MEM • PITTaBaRGA: ' WEDNESDAY HORNING, JUNE AP; 1847. ; 'POLL 90VERNWC, • y: OF. X. JAAIII4II IRVIN; for curs COCITC) :, • t • L. FOR CANAL. COMMISeIDIONEC:—..,.. • JOISEPILW. PA'TTOI.I, , (31.01101. DAILSIE, of Allegheny C.iy liiKidg C. NOSLF., of Indiana Tp 21=11111JVELY, of VigrT .L.,v . HENRY T f t ARGF,of 311glin Ty. Mr.ltl=!l:2l _ • i• worn cOIPILIEWII2. 1110)112 PERKIN/3,0( Lowrr 2L (Nina Tp. Mt 3, oNena,Ncs Tp. Poi *ATM Ceisenereisl Insalllgense,lkesesue Mar •riA Rivet Slew's, Imports, Money Market, lc, see rrogresdve Reformer.. • We bid OCCIAICOI to write, the other day, a chap• „ uPdh !dProgremive Democracy,' 'in which: ssa snouted up smite of the destructive measures of the'docoinant puny, and the Agrarian tendency of many other miseslieJ reforms, pecoliar, in how eectimiti of the country, at least, to those who era fen thmlng the wield upside down by infusing poignance nostrums into the public mind. , Thane are another class of Reformers, which ingeng rather to the social than the political apt !There/rare of no particular clime or country, sifut 'Or party, though orlon encouraged by that fatal Democracy which ceasas to distinguish be.: tweenthe true freedom of a well cometitated end lung .largeat liberty" which gives unbridled 'kenos to the worst passion. fn the abundance of liberty which men enjoy in ad., free land of oars,ithere is always danger of that *torso of free • dotti Virhiem makes men sigh for those whole some restraints neriessai7 at times for the nontrol of therbest-ordered mind,. Where panicle, or Ma Of no party, are disposed to. set the pour agiiMit the rich, al is often done by demagogues irrthls country, or where men continue to make war upon private ropertydand holders, leases,—u, infind,'npon all legal pantomime, there is occa• elan to snake men, whose gotta fortune, or tope tier chill mad iodustry have given them thee° la voricHurruplitin iirthose who would dee;roil them ,:f their, posaamicum The etlustituthin happily tole.. rates the freest opinions, the frreCel discussion. the freest form of :Nth, lbether political or religious, and evati peccary,' deleafing incident to the freest GMCnanient, but when men go beyond all this, and amdk to pull up or tear down all the guar ,area ::ef 'the Constitution, there is a fitting outs situ: rut complain of thew innovations. The 00'cial Reformers, of whom we • o,3ak, it.. nut 'confine their innovations merely to Property. bat even to well established priucipire of 1 C beech Government. , In the estimation of rune of the., minfeters should . rdtei.c no salatiel, all pew should bean CJIMUZi9n, and men may 'tali] without givinietrence,make their churches as comfortable and:beintiful es their own dwellings. °theta seek equal wages, Null labor,Vqual its viaiiiiii Of I L property; equal ( honors, andwhy not equal tellecta, equal iliagrace, end equal mislay tone. . , has given every Man the payer of free choice, and according to his capacity, dirp.r' eition dr lave of right, or lure of wooe r he mar and willereek whit he will. There Are kitallectusl isMqualiilee, and there are physicalinelualities, and ill itatuai . i as well iii r ell revidetiell.t!aehwina this plain'truih. It is nut SI; thank Heaven, in -Abe diffueioti of happioessl.for God in this respect, . Altli so appointed the gaid and evil of this bre, that much-more true hlppinres is impelled to the .poor sad humble than tr.i the rich abet proui. It is a terrible thing to remember, cos, that all the naval teeponsibilitiee of 'hie life are amordingt to that which IMAM hash, a ~ d not according it thlt which be bath not. Some of our pn,greseive rc formers,—who, by the Wi7, dune these words, in all their'eneeds,:-seek to be not only wiser then their fathers. but .wise - ribose what is written.— They belies. neitherio God nor his prophet , in thslitaikair•nor his Apoetlek They are forever setting op im'w deities for4orship. To-day it if, iltbe Wield . lidierti" of Fa y Wright, or a general war upr society. ?damage os it is, children as ~.. they are, society as it is\ coustituted, n man and hia Wife - for life, rather p for a season, are things all iirong in tile estimation of this clam or reformers, si Whom God Math joined together, let Mann put asunder," . ie t. e teaching of the Bible, but tot 6 . 3 the teaching. our "largest Wien)... ,They would me inurphosn wedlock, not into • preactiW system .1 polygamy, but iota n errant w* l e, if a men Might not here es many wiveens Ilia Grand Turk, he would in a shun time have as many divoicer from thone who had been his wives. The pdtaberof divorcee in this cocinti ire already becoudng frightfully large, and theiitre the darkest incidence in the innovation. of Which we speak. Religions anglicism it another vendee of the evil. There u._llo - creed et, wicked or ridiculous that men cannot he frond ready to embrace it.— Be lt,Mathias, Joe Smith, Fourier, or any body eiss, , c . ne a divinity of person or of mission, men dick around them u if they were wee stan dard beaten of the Cross, and bow down and won. ship them as if they preached the truths of the Bible." These Reformers are often shrewd, crafty, con. ning,men, and often they arercise great influence over the incredulous and weak-minded. It is time for all true .Chrutian men to set their faces IN • flint against all such impostures. • Anew Reformer has recently sprung up iu no's, iq toe person of one Andros Anderson, Swede, who elaficripfflim divinely endowed. Ho hits iimeoelateniailkim several minor irophets.— Severe} of hie fanner* recently mired in New York, where AusferslYo joined them. Here spin the it:riposte, assumed the attributes and preroga fives of God, null max% his followers behest that if . . . . . they should ru4 follow him to Illinois. their ster nal damnation . runst inevitably ensue. Another point of his doctrine is, that there has been gteckia the world since thu Apostle's time, u til he(Anderson) Islas born. We presume the other relittiotte tenets Which he inculcates are of a lee &sneer The New Yoik Commercial says, the particular event which !nought them developments to light, _wan ffie robbery of the chest in which Johan Lion berg kept the treasures of the society. This oe. corned a night or two since. elospicion fell upon . Anderson and two of his elf ,' pasts. Ericson •. and Berlund. Writs of nr ;.reaf were imned against them. The two Isst mentioned were ta ken into custody by D. I. Yon t'oorhio, sheriff, and committed to the Kiog's county jsil: until of in vestigation can be inetiletrd. Anderson, who had absented himself, was apprehended and is now in jail... This is a sample •of tinny of the clan of ...lair Reformers, religious, political and social. The Lim! Reformers are drones who seek to lire upon the ladtistry of other Mtn while they are idle and vicious. Agrerime are always men of the worit habits end worst passions. Take the Anti• Renters for example... of whom' \.„ lean the folloisitag by a rem* letter tothe N. Y. Cou rier Irom Albany: . .. -no - fluids in Teghken;e; have been parcelled out by the reeertiliorgaii.:tdbiuid of indians in that kion among Ihimselies. I know a somber of fuels here whiettrire intended for psrticular prisons Of that gang. The division, or rather the contemplated division, embraces s largo poi . - . lion of the Lunde In that town, and they actustly intend to takes and -retain foteible poesresion t?f them. This's:ay be relied on es not a fancy sketch: it is.eober reality. "This baml is mole op of MU one hundred, all /MOM to secrecy. the mon itivitgable„ and all pledged to appear in di.. guise end 'armed, whenever ordered out by the leaders.' There are already ir.dicationa, most un mistakable, of the intention to extend this same organisation to other ! town, in the south part of the county.",, Fran ell Etch political and religious fanatics, may the'Lond deliver us. They are the worst enemies of truth ant of ill conservative freedom, end if. otifictstitOtioni and over. Merthrtnew, it will , be frt;Wi'the eneenragentent givato that elaes 'Of mauntnliike;deiriagesues and fanatic, of whom we lull had o • Mwsion now slid heretofore to - call . publiwettentleof, - . ; - . arid giippli4 Grain. LOia Ilaidiridtri7a4ealid quite elpanie by throwing out idea that the ratio:illations •ef 'Breadstuff.. .tiroald not hnii unlit harvest. The speaker dew stead pictaie of the ability of the a:gambles on . the Baltic and'itie Black Sea, the Mediterranean and, Odessa, and even of America, to meet the calls fir England. Even Lord Aaliburtoo, who thigh( m have tie...better adorn:lM, thought our means of expoitation were wady at an end, sod having no reliance upon others, he hinted at that prohibition of corn exportation which has Lecome common in fither'countriee. l.ord Brougham was not mob ned to. indulge in any such fortudinge. The Marquis of Lensdowne'rateri that hid anuary 06 1- 000 quarters of . Corn were imported, and iu April 1,043,000. Ii the supply were continued during the entire year at. the same rate, the am mat of supply or the year would be 9,00,000 quartela. We have uo ileubt from our knowledge of the the quantity of drain in the country, and particu larly in the (heat Went, that the et portaticui will go forward in undiminished rates until the foreign markets aro relieve,' by the coming harvest.. e hose staled already the good exempla f rtA , Queen of England in reference to the searci• ty of food in her Kingdom. She has restricted her self, as well erf ell her household to one pound of bread a day, and this of an inferior quality. The Mowing Harald remarks that, when the Queen and her Household use iteconil4l.ur, aid . 'limited the wean mption of that and every Otto r neceoarr,the highest and the lowest iu the laud will follow het bright and hebevolent example.— Thu Dukes of Bedind and Norfolk, Rutland, Grafton and Exeter Lord Brougham and other Lords, have 3;113 published a tour ou this subs :wet, u followa, ••1.4)e, the umiersigued, deoply impreascd with i tho dun,. whi'll proved* among a Brent nurobtr of our fellow ountrytnen in Great Britoil. nod 1 reliud, from he want of necessary subanttance, and obarreing that the price. of food ore tieing. think it our duty to pledge ourtelvea to reduce to our families. as tar as may to, practicable, the COW somption of bread nod hue, rind we invite thee,. operation of those who rney concur with us in our estimate of the 1 rtsent emergency." The Allegheny Crusetry Pmitleni—T..s M. Hovr 'Managers—inn. 11. ShaenLerzer, cat,. Wllson Ater Jr.. J R. Si rt., Treaturcr and Secrdary—ino. Finney, The above ate. the Board of Managers, chosen on the sth ins.. The Cernetry, as we learn from Oro American, cut for l acres, $50.000 and the coinages have Ere years to pay one-half the cum. the ground is selling eery Captdly, and the •rlerr amateur to $30.0110 far only abou• sit 'acres improved. We wis'i the officers annorlato to in diet, commendable efforts To proside a suitable plat. of interment for the dead. In Flu rope, :111,1 1,1 the most impreor s iro sights Ore stran ger sees, ate the p•lblic cernetri. a. and particularly the devotion shown to the memory or the demi.— VDiIX to the grate yard are ft . . .Neat, and to the. even of the stranger there terms to he a vrarble coanitunion of. oinciu Innwern the dead and pur sing friends. Almost every grave in adorned with mfrs. the cue of which is the delight of fristol.. is Leech seems stripped of half its terrors when rhos the den's of heaven and the tear, of fri-usla are snide to water the flowers of beauty, plstried by kindly hunla.sprieging forth froth the genera of those who in reality itever die. .The body and the foliage alike rosy perish. but happy are they riles helms, in that ltfausion, eternal in the Hea -1 rem, whore Gal has promisedei MAY reunion .and n new eommunion to those separated, but fur a in the world where we are. Tic Mr lic.x ran, rr....;l.—The Mrs,can Ptivat-er tueb lately i-oioured the :..11,1{. Cain), lite in the Mediterranean was commanded by rt Spanish fugitive from justice and her Crew were all Spaniel. Shr aro,. never out of the httalstafs nean though reported to hare railed from Vera Cruz.. A leucr to the New Yuk Herald soya the err,. are furnished n:Ci -atie iti :tippers aurae Itlesc an sp 4 ,otnisa actLer- ities ate cotansme •.t in. , :tit the Aram- Con minister has taken up the Matter °with great determmntiou. It is said that there are two or more Sleeken pirates in the hfetliternmean—ad fitted out in Spain, matt likely; nor is there any American ship of war in that sea ta rearm Amcr icancommerce,whichnumueasn elovin Cr mcre of large vessels. It is mid that he authorities of Barcelona, in. dignent at thu capture of this ensue!, condemned the Ortgrateat as a pirate, and would rettore tba vessel and cargo to their owner, T[{l,ll or Tat Wasr.—The trade of Milan in Groin is enorzcons, and characteristic of the en terprise of ,the Weal. Oa the 12th ult. 18,650 bushels were teceived, and 1,200 of Caro, and 650 teams were at one time in town. The value of this to the ferment was about 825,000. The Mats:lion Gazette says that in one Jay the transactions in Wheat at that. place amounted to $37,000. On another day 26,31 4busSels of reheat were received, and soon after 30,100. There are 250.000 lbs of wool expected during the season, and the tolls received in 58days amounted to $25.- 814 or five.vizths the whole amount received lest year. At Albany on Monday the •alue of westerr flaw in port was ( 1 11111111111 Gd at six or seven hun Bred Umtat! dullard. Urdu hundred waft, of al kinds, were hurling and unlaading wheat. Gee max If aural •. Later ad sit es fn,rn Mott., do not confirm the electmn of fientidl liertara.. President of Mexico, though the fact may turn out ..Idiot to the Mr.. We re gret this, knowing (hi; chieftain to be more feinted ly w the lloinid State. that aoy oilier Mexican oammanden Herrera knows or. our institu• lions and has lived among us, and but (,r the tion. gling 112611100 upon which Mr. Polk sent Mn Sli dell, would latig ago has, s !cured itelee the two coontri., we doubt not, indeed, would hare presented war and defeated Parade. He is a C.l, cautious, prudent tarn, of much for hearance and of a groat gwsl oenee, the wry moo with whom 6a make peace •if the United Stat. will ...null to nor 1/V1:1 any thaig like easy . SUM. TBZ oatsaas snort. 01 . 010 Past does rot the 4./..a rhetoric or our logic in eat Owing Sir. Polka Pax. t • Santa knits, and, lik e a pedagogue upon his atoel, dioidurre. wisely of hi. knowledge 0 tenth. Wo hope, now that the "School master is abroad," he may succeed in parsing, to the 1,u2 , lic eatisfactiort, the Pate given by lames K. folk to General Antonio Lopes de Santa Anna. For a first 10•4100, we give him Mr. Polk's Merafge t of Dimembei 8, 1846, au *hull the Prwitlent my• that the Commander of our Naval force in the Golf directed not to obstruct the lindwitgie of Suns Anna to Mexico should lie ohenipt to re turn." AnOTOPA or TUC Bon*Tenn —The Corydon (In) Gazettr,aaye that, during the lost Con e v o nnyn. ,It entlY.3l/ in that district, the Hon. &ben Dale Omen, on aeveral occaaions tail .1 will egret to do all the fighting whicch may grow out af an ,nesation." Now what a blunder it was on the 'part of the expend o much money and raise et many men to fight when the Hon. Robert Dale Owen might have wan all those battles single-handed, and when he stood positively 'pledged to hie constituent, to do on ! The Indi ens L Kauai. in Congress, fierily, Wick, Owen. like the great body of the patty, Intye clamored loudly to 1•111. and Inttri Airco, but the town pstriot• iris hes proved of the wordy, windy hind. CONFECTION/1311k' no.. son FROITZIT. Per. .one in want of seasonable fruits and choice con• lectionary. may find - tbern both in abundance and in every variety, It the favorite cstablisbmett of Edward Up tdl, Jr., Smithfield street between Vitt ind Diamond •••••:... • A rinaliarn's roar.—tTbo Lem lies-- , The on ly inrindiarier:sho kindle.icflanse •11.bich water ill out estuiguisl)." , - I hese reed in your valuable paPer of the 21st May last, an'lnfereeting article on' the subject of stliarokemnisancs nt Itiloarbtoter,'Englantl," and somewhat surprised ttat this impurient sub : jest halitot long more receive& the consideration it emits from the enterprising, citizens of Pats , burgh. There is no place where this improiement will have as horietl iial a result, not only in the economy in the nor of the , great staple of that section of country, but also 4ta neatness, comfort and elegance of your city; and I hope it may proves reward to your energy, perseverance and industry to bring about thus desirable improvement in the city of your recently adopted residence. , The experiments referred to in your article are utisfamory, but having investigated the &object berratifire by actual experiment, and having con 'eructed an apparatus for the epeciol purpose. lam convinced that the love-rum yvu refer to does not accomplish the great desideratum no economically and no s ffectually as it cony be done. I will, so promised give you a succinct account of my pro em, Well knowing that atmos r hsric air constitutes one of the indispensable' lintr“lients in the com bustion of ell kinds of fuel, the im p ortance of preparing; supplying, and regulating that supply particularly attracted my attention. I Net ab not the invention of • cheap and easy inothod of heat ing the air before tin passage into the fursnce, and regulating its volume snit nullity according tattle state, hnntid or dry. and mechanically to infuse the entre by such r.tsarie and pmpottions boot adapted to the thorough combustion of the furl, The volume ot *mike with the shave appara tus, is quite /mall ill the fitrnace rood( Aceordieg to common parlance it is cogs:rued; or, hewer ex press d, the cornirustion h, trig cwo,drie little or 1100 e exists, haring 'revived a suffieietit quantity ot oxygen, the supporter of Corrifi t iation, g od , whale r smoke tray hare pa.s 4,1 ever is returried through the fire for n si.onibustian. The inflammable gases value, may have rsisprd by the first prom.s of combustion, are economical ly consumed and applied; the crilrintrt arid and taller noxious residuum, are carefully dispoied leaving on deleterious ditto The aparka being tho unconsumed particles of feel which are paaaed through the furnace or ataik by the I"rce of- the draught, ere taken up and to gather with the coot, lonia:lack and bitumen are mechanically returned through the lieu and com pletely committed . A moat Important object W also attained hy this apparatus—the draught to always equable, ro mat• ter what the mot • of the atmeriptiare,orerhieh rear the wind (dow a, or the hoot ta going; or.. to Ous t:Aro try n ailing . by ri - en-nee hi every day's ea. pr nem e. S chimneys draw I-eat when the wind blows from a pm ticolar gnarly,. tau embalm furna• e.darewhen the mediaahead. Met appara. tug annalist,. rho draught. ilium:Wittig or be tog it at' n am-cowling to the work to be d rue. The apparotua is taut coolv,-and may he applied to any land engine nr steamboat now ill use. It ourrairsas a blow, .1 the to no improved form, j and aerordine to a m 1•1 eareful noinparinor in=n. toted. s tran ol 2110 i pr ent [hay in the fuel COll,lllll. d, indept - Prdently Lithe neatness • c odor& and healthln-urerkt , y ire applierst•on. The above letter to rent Its from Wa4hingtot, by a Fame,' engineer. 3 roan eminent in his pro fra.eirro, end lone, in the rrervree of the Stab , . .ile iniiiiitar el a rim f..r got hog rid tit the smoke t 11.1114 ore. and i•rohably. oral, I any suit...tileuriati agiur .t.tuld detootortrate j its utility to the eilmor, of Vitivhutgh. Tor. \ear! •o 17 6-- Sou rortart 41 tan—The Preartyreriart Gontoal .%,sembly re cently in 8 tan in at ll:ehrn an 1 :11apted a Renato. tion appointing adze of toroth., to, fasting and prayrr frt the porp tte t,l al it tir.4 io lb:. Lord et Root, and Judge of Nano.. i., reatare Peat, one, more in our tuttla. Tl o,smq la the Prearn. bleu, to the .re.olire, nod w Out elutior. of there iientintents will lir by ituni. ptretcasing [weer ontl Mose et iitipng to power, n. of -the Mectrart party." Where.% in the providettro t t Gil, our calm• try t. Involved in tart, and 1141 can ratite with out one or tho other, or both natiote engaged in octant totd otisi t to. p• iOf t;4) 4 ; white tuts :1, wiut•ly the, not :toe. age to deter mine who are the guilty axone in bringing on tar aver, yri opon trhomouerir the guilty yr ponAibility duo rest, upon then. itha reit, the 610 d—guiltnrit and trite te'tici resuli pion We are will ng to !core the tmeteion just here, am: le try the Admel-trat po '< re the Great Curt of thr Imetit ett Vic evident. Tar rout,. or coo atuN 1,6.1; Poilatlrlithit,' hare &Aral that the •-g artli - heatra,aapet entibliArneflls i. as muds a parr of the valtv. a! the property s.rltl ns th. types .1 press. 5..1.1, ere, iso obs:ous:y j pet and pro, er e The riecireon grew ow-of the full winz stirs of feels: Holden &Me ilackut went cep"! r Arinerb in the ewnatamp and publlcation of the Satutday Courier. Holden died. the wish,' chains-A toic half of the sitablishment, by right of her hut baud's ownership. Th. 11cMakio teakead on the ground that toe goal will of the establishment could not p.m to the heirs of a deceased partner He offered to buy tue widow's interest at $15,004; or to eell hie half for sg2,ooo—than soittanatina the goad will of the este.hehun,L et TI which he was not willing the widow should ha, the bestir.. The offer was declined, and suit was tenualei and es we before 'stated, his honor d.eidtil that the widow could recover remumeratinn for th e god will of tho Saturdiy,Courier. By this decision if th e man e s cann o t be settled in aoy nth, l nay. office the will have to he disposed .I at pi.lioc sale and the proceeds divided squally between the plaintiff and d, octant. reaseteer Newt,. aNo Eleoerra • - r N Yottx.—Tho increase 01 esti] trts for the fort five month, of the prraeht year, over the same la-reed in 1046, Is $6,97,2,771. The total .aloe .1 ex port in thi. tiros were $18,900;49 riet,t• m rom—ts,seettes at be Imieborgil testacy ' to ou'r most 11;17 ros-14101. a ). NEW YORK MARKET. June 8-8 ova h. a. leen:able goode 52 riour—The re ie not much animation in the, Free good ' I treacle , . Sales Genmeca to-Jay at $87518,93 1 4 :114A.0 --extretheo. • Wheal has declined—ealas White at 21 1 / a lla lc 7'OW ; .... ••• • S' •"'" S 11 3 32 I Coro—bales prima Yellow at 1194120 c par bit. DuL' ore aeJ i " "7 Oat are selling at 62a63a per !acre....r Mot g ... to CIO.. Daimler. 01 tree good I .iOO, n;1; ID Rye toilet at 1322135 c per lot. there., tee ' , perm ; Cornmeal--Sedes vi $5,681 per Wel. Increare ell delete.. receteed IJ. bit 75 The market for Cotten is very Jail, and pries. l'hte Ls a s ate 01 (:let iu smell speck a! i,:relh 1 hoes elightly declined. or ottprcroolenteJ, aro! which tee are er.•it.l.teel L'. l of import ance. solely to the core diAlfr. wLi