The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, June 04, 1847, Image 2

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    Prr,:oilliGH '- GAZuTE.
[l:r T■T.n Pan Dstbe o.7.erre is tilbliebee Tri•Weeklp, and Week I y.—alut Daily 4stieven
Dollsisperleorpiar, the Tr.-Wer ell is Ova r
annum; the Weekly is Tyra Doliars'per annum, salsa],
vn <desot .
Illollet to AtivattLier..
tHAdVrlttatmenla, to secure twenion, should be
ea in by flee &dont in the snetuontt. Attention
to thlit,on the pnrt of. one cnitart , te, would I.e pmel..te
Wee ar bcactit. • •
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L .• FOR 001/EaflUlt,
ik Pif . JA IL WA laviN.
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I lOW COMM Cot,ti.)
1. , curtautt...s., ..,..,...
I , roil .4214.1 . 0!
OP.OROE: DARSEE, of Allegheny Cite
11. OCENZLY. ..-
(1.14 1.
I , ls C I NOIII.E. of luthang Tp •
lIE RY I LARGE.of MtPllot Tp
1 lon COTair 111.•01tia •
•• J.i W. 12AXTER, of Pittsburg:L.
. - . 1/01l ..71C.11 contottootirrt
Till MAR YEAKIN.S, of Lower et l'ltur Tp
Tar.t.iAm c A VEN, to( Ver,ailles Tp.
Ll.Al il et : G ws, nremecl Intelence
r o s g e o , e s A e C
,Im. Nelis, molar Alu sec
Litud paKe_,
Sao fourth Page for 31Swell News
Vieo2Weer lie L USO of Coot —To r Smoke
?se enst ic: *gal..
We hope not to weary tho attention of our rea.
den by the attention gieen to this subject. end
co nyinced Se we arc ci its impedance to the city
and neighborhood of Pittsburgh, we do not think
arty spolOgy is duo for again pressing it upon the
attention of those who, after all, ire to be the
great bedeflciaries in the commasl of\ a great pub
lic nuiwince. The Smoke Presentite, we ha'se
already shown, is a:practical manure, and Mai
l:ma Olt combines greatrceonomy cleanli
lams, do not think any extra inducements
might td be held nut to awaken a general Interest
in the ahbject. The reader who would obtain the
most pi4fect acquaintance with the whole subject,
may d4solty consulting the work of C. W. Mill.
hams“ton the consumption of c nl and the piesetw
lion ol smoke chemically and practically consid
ered.", Iti is accompanied by a book of plates.
amply' illtettrating the propoteil imi.rmement
all iteparts and dimensions. The work ought ta
be in !the possession of all establhohruenba interest.
el either in the use of fuel or the generation of
ster4 or steam power. It is almost sail to con.
template the km of life end health sustained for
the . want of that scientific knowledge in the
consirution of machinery and furnaces, the of
feat of which would be in przetice,iMprused beadb
and , improved conaiructidn in every branch of.
Mr. Williams's work heals:co approved by the
molt scientific men in England. Wdliain l'he
mas Brands speaks of the practicability of the
achelne as beyond all questiOn• in • litter to Mr
Williams he says:
stlm'il a number of jets it
liampashle atmosphere, and so obi
tiara in such a way as to produce
' of, beat, and so a neceseary cone
• the smoke. • You, in fast counter
monly called smoke into fuel all
and. the place wherwihis combo
- effectually brought about."
the jelsobetr here spoken - of,
=able atmosphere within the tl
swot of 'ldestinctivedistillation'
jet of air, Mr. Braude calls the
of a separate nurse, and the-edit
of so many jets of Inflammable
in the air.
- Andrew Ure, who enjoys a I igh reputatior. in.
Europe and the United States as s chemist ~f
great experience, claws a long 'elem. to Mr. W
lianS• with the fiillowing psrugreplit
..In the case of great steam boiler furnama, for
which your patent is specially intended, (it will
serve for all as welt) since these are fed at short
intervals, your plan of distribUting atmospheric
air, in regulated quantity, by numerous jets,
through the bodyTof.the"eastforM matter, is pecu
liarly happy. and; must enable you to extract the
whrde beat which the combust& is capable of of.
fording. The method, also, which you have con
nived for distributing the air under the furnace 01
the grate, will ensure due conubdition of the robed
coals lying there without admitting a refrigerating
blast to the foe. And Email', your mode of sup
plying atmospherical oxygen will prevent the pas
sibility of the carbon of the end. escaping in the
shape of carbonic oxide gas whereby 6i: present
Much belt is last in our great furnaces."
I Dr. Brett, in a letter from the Laliratory of the
Royal Inatitution of Liverpool. asya that the im
proved combustion is through good instead of vi
tiated air, and that the effect is magical. The air
is applied at the ptoper time and place, and there
is a thorough commingling of the substance. to
his burnt. A chemical unioniis formed which ac.'
complishea the desirable result which we are arm •
log to produce. 'Phis writer 'rays.
••• , Every one whit obsetvis the volumes of black
omoke escaping from the chimneys of coactufactic
. ries, meet be Wrack with the positive toss of f e ed
thus sustained: yet not only is the black errioke
lot fur calorific effect, but a/Luther losemay be tra.
cod to the falling off of what may be called •
- smoke; though not visible.
Eiltlearl unburot cat
burettes! hydrogen and catho *c oxide. You bare
been fully alive to this truth, and have shown that
by mingling atmospheric air with the inflammable
gas, before they eau esutpe, unborn?, black smoke I
may be got rid of, or in ethic words, t h at lose et
'fuel and consequent low of heat, maybe avoid
Dr. Robert Kane, of the Royal Society, Dublin,
ways the plan of smoke consumption secure• colo
. pieta success in art, and the greatest economy in
materials. What has been Jona by the inventialfi
l i
of which wo speak. is Wt forth a. the introluction
of air at the bridge and along the dame to
J is
supply the quantity of exigent necessary for the
combustion of the volatile products of the ertel;
the diffusion of this air, secured by its issuing
from a great number of mall jets, and the con -
seqttent full combustion of the gaseous fuel, he
. fas II ', s aes the surface of contract with the boil.
or. Dr. K.
You lose no filet, whereas in all the ordinaiy
in of avoiding visible smite , the foel ... I, ea
in carbonic oxide, and is eitheiy escelointhg
. as invisible gas. or burns at the orifiees o f e
. chimney, wasting there the colon which
have been economised • t elow."
' . We have chosen to glee them authorities in
preference to anything of our own. ‘Ye may es•
mark, too, again, that all thesis psulictiont,
lather fact., ;have been abundantly proved by tits
• -experiments which have been made. l'he sy BIM
lain complete practical success all over England,
at a great saving of Intl. and with the equally isn
• • portent desideratum of clew:lmes!. Our raffles'
hope is that manufactuters is this city will make
this subject one of systematic and united inquiry.
pre:poised reform will pay for itself in sin
mantis in any ceanufacturing establishment, and
in almost any . dwelling house, and all beyond
that will be clear pin: N't'e have shown what
WU done in Manchester. and Pittsburgh . W the
• 4.1 . 7 Manchestes or Birmingham of - Amerim. :Semi
let it be said that Brother Jonathan'. organ 01 sc.
v cutup, or bin utilitarianiam was leas than
that of John Bull. 'Profit and comfort both invite
:Cu' attention to the reform we have pointed out. and
Who•dose not wish to me an. abatement of the
nuisance we-complain of.
eve msy remark that the experwe is so trilling
that Bo:insists merely in the application of the air
' Chambers to the fumacesadready built.P.fty dol.'
tr• • ••''' tan would be the expense, and 'ordinarily not
more than tbirtj.five. The {want principle can
- be More easily applied to steamboats than to man.
e X p ifactoxiss,though wily enough to either. We have
before tu r (wtiting as the editor does, in the
at Washington) a report of an intelligent
I'MuMnielee of the' General Commissioners of the
• - f4.•[,;jEdbibtiorgb Police,ahowing that the principle in
, " .
less of power while it imitates great
of fuel,, and that without regard to the. kind
eked used. We hope by this time to have pre
inducements sufficient to lead at least to an
" ; '4'it.f . ; 'Jogai upon ttto oubject.
W. tat attention_ to the cud of Dr. Chapman,
Xtaltitooo; who is about to take up his re.:
and piusiti, his proCeseion in this
teems axe prepared, he may be found at
Dla -101. 044008 0 1 fr eta HP Uie ' • •
MieSlOsn' •eratas.—Tie dale or a~ain'.in!
Mellott are nom and mom a pm:dela our people.
iteitil47la4ll.li4tho 0 4 , of woos
dicta*, that; the Governimint is*toring to itat
till, and y etitiere is art inik..siveneiretin the firti
'tient& of power in Mexico; that it letalnroot
-poseible to Comprehend. ken 'the palatial e*
:Power, according to Up last tottering to
piece.. and the members of Congress ate deserting _
their pots in greet numbers. Seventeen mem
ber lett the Capitol in one day, others titre sick,
and other. still, refused to attend the erasion& All
-vr to confulion. and but little shod of anarchy, and
y. t there is a union among nearly the whole Mex.
Tlll3 people to resiot4,the inanition of the United
Stets. The Clergy preach resistance, spen and
uncompromising, and the Pre. call it treason to
utter the feintest whisper of Peace while
American foot rests upon Mexican well.-" Same of
the Churches were even malting their plate into
rite metal of sustenance fur supporting and in
creasing the Army. Others were raising large
sums of money, others stall, not of the Clergy,'
were •uhscribing according to theii means, to en
s miage the forthri:PiiWtcution of the war. In the
meantime, it te;e4this'new army is collecting, and
one which already numbers some 8000 men.—
Thong!, defeat is certain to the and all armies
dirty in be brought against OUT own the stubborn
redolence shown in the re.appestance of such •
i.idy of troops. indicates anything but peace.
There is smne acme, adhesive,-uncomPromi
dug, dogged power in Mexico, which will never
yield to misfortune, and we suppose the Adasinis
tration-here recent lobe as dogged as Mexico. Dal
the people have to pay for ell this piping end date
cing of Pre.ident Santa Anna in Mexico, and
- 01
hie very particular friend, President Polk in the
Jolted States. A. thing. are 'now goinion the
ear may probably continue as long as thethirty
frees' We of Germany, and the end will be, even
if tt o'tould r nd to-morrow, a b II of crots that will
frighten men out of all idea of the false , honor in•
solved in such a controversy.
The Clergy uf,OSO'l..nis Potosi i..ued, on the
Leib April, to theft . ;:fsithful hearers," a lung ad
dles., which is publieted in another column, with
the fullosing letter heading its
"I send you a printed sheet, butted by the prelates
and ecclesiastic.; who have determined to preach
three day. during each week, in order to ozone in
rho people ilea proper religioue enthueinem. I hope
that many will he induced to j tin the army through
them means. they have here 7,000 Muskets to
arm them, and also 50 piecesof artillery (among
them !:.6 of Mary calibre.) and the necessary
lus muscat gars is Ilia is sonsw.—Three now
manufacturing establishments are about to be c rec. I
tel in the prosperous borough of Birmingham. and
twit able loud ground have already been apPropria.
tr.! fie that purpme. One of the lois below the
Bridge has been selected for new Iron Works.—
It woo perches/It we are told for the handsome
.1111111 of $12,000. The other two works will baler
the manufacture of Glass and for a Saw Mill, Pia.
g machine and Steamboat: finishing establish
ment. The cot of this last loi war $8,500 and
tile price:Of the lot for; the Glass works wen fr 4,000.
The Iron and finishing work, contain about one
acre of available ground each and the other about
two thirds of an acre, The several establishments
are to be owned by practical beanies; men, and
;'will be of the largest class. They will be corn.
[lleum! immediately, finished by autumn,.
and conducted in the best manner when commenc
ed. We heartily rejoice at this evidence of public
proeperity in the thriving town of Birmingham.—
Prosper Ity indeed germs to attend all departments
of bovines around us The citiums here can say
m..t truly that ..our lines have fallen to us in
ph avant places and that we ham, a goodly heri
nto a heated in-
Slain its combus
t • great increase
iequencs destroy
tact what is corn
die time lohm
'non can h e most
enter the hale=
nes, and become
of smoke. The
reLL.lllql 'Ann \Vl:Tr.—Twenty
of the road are aiready completed, and the whole
it under contract. The wires will be constructed
Warm there will be a branch to
Cleveland, end the main lane he extended on the
I .ft bank of the Ohio, in the direction of Colum.
it: stl,l Ctrcitlrrtti,ll,,,Vq:, Will be a wire ea•
t-oiled {eho-a the rVet I td t ,511131ThAillhUll 01
Wheeling. We expect to he en telegraphic :come
munication with Cincinnati and Cleveland in eh
ty days.
The S.:other° Telegraphic line is also going
ahead promptly. The line will lee extended to
Richmond in a few weeks. and soon after to
roterzburgb. Arrangements are also making for
the erection Li posts, end a general preparation
of the route on the whole Southern line.
The Crepe.
It is estimated that the surface planted vita CM
this year in the elisto of New Jersey, exceeds that
of tasty. , by 10,0000 t cr.e which ought to yield
thrre or fiur million of bushels.—Newark
What is true of New 'jersey is
all the grain growing states. Voices Co nseen
and improbable calamity befall us, there will be an
immense production of cars tbs present year.
A gentleman from Virginia informadits digit
crop. will inn, out eery fairly in the tictnity of the
Rappabanock. James, and !Vora= rivers Auld as
he lichetee all 0,01 . the State.
The P:trait Advertiser says the crops in Mich
igao ore cowing on finely
De. sax Dias, a fugitise slave from Ark
aims it, becoming; lion ala Douglass in i;ew
Bibt,,.was born inKenluckyAnd according to
Lis story, has been told nix times, the last Lima
,to dos I:Lecoliee Indians from whom he eanped•
Daue b ina last week presided at an
eLlydmuu c.,uveutien to 130 , t0u 1 ,1 Which. white
lady abboldiutii.t acted as SecrelAry..
The RACc between the Oregon and I:timeline
re.ulted in the suecesa of the Oregon
by three and ono-quarter 'l'he distance
aln was 129 miles.
ILue of our Philadelphia comspoudeLan sraJa
u.ttlas important :Lewa by telegraph. IL [night
as wall hese coma by cps.d.
PARLOUR ImPßwemenla. •
Ganaors c AAAAA L RAIL tomn—Eight per
rnl Stork —The last •hares of din, block were
pub.: fibril for yeaturday. 'rho whole amount
SGOO,OOO, of which nearly all had been taken iu
Sot. Rib
Stock boor talLen in the Rail RoaLl from ,
Ruslerille Ohio W tlhribpehi. P llstance of
miles. , •
The Bath and Portland R.ilenta
(61a . rie,) broke ground on the lat insh
N%'S esti STol" reports have timm
TrOri.Cli that $71,460 have been subscribed on the;
books of the •• W abash - Navigation Compenj:LH
S e veral points yet remoin to be heard froze; There
were .inscribed at this plearssl,oo o of tbi eutu
Vincen, lu Gaz.
commencement of the war against Mexico, by Mr
Polk, election. have ..en holden for members of
Congtees in our foalargelfl Butes with the fol
lowing moult, compared with that of the previews
•lection.—North Amer.
1846 1847.
Whigs Dem. Whirs Dem.
13 21 23 II
12 12 17 ' 7
7 14 II It)
114 6 9
Now York.
eea corr.= l A director of the Utica
and Schenectady Railioad in New York say, that
the 11 rat has been adapted by that Company in
the ressonstr action of their tracks, and he adds
The maintainance of 19 miles of the H rail
track east of Harper's Ferry, has coat an average
of about $260 per annum per mile, while on the
IJ rail track west of Harper'• Ferry. the coat has
loin but. about $196 per mile, ...hawing a difference
of 10i per cent in favor of the latter."
Two OCINNAID yewn ago lost bah:inlay, 2414
ult., tho tint General Ascent,ly met In the Colony
of Rhode lalatol; and the tint government was
organized ander the original emu', gratittal by
the Paleiamont of England the tains of Prow.
idcztee, Portamonth and Newport, constituting
them a political corporation under the name of
the Pr:miner of Providence Plantations in New
England. The clatrer blears date in March, 1644
It wet brought to this =miry 14 ommmn,
the Same : eV by SiSaiWartiris, Moo&
agency it had-Lame obtained.
To tre Eralor of the Pillisorgh-ticretto -- t1tmem....."....7.7wi5y .-- t
Popeasir Lectures on Phystieloge • 1 ~,,la g .„ ,_ , this People..
no, be o fad..
Pcnisktoneirbo lam been delighted MI instruesta po r t . - , , i li o — /:4 7 ‘.". .
4 ,44, Iti, anueublows power which hat
try& ding
.. .Morrill's whole coma of lecterns been placed in tha hande,nor Wonhy of the glare.
to Jaen hie greet° le through, your colemms! 002 lII*OO ofjfexicatis e c If if...should behold 1 Ise
and toriika ifireteeeffortte awakens more tensed: itor.:..ellati of eitu Doty telefax} and out beloved : ,
intererkin this important branch ot,t em.riekoare I neur a l. and Tem.. ialwid Walfre+.ll.. wnhout
-_,... 1 . • • I rearing its ;mace to arouse its
• compatnots from
ledge. rNo li ne teems to question the utility ell tha t i ndo l ent ettethy in, which for mote titan a 1
that man's labors who devotes his time and ttlenu year e they have been t uentergele and if . It should .
'lts improve th e b„, I ;',9• ,.. h 0g5 , s h eep , t thne eeetTa not cease them to comprehendour teethed lament
able and disaster 4111111t1012, and to know and 5...
other domesti c animals, and we all knowthat every
cute the mean. of oar salvation. aTo do Ode is I
succesaful grazier conforms has treatment to the our sole are,
lave of health and growth; a derived from a The Caption of Washington have determined
knowledge of this enetome and physiology, and to perpetuate, in the present age, a horrible moos
e s-are, indeed, in the annals of the ',bole world.
yet scarcely one patent in a thousand ever thinks
Ambitious to exteud their rew nt and te o
ot inquiring whether human anstomy and phyre t. no power, and to perpgingtt ro ar r u se to :E.,
iology have any connection with the treatment of o f coming generation., they have not hesitated to
- his own children. Tee human specula alone is viclaut toward. the gentle society of Mexico the
most sacred of human righuk In their wild de
left to grow yp and the, in utter ignorance of the
briunt, they behold with raving thirst tho opus
lawn pf lifa and health. The consequence is that lace of our temples, the riches of our chdrches,
gnoicence of our homesteads, the sngelic
web is the violence done to nature that a very the me
large proportion of the lace is buried in mere is. beauty of
triseasures ur weaker
Of our a eX, the Intrnens
th e and e lea ty ns
fancy. We !rondo all tesponsibthry and injuneusly bausuble mountains, e frt
of our fields, and the beautiful variety of our eh
charge Providence with the results of our own mate; and ever the implacable enemies of our race
and origin, they have taken rapid steps to allies
wilful ignorance. Thera would be more excuse
for this ignorance if it resulted alone feats apathy am
guith our ne, and pulses' themselves of all
or indifference, but we make • merit of it, and thee. Precious gilts
You have already seen theca ' compatriots: In
under the pretence of delicacy and tr fi nement, vain in the memory of the thousand and thousand
etudrously avoid the acquirement of Knowledge asthssmations commit edat Palo Alto, Rethende la
essential to-our physical well being, and make Palma, Montere
o—my, Ang
have osturawe seen, Vera Cruz an s
us of artifice ...a deceit to keep our children in Cerro Gard yelp mulUtude of
lelexteane wandering to the woods, and pursued
darkness in relation to thine physical lawn which
like wile beasts in their own country, robbed of
their property and driven from their families—in
have an essential and inseparable connection
with the deectopement and char actor of then' vain do vie recall the multitede of peacable and
honorable men, who have been insulted, seized
mental and moral coestitution. I have myself
hard some good men severly censure Dr. Mot- an d beaten, in P retence ea " of it beloved done' ,
ter or idolized wt(e—in vain do we recollect the
rill for a dvertising to lecture on emertiege to. proud barbarity, the shameless cruelty required
physiologically considered," to though he had to burn the vill•ge, to e
innocent d, as we
held at Ague N neve, Hidalgo, and other towns
morale, and noterithst"Mling the character he had at the North.
already established ZMollgst us sea men of sciences But what can we hope from a horde of robbers,
aul the advocate of virtue, it wee @Meagan that he destitute of homansty—moniters,
whend defiance
could have no other purfoth in these lectures, than urthe laws of nature, when they insult, rub
and contemn God an his holy temple I When a
to make money by ministering to a morbid and de•
paved curiosity. No on of the hundreds who i m h: n r,:i n n t rof c' e n ou ' g7ou ' , e 7lie Pr ine c s a aih n il d ily ib" an 7 . l. o u bil ld us
listened to his deeply interesting and eloquent dte• racy of which he is
c acpable can hardly be be
carves on that subject, will venture tu.effirm that ed. tA het d ean expect from these Van
dr two lectures alluded to had any such tendency; dais, vomit from bell to scourge the nations,
on the coo'rery, merry one who behaves that Dr. el. when we know that they worship no God but
has rightly explained the laws Se nature, must, eold, and aptre to no happiness but the grutifica
own that science. I. the efficien t co teacher with lion of these brutal prisione 7 A wive writer of
raligien, of the strictest prinuples of mor•loy the lout century has oetd that "Man without any
furnahre la with philosophical reasons for religion is a terrible animal, who appears only to
the observance of laws which Revelation pronto!. ea , / his !fleetly in destroying and devouring."
gates. Sorb, in effect, impart to be the picture
We ought not to lute sight cif %ha great (uncle. which Providence, with a high ileaffn,hu deign
mental truth, that our Creator is no less the ed to present to us. Yes, compatriots; you have
author et the natural lows of our physical mem- i.e.n el our religion, our country, our Itherty,out
within, than of the moral laws for the regulation nee., our families, our property—nothing—oath .
at immortal and accountable beings, s respected; and if they spare even our ex•
and that all these lows have penalties annexed t o lettuce, it a merely for the purpoee of tonnes it
them. Obedience to all is trquired of us,
an to profit In the unhappy eenilinoU of dereel
L oon of the rierueuf ;shwa c impetteated fDr And finally ' they will endeavor. as no beta •l
b y e ful fu meo , o f e.„ foor . o f l e , f ur mateneen the ready sod, to blot our name from the catalogue
natural laws of life and health require that the or na ti ons.
lune. should be supplied with an abundance of Fellow citizens of Potosi! Cm Tou behold,
me air, and the storach with nutritioue food; the with waking eyes, and without the blood freezing
moral low cemnialids every one to lose Ins neigh• in your veins, • condition so humiliating. • feu
bor and teed the hungry. Now. "though I goo so disastrous and frightful! Can your bold and
en no, tooth, to Iced
too po ~... en d shot ayes., valiant charade; behold without rage, that the
up m a &region% enveloped with noetou i napes., foot of a heretic edeeoterer theend defile your
god eterue myael f n my b o d y w ,li ~,.. .pd, of magnificent temples. destroy your venerated ime
my !benevolence, nay, even should I (neer. every ages, and trample even upon your God, orer •
ttule of the morel law, (were that possible.) such throwing your holy iracrements and depriving
°lenience would not exempt me Sun pato, af I the Christian soul of • the sublime entries and
exalted enjoyments of the angels?. Will you per
wilfully , or even ignorantly, three/ my hand into
the fire, or pluck out my tight eye. 'Ma know- mit that • covetous and barbarou• stranger should
outage that God-who has visited and consoled
ledge of the moral law comes by Revelation, but
of the natural ow, enough the intelligence Gad 7 0 ..1. 70e 0 .I.4theute—who accompanies you
in the horrible transition from hes to the enjoy.
has given us. The man who
he el wee his iutelletence discover the.. he is subject to, cant of eternal beatitude? Will you consent,
bbeamPotatna! to hare, the holy tom of your
will find ignorance n
no shield against the penalty/
if he descend into a pit tiled with carbonic acid church abolished, and the mien of your reiterate
le ". will dui although he may b ane noeer heard non exterminated 1 Finally, fellow cite
of such a gat; it he destroys the optic nerve, he :ens, will you be insensible to the Weil of your
I will loge the poseur of vision. though ho may religion. your temples, and even to the sweet
have done it through ignorance So also of the na me ' "brutiene i Vet all deo will happen
inordinate use or abuse of any natural faculty on t. you Your tamthep will hunger after the
bread . f the Word, and the eternal consolations
Instinct. Of the prompungs orthi semen cannot be
kept igpornritiand ,10,,,, r do,,„ to , nquir . u0 u..., which' the adorable religion ef Jesus can alone
di n. -, and tare will be none who can fur
, legnimate noes and the proper limit, of indulgence.
their voluntary began., will eat preterit them ' ich Il •. r en' deeelltete any your ~,,r‘r,•+ will
from felting tote arse pd wb,ll I. e tic their path.—'l'"' is -d {ii Y"or sight vol made victims to
Why, then. on/ n o , to 0p,,, h t,,,, o ,o_ ilS:IVIOU/ 1111400nd, even in die streets sod pule
It a sometimes replied, that for such CICU.I the Ito places Your tender sons will expire on the
oral 1.1./ top lies the necessary restraint. l'rus, puma of the motile and bayonets of the baba
will the force of the morel law be
rocs conquerors, cheering tease& you their
by a knowledge that, (ere in all other cases, where last lacks of fear and agony; and you yourselves
fully oielerstood) nature and revelatiote—having shall be seized and found like brutish beasts for
a .
common „ ion ,
__, f ,„k ale , a comm is lan. the thingeone of - slavery, and savage men, filthy
'plum; That ;n, loin end Wt ..,,„,M i.,, , _ promituies, arid wild Orates will came and due,
'pluming from Ili. same a ttrc-,--do. by the oat- the comforts and doecacies of your homes.
lion of appropriate. penalties, tend to the scam, Yes. fellow cit eta of.Petose heat 0! one hue
plishment of the same end s,
dred thousand umes we tell you—hear it—this
fearful calamity comes upon you—tt snores at
It appears to me, that wiener, morality and weld re
ligion, unite with i °etre as the sentiment, your threshold, and in complisocomplianceth rue high
duty—attend, bates—we announce to you. you
- tee proper 3turh or mant3nd as Man" shall suffer ell this misfortune, in all its weight,
not menly, metspa smelly, poloicelly mentally i f .
you do not awaken from the profound deep in
end morally, butapapvieally,
phstologicidly nod *atomically; which we toehold you prosusted, and assist us:in
for without • knowledge of his framework. the
wonderful methane. of his thimel life and the carting a feint W ertti7 of the aaeieti mu. in
laws of health which regulate his relations and ' ankh we a ce en f 'gel goo the glory of Y ear
Dame. external mantfestatiore, we shell make but slow
Let us fl y, teen, a ll ol us, to the combat—phi-
Foveae is a knowledge of him considered as • nod morel being, much less will
we be able to chepe, mould and direct his charac
can ourselves under the direction of our author
rues—let us fully and sincerely place, in their
6, in
early „h.., the manna: our Bib l e commen d s hands Gut fortunes and cur persons—let us enlist
us to ds i with promptitude, and with what ever .1111 we
be able to obtatn—let us throw smile the
I have no doubt the soformouth derived from ' ni"
senseless decree of leen longer—let us encourage
Dr. Monition this important subject during his
•olely an insatiable 'anon to die fay our religion'
thveraleourscs of lectures ICU be treasured up
i del practiced upon, by msny fathers and mothers our country and the honor of our famiiiee-emake
effective that contention, hitherto think, which
who had the good fortune ,h
him, and
you should show for your tender children.
should he return again in the fall or winter. u he
f ropr.see to do, he will meet • V cones f 0 il•eiy Let us die before we see OCII•Li•n degtaled to
slaves, in a Menge tenni deserted, or followen•
'lnterest than heretofore. It is the common sentiment
of all who lamed to his lucid exposmons of the I Perhaps, by •otrie ancient lather, some son, or
prostrated by the
igwitof ha
he that a knowledge of Weir 1 • wife what lineaments. are already changed; la
!utility and necrwity in the training and education i 'r ah " e abhor red, nor power,
of children especially, as so tar indispenable, that a weight of indigence . seqdtng forth cries and lam
entations without 413(1101a mgt e being to extend
,voluntary Ignorance on the snbject, cannot be oth
erwise than culpable in every P-kIIRNT• ttehgro is a bred noco. of P his ia : 1 0 . 1 P .: , I."resiowl'":.nrodp the slave
Carrespomi-trce of qra 1' do . riaretre , ore eelileed forever.
p,,,,,,..,... 3 ,
ey 3 , . ineo. These are the solo mean. of salvation. Let us
t a ' all unite La la forget our domestic &sagas-
We :Irwin the midst a told gloomy tiortheester, i merits, and authorities, army, people and prose
null the city 14;ivel7, and your correspondent is ! hoed—all—all form a compact muss and resign
free from the Hues. Thorn her keen a most mar- ! i unrelveite death rather than turn our banks to
or eurvwe our misfortunes and dis
venous change in the weather though since battle. 1 the enemy ,
day. On that day, we were literally Hailing with .et us smear to God to die for Hie rely
g g7 :37 . 4511 to the eternity fort a tedepenth we. Lit
heat ; ecrar - We are, as it were in as Ice been— us swear to the Under Chain. thidelieete maiden
Only thirty degrees did tits thermometer reek in aid deerepel eget, that our blood
eltall run in tor.
ten hours pesterity nieneng. rents—that we shall sink into the! grave before one
of those proud Vandal. shall place • hand upon
Thu new Government Prepedier Ludt at the
port under the super...ion of (apt Lope. was i be r i l gtnwt , the .,
are the
gr mg
goo, Clergy .
trleLluri :identity afternoon making a very Levitt- 1 an d we - shell notleil to trienient „ in the gi ll ege g
hi d
run to Chrster and bark again. and town.. and from thepulpiti of the capital.
A mandeter . • trial i s now den t lf on to no r tnm these grand senti . mente. In your hands hi the re. ,
inell Cop{ the partiular, of which are no fob 11(100 which your fathers left you, the honor o f
lows:— your daughters and your wiles, the lived of year
'Fhe defettilinst where nem to James Morter tender meet& and your whole future fate. If
alias Marten is the mate of the barque 4.wepli you wa s h if goo may colon them at t. 1 ' depen d s
If old: dawn and the deceased was a sniffer on ri mod on 0000n p • w . - - 1 4 4 - e . i - L. , -' • '
the brogue Prisctlla , both of winds vessels weir T wo ! r
Illif • are left open for you 'Po he afte'
lon the morning of thee amt ., when th is infer , sieves or independent CathOlics. Choose! If
happened, lying at Almond street where le uth the fermi', head to the invader, if the letter
wank. The Hutchinson was next ti the wide
and the Priscilla w next. About I o'clock lb.-I Comprehend it—them are tip lastm ipoent..—
Jecessetl web fanny by his shipmates iii a rtsie i II if Pere for the cornball
by indolence yon incur an unhappy fele if
intoxication descending the ladder of the Luau , i your rchoron must fly to none hardy soil '
Hutchinson into the river. Th., auccceded ii, , and ignomin y tat fall u p on you
catalog to him before he got in the water null I To your owathood wan ream the satisfaction
twoUgh l hint upon the deck. Whoa lac hying i i ,If having ;spored to you the danger and indica•
induce hire te ass tot bed, rhea was • coneiderabi
n ' led the mean. most e ffe ctual and bes t adapted to
noise made, witch wakened the P.m. ( t• w 1:• • , our cireentatancee And we conjure you not t
without emotion, assured dia . ;
was in :he cabin. larked Mein what tf,ey want i ttoon ro our words
moot b°l°""lll.7irmuti Dd.;
ed dwre n end - as7rele the Viefliii9okllq • nntse 4 truur , yg,u •
glen to El s a tender parent, who aureoles and
The reply was that nolann Wee intended . Tee I succor; you families, a humane bend who an
notee contineed, &reknit, pneoner came off Sect : [mints your ermines a Ohrielisn Pritht who die
when an alts.reation tarok place between hen an . •
1 p e h e e e .` s you the late Vimeolatione of reltgiotereho
the deceased, and the prooner struck hint n I h i e
with hi s fist, which knocked hice into the hot.- " t h a t goni f o L n u d o
n' t
abandon ma6" y 3.' ou m in l'l th b 7il. s 7 c7^f" be s trl en i
ware and he was drowned. I and who now eyes is willing to here hie breast in
Hoth the pri s oner and the deemed were ham 1 defence of the relli . on ol Jena Christ an of the
lic of lielimo, (Signed)
Southampton, England.
These are the facts The hist has been cam !
mimed. Fr. Manuel Nararrelle
Several new weekhos are on the tete. her., I Primo Re /; c lo n e Castro,
and among them a Sunday paper, the emcees. i i
which is extremely problametwal. ler. linoeio Sampo yo ,
Pr. las Eneiso,
Lover lain
and announces two of bison Fr. Jose de San Alberto.
terainments. The Seguin mth • cencett miler.- I Dr, Fr. Felix Dam Angel.
day evening. The V ianese did Urn bare return • Sari Luis I *lost, April 28th, 1847.
ell to the Walnut street Theatre. They dance to
night. The Philedelphis harmonic. gave a concert
onSatinday evening which was from all account. a
'failure. Tom Thumb still remains with us.lie
goes hence to Boston,. Yours, J.
- - -
61 57 37
MnasziL—Dr. Whittler, of Sandy Yrsii le,
Ikon county, Miuouri, was shot at and
while riding by LIMO one concealed in the bushes.
The St. Louis fhipublican nys
, •Yesteniay, we ?embed accounts menfioning
the name of the person whrria supposed to have
done the deed, or procured it io be done. As he
is a man distinguished in the community, bee held
newel important offices, end ha been named for
. ths highest MEM% in the State. we forbear, MIA
more satisfactinfily advieed Vt mention his name.
The cause is supposed _ to be ljesdousy• The en
eitement col. very great and feast of OA attempt
at Lynch law. were entertained."
The editor. of the. Ifitteh.!Fmipar. published in
Washington City, on being asked Irby be ebtrceil
General Taylor, said that her paid by the Ad.
.ininletratien to de so. His Osperr, which has' not
over 170 in circulation, ie =mted with Govern
ment adrettintoente!—Nnfi Inf. ' •
We copy the LH - Owing interesting mteacts from
tate Mexican papori •It 'bet 'win that a then-
Ough system of organ:mad guerilla warfare has
berm agreed . upon
I r j The Reinbliciricr of die. MOW. asp. thrt by
la tenor from Otis:atm of the 4th, they mete inform•
lad thit Gemara' .Scott wee sick so Jalapa. and
would not move towards Puebla until the con,
.missioners from the United Staler; bearing the
propminons of peace, would reach headquarter.
--that by that time he would have the orrawary
reinforcement; and that besides two wagon Ir ad.
of supplies which the “guerilleros" had mptund
from the Americans on the road, they bad al. ta
ken $60,000 In gold. The same letter say, that
the forces under Santa Anna were rapidly Minna
log, and that "ItisExallnncy"was only await.
ing for the money which he hod asked, in order
to begin his operations.
The , State of Jolla. is to contribute 15 000
men for the lime the wet may last.' The Slaw of
Guausjunto has prowled 8,000 for the National
Guards and Guerilla.
SOMA A arta.--The Mexican. report that San
to Anna be rapidly recruitiog hie old army, and
recovering his lost power. The follosringdecrees
will give the reader some idea of the attempt, ma.
king to increase the !Nankin Once:
Gen. Bravo publiehed a decree on the 6th ult.,
ordering every pereon having two or-more 1101111%
in his posseselon to deliver one of ,them to the
commiesary, at or before the expiration of the 6th
li Ty mother decree of the same date. Gen. Bra
vo (Generahin.Cldef of the Central Army,) or.
den all citizens, from 15 to 60 years of age, been.
tint at the shortest notice, and be prepared to pre.
sent themselves, armed and equipped„when d ut y
should be called upon.
MUTUAL LI7I ilNaaiea courant.—At
meeting of the members-of the Pittsburgh Mutual
Idle Insurance Company, held in Philo Hall on
Wednesday night, the following mewls were elec
ted directorwfire the entering sewer months, eis:
A -W Poster, Erg., Dr. Samuel Dilworth. An.
drew Mlluter, Esq., Samuel Eakin. and W e
- _ __;,:
A recent order from the Government directs
that all the forces from the EMI. and Smith should
report to Oen Santa Anna'as the only Command-
- .
The dirriction of operations will in giorn to
Generals Mined cr 'lines, who are expected tr or.
rive here soon; besides Don Manuel Romero, Me
lie, Amador, and other chieftans, who will follow
their brave comman,Rro. We will have a large
mono' of "guerilleros" in about a month from
thia, and • base of 4,500 men which we now have
here, will facilitate the defence of the State with
The Stela of Zacatecas, Guadelejars, Dolan•
go, Guanajuato, and two others, (the names IP do
no t recollect.) will raise 6,000 men, in eider to
Rise insistence to San Luis io ease this State
should ha attacked first, or io detain the insadets
should they proceed first to Zacatecas and Duren
. ,
• .
A general enlistment, to take place in forty
eight hour's time, has been ibis day agreed upon
by the government . ' and this is in ecconlance with
the proclamations and exhortations of the clergy,
who will give the best exempt, a. All this affords
us hopes of advation.
~,,-- F ,1;...-,,,... .
i tt U - WE In, ote the uttentoon of out render... the ex
, truordonary cure. of Scrofula performed by Dr. Csillen's
/adopt regerable Panacea. st Inch they unit End record-
I.' not, Gmr. ScureackonY.-LI elh. Shield , is ed en number rot men of no•day's paper The, arc .1 D DAVIS, Aurtirmeer
mending. thoughalow)l/and Cien:iyi. Moith has wttloooto doubt thu IWO. wonotertul on reeorol. toot ha, '
.00 been pronoun/sea toy many of nut isto.ol renpeetntole 1 „___
__...... , e , e 01 . i . ov "id.„o Lou io , he Euf h,k
M col Cledfda I cram Mo2ldapi;tind wal tonal n u t0.,..,...1. The toill.uted and otter to e n;ere..ted,er Tz. • `'''••'." .o ~,..v ra, 0 t th e cdy, v% ,,,„„ . „,, p.
zo o ,,,, :t : t r s ,g • o l m l i t d. ::: o l. l, ( , l a I ,4. y : sS t irill , O gt
... 3 .,, ll: i e rz. 9l .lb b r i; d s .rh t : 7 0; d ~ ,,ia a yt : Ire : 1:k
'sea positively that Gen Topor had !eft. Saltino and and it. NI at too: °awe. liay.,old 4 Walton. No ft the Cott. . when v - en ., v - p - ,
M Lred ailfier upon Zacatecas or r an Lain Pore.; Msttet " 1201s.ta nen . puree road,. nano, which haves • P , d', le., %th of
one report tars with 'WM men upon the norror r. . 1 pononialtela flyer and Athena schnery,o , p a .. .
State, sod SOW on the latter. I DR. JOHN I. clawpmAni, ' ~..t1.04 eau be fe,:en at the MMltcon room,. Ott ePPttee
trat' cm i 1 stioni; st the :amt.:mom at non. too. , non to ft. ail C . . .
.. L . .
JALAPA, MEMO, Slay 11, 1842. . FF , „
, o , ~,' i , ; ~,,,, ~ ~,,,,,,„„„,, ,„,„„,,... t Terms: une,lttrd cash, residue in Iwo ea at
. rt at .
The long wagon train I. now rooting Inn. the ml) I , , :,.: ~.','" ''''- - ' ' , pnyonenno Walt onto-rest, to o be mewed by hood androtart
!rum Cara Com, and has met writ no opprottatoo ' i '.,. ~,,,,,,
~, ht „ ,„,„„,,,,„, ~...
.era h, the 1 Pen ra .
.. i
..,,,.... ~,,,
on ill! wiy. There are betwiseen nose 20d four put., nod re
' , orn, to .loare or atronage. .11 " ' p"
e '. 3 ‘P' ' .1 ' D - DAVIS, Armee
hundred wagon. and between eleven .ad twelve I•othrul.or Atteen ,,,, o gown to dr,rone• peetet.or to oaro. 1 mdt`Ema .. el .. !•
_____ , -----
hundred pack mule. in fiat train - quite a ninny. ...• rut ' ... or .11.41 .
yon would think, were too to .re them all together. I H'''' , `" ''' l'r"'.''' .. ', - ,... a ,:,,', , 1 ' i ",',; . ~ I T . h . '''''''"
The foreigners in the c t ly id Mexico are all ea• t,
lor It SI cochran,
ri--;-:;4etb.,::‘,.v:krourntiti.e)si:s I f
. F . . .
.::: er eT . . .
f l a V ,
~..ik il l I it
and E .11 . 1.
i D wk . r
i 's' . 114
treniely anxious for the arrlval of Gen Scott 'l'l;r ' I.: I. tt: Luertritee. ' I abscess.: Jam thee, leer ! omplaint. HI liP11:14)11*Co" . ,
war kin been mod d,",1,,,,,, t o all the loretinters, I tyro c• Srulthf. id ..,,,,,. opp...t , !I errhmo. lintel 1 dainn.stet II adaehe, Ma i n Ilarn . , o l f nre_su e o . .;,ltyln:;
breaking up the business oi inlay entirely. The I 144htence. slonougalrelon Inoura.._ . '
'''''' n t! Cp,a'?..en7te."77.•o.:pl_ealk,rPrePro;ot*l'rritat to:4iDeNtifed
only admnlage it has been to any ik2/1 bac., the , le- 1 :
ADDITION AL Act:0111310D ATIoN. ! :.°,:".„,,,r;.'Lattistelt,itelitrelateinflainrift,Clironie Shen.
predation it hm cams! in the aloe 11 real rulltr. I Irk , natl... Cu.aneour Damon, Catoker.leirphilaid Dwane
1 Houses In th e city of Melte. belonging tp, th.• 1
. .f.r.7.11.1W4 4 ''S --1 /. , Pg • ' -e• Se Intpuritto of the Blood, Piroplea and
ChlirCh. atlti which hare been sold under' the II tn. 1 - 1 l'o•tuler mi nd * the Face, Ile redder) Omen, Cold Sores,
1 mar, line been Caught in by the Engltull and other 1 I l!tINIIII IS t. V I:5 IN1I . I.INI:.-On and after 31day . „„d o di d ,„.,.,,,,, d from gg, . ° Fua t eirtita eiae °islet..
l inerchanto at price; far balmy their , real mine. I
, 4/11t, 11. of N 1 .3). Me sub..rober
. wll ruu on Flaring , ! coy.,
. . ..... b_ all
ib... .
t ~,,v o f d m ,,,..., • ,, . i',n Pettus , Ivan , a Avenue...l,Y... is ' abe attennon of the Invaltd publ i e, 0 1
News Items. P ''''" , i' . "'",'''01."..-I"3`r,rn.' e l, > ~ v m Ih. , i't ( elibeted by any of the strov e dinette.( a respectfollr
1 irvv, Putul •t ...I' , &clot L every Maln and Oak. called to the menu of a new and to...doable prepara.
Ca 11,4 t.• W.... 50, (4 of Haunt.) and 1 .e nd at the •.thr ~ , putt (rumen anginal melt:ma a doatingutabed phyaiman,
in .tei et tor nu , tdvo'• andsn' ". 4, ''remt i •`.". I eoteibitung lit itself the mast active rernedlal . prapnlea
estoar Al Monti et o, of the Massachusetts Reg" I ottes. to so, the -.l..erther hopes nos 0., ( d ., 01t 10 t ,„.- 1 ,,,,, a V o, e ver y fin. aztiVqn err the it i la u te „. na Al
in a: .
meat have both intro compelled to letim dn., rout- .....,: '''''' '' 1:1",, , 1 ,'"`, "•''' ha ' PI.'" '''a "a'a" l') Or. ~,,,1 ? :,°.,'"L . ,- , ~,, " 1e , ,',,tr,:d 0 V , ,,,, ..4,14 . .,,, m ..t., op, ood
Molds in Medea on Krone' of sickness., ,e 1 Iso It %Coll OA SDP: 47.1 t, Propnetor • d „,„ d 0,, p v l ro r.u.l theor sore.a ban been SO great um
er Moo with Still mom Mug
, - A LIJAuLit PROPERTY FOR SALE -', ~‘,.'" the Pt.p,:itrh'e.r.ig,,,, ~,,,Ng tea ......
HOS. Plane r it staidly the Spy in Washington , , ;; ;,,,, ~,,,,,,,„,„ ,„;.„ „, i „,,, ,„ ,i,„ ,„ 0 ,„, , den:, on the .
„.. y . r- b1... ,...
.1, e
ot.s..ur ot stal r Mt, anon, eantuat ng al.oui ‘ e " t v " 'n te o .te, r',,,.., ,0ey ~,,,,,,.:,,..d. ,
ru" , `7:':;:':::'''''''''''''''''"'''''"'"","—"'",,"—` " a =7-0, bylivy.vrra. 'emu•
measures o f Lien. SC Olt 1111t1 Mr. Trial, although 1.1: Ithae , :ts• 0 0 . 1
,01 . 4 . etr , t , t , t ,. .44 1 ; 0 4 r,,,5t, t , ' , tZlt , t o n , , , "t oo Nt. A r...„.„..,,,,,e n t5, 11l r a ldosneet, New Yorkat ..
like Gen. Stain, he will not stispeifil Mot Mlles en. I ',.4
,;.:, ,‘,!,.,.. Z. " , .':. r . ',no map. .I.r unProvesnent• of , Tue..: Market ''.•.'''' 'fld...Psl R. th"n e b e t e ,
„,„ o d .. , v 0 . ,0, . strre.l,, , .ll , bign, ra. Vet, - arg
tit Mexico oven to peaco. Neat. r Gen. S c wt ''''"'''''''''''` " a “ a- "''''''' ''''''' °I a ' a " .. ' , nadahltna , •Mat
1 r ,e.,4 . mp,ty offered 111 111011/11111. ior •s cry lone -- - --e.----
her Den Taylor we are assureil had received er. t.n CO- PART ( IgitglllP NOTICE.
* * * For tort!, porulm , ..Pply .
den to go to the capital. ,
i.rxr .t,. wiIITE, to weal rt E. ,r:;.o7.ll'„l,lt..l:dV.\l'."Shwe'ilna. F.
of ' IT L 'l rath '.
Ts - . do", ahoy.. Donontut Ay by, v j„. "day vatet ed onto co-pannenyip node. style
Toe 1:e.•.,. have 10t for England, the cont., , Co, l. the BRANCH SALOON. '',", ,';',',,N1`,,c , k h:",,,;,,, 5 t;:tr„,, the purpose of
tied i ll health of Mn. het.,11„ , , - , ,h. 0, (~ Vit 4 , 1 DIA no"! tr 41.1.FS -Our korai tr.rml are l e : e l 7, , ,.. „, ~,,,;,,,, n . us of every d eveprothd p, •
't ~...o. ...I ototot o.o.; 101.31 , r saloon at the :shove roller, .. t •• g -.--
this abrupt departure, ''hey played but ore n ghts t .*,,,,,,.,,, , 0 ,, e „,,,, ~,,.,...t„ f„, .b, r , v•a „,
P. lir '210111013. n F StrotralOßOM , J. A. geocrrent.
in New Orleans. Th".'
r '''''"
...•-•' rii egENs 8110ESBERGEa a co.,
).1 ol ICI; cite..% ',is, E ,Ncl" •••, K I:, CioN rEt.7I . ILoNA- , ~ t 1 . •
Hon. Haan, J. Mimosa°. hail beet,' unabi ! 1 1 1 i ;_';',., , , 1 ,'`',..",: ‘ ,V;„" 0 m ,1 1 , , ,,,, , „ ; , ,,00 " , N „T 0d g , " ,.., ; " , :. ' Wheeling, Va. I I
min's!, nominated all the Whig candidate for Coto i • see )" y. , ... , 1 ,, La , .. ..*I. la - i Manutheture all kinds or bode, rbeet, bar iron and
_. . •
rev M the 2J District of Alabarna. - ! A i s t.T m l i i , lir. , j .,, 5 . N T l , , : t yr ko n;
j 0 . H ;‘, 11... ,,0 1te . 2 ,, , , t a .. 1, A b l , -,
~, tai
ir, e, t
r : . ./.. ,,... 1t r.
b, r , t ri r lb e : l : e ro l lc : hi : a : l . r 1 .0 7 . 1
J a i ird rul nets.
.;, Being .Le, eir .. d r.j . '
Gnus. A. V4' te li Lie er, be- , announced I i.esell . a ' A 'dint equal to au: iii.nlo io We country. All of whtLhor . lll Ins
a 1..w0f 00 cantbda e for CA.I; o ,:. .11 atit I' tt , . ' ‘.l tlt .1 itt 4,, .., 1,5 N': .., dat me 1 - m. pare; {.`e archon. dike
. ti y e i r i ks
:it , -• o• ...,o nolo, st, oene.--....t..1..ridy tomer .t Monroe. and Water streets.
tuvoi (Ky.) Martel. - ' ' rt., 1,..trl de I,:ototLeTt, I DITTISDUROD AND CONNELLSVILLLIC
. I , f1.110.5. , ue, ''''• I r butILHOAD COMPANY. May3l, ten.
Ma. Oraniae SOlOll Lao 10 en svhciled I 4 be thotrote I - ...het nod t- •• 1 •.0-1. do:
come a candidate for the Presidency but declines . r.' , "..• ''.'d and '''''''' C '''''‘ "'"""" --4 '''' *" I . .s. ' ''' ' 7me ra c t:l i = an 'A d a' C t go ' n 'l e l llt ' a i rlFat I " road U' Co d'.l l
palFlie opened cube office of me Company in thee city,
,for the piennt. - -r
A'.° ' ' '''g"*.'"'"'°'°‘ ' ' ' ri ''''''''''' of thr o T Oa the CM de 'of Junertt 10 .t.le , and seminal
. ‘ 0..0.,:‘,... Far.tale by 51 A MINFR " "," _r• )
If ort. Lonna B211.11S• 111.3 LfTil ourOillated by -
,o 4
d '"'" "" ' '''''' ' ' `'''' ' " " '''''' '''''' lads' l '""" °"."
' N ' tier the threenoselJno. It
the Whig. of New Yolk no .r r t g o ti,Loo, f„, ~,„. ~, IA'CNII4 I 1 .; 1 .7' s. l 7 o;f h fi l
; ‘-' ' '. ' 4 .3 e d e a . :t n . In ' : r .7.1 ;" i o -1-51 ,1 v . 17 l a k'c' t:I ' e u' r. lw" t :171'...d!d'attli:;:::tfru.1,::'‘III:o'Flthnl,n1:'s(e4s,1111 r:ltirsl.'da..t
the JUdget of Lin SIIVIEIahI 1/ Au( , ”.1 ,,,, .. , '‘' ''' .oo, In '''' ' ' ''''''''' .; "'" "o" "' .
'''"-'" ""‘
'''''':: a"
-M Connellardla sni der the
, ' urr.rts woe, lo.e.hiy iirttitell af t 004 e•pu.talle 103 . Plumer and James Csar . ner
il i
A new volunteer corps. called the McKee (hinds ' ail thaPte ,11 . 1111. ave onadc to, of it, ar peal adicactou • ,,y,l..lboortatnead
ink ed . % w n. a a te r.. r— vi ,
has been formed in Frankfort mid Thur. L Cot. ' :, a r r a ,.",7,', a ,;;;. 4 "„„; ' . ' ,1 e 7, 5 ::, ' , 1 , ' , " 2, h ,, a , ' ,. '. ..,, r, 7c, i : t r , c j v ' eVa a' r! it:Letn_
... let 'lt CAROTIIEIS, Seey
tandem has bent elected Ca fain. e _ nottpl,
le aattmently pra‘m-N . Soo, fk Hl 0 ittrit.B.
• For .air to th•ohroatir . tao PELIN , pra, sioßll- t upVITSIII.IRGH,CINCINNA74, re_LObISVILLE.
8 tos IT FIONS.-Up.311 the Maryland ; 7, r‘ , rott . "n" ??'nod; amt "'' ''' ' be P'"g '''''q '' : 1 / 2 1,.<.,b.r. M the Stock of , he awe. CP . P .I L ...I-
Eastern shore there in much distress, as we learn . 11 : ‘ ,1 ' ,.: 1* „ - ::: : ' !:;: ' ,: ". , , i a : ,.., .
,• -‘ , '''' F , ' ,. b . ' ,. " . D c' ,.. 4. 0 . p ,0 - ', I Lr ,o tlo'',;,,oero,";":;`o'L"'lBl.'Fru"'A"9;i4r4Vsit "Ager'h,,e*Pel:l7,;
' Irani the Malfimino Sun, which sat'. t Itd 1,. . tan., 100 t . h.'”oecon. Keno., ha crogol . , ' Company. cot t • • /
\'.a Too. sn: root • ton a•.ou. Lela 1., Jere T.oe boa.. 10 per cent on or before thelsth Jane nen.
' "The scarcity ia pad to ba . great that food - tr. t e 1., feet, woh ism , . larl t ett..toolte hode,,A r :At •• •• •• In July
d .,
can hardly be obtained at any price, and many • Is cI: nitwit r. Real Ent ote Agent. „ v. , o u to 15th '
, .. I No so Smothfietd ttreet By order of the Company : II ONIYILLY
among the poor and desittutue are almost reduce.° ' ---- Contractor for the confirmation Of mid Line
92 ,
~71 ( - ,,,,,, ..;•1 ,, ; , 1 , ;1 , 1 . .7,•f:;..ll,S.r.orinetr:lpits,..arfyy.i.o:::;:r.r,,.l,;‘drr:un.l...
~,,,,13,n d on June 13, la, IS, Y 9, 'J', 30, and July 13,
11, .., and lASI, II 1.14 . . ,otto,•ne it . dear am. Lc and IL •
Great Advantages of EducatiOn.
School,) for some time in session at lti - hmoni, 1 ' ~, •
Virginia, adminned sine distort Monday evening. ‘. co i - edllßAN...'oso(µi_ 11, F . r i , : , T , 1 n A,.1. 811 ,
.H .. AVEN . ::- PA. -
Oil sil , COI On , ' CA:, PASS . Le--.lllm-tezeivt .. , 7 11.. Aeaderny , for Soya ...Ter.t •: WO per
The nail convention will convene the nit ird Thurs. -ka I , enh tot of to roatod Co or• too tube.: genet , . atti+, , ,, S ovoo ' n pr Tole month,. 4 iedepaprilyyip lotolle arlaa
in in May nest, in the Fun ?realty 'erten Cut ch t '" I `• " 1 ' -P",4`...10`0!';`,,
dad 2 0 , S .. K/DU ..k CO : desteu lecsominik tiaChett p 1 1 i .a..... „ 0 . ,
mon. troP., / . , , Addre. N. .14.11111 L . mres`" , " e
.n Baltimore. On Monday, an overture in tel.,'
IA IT ANTED-A Journeyman Tanner will hear . a C0.. 11.4 ' ,. . PP•
tiOn ter striking Out the prohibition of mating° to IIA -„•,,,,, ~ „„„,,„, ~,o „ ,.00 „ , b y v 1 . o . ..11.Exesca , Hey. K. L STEWART, Cormellmille
PP J ant • f or 1 .,. jed•lat
a deccanniwile'y sister, was rejectethand the reFort ,00re 01 the olidervign,l ---
ell the deetaion of We 0dni.t...1 0tr,..., ,1.,1,,,ng • Ile Tart I. ttra pest recornmendatAant IN. tO character
Me office perpetual, not to be laid aside at pleat. t h.' ant ENDi ISll.e. MANI.=
. ,
um, adopted. •-- (I OA I. LAN' , POS hAl.ti-15 asses of Coal Larul.
' i k_r situated about oursud ut
s alcove Btringhars, sod
eao sons A real a.-The Richmond H P Ing I shout Ittu y ard• from the tom, moth nalttoi`m4 m the I
....1 S curituturr
nys that m the county of Goochland, two negro. t r ' v"
were Ming on Priddy, for I murder. The Sher- 1 S
A R-- ::•7::: o e " l r trat ' lrra a r ' . ll :r.7 .
iff hal male artangenwat. to have)heir sentence :-, I E N GL ....A nt.:NA.Ki - r.1,,,a ..In ~,,,i .1
executed within fin math, but was faced by a root' f ‘1.01., a
_ ion ~,,,., n warn;
or six ar eight hundred pentode, to hang them - in ; r . nut to to rot,. for ode I.
full now of the mullitude.l • , -.. ISAIAII DICK Ky. &CO
The %teem ship WronstSOToit is 2:148 tons car- I
pen ile. Metsuremenl; CUStOM House measure
menu, about 1110 tons. Ifecownela think she to
the largest steam sepal afloat, . ince Ihe loud Me
Great Britain. She had on Saturdey one hun
dred and fifteen passengers engaged for her first
A su steal mos is on foot st New (Means to
semi the young sculptor Oinheille, to model s i lin.'
of gen. Taylor for the City Hall in Ni or Oilcans'
Each subscriber. for PO, is entitled to • curt in
plaster of Hans.
Owstirm.—The Chamber of Commerce of Ant.
weep his recently appointed from its members a
committee to examine and report ou a project:,. to
establish a line of imam navigation la tereen. thit
port and Near York. , •
r _
ico AT core a e.—The itiltirnore Guiper Smelt.
ing Company have recently commenced the -mart
ufacture of refined ingot copper, des;gorri foi'tbe
supply of founders and other worker. in brew.
and as far as it has yet been submitted to the trot
of the prachcsl worker, it has tort with decided
Rae. Wu.-U. O. Picaeony, U. a. an eminent
Gnitatian preacher, of Mat4ochusetts, died at
Springfteld, in that State, last Friday. Mr. Pea.
b o dy was one of a family, in New gualand
camkgble for their intellectual culture, and by rot
tributiona they have, in raring. ways, added to
the literature of the country.
Nur inseam] i.e.—The General Aesembly of
the PreaCyterion church at Richmond adjourned
on tart Themalay night, without disputing of the
M c queen ease, which involvesthe ouration, ..can
a man many his deceased wife's sister !"
Ssypi 4einair "American terenaJers" are giV
ins "sable concerti' et 1.41414°0'0 Soloon,Lun
President folk and suite arrived in Petered:FF.
Va. en Fridarcanning, en roots fort :tape: N,
U., andivrere welcomed to the town
. 11 an . anmenst
coons:arse of ten
The l'.e.rident sin -ail Mason were ad•
d,e.sed by Franci• Reeves, Esq., Chairman of
the Comittee ofMreceprion, to v•lncii Mr. Polk
sad Me. Manna responded in very appropriate
TO ON Tu.—The Presby tenon church Wig Willa at
Toronto, on the Mat ult. Several private tens•
meets were also burnt, and many or the poor were
among the severest saneness
of public money on deposit, $9,439,444; IMOllm
subject to draft, $7,086,810; Treasury Nonsput•
standing and unesncelled, $11,179,717.
$5,00.00 F BOOTS
REIC 5V,00
TILEE staserther respectfully manes the pane 01nt
he has commenced the manufacture of '
FasAieriablit Boothe( good tetanal sod workmen...hip
which he will sternnt superior loony Hoot ever male
in Pilitsbutgb for the price. These handsome Drat
will be made m iseasete, and warrant them a. ;rpm
scored, Mae wry low price of FIVE COLLARS
CASH. Cantlemen are requested to van and exam
ne them. Ira W H ERSKINE..
On Ihetld Inntani, hy the Roi S. M Sp.t:4o, Mr. L.
of tinllia enualy, Obst , 10 Mir. II M.
VIIAW, of We nay.
• ,
.om.are•-of Plitsbarer
• .t.tutilia, ok"riti STE:014111P
Exela.k, Curl c4liut,let , c^ of tne Pat•Lurgh Gazetie•
IA v carom., May 19.
Ftora has a:ranced largeliyinee the sailing of
the Itait.h3or. Sellingat 49ra5Os per bbl.
Coast has also advanced very considerably—it
is quoted I. yelling at 63.11665 . per quartir cf 480
The quotations fa War sr ..are as folioats--lied
1:3. 9.144 e; White 14s :ldsl4s Bd—ill, per 7 . 0
litrro,t—Ttto quotations are bid fo'r _bowed
Mobile and 6id for °dean&
OWs rose rem.), in connection ttrtth this, that I,
the mintariars for Flour, agree with a number oil
private despatches which we have seen. They
genonilly name 6Us irs the price. There is a good
deal of suspicion silo thircorrsctners of the news,
though w e have no doubt there ban been • tarp
advance. Still prudence would dictate to aw a it
the particulars, which we'ahall probably , have to.
1 1e) , . The calf quotation for Coro rote lan in a
private 'despatch wait 635.
The Line ormked sa badly. horn the continual
ruins and eleciricity, it was impossible to receive
anything last evening, nod so we litre no further
A. a gcnerairthing na doubts were expressed in
the private despatches as to the authenticity of the
news. &tree, however. did sty thtra was "with-
bL" c„
int• 11/ii. s e x a l /l i f t o L l Zl .z e t l;y
F ll
jtrlF4C .20,000,1,,,,,r,rv1.1x1t.t7,7,1:,.1,?:,.,
i t —l """
'''l; sir 1 7.11 , .. 1.%1 , 1.1
`1101:1111:1t1111 . : , . 11, W. l'irled Just frt. J .
h 1 1 .1.1", 400 1.4,14 6.4 tele by
- - h uk..NNKrr
1 3 ',"4 111 's - ""' `'"" ''..'•:. ' MA?4,'"::.`iLbi.K , ..,izrr
..\. 1 1 .• ;1 ,1101. - L. L.... ~.,...,,,.L . ....,, I L 4 ,f tfo s : lel.q
' K".'L!..j.„ 2'2-2-
ITANI L. I. A IIiCA .., - :Y: - 'Y._ ,u.l rTi , !;,E . ta k uly i ul
I ,r 4
( 1C.101111111iE—:,c, jte.t ,er... , rd a:l for !ale Ly
' PII.I k t 0 & er.)
_____ ,
IittOOMY - , e11,r Gllt Ilandlot; . .
to 100 Lorq,etee. C. l.
niaa . , Mt aa.e I y
. 1.5%.1LL! .
011. , Ll.llk.- LI.IIIIs for le
. ~.. A C.C./Mil ) S. water et
Ult. 1.10 i. 1.• 111 'townlm lor snly by
() I t " Pfl ' A h
'r ^. o e
Iit A ,) CUS
VINES A ROM ATIC rtA (NS il . and
Cilui eel. b) tall URAL:IIIc HL lteu l ER_
UA ED FLOU N DR —;.-.40 lb. Dricil lleef
Ultuuntls, iur funully use. 1
$E rece i ve d . received
17 L tusd
ib fur saleF.t by
r erty
prune It i sruti Moue, jusLmeigid s and
LI I DIGS ANS) ItilloULPlE4l.B# , ..l. l , oooll islisson
Qr.titles and rittoaltieri, in store Abel for silts by
stlittLF:Rst, itsbertyst
16 NA It
rule by
rr I No 35 Front surer
LOUR-4u 661. Fumily Flour for.: a by
I) 50 nfraTA L —44 U ton; .F il i ti ls ; r ::l .l . glti' c glo. ,
ior ronle Ly No 57 water loreo
—lt bIl iOli& for role by ,
m)l7 ruasv I'll IIUUNCAN, water and front Sr.
L ARD OIL — . superiar, for sale . or
"' .11e116
I tnr3l """"°'` J d raNtlerr
nop—Fm t n made, and at first quad
,or .a l e loa by
aIORCIAN,nad wood . 1
X 7 I.IITEI LEAD—CO kegs Pate for Dale by
m 1.31 I D MOR(,AN
ALERATI.79-4 lota, row landsur km sale
Oby toy 96 I DIDKEY &CO
( \IMILESE-IU9 b.e now handinK, for on.lo by
%J . mY,..' I DICKEY &CO
quirilifiC-756 o. lost retch ed and ;;;;I:1 --
.nrid R 1:: :SELLERS:S7 woods
AOL—S bide fuer received end tbr web by
royti R E SELLERt. 4 . 51 woad sr
pt7e.6u — . l s ;rks pristargiejrifEtrAfor
CORCIIIACIS2II casig7 tult.y.loi nib by
5a.)?..1 FRI FIND, ItilbY Cu_
ClOlr7N- 1,
43-.1.::;1.}.1 ac,,
;2nrticm Salta
:',l3y“.Anha D. Davi*, Auttiensile
.t. 4' e or liooko:f
ON Satocelsy omit tog, the 3th inlaid, al S
the Commercial A tietiou OtAti of Wood not
Fad, ittreetthortil La sold: A lama. ftavalostdreolleo
von of thionOlinneono books, elliFfsctyi. under: wodti
in all the trariouo departaleal• of Mouton. anattiiettito .
—comity hddei, .opertt annual!, &.e.• ' •
Alto. a tionatity .olitliTtotono
".4 aaP to ting nor
iti i;;sinitiwitont wan, lea..
ON Monday modulus. the 7th inst.— It 10 o'cloejt
be mid No estensove assarUnent • Of fresh and
•e.mnable Dry Gcmds, anWat wh , et ,
cloths, eamaamm, Plass ..."""'
lawns. mous de lames. bleached and unbleached
faney vgninp: Irish Items, ahaerls,bandkerehiefs,
seuune silk, summer cloth.; a great +anew of hoeltrY,
ausec patent thread, embed:ego...sok, tic-
-- •
At V O'Clock. P. M. •
A deamity of go:metier, gucenaware, glassware, abo.
velt, bed eords, band beam, matches, corn brooms,
Indorlpsnish °Mare. .
A general arionment or new and.renond hand boom
hold furniture, carpeting, looking clatiaea.mattrames,
i.ndher,beds, bedding, Idtchen Mensale, ke.
A ler, aarortrocnt of ready made clothing, fine shirts,
whoa linen booms and collars, gold and SliVlf watch
es, jeweity, fine cede y'' I Caen palm leaf ham; fancy
r eau., silk bandkerchiefe, variety good*, ie. . jel
Handsome Cousin , gets .9
Two Acres of Ground nod Cottage Homo near Miners.
tiller:it auction
ON Saturday afternoon. the 12th instant, at 3 o'elock,
will be sold orrthe premises ,That handsome Coantry
Sent at premot occupied by Mr. Cherry, within Omni
of a mile from the Perenth Ward of the city. luring a
front of lila feet on Read street, which. is Mt feet wide,
end extending beck rali feet to Delaware Lace.
Tire house is early sew, end there is ki quantity of
Coal and Lmistone on the premims. Persons wishing
to clew the properly Will eltil Sir. Cherry
Terms: One foardreesh; balance ie three equal en.
fuel paymts,with interest, to hr secured S
by bond and
Imortgage. 'en
m 3 J p DAVI, dincPr
Houses and LotsltiLOAloll.
ON S'aiirlay &Amide., the :kb inslont, at 3,o'clook. of
be,'‘old on e reiniiest• That - Valuable Lot
gmond. ththe o
comet of Webster and High sts,
having' a front of to feet no High tarett to a five fent
alley. and %+ feet on Webster street, antorkieh are
two well finished brink houses, three stones high,
'suitable for store and dwelling.
At ak O'Clock,
Two valuable lots of Gwood, having each: a Root of
17 fent, 1 inetina Pennsylvania Avenae,and enendifill
Lack Oa feet to Watson .11/il3l. •,t •
A .
The.eas of Ground, havingeach honied . 17
fr., I inch on Wittsoit sod •stending back 65
Terme: One-fOlh eatln tevidue to.four,equal annual
payments. teleh oily rent.
j ANNE'S EXPECTORANT — The virtues of
4 this efficacious and cheap medicine for the cure of
Consumption and other diseases canoot be too well
Ifostsen. • Very' neatly lives have been saved by it.—[N.
V Morninif
For tole tn Pittsburgh at the PEKIN 'PEA STORE,
72 Fourth sweet, veer Wood. sad also at the Druglittarc
of II I. Schwartz Federal st, Allegheny City. je3
.. .
GuOC ERIE 13-10 blunt prime N O Sugar;
30 Mils Loef tiitigar;
400 bbl* N 0 Aloluttes4;
int if chests Y i ll Tea; ,
.5.0 bee Y 11 nod 0 P.Tein _
140 0 aghltin 0011hei in more and fin sale tor
. 1 NV in lil 1411clIELTREE, 1110 Liberty et
I INES AND UORS—The obbee:ribers
V y atb whirl we L ll su IQ
pplied with Foreign and Roo-
o e Ln l oors, *bieh they trill
roll on secomowdhung term. • • k • •
la- hlithongalrela mKtelltrvOP , Reellkd
ey. tit the lowest fleet
1 ,3 ai • W&11 MIIeIIEILTREF4IOO Liberty et
0 ILS-litel gulls &hitched Poem Oil;
V&A/ Natural Color do
" Whet° Oil,
iglu) Bleached Jo; ,
TIMM.' Oil, .Straitsi"
S tails Lord Oil; •
20 lonreed Oth thin reCeiVeillad for
;e3 ..10 by •
• 111.; Annual .11ceangefthe Farporators few the Al.
Ilagbeity Ceutelrl wlll take place al the offier-,on
the rounds, on Saturday, the sth day of Jane, 00 3
o'clock, r. st , at which time a Board of Managers will
be elected for the cowing year. .
lity2l , l t . .1 CAROTHERS, Secretary_-
- -
TEA N—Voang Ilyson tea; •
Imperial do,
Gunpowder do;
Black; For sole by •
VISII-32 Ibis No I Ileltilnore Ilerrieg:
5 fills Twmaked Shod; for We by
el . - - Al 1L.1.11K A KICKETFON .
, r oIIA co --:R Lss 51, 13 . 1
13 bas 54. and 16. Plug; for asla by
1.1 6IILLER3‘.IIIqI/M33N, 11V LiberlY!l_
3OTTON—r , tab-. coll..;
Z 27 b.... 4 do. or-parkyd• for 'air by
jel 15 . Altitt 1./ICKEIt"&
5..L.A13 OE.-13
do {plot.) Slatilles;
Josi r,re.:ve,l and Crp fair by
1.7 hl I LLIKR 4. HI OCKTYON, 170 Liberty ill
SUUA"g—lU'br: t!urve l rfar a d Loat
IS by, 1V ht. elsvana . hn Stir by
.1t) lisp Surd ma Pepper:
bds. lint received and !or sale
CIINE2II,I-15 bag prime large W. R., a choice
article, Just received sad for isle by '
.113 BID WELL, Ament
ISO Obis 3
hf bSI4 do, ' fomat, by
it 3 )WO F PF.RRY
cPTS. TUrtPENTIRK 444 Irk reeeivcd
in good °nit% and for .ale by • •••-• • - •
le3 111CKETSON
jet sale by , :JNO P PERK -v •
-13utE' l • 6
L J:i 4US—tl wR la&IAI(DICK6I'tN
fillEESit—allo biz in store and for ad . l!„. 00
Rrnrkia iderrZi;
d Utltr jt
;4 .
1 1"bi1.1_. 2 4iin
- 'al ti4b.iitw
sioirk—sp bus. io start tot eale . py
-4 , 701) no
BAicx _
'EttiLING-73 lio k Bolt ; for Biala by
je3 ' • • JNO PkgRY.
CO tIC 1:11 fl 6-4 40. pplumplwt.KCCiYCdra
DIZAZIL SUOMI-55 bap - in lame aad (ovule
mat ..101IN 6%1114 CO
/1171111N14-27 nn.palpik. Quinine fee ale
%.Ir, my3l • 301 IN NOROiN
VIINILLA. HIC*111111 1 —Lm• a Mtn V
SICIAGAN sod inrtb,
.ste bl .13• • 3
THIS -lien known line of splendel passenget am.
es* linow composed of the - lane., swlllem,
shed and ferwsked, and most powerful bows on the
water. of tha West. Every eccommodation .J cm
thkd mortal'. eglePtworeskias twee pseeldril tut psi.,
wagers. The Line hae Wen operabou for hoc ere
—have earned a 01111i031 or pcop'e %nation:We best
union to their persona. The boats will hie.. rise urn of
ti.ood street the day preview to stoning, kw the toyer ,
bon of freight and the entry of passengers oo the ri a:e-
I ter: In all eases the postage money mum be mod in
advance. -
".110111pAT PACKET.
. Tho ELNONGAIIELA.Copt. Stow, will !c l ove Pol.- •
liorgh every Monday memos at CI o'clock; C'ne , mms
every Mood., even i nit at 10P. M
—•- ----- l
The HI9ERNIs,Capt. J. dlint,N/ur.
ling every Tuesday morning 10 10 o ' oe .
Wheeling eve!!
....... eserung at ID l!.
Th . - lirEw E NGLAND. No. S r Capt. S. Ras. well
leave Pturbargh every Wednesday morning at to
o'clock; Wheeling every Wednesday evening at in 1.
. .
The WISCONSIN, 'Camille 7.:6,..e.0w111 1 eave Yin.
burghevery Thursday inomisriilno , chielis AVlnehng
every Thursday evening' 10,
The CLIPPER, Na 0114.1 . .WiekTosrilllealie t .
burgh every Frid a y nsorning-Atipwelogle4 rituf,
every Friday evening at 10 P.oi g lt . r 4 lls , •
The hIFSPENGEE_Capi. Lit ford will Irsve
harsh every Saturday morning at Ido clock, Whet-tin;
every ealiseday evening a 1 WI.: 51. •
The ISAAC Nr.WTlili, aril A. Ateren,, , ll
leave Pariburilk every :andel moraine' at 111
Wileeli Mal g every Saarlay everting et 10 r.
_ _
anima *wisps, sußAble for Wool Sacks,
4 1 . 1-t berstamailaiti and twilled. . de ar •ut
d Anode by Ow lade.
"""dr " " ROBERTO & CON RA D,
aS Morket n Philadelptot
so 46 d6o
rICIIE highc.r mice la cash paid for .11 the tlite'rrnt
1 rade. of de.. W..hed
Old 'real wareboayt, cor Libenv at and C.-ea , allay
mylikbkortlF 4
stirduaras—vu blob:dLartse 31111ChtICI,
~10do do;
. ~' .10 Lae Cboattato;
• p : Wee Las Ratting;
'.: ! ‘ tl K A N n u TV:rildigt;.
• •
-1 , GO bf GUM N.D. Mulatses; Mgt reel
and or.tale I.Y , . REYNOI.D9 k eatlllt.:
attra6 _i_ Corner Pmus and 'lrwin '
CA,,G.c.--IMI nmtot Lama;
Slttu t et pates;
••• 100
~bags. etitee, , I
i . . • 1 /task Nutmeat; justreed ana
1 for tale Gy eny2ls BAll AI. EV it SMITOI
L 4 Crrbed and l!utverrxed, extra fine, in barrel.
Loaf Boor irrsrases. best qoatity; twit nee tend and
Cot Iv wyd DM/ A lAN k 141111
/PLIIfORIDS-1 0 bezel Shelled; .
.n. - - V1301to; Pep, Shtll;,
~. . •
NW ILIA Monodies; rot valet.)
ro)117 I J D WILLIAMS & CO,llO rw..1.1 .;_
SP Las 7:19,
:S) 1.451dx12,
• 15 Lat. lusls:_lor .o.d 4y
mil . POINDEXTER & 00,11 rrller 1
COVIP/P,14—L , 01.40 Primo Rio Cade; ' .
d., Jo ve do Idrryora do;
Ittg r ived and for rale verylowby
REYNOLLIA 1. 51111 r
• atals Medium Wrapping Paper; • ,
.lpyP Coprzio9 do
IN OD Tir, do Os,
last root:tired and for We liy 1111.1. k DUO W
1.1 oral *peer
A RUT IIEANN-7 bbli prime, reactard on con
n.signabent and for say low i j o o fp , Va
IT 4
m 91 No 7 Con:anemia' !low, Liten)**,
H y-aBl3las-100 1,14 No I Bening.;
25 bbls No 3 Midas als. e. I:
In scare and C 0772104 lONN SCAM; a •
My2l. No 7 Commercill Row. 7.0.• i
to Lf MA., No I;
20 d, No r,
60 do No3rood.;
- tu do
.t . g.F ' lWi
Fao sole or tbolOosnooll
LARD OIL—DIM. No 1 Lard Oil;
6bf bblo do do;
11 bblr No Y.Lard ' , Arad
• F 5EL14.1.(.
:o forihe Man Wil t, ukr
for ,n'eLy
11111C1i441. Louriville,joarreeived an:l6.r
'el FELL , itS
1,000 u,s.•°,i;',..ltA!it' 6. FE: r
" VaI L A C IPA ""
car imithriald isnlirrouOt.!._
C . •
OTTON--sa bars re•glacked,'neai'landing froF
steameridary Ann, and far tale by • • •ii .
... mytbil . • triAtAll DICKEY ACO
LSi AD-60i1 pigs Gale. Lead, received ihni - day
1.1 for sans by' ' LII UTC,IIISON ik 4.X) •
.113)1_ . . ' tin 43 ...tweet
q•oq4cco latirT*4*—L4c.F.l3,9ibilell'4,9•l
band a. for Vale by. .._.
rapt S P PON KOWNIIORST itqo,ls Fn•ni si
' .
F RDIT-JUD bps. 'Ate Paanbet, balued . _
.:A bus. APO.' ”°"'rsale by
mr4l. 7 C BIDWEI.L.water NI
D le MlTER—<ulkl s Groundl . lace r, In god oiler,
U j'""e'i"d" "" 1
CthWEl.t..•nner nt
LINSZED OIL—It bias just eeeived per “One
ou "
. 2d
" N Y W
mid ,lIARBAUGH,2I wood
L ARD 011,-14
bbls and 57 k Nb atd;
20 Ws e Lant (ot L
solo by
toy% - CAR - 4 .0 N & MeKNIGIIT.64b st
lna,u.r~c~:u~inT7.}!.l~l ~
Pre.kftetl,icaerre4 i,day
riaOr CARSON O bloWN;1:117
OTTON—ntn hales in ~or ►nd 1b mde bY
m . . . L 0UTC.1130?7,1y CO
DAPEII-45 'duns beivybil Cap raper, - jula reed
Tfuttt P"Zis Y.
R 1C:4 7, 47 uercas Fre
DOCK . POWDEIL-30 br it rearlrettrwr rorr
/ter Lilo Erie, for sale •• 4DA LIZELL
DIJGOY FOIL lILLIC—A ibio• one bin. Oupy
/Nor sale by- NIP VON BONNIOAST a. CO
if • • • No SI Pro:acre.
(;117aABIT17y bbls
ri lays OIL-4 de:. te forsale by
oatil J •%yli.E.iikhts tt
FLoon. OP lIICIS-2 cages sepetfula, • ler sire
passim 6TICIAR-11) tags for solo by
my 27 J D WILLIAM+ & CO
rED.-100 Ilf Chests Freatr - Cieeo Tess 6. sale by
J. oiyt.l -- WICK t bIeCANDLYS3
MACICZBILL-30bbls No 3 South. un clog sod
for sale by coyi7 POINDEVII3i s LSI
Tlll3—MbblsLoowlle Lime for sat: by
yoy47•IN • FOR,SYTii_k DUNCAN,
OSLO CO-10 kWh Ky. Laf, for sale by
& Dll NCA N
C 1.010111,21 0 Mils Cider for ride y
err , • F VLIN SOKNIIOKiiT frCii
O,ALII4LATIIIS—T.SOOIbs for'srlets; ".
urytil • • 14 I" VON .110NNItOlti.3rk.00
A I:ISTARD—. I3 eb, for ..I e la
my* F VON .BONNI10 . 11t4 . & CO
rIIIKESX-110U bse prirp_ I
e fa Ile
and Cor Ilble by my= J C lgitt,ll‘ •
lid ill tionr bed fur sail
BbyJ 'tillvW
••• • ail%
pan :11-10 east., lO..ocii,
lo vlrtvl i tr_o 4 A ro vl rt g i,or ocl , fn li
D I " 91 '"°""•'" • " kklr , :t 11 . ,,,,
LtRZteTL - Amfils . "" hvVrann
I?LAXSEED)AND )71b10T—Iii_t4E_E_D_ f2?”2:1e.L.,Y
17 . ylei CA ILION n!,"
FLAXSEED OIL 4figd.Z;(7:ll.l.oilolly
C°..174" - A`"),norPpctiv i Utzil?e ,.,
a... s d Shoulders; foe este by
an—PS kes . V. TerietTolmees.
_O3 No.lUSLsrad_
RV Fr -1: b o a U Apples,gor Bale Itv
4k:o All)lWiN 1711
0, VOKIITII MID TUBI-45 ituFlat% .Tsl
dot. Tabi.recelytng tualbr ..le .
ja ms J . Sp4I.2.ELL, YI Maier
TxTILLow tia.facALTri---12 NestYorecelyyd per
V Clualotad Mutt 1 . 4 A Oh LZ)01,6
kACKIIMACI.;-10 btkla Np t, rot, rie.e by
• . F,DWAD 111AZLIV.Tii
, ovili ' East suds of Oiiouvid
TIMILVCD—PO kep Na I 6 TwilitToborco, isik
. 42 froyq itel.llMll4.lolipaalawl,opd for sole by
.;. - :_4.,!imt - ,s D4L4r.Lt., II .$. l . ?t,
reitasyleikaia Ilya far sale say
„ 401114 P
RTL-103 bp
DRY Apruirte,..bu. ;one told hsrse• hy
holt -JOHN I,.YERKX.
B, mote
bt . ds • malt %flew, iu te and Mt
1134.N11 ,3
by 600. JOHN F PERRY
CO bbli Null do; fortile by
n flgL APg
a, 1 bbI JOHN Pa Y d
• rll/1 .
, COO , —4O kep UriaT k obt a zgr o tlV
°""' ' • COI wad sltd ior•let
T a t .-2)b4rT4l, .6'441. jt6( . 2 WCANDINSS
J.I &film& br foq l WICIL & Welk& NZ$&
iui-iof Thoorays Prairie 101:
11eis for Dale bx