The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, June 05, 1847, Image 2

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tpt-Tutu Fri:su4ost DAILY burr. i. published
TrbWeuklp, und Week Ist. , -The tinily is:lurch
Dallis,• per annum; thinstAVetiltly is FiVe lalhn per
mum the %Yeahty Is Two Dothirs per aiatuta, lariats ,
ustrants I
tp-' , mk
handed in by fill
• to We on thept,
Liven! mutual lie
ties to Advert'aerie
Meat, In .ceure micro°, should be
e o'clock in the aftercuion. Attention
it of out common., ovule be rodeo
for coml. maim.) I
.101110.1 . 11 W. PATTON
i , joi venom-ow out,.
/Olt •CV•It.l
GF.oßci .DAH.SIE., o( All , gholy 04
clutts - ri N SN IVEL Y. of W
Private Contributions
Minding monks own basin.* hat been regarded
&eta great a virtue, that by common consent it
been added to Me ten commandments, which have
a higher than hinnan authority. Esteeming it es
of almost inestimable value. we hsve deeply re
fretted to see e ; ilispoeition manifested by some of
the prams to aimed before the public the amount
of anatributionsmade by et4rirtain distinguished
individaal,=Judge GRIER, of the Nu precis Coon,
—for the relief of the Irish. This gantlemon,
with whom we; have no acquaintance beyond en
introdactlim at ,Washington, whose prlitical pre
failinCee are indikitours, and whom we are under
no obligation to defend, his keen rudely , wailed
because he has contributed but ten dollars for the
relief of the drub, while receiving a salary of
114,500 per annum from the General Goicrnment.
We protest ageing any such public exposition of
the charity of any citizen, end are hardly pre
pared to believe that public opinion will tolerate.
*van with a moment's hewing, carnplsints groasd
el upon such a region as Mil. A. moo's roomy
is hie own property. He rimy give 6r not give,
as he pleases, and the motives for his gfromities,
or hi! ability to give) liberally, no man eiff kriovv,
as has a right to know, bat ifiroself. Ten dollar,
with one man is as much as ton thousand with
another, or ten cents With e third. By what rule
a masjinevislence is to be gusged, we have yet
to lea , and 7s find it all the mare difficult when
Wlttitnow that i what the world calls charity re same.
times the very extreme of personal injustice
Men sometimes give in charity to one man, ivhst
they owe in common honesty to another.and others
'seek to be estriemid Utterable by trumpeting their
good gift. to the world, mhile laying the baud of
oppression upon their own household.
We hold that the private, unostentatious chart
Go of a man ore not the proper subjects of public
notoriety. The community have no right to hem.
by may of coMplaint, hoar little a man gives- The
charities of a citizen lest upon a sense of his rr.o
rat obligations to himself, his own household, his
country, and to mankind. We should as soon
think. of questioning his right to embrace a panic.
tau religious faith, or a particular political creed.'
le to arraign him for giving no more than ten
dollars, or one dollar, to o particular object of
charity.- -
It is a meddling, prying cutiesity but brings
these small iplitter;to light in the first place, and
a grievooi interference that drags them Wen
the public in the sedond. The good boric b..aelllcig
eis in our deeds of mercy "out to let our left hard I
know what: our right hand clinch:* Ina here we
Ind a man's charitiel retailed to the world. by
those who probably have done legs far Ireland Vann
'MO gentletatuut complained of.
We, exhint-ali such cacoplainan?, in the first
place, to dal as well an their neighbers, and in the
second, to 'learn that wise and noble loran cot
minding thir own business. It will save a world
Of trouble, l and lama teach us that oar own sel
fishness is So conspinmus, anti OUT faUlla so many.
that it will at least take all of oar spaie timo to im•
prove upon those whose faults are so glaring in
in one own eyes.
"Oh and atone power the ph., pe tut
To see ourselves. ottors as.
WasOttild from many a blau,, nee I,
foohsh . nuteoo. - •
Birrents or !COLIC a sa.—We propose to
publish weekly in the Gazette sketches of our pub.
public men in the hope that they may contrtbu , a
to the interest of our columns. As Habry
been cellesP.Philosophy teething by example,"—
so the essence of all History is the Public Men
whose persisnal biatory make up that of • Nation.
Who, in our lett& will forget the Patriots of the
Revolution I Who, in England, will forget the
'Patriot. of 1688, or who in France will target
the history of the French Resolution i—rd as! how.
different our own, or even that of England. In
these three great Nations of the World we ar e
the fruits of great moral action, of great geniis.,
. great patricidal), great power and occasionally of
great. wrong. We see the minds of the many moul
ded by the few, and though the iattie was (night
in these different nations, upon different ground.,
and for obtaining objecti, m some important
poets were unlike, yet in all alike, there ma. • spu
1, it of finedom,starting with the few, but every
where giving life rod hope to the many.
In the greatequality that every man het under
our free Institutions, we am apt to forget the good
Ad liming us. Like all Republics we have
shOwirtkit we know bow to be ungrateful. Our
most honored den are nut always our most wor
thy men, and honors are myth more Orally obtain
ed now than they were in the earlier end purer
days of our history. ; We have mode rapid smiles
in science, in art, and in all the varied briutchmio
business, whether agricultural, commercial or me
ettanital, we have been rather in advance than be
bind the timer, but in the science of Government
no far sit hoe depended upon good law, good or
der, love to the land we live ;mend faith in the Mali.
&Miens we live by, we aiutA more wisely wish t.
go back aiming to the starting point of our polo
Sal existence than hope to proceed with profit fro .
the point where we are.
hoping, by drawing outlines of the characters
of some of our living Staterien, to discard bad
Impressions end too deepen goal ones we shall ea,
wire° write, with freesia= of some of thine who.
names Fray be better known to our readers than
(be persons themselves. Vil'woold hope, ton, anti
so fed as in os lies, "nothing to extentisie
. • aught set dliwri in malice."
A Bscoso Bann-rite Water Committee of
the Councils an, divided in opinion between the
erection of a second water basin on Holmes' hill.
Mr. Paden my. that $60,000 will cover the ast,
and he urges the construction upon the ground
that it is due to the people residing in the neigh
borhood. There are 400 dwelling. shore the Pre
sent built, which by the payment of n 50 p,
annum each,' will nett the sum of fa3,ood, or equal
Ito 6 per cent. upon the whole coot of the work.—
Mt. Totten says, a part of the Bth Ward, on
Floyd's Hill, will also bare to be supplied from
thts basin.
.05210"*".. Mr. Thomas Ilakonell oppores the paw Water
works opon the ground of Meted %Ve arc up.
- acquainted with the merits of the rare, but of 4;be
thing 'de „are attain. If four hundred families
can be supplied with pure seater for th aim of
fifty thousand &daub the city by all paeans should
i make the necessary appropriation, end especially
r, ii this true when thane who are to de bent thud
or. willing tipsy the full amount of interest up
- cila the eependiture. —
• . •
f• -- COAL po n e.-lie bleb cage 01 water is gime,
' . he* egrets to the coal beat. whtch halm been 1.44
i...„ • , ieg lot some Lime put. o. ,11,0 bank. of the Mon.
°whale.. We COODLOti one day the present week
. -
,r neatly one hundred all Iseatily laden with coal, in
a distance of twenty miles. l
. .
The SIIALi Pox is open the incrrese in Si.
Leeds,. where the health otricertspieted thirty new
WO one day lad week.
siarrellgsOP Ter — ruismc m !Qv - '' allte e eWUrset i t trews wysta racressames.,..- -
A ?desire° Pavanes (acciOniing le a Bereft.
or - THE uNiTED: - STATES. 1 !de. Weelettei lath speech wee &betted &la. ue _ _ n
_ me _ e ______ .
• `.. - an lass mil •110011. vannah, ask below ere give such pasts of it Imam Curse.potedewee WC Pktgabwerch Caseate. I I'll PIP" a 1193 d o
n. gr) die Elude.** Of Vire
i ~ r ,
" 1 C r a auk carrying o yen and fifty-their men,
`John a r n•• s • ' of interest hi ma reader.. The welcome of fdr,
Wale/ Minas TWELTE`OiII IMRE:FRO] EUROPE. ' ha il .
been captured in the waters of Africa and
W s*" "ari w h ere Numb tut slth.° ' h"" - ♦ mui - of; 7 rl fit 5TY • 4.919111 1a ld ' 11 Im as pease • b the American
It would be more difficult to' tell when Sohn , • . e, A Ale - •• cein e tete lure • • • y
demetkie ta ..111 ror r In It ar, ;In Iwe hope me as e "
Quincy Adana was 110. in rubber lifte and more l i , had f• 8 if il5 .111, a •1• 1 1 1 •‘.- • •
top CatMehte, Capt. Edwin Littlefield, who was
difficult to estate the it he he ne t m e eye d pgblic 11,11'14nent Witch We Teeth . e . ve ope
- ..,—_ -,_ i bound boat Pence, P. R., with Coffee to Trieste.
from ho t cow:apnea, then Le. wha t he b., ,will tend Atli further to o make it we weeps.-
I a ble, now and firreref . _ ,
No child wee. ever bleseal wah a nobler lather, or a
purer mother. tint] John Quenci Adam. Tile NI r• IV , eh.'" "et. eeeic°
j i" d d " B i i i ii : sii h ,em i ... DETAILS ' OP TOIL NEWS •
ftorreepondeme of Piestorgh Guam.
father was one of the foremost end bra v est spathe Judge M Dyne ace of t h e u ge, o fp
1.1111AVEL•01., June 4e.1847.
of the rerolotion, and the mo th er had all the he Court of the Centel Stater, and in response to • 7
room and intelligence of the w orthiest worn. of
ar and graceful welcome tho
„ thatinguitthed The Hibernieddatce are to the 19th. the Cot •
her a en d e i me , sh e wee t h e d eog ht., o f t h e Senator from ef i stenehosette, .Bid: (we extract ton trade has suffered severely from the presentee
from the Sevanai Repub l ican )
which has prevailed is the !monetary circles. A
and one
iwo sister., both of whom were remaikable and I hem made this tour of mine, read Mr. Web- , better feeluag has, howe•er, begun to manifest it
which has proved SO deltgldfnl to nee wells f ee l( e i ece the merchants here had t i me to imtme
exemplary women, the one marrying Hon. Rich
enpying Il e and which will leam we men, pleas
ard Crancti, of gamey, father of the preeeith Chief ant remitoseetices to dwe!i ur s o fte r :
i. co r y .i r . e ie tu i L, I th e advice, brought by the Cambria. A greet
1 amoeut of Manus m cotton is being done, and
Junco Conch of Weshtngten, and tee other the far the
Lh u a llt u hlrieen °f WholimnlihiatlnlYt y o u n g er
known; Fr h oe . en advancing tendency y The sales
Rev. hfr. Show. ono of the old and hen treble
cenorgeteine t st i nietie ., o f N ew E ne t en d of t e n. . o l , l i l oo l: o e•i a. id ti lLT h i aa ceet a Vl /
a l oid asii m d ,.. 7; e 7; e 7 ih th a e t of the fortnight ending May 14th, were 55360
the (ether I neee not speak, and 'oflbermelher I we of the North end alet th . are stn beettzeiin. bales Of this mummy 4100 were taken on,spec
citation and 1800 Amenca r n for export. During
will only add , that these who v'eill'reed her pub m feeling end member s o f
b t ame great
I. po
tithed lettere to huettand. eon end once, will pro . net family, hours) together y t he athelesi 0 a gem. the couree of the week ending May . lath., a fur.
meet m our gloreme Constitu tion. they dect•ne of : per lb. was acceded to by boffi
n unto the author of the truth. 1111 01411allt0 there- li dmu • ,
Ha mute be a presueuptuou man in who
in emit kited, worthy of the highest euleeium laners of American descriptions. The prices dada- i
would venture to ibiek that be could na g gedt my' a
gut ge can bestow. Her shell I attempt-lee time
new features of improvement, ca M any way add j red by the committee of Brekera Miy 14th, fur
and space would fell me-to o,lllloerrae mete to our pr e em i e form of united liolernment-hy its Fair Cotton were lowed 6111, Ode.. gad. and
than the meet poetic ricoh in the career of En.
provisom end compromises I stand es I ever base Mobile fie. The uroretete: of the fortnight were
Peeled.' Adams. et .od and ever will stead, and woe t rthe meddling o
Mr. A. is fast verging on four sc ire years, have .
ne ..., eye., atoll tee to in the hope , et . 3.33 bile,
punier. n
ing been biro . the 11th el ditty, 1767. Nearly The smallnees of the eeocks of grain all ove r
getting sorer and rater go t oes for State Itlghts
vt.,Y year. of thin time , in one way or Rn 4 3". aid State leetituti me. In itself it in already per- Eueope, and the conseihence of the scarcity al
he hue been in public Ida end ben fdled the hie" fe' and complete; any change we only result in provisions brew more and more felt, and as high
eat " thees ' -thd alm '' r all grades o f office ,— neareing the perfect harmony of the mparte parte.
known either to our Neat or State Govern- as once, were premetrely, '
Neatened a further important ael-
The Conetaution eves the result el cencemions
made He wee cradled almost teethe Revolution,
and compromises. It gave to the General Gov. velure hew taken place in the value of breadstuff.
and need through ir, of neceuity, not only an ac
, element met the specific rights and duties, and left es well in thi, contry as Ito the new continental
lirespeenther, but • metope. a perucipator,-mo le the States She free enereit.e of their own ap. p e n s within the lost fortnight.
that not in an humble way,-in
, som: of its moat en
proeriate n and the unteetncted enjoyment or m
ehe uncut:m to ay in regiud the imports into
important enerarl Tell important. alter he was horn,
their own lowa and the cotarol cof their own metal
and In the midst of thethe kingdom affording sutllcient to carry - us to the
Reeeldwn ' he ' ' Lc "' metthutions. It h en coed the [test of experience.
panted his father to Europe. It wee John Adam.,
proved itself capable, outlet a clime adminneration, next harvest, end the doubt generally entertained
Benjamin Franklin, and Arthur Lee, aa is known,
of retrying forward the prosperity of the country- whether enough will reach us from foreign ports
who comp, wet the Commission at N msallle; -
Our duty is to be contented with the Constellation
John Q. Alerts was absent but eighteen menthe, 0 mete up the deficiencei, have been the noon
as II ea-to reeith all changes from whatever quer- a
•nel daring this time improved himself in the stu ter, to preserve the ° of • the late advance, and We must teethed that the
ity of F'tench and.Lth na
in l other branches of rigout sp irit anginal put
,t3 commend it, a. it in, to the care of those shortness of thew pplies i from the geom.,. the
teeming Old John Adam. landed lit Boston, in who are to come after ete. • • • • dimwitum of the stocks eft the graneriea of the dif-
Augoet '79, in the very density of the deekneles .„
1 urnsng towards the monument at whose ham
11,4111.1013. HO w. nut peruntted to re froth hfaretune pats send general tone of the ed
of the
he steed:. and peenteng to it, Mr. W. burst forth ,
main longer then three months at home, the scene vices heat abroe..l have ,afforded ample ground,
c , into an elequeet apoetrophe to aseutatiens that
f" th e greatest service being th en open th e . Clustered around that Imos end the feelings to which for ai pt thennon. Wheat hae, however. leached
sop can site of the Atlantic, sa a neginetor !nth they .
eimeie ewe rise, which woo ...lid only oar i so hi g h a point 50 he pat l , b eyon d the ma d, of
power. friendly to the United Sum re and . with -
b, attempting to repeat Item memory.
them like Fratice, who were bootie to England the poorer class. A gteatly contracted cotaaump
He spoke er the due of the Reeolution, where
Agate the eon arcompented the (ether to Europe, state
caned open ste, for raid an we „ nee of tiara mug therefore folli‘el, end this may perhaps
end at a nenk tea ' when the 00050 WOO at- Independence, and of the feelings that animated Ito the mews of veering my Nether immethete
moat dotted with English ships in search o f ev.
his heath while he th ought up on the noble response rise in the value.
cry thing American, or friendly to the indepen i
of Georgta to that call. Georgia was then far Canadian lied 13.0 lie White do 13.14 eke.
dent cutoutes which could ho found. It was du
dine:int , the wend...working agency of the Tele
nog this voyage that old John Adam. was placedbugs actil 3a. United States Red Wheat 13a 9d
in charge of Commodore Tucker , one of the graph. that annihilates space, wee then undreamt
of-and long and weary miles of tenderness tn. to 14.. White Wheat 1, 1 3 s 3d to 14s tild-all per
thunderbolts of old ocean. and every bit 04 brave tervened between the oldest add the youngest 70 the.
u Paul Jones, or any or the fabled heroes of the
of the original Thateen, yet the call was heard i i o d ian Corn was worth 50s to 51a 0.1 per Qr.
" r " The tulle ` easel °I. the gallant Gemmed. " and answered. • New England blond," said the i
bad many R hairsbreadth escape from capture, tuton the 14th inst. Yuterelay it realized the large
gifted speaker. ..hat been freely potted out up. I
the muter se " determined never in Yield with g ifted
amt, end her 53n+ base pad ehouldte to !taut., of 634 to 66e per Quarter of 486 Mi.
out a struggle, nu mater what force might at
rho ildec with them. of Georgia m the c ;rumen On the 4th irwt. we quoted the price of Ceu
ta& him At one time red danger was at
eyrie Sone arid grandsons of those petiole.. dim tupethine Flour at 40e to 41. per LW.; Unte
hand, and the life at Ademo wee d eeme d as
i .
haselor of whom I now address ! Georgia. , ?hall we not i •
precious an the great minion he had in charge- ,
etteiiiih the
ieeoitietiee of „ nee
...on outlet - ted States sweet at 39s to 40s 6J. Our quotations
the Ambe the meetl nut of l Inge and common danger., and make them the I to-doe show a wire 01 eaten .hilline
eta...levee towarde establishing a mere p erect the quetatione of the 4th, on the former, and 8.
way. • rhe shhh4,, fried, but in vain, to obey or I h ar mony h, mem their deseender.te Those whom I lid to iee 6d on t h e i ett ,
ders, for no s Inner waa'there real danger et hand. I the ~.4,,, and p erils of M.., „„,.4 not ...„, .
, than he was foreme.t in the fight, and • s imps- peace
mid nor S epa rate . ''
-- -"' ' The accounts from th e continental mukets , all
tient of remnant. as 1 i mingle with the humbles ::
' Mate. may vehe r , the, union of confederated state that much matedy of breadetuffe preyed. 10
sash ' s ' in defence art " ' 4 "P mu "' however. States a. a conventence, or an arrangement, or a various parts of the continent-Belgium, Switx
areived safely out, and Holland for a time became I cumntonnee of teteemoe , but 1
the mene of bin labor.. He was a beggar i t the i r de•the to See en viand and PILI•112-but althuugh nangen tots
en w
i ettechment to the Union !little& among the peo.
tumor! ot thrones and princepeliftea, fee mous i late npening. large suepliew were expected to ee
ded ii f i laical economy, nor .
pe, nnt e t , a uc nn o at
th e '''Y " th e war of his " up " with d:ri g land ' as a result of phileitipltheal reasoneng, bet cherub- i rive in a short time , whereby the want, of the
and among kings, noblemen and .rot bank ! rd no e
eeitetoiene. people in the famine districts of those countries
deo, for it was not coy then to obtain the a news
1 I wed) to Fee that attachment extended from one wou ld not on ly b e . of lo w i, h u t nme , 0 ,,,, car
of-war'" at home or abroad. O the mo an w a young
rf 1
exttemity of this conk& Irr eel then thew, net by ,
nation in the New World, sodn e u rou smut,' Le shipped to the ports of Great Brt
•e" I Telegraphtc communtesten a, but through th e me -
1 nation in the Old. denounced os an traitors and diem of American eym p e thi, ac t ing u p on t h e tam and France.
' rebels But against all odds our feelers faithfully i
American heart. Meseachusette, it is true, can- The latest acmunts from. Smyrna, are to the
etruggled, patiently endured, and in the end glee ! not vie with Georg i a en fa:ally of ma, abundance ' 30th of April, and moono^ the fact that grain
riously trimephel. It wee it such a school as ,
or th e boundlue realm, s of inter
T this that John Quincy Adams was taught, and with had leather declined in value , and the accounts
nal improvement. which will render Gamy% •t r
a mother 110 geode him who loved to instil unto I no dictum
.sty, f the adjacent lecalfnes on the witted of the,
a one of the mtghtiest of oils' con. •".
hi s mind ihnee principles "nu' religious anal.. CI. I federated brines Seven Stems like Mateathuset.., I crop s were decided l y 0 • nature greatly ha allay
oil liberty, higher than which nn nation or wey
might ho coved out of Georgta, and yet abundent i mane t Mr the future, 'while the estimate male of
°I. men ever
to obtain.
t U" r d ,l room be lett for the formation of another State.-
the qoantity "viob fee present necesthies el
fl, mon, often by the creel unit gee' me , ' e ' I • lb.. num. l product. of Mesachusette, (a. n t e
.. 1
the It triton t m Thee , the em ni emote of hie ' i s en e ern ei. ,,,..,, t.t ., , ~,,,,,i.i urn „ wee , d i ,. 'c ed ell p'PTIAIS role u , ,,r, were his greet moral exemptare. He
, I Many of these stately builden„a that tower atm. . The market tar American cured provisions
ss ,r" fas ` ded hO" nd ti.hi, with the edn ifi aa , th r a re `"„P , roe, are I doubt not indebted to Meeembusetts, for • maintain lamely price., and were in action demand
0,,,,.' some
„ a t he m ,‘",""'"g u ''"'” „ ra , c Y °' the ~- the granite upon which they are reared , but your
1 n censeuuence of there bung no unveils from
e.'•"'"' Jo h n e."."',,,5' even " l e "' e di re „ e • isL ' en ,.' liner of tail roads eren now ser. Wang almost to , ' •
e " . " t s ' i o ," as ridt: e ight een Y ee irra , id e e-,... e4e ' ", one a:' th e foot of your mountain e.g.-bedew( entity I ift'isnd• The velum of peek and hems does not vary
"' a '" e ' s ' • F" -° o • -- w.- .-" ""‘"" n so " granite-v.ll l mm deplete her et that privilege; 'mach from last minces!.
respect of a true father, in arse .-o ni. Id, "The,
but oar hyperleman winters wet long give tee the Bacon ',wee, in ceneeriurece of thesearenv
react and motel rte rat ' •. "1' ''''' pa id 7,l inoneeeele'e i• •,he r :snide of et, ,n il it ,te r 1 , ~,,, .., , , i ,,,,,. , p „,,,,,:,,,., , i ~, ,I, 0,,,n m. hr, h
to truth, gala me 140
rY,. ° st „ ere o,i ceeft. i.. 1 to b. you r heart- of wami aid
__ 74
1,, liii lane
ii ' d ewer " fr m herd c i "" •i nah _ i e. .'" - t drawers of water," we yet wail be your -harm elf f c`min a ." """
titude, and every melee eat., which
can e "‘" a l ice and d: covers of water' , Mina demand. I
gond mire at, do hone- to ylur muntry, an d render ..Never here. ," tend Mr. W., ewes Iso lift- I Tbo emu now current are from Mil t+ three
your parents supremely happy,, and ft•rlie. l " l / ably imperesed with the mighty influences of that . hdimr, , .t,„. ,h,.. Pr At steamer.
your affectionate mother." ft . great modern discielery, Steampower, as an en. Curse.
Young Abner soon visited many parts of Eu
ettrie of improvement, the^ when, d... 8 . 1.1 1 0" The arrivals daring the part fortnight had been
rope. lie wee put to school "irsinsia/Y at P are . hey hire, I attneweed the passage of the bog tram ' _ .
chete , te „ .
Amsterdam and hoyden. and afterwards accr in of can through th e demise p pineforestforest of yo u r in . 01 .11 I, ,
panted Freres 0 toe; in t em . to S e peteeeburc tree .r :I erlf moved ho on inner power wretch pee Pne.s had t
easequ t
tally eileau A
cel ..o. irier
where he acted to the Pio,. cr
e '' • nn v while style of its existence and - left no trace per 100 um.
He relented home, after siringbehindit, rte.., . I
them solitudes like a lard, but • The F l u". wl,h rosy
be obtained carp
N ' ihe " Euro p e ' German y' in p ail . 11 ' 41 " d I urged by a pum that multi know no worm..
(rem les to 55. per 1110 weight, accordeng in the
Franre end England. It wan lam anal Praline to i and whoecen , igtce neer , flagged. it was tai
be with his father at the o yang , f the Treaty of t . re ..d. teeron of the aught of men in tennosing quality . 'Flute has ben an a dvance of do to 3.
Peace, in Panic in 1783 . Ai L ee d on h e was fee natural nopedim nts from his path of t Mgreeelee per cot. 1
voted ,few can hardly ever again he favored se • , , e „ i „,,,„,„„,,,,,
T......-.4mce the 4th May this article te
listener to the eloquence of Burke, Sbereden, For Knowing, as I did, the rapid march of tremor,
Gelling at 44 to 46s per met
Pitt, a ulnae of nettieelhoir ....° ETheiteh re' A mnint to your Sian. that you had elbeady termed. r
there it no , Amerman
liament before, or Imre. has OW ['Stunned. All t, of wee ,. n un d, e 3 nu n,. o f Reed ,„,a . n 3 mu d, lt triTtar-At present
these men at this time were in the unah of then I mete in projection. I could nut but rifled upon Butter an the market ' .
power. Pitt yowl at'the bead of the Brinell Hunts. ' the great destudes Own to tho people thcierri• ' The pressure upon the Menu Maileet ha been
try, with hes three greet rival, strayed lipase( him
,! if they would but improve the opportniettel with-
This was before young Adam. wee ' 2O years 't in their pow, r more revere than has been known for any year.
age. Indeed aeon after he was IS, ho enter. d 1 This m i g hty agent, ovom, la the bnd•manien , Put• Menet..) mate", however , ap ,red to
Harvard College, far redeemed in hw towhee. aid t of imgrovoinonto„ elm ,s , beyond concern; lanni . tmproving when the' amulet left.
in 1787, grsdoated and tamed his attention. 5 1 1 Each day duel epee new blueing. t, be derived HANK OF FIviGLAND
once, and with great assiduity, tothe l aw. , from eter it Itenolll4 labor-it econotease. lime-it During the past week there tred been an in
a proreo on which atone ; time he thought he i Anne the poor man Insane arid ability to travel- ,
nue on the Depasites an the Book O
ssatf England
should have meanie of depend for the mea of support t It ieme tout! , the mini, emote region ..
and c
He teethed vigorously under Thermion Parma., . 'xteut of £570 000
, Menge face to Lee their 10haIntanis, eamblisbmg a , I. the e •
once a dieting - embed Cheer Junta., in Massed i -
harmony of interest and letting-between them: It The Bullion has elm increased; and to the u
s the He became at this toe appuently
eta " . I million limas all-the
inetenne, the pear end the rich; the I tent of one million ream,.
tmd ae fame, and distingu i shed himself penile
.prince .
"hi" and th e l' e " e" " "' new e q ual f.. ' ln '' These favorable elremnatances have enehled the
leafy lath bre pen, 01 bes epee. inn to mice 0
ieti - .oooao.
, , of travel, and can rmen
revere rho low, tor., and a
lila easy. from the famoce Them., Prone. n.II: I luxuries h orn daunt Ii intr.,' they travel thr , ' Bank to resume eta 1
to I I , he was the public dr fentle• of Washingt rte,
alt side by side in the tame rail car-the tr. hew. 1 tent, and upon Bille that had been peevibualy
for the emu. pursued by it i , "rebel. of 1 r Oat is emitter and the mast rising up to mho ma. 1 turned away, nod Upon leme that had three
country." 1 rrallfan the then wrier Theater
jetty of it c mem. entehoed. For a long time
neonate to too
f". France, th e Inn "' Genet " firm bon's atter the autenvery and ewe of this potent .gent, it • r.
came from the hands of the fire , President, std I tee+ thought only eppiteee , to writer neetfletioti 1 .
Advances were else made to Bank.. at 51 per
under all AdMlnlrtrutioroh no" then
he hsa h -Id • end this prejudice retarder:4o.e march of ftce".••• 1 cent on premien:mew paper presented fee theemet
compicuouituisiteons derived from the p e op le. •I e men u , wh i ch it might here expedited.
The favorable enthe of the Rmenean Etehang.
State or from the Federal Government. Wad: i For a lohg series of years, a communication Ix . Las had a good ULU on the English money
ington cent bled to the Netherlands under the re- . tween the suit:sof the Atlantis and the Gulf of I
e... andanen of Thom" de"'""n• oho - aft "' Mexico, threuth the Peninsula of Florida, has I i
wade al. "'" him a thatin g iiished P ° "' °b " ' i. been thought desirable, hot th•ep„j Mice pt. vent
Th. mnfhet with the father would not a 11,,,, ed ire, se e canal Inns „ fleeter , d eeeeeiei , " ~, ,
Mr. Jeerer.° to be alternand from the ten. Mr. wpm ,. et, Roil 11 „ . , ~„ ~ ia .. : , 1 ,,, 1
Adams, therefore, went hitter and thither at the place affranals, and the L•empletton of a `mob- I
call of his pOrrelllll7lell l . and w 616 eerrr ready in i western Rol Road from Savannah le Pelmets ie ,
go where he could"the ' rind g°''d Now at the only needed to mike those two clue. rupee every
Court of Holland, teed again at the Court of tit the most proper.. in the South, °name, a. it
laesea•ni'da, hurrying eif th Berlin. end i ' nici " '" would, the leo women on the Southern Atlanta ,
prtrautua tlll COUrre to Portuguel, Nu year an Coast, lash almost the only good harbor en eta
Imp otint ergotism wi th Peeress , the next ever. etiietcen Gem /
mg in till. of hee elate. the:third a Sere. Five unit tweedy
„era ago i, on my
weer i
atom in Congress, the loath a Prefetwor of Orem I Congress. f pressed fir Illattnr, but inn. n nr.,
ry and Rhetoric ""in hem old Alma Mate • and ,::an , not ripe e .,,,,,,,,, foe a ~,,e,,..ere.,. rosy
en ,
on , i
afar again. flying op . ,h, wine . o f ,h, weld, en be cern,' ma. and I pledge to thin a,tenb I
scam for thetant Roane, as the Munster Memo- ail the tie, and influence ihat I
p0i, , ,,,, to
i e . iiar Y of his G"esiimenh It was Mr ', Ad ' rr " carrying ii into execurion , es of Infinde ,aloe • i
who incited the Emperor of Room to "ie."' as i (korai* and the entire noon.
a friendly power for the ma oration of 'peace bee . 7
weenthe Governments of England and the I nee
ted !states. It was he, too, who was eon of the
Commtesemers (with Clay and Gallatin) to nego
state the treety of pence, which wee *mud at
Ghent, in December, 1814 His father, in bee
prewnce, bad etgned the first treaty of peace at
Pane, and it tout his good fortune to sign the see
trent) himself at Ghent. Heir .• will followed
him. Mr. Madison appointed him Ambatteador
to Eqgland, which office he held. until Mr. Mon.
rem at the comMencenunt of her Administration,
called him home, not to retirement, but to be his
Secretary of State-au office which all will admit
he filled with the most marked ability! Still hts I
mune was onward and upward, and when Mr.
Monroe/tarred oat 11411 two terms, he became his
.utterer in the Preeidennal Office, ri naming the
votes of thirteen Slates. which was then the i."
pude number in, the House of Represent.-
eves, as .e of the three competitor, who bad
failed to be eleeted by the Presider 61
Since then the career of Mr. Adams hes heed
too familiar to need comment at my hands. There
are various opinion,. too, ao 10, the RoglielY of the
Nig course, E, and the justice of L i. sentiments. Do.
suing not too enema pert, or sectional questions
in these sketches, I prefer to leave the subject of I
this dutch Jed where it is, only *tiding that Mr.
Adams wee elected Cdrieree. in 1831, that be ha.
been a member ever emcee end that he will in all
prolethilay die st hie port, and with the harness
on his beck. Meet heartily do f believe him to
be govuened.b
em, y the pureed peteletism and thelimb
e.. sense of Flour, ,hei.d.ff•ir from hem.
eats) there are few men who have not whitey
differed from him at ticace,--are bound to concede
tine, To praise tee vast amount of intelligence,
whether the remit of has observation or study, or
whether appertaining to political, historical or bi
-6661 knowledge, would be rube wasteful and
ridiculous MOW of gilding refined gold." The
life of such a Duff he one of the most in.
cilium that Whinge our nations htetory, and as
meh it .01 to be cherished sa a precious legacy
y the ArtteriCln pimple, I
beine.o. c Mar
sfiwt & lICE
Capt. JaiTrTeam, son of the Ex•Preaident,
hue nwigned his convulsion a• Csplaio, under
the ten 'aliment law. • •
Mr. trel,eter•polte i opal t, me.
ry ond liFren •
Joan Quiver AD•I4/I, still In feeble Lealrb.
at Wash:noon, where he rwrsit, the worn •
worm areather'! before returning to his le rue a
Quincy.—N. Y. Tribune.
We met Mr. Mains elm days since HI We,
ington, and Tue. improved in health tint s them •
jpirrnment of Congretlf. Heir, however( in v.
fi.eble health, theogFr prompt In the dis-b,;:e
I the duties devolving atom him; 611 I ',id)
mhud so action as in the ciaing trine of lit .
Mr. Adams will learn Walhitigton
c ur hi. oil Lowlier], in gdincy.lwiterC iur irt
hn and grandchildren all tr.ida.]
In another colirii grill be (mind al rkelch.
bo pionCiarnt vontits in the Ida oe,the diidinaittat,
d Ex•Preaiden.. ; 1
theNeditor•of the Pittsburgh Goectts.
The citizen. of Connellosille herewith notirl lir
your oily, to the care-of Tattle & 0,C070v0',3 n
mount of clothing, corn, and thol. for the Irish,
which, when delivered in Philadelphia, win I acettl
in vraluelhe sum of 111000. On the yen it.,
nurture wn are atlvibed that so great is 1116,:evount
of produce at the d epot of the canal, 101 l pr, du In
the 'shipment of our donation fir onnall weeks
hence. h,. alreoly bee,, &Word" malty
'tenni. enraging 111. rive of our river, nipl ne inn
hoer her at great nepenno of nine and' I lit. in
preparing it for Osprotalionr we hope that those in
your city who stympathiso in this elTtrt for suffer.
hne htimanity, will adopt measures for the home.
',haw departure of this and other hike'cargoes. to
thr it destination. Will some one of your suborn
!hers take this matter in handl 'Yours; tce.
I .
The as is.en. of New Orleans aft, luxuriating
in the honor of SantaApnae CorlCLog. taken at
Cerro Gordo. We ibse the trophy is destin
ed to the further honor of a triumphal procession
through the country, and then to public preserve
'lbis, as 111 otercoriel of our war with Mexico.
The Coned market nevettheless bad been
metked thronghoutdiy heaviness and depression,
and thei belief was general that the Chancellor of
the Esclisquer would be compelled tolunil a par
lifltj of the Eachender bills now abet in Liver
pool and elsewhere
We are sled to stele that the naymyntit4 lb.
last week, which ■re wit posed to be the beaded
ever known, were seasonably provided for, as they
were for the work of the railing of the steamer.
The Hibernia takeeout . the sewn that all engage•
°mobilizer been faithfully kept
The prruute ddfiog fits put Ise) arecks hes
been more Inter. and by ettnionlinary rllmt.
and sacrifices Credit , has been sunained.
The position of Wain; is now [list the extreme
res.nro Itus Jepalted while money Cl.ntinuo.
(timely scarce sod Llear fur th'e [m..1'0.111115 prow
eution of lanineaci.
Our quotations lot the several kinds of
eon stocky, though latter than the closing price.
of thu Britannia, Must too understood to be from
nub to two per cent higher than the lowest prices
by piesiou• advice S.
During the interval of the Nth and tsth of
• Miss. a very decided Improsement hoe taken place.
There efin he no doubt that the Bank of
land is ate...lily improving, as the present amount
of Bullion held by this institution, Is yatimated at,
try many coropeteni judge., at the surn'of ten mile
lions Sterling, whilst the reserved funds of rho
Brokers is neatly (our millions more.
The markets it lest dates "Fero steady, and but
l ittle dojos, 1 ,
Among the paal?engerli in the Hibernia in the
Conylv. Elgin.
The 81011110.1 . / .embri■ salved 111 Liverpool on
the 14th of May (tom Heaton.
It was staled in the Chamber of Peers on the
10th of May, by the Minister of COMlllerCti and
Agriculture, ths6he prospects of the next bar•
vter were extremity fai - orable. Notwithstanding
Mie good prospect, however, the quakets' bay e
continued to alvante in maims yens of the king.
dom. •
'Cho account of an investment by the Emperor
or ph in g n , in the !English funds, hod produed a
grew sensation ■nd upon the eontlnetd.
Tim effect hes been to deprive the investment in
the French of the character of exclusive
friendship repcdtad for the French Government
but now shown pot to ctial.
Liverpool American Provision Market
lovazroot., May 19. 1
The demand for Provisions of American curs
has improVed very couch and closes steady. The
arrivals met with ready sale.
1i .....
advanced 2s to 3. per cat., on ac
count of be drama*, of
,fresh meat.
Ch had advanced 11 per cat, and was sell
'ng at 4 s to 55s per tat—ord. to fine.
Tallow au 2. to 3s dearer per owl—selling at
49.52.. [This quotation is somewhat obscure.)
The tendency or the Cotton Market was to ad
Caere, particularly at the close- The sales were
The pressure- in the Money Market was dill
great, but it appeired to be improving.
In London the clueing prier of Flour wss 53s
(fifty-three,) and of White Corn 70. (seventy)
per quarter.,
Corte's:K.Mace of tin Pit4burgh
By an arrive' et New Orleans we have leer
news from! the Arm).
The papa. of that city contain lame important
nem. The new. was telegraphed from Feeder•
The report of Gen. Worth entering Puebla is
confirmed. No opposition wu made to his en
Herrera MIS selected Treshlent of the Repub
lic of Mexico on the 15th of May. At the co'nvors.
(ion of Con areas, Banta Anna was a Candidate,
thaosh the vote he received in not given.
An Amencan train - with supplies for the Army
had been captured by the Mexicans. •
. _
Forty Gtfarillla captured on the Rio Urande.
Fifteen Guerilla bad also been 'taken near Vera
Crux, and were brought in there on the . 32.1,
General Worth entered Puebla on the 15th of
May. .
Santa Anna with 10,300 men fled in the di•
radian orthe Capital a Worth advanced•
Gen. irelencie with 15,000 men was reported
to be posted between Puebla and the- City of
Tlayacep a en the Gulf waa captured by. Capt.
Maya on the lath, but with what force our D.a•
patch don not gat,.
It is added that u ite and his party were !s—
-tunting they were fired upon by a party of Mlen•
inane. and !hat Midshipman Pringle and five men
were wounded.
The Second Pc Regiment were gerrhoning
Carre•pandeace of the l'imburgh tistrue
June 4 - , 10 P. M..
The litlicritle'v news has not The market for
Flour op largely. Buyer. came Enward and pur•
chased 'try freely on the strength of it. 10,000
obis lieneseee and Western sold to.derat p 9.50
per bbl fa the former and $9,25 for ,the latter.—
The demand continues quite active.
Wheat has gone op in the Name proportion.—
piales 3000 bu prime White at 22.5 c per bu.
Corm—Prime Yellow a up to 120a123c per tor
and sales of 15,000 hu at lbw figures.
I.,ornmesl is held at $6 per bbl, without Bales,
however, to make that price.
Whiskey in bbls has gone up—holders now de.
mend 40c Per gall. No buyers at that.
The mark• (or Provisions has bean extremely
settee throughout the day in consequence of the
news: Pork has advanced 121a25c. and. the
11411 reach 31100 bbls.
F.....5.0n Correadm.lnner 01 dm rilltlelrell listra . <
• Julie 4 10 , 1 P. hi.
Flour.—The ourlaet ba• advanced, but not much
There no an excellent Icebox prevalent, and we.
111 11XXIbbla ;velar at 39. Holders subacquently put
the price up to but buyem would do nobustness
at that, and so the market cisme.
Provisions are unsouvei or yet by the news, but
hchlery are mur.l Mete lima to their demands.
,I-nrc Pot,t,vgli ts.,t
11A ['WORE M..kR.KE r.
• June 4, e P M.
Cur.:lo.l i. up-5 6 .37i demanded.
buyers at OW.
Flour—Holder. are now dernandlng SIB per LW
for Howard at., Flour. uut there ere no buyers 3t
that. The acme Is asked ler city mill., Inn with no
better result as to steeling ‘
ROI - prone rent wheat sales e 1 i I
hit ,Ithr $• nor.
naked. '
Wee is sited lur whlte curn-411es at 111 a Ilk
per be.
Sales vrlrekey to bblv at 07c...
Thee II ID iinernr•raent, th 0.411 bet shot. In
thn prices of proritions.
In glad.; no change.
8. The Welcher toougot over four hurdre.l
and two thousand [total. I eritog in specie—up
wards of $2.000,000.
Wit have more Telegraphic new.. but are un
able w get it in itic paper.
AR.,. Rosa Harper's Ferry;ko.Alegan
dris, is urged in the Alexandria casette.
The Mae Rani. RAIL woo is DOW used from
the Lake to Richmond, 92 miles, sod in the course
of the womb, will be complett d to West Liberty,
which is within 24 miles of Springfield. The
Springfield Republic hts the following notice of a
pornon of the country O•ef which it was designed
to extend, the Road:
Between Belielontaine antE.Weirt I.oserty, the
road crosses a melt prairie, which u evidently a
lake, ores the surface of which a heavy sod has
grown. The • road was graded and contractors
were about to deliver it a Gushed, when sudden.
ly it dissppearel. and twelve fret water was found
to it. place. , Thirty yearn ago the grass was cut
or. this prairie, and hauled off on a lleavy wagon.
It is suppoised.that there is a subterranean com
munication between it and the neighboring lakes.
The mid will probably have to be carried around
the prairie.
Governer Name is in loan, and has taken
. lodgings at the St. Chsrles,w here, the Po.l at
acme us, be will be happy to see his Mende.
Ctectearri hits subscribed $14,000 for • Me.
chwie's Institute. It is • noble subscription, and
see will the mechanic, in Pnteborgh would start
one fora like object.
lion Its a sim WIZOITta and lady arrived in
New York on Tussdays Hs is convalestent, but
not yet in 4111 ralength.
The Corporate authorities of Nashville city bays
given the first reading to a bill providing for a
subscription of Ilia hundred Skoussnil dullsre of
Strk in the Nashville and Chattanooga • Rail
114. d.
rho Naahvillo Republican hopes that the sus.
pension uf the hlecephis 'Rank will be but tempo•
eery but it giver no realm for ii. hope,
j n on,, WOOO, it is thought, will be nominated
for Governor by the Loco Focos of Ohio:
A arrratt lion Franklin ivy that in the case
id the Commonwealth re. John Parker anti Mary
the jury returned a verdict of "Guilty of
Murder in the First Degree:: A motion
was made by the commie] fur arscahnf judgcmdit
an d for a new trial; which, after argument sea
continued by Um Court to 10th Junr.
The rongregatir of Rev. Mr. Green, suspend
ed tq the Methodist Conference for sdmtuing to
membership Rae. J. N. bleak, have severed their,
oatmeal. with that body, and organised as an
Independent Methodiat Church, win, Rev.
If pallor.
Funrcc MOIIITALITT.—Tbo Montesal Herald
has seen a letter hem Quibee, whichatate., that
on board the Ague., there haw been fifty death,;
on I;oard the Wadsworth, forty lire; on board the
dare thick, Len or eleven; on baud the George,
twenty; in all about one hundred and fifty. i There
are now, says the Herald, about two hundred and
&lateen patients on shore in the horipital, beside.
twe hundred and twenty other. on board bur
ship., which are detained at Orme
Anne FULIIOIIII, one of Wenlell Philip. and
Lloyd GartllMl eiateibaod, paraded the streeu of
004011 ori - tionday morning. carrying • placard
with ..Pctiele's Meeting—Seats Free." Inscribed
on IL The police walked her off fur a time, but
in tbealternoon, while the police were elsewhere,
she managed to reel off quite a long lecture in
Washington street.
Taus keen ElPMlll,ll.T.—Messaysbei ffeen
New Haven, Cohn., and Toronto, Upper Oen..
da, hare been instantly exchanged by 'Telegraph.
The route Vona via New York, Albany, Rochester,
Baffelo, and then crossing the Niagara river be
low the Falls, peeling round Labe Ontario to To
ni nt,, the entire diatanie being nine hundred
Datchoog,of New Orleans, d
by 'two enlartultbildreit: one fourteen. the other
Latent, whir had been slaves, in his pomestrion—
Stime pentane felt it their duty to attempt to get
thaws children from their meat"- The ease on a
hatless corpus mote berate the Court. Mr. tin.
cltteng4eclared they voluntanly accompanied him
amriants, and were to go with him to France,
end thtd ; fie was willing it should be left to their
option tog with him as such or net. Both ti e
'born:WV I decided. to continue or oh Al r. Du
' ctionvael the cam was discharged.
'Exrceetrr Fll AVD . —The Aladisno, Wisconsin,
Argus Immo.; nee the discovery . ; within the last revs
'days, of an astounding (rand upon the people sod
territory. It appears,
_from a recent eau:aeration
that large aliment. of Territorial Serie, - known to
bane been once paid out of the fanda.provided br
the General Government, have bran re-issued it
diderent places end are again in circuration.
doubts exists, according to Argus, - bat thousands of
drillers are a bout, and it is 'cared that the band is
as extensive n it ha. been succmatoi.—Shlwaukie
MURDER or run BOLITIAO bitalMit AT
non Ave vs—The Comereia of Muotevideo . 01
April 20, reports the murder of Doo Muriel Rod
rigues, Bolivian,Ministr at Buenos Ayres: . tie 1/3•
found on the book of the river before the halve oc
cupied by M. de Mandeville, the English Loom!,
with his skull cleft by a safre blow. The deed is
attributed to Rosa., who wished to tree himself of
a confident too well acquainted with Ms secrets.
and whom he suspected to have been Indiscreet in
relation to certain project. of rebrerneet attributed
to himself by rumor at Mouteviden.
E !I 1=
Proceedings and nosniminations of Whig county
convention—lmportant news Irom Mexico—Ad.
dress of the Mexican Clergy.
'Railroad convenient. and public u uprmyenxnt. In
the LI. S.
Popular lectures on Phyaiolog7. Iltsette Cor.
reapoudroce from IVashingtoo,Philadelphiatkr.
Smoke preventive remedy—Politits and ages of
tho clay. •
Biography of John Quincy Adams—Mr. Webs
eteee last speeeh—Capttal punishment—Prints
betevolence—Newspaper pottage—Mexican ac
e toon'iol the batUe of Cerro Gordo—Ptodocbo of
tne West.
Poetry. Miscellany, lentil Legislative news he
For sale at the des•, singly or in mappers.
Price C cents single ropy.
Subscriptions Iwo dollars a year in advance
• -
In New Haven. on the 31* ult., hy the Rev Mr Pan
num. M. DAVID BROOKS-of thi•city, to Miss LYDIA
A., daughter of -leave K. thibert, Lag., of New Na-
On Tuesday tnorthor, the 111 natant. I.) the Re, D.
R. Kerr, Ree. JOHN MACLEAN, of thi. city, to Miss
MARY F.. second daughter or the late Poster Uthhtuth
Esq , or Alt./hen elf,. ' •
Vecerday at 1U o'clock,, AMES EAT
-1,..1, the Temperance Hotel. 3d ti
rhe chatietal will take place at 3 o'clock. to day.
His ir.end c are invited to attend.
• ___
DII. W OOl2lll Sarsaparilla and Wild
Cherry-miters—rot. new sodvaluableE
napar Ha and Wild Cherry him been wed
with meat Du. for the permanent removal of all
men diseases nolake their rise from an impure state or
the blood •-0 promotes a healthy anion or Mr Livre—
streasibt um the Nerves and at once meures,hrslth and
rigor to the whole .titan,
In all eases of Janance,loiligenrion, DY•Oelisia, loth
of Appetite. Habitual Costiveness, Scrofula, Headache.
Languor and that Depression of Spirits, which is so
common a complaint in the Spring and Summer seasons
of the year, this methrite has not as equal-and a sits ~........__,
__ _ _
gle trthl will convince the most "thirtieth.. of it. rem:- . - - -- --i- .
For rainier parucuisr. the reader is referred to the
retools ma which will he furuistad by the Agents,thow- ' .rF t 'lli"S t a 7 - .. • Main
mg the cbman. in witath this valuable medicine is
Geld by hone who hare torte' I i A NINIDUS EVENING LINE-00 And after lgendsty
w.. t o rn to t h e Public 4x, , , the 91st of May, the subscriber will rart. ETU.;
Ile perimeter rim ii-k Mr Dr Woodth sarsaparilla t Line of tbrusibures en PennaHvortta Avenue, between
god WLo Cherry Myers, awl reecore noother. This in ; Pittsburgh and Oalland-leactrtg the I:Miriam the Wrath
the (cot prep.:mon of these art Iles combined ever : stern sthnd ttt h tirlr4l.'°.°l3li, every MP.. nod Oat
to the pushy, and tee great sincere attending ith I land at the some brur. . •
tom has induced
unprincipled to cosmic:frit and ims i Gratefel fol paw (overland animus to n ew watts
/tate, As a preventive, we that the hotoes have die faction to ail. the. sultheriber hopes this n effort to
wor d. irry t . w o w. ti t.,..",,it s and W i ld Ch erry y ht I, aecommodate will tin approved and sustained by a lib
i ters ' pressed On the KIM.. nod that cacti label on tt.e real Oahlic•
l bottle is •igned by the proprietor. E Thornton. Jr t lei 1w JACOB GARDNER, Proprietor
. -
Sold, wholethle and maul, by WYATT & KfrITCII. ' ITALUABLE PROPERTY FOR BALE-',
AM, geoerat age..., WI Pulton.trect, New York; Ws I V Aver)' desirable piece at ptoperly, in the highest
Timm Markm street, and P. IL til.trt st,,SrMthheld l . x ,.., ~,,,,,,,,, . ndc . 0 ,,,,,... , ...i.,. 1 .,,,
street. Pittthrtrgl , Ps• Irma ''l -I °lff° ho n k.' 119 sere* of Land, sttunt?d within a ones - let of • [dile of
Hy Ella I.4benv,.win containint four boddings of modem
_ .
NJEW BOORS, JOB'S' PUBLISHED. .t-le Une very 'large dwelltng 70 by 49 feet-ooh St
II hlemoin of tee Laval/. Res-. Charles. Simeon. ri) 33 feet, de. ik.c., and many other improVeoWnta CO
. ii, 1).. with • eels on friim his writinviand corm.. I considerable Value-making none of themoat desirable
I p indencr; edited by Rev William Carus. hl D , Fetlow I Dice.. of ProPeDI MTG., in St'. tobtirGIOV•IGT long
; gird snit ur loon iii Yrinity• Collate, trod At nicer of I blow r
• For writ, parbrolars amity to
Y C .urr'C'n" t o l' ' '
00"041'"'" ' "'"'I OR aext.urr tr. WRITE. II 'Mid At
i I. r Right Re f 1 Cher. We iv litte,Li., U. fluff op of the ,
I Protestant KinACOpil Church, 01 the diocese of Ohio , '
lel.31! , , Two doors, above DtansondAy
• Mowry of the Prestiythriain Church 1n the !elate iv: 1 EAGLE MANCE' BALLOON,
Seusucky. with a preliminary sketch of the Churches l Niro 42 DIANIOND ALLEY-Our. kind friends toe
in the Valley or Vtropnia; by Rer. sob e r, Davidson D. , ill informed that oar former Foloin at the above plan's,
D , will 1, open this evening June Ith, for the @c.o.
E , ./ s• Theological nod M."."...° ° ..• 1 1 " t v` ° t Thdre who dislikrilarge crowdecan otslala our splen•
, from the Princeton Review. Stroud woes, thcrettthrl , did ICE CREAMS, I' v NCV CAKEiCONFECTIONA
t the contributions of Rev. Albert Pod,D D. . . 111 - , Ac .At -at all troths. ' , ' ANDREWS
' A'"'"d" " I."' ' 2.''' ''''. I.'"‘ ' I" "' " ILL-Free Concerti at th e Erick: Beltion,,w.a ore.,
swiit,rie• -•irnind n n 'h- thiet prophcens-rotri -el••3•• „., ‘.,,,,,,,,,....„,. • • je4
• i
r e Score. of Theolis,i.c.ou tb.• haws or the , A HT/ 11111 , 5 NEW wozur. Ricerved as If.
Short e r. Catechism , by Alexander yank Patinae. AL 1 A A - MINER'S. The Beautiful Widow-alSoieb by
I A., author et a rill:wary of the Church.. with an in , is i A S Actium r t
declaim by Duncan hleFerlau.l). D. Dombey &Laaghter-elegantlY dloslGled. - -
I memoir of Ala, Jane Graham, by Rev. Claris, , Plesortal•Brother 'Lombok kw ihrelthot 1a1y,11117.
Bridges, N. A ((dl side and Solder Sketehee-lrealt Hpply.
The ahoy, with a general assortment of worki it. all The Cadet de Colobrletes, deli
deo:winter,. of Literature, for *ale at the Bookato, ni The WDortogitodi
ELLIO yr & ENGLISH Dancing Feather and its snvel.- .10; - •
, J.-6 Altana .1. tel 3d and 4th wreeri T., loin Gold and Silver Coin Examister-fresh nap.
- •
Nan. Vol.. Nor
Gentlemen Some seven or e , ght months since. a
ams upon We beam or one of toy tech which is as'l
very pain MI. I chenotenced applying the usual rmartlies
tor BUM , sot on•uceesefu.ty. the sow cont.nacel m net
darnel slot rpr.-id to the 4.1 , 1, the palm oh my tOts d '
not oat, had We advice of phy•IC11.111. bat used all We
salvos and pain e Marto. I could bear of, sail nnt nor
of them 1.1 the rdrht mr. ire Cr We painter attest we ;
prove.. of the sore. there was constant
an,/ • an.l pery.elent pe.n, end it !mallet:led
doyen uou regain fever rule. Mr. Spencer ttmtlt•M
ad rued me to try ,our Ointment; I tangled
at the r Let . but . upon tan urgent golieltallon. I c.ateind-ol
le, it and ea my peat relief sod astontahosent. ot al
roost enstentsncously relieved the psis. reduced '
' mgeramanon, and somosenosti healsog the sore, of I th •
t; otos osarty
I do confidently and sincerely believe that It will mire
, any fever were.. thoroughly applied.
Reey,etfolly youra. S PARSON: , .
' Poe wit by R E SEL.I.S.Rt, 57 Food at,
t. RF.] having been appointed a commit
I ice for the erect on of the Mere) , ltorpital, 'we
leas, to rolte.t mambo:mos in iis behalf from liberal
and 1,11<1 . 0.111 •
A trenaeinenty having been made for the tourtedice
pro...coupe of the wore, LL the @abeam:ono( the Con
n-1.ne1.. Joiner C Cummins. Fay. haat nit k ndl y cavern t.
ed, will watt upon our fellow ctn. , n• and solicit their
don defray, the Canal:Wee Of the undettak tag.
Thep pp-el the more earneetly , o the t• ran
now areal inconvenience}}t felt in meeting the demand , .
made nonu the present leMporseyl tai!
one en o vicuair that offers a shelter no the poor and
!Kinsale. when Ciliated by sickness.
Ti,. anderiigned are imam, with the sane/inn oi the
Right Ray lliebop O'Connor, itod with the coneurreu,
of ilia Sisit•rr of Mere, under whose change the in.,-
non well he plarad P MULVAN 1", Chairman
/OW.: • etarte:RAVltt, tat,' y
Pimatome, May 87,1947.
LAST Saturday I plc teaspoon lull of B. A. Fah
eese:me R C .• %ermineee to my hole girl. who is
lietwevii lout and five yews old, andelitring the day she
passed 103 large wduhte. arm aging more Win u foot .n
Sevin nut, is oa is Mold, I Men gave al...vidoop
lull In tier younger muter. who emu eppateldly well. and
rhn paeved 72 won., of equal ear
Wa rnaker.6fteld .Itl,l
Prepared and , add by t A FAIINKSTUCK A. CO,
corner and wend. and lecod and (kb sm. Je3
. .
MER CA, , , , lmEßF: 4 —Lately received a aupply of
aoperior Illaela'renrh Cloths, and factitudable thiconer
Cazairnere, Kin. Drat, Etc, for Silnimer Cealc, ernina
Cloths, eaclarne ranee,Merin" Cauitnerea, and a giesit
lratirly a( Mena' andlloro. Lauaitoer Weer. Al..B4iie
'and l'.,nen rocket Haudkerchiefs. Dent.' Fancy Cra
ve., IPlures. , Le.; at the y Gond. ilea cui
' t or Wholesale will find in the whtoe•sio
roams. op stem. an ..roncal of l•lrgt style ' , trials,
(bosh., Drs. Lawns, Inc , at low , n.l
'1 Ameeting of the Fume Wardens' Associatton of
rittslturp Alicaseny Cities, will he hold at the
Nfirrt NI: BALL Monday Evening, 7th lostanl, at e
a clock
Punctual attendance la reoreated 1101 OFFICERS are
to IK rleeted for the ensuing year. fly order,
lea 9t A DAAV , ilErry Secretary
25 tdol* No I t plog,
20 bide No I prat received and for ode
)e5 . SEI.LERA, 17 Lit,etty at
ineeone of the.Polpholgl, liortiMaltoral Socieny oral
lield on Mondoy, Juno 7111. of Mr. Wiekombein'.
Semi Store. et I o'clotk, P. Ity ender.
ten L'SNOWOhtni, Seermary
-01 floehis •I:l.ewtel( TO.'orcr
' 70 him Bird NyeE Smoking do:
Ita• fin: do do,
For gale very low to clow • coneignment try
les GEO COCIIR A NMI wood rtreel
r I
legh A en rn y t Cne e r t will f
t t a ne e
C p o l r a p c o e ao hr o o nnAt
Ow ground', on ttetturda). th e th day of Jane, at 3
o'rtoek, r. It at which me a Boa s rd of Monngc,s
bri !leered for the en.log year
tnytrotl J CAROTIIF:RS. SecroWY
Ohand and for We by B A FAIINESTOCK ACO
jeA nor tor ar d Wood, and Oda and wood ate
Dd:M IL —nc astay Root Ink, clonal:mu:red and
LI ler for rude by J D MORGAN
d Chronicle ropy.]
A LOOIIOII.-5 bbl• root received stdio, .ahs by
R ESRLLERS, 67 wood a
PoT A I I prime, Just recenryd and for solo
by mired k HEN NM`
bid luyrosed Black Varnish Paint, man.
IC unscrured and sale by
`PTA. TURPENTINE-3 barrels' for Isle by
POTASH—I calk superior for silo by
leo J D 11011.0 AN
LICORICE BAWL—I easy, stalll sticki. for sole
, i4jIGEEsIJI,—I case Cartanated, (or "Ile by
!VI ItS 1 D 111(1Mal_
WHITE OIIALKI cask for sale by
Cr j
COPPERAS—IL b" " ff ' "db l
11 ° J c .F pow
DER— IrSA '' ll ' Ul i aLY &CO
littrerr .
iir4 - va.ll). Davis, Ailetlailayar
P. Notti Caeca 11..setoold u4ote; ie.,
. . .
THIS mormnir. at 10 o'clock. a, MecCwloodWiat Sale.
11 , 00, cam:, of Wend atml Fifa, imam, will be sold,
ior ht . COI4III at whom it may concern:
fi do Cocoa fiat.;
A gcantiiy of Hookehold.FartlitUfeiodo =NM. , :Abe
day clock, he.
Larke Sale of Dodca
la Smarday.ereamgolta Sib i.. g.r
the Commercial Auccon Rooms, corner of Wood and
Fifth memo, cottl be *old A large and valuable nonce
non of miscellaneous hooka; emaraclalcalandatd.Tork a
to a tithe various departments of litemate and ience
Gihlenotuyetrbannuals,dce, •
Oleo, a quantity of rood qualtiy bleak boonadellef
and t.ap tonna:a paper, gold Pena, he,
• --
ON IlluMay morning, the "riti instant, st In o'clae
Will be add: en • evenree averment yr a...h
teamarble Dry Goode mom which Orb
cammeres, salves ie.., tweed., ed
lawns. mum de lame. bleached and übbleached man
lion, (nncy veuing., Irish linear, rbvirrri, handkerch:ell
venue ail!, seamier cloth.; • a...1;4.4y of Imi erFi
gloe pareel thread, unibrellas.p hi, h e.
At 2 O'Cback. P.
A ontintily l g retie ries. gneenstirsre,klassorare, shit.
rels bee bards, hand hoses. noncbe core broom., SnOtiEsp•turli e.garr.
Aigencral time:mem of nets and second bandbouse
hold farniturc. carpeting. looking glasses, toatitastes,
fesineribeds, bodding,kneben utensils, de.
At PO'Cloet, P. AL .
A large asiortmact of frilly made clothing, fine shirts,
white linen bosoms and collars,. gold and savor watch
es, Jewel , y, fine cutlery:l ease palm loaf hats, fancy
vest., silk handkerchief., variety goods. de. a
ilarldsOole Countr7 , 64est, •
l'oro Acres of (;round and Cottage hoot. neat Mifiers•
iville, at Amnion
O' Saturday anemoon, the 121 tt. Umlaut, et 3 o'clock,
ill be widen the premises Thai handsome Criorail
Sou at present occupied by Mr. Cherry, within shoot
f • toile from the Seventh Want of the city, baring a
frontal 123 futon Reed street, which is St feet wide,
and extending heck WO feet to Delaware liere.
The house is nearly new, and there is • quality of
Coal end Limestone on the premises.. Pigeons wishing
in view the property will cell on Mr. Cherry- .
Terms t One fourth csiett, bs/ance in threirequil an
nual papa eels ; with - interest, to he waned by bond stud
alumna. red . ; J. D DAVIS, Apar
Houses and Lora
Saturday afternoon. the dth instant, nt 3 o'clock.
will be sold on the maniacs: That voluble Lot of
ground, situate at the coiner of. Webster and High n.,
baring a front of Ea feet. High street In a five feet
alley and IS feet an Webster street, on which on ...f
-ad two wen finished brick - bottles, three storms high,
auitable for store and dwelling.
Al 3y O'Clock, P 111.
Tao valuable Lots of Groitud, haring each a fiord of
11 feet. 1 inch on Pennolvenia Arcoue,and env:sang
back 112 feet to Watson street.
Aiwa, Thiee.Lets of Ground, having each a hunt of 1:
feet, I inert on Watson street, and extending back 05
Terms: Orte.fink cash; residue In four equal aunts:
payments, with interest. •
Jet i J El DAVIS, Awn:lancer
Pmemputry sale of-10.
C Dailding Lott In die Eighth
Want ‘.l ay, at Auction. -
0•1 Wednesday Mier ncon, - lie ldi blatant, at i c'elok,
will be mid, on the realism: 10t3 handsomely allotted
Lots of !mound, fronting on Pennsylvania Avenue, near.
the Coon Hon-a. and *treason the south side of the 4 h
street road, a pan of which have a splendid view of the
monongithela River and adjacent ectinery, a plan of
width earl be men at the Laotian roomor on applica
tion to David Greer.
• Terms: one•third cash, retidee in awn equal sonnal
payments with interest, to be wcured by bond and snort.
Purchuers to pay expeariorconveyancimr: Title
indisputable.. jet, J D DAMS-.Abet',
tl:*111U 4/11
. . . .
BALTIMORE '' a¢ the solicitation of numerous
friends, has concidded to locate himself pesmartent.
ly ie this city.
He thereto.e offs. his professional services to the
poblte, and respectfully solicits sheer of patronage.
Patticrifer anennongiven to disdases peculiar to we"
men and children.
Resources i—Protessor Samuel Chew, Bohlen:me.
1 11. Willis Bexley,
Or. R. Al Cochzen,
Dr. U. W. Lawrence,
Orrice: Smilhfield street, opposite l'itcrehe.ots Hotel.
Residence, 11000rg hele House. je4tf
^IT •
t-o. n Inc'. al.fortmelit .cl<ct bfefitort4 of the
r meet 14.1 M ral .11 . [ by Ai A MINER
j < lOwithheld Ft 3tl &as from :hi
AVNIVS HAIR TONIC3.-We tomosend m the
a/ attention or the. desirous Of restoring their hair or
improving it. beauty, to that elegant Neoax:awn. W.
hencit every where highly spoken of, and especially by
all thew who havapade wa: of it, arganatly efficactons
in stimulating the growth of ibis and peeve:ding
and Oaring nanny affection. of rho akin !Wei - Woes are
aroplf and o.
at the —N.
73Tonnit at. near Wood; and aim at the Drug Share of
II P Pfhwetta, Federal at, Allegheny city. In
sALE—A,":o wary Prairie Dwelling alum
P and Lot, situated in Charleolon, liten•wha county,
Vu. The Lew contains ahead half an acre. The house
et 35 by feet. with emote house, ge
PIIRERT, Real P.,eite Agent,
lea No 50 Itclttthetd rmet
1' TATER FILTERS, for purifylng Water lir dri#4-
tug and fatally 'a rendereg it as clear and
~laweet sp • tog water. They are in very extensive rise
' in the Eastern titles. For sale by
' je4 ORO COEhIRAINT,Se wood at
A, ANT Journeymen TarinerWlll hear ol •
I V good end Permanent situation, by applying' at the
store of Ihe uudersigned.
113 [Wilt have geod recommendations AS to, 01112Clet
• ()AL LAND FOR SALE-15 acre'. of Cos/ Lood,
li siiitaud' about sale roily abode 'Birsoisiham, arid
alnat 400 yards front ihe rider, with right ot sway io o
nser. Jed t/ CUTHBERT
• 001111.11 tr . pgrne a t • Vp o ne r
. 1:1 • 1114;
E & BEN NEIT, 18 by
40 wool at
1,01:1R-1 00 Mils in ito , r44
400 der to wire- rot sale try'
rail At oicksv co
% . /(01.f4sES-4(9.,615.
Ai t i loAZAk t
me Rio, now landips and for
tiACllk 4 - 303 . . inn, e . yi
in latnra GRY*I.3 by •
kt , 4, ' ...I.IAIAH DICIMY it CO
mine RRICTIC-20,030 firtabitk for ink.lie
I )4 J DALZKLL,4I 'rater Int
LARD -17 ker. prima Lard for rale by • -
"r 4 JAME , fIit:ZELL
C anILIFTRIE- . 4 —p btas W i nter Picked.• Put ree'd
p. , 4 nd ' IIIIEND. RIMY &Co.67yestar
Al-100.hoshels (L for bale
()ARLES'—SO tahaecla Barley.raale by
Dtqi.:D APPLES—SOU twohels for tali by
DEACHES-300 busbels prima, for al & by •
X 4 k:NOLISH &
LiCEMOL bbl., juitilreeived'and her sale by
Lk. 14 J kIDD a co, co wood at
ANILLA DEASS-34 just received and for
V jr4 ule by ' J KIDD &CO
_ .
Q(1151IN EX-40 or just received and fur tale by
pod . J PC VD /LW
gI dd.
U e9 dim Large Nr.e Cp1161111; for taie by
I,1:11iIIIVIL:b8 LIAII6-50-bbl•* r ea* y.
1ny"..l A GORDON, seater .t
IM. m tI , ILJ- 7 1U0 bus. in cote ri`Vv"drilubLiati
(.)in ic
IL AL=.4 5 b. • id , ' teed and *Linde by
I.)ACON tiAni Ib,. hog mind. in Plote mid for nide
myal '• 9 A. AV lIARDAUaII
QINE'S AROMATIC SALTA. ulAini•on land end.
Olor gen. b) • niril • • BRAUN & REITCH
Hounde, for th.lx }9 . t rccolved and f0r.1.9 by
)91 ' F SELb.£llB, 17 y .r
1.1 :AN) prlste Rat. Ems, ism recel.d .9
..le by V' ?SELLERS .•
SI deo and Shoulder*, Inand for tale by
jel - P SEL atore. LEttlis 17 Laanta a
i a LEAtt 81D8191: ranks pear Rama ishia.. rb ,
Vale by 8 V ‘'ON BONNHOReT JI.OO-
al No 23 Panamint
12LOOR-40 Ws Facility Rout for oak hy'
bOPPICAAIS--. eel. Cops.. arc rale -by_
. —.
Dto O.ETAL-445 poi .liar) iad ''Cole Ulu;
a for t!Lis by FRIEND, RUBY at,to
. ; .. No =swear sliest
IVIN DOW uLAINI-130 bxs 11.41 C
150 bz•luxlT4 for 'ale by
roary! - H Dy woo! inlllloat
LARD OlL—Sopjler, ibr ,
b ' v TA 51
ILWitiOX elf .1 113 F--Frnb mad , ' Ude: int quid
far oak Ithir by . ,
ml3t . D bIOROAN, wood in.
1V"1f1"""°'"'"7Irsa l b 1.3 T4atA
stliylaLßATita np.Aniiiitc,r4rge
1-Iri IS
IISEE-100 bxs now Nato.% for lee br
mid . • I 1_2 . 61 1C0
1131,5111111 C— to 01 join meet d nod "or
vc • awl" - E 3, S 7 wood.[
} 29
_._.. ___
fIIIS weal known I nen( s plend id pa:set:gr. tEnot•
Teat. lit new cows:Geed of the /smelt. a l v t nv i r., t i vc,
"firnahed and famished, utd omit povrerfla boaa on lb.
'Witten of the West. Every acrontinodation no:: conk -
'lfori that gioncy CAA proiat., hart been provnlEtt fn par •
ille•Line hat been in operatr. ror
—have carrier: a tntilion of pcog,e with Ent 11 Ire,l
WV/ tr d eVV:dar . riclt• 10 boa ' Of r ln W rl i i l l!g h. :ll,, L .T:
iron of freight and the entry of puseniere on th.
In an caltes the paysego reoney ateEt I r 1.0.4 :0
The NI SNONG AIIELA,LIO. Stem, will lea we
burgh ram 510 day marmat at 10 o'Voek: All,c,t,
arory.3langay eretuag at 10 P.M
.. .
i Th. lIIIIERMIA, NO. 9. Cap. J. Rga.r.hes, aid
la.,a giit,ahanah evety Tileaday mataina at In aelail,
Wheeling even. Tumidity .evening at le P. N. _
Tho NEW ENGLAND. NO. Al - Cape. S. D.., wni
lomsburo every Wednesday zoorn.a.g al Iu
'dock; {lnterims eve. y Wednesday eventn, ot 10 /..
The W ISCONSIN , Crpt. A 1. Gruearrril: lead• Pius.
burgh every Ttntraday morning as 1115'etor 4; lt g r . b ug
eve!). Tharalay e writing at IU 4'. N.•
Tire . 44 - PPPlic, NO. A. capL leave
bugh)Pvery Fri d ay morning at 10 o'clock: Wleeliftv
every Flidayevening at 10 P.M.
The dIFSSENGEC, Cart. Linton?, will leave Pat:-
burgh esely Saluda). mo rn ing at lOcieleek; tt heeling
every' flatordity evening 14 10 P. M.
The ISAAC NEWTON, Cart A. 6. Ard.lll, ardi
kaie Pittsburgh even. Sunday rtatroina a, Ito sdock;
Whenhag - entry eundey'erroing 01101'.
?day n. 1&7.
40 INCH Burlaps, atonable for O not Berk., Alfa
Ofllll3 blkirglat. plain Lai milled. groot Tittle
ty, constpintly on bond and for sale by the bolo. -
:LS.Narketn Pbilodolplnn
WOOL, vropLl
• - • .
TOE high .r price In ow/ paid for all the eiereirot•
grade. of clean Warhol Wool. by
/lURNIE tr. LEE.
Old wool warebenae, eor !Aber, st and Cecil's alley
rn ladtkortlF
/553—Z.; Obts No 3 Largo blorh.Tri; - -
10 hf bbl. do • do;
30 bir Chocolate;
30 qr boo, Ralriur; •
bbl Naoo.oq .
I ctroon 8 P. Indigo;
50 hf bids N. 0.; 3..;“
reed -
- Corner Penn a, d Irwin
and for sale by
fre.n/0 mans inissto;
bales Clovrs;
. .
129 bags PerPtl , •
I 0 ." Naun9lt.; 'jun ,er'.land
my A LEV A.
Ce¢rhed .41 Palverued,astra title, itt barrel.;
loaf lager ine.aey best quality: just rrfel vrd'anJ
for Wet LT, .my/ lIAGA Lel a SMITH
aW l ' t7rup ' e l ghtlll;
300 lb. NurselPer, no sale ;.y
my- D .1 , 4!
TlCAS—feeLic Hymn Tea;
Itupenel Co;
Gunpowder do; '
Blackdo; For sale 1,
vistz,22 tads No 1 U 0000 Herring; .
Ws Trimmed Shad; for rale by
• ~. •
1 110BACIC 0-32 bee 3., Ss, and 10e Loral'', •
. ir, and F. do;
13 boa 5.. and 160 Stag, for rale by
je3 51ILLER& RICKESSON, 170 Litierly Pit
COTTON -35 bales Cotton;
59 bags do. -b eked. for ..010 1•1
.18A1.111 DICE /X CO
SIMAD OIL—IS barkers Sordeansi,
HI do (pints) Marreide,
!-.1-oet received and for rale by
je3 • MILLER& RICKETSON, 139 Liberty •1
S IMAILS II ° )OrIe " Pury . e i rfan Lonf,
II hos White 'ravens; ior row 1.7
MILLER & Idle 1:1SON
-10 base AterArs Pepper;
3 bag. Ansi:netLink received and rcr le
finsimarr-15 Las prima largo W. , a choice
klanicle just recelvad and for rah" by
Jo, B BIDWELL, Agent
MA1M421334-30 bble No 3—Large;
133 Elf bhls do, lar •,,la
r 3 3M) v P 1 'cur
Om good older, awl fur sal, 1m
I,3MILLER /Y. /11.11 h ,ON
DRIED APPLE 3 AIU PEACHES, iu 71orc nud foi
1.3 ' 4 sale by JISlu F I•EILKY
VCEETS AND TUDS-23 do: for iale by
Q Kiska outland Knd for sale by
ViCitTtr& cc-)
ROlO COFFEE-113 bags .upenor. jEiat reeolval
edPor 1.3 M 11.1.11 & RI,:ICEI,ON
bbl. N. C. Tar far sCe low I.s‘
STAIICW , IO bxs_Fpx!• 13tareh t st ieetve'd and
tor Etle MILLEN la Rik:NEI-SUN
- -
, ALT-SUO 4LI, Allestway, nen and Ign gate by
. F 1 . 1:111t1, Liberty and Ig win
T " ' VOT 1 1 7 .7 NY
ACON-271X1 Ib prime Eider; reed and for tale by
lea J F YEAR S .
WIN . DOR GLASE 3 I , Zi97;
7.1 bx. Writ
IS h.T. MIS, for role by
, e Rio Coffee;
ry j IOTAY J
C . OFFEE-71 5 bag.
3 do
alt reeeisul and Car sale ye
.P 0 reams Medium Wrapping Paper, •
L5O do "Comm. do . do:
107 do -, Tea sdo So,
J., ,C for ..d ,W og I, i HILL. d : BROW NE
mdZi • ' No 87 wood Heim
A MKT BEANS-7 Obis prinw.. meowed oo con
-Ciolgoaten and for lode clow.Loy
wp3l. ' No 7 Commercial Row, I.lberty4_
HBBBINOS.-100 bb I* No I Herring%
.23 bbls N 0.3 'Halifax blackeleb
In atom and for sale by JOHN SCUI T. CO
roy3l - No 7 Cornenerclal Boa, I.therty _
LV.L ufacicizazi..-113 hit tobfiac
No No
20 do
50 do No 3 South:
' 10 00 Not Far otola by
jet East oLdo of Abe Viarnood
r ASO 0114-501 t...% No 1 Lard 00; .
La ' 6bf bbla do- do, 1
' - . •-, 10 bblo No It Lard Min jun waived
and for lit. FELLER
1.1 0 Arent for the Id...rammer
—,-----_ —_
LutE -9 b.lllLannraille, }on renewed and Gm oale
bY . • •' ' -FA • - FELLERS
J.,001.) WoOL SACki, for sale low by ..,,n
myled&vrtf F MURPIIIt it 1.9:11,
EAD--SMOSiiii."VPP.' in'lir"Atri.'N°Y.;:tr
1.1 Talbman apdfor Awe by
I Bah. for'
5C011.0111810.1.--4 ton. mime, just received: lkstd
(or nolo 14 11017 ENGLiSkt in HENN tirr •
6tGAR-25 bapto awl mr sale
br 0431 JOHN sto uC p,
Orr.k a),
T MIMED 01L- - 211714.15, justreceivs! and fro
J—lsavby tov3l J C BIDWELL. Ate's.
QCOUVIIIINGS-11 easkollrn (mita y for pale by
ofirD'FIUKNu, &
, _
VANILLA BICANS—Loarge .ixe•and Irr.b., for
ale by • 0.Y 3 1 D 11401DiAN
~I LEMIIIK-3B bores large fine W. R. eie; on
hand and ler P C N, It'll:4
znyl6 for amitefield an.i..rnra.lo
OTTON—tO bags an packe d , now la.aovg Iron.
Mary Ann, and far sale by
LMAD —5OO pigs Galena I.rail..reeelvi'd . fur day
and ferule by I.: II UTCBISO aco
wygli tip 45,cluervrrect
TOBACCO CILITTiMEAB--1 dozen Birbnell;a,ol.
I bandana for sails by I
olyBl 8 F V 0,51 1308811ORST k C 0,15 Yr. to 111
Ffill/IT—.lOO boa. DriCil Peaches, Lance. ,
50 tuts- Applerriu•pre. far isle by
lArra J LI 811 M ALI.. wrier si
111.AISTICRI4YtiOrGiElirri Ptuster;ta coodorder,
Nat received and foriale bY ,
Y 6 J C farm ELL
Lminim OM-311>W jarCrereived prr "One
oil. and for sale by
moll . S a %V lIARBAUGII, _ al wood a
_... _
1. MAD OIL-111;1:p adid 37 kers•No I Lard; ; .
1.4 a) MON Grease Lard; for tab. by
" laraS ' ' . . CAFLION iz. MeNNlUrrr, (ha .1
...--..._. _
HERRINGS AM:I4IAD for sale by
my CA Rsopi r. kicKNItiHT
' h
B IJIT - iil7l-3 Leda Irtc. zhil: ..cce 1111ay
.t.ARSON blelil,4l,llT
• ---- ai—•".s . 0 - ii — "a, ~,a.. ---
CA WON & M ,F.-
t iy, reeer,e . ,
~,,~,„, ~
i • cTTOX,-11p 1.. ;ill strnc , and fe,t .:e try -,
L., - my.' L I Ill'rtlii ItIN 2 . 00
PAPSII-33 reamo,iseavy du Cap Paper, .1 reti , l
and kr age try aiylS SKI' NOLL* 4k. t HEE
fr EA6-43. packages Y. IL Tea, a pan extra. bur,
„I. Pwr ante by 61111 ... int:v.ol4:h*. SAI Et;
11105.-47 recurnotelk ih_CO for tabs by
OCK. POWINIAR —6O tag. retereed stem
" E. 61 AN We by nos% 3DA !ZELL
D VOGT VOW LACE—A newhav,:bitiur
br sabs by - BV I VON 8088HO one
•117 '' '• •I -*-IVer3s Front street
Oll .. aj t i i Alf . TS-2 ti i bis klyhD2z4Tit,i,f3.rA;l..tear,i,
.OLIVE OIL-4 lonia, for ...le
_torn J D WILLIAM:4 CO_
cm '
_ )27
—W . bats far 1000 11) .
Fresh Green Tea;for i❑e by
Tg.t - rw`
lAN No 3 4 3out.673mHas and
• • Me !Anse for We by .
Lll!ffi-9D bblsia
; •Kr e'oil; . ft:ilVCAN
VON -tzaN,..,&c.
Ito Conannfi.f vale by