.~ - ''rrifasu~UtrGl DV ERAATUS PITTSBURS3Fi• 'MONDAY MORNING, ,JQN7, 1847. ion viiLiciaiain la p eLIiWW Tti•Weekly, end Weekly.—The :Seven aolata pa. imam; the Fri-Weekly is Fire Dollars per annum;' tar. Weekly is Two Deilin per swami, aratair in iihrevies. • ...tato to +s.a.e.-414.r.. ,h.tt.f ol o i, T y ro f ro v ;, ,,, = . 4een . ix insertion, .Mold w aiteenoon. nnentmn thi. on the P>n al oar eulyenete, would be preduc • YOH GOVEILSOIt, JAPIferS invim, • (at csvmst FOR CANAL. COMMIMIONER AOIIIISPII W. PATTON colaraum - carm) GEORGE: DARSLE, of Allti,Leny,Cay, LEWIS Ion T. C. J NOSLA.ef Indiana CHRISTIAN SNIVELY.of WillunsTp. MARSHALL SWAUTZWELDER. huSrtirgb. HENRY LARGE,olMillamTp. ran COMM 1111.41natt, J. W. HAYTHR; of. rittstopsh. con corny Calt.lll.lllltil. THOMAS PERKINS,'Ff Low.ltt.Cla'a Ty lit Arorroa. WILLIAM CAVE, of Venailiew T. CENTMAL COMMITTEV. THOMAS/ E FRANKLIN, Lancaster C. JOHN C KUNKEL,Dassphia County. THOMAS DUNCAN; " JAM es eawerlN, THOMAS C WILLIAM.WATTS Cumberland; DANIEL M SMYSER, Adana. JOHN P WETHERILL. Philadelphia Coy. JOSEPH R CHANDLER, . ROBERT T CONRAD, THOMAS 744g1tATII, Philadelphia ConalP. DILLER LUTHER: Berks. ROBERT Id BARD. Franklin. THOMAS MT M'KENNAN, Wastonaton. DRlgir 1 ) g /1 . ..*-§cal ;b mcs e e . t r .. RICHARD IRWIN:Katt/Igo. JOSEPICH KUHNS, Westmoreland, O II j D ß M A llaka . Picithanspum. .1-11 SALISBURY, Iska9sehanna. mmARAN amtITH, ' SAMUEL A PURVIACH, Hodes. HENRY EVANS, C li hes.. ROBERT T POTTElloatmerery. - For Llrar Ccovaerelat lettelligeoce,Demuise Ma ketußiver /Yews, Impolis, Money Market, de., and page. Tag Pozniat.a W re literally and in feet,- little Wars, common to the barbarians and petty powers clan uncivilized, 'and occasionally of a civilised people, la dpain they have been rely comma!, wad were particularly ea in . 1808, when, 15 in. Malden at the present time, the mom pgw. erfal armies of the Government wen defeated— Unheard rif, barbarities were committed by the the Spaniards aging the French, and the horrible cry, at "Vengeance -or Death," rung through es ,tory ivaild mountain parte of Old Spain. The Guerilla warfare emu deemed moat honorable in All Spain. The old Nobles took part in it, and tor five year. the French were picked off one by one, until aniarinivif men had fallen. It was the sane frau the Sea to . the o prceoefe r . Cate; tools and Grenada, Arragon andf:cen, Andalusia and '.Naraire, named that give music Liner lan guage, were among • the Prorincea where men Wieling forth eager for blood, and with hearts thirsting for renege. Every mountain had its hauot,:and Avery Menutry its secret'cliatitixr bf death. The Guerald leader - was tkere• the truest patriot, and ilerY artifice was resorted to, to entrap theseldiers of France. ' Even the Spaniel' women. with all the lyncher); of their eel, aced the ern& MS of beauty, and wit, cml eloquence, to &a vr!the enemy -one 1 one. from their strong hold.— Theta were dirks In the dance. poison in the wines, and death eying Where. dims. were sang for.the brave Guerilla. The ballad told the story of his sacrifice, if eaciificed hewers, and the hie, ear honors attended lam in life, and hi, burial atria death. We fear the same kind of warfare in Mexico, because we see the same end wridenccs of hatred • and csisenge towards our people. Priest and pc' itician, soldier and citizen: alike breathe hot M. venge against 01 o Even the airmen of 'Mexicii, are ensnaring onieredultennfficars into re e l dan ger, and in mum we hear of the beauty • end charms of Mexican women. The Mexicans and Elpanairdi are in many things alike, and in all, things they can knees warmly, hate as fiercely and prone 113 revengeful. There is a spirit of obstinate endue-lice which cot only chafes at 'submission, but which will not broake ainasteil. The Go,, ills war is not a new _thing to Melina, and under the alight snows which has attended its Ouscea tion thus far, there is all the more dangerbf its long continuance. One of our own poets, Brain. ard, who dud young and fall of Promise. hu left the following memorial of 2.T/1e Guerrilla in Tyonab flood . befalsgi r i . d . l , e ; ader Aed e . s 'Shan't wow the ehepbari in the vale. And glans the mwantsineer Thisagb Spanish loganig ell their ores, And Spardab gold thairporae, Sterner than wealth's or war's alarms la the wild Grierilla's 61.1113 No trumpets range us es tla No signal sound of drum Tells to the roe, that in their might The hostile squadrons Come. No sunbeam Otters on our spears, Ne warlike trap of steeds Gives waning—for Ike first that hears Shall be the first that bleeds. , The night-wind Calls es from our bed, At dery all germs one line, • And darkuen gives the signal dread, That mikes our ranks combine: ;Or some straggling moonbeam lie (heads°, lurking hedge, Termite dash hot (mm a npaniard's eye. Or from a deigee• edge. is clear in the sweet sea below, And misty on the bill; e skies shine taddlyen the fort But lower noon as still This gmheting sun= erilbquiekly bunt. And spread Its terrors far ,• And et us (runt we'll be the BM, • ; 'And with It go to war! ~„ I .1010(KRAL TATUM to 110170E1 fame. " —So says the Washington Union, and We have cad evidence of the rough treatment he has received Gem the Locofocos, both in the attempt msderat Weahligton to withal& a vote of thank, from the man, and in the tittempt.,t,o disgrace him by placing him under the command of Col. Beaten. Mora than thir;:litince the people have shown a disposition to appreciate the forbcaranot, cour age and perseverance of General Tayloi, which the Administration have so much depre.ited, we And that kto has become kith the butt of ridicule and object of falsehood among his anemic.. If • candLate for President, he will be abused as General Minison was in 1838 and '4O. Already 'lre find the following foreshadowing of coming ervente.in l ihe Indians State Sentinel. It lajit eGen.eylor is a very ordinary looking num.- - He appeant to hate two prominent traits—coot age and finnan,. but if he perseeste any other qualifictiticton, I know not wbvt they area No' great irenirdshipwas displayed on the day of the battle . I 'fey and Wool planned and tamed brdors, white tiro. Lane was the arlir: g eneral, [bit carried the plans into execution, and the battle we. won by bravery and nut . by gcner- • 14447: y „be beginning of the end," end ,eet,no'li is d a cru l it now that General really ~ • • •• Iwit;Oirnn • Wal in POP 8f;4000;-1:Par the , .arinced . boaT ender G . e". r P6114*,... ploceon the 22 ' 14.1 "Y f r o o fthe canny. wad edit only 'li m g ht !r w node.upon"nor Bide : •• • ik.n .OE4 probs. ••' I r. "I co of raeble. would . 1' 23 mil. ha ad d. '" .:of • the Willow anenlle •WI bePwwW- ca ptured bY .Otr .coots, and • ,•b be en emy dealt rith• ' A new 3 1- prod&a.--- he uld yo d6224' beenchostio nd in kno kle w sto g . it.. t n th . e ui Pe i. r . • am of °meta Hew"' then • y r d' a we bops inure from Me eh'eatunb other canoe, fot ~• W all early peace. fro:Roy rom the dry of meiwo, bow- T be ai imt4 "• 314333" '" ,:r thing but peace, and we 2. rentals. ( inetiga varfan at lout, will continue for From tbe xermig' totmtbs.. e4l ' A IA and Valenti.. or nader &We , •11' fora at with the enter. • 1.4 • • the lac**Pa ad the so called eYenkeee," It to 4as ,• d f or months. • Limed Ind, not en Riib'otiati there ;•.*: • • tapi.W4 l hee. 'M ew • , ,,a4. 1 0 ,00ar 4-- kaves the city rods,' for Cincin . ''.~~e;~- .i. 9. ws..au s4wwern . rweargergettrantexaco—swarsnataV We call _ io„the: loll,tering continued • tory of war will :11ittniect• It is admin ., *tad, ai ds in all Htlnigiantheetie. Verse 1,--A g 4 it elm° to paw, that in the one and reventleth year d r the Hepatte, in o,ll.sec:egad month, toewds the Ides 1.1 March. Kmg igmis thejllssid'untu the Conpess: How shall the King increase his Eirca• and prostrate his anemia.— ileeingno money remains in the Tteasury, and that which the King,bonowed a spent I • 2d. 'And the ' . Coogieve itaid, HOW ie liti• did we not levy fates on Leahy: good., until the treasury overflowed! ! And did not the King and, Walker, men the scribe thai carries the King's bay persuade us to release the rigour of thee:Blazed my mg :.•Ttiat the In tate* we levied the more moo ey we would hese," and now behold! the treason in this matter. to that whilst thou haat enriched ihe foreigner. thou haw impoverished thy people at home, and beggared the Treasury.. 3d. Aod ..hold Riad:tie of the Anoint Dosoin oo--who n in fsvotis with tbs • King and is his apokesinan to the penple, and eats of the King's Pap--ssid to the King: •Shall I CUM them?" and he opened:his mouth, and White filled with worm wood and the fang. Were ntt extracted, nor yet decayed by his great age.-alt he pronounced the emigres. to he 3fexidarie,..vetde,h being interpreted means, enemies to their chuntiya!! 4th. And all the lesser Spokesmen of the King —even down to the frisb Harper who plays on the Peut io the midst of the lrou City, set their penny whietlea to' Ritchie a tune, and with one 'Leered cried nut ...Mexican Contras." sth. And their was of the King's own party, an honest man no the Congress. Small of stat ore, from the swamp. of Florida, who rubbedg hie glasses that were before hie eyes, spoke and said, t•My Countrymen, Ln, this old sinner Rdtch is, whom we have so long bowie with and nurtur ed is unfit any longer to Cana in and out amongst the representatives of a free and honest nation." And the Clansman with once accord answered. "Amen." thereto. 6th. And the King mid. give me ten more Le gions of f3oldient; and nine and twenty millions of coin—with threo editions thereof I will buy a peiee. And with the residue I will fight for ••glory:' Ho w Felt •Wifmof'mid, will the King give to a pledge that Glory shall not cone• of the ehtensinn of the Arena( idavery, where no-dise• 7 now exists. 7th Now the land had been at rest for three and thirty years and peace had prevailed ever since the battles were ended with George 111 King or te Islet. And the Loco Peon sect had been all t at time wholly enaeged in securing to each oth er the oluvarand Cubes" and other spoils of office. I-61130t their wu totted no man to lead tffis ar thirs to victory.,• Bth. Ahd the ing knew tins, and it „Laved him sore, for:irwas now the King'. purpose to send another Army, and a tlett of ships t.e destroy the Walled City and Stem Castle of "Vera Cruz" at the entrance, as thou goest @s it were to the impe . vial city. 9th. And the King said, I are this day humbled In the sight of .it my subjects in this math r, nes. ertheless I must submit, end be said unto Scott —behol do Matey shell do thee no harm—so ..eat 40.....4 4., thy in peace", and go present thy "front" to t . enemy, and I will protect thy ~ reat." Nutt tic.nt teas a man of , war from bid youth up—of great science in skill, and brace as ha was tall at stature In ing higher than all the multitude!! (bib. And the ships put to sea, and.eromed the great Gulf and bearing down the colon Westward I and Southward arrived at t•Lol et" and basin A loos ed from this isle after certain days, they ran down towards the Castle and whorl a part only had made the land, thme arose a mighty wind and the atone continued for three days and great consternation proalltd. 11th. And when the storm maimed, they en trenched in the sand hills, and bombarded the Castle, and laid stints the City, until the men of the City cried out; and there wee vary great slaughter cf women and children, and Scott said, withhold, it is enough--and fdrthwith he took praise...ion of (Lis strong hold either Mexicans, and the ,troops of darnel garriemied it. 12th. And a Herald proclaimed to denies the victory Scutt had won! And the'Keng turned to 'Marcy, the Scribe, and said, how ,gloriour! Ihie news would be. it a V/eig had nut achieved And Marcy raid, is the King in earnest; seemly the King will notnttack Scott in the rear ! 13th. And the King sent fur Ritchie, and com mended hem concerning these Whig Genetals— saying, I fear Zachary and his teethes. See thou that he doe. me nu harm, n o d I now fear Scott, .for It, a so is vellient !!' 14th. And Ritchie proclaimed that it was the King'. design to rob the of Religion" in Mexico, tdcondaet the War.' 15th. ,And a voice wan bend throughout the whole land. And indignatitm felt thereat, the people aging. we war nut against the temples or religion of any nation. set! Ritchie became slarme.l; end smiling, snit' only making spoil. the Ring "id, 101 Capita , Punish's-lent. To the Editor of Me Pittsburgh' Ge=ette: As the question of capital puniehment is being discussed to same extent, with your perm:anion Riau will show mine opinion." It is not strange that infidels should be found &mounting the penalty of God's law oo the sub ject of murder. But to me it does seem strange that any one who 'recognize!, the Bible to be the word of God, and acknowledges it an the oaljin (alibis rule of faith and practice, shotdd be found oppesing the infliction of this punishment in caw of wilful, deliberate mauler. We have a clew and unequivocal declaration of the mind and will of God ,on this enbjeet, contained in the 14th chapter. end 6th Term of Genesis: 'Whose shed. drib man's blast by man +hall his blood be abed: fur, in the image of God mode be man." Were it riot for the pride sod rebellion of the human helot against God, and his authority, (hi. law would universalli be obeyed and recognised just and right, and the wilful murderer would be permitted to suffer the appropriate reward of bin: crime, without any efforts to thwart jashert Marl , weans the guilty; so common nOW Oman ail' trial. for murder: 'And this arises utaitdy from the misplaced sympathy of certain would-be reform Cr. of the law of both Gild and man on this sub jest. , All commentators on the Bible, I believe, with out's single except - to, esteem the statute given to Noah to be binding on his posterity until the end of time; Now when the very best Biblical critics Concur on this ,point, it becomes-us to consider well before wo reject all the testimony in favor of capitol punishment, and suffer outsiden to be car tied away by mere feeling fur the condition of our erring and onfortuoate fellow mono., and br the sophistry of certain chiangelingo who' are ever seeking to tevolutlonixe the word. if those who are opposed to the,penelty of death for soy crime, would showSvhen and where this statue is attro : gated, or has ceased to be binding upon the hu man rare, it would have more influence on Bible abiding people than all the denunciations and God dishonoring epithets they can use, and which seem to beer familiar to sorer of those who citim tat be the very embodiment el benevolence, but who in their lives give ne better evidence of per fection in holiness than others whose sympatbiev, if not quite so refined, [presume, are quite as well balanced. That the above precept was given for a rule of •,:rion at one period of the ao id'. his. tore, I presume will not be denied by any one who believes the Bible. If so, it most still be • rule, unless it can be shown that It hav expired try its own limitation or has been repealed by the law giver in explicit terms. This we behave cannot be done. I bade. that tinny attempt. have been made to explain away and destroy the force of the passage; but all such atternoto must utterly fail; it, like its Divine author. will endure forever. And the State or Nation that would nullify it or sit it aside, incurs e fretful rrepensitolity,eind will beheld temente. ble by Him who is jealous of hi. law and his honor. The Practice of punishing capitally for certain crimes, may be defended upon grounds of expedi ency and propriety, as well as Scripture. No other punishment will so ffectnally deter from the ~ •,111. 1 i.1011 of crime, nor does any other bear any I p,,; TM zy.,olrt , ,AKd.rAraa ( 401ai.t.• tti ik.• thin P.tr.:t4:S. t,f , . , I..hope diet some of the ',Namara for abolition will fever uo with • oad argument' on the vies. tion, Rio that wa may examine them and be con vinced, if we ere in error; or if they should bo thought wroor, I. their views on the subject, we -will try to point tat their create. - T think the question of vital importance to us aa a Slate and Matte, and before any legislative action is bed on the milled. it! 'should be well considered by the people. J. C. at lICCONr;, WnTaa Basta.—We mint It to 514 paknwell bs state Out it was the 'majotity cf the Water Committee Uhl not that gentleman alone who imp: r ued the coostruction of, the ace. end flasin in the commil. The belief of,the ma jority of the Ccircunitte is that,the impinge will eon a m bly e z t ened $50,000 and requite 'an ex.. penditure whist the people-will not be ready to meet. The average coat of water in the lower part of city is Only $3,75 while $7,50 is the pro. posed cat for those wini would be benestted by IbiaooW improvement, for each family. the Permaitrania State Liberty party hoe Paitinated foxGloveroor, P. J. 'Ls Marrs, of Wsalane= . County. and W. B. TIOXAS of Philadelphia,lar Canal Camalariorker. —Scrta,of.thef DaitiOlD defeatists of the war with' itexicO,' ate some of the greater declaimer! • against the courage and patriotism of thae animas tie brava* min in the country: Henley, of ]lndiana, u, tthis justly shown vir in the Indiana I State Journal. tie WSJ in the Isla Congreas,nd 'as we heard him more than once, we are assured of the With of what is here said in regard to the course taken by this hero io Buckram: I t wilt be reeillected that this gentleman was one of Mr. Polk's electors in this State. II e then raid the people that the annexation of Texas would not produce a war with Mexico, sod If it did he would undettake to conquer Mexico with • dorm old latiiita armed with broomsticks. The annexation took place] end the war followed.— • Mi. Henley did not conquira Mexico with his dorm old Whets nor did ne volunteer when the Sire called fur troops. As an excuse for not doing it he weeds as follows— ...!hod now in conclusion, r the 00"."1" a 6t one, allow me t o say to. the troops at. Camp Whit comb. that ho eing voted for the artnerstion of Texas which is alleged to have originated it, if my duties in Can Bras mould have allowed it I should already have been one of their number ; and if they donut march before the adjournment, or if / con leave at an earlier yaiod without negketing th, duties which derolve upon me here, I may yet join them before they reach the table lands of Male°. They have my ardent wishes for a safe return to their homes end Canaille. Very respectfully, Your obed'nt Beret.. THOMAS J.. HENLEY. WocaUroTox, JUDO 26, 184 G. The State has again been called on for anion. teetaJand Mr. Henley, although not prevented by holding en office, has not yet volunteered nor will he do it. This is the pattiotism of the loeofoco leat. DJ Ile'peoplo barrel:ants recolleet any thing of thespocehea of Judge Wick. mother of the Polk lect-ra He too, if we tire 6rrectly in. form was willing to whip Mexico on contract. We dont hear of his taking it. Why don't ha do Porreepenrtente or the Pittsburgh Gazeue. FROM PHILADELPHIA. Patcanacrau, June 4, 1846. The new government Propellor which was test ed on Saturday, is to leave far BMW s The Segains announce ■ concert on Friday evening. ❑is said a certain Bishop who heard Mies Cibber, in Hendlilre Mr ssiah; emldmal the lady came to a particularli rich passage, ""Ma dam your sins are forgiven!" What will thatßish op say if he could only listen to Miss Seguin in .me of her Zempa Freeman, the new returned ;ambler delivers another lectu:e at the Chltese Museum to night. A man by the name of Roberta has made two attempts to lecture on " Women and Irelam.." which were failures. Tc-night he holds forth on old Rough and Reel, and several o th er 'topics.— Whether ho veilhincceed any better in getting on audience remainii, t th be seen. It is said a splendid Hole!, to be kept by your good friend Hartwell, Ia i to be erected on the of the old Chemmuut street Theure. Should army such enterprise be attempted, mine host of the Worthington, is eminentlrfitted to direct it. Our markets are filled with strawberries, and our streets resound wilh the cry-of the renders of this delicious fruit. which by the way is much more sweet and pelstaide new than it was before the mine. CIISAITILS cog 13COTL,(11.—The Treasurer of the Scotch Relief fund, Wet. Blackstook. Esq., ha received a hands isle acknowledgement from Philadelphia of • the contributions for the relief'of the suffering Scotch. On the 3d inst , the receipt of $3,106 in acknowledged at the hands of Res. A. D. Campbell and Thomas liird. Tvrentpone handled dollars had prariounly peen shipped from this section'of the State, and in addilion a large quantity of provision.. The vessel which took out the provisions for Western Pennsylvania curl: e d out 3 146, barrels kilo dried torn, 208 cf Flour, 177 bags and 3 Wok Caro, 44 do of Wheat, one of Rye, all =signed to Mr. Forbes of Edinburgh. In the letter •cknawledgiog the receipt of these provisions the writer, P. M. Call Esq., says:— canna: sufficiently rapers. the high sense which we entertain of ltlo P[CrtiOllll that have ham made and are still going on in WesteroPennoy Urania far the relief of the Scotch." We are seared that the money and proviai Ant for the relief of the Scotch, will amount to seven or eight thou.,' dollars and that for the relief of the Irish to perhaps $:7.000, or $28,000, all coot (root iLi. coy, C 11 my and ociabtortinod. The forwardern have been very liberal in taking provision. for di, relief of the suffnrers in Europe and we have been requested to . preaant the thanks or the Sceth Committee to tanners Leech, Mc' '_Nulty and Gnat Dm. Eisen. ♦vu Tee 8101.1.—We are re quested by Dr. Elder, in the D.N. Gazette, to pal,- lish his ezplenation of. speech reported an hie in the New York papers, and delivered during the recent religious 'anniversaries. Dr. E. is repro• recited ass?eaking irreverently of the Bible under Mores. He disclaims any each (stearin., and alys that be .believes the absolute divinity of le. ens Christ. and tb,t he believes the New Testa ment report of his life and doctrine.. and that they are the rule of hie faith and practice."— What Dr. Elder would also be understood ae say. ing is contained in the following paragraph: .1 believe that the Jewish polity is fully Wu 'ranted by the authority _which ordains it, and ai tally vindicated by the history of that/pecu liar peeple, but it was already growing abettlete in the day. of Saint Paul, (Hebrew. vii, 130 and Christianity ban now every where replaced • its jurisprudence with • quern of law., more consonant to our circumstances and time. I think .tbey do greatly err, not knowlne the scriptures. neithet." the policy of Divine Prowl. dente, who would restrain the civil liberties and wasl economy of the present and the future, by the limitations nee:essay to the put." We believe the above will place the Doctor reduce in aerie, in regard to the ezuact we pub. 046.1, and we would publish the whole letter if our apace would admit. . Tax raw to SANTA Anus.—The for,os of the pus granted to Santa Anna, as copied in same of %hopper. is denied to ba "an authentic copy" by the Union. Perhaps the !diking will fivnish us with one more authentic, and we ore glad to see the President called upon to do so in the Res olutions adopted on Wednesday by the Whig county Convention. The denial of the Union, however, is not very good authority upon public purls even when they affect the character of the administration. The Organ rosy deny what it Will, since the President himself liniment moot ef fectually its own denial. In the annual nits-wee of December 8,1848, the following may be found. 'ln view of these facts and circumstances it was, that when orders were issued to the CONINISS• der of our naval force in the Gulf. on the fifwenth day of Maylast, only two days after the existence of war had been recognized by Congress. t.t plice the califs of Mexico under blockade, he weti ratted not to obstruct the passage of Santo Ann:. to Mexico, gloat he attempt to return." A ?deo:lnners. Piczuser..—The window , i the merzbanttsrely presentee° grout no Atlractiop et now draws crowds to Kennedey's. The utter :rat! , t+ vo m4snifirent victor. ts ; °et, i.e.F.tet 141 , n1 pall-• S, r•Vii t+- 44.43,14,, 7,ef :;44. t',;;;` , 4. touching and beautiful. Hs who looks desin2to look again, and after he his gored for hour's he will still linger in edettration., Th 74 picture is supp:sed to be an original by tha cele brated Spenish Artist, Guizeppeßibers,cammon ty called II Bpangnoletto, or the little Spaniard. If so, this picture must be at liut one hundred end ninety - one years old, as Spangnoletto died hr 1656. Still, lb. colors are almost u f tab se :honk they had been leln upon census bat yeder. ,lay. This picture wai purchased lry the owner in Antwerp and is beyond doubt the fount gem of art now in our city. Our citizens should esti and we it, before the owner removes it from Ken nedy's.—TeLigeoph. is • 11111 , 11 Remsr.—.4L Allin informs us that he 'has shipped. In ail up to last Saturday, about 400 tops of proditim destined for Ireland, and from the lag. quantity engaged with the. canal lines, during the present week, ho =templates getting e nearly store. Contributors play look for quick despatch for any produce confided to his care. Nursorecs- . Of our meth!, 'condition of •We beg lease to call the ettention Snag Commissioner t the filthy est . 015. Alley. R 0 P E. !!-'• 1 ENGLAND.' ' ; 4 Ardno puLat -during the late Gni years (uyai ttnAirminigitunaJorsiatinl,) bee trade been in • motaidefineewed stjki thei r t trit.prosem time. 4 - ‘ . i b Tlielirsli . rociambered Estate bill had been - reed • ird time in the House of Lords. This will -e able holders of mortgaged properly to Bell part of their estates to- pay off iimumtaamea. This will raise tip an independent middle clue of hish landowners--men cultivating their own grounds. The House cf Commons had passed' the Ten Hours bill--the country gentlemen triumphed. In the House of Lord, ram. day, Lord Brough am spoke of "the distrersing state of ffrei Money Market." Yesterday it war very bad, arid it was worse the day Moe; and the worst amounts were received teem Lancuhire and Yorkshire.— Numerous orders had been received Iron Ameri ca for Woolens in the Wert Riding, and'foe Cot. ton in Lancashire, yet the manethictunie Could not °zeolite thus orders, and were even obliged to stop their mine. 8 AAAAA or rarely—Deaths from famine are happily becoming rare, but freer is rapidly doing the work•ofdecimation. The accounts from Ker• ry,lvey, R awrornon and Longford, are of an extremely nntarorahle character. In the Union workhoma , of the latter county, the number of deaths in the year ending let of April, 1847, was 112, whit+ for the corrreponding period this year, itteyeamounted to 677. The accounts from the Mont markets of thi French Departments are again becoming' each day mon serious. In almost every district hu a rise of prices occurred. The Royal Government of Prague has decreed that the Jesuits shill not be permitted to reside in the capital of that kingdom. Food riots have taken place in Wurtemburg and Aaz en Rut sa.—Mr. Stantly, the artist, who ac companied Gen. Kearney to California, Writes as lolleree : "There has been conch speculation, in regard to the Aztec remairs in the %alley of the Gila. That it hoe once supported a nut ponlation, we could not doubt fur mini of their towns and !cities are plainly visible for hundreds of miles: Stone found atitrns are frequently seen wavering many lames ; but with one exception, we did ;not find any building. in any degree of preservation.— This wee about four miles from our trail, and two hundred and furry miles abase the mouth of the river. This building I. 60 feet by 46, three stoile• high, oral is constructed of the idol*, limiter to that used in the houses 'of New Mexico. I Whether them ruins have any connexion with those of South America is not known. The plain. in their akin. ity are covered fur mile, with bro Len pottery of burnt clay, beautifully painted and ornimientrd , and this was the only clew which we had to the advancement of the builders in the mechanic arts The Pecan. lodises have bin vary imperfect tradi , firma of these remaina." Maecet LO(T.-Mr. O'Connell left Al:tenon for All a on the 18th eltima The Belgian Jenniela state, that malignant iy pbus fever is very prevalent in the province o Flanders. On the sth of April. one of these dreadful fires which are the curse or Turkey. brukeout in Bu• &meat, the capital of Wallachia. lu , was blow• ing a violent north east wind at the tinte r and the fire, after raging molt intensely for t 4 heurs, teat ea for want of fuel, having consainea In its pro• grail upward+ of 2,000 houses. and 27 public ra tablishutents. The loss of properly is immense, and , has beim variously estimated at from £2,000,000 td £2.- 500,000. To account for this apparently esag 7 mated lose, it is neceseary to [Petition that not s single stone counting house, or fire-proof usage.' nine, resiebsd the intense fury of the Oct.. Ac tordieg to our correspondent, 500 miserable haus es are all that remain of the once flourishing flu chartist.—Landsn Herald. raeaart.rau I{lll. Roll/ —The books focsubseription to this stock, will be opened by the emontiosionen at the Alunongshels House. this morning from 9 to 11., and continua open for three days, at the scoo hours. We understand that several of our citmens intend to submwbo largely, Osumi, as we are, that the money will be well in vested We leel called opoO to urge a general and goner.. addition to the stuck from this city. We hope, ,to ever the subscriptions of our citizens to this Bt. d. will rot made with the tvadrritanaing e • pressed upon the books, that the money ,gall t.O sependeo upon the eul el the line, and from this 1 City, the subscriptions to be otherwise sold. Tat New bfextela Tavare.-8 late letter to the New Orleans Times, from Vet Cruz say. that the new tariff is found to operate badly.— Three sculls with valuable rarir ie. ha I arrived within two or three day., and then eras not mo ney a rough in the city to pay the duties on them. Four mare wore daily expected' If the dance are not paid within thirty days alter entry. these goads must be sold at public auction—and what will they bring! Gen. Parr cas3a , C 0... Aentacaoar•l g and Dv Kearney arrived in torn on Saturday from the seat of rm. Gen. P. appears to be guttering from lameneas. Capt. T. Daaaaoa Sea., of the U.B. Nary, • Lieut. Frost of dm Voltipeurs and Captains Crownlasbiekl sod Ashy of *ha Mamehasetta volunteer's, and Lieut. Williams, have also arriv ed bete. Tor aa•aoaa or wet.—The Toone:ease Regi, Inapt which went to Mexico in Jane 1846. return in May 11547 with "one-third of the force Int.— They maned with 900 sifted's men and retain ed with only 550. battle and disease haring re mand 350. Tea Pyrres room °rearm, or 1787.—The American has an old Cinema of this date, publish ed by Scull & Boyd, on a theca of only 14 by 20 ioches. and even then much enlarged from some of the later publications. The ailA of the Gra mme is now 49 by 28 inches, and we find it al. most imposaible to crowd in warned! apace much more than the news of the day. 11Irn neuter Comearai ooze° To Sonora.—A- song the passengers in the new steamer Washing ton:wee the Hon. Richard Brodhead. of this State, nod Bon. William S. Miller, and W. W. Camp bell, MeMbere of Millet Congrea . from the City of New York. Tax COGillo.ll Nuteaarca.—.l gentleman has called upon us to . eay that the cockroach nuisance will be as won slatted by the care of red wafers scattered upon the floor,. in any ether way. Our infamarit het tried it with complete intecese. CANAL..—The Legislatute of this extensive Province, met under the Vic regal Lieutenancy of the Earl of Elgin and Kincardine. a lineal dr• seendant of the &solid, monarch who triumphed at Bannockburn adults warring f.r liberty tour hundred years ago. A 'came warrrao will be held in Baltimore at the Exchange this evening, where the more Committee who recently Tinted Pittsbargh, will be present, Hon. Andrew Stewart was ep. pointed to address the meeting. Einnaasre.—The steamer Pennsylvania left Pittsburgh nide, evening with a WI freight and with 480 German emigrant., Inland fin the fir :faith West. Maw., of the rill6s, wounded at Cone died on the 15th .May. He wee a brave nod moth beloved. 'T!'t Presi‘aa Analwa arrived in Philadelphia 174 third, and at home, probably on Soon _ - "'Hum Wheaton oat late biliniger ito Priatria,' It.. beettitutited to a public- dinner at New York. The PRUIDZITIati as arateadastie caption at Raladatt and pult. Tbs NOW Yowk 8m say. Mt. Ptak will 'is' that city about who 20th of this moon!.' TUE WAR IRIP OP PRAOR BY gala. LOVilt • Sweet lend of toes, thy hop dt 3 lk hoop. Upon the willows I,ow. Wale Centimes blisht and fetrer's pans & emery en thy.brow ; Vat Inter thy hat p and raise thy coin., Though Wet and low it Ire, And let thy !tinkles hen , Moth. In friend, still left to thee. Look oat, look oat Berms the sea That Ord@ themerald shore, I. • 'hip of warbound for thee But with no warlike ewe; lief thunder sleeps—illa Mercy's broach That wafts heroe'r the ma, Sht owe not forth to doalost angle, But beam new life lo elm Thy wooed hood MO wanly nuke The chords of.gratefol pro.. ,• Thy ritipliyil MOO glOwl.ank. Thy rotes of proud. , day., Vol. neon to sorrow, tuneful still Let Wiles voles proclaim infordic p rai so, on ern y hill umMais tiOno. a•ute • BY MAGNETIC TELEGRAPIL Covrespoudeste et, Pittsburgh Ca•voi.• Fzelasiee Carreatmerieme. of imTittatereaz Gazette • PHILADELPHIA MARKET. '1 AM. 5 9 P. M. Flour--1 he amount of husinesedSiug in Floor is moderate, and holden have not realised the ad. :vane they claimed, fully. 'To day West and PI brands add at $9,25a9,373 per bbl. Wheat—Whir on the spot realises 220a223c per bu. Corn—Soma samples of prime Yellow sold h ail at 193a196e per bu. Oat, consnne very scarce, and fetch 58.61 c per ho. Rye has advanced to 140.143 c per bu, on tha spot. To arrive some sales at It.. Whiskey in bbls is still held at 40c, brit buyers will not home farmed at that price. Conan has declined 3e per lb since the news. Provisions—The market continues rather quiet but holders are very firm and claim full prices.— The sales consequently are to a moderate extent only at prices for new West. Mere Pork $l7, and old at $16,50. Sales of No I Lard at 10.1013 for . obla and kegs—the demand is good sin. the nevi.. Of Bacon sales Hems of Western Cure at 10c, ned City Curs at 12212 e,. Western Sides it pi, and Shoulders at Sc, which is an Im provement on the latter. The demand for Cloverseed ha. improved, and sales of prime fres seed at 51,6244,75 per bet. a t. American Flaxseed is held at 142 c, without altal totestablish the price. • Ky Loaf Tobacco is in request—ths extremes of the market are 33110 c. Etizrhew , Correspondence of the Pittotourgh Gazette BALTIMORE MARKET. June 5, 9 P ht. Flour — The stock of Flour on the market is not large. The rectipte have bit faii. For Howard at. a price is claimed which oven refuse to pay, 0,934 per bbl. Holders a seltera.st that. The last tialre.of City Mills tv re at $9,75 per bbl. . Wheat--SmaU sales prime \Vein. a 2161219 c and of similar quality of Red at 212 a 15e. White Como( prime quality realises 1124,114 e and Yellow 116•11.9 c per bu. Oat, realise 69;11c per bu. Whiskey is o little lower. Soles blade and Ws at 360373 c. Provisions—The sales of the week have been moderate onlY and at steady prices. Holders are much father since the news. Sales Pork—Mees at $I dm 50. "dPrieme at al*cintnpuenrurbi e b • Bacon—Thegood. Soles .Wes , ern Shoulders at 73 sfic, Sides at 91a10e, and Hem at 9alolc. 'Lard hae sot varied iTt price—No. I realises 95•10 e in hide and kegs. Of Beef came sales Mess at $15•151 tremes of the market $15,155. Prime at sloa 'I Of . Of Butter idea 50 kegs good Vt'eatern at Llc. Small vales Weatern Derr'Skins in hair at 2C■ Correspondenent Cue htt•tittreit Gantt. NEW YORK MARKEr. Juno 3, 10 P. M. • The holiness done in Flour to day is not large. The stocks =Justly no not very large. Some Seuthern sold ha use at_ $10,50 per bbl. Some sales e Me per be. Provielonv—liolders clam an :Winner on articles of Provisions. but the sates re light in convey...nee of the 1A46, figures demanded. Sates new West. Prime Pork at $14,1.*:k and old at $13,'.14. or old Mess at sl6fi 10:4, while new is Lehi at SI7 with out sales. For Bacon there is sa eateileed denial and sales ma Ito! 00 tibia corn %Vest. sure audes at and 30,0J0 Ih. ahoulders at 1.4 e. Finer freights to Liverpool hare ailvsnred to S shillings per bbl. FROM MEXICO !illey 2.0 The Mexicans here have news from the city rii. Mexico which we cannot get 101 l al. their Oren currier. doubtless running regularly. One of them told me last night. Writ fifteen luminous of the Nuncios! Guard have been'thor..ughly organ. iced at the capital, that fortification. are already in process of construction at dr - near ftio Faro, that the belle have heen Me up into C611(1011, and that the owners of eri Wen foundry at the city of Men ice, Englishmen, have been compelled to cast belle on the promise of remuneration hereafter. . May J I. l'ho Mexicans have a report here, eilich is trod ited by the Americana generally, that Herrera is elected President of Mexico, and that ho is asp,- tied to treat for peace. The rats in. aniseed by the Meticana far Her rero being willing to make pence with us it, that be desires to prevent oar taking possession of the Capital of the es) s tyII to, the inevitable result if the :Mexicana do not came to terms. The Army is under marching .order. for to.. Mellow evening at 3 o'clock. Gen. Tarigge coL awn will move at that how, if no unforseen cumttanceis intervene. Nothing further from Generals Worth and Quitmaa, except that they were resting, from the fatigues of the march in Puebla. • • Our correspondent at Vein Grua, under data of the 22,1 inst, writes us as followe—jost as the Palmetto was leaving: "Otte hundred and twenty 6luartermauer'• loaded with Boar and pork, on their road to rendegratts at Santa Fe. were attacked late last erecting, three miles horn here. "The nudeteem_were Bred upon; but I" cermet teem whether nay were killed. Most of the mule• tees have jost returned, and reportthat the entire train eras upland. This is no rumor. I have the Gets from the quartermaster bere."--Balt. Amer. About a dues roltrateers, disehumed from se, vivo en Md. Price's regiment at Sect. Fe. on account of I•health, arrived at St. Laois.. They left in detached garnet. the latest on the:lst of April. Everything was in a tranquil state when thefleft Santa Fe. Tee native, of the country were de prived of dor leeway of mischief, it they were so dispond. 'f he courts for the trials. of the' rebels had elmed; both at ntos and Santa Fe, smiths san guinary elet.utions. which had Wien place ender their adjudiction. were at end. Col_ Price wan in command at Same 'Fe: which has proved the grace-nerd for many young and gal lant men. The SI. Louis RepahliCao State:that nearly four hundred persona were buried there. 04e hundred had been diacharged from Col: Price's regiment on acconnt oil arclinen. In naming home these parties met great numbers of Indians, whoee principal object seemed to be the stealing of mules and Gorses. On the Ilth instant, they were attacked 'at l'awnee Fork, by about one hundred Canenche and Arapahoe Indtens, and in the tight one turban, the leader of the toned; was *Hied. end weal wounded one or two of the Amt clues were slightly wounded. The Indians mieceeded in driving oft nee bonded and five head of horse* and mules, principally the propecti of a party ankle:ken traders, travelling in company The party on their mist I a•lndependence numdered piety-Gee men, with Mgt. imen wagon., and $65,000 in specie belonging to Mexican trader.. Th e win. ter et Santa robed been Pemmican screen, and of great duration. A man by the name of Kicks wax tilled at a fandango in Santa Fe, shortly before the last of the company left. Of the coulter of •olonteere at Santa Fe, very few will enroll themaelver for a new term of ser vice. Gas. Ts vata'e, Coairavo.—A, letter in the New Orleans Picayune, dated Monterey. May 7, Tho'. health's( . the anny 'here continues good, with tho esceptiorfor the 2d M• Regiment. which is still suffering from the ravages of the mill pox, and loair2g a goad many men. ne glected to mention in my last that den. Taylor Nit been ill fora day or two, but h a d wscose,,,d, HAT Cuanntes.-1t is said there hre men in London, who pusses. Atm power of enticing rats from their holes, tad colours Ain them,io broad day, to enter into rat raps. The e harm consists in some of the omits p tared in the trip being saturated with the oil ol anise and of commit. Sir. Sacirs.—Black silkiness are quite the rage with the ladies of NMl:nit:lom city. The Whims, no dnabt Is brimmed from the East, where the Turks have the ore4it of putting their ladies into sacks fur any, every I and nu offence at all. Sionstrutrto• Niti.—A ring or sine and one of co pp er . pi sct d in contact around either fruit :Or or hamental trees, erdifererent ell insects from ascend ing and injuring them The moment th• insect touches the battery :it receires a pimple shock and I. killed or rails to the ground. The action of the battery is unecuiri, being sufficiently poweifol io either d•Tor wet weather. So says the Macon Jose. nal. :Hz .12tvailian• confider ploughman in esiential point of lesalebeasty; and the greatest compliment eerkPe_ paid a timeline lady, la to tell her that she 1r.i...rw" , " lairei everrdni,., , • irrica melte the atm.Moo of [Mr on .'. 'lnhardintry corona Sentra w lagAtillurl:r i 1 1 r, flor's 'ed ;T . ano r Vl ' . ‘4 6ro l lirren - 01' la.day'l' e paper. 'in; ...Mont &GM the mom wonderful on record. and halo_ ha been pronounced try - Many of our mom ref phym eland. The afflicted and othera Interested Ire ro.• queried to visit them at their rerend pleat rya and team from their own lip the wqq i e ,fia am ., a dm medicine. Tbe Grrtone named to Mr lease Brooks, who mar h e, seen daily, betweer. the he," oA. 111, and 4P.M. P h laced Rowland/h.-Walton, No OM Market at. Phtlada. sad cukzETTE JoB PArSTIACI OFTICY, .70110 . 770.22 T. COMM 07 1431111. 07110lt *1.017 pp•Wa are now prepared to ireeute in a superior and expeditions. manner, all Y ind.wo( Joa rams., ands as large Posters,iltearnboat 5,110,bt11s of Lading, Lauer Meet Cirellier% HZ/Saab'. Cords, &Ake. • DOME AND rAxrPII PDTlfTzion to any areal atoned /alio bet mason, ' and kind sot Pnatlng dons with Monty oaring lot C7timt:ortotht of fears fainacheededbihoolth th4.l mallow, to mac of Pm ourrhoids or Pilm,Dy the time( Dr Upkotan'eltemnary, whLelt has achotrod Well dh -. torredxpittatioa Writs shoal tonne's la eradioahnp that dmireorms comola.nt. ft le an :menu! remody„ . and int ducovery. moulted from • tbomogh investixanott I of the eau.ne of Mtn ownfot and pre volt ot thrown, hoot. ' , holm., and Retatt. VATT KKIT.II.IhI . I ttl Funon tnool. Now Vorto; IV tr. Tnolm, Market Coon', ant P. K. ttowtne, Snithfu'eld street plowott, Ppec Pi per tic; in! lw QO.-salter'. Ginseng Panaceas--11rotear. Tacrndavr—We beg leave to call NM, e ndt lo ibe Ml:awing, (ram DI. Win Deco , of Witham:ma:Os Clermont , nod one of Me very List pi - hew:onery in the county In winch he restdes, and Leo 3enuor ,n the tm Legodaturc. It cheering thus to see the lead ing men of the profemon, bursting the bonds of A, .1111 we, and graing merit 11+ due: ir 1 have in on practree been Lonna some of your Gameog Panacea, and, en far. am well pleased ot tr edeetslllCatarrh•l and Drottehial Comp Loots. New aend oa half a dozen bottler—put Meru •• to an von call, as I ...lime: if :1 continue. 10Terldel as general on, /slam,. as it has tolretofure. to leer/ it co/Woolly on hand Respectfully, nu' Wm. DOAN, K. n. BOOTS 5,00. NO. flu MOUIITII STREET. COHN F POST OFFICE ALLEY . . I •Ittr.crther rr.perstotty tnior the pubic that. hr ha- rd the tnanutartur ttot e of fientforuti . Fatt.enrablo f1u,,!.. of aond otalettol and worionatrtbiti wholt he aritl warrant reprrtor In any Mad ever Ind.le; Pdat..burgh her ll.r pre r. There hoottliadt.r t*, - ~11 ha rnadr inearete. and warrant taint ar repro rrnird, at tne vary tow price of FIVE DOLLARS CA,II. ertalrturn a rcourrted to call and csern ne Ittt luau e W It ER,KINF- E7 . lmport rant to Ad vertliO;rt.—ila a deer tts,ments which appear in the Daily Alorning Gazette also appeortn the I'l.l-Weekly, thus reeetv mg the ben ern of theweal... of all, without any additional charge. This is all advantage loon, ad ',ruse's, without any extra expense. Adverttsements are alto inseru.4 ,ct the ,ountry paper upon iable Woes. • To Trove "EXPRESS FAST PACKET LINE PDILADELPDIA AND lIALTI3IORE. 1 Brehm foray lm Paastnawa pm.: Canal and llnnromil being no earellent I order the nickels of Wog e with pas ..,ngrrs an follow, even at SO o'c lock : Packet Indiana. Llctkey. 'Monday. fune do Lou 0.8111, thompunt, Tue.,l•s , J an , .9. do lief...ly. TTut , y, Jour. 0, do Oh,o, Craig, lturainy, June 10 do Indiana, Harkey. Friday. Jun , 11 - du Loniinana,Tholon.en. Salurday, , Joon 12. di. /Crowd, y. rubY, Sunday, June .3. do 0,.,,. Craw, Monday. Jut, 11. en Indiana I:2c4ey.Turaday. June 13. do Lounonno. Thonvon, K rdnenday. June du lienn.cly, Trolly.Tharstlny, J ove 17. eo Inn, Craig. y ridgy, June IF. lod.ana. Saturday, Juno 10. • do Loul.tann. Thoenr/an, Sunday, lune O. If )na dew re cheap itavrlliWk and comfortable areoni .your ocket• nt the Peek. Offire n nl aagalirla Wnier /wet, or of jr7 -I) I,hF.CII la CO, Canal Bain 13AKEILli AND.CONFECTIONART. I_lNom Comtner...l 110, Liorrly .1. oppocie Sentll.- 4.1 d The .üb.crtber re.peetiolly jurors,. lus fr.er.1..F..1 the pub e, Oa! he .0 prepared to 1,11 .11 or. .1. ro aL the .hor:est neuee. I urge sTI swell doll, twist, Nyeand Itread. at the Lau, every mortitng,•r run Le !Hi et the houses of pencils Irset.og orders. Cake* ci Wed.ltnes cod l'amre suppled cet h Coke. sod Vontccoonary at the ottorte.t hod mode I , e•t of materiels A large serormentor ConteclJouary, of the alway• on hood. .h.ch he oller• to retailer. at 15 cent% per pound (or earb• Alro. • large goantt l T of Not. and Fur., Fruit. wlaxeh he vr,11.11. am eon I.r. frrrorhed to I. e,ly. te742w .1 RD NEW PUBLICATIONS. oi Franc, by M. Mo.belet -.;nvoar, puNlicanpron• two vole !we.. now rendy—tio, Ntilt, can. be ouppli,J In No: )1..!c0v of for nom. Itcpubi't• by M , Ilazidt Edg K.ll Nlerl MrlnimlL• • . The Palo' . a Bnwrr.or ter Amory of a month; nba:e. Liv.o. nom, out, celebrated In Astiroi ran 11.. y The parautt nr KnowledKe •..I.lra trJ by ,portri.l4 Rovi.ed vv.t% pr, z.nd 'or r Wu} land Munet , , %1.61r,a1 thcary, 0 ow thr tho ea r 17, thenmwry oi Poet ,a 1 lturiEttions. by J. T WahnnO. Lan•-• a eminent .111erbanirii. by Howe. - r.. ;Iwriptuie 11 1 atitravon. For Kale by tr 7 .1 I. READ 4111 near Meta. al • `EA It '5 AN IC R I CAN VEGETABIL4, RENOVATING PILLS • Fiir 111 , COL nor 7, al. Ina lioirNi.r. Ite,invaintr I havr •uffrred (rem ll{ art o•.n. 1.1 no arid S.c.ohich I have made thw a ce at varwt, owthrine with ,ot wernrmg inawriat bear ht. months ,nre I conioworrd iwing 71r. Scar. Medic... who'', lin , mitwely win:veil ow fro chtoy at in, -t •inscp 311'1 re•lort , l Me to romfor. table health al of my annuls amt.-on:tattooers lanye 111311 e Y.,. la aml wee• red mar:it...m(ll rill I can whh conthience r• commend them BIBBIEVEMO . . . . . Sok]. and r.la 1. I.y ii A FAll N .k 01/, corner of 191 j:d Wag,. snd Wood sod Gill Fls. I 'ALVA'S/i PRIIPIMTV 1.1):t •nuYriarr Wiry, •ale no. wincti be now retulea. lo the 6iatts \V•rtl The Lot la to by Sal feet, frout.ng on Congretim and Alien Ytreets. Five Lots et tinottad in the 7.4 Ward. fronting en Web.. nreel—'!lby 127 feet deep, to a 2a fret alio. Alan. 10 acre, of Ground in Ity...erve 7nernslatp. putt.. g the eyy of Allegheny. to a high -late of cultorst• tun The •re on the prenn-r a a large number o: bearing nApple. Peach, Pluoilt. and Cherry Tree, an atundanee (:tope Vatea. from tyhrelr It'.l.e hat bet, in to , r. ,-1 an y. •. F. ,, .. ,,,, . ,,, p.ru , nlar. ,,,, m , t- at IL. I.tart.l.et l'a,tl Otbre ol Rowan & D k.voon,d;u•t. iwt.....n smolifie'd awl lirant J.: la y• c 11A+ ROW A % DRINTINO PAPELL 1. 5 Hr.. Assone4 G 1 red Medium, 192°{; I'o do :ream llr 3 do do 4ii do di do o do do . do do do AO do do do rio Book. 1. di do do lUAY do do 10' do Amorlrd Color, 24 .lo do do 12 do Vellum Medium, On bond sad fro role Ity JOHN II MELLISH tin 6I Wood street. between ts 7 Dtsmond Alley and Fttlit street O PLUMBERS AND MAC lIINISTS. robserthers Ithsthg been spro/nted Agee. r r .11cs.r. J. & 14 Jour,. or Phdruleb b .4—letlensesely Leaven by Plumbs.. end SI aehtwsts in the Erlalterrt ctl• im.)—rer ibe sale of ibrlrmanntheiurek arc novrpepe• red lo fuinith Plumbers er , th ell the eau.. bomb , ul bruss mark used ihmr buszness. Ahma very variety of Gouge and Stearn Cocks coed by Locomotive and Stariottao Engine amide's. inelu dtag Od Cocks. Oil Cops, /kr. do and which they w,ll sell to Me We•tem trado.andErmlnc Builders, at El, tern Picot. exciusive of freight LOGAN *. KENNEDY PM Wood ay Potsr.urelt P CONTINUED SUCCESS I `EAGLE 10E CREAM SALOON!! 1 7 AP.td CONCERTS EVERV EVENI NG The Week...Programme Changed EVERT h. VEXING. THEPropvietor help leave to .Laic to his friend.. and the public, that, at the advice of nuittetous (toadies, he has Wen undated to oder for their amusement a se rice or AFTERNOON SORRIER no firstof which "11l take place on Weilnesd,a,Juve 9111. ematiecing at 3 r. neketa, IM cents; in a dish of Ice Crewe. .te7 CuTLEay —A maim, seleettop of Cutlery, vv: Praning and Badding Kans or v•rious pattern. citable for napery men and gan ., lenerm al., a large assortment or Pun and Pocket Staves, a superior uncle —just scenived and Mr sale low, at. the Pittabmgh iced and Agricaltarai Warehouse, lo 131 Wood street, cos !ter or alb. 1.7 .01 N W trla Ffisi to NI ARK& TARA'S r Persons wtshing to purchase a /sum, will do we.l In call and extant, Ilse Register, on which they will find -Parals for sale, ot_from 12 to 5,1241 aeons, situated 10 Pennsylvania, Shia, Virginia !Ilium.Tennesisec,li-Ji ., Arkanms and Team. of amity mainly and tilt Mae. CUTHBERT, Real Relate Agent JO? No :A Smithfield-street SARSAPARILLA -3Z bodies Dr. Towsmn. to either 61l t,17 h iI t , b :r HZ:: and gives ' a P EC ' e t v the elated! . Ihryte s,ote mice.''-aer received and for salvor R X SELLLad, No GrW cod meet, Rile Age to for Alliedeay Dowdy. Jvi BIRD (maws and Founts of various sizes, constant lyy on baud, and for aide at unlaced pricer, at Ilia Pittsbargh Need Ittom, No 131' Wood Meet. corner of Ilthatteet.. ; je7 S N WICILERSaMiI AUD 014—;.A. prime' article 'of No 1 Lard Oil a...constantly on hand and for 1.10 1,.10 DAN it SON je7 Worafaetarers, No 18 Llbaily street G1101:1ND NUTII-2t. LI tlba..for inle at No 10Poto m errial RowLerty meet, by ' , SIIRPIIARD fIIBITXIIIIII4T-3 'van Incalimees Ointment on V hand sad far sale low by SCHOONaI aliEßk 00,24 wood st _ A tc,..9:°`7"°1.-Pl'.l;lxshcraffg;,ragl'ear' LASIR OIL-10 W.l, in loe ordar.,for. ECILOONNAICF.R t CO T ENOS 91110 P—es llama Panifinallelow by Je7 J •ACHOONMAIIift a CO VANILLA 8115AB 1L -5 lAindlea km !sale br • 107 - - J SeeIoONJZAKERACO• CAN DIE 11-I,ote Ib., as 15 avast par lb, C3r We by Sensor J aiIf.PHARPi Liberty sire.' - HM'S, 81155. awl SHOULDEY.B.I4I4 seed awl kw la, " .ale lot • ..1 JORDAN a SON i T 1211 SIPELP Jam baries in itomandra -Li jet' sale Iry J JORDAN/tIDON LARD—In Togo, s good iojelo.jor rli fly le7. - J JORDAN & SON A LCOHOL-11pgs N ~ Net received eddrc..be bY A • ft E SELLERB,67Irood kOT killi-2 cask., pricae,:Jang 11,eVi rod jad Rwfrale by • anrlS .EN014311 At USN MKT? lIAID T—t 661114,0. J Nut y A a r aisia ma: factured, aed for .ale N D DORDAN. CI PTO. TDIIVEATIALE.—: pid .41. je3 osoaN! noTAsm—t wit aspirin An sale Or J D MORDAPI, LICORICE SALL-1. osse, stleka. fork' - by r.D taoaOur Li I6 AGBIZIIA-1 Farbooated, for WO:T- - IXL T 1 . !IL:" • -.J.D xonGAN OPPERAS-11tuwels , for we by ' U_l.3 D MORGA. DOC= POWD*R-40 keg. for saln 47 • ism All DIeNET & CO. pt) , TAISH —No Lf r 'irsh, warranted .t !mos SIIIROP—Fresh mole, and of flog Rue Lip, Or sale Imo by moot JOHN D MORGAN. NH wt.." HIVE LEAD-50 key Pare ' tlrslVz, ALILBATIT6.4 tom,. DOWlaudilDA hr nle b , b) 115- I DICKEY...-. CHEESE—I 09 bza now kwlint c tErg,b. my..‘ LIJ 01 )11: ril eu ivet t aid s. lo 6 . 7 V vmd o b 1 ML mite 'unction salia dy John D. Divots, A=Vona*/ ON Att.nday morning.. ihelth Somata, at Itto'clock vriii be void: An eilenrve as.ornnent of Ar.l% and •nagor.nb!e . Dry Ooods. annoy ' , kWh lon, ne...tnems, •aunetn , leans, twee ds, isiimses. awn.. mous de lames. bleached sod unbleached to fins, fanny velnings. Irish line...bawls, handkerchiefs.' ant sick. sum., c l o th, a area t 'satiety of hosiery. gloves. patent thread. umbrellas. parasols, An. M=iM A q.,ainiiy of groceries, queer...ware. gtassware, sbo. nen., bed cards, band boxes, watches, corn brooms, 50,W Spanish cigar" A general usonment if now and atcOnd band house ho,J furniture, canwling, looking g1ia5...... 1 .."." - i,otter beds, bedding, kitchen utensils, JPOrrice aseonmentor ready made ell:ailing. fine shine. wh 'men boaoms and eollare, gold and goiter watch r, knell}, Goa caller y; I arm palm tear hats, (.45 - a dk handkerchiefe, valimy goods., k 4 Handsome Country Seat. Two Acres of Ground and Cottage Stowe near Miners al A ;moan .. • • ON Saturday ...moon. the NM knout, at 3 o'clock, will he sold on the preneses 1 hot Handsome Comnry Seat al present .mentred by •Iy• Cherry. within about I of • mile mini the Seventh Werd of the city, !mein?: • front of Met on Read streat, winch is L a ne,t wide, andtextend no bath tell feet to Delaware The honse is nearly new, and be,,, la a Q•Mttilr or. ._Coeo, f ind Lit:ecotone. on the prem:se.. PCISOOS wiahinj ...idr.olbw the pmpyny will call on Me, t herby : One worth cash, balance in three equal an, Auglilayment., with interest, to Or secured by bond and re 3 J D DAVIt3, Anct'r ..:Te s ientyitor} .ale of 10 . 0 Building . Lots m the Eighth Wald of the City, ut A nonon. Ohl Wednewlev afternoon, the D h incom e at 4 &clot, will be mold, on the premiers: IDS.handeomely floated Lots of ground, f. tinting on renns)lvartia Avenue, near the Court Ifou-c, and Creels on the son h side of the 4 h Street road, a part Of which have a splendid view of the nononanhela River and Adjacent achnery, a plan of which can Lc Feet! or the auction room, or on applica tion to David Greer. ' . • • • • . Tenn.: on...third cash, residue in two equal annual payments with ime rest, to be secured by bond and mod gime. 3 . : p r U h able. r4 to It up je ° 2 l°°°" of 3 ° ° l.rg ;Nit eTrn - HEALTH, HEALTH: D' A. WOOD to IlarinaparDla and Wild Cherry Meters—Thin new and valuable Ki lter...Aar Sert.aparilla and. Wild Cherry has been need with greet 'neer. (or We perm...lrv:naval of all rich diseases as take their rile from an impure state Of We blood promotes a healthy notion of the Liver - rtrregthrw the Nervrkand abenre treater health and vicar tit We whew elem. • • In an caves of Jonocdce, Indieestion, Dyspepsia, /Ova of Appel., IllOntual Costiveness, Scrofula, Headache, Languor, and that Depreamon . of Spirits, which a .0 00,0 omplaint in th e etpons and *armee Seale,. of the yea, c lb, ...dime ha. not int equal—and a sic kle trial w:11 convince die most ttscreiloinua of its pet.. Itrr comer. For rasher particulars the re-der is 'referred to the oomph els which' will be faruittbad by the-Agenti,ebow ng mr ceinnatiou in which this valuable medicine is heal by ihtiee who have used it. CKJ-Clottion to the Public -DO Be particular and oak ler Ot Wood'. Sarsaparilla ttd hi 4.1 Cherry Ritter., sad reeelye no other. This is he Grit ptepariation of these arteles combined ever °Jerre to toy panlie, and the great 4 acct.! attending its UPC has Indared the unprincipled to eountell'all and imi tate As a preventive, sae that the bottles haVelhe worde . 'Dr. Woad's Sarsaparilla and Wild Cherry Bit tete • pressed on the Klass, sod that mice label on the bottle is ...geed by the proprietor, N 'Thornton, Jr. • Sold, wholesale and retail, by WYATT b. KETCII. AM, general ascot., lel Fulton street, New York: Wa Timm Market street, and P. It. blavrtra,Smithield Street. Pittsburgh, Pa. Price Sl—large bottles. teslbot Ydni - rrllP.undersigned having been appointed a . conunit / tee for the ' meet:on of the Mercy Horpflal. beg leave to tolled coon:button. in its behalf (mune liberal and genemos' patine. ArrangeOler. having bren made for the immediate prosecution of the wart, at the wbeilnUou of the Corn eute..larre• C. Cummins. Fan . . having kindl y consent d, will wait upon onrielloie citizens and 'elicit their donations to defray the expense, of the undettaking. They appeal Um snore earnestly o the public. as even now great ineonveutence is felt in meeting the demands made upon the present temporary t otinstition—Me only one tta our vicinity that tams • shelwr the poor and Iduct... when attlicted by sickness.' • The undersigned are Among with the sanction of the Right Flee. flit hop O'Connor, and with the CORCURCUCC of the Ststers nf Mercy, unit:eschew charge the instil. imp wdl be lowed P MUIePAN I'. Chairman .1011111SCOSORAVt; Pec'y J A.. E.S BLAKELY J AMES C CUMhIINS res I' C MARTIN ADDITIONAL ACCOMMODATION a - Mi (A M NIBUS E VENING LINE-Onand aller Monday Vibe 31. t of May. the sulacriber multi Evening Line of Oinndinin• t o Penitv)ivania Avenue, between Pittsburgh void lialitutid—leaving die City from the 4th overt rand et II past 0 o'clock every night, and Oak und at the same In.ur . Gratelai for par, NVerr ond onxiouit to afford rana. faction to all. the ••ieriber hopes this ncw effort to accommodate win be approved andrAndained by a lib eral pivilie." felt JA , O3 - I.ilt/IXINPIR, Proprietor Pt rm.., May 17,1:47. rrte.t r Satonlay 1 rave a teaspoon full of 11. A. Fab- Laoek Vermiltite 4:1 toy little girl, who is between lour and five years 01d..d during the day the parrot OS large warm.. averneirg more than a foot in tc, r 4 a - ,1 , ,14 VILY: , 1! o at. n lb Is co :a. L then rave a Traepdou fall 11112 /1r young, whn Wits appßlCtitly weIL A and .he pawed d 7 worms of equal ilea HENRY CIMIOTTI • Watchmaker, r‘inithfield Sm. Prepared and sold by B A FAIINESTOCK & CO, artier Is nod wood, one wood antltiSth nth. des I.ILTIIVIVS NR .W WORK Breeived at M. A. NINE:WeI The Beaottful Widow—shovel; by rP Arthur. ' Boinhey t Dtuehter—e!erantly t law - snit. • Pietnrinr Brattier Jonothali tort 4th ur luly, let 7. Iltil nide and Raider t-ketettes-1 est supply. The Cads de Cololdic rev. . do; The (I'Dounglgue, Dg • re,qler and rlanMatt Feather and As Rey..., do; Taylor.. fiord curt Silver Corn Examiner—herb sup• PIY. Alto, alarge ascortment .elect lX...re, of the west ror talc try M A MINER Smlthfreldicr,3d door from thi ;41V- LAY NE'S DAM •rONIC We commend to the co of honedl esirottfier storing their hair or Ar . SllCllll.l r , rit W d antY, 1.0 this eg* pscparanan. e be a every where highly spoken Of, and erpecially by all those who have mode use of kna greatly efficacious mulating the gnswitt of the bale, add preventing and curing many elections of the etta Its virtnei are amply nod suffieseutly,proved—N Y. Sim For sale in Pitnibiagh at the PEKIN TEA STORE -73 Fourth et, near Wood: and also at the Ds og Store of II I' alehavistts, Federal or, Allegheny city. jea V 111.14 WARDENS, ATTENTION! A meeting of the Fun lV entails , Aswetation of Pctsburits and Allegheny Cities, will be held-. at the NEPTUNE HALL Alonday Evening, ith instant, at S o'clock. I't-IJ, 14 1 14x36 Punctual attendance it requested as OFFICERS are olw elected for the e.uista year. By order, 1.5 ADAM' , OCPTY %41A.11-:11 FILTEIIt..., (,r pant yule Water for drink• tnc and family use. reuderas it as clear and tweet as amine Melee. They MT in very extensive ore it the Eastern cities. For sale Ity • ' . . let OFR) RUCH RA N. t 6 .rodE W ANTED—A Jaime) man Tanner wit hear of a atom and pernment shaman, by applying at the suite or dm undersigned. - He must ,h tvc gets/ recommendations as to character, fitc. Je4 KNOLIBII k HENN LIT witiuustas A ND JIHAD -25 bbls Not tterrins; su bbl. No j Shad, aw received and for We ji 5 by F SELLERS, 17 [Dimly - at LIORTIC ULTIMA!. SOCIETY —A quarterly llynecting of the rineburgh llotticultural Society will held on Monday, June 7th, at Mr. Wickeyshainls Seed Store, at l u'eloelte r. ht. FT order. jes I , le SNOWDEN, Secretary CI UPERIOB CUT TOBACCO -11 01 hoe cut Chewing Tobacco,. vhos Bird Eye Smoking , do; . . • c Lis • Los do • do; l'or tittle very low to close a edosigntornt by jes GEO COCORAN,26 wood Greet Q ALTER'S GINSENG PANACEA constantly on Oband andlur sale by H AFA FINF.STOCK to CO led cot itt V J wood; and nth and wood sts DLU 6 INK-1 ist boy pal liik, maaa4clarc42nd for sale by .1 D MORGAN =MEM White6 - 66AR-201.a. prime hite Havana; 13 led bar Brasi W l: for sale fiy lel 'ENGLIS4 & RENNET r. In and PO woad et VLOCIEC-100 bide in core; ' Mar ila in arrive; for rale hp 13. AIA 11 DICKFX d. CO OLABSEI-49 LLD in Dore and for .ale by IYJ. lr4 ISAIAH DICKEY tCO 0066ER40 bags prima Rio, nnw landing and fin wills by je4 DICKEY b. CU -- PEACIIES--arUlu,. iu &loge and for Yak by Jot ISALAH DICKEY & CO HILICIC.-21;000 Fire Brick for sale by V' Je4 . J DALZFILL.24 orator st L ei c{ D is kedirptime Lard for:talc by C it& d N 6 nUrti o l . :4-10 LW* Mawr rteked. just reed 3 7 1LIKNII. RiIEV & CO. ? water at (14T....—1bb bushels Oa. for I.. salb . by • Itlt.vD. Rlll.l k.CII _ . ()ABLY:Y-3U ttisLele Baxley hr sale by 11 . 1.4 • Dn RI Eli .iIPI.EXX—SIN) Ita:hele fur sale by ,j,l EA01,8411 k. BkININETY P lljd' tNIAIuVi Err A I.OOIIOL-10kbbls, just seethed and sss Bale by a: Jul _ _ J KIDD &CO, Go lortusdst AZIIILLA-at-31.fosi, nseaiTed mud for cLIII7,VA74Oim but ricelecd sna isle by 104% - . • .1 IC OD& 1.0 00/1/—fla Gilt Hastfedj - Bf el . 110 doz, kot_ riissigameen; kvimle by F V4.ON RONNIIMIT k CO . oyireriLwg.h.vauL,:so Wash, y 41, GORDON, water in alnikeir bac *Atons'axid foi - sala - erg I .•• • • e•W HaßOAtlail mium—aup, hos ma and ibr 0.1.% Bb a r cm-4° = NlK ' l nl.llMAtior 1781: Or D milkor aiiUin xxsp goo XPII —so Hoonda,of r Omar 0.4 lori rood *ad 'iamb y ""1"4 !ad Sdides arbraid ligsle g arailrar ' - ._F - SELSONAI7 113 . ifuem tides, for j .. a . b. „ - rVOri_DONNHOUTECO • 44. • NOZ Preatstmet • Et1;0C11.40 blais Mooity Apo for bc r Jet P TON .01HINLKOIAT =t CO V 0— bbleremoiretuitgerr F VON ili IMLETAL-440 'Hot' and ßlau. D J. kr oals by paigso, [(HEY &CO mytv No 67 waier stn:4l _ _ . IVIADOW GILAIIi—LIO In. .1110, . ' • y V' 'l3O bis 10x I* . toi laic' by ley27 • r()RSY PH 1 DUNCAN, water mad trout us . .. AUX OIL —Pope . rlor, for safe at retail, b y y torn .• J D bIURGAN CINCINNATI AND PITTSBURGH DAILY PACKET LINI rr.2s knewn lite of spiend.il paircreet ~t,ame is is now compose./ of we largesa klic.:; finished and furnished, sad most pairethil Lou • seaters of the Neat. Every neeon.ussilation fort that money can pteetur, has hem. aq . oralrii si pa • • "engem, The Lana has bees in opetatain for 0,. ) —hate earned a:121/04.n of people lentwoi irs•t missy to their permit& The boats will he as street Me day prone.. to startioysin the teceii• don of (might and the tatty of pasmegers o t il.i'ree..- ter. In all eases the passage none( nelit advance. • DIONDAT PACICki. burghMOSONGAIIELA,Capr burgh cverrglonday morning at to unlock; every Monday evatung al,lO P. TUESDAY PACgET The 111BERNI.a, NO. 31.i:sm. .4 leave PaNbargh every Tneslay tnotnnsti at lvo'n!rxt . .. Wheeling eveg:Tagedr nvetnnit_2l,,,,,, The NEW ENGLAND, NO. SiG Copt. S. Doti. tom, Pittsburgh every Wednesslay j ii'ertjetyWheettng every Weilnesday'evitaii,"si TIICTUSDAT PACKICT. 't.ntaIVi'ISCONSI N. Capt. R..r. Gm:4,rib It tt . •1`17 , .. bargirOvetyTlttirstlay morning.. tOoltAttt - kt he,l every Thnr.day cc. ping at lU P FRIDAY PACKET. TheCLIPPER..NO. - SicenpyCroviimilliv.ay. balgh every Fr.:my morning at 1U arlor , every rridayevenieg allO P. M. ". =M! The ItLFSSENGER, Capt. Li Plod, vvilln beret every Saturday inorinng at tUoYclo, k, • A every Saturday evening at 10_ P. M. SUNDAY PACK T. The-ISAAC NEWTON, Cam G. Mau., will leave nusburgb every 'eunday moraine a , 1i.."01..k1 Wheeling every !Navin evoang at la P. N. : INlay 1P47. • WOOL BAGGING. 40 11721.ro•-!.''''.. lor,Wix.l .1.1:n tv, con.l&ntly an hand and for gale bT the IXle. ROMt:IMS & IX/NM% D, 35 Market .1. Philedelpiva WOOL, WOOL ) TsH,L. I 7O bi1:ti;.'7,71;,,P,:a 1 17 t 41freren1 Old MUR PHY LEE, , nor Labertv et sod £1.1:11.6 tirty LartneMacit-;,L )131/..3-13i OM No 10 Id bbl.' do 10 bxaChooolate; Xtlqf bx• Raiviosi i Obi Nutmeg,: - I ,croon 1....1ndia0; Xo tit 001. N. O. Moluivre; lust ree d. and for sale by .REVNUI.DS tOP.O earner l'enn and Irorin matey and ac.--1100 am. Canna.; 3 bales Cloven; 100 Logi I calk N010...pi r 1 reed — itol for! ale 00r10 11.0(001.1:1' 0311111 1 OVERINWS /SUGAR— Cfreolied and Pai:mend, extra fine, in barrels: • Loaf Sugar incase, best iluality: vim re eel ern and a:wattle by foye; lieltril.EY a. 0XI11(1 A LMONDS-IU !rases !lbelled: 2I Ibt Papa Shed: 500iw AlareeibeA; to , sale 1,7 D .WILIAANIS I< CO, OD woul .•• • . TSAR—Foung flys. - Ten; Impersal Co; Gunpowder do; Murk do; For Pair by tuy3l . JOHN sowr C(I F ISH-331405 No I I.4lolnore 5 Libls TrimmedNbad; fqr mio So jet_ • MILLEN & HICIa:NoN T ODACI3O-55 6.55, Fs, and NI: Lump, Ir, and 10 do; 13 h. sr. end Ida Plor for role I,p . /.3 11111.1411.& RICKETSON, 170 I.orerty COTTVI9I-37 Lairs Cotton; .. 59 bap dq.re-pacied..tor oa 1,1 jut. / 9 / 6 1Ali I/DAM' .5 CO ' SALAD I.IIL—IS Ixali c rs Jsat rcevived and or rote LI 11 _ _,. _ . 5111.1 ! E1i /r. lIICKETSON, 1:0 1.A.,:y rt . __. Q IFJOAR —ll3 ease&'l.overiug',. I) M. Low; ...3. 10 WA, do Pulvented Loaf, .15 bi• %VIA. Havana; , or ..,,,' WI lIIILLERA ItICRI:VSON att'al i)EppER AND ALLSPICE— ID bar evalara Pepper; D bags AII•plee; justrreeivrd and fok yak IUILLEK t DICKEIDON 01.11LICSK—IS Las prime large W LI, a donee Vaniele,juat received and gar sale by ' je3 J B BIDWELL. Agent MAOICFpREL—CO !kis No 3—Large: 1.33 hf bbl• do, for.aklor fe3 , , Jrar3 N l't SPTB. TURPILIVTIRE-15 bbl. just tcceired iu good order, and for oath, by n 111 4 .11'4) API'LI;:S AN)PEACIIES, tio:dund for JeJ talc by • !NO F DUCK ET AND TUBS-25 dor for sole by 4,1_30 . • '• - /NO F PERRY ALE ELITIJS-5 cants on bond and for solo by L ja ISAIAH DICKEY &CO . CUE ESE—LSO in store and fem a le4 T ISAIAH DICKE] &CO 1)10 COFFEE 413 barn superior: jam fFccd INood for alio by j. 3 MILLER kRI,RETMIN ore • MAR—ts bbla:N:S. Tar for sale low b je3 MILLER kRICICETSO% OTARCI3-10 ii.rs Foes Starch, jibt_teceired an.,l 1.0 for tale by MILLER tic RICHENUN QALT-500 bbl. Allegheny. rcebliend for men by J I , YKRRY. Liberty and Irwin 1.0 - , puttoTztv GEED-60 bus. in COM for .nle Ly I Ra • /NO F PERRY IDCON-2700 lb, prime Soles; reed sod for rule by JJ A ira JNO F. PERRY WINDON GLASS-5.31 b. 5110 i • 30 las 710, 30 1...1051:4 15 b. 100154 (e *.b .b>" myfl POINDEXTER & C 0,41 sotter COPPEE—gbi lp ivzo g • do on received and for pale very7 l lli T 26 • REV 117"..P4NiaorzaT. • P 130 do ws Common I" " 7or :" 100 do Teado do; Jolt received and for solo by 1111.1. moIVNE MILS • Nowood sore: A MDLY ELICA3I9-7 bble prime. received on con. -Clean n t and for sale loss to close. I.y JOAN SIT& CO No 7 Commercial How, Liberty et T 00 bble'Pol Herring, bls No Halifax ainctele/i ‘• JOHN SCOIT & CO mist Row. ldberty et ' HERRINI to own. and for We Lp foydt • • No 7Cc MNiMEMO L ARD 01LL25 bbai Rot Lad 6bf bbis do do; • 10 tibls No 2 Lard 011. just received FiP.L.1.1•66, Agent royale 6111nbiaeinrer Lbbls Lordstalle, lost received and for We. b) , jet F 0111.1.1:RS and for a aby 000 WOOL . CKS,' ler sale low by grolfld&ortl" F MURPHY & I.F.F. T AD-soopii pprr Minn"rece vrn r.unr 'hli.man uid for we by Id ALLKN RCO 1101E116.1216-75-bbli No I Bah. for oale by LI je3_ .11 , 10 F 14,11 RY QC061.01111111016 , -4 tans waste, just ' seri ived mut OW sate by mv27 ENGLISH & HENN FTC BOI.AZIL SIOGIAR—J.S buys in Hors nod ins gals by_ my.ll • JOHN SCO We CO LSNEED OIL —24 blots, just reettiss•l Raul for ate by nty3l I C BIDWELL:At ent sCOIRCUIHOB-11 cask. drat goeley. ler sale by cote/ FRIEND, RIMY k GU VANILLA BEANS—Large size and frs,h, for . sale by D MORGAN GIIEISIC-39 bores largo floe %VAL Ch «ar, on band and for .ala bl' P C . "Y - . 0 coi sruitbfield and Ova sts COTTI:SA —NS bp . ,re , peskelL auw lambus. irons owner Mary Ann, and for sale by r.lO j EL/st B el for sal l3 AIS-8 pies Galena.L IiTCHI Lead. ree SON k CO eiVed thi. day e by No Liwsier sneer_ °mixt . ° CUTTER - 1 dozen Bushnell's, on bead tun Or sale by " • myM 8 F VON BONNOORST AtCO,23 Freut at V43.1.11T-400 hoe Dned Peaches, heves . Su bur. " Appreq to .tore, for see by myYt3 • ' D LASTER-40 bble by Piaster, to good order, Pon received and for sale by 1113 • e BIDWELL. twnlrr St LINSEED OIL-21 bbls P V r .1) . 4 M* S " 63' "1 %- bY %V lIARBAUOII. reac.J ARD bLas ar.‘l37krgs No 11.4; Li ' VA) bbla Greuelart4 for rule y • mr26 CAILSOS & McKNIGII Z EBRIN P• 4 AND " A P= i- 2.IiIcKNIGIII` n - u T R Nan Freo c h LT MY2O . __- 111 • 1001110 day., U ngillb""in WlL:Ok rue li N 11;11 I' --- " rn oS—Sbii bele. iWeee e Red Sae sere by C ° 0 7. 7 0 • • L:II vren 'sox A. Co .4 Ets=r-...i4”ditl:ig criTs` 04117 k! , I'lllls-4.5 packages Y. 11. Tea, a pan cifiTt fine, AL fin Dale by torte lIKVNOLLS SIIKE - ~.seessass, ICIOCE POW/DELL-40 I age received por etemon MAY JAkrifiric, for vale by my Dv J. DA LZEL 111001 r yen BALK—A noir ono konlo hoCrs' TUN BONN uoicsT co No 3.5 From street 4 . IOZULASTS-21,b1sPresb Zante, Cor Nll6 by 1.1 tetra? • I O WILLIAAIS CO n14117E11 OIL-4 dos- ill I.IIIC • . for sale IT layr_ J D WILLIAMS 4 Co_ FLOUR O 8 RICK -2 oasts suporSor for sal by J D WILLIAM ' S t la, 1)11AZIL IMO/Lit-1U bass for axle by J U WILLIAM:4/k CO !PEA-00 C Chest. Fresh Green Teas for sale hy ;la WICK & !Ikea la DLESS AVItfJAIMI...-64 bbls No 3 douth, Arr mum and Manx ba/a by my*? - POINDEXTER kCO r DIE-90 bblo Louisville Lime for sale by 4 myl74os FORSYTH & DUNCAN .T0V1 2. 1X:1,- , 10, lads Yy. 4.41", Cot. male 457 ' _ eMSYTH & DUNG Y emiAfftiA nOTTOIII-100.0ale• Con. for .slaby sayl9 . • FRIEND .9111:V 41‘. C 4.1 50 do No 3 SokaL: 15 do .No For role hy E itenzLE:roN East elde or the lOarnond Fresh Rice for role by - 7 RAO:ALEN' A SNI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers