E29M:I . SODA/Z-1 3 UM. INtlierin A esgrit• Di bbls . mall Loaf don . • A bbla Crdabed . ,: 00; 1 tree Clarified , do: 3 bhds N. O. do: • my 1 For sale by J D WILLWUS &CO :SACCO AND CIGARS— ONOO) /DN. San., Pnneipe Veg . 's; 10.1Nalltd qualify do 5.010 Realist do; 2 ',54041 , 111.,eaf Cigars, In'qt braes; le nji Saw lea's 11. Plug Tolokeeu; • bas He wleit's 16s. Lay* a4a Ju.t re...rived:mil Car sale rem low by my!, NILL4 Ra PICKET-01 10 do ale /bnalds' 5 eo Titmopson's 4 , 4 •I•• Canntis th lxuarN • JuAl...er.red and tor vs, ••r, low by en) 1+ F VON BONNIIORST &CO _ - 1) A CON— 5 ea -k• 1 4 1654.; 4 du tionin tt do Shoulder, 4 do o•ensted; just received sod for totted F r VON BONNHOILST re CO 0 t NUR lES—I loos No I Lard. su come slopping f shell Di y t do. Dry Yeaebes: I do Fiaaared; du Berated.: 11 do Framers, Now iand Ism riessoer Nasaville. and far Ole by IssAlisH DICKEY & CO roy3 _ pater uld trosst NV litt..ll4,l:zolin::zu 10,141 II it, 15 and Hall); 6 do 14116 and 1.4010,• g , goiging and for talr hi or 2.1 /AMPS DALZELL iiiiteflCcermg's double rerd Loan ow, Lovering'. era •zed Loaf Sugail Refinet y I Loaf Sada', No 7; 1.111. do lm do do No 4: 0 ... do On Pulverized Baoar, I kin b.. 1, ev t a do do. No 4 do do do. do; For .66. tie mein MILLERh RICKETSON tyt6IEDNEI , VItg Al .6 2111, Ci a 6...1 Double ReLned gi ao do, No Y. ..u1,.: 40 No 4, No 5, 15 Lat. Poora -tett, no hand and for sale by III.11,:1115051 & CO myYi Agent• :or St LAoui• Steam i!oyal OIL 151.1 c— Salad (111. laliPeed 0.1, \ ' ' r if;nlbr NY. do; No. I and 2; lay 9. For .1, JO EL MOHLER PALS TS. and—ie d. Ve , unitan Rod; d; ants!, ; • 2 L.OO, roved. (Mamma; i do roaplo , a , "; do Laumblacti to Mora and for .olr I.y m)O4 /JEI. MOHLER if vl./ 81000-5 1 1 , 1 , pouud Lump Ly nealrargh o- J. t. 00 do do . , Reertvril in 21nre en con,drornenuand far sale by ,niza L B WATERMAN h17• , ...7. No I ['rimmed btKad; s oo On boa, Inspected. Nn 3 Lance &lockout; fur saie by EDLIPD IIEAZLETON __lmo Id East side oflbS Diamood , 1) ICU Cin t. Quinine; - • el Patina; e i. 0111..; • comic Acid; is, Acid; loilac Iron; jutti•recaidad abdrisi nettOONMAKER & CO _No S 4 mood west - ' DERE W 1 ,1". IND OR ANDY—"For medkinal and ,1,1,11•.' 711 burpones, and to be woad in We Art. " ja.. rt - V• ...; from New York, and for sale by E SELLERS. E. wood m DINO-fp.. a Marker.); • r . TO, ..a do: • ba• twrtmg; for sale by not . a WI. 'h M..)A N OLES , earwoodk sate, Is Cart...rata , Tenn...me cotton, - - tack• Ginseng; received per Rto Grand., and for able by bet 19 ' h 1 ALLEN kCO poUCHONO TElk—Y9 hf chest. `Chelan" Pow raping lea, notch..dine and for rale by my .9 MILLER! RICEETSON HEMMING AND SIIAI3 33 idols No I Ilaluntore Ilerned. IS Ode No I Phan, btr rat by tur 9 MILLER 3. OICRETSON poTestitas, 14c.-9/3 cake Potation'. 34 cake Scorched Sedun_•, " --• ••:' BM:ALEN & PMITII F- ii,r,ing.;!e bzma„ " ; 3 913 c 7.toAI.EN 4k. _ .• • • LI~SEND C IL—WM.Is in firm rate order, reed and lo• 11 U,. mdr woo to elope a coor coment. by mite •- R' GALW G Vv'7u47°M — . k e?1,,:,„.,„ 8 2.bs mill IZA a agrr i -.R B.:mos—SOW lbs essilt.edy[ t:ALtE'AY • forte No Commercial Ross, Liberty st. .% ILO-4 1101. and I stand. now landing limn 01¢ Wyountr), and 10, sale by I DICKEY &Co 10. wa.cr rnd 107 from au OUCII6-5-16 hf Ole). Clndan, flog Pr ninsrd. for r.de by J D WILLI/010A C(). 110 anal. rt QTRANIDOAT FOIL BALK-F!e•eo-.fzteenth. oof the t.eartt oat RINGGOLD for sole. For tom. ke . apFey et ntytstf FORSYTH fr. DUNCAN'S. DOCK POWDER-2S kg. Rock re.rder.Risce .1.1. Co , mile by- I DICOV IS k how Co ate .. e d tar cuewmen, at the Mostar F'"VIII6ES ALCOR,V T) O a ) :L 4 7. MI7TTEIt . —5 bils F i. fe t lh w .rtAatorTF.RM e an A d ,s 3 11,aie ay tat% MULAtSFA—N, ,b I . r s f I 13 WILLIAMS tr. CO a Pure; n i vlrd ' l4 & co E LESD kg. U. 3101. A ISICI—A (rot Itblo on hand and fl 0. W.- to cam. n otoar.gnin , nt. by en T2l 1.1.7 , 11 4 lIIITCIIIBOV & C'O EtttrlSE MULTI FLORA ROSES— a a, • Tara Shrub. just reeelsed _for Sale by _Ssl/.: CIIMESE—IOD his Latta Chem. in. for salt by myat WICK & bItCASOt. $' Li 1-50 11 good rder. for &die 111,22 WI o CK & SIcCA MVO., IL 310 X be:l:store and for male by rnyet WICK k bIeCANOLES,S I F T :j a ?t o :l , n t nod Spit. Facto Filth c97 I ° IhODES k ALCORN _ _ cloana Ccr:teiFsga7d—c?oe'aer'.7.4o.te and WiTeear: t0r7,1 , I. mill WILIAM IL ALCORN G ° ' Eft—r. t7l:ts 1101 mrll;eVirfra K all4 Ss? 0:1 0. Nli6 Y — a" °9 217,1 , 51" th stteet RI n ?M . D. n iters ;I:d al :ones, nosh ft ground " " " 1171 O d t:; b & I , I; RN mylit Nn Y 7 Vieth meet - DADS WANTED -Couniry Mixed Bogs m em LA ed. for which :a, 4lo..Strner In Cambs.!' be poid --TIERS I ti.nt LLINS npl7ll Finn acme, is lone Starke. PADIS OIL Mt% 191'15%, jitiit 't receive! and fei sale by EII:LULLS PAPRIL Pll.l. LORNA-1M Papers, met d I E BINA,ERB OTTL Pt , routs. , Lt. B .air• al tit Gnats per O g re be ottns - saLees oPiUm-1 ru in prime, jiret ~aired and for snit hy :MD R E nELLERM DLAC KING —1 bbl., re.*iv (.*.l* , I) nr,2l ft SELLERA Cil6/511E-1) bag now landing . . (co sate by , yrs DICKEIF co iia Y AP PLUS ANDPYACHYa tor sale b) alyls IS .1/01 DICKEY k CO C OO(1F1811-5 on.kn Codb•ls tot sale by Gt.) MORCIAIK &CD 'DOTTER AND 1 , 1 . 2.1.00: 1 1, rorrivingana Corsa' 0c.2, J Da LK ELL TIRIIKEI POACH VS —SOO boa. in more and to InEtt. JAS DA LZELL - . ... -- , 0 ILLS-3U I•: • Gentnne German I'M, jam ff....ea ..L. •nd :or sir '•> . IMA UN & ILEM.R. nonl -. --_ _____ rnfldnerty.•nd 1. , t Clan' m• ---------___ G --- , ALCINF;I I AUNIELSI/L—S case., bcti goal y. M Am. rect .ved and ;or *ale by eityll DR A UN teIIF.ITY:R -,--- - (3 ° Ze Fbly'g—''"::Xi""""lwAZlf..itat'..7..a.l.l° F • • • • A XS MD -.V I. air . , ia stirr i, a;d , t r ir A Zlk doi .104 I~INTAIENT- - s gm.. 0111i.b,•• Ointment saleby ouyl9 J SCHOONM AKER k. C. WI!? I . I:PPETt 40. D CLUVFS, jet re". 1.1..df0r .ate roylD MILLER & VI.:KKTSON WHITINU-2ti BLIs of ittprr;4l2rolia , R fc , V V sale by my” • URAU 30 ba.c.Tenne.sfebiZrAr LI CO 1 - 111.1:1C SE-76 boxes Cheelic:7Atat, ki • urs Ca,r114,0 Mee; foraaJ kyR CO And for babe by . CC"1:13-1.'" N POLYDEXTER & Co B4Cd b m 0:;1 0 bla Shoulders and Bides, lust ea b to)I3 'j BIDWELL, Agent. NV ...Oa ree D OTAAO—m otsk. let Dorm j uu ree'd and for sal 2n I J C lIIDWELL,24 / OP V E: • g;ili - t - o . t. 7 ofc for We IT' 117,611E1:R 111) UP' NICA7_II•FOOT 0111.—lo ebb. for sale br .3.. MYERS, if UNTEIIf.So . VlT—eto bur. Ileted Apples, for se/0b F my'? IReb LltsH *. REM NPfl'T UPZILPINF. 1111111T11,of Wien MO. pettolar otzt-t, (rca No 1 to !loft—N.ll toceionl ono for We • my , . • F II EATON •pIDANT ST.UPFI4—A arty large. ssoinmerd Roan. l'annoen Studs. an band and :of an% an fUIACIELIITT & Will rE BACON-3).411b'. prime Coutmy Con dun reed and for ..i•• hi, ENGLISH a, BENNEIT 1,1 V 7 - No favfladst er t F ug H-10 O. Nal MIL Ilernog; NO3 Lorre. Sl , .latch io la, 7 , 01 ..o; 1u o,ur No I ibu For ICc by rny2l •1 D WILLIAMS & CO BEEBE —Ol,O Haperior W. B.; Ibt sap 0•Bo; foe .010 by Y 22 JI) WILLIAM: I k. CO.llO wcod .1 LISE ed SED OIL-4 Oa for web on 22 WICK h McCANDLMS MA.Pfg' huu" - . 15,14t,t1;=4„ MADDan-F wrbyeoterkb. ml:2 MILLI?R& RICKEOY VLAXIIMED bbl. iu more and (at pale . ' 1.111.1.F.14 ric, 1 klailatiote, i re , ; , , , i 4 1,7:; y ,N AILOILICILEL-100 MAN No 3, Larg; 160 Id bt,lt do; to aniv0,,..1 Po sale by mytt /MIN F 'MAY COMMERCIAL RECORD. PITTSBURGH BOARD OP TOADS:. COMMITITI.: FOR JUNI' ECAROTRIERS. yrs a. Hal, CNNIG Orrica I . IITNIUMGN tirtNlTt.. S3iurdity Morning, June 3 The Rivers ate receding again. Al dark last. anteing there was 7 feet water in the charnel. Floor—The Telegraph being broken throughout. verterday, the business community were cut off front all communication wilt/ the East. At this particular time anthill... , could have happened more union', mMly for business. The market fell as flat as can well be coicetveil. The first, and thus far the only loreiga new., was viewed with more suspicion as menu= to tom it over in their mindri but nothing appeared on the surface or the market to chow any change from the close on Wedoviday. The receipts were very light. A sale 01 130 bbls from al hands, at 56,75. We bear, also, of a contract closed on Thursday for 1714 bbls—one straight hand—delis• noble ream the 3d to the 10th of the month, at the same figure. There have been alien to sell at the nme, and freight engaged at $ - !_t• bbl. No him nos of consequence can be expected until we hare par ticulars of the rews. Market for Wheat unsettled Further receipt, of Saternius; the market is now better supplied. Bayne will do nothing in Cotton till they bare :he Lumber for Cabinet Maker'. me, is escemiiely mane; and will fetch good prices Cheese is lower—wiles some 50 has new at he: Cordage has gone up ho P lb higher—we annex prices: la Rope. Da White Rnpe ...cod 15 cont. r+ ...cot Ili •" ....coil II ...coil 10 . ...hoe 9 —coot mattizi ECU CORI.S. • 2.5•An54.50 coil 15c ........coil loc PI.OOOH LINEN. River freights are!•carce end low. The St boats ore takieg Laraber. Wool does not arrive very freely yet Some .5.1 . / f+ooo Its good and clean .old at 101 l prices, cam to Prtn.e Bet 'less Cattle, or stock ol any kind in the yards on Thursday. Calves are plenty. Some prime Sheep sold at 5! Is head. Some further sales 8210 Gilts at 5.1.,50 5. be. Rye is scarce and granted at 47042. c. The Penesylvanns left yesterd-y for St Louis with several hundred immigrants. and movers from the east. all bound to the fertile Wains and valleys of the far West It was one of the largest trips we bye seen for a year,• in every respect. • Freights hare noon so high on the canal that be• sines. men are beginning to use the railroad. One produce dealer 'yesterday made arrangements to have 30,130) bu or wheat brought (rani Buffalo h, railroad at 8c r be. This is he cheaper than the dame! rates.—[Rochester Democrat. A writer in the London Times 1138 compiled the following estimate of deficiency in the grain'crnps of Great Britain, for the year ending September I, Ifi47:— Winery . annual defieiency . .Loirs ot potatoes in Ireland. value XI AUX), 000, to be sn9plied by ruin, (a food of double cost of potatoes) value 21.000,000. representing, at :As ya qr 9 =1,0 , 0 Loss of oats in Ireland. stated by Mr La. bouehere to be the crop. 0r..., Lon of potatoes in England and Scotland, say one.tentb only the loss In Ireland. on I, 00100 Lros of onto in Scotland and Eng1and....1.000.0 tl Loss of barley in the United Kingdom.... I Ertra seed for increased cultivation of srain I.eduei economies made by stareatron and noo-leedtog of pigs Total deficiency 16,019.1A0 Nloney value of the deficiency at 31,' qr.. 13 Mlolri3 TOTAL RECEIPTS AND sny: corroN Al the Shipping Pons, from Sept I, w dale Receipt.. ' Stock, UM 1846 1847 New Orlealm ri724t6 1001499 194545 :22780 Mobile 318030 41447: 1464: 92743 Savannah 2 . 24979 1378g7 85199 Chaileston 3:3014 `•10530 56831 53794 Florida 107%1 125217 311170 31613 Texas 6V17 550 Virginia 10100 Min 1100 Nth Carolina 6.5613 764 67:' , NO Total 1076.17 19ti18610 541893 5'4380 Total receipts of Cotton at all Ports, from `opt. I to dates, balance of the sateen and total— Pieta to dote. sutisequently. Total crop. „, 1817 ....... —1767531 18 1.922,6;0 i e 1141.;r: ":115.6:4;dU 444: 144 1,891.91t' 138,007 2 CCO . 80 1813 ","48,1106 • 1314.4, 1.319 463 1842 las.ses.: 9533 1,884:011 841 ....... —1.461,306 173.639 1631915 1840 110 q ,5560 ' 8 19/167 • 2,171.635 IMPORTS UV RIVER CINCINNATI—Per Monenger—eJi bbl. who; toy, J Gnst-40 do, R Moore. l'er Germantown-7 pcp, G Nettle un-53 htlea cotton, Atwood, Jones & co-34 clans bacon, Ale i'aden & co-400 bos ballets, Cant {looter—dr:4So whiskey, W & M Mitcheltree-77 d0..1 Parker—' 61 de, Scott & co-2 Mole lard oil, 2 bn., M Coo mum-2 pep, H Mole, Poindester & SUNFISH—Per Rhode leland-2 tin bacon. I k 4 lard, 4 Wide tobacco, Et Dalsell & er.-57 an, 1.11. bacon, 23 bbl. Soar ,IJ Leech & bbde tob,c, thrihato-71 do. 59 bbl. Acmr. J A Iloc—LUl Robison At co-45 do, lln.h Itedel,) G A Berri—• DM do, T Lin le do, order. Per Hodson-2 lihds tobacco. 11 Isbell & rn— IS gel. wool. D Leech & co-177 b'd. dnur..J Dal. sell-125 do. Ilatoson & en-355 M Wollmg riard—YS hhd. tobeeco..l A Roe--100 tibia Il :or, b M'Clurksn At co—l htid bacon, Allen & no: BEIVER—Per Besver—l peg and ✓9 bee rale., s.R Dalsell & eo—H has cheese, Inekey A cc . - - —?.I do. Wok it IWCandiett-4bbls cider, to do bbl. Muth, oweer—O3 bta tberse. 1 .4 . . ... .. . notchings, Baploy eir, Smith—le NI abb to:opn, D Leech . dt. co—tot lombor, J NI .ty-11. kegs but cr, ti M Ilarton. . BROWNSVILLE—Per Louts IVleLscie-1 Moore--1 do, RII Palmer—l do, JI. BidweJi—!d bbl. 6011 t, F A Kosoo-50 kegs ostlN,lo ha. i Iron. E Essui-10 b.. glass, Robison B co—tj; do, A Vankilk. Per' Consal—l Ea. Boller - dr. Bro—l bdl carpet. Church IS. Carothent-91 Itch. corn, 4 porLowneLo. ZANKSVILLE—Per Newark—bo bl,de tnbacin, Bloshmo-2 do, 13 do - h.con, 4 sek. rags:, do fath er., 2 do peacher, I do d apple., 3 keg. hoar 1,'16 lard, D Leech Ken-340 bbl. door, A NI Wallsno. fonl-10:1 do, J C Bidwell-7 aide bhcon, 'fiefs & O'Connor-4 do, 41 Grad-1 do, 17 krgs lard.,l. Watermao-3.: ticks apple..? had. h•scon,COurcbt4 Carothers—l4 as oat., ttl do corn;s3 do pra.ors: STEUBENVILLE— l'er Wilmiogtno-70 .ble• Boor, /Whiten & ea-834,13.d.. o hat ; Blrgham .cka wool, B Mite helt—t3 Lai:. bran. C 14 ! ,o • aldano--104 fire brick, Itoloaon K M.h.,—Y.l.l)l•Gml P. kip eogs, owner. BOATS LEAVING TIIIS DAT. LEECII & Co.. PACKET, and Baltimore. 9 P.M. •BROWNSVILLI PACKETS at" a. rd. and ' 3 •BEAVER PACKETS at 9 and 10 a sr and 3 r •MONONGAHELA CI'T'Y PACKKTS, 3 P. A. •NEWV ENGLAND. Wheeling, a. u. •NEWARK, Zaneaville. 3 r. r. •31ESSENG ER, Cincinnati, 10 A M. • "TRENTON, St Looid, 4 r. as. •SABANA K. New Orlmna,lo A. RI. "CAMBRIA, St Laois. 10 a. aa. •GLASGOW PACK ET,,Glasgow,.l LEAVING SUNDAY •NEWTON, Cinci.osti, I •BEAVER PACKETS at A. •BBOWNSVILLE PACKETS at P. M. D. LEECH & Co'.. PACK ET. Baltimore. 9 P. M. •TF.uc are regular Packet. PORT OF Plll6ll El= - - ARRIVED. Beaver, Hoops, Beaver. Consul, Bowman. Brownsville. Bake Erte, I lompbtll. Beaver. Louts McLane. Bennett. Brown Rambler, Haughton, Me Kempor Palo Alto, McDonald, Bearer. Caleb Cope, Pre England. Eblmrt. Knob lamed. V a wton..,untioh. riewsit. !lord. Z l O.lllll, blaze Newton. Mmon,Cincinnat Germantown, Maclean, Ctn. DEPARTED. B .Hoom, Bearer. Late Erie. Hempbill, Beaver. I Conant. Bowman. Brownsville. Lams Ale Lane, Bennett. Brow ' Palo Alto, MeDouala. Lkmer. Bainbler ilauebton, Mon. City. Caleb Cope, Stole., • Hodson, Ebben. bunGth. D... / ..tch, Nelson. Monanrahr Clipper Ne 2. Crook.. Ctn. pennaylvanla. (Ira, St Lou,.. . - RTISTS COLORS, CANVAS:AIt t A(real lot a Uroand C0 ,.. 0r In to Oils, K ann.—For nolo by In{ STEAMBOATS Regains Bray.. and Glasgow Pocket. m at .The t lev and law tonal. anal oat CAL.6I CO 4 t,. . Skso'e 4. .a.tter, built eaprErat) for th.o. trade artil run . u regn'ar Tonkel.. lira", and litatauw—leavi9a k . burgh dally da , l, at 3 o'clock.), v: and 5ti.111111, ,,, .1.... tinouttt of Sandy and Ben, r Canal ,on 31°1%0, WPel t:. and FrJ.lny. For rand or pasaaar to Warr r New Lon. or the tow. W.Va.nd Nook of New I.a.bon. apply on Ward or to jeS S .k. it lIA NBA 17011.11 wood ktri, . _ . FOR 14')VIS —REG , ULAII 1 . 21 , 10-7. The 11 , tx• and e!rgaut Park. :rave u• abovr 4255TAT . L . ,61 4 ° Mock ilo•even.ng. June Sih. Fnr feetght or pelaage app y on Imaard. FOR Nl-.W oa I.F.ANS-01 ItEt7l . . The now and rp'end d mean, , SMIANAK. Mello''... nt.mer. .11 le., on ntard” morn.ng Juno 1.. no 10 a olock.♦ ie. For ir&eia or nn•ange only on hoard. joy •____ VOR LOUI,VILLE. °'47 ThP .tauli,ll..ratr.t.oll 3 H, ,E 3 ' 1 ._,.—_. / , --4 *Alon,ai evems.g. ~ r ee 7 h 3t ' l ' o • ri.,47r ,-; - FO , nentio or poninee annlY on boon , ,5 FOR Cl NM %ATI —REGULAR r A , RET The anon! and llRo.olll , clrt . . . GERM Aai I ONN, _ Maclean maw,. wad leave for 11, a. ove nor no Monday team tor—lune 70.104 o'clock For freavht or pasvnne spina on bean'. jes DE A VER PACKET. The; fine' summer PA LO A LTO. 1 maiMcDonald, miner, sett` run regular, lk-Dveett Pirprburat a , ..1 Berry, I.n place or h. reamer Nltehlon I lea, mg Brayer every morning it I t o'r , ock ...d P.ltsburgh every afternoon at 3 o'clock. For freql.lur p..agr nr.Pl) . HEED, PARKS k CO, As.. !leaver J 01IN A CA I:Ci t i EV, Agent, e l.lm Cur Water and Smithfield at.. rtnnburgh FOR CINCINN.ITII - REGULAR PACKET. 'the fine and mnunch ...earner &,...„7 2 11,._... PACII.IO. Er i1tt .. ...• Campbell, m. 0., will Ina, for Ow i-1 , 2ti3".. - x-tiat...e port itn• ...nom, lone :Ittt at 4 o'clock. For tr , tab. or pan., apply on ward. ,•.6 FOR 'ST. LOUIS—RI.:tSI . e.AR rAcKEr. 'I he new and clap. Pack 0 matTR, NTOS. W“,dirtird, mane, n...;1 I,ave tor Me pan on Swarth.. June .1 tz at :I o'clock r M. For iren,b: or pesnay, apply dim board . _ Ira . .. • The pear, &nth, eneine pa.enger • tamer AIWA RA. 11) , negla only 15 inehe..) Copt r'ox. will knve nn Mondo y. the 7.1, ,n•lnni nt 4 o'rlovk r. . for Cincinnati and interrn.dlnte port. nod wtit perform her p• ret,ul.l:, our,og she low water ,troson For ireighl or p.snge apnly on henrd ~4 FOR bT. LOUO...—oittt cr he sr, ilt and •pirnd.d r. sclar racket CAMBRIA. aF a• above. n June .stl..nt 10 o'cln,k. a. al For f.elchl nr oaktagn apply nn oand )r.5 R *GII.J.AII CINCINNATI 1.011. PACKET lite new and splenglkd steemer TRENTON. Woad mnid tooter...ol leave a. alMvv ogulat4 diroughoul we.e.on For e led PI app:y en linntd. The fine and .I.11(11 Vett draoglt shooner Arr.,. moo, will lea, ag gulativ throughout tbra•oti Flo ltright 1 , 2%.1%, eitro on tottaid FOR CINCINNATI The rlt ganErtml sari Parkri AM ERICA. CAlhouti ‘33,i Ira‘r mguinr:v Itroutt.out frr,ht or paa3ace 1,11.111,1 .1-1 , 11 ST WI:IS—DIRECT. •teunrt a, .1 ,-a-ani NORTH CA 1201.1%.1. Deveurle, mac,. ay.ll irttv, a• thrnughnut the For fret4ht or 1•a .ate ;4, •0 0, Una , d st 12 PR.) OtiA 1.•• sap: on ,e 00,1 nt the Odle.. of the James' River and li•nossita Company, .1 Ittehmon.l. Vs...t; .. the lath Joli neat, f a the co atm, aid of three woo,. a am• acme , . Janina' Raver ott .1, C,. , 01 the vu a Mona: helin, ea I ior :Moo and the, (11J1.101 ol I E. .arum . 0 'Et, fit-1 of sant &cm. n ta he Immo 11 ft Ii el.• and 400 ant Into. and 'o mit,' taltard 1 talicte L.) nolLioirg : times Cnati will I.{. 1115 ll I. giL ay al ay :cat is loop, mai noustted nn .... P et te• it i. eta of Lynch:mom 11 0 mod will I n'olnatt lid II Mel,.. tt iol:Pxl fl lona, anJ • I unit I about 13',ni•e 7: ni 1., en Imo c The :m of old/ohmthere,,,-,. ItIC at ark. nott the aur era, 'ono tr• vs ill lic 'Tutored to he r . ..e. s• blaba• lam teat., level daratP me Preacol ard• ion l`lnt-or potd.a.al a• Ilia yhe ice, anti spec &canons oht•tited ...he Corn:tat , • 'niter In Rtehniord or al Ilic mtt.r.r.r arts 1)d11 Oil 00 11 I tot alasee Li nehl ore. .rt a d ..I •rhal a r . I .' ) . 1 fc . ,'" _.- ~'. } -,..t.,.. , •,....;,• , , - 1 r.a la, ar I , Jam-a 1: ii , a.•.V... , N: , on• tt ct. r ti .1 p i - a. E • dor rattl.Pth NI:, 1 - 1- I NVYI• A. WARD. I.Ie.:IITIST, v.! , lor ire lild or It appl, ott Pratt lor to 1 OAS Remo:rot tu the hou•c ott - l'eno mi 4 1.E.0 It , 111.11 - NIIVIZt.I n Awl ... 1 .41..... .. ,e „ ....... ...,„„ ..„,.. , d . . e , REGULAR CINCI N. NA II VACKI-71 1 .s. im net 1 im Mond loam O'clOeli , , The ever) halo dr•achl 111:d •staulett 1 ! liii•Ordle :77 . 1 . mild :' '. '''' ? a a- ; il ...Wit, ,1irAi.i.11%"... As he t• &tetra, of ttesog condo) ed by of hut ~,, - .U14,..," 1, ' ,11 -too . le t ... 1 n l f; f. 1 . 1 .%e ds- I Mo., whit teal cosi, dantedtom raiment NIIIIOUI the •...e me ....on no, •;; r. v ;Ist P ..• 1, , „.., nit, .. .' n . ..' .i n ‘ ~....' . . negutor Pittsburgh and Zanesville 1 ''' 11 ' 1 ' ',.....' r I zstettat . :act e . el Packet. I or Pal;ns nem; IN to alp. two, vt, A C i - li ..'" •• C ' T'' 11 ' . a' .. ' ' C' i 'flc 1 A : ill'ltl •......' t All ono r oncost on• at toe propArtt.t. . is -ata , _.7...i1, OME T., ' cos , n woo a nococement• are out I-untamed; '"i r ariii - ni - I'ol.' r '" d. "''''` '''' r"" `" • i :al , tad/ 1.: rot. d. red dust Al riaMtte ot the tale- 're tain....Z.r-1-.cel ',Cu , . piatket b-ttrnen Eoldturott . „,„ 0 „,.. . and Zane-vine. Ile ton; has het eaho.• fitted up *ad , 11 ..,,,,,,,„ 4 „ ~,,,,„: „„,..„,, „, i„„, 011 w„ a‘.. form.hed In roper or sts le, the Monte, "ahem the fro it ~ 4 Inpmd... l . n w.ll he mord 1. tl.e ore, ho-4m op. m r5....1....t. 5 , ... p.i. Ps, to; ":''"" n ' t "° I P ' • .Ito. „t,a proper rap •r tor rm., t tat, upl,l latiatfl C•I: OF 'lllih X V•il.t VE 01 nit.l INC kat :ail ll ' a .ill. ' 0 " . 11. \ '' ' ' ; i\ AI. OF Sill. ,tl}.: AtiltAl y, c...1.p....m. Itegtalor. Pit Ishurfilt end Zones , the I ere ,,, •1 0 4 l•olmro.o 1 1,4 6 'i ten ,. e'" 1 “ 1 "r 111 c. Packet. , tv. s .1 of f_.. lea . • • ..1 trona Inla to 1 alto hi cow too TIII: Itch:Pedalo steon, j cmpetod anti • fete es ptit• air aide:, the antl•r•tared , • .., NE , Km, I •st e ms, roe:. tept., berme. teat Mit .ndes trama es &i . ii,,, , iii ae .,, : „ , „,,,,, „„„, , „, , voll pr.,- mc,..1. ot a atilt 1., Ma., olio nisi Poi -..„ ,„. a t.„,,. ~,,1 , ,„, ::„.,„ „ „,, j tne vettol• 'et .. ho , ti • , up , ,.... connected t entt Far me t e,. „, j ~,,,, ~,,, ~ „„ ..,, ~. , iatt, er.:N Me Art. and ~Ciellfr, tor whatever the d• or lo op: ammo fa, that leave I e• . Todd •aetl tr. Pm /a...n010. the Pittsburgh and Sunfish Par ket; I ..t•hier. that ma:tr.:alms. wsrmer ,Ist.ist to the one , - Ih• net- and foot L•entiter , ,_....;t.iotoce to thr detatt• 'II fact. 110 tor d.. 1. rut HUDSON, 4. artm..• or l now I.llge pr o• 1,• ta co. 101 l 4 rmpt• FL'atri. mem., has r•nometl Imr tee- ol 1.•• to.do;,,er eoutora ,- a alt •url• • , tar env re i iEgt . ld , mtp• ortl 111.ar, ct• atil.Arett t op,. ai toe vend. In putt:, 1,1:"•to aor .n thine of ar ahni • err, Tharadai natl Nl°, I ad0..duat.1.1t01110 , 11 , 1111“ , •... day at 3 cienocit,i . M rot fra.sitt nt f. , ....., app',) 1 Comol , 1....e.1. ca; Pin eattre a• lie 0 Intoaltell Al the onboard. ' or i ; pal,attar• pp.., Slim h.,. bp ,1.,,, 3 t imMer plum* to the neer or occon.lorr.y. re.. twi n MA r EIESISS I t 11, LI. /ABETS AND MONA/ , t: %. , loW ..o1 deltvereel free of pn•taa• Int 1. ,, p...... IT lit LA CITY 1..4.'1A:i 1 11110. Antelol for Paotranglt . , The new e ...; ;'O.:'PATCIII, 1 myt4 . . WW IC 1t_0rn4.57 Markel Mee; - p; e 1„.„ ~,,,, ~ „,„,,,„, ~...t „ ,... 0 a I 0 31110.M.1:11"S MUCK PII.N.SS-A.; we tes• tog • 1..• sh.,,st. ev..t, Moods.. n. d CI ...n h'.• now commenced tor ...LAM 11 " , a• 0 , dandily *ad F. telt, „1 1 .1 : J . l lock. A 11 . sod AP; P; .- •.;'•.c.. l v , ber 100,1 'Woo ‘;' e‘l; 11 , 51101 ' 1010 0, hsle -lye very Toe.ent 11, 1) nod Snore., .. ~. ; O r „ A nolUet. a,,A eoher, to th,. very a.eful otoa h.. swoek _., !.1. F o ” I,,, K h t o t 11.11-. see 1 , 1 ,, a t . 1.„. Id . We Poll *arrant II ryas) 1( not Lopermr to •11, oilier /iTS Ilr ea Pre., of Me *toot prtre how ,n use . . 1 1) e 410. n ',limiter of e•rofirdes to them periorn. Allegheny Illvse Trade• more. wo, wean. lon 10110 b tom e for aderrit•mg, MO The fp, ...If,' .1-eml.at ; ..„„ hr bra s , ss , o ,p, nn 36 4 ~.„, j.., ..‘ 1 , : 10 , 1 0 C . . , ~ ~,,,,,,, , , u- tanker ere c•peet fully molted tO etc , it. a ead i. • -.10 / low, tr.. r av,Vl.l. F1V1,111. 1 1, , for he a p enornotone .:" ..-j tL..i.. m '' ^. '.'lend''' V"'''t '' 'ol the Er. Stain itr Courti. tieet• .nr sle oralc an.. trt Imotra•001 Coahurco ; 30,14 1 11cFA DEN a. CO , _ of Frankhn For :r .5111 nr P 1• 0 01 , app.) on 1 051. ~,• , ~,,,,,,, eat.. ha op A 11. 114 •1 - nettlf ..___.. ._ .. . CO- PAETNELtaTIIP NOTICE. .k\ll xr imris rncliEr • ==l )( I 31101 i Ji nut .:141 in. run , ' rs%;.o" [( LK A. A ,y'g -;ii • v,.r. 11, .4.4•..:1. 4 . 4 e lek er• 14nm. May 4 o ' c.oik F 4.4 i,...1: 0, 1;24.44c arr.', on' board BEE= MM=l =MEM . . . ......-..........-- HE.iII.AR i•AcE,.r 1, , 0n r.AsitviLLE ! r • W , j1:1,11:N8 of Wi , .. ,, Jt L F. Sh..eoher• jarli i'./. ger ni 3.,...01n .o I A e.inan 0 , rn.V..lh. WY0.1111Vu• ! 1.,..1.1, e ei en: Inin ro.p. , rtnerta , p and.t ` , V , Cain J >hn i - Itvl•: W.li r r.n.menre I al:d lion a Ntephen., Sn......inner A Co,- .., the her ternlo. ,p• t Ow atm.. pont on i Anrimt lion Wnrice, Wh.ehno V. .1,.. Ih. purroon•l 1 ttttt 1., , thr v. , tn•... ,, t al II,• .• h.. 1111115. at tortng iron and nal. of every deocopnon • JI, For Ir.nelil nr ia...a.. .fin I, ••n 1413 .: i Of to 1 m. 6,7 J N 1 /ll' I'l.Ell A 0110. AO. J . ITTABU 1(611 A. p W iIEF.LIN.• I'AC.l4l.l' T.. 91 , nd..1 and 1.4 c roonang Anti' LAU:4I44 NEIV It:NOLAND, : - .... 5 4.1 " .T.i " . ' '..',, ,ng Pi.l h irtl4 ! ' rv..ry Tu;sdar,l huri4ay ande v S e a t t ) oe M a o y nd . a•ty 10 l ,!v.e:d tooeckd. A , a%I d nd leaving %Vbre4t n Frtdar t 0 o.e!ock. A.M. T.. n ew'N neland ho. t..,.1,.1ard,,,w...,,, 6,, the IFAZ. and ..011rns r re,J.r., d•al.o-,. I I/I .r‘ . .gh , o , ' ''''S' ''''''' ' ' ""11 'r"' 3ollN FLACK, At•ni irbla ... F , ‘ll.l' 'tefil'A' . „. Tr, rie.....L rl. Antlfa•l P:rr - ler isi Ee t . ".......11 , r wict.l..svit.i.re • . yr„,,i, ~„••....7.,i,;!tin..:.• : rrorly tr•po (1..,11., thr •/,..crit 1.,,,, ' i .,,, 0hur0 ~. , Y "..ng al 'l r.'ilr.r I, lc, ,v,ip.rm.• 1 ....,,, evrrtirtz .......r'cluf k r,,, , o.• ~, torn 0.....1 urrlll "Fribrerrt...,llrn Ir t lrr o %r r V:r.ler Gun," r.or 1 , :r . ;.., i 1ri f ' C; ' 7 - 3T.111:1 ' 1 '1 ' l'. c ' rily sir Ow rittro:rrigh • l'irotrf to forrlVr rre'.lli.arsri t.r• rg.ll srlvertF• or, ihr , .put. A AIcII.I.NE. Ag , nl. la;61:1, II l'ACri/71. FIII: , V/A.1.5V11.1,1: M:li eiiZil=l Th.•.l krirr VVILMINGT(. I 4 I , 11 .1 .ievro , oa.oor I'oo• loor.ll over, Morola, Wo.lorr.l nod 1 1 ,,a, .10.1or1. 11 1 11 . losoir.• r l"ojj f lurk. or.ry Tor-010, eo.l rounloy ,For lo , rlO or [...a,: apply on Irrood .1,12 • ItF".l 1.! I.A It 1'ITI,!!1 , .1!! N %V 111:F.1.17“i ' F ait MEIER:SIA ,".o. .t onsaot,ve .r•• ~ ml; 4 , 11,111,11111.11 , 11i1 , 1,501 111., IC,l,vtg I . .‘ talKtr /It r, Wedne,.% Fr;.: 11.21 In n rt.,/ L. A NI levying Wheeling : rry , Tocmlsty.Thut.. l2 l ,•21111 thy, pi t o',lock, A NI. For frogla or papnagr apply on 62.'1 ,pll 1 ‘ A. DI. 3 P.M A M. anti 3 ladelpina anti Kt:fa:LAIL vri-Niirt:( %NO 11it0WN, , V11.1. , : Ti: or ay and 111.1 r , •nti ••criturr ~r4t 11AICLEPI, r ea;,,A,rj4- will ran n rkt.ilrr Foc, iarren the rd., rtner.., long 11nrho,,h r.very rne.rtn,. l'hurollny RIM Moray. II! loo'rtnr!. A. 11; bud I , rowor v3l. ,rery nod.. W..clo..•thr and Friday, or • o'dock. For fre:g!., or ,rn.r.ae app!) Ito I ontri, dreg 11SPIII.ECIEDENTK.11 SVCIMISc. I EAGI.Y. ICE CRY:OI : , Al 4/0V b. .I,.pson week. ocsecrel• of 4,000 risdoo The p oprd..:6sf.eg. wind, thst rtta.rqucnre of the o r e nt acr.. olendint, • stem. worno Incoll engaged:4 kNI,Pd, lIUNTLEY nod MI:It I, Y !won will appent emelt evening tn GRASP II/NCIM r. Frnera banped otrldleC Ttyket., rtesench, olcodt , .11 .4 WI, PDIkT ICU I 4 DAGUF:IIII.I4 51 PORTRAIT ALMA{ V, thorn scree.. Fost..thees hits- Uf hovels. Pa.—Xln. 1 . 11111 Ell!totnm Honor:lTel rc •peetfully In. lad,. • and e oneeonl t•ldgli, end the puhne genemliyon col I 'eAl a ...Mc , Ike large r oneevon of Dmene•rent yc l'oroad. at Ina Gallery. The spee:mens proclurctl he fir V. or h e cole.l , llli.3l. ey, dionnetnesa, mud 01 c oln6rsg are not carpo•ed by any in this collo. y A tatrol,cr ano Fortson. of .•Inzens cop he seen in the thiqcsj. Cale and Inoue tor ynor.elres.' likenesses taken in ar or andy atrr•wet. N, 13,_ino.etions, apparatus Ond Ott rairralc , tar ished Trimsdncderate. W POR rt TVR gaersent) plot: entrance Phdo 11111 rho,r.A.ny. 00 034 as , • nOLIV FIRE II lll R t ß U i jA A ; !T ß l. R :p lig " .V .rn'jf‘oOrTiLle•L'artti::....h:l7ll:: ' • b ' atf," Con ul to J :311.MW NACYAREN —Jum tecelved iies.kwAirrartuffit,i MISCELLANEOUS . PUFILIO Noricar.. 11 Luctrrin' Conatro. May 75,1-17. I It •1 all Wltreormle oha Item' D.ralr.m In Good., 1 Wares, and Merchatltre, being ..Forrign, or dm a grow - h, pltter, or manuramore of Ma Cnitml A • es. • That in aecordauree with the provition• of the ...era', Act. ut the Assembly or thit Coninonwealth. elamif)• mg ruch dealer., it. order ro *omit their Ircerve fee. togerher with the opecrar promarcia or the Acts of 1e145 and '4O. the dealer. ao aforemid in 11l- mreral Borough. and Town hip. evertor. ar the two lines of Parmurgh and Allegheny, in Inc Como,. of AD circa y, me horehy ',rouged, of rArir .rural ct a , chord BCCOM:IIgitO and then an Appeal will he held at th e Corfu or . once. t Sifter in Pa:Mural, upon the Inch day of 1 Me next. at 'J o'clock, A. 0 1 when any Such dealer willrbe beanie T, I. McNIILLAN ' ' Appra)Ms of hlercantile Tait. Borough Brrminghatn. "o MittlinTp. Samuel Plelntosh 14 Adam Heathen. 14 la. Deo Werghlar.ght II .1 O'Neal &Co II Willmar Itiddrl, 14 Asaph Mantle, 14 Adorn Tractor,: II Jame. Riches. 14 Chrrarran Marmon 13 Archibald McAlect r 14 Robert Rohner. I 4 Jurreph Stew., On Co 14 James Fuwerit 14 /amen hlu.ser 14 s ,dram rawer. II J Haley & R Wirrehma 14 George Fewer, 14 Solomon Lenhan II • kl. Flroy Almon Tp S Olgßee &C. 14 Ezra Porter . 14 John 31.11er 11 John Mammon IS 'stet Murphy 14 John Incltle.rer 14 Daniel Berg 14 James Aten 14 1 oung Ilan-en& Plunkcol3 Irobert Sonderon 14 I Solo!, (drug 1 14 Jomph Cooper 14 Maxwell to Alilholland 14 Ohm 'Fp Jame. Harr 14 Died Shield. • 13 Juliu•Swarts 14 Oro. II Starr 14 Da md Prosser II John SleCanlell 14 lame Omar , 14 James Land II J btreL 14 Peoldealp. 0 010001 Rey nold• 14 Daniel Negley 13 Walt= Crane 14 Phloem: Reynold. 13 4 anruel Neal 14 Tloontr. Darirrou 14 Cooled /Craver 14 Thomas lirrhy II 11.1r0elter & Bourn 14 Plum Tr ' Dllliel VIM. 14 Ilenry Chalfant ' 14 Charles linikte 14 Henry Rent, 14 Cconrodrai Beisrotb 'l4 Ilugh Logan 14 1 /Req., &Co 14 John Surnmeraille 14 ' Borough, Lawrenceville. AI/tabour Taylor 14 James Ebel 14 lad Munroe ' 14 Jeremiahl4 Fleming Pene Tp. II Utter, or Uhlroj 14 Johd Shaeffer, 14 John Fraught 14 Ja.hua llault• 14 Mrs. Fuller, (widow/ 14 Rom 'I p. Dora* hlimbrill J Ahaw 14 Samuel sS alter 14 SW Ray 14 John l Welke, 13 Rel•en Dodd 14 , C F Diehl 11 Robinenit Tp 11 11 Tower r 13 \William Gribben II John hloDonough, 13 14 K pnlmer 14 Robert liallormy II ' Snowden Tp. 1101.0,1 Smith 14 II II Morgan 14 stewart Gilmer II John Moore 14 JR19211 Flack 14 Upper At. Clair To Roldwin Tp. Aaron /howdy 14 lobo Connroghatu 14 Ilene Baurmon 14 - flours. p.m. 14 Andrew IfoCand 14 Hart beer Tp. John Pevil 14 la.eph Miller II 1r ersadles Tp. ohn OluStay 14 Jacob Keener It /snob 11Mo:dry 14 Ouch Robin. 14' John Aber . 14 Samuel Stacy .14 Bohan Blare 11 Carrot, Da w soil 14 Jawer Clark II 1 II Crawford 14 JaZIMP Fulton 11 tt ~,lair 4 Penny 14 Eltrathetb Tp. • .s uty 1 !lake, 14 Jam, Polener ' 11 ILO., It lughrun 14 111 reliant Brain 11 A I. Cruru 14 Frans!. To., . John Herr.. &Co II John Coulter 14 Jan, `ten an 14 Dared Duff 14 Jr till erer 14 North and Shah Fa. elm. Bilk.n. Tr. Ceara.. I. Ideal I I %I Black 14 Arra ander Major 11 r•Thurorron II 1V Illraeo Camt 14 11 7. hlrtehell 14 1.1 k A McFarland 14 A Ilorbach 14 10th... Tir. 5.8..1111 14 , pang &Co 14 We-1 Deer Tp. totoree e,on 14 Joseph Blackwood 14 Joseph Couch 14 John AleW honey 14 Jame. McKee 14 Wrlliam Porter 14 JCI7[4IOIITp. Jame. Ore F3Downey 14 I: Pererial 14 ' Findley Tp. Lower tot Clair 'l . p. Alexander Asdale 14 Caleb Karrsell 14 Doorri,Cormer .14 John Inkteirly 34 1100 & (4134 14 1 Ltooey , 14 llnmuch Sharprhurg ThomnsCeoguegan 14 II SO Lew, 14 14 Mrs Willman Fierier:et Loren, lii Nuilsanrel Ilaßenurr • II I lugh Bohm,. 14 Fred-Pe e k Bello II WrErom P A pplecar. '4 %V rlhunt I ttru.th Cormart John shit, J 01 r..thls lk. Day • ' J %ones Mr Done'd ,r wol am MeDonal , J Green' ' l nc.l tilorkmote ~ % 1. 1 1, t , R , m , 1 , ) r ,_. . -- TO COO TRACTOR& II 11 14 14 14 14 14 InyTl 14 No•f I • . I • n E « E F .1iOn•r101111,. 1. A. &roc". SiIOgNBERGER k CO., ANCOOII IRON AVORKS, WhoTrtg. Nlseintacture all kind} of bar iton and a., A It 1,0 etiptic *prints •nd 1, Inq eon uridt Zil..rnt.rtae..• Old Juniata Work•. we ran otra, an •rtii•le of Juniata id (branded yo nber}arj rqual tn - any loadr ul the ri•unlKY• All ni who li W." ho act.. I'itta. , nralipt:l,ll ‘‘ •TriLot.e OM. Sorl.• Nloarne and Wan, atrreta. myll J DITTSDVR E CII AND CONNLLSVILLE It AllAttlAll COMPANY. Mai ;11.1,17 ,"," ¢ , 4lLionar •übrortr,pt 0:11 to the t nt the r.ottlr•urxh sod l'onatl],,l'o Railroad lb, opened at the tat, of tre Company 111111.• city, . tail dray of Jura, at ~ and eon. fe - nre I nitr,lat m day thel.l Julj. tritt he citrale,l ton the tame ony •ant for site on.tei ;rte. NI ust,i followlngplat , rs. r•t at lye. Ket..;.tort under, ,he career.] al Ilugh Rowland and F. NEW:1111 under the clued.on al um. t. I . .arnt; nod /mars r,ardner —at I:mane:WM, under the d.rec .on o( Henry II rickttraue col /lent) W allersr ,n'kflisall under the due,. of I , ey and r‘am . l at.t • J Sec y_, II 10 FLIVI , :11. kJ 19 rrsuutwif ,eiNciNs I, es 1. , duck ul ro,upany, Iltng lit or .1... r 111.. e otlow• tuo trultal mut, JOSIIIIA Airent for tle 1 0 prt C , lll cut or briar, the 15. June ur . 111 , July. " - • • '' 1511. Ur order of the Conteatty II 011.1II:L1' C.,oo,avt, lot thy v.t.ountion ould Lone ;,11131und . Jane 11, 11. and J. 15 11 li, nod LS. "Gre•t Attoonliage• Ifalnealloo. 1 4 , .EM A 1.1: OCAIIN AWN' ISE‘V 11AVI;N, l'A 1 E• 10 pro-1.4,41.d f,emooh.. • Aeoleoly fur t• 3--. '0•S10.1 or Irv.. moor.. A ',trio. roro o .ow,, .1.0 411 , 1011 1100011 11 110 11. " 1,0 '• Ail.to••.• Proi.•••ro Alorloonalre , Corooll•vrilr, P.a. H./ENOCH . Ilrrl4. f 11'.1% ART Cooto-llooil , , 3.0 A • Ohlooug Cleitin a .er), rroprrorr WWI, W.lll ur Von v.' de Cri•tAhlir. do • 11 , n. Almond do, ralm V. 11,1./ Colo.,: Witter., r •..•1 JOEI. AR , !L ER rn,ner Woe,. and 1,!e,14 al ink erheacious and cheap med.!, r for the rut< of Ccosumpnon kna 011.1. ihaea.., cannot he too weli Vrll many Itses bare been - mend by v.—IN Morning. at , as • Fnr •ele n Pittsburgh at the IEIKIN TCA. STOR F. ro,lttl. street, near ,Vro I, nod also at 1110 Drug *ore vf I 1,1 , hwn,ta Erdrenl It, Allegheny Cote • ROC' 1111 K ti Idols pr.one Nlt unrnr. t ' v .hl• 1040 004 at, ' 400 bbl.• d 0 SlotasweN sr cheats V II Tea; 5 t Us• Y II anit Fe.; 1.11 1 .001 Ri., Curer. in 1111 e and (01 sale 4,0 W a 5I 0,111 CFI Kl.TRM.Elnß_LilwtrTat /1.310 -- 15 Thevortitcribrrs VY. are es usual well ouppl lloll te with Foreign and Do• meattc Liquors, W Ines, Cord.als d , de winch they 10.11 sell hn accoinniydatitia ip• Old Monor.gabele mid superior Ileoilied lire: at the lowest market prices. a s al MITCH Yd.:TRY:F.I6d LB-1f 00 gall. 111. Itched enema Oel ' Intl" Natural rotor dr. Idyl Bleached do: rn " Tan.ers' Otl,••Stratts;” 5 bbl. Lard Oil. yj Unwed Oil; jolt reerived and 51 sea by • Dill.L.E:Sit RICLEMON NISCgLIANEOTTS._ EXCHANGE 1.111010118, ' To Travellers: ..E.11:PRILIII 'PAST PACK ST laasar 141ILACIELPIIIA AND BALTIMORE tatentmorn Mill , . Canal and Baitrnad being nova in ea r, bent 1 order. the rackets or ihIN lane wt n leave ve.th pa. aenaen as Cullom, every n:ght an 9 u'e'oek z Packet Kentucky, Capt.Truhy, Monday. }lay 21. do Ohio, Capt. Craig. Toe. day, May 2S. Je !nd.aaa.Capt Berkey We'd...lday. v do Louisiana, Lap.. Morena. Timid ay, May do Kenhieky, Capt. Trull, Friday, May hi& do Ohio. Capt. Craig, `Saturday. M.y W. Jo In.lalia; Capt. Berkey, Sunday, M.y 30. Jo lxiuistana,Capt. Thompson - , Monday, May 31 do Kentucky, Cain. Truby,"euesdav, June do Ohio, Ca pt. Craic Weilneuf ay, /tine V. do Indiana, Capt. Berkey, Thursday, June 3. do Louisisms, Cant Thompson. Friday, lon.. 4. do Kentucky,Capt Tr ip, taaturday, June 3. do Ohio, Capt. Craig, :Sunday, June 0. If you desire cheop it velinig and comfortable arm,. inodations, wore your tiekets 01 i.e Packet °thee, Mai . ..T.l+4a House, Waier PUCCI, or of nty2l ll LEECII & CO, Cana: Basin BEAVER. WARREN & CLEVELAND LINE OF CANAL PACKETS AND STAOES. .Waara 1817. , CANAL rACRETS TELEGRAPH & SWALLOW EAVL nearer daily nt 9 o'clock, atter the Ld 'arrival of the gleatulmat HI:AVER from Pitt.l.oro, nJ ary W orlon nest mortung maron for the Stage. whsch tench Omer tund heforo night. r,r, will he rereipted th7tmh,mruring 1., rib. on the racket, end mmta In the Stage, on appllcatton on boor., .teamtmat heave r. [tromhg l'ataborgh at 9 &elm. h. a xt .) or to the avow 0 91 HARTHN& t`o; Pottahorgh CLAIIEEA Ca, Braver Jl'OeF 1 1 / I t,Dwix, t ovcg.lawn apls hl U TAYLOR, Watron A N IMPORTANT irle,TTEß—The following Cl letter ham Dr. Crisham, of towel. Mars., tot speaks Ito tonfetin:ongunge of hundreds of othrr m ago have tried. and therefore know now to ay. prroa ans. to ng , .. Expectorant: LOWELL. Mass, Jan. V. tell Dr. Dark/ fa', ne— Dear tiir: I have used your medi cine. so sweet...lly known by the name of Jayne's Expeckataiit, in my practice for •sramber of ye a and can most truly say, that I have bee, more sucess ful Init.e use of that "AI mild, oaf. and very thorough Expeemmut, thhn of ally which I have ever Weil. It in the hest for M. following ohmoutreasona. It doe. not, if give n in 'proper dose., accaron a disagreeable oeurea. ji does not weaken the lungsand P.M.e the syrorm like ...og nter Expectorants in common use, nor doer it te the appetite of the patter. like other 1.111.061112 trietheltico, which have been used by the faruli). In a tvon.l.it is nearly or qukte the Mug winch has neon sought for Ly.rony of the (amity for ages gn..e be. I rernetn yours, respectfully, LL p nEl< KRIGII AM; be. I) For sale ;n P.nst,litch et the PEKIN TICA STORE, p o uni, inert. near Wood; end the Mug Store of 11 P rehwans. Federal street; Allegheny Coy turled.4.wF JOHN CARTWRIGHT, MPORTER and Ittanufveluver of Cutlery, Su rveal I and Dentallsotrarnenut, :Willem and Tuners' hand tools, Tay lon' Patent rhesus, /se &r. Also =manes lues Trueos, Oupporters, fee , in ere. variety. J. . anufaentrer and loran int of Pen. rtnket and Table Cutlery; Ras.ors.Scolsors. Fdea.Sawe, Tcsalv,Zie; nos removed to V 3 s, ell/D STREET_ Pateburyll, second door Le low Diamond Alley, And hr,lnle.y rt.rr rani a large n.portinent of Pen & rocket Knlves laitves a Forks Ale, Hasten' end WhostenboUne FINE CUTLERY, Ellions, Rodges.,:Wade & Ruir he r'• K•7o'4, Se car Ruor Strop., An. DA111.25C. hod Wirt 3 slut GUNS, RIFLE- 4 . AND PISTOLS, . _ Allen's CoWm anti Blanes Revolvers, rovrder Flasks Shot Delta Game Hags. Walker's Pc col'. Eaten Per. ens-enn Caps. Ltovrie. Chrkaind Hunting Knives. Tool, such as Callipets, Divider, risen, Nippers Hand Vice, Squares, Roles. Finer, Bins. upoke Shaves, v:oek.and 111. e. Wire and Iron linage, MAD, ornatien . Instrument, be. in Cely great na n ny 07-Jobbing and repairing neatly and punctually doe. opt. 9. •4LLLL t BROWS& Successors to lloldshlp a Browne. NS - AM-WM.71.114:W ,, and Importet• of I' A PF. R LU SANGINSS. No •7 Worn! amen. Pot.burgh. The inerea , ,ng demand (or Arne riean Paper Lastndured them to enlarge and improve their Faemry, and their fa- Clio,• for manufarturtng are now equal many in the eaatern r iiie•. !laving adopted the eal!ern mettle al price , . they take plea , ure in mining flow btend. and deem , toeaannrse her cork, which larger than at any former permd. and may be mond 0. 101143%, Trans ra m Window Shade, French Anaertean,,,ann, Glared and Common Pa. per !longings; - Gotd, Vole. I %Rd lormation harder,: Landreapes.Stattnes and F,re•tkoard Prln,.; Carta] Paper. hard o' ids plans green, and fig'd Writlng. Printing. and Wrapping Paper, Bonnet Boa rata, C . Bak, end Tenney: r3.-rapr taken in exchange al nor ket price. rnetillillm& Attorney, Counsellor and General Agent. W. t: rh ß a t A li tL. ; a " .. ' e r o " rts " ra h ene " r7tte ' l7ti d . ' t t n ' tt fet Acent for I u) log end 5c11.14 real estate. tr. tiortetty, and will devote s. large porttoo of ha tone and attentson the koring. tenon; arid hit sng of Mow...a:ores and 01St. on er lldoires: tr. collect Inc and dortturistn, rants s and oth er eloilLlS and den.otot.oind 1.1 nntnltingn In Aaesiey to. •inotts generalty Ile wilt elan engegn in the negotor !lnn 01 loan., contracts. rte.. and slot I ....throne tn(ntonotton inretarito rho pal tot quaint,. and re rposnb.ltnes el tenant.. &c for h:elt ht. ea e/ow,. acqoa.nianee tninenti) yttalifte. tom. lie mate be found at hos r ..dener. Nn 141 &Vonwee, 1. 1 , 1 o'ciort in she into" itc nod site It n'elottl. in Co. e. eaoic On, ~,,, st l.'s,. "Ali. • . . . . J; Fl't:RE 7, i.S— I TalioludAu Ihm John Seca. lion Jo`on 31r:iron. lion Onden Hoffan. AI. Jarman IgNett licnoon, Ahl. Wm V Utmly. I).mni (ital.., . E.g. tVnl J Item.. E.q. w)13,13m. RICHARD T. LEECH, JR., IWORTER amt Dealer n Saddlery Hardware and Carriage Trtrnoung• of every dere, ignnn, No 133 Wood wee t. P;ll,, , orgh. offer. to consumers and deal em • eylenthd etoelr .ot good. ,n liti 61: eastern gr.e..• 11. eare,,e,”" I,an.e. Kno, Sr, ate. to :n 1—• o =CI I,ght and Dark Conch. Wow,' Japan •nd Ircher Vamr.h.alway4 on hand. A raper:or artre.c and war• ranted N Cat of Netts. plat trer,rd and arlll tr a? 1,1 rarer 1 . ; , It EB It ASSOILTSLENT OF BOOKS notemed at M A MINER" 11M to., and Dootor cloo,Nol• oft Ek 1.1[113...,. I.ogr r...r (.. Cp., 4 , 1.1. or Li era.yr., . Ncf**lrbtt'» Cajit.tfl'y. I'oniJ'lrlv ••'ft'Mlf* : UnSoon- Nl,ltliv• nr !Ant el/tlVObyD.on.a•-zfrrel ..uvp 1 . unit ne.l Woe. or I . ,eatee, the fievette,un err 17e p 1 . . 1 . , •up ..urn Nl.2..zarr.e • re4.e.ettforAnee NI A •t,wlentir Trtan Form r at 11.. , A VNI:S tort, attetthnu r l ndouratde rotudt tut Putman,. y t on. Tto• ,fillflple• there tortutarc d of out Inorttul r tif oho memos—fa lend•ne) to origotate Inflematton of Ibe Ilrdoebta, and roust-quer., tsatitton of the two. MI hum 11.—it. tutTood th•ttote. she troth melt The onty vortical hie tt,totle nf 'renew, g Fuel, oboruroon tu to n,to of expectoratteth • toot t wh•rh are eon. v.nouti erto &hunt lo• ottisourd h, judtetou• etaolu. non of thr rented, of Dr Jwyne Phan ' , plot of ihr Tour, For tale to Pitt.hurgh et the Pekin Tea •lote. 7114111 orret. to-tshotond, uod to the Drug Store of 11 P St:tmato, Frtlerni oi Atirehonv rot,. mrll.l.llot _ . INTISODROO EEL is h ,Drirltlll. AND A% h: FACTORY. n••r JOIIS r vr.on JONES h. QtIGO, m A ji 3O L . :l;:i 411 , d ~1 1. I i i t ,, tez P.Fiptie Spr.n.s Ilantrnerrd Iton 11 ‘l.. •. .n slAVlrabir laTnne.. and Conch Trimmi.g. corn, ol •ncl Fro.. l'a cOACh i zy .t fbneh Tr.roming• or the latent aty le.— among wht. It are vv.... neuelen shnt have never been Cent em— oth,en they p iichoord for eae.h from t En•sern Mama beetueer•, no.l are able...et! n• low n • any lieut.. in New 'fort or Phsladelphin Thr, sesouhl trnpertflitly invite tbe nue..of ,bra 'ern mylidto JONES 14101(a;. ea , M.& 1.1. INN POCKET cvTLErtic—no,..• eri ren P pmna Penkosven; Roger's 1.9., and 3 hinde do. Won tet,hoi.b. Razors of n ‘operiot etrOr•and T,tr,i.• Cutlery. in rens of n 1/I •111,1Cdomtv of bent Alarflf •Il eonnurbeluir 1•1111 la hnnce. han.tlen; SI .0 I, el' How, Ke)• Steel 'Nettereir. f1.4p0. Biog. de. lbw noir, hy , W W sny'.o rn Poem. riml Alnelietem - _ _ teccived Ito nsn a• o proggi•l of the Ii Fain Weida! the en) of rittstiorgh. to lien winc• and ini.rants• Ilan., -foe medicinal awl incrementel oisrpow, end in he twed in the art," I hcreby nottf, all per-on. epplylrite (or the aline, that they wilt he re quired 10 liWee oame, remitter...e t and energy the per- Article. of •operinr onaltw tilli • Le had'el few P.M at the f/rJo•trtre of thr •olocillier..No 57 Wood •Ireet In, R• • I . %IF: • • •VR u.,, rty Goolo. tetra crow lowly hand, of 11, 0011 ntana'neture. ever . deo enel.o.l It Mahogany . and Conunan I..nolong A 3 4, and deavorr rotletr; Nam NM/ ornamental port 0,1 frames Ali km& ni Tray.. ..rd vane, in oeno nr Joreno: linollo.Thrronlo..annl a general a•onontenl • Kor.ey Gond, wholeoen at • rrnal , nava nee on root l'edtaro nth,. oupol.ell l'Oelp's Chart., eur fiet•• Nano, and 11 fro or s or Nese Vork prtee• mvl.llo Naar. cor wrontl aril Oh .1.. 13 0 S T 0 N MODE OF II EATING 1100- Drs., of Ildstort. ha. 0r...1,d and patented a plan for !mom; bro. •ue et...fully °tell In noatole, Now York. /cc • nod wherevrt .PPlactl hat rece Ted the ptrf,cure neer Stover. r.anart, &c advantage. are— ] 41. "rem nnularity of Temperature. towl Fet,drun front :arnokc. ::rd No Prynera lag Fatay allyndrd lo and ow I - nblv to gel nul of oul, • 31h rirom A Model and Svecifleation may be rem and the arc rom o,. 01,1•mcd my2.i.l W\\'?l z , oi i d ,.. T ,.. .n t aT r a . v , n r cr L ry of hot. Wood nail 31aiket as. JOHN DUNI w .AP, Iv o It Mathes owe!, l• no ro,—iving aping 111 cock of 110, .—roarmelon; IlardW2re, LI(.1111i11. [o.4llng in porn oa ,1,141 Japanned \V art, F:nglVla and American; 4 Itx• n rnnn,na ' tip do do, coal. goallah Tutne4 Saucepan.: I do Mol Poo-; I vaaa a . ,• illlll Waiter., I do Enamelleal I do Preened Woro: I Look lit lola Wart, 100 ot.torlril Copper; 21.1p1.2 , e•Titmed rupper two the Jvnioln Wire: 60 bis'l%n II JVIIN DUNI.IIP.I7 Markin .1 CONIMIIgIORER OF DEEDS CINCINFATI—I •ntbormed by the tiover.t Aar Pelmsylvanla to take eaknwektlementz 01 All m• , Innettl of writing, 'dm rtffidarirs and chrothion§ ol nblo. mbe u.r4 record...l In Venn') Iv. , lk my, door, P.A. , of t he. NtaverS Mire, Car mood. , bto. F.I3 , ILARD I' CRANCII tn,lllll.4.•rty•F Attntney at Law ~,1 PA NIBII CIGARS.— 1.) 7 , 1. , i t i 3A . : 17 . 2311 i l ,i nfr v : Rog: o hs . e 1 5j. 0.. r., i i lit ir ho : k L: Cn o . l , o . b . r , a o da Caawlolee Ca' d ; 13. 1.. a Primaarro ' de: Id i O. ha. San: trotopo - do; ' 12 I RR. Alldadon do, doi 3 For rale by my!? ISATAII DICKEY & Eli I x 7 N RITINO AND WRAPPIEO PAPER , V —4OO (CUM Cap Wriong Vapor:: ' 44 g . 1 oiler do do: 1 goo ft. O. Straw Wrappirrg do: SW do Mediona do do - do; lt:0 do Oc. do' do do; , NO do Tea Raf . 1 . do; On band lad 4. sal. b" REYNOLDS. A 811EE rolall coo Vaal: cod /roan sut .. aussor, ',ANNA a CO., BANKERS, EXCHANGE BROKERS: . AND DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOSIESTIC •/..XCI I A NDI , . CESTIFICATI'S.Or DE -1.0,417 E. it INK NoTvs. AND SPEC] I. Po.arth gurarty oppoWriln. Dank of Pt.:n.o. CURRENT NIONEti rec.enre.l on Dein,..e—light for sale. and - rolh.cuons :made ou nearly ali the puoe•pai pon.ln the The ho..tpremoompo,d rot Fnrcto and A iner.ean roll Adeals , er made an courignmenlS of Produce. eri , rped Ease. an WM, ettlils ==ll . . . . . Bankers and Dealers In Exchange, Coln and Bank Nom., no. 5.5, a•Recs STREET, PITTSBURGH. Soging Haws. Exchange. 1.1o)uoi Raw*. New York, I pr. Cowinnau, i 111.1. Philadelphia, I do' Louovifir, I do Moraine, I.do St Lortir, I do Haying flaws BANK Noms. i ,„ y ,„, .„," Otto. idm Co & ScrEp ordcr, i d,. lowan. ido Heber Now., ido • .. . . . Nemucky, i do• PenneYlvanta Cy.4.do Virgins. 6 do New York do, Ido do . Whet.nog. ido New Orleans., ido Tenneesee, 3do Maryland, ido • Copftrtnerchlp. lOREPII H HILL, (1.• of the firm of Win. A. allllll & Cc .1 odd WAI C. CUREV,,lateof Erie, P., have wnered tow Coriartner,hip. under the name ni 1111.1. C 1.7 RR V. for ‘l , opooc COM I.IIK on the Yanking and Exchange bo.ines. in all its Warta. , Al Nu tki W 9street. three doors below rourth. wes t safe—where tliey solicit the etIMOM of their fricsok add the pahlie general!). JaAEPII II HILL" meat& WAL C en= BANKERS & EXCHANGE BROKERS, DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND IX,IIIESTIC TIME & SIGHT BILLS OF EXCHANGE, CF:RTIvICATES OF DEPOSITE, BANK NOTES AND COIN. No GS Wood street, thud door belor Foul at. west silt. PAR Funds and Currency meeivett on Deposita nod endrettons entitle on all the principal CM/ 3n the Union! States. . • • Sight Ezehange on Ilaltisnore . Phila!lrlphta, - tiro• Vora. Boston and Cmcinn.sti constantly tor vole (tn, Indian, Kentucky, Vt7tn n z v a . k r. l, ,, tl i !'e , : , ,:: ! lvuo , n Bank Notes,Uouicla and oald o Kaeltangeon England, Inland. (:moan) and Frcncr procured, WILLIAM A. HILL.& CO., a A !(SEAS, Excnitatia 11110 KERN ANT 0.1..jma FOREIGN AND DOMEsTIC EXCHANGE, CERTIFICATES OF DF:POSITE, VA NE NOTES, A ND Sl• ECI N 0.64 Mood &Fret_ one door abort Fourth. Eau side Pllttsburgb,Pa. KRANIEtt & lIAII3I, BA NK ER9 AND EXCIIANtiE BROKERS, dralrrt ut Forcign nod D.OIC•IiC Dills of Exelranx, Ceftiff retry of Deiosae, Rank Nolen and Cohf, ro of. :W and Woaf ainfeuf, directly oppo:ite,Sl Chalk-.rner lintel. toNIF , R . IIy • Ilk/MGM) HATES 01410, laths., Kentueity, and Yenna. fund.; al% County and Cm Orders purebared at reduced rate s( discount, Its N 1101-MEnn. tN .lee.: Exchange Wolter. II Statics:l at riollettlons on Oneonta. Inut-ville, 1../ and all aecessldepoi.tts nt the Ull matt, made itrontrly, and utnat the lowest terms la N EICILME:S SON;Eat.bantse Brokers ntett2.s No al Statket litetiOn•OLlCAnci a...y . nnati Lule tit Loom 2/ d other oeterrible points in the tinned Stater, made on areononodellng teretoc HILL & CURRY aro' , • Wood rt. not door to R.+& tialooti EVxchange on Neer York, Ph il adelphia, and 111,:b mornyonmangly for only by HILL, k CURRY ap6 Wood at nest door to Eagle Siiiooll , turrency or - thti Ohio Indiana, and Kentuek ll Maks wanted at very .ow rete. of diaconal. FULL & CURRY mon Wood at. next door to Eagle 4.110nn IM te l t. l: 4 l . lna . 7 ,o a w at e K , rotacky . Dank N 110tAlFS A SON P mrhl6 :An Si Martel Ai HOUSES, LOTS, FARMS, 1:-C. FARM AND MIELS FOR SALE. TOE .uliscrther nn hive In remove to the West, tla will Jell hos Farm and Nit le. instated in C sr Coassiy. Pa., on Ilig W ttely Creek. meithut half a olds the Mouomenhr la River, and atom 14 lath, above Brownr ica ville. Farm caettat.. .e q rc.of beat imuldy Land, with pty of anther. allnle coal and good op4ings. The Creek rusts more than mile month the tutu.any by akm data and tunnel of feet in length mete to 41 feet of Fall. ILe Flour Mill folit.lllll. three run of Fretteb Mira. and the mtl I I, In good order for merchant or country evert. The Saw Mill t , new nose arc 4 tringle t'ardsng Machine, • turunig ,hop, for turnseg dour and ned.iead stud. a sail bona.- s it eta'r Mete order for matlnsig 20 Int•hela per JET. o large Frame Manean Itoutr. two Barn., and all the tee, nary out bower. five ff. hoo.r• run worktnen,,un ohl mei/aril, and one. planted ks y.ars age. of 200 teem of Chown Iron and one planted 2 year, sea of 700 ire,— inane i• plenty of other (rust, peach. plum. kr. Reitr W Bort andge.or I , en Kraut .4 l'inshurKh. or to Olbo Ntinor.neu'r the Farm. It ; Sr I -FA 7 , F , Ir 011%40N 1•4101 . 4:11T1 It. VOL; Ni1,1`04% N, 01110, 1,011 SALE TllE.advertier offers for •lie a splendid Onrk darelYng Ilau,.anuatc on the North F.ttat corner of the l'ulthe talytture Voungatoarn, county, Olno. It is large, corornalloua. finahed in e, ea u,nf mle, and in the best tOtH1101) in Yourtgatoten t-tlhet for .:iamlhrta or publ•c loonae; attached to it ,a a yard: with tvatel,, tatd:ng. and ail other conaentencei at hand Th.,!on .• very enp.dly, /. eariated g veht, ennoue Vueenee- Ifol ue . 11,“ . ~ •e.g arc eute•p,...g..l. MEEMIZ=ZINEMSI lI w.alw nonl law Int ra-11. or on or ..t. I,w Inn proprrly rownargh ni,nwe I.&1 D WICK. comer of Wool 41.1 unw ••• Inolh. who wal %.••• v.. .. . ,t BEAUTIFUL RESIDESCE 'FOIL K ALE. rUATED poi al ce, Liverptat. ell !Le ottr o Q4O noir, ttelata eun•otttng a .3 mete. el I .atel vela, a tOOO Comtetet icet 40 reel Art., coot:0,010 tt loci of ....ranee. a rte.,. Lc r.'gh . tt I .otd n...• rot ttet te and 11. tee r. ote•ut t., c. , el: et. t g tut etta.toti .10.1 rant:rm. nce, t.r, apc,. and •pr hour, • cocat , . c a... 1 L.Alan..: and ;laud rare., .oundScu. ececy var rts sts Ogeberd .cl psod meadow— J:i Cl WI, I, • undrr cood The low, mu,. I.lc •nd Lni•bed /nth,: ben man ., rpg farther ationaatino apply to S at DEA,. psrAlit: IN THE CULINTtaI -- ft., II .0., a Garr aa .4810 Lowe mid lot at NCI., M.d \I once lonta well calculated for a more and dvr,ll,na. tnyord.,!, on the Erie Es ..n. , on Canal la a douriolamirvillage near by, are ....feral aei.• amt ;It the rn,d.t o'• r -ch farming mot. • AO, II bonne End rot zo the lintur..l.rne of Or. ttogesOle. Metrelcounty 'rhe I/oust, Is everrcalt• ti in rot for n r.orra or sore. • . . above prop..fly wAi Le ootd elmap and ti on sc . roomodang Iran.. 1, , A1&11 DICKEI'& Co UHIO LAS DS FOR SALE -4,latre,nf [the Lands for pa e, It to an Iltpr K. , T00 io Lund.. towhshp sfetes co, Ohm Nu cleared 200 to• der eallivation. There ore on the pretwara 4 dwelling hnuws. Wtee with gr., fer.eihic and never-fad ing water.. The who!, together will he sold for thiny ay. hundred don'ts or tits Jed to sod norrhasers. Tt 110 ed. Poi awn. may he made to son, and tuauediately For Oath, Intownatwo et cm, of • !CAMPTON, Win 11l h. Co wurki street. 11N A L F , TATE •IN 01111/ FOR : g LE—A 11,1,,rm of Kinker. • gtin.le. frolu(:a fired ,Q amen ol mendow and roil aripitning the or (.Id hie A Dwelling Ilona. Ind LOI. w.th ti ire boo., •iituateil in Fretli iiek,Truinl.oll count, rIIFIERT, Real F.ai+i• Alien,. No ikStnigbfield .tterg EIMEIa El = 1)F.B:X/NSderirona of pv.l..flit Lou in thr. Cetar Ivry are referred for ;11i0n...14,3 to the Soprrattend ant, on thr pound.. or to 'Morn, Droutlat, turner e Penn and Hand meet.. l'ittal•orgh. ottlerot the (hoard. J. CIIISLETT; drelt-.l*.s.f Sopernarodant. L , OR S A LE—Sonle valuable tats of Ground. situated P on the hart of the Allegheny !Live, coottnuou• ac coy. net., luta ate num advantugnously at ilt:nett for Iron Work. and other large InaltufurturtnrZgabl Intatenta. tonv7,l-tvrtf I II ATtNIAII 114:11N V. • Valuable Real leirlate for Sale. 'l'lJF:under. nnet.l being a L.ul to remov his Tanner I to the eountry , . oilers for sale SIX LOTS on Second rireet. between Ferry A• reel end ne• do.tbt Aliry. 1....Ri0t will be to-rely fret front oti 2tl rtrbet and eteloy; keno &nth The Int• ori,l'he .41d singly iar the wiled. IMlCfitl , t. 'or term, not,. In the robseribrr on the re( 111 . 401. JOHN CALI/Wk.:LI. opt.Thf . Ev a coUNTILT RESIDENCY.. • lIA VINO removed to the city. for convenience &Ito lank/won:0 ho*inc.rs I wil rent the Nlenvon lim, sod na mined me enclosure, 0.. le on the Wulb of the Mononehelm, one n:e ni:oTe I not 4 Tovt JANE. , n ATT T wrs FOR RALE—Two Iwo cat ifl erect, near 1, Stotilhrld oprytwito Shod, C... oo n trout drptli The, Imo or. wc:l.ituaird for el wr llu g Wow-arty too:Wiwi. They will be otren-.1 oi pul.lie •llr ens Thorodny,nh Joy o? May next at 12 o'docl, M. 0r.941ttl T AltD OIL—T:r mob•crthera han.lng ennitnen... Lam MPllll64Clatt. Lard 0.1 am now n-enarell to ereetge 01l °Hun fa: ibut artirle Thel, 011 i• of Ihe beat nualit), and veal he .n.. 1 in the loweet oule' rates Theattention of Ihnatim hull Grocer. he mweintll) 1 JC/ILDAN h SON, Ih I.st or.) at. fhf n•it,, hr,l ei r`llllli6i 1.1 In.N MANCHE:STE:I FOB BAI.II-1 have, fur n I , enut,fol Buirdin; Lot :11aar .80, urar the Yet,. f r.a boot by 10 , 11 fee; deep It will be •o'dawl nu seeornninalottniz ter , n , r. Tho. onerreptionnble • tnylt , JAMS MAI: Chi% Real Estate Aeent A7ALPABLE BUILDING 1..fY18 for ss a:. to rt • frllt s4llOl on, .0 l'at , lorreh. Abeehr rio r'nv.\lnn r. Brrin l agbant. Jo'ototoorn, Freedom Freepot l , New Brighton, tatentnire.h. de.. he. rn,2!la 1111 11111 E RT, Real Estate oiTtre _ • • i `DIY 1.1.1,1 M; 11OUBE nn.l LOT, 11ro 1 x , it port, Belmont Count, (111.11, oppeotte I n 00 int side try Jel ti CUTHBERT PIANOB—An elegant ;roe • d .1e ortave ne. *ca.. 1 1, aoo Forte, snatrufse• • bybard .71.1rItuniog 'of Boston as 11: be opened for Ira, On 'Tuesday, May 11111 by JII n, 11 1.1 wood street • f, , INE FRESH TEAS— • • I Ilnlf slow is II)loll Crotty {lowa do do Of l•llt,p I lo,oler'a cargo. now Inooltng and for l onl, I y A gm 21,Sfi ALEN' & IA nod 9n wna.l • OCOA AND CHOCOLATE— bas fEll'A Ilwpawd fltwols: .2 lA,' Jo Ilt na Nn I elsoc Ant.; :I Lis Bake. , l'Obt las do firma., noir I J C l ol 1:11.LIy MARA h CO OIST—A Mean r‘.llc Pur.e (lilt Death, eon ninll atonal Five 11h.illar.i, ve2s ,l,pried in 4ili or Markel ) Olen yesi t iramy 111011.1t1! Ten findet 11 , et rematdril kav;ag . aie same al 1111•011,, or at FIAON's TritMlling t4loTo. REPINED COPPER MOOTS, ripaper ,or quality. tar Wass Eanndent' and mann faeloreria roe, of the make of the Baltimore Smelt r e tiOntrd for ante by C E" ."" %/41 MOM!. A etot for the Company rnytsdyle ABCitty onset. Baltimore ic.rTsn COPYING Emmons -A onpply .0( rupetior C&pying Peewee. Alen Copying Boot% Oil Paper, and Copying Inka--iast received and lin sale Ly JOB & STOCItTON Carper Al ar,ker and ad rta. CAPS AND BONNETS. HA TS HATS HATS II ATM it S being the dal Me Stoing 'Fashion of lists will be introduced, by the most fask• • /Doable eatablishendots in New York and Philadelphia the anderogned take vrat remora in being enabled to announce m their 1.112.011• iliColl4 and the pub'm geneialle, that sec MC prepared to supp ly all who may ,1 larot 4 al oh a call mo iona th the fashble Ilatior the ...soon. comprising Ilearevl Neairias. and cilia fine Mole.kat :silk Hats, either ia ' hole , alt retool. l.letOßDt KING • coe'vmcid Kodak Es_ rucatovAL.. A s /PORE Hat and Cep. MantafteturtrA am removed to No 75 Wood street..theee doors Save Fourth street. Ht. snmk con.ustsolvery nor of Hats and Cap, made in measteut ni lalso.Panants. Leghorn and Pedal Straw Half, wo ol sale and retail, a be lowest price,. 5,510051 K apl6 75 Wood st. thud door ii.ove Footlb Fall Fashion. 1046. fIF.F.HE & COS'FAR'S Style liendemen'sllats ortn benuroduced at IZEEVILIS on Thursday A ugtort trith. t•entlemen *mulling a cheap, fash ionable Hat of Pittsburgh manufacture ahead of tatitionable Hataintpaned nd sdrenised by some of the trade. ple.t.e•esll at Ia:I.:TU.& Co's augs3tf 151. head of Wood or A N spring Irashloa for 1847. WILLIAM DOUGLAS. 4 RIII WOULD /Was Inctal • soul patrons tnat lie nas no w bind a lama ...act of the S.prlng Fannon of 1100 and Caps. which von be . 41uced on 631111felly next. Thoac in want of a cupenor wille call at main Wood %treat. rain aide WILLIAM DOUGLAS, coNTIN el:1i to Inanutactuir, and twin cone...fly on hood, ever. varrty of Hata &sad Cap. of Om latest ottyle. and priers aorN low at No 7, Wood woo, E.{ cde. . /tr. STRAW HORNET AND HAT WAREHOUSE, NO.ftS MARKET sTRELT. ITMIJURGII. FL 11. PALMER odats for rale..favor able teems a. any house in 'Philadelphia, a complete .soroncut of tScre,w, Florence, Rut land, and a great variety of eancy brind 'and gimp Bonnets. of the sp.ing style. - ALSO--Palm Leaf, throw and .Leghom Flats; Asti. fists) Flowers. Art. Acmeth% _ - __ . ._ Aso:mann FASHION FOR (TAT S Jusr received irom New Nark, We Sum M)le In Bum. co 116,1111 r, ofWhoo Beaver, ?curl and White French Caminwre Bios, with Vendboors Thom in wont of a beaunfol.liald Bat are respeerfully to:ed no col. S MOOR} n.rdS 75 wood to, n doors above 4th DRY GOODS. Carpet mud Dry Good• {Warehouse. - NO 110 Nr AHE r.T STREET. • •14011F.ILT D. 'rIIODIPSOP.r, D EsrtivrFu Ll.l utforms his friends ana the pubhc 1.l schen:llr, that lie Is now Vercirag a lams' and 4plerraid asoonrnent 01 Nor 7 , 77 La is rr rpeturg, at Cros, 5.e . . threes no` tbe Importers and Maufacru. ler. cbroposed :upon of ' Superfine Brussels relives; Ellogor Topostry noose's Darpeturg: l'aDer Imperial 3ply and V:nra do; g 4lnc and Common Carosling: fcb, 3 4 and 44 Horn Vendian Carpenur 5 8.34 and 1.1 Damask do do; 5 83.4 rod 4 4 Tooctdry do do, EdmantaFS Trams: nap. Drown Drilling.; 44,54 and4l4 Slirmmv; 6 4 7 4 8.4 Table Linens Laren Napkins; Crash and Diuper; llockahuck Toarllo4l Carpel S.lnpetd New style to. Ole Covers4oll Croths from 37 inches to SI feet wide. rho to arty sage; - • • tII Mill Ereb Embroidered and Printed Tatrie“d Piano covers Figured Floor Clothe. Cfienietle. Ilnisrela. 'Frilled, and Wilton Rugg. Toped, Chet:mile, nod Sheepskin Poor atenag Manilla and Gra. . do do, Erma ' , tote Rods Finland Oval; Darn/rat and Stripevi Stair Linen; Carpet Bindings: 4 4 0-4 and 6 9 Plain and figured Indian Mating; Colored Sonoma Matting, . he. Person. fitting up Stratntreaus-liorels,or Private Moo , veer are request . advantage they srdl to do oar before putehaaing elsewhere. DRY GOODS. • • Ile would also Ovate unennon in hi. eitenvive mooch ofNEW I.+llll ND DRY uoutrs, (ewtocOng every this•g in lhat line I now openohrut ale above nand. nowlthlAwtrnf r ID — No Ito Markel forret STAR CLUTIJING STORE, • . NO. TO WOOD SrßtEF:r,l'lTrelUßlil I, PA. ANCKEK & NIA VEX wholesale and retail dealers in Eastern. Ready•tuado Clothing, Would respect. .fll , take this metkod of solicitin& the attention of their ekstontets and the public enerall, to the following hi...sr their stork irrhade and astu y te do to also, that they will sell ascheap itoot cheaper than any other establishment In die evy. Our,ttlit.es of, parehaeing, and m.intilketuringgrods ore c ate as us enable use all Dines In keep aqullassortment of seady made cloth s, . etc. at less &nee, than they can he obtained elsewheie the present stock on hand (110111•13 in pan of the fol. low inc de/caption of :WA' , Dki black r &cis cbuD, fr. to SIO to IP.O French do do ,ench lido l 0 e 10 urnwri and ihvituble recite. 10 20 s.tca, eosin, splendid ty made & of good tosatertal. liko pale pants, ni all ety les. and priers._ 0190 vests do no ' do do Dm dozen Linen plain and stitched hososnatncts,stoe — ks 7 ; scarfs. Crave, .I,ocnios, collars; suspenders; melte; drawers and ,order shirts of ever, vent ty, all of Which it,Dre beeps etenkly Purchased and adapted in the present sea•ott.„. , , ble.rekkest, and others who are in want ot clotlnn& cannot dg but ter than to glee lin a coll. rIRESS GINGRAIRS—W. R. N1147 . 11Y ask, ntiesonei tiny. rk in the elsota .11 lei of above Operiril tar...ling. as writ a-- • si•k I.oske Loma tintsbutol, Barred da French Lawns. at reduced prmes: Gingham Lawns; . Neat stye Ottawa; Crape &hatels, "Needle work Collars; Bonnet Rirt.batta;,. •Enthrot.lered Matte,. 0 ., Presses, cm. New Foods will tar Open, eery day, for • week to c•nte, soctudtbk.. • • of *rarer and de- •qable cood , . ir_ - ,r1m•s•Hol.11. too • ape :no ha , ng with a large a:w snd destral.lr 6141%. at low catatIMCI,S. rnyls WALL PAPER AND BORDEiRE. D Kic,Es REDVCED—ThoIusa Palmer. No 47 Mar k<l street, I•etweatraal mud 4 h meet, re-pataally announcra to ate pobhalthat but prreort stock of %Val , spar and Bordersof las o.rel tuaotaacture I. eru ex trosive. and dad,. allittno. r are heing made to it. a fi , I.l.rd—of 0 0 .1..plenolil.psweroa Al . a i; t.. imr. ul 1. 'up. , Farda.. 11., hp rtteetti4 rettutted thc pttee• of the alav tuutt whet' , . lo•t.nr nnt ettutnetated,) he preparett to tett for ea,h. rna•rxt Man any . ettialti.sh .rneto 01 the k attkEtt. pr west II the natonitants uoltttltka . . ,' DRESS GOODS— :4l.etss 5111.1...; :kotch %lull Jo; Nook do; • Ootm LiArrrd'Jneonct.; du do , do Riont Retro.. A Purply of alAo. goal. lust roccwod oh 03,14) lioods Mum. of W R MURPHY N E rcr lA, and Market stx . IJARGAINS IN !PRINTS—W. IC !Motility in Useliont floe yard 'side Chno, fast Mar, at 111 els pertart. At,, new st yle Ltnorsi and lVhite Prints. nest figure, at ion:mon.dtb.al name price--tieterly English Prilits at same price. • Al, a larce.as..ortmerit of Dm , Lawns and Ging. ham.. nom rstetocent. per yate Ale.. Wonted Bs car nea, (lainlii to ii rents—al el 'N car 401 .. . n/ Markel street j. • - tula Aijus Mocks--A mall in ieroice rmelved Dom she nagnanoary, *ante narrow es pre -sly fo. Summer %rear, for mile br Inn Joscn. ut N 026 '. nod unties, up .lairs EDW A RD TODD n1)31 Agent for rastern Manufactute, tree , vAI frOmP, Pl•nuNciarer, • (cr. , tbnen tit. ap,i fllu4el Carp. Rog% for ^ Ly ihe horn paclory price. , by thePtr. , ... , po.l %pre., up mp , rl - 'MUD Ageni for Eoptpret Manufacture . • _ _ . IRlt 111 INF \$ AND SitHtlING R. Mut pay ,userereivcd a supply of w ore goods at.aot.cenw :make, and at very low price. for quality. ht thy Runty Loase. N. E. corn, a 4th and . „ltlatket sta 41 71 ,;:t'D"'L'ITN‘-""Zi.7 l .li".`;',.,Fitri=pe L n U 2 excellent assortment' of •Lwre goods, at lowest cash pier, • mittlarlato—Notir open in 1.11 °mein ot Roth rummer Shawls. at the New York CtVJ het raw, myth WH HA HttkHD CiN ti A ill; LIGS -- - 1 hale very heavy Vt ginta (hna lkurgs. I It" re eive.l and fur vale by .rn)l3 SaAe,:iii.t.:l - 1 - k. W 1111 T, D 9 word .1 i 1 A NTON Cli A 1 ,11.: SIIA %V ILS —1 u t received l._Pa large a...mar. of 11 , ett , A h tr. and Co'oretle4r• lon t!rape t•Ltaw,v, at the New York Stave. 79 Markel In,' c W 11 LiAllltAltD of clles stul caluro...trie Very vo,to.orkl tlccroble for ctry trade. Ja.t .mi ml-15 011 A!. - K 1.1. 1 - 1 .& ly 1i ITE Oil wood or (LARVA SS AND PAI/DiNGS-1! !.nlek7P'Po• lJ erm,. heavy Robsian Cuove,s and Prld.og., just rvel . ..Ll rind .or ;•alt. by c m/15 , & WHITT:A* wood Pt ANTILLAR AND VISITTICS—A further IV/ rupply joPt teccivcil, new pttlcrtz• at the . New York More, :D Market knee -10141 NV It IIkkRAIIII QTEOEIEN VILLE. JkdANW—An Invoice of tone Dior .1,m1...di. mreivrtl and for rale or low MP. num D , ' prici, by 09 wood et tnyls ,ACKI,Err !Dock nod Colo rtl.O.n - to:add Hobo, Era 1-het Bag, Silk l'utsco dca— t utt reecivrd and for stale • d,llO Fll EATON f INNS 11013111 S EDGIMie , Egypoan Lae.: tta vt Loot or 'lltotninto Nets. Linda and Colton. Dres• Fungrai Inart nod Drab adoccOldr Itoors mg eq./ 111111 Laic it Wool, Waal," by t. ^”SL. ti EATON I 4 064V11T0 Ken.. • good o.ortt. and g rogoca—just received and for Ptlle. by 1t _p i FINACIN-T irDITE IN wood •I_ PAPRIL =OIL INS—I cast Watt, black l'iok 131ue and tilattr cuturcel l'ttp.tr Mutt: on. dta.t anent d nod for rule StlArgl l't 1011111 , .. 91 cord 01 {-AINNS, GINGHAM! , AND UAREGIES -1,,, pzeres just open at We elms e oplend , d ee t t ve,., cheap, wt the New% ert Skin. llatket wree , ____ , '9l__W II GARRARD SKIL Tlll3llllNGS.Cristsscn, (Jokt uncl 1.381ut F %rah Tarscla and Cords to M 1 ipte“ mud fur rate ly 20 FII EATON (11. MAIN IlitritlNS, of it peat Tarim or Incleiog lie Frcncb Cella, for W•ndoor Comet, to be roue m dry pod+ hew or W It MURPHY N cor ae Market st. RIICAV ET 1 1..1.1 , PILING PILIBITIC-13.ettree. of beatri.t.l new stk le :pries Peints—eFelylK are emit itrAey 1 Canary, Mitt. rinks. Forneurr• and lute style fsneles. Just teeete.d and for stele by Inyl Tllr cßi.Krr & F.lkkernewl at LINEN iNDGINIittAMS — W R phy Invite. the aventien or buyer. mitt. excellent etitnneut et of almvegoedi,Ltenlilasten• et reduced plum ter ea e at mantettetuteet learAtivim.aucy co lire% • •' • P APS-3 bolalcaira bony ; a l o j ( an*Bel'y.p,Tl""' Eoekma /y 5•: 414.*Vtod OIL SA LE—italacia 5 double Yelloar.Green and I.r..l."‘VraFlAnnCli in =~dosen eln 7 weIP C .s tP I XII* I Sane, Bok; al small aonciaanal of Tub . : Bankn e n, Sealer., A sa handle., Ilay Salina avid BlaShei hr. _ ISAAC HARRIS Apr. and Comousion sln.c Wad No 30 IPSO street MEDICA:L .1 ALLITZ YDII D IT.""sebterali. - CNSUSIPTION CAN RE are= it TOMO Me" DUNCAN'S E7CPECTIMIANT ILEMENT. • , CimeisenatA N" lea Deer sic:—Th: to milk to the pablier — NiOrd( ll 7l ° 'throe &Mimed awls a &keen of the loge, or Comildißdikos that in the Spieg of kW I ems %Melted with. wire oat Vila sewn became seated apse lay bog., thawing ell the eyeeptoine of u aliprowlikie Cossaiaptioa. My coegkeris , tie) sad trooblemese, amended with copimie eked weesiwr, opt up daily o maid treble 'mistily of blade mind writh hiek d. b MAW:. My eitaatioit bermes end ahom 'lag Dewing this time I was' attended by two of oar mist skilful ITyricians; they did the best they meld for am, wean at length they pre ep 'all hope of my recorery, paters* • ow that welting more mold be done—Mat my hags wen ho tally discoed, and beiood remedy. I was then persuaded by • friend of miss to make a trial of Dr. Aswan's Erpertor rani Randy. which my flaysiciaas persishrd egeirod,egying that this niedicine would do no good, mid .0.014 still add m.recto my suffering. I told them it was my hot and only hope, end that If l must' di. of the doom, (raid...was evi dent to nre,)rhers would be within look So Lest to the Clotho:lad Where and adorned 5 bottles of this truly Valua ble Medicine, and eimenenced miug wcordlug In the din.- . tiotrio,hieh,, instead o( eslairig to my wiffering, inimedietely gate me relief, at , once arreirseg—the tioubietome Cough rasing the rain and Van, in my Ctwati•lo 6 4 *****w lift wad tracqgth, which coos enabled ma An b about mg. Thia medicine continued its lamd work, which it ...biz ommeaed, until I wee made asound ova. (have &junkets atiendink to my hissiaces, (upwards of 3 years) sod feel m healthyrisTeriah. I have recomMeoded Dr; Dime.% So prethrsnt fLelnedy in many isulanceslwtheaesimilarly ./Meted and it his always pored mewed so fir m I have witaeseed jutted,. hip sister ia easing lits'istedieinssal premals fo• • Dheard Limy an df u ,itfrarets slurlosnip, which dos had Wanted With for some lilac she has marl, monied by the cm of this Wilk's., and Isms maddest the.6lothles that I take with.. to-day will entirely cure her. I wain to !mow 0 . 111 there is... thounads of valuable penomi r ain away with this dreadful destmer—CONSIINIETION , — Were it wetly passible for thaw to promn'thio toadies. in time s before it be too late, teeny tires might be peolonsprd and their Amain and relations spin rendawd kopp7. This' medicine will gin instant relief: 1.114 a that pose tkna arrei the hard and painful Cough, moony the thifitueintla the Matt glee nevagth to the enfeebled and enseeitlen Mtute and i° moat cases, I amtertaia,wW periurni a perfect run. ANDREW J—FELTER. tdoolyounn, [(milt= County, Ohio. N B.—Those who only out be unpainted - WM ism lr*far to Um undersivwd, aroma of blooloreery, awaltbra cana ry, 0., Rey will at ray now subelanunte the Won alatonarata Nom. Banwastl, Carr • J. Sams. DR. DUNCA WESTERN OSTICE,I3O S . = strati, where Da abluabra Medial — e can away. be Sold na rittaborgb, by \Y M. JACK!IUN, eorner Wood and (A.M. am. sprICML-Ir PILES. .D1: 11 ' 943 =4 83 d" whether Lleedteg or Wad, en irritt iodlwl ition of the ' lekhryiend Mul der, pun. in the beck end tide, habitual conovenaie, crap.' tioos, kn. Females before and alter coolietemeet are_ofteet troubled with menhaden of the bowels or inatinienc, as well et the pile. la ill web tarn the Speeitte cm be loam with ren net makty, sad oaten na. The Specific is loot • Fera., or en coin* I meetly, without ape, tide of geesbor. ettaucyln• or meat tnt take and peel hefty Lander et deo sleet delicate rases ' is to as:nitrate I femme Dr. Ingoklaby4 Pals Spoilt 7 to be a certain cure and enfa restudy. !lawn mess ib abb. 10 weeralmses, amongst my family casneaums, us emend coo Armed and were cases of Shaba hen it made ea entire cure in merles.. New Yoh, May, ISIS. Vfnr Wl XAEl T irth niZAD street: I cheerflilly lineny , tesSimony as to tkensertsin and ask o ishing effects of D. bra:lA.lft Piles Specifscou keowit from my it esperience and oluereetwei, to be ,infellilde; - her* men it used with swum ill several ORM of per; mala and female. hILLLKB, 5". Yak ' M.r IS ISIL IES , CIiOLTIIICATSJS S4th ---- New York, b10b44541 Mr. 'B.Sals— nr Sirs—l - Ames the ydrawarts - to seY, at-- your medicine, Dr, begaillsby's Piles Spocifie s. has emu • pew' feet cum in she caw of my Weer, and now vet room red, th et' 1 haee been sUrprised at it, as it was wy °puma saw prelate bean her. Hemmer s Ima eow tteMly Mitheemel , beltit ae being atul do adeive all 01 , 101100_Whb Aided in the like stunner, to procure th e srtide s as they easy depend au certain cure. . I • Yours with respect. t Wed Chester, N. Y., N 1415,1843. lutoldsby—Dear. Sirs—Khab you may bawfst open who coy-be suffering, as well as to bry psibble for the b... 611 ho,, derived look the me of your natal& Spa eifsc, I comply with your request, and now do gin my MAL many in bear ofd, harem bftts cured of a semen Wrack of the Piles mike Imlay Used other remedies without mem. , I Yours with respect • Said wliolesale sod retell by WM. JACKSON, al hit Pat eat Medici. Venrehouve, ood Boot anil Shoe Store, N. NS Liberty strut, held of Wood, Pittabstryh. Price, 10 mats per boo. . Yen Id—dly CONODIPTION AilllESTZEi—Terthoth_.- II afflicted with Din of the Leiti r gs. —Thisbe to certify no =se afflicted with the first pre monitory epsilon= of Consamptionc that I have been laboring for several years with a bronchi, =view of the throat and liciarseneu. I used many medicines, but found no relief in any preparation of medicine, anvil I made are of !DR. DUNCAN'S .EXPECTORANT, EAIEDY. I Ave beret uaing Shia trainable medic= for several years, and always find it io relieve when ever I make-ore of it. My occupation an an Lacuna._ cer, which keeps me almosicoistantly engaged, cassia my diwase, at times, to become very alarming, when I --- ' at once procure this medicine. I therefore rake plea. urn at making tha public statement, that others Whett ed with disc= of the luhp and expectorant wrens ' may know the riding of this “alrbealing =tidy," and may be cored. I have recommended Dr. Dune..., Expectorant Remedy to =ening' toy ®d., some of whom owe theirlirea to this medicine. Somerset,OhiceOet.l3, lELS: JAMEPIIEWIT The proprietor of the above medicine would, also eier to the mdersiped pentane, who. tea de in Perry minty, on whom my person may call upon and be °evinced that there ore vlrtme Mend in the above that cannel be excelled: David Cultteruto. SOilittl,j Dr. B. :one, do; Fran cis Gahm, Jackson tp; Mr. La MD . .., dot Geo. Polbeft_,.. tfalthek hs'Jerrod Davison, Donna-ell m. 'DR. DUNCAN'S WESTERN OFFICE, 150 Sy,' more strew., Cincinnati, Ohio, neld rnmbArkb by WM. JACKSON, se Many head of IVood meet. aplirdtva Yen, rtiose•teeth to and y ellow— Yon, whose skip la dark mid sallow— Yon, whose hair to harsh and whey, Rusty,dirty red or fiery— Yon, alma vale offenswe breath . troprAnillt is as putrid death— * You could bare—boy, wiener girl— Truth as whiteaqanow or pearl. . Breath a spicy sweet, and cense& • l'ure and white and smooth and beautiful, And Inv rti ofb etlk y, dark as sloe; By reading what is said below. . . READERS, any of Too OM have its alone bytnifid 'this IS nothing but troth.) using% L Louie ofJones Co ral Hair Flesharative,a. 21 box of Jonciffs Arnher.Tooth * Pane—and to cake or the . genuine Jot:Meet Morn • ChrmiealSoap. The arttelrs oast but little, and you nre palmed that the following are their real quaintest The moth P•me-glveit the brenib •sweet odor, whits teeth, and preset,es the teeth; ihe. The hair mar all— know to be the most exquisite thing ever made for dres sing beautitying. and raping the growth or hair, and the soap, (get the genuine Jones's Soap, wind) wideare all eruptions, heckles - &e, and make dark yellow white. clear and fair. 'All tliktings ire aPairM l 7) at W . JACKSON'S Hoot and Shie Store and Patent Fedicine WarehAuse-r9 'Libeny at. - • my ? _ -' Consumptive's Consolation .' ' Dews sichress weigh pion yoitr been? • Or pains nth ct•your breast? Try Dr. Devious's Nowlin Art, And it will tire on rest. It <learn nom) the misty eland, Dieeste epteeds o'er the send. And torldspets through the sloontinbroad,- Your beak/Inlay yet be whole." See yooder tose of lovely hoe Tie withering with decay; It seairly ripe the thonifug dew,. before ❑ Wes aittay. The Wombat Death was in We stem, •And strengthened as it grew— , • And *ben It bloomed, (ft lovely Fmk) It nipped throne, and thmogh. That Worm of DeUth might be defied;' If Dr. Dttnearea an mem Died; . And many lovely damsel. Fayed The fate of an untimely grave. (CO-DR. DUNCAN'S WWTERIV OFFICE,NoISO Sycamore street, Camilla.% Ohio; where his valuable metbelne l. told. Sold In l'inuttorgli, by WM. JACKSON, calmer of Wood and Liberty ale. apl2dikurTi : DEAN'S 'CHEMICAL PLASTER.' From Rev Cherie. Merton, Minister of thcßaptisf , Church, Wlloeter, late of Aslnabalit, 0 Meagre. 11. Hams Sr. Co, Propnemes of E. Desn's Chemical Plaster, Gentlemen—For several yearn 1 have horn time tested the •i vacs of F. Dean's Chemical Platter by wing it in my family nets remedy for Rhea mason; weakness and lamenesa of the pack, pain m the Unite', intlanamon of the thronowt eyes, ego*. In the breast, An; and I lake plea/ore in say of wyea and the pohile,that in emeryciow have *mud it asefol,' and lie believe Mat said Pliant, passages victims of more than ordinary . character, and that it will general, ly he. found • sediment remedy . fot thole dimmest for which it is reioutmeoggl, and ta lastly entitled to We ' notice and patronage oMo enligntaned retrantnnity. Veers hely, WO= ON , Wooster, 0., Dee. 20,1812- ' Sold by B A Eakneatock fa Co. corner Fin; fh. Wood ' yens. 1111YALUATILIC ShiIIitLICCONPANIO3I - - 01XLECTURES ob the USES el THE LUNGS Chines, Prevention and Punt of T HY. 'Ault= sod Dineen of the Heart . .oll lb& .Layrs of Louievity, and mode 01 prti.erringiailelind re. ayeenetry and beauty; expo.ititeimises and core or those di.emes that pradoee Coninampa Una, or shoiten IHc a. ARoctiona of the SkiniSplut, Stomach, Bowels, Kidney., Liao., Scrotal', Piles, Gravel, and Female Complaiatit. It. rules, easy, prod ical and pure, tom a pith, to perfect, health and long lire. 8 Engraviage. 3`4 page.. 50 et.. posts 9~ eta., fly SAMUEL SHEL DOH FITCH, A. 51., aC7O7 PROADMAY,Nk:W YORK. Any geraon remitting fifty cent., Free, will rename one copy. hy mail, to any part. The trade supplied. Feb 10,1817-06 m A - .Y.NVSkikI TONilt.—Alior turn. tlrb ortteie ota J triable. ashisitotiney prounore n tto be what it rakes .—the tut artichi, walltritt nay gumption, in me, Luau restoretiod and prueriatiost of U. broom hit. We koow of mom. iorrsnas where bah. hat bent Tutored totheads which bare bete bald for parr, and we Wok we moot de uutier fitur than to rieoetwoutd m all mar' readers who as rosistit their ktt sake. trial antis Tookimstedititel Boston Mut . . Far oLiaPuthkro at tto Pbas T.a Woe:. N. 71 Fourth Wed, max Wml souSllsorT EXPIECTORANT—We invite et tendom tor this turtiltable remedy for Polmobary affestitmi • - The prineiPle there ansoanuel of the snow bid character of obstroebbas—ltstendesey to Millnaio todsmatatioa e( the Idronehm, and metteeemear of the natural hantorbri., beyond din:arta; the truth itself. The only prsebeable .mode of temoviat Soca obstreetioe, is by =eerie' of expeouwatioa, 'is rani which we are convinced earl always he phial:bed by judieloos exhibition of the remedy'of I/Lisp:l6,-I%d. spirit of dee Tine. - r • For sale Irl famsbargh ai the PEKIN TEA !TORE. 71 Four th meet, dear Wpoind...boat the reeKthert, of-flp seamen; r.dirc , a Allweny. oiwanar,
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