15!=110 D13A13—1 5 bbbi rolvoriudbombr. 10 bbl• 'mall Loa tbm • sbbla Crabbed ,- ' do; ' .J tn. Clanbed do; ' 5 MO* N. O. do; ' my 22 For said by , .1 D WILLIAMS &DO ':IOACCO AND CIOAD,E -1.,A0 Jutto Icaox Priaczpv. Cie; 0; , I a!NVJd qua , •ty do 'do (MO Regalia dR '4W:4rd Lem! Ciliate, 1111..slnle.; la 1. • RowleiVe Cs Plop 7'04/GM .r.• Ile lorleas 160. Lamp AX in. ler rived pud for %ale very tow by MILLPN RICK ETSON OUACCOM—Io hf ties —ConetesS.Ut 10 On Osborn & litotes' SC 10 do MeOanald.' ..to J. Tkineopum's Se: t:ioauo'4 lb LALIq.; rcott%LJ.U.l :to - et.s. s•n - low by n. BONNOORST JE CO CON —9 111•111.; shoulder; 4 do tonotied; jun:reneined e nd for •Id ,:y mv.! VON RONNIIORr.k CO lUNDAIELS—t b 1.14 No I. Laid. in pro:33 rkipplog 6, , let, I ...nig 1/:y Apples: I do Dry Peannoti Jo Ft red: IJo Ilenfaran.; 4 . 13 do Fi'alllers, ""CO orator and front as VIN 131./AA :r-I,M4S—lint bus frzl4: • o I .ornr 10010, ' r 1( In(111; tizin mu: 11x18; yd do 11316 ontll3oll. men:nal& nd O:r t:c 21 JAMES DA LZELL LOA RS —11::141,1.0% dounlo red Loaf, to won I A.:dr:on , dro•nrd Lost Sugar: :slrLounr.noußA:::::y Lost nuaar, No 7 An.o Jo do Not , oo Cu:vet:nett non. , it 9. do do do, Not do do do, do: MILLER 3: RICKETSON J W.\ -, For •ate• to% do, tt, At do. o No 1, :tit •• :No 5, tor I,t, • No nt 15 tn.:. Foo,l,ed, do band and for pale by LEW',& CO In; & gent- 'or St Louti Steant.!ocolFellnsry_ OILS; In—Sn'ad Orl. No It I.l , oced Ott, Spre,Turperatine; Coca] Vandals; N 1".„ do, No. t myt!‘ r For rate by JOEIr MOHLER pAthi le LI e••I. Vecerian Red: I sr.:mash rown; bine rooed. Charcoal; err do coop Stone; • e do lampblack.: in MOM and 0 N/FL 111011LFR • TOILICC i' f .t not . ond L:t o mp 14)11e:torah To C" .meat and for tale bY k " . `""" 1 "' .`"" "" L S wATKaluoi hi 1,1- So Yr.mrtool Shad, tth an On co. Inopeeted. :At h... No 1 Large Maeleren the ana by kaiMPlt lIIIAZLEWN nr,l9 East stde qf the Inantond ,epi t oto fltito [net 0 I •nne, oortoe Mud; •• t•rttce Aehit II trd de icon. tott reeetved and fo tAttIottNtIAKER & CO No2lyood2l±e! p.m.y 19 " ""D d Y— lriloeJ wt n o nd (or polo by ft".I7SELLERe, 5 7 . wood. . Art 511ekerel; . :0 1,• ne for eele by nly.,^l NVI, , ~ -.`A Sin:G .4 S. ear wotol amour' ON, L. -a •, I nnc..scge Ccatpn, ,eta 1...1u.rtg; reenved per R, Gran , '.e. 00. for •s.l, ho rrtylti M ALLEN &CO OUCtIONG TEA—:'u b ( cbo , . 'CbuNn" Pa p• Ica, odor laudAlK and nor eale by inyr MI LIAM & RICKETS I N K .11KRIAILIVE; ANL) SltAll ZS hi& No 11411iurare Herring,' 15 ~01• Yo I Shad; for sal, by Y,S, VIICEMS. ON p()T iv; it IKS, Ml.bes; 31 cast • a trbed , BAI:ALEY & ''u!.ll:l'eTegr:l, for sale by • tiAtiALFS dr.:SMITH 15;SE:teal (IL-91Milt in am raw order, ire Ltinii te o e iove classa rons.enotent. by 1,19 T, D r l r btil . .A1.1.13-14:,kbevF. superior Euz lor . VR A UN & REITER ACON —5.0,0te Ilis assorted Coy F ; o A re L. t, , l:;: v s.e • ytNu Corritnerciai Ittiss,i,ibesfysit jr,o6anTn4g,t'l:ll4li O n l d :47r:114 "rllttot(roc;,-- „ , 53 waiver nd 107 front o tic 03,9 - 3 -.EAJTITTa ci44i.lSia., it • far sub. by J IVILLIANIS TEARLIOAT FOR SALE—Eleecnerrocenthn 1.7 of the etrJrl2' oat RINGOOLC lor sale. Fur terms. e. anruy at mylStr- & DUN CAN'te DOCK POWDEII—t.M kg. Rof kD P l er . V.llsel , Lk for rate by water dr Croat tnylb DEA NlTS—lterasted j01..r fth customers, at the Muster I and r 4 piee Fsetury, t street. RHODE'. & ALCORN . _ Fp LI CIUT • FER —5 bbls Forth in wa M re and for D.thr by urrel I. ATERAN I M - 0L ks9ES— -10bb1.50 bblss 4. iiriestl r mi. by mi 1J J U % V ILLI A NS it CO ----- WHITE LEAD-50Su do kegs Pure: - No I; for gale by' y 22 J D W OILLIASIS& C L Fl. MOLASSES -11 few bblg on hand and fdr Or gale to dolt n nongTorrc , rnt. by my-11 LEH I , II ITTCIIIturN & L c at el T o ( 1 ore M 011 7 a lL st ° r lt r . ce A t y i e l d ° ft g r . :at by rnyTtt 131.1.g.11 DICKEY & CO j 1, HE its Larne Circe., in A ore and fd salt. by rot - 12 WICK. & AreCDLESS 1.) RAN g.-51) 1 , 416 111 good order. (or gale by' 1 , ,JJ nit ICK &51 C F. EMONS-5 4, In mor W e end ot tit e • y m)2/ ICK & bIeC&NDLESS and e‘ptce Factory, 97 Fifth ktreek• '"""d • ALC"Ni 1111t1 Giound,_ (or 6,1 CClftel:',,nd (neer. at the kinatard ands'r I I t : h 1,1,, Ftnh ±. nut.* R1101: 1N r . ROUND GINGER—Su ht , l • and I,ok toad ani for wale by HIIODEZ/e AIM N No 77 Fifth Kneel • GNU D la ne4l, pound and rontlentl) ?IaIUIODt.. s; rrtyl I 6,111, le ' reel! Rtftt,wwat„..".“ll,l;:nnery ?dined R !(• a n ,. Fret wee,. hetes. Market apt7tf ARIB Pale., G11.E.H.A.,.;;V:i lb*. j ust 4 r7e4v r e i .l 4. ll . 44 OTTLISCOILKA-5 Dale.. j!tut renuivet/ and Bktr sal. at MIA 30 In 50 cents per turt3 OPIC 31-1 ca..: prhnr, just tecel;ll .: y r d i llAtle y turn . 133tutt ., 1f. s ISO -3 bill,. Jutl rteetvadr ga . .tAiny iCiuse— rity mys iltCtgt co Damv,APPL" "D,,MAirlrertil;'!:%" nODF!fili -5 k • Cod . 1) 11CTIIIIAN b. C 6 ont2. BF 14ltiL E Att!OIACOS, reejegnialifiste "VIIED nu , . in gate and JA9 DAL lot T,F.1.1. , D ILLS-50 •4; enuine (;erTnnn rills, ja EITER m Traci and ,or tale by Git& Uti & R erm I.lnery and rt! Clair a ..... -----.-- ir 1 ALCI.SikI - q :11AtilIMSIA—.5 elates. bestqcial l—./ty. i,e•L re.1ev ,. .1 and for sale i.y n).21 BRAUN fr. RF.ITF.R "'"' /10F FILE-201mo rrceivint Crum Canal, and f. 1..../ sale I. • no iS .1 I\l F'3l_ I/A1.2F.1.1. FLAXSEED—in ,ag., in sture and for sale by HIM I. •A WATERMAN . CI INTKIENT—A puss Me A Ilimer's Chute.Al for V sale by thy l 9 1 ,CIIOON NI AKER ACO Xy UTMEG,I, iIEPPER AND CLOVES, OM reed 111 and fur mile 1 , 1 lOylV SIILI.VIR AIN ICKETEONI WanarTblysTU—lHy'llr: "f ' Itll* rilite /10 TTON-3 , bales Tennessee. for ra. b 1. y %_, on) le I DICKEY CO , ig re..IS4SEN-76 rot. CliCt•tilbl, sale b 7, . CO TY,B ' ' . c"_. ' _ _ _ lIICE—E 3 tres Carline Mee; for sale by R R , __ _mid _ Jit LOS D CORN—:D9 s bus E . .. Ii mote .d for sale by V, POIN DE:ITER ts:Co BA - 46 - 0 St-101. i.toerhoulders .S tttrt,., jan ree' and kn. •ale t.y inyl.s Jt; 11111 WELL, Agent. Water atter.% plvr ASII-In crks 1•1 son" i(.ll,,,riztti f fAg . , ' 'Y _ to) + 1-- , i - : 0 I , , r , ri C -u - I 1 , l, ag s 1.1.0 Cut!, for II; laturaut Ni EATS-POUT OIL-10141r for 'a t e b tr ray 15 MYER..., II U rrrif Fr,* fo_ F; •1 FY : L 7 7T • UPED.II , IIILY: IhiiIIITS,oI - I.lthatt style and of °regal...Ozer, from Rio 1 to Pro a—lnar rvr! e and (or satot V ecei EAT972II_, PANT STUFFS—A wery large arrortentrlit g ood atyla .$1.111!1Cr Pantaloon thutra.on hand and tor vty sriAcia.grr Witurk: M11A.0031-3,0 0 llts prune Country'Cana 1011 JUland Prgrtllahhat Plt,l7:rl ul _ . EVE I . .ipeed ojl tr . :I±IFIT VW& & MCCA7 %/1 MEW° . S"Aa7" h at i lW;igll4o l INA _ e by euk or keg by MILLER & RICKEMON • . • R , I LA XS EIL D Ws In mote and kr sal "2 MILLER k RICKETSON '1"."-4.5"'""L"' JOHN F PERRY jOu bbl. 3 ! targe; MA7CKIII4ThaIf deg 10 Waf. 0.1011 ter v2l. JOWL F PERRY &ale b)* . , PITTSBURGH BOARD OF TRADE. COMMITTEE FOR JONI% ChROTICIAS. WM. A. BILL, CRAIG 0. VITTSIO,I.kI li/lALT TV Monday hlurnotg, June 7. 7 feet water ut the channel at dunk rid receding. The Alleiheoy rose suddenly on Friday night. 11 riches plumb water. listen W.lll S feel most 01 Aurday, and ono stand. l ikn error occurred to the 'retegriphte Reports al . the Intern taI,LOLI, published on Saturday wooing. They are all dated Friday evening or night, whereas' they ahould have been dated on Thursday. 'the cause of the mistake was the accumulation of two day's menages along the Line. MI of Thutvday's had been sent to Cliamberebug. The Line coil meneed working to that place on Friday evening Thus they came on first without the day being ape• ciged, and as it was g 4.3 o'clock Satiirday morning Wore the F6lay's Reporis were reached, they were, leg naturally a"I confounded logether—di, or nearly all of. Friday's were not published from the imp,- of having them put in type. A great number of Coal boats nave been leaning laiLhree days past. So large an amount ol foil woo niter before afloat on the Ohio at one time. Com piyatively few accidents or !Owes' have yet occurred A sale on Satikilay of 160 tons b II It Fig Iron, Eitra Furnace, at Sr'. 6 Mos. Fluor—The'recetpta on sale, Saturday, were again a Wall• Nearly all the * Flour arming woo sold to he thillvered here. We ascertain thit t large bovine-s tin been done ranee the Rainbow's news, on private vima. Previous to the ariiya4 of the steamer, the -Ales at 6,54 were 4 It. 500) bhls. Oa * Saturday. b 7.5 was the current price, but only a small !muneu was dine. Aa before, there was a good de si cure tl,ne p tritely, than transpired. There were 'viol., 1.1101•01311 toe Itlt ale at 57 -I Cheese moves ell .lowly at Gai rile for new at' IS.. Beading Raißoa] Cu, have given notice that I the tolls on coal brought over their road will be advanced on the let of July neat lac tt ton abort lie present rate, and an advance of lOr ton will ,:barged Ou each successive mouth. Biaknell's Reporter an s - The Philadelphia Mon; y market continues easy. The Stock etellement, i.pecially on the flinciea,continues high. and alto crack brokers orb activel&mploJed. The Copper . I tocke, some of theta, at least, eel/erten/0 strmge 4actutttrins. On Saturday week All, gheny was sold white on Saturday it could be obtained $1 5 , 5041 5 15 . The past week at Boston has been one of general metal depresaion to mdse and stocks v. ith roe ight ezeoptulai, notwithstmdia; the comp iro ti r ute are in the money market Thn principal articles of property that arrived at id, by way 01 the Ohio cmnl. during the lat, are the lollnwing,—(Plain Dealer. bit 023.151 Iron and nailvlbs 10226C1 166144 Glassand g ware 377303 c0a1,... I" 5 .... bbl. 14.5916 Lard ..... sass L.42:31 6035 8ut1er........63714i NAP , . W 001.... Ii 411 • 47110 a The following are the prinetp .1 articles clea•cd ends ,%Vbiskey Voi and read attics ;down; the past month • tibia 3967 Other mdar.,ll. 1541719 Inllo Forntture, bag*el3l4 - 2 slue en 9147 Gypsum 4711 4 ,0 1439'39 Csattn,s 33613 S.,letatus revery 87519 Lumber—. ...lt .1316:k1 The editor* of the St Itouts Repolulteatt have re zutly seen a speramen 1,1 , c0al taken from mines It, tiles below dekin on the Llltnoto river, which to I/1 tape/ter quality liar all the putpose to manufacto ong, gas worn.... creattng steam. It representr d is solid, heavy, free from sulphur. and all tither tuttstances, and has been pronounced equal to the 'test Pttluburgh teal. Coal hat also been dtacover.l via tulle, root Louis, on the land. belonging to Chav * l'ltouteau. Ehe Republican offs-- Although the shaft has tint yet been carried very it., into the bill, the stratum of coal is 3 le. hstet, o tit every prorpect of Improvement. The coal, we • t—teratand, is of a superior Ittod, and co notch nine t•Cuahle. that I I' et r ho is freely paid ("f il, oxr C 1 coal usually brought to mark.. It is said to ttottsea one qualtty'greatly desired—that u,lt tell 4 crumble or alaken when exposed to the atm.. plose. FOREIGN NIAPiIie:PS. ENGLISH IKON mmoirr Ln 1.11,101., l't vie is st't s steady and unatratid demand for Iron, and prices continue irlbe well saStriltled. ()Wing to the pressuie mr money,•everal lots of Pig Iron have been thrown upon the market. and have been sold at lower rates Man last quoted hir prompt cub; but in the general thle there is no change of importauce to notice.— Phero is little or n\mhtng doing just now on ape.- 'atiort. Current rates are—for Pigs in Glasgow, to 7. fid ps too; to Liverpool S 7 lls Oil to it; Merchant tars. ID 10i, best hotted, 130 IS.; I 10..p s DI 5.10 :sheets, .elt; best Plates, .E.P4 Ith—alt In Liverpool.. . LONDON, May 18.—Metals—Iron. both Welsh and itallorditbire have bane little inquired lordunrig the vut lortoight. sod although prices are quoted Min I tar to laat month. holders willingly Sett tomb di • seriph°. st .5. 10 7t fid Pi ton under present roost inns. Lon non, 'slay l6—European Corn Tride.—tOrter the vatting of the Cairene.; on the 1:11 g•:. t reaction has taken place in the Gram roa.ket here, sod, as will be observed, prices have risen r pidlv old are now at.such a figure as will place staanybrrii. vies of s:ea.lato lila out of the reach of the poorer lasses ill this country. lo the course of the week ending.. May 15. Wheat it Mark lane had a continued advancing terdency Factors asked enormously high prices, from I(Xls to f•Sla being demanded, w hich rates were gins higher han those current during tne previouSweek. , The ,est Lower abortedli red Wneat brought 900 to 565, ad Bantam leht p qr. The top pitcc of town. made Flour leached 60s yl sck at the close of the seek ending May 7, and has not sinrc viritvi.— temerican Flour has been snIJ extensively at 50s to p bbl, being lOW more than It was wor.b about a I °neigh' ago. The market held nu Monday last, May 17th, area scantily supplied with Wheat, w h rh found buyers at a further ad • ance of 5, to lit qr over the currency of this day week. A fair extent of business was transacted in foreign at about 4. to 5i advance: Bbl diar 7. to Sr, an Indian corn 4s to ha dearer. Malting barley Is to to lower, as the season nearly over, and the large arrival of foreign has enabled buyers to purchase all descry, ions on rather easier terms • IMPORTS BY 11.IVKM. WHE:F.LIKG—Pir New England— c't belle paper. 1 he, J H Mellor--300 bbl. floor, owner-140 do, 4 bale. yarns, B A Sampson & co-4 bble oil:10 bales candlewick. Church & Carothers—Go pen Smith & Sinclair-20b410 Illonr,J belie, T Palmer-1 hhds bacon, F pre bacon, McGill & &Afield-13 sae wind, 31 bbl. liner, owners. BROWNSVILLE--Per Loom McLane-1 be, K H Palmer-4 do, J l Bidwell—l do old copper, J Park jr & co-14 semi nails. Murphy, Wilso.. & co—l 4 do, F. Enos-10 bbl. flour, 41 bee glass, se. corn, el do oats. owners—l ha bacon, J Cooper la bra glut, owner,. • Per Consul-81 licks core, 2 bbl. flour.li Wats.. & do,J ha, Kerr jr & co-1 WH G d-4 moo. indigo. Allen & co-8 bqle flour, F. Flazeltort-37 do, owner. WHEKIANG—Per Inland Packet-883 hble 111. r, Robison & co. PEKU, 1111 !firer)—Per Alitieippa-11 blesnap, 3 bbl. do, Curling, Hanemann & re- 13 hlids 33 sclialulhere, 1 be, 23 Mole bacon, I Y 7 tads hates, Bingham—'J` 3 d hide.. Burbridge, Wildin •& en -44 bal. hemp, Jordan & Son—l 1,1,15 acke feath ers, 3 bag. eang,l do wan, II Grall-1 Idol bacon. Poindexter & co-34 bales skins and furs. Wm IS Holmes & Bro-50'bble iard,J Grier—l eck regs,G T Morgan-4 per graced., owner. ' BOATS L KAVINO THIS DAY. 0 11 LEECH & Coo. PACKET, 111;134.0mi and Baltimore. •BROWNSVILLF; PACKEN at C a. Alt and BEAVER PACKETS ato and 10 a )1 and 3 r •MONONGAIIKI.A CITY I'ACKKTS, r. •WELLSVILLE, Well”illc, 4 r ..14LASGO1Y PACK V, ispai, 1 r. d. *IIIONONCLA,IIELA.CincionaIi.IO 4. M. •FIIBERNIA, Whecllng.lo 4. MU .GE.IiMANTOIVP ,I ; Cincinnati, t r n. These are recolar racket, PORT OF PITTSBURGh •-- Beaver. Hoops, Bosses. CocArul,Bowmalt. Brownsville. Lake k,ric, Hemphill. Beaver. 51c{.ane. Beoneu. Brownsville. Itamblei, Haughton, fileKeesinnt. Polo Alto, McDonald, Beaver. Caleb Corn, ShOles, Lilasors. Hibernia, Smith. Wheeling. Hibernia No Y. Klinefelter. Weßacilli,. Catlett. Wellsville. Stonongithela, Stone. Cincinnati. Atonterey, Morrison, Browhsvil le. Island Packet, Dallis, Wheeling. Despatch, Nelapn...Monormahvisi !lief, , I"4.b.Lf. : r Batintum, kitne , tsville; Lock. McLane, Bennett. Brownsville. Palo Alto, McDonald. 13, 6 , es , Rambler Boughton, !Sloe. City. Caleb Cope, Snoles, Glas g ow. lease Newton, ntason. Cincinnati. Messenger, I.nlord, Cm. Monterey, Mormon. Brownsville. Wilminglon.blevens,Stenbenville. •. Newark. !lord, Zanesville. Trenton. Woodsn:o, St Leuia. Financier, Koupts.l.oatiavaile. ARTISTS COLORS, CANVASS, Re—Jos.tecnree s fresh lot of Shona Color, In tuber. Brushes sod Oda, Re.—Foksale by J KIDD A CO FOR CINCIN3ZATI -REGuLAn YACKF:r. The elegant and smooch Racket DERMA Nelf:t%VN, r. Ir a 01 le .. l7e „.c for ju th o : 7 FA .11 • mnie apply on hoard jc7 For lieurht or FOR T. LOUIB—NREcr , Tb,•,... i::,lia ti.lesul d o golur Bucket .....'....'...ii. CAMBRIA. ino , 11, lipatc . . wlll lea Ve ..• Move, on Monday, June 7t,, or Ilr 0 . ,r1,1:, A. nor f.etubtot ',maw apply on , Gard le7 FOR T. Loris—REGULAR PACKVB The lies anti elegant I . .e‘. I ' Q} 4 et 111:013k INN, _ Bo,' waver, moll leave as •trour et I ..'rl , rek. las oreo.no,luve 71h s• - . 72 = - " n>, tre,ght or palmy, app . y on board.l,.• - - - . FOIL 3.1-W 0111.r.A N 3 - 1/1111".i:1'. The ne,, and frendol steamer igEett: ' , ARAN Mi. Molyre, wtil loare ma above on Monday raglan), June :di, at in o clock, A rt. /For fi ..,,b.. or p.a.age apply oo board. jr7 - -- ._ ZITM CINCINN ATI AND LOVl , Vithr ..4jses k ii The Tego:•r and •tat lir Sl'.. , i • s _' I. m .. ~'. CM' , r. , ..er,lstii ,u, a• salwve VII rtieftin I e . et.1.1.4un , NI, t.: I 0'a ,,, r1. pa-• al,- ..ppli cti board. j , 7_ Tar new and very I gh , dranglo Parke: CI NIDDIEI.I..A, Poe, roamer, will Doer . uoae 0/1 Tuesday ermtii.g. June tali at .1 cir , o+ Tor en a g I.hINS. t Delhor to i or pstrra D a% I c +poly on Aa,bora. 1%7 • . rou, PERV—ILLINOIS • A Teo elrßant and (x.t l•nr\rt • AUL/I'll4V , NlcCo,mtek. mace, will len, (or the 'at ' l‘l.e.ee Fon on Illoodar. J. , ne at ol,loek,r NI. For fre:ghl or ru.gr k I.ou Regular Drawer cod Glasgow Packet. The new nod foal runny, mensal... kilt trade.. In., built elprrlv for lilt. trade. wall run n. a regn ar l'acket BPAVCT and ad-va—leav3nz horeb traL:r. r. . add ruan , ng rn (InCousts 'Mandy and llcavrr Cana!). Aland+ • ne , ny. aml Far ire fight or pa , ....ige 1n Ilencrr SOWrhe lawn. We. and Nooil of New I.lrbon, apply on boar) or to ,e 5 S& W 11A1111.11 , G., T 1 amel mreet ...a A ~.,. Th, gmunr!i:rtrarOl:o: . l 0...... ,........... ..,....._,‘ . CI. nNi 11-.11, "(:21,,: - . --- 2; knout, matte!, oriti Icn, n• al., r ~ ..;c_ .'"... • Nlototay evraf, /hoc 7.1.. ut 1 o'. c:o. r.k, 11 . F„. ,„ ; 0,, o r ~,,,o, tlpr!y oa so boat I. 1., •-- 'SEAVER PACILF.T. The Gne ...111, PALO. ALTO. J \lelk+na~J, manic r, will rim regular , L-tsvecn Plitsburgla aukl ISeavrr. on Og, Ao ell biumr Nita.... I lee , mg (leave, rr.l) sti.nr,lng ami v o'clock amJ 1.411..t.urgh everr r‘" (r°ll°CO. Agl.. ver JUIIN CAL:A:Oh:V. Az. a . Cur t\'user bail 5114.11600 ' . . The clout, env', plasenger rtrmkr caul., SW Kr/tilos / ,I. , auglo only 15 IncheP.l I pl Cos.,llll..uve on Monday the 7.. Pnththi :it 4 o'clock. . for eincoirtritl . n.i.l pa w. sod will s prrlotto her irlp• ciurog the lox woier ee nthn For neigh , or powth, .rots on boon , 174 REGULAR CINCI 4 :4 ATI & hrl I.Ol'lS PACKET 121/401.., The new tatTThwft7leleA me r Wo.-awn,tl, h .ser sill leave ne tatettve •-• relettlnrts tittoughoto the .e.,..te Vot frt. octal its ptittts, sti.p:fott tward. - FOIL CINCINNATI er. LOC The and ronuns licht drurseo lIIIU mn,or. n less, 1,4 - .FA-rcretir. n cul usrouchr• ws ut lho M.Oll For •tresclo nr prosuce app . ) or! tore ni Inv 12 I , OR crwi 7'r NATI r c . orzo- Cn~pi The crir K rUII A rn i LIAT .A PAC lir I onooro,;•Ol . le;ve al.ve rogolor Iv throe Orr reorgon For fry g lo or onoorite [tool, on Wool in)l2 FOR - , 1 . 1.1.1:1S-1 1 111111:1' t A . T.IE •toluorti aA ti , • 5x. , .. ,,, m , =it ' I), . e 1...• no ••,.• ••• •',. ' • A.. —•—: 3.,..• !:• ~,,, ehnut 1!.• PI Mill AN I. 1.111:1?. r.s• a.r.rwrr h.- "' VAIN 1.301.1 KR r :•• run,. r. orur 1.0 It elp,••1, lor trulle. aridr• - gss •lueoLs ilrc r. Iler 111, nr,711 l'ACtiEr nrw,l , Kntrug -, 1.,' Is, r • - v. burl 11.1 9,111. ,hC ,raVe• 1,11 by, dr, n.nn bln),,b. al .1 &plonk. or I rninbr or pa ro.age apply on board. ta,fi FOR Z A N a,a. " := "1" 7:1 11 . hI ' ;1717 . 1 " 1-T n"'" Moor, tra.a:rr. will ply 111 • nre and ZALII,- i. 4 411.1 . 1..V:1.{14.1- IL CINCINN ATI l'Aci•arr • j , tr rn zery 11%1:1:151w . ud staunch 111a•1,. will ton a• shove ••••01/. malong rrruhar Ir.p.. Tar S.do w• only II inch., vr.trr for Itel/ki or •pa,aqe orply Loterd. 4P.1" M=Ei!ralEMl co.nt.yr, rte. ner Joa.e• F. It/A.'f W: , It:11 /1• Z rlr} te e.ohl ttu'ar poelet leoterre P.toattoCh nil anle Italong ball her colon.. ()tool 01l •tlll rurr.:•heal in roperite t.ty I, the Centel rottere the Poro nre..tornutinvor, paarettgey• She will Irate, 02 a• lYtt'oloet, I' NI lour yo 7 otitte apply nn I.try4l.eyoz . ma.° I Regular Pttiabargh and Zones" Mc Packet. .rur. 1 , 01 dro,ort srearnor , NEWARK, Word. Masa, call rooky_ arf•ln'y ma. . ro the retroVE coati dururc rr0.... , nn For ion& or car., apply on too rd or . or D WII.KINS. ae., ____ Pittabgargh and gravathata Paekei: Ile new and fine steamer trial HU D SON, Dawn, tn•sarr. ha. resumed her reg ar tp* and •vdl leave Ihto.loor•h • nhove every Thnroday and Mon day •i 3 o'e Fork. V. M. For fresghi or pamsge apply on hon.! °el, TO CONTRACTOR.. DSO) . 00A1. , will be ree. turd at to•r ittfic. of the 1 James , Rh er wad Kanawha Cncit;loo,), i Richmond Va., en.it the 15th Jul) . n if,bin t h e Con n( three !ion of three stone Onto. set, n Jame.' li , ' on I ihr line of the t °ninn) • Canal bow. en I ,richburg MeIZEF.SPORT, I:11. znetrrii AND MONO -G.l-ai,l the mouth of 1 e `sorth /1”, Dre fret of grid 111 1.1 CITY P M:10 , 1 I dams will be almot Al ft h An and 411, le, long, and •f - The new ate-outer 11 i awed about 4it dos oil•ouc 14 ncliburg We lacono a II , DESPATC, I t e atom IS ft h gh and Star ti Ito e e, ni d mounted about 9 - ‘eiwon master will ran a s whose I. a in lc. west of I t 00..0 Ilse third will he about 2/ , tog Pit abut,. ever) Monday,%S. a I it high and NV II long and • taste .t a mot IS miles west ~ ~10,, •,,,1 I. nit, nrol o ' clock.-1 lil sound Mono', e jot I t girl.° ur The found...nit or the, dams are of eta!! to evert Tue•du) fliondny and ' , awed , y at n mob, and the sot crsourtures a ill be inn CO 041 or, o kA 51 lin (retch 07 . sage app 1, on Icor id sett as hehas I ow water level ttnr rig the present wit e.n. win Plansto *ant worli•tit, I...wen and ape. ili. to nag 01 m nett at the Cecina., slider, ii Ho Intoned 01 at Allegheny River Trade. We tiabiteri.wes Orb, on util l nc itiorivi Lynchburg flit him andfsgt , iranilmat --,CTI.P2 A ILILOW, tpt Jorne• likin will eon. II 00 4.101 sto r the lit of Jul) twit. W ALI LK 1.•%\ 1 ‘'`. Chlrf F11R1. 4, Ll ' ue to ra , a Regular Pack•t J Jan. , Riot r fr. KatinWhil Co .. M 440110101 14111 May , I , l' on ril-.ltsto tlo 12 . ng .1,, ~ 'son between Pot , turatt and Franklin lot "eight or p ...age app., on ',oar I ttillls A. WARD,DENTIST. RAY Removed in the boost on Penn ae c . 4 ' -Il e-..- ....7 . 311.1, three dour. above 10 •i 4 .+i eel, It histil. Alt I C/Cll Ffitt N ,tIIVIL.I.I mai nit. 1,04 ~ c omet WI °DINO, ligii i .,.. whew lie may he found Inman o clock '"' A• 11, unti l 5 r X As he is deartas•ot being employed li) nom bat Cant.lobar E "." will '.""'""' those who will mato mom...hare payment without the h " r ", , "'" r , " "' ' '''. " I " " r "" "" „et e..ii) on his patOrf collecting he „mild mo ire pat .., ~:a. freight sir Z',‘"Tc",",,,Zll","..l"`''' Ocular eidention to Ilseltillawing it ims All I, 11. ion J ~, nu i L" , ~,, 0 , 0 , unpaid a 1 the cap mita. a [limy dam will ',e 4 hogged inelt.l7 at the renewing rate.—. for. I itracturg Teeth. SI PI rr.nuß(.ll AND W 111 LLINIs PAl`hl I 1 far F. thug tram SJ to $ 1 per cant) . Ph...ideal...land boat running etar f r r;:.=4 NEW EINOIL.AND. c 0 0,,,,,,, 0 w ~.„‘„, „„, 0 cc „,,,, , All l ' a ll s. ' s d' u 'r rin "r i:tr "" li i?a n g . t:g n e r' T.nrs 'n a ' re r iTc ' aTint ied, .i... ,. .. a ,„ 0 „,,, c 00 0 0 0 ,, , n , , ~,, ~,,,, , hl 3- will l • e COll4l rrt tido, anew d ing to theabor , erg-_ *'''''' —'-'''sreb, I,,lrkg l'ols l swell ...ecru I ""."."'• A , , 3 11—There are those indebted to it en whose ...- Th.. " , 1b. " .". " a" '" " "1 " "' I"" 'l"rk '' ' 04,111.. I( 11, paid untried awl) will he pared in the anti leuri tg M. been., coot') • Mond.) %% vine-Uri) end t ann , _ , r.., „ 1 no 01 a proper 44014. , 10r rollrAtion saga , It sr I t it nu 9 Wt. h ock. A M ... - 1 h" ''''''' .." , '"" 1"". '."." bc"' ' '' '' " "* 7 ''r the IMF INDEX YOU MI. Or sti.i.lNl A 1 'Y Jot' it r.d, nod o. ill les ~ e wror Ism , ore Jot re gist or 1 NAL OF SCII:N4jJ. AN It A I(T:4,m:uprising ref lia•ssee :trot) on I Ord or Itt Oda 11111, FLACK . 0 0 ,,,, , error, to 4J volume. of dm fan retie. erdiracing a pets „ of J - s ocart oa. Irmo 1 , 1.t0 1 , 40,0 noes taut on inpleted end • new ...pies tar notch). the undersigned •0 c mug confidently belles,. not this inter no roue will pmoat oecial, not or]) to dm,.• who not roueits ill ovh lie .cries,lnn to nil who nre conutried ,','any I wit, w lie the Ant noel . .sc. once., for what...en We lie- j)ERFUNLILRY,te—Hounct • IG•se and Atwood onnment 10 Icatlrf 1.4 e1,(414.41 lip II 1011Ie 0, 401.1 1 .4110 4 /0111 Cecil., I 1 eery •uperira article, with ur mertioir• that hat c horn pal It•brd to she Jalllllll on the wi lout tars . ...fro Riot inure"* him. whether' hom; to the one- Ito* sul's t hating Ounpoun I re.• of scien,e, in tho (total's of hem inibe rl lb watt TA, lot'a do do deo i emelt* a I kt C o nn, . or oWe vat into resattret • de ery.tallitie tans, of bis and ono, a w h such I ode the enure .1 1 It s^ .1. set tei of the 0014 in pu .lir 111,mm. at in mow of 11“11 . • Almond do old, duals becomes avallatite " Palm ' , lnv. lavender. iSillip . etr lens of th 1111, 11,10 4 ft r0.41 , d et the t I. or nti ntil Cologne Waters. for sale b) publteherte prat e i Hlu , n ever: retools , JOl.l. hlOlll LR ..i.iloser piton. to die neve or retool label memo iit I m` dl Corner WOOO,lll Fill,eet• ~ ...' ,II acrd C l r ^ 1 I"II‘k " "V" .... ''.' ' G 100.411. Adv•utage• of ICdneallon. the Agent for Putithurgh I's I M AL V. .FMINARY NYW 111% IA P.% 1 "/ a ‘ WW " 118 °N , 57 M"''' .'.'' 1 1 .• I t taw SRI per Session of five months DITTSULROD AND CONNELLSVII.I.E (. 'sew Maven Avoletny for I,Loys —Ter t it- 113 S per 1. 11A11,10,10 1:1151 PAN'S 3no • 11 1-47 .estian of five months A reduenon made to those who Hooks fir merle lig additional subseopt•nip it. the 111,0. becoming teachers tat•i It of the 1 ottl • argil end I unitellseilio Railroad IS', 1 radar , . N MERIIILL Professor 01 Mathemat es will be opened at toe iau44Of ti e t notion.)• in thi• col 1 Centnlotille Pa „ 0 i „,..,1 0 ,, 0,, ,- 0 ,,,,,, 01 10,e , 1 , io 0 0 ~0 , 0 coon, I It assuavea Rev. IC I ~.11:%1TART, Connellsville, ue open (molds.) la dist until the lot of July. 1 Pa jellOt _ Scots will also hr °peaty, on tit,. 11.111, nay end for! ,_,, ~ ~,.. i I ~" TN Id d JEXPECTORAHT—The virtues of th h e ' er, .to ' r ' t T n rol ' e r ." J ' ii " .l7e ' e h :i ' io ' n 't o " rl ' l n o s aTt ' Raw Ia nd .0 e 1 ~.A , ~,'::'', '.......d ch.q. n.. , ..... to , I d. ..... 1 ~,ou ..o outer di. ..... cannot to too well ‘ l " ^ ‘ — ' a " eta '''' "" """" ' '" . """"" f j '" ' known. Very 111,1 lives hare been saved by o—' Mauler and.llllll,rounktrr—a 4 Limn. Issil c 41101 rt 1110 A . Ai , 000111,A1 . 14 4114.1. at Herd) Ilinek. nitoot d nein, "irellr —lllt Fcerial. In pi 1 1 0,,, ITV; ^". -.. -,Tr , .1 (.....b.o.“1,010,140 01(0,04 of J ito it., un 1,m% _, ... - 11 , "K l . l - 1 Cithoun /el .1 Caltorin kr , . Ser y ••. -ph ~ - 4, ^ , .. ., '..- 1,,,,, ,J , t- ' ..... , 0 11 1 - 0 - iiiiirm Tir.I.E.ORAEII. FRODI r LL I L : 1 7 2 ,,,,, l' i lf"'l"'t "'"-h , rarsuumal, CI SCINNAI /, & LAW ESVILLI ( ' 1 .... — . • ~, l N l :, t l t. , t t ; 1 / 4 1,... tt be. to the Yirrek of the abuse C. 410214 , 0< , - ~ , N - o , duty to or near this r. t), twee. in--- . .. i , , 1 1 ~, ; • - -• ••- • - WELLSVILLE DAILY PACKET. 141 a, . ... 7 ., t ,....,. The newaltwitif.aill.:neket i C. C. Cad el taarrr, far.. Wilt ex• I pm. 77 far ;hi. trade. and vr:3 mole . ',tally {reps during the 1N.11,011. Ira, og i Pittsburgh rrary na,rningai P.N....cif, arnl Wellsville ' : 1,1 - 0 r : vrotinl at 3 o•Jlock Thr W. is 6an:shcfl woh , rFahrr • .• Patent inatorac Wfort (Wag," For fre:ghl of pis. , age nopty oft :wan! f 0:0 lir A IN r I Twates constant!, eft thr Palrafftrl: Wl,nr( to rr rt iv/. (fright, anJ Or agrnt always on illy ,pot. i A SlcBANI•:. Agent. . _ . liEti l ll,A I: I'ACICJIT 1 1 , 01( WF;IJ.SVII.I.I . : AND :111-11:1tENVII.I.V. ek The new nail Itahl A will. rinfr ' • riai..' I WILMINTON, 11 M. S..t , Vell , ina.orr. Iravra INats. buigh rye', Nlno:lav, Walii..•fifty and riaiay at 3cirlork, .• NI- 1,.. yrs Strolfenvllle every 3,,..1'. y. Ilfursflay aolS(turday meia-Y• A. AI Fur Irelght or iia•rage. nprh , o n ' boaro'cid. J. r (.3 lI.Alt 1:111.3111.181;11 AND M.' lIKE:LING rAcKy.T. The :gnome ,- 11111:11CIINIA, Samuel South masleroo.lenrnmenee .." „ w al awa . regulor pariet ol.out die ISth Ins, , leaving Il.ttslmrcl , ever) Monday. ,i'ednes.lay ot.d,Fnday. at 11l o'clock. A M . leanin everyTurni•y.amby •nd Sulu, g rtl I,!ix.o!nel, A. M. For fre.oll or. .posaage apply .14, ,1. nn Want ,a 2,11 - - . REGULAR ITrE4I:I/11till AND' BIROWNSVILLF: PACKET. TllFnearindillatoring steamer " fr will tun es a rr!....7 irr All Imola of Agr ,, C , e• ..P.oOPIIY (a. Moderate charges l'l,aer call at ISAAC HARRIS'S Ilenrral Agrocy anJlntell.grnce UNen Na 911 Foal •licel.n,•al ~JoyV y f M BOSTON t NEW YORK PIANO FONTES. sod for .lo adru ll ri anu ll., fs N envera . pri o Woodce, good, ha. ou hand one elegant tosewood, grx 01•12VO Piano Frte. with Franck grand a ion, and Itell roado, COWS NO, of floaton• Our very handsomt Alahogiuty Piano Fortc. Gale dr. Co., Ne* tortr rt ROUND ALLSPICE. Cinnamon and Cloy. to 1.1 tt andaluall park ages, colonially on hand• and for sale state Martell old RHODES &A opiee FactoLCOßNry, 27 Filth ono STRAIN IRON RAILING 'FACTORY, R E ROAD, above Buttonwood Street, adelphil. At this establishment may befriend the greatest variety allots and beautiful Patterns lee 'RUN:RAILINGS in the United ;totes, to which the attention el those in want of any descnps tion, and especially for. Cemeteries, is paiticulady invited. 'l' he pan il l, part of all the handsome Bailing" at Lau td Hill, Monunient, and other celebrated cemeteries in the city and mainly dl Philadelphia, which hare been so highly candled by the public press, were executed at this manufactory. A Imp: lVareqinnin is connected with the estab lishmeet. where is kept constantly on band a large stock of ready-made Ir. Railings,Ornalnental Iron Settees. Iron Chain, new style plain nod oreamen• tat Iron Gates, with an estentiVeassortMent of teat Ruste. Pedestals, lion ArtibM. &e: Alva, In great vemery, Krnnght and Cast I ran OriltmentS,sultable for Ratings. end other purposes. The subscriber would also state that In his l'at tern and liesigning Dettartinent lie has employed rale of s he best talent in the estuary, whose whole attention in "rated to the tniMiless— fanning rine gorier one of the most complete and systematic ce• tanitshments at the kind in the It.. 110BEIVI` WOOD, Proprietor. it•dge 11 0 . 1 ,1, aSe•e Untt•mwood street Philadelphia, March I'2. 1217 aitnns CHEAP %V ATCHEII. TUE CIICAI•Ir,rf cola) AND 311.V1 - .11 WATCH ES IN PIIII,APELPIIIA. • Gold Levers, lull J ewe Ilea. Silver do do Gold Lepines, Jewelled, Silver do do loaners, fine eptlO:ty Gold Watehes. plain; Saver Specaelee. Gold Penedo, Gold Smeelets. 4 IX/ Also on hand. it large ovorttnriti of Gold and 11011 Stare let, Lngrl mg., breast pins. hoop rat ring, gold pens. silver spoons, saga r tongs. thnithiev, gold 11,,,q., mob and lob chains. p tined le) v and Jo o o.O'Y of oo , ! deseopnon. u 1 eqttally l ow . priers. All I wont iv a eau to convor, eustontrr, Ail tooth. or Watches and Clocks repaired and war name keep godd tone for one par, old gold and oil. err bought or taken in exchange. For 'de et lad, to. Clocks.at • thin) boor Watch. (hock, sod Jewelry ',tole. No 11.11 Abtrle este, above Eleventh, North side, Phdridelphea. 117 I have some Gold n 1111 1 ,1 1,, Levers soil elt , oprt than the above priers Lett am NASMYTIIiPATEINT DIRECT-ACT 1.9 N STEAM HAMMER. rl , llls Ilaranuir pon.a. , 4c. many ad.ntagusev, at 1 ozacro—amotog winch tua) inctiliOned, Maaagealbleaeas—Tl...w.l . 3o and farceof 410 tay he cosoirolled will. 11 re Krcat, tate, WI/lit 111 63.4 rune OperAltsM, ncui Ilse haomuer inay in t orre•ted, and •u•rvottled ai 0111 Unolveooal,oy, 0 ccoptocav It curate utak °tat a, item the loarge•l oo ut...ler the rant Ir•Satipl4. tr, Comp:l,l4l , K , end Cht,pue.... 11..Vert.r.d , 11o1 won all 0,.t1e, I, thew ut:titett tt the htmn, z Thr ottl.ts fur hit.sritrxr.,fo ...e• tcrlo• For furthrr rart,tut,.r.' ot Mt :I,lOl'N a 'll,Wrir, .Assign 11, enar4l,Sta.o4 derN-ly ,outlawlirk FoundrF, • • & NiuKutsos, of AWNINGS, SICKING BUTS OMS, WAGON COVERS AND I:RAIN DAUS n, ALL ors.. It A! 364 South Front 61 -'• ' " Buck of 7'. A. %%4/son's Cabinet Ware Mantsfy PHILADELLPIIIA. A cod,. left vrio S Moon, at the taboo of 'Le A Nlcorhank , bosh l'Aisburgb, wal Sr pg..P* lsos.lotl 111 ,, 5. G. DERRY A. C. NICKERSON TOWATCIDLAKERS land DEALERS J, LADOMUS, MPORTEII,I Watch, Wolchnunker, Toole, 11nd Wraeh tdawr.sta, 0.110Ie•aI0 and mallottni Can .twaiy an hand la,. ne..ortuirnt Lunen, Paletn, 1,1.11 Wow, Nlno..prol, Very. Waleh 11.10n.an.1 completr a.oriment of otll'onl. and 012. tero.l. bc.olig:l, no tlntirLU all a IX,' a•.o,lmetil 01 1.0. , ...•101 n.larr I. , rver. L.o6joe. and inn al of 0 Irr h he 0,11 renranty r 0 •rll at Inn'ool.o Neu/ I . OIS 1.10 - e. All 4.10.11-rs fromtht tootot, puttriratl) N. tt —4 - ountry Nl,chanta antl ot100• nre..ne.iell all an-I stnlne nt the 010 Stand. Na South Fourth •0, , t. I.o.olGtn WILLIAM 01414:.. COACH AND I.I.YRNESS 31.4KE11, 21.4 Chesnut st • It Prottstfdpltort, We of the fir• of Ocle h. 'titangiV Watson. respectfully informs 1111 Lend. and the pub', that he has and will keep conetantly on hand and fur Itaseletmac assortment td aeltittnalde Carnage* Yaltocler of all otyles dreertptione wade tu order at theslanted roil:dental, and esectsted to the errytnat manure, cd1.31%.1 material teteD-ly MiscausEor Jul% OIJOH.S. JUST PUBLISIIICD. IN Nlemastr. tf. , •1,1.401 l'EaFlrs nIIS. I) , 'rum wr.ting• l'ean cr.,. r0,1,ge.. :And NI yVam.ritr: L.eit o.a.el.qed r. Key .7:.• ' 1,1,4 toototy ta the t . . t ours it .11 the ,t,f Kent.l, oral, it.o oat.. •ie ttf Ow Chao Lo• ,tt the \ al.e) 01 V. u.n, 14 ,Lit lravaitva, L. It 4:neap.. Theotagtratml \ el:sheous, re ratatrd fivm rt.nremo Rev Leo. t 4 retottl setter, ...Ong the coatrtioutton• of Rev. A.ltert It 1). rktexandor on haul, 2111 t. vo:s. Fttnt on the earlier propbcoteo—rocond on the Inth prOpbeetc.—nold step,- tato!) A ettitet•toottt of TI oratestho I,te • Of the A.. •of.ot of a • 11,. ~1 :Ito t. • oh no amt. doetton. by Dunces. Mr Farthn 1./ I' Mena., of lore Jane WA haat. by bey. Charlet. Ertegea. 'rho afar,. o.th n eettere: c.artetretrot or work• al! &pantry... or I.tterrare tor o,- thr llook.tote of 1::.111111' I. 1; \triLISII .5 5 lariat •. :LI and 4 h •ttecto 'KEEN DIOUSTAIN • NON'oec. Noy l' Oen:•-niep romp -•e.l, ur re, 111, 11,', lit.' oke rt W.,' /I a• Ie n J appt, ti•ua , rem , du • tor n-w,,••lo .ke be co:named to !rot de-p, and p u rok-act • ze of tky or plOgn kg my 1.•4. I nkt on.y I ad , be I.lwe ph, .101311.. hvt p•ea all the bait,. and pain Pw. I 0,1 II I,ar of. and 11.1 ono tLem bad pa' c the pro, o Ike go, theren• aka and oever- and p..ri.e:kat pa 11 had beta, d down into a r. cram I 1., frur 011 Spencer SMITord of rt.. advised m• may ,n4l. o...men, I ia , aebed ody• ikra. I wi 1.1. / '`IIIIII. r,..,;(1 , to t,y land to my eiral rake I nn.l n•Poy•Linenl..i al. most "lot ..t.bneoasl, relieved 0: • ; um. ..Jueed /oflarn , nation. and ...woman, d ;.eN'wg :111 bore, w .. I now y o.ed I doe onfillerely and rkno , re ketwvo that It willow:. not fever gore. a thoroughly applied. Rebpeclfolly our, S PARSONS. For eale Ly R I: St.:IAA:RS ' .S 7 Wood • Oil ZS e. CiIRP3I/119, ISII,RP,Nit the solwitanon ci numeral.. lJ Wends has concluded us locate himself 110112212.41, ly in.4u city. . . Ile therefore offer. his prefeswonal' sere ice. to the pubile,lod respectfully sohcits • thaw Of patronage.' Pastlcolnr atlentlon given to discases peculiar to wo men and children. RICILVESC.,-I.toressor Rantoul Chew, B•ltimose., .• • 11. Willis Bailey, `• • • Dr. R 11 Cochran, • '. Dr. IL W. Lawrence, t/rvice: Palrshfield street, opposite hlerch•nts Rotel. Residence,dlanottgahel• Douse. E ACLU DILANCIR SALOON, NO 42 DIANFIND A LLEY—Oor.kind friends arc tuformatr mat ,or former Saloon al the above place, will be open Poo etttmL /one 4h, Cot the waren. Thaw who dislikelarce erowd•can otonle did ICE CREAMS, NCY CAKE, CON PEcrioN A— Y, ke . tre , at all spec ANDREWS fOrFree Concert. w.thic Eaglo Saloon, Woad. Meet, eerr v cceronelhia weal , • • . ... ... ..—• •-' -: - . MISCELLANEOUS ..-.,-,-:: I . EXCHANGE 11' 1t- ' L -,. BEAVER, WARREN & CLEVELAND 1 ' DURANT, lIANNA A.CI3:, LINE OF CANAL PACKETS AND NTAULS. :•, BANE/CRS, Exciassot BROKERS, ligiga 1'347. ' AND DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOMP3TIC liNCHANCE CERTIFICATES or DE CANAL pACHK - PS TELEURAPII 3. SWALLOW _ POPSI E. BANK Naves, AND SPECIE; .Liel'r'ritri;.lsTre:tedeltarl3l;/ 4 . lft k iro r, m o i;. t 71.7 the ; r.. ,, h •,. GesSIS °lt t..."e V"' B°a° of ?.."‘VIA omit arrive At Warren next morning in se.on for ' tee , CußKEnrr MONEY r . eng ,, on Degonnr..-s,nn, Stages which reach Cleveland before night. I Check. for SIG!. and collections 'nude on nearly all PasAng,rs will be received thraugh, scenting benhv ... : the Packet., and bests in the Stage, on application I the pnue,pai podds in the Voiied t.tale.. I board steamboat Bearer: Iteacitg Ptir.blogh ai a iold . The bilh•st premium, paid fns Foreign end, Aloe peat clock,s ]or to the agents: • at • C M - HARTON & Co, Pittsburgh 'C CLARKE k.Co,l3aaver - Advaaces mad° an consignments of Prodnce, shipped JESSE BALDWDS, lona:puma Va.,. on lanai tem,. . . en ais SI II TAYLOR, Was reit - ' N. DOLMEN & lON, - Bankers and Dahl... in Exchange, Coln and Bank Notes; en. 55, HARKS, SIRRS.T. PITTSBURGH. Sella. Kates. - Factuotge. Saying Rater. New York, # pr. Cincinnati. I dla Pailadelplins, f do Louisville, I do.. Baltimore, I do Si Lou.., , iJo Buying Rates. RANK NOTES. Buying Rate. Ohio, dia. Co. A_ hoop Order.. # dis. Indiana. do Relief Note, Ido Kenn:ray,do PensAylvanA Cy. ido ni Virgia, ' do New York do, #do ,ao Wheeling, do New Orleans, ido Tenne•see, • do Maryland, lln . royattf - N.IMPORTABIT LUTTIC,B..—The following letter Sum Dr. llriskam, of LowcJl. Masa., but sneak. the uniform Inflow/go liundreassfother Oyu mans, who have tan, and therefore know now to . p. precis. J.ynehr h:xpectotant: Lowell., Ms.., Jan. V. Dr. Dahl Jayne—Doss heir: I have used your medt erne, ao universally known by the mane of Jayne's Expectorant, -11.1 my practice for a mfixtber of years, and tan Mal Indy say, that I have at, Mom X.xext. MI fit the one of that al a mild, ..1111 and very thorough Examinant, than of any whiih I have , ever used. It is the. hest foe the 1 - 01101.111, 011111. 1 ruswn.. It does not. if gore n is proper dares, atasion a disitgrevable pause,. It dote not weak entitle lansand prostrate the trywein. Is.o•I EißeClol,nlll in COISMIOII tile, nor does a thate the appetite of ItIC patient, like other swam int medicines. which have been used by the raid!, In a wad.. is nearly or gone the thing winch h. .kotoie.t for by We. 01 the fat ell for age* gthe by. I remain yaps. rerneetfuffY, • . "11E11111 AM, D For sal, ia Psfidmigh at the PEKIN TEA ATORE, 'J .. .. Fourth steat, near thood; and at the thug More of 11 P :hamar.. Federal Airco, Allegheny City • loynthieserF .asI.I ZI OD .111 Im s 01.1 I 1141 HILL & BUD Successors tolfoldshlp d Browne. Nf A NUFACTURERS and Importers of PAPER tlrl II A NGING 9, No hl Wood steer,. Palsbures. The demand for Arnerkorr Paper haarndured them to rotarge and improve theitFactor). and their fm. dimes for tnutrufacturrng are now equal to Coy nu he tnwtern enter, Roving mirrored thee astern acate ot once. icy take itleastire to invirmie their friends end dealers to eXIIMaIe their slunk, which Is now huger than stony former vernal, .dmay he found as (Allows: • Transparent IS tads.- Shade., rreneir. Amerman, Cohn. Ulahrd ond Comm. Ps . prr Irangtogs,• Goitt. Vein t and Imitation Rordera; LnnAu • • . • lqatinrs and Cun tin Paper, val i d wide plain pert, and 66'J. %% ',Linn, lirtuling,and IPrappin■ llonnle. Le. . • . Rag, and Tanners Iferapa taken in exchange at ins, her once._ ineht7ll , lrmiv,amT homey, Counsellor and General Agent. S[; L. PIRALL. Miami , his friends and the pub, • • lie that he ha• notrunenc,d the business of Agrsit for Illying and selling real eatate.in this city, and wdl devoM n large portion of Cla time and attention to' the Wising, letting and hiring of hoosesonners and nth r ealleetiog and diebyrsing rentsoind er claim, unit demands, and Id attending to Agency bu n sindex generally. 11, will also engage in the negnmvi von of loan•, contrams, rte. and will fornitla authconel information in reiation in the pa) ing qualities and re: spontitiilities of tenants, lte for nitiZli his extensor , seclitstallnfire eminently qualifies him. MIT., he found or hi, ria.denee, No lit Allen atrect.until 1 1.2 o'clock 0 the tuorn.iig and after G o'clock iu the evening, and at oth.r hours at his ogler. No 20 Chasabera street, 2nd am( front mint NEW PORK, RKEERENCES--Eon F A TallinadgeJ lion John II eim, lien John SteKron. lion 0.1. , ‘ IlnQann Al. dermas Katie. Ben., AI& Wm V Wady. David , - E•11, Wen J Roome, Esq. inyllhila• RICIIAILEIT. LEECH, ronTER and Peal, I n Naddlery II inlorstre /1111 Carnage Tr u of every de.eriplion. No 10 olrero to comm.. and de, re. a ep!endld mock goodo in lot line, enntero prleee. I.neeo. Wind, Lampe, Knobs, ho, Ae.. are Imo. HAIM/A baltrato unknown in iltia marker-and unsurpamd (or boauty, quality. or ohcalp. loelo and Dark Cour h, Mown' Japan.•nd Loutlitti Vertii•fi,always on Land. A laspenor arbete and war. N 11.—A kdofFly Netts, just received and will to sold low myo.l R LIS II A.I3SORTMENT OF 13001FC - 5 I' Hort-1100 at 111 A •hla and Harder Sketeboa. with laertids of fir rho. v At. nod the hatnototmair: by W II ho A.bara,or Tito Alwyn told, ti in.." lard of Sp. h all hoot.i.•at roman,. tif Seto, ritstuner , Cyr.> ire 'loaf Lheratutr, No In Lhonbry & Soo. Noe. Napoleon's Cent, oy. complete; ole:and Y boon , . end hlys•ettes of lAtudon Count of ;thne Christ °. by DLIIIIILS—freak attrP , V• 1302 and Mac- or the Irivateers of the Revoltinott— fresh supply. An the P.lstrfn ?Ontario. , wet v rat for June Forioslo at Al A %HAI:WA rn to Sm.thfietd at. :al door nom ^d j Alf EXPIAIrOIt ANT—We Inane a adin.fanic too•ody int Volawnary nth chant,— Tat prom {1.1., Cuero nonoostofil of the morbid eltotaeler of nbaruhrions—as ft ildeney oristnute indinuhtion ot 11, I.lratiebia. and con•rquent V 1.26011 of the ham rof I.arno •—is, bound doptite. the truth I t•ell 'r, be , oly prarbo able troo!c of tent. ing mach ot ~,,,,,,,,,,, la r fn.:ea:trade:ha ri,urt oh oh e ate enn• e.t•aod ran alvont • b.. • obtained by a judirsouseehttn tinn of the remedy of Dr /lone —[llsila Spa. 01 the Tones for rale in Pitt•burgh at the Pettit Tea • tow. •tieet wood, and al. at the Drug Store of 111' • Federal al A iloghons, it , ontlittsviT . - • 'VI l' I ,:'1 Itt:1! -r FEL Wt,l.hs A SO., HIN‘. , .y.nr,prxT \ T.; r:jeN,,,,•,v,.:,: m 0 1 ,,, , AND A!LI.C. VAt'IORV. ' FOR S A LI: ". , - 1011 , e• Yctoo. j 2 TI I E advertiser oder. for sale a sp , endid Ortck JOBE% A QUIGO, - o direlbnpllou. , Pilaw.. on the N , llll Eau corner , NI A i '.. , , i 0 1.. , T.:t F . , 1 , : 0 1 , OZ: , of , ar , l t r:g w !t , i , d w il . I ge ,, i , I :h . e:l i , ~,,,,,,;( , , , h , , ..i. wi„,a,e. ,thee. % ... .,,, , , , ,, L ,,. anhm n a I :naa. , 7 Eliptic Spring. floral Iron A ilea. and dealers to c0 i1,,0 . .ty le, nod in the boo to in i , Yoangstown, Malleable Casung, and Coach Trttnuatrga 1l tall) , ~,.her for, darellate or public house, attael.e.l.to rt in, a earner of Roaa and Fran. atreets, rtnebnigh, En . - • 1 yard, with wale., stabl-ng, and ail roltricotlyetroncea l'^n. at hand. no. town ~ ttnnroalna vert rap , dly, t.a .itnatrNi in, fIOA CIL Till SIMINGS--The . .üb.c ri`,.. arr nammmaa , m , an m , cammaimammassmwamim , vmma „ .ammm . '''''' ''''' ..' "'"."' ".""""' . Noll . nq Nl.il ha , nu?. lieu.; I.t.t.t aro lloraptoted. ,id C '' ''' T'mr""" of i - ''''''' ')''—'""" w '" Ii be the nw , t llon(ishing place in th...,rin„ 0. tibia ."6" l' " " h'" "'"' ''''' ''''' "'-- It well bet .rid moo. for ca-h or on lILIM, 111 V 51.114.11,1 1 11 whim shay purehvaed for 00.1. from the Eastern Mann. ' . nm ma rmammimara i m F . ° , pma . aamm , ma maaamm , a a , ' " ate '''''''"" '. '°""" °"Y "°'" ''' r.v.rr„ , ..,..—„0r or w0r.....1 ,!.....„.. Pill. New lior's or Phtlade l ph , •. They would I...spectrally , • urgh. who lad! ‘,.... all utforn ,,, on ' .......lAwn nvil 'Men.° or dea:ers. , melld'on JONES .1 QUIGO. cot Ito Sc tat ~,. . BEAUTIFUL. ILICSIBEXCE :FOR HALL:. ~,,,a anama m a K ..,,,,,,aa..,,, ~,, _ 1... 1 . ii BATED just atwve loverpoo . , on it.,. Owe ii..e., - ----- ,--"'",.." ---, ' , , `lt miles twlow Pitt.burelt, von•tanng a( r.l on.eaol t )V .1. , late Irrn l ---- of , ol'a•P'e A• on‘n, ,, Y,. •„_^ . •.,'L L a nd with a good Cottage lloust,On feet :emit I,v 40 feel m ‘ - ,,,,,, ' , 4 a 7 m ,',T " :f m :1rr m r7:4,adm.7,:mr:am nr ' m a k ' ha ` a . ;,"' m a T i L M . m ; ' elzp .. , o o n et , l . lnt fi ngs l tll n n mri ev r t r a , or n f,a ,. e . r , .: s a , ha s l .. l , ,l , 7a2: , ''' '" " """ . """ ' ' ''"' • ,-.1 or c0u. , .. it •ott .tem. - or, J.,-1 , ~ . tm , o 14.‘ , . , . 1.a. ,,,, ‘• 3 3 4 - ."'. sd ' r .., ....,..„,,....,„„.........,,,,,,,,, .b, modba 1 1 - ,. 0,... , 1r.., 0,,,, 11111.11,111.11 pon.u.i frames • and a good gart , en. aboundira In every ~ , r .ell ot -, A ' " rd. "' C.. ' i. ""' l ' d ' l ''''""' """ " I Also, an Ort.hard and a good meadow —..ll a xlvrh d 0,,,.. Cutobs.Turesda and a general ••60.11,11 0‘ , ...,, r .., fro , ''''''' ." .1. 1 .1..... ' . 1 at ....n .".."' am ' r. "‘ i —, rh, "house t • well bu.lt and finished - in th.be,dan M 1....1-4, and other , . garotted with Paclp's . Chart.. Cur , ~,,. For ram ,,, anaammamm armi,,, to t , , , Pr nit. and to by I.l , eames at Now 1 orb pre-. 1 . " - mm a - S CUTIOtERT, in S'orthfiel.l. I 01,11.1 No Si. ror wood' •ort VA .1. ' 1) 0 To\ MODE OF 1111,1ATINO IN•rier. of klo*ton, ha• erranged and lei Tian for 'lemma house.. h.cl, ha. I,rn •oc , ce+•tdl" •ed to New Vori,..ke au,' wherever aro' rd red,. red the cried ',reference over . 'mover. nanneec ,te 1,4 ',avant:tee. •re— I. Great regollr , by at Teloi erature. 1.11•1 Freedom from drookc. 3rd Xi ! , up!casnat Fret 41h. F:amiy Branded to, and nol I.attle w get cut of order. 5:11 Great Vuralultlf. A Model and Sp•esGea:wn may I. aern and the op pat atuo ol.tmined at the Copper and Ttuvrare tac." of %Val II SCA I rr, Fir.t otr et. Inn. NV,gal and Market .0 PORTER'S DAOUKIIRIAN PORTRAIT street, adjoining Postt , f6te. Pats burgh. Ya.—Ma VOICTER (ftom Lfah;tnerel iad..lll and grolleincoot ant the puboe generally, In call and riarnote the Ist, ro!lrei on of Da.torrmot pe Pornaim at Ins Gallery The *pectin... prodnerd Iry for be.totr.,rrilin.o cp, netne..and One of I olortng am not aurraomd nay tit tto , e eonntry A Plum, rof chr roriraLto ni , • ons can be aeon at the I:nfier) toil ant evorone for low.elvett. biten ..... liken n deer trr cloud, w•-astmr. 11.-,lnstructtons. apparatus and all mat , rot , fur ntaltrd Trrin.rntaleraic. W s PORTF:II nagucrreotypist; entrance Philo lima Stnavray. on 1.1 111 r, artrnint Post 011ie, p:"' JOHN DUNLAP, P T O 17 Akrtet xtreet, 14 now receiving 1114 .pr.ng sock of 1100 —l' llordwarv, Itradonitt, go , • .ong 1n part 114 fonowo:—. I,g• Jnponned War•,Engll4ll.d Ant•rtean, 4 , ba• Ilm•ttnla do do do, ca•Cs Engll.llT4nne , l Sweeping, 1 do Oval Pon, 1 rase Tio,•and Waiterx; 1 do EasameHrl Wore, I do Pressed Ware: 1 cask Blight Ware; ALSO. . 1.0 NI n..csord topper; plale4Trntwd Capper IMXlth= Jun.ll Wire; :A his T. Plat, JOIIN DUNLAP, 17 Slatkei COACH MAKING. • • FROM. the •ery liberal encourage - medat nha subscriber has received since *sekiii,,it ha has locatedhimself In Allegheny. kftangiV,r has induced him to take a lea, for a term of y ori Me property he [mar occupies, in (leaver ears. m imediately beside the Presbyterian Church From for long experience in the 'above business and a desire la please. ho hopes em mer It end rreeive a share of public patronage. Novr on hand end finishing to oat r, Rockaway nog tries, open and top Mpes a, and every desenption o ''l'arrinces made on order, from 1,,C111,61 dollars eichthon•ret N, sotrril tr•N UV DEEDS ._ +•‘•• • •Nuthortned by the (iovernot invntylvania talm oidentoeledinvnu of all in• r 'r T 1 A n 711 ' AI 17 10 ' r: rl; or'df:riUnlne:l4ndro'n. )41,e.0! . 4 • duOr. Ire lilover ' 'n C•n• to 13)1VA,111) P CaA inyAld&orly•F Aunrcitt at I,nw nril id MAGIC SOAP—For rent. veld limo. vote, Gene or Marls (rem Clothe., Con.. , de., ix- or rendering tbe •pots z f re e e le , briVi r t :c r.•nd l 7 ll 7 ll. !Ltldwirh full !Arnold by WAL In.IIAGN,GIT.,rentst; otre " el e , bead of Wood. al hio Iben •rid Shoe more, men of the. Boot. ••• 1 rETTNit COPYING PRIGGINN—A supply Leaf nupenor Copying Mose , dlnd.CrnFßook_... 011 Paper, and Copy tss Inkt—iss , ..• • .. f... ..! I by JOIIIVITION At STOCKTON mrll Omen Motel and &I ins CIOLIVAIL FIRE anlcKs Wne WEI) superior no Jo best Engftsh "rum Itridge.^oa tund and for sale at the a.etrue t'SJoan's Wheal'," Canal limit , acl3 j IsBAW XIACIAILEN - - Copartnership. 1 °SEIM 11. 111/.1.. Rate of tee Grut to 15 to. A. hill A. Co.) end O'Ai C CURRY, t ime of Erie, P. have etoered ono Copanneryhip, un td r the Immo 01 tx CURRY. for ote porpope of carrying on Re Cant tog and Exchange butettraa n braor hr. at No h 5 %Vevaetreet. three door. helotlnnuth. we'd aide—where they sulk:lithe cte•toto of their trienda and the puldirgettcrally. 4O4RPi IAI PILL toehtd Wyll, C CURRY )oAril H. HILL WU. C."..CUlthlf• HILL h CURRY, • ' BANKERS & EXCHANGE BROKERS. DEALF.RS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC TIME & FIGHT BILLS OF EXCHANGE, CRUMB:AI FS OF DEFOSITE, HANK &OTIS AND COIN. • . . No 65 Wood street. third door be nom!, wrest side. DAR Fonds and Currencyre.caves , d on Deposita. nod sodeetions mail? co ell die principal Coos to the United States. Sight Radians on Baltimore, Phi:sitelphia, Now Vora. Demon and Clog $lll.ll collelonll y for sole. Ohm, Indians. getiniekyi Vogints and Pennsylonnin Dank Notes, bought and sold on 1:100fill.le terms Faehange on England, Ireland. Gettuany and Frailee ptoe tared, de . de. • , triedls WILLIAM A. HILL &jCO., BA NKERS r EXCRAZWE BROKERS AND IMAM. FOREIGN AND MASTIR RXRIIANGR, CF:It fIFICATES OF DF.PO U: SITY. BANK AND SPECIE. I No 1:14 Root So.. one door spa. Fours/i. Fan sid, mehlel Pittsburgh, Pa. 1 bIS t.F • arm c a•mcrt. cnwaliD .411131 KILLABIEI7, & RAHN; , A SKIILS AND F:XCIi A Nlit: IIKOKF;1115., Jralrn in r B°my. nod Vonieqtte 11:11% of EseOm . pgr. 1-ert.4 andof Det o sae) litook Notes and fain, ca , mat :k1 ood Wood wtreetoj dis , ctl) oppo , ite .14 Choi!. llotrl. 1111COLICED BATES. 01110, Indiana. Kentucky,and I`etnia.: Sat: County awl City Orders purchased st reduced r•ate ar discount. by N 110L.NI ES & SON dee: F.xchanee thot.er. AS' Milani 01 • Colltalians on emonnah. Lou,Ptlle. St lula and all nectaxtble pO. 11 In the tinned:hate. made nornrptly, and upon the loweat tcoul by • N HOLMES h. SON, Exehastat Broken merits No SS hlurket at Collecil ons otrahncltstlittl. Lou..vole,at Lou,. and CI other aceexable point, , in the made nn arotaamodattng tonna lIILI. CURRY and Wood rt. neil 43E4 10 lomple Saloon E.,cnticark,,,igne.ounn,iNo;fve.ir 61,001 ti Wood at next door to En)tle Saloon •nrreney . of the Oh. Indiana, and - Retouch) V Hanka wanted at ,or 'ow Props of dircouni. HILL Cyactv d el, next door to Fatale Salnenr 011 ID, Indiana, and limpauchy Ilanit No:co Noroloord at low Mos oy 110E.NIFA N NON na S.l - aTk HOUSES,' LOTS. FARIIS, &C. RBI AND AIILLK.WOLI: HALF.. TitE.ubstrib, %lilting to rttnrog If, West. wt/I veil h.s Farm and MI Iv. attuatod i Greene County Fa , nn flig Wvitely Crew k, within half a mile the Nlonongalltln Flyer nhont miles nhooe Ilrown•rtfle. fire • Farm u.n• . 1 0 Me or. of .. t ot qunt.ty Lund. with pletity of t.troc.r.rlone eoul mud goad .t.r,rtg.. The reek room than n ile thrnnelt the lawn and ny n low.dvm 1141 tunnel of ILd feet w length thew. .0 Al /eel of Full. Float Mai twine n reo run of Ffeiteh Huf ',and the mill i • m goal nnler for Inrrehant or county . wolf.. The Saw 11..1,a new There are single eard.ng n tutn,ll .hop for 4urning chair and tr. Isliwft muff uI ante order for roaPhing tit hts.thell prr tiny, alarge Front Manioc. lluuw, tan all the nem• gory out h 00.0., floe pat bow,+ tor watkliten, uu wd of char.., and one. (homed year* ago. of If* of elimee (fun un.lotte plaot, Ivor. Hof :00 trees— theTe plenty or other fru I. pr turn:o Arr. Refer to J IY llorl.r.,lge, or A Pen gratitlr, or to Utho Minor. noose the, rani, , Irr:wkwlrvF 'Alt , / 0 NU* . 'parINIPFONZ .. _ ' DF:AI. IN TIIF: UU~TriY— rilm,• ngn tor fule u bon, and lot in Nrat \l.d. Nlererr county. Tho !inure is well calculated e more and no Mie Ir.lon Canal. Ina floaruh .2 ' , Maga near by. •everul lu,. &eel , nstJ in On nudsl of a rtch (arming du Alro.• bon, an Aunty, the Clourrelting v , llmK, of Or. Mercer The how,. wcllenteulated la or olore. . The m.ove property will be r.d.rl rhenp and ;In ac rtinrodanng I±Al DiCKEY k: Co • 12 water and front et• OHIO LANDS FOR SALE —4,5 acre* of fine V land. kn.en ion on lirat leer. in Co. i 0n0 .. 0 . e n,t,. &ken. CO, on-n. 130 eleared and or der coloration. 'There err on the prern , see. 4 dwelling Isno•en. 'doge barn• 4, nit good fe being and Wove ing water. Die whole together will no soldfirm thirty fire hundred doll ..re or dtv dad x. end ou4ctiosero. Ile preninteed . nnyrnento may he made to Puli, and no.eesenanc.ven nmedo.lely For forth, minnow/on of 41AMPTON, SMI & exndtr ofno. !mond etre. 3 A L VIATATE LA 1.11110 , , LI arm 01 160 men • .41 0,:e• forml Ga 01 meadow and .11 Iti,A.odemeng the towel of eglef. field. Cm.egy. • A Derellme Itoun. nr,l lot, vral.•l re Lowe, ',tuned 111 Truml , oll county. S cc ritiihur. Real Ealare Accra, el .50 1.4na66e1d ALVABLIC PROPERTY FOR SALE— M A very de, rsblc inert. of property. in the high,. Cue oftmprosernent and rah:cotton. enntwo ng about 13 see, of Land...to...a withm n quotter of a 1 ,, 01 If Lthertv,..cra cowman'', four Itaildtogs of modern le Onery large dwelling 71, by 49 feet—one sn w t, 33 et, by . Se.. and many oi ner tmprirvemro. of considerable value— mating hone of the mom desirable pe , eees of property opt- red to thin mirkeo far ts very long time. For farther particulars nevi,. in • Is 99 wood - s 1 Two do...above Ilaronntyly_ ALLEWIENT CEMETISItY. lißSOritt &stroll. of port-boring I..ets in 111. Coo. P tery are referred for talormation jo the I . .ergotettd ant.on the pounds, or m E. Timm, Itruggiat, earner Mon and Hood atreete. Pitubargh. Sly miler of the Itoord, 1. CIIISI,1:717, deell.iMartf s!upertoterolact. LOR SAI.F me volual.lo Lott of Ground, •daated H the bank of the, Allegheny River. minim,. io O the cey. The.. tot, are nowt ailannmgeortely anunt i ed ( o r Iron Work. and other forge rnanufarturine 114hinent.l. Innrl.ltwtfl HARM/1R 1/F:NN V•lvinblo Kcal Rettig., for Sotl. t1 , 11I: enders:cord Iwing 01/001 01 remove 1114 Tanorry I to the country. oScre Gir 1.078 on ziietiond .10001, between Ferry aired and Ito. Joatn Alley. Each tot will lie twenty (ticl front on 24 otrect Sod eighty fettia depth' The lot. aril be soh, oine ly 1 . 0 the I,i-the, For tnrina any! , to the sub.oriber 00 the pm:tiara JOHN I‘AI.I,WEI.I. aplOtf - . COUNTRY RESIDENCE. IIA VI V(: removal to the coy. fur c:noventettee ' prokotonal busine, t wil tent the Menb.on iouse,olui its imrard etc enelf..ove. wow.- ,01 the WWII of the Ilooongultele, one auk elm , . Pti , horeo. jnnll JANIF.+ i'n kFT TOTIS FO IL - SALE —nw lam on I. mac', near Ftaithhelll at. ducally npanaite Lyno, ,Loth a. Va. 40 (tont by Foft ett depth Thrte :WO Air well situated tor .1 walla g lota.. nr .ouadt int Thew wi.l bn atfernd m puha...al ve ott Thotadav,ll , ti, day d May next. at 12 u'eltwk, aptadtd j /MD Wk.—The aalt•enan.;, Lathe antaaraetareaLL,Y t , t ar t . exec tae all ordetaln , 1-wo anlata„::•annttta , at' b e at twain, rli MI The nn•at.,.., .trqll,Y. 41. f • iii-,)t.1.711“.. - Xi -1 ,rtdile•ii re , ry. r 14 .1 , 1.,t.itt 4r .41 and rensa peal Enloe L. AVtt FOR SALE-15 acres of Cost Land, Olusted. about one ode &move Rirmingh:m..art e :Lout CO yards from, he over, with riAltiff ri lr i g it :g .r h ore, 120R — i1WITR--A tyro story Frame Dwelling 114 we I' and lot, clouted in Chsrierton, Kenswhs county, Vs The lat cOntsins'emut halt an 'acre. The house mrneo. kitehm, smoke Ac. "IS by 2'l-224 S C u urAE ft,ml Est ue mV, • sttoultfief .ll t S l .trre.l 4na HICK[ SON • PIANOS—MI &resat ro, wood nix ortnne. new peeh• P inn Forte, Inenttilte red by Chielsertng,.of Bogdan will be opened for role n Tneeday, May 11th byII MELLOrt m 1 II Fwood wert FINE rucsu TEAS— -I,S Ilalf Cacars Youtig Hylton "Cras; • 139 Catty Roses Jo do; . Of Ship Owner. cargo, now landing and Co; Hilo Ly . ma BAG/. LEV k SMITH. la and till wood at' COCOA AND CHOCOLATE -9 bas FOP. Pr<pored•Ccome: • Vb. do Extra Nol Ohmage: - i • I. b. Baker's Oicoa Pacol . 2b. dq 810101 . fn .le bv- ." - ' J'D OFILLfdIItS4 CO 0111T--A - Gma &It. Puree Irak qih I...taming about Five Dollar. wtt-t.rs-y. IIIATS I FIATS'S gpeoh. THIS hem' the day the Spring Fashion oryt_ Ham will be introduced. bp the ortut bah• unable ewahlishosents in New York and Philadelphia the undersigned .take great p eater< In being unlade,/ announce to their unateroue friends and the public generally, that ere an prepared to supply all who may moor as with a co with the fachimathle Hat for the enure. comprisurg Heaven, Neateiar, nod extra fine Moleskin .7i ik Hate, either whoksele hr tiled. hiOt7PRD & KING comfit( nor weed_apd sth_ets_ tik - relsiet6vlX. pi- 5 51(1011E. Ma and Cap lilatmfacturcrallills renmerd to No 75 Wood sweet, three doors heave f amok sueet Ilia stock conarste of every •artety of Hate and Caps. made in the latest style: •Iso,Pananta, Leghorn and Pedal SW.. Ham, wholesale and at the lowest price_ 5 mown.: a if 75 Wood at, third door clove Fourth Fall Faablon. 1046. • 4 11F.F.UR ZaCClstl. 'AR'S:UV< Geastlemea's Hato teal be introduced at KEE.VIL, 4 3 on Irtiorsday ' August 27th. bontlenten scatting a cheap. C.. ionstde Itutot Ihnotturgh manufartare übead of fashionable Iles imported ttd advemwd by some ol 'the trade. please 'call of KEIWIL A. Co'. .aurAt _ t 1:4 0 . head of Weed st . 4 01,r1011 Faahloll tbr 1847. „ WILLIAM DOIUQLASs wal t.l, tn'orm ht. fried - II a and patroaa l k 4 that he has now on band a larae stock of the Sprlng Frt.ton nt Hats autt ...pc . which will be tuna ducted on 2laluF , ta) swat Thaw to want of a auperior , • Will can at mettg Aticet,ts.t ride STRAWBONNET AND HAT WAREHOUSE, NO. PS NIA illf.PT sTREET, PITISBUROIL -. K. li. PALMER offers for Palenn as favor. able term as any boars in Philadelphia, • complete ulamment of :qrs., I' bronco, not • land, tool apron! spiriety , V. fancy Maid and gimp Bonum., of tho .p.iag erple. . ALSO —Palm Loal. Silas!. and Leghorn Hart; Arti ficial Floorora. !Pe. fro. mch3 ASOVIRER FASUIOI FOR llATlt i it. JUST received from New Vela. lite auto mei Style lar lima. ea nisund . at w b., Beaver. Pearl and Walla French Cassonere ilata. with Veiddatars these in want of n beautiful brill Ilat are reapeelltilly in•de I to cell. itt MORE .tnytri 73 wood ri, ll doors shove 4th , . WILLIATeDOtiGL A 9, CONTINUES to nanufaelere, keepleli enrol:In:1y on hand, every ha lety. of Haut not type of the lancet my', and pr eer veer 1.4 , Si No 78 Wood s: met. Fort side tYST - . _ DRI 0,0 DS, Carpet and Dry Goads Ware!souse. • NV 110 A rcl'ltErr. ROBERT D. TDODIPBON, lI,IrE3.II'UI.LI alfalfa*. big hien& and, the public generally, that he is Dour reeelVing • largo and enuid uhrollturul of New ssrrhe Carpeting,, ins, tee . direct hoot the Importers nod Planetaria. s composed in pail of hare. tine Itrussrls Carp ets; 1:I cm or Tapestry ['MAKI+ , eurreLulg; Super 'raper.' 3 ply and Vitra doi thiperfirie Ingrain, fine nd Coalman Carpeting: 5-h, 34 and 4-4 Plaid Ven a dl an Carpatiny se. 3.4 and Dirrtia.k do de. 3.4 nod 0 4 - Tapestry do do: Drown Drill:01;N 4 4.54 and 64 SheCllori 6 4 7 4 5.4 Linson; Linen Napkins; 0440 turd Iliaper7 Itor kabork Tootelhor, Corpot Stripes; New sllle bto Covets; thl Cools (ram Iltothrs to 21 (err wale, co: to any girt.; _sourer= melt Bich Eudroidera and Pdaterl,Table and Pietas carers Figured Fluor Clotho; Chem<lle. Ilrutoicl, ut Tufted, and Wilton Rap< Taped! d Sher pthin 1)oor Maws ' Niatulle and Gm. in dth, Ilresa Stet, Rods Flat and Oval'. • larnstak and stsped Stair Linen; • Carpet Mailings; 4 4 6.4 and 6 4 Plain and thrursti itttheo - Mail.thri Colored Spaithth Platting. Ore., de. . Person• fittiog up Steautto.ata k flotelNor Prieste lma ono, me requested to call. so be feels confident th ey will 6tid it to toltr adeustage to do au before patch...fed elsewhere DRY GOODS. ite would Also looms attention to his extensive stoat f NEW :WRING DRY GOODS, [embraring every hiug in that hue ['now opening at the above stand. martoLt p 110 51nEIrestreet *TAIL CLOTHING , STORE. NO. TO 'WOOD STREET. rtrrsouictio,YA. A APICKFR HAVER wbolevale mut retail dealer. rlln &uteri, Reatly-made Clothtug, would respect Cull- take IMP method of sarciting the summon of their eustotners and the public generally, to die following of their cock in trades on& Urnire thrill also, that they will tell as cheap if not cheaper than soy other citshlmhment in the tiny. Our Nat West 01 putobastng and in commun.* goods, ate sack m m enable us at all unmskerP a assortment of ready made &Wh ine, RI le...prates than they eon Le °Looped elsewheite fhe cock. hand colmims In pan of Me fol lowing ileic.rtpdotrof coed. 15. i black Mem coats, from MOM CIO Gilo chi French do 10 •' 32 In mo d wn and inedible green do IS" 25 ;w sari cuts, Splendidly made 01 good material. IWO pair paum,ot all cyles qualities and prates. 241a11 vest. ' the do do do WO dose n Linen Onto and smiled boewo Mona; Work oris. cravats; L 0.310; collars; auspanders; wok rowers. andunder Cons of CVO' variety, all • Inch hay...lime.] recently parchaeed and anapted to th rceern I'lle.channt and others who are i want of elethtra cannot do borer than to give us a cal Ih t IIV.SS GING SI ADIS—W. It. MURPHY ih. oi o the c naive .13 les of ;polo opetool ihis mermen. as wenn.-- - e, L. re Linea Ginghnots; Mural dot French Lawns. at redaeed prices; Gingham Lawns; Neal tat le Itrolnest -- -.' Cape tithawl.; Neodln work Collars - , . Gannet Mbloans; Ihrthrooleriol Moshe ' New good.. will he oer week io ewer, itteltolpig U 3- The wholesalo. t -us op i•-i.r., ate alto being -pietas:lrd with .larg eshop), c. near and desirable ,toed, at low esih pr-cos. myth rrery en, (nr al at arca aud 41. WALL PAPER AND UOIRDERE. PRICES. REDUCED —Tbom. Palmer, tio 17 Mar ( liet street, betwee , tr c 34l - d.FS.O b street`, ref PLekni 7 1 .7r:0 c i117.Ta1f. '" .7 b..`„ h r,ittr."..Vo. t ',. — i.`,,, w end snit itnity nitditions ore bring mule to It, sit t,iti tirw tort s,thind klas...rror Tiro I it... , mid stork of iirroctirPoprr out s pttr. rtirentl) reduced the priers o the 1 . Art, les, L and other.. in Ins line, riot rnotnetatuf.] he is prepared to mill lot cash, celestial than arty eittoblith torn? of the kind, East or IN eat of the mountains n 01,143111 1145.5 C W 111110ADCLOTILIS, .AN I) SUM NIER ChSzfIMERE: 4 -I..afely rrerfard a sapply of ouperior Freorh etratts, iod lasloonabla hammer Cammefe, Ala. Drab Eta, for Sommer Coatr, Centro* Cloth., Caplooereiter, Merino Camomeres, nod a gloat van :a[y to Men: and Boy.' :foam., Wear. AfPo, and lanon Pork. Ilaralkezebiefa Gent.'-Fahey Cra vat.. , Ltbl Uluee.. Sc , &e., at tie DI y flood. jloo.e of It MURPHY. North East comer ath and elarketas D - ITholesale purcl.ers will Ara no the wholesale room, up stairs. an asmarant of lat. style Prints, Ihnehnn, Drees Lawns, tee , at low prior.. jet_ L IGHT Colored Natio Aejusting Ntorles—A ma p i p . invoice me e r e a l ly frau Ibc manufactory, tome d ry enarrow raprasly far (4111111. wear, for sale by theyact, at Notte_ . 11 ood street. op sunk. F.D WA RD TODD my I Agenvfor Eastern Stnnufacturas_ 1 LINT rAed from the AlonulactoreL• fcw dozen or .1 More fide Wthon and lltasetCarpot Daps, fa sale by tine dozen at tactory price. by ,be agent . , at No Ye wood creel, op stars FHWARD TODD mynr— • Agent forEastarn Manolactorer. lRI:411 Lica:s . s.i.Nr) :SHIRTING MUNLINS—W. it. Al ulphy 1.6, just reeeived • supply of aware goody or aarenor make. and asap low paces for q.nality. at dry gaols boon', .Nr.. E. earner of 410 and Market as lir IDE entEETI %UN. I'll,l.otv CANE AI VSLINN I' AND LINEN , —W. R. Mu phy ha nowupersan csallent as•oninent Of above good, at lowest cash pn.. 1 th QI3IIIIIIEIL SiLIAAT Is—Now open - la tuna eon Otani of Rich' Summer Shawl, at the New York _n•, :V Alai. Nimes my)) OT II OAK BARD (ASNAIIIiRGS.-1 tudeTvrrirbcavy VI goat Osna . 1./ burgs, j tst re , nivel arid for sale by .15 SDACELTPITAWiIITE, 9 9 wood at rIANTON CRAPE /111AWLIS—J.... received %. _a wee O N of.Ftnelz Whae and Caored Can ton Crape Nhawo, at the New Turk :No, 'ID Market my el W: it DIEHARD ri‘W F. &UN--A at ty lorge - ae§otonent of 3 4 ood L 4 Woollen 11/Iled wev.v, or • veal va, iery of et) lee vtul edlvr.,yortavvery ouviele and yield rabic for dd. d, bade.) 'et civet! trod for vole by m ) 15AC141.4.111 - 24 Wlll'll , -143 wend at_ (14 NVASS -" AND PAX/DINGS—a Intlea of ao• perun. heaLy Itev.ion Conrem and l'atlddlge just vervored and dd . sole Ly soyls flit WTI , - 99 wriod et A ---- mNTILL LAS AND VINITTES—h further .tuPidY t•i“ . ti, ne.v Panctalt, at the New York Store, 79 31.arket Inytl fit,llll 4 RIURD .• - QTE.VDEti VILLE , JIKAIIIS—An Inv O good ISlac J.and. racedrad and (or wale bah maaufacalrrro-ptice , by niylselljCKl.lTf h NIIITF oY wand at I ; LECTLIO PLATI-:1 1 TI 11M1U.114, Mann Ftm Aar, Waal sad Colo: ad 01 ad 11.16 ti e,IIE-Roi.o.,Cna clod gaga, talc ['t•c..ad—,ml renewed and fat sad. myail • FII.I ATON I INNN nOIIIIIN CDCINIk% If.gyptlan 11...n0 te Lane fon %lanolin Nets Linea and Conan Ores. Friner; knack Ned • Drab Morocco far tikats. not. I Intl:op. and Lisle Ittnbons, for tale by my 21 • • • rri idATON • andtal• sale ny " . . ;: (117: all All ti: x 1 + 4, epe:k •plead :enton the New York tquee W 11 oAntWei) - 1 , 1311 • -C ow -1- IGN --' y - xtr:r.!: '1 7 1 . 1 " .. "n, Gobi arid ....t 3. . r, .• ibnnerr Fninges, crud. Tausels •nd COrds 10 .sorel.-reeroYdd by I.sbreor. and tor •ale by .r."-_-_-...-1- I , II EATON fISbIULINS, or a eat var:Ory or C URTAIN*oIeo. including Iluff French Cl ans, NS W!ndow Curtains, to be found Si dry good. hook of . I r . W It NIURPII ootOdb.ror , N F. earth and Marten. WSW STYLE. SPRING PAINTS-Frt....1 J.l of • beau:l.ul new my le t'Porri. mica.-aorong which are rich Orange, Canary, MO. Pinta. retract. anti' late style fallen,. Just 'received and for sale by mb'L :4'm:lmi:rt . a win IT, Ellwood st INEN LUrnElF.i AND CLINCiDAMd—W Y Nur j_ipby Invites Ille AllcittiOn of buyers 10 bis aleallorel ot or a Lowe good g —Lineal:44lmm. .1 mi."'d OTTON VAR NS —WOO !ha stoma ries cot tuaa Varn Caudle h, Carpet Chain and Batting; :aria r at tuahafacturrfe tauten nticen any 27 • FRIEND. ROET &CO BITELIAPS —3 Wes mrs !maw, 40 Web B. lot Wool Ewkwir.. j go! reeeirxil pf• 01115 •HAvl(l.t.rT k1429P-Alto_w.wm , _ . Vogl. IAL li•—tiOl e atsideubleY•Wr.2: °Les sad Parpla Carpel (711 WW. rtO dwW"4.ari4 a zUI aadj • ,oxis . 43• We Bo• 144 • wall , wwWW• I. Ito•larsoixo lawites, IWT "WkiW F HAIM I,oll3lll)..l4.P—Ewskin. CAN . /101q5U.UPTION CAN LC Br tIBII , IV DR DUNCADIM EXPECTORA,NT DIBISDT.c. sum.' s( ; 1W. Dear Sim . —Thie tomrstify to the Wolk, partietOmil to 'throe milieted kmh a.di.ram of the kmapor Comousptimi that is the Sverige( IM3 I was altaikod. with a mere iold which moo Ma me eatd-_eves my hop, therein 11l 'the symptoms of ea mprilarioag Comemptiok My 'tough mu tight and troablesome, atteaded with ropkiiis sight meats: 1 fit up daily h. eciatodarthle 115.'40.117 of bloaloalsod Kith hith dark matter. My situation, booms, serious... 4 imp Dario. the Dam I vas atmoded ky,tereotottrmst ADM Physicham they did the brit they co.a.Pilei; alkWh. they pm; op all bra i d my rstomry, ialkonathr that !solids( more coc' to dorm—that soy law mom f. hilly dimmed, mil beyood reamdi Ima the. yontradml by a friend of mine to sake a. trial of br. Domusw's NSW Reidy. which my Thyskiine peraimd aping, saying that Ude medicine Would do no goal. and watdd gill ad Inc. to my safferiiis. I told thtito it was my bad and - Maly hope,. and that if I ,most die of tin dwrase, (which was mi deal to me t ) blew would Mnothing bst.. So I mat to the CiMionatiOdkr and obtaimd S.W. of tidi Wady Valm- Ma Medici.. and commenced {1.1i4 Recordist to the dime which, instead of Widitr to my:Miming, immediately gave me - relief, to once amesung the woo/Amoco Mmgh ratio( the mia sod . tightness itt my Caul; giving me a new 'lifewad etrength, which WM ...bled me to i le gm. Wit.. This medicine cominued its good work, which it io nobly aaustesteed, ao4l I was made .wood marl. !bare statelier. attend:oi to my busines s (upwards or 3 yea re) and 6wl hcalthy as I wish.•. I bore reetsioassuird Dr. Dabresabi Ex pectorant Deady in mail *time tailless similarly Warted and it has always proved suecesstal so *Su I hive witrasiseil its erect. lily staler Si ash% dm gladiolas at pre:mist: ix a Diseased Lietr and au Affection of As Lungs, whkh' she had sacred with for some she has nearly mantra by 16♦ tue h 1 this amtkise, awl I'.. elsalldent the 6 balk. that 1 tube with as to-day *attains-1y ears her. lam sorry . to Imola shut there are thousaade of ealuable pusectut waspng inuaryith this dreadful deatroper—CQNSUilliTlOl 4 . Were it cedy possible for those to procure Ilsis aiedicbse in time, beim. it be too late, many lira :ideate pridottelaud their hmiliea read relaticias &(d; raidered happy:, at r edicin. grill give instant reliefs sod at the mu. time arras tliciuird end 'painful Cough, atmra thelig tibitss . ISA the_Chiset E ire smaigtlito the enfeebled and emaciated [mini, and M.. mat cue, t ant aerial., Rif i peiiirm a perfect cures r • • • , ANDREW J. FELTEJA. J Moo%awry, lima= (*aunty, Disr • ltr B.—Thon vitiating not be acquainted trithote I refer to the undersigned, citiseni of hlootsoncry, Ram Woo Coun ty, 0 , they vollat_eny Woe subetannetethaaborestattinuts. Nom. /31011111.114 Cerc - J. Snout. DR. DUNCAN'S WESTERNOFFICE,UOSycantore street, where this reltrabla Medic-tot an dons be ohlaDed. Sold in Pittebtimit, by WM. JACKSDN, corner of Wood end Utterly .o. . • eprifed&-nr PILES, rkit. lib - GOLD/3811'S Pike Specula . fine .= ready .1,0 cumin mid nll./ mire manual bkeding ire blind, aim, fir ...on of the kidney.* and bid der, Was in the bock and side, habitual tortirenena -- crop. t. Faiteles before and Mier cootie..l are oftms troubled with constipationof tiu_bovels or costiecoma ..ell as the nil. la ail inch mars the Specific can be taken wit , ...- misty, and is a certain cetea Ttie Specific prrgatire, end is. entirely witimor; .• tick of rambege,cokseynce or rn—pkanant to tats as foray bannlces in the moit delicate : . Thick to certify that I know Dr. IngoldrliyhDile to be certain cure god ode remedy. Hanog rat ite Armedcurs, ansangstory haticoomerioos, tamer • Armed mid orrery come or the pi where it made no mark every cam. HEN Y WIIITEREA- New York, May, IN& NH SIMI& stew cheerfully grre m teeticovey as 'to the certain ad kiting effects oT erperience Dr. logoldaby h ob Piles Specific, as 1 I frcm owsc and eentahoo, to be int havitrg ono it used with tureen is severtil ewes of pik cad kraals- OEO. MILLE New York, M. 1845. 334 Sixth etre LADIES , CERTIFICATES Slew York, May,' Mr. H..h—Dear Sir:-1 have the pkontro bea your medicine, Dr. logoldrbytv PDn Spar ille, ham moth feet mare in the emir of my etwer,aud t itowsive yew al that I have been narked. it,Ws it vnts m vry °pa ',alibi. bean her. Rowcem,l can now Lae] 101 l Imo as bei4 iuAlltbk, and do advice all others wb.a— aided in theYke amour", to procure the article, vs th : depend 012 a certain care. Yours w • West Chester, N.Y.. Idayls, 1815. T. Or. IngoldslDear ElieT—That yonr - may benest others wh may be suffering, as well to express my trash:de foe_ the benefit I have derived [tan the use of your minable Sp. cssc, I comply wids you!. request, and now do give my Woe. macy in favor of It, having been cured of .'mere attack 111 the riles .Her having used other remedies without moms ' Yours wild respee. ." Sold wholesale and retail by WM. JACKSON, at Ms ?at- - eat Medicine Warehouse, and Boot and Shoe Wort, No. - Libe.y street, head of Wood, ?inshore, . Price 50 cents pr bon. l4--41y COBISSOMPTION AIEIRESiED-:To those militated with Dlseeasia of the Lt dares —This is to certify to those ad:timed with the Arm pee monitory symptoms of Consumption, that I have beta laboring for several year. with a bronchi, soreness of the throat sod hoarseness. I used many medleinel, but found no relief in any preparation of medicine, twill I mile use of DR. DUNCAN'S EXPECTORANT REMEDY. I have been using this valuable medicine for several Neon, and always find it to relieve when ever I make rued it. My occupation as an Auction- r, which keed,me altorateodutitly desired, causes y disease, at time., to become very alarming, when I t once procure this radicle. I therefore take plea, ore an making this pahhe statement, d with k disease of the limp and e .• ay know the virtues of this 4111 nd may he eared. ! have Teem:wee Expectorant Remedy to rawly of my friends, ome of win= owe their lives 6 this medienie. . • , Somerset, Obid,Get, 13, 1143. 3AMESiIIEWIT The proprietor lot the above medicine - a:odd, also reics to the SinderSigned persona, wG. resila in Parry comity, on whom any person may cell upon and be convinced that then; ate VltlY[ll baud in the above nii.beade that cannot be eon Out i , • David Claben.oo, 60111.11c1i Dr. D. Stone, do; Fran cis GobbeGiseksms tpi Mr. Lorimer, do; Geo. rothert, dahltek 1p; Jarred Davison, Ilopesse . lltp. ' D/L - DUNCAN'S WESTF:ftN OFFICE, 150'Sye more ft reel, Caneinnati, Ohio. Sold in Pioshmgh by Will. JACKSON, ES Liheny head of Wood buret. ardbld&hrT You, whose teeth is fool and y on, whom skin is datk tied Se:love— % 00, whose hair is bomb dud wirey, Rtisty,thoy red or fiery— You, whose vile °tenure breath _ Unpleasant is an putrid deatb— - You could have—boy, mart or girl— , Trtob white as snow or peurt, ' - Breath • spicy sweet, and Connie . Pure and white and smooth and beautiful, - And heimoft. silky, dark a 5..., -- By reading whet is said below. READERS..y of you cart have the stove by this IA nothing but truth.) using a 3s Lord eaJose. ral flea Restorative—a 2, box of Jones's Amber l'aste—and 45 cake of the genuine Jones's It Chemical hasp. The arueles COll tint are assured that the following ore their rear go The tooth paste gives the breath • sweet odor,] teeth. and preset , . the teeth, he. The, hair se, know to be the most exquisite thing ever made for sing beautitying. and <Robing the growth of bai the soap, (get the genuine Jones's Soap, mind) wil all eruptions, freckles, de. and nuke dalk white. clear and tote. Ali these things are sold( at W JACKSON'S Boot end thee SUM and Medletne Warehouse no Libretti. Consumptive's Consolation Toes sickness weigh upon your heart? Or pains afflict your breast? Try Dr. Duman', Nudity. Art, And it will sire you rest. It clears assay the misty cloud Disease spreads o'er the soul, And whispers through the gloomy shroud "Tour health may yet be whole." - 1 , 4,5 yonder rose of lo•ely'hur! 'Tis withering wuh decay It aeareely saps the wonting dew, Before it fades away. The IVohn of Death was in the stem, And strengthened in grevs 7 And when it bloinsted,(s lovely gees,) h nipped through and through. , That Worm of Death might be defied; If Dr. Donean's art were tried; And many lovely damsels saved The fate of an untimely grave, Ofj-DR. DUNCAN'S WESTERN OFFICE,, Sycamore meet, Cincinnati, Oki . % where his medtetno is mid. sold in Plushargh, by Wbl. JAC6BON, - Wood and Libuty sta. apt•-. DEAN'S CHEMICAL PLASTEk • From Rev 'Charles Marton, Minister or the chareE.Wooster, late of Asht abut., 0 • Nedra. H. Herbs A ON-Proprietor. of-E..Detti'a Chemical Plaster, Gentlemen;—Far several semi Ll hese front time tested the viriusof E, Deilet Chems.l Plaster by tiring it in my family as a'nemedy for Rheu m:4 6211; weakness and lameness of the bank, pun in the tenant, indamation of the throat sad eyes, ape, to the bre.ii, toe; and I take nicest,re in say ng toyou and to the public, that its evety ease I have build it useful,. and I do believe that said' Plaster poseemes situ. o f more than ordinary okaracte-t r ead Om it will general ly be found • sufficient remedy for than diseases...war which ills recommended; and la r irendlJoillo the omigeendisdrmulestrweightened conanneity. CRAB MORTON. Wooster, 0., Dee. 41912.. . • Sold by A Fahnesteck ,k, Co. earnerPl itt Wood smelt. , eryldAw INVALVABEICIML3SIL , .COMPANION SIX LEI TURESoo the US Set THY LUNGS Own., Prevention and C • re of Coasomption Maim., and Diseases-of the 1 att. On the Laws - of Loagevaty, and mode of p aliqr male and fa male health, symmetry mid bee ty; massing emotes and cute of thee diseases tna prodet%Consamp. Run, or shorten life,a. Aflectio • of the Man, S_pine, ',Attained, Bowels, Kidneys. Li tai -Scrotila, Piles, • Geared, and Female Comptal Its alga easy, pr.c. jell and pure, I.n m ago 'petteo; beallb sod long lire. Engravin Mkt page.. 'AO eta. Postaggee9l eta. By SAMU g., 511 EL DO N - gmay;A.M.,llS.D.,at • 7o7 HI OAINWAY;NEW YORE. Any persoo L cenutting Bay cc • ts, Reeonllrecelve, om copy, by mad, to any part. trade asispiied. Feb )1), 1847461 n s . CEM'S • • IL • J trialovek osthesitatie= es—the im led ixtiek, ii h minek *Melt Umlaut bald lariat* tad &roe Wmrb reammewl,lo .16 - 4 - .1.' Ara. Yet s rieuero at th....! Finrtb km& imierWed tl4rekerssifeel zpserbreed 'enemas dealing reededy," ded Dr. Daireen'e gnittkia'artide • :ma ;It what Aran* - • ¢!4_, Garth& - into Wabnr ===2 =z:mem 101": 7 79t41, :";
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