The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, May 31, 1847, Image 1

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    [•n i<m iti.ii imii.v tißfm y
« LKXAKUKU (iUKUtIS,. , a " d !
A,d.»,8 Merr],.;u M W.lrfaM »u 5 Hroni -t.,,
_ _ - :
• iu ill. Wui.r nhd I'mr.t litl«l>an;ti
I’ilM'i-rel. I‘* . , n
... ,»\KU. \N iioWalc “ hJ [ le *
?.■'« Ur> ti,,0 %4 0 - j
—: —
. M..SOX a Co*Grown, Couimiwwn
BA. s>SHlw3 |U M*uui«c*
. uri-eu Piurfjurgh. _ octf7
lun-i *m 1 ' jjjuTUf Whole**lo Grown, Id
U A , <S . 'a'.it •‘m-m. r
,• .1; . K r , it CO., Wlioi*nde Gro»
BNIl’-l- ~ AC, , A i rr , N» ittJMnrkel Ureet. be*
I'bitai'-lpu** "OVd
*"' ■ , . ,7, ; \.X CO*| Forwarding ar »*
. t A. .. Cauttl »*«*“.
'• ur \ ' , ~... v Jcimsnjp*. J U ». W. Hailmao.
Um w.i ;» i.|L.MAN i 00, Mouufacwirrt
l A B. nnJ ?pn«.R
v> .i IS -I f umimg* ofevftr
r|pi'j/an*i Artot* '• a 1.0.. n » WoNhoUie 4-1
X sniSaA l^
J niuidU«ru>n*« No
a) IW*- “>»’» *"*" ,urK j»>»s
I u |
„ 4 . XVIM-UT.
Mi:\ 1.-.s*-.-! i-vlfillT. !<<OCCC»aU" to 11.
f <AKM»N * Ml , J.mcfT. Cooimi**ion
V ‘ >i»-I’rodatj ■«!
m,u* !•««««*» 'y®^
' •' k aculrcu.ll
r '-*■ ~: .i : "s,uX'‘v.“\y u»...
'' ' i'tu.iuc«' mv J Fam>ly
D/ItV 1 uwo ;££ r ‘
" rr ‘' M *' J. Harr.MH)
.. .. t,ir » Aiii'n***\* I*HW|
l)Sr/ u W«d lII*
,u ' 1 , y Vi;rOS, lV»H>»e»aleOr«><«i.
K l>yv ,’• Wi.nd t'.oor
union 6I3IHAKT.
»i ! ' * ri'l'HMtT. W'lioVml*
>- <4l ' u .^tjH’ua.ursUiuaimfaP
. A-AV*'-'<l M*“* ,v - ‘ >lUlUutcl ’‘ l>a
, ! r*M»T«X>K«-
?i.* , lIENSKTT. !l*u- <•»';
Ij’ Nt.1.l ?"»l •' ’ , , ( ; rov , tt » ».mnn**'on nnO
1j .ii-i ' r “ " , j ival.'r«‘ ■ rnxUitc and
I’llU'i'Uf f 'I *■•“•' ‘ Ot'Jl
\*o.Vw:U'u« »V*ttTzwM®*»*.*“; b -
V !>• ; »^ J Cftiiry Alloy
* lrr ' ! . Cm-O lUt-S. j«mr»
\ nUKN'U, UIIkV c^**
hunt 1 !. 1 n ~ T M*iiji'u*''-uf r t :,r ‘^
I* Ma-r-t. ,n«ruinnil', U. " o“ u | l# j
- Vo'lM A. rO*»-. tu.‘
anJ Ft»rvvaidmg
£..:» w:;.r.«r>J
■*■— - V . fifC Ciocei. Ca’iiuii
»<•«*»» "■**•*"
H. jU**T»st
|< # t':f\cy ai d 1 TiraHH*’.. t ]i-J
, * co ; wj^"^
(.t ~.r-a...lCoßi-*.»*o.I.M-ni>“" 1 .M-ni>“" . au¥ ,t __
/ i ICO. A. OKIUIV u " d
\ I and OvAlrt* '« !, °! 5+ ’ Vil.**»»*J*'* jao*
i». Titl »'l‘l •_-
i ;'i:«ic«m cooßßA».‘::^*u:" r sS^S;
l I .-.,.,- .«. ..kwnv. *■'■ , - I.
<’* ... . *-»• tir< , U Browwf. ,|
rt A.Jtn>WOCrl * m ?' orlcr S.m«C No. fc7 V'ood
l ai „-r ’ je-J3_ j
i 8 > lAI ™ '”‘' , " d “s, T f '. 0 i
i w; v™“ >"->■■ '■ _*=- .1
rU! >t-d ilonnjf hi- at'*cuc- ■>. • . j^fcoruF
J ... u. •'!“-» “'IK uS o«as
«• *»**& *
* r twuttt- or Uk<» ’■' ' ,adc - r - •
.'sc HO OX 31 All mi wb°le*»l« BraS"
J. Sr. x».=i »-«w•■ ..>. “Pi?,
' 1 05 K.... J oaoxx
•J Fwrwnnl'nc
”£s?„ i
ntlic ' 0 > " '‘ c .-.•ioNI-'KR, comer Fitlh!
•JOHN «. H; Vl*. !» OM * h *’ «*W;_|l
J and V\ t-t.* »*.••- ‘ \ u wtiolrMln-Uto-!'
] (>U.\ C. Ul.rW L V.7 i^'nu \V 4 i r r urcci;-Call;
J cer “ ,,J WidC'S PHUM* S *-. ■. 1
door at<ice th;' ’• 1 S J k manufacturer*' i>noe*-:
Na ,; ' * ,lj *■ ’ !
*i, rin^'U's 1 '
I «r
ti . •• u.mij. ji{atifmrry. #P*_
■ w.’ * CO,
1 ortll_
r; 0 -ifj t. U*m > > - • Uu , bara J.>yd.
. Jo *£ Riovu,—i- **>;* *•1 W %T
I *rcrer*. N<-' tl'- '^S 1 : :— —
* * —"■ m ■ vv-i„iir«.-itf (iroorr. Com nu»-
| /VMBS ~. ,-..„ii,rc4ml I’iutimnb
.• k. wirioin,as. ««"iU ! rSSIJ?£
li. vuntxi’ ""• 1 * ” ,u, * , ; ( . -rWsief
Mull ..-ctarr-ar,.] 1 r-Jucr, a jtf7
• '"T. .. ’pi-iimo.v fc Co«» \Vhol«*lt
| RWIH « •
W.u*-r midni jnUn Sbqnop.
."Sb I,; K
L. Forvr.n'inr I^'':1 - ; ut -, rtulfS ,N ( »Uf
„ riodare4i.<l l-xM-uig.i ‘ ,ja,,u iWiSJ
b ju«i7:
M't^£SE si!!fa,s
l.if(;;U- .... - - • •-, . V. ~i K Niiuiok
M AUrn AU * '‘-m»i »»J
AM.K>' ’,Cl^.n“^,UtTcrr«.Wop.»
t ’’' l ... v Co*v7haiew»l« Urocer »
No )-» l.ii-’Hi •* ..- • •
wn. mii.lkk< .../’fiJ’TCOS. Wl^! ( ' t»n>-
• tirr.L IMtuhurrb- *'*. _ ... -—~ ~7,
■ YP;;""m.
I’tlMbarcb. „....
_"V~iiVii'mitw ±. *»ON. .No Market
N Fourth, 11«1..r*-inr«
IWI' C,,L6r»'« f
u 'iS i "cSn;*'n. , ~“"'» •aarV'i^p" I *«»ijj*g‘-
Jri, ir-.w !•->■'•
iVcHPUV, WH.SOS * CO, Wholesale: Dlv
M. <55. ik*:o., x». » "■’•»:■> *"«>. riiutaml.
£MSi&s*»' i toV r o Wc7Jl'IS
Water *'*• •*» *
K. lUlrWri.-* KtflltlillJC*. »«•*>'
C©ult*l» u * , * • . -
i UEPPBBT, rz«luca Oc*l
anilCotnmi«*io«merct'am*, No I°9wec6rt«,
Pititb'jrch- r ?rr? -"‘-
,VtpinnD TJ LKECH, Jr., Importer *id
T| in c'oreiku mid Dometuc Sadoleiy lUrd
warr. an<l c * r,ia f,C^T ,<rf M dpwr,pl ’“ "
- - ---“ir - i T. «• «oai?«o5.
MUZSI t“«»» «■;•»<!*» S»'“"
>i.. »>
UARD, whoienle and retail dealer
jtflj Woodei.l’ualnwfli. *^ p ;
A. M. W»i'tt>c»nl. Jno F Sllißri
DC*I KH» t*l
WAREHOUSES SrcoitJ street, wear. \\ ««.!. an.!
Canal Basin. Liberty street, hate ok hand and mr
•ale 160,000 |ba aborted Steel, v:/:
Naylor A Co'*Ca«, Micir. Witter and German
joue* A qm-K'a Am Ulietrr Spring mid Fork. " .
SUO Jnz Shovel*, Spude* ami fork* ,
, Carnap* ■?i*r«njc« and Ajlr«;
Anvil*. inwu»e hole:! Vrfe*. lpa:«nt .m<l
r Sledge*, Sledge Moulds.Crmvt»;.f»,
t Furnace Ringer*. (Juinata lion.)
Matlock*,Clay and Coal Picks.
Air*, Scythe., Sickles lmgCham«,Ae. Ae..
'L. O. Reynold*. _/• L , ?•£’ {p-Salamamlcr Fue Proof >au», lion. NaiK(.
RKYNOLDP * BREE, Forwarding and Vm* and oilier PillAliorgh Manufacture* »oJd at ilie ln«e-i
mi«« l R.terfrrade, priwMl . • "* l - 1 .
dea!ci*iuGrtweric*.ProdDce,PitltburghM.mufictnre» R u a -, e(lbowri .. . j KmaUUi Sauk. !
in c.n, poid nil CHAULKS .U DA» K M.OW K B* CO.
C0SI311S8?0N JIK ?CU AI»S, . j
riiurKißTTkWiOTEi Wholesale Dea- No. » Sou lb Wharvui, ami No 117 sooth W atei »t ■
S. PWoLtdOwwiieW Good*. No I*9 . PHILADELPHIA: , ,
I JZJt' °P?i£burrU feblTtf |JKG to inform the trade and dealers generally of |
Noodairrei, **tHTC"\v^‘Wtercbimi, deal* 1) Pittsburgh. dial they ha*.? made tacit arrangement* :
Sk W. HAHBADIIH, ‘ii- and Forward* w*oa the Virginia manufacturer* and the (.rower* ot (
. ft. in Flour wtdPwdoce generally •"JJT.'T ™ West, \V c *i Indie* ami oilier place* a* iv-H m«ure .
mg and OommiMion Merchant*, No 33 , a large and constant supply of the? following deertp- !
Pituborgb _ . tiona of Tolmcco winch will Ur .old u|h»i u« uecom- |
SAnDEL PALUERi Attorney ai Law. Office 1 tnodatmg terra* u*any oilier house in tin* c**)' ° r pl * p '
in Hreid’* building, No til Fourth street. between j where, and all goods ordered irora them will bo war- j
Wood and Smilbfield. | ranted equal» "eP"** , » , «' ons - - ,
l ii;r SvUcedUaf To
0 cy, Shavingand Toilet BW'"S; l t 1 Cuba; Igumu mul Honda, J bacco.
pre«-«d Laid Oil, k«- No Fifui*, | ALSO—Brandt’* celebraifd Arnnuiuc Sing Cuven
and Market »u. - di»h, with a targe a»*ontncnt of other iwpular brandi.
Sir VQ»~BOM2rUOR*T fc Wholesale all d uuuMie. of pound. 5s f IS* J«s »«d I StcamlWAt and &m|d ery Har.lware. Lon rnnimme -
vowardinis and Comoimion MeJchauw, 5, c» and t«s Plug; Ladies* Twist; Virginia I wi.u [Mrs. Na> lot’s Mccl, LVUcry. Mpo root* An
Mli-rs in P it«b«rgh f3auufacture*aud Wc*tem Pro- 4,. *wcel and plam, in whole and half Uo*c*, wood I Cf j.< he», . irhies. ?«cythr»
“e have rcrtwvedw their new warehouse, (old .land) am i till together wni, every vtu ir»y l.ehtup* Arcw-.lmon Plane.«
No •! and CJiaiiceryLane. uov?_ . I'''™" j ami vetreem and .11"
LtASIUEbnT Forwarding and Cwwui. i*U LiUMKa. N;f.hvdlc o Tcm.. ! " f " l ' n - ,e ' U ''
b .“.MeichanL Dealer in.SalL IVoSuce aiid 1 m» | >'
manufactured atuele., Canal Baatn. near ah at i L For"-® mg «nd Coonm.fTon Men*: No. *
——; —-- •••• r-ij.-.:’ 1 Fiottl.ireet,above Uroadway.Cnietmian. ttli.i’.
WICJi.KUaUAaI, Dealer m >eed ? , How . Rirfß T o—
O. cruFiuUTre*ui.ond Agricultural lu.pleiwrnt». P«o , M A | i( . n 4.- 0 . j
j..-4 Wood arect Puifhargb. lc ‘’* H.galcy A South. | P.-Msbutsb
•PARSEV ' li.occi. A I S“ iIS-XrO )
1 Oorami,t6,i llmtaik juJ dcnl.r, .1. I : M.imli ,loAi,.»r. . N,.!.. .11.-, IV„„
N“ 3. WOOJ st'eet 1 oUhurgh. Yeuiraan A Armi'U-nd ) ,
rilllOS. KKNNFDV, Jr , looking UU»» M.iiutactu , \y F Imoc 4t Co., lmui*villr Ky
lrer. and Dealer in Clock., aud Vurwtj i 'SpimgerA Wh irinati. ) c.i.e.niiaf, H
.... r .iA ~ nn -,mr.y< Wood and Fourth streeu J«» J niue» Johnston a< «• )
--r R J.For.vtb. * llewett. Ileran A La., New uiiraii*
r|i P,°P&RBYTH k Co, CoratniMion Merchants, i « a,rß » r P foT n K Ci-mori-
L£sws«fflK'=sa?! SISH“-
i'mtburgh._ - ! ‘“r*r"*iv i\. i*.et,' W c w.i«.»n
r^k’i C M-eA»DLE. 8 D :"~ »UA , J. Q. W LE FTWI CCO.,
f - 5 ga®ssssf»£*s2“ u *
WR. MUUPIIY* invite* the ladies to call and Anakana*: ~ v , i, ,
. «amime hi. .lock of French W orked Collars, RKFKK f-brfficld A Lighilow. Mi Iho
s.»tne a. low a* Vi cent*. tn< ‘“ t3 - ou Limerick; New O/lear*. < . .
rGHKBR, WholesaleCrocr.r. Foiwuidmg and Luttoit A Urin-r on. .
Vl , Couuu.sfcmt Meretiaiu, and Dealer 111 l ruducc ||a'l A Spr. r. Mr W,tf H l.c.irx. K.i! .
•nd Puishurgh Manufuctures. corner ot Water ana W ightnian. Atin-iioi.!! a .V.-tinl-mi. I‘MI-I.uign.
--.mihCeld sts, |'ut»liiirEb. Pa. _ .... a ‘ ,,J Me**'*- IL'vun. Tiuld A C-. .Cm,-nuni.
WIIITSIOHK A WOLFP, lm|»rtcrs and i Mcsak llyue« A ud. ™ u.',,*,,.
Wholesale Dealer* in Hardware. CutleT. Sad- Wbuealt, lion, /enon l.u. auv.-, I '• .{. \\
•ilcry, Ac,comer Liberty aud St. Clair stn-ets. l >n*. Fla, lU etn nr li.
tiTM. GLENN, Uook.undcr, ha* removed , pUHTR FACTORS AN» FRllDl t l. I «>M
\V vomer 01' Wood and Third .t», ulhivc C. »l. Kuy, | MISSION MKKI’HANTS.
.vnrre he .* prepared to do every deser.|.i.oiiotKMh«i(j ] )ul - KA f, sJvam-e* mide on - «f ■ on- mo
-..d Utndiug. „ , !Li .tginnems *IW ‘h-iT’”?: »*>«“» w,l, **•»**
~r W. WALLACE, Mill .tone and mill lunmh- ,| irr r.i',mr,hs value m mtv n-f ns« ami.l.v np.-i) -t
VV . iiif?e»ialdisniaeni,No.tM4Ubejty.lri,tieaMUe 0 0uri0.t..:.. t ,
■anal. . ! Messrs. A TuyU.r »
W4t H. MITCHKIjTILKE, Wholesale Gro- | Messrs. Tho* Hell ACo . ol "‘' f |
. cer*. Rectifying Distillers and Wine and L-cju«r Ph.ladelpU.a, M-y A; 1h» \u-u
\\ .tJ!: 'Cd£l* . KIiKSH l»in,»rAT",A>..s II JM.v.
i C'.n,r Nil eel, ue*l door to Ai.leiuisn JoUi,-. I, 0(j A N sV KL Jl LJI 1 »
up*l3iu* _ ilMf. UITKHS OF AMI WI H •! .1 N.M_l*F •*. II H
ir 11, OARUaUD, Dealer in Fancy »"d ; jjg || A lIIJAV A KK, C CTI.t.K\ , <tv.
VV . Dry Hoods. No TV Market .tree,. No. I-.K
!riCLTAMS i JJILWOiITII, lin-.1. the burnt ; A Hl* t.u« m the ,-mir-e r.f - td
‘»' Dudnct.) Wbolr»ale «rocers. are now tocuted at ;A m tln-ir r j ( • u - i• 1 ' '' J '' , ,
xo ns Wood it, where they niTer lot *air | Sa.l lrr>. 5-- « n Vc'
nenu.fGtocene. ami Httsburgb Manufui iarcs. at low : wo , u.tvantiiec-u- .
• .irc» and on _ _ _ !"•>’*?. I lhr i.auui inuic-.u „ i .
T;“W. WILAON, Dealer mu a,el.cvJ : w.-'ry. |«cr «*jd; c. '.m'i p -f , -
VV . Military Good-. Ac. No. Mar j u?w
•tvliccl. ' tivbutii; (i)i illtlA.
tl* MIJIUPHY, wltoV-ale aitil rd d*-at* •in ! WOKU \c., IM. - i- :U<l'
A .I'l.rergn and Dome-ne Dry »•".*<>•. nuMhea-i. «*i* .« OM 1 ‘ J < thM , , lt . , ' , - , . v
aJ - cuwumt .apply-«f U.elm.l of A. C cm-,n Mu.mlaclucs 0t.,1 Prml...-.- M.m4*v W,w * M ' T'u.^nuZT
ueJ.cuii:*, perfumery. A.e. ~ _ reemmj atul-forwarding <•«« •« rr,ns.•gi.rU K•> ...„| •»*• xt v CA-. t:«m..-.-nou.ny ji.moo of the L.un-.l States: wall appenpii show,ug
FLysieian’s prescription!* carefully compounded. caf( ._ A# A;ent lor the Maimljeturc<s. b.- will l* A -I’l* '. r *. c Very day, am-mg which wnh Kiiropcan Union tlUioey ol the
’.ledicine* tan be had at all nour* ot the nighL c »ostantly *aprdied with the principal v»i* <" ;»» 1 '»t Ln, - llmuli I'mnnrt*. li.smry of and
fcMWJIL . lMubursfi Alanurarturc at lh« li.v.rst «l,ole.ia ; ,- ** r ’ r V*?’!.. .•,-u!«V. I. u,.:u U.^„.v t ivn.- ».y Mu.cai- \V.H»»n.
\ M Wallimrlont. • l! 0 * ■ .7i£r" prirc* Onlrr* and rn-mgitnn-u* • nr-fc“"-M I*. * 1 ' ■. . * ;
',vjsi?rrA?='*3 * ~r- ’ u .
, Deptwitioa*, or any othe-wpting lander seal ornoU to , ui.ri.r. m. « _ manufactured Mlely : [ilium* of the pit
I,e u«ed or.recorded mie State of Ohm. Office • j Mwoo<li Jon ., c Drown , l.ndej A a 11- h Lre».t. . • tt „d ace irotaaUdrje*.every , .JJ |»„.e of'Auhatua
tTiirvl »treet.ahovefi«ul .feld. j l^nrnt- sterling &Co lloiryC.ralf t,om " h..e'» beat l r A nu/iEWS_ 1 Mury «.( Argylo. The Mother.
'.ttf’C. AtJQBWBAOOn, Attorney at Law , Graff, Lindsey ACo ru?w r \'vY\4; CII £ AM-DUICK i<k»lCCKI> *A c'meet a* stiangcu.
VV. Fifth meet, near SmiUifielJ. Collecting, agen- I I.yoa Shorn ACu . ‘-** rW L aUAV IM- , ..... f .. *! .
■ and other bo-'taesußf.emled to wttn punctuality . jitarl».ll» '•' ' ~ .... , ;1 ,,- „ ; nv Suave thr. m-rc. , _ ’• I
. ;Urju;:xciai— ~ . .. JOHN F. I*r;j;ttV. . . v \’ii-Li.ue tins mp-t ,*r ; Ue ■ li.m Vn. ' m
1 U:«icU* At Semple., \\ m. «.ro,Ua.i. Kstl- _ [Late of die brm of M.nrolm Lech A.* •• ]' ; . r lr .u ».fi. cnfiinc e |»y tna. tan Ur*r Ur
H A PAbncHoek k. Co, John Herron, H*). I Wholesale Grocer. Comuilnon & Plour j. 11 vvu „ (, jve mml it pronoanee it tbc lao.t , .\n..n-<M—
-1 Graff. Lindsay ft Co, John 'V right, wq, , . Morcbaat, 0| ‘ ii.m .hev have»ver u,ed. aud ta Lvprs.s
i "* )> *" Uw ”- |uT
j. miriß, :*««• *™" ‘i i l, Jn-S >X“>; ■" < ,r, f j";*‘"iS, i Iw'i.n, ™
' rectifying distiller, is>j|, U u^ rc^^i*> , "ei.rn'.-''»**'L's*«»«i- *•«*•> » twin „■* won’t.-o- ■ r-iry 7*
KkEIBsT DUBeTtVc WUHALUMR l“S»JKffa ! ii£U...v.-b-o -I-
111 Asl S 3 Oiv-J&S, ji ■■ MfeiaaiEsiwasi»>-
• AUCTIONEERS " 'u'.rS.,.r.. culttrr. MIWI. *«• U.BTESS SEW ro“'«sfS^S
1 ,yl?-jly II ttmni i vritv* JOHN WALUEU, in ; LA tecerved and tui *alc l>y J L Rr.AD,vth stt»e..
i - WA-hiucK JIAMTOJjfcCj. ANT) COM IbblON MfclllUAMb: J npostob aJ;« in ,i„ m (b»s
»«*-*• *! ALEXANDER LEVY Ic BRn>. ‘ Vr" b-»W : IVL.V.” " w.. v, ; .r*
Con... of Third , n d\vooj.u.ctj i CINCINNATI &■ ST. LOUIS , i ,;;,‘„,.,.,o S ( « u--m .»..d.»f •F„.i.od».ro«div.i. L,i0...d 'l--o»r- •'
vlfiZZlltZT'i?Btiias, ■ : “i: ’in^
■ -
°S?,Td..„F. -' jobs S . BICHJRDS, i ***"-T iJ?
,iT,.NEY .5* s's-'as i ; :;7; -
s ™ u r«^era...^I „ -~
l oi, ‘-' '““aisis^o-ss*"”s?* NTS 1 : h
'iXssrs'Ssassssfssa co^iaissiasu Al
i *Sos,“ralboir lira., WM.f »o" c *"V„n y ' ' All. 20 Columbia SSrerl, , , •« I H.rpof. l’.«-l« 10-" - AlooLoUdo ,od *ml|Oi
I fn„M..r«b, I uaKv- ! CINCINNATI. OHIO, i .'' JS. L BEOiuiToFTAEETiIeE- | ... - •*-
TfISFBOUSB or,'TUB iDNIATA WUUKN, , /Tj*CA»B PAID »OB ‘ [VI HtUK A few dozen (Uiest rdi"oil)nr UuugMon
FOB TtU MLB OF f tep& ly ■ r ;amlP.riewr»Mi«eralHeS om|" , M»‘P J^iw|t » o| . r v er y
BOILER IRON, BOILEK HEADS, FLUE k. FIRK _ wALLISGFOII.I) A CO., ' n-rm-i^'iw a'lUTVapnßl *tork <»' l, ' e t«'“V‘S
BED IRON. - COMMISSION A HJR"'ARUiNG Ml-.Ki.1l AM' r . u i, „f Uie geohnicni a»'l tvpoeruphicat ur-
I E. F. SHOENBERGER Bec«nd'Hlre«t» near Wood. [ wi-U all the statistical >nfonnapon reta
: PITTSBURGH, PA. T\BALERS in Pittsburgh Mauutaourc and Heovy , > , (ii . , n , fl . eion0 f Lah, Suprito; arcconUim
! Having taken Uo Watebotue fcnarrly occupied vj Hardware-will keep eon*untly : ed .a «!. - «»-k ror sule h)' ».,«—.*,-
IkLli&heyAOa. ; „ , H IU ofcarrm** sorina. and .ilcshames.-ytUe; . IWVh A IiUOCKWAj.I t'Vtf ‘
I Water streot. *»«•«■ • .®* e **‘ . let, fire pruo/»a»e* aut-ile. vires i.laeksmiihs W . n ,,-||, n N„ ■> , mnmertf.vl •«•-* *• > -
I Will keepon band afali aupplyof all «rxe»of Boiler >kdl| „ 4r . Ac . m. - uiIUGK, UUVUH.
| Iron and Heads. Flue aud Sd’.tSftowt ii'Ccoi.i* LEECH. ' VM "’ * jr*K«. M»»IIW:tt. Drugs-' :."J V «
; h„t«iJuH»um Wuwri*; which will U iMidaMU*wwe i MALCOLM J.BKCII A SON, W. 0.1 .ml Mr. sis Pi.t.imi-;.'. w<d h 1
1 market rate*. Imfinn BuiUJeia and oUttrt, are tnvttfd aTFM ’ LEECH A l?o..'Vi.olesalr t.rm-et-. 1 ..m n „*s.t;id- Di-urs. I'.mn. 0,.-. D.e -iutii
. cUI .ud..«.i». b?» -look. Order. r»gSj «• o»d no., M.-.v1.-,.-. **r- -c: - • ,
r nded_u>. L 4 - : Couniry P'oJucc. tVppor. L-i, r '“"'
TOHH M TOWNSEND, DiaegiM and Apmhe- Twri.. Iran nndimc. u h.n 1-uu. in j ...
J car?. No 45 Market at, three door* above Thud »t- R M . BIS lie. Lead, U'»»i »* ] ‘ l , j} ; n
Piusbureb. will have coa*tniitly on band a well *elert_ Pm .t.urgh Manuia. mrc gc.icr.. .). \ . t , rM i H
rda*«oiHnetilof the.l»e»iandfre*hd-»iMedic.ide*.whieh | rf i, rrl y .trrH.oii.- dum ai-ov tL< ,• 1.
he w.ll *ellonlbe mo*l reusonabie term* PUysirian* (Mtsi.urgh. Pa ~,,..1. ... ,dc on . ~n i *1
"ending older* will be promptly attended m, .uj. |.,t.«-rul advance-. »n cu-h t>r v* u .
plied with article* they may rely opo.i a. prmtu.A< . a. •
P ir7'Phy«iclan* , Pre«:npt J on*W,llbe arcuira^leh, n>a- " nKUCB k, UKOTIIhiIS l. to - 1,- preparad flora lb* W.t m.,.,ra1-. on, boot o. COM -MERCHANTS, ‘
.‘vttfi®'*—'"* k -^! ■. „ j
iir *\V. WILSON, Wa'tb; Maker A Jeweller, j .'ilirtii' 1
VV . corner 4th and Market >n«. A large and tvel I*bll.dn, IV.
s-lcctcd -mek of wairhc-. Jewelry. Silver wa.e and
makeof watebe* may hr had ai u small advaiit •
W KrFi C nc wrnrb work done m the very bevt manner
Robert * Co., \viiotti»i« oro-!
err*, C6nun!«*»oit end Forwarding Merchant*. dea
ut. m Produce amt Put*bur*h Manufacture*, Liberty
•trrel. PitMbtrtgb, P«.
bust, auaiiujii. aaM*L. a. aoßiaoi*.
RBOBIBOS * Whole* ale «roe era. P«>-
, ilure ami Conmtiraion Mereham*, and Dealer* m
I’liut.urtfb Manufacture*, No. Ifcb Liberty atreet, Pitt**
ROBKBT HOORK. Wboleaaletirocrr.Rectify
tug DitiiUer. dealer tn Produce, Fituburgh Manu-
I fuciurea.audoll kiiwli of Foreign and Domeiuc *» tne
an 1 Liquor*, No M Liberty atreet, Pnwburgh. •
IP' S. H. On hand a very large «oek of *upenor
UMMonongahrirv Wbi*key, which vn\\ 1* *oWJow for
e4»«h. - I
„ ~‘'l..'-. JaMT* K. 1.f01.1*-
UULVAHV1 I.KDI.IK na»iii«ti.F- :
\?1 -.«niv D'i haul Hut, Moulded mid I .am rim-
QTilet* with prooiptiieM- Purchaser* are re I „ ’
wJjriled to call and pncc».aod .U nn».
j " 1). SWEIT7.BK,
attorney at law,
om« 3d s'. •pp»»'i« si* r 1 ’
al*oHll.uJ pio!iipil. Wj*l'
WSSto.K.S«» ...JH"-'" < 1 J
“ Here* tu
Clißteb A.tJiiroiUet» -*| P»u*btirsli.
■ iv r. Money _ 7_
M**niPACTUKI'.K of'Tin, Copper, and Sheet iron
A .» P «.«l dealer |j nUmß j» atd Japanned
ueek The *ub*erit>ef M«peef
\Vo*«,Npn Mfli«l weei f VVe „ rm u rre j,«a»«,
*•*!• Unp.»«k«f.»M
. : \V. Bonbrighi.
j!s. *. w. doubbight,
lot al low Price* and oa good Term*,
ixsPiyt ' _
I. r. KSIMK. ■ _ . *': u ro * rurv
MANUFACTURERS of »•»«««£ *«£ "V d
and MBnn« Fork*, *«>*<•
Wan*httß». Non Wood ■irreUf
II *>-*- *ll q aft iium ol OfeoH.Jfid BlMk Teai
Si.- s&s&v.rf- jviaa
I r«jX« So c f«r poandt*
| i•! • ' •• 1
ii, w. »*TM».wn. w - *• ri.KMiNr*. * i
natiikws * patch, 11,,1-r -fr.N WJI ativk painti.h
COHMISSION M BUCIUN TS. li c.«.axi»:» am. \
No. 1 \V»ltr Hir«r«, , e '\ J ' •v.-n 1
>t l.tHii mu . i
W.ll £ivr J.amriiial .lII' itii»»n to H." *•* '* ; " |),|.| • i.l M:n
, 1,,.-.-, ori.l t* order- 1.. r _ ~ |.i..uit"'«" *•' w.w.l- d"' ,r 1,1 "
lUl'Ktt »*• -«iror-r Mn'ifJl. A »"• ■ * , r ~, ( ( ■ , |lfllir^
■'"'■“'joiiS’n'CKM.o'ii'iii V'" "/ RAGs’waNTED.
Cammmian ami Farwartlmg Mrrehtmh, MINIM) 1= ■ S,"■";V; •
NOS. mi & sol nil s*T. , 10(1,001) „„ M .b. *■« *•
ntiNTlv. l;l,v - '■ IN M AH* .ii,,.. . oh .v. T y il.-.rrii'iit-ii of tml
THOM. J. CAItSOW, *•*-•”* VYi'inpuu* I'ap'-r «n>d I'hloride Linn*.
Moil 8 aud U Light fit. m.-M i'ot>yrt IVnn nt.'l Irwin
, . 1 I.KUKSIUI* W'AMTKO-Fora la.Urom N
j advance* Will o>-Hi 3 "' 1 ru " b •{ , y nf |j j« nl age: n nt some re»|irpi
K. LEAD WORKS.— Tile umlewißnciUiMß
completed their new works located onit e 3D “
the fleet above the Aqucducl, .0 A‘^ eD /
opposite Pituborch. for the manufacture »f a «ape
no P r quality of white lead, both dry and K' o,,nd .
oil; il.o/rrd lend and lUhcn.Se
themselves of all the treat impfo.emenu »" «-
’ imoufacture, and erected the buildings <•»»
extensive scale, and with captcity to make lis«| »"
• large quantities, they will he able to soflily ™ d ° r
lo alni'ist any extent.
SE Pattern Maker. Allegheny O'y O JI
it. iha ntwril Pattern* for !<to*r. on hnnd either in
Vt iron- MilKJeanngand allothrr pattern. made
Vv , f Jb^SOO"*«J lon* Bleached Sneim Oil;
1 000 * do Natural Colored S pens Oil.
V ‘'So do Bleached Winter whale Oil.
I# sfefesag,
i«i™MtSffS2SL=far^%^3a.“K = -
IcSSiSbl. to ll»l»;8i««.h«. 0 »Jr B rg“"fp •
1 u "'^ l No l? mar kcl (1 “
piTT»*i»runn rcttsiTCnr ntahk *'*>*»•
r,*i Tiiut!) sTUKfcrr,; , .
uu«», constantly on hand and made to order. ,
rUcptcvtOfc.Moek oh Itand v.imiot t.p excel!'d •')' *J)Y ,
itianutuetory'tit thewe-icrn country. JYrwn* «i»liiiij :
, <o purrlmsr would do welt hy giving tm* idu* lam ,
1 drter.umrdmy pnre« *!mli please I'atl ot me «wi
• i>ou»:<t* tti— ...
A>Kifn« with Plush and Hair-cloth ooVcr»;
4 Jn? Muuogam aNumo Chair*;
14 dor fine inalviiany Cnsur*.
1 14 i*rk S'rwnl*.
U dnr Miahociny |{<,ckiti" ChatM.
I.', mnii'le io(i Die-sing Uurcuu*,
5 pair Ottoman*;
, !*marl>le top Work Stand*;
I-cherry V\ork Stand*; ... . ,
Mahogany. .Maple. Cheery.and Poplar Ucditca.U of
n'l ilo-cripuou*; and u large d*<ortin«*iu of Common
iFurtmorc and Chatr». too nutnrrou* to tuenlioiK
m.trihf __ i
' NKW"HAK 0 \V A K K HOC S K .
: Comer ufWood nntl ad ata . Pl'U£orgb»
UAVI\(J withdrawn fnnn the otil firm ot "alkeri
WoodwrU, on the It! of January. Is4?r 1
nlraiurr i t announcing to my fncud* in the city and
country, tin 11 have opened my new »tore at the altove
named pine *. Having purelured my Rood* for e*»B|
and inajr at rangriaenix with manufacturer* “>' “*•*
country and rt Km ope to he commit!) y •upplicd, I am
■fully prepared to funti«h Hardware of all kind*.oua»
rood term* nml a» low n* tiny liou-e Kattor *» r»>—S
JlcKhani* and other* urn ropeciiully invited to cal
and examine my stocky before pitreh-ume cl*e'rlicre. (
The following eoropn«c*a partof tny •lock ,
MramtWlt "lid Sai|tl ery Hardware. Gun Trimming
Hie*. Nat lot’s sm-ci, Cutlery. Krtjja Tool*, Anvil*, v e
eer." l*Jck*.*. Sickle*. Scythra, Uott Hinpc*, \
i Screw*.Ciwon t-nctnrv rianc*.Saws Mnhngaiiv loan!*
I and veurent. and all o.ltct tmiclc* connected with tUfr
I iiarPivnrc l.u'ine*» mcllUlf
VAI.I!.vni.E BOOKS—l'ubliabed by J A
iUP James. Walnut strcrt. bot*ccn t north
WASSZAmS. a tS;o,Sb C ™-Tbcb,..a,,0l .he decline and j
i Üb’tSSc&aE) l,on ni . r .1, Mechanic, a me- |.- jq A new Kdilinc, rented anil corrected
; Jlba i-aMoci „, do. preceded by a preface, and accempanird by
. tP=:±'-W nndAlWI,. ~, coy. nnd.lhcirnirmrr critical and hUorical, relal,o ß principally lb .
I * n>i AF ou.c»-u.nir..hafa-b..wiiibrni«elrel „r Chrltlianlty: by M. F. l.mrot,
! nl-yc ,hc . u. S hr r Minuter ft Public Intlrnetinn for tbe tlcßdom of ,
1,1,0, prr iiarra.ii . i-rd-e. J, ‘ "1‘ XJ France. The preface.oolen andeorrecUMM,lrann.
■ dnuer. I lt Uwl |,red fiom the French lor Ibla edition.
„„„.„.oi I kd.lea.l With n ol the Lde and character of Oibhon,
' ‘'Tve' ~i». I.eal ral-ael ninkert of die- W’aUoo'j Bcply to liibbnn. 11l- >ol». Imp.
. ml. imp
■ ! w ■*'•> ; ‘ l -' «'«#.■« i«ru ** “ If : ‘‘'J',' j'jbiaV M*iJJle Agc», rhjmW*i Rebellion in
1“"# ; j,.),,, M-tircw | Scotland, KobcrUon’i Virfinn anf N« w Ld S I3 ",I
T 1! \ t,ins.v «’» laotivn Kuirwan j RuswlUs French anil Knj;li*li Wir in America, and
J ;; hwmli*' Jon*-* Khiu-iv’s American Revolution. 1 vol 4to.
JohnT.«e-.1. Jr Jo;- 1-I Li rare id 'American llitlory-Omtaioiej! .elec-
I I'l'-r.. 1 1 .iM w.hace ! none from-lhc bo.t aolhort on American lUater;,
•fb-«*. Kn J. ai’ni land Biography, Tra.elt, ‘ 'omn-creo. Slat,.net,lndian.,
F'SuVUre K‘.:, Ilili-ri He.ululmnar, Battle. -Ac. Ac. Ac Alto Anec
1 |i,.v,.l l.otey , dole., I’octrv and .Ml.rellaneoaa art,clea lllo.lra
, For It, lit 11. in—- ana ."I die atom B.'J*l'ii* , d w |,|, more than An engravinga. 1 ml, imp dvo.
,V, „ tISKNII/KK F (aA/.dC.\M.
a iml.i -nviTlKit Oni.ereallhctoriall.ihrary-1.-ontamicg.aleahle
IIATKST PIMCSS UUICK HAU .a.iout .übjccla, eumpming natural
" I’l . - ■id.e.-h.. I,a .d.ia,o.-d a ,011.0.1. M.I . N ii„al So,cocoa. Aenculluie, Kura! F.con
l-nt, , , Fie-* lll,eh Mae .in'. ‘J’J* 1 ”* .f, —II ! oiny, ll.nglapl.,. Fme Art*, lie Uncial., I .avelt,
a s'd' i.'-i-d n. "any pari el 1 (len-raphv. Houny. Mueellanenu. reading, Ac.
tit-m* ami iHtnif at t • inr u ,.. JS „ e «» <b , m»k? :j; P "| vol tutii ‘Jvo 640 pp. full
I-’.., -.mi »-M K'”'’ l - *nii> VumilT Library—A freatifp nn Hie
"nC* <>*« lijini' i tie- 1 ti ,i"\. uttilirit tulh It an! <»* »iao k i'l> «. rr , r „, loo aiui Ivt.M.t Di.oast!*. by rrgmicn a«J
'.Hr l • ilw al lcl iat.a.r t»l |.rf- , .rtrJ.C.IW i. Ne»* cJIUOU. «•»«•«> *•«! «»»"*
f ,„, |U .... 1n Ilf. .a- ao.l bmial.ioa .lIP ••r-K ,1b lt,o aal.ttU..,. t.l a VrgHublP Mate.U MeU.
•5 t ukeitw {!*« n- ...It ll, e r ,r.rMWn»a«J d**«W
' ,ibnn i«*im!pi • ! „| ou r ...u« v iluaMf uali»P fUnli, am] an
“ . u,. m.i li.iM -• !„ u ,| lIlC of Aml-mr 3ml Pbys.ul-^V.
1.i'1t..,,!-!.ou .«1-I'll. n|i.i l .n l.umtnsj Kngra»m««. «« '» r '* h,cl ' a / e
.., • n..w -O ... t . a.iol • a-obtrcJ Hr J « Nurwuiul. M U—SM page* 3«»
•it or,lo UV.,.„J..l a" ■ '“a .enca 'V1...., Undo,. .•«.p W no.-Ad.|«d
•■•a ;,..lho tmtedStauutb, Kdward .■'ayof*. Landacape
, ~...,0,0.1.110- ! and Ornamental,.., FI tbinl edilion.
ffvi-pd fllhrc«‘l a >“l lllUAlratr.l.
- I'.ilm«’r's Oitgon. !’••« Cv M«>«olain*,
SI family IVMunnM. vilh. ami wiiliwil
i-V j i', Jeuloi noies. dinl I'a tinia in >nclir.
.-.I ~y,-lire (O'l r irp atilt I’HWIC*’ “ l't bull!. lUiru * »'• *’l^ 4
/*•" «*l.« l4lr. 1.31 U U», MureV i’rivate Urv.v
I,,t,riivaii Pililmrt *»I varifU#
~ .rv, in Xh.,., r..r„,
,J 1 '•tl’rlc’o'.-*ii?io".7y , WO* VK\V IIOOUS Tl.c U-“'l
I -I la l OniUA. Ml !•> llr». V\
mn.iv vii.i'nu'. tutuK*.
j t » \ n \.-i\ » •• •••■* -•; ' s, ‘‘
ft-;-***' *••*-•-yV
. r * crorcry. Irull i>n<l More.
DTMaMIN i-.mVN w0.n.l i,-«|wf»ttilL u<*
i> „m ~.r„.5.u,,.i ti.• »•••»'
lUj”V-I U j”V-'*J:!--ja***».*' i** i";. 1 -'-. '*¥
G~ "old PKSB-A lurce vanety oflit/IJ Pen*. of ]
lUc man approved lrand* lhe*« are c “ rc,
.clecic.l and adapted to every variety of hand, fbe
efirtymnn. the lawyer, «he mmhani and e»rry dart
iWii a durable. uniform and commerct.l
pm, can ho aimed. Their eU*t.«*ry and £ne p©mt»
sfvV Veil ra*a <0 writing, and malm* cither a
f'.-.ima.U nra |.e»tnilul hairline, M the ptca.ureof
, .. .... •* are nil warranted, und »ell'tip
' ~£l'«, vm in!»•>•*. IfohH’cn Depot, e unrrof l»h*'d
i-Mi/j;;, 1 -v«. ....... > v u " v ■
WARTEU SOOW—Placealn .«ore«,warrhouie
ie, for several Rood hook «ate*-men
warebouje men, Ul-orer. and lw> * of different J*r«
TblTwantedfor .everal re»peu:able private famthc*.
holflV^Ae•■*v»‘ T ■ , pood cooks home girli, ehamber
ma*?\^nda l oV Agencie* attended to. Pirate call at
All kind* oi ab* i HAURIS* Agency
A>yis____: N03,,8nb,t -
" ‘ jr. 11. RATON,
_iu .. T7 D in Trimming* and VarietyOood«.Tonoi»e
Wgs Ivory and Horn tsotnbi. Woollen Varna and
WorSdt B“Needle., Pin., Tape, Braid., Ac..
No m il.rkol 91 bilweeii Diomomfuid
Pitt .burgh. r J7!“5i'L-
BHOOBIB— IM) dor. Pomeroy*. EatraGilu.
Wdoa. do Coomon: for isle bv
Tbilisi Institution. uudef tba rare of Rev. J. M
tio.uoxtv asd Lad*, iu,which kit the *ol>» **W or
riiuneitial braurhe* of a fiujilirJ education' are laugUJ
i* now open for the reception of ponlls at
No. *5l, Influ Mow. Liberty Street,
between 3d and 4th meet*. The Second Session will
commence on Monday ibeSih of Feb-uary, and it is
important lhai any who may design entering would
lie present a» fara* pi aeticable either betorr or at sum
lU %*.y have secured the service* <‘/ l'ro.e*aorßllO
DOCK a-* teacher of M«»ie ou the Piano and Guitar,
whow 100 well known to need recommendation Al *°
3," services of Mona.CAsMMIR LADKKNT, author ol
-tTlireMomailtrt de la Literature Francat*. alid olher
valuable school Look* In hi* native lanniose. Mn«* ;
1., is a graduate of the University and Normal Sebool
of I’ar-n, and stand* high us a teacher, Th® 4 * J'h®
«irr irtolitain un accurate and thoreagh
the Freuch Language would do well to placetbemselve*
uniierliu miiracuuii. . .
For tcruu, «e« Circulat or apply to iheFnnctpau
jifTtf .. ...
MllllS Institution ha* recently been opened under
L ilk tuition of Mr N. W. Metcalf, wl h®
Corner of Simdualty-and Str & w to*"7 • •
The »ncce«s which ha* ib«U far attended ibis School,
in it* establishment and progress ha* fa|ly equalled the
: expectation* of it* Instructor anil I toprietor, and " ar
ram* the hope that he will ♦>* sustained in hi* effort* to
render it a desirable InintutiOo for the education of
Yoouj l.adieu in-Allegheny and vicinity. .
Tim First Session of the next Academic jear, win
commence on Monday, Feb fth. .h»
Tuere are yet n few vacancies to be filled, but a* the
number of pupi’a is limited an early application t« de
sirable. For particulars, relative to tcrrni, Ac., coniuli
C rrulsrs nr apply to ibe towtntctor^^^^^e^*^
.V Aaiti-r -1 « »>«»
..., u l-.-r. Wwlfc*
EKlCwpau>ni'.«f K-cmly ,re “ lin ß
of the I’miol }*<<*«*. »‘ ,h ,hc " *>' n f
w n-i .-tux *. pure. and mean, of prerrnmnun; foramoi.
ca»c> in »utet.ry, a* fracture*. di*!oc*tton», Ac
:,x.;A a.-'.: s .:s^lWlSothT."
of iving li*-uld» wulinut the aid of medicine, un
1..-. .01 cur in-.1-ctutill'tuni-. »> James k» p , >J “>
“ ( 0 ...■ •imi'ficn ioNiiPT : v oi Suea'iouli IVntli
"'1 .'".'..".’.•WL.’td'rci»r<--a. ici'l very roiuiJerabty int
* - » tni<r , ii* > iiif* ’1 it 1 jiirp uu llMJlopnihy. lUntro
'' 1 1 ,1 ‘ 11,, ,',.n I'licimijl ScMetn Juft received
!«i Lriii*V.v JOtlNSTittJ ac HTOI'KTuN
a ‘ 1S) ‘ corner Maikei mid Sd M«
Books, i»ai»kii ac -Jumm-cm. u i.r*eim »■
Itcwk* r and r*i.iti«niary. cneiMing of ad ihr
d'lTeieui W'liJ* >*r Uw.l- u».d m Public School*;
!,1,™i.0“ uU 1„,a.; .«? <nU»»
, ' , .'i U I *'’i-t,l Ur «M?m.c4iioi>* of tli** Am-rican Sunday
5C1.0.11 ati.iibc Amerirmi Tran Sower >\ ulw»>»
„m 1.u.i.l jiiJ •••' ’-c .V^NtJUSII
. - iiiaikci »ireri
to y 11
aiRW HOUK—III l»icos* —HMoryorMoif.
il co, her i ivii Warn and tl.dnnul and Krvolu
ucinrf Annal*. li«m the P pr '‘ ,J ol • s (»ani»»*
1 'onnuL-'i Trio to Hie pre»entume, including
in account of K«i*ln»g War with Ihr United
-itatn*. it* (-'ausc* and Military Achievement*. Uv
Philip Yon- g, M D. J A A. U l* JAMKS,
„ c I'nUitbor*, Cincinnati.
N'isVv MUSIC BOOK—Pamphlet Form.
Tho Metodeon: a choice *<?tection or Song*,
Duett*. OuartelU. Koune'i, Waltxe*, and Marcher;
with a iintory of Music. Illu»traled with nutnet
oue engraving*. Imperial ocUto. rnc* jjecut-'
Published and Fur tale by J A&U ljAfk,r p ‘-.
Walnut *lrcel.|>et.lnurtli and HftV
Cincinnati, March <!), HM7. _ !
HKNRY KI-KitKU. Dealer in
1,1 J W Woodwcli’..,No. SS third Mim. Thr,
riunn«ihny he examined at nil hour*, ami Hie <u <»cri-
Km be there from U to I*. A. M., »nd '">» « »*•
I>!m , each day. I’nub'g, Oewbe* Si, M#
We, llie oiulcki'kiuml, xvouU mlomi ihe cju:»•
Pnubnißh anil-vicHiay Hut »«• b**e ■PP«n»* d Mr.
AgeMfor WcMerii , ’ eni, V be£.
»ule of our Piano Wne*, from wlioin tue> n»> beob
turned «tour owulNew & eLARK
New Voik.'Sei>.i«lWß-oc«Mtf
JUST Rc'ceivtil tnd opr tied by tl*c *ub*chbef.
carvrd (ioiliie Tab!ei»—* mmdc bT
Alto ono »e*y good oeeond &\ ad K M*u?|l *
j u s&p}
A LAROKkn^ipWn^
In Urn cuoniry. For anle low Ibr cnifc BLUME .
„ r l,,f . IhUl.— '
» lODB.RH ““l!
t inH (ft qf Aftlttl ft.3d *tl
SPRING. AJtLC.SsTEEI* Jt- ittoN ' VO |
r»OLKMA«. 4IAIUI AN, A “Mia* W**®*
I , ikrir New worke. are now prepared io manatae
tdir ewf deieription of Coach and WiptH* *P™H5*
«» . Jri, American. Wi*Jy,*prm* »«ul *««'•
iwaiUue. of email
they «tj»
an c. l |7.i Co,have made
Day A Crotu, manufacturer! o, il ®‘ o . ,< l ’ d L ff ,
. Pork a, fce„ and will keep ronMantly on band
article made by thejq. De* ,et ***?. Pj e pben>-
cited to calUa price* and term* «tH be “S^Jraei
Dlnoiatloo, , . .
rpllK Partncf»hip heretofore exi’tiitff “£J
1 of Matehall, Ucadley, * Co.,»rn. ihi»olfcd oa he
sth intiant by mutual consent. ' ™ e .£“V£!“
ass- aiißrtawSiS? * Me
Gc J ALEXANDER bradlk*
T'iS- Sr.™ ‘" f «- e^“
Wallace A Co., tn all it* vatioaa branches tic
Hollow Ware MiHOemrmg ..
Siovea and Stove Plate* Light* Heavy Mach ry
. Wagon Boxer Kngme*
Grater*Sad Irani fcnfme Ca*unjrt
Plough* Plough C**ung», Ac. *e.
Madeufthe be«l materia!*, and at the l°«-e«t priced _
Purcha»er»are invited to call and
at the Warehouse in Liberty neat the
tadof w«rf nrca.
pin»aoKBU. Pa. „
JOIIR wrioht * CO„
ARK prepared no build Cotton and Woollen Machin
ery of every dc.eription, *uch a»—Carding Ma-
Frame* Specter.. Drains Frame*,
Warpers, Twillcr*. Spool - v Dressing
ffi Uom., Card Grinder.. Ac.. Wrought Uon
Shafting tuned all *i*e* of Ca*» lro, !\ l “jfl.?"*
Hangers, of ilic Inte.l paiteru*, slide and hand Lathes,
of every description furnished on short no-
Pattern, mid.- to order for Mill Gearing. Iron
radiug, Ac. Steam for hcaung Factone*. L«l
Hon Sad., and fancy Casting* generallv.-
Onler* left «i the War«hou»eof J. Palmer A Co., Li
ertv meet, will bare proropi aiteuuoo.
' Ritraa to „
Black dock. Bell A Co.. J K Momheod A Co., 0 fc
W arner, J°l.n Irwin *. Soii«:l*iii.l.„S>>. .
(i C A J li Warner; Stenbenv.lU. I““ lu
THOB.A, IllUilEß.
L Furnishing Warehouse. No 101 Wood MwH, near
I'iflh. Piu.buigh. Pa i Wbole*ale unJ Retail: and Preueh Knpavlng*,
Japanned.Waitera and Tray.;
liking tila*. Plate., by the i.ox or 'ingle I'ght,
• Table Cot'ery; -
Picture ola*. of all »iic;
Urnannin Tea Ware, in »em or .ingle piece*;
l'on.-aiiond Pi.-ruie Franc*;
Fire Iron* and Fender*; ,
Mahogany Toilet Gla.«e». with l.d. mul U draws
German Sitvei nod RriianuiaTrc A ruble Spoon ,
' lim'd Magnifying Mirror*;-
('audio*be**, Suuffci* ond Tra> *,
Gilt, pier,and Maine) Glumc*,
Gentlemen’. Shaving Case*;
r„,nb« Hair*. At . , ,
(D-Mr,..|unl., Howl*
liberal term*, and narking carolully-am "*** i •
at di.enuittfnrra»h
""“"A ASTiuows’ rA ™"
pmj"r B*! large
• ' j^lhe*Diai’tmiid'.'Aßrghr ny, where a ennj
“““ ‘ MJ r pIV 01 Ul "?kipum*h!S
Noi' Wood -t. PniMnin-li. *t J A
IJliml* fcpßirrJ ak lUr «lwn«*«l m>urr.
S. ». ll** U I'uiup. w,ibout »rn a<U
uui.-l riri.ii.e *n ihai Ibry ran W tcmov.-d •» « '•«*>*
m n- ol firr nr ki. w»«liim. “ini wnlioul ibc-aid
!!! a w -I, * •ci«.llT*wlawlr
A. fr'Cl/rom. U.'il and !>«»•• l aund
£Bl rr. ha« (rl.uili and .oiiimi-nf rd l*u«mtal
I,!, 1 -,. 1,,, uid rtt.luiurl* llirlld'-
dßffiaPn.nwt***' «J- U eapf*n.vfd .midflV nml
wnrrauird iw 1-r 01 U<«* !****■• malrnal-
Miii.tul Wawr Couid. r».*lUd.«S. A«- *<
tr.ihrvfty vanrtv t>i H»-< ' ■«' *l u,f
infiirj aad fiiii*li**d<n Ihf *
J \ir-r*i r.-li-l.iaird nn ibt* f«duc
' ”..’iMk ho-i hi m liniri). Tlir and C«MrtH»
ran I.* had o» him ai all linn". ianl-«y
HAVIMi recently made very im|ntn:int nnpnj\*.
ment* >i> the manufacture of lh< al-ovr art.rle. and
adopt' unproved rn*ien. u*,!?wii 1
leninx-we me nmv prepared louinti-b an AOiclrrrt
Jiivr (iilao*. .-nual. -i not « auy » ylu-der <»U*»
made .11 the Van.-,) Suit-*, and hot little mt.-nof to tin.
Ui,eti»U Cru»iu.
NVe iueul«o very rxtenaiVr!/ ri)*p*r.i m tue nmnu
l torture of Common Window Ola** *ml V>*t*
and KottUa of every description. Dealer* generally *te
invited to o»ll and examine for thcm*e»Te* aioor ware
house, No. U» Wood street. I'iusUarjw, r«.
,1 j. th- l«u»»k * ‘ ,r e
.V fl , 344 and 2W Uixrlf •»** «» f «"«*
AIWA VS on hand and made loontrf, ' •ar**' 'a* l ®*
;i- o' .Marti** Mmhhl». Pier.Onn*- «
itmruu T<m*aTond»Soi«*, MounmenW- Ac i *■* * h J ru ; m-*dc of ibc cbo'ceai marble. and iiWM’UitLiuieii
principally t»v machinery, will be »tU ®7, fo r. 5j 1 * b '. r p
’ N. B. i'ooin «r»»hu< lo purelwm: .ManicU, arc
: nfnrmed liiat ii i* heneeionh unnccr»*mry for tlirtn ic
ra Ea»t. ■■ I can f«ni*h tbetn with an article in ail
ie»pcci» a. pood, andlfreiphl, .nauraiiee, Ac, ron»*a«-
e« cheap a* they can jarehaae iht-m for lauw
Call and »er. - .
lli ’ * vVaiti!
\.» ti Market «ueii, lMt*bur*b. Penna:
-pilK ,«...cnl,«r., limmjraenw
1 m the ronuruction of their COOKIMJ s*ruviv.
mpeciiully i iviie p« rrotii building Steamboat*.lo'call
and examine before porrhaxitig. *> w* ran in.pply them
with Deck Stover. Forge*, fold every o'htr k.rul of
‘Copper, Tin and Sheet lion work necetary m furni»h
to order on ibe »hotic*l notice Sjl
Tulie* and Cham-rr; Copper work f»r Steam hitgine*
•“iff"' , “‘ r,v ” rt ” “'iKßirr * shirk
Blrtuiugbaoi, Inear
ttdrcAinue, Aa. 137. Wood tired, FitUburgk.
WlLf.eonMantty keep ort hand a good aarort-
JK/ibcu, ut Ware, of our own manufroiure, and
mperiorquality. Wholcaaltamlcountry Met
chant* arere*pe«fuHy mvned loeail and ex
amiue for ihemaelvc «' we are detemiined to «U
cheaper than ha* ever Uelore been offered to Ibe pal*
’ rrw Order* tent by mail,accompanied by the “**» or
citvrefrfenrr-. will U» promptly attended tn. ; teu*
New Ihpvel, spade and Fork Ilanohe
HAVINti commenced the manufacture of Spader
Shovel*, Hay aud Munure Fork*. Ae,on anrxten*
■ ive acale, are prepared to fill all order* tor inch arti-
C * renieiireof their cuausmer* and dealer* tn
auch article*, they have appoiuled Oeorge bochra ,
Oainsnt*»lon Merchant, No * \\ w»d *lreet. their Agent
for the rale of their manufacture*. All order* addict
ed 10 him Will receive promptaitenhon.oi. ihc mojt ad
vamagcoo*turn*. ORIFFHHSA I)l\ON.
P,ll»burfh. Jdly dly
UrTaT ¥tslrru Bull' llinse Sauulactury,
, •• .•id[)NKK A Co., would ntfonn ihe trade that
\ w,n“„» e .1.. I— Uuu 11... 5 r
ttes jsSPiMS k
10 «*« our Hull* All order* promptly attended <«•
m,5 A liA UUNRK/A '■» .or„r -.1, • ....... «•
WDLNcCtIUV .*• Co.
j«o* o. oiulkspik * CO.,
,N» 70 W»4i4 Sliwi.-
, fAMKAtn'U RKlWotOiliaiui M-l.or»"y
M la.|*-« r and Del*" .a
Huir*. Acour.lron*, lVicu<».on t»P», ‘ • >
J«*wi“lrf and I'aitry <»oo«1* r»H<*rally.
J ~,f_ adv.-n.~r* if mak.i.K »OUf .uipiovnif,,!* >u
~ !1..-, ra*od .« .If pu.,-1.-~
01 UiD.ot.r.'and Hf -n.poraiion of many »i.
u ilirv will If u«»l** i« ,r| l * l Kajurrt D-.m
*!««•.» thf pur.-ha*nf.
* I'!.*.^,>* U .l'iVl" ju r"i'. l e ruri--H t* fiJuke ml) I'm/- i.l Ooimti
i iv .Mill, n'lin li.*:-1». ""
, . _ ,I ... „« y/tli uirri wrth i.tompl Mil nli*n
■J.lrr-.-.l ■’fvllillTMAN i lUI.ZKI.I.
~ tn V -iriTi, All-R'ici.y C.iv
N II —H W»jliiiu:»«i» w liO U?*n r -'; »
nu|>ori»Ml ■tiitirovriuc-i !«•>» » 1 ' , M
r R . , unii niccc-Mul <-*'«■•« Vofinn> • “■; '*
*.ii -rvelii* t»pr»«ii*l aurm.i.u wi'miiiiT- “P
-niui'liiii'*' mnJr nl ll»i*
Kturlionul ronrrmr-i, .i i •» ui.i^Mlv
e»l.«Uli'-hm*‘ n l- - - . .
Co»i Noa.OJondM From m.
Da*** Fornoaat and
TSB»; ISUJ-* of all ».ir* ca-<l
from the tatr*l miptnvrd hai
triui ami warranted eqnti) t.»
any AUo, Uiu*» CaMin**,
tm'lx-.l if olden'd, 1 Ua« l it
put up promptly uft>l «>n
k rcu-onable term*,
fi novlVdl y
Wrn P'Yofinr. '0 iiim«en. F PlmtlcU.
VOtJNa, IHflfSidN A
K 1.1 NT OL A ss M A N U K A < TUK KRS
117AUKHOU9K S6t. M Water aiuMOl F*r»t *reei
W Pitubarnh. ThqGla** mauofaetuml by ue v
warranted cqu*l to any «a ltie country. All o'Jcr
will receive prompt attention ami filled on rea*onabl
ulmrSTercbMiiandotbcr. viaitln* Urn c«y ore m
viied incall before pareltaatnueUewhere. , feltU
Lippincott iron woak».
IRON and. Neil*. Shovrl*, Ac. for tale M,VWi»r*
Ware hob re, No. SD Water rirtct, near U ood, ran*
at ibe old atand, filcMartcr’i
R luVta’nil‘orS> *»»»"•“> R°"»l Mi". *'
OT * Cb.
BlßßtNGßiil Tici HCTOBt.
, MantracTCUM o» /'
Iron fend Cooper Teeks.
1 ; ■ • *,« ■ ; ' i \-
Pattern itakert 'Point» t Mif ctcrif damp,
...Oftce No. fStCfearlerllot«l,Tfeird itrcet.
SPANISH GCITAIIRI-Attev^indlarft a»*on
meat of very loperior Spaniib Gaiiara, by (he beat
atia tnahalacUirea, ioil received and for aale by
j my 3 ' ' I lf IIEIXoR
FtHiG i TUUBSTUJI, Froprirton.
rtiillS esiabli«b«ient long and wiv>«lr kh®*n a* being
± oneof ttiemostcommodiousiaibeciiyoflUluajoie,
bai recently undwgpne very extr/mve aherauou* and
improvement*.' *n entire new wing has been added. .
containing numerous an J u:ry sleeping apartments, and i
exiemiiF baiwingfnom*. ■ _ , .
Site Ladies’department ha» al-obeen completrlrte- :
organued and fitted up iri a moJlunique and beaal.ful ■
tivlr. In fact the whole arrangeflWnlof the House hah
been remodeled, wiib.a singlo eye on the pari of the
proprietors toward* the comfort and pleasure, of rbrtr
Uuests, and which ihey confidently o’icrt *'*" chal
lenge comparison wjih any Hotel in ll<e Union.
Their table will always he supplied with every sub
stantial and luxury which the market aflordi. served up
in a superior style, while in the way of Wine*, Ac.,
they witrhot be surpassed.
In eonclu*ion the proprietor* In*; to say, tual nothing
will he left undone on their part, and on the pail of their
assistants, to render tkiy Hotel worthy the continued
patronage of their friend* and ilic public generally.
The pnee* tor board have al«o been redueed to the
followinp rate*:— j • „
Ladies 1 Ordinary, SI uperdny.
lit utternei)*' “ ; * ,
N B—Thc Baggage .Wogvomjf the Hou*c will al
ways he found ai die Car and Steamboat landing*,
wlnth nil I convey baggage to amt from the Hotel, free
of ■ i “v* 11 !
nteftßh BfttEKT nOUBBi Cincinnati,
t OHIO—The subscriber* having pnrchaatd the en
tire interest of Col.O F; Williamson, late of ‘his well
known establishment. beg lc r ave to state to their friends
and the pubtic generally. that the? have taken tbit
eominodious Hotel (or a «m of year* and will exert r
their lie*l energies to make u a desirable home forTrav
-Her* unrt'CitY Boarder* . .
■ The Hotel i* spacious and admirably planned for con
venience, light ami air, having n
adjoining chamber*, presenting nnusual attractions to
ra Thepre»enl proprirtors having bad the experience of
year* in tlu*city..nnd elsewhere, hope they will be able
to give general satisfaction being determined to give
undivided attention in tliO'bnu**- alone.
Thetoealiono. the IVai I Street it oncm ...on )
Hurthle, bavmg iron’s on I’enrl, 'V alntit and Third sts,
n i* equally desirable in view of the convent
encr. of business meeor for private
It 1. neur by Oie Banks, the I’ost Olfiee, the Mn*o<nc
linll.Odd Fellows Hall, and but one «q’Jure dir tan! from
Main street and two squares iroin the City '* ba«f, thus
oJermgthe greatest inducement*; especially to county
ver Cham* and generally «o nil
Formerly Fnller’i Uulel, ffaihington, D. C.
r f M!E proprietor formerly associated with die well
1 knownfim of Fuller AC.'. bcfi* leer* to cell il»e
Biiriinrm of person* visiting ihes Capitol, wheilieron
plea.urt or business, loir. MC*l¥OFenrd«UbliikiD«it
he "Mansion Hou.e,*’ wbten ha* !*«'» &*■*;• op in. a
style of comfort ud elegance unsurpassed b> an>
oiber Hole) m Uie ciiy. It »» situated at the we*iern
end of Pennsylvania Avenu*. anti »n the immediate
v.cimiy of the variuo* Di-parimem»of Oovernmetiiand.
* b li!»*ahle ,, wiH always be supplied wiili all the corn*
furls and luxuries, to he round mi the market*, «'>d
ey'ivnse oreih’H* w.ll be spared to render the Manucn
House an attractive residence to all who m»> see fit to
nJularly call the .item,o,.of
the Otlieers of the Army mid Navy to In-Hotel, to whom
it ha« ever been a favomc p*»ee «f resort.
N.U Dorter-always in attendance, on tlrts orrivsai
ol itir « ar«. to convey bmgexe fieeof charter tnyjfldi
Corner o[ Baltimore and Futow SlrteU,
radius .plend.d and spacious Hotel, el-fihly situated
I lor loih ho«men and pleasure Travvi era, r-to con
.luetrd aslocunilnne all the luxuries of the hr*t Hotel-
sunesm npurlinani* ate at all seasons referred
for the accommodation of ir»n*>eol {cuesia, and taauhe*
v,-imig (he uty will find the Eirr*>v llot -K u/hnu,
uu-urpa«»rd by any Hu,.>l m t»s« Umui. , ld .sal.o
The locaiiou r* e'evated and ealul.fnm«- »*><J'*■/J
,-onvrtiientio Depots w>d the landings, at which the
I’oarlir* and Dorters ot the House at* at a'l nine* in
wmtmK to convey ~aWnp-.« and then ««*
of cl :i ui lie Hotel _ ...... ,
Trau- -Henitcinens v.
, n vlT Imdtec . Mr I ** ‘ ,O
:liarlr* Striel, between Market arm Lombard
ETrtK*uL>enber hnv.njf ultra tHeViore, otfrf* !.'•«lo ihrc.l.ipu* »nd
p-jU»c CPm-r.Uy. Iti’ ramem-mly muai.-J *•
,-r»rJi ihe S ieai i.lH»ai-»».' .droid.D*l>o>- '»»«**
m«M of U-r* morcvOM.*.vr imporim*
,wai.on oifeta m ibo<p ymime Cl ‘> • u * * n V
■<v ouinni rnpr« mu! pouifoiH a* i!»- pniiopal
TUP !-:• - f..»A t- ..if* l.i:. aUP .url.iiorp.
m «r»fci i *<i *l •'> t.;- it fl» ib-!•*.*»« *
on’il.p -1 .U> ul A|.i \
son'l.w r or “li'ir! 5 HJiVi-'i-iironaKr. a “
; ,ra,l * IPIU |. tl r 0 f iUc Cun of Du & Foe*
I iwmnorr. April 2. JST. . “fifl
Corner Blwtn and BltiH tJ«. UnclnMtl*
r i'HIS establishment h>» 1 ’ • best order tor the
I rrc-ritonof .IwTrir- l . »« ' lta«rn B nusler^
a thorough rep*-.' ' l "* an
Having l lie Iuo»l Vi. uHI the 7 e »’ “ii*S
vai.ona department*. * flalirr inj #elf lust all
niea-id wbocalb Tho i* central, comnsodiou#
amtnlcttfain. Fare SI perday. *.,,.011
CD«»na«l.March 13. 1 r«. F. MaRH
N B— Although not exactly anew Broom, n uM
(ame-anew Whist on the old handle. *P'* U
Chttmrt Street, PtiUadelpbia.
\nOVF seventh r.tect. un’t Jruir •..> *• •ia-.m r Hal'
Tm* “ell known oitaUUjUiucn bar iccemiy l wen
r-riit v enlarged, and r:rhly and eo*»v y form-hed. It 1*
• ituated m the moat fashionable pari*ll Cheanui Mnsei,
and tn \hc Immediate v entity of ihe public place* of
umnaemeni The proprietor, grated-1 for the very W>e
rai paitsnege heretofore bestowed, w»U rpate no effort*
110 rondcr bf* bou*e every way to »• *«*»
I ami worthy of their continued auppoit. my*t-3uw3m
Lonlirllle, l£y. '
a RIS Ttl ROCKM O RTON wp« acquainthi*
A. friend* that he i* again leasee of the OALT
HOUSE, Louisville. Ky-. where he hope* Ut meet all
hi* old friend*, assuring 'hero and thepoblre.tbitno
effort shall he spared to make all comfortable who fatot
him will. their patronage- . janlyHy_
cf. S'. W ail Line io Cow, Southampton and Brfui,n.
•yfN THF'fplendid iiewsletnuhip WASHING
TON, ITAUioh* burthen, Frodonek Hewitt
commander, will atailfrom New Yotkon the
IM June next, carrying the United Stale* maiL
-be will touch at Cowes and Southampton to land
paMcneere and freight, and deliver Ihc mail* for fcjig.
land. Fiance and Belgium, and will then proceed to
Uretnerhavett. _ . . ,
Returning will leave Brenterhaven on the Soth of
June, anil Southampton on the l*t of. July. where she
will embark pa*«engera and freight from England,
’ France, ami Belgium. Arrangement* have been made
10 furwardvoed* from Havre up to the laMmoment, tor
wh cb, if dorircd, hill* of lading wilt be ringed by the
tonnecii by Ruilroad* with all pan* of
England, and by steamboat* with all the Comment
From firemen acceav r.ioy he bad to all Geiuiany, Au»-
tria. Russia Ituly. Switzerland. Ac.
The Washington i» built m theatrongeat manner, wit *
a view of lieing converted into a *bir»*ol-war. and aub
■ect at any t'.me 16 inspection by officer* appoiuled by
the President. both daring and afterronairuclion. She
has iwodngtne* ol lOOU hor«s power tocb.nnd »ce«a
tnodat.onr for HU Gr*t cla*-, auJ4l arcotid claaa paa
Paa*ascfiom New York to Southampton or Urcmen,
First ela»* **;®
Second t*U«» „ w, „ . I
fro..! llrein. n or S.uii.a.t-pum to New \wk j
Fir»t tla»* Sl-t*
Second ela.-N , ul ,
Sb. will .•aiiyalamt»mto««* freight, wlreh will lie
rliatced its ihe fisiuic ol the t-innl* olfedUK.
All letter* tnu*t p«. d- IWt Ibli. e Vu.ceU
for which luiU ol l*dmg will he *.v.ik-o. will be taken
‘ ll For'n*»*aße or ireifth' r.pi-lv at the otLee ofibr Ueeun
' i te«iu Navi<iitunt Company. H " ilbaui *tieet. New
York,.r, on.e R<m
. Havre WILLIAM IMll.lN
•I’he Wuthin-'ion .* inteiidrj to leave New Volt 00
wc.nid Itipon the lif*l of AtepUl Belt. '
The •r. ond »teaiu.T of ilic Ime 1* due euuit* bf
■MttMrueiiou. and will U in readme.* in the enrumg
ull. m V iai«^_
ONF-FOt'IITH nr ONK HALF of tv nrw, atrt
'itlrviFumtue: that .* to <t*y, li»« UHlow* j”[
nc. l>»' water power - nuwLtiiMii'Rifl Mouou*ah«
K. Vir f n.i, *ni 1.-, of Morptniowu. lb
taunt) Soul. anU nttly :i ««-»**•• (inw.ll 1 * . l “*' , V
"mk the furnace. Twenty iieie» clear Iniid,
* r . !,«• lakeu m i\»*oiied Uo9.t«—OQe Ihiid in
will navevetv erni expended, anJ uftrr that u.ll
»•» * K“«s
fo° p Srii«?
:, t , ,r».0,. to KlliP* ’*■= 1*'“" *“»"'« "T,
.uriiU thuwh-ie « ;«h!> J «-l', til* pte'elH uwnei» will
mkc it, an.t hsJ.l liny p«t cent, to the co.t. ii .« w*lh
~Q „ C C „xvnr,* wnuM >rtl Hie wncile, bum no-
Ihtmr elie w.ll do; mW ihan rein A Um limOtuiß of
ibe.furnace they willdo «t, uml. if wanted, lUey.vnU
Imml.l and blow the fanicci* turn year. a» llij-y ran bcnld
hi-t I cteaier than any ‘tody 6*«, being proficient-*!
ihp ui-ne.« for a long imte. Any quantity of the be»t
Skcm* Coale'oac hyott iIH-premi»e*. A line directed
to \V. iES yviltbc immediately attended to. Direct
(to Morgantown.
pig Iron can be delinered at Pitldmnch for from SIS
m gio per ton, when it i« worth from SlO to s33'.
ir/*Sumoand material* toliuiUlon jlte apoi.
' Prapaiali for' Plitsbar|h Coal*
PROPOSALS will Up: received tre the nndml<(Md>
until.the fir*t day of June, for we delirwy of I *'"
DUO bu*tiri« 61 PilubucgU C<ml, of the lx*l oa dny w*
, ihe f*t>ncmticnofGa»i to be fumithed on or before me
fiwt day otOctober neit,« the 8u Looi" " 01 “
1 payment to b?made upe# dd!‘ v *'>'•
h, r.nto. : orfc g*.
• , t. *1 Chairman of the «*« U-aht Ominitiec_
•ervice. She will be *ok»-**w— %y GORMAN,
.inquire of ADAMS GETTY,
'em WIIJWN; .
, . ,i’ Committee
- • ntjd;
KJ "too P>«». ■»* br »*•>»>£«»«.
lean .wood hoo4 PUuk* mode U Clcoenu;
p nr (1 u law (areas* br •
VOL. XIV:—-NO. 252
'itilgT PROOP UlOJt
HMI E .nhaenbere beg to call the aueatio a at all lihoao
i mtereated in roofing, tathairOALVAAIRKO TIN
PLATES, and Jo the many advantage* which they |
po**e»i.over allmctaiic aud oihcr aulraiance* hitherto _
uaed for ih ik nur,.*oae,po**e»i»ng,as they Jo, lac RKDgtn
I and ligbtneu of iron without fli lilib.liiy to ruil, haying
oove been tevted federal >eatv, l*oth tu Una country ana
jin Ehitope. They Jrc al*o le*l aubject UJ eipaniion
! and coutraction irora eudden ehangc*o£tlie annotpMir
than eommrin Tm Plate,'lrun. Zine, Ac . orany other
meul now naed for-rooCng. and a.:
much beuer sad tighter roof, requiring far Je** frrqneiu
repair, whilat the firat coat ia.bat * irido rttore.,< d
'Hie »üb*ctiher» woutdalvo call the ottenl'ottora'l
dealer* and worker* .it metal*, to the many otheTpor
iio*e*lto which Irou thu* protected,, ran b* applied.—
In general tertn* 11 1* applicable to allanick* of iron
which H i* deairabie u> ptuieci from the action of the
atmofphent.. And they would c«pec:ally call the at*
trniion of IhOreinterericd i n TKI. t.O RAr 111 C LINKS,
totheii Galvanized Wire, which i* nopralnKMl enure*
IVu*eilin Europe, and which aurwers'every purpoae
u a conductor of eleciricity, count* only-abo« oats -
half a* ciurb a* copper, and poaaeaamg*.
ty with that metal. ...
Having lately erected workamthi* etty tor the pat*
no*e of eahrantziiißTiaiU, apikea; bolt*; wire, Ac., they
wiljhe aide to fimitvajiny article which.oay bo Uc»t
rctl. A supply or PUtea Imanutoetured m Europe,] •
cniutanily on hand,fronl6 ~
No*. 14 arid Id Bearer at, IU6W TOIUC-j
The r.jT.tßi*hl tor thi» article baa beeu aecared;
for the United State# aa well at Great Britain, andolber;
European couutrie#, and all legal tneaaurea will be ta- -
ken to prevent aily infringement by importatio'.tor ota*
erwiae. . " orn-lf
. K 0.44 Cedar Strut, Saw York, ,
ft EG kaw to iaibrm Dtabr* a Dry Gooda«jhatthey harq
t received, and ar* oow'cxhibitiag.attha WAREHOUSE
JIXCLUSIVELT tor JYmmf dotfroea,-800 OAKES]
coapriiine allJhe New Spring Stylet, of SritUh]
French anu American Manumcturet which, la ADDITiONj
to their tuoal atdek, render* their awortarnt one of the mott
Leulifuland allraclive in therity; knd hittne jmt been por
chaaed for CASH AND SHORT CREDIT, are'nflend by
the piece orpackage on the lanie tierrai, at and below mana*
toetarer* pnee*. ■ .
CalalMrun of price* (corrected daily,) in phred ta the
hand*ofnurcn. ' ,f ~
Purchaim will inform themaelre* of the itaU of the mlr
ket, and be weO repaid tor an enminalioo, even if they d.
not purchase.
UA B. hare peculiar advantage* tor ezeeuUng jwdert to
print*, whieh are retpcetfuily ioUrited.
r mchB LEE A 44 Cedar Street. _
Wtioleaale Draff Warehouie.
BA. FAHNESTOf'Ki. <;o. f No. 49, John it.
• New York, offer tor talc-a large and general
n*»ortment of Drug* and, Mcdicinea, Dvo Stuff*
Faint* and Oils of every deacriplion, which tlry
ire prepared and determined to aell low.
Country Merchants and Druggists are 1 , requested
pto call and examine their articles., Orders executed
with faithfulness and despatch. B. A.Fahnealock!*
Vcrinilugo cunalanlly on hajul. |
B. A. Fahueatock, Y ■!
U.L. Kahnesloek, Ll’itlsburgh.
G. W. Kkhnestock. y , I
A. B. Hull, New York, aprftj
(lYltuS w. FIELD offem for aale at the lowdrl
• Maiiufnflturer*' pricea, a very exitinaiTe azaoh
m -niof I’Al'Klt. conipririftg every possible variety,
4ib.pled to the wonts nf t oti*amen> in all serlious oflfie_
rou'tiry. Paprr of all kinds made to onJer nt, slum
Tie stock if TRINTING'PAFER is unusqallv laigr
a n.n rof which is of veir aanerior quality.
papermakkh's materials
ofrvcry description, irapottrd and kept conaiauily on
hun , viz: Frlung*. Wire Cioib, Fourdrinicr Wire*,
Ulcuchinir IVwdcr, Bine Uliruiiiarinc.Twiur, Ac., Ac. ‘
411- Rope, Grass Rope, Dniygins, Ac., Ac.,
r which the highest price in Ca»h will be
■jj23y N«rw York, Ja!rilWs.
S l! K.A K C E!
Ir against boss or Damage by
additional security of a Stock'Capital.
re Mutual Insurdnee of Phi Ca.
. Toland, Johit'M. Atwood,
. Rockhill, I u* tv is R. Ashbutst,
'bompson, tJrorRO S. Raker,
. s4rood, Jobn J. Vnodi-rkcmp,
George 'V- Carpenter,
make insurance agns'nst Loss or Damage .
up, in l’4TTfUu;;ujii and vicinity, on
ores and other Huildmgs, and on t nrni*
*. Wares and Merchandise, on the most
.ual Principle, combined with a Stocks
d the other provisions o( the Charter of
inj. hold out unusual inducements, both
id safety, to those desirous ol effecting
towhich the Company ask the attentiou
Wm. It.'
GrOige M
Houses, Si
lure, Goo*
fuvoraUe t
The Nib
Hu* I‘orap
of profit a
toil etamipstiuo or those interested.
Those qOecUog insurance‘with this Company
bare,besides the usual protection against loss,by
the ordinay. method ot insurance, iheadditional
advantagopf a direct .participation in the pi a fils of
the Company« tdlkoxil one ,iabiliiy.
[GEORGE W. TOL.AND, President.
BJVI. ifi.fCHMAir, Secretary. '
Tbctui who is the duly authorized Agent
or the ati tv* named Company, Unprepared to make
insurance at the Office of tho Agency, in| the-
St. Cf:a i..4W,Ti.ifd «t.,third doorfrum Vfootl
street.ami ttill gNe nil further information desired
myirt-d! y.-\ ***IUS. J. CAMEBEIJL.
giftty;lnsnranee Conpany of Phllnde’ln.
FIRE: RISKS upon buildings nod merchandize j__
of every description, sou MARINE RISKS .!
. upon hullsorcafgoes of vessel*, taken upon the ;tj
moat favorable terms. ;
Ej* Office in the Warehouse ol W. B. Holmes.
it Uro., No. 37 Water, near Market street, Titta- . j
fjfi The success of this Company since the esiab- i I
lUhmento'the Ajpsncy in this city; with lheprrinjun«J - '
and liUnUtf with which every claim upon’them we
tost has been adjusted* fully warrant tha agenun |n
siiine the eonfidehee and puronage of hi* mends sad
ihe community ai Urge to the Delaware M. o. Inta
ranee Company,.while it has the additional advantages j
as an institution among toe most flounthmgj in \
Philad’ta—os hinngan amplopaid in capital,|wh;ch • j
by the ope ration ofitschirlensconmntlvincreasing j
as yielding tomcb person insured his due share pi
tb* profits of the company without involving ; him ;
in any responsibility whatever; and therelore as
prwsesing the Mutual principle divested of every
obnoxious feature, an i in its most attractive form.
.._nor4 ' • _ % ’ ' ;_i 1
new York*
THIS well known and respectable company ■* pre
pared, ibroughttait nrjvuUKUH agenc\ , »*»
' make insurance of every kind connected with risks oi
tnoeponalion and inland navigation; to in*ure;ag*in*t -
• |b*» or damage by fire, Dwelling Houses, Wareboio**, ;': %
Rutldiogs in general, (roods. Ware*, and Meichandive, •- •>:
* and evet of personal progeny on the
favorable term*.' , ;
1 Appheutionsfor Insurance attended to without delay
e m the ofliec.No 33 Wood street. ■ : —\
AT an KleetMrn held at tiie office in Ni V, May-Wifi,-
the tollowmg named gentlemen w«*re cho-en Ihu-otoi*
«,f this Company, for ihr en»umg year, v*iaj ' : t
I JoAcpli W. Savage, * Sieplrenllollj
! Joint Itniuvver, John AJrClnaut,
William G. Ward, William tV.Cumpbrll, .
John Newhou»e, J<*eoh Miller,;
irillnutiS.tiku.uin, • Mnr«*u« Spnm;,
John F.‘ Mack.if, J.iM-pli 5. Luke,
*■ John J Herrick. i
And nia Mibsequeut meeting of the Hoard.
tV SA VA<*K> W 3« uit.umnounly rc-elrcied Pirn*
idem for iheeusning year. Wm. JAMItS HOGGS,
jyju l?w*tJe Journal copy Secretary;'
riAHE Insurance Company of North Amerift, j..
X throtijh its duly, authorized Agent, the ciibscri
imr, odeisto make' permanent and limited Inisur*
' on property, fn this cityontk id vicinity,, and. ;
on shipments by the Canal and RiVers.. !
John C. Smith i’rca'l., Samuel Brooks,! ....
'l’bos. I*. J'oih 1 ,
Wm. Welsh,
This is the otdest Insurance' Company In .tho
United Stales, having been chartered m
charter is perpetual, aud from its ;highj standing,
long experience, ample means, and avoiding all
rska ot* an extra hazardous, character. !lt may ba
considered as offering ample security to the public,
At Counting Room of Atwood; Jones ii'Cn.
tV ater and Front streets, I’ltuhurgli. sp'lfl-lf.
Ag inilLoaaby Fire—The F KANKLIIV Hre loan,*
ranee Company of Philadelphia,
WlLLbutke iMuraiicc.pcrmxnetil and Ural led,
on every dewriplion of property, in PITTS*
bn fivoraldatermi. 'Thi* company ha* * perpctnal
charter. 5 >i _ '..
CAPITAL, >• |-tOO,OOO paid in.
5600,w0 :
Office corner ol Third and Market «U,, HtUlrgn*
ap SB—»tf WARKU'K MARTIN, Agent.
Auarlcaa Fire lmiirnnct Company .
O'J Pmi.ADKU'IUA- 1 t; •
Cuaktsi Furmu. CkritAL WiOM ?jup in.
Offict in PkUaddpkia, No. 73 Walnut Slrtet.
* , WJI.J)ATII»ON,rr«>'L
Fu»**tcx Faafcxt.Sce’y. •• I
■ rplUSoldead well-established Company eunmines to*
-A iftsare Buildings, MerchanditefFtinutuctajidprop*.
eny iioiof an extrabaiardou* cbsrailfcr, against lo** nr
damage by fire. . , - \"
Application* for insurances in Pmsbargh and it*
neighborhood, will be received, and risk* take* cltlsst
DcmciuallT or for limited period*, on favorable term* by
' • in:o. COCHRAN," Agent
nnvlS N« * Wood f.
- ju Lkdovx fc cOh- '!
A KENTS for / B Armani’* haiensiTeSieaa tfojir
A Refiner;. Alva;*on baod,ftUr*qaipck otLqftf,
Powdered, Cra*M, Clarified and Bulfcrd Begaif, in
Tieice* and Barrel*. AUo, Heir*r ,Ho»e Woluae*t ‘:
Price* liberal and ft fair allowaoce'inadean all *aie*
ol.or eboTO.fiO barrel*-' • ' • •* 'qwkll."
ONE newor *eeondboad Rurine, with lOitfebeflr
tnderand4| feeUireke; and one do, 7 or eincb-eyl.
I jnder, wiih or wittoat boiler*. Apply to ‘
| iny«(4«* UEO. BREED,W wood n ,
('harles Taylor,: !
Sami. F. hmilh, |
Ambrose While,j ,
Jacob M. Thomas,
John B. Nell,.
Kiehini Wood. :
Arthur (>. Coflin,Scr,