The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, May 31, 1847, Image 2
THE PITTSBURGH GjZEXIE, fcv ISRAsTUS BROOKS. PITTSBURGH: f 'A -MONDAY MOEMNO, MAY 31, -18*7. rrr To* rimuHa D*tur Oticns t> poMt»hed Suit, Tu-Wccmj, and Weekly.—The Daily i»S«»en ilolru • per annum; U»e l'ri-\V eehly i» Fita'DoUara pec 4jUubH. Uk Weekly !• Two Dollar* per mornim, itneuy in mdr*tnrr. hauct to AdvcrtiMf*' fT~y AdTeiuaemeau. jn »eeure *n*eruoo. abOßta t« handed ihby £t« o'clock ia the •tlrrnoort- Auentian M Uu«, on its pan of our euawmere,would he prouuc live or maimai benefit- __ FOR GOVERNOR, ois, ja„i lavs*. (Of coni COPWTY.) FOR CA.IAU WMMISSIONKR JOSEPH w. PATTOW, tor coaaaataf® coc.-rrr) tPor laTX*t CuniLereial Intelligence, Dorettue Maf ia, ttleeT flew*, Isnpona, AJwuey Market, Ac, *ce ihiid page- mm laifoarth P«c« for JttUeellaneoua Haw*. Masting «f i)>« Sl'Kkholderi of the PUta bntgte and CoauclUrillc U*H Ho*d Company* At twee o’clock on Saturday cveoing tut, the S9Ji loat, a full meeting of the Stockholder of tha Pittsburgh anil ConnellaviUe Rail Road Com pany was held, pursuant to adjournment. We seldom have seen a meeting in which there wee more apparent intercet and deep feeling evinced. A. Committee from Baltimore were present. At the hour designated, Wnu Eichbaum, Eeq took the chair, and E* D. Gaaim and Wm. M. Darliofton, Eaqnt, were appointed Secreiarits. The minutes of the la»t meeting were read and appioved., The Preudent of the Company then read iho Allowing Heport of the Dtrcctora to the meeting: JB>. Chairman,— At a meeting on th* 19th ifttt, all the correspondence and official eommu creations to reference to wo pending negotiation* wnh'ba Ball-® ire and Oiuo Rail Company. Up lo that period, WrM submitted to the Stock hold If*; the B wrJ, therefore, ha« but a very brief j reuurt to make on the present occaaiou. It proper, however, to leaurfc* that the. reason* for adjwromentimr to this day were two fold. 1“ the first'place, to giro the requisite time to ascer. Hjn m ao •Qihcncic form tho action of the Balu more Comp iny upon the propositions submitted by tbe aumotit-d Ounuiine of th's Board; amt In We 2d place, to conform t > the earnest rrquot of ouo of the D-rectoss «i that Uompany, «l*sj» regarded by u* a* the 'uniform friend of a Hail B ad connrction with this city- I The proceeding* of that Company on the mat ter referred to, have been rtceiveo, and a* tho Bt«cknold«r* ate probably *ll aware, our propofK done under a maulfett miiconatructiou or mua;- pr<hen*ion of their purport, have hero rejected- Unwilling tha* * qui* ion of so much magnitude ah mid be dirpoaad of .through mete nmcvncepiion of the term* pioposed, our Oi-mmitiee proropVy pioceeded to explain *nd correct the erronrou* instructions placid upon our projWitions ihus far w.ta regard to our affiirs with rh*i Company It l* due, however, to the interest* involved in tbiagieit question, to remind the Stockholders ihit wbiUt all cur effort* tnsffccting a sati-tecUHV arrangtment.wj'h theauthmtiea of tbe Baltimore Company have pr .*ed unavailing, we haveenj-y ad tbe aympatbte* and untiring aid of the huger portion bl toe intelligence of thatcily. and the «U most united ii.floence o! the commercial and bu*t Oftvv data** in favor «.fthe connection. In thiscil li, of Ite.ubj-cl. B.IJ fi.lOc.lJ ltl»t out IMI o.or. ions U tbpir .ret oitb »n respoose, a la.g. .'..1 bishlj napsclabl. nmlliii: of thecitizeos ef Biltiinon contened to 0.nei.1.-. ,b. of beWn-o Biltiolor.' and Pl’tsburgb a* enmmertial ct.mrhuntiit*. At lais meting a Committee cqr,n*tmg of I gentlemtirr-pf the highest personal prole.eion&l j and tiu»ine« reputation, have Veen deputed to 1 coaler w tn this-Company at their weetiog respeciing the general inures - * of the two cities | as involved in carrying out tho original purple* . and oiy c * of the Cnarter, by which we are con- | Oituted a body politic and corporate. • i We beg leave, therefore, to mtr.duce them, and j need mu to their behalf that which wc , ars paitutded will he spontaneously accordcJ u kind reception, and courteous copatderauon *och saggetioos fti they may deem proper to [*<- I sent to your notice. Tne wb-lo subject, so far as tho action of the Board is concerned, being now open to the Stock holders, we forbear to recommend any preebe msaauree for.tbeir adoption. | WM. ROBINSON. Pcest. , Xt being annou tread that * delegation from Bal-, timorewa* present, they wero Introduced and re quested by the unanimous vole of the Stock holders, to favor the mset'mg'wUh their view*. Whereupon John Glenn, Esq., of that city, on behalf of the delegation, addressed the meeting, in a speech bt sotno length, in favor of a Rail Road connection between tho two cities, the im portioee of whTcb to both cities, he remarked, could not be over estimated, and-he most furnrstly deprecated any hasty oction on the part of the Pittsburgh Compiny. He begged tbe Stockhold ers to pause and reflect well before they forever cut aiunder the chords nf,ipUK«A*ad of mutual beutJl', which would result from tho connection. A,U that tbe delegation asked was time, to affjrd to ihi Biltimore and Ohio Rail Ro*d Company en‘-tber opportunity to prufit by the charter now offtfed them by Pituburgh,—and In case of their ajaih refu»ing to evail themselves of it* advanta ges, then to give to tho Basinets Inteiesu of B*l- | timore—whom he weU knew most anxtoasly xJe tired the road to terminate bere^—sufficient time to accomplish this connection independently of that Company. Jai. 8. Craft, Esq., tbeu stated that the Direct -tors of theOonnelisviUe Company having declined to preaent any business to the meeting, be would oft*r a series of resolutions, which ha then read. They were in favor cf Piiuburgb commencing and building the Cunnellsvilleßul Road ber.elf. J. Carotbera, E-q .offered a series of resolutions in favoriof adopting the Supplement to the chu v ter, and commencing a Western road. WilsJn MeCahdlesi, taen addressed the meetioglat tome length io favor of terminating atl further negotiation* with Baltimore, and of uni ting ourjenergio* and msan* with Pbiladelphii in Central Rul Rjad. B. D. Giixsm, E q, addrcsied roeet . log io(a*or of holding on toour charter, and giv. log further time to again titempt arrangement with tbe Bsltimore- In the course of his remtiks, Mr. Oibisj stated as b'u belief, that If tbe book* Of (he Compaoy bad been kept opm . a sufficient length of time, $750,000 would have been taken. Hon. JLohn C. Plumer, of West moreland, interrupted bins to tiy, that if tho hooka were note opened, be pledged himself ihrt rhe #?50,000 would b# taken. Mr. Gauam’s ie m*ru were somewhat warm, and excited a goed | deal’of feeling fromwmor.fiectioov opon tbe Board of Direelore. In euncliitim, he rend a wm* of rreoiouona in favor of deferring action until next November. . The Hon. Andrew Stewart, of Fayette, next cddieaspd the meeting. He was tired ofnegocia- bad resulted in nothing—hs west for action—prompt and efficient action—what was wanted was money—money was the great cle m«t—money made Rad Roads, not speeches and resolution*- How waa the money to be obtained* ' By opening the book*, open the book* here, ia Baltimore aod the intermediate towns, acd he believed the required amount would be reired \ W ttobt difficulty. If not, he eonaidcred ih. in- | verment to templing, lhcjt thedeficit would bn *•:. obtained from the capiUluts of Boston or * NeW Yotk—WsO.OoO in additioo to iho preaen* jabscrip'ion, of and the amount offrred by the Baiumire Ohio Rail Rred Company; ftOU.OOQ. gava all that we* necessary to make op. $1,000,000 to complete tbe connexion with the Cumberland Road near Turkey Fool, forty 1 ftom Cumbetlsnd, from, that point tho road would fioiah itaslf. Lot aod the W o»t then locreaaetheit subscription, $450,000, at» J bis Word trt At, the object would be accomplished— the work coustQenced and apeedity finuhed. Open yav and you will get this money. The took* had been opened a few days only, to gel tho fwQmnt -1° areora the Charter, and then hastily \ Ant up knd kept abut. Open the book* again, and five those Interested * ebanc.a to raise tbe j * Do this, and if they fail, then go to Hu j gdalphia—go Wert * Sbrread#r J° Qr I • Ctatur, io u joa pluu, bulfii.t ,m Uxm . I *»!«•. Mf. 8- relen«l w lh« nra«t, { of1 M. .i». n .zioa t) ««nd tin pr.- I 4tt»,nowl»i. f■' ‘ .. gut—ii, gr«t impjilMC. to Mil Hi. - ‘MfOUttoMt .11 olher* to. tween the Atlantic and lh« JW e»t~iu ad*fntajea, ££ vkuStmai of mooey/and concluded by ofj fatiDß the following i eolation in aoJutitatibn of gQ those pretioa»ly cfErwi: ' :• ‘be bo# ®f the. iLttsimrtfi •nil OouiHrli'iHe Rail Ro«d Company be opened . for o.® sub*enptioo of atocks' st Pituourgb, Me* Keerport, We*t Newton, ConoelUville, Camber* Und, Baltimore and radi ether towa* and plaee* aa may be deemed ad*i»«blt; and tfterwarJa, if necessary, at New York aod*Bortor>, until a aua), .'which with ihs amount already subscribed, aboil be sufficient to aecare the exteoaiou of said Rt-ad to the Maryland lice, and the ultimate connexion ol »aid road between the eitiee of Baltimore and Pittsburgh, and that when an amount shall be aubacnbtd. which, in tho opinion cf the direc ts#, shall be adequate to the completion of the road to Ttukey Foot, then the Dueclor* be and are hereby aoihonied to put a portion of the road under c titract, aud to proceed to the construction of the same. The Hon. Hartnar Denny then rose, and top- potted in a vigorous speech the resolution of Mr. Stewart. He had, until within a few day*, been in favor of adopting the supplement appended to the Connellavillo Chatter U*t winter, and to pro ceed immediately WeaVbul opon reflecting mote deliberately upon the subject, be had been forced to change hi* view*. If we adopted at the J>re unt time thi* bill, our chances of communica tion with Baltimore were gone forever. He was nut prepared, therefore, thu* hastily to com mit on act ao compjelcly suicidal to the inter est of Pitiabargh. As to goiug VVrst, there was a Charter mw exit-tin,?, and which could bo at any moment used to make a Road to the Ohio Stile Line—he alluded to tho Charter of the Road to Erie. Tbi* Road ha* power to make branebea to the Ohio Line wherever it is deemed proper to do so. Ho chuuld. therefore, vote for Mr. Surratt* ’resolution. Neville B. Craig, Esq., t. plied to Mr- D.. aud ip uppoai* lion to the Resolution of Mr. Siqvrart. He was not willing to have the b.volta opened until the Ualiim re Company »boulJ have come into an arrangement with us. He denied that there wa* any other Chatter- which could be uwd tu carry us to the Ohm Line—and that thr, gentleman who had t-r.'Crdrd hint, intdo a mi**lalc«ueut when lie said so. Mr. l).*nny rrwe in explanation aud replied with comiderable warmth to the remark* of Mr. Craig. Mr. Denny wn fallowed by tho Hon. J- C. Plum cr.of Westmoreland. in n few brief observations explaining why more stork had nut heen subscri bed fur at thu firmer opening ol the .books. He desired mast earnestly for another opportunity for himself and many friend* to subscribe to tfcetlock. Wm. iL»bin»on. jr.. E*q., then made a few cxpla tittious, and concluded with *omc pertinent te' mark* in favor of the rwjlutifcn. He wa? sue. reeded by Mr. McCarullcsa, who, in areiy anima ted •percb. opposed the resolution offered by Mr. | Stewart, which he regarded as monstrous. ar.d marked with insanity. He woulJ oppose thi* proposition of Mr. S. to the uttermost. _ Mr McC. wa* r« plied to by Mr. Cia t who .in the course «1* hi>» somewhat witty re marks made a very happy allusion to the celebra ted Clarion letter of which Mr. MeC. is the fept> tod author, which excited much applause and laughter. - I The H in. Walter Forward then arose, and in a - very warm aud eloquent speech, opposed the , adoption at the present lime of tho Supplement The speech of this gentleman was listened to with profound attention, and had a very great beating upon the subsequent actions of the meeting. On I *h n coucluslcm of Li* remirks, a demand was l made for tbs question, upon the adoption of the resolution offered by Mr. Stewart, and it was car ried hr a large vote. The meeting then adjourned sini die. There was a good deal of excitament displayed throughout the mealing, aud a coastd* r adc expression of disSilnfictiou evinced by a portion ol tie Stockholders at the malt We understand that xsveral Committees from the towns and counties West of us, were present at the metting. Grotvtb of PlitabATßb. One of the most gratifying evidence of the rap id growth of this city,-—spvt from lb* oume rous buildings uf all Linds whul .r« at prcseot lx iog erected —is the fact (tat a wry Urge combs r of vacant lots in the environs of the city, are nos.* be* tng brought into the market, and God ready pur* chasers at good prices. Pittsburgh in.afew years, when her several contemplated Kail Koad improve* menti shall have been perfected, trill be the first City in [viat of wea’tb and population Wert of tho Alleghenies. Nothing can impede her onward march, if she is only true to hsitalf. But two short years bare parted away since the was completely prortntrd, by one of the trust dreadful visitations ever ieeorded~and yet at the present timo bald ly any evidences of that calamity are remaining. Without ashing aid from others, she has by the force of her own indomitable energies, ruun Phcc* nix like from her ashes, into the full enjoyment of a. betUhy and vigorous state of prosperity. Judg ing fur then, by what she bav accomplished In so brief a period; end looking at ibe.yast and in* exhaustible resources of Coel and Ir on, by which she is surround«)—-apert from hery geographical posit&t’ as the entering door into t he mighty val ley of lbs West. Who can for a moment doubt, what her future ie to be! The stuokeof her thou sand factories, which darkens her sun light; ,tbo numerous steamers which crowd her wharves; itu* countless number of Canal and other bust's, poor* ; :ng into her lap thv products and wraith of all lt»d*~-and stove all the remarkable spirit of in dustry, energy, and perseverance, which so enii* nenlly her citmena, tells that at do distant period she is'd',uned to become the -Kar pin? City of the jieat West. Pusan-vasia Rail Roau Co*i-aht —By tferenc* to oor airrrtiaing column*, il will be perceived that ■ Committee of our meat r/*ffpeeta bJr citizeorba’f been appointed to re .Vite sub •crip'.ion* to this great work, the im porlance i*f which lo Pittsburgh cannot be over eatunateil, a„d we sioccrely hope that out citix/oa wiU come forward liberally and subscribe t ■ ,t. Aa regarda the a aloe of the stock, a* a *jiere investment, alone and apart, from any advantage* growing out of it. to those owniog property , and doing bu*ine*a here, ibero cannot for mordent be a single doubt It will be the connecting chain in the great line of Rail Road irom Uostoa. to 8t Louis, and. nj our humble opinion, ia destined to bathe tcry best stock of the kiod in the country. Our citi xena heretofore have not ahown that warmth to warda this Road, which a careful regard to their owa interest* would seem to demind, r\nd this ha* been a e»o« ol unplcaaar.t feeling to wards Pitta burgh r>your Philadelphia friends. We sincere ly trual that our future action may bare a ten dency to do away with. this. Lit u* show our aia ter city, by ® libera', subscription on the part ol the ettixetu to thia mock, that we are icady to give ©or haarty toward* it* construction ' An exploaioo of fir. .lamp ocootrnl in Ih. col. lent, of Mown,. Roger*. Sinniduon. & Co„ ml Pollnillf, a few day. ainc. by which Krancia Kinky waa ...only, prbap* fatally burned, and Daniel and .I'oler icr] aa.eraly tn jumL Connderabla datnaje wan dona to Ibc gurjw.y.cia, Rail Road, ftc. Tb. ua. of Dr ay’a Safely lamp abould bo dupanaed Wllb, in working below Iba wafer lent The compat tui infrequency of ciploaiona <-.ufe« muci carelestnet* in this particular. Tb* wax to Aov*»tis*.— We.jwereabowo : * Receipt fot nine hundred and eighteen dollar* andieventV Jive o.nlh, the amount ,*uf in edeona fui one year’* adrertiaing, by Dr; a Philadelphia paper. The Dr. £id one of the \cw Volk paper* ro>ro than double that amount laat year and tbi* It i» not aatoniahing that lit* maifrine hae MineO the great popularity it haa how and U DOl afraiJ fo Y. Ex preu. __ ‘ ; Morcmaii ./ tU feoqpn—Rd"™ "ear*.—Tba lal P«nn»jhr«ni.. South Carina and New Turk re,imam., nnder made a movement, on Friday for.»the * The twelve month*’ men, With the exception few Mill remaining In the Hoapilal, are now m route for their respective home*.' The Uat took their departure oc Friday. Editorial Corrsrpondence of i*>o Piustiorgh C**- ; EVoa WasbiflflOß.^ ''?• Wi»ai>aTo«,Miy4Bi IM7. have conversed with | ouot uaein««r*tnen. *t tfaft seat of bJth pirtiesj andst*glsd to h>»e *>me v'teencO.j tbtt there ere many distinguished peisonsin the dominant party, who *re weary of the w«.»«h Mexico, and who would, if they coold, bring Uto a speed; close. The president of the United States gate assurance* to man; who tinted him on the 3d of March last, that the war would eod in the epsee of sixty day* t Such waa hi* con- Tictiona then, or each many were told they were. U is nearly ninety day* since Congreas adjourned t fwi oar apprehensions are that we are, if not aa far removed from Peace aa ever, lh*t it la not only ’because that it must end sometime, and we may •uppoee, therefore, that it U something nearer us , eod than it waa when the war commenced some, i thirteen month* since- We never that | Mr. Polk would insist upon th*t “vigorous proae* cution of the war," of which wo have heard ao much and seen *o little. We have never believed that it would be “a *hort war,” though often aa gored that U would be such,by those whom it or iginated with, and who wete responsible both for the war and the manner of its prosecution; nor did we believe it, though the President claimed it for a truth, that “the annexation of Texas" would prove “a bloodless achievement-" Dreading Mex ico from the start, more than a civilixtd nation, and ashamed of the Administration for turning the Udo of war against Mexico which it had commenc ed against England; wo feared im duration from .the stait. The President *ay» he expects a speedy peace e»en now, while pushing two powerful armies to the Mexican Capitol. We do not pretend lo.aay just now fvhethu it would be good policy or not to withdraw our armies from Mexico, though, U in a position'to gi*° advice, we should certainly ad vise a withdrawal, at kaa; to *»uch hue as the C*t>- ▼crnnicnt means to maintain. A peace* made at the capital of Mexico would be a forced peace at best, and that is the worst possible peaco a nation esn littc. f lt would last us ahoct as long as our armies were on their way home, and no l >nger. It would have the sanction neither of the judgment nor heart of the Mexican people, would, there fore. he broken at the earliest powible momeri*. Our belief is that some men. and wiser p ‘hey, must prevail a! the seat of Government, before can hope for a permanent peace with the Mexican Republic. a Wnhavehestd i f a war upon Mexican Church* ea nn «ell as Mexican Palaees, and this,,too,fiom the organ nflho Government. A people who feel that their religion is at slat** will roonerdie, a thousand deaths, if they could, than turrender their altars to the enemy. Mtaiyv too, feel relue tint to yield up their soil; the hoc res of their fath er*. and what they hrped would prove such to their children and children’s children, for all time to coma. If then this Government expects ao ear* ly peace it muat either ahato soUiclhing of its de mands, or send a hundred tbwnsar-d men into Mex ico u gunrd every exposed place, by aea and land and to overawe ibo whole population.' Aa lor af fection loward* ua, or confidence in ua, the Man* >c*ns i are none, and whenever they fed slroog eoouy h they will treat ub something worsa thxu the Fiua.iana treated the French, in their Invasion of l'oe Ruaiian country. In many respects, indeed, w' are engaged io jo«t «ch a war, aud the sooner v.e gtl out of it the belter for national honor, ns tional strength, and the gtoeral good of man kind. _ f>rt*ipo'ameeof ib-i pittn'iamb Uszstte- MUte of the Crop*. Market*, &c. 5 WiantHGTox, M»y 27ih, 1847. W e are ble««d with more ibjwer* here aocJ the neighborhood, which will add mslcrtally I r the improsement of the crops. Iho druught which prevailed for some weeka in Ihe neighbor hood of Pituburgh, haa been geneial through the eat’, but Ihe ehowera will pot a new appearance upon the face of nature, and restore mud! which aeemerl to'bo luat. There is no. occasion, fhare* fofe, for etching at this .ally season oh.nfnell year'- crops, and I am. therefore, sorry lo ace a> many panic makers busy in predicting erril. Suf ficient to the day is the ceil thereof, and I base much more faith in the great protniaea that “Seed time and bareest shall ntser fail,", and that the •*Lori will provide" than in anyjjaithleasmirgis ings about ihe future. - In regard to ibe present Mason. ibe cud will probably show the following Important results: Wt "J'hsi tben'tw land* pot under caUi»»ti-m lha preaent year will oaer and oaar again make up for any deficiency in crops. 3J. That tbe Goto planted and brought lo mar* bet wiU nearly double the •mount produced the put year N<»r is it tine that lbe Wheal, or evrn the winter Wheat, about which so many prediction* have been uttered, will prove altogether a defi cient crop, or eveu a short one. W’e *h*U have enough, not only for the lergeat possible home coiuomption, hot for a foreign export, quite equal to Ihe probable demand abroad. la no year of our national. egialeoee hav *o much attention t>ern paid to Agriculture, a* faring the preeent aeeeoo. The preeent price* have given e new impale* to the whole buiince* of Agriculture, end Ihe gene ra) inquiry is bow, regardi'es* of the expenrf, the I largest yield can beprodoced. Nor do ihe field* j,of Wheat planted the lest autumn by any mean* ! look es badly as ha* been irepresented. I have lawn many giving promise • of the moat bountiful [harvest, and the new planting.: gunerafly promise well. Of course there aro putieutar exceptions, and to the owners these offer sadenoegb prospecta for the future, but ea exceptions are Dot roles, it is wrong to present a Mattered or barren field >e % cample of the appearance of a whol* country. I that many old tobacco fiildu in Virginia and Maryland have ibis year been turned into Corn, and probably the world would not suffer much if there should be a general metamorphose .»f the la»t=r weed into fields of meixe. There are. in deed, a score of reasons which will readily suggest themselves to almost any man’s miud while the hsrvcsl will be a good one. and I rely, therefor. upon "a speedy aod milked reduction in U.« pres ent rates of Breadstuff*. Choice flour i* retailing here at the enormous price of $ 11,60 a barrel, a.d other things in proportion, which i* almost equiv alent against giving bread lo the poor. P.»!alo <*. too. have been retailing its(,7s and $2.00 a bu h cl. butler at 50 and 40 coots, and sometime ifni ■ choice article, 60 cent*ha* been paid fora *in-’e pound, but a good article is selling this morn tig at 31 cents,*which is a promise that _it will -i-tl next week for 25 cents. Beef, too, has been * fl ing for 12J and 15 cents a pound f«r rh«nv | ces, but those who rely upoo any eiihancemi-nt -d present prices, or even upon maintaining prea. nl prices, will ere long find themselves wofully aU taken. Bo*ai> or Trad*—At a regular meeting of the BoarJ of Trade, held on the *7lh tn*L, ibe following namtd gentloroen were elected intin* bera of the lomtitutton, Joseph Knox, J H Pttfato Edmund Snowden, C A MeAnolty Geo L Seldeo, R » Haje A A Hardy. A B McQoewan J D Wrck, B A Hampton F G R*J. FrancU Seller* Jonathan KidJ Walter C Roe Thoa R While P B Griteemer WSAlbree Wm Raa John Jack B Herron E W Lynd John L Miller H F Sebweppe Edward Faber Wm Bingham D Reinhart John MeQoean Wm A Herron R Wataon hi 0 McGill Luka Taafe J F Pe»'J J Youngaon Ja* Benny, jr II Coulter Robt McUotchaon B Oirde J Kirkpatrick L A Hatchlaoo P H Leofman Clbmaen T Braun J Grier D£ Bayrd R Dalzell John Black Geo W Bmtib . Ja» D Vainer John Scott Wm O Curry • Geo E Arnold -Joe H Hilt Bamuel WigbUnan .WnSßtaaell - r J. HARPER. Clerk of the Board. Contfiuo&al Coarentkm ol Illinois, the mta&ta of which hare been just elected; is to neet on the firat Monday of June. Bcafoaa Offlelal aeeoMt af Battle of " Cerro Qonl*> This mwnd f w/uint of the late fight, waadeepatcbadtotbe Central Government in the city of; Mexico, by General Jarero, after be be* canx.ia inmate ot tha Castb* of San Juan d’Ui&a. it {fan tolerating document, which wHI be .read, po doubt, with avidity, by all daises of oar fellow citizens Ba.« JcU d'Cuoi, 33d April, IM** Mott Excellent Sir.- . Made prisoner* of war, together with Briga dier Geo. Bomulaa de la Vega, who is with me tn this foitress, where we hvrebeen placed by the unfortunate event* of the morning of the lBih instaot, at Geno Gordo; end separated from Brig. General Don Loois Pmzon, I conceive it to be my duty to report to youi Excellency the occurrence* of that day, the bitter results of which have plac ed me in the power of the United States of the North. HU Excellency tbe President of the Republic, end General-in-chief of the army, directed Cerro Gordo l*> be fortified, oo ihe left of the National toed, or carriage way from /Jalapa. The road cruties the brow of the mountain, and along it were placed our infantry, together with the head quarters, believing that our cavalry were stationed near the Corral Falsa, and the Encerro. The broad mountain, called the Telegraph, w the high* at of the eminences of that ebaio, on the Vers Crut side. Beyond the Cerro. on the right of the present road, and at the point of in tersection of the old n»d, the Gencial in-chief or dered a battery to bo placed, which would overlook the wagon road, the deepest and narrowest place in the glen. The old rivej road was commanded effectively by the heights, which were designated Iby the names of the advanced lines of tbe right, left, and centra. Tbe first, and lari named, had the river m front, along which the enemy were stationed; the second, commanded upon iu left. I the national road, at tbe point mentioned Icfjre, I as the deepest ic tho glen, in such a manner as to I enable it to defend the passage from tbe old river 1 road. The command of these lines was assigned |by tbe General in chief aafotlows: The right to Gen. I>uis Peer m; the left, from the battery on-tbe 1 National road, to Gen. Roraula* do la Vega, and I the centre, to mo. We woio in oor position on the I7ih, when, about noon, we ssy the enemy advancing in col unm by the le f t of our vanguard, putting direct- Jy forward forth* height*, near the Telegraph.— The battery of the advanced, line of the left open ed iisfne nf round shot upon.them,from our Urg c*t pieces and with tbe beat effect. Soon after, the cuemv was discovered from the | salient angle, upon which anotbor battery of the tame advanced lino had been placed, which also 1 opened its fire together with tho, hotter} of tho ; i-entre, both acting with »uch effect that the me mv were driven from bis position in lew than half an h-.ut. Tho men*)'.compelled to abandon that p-iiul ly the injury received from our. fire, com menced* a movement, by the right, upon the Tele graph height, whew he.'was also received with by our troops, and rttiieJ ih great di*urJer, with cnnridtraMe loss. The following day (unfortans'.o for the Repub lic,) the l*th April, the enemy presented himself to renew tbcetuck upon tho Telegraph, and open-, p j a fi r « upon all our fortified positions. The height after a «vcrc and bloody combat was taken by main force, at tbe moment when my advanced : hue of the centre was attacked by another column at the point dirrctly.under the command of Pori captain (ratal) Dan Buenaventura Arar-ji. The battalions of Zacapuestla and Hatanqur, the At- Ulcry and Piektt* of Matamora* and Libeiad, covered themselves with glory, and effectively su»- , iiimd the right wing ef the left line, putting t. , flight the enemy's the ahoit space of five or six minutes, which formed again on out ! right among sunounding thicket* and ridgrs. The height of the Telegraph bring taken, the . enemy became master of our rcar-guard on tho ' left. andJo receive orders or instructions from his j Exerifttoey, the gerural-in-ctirf, I sent my sdju- I lairt, Ltcut. D. Fran.isco Ruix, with orders to we j him or the senior General, (providing Santa An na had run—we xuppote)— but he returned with the information that be found no one there—in our camp and Head-quarters—and that a llsg of*j truce was flying at a »bed. a fact whica was sub- | sequently <wnfi»me«l by my own observation. j • U'ider these circumstances Gena. Pruzon, Ve- t ga. Noriega, Osando and myself hebl a consults J tioo, and considering that, our position having j been changed by the capture of tbe Teh graph beigl t; that our real-guard was hemmed m by j the t.iemy in front and rear, and that otir “ipjly . ofwuler, which had btfoie been scantily furnished | in barrels, was now entirely cut off—that ihefgen- eral in chief bad previoudv withdrawn the battal- ; ion Of grenadiers which bad covered our rear guard., in the woods, the enemy, were thus masters of our fate—and although some of us, by our knowledge \ of tho hollow* and ridges might ba*e saved our veins we pvp'orwl lo be pierce rr, to the farther j sacrifice of tbe line of tr.-op*. In giving myself up to tbe generals of the enc my I give them to umleratand that no opprobrium to oor honor or to our country, belooged to the ac% and although they were the conqoerori, I could nevrr in any form palliate the war which they bad made against my country. In these expressions I was joined by Gen. R D. de la Vega, whose aervievs in and not of the K-.public have before *hi* redacted so’much honor upon the Mexican name. Col. Jose Maria Psvon. Post Captain Pedro Rail. Msj»r Jo*e Maria Mna. Captains V. Arguelles, Gieguria del Csltejo, Jose M. Mantx, Jose Maria Moreno, Silveria Velex, A M. Gallegos, Adjutant M Camacho (Lieutenant of the Navy) Fr’co Fernandr*, *ab-l»ulecanls R. Amal.le, J. H. C**arubia». and Joee Laatoilae. all of whom wire brought to this place, and as prisoner* of war will be conducted to such place to the United Slate* aa the present government of Vera Crux may direct.' 1 beg your Excellency to lay this narrative be fore bis Excellency the President of the Republic ' and to rematk to him and tothe nation, whom we should til serve to the list, tbit this mull i* an instance ol ihe capnce of fortune, a* at- tbe same instant that our three lines of the van-guard had achieved a victory, driving our assailants be fore us, we found ourselves under the imperioo* necessity of surrendering ourselves to those who on the height of the Telegraph, the National road and in our bead-quarter*, bad made themselve* masters of the Geld. In number thsre were more than 12,»00. against leu th*n 2.000 Mexicans, who were surrounded by their advanced line*. 1 have the honor, See., Jo** Masts Jasxao. To hi* Excellency, the Minuter of War. From >i»- N'rwOrlean* Commercial Ti«e«. May 1” LAYER PROM MEXICO The U. S. S:eamahip Kingtland . Uapt, Davit, arrived yestetday afieniooo from Vera Cruz, baviug sailed on tte I3:h Inst. Too .Vary King*Land, it will be remembered, look down Coptain Walker and tii* mounted company, who, ere ihii, arc doubtless doing good service to ibeit country .The Mary K'mgtland brought over a large, □umberof paMeogors, whore names are subjoioeJ, together with 347 discharged volunteers. Private Joseph Harney, of the Mount Vernon (Illinois) Regiment, felt overboard on tbo night of the 13th inst* and was drr-woed. By this arrival we have received the American Eagle of the 13th. besides letters from our valued coi respondent, Indiealur• The Euglt, in noticing the arrival of Major General Patterson, at Vera Cruz, accompanied t>y the Tennessee Cavalry; lit and 2d Tennc**re Infantry; 3J and 4tb Illinois; the Georgia and Ala* bama, Regiment*. and one Independent Company, of Kentucky Volunteiri—pays the following well’ merited tribute U thii diatinguisbcd officer : General, Patterson accompanies them to the United Slates, but will return, we Icafh, to ahara in tbe perils and glonoa yet to be encountered.— ( Thia gallant General deserves more gratitude per*; hapa than any other commander who has been in tbo service during tbo present war. He hfli been a cripple for month*, most of which time bis only means of gelling about, was by the aid of crutches. During the fiercest of tbo bombardment of this city, hewas baiy hobbling about fiom one ( point to an other closely observing; giving directions where it was-necessary, and performing all the duti< a ap pertaining to bis office with as much despatch as r if attending to the commonest affairs of life. Tbe i fust day after the opening of the navy battery, . wbeo the fire of all the furls of tbUcity wa« con centrated upon it, and when balls and shells fell in its vicinity like * buil itor ». Gen. Patterson mounted his horse and rode to the spot where it was planted, and after catefully observing that tbe guns were properly worked, ascended a Utile emi nence close by. with tbo aid of his erutchrs, and watched the effect cf our siity-eight pound shot and sheila upon the city, with sa much coolnrsi I aa if only prevent at a simple pyrotechnic eibib "'w'ccan testify to'these facts; reader, for wo were there and candidly confess that we found it u hot a place es we desire ever to be in again.— At Cevro Gordo, although laboring under a severe illness, in addition to iiis continued laments*, and against the urgent soldutions of his friend* and the advice of his physicions, he insisted upon be ing present at tbe battle—mounted liis horse, re paired to the field, and immediately assamed tbe command be was entitled to. Soch men are worthy of a nation’* gratitude, and we feel certain that it await* Gen. Patterson. PasKngtrr bg the Mary Kingtland— Major Count de Btumgatdt, Q ®o* Shield*: Lieot, RT How, Alabimi Regiment; Col, Formao; C.«t HtckUlo". A Djctor D A D, ““' Bur ,Z; 3d 111. Be,'llC|*2° W Paiker, A*s i Qo,rt»rm,ilet; Adjutant O Ewrett; Ciptc Bwbop, L,«lar Hicki, Harfjf. Campbell, Siller*: I.ieuU. Bon. AJmm. Proctor. Tbomn. L*n.ler, Lirlnp. ■too Hooper, M'Adam*. Dunbar. ReardonJlitrhi, Barbe Bodleron t and 347 rank end file. Correspondence of Piusborgb Gaxeite- t Bc*f*i*t or A D«TAC*jUHT.--“A:'par*«if*t : > PaitiDtLMJ*, May S6th. 1847. too lha MaryKingtland h*J forolahedo* with .* __ —i . . . , .ji,,- #fW »__ in !*.#• the following iofomuliunJast a* the T***el raa«of ihU U tha felr which*ometiinew stxrtaup thmt a deUchrt-r.t- r.f oar tr£Xips«t»nonrdat rfaoia p f) - wiich bretern *Uccicd after* Mawrn of aetmlf ia oar busmca* ctrde*. Fe,> pratiboutoxtcen mileeoff. had bteoscdJeu jeans, «jmn»er l ■ • f,K- i, M i,h; IV attached by a band of ladronea, or guerilla iob- ..—A.,.. .. auwtiay cpemlly when that acuity .. not of the health,. TJ|f## J f M|rf . fjQr wound . hostery. !*»«. ««t character. It is p?«iblc that the latest ad*i- ; #m j one uken piisoorr. Capt. Walker, the j nik. ihread, *c. j ct * from Mexico, which are uufavoiable to a apeetly j renowDed Texan Ranger, iratnedialrlj ec: off for ; At S.O’Ctock, P. l- -., MW4re ' I peace, may bare some effect in checking ba.inesr. that spot. to learn particular. and try ' C ;« «n th-- contrarr auitc tba feroaeua awatlanU. The Mary Kingtland f » (1 , Vi!tobaec£lObxsebi and dry. shovels.i** o *”?* Money u not hard, H .a, on Um contrary, quite Jowq Wq bumlreJ neQ Md ooe baD j rctl rcuM . on bpd *>*,, i keg powder, bind , ...bandulH ««>; bul ■> «° 1 ? P» rt * J ” ,,h xnd tlm. h 0...; .he ..or. HntW wilhc. «. M d taoj | on the best securities. Good s olid, bum,an,, it tbe slight**! abrasion of the akin even-—tu splen- household and kitchen farm .ore, mantel clock., looking : MW r i. taken teadilj, bul kne nolo, and draft. ! did eondilion. She made the pun in eijtt. ate hard It paai The .apply ol Flour hole i, i hourt'tuoniof.ttme.ol£lnM™of «<>Pl>»S?j.'“« l ‘; w„, Lu . ,a Jcd , Uc J DD»vi»’. Aaenoo | unuaoaily and t think ,h. dent.nd hM in. I£ "» *-*■"- P *“ * l 6 « ’• attui a trifle. r . srt.ixw Vrne Hall* Bpan ah Cigar*. my3l j The no»a of the tit, ia moderato in qaanity.^— in Queen Anne', time drunk-; At s trci iek, P. M. . ThVtown »M..hoeked 1.. t night by the annonnti. | enne. ... ftharFopnlm |b«j iher-tj.. In lb. ” d.“'S.ev | ment of the dreadful death of Mr. Robert Scott,! taanujcripts of the Ontish Museum h i s r *i# hue shirrs, with hnei bosons and i-olJars; faue • | mho was thrown from the cars on the Rail Road j le«« tha Pffeate Secretary of the celebiated rrovol *. new and second hindgoUl and •i'rer watebe*. ta«'n .hi. city and B.ltimote. He ... picked Do.iu*. of M.tlbofongh, add,.»od to th. I ope S .. onb-nt. t 00... Ac Ac. np in the town of Fei.y, (Md.) and ftom the | began tbo., ' S,r. my lady tb. Dncbeu -A-T_je.-~=kr^===.— ——j.. ! dieadfol eondilion of bUbody, out have been j being drank. ».'„»n.ble to .00 you -hen , on . KKtVANU MO "£™™lU«^2dW'Ud droeged some durance. He ... on excellent , called yt.lerday. Temperance aocrctrea e , cherry BlueraJfor the euro of to* fotlowuig man, and .he bro.he, of Mr. A. Scot,, publiahe, i »tk»..«n ro rho^ ; , Uf Wkfe •»- *»«•*»“»«' ****«»■ i „h. U .abject to 6U of .amnambuliam. and .ho , SSTTriV fncod. th, j sleeps on the second story of her father * hoiiae, c j ;f , ~n d coumy. b notnijiaiion tor ihi* odicc nt ( Scrofula liwpuriues of ibe ftlcod, 1 • cot up at 3 o’clock this morning, opened Ihe win-1 n pi>roacii.nß and Whic Cuuvtiiium. Tue j p aMU | e * on the Pace, Herediurj Humor*, Cold rts, do. U and fell out upon the pa.emennl.rdging noon L.-idi-mra^p*--"*"”-*"**''*"-. a cellar door. She nai ahockingly bruin d. This |,. i | |f !; l i. i.y myas M u LOWlkiK cu T^e a ,i Pnl ion of the invalid pnblic, and of all U»*« should lw a warning to parenla not to leave chil- -- “ r ! al&icted hr any of the ibovo m»su nreeari buuuiu » i s- - •_i'|« a«e aiinounce ihe uame of tiisjoi , .. D ( a new and mvalnaoie prepara dren subject to night-waJking in roams with un- } lf ..^j ß y bkaRS. of Allegheny City, a* a •unable cun-1 • [, nmtn oniiu»i recHpeofadistingutaheslpbysrerani barred window* J.tlaie Kir ihe oltecoi Cou.iiy Coinmissioiier. subject to j com bi„inc u, iuelf the most acuve I rc “* dial l P r ?Pf. r >‘. Oor .ttcot. ... filled orirh emigmn.a The, Ore dee.-ornyf -be■ Anu-»1...,e« ; j»„. I S go about m squads, end arc mostly Germans. A >“ , .. ... , , I to ibe public about-twolve months ago. and body of Ihe ••gentle, .ex” pxued me ye.mrda, a. , “I,"' Aon-Majune o,“j j d«>i"« '““.T^Sr'ilX'them’.iS’Ja'lT^c^fi” noon-d.y, .hen the .un ponnng do.n a ter. cornm.-unr. ; The d,...... .0 .hi.h be indnee ibap.op..eim»Mar ttem no.eex ,l6c amiunt of h 0.., and I ... pot iolo . aplen- ... h„ ».v,, ,«e,„d . c.oi.d..e den... I” me nd «* “SeSVble-iSg .0 .1, d«.e iid perspiration by the very sightof their cum- wLn"an> ! W V^TTfc'KETCH • bersome wadded petticoat, and pincushion caps. 3, Mwhrw . PKKULM TOW NoJllF 1 . * rß , * I*l New York; W». Mr. Pahenharo, the British Minister, has been iny-rtdiwic* __ i Tho/s Market street, and P. R- Sawraa. &aithfijsW slaying some days at Jones’ Hotel. Ho left this. Mr KD . Tali: ln’ < .a«e Announce ibe uameof JOUN | sireetl Vinshurgh, Pa- Price«l— large I morning for New York aod Osnada. from whence Mn.i.Efc.'oC ,hr Itoroupi.w' Simrjuiiurpu, a«u ■unable . bo e.ies t» England upon a short visit. General 1 ce,.d.d«i-«« r. T re-..t thi»co u .,-> ... u.* ; TO COHTRACTOOS.— Leslie Combs Uat Jones's, and the Hon. Louis | m >' ,9d * Vw ’ -- - pKUPOS.VLS wUI ber.ecei^ved al ibigSSSwSfJi* Mcl.nne»nd Gen. Hendcon .. Ha.l.eli'e, ! .»>■; SeWlk I. K^hTmld.'U*h”:”o=a. J.’; Tbo lato rain bat been of great service tt the . ol %1 k a . a raud dAU- .uuft.oo oi unce none oum* aerbss James Hiper, on e.ophe.c.H3uM, while iho grata, lihrubs and tree, ■ ..Nl'g" »»»* t.-,r, Z K.xs &,*» iu thu city wear a new vesture. The old one was I mu'» j, m i« win iir about :jl ft hi*b «n<t 401 feet long, aad]»u velicw and sickly, tbe present ono exquisitely I "m, l Khiioi - Iwkr ..i rerommeuding .. • untrJ a^ou t 1 miles -love Lynchburg: lh « r b J ’ r* of the Ann Mason e and Whig Cout»> , b(J abc it high und «K) ft long,,and stuaiJd atom» frch and healthy. . convn.i.o.,. M.tlt-ilAl.l. svVAHTZWKI.DrIK. • ....u. WP «, of Lynchi.urgl,: the third will bo about ihi Brown, tbe fagitive slave is gone, as you know. K-lUJPinlill w ..,i ,, uglified lo r>*pres«-iii ihn co<,.i- ft bil]l nn juuo ii loug, and sUuaieJ aboutumiles.west He cot off on the wril Hi hnmine repleginndo, is- .> m lt , P alc **»« u-junnaiuiu would eru’ -, of i. y „rl»:»u.g. The fouudoUon of there «««•« or “ C ” , n . . t,• q. n 1 k ,iti.ii-M)i.. iiv id-in the C.iy ajul Cauniy ai( j ihe superstructuies will pe required to be ,r»* sued by the Prothonotary of tne .Supreme Court. .i>na » o\K (IF THU I*aUT\ ■ aa h ,-i, ». jjw wa.erlrvrl. dunng ihe present »ea- Judge Person's anger was. os hir.ttd'to you. tern. : ‘ . « on Pinuioi -aid work^m«>M»e*een,andspeCtficailoiis P««>- Freed, thn teepee .f the p.Uon.,Hand, j haundoaar in lha ... of $lOOO ,o appear and £“>•.. Uc. ™ ~,'d a" . .be l“ of July na... . . . Q . nWFBtoON ; «TaLTSK mvVN».CtofEaiP»e«_ - | j JuQfib River & Kanawha —1 JOHN \IORH!>ON, of Allegheny, will be tcppori- , . ’ . h Mav.tHJ. myitMawtJyld BY MAGNETK’ TELEURAPfI. • s Uaa.'pAal .parted ,/ J ! £! - [ General Taylor. 1 iui..».. ot me Wh g and .smi-Misojuc | : Puitanatru.,. May 00. ,847. | „ , LLUCK „„ u , ipo „rf haht.a .be ■ “"V“ SSli'S^TkfiOA B, an ar,i..l from ,be B.axo. S„,U,go a, ; f■...«»»■■ ] ; lhr ..h.e.d.a.a, of Piutambtiny, do New Orleans, there is an apparently authentic ; co '“ ,l > * f ; > er nv thalihe aborr peuiiocers are of good repntefor thx. Cnl. Doniphan had bran def ~..1 |o> Map,, J KTi.*!." S?JS2SS&£I by"# strong Mexican firce from Durango, wilh tbe M smsuolla?.** o, .Mifflin ’“^ir'ofuavellersandnfflersjajtdtbetaaidiaveroisoree*- loss of ell his artillery. and a considerable number CQ n,’ JS T ,r! rC l.uiilOW 1 MrV cUnrch Jc Caro,hers Alorri* Jones'• jf men. Later accounta do not give qude so MR KI , Ir am.oh..e e the name of.JJ»HN J ' Co° plausible a Lee to the story. It was brought b, ; t Mexican runner, and is stid to have, occurred si , FaU.MKK. Ks,. bu® b««. *l>o- _JVsy.h i Dutieau 0 \Yravrr_ mytS-iii ' -tween Cerro Gordo and Chib u thus. ejl lj( h ,. fP a 4 81 , r t <- r i.e-m and baiiahln candidal* tor i f - X q - be u ol) orableihs Judges of the Oourtof Oeneral I jculat" given lead many t, fear i«. Uuth 1 “df°rUleCOttn lav lor, it it slated, about to commence im.Vl.V.w - . ,COl NTU\ Vb* Pcuuo.. of IL.iiain.a Ueaver, Sd wwd.^itu- L-allade, had been ordered .id. h,. 1 ST“”^“«”l*S!iSf.»?'|S,“th.. 1 Vera Cruz. * I ijaaaaehtlacua ' olnu'ee... nude, l.rav.oi- T11 „« A * IT-.ItKI.NS. ol [•• » *»T ‘"“’’UK f JAXIIN^AVEAVEB tUc arrived at New Orlfanß from Wia . h •••md.dAi* i-r,.0 ' , IlV ,u.iiw fapt. Webate. came w..h them. Fathe, r .„, .appa.u-d J> I a7^/S» ono of ihe Catholic Cbaplains to the many VVh g. ..t die, my and rouoiy mr uoin.i.aiinu by | L , . nn j letuprmuce, sud is well provided with 0n * „ 1P U.„A*..l:oi. »• V ea«dW «w »'*r lire Leg:s.iiu«re ami convenience* for the accommodauonof imr.Uwl 5,11 travplter* and Others; and that *«'d uveru is necessary. iwnivrcu ”,f V,- Pltv w.nt.e supiionrd b-ftirv ■ Ccurch A Cumbers or,l f J S?“ a “‘"'"JraS'SAM, tSi A,“.™ tVilliant tVil.oa, J, ' i„k...' ( .I ou . | ,ixvard l'« i.ructi John Ander»on . w u» -r 0., . »•■:• •'•■ F«..y,A A laann _W.Ca»M »l»» i ianr'Vmga and Anuma™.. »■ Ja he- PItE S H ASSOKTMBIIT OP BOOKS L .miorc. niylidAwt Jr.tFUR.ON • Kece j rrt at M A MINtIPS: , h II.|; side and EJorder tfkeichcs, wilh legends of the | -- a”w\ Chev oisnnd the Lammeimuir; by W. ll,Maxweu. . £;> 00 BOOIb O,Ui.L ! ,’iqti 110 Alliaga.or the Moorsuo^r PhilipiheThird * j, yi6. o® KOURTII STRKKTi of Spa .an hi-Vicalromance, by Eugene Scribe. . CORnVk OF post OFPICE a I.IaFV j Caambcrr' (JycLpmtia of Li.era.nre, Nu 10. , ±Tn“frtl® *? : »l booad, and^ I Fsuwk.o.,', Ui RCOtl nin-. f-al n.ui v.-Qf».n,»ii-i;.V , nntXL>n l. i 1 .... ~ i wa/ru*aisivi»w>» wis.iv Ueai t p«'t nv’ur : My«*-ncs of laondon. • I V.r,. •, lor ihc nr ce Ti-r-e haiKHonr l.'rui i ( o am of Monte Christo; by Dumaa-freth supply. «. ■ lar io meHSure. nnd warraiu them us feprr ■ KuiT attd Bine,or the rnvaieersof the Bevolulton— ..tne-.i ■•'!.<• virv low nrtce of KIVK I^ol.l.Alt?* ' |ft-»h supply- . ~ , t CASH' i'vmlemen ar* rrguested ,o call and All the Eastern Magazine* received for June .x-jA WUKIWKINt For sale at . .. MINER’S^ n,: • m j.js Smtthfield su 3d door from gtl _ i CO- Suiter's Ginseng i»nuncen. —Mxdua,. q R AH'S A ® by, S | th* lo'iinv 0?. from Hr Mm of Y\ uham't i* R.„ ov atmg Pills, t have suffered extremely from (•Irrrmj iCo at..! on* if :!iv vrr.' tn*t jir.tcuu.mer* t., .n P n»m.and o«> “cul Stomach I have made use of . i, i , *- , 3IO r .. in- . ~PM »tn:tT of ni'd.cme without receiving materia! UP ...uti ; ::i .r:rrh h* r*» .Ir- and Ute .A I .. 1 * Ai.out three months since leomroeneed nauig ?;s:* i.--gfUtuie. it.« cl.*< ring thus to see the Irsd- . M e dl Cine, which has entirely relieved rae ’ IIC , n . T, of ihf it.hVis-00. hursung .he l.oiuU of prov- rom aP ditv at m,* ‘t >iaac}>. uud restored me to comfor : .A„apP,.d,e..:.nd,nH., TO m,»d«: ..' -•Fir I luv* di m> prac; « e li«‘ » using some of > >u. ; Uem . j can with confidence recommend them j Umscttg Pmnacrji. and. so far. an. well pleased in if - . J ANK A E j . E ’i!. 7 „N U pS?fv;ir 1 edee- - f r "“ »d' • .end Die hail ajW-ii t'OUi*—|-ul them a» low amw . * . ' . an; - l -*!*«, tf '« ro.u.m.-s to re/ulcr as general sat > . K oat Tpi le ’»t S«lf-kxcrclaln|'Bwlnß. ~I'jci'O.i j* it tin* herb lofiirc to keep u constantly .»» > ho »|KFt IC <• N MNaSIU M—The Swing ha* been • i a.,.- ]<i-»i>b.-rtfuilv. o*t7 Wia Doan. a. f : a remedial agent m disease, and as a source W ;ol nicastiio m health forages Thitonehasonly lobe l seen to t>c purchased. They are or different sixes for IT/-Z. C. Robbins,. Engineer, and At ; pu hne or private hooses or ganlea*. Ono, two, or foui S ~,». a„„ g P.,.m. tVa.hmglDn, D. tl.. «a, ; 1 err. ve .n Piiishurch next Wednesday morning, and wii‘ ; Tlie _ {, a7C received the patronage of the first Pbyst ! , Pma ui hi the city three days. He can be consulted on I clans and oiher gentlemen, of tbejwtft, where they are i all ai1...,0n- r.l.uns If bit profa.-aa. or'u improxc' j * ”, ua a«d at Uia Caipaate. Shop at ! mriue m id* rueebau c aru. at the counting room ot ibr Xlr FI.OVD, comer of 4ih and Boss streets, ! iMui-urgli Gaxeu*. next dour to Post Office, between ; who wilt attend to all orders far ‘^“pQg— A qq • the hours of 0 aoJ I o-e!oek, and nt the Momutgnlieln • {City Capers copy] ' . I Hou-eduring thp icm.iimlcr of rseh day. rayUl l.v ADDITIONAIs~ACC6aiMdC»XTIO!V'*~" -- /-vMNUiUFEVKNtNGLINE— Oa*ad*AerMond»y MARRIED. i L/tUe 31st of May, thesubKnberwill mnan Evemug { ,|lUt owns up !anJ at the same beur. - . .. • Oiaiefal for past favoraand anxtons U» ««"*»«- VALUABLE FARM FOR BALK. | f<cuoo w n il. the subscriber hope* thi* new affortto T.-HX he offe.ed .1 fiul.lie sale on Friday, the dbh of accommodate will be approved and uiuiaed by a l»b- V\ June next, at It! o'clock. M, a Valuable Tru> t ■•' era! public. »rr>n r.tnnVF.B *■ 1 Land l.cloi’j.'tiH la it.a hair, of ia*. Bpnix.e». d-.rfl --a ■>««-. IKW bITOW I « moied on me Winer* of Little Raccoon Greek, Ro .ii- Co-P4ttner»nlP* Toviirh p. Washingion Gtiuniy. Pit.. a<Jjo.-,::ig • « IJ.F.N *• RaMEK baring taken rJward Rnht | Un.!« of \Vu». tiiihreaih, K D (Jedry.T Johnston, mid ' j\. 0 partnership, the Exchange holiness will be c i ni'irrs. and on tb* road leading from Candor to*- , rie j 4lt m future under the firm of Kramer* Kahm. ] hurgh. The .Faun comamr ij? acres, lie* fac nc'he j j»m.burgh. May V», IH7- d;n 1 South and East, and is well wnt-rrd. and of exceii.-m —.j - ..usIHT fiirproducingßriinorgrn»s: it is particular!) ! . lLt ' s ftBaWERt EOWAHD UAB**- cnleDlst.-d for a ihrrp or stock faim. . Person* from n ; KRAOER * RAHM. di«tan<— wishing n Call d*«cr>pTion of said propertyi-an j_ . VKF nu »xj) EXCHANGE BROKERS,dealers call With sonic nf the heir, ut Candor, or exsmluv U|* I IV,,^> oklk h and Domestic Bills of Exchange, Certifi proprrty, which is now occupied t»y G. Hildeibiiek, , ca ,of Ueponte,- Bank Note* and Coin, corner of 3d mail- l™ «. d.t of ..1., by 1 "* «~U.O«*>*»*l*W»#LCl».ta.l*Wl. ■if IF iff/‘J.'ff .jif-ff'/f :b. ■- ‘ .'oi'tCK it-.r. Vir wrt. ippoimed by tha "Co*rt of „ V .K.7,F tt M I.IJ.m.ExTH. ( ofd.rn.r~ AT a Primary Meeting of the Whig* of the i»t wnrd 01 , ,h* opening of street* in th* new wards.are bejeby city of Pittsburgh..-held ■m-.tfaiurday c* the j notified to meet at the office of tbo subscriber oti Mon -23 n tn-taiir, Allen. Cordell in the Cnair. JOeEl’ll j 4* y the 7th day of June next at 100 clock, A. AJ , fer LONG. Sr; wn« cbo*en one of the Delegate* • lflP pyrpoies of their appointment ' In coijtequence of their being a tie between ilu two Names of V cw*it.— It. E- •AlcGowio, nelihl*li-*t esnd dates,jit nfa*. on motion. ! . -John .Caldwell, Resolve t That th* U'htgs-of. th* First Ward in- c; ' James Alarshall, again on Monday evenipg the m*t- »l “I o’e!-* k. : James Chamber*, at th* u»itnl ploc*. for the purpose of rliooiin; on* d*.e- David Irwin, «.it* io represent ilirm m th- Gonvemioii - every Wl ig ; 1 ho*. Btekson. ,_ U>IV in the ytmrA h*mg requested ft. attend. j R. E. M«C.OW IN, On motion, tlie meriing adjourned. i uiyVWt _ One of ibe Viewers ,,V • ALLEN CORDF.LU Ohainn:.. nKOULATIONR-Thc new editionof t, I. R-l-<>tieni.Ji>. .evrvtary u>. - tiei.eral Regulation* ter the Army,” pobh*hed • t) authnmy of ,h<- War Department, tsnowautanii re -n, P work can be transmuted through the mail to any pnn of the country for 13'cant*postage. Order»ac cti.i.nasi.rd by the cash, post pant, will be promptly fi-l-u Price t<l per enpy. JA-GSCfDEON ! inf.P-fh-s NinlFst, Washington, DC_ 1 rTMIG Annual .Mcriing of me Corporator* for the A)- i 1 Icglciiy Cerarttv will takt place at the office, on. i the gioiimi*, on Ssmrday. ihe stl> day ot Jane, at 3 ’ d’clock. e. it, tit which tune a Board of Mannggr* will lie rl.icied forth* ensuing year ' m)27..1 J CaROTIIERS, Secretary. Correspondence of Plu.bnreh Osniir me in the fame craacl. later report ‘it* reference to Doniphan compelled in return to Chihnahua— i*t>W gave ti*r i>j 'ho report of •Wea'. rtif'al ;r. sn V«- a C.L2 triug* tlaV t.i the L .Nothing later from lien. Scott. •xican force had captured Hertedia, who ided at the battle <-f Sacramento, and car. oto Durango as a prisoner. He a treaaon—bring fond of American gold. A M comma rifii bii ed wit See-. &•< e Cr.rrr»t»"r.<!* : nee >'{ *.a« fan—or«!i t*«i«t « PHILADELPHIA MARKET. MayS9tb 9 P. M. The market ha* been very quiet alter the Q d tlo.wufAll oi prices yesterday. kw buy* e route tor a anl to .t ty, nml ttie burner* ■- I to'ortly about IUO bt»m West aml I'a brands B r bbl. winch holders .'npnsrd to sell are de s . Manv. however, have withdrawn their ml!rely lor the prr*“*.t. Thousands nl hbls id to arrive, will have co.t ihe owner* -nore linn that. All arc deposed now 1» tc steamer's newt. J'blU panic i era hav mount! al sBp ; mandir stock* here, n eraulv await t IB - ........ ■him— The market ta rather dull to day. and ; »• are toa limited extent The buameta done : ri6 59i/ tor new Me.‘« Pork, and 5> I - iO for Prune, mostly at 5* LSi. Old Mesa is i CIS/Uu. IS AO. Operatora quote a lew suler eel at 511- rd not much doing—aalca Wes.t No I at !'4 for bMs and keg*. of 50 tuba Butler, good, al UJr. ; :ee»e IMJ baa at Bjtj9c. . . r , e4 _*riie market baa 'been quiet for rumr Pro» the tali wai at OOVi 14, held at Meta t f box sugars there is a‘largo stuck in !»t nd sale* to dar 100 bx* Havana, brown *t id fle lor whitt; a»«ne white Braid at “|c le duno to day i» Muscovados ul an? kind am but a limited business done The mar •cs with some steadiness, hates Yellow prime quality at SLI3 per bo. continue scarce—to day 1000 bn Pa broughi In (si ket rac Corn ol Oata Feat) 15C0 lb per lb. Kxolu*. ra sold toa moderate extent t«»diy—say .good to Western at cent* rorrc‘POU‘!cnr rof the I’nialnirgh (.airtii NEW YORK MARKS l\ May 29, 9 P. M. fj otr Thn tnsrkel i* *l*ll Irom the eticdn o r, e , enlay'a bovine**, and though*alc» worn madi thluy at itu* finning rato* recovered !a»t evening— eg oo 1 0,19} tor Ciofiev*ce—it ta not firm. Thorn im *lao a considerable tailing oH in thn hutinr** doiug Inr fa ore deliver*. The Hibernia t* now M.on due ■niMlerstur* arc’lo king forward t*» her arrival with great anmly- ... • . . Th » movement tn Provisions in Provision* is mu ■ u j< i»c tn day, bit the market ia tirm and sale* free Fork has been eliosper than-Flour. Tire *alc» are nceU' much at the range of price* quoicd yes terJa? —n«w Meat Pork at SIC 37£vr alt'. 60—most |* the lat'er; Prime at 513.76 ami sl-MXi Old at J 1.1,30 and $15,50. Some »ale>j at a alight variati- n irom Ihrsc. the current rales. Sornn »jlrs Lanl at 10c Salea 1009 bbls P'orntnoal at $3,23^3,31i per bbl. In (»win there i* mi material change, and sales arc nuking at yesterdays prices. Ulhcrwuc ihemarket is without material altera* i« quoted at 7c fur prime Ohio. Sales tO 000 lbs prime Rendered TaIlo\» at !< cts new iu the market for Cotton. f»plo«ive Curie'poinlrnre of the t’'rßti Oarri'e. DOS fON-MARKET. Msv *9. 8 P. M. F lour—Our market has been unfavorably el'ccted and price* hare declined The general demand is also lc*« active tn day. The sa't-s arc of Michigan at 58 02$ n 8.75, and ol Southern at $9 per 1 In Receipt* increasing. The demand for Corn i« not »n and prices are lower. Sales prime White 1 Ifle, and Yellow at 111 ir ll'>c per bo. Provisions —The sales of new Ws«t pkd Pork are as lollowa —Mess at §l7 M-u Ul.m, Prune at>*ll.s 60tr 15.C0 per bbl. Ol Men Beef silcs at per Uhl. _ - itorre*poiuJenep of ih«* I’lUsi.iirnlt t.airH BALTIMORE MARKET. May 29ib, 8 o’c. P. M. Oor ffarket for Flour has been little effect* ! ed by tbo declino in New Y*»k and Philadel pbis* Prices sre 25*37Jc lower, however, and to*doy very moderate sales were effected at $B,» C2j*sB,7s for Howard el ret t. Holders of City Mills clauu $8,87$ without finding purchasers. Cornmcal ia steady at $5.25 j-er bbl, with moderate transactions Of Wheat sales of some ptime Red Samples at 200 c |x-r bu. The prices current for Cora are pretty .well maintained—'sales SUOO bu White at I00al(12r, . oud Yellow at 107alU‘Jc per bu. Provision*—There is a fair demand for Pro visions, and sales—Mesa Pork al $16,60, and Primo at‘s!4. Hals ISO bbla Beef—Prime ut sLoalQ.37s; No 1 at $l3. la Lard a moderate busines at 9s*lo for No lln bbls and kegs. Occasionally a small lot of the Utter st lOjc. Fair sales Bacon at 7jsBc ‘for Shoulders, 9$ a loc (or Sides and Hams 9jslosc. No local news of-importance. Correspondence of the IV'sbiush liaaeiie. 1 NEW.ORLEANS. May Slot—P. M. 1 The Cotton market remains in the same condi tion as previously noted—without change. No •ales of consequence- Flour has advanced under the favorable news from the North, and Ohio, Illinois, and good Mis souri brands am selling at SG,SO per bbl. The large demand < continues to prevail for Wheat. Sales 60,000 bu at 126a128c per ba for good to prime—a slight concession. Corn has declined—sales of prune Yellow at 68c per bu. In Provisions there is no change—sales to a moderate extent only. OAW WILL FOR SALE—Situalrri in Ufoi.if Oi.'ounty. Virginia, on iK<* Oli.o «• niil*-» >•«•! I'auliurßti nno 4 mile« above U>:i<vil!e. ami i*«n. of ih<! »►«•*! *uu»d« for Uii*tiie-». The r.iume U new. wih SJ inch cylinder, a dm*M-flue Roller 4'i nirner dianit- Irr by 'fi frri in Irttg'li; together wnh nit ihr ftxiuri?* \iiwdi'ul for earn m< n-i ilo- l>u«ine.*' Alto. 31 «err« m good l.ami. and a Rood Frame llou«e not qunr iiniiiicd. a toad well on the piemi*e«. and coni |> ivilrif*' For further information apply l’f by mall, iuum It pos! jva'd I lo S CUTIIBKttT, Real Kmatr Office. No 50 Stn'lbScM rtrrel Pennsylvania Railroad Company. rpHK following <*n tens bare been appointed Com 1. miMinricri lo nub*cripiiuna lo ibe Slock oi ti,f IVnnsvlvanu* lUi*rnad Company and are requeued 10 in<*ri ni I.IC Office of Mrw>. McCandleitA McClure, ni i o'clock, r. a., n» .Mommy, 31*« mtiant. ThftinK Hak-acll Oballr* Avery Wilton MrCandlett Jm. A SWnberger NVm 11. I.yon J K Moirbeud Win l'icliliaum <!«•• " kwn ttiy 31 -11 [Cny I’aptri copy _ LIGHT Colored Satin Adjusting Stock*— A 'mill in invoice ju«t received from the manufactory, mmc very narrow ciprcmH for Summer wear, for rale t.y ,h, d.«n. at No 2fi U 00., ll( y3l A«cnt for Kaitern Manufacturer* rpEAS-AomiK H>»on Ten; i Jinprnul io, Gunpowdi r do. Black do; ror *ale by .„ " JOHN SCOTT A CO ARBIY BEANS—7 bbl* priinn, received on con tirnmentaitd for tale low io dote, by .ignrpen.a JOIIWSCOIT k CO m „3j No 7 Row. Liberty tt HERRINGS— inObhliNo l Herriny*; SS bblt No 3 Halifax Mackerel; In ttore and lor «ate by JOHN BCOIT k CO myiit _No 7 Commercial Row. Liberty it BRAZIL SOOAR-W Lara in tiore and for rale my3l JOIINJ-COTT k CO LINSEED OIL— 21 bbli; Jo»l received and foi • ate by my3l J 0 BtPWF.LL, Agent QUININE— 27 oi. Sulpb. Quiutna for ails by JOHN D MORGAN VANILLA' BEANS—Large aixr and fretb. for tale by • my"l J D MORGAN LARD OlL—Superior, for sale at retail, by my3l ~ J P MORGAN; POTASH— No 1 Potatb, warranted rood, at retail bv my3l J. fi MORGAN | EMON SYHUP—Fretb made, andoffiraujual- Wf..“i*u,. j b (?[|N p HOEBAN^, , OOJ „ AATHITE I»BAD—dOkep Purs, for tile by W my3l J D MORGAN [Chronicle copy] .uttum Bolt* _ iy~ Jvom p. iwrtoi Aictipwr GARDNER, Proprietor \\T HAPPING PAPER— \ 1 I‘Mi ream* Medium Wrapping Taper, ISO do Common do do; 100 d» Teu do do; Juit recnveii'ttml Tot by Hll.L A BROWNE m , oy No w urcoa street HIO MET AL—i-liTToni Ho.* Blast i u t >n!t Uv FRIEND, RUBY A CO myfi* NoiTw.jrr »trcel_ \\riifDO\V GU»i-d» i.«'ax^ \ > ISO bxt lOxlX; for sale by u«y27 FORAYHI A DUNCAN, water and front its BACON— 3UW lbs prime Country Cure. jo«t rec’d and for sale by ENGLISH A UFINNEIT »n\ i’7 No 57 wood «t cel CIOTTON No« Co«* J ton Yam Candle Wick, Carpet Cham and Batting, al mai,UfaCtUrertl °VHl£A C g BHEY>CO^ situation by a >««£ m i“twnL dy, sober bablw, to take ebantßor a »e«"“«*°^j. either on water ot land. 1 he bejt of referencofieen it wanted. Please applyat thmotfiee. myjte^t_ .in., ‘rIT&V-i to! C U ws® K^I '“ ii "- 11 ° W "“"‘'"f'picLlV’ico' /HTbiibiSk—So o*. just received and tor sale by Q to™ R B SELLERS. ST wood tt ,“I LCOHOL-6 kids just received and for tale by A. myga R E SELLERS. 37 woo.) ,t FOUND— A Lady's BRACELET, wbteb the owner eHn hi»vn by psymg for tbisadtettisanem. ayd •> OTASII—d calks prime, just received and for sale by _ tnyV9 ENGLISH A BENNETI' SCORCUI9GS-11 casks fim quality, far aale by m>a» FRIEND, RIIEY A CO COTTOK— 100 bale* Cotton for sale by tayto • y , ; PBiBNP. BUEV ACO I OUISYILLK LIWE.-Sobb!s for aale »y XJ ayt» A GORDON, water at ERUIT— 100 btu, in. store and for sale by • mya RAW 11ARBAUOH Bf r CO,, " V S“,S-' ta ‘ • jSSL i£S3L. CISCiaWATx'AWbPITTIBCIIGH ! DAILY 'PACKET-LINE, i THIS well known bne of aptendu) pattenger Meam* eta la now competed largeil, »»ulc*i,,be<H fiaiahed anti farniftbod, and n»*t powerful Ina • na the water* of ibe Wetl. Every accommod&uoo ami com Ton that money can, procare, Bu been provided iur p«»- •eagera. The Llooba* been in operation for fire year, —bare earned a million of people |«bm injury to their peraoua. The boau will-hc at (be idoi et Wood alreettbe day previou* to *tariing. for itir recep tion of freight and the entiy of paatenger* on u.e regi». ter. In all ca*ea the pattage money nan u paid in advance. HOSDAT PACKET. The WONONOAlltXA.Capl.'&«ie,«eilllrarel*uu. bor*h every Monday morning at 10 o'rlock;-\Vhceling every Monday evening at 10 t*.M j TUESDAY PACKET* The HIBERNIA, JiO. 9, Capt. J. AWilic. w ;;i •ava PiOtbnrgh every Tueaday morning at 10 o'clock, Vbeeliog every Tuerilay evening at 10 P. \i. WKDSKBDAT PACKET, The NEW ENGLAND, NO.», Capi. 5. w,;i Jeave*P«tiabar*h every Wednesday moni;i:g at to *, o’clock; Wheelingeve.y Wednesday evening >•. 10 P THURSDAY PACKET. The WISCONSIN, Capt. R. J. Graft, will burgh every Thuraday morning at lOo’elock; Whrekiig every Thuraday evening at 10 l*. M. FRIDAY PACKET. The.CUPPKR.'NO. a, Capt. Cwh, will Iruye Pm*- burgh every Friday morning at 10 o'clock; N heeling every Friday evening at 10 P.M. B&TURDAV PACKET. | The MESSENGER, Capi. will leave Pm«- borgh every Saturday morning ailOo’dock; Wheeling every Saturday evening at 10 P. M. I SUSDAY PACKET. The ISAAC NEWTON, Capt A. G. Mootu will leave Pituburgb every Sunday morning ai in o'clock; Wheeliug every Sunday evening at IO’P. M Miy», IJW7. wool B&GQinai A(\ ISCH Burlaps, callable (orWool Aim *±l/ Grain bajtgmg. [•lnin and twilled, in gicui va j le ty, constantly on band and (or »al* by if>e title. \ ItOBKRTS & CONRAD, 35 Market it, Philadelphia WOOL, WOOL 1 THE bigbeii pilee in cash paid iDi-al! ih* different grades of clean Washed Wool, by MURt'IIYAIER. Old wool warehouse, cor Ltbernr ti and Cvcil'* alley— ciylOdAwtl F • SUNDRIES— *J Mila No 3 Large Mackerel; 10 bf bbli do do; , iu bxa Chocolate; ' 20 qt bxa Ramus; I ) lib) Nutmegs; ' l ccroon S F. Indiro; 30 bf bbls N. O. Mo)a*«rt, .<m rrc'd REYNOLUBA VjIKK Corner Venn a:-o l»wii'i -/i.*tM ‘‘ id Tor sale by tny\G __ CASSIAt Ac —liw maas-Camuaj 5 bale* Cloves; I2D bffgv Pcfptr,- F-Caik Nutmegs; i u *t rre’d ood tryaa "(■ UAGaIKV A tSMiTH LOVEfUHG’S SUGAR— • Cro«Ued and Pulverized, extra fine, to Iwrcl^; Loaf Sugarinesses,best qualiij, j u * t ircrircdaoJ forsalcby wy27 • ,HAUALt.V A SMITH"" ALMONDS— lOboje* J&etled. ' T •JtWlba PaprrSbell; '1 &U lb* Marsctlfcj; ibi tale f.yfc ' myS7 J D WiLUAiUgfcCO, unvtftoj M " WISDOM GLASS-231 bx« ' 20 bis 7xb, ’ 3O bll 10x12; i 12 hx* 10X13. or sale by myB7 POINDEXTER A CO. <1 wuer n } Letter copying presses- A of superior Copying »*rtsiet • Also Copying Hocks, Uti Paper, and Copying Ink*—iast reeetvea «n>s for sale by JOHNSTON* STOCKTON t Market a>d :id|!«« LEAD-300pirt, “Vpper Mlnea received Talisman and-ibr able by Al ALLEN fc'CO mpß CIIEBBE— 38 boxes large fine IV. R. Ch -*«, bn band anil for sale by- PC'MARTiN ■> J cof smilbGetd and irtinj sis C OTTOS—£6 bags repacked, now Jamlti.rfrom steamer Mary Ann, and for sale by ISAIAH DICKHV&CO LEAD —300 pigs Galena Lcail.reeeivi-d tin* day ami for sale by L HUTCHISON & CO jnytt _ . . i ; No 43 water «ireei 'IOBACCO COTTERS—I dotrn BuMineiri,on l hand ana for sale by nytfg 8 F VON BONNHORST A C 0.33 Vr> nl M I7RUIT— 3UO bus. Dried Feacbev, halves- , 50 bn*. “ Apples; In store, for *Ale by g>T*d J C BIDWKI.I.. «»-Atrrn/ U LASTER—(u bbls Ground Fiusier. in eoouoider, I just received and for sale by ] oy»C K DIDWKLI..wMcr *t LISSEED OlL—m bbls just received p ri-One ota,” and for dale by my2C . SAVVIIARDAUOH.3I si LARD OIL—H bbls sad 3? Leg* No I Lai.!;: 2t) tilllo Grease Lard; for sale l,v _ray2S CARSON A McKMO'IIT, Gib .t HERRINGS AND SHAD resale by ‘ 1 ayafl CARSON A McKNIGHT B OTTER—3 bbls Fresh Roll, received i.-dity mra CARSON A McKNUiHT CtIiEKSB— 50bxs prime quality, received to day. ' _my*>__ CARSON AMcK.MDH r C OTTOS—2OO bales in store and for sale by _ ' LHPTCnISOSACO reams heavy Oat Cap Paper, just rec'd sad for sale by my«S REYNOLDS A SHEK 'BAS—6S packages Y. 11. Tea, a pan extra fine, . far aale by mydfi REYNOLD* fa 3HKK RICE— 47 tierces Fresh Rice for tale by i aim . BAG ALEV A SMITH ROCK POWDER—SO Lags received per steam cr Lake Erie, far aale by my» JPAjLZELL BUGOY FOR SALE—A new one horse Baggy far sale by S F VON BONN HORST A CO my« 7 ; No 35 Front street /IPRBABTS-I bbls Fresh Zante, for sale by \J my ti J D WILLIAM-** ACO OLIVE OIL-4 doiin bottle*,for sale by _ _ myW J ACO FLOOR OF RICE—2 cases superfine,! far sate by - myff i P A CO BRAZIL SUGAR—IO bags far sata by i m|*7 J D WILLIAMS A CO fit BA—lOO Hf Chests Fresh Glees Teas fat sale by 1 ayffl WICK A McCA.NDLFSS MACKEREL— 50 bblsNo 3 Soothe arriving and far sale by myS7 POINDEXTER ACO LIRE— 30 Lime for sale by mygMOt • FORaYTH A DUNCAN TOBACCO—IO hhds Ky. Leaf, far aale by A myg7 KORSYTITA DUNCAN CIDER— SO bbls Cider far aale hV : j my« t« P VON BONNHOKST ACO SALERATUS— far sale by I aygfl 8 P VON BONNHQRST A CO_ MUSTARD-20 keg* English, tor sale by myS6 8 F VON BONNHUK?f A£o_ PEPPER— 111 bags Proper far sale by I nt)26 a F VUN HUNNHURSTACO CHEESE— 100 bx* prime large W. R., ju«t tee’d and far »aie by J C 1110 WELL BACON— IXOO lo*, bog round, in stem and far stlo by mytd I J C bl DWELL tOTASH—lOeasks.lst sonirjasr-reeeiTrd and far sale by m>ao J C HtDWELL BACON— A lot Bacon Side a, in store and far sale try my« , a A w IIARBAL' wood st DRV PEACHES, in-store and fat fate by myXfl 'SAW lIAKHAUGH LARD OIL—A fine article, on consignment arid farjajeby my*s ' SAW HAKtUCGH FIaXSEED AND TIMOTHY SEED for sale by 07*6 CABsON A McKNIfiHT, Ctb W FLAXSEED OIL on hand and far sale by I mvtg CARSON AtghKNIGHT COFFEE— 500 bags prime Rio. hmiliffe and for sale by my 26 UARSON.A McKNKiHT SUGAR— 23 bhda N. U-, landing and far sale i>y m ytß OARSU V AMcUNIOHT BACON— Hams, Sides tad Bboalden, for sale bv mytd CARSON AMc tCNt(*HT_ fpOBACCO—2O kegs Va. Twist Tobkero. jurt tecM X and far *ale by GEO MOKGA N A CO m>-35 No KB Mteet FRUIT— 100 bus Dry Peache*;. 60 bus Dry Apptes; for sale by my2s OEO MORGANA CO_ BUOKETS~AND TUBS—2S doz iLekit* and Odox- Tab*,receiving and farsale by | . BfD . J_DALZKLL,2t ■vaiftrst WILLOW BASKETS—luNesis.r-eervedper CanaLaod far sale by. JAR DaLZKLL niyqj r~- No 24 Water street Mackerel— to t>u:» No s, far taie by ~ EDWARD HF.AZLKTON : East >id' of thamotu) I'OBACCO— 50 keg* No 1 OTwirtT® 3 ■ceo inr from steamer Germantown, and fat ?ale by • m>« JAMES DALZELCstwairrn FISH— 10 bbls No l u»li. Hemng; IS bbU No 3 Mackerel; 10 bf bbls No 1 dOi „ 10 kilt* No 2 do; For sale by lusms.o j p WILLIAMS A CO CHEESE— 50011* Superior W. R.; sti lbs Sap Sago; for sale by mrSi J P WILLIAMS A CO, HR \rood_st_ LINSEED OIL—4U tuu l.injeed Oil for <Mle by njy» WICK js.MeCANDI.EBA’ MAPLE SUOAR—lsbblsSugarfa**jle by' tarii K\V HTJIKA zEI.■ r 6 N MADDER— For rule by ca*k or krx li« myyt MILLER A KICKETKIN FLAXSEED OlL—2obM* in siore-and for sah* by mytg MILLER A KICKKTSQN jcc’U tin] tor tale by JOHN F I'KKRY MACKKREI*-*ID3 MjU Hq3, Latg<f; ; ' 190 hf bbli. do; to arrive, uA lor *»tc by raySl _ P_PKRRY Dtß—Soo bos Penn*ylve,nla Rye ftHnle l.vj! ■' IV myil A iF PKrtRY DHY APPLES—OO bo*, in eture aiii) ur *ala br~ A JOHNIF I‘KRBY' BEAKS—) bbla amaU Wh : te, in aioij* and foraate by raySl. _ JOIINjF TKKEY SAI4T— CUObMi No l Alleahrayi ! ' *• I 00 NoS ; j do; tor sale by l mytl , JUHNiF PERKY GHEES APRltKS—ilrbbl*,.fair received ud far ial«_bjr s.-taytl JOh.V F PKRRV rBACCO —(0 keg*G-iwiiiTobacco for.tale by . WICK A M>CANDL£SS mytl . • r corwood *od wtcrau TAA— SO barrds for sale by ,■ J . f myH - WICK A M’CANDLKSS D&T PEACHES AKD APPLES in good or dcr foraale by [myBIIWICK A ATCANDIESS SISK’S AROMATIC SALTS, alwaja on band nod for talc by artl . BRADS A BETTER SCORCHUGI— 4 lona prise. Jut tretitei and forialaby nr3? ENGLISH ABKNNKTT. PLOUGHS —3 of ThoAibr’a Pmiria Ploughs, for •ala by »yS7 8 P TON BONNHORSTA "1»