'~'4 °t~ - .inA. . ..~ . . t ; • - : ' ';' • • EMI ~ ..1., s 1 •,+ -, *: ', , f . s. •-. , 11 '. ''' ! ' 4 - 4. 14V. -.1 ' : . - , , i , ., . 0 • Itt. .. , ,„ 4111 ' l ',"" ts •t 1, '''.. ' i . . - l'' '“,, 3 '. 14 " 4'i ~ t',.l7:_ i 'ir:4 .•:L' / i : , t 4 p ,, ' It' - ',...11.4t . tq1: . .i: —1 • ~, t i Nii" , , , 4 , ::,..< 4 '-ig :: In: Alk l i ) •fi, i." ):7 :1 - ',,,', `2 4,7 ' ,1, 1k-il,::1- 3 ,: ':'::,, fi — , v , ;•:!'i, 'v.0.4-t- 01...'.' - •••,: q '':, : ..... T; i' ~.‘' '''. 1, ~ . .-; `'' '-. , 4•-:.. - : . • :I. ,: . ~ : !.' 4'. :: . 7 . ..... ':,',.. 't • .-- ' 4 1.." ...‘ • ...it -; ~ •• T . . i ....; ,-* •:' -' Ni: ', ';, , : :i l , '.' , l. •' : .• .. 4 i -',g , : .;.,:: •;. ,:1 . ..:;., -* ~ fol. ..• . ,:,„; ,:' ' „ i : ."; '‘' '''''.... '.. ,‘ '''. 4i; '''•,;' +.' ' 1 '..',':,:f:.:' .:• -4 t' t :! ';' -'`.`.. Ti,;--- :'• :!•:zi ,, "-- , ....,4 ,:.,,''':'... , ; ...,:,;.,‘,.; - i ;•',,-,)',:iz,,4,i,,,;riff. ,:i.. : ; : 4 . . ;,:,itt-Nrs:,:.k.tp:.•••l -• , : „,, .... ,, A , „ 1 : -, ,.w......, .., .. :.'-. i• , .•:::.::, .0i . p...., , _ -4 1 , ir ; : i-,-...i`rf ,1:.•,,121,,,..gt,`,,,0'4,T.r,4‘ . 1 ' • : :.r . i: - . 4.14 1t - 4: 4 - 4 *,:'„Z'''- : . "• ~ . . '.f ii :.. .11 ' f . , 4 ii 1i a. #: _, Fi ,~ `:1. .:. , MEbL4NY. D/XENSIOdir! dr' Ti-Irl PRINCIP t ROPEAN'CHURCHEL—The Ramat ~vertiiicr, of Mee - mbar 16,"iiii iiii2 COMPilird re eliow the' inipbasibilit ' Peter's .at Rome being ever er "'gives the following curious stati i to the comparative capacity of t . celchtated chtirchea in :-1 Persons. S St. Peter's, 54,000 Milan Cathedral, 37,000_ St. Paul's at Rome, 32,000 St. Paul's at London, 25,600 Si: Petronio at Bologna, 24,400 -Florence Cathedral, 24,300 Antwerp Cathedral, 24,000 St. Sophia's at Constan tinople, , 23,000 St. John, Lateran, 22,900 Notre Dame, at Paris, 21,000 Pisa Cathedral,' 13,000 1 St. Stephen's at Vienna 12 ,400 I I St. Dorninic's at Bologna 12,000 St. Peter's at Bologna, 11,400 Cathedral of Siena, 11,000 St, Mark's, Venice, 7,000 1 . The Piazza of St. Peter's, it ii in its widest limits, allowing 12 (II to the quadrate meter (square holds 624,000, allowing four to th drawn up in military array, 2081.1 its narrower limits, not compris porticos or Piazza Rusticucet, crowded, and 138,000 in' military GOINO TO LAW.--TWO Dot who built and used in commove . bridge over a. little stream whit Through their farms, had a dispui cerning certain repairs that were red: one of them objected to pay expense of two or three planks. ly, the aggrieved party went to a boring lawyer, and placing ten del his hand, said, "1 rill give you el money if you'll make Hans 'do mit de bridge." "How much will it cost to rep L bridge ?" asked the honest mins', the determined litigant. "Veil, den, not more ash five t :replied the Dutchman. "Very well," said the lawyer, ing one of the notes and handing other, "take thin and go and bridge repaired; it is the best you can take." "Yeas," said the Dutchman, "dat is more better dan to quay Mans," but as he went along hr shook his head frequently, as if nable, after all, to see quite ele,trly how 'e had gained anything by the operation. . THE FIRST METHODIST. CLARE LEAD ER. IN ADIERICA.-By a letter a:di:eased to AV. L. Mackenzie, of New Yor from the Into lion. G. G. Dromgoule, which has been recently published, it appears that Edward Dromgonle, the father of the deceased Mr: D., was .a preacher He commenced his course as a Minister in 1771 ;- and while residing with a Nlr. John llaggeriy, in or near Baltimore, he formed a society or class of Methodists, and held 'the first Methodist elasskneet ing in America. From a sense of duty,. he entered upon the plan of itinerant la bor in the. ministry.. He proceeded from Maryland to Virginia, and travellnd ex tensively in the latter State and inl North Cilolina.—Phil. Sun. THE FIRMER'S BAROMETEh..—A wii ter in the Georgia Fanner givesldire, lions for making a cheap barometer, aid in foretelling the weather. He takes a 'stick three feet long, and attaches to the butt end a phial, full of air, of course, and corked tight. The stick is then suspended in a horizontal position, on a pivot, where it,will readily turn, sae on a thread tied near its centre. When the storm is coming on, the air Outside is lighter thin that in the phial ; of course the phial sinks, and indicates a tchange in the atmosphere. Such la ha tometer may be made in ten Minutes. and some of our young philosophiC far ' mere will incline to have barometers 'of their own manufacture. MORALITY OF MEDICAL. Msts.--iFrom a return of prisoners, given in the Fuk ien Moniteur, a fact very satisfactory to our profession has been made publtC, viz: that of all the professions, the medical is the most moral. From 1828 to 1838 there were, in France, 41,679 mald pris oners, aged above twenty-five, in:tier s , criminal coarges. Of these therej were 33 priests, 33 barristers, 9 attorneys. 75 notaries, and not one medical man !" Medital Times. Lest our medical brethren be ,ulTed up by such a statement., we would just remind them that it is very rare for ju ries to sit in inquest over the restilts of their practice!—Nat. Era, THE Onto BUSHEL—An act 1:1( the ()hid Legislature, passed the Bth I.Feb ruary, 1847, fixes thelfollowing w ights as the standard bushel, of the articles named, when sales are made by the bu shel, without special agreement be&reett the parties as to the measurement '; that is to say: . • I Pounds. , P4vrls. 60 I Rye, 56 56 Flaxseed, 156 48 Clarence& !tit Wheat, Indian corn, Barley, Oats, Little known Any, but God alone, to value right The good before biro, but perverts best things To worst abuse, or to their meanest us4ll. MISCELLANEOUS AGENCY FOIL PATENTS. . Washington. D. C. ENAS C. ROBBINS, Mechanical r and Z Agent Par w prong Patrols,. wit/ prepare die ii. • cessary Drs inc• and Porrs . tor A pplaranta eats, and transact all rarer Inas:nes. la fie title of profession et the Patent Office. Ile em be copal., on all queations relating to the Patent laves and deer Aeons an the United States or Europe. Pe Laos el a distance dealt-oat of havinc.examination• riffle st the Patent Office. prior to peaking application kir patent. marforarard loot paid, enclosing • Sr of Lee don, r•, • clear statement of their cm, when immediate, net e lion will be given to It. and all the information a On, could be obtained by a viSit of the applicant prctsor/ promptly contrfronicated. All letter, on busirte es mutt he poet paid, and clantsin a suitable fee. where a written opinion is reipilrekl. Once on F. street, opposite. tbe Potent Ogee • He heft the 40110 f of referring, by peemisanin, i n t Uon. Edmund Surge, Commissioner or Pawns. !ECu.L Ellsworth. late do do do; • ,; .....o.:7l,‘,llnint, Patent OfGer; J. !!. • fl.reve. ira I L • • • „. JUST Recerreer-sail . • • (men .tbe Foundry of Oro. Una, 4 • & New Toth, the Lailowang los kle we( Type Ell 4 liourgeois, 171 Ms Minion Title; • -brad.; 111 the Minion; . . 'onir4 11• a 14•TwoLine Minton Caps; Spate soles, etc. AI.9O—F or tale, a great leatt• , ety of Secondhand Type, from Nonpareil to 15 Lde Otaamintv err wblrb will be sold low Ilbbtt easb. •• •• : 'JOILINI4TON & IeTOCKTON uschiN 10 Ilfarketuji_ ' IlhardwAto Store • Itemeeweil.• .1)11111TMOSIL6 A WOLFF having removed from too VT cornet of Liberty ind St Clair streets, !to No •50 Wend ineet e three doors above ft goatee HMI, would • rearelfulry, ask'abc attention of buyers to gent emelt • et RDWARE..•CUTLEXY and SADDLER If; read pt( .btpt Beranek, ,blopoltpt,ela. and Raul., direct '"fteas Sur othaelleeterna of,Flagleed ant Octet:lane. • • ••:'' Also, lethpllese.l.Atherieso lleedwase. front the P.- A:al.inaletteri of the Eilltlet 'Sees. . ••• Theeteleel WAR naurelj new. sad purchased 0011 E. di. bur aetynnibey feel greet ronlldenesh,lo helot tele" ageeethetallY: to eleeet_weathetition hole. ax4r gantry . ' Sartre weft. , Irkellettderan boaansas wail he eo3ll.lelled- at tint eild . .Ora r lelimwhalaseeNAlMOVlld , . 4. -,1:1 T., V P-7 -31EDIC.AL. Eu- Ad article of St. wded, tics as e most . . Di. CULLEN'S INDIAN VEGETABLE PANA C EA .1 - 3F:FISONS altbAted with Scrofula, 'Rise. F.vil (!..e.q t Eryaipelm, Old Sitn.plitc.,.., r e m., Manurial Dolesacta, or any othei complaints arising from impurities of the hlbod;•are requested to mad the following teatimonials, to Fool of the wonder propeutics of the above mimed medicine. READ! READ!! READ!!! • Ws the undersigned, having visited Mr. Isaac • Brooks. Jr. at thh office or MGM,. Itowand and Walton, 376 Market street. Itiladelphis,'consider his else the tot strenprkable one we have ever wit oes.d or heal or. - • . • 'q. yds . 13,500 9,250 8,000 6,400 6.100 6,075 6,000 disea_.c war SCROFULA, and terrible mint have cen h twelve year.' conflict With the de " 77m e gal ate,' e entire roof of his mouth, Nolte, Up. per Lip, and lower Lid of the Hight Eye have been destroyed, hi. Pace nearly eaten up, and part of the Sow Hone tarried away. And yet we can give a. desenpuon of his cave. , Mr. B. Worms a. that in January !ma, the whol e interior of his mouth, as well as most of his face wis a 0r... of deep and painful ulcers! On the 14th ofJ anuary last,lie commenced takm. Ur. CIJLLEN'S INDIAN VEGETABLE PAISA CEA, which checked the,disease in a low days, at... tom that time tho cure, has mgr.:We without in termission. New flesh has supplied the place of the Jeep ul CCM. and though hadly_disligured, his face is round and his general health in reviewed. Wo are assured "thdt to the treatment of Mr. Brooks' case, no Mereariais,Ointreents, or Caushe applicetints have been used,--m ram, the PAN A• (.EA AWNE, has wrought this wonderful change David Smith Rucks county, Pa. (*bailer L. Rowand, Meadville, Crawford eoPa., J W Jones,lll It South Second street. Phila Jacob Lee, Pemberton, N J. , . E W Carr, 110 Fourth. above Poplar at, N. L. S AProllough, Lancaster, Pa. a 51 Aladdoch, 211 North Eleventh st. C W Appleton, 51 D 46 South st. do Timothy Caldwell, Marion co. Missouri. Daniel Yeakel, Chesnut co. Pa. John Ilarned,39oHol dive Phila. William Steeling AI 11, Camden, N.'J. William Hale. 3111 11111111 street, Phila. ' J H Potter, Manufscturer el Mineral Teeth, 1119 S . Ninth street, Phila. L A Wollenwelier, EJ Phila. Democrat NSi street, do Cil ran iR con requi- ing the I neigh- llars in ill dish 'justice George W Mentz. brash Maker, 317 Market St. Para Garr, Co Chesnut street, Phila. A I) Gillette, Pastor ol Eleventh Baptist Church, John Bell, Erie'Streot, Philadelphia,) Nom), Allier can office.) Aaron Sands, 161 Catharine Street, Phila. Daniel McGinley, Keisrleee Alley, do Andrew Sweaton, Camden, N J It H Evan; West Richard H. Young, Udder, 409 Markel at. Phila John (I,' Av!mead, GO South Sixth atteet, do T S Wagner, Lithographer, HS Chesnut .treat, du H J Een.il, 109 Eleventh etreet, U.ll Pelee Sken Smith, Editor Plativotagle, do :owl Bodine, Glass mantilleturer, Willi, oo ,i ne ~ N.J. Vi iun Steely, Farmington, Van Baron en. lon L 13 Col., M D , Benton, Maim Russel Canfield, Plutiolorst, Thomas l' S Roby MD, listrisbargh, Ya. Peter ,%Vnght.....ZM Market street, Thtla. James IV &owl', 103 Fabort tt. do John Good. 174 Spruce at. do %VII Won line, Pastor St. Pool's M. E. Ch. Calhanno SE. Nola. John Chambers, Pastor tat 'Eldon. Church, Broad •t, do T L Sanders, Publisher or Pledge and Star/dant, Sellers. Editor Olive It •T eh, Doylestown., flacks cn, Pa. Wholesale and Retail by Itowand Walton,' I'ro prietore,376 Market St Philadelphia. If E 57 Waal st. Pittsburgh, Pa.; Wm. 'Ph t Let et do.; E Perkins, Marietta, Ohio; eaton Sharp, Maysville, K V; John IV Dalienho.,,,Cik.. , (Migt Side)! 5 , Reeves, 11[adman I A; C Noble, L.lie. rifle, i K V,• Ikverintek & Yellows, tit. LOW., At" 1 . II Alctalraw, Natchez, Miss;• Hardaway. & John stun Virk.slitirgli, do; Charier J enkina, New ()flea 1.0. on MEDICAL ANI) SURGICAL OFFICE. . • rsli:&y DIANIOND AI - I.IX, a few doors below %Vaal nroet, Dawned. d mark r e . t. t r . 14,44X.'l lIa DReHROWN, avin i g l i;e n en regula i rl;O ' time tn ' moneral pra r ele m o c , • • now confine.. his aneu tun to We treatment of 11m, r'Z'l and d'lN'rc'ag mimics and eaperontre pcfultatly the htta.— Eleven ear. asetdaou• • deieoted to the atudy and treatment of Mon compl• sd,llduring note, he has had more practice and I as enrol nsoro panents thma can ewe WI to the lot of • y private praennoner) .su ng hint to offer as Q . :moos°, spedy, poems, nein and wttodaetory cure • all aill.cted with Islieas• ditions... and all olt.oaw. nrietaa therefrom. Ilrnwii would Inform those atlitcled with private ill/teases which have become chronic by humor of ted by the use of any of the common eardrums of the day. that none complaint , . can be radically and theno oughly cared, he havtng given his careful attennon to the treatment of such caw:l4.d succeeded in hundred. ofd , mc in cortng pentane of istdamitlon or ho neck °I bladder. and kindled disea-sei winch often result torn Mon , caws whore others have consigned Mem to hopelece despair. Ile partiev:er'y Invite”ach en have heen hang titui an.urces.h.ti• ny othera.•to eon .telt whca cvcry eat •... :lie given them and • .. . . . . . Wear cases treated ,n a ray... •oRh sod unelligent amulet,. pointed eel by Ca, r:ence, stady and in, restiganon, swivels it i. Impossible' for tkaseengaged o•• general practlee of ntetheine to give any one class o disease hernia or Reptare—Dr. Drown also in persons afflicted with Heim, to call, we be has pant particular attention this disease. hewn Unease.; also P Lica, Palsy, etc.. speedily cored Chargeavery low. N. —Patients of ellt cr Sr. living ata dtraince by stating thrlr diseusellt.wrsting giving all the syrnp: wets, can ohtain medieioci with ditctions for use. t-, addressing T. lIRO N I. D. post pa' .1 and encl.. wog a fee. OM= No. Diamond opposite the Waretiy UMW fly. Pin cure. n Pee' delft SLESILDHLES TOOTH PASTE ritnncx ucaamcc THE be &mete known for cleaning and whimning the Teeth. strengthening the Runs, svreetening the breath. he. It should be used every night with a sod brush, and the tenth and mouth will only require a nigh washing In the morning. Wet the laush wok warm water. or cold will answer. and rut, it a iew times on the pe, 'when enough will adhere (or e.cantag the ast teeth It leaves& delicious ante in the mouth, and tot pans a mon delightful fragrance to the lareath..ltstands unrintled so• pleasant, efficacious, cotaventent. and safe dentrifiee. It is warranted not to inure the teeth. bathe preservethem. lip using It regularly. it will remove the tartar and preventOs aecumnlathen—prevent the toothache strengthen the gums, and prevent all diseases of Hero Chrtnatc physicians, and the clergy recommend it a decidedly superior to every thing of the kind in UM.— Ash (or tdherman'sCompound ()leis Tooth Paste, and observe his s,gnattire is attached To each Mt. Recommended by Dr. Castle, 1,1 Broadway, one of our best Dentists. and by own of the old established ones in the United State., and even amnsively ,ed by the Nobility of England and Prt• ea A large proportion of the disease. r frets/Riot mankind arise from eon. Derangement of tin stomach°, Intents which • bowl.:of the Ceohrs lie Lozenges would entirely onvA use te. Persons of bilious habits should al. ways bare a boa at 'hand, and take a dose whenevet they feel the Man derangement tuthear health. A pub rlOllll line 01 these Lozenges would prevent thousand• or ease. • For .ate a: WM. JACKSJ:VS, rorner of Wood 40J I.ilmsty •u derrl DR. CULLEN'S INDIA t VEGETABLE REMEDY—Warranted to cure, of the moo. ey returned. This medicine is prepared from an In dian Receipt, obtained front one ul them in the Ear West, at great caimans. note who hare been familiar with the Indiana, know that they can and do cure Venereal without the knowledge of Mer cury,ltaloin, or anything of the kind. The If. 'dieted hare now an opportunity of being eared witimu :the use of Ralum. This medicine is pleasant to the taste, and leaves no smell on the breath. Prepared by ItOWAND h wAuroN, 'end sold wholesale a nd rrWl, by J. T. Itowand, 376 Markel street, Philad'a. For .31c in Pittaburgb by E E Seiler; 57 worn elrrot. and by t~nn Tbnril,ht Allrket rt. ne6dtrT NoVurel No Pay! Pll.l Piles I _ . D R. J kson's Esnidneation is the only tuedmune that will cure not a only to very .mO.l and tro a alitecorne huntelhatcly allay. pont anti inn, tuaunn, glop. Meet] ing.sanduct that uncle: aide 11;, ir=ciutdiv cures, in a very 'Lan cure piirson• whore I•ves bet ehe rendered [alterable for }ears • - lu apppeanoa produce. no pain. Lai rather an nyrera hie and pleasant *taint.. If perutua afflicted and rail and hear of the great number of rues that Let,. her oared, they ant Ice saututishrit. A gentleman of thci nip , who had been under the knife of the ire:gent/- for tumor Dare flume within° betag eutell,lias by a . gnat bottler of the Enthntertion been e radically cured It ...11. below! preerdent !!—II•hil. Saturday Cuero, ~iffiir% 'v.% a .PUTt UTIZ 010110 Z 2:11.41K1iN.0 21 1 11: n c Drug Store 0(11 P Schwartz, Frderal tit Allegheny en - .. =MMEEM CM5,Z162:111 • rim ERE ore few diseases more common Or tr.. I blesome than the Pile., and yet, notwillutand leg treat efforts have been made to cure bribe use of pills ' electuaries, liniments, &c.; all were (utile sod of little benefit. Now the Embrocation is the ~;. osed. A pence who has been .offer. :•, kind came from Ss. . OA, ,1.11 Irs't.';';64.,.; .1 it. N . I 1. A:l,:.ca., IS!l=S=6=o oklessr• J. Kidd ok tientso—Tbosi-d.i. doito . ro'r a child of alone was alllocted wirh worn.. I various kinds of V unfuge, and admstered them. bat work no effect. I then pureloward a vial of Dr Arc Lane's ....lel...Lied Vermifolge, and after giving • (en doge., we child doichareed about • quart of large Worms: The health of Or skint improved immesh ately . I would recommend Dr. AleLane'd Verrnifugem Me potato., alone 'of die nom: dare and effectual reme dy for walrus, now On use. J CUTTER Doll wholesale and ',nil by f KIDD A CO, corner wood kr found moo ' 0722 Dit TOVTDDIDN tr'cosopoo nd Ekoratt of SA RSA • PADILLA. Wonder and ttles.ng of the Age This Emmet id poi up on quart Irottle•—is elk timed cobeeper picayune, and *a:Tallied rupoonor to any sold It mired woumut vomiting, purging,Mckenong, o r debilitating the patient. The great beauty and inthenot Iry of W. flansaporilla on, another remedies ley wh3le It ra d i o s l ip , &ease, iliertgortnes the LOdy. nod twee...stony, in the reseinsal sad parownent care of all diseases arising 11061 so =pate state of the blood, otgtlion of Desk. Look ow Can toniations!—Ur principiWperrene base °opted oat labels. and pat op medicine is the same sha ped bettles• Sestina each bottle has the urntlen argon , Mos of 8 r Towessail. Par dale by B.RB I} I.LJERS (Sole Mos° Coe dinlhenY eetustya 117 woad wrest, between laird sad 1• r eerie .014 . -7,7 . , 1 0 4""Tr: "' no.* ana aver . an . salable for pluting In &mourn " on . tr o V . /44 . 254 1 4V4 . 1a t te u rd !lore, ".'"i4O,SVICICIUMW 7':', , , i' -- •i';= . .'•:4:! . '4'! - : • ,! : :::,• -, : : !'-;X;-'', , :i - . ,. .';e:•..:,V,:f.'r,:',f-:Z.': MEDICAL: TO TilE frILCH , APPTaCTED. lIWATNE'S Th GREAT 'DIS OVERT. veal g for • C(01/0.1111Ptial, Cltlght, Culd ,, , A cam rinunehitis. Liver Complain, bpawag Mood, !amity & - ltictilty of Breen:mg; i Ta r dinTili;Wde v aerd Breast ao . Palpdation of the PITTSBURGH to PIGLA DA Aso BALTIMORE. Ileart,lnduensa,Croupelleakentionitueon Sore Throat, Nerroas , 4etillit). s td •I/ brelenedy for Pauswom. . ..es ofthe Th i Breast and el hat ibis Line T'ss' t ;., So u l t e e n a ; e e . rUe ' re ' g r o ' n "f or ' atTin the ‘ 15 ib mew, - Lungs, the most ele:tual end speedy cure e ver omen cot and continue throughout the mason Ibe piciptieters my of above d wer, have now placed a supenor elm of Packets and Rar l is DR.SWA NEr'S road Carr on the mute, with extra accommodatirms, COMPOUND SYRUP OE WILD CIIF.RRY. which .11 oire greater comfort to travelers. A Packet Boat will always m b: . te a pot., and the t inav- Aarettirt Main° 111 renal. —Kenai with aston ishment the wonderful cure performed by Doctor f. i g s f ic ,P.t i lt :::„Irgte:k.d. e „.la , -....rn th. 4 Swayne's Compound S•rop of. WILD CFI •IRR Y. r • - ilZarili Able An-LARS PHI t•li rteit i•, January IS, ISO One of the Packets will leave the landing,lopp.. Dr. Swsysie—Dear Sir: 121 1 justice to yourself and the United Wales Iloteld corner Penn street and the a duty 1 owe to suffering Ihneuanity, I cheerfully Comel. everY nititat9e'clock gm my testimony, ane,declere to the world the „.,._ _,._ ~ ...T lnii. ..3 /, 7 i_ii?__ .. _. . ineet intownshittg effects, nod the great cure your ii....,"tr.,,...g ic ,1,4,,. the° Ca..ar,, , .. , E, -- Compound Syrup of Wad Cherry performed oar., . 6 , car Peon street and Canal moat under tne unfavorable circumstance, I ova — _ TERN TR _ _ ANSP _ _ ORTATION CO. _ liken with a violent Coagh, Spitting of Blood, se- WES vere Pains in the Side and i Breast, winch teemed 4 to break down sod enfeeble my constitution,. that IMAM 1847'.. mr,e1 .. :2 h z ,, , t ,71.,5, ,,„,,,: ::m:, d 0 t: :: . ;:z . ; r a r , D. LEECH & CO'S. • thank, to you and the effecteltd your great Waco. OLD ESTABLISHED TRANSPORT/1110N LINT, ry, I now feel myself a well Man, and raised front a BETWEEN PI fTSBURGII. mere akeletnn to as fleshy and healthy a man as I PHILADELPHIA,BALTIMORE AND NEW YORK have been for years, and aliall he pleased to give any Tint: stock of this line consists et a double daily Information respeetteg my se, by calling at my 1 Line of Hover and Cars (owned by theme... I restdence,filechante streets irdd.r below George which ....E'Prd °V ‘ lr. , lig •.„.".. rt^:af:ani streeL Northern Liberttee. J • LOP PAINTRA ri,...i7C11.Z,M...T., •J . 3 d. 1 p 1L ,, : M cob Tali , . WV it , 00 u , rem from all q. , ..kr. of Produce or Merchane consirmed to any of the un w the Glo e. demigned is forwanlMtfree of any charge for comm.- The following letters are presented virteh a view IN: tzTr_.,,...... d .d .11...............01, °c r oon. fully showing the einem. of Physicians in ... e . i. ,, ii . .. relation to the Medical 'Mae of Dr. SW A INF.'S i 'I he burin.. of Mis lane m comforted on orrictly COAIPOUND SIRUP Ot VILD CHUM% I , ahliath keeping principles Address, or apply io Dr. SeaynA—Dear Str II .trig wed your Com- 3 D LP.ECII & Co. Proprietors pound , y rep or Wad Che ry Ag e nt, extenaiely us any i Canal Basin, Pittsburgh eDoctor lIARRIA & LEECII, Proprietors r -ti-,. -- "q""" '' Y nur 3 No 11 South Third tweet Philadelpt. ',atelier to express my or intiin in writing of its . JO TAYLOR & SONS, Agee.. properties as a remedial a ent, I most' checrlully I No 111 Nonh Howard street, Baltimore comply, as I feel , by so di ing,l will discharge a 1 W It WILSON, Agent, debt Bowe the connounity at large, and Phyinceina ' .105 No 7 West sweet, New York in particular. As much .11 demst Quack Item. P ITTSBURRII PORTABLE' B. LINE. dies and Potent hin.trum., I waa induced Hein ..,..._./ a us=o, a failure of the 111031 potent eSpectOrinla. mem- 1847. AP:WM mended in nor mite,. niedica to seine cases of I rA 0 7 1I e ..„ rin , ii .. iioirt . mion. „ ...... p m.b. Dimased Loogs, to try your preparation el Prunus V * Ault Me &Ironic eines. avoiding transhipments on Virginia or Wild Cherry. It .sufkmentlosay that' the x a). and the consequent risk or deli)', diunage, I was so much plermed with the result of that and wen.. mid reparation or roaia au wig.. trials that I now ereacrik. it in peeloe enee le till other Remedies where an expectorant is 130 =DOE k CASII indleated In the much dre ided Pneumonia or 10 L_':y Market steam. Philadelphia, TAAFFE & O'CONNOR Disease of the Longa, In thejalanning form in which I Cor /'-on and Wayne ars, Pittsburgh 0 CHSISOR S. Co Nonh street, Baltimore / Ag ,,, th , 1 ri appears In Kentucky, I regard it a. an teraluable 1 Remedy in the treatment of that disease 'Pe all %V &J T TAP:id/TT, 75 South H. IS Y. 1 who know sae 1 bate said ariugh, hot as this may 1 Foceuroged I•y rnereured business the Proprietors be seen by Fent,. out of the viclotty of Frankfort,' have , atilei ,, i g io , t!leir: , ock and exte o nted ,u 2l4e n ni m arra . nit o e r. 1 will briefly add, that li bate been ergoged in au 1 m e nds d o wn' .." , ., 1 7, , ,,,, , ,7„:z.. n m p, .. h ~.„,,,.,,, . ..d active practice of In, profealnon el 12 y cars,.. am I ,`'''' "' 1 ra p t) otter line Their long experience 33 Carnet, a Regular Graduate of Tr.*, Hama, and 0.. the th,,,,,, ti g,., or th ,. p ort , tht ., 110 . 1 y,.,,,,, i Grit Patent Medicine I eved thought enough of to mid • the great commit) and convenience of the wore hearer lit each end of the line, ace pi—La/arty caleule espress an opinion to writing J H. Eixasoir M 0 led le, enable the proprietors to fulfil their engagements Jonuary Ith, 11M7 Franklin cpunty, hv arid krl•mioo." l7 U.' , n ''' F '''‘ ..— "' • "' l6 '.° l l.ffi•r'ng ,i, i0.,-, the poet 35 a guararit) for the into', they mowed., ' ''''''''' II" ,fan ' r Y 7— ' • c r y it n continuance of that patronage which they now The above certificate 15 i tem flee of our Ph) 'al- rryit , ~„0 , ,,,,,g , mans living a rew miles from here, be to doing g very All enusionnierwoo faun & O'Councir will be reed good practice, and is considered a good Physician. and forwarded Steamboat chafe. paid or d Bilis of and Hands fat r, he is, as he Says, a regulargrailuate Ladino tranweitied free of any charge for C 0113,315510, Dn. W. I. t lIIITCHen, advancrog or storage (laving UO interest directly or Um el oti , Ap o u teowy. indirectly 3n n an ny be the interest of the n onor. molt necessarily • be the. primary object i shipping Tntsmonials to/Tomer &we. past and they pledge themselves in forward all amid. From the Temperance Pledge 'eat to them prompily and no the most adv..- Now that Winter is upon us with its atiendau gene terms to he owner. train of Pulmenic and BronChiel atlcetions Coughs _March I. it 47 mart Colds, Ac &e ,1...• .o‘dd tidTls3 those aftlicteJ tar INDEPENDENT poqtTABL E. , us th way to Make lalialedla 3 Ina] 01 Dr, Sanynee Compound Syrup of IVild Cherry . It will serer - BOAT LINE. tail in pert. rut a permanent cure The reputation 484 7, maw s of 0 , ....d..,- h.. c.. " .. V .P..u.....i'd'' off I pr. let A NSPORTA nos OP rttouuck. td Ire P"l°," under le " '', h" ". Pre""'"'" Nll AIERCIIANDISE TO AND FROM PITTS of Dr . Sway., besides be rag the hrst ever ollere HUMOR, PHILADIaI.I•IIIA AND HAI:MORK le the public. la De only m e that can he rebid rin i t 11.7. Without frondernient _ t al 'rho other ratSlure gold or Wild ( . 3,9 by nip, Good*consigned lootirc•re will he forwarded woh Balsams, &e . are all spurious mid wortlden. and out dda) 31 the !oxen torrent rate, Bilis of I.nafing nuntaltPnonn 01 th e ittrtUP3 of the original prepiro, ir r attsi o nr . d , i at ~.0„. . .......,.. pr0 7 ,15. ,.., .., : i . .,., , .. two, Dr . I wayne a ii ompound .rup el Wild h ki , , ,..., O H , 4,,,,'',. 1 .7 . : . °1,,,..ngt, 1 "1.n . c., *"" Cherry. ' From the Springfield Express. Of the thousands of purported curative nostrums I . STORAGE now before the public, but very few are lound to llnvite a very large and(ismmoihous warehoure, possess the healing viatica tor which they are ir. ;we are prepared to receive I &Minton to heft tor commended. Amon,: the latter we are pleased to I yfiTmeni/ v larger .t Pt duce, &.....810.p .1 learn none stand a better feet than Dr. Swavne's • ...rate. _ Imam; (3 A MeANULTV /*. Co Compound Syrup 01 Wild Cherry. The att4eil . PICKWORTII its. CO'S LIRE. in the vicinity are beginning to use it,.and to Men.„ligg iß lAqi 1847. im a m joy they find in its use their hopes hosed upon its recommendations more than realised. 'Chi. iiillicted lUNCLUSIVELY for the tramp...in of SS AY need not date. While t here is Idle ; there now is • J 12.4 EREIGIIT between Pittsburgh, Blairsville,Juhni h./.. - i town, ilollalayaburgli, Water Street, Pietersbargh toil A CAUTION TO THE PUBLIC. , all nom mediate planes rUSince the introduction of my article to the I One IS?.H . 7 . ll , l g lea c v , c e i n h , .. i , , , l i a .rl y reb e o n u e se y o , f .. ....t ., Al; A n ii . l . iy „ public, there have a number of unprincipled Ind. ! . 1 "4„. ‘ ",‘ ; :, ; .,,,,Z;., ; „' n ,,. ; ; ; ',`, their '',„"J,, (or. vtduals got up nostrums which they assert coolant : warded without delay end at fair rate, Wild Cherry, sonic are called .. Balaams,"..linters,. i Th . Lose war formed for me special ere...odio s ', and even Syrup of Wild Cherry, but mine it the of 10,- ire). besmear, •nd the proprietors rerpeetfoliy original and only genuine preparation ever introdu rube.: a liberal share of patronage. ten to the public. which can be proven by the ;nib. 1 Propnclm. Ji.IIN PICKWORTH JOHN MILLER lie Records of th e Commonwealth ofd ennsylvania ~,,, I , 8 ,,,,,, - Rom , w oof , The only valerian! against imposition is to see that . WILILA al IT l.rt . my signature 14 1111 each bottle. yrillN alli.l.l:R. imilida; %burgh 1 • DR. 11. SWA V NE. , II It CANA(S. Jr:Mums:it A gems Prepared only by Dr. H. Sways's, at his Priam. I C A APANIALTS & Co, Pittsburgh Pal Office ' corner of Etat, and EV.: Streets. IitrICRICI/ .... l'hiladelphia. All Wild Cherry preparations tieing I ,i,., i M l v Doti... Jan Packer, Rohm Moore, Dagalej fictitious and counterfeit without has sognature, I.- ' ll.l '''' P.l .rgb. mare. Fur sale in Pittsburgh wholesale end retail by I LAKE ERIE IND MICHIGAN LINE. wm. THORN, 53 Market street. 1 ,,e a c-eam. OGDEN & SNOWDEN, corner _sail & Wood sta. I . 1 11- _=.... - 1847. . - gaiwit S. JONES, IN) Liberty street, I •1 slits Line bring romp:pert of 10 esinhants Lake Erie Sold also hrJ slitchell. Allergliany f'ity; Cop!. J, nai l at i eh,,, r o e nmg da r t, t a .,,,,,,, 1.,,,,,r, u , g r, Carna & Co.,'Btler; Wearer ,l Ilvederson, Sler.. and Una, er,.and nright awl pureeing. Canal Ilruna, eve; Norman Calendar, Aleadville; J H Bonsai & running home. Beaveaand Ivo, and coi.occorig wit hCo, Erie; ACKensie & Kaskell, Cleveland; 'mei. I'C SI. Reed's Line of Steamboat Propetierf and Vessels & Son, Columbui. MilPr, Brownsville. Marsh. an 6 1 I.."‘"''lrln he p""" . .. d :,P 11 . I '. ' .I II I. ” ° Pe.' Wheeling, Va aE II Hinman, Cincinnati, Brownsville-, Dr : g,,..„N';,,1,':,V,J,T,, , „,1 r..gt,Z.1....-I.^. E Easterly & Co., St. Louis; J S Morns & Cu , I ars., every facility foricanveying.freighi andpain Louisville, Ey ; Andrew Oliver & Co., New Or.; 'engem with pronipmbes and disparela thetor leans. a rfi I and *owe respectfully witch from thou friend..nd he public generally Mau patronage. C St REED, Erie, Proprietor REEDS. PARKS &Co, Beaver, A,. I JOHN A CAUGHEY. rittalr'gb do COI 4onithfiskl,and Waters... opposite the Mononga yawls Douse. STANTON'S EXTERNAL. REMEDY, CALLED. HUNT'S LINIMENT, - Fs now universally acknowledged to be the IN. I..FALLIBLF. REMEDY for Rheumatism, Spo nal Affections, Contraettons of the Muscles, Sore Throat and Quinsy, Issues, Old Ulcers, Pains in the Back and .l'hest, Ague in the Breast and Face Ache, Sprain., Bruise. , Salt Rheum, Burns, Croup. Frosted Feet and all Nervoua Diseases. The TRIUMPHANT SUCCESS which has at tended the apulicalmn or this most %WONDERFUL MEDICINE in curing the nowt severe ruses nr the different Dues-cir above named,—and the lIIUII ENCOMIUMS that hare been bestowed upon it, wherever it has been introduced. gives toe the right to call on the AFTLIC mu to resort at once to the ONLY REMEDY THAT CAN BE RELIED ON. o"`The faculty unite in recommendmg the (cle ated External Remedy, Dont'. Liniment. The following letter from the highly miner t Physicians who hare been attached to the Mount PlOsant Stale Prison for many years, 15 the best evidence or the value of this celebrated Liniment. Sten Smo, December 26, 1545. My Dear Sir—l received your note of yesterday, asking my opinion in relation to Hunt's Liniment, as prepared by Mr George E Stanton. Knowing its composition, and having frequently used it, I can recommend it to you as a safe Eater.' Reroe• dy,and m my opinion, the host Lininient now in use, Very truly and respe , ztf; : fl ii vatr b s iA N. Col Pierre Van Cortlandt, Croton Manor. I fully concur in the above opinion. W Pi BELCIIEH VURZTOWI,I3s. 14, 181.3. Sir—ln reply to your letter, I would my that I hare tined )our External Remedy, called Hunt's raiment, in my practice since you made me or qutinted with its composttion, and untwist tabugly my thaXl believe-it-to be the best External Heine dy now in use fur the complaints for WhlCii )int re commend it. Yours respectfully, IiENJ D MILLER, AI. Geo E Stanton, En!. From the N Y Sun. I•Aso2ng the ma.o of worthless articles and humbugs thatare poured forth at the present day upon the counwy, it is really refreshing to Mid something of real practical utility, something son pie, speedy end effectual mits operation, acd ct the same time Iree from those motion. mice. which generally attend powerful remedial. Hunt's Liniment, pcepared by Geri. E Stanton, Sing, though it has been but a short nine berme the public, li a already obtained the conlidaice, mit only of our roost wealthy and influential citizens, hut our most eminent phytecions. All at knoi.l. edge it lube a sovereign balm fur nutty in; the ins that flesh is heir to, soothing the aching limb, by its genuine stinau:attng trillumire,batiohieg d. ease tram the system. Mr. Stantun—Sir—S eing your adt..rti.en,..,,t oh Hunt's Liniment, I was induced to try its ell, is on my EMI, 1111110 lied been enppled with n Imior back from an infant; Ind it is with gratitude I testimony to its wonderful healing ftroperid, thild,.who is now tiro >it argot age.. non lit a : way ufhecovery, Yuen, see DEMMON CNIC:h Eltlol\ POST OFFIrk, TOWN Putnam C.. I eerily tlut I am personal] . ) acipositi 111 the above named child, and think the lo her we .•d be sale in saying that his son Is nlronst =WZI . . Nriv 5, IBIS. Deputy Pon Al aaei. S. I would also state that I hare Larit h.. a number of year. sub act to frequent attach. 13i 1 ,e• Itheumatiam, which in many instsneet prarerird my attending to my business. Too or throe at.;•to catkins of the Liniment invariably remoae all il• feetions of the kind. In eases of totiors, .pr... op .omo, too numerous to mention, It has in this *amain * reined, It. cal , ,e r rn ca*. surfcsi 'the • I ;P: - .; a Co. : a I A it tt. u O.l.l":l"rSituiremi t ASPINWALL, oGWtriisw uthz,'. Unless addressed to hoe dt Sing Sing; N• Y; be at:ended to. GEORGE E STANION, Proprietor. For sale in Pittsburgh by L WILCOX, Jr. an I J KIDD.6s Co. Allegheny eity,JOHN SAP( p.r.T Itionlngharn,JOHN SMITH. Lady I Lailiesliifies, Pro aiihnishad, IVhen you know that you are promised A natural, life.lite, snowy white, That tnn a!P still use common chalk , r And tank naleathly yellow fright, The theme of laughter and of talk. If you woulda too of JONI'S Lilly-white, it would give your skin no statute, yet natural white. and at th e Nine s kin e hale clear and improve -It , Sold at /ACM:. thpS, N Liberty at. Price ith Seats per hos. ys YOU PUSILLANIMOUS tICIMUNIMINL VVr ' t ' stlitn)f . f: k el yank at at your rolen;plyed with eruptions and blotches! Yet you me al b mean to glee nfty cent. Or a cakeof the great Italian Chemical Soap, whieliwould eritthely free too from them, and =kayos:, yelfosli' skin dear and healthy, Go alum: to Jackson's Bare, EU Pinstruh,andut &cake. N B J•Ckleal is the catyplace Plyts6orgh where' the OENUlNESeteheottelited. Beware of Counter fella • .11708SERYEtke Big Boot man& in the doorway. TRANSPOI=ION M_Uo .-UUltiSkOit'rATlON LINES Faits- .i.471111142,' PICBMWSLVASIA CANAL 4.,ILAILHOAD EKPIEES FAST PACKET I=l=l ag.rx ft To Wheeler, Crocker & Co, New York lieo Davis, Buffalo E N Parks & Co. Cleveland J. A Armstrong & Co. Detroit ' McClure & Aldwaar ie Bristol & Porter. Chicago Wm Powers, Powercroarn, Penn. lieu Altwhelmyre, Eva:Wong& Penne John Ma Arthur, Huntstown, do Wick & Acker, Grennirille, do Craig & Prmnptan, Clarksville. do llaks & Plumb, Sbarpsburgh, Pa. • W C Minn, Sharon. do .R AC ConTochant New Castle, do rourft RELIANCE \ PORTABLE BOAT LINE. )847. FUtt rktoorS.,OIITING 'FWEEN PITTSBURGH AND THE EASTERN SIMS, tyrillOtre Illene llpNtoT. r iMlF.smproved method of earry log used he his long I Established''Line, is now so welt known that de. I,llption is unnecessary. Goods are not toadied on the lOU.,.thus all traushiptnent Oren handling is saved Tbel bloats are of light draught and perform them trips froni sit US of ays. The capacity of our Warehouses enables us to store any. caw/rumen. Made Receiving,slosing, and vnces free of charges. Being fulti prepared us make vale s of p e ,d„ respectfully ,1101101{. ‘ connnenns of weviern Flour, Bacon, Lard. Butter, Cheese, WoohFeathers, and other Nelms for sale, on which liberal edvances will In made and other usual Willits, •forded, pledging out... selves' that any business entrusted no us shall be as promptly ...teemed and. upon as fair terms'as by any other JNO AIWA ODES fa Co • Canal Basin, Pittsburaha • JAS Al L/AVIS &Co 2411 and 251 Markel an, Malaita J. S. DIiCKEY, FORWARDING h COMMISSION MERCHANT, End Beater Point and Bridgewater, • ...... COUNTY, re., Proprietor and Arent of airmen LAKE ERIE AND MICHIGAN. DAILY SANWA,. PITTANII44II AND RUTIN, WILL be peepared on earliealopenengoleanal nay. ig.lion to receive property at •bee, wharfboator waretu•e;fier all polo. on Erie EXICII.IOII, Can, and Oaio Canal, for all porn. on Lake Erie and upper Laker, as alw to torward produce, ke.by hilprovcments. Apply 10 or irledtillf JAS ruculy, Iteav, PITTSBURGH & CI . .EVRT.ADID 1846.- &ilia .11 Cterkr. 11 limps. T. h ehmond A. Co. CLARKE - 4 CO.; Vorniarding A. Commission Mertesntsr BEA VRR. PA. • THE Ago,. and Proortelom of tht• I.ine No favor. ably known to the prepared on the eartist' openom of canal otavtganon rec....camp arty al Pittsburgh and !leaver, and deliver the same at any /nut,. the Ohio canals, and also on Lakes Erie and Abchtgan, wnh the greatest deopatch and ni rams.. on•ole meg. The proproetors of thn linetoilet: (tie Imitates , of th an former customers Walt confidence, Ituowmg 11.1 (Ilea fathl•ne• areaecond to none. Apply to or address Ii N lIARTON, Agt, Pittaburgh. CLARKE A. C0../teaver. jan2tl T lUCJIMOND fr. Cr TO TUE' PUBLIO. TIF. Botrineu's Voluble Boat tlom putt' being dia -1 wolired, the Company again went into ankle. of Co pannendlip under the name of the "Bosoznen'. Liner' and likeenwe agreed to refit the Litock soma to have a number 'of Doom for the purpose of carrying Roods bough in foots wiz to eight days,ith eertwinty—and feel encouraged by the libereley o w f the, m .k„ ~,nereereoethe arrangements for the ell. seine year. therefore respectfully solicit acantina izur.rore,•nd reknit new monomers • • • - AV 4.71g' ..1,{. ; .% Ver 7 . VILA Ain Know .. A n Bono& ....*_1.11& Co, • k Co, , vitt 141.4 Finadelphic A, GEL. &Co. Aunts, REFERENCES' PrfTEDURan Al eCony..Marian & Co W McCully:Cc Co Fit. II A Vainpaon & en, Al, Allen &Co, PIMA DELPIII A—Morrii Pancr•on k Co, Reynold* McFarland2 Co, Fleming t Iloahl , p e e r Boa. J BI rham, Joseph Giati. NEW . ORK—Goodhue lc Co, Theo. Percy A Co. BOPTON—Raed..llord & Co. _SNCINNATI—Adams k Creagh; W W &arbor pLEASANT, VA—P A.Alathier. NAPIWILLE—F Fleming., • Non—AU aserchandiee (mm New_Vork and Boron, eonNgaed to A L. Gerhart &Co, Ploladelphia, will be orrnptly&rwarded fire of coanniaaion. febls I=e9lll ELDER, GEL!, ; Lateen at colt Piaui* Expreu,te THE Canal belng now open, the hove MrPeesc which ban been es owwcy ante or valuable packoges of amo;chandiae, specie. bank notes;jewedy, d o , tom . wowed taming on Thosaday, March IS. An [non enso will be dispatched laity until the clot of the eannlingseawn, Appf y, D I.EF.CIII inchlb ' Poems anJ Canal ;Bieevr. - ase Illosurszo PACKET 'FOR . • • 1. IEIZAVEIto The new... splendid 'warner BEAVER. , Copt.Chatles Hoops, commences brr regular trips this deo, leaving Pitts burgh at lifeetoeki . a.Y..ani Bt.!, •110CIOCI, I . oenneeting with Pittsburgh and Cleveland Line of Cad nal Baais daily to Cleveland. O. ; Bearer, Warm. and Cleveland Lille of Canal Packets end Stage Collettes daily to Wens' and Cleveland, Cann' Paeitet Lions so New Caul. and Gieenville, Pa; tine PAtension Line to Meadville and Eve NUL:Bowe A Co's Lines of Singe Coaebet for Clrveland and Wooster. leave Boa ter daily on the arrive! of steamboat Beaver bow Plusburgh Apply tn O M BARTON A CA, Pitti.boralt ante CLARKE & Co. Beaver UNION CrfiE, 1847. - OH THE IIIIIIITLTONI• aral OHIO CanaLa, BErWEEN !PITTSBURGH AND CLEVELAND. N PARKS R. Co, Cleveland, 0 ) R G PARKS,.Reaver. Pa. Propneton.. VV T MATHER, Pmeburgh, Pa. TIIE above Llne to now fully prepared to Gown,: Freight atul PaGengers from PAGlArrnh and Clcve. land, to any pointon the PennAylvanta A MD and 00.3 Ca nala. The fheilitiei of mid Line are ant equalled by any on said Canals. in numbers and ea,metty of Lk,m. expe rience of C•ptains. and promptiier, of Agent, a, One Boat leave. Pittsburgh and Cleveland dal') roil. tuna in eonnecLon with the Steamers. Michigan and Laie Erie, lunette. Patmurgh and Ream; and a ,Ltne of first class Steamboats, Propel• leo 1, Brigs and Schooners, on Lakes Fne, nut., MI . " It n pt . 7.l l n— forZtled to any part of the Coign with despatch E N PARRS& Co, Cleveland, A gm. REED, PARKS & Co, Beaver. Agt‘ W T RIATHER. Pittsburgh, Agt ap2l I Cor Water and SmithLeld nrem SUMMER ARRA!POEBIENTS. S 4 7 MONONGAHELA ROUTE, ' VIA. BROWNSVILLE: AND CUMBERLAND TO BAL TIMORE AND PHILADELPHIA Tone to Bklitaiore ..... • • ..... •• • .lb! hours. Time to Plnladelphta 40 .. [Only 73 Miles Staging.) rp lIE oplenJul and fast running locomen. Colon'. Lou. I is McLane and Swatara, have commenced tnoking double daily trips. Our boat will leave the Mumma, I be wharf veri morning mei:lndy at a o'clock.— rawenger• b • tbe =ruing line will ammo in Bahamian neat evening in time for the Philadelphia Mad float, the Bail Rood c rs. The evening Bunt will Icar the wharf doily t 4 o'clock, egeept Sunday.. Pn.st neer. by tint head will lodge onboard, in minima lite 'stair rooms; leavelßrournsville 'next morning at 6 n'elnek; crow Inc mountains inday Lehi; sup and lodge in Cale berland. This+avoiding night Havel abogethec The preparations on Crisman. are mole. end the connection complete; so lb.. dieappoonMentes or delays will lin on known upon It. Pessengeri , can -Op on Ilse mule and reason.. their seaw again n pleasure, and have and of Rail Road or Stemetionibetween Baltimore and Philadelphia Coaches ctiancied in twin.. in tr o n a ' as m c y d cso ,, Semite your tickets at the office.Monniicalteln Ilutoe, oral Charles lintel. • J AiESNIAIEN rebid TO CLEVELAND via. WAIMEA". -.! 1847. EirztiMi TIMM:WI IN 514 110111 IS. P ACKET Swallow and Telegrnith IJrn• •r daily. at 3 o'clock P Y, ufier the arttval of the mooning Bow from husburgh. and arrive ut Wnt , ^n '" time foe the Mail line of Stake., which leave Mllll,il - thereafter. and arrive at Cleveland at 3 o'n lock, r Tins nevit, is the 'nom eiordaion, and roonfortaLle one to the Lakes. COTES A. LEFFINI: %V ELI. War rt.. I'mpr , REED, PARKS A. Co, Ile over, Awn.. JOIIN A CA EGO F:l% corm, Woletuod Smithfield •s ugly OppriFitothr Mosungshe'a I Ino.e I'itt•hurßh PITTSBURGH AND GREENVILLE 1847„ LTL-P • PACKET AND rREIWIT I.l\ l. I.sue conpiole, uf ra.engr, Pad. etP, will nen a•gularl) thinag Per irrlwrett Beaver •antl rzetiv wls Irright us,•l px• wnget the rs Ketween wlll Kr car ried roi nit: I • lowrlA WICK .4. ARCUEIL Greenville, Art. CRAIG & FRANIVION, t'lnrkv../ 4.e, 4, . MeFARLAND Mg Rend, .1.. DAYS& PLUMB Slutepounel.. W C MALAN. `heron , tVM. - REED, PARKS Reny., JOHN A CALI:REV. rpm,- Water untvm..111.....1 ar/Gly Oppnelle the Monongitheta lout, CITIZENS PORTABLE BOAT LINE. jagial' 18.47. MVP Von THE TnariseonTat lair or AM HINDS I.)F AIERCIIANDISP.Tri AND Philadelphia, Dalii.noia, Nei*. York and Boston. THE encoumgement ling has rectos,' ioirc its commencement, hay induced the proprie tors to muerte the stock by adding number class boats; and tertend orgiving receipts us hereto fore as 'gents. we will giveour own receipt, to: freight slopped by this line. • The ',hate :Ire :Al ihtstable.eoneeha c htlt f e. ht is taken the whole abidance without transbnionesd, thereby preventing damage from frequent 'noodling on the route, and as each. boat is owned by the Captain who runs Rein, which is a sullicie t guar stare that there will bt no delay on the route. All Produce or Merchandine consigne to the undernigred will be fortvarded F lIEE OF COM. MISSION. for advancing and forwarding, a d .ill be i shipped without delay et the lowest it, id freight We renpeetfully ...licit a share rd . / whin. pate.,.nage. WALLINGFORD & C , Canal Basin, Pitts urgh. CRAIG, HELLAS Ss C .. Agt. Broad Street. Philad phis. J F MILLER, Agent Bewley's Wharf. Bulb n ore. Pittsburgh. Feb. IF, 11347, .1846 AND 1c47 • TO THE EAST BY NOriONGABBLA ROUTE VIA DROWN:IVILLE /c man.: .dersi v ied are nowpared lo forward pro 'd/1. uce, &e., Id, r 3lar pre kew dor.og etwu Ole' Winter, on Ow Most favorable :eroa, by eorw ditions route. All pmperty conutaned to us will be forwarded at thr louvre, rates and ve/th deoputeh. leraband:oc reived by this mute pro:m.l,s fur warded. i C DWF:I.I., Ag't . P.El.l.4ruu. W CASS. Brous . ..vine. I nov27 EGERTON & Co,Cuentu•rlood 184(1 AND • 1547 - '- __________ A L TO THE EAST By BALTIMORE AND • OHIO RAILROAD. Td ace to Behemoth, by the Alotantgaheia rtlark wait, at the foliOWlng preces.— Ashes, Bacon. Run, Lead. Lard, York, Tallow, Whiskey. Cheese, • cd Glass—s% cll. per Ito lbs Tobacco, Getup, Flo and.Wheal—Ple per WU ll.s Ashes, (Pot, Apples, Cheese, Flat-Reed, , Glass, and Leather-108c. per 100 Ws Oils, Skim :Seeds, oth per Inn lbs. Recast - at. Feathers, Furs, Gotheng, sod rtnalte•Root —MI no. pet RIO lb*. AD property constgned to either of the mote/maned will be forwarded wtihout de lay, free of Coaem.ss,on. at above rates. W ll CLA RE. Ihntatesville II ANNA tr. WATERMAN, Putsburgh. 'rota:ill/ • . . NOTICE. - - - PREIG1111:112.4 and o.ben vr..lng LttOU have. Ear Brick. to.luce. .. bght to th.a ply ce from r r.trobestvolle and interrnedrati• Inridong.,can make aangement.. by calllng on ow, 115 I bass a Boat running reaularlybotween Pittwhorgh nod ete.notnvolle. ULU. B. NIII.TENBERIII.:H, )a..41 Steamboat Again, 56 Water 'PPE Steamboat HARLEM re, aired and refined in handsome style end now at the Monongahela .adapt Le is improved she is well adapt et! for carryisg fretght and passengers; or bar towtng; flu great capacity and power. Any pemott dispolt a t o purchase will of course inspect her, .a.propose Jensc, tor 041 C Or mo, pram in) tool Works; and on man of energy •81 d ho.inen. hat.. they offer grPal advantages I Coll formai either on ask or charter, my tow hoot ••Alliakl." Ire can' also hare on Mir terms air barges, three nem and two coal batoms, sixteen cars with rope, Platoon. A..„ rondo tor full operations An eantinnetoot of ihe e tablishoent is invitd. Persons dmposed totge, with' on reference to any of the above pa:neuter may attires. me at my Othee in flunrt's sl. in...argil:or at Itarlein.lll,l Nlotiongoltel. etly .arm fllttel. IRD TIIF: TRUTH, BY Al EN OF' f sFILLFAIN' vtifl %111AIBI:. A gle atal producing wooder.'.—lteu.l the ioau,tnr from the lirv. I.lVaLefield, l'a.nur of Liberty'l. NI 1., Church: • Plil.burgb. March `,. l•IZ. Ma tt.r. Seiler, It a from a new,: of ditty, ts. well tv, with seat plea•ore, that I Lear te,,,,,,,,,,,,, ~,,,,r e ,, „, of year )u.tly celebrate,' Vertuilage I procure,' n Inner &dr. awl gave ,I to Ilore of lay abaci/ea who ha,' been 111 for aeveral weclo, The video wsp, i year. oil, the nest four. nod Ihr )„„„c„., „ m i t . .„ month, Th. first pa.re,l lirty••ig worm., the sect, ~.I forty seer, sod the third a colmideral,:a autober ot 4t•totetly recollected. Stove the. the, have Leen ~9 te welt, •od•re 110 M ill gond health _ .. troort.renpectfally, S IV •i FiltLu IMIUMM=I Mr. It K It is with ;rent pleetruhr I would Inform you of the gr../ ellerts pmdureil on rny.sois of four )etroi of ale, by your Airily. celeliruted Vernitog.. After hio having errnvulsions, I gave him three duo, arhoir he paned on almostineredftutile number, Iraniwhich time his general heultli bat been ;mirrored. From tie Rev Cherie" Cuolte, die Methodist Firo copal Vlartehr Dereothir 14. 1,41 Mr. It. 1 , .. I gave n hula daughter Abet w gen three and .(or jean old( three dares of lour 'emu/kluge, according to prescripliou, with the happwat succr,p. The number of aroma repelled I do non know picot., p bar it was large. She ts now in poraeraion of pond health. I think the medicine Only be cudded wail great unredrvednew. C Coo., As this Versullnixottat never been known to fail it t ^hen Worms actually existed, eaten,. lusss‘-e---- to all other* ‘rliS, between :41 bonlir giro it in r Pmpated and arAl byHI: nd ad, on Wood meet. l'or tale by Dr..Caml. Flab Ward, • For the Phial., nAuturs BUSINESS DIREC • t t Y. FIND Efitrittlehl mEacanners AND Alin •tltthel I TC REM% 8.0.-7 he undersigned beggiare in in. 11mm the eiderus,merchants, milaufiretuter, , or 'Ultimate, Pliilideiptiia. New York. suit rtheieuiern towns and eines, that Mr. Lewis C. Lerbapeile. lie agent, will call on ahem in a fewdaYsw ben, cards, adverusernents, he , tors blue... and vet) useful Directory. now preparing lilt p.Llinumt,and they will please subscribe end requite a troth that will be very useful They rut pay los Anna , •d -value, or when the work is delirv A iJ A . HAKKIS Err Rules n Papyri will please copy We tante , : my 24, LOUR4nun ro GCO ti 109;.. ., by pliityoProa;kit,thiliarn.7l, -COTTON:MS , STAR OOTTOW — M IL L, f Near the Upper Brid,ga....illeaberty City THE: Proptletora of the_ tar Conon ory full) Ittforrn It/rind:lw that they are now Cott/penman. Havana employed the Ileff , flC. 0: 11. 1% Bdrne, a. Manager. who hat , had an expert...a of 10 years in the irrrnetpal Factories of Allegheny Pay. they would loran. Merchant. , aml Drelerent genma. that they will elan). ha.tre-ott hand .en-rinr t'uotot 1 anis oi all Nos .flatttnp, Warm,. and 1t0...en Mu,ttn. of mtpcnor make. , N Co N It --Orders Ira at rho MIL or at 11: , ..t0te of My. era. timer & Co., IS- (Alm ty .trret. w.,i be prompt') attendnl to. • mel.tratlin - N V & Co EAGLE COTTON WORKS. • PITTSBURG 11. MAN u rAcru RE cum IN YARN. Candle-Wick, IlAtling, Twine, Coverlet YARN, CA RPPT CHAIN, WARPS, dc. tcy , KING. PENNOCK A Co iSaceewri of Atburklep&Ave9..) jut . / 'Propnelol. PENN COTTON MILL. Pill's/3011GB, PA. gni P. Shove egtakhrhment beibe" now in .necessful op,nuon. we are manofactunag very catalpa:rely. trade,ncl of heav een:ter, well adopted loth.. rem! t a/I,h for Lean y and quality cannot he eatoilad hy any other snake to the country. The talent:on ..1 so:.eited to an trtrunaron. 6.141.1... Awn ftS a t'n IfE'I)ICAT. „I,'CHilvi_zr ~..,, ----, , b-• . ..._-.- ..-,.„ ~... ";' (r 11.11EUIll ATISM AND ALI. NERVOUS COMPLAINTS. , t V ha shuttl . the .171 may not 1•e eaylnwol, se the, &cr. a duly :acertined, Len not deluAut, pre re f utLee, or pride, Induce tuunk/ud to incan% aside Means which Lilo' simple, um by Ileavvb 41e$Isii'd To iillrviatr ills of Inman kind." DR. CHRISTIE'S CALVANIC RINGS AND ?HAG- NuTic n.tm). . Trentarkahle inrent,on. winch has received the 1 universal approhnhon 01 the medical profevtam et Great Urilo,u , comprises an entirely new appllcurionot Galvanism, n• a remedial&gent, by means of whit h the ordinary Ga l vartlCilanenrtl, Elect ne and neriet sc donut. he., art...unruly dispensed wall. acid no rou• power of Galvanism fipphsd ohm. art> at the r olgaroti which are ...el ...Tide teem the general mode now noat ue• The strong dot •t. and irregular interehts tn whtch Galvanism is alp hr the 3luelnries„has been pronounced. niter a t nd in:partial trig!, U. he decidedly enjuriour and a sau it.remedy this radical de. feel unit tins new appheattori was projee,ed, which, af. ter uttecastug mil and perse ance, been brought to present state of pt are amt The Goleants king. an`wer ell thu purpote• 0( the most expensive 31n eltines, and tr. many oilier revert+ are more safe and certain it, errant phtlnne the 'ldepered effect. The Galronie Rings nerd i connect:on with the Ma,- roan, Flood. n, confidently erominesnled tti all dike , dors tr/trell arise from on en re.54/1 or unhsoWty Mau of Ole nefftoll.l Or rival system. and these emnpl.iints are antongtherno-I pumnd and imiversal winch we are tulneet. They arise. Wltitoll eaccpuou, liont one ....- pie calor—a derangement of the Nervous stern— and,as tn. these cases that other — remedies' having 011,11 w faded. a new agent woos greatly needed. which a is confidently hrlieecd. 441 been found in the pro:e r and jutheitios applicutari or Galvanism. The Galernir Rillgo butte hem, used with enure Bur- It y t all eaaes of ItnanntAtissc, acute or chronic, op. nq to the bead, turn or !MAIN Gout. nc-tioknsnm., nottiathe. Bronchitis,. Forego. p:rrrons or Sirk Ileadadte, Irblivrthar, Pareayrrs. Palss Epilepsy, Fib. Cratttp, Palpiratien of are Heart. Apoplexy, Sallof /ORO, Spinal Camila... Lora/raga, ryeuestigia, Nervous 7y..mart, Destierus of the Bind. po.n in Mr Choi attif General Debility. Defreie+ ey btf 2Verrous ...net Physical En ergy and nil NERVOUS 1)11 , 0810.:Iltr.t. In eases or ronfintred D)ttaupt,a, wh,cb . souply a nervous de angrmrul of die dige , itre oramu. they have been round equally sueretshi 'filet( un, aord.nart etre... upon Ina*. wonersud to he believed. and as eermon prevemme. tor the preceding monplamta tar) are moan; recOminanded. Raugs ate of differentln mee.l,eing made o nll •Ixeg. and of various ornm mental pattern...and can he worn by the most deloram female without the %halite.* :nconvenience. In Inc I. the d rather nameable than othervrim. =SZtal= tiei,klaccg, &c. • I'uuttur C. 114, 1, u(a verevevere riaracteJ, and along tattdotd. fife power applied II the Gala:one Rthr , th .ththelelll arreat the. pro,retut or da,and and ono:noel, mato, Ikon!, The llllproved nandifiratton off the Gnlaoate Henn. 13racalets, Se.. ettorely•tem, no• olotteldno tiny drgrtle of plMet lInI I. rea, red can readily be oldatord, and nu cotr.piado winch the fa, -otrinat• a,teol or I:Ilia:toom tan f or e °, will dad tu 1.. permanerol) reheard, amen, are adult tad to Oat Wlthl. ton, nora‘ta, lota, uncle, or nay 'tart la the b0dy...v.10 pt rreet aortae wooer. The Galvanic Ner k are fa.ral lanai atrater benefit to canes tat llottaelt,o• to adet Lunn of Ilooto arner.ofy; ulau Iu ra.e• Ne(aftn• Gata..e, Wlth anon, uattfoon prevent,, fur A popirx y, Fpdeptta Fat, and .toodift.consp.o.nn._ -•- • Chribtieits alluTuctic Fluid .rd 111 c n. onnecuon wolr ,be Gelyun:: Itulgf the. r modthealta. 1 ID. • r,•.t.01p I a• I. ti 1 , 1.• /10U . 11•1, 11, Fre or.ll • • c.:IIcno•I MMMIIMIRE mince tampon ni the intlueMe. 0: (I,e imitt diatmee, giving t p!tinanent idler No nth, n4a, nn o chernmir, [nowt., produce the some eirget. or In 'lmmo similar property in Me itervinci mem, of au outward Itical application. 1 lie agiume Fluid contain* nothing cupotile of the alovy; opplicannti ameable. and it i di , action a• limp-11mM i M n is ieFii it i Ft, r t ;itt and ieetiima act nn.,ny it T;,, 0, in Inn way periecily h.,' to kar,the) are.id at price , ignipti the igneh of and the *docove,r only regursis a fair trial aste.: of their Sillrpfiflog efficacy and permanent liegetit Christie's Galvanic Strengthening Plas. These articles farm at valualie applicanon of the sit, Steriolll influen, eOl Galvantsiu 'rimy ar, the udjunet to the genuine Galvanic Ring. mod Met, modification, act ne upon the ease pi iticipte. ..at hay., the advantag , of more local applicant', Ti.., are root - id-or y recommended a valuable addsnon :ft the vpred, et., of Rtieumamoil. acute or chrome; a 3;1 nervous complaints. and *a 11 poviti remeoty eic.m. s ot Porn and Weakness in the Cho,' or Bat*, Pain ra Soft... Asthma, Affeerions. and in Irraknor ar •vr- Orin of Mc Pulmonary Organs In ttpinal Comilla ota their edi eti arc of the iron decided character, and hr have often been treed wadi complete l'hey.a, also of the greatest advantage in Paths and Weak,.es. of the Vernal. and are h,ehly recommended for many 01 titmo, complaints to which ti.outlev arc especially kan'e. , all • tr. Man/ 111(0 1 / 1 1 , tor mrengthcomg the ern - to when debilitated with divrarr or oilier ctn.... v; e. n em• thin aid in ealmesn. as a Preventive for 1.7.0'd v. and all ad - vela,. of thc.Chest. gent a':l ii the Galvanic Strengthening Plainer will bo niucd nl great and permanent advantage In few wool.; it main - nets all the velem) of the hest lon , e_preparat.oti. wit* ilie important Belem) of the galvamc influent e. atueli iv neither Impaired nor exhausted, while the or. cont,nues. Thcae march, will be found esturcly free 00111 those objections winch area torment roan, Of complaint vvith the ordalary planters in common mr, CAUTION. • ID - The great celebrity and actress of theta anid, has std hen tto be' roomette tted by unortortoletl Perats To Provide •Vatnttl tnipotonon, Dr. Citivsne. hoe but one nuthort.ed agent in each cityal the Doan. Thit• only areal in Pattetburxh, W. %V WILSON. CERTIFICATES Se TOaIItIONIALs, 01 the htabeat nod warn re.llfellale character, ere eon. mostly reertecd,regardtng the extraorthnory v.tltte and aueve.. of the above articles It in belteort:lttnt the etty of New York nlbne, upwards of Elo•tr TIILICSAND PERSONS during a penal of itt , ti ayear, have been entirely relteved.of the most pt, toid chrome dtsortlers. some of which have c:anp'etely ht,f. dell all Conner canna of medical an. Indeed matey of the hes pitmemno of thin ctn., who'dt.approve of the Galvanic and Maxnetle 111a4tIones, constantly rce.no• mend th,• nopheation in the, praettee, and with the eepoon of tho.e who are too prejudtred to etve tt n td, the 111,1tOl has FCCeirell ananonotn favor the most intelligent among the A lama& Faculty lit Chnottpe t• at all owe% frail,' and mac happy to evety tartlity' to obyatetan, add all intarested, for se , f. nte th lt.e e troth of his amortt and the efficacy,' ifiscovary to , O o ia t iEre, in l'lntxburgh cornerith and • "mass AND SUALDIS UFFF.CTCALLN 1 1 / 1 .1 sper tidy cured by the toe o LIJ the Great Remedy of Nam, ANIF:RICAN Oil. It alonott Intraeulausly dure• Intlatontanott, and th acquently 1 fl ,1 warranted $ll all canc.! to leave no seam or sear 111 e e.lB. Sold whnlresle and retthlLy 1W 11. JACKSON. at Ina Boot and Shoe Store and Patent Medwine Liberty head Wood. Pitnthurgh cent. and 81per tannin. 00 Jon loon bennr the Exelt.tve .0 gent for Pennsylverh I, none genuine bur what,. aold 1111101 or 1118 appointed Agent .. N. U. A Pamphlet conDilloon ample d:reetions. A.e. walr the names end addreto. of the Proprietor and Prt e,pal Agent. t a enveloped wolf wiapphr of each honlo A buridnur, of r. ettarient, eau Le s,ll at the Stara. feht.dthn . QtROVI LA 4ND SICROFULOES SIVII,I, INllS.—err cola ~ all n. multiplied (brute. whether in that of King'al Evil, enlargements rt the glands or hones, Goitre. Whtle Swelling., Chrowt Rheumatism, Causer, dtsbaere of the Skin or Spine, or of Pulmonary Cunsitnlphon, emanate front one and the same cause, wltMli ts a poison°us prinein!e more or Imat inherent in toe hunt in system. There. for unless this prtticiple can be dettro)ed, no radi cal cure can be eilected, hat if the prtneiple ape, which the 'theca,. &metals, is removed. a cure niust sal ...mutt follow, nit matter under o hat torn) the direr,. •Itould maritleit t tad!. This, therefore is the reason why Jay,, OS ALTERATI y£ is so um terally successful in /elbowing so many malignant I , dieeases. It tlestroys Uc ',rue or principle from whir I thole diseattee Ine lb , tr nr igin, by entering • Into the circuital., and ith the blood it conver d In the smnutest lihre, rmoving every p allele ar ea thsse from the system Prepared and sold at No. 3 South Third Street , Philadelphia. Sold at the Pekin Tea Sh.e, Na. "a 2 Fenn), lime Pittsburgh. • tuchal. [From the Sat. at 'lt , 7'unem ; A FACT WORTH KINOWIAG • A gentleman of Scrofulous halms flanindiscretion 1314 younger day. beennte effected with Ulceratio a' the Threat end No-c, awl a dis.toteettlti., n o d Itteenine eruption of the labia,. Indent, ht. whole u 3.. Om bac deo mark. at twins saturated with dt.ctoe ne hand and wit.t were touch affected that lie had last the air 01 the hero!, neer , lota beinweevered wi-lt &sets. flannel and odenevinl3,cers, and were as Ind. law and polo, no a Lena...comb It was this stage al Ins comp!aust.st heel &nth appealed lorfethrttle, from losolmettre titmouse. then he cmenced the use of .1 A:k NKS. AI.TFRNA'CIVE, and om bootee takers 1.• teen bottle, is new perfectly etserd: _Th. A I.TERNATIVE operates through the circuit:- two, and pang., the Bk., mud eradtentes‘ diseases flUnt the system, where., located, and the pummel, erne. it bar pertained in Jocose@ of Shin, Cancer, "torollaht, Gahm. User Cotnplitehl/yapepstsi,asidother Chmine thseawa, is truly astoniththg. Fur auto In hitsbutals at the Pekin Tee Stem, 72 4111. woe., nen; wad. anti al.. the Drug Stem of H p nrltsrarns. red...tat Alleghrov city mellikurr to, „Ix v Spec ia is ta cent() that; by taking.. lof Doctor McLane. Worro Speed., a child of Jamee,F.lraw's rammed upwards of TI worms, and Isy the ume of .aid ea...brine a child of knY . triert plowed 14 latge orm. It ts Must ma. surpristng worse ...lane I over ace!, I have two more VIIOI. ' WM' GI LAIORE Wood Toarshig For .see by 1 KIDD & Cu, No GU Wood sue.. Pool burgh. mcb•N JONICIPS GENUINE. ITALIAN CIIgAIICA I. SOA I', for patented the :time, amnesties rumples and ail Eruptions; for healing c beeped It ands or croc k &so, far dispelling freckle*, tan, &auburn and blench.' Ade, and producing a fine, ueaMo)• Ydc!hisi e'cemesse P.ce an cents per cake. The genaincrArbele lbw Mt. by 11 A FA kINEM.TOCK & Co act.. r Imo was am mod wind and etb QPTIS. TURPENTINE—HI lablo, ju,l Tereroed I 040111 pr •de I.y myl& BRAUN& REITER MEDICAL • *ANDS BARSAP.ARILLA:! Foe tae ee e .n evel end I el . ..anent cure of all diseases %wising hum gr. OT.Date - lbale Of Ow Woad •• ice Leb.t of the system Till ~. 1 1 S ' . l , - .7t . • -a"•gW/e's, !wil l Rletrweriste. Lenienra Pereewes repnoas, Bsegrier se Ilan.; oft B. lan, Bioreke, • Sins, CMonnig (on F.:a-Ring Waneor Tan, Seaad Recta, E/Bargernens tad pain of she Erne and Joie* Am/SewsSopeifiric ohm roan, re Lea- logo. and Dunne, arningj ~... inMdi.... .... if • Zlenury, Anna n. pning, Earosure or fanreaufenes Se Life. A.' so, Chronic Conlibbnowni Dawn:Bra ' fTS bine% v administration has beet, attended w. /the 1 happiest rest. in many anornelour affections; rest./bit i emefiefiy intended to fill he void which cents betweon atherbe and aperient coeduTries; berme its mid. of.- ' rprult :s that of nit alterative directly—indirectly, pro ving n lasting tonic to the system.' I 1 Ira highly concentrated tor convenience and pone. 1 falai . ..containing nothing hut the expressed .cseence• ' and ts the rep.esenrative of the Sarsaparilla Root, ' the same manner as lfinnine is of Peruvian Bark, r Alorphate of Ofnum his an established fact, the a 1 few grit. of caber ( uinini_or Morphine contains II Me soca:eine! valu of a latse•qoautity of, the ere e % substances, hence the oupcuorit) of those prepare. a ~ —l.nd no Invalid would de•tre to drink-: gallon mine e I I when a half pion contained the same medicinal value. Ile Sarsuperille earl Ire diluted when taken agrota to the alirecuotts, and made to sait the rule. of the dent. The following I. ertificate addremed to the Agents I Chicago, terntslies conclusive proof of its greateal in (macs of Fever Sures. I Cancer., 111. Sept. PI, 1,4 11 , Messrs. Stebb i ns & Reed—Ben. In May, ISA, I tamed at you% store a bottle of PanirsSarsaparilla, end was Isen confined to my bed, am sleep fora week, occ.nised try violent pain trom a regul ir fever sore Of long standing, on my right leg. My physicians afivised Inn 10 have ate Itmleempulated, saying it was the ob is fik o ir to preserve my life. After using half tde bottle the peat began to subside, and by the urns I had used nearly three bottles,l was able to transact my reg. e'er business, and Ifefoiel bad finished the Munn.; Ile. I was es well and sound as ever/ hod been. /balk, nu hesitation in haying that Sond`sSarsaparilla was,* nc., under Providence.. of saving at; limn audll doubt not my life. I newt cheerfully recommend iy ill the best article eilant for the purifieation of the blood yours, most respectfully, I JAMES MILLER I The following certificate is only another fink in Mk great chain of testimony to its merits: i Solna DoLION. Canada East; April 10,1€46., - slessre ,Sandsfieatteruent Exposed as ore are fo the attacks of disease, and .0 frequently disappointea in proposed reoirdwo.wo Cannot but look on the efforts of encrowdu;l(rocbtablers with interest and grautudh This is. Irob respecting your spillable prepemtion Of Sarsaparilla. I have been severely afflicted for =yea(' yeah a dtscefe about which %%lector's disagree: , mid their prescripuons were still more diverse. I tried to. nous remedies but found no relief until I cornmencdd using lour ecellent inedicine, at which tune I was wholl) confine x d. my bed. Aver using it rifew mon th s I ant now able to wale about ride out,end eiboyA cal Citentas. clegre2 of health, wach I attributes ntirely u•e of send% Se:sopa:inn please acCepl lily • qu. arwc of gi %rune and regent. Jlllfial IS NORRIS I . Beam penolin neirminted with the above stet men, I laertil ecrufy that the tame is true. • REV. T 51 51F.110151AN— 1 - Fseyttnn Teerts.Y.—The following is an cannel trim a letter received front Rev. IVilliain Cuba.% i Delusions, Vt.,Gct. V., 1b15.1, Alt sois. Sande: I have been allcunt with a sees nom in niy Aide. occo,foned by a diseased liver, for the I in twenty years . suffering at times what language cannot convey, hutsince taking your Farsaparilla,ll have been greatly relleeed,so'reuell spit.. I have begin alibi to attend to my business, and preach occasionally for he last fifteen months. I wholly discarded another f . medicine, and thorough))' troll the Sarsaparilla wt. I ran recommend in It outland sincerity to all ibise w ere in any way afflicted with any species of scrofula • complaints. There have been some remarkable ea it eLfeeted by in , use in tint vicinity. . Alm. I. Shaw. y the use of she bottles, was retained to better healthtlign she had before enjoyed for ten years, and Alm W. SIA. scar, who had been severely snllicted with ha klrysilb elm, ems i tairely cured by the use of a few bottles. l . Yours truly, evidence of • io IYAI. DALUSIIAi For fanner parneular.and conclusive. superior value and efrieaey... PaniPhleiv;.which fit i f be obtained of Ageing grain, Irepared end so d by A.D. a. lit'Sandb Druggist, 1 60 Fulton it, camera William, New York. Sold alto by 1.. WILCOX, Jr...Pittsbargh; 11. 1-14r irnod, Ileevrr; Wm. Watson, New Caglic; U. N. Rob.ison, Ilrownsvillci A en igh, Washington; and Ily Druggists generally throughout an Untied Slates. I Price SI per bottle—mix bottles for SS. I The pub., ate respectfully requested to remember that II is Sand's tiantapardlasfun it is constantly vehicle log such remarkablecures of the moat difficult clamp( di,a.es which the human 11.16 is 'subject; there. fore ask for to Similie Sarsaparilla, tuld take no other. l .... SHERMAN'S OLOSAONIAN, . ... ASK TIRE SUFFERER /Mt • ASTHMA what has-ohs-sad lino In *oda a short time from hi. dd.'. or Lreashitig, Cough mad loirotaititru? Ile will roll you it was uthe Oloaannim, or All- Healing Balsam." Ask theamsumptive •liot has allayed his Cough...toed 1 the PIM in lue Side and Chest, Lis night sweats said yoland the nue of health mom his cheek? and Le will tell ycui &KERB' A N'S OLOSAONIAN, OR ALL-HEALING BALSAM. • Ask your friends if Bari know of anything 800 will Nog. cly rare a long mid tedious Cough, 11.1.ilig or Blood, BrA. air, apectic Cotuomption„ llcorseneu, curare. , 11,14 Ch. M.. of the Thrust, as th e Olounnian 3 mod they v611_10.11 you—No. There never y dims brute remedy introduced, to joublie notice which hasheen produelire of so much raud ro Ouirt a space of time. Read the Wowing A atontslatrag Cures. Bamo, the celebrated 11,..t0u enwlter bal.., lb Niu. uo street, Broklyn, steles that hi. wife has been Wicks with Asthma fur NI year, and could not field pent:moult re. lief from the but medical advice which New York and Brooklyn could produce, was induced to try tlihrgreat cede dy. She is now nearly well. Ifi. daughter who was suffer ing i fn. the mane diseaw, tried it, and was alio cured by it. rs Gond s now No well that she is able to •./1/tfrOill her bed early in the morning and attend to her Usual dude. through. the day without ...y annoyance from her distressing =Lady. Has., dec.., 13th street, near the Cla th olic Germ tty, came to the store for the purpose of obtaining • bottle of the Olemmume, haring hero afflicted with the Asthma fur more lb. Miters, and au so exhausted on his arrive/ that lbe could not spe;k. He porrhued • bottle and rode Vow. days afterward he walked Gore his residenceha the 54 Gee without fatigue, • distance •of Geer two milaa, to ,of the wonderful relief which he had esperienoed from nsfry, about nue half of cuse bottle. Dir. • , ) Consumption of the beinsi. Conrarr, 35 White No, sisu isa low 3. the smith of December last. that he wearer° up by hiephyrician. Ris co friends te:mined no hoist *flag recovery. H. WWI pet...- 4ml to try the Olosanniani and to hie sunnier it has ro far restored hire tp health that he is now able to walk about the streets Mr. lirrizz, the wife of Wm R. Attne,demeslfarmen, and Geo. W. Hays, Esq. can all I.r . testuimety from , 0•111 experience of the healing properties of this or Remedy in Coneumption of the Langs. Spitting Blood. Mrs. Tommy.., BB Monroe greet, who had been troubled 4nr a great length-of time brugh. and raised quantities of bkaid, was relins4 by oat bolder of the Olomonim, and skein. it the greatest remedy in dm world. Drams 11.1. v, B Water street, was .ho relieved imen ' the aunt complaint although he was very much ~duped when he commence taking tt, having been eider the env or ht physician during the pot winter. Although he coughed I constantly and was very much troubled with night sweats, I bottles of the remedy cabled him to were to his daily . work. Ile wo entirely relined. Davin Banneitmie, SO Laight wrest, Oro W. Burnett, &namely of Newark, N. J., 199 Rieinglosr wrest, and olmriolto other. I.a.nda base been speed!!! liod permanently cured of the same emnplaint by this rem y.l TI.. Array of. Nams which onild be produced arm...sous who hare used this gnat reedy would mere than 611 a column. Analog the number permitted to refer to A. M. Billie., Ithl Bochie st., Mr. Wilson of Ilubokew. Mee 801 l of Monis.. N James B Devoe, 101 Read. Mn. JrCatlfree.so Leone, 1.0.; F,Rmith, U Third Menne, Mn Wm R. ddtreeof this y and Mrs Archamld, Si White el I" Sold wholend• and retail by Wm Jackas, at his Pat i na Medicine Worehomearni But end Mow Store. No ea Libor tr street, heed of Wood One; Pittsbugh. p...b.at GREAT ENGLISH REIYIEDY • For Cough Colds,. Whine, and Coniumptioii! ORPAT AND ONLY RC-META' 1 Unita, Schou, sod UDNKUSIPTION,ite the TIL.PI- OnittAll !UMIAK OF UFO discovered by the sene tossed Dr. thuhan of London Enettutd, and Inttodir.ed 01 the Unlud States under the looneeliste supsrliteSd-' sun of tho Loewe, Tha extrsordteary sums° of thls 1111•41Chtf. foie , . 'cure of Polcoonarj Mune' '' . ;earshot. the elastics. :PA h OATi i irtrattlnti . = In he th W e 9 eum M" tfl ' tp— GS. cases that seek relief in vain Crow any .1 mamas CemSilks of the ditkand have hea s V ni ntr i tastry A p t e , M d rliP.. The ig=tritalsern contd. and mm atm, he MOST DE S PERAT E OF CASES. it is go truut nostrum. hut a standard English 'medic/he/of lacuna aed_estabilabsd clflutay. Sow, fautliy Ist ths United Start. ahoul he song Duahan's ilungetrinn Salaam of LIN.' not only to cottonseed the mnsutuptive windsocks of the climate 4, out tole used as a prsretalee medicine In all canto Colds. Coughs, Spitting of Mood. Pala in the Side end timel. Irritation art 1300e.011 of the Lone. Hronehips Mlattu 'i n l erd • r I'4. 1 O IVI lit Asthma , Is lle " Mut, Llawidag Onigh, and Oroup. • 13. HOU 111 Lvp barato, at Si par bottle, with Nil dime Cam Mr the nomad:: of Health. Pantoldtts, containing a masa of English nod Amer. eta oartiliadm, arid other evidence, showing the air 055.1104 meths of this Creat t . , =Nßemody, may be f the Ag DAVID F. fillatr. La Agent tor the' Unhag Melee, 119 Court Meet, Ikarlos. - - • i T. W. DYOTT t SONS, General Mukalla Agodts, No. lAN/nib Second street. Thllai.tpbla. - • Fole by It A FA lINESIOCK k. Co. cornet of oat a n d moo streets ntyG LADIES bo Cie Common Crepe - fedCOY are often not aware how frightfully injurious I ' el to , shot! hot,' course. bow rough, how ertlon, craw, sod unhealthy. the skin appear* afler using irtepuled chalk! Beagle., it is injurients,'eoniainlnealares gwn tonrocle.y of trod. We hove prepared a beautiful vegetable' winch we call • JONES'S SCANISII LIL.Y IV It ITE! it is perfectly. Innocent. being urified of all dciciermus qualities; toil it imparts to th e. shin a neln- Tel. henithy, alabaster. clear, IrVilng whits, ma' , um'. June and actin interne.g as a cosmetic on the skim oinking it *oh Dr. James Annersont Practical Chemist of Massa. churtim my rt "Ailey analysing Junes's Sparnsb JIGS - Whoe.l find it pas eve the mien beautiful mid tune ral, at theitame time Innoecnt white 1 ever save. 1 certainly enn eanmelenoonsty recommend Its ale ty my whose, skin requires hermlifying." al his Boot god Shoe ! tit 1./Iterty street. head ef - Weed t , the sign of I SYEUP--,114 he ..I.V.l. ' nublithed and made kocown to moile d blic." This wati m e ex prestAon of an old man w the SyMp. Prressesols,Febrnary 1, PAT. Ahura toortaut—Thot 1.11 een3lY , that being maimed ~oebleonorto tough goats lune,' bought a bank. of Moroon , Cough Syrup, and am hspil.to my .I, my cough is enneely, :e redl pronounce ' your Coup...mist the beat medicate I have ever 111<d. faintly should he without ibis valaable medicine. , DAVID AL:ROBERTS, Allegheny Cify n7 - Thts medicine is mowed wholesale and retail at the Drug Siam Of lTood a:ma:one linos below Diamond Alley • PrieeV. gems pc-' rllllE—OlOgirt....gor penile neatly dyeing Light, Red or' Dray, flair a Dori Drown ar Mack eo:nr, wirhoutdyeing or injuring that skin. &Id with full directions Once SO eons, or In a bottle:- ,rjr , 44.1 by %Chi. JACKSON, at his Patont bled ;Ctn.. KO 01 410 't% archwy, gt Boot, - - arctry attoct, head of ‘Vood,, at he gig -X_ 0! +i _.,, MEDTCAL. Da. r suss ---7---- AIFDICATED LOZENGES, AND POOR MAN PLASTe.R. • iltt. allElthliklV has distort...4l-a way to mthe-to..hcol AJ ?Lemma, ao that children anima. itreadily m teand , more. Sr. that hiefacsimi4 ii'amosatMci t tam es, • Pot uf Tomb Ka ch. hilt of .Direclim te on the'back oaf each (inn.,, 1311E.IllsAlitS COUCI/ LOZENGES These Lemegre are the .ken, am, sum and eil ectul ...at ' nl7 Ptkots, ma, liglitnesa of the lo ngueetimt,, t. The m0p....t...e hae newer known. insWenee where 11,7 dnla..ege , eatisfaction: Several doomed Nom hem. bsers . so/ nra .the last year, restoring to health peen. in almost asset .4oge . (e . nom end those I n ander the mud eta and coughs. They do not that'll and dry up 11 , ..,1.. but render thesoy, promote expectoration, the ti 51.1..., irritationi and restore the . p.aluate or Tacna, moo.— iliey are made from • combutaiim of atima , tormtor cough medicines, sada!, .. meg thing /num kr those compLnds. -Ifundrids ..ot • deeds ofcertificates lame been onered an was, from those who bevel...saved from unt. md mnomd toper!. health by miug them. Where three .much paia in the breast or elle, nut w. S'.es Mares 7900 M. Neaten (price only 121 eens,) applied over the part, and 13.11 Oil rehtled. /I eith eeieircarsa, ahr cathartie tuatire hornet, .ran) mild cathartiemedieine: Wald he mad as uoranou 8/1171.31A11S 19011.11 LOZENGY...q Thcae worm haantsee bur been proved ill mere duo 1,1.,) VD Mei to be infal ble; the only certain a401,,...dte1ar etc/ due Meted— Many dismember:ens P.M-anion. and occasion long and Intense sotheing, nudes en au:. vet their ever being mspected; gin . person. am very oars ailicted with them, and are doctored fur .s arious C.0.11.64111W Without my benefiti when one dose of th eir Lastige. aunt., sperdily curs them. Strummer/ Irentar.—Pains in the joints or limb.,ouen sive breath, picking al We nose, griod ing of the teeth sleep,md at limn apaletiera about We hm - mith Ituslod cheek, bleeding at the surface semstson at Ilse stomach, es of limt over th e surface al the body, !slight slat cringe, headachei droirsioess, vertigo, torpor, dnisrlad dreams r r • fr h d .atm • • hort ' Tetsat:!;,. feveristLiess',"tisi7St,c'o.ll..f low, On, had lute in the mouth, ditCcult Crealhom, pen, w . • the Nomads or bowels, fatigue, /WIWI, tic...appetite, Icarinem, blmted • stomach or gt thou.:Arai. In various parts of the body, a slum at 64n:wig in the throat, ~Ling cram alias toe/ants isq,lst, a frequent desk* to amanbing from W e b o w el,, nun enot. than dietherges crenate and mucus. • gllEttllAN'S CAII7IIOII I.OZENGES. They give immediate relief in nervous, or sick I..adiche, talpitation of the heart lonothen of the spiris, sleep...Roc), tutissomatory or puled rare thread, hovel or sumo., coo.. plaint, [Mahn, operrasion or a raw of sinktng fectio uf•the' ehmt, 11p.11/4, cramp of the simusch or boatels, hp:toe-kit tum, md /Knolls diseases, drowsiness theoo g li the day, and vralefulium through the night; cholera 41 Lap ens morbus, diarrbma, lamilude or • setae of fatigue. gee ... tramlling or attending large parties, win fad the Liar tt ges really rev !sing, and totyarimg the bao) gory of youth; toed idler dimiparon, they.wilfrestore the lone of the').. gni many, and.remore all the unpleasant symptom ansing nuns Too Geo 4,1. 1 .. Pemos oho lune been too high Int e, and abandoned their distdialed/m6its, will had three Lotenges ad— 'ir"4'B/I=l,i'''.46rll%ll.".lllAN'S PLASTEIt. Thcbmt slremrthening plaster in tim "weld, md • est emirs remedy for Mau, or neasinen to the back, keno, side, neck, limbe,yointa, rheumatism, lumbago, at. lac. One •11111100 • year wil/ not supply th e deemed. They rquirt. a little wane rag before mplcenosi. Warmated superior to all others, md for one quarter the usual; price,making tiot ordy the ben, Lut the cheapest plaster in the world. ' It affords relltf in a few hooraand makesestunishMg cures. Ice liver complaint and 4 1 spemia, it should he nom Mer as th Untlts7 ( rti: l f. " % r deaf ulty of breathing, oppreseim of the ogle , hest er slomarn, ' lhi) 041 Ml inedialely woth stud greatly benefit the patient. Knotas sedeutam habil., or thme obliged es nand much, all merit e decided sappure from um of these truly strengthen hLg Pla.. ter. Ilsysfrrians generally recommend U.% SY yr, fel euee al others, because they stick or adhere better, end afford great. er lief lu their operation, they ere stiontlent,-b e , se, md modyne. Tiny are composed of entirely differs,. ingrmli • ems aay other, and-Mow. from the evpcam 00 mot- lions Cato have used dorm, as well as th e mood rri lesinmay of all the celebrated .d distinguished clergy Mad ph) sir um, nu be the anaiLliseful and highly medkated plaer. Several pence. have called al the warehouse esprem their surprissaad thanks, at the Unseat miraculous cams these plasters ham enacted. Directions Mr use arc on die back of each plaster, with a facsimile of Dr. Sherman ems, It is importmi )ott stood.) alstays ask Cse Shertnin's Pour 3/... s Planer, md see th. you get th e outline, as Therese many ndellsles• itnitetions haysMN a bout and sold Mr the true blies dian's Plmitys, by unpriocipled dealers. Ltold wholenalemd retail by IV. JACKSO - :1 at his Flyer) Medkine Wareliono., Nu, en, Liberty street, ...tie the 010 ROOT. jut 14--idly. DR. ROSE'S 'DESERVEDLY CELE BIiATED • TILIEEB I lEL u MEDICINE • lONSISTIAG ol his Prophyactic Sy.rlta re r. tats roMedylor all (.!om so a, trriV r and t•erofu. rulixotrections; Cpugh Syrup, Croup S) top Cllll , cemented extract of Sarsaparilla, ei . ri.'ecily tOperior to AU Other extract., lia.ng given re b el when all othery have failed, being lhrtitir 1. anew peocese more concentrated Oneolll4 . r et, olibred to the public. AS'I'IIIII ATall) IC I.LI 1(11t, having elliTted permanent Cyles 01 (het etehhorn dierane; when 0/ more Wan IY yearn x hnding, hence it Stands withihit a rival in that amen dreaded • Di.. Rose's LINIMENT, for-all noses ~r weak• nom or pain, and a complete stlilatilUle for I, helm, Dr Rose's TONIC MIXTURE, en corn for chit s and fevers, and indeed is tome of a specific fur fevers of all birds than_ bark or Qui, MCC. • Dr. Rove's I NCOAIRARABLENI:10111 UGE, o hare known, is used in preference to other Verinifuge.preparation. . Dr.,Roses TONIC ANTI-DISPERTIC„ for all diseases of the Stomach and berwels„Clicicra.in fections, dec Too high an encomium cannot be passed on the merits of - this modieine, io cure of Dispepsia, and all dlseases that result from weak ness of stomach' ci bid digestion. Dr. Rose's FEMALE I'll.l S, a matt valuable remedy for those general complaints to which fe males are subject. Dr. Rose's Toxic ALI'IERATIVE PILLS— No pill ever before offered the public no happily combines the ell:Mates of a valuable niedicincos an mati-dispeptic, LIVR'-lt or Stomachic pill, correct ing those Oiseases, and thereby preventing - coil. sumption. A young Lady,s years or age, hoiing a diseased liver for some time, her strength pros trated and appetite goon, was completely restored' in sis weeks by the use of the Antt•dispcptic mix• tore and these pills alone. • D r.Roina'sCHßONO-THF:ItMEL STRENUTI-1- k.:1,41RG PLASTER,Iter weakness et the back,side, breast, &c. Dr. Hose's SPECIFIC EPILEI'SY,the most cer tain remedy' for all Cases of_fits or convulsions, whether in infants or adults.. ,So certain a spccitic is it for this formidable , disease that the most ob. finale cases, and those too of long standing, have yielded at ironic. Dr. Rose's RHEUMATIC MIXTURE—Afters yearsVears of diligent research it,,. compound was dismE , red, and its never failing efficacy places Its efficiency above all °tete for the cure of Rheumatism! Dr. D 03 0 ., ASTRINUENT COMPOUND, a certain remedy' for *pitting blood, indeed for diechatuea of, blood whetherfrom Longa, bowels or oihil purisof die body. Di. Row's SYRUP for Cholera and Bovvel complain:, —This m ham re will effectnally sine howel rompla, Dyrientery,Choleva bfrirbus, and Chutes.. At thc URIC the Ammo Cholera was raging an Philadelphia it was found to be.the most auccessful 'ln arresting It, curing rune tenths of all those - arks usedit- Whit may be aaid oboe of thew remedies . may be said of alb their- value be alum-Mined be those who try them. Letters from those wnm sane beta cured of the narks. maladies that afflict the .human body might he given, but we ' aft w,lling to rent she Matter on the merit* of the compounds. We Lac-a pummels for Scrofula, in its carbine fornisito tondensed and, efficacious that it. healing roarer bus Asian:shed matiy. A ease of Cnneer,occurrog male wife of the liteGovonor of Delaware, was completely mood in a few menthe. The cancer,had been twice cut oat by prominent Surgeon., and renewed itiolf with int-teased, malignity, yet notwithstanding the debility of Cotrauto. don and removal of the wit parts; the use of iiipaPra phylactic completely removed-:very - vestige of the disease. Caeca innumerable of the console Caret, that hoar followed the ore of thele remedies are in oar posses sion, but it is not deemed necessary to enumerate them as the =ear them willVccominend them to all. d. SeIIOONAIAKER, k CO, No vl N" . od ilttcrt Arena for Pittsburgh /110‘.1. JE KUII.—A Blessing! A klirecle !! A %Voider!! j—To core Eruptions and Diefiguecturms or the .kin, T t hrpesl. Prat s. tler, Sunburn, Salt - Rheum, Eenrvy, Pot eads, &e. Four yearn ago last August, the capital of France Sias astonished in minscquence or . mode by an ItaliAn Chemist. Many doubted—ii seemed almost an Impossibility that anything made ay the hued. of roma. could have such singular rowel. nu tittle elaillunl by Antonia Vesmini for his invent Mn. Alan, classed hina and his inveniion at n humbug, bold. stla.! 'navy foolish persons without trying do the ern onte,) at lenrh, alter letting it untie hospools, the blscidalLso eiety of Paris Me beet elMiliens in the worldidelivered the following repent to bOgiu Vesprini: . "We have now Minutely a r ed carefully con le I the' singular mention of Verprtii. hose oekli..red . os etunpOnelll gift.— ore have used it in severe{ err-es-and we hesitate 'not to pronounce it [the lialion t*Mormil Soup) all a great bleating, and a Italy antoleefei rein, • dy o f any colancons cropPon or tbtfigun ineot we skin. lu g ent we consider Me true plotaiol.roro t . of sulfmon mankind. • (Signeo I.l:oroi.p DITREv RA - 14 - Tllel 1 ., Front the inventor znwelf to the prewfit hoot letor. Inns, Noy. 4, lan . ell convlderotion o the own of 83,600, I I , .'' dlvvl era to Arr. T. Tone% esiding in the esty of New Tot k, N. A., ik whole p eftS of inanufaciunee, lo,thel WWI et statement or t r ingredistits eotarro..tte my lit l• tan Chew/eel elovp. He is to nutnufaetnne w or *Ale In the United States onit, and to have the I:ttetwir of It. mm lit•Vones'ltallina Chenneal Poop.' .v. " . H '. ottY 4. Holdsteotth. lalgned) ..!* ANTONIA VI NITINI OGfre l old tsYr W.SAICESON,-at his. Patent fliedteine V. arehowe, 10 Libeity sweet, hend_of ll tent, at the alga of the Wit Boot. 1W The pult - plare in Pttobunar where the GENUINE Can be nhanted. All others are Counterfeit. PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, DAILY, TRI-WEEKLY & WIII , IKLY di Sr (Mum St 4 Wimp, 34 sr, mar dis Past. Office. HATES OF ADVERTISING,' One insertion of. 15 fines, or ICU SO tfl 11so insertions without elterations ' .Three' " 100 One IVsek " " ...... I 50 Two Week, 3 00 4 1,0 I ' o T o llee ivio, ;; . : Two lXl Three " ,7 50 37' Longer advertisements in same proportion. Onesquare,6 Mouths, wittiOnt aheration,... 10 00 12 ." l5 CU additions/al sqoare for 6 Months ~, ... . 500 " " • 12 0 -10 00 12 One sqoare,6 Months, renewable at pleasure, 16 CO " ' • 0 .t 3 00 Each additional square for Et months.... 000 Two srptarmt,amontbs, re'wable at pleasure; 30 oo Each 04dihons1 square, - 6 - months; ' '8 00 mar oa TII-ORZILLT tw_nsrtr - tarsus. One square. 3 insertions, • $l5O " each stblitionatinsertion 37 Al AM CARD.. • Fire lines arias, one year. -- 600 •"•-• six month'. 5 00 " one year. daily 5,c weekly, tO OU " " • • sic monthi 8 0 0 ADY.22.111111n372 IX Wit [LT rasa. - For Ell lines, or less, One. insertion,. 50 50 11 Two . • •.•0 73 " Three, " - 1 Cal " Three months, 3 50 et six 600 Twelve rrAn advertisements tobe charged by , be square. and a diaenint ott.s.per Ct.t tohe give. whore the amount or advertising eeceeda 50 doltsre per year. SCAT. uOCan Oa.• .Five linen or len One a 4fr., ' SG .1.1 MO Si ' • •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers