The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, June 03, 1847, Image 2

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    e;==p-mpr•- , - ,
ITII2-irtilltAllS [UMW G•SJETTI ,I I
y; TV -Weekly, and Weekly.-111;! Duly eeven
WlLlars per annum; the Trl-W eekjy Is Five Delia,. per
amens; teleWeekly is Two Dull:Art per annum. ornate
iw IaVINNIf.
" Aottee to Advertisers.'
_Mr Adrertaessenti, to becutu awc(1100, uhould
lamed inky ford sielOeit llke 111:erntou. AllentiOD
totlus;on thepart of nor costumers. would he prod oe
lives's:anus( benefit.
' • -
(cm arr.. corral.)
s W - . PAT VO'N.
tor n1...r. couTr.:
. GEORGE DAR..11.,,f Alk,heiy
• pa .1.11111618 LY.
LIMN C. J NOR LIC( I rslAns Tp. /
HENRY L A ROE, of NlsMal Tp
•• J %V. IJAXTER, 01 Pirtstlyrigh
VOA COCIVII C. 0111.0.8.
rnx •01,1703
WILLIAM CAVES. ni Va•rhasll.
JOHN C KUNKEL. Daurlen Count,
WILLIAM M WArrS,Csatherland
JOHN I` MOIR:RILL, l'aandrlpl.
'ROBERT Id BARD. 1//.41.1.
THOMAS 11 TeWHENNA Wa.wocton
HARMAR DENNY. Allegheny.
RICHARD liorni, vrn.„xo
7 .lasEeii 11 KUHNS, Westmoreland
0 1 BALL,Eris:
li D MAXWELL. Nonl/Onplon
J B SALISBURY, Sumincsanna
ROBERT T POEN, Montgomery.
'FOrLiCAT CO(11111.-Cial liatelltgcncr, r
. >la^
kr-I%l[lva ti,vt. Import', I..ltiry Murk , , ore
third 'page.
'The Coonty Convention, as will be seen by
the record of prOcecdings, woo one of the largest
ever held in this county. There were eighty-eight
delegates elected to represent the WWII% in the
Convention, sect every manures early in 1414 seat.
The busy season of the yearwhich so many ate
ifientiotned to avail thernselvkof as an comae
for an 61311 , 400 to perform a ituhlic duty, wart given
by of the delegates. The distant represen
tatives were no prompt in their places as those
tom the city and nearest neighborhood. There
_Were but two candidates for the Senate. and the
chomp fell ocam the late Seu star, I.; coax x Denote.
There were many candidates for the Affl,llbly,
but the Convention harmoniously resolved its
lion into sele c t ion of those who, the delegates
representing the Whigs of the county, believed
dose enties A motion was made to ballot for,County
d,r,.. far of fi ce. . Wi th en many titled to the honors hnd du
g„„,t, of usual -
all eon r and Seentnr at the elate time. Same do.
capable of representing the Comity in the Leg's. nits arose and thd notion was resisted , : rsikti
WWl', h *IA rather more difficult to mike choice ...nth by Mr. cassitt and others, who Coatend-
Man it would have, been if the-number had been. eJ thstdbete was “la: rolling" in this method of
leas. ' action. Mr. Scott, who proposed the motion, dis
_The Convention was entirely harmAnious and claimed arty lotodon of log telling or bad Isiah
'orderly in all its proceedings. There was, indeed. lie vv , sed for a more expeditious action, and in
buten honestemulation between the friends of the order to accomplish it had submitted the motion
several candidates, and the support of any one of before the Convention. Mr. Scott protested that
those Who presented their cameo to the Conven• I his motion had no sinister design in it, and Mr.
tion;would have been as earnest as for the sue- I Ca-"asst acquitted the mover of any such intention.
useful candidates, had the choice fell upon Ihwe The qusuon wee finally disposed of by a resole
net nominated. There was moth excitement I sioo• tni , ve ,l es an amend ment to the Pondiograr.
remeng the friends of the se veral undioaus pond. non, that the Convention proceed to ballot for
nog the count for the one A.semblymen not se. i csodidiles for the Ligiilsturo. This wes &Nei.
looted at the first ballot, and the struggle for the csxd in by a large majority of Delegates, and the
remeining Countynfficets 'the president more following nominations were there made for the
than once had .k for elbow room fur the See- '4^.1v..-1 House of RePle.ntetiee.
rotaries, such was the crow.; amend "b" aTORIAt. NONIINATION , .
such the anxiety to know the result before the Tom , 1%. F111.114Cg.,
tleolge Danis.
was declared. The excitement rather inerear.ed
when it was known at a Into hour in the after' ..—.. ..
noon, that no candidates were etosen upon the , Jahn JI 51u., Wm. S. 'Chomps.,
1.. C. J. Noble. M. Swart:welder,
second ballot. • : Henry Large, . John Sheriff,
The Candidate, Wm. Wiles, Seal Palmer.
i• " The Candidates of the Convention, eleeptine j nu .. ~c , ,,..i. y.
.1 dn 'l .ddb., •
• Mr. Duncan, are all new Men, b ut they ere none Cc l. II nand., 1‘• Suodgrarli,
the leas competent to that. as with el urn there ; ii• .k• Mc Vol. 1 • nria...1., Sairely,
Must ban first 4.6.6 i, in;lth, first is often the C '''' h L"' Wm. Espy,
John Miller, of Nharpsbut eh
best. I
Mr. Riddle's name was then withdrawn ai his
Of Mr. Marmite we need nut speak in camper, i 00,0 friir ,... by ono
of hi. friend..
dation. The handsome , endorsement of his con.: tiALLOTIAGS FOY. l 'ANDIUATE. 5
etiluenta is flue best recommendation that can be ' wi ,,, y ourober of yO,, 88
paidhitn, and the support he rice a.. 1 nos 41 the , r Y;,.a.„.,,ry i., s oh-see. 4e
moat enthusiastic end deterinined character.—
Where, as in this glorious Whig County, a riemi.. I ( I. ' hi l r C i:i ' y ij r, . ° 7;;„ - „,..,„ - SO
hatiOrl la equivalent to an election, the same inter. , 1 . 55 ; ":
at attends the proceedings o( 'n Convention an an Nem haled 1.1 Ballot end liailut ad !Winn
Election. Mr. Dusk, having received the norm- I V2 l :l7l;eetp• en , f...... :1
nation by a. law majority, hle Majority tu the I ',,•,' I.4‘,Ne°_';`• I!: •
n v.elact
County fur the Semite iv equally certain. The 1 r0 . 17 ,,,, 4 ,,,,,,
position of • Senator in !State like this, is a [noel I Ai, x Itt t a,,e ,
honorable one, and sufficient to gratify the runs , .. ; ,,7:41,,,,
. fond of public life for the value of the honor re• I Mt!
i l i = i i i i' , .
naive& or whace pride it is faithfully to serve those I . ne,r) t w.
who may tend hint to the Councils of the State. I 1 t,'„X r d ,"'''''
as a faithful public. yin, W
eervant. l, i...e, =t —
i n.on a
The'candidstee for the Assembly are gentlemee 1 , fi . 0 meveerb.
. well known to the community for their ability and I Mr" ' lhr ' ie • for Senator, and M ""'• ile.ri• C.
• . their attachment to Wbig prinlcs. The sup ' T N " Ve ' of in d " . . Chrt ‘ dan Sai'dr of Wilkins.
L arg e, of Mi ffl in, for Assembly were then
.- port of the Convention is their beat recommend, l Ikon'
yon, and we.need add nothing to the official Mr :• ` kci"" i l the r''''l6.' a. duly I.loMateal by
cord of commendation. All may not be eatiitied I the 11 ' ° "'" °° •
The C
men onventiou then took 's recess of half an
with the result. All may not Mel that the beet '
are s el e cted for the office, hot the members 1 hour.
of .the Convention,' in the spirit of that truest ef ' •
a aMettle ?a .spas.
all Dernomney, which seek. rho greatest good' 1 The President laid before the Convention the
the greateet Dumber', have decided as they have,' . r‘,11,,,ng 1,„,, learn John M ilf,,. o f „ rim:ohm:ly
and with the wish of presenting such ileum. as . declining to present his name as a candidate upon
upon the whole would best serum the beat inter- I the trecand
of the county. ballot: . ,
eel; .
: To the c'neromittee .1 Delegate, nor assembled.-
'I ho candidates for County Treasurer, Con, . Flour red by the highly respectable rote which
ertimioner. and Auditor, are all men who will till ; I have received un the brat balloting, though not
their r a rer faithfully cod sc at, on r , tingle t, tull e ,ucci said, and believing that the section or
the Wellies of the people evlbneaulfrages they will .i.,.n...r,i.,':::=o,l:o'l7fgiViist7;bl;:iii
receive. In the spirited contest which took place • withdraw my name
fr„,,, th e i joo . i , ohoii. em b
between the f ri ends of the several candideti r, ter ! ' JOHN MILIAIIt, Sharpsburgh.
in sure el were satisfied of fair play. The pee.
' tics of marking for candideles, new to en, forbids
. , anything else, and in the Coneentton Joel held,
- it seemed to combine the advantages bath of 11,
- 'Ballot and the viva core. Several enemy,
, ,Wees made to takecho sow by the viva were prir,•
. , . Os for the purpose of more expedition, hot with
out snocesi. '
The Convention was in oases .n from tell Ulittl
half past firs; with half an hotted interrnio.ion.—
Thera was but little speaking, though evident
...likhilltl for debate. Burin°, had called the Con.
emotion together, ands working day was made of
itio the Int. .
":, . •, With the ticket now presented to the Electors
:, lot the County, we call Upon the County of Ade
. 'slimy to put the ball in motion, and roll up in r
:.441rity 'of three thousand for loria, Patton, end
the boa -or County officers today presented f.a.
••• • 'tbes . cties of the People' of this section of the
' ' Slits. . .
Mill iFr Item•
;Olin that Brig. Gin Cadwatoder orth•
milk to wooed with his company (excepting the
, •
dragootti) now encamped at Palo Alto, to Vero
_ CruNto reinforce Gen. Atom
Tilt Eagle 6 of the opinion Met (ten. :icon
remain at Puebla until the beginning ol
lation, without sleddig' upiin the capital.
-Tp~sa Ohio itevment under Cot. lorn,
Ilireiga at Monterey during the ..etiond
neat in bitty, cm tee way home; and the let Ohio
"long Walloped at litorderty. would
. limes *bout the mune time.
Purffirvall Re.. eirry.—A law in
OA !oar, from 'member of (;.m.
writ tone, 'het one of oar men. (I will
lirre prollied natoc,) when owlet milers a
cli down behind $ rack. but wee oteetwed
theamint PAcilly"wbo ordered rut' :a to
'e.1..7.4.P5re with trio eompsny; bat be ir het
$44 nm
so !nay attack ht. wind rt:t ibex
a di
, •:.:teraftere taw
W. alias that on: of t. t ., and not awe er.
-'*-Wiffifeinetb(etloo6 l Ca . 4
boa ; "! 06 t , ' 114
slew than that a fete bed M 'ugh Mel,
Sti , Mo4o tit
qi r oid oii roe rittesergt 4stettr.:
The Cot:vcotion ow called to oi4 by Jobs
Esq. of pose, soon after , 10 o'cic* and lb".
fOlloning aflieers Teen; tlloo app - tinted W , preside
over the Convention: - - .
Uk lick:KS OF THE convEyritm.
Daniel McCurdy, Ut Eliubeth.
John Scott. of .Russ.
Hugh Meltheny, of Snowden,
Estate' Miller, of East Deer.
John Major, Sixth Wald,
John B. Robinson, Manchester.
tat Ward Jas. Long, Wm. Algeo.
2.1 - Wm. Wttson jr, George A. Ber 4..
SIMISSUII Horner, Joseph W
4th Alex, Speer, Jamee Mathews.
sth Job G. Patterson, Joel W. Lightner.
6th - Jared M. Brush, Jahn Ilsjor.
7th •• James S. Richardson, Geo Gumbett.
9,11, John Allen, Henry Siimple.
9th Drum, J. Jeffries.
of Ward, M A. Roux, R S. Cassini.
M. A White, L. H. Scott.
• 3,1 Wm. B. Mowry, Wm. Boyd.
4th Alex. Cameron, James A. Gray.
ems lison•ar.
.kletander McLean, John McKee.
• 11,ICIIXILTrld•
John B. Robinson, Robert Sampson.
I.D wail LIP ILLT•
.1..1.. DeLker, James McClure.
TOW 311111 r. •XD 11011000.81.
Pt/I—Tbomer Lines, Jr., Robert Partner.
Pmblm—D. Negley, Thomas Davidson.
14.1kins—Johti Sumer, James Graham.
'Plum—R. F. Logan, Joel Monroe.
Vcrsailk , —Wm. A. Shaw, Jacob Kellner.
McKeesport—J. E. linty, M. Deem
Elieubeih Burmtgh—Daniel !McCurdy, Wan.
B. Vanktrk.
ElMabeth irtenship—John Pollock, Crish
.5 ppleget.,
Lower Ni. DilworM, Wm. Per.
Upper St. Clair—Aaron Brawdy, John %Yd.
Snow:fan—Hugh Mellheny. Henn. HoII..
Baldwin—J. U. Coehem., Elbert Mai,
dirraan—H. Erth, E. Pereeval.
RJieeson—Je me. Isaac Wnlker,jr.
N.orth Fayette— m. !roger.; Andrea John
South Payeltc—Juhn Ituyre. Gootlmmi Y
.11 , ,,,n—John Graham, Matheyr.Scon.
Findley—Wu!, IL Guy, John Byers.
.Ififitin-1.13e1d Colima John WillOek. •
Reserve—etudes G. Smith, Peter Bntes.
Runo-.Jour Scott. John Mdlheuy.
Sharpnburgh-1,1 m Miller. Wm. Camp-
Indiana—Kober t MePterson, James Wile 311.
P , ne so, • Sample, Samuel Mcliberty.
-tibia—Wm. Morris m, Francis Duff,
Franklin—John Riley, Wm C Means.
East Drer—EzAwl Miller, R. S. Porter.
Wad:Deer—John Magill, Nathan Conley.
'The ihlevies having presente,l their creden
'f he President al. laid before the Convention
the following hatter from Mr. Keller
Deia Si a:—Should my nom., be mentioned ' 1
te the Coneentiatt to Jay, an a candulaie for the
horna”hoe for the office of Commissioner, may I
t. quest of you the favor to withdraw it. lam
itionaful to my fiends and the members of the
Whig mide ira
sminicnyi generally, for the
many faao fe opinion+ which they lase been
pleased to expreas concermog me during the can•
vse. for the nomination.
Bet I believe there will be offered to the Con•
vent* the names of gentlemen whose long ser
er to the Whig tanks fonder them to prece
dence at the present time, and I therefore deem It
my duty Id withdraw my name.
Khowing that the ticket nominated I y this hos
dy to day, cannot fail to meet the warm approval
of a: large majority of the people ,of Allegheny
country, and pledging myself to use all my en.
deavors to secure its slimes., I BM air, very en.
• pecifolly, your obedient servant,
June 2d, 1847. • R. N. KELLER.
Mr. Itodgeot, of ?forth Fayette, moved that the
remaining eandidatea, (one Aeoemblyman, the
county Treneurer. county Gommluioner and Au.
door be eeleeteJ al the game time. The motion
era. agree.' to.
The following etudilatruo for the Amami,ly
were withdrawn :
allot gull Ballot. 3,1 Ba/lot.
44 4.ft
N ~,, I ti I
1 tV
Mnrr , son.
John CV
I' CV Kellsr.
FOR srl:NTl'
Nonaiustril. lot I
roman Penni,. 31
Capt Samuel Ken, 21
Wm. N Burchfield,
Jcseph al ceuLloch.
ilcntV Kean
NOuctilited. tat Ballot. 2nd Balltit
Audrew Johusrni, b G
tYm Csibelt,
(a.nigeM Bowman, 3S'
Sfaitierr West,. S
Tirose slanted thus •; viers uoisilifitted.
The Balloting now pr - weded It the fourth Sandi.
data, and the result i• r ot alsove giaen. The, Chair
snnounced that than as no choice and the Deb
evenaa were than orde ed to prepare foranotbsr
rota. . .
motion was Ina thal Ibei four. highest
elialldstel for Awe bly, Coninsindoaan and
ICoNI NS !Mil/ N
. tnd pallor'
Atitlitor,..WithUe too highest For TteitayNr be'
'detained; and 1140 Feet stricken from the roll. Thu
. -mohoo was lokand a eccond eubcoltted to retain'
tlW : faariblghest.for the Asamblyjite3 the threw
highew aithehther ticket!. Thiletas agreed to ,
any! the count ainn,nred.7 . The real:tit tens • ton
knew° far the A.,,nhly by 4lits whi4ienrigs earwig
thn crowd, and the President of the Convection
aelhenneed that the fourtb.,nomihee of the Con
vention was Marshall Swart:welder of the city of
Pittsburgh, who received aixt two out of eighty
eight votes, end was &dared the candidate
of the Convention.
There was • choice of County Commiasioners
and Auditor alai, vut nom far Treasurer. The
President asked the pleasure of the Conventino.
wilco kfr Cassatt moved for anew Ballot by mar.
king for candidates.
Mr. Scott moved for a rico race vote
• • - -• • -.
IMt!Caentt oPpOsed the motion as a depattura
from the established sales of Conventions. He
hoped, there would be no innovations, but es we
had begun so we thould gn on to the end.
Mr. Scott thought there vets a disposition to
KO his his motives. He designed only to we
time and regarded the viva voce mode of voting
is much most independent.
The Chair pot the question and decided against
the amendment of Mr. Scott.
The question just now begun to excite a'good
deal of interest in the Convention, and the Chair
Was called upon to pot the question again, venial
was done, and with the name decision. Thi mo
tions upon both side. WWI most vociferous, and
one might wall enough have doubted the correct•
nee of the decision.
This question settled a third count was made
for County Tressurer, and the choice fell upon
James W. Raster of the city.
The Committee on resolutions composed of Hi
ram Hulls, R. S C sssss t, John Pollock, John
Patterson, and John Magill, reported their reed•
lotion. Into in the evening, and they were adapted
I unanimously.
Itmoloed, That this Convention deem it proper
to express to their constituents arid the people at
law; their opinion on thy following subject:,
Headred, 'rant as Cllit.ine feeling an over. 0 in
all that concerns the prosperity and honor of the
country, the people have a right to demand from
the President awl his ad•iscra the object tar which
the war with.Mezico is now being waged. se be
ing alike due to the, people who of me are inter.
ested in the continuance and result 01 the near, as
vrgll as to the gallant and yatrlotic citizen soldier.
who are and have been in the.conflect, sustaining
the honor of the National flag:
Reaalred. That the citizen told/era and .0 hers
who have so nobly and bravely manitaint d the
National gag in the present war, are et - aided to
the gratitude of the country, sand have our baths.
. • .
due to Gents. Tty!or—norricart. and the
and men of our armies in Mkiiiert, for their semi.
cc* in the war, sod that the crAanty bes great roooV
to rejoice that the attempt ,art President l'ulk and
Ina party to auirer'rreeLGerierala Taylor and Sc
by appointing Lieut. General Benton, did not
Resofeed, That the pass gives to Antonio I
pr. do Santa Anna, by order of Prevident Polk
was not only derogatory to the national Lorne
but esceedingly disastrous in all trapects; am
that it is doe to the people. that the Preen.len
should cause t lie teibbakerl all the term; con
dition and stipulations entered into by Rhin or
his orders with biota Anne.
Resolved. Teat whilst we in the genera
thankfulneas, in the giver of all good for his kind
ness to u. as a nation, andSi.yhotlundance with
which ho him blessid our lind;uur deepest ayml a
thin aro also exhibited and given to our brethren
In Ireland, Scotland. Germ Any, and othte F ivtiot
the world, where the c:ops have failed. and Mlle%
ty, want and famine now exist.
Resolved, Tbarin view of the unhappy condi.
lion of many persons in Ireland. we regret that the
Loco Focus in the last Congress refinied to extend
to them any aid, and by their votes defeated the
bill granting five hundred thousand dollara to re
lieve the distress of the perishing poor in Ireland,
Scotland. and elsewhere.
'Resolved, That a. Antimaeouic and Whig cit
runs of Pennsylvania. we•have great nude t
joice in the steady advance of Whig principles.
and to the certainly that Allegheny County at the
approaching el,ciion will do her duty.
I Resolved, That. thin Convention have entire
confidence in Gen. James Irvin. the Whig candi
date for Governor, as an hong sit, capable citixemi
and as I man of the peop'e, and on who, unlike
our present Chief Maw rate.:c nail no o
r, at the die
ration of a -Free Trade . National Atitotoirlia
! tion, leanly bow to the behests of those who would
moonlit, the cherished principles of Pennsylvania 1
to satisfy tha visionary schemes of Fen Trader;l
Resolved, That this Convention hare the no-'
cunt confidence ir. the honesty and capability of
Major Joseph W. Pauoa our candidate for Canal'
reommissionse, that we look forward to biro eke
Ifor, en the .1.. woirg st s via 11 11. e
!, neva of our State improvements. and a cone viurnt
increased prosperity of out citizens.
Resolved, That this Convention tear guise, lie
one of the priocipin of the Whig party, that the
President and Governor should be limited to one
! term of ether.
' Resulted, That a commithe of nine be appoint
ed, svi cm duly it shall be to correspond with the
State Committee and such ether Committees
' may be appointed in other counisea with a •ww.
of promoting the election of our cendidates for
Governor and Canal Commissioner, end to make
and miry out all necessary istrangemente to ire
Sure BOCCI or
Retolrrd, That we Mats day prrerni to the An. ,
timasonte and Whig citizen. of Allegheny Coon.
iy a ticket well worthy their moat ardent r import,.
composed of men all true, and many of them
tried, and for whom we ask, and confidently en.
fed, the unanimous vote of the Whig pony, in
creased by the votes of honest mon of all parties.
who will find our ticket uneresptionable to every
friend of the true interest and prosper.ty of the
Comm.-ma Or Gtataar. Collllllo,ol.itar .
Dr. Carothers of Wilkins, W. J. Howard of Pitts
burgh, J. Morrison of Allegheny, J. Scut n 1 It Ma,
A. H. Miller of Pit , aborgh. H. Monza Snowdon.
Robert McKnight of Pstudiurgh, Wm. Hilt...lntl of
Lower St. Clair, Daniel McCurdy of Elizahath.
Ilowurreez or COsrca.s—Job U. Patter
son, Samuel McElheny, John Scott,.
laTaln rape Au. DlONN,O.—Wicopy the
following letter from the Poet giving so account
of the robbery to which we have before. referred.
VE6I CRC L, May ith,
After we had moved to Vera Crux, controls to
extend our business. I hued a Mexican to act- as
Interpreter, who could speak the English and
Spanish language with fluency. On the night of
the 6th Aped, I was called upon by a captain of a j
schooner for amount of bra bill, $6BB, and taking
him into a room of the store, paid 'him hi' do
mated from my carpet hag which I look out the
purpose. Locking it. I walked or 1.1 him 1,. the
door and returned immediately. when I fem.! the ,
carpet bag was gone, in which were nier $16,10 ro
gold, $67 in eilvei, and several papers of yak r to
myself alone There men, several people in the .
store at the time. I gave the slum inatantly, son
the Mexican being miming, lett no doubt of him
being the thief. Wo searched all night fee
in the city and neighborhood, and the neat m
mg, as soon as the necessary peyote cool l h !
made out, I muted on horseback. After j
days and two nights riding through the ore' try
observing the law and complying with all its form.
in every respect, on overtaking him in rite town et
Cordova, where there was at the time ohm. 11001.
MBlll,lO soldiers that had been driven from Ver
I Cruz, while we had note friend within one Lot.
dred milee of us. However we had him acre, e,
, he acknowledged the the thr ft, the morel . nil
lag the pried of a horse and some
found on him, but the paper. he could not b.
railed on to give any account of; on the u 11!• I •
considered I had good . 111116 till to congAnula to ml
self upon the successful LerflitllBlloll pf the pia.,
as it would be in any WI!, country than hi 'xi •••
But, here it wan but the signal fur plunder c.. to•
secution. About One Of two is'cluck that segt, t,
eras roused from my slumbers by an armet t e
who lifted my pocketed their contains, mot titre ,
rue into prison, under the aballow pretext coot i
was an American spy, All tents of chem.,. wet
made against me; and of Mind proved to l l •••
isfaction of a tribunal composed of the 1111 , 11." tIl
lariats anon acomers—judges and prawn..., to
iog dl military 111.. VIWI llitlltPrOtlr al ay •
custody, end had been in four dithirent mist ire do
ring that time, until finally I fell in the Lowly. I
Gen. Seats Anna, who approptiated, all my Cl'
feats--public and private—tea his own use. Cer
' Scott, homing of my situation, demanded me is:.
; !cart; and gave in exchange a Mexican ellioer,
and them restated me once more to liberty And
• friends. Gyring my imprisonment the r ,toyr,•
were remarkably Mind to me, supplying roe with
I meat ind drink. andeven the money out of thei,
• pockets without eking any obligetion wbvicrei
from me for its rati l eymeut, You may prig. lens
incumbent it is on me . to remember thou who
came to my relief I when death era. Meting um
,in the face. 1.1.6101 e first three days In p o sse
without laattilsg 1011. I had Neverat Lams of tai
' ale oecupyir-lone l end twodeys at a time, end I
• cannot be' bi Nelsen for havingeacep-
?oo dui mosey as but -•
every edurblence it will be
arc Irrevocably
Pietorta indebtet) to M. Nurse
of the Liter for • eylendid a ipy of the
'Pictorial Bt.- Auto: Nile.] by Perk Nu
human Esy, at Ne‘r York.
Alo frt. the Pktori►l hituoiley Courier by A.
hieMskist 'Zsq., Philadelphia.
Staltimori sad Obdo Bond. I
'• These axis ',estrange:condition, of things in re
lereciesi',to the eklensioa itt the Baltimore and Ohio
Atailrad to the Ohio riser: Within the last twelve
7Montba'a mwr, extrsordirmry number of propos'.
:lions hese teen goaded, but nonernf which ha. Ird
'to any inecteal-reselt, admit. the nevss.ty of
speedy action, and that the road should be pushed
beyond Cumberland. tone as fall Wise that
in a few years the Chesapeake and 'Ohio Canal I
will be completed to Cumberland, sod all coot de
that the Canal and Railroad, if both Cop at Cum. ;
berland, will be rival walks and injurious each to
the other.
Every effort to induce the Legislature of V
giniato consent to the extension of the Railroad
to Parkersbargh or Fishing Creek has been tabor
tie.. The right of way to Wheeling ,cannot be
adopted because of the onerous cinditions annex-
ed to it, and of the difficulty of making any antis•
factory arrangement, with Wheeling. The Balti
more and Ohio Railroad Company have heretofore
adopted a great .variety of propositions; seemingly
growing out of the circumstances existing when
they wete severally considered and passed. The
consequence of all which . is that this Company
may be properly compared to a camelon, end it has
as many aspect. and hues as that most celebrated
The USURY necessarily are much expected to
and dialling' by the people of Baltimore, and it
would seem that some effort should be made by
the community at large to fared upon that corpo
ration some decisive and final action on .the im- I
portant intents'. confided to their charge. The i
last and moot original proposition is to continuo
the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad beyond Cumber
land to the extent of acme fifty miles, al a large
expenditure of money, and trust to the hope of
obtaining hereafter the legislation -from Virginia
requsito to the completion of the Reamed to the
Onto. We are to place ourselves in the power of
Virginia, and not only to hazard what has already
berm upended, but to invest • large additional
amount of our fonds and to put it also at peril.
(Ins might suppose that there is no avenue open
to us by which we could coatinue our Railroad to
the Ohio, and that we are now driven to risk our
means upon the views which may hereafter prevail
in the Legislature of Virginia. In truth, however,
ne have the opportunity to make end are afforded
great taeiltties M making the extension. The
people of Pittiourglo and of the country between
Pittsburgh and Turkey Foot are anxious to have
the road continued to Pittsburgh. They offer
a large subscription—said to be 5750. 000 ,—and
already nosier. a charter sufficient for all practical
porposii. The Baltimore and Uhio Railroad
Ccinpany may, by a subscription of $BOO.OOO, ob
tain the control of this charter, and may obtain
the assistance of the people of Pcttsburgh to an
extent which cannot be pictured for any other
mote which can be adop.ed.
As !natters now stand, a railroad can be made
from Pittsburgh It Turkey Foot at an estimated
c ost of lig,tloo,ooo. The people of Pittsburgh
and of the country through which the road wall
pass prolitr to raise $750.000. The Baltimore
and Ohio Railroad Company may sobecribesooo,.
000, and it will rrquire say $500,000 more to
complete the road. Can it be doubted that this
$500,000 can be raised in-Baltimore !
The rotas of Pittsburgh. whatever complaints
were heretofore justly made at to their conduct,
bare now prop wed just fea and re.cinable terms.
They do not insist that any particular route
should be pursued beyond Cumberland; they do
not require that the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad
Company should abandon all Idea of a southern ,
route to the Ohio. All shay ask is that. the '
erosion between Cumberland and Turkey Foot
be completed first, before
,any southern branch of
the road ho made.. They ask us to do that of
which every reasonable man must approve—that
we should, having commenced the road to Pitt.
burgh, finish the whole of it first, and after we
shall hare completed it from Cumberland to Pitts
burgh and not until 'then, endeavour to make a
road to Pstkersburgh or some other Southern
poi n t.
The toad horn Cumberland to Pittsburgh is
within the compass of our Means. It is the short
est and cheapen route to the Ohio, and we can
obtain extraneous aid in making it which no other
route promises. It will pass in pot through a
rich and ferttla country, and will lead to a promot
e. and growing City. A new era will elle in
the air ass of Baltimore if we eel eetioaaly to work
and mike this connection. We will hare the
cheap,. and the best route to the Ohio now or
likely :o be in operation. We will make the
Pittvburgh our fist nod warm friend..
and .11. inu•l grcsl , y eidarged and oar
bonne , . gristly increased thereby.
Thom who insist upon a more southern term.
anus have yet to obtatain the power to make it;
cannot promise themselves arty support oat of this•
c immunity; and must raise a much larger amount
of money than would be required to complete the
Pittsburgh Connection. They may be eantent to
wait 'a any additional memo.: until they shall
hive reaelt-il the Ooi t. and to pass thrdugh a
country the most of which is represented to he
barren in the extreme. If their hopes as to the
results of the southern terminus should not be 'v
aliant, and some $7,000,000 or $OOOO,OOO be ex.
pendrd, and all by this community, a blow will be
given to our prosperity from which we could not
aspect to recover doting the present genera.ton.
W.,can now begin the Pittsburgh connection.
we ean finish it, and after we shall have done
this we can then start the Southern branch, if the
hegishitufe of Virginia will grant the requsite
power and nitherity.—Boltimore American.
Gev. Jat ransom Davis has been appointed
by Governor Brawn, of Mississippi, a sensor of
the United State., during the unexpired term of
the late lion. Jesse Speight. Gay. Brown made
the appointment at the present moment in the an
ticipation of an extra session of Congress, but we
have good authority for raying there ~w ill. he no
lien. Scorr hal taken the guerilla bunion. in
hand, and by his order, every murder that the
Mexicans may commit, takes $3OO out of the
neareat alcalde's pocket.
Mr. Cuanbss Herbert surrendered 1.1.1 week,
as Agent of the Boniholds., to the Agent of the
State of Indiana in :Now York, sit millions three
hundred and fifty thousand Jolla. of the State
bonds for cour.roan into the new State seal Canal
stocks. This amount:clued. by nearly out mill
ion the requirements of the law, and the New
Yolk Commercial says will be largely increased
by the let of July, as the holders are coming in
C.Z.Clo.llDirtl,./..—Tbis being the
season when the cockmoach, the pest of oar hitch
ooe,cammenee• its noctmnsl excursion*, the 61
lowing recipe may call forth the grateful =know - .
ledgments of those of your reader, who -sae,
from the presence of this loathsome insect:—
Take a sixpenny loaf of wheat bread—the alder
the better— reduce it to s crumb, (of course after
paring off the cruet) then in a pint of boihug
water put two 4 a rpoon.ful of cayenne rapper, one
of pulverized ni rimed, ball ■ drachm of saltpetre,
the rime quantity of white lead, and a wine glass
full of extract of hops. Not,' throw in your crumb
of bleed, and digest fur six hours in a moderate
hest ; strain through • cloth, add to the , liquor 30
.lropv of tincture of quench., snd let it stand till
t toi.oex t day; then !Kittle it and keep it in a pastry;
on a lump of sugar, and same dozen lumps mrens•
ril around your kitchen, will remove the post in
less Mari 110 time.
Rata Uoau Bosiiress.—The Beaten papers in•
form us ihat.the last week's receipts on the %'en• I
arts (11awa)[road were over $27,000, being
the largest week's business over done on tho road ,
The prnspetous condition of the road has carried
op die value of the stock, and the salmi last re-1
ported were at $lOB per share for $lOO paid in
The Baltimore and Ohio Railron I Company has
also been doing a very large business. The receipta
of the past month of April, we are informed, were
about sl2o,ooo—conaiderably more than thaw
of the Boston road.
. .
The receipts
. during the first three weeks of the
pseetrtt month of May, on the worm! Siete
I;stials of New York wen $560,112.31, being
an increaro of $56,368,02 o'er the eorreeponAing
period of 1848.
Isote••.—Nichola• McCarty has been none.
{need by the Whip of the Indianspoll• district
for Conyers. Now wpresented by Mr. Wick,
Intut w D••i. i• the Whig candidate in the second
district; hi. opponent is Thomp I Hsely. In
the Mud die:tint P A HatilisMan i. the Whig
and J I. Robinson the Democratic candidate. In
the fourth district Caleb B Smith. Whig, le eg•io
s candidate, and has no opponent. In the sixth
district George Dunn W the Whig and George
W Carr the Democratic candidate. In the ninth
district Daniel D Pratt. Whig, I. running .gainst
0,/ Cathcart, Democrat.
Mr. Rosausto, oar townsmen we are {kJ to
kern has the contract for constructing the im
mense wire surpeuelen bridge acrou the Niagara
riser, below the Folic It is to bee single span,
700 feat long, and 900 feet above the river, and is
Intended to afford' a econtintumi route for the Feat
Western Railroad, which is to be bulbul with the
Both& and AIbaFFY
Mr. R. write the contractor of the Monongahela
Briggs and of tW Aqueduct scrossthe Allegheny.
iVrit‘en foi the Paubstrsht.ette
•Ilp* fl,tltAtbef
I Mink or bet amid the balls
Where !amity gthite slaw.
Aid though a thcs.lessla Voices sits
I only bear her son.
And when I see s vagina fete,
Or vie. a darkainte eye,
Her tender beauty their. f traae
Where deeper feelings lie.;
She was the flower of all thetrace
Of gentle flowers that grate.
And of the truest heats of eirth
Hell WU the heat most t fur.
When darker hours encircle me,
I mill her tender name;
She was the light of all my hours,—
My opines guiding flame.
I Mink of her amid my dreams—
Far in the spiribland,—
I Sieve her in her floating 'obis
:Among the sister-band.
While on her face a ' mile More sweet
'Than ever Reticle there
Is playing; and her arkaame eye
Is beaming yet m e fair.
And when I torn to snit again.
And morning lifts its veil,
t i i
Still is she iu my gla some heart
Like some remem red tale.
I think of her in bri ter hours,
When all of fi fe i gay,—
She lingers like thou pleasant dram- ,
Fair as a aummr r day.
And then my memory loth for gel
How she was borne away . .— -
So early with the dead to lie,
So blooming to decay.
Oh! yes, she faded like that day—
That sweet young summer's day;
And when the dewy evening came,
Her spirit tweed away.,
Yet as we turn, and lboleut buck
On things of forarr yeary,
So dots my spirit turn isnd sigh
And give to
Pittsbuigh, Msy 20, 1841:
C pondonog of ri
Correopondeure nr th , r n,bur.o liAteue
1:‘011R DAYS LAfrER
The famous (Chins Packet) Rainbow, suited
thin mining from Liverpo. I, bringing tour day'•
later naves—to May Si,.
The .apply of Grain i 0 Liver' osi was 'United.
Wheat had advanced lour reser. pet bushel.
Corn had advanced and awl lucid too shillinge
higher, but trim (aster doll.
The money maikst was very stringent. The
setocity 'of the money caused the rate of interest
to range from five to twelve pee cent.
•]'he Cotton was affected by the pressure in the
money market, but, at the close there was Mire
regularity. Sales were effeeted of 5000 bales S
Orleans at horn, Mobila it 4 5 to 7d, and
Upland at NOV.
The arrivals of Flour and Grain were very lin, l
tied. Western Canal Flour-add at 44., arid-Phil- ,
ai elphia and Ilahrmore brGr is at 42. fil to 43.
per bbl. in advance.
LeFiiimr.. mon L(sNDON.
Adder. - Zr ,flay 7111--iFourillyt Later.
. , Puti.•., Jane 2, 9 A M.
There have been arricaitt buth here and at Bal.
tin.... from London with ilatea tn May 7th.
Wheat had advanced in I..dorr bra •Lillings
per quarter.
ern had advanced three ahillinga per quarter.
Pluor had advanced rav, ahillings per bid.
Prociatora tame nut quoted.
Parliament way diKuosing the Prior Law 1111 1
fdr Iralaud
. The mortality In Ireland tea. on iheinerrave.
An American firm in Mancheater is reported to
have failed (or 1:100,000. .
The debate . the Irisli Poor Low Bill was in
I tie !louse of Lome. _ .
It te awed that 256 a1.1".r1116 were ro . srle
M Father Mathew'. Cemetery in one week—an
vide'nce of fearful mortality from the Frevalem
A letter from Predsr.rk..liursfi 'weir P.l
as)s that :{auto Anna is in the tce of
Puebla, with an inconsiderable body of troop..
General Scott is al. at Puebla in full crri:l.3nd.
General .Worth entered on the , 16th ult. without
opposition, though with a 'otrisll body ,if troops.
Intelligence from the heat of War.
FIIMAtlICV.21111 • 1/1/11, .iune IN1;
The New Orleans Delta has meeired flee of
late Anglo Mexican papers, containing imps,.
(ant items of news horn the Seat of War. The
war spirit is daily and rapidly increasing, and ea. ry
possible measure adopted to entry Ott the wee to
a renewed vigor.
A subscription had been taken at. in the coy
of Mexico, to &flay the eapenses Of it e
and to fortify the city td which an immense num
bee of the citizens bad ,mbecribed,..-e.JMOot them
as high as 911000. .
A letter from Durango elate., that Cot. I.),rni
phui bad countermarched.towards Chihuahua, it
consequanes of receiving it/fount:ion that an in
surrection had again brOlten out in Now Wales
and that an indiserinainat•slaughter of the A own'
cans hail taken place.
The forces of Gon. Santa Anna were daily in
creasing in number. He reol2ll to be inspired with
new zeal, and says all he wants mix is motley to
ensure the complete defeat of the American ra
A lioVermurgit decree bad Lrru i.utd
the hbeity of the prom.
l'he Clergy of San Luis Potosi bad pol,iished
a long address, full of religlour enthusiasm, and
threatening all those who should refuse to rally to
the rercue of their country. and their religion,
with the eternal malediction of Heaven.
Santa Anna, it was reported, woo myelin,: to.
wards Puebla, but it was thought hl• object was
not to attack Worth, but to control-the elections
for President, which wells about to take place.
Gen. Scott was still at Jalapa. Mr. Trial had
arrived at the brad quarter. of Gene, of
ICtelu•ive Curre.pouJrncrot Pannoiurgh Matette
Juno 2. 65 P. 11.
The business doing in Flour on tho snot is
small and meanly for usd. -There ore buyers, how.
cols, in the market to cvntract fur (inure &live.
ry, and I notice isles 6000 bble lienessee for all
this . month at $8.37608,44i fon bbl. The aisles
on the spa-t were at $8 5006.624. '
A sale of 2000 bu White Wheat of prime goal 216 c, wi ich is a considerable improvement.
Sales for delivery to all this month at 600 e.
Au impnived demand has sprung up for corn,
and buyers took 12,000 bu Yellow prune at 112 e
114 c—an advance.
Cornmeal sells to a moderate •extent at $5:25
per bbl.
Oats have declintd somex hal, and now roll at
Eirld•rve C pandencr of the Piti.burßls
June 2, 8 P M.
Flour—The market has sone up to.rley, and
holden of Howaid et. claim $9, but effect few or
no sales at that. City Mills gals to a moderate
extent at $9 per bbl., •
Cornmeal—Toe Market is steady at 0.25 per
bbl. Bales only fair.
Corn—The market has. advanced, and holders.
sow demand 1034104 c for White, and 110 c for
Yellow—no buyers at either. • •
Holders of W hest have put up the price-207c
is now asked for prime Red.
Oats are cheaper—now selling at .00e per be.
June 2d 9 P. M.
Flour ba. had a clear (ill to-day under the Fur.
eign new., of 50e per bbl. Holders of Wt4Letll
and Pa. brands are demanding f 8.76 per bbl, but
there have been nu sales since to ...baldish Hist as
the price.
The new. brought the market to a complete
stand ,till, not only for Flout and Untie, but near
ly every thing else. The business done has been
Very small. Here, a. in New York and Bald
mom, alLaie awaiting the new., the team to day
having sharpened their appetite. amazingly.
- -
0-lisportant—Tbe :Wye,
osmosis which appear In the pally Morning Gazette
also appear In Ilse TotilVeekty,itboa reeninniff thi bent
oil or Ina eirtnialion of all, !without any additional
amnia. nita loan adrantara tucur wirertilarn,.nithont
An.nn.nrunents are also °owned
so the country papas upon l essons/it. terms.
Ara..• 0...c,.. , ..UP0S :MAW"111 - I:i. ''
• 71
.......:: t ,?.1
The War Department, under date of Atte 11th .: -....-.• "v" - - _R . :-
inst., has called upon the Governor elf Missouri ~• Sebes D... As, Amelailmstiii
for • Dentition of five Companies of. Mounted I t '......-.-.-..-. —_ _...........-.......- i.
Vclunteers, lo "sere "during the war with .Mesi• 1 tgamdeeme Coma.> SM.' • ~.4
Twr. tr,tor.firoond ..I Cottage Mem oar Illfnerv•
col and to occupy the Ines to Ivo ectablisheil On . - • rillcort Auction : '
the I Iry gm. They are I I myth :sous al Fort ON Saturday afternoon, Me ISA mato.. aka O'clock.
• I .. I . will be sold on the premises: That hendwante Country
Leavenworth or Independence, and will .....,.,....,..... t .db, gi,,ke H vg..ssithuseibolui
mustered into service by Lieut. Col. Wharton. el • mi.. from the reventb Ward of the city. having •
Each company will consist of one Captain, ear trout of Chi feet on Read street, which if Si feet :rode,
First Lieutenant, two Second ' Lietrievitits, lour ,:il,r,:,s;sol.tdxgbna.s.ll,,,loo.,fweet.todt‘tehl:,77l.alrei.,,...
co,yosi., cpn bugler., one farrier and black- coot and Limestone on o.p:sr:nista. Person. wales
smith, and eighty print.. This force, as sre I rwitiaLthe propenyesUl k ealloolt.
in Cb&l t1z. , . iviii... .1
have .Id, are to In employed at the
,posla nut!, • i ntr's7paym . t'en7strarliithinctrresr,' balan ce
secured OY Ilona and
baled on the Oregon route. The Battalim of In. mortgage. le3 JTI DAVIS, Auct'r
Pantry and the Regiment of Mounted Volunteers,_ ... .
Roes and Lott at Auction- . •
now organising in tilts State, and the Regiment ON Saturday afternoon, the sth inatant, It 3 o'clock.
of Illinois Volunteers, called for by the order of wilt be gold on the premises: That valuable Lot of
ter arid high Mt
the 19th of April, it is authoritatively gated; are , r.°;":* situate at . o 't t Z . :l'." * LP h ',.., ..,. ~
to be used for the occupation of Santa Fe and ; alley. and I. feet on Webiter street, street h anaerect-
Ne w Maxim -.Sf. Louis Republican. . ted two wen fintatted brick howl., three snorer. high,
I reliable for store and dwelling.
At 3f O'Clock, P. 11l
Ira - T...orinent of years r• succeeded by health and I
,1(11111r1. to es•e of I tremorritords or Pile/. by the ore of I Two valuable [4.. Ground, having each a hoot of
Dr 1 phate . • litertuary t which has actlzd s well tle. : 17 feet.i trochee !tansy... A.m., and exiendieg
terced repute:nor for its signal aucceas in eadie'soug 1 ".. tad feet. " ..11 ..... .
,lie,: 4 ~,,,,,eg complaint. It ono internal re m edy, 1 . Also, Prey: Lots of Wooed, harms cache hooter 17
aid at drseosery resulted from a thorough inverugatien 1 wct• t itch on Watson octa's . 0 extending back 0 5
or 11, e ........ of mi. painful and prevalr lit disease. , n...:- „ , , . , , ,
ID - Ned, $$ h 0 n....t 0 511 ,1 ', wet ,. b y wv Ar r ~, 1 0. ermo: Wile eon earn; rellturte l a nu eqoal t annual
it 1::Tel IA NI. lirt Fulton s, New Vora: Ar 11.Tnoan, I P .,Nc ''' " - " h ''''''''' y _o_Dgyny, Aartiooeoe
Market wreet. SUM I. sews.. Snothaield Sweet, 4 ''''
l'at•l wet, Pa Price al per lon
'''' 1w Peremptorysale of 10'l Bulldog Lots In the Eighth
Mod of the City,al Astetion.
Irj-5.1"." "I"**"g P. " a ` aa " - "Ma`..."' ' UN Wednesday afternoon; Me libh instant, at 3 orelok,
r1(1,1.10•11 -‘,...: beg leave to cell public sooner% to' will be sold, on the remise.: 109 handsomely situated
the forton,nc. Ift/111 1.11 Writ Doan : o: With...vine , lats , of p fo td,...l: ., on , t i n . l e. P . e n gliraol:V o re ll %
knee:mn r Cia , ond one of alrr Vet) fll, praet.tioners 10 ' str eet ~,,,d, • ga r, of which alive a apleridid viewer the
the ..voloy iY wh...i, he res,Jes, and Inge Senator in the 1 vionongabela River and adjacent wintery, • plan of
.r.,,,,,. g„.,,,t,„,,. It,. git,ert„, thus to • cc n,„ I,d. which eon be fees et the lichee room, orOtt applies
. on to David Greer.
' -"
P".f.""'" ' ""“" th 7L-1". ' I.'h"." .' " TEM.: ooe.third cash, residue in two eq.] annual
...eon pr•iuthee,und etstng meta 1• doe: : pat:men:a with interest, to be secured by bond and too..
- rt:r I hese 111 my prat:tree been torn, rune in tom' I SA ,
, , rtlfrilf•t r la to pay expense of conveyancing. Title
"...en? P.n.rna. and. 5 0 tar... osu Pk:" ". '' S ' , n ,1,.p.1.1,1, .led J D DAVIS, Auser
edee rri C.11.11(1,1i All 1/(0111 • 41111 Comp's, ,t• Pt ett•r
.endsre hurt 1 do„, 1.0111,--.llrll there as low a• eau OHM GOODS. ' --
" ."
' " " ''"'''"'"
""'''' g""'"I ;'"
' wf,',LTIT,V. °,1;." - ern.,Z;,..°: 3 d. 1 "::.`1 a0`, 1 2:.h. l
~Eels.. a•" ht, litter-- -L.. , " , ""5'..." , ... ' -ranable stapleand truer Dry Goods, boon, sloes,
104114 H. •,.. 01011). Apr ' On Dos, 0t• : pilot wa leaf hats, umbrellas, partook, he.
, Al 2 O'Clock, P. M.
• ";--
Z . C.
. ' '.."" , l''' g ''''' '''' "' ''''' M " re l ' rn Tril l Is " S d e ' le h l r tr donee ll' en ' a r h are ' v ' e m n " e
it /.11 . pee:arms l'314.111•11 .:n.h.ngton. DC . wil l ! , t ,,, y ,.;„ ... qt .", e i . or groceries, queen swan, al we
arro, . Prtir , Arch 1,1 l ‘Vcr.iterr JJ, 1:10111.1IR and wit, wale. PC11 . 11.41011 matches. Worsts hand holes, 0 Is
• 1 rellla 11 .11 1., r , 11.1t..1.11- Ile ,U. be eri.:•tirted on "" ld ' r ' w " .• • V" - 6. ' t 81 '''''" '6'''''bdqrl";; 3 0
' Lam: eruct, , simnel lamps.
•Ine`tent• le , . :" ::`• irtn:d• , °"• nr ..urro.v. - A general u.
car of new and second bandhoti.-
' lirrllr. r.. rho n0...1.....e. arts at the rou:.eng ream or ,be toed font tun . carpet:tag. looking darter, mattratoks,
I' u.t.lirgli l:l..1:. rte. de:, to Poq Olin,. bet -serif ' ''"' ‘ n. 1 .• ""'''"g he. .
At 9 trClock, P. Al.
toe 1...W. 0 1 r l -erld I ,Ce'irek. and et . ", Mulioneuheru .
A tarp Assortment uf ready made climbing, hue .hilts
ih'"'" ,1„ } off
'. " "":"` '"' rash " • " U '' I " . whor;.l,.eii 1Kr...11. a nd comes, gold and sliver watch
.... ferry •uper.or ride, fine cutlery; • retail stork of
lily Good, to eh, the concern of a person destining'
. - • .. - -- - --
....... ..
1, . . I C ii A I. 1. El
. 01u,.., rillirlll, the 1../Illir r ''
•r0.1.1,re burr, 01 Kolr,l rill111•,:il
1a Ull. B() 01's 5,00. .
r s 0 i• hyricE AL 1 . E . NEW AN D MUNI EFFECTIVE KEIMEDk.
Till. ..... ,„,„,„,„ ~,„ n W 0 0 0 'IF liarestparllla;kisd Wild
I'1„ , headache Ileatt horn, Indtgeation, habit
; • he o arraot • to any 1...t0t L., mode ~ „ „
t' r i e... I t r n ,naraa,,, h oa r ual Cosoveur.s,l"ll‘4,:ritipteltOnillOt the Henn, LOU
/ to tr.ea-u:e. hd tt arrant lintel.. ertpre ,or A pp e tite.Dyspepain,Nervonslrritalloas , Debtl i t ated
T low pt., or EWE DOLLARS Stomach. Languor, Deprewom of Spirits,Chronle Rhea
.' s, I Cr.,. • o th ; sled to c oil and a r e . niet Ciltasteolla Dtheawa, Canker. SYPhiksid Dimeo
• 1; 'et to' tlfr.r, INK, -e• Setorula Impurities of the Blood, Pimples ma
Pu•toi. , on the Face, Herednaty .Coln
nod all divert., ar;satg illtro an injudicious the of AIer
The attention of the invalid politic, and of all thorn
”" . ":"T °°" ' "L" " olfbeted by any of the above di.eases, is wespechfolly
j- IN . prepared to eicente In a .updriot railed to the merit. of a near and invaluable prepara
on Iron an on
lia r 1' reel eof *disk uis'hod byhman
n'°° ".f.
1""' of Joe rnt"io' ' : in felf the active' r f e r oyedialtropertie.
till it ti ' ho Pg . of two 4. the vety Intl articles in the 'Malaria Atonic.,
I,l‘, nacci rtrcotro. Itando 1,. Card, hr., Ar The i t stud Wild Cherry Bitters were ilf n—
tooluecd to the public abont twelve months ago, and
.ok: • 0 rastracEr ihniNTlrrrh during that period their eUeeCed bujleen so great .10
aye ex l tent rireral,d ,he reatlnel, and all ;mister the proprietor to oder themyrith still MOM Mad
o , „,:. „: donee. in the tall Imhof that by otter/Erg into more es
to naie use, they will prove a blaming ,to all those
„,, earring (rota the diocese* abOve enemerated.
—wag— Sold, wholesale and retail, by %V VNIT b. NE:MIF-
Fi" , o oi nut ihe • ANL general agents, 11l Fultototreet, New York; WA
a..t.1 a rt eta,. or Scrofula performed by It, enrrea'r' 'room Market strcet, and F. R. SAM7I4. Smithfield
foam a
regrual. Pa•weed. which they wilt gni theord• pi r ,,b arx h, gi—large hooter.-
d n error., erritilari of io-dat.e Pester
tho hsolirm ; Ydr ,
.ImAtt am., woodertut on record, and have •
roll herrn pp-mellowed try lowly of um moat reapeetable , Mr. ilarri• and else Tempt mimeo
Th , 111 wlrd and other. atterr.ted, are re• N 01 eara, Nam tn MY Mal; 1 letemmeneeel he.
v,•11 'beer . plate or arprie„ Igluvens re ranee Cause and Wallongtontan He
•r, t rirrer the r era o ar u n toio win
Mr of Own,' have accepted and peal foam AtnerieanTempe
iaredte.,t, lire e tit I-ood ;hooka. ranee and . 'Oast Somene., in New Fork; and einer
who leo y reed daily. hetwcr.. the tmot• of A M. eapenaea far Temperance and Religions DoeMnents, to
+ad ll' Si at do. wfd.e Itowand k, %Velma No :Mt promote the glom. Temperance Revolution inoartwo
alms set sl. ;ono ;Ira nuts, and through the cOuntry., and over th e Werner]]
we-ay. world, to Mat .111. on of the work of the remitted good
Fattier Nhathear, of I rtland-5030.
bread Advantages of Ederotlen. t h a ,i.e being
,very poorly paironized by the tern
;;soßn i ce l , Ll e l
L A S V PA p . e w rztc . e ,.. e a r i tt 2 ;e:w c at i llb r li , e; . ll ho s t e n eogx d .pr o e , o
dew la rit .se...tenh rue Itopi —Trr • .3.5 per Intanoaa. to pr./mote morel reform and the.very Omens
'non.... tt redaction tonne tutoose n int —teMpetranee revolution. on cream keel, Sat, arid canal
.1, , c0 le erre," lerichere boats and rail., and tO emigrant Inntiltel and U.S. art!
A cm,•• N/NIEAKI 6.erf 01 ,—, going to Inc West, or Mein.; to citizens and
Individual* living, in town or eourtio, m earetettes and
treros; I srE,‘ ART, Council...le, I aanbeat Fettuerle. to tiro Doman. Welsh and Colored
'" ; Popo worn. he.. lee--end the whole aritootrof my 010
• ; and recwpw for the. lune 'tamely smash tollrca
lATN P-sri St IP ( - TOON —TLe vin lies of rny pen, ere,. jp
J. Lind Cheap Mettler, lot the e i p p,, " ppon,p,r= in „ „ ,
nthittp; dm and nMer th-.e . eart.ait e tot well ; At preaeut lam very . busily engaged, with several
nee err Vete marl) nye., have hero any,' 1 btu , . and heavy espouses, in gening out A NEW Fil—
-1 Alm n.rnt Ana. RFC TORY tor the eAMe Putsborgli and Allegheny.
z •,.. 1.. , i-inirgh at the T:'
. NTOR P. ,„„,t,f,h oo d am nut•tiln wear of means and
• ' t • ')", e:l're do, hop,. a very ,tetieroua and benevolent publ e will
s' tt• "I eea"." , o -emu thole up tor me the necessary.amoorn. •
Arent, and Intellirenee.Offtho-
- -
11.01.'1‘11. E S—:O Old prtme N O Sugar:
t. 1 3u ot,I• Inn( Nigar.
ID NA rherts
L., V II P. 41,
It' .166 Rio Cade, la •10rt.1.1 to. .ale 1.1
15111 , '11 EL!' ea. le:ULI! at
V \ -INES AN!) LIQUORS-'r4- 4tot-er'l,<
ht W K - StioRMICKGEI.. it. A. groc.TON
Malin, Vu.
Matedocuire all hind. of Imam. cheer. Whimu and
tim, A meet eliptte epilogs J
and tules Being eon
ird with Shoenhergees Old Juniata Works, we e
offe we r an ohmic of inmate iron lhranled abaerthau..el
egrel to atty,enailelarhe counity. All of wlnch will be
nt the Fhtcleir.priees. Warehoused*. Work.
of t 'ter d Munroe mid :Water streets
• myll
[ KAM, itt/AB COMPANY. May a 1,1.97.
Books, for receiving additional sabscriptiona in the
•trek ni 'the ILlttelturgli and Connellevillo Rollroid Cr, ,
• ordi opened at the alma of Me Company in Mi r a city,
v. I.unip, on Tuesday, the Rh day of /cue, at 10 aa p coml.
1., and Ir dot open from day to day mail Motet °fin t •
~t • Loh rug: 1 0, . 010 b) hdiots will also beapened on the same ay and for
,111.1• KR lit idtetrtY the muie tit.. at the other following places, va: at Me.
'a iv, Co
40TT11.:4 ordt
Keenan andel she direction Si Hugh .Rearhual. and F.
how—. West Newton under the direenon of Jno.
I . Mtner nod intone Gardner—at Connelleville under the
direction of Henry Blackstone and Henry Waltr—at
coml.:mined mole, the direct. of ino. Hag cod e rim.
chi:boon. fit J CAROTHERS, Seel ,
ftc,i.tird WL4.
je:s Nllft•ttEL (TIT, 11:0 Lae.,
O ".
Lord U ;
F t i ; . ..: ‘, 11: , 1 , 1 4 7 , , , r , ;,. LI;
1 , 01.1A('('0
`.\L.\U 0.111.--1, Itoodt-ata;
l In .1u ty.tek
Jtro .11,,
,111.1.E11 S: KICK I :"USON, 170
st " A"
" rr
I.• h M
1 bp
11.1. R HICAKNO%
()ITITH rt.'s I)
ll 11l 1.2 g • Sum .1 ra Pepprt:
AjN ; Lr.c ;4lll 1.1:It & RICA I, rrt"
- •
EIKSE —l3 I.r.s % . r 140.- I
reectvril arwFir.r .1.• t.,
N I AC 111.1• Nu 3—Large..
130 hl . do, r•Me
I , I,IIR \
4.2 Pirs. T VILPENTINE 11,bk ju•d•Ter,,, d
et good ord , r, clod ,or 'al , . by
:011.14En k RIUKET.SON
1)11IT'D APPLE- , AND . PEACIIES, io itorr oti.d
liv iNOi. PER It s
C ~ .hr.r int 'lee
MO I , 11-Itlll
LKILAT US-- r 31• 1 ,.• ..11 for pe:c L.
,e 3 I 4 A I .01 DICK I.:{ k Ct.
!O COPPICE —11:1 tov, ouncrs , r•C• ,,
ml for •t.. ~ 3 ‘ , 11.1.1:ft & 1114.11171'..0N.
N t' Tn 'or aalr low by
+u1.1.1-11 N. RICK ETSON
'ALT-50 WI, A Ilr ghrt.y
INO I'M it . I..bnoty.and Irmss
T llllO7'llV NEED—Zi , 611, TII ft:nre tor .1r
DACON pr zkildiut rel., 1.,
13 Jr.l !NO F PERRY
bbb. N I Itdi . for .ale by
.17 , 0 F FL!: RN
I jIttIOILS -Su Gnr Gi11113101,1.
Comsn, , n.
I Ol'IS NAL 1.1(11 .lat e ..— 50 1.614 los •ele
en A GORItON Wa,f .1
I, , ltulr —IVO curt.
er . .!J •
IN IC'S AitirmA'rie htn.l atuil
Csfiq m> :1 1111 Al'\ REPFER
DlituT. nor u , 1 1 4°
u 1.11,,i1y
. A 01S— ‘ino ind dun MI, ino red. wed and
11 i.v 5K1.1.1.
1.11 DES AND SHOULDERS 111,01 , 0 :Int Bacon
anti Shoutart, in omit and !or
1' 10.11,1.1.711 , , 17 1 .Itrri% NI
C 16„rn't1,1. 4
No :Li Fonit cowl
lisLf!;'" --4 " 1,1.1. ,r;°; 1 4.:217, 1 ,';;;741' , :y.i , A CO
ctpE KAS—
.I)IO PIKPAL-44. tot7 .1 i1 , 1 1 4o l t 1 1 11 • 1 1 : 14 , t111 . ; ( 11 , Intt.
1 int
tort, No wtoor wort_
ISO 1:1.11,10 (fly
int tr.' n,asv 111 & -LW:WAN. 1011010101 hoot Or
1 .. 11 , 1 n 1 ) 1.1 , OlL—Superior,for tale nt j
j ta I I GAN
YOTAtill No I Polotb;warranted good. It triad
1 , 0 tnyM 11 MORGAN
BY RUP—rFeth made, undo( first qur&
Xll, lot sole low by
.101111 D PIORGA !11l wood .0
W11 1 1 4 :511. LEAD— kegs Pure ; lit:r A n i t g eby
1 , AN .
Si t . 1.11C It AT13 , 1!- - -; .2 .1 m tons, novo lo i ntr u g i sAlr , ; ( lle
C 11114r6-112.1 Lt. now Inntbor, Cot Zen
Q u l r g. Nß _ -'"' ju g
rt."nti.7ll.lll:Vti73.7Ztoo° :Vst
Aole Ly
—"b" . t a ot E " tig171:1 11 : 11 .!.;; — , - 2
Per T " B " -- ,:„T"rnmr. ,7 . 71- igillAq l " .
s co m n i:4 ,,, NO 8 t esilt j n i eo
f 3OTTON 1040 Ward C43l,,„ht,:,te,ar,E,i LCO
,1 , 1. C ~ ary as for .me by
`Unction Oki"
b - rFaliE,.g of Wheeling. E. F Stioenter
ild. get of Juniata sod I. A. Utoekton a/Pittsburgh,
•e .1.). entered iota e&peirtner•hip under eyte
d film thepben., Shoeulietger Co, at the
Anehor Iron Works, Wheeling V., for purl.. of
Tousle.. torteg iron and nails o f e•rryde•enption.
Arita. Ie of al public sale on Friday. the 25th of
VP June next at la o'clock, , a Valaable Tract of
Land. to the heirs of las.
derogga, deeemed
...laird on iire waters of Lotle Raccoon Creek, Robin
Tow nslop. Wariongsou Conran
T. J adastning
lani. of Wm. Gilbreath, D Geary, ohnston.and
others andon the orad.leading Bons Caudor to Pitt..
lough. Tire the
contains 157 neres.l.oo Bejaia*
south mid Eke, and Is well watered, and of ezeMlent
y prodacing grain or crass rit is particularly
esleul tad Mr • cheep Of mock fano. , "PerSOOS from •
distance wishing a (Hi description of mid property Can
c• 11 will some of the heirs in Candor, or examine the
property, which is now occupied by G. Bildertmek,
T , •no• made known on day of sale, by _ •
Put,,, Aber. to the Stock of the above Coinpany, reit
qoo,. this c:ot. are requested to pay ilia helloes.
.ng Instalment. to JOSHUA HANNA, Agent lon Ike
elm:many. viz:
lu per cent 011 or bcforelhe 15th June nest
1.41 , lit July c
L . II " .` •
fly order of the Cotoptuty U O'REILLY
Centruetor for the continuation of said Line
t)3.,131 and on June 13,14,13,5:8,Z., 30, and July 13,
14, and 15.
D ENXISIMVARLIL ILAI/.11.0.410—At meet.
MC of the !loud Of Comegulioneru of tha Penney!.
ramie Railroad Comparaydaeld at Ihe &Reno( M'Cland low
M'Clure.on 3lst day of May,1647, it was
Rural v ed._That the Boots of doWeraption no rbesactok
of the Pezmulovaniu. RullMed Company be opened Id
rbe Monongahea llowe, in dos city, on Monday next,
eth of June'!armee!, the boors of 0 and 12 a to
ronunurd from day to day until Itan tOth instant, an
r:o .„,
Itoolived, not polder notice of the *bore Rooohn. ,
,se gnnni in all the daily papery.
I-1 31 THOMAS HAI/EWELL, Chalon.
D . . . .
E I r KNOWN, that John R. Sion , has this - day
is ken out Isimis•Testementsre with the will an
sed.on the Esmio Eliza Moore late Of the Ilormisl
McKi.e•port, deed. All persons - having claims
E. , l•tc of said decedent, will pmsent them
propeil ouihro.caled for mttlerneat, and all person.
flitelpleil to .aid haute will make payment without de-
JOHN HlllOOlll - :
~rm.tit•F •
- ••
I 111 i sor pair. 14 • •
. . . •
V ()TICE is /weepy glee that letters of adnunistra
-1101/ upon the Estate o arrest McCann, are of
ilte Comas' of Eltsabeilt.A -+ then} county. deceesed,
i/1“, keen this day Granted to the subscriber, residing_
at itehor.ingli aforekaill. All pet on having claims or
demesnis acainst the Coate of said decedent. are re
quested in make known the tame urithout delay.
I:l.lzAttores McCANN, Administsati to
mv:l • ult.'''.
Town•h.p, Allegheny County. deed , to make inteed . p•
ate pa l mem and all p-t,nne hating elatmentitea
E•utt, ptetent teem propel!) . authenticated be set.
tleinent te the eubseribere. '
WM. COX. Esecniara.
DL uciouwor,
Aduinhmitoro- rromoo.
IILYNN.: is beretig ituderitigned has
taken tot. Lectern or Adminlnnuun onkbe - Estate
of John H. Fe*ler, late of Franklin Towniship Alle
gheny County, deed All personi having' claims cr
clemande nimbi.. the Estate of said decedent, are kere
t, notified to make known the same with.] Jelly to
unclemigned, u her residence in Franklin Town.'
ship. Allegheny COanty; and all penoni knowing thec
relecs dtdelued will please call and settle thelr Ke•antil
leen City lintel. • p
Ni n lle . rrtiTy it li ` ofelt k EM ` .lgr,a ,
ktteela , where they will he
rald ie entertain
their cu. ars .d the poiclie in gene. MY10.41•1
'TM I k: Annus I Merbng or the Corporator* for the Al.
lecteny t:einntre dl Pike place as the Caen,oa
the moan., on Saturday, the Sth day of Jew; et 3
o'clock, e.t.a , or which Uwe a Baud of Manager. will
be elected tin the ensuing J yam'.
CAROTHERS, Veerimiry
.v.amc 11)•olt T d ra; •
T x ' s-
Iniperml o; .
64npovirdcr da; .
. 1.
vi•ek , .4 ., tar thr • . kco
h DWELLING H 113 era LOT, shoaled leißridge•
ttpott, Belmont COLMIy, Ohie t .oppotte to Wheeling,
for male by let '3 CUTHBERT
800/LO9INOII-4 ton. ptime, jou received and
for ride by - 1447 ENaysa a BENNETT
Int:biro and for
Li.llosr,KD TAT" bb`PdVDm'i,V.Z.&`
g v, zlv gx_n—su ! „b.. t: gr x ,% . m j . h z,, :
V. A Z I , L r L •
RIS well known ion of aplemid palaenfal E i tam-
JE las is rem composed of the larder, wmr.t, beet'
inhaled itad flurildead, madman powerful bomiintt the
waters of the West. Every accommodation and coo,
forktbat many GU piccolo, has been provided tin rise
a. The Ltne ban beim in operation for five cart
Lonearved a million of people ...than .e least
injury to theme parson. Tha boats wilt/in al the , not of
Wood 'treat the dole reviaa• UMW', ior We creep.
non of freight and thentry of plubeniera Ilsr
ter. In all cones t h e pasinice Mom, en... 1 r. 4
advance. - "
Mo nd
ko LIMIT Ji.d.r
evening .11 fflOrili
oYrlf•.l ICI o'clock; Wbcollng
oury ay
.The MBERNIii, NO. 51, calm. J. dlinsldter. wiil
leave Pittsburgh every Taeulay amornlel at 10 o'r.oet,
wh,.fiNuca,ry Tueedair evemat at 10
`"' PACKET._.
The NEW ENGLAND., N 0.% Capt. S. D.on, w 111
aye Psttsbcrgh !Pay Vltedragoday UtOrilallg
clock; Wheeking reel y•Wed11 , 1.1 1 1 1 Y .. , 11.0311g a 10 I.
The WItiCONSIN,CaPI- £ 7 . GTM" wilrleov,
burgh every Thireday morning at lOo`eleett; et.iug
every Tharedar evening at 10 P. M.
The CLIPPER, ISO. SI, Capt. Ceeeld,will 111,
burgh every Friday raoraied et Id o'eloel, N hee!lar ,
ever). Friday evenies at P.M.
The MMENGER, Caph. Linjewl, will lees,
neigh every Biwarday warning as 10.1idoct;
every Paturday evening et In P. M.
'The ISAAC NEWTON, Caps A. Q. Ilfaso., veal
leave Pittnhavgh evevyt 4 uralny mantilla et to cielocki
Wheeling every runday cream' at la t'sl.
Mayll9. 1e47.
4n ISlGHButlaps, suitable lorWooi Flacks; Al.l
, LJ Grain bogging. plain and ;willed. in t vane
ty, constantly KT by tbe
'S k LON Itr D,
Market st. lailr I plu•
THE high a mire in coati paid for all die diCriesit
croon of clean Washed WblUß P ool. by •
lIV k LEK.
Old wool oroobtor, coy Libenv at and Cord'. .nay
air F
PI DllllY l/—'N PT 3 Large al.e•cie
10 Of bbl. do
10 bgs ChoeMate;
30 ye big Raisins;
1 bid Nutmegs;
eeroon S F. Indigo;
50 hf bbl. N. O. Molasses: /om Ire
and for sale by REYNOLDS& oIIEE
mysll Cosner Penn nod Dunn •Itu. 1.
CASSIA, 00.-100 ...Casco; •1
5 bales Cloves;
120 bags Deriver,
1 mist Nutmegs; Just teed mad
m 720 BAGAI.I.I" k S.llllll
Cru-hed and Pu!Termed, emu finer 10 biller,
Loaf bugue I:scrum ben quality: rest reeeterd and
for lulu by 'nye: ItAGALEV & B4ITII
ALISO:XI:113710 boxer , 5 , 15 , e4e ,.. di i.
300 lba 51 ' 48e:ilia; U fa Me by
m)47_ -J 11 - WILLIAMS& al: 110 vs
..... --
WINDOIA GLASS-531 l i ii . s .
, 5 . 1 9 0 i
30b. 10.0%
1 15 Ibis 0015; for auk by
mys 7 POINDEXTER A CO, 41 a virr,st
of superior Copying Pfell.ll A Iso - Copyica. Rona,
Oil Paper, •ndiCopy ina Inks.,.lust received awl for sale
by r ' JOll5l`4lON A. STOCKTON
my 3.5 t -.. t 1 Corner Martel and id's.
-00 rams Medium Wrapping Pepe,:
150 - do Comm. do . ... do;
' 100 ile Tea 'do do"
Just recewed and for sale by ' 1111.1. A 'mow NII
usylll 'I No 15 Iwo I Alec
A LUST REARS-7 bbla prime. reived on con
fisignment aid for sale low el ,
101 IN SCOIT 5. CO
iny3l ', No 7 Commercial, Row, Libeny at
HERRINGS -100 bbla No I Herrings;
:35 belt No 3 Ralik. Meek c.el;
to Wore .3 foe, rare by JOON SCOTT w CO
my3t No 7 Commercial Row, Low, ly •.
MACIESPEL - -g hr , ele g:.11
i"9 OIL-3 bb. Ho
do d
'le bbtaioll.2/d V t iktrtVgo4l
Agent bribe MSII4I-xelliftr
tad alr +. • e by
IDIE —9 bhl2 Louie Ua lo s t received veil an sale
lAby' lei F
1,000 tr:".:Lts..^,Fr t.ra;tga LEF r
T IC A.D-200 Mines, , •reee - ored ptr um
htirman mgifili.r we by M ALLEN k CO
boxes lugs line W. R. Ch,..e, on
lJ band and Mr sale by P C MARTIN
my% ear wnsithfield and front Its
COTTON—Z 6 bap re packed, now landing from
reamer Mary Ann, and for sale by
LEAD—WO gage Galena Lead , edema' dae day
and fatale by L'IIUTCHISON & CO
m No IS araiereareet
, r OHACCO CUTTERS -1 dozen lloshriclibbno
I Wed..: for sale by
my 26 _tl F VON-SONNIIORSTk C 0,35 Front st
FRUIT —3XI boa. pried Peaches, barites.
50 Wt. Apples; in wore, Col sale by
eolld .J C BMUWVF.LL water=s
DLART/151L-0 , Libra Uround Pi aster, In Rued order,
L jest received and for sale by
f •1C Jl. fllDWEl. l..wster si
Executor's itotic•
Tnuitspar PACKET
Peen ET.
• _
30 do No 3 2.300t1ii
10 do No , k
E 1111)11LEIOA
Eau aide of the Diamond
1[ 4 13 , 17132 . 3 1 1t r 0 . Lt51 bbl. Snn rnctived per `One
14 . 13 '. ,
,r „ S & r Vg HARRAITGII,37 neva! • -
LARD 01L—I4 bbl. sad 37 kegs Noll.std: . •
SO bbls Dreisr_Lard; ,
for Into b)'
nogg CARSON & MetiNtOUT
Ep UTTER-3 bbis Fret& Roll, ternmerll • day
1.7 coy26°
01161:68—W byt pfime qnsitlyt received to day.
. CAIRAIN le kick NIGH X
COTTORI-100 Ital. in store and for tale by •
myth L IlUTColtroS & 110.
pPER-15 owns heavy ilat Cap Pier, Just ree'd
d6r axle by nox6 REYNOLDS & SIIEE
1 ICAS-41.5 packages Y. 11. Tex, s [sin extra bur.
&reale by style REYNOLD& & lIEE
lerysi-47 homes Frpsh Riee far role 4y
DOCK POWDER—SU lap received per rteem
liter Leke Erie, for ula by ruydet J pit ytELI
BIIGOIT FOIL SALE—A-new one hone
.man No 3.3 Froni Kneel
(11:11111ANTS bbl. Pw•E Zoom for val. I,y
mrt7 J D WILLIANI+ 40
OLIVE 011-4' dos. ' boob, for sale - by
owl" _ - J WILLIAMS &CO
. _
FLOUR OA ILlCE—sies superfine, for isle
by myY7 J• 11 lI,LIAbak
BRALIK. SOCIPIJI-10 Lao for utle .14 1
m 2 7, :I I/ WILLIAM. , CO
1 tn. V
E L-100
W FrePbICK Gye a
Ple TO* Lr
Ibis No 3 4auth, aroroot and
t 0313 POINDEX I .1t CO
/Vidor s 4•O •
al. by
L 0 bbl A LoomitleLlisurfor gala
'is A COO-10 !alga Ky. Leaf, far ode by
IDI6R—L'O bbla Cigar far galeC
SALELLATILIB-1.80 lb. fisr sale by
USTALLO—IN Legs Fogltsb, for *ale Ly
DEPPER-10 bags Pepper for rale by
1: !WAS • $ F VON
. 18./NNSIssiIST LCO y
fiIIICESE-10{/ 4n prime blip W. R., reed
and for sale by um% •'J C BMW ELI.
m in; :z bog round, inregnienear
ppztrt—lUta•t ; l: isisi
.D ACON—A lot flacon hides. In store Ned ;es ;we by
AA tay26 & W It A RUAUUII.iI weed st_
nEY PEACHES, in store and for sale by
I :sax) OIL-A fine article, on_ consign 'nen nod
lo 1 .1 gay" WFllAntlll36l4_
tx, A'Tc 7 2474 1 1,1 - , i'a 7.1
FLAXSEED. I. OIL on hoed and n; r sf
in ,.
rIOWYZE-406 bey prime Rio. landing and for
-.•••tale by myl6 PARSON NeKNIGHT
INRAJEI-25 bade N. 0., landing nod for tale i.y
17 fp . CARSON & NIG lIT
n/LINDN-11sm, Soles and Sbookierv, for b
D myt, CAR-SON
rrOllllCOO-20 bop Va. Tvrim Tobacco. jai. .tee'd
mod tor .al by GEO NOHUAN C.O
0.013- No 103 brood sorrel
FRVIT+-1041. 1 . Dry Praehes;
• ' .50bes. Dry Apoler: ier talc by •
erv•s Ut etilltDA % ITV
- •
1011:10/111/TIV AND Tlldali—ZS doz Melt 14 nnd
Jaw doz. Tutw,tectivind add fur sole by
torib J DAL.ZELI ',ate rgi
LLOW IIFECZTII-10 ReiMr•releed per
Caul, sad for etle lot JAS DA LZ ELL
IVIACILILREL , -10 bb. Not, for see br
East ..blot" 1 1 j.ts± , n4
TOBLefO-66kets bin 1. 6 Twist Tabsesv, 1.66.
from meamesiGaportazkvg2rl.,lg.
RTlC—Kbus. Pennaytianli Eye for sale
mrll JOHN F
DR APPLICR-40 bus. lo nen. • en, f.r !At,. by
LI tuF2l Ff..1:111
8 EA314-3 bbl.small Wh mlo
sloes and for sale
by my2l JOUN L F PERRI
ALT-2.:M.1s No I Alletheur
0 - 00 bbls Not do. fpr sok Dy •
.nIIIEII3I APPLZ{-4*bbl.,lgrotr reresved ami
%.74Irsale_by JOUN F PERRY
-- -
TOBACCO -40 kelp 6mll; 7 n:64666 /Or tate by'
6.721" • ' ' • 'ear wed 6261 water us
VW"' `!"'"WicK a weeNiq,vss
nmiurraiOngs'LllPAPPLlS in geed or-
LA fir funk, thr imy2ll WIC% JAVAND.
Ptts 0 1 ) 91"— ..) 3 V 'il M t a ErVIIVOVIT CO
_ . - . .
, ,
•-t?-fr.'" , .'. - •
'••,. • •