOLI4Lh Nt:NNt:Tl' ..37-1 1/53,1 J. ac tired and forysle les JO/ m.. 1 Mack' Yap:tub l'ahm n. ma D 11101[GAN. Druißin SPZ*. TORP/BDIT!NE-3 • OTASEI—I cask supeiior for sale by J D T 100/3101: BALL—I CO,a, mill.tick.. for sale Lilet by J I) %.!4,IZOAN NAGINESIA. 7 .I ea.e Carbonated. for pa , r by )es I l) NIORM , LN vETHITIL OHALIC,lcutk (or rale by V V jeS • . MOM: N C Or e riLli.S.S-12 Lamle forsaleA: monn AN DOCK POWDEO.-50 kegii far nib, by j,5 . I.IAIAII inextiv k. CO ptrr r Asti—No lj y rsh, war te i d . ;M o lt , ix LIDNION lITROP—Frzsh Made, and of fire qua! itY,for aaleloar by m I .101 IN O MOilGAN,fril woody W 8 . 1 7: LEAD-4o keg. rn frm,',YAN. LLAMA:I4IEI—i tow., now landing wad file be 1 DICK I- & coC 1.• now landing. Or ta'r I.F C , ow.: I OICKEV it CO Id a co n nsratoTta — • Ittsra " ;47 . 1":; ' 111:;y 1 ""1 je; ARdUBID 71111.111—ae0 boa for,wle au CoW. %Sao:olio' Row, Liberty erect, by Jo7l/tw • : J SIIENIARD rkINTIIIC3IT-3 gross Ale Antares U.. 4 t, ou lJkond and for sole low.by 14 0 11 , 0 b 0 1. :4 1, 3 . 1AKE5 . & COM oroul st AfOr C 2I II 4Xy L je7 J'g:CFlbrgiVi.n=dll)" LARD 01la-10 lAN, In fine oider. for •sle 1.7 tC.:100:01Alit;!L 4. CO ELNOS STItUP-23 dozen Cute, ler Pale low by 1 je7 J NCIIoOVNA%Iirt _a CO VNILLA EISANS —5 bundle. for wle I.r eV J I.ICULPONAIAK EN a CO ANDIZIII-1,000 118, et 13 ceitis per B,7ri.e.te by J bilErft Libetly wee* HA3IB, SIDES and - SIitIUI:DEB9. Pee e..e . t , end for j,7 sale by J . JOADAN S SO BRooms-30doz. t doz. 'Argo :Ise Common; f o r •41eLy i n S F VON CO I 01115V/LLIC LlMli—Mbbls for role ~ I-4 my 29 , I A GORDON,. wo.er Al '." . x 12R . 104 . r.....11)0 bys..nn Inlatt ri ro w , r ;II b a yi ,., taill • _ (VIL nEAL-113h06.,Ju5l recd and for roar II l/ nor3l , _ ___ ___ rt W lIARIIAVGII .. . lb* bog mans . Lt more no.d for sofa s s t e ?7 -4, T r r il ! 8 fr. %V J IAIUSAUGH _ Tag . iggriill.2 prlllle ci 421,y 1 . .1,•IV) 10 did) lar** CAR:4I:4 &Nick \ 1..111' ... •UTTCM—rtu poles in role and 114 1.31- - 1, serge • 1. II laCni,l/": it CU o AVlClO3reass heavy Zit CO l'apte,.p..Xl reel . . awl An &ale by ton 6 NKYNOLUS & ,111:11 : ; •11CA11-43 paellatetAr 11. Toa, wpau_tilri Lip; . y formal. by usy26_ _ HEY 1,01..1n , te nil I.:K 1i 1C ai 14747 berm Fresh 11 .e2. , 0r : iy , .*..±) ~...„„, I , A I i.NI El a ~.... tic__ IlYWN — POWDbilt—du i A*. ri,e,veo ~ ,, ,....a• /Ler Lake Erie, for *ale by aryltA 'J DA 1.LF4.1. utolfrinni SALE - A ilew ocae 1,..r .e Km Sitar *Ala by S F VON LIOVIOrtOsT )CO ran? • . .'a 3:l* . lost moo fIUILUABITS—r. ma. M•eak Yr, i. •4i,, uy 1) rare • 1 D 'ILLIAM.h CO iiii, il,l lUl4—a des. in nonJeZ. tot .1, a., -. ll Ora J DAVI:A.I*M, :CO F. LOUR OP 11.1C1C-2 esseri . surfia, 1.4 ola by sayal ) I) WI pe LLIA NIS A. CO -.. . . iBBAZIA. 1100A.U.--10 . bas. zor axle by _ ttuYr J LJ WILLIAMS & CO' yftiTS I I W " f Ch •7" l' lntlkA * l=l, , EVA Y AOltllditEL.-50 IMO 1V03 4 50 h, men ,. a and ~ for sale by myll •I. INULIIIIII &CO Lin . rx j ." . .to adi 1 . -oolseille Din - at aln;;lfT . . — eAN_ iial 1 . - — "I L. — il ll W•4e 1 I,' IN a ,iii T. '..: i;iiii — ti l.r----- . .i. mrn : FURS if &DUNCAN : , C&Dllll&—ilibbls Cider for sale v ....,Tss LyoN lICCINCORSr & Co 10 4) .74: 13 . -11 . X1 "k.' 64 14 1 11. 'Veiny a. co LSD l 6ll.4upeiior;fojaal t retail. &v . sny3l I D AIOROAN •