- i.- . . .. . . _... . 8 v....._ii. bias mall AN( Di Gbh. .mall LAN( d% • I bbts Climbed . 'do: . ' I tresClonfied do; 5 bhdi N. O. do; nly27 For sale by J D WILLIA,MBIL (79 - rpODACCO AND -cloins -1101.0 /ago `la. Principe Gigs.; 140051 d quality d. e, 1.100 Revd.• do; d.d..t , erd Lee Cep . dam 10 Howie. , Ea Pin d Ilegrle.'• I. Lump do; 3111 fru ived and for sale very kmir rny M ULM & RIO( KriON TOBACCOs—tu tas —Congre.l*: iu Osborn Braejn 1U do Aiello:lnds' aq S do J .110ciptoo's 60; ) nn Cane's lb Lonv; .nr •n r very low by rnyli . 1101SNIIORIer BACON—ti eu•L. Skt.l,s, 4 ItZ11:14, . dO ShoulJer4; 4 ,lo nalwried; Jun 4eecired i0}213 S F VON PONNIIOII.I3T RIEI4—I t,t.ti i 1 l Lard, in prme ,s ~ , l er. I ..en'ilry Apple.; I ,11, Ury Pranhcs; do Flanrced; I e 0 Ilerewsz; 1.3 ryaMere, Mn. 1.144 num enamnr Nantoriln , and Mr VICIEV & water and rim AN" NDI.O{% t.1.A16„4-10.3 Ills .141 . ~.ae.10.112. . luzll, 12115.11341111 K 1 4 Jo 111116 nn4 121163, JAMES DAI! "4 •• double rerd f. 0.00,1 En.( i=o„, 1- """' :4 do No 7: ..;;;." L A. 7" . d o .10 do No 4. u"' E. ° ' Pulverised:lox. .1 , d o do, No . " r k. do do. do, 4 1Mle.I.ER RIIIKETSOIS 4, ~,, ; . boo , i..... 1 NO '4. • • No I '. 1 . 0.,'.ie5e..1. 0 bond .sle by I.IIA 10;lelir , ON et, 1.1 Av... 0r .01 Lauleea :;0.011 Refinery 0 "2, few: Toriooo , nr: Corn.; Vurn.)l, N.V. 1•0.. 0110 by eo eunP Lumpbloel. tn wore an 4 Gat 11101ILI.R Ceo Lump Lylnigb . argh To• I eo .+ t. go do; Rereit•ed onnAlgnment and for tale by 11:17V WATEMMAN . . F . 1.1 1 ..7ti!o •.1.- Urnnatod thud; :.1.6 • ouoo, Intpeord: 31,orae hloetoet; for IIEnZLE.TON no In Ylatt cde of the. Diamond - • 11, It U(3\- is r.uptiale Won't.; • 0 I , ) 4 \N+lsua; UtOine'; .• , .reAetd; t• l•ru••. Aral; tn..,‘ tottolt 1ton; juo received and for JN MAKER At CO No 21 onto.] Woo xv I AN 11 RR hNOI - - - Fur medicinal 1 and n-icr,e. ii•nrelalurporer' and be vend in the Art." re.. ri+eri•il NesnYerk, and roe rale by myts - R E SELLERR,S7,mood et F s, .1 Mackerel; 3•1 dm • .c r ne; o . l i by tt....:ANUREatn. COr WOCO I.F•AIf C IITTVIS noki renneafte umon; 6 sacks Ginseng; received per RIO •le ny mpl9 M AMENt CO lODUCDONG TEA—YO clone .`Cholue Pow / clong r ea, noss landlna and for sale by . gnyl9 & RICkETSON ii/413.14.11NG AND !MAD— ' o 5 bills No 1 Baltimore Herring, • 15 bbls No 1 Plbstl, for sal, by asPICKPI'SON Dovxi. Jigs ,Ce 54 Potashes; casks Pcosebed Pals. BM: &LEV & 41141T11 F. • ale by to,Li _ rit- L 64 lAA% No I Horrior; /: 14 WO LI& No 3 Mocketei. for sale. Ly RACAL'S 1, a :Mall L - 11419 INSEED OIL—MIDI. in Grtuntic order, teed and w li be .11 low to close a twavandient. by . - R SALWAN avid'' GILeiIIND I , STARD- - 4 0 test 'aperitif En. II g'ith, just rtcrivtd and tot Fair by --." BRAUN & RFJTER B ACON —SOOW lb. aamoned Inty OA Cowl,' foAry aa.e K LW mylo- NoASommetclol Rool4.ibe:ll ARD-4 CUla auJ I mood, 11019 laOd~ IOW. limn LW,oming, and On olio lay 1 DICKE% &Co 1C17;;Mt55 aeter rod IR: front_ au Oti OS-O 'rot. d, for calc by 7.7 J D WILLIAMS & CO 110 wool at_ SV aktilito AT fiVEC BALE-Elrver,ixteenttia of are ere.rite , oat NINGOOLD &reale. For terms, rte . ap , y alp rerylSrr . _FORSYTII & DUNCAN'S D 0 C K POWDER-2S kg. Rock Pawder.hlarael, n for •sue by I DICSEY & Co myl9 . ',rarer & Roar au_ 'D EA NU're---Rossted rot customer., at the 11Ieautl 1 and erace Faerorr, a'T Frfilr meet. DES & ALOORNI I ray I 4 RHO Irt,..b,BUTTmE,II.-5 'lbis F:m: . 11 .. in . ti . ?: . r .. ? .. 111 . f0r . .. -.-±.-.--‘...--"fl.'_:.'2_l n IVIOLAtSEJI—SII bbls 's u Il j: Orleans: .. In libse; for sale by mph. • J D WILLIAMS k (XI WIIITF. LEAD—LO kygs Flirt, DI do No li Ibr sale by m3l/ J D *ILLIAMS & CO SR.,I c l ose 1131s&Y•folKS—A few bb's onbead and for a caa • _LESS IT . i i ii rrejlis'iNs'iN a c 0 VIGIstsaITIN F. MULTI FLORA 11.0111/8 lls lea. , of II) , rare Swab. Ost received for sale by In) de ISAIAH DICKEY & CO rl 11E1E8E-1. has Large Cbcese in are and to - V sale by mrtf" WICK Jr. aIcCAN OLEN& , DRANK -50 bb!s -ii g&bl mar, for safe by ' 1.1 insKJ . : W ICK & IllcCanlDLEnt , JILBIOND—r& bar in stor W e end for sale by ICK& aIeCaNDLESS LIORCIF. RADISH. in eil Ifni put up in vinegar for 11 iminediale u... en.istactly an hand at the Mustard and Spice Fat. ton . Y 7 Fifth stree R t. guy DI HODES & ALCORN . g ioFlMlC—Rfa.teil and (Douai], for steanggari., V/ hotels and grocer.. •1 the Mustard and Spice Fa n tory, V Fifth at. myl4 EffIIDES. & A LCORNI, AROUND 6 I kil ' i ER —Zio hill and 1 1 0 kegs on hand G and for irfile li, RHODES ALLYJRNstreet raykl ' Noll Fifth clUll) Nf) r d EVE.r.D . , , ir Id: bean . ..!:;ic i t r at t id ale ir , les7o I "3" a" "'"'" - 1 " ?DIODE. & AIkORN i , H. 04 No Y 7 Fifth street 'DAG liV ANT k:,U --i riainry Mixed Rags avart t . - At ed. for whirl h die hick. , ng i e: : ;,:t s er&rit i V i l ,c ... apt7tf F 3 nft street. In low Math. pm ttl , l4 , EIRE EVA ,,, " ~1 , 9 1 lhs Tst.rice4EetL,n.j,sd fr D /LP KU Pll.l. 011 .. X ., 1: 2 ::1—; t :;a rifiattree'd 1. a nd for ..1. hi _.__ iOT.TLIC COIttC.I -1 Lisle., Intl receive D d and "lon tale at I ''''' ' ' ' -°'.."" P" irtr'etlu:ns ..325 oPIUM-:1 ce, printe7j—uorr—eceli-letd:hi.Lfoicmsiin by mill 'MACKIN CA - .1 bids. jolt recaiged sod for sale by II E SELLERS _.,_ ' rule b C"°EBE.—''''' "w lIVInAV'DICICEVIA CD DRY APPLES AND PEACELEKIit Nig! a ~,! •l_ y .y. 23 • IA:. lAill DIC CI:16:;111511—.1 c &ilk* Cr Gai t. , :t gala A N it co 101 VTT E It AN D BACON, teealslatdzliastle CIIEII-200 hum . 1,1 Mote Ind fa DRIED' " 1 A. DA LZF.I.L. n.le by onyx:. no . ',en • and Mr Caul, ALCINILD AUX 10511,1-5 eases, best qatli Cty ju.tweiv-d and kr ...111: 01N cnr2t ""r" 13trec4vmx fromC•nel.and fa JA11.3 DAI.ZELL FL a,•,cut MAN myll O :1 1 ;, 3 ) ! EN l .:,,g"'" ijUTUE(n. &ND CIA/VF-4, jad, rec d I.landfar 001 . 0 myti, & lIICKETSON liblo of a laperio . rclty quail/jar VI" set T ytto __ BRAUN 6Ite.M.H COTTON -17 boloTcaarss;a.cttorit;l;l,l, CO xra Cbc; - Pc for wale b - c_ll_;tBE—.." LICKF4 a CO 13, Carlwr Nadi tor .all 12 R Fwvt, 13-11 Cwo laluitin:4lDfabrftek. anyl3_ BACdOr , 111 7 11 , 1. , 10 4 t4h,utders itod Bider • just ree z 0713 I ;; BIDWELL, A pot. %V leer meet pf7A5ii—in0,,,..,,56:, . .1., .0 1 COP,: -e , -d !gig si-to Cared (Of !gam, it/LT ii..FO4) "C 011.— it. bblz kplqrale b. .lils .StYEMd,rIptiTYM & Co FRUIT—YOO LIIPIIII.FIN E. SIIIRTO,of laie•IlIlle •nd of Saresulsr mix•t, from No I to Nod—)on reemred and for 001• lo• oar , / I , II EATON i ------' INT STUFFB—A yen , Inds arsonment Rood, NR, style rhi , .. .r l'aumMon mulfi.no bond •nd for myo _ SIIACKITr tI.VIII re B.cps-1 Li u 11. prime . Country Care just rt gt oggogaale by ENNLI3II &BENNIE:ET _ a .. jp_;,• _. No l 7 woo:loot _ FlBll- to bt.t... I Bah. Heronr, • 15 10.1. No:1 Large Mackerel; lb id 1.1.1 r No 1 , go; 10 101 , No 1 i"; rOf •SIC 1., .1 11 th ILLIONI , h I 0331.1___ . _ . . .01E0E5E- f. 1.1) iUS Sllpef.o, W. R.; • SO fl So S.gn; Oar mile by Jag V. J V WV.s.lllarib IL CO_ 110 wed a. —. A.. INOZED oiii.--40bbh Lipeced OA for sale by -LA_ v.2.Y 21 ISICk.& SeCA N DLEI.O-_ N A &P m L.IiI IS 11l OAR —l5 Ibis Sago for male by EW'U. lIVAZELTON !.Y l ,—__l_??' V/ AD 0 , ! E For — • abMy I<_LaLr_kE R or &k eRgI kC rK— ETSOM — ml --fAXSEl4?ll—yibia in gwig .4 a mile , . IILLEY & ItICICKIMON bt. No I Ititurtsore, ree'd sna far male by 5 my% JOHN _V I' EILICY MACKICIIia. -1031 .b1a 150 hf ale COMMERCIAL RECORD. Pirr11517611311 BOARD Olt TB.A.11:1K• r,ohtMlTThr.. 1.09.Ntf. s.cattoviipLs. •. wick. R. o CRAIG, Orrice rITIRSURGH C/ARRTTR, 'I huraday Morning, June 3. 't Weather clear again-7 feet water in the charnel. and receding a very little. Chem is Coming io more (lately, and prices rr ceded is yesterday, lots of new being odered at Go 640. Of fine Cheese, mere Is none here now. The stock of Cotton here in the hands of factors, Is about IWO balm,sand with the stocks held by Spinner', is amply sixtricieet to net them Into Fall. Nothing doing. There in one lot of csk Saleratus to market of which we were not before advised. It is held at 610. A good inquiry for Feathers yesterday. Some isles prime at rBe, . Floor—The amount of Flour on the wharf, Wed• nesday morning, on sale. was small. 80 hbla sold at $530; 55 at 5,25; and 95 . Oils at 5,21. Sales also hem store, in the morning; at 5,50, to extent of ISO hbla. ISo soon as the purport of the European news was koown, holders put up the price instanter. and there Wu none to be had, subsequently, under gh Seller, at that, but no buyers. , The 400 bbl lot re potted In Wednesday'. paper it 5,1.5 is to be dell.- reed neat week. Freight $: and steady. In the evening, sales of prime broods tram wagon at 5,15. 0112 ale glow sole at 93c. Sale of a small lot of Scorching. at $l,lO t. 100 A sale of 79 tom ttslo country Itlass, at 2,50, 'cur toocl? The Canal Collector publishes a statement of the bunocas in June, as follows— Items Amount of Toll. cleared. Tonnage.ceived . _1397 75,,51l Sal re 49 40 107,82t1 597.610 1.41 35,44a,56G 52.4,. bl 'roe comparison rd Boats, and the authuot of Tonnage cleared, may be correct enough; but we learn shat the statement, as reptile Tolls, is grossly erroneous. Boat., at least many of them. are cleared In a ditlerent manner from 1046, whereby the Tolls are apparently increased much beyond the reality. 'Thos the pablic are mislead by these monthly state- ments. The increase of boats nod tonnage give some idea of the true increase of business. The Pacific is in the Lock to repair and prim, sod Will then run regularly to Cincinnati dunag low water.' The Pthific pasted the Cindrella joss above Lict " : she had broken a joint, and had to lay by to repair, Tbe Palo Alto toe taken the place of the Mich/. gas la the Beaver trade. The latter mto he broken op, iod will be eacceeded in time by the Michigan Nut, now under contract Rivana.—The steamer Amelia, from Weston yesterday, reports the Altuouri m be falling there, and all the way down to near the month, where it wasiat a end The Laramie, and Grand rivers, form whence came the recent rue, ate fast subsiding. hhe found 6 lcet water In the channel. The Altasis sippi at Knekuk. is reported to have risen allogithet only 3 or 4 tackles, and to be now on a sued . It is ilio at a eland here, with from 9 to 10 feet water to thechannel below.—[ht Louts Republican of-pith. Mr Napier, of the Vulcan Foundry, (Assign, is at Plesent fulfilling an order In r. engine haunts of. reey large dimension. These bottoms or soles are immense plain of metal, including condensers en which the engine cylinders rest; Wit ol them are alrSady cant. It requires several workmen 13 this iinellipurrstrforli7lfiTitonugldttimoroer:ecrhttaTititZlieTe hemon"rti:- each ol these castings requires nearly filly tons of metal, and the total wt of the eight bottoms will be i.e.ween 360 and 400 tom, and aft for lour stearnis, wsthont taking into accent the w i t at cylinders and other engine appendage.. It is said these are the targest castings that have yet been done in ;las. 4ose. DOMF.SIIC. hIARKETS • St tout., May . 2.6—1 n Flour, but one aile at 514, shies of Wheat, 21000 ho atrictly prime, in new ...ahem .1.00 1,124; and mixed and small lots at 9 • fil in self.; and 90.0 1,05, nobs returned. C....a—Sale..WO nobs at 51058 e, in cotton and w iburg licks. Flaxseed drooping; 85e is npw paid amall and SSc'tor large lot.; d hole. are also dr ,opiug, and we now quote 740140. No sale of II imp, and /75 was the highest prier offered for lho and good lota in order. bale. of Lead last ex doing and to-day• embrace 9300 pigs in lots at 3,40 Provision. quiet, with hunted sales of Bacon at yeiterday's pore.. Fneigbta are looking up. and today there wan no boat In port recet.ing, except small parcels, at 55c for flour, 141i15 for corn and wheat—[Republican Louisa . , Pvt, May maim of Cotton this week—prices maintained—stock good at proaent— receipts thia'reek 518 bales. We quote fair to G ood 12.1 c; inferior to lair 10511/c. /1 fair activity in Cotton yarns, at 8, 9 and 10c for the tempt numbers and all brands. The avenge sales In lots for good Beeves are about $5e5,50; inferior .1.50. Pittsburgh Coal is getting scarce, and the price is considerably enhanced. %lie quote retail vales oiliest Pittsburgh at Me v 1 ba, del. Pomeroy coil at 11c, Big Sandy 12.1 e p bu. Flour—bale of city mills at 56. D Peaches 1,1041;15 r be; dried Apples from storeP at h ockso.ossc—st lair. of Pc.aches Sied.so p bp.. Sept' m; a nle of 3 few hbos of prime at lc, and carious small sale. of 'fur at 7/1171c. Molasses 31A3511 gallon--stock wittier light. Glans—Sales of 8110 at .-2,50w.t,r,0 r bit and 10,18 at 0,70113.25 Bar. iron ltivria, pug tnwat SO.PS/dti tv ton tor ti, and $.x1.1 X3'3. 5 0 s for bb. %Ve quote sates 01 Ws plate at 10,7.51 c fll pha Pituburgb nails assorted at 4154/e; Itoston round at lc. Linseed Oil 65070 0 p gal, ird 401681065 c by the quantity; castor oil 75 r gal. Holden , of Pork are Brea at quolation•—for mess /15, prime /Pt ,Bacon dull--receiptsaccumnlated From wagons at 54c for aboulders, harms blialiac, sides 108 c—receipts fair From More, we , quote shoulders fiviGc, hams Gjo7c, good sides 81011 1 0 ; sales ol about .51.1 oaks at these rates. Lard Irmo wagons 11 Wage; Worn store a sale of 50 tibia sod 50 kegs at BAc. Rag• at •Lies. Feathers are firmer than bewstoforn at 2t44450; Ginseng deir; !lops 160 1 ; Beeswax tic. Tobacco—A continued demand —prices well maintained. Receipt. and sale. at the lower warehouse '263 bids.—First rate /405.50; second ., rate 9. Yia3,5 1 4 common ip 1,601: 2,25. rio hbds at' 6,95Fri,50. Recets and sales Ham upper choose 110 tilids at the following rates. flint rate .1.103364 second rate 2,2503,1 1 :1, common 10. Freights—To Pittsburgh, hemp Sc MO lbs• other lb freight Mr..—Pournal. IMPORTS BY RIVER NEW ORLEIINS—per Champion—al kiwi. teams Ur. —5O tthls do, Clarke & bales two, Atwood, Jones & r d --I elk barna, DTCldrlr• an & co. ST LOUIS—Pet Trenton-113 bales hemp, ILO pig. lead, Hutchison & co—l engine „1.1 S so., 3504 hidea,l33 pigs load, 8 tear) d gingham be, 14 31itchell-13 pegs. owner.. Per. Cumbria-10 birds bacon, !dyers. Hunter & co:-1 bale mon, I be, Bingham—l peg., IX Leer!) & co-9 bales robes, 102 bbl. pecana,2 ems do. 42 ache do, Forsyth & eo-3 birds tobacco, J Marone d bides, W Bryant 310 do, Clarke & Thaw. CINCINNATI—per New England No 2: I bbl. t 5 hbde tobacco, Id do bacon, B) son wool, 50 Ids aeon, H0r511.3./ bhdsilo,Brughase-0 90 keg,. but. ter;Jottlan & Son. Per Pacifie-51 bbla hums, I Crook, I be, Clarke dc Thew—= cake baron, 43 Ws do, 11 Oral lades cotton, Atwood, Jones & co— I bo. books, 4-96 Schroninaker c 0—132 bbl. whiskey, Forsyth & Dinean-73 do, Scott & co—IS aids bacon. Wn) Binghern—Ht bbl. Ile:reed, I hag giroeng. I do bee. - on, Poindexter & co. BEAVER—Per Lake Ene-8.1 bee cheese, line ley & Smith-13 do; 3 esks pearled), Dickey &cu —I ad cornmeal. R& co,-117 lecke emir, I 4 beg chem. J Caughey-15 bx. Flue:cr . -1 rolls leather H , all & Sreosrt l 3 pcs timber, J May. . Per Sesser—May 1-110 Dbl. floor, Robison & co—May 2-68 ..bacon, J Kellar-1 bbl. scorch.' Ingo, I keg butter,3.bbls lass chem. Wlelt & IWCandlesa-10 0 do, Dsckcy & co-3 caks pot ash, W & R M'Cutcheon. BROWNSVILI.P.--Per bouts Mel,ane-16 pegs noise, J Bidwell-2 pop,Dihm-13 do. .krCurdy & Loomis-16 keg. nada, Burbrldge Wil sat 64 co—.B pegs, Roberts. & Keppert-36 bbl. door, I' A Koons-213 d 0,9 do flu.eed, Ido butter, 16 ho d spples, A Vankirk. Per Coosu'-77 bu corn. P.aglish & Ilcnoetl7l pcg, 11 6 Virkrey-1 do, Hays & Getty. STEII.IBI.:NVILLE--Per Arrow—WO bbl. 0. or, Clarke & Thsw.'lt 9 do, %V J Reed-16 do, owner —lO scks wool, II Mttchell-11) bhds bacon, W m B Holmes & Bro. Per Wilmington- 5 labia copperu, Wick & Mc- J do 0 curt, Robison &co-75 ocks wheat A Stockton—iB bags oats, 2 bbls eggs, 2110 floor. owner-39 do.l • Littlo.s kegs 1ge.1,1 bbl do, Spam; & co—l 3 hhd. oacon, W B Hole:set& Bro-46 obis flour, McVeden & co-115 bagel Clts, Ibe bacon, owner. WELLSr ILLE--Per Oriente-A . 7S Ws flour, 37 tmlta corn, (Irian Relief.) Allen & co. WHEELING—Per be./ AlcFaden &•co-3 Idle paper, I bale mks, JII Mellor-31 'OWN floor, II A Sampson & co--00 t 10,34 see. corn, B Hoye & co-60 Lbts flour, 3 bhd* bacon, L S Watennas- 16 ?bls flour, J Parkland Paciet—l4o bole flour, A 31 ford-500 do, Robtenn Se co-30 td.ds tobacco, J A Roe. HANGING HO'Ai—Per Dllignnec- 5 0 tons rug iron, H Childr-10 do, William. ba rn ,loo Coble Boor, Dickey & co-11 Mole t Bingba BOATS. LBATINO TIOS 1/11r. .D. LEECH & r Act: ET, I'l u adelptitsand Baltimore. 9 r. Y. •BROWNSVILLE trti and 3 'BF:AVER VACKETS at 9 and 10 i ar and 3 r x •htONONUAHELA CITY PACKETS, 3 r. •NEW F.NGLAN D. Wheeling. 10 •WlSCONSlN.Ciaeinnati. 10a• •AMERICAN STAR, Cincinnati; r. 111. TRENTON, St Louir, 4 r. N. WYOMING, %Lout., 10 a. N. •ROBERT MORRIS. St Louis, 10 A. M. +Three are tegular riakeS. 0111CtILICRIZS011 PIANOS—Au eirirant, no V [wood six crews, tow stole Pplto Forte, stwiese . bard by Cbiekerisg. of limbo will bisjosexid3ral ysesday, Rimy Mb by wood .m., .PORfliF PITTSBURGii Er= - ARRIWKD. Beaver. Iloopr, lleay.r. C0e...Le5...0w, Brownsville. Lake Eric, tiorophitl, Beaver. LOW. 'McLane. Bennett. Brownsville. Worthier, Houghton, McKeesport. caleb Cope, Stoller., Glnsgrive. New Engbail. Ebben. Whetltng. ithmic Island. Dawson. Sunfish. Clipper No 0. Crooks. Cin 1.10 Alto,,AlcDonald. Beater Cambria, Vorayth, St Louis. Wand Paelet, Davis, Wheeling. Arrow, —, Wheeling. DEeARTEu. Beaver:Hoops, Beaver. Lake Erie. Hemphill. Beaver. Consul. Bowman. Brownsville. McLane, Bennett. Brownsville Caleb cope, Sholes, Glasgow. Wilmington, Stevens, Steubenville. Hibernia. Smith. Wheeling. Oneeta. Day, Wellsville. New England No 0. Dean. Cincinuno North Carolrna, Devinney, St Lome Pain Alto, McDonald, Beaver. Island Packet, Davis, Wheeling TA-Imph. Cattrey. STEAMBOATS _ FOR ST I.OI:IS—RELUILAR PACKET traThe epleadtd and f hI Trot Pack..l R OBERT ORRIS. - I" ' '' Campbell, mule...will leave a N tii.o. e •t IU o'clock, 'I hurscla y mot ulna, and cloae. for Irmallt or pa.nre apply on hoard Je.3 I OR ST. LOUIS—REGULAR PACKET The splendid .d No rarlel PENNSYLVANIA. Gray. Twirler, will leave a• a 1.., June Ili Gray. Thum y 111.11111 g, June al. For Ireigra or pa ,, rage apply 011 ward r, FOR t.T. LOUIS. eat Th.. if,, 1.01 disught .urn, WrolllNli, RP) e, maxi,. ‘l,ll I,a.r ma II•ove 0/1 Th.n . ..y. tbr :IrJ insant. at lt , ..clork •• at Fur IrreKtit nt I , Kr •ppl, cat ' ,r 2 LIUTLER/C lIRO. Atraii FOR ST. LOUIS—REGULAR PACREF vialt 11,e near and elegaat l'aek, I TRI.NTON, Wrealerard, tna•trr, ,aiit Ira.: for the part on Thutatlny..lufir IL at 3 o'elovii r. ii. For frelaitt or pa..age apply on leg hoard MIL NEW OK I.EA NS— DI R Err. The ors nod tp'ettd•d cleaner m ak SARAN le Ali. Mclntyre. oratncr. tn tll ave a. above on Tnoreda) tnorn,ng loot,. et too'- clock. 1 en For freight or roomtne apply on lore! lc: RKtJUI.AR I'acKKT. lbe new. double ...trine P• , ...nite , tAZ,I eviler ~S, V ATA RA, it/rauglii inly IS whey.] 113. Capl Cos, willlr nye no Slontla , , the 31.1Inamot. al Ili o'c loci:. •. a .for eincinnalJ and ntlerrnedorve port, still will perform her trip.. reoilArly during t he low water .eim.n For lre..ht or p ..... e spnly.43n I,nanl in , n 1 REGULAR CINCINNATI & sr LOUIS I'ACKFT The new atalw i tl i ; s swartter "ILWood wag rd master w%llrave as shove regular%) %hroughoui the wagon For irc.ght or pas74e apply on hoard. mv %I _ - • , FOR CINCINNATI & LOUISVILLE. The fine and imam h Fght draught Affitmi nononr (Offr.). :toner, 101 l Ice.e. es othove n guinly throughout the /C:14011 For (melt UT ranntse 3 {T'Y on Fo• , a. myl2 FOR CINCINNATI • Tlie elegani and fa. racket ANIKRICA. Calhoun ortll leave I. al•nve regulnrlv ihrougi.out the tea.on For frenrl, or paselure .pith On I.ovro W3l. A. WARD, DENTIST, II A. , !Removed fo the house on Peon '4 " - ; 7-. eel, three doors above !tend •oeet, lisiar.. whale he may be foatid mem 0 t jamak •••• • oh. until 5 r 11. A. he m deem°, of being employed by none but those who will make tromedsotil payment without the ttere•ett) on his part of collecting Le would morne par ent.. attention to She followingmono . All bills left outland at the exptial lon ed thirty doy.. well be charged al the followtng rates- For Eatratarng Teeth. 61 For Edirne tam Ili to 51 per ravrty All pillar uproot on• 10100 mane prepornsna 1 All eases r a och rugagrineut• ere enuttnued, • 1 billirwill be cons wt ole red rine tat cording to os the above reg. Olean.. 13 -There me those indebted to hrm 04 hose .0- , rouniv. If not paid Jrntored.ately , rad! be 'placed to the 1 hands of a or-opera:Seer fo,rollerction. •plsdlorwifi l pia: I: , DF.X VOLUAIIi OF 511.1.151 A N'S JOUR- L NM. OF SCIENCE AN II ARTS_ ra .pri o jos ref. ! soarers In 40 oolarnocol the hest series embracing I. pei.od of rp, years Jr 0J trrbrn I.IS to (000. now lust cosnpwied and u hortruev tor •slsl., rile undersigned • w 5111.4, coufidently brlirvr I tat too aides undersigned l pr.,. rt•el rt. trot roily to those who may meows* o r .. u i.,. e . e r ... I r., t • ..I to lor Ter etottle, I. d rt, all) ay wilit riot Arr• ono rl.llO. ft, Ixbotirvrr tour dr. met Me rrarcr 1• el , • E tr., I. ET. to rile Yows metro., that he, r I.e, pul.StArd In the Joutael oti the aubjectitAl inierrslv lam. whimper re lain, to the prop the details of facts In the darirrnl &Tamar:tool knowlede. or , u the various reuniters or ital. and oilier Num.-les : o. 1E ouch a guide Inn ragas. cothes of tbs work 111 outdo: LittYarrea or sit Meats of mats duals becomes avelleLle " Complete setts 0 , 11, 01111, stete• ferm•hed at the I pabh•hers' pro", the Index to n do. S'S • S. : .l.•er.nuon* to ..,......o. or ',en., vs rrs rvrs:•nd, stud Nos ocirvemd beo rat pornroe la So per annum, hr, Orr A,0131 Mr entst.urgh myrJ4 W ~' w ILSOV. 5: Marker amen •1 Stt. t I Tt 6 t:r1 1 .0 . . E 1 a m ne lF w. t r: C. ...l k:- " .'" 10 "u'o • • - • • - Panel 'Potys•nt .0:all-a , oorov. Ohio, R.:GI• ',at CINCINNATI PACKET j May I. ter. ) ' , ht ..50 h ,e11„lr'er'''''',0.7.,W"'''"'" 'i ,„ 1 „ , ..,,!„ 1. ,.•,`,,,„ - ..-2,`,, — .2, , . 1 , 1,1,10 ..‘ ,. dg , " , ;': , 'T.-":! , :';';; ,1• ; W,1.011.1....1.:nr.vv.11 run u. vlr do our,. rurtl.r.t.e. Ilxvton four sl.ll.lren 4 .0. uuverll. r.ng tl., sr .4.... tn A .., rv;uls. Inp- , ,tl.l, .1 ‘. , v.-V.l callrd on Or , VOEl'. ~. .. l'." - - rter et only 14 ,n,... •• ~ - sut . •1,1 01 1.• v 4,01 I, ev -.A ...1 1 , , , 1 ,, ,:•• 1. 1 1. 1 . 1 V.lll. 1 01 , are .117 I I bov A -,10 • v.•“ HI i . il WOO< 0 a geed freer I I rm. k diem gat e eraccordmg Oldirerriroio, and to my Regular Plttabur gh and Boon IWe till., .2•101,144111( , E11. Ihrilata chrtritertrAattd 0f1.1314. or mak Packet. ' TIIF: trent draught •,rea mar s NEWARK. .1.0, u-orms dr 10-revin 50 Your Vennitage is alder , ' to r ainutde. mud tray truly he yard,. he the l•ert in the ! wood Verne. revorcrlutly. SILAS DENNY " a , ri r 'P''''''' , "'' , ' l"""' '.. ,,, Y ' ,, P. 1 Po otred-111.1 roll iVII E stII.I.KES. Yob) Wool ..0 °`"'"` I..,,'''.ere tle V^d• no I w sold 1,,i Itr. ('050.1. s:li Word; told in Allegheny For torah , or ~., ,,e , 0 1 - .5 , 1 ~, Irra t , l la li 11 Corry arid -I Ylochell a , mr VI oz Jo_ , nn: _ •1" A It" NE'S ICIPECTOUANT-Wr tulle at- Pittsburgh and doodah Packet: ,rl 101,001 , to 'hr. robnsahte remedY lor Pa'mormlY m at . babe new and •fine foram, 1 a ff..e , ,, , ,,s lite pr,oedr there unaounet dof the mos HUDSON, . r hut cli•rairt , of carol oe n no ,-,telidettey in ormtnate pods It. master. hr. 100 mood 1,, tog. l .trdoastnat.ri of the Itionclita. and molmouertt 1r doaron Oar top• and or. tll lerive 1,4,4..0, j of the It worol hEIIIIO,- , . 1,)-uul d. •,...e. Om nuth ns ahoy , every Thooata, arrd 11011- j 5.,0 The only practreable :orate o r rearo• roc Suet. day at 3 o'ljk.a• 01 "• I' , tr"llOrl or 1.•• 0 0 0 501 , 1) i 0 1/Aturuos. ,s only means of expeearrairott. a 10.011 on hoard. ' oeV I wlt.elr we are cony tured can alw•y• tor Minoned by a Sly KEEttI'ORT, EL 6 A 11E1 il AND MoNON GP, 1 ';'7.,'VVT';,,,'":,".nr '''' "" "Y a : Dr. 4 ' .3ja '• - Ph ' i • so LA CITV PACKET ' For sale in Panburgh Cl the PEKIN TFA ' , TORE, The new menturr 7-.1 Fourth wee, near Wool, and also at the Drog Sore DESP &VCR Ne , mower. .. j .,11 run ho ' oho, - le a a " r '''',"`.."'• F ""'" ''..Al''o!°Y. 1°,.41‘..4. erne Po •tairgh 001.1 i N111.1.1.N. ta n d I 0 9IEDLET BRICK INELESS-As the sea. nerday and Friday, at DI o'clock, A SI . and Montan a. • I t 73 -no i. 34 now coramenced for onlyng Ihn. k • the helm City ever) Tor rdal for on,: Solorda I at lr , •uoserihro beg leave .R.E. , In roll the ~,,,,.. of o'clock, A. 51. For frembt or paormarr apply on IS , 14. ~ Imulinuter• and eater. iv. it. very useful taaehate - ire, We 00,11 warrant it could 11 nut superior to 051 other - ' Ilr ~, 1 . 1,/, of the seine pro,. now lit um Allegheny !Liver Trade. W e nave a number of certrftrates of their perform ' TLe tt"'l ... I ( " t r . t.'...... , 1 .:11,..11Mh OCCOry i r e . . touch 'pace for advent...rig, but AILILOW. I cathe seen at oar office. ' ( "F' "I'''' A '''''''''' , .''' ......° , itr,knak . ers ore .c•pecifully Inv tied nr Po• o eon ' ' raa ' a " ..4. ' ° ' r'" t d " .. We swot g.ve our own qUlflti.lo. for the p t. funaLce ring are sea•on between Pro.butett , , ~,,,, s j , OO 0, Count) , 0 ,, ...„ 0 1, and Franklin. For torah: or pro•age ripply on hoard. "" JOIIN SOPADEN b. CO orthra .p,-.1.V.t•-lair canal 1,0•10 At peon at HFAWLA IL PACKET FOR NA.11V11.1.1 . . I Hardware Moro Removed. oat The new. •tront , 1 IVO; mom , . a WOLFE having removed from the NV YONIINIL ' . V corner tli lobe.) mid St Clam streets. in No 50 Cart John I , Ira), w,ll commence Woodjstmet.tlttre door. abeam st Chorle• Omer would her menhir top• t., the CI port on r equagully ••1, the attention antlroyer• to their stock slnallaY• the Val ...lot. ol ill 0 clot k. , a II AA imv A RE. cuTLERY end ,a Dm.t.:11% . , reed •X. for fw,,ght or port•age apply on Woad or 10 ' per ;hips Sorsonky Nlortottgalmlo and [lntr. , rlacct roch27 i W DUTEE , I I I. Unfl. Aao bane um be rs of Esiglunol und liertnanc. - 'j - Al.o. numbers re American Hardware. from the prat- PITTSOURGH A Nil l. rtV REELING PACK Kr. 0 i,.„, ...f.,,,, of hr Ky,,,,,,, 0 1 0 0 0 1 Th.ti”hd."l'.....n.t.g ...' Their stuck being entdely new. end purchased upon ra ENV ENGLAND. the be.t wenn they feel greed confidence in being Mile OaPollo O VI Ebel, 0111 metre 1 succemfully to inert colopeotron from any fowler, runnorg !AI above. on the . 111 day of 0 ,0,„,h.„ 0 .0.0, 0 , 0 , March, Ir at mg Ptroloorth every' Toe Hardware basilic , ' will he continued at the old Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. at IQ o'clock. A NI : 't mond. n 96 and leaving Whee li ng every . :donday. Wedne•dal and I ,E.,,,,,,,... -„,..L...,.. u,.. ., ~ ,,j ~, , ,,,,ii, Friday. at 9 o'clock. A NI. The Now England bat tor,n bough, e'tpreisir Int . the 1 l o ut './;,!!!,°_%.C"'.., 11 very "1" ' l . . 1.111411 • 1111- " . rue, and will leave regularly arabovp. For freight or ! 1i':,....„,,,,.,,,ig ~,,,,,,,,,,‘ -,..,,, apply on ia,ord. or to , Taylor's da do. la PAIN FLACK, Agent . do Cry .iallinc Sus I. ,In 800 , ,1-,, Roll's Almond ,da, Ynlnt Soap. Lott n,11: • Florida avid Ganglia Voter. for sale by - _ JUEI, M 0111.1.111 ....... -___.- FOIL LOCIDIKEI2I'. a c r A d 01.1 A. mee . Fur I plpnve Ih roughout Nrrieli or ra4.sr,e app mll. • orn=uußuil AND ... ,, r 1.01:I9 PACKET' :....S2 'Toe new m.l oplendul I... Der GONI CIOL I Et, Lyon.. MIMI', M. .g.ilit elpret•ly tor the trade. and erlll leave. t , va WI) Lturnbg t h e trason. Der dEapi will be adverwed tacreaf,.. ra)7lr REGULAR 1.011101,11.1. E FAINET _Cr ,t b geemlea tr u t e e g / h r th ... l o ll ug u t •hlodOu un, cr . rcteler and Lou,- vale, dun, the gen . Cbe leave.. on Thurtably et, conc. May Gth.ol 4 o'cock. For. fonglst or pagnage oPPl) on nO6 ron Z ‘i›Vi bp•tl ••••••••i•u. • • ~11:r. Moor, p, am • rr.gmar par Letl.rlW , 3 0/.e m.... 1 pa.....m10 mITIY oo . (it.° H N111.1 . 1.:SHI:ROF.11. Art - . Megaliar Pittsburgh and Zanemallte Packet. ("'4.1.. The new d' an I to drauglo crramer "."11,0 COMET, R..; .- Te l .F ' ' '') ' 'r:e7:FFn!',7nll. T,,'....7:L,`,.:',,J, mod 1..0r0v,1, 11.,0, ha..l A C 4411.1 t• fit: , ui• lind fono.lt,l ro iLoi.er.o),l,l,lLe Coops, Dlfer. it,« I. On. 11M111111i41:11.11,10 rw• , rotter• Stlr W ill km, oo Turoday, Met) , Sit., al ~. o'clock, r M. For 11 right or plmage orply on Long , ]. or . ...I. L/ WlLlil NI.. All • . ... %YELLSVILLE DAILY I'ACKF:I'., TI." ne.•,,,rnr. aml.f3. l'arltt mato 'Hi ELL SVI LI, E. C Cmleit. mce, wa. I,u t" 0t ,• 'qr..: y far 111 k• i me, and sv , ll make &mil u.p• Our., 411 t pen... I.Vlll‘ P,rt.hurgb every avow', li If Wt..' k, nod Wei,•vtlle f ever, event gal I t.'e .4. it The W .. fugs,..ed ve2th `Fabeg's P emt nt,enet , tVnter Gum,- " Fur fr..lght 'l7.P"'"g"H rTl[::‘''"f.l..n.ta„,!, Pi„renrrEh li, nerf A to r more i re,el,,, awl It, ngenl nloray• t , ~ P'. A MetIA.SE. Agent. FOlt WELLSVILLE .1:41$ !cm iguNviu.i: The I, vt. and Ircb , dronel. lo tnr WILMINGTON, 0 M. ~leVens.rtia.ter. leave. 1., - I.nsah every Monday, ‘VednevdoY end V•tdoy.iraye. ~ery Thur•day an..lSouTdaty . A. e M Vor fre,ght or ibo.nager apply ,2 on .lee AK 1111116111111611 A NU t l . 11F.1.161rg16 PACK Kr. Tlre Steamer 11113E1lSIA, • • Samuel Smith mamer, H, l l commeuro "' .1. ong ev II regular pocket almoi Le ISM met , leavolg romlgurgh every ygoneaday gml Frotar. to 10 co'cloet, A NI , g e gimg every ogoelny.Thumday and I.laior ,clock, A H. For irmght or pa.gage uull upply j .IFI 1.111,11111 S ill AND lIROWNSVII.I.E I . ACK I:T. =,,,. TII I'. IWW,i,ltairtaLtzin.oig -.3113e( Y wall lull WI 11 regular Pocket herween tbt shove I.ltare., leavals I . ...burgh eaday, ['humbly and ,±atarday. at 11...'elock, nd Brownsville every Monday! Wednerdsy I e o'clock. .yt . t :Sat or pas.ase apply on board. , dec9 --, PRECILDENTED SUCCESS* , EW'S EAGLE ICE CREAM te1.1.1,0N has volted, during the pool wer It, hy upwawde of riona. The plopr.e:or her. leave io stele that . tillelleir Dr Om gre•t 111.1, , • rierntont Inv now .. Leh. permanently engaged Mem. KN KASS , • .EY .....I..MURPIIV. ...an will apileYl each at a GRAND CONCERT' amine changed mainly REE K •, 14 e .., n a, 1., nin , . a .I ..h of ICS CREAN' Urr ItIN AL ACC 0319101- 1 A • r 1 Oh. lUD , EVENING LINE—On and at,erManasy 3lit of May, the s.lll4Glii,q VV• 1 1 ran ni. Evening thnnibu•ea on Penney I valve Avenue, between gh end Onktond—teaving the CHI 11011111 W Ch and at 1.411 on.a 9 o'clock ever) We, ainl-Onk the .01310 bet.. :cal to part favor. and ...Inot• to Iflord vane. to all, the subeer,hr. hope• 81.... .B.w effort to Icalsto will be epprtived and v.., tamed by a lib. A ( r e thC L in ol rind. =3!lC== .1 REGULATIONS—The new edthais I... Genera! Rego'alio. fog theettwny,. publwlled thorny P. the Wet Depart... 1. %to uthl mad • r t. Tb anark can be iradraducd throncli the c ,,cl m fly pan .( the cannlry foL 15 cents praas. , Orders an. fillergicebYlll 4 :4 Y . • "st 1% G. 9 I.IId:ON PUY to)1/341,.. Ninth Is, Wastnaipan,l) C MM= AONNION 111011 PATENTS. Washiwgton, ID. I'. • P.N AS C. ROBBINS, Bleeltalet Eneltteer and dre agent/Oa ',nearing :; prrpose the cot vary Inawales um] Mile, ha Applicants for Pat f nts, and ‘rena.iet all other howl,* an theht. line of . pmferston at Ine Potent Wire. lir ea. he consulted. on all questtons' relating to the Fsnent Lows and deci sions in the Untied Stales or Europe. Pe sone •I • dtstunre ;lemmas of has eximmanon• made m the Patent Office. print to rusting applteanoti for a patrol, mar forward (post pool. enc.:smog • fee of five dolls., a clear stmeretent to o their cue, when .nanentale • will be given to It and all the mformation that could he obtained by a elsit of the applicant in nelson) promptly communseterd. All letters on business Intreibe, post paid. and ronmin a mutable fee. where / written Opinion la required. Office on P. street. opposite lim Pater. Office Ile has the honor of referring, lilt perm..., to lion. Edmund Burke, Conunissiour of Potent.: 11011. li 1. Ellsworth. late do do do; Knowles. Machin., Patent Office; Judge Crouch, Washington.. D C; lion. R Choate. alumehueetts, US Senate; lion. W Allen. Ohm. , Ms; B Bowho. AI C, Misuurt, • lion. Will.. Ilan. New Volk; llon. Robert C, hoots, lion. R Breese. C S Senate] lion 1 II Relle, NI C, hitssonn, , Capt. 111 M Sitteve, Miser:turn Ernst. Brooks, Esq.. Pittanurgh. suylB T UNE. DIAOAZIN Beret ved at Al A Miner's JLad , . Notional, for June—Fashion Plate. Lads's BMA - for Jour—embellished wait portion of Lie Girard; al, an engraving oi l it nottan College, and au trilere nog account of h:ruselt timbsra's Nl.agastne for June The Cadet de Cobbler, a ale a; tire old Calmvents of P.l,—tranalated from.. Elench of kladatne.Chas. Reyband. Th. Scourge of the Ocean a smolt. the le) an (hirer of 11,c 1'.3. Nes) The Count of Morion,or 'Frau lolrd (turn the French of Fred tick -`loathe The )oath of Shatspeare. Its , F. Wilitams. EN , au thor of -Shat.peare and hi• Prien3A" The quadroon, or Si hi.elthei , BOY; the' mull'''. of Latfle. The Countess ot Ir/neloied from Iltertench Atou ernd Dams. llie \Lento of Intrigue. a mr of KM'. C 011. 1 , 1, aC); lin 10111, W Tay In, . of I be ll)Story of Dowel itt one] the faint woos mutt the We. Tot .111, Gold anti Sliver Coin Chamber(' I taut 'nation for 16 complete— most valuable antl hi tdshipman Estay; I,y l'ar.t. Esamint r. • People we can furntell 11eptitar Kneyelopg.lta. Int ryalt—frebh enntdr. M A MINI:WS nrect,ll door from YJ ICTOIIB. 'rd at the Metre the nigasha C.Mek.7l July nest, fig 1 Cron. rb• iinalle River on .1 between Lynchburg trer. 'rhe Eget of acid .10u feet lorg,and en. .Ithurg : the atebod g, and mutated at °out 'bad will he about tr 2 nhent na miles we at I I be dams am of Il be In to re f 21- during the precool gra. +con t end epecificattons 7 , ill illehlOOOd Of at Ate alarm Lynchburg, Smlthfield!,a TO CONTRA! P(VALI , will be tem r Jame.' River and Ka, In Wean-tom!, V.. wen he 11th struriton of thre• -note dams a the hue of the Coinpurt)'• Cunt and the titouth of I e North r darns is 01 be about 31 ft halt an tinted ahout 4 miles glove Lyitc he at,. IS A It gh and U. ft In' tildes won 01 LI nehhathh : 11,0 ft tog h and 3tat tt lung. and ettua of I.yttri.tovr The toundatiot ruck, and the supersourniser le sed as high a• lota water try hePlanted said tom Its ma, be ohtstined. at the Compan) • OM the subscriber , Officoott sattl orvatol after th e In of July Ilf - WALTER Gil' \ N ',Chief Engineer Janie* R ,t I A Kanawha Co Rtehmond.Y.lrit May IN'_ mit9-310a111 , I DEAN'S LIIENDC. L PLASTER. From Rev Charles Mervi n Minister of th e Daptts Cl rClit• ' . V ll. 2(ll".ll';'(4."''so''pletoo). of K Dean , . Chemist Plaster. Gentlethe , Fur ccccc al )eare have from with tooted th e ..trt 0001 E, Dean's Clotho, Plaster by asthg 0 in Any funk as a remedy for Rhea , mut sat, are•k netts and lameness of the Lack, Non it ~. 1 the hreast. maw... of the. throat and eget, ague in I the breast, tr.e,• and hake ple I. UM in say ng to too and to the public, that In every ea e I have found it useful. and I do hetieve th at sand Pis ter po•sterse• VirtUe4 0( more than ordinary character. and that tI will vn.ul• , ly lie found 11 fE noelent yeme.ly - lior those diseases for ' eehrch it is fern:amended, and t• justly entitled to toe notice tail r"'"'n'''li lt'" I 1 ' . ' 1 r. ' Z r;tIf7IZAN. VOUVI I.ly, • Wooster. 0.. Dee. :V 154 e Sold by II A Fulinestoel A Cm corner Kali& Wood tert• lldkor • r ... .-- ros2l •. • Corner Wood odC.Ek . ore , . V 4 fans TO DOM I.OW- , ' • I sums of V V from 950 to RICO, 92:ita , 300, Van R5OO, he..-ott ' T 111.111.113 11.E.,11NEDVii 411, pool ..state rut one io five •enrs Wonted. cruplo. I 'tF tit, Into firm of Ville-Pie & Kennedy, Inn mg onus ,or owe, a ...Arnim.. ty mid M Moot snd In the .9 1 lOa,i Manul•CUff, and dealry ot Clocks, Drobtic roatory for number of Ito mi d l • tool you g 111-11. and War Good.. keeps coo. Imlay tn band, o hie and for a ohinirr of Wooer. farmer` 0 ern Manufacture, ever description os Gilt, Matto any r - 111 1,,,,d.; of Ac'encats ottemled to promptly fur ood Common Looking Wore% 1.2 34. and sdi wet srmil , ale charg, Near , mill m rode.. plain and ornamental p 0 rt. 0.1 frames I ISA AC HARRIS'S All l ' iods of Clock.. tr.ys, rod Vii oilers. lit se la or ~:.tees., A gooey rd Ilitne tnlice dozen.; Combe.Tbremll. and a /cram' assonm• aof 'O/22 . So .9 Va overt. near Wo"0 1 • Fancy Goods, wbulemle, at *Final! advance on cost• Pcdrar. and oilier. mortised wlits Mein's Chart, Cm PASCAL Mt N 11•0111111, ner's Pura., and 111 by .14 frame. nt Now York prices. PHILADELPHIA. ' ~2,,,, , N 052. con wood and 4th sta. Welded Wrought Iron Flocs. 08T ON DIODE H OF EATING HOD li rr AUM for 1M0111... NI tame. and other oearn 13,ES-Mr. O. Eerier, o ..) f Boron, Ito •rranged and . Engine Ender, from 2to 5 Inch , * distinoer.. Also patented • plan Mr heating house., which has been roc-' P.,11 int llso. Simon rod Oilitt 1. , P , '.; ......." er orally used In 110.11 , 11, New Work, &c . tend nhemect ' r ''''' (. "P" uli ' P "''''''' ""°' P ”'" " r " rump. applied hos reze , ed the decided-0,1 , 0ne. over of Steam Engine.. Ice. Stover. Fornaee.• &c. , Its advanihge. are-. Manufactured and for sale L)' MORRIS, TASICER & MORRIS„ I.t. Great regularity of Temperature. , W archon , S. E. rooter Triad soil Walnut ante! 13,.'d'1:5F0tp,.:1....Mn• , t... u 0t,.“ . . Ph ...delph.•. I inti ; Ith, Easily ntlerid to, and not liable toot e d out of r 1 11TE DRESS I.IOOIIS-• order. . .IIT 1 Potorsw... Molos-; S ib Great Darelollty.. Scotch %lull On; A Model and Specificanon may be seen. and the sp. Noes do; • pmatus obtained at the Copper and Tinware !amply of 00000,1 WM. /1 SCA IFE, Fiat str. et, :4. la Ilat do do 'Mull, eery-sir bet. Wood and Market DO do Plaid Robes. A... 014 ni o boye 1 JOHN -DUNLAP, c '''''' i ''''' '''''" '' "”. Dry "' IV 1 11 111 . 1(11'11 V . 1 ‘r , 017 Mrket Weer, in now receiving Li. •ra , nll NP. "or la, oil Market ea ..1 %lock of llous.-Foritishing Ilardware, Humana, Icon.ating n a pi art av roii.wp : SeT TIIISON 15 A'lle II Vl-1 tot recessed horn • thr Bb. lipanned W are, nisli.li and AMerican; Aloisfamorer , . 1 bia•Ontannra ,do do do, AU dot " 10° ' ' '" l ” . S ' . '''''''' ' A ' ''' . " l"; I 2 cots Foitivb Tinned Situegn.; Yo dos. .10 ratra do, j 1 to Oval Pots 1 caw Trir • and Walters; 75 dots Comm.., 1 do Enatoollkd Wane; irdor Gram Cradle., 1 do Preoed,Wa/rbo! cork Oiled t o e; 3 do. du do. wok Patera e.. i 11.... FOr ml. by 'O ODIORNE,. opeoite 1 900 the osorteil Coppeir 70/ plates TIM.' PPer. 0ry27.3t Mon Mgabels llooe. Smithfield •t 'WU Iles JaniaraWiret 50 bt•Tto Pli`ml CIOFF" -:•,!,..trogLPrraro 1124,7u3Z., op I. , !„,..1111119 1 0/ NLA 1',17 Mops , . at - COIIIIIIIISIONSCIA OF DEEDS 5 dr Sava do; ' A T CINCINNATI-1 sto author red by the Goverrur oats resvol and for *ale very low by [oval REV NI/LDS a. SHER nof Pennsylvudi to takt atarLOWlldgeonlv ot all in- , r --- auseam of wrillitg,•lm offidarit,s‘d dePO.o , af - . REFINED .CDPFER MOOTS. perms. in Ohio. to be tool or recordedVn teensy Iva- I () F r.:,Tr ,,, : ! : .rl,e",:l,%"v"or;',V,f7.VL`,:i.noroar, Z:::•: ',1 -0 , 1 1,ZU,1 0 .; 2 d'''' . " ElO.,Vlitli'r.r.;!.l74c'': II .or Coinomo. ere ',thud Inc .ale by \ P; it Irile KIM. Agent fur the Cowman, ---------- My 15.130 59 8, (lay,street, Baltimore i ZPANISTI CIGARS- . 0 3, T Wohlnauor Reardon Egan; 1 OST-A (dove SOIL Purse with Gal Mails, eon• i 31 , y ........... , do. Looming almot !lye Dollars. was dropped in lm or , 3,, $ Z.„ r rzz.....7,,,... d .,,,, r , Marko street yeoerday morning. Th. finder will be , ,;i:: 1: . ‘,.',;.; mitably rewoded by leaving the .1. to. Mir clamor 1 '5 , , ~7.1. . F....7„ ... ... do, at EAIN ,9 Turnmom Starr. .7 . .. r-LIL i If i bar. Join Sant Prrneipe do; toeADD CDOCOLATE- 111 a bar Eidation dor do; t.e 2 Lai Fell'a Prepared Cocos: ; For eon b ' Isi 17 ISAIAH DICKEY &CO .h is do Extra No 1 Ch-icohte, - .2 h 13aker's Cocoa Paste; W 1113,11:151 gpla,-vlirgATl 0 PAPER 2 lige Jo Broom; ftr sale by ' ... , .• -. • / D WILLIAMS & rn __,_ - I 50 do , Lenin do r . , MO do .B. C.Straer Wapping do; • FINEFREED TEAS- r i • 900 del Medium do do ihi, 179 MI( ("beats Young do Tem, lOU do ' D.C. do do dm Kat:ldly Ewes do do; 100 do 1 Tea Hat . .15 . _ _ i ti i.4l Ex Or Stop Ouriter's eery% now landrug and fin ran by On band and Ft sale br, IIESNOLDS my x 6 BACIALEY a tibuTii, Le ...I 10...y0 meld Con Pearl and Duna ara AIRELLANEOIiTS. EXCHANGE BROkER', &C To Trove PART PACKIVTLIIdIe FOR' AND 113ALTIMOR8. F. rrinnedy Paordint 1 rid Canal Rod RMIJIIO.I beton tiovr nt, earellent ender, the Packets of dna Line-will trove with pd. vandal..l follow., every mgt. at o etock Packet tacky,K Copt. Trolly, kliinday, kl•y 24. do Ohio, Capt. Ctalg. Tuetdayi do Indiuto, Copt Berkey, 1V rduentsy, May S. f do I.ouistaaa, Capt. Thomp.oti Thorrday, May n: do Kentucky, Capt. Truby. Friday, May . V. do Oldu,'Copr cr.% Saturday; Itlayls). do Indiana; Capt. Battey, thiltd4,y, 11.5;1. N do Loutstan.,Cept.ThomP•on, on ay, . ay 31, do Kentucky, Capt. Troby, Tooniayi Jona do, t. OhinCept. Crate, Wedne.day, J dui Y. Jo Indiana,Capt. Berkey, Tharaday.l June 3. do LooLotana, Copt Thoutputoh Fnday. Joe 4., do Kentunky.C.pt Truhr, Satotday, Jot. 6. 1 do Ohio, Capt. Craig, Sunday, Jane 0. If you desire cheep trareltlng and condonable accom modation., 'acute your ticket. at the Pocket Office, Florontrahela House, Water meet, or of .Y" D LEECH A CO,lCanal Basto • MM=l BEAVER' 'WARREN a, LINE. OF CANAL PACKETS AND STAGES. 47: CANAL PACKETS TELEGRAPH k SWALLOW Zan - 18, SAVE Beaver daily jo 2 o'Clock. r alter the arri•alof the steal... BEAVER from Pitshurgh, • at Warren at in season for Me Stage. which reach Cicreland before night. nru.'a'ill be retrliltrdlialaAh.seeuritig broths on the Parket, and seata it the Rage. on application an - board steamboat Heaver. [leaving Pittsburgh ut 9 oleloct. • 2 .1. to the age... G N BARTON &,Co, P - olubutah CLARKE gr. Co, Deaver JESSE BALDWIN, t ounginvan with N B TAYLOR, Warren _ • • AN IMPORTANT IUETTICR—The following letter .fiom Dr. Briehim, all Lowell. Mae.., but spent. Meuniform languagtof hundreds of other phyob clang, who have tried, and therefore kietw now to at • preemteJsynes Expectorant: LOWELL. Mass .11N. C. 1.614 Dr. Arvid Jayne—Dear Sir: I have used your nedi eine. so universnlly knoWn by the name of Jaynes Expectorant, in my practice for a number of years, and ran most truly aay, Mal I Lave bee, more niece...- nal in the Irmo( that as übld, Safe and very thorough Expectorant; Mau of any *Lich I bare ever used. It is the best for Me followni.e obvious reasons. It does nothif give nth Proper dolts, [mansion • dm/rt.:able eaves. Irans riot west en the Intrgtand prommte the eyritem Lim nob other Erpectornnti common use, nue does rt Mate the appertre of the pattent, lake other Lauscalne ruedienter, schkeh hove been used by are aculty. Inca word. it Is nearly oequtte dri thing whack has been sought for by grant of the faculry for ages gore by. I remain yours, respectfully. LU melt BRIG HAM, M. D. For sate in Prtsturgh at tbe PEKIN TEA STORE,. TJ Fovetk strict, near Wood; and at Me Drug Store of II P Schwartz-Federal wirier, Allegheny City. 9 . Tr d '" l ! ' 401 IN CARTWRIGHT , IMPORTER and Alanufaesurai of Cutlery. Surgical and Den a, Instrumentp, Saddlemand Ttnnera' blind tools. Tayl Patent Shen., he. he. Alm manufac tuJes Truer., Supporters , great variety. J. C. Manafa cturer and ' lmporter of Pen. locket and Table Cutlery: Raton. Scissors. Files,Saws, Tools, hr; han removed to 83 N OOD STREET, Pritsburg second door be low Diamond Alle h, y, And ho. late. y received • large assortment of Pew A Pocket lisalvem. Knives & Perks, Alm Rodgers' and Whordenholme PINE CUTLERY. Ellions,Rodger4W oda h. BureberMltarom, Razor Strops, de. Dbmascus and Wren Tomb O EM's RIFLES, AND PISTOLS, Allen's Colt's and Rune. Revolver*, Powder Flasks Shot Ikks. Mame Mgr, Walker'. h Lox's Extra Per cowton Caps. Bowie. Dirk and Bunting Knives. Toole.meh sot Csllipem, D.widers. I.lyers. Nippers. land Vtesl. Squares. Rules, Braces, Bails, :mote Shaves, Smelts and Dies Ware and Irbn Go - nes, M .111. Inytrumants, he, in very great variety. COP- Jobbing and mrpnreing newly and punctually 'U.... a pit . _ _ I BILL at. DILOWEIrE. glace* sssss to lloldshlp a 8r0w... MANUFACTURERS and Imponer• of PAPER 11 ANGINU A, No n 7 Wood street. Pittsburgh. The tnercastng demand for American Paper has induced Them to enlarge and =prime Mom Factors, and Mete far minim, for manufacturing arc Mow equal to any in tha eastern cities. lining adopted the ettern male ol prices. Ale c ){ take pleasure It inviting thMr blend. and dealt,. to examtne their mock. slush is sm. larger Man al anyfortner peboal. mid May I,c found as I - Mtwara Transparent Wtudow Shatter. French. Amerman, Cal n, (Dazed and Common Pa. Gold` I surrise; " Gold. Vets. 1 and loritalion Border.; Lands4sper, Statutes and Frre-borml Prints: Curtain Papyr, yard aside plain green, and SO; Writhig. Pontine, and Wrapping Paper. Muriel Boardc•e • Bar •STannera l Scraps taken In exchange •1 mar het pocersi .. errehrAtosawranT littorney, Counsellor and General Agent. WLS MALL. mforme his friends and the pub . tic that he iiT• commenced the business of Agent for I uyingana relling real estruc 0 !AO My. and will devout • large pelmets of o. time and anention to the leasing. 'stung and In, ing of house., surer and mb ar fiattdmils: Or callecong end dreburong rents,andoth er clamsand demands and ,o' attending to Agency bre sumo generally. Ile will at to furn engage in Me Erwin Oen of man, cordracm, eic.. and vell I ish authentic mrormation in relation to the paying qualltier end re q....Llama of tenantt. Ae. lor which hie extensive acquaintance e6lltrent l , qualific•him. Berney be foand at hO r...Amee. Noll I Allen Orem. moll 01.4 o'clock /i ,he noon.. and utter G u'vlock in the cyclone, •nd ro rob , hour. at hr• etre , No IP/ Chambers erect. nod PROPERTY IN YOUNGSTOWN, 01 I 10, door Irmo :arm NLW YORK. FOR SALE. REFERENCEta-Pun F A.TallnindeaSllon,John B TII F. adveniser orers (or sale a splendid Bock Scot, lion John McKeon. Ilan Cred• , t lloffman• Al- •:1 • " . Jarman EgiVlt Wrsen, Ald. Was V Brody. Dayrd •dwelling Ilotore situate on Me North Last corner of the Palate Square in Youngstown, Alain:ming 6.1 a 1 . 1 , 1 .2 11, ',LTA ! 1 9 .1 .? a, P5• '-...- . 03 ' W county, Obio. It is l=egs, commodious. finished In ee- SICBAHD T. LEECH, JR., refloat style, and in the hem fixation In Young...town, 'IMPOSTER and Dealer or Saddlery Hardware and etther far 4 dwelling or public house; attached to it is a 1 Carriage Trunnones r ef Corry descorprionr No 133 yard, with water, stabltng, And .11 other conveniencea Wood room. Pitrohnrch, oota moonsumers and ilea`• •1 homi. er• a splendid stock ni geol• in hi* lore, rat ea-tern Thi• town Is unprnerng yriry rapidly, is Mowed no' formes Ito mop , suf 1.4 •e, Band, Lamn• 'Knob., rumliately nn the ConaLand when the vermin Furnace, he, a e.,,, • art mom'honer to unknown in dm Bollard Mill, P.e.. now being broil are completed ; will market. and unstmparmd no beauty. (moray, or cheep-' be the ablOl flourlowinhin fo r g plac h. e tn due sermon of Ohm be ll will be sold or on ttme, or exchanged Light and Dark Coach, Drown Japan rind Leather (or propeny M lantsbanth. ca• For particulars 'inquire of Vartusb,alPays on hand. A superior article urd war. L .t.I I) WICK. corner of Woad and W mar s. Pins. ranted. 1 burgh, who singly< •Il infoonatinn.. deLdatwlt N. IL-A Int of Fly Netts; just received and will Le • BEAUTIFUL RESIDENCE FOR SALE. "L'i . '". l • . :-.--------.... "'"2 ..CII MATED jest .acre Lr sooner, on the Obib It ,vet, f,a It KIS II ASSORTMENT OF ROOKS , 1.31001100 below Pill•bargh; curoomng of 13 mimes 'of I Received at Al A MINER- band •vitls a gond Cottage 1100.0. GO fro from by 40 feet Ilal side and Border eketehe• wall 'es. tolv of h- deep, roman:me a ball of entrance, a ere.. bull. Mehl • Cheroot' nu , Me Lammt . 1., IV II Mos it 'UMW , on die fisra nom &ea three manna adore, well ar. Mori no A Maga or '.,,nun'.Mbrs under Philp .ne Thad I angrd tor comfort and eutoreuiener, wok a never of Spa n an toonocal I t 01 L Iry Eugene Serrhe• ISIIIIIII in/ and 11 1 0.011 Immo . . a good stsllle and 10,,. Chamo•ro.Cycbromlia ot Li e rotary, Co In and a goed garden. .sort v . in every vs rtety or rerti`. Dombey AL!km. Non. 1 Alm. on Orchard and • good meadow-all of write h N. i . m r eon ts C,,,,,y. roomier.; elegantly bound. and , under good fence , unbound. I The house is well beat and finished M the best min . Mysteries of London. . l net. For further Informouon apply to SOLNnithfield SI, Count of Monte Chrism, bY 0 0000- in oh aorn l Y.l 1 zel S CUTHBERT. IIUT and Blue, or' LSO Privateers of the Re vol., or.- I DEAL ESTATII IN THP: COUNTRY-The ut, Mesh 'lmply. It Renner • offer for .ale • brume and lot in West Mid. AI, the 1.4.1a ‘ n Ma a ..fl ' a 'a"';',ll,),'N"Tz.a., ore•ex, Mercer county. The house is well calculated For rale at royllo sno ;,, fiow .;. 3 , 40 or ; , 000 ~,, for a .tom and au - kiting, immediamly ell /be Erie I:, i 1,10 1 0/1 Castel. lo • dmarishom village near by. are •I• AY NE'S EX PEC7POR ANT-We insole attention to m•eral frozen:. and in the molar or • rich farming Ms. J this admirable remedy ler Pulmonary nrh . toms - rrie r. The princtple there rumours-a of Me morbid elmmeter Alm.• Inn, •mud lot in the donembine villa of Or. of obstructions -1m tendency to nrigrnale ordomMien mrgevale. Mercercounry. The house to well calculated of the Branolna, and consequent rot aeon of rhe nate. rm. 100000 0 , „ toe ,. cal hunto•s-it, beyond dispute. the truth Mel( The lb. o py, ' , nor ., ne w be , o ld o k o . o on n on 00 . I truly pruelleable mode of restrecong sorb ohoruction i• eso p roo donng 10 ,„,.. ISAIAH DICKEY A Co• • ' mimed ns of expectoration,a restil whlch wa are emn• ,p.l water and fiord m• min alway• b. obtained by a judicioneeshibi. - torn of Me remedy of Dr Jayne -(Pharr. Spoil of ihe Timer For mesa Pittsburgh at the Velup Tea 'torn, 214th reel, near wood, end also at the Meg Store of li P Schwartz, Fed...oho Allegheny rim. royliddysT - Wrisiliniuti nroa. 11,'Ulik iiTsM - SPRlfais - • AND AXLE FACIVRY. 11.14JC JO2Z/I• 10111 I. RUM , JONES AL QUM% x fANUFACIT , Rills of &ming and Illides Steel. 1.11 Plozgh :led. steel Plover Wings, Coach end Eliptic Spring.. Ilatorncred Iron A eler. mid denten. In Malleable Cam., and Conch Trimming. reurtally comer of Ross and Front filleele, relebeflht Pe -.- WIZ 1151614 TO.i.IOII,INICS --Ile subscribers are now receiving • large end catenstve aittonmeot of Coach Trimmings of the is st) les—among whirl] era venous arycles aids hive never been kept t e re— which they palehised for Cash from the Eastern Mena faetozers, and are &ale tesell •• low as any Hour , to Newr•Vork or Pittladelphia. They would respectfully invite the ettectoon of dea'irs. myldtithe /ONES h. QUII(:O, ter Ross k let els _ . IiTINE POCKET CUTLERY—Pagers' eon, Fpress Peelnivel. Rosa. 3 bladedo , W... - .oho:es +wowed, Items of • softener gush. 4; R.& Pumps and Pones; Table Cutlery, in setts of Stpieces; . se in tuns le dosent of the best American myfarture and ivoOr balance handles; thee) Re)'Wog. Keys. he . Yvel Tlecetcts.Clssps.Bsa• he. For sale by W W W11,0:` , 1 ley m t . .irtwr Fnunh nod Markensts A CARD. VINO teeetued lidense asa Draggtet of the Hnr..r Warden' the ly of I'itt.l.orgb. to *ell sines and •01.11.0• loquore, ^fo tordle . norl end .1.01.1111 r , 1,10.,.. and n) be ore In the are," I hereby notify all' ol r... applying for the above. !bat they wsll he re qu!redpet to leave name, rr , :eidenee ‘ and apee.fy the por no, A meter of roperinr quality can be had at nor once., at the Mug nitre Of the aubro bee. No 37 Wood Creel. H lIUSSIGY: BARRA lk-00i, BANIESTILI XXCHABOX BRONX!'" AND DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC EXCIIANtig CERTIFICATES OF DE- InIsITEL BANE NOTES, AND SPECIE, Foto* nearly opposite Om Rank of Ptitshorgh. CURRENT MONEY received on Depostleisight Cheeks litr sale, and collections :made on nearly all the pnitelpat ?in Ina in the United States. Thc.ii.shot vellum pt.' for Foreign and 0 ts...r.rota Gotd Advances nand e on constant/lents. of Produce, shtppetl East. on Intend terms. each!! N. HOLMES h. 803, Baste. and Po.tars is Mzelmairde, Colo and Busk Notes, no. 55, MAllarr biIIEET,IIIII,IIIIII. IIII . Seib. Rates. Machantee. Bolus Rows. . New York t .. I yr. Cincinnati, !To. Philadelphia. I do Louisville, Baltimore, I do St Laois, Ido Baying Rates BANK NOTE33.' Bayliss{ Rates Oluo, I dis. Co. & Scrip Orders, I di.. Insitaits. i do Relief Notes, do Kentucky, I do, Penasylvtutia Cy. do Vtrginis, do New York do. Ido co Wheeling, ilo New Orleans, Ido Troestlee, 3do Maryland, Ido artaterstap. I OSEPII H. HILL. (law of the firth of Woe A. WC ,) and WAI C. CURRY,ilaleof Fre, i have entered mini Copannerthip, under th e Imam tit r tiW. re CURRY. for the 0w1..e of eerryingonthe Yanking and Exchange ba ante. In all its branches, at lin 65 Wood street. three doors below Fourth, wear side—where they solicit the custom of their friends and the pablie generally. JOSEPH II HIM. urchin Wht. C CURRY JOILPH 11, HILL. WIC C. cllakT• HILL It. CURRY, BANKERS & EXCHANGE BROKERS. DEALERS IN FOREION AND DO.SII:(aTIC TIME. & SIC/lIT BILLS 1W EXCIIANUE, CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSITE, BANK NAPES AND COIN. No o.lWood street, third door belay rout th, meet aide. J. AR l le Fonds and Currency rweiged on Deposit. and coctloo, made on all the principal Cuit a in the United Immo. Sight Excitant. on Baltimore, Philadelphia, Now Vora. Boston and Cincinnati constantly for sale. Ohm, Indianwlientucky, Vteginia and Pews)Prattia Bank Notes, bought and roll on favorable win. Exchange on F.ogland, Ireland, Oat many wd Frames ptomsreol,Ae =LIS WILLIAM A. HILL & C 0.,• II • N K E KR 1011.01[1:1111 • - - /1.13 DUMF. . FOREIGN AND DOSIESTIC EXCHANGE. CERTIFICATES ND OF DEPOSITE, HANK mires, A SPECIE. X.. 64 Rood Stmt. use elm shut Fuer* Eutt lac6lt6 Pittsburgh. Ps. fdiusF • ALLY. CILAPIZIII, 1111311 KRAMER. & nevs, n ANKFILS AND EXCHANGE BROKER:4,de... Lai Foreign and Drearttio Bills of E.tobsogr, Conite f Reroute, [Look "Mee and Coin, comer of dd and Wood moots, dire. -eoSt Chu its HoteL ffeßidly_ / Peene fond.; else Iseed M reduced ewe lOLFie SON eke, M S7SI ket et 8513130 0 1110, Indiana. Kent County and City Or. of dionnant. by AenL Oolleetiams on bouoville, Lows and all accesstble 01 , st, n ' the United Stan.. made promptly, and r Sq[ZlT:e s h b a y ne Brokers ench2s No 53 Market rt flolleelleam on et nclanalLLoutavole. St Loots and %-/ all other accessible points in the United Stites, ntsde on accommodating trm.. !ULLA CURRY apn Wood it,. nest door to Eagle Saloon" Le:ohmage on Near IforklPhdadelphia, and Rani . mote evenly for sale y HILL k CURRY ape Wood st n t it door to Faits :shoo . Carin k is . e w y Or tho oh.' Indiana, and :content anted at very 'natan t . , ilifluersans. ape . Wood 0. nOot door to ExtE ß Agp. n 0 irtr..,,lnt',:r:J.:rda.K.:;""k7 Bk" eteht6 N PON No 55 !darker 111 HOUSES, LOTS, FARMS, & Vlllll AND NULLS VOR SALE. TIIK subscriber wishing to remove to the West, will sell his Farm and Mi Is. situated In Greene C o unty. P. on Rig Writely Creek. ;within heif elude - the Monongahela River and about 14 miles above Urownsville. The FS, IO contains Xi acres of hest quality Land. with plenty of linther. stone coal and good porno, The Creeks uns mom than a mile through the f in and by • low dem and tunnel of ISO feet in length threes IA met of Fell. '1 be Flour Millcontain , three run of French Burrs. and the mill is to row; order for T Of country work. The Saw Mill ta new There are 4 single Carding Machine., a turning shop fur - turnin choir and bedstead awl, a still bowie in com plete orde g r for mashing Wi bushels per day, a large Frame Mansion Geese, two Barn, and all the orms• sary out house., five pod houses arr workmen, mt old orchard, and one, planted 8 yrs. ago, of WO tree. of ehome fruit. undone pleettsd g years ago of 700 trees— mere ;a plenty of other fruit, peach, plans. Ike. Refer to / W Bertm.d /11:no kraus., Ffitahr rah. j or to OKso Minor , neat t he Farm. Fares. m Iddwarrefintr 511.V.1.NU3 Tilt IMPSON Rich 11111 Vara. for Sales Col -MATED 15 miles from Ibusburgb. 3 mile. hoot 1-3 Beet Creek toek, on the north side of the Allegttery river. containing alioul - (70 acres well improved-0 good nous. and barn. with stable. granary, smoke horse, spring house, be, /cc. A consubtrable portion of tha tend is cleared and end. - good fences and in Vert( h.gh coot of cultivation It I. well adapted hir frail items. of whack there Is great variety and abundance, in Wealthy condittoth the sod t. of black walnut soil. This Non has been the residenci of Fiero,' Parry. Foq tot :7 ears. nol will tie sold on reasonable terms, oresebed for property in or admining th e city Enquire of 'rhos Parry stfiio 003 ouc h n st. Pins-, heroin. oc J C l'anT tlic lowa Vcomdry, rike Gas Work.. Q ANY MILL FOIL SALE—Nttualed In Brooke Ottoonty, Virginia. on the (than River. 40 mile. below POtelturgh, and 4 miles above Welloolle, end Is one of be best stands far butinecv. The Engine is new. with be loch .sander, a double flue Boiler. 40 inches diame ter by 00 fret in thorn; together with all the Belem. needful for carry lot on the busineva. Also, II acres of goad Land, and igoad Frame Booth. not quite finished, a good well on the premise., and coal pr For ege. &Aber inthroostion apply (if by mall, mast be post paidd to . CUTIIBERTi . Real Estate Office. No ZO fon-thfiekl Wert my3l - • RlO LANDS FOR SALE-495 at of fin e OLands for m 6,4 1,. on Big Raccoon liver. in Co. lumina township Motet no, Ohio. 130 cleared gad un tier cultivation. Thera arc on the prem.:m.l.4 dwellipg hoi , e, 2 large 1,111111 with grad (will and never-fed• ing water. The whole together will be sold for thirty five hundred dollars or divided to suit purchasers. ii- Ile gummier& payments may be made to ait, and possession given immediately. For further infonnmen einicirs of 11A eITtl Mb. Co inyl3. • worid street _• • _ !11:017..."7:121Ne. f 0 orm " l3 1 a. I I twi ß l Vi!t l n ..-- e A.l RFatof meadow and roll land, udloiniug rho tonna( She!. field. :dela. Coaiity. A Dwelling Honor and Lot. with at we house, situated to Fredrork, Trumbull County.. F CU rIIBLRr, Real F. Agent, No SO Smithfield stroet ALL'EGIIIiftY CiLNICTICRY. 0) • F.RSONS deeirons of pure..log Low this Crime tery are referred for information to the Soperlipend t, on dm grounds. or to F.. Thorn, Druggivt, coda, Penn and Rand . P Uy otderot the Boardowburgh., cuisLert: dreltriewof SuperinteindauL ----- RIVER LOTS. FOR SALE—Fame vsloable Lots of Ground, situated on the bank of the A Ilegheny River, manual/oat to the city. These lots art most advanrageoosly coated for Iron Works and oiler large mannfarturing moat , : bohments. Inov7.Bfranfl -HARMAN PErr '. - Vslitalslo Berl foraste for Sala. -- liE ondersgned bei to aboutto remove bit Tanacry Ito the country, orris for .tale SIX Utla.biNu LOTS on Secorid street, bower° Ferry cram and Rh. • doubt Alley. Rath lot veil! be twenty feet front on Id street rind eighty Ott la depth. The lots will be sold singly or the whole together. For terms &polo to the subscriber on the prranises. Jonx cALlowta.t. aptoll .• .... • COUNTRY RESIDENCE. aIIAVINU removed to the city. for conaeottore to proferawnol business, I wil , rent the Mats.on House. and its inimml ate enebours, situate on the Wale of the Ilononiahels, one mile above Pittstrnob. janl43taset . JAMES 8 CRA•FT \ IJ4I7Ihif:ILISAILI—Tvcwe !elernine,.:l;eretri'kz,"; ton tro .e n n t by ER to orat e' In e e het e lott y are well situated for illeelllrg houses or toon - dries. Thev will be offered at ?abbe rale an Thoradim,Eth day of May nast,ahllo clock, N. ---... HENRY Wolloe. pe.. BUD OlL—The sub-erihers having einumeneed Lathe ntsnufacture of Lord Oil, am nom oreptire - d to pe s t all orders for Mgt aniele Their Oil is of Ma' best gusto, and will be sold tithe lowest Martel rates. The attention of Drooling slid Orocits is respectfully reygerted. J /OKRA N A SON, IS Liber.y ' trif Opposite besitof 13101/.OIXO LOT ',- IN al ANCIIFSTFR FOR RALF—I hare. for saJe a Lbealmfal Building Lot in Magrbrster,omMthe Ferry, fet Oren by IVO feet deep, Impll he told logr."and_ on astagnaindating terms. Terneleeptionable: aryl, /AMPS BLORKLY,ReaI gum Age.' -lIRLIVJaIIsIIC BUILDING LOTS (estate, in d V ergot Mmatioas to PittllbUrgh, t ' A ll Fe e rlem g 4FgeMao- neser,Besit i:TJZnsomp Sew I tuAOET,ReOI- Eti .. okuy Officio _• T. , 011 /AMC —Oil cats 56noirla Yalloar.areara and g,r:V= S 75 l •2:l 1 "1 :aa a°'" a and t 7 oV i 19'e y 11""i evr Uortar Snarl% a mall ayromornt or Ts ' by, nankey., %Well, AI v kaadla, limy Irdlrea sad Forkv. Brushes, - • ISAAC ARMS • Avec and Coravorturos er chant • tin 70 Falk auras CAFES AM) BONNffs.t: MATES nATi lIA I , liiS' bolds The gar tbsrSPHOY Il.is will be inmalutedfliy the moot twirl notable esiabrtshrontir in New York aad n 5.0 lehla the uaderrigrwd late great lo curate is beinX t tw Wert st eepen t• Mead. stud .eludihe getiemlbi, that we sea pd to *apply all tabu may favor es with a call with We Oshionable Ilat for the aearon. compttstua Beaver, Irentriai, aud extra fine Moleskin Silk hate, either wholerale or retail. - IiteCORD &LONG mum(• ear "owl end Ith sts • RILINOVAL. S Mt ORK Hat and Cop Maitufacturer A as removed to Nolls Wood meet, three doors swore Fourth wrest. His stock construe( every nutty pl . Haut and Caps, made to rho latest style: alro,Pansma. Leghorn and Pedal Straw Hats, to.letiale retxDr at the lowest price s . S apt! 1 Wood it. third door above Foetal 1046. BEEBE COSTAR'S SLyle tientleaten't Hats will be tuteridured at KEEVIL'S on Thurs4ar August Oth. Gentlemen noshing •ebesp, fags. 'humble Hat of PittsLaggh wauufsetore ahead of fashionable Hats imported ad advertised by some of the trade. please call at KF.EVIL Co.' ISJ• head of Wood it ..ng Fashion tor 1047. ApIR WILIASI DOUGLAS, WOULD inform Ns ftimids and patrons that he has now on hand a tarts stock of the Spring Fathom a lists and Caps. othtch w i ll tot in. art on Saturday. nem Those in want or superior a- twill call at whit EN= 133E1 . A - • AV/LLIAM DOUGLAS S, . CON'eINUIES ro manufacture.. lieep ernonunily on Lund p every varery of Ila and Cap of the !steer style, and priers very In ist Na re Wood et reel, Arr STRAWBONNET AND DAT WAREROUSC NO. 115 MARKET STREFE PITTSUURGIL ...toR. 11. EALNIER offers for sale. as favor able terms a any hon. is Pallairlpla,'• complete ..nmem of Straw. Florence. Rat- I.d, and a great varkely* of fumy bond and Hata; AN fimal Flowera kr. meRS ASURINER FASEROF FOR .___, JUST recei end (toll, NOW Surf, the Sum 4 mer et> le fur Vats, crewtstleg of H . tote Heaver, l'eart and White French (.et mere Hale, with Ventilators Those in want of a beautiful. light Hat ate rotpectlully in•tted to call. S MORE In y t't 75 woarat, ll door. alutve Ath DRY GO.OllB. Carpet tosd Dry Goods Wareheraam NO 110 111Amo:r STREBT RODEILT D• TllO 31P8012, DESPECTFULLY informs his blonds and the public LL generally, that Le is now receiving a largo and splendid assortmeut 01 Now :OILS C•rPr..l. Or. 0W64, 06. direct from e Imporims sod Itlanutnetis revs, composed in plot of th Superfine ftrassels.Parpetr; Erin or Tapestry Carpetle"; Super Imperial 3 ply and Erira de; Superfine Ingrain, Fine and Common Carpeting: 5-8,34 sod 14 Plain Vennian Carpeting . 3 8,34 and 4-I Dasnaak do • do; 5 8 34 and 4 4 Tapestry do du; Edristabect Trinoniaga Woven Drillinpi, 4 4.5 4 arD 6-4 Shemin's; 6 4 7 4 El 4 'fable Linen.; Linen Napkins Crash and Diuper; HockabuckTorrell•ng; Carpet S lopes; New Style Ta. hie Corms; Oil Combs from 21 inches to 24 feel wide, eat lo any size; Rich Embroidered anit Printed Table...Wl'lam , covers Figured Flaw Clotho Cheniellei Brussels. Tufted, and Wilton Rugs;Tuftd, Cbmitelle, and Sheepskin Door Mating and Grass do dm. Dram Pour Rods Flat and Oral; Damult and Striped Stair Linen; Carpet Bindings; 4 4 6-4 and 64 Plainiand figured Indian Matting; Colored Spanisli Malting. be.. fie: Perions fitting up Stearobnats.notelaior Private 1100- yes, are requested to call. as be feels confident th ey will find it to their advantage to do au berate purchasing elsewhere. DRY GOODS. He would Milo invite attention to hie crtennine mock of NEW SPRING DRY GOODets be (embracing never) thing in that Sine.] now opening art aleine sta marlOclap3mF Err No 110 Mark et rtre' ItTAU CLOTIIIOO STORE, NO. 70 WOOD STREET. PITTSRUIt, PA. AANOKER & MAYER. wholesale told retail dealers to Eastern Ready-made Clashing, would respects fulle take thin method of soliciting the attention of their customers and the public getirrally,ko the following tom of their stock in Dade. and assure th a t also, that they will tell as cheap if not cheaper than sot other eat blishment in the coy. Our facilities of purehasing and manitfireturlng goods. are such as to enable as at all atones to keep • full assortrovnt of ready made cloths it.gott ICH, prices than they can be obtained else whet e The present stock on hand consfsts in part of the fol lowing description of goods: ISO black cloth dress costs, ream 110 to IRA tott do do French do . 70 brown and invisible green do 18 " as DV sack coos, splendidly made& of gond material. 1000 pair pants, of all sloes. goatnies and pokes. TM vests do do do do ' 100 dozen Linen plant end st itched boamt shirts; stocks; scarfs; t wat.; Imams; collets; suspenders; soeku • drawers. and under shins of <eery vartety, all of which 11.0.1, fibers recently purchased and adapted tekti p te present season. klerchants and who are •srant of clothit C. eitanni do better than to give MI .r all. apt!, U . RES!: (SINGH ADIS—W. R. 11 ll tt PUY a.: the attesam .h of Layer; to the cli; e`i) ,, idt s''... goods opened , his mornin g .. wall as— Nick Lorre Linen Gingham.; ' Barged do; French lawns. at reduced pricer, Gingham Lawns; • Neal style Grail.; Crape :Bator's; Needle work Collar.; Bonnet Bibb., . Embso•dereil Muslin .I - • , cr, ete. New Kau& will he open • rl -,r. ,:av fic a ..<l‘ to come, Wick:ding 1..... .1, ioi •••abcr Las I .1, rrable so., o — Tne wholesale Booms up rain, andlso b tin; replenished with•a large sapid, m new dea elt this swat.. at lesson. r_ . _____ _. 1 . 5 WALL PAPER AND uos.nr.as. f)RICE. REM; CF.D—Thonass jialmer, No 47 :4s, r bet street, between gd and 4h streets, respeetikilly &almoners to the public that his prescrt stock of \ Vali Vapor and Borders of his own manufacture is very ex. 1 .1 11 ,. T s r ,.. 34nod,..hdtajilyas.e,d,i.t.iams.e.,i,1:11,7f,antes:f.r.to 1411. la vied a- wiwo neck of Free Paper and Eardn. Ilalraag rata ter reduced the, prices at We snore article., lona others, In It:slate. not mune:ate 1,1 he ts prepared to rell for rash, castarea than any watiablish mem of the kind, East or West of the mountains aolaidarn . B • ARGAISS IN PRINTS—W. R. ran,phy in selling tort yanl wide Maas, fact fo!am acts* its Per)aid. Alto, sew .Anyle Brown and White Traits, swat figures, of comnion width, at same prier—lith ay e English Prime at same prier. Also, whop misortaimit of Dees. Lavoie and Ging. hint., aorta till mIGI ...It per r.o. Alm.AVursted ficom 11 to:agents— at el N ircriihjintl Market stirrers LIGHT Colored Satin Antistatic Sleeks—A small in invoice rum received from the manufwiery, tome very narrow expressly for Stainers wear, for tal t Ley I the dOnert. at NO 26 Wood streetimp V.D WAAD TODII royal Akent for Editorial Manotsetiminr UsT received from the hlsnalveturer,• taw dor en of el those fine Wihon and Ilitmet Carp. Raga,' tor sale by be dozen at factory' . price's byx he agent. at No L2l Wood weer, up stairs EDWARD 10DD itgetit for Eastern Manifitettar RIS L/NENS AND Saila lING AIUSLINS—W , I ll kt. Alinphy liorlast received a •upplratratorm golds of surenor make, and at very low prices (or natant. at dry goods bows, N.V.- enruer ... 2l . gni and Mullet 9s. • ti; TD}; PILLOW CASE DIUSIINS 1 . 1 , AND LINEN`--W. IL Alit phy has now open an eleellerst assorioient of above goods, atest molt mytd Q DI RR [Ol AWLS—Now open • lull radon- Onlent of Rich Summer Sbassiii, at theNeve Volk . Store. 72 Market Sifter. no2l WII GARRARD CgSN ADVIL * 11-1 bale vyr y VI atom Us.? V burgs, 11.3 Tit I rive *nd for set by myls sisAcki.Err b. NV HTE,9II wood st susousumel -- tIANTOBI CRAPE hl ` INLI-lavt received kJ.. haw movement of RihWhite and Germ! Can ton Crape hvhavvia, at the Nece.Nevic Sven, 71) Market at • oav-21 W G GARRARD rftwErms-A very lame areornornt Of 34 and J.O 4 Woollen and mitred 1 weed., nt a d gra. variety of st y le. and colors,some very unique an desiroble for the city mute, l^u roonivrd and for role by m%13 SIIACKIJOTI' Wlll'llElOO wood rt (1 A MID .PADDINGII/ Fall. of ru y,rkvegr,:.lfitovilliu.r;:p Contras.. and l'uddLuge, just tuyls ttIiACKI,KIT At VIIITIt PO Ime.l sr lkir AS , T11.4.A JyklCD TES—A further folk't'tiodre,lrl.l7rltV:tleenrew pa,t2 f .rns. at the. New w 1 . 1 GAIIRAFT) myll QT ' , ENV ILIAC J invoice good W or jo4 tereired sod for e bolo or Nicer. _ w go 713 Ts, LECTILO PLATEDTIBMIILF.B, Stanulla Von racer, Black and Caliceil Butlons,Crr, diet Bay, etlk Purses, to—'ilor received and for sale mist° F II EATON INIZA BOBBIN EDGINIO.; Fcyptian Lace: Pe Lila *Oa Lace for Marriunn Nets Linen and Cono: Brea. Prince.; Black nee Drab Morocco ler Skin; actirinc C.P. and LOB. FLtobont, far sale Lc n 023 it EATON OBgRITO stiTrTS-70J, &I Barred bloNtito MN et', a good *nick stag tang ptate•--lost mewed and far sate by .f2O iItIACKLETT &. tgond •- let APSiIIiBIUSLINS—I ens, Mac, Stie E Blue and Slate colored Paper Mrlins last opened and for aale by auto • /:( 11 "' lir *itenne ""°X. T AWN*. GINGHAM* Arrp r • I'd" or t" : " 117Ir d we Vo ' rlc i t4 " lo:e n<.' °"- . 2 , "" NI; II GARRARD 79. Market ------- ttASPIZIL TRINIIIIINGISCticosco, Gold azid Linda Banner Ingo, w!th Ta•tela a and Cell, to 10111ebrY<CCIttd by au d far .1 I.F II! VATON, myril CURTAIN DIUSILINR, an a gram variety of wyles. including th ds ef franca Canoe, for 'dcair Canada.. in Mond at dr) Loo Louse of W R MURPHY • N F or 4th and Market ats SPRING PRINTN-••11 amen of bowl.' new style , Spriag Primo—among Which are &eh Orange, Canary, Rad. Pinks Famintm and late style fanciea dote teeeilied am! for by my 3 . & 13111k1:. t 9 wood al Lipify"ltni/lreir thßeFSadetron„Ortini:l!!Ar:l:;!Velßs•M'ill a saamment Minya goicdil—Litten itingLame at re c al l :ea pri!wt. ' • •Jell COTTON V All.Nll-45,1300 Ilia snorted Nol Cabl lon Vara Candle Wick, Larpet . Cliain and Vatting; rar.aa eat unanufactntet'a barn price... - FMDT, RIMY k CO- 1 Vit LAPlll,3balot rdbeattyi 40 inch pu B tot Wool backing. l bebelb id and force. , by Int& win Fr. . II Wino Mosier court to -- tu r n wear n 0 ,.. t pr., .r.,,,, m , Like Oommooomallh of rennet' , o l - .11 D. IN; No 4.1. Jan. Moll Mc d.. l '!`'' i Vend. Fa. No. 41, April Robert Wallre.e:.angle.teLd", Term, ISO. 7ittildno"nr.M.. noVil*:"Aihtyc.ln .1tp4p,7%.00, jrndoh:onA.ofwGioon.., P. "."''""dlioVr in'lssiribato Me money in ettoresmong Me r.<7eArenditre.. Frolemet ec___ , _ t..h....i. mamtt Huurz, 2ilui.ti,lll7. uudeOigne4 Auditor lel areal a aizop‘ a st!%t,t a rt en! of Pittsburgh, Wiliam. of ud are • A.Ai...1..ar.J. JOHN A AVILL • soribuomearr •• • Aud'w, rt MEDICA:L ; 7 1 HAVE FOUND ITP—clWcrdiT VONSUNIPTION CAN BY CURED ar USING Da. - to EXTECTORA26T Mina; ' Cherimanki. o.,rdalck3k IW. • Dear Sir:—This iota certify to the pehlie,nsakekatif thew aglictod meth • dinar of the Lag* GoloilM9 llol, EL. is the Spring of DWI I was Mucked With •newto ochl which ewe became meted epos my loop, show* all the sysepthm of meeppioactiog Consemplima Mg mewl ,the. tight and trathkennie, wealth with ropithe sight meta I .pit up daily • memiderthle ythatity of blood, Weld with hick dark natter. My atonic* Hamm =Amami alarm ing Dming ad, are. Iwe encoded by nth of me moat ikilful Physician; they did the lest they could km worths at kogth they pee-up all hope of toy recomeg,thltheibm ,. me that within two mad be door—that my Imp meth fa tally dilemma, and lemma remedy.. I era thin reended by a famed of .irk to make • trial of Do. Bina...* latiatlia rant licomde. which my 7byaciaas resisted pine, mg* timi this omuliciaa would do elo good, and would 0611 odd mom to my suffering. I told them it wee my the Mid chilly hope, and that if I must dieOf the disease, (which loss thi/ dear to me,)'Lliere would be healing lost. So I ant eu the Cincinnati Office and obtained 5 balk. of aim truly \Nim ble Median, and can ming woe/Wm to the lines Com, which, indeed of odding to el walkeing. Immediately gem em relief, et aunt westing the troublesome . Cadgh rasiry, the pia and tiglances I. my Chat; dieted' ime a int life end areagth, which moo ethlard me to be Rion. aria. This .•Niiitial• thatithed ate good wort, width it I. wash catherticed, mail I was meth almond r.. Mum nem Mu allend:ng to toy huslowo, (.pithrile of 3 pare) and 'hal ma healthy as I wish. I Inn ithotomended Domegehille . pediment Itenudy io mum inhumes 10 1110:011siagtirtellital and it has aliens timed swierallal ea ho.. I ham wilisithd it, ,hots. My Math is one MIS reedit-km at pewter, tar a Diseased Lion .rd' an Jjfectiost of Ai temp, *tack .k.. led Wrenn with kir mom tine, the the rawly reamer/A by the use of this Radian, mid I em tholdna the 6 Wilke that I mho with nie 10-day willniirely can her. 1 ela know amt them are thoimands of raluabta person winter away with tithe dreeitfa dearoyer—CONSUWITION.— Wore it only nand& thr those to procure atiadamlichee Lis., before a he — tio tale, many hem might be prokagea end their (mollies and relations again modered hippy. This medicine will give lethal relief. sodas the sum dna man the hard mid panful Conti, room the tigknema am Clad give strength to the cothiblea ad emaciated frameoind in ame rams, I uncertain, will peahen • perfect awe. ANDREW J. FILTER. Moutgosnery,lllassillon County, Ohio. ' N who omy not be wequainted with am I refer ,to th!ungra , ahem of Moolgomery, Resin= coe s , ts ' to y win at 1.10.41•111011.411.1/11the Jena aatelemota ISSOWSW. Wt. DUNCAN'S WESTVINOFFICP., I39 = west, where this rideable hledidad can alvays Paid m Pittsburgh, by WM. JACJiltUri, ranter oi Wand and Liberty sta. • • atollidittw P'l L E 8 .•• INGOLDSBVII Pala Specific, se internal . = - .1.1 . • metals and radial cure, whether mime, bleeding or blindoeleo,* initame of the kidaqa Heel blad der, powin the back mid ride, habitual oteriumm, te. Female, haute rata eoelds.ma me atm auledba with ceastipanonf the bawds ea metivemek-se aa elee pile , la al .. bee the apatite ea& be Jabal with per .t safety, and is • certain remedy. Th. Ilmeide eat a • purgative, .4 le ea eatirelytable rieteady, will.. &per, m. of sanaese,colocyam or aou-plmems to take wiper' Sully harmless in dm emetßelkette era • ' Ms is certify that (know Dr. luyoltWSi s a Idue Brad . to be • certain aura and sae remedy. Hann meta ita ant, in murales*, mempt Wady coxions, in mrerel COS to and severe masa of the peen, am nit made a. entire cure be nay we. HENRY WIIITEMLID. • Nevi York, MO, 181.5. 354 Brith eireet. I cheerfully giver my mammy arto the cert. SDI 1118 Wmride.. Dr. losoldeby's Tiba Speak, as I kat. it' Cum my one experience end obeeriamon, Jo be krildltdda having wait sad with somas Lammed Mkt dpilAcy male and (..1..m , 0E0.• MILLJEM," York, May:lB4s. 364 Ptah duet: LADIES . CERTIFICATED • . Newyork, May, WO. Mr. Beale-Der Sirt-1 have the pleasure to my, that your mediciri ev e o ral %Piles Elperac, hea — Made *pr ime cuse in the eve oral Waal.' all. W../ wsd that I Aare been surpresed at it, as it was my *p.m dim mable tom. her. Ilowmer, lan now Wady to dee med ... at belas' Matilde, and do ...all others who ere of dieted in thaliks manner, to proem the article, lee they may depend ma a certain tera. • Yt. with rupee , West Cheerer, N. Y.,bleyls, 1645. r Dr. legadelm-Dear dire.-Thet. you mar benefit othen who maybe seeming, as melt aa to mum etrgratiteds the benefit Lb.< deraved from the me of year !Meade dpe MSc, l amply with year regmeriosel .amt do gin my Usti- WWlill Cl•Or 1:01141( been mead et le we lOWA 01 the Pike all ey taring wed - other remedies Without mow , r Yours ramset__, Bold whoksale and retail by Whl. JetCYßOlt, et W. Pat ent Making Warehome, Mid Boot aml Mem lihmeddo. dee Lamer dead of Waal, ritUbersle. trim, 80 meta 'per ben . • pot SVEPTION ARRESTED—To those .1 clad with DI cc a sss of lie Lamas. —This is to certify to those afflicted with the lint pee monnory symptoms of Consumption, tintl hive been labori ~,. g far several years with a bronchi, soreness of the th t and boarseness. lased many medicines, bat found o relief in any preparation of medicine, =nil I made use of lilt . DUNCAN'd EXPEtTOSANT ItEM :DV. 1 have been using this valuable medicine for siveral -yews, and always find it to relieve.ertien ever make use of it. Ey oecupation ei an Auction eer, which keeps me alotew &maim , * eta - aged, nausea my doetwe, at times, to became Very alarming. When L at ouee procure this medicine. I therefore tidal plea. M. in making this public statement, that Mims efect. . ad wiih 4 disease of the lung. and expeetoyant Myna may license the virtues of this ...II beating remedy,. sod may bocured. I have recommended Dr. Duneen's Expawarent Remedy to many of my 'friends, mote of whom awe their Heel to this medicine. i tio . criet,Ohio,Oct 13, 1P43. JAMES lIEWIT 1 e propamor of the above medicine wld, alae rein to the undersigned person., att. reside in _ferry coo ty, Oil VON. any person may call upon god be con inced that Mere ore viatica found in the above i ow mine ibut cannot he excelled: D n n c a n.vioen. Yowerw ~.. IN U. f4one, do; Fran• cis ;oi:her, Jactlion tp; Er. Lariner, do; Oro powers, twirl ek tp; /mod Devise r , inpesseil m 1/IC. DU Nan WS WESTERN OFFICE, 160 flye• more street, Cincinnati, (thin. head . ` tteld o toy:isi°'tbutg ".` h . hy WE. JACKSON, fe p Liberty a ledev•T 2 °. . . .. . '- liiiti, whose teeth is Coal and yellow- .. Yoh, whore skin is dark and sallow- You, whose hair a ha rah,atid whey, . Rusty,duty red or fiery- . ' You, whole vile offensive breath Unpleasant is on putrid death- You could have-boy, manor gitl- - Teuth as white as snow or newt, Breath • spicy Meet, and carticle ', tare and astute and smooth and beautiful, y And hair i oft, silky, du, k assts., ~ 4 Sly wading what is said below. ' ItRADRILS.•ny ofyou din hove its, stove by (sUnd this is nothing but truth,) using • 3a table ofJones's Cu' Bair R.IOIIIIIIM-a th box of Jiones's Amber Tooth Paste-and Sa cake of the gentrine Jotted. Italian cp c ,,,,e.1 goon. The arune[ coo hot little, and you are assured that the following are their rest qualms.: Tbe. tooth paste gives thelbeettih • sweet odor, whim ' teiuk.euid preseries the site de. The bale out all 4 ikiredso be the bent exquisite thing ever nude Leedom. g. breasullying.and sue t ag the growth or. bur „and t noap.,bget the genuine J nes's Etoni, mind) vedette. tt erupt..., heckles, ' . sod make of yellow white, clear anA fair.' All thew ALUM! ate told (only) id W JACICSOPPS. Boot and Ewe Rion and Patrol hr,,,siewbobystrabsaaa d/ Libeny st.. - enyl - CcsoisijWiqitomal - Toliiii - o - sa. Dues tick.s+ weigh opon yew, kcal I? Or pone taw: Yoltribreast ? Try, LW. buiardett Reallag del, And it will sire you Cool. • It dears away Biderl Diem. epree the haul, : • And whispery Waugh the gleamy shrewd. h“lth ray yet be whole." , See yonder rose or lovely hoe!' wllhering woh derey; It esatoely sips the morning dew Beim, it fades sway. Tba Worm of Death w4ii in the skit, And strengthened lean grew— And when it blamed, to leteiy pm). ' It nipped through and through., That Worm of Death might be defied, If Dr. Dunean's art were teed: • And many lovely damsels saved - 'f he feet of an unlimely grave. • 02• DR. DUffiCAN'S WEAlLffht OFFICE,IIe 110 Sycamore street, Cincinnati, Onto; where his valuable medicine Is sold. Sold in Plusher/h. by {PM. JACKSON, comer of Wood and Liberty ate. . spradthwT INVALILIANLM , PAMILT COMPANION • Ix LECTURES on the IiSKS in THE LUNGS . S Camel, Prevention and Cure of Consumptloll Asthma, and Disease, of the Heart. An the Lew* of Longenty,..aod mode ol preserving male and fe male health. symmetry end beauty; esp.:wing noses and cure of those dimwit. that produce Goasemp tioo, or shorten life,as AfieCt3oll2 of the Shlu,Spone, Stomach, Sowell, Kidneys, Liver, Scrotola, Plea, Gravel, end Female Complaints. Its rules, easy, prleiCil and pure. term a guide to perfect health and long life. V 3 Engravingo, 344 page.. /0 cm. PNWIFfIf 9,1 etc By• SAMUEL Sit EL DON FITCH, A. ht., hl. D., atlo7 IiIItOAD.WAYi NEW TORE. - Asy person remitting fifty cents, free;ordlreneive one copy, by mail, to any part. Illat wade aepptiad. Feb 10, IS 17-dfim /IRANI*, OR RIJ TUBE. • n..BAIX;ER informs all persons stlieted with this complaint, that having become the:l/ma chete, of Dr. Huributt's patent*Uppettative Remedies . . for Its cure, wobout WORMS These* he TAM preps. red to cum all sub u may offer In a eery few days under-this trettraent. The Patentee. by article of agreement w ar rants that them remain when rightly applied. will well and permanently garage...tom of 11, of old and young as they may apply, In*o UM , Cate to each rase." Rembeing enjoined. Partimilaregiven of 'application to the mithscrther, and certificates of rums shown. .ofilee, Dr. I. P. *ON Dreg Store,ftoth fie Id street, nettel.ilmny. For-sale the right of use in the 'following C % onga., VII, Bearer, A rhingion, Greta , . AV, Woo, Cambria, lionfingdon, Indioa, CleatfivlO, Artaawong, Yon er, CI:0ton, centre, sod Bedford. • r [Tr . given Anent' essesof disease '„co • myledawv. —- - - - ri rf.a.l /I, may r l i k VAT i. " Isirtotott:r/sVrakire'roVr'to"Z t at n ile! li 't irbet i; bennen tom and fin yearn-4510,mA daring Me day she ~..„,,,, ,031,,,,,, row, averasong mare Man a foot in . Wog*. b n atag its effocis on this chill, I theninre . ter t ipooa alit to her name r sittototttto IMMO apparently well, and .he parsed 37 worms of anal tic, .. HENRY MIMI - . Watchmaker, Nebbish' ottani_ . . prepaied end mad by 0 A FMIOE-nea&CO L corner ISt and wand, and wcol and OM an, 1 - ans _ . IS/TNT:9 HAIR TONIC-Ann. grams this itiltio a It - a • trial, tta voltaitattatty rooms. tt to ttt *hat it porno to-ttot bat Wide, !wattosit ay trattplicto, is - tot, ionise nitaraticat and reservation Of age hos= lakr. -Ws haw at numarom inseam= ohm hair has hoesi reamed galosh ahich han boss bald . Ye years and we think ...LA go water ftwor tt r oa to' rettoomod to all our nation lake at iotiog Ogle hut, to ea Yea trod °cans medihYil - mor de in Pllislsogh at-lho Potts Tear 8.2 . : 61 ,2re.711 Fourth street, mar Woal ' -- kirT lEarTgieCirai's Laver PIUS. MESSES. JKIDJ a CO.-Gents: ple=elit ma bane ' tl bones di Err. bletanciaLlver Pills. my mile has nsed to poxes of the Doctors4P:lln _ I snare yes they kayo done her more ynod than my husttlY ahrtemh hns by taro years attendance.; Twa additional bones, thintorelll effect a care. • /A MPS JOOOO • r_ - .Wilkina Tarate.ealaable Pillt foistda,by I KIDD It [ ' lsla It. Wand Weal,' Yittshargla .I —, 1 le -4.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers