GAZETTE '^ Jr ‘ KKAsTUS UHOuKE. j \ PITTSBURGH*. { y« (n a-lrmnet - .1 . JkuiiM lu Advcrklacrs. lE3* A*«ve.uvibc«ns to »*vurr ..i.eruuii. »lmu.d t.. banded mb? five o'clock ul the afternoon. Aiieniwu. toibit.ou .be part 01 our rusiatm-t'. would l>e proda- Uveof mutual l>en«.-fii STATE CBATIUL COMMITTEE. THOHAft K FriA.NKi.IA, t-»i.ia>icr i:*<> JOHN C KU.NKhL Daupti-n <.ouriiy. Thomas dincan, JAMKJ* MAKIIN, " THOMAS C lIAMBLY, You. W|i.i,laM M \V A iT-«, Cunvretiand IM.MKL M SMN&hR. AcUui*. JO>| 1* Wb-ToKßil.L.''luiu.lclphim Cin JOSEPH H CHANOi KB. KO.itRT T IONIUIi. THOMAS McOKa I'M, Fhil-idelphin Gounu DU.LKR l.UlHhli, lierka BOBF.UT AJ ri*Kl). Frm.kiin. TIiUVIAJ* M T M’KKNNAN, Wmltmoor AM RKW J lil.Ll. .■ lIAKM IK OKN - V. Ailr|Muy RI'JHARU IRKIN'. Vrnailg" . JO!*r.r*»l tl ROM'S, Wf.imoftlard 0 J IIALt-Knc. : II U Al Ki.L. Nonbump.on. J O >ALlsm BY. SWN{ue<>.iiiii«. EI.HAN »N 8 Kit, ii lOming bAMUKLA Huilei HhNRY S KV*W-, « l.evier. EOUbltr T rOn? l M..n-««nHv. ANTjaiASOXIO ANo W HIG COT.NTY CONVENTION Jtl pB'SUBnC' •< Uir r-l-bu-I.rO u-ae--» rf tbr P«n\. the L«fii-'Cf^ , 'C Am inn: '*• tug- oi Ain Kh ar county will A«««iuute >u i» iuiar> mr-cune', m tta* .. VTeral • tecimit l*» mi !*»:>*•('•• tin 2P n ».ai u Ma>. Hcci two fiun r-ch O'-m-i a Oelcfia.e i© a County C. iiwrniiou. iv iwhiu the Cnur- Hou-eon it.c 5J >n cm >f Juiie.a. lOu’eiur. A. M lopit in no«imiH.i"iKuna''le ramln'airs m i toppoiird uv thr patty ni u.-c general Ki'cuon in (trx beri'ext- 'liie Aut.KiaM*n« and \\ l.rgsoi ilie iown*u ,->• (Piti exccpied) will m'ci m tnc uiuhi plac. » fur liolrt.'u ptimsiy c* beiwrt n ilie i 0.,r-o'Sßiif. 5 I’. .*•( . ■•• d those of ihe ward* ono borough* and IMi luwi.ab ;-. between the hours o( 7 ami V, p. ,M i THOMAS VAIINKR. apt7dA;md Cii’tn of ibc Com of On ForLATDT Ctwntcrc-al Mir beia. Hirer -New*, import*. Aiwiiev Market. Ac. ibiid page. Tba Meeting To-Day. Tbe meeting to be held »hi* afternoon at Philo Hall, by the Stockholders of the ConnelLville Rati Road Company, will undoubtedly be a full one. and'we bare no' doubt that it will result in a final determination to witbdiaw all funhtr negotiation with the Baltimi ro and Ohio Company. A p.oper •elfritpectdemaodsTbia. The recent meeting it Ballxn-iro upon this subject, although respeetobiy attended, seems to us to hove lacked that spirit which, from previous information, wo were led to expeeu and although a moat respectable commit* tee of her citizens were appointed to visit our city ’ and confer with our cinzers, still there does not appear to ca anything in this to warrant any fut tber delay on the pa.t of our Company. Thr Commiure are not armed with any power up ni the subj* c*,and we believe- and in ibis reaped nine tenths of our cilnrni think with us—tbitiso lor g as Mr. McLane ie at the bead of the Bsltimir. Company, no arrangement esn be possibly * fleet ed between the two. The fact is, we have been duped and played with by this cunning Diplomat c President, who never, in our humble opinion, rn> tertsioed any sertons tmention of a connection be tween the Bdtimore and Pittsburgh Companies; at all events it was only to be caught as a dernier nurt. There is a g>od old Christian maxim which says that “there is a point frnm which en durance ceases to be a viiiue’'—to that point we ba*e now arrived. 'Let us, therefore, cut loose imm-'diately and forever, from any further hum bugging negotiation with the Baltimore Company* L t us no t tuning our course Bad, or West. .Upon th a our ciux -ns aro somewhat divi ded. We have ao rcccmly expre.Sfd oar awn pj* cul ar views upon this subj ct, that we do not think it r eerssary to advert to them again. Ati Ibst we wi»b now to do is, to urge our cit zens to •nan prompt aod fiual a ti m upon this imporum matter. Posh your ro»d Ba»tor West, y»*o wit), but let it be co.nmcnciol at once. If we con clude tn go West, we shall have gt< a ly the surt of the BUtimoie Cnmpsnv, be tbeir terminus wJfflg * l n ' i 7> and cons-q icntly shall ha'e bol | *ls to fear fom tbiir rivalry. If, on tbc other band, tt absll be il* c drJ u,'.ri t > unite oil.* i i.n. gies and mean* w itr cur nslrr t us do so at once, and put at rest forever thi# etiibar.aoitig q'lfkiion. •• Wf.err ibail ! g- l” wo> the remark • f c ccitiin rrre-.i • aiesmaii, and the aamo aentimei t, at th, present tune, peruiiarly applicable t > u«. Editorial CorrtvpO'i'le cei Hi Pi «bu-Kti i-azeii. FROA WASHINGTON. Waustsorus, May 2<*». ' The Detriment received drrpatcbes last even ijj|, but with Dolai*rncw» than previously >eni Ontuyruby telegraph. Were it nut ft'oos, eren to our ownvic • mrtoua arm*, and the Government ia realizing the troth of what Wellington said when congratula ted upop the victory nf Waterloo. ‘•Nothing,” aaid be “ct oldbe worae thaniucb a victory, exc-pt our defeat." So with us, D feat only could h*»*e beep worae than aucceaa. We are suff ring all the teveraea of war, and next to the Mexicans themselves, are reaping its greatest aisforiunes. There hare been within the few days past, some itroog hope* of peace, mainly baaed upon Ink's (t .at Mr. Black, cur nc-nl Consul at Mexico- Toe opinion of this genii* rn»n. with his many ex cellent means of obtaining iuf>rm»rion, ougut to be very good, but they are cvidrtitly opon what !• rather a wish than what ia mL What woald prove true with a civilized nation, ia no criterion to guide one to a safe opinion with such « people as the Mexicans. Our Government at th* outset ahoulJ have been uujbt the coat of Warring upon a eemi-barbarous people, and these renowned fur their stubbornness, their love of (heir •oil, end their almost unexampled capacity of en durance. The Administration here are getting over the lireoe idea that this Mexican war ia popular with tits people, and in time it will be driven to the wiaa conclusion, that the withdrawal of our troops,—«t least to such points as we mean to mmiotain in time of p* ace.—« ill be the most s-d. )• ible movement of the war. Some of the oldest •od wisest men here are of the opinion that there will be no peace »h >rt of such a withdrawal nf our \ troops, and alter &■ public pride ta gratifird by •f "revelling in the Halls of Moot xiims," it ia pro \ bibte that we abail be brought to the same sensi* 1 hie conclq»im. ! At f»r sickness in camp and the number of j deaths in the atmr. I am grieved to believe that | death by war and d»a'b by siekners incamp, dea'h i Bpvn tbs march, and dea’h in the b<»s; i al, is far ! beyond that of which we know anything at p-e -jaant. It ia impossible that our volunteer troops j should ever be acclimated in such a country as j this, and ia teaching them to be a *, we are only j'ta*ebingtbem to die by unnecessary mraos, and lia ftCiuse whichfaw men esn drc’nre to !« jut!.. M*ta»ca*d enmomnieatton, as well as among the cit.zenaof Baltimore. Should the end prove a disiupture between Bsltimore and Pitts burgh. there will be a responsibtl.ty resting apoo tie ■ loulders of one of tbe two campions more i fearful than any man, or body of men, ought ta be willing to auume. Pittsburgh has been under all tbe circumstances fn>st lenient,and the occasion. I al excitement against delay and bad treatment baa . b-en abundantly provoked by the bid fiitb of rai ny from whom belter things were expected. Bsl timore unquestionably teliis upon a Rtil Road c >romume»tion with Pittsburgh, and will do so j ist as strongly when hrr Rail Road President d-alleys the Irgiiimite connection, by the long pr>p«M.-d road, aa she has at any time since tbe R-ii R isd question was fiiat m •oted. Mr. M'Lane Oav labored to impart tbe idea that a Rad R ad cm York and ilarnsburgb wit] suffice all necessj tj pu'po-e*. and is >etl‘y frighteuad out of all prw prtefy l.y th** Central R . 3 J, —and yet Mr. M'Lioo oa« tie cn-dit of bring a sagteioua m«n. while propoamg tj a trade, not only witti the l.a-ea, a>iil the Ohio River, hut with the great rtl j N«Vf>r did man, or a.tof men, pursue a more suicidal policy, aid if this he sagacity, one cnitht tt«y. almiMt, fur a p'entiutl. Jack of imh rather than its great abundstir *. Iks ripctcj that the l'itt*burgh ami Connell*- pile t'unipany Will tl.Cidc the q ieetl.m -•n the 29th.—md though th.s word ilrfinittly is one ti make i sul'ir man pause long t >r a w;,c difiak'n, r» ru*mb«:iing luai wiot now done can not hereafter Iv undone, yet in the judgment of ■he wisest, we have reached point iu delibera tion. **«hen forbearance ceawa tn b<> a virtut'.’* Were it not that so many llalftra ire men,—ea **•« med for their iutclligenco and integrity, wera w th us heart and m,ui. the time would bave-eotne long, long ago when the tide should have been turned in anothrr direction. Bui a« il is we'rosy know the best and wor*t ta well now a* ever. If Philadelphia will meet Pituburgh, in good faith, let Pittsburgh meet Philadelphia in the aame de termined spirit. Philadelphia and Pitt sburgh ought to be united by the strongest bonds of social union. The two cities are of the same family, and bound together by kindred laws, kindred political aaaoci a'ians, and by all those family ties which rnght to make Ibo one warmly feel for the welfare of the ether. The alienation now exis ing can be re moved, and will be, when the oceaiioo for it cesa es to exist. Pittsburgh had good reasons for all she* has done towards Bsltimore. Oar own comm**r cial commonwealth waa slow to appreciate the im portance of the trade of the Iron city, and it was only when the Press and Merchants of Bilttm -r,* were arouwd to the impjf'Uaceof ai of the Cumberland Ruad, la the bead wstersof ilie Ohio, that Phfladelphia was awakened to the io. terrat she the self same communication Pittsburgh tin desired a connection with both ri. tics, believing, and as can be dearly demonstiated, that there will be, with one Rail Road from Pitta burgh to Cleveland aod another west, there will be abundant irsde for both The local trade of these Roada w uld aopport both routes, and the through tro.!e would prove unfailing soorrei of profit. Pittsburgh, too, had a deep interest in the exten sion of th* Road from Cumberland; well, knowing that in the preseot certainty of the compleii »n of the CumbeilanJ and Chesapeake Canal, there would boa, profitable corapciition in the reduc ti.m .1 freights to the Ea«t over one half the routs But, if this question was one of importmee lo PinsHurgb, *>f bow much in-»r<* importance to the Baltimore ami Ohio Kail Road Company. I’,. Cun.lx r'and they will so..u be comp II d to cn counter opp.mtimi in tao carrying of freight, but froraCurobtirland to tie west they woold be withou opposition. Is it not then a double iai to Bain timore, and hy Baltimore men, to f *rego a ennne.- tiou io which they bad ao mocb at stake,—so much roaie, indeed, than Pittaburgh,—since wo art to liuvi, n road e.-,*t s =oa*t, that it is f, r Pittsburgh a mater of c ..pnaiivc indifference There are mtny in B dtimore who f.el the im. p ultnce of tbis question in all its bearings, and it i» a rnattrr i f regret that they arc met with a'er.-i rcsMance, and with an oppi'M iion which in a .m* respects h-ti resolved itself rather into amittrr , f. 1 fwlloj; ttntj of prtostpJo. P.‘e quet lion has l--en gravely di*cu«sed ia" Baltimore the prevent w-ek and l‘to last. Wheih- T er addi'ional dmmi t r JiJ a few weeks since, r- fjsmg t > see what w-'werr, an l wlat we wmi'.. do. there is but tit'le h ips <>t a rorJial union h>. tnreen such extremr* of opinion. B. Western Rail Hoad. To the Editor of tht Pilltburgh Gazelle.- Your tig irous article of Wodneslsy, in favor of pros*vuting oar Riil R»aJ enterprise weit. ward, has far as my obseiTsiions extends, universal saibfictiun. and I hope rasy hare th«- tff ct of stirring up all who are in favor nf th west ward progfrs*, to me whatever iofi jence th*y may p>a*s in effecting a the p ilicy of the C.innrllsvilla Company. Therunckboldcr# nf that company have an undoubted right to "J., what thry will with their own,” and are unqties luotbly as well able to judge of what is f»r their own interest os any other set of men whatever But, nevertheless, it is not unreasonable to sup pose that they msy be very reloclan',—too relnc tant to give up a project which his coat them in. finite trouble, and considerable money. The soon e. they sacr.fice their bantling, however, the better The "sober second thought of the peopl-," ( tc . corJing t» dutingoi*beJ.auih»rify, always right.) is most decidedly in lavor nf stretching oot om iron arms toward# ihe magnificent empire West «»f us. Its teeming and growing population invite us to aa»i admits rf oo delay. It i- a rsco which leavra hut Imle at preaenl, for the lam persuaded if the question co ild !l he put ‘futbe people. ste education at Brown Uuiver t»iiy, and has nev, r relax* d from a vigorous pursuit of clssictl and' philosophical studie . H'# learning at* estei a ve and accurate, a id he was diatin guiabetf by tbe purity juf hi* taste and me sound t.e.s .»f hi* judg'Oeut.! But we forget his iutei lectual attainments in contemplating the rarer beadtirsof bu < haracter. f -The l-ive of tro-h wsa 'he great pas»im of his heart the law ef uuiy the miin stody of his life. Prom what* ver s mrec came he w-dco i. - ed truth with giadiieas, and followed with en hu •ia«m wherever it might 1-ad. To learn like not as a monitor, bol j as a friendly promp'er re*poti'i*-d to tbe vligrit—t ! a 'tis!cti>riis ■foh us . s atcred hi* j o»n, and thu* exemplified i.t his practice the i*-aiiifol ol hutnin liberty. H'« fear of K *iog • fle-icc wrh only c>ve of serving them. As a teacher, hits loss i is not easy to b* repiired; for to exuaordinaiy abil:ly, he td led an uunresr.ed fidelity, and spent his midnight h. ur* in stuly. thst he might en rich bis instructions with the most viluatde knowlralgc. As a citizen, >Uch as be can ill he spared. For not only bsd a systematic s-udy of taw and the principles of gov.rument made him an independent judge on que-tiong of na tional policy, ho was alii a ieaiou c suppor ter .of evtty m-*a9are lending to promote the virtue and inulligenco of tbe people.—- He hated oppr*a*ton m every ,form. He severe ly scrutinized the course that waa popular, fir being mslead by unworthy motives, while Oe ever leaned to tbe caua? that aoff-rnl reproach, and espoused it eo far as bis judgment approved Aa a Christian, pur* religion i* best piomoted among men by such a* he. For bis faith wa» unmiit-d with *up*rs:ition, bis devotion uuUinted with hyp.Kri*y. Ho was incapable of ptofesamg what he did not believe, or i.f believing what be did mt practice. In the general ebararter <>f hi* .(•,* on Theology, he agreed «i b the UoiU l nan aeLt. but l.e thought too honestly and too , roety to I'ind hini*»ll to any creed prescribed by oh-ra. Hts Chii-'ian sympathies knew no sec* t«nan limit*, but ail who loved G k 1 and hjmim ty, received bi* heartfelt homage Even when speculation taught men to condemn bia sect, th» ir near la constrain* d them to fellowship with him, f-r he defended his laith by humbly eKrviog God md bis neighbor. Such ia sn outline of Mr. Stone’s character; i *h* a • who knew him wrll will deem it too scanty. , fortl ey have the itself in iu symmetry and fullness eusbrined in their heart*. 8. Tu the Editor tf the t'u.Mua- gfi Ouzette. It is much to bi regretted, that an illiberal, stc tional j-alousy appear* to have sprung up among the friends of tbe contemplated Wistem Pennsyl vania Hispitsl, in r.gird to a suitable place fur > far fug t their July to tbemsel**-* and to tbe pu' tic, aa to be n flueti-c 1 by unworthy prejudices, or to act bonestb the dignity which should uniformly chsio t-iin tbe conduct of f/hriatiins and pentlemen. I cannot entertain tbe idea that any member of this rospectabte fijaid of Mai.-aceia would betray (te trust re|*nacd in hi:p, by pu.'t-ci q a c- it’s.* *-> Ji.h.>'.o*alilc :.r.J U' j a- Th-iugb I tin no s i.kler iot the punt* >.f human nature. I emunt bring mysrif to think ibat njcj.towham ;i>ot,rba» been d* legate,] ly ibeir ftll iw c:t,z*n». lor ihs accompli-bm-ot of a most imp--irlant ul-j-ct, and who t>a*c h h-itn i c cupiod a mmmau- i- g p-sition in society, woul.i ileltherat* ly t rft-H tn*ir *:aadii)gfor ih-contemt>' t bl< cr u licaii.m -t prom »iibg tho iu ere-t ot a inert;! i*r fjv ni***, nr -I r .m lying wi’h ih-i uu i> is i»r, thr reiJet.l-o' a yattre star n*ig ibtirhood I amti.>t the aq-il-rgi-l <( th- M«n • geia or ol any --f taen Of lii*-ir !i*i> I sin not a menher. Pr -perty in ih» shtpc ol l .u, [ do not *j. and c ti*«q jfi.t y hate non** >o e-li fo- a iy pufpcNt- Tbe C-»mn i ho eppoit t-d 10 prnrure a proper : s te l. r the c -nt-mp st >! limti'uium. sh->u d -inii-- Miuiid d'*creimu w tn a beciming d-grte - f ft m ofs They should m »»«• wvi-h roui It 'Vliberslioc, n I not allow. lhng tiin«, have -ante io regret, but not iQe abdi-y tj anuul or modify. Y-«u may de*m it vtrsngv, iliiun Lumnli* atd U'lprelemling ala nsiuu-d mamf st so much in -en st reaprctingvtne location wntch may !>• *e(ec ted for thrinvi-u ton under c-itu derstiot*; bat tve cannot, if we would, be wholly mdmewhal active and decided part. To the numerous advantages which would ne cesaanly rrsu’t to the (K><>r and «S m the of an •n*ii utim for tneir comf>rt ami acct>mm>> , a'ion I have very fr directed pu'-lic aUrn'ion The claim* uf strinae's arriving among o< in a stats of tuff-ring or d- s nu mu, I have also p'etsed with c»n,t Irranle earnevtnr.a, up*n the n. t ceol ■ur citiieiia. The*e tuirf deiail* will are >unt f r «hai, und*r other circuni>tanc»s might be deem ed an improper interference in mtltns sshirh do not dirocly or pirsonally c *o» n m% and still justify me,l trust, in y »ur jn.'g ovn 1 , (« troubling you with this C'lmmumraii »n. Howmo. A seiaiTtn lai-ti Lav-. —A *v..uns ral irc>dcn> hsppi-ned on I’urslay last, on hoard one <>f ih* -migrant lying at the tJu.t m boose Dublin. Am '- ly hade bet good morning, and disembarked. Th deserted dam«el rushed to the side of ihe vra-l, but instead of throwing herself uvetboard, »{■ • a Idressed the cr iwd on the quay, telling her sir i y and finished by offering berwlfon honorable ten •% to any y.-ung fell rw who would lake the pl rco ■>! her fsithlnss sain. A hands une young masm. who happened to be am >ng the stsnders by imme diately off-red himself, and was acc-pted on t >o ■pot. The Captain very properly sent to mi- c inquiries shout him. and found that he tvs* a < I u r-pr. sent-d himre f to bo a single nno; and t’ .• parties to ibis exterepoic match sailtd wit i ibd very tldefurtbe ih-uc* of America. Dtvoacxs iif Censnnt coustt, Ohio.— There are nut le»a than 17 smta f -r dtvorc- |H-nd - iog before (be Cuyahcg i C«urt of Common Pier % at thia sassioD of the CuUrb— Pttu. Gax. We know out, says the Cleveland Herald ,tr in •hstsrurce friend Bro-ik- ob sined the inform • (ion given above, bJt it is certainly icahdnfalur i nwgna/um n< t to be udi’rale-l in thie cooriubi •] loving cammnniiy. The “suite for divorce pend ing” do nut exceed three nr f>ur, which is joet tiiat-rTUmhrr too many In be taken up from tl< e Court of Hymtn. The Loudon Morning Chronicle uf the doth ultimo, potdivhes the f allowing obituary nod e: On the 29'h,.nt tbe bouvo of her rwrn-in lew the Earl of Rthfjtij. No. 40 Berkley tq hire. Ihe .Hon. S -phia Margaret Smart, g'anrlsugUter of the celeirrated Willinn Penn, t->uader ard proprietor of the state of P-nn-ytia'iia. and wid ns nf the Hon and Rev. W. Stuart. D. D., la'o I.nril Pritnsic cf all Ireland, m the Add year of her age." Aimi RtouLATioaa—A new edition of the Army R gulaliot.s just prepared hy the War De j artment. and publabrd by tbe Gideon* at Wash* ilington, tie mtst enterprising book publishers at ;the seat of Government, is joat now issued at Washington. Tbe book trade can be supplied by letter, or purchasers can oidrr copies direct from tho publishers. See advertisement. Bn»TATto».—fiy 000 barrels of 6 mi arrived In onerday lut week it Albany. Tbs cisxar Me. ilarrti^. : —On SstarJayihe Methodist were engaged in the eras of Me Maffid which tame bc&r<* them In this wise. IlEppeart 'that whea ;Mr.;Maffu ratarned from fcda we*t«n tour he' joined the Norfolk atiett dinrch uoderlbe-care of the Rw. Mr. Ma>tir*«lale. While thereßiv. Dr. Peck. R>v. Mr. Hmtth sod Rgv. M. L.tkadder, were appointed s committee to make ebargt a against hire. Before the trial came on, Mr Maffiit had oecuion t j go South, and In order to enable him to do a *, be obtained a err- Lficate from his pas-or of membetahip in good standing. When he returned from tbe Souta he j lined the Centenary Church- in Brooklyn, undrr tbe pastorial care of Rev. J. C. Green, and the charge* being atiU in the bands of ths committee be demanded hi* trial. . Rev. Mr. Green appoint ed tbe dsy for that purpose, summouiog the pros ecutors. and proceeded with the trial. Tbe C-m -railWe however objected to have Mr- Maffitt tried at Brooklyn, and c.intended ih st h<* should bo trud, at tbe Noif dk street ibunh. ai he was in fact a member of that church, be having been im pnper'y dismtascd, and conarqiently Mr. Green bad n i ngbt to receive him io bis church. Complaint was made to the B alt *p, who drei drd that Mr. Maffiit was a member of Rev. Mr. Mittmdale’s church. Mr. Maffiit denied the cor rectness of tbe Bishop’s decision, and refused to be tned m the Norfolk sirci.t church. U*f-rc He s*aai»n i-f cm.f. renew rainrneuced. tltu olfic-sl board of the Nmf-lk sired church de cided that Mr. M.ffi t was nut a menittr of that congregstjna, and the c (remittee, considering thut he ws.-* viitiully u-Thurched. puitishsil ibediarg es mad* i* *ain*t l im in the Journal and Advocst*; f-r d ung nhich lie iitvUtQlcd civ.l su.l, agniii.s •ht-m, laying hi* <1 imag- Bst li ’y ib- mami d.-l'an-. Tho mutvr was brought b»f-n; confttvtice, wh-n that b.xly derided that Mr. Maffiit was a rr.cmu r 01, the Noil*-Ik Mic Khurch, and that he wa< :11-- gall> «!i*miA*ed thervfiora. The cni*« now c 'mea h-f r--c‘n't-r.iiccuii cliiigcr agsuiAt Mr. (ire-nl r msl-idruiot: traimn in, odimtiii.g Mr. M*ffit t< rorrnberfhipii. hi*»hutch while ibarg-s \v r. hang ing *.v. r him, t- which, ho icfu’rd to unxrtir in-, fore’qhe pnqier tdMinyl, To th i charge R«;v. enlvred n p!e* tha' ho »bi controlled by tho action ol the striv ing and iruatri h. During ibo .la/ihe cm,ft-runc* was iraascd in heAr(iig''ti-a(imooy on both till, a, • fte* wli e’i Krr. Dr. Peck oddn-xsed them in to ■ ol '.he r.ii.vieiinn ul Rev. Mr Green. He cun 'ended tbit .f Mr. Green wsa exoi e.iatvd it would I be saying to the preacher—that he must bow to 1 the peoplr, and n-»t the peopl - to tho pn-oc.ier— that they mu-t c inault tbc nishea of the church offi r«rs, end not (bat of the bishop. R*«. Mr. Green was to reply to-day, to whi-'h time the conference adjiarned.-—New York P.-st We learo from the New YoikEiprcssof fuer a day, that Mr. Green took the fljjr to reply on Monday sod occupied all tbe. morning and after noon session in • speech of about f>ur and a half hours. The speech was on** uf great power withering aareauD and moving ptlhoa. Under it, effects Dr. Peck frrquenily asked the fi*or for ez plaaalions. Notwithstanding tbe weather th*- galleries were filled with spectators, At the close of the Rev. Gentleman’* remarks many of them were in tears, and a hearty amen from the confer ence followed bis closing remark that G>>d would protect the rinf t. Ill' MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH, Correspondence of Plttsbnrelt Utiettt. Comipotulrncv of tlie Pituburgh Gewtlt. IMPORTANT PROM JUKXtCO. Liberation of Majt's Gaines and Borefand— Capt. Clay Midshipman Rodgers and oth ; er officers—Offers of peaer refused. Tbe NiW Orleuts Piciyune' bas tbe foilowiug very important news from the army. In tbe ci'y of Mexico sit was snatchy and con fusion. A new President was to be elected on the fifteenth of the preseot month. The olTjr made by tho British Governmint through their Minis cr, Mr. BankbtaJ, t» t* mediate between tha two Government*, had been taken up and wsr.nly d-s:u«sed in (he na troaal Congress, and tliry haJ, by a vote of 44 to 33, rejected the proposition, declaring their detei. mimuonto prosecute tbe wtr t» the uttermost. Gun. Scott had ajjrers'xl a.-proclamsti r-e,i>-in'-*d itty, niil.*r, lerb;J.lm $ -n in-*. I . the for* no in sjli a were made at f*t si» tf 81 i p r W>l. f M*ny ol tb<- (ra>aictMn* ai tin o**.* fi*ure did not transptn* tut ih- attt*ruo-*i>, who Ii" r* a k't crt-ncn-nce.l receding. .s 4 | P< «* 37J.k5.«3 18j (8 13*. and ft ,*!. ■ V lOOil b:».*ch*nKnd haoda st #B. dt Which tbe (Israel d)Mi bftjvy Tbi* ateidy dealmo br-.oeht tiuyer* forward ftedv. Tne-Uclme i«a&.. u t nfic. per bbl. The d» mind l»r t lorn i* also falbug off. B,irn« *»l«*a -f .rm rllow at.#|J3«l.U per bu Sales Rye Ffjurto a atJeuir extent at J*6 50a $ ,‘n{ ,vrbM. ] V Uf tills * rrn<*! sale* at 58 CJc. per l«u. as in q-nlrtv. The Grain 1* very s.-are* aod mtub wsn'ed. j .rnmeal tn in tolerable demand al £5 35*5-. 43J ,«r b -1 [ The advance on Whiskey is not maintained.— S*l.s tw-darat3sr. The mukct tor; I ‘ottoo i* not active, but a mo I -rs*e inquiry pr.|va la. Tbe spinners are th uye/s. Hales "Oil hales. Upland, at .mi N-w Oilmans at UJ .13J t.»r M l to fair In Groceries there ha* urn been much change fir several data. [Home a>le« po,p, H.c.» Mol.* SI 30c and 100 hbds P. R Sugar at OJrfJe. til o*i 4a6 moa. Provu oi.s hav* j n t varied in price to any ex trt,t D-mind good. Bacon it in active request and sell* very freely nt rnres prevmuJ qu-t-d. r rhe si lea were at 8, and iOr fjy shoulders. Sides and Hams. - 4 Home K-g .He per |h. A sale of 100 t!>ns Charcoal Pig Iron it |3l prt ton, usual cisjlit. Beef Cat'le liaTe declined s/>rae*ha(. Tbe •ale* in the yards jthis wm» werq at the extremes it f 0 50»81‘Xi per luO lbs on t'ie b»of.' Live H'*f* iu the same time sold at $5 75a7,00 tier 100 ibs. , Sale 100 baga t ‘uff-e at 7}v7jc, 4 moa. Of Feathers sales lOOOibs at 3lc per lb. Bxelusive Corrnpo idence oi ilie Fuuburgli (iateiie NEW YORK MARKET. Msy 28. 8 P. M. Flour—This momipß the. msrker opened at (8100 for Geriessee, but sevy-few sales were tf. edted at that, buyir* refusing to eumo forward The market soon receded t > at which very little was done, and prices ‘ wcot dowo »till fur iher, in fact a s]>rt of panic prevailed. #8,. 2 wk» accepted, then $8 00 and $7 76 was finally touched. At th*sM figures sales wrre cff cied t . ■he extent uf IfIOOO bbls Tbe msrkel rallied, hnw« ver. in th« atiernoon and evening, am] a bet ter feeling prevailed. At iho ebuo halderr were Jemamling $B, and some but no business was dune to *i!ltle f any particular figure* at the nnce. For delivery in Jut>u and July sal-t 1 1 the extent of 2000 bblp were effreted at $8.00*8,1 •bowing some confidence in the future. .There were saleg to-day of Rye Flour at $7 per bbl. j C rnmeal was taken to-day to some extent at $5 31* per bbl. I jl'hemakrt for Corn htt advanced. In ihe f.ri-nnon there were sales of mixed at fo3alo4 c and uf Yellow at 108 c, but in the afternoon pnccs Went I P and at ibv close sales transpired uf mix-' -d al IUSc, ami pijrne Yellow at l|2c per b ■ —- P«*r August d> livery there were sabs 30,000 to Yellow at 95a97c per bo. Rye has declined further—sales Unlay at I2fic per bu. j Pruvisiatig—CJuito a'movement h’ae eprung up in the mirkrl for Pruvisinna A heavy demand prevails, but it appears to lie wholly rpeculstive in Us character. Thesa'eraro very jsrg* Ofwp 4l yfc.j Prime Pork salral 1500 bb's at Sl3 7fu1400 •od of Mct. 3000 IjW. =■ # 16,37 j. 16,60—i1l Of old, sales Mesa at $15,3?£ «15,50. and of Prim .l $1325.13.5U pt-r bbl. Of ..lea IS||(| bids West Mm st $12a137i0, and Prime at $9, •»9 50 to the extent uf 1000 bbls. Of common Wnl Hams saleii at 83 **!i w -. Buyers are to rr t rket for Lard and uffers of 9J have been refuser! f r larg* It*. ;8 I s *' ftcmna i L*ov r*cciv« our despatches from that city. The report in t-rday'e paper should hive been dated 3 n'c'nck P. it .having been sent to Philsdi i, bia bt • private conveyance st that hotlr—the I.iof was not in operation.; . >rj>7 Correrpoadence of the New Or>oa»T!*or* | PROSXJJEXICO. GenlUMen—Tho laic*t iotßUigenco from Jail' ft tnd Ihafivld of possess bnt little id cori, eo as to insure it» icrfc-ci safety. Such a capture would about pay tic Mexican* for all tbcir l>-s*es since me e»-m -4. 'i*i c>-m-iii i f the war. Mr. N. P. Iri t—ihc relt-iratt-J—arrived yrp t'fj»y, wi-b d"K,a'ch-n fir General ftc »U ami! • nmm-di-re P.rry, Ihe Cumin-MUirc catne up j t .lay,and held long c-mv*r*atioi.s with Mr. 1’.,! r v dently very coi.fiJennaf, and nfte-j in a touc * f j 11 i-c B'iJ 3 in timer *»hc.l indicated couituuin- 1 (phouh and n'litiments *.f no ordinary laifiorniiC". Vlr. Trist is the O .v t rrtmeut, in ,V!* He g «->• wnh tho Jrjiu t—ni irrow to mret Geitvrul sft»tt. an I will uo-ilnl-M give Lim 'Uipic'iiiHou*.- tion, f.r lh«* * ff-ciuit pr.-oecut On ,-l the War. - In the Eugle. whuii I som, y. u *vi I find a li»t ol ft ty five s*>.d.e.a, who wid icmaiu in M. x-co after Hu* war is over. They have taken up their home amongst the stud hill*, and a 1-n.o er b;a t than >hat whi. h cjlft-d ihem to ihe fi uf, wiil tm required t-. call tnem hrnce. The i,uu»- oif of ibc wtm w .I ibu* remain in •trn .Mexico, ulreedy f*r need* ibat ol tnv .•bipineiits to Calif, ruia of the >»mf the gmllrduo composing thi* Committee, ar.: Meaar*. Gl-no. Wm. Heald, Si H. Duvall. K .bcrt Garrett, P. H. Sullivan, J. il Carey, J. *1 Hewlett. The Ep(*co,-ui cMi-. h of his coijiii. uitd f9uuu u, t: i- si.rvMg h ,r „j I, e |«i.d and Scotland. \Ve csil a!t-u:i n to the *,!_• ul building L ■ oo Boyu s H -I, adw rtHrd n Knottier c j’ura.i to day by Dr. B a.k. C7-r»e*ierr..e. e ,.m,- U-dK), al liTliri til t.;< « ft .() • uC (It,- F-I. .. r.;-v Tn- li.« n-1* nr n.» -,t. -J .-tc Av..,-.i urt.r. J Mxlh Ward. fl7“Thc NVb e- ntni a, Finktiu• gi. tvl , ttic'l 'll ('-1.".,, 1,.K- .-.silt .V a;. oi. >#. •«:«. f V in.- Puf .Mi), itn-Y!l.i .4 am ol?;o of ,-hou« .15. 1 «ii D--. -1.- u. Ward Not-re. .oP'STTfri'!,'; ;'' ir - ■-' UAZKTTK JOB PKINTIJIO OFFICE, CU-Ws arc no-.v prepafrd 10 rxcruir n a »ui>rr.oi -■ul cxpd.i-ou* manner, ait k i..U D , j OB n,,,,., 1* UfR- i’uslri'i, Hill*, Uilu ol Laii.DK wiicr SOkeei C.rralar*. Ilaiiiilxll*. Cartfv. Ar . Ar ■ h>k 4?M> naeuLCT rat*Ti>o :o any cxin.l .-Xrcui-0 ,» u.c bc.i and kind*or_t*nniin» Uun- wuh.accuracy and j| ibr **,. (JT" " * invite th- anmiiuxi of nut reader* lo the r i • raordiriary cur-, „f S.-roruia p-rror.ered i.y lU. CuH,n i /■tJiart TifttnUt Paw, a. wb.cj, u, P> g u j -<1 ui anoUicr t-oiuuiti of n. ,|«y , Jli-> ai.r *rulh»vi (loubl •*•!) mo»i wotulrriul en r-ront, autl bavr «o becu piouMiieed i.) man) of ou. mo-i rcpecrao e phyucran, Jh- am.rird Imluiher, It.lrreucd a>e rr. to vi*it them al tiie>r «c»i-ral nl.rr, nt' ai«.ir «nd leans Horn tlu-u own h,.. th- womlcrl'Jl -tTcctr oi nemrdicioe fhr 6r*iono nam-di, Hr t.aar U„ w l. who may l>« «eer» daily, i.ctwrm the hour iof 9 A .\t •lid 4 i*. Al Bt ihe nftireof Rownnd a VValion Market .t. rittlaila. ' ' OP « HT-lraitortatat to Advertlaera.— The advrr u.i-mcut* wlueb appear m the Duly Morning (iaieiir sin) appearm the Tn-Weekly, ibn* the l.en -fit of the circulation orv*H. without any additional charge Tht* i*»n advantage toour a*lvertid completely r,i»l.l,.br«the fallnry of rxirrnaf appl'CSKon* It i*. indeed, tnvaluanlr - hnlnnle ami Heiail. by H'VATT A XKTtill A.M. IVI Fulton ,trert. Nrw York. \\ u TtiußM Market •trret. nnd P R. Swtim, fhnnbfiieh* virect I’iiui.urgh. t'« I'rtce #1 per box. ni>*7T iw Ss,o(i. BOOTS 5,00. KO. OS KOURTII BTUKKT. OORNKR t* I |>Ot»r OFFIRK AI.I.KY TIM. «il.»enber rcepeeifiill) uiform, the ptihlir tliai ir l,a» cii'itmenceil the inunuiarture of (~ntl,m,n h'at/iionablr Hoon. of gooit maienat anil urorkinanih'P wlueh he Will warrant ,uprrior tooify Hoot cvi-rmudr 'ii I’lUMhuiili lur me pr.i-e. The»e lioi.d«onte than will hr mnii- to mea»urr, end narinin them in rrpte • rnicil, Him- v*ry low price of FIVI-; DOLLAHp OAMI O-ntli-meii «re rrtjueord io cull and ruoi ■te them * JvVl tV It KKHKINE. (ST-Ralter’a Ginseng Panacea.— Mbdical Tertiaoh?—We. ht-g leave u> cult public aitenimn to tbe following, from Ur. Wm Doan, of Wnbam*vilt, Otermom Co, anil one nf the very fimt practitioner* m the county in which he re*;de<. and laic Senator in the State IwgKinluie It i* chei-rm* thn.v to vee the lead- 1 ing mm of the pron-uuon. burning die bond* of profe*. • oitnl pr judipf, and giving trier it it* due: i* -Sir: I have m my practice been using your titnsetig I’annt ea, and, *o far. atn well pteuved m n, effect* in Catarrhal und Hronnbial CompUbit#. Flea.r »cnd me half n ilorrti liotllrf— put them as low as you can; o».l raped il u eonimuea to reader as general rat ■ vueiinii ,1» u lm« her.-ioforc. io k-pp U conitanily on hstu' R.-pcnfiillr,. tiplT tty Do*.x, y*. n nAUtIIKU. On T-urrd-*)'sycninr. .Mu\ VM, by Rev. Dr IJnrn lIUIiKRT Ml KMir-il’ anil Mat tA.»7. .Ul'IH t M ihiufioitr m lion. Ilarrjur Itemij.iu ih*cih 1 VJOTICIC— ‘I he Viewer* oppuniclJ by the .^ urt 0 , -V Qnuier Sei.ion- lur.utr ut -svirnt of danißge. on ihe open n* nt *treei» m ihe new w*nl.;ar- hen.) jionfieo >o nte-l nl ilir ntHee ol mw ••.-n-ritojr ou Aluti Notter. »».hireiiy giertr'lhul me uiiderngned ha* v taken uUt letter* rif AUmniistruiiuiniii the Kstno of John D. Puwicr. I«i- of Franktm Town* >tp. Ade rheny Founty, dec'at her re«ulence in Frattkliu Tow... •hip. Al'ei htny County, and nl< persons knowing them *elvc* indebted will-pi,a*c ciil and *e|ile their accoonia my-'AnOtF BAHAH FOWLER,Affax’* WMg and inll-Haionit Caididatu, Conaiy Tr«*enr«rl AiST .^?^ re * pec, ' a,ljr eil "°® m J friend, in cine* *nd county, a nomination for ihU office anbe approaching and VVtiir Convention. The i'*V * '•>• the cal fire would as?kr a 1 0«Bf»lin'H*r W ‘>li lb.a frtjti *t lie rraieli.lle ledgeo-by ■ M.\Tllf:\V 1* LOIVRiR t. Dlro * announce ihe name of Maine HtNR\ HKARif.of Allegheny City, a* a .unable can didaie lor ihe ofi\rr ni muity Communouer. »ul in i 19 Uie deemon of ihe \\ big and Anu-Ma«onir li. ive,.i.«„, mysldiw { WtllCi " M- A. BURCHHf-LD. of Fan Libeny, trill i* ftupporied in Hie Anti-Maaomc and VV'nir Convention lor bounty Comrai*«>oiier. Tbc di-triei in which he remde* m on- winch h»* never received a emtdiluie nominated by ih c parry lor »aid office. In re«peei 10 quai bt-ationa our candidate will compare wim a..v rlnewliere. i'EBBLKs ToWNmIIH tnyJdAwK* ' - i > * ea,e lire name of JOHN .ulM.hK.of ihe Borough i f Saarpiluirgb, a» a rmi-ilile candidate 10 represent thn court:)- in iho Itegial.iure inyOdiw- Baldwin .M« Korroai—Please an , that C *NIVKLV, or vv i.kma 1 owiiau p, tvilr be -uppored in ihe Wing uri 1 Aiih-.Maauntc Convention a. a tunable candidate iur b y-eeiKiaturc, and oblige .MaNV CITiZfcNS Ma. hoMot -J lake picture hi recommending o till- mrini rf.i of me Anti Ma.ori c and Wa g Ouuny U»:i veiina.!, M.wt*ilAM* o .v* a KT/, l>,i —d Kent,, wan well qualified u> reprvadit ihi- c»m i, mme Siam A.aempu Hi* a mma ion would gram l| imio-inui 1 ie1 Ciurr liwo*bip. vv !i * ffi >^l> ‘fi n J ® ,n> *'*“*• ’ ,,kl Ammi»«o«* lori-i- JOH\ M'IKHmIn 01 Alngln- , willbcoptem '*t "> mtny VV nig* and n.imu*oua ini • > me 1 mi I'liuiiii ii* u eoud.iluie for/iiu.ny Tr«4*urrr ■ nl-diwl JAVKIIK Mk. I- uiioH - I'lciue unnouiicr the name of CAI-K > 1.f.r., lll Ihi* ray o*a »inia,.'r permit U> ,ep e*> .11 i. • r0n.,1, mine l.rgn*'o>nre. |inyi’4>a«c} MuO.N ll KN R V I.rt KGI-. f" M.ftt.n I'own I' in. 1.1 o. Me \\ b.R an.l .-uii.-.uu.on.C county bn ,veo - " ,l1 my. Winn Mejor JOil'i \\ lI.LOCK vvni l>e auppoitud before lot \V,.i A oiilillMMiiiir 1 o.iveol 011 u»r the otfcce o. I n ufuirr » I..M' VV rt y.U ni) Mi w | • Ma I infoß—l'i. i»-r aoj.ounc. i.,e, Ml peol Major J •M SNUUt.ItA-'S 01 .Vi dili 0 lOAiiVi.p. h* a *'u„ w.n 00 . K e *u-r,) .Vilg.oi meciiy. ui; SuAw ir . COUNTUT iMciJL'LLiII.H llua UCCJI tpuken 01 by »-v ra. geii'icioeii as a cai'd.dute ioi C>uu-y Cj uiu . .•oner, ai.j bemg i., every .eipect iioiie-lanu i-a.iaa.c w,|i t.c -oj jioMcd ..y of ir.enu* lot inmoibcc bciuie ii.« l.onvrtnioit myiPuAW ■nJOVIAS Pl'.KMNa.oi U»wcrSi Ciarr iown»bip nli l I'c it candidate loi norouiaaon to the offiue of coun iy Ooinmi*»iciin r my iDuAw JOHN SHKKIFt-', ol ibe city, .will' lie .upponed b) many VVh gs of iba ciiy and county lor nctu.nai.on bj .be t'oiotn tion a* a candida.e xor Uie Leg a mure aiitivwi' ~crr J W U.tX TKil, oi inc eny . wni oe auppnrtcd b fnr ibc Wj| g and Aniima-omc Conveimott tor iiominaiioii a* ibe e jndid-ie l -r tue office of county l‘rct-ufer. m)Jd4.*ic - -neCuNff WARD u.l vv E*py 0 f Lower Si Cm r iown* : ip wiIM e «up|ior:nl by many Wing* njid Anumr.soii* foi me hr* c -miurr. mjiidAwf JtFFr.RsON TO COSTUACTOas. * pßlllO-Al;3fcWj.l be .rce.rrd ai ihc Oilier of tlic X luvtr «nd Kaniwha Cnmuaiay. "• **‘Cli. u o.uJ, \ - 4., uu.j. ,be I Jill J.nj |, W . X I. f.r IBP e„i.- •uaricun of luiee »!une own* aero** Jainr.- - Hivef <*<• 'be Inn oi -be Company’* Canal bcnvrrii l.yutbbunr and iho uiji.tli 1,1 i .\orih nvrf. I'lic Lr-i oi «jhj ua.i,. wi i ,»r about jj fi h *t, aim 4Qu mci lun<, and «n* uaicd Buout 4 n.ilc« b-hjv Lvncbnurg: iim tccoinj w .1, i.e ai>o-u l.' ii a 0 i11..*, w -«i of l.} iipb!, U f 8)l : i:.e uurd will be about Sv I’ in»h.jnJ Min lona, ami « main i about lifmile* wt-M O' < Tin- of l'br»e ilaoi an* of men. and .In- mprt.nueliirr* will l.« rr<|urr«*u io 1.0 ra.. a- low iee.-l. during tot prcein •on l .an >aid worn nuy be .fen, ami .prttliin.oi.i olra nrdmih. Company . OiCce tii Michmond oi ai *' ‘“'••crii*rr , »Oibd* |.nr above Lynebbarg on oint alter ’be 1 *t of July * I.TKK (J W Chief Kng.nrcr .. Jows-Hirer 4, Knnau-i.n Co K i- |««|r> vU „ 7 r I'O ii.- Honor .be .h-«*o. UW *’ l lioum.-, in Uie ward 4io.e»iid, *ud pray ii«i >«.ur i unor» will In? pleaaed to g-uut h-m u' • *•-11*6 in keep a pubi.e houreot rnlrtlau mrnt /.no } our pel.ii oiref-. u* ,« Out) bound. Will pray CbOd.tN A so;i t'Pl*. l ilizcus cf Pit fl-urgl, City, ,U, cct.H) Ulat me ».««’. I>CI.UOI eri «rc or good iriiuiclur h “ l,e ”> amt lerapriwre, and are w«J|' prov.ded w, u n»u-e to’iu B'id coovnurnce* lor Hie ucroni nodntim. ..or< and c.tbcr,, and m.i ...j , avenj 4< „„ et . Onorch 4 C*tt>-her« Morn* Jor.e» l*rar»*c 3 F Khey iCo ft r«. a >«««*;.. t.rrm.M, orhiC \v m J Aiiiiurtun \\ ~|,a m x , , !t) , “ «‘*»i tv Jon-i mi-Ictm.-. _>V , . \ U. c.. l; .v r ., vcf Tu ‘ar. X7 aL .i1 l i', # -h U^ C, ‘ * Ur Cuurl 0( U ' , "‘ i\ a Ten7,V ftt * r-tr ‘ Q,ld ' or,l ’“ Crua ■ r«r I of U'ravpf, p, I , r »M t !Th.', ,,> , "7Vi I,v,n .' T -bewch Tin -1 , • n ir.‘c,i W.rh uiMiruil. ko n, ." < " l , " r * “'" l ° h " f * *' »>)*. r 5. l 'V .**l KfM,, ‘ *■"*■»- fiur 0> hr. j< , t u / ‘ nil w' pci.n«. r 'JAVJN U IIAVK.I UV mr-uu./rmcr* r.t.jen.of-j.j w,,,. l >i: t | lUfsi , ! 1,0 ‘•I*-**-- p-ino.ii-r iaof rti .«! rr-pm, * , ! >..i!trM. una ‘••alprt biii-,:. *!)•• M W,|| provided v\.ti, J bou»' rooui »ni] .;•>.!. diiriH • • |.ii (he »ocomionii;u: ( , i,,, 1 t a-cu A *V<.»iirr* Ut * CC!!W,r> * p ,r£;r J ' QKAU•» A M KB i O Rvso\\,TlN,. i' £•[ P'- l ' l,,Uf mak.n r u.*. Mr b'netii Annul m»ee iuoutti. •nice 1 coramn.rrd unim N.-*f» Mruic nc. a-ncti ha* omit. Ir rrl.ev«i m. mm *V fl.«) ill m. m macp and rr*rof*-i nno cornu*,* ! t . ..r bralio Several oi my n*-nd< «hda«an4u,ia,.r..* !• nave made ukco' (be Pil-a. Biwi rreetvrd ntnrb 1/01110 cm » can **i.n C 0.16. c:,e- fveomioend jfcpin 1 JaM-; a ud.mi.i t Soul H A KAHNr.SHyik ! t |t»V « U * n,!rof ,M P il •*. . M'.rte»LA»-i 11 e'.\r.,.«i, - ,b.e • * Aiuco a* a rciordial ag-m.ii di»«*-e. and a« < „, ofc . dr '. m *?'•s'* Th„onr l l 1 .„o ,l> .Ohr «•«.. n» Lo lt, e) tw#, tfnrcTrnl.iic. fe ~u. ~c nr P f,»aie 'muse*oi gamm* •» ■> «r*«*. In, y h»v, r,-c.vr,l ||,. „f , kc &f(t p. ‘l'.'.? ” “ »**'. »*'■«■ Mr V “JV r * t ** n,e( libop o, J,»w „ ° f'- u > ••.'■'"'"Oflli.nd-ltou MIT.I. »n*> Will aisriid to ajfonirr* i irthtin <*’ W PORTKR k CO °* BOO «- rki'J , i."- de r M i d J WJer *-*kccbc«. wilhlejrmlaof.ihr Cbc».o|. anJ the l.ammptmuir, by IV. If TMiiw c Ji rijn lo AiJibr* or ib- -Moor* under PbiliptaeTUird f r*, P ."J' 4t \r* T c, ‘ ,«,rrie»of Ixndon' Coun. of Monic Cbruto, by Du,na._r fprt .gp-i), lre“h ."n«f U ‘‘'° r ltt nvalr ‘ , ' Ti ‘>f ihe Kcvolution— | AH tnr I. itirrn M.iß4rin< * ruenved for June ! Fur »‘ le s * M A NINKA'S "'ii - Htuitiibc'd «k 3d door irom ad TURNPIKK SOTICE. SKAI.FD I'lopj-a « wilU.c iee e ,V^ a b) *he Prr.tdmi ■ 1..1 Manager* or the Coal Hill and l»er !*i 0r,,,, rurupikr Hoad Company, ni the liouacof F MrXI.K,«n 1-lb of June wn»U*p. Al!e*hent Couniy : No|., pj« }ler ,, .. «>vcn io all person* uidotned to ilia Kmateof .a d dee*. .Inn; in timkr panned and Uio.c ciaring claim* sentn« ilip >ami' i<> iHi *cnt tin in, duly *u U-nucatcil lor »eiile. in-ni, io either of the under'igne.l WAI CAKoriIKRS,> m>t:ivCiT V CAKoTIIKR*, j r-Xeeuior.. A IIMV REGULATIONS— The Irw nSn lon of illh'i ‘“eoeill Rreuiffliou* lor ihp Arni>, - ’ published '•> »o’homy 01 ihe War - Department. i< now out nml The work ran he irairmitted throcfh the mad io any part of ihc country fur 13 ctriu pottage. Order* ar coir.jiamed hy ih- ca«h, po*t pail will hepr.-mnilv fiil-il I'riee SI per copy JA’«» -w F mi^ircei A niKCK »r *3h? No tM.«Wn hy k /"Yjone* on ihe Mcrrhanm and Muiiuf«cii.rera Rank tva* Io I uu Inc VWh iUMnnl-itir pity icon i »r which ba» iu'.'cVZr BI Knor C '7* ,0 ' he in<-'hani* ol ibe n«V: (JE-JKfiK p DUIM*' 1«; RAPPING PAPER t * iMi ream* Medium Wrapping Ptiprr jin .'n Cnnimoiido 100 .h. Ten d 0 Ju.i rrce, veil mid Inr «»!•• hy fill J. A UKOWNR 1,1 ■*-' No *7 pia KKTAl^lo ion. -Uni* and * m,..i * 1 •'> FIUKNI*,h IKVscO ,n> * . NolJwilfruTffi yji CORCIIIKG4~ 11 cask* 6r»i quality for »ale by 1 mil '• 1 Rn- N HllhV A Cl. / tOTi’OJV ,0u bjle-C .no i •oraaleYi Kj ™••» ; ; k•( -v•« •• !••*«*• LOI'HVILLK LlMb-w * uiytt) • I A GOTHOV w-i-f .| IT'RUIT— IOO bu* in,«torc and for »ale by r ...»*• • ! , . .v . u.po' B» Coif—< ..iht i,or ruu U»> ■iuir«i,d i..r -« Oil* MICAL—d& ban, Ju>( icv’u unti .• r »■!*• mytf ' .8 A W UA&OAUQU 'Auction Salts' By' Jolkn D. D«rli| AMclltawr ON Monday- morning, the 3ist instant, ai lOoelo'k, will h-.soM: X large'aajonment of stsplo aid tane> ’Dry Good*, whieh hi»e been seleetedexpreaalyforihis market, among which tresoper. iweed* guutnrooa*. ■wctd eatsimem, cob*, -atineus, kui, summer e-loib. *iti vestings, bleached and uebleucbed murliar, caiietes. ginghams, alpaca*, hosiery, flores, *ewmg thread, Ac At 2 CPCJoek, P. M. ° * Iron safe, a q 'amity of qaeensware, glassware, gro -rriee, dried peache*. apple*, oraages and lemon*, 4 i*i« * a. uinacco, 10 bx» cut and dry, shovels, AO groe* percu«»;ou matches, bed cords, I keg powder, band boxes. • An ertniire arsoiirneniof new and sacoad band household and kitchen fnmnurr. maniel blocks, looking lamp*, earpeung. wa*h tut*, cookie* stove*, Ac.. SSOnuht Spanish cigars. * At 6 O’clock, p. M. A large assortment of ready made (aney caaslmere pantaloon?, tweed, summer, clotti, coiwnade do, finer Ve«is, file shins, with Im -n bourns and eollarsi fane" cravats, new and second ba*l raid and «j » er vatchrs fiue cutlery, boot*, sboes,uiiu>rcilas, parasols, Ae Ac m>a» "* Post'irc Mile of 50 Building Lota, in the bib Ward oi the Ctty, near the New Court House. OX Pa'nrday afternoon. tbe 2®th instant, at 3 o'clock will lie sold, on ihii piemisea: 00 beautifully located uu'ldnift lo son B J o's Hill. o>'the 2*Otitb aOe of Fenn •ylvama Avenue, according to a diagram which ms) t>c seen at he Auction Hoorn. Term*: <>ne-6(irtcash; resdae in four equal annual pijiut iii*. w,m mierert. Title indisputable, mitia J U DAVIS, Aoei’r Booka at Aaclloß4 i/S Saturday evening,the k9th instant,*! 9o’ thr Commeictai Aocnon Boom*, cornerof Wood auo Filth sirert*. will be sold, ttibsui rcserve.'to closes consigumcul: Alarge pollcciiou of valaabie Books, cirit-ruciug sisuJaid works in various departments oi l.w.nuie. _JKFFKR-<»N alm>. (nra If l.ililcs, blank books, letter and cap wn tin,, i'l'jitr, g ~(t pens, Ac. myze PUBLIC BOTICB. Allkuhkst Cocstt, May 53,1817. IO si! Wholes ilc and Retail Dealers in Goods, Ware*, «nd .Merchandise, being "Foreign, or tut growth, product,or RM-.uiae tire oi the United S.».«rs.‘ Tnai hi accurUonce with the provisions of the severe Acti-o; tie Assembly oi this UonusottweaUh. clas-if>- mg surh. dealer*, m order to ai-just loetr license fee together will) die special provis.ous oi tbe Acts or lb in "uJ *d ibe dratetaas afnrraaid in th severalßoiougns ■nu Townships eiienorio the t«ro < it.esof Pmiouigb >nl .Mb ghmy.iri n.ct ouniy of All gbeuy, aiehereby noiiGeil, oi Heir jtrcroJ c.HIrS, affiied accord ng to U a : and an A|>|i. al will be l.e.d at the Corn mis siom-r'* « -flice in Piutr.urgb.ppon the IGih da) oi June uiO u'ciacs, *. u , when auy such dialer will be Ue “ rl - T L MeMILLAN Appraiser of Mercantile Taxes Ibirouftb Birmingham. Mifflin Tp.* >Amael Aicii.iorb 14 Adam liemiium 14 J a Geo 'Vcigni.reight 14 J O'Neal ACo 14. William Kiduto 14 Asaph Aiwaker 14 Adam irautmon 14 James Hiebcsoit 14 Ciiriaiian ihmsen Id Archibald McAlees * it Kt.beri Holmes 14 Joseph ’-tewar. ACo 14 James Fatycrtt 14 James Bduwer 14 v iiliam Fawceii 14 J ualev A R. Wfcighaa 14 Uei.rgr Pawceil 14 ioltaioa Lsnbart H l M -r.lioy l'J Moon Tp. S McKeeA Co ,14 lira Toner 14 io’jp M.l rr 14 Joua Hamilton is Peter .Mu.pby 14 John JUcClesief 14 Daniel Berg 14 James Aten 14 Voung.Him.en A Plunkettl3 Ko’jert Sjnpsoa ■ 14 J f*mitn. (.irog | 14 Joseph Cooper jf tlaxweli s AliUiollaod 14 Ohio Tp. lame* Harr 14 David Shields J 4 JuiiutSvvar-s 14 Geo. H fltarr - )4 j'Rissrr 14 John McCardell )4 UuaaGrrg; 14 James Laird 14 J#*'*! 14 Peebles Tp: >nmuel ReynolJ* *l4 Daniel Xeglcy H William Craig 14 Piuueac Reynold* 11 Neul 14 Thoma* Davison 14 Conrad Kf'evct t 4 Thomas Kirby 14 G-iilarber A Roupp 14 Plum To. Daniel tnmon 14 Henry ChaKant ' 14 Cnanes Hinkle 14 Henry Reiter 14 Coon rod A Jleisroih * I4llughLoran || JjAri|ue«ACo 14 John Summerville ' 14 Borough Hawrenccville. Abiabam Taylor 14 James r.ber 14 JoelAlunroc 14 Jetennah Fleming 14 pme Tp. U Uney, or Uhlrey U John Sbucffer ' 14 John-t-'raughi 14 Josnua Banka || Mr* Fowler, (widow) 14 Boss Tp. Boro fib Mtrabf ih , -J Shaw . w Siunuei Walker ‘l3 W Ray 14 John Walker . " ia Rol’clt Dodd J 4 C F Dielil. IJ RobicsoaTo. * HU Tower , 13 WiUiam Gribben 14 rollti McDonough 5 13 B K Palmer 14 GaPawh)- -|4 SnowdcnTp. rtonert ami.b . 14 H H Morgan J 4 Mowan Gilmer 14 John Moore M Jumei 1 lack 14 Upper t*L Clair Tp. Baldwin Tp. Aaron Btawdy 14 John Cunningham 14 Isaac Bauman 14 I-hptna* IJ igg- 14 Andrew Borland 14 EmtDcerTp. . John Sevi;l 14 Joseph Mi.ler 14 V er *aillesTp. 'olui Murray 14 Jacob Ifeester 14 laeol) Reuialry 14 llufib Robins " 14 John Ai>er 14 Mamuel Siacy H K-b n hart i| tacobDawaou 14 Ja.e*Clark 14 JBCrawford 14 James Fultnu 14 Sineluir A Penny 14 Elizabeth Tp Htaey ArDaker 14 Janii't I'.lmri 14 Robert Wbigbatn 14 M’CliaeM'rn n H A L Crain (4 Fraiuim Tp. John Herreu A Co ll Joint Coulter 11 James Stewart 14 Dulf 14 John Speer 14 No ti. uml Sou |, r.iyeit-. Wilkin?Tp. Hu. •-: > |t, a j I 1 J lituck J 4 A !<-j snd. r Mjjoi 14 KThninpson 14 , c "", , 14 14 O A A McTarJand u A Horbach M Indiana Tp, Mr. Hill h -pans A Co 12 We-tDeerTp. .eofg©?€uut I* Joseph Blackwood 14 Jotcph Uueh U John Me Whmner 14 James McKrc 14 William Porler 14 Jefferson Tj». Jaraei McFJDowney M K Pcrcival 14 Findley Tp. . l-onerM t,U:rTp. Alexander Av'alc 14 '•“'■.lj Hu-»*-li 14 David Coorer 14 John U’rteUy 14 BojdAUuy . 14 I Lmscy_■ |4 tforjugb tfharpsburg. n,., tl ,^.r:.rgiWg ln 14 |{ w Lewie ' *l4 Mr* W'llmstfS 14 *■ Icorrti 13 .\AJhan el KallrfftiH. 14 lufili KubrrtH ■ 14 Fred-t-ck Hello 14 Wn. i in P 14 »t lilium I J'm.ih 14 Cole:*,l 14 1 J .141' soi.rr :| i S**>i'hlv A IU. 14 • 1. Me tVma .! 14 H\ I mi, McDonald 14 J Green 14 lame* Ulsckmme 14 • Adsmßoh |4 .Darnel Mivev 14 _og PRKKCOHCRRT EVERY EVE.MNU THIS WEEK!! ■ee Cr-um n most effkctive rkmf.dv Dr. WOOD’S SaruparlUa aad Wild Cherry Bitters, for-ihe com of the followtoa doeuac*: Jaundice. Liver Complaint, all B ; ilioo« Cbm pianu*. sick Headache, Heart Burn, Indipeatioit, habit* uai loaiivencsa, File*, PaJpiuiioaaof (he Heart, Loea of Appeme,Dy«penaia.Ner«ooalrTitaiioo>,Debilitated Momach. Languor. Deprenawnof spirita, Chronic Shea maiitm. Ca'aueona Diaeasea, Canker.Syphiloid Dims* e* Scrofula Iniporinta of the Hiood, Pimples and ra-iule* on the Face, Hereditary Manor*, Cold Soiee. and all diaeiarsariiiug from an injitotcioassseofMar* enty. Tbe attention of the Invalid pablic* and of all those • m.etrd hy-mnyoflhe above diseases, is lespeetfellv eaHed to the merits of a new and invaluable prepara tion trwn an original recipe of adisiinguisbed physician, eoml.i.iicgui itself the mast active remedial properties c mool the ver» 6r»i anietes m the Materia Mediea Tlte Sarsaparilla and VVtld Cherry timer* were in i rod need to ihe public about twelve months aro. and durn.* that period their surecss ha* been so great as to mdu«:e the proprietor ja offer them with still ante confi dence. in the mil belief that by entering into-more ei tensive use. they will prove a blessing to atl-fhOse • uOrruig from the disease* above enumerated. eold, wholesale and retail, by Wh ATT * KRTCII- A.M, general agents, I*l Fulton street. New Vorte XV*. ruoeis, .Market street, and P. R. Sawrga, SmitlifieUJ ttreet. Pittsburgh, Pa. Pnce *l—large bottle*. luehOT'ttlm gjp OADDITIONAL0 ADDITIONAL ACCOMMODATION. MNIULf* h\ h.NINO IJNK—On and alter Monday «he 31*1 of May. tlic »b ■'ind " " V '" k *“> '»ti«rariM,| im,ou. to utlbrd ».<,« f.c mu io »l|. the sul.srnbcr hope* this new effort to Bf'f jMi>modoic will bp approved sod vuittined by a lib- Jrr JACOB GARDNER, Proprietor Cn«Ptr(oenhip( ’ A LI-KN ► UAMHn having taken Kdwatd Rahtn in to I aruiarrinp (bo Liehange basinet** will be car ," r. rjr.mVw 6 ™ ° f . -- > AL bSS (RiMU. COWABD baqm. - KHAaen * aahm. nAAKKIK ASDI:Xi: , IAMiBBKu , iEßB.d«*l tr . Uin I-u erica ami Unreeitie Bills of Excbaner Cenlfi. C H*f \v f ~. e po' , w ’ BlLnk ***** ,nd Coin. rorneroMd mjttMly " reclv a,fec “r oppoiito St Otailea Hotel. ‘ 0,r, C8—An adjourned meeting of theSiockbold* laeis i.r the I rt-buigh and I'onnvltaville Bat''Rosd p i , ' ol, * ! ' ik -i KOomAil. "•«• BCHB*OH,a..«„ j w M i.aRUKCTON. j »-creurr.. myrid T'JH. Annu.l Meeting or the Corporator* lor lie Al- I lost *:n>* Cenwirv will lake place attbeoffice.on the grounds on Saturday, the 3tb day of Jcne, at 3 o'clock r. * , at which line a Board of Alansfers will be circled for the enduing year m)* J CAROriIERS. Secretary - VI7IHDOW GLAM-ISO b** HlO; VV 130 bn ion* for rale by mpp rO<*VniA DUNCAN. water and frqnt ns BACON— 3 wO lbs prime Country Core. jo«t rec’d and for sale li) ENGLISH A HENNEIT m> -jT No !i7 wood n m COTTON YAHNS—IWWjnihs assorted Noe Cm ton \ aru Candle Wtek,Ca|pe« Chain and Baitior nrm rat manufacturer's lowest prices. '' m>«7 FRIEND, RHRt A CO i»;ANTKD-A situation »,v a young man of etra* V' *4- tahiu. .0 take ehatfe of a Swan Engine, c tb-r on water or land lhe be-1 of reference nvm ir wanted. Paur apply at thlsoflicr. SALKKATCS— 3 tons, now landing and fat sale •v i nicickvi cr* e CIIBBBB— I'M bxt now lami na*.e ny A f DICnhVACO QUININE— 30 oj Jost received and ttr rile by R E »KLLRR», S 7 wood s t % LCOIIOL—3 bbls )uu •ecelved and lor nla br a~l m»«3 R R RBI J KRpg? Wowlm POCNO—A Lady's BRACELET, which the owner I can I.arc by n.ymg fur ihi« adrrniscmcni my a.l pOTASH-Be««kt prune, last received and for tala Alfy »/*> BfiOLISU A BBNMfIT ciscntKATl ~ DAILY PACKET LKK, THIS well koown Jme of *plendid"'Sa4»ei err Steam ers Unow composed of the largest, sw.iirn, best iuished and furnished, ami most powerful U a * on the 'watersof the West/ Every aeeomdiodaiio.i sud com fan that miner can piocmc, Lm Weiipioviitrd lorsias aengers. The Line has bee i mopeiatwotor live year* —have earned, a million of peep e wnh >ut me !«*». niury to their peraous. The boats will he «i ihe 1001 of < .Wood streetU. wiillnite Pm.;- hurgh every Friday ino| at lOo'elock, Wheelsiie every Friday evening at to P..M. SATUUOAY packet. The MESSENGER, ejapt. IXTffmJ, wiUJente I'ug. hurgh every Saturday miming a. .Ooetncb; H heeling every Saiurdav rtcniiit nt jo p M: R BUKOAfr PACKET. Th, ISAAC Nhivtl.N, Cup, «,|l P.U4li«i«li .very bandar |mnn„n ( . .1 It. aVlock: 14 limli.K eT.ry Huida, s] ,o f. M 1847 j v wool] BAGGIKQ. "" 4 A tor Until Sack* Also ■IKI (.rmu bagging. fjn.n W twilled. in cmai T «r,e iy, constantly ou baud and tor rale by ibe i-i, : r . ROHKKTd & CONRaD 35 Market *t. i'bi’adrlpbio wool. Wool i rllE b)|lte pan) , ut at! ihe different (rsocaot cleaiTW’*i!jed \\ no), by MIRPHY&IEK. Ola cor Liker.r »l and c< alley Vti i.t-i* buy Mici.<-rr|; o lOUfbbU do uo,i lu bXA Cboeolaie; ; Wqr bxt KaiMiir; i util Noimeer; I i-trooßtf F. Indigo;; . »bf bl*l« N.O. Moling, r,.,, rre \| ■nd far sale by . , - -.,’ k JPyV 6 - . Comer >*cbw a d hw..i .„^ w CASkIA, Ac -‘Mmituiu CMiia: , ' _ 5i bale* Cio»r»; ISO bß^rP^pptr. Meant Nutmtm \an rcc'd a „d t. KV A SMiTn f OYKRISG’S St-tJAH- Li Oro-hed and exftlCnc, in I.a-ielv • LjO#f »n*ar,in eaKj,bwi cjaatliy. i f KTTEE COPYING PRESSES- \~ n lv bof tupdrior Copying Wevr, Alm, «^ pv „. r Oil Paper* and Copy-’* receive,i h T ot ■ JOHN-TON A STOCKTON 51*5 ,(, J-/Tab»manand lor oalt* by ( M AU.KNACO CJ l^B^ -38 , bo t Xe * Ur *« Cl ‘e IV. KCh w\oi» and for »a'e by !• u MARTiN - m > dW corarehhfielii a,..f f|,, Ht M , CIOTTOK— hti »’ packed aon- j.,3, T ~ '•learner Mary Ann, an J lor sale by • * rror ? l_ WAIAH Cl OK KV tCO Ij®?? -1580 .P‘8* Lcftif. rreeim'd thi. dav Li and for tale by L IJLTCttJSO VA: CO * -s*£®. _ ... : no4sj”;“ rOBACCO CUTTERS—I down u u < : ,' I baud an.* tor sate by •,o» . » V VON BO.VXHQRST&CO.r?.t I Wed Peaches, b»tv ek -* ‘ . * «Obu». “ Applet; in ►lore jin salehv -gff 6 • JjJ iIIDWFi.r,. Vaierti pltASTßß—4ubbtt Ground Piaster 'it. ••r.od'onw r just received and for tale by * - ,K ’'»?">er I 1 C RIDU Kl.l, rr-i^r^ L'4*™° iU ' lr '" i ”' l t r "Oac -B»y Si.'VHABnAUGn.i „ r AIID OXL-ilbbl* avi 07 kig«. .\o"i Iu: r *-* n* *i() Llil*Gfca*e La:J; (~r CAB.-OS & HfcBRINGS AND SIIAO forMlc ly • g>ySp fAgdQ.V* Me I bb,,Fre * »«'l.rre e ,v«l. d, r CARSON & A | gl fNT f t „ i^reireJiodir ~ “?* slc K NIGIIV' C 0 ”?"-* 08 l,alem ,n ,tore and for «ale bjr V±_J2II? : b nurc.uM)\ lea be ? T J-a«t:,p I‘iiner. iu»( rn'd Aud lor «ale br m\it ■ KKYNOI.DatA mjee MKa««i£F IIICB-47 tierce* Kr«h Kicr ibr»«ic by *-- " yag »A .-Al.K\ A SMITH 82,p r t f°Vp A l«rjb^ 1 s£S?'“Is« a »- J D il .iH'iVtr, B B m^ L ® DOAa “10 bag* for snle by J U iVIL.LI.tM-i & CO r*« «** Ut 1 Kr *?. h , Tea. tor sate by * ; . KICK ti AlcC'A \ DuKgy k ” metsaas L*”sr.” ... r°® A « CCO ~ 10 hhdl K >* L**'. for «»e bv -—SL , -*L ni & PiKcvy f^lOßll—ijy *ibl« Cider fir mn tv w •* F V.>N HO.VV | is°l* lLl * 1 " r ,4lr! ** 9 a f vuv a m M C m^« aD '* :^. k s*?r FaJ,,,h * '° r Mle l r ~ lu m >* * t- Vu » uo.N,\m>K»rnr rn P l^^f B ’“ lob, «*o p y’P erar ' y *-- n >* » p YON nUNNili.l f 1 H ?J t8IB “2 0u hxt pim * w - H.TT, 1 , 1 - t r c . l | l>andfor m a; j C Wuiv ELL I>ACO*- lf u» ho* round, In tiorr and tir .bI«: Jtilll py» J C HIuU'KI.L . m "'- )“■ .Mi =-sSit±? « v » t J C NiuwKl.L :; ,o L D^ c f.3 Sidc,> in ami I or , a ie «r» ** W HARIIAUGH .H w ji.. in ,lof * 8,,,i f o f'**l9 by '* H-J8122 L Biff IUItV^II fifl ® ■ nie,e » oil eon*i|r a „, fnlaQ4 A4wr lain 1,) „ gyjq 8A W. ItAKUAUQH FLAXSEED AND TIMOTIIV ABKD for fair f.v~ " ... “** CAKsON A ilcKNlfiMT, Cii ti OIL on hand and for ta!e bv 4 51* C»RiOJI* McKM'illT CSSTf* <"»• “i^i^„;,; n 7^, V"!iJ’/__»S«! UARSU.V t MtKMc.nT S 1?^ 123 hl)di • X - aodim and /or *nlc -,y 0 m r« CAHSU a A .McK-SIGIIT B *c Side*and Shoulder*, for i... " CARSO* & AicKNKiiiT TP,h^ CC ?7 M ke ** V “- TwietTobweo. j a „ ret M .Land for .ale U>f UKO MO.rtlAW-iVo^ jp- Wwniiil t.rprl ™©IT-I00ba« Dry Peache.; " * *• 50 bas: i>ry Apples for ».ile t.. OKO_\IOJUiAN ft CO bsw^otssl* -H9SL JJ)A«.X«LI fc 21 ■va'r/'M tn'II.LOW BASKKTS-'lu Nem^^Jr Tt Canal, and for «ate by UaI .V.Y.'.<. ~ -27*. Ho •:* « f No a, for «*>.,-• KDWAKD HKaZLKTO.V —■ y* B - Khm Md> of I'lniiinliil BTwiM Toiiiceo. *l2* lnm «leame» Germaatotr». anJ km ».lr 1 y “l* JAM Ed IULZKLMI vj.„,i FISH-10 l.bU No l Ifcli. Herrin*. . 13 t>bl» Na 3 Lurn Mackerel; 10 hf tibia No 1 Co; 10 kiita No if Co; For sale l.y m>W i 0 WILLIAM.* A CO CHEEBE-50D |ba Superior \V. R 7: " 60 lb* SapSjfo; / or *k)« bv nrti _J U ,|7wor.,l«_ Linseed oii4~4ou>u»eedoii for „, p . v »>« __ 'VICK t JltciNDi I . . JU A®®®®— »ale by ca»k or kre'liv IV -i-=C3 __fi!HfejflcWr,N. tl “ , ‘ ! __ F i kiiiv M AC KK|U£t _ SK »«> "j&ss D a * a f I b -■"^.* OAX»T—3oobW« No 1 AllncUeov rtl - “**“•«« Si J fcrtt tobv ~ JUHV p i.ppfty - / PF^r*r 4i bb, V/ u l l r «<-'vc»l an«r f - "-TU J' i