The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, June 02, 1847, Image 1

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IL t.013.1001‘,. Aaad
d "'V.1.,. :4 %V welt and 1115
•I'IN (dell), JONES & 1:10., - C.nnu esual and
Fare...rddot atemitant.n, have returned tuthlir old
rtatt.t. .144 Front wears. nenbarlea.
WiNCIIESTELL, d.irder !sell tin&or hi.
11. porlrd end titnninh" Lent: •ad
Go, . t k4nd..of cimwinaTtionsco, a:totemic and
rtn... h. rd :.tree), at t ._
, •en . r. ease, aerates fill.
ILEITER, 'Virbolesale and Retail
4t• cTtter of ',Merry and Fr- ci.o,
an! , Ror No.
J 0,,. • limn 'llard• and
A. VA [IN E.STOCE. CO., &Wholesale b.
13 • ‘Vostd ;undid& sun
11.1. SA/1P50.% & Co:, Grocers, COmmi.oo.l%
1-0 . and Orninrs in i'llnainth hinnoinC•
:so .in ',wry tare.. In momma. oee27
I).A ciAA.F.II . & SaelT 1,
1J t.d.l Wond wee, 1 4 ',hare!
57.1 ITII. & CO., WholuoLle Gr.
rcr: ,100 • Nu. 'a/ Atruko. 'tree:. be,
v... ncvt+
A. ar c LILT Y R• CO. Forwertllng and
hand /Sox Pittsburgti
I A. DO LOOMILS, Anomey at Law; of
. fie. .Ln wee t. At. et Sm.nlrirdd. apl7ty
Vr'n, CoLcok ;„ John F Jenomea J. W. Ilailroan.
ityr.F,2l ". I .11.11• MA N & CO, Manufacturers
rvton.on. , Axles: /L. and Spring
elfr.. enLI drAir , • CoAL•11 Tritnnong neer) . de.
11.1..111y on St. Warehouse 43
tV... St ( beetl,lt inn=
NINUILA /lONNICO, Wholesale , Oro
1111 l is•Aon aid" Forwarding Mercbanta,
Oen' , e, La 1.;o41., r. end l'itr.+Liargl, manufacturer"
144 I•.:Ler., rt, Val-burgh
VIII • Co 6.0% ..• S. 2..II.SSAISICS.
4- , A.II041:1 6.M.ANIGIITf frucecson , to IL
'NJ. , , noir n , e , Wfudesnle (irodert, Commission
end I Of, dr.% d.; M.,. :Mom. Peelers ,n Produce and
P0t.'..., )filletlTOclf..o. Fiala meet, between ,'0,0,d
Ind 1.,, env, 1.n..1.urni.. I'd. octl4
, - t — 77}CA ti EA. Ingrorwr and wholesale nod ielati
. dr.... , n Fen , y soul Staple Vartety oods, sign of
n . ~,, C,,,,,,,, In- 1:11 , .el sure.; near Liberty, Pans.
1/orgil. Co Mill
—----- . .-,..
II 11. Vit..% 11,1 , 11, leodcr in FISSISICII and Family
12 , .1.1 I ••1 , 0 I. No :6 Llbeley Si, nest door to nor ,
nor i.. M 41,1 •I
._ - . - /18 ly
!two., J. liar.. Sewell.
( NI:I.:LOP A PIW ELL, Attorneys at • Law,
JJ into •• ~, • •.
,iiiiltbrid„ between 3d and 40.
lir 111 I,
I,U IV A na II bl AZ eYIsTO3I, %I11;amil tors,.
_Es .• tirbouud, second door fn.' Lb.
au. PA I .• _ .1 4
II •-,V, Jail%
VW ALI', UIIII3IIAILT, Wholesale Gra
d •ao - , •I PrWillhe and Pittsburgh mactufae
lairs. cc. Fir r y and Mud Ihtlabdratt, Pa
~ 1.1E04. 111001Cri.
1, , NG 1.1,411 a lIIIINNETTs (late 131 fish, (Dd.
Ili I td , .- i S. en $ kVlnlle 4 sle, Grocer., Commission and
Furw..rd , tg Va_r. ~,.,,, Denlims in Pliki.o and,
I'll ‘l,l , larzt• aim , No. 37 'Wood strati, be)anen
... . ... octi
11,4 AG tt..A IV I. II c ICA IGIIT, AllOrll CY.. street,
ly, (nu, • ((.. on(( rd • ieW doors nearer Grunt
rut 14,41111"t011u1......te1d•5r1t0t
---. qpii. W A mil, a. SW ARTZW ELDR, .f. u.-
L -•-.4_...,w, novo retnoredltteir offste to the want
Tent Folirttestrc betrreeo Cherry Alley and Grant
'-_ • ' • ' mord
I . It rnetut - Goo itl,e , ___ data, Wodd.
1::' 11.1 EN I), It II EY St. C 0.4 Wholesale Geocen,
I,` elid Go,o,nt4.4,l,:derehtmts, and Aeentsidriirigtoon
' Com,' 5'11.'4. Nus.ii Water and Ited /row streets Pais: -
, tot', I '4. febd
• ~ .
• 1 . ; BLUME, l'iano Folio ldanufactarer and deal.
.12 .4r in NI twee,' InStltlntents, 1 te, Wood street, near
~ rnehtl3
roa,yl,l. /one, A. FORAITII.
ILSYTri.../L. CO, Codunits;on .1 Forwarding'
1' Meer moos No :u st, rinsbosn. mayl4
uttANcis steLLEats, Gower, Conuosssion
1: 11arehant nal dealer al produce, Coologo, o,ls,
e. /re, No I.l* Liberty a% near Canal Basin, Pansburgh,
N If. Oakum, 11.11 a Rope, ter, always on
Fend. • •
12 11,. Eil i Tt).lli, Dealer in (Gov.. Hoeitrj, ut.
.r . ninny at il Statile Tritr AL
unlega, t. 3 Atarket o,
1 ..22 . 2-?. • -ii!..---- ----- ^ -------,
. 10080131. WATsnltk.- PALIC 1.
f VEit)lttii V. MORGAN b. CO., NV holcsale tiro- k-i 4 tre unit COIMIllf.:011 illeich•nu, 105 Wood street
Pp, ',vittli Pa .411
( k t iO• A. BEILILY Nytelecile Grocer And Corn.
k—T Mi. , .11 Merchant, aund Dealer in Produce arid
?in.:int. Manufaciart• . No IS Wood et, Yituberch.
ti..o. kV Sunk& • - . 11. 11. Brown.
I f I EU. W. SUITE' & Go, Brewer., ...ere,
kJ :tad ilea I ielpe, Pitkatiorgh and Poi. Brew
rr,,,Penit and l'in ettette., .1.14
L•'O1t(11'1 COCIIRAN, Commiunon and For•
Mese tont, No. 1.% od greet, Pittsburgh:
C. —(i Iltovroc..
ii.L ISLI.OW.tite, [successors lo llold/op
1../ (.1 LlrteneAlorporters.and coanufaelarers of all
Pa; , laud Gruen,' Pape,' Warehouse, e 7 Wood
j S I.IILOCKW unwp., r+9. 2Com
• eierciul itavr,near the canal bloat, Pittsburgh
Atercifa .Oil Met adult, coiner of' Lilw
cm and O'Hara u_,XaIAM ht.*
DICW.,T• IantanT'DICEIT. Jh.'
I SAALI I.IIC k&E'l * Co * . Wholcaale
Ca. l lnl.olllll Nierchinits awl dealers is Pioduce, Not.
W.iier end lin Front nlrcetn, Plushurgh. neat
Amine) ,
*/ I'4, ha. reiteneti be pracucc of his profesaion iu
Ina nifici•No liakewell, nivel-OCT
cupted Curare abienta b yJ
T. J. Iligtrom and J.
.I . 26d&l n i F
fOll3l D. MORGAN, Wholesale Druggist, and
• dealer t Dye Stuils, Pall., Oils, Varownew, kc
No 9.11 Wood Omni, one door South of Diamond Alley,
• Diamond,
I AMI&S KNOLL Jtt.'6. flue me Joseph
J 6 I)nv im! Ship Cnaudier.. oil Water st
L r
OIIN 11. PIPILOIL, Wh01e...10 wid Heusi deal..
Mate and inntruntents, School books,
Paper. bitter, Steel l'efie. Quill.? hullers' Cards, and
Sionnaery generally, No. el Wood st,
• Ili-Rae* tonight or lAlrrn in bade.
SCIIOONPI AUER. B. CO. wholesale Drug' '
j*l . No. 41 ttiood .1. Pittablirglo. sepll •
7.OSIZPII JOII.IO.AN & SO*, Cientaisalon
tad I
• Fornardtng N1C1 . C41 1 1 , 4 No is Liberty st,(oppen!te
,,4l.l _•
1011. N L. 41,11 L &ATI*, Attorney at Law. °tree
J tin .1. netiveen south aide,
Piunhurdn.oko mtetol promptly to baelee. ,
11, adinenen entnntn.
. _
JTOIIN HA PO*. corner Fifth
Wnn.l oeln
]Dinii C. ,11.1111W1111.14, Agent. Wlealesn
euveie Oro-
J cur and coiliThe...ion elrichnni, Wntrr t,
door above tlio litinineoule, Linder, Pate/welch.
co,I. Sc.. at ocutufacturere prices
To .7U STOUTS:TON, Booksellers.l proners and Paver, No. 41 blarke
at, I..osioash.
J- -
T 1.. 1i13A13 . 5l Soak Ith. r Market L.
. CJlaes:cal, I . ..colas+ , Iltsurrical, Ifk nea bool,
xhvnn• rod hletteahrt ISs.ks and Saneness. spun
W. 1101.111111iSON h CO., Bankers and Ru
a/ .. fiance 11rnketm, .nand of Weal and Third creel%
151errhant.r lletei Ilmidings,)Potsburgh, Pa.
I._l-_Slurrenec p..1711 . .111 , 1 at the Usual rates. oetll
()ITN 011.1k.R., Wholesale Grocer, dealer in Pon7 I
.1 Jute, nitsbOroh 131.2.13d2C1.11f01, Tin pate, ke.Ske,
•No o.el Tiberty st, Pinsurtrgh• _ Jana'
lonn Vioyd,
•.k FLOYD, Pare J. Floyd 5. C 0..) Wbelesale
m Floyd.
T Grocers. .7 , 410. AY. Liuctl) MFG, fltrfloS
I A 21 RS DALZVOLL, Wholesale Grocer,Conmnis•
al son Merchant, Mid defier in Predacc and Pittsburgh
0 p0ta,..,, No 21. Waite ii. Pittahursh.
• s Wholeaslo Giocer, roe
• sia:dalg rentatu , sion Mereltwa, Dealer in
Pot,ey. Matl4l , 44Cltlft and PrOduet, Nos. 31 Waier
arid Ii hoot rib •
E.W113 I 6 UTCLIIBOIII & Co., Wholesale
LI irorcrs, Fermanl•ng and Cann...Anon Merchants,
and deeders2n ,;.burgh hisnufacturea. 5..•• Ne.
anal 45
Wale! sitsl9l
eury then.
L John Slttpums.
Aitirwntin.rg P la T a2n; ' !Yerc t7alLL,.l;elrts'
I.l“.l.urgh manufneturrs, Noil3 and!
1:15LVood IL P.u.loirels. tHJ!3_
John WWI. . 11. ISirihrioid. Jar. D. WWII
i 4 4 '011.1.424 BUSIIFIEGLD.Grorers and Corn
111:3,0r1Mnrrhanin, No 191 Litany atreet, has
-I.o,ght tent lyt
M Mien Meg. Ninon. Wm. K Niroielr t
14 ALLEN & Co., Commtp - OTI and Forwarding'
nieretionia NVater and Frontstalwiarneu Wood
and Moat ,
7 1 TEEN ENTER 1. Co, Wholesale Groccro
111 No. WI/
WM 1.1116
jal '
M iLiir t a
m:ogt.. Y' ZnZl;
F'ar rot it m a and Fitlb an.
J. SLOjN, Whole.a , .e . C.xocer..
Dealer to
1 . Proaurr c 1 and Forwer‘llngaTlON•dVet
Nlrrf.ultt, No. E , 3 Lil.crly cud 413 Wool .Utc.,
l'itt.touratt. f 2
1\ aid door fmm torus! of Fount, Deden in For
own krid Dornelorpli 4 hof 111etazogo, - CorOfkooloi 3 Of
Diri d i=o u' OoL '‘ on .141Z . yrrintiyal dfiuW.A. ,
0W at rbsir.4 - . , • 0 00 lE •
--- VIEiII Y. \VELEM.% k. CO.. Whalclale . Drl
MHoods e Wood .
SIDEYTER Co, \V boleEmle Orme"
01l fit
°••jud• End Foromding Alvo . honlo, No 41
. fl...n:',Tfl7l,lgos g4"::::.1‘y.:44".
CAN] ri I113.•' - aptOdZirro ,
013ERTSON 3 R V.H.
EPPT, Produce Deal-
IL erul Coriont.sion roc:ch./a, ..Kar IDG Secondst,
llurgb. .
Pra _ se
)ICH/ilia) r T. LEECH, Jr.,. Imparter not
11. Drolarlo 'racier) and Dorricalle. Saddlery Hard
and Ca mam a ltiotroinga, of all drEriPaid..
et= aithde. tr. . . •
ISILUCE'tt CO. Wholesale Onaters, Commis'
11. rton Merebante, and dealers . •in • Produce •and
;fi ntt lteittres, Liberty' O. oypoeita Beath.
held el- l'ittrharrh•ltt,__ jny_kit
111(311 AHD BARD, whole«alc and retail dealer
..11.enthet. Morocco, theemakers , Tooleand Find.
'rennet , einiCuseies s Toole, and Tanners.Oth Ne t
~ui e Wre.d st,
sera eu rrodueelnd " Pigel4ts Atlantuares, Larf;
streetirutablrtgb,l:s. kVA -
BOIT. 1.0111503!. ,sai c. S. ROilliON.
nn 4011180 N & Ca" 'Wholesale Dr.era Pro
gime sad
_Cotamissimi blerehatits, and Dealers In
Pltsbbrgb ISlsireactures;No.l9o Liberty atreet, Pau
bur, hi a. oint°
ICBM_lloo4.l4Wholesale Grocer,
dealer an Pnaince, raisbargh
lam res, and all kinds of Foreign sold Dome au Wines
and Latices, No It toberty street, Pittsburgh.
D . N. B. On hand a very large stock of superioe
Oltiltiononyhela A'huke9. which will be soldlow We
L. 0. 'Reynolds. - , •J. C. &me.
REYROLDIF A. BUZZ, Forwarding' and Cant
nliagtou Merenarts, for the Allegheny River Trade,
dealers in Gronerien.Produen, Piusborgh MI.6I6CILLfeII
and CAlcaide of Lime.
The hieen prices, in cash, paid al all times for
Cour- Comer of•Pene and Irwin ors. J.o
G Shooklen • Thos. R Wh..
cjEIIiCKLECTT & WHITE, 'WhoTodalo Doo
Ins'in'Voretgrs and Domoddie Dry Good. No 99
—,, 04 n,roo Pat.burgb
t! fr.: W. HA/WAUGH, Wool !limit.... d.el .
• ers in Floor and Produce generally and Pororanl•
Ing and Conuniusiun Merchant., No 21 Wood irett,
Q *EL PALMER, Auantiv a , Law. °Mee
;1.31fr 1'
eedta bundle No an Fouith etre' t between
Weed And Smithfield. , noifidtewle
... .
f a:war of Fln
............t.__, . ; ; gETT, itinno a
TIK,,,,, L Pus .
...„d To ilet soaps. Winter and
l,:Wavm~ N 0 17 Flab st, belareen
presited Lad! ti,.!tc.. ...„.. •
and Markel as, i ttuwargo I
' CI V. VON BONNHOOST k. Co, iVholeviale
0 Amen , Osmnirdint and Ownonuion hlereliants,
Ikniers in P.itsiwargh hianufacurres and Western
duce.havetemoved to their new warehouse, told stand)
Cro 37, corner of Front nt and Chancery Lane. nov7
QA/gIIIEL BIN KIEFI, Forwarding and Commis
0 on illerchant,'Dealer in Ball. Pr od uce and P itn
hurgirmanufantared ninnies, Canal Basin, nem 7th et.
i. I 2 4. IN ICKBUBHAII, Dealer in..,li vs Flow
L 7 ern. FguilTrees, and Agrwoltural Innnwenn,Nu
I M. (Vogl greet Pluaborgb. Inlet
r AMIE lir & lIIESTL.'-' Wholesale lirneeks A
lanninownin Metellaros, and dealers in Produce
N 0 .5 Wood talent. Piustnagh. opt!
rintlo.3. KENNEDY, Jr., Looking Md•e hlanutortu
and Ekater iv Chick', Combo, nod Varlety
t.oo rer ds, ,
corner."( Woort•nd Fourth streerr jig
r I' Forayth. It J Forsyth.
• P. POSSYTLI & Cc., Commission Merchant..
.dealers In Solt, Lambrr, Grocenes, Produce and
Pittsburgh Manfilketures, Canal Hula, !Ahem meek
Pattla.cel. &MS
WiCK & WCANDL HAS, Isucces.ora to L &
JD Nick,) Wholesale Grocers. Forersnling and
VOMMLISiLIII Merchants. dealers to Iron, Mails, Glass,
Cotton Yarns and Pinabiogh hlanalkmures generally,
omet& Wood mid Wattr sot, Pitortnirati. tachln
-311713.P11T inVitre the lathes to call and
V V . ixamiene hi. stock of French Worked Collar.,
.orne as low as 25 cent.. Colin
t WboleinaloGrocar,Fomarding and
V V • Commission ideinhant, mad Dealel•in Prialisce
and Pittsbaro Manufactares, corner of Winer and
sinithfield ata. !qualmish. F.. ianls
lATIIITMOB.E i WOLFF. Imparters and
I V Wholesale Dealers in Hardware, Cdery, tied
dim, gc,comer Liberty and Su Clio streets, Pito
torgli. apt.
LATITIE. GLEAN, Bookbinder, has removed to the
V V corner of Wood .4 Third so, above C. IL hay,
where he is prepared to do every description of Ruling
and Bindiug. at' 2 . l
'(XT W. wALL.e.o=, Mill stone arid mili7omi t.
I' V . mg establisnment, 1i.0.241 Liberty Met, near the
. -
{AT ilk. a. EITCIVELTELEE, Wholesale G ll}
V V . ems, Rectifying Disullers, and Wine and Liquor
vlercharms, 100. 1611 Liberty street, (opposite Sixth mid
Pittsburgh. - ..._ !..Viil24l3.__
O ._
it 0 ROBINSON, Attorney at L. bar
I a oved hie office to the E. - honer. Boarlmp.
Ciei,. tett, oextdoo i to Aldemaxi Jolla.
.. .
GA.RELALID Dealer in Fancy allrl upie
VV. Dry Goods, tio Di/Market we., Pittston - h.
4Z - DilliVitrthienk;
Distoct4 Wbolcule WIN loomed at
... 11S Wood st, whentihey oft r (mule • ono uson
tu..t ofGrotene. and Pitudyargh Manufactures, at Ins
pt • and on favorable tonna mayla
ket sweet.nos7
CV . v... — Ertrarivitcwholeode and marl dealer tn
YS .Foreign and Domenic Dry G.A., north east core
nerof Market and Fousla a 11,21
1,A7 U. F. lICWIISI, Jr.. bad og.purelowert the
r V Drug Store of rstgar Thorn, corner or Sew, and
;land streets will deep a corolla. Nupply of the beet
aned:e.ues, perfumery, &e.
Shystetau presenplows carefully ompounded.—
ttedieinee eon be had at all tours of the c nigh,
citn-rallintoTO. John Y Singer.
w4l.leLl GIVORT & Co.. Comwswio OOd n and or.
warding Merchants, Second, ndar Comm.. ,
etre F
Pittsburgh. ' fehl
IXTDS• D.IIII.I.NOTON. Attorney at Law
V V Pittebugh, kommissioncr to take the we
knoariedgwern and pew of Deeds, Leases, Contrects,
Depositions, or any other writing (under Feat or not.) w
w used or recorded to Dune of Ohio. Office on
rhird street...beet:4ou .teld.
r C. AUGUISBAIIGII, Attorney at Lam
V V .Ftith aueet, near Smithfield. Collecting, men.
riea and other bustnem attended to with prinatoality.
& Semple, Wen. Gond, In. Eq.,
B A Fahnemoek & Co, John Herron, Eml,
Graff, Lindsay & Co, John Wnsta, Fon,
James MeCally, Eng, Alai. Witham Larineer.
No. 114 Liberty at, and 53 Diamond aiky,
y • .
Banker; Diann in Raton" Jima; Mtn and Coln,
Comer of Third and Wood meat,
nooliwily Pitt , P.
ti tY tV lllum.. Wm. M Moon.
(Sweesserr b imrrii k Wirliontr I
ay-Offteo North fade of Fourth et, above Stroth6mlA4ro
• .1. /31C/IH.Y.
ATTORNEY and Counsellor at Law, CINCINNATI,
01110. Collections in &name Ohio and In Indiana
And in Kentucky, promptly and carefully attended io.
REFER TO-Iton. Richard Biddle, We at Bell h. Man,
unto, Wm Mlinigh4Church &Cart:Merl, Win Bays.
Esq., James P. Matzo, Willock & Daum Jra
Oliver Blaclbarn. Omtrae
0. BLAciroffunni Y CO
WIIOI.IaLE Grocers and Dealers in Oils, Beat
, 'mores, and Pittsburgh Manufactured arbeles,hatril
on hand at all OM. a full sad general assortment - oil
.t .t:u tu .b atelr hoe, Wales mmet, near Cherry
Al ley.
rot cats ear
flaying taken the Warehouse Moberly otenpied
M: IL Ahoy is Co.
Wet. Street. near. Evanv Steam 11111,
Wilt keep. hand 'a fall empty of all coos of Boller
Iron and Ileadtt, Flue and Vomited Iron, made bum
luaberquisists Worm which will be sold at the lowest
market rates. Engine Bnilders and others, are invited
o call and °Amine his mock. Order. promptly M
ended to. • . 101411 y
TOUR 111 TOWNBICAD, thsiggin and Apothe
al earl, No 4 Martel al, three doors above Third st.,
Pittsburgh. will have eonntaotly on bawl a will select
ed assof MOW of the best and freshen hledie ids., which
he will gen on the mat reasonable Won. Pbyticimis
sending order* will he promptly attended to, and sup
plied with anicles they may rely upon is genuine.
" fli7-PhysicianalPresCriptions will be arcurately and
neatly prepared Gum the beat raaterials; at any hour of
tbe dpy or night.
Also Tor sale, a largo - slack of fresh and good Perth
tAT • vv. wiLsolv, Winch Maker Jeweller,
r V • corner ith and' Market sts. A large and wall
I ',elected . Meek of watches, Jewelry. Sliver wan/ and
'Military Goods. Always on hand and at regular rea
ler. pnce.,(Jold Patent Lever, full Jewelled witches,
Ss les, as SO; goy. , do watches, as low as 515.
Genuine Cooper, robins, Johnson and other approved
=Rhea watches may be had at a mall advance and
• lErFine watch work done in the very best man r.
sop 27
P. Moveaim lawn K Lena.
V WI AL V ty N band n g::fz - .7.1 " 1.1 ' 5 !;lot n;
Ulsoaware, in all its varieties, at teen . Warehouse cor
ner of Market and Water streete l'austnirxh.
• Our Works continue to full operation. and we are
consult iy edding to our moot. which 1111 LE, ill
orders with pc:unfitness.' Purchasers are respectfully
solicited call and examine prices and terms.
J. 11..13WEITZER,
om.. 3 Bt. apposite Bt. Charles Hotel,
WILL also attend promptly to Collections, m Woob
ington,Faymto molGreen Coontica, rs.
gnu TO -
Piusba„b. •
D T.:Boman 0r13.11y
ANUFACTU RUB of Tin, Copper, and Sheer Iron
LIU. Mare, and .duler in Britannia and Japanned
Ware, No 17 Marker west. The subscriber reelect.
Yully calls the attention of the Wcatcrn Merchants,
Country dealers, and others, to hi. large stock of nun.
rfactured Tin wad Cejr ware, with a large armo imported House vanishing Hardware.
Wholesale Layers Bre public generally, crone
durcall... ' mare
fr Do,
ownerw tt 22222 s Atter and Penn Sc and Crete( Pitt St.
Pittsburgh. Pa.
Bonb.l S
. . it W. Boannianw,
WAYAIMP' . ' fr.,l7"l:ito am toads.
awe low Prices and on . ';o11 . Teti, e ;'•
_oat lyll Beaver, Pa
• A L. . rocrun.,
. - •
• n.r a p.ani:san a co:,
WaMNUFACTU REFITS of llamerren Z.lnvele aa
~Spade, Ilona, flay and Manara Rola, n., ke.
n•hno.. Nn II Wand %wet. Plmbargh he.,
marl 3
a riir.txur MIRA STORE, .-
• 14, 72. FounA anw, war •Wart
Er All qualities of Omen gag Wawa Tea..
4,,,,,,,up la quarter, half, and oat pound pae kw a t a q l
gulyrosc So c per poleadt.Sl,oo • A %Yr. VA,
OW - Aft 'cos MisT,e Co
A. Al Wahingturd, Juo. F linger.; JAMES %V. WOODWELL,
WALLINGFORD A CO.. ; errTaavanti 1 , 1:11XITOIll want aoomel,
COMMISSION le FORWARDING MERCHANTS, NO 85 'THIRD STREET, t, rx • _ ~_. A I.AIDIKand splendld - „,,,,,,,,,,,,t, .
PITTSBURGH MANUFACTURES, , solmltle for Steam..., -.....-----:,
1 ,1‘,T .a . R . E . :1 , tU ,. ... EL c d , ....e r c , r; . n . d m., ‘.h,,
r n , e
n o
hand% aat , l . , ” d aLi d n , ho . . ,
rh, 1 , 1 . z;.. , a h n t i lzv a rzl=l; o„
. cr.. . LI ;
sal 180.000 lb* aworted Steel. mat ' I Ibe preaent •toek on hand cannot be excelled by any„
Naylor &Co's Cast,ttheir, Blotter and German to t manulactory to diu western country. Persona lambing
Jones &Glove.. Am. Blister Spring and Fork ''' I to purchase Yarned do well try gismo me •eall, a. I itio
200 dos Shovels. Spades and Forks, t i determined tny pnce• shall plea., Part of the stank
prings and Axle., coitrists In— -
Anode, (thou. holetl Vic., (patent and common;) ,0 M 3 aa mutt :' loch and Ilatr-cloth coven;
1 '' • E
Sledge., Sledge Alouldo,Crowbars; I 2dos Mahogany Nurse Chain,
Furnace 11111g011,1Juntata loon.) 1 lb pair Divans,
flintlocks. Clay and Coal Pick., i 12 , 100 fine mahogany Chair.;
Asets, Soy the*, Males. Log Chants, ter.. Am. t .0 ~,,a b o gany 11 ark S.andat
lia' - rlalarnander Fire Proof Safes, Dom Noon, Glass I 0 dos mahogany itocktheChasrat
and o th er Prnaburgh Manufactures sold at the noise.
, 15 Inarble top Dre.eing Bureaus,
Prieex. tebll, i . pair Ottoman.;
C R Dattenhower, J Renal Sank: ; e mart& irm Work Stands;
DANENHOWER & CO. ' I- cherry Work Sands;
TOBACCO 1 Mahogany, klaple Cherry and Poplar Bedsteads of
„ ; all droortpuon, and n large assortment of Common
.0018111881014 fialiCll A NTz, Furnicate at,d Chan, too numerous to uscanon.
Ns. 50 South Wharves, and No Ill' . oath Water 31 mark ,
USIEGI to Inform the trade and dealers generally of ; JOSEPII WOODWELL. ,
I) Paraburgh, that they hay., made s uch arrangements Corner of Wood And 2d Om , Pittsburgh - ,
will the Vlrrw.n manufacturers and the Grower. of LiAvimi wand.wn from the old siren of Walker 6.
the Weot, D. eat Indies, and qther places. vv.', ovolre 11 Woodwell, 1,111 the tat of Jandary, 1047, „I wan
a large and conatant supply of the following de•ortr- pleasure in announeung to my friends in the city and
non. or 'Tobacco winch will Lc .01d u pan 10 Inman. ; country, that I haveopetted my new store at the shove
...Manna Mc.. aa any other Imaaa in tin. ND' or e'ae - ' named place. llamas purchased my good. for allot , '
wham, and all goods ordered Dom them oath he war. t and made acrauganionto with mantrfaclurerx ;in Om
ranted equal to representunout— • I rotatory and to Europe lobo corona:tit,. supplied, lam
Havana,t St. Domingo, Coon., ' fully prepared to lurnorh hardware of all kind.. nit a. Vara Porto Rico: Penn'a , SeedEraf TO grant term, and u. low a. any haute Ester or Wet.—
Cuba; lgumh, and Florida. 100.0, Merchant, and others are respectfully mune& to cal
Al...—Brancloht oeleloared Aromatic Itt3.-3.41.4ri• xml ermnine toy •toek, before l'a
~r thestall 1 rew ,,, ..
dish,' wt th a large asauntuent of other' popttla r brandlan.l:ll,ggtocoo,,,
0 ,,,,,,. a ~,,,,„/ ~ amok.
and quaint,' of pounds. 51 On 121 tra. and Ala Lamp taPttlrflOill /11111SAIldwry hardware. 4.00,0 Trlmininlat
'Sage. and W. Plug: hathes• Twtot, Vogatia 'Two.. Eden. Nay lor's Steel, Cutlery, Edge Tads. Anvil., Vi
gra, ;sweet and plain, in whole and hail' 0/SrA wood ~„. 1,,,,,k,,, L 0t ,..,... ... t „.0„ . ,a,., , ,,,„.. m ,„ ~,,,,,
and ton toge th er with every vainly or ...h. Sern,, J. Unsou Far-ton' Plane.,Sssok Alahoarolv hoar&
ins to the trade. - 1 , 16 - dir I mut Senor/A, and alt 000 artielealcoum mad with the
.1' is Lama', . 11% ANDIOIOI, I hardware lou•me•• I mattllif
1..0f Pittsburgh, P.
1/ABZA3III P ., A . T . 8 . NT „ 1t./ . 8T . BA:10„,.
L E F ITI , LEL n & AND,BILII/ . 3i. i lle N' ule ' e v fl ' T ,' Cl ' une:, I
tg attd Colon...ton Merchant.. No 8 , th,7ltkra, . '`,';, ; l ...,._`_, ' t" . .__ , ` ~ ,.2. , r 2f,.
Front Wool, arose ltruadwnv,e/1i011113 , 11. ,),... i
‘,,.... ";.;:7. ,, ..Z1: ,, ,,, , : Z . 1::::::%„!
Rog do— • ,',
\ , Juno di the 1 ttontet make. al this
Id Allen &Cu. and Alleghto, e.j),rl this names
tia,afry a, sm.., 1 thttyl.nten
Writ Bingham. • ; above air vulgar pleprdtee ugailotiumerterntiono, and
Sea y & hpherd.
I they so, Gauntlet. It , td th.. pre, rice, emaply
Marne & hit Atnal', 1 NIISIIIIIII., TOIIII
1 1.0011. e.: de.eirei tt 1 e thy Ge,itt, , and man
Ventman A: A notatead
1 rontwomt Iled.t..otil u-e 'II , .0,1,),...0. le-tnitottial
IV r Lane A. Cu . Loui, Me' Ey
; •pak • tot.,itele—
Springer Jr.'Wh'‘'..“. i 1.311C111.1.. 0 ' \V r, ,Inc erther. ,to 1 al , 41.,,.. t waken of thr
J Johnston & Co.
1 , toe. to Pin.hurch and A •teet,o, ll'a . do hereby ter.
112wert, Reran a Co , New Orlese
k am., Nev. 1 ork
t i avalikTrldenr. Co.. Ilalturtoro i .teed• wllll6azaxte . Putent Ex....lnge, and consider that we have houghs the tagin fo linanothenne bed.
Sundt, Bagaley A. Co.. Plolodelphi.3 ; ion 01111 , euper.or to 'lii fla ...Jig. x,ll, Merl. we are
Darnel Dation, Bottum , ~,,,t, I eequalotird
JunK• Lemon
J. G. W. Le.kwitth. W o' " '''''''' I Tlt hung a , '.
J. G. W. LEFTWICH & CO., i ii Hartley
And Cornmlolon H I
erehanta, hire eto ail...
PLAHUIB3IIfiIi. L.. ! Thum, l'ut!e)
PARTICULAR aura:um paid to con‘ornoteno• of Dosod Luker
Sugar Mill., Engotea, or othet amel. lor Opeloomos iWO 33.11 ;‘ ,
and /mamma
• REEF:B TO-11c•ars Sheffield &I.lghtlow, Mr,Tho- ,
omasLuneriek; New °flea,.
Ale.sre. Lance& Ilene...on, Mr P. NA Slirrley, Ina-
Mill.. ,
(Oleos]. hall A Speer Mr. Wm (Meat y. Rohe.
Wigton:tan. Armarrong A.. Nteholaom Pittaburvi.
alossra Rem,. Todd .1. la, electrum,
Mesa,. Ilya, & Creoeirod. 31 Udwor.l. 3.
Whitt-all, Hon ,
Zenon Lat.:atom /lon John Dutton;
Plarthemtne. La rrla-lv
Jolt, al 'brewt '
Notts{ Putman
1 one. 13 lbw
la.. Lowry & Son .
IPOttlet & Ihrottan
1143 II ,Vvllarr
linnisly & APClelland
;David Luke). ,t
ror ,R, 4 1:,. to mitt, and sell the shove Iledeteatis
'lTelit7 Patentee
'I e subsertben boetneultleklied 0 ;IA teal. MU, 10
I-46.1 to Press Brick Machine, odd having since then
tl.nto ghly ironed ne ohtltr, Ate ober prepared to sell
neut. and contract to tletr;te r :outlines to my Ps. of
I the t• and Slate , Thy marlunc,a des:guru!. Slake
Irrtr It from crude eloy, taint tall{ mate ammo pa
smote firm br.elt per nal. soffichentte hard to stool op
t ~, kin:, ..10,,,Iirt i r tho cape Ise and latour villa.
I purjec the clay dr, n, and htutd ata the hoe I: toter
pc otoutJett : a l,•lmpte *lron not bulge to get out
I oath! repair. and t eon...turret! don .1 on i.e lalwn to
~ wet,. and put together atilt crruh tbetlayaltus rensler ,
mg .I ortalde .I%* , ara nt , v buddtng .1 .hues, and
dewr twat them on .trnn nnce 'or a full description
-Ikl wet. toe machine now at successful opera-
Lon .1 NI.II mt. 4 ball..b ttrar tit 1% eat end of litahth
.tre,t, where or .hail be happy i captain ever, thing
I eonnerted with It to nIl who n. t rail W e have at .
I pre.ent no author sad It erns 111111e:tura to our address
urttl he promptly attended to ,
t'ULLIERTSON, 310111.1,EN & Co..
_ . . _ -
' IItTLIVAII. 0 . 111.111.11M1CK.5. .c
! EN , Tr..• ,; •: , %: 1.; , L , I t . , Ie 1 t , e , .1 „
, rt . n p t I , L tpi to , A. . r d n1 .1 4 u ,, rt , l , lr „ t ‘k h
r e ,
r p s st , s n r
I the weAtete ...etre, niof ItAtteehoUt Inc 'Wert. 01
Penn , trunta, re., tnt vtatt . tor dinvery on the onsners
n.. N a , : 'Sat on The ma.e•t , ai , ou o ir,str l irer , r , d r it , ralny
'r'4 ' :V.'or r Oa . t'rr'ira d m' r i'2; ,.. t .,, :il l . oi l , ' rh'ed:',<„,r,„;,: - .
I ft:, made—the 1.... c mutter. tor th .h , rh tt Is onteed.
red.,e earefet, Neretraira I An; will be thete O ARIOY
ourbrd WI trAntter I) ...seed I,)!temets bery. Ad .0
10,10 AA., ... V tee !A ) t e .ore literier it, Co theplo
t vr .eturs .n otro• ttt ommtult their acanowledged
CiEOII-CIIICAN', - 1 .I:Vetter' ,
CONITSSION & I , OItWAILI.I.NIi Milli!!! \ NT, I "r''' - • ".' "I''''"lo.'n,l!'.'!..P"',..,'Y ”Ia .".•
No ark Withal Si It .LA. I'l I To III:1,1,1, b . , eAV. tVOr4 4
. CiONTINLIE,S to transact a nencral Commit:eine . i _. . , r T i ~. Pal i . . ic ,,, „ -,,, i ,c
N._./ 8U11t1.30, elpee.ny In the purchase and .:
N ,':nrgi.s l :,f, .',%u flll.ll' ,:1 - 01-tr.' " vittl
of Amerpnan blanulacttecs and Prialory. tont in I, nit 11„11,
. 0 ,,; . , „:": ,1„,,, ~,,0 „ . 1 ,,,,„ w o : x , ~I,
referring and forwarding Gun In LOPC4lteci 10 Ins 1 7::,..,',, a ,!,,, ~,,, „, ~,,,,,,, „, r i,.. ~; i .„
~.„„r ,
care. As Agent for the Mann Lauren, be .;1 be 1 0 1.1,01,1 ut.orneent of Fat ry, , ,te. Conterttonart,,
constantlysupplied wall the prinerpai articles of ; fru, nu , rrsor na ors aorinor fr.,- day; among
Pittsburgh Mantra - elute at the lowest- wholesale ' Or r the 4ottowmg . I
priq.s. Order. Dud COalligntilettlli .re reapectfully I si.c...p , r 0 .,,,, c.' , i 1. ,, ..n linansur,
solicited. , , 1 ! P.rour). n o on,
.- -„ .. ~- .11.:Is Cni- .tt :,,1nn..t,.. i lltt.e-.• tt P Pal,
T TIMBAL v.issh advances made on ',Leapt of con.
.L.s signmentsi Those slaylang to our midi,* li be
Pala Ihree-roorth. venue adv-ince CAan,brapitik
logo° our Blends,
Mews. WiLlansaard &Taylor, Patsbutals.
Messrs. Thos. Bell & Co . Brats...port, Ohl.
Phtlade/phLa..Muy 5,1.445. may.27 , af
N. B. AB produce cons.pcd o• in.survf when
in the warehouse of Wallingford Sr. Taylor. PaVourgh,
00 in oar mare In Philadelphia. C. 11.
• -
No. ra Wood P
ARE now in the course of receiving large n id, 0.1.
totheir extensive cock of Hardware, Cir , :crl,
Sul lery, havntg purch,ed
mo-i advautvgeou. terms on Englund, az.ld.rcei irtnn
the sieneractoters lb.. country, ...mid,. them to
(Cr oods 011rerms sutpassi , l t , y none aro: ..quaked Lt
(CO respectful:7,ns net: cr.:l
_ - . _
1.1 I' Commer)
n0RT5)1,.1.7T,1, 011tu. C0,nm,%.,0n n.,..1 Fc,, ,, ,,ra ~,, ,
r Merehanta, and,
of t 1 ,..
PLirchaw., Bala and ,fazpuleur ot Fe Irou.Coai,&e
ickFt. It TO,
Arraoal, Jones & Co Brow-1,112,y & Co
Co & Co Henry Grail'
(half, Lae.). & Co 1, I.
ech h. Co
Lyon Short Co Clarke ti Thaw
marlo.ll y ' a... '''''.`" I
. •
[Late of thr farm of M. 21;,.. •
Wholelaic Grocer. Carom Jason s liuur
• -
nEALyart . . 2 ,
streets, Pitobureb, Pc
C21,1..eral odvatices. Ca.l, or Goods, made., con
pigunlenn of Produce. he
OFFF:a to sell at TI
establishment. all k ot
Merchandise at the lowest rate. of eolnitors.oo• nod
are always prer.sred to male ad vauces. The 1.e.1
references pacts, if repotted. Letter. addles.r.d .
either House will Le, promptly attended tn.
ALTIMORE ST- 01 . 1 . 0 , 1 TE CHI A I,lol'
B, •
UkTINDOW Dr4ll Truo,
V wax,
and Country Produr.
Advances made oa con.iguni , .o. S..facto , y ref.
ereoce to thofe oddrevging by mad .
Mannfactus of Llnweed OIL
Nu. 10 Catinsbia Strrel,
g g INlElltal ‘ 'LEGION QV' LAIR ,V S. ed.. I
lA/ Itloll,-A few dozen Ilaleat minion, of Ilattabum
, and Pro .toe. kf mem' Hee ort..tamsMltarneditY the, tool'
. ----.
Vlt ALLINCIPOILD h . , CO., . of Me entire so mon. ouseslo-o and tocattors of every
COMMISSION At FIIIMAIWING MEKGIIA NTS, : . p.'rrnu. nuns- am. eatmai wwl ot oil Me musing ram.
. • Stacrtati , near w an a, ' i yam, tem:t so Me mostomea/ sted ti nogg - aar•
.DEALERSii..,..a.rlirtuer4'cLilluaunrol7AtiV a l' ol n o ‘ r . l. t v i ' • ' e • Ot ' tl ' e ' rt ' o r or 's o ' l .l t ' er a t ' Oo tho'f L ' a m k ' t .", ;:l7so t7o 4 ' '. . " .7e ' e7nt ' o '. n l
of earriago aprlngs and axles. limn,. er}tliss and sm.4. led io Ms. work For ale bl ,
set, fire preol males, anvils, vie..l•lttekrtnstlste Iseilow•, t HAYS.. I.,ROCKOV AY, Drone."'
sledges. Se., &a., ~,,.1,,,, 1 110 , 11 so No 1 ensonsereal row I.lwlty_t_
_ I
1111aLcolle tatell. Josgril a Laren. 1
-,. BLALCOLIM LEECH A SON, , p:r.i. NlOlll,1 - 11t. Woggle rod
. Aoollleeary,
.N. W.
LATE M; LEECII & CO, Wholemle Groc,., C,,,,, .1.-e , nllds of IN ood nod LOt ao, I tuklottlrh• W . ol trop
mwit and Flour Merchants, dealers Li, all ands I ',' ....11 " on hand . I , •°tO , , o ul•s 0 • 1 's I.I.I•o•tulr .,
Country PrOduce. Carper, Tin, 'Pm Plate, Tmner.• , os . ~. ~. . .
71:tote, Iron trod Nails. Zinc. While Geed. Dye Moll. , S o — .. ,, 010u • l'o , s'oPtoomoOt o rol l Y rotoPontol .
Russia Pb,.! Iron, Load, Cotton Yarn, l'sll, de. , old i L ''' '"'"' th- ''' '"."'.', . n ." , t ili n ' °I n.n •' n `l" .
rileburgb Al.ornetutes genesolly. No. 01, UL, sod of 11,4, A 1.., an stwerimmill of ier tor); firid•Tooth,
Li ~,,,,,,, , ,.,,,,,,,,,,,e ~,,. ~,,,,,,. Wood ~,„,,, Ilmr . nod LOnl. Itru-Im.. Le. Ste , t soh Ile will sell
Pittaburgh, Pa. low forced,. OlO, k
Ei den' adra“es, us cash or good's. male on con I Tea, Oroeery, Pro', and Paoalslon Store:
slieunents of produce. rnetsl6 i Wm t tx,,, LE AND ItKPAII.
----Dithiccma, intoTnEasTh., NO. 14l Lt DEH.TY STP.R.F.T.
RENIAMIN ROWN would redprotfully .nforrn hut
COMMISSION MERCHANTS,It) old trtrull. and Om notst s. generally, that he Isat
resettle sale of Pion.. general ty, steam enstimmiced but otos at Me above ratmica,
, Plll LA DEPIIIA. &do to his old nand, where he hoot, by keeping a
filar Liberal advance* made on cortaignments..ra 1 moldy of good stu.r. lex. ...I-Inn low for math and pay.
Phil Ada December VV. dOsn i me romans's: to kw patio., to mem a altaroof
n. e. , . tl4l
' D• Vr• RI•TRILS. r 'NA, i ----
MATHEWS d PATCH, P. 8. fl.f.fiNG,
, i- 1 I 11.
1;031118310N lIIERGIIANTS, ill 61,A.%•11.:11 AND PA PEit ti.n.NGF:it..: ..,:,1.;.:
N 0.4,9 Water Street, i pared to undo rtok ell, alwvt hunt/m.ln all Ils mum.
. . ST LOUIS, MO. r Lattchea. and warrant. on ;too eatussammss I s, eve ,
will give ,, artmular attention to the selling of Pro. ! ',or. Mihtary Standard Banner, Plaga !cc . name
doe, and lorders for port:hoe:n ! ..,1 so order Odd it Mrs and Mamma A prow a two,
n.e. ro—Georgc Morgan A l o
~ l'audoargh. l'a. lon 1 1 1/,,1 InOtatam• of wood. and mothle• done ot a
.01 , •ttio To manrr.
. - , '.../ ,'ROS 0I II k3lld ll dli noe at atomic. nonce.
- ...:
Jahn 514:u :lough. J A
LL 'Keelmn, C D (3.10.4,m:in. ;4,,fir..,,,i; No it Si ('lair I.l‘ i1;i0/ 4(0 l'a
JOlllll BrCUOUGII nitro
COmmiaried and Forwarding litre/sante, RAGS vy ANTED.
, NOS. 93 & 95 SOUTH ST. , An, I.IIS COUNTRY MIXED RAGS wanted,
1011,1 /Ulf far which the halle,ll ' itice In CASIII.III be
lantriv• DOWLIN, WirA RE, lloaltlmor• ' ~,,,,,
THOR. J. CARSON, .4. Co. Alwlty. an bend, every d.i.cription of WriCi it and
COMMISSION !MERCHANTS, jtv lap', we Paper and Chloride Lune
Nos. S and D Light Rt .
BALTIMORE. „ r hi Cnrner Penn and Irwin .t. Pitt.bei
ITreardi advance. will be ironic on conaignment le i , LERRSIIIP WSNTED.— Ear a tel Onto N
he above addrus, by . • York, It yetiot II a. ll attuaorin in scone reaper , -
pin 2 I y CARSON & MeKNIGHT, birth rt . able Crown. rant Ernabliehment in the eliy As ola
—-- --- - I the deritre of Lis en renni Mat he shauid acquire It know.
GEO. B. MI LIEN BERGER, ledge of bu•inea. a small renennermion would only be
ST F. A M II 0A T AGII N T • re yore,' Oa die first y ear Solemner mu> he had to
COMMISSION k FORWARDING MERCHANT, F.t,,,,,ni (:..11, . sot(
strata Office, No, 56 Water Street, Pittabareh Pa. ,
---._— ---
Pitt•burgh, Pa. 1 l.
, LEAD WORKS.--The undersigned rt OLD PENS—A. large variety of (fold Pens. oi
LT the moat approved timid* Th., arp carefully
' in "' aelecied and adapted in every variety of hand. The
completed their new works, located on iliti batik ol ck .,,,„,„,,. 0 , 1 „,,, y ,.,,,,,,,.0,,,,,, end ‘.,,,,.). cl ,„,
the riker above the Aqueduct, in Allegheny City, 1 of men requiring u durable, uniform and 'commercial
opposite Pittsburgh, for the manufacture al a sup, pen_ean be suited Their elastirity and fine points
nor 000nty of woo. lead, bO n Uflry and pound in I give gramin
. writine. , ,and making
i .eittier
oil; aloe, red lead and lithe Haring availed bold nook Of a beautiful hair and
. the p ensure of
~,, the writer. 'Relic pen• troth l warranted, and 'ethnic
themselves of nll the recent imP r. ' e.enti ' in -- '
~,r te, ,, din lower price, Gehl Pen Depin,..nrner of Ith and
manuflCture, and erected 1.11 budding. nn a vcry 1 ~,,,,, , „,,,, w w wir soot
n"n"l""nt' ' "d w"h c " 4.64 I.' niA' l'l 'IN 'ANTIED SOON— Places l„ snres, Warehouse
large quantities, their will be :Able to liar, ply orders
he, tar severe , gond book keeper', males-men
o.nat any exteni. ' ' nis i ,:varehinvir men, lahmeni and bap of differerivaget —•
Alfa wanted far several mine:aide. 'Tame familia,
botel'a,&.e• .everal good rook., h,,,,,,,, gir l; . ,h„,,,,,,,..
I Mil. land aurae,..
' All k i nds of Agencies attended to. Pinto call at
1 HARRIS'S Agency •
No Ni fifth at
;Wale, Pattern Maker, Allegheny Intp 0.1 Mill,
WI the neweot Vattern. fur ntarrcien band rah, in
wood or'intr, Min Oearing and all elite, Panel. , madc
to order„_
0114-BCO is - Ilona ' , leached %prim , ,t.
'lda. do Natural Colored Spear. Oil,
rW do tHraebed Wintrr
bbls Lard Oil: jots reed and rer rule I.y
MILL1:114 RICK t:Lar,N
ICE CREAM FREF:ZERS.—j,,,( ~.,•,i, ~,,,,,,,,,
I.meta of Johnpon... excelleit. ?mem Ite Cre.o, vrvr
on.. soltable lot 1101021, Sfraroboatg and pr,,,.... t,„„
he.. at JOIEi UP ALAI'
oty7No 17 market 11:
tr i t Cat... A , teat Jo: ,
tor lee l'..•tst• 111 , Iltrdet• Cakt,,ratote
Confoccoarv. Sc , exh'eu , r,l to a manner Lute-
cashed .0 que.t.y and heeutt nay other cotahltsh•
core° 41 thoit.:lN
l'r Wet°, fai...t.11,0. j tnauttimettuited aolriy
Orno, Wh,to hcat n0ur...1 ft he !rum aII dtzterery
....111, "ff I A hit/HEW
Jett S
SGAVIIU cititnimLrii:vbk
! Lte , ;4 , 1 Lt., °o e who !there 'hosed horn.,
A od Ihnte. who.. teat • `have )ilia` .517,:e the novo.
! I N ..E.tohe th.• •,,p.. cr et-motto:tot toll, no
, e t . 0 1 the I o okta cool:l:tenet aay ILL° the
lopacoa 01 all who I.4re. tro.d tt, tut - moan, it (ha tdual
photeant outpoatt.o. , •ist.) have ever card: rod in
ord., Irk pl..< ':shin toe reactant all. I base redoeed
',to, tow .....tert to alto`.)aP opsoartuittl7 to ever,
, peraon goe a a and judge hat thetr...e.t.Oat
ttetatemett .1 . too what. Po a rath.loeurton. pone,
wta pot, •Itavoto e Jost•, tt .1! tt to
math to them, oul,ll tt Ott .I.llS . lllllealt.hed. the arm-
I et. tett: he returned tell.:l . llEN sons
t 11.1,111 . 11, Lard 011 raolortno p t Fancy Poop Work,
lel.ll Sto at. op tlte Iron (hte lintel t
Iltordwweet t r marry, 'Saddlery, Sc.
fmroirrEn Ftitetkat u , l hhoOtkar I
1 he 11...1.eate. wool° reaprottalry inform loa toroth.
...1 the pahhe gertrro , ly. that hi- • now nateivote h.°
pt y !lard +rare at Ifto old stood of Waktitt
, 1 Wototwel, No .1 Wood •Iter wlrch tie do , pnt •
!ot ott the int° reaottothle t
I ett° !
le w,ll he canon:lath recta 4ng tteeh
oo Moottfactue - ra to h:artte nod ti,° couttph
.!! I, wet:, ..tale Itatt to compete watt 4111 etoahl ato
f aat or Wont.
tt Mt:J.ll.l/.4'a , toccial to 4,2 :Lott ex:moue
tc• •toct tirt. ha tote et•titthor. mat ,
°op. - et:scrimp.
have 4r..tett .rtto Copattitert
.lop tor the fillitoast tAttaaelsite a 1'r...0w,
1,11 r • 0111 1 111, ...11ctilt}W 6 CO.,
Ind 13. re When the twart.tonteet !No . ° tkonoutat .al now.
•tt et. foenterit oecup,eti Ly hlr W II l'oaet.—
whet° all , hu...,•• rtortt.ted ot 4•41 0,11, he
crontotty • 1111 . 41. y 211111 , 1 r 1 0
Mtllllll , 1111 C ht. lotto. fly to ehtlhtlelphis
TIM, It Mot:RM. , • Pooll.lielthl l o. o
N 11 Mel
p.ttattorglt. klatch 70. 1,47.
71, 1 ;111 s i l r y ' a17.1V11711:(1:, V:mlll " ;„;'a T t a li n' s
I Vora Hlllll,lll, SeeLlien. I'my T. • Wald* 2c na
r •
,61 I..v.veyn 1.10111 otwtt
• 1,15.11•
Inn day Pottle roy's Ealyb (Mc
....My, do Co ymnn. for tab. by
1115 Jn ituuon, under
Iticlna t`r.i7; and
nainentot brainitics Il
hi • finished education are taeghl
in now open for the rewinionot V 11151.5 •
No. 65, le.olos Howr
between ad and 4th mraits: The Second Session will
coMmenee on Monday sheikh of Fetreary. and it is'
import., that any who may dwiga emering .bould
be present far a. inacticuble c idler lactate or at that
Thor have secured the service. of Professor rum.
COCK a. teacher of Music on the Piano andCiaitar,
who in Monsen known to need iccomusendation Also
the service. or Alone CASIMIR LAI:Ma:VT, anther at
-Chrestomaihis be Literatore.Francessd i mid
(lon. .ethe
whiable,whool books la hie. native language.• .
L. is • rich:ate of the University nod itierrial School'
of Paris,and smadm high., • teacher, Those who de
sire toobtain an accurate and thorough knowledge of
the French Language wouid dowel) to place
under instructio.
For terms, ate eirtalf or apply AO the Principal
fits lastinin n haabut recently been opened under,
1 the tuition snail N. W. Metcalf, Mate
Corner of SandleskyAnd Strawberry ata•
The cancers which has thus for attended this tebool,
in its establishment and progress, has folly equalled the
expectations of its Instructor and Proprietor, and war
rants the burp that he will he sustained in his efforts to
render it II desirable Itutitution for the education of
Young Ladieli in Allegheny' and vicinity.
, The First Scanlon of the next Academie year, swill
continence on Monday, Feb. mi.
Timis , arc yet a few vacancies in be filled, hut as the
:Mintier of pupils is limited an early application is de•
sieame,, For partieulars, relative totems, tee., COMIYiI
C mull.* or .PDIY to-the Instructor. febgtf
.1300 KS, MUSI(.;
VACUABLE BOOKS...Publialied by J A
& U P James, NVslontrtreet, between k'ourth
and Fifth, Cinclituntia
Guitore Gilation, , Titc history of the decline and
fall the Roman Empire' By Edward Gibbon,
gag. A new Edition, revised and corrected throngh•
out,kireceded bye preface,. and accompanied by
notes critical and hotorical,, relating principally to
the prOpligation of Chrhilianity: by M. F. Gnixot,
Minder of Public Instruction fur Bin kingdom of
Emote: The preface, noteaind corrections, trans
lated from the French e1m...1y for this edition.
With i notice of the Lite and character of Gibbon,
and %Vatbon'a Reply to Gibbon. In: rots, imp.
3..1013 peg..
Napler's Peninsula War—Complete. I vol. imp.
avo,oo page..
Hallam'. Middle Ages, Charither's Rebellion in
Scotland, Robertson's Virginia nod New England,
Russell's French and War in America, and
Ramsay'. American Revolution. 1 .1 alto.
Le !vary rd American History--Contaming .elec.
Lions from the bent authors - on American 111.tory ;
Biography;Travels, Cointretee, Statiatics,tedian. ;
Revolutionary Battle, &c. Alto, Anne. !
dotes, l'oetry and Mitirellanen. articles. Illontra !
ted with more than NE engianings. I rot, imp Ono
640 page..
Universal Pictorial Library—Containing valuable
paper. on - various ...Met., comprising Natural
Histo Natural Brience.,.kgriculture, Rural Econ•
°nay, Biography. Fine Arts, the Oriental., Travels,
Geography. Botany, Miscentaneon. reading, its.
Ace. 4 rot imp Bon 640 pp, fall sheep. ' ;
The Family Medical Library—A, 'I teati.e on the
Prevention and Cure of Diseases, by regimen and
aimple medicines. New edition, revised and caba
l:4,d with the addition 01 a Vegetable Materia bled.
pointing nut the virtue., preparation. end doses
' ',gout moat V2illiihiC native medical planer, and an
outline of Anatomy and Physiology. Illustrated
with one hundred Engravings: — .. or witch are
colored. By .1 G Norwood; 51 1.1-864 pages Bro.
American Flower Garden Companion—Adapted
to the United Stater, by Edward Sayer., Landscape
and Ornameuttl Gardener. 12 mo, third edition,
, reaped, enlarged sod illustrated.
P.thiner's Oregon, Rocky Mountains, &c. he.
Family Testament, octavo, with and without
Polyglot notes, and Psalm.. .Acorn.
Rice and l'ingree's Debate. Burn'. NVorka Lady
of the Lake. Leila Roo., More'. Private Deco.
hon. Juvenile Book.. Cheap editions of varlet.
!emitin pamphlet form.
N. 11.1:3C.2 „ ;. thrte The si.terv.
I Ifize rat a drinon to llenorn By Rev
(Loma. Adam., with au introduction lit llen. W.
Mrinoni of Milo , Mary Jane Graham. By Rev.
Bridge., NI. .0. Author af, Omni. Olin
tarry, r
s 0010 of Tiirnin.y. nn thrn . rthe
in,. • Aieialidet zniali I iitter.
I lAtort ll,onry hwoneal plirtelima of
m,c. !minim trlittm: il,mcrpmon of AlDeriCall
two. Wial an srµutry into Mc ir origin, and the ormon of
the Lathan triLea
limlory of the Unmetl.Ftater %frith appenrit ahoevint
it• comma...on moth Enrol,. ilistorY. Homo') of Lb*
present Brmiala Province. !twiny of hlesico ond
Note by Slarrius
The atone pat rreeterd al the Bonk and' Paper more
EL Liar r a Est: Ll+ll
• • o : mari•L•t.
Are the Lints that booed us Welt,'
Where are new the &Into 1 Chenshed'
•r.. the Ilarp /a the An.
Ile doeth all things well.
Dreams of the pin
'The Role of Alabama.
Mary Of Argyle. The blather.
e meet as ntangers.
•n, Mr.integht Ilan!
, Officer's raeral, The Old Churrl,
l'a o, Vera •Nne, a Jr:-er e•
Clpre.e ,la
.morng I.4car
Fr•netsem de
Il FanryJo
Pen .erotae do
The above. lust rec d and tor aale
Iv MFILLIIFL 4 1 wood a'
00.1 1,110101
l7nitto narmusr of name:norm I,ti the South Seas C
Ile Herd.. %termite au norm I pen
Tiro mid Second 01. Lim cod Wroting• of W. 1.11.
moon by .1 Spark, 1
Munn, a Ln,versallltelnry , from the radical period u
I. the y car of our Lord SOS
tto, a Phrlosoph, of on 'sermon, 4 sot.
Lives of ratunem relehratml tit Amer,
i 111.tory
The Pursuit of Knowledge under ditheutoes
mil by Aria-04mm with port... 'mired, Aci
at.ln.rd D
Pah t'n 'Natural Thms'ago with sunrdettreomra
rtatioad, ho ..
H..rnnr al Tie. for Youth
riptum II ummied 1,, intementie form
arid anredo . e., 1.1 Ito I:hrrtrl I,eld an ta,
Auction by Rev I Todd It 0
fl,e ld a k tend
[Mello • Algebraln no mt
Itcornerm 00.111141 C i onte ...di I.lm.
11211pr1 . 3 Fiftllde Libra" Alit e Donlon, and Arthur
`damn • iny2l
Wiled. al Comps mon. or t moil) Ph,lllCll,ll, treating
the J,.eoi Mc nnea .itart wok ,
a fro rt
10., au.. I oe. and mean. of plc. en t ann. common
eavv surge f), as fmetimes, dm/minims. a ,
management and ducane. of women and Mob
&en A thepenintory toe preparing family medicine...,
kind o elo.sar), explaining technical terms. To which
are added. a brief manna) sod PhYsdilagl of the ho
nn body alumna; on rational principle., the move
and eine of di ,nn ea..) ` nn IlTandw'r on 0, 10.
of preening health wi th out the aid of medicine. an
Ameneatt Alnterio Medics, you 001 the virtues and
Jose, or our toed crnal Owls 3.111 L Ewell, Ph)
a man In-Wathingron, formerly ofatavanntai Tenth
ml nun, recited, enlarged. and very conaderahly tro.
proved linhrumng a treatise on II) dropath,. Barnum.
ri ' ll ' il h ior ' o n a j le th l . ty Ch nL i VugOTr 'TfM; 1 41 7 4 '.'d
main corner &lintel and 14 rot
DOORS, PAPER te—Siwt re. NI. a barge lot or
U Hook., Paper and Stationary, ...ming of all the
d &rent kinds oftook• trued Politic School., mass,
eal books of all trade, great varm•y of cap wriiing
paper and qua .post ruled and plain wrapplugpaper
of all wars, wall pa per,bonn e Imardw blank boot.. liC
Alerehanta and elhenOwl•hine to purchase will Sed
r tampion assortment ofevery m ord. eanmallY kept
n ooh 1410,3, winch we will ad] low tor cash, or an
ixehange for migu
Irr he purdsationti of the Amertean Sunday
arfinol LlllOll, and the Muerte. Traelsomety, raw a)•
on hand and fur sale at the tnrelety'l , (rier!
m) 'Lk market ritredt
V, Elk' WORK—In Press-11,story of Mem
no, her tflrll Wars and Colonial and Resole
iwir. Anna!, loom the period of the Spaniel,
Jnquest,ls2.o, to the, present time,lll7; secluding
accuunt of the Exlsting War will thn United
ales, to Cult. cad Military Achievements. By
oitp VOW g, M D. JA &UPJAIMF.:S.
c1r0.9 Pabltshern. Cincinnati.
Evy MUSIC ,npoic —Pamphlet Form.
Fhe tifeindeoni a choice aelectiontqf bone,
Lianas, Quartets, Bounds, Wallace, and ruches.
with Maori of Mullin. Illustrated with name,
nut engravings. Imperial octavo. Price 1.5 cents
Published and for Bale by J A dr, U JAhleti,
Walnut areal, bet. Fourth and Fifth.
Cincinnati, March "91117.
NIRY KLEBER; Dealer in eaviern Plano.Fones
1 / E at J %V IVoodamll`s,r46.• FID Third Slrtel. Tb •
Posner. may 4 exammed at all boom, and the qubpats
bar will be there (nom !bin A. M. mild /101 i/ 4 MSP.
P. M each day. Phnn'g r Oeinbet ,C 3
IMPORTR, Uri/le.s
Ot Ilardoare. nnd
orldietr, No 50 Wbod ewe,
lbrcr doors above St Cbsrles
Hotel. Pittsburgh Pa.
We, the undersigned, would inionn,,the citizens of
Pnuhurgh und.ricelity thar we have appoinled Mr. 11.
Kleber sole Agent nit Western Penridylvionia, for the
rule of oar Pomo Forte., from rothon3they mug be oh
tallied stout own INetv,YorklivrelerTs CLARK
jpST Reeeierd and opened, by the autdietiber, the
J Yollowinawew .
One elegant Itinewood,6 octave ['limo Fotte,lneneh
One elegint.Powatowl:6/ nelson Pine' Pone, with
carved GollowTaielety—at splendid insttuenen.l.,
AI. one nett , good second ;hand Piano, 'bade by
Aged Pliilada. lIRNAY KLEUER •
mob l 4 . at W Woodweint, ES Third it •
liffnA LARUE:end apk.did
of matiogsny and coasemod gran se
' tlon Plasm, with metallic homes sad
we e ill the hang iinprevements,tihieh far durability,
wee and lelett Itro warranted to beim.] ts eel' made
ut the ededtcY• FOS Mk tow tor cash by
su 34 Stine slstiMlSth
Athenturcs a
NI Carte. ' , triage and Teacca. li'llegani by II II
I.lrerNeuriol6ti, second ediirdo algae the rinalnr.
saint a biographical tiolice,* . critical disimisitnin On Hie
wort. and . OSptanalmy totem, wilt illustramin. fr...
ohpnat "rite by. Dsrirr, bound in clad. and viper.
./01INSTripi in'lll.-.1.T0N.
tee • ' • for of Margit a; 3d sts .
COLEM AN, HAILMAN,Y Co., having completed
sheir. New works, are now prepared to manafw
wk every description of Carets and, Mimic springs
Iron axles,' American Blister, Spring nod plough Steel,
and all sizes et soislr amuse and mead Irea, which
they offer AU .1110. on liberal tame, at there Warshaw!
NO. 43 Wpod ritreet; whew they Woo, keep au hand's
cemplete- and' handsomh asionment of Carob trim.
wings, Carriage hardware, malleable castings, Nails
and Iran
C. IL& , Co., have made arrangements with Messrs
Day •.& Crane, reanufamdrers of.' Shovels, Spades
Forks, ke., and wiU keep...tautly on hand evert
article made bylines. Dudes, are respectfully sol
cited csll, u prices and ten. will he made Veral.
• '.sisitif.d . llari •
,fIHE Parmettlop bercofori esining ander the ftna
A of Matshal,l, Bradley, kCo., Wui dissolved on the
BM Instant by mutest consent. no bottom of the
[stearin mill fie settled b Marshall. Wallace & Ale•
Bossy. JAMES ManileLL ,
rrlllE bunnies. of the above Fonsidrywill be. =lnn
1 ed by the sobwribere under. she firma( Ma reboil
Wallace& Co., to all ill eerieas branches. vim
Ilollow Ware ' Mill Gearing
Stoves and Stove Plates Light& Heavy Mae Wry
Wagon Boxes Engines
- Grates deSad Dons , Engine Castings
Ploughs - ' ' Plough Casting., &c. fee.
Madeorthe best nrtnerins, and at the lowest prices.—
Purchasers aro invited to call wil examine our Stock
at the Warehouse in Liberty street N0..61, wag the
header Wood street. W
Win. W. AL ,
A RE ;imputed to build Cotton had Woollen Mechem
.11 cry of ery description, soak as—Carding Ma
chines,Spinninveg Frames Sweden!, Drawng Frame.,
Railway Ileailm NV arperm 'llllers,Spont • , Dressing
Peonies L.., Card 'Grinders, be.. Wrought Item
Shafting tweed all mars of Ca.) lean, Pulite' and
Hangers. of the Wert patter nm elide and hand Lathes,
and mule of all kinds.
Crimea' of every desenplion furnished on short no-
Lc& Patterns made too der for Mill Gearing, Iron
rattling, he. Steam Pipe for beating Factories Cast
Iron WlnJow Sash, and fancy Castings generally.—
Orners left at the Warehouse of J. Palmer & C.?, I.ib ,
any street, will have pronipt attention, — ;
Itso To '
Blackstock, Bell k Co., J K Moorhead te C0.,:13 F.
Warner, John Irwin .k Boni Pinitnorlrti.
O C & J II Warner, Steubenville. lanl9
Furnishing Warehouse; Nn 101 Wood street, near
Firth, Putaborgh, Pa ; Wboleitale and Retail:
Englint and French Engravings
Japanned Waiters and Trays;
Looking Glow Plates, by the Iwo or single light;
'rabic CaPery;
Picture ulegs of all cites;
/kimono Tea Ware, in tens Or single pieces; ,
Portrait and Pirture Frown.;
.Fire Irons and Fender.;
Mahogany Toilet Glasses with 1,2, nod fl draws;
German Sliver and Brttausia Tea &Table Spoons;
IluAl Magnifying Miens.;
Candlwasks, Snuffer. and Traps,
Gilt, Pier, and Mantel 01, ,
Geotlernen's Shaving Caws;
Combs. Hair. Brushes, &e.
OFf-Ylerchants Hotels, and Sioninbonn , pplied on
liberal terms, and pocking carefully attended to Usu
al disco ern for cash. fair;
INTAKES this method to inform his friends
and the pal./in at large that his Factor,
'stow In full operation, ou the Fist side
, of Me Diamond, Allegheny, arberd a noel
. stant wooly of Blind& of .vatioug, colors
andqualibem are constantly Iceman hand,
' nag at No sth ood's!, Pittaborgh,m J.&
11. Phillips' oil cLoth stateroom. •
an Shatters made to order in the heat style.
Blinks repaired at the shortest notice.
N. 11. His Blinds will be pen op, without any addib
oonal ezepwe rig that e without
washing, and wi nun he reveden a tow
num w ewe of fire or fo th e thout the aid
of • crew dr e ocitlly&wion , l9
A. P CIAC011; Ur-ii i.. - 11:Fii;:a . ..3 7
'• er, has rebuilt and commenced bonne. at
~ .11- . his old stand, where he will be pleased to
.....--,... s t ignl . J . lTlou t y . er . la a nd nd frl i c k n i t or.,„„
.....- . nice, from 10 to 10,100_.....r0
pound*, cast from
• patterns of the most ap as
pved model., and
.....-- .yearranted to be of tlie beetli
ng, ring
hlinkral Water Pumps. Countew, Raili fee. &c.
ogether with every variety of Brass Castings, if rerpilri•
ed, tamed and finished in the neateolmannor.
ID - 4 ,F. Is the sole pre:prim:a of DAIBIT'S Ann-
Arrurros Macs, so own,' eelebrated for the ue
non of 14 10.1 in machine, . The Doses and Compo
sition tall be hod of tom m an times. jant-ly
Ham recently made v mportant :raptor,
nu , tn the munufartnre of - he above arttele, and
adome Ma latest Improved eastern wheel oven for flat
terune , me now prepared to furntah an article of Win
dow Glass, equal, If not superior, to any Cylinder .Glam
made In Me Caned Swum, and but little Ipfrrior to the
Engtmh Crown. ,
We are also very extermively engaeed in the nano.
facture off ommon Window anil Maggots' /Mu
and Sonia of e•erydesermtmn. Denims generally are
invited to call and examine for tbenarelves,m our
house, N 0.139 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa.
444 and 046 Lavery semi. near tine Canal.
A I.W.A YS on hand and made border, • large cm.,
ty of Morblo Almonds, Pier, triune 'rah., 3/d
Itonenu Tops, Tomb S:ones,Nlonurricnts. Re all wWeh.
Leong made of the eboteem amebic. and auenuincluled
prnocapally Ls machinery, will Le sold low fur cp.&
N. U. Persona wishinf no purchase Maintei. are
.nformed that an• hencetorth unnecessary Mr th em to
go East. as I can furnish thbm Inth on ortmle On all
respects as good, and Ifrefght, insurance, de, consider
ed.) as cheap •• they can purchue them for In die
Call and see.
No R NOrket mrto, PilFburyb, Penns
oraewohen having made gram IroprOvemonta
L in the eottionartmo of their COOKING STOVES,
e n rse c t . M . lL r e le r tie. p r , :o rc n h a w b i o u l t ld ,
” Ing ,i t:eztleria .p t p a i, wi t ca . ll
oh their Stoves, Forge., and every other latetrol
'kipper, Tin and Sheet In work tutees...7 to funilith
no • Steamboat.
We also make in ow/rr ma the rhortent notice ' Sal
uhe. studChataihrr; Copper ork for pram Knitrioa
and every variety .1 work to w
our line.
wbf 4111.311 FF tr. SHIRK
lllrmangtmert. feiear Plitsbnr(h,) Pa.
11arehouse, No. 137, , Wad street; Pittsburgh.
I GFW il.l.c4momotly keep on bend • good &mon-
' mem at Ware, or out own manufacture, d
21311.1. ff wrqualal. %V noterale and country Met-
Vb.. are teepeetfu4unetted to earl and ex
wont fur themselrea, at we are deterthoned so sell
elor I lilll/ hetevet before been Mimed to the pub-
or •
try. otder..ent byaa,otceoznpatslea by diesuki
eltv refrrrnce...oll in
nrtuolv lavemied
Novi , 111.4;:rid. osioiito O ltaosiita •
AVING econsariired the manufacture of :Anzacs,
ithosels.llay and Manure Forks. ne,on tos exten
sive stale, are prepared mfill all orders for such Mitt-
CiCII Fastern priers.
t. die coareineneeof their customers and dealetsla
such article, they hate annotated ticorga Cochran,
Otonnlission filerehant. No et Wood Street, heirt Agent
fin the sale outlast , manufactures. All orders adder..
NI to lino will recess p resopt attention on the roost ad
.eantageous terms. k DIXON.
F.tisbure h. July
Bruit if atcrn Butt Hinge Manufactory,
A GARDNb:It A. Co.. would' Inform the trade, that
A. they are now menufactugina the Butt lithge
ever made in the United Stites. As this oar priori.
pie brothers 'Sr introit .end out art complete soar
u c ie ar, can possibly Those engaged tl
hardware trade, we think. will Rod it to their tater
to sen'our Bus , All orders promptly attended to. ,
_my.s A GARDNER fe Co. corer Mb a groin
.1510. G. oALLEsrita & CO.,
No 16 Wood etrk , t.
MAN L FACTUREKS otGiltand Mahogany Looking
Gh181.1., Importers and Dealers in looking Glass
Accoedeone, Percowion Cepa, Clocks, Combs,
Jewelry end Fancy Goods renerelly.
'lon advertiser. Ire meting some improvements in
their basin., with increased (saltines in the porches<
of Douleittle, and the imporietion of many Foreign
Goode, they will be able to Nell et Sores prima Ttiew
respectfully s thud the ettennon of purchasera.
jant..ld!l . .
haying rhea eetehlinh-
T ' gra!l b t/T r nt b e ' p r leVa ' ne n d n ro ' at ' stke eL Linde of Carton
end tconilen Machin. ry, tin the most reetortable tenon.
Order. addressed to on will meet with plomplatuntion
Lacoch vireo, A Ileght ny,Citv
N Wightninnyw_ho has a patent fora very
important improvement 00 the:Card, end who het been
towelled fof the Mot fifteen yenta ht some of the mos.
extensive and tocrevful Cotton Factor. , of the wee
will give his perunnel snention to patting up. to the set
Infection or those toncorned, all machines credo er the
eatithllehment. lanitdly
. -
Co, No, 03 and IN Front ma,
Buss Footman and oaa Fa.
VEIL BIM.. Of all Maas chat
front sho latest Improved pat
terns and warranted equai ln
any Also, 01ae
finished if ordered, G. Fit
tings rni op promptly and on
C Mame. F Plunkett.
vottato, 11113111 EN PLUNKETT*
AVAREIIIQUSFAios. 33 Water and 104 Finn arta,
Pittsburgh. The Glam. manufactured by is
warranted equal to any 113 dinacannity- an miter.
willreceive prompt intention and filled on reasonably
term. Merchants and - hihen viviting the city are in
vited we'll before putchasina elsewhere. •, (chit
TRON and Nails. Shovel., he. (Geode Sit-atti nest
•1 hou N 0.112 Water street, near Wood,
sting torant.
Also, an assortment or the old stand, MeNister's
ROW, Litany street. )
Having made great additioes to the Poling Mill , all
orders can be filled pronaptlv.
• lirayrrirrews or
Iron wad Copprr- Tacks.
'Pattern - Ptn:, of every .4gitipqm.
(Mee Na' Motet, Thin* welt,
" •.-
CI PAIRISII+OOITAitS—A new And inigirai•ori
acctof very.raperior tipanidiGNltarscht tke LM.
sor tSArOr rjkls,Ml, ,
loy3 • , dUM.LOR,
FOGG & THURSTON, Propritton.
Zlll9 e stablish nem lonrana widely Imown am beteg
one of me mast commodious in lila CO Of Balumom,
hae recently undergone yery en ehebre alterations an d
imp r ovements. 6n entire w wing has been adde d.
cootattongnumerous and airy sleeping apanments, nod
extensive batuingrooma.
They, adies' departmtnthasalso been completely re
organdie° and fined op in a most mantic and beantifel
myle. In diet the whole twangament of the (louse has
p b ge n rrilTrV el'a ariTi: ' l ' h ' : `."l,Z,fytear r i:l-1 ro.".Kh a neitt
Gomm, and which they confidently assert will chal
lenge pmparison with any Omni m the Union.
Their table will always be supplied with
Manna/ md luxury olden the market urfordi, se rved up
in reporter style, Awhile in the way of Wines, de,
they will not be surpassed.
In copeloston the proprietors beg to say, Met nothing
will ',elicit undone on their
pun , and till Me pane( their
aseisterits, to render bit Rotel wonhy the continued
patronage of their (bends and the public generally.
Thejineu for board have alai. been reduced to the
fottowt rams:— .
Ordinary,- • ...... • • • -6173 perms ay.
Gintlemens'" , " ,
N. Th e floggage.lVageon of the HOMO will al
woy. found at tip Car and Steamboat Landing.,
Web pill convey baggage Medd from the lintel, free
of.thaere. migitf.
. . .
. . i
pp m 13.1.4 . T . Hfi .„ 7i it T m. n b ilr im lllk i : Cleteldwila ue at,
, j
the tat raw of Col, 0 r Willthenion, late of this well
k intablithmentiheg leave to vas to their friend,
and th e :public generally, that they have Wino this
cclatitKallatt• Hotel for a term of yew* •nd will elan
their baik clergies to 'make It &desirable Inuie for Trim.
alters nd City anitdewi.•
Th• Intel is apKiOtt end admirably planned for eon:
venlen a, light and la, IlaTiaff to number of. PLatitil
atholnig g bomber*, parenting 'mutual attramious to
lll. The le
• resktt proprietors booing had the erperte tee of
years thieeity mul Heowhere,hope they will be able
u ' nt i v o iW n etreo l tf ' :nt ‘ the '9 ll% l'semenT!'"'d give
The ration of tite.Pcml direct House Woneot.monly
, Lucian fronts on Pearl, Walnut and Third it.,
wt that it is equally des:treble In view or the convent
cure of Innate. menet retirement foe privatebourders,
It Is nOir b the Stake, the Pail =co, Mi . hfasoille
Itall,Odd Fellows Hatband butane square distant fror
Main affect and two squares froin the City Whatf, Mul
*Coring the reale& in/WM.1141, espesti•lly to country
...reheats and racially to ell persoos visiting Cintr
ntl. '
soola7 • JOHN NOBLE
a 1
JiLinrsiosi nousz.
Formerly Fallen Hotel, Wishlogton, D. Ci
a leave to
Rummest of persona of na
visiting the Capitol, whether co
pleasure or bewares, to Asnewlyommrd establohment
the -,lluition Home," which has bees fitted up in a
style of comfort and:clegenee unsurpassed by any
other Hotel se the city It ts situated ill she western.
end oi l PennSyllithte Avenue, and in the Immediate
vicinuy of the vatic., Departments offift.verustentaud
the President , . Howe.
His table will always be supplied with all the
lens mid mind luxunes to be found in the marten, and no
:pc of efforts wilt tie spared to render the Mansion .
!louse,. attractive resideoce to all who may see fit to
honor it with their patronage.
Tbeitroprletor would particularly call the attention of
the 0 rs of th e Army and Narita it HoMI, to whom
it has ee
vet been a favorite place of resort.
N Di Potters elwaya in etten4nee, on Rib arrival
of the cam to convey baggage (0 , -.rch.w. mY22O.
Corner of Baltimore and ilittaw Streets,
THIS spleadid end Sp•GiOU.• eligady . Atutated
for both butunem and plusumTravellets,m oo con
ducted as to combine all the luxuries of the beat Hotels
. . .
with elegance and comfort.
Choice suitnof apartments are AS AI seasons reserved
for del aecommodation of trensieneganta and familias
visiting the city will dad the Eutaw Hors. ' , Home,
tiemplaned by any Hotel in the Onion. 't •
The kicalion is elevated and salubrious and is also
ient to Depots and the landings, at which the
Coaches and Porten of the llone are at oid times In
waiting to convey ppmengen and their baggage, fond
of chipge to the Hated
Topts—Geollemens' Ordinary, 1ft,50 per day.
melt Ladies , do, g,OO do [finwedi
Cha erbtreet, between Market and Lombard
Sheath Ha!Hamra.
aliiZre: * l.t7enitte ' rlfte t" es ro n .tt:
bathe acnentlly. It is conveniently situated aa
r m sfar , act , h_e Steamboats and Railroad Drpot--ta In the
ran d tg'nClochTtsoont ma
ennactuctsces and comforts eta the other principal
Tod /rouse ts on% being fitted op with nee furnitttre
plod intie aril style, and will be open to the Publi
u the 21 dny April, ISI7. Thep rtiprlrtv trust/ di.
is unremtning clines to please, will secure to Iwo
triton of the public patronage, retuleto as well
• Mat. W IA DIX,
Litte of the rum of. Dig A Feu
Elalumore, Apnl 2, 1E47. igetylfidEimi
Corner fain and. Sixth ata Cincinnati,
rr nil,: establishment I. non best order for the
Ireception of the Travels. • tine` under
gone sr thorough cparr. pastintr. end
haring the most experts... o ths weW, in the
ratio. department. I Mitt. rd) .elf thir all will he
;draws' who call. The 'wanen is central, cominodions
and pleasant. Fans Si per day.
Einem:all, March 13.1E47. W li MARII
N. P.—Although not exactly a new Broom, It is the
saw Winston the old handle. , • apdtf
Chesnut street, Philadelphia.
AROVE tveventh =lt door to .-slasonic uan
Teis well known cOlibllstimert has recently been
great y enlarged, and riclali and coati yfornished. It is
situated in the most fathionahle part of Chesnut stre - ei,
and in the immediate Tecinity of Om pithlie places of
asnusgment The proprietor, grateful for the very libe
ral patronage heretofore bestowed, will spare no effort.
in 'muter Ins house avery,way egrecable hiellrovd"
and worthy of their comteried,sapport. myll-31imirdm
TIM.OOKMORTOR'S 0A.1.T".110M156,
ARiSTIIROCKMQRTON ort.kto acquaint ba'
friends that lie is again lessee Of tho L,T
110 1,1 S E, Laoiavilla Ky.. where he hopes to meet all
los old friends, assuring them and the public. that ao
eSou obeli be spared to make all cow - amble who favor
luniuritt iheir patronage. jentldly .
• •
V. S !Hair Line to Correa, Soudiiinipron'onit
A s 711 rolendid neer inearnohip WASHING
TON. 175Otona bunben, Frederick 'Hewitt.
commander, will mart (num New York on the
let Julie next, carrying rho , Staten molt;
ahe will - touch Cowes mid Southampton to land
stasseneetvi and freight. akol deliver the null. for Eng
lnd. Flatme and iklgium...4 will then r proeeer! to,
Neill/441g will leave Bremelimeen on 'Mr ttlel
June, and Southampton on the Ist of July, Where
wol rianlrk passengers and freight from England,
Frence, and pelram. Arrangements have. been made
to 'Onward gobda from Name up to the last moment, fol ,
wines. &desired, tolls of &Wong &sill he ringed by the
agem at Havre.
Southampton tounects by Rrollroads with all pans of
ElAlund, and by stearnhoeie with all the Continent—
From Bremen &tee's maybe had to all Umumuty, Acoo•
trio: Russia. Italy: Serstaerlaild, de. • • ~,
Tee Washington it built in thestrongest manner, walk
a skew of being converted lino a ship... Aswan and subs
met al IkOr mime to impecum by.officers apnionied by
the Preaideut, both during-and eller Coneiruction:She
, hoe isko corms IMCI home power each, and memo,
111‘41.1.011••fur 140 firm class, and 44 cmcolicl class pain
sertValogers. •
rise from New York In Southampton or Bremen;
First clam 5120
Second clash GO
Postage from Bremen or Southamptoal to New York,
Firm class $l5O
Second chose 00
She. will carry about 000 toot freight, which will be
charged according to the nature of the loodr
All letters must pars •hrough like POSIO ce. Petrels,,
for who* Wilt of lading , will be marked, arillne taken
at 115 each.
For pesmage or Neigh. apply at the office. of the Oman
Steam Navigation Company. at William street, New
Truk,. to the Agents DAY : lhompten,
firemen C A I.II4INEKEN A CO, o'
Havre wiELtarei ft:ELI"?
The Waatiineton it Intended.° leave New York on
meoud trip on the firatofauguit next.
The second stiamefeif the late in in due course Sf
conatmetion, and will be in madmen In the ensuing
fall. myldlM
ONE-FOURTII or ONE-HALE of a new, Wale,
Slut Furnace illat ii - to - ilitYrthellellosva to be
propelled be water pchiror—noWideldingonlkloriongalis
Cunty, Virginia, within 8 miles of Morgantown, the
Co o onty Scat, and cul 3 re from the river. There it
mirsuct, emotion withinWl toi of klittsborgh, canlie
had for double the nom asked , Thine O 20 Oro Mink.
of good quality and quantity within Dom onieliminh o:
a mite m two m. 0., and goodiroado, hi; • filte farming
country—supplier' elily a tal cheap. ThelVotherlanit,
spy 60b tier., land any quanuty morn adsorbing Mat.]
will rot llalconda of wood per acre, close m the fur
nace. One n or -horse team and •• pair of cattle will
stock the furnace. Tarcntyngre• clear land, meadow,
&c., &0; 'looter, Orner,birnip Shop. Stable, fre, &c.
The fornme can be ready for tilati by the Ist of gm
bet, next if application be made roam—dweethirda of the
Ptico will be taken in Asioited ,Goodaineatelkitd.d.
oath, uthe wraprogreises in one year the plepellY
will pay every'cent ex pendi4andifich that will yield
100 pen cent profit—Mad will be given hp tee resent
popnytom Applic,xlione 0000 male will be attended
The owner. being disappoidted m coml.:doe them,
is die mason for selling. Ftiouldshe patron buying any
pan or the whole with 11 sclis the ocp.m Owners •flll
take it. and add filly per cont. to the son- .11 to Whit
reluctance the owners would tell the whole, but if no
thing else veil] do, rather iltaq rinsed the finishing of
the fern they will do so, and, if wanted, they will
build and blow
blow the furnace pile pope. }hey_ can build
hee l cheaper than any body n4e, being proficient at
the lammomfor • Icifiglinic , WOO , qoarktity orate keel
Scone Coal close by on the premise*. A bite directed
to W. & E.Si will be immediately attended to. • Diesel
to Monti:nen.
Iron tin be delivered et Pillsborgh kr from 1116
to SIG per Ma i iwhen it is worth Dom 030 to 833.
, W.& E. I.
.11rStotlei and materiali billd °tithe spot. •
gnsisdia .•
• .
Proposals toi - Plitaberg Coal.
ROPIOALS will be received by tho P undersigned.
vela the bra day of June, for the debvery of 130
MO bonneted Pmsborsit Coal, of Abe beer h 7 fat
the fabneattes of 0 mt, b lwfargirtked op or lbefor e otr.
fireday of Cktober hen, et Ile Th Lows Gas Wriiha
payment to be made unto del:vary.
Tor fanher pertimalsravvku r t e eani . sz, :,
royedler Chnnoanoi Abe Got Gish , Committee
SAIAII—A Sim r. 14,21
Otis nri,Vnitnertetal dirowrieo sldeggil doe
sailers augsgss e girith pipes gad gypsy Wag...captor
service_ lige will lie sold lo'sr—for ranges panaeolars
• i W.OOIOdAN.
1 - 'rtoiS IVAirmalttes
1.7. coed heal F.. retie, ramie by Milani Bacon,
New Volk, with u r oetaves,:costekete,eued to seed oe•
* six oceeve tieoed Planceieeltditli Ckmitll
3.(4.l.orileint,Xer pee loy, for eta by , ,
, •
mil I "'JOHN - MELLO
VOL. 'XIV:----NO. 254
_ -•
enbwribers beg to call thohlkotion of all that
inwreeled in roofing, to their GALVANIZED TIN
PLATES, and to the. many advanetttes which they •
poser over all anodic and - inhar eubstances hitherto •
need 671 this pureaw,potosossing
Pon .to asthey do, ticense n g
and light. w of n ern.. its liability root, ha, • ,
now been tested coverd years, both m ltliS1:01111131/
in Europe. They am alt lose subject to expansion
end contraction fromktilden oh.g. of the nuonspbele
thou common :nu 'Plato, into, Zino, Sec or 'say ether --
metal now used for roofing, and conseq.ntly fans •
much better and tighter roof, requiting feeler frepaeot
repair, white the fiat COSI is but a toile more. • •
The subscribers would idso call the euention of all •
dealers and worker. ill metals, to the many other par - .• .
poses to which Iron dion protected,. can Ca applied. •
In general terms it is applicable to all ankles of lion
which it to desirable to protect from the action of the'
atmosphere. And theywould especially call the at. ' I
Iranian of those iittoremed in TELEGRAPHIC . •
to the'. fialy.ised Wire. which is now almost 11/1/1111.•
ly wed in Enrope and which ensurers every purposo
as a conductor or electricity, costing only about one •
heir as couch as copper, and pos.astag 0141141 dlllllbill. •
ty mai that metal.
Having lately erected works in iita city hir the par- I
Pose of milv.ming /1 3, spikes. bolts. ...A., rimy •
Ii be able to furni ny ornate which may be dau- • . .
red. A supply of Plies imanuTactured in Easoplo
conataatiy on hand,from II to 39 aim Rouge.
. -
Noe. 14 and 15 Beaver si t NEW TOES.
The Patent Right for this stmt. his been' secured
.for the I Plates sateen set/mat Itrilsha andotbar
European countries, and all legal metunurs will be la
ten to prevent any traiingentent bythstpornuets ovoth
. , .
_,4: DRE 7 ,
Nat* Cedar 3te*..t. Now If k.
..EliD leave to Wank Dealers as Dry Goods, that have
1./ r.eired, and are now eshilliling,at the WARIFIL ÜBE
EXCLUSIVELY for ?railed Cairma, 300 03/1363i. '
re ItZ 231 et c.. 1 TIC I " 0 r ,:t IT. 1..
. a Art i •
ta their wall staek,rendari Ilia Whore_.,,,. a( dm most .
beautiful and a...five 11, the city; .a lorrrg jest brat
chased tar4ASH AND :SHORT CRR.DIT - are oared 6j ,
the piece pular so the cares terms, at aial bele. =au •
Pr"l"."'''' daily,) ."
','"' in
Posellatars will inks. tionneeires of the state of the stir ,
liet, and yell repaid for an enmin.iots, ena if.tber dm I.
not parch
L. Is. H. Te peculiar adlanthr ie rreutiog orders Car
itt.7 b i h'e l.M. BaIFBTRII, 4:1 Coder FlOvrt.
rIEV . MIL ' K
BFAHNESTOCK & 130, No. , 49, Jobs at.
New York, offer lota ireirtirge and general
a ssortment of likup arid ;Medicines, Die -Stuffs
Pointe and Oils of every description, !kick thry.
are prepared seri determined to self low.
-Couhuy frle&bnats ant Orogen@ He requested
to cell And °victim, their articles:: Orders executed
with lkithfulnets and drnpateh. A.Falinestoek's
Yermilugo ennutainly on hand,
B.A. Fihnoutock '
H. L. Fahnestock„ Pittsburgh.
G. %V. Fiihnextriek, ) ,
' A. B. Hull, New. York, up/5
so. 11)3178.LINCI BLIP, NEW YORK.
IYRUS W. FIELD offers for sale at the krwest '
• Manufacturers , priers, a very extensive twort,
ornit of PAPER, comprising every possible. variety,
adkpled to the mama of consanters on aIl amines of tba ' .
coontry.. Paper of all kinds made to order at abort
' -
. 4, ll , o v em ill oek a of PLUL a TING ... P.A ri PER .i isALesnaIIy . I.F : . .
..fri NATE II
of every: description, imported and kept constantly on _
h., viol Felony. Wire Cloth, Foordrinier Wintry
Bleaching Powder, Blue Ultramarine, Twine, Re„ An.
RAGS. ' ' ' ' •
Cones...Bele Rope Grass Rope, Bagging, Re., ike,
purchased, for which 'the highest price in Muth will be.
paid hi:ly , New York, Jely,l INS. ' ,
. . .
1 N 8 - 11 R AN .0 E.! .. ...
Indemnity eg net Lou or Damage Tiy
'-- PLY e.•
With the additional memity of a - Pmek Capital
The Reliance Mugual insurance Co., of PAW°.
George W. Tolnnd, John M. Arwood, •
Themes C. Rockhill, Likvis R. Ashndra
Wm. R. Tbompeon, George N. DAM t,
George AL Snood, John J. Vandertemp,
George W. Carpenter. ,
ILL make Insurance against Lou or Damara
T.V by Fire, in Pirrsau not and vieinity, on
Storeshad o th er 13 - aildums, and on Furni
ture, Good.. Ware. and blerchandbm, orrthe most
favorable turns. -
The Mutual 'Principle, combined with a Stock
Capital, and the other proviaiom ol the Charter of
thin Company-hold oat 'mescal Indadementa, both
of profit and safety, to those desirous of effecting
inmrance . , towhich the Company nak the attention
and cumulation of thane interested. . ." .
• • . .
Thom effecting umniance with this Company
have,besides the usual proteetion.against lon, by
the ordinay method or insurance the additional
adrantageof • direct participation in the piords of
the Company, without anyardrility. • ' - •
- • GEORGE .W..TOLAND, President. •
B.M. Hiliciipian, Secretary. • •
The subeeriter t .who Is the duly authorized Agent
or the above named Company, is prepared to mkt
insurance, at the Office of the Agency, It the
St. Madre HMG:, Thirdet, third door from Wood
street, and will give all thither infsranition desired
myttadiy. , CAMPBELL.
,JOHN—wirsarEY, JR.,
Mk= 'AT 1 , 11,111111011 1101 TIM
Safety limmaramee Corapkny or Phllndelk.
.FIRK RISKS upon buildings and merchandise
. of every descripOon, and MARINE RISKS
upon halls°, tarries or veinier., taken , upon Ike
mom laromble tenon.
Officein the Warehouae of W. B. Holmes • •
Bro., Nu. 57 Water, near Market street, Vitt.-
The succour of lOir Company . Ainen the eatab. ,
lishment ore the Agency in this city; with the porsaptars.
end litimslay wan which every claim upon them for
loss his been =busted; (ally warrant dra spot in in
tine th e tionfidetthe and pun:maga of his friends and, .
Ne community at large to the Delaware Al..B.lnse
asranee Ceranarrioirhtle it haattinaddhhmal adssustagva
an institution among toe most flourishing an
Philadla--as having an ample paid in capital, which
by lite operation ofitseh rrrrrr sconitantlyiiieregainfl
-as yielding fo each; perm's twined his due chars of
th • profits of the company without involving him
an an y . responaihility whatever; and therefore az.-
poasesang the Meiselprinciple divested of every
obnoxious feature, an in its mast attractive term.
n 0.7.1
g.IltS well known and respectable comparty me
pared, througgribeir PITTSULIRtiII AG KNOT, to
make insurance of otreiyAind connected with risks Of
trartiponation rind inland navigation; to incite against
low or damage . by fi Dwelling Homes, Warehouses,
(Mathew ro,
In general, Rood., w uses, and Merchandise, •
'ma wimp description of personal 'Property on Art Most
favorable terms. - ,
. Applications for Irnsumriee offended to wnhonedelav
at the o r rip 3? Waid s Limb
AT an FJectiort bettreu the oltee to N. Y., May 19114
the fallowing minted entente, were chosen Direciors
'of this Company for cowing year, vim
Joieph W. NLV2SO, Stephen Holt,
John ittrarwer,- John Mentam, '
William 0. V; ard • William W.CAmpbell,
John Nowhboio, Jacob Maier, -
Williw S. Slocum, blare. Spring,
John F. Mackie, ' Joseph &Lake,
: John J.'llerrick,
... .
' And at a subiequent meeung of the Board, JOSEPH
W. SAVAGE, Eng; visa unantmooaly re•eleeted Pre,
idoent for the ensuing year. Wm..ingtEQGGES,
jWit• Poetic. Journal copy ,• • Seeretury. ,
_fIIHE Insurance Company or North' Americh,
:1111.' through ite duly authorized Agent, the Rabaul
-her, otters to make permanerit and limited Iniitr.
once on property, An IMO oily and ittiielnity, and
on shipments by the Caail and Blom.. •
'John C. Smith Preet., Simnel Brooke; •— •'
• Ales. Hoary, • Charles Taylor,
Sand. W. Juries, Saml. F. Smith, .
leird Smith, • Amtiroze White,
'John A. Brown, Jacob M. Thomas,.
John While, John R. hien,. • •
Thou. P. Cope, • Richard Wood,
Wm. Welsh, . - Arthur G. Coffie,See
This is the clident Insurance Compasy .In the
UnitedStatee.haring bean chartered in 1794.- Its
chutes in perpetual, and From its high'standing,
long experience, ample means, .find ILTDldirig alt
rniks or arc extra havirdousi.charactar, it may be
consideredbif o ff ering ample ;security to the public.
At Counting Romii• of Atwboil,'Jooes .& t Co.,
Water and Front streets, Pittnburgh. ' aptikr
Ag drat Lois by 1. ire—the - s - nd.riKu 'Fire Inn
ranee company of Pigia
W lLl , .. e ntaltelnsor . ancei pe I4anag4l. r ec s l:
BURGH arrhe
on favor:ibis term'. This company has a peirtnal
charter:'. • "
CAPITAL ' • 54080D0 paid In.
CONTINGENT FUND,... ! ... $509,C0il ,
Office corner of Third and Market Pittab'gb,;
op .11—tf WARRICK MARTIN /di., ,
Ameilean pyre lassurames Campus,
Chasm Pannroa.. -- CO;NOL BMW W IL
blue is PhileFlelphio. No. 72 • PiaNtii
• Fazalts Pat" Seel. P rat
CFI MB old and 10011-alabliolteol Ontaay . ouotmaL u.
blare DolLdaigs, Inerchandloo, Pamirs adfop- .
no a mann hozordoos obaseuirootall dm -
dantyre •
re.. _ ,
neylhln no W . foi
d mad
perpcaallYor for Va.. 0..n00.,•0e row . aut ity"
,• • .• faX) 004.:
AGENTS for 4.ll•Anaant's Eunnaiee Staata Sugar
Refinery. Alriwya on band, a large nook of Loaf,
Powdered, Gnashed, ClariGed and Bastard Pugin, to
Talmo and Barrels_ Al., riagnr. !loon afolosaa•C -
Prices liberal and • fair allowance [Vide we all wales'
or,orabova, be barrel. r • • a3Olll
(INE new or second hatrEorriat, width 10 inch c7l.
la 'odor - sod , " feet otrolror oorl gate do.lor troth ey
miler. Ind or witbour boiler.. Apply to •
my9l-111. • '• • % X/. irAWAO4 *god .
' -