, - 1 .l' • +2l. •.__,_.' -- _, - -,:L7.1.,-;...• . silAt - Thont.it-ok taxa p.scroirs , -'-'--- -2---'''--- .---' • - .131C.1 m0_7: 0 - 171.:1141 011. A ISO VACK./CT PCli; . ' '-.7-- .''.' ' - I 7 NEVER FAILS, ,-, Mpl.Mdf.s.ROAD,,abore Buttonwood Street, Viol- „-••.- • , - '? , DR. SW A A NE% BRAVER• -. ! ' .1 1 54 7 - , • ~ .111fl'W.Cfbiat, * :At thWehablisllmeht goy be forted or. ca VIVI N INDI AN TENETABLE PA NIED,'.II GREAT DISCOVERY . . in . Ti m ne w and end'. swam. ~ .thrif figrealeiC_Satt-etYilf•Platrailuld'.bialttiflilFittermr VIER -SONS-afflicted witlilScnifula, Eine, 1 }...11i , , 11,.,,,R,„.,,,,„ IPIE'XRIKIfLIr.tra..A C INAL d-FLAHaIIHAD r ot inom..-„K.Atc,tham la - t ,,4 1,0,6 so u ,. 1, 0 ~,,,, y , "0...,,,i,,,e L 5,„0141 Serea.l,lsers. Tett. f ein .anlitain, Msh.. th.ld.. A lima Erencli... I..tki .XJ..I 1E F.A.K.I.:,.PACK , - "E .' . '''' ' c:, , ,, , ,;.c,b,-,,,'::,. . ,,v,1,.7.v.,7,7,!;,: l'i lotto's IIIood: Vacuity of Breath., ~ 4 01fieki' *Attie:Wien ol thole in waist allay desc ' ffp. Etter -oriel Diseaes, aily otker.camplaints ans.. t Coml.. • • b ! ...,d, .0 1 , 005., p. , ,,,,,,... , ~, I prrysuc Run .„,„ pii ar m. ... 1,,,L,n, iLF. burgh at 0 olclnch.e.,e .1111+1 Heave, nit: livid., rii .- `f IHOPl. l l l 4.44Spitiell 10 , Citneteries, le particularly Dom impurities of the blood, Ire ergot.: ted to rend , e 5...! •,• . „ • I° - mentiecting with Powhurna and Clevelnnd lane of Cod it e an,lisnuen,a,,roup.raVn Cowls:MT... 1 :..)ISEd&lel :,• •., 1'...-.: i•. • ...1.. ; • the !allowing testimonials!, on proof 0r the wonder Rerfusively fog Patungsys. vat floats dad) to-Clereland. 9 i Beni., W• t ten and ' , Si te Thohat, Nen - one .11:1V, one •11 rill': public are respectfully Infotenel that this Line Clrre l .-".L.. 7 cd. C " . 1. 1. r-k--.. 0, ••$ , ..g;..--„ , -,„,. :!.,.•, The prieeipal partral all Om handsome Rhillega MI properties al the above wined medicine. dises.e. st , the Throat Wenn .41 „., nt Lltt.el ill, MotanMgot. anal 111ber celebrated READ! READS READ !!! ' L.ge - , the moot effectual and ,1. .111 commence running on or about the lath tostarit. daihr ft , " 1' ,,, 11 a" C''''...• C.. ' P . c. ' if'. Celistetieiiit the eity and mien anent{{. at • Philadelphia, Wri the underaigned. basing views. hi r. Imam snienti cum everknown fur • ! •nd continue throughout the rerwori. The pnaprietora New Cawle and Givens., Ps , Eriv Extension Lae ishichharelieen to highly este del by public . Brook, Jr. at thh office of Messrs. Rowand and any° , &leave d. . I have now:armed a *opera.. elaA•pf Packets and Rail- to Mr:011,01e and Eric Neil. Moore & Line. of la lIILLIWAVNE'S 1 road Cars on the route, with extra secommodahims. t-h^ge Cooeho. 10 . r .. ..• 1 ` 1..1 " Vl. `" e r •l " . fr . " 1-k "" ' '.':Pie“.....•2!,e r e,„,"1 . ,„ 1141P- d' llti l li. la'.o° ° ",.', _,_ , s_ W ' it '''' 3:6 , M.'4l ° T i t Ebil'idP" ' c"" " 3" CONIPOUND :WIMP OF WILU CHERRY. I 'Ouch will Ell. greater 1D.... towelera. err dad) on ti. arrival of sac anthem Moe, Ite.,n ~..KOL'kearesphoOto in eonneeted with the eats. - nix case thew at eemar.aole one we have eats wt. A, o.rn 511 . 0 . 0 . 0 ,„. ..,,. Ear - Rend ~,o, 01000-. AI ~,,,.. 11 ,,,,,,,,,,, Aiw . i . no In ran, ~ 0.. ,.. , ~,,,, Apply , -•,- Ratiltillenti Aram la kept coaatantly on Awnd is large ...mod or hear • of. • 6 - M lIAR lON. Co, Po .1.0-, !ailment the wonderful cure prrferrna by Unclear ; ;',';,,,,,r‘,..t%:;:gripttgrtcli.i.al;`,,.-....., 1b... I DOA CLARKE A. Co C. I " a.:oltSekofseady.reade.lron Itairisgo, Ornamental Imo Hu damage was SCROFULA. and t w errinlc must s w ajnel,t iompound Sirup-of WILD C114:14 RV. 1 ~, Settees, iroq Chidt, 81168.91 e lito s w ild or L ualu m en , .. h,,ar.,ve3,:.ee h , 1 ...,,,,,,, ~,,,,, ~,„,g,c , w ith i n n „a n PHILADELPHIA, January Li, 1841. i One of - tri: J PTck ( r4 L av V ili r le " ave tat Iron Gatti. with an cater." n rs. l ° f ° .'' '' i rieta:gl ' loppot.ite ,l ' .'- U N I ON L " E ' , Dr. Swayne-Dear Sir . Injustice in vour.lf anii 1 the United niawa 'tomt i t corner Penn street and :he 1847. ._,....... _lroiti;-eedestils, lion Arbon., h,c, Also, threat litsFalate, , o eater roofofhinmouth, of lon mouth, Now, 1.0- „ 4 . 3 , 1.0 ,,,, In ~ , ,,,,,g ,i h n, ,,,n , ,,,,, I ~,„,{Ol, , Canal.-very mght al 9 o'clock 'failEly,"%c inapt and Cot I rant - Y=6l=lls, suitable per Lip. and lower Lid ol the Right Eye have been ••• WI Tilt: EXICITLVANI A ASO 01110 CANAL!. ". stini_ony . ~.anc- d eci- 7 la the world the . .rl5l F.: al DAYS. "for Railings. end other pqu,... , de.troyed, his Face nearly oaten up, arid part ial the give my GHPWEF. ' PITTSBURGH AND CLEVELAND ; The subseriber would ahost te that in his Pht Jaw Hone carried away. Anil yet we can gt., I, . ;7 , U '. 1 .-. l ' nm g '. l 'T' l ' l ' '. 1 . 11 ' ''' g'7.l" I I t r :h ' ..:o ' .",‘ \ l' a " 1 e n' r 1 arse c ' :, P c fr i to ' the ' files., M TIV:,,I 6'. F. NPi IRKS I. Co, Crevrlaiid. O. i i., nopotteu zyrop to Wild L. nerry per f orme d name, , . , {ate avid Designing Depattortent ,ho has employed .I..mttoo of Mit ca. v. cor pew street and Canal R4l P RES. Heave, l'a ( p„,,,,. under lea most unfavorable c ace costa... I was .._ .._., __„_,_ _ _ _ ___ tv T MATHER, Pio.hurgit. Pa. I • NORIO of th e bed Went in the codas", whose whole ?dr. B. traumas u• that =January last, the whet. I teken with a violent Cough, Spithng a Blood, se . Mr =STRAIN TRANSPORTATION CO. rpm; above Line , noo now ...p.m' in tramline attention la devoted to the huateve-forrotni atlas w ip e a his mouth, as well a. moat 01. hit far. 1 sere Pme a in the Side and Recast , which seemed 1. Freight and Passengers trim I...mash and Cleve. gather one of th e mosecompletelaud ayoteniatic es- to break down cad enfeeble my constitution, a .taat I , Mitt., host, tiffany point on the Pc,ne., iv:m.li k liloO and ritt:o 18 , 2 , . mbliahments ore. kind in 0 , 7 j 1 ffies. On the lith of.lanuar, I ad, he commenced taktn n h • •c'• th o ug ht m con burned the power of Illaia= ' •' • • ROBERT VI. , D, Proprietor. -Dr. CULLEN'S INDIAN VEUETABLE.PANA . `Y P. ). -lt. .. The Mclnnes of said Li. ore not equalled I.y ai, en medicine, and my Irtenla all gore me up to die; but , D. LEECH A. CO l 9. - - ' • Bldg., Reid, above Bulttorfirood street. CEA. 0 lock checked th e disease In a lets dim ai.... .ai d Canals, in itundiem :.nd eryarny of Maw. espc- Phillidelphiala March, ". ISO dflino. ronkthat time the co. haa Prottemed without i n thanks to you and the effects int your grc ! ,t. inactive , OLD FSTAIII.ISIIED TRANSPORTATION LINE, nen, of Captains. and p r ompt..., of Agent , . &c. _ - i 1 ry , l now feet tnisen a well man, and raised from a l BerwEEN PrrrsuußGll, , tine Lkiat leave.. Puelovah Aildel.ve,luo till., run• Urine/awn, ' ' ;.....,. • . -,. CHEAP NV ATCprE . , , mn, .1,,,i,t0n M . fleshy and healthy a man as I PHILADELPHIA, ItALTIMORE AND NEW YORE 0,00 m efoinecoon with he s t f 1 ` 0 " 0,1 • '. S pm A fpcir New flesh hall an the plane 0r the deep ul• , ----,' „ T i gg' r itSale..p,?,f,! '" l r"Lv---- ' eera, a nd though badly dieighred, Li n h, 3, ~,L . d. liinaiyoe,mo7tin4h,,,..cap.rszta,”ngd s , l n t y al c l , be u ple by ase c d 4 t i n in g g it . e a m ni ' flit: ...eh of 11.0 linc cons.. of dos daily Michigan Illlti Lule Ens. Mow . .. Pawinirgh and 3 i Lio or ro.n. and Cir.. fawned h i thclusel,cl.) Lkaver, and u Lite of first clan, eicarsdniat,, Propr , • which r ein good order. ,'Elic puborribers are preps. 1 , 1:` ,: 8r1K7 0 .1 t 'c l... "'''`• oil Lob. "' l ''''' l". ° "' l '' . Gold Levers, full Jew,lted: . f le. DO ' and his general health ia reatored. •-• '' 'Silver do do - 2.1 op We are assured that = the treatment of 51, c adence Mechanic street third door below George .... .- ' Ciold Lenin.. lowvnett, hli Oh J, rn , 1.,,,,,,. , red to forward a large quant.ty of Merchandwe and el . Worm /kooks' Cane, no Alercorials,Ointments, or Caoatte '' ' ''' !ed .l . ' r'' ' '. ... rd' .• ; . "' .. Lib' .!!.... ie' ;cd . tee,. 1 f . f, I astute ..th certainty and dirmaten. P r operty forwarded to any part of the Ulhon woh Silver do do 1 .,,' .I ',, • sppltcatione have been used,-itt fact, the PAN; Th'' .. ": , "" ""'° "'''''' ..,--• ° 9°.nre...1 , Produce or Merelaandme lined to nny a the un- de.Ps.'h II N PARE, A C.. Cie reload, ASs Silvirignatirs, L. e i uriol ~ the Globe. REED "ARKS & Co, Beaver. Acta - dermened i torwanled free ol UP y charge far commute t • Gold W =chefs plain, 1 II OD - LEA ALONE, has wrought this witudetful charge wT MA 111E11. Pittsburgh; Agt . Silver Speetschx, , ! t 75 ~ David Smith. Rocks county, Ps. The following lettere arc presented with a s t en! 1 xion ot ' , terve. Ira iu Ladi. tranernmed and all in , truconti.protn sly I al , :l C. Wl . l''' "" S .l' i l k q d ' l,oo ‘i" r ' Gold Pcnotlai 2to I - hoc. L. Ronand, Meadville, Crawl ord coif.. of more fully show i ng the °polio. a vi,),•,.i.,.. m i . . ,ocilded to. ' I --- -- .------ • - - •' s Gold Bracelets, ! ' 4 tat 3 W Jones NI D South Second street. Phila 1 relation to the Medical value or Dr. SIVA 1 NE'S Ihe lw,riea. a th,. Litre to conducted on wiletly stIDIDIER ARRANGEMEAT . rLltio k ,ozban r, d. r a ,,, l , a , rge t e ,r aLort ,,,, rn m e fi i, 0 ,, f 0T f1 , 0:f: , %1 1 .. 1 , 1 , ,5 , i . 1 , Jacob E ‘x / e L . e r , e , , , r 4i er N b o F r ~t c i t , t sr,. ' CONIPOUND SYRUP La V WILD CH ERIII . , eabbutlekeeping prompt.* AC' or anal) lo - ~ , i , 71 h N , o j t . intro Poplar .t, N. L. i Dr. Swayne-Dear Sir : liasfig used your Cam - 1 It LEECHProprietors. .1 1.1 11 , tOlikillik Deus, GlYcr, , Pwa? rfitlf" .. ,- "fl lill° '" "',. 4 "!°,.; S SPl•ullough, Lancaster, l'a. i gentod! Sarup of Wild Cherry extenstrely in in! , , Con. Iles., Potsburgh curb and (outlined, guard keys nod je we l ry of re', P ractice, w. reeptested by your Agent, Doctor t HARRIS& LEECH, Proprietors, 1 ' 'desalption , at yr/dilly hie pricy. All I want m a can It 1 1 `...1 . h A f pp dti n cl u: = ll D Nlfll s a l ot h st. l' , l l V. No 13 South Third . teen 4 Ihnladelphm CrOlcher„ to express my tiptnion in writing of Ha JOS. TANt..O It &SONS. Agents. 510NONGAIIEL .4.. ROUTE, ,me All hioa• of Wa,chrs .1 Clo,tks repaired ri...ed ',sae. Timothy, Cahlwey, Marion cu. fillasouri. p eo peetlea as n remedial agent, I tonal - cheerlullv ' CIA ranted in ...envied tit. for I.ll,Thigl i old pi ”d aad sa- Daniel k cake', 4..nt II: ,delploa co. P. I comply, 48 i feel by so Mang. I will discharge a , N . 1 V , . N i f'.„ ) . 1 , 11 , 4 47,V , l' g r ,,';‘,.. 4.1, ” . " littowNsVILLE AND C 4 it BERLAND TO B A 1.- 'Per bough or taken In eschance.l Juan I larned,N.ro Iligh street , Phila. • I debt I owe the community at hese, and Phylum.. ' I n „,,w, No 7 West streek_New.l'ork TINIORE AND PHILADELPHIA k -'' ' Fo. ask, efOrlfidtfT and lhfrlY' ll. "' ( ." •irM ` '', . William S:thelins. 111 D,Cauulen, N. J. Tame to Briliamore !xi' hours. - - s LE VIS LAVONIke , ,1 tin prtic. , .. As .... h . 1 del'. quack Remy - P IT - isit Vito ig illi2VClll.ii.. H . LI NE . E. 'rase on Philtidelphla• , • ' ....... 40 -` s ~....;,,, i a j.,,,, Ah ., ..„1. 2 ,.„, N o 41 ,11 m a ,k, Wail,. Hale, 301`Iligh street , Phila. i dies and Pols at ,Nostruma, I oat. induced Irmo . 0 ,„„, ~,,,,, Illnli it Ililes Staginal ' JII Penes, Manufacturer of hltiveral Teeth ED s! a lailure of the x most potent expectorants, mem ' Street, above Eleventh, North xi e, Philailelphis .10 i. 'CNINgai cilia; .plentlid and fog runtime 'icant.,Con•ul, loin •'' [l:7 I ha. some Gold and Salsgr heves. at illielmay. Ninth street. Phtlx.. . . . Imy in our naaterm tiled,. in home cat.es of VDU the H enan...enc.! f Freight between Pittsburo .I. .. NtcLone and ewatant. have commenced oinking 0 .4 , ....re Price.- ,• I ramlGia 1., A Wollenwetter, Ed. Phila. Democrat iITI N 3.., , Dis;: i fd Lungs, tfi try 'OUT p r pars or pronto I: and the Altanne Cones avoldttig tratiolopmento on double drit:y trips. 0. lsint wdl leave die Monona, '• • DIAJIIIIVTIESPATENT 13114.LCT.A .Tui.)". I Vi r ginia or Mr ild 4. berry. It IS *aliment to tray thht t h e way , and the c nnsec d rd trek o f 4,1,. 4 „,,,„ 10 , Le in whit: b e y Y l ly n.,o ln r o n r , l4, ,,, , , : . Tr w dz , i , y ,, %t i i ,„ o i ;; , l u n n,,n. 1 STEAM HAMMES. George kir Al.v.,Brush Maker, 31 - 8. i lark. St. , 1 I was so myth hlenBdd with the 'mull of that and tanat.ade and sepaiation di good,. next el/come in 11100 for Me Phdadelphia Mad Ilani, nr MIRK Hammer praise.. inaisy advantage ter. o Errs Carr, 15`) Chesnut Street, Phda. ...event trial. that I now preverobe it in peeler- Prot loot Hail Hood en.. The evenm: lfoui will leave pie .1 othere-arnong which may be mentioned . A U tfillette, Pastor ol Eleventh Rapti 4 I !lurch, 1 enceto all other Remedies where an expectoGatt is ROBB IDGE ft CASII, , trot dad) to I , o'claek, eirrpi eariday PIO., csr. Its Manage ablaiteila-alteropid.tity and forma Woe it h d.. intiMatedl In th e mach dieffed Pneumonia or +..... No re Market street. Pluladelph. • TAitErEec O'CONNOR suay be hOdirdhda Whh 11 , 8 Pt.." , -..... .'"I "" John Bell, Erie Street, Philadelphia ( Nor:0 Amer 1 ItisCatc of the Lungs, iu the a y loan tn which lir 11, beam MD lodg. till 1102.1. in comfortable Latin s s' leave ItroWn•ville next morning' til 6 o'clock, hartlnter ta iit operation, and LW. Mounter May Im n . i tan Mate.) iit arpetra le Kentucky, I regard it as an invaluable OPT it no Mid 'Wayne st., Patabumli ..f. ; „„..„„, n ,,,,,d.,. he t n • , tt p an d kidge mean, O'CONNOR S.C. North street. Baltimore / Agent. 7r,,,r...,,,--0.,:-„,„,;,„,„,•„„,0, ~,.,., 0 , g „,„,.,. ~.„,. • stantlyc . csted, and 'suspended tit any height r•' /sown Sands '16 , 1 Catharine :fluent - Philp.. , Remedy in the treatment . thht disease. To HI W k.. 1 T TSPSCorr, 7:.. Souitt .1. N. l'. 6 '''''• ' 11. narerntity, dc. eapricitE . execute 'ttOott . ••, . .., ~ , Alley , t . w.p.m... on thi• route are amp: e and ‘ tlie t otocchnit 'kind' thelargeat 0100 itolallen, eider 'Mr Inarhe Andrew MFG inley, It...tiler a do a who loom toe I goo said enough, toot ov Xhis may Ffneanraged by idered.cd Int.ineas the Pnnine.r. P ~, ~ . i I „ .. mill he ull complem, au t at wappomouL tn. or , c And Sweat., Catnden, NJ. Ibe seen by Ferrol. out of the 'moldy 01 Frankfort, have added to hen 0.1.i1i and extended their alluin• ~.w . ..n on I. primmer• II Its Simplicity; Comp.meo Lid Cheapness It H Evans, West Phila. i 1 will tirieffy add, that I have been ergaged in . 1001110 during 'he winter,innd are now prepared to te r ..,,..,,,„,,,.„ „, ~,,,,,, th , ~,,,,,„ , ;nd 1,,,,,,,,,„ ‘,.,... n aid frwg a With wen: rity and dispatch ufwurpawed ~ I . :,' , „„.,. 0 ,,,,„ J o , e„, stoat --- /t.. Amtmbllliy upon all Gdrs.bd the workmen I la, K. y nen ., God., 479 m ar ket ,r ifk, , a i active practice id my pro:cattail of El y e are,aial am ~...n , „ 2 ,-,. r i ,,,,. T u.,, 1 22 , ~,,,,,,, 5 , e . 511 0„, .rw• again at P , rii r it e, , A, ll. ,,n • , 24 1, 11 , :tr u lt i a c na ri na r. raut . e . M . ad . ;:e i l . E4c . 1 , i , D . E rd • ,r, , , ,, ,, ~,,,,,, J u lioo ty Ashmead ' , GO :Moth Sixth sweet, du I a Regular Gra,lupte of Trani, Imola, and this 0. the , t : p. , , ,,,,,, ..p,, ~,,y , ~,. 1,,,,,,,,,,. 1,0,,, Sy ~,,,,, or StesoMnalb Inure.' :0 1 . „ 1 ,t,„:: ,- , e o tt , t , t l d ,v l: i to :..I , c h t , tt i tt d at ,,,,,,. ~..., 0, ...",.,., 00. ~...„..n . .,,, , e ,.,,,,,,,. i “ r s . oy ag n . er :... L.st.b ,.. ograp .._ her, lIG o nc.ow.cucct do i Ant. emen, c e , e , i ~,, , h ,,,,,,,,,, ~,,,,,h ,d to and toe great ...poen) nd convenience or the, Wife. "Pe. , I.l'l. I I 5, , • , , 1 , . _. .... For further pBrtsenjars,knqnh'n of •11l + Kenvil, 1%., CACVelim Went, on , etpresis an opinion in witting. houses tit ettili end of the line, err peculiarly rale.. .. 5 5 r,` . ..1„r,,,7, 0 4,,``, 1 `,., 1 " 1 ' ''l ''''''''''''' ' 0 ,7 1 .!.,;g'' A i t n t u i,'' ' •- ` MERRICKATOWNE ' Pelee Sken SisHIL Editor Nall. Eagle. ~, : l - JH. EL.0.00. AI. D. led to enable the proprilora 10 fulfil th eir erteACcmeto , ~,,, ' i Asstgneeit ahe iatentibithe Ended' ttne, I Jo e l u„di,, titans otaoufaLturer, % V t tl out ,to., t 1 ant= ry ith, IS 17. Franklin County , hl a rol accommodate their tnlinnerA-dnnunnnynd,., •.- • . • . ' 'declPely , I..!authwarklFoandry;lPhilld:.• , N . J. Fl , O , h tool', Ky., Jeffry 7111, 1417. t1 , 1 , , P. , to a EnatantY , 9 . , th ,1 0.1 1, 110 , 7 EcalierHollt po cLie.VFI.AND vie. %V&Ii.II.F.N. tett a I,IO.IPILIIet ot Gnia patronage wiser. they now ' r ' DERRY: & NI.:KERSONT IV t ham Steels, Farmington, vas Buren v0.1..,' • i Theobove CtllitiC3to . I,lrti tole Of MO • Nip, ~.1 , ,,r , ,,, A,1 ,....„,,,,,,,, LP. Lades, lt, Boston, Alass. ci,gaZ,ML 1841. .L,V2iMI . ..h. sing ' f. "' mifr' from 1.".. he "...PG f I , An en. ..gnosis. to ToatTo & O'Connor wane rce'd hitroaleeturere of t • t • -..-IWHINGB,.''SICHINC DOTTOMN, .. . . Runnel Cnield, 'heraolograt, Pfdladelploa.-- gond praCtice, and it considered a gond Physic-tan, I n ,,d ~,,,,,,,J Sleadyhoid chargel paid atd Ihn. to , TIIIIOII.II IN '3 1 110CHS. ; 'En nio .. y s Roby IA 13, llarroburglt. l'a, ' and stands Cain be is. as he ay a regurfigraduate Lo.ling Iran...died ft:ea any sharer tar COMlllis.lll/1, I u ~rf k in , 1:4.1; A,IIII. i•ii,l retegr..ph leave Mk , WAGON COVERS AND GRAIN RAGS l Peter Wiighl.`..V'J Alarket a treet, Phil... On. It .L. CLUTCH.' it. ads:Ho:nig or •torag-. Having no interest 4.1..11 ~ I 1 yr , .1 ,, Y ~ 3 h'' , " v. - ''!" t 're al "` Pf ear ALL Oltheßiretoes : !antra W Retake, 103 Filbert .1. do , I intggilt a n 1 Apothecary. .ailli , MlY In ..d0... We Inter , . of the eda:tanors m orning Iloa. from Pitislimel. 00 l arrive at VI , '. • . 'No: 504 eolith Front StreJt. on, neecioinity be their primary object to •ItiPPlo, on, Int t h e Mutt Low alwhich It iiii.' John Good. 174 Spruce et. do Tr:Wino/tide will FILTH MI, , 6... %r.d they pledge thenwelves to forward all e .ukt. „,,,, ~,,,,,At01,,, , e ..t •...:eintl.l to 'lt.'etnek. r ' . ,"' Rack of, T. A. lillx l i.tdc!bicier Wart! Afaml9 Willem liste, Pastor St. P.P. NI E. 4 .!I....alliarihe ; V.. t 1 . 1., ..i , 1'1ack El , dld.c• i I Id. stied In them promptly owl on the must advntita • n . PHILADELPIIIA. '..A. Phil. ' No , thit Winter ts upon Co wan Ilk kttcodan gee. terms to the own.. 1 is dm ini.st • i t ma I,ral• filiil rullilill' A L.I. orders fah with lAN Moon, at the °Mee ob l'fi* , _t o l d , ch n mecra, PaHor lot i ° J C T. I ',torch Hr.. td , traln.r i•.lrslonie and Bronchial affections,' 'ou;b, i March I. 1.7 . o.m t ~, mkt,. -• ' -Oaf Idetchaa . 11 °H , F'....re, .rd VP' 1111 " 1., Jo • (, “Ids 3 ' • 6 " •"' "'" ' d " O ' th '''' °ln.." '.liv n r. ... &heeded to. Tion. ti. ERI V ,r, PAIMS & i'.. Ce-t‘e. Ae.e. . 4 ,.. c. N ig h a,aoN I 'l' L. Sloth.. Puldislier of Pletlge anti Sminlard, i this way to make immediate trial ol lir. 50... •. , a - - mp 111419 • BOAT LINE. , r nit :11E% . e.one r WNW, pi i lists . , Cotnpounil ' , imp 01 Wild Cherry. It will (Irv., ~ • ~ohli r tin. Moho, n , ' '''.. I' , Eik.LElts." lF p Sellers. Clif.. Ohre Il '• ch, hoyleston !,- t hill Di pee. tin a permanent elite. The reputation I i fia=l" ------ Is,l 7 . ... , in ,2„ - i - as —....4 ." Ruck. co, Pa. !of thiS meshet h e has catmed twiny spur.. article. iflPLtuill °. ND r ?es T. Wholet.le anti Retail by Rowan.' Walton, l'o•- ' t= b , put log h ender its name; ant inn prrparai;on . 1 " '''" aANSI'''RT STION rfl PKOIII . C.I . mil,ar&NU MERCHANDISE. 10 AIN 1/ FROM Pi 11S P , HADEr• St 6 .5 / 4 6 .'S'' vhd. l6 P ili. II I: """`'. I 1.1 o r s " -. )" , '''-''' I '''. the .r.l P r e' ..r ... ; DLRGIL PIIILADELIIIIA AND DAt.TIND RI H SO 18 ' 11..• A W. .011 ,I. V auburet, Pa.; Wm. Th •• • ~...: A 1.,,. • to ,1,,, publ tr. .. A e rod, one that can be ',lad on ..s. blot' i Dia1.(1.,,1" Without fran.lgruent...Ll lobl, Let 4 do. , E ll.Verkitw, Aldifietta, Ohio, . Aim d ,The ot her, niztur. 2 sold for- W i ld' i •ritort S, rup, i ,,,„,,, ~,„„,„„, , 000 ,,,, „.,, ~, ~„„.,,,.,, ~ u , , Sharp, Mayavillc, hi V; John % V Ilanynhoo er,t i.., i Balsattio, kr, , a , au ,pura,,,a, ,ad ourfhir , ,s• and , ost.arl, at the lowec "limo rate•. h.,. ot Lao.: g, . aw Ohio; Sidt.4l S. Rec.:b.:Oaths. , tail' Noble, Lou.'- I trAwtain none of the f wt.' , "r thc original Prep. , . • eel, and ell to`nact , ein^ , Pootitald o awtd. , ... 1 , eille, RV; Del cfnucli & Pella.. ...,•. Louts. Al • r Don, DE Sw.i) Le's- t 'iiinpiiettd S s flip ol Wilil 1t , L1 . . ,, ....:1t • -,,, 1` "`"0" 1 " , ."r.k.', °,', , dolor' - ell i PII Ala.:raw; Natchez, 1111 set Ilardawav di Jo •• ! Cherry . i . o ar t a, to 1 A :di A 011.1 IAI i, . stun V ickstotagli, do; Charles Jenkins, Neat I hie I 0 ' , Canal 11,... Powt.oieti; La. --- _. I TO WATCtialtAß.Ens an'd . f • • J. LADOMUS; TAIPORTER, o Watches. Iyolchmakees Took, and .I. %Valet. wrholemle and retsll, and mm tartly on hand a Isere, aseartatrot of Lunette, Plkl.lll, Mai Plain Mass. MAnsp.tng. Verge., Dials, Wows Hands, and • complete aosortment of all'iolds and Ma tesnle bellll/listg to the r. vvolt is large af , ..0(1111,11 of Gadd and Solver Lever. Lepme, and b e AVotette• , allot he ruarantr to sell ut the to o York pleas. All orders from the comorg, punctunt's tMented. , N. 11.—Couhlrg'Merobants and others are 1.111,1 1.1 call and ea amine of the Old !Stand, No, 103 bath Foto th audet. Pittladalphin nT2 foo -IND 1141ZNESS It./KER.,2 , ..0 CllllOlll el We of the firs. of 11 0 10 reolovtfully informs his Item!. .4 thepuldie, that he balad will Ls. e reaavrallg on hood sod for ale,. handostat arsortoseld of ashkotstde Carriages Vehicles ofd, stglel add descriptmos toads 10 Order al the shortest pOssiblenotree, add Stecuts.l . , the veiT best savage, or selected lusterist fetr2.3.l y - - - lIISCELLANEOL T S. . At/F./NOV FOR PATENTS. il'asitiAgion, D. C. Z , • 11 ENAS C. R0131:`, 2 Mechanical futcdteer and Agent for procuring Patens., will prepare the tke eetwara. Drawings and Paper. for Apparanta ear 1•.. t eau, and transact all other usluess iu the line or be. wore:wan at the Patent Ofire 11 , can be conm tett on all qu in estion/ relattne to the I.(13V• •• mono the Untied Sian, or Eureau 'Pe sedts ii a disuse. , desirous of Lavinemade at tar Patent OSlo-. priortu making appllC2l/0111G3t p went. mar forteardpatil. enclebino a fee of fire dell - 0.. n clear van/einem opt their ea.ie. when lnuned.r ~n,..i. .rion.swill : Oe : given to 0. and all th e itilartnat.on ono could be al/tamed by it Vita of the applicant at 'pretaptly - corarounikated. All leneis on bututtessoisso be poll paid. and coma a suitable fee. whare a Written column if required. 134 Office .K.,flt[Cioppoane the Patent Office • lie by th e; of referring. by oennlasintt. to lion. lidtaand Burke, Cotairnasioner of Patents: . lionlllil. Ellsworth. late do do din Knosalr t it filnelttnist, Pate nt °Mee. ra ' Jedge'C eh, Washington. DCi lion. C ate, Atastachutetts. US 8r nen, lionaut Allen. Ohio. do; liona-REcaglin.M C, fi t taboun, • Hon. Willie 1 Nese ork; lion. Robert rliftilb. M £. lion. B Briolr Li S Senate; • lion.l 11 Relfe, It C. 31 issouri; Capt. li 111 Shreee. NTPaintrn _E i satuallregtal Esq.. Plost.urnb.invt . "ANOTHER ARRIVAL" AT THF. AIM TOUR STORE.-10 MARKET ST .. risit\v „ . _ yuitlmiitit , z,...,.. A„. N . 0 ..,, h % ,,, V O r Gi P . 01.. 4 : ,?:', —.,, 1iE5,7, , 1 tUtfNeTt ,,3 2,ll4- d ,' • limb S.pcs,stg 4 , v- i r' • iTits t l , 7t 4 a.t. W 0,, " A si,,L ' s . a , .I,.Sviicf.ttlflite et - ' i n te n' e ' sv: Ptl , “ , ap - ,_lttets.,ll " ' nod printed ,T,t ! n ,7-ri*:— pantedd nn mutt ,---- tri;ktsjlt 79 LAWN,: t 11,71)Aft: . .C_,, ,,,, , , ,`.7. • • • -- 4 . i. embroCrd Roar, I - French lc Seem, I ~4-,- V W, _ 4-0,,, , 7tte.:, , , ,, f ,,,,, , , ' plain and rotted t .'.?'. ' 1. . 77;..;'* r,e , .. ''t.e . '; '- ist , a 'l l t e r w ' a r ' eA ' l;7l t e 1 Z.1c4Z. 3 4,„„ .V F v eshee .- : Satin Bletped . r , ..3, , ,....,.'47i t.ti'_., ilk" - ', 4 I “FIANIATAII .o. ' ' ....' '''Al . 4 l ` . 41', - te! . ' n ' l'rll n a ' s w eerunetit r f. ;'' ''' ' ' ' - ' 4.l '`" "t '''' , "4" rSi. 7 , of Dema..r t c '''' '':4 ol l' '' ' ' • . GOOL , S ."' ‘ ,...4.. .k ki . E:2 4 . Gentlemen.' _. ' : ' - ''''' :- " ' " - ''""t',.. r .e.,, ra"- 1- -,...„ CRAVAT, .' ' -"•.'-:- ."... „,...%attimuis• Nem York tnstle . ” - t - el,..?desatt,—.. 3.,..-' - ' Senn, de Bonet Saks and Flowers, e he4e • : t• B*0"!ni llti bl'". s upplied aa VVElli ISt IZtx•fr.a 1r ~..never, - ill'jr,'ls‘ op W II GARRARD mires.: •,„,_ et—t------ . . 00ACH MAKING. • FROy, the emy,lllee_ral encourage tms received stare . a . Mee t :Lb s o s o u a lte It I ai ri binl r selt in Alleghnt, . "' .-..a. 21—.1- ... t has in him Me takes lesoc. for a PiV,....* „mu( yearn r. o ro n , t . 4e o p r sr . ) . l....u. , z , `'`'' g '"'.ln Benn" Fln " al t. tt ' le longd'eirren'el'ic'ej,n 0 r abeiP'eteY‘ttrat.nnesTanha. desireobtaoplpearteorro,otegoh.opev to Iner• it Ind Teceiet a share of pub t r i o or _ or , nor,. Nor on bend and Entailing d o il vi fk,,,f of oo of r:' "Pen nod top D'tg' lntrse etri l y -five dot:.,. to -.M.K. made to order, ~ • v ' 11/IIN sorni i einthurtar, sep.Trl To'Prlnterc .11.1. T Received and' r •erl ' • from thr rOutylry of lira Brae. tnCA:c4,l7;reywp. Tory, the folio. me - -204.1 b• Bourne:Or; .„... 17: Ma Minion Tole, • 'll,Leade, • r - - SV , Abi 51inarn; 5_ 1t0...T.311.1n.. hlienon Cap:, Al.S.o tor sale, a great ear, erf of Second hand Typr, (ova Nonpareil to 35 line F. eL.Plowero, Ornsinent , e-v• . whit!. wal he *rod low br each. JOlistrroN & srocrroN mehfl 1 Ap Mark,l IXTI Hardware Store YY MRE :It WOLFF baring reo from me cornerllTO of Liberty and St Clarr M m eals.ve d in :No 50 Wood Wee; tbree doom shore It Charles lintel. wooW y o e t . ra itt 1;,k,,%1V d b ; y aWD p. ships Beranek. Monongahela and R.1i41, r d.teet front the Manntsetorer• of England and Germano mop.. Amerieso Ilard ware. frata the pslu. amnalatturers of the Eastern Slater. en . .1.1c being e el rrly new. and purchased upon the btst terns. they feel great eanfideneh All being o anotesefally, to meet compe.m.cla fruit toy quart., wbethee ekst or west : Tn. ItalWarate business mill be continued ot the old .aoll Wholesale Drug Warehhase litansore•l • • W A FAHNEATOCIE & CO, HAVE erected an eXtentivewarehoone on the corm , of wood and Filar streets, to which they have remand their Wtwleasle batrnew. where they win, always have on hand an extensive anonment or • ii ~ the anicies in their line, to orhiejt they invite the mien than of the public. ' The Drat tastiness will be continatd at then. wand II ion* , of nth and Wood au. ,-. art , 1 ' ITESICTIAIr BLINDS. , 1 1 11 E itiatest and best rarirty ever nSt ted e , t? .• • —E before—made on the moot Approved Caotern plarr— THEoo fashionebk , EttAtete neer", and rebore Alr4 THCHEAP ROLL., or 1101rON BLIND, on hem! or made warder of all sire, and at oil prices. Coatury blerehents and other. ore grvirertro and elan:due the above for throlrelver, as all erdi be sold hz.derholeiale or retail. .ant a liberal deduction made In dirholeeate parehavero. - .apldly . • Warms! Worms! Waring! • ; Lorertmc, Aran. IV, Meats. J: Kidd & Co, Gents:— Thu It to eertifs that ' • *child of tainevearraMeeted with %Vag - sp.' . !procured Various kinds of Vermitage, and adninustered Kirin ,• bat wltb m effect. I then princhased sill of Dr M1lc• ILartesa celebrated - Yee - mirage. and after giving a fro :litmus; be child dtrehstyed alum. a quart of 'lane 3Varseta! • The health of the child improved Mated-- ably. • l'efeeorn.lodr,reecoonvd Dr, M mulsor eLte n ae's d Ternil l tage fr. ih;sg'Zints, now in ' use. i'.'7•TfET''r- Old:wriaolegalq and retail ,KIDD corner wood Alf fourth et p 22 groro., tie. saitalde for planting In Cernetry'S • Matte tarnished ea a pptication at the... 41 Slate. .e CIVOM Kpreerntr of Jas. Wanfrop. Mancheter. aseiribr • No I en. Isnodarat tickets • GR1N741)14 and refairp a r c Ta ek, co n n ' rtan d -*Awl sale !Abe Mustard and upice Parte. licit gate!. ' npf) fr. ALCOR re :~~:.~ fi~~D1~;~~.- , 31F:DICA L AND SURGICAL. OFFICF• I ...t." . ........ so. Gs st ',mom., .., ,• 1 ..' . 4?_. . ' , II, LEV, u sew dun.. below ' 4 (.(:e....,.:...,.,... Woad-tree:, ttn.. a r.. a - 5. -. r . ..f "'"`" . j 4 1 4 4er . : , /: it.,.. 0 „ 1:. ,.„. 121 ,n 1L , 0 . Vh . :27, . ~ • '.i.., r ~,..„4 , ,,, :, neatc ' d . to the I:feilicttit.l. 1 4,..1i ;i•--.P.-lut ,...,....,..it,,, ii,....., tune 111 rt.., 454 4 •!..Vi,i.•:.), now coni , nes ht• 511...14 , 111 .4 I t /.... tu the treatment ut th.. 1 ' \‘'''',.. { • prlease and deheate ro.. plaints for wh,ch los opt 0, 1 end ex pere,... , perunarly qual , fy lon,- Eleven years i ngsiduous , devmed to the study it.,d treatment of those contpl • T., tdurtne winch tune he has bedroom prasenec and . as cured more patient. tie can ever fall Wale tat of .1 7 7 , ..”..1”......‘ ,1 am Pit qualiCes han no °Set 3, u ,,,,, e • of speedy. per., anal .4i:sta.:any cure • an alli . r..ted wan tell", a.--,-- and uli d ..ra•e. ar • ~,, tt.et , from ilr Urn.% n wouhl infarnt tho,r fill led wIU: rat lil.eflsr4 ar:.tcll have Lev oruechrou.c by ..me or gaol.,as, ted by the ore of any of the common nostrums day that tltelr complaints can be radically and 11, aught, cured. he having givrn h.., carctut aneaton in treatment of such cases. stud sm.certled .il hundre. o hs f.nstances In canoe persons of Militant.. of he neck of FLe bladder. and L m..lted thseases which onlro res.,,,t non lose cases where °theta have cm:Punned them iu hopeles. de,,pa.r lie parocciartv ,ovae , each as hr., nog,and un•urce , ...fo , l , , ••• .1 by wean. m con h.m.hen ever; ~.at.. : he gl n...m and Med - 1.1, treated a a ..,,, ~,,,zh awl intr.l.e. 31 / cuatulet.pn.nt, 2.11 b!. ... •ncr, study anti:.: I vest.gatton. which tCr un;,..,..rut :Lase nd w I grgeral procure of sned.cum to core any onesre ) QIIIG.OO I UZi . ilf(1111. or Rupture—Dr. Brown also Inv, 1 persons afflicted with tICITILL to call, as he has pa d "t7l'Luill's'e‘usestra7sothF:ildeis.,7nltty,ete.. speedtly Con, Chargesvery low. r:v. n—Par,ents of caller set I.rtng at a dot .ne by atatag Ow, dine... 10 x-rmeig.gsving all Weep., ton, can oblate Inettlemes wah attentions Wr ti, I • addres‘lng T. !MOWN, M. LI post pa .1 and cot, sate a fee. °Mee No. n 3 .am.o.d allay, oppocze the maven. 11 flit .a care. a oar. AriL SHICEMAS'S TOOTH PASTE• anttRr,PETIIFICK. THE best article known far cleaning and whtteneiv the Teeth, strengthening the gum.. sweetening the breath. lac. It ahould Le used every ,tarn with • .LJ Hush. arul the teeth and mouth y require lit w.hine It% lII^ morning. Wet the ave." with wan. water. or cold will aniwer, and rub it a les. tone. an the paste, when eanugh will adhere for c.r ailing die tyeth. It letves• ta.te in the mouth, ana tan pan. a most delightful fragrance to the breath. I titand• unrivalled al • pleasant, efficacious, mineenici. and info denuifice. warrante d not to injure the teeth. battytte pre.erve them. otirtg II regularly, it will remove the tartar moil percent aceuroulation--orevent the toothache otrengthen the gams. and prevent all di•eases tare, Chemists. pLysietaos. and yobt ergy recommend It o ilee.dedly .upertor to th of the kind in uric = Ift.k for SherraanisCompound Orris Tooth Paste, . d obs.rve hi. sigreature aaruched to each pot. flevoinmendtd liy Dr. Castle, Broadwariane ut our Leat h Dentist's, and by Inert of the old eatahllitoil times m United Shates, and ever itenvively shiedi I by the Nubility of Fsgtytdand Frt• isiarge proportion of the dithinsr. Yet atlbet mank IDS ari.e from mane derangement of ilo stomach or 1aw... , I which • timelv use of the Celiti,,lr w0:14, entirely 'diva.. Perron. 01 Wacos habits ohnuld ,w nave a bar Land, and take a de.e whir - never theyei the le., deringemcnt to the. health Am I. f Mei, I.urcege• would prevent Ilitmoanil. of cas t e o . Ferrule at Whl. JACKSON' , , earner of %Vv us" Lihouy air • i1 .! 0c2: , . NO CURE NO PAI . DR. 1;111.1.4'° I MD I A N VEGKTABLK P.KM i:DY—Warra coked to cure, or the man. ey returned. 'this meth.ic t. prepared from an In. Men Receipt, obtained frrom'one ut them in the Far West, at great rape., 'Those who have been familiar with the Indian, know that they can and do cure Venereal without the knowledge of Met. miry, Balsam,. anything of the kind. The aS. Meted have now an opportunity of being cured witbou the- use Of Balsam. This medicine la pleetant to the Mato, and leaves 110 smell 1/11 the breath. Prepared by ROW AND Si. WALTON. and sold wholesaleo end read, by .1. 'P. Rowand, :Sib Market street, Ithilad'a. For wale on Pottsburgh by It E Seller.. 57' wood street...l by Woo T10nr0..5 - 2 Market it oc.bilvi r .• No Cure; No Pay 1 Piles t Piles n R. Jeckli'Embrocation is the 01ILy nredit tue thni If will cure Wia PO VI, "matron and tremble...3r, rhseari , it nut only trsoned.ately allay. iilllll and rods marina, atons all bleeding. adbduer slim Intolerable itel.• • log. but effectually rare, Ot a very abort tin', perk., 'Awe ),u.,Lave been rendered othwrable foot to, aPPl.e.dien produces no pa.n, but lather nu agree, Lle and n'earant .1./Pawn, It persons afflicted w•.l r all cud hear of thr great number of ease• that bar e been cured, they a... 1 be uotnniaheit. A ecutleman /.1 Wi+ city, who had been under We knit, of the wrgeon for two or three lanes without being eared has by u • ngl , brutleo of We Erribmeanon Jaren etadienlly Cured It vlls bey and inrcederrin—(phisSaturday Cotner (27' For snle an Pataharall at the PFICIN 11•18 SI Drug S ORE, 72 Fourth street, near arrwd, and ab.e. ai te, C of P Schwartz, Federal at Allegheny r. .017dAw _ Ho Care, Dr. Jarboe' Pilo Ernbrecatron Neer. Pods! frIFIERF. are few diseases more cornered or trot, 1 bleaome than the Plea, and yet. notwitbitand ing treat efforts hart been made to cure by the use of pills, electuaries, lin:meets, the., all were futil e and nil little benefit. Now the Embrocation is the only medicine word. A perm who haa . been suffer ; mg wits the Pile. of it the worst kind came from Sa tern, Now Jeney, almost on purpose to corms hit gratitude for the *peed,' cure that this medicine hail effected in his C3-o.—rbila. Sat, l'ost. sale in Prreahurgh at the PEKF:N TEll STOIIE. 72 Fourth the Drug Store Li P Sch.:arta, Federal at. Allegheey • &MST SMAR'S AMER O 1 AR VEGETABLE RENOVATING FILLS. ' For labour one )car, preriatte tu making nee of Mr. Sear'. Iterrovarnm Ellis, I have •olifered extremely Ono, Oriperwia. and an nerd Siornach I liner made u, a gPcat varier y of minter ne without cecemog materiel benefit. About three moan. since I commenced Epee Mr. rear's hledrcine, arbich has entrrnly rclieyed - mr from ectdity at mr ftsoollC, and fettered me to comfor. table heeldt beecral of ray friends arid acquaintance , . have made uae or the snd received much benefit (roma era. I ran with COOfifIGIICC ri commend them.. JANE A LEE.3I7 Hudson air Said . — Wholesale and retail, by II A FAIINESTOCR A CO,porner of Ist and Wood. and Wand ended: R.. tura enmpound I.:2lfeet or dA ReA. EARILLA. Wender and Illoierria of the A eel' hi. lent pact put .p in roan born...—. six •11112111. cheaper. pleasanter, and warrimicd superior to an, aold. 11 cureawabout vomiting, purging, sickening, or debilitating the patron. The great beauty rod superiorrivof this Sa — riaparille over all other remedies is, while it eiradicaren nwrigorates the, body. ft is used meemwolly in the removal and perntanent core of all diseases arming from an Impure Mate of rho blood, or bahrt of the spa teni. Lunk out thrkertatienst—Ur principled pentane have copied ocr labels. end put op medicine in the 'emeriti, ped betties See Matruh botre has the 'mum, sign• turn of S i 1 Townsend. Female by R E SELLER ba tsme n T hi r d for Allegheny rounty4 57 Wood street, and Fourth myl4l INUI=GI Vd lL .1 1 . 5 b e t bl , a Bordeaux Salad Oil, Ju!t Sneeirad ) :ItILLER a RICKETSON ~.Ettge AL, From the Sprtuglield Eaprcui. fOf the thousands al purported ramose nostrumsSl USAGE npiv before the public, but icry retv are found Ii r it.,,,,,,, a i., r , 1 1 ,0 and cr . n umul,on, uart.h.inv, FOrs.ifff , the 1,/{illg rotors tar wlitc.b they ale It ' wr ft, pfriortrzt lo rect.., 1.0 aff.l.toool to i....,1 .Z., commended. Arming the hirer we bre ideated to •hrintrenfr s otree 'mount nt l'ndfurn ", . Art' • nu sof ww m learn ame stand a better tea Ilort Dt ,Vvay so! s !"`" f" , "/ 1 !!"'F'' . l I' A MNC I rT I .'" Compound sirup 01 Wild t he ry 'llse afflicted PICRWOIt.TII & ('O'S LINE. I to this identity air beginning to use it 'and to their E W : =111 I s .1 7 . ; : „..,04 !. 13 . they had in its trie their h opes iwiril ,portd .4 • recommettiotionn more this rei•.uol T., , itltrted ', io, Xel.UsiVEl.l' tra the tornapornhoo in to AY I I need not despair. Wlirle . drere a la,. there Curt t• ; Li l'llElleilT Ifrie'rt n Vitotrurgtr, frorvivoie,idlird. f , hope. .. . . tome Ifol,JFlAFForgli, Wforr Street, l'eter.ft.or4l. /IA • A CAVTION 'lO THE I'l FILO . sir drientredifde :ace, 0.'1,11 1 H rimvi , ow warehouse .1 r A Mr!Aou.f, i ll•sitree. the ItilfoduCtton 01 my article to the ~, i „,, , ,..„ c„,. .,. .... „ cr .., ~0 „,, , ,, ., , „.„, , public . there hath a o ft yr unprinctpled i inl, ..„,, ~ , r,,,,c c„ !,,,:,,,,...,,',,,,,,:,',,,,,,!,c ~,..„ c ' . ,._.,,,, „„ ! Ylotz,3l , get up tom.fumft sz, hir I,hp, ~,„,., ,opt.llll qu ' ip lea nr.14.11dr13, pitilnll.r nor• 1 W lid Cltrry. so,. nee called - Balsams. - '' Bine, , T., .. 1,, ',,,,,, ~,,, 10 ,..0., 5 ,,,,, ..,..... 0 .n..1,..., I I and even Si rap or Wild Cherry, but mine to the of ILI ..y 1au......F.••„. mod the proprietor. Moyer-11,11, ' 1 original and only germ .e to eparatlon eo r introdu -mu : d noetal share m Psfro os s o - Cc' to the ''able' winch coc OP Pr."'" " the W .. .., rilN I;ltlitl'oß r l T lr '" dittlN Al 11.1.0 . 11 I h e Records of the Commonwealth of Frenzy Ivitsi.l ~ ~,,,. 0 0 , ~,, r., ItonEflT WOODS 1 . 1. f, only intrgifartl agorrlrt IturzototiOn II lu Fee that 1 to /1.1.1 AM Flit, Fl Inv rod citurr. is .•nc Irl. tzottl. Ft ilz ..; MI. I F /Z. 110,4., •!..,,I. 1 .• OF, 11. , ll' ll \F. ' Fzepathd curly by Or. Ir.. .., o rtx, at his I•onvi. is 4 ALAN 1..1.1, 4 to. 1..z....utg1.) pal Office. corner til Efun r and ii•CE Street, . REV/A:F.S.Z 1.1. hill:Welt:Ma. Ali Wild Cherry preparations 1 , ,,,,, i J Ilv Be , •ftt. John Fmk , 8t. , . Moor , Ila;n' , fictitious and counterfeit without Ins sigerdure, ' & P l ' ' .o I For sale in Pittsburgt: wholesale and retati h . ) , CAGE EGIG AND MICHIGAN LINE. wsi. Tl-10fiN, 53 Aldrket street, "',...- ~_,yH N Ih i 7 4„„..g..,...i ,- *1 - .1 ouDEN s: sNow DEN, corner 2nd & Wnud •tv• , ~..1,-.......... '' * w , ...------ 4 - . S JONES. Iflt Liberty street. ' rl , lll, t.nie he rerepose, dis emritiosts Luke Erd. Sold slop Ira J M bell.it Alfr.dlien• r di: ho r.', 1 ,„„, -•di d , ,0,, eg d m , i.,,,..., , I•. ^. , co, Nrinfon Colcm! rr. Aleldvild., J /1 Burom A ramorm mower. 11,...r.1 lurolentoor..ftg v. Ail Co., Erie; Allienate & Kaslell. t.iceelai.di Denis . , M It ~d 'i L.." nf '''f" , "..." t'no o fit. , Verw , & Son, Columbus; Milli r. Blow nsvillr; Alanrh, ' et` F . t'.."..''''''' I " .. 'F'''' ap e. '''''' . '".!_f t `""n w "' Melmelseg, Va ; 1 li Ilenru.. Lineman', Ohm; Ile ':,% * ':‘,„ * ,.,l 4 ',,lt.T,.,. * :7,l' o ' .:i. n rc ,,,Tt., * , *' ,, P*** ''' 4 ? *!' ! 1!: Eastcrly & Co.. Si. Loursi Jfo Morns &Co , „.,,,,,. r ,,,,,.„. ~,,„, e ,.,„ ‘ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ; Louisville, Ev ; Andrew Oliver & Co., New Or. rm i ser• wth 1 ..... fOnffew ac'f ~.p.,..h• Or Prop,o, f leant. aKr and a,,,11, m•rect.ouy ...01.ett Iforfl itzeo frrold• arid , e p.r : r. p rdraldr th,r patty...gr. STANTON'S EXTERNAL IIi.MELIf, * e m ktkED,E, 4 .,p,,,,,,,,,, CA1.1.1.1, ~ REELtr, PARKS& eo, t o , A, , HU'NT'S LINIMENT,It. ltuiti A CA I.74'illi*N. ilii.e.,•co rui • IV:a, r -t• 0,,,,,te C,dillroiru; i 1 iSl.9.lc2l"l3•L'lri"Sii:lll'.N"'L'rdilldicTiutfitc„sthuie, S i p \ ri nal Affections, Contract,ons of the Muscles, rude 'Finest and quinsy, Issues, Old Ulcers, Fa ins in the Back avid Chest, Ague in the Breast and' Face Tooth Ache, Sprains, Brows, Salt Ithcom, Bum., Croup. Frodted Feet and all Nervous (Mews., The TItIttAINHANT SIJCCEg'S whreh hot al. tended the application of this roust WON DERFt. I. MEDICINE to curing the moat severe C:11(41 of the different titsea es above named,—and the HIGH ENCOARCAIS that have been histoived upon it. wherever it 1.51 been introducol, owes mu the right to call no the AFFLIC rED la resort B. once to the ONLI' BENI E01"111AT CAN BE BELIED ON. . G_TThe faculty ante in recommending the role tied Emernal itemedy. Hunt'. Liniment. The following letter front the highly emitter! PhysicHns who have been attached to the Menlo Pleasant stare Promo for many years. is the best svidence of the value of this cerribmted Liniment. :Vertu biro, December tar,1315. My Dear Sir—l received your note of yesterday, asking my °pin.on in relation to Hunt's Liniment, at prepared by Mr Greene F. Stantoo. Knowing its compoution, and having frequently used it, I can recemmend It to foil an a tee External Reme dy. and in my opininn, the beat Liniment ',ow ,0 a'cry truly and respectfully youra, A K HOEk'llt (lid Pierre Van tfortlandt, (*mien Manor. I folly concur in the above opinion. KELCHEIL Volialo. Pi, Jan. Id, lifka reply to your letter, I would my that I hare usediyour External Remedy, railed Hunt's Liniment. in toy practice since you made AC quainted with eta Compomlion, and unhesitatingly say that I believe it to be the beat External HOMO dy now in use lor the complaints for which y r.. Conlim.l Velars respectfully, 1 , BEM D MILLER.M It Gen E StaMoot..sq. non the Si V sun. LrAntong the maa el' worible.s arts, lea and ' humbugs, that are poured forth at the pyn' id day upon the country, it so really refreshing to told immething of teal practical utility, soinetboig .on. ple, speedy and ellectual in at operation. and :I the name Ince iron, theme minnow: elle,' which generally attend powerful Liniment, prepared by Ilcn. E Stanton, of sag Sing, Moughst has been but a gliorl nine be pnhlic, linalreadrolitsined the coulideace, hot only orMir trout wealthy and snllnentsaLedisem. but our most eminent physicians. All ahlamo I edge it to be a so.r reign halm for umny of lie o. that flesh is heir to, soothing the aelis fig 00l by its genuine Mimutating inllnenee,hantatoog o a n ine from the sy•teni. Mr. Stanton-,-Ssr—S,ing your adverts-um: ht of Liniment, I Wall induced to try 0. hilh, T. my so n , who had 'wen crippled will, a la=in back from an infant; grin tt Iswith gratitiole teat/molly to Its wonderful healing propers.a. ^I) child. who to now live yi an of age, is no ~ in a ,•r way of niCoirery. , roma, dce DEM.MON C fkiWKlllistEa Ortics,Tigurn i its, Euthon candy tlh. I am' personal!. acquaint , d the above named child, and think the lons, n .. d Le sale in saying thnt los son is almost well JA' V,' EIVENIAA, • Nov 5, ISO. Deputy root V. S. I would also state that"! have hero 1 number of yearssubinct to a that . k I ••• I Rheumatism. whit), in many instances CV , my attending to my business. Too or dire,: up .1t• cations of the Liniinent, invariably MR., all vi fectionn of the kind. Drains of bruise, Ima and sorcs, too numernua to mention, it Ivis to vicinity proved certainremedy. Its valtio only be estimated by these vim hart give fl IL : to ' Tins Liniment iviold at 25 and 50 cents prr tle, by all ths,lirinmpal Druggists and filertih -at, throughout the country.' Wholesale Agents its New York. 110ADLEY, PHELPS & Co, t l'l :stet. HUSIITON & Co, 110 roadway. A 11 & U SANDS. corner Fulton and ASPINWALL, VG Williant street. Orders addressed to me at Sing Si tg, N Y, moo be attended to. GEORGE. la S'PANTON, Proprtel.sr For sale in Pittsburgh by L WILCOX, Jr. awl .1 KIDD tls. Co Allegheny Ctty,JOHN SAW; KPIT Blrmingham,JOllN SMITIL tvitl2 • kadira ladser. asioureheri, When wet know ilmt yen are fanmowd A natural, lift matey white, That sea wll. ei,ll tree ("mama chalk, And loot a deathly yellow fright. • The theme of lauahier and of talk lf ytti would ate a you of /ONE'S Lilly...bite, a would toe your akin an alablater yet natural white. and at the tame time clear and improve /1. Sold at JACKtIONIS, Id/ Lalerly face 25 malt per lox trtYB YOU' PUSILLANIMOUS SCOUNDREL I IAyIIONE marine...l equal year. ! Look at your WV fair younk wife, with her bright tunny Nee! LAnk it your own,pated waft eruptions, and blotchet ! Vet you air too 11.01 to gam fifty CCM , for acakeof the great Italia. Chemical Alan, whic h would ent[rely nee you from Mein, aAd make your yellow akin clear and healdiy. Go at mule to Jackson's :Imre, tr, Liberty at . Pi N ithumb.•nd art a cake. Jackson's Maw only plaea in riaabovirti where the GENUINE is lo be obtained. Beware of Gomm,. aim 11;:r °MERV Ethelha imnda al the ,loerway. ~ ~ ~~:~~~~~ ~~~ ~ c~~~ ~~V ~ tnt:ha.: gut,. k C . / TO Wheeler, Creel,' & Co, New I'orl thaalo ti: Var.& Co, Cleveland Ja4 A ArrrtrongA, Co, Detre, NlcOlure & 3111watsk.e & l'urter,l'lntago Wni rower., Power...len. l'enna Gen;Nlarbeltn)te, KranO , orgl,, Penn& Jotalllutinown, • do ,e 1 & Acker, GteeT,Vl lie, do Craig & Fr:Lannon. do Ila & Plumb; rd.arpsbufgh. W C Mt., Shut.. W Cunningham New Castle, do RELIANCE PORTABLE BOAT 'LINE. S 1847. FOIL Ote.s.4I.I2TING 31#4 11 ATI Ttil'ELN' PITTSBURGH AND THE EASTERN c0A1.15, %MI., TR•NSHIPMeif.T. T11.E,L',1r.'cn . .7.T° 4 ..;!.:.":2,T.!nr.",.%'°',:,'",V:. •er.poon ii ant,eesaary. Good.. ore not touched un the tome, thus all transh ptnentsw an handling is saved The Boit% ase of light dryoght and perform th,r I,ps in Irma at to wren dm, The ex • nutty of our to ettablea it* in •tore an) coos. noir 111. made to u• Reeedinng..turtng, 40,1 adV/InCC! tree of chard, Ite,ng fatly prepared to route sale. of Ploaluce, Are reapecitadi, II ron,goinents of .tern Flour. Hum, Lard Moe, Clice.e. Wool, Feather, sod oil,' rt.cle. f of gab, rot winch liberal atlceeee. enll le. inade sod gilt,. usual facidne • •Iforiled, Pieligillr 5101- •rIVr , that any i.. 1• 11W9. entru•ted to Os shill be a. promptly exertn,..l and upon al fie ternta us Ly /111, I.thrr tam., . (NO ARFADDFIN It Co Canal Raw, Pdtaborgli • JAS :11 HA VII. A: Co tnelild .19 1110251 Alnrket •t, I'hileoa J. s.'DICKEiii 4 FORWARDING & COMAIISSIO. ‘ ..MERCHANT, Cast Beam. NW ; ancl Bridgewater, 111110fkla LOUNTI, PS., I'mpri•lor aml Agent 01 IVIIIIIITO LAKE ERIE AND MICHIGAN, DAILT nirrWrrn rliTspyttoll Wtu. pirpnred on carbon opensogof canal W.V. spial] it, Inenvr pow..rty Itt h.• %OHM bllfit us warboo.e, for pnnts on F:rn . Even.ous. l'n, and Ono Canal.; for i.rPs MI Luke Els< nisti upper Laken n.P.o to lorvniol prodot r, Ac.l,y rcno ' n 17Tiznis Apply to Of n011r.:7,:,0zy. It & (I,EVFI,ANii LINE. a kEIL * ISIG. Maga II Mark , - 11. !loops: T. I. chnuool A Co. CLARKE & CO., vor..rding A Commission flerehlani•, • BEAVER. PA. T HE Agents and 11morietors of tin. Line pm favor.. May known vo the pirldrel.wllllo prepared on /I, art.e..t °pewee of canal omelets.° to receive prop r Ply Si Eittrlmrgli and Beaver, and Celia, Me same vt nay Pototoo the Ohio eana4 and al*oort L 111.4 En e and Abrhigati,.woh the greatest demmeh and at rens. hotaalc rates. ' The proprietors of this line rota it atnaialne, of their former ewnomers with confident e. knowing Ili. their Alen nie• ere ...land to none. Apply to or adder,. ' G AI GARTON; Agt, Eithhargh CLARKE & Co. leaver. Mae , T RICHE 110 TO TAE PUBLIC. T/21 4 .7170 2::‘, P a " r: y ammo tVeo ' rt n nr a%CileCiTogi die partnership under the name of the 11 Boartnen'a Liner' and likewise ttgieed to refit the Stock wi hove a bomber of for the I/aria/me of carrying gond. Through in tram eq.. to right du, rt. with certainty—arid feel encouraged lip the liberality of la.l year , . patron age, to make 010/0 eaten. , ve nrrangeinntil• for the co. mina ye. wo ar uld• therefore respectfully mbett c0m1.,- o r our tomer pittron, and refer all new eustemem to Mose we have done biome. for. HEIM 1847. &SIMI BO•Fo TDIANIP LINE. e the trancportabon or allt.g, to Ann .:rtrtN SAN' VEL R/lITNIAN A Co, Corner Liberty .treet and Canal Dawn. Fittibuigh. 1 A I. GERHART & Co, No 30$ Alnrket street, Philadelphia. EI.DF.II,GELFTUN & Co. A genre, Baltimore, MO. , RETERENCES. PtT MeCtilly, Geo. Morgan & Co. Ale Colly & Co. II A Sampson& Co, M Allen & Co. PIIILADELPHIA—Morria Patterson taco, Reynethl. McFarland & Co. Flemng & Ourhy, Son. J Ilisphant, Joseph Gaut. NEW YORK—Goodhu• & Co, Theo. Perry A. Co. 110WFON—Reed, I lord A Co. CINCINNATI—Adam. k Creagh, VI/ Scarbor gh. ;ou PT. PLEARANT, VA—P A Mischief. • NASIIVILLE—F Fleming. Nols—All merchandise from Now York and Rm.., comigned Liu' A I. Genvin & Co, Philadelphia, will he arnlptly larwardrdfres of commie/don. 1,195 LEECH & CON Package Exprett to Phlladelola. rill Canal being now open, the Fem. hove Fe. which hat been ea. tauLe tea /c lLi Maa ley sae of valuable packages of merchandow, enemy. bank notes, jewelry, &e, msneed running on Thursday, March io. An lan" Cow will be dsspeiched Jelly until the elm, of th•Canalingeramn. Arndt to TRANSPORTATION'; LINES. ThA rout , . A lllr tut..l COTES &I.F.FI'INI ,I 'EI.I. Warr , . IIEF:11, PA llA^h I'.. 111111 A CAr,:tii:\ WNW, i'l'' PITTSIICELIaI AND GILEEN VILLE m a i s iti 18-17, c:Z . ; cas i! N 11 I 1.1. I. ,1•111,_1 1:4 and al tlt• V, .• It . %1..1 7 .‘ 111 NI/ 1;•.. II Vl.l It NV 1'11E55 . 4 . Volu•• 104...11 V.51CK..F1.,, 11,1,1 Ji \ i..,r•ler a..‘14,11 ciTizEcivs i•onTAntE MA=lti i 7. 4g§h-W, • Nl\l, 01 millt As,T, ru,p 4• Philadelphia, nell I. nor e Nrw 'Work oand Unstion. lifi I PM, l t;* ~ tnrti tol.le[CaSP the stud. addliht number 01 t 6.t0 , s twat.; anti 111.testl higsvln•stecelptv-as how: for as t,sts, 2.te our oxii receipts I Isy this Its. thereby preventang damn from trequeut handloy on tie - route, and at each boat by th• l'aptola a•ho , Oval, whrt his a sulltrae,,t auto that there run will b•.uo delayon Ito rout , I . ri•durr , .er Merr.,andib 1111 t! rslglled t" underidgred w,lt he lorwartird k KKK OF .COM A11,10:\ for .nvaneing and forwarthar,, and ..1,1 be whipped without delay at 1-w,st , r,ato A1.1.1.NG1-01:D , PAW...ugh. otII;. . Hrno,l tivew, Itdaticir!, P !.beet 80% %Vhatr. Halt-mow Italsbargh. Ftb, IN, 11;.17 1846 TO TILE EAST BY MONONGAHELA ROUTE, ; VIA BROWNSVILLE & NOIERLA N 'um: undroogned novpr.parrd to or ward pro• duce. /kr .to E.io.rrn Ainrket , lorng •ou•o• olg %Wooer. on to. ossa Oman! , ir•ro4 I.i 1 . ., thuu. route. ron`otned tn. N . Ol f,t7 111, I, kbe,cgt 'oleo and wow dropsoch. llrttbetn.fifc rred bv prompOy ort.. C BIBW ELL. AO W CASS. Brow:ow:1 . o 0..2% minur"N A Co Com, 1846 AND 18 17 gatalii=" TO TIRE EAST DV BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILIIHA D. T ii u r i:e " o l ; . l ' Ll t rnt r o ‘ :7 ' l! ' y r t ' ST.I P IO i f i ' i:„ ' gi:l:e l' i o '' ; l 7.4: ' ‘ ' v i it ' i7 ' r at the following priotii.— A•heii. il.ietaii. Itiooir, Lead, Lool Pork. TriNow Whiskey.Cliee, al il Gias•—s7i et.. per lOU Poi Toi.at ea. Hemp, Piati and •Whent—ol Os per goo op. Airh.s,.(Pim Apples Citeei.e. Poi.e.S.iieil, (Pa, otol Lcather-1 06 era per Pgi Ib4 1111ii,Siiiiti..S.oeitii. 11 i'cloi-4- 1 1 0 iii. per WO Ili: Pregwas.Ponther,Pur•i liiii-00, viol Sitooi.ltoot t —PM et. per M0i1... ' I .511 property eun•igned I rolier at IS o ilititerogiarit VV3II Le torn atileil without let.ty, Orr of Coin..., oil. nt ahore 1...., IV II 11 IRK. Ilrooi.o.viliii 11 ANNA 2 V ATERM AN. Pliploirgli nor.Piglif nifiat., 7: , ... , 11.1 1 1 7 , 1 , 1.:1 , t , , , ,,, 0 i nd n i, i , 1 , 1:;: , v . 1.11.A , ! bonugln to Oa olnen I' ,trninnor,ll.• and inter kintte laning., con .n..do• 6.111,-{lll , i, hy cnihng on me. a. I /12% , a Veal ountnna rrput.yrly I,rtn,rn POW.. ,I 1 ,ill :.....nlentnlie GEO li MILTESHRIEIt. i ot4 StrolPhoot Agent, SC, Woo, .1 Steamboat 11A ItI.ENIet nord' and refilled or hanth.nina ntylo pm , 114/W at the :Monongahela whorl ahr onpnwrd she la well witty rd tor carrying frr tght and pommigem; or for towing, oh It mot capacity . atal power A/IV Prli.4ll d purrhaw ol emir , urapect her 1 Al., prop.. to tenor, (olon, ounote yonrr. up toil Irorb, and M n nom on energy and Imvne.• halt• rho) offer great anfamage. I tan furnish the either on .alto . thrrtm,on, .toW front ".MINIC11" 11, toot Mot have on frzr term• -44 Magog, dare IW.. two COM lauonn,• real with raped, made for operaoona examomPon 0(11" tattl,•hmenl tr tol. I`, Imm mooned to twgrth ow with me on reference to at* or l'or Mawr. plotteular onny orldwr. tar et my thco e or Stuartht INMI.n. a 1. reet, rotom nth. or at llncloth,norir Nlonou, , thel. y .unAI fliclS 11 1.1A1411) TII - E TRIM]. 11 C I O g li , 11 , 4: . 11 ; N p l from it, Nov Church: Mr 11 Seller.: It I. ft• plt,t•ure. ohyour jo•Ily rele!.tal mertottlr. nod gave a in be rn 111 for •evern , st et old. filo nest ro mom'', 'Flo law ion-re u t (any revel and the third recoilecled well. and are 110‘i tr, Yon. , re.prelfully, F . /151,1111C RI V. El pal Mr. It F: `Vie,. It inform pm of the Aat niu oy fter lo•con when he piro.e.l an which uu,r 100 ocnot rrom the Her Char ropal Churek. Mr. Ft 1: Serie. , I vv dare awl Ita yearr old) atoottboa to foe. eIPIIi not number or wort. ty. but tt wag large. tt.h , health. I think the toed , erect uoretetvolnems 1 A.thio Perm Age hn any tatanse, what almald give It to pfsfrre Prenatal and xtld by and Ith, on Wood ”reet.l Pot pale by Dr. enact 111ARRIIPS DUB EnsTERN 311.:1?; 1 11;1111S. Ste.-e The fotod — the comet's, mete Ilaltonoto, PlalsdoThsa toms and cities, that agent, will call oil had hem cards, tidvertownt uscial Ihrectory. now p the, will plus" autec will be ielY nserol Ch i sauce, or when the. woe, Err Elision Paper,. in):3 - - 171.011 R- 1 •4 . 41 4 to l'Arket. wary - mitre] pion or tholtimogr. fit r a)/7 LEI CII Cu cur ram it sad Cara' ---------- - STAR COTTON MILL, [rim:tell:le Upper Bridge, AlFeller,' City rolif An operation. Having rtnplo) au the aes L. l% Barn, aa Manager. who has had au es penenee }ran in the Prinewnlsoot zea AltegLeny that Quid tnfonn Mnehaln• and Dealer. gene6 l the)' thr at wa, • hove on band popenor C . ° harts of all No.. llaning, Warp.. and of supenur mote. h N \v Co N ll—Orders leil at the air , ole of My• era. limner a. lla , IS- lA,. ty itteet, w 1, woriv) etten it to.ll:lat.:U.ln N. VI Co _ • EAGLE_ COTTON _ WORKS. P 1T E 116 11. NI A N RE KlirTON YARN. Candle—Wick, BAttlnK, Twine. orto, V ARK. t:AKI•Kr CHAIN, WARPS,. ve, KING. IT.NNOCK & Co ISacces•or.. of .Albuct,tr , 1 Avrry.l • • PENN COTTON MILL. l'irrsau w.f., PA. rVitE alrove eloulti,hutteot hem; now in nrl ructo..,e ate nattoutocturteg. Vette/AO). an oi bra, Shreuoge; well adopted to the rettrl tool,. wool. for henoty and qualay cannot to. es oeVe.l . ode, route lo the eouotry. The atteet.o.J oi poPrhueet.. ettototeol to an (eh , 14:AiN4 It, MEDICAL. - -.; :4 1 4' '12'.41r. 1A) AND ALL NERVOUS CONIPLAIN'I'S. /o. tthough the mut. mar not c ,hhcc thc, 'Pat arc .Icly E$ reerlaittr,h Get 1101 dril,lo l l. 111,14 ,1 e,0r rale,. Inducemnnktml in eet the lIICIIh4 Wh,ch Ibo . %IMO, ai. Ly Ilenven Jectghhl To utter ettle the ;11. of hum.. 4.1h1" DR. CORPO'IF'S "ALVA:sit: lIINI.S AND NAG . NI:1"1 , . FLUID I , IIIS remaelt euvetoren wlt.e h ha, rremyrd tar J. LLll.vet au/ tapprulhmeres ,01 , x-.011%.1 Itretatehretenieruerr rit;;•••ly emu oppieruhon 01 rah:amen, tee a rcerted.al lean, mcanr el av thcle the ,rontrry.Ga lhahrr. , .; I;lreer.r . mid Magnet. M. le.rera, ,me enurda tfirmettred with, and the neyatc. u. power or trairteneane apt el wahout imy al Le I,,e'rt.ott whsch are iaaetenruhle Krne ,e, aM e k 11010 le are. Iler enrung der, end errorrular Inter. w4ele toolvamain sl, .1100 Les he prow...red, rear, re met .111.1 ilelrallaki truth tee ll' doraelly injunubt and ,Iwaylo tileratlical let, that to war rreeretell, winch, al-. tr r uncrales• tee,l aim her-eve/mere Imo here ler.ught 0 .t• rearm anot of ht rim Glil(Vlßit ii, 0l arnawe'r .n unepo±rr eel thr (nor, hlse• eh...r: a. and naom;,, .1 rr TM, arr. Inure laft a lid Ihr deeiredl rift rt The tiall'atrtrr fang. ,11 conaccl.ol, wtio Ike Mac- Fi.t.J.cOnlidttinly reeulmraCml , l l to di.ra• .1./, which 4,0/froman enfrAded ar enhertithy sratt theOrrryt, r,Mllsysinn. theae ore .111/011t nal-, pa.eutet uulrereal In which we'..arr; •uhiert. Thra ue.er. ;ailhlllllclerptin, Imo; one a.m. plc rrtu;r• a drrAlle,rlll,lltot NerVOLL. Sy•tem— alhl 1.1;t. el, three roar. that other • reneethra' havm• ra, ogre 11.11. ed • etoo agree, war great, y . I.vhl[l. ennfidelogy ter:ward. Ima brett Mated :II ll.r oroi.• r rued ited,‘ arra 0,1111 , 1;111.0.1 eel tral,tement. The; 11.alvauer Kill, have bren tercel 101thentur ear • •r{....11-11.X. uvular of 010100 op otg to 0, hood. face or loult, (font. Tr !Colonic-, notiachc. bronelw, Verreao Nrrrto” o. NO* Ilnadark, Pa.-n.., Eytleyny, rrazny. l'alpnov,n of the lbary Apoptrsy. Stiffnev Jviart. E)noil Campfatott. 1./goatee. oNhatf A r f moo/ Tre to, Ilk:v.v.. of the !lead ain In Mt l ' Atst and Side. 151altlyt 11,/otorney y Ntrrota and !lyrical En. NEU VOl'otS.anors fti onftrintol 11),,0 0 tto. %Intl, •onoltLanr to'rvou- da• on4tto It! ft , Olt titatt-ti‘rotgatta.thlt m" m ' rhea r .Ih/tool:loft rat eh, apol. tau., a kient , t . . l to tat ola:. oft, nod az ••• Ito !lo t pito...dug tumid:tot. th) te.tontaufottlt ., l The Ring. ate of dare, rat to. ....1....Ha tangle ta all .1(LNI. and al van°. atno• atrto..l tt.tot /to. and root to t wat rt lay the 111.1 JrilorAte 1,1)41. N UN felft taronveloorter lii tat t. tia -t oft , tnt .1 t odo.r .terrraltlt - ttion Band., Gas tern, Neckliices, Arc. yore •overa htati.l,[ll ll ! 0/ /01, g ono., a • at.tol.ed thr llalvoitte Rug n a, MN' , • O . NN, IN ri., approve.l tz,iltqcx." Galvator Iffaataa. rely ortna n. n: , . fa, t.on. no t . J•o . oftwor dolt requ: tl • au 1.4. coo, onttrt o tett to lot ot rota: to,. Ttitoot ttottn• a, nen, ted tot w.t.•.. rtrtto 0.. loot • ant Ito. Or :•14) 1,4 thr W to 1,01 tata,,,ner. (;leuntc S.t. - oroll a• nt LittO to-or 1.1 nt o,• Moon h., or • t.sot• OW throat ntrirr.o.): ear. , tor antl AI. 10141,11111:10 m: ,1 1 / 1 ,1,,111iri../ 1. christr , n Marznetic Hold I.t.l:llret theUnlralo , inr ami:a •L..r alO.l hrauono re.eol-0.,., - ,1 I,- I , nm. I=El . . ~tatrte at:tun th, 110,101 • own trn tot or the hllttrAtt.. neat of d{3ll , tt.• ei 0 • V tNittd end prtm1111.1“ No nth. 1 01,0,1 1 Og chrln •tt know. , irntltt, rtllt ttt Of It) totpnrt n ntnitlnr prorntrty In the hr nernot , , tward :veal opplte.tt.tnt fnuttl rote:at:lh ;scnt, etipalt, CI the rnt. uppltenhon , nrlcaltle. tt tohnnlett• in tt..lettntt to. a tt, 17,1.4=11.1in :in rent I.r r . , tt ~,,/11:111C1t/ Christie . rn (;,11,11nie Strengthening On Th. , ornc,r , form rtant't. va appliratom ro- tiotmnom eat , onpormiorom• ullpmet to tne at Imam tialoanie h R ices.:he of Om Ow ... n lv 4 m lll Mof tsa n n p , on tin a a p n p n te :ca t tn n e r e n t i . w e hne oftooot, nournoiOro n a na , tlc n pddt.nn o :imn wrhos) : Po nod Ilobo. tat t be. 1/ 1 're. Par t n to et, Ortr. a ...4•0t0up... Af 'roan, and Wro-knou or Oppr. 000 of /.1. Pubmnary Or.georr In :sputa' Cronplu..tp. I • :Art ot the moo elsaroe ter, and •r- 3Ve 1,1.11 Oren u.erl rvith ',mph to IRIC( 1 ,11. The) 11/ 1 1 or the p p reotert odvaning , •II Pains and Weak, ni the Itrea.t. null me h cht) mcononendkil.for man. those enolpltonl . • wholt ' , moles me e•petrtlly on • tfet tom 1.e., in, rorengtherong the .1-1. •lo,nloated w 0h:....e.t0 or other MAI Ifl C 011.1,11114011.11 m a Neve, 11,r and al: in Mlleetlon• ot the Chet. genera, toe t•l,P.1011,1 11 1 111/ IA" loun.l greot and 11,1144/1,1.1 adoosnoee In n few word • employ- 2 too the vtrtum of do . best Mine prtparmi the Important 111h/1111W 01 the galvarne . lllthlt, wtneh .• neither impatred no/ ri blunted. whole the tom ropooturs. The,r arnelea lordl he found emir free I ~,,, thnse nhjectiuno wloeo are n enn , lant sot .1 ecmple.lo Oir Old I mar,. plastet, in etnritnon CAuTioni. The great ceteltroy astd ticreattof theta an.t•tt.l hut. e..o.ed them to be cont.-vetted by unpratentkd v.erttonn To ['mo t tle again, trapoettion, Dr. Comm but one author red agent In each city of the I'l 'On. Th. on:y agent in Potttl.urgh. W. W WILSO \ cERTIFICATEN & TESTLMONIALs. Ot the loghest and tnoto re.pectabte character, are :Itantly tettett , J, regarding the extraordinary vline and .1.1":091.1uf the above ante It is Lt.-Levet! tlttst tti the r ely of Next York .101Ie, upward% of Eic: I'EtISONs du ring a pertod le.ot tan wyettr. have :ten etat rely relte ved of the root, Cl/ mn,e dt.ordentt.unte Of sat hot .t h have coemoictel)•l.. fled all Mr.,. elfott , of tordwal nrt. Indeed maw. ut lb« lir, Ott Ittemo. of 111.• boy. who disapprove of thtt Ganatoht, and I M m an n eo th mb rn et c e. ona w ly di o , 11.• erpotot Om., .ho ate 1110 rFtludieed ewe tt• , I,• OW 411 ,,, 100n reett..tl unttntntons lawn tou-t inte'lteent by . A tncritnn Virally. It: 1. at al. totte• et.... and natal happy to r•t, evttty fattthtt lu alt:. tetatt. Antl all intneented, for to, itte truth of nt . .t.rt.••tt• and the edit", tt °toy money or Itot•lmreh ~n ter ith end Markel , v pFEECIT ALLY 0,01 tired lIV Il.e Li, ‘1.4 Greal Hclocol, of Mall., AMEI3ICAN 111 I. II uttno. troraou'ou..l) duec. Inlismolutam, 00 , •• .0: .0.0000r,want...1.0 ra.00.10 haveve 103 :want or o,ar in ll,e 'le.',rra EMI= Sind whiiti,ale arel retell hy WM. JACKSON, et 1.14 trent and Shoe Store nor) Parent Medretne Wittsr Liberty o,c, Wt.i, Piro fAI r,rilg and Ft per bottle. W Jar4ine Mine the Eletu.ice Aerie fur We‘tein Penni.li:lll.l, er sever bur what ti or MS appointed' Agent , N R. A Iheoplitieeurimentec ernple revelers Ye Neel eau,. end nditreiri or the Proprnitor and Pr, ...eel Agent. the of each Li.loe Yriondsoce.if i.rreficflrei •reet a the Store fehlSlCin 1 QC ROFIi LA AND Ni SWELL. 17 I Nl;S.—Scr dela its inuliiplird forma. whether in that el Sing's Evil, eirlargiTtnent. 'the chards or bones. (Seim, White Swellings, Corot. Rheumatism. Cancer, of the Skin or -Spine, or of Palm...nary Coosuniption. emanate limn hire and the same mute. winch i• porsotioun pruicip snore or less inherent in the huni in eyweni There. , fore. unless tine principle Coll be destroa etl. nn null cal cure cart Ire ellected, but rf the principle upon whiCh the AlR.ase depend., is if:meted, a cure ism, of iteer,sit, billow, 11/1 flintier tinder e hat lorm tlin dise:uie should mandeW itiell. therefore in the reasoir wit J AVM L'S A LT, Fl.k, cc 19 en urn ensile siieressful rererouting so . many malignant drielscs. It destroys the virus or principle tron able those ificcases bane EiWif origin, by mitering into the circulation. and with the blood is cense) ell to the minutest fibre. 'emoting every p yticle dire ere l'rien the system Prepared and sold iit An. II south Threi Street. Ploltdelphm. Sold at the l'cli n Tea Store. Nu: 12 Fourth etre° Pttraburgh. metr3l. .1!!!.V.E1(11IF1161:. --A . .1. ay. Tailor .. 11 I: I Ihnslnagh. NI a rel. In a in•lnn, of duly.. yell In: ..- ~,, pan. vr .1 er n rtnnin, I .s Iner at an. I luldi n ho 111.1 Ik4 a.s alrnd be 101111,C , i t h e 41 lefey./x warin•, the 41 road a annderulo'n number not hen have hern now hrallh MOM - - [From IncSpirtt the Mows ; A FACT WORTH KNOWING A gentleman of Scrofulous hntoita from%inlimretion his younger Mayo became alrerteil wall Ulcerating" of the Caroni and No-e, mot n Mir:tameable turd rte a. lolesnme mamma of the :4 tn. I,oeed, liar who!, m loft bore the marks of bente saturated With ail, a-e the hand and mist welt , no touch affected that Ile had lust the tt•e of the hand, one., part being cuscged amp. pnontul. anal (derisive Ulcers and were,. ho, lots and Immo. a.. a honer-comb. It woo at ihnt stage to , his complatut.wheit &milt uppesird inevnabtr, Irmo It 10101.111 Y d.semo.c. that hr ecommenced the ;use of JAN NE$ ALTFRNIATIVE, and bagnig joker) ma tron buttlc•. now , perfectly cored. .Thy. A i.TERNATIVE operant, through the Mrcula tom, and purifies the Mont and eradienles diseases front the aystr in. wherever located, anal the numerous elllttl It 11u performed in diseases of Skiti, Cancer. Scrofula, l:ottre, Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, and other Chronic disemee, to truly nelortislor.tg, Fur sale tit Pittsburgh no the Pekin Tea Stereo 7 , 1 4.1‘ miret nom. wood. arid also at the Drug Store of 11 r FrLl,ll. Al , ,henV city ntylikal, Ivrnth greet pirzeture 1 WIIIII,I fferts produced on my .011 of leetly celebrated Vernutog... 10.,1 gave liim three dn., et inercildnble ntant•er, fromulth badmen stoprovent. BEO/.11[4 , 0( Cool, of the 111rthoda, Fp, I.borgh, December 11, NO. ve IT N . link dauglocr (between Wet do:en of )our Vironfoge. th the Implored bocce. pel wi ted I do not know me..,-e -o, now in be al turd ;ciao irmy be confided C COME , nen, been known lo iwn. ono onlly exoned, parent ; en tO till Other. 10Mal= McLane's Worm Specific. ta to cettify Mut, by taking ono vial 11¢o J McLane , %Vorm Specific, a child of Jamee w'n parsed upward,. bf 70 vrorme, and by the nee of *aid edi(' MC of my own pooled 14 lame wor...— It ,g teuly the mon aurpriesng ammo medicine I ever tern I 'num have two mine voila. - WM GILMORE or tint Pt trtorrgla Gazette 'ENS DIRECTOILY. I•IIANTS AND NIANUFAC rodersignerl beg. leave to ti .n• un, wianntacturern, ac . o New York. and other clislerli C. Lachspelle. n a kw dad t ha called solow•,. .Ph , to Lis new aid ve. w,iinN In s . pulphenvon. nod iba and ipotoatze awoo 1. that enr, pay Lis Aunt In ad. la deli v e red. ISAAC.: HARRIS II Ovule drily the aiwye Wilkins Township For slain by J KIDD & Co. No 00 %Viscid Went, Pills huißn.•• stictinti ON N ES'S GEN IIiNi.ITALIA* ••1 POA 1 . , for tonening the Skin, eta•bcating Cuunle• anJ all Erupnont; fur healing chapped bunitt or eructed dean, fur &veiling freckle", tan, sunbunt and blotched kin, and producing it Brie, beal•to, youthful clearnent l'nee 311 CVIIIS per rake. The genuisle artiele for wale by 11 A FAHNESTOCE& Co ..7a and want iotund wood und 6th • • 4.01,741. 1114., io.lweivcd I.3and for tale by cayld BRAUN& ItEITEIt I . stand 7.5ne0,11 I. stand ;nopeetion L.. l'ltludel LlbAlisll DICKEY S. CU DEL. YEIERePIAN'S C.l s SAFISAPARILL.A: 1 n r` , et , s , . 4 , ,„ : ,,,,..1 cure ot las ..series I MEDICATED LOZENGES, AND PCIOR A1)1:%'.% i '''' . '" " m° ' szue r:.7 Atte 1.1.4 nrtsmg frtn......t.r „„ia• , , the s...erte ea. se. fI. E.1.a.-"s fat. r..... , .... Ottnate.. Cw•oniows D r • - . Nur-r t ul / 4 k., _ 4. ..‘ , . X was Mum. uw...... "" ' pi, np n, ... j tottrhs on tAr I. ere I.,escAes 1'.......• bu t etWaren well rate et read., ...,,,, i ~,,.,, t 0,... . „... ~..,,, ~, , .... T . surr . : ~ t ~.."...., ; po s . , .. t . T "'''Ll",,....faLtZlo b...k rawated , :trach Lea ... 1 4. l ' U''''' ' • IS WPWS 07 . Staid lira , Fnlargrertrot and pain of Ms twoo• ^. I t ~.. EUU of Drreettons. e ach r/.1.1. r• ..1 a A ~, o•n firm ,epedlssie Symptom+ , ,Seueca yr Lam- 1 n... _ • __..," emudirmus um ef [ SLIERAIAN'S COUCIE LOZE:\ Gb.t L,, said P 00 . ," ,' " ...",,, n .„ . „.,, r e Imprudence en The. Loorwees are Ow lakst, mote no* aaa ego.. n Memo". Armen.' rtlartl• i _,,,. t „, ce,,, e ,, ejpilltrJeurnal Deaersters. ells' tor conk*, mkt., cousamptsam, whooptageou„..t, ..,, rt.; smell ellmlnt.trot on Lea Leen settnde,lm Ithe I ea, mgletnees of theimanue hest, etc, eic. l'ln I. o raq a . I. ha mrst scrolls to Pau)' ono 01 affectMor. Pa "....' "..... adtaOre where th e , u ,„,...,,, 0 , .. 11.,,. n r reel'" , .1 ,I te fill th e void which caiststteler•rn samdactiou. Several thousand bmto hme,lns u to% te . ''' d ''” ' , cot- hence Ito nodes pr. the tail per, reouriK to health ixraeue as a 1... , .." oan opener oa .. , „ d „..,,,,,, pro. ut ceosituipteno,and Mate Intortug oink, the t00.i ." . ' ... rondo .• • mat of an alterotorc tweet s-1 ; ' colds aneteoughar They do not-caeca mot dry ..p 5" .. " 1 " ..." v ig et Imune tome to the systern ram., It re 1. gh.: concentrated tor Panvenience and porta. but readereirry, promote expectorateon,altii 1... " ' ''' • otlitv, contenting uodiong bat the expressed rosette, women., . remora the pest.... .•r cullin g came.- unit - ton rep. ereotoove e i the Perasparilla RoOL er They are mode Iron. a combeinelsosi of a ers µ mkt: k:.pc We eon, tonnorr ".0 ,lumina . e of l'eruvian Ere/I.la I .....e...gt. am.' ,. loo ame mut are eitutuute ct u,, n ,,,.,` • morr.... 0, op ~,,,,, I , „,.. ,-.,,,,,,d ( 00 4 1b..1. , terry dna( rause to thowecomplasals. Iluadooatt)aw ho. ten gram, 01 metier go rune o r Morph... contain* all , deed. ol Vet-00M I. lA.* been ores. of wear. o r mrmltm OK I, aICIOIII 41110,0 i II large quantity 01 th e etude I thea,,lntesthase le/K.1.0a lA.,n smell from au m0m... ) rate nab...res. hence the eupenoor, of hire preparatton•il and ramrod Us perfect amid, try twat them ' ' avail,' would .1 , 1,e to 11110 k a gallon uata lute, i Where threes...eh rilo U. the breast or tide,. h. ?her when a half p ot es:mooned tkic aome mettle nal value.`i moats Poor Xt.'. Plasters 4prece ouly MI cello., d e ,..'„, , 'its ~.1..41141/1110 can br ditut•tt when taken ,agrecaLle t e ppbed seer the pare, and wore tell relined, le tell oJid to Me d tee, oon, and made to suit the I.lc ,o 1 thr pa ~ ! Vogue -eon*, akw tanbark< or lam. It:gest,. area, Lent in isrhartre euedrewyelsoold be meth...rase. i The tolinwout certificate addressed tr. the Agents at 5„..... , n .„1,....... Lt.,. Ls _ C o re e ,, let toe* coin luso , e Furst of tut reat value 4 Th ... ‘ „.= } 7 . :`,: ,. J .,. . ,3 1 1 ,,,, 1 4 0 .1 . 2.0 , 1 i 11 eaet .el l'es t r , or, . s i talo eases to be naa?ilie; the oats ceroun on:. '")„ ... o' '', Comae., 1 11. Peat 12,1910 i ..„.,.., Jura 51...• r. me`Mine & Reed-400nm. 1111Mas,loth,1 ed. _,___l'..7_ ... 4 ' ft . d .....-M . .. „ ..) . 1 . ...... ,,..4 .7 . 741L , 17 . 1., ,, , , , , a., , you more a bottle of Pand's ',amaranth., rAnt ""`"•" .... aa , out th eir 0111 bong (retell; groan wam are vervott ... 11 „ 1 f,„ 01 1 t o en) bed, amthcon 01 .1• 101• wc '''''; anlected weds them, and are doctored f o r sanous ch kno.:, ‘ : °cam. clued I. • iolcut parte oorn a regul . fcser toren , • ‘.,,, , ,,,,L,..) t..,m; ~h. ~.„. ~,111.,.1...,,,1. ,,,...,.., L, long .t.illtiol^ 00 011 1101105 74) phl ...men. ads 1 00.. , ~„ , ty c.., *. . In 11011 The 4104 arOpettated , myelin tf was tLe i alt i l , , 1 'I ~,,,,,1p....„71,1,nr.L_,._th.r.i. on 100.,..„ mew , . 0, - , 10 r"''''''' 'r 1 ,, 1f ',,,,,11, 101 0",', 01 1 1L, e r 1 1 .71 I os• leweth e p.oktec at e mote, mote, groolter 01 the wells dert, 1, 0 ,I Iho t .101 bee ati to PY 1.,/ c. Y ~_ skep,..tt at waxen pahmemanaut the hswith Limbed chests. m .. il nearl, thr,e I mile*, I wassble to transael eny r .. .. I r bu.iness. nod bctore 1 had hoz.hed the fourth t .. • ""7 . '7..',.l .••• •csall.a.tae ...a... l th , oora.k.tah 1 .. ~,,.‘,., 1,,, , ~,.,,, , h . , I 14 t er the ars., et the body, shght chide ..e slur Ile Ina.ns wm 7nd sound rtgs, letadmhe, demoinee., '<Mtge, torpor co atn.! holte•imi . in an% ng Wm 'mind s Parnaparttla genetic dn .., ...,,,,,, ........, , n, ,, ,, . , i, t , ..." ander Promdenct , a raving cal lime a I ......„.„._ „..„ Thh. .0 P: ~ .., , ,...Z . P ” I t . : . t . 'ete , •l l 7 „, . doubt ont Ins life I in. cherrfolls rem/5r...1 i t . ; , ..,, , , . , .. ... ailkw, .4,1, , 1 ilit lo . Article extant for the • purficat on of the t ;.:;". .r.. , ....: .. .T ., . 1 tett to,. l eut arm _ fearo..l I.Tr." i r• jA ~,,.., m ,, , ,,, .cioen ., appelste, kato. " ..,r 4 loarit' '""" tourec'h .% ‘7l7tatr, 5 ' 41%7; The melon tog certificate .0 only another lick /11 In L. 'uo M moons ;ace, o f l b, ~,,,.. .... L, , , 0 . 0. t tug nun c io n the thssi, lichen orth,lloo UtVirMliis 14.,..h t , a gr. at ,hri le of . A 1110011) 10 110 rat. 1110: . frequent deore la ass L `merit !Murcia Canada not, April 1 ,,, , 13.• i mewl .en o t ino ,, 1 1,, ~.„0 1, ,, ~..,, 81 emelt.- Gentlemen /Inward as we are to limes o Maw aud euueun Mt att Irks of .11. ease and so frequently dleappo no - SHEMIIANIS cemnicat I.OZENGI.a, . propo•ed renisdics we can UR,. but Woken the era le They glee imandeste re-cf en Ilene. or ock I.e.t,tscia, of .. t otor] procla tenet e v.llll interest old grump e palpriats. of the beser, lowness of the norm, d0...a...rum, lb. t sarm prere.lin our valuable prepare.] to tedisuottatory or peered sun throat, bowel ue suwour mt reap:tuna I b ire been ecaerell afflicted 1.331 e rn PL..'2"":, °PPr....00 0.11 keya.rof ~,,,k,,,f , „f• 110 ‘,., IA Ith A dtre.ise about V(11,111 •Mortor's . drea m r:' red ebelte, spates, cramp of Iles stomach or bowels, lehttereol the, prenertption• o wre soli more dever , e I tried a accts.., and ell. nervous drum., drowsier., throa c lt the now , 11 111011 es but Mood no relief until 1• Cowmen •ed day, 00.3 wakefulness through the sitar, dub rot , , 0,, worm s our est client medicine, al whit h lame 1 as era enorbus, dean-kora, laantode or a YU. of Wog. Per. ...hods ,031111,i ray my Led Alter tisane it a Sew a s M. ows travail, or attedkehr, prom, well fool Me 1 num , wo aloe to about elde out. owl enjoy e tot- a fter eally reweter,and ouperung the buo,wery of en wed 1 L arvae degree iab,oio, ohm I I attribute entire! 0 doserdaon,they wale - adore the taw of the system ge] l e El•I• of -"nil ..ut.purilla Pk are neeept 01) • 1. , e ,... r.ni,‘Ad ITIMITt all the unplostant symptoms artlog Irmo `""'' ''' ' ''''''''' and n "10111 C INO%I S a bant"an:ditll; Purrs tt i tZ e sellTd ' tlett j ...7 "; " t Bring pi r igully ars; muted as ith. Ike alto • e mumble cotapnentm thi tunes. ''''' ....,T.lt ., ;;; l :t:s i.. i t ' r 'l l A gt:he: 32 . eugThes:::• ,, N ta u ( ne ll . e kLa S eror Pl :ld l A , ,, an . Bl ,4 2 - ....leere . r , moot 1 h.rt I , rot l 11 {Ltd the awn ril true. REV T M NIERRIIIA. ranret. Tsseiwtme -Tbe hallowing ea ale ea ram , r ,,,,,, . , , .,,,,,,, , r on t Rt v %Pelham Celesta. . hastm.yoents, rheum..., lusidev, Ik. kc Uee elle we ii,,,,.mee, , 11,0e1 21,1 • )mar well not supply the demand. They IltaUlreaktli. WPM- M. e•re 'mu& I hay , . been alll Ord with a. vete ~,, be,„,,.,,,,,,.., ww„,..„,,,,..„. au,,.... , pu el . ' eel to tit err '...""tt , I') a d , nratro os or, lr do for eue qtherler the oweel prsee, making net only the ten: to, .t,. t) t .es sod. ring at i eu es abet emu UO9O 11,0011.305 t plaster in the old, It affords .el,f to akw roman i coo .el , Ltd saner Labor: lour Sanapar lire, I n oure ,„,d ... 1 ... ~, ,,, , m....,,,„. 1/.1.E. kern, cit., et Imard,no roaches llies hal.•beer lot Irreecorei,ball and d;spepota, it should L., worn race shin iteuitend tarry business, and prem. 11-00 eaelo ally th e ranowof Ow suer tee .04024 h, and at wilt adom greet wet .., th. i „.„ 0., „ „„,„0,.e. I wholly Met woled all .tht r wamelow et-teef. le tough., colds, aithma ideally of medic um, and tburunghts toed the `arrests ills, th ole tweathhag, oppressuat of dm ehott or outreach 'the odl I eon re rointethiol in outhesul.=ll.lll) to Jll. 'awe who ~,,,h„t d . , . 0 ,..,,,,, ~.....1,13 ~.,..40., ~,,,,,A 1,...,. .„ , ire oi att, oIY afflicted rah any s e of acro ekm• soletiotry habits, or 1110; Obbitd ..1.511,13 teEleh will -Hurl,, 011101 , 4(X i het. Itam been some remarkable urea ~0,4 e„riva, h....., of , ~.,,,,,,y ~,,,,,,,,h,,,,,,,, ,4,,,, io ~. ~,, .„ ~, v,,,, NI / ShA •II ter. Physicians w ee freolllolCo4. them ue rt rer S tuer to , the too of me noule, was re•tored to belief beak Mau n ei„d„. t e.._..., _ ~. or ~.b.,,,,, .. ~, .on, nno, • ..lee Lad L.Olll myoyed tor t•n sears, nod Airs It . Ste „. ~,,, i ': ~....../ so lt ,,j 0ft .,...0.,,k d: , 1,... _ ..., v m• ,viso r Lo Mt ti to. a i eels 01111tted teeth the 0 si t , ~dp,.. fii;07...;.;..r....1„.41.r,n,,,,,, a,ru.,,4, .1 z, ,,,,d. ..14., oms Mitrd) •Itr'd by the .e of bolt es eels Waal:my other, mtl item. Inno the taped... of .1 \our. leuls • \lt 51. ("ALIN IA 10 0 who hue med th em, I rot twitter porta ulam and tool tunise es lactic. ol tee 01 th e eeleb ra t e d end d ' t: ',. ... , ... " e ' h ' e U d ' elC he ‘and'"nie',`,',',l""ma/ ,'"i super mr oe nod edit ley see pronphlets, wish Mai be the most useful and hlgt7renedreated pls., ' • ' '"". ' I, obtained or Agehts make &Ten, prnots bare ladled at the wand.. I. spur.. Iri p it, d Rod od 'U , A D Sood..Dttlgt t l l ll,O them eurposeimil thanks,al the slimed rallif 111...:ril ' re lb.! rlliioll .1 C. Ls l \ dime:, New Tort.. photo, Lan effected. told st n Ls I, WILCOX, Jr , Pittsburgh; I 111,. D „,..., h .... L.0.00 d. book . i. i, Intro, idle ss ., ~,..„, ~ w m Wntetto New Ciliair t D Rol , faestatile of Dr. Sherman ename. It es wrie fantt::th..l.: i 1 7 , ..... ,, 11 . 7 g e rr i 1 , r 0 i 1 1 . 17 1 . 1 A. Cru m p, 0 \,%.' ai5yLi,e,0,,g,,..3n1,...11.4 b( % p ine r y, ask lo g e Sh . e . 7 . ,I.o o'l P lO 51 ,.. an 's r r . LaZii , r 1, , ,.. .:..1 1.74 1 .0 11.k . t a t the sou Por eEI per bettb.-.01.11100 for so ha s about and sold 4.r the true billousati's I tasters, by, 'lure bhe nee respealliell) requested to re lember „„„„i„,u d ~.,.. M.. et rate Sereopordla that tt.ooololntly rhiee- kild who,esak and retud by W, JACKSON 1 I Po t tg ern reniarkatde cures of the most ddrtoult lona ol Idedierue Werehouse, No. &..t, 1.,,b,,,, , - ,,,; e :./,..", :;',, din:asta to COM 11 ihe tsunami league l• etobjec there- 51 0 boo , JO O I I- 01, fore ..k tor `mud's Ssrnspnolta and take no ot cr. _ ' SHERMAN'S OLOSAON AN,I DR. ROSE'S DESERVEDLY CELEBRATED Cli ItC-Nl - ASK THE SUFFIGILIiII. rause I TIIEJILIIEL-ItitEDICINEIg. ASTI-Shia g' • ONSISTIA II rot bin Prophylactic by rep, a re t ato, has rtheted bon inured a .hort tam from ho ilif. `.-i 1 . 010 relliedy for a ll (...,,,,,,,,,,„ ~,, .. 6 , , ,,,.. e f brea th ing, Lough and tuffondsote He Jou. affectron., Cough Syrup, Croup ',up ' ' ' , , , 11 ft , t ' ell yott 11 ;at "tree (thscsoman, or All. centroted o:tract Of Sa'rsapardla, -* dee. cely Ilealenc balsam , ' Ask 1110 1001111111. , . superior 10 all other extracts, florin tp te o robot wthet ).whaled lot Cough, moored when all °therm hole failed, Lei thrtnq II I ne, ..,' thr Pain In his Sole and Chest, , cherked to night sweats, .4 procerw more concentrated limn au, u • leer CSI r ) ,herd the one of heahh oirered to the public, AS'PI IMATit:. r 1.1 XI 11, uloo the dwelt' sad Latoug effected permrnmet cares ol flirt etubborn he well tell ,ou 1 Wthease, when of more thou 1 1 }'cars .. hrdtug, SII&LtiIIAWS OLOSAONIAN, 1 11..ec it stands without a rtr.rl t“ that tour. dreaded WlJ' Ca ALL-HEALINII BALSAM. 0s I l Aik your friends if ther kta now of anything Mat willspec u bit; cure a ha; eurfediu Cough, liaising of Blood, Brost chow, [syntax. Comumptica, liomsenent, Italueraa, mid dWen... uf Me Thrum, as the Olossouian e oust May will tell you—No. There trier yet has been, remedy introduce.] to Ili public notice .high has hems productive of eo much good in xx• Iso sli, a space of time. Mad the following. • I. A•tonlshing Cares. ~•• , Wm. Bost, the ealebreted llodon cracker taker, rlo lea. atl cioi street, Brooklyn, stoles dud Ms wife las been ettliesed x t with Asthma fur :10 years, and could not findimmanent re e• lief from the Ise.i. medics l advice which Kew York st ra nd i Brooklyn co ar uld produce, m induced to try Mistreat rime • dy. She is =sr nearly well. His daughter who VMS suffer ' mg from the same disease, tries] it, an MY 080.017.1 by it. Mrs Ikussl - 1 - . mar so Well Mat she is able to sitefreen her ..• bed early into morning md ahead laher usualdnties through I no the day without any annoyance from her distressing malady. . Ilmo, J•ca.son, 13111 street, near the Catholic Geometry, , • esme ros the "ore f,•r the to of obtaining a bottle of the •., i Olosamini, hosing been oZimed wish the Asthma fur more „.., 1 .:0 y ears, and was .... eahoustol on. las -arrive! that he rat I could not speak. Ile pmehasel a bottle awl soda-hate.— I I' Four days afterward la walked from his residence to the of .• 1 an without fatigue, a distance of over two miles s io tell . of I t the wonderful relief which la had experienced (ppm using , slaw on one half of e bottle. - 0, - I ComanimplibM or the Lamb s. I ' I I • Mr. Comore, 3.5 White street, was so low to the mootlt ' !or !)motor lalh that he mu given up by linsPhysician. His fr•endeentermined no hope of hie recovery. Ile was peewee , did to try the Mamma.; and to his surprise h has so for • rentorril him to laalth that Leis now tale to walk about thr I streets Mr.. OWL., the wife ea Wm Al. Atirce s James Honda, I ,l i mo stsciaakm W. Flays, Eaqi am: all-bear testimony tram i ~ 1 thmi own et paience of the healing propertke of .this Ores, I ~ , Remedy in cesousuption of the Lungs. .. . '. II I ' ISplt titan Blood. ' ‘ II , 1 Mr , Tooonotratm, X.t/Illoccoe 'tent who bad been 1 ' ', I troubled Mr a great length of time by a se4re• cough;and ' ' r' `' raised quantities of blood, arm relieved by one bottle of the 1 0 Ohaennion, and declarers it the greatest remedy in the world. " I I Damns KIL,LT, W. Water tune!, was' 'al relict,/ tram '' i dm lame eursplaint s although. la was eery anuels l reduced ~,.., alien he eoini.twed takirrg st s having fret under th e emend' . , ~ 1 his physician during the past winter. Although he coughed . • constantly audsatst sery moth troubled with night ewes], B• I I bottle. of ha remedy eriabkd him to return to tie daily work. Ile wiwenurely relieved. • • Doom Ilatrotason.6o Lai& street, Oro W. Burney formerly of Newark, N. J., limey Littoun 199 Ritingyon street, nod numerous other permits lame Mee speedily, and permonently cured of Me mate opinion, by this remedy. , The Array of Name. ~,.. .Mich could be produced of proems who have ueed this great remedy *Gold more than 611 a column. Ammg_llis. number Mr. ore permitted non-ter to A. M. Biningt r e IM2 Bartley M., Mr. Wilson of Hoboken; Mei. Dell of Morristown, /d. 3.; James B. Devec, 101 Heade A.; Mrs...M2Gaiffrre,SDAdorney hL; F. Smith, 92 Third As enue. Mrs Wm 11. , Attme of Mu city, and Mrs Archibold„Z White t • , ' . Sold whoksale and retail by Wm. Jeediron, .1 bid Pateet NI ed kiln Worehouse and Boot and Shoe Store, Pio 89 Liber ty steett, brad of Wood ttrest,Pittsbgh. Pore el pe,k r ,t d .'dw3l3-1 • - ....:--_____ . 'DICAL For / Cotten, Colds, Asthma, and Consuciptiod. MBE (11:11AT AND ONLY' REMEDY thr 'Oat% Oeuebs Anima. end CONSVMPTION, thelltlN. °ARUN ItAl'efiabt OF LIFE, dimovered by the u cei Dr. Dolma. of tandem, Enelnad,ind Introduced the tithed States mike the immediate eupeihttend ane• °file Inventor. The extrsordhory elm...sea this niedlehm; In 'the cure of Pulmonary Mono% warrants the - demer_iEin I ;ATlttl=o. '„". InUin :n b. th W e t ß in er im t s l7y l rains that Nett railer In vain Don any tttM common mptedlas of We dny„nod have been peen up by the emu diestnjuldmi Pholeinne ne CONFIRMED •AND INOURARLE. The Ilungarion lialeam ham cured, sad wLli mom Um MOST Dr-iP.ER ATE OF CASES. Wit enplane nommen, but n standard •Enslieti•medieine, Of 'pawn aid emablishol name, • • Rear, fondly In the Undo& Pates should be supplied sOil Bohan's Demotion !Wont of LK% not only to oanterast the onasumptive Indeed. of the ennuis, wit to be 11.14 as n preventive inadicina .in all ease. 6F 01166 Cough% Spitting of 1 Pala in the Side Lai Cho% Initedlon and .110811 C M, of the Dos., Brenda* n lrothing. Mak F.C.C. Meta Penal. nod Gomm] Debility, Asthma, Inelueno., Deeply Otoph, and Croup. • • tie BPS in leap boUla% et SI one bottle, with Moe- Bone the the testotuden of Itealtb, • Pamphlet% coniatulas a oar greEnsliati and Loot. cam carlilkkku sod other evidence, shorlos We un edanDed inert, of MD Coat Paistinh Rooted?. may Is • • oltied of the DAVID P. IS A RTMV S = "4 .4;n I . fat the COMO States, 119 On street, I . l:Went. - • T. W. DYOTT k SONS. Clewed Wholeole ArenW, IL N 0.121 North Second street, Philadelphia. • ~lc by It A 1 , ..% !INES I OCK 0., Co. corner or N nod Trout meet, inyb - ADZES Who Dre;Ctintripan Pieintred ate Loften not aware. how frightiolly-martous 1 it to the skin! how coarse, how, rough, how /altos, t el'ow. and unhealthy the skin appears eller 'using prepared chin.lleistilcs, miurtuur a couning•latgasoraw lily Of lead. We have prepared st bounuful segetattle article, which we • rail •JONF'hA SPANISH ,LILN %VINT& It is perfectly innocent. being purified of all deleterious qualities; 01111 it imparts to the skin a mau ls!. healthy, allthaster, clear, limey ar the mate num erring as a. coma... on the elk in, limiting it "'I nod eincetn. Dr. lamer A11an.... Cif.st of alarm chumes rays: "After analysioir Jervis Ppsnish White, I find 111:111.ae.tal the mow heautifoi and natu ral, at the same time tituoccus white I <see saw. I certainly can convicrWooely recommend its ore to all whore skin reouireit beautifyiug.” ice Scents a hag 0.21,1 2 y 1V M. JACIDsON, at hie Boot and Shoe Istoie.im 1.1.11 i-street, heed of Wood, at the styli Of he NVII.DP—'.II should be ..I.ll."nt.hrhcit and made known to the public?' Thus war the earees sion of on old man who tried th'ethyritp Prresseaust r irebruaq I. 1147., m t. pr o mo t e—This may Certify that being afflicted with s troublesome rough sometime( I bought a bottle of atorminls Conch iryiap, and .am happy , to lay', aner psing it. my rough is entirely, oared. -I pointimace your ,h :Syrup the best mcdicine4 hoes, alrer+P.l. No faintly should he without WM Weldable medieroe. DAVID IatdROBERTS. Allegheny City j iErTltis medicine ia prepared krholmale' iddretail At the Drug :Rom of • I • JOHNID !DORGAN Wood street: due door below Diamond Alley Price cents per Waite, • - • ' ; ' ; fent TilE 1110083811 neatly dyeing LiAbh,Red at. Dray. Hair Dark Brown or Muir color, without dyeing or Injuring the skin, 1014.willt fall directions /•.rice SO cactu s m.sl, a bottle. hhheld by wm. I ACKSON at kfiViiient 1 c Witt lore:W NI LibenT steel; ah . j. W . V. t ; $"" op op li•Big Wm; • • Jirt CA•L. disease. Dr. Rose's LINIMENT, far all caste. of weak- '• nescor pain, and a complete substitute rot (lister;: 1/r . liege's TONIC 1111XTClia, an olidlihio cure for chile and Deena, and Malted is own: lit a speciffic for-fevers of all kinds than bath sr qui nine. . Dr_Roire's INCONIPARABLE VkIR RICE, norm, is used in Pieferebee too b . , other Ve. outage prepara ion. • Dr. Roan a 'TONIC ANTI-DISI'EPTIC, for all • diseases of the Stomach and bowels, China in fectiont, dre - 'Poo high an encomium cannot. bit passed on the merits of this medicine, its cure Dispepsia, and all diseases that resat liom Weak ness of stomach to bad digestion. Dr. Roar's FEMAI.E I *IA S, a root valuable remedy for thou general complaints to which fe males are subject. Dr. lion's. ALTER.kTIVE. PILLS—' - .No pill ever before tattered the publican happily combines the qualities el a 'ultimate molicine,as an anti-dispeptic, • LIT ER or Stomachic pill, correct- - ing those diseases, and thereby preventingcons _ sumption. A ydon g , Lady di 'yearn of age, having a diseased liver for some time, her strength pros trated anti appetite gone, eras completely saittired in ail weeks by the use of the Anti-dispeptic ruts. tureand these pills alone.' Dr. Rose's CH RO NO-l'H Eli ffil EL STR mrrii. EN ING PLASTER, for weakness of the back, side, breast: Ate. Dr. Rote'SSPECIFIC EPILEPSY,themoat ter- • tain• remedy for allures of Site or Convolsions„ whetherin infanta or adults:. So certain a specific - is it for this forvoidable disease that the most !ea states, caries, and those too of• Icing ataniling, htore yielded at once. Df.RosetißllEllifilATlC MIXTURE—After maw,' yearsof diligeurresessch lb.. compound was discos rind. sod items. failing efficacy places iis efficiency abort , all others for thecuie of Rheumatism_ • Dr. Roses-ASTRINGENT Coffit POUND. ea certain remedy for Spitting blcwd, indeed for diicharges of blood whether foam Lune , bowels on.adier ram of the Dr. Rose's SYRUP far Chafe:nod Iloorl complaints —This mixture will effectually toe bowelcmplainis, Dysentery,Clualeraffitarbus„nad Cboltaa At dm male the Asiatic Cholera was raging in Phalwielpiiia it ws. Manila be the mairieuccessful in. ern...tots cOing nine tenth's of all those the used it • Rao toy he *aid of our of ahem rescedles• way to sod of all; their setae will only be speocialied those who try them. Letters from those who have been cured of 'cannon maladies that affiict the Mane' body might be given, , but vse ate militi to Dia ate mama, the merits of the compounds. Eve have panacea for Serofula, in he ali n g us forine.sei iaildensed and efficacious that its tooling power has astonished many. A ease of Cancer,oe erring in the wife of ibe latetiovernor of Delaware. was completely third in a - few months. The cancer had teen Mine cut out by prominent Surgeons. and renewed itself with ancreased malignity. yet not the debility of Conga°, Ilatillat removal at the soft pans, the use bf Me• Pro. I hylaetio completely removed every ,sutra of the Caso innumerable of the VartaUF Cara , Dist have followed the use of these remedies are in nor roses. sion, but it is net deemed necessary to eitumeate them as the ithe of them will seem:linen( tonal ; it , ul. t J. S.CHOONMAKER, Co.. No al Wood Strart Arcata far Pittsburgh sacral!, piOsT AsTuuNnfivc,. Jiiie,c,v glaMiracle'!' r—A Bleating! A A %Voider!! —To cure 'Eruptions and Itisficarn inentriti the OVnt, PirrpleaFreekles„Sunburn, salt Rheum, Praivy, Porn Meat, ice &r. • Fear years ago last' August, the ispitrn Fiance Was afillaandlad hr conattitiebre Of a Litn.oet ay made by am Italian Chemist. Many doubted—it seemed :Amp.. an impossibility thin anything made by.itot hand. of UM. could have sorb'gingivae pnwett ea that.t.latterti by Antonia Veprini for his invention. Mau, cladaed him end his location as v humbug, fandyttn.... roma. foolish stemma wolaut trY mg do the t , ittOr.l at length, atter Ditung Win hottp . itata; the tha n Aatettl iety of Pans (die ben chemists fn the war ittidt.4 rd. e the f llowing wow to signet Vasprinii •• owe/awe now minutely and earelally v.:smiled the singular sneention or Veapritti. We have v maw lea se component parts—we have used it in sesete eues. and we lissom not to pronounce it (the lialan th.euteat Soaping a great lessi. anil i uly oineo - u! rent,. 4 tar any Vataa b eou• ent ng itnatt t dollen. l ttee of the skirt-' Its inventor weeansider the no ptsabitieptit of aufferius mankind. ' •. (errata) REAI) THIS; 'Flom the inventor biotic!! to-the prevol Proprietor. Yon,. Nev. E. ISM Inconsideration of the sum of barge. red to Mr. T.•Jonee, residing in the - city of ,eei York. N. A., the whole proton. of lu.ufartoth.,, iegrther with a stdternem of the ingretliirtnYeeninpo.me 0.1 ion Chemical Soap. Ile is to inamtfactore tior rat thiallnited States only, and to home the pool :rsv of no thing it "Jones' Italian Chemical :Soap: . Witness: llefty J: liohlswerth: • ' iSignetly ANTONIA VKSIIIINI OOP-Sold by W JACKSON: at bin Patent Ale.licine %%Rieman., Sill:Amoy street,' head of 0% vml, ot the sign of the I.llk Mont. lan • The only place in Cittsbanch ahem the GENI/MK can lin obtained. AS other. ore CO.terfe.l • kg ORGAN'S CELEBRATED INDIAN LIVER the cure of Liver Complaint, and all diseases:arising from the Liver. In sick head. echeond as a purgative and Antistlilious Pill, cur. passed by none. • STlll'7Oll5 or A DISEASLD indamatioa,o l the Liver, when not the consemTence of awaeste attack of the disease, begins generally with symptoms of a to netiiinal ili:Mder attire tire' and binary organs, and sly •pepma irequently enemy to he theonly affection prevent. 'I ho patient complains of irregular appetite and irepiireif powers of Memnon, aridity, flatulence, slight chofic occamonal novae& and vomiting, and a slight dull pain and weightora felt in the eight side. iccompa, med in acme cases with:a dragging pain in the tight shoulder. Most commonly, however, no distinct pain Is experienced in the reg,ion °LIN, Liver, except :when firm pressure is made on this 'part— The bowel.. are .always very irregular. eruditeness being ccmmen to some instanies withdlarrhneathe dischargen scanty, dark colored offensive; slimy, greenish oferitiddy. . O ne of the moat content and characteristic •symptoms - el Chronic Liver Com plaint it a dry; harsh. constricted! state a the skin, a short aq cough. with slight difficulty in breathing' is a frequent attendant un this data,,,. lethe .chronic as in the acute form of this disease, the pa. tient can seldom rest as easy on the lea as on,the sight side. As the disease advance., slight fevers come en towards evening attended with a horning heat in the palms of the hates add .oles of the feet; the nights are restless, and when the innintaation terminates inaupparation. hectic and rapid emacia tion consume the vital, powers. Al r •• • - 'anifactured and sold wholesale m 1 1 ,62 1 111 _ JOH N 1). blOßGAN,Dieggiat, Wood aireektiosbutch. • - - IC • MAGIO:MRAICIVIZI IKPAP—Vot Teich. / clagGreate spot., Slain/ r Melia 11•Clic-CiihOicci 'Woiilk Carpet.. a.., le._ L fCcaccica toe cicnc tiiEPPlietg clear, bright. hew, and 'Nalco. &I'd with fall directions Yelec 23 (OM a calm llLTSchatirWarliiitiCelON,PiCtilberty , licet, /tic/ al Weald; at his Boon.aci/ Shoe scare, opt of thc 4 LEOP01.1)
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers