The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, May 28, 1847, Image 4

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RIDGE ROAD, above Buttonwood Slreetf Phil
adelphia. At this establishment may be (hand
tbegmlett variety or Plans and'bcautiful Patterns
for IRON RAILINGS in tne United Stales, to
which the attention tdbibose in want of any descrip
tion,and especially (Cr Cemeteries, is particularly
The principal part ol all the handsome Railings
at Latrel Hill. Monument, and other celebrated
Cemeteries in the city and county ol Philadelphia,
which have been so highly citnlled by ihe public
press, were execnled at this manufactory.
A targe W«rrr\Rootn is connected with the estab
lishment, where is kept constantly on hand a Urge
. stock of ready-made iron Railings. Ornamental Iron
Settees, Iron Chairs, new style plain ami ornamen
tal Iron Gates, with an estcnsiw assortment of Iron
Posts, Pedestals, Iron Arbors, ir: Al««>. in great
variety, Wrought and Cast IrnnOmcuirnt*,suitable
for Railings, and other purposes.
The subscriber would also stair that in his Pal
tern and Designing Department l-c has employed
tome of the best talent in the country, whose whole
attention is devoted to the business—forming alto
gether one oftherniMt complete aud systematic es
tablishments of tfie kind in the Inins.
HUBERT WOOD, Proprtetitr
Ridge Road, above Buttonwood street.
Philadelphia, March Id. 181*7 dGtnns
Thkchkapkstgolu anhsilvkr watci
Gold Lever*, full Jrwel<*d,
Silver do do
Gold Lcpine*. Jewelled,
Silver do do
Silver <4uarlier>, fine quality
- Gold W utebe*. plain.
Silver Spectacle*.
Gold Pencil;.
Gold Bracelet*, l ul
AUo.onhand, a largr a»«orirtieni ni hold ami lln
Bracelet*,'finger ring*, l>rra*t pin*. hoop rat rme*. eo
pent, fcilver »poon*, rugar lone*. lhm»!iU’», Rolil tire
CUtl» Md fob Chain*, guard kr) » and jrwclfy «d every
description. at equally low pm'e*. All I want ;* a roil
lo convince cuhloricm. •
All kind* of Wolclic* and Clock* tepni red mid w. at
ranted to keep good tnuo fat our y eat, iml gold and ».i
-verhooght or taken in eiebange
For vale, cißlitday and thirty hour bin** Clot k*, u:
Watch,Clock, and Jewelry Store. No -till Mnrkr
■trees, oljovp Eleventh, North ude, Philadelphia
ITT’ I hare norite Gold and Silver »t.!l clirnj>ei
than the aCovc price*. jatriGm
THIS Hammer po**tr**r-s many advantage* nvrr a:
oilier*—among which ina) lx- montionrd.
lU Manageableiie**—TTir r.,f>Htniy and Ijin l nl Mow
may be controlled Willi dir grrateii rn-r, while lit
haramet it in operation, and the hammer rintv l>r .n
tiantiy arretted, and »u»pendrd at un) height
Its Uoivrmality, or enpru itv to riccuir work of nil
kinds, from the large*! u> the •nni!le«L utder the -atnr
lu Simplicity. Companne** and Clirnjmr**.
Its Aecessibiluy ujxhi alt *«lrs h. thr workmen
All the hammer* arc made Self-Ac ting.
i The subscriber* continue to exceutc order* for ih»
hammers,of allsizr*. upon rea*minMe term*.
For further particular-, inquire of
Assignee- of the'Patent lor the l.'intril i*uu< «.
declS-ly ‘SoulliwnrU I’oumlry, Phllml’a.
MDBIC J piDSIC t aillSlC t
LEE dt WALKER, lhol~> ro AiiMiraud Alt.,i
taX Itunutruntt. IVd TVhJnut strrrt. Pfuiailriyhta—
Have JUM put,tubed.—Frn nu-hip or S-cm* of other
days may Fade.
Le Polite Uttnseu*?* Vionnmse*. hv H Kertr
False TVieod. W 4 V Wallace
Pasdc Fleur, Mareizek.
Glendalougb, W J Lemon
Buena Vista March.
Rudolph Polka, C F Rudolph
Ravel , do M Keller.
Gen. Taylor’s March and Quirk Step. Ar Ar
They afe cunstauily puMi*hmg and reeeivm? a* l '-he
newmuoip from New York, lio-iou, ilnlnmorr.. Ac
..Order* respectfully col.curd, and attended ic wuh
1 Always on hand, all kind* of Mu«>rul ln»truir> -it*.
Violin Strings, Tuning Forks, and all articles ot Mu*i
cal Merchandize, at the lowest pure* rayddlm
q Manufacturer* of
1 or all, ur.scKirTiohs *
N 0.384 Sontb Front Street*
BaeJt of T. A. Wilxun'* Cabinet Ware Manufy
* A LLorders left wuh S S. Mnon, at the offie r ol 'he
"J\. Merchant's Hotel, Pittsburgh. will he profil'd)
attended to. TIU>S. G. PKRKY
‘ seplO-dlv A. C NICKERSON
IMPORTER of Watche*. Watchmaker’s Tool*, and
Watch Materials, wlude-atc and reihil.nnd run
stautly on hand a largp a««nrimi nt of Lunette, I‘ntrnt,
and Plain Glass, Mainspring*, Verges. Dials, Watch
Hands, and a complete assortment ot allTooU and Ma
terials t>eloncmg to the truile, with n large n—onmem
of Gold and Silver Lever, lupine, nnd Plain Wairhr*
all of which he will guaranty to »cll at the lowrM New
York pnccs. All orders from the country punctually
' N. I).—Country Merchants and other* are invited u
call and examine nt the Oi l Stand, No. rtl South Fourth
street, Philadelphia . yanihMim
HARSESS MAKER. g-tl n.cnut >1
PhilaJ-ifhi'l. I»tr „f iht lira. .>( Orlr &
VnV 1 Im Wstsoa. rri,irrifoll* inform* h>* frirni!*
thr public, that Ue lu* and will-keep
eoutantly HU baud and f,.r u!t, a hainixime a**ortmral <-f
aihional>lr Carriage*. Vehicle* of all style* and dr*cnptn,ii>
made to order at the *hortr*l |«o*,ibtc notice, and eirrulrd in
the »ery boi manner, of *rlected matrnal. f.i.-tLIy
ivrvv YOiIKSTOPEIL-ra -V ,othcr >ot re,
Summer Goods
t ; .*i“jj iYirVßich Spring
• Mu-dt&fegSif
” and primed
fG*~, printed and rulb
•Jru * lull ustortmem
C . j-Jlji-- r tg*Gentlemen**
, S w^' V rk A ' T ad 5
Bonnet S'dks and Flower*, ehr ip«r
(han ever. Milhuer* supplied as u-ual nt wh<>l>-*a!e
prices aplS W tl GARRAKU
FROM the very liberal encourage
roent the «uh*-ctil»rr lia» received •nice
he has located himself m Allegheny.
• hns tniluecd linn to take a lease, for a
""“"terra of year*, on the property hr i>ow
i occupies, in Beaver street, immediately beside the
PresLytenau Church- From the long experience ib the
above business and a desire to please, he hope* to mer
it end receive u -hare of public putienagr.
Now on hand and finishing to order. Rogkawny Dog
gie*. open and top Buggies, nnd every description of
. damages made to order, from seventy-five dollar* tn
• eightbunsret- [sep-'UIU'I JfMIN SOUTH.
>T« Printer*.
JIW Received an.! for
from ihe Foundry of lie o, Itrure
JfcOo. New Votk. itir foi:otvmf
fon!« of Type:
Jt.r Koure-oi.;
t?s- jt.* Mrnsnit Tut.-;
•ii| Jh« LeOil*.
l?Tl tt<« Mmton;
5 I ll»«Two>e£l,r..on
Space rulwbrir.
AJ>f)-For«Jl.-.U pre.H v .r
-ety of Secorntfeapd Type, from NonprAml to :iS line »’i
ea,Flower*,Or«amrnt«. nc , which will In- to il i,,w
mchg? Xr.MarkeOt
GALLHRV, third adjoining Pnt»-
bnrtb, Pa.—. Mu. I’OHTFK ifimn Uatanuircl rr
•pecifaJly invite* tbeladu i and gentlemen of Pmn.’cli.
and the public generally, i<> rail and ciumme the lunr
colleeiion of Dagurrreot pr Portrait* at t,.« (iaiu-ry.
The fpeciracn* produced by .Mr I*., for beauty, brillian
cy, diitinetnei*, and lone r>i lolonrtg i»re not »tlrpa*«>-<i
by any in tbi* fcountry A innntx rof the Portrait'of
CiliiP.n»can be »cen at the <»al!rry. Cull and examine
for yoar*elves. LikcnrMevtnkoi m clear or cloudy
Ji, IL—lnttracuon*, apparacu* and all matrrinl* fur
niihed. Term* moderate. \V 8 PORTKII
Dogoerrr&iypist; entrance.Philo Hall ihmrway. on 3d
ttreeuadpining Po*i Office. np-ici
* | 'HE greater and t«e»t tat>v\j everoffe red in thi* my
A before—made on ihr mo»t approved Kaviern plan*—
andmntt faahionahle Kaiu-mpattern* nnrlmior* Al*n
or made loonier of all «ur«, an.l at *:i ppre*.
Country Merchant* and oilier* are invited to rail and
examine the above for t'-ein-rlve*, n< all wilt he -old
wholesale nr retail, and a liher.i!* deduction mad- to
wholesale tiurcha*cn
Warms' Worms'Worms!
l«onsvtu.R, Aran, la, imt.
Messrs. J. Kidd &. Co, Gems:- This is 10 certify that
a child of nine was sfOictcd wnb Woaxs. I proearrd
various kinds of Vermifuge. unit administered ilirin,
bat with no effect. I then purchased <• vial of I>r Me
Lane’s celebrated Vermifuge. and after giving a few
doses, the cbitd discharged about a ijusrt of large
Warms! The bcnlth of the rbtld miproveil immedi
ately, I woald recommend Ur. Mrl.aneV Vermifuge to
the public, as one pf the most sale nnri,effectual reme
dy tor worms, now in use. _ J'H CITTEKK
Sold wholesale and retail by J KIDD A CO, corner
wood tc. fourth its _ up-."j
WARRANTED superior is> lire ln-»i K < ■ '«(■ ‘•Stour
bridge,” on hand ruid for sale it I the
‘‘Sloan’s Wharf,”Cutal liastn. •<
oe« i SIIAtV MAi'I.ARKN’
|& VJNINC ROBKS. Momlily Hr,— a „<j I'vrr-
Ac , tuiuMe lor planim; in Crmrtry'i
■fill {>« funii'hcd r>n aiipiicmion ut ibr veil suirC,
from Nuneriejof Ja«. Warilron. Maisctirwer
No IM, cot wood ajidfiih «i»
ROUND ALUyriCK, C.r.namon and Clove* in'
« b'jl«,twicsftD<l’{aallpacica£e*.con«tantry on Immi
mou for •*!« atlbe Mmiard and Fncwiy. V 7 Ki.tii
pjrert- RIIODKS A a(,OORV
OF inperior quality. lor l<ra*» foun.lert' H nd umnu
faclurcr’a n*<, of Xhrr make of p : « Ualtimoii; Smell
inf Company, a/e offend lor tale by
W II McKIM. A.c> m for the Company
tireet, ItalPmore
]?y Half Cneati Youue Mytoti Teas;
v * 130 Catty Boic* do do, '
i - 0f Ship Hunter" • cargo, now landing and foe aale l y
1 ar» HAGAI,KVA.tfMJTJL and •Jl yood t
"VTClTS—Alroinda, Wa’nuu and Fiihenu.hint rre"d
1.1 and for sale by WICK A MeCA VDLFSS
«y»» _• cor wairr nnd wood
r xirsKKD oil* —SO 1*1) 1» in *torc and lor aale by
««I HAVE POUND IT.**— Eunka.
(.'isnsut', O , March Td; ItHT.
D<ar -.f tu rrrt.fy to the public, (arlieularl) to
lho*r atilicto'l nth a dtteasc of the Long*, or Consumptwa.
that ia the SjiciDgof 1543 l was suaeked witli a mrrt cold
«bich **Jt i bream* aralrd upon my Inogt, thowiag ail the I
symptoms el tin approaching Consumption. My cough was I
light and traufilcaome, attended with copious night iweala; 1
•pit up daily a coostdrrable quantity of blood, mitnl with
hick dark tastier My siiuattoa became serious ana alarm
mg During Ibu lime I was attended t/y two of our most
skilful Phytictaat', they did the heat they could for me, whro
at length they gate up all hopes nf my rteorrry, infonoiog
ok that anfhittg door —that my lung* were fi
tally diseased, aad,beyoul remedy I was then persuaded by
a friend of mine to make a trial of JJr. Ifunean* ErpteUt
tanJ RsmrJg. which my Physician* persisted against, *aytng
dial this medicine would do un good, and wdoUl still add
100 re u> my suffering. I told them it was my last and only
hope, and that if I must die of the disease, (which was rti
drot tn me,) there would hr nothing lost. So I scut to the
Cincinnati Office and obuinrd 5 buttle* of tins truly Valua
ble Medicine, and commenced uuug according to the dirtc
ti.ius, which, itutcad of adding to my suffering, immedtatrlj
me rehrf, at ourc arresting the troublesome Cough
rating thr jam and tighUirws iu my Chest; giving toe a new
life and •Irrngtii, which soon cnahtrd me tu he about again.
Ttiu inrdicinr euutiuued its guud work, which it so nobly
i.mmruced, until l was made a sound man. I hare since brrn
aUrud.Ug to my business, (upseards of J yean) and feel as
healthy a* I wish ] hate rrcnntncndrd Dr. Duucan's Ear
prrtoranl Remedy in many instances lu those similarly aifllcletl
*nd it ha* always prosed successful so Gr as I ha*r wilnrasei
ns effect s. My sister i* using tin* medicine at present for I
ibsrnsnf L,r-r and an Ajf*<tion <•/ thr Lung*, which shJ
iiad iutlcrrd with for some lime, shr lias nearly neorrrrd
by the use of this mrdirtnr, and 1 am confident the 6 bottles
that 1 lake with me to-day w ill entirely cure her. lam sorry
In know dial there are thousands of ealusbte persons wasting
away with this dregful destn^er—CONSUMPTION.-
I Were it nuly |<miiblr for lliosc to procure this medicine iu
’time, before it be too lues might be prolonged and.
their families and relations again rendered happy. This
medicine will gise ms tan t relief, and at the iame time arret
the hard and |**n,ful Cough, remote the tightntH in thr Chest
git* strtugth l» the rnfcrblrd and emaciated frame, and m
m>wt raws, 1 am certain, will perform a perfect cure.
*ll is,
•ii tw
:bi tsi
16 IS!
[II 111
15 cst
Mimlgotnery, Huailbm County, Ohio
N R.—Tlnwc who may not be acquainted with me I refer
to the undersigned otisens ol Monlgouery, Hamilton CVUU
I) , O , thee will at any time substantiate the abo*r statements
CafT J. Smocs.
street, « here this ealuabW Mrdirlnr ran always be übtamed
S..:d in l’iit«l>urgli. by IV)|. JAChSoN. rurm-t nr
Wn»l ism.l LiiiriH »i«. uprU itiw
PERSONS alllictctl with Scrofula, Ktng'a K»tl
lianerr. Kryaijiflus,Old Smiis, l lrcrs,Tetter
Mercurial DiseasrH, or any other complaints arising
from impurities n| the blood, arc requested to read
the )olio\Miio [f jtuiii.m ils, in nl the wonder
lu 1 propcrtici* ol the above minted medicine
\Y* the undersigned, having visited Mr Isaac
Brooks. Jr. al tbh tdßcc of Messrs. Kowand and
Walton. ;n«, Market street. Philadelphia, consul,-i
his case the m< si remarkable one we nave ever tvi>
nessed or hear ) of.
His disease was SCROFULA.and terrible mint
have i.een h r twelve years’ conflict with the dc
HisPalate,* c entire roofbf his mouth, Nose, Dp
per,Lip, awl Inwcr l,id ol the Right Lye have been
destroyed, his Face nearly eaten up.and partoflbr
Jaw Bone earned away. And yet we can give nt
description of his caso.
Mr. B. informs us that in January last, the wlml»
interior of his mouth, as well as most of his fac«-
was a mass of deep and painful ulcers!
On the Mth ofJanuary last, ho .rnmtneneed takin.
I.'EA. which checked th&discue in a lewdays,
rom that time the cure lias progressed without in
New flesh has supplied the place of the deep ul*
cers. and though badly disfigured, bis lace is sound!
and his general health is restored.
Wo are assured that in the treatment of Mr.
Brooks case, no Mr.raurials,Ointments, or( iiuslic
application* have been used,—in fact, the PAN A
LEA ALONE, has wrought this wonderlul change
David Smith, Racks county, P%.
Charles L. Rowand, Meaiiville! C’rawlord coPa
J W Jones, M D South Second street, »*hila
Jacob Lee, Pemberton, N J.
E W Darr, +U) N Fourth, above Poplar st, N. 1,.
S M't ul lough, Lancaster, Pa.
R M Maddock, 28 North Eleventh «t. Phila.
C W Appleton, M.D 46 South tL do
Timothy Caldwell. Marion co. Missouri
Daniel Veakel, Cbosnul Hill,Philadelphia co. Pa.
John Harncd.SilOHigh street, Phila.
William Steeling M D, Camden, N. J.
William Hale. 3,8 High street, Phila.
J II Potter.Maiiu/ .cturcrol Minenl Teeth Mr, *t
Nmtli street. Phila.
L A Wutlenwchcr. Ed. lihila. Democrat 277 N .U
street. do
George W Menu. Brush Maker. 317 Market M.
Ezra Carr, lay Chcsnut strecL Phila.
A PhV l * ICtlC ' * >:tstor Eleventh. Baptist Church,
John Dell, Enc Mrcel, Philadelphia, (Norih Ami 'i
can office.)
Aaron Sand,
161 I btharmc
l> u.,el Me* > ir.lev. K ea»S r
At.dicw Swcaiuii. I an, l;
R H Evans, WestPoila.
Richard K. Young, Gilder, 40y Market st. Phila
John W Aslimead.GO South Sixth street, do
T S Wagner,Lithographer, 11C C’hesnut itreet, do
B J Kensil. 123 Eleventh street, ,h,
Teter Skcn Smith. Editor Native Eagle, d*<
Joel Bodme, Gloss manufacturer, Wiiliacistotv,.
Wi'ham Steely, Van' Barca cn. luV
L B Cole*, M L>, Biislnn, Matt.
Kasael Canlicld, Pinan-logiat, Philadelphia.
Tbomaa P S Robv M D. Harm burgh, Pa.
Peter \Yncht.2*& Market utrect, phila.
Janie# W Ncwlin. IIXS Filbert *L do
John Good, 171 Spruce st. do
Wiltnm Unc, Paatttr St. Paul a M. H. Cli.Cathamic
St. Phtla.
John Chamber#, Pastor lit Indcp. Church, Broatl
■t. do
T L Sande's, Publisher of Pledeo and Suodard.
Phil a. o
F P Sellers. Editor Olive B Duylcslosrn:
Bocks eo, Pa.
Wholesale and Retail by Kowand * Walton, Pro*
pnclora, 37S Market J?C Philadelphia- il E Sc'llcrv
57 VVoikl «t, Pittsburgh, Pa.; Wm. Th * -*,5 • Mar
ket #t do.; E B Perkins, Marietta, Ohio; raton A
Sharp, Maysville, K Y; John W Daar*nho,yer,Cir..,
Ohm; Sidr-Il 6c. Reeves,Madison fa; C Noble,Lout*,
ville, K Y; Dcvcrouck 6c. Pelloui, St. Louis, M*-.
P Ii McGraw, Natehex, Miss: Hardawav At John
ston Vickthurgh, do; O.arles Jenkins, New Oricau
' nr.j
No. 65 DIAMOND Al>*
LKY, n few door* tiekrw
Wood «treel, toward* lits
Having been regularly ed
ucated to the nicrtietil pn
fe*»ion, and lwt-n for nuinr
iimr .n general praenrr,
now confine* his attention
to the imumem of tho*«
private and delicate rom.
| plaints fur which booppur
tunnies anil experience
peculiarly qualify him.—
Ivleven year* assiduous/ drvoied to the study and
treatment of those corapi ■ m*. (during which tune he
bit* bad more practice and tin* cared more pulienl* than
can over fall to the lot <>t *- y privute practitioner) am
ply qualifies hiniio tdfcr at trances of speedy, perma
nent ,and 'satisfactory cure •: all witb iriitau
diseases. and alldisesi*cs ati'iiig thcreirnm.
Dr. Drown would in form thou* afflicted wuh ymehii
dn-easrj which Lavr become chrome by tuuc oraggrv'vn
if 4 I')' the uae of u»y of the common. noetrumi of iiir
day, thai their complaints can t*c radically and tboi
‘(Highly rured. be huvmg given In* careful mteniion to
tl» treatment of such cases, and succeeded in hundred*
of instance* in curing person* of inflamation of be neck
of the bladder, and Aindicd disease* which often mall
rnm chore case* where olhor* have consigned them lo
hopeless despair. Me patticuiarly invite* *uck an have
been long tuid unsuccessfully trrnird by others to con
sult him. when every satisfaction will lie given Uwm nnd
their cates treated m it careful, thorough and inirliigent
manner, pointed out by long experience, study and m|
vrsngntion, winch a i» ,tßpo««.bU- for those engaged m
renernl practice. of rurdiCiite to give any our class <>
IIV“ Hernia or Itupinjc—Dr. Drown aim mvi c
pcimm alfWtcri With Herm. lo cnll, a* lie h;m j W i«i
particular iiicni.nn thu di'ra-c
Skin D,M-a»r.,.i1. ( . |M, .. I'i.i-y,ctc .pcc.l.l) . ar-.l
Chargc«vcry b»w. j
N D I'anciil* of e.ther rex living at a distance
by suiting iheir disease i« writing, giving all ttie *yinpj
tom*, can oluam medicines with dircriion* forage, by
addressing T BROWN, M. D po«l pa l and rnrlr.-
■mg a fee.
Office No. to Diamond alley, nppn*>ie the Waver. f
Honan »•
irr Noeqle./I pavl dc!9
REMEDY—Warranted lo cure, or the mon.
eyVcturned. This medicine ia prepared from an In
dian Kefccipl, obtained from one ol them in the Ear
Weal, at great expense. Thoae who hare been
familiar with the Indiana, know that they can and
do cure Venereal without the knowledge of Mer
cury, Balaam, or anything of the kind. The aJt
dieted hove cp.w an opportunity of being cured
witbou use nl Balaam. This medicine ia
Eteai&nt ;o the mate, and leavea no nmell on the
Prepared by ROWAND A. W'ALI’ON. and told
wholesale ind retail, by i. T. Rowand, 376 Market
street, l'hilad’a.
Koranic in Pittsburgh by R E Seller*, 67 wood
atreet. and by Wm Tborn.62 Market at. oc6dwT
t V «^f!»?.? ,S1LLA ? lllOBB SCOUNDREL t
W Must, meaonaarcan equal youra ? Look at roar
f«.r,young wife,*,tbherbrighi.anny face! Look
M ' ® wn ' P''ted With erandans and blotches • Yet
/sf". UJ '* lVe ccul ' &T ■ cake of tl/c
sou“ro£«hem hem !, e l*»P. »bich would entirely free
“ ma J c >:°« fellow *km clear and
jDJ-OBHERVE ibrtl,. 800, lU „j. ln
Who, B" J * h c"i-i“ c r'”"*'
removedl their Wholcaalc hu«ineaa, white
alwayahaveon band an extensive assortment of ka
the articles ut their line, to which they invite the »t J*
uoo of the public. _
The Drug business will be continued at the olb rnui
corr-.r of dih and Wood ns. ' «t»T?
JAYNE’S HAIR TONIC.-AOsr giving thiri?s3*
trial, we unlieviutiugly pronounce it lobe what it pn>fc*»
ci—the belt article, without any ciCeptiua, i n u»c. furdw
rciloration and preterratioa of the brown hair. We know
of nomerov. tnuanee. where luir ha* been restored toiwadv
which hate been Uld tor years; and we think we cantaX dt
Elrrfktoe than to rtcommeud to all our reader* who ar
g their hair. W make a trial of this Tonic inuMdiaUlrW
Cotton KaO. ’
Por mb ia Pitubujjjh at the PrakioV,, £«— So VI
Fourth itrert, near Wood tßarsiltwT |
Th* great Rttneilf jot
Con*u„ff>iion. Cough*, Cold •. A‘lima Brunch it:*, 1.-vcr
Complaint, rpnt ng lltn*«d. Difficulty or lln,
l*a,R ,ntbc Mdr and Brea*l. Palpitation of the
llrncLinlluertza,Croup Jlrokc-n Uon-iiiuiioc.
Sorr l'h>oaL Nervoua Debility, and all
di-u-u*r* of the Throat Brraat and
Lungs; the most rdVciual and
cuteeverknown fur
any of above di»ea»*«.
Akotio.k liyiko witaf.m.—Read with :.kton
lshment the wonderful cure performed 1»> Doctor
Swavne's Compound Syrup of WILD CHKRKV:
PHILADELPHIA, January *!>. ISI7.
Dr. Swaync—Dear Sir In vourself and i
a duty i owe to Buffering hnmaoity, 1 cheerfully |
give my testimony, and declare to the world the j
■no«: astonishing eflecU, and the great cure your i
Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry performed on me,
under tne m<nt unfavorable circumstance*. I»m
teken with a violent Cough. Spitting of Blood, se
vere Fains in the Side ami Breast, which seemed
to break down and enfeeble my constitution,s -that
my phvsiciau thought mv case bovnnd lb'* power oi
medicine, and my fricml* alfgavc me up to dir; but
thanks to vou and the effect* of your grcpl disrovr
■ry. I now icel mysell a well man. and raised Imm a
mere skeleton to as fleshy and healthy a man as l
lisve been for years, and shall bo plo iscd to give any
information inspecting uiy case, by calling at my
residence. Mechanic street.third door below George
street, Northern Liberties. Jacob Paihteu.
Teslimotiy w note received from all quarters tj \
' * the iilube.
The Inflowing letters are presented wnl> a view
of more fully showing the opinions of I’lnsu'iuin in
relation to the Medical value of Dr. mVu\K>
Dr. Swaync—Dear Sir Having used your Com
pound Syrup of Wild Cherry extensively in my
practice. I was requested by your Agent. Doctor
Crutcher to express mv in writing of
properties as a remedial I nm»i cheerfully
comply.'as I feel by n> doing; I will discharge a
debt i owe the community at l irgc. and Physician* ' „„ |,|
: zszt ts saysj p»ktaul Kß .u.» b
alailurcof the most potent expectorants, recom- ; jffil'rtiUjrag iO-l/.
mended in our materia medic a in some cases of ' ...* . "
Diseased Lungs, to try your preparation ol Primus ; 1-1 Vm* mVV.'ia.m -T-'.iVei ~v!,id ! i'Vranflo.!m.‘-m“ r «!
Virginia or Wild Cfietry. It is sull'icu- uliosiy that , (l( .\ vnv r,.u.. i|urnt r «-k ofd.uu, dmimilr.
si was so much pleased with tin- result of that and . i, t rnr»- ->.ni mai.on of good*
subsequent trials, that I now prescribe it m prefer- Prurnruitt
cncc to all other Remedies where an expectorant >* ; • ItORIIUIUtJK A CASH
indicated, in the much dre-det! I'nruuionn or, N "i'7 /r^^ r - t s l /emivvii‘r» lllr ' ~1 ‘
Disease of llie Lungs, in the alarm, ng lorm m which »v p- nn !".tW-iVne m« Pm-hurcli
it appears 111 Kentucky, l regard it as-an invaluable |,,v<iNN<ill A t\». Nor,h U»lumuie l" R ' '
Remedy in the treatment o! that disease. To all w,v j T I'.M'Si'aVlT. >sSoudi n. NV. { Acmi“
who know me l have taid enough. I.ui as this may P-.ri.arafd t.y .nctrsK-it iiu*ines« ihc Proprietor!
Iw socn by persons out of the vn-iinty of Pf.Hil.forl. j hair added i.i dirir • <•« k mid exit-uded their nrrnugc
l will briefly add, that I have been cr gaged in an 1 niem- donna do- w miei. imd art; now prepuri d u» inr
active ol my y,,1 am ! “■‘■‘".-■I ■. »">l' .veol.iniv ...J Cpaicb on.e.pouvil
* Uegular tlra.lcatc ol Tr:ui.) Ivaeu.-ami U,„ H ll.e ; “.'l,.' only of fhe i-ofm'.Te"'uo” ")«'-£
hrst Patent Medicine I ever thought enough ol to , ih«-cre.ii ru|.«ni\ and ctmvmirm-r of ihr ware
express an opinion in writing. i i lliu . r « nirirhriitl m ihr Imr. nre perulmrly ealrula-
J It. Kl.t.lsON , M . D. | trd it. I inlilr dir proprirlors to (itlCI llirir cugngrtnetil*
Januuv Tib. I!!I7 I'rmiUm Cuuntv. Kv ! mid Ji-roinmouair Hick ruMomrr.—conlnl.-iuiyotfrfmg
Kll UUCVtIKT. Kv .jan'ry 7th! lat* i I’ 11 * 1 ! > uua.nntr '«.r Ihctulurr. Ihr) rr«prri(ulij
The above cerltfirate is Don, one ol our Pr.ysi- ' '[ I**"""*** ,vh,,h “ , -V "*"*
cuns living a few rnileslWm here, he i? doing g very , rsalfr A OVonm.r wilffm- rrr’d
good prjclice. and i« rrmsi.lcre.l a goffil PhyMCian, j lUl .| ...iwndr.l Sira»l«at rbargr* paid Hill* ol
and stand* fur; he is. as lie says, a regulargraduate. I i.u.l.n* iran-iumrd irrr of any chsrpr lor fnmim«mii,
Dtt. \V. L. Chi TCUEII-. -tillaiN-nig or storng-* Haying no mirrr*i dirrplly or
Druggist and \pt»lhecaiv iiiilut-.i-i m -irjuiiKi.u-. do- mirre-l oi ihr consienors
1 ,-Mnrvrr "a*. ' ““•> j- l.t.ine.v oI.J-e.,» -e-wri.t
, ~ ~, . wr»i ■n.l Ihry jdrdcr llirm*rlvr» to forwnnl all good.
, f rom the l emperam e Pledge. , ~l lrtJ , n , br ,.i prompity and on ill- m.»i advama-
Nnw that Winter is upon us with its atteiulan grous lenna io tl»« iiwiire
tram of Pulmonic and Bronchial atfertinns.t 'ought March I. l~d
Colds, &c Acr.we ivonld advise those, afflicted in
this way in make immediate trial of |)r.>waynr s
('ompound Syrup ol Wild Cherry. It w>ll uever
tail to perf< nn a permanent cure. The reputation
of this medicine ha* caused many spurious articles
to be pul lorth muter its name; hut the preparation
of Dr. Swaym*, hendes being the lirst ever offered
In the public, is if e mil) one that can lie relud oi..
The other mixtures »oj»l lor Wild Cncrry Syrup.
Balsams, Arc.: are atl spurimj* amJ worthies-, anu
contain none «| the virtues of the original prepara
tion, Dr. >wayne’* Compound “*vrup ol Wild
Krom the SpriugfielJ Express.
Uf the thousands ol purported curative nostrums :
now before the public, but very few are Inuod to j
possess the healing virtues lor which thev are ir- j
commended. Among the latter we arc pleased to i
learn none stand a better lest than l)r, Swaync's j
Compound Syrup ul Wild Che ry. The afflicted'
tn this vmiuty’arr beginning to use U, and to their !
joy they God m ils u«e their hopes tustd upon tin j
recommendations more than realised. Tn** afflicted ;
need not despair While there is life, there now i*
flji’2>( n ce the introduction of my article to the '
public, there have a number of unprincipled indi
viduals got up nostrums which they assort contain
Wild ('tierry, some arc called -’Balsams." “Kitten,'
and even >»rup nt Wild Cherry, but mine is the I
original and only genuine evtr introdu
ccd to the p'jblir. which can be proven by the pub
lic Records oi the t onitnmiwe.ilili of Pennsylvania
The only salrgunrd against imposition is m see that
my signature i* on eicli bottle |
UK 11. MV \YNE
Prepared D r l , ..‘Mm, it h.u |*rt««*v
fal Oilier, corner <>l h.oiir and ltsc» Mircl*.
liihdeiphia All Wild Chcrrv prep.iraltons In-lug
fictitious and countcrlrit without hi* Mgi-aMire,
Eor sale in Pittsburgh whole*.il<- .uni retail by
WM. Market street.
OGDEN & sNOWDK.Vrornur ind A H mul >u
S. JONES, l!)0 Liberty street.
Sold also l»v .1 Mitchell, Ul.-ghriiv < itv, IJovd\J li.'llcllr'. U . n.-r.\ 11. -.'m MVr
cer; Normal < de.-.lir,J It |{ ur t..:i' A
Co.. Eric; M keiuic A Ka»kt‘ll. I levelai.d; Ifcui*
»V Son. Columbus: Miller, llrownsvili. Marsh
Wheeling. Va ; K B Hninnti, Cincinnati. Ohio; Dr
E Easterly A: t.'o.. Si. Louis; J S Morns A: C» ,
Louisville, Fvy ; Andrew Oliver .V. New Or
leans. a rh
IS doW uniu-rsalir ackin**k-dgr-d L, U? the IN*
FALLIBLK Itfc.MKUY f..r iUivuuntism. s P ,-
nal Atfection*, V<in'-f!ic[iooH nl tin- Muscles, >«>«•
Throat and Quinsy. Issues,Oid I leers. I'aim c.tht
Hack and Chest. Ague in the Breast anti Pat r
Tooth Ach«* t >prams. Bruises, Salt Rheum, Hum*.
Croup. Frosted feet and all .Nervous Diseases
The TKiUMt‘HA.NT SUCCESS wlnoh lu. at
tended the application of this most WU.NDKKf l I.
MfclDL INL in curing the most severe ea*.* of the
didercnt Di»ea-c» above uatned.—and the lilt.ll
KNiCUMIL.MS that have been bestowed upon u.
wherever it has been introduced, gives no* liie right
to call on the AKFLK'I'KD to resort it once l<>
(CTThc faculty unite in recommending the r c!e- j Jttunfc IW I*7 R7I M
ated Ftternal Hemcdv. Hunt's l.nmnent ** • fIBKSK9^^SiiB
The fnilowme letter' from the li rhlv m.nrrt i *° h I Ka v‘ru«riNd Mt-.KC.iA>ut>e. in.-
T " KK ' > ei K.i" AM. TIIK ka-tkk.n
Pleasant Slate Prison for man y years. ,» the best! rf „ l .. nT,r - s ' l tt,l , M ‘w TRat.<mra.Et»T.
evidence or the value of this celebrated Li inn. ent. 'i'lw'o wrlTViiown 'ihaiu'c^
..iso -IhG, December Vi.lhl-i. »ci >p;lon i» unnecessary .»<>oil< arc not loaclictionihc
Mjr Dear Sir—l received your not,? ol yesterday. j mute, thus nil transhipment or extra lUndlm* i« saved-,
asking my opinion in relation to Hunt's Liniment. i The Hoot* sic of hcht draught and perform their trip,
as prepared by Mr-lieon-p K Stan Um. Knowmc *>n from »n to i>rvrn dav«
its composition, and having frequently used it. I • The cnpaeiiy of our Warehouses enable* u» to • tor
can recommend it to you as a safe Paternal Rome- | rns*rv"«° eceivms.+uirinf, ami
dy,and mmy opinion, the best l.muoent &»ur m I ' , ‘|U.,,/r.,ii7 ( ! r make'ales or produce w
use. \ cry truly ami respectfully yours. ' roper,t,ji:y ./.ihm i on*.ci<mnii« of Wevem Flour
A KilOFtM-VY ! tlnerm. Lard Ituiier, Chre»e. Wool.Feather*, andotlirr
Col Pierre Van l.’ortlandl. (‘roton Alanpr arirb* mr «al*. on winch liberal ndv.tnces will Ih
l lolly concur in the above opinion. "'"loilo r usual fur,our. .(forded, pledgm* our
W ,\ HKI.« IHJ: ' I * rivr * I" 31 an >' Clltrualrd 10 u« shall t»e
Vc.i-KTOUS /*..> II I"i I piompily cxc.-m.-.l and upon a* lair term. ns hy am
. . , , t" -kTuw 11.1.1,. w iher ».«>u«c JNU MrFADHKNAIV*
S,r—ln reply inynur letter. I would a„y w„t I r a)1 al imm.uml.
have used tour Kxtemal Remedy, railed Hunt . Ja* 4 M n a VIS A Do
Liniment, in my practice mice you made m■ a - mr'ilif Vl'd and t?SI Market »i. i'lidsdu
ti iaiiiUd with ns composition, aud unhcMt.v.m'-iy ' , J. **. DICKKY
/ay that I he the best Kxteroai Leni,. J POIt-WARIHNG & 1)031 JHJKMOX MKRCiIiNT,
dy now in use tor ilir roinplJints lor which v. u n- „ . ■
commend ii. Yours fvspcctluliv, 1 nraver joint and ilrut^eu'atrr,
BKiNJ D MILI.KK M D iirmn nii'm, n.,
Proprietor no-l Afcut ol streamers
Uw» K Stanton, Kaij.
From thr iN V Sun.
Qj’Among, the ina-s nf wortbli.T* arliri, •.
humbugs that are puurrii ['orll* at tin: prmu-i d.M
upon tlic country, it ib realty i.-fri'xliing 1,. (mil
something of real utility, imini-tlnn • an,!
pie, sjmrdy and ellertnal in ill npr-rutinn. .‘MI 1
the same lime tree from those injuri'im i.
which generally attend powerful rem.-dur. |!:tu: .
Linimejit, preparbd by tide. K Minton, <ll
Sing, though it ban been lint n shut! tune j. -J,. ,•
the public. Ins already obtained the couiidem , «•.>i
only ol our moat wealthy amt ri'-.n,
but our most eminent physicians. All arli.ov. I
edge it lobe a sovereign bum lor many »| t, l( .
that flesh t« heir to, southing tlic aching 1,1,1 ..
•v iu m •uura'aliot i*ll<i«ir<,.t»i,.' -a- „ 111100,,. TI, .-l.mnn.l \r„
of Hunt’e Liniment. I nas itidurml toirvh.- .• . Furxvardlng A CommUslon .Merchani.,
on my son. who bad 1,-on crippled w'.tf, ~a " KK * 1 A
back"irntii an infant; and ,l i* i\ ilh gralilud. I 1.. ,r I '|MIK Ai;cnu and l‘rnt»n.-ioi« id ifn« 1.,,ir J«<, favi.r
-l» slimuuy to it* wonderful healing proper! ie . i * ri, ‘ i 5 m die poM-r will hr prrpjrrd on tl.-
child, who .mow live yi nr-..lnge, .« now n. .1 / ' s '* rl,rM ;" I \ nul " nv 'K : , ,, " n 1 !“ , ’T r,vr P r,, f
way of recovery, , " > “I’ 1 li '- avp '.- n " l ' .* ,< ; l(V, ' r * , V I ‘T "
' UKMMo.N C ISHKKK; \ j .n'l wni. degree.; ..e^irnndu'n;''
Post Of Fit r.Tuw *1 its, l'utnaii. <.• { mmole ratr*. ..
I certify tlml I am personally nci|tijinli ■■ * li, I The proprietor* (if tin* line milh .1 u,r l,u',n«-». 11!
the above named cti:ld. and think the fithei d ; their former ruMomrr* with conlnlcm Knowing dim
be sale in aaytng that Ins son m almost well in* ►‘■wind »«
„ M.SWhVKMAV r '',“ r ;r i ,A,.r ra .A s ,.i.,,,.u r<l ,
Not .>, 18W. .Uepuly I’osiM.. 1. , i.I.aHKK A t!o. Reiser *
l • J>. I would also tiliitc that | have bet 1, | i.uijr ’p RICHMOND k. Ct ' •“Hund
number of years subject It. trcj.jent atticth ..1 , j -TU TIIE PUBLIC,
Rheumatism, which in many instances pr. wr, ,! ' rpHK Itomim'. I’oh.iMc Horn Company '|,r.»e ,1 «.
my attending In my business. Twnnrihrei ( ~ , i 1 ►olvnl. the (Wipun) ngam wem mm i, M ,ri<-.«f r„.
cations <if the Liniment inr iriahlv remote 1 I . j partnership iiinli-i die numr of ihr --lloatmrn’* Ijnrj"
fections of the kind, in case* of bruises. . v r: n k j likewise agreed m rrht tin* stock ro u« in l.nvr »
and sores, too numerous to meutiim u has m 1 1 - I 1,1 . Pool* for Hie purpose of « arr> me pp»o,|.
only ba-Ml/mited by those win. base given h. 1 ..../ IlRr . mJk /, nOI( . .-xini*,y.- urmngniJem, m f ,hr
This Limmcnt u sold at £5 and S(J cents p.*r l-.t | W'r would iln teforc re>perimily ,mJ|ii-ii a runtmii-
Ue, by all thti Principal Druggist* and .Mcr. o...iti ! nn< eni our imimx jiairoiis.and n-frr nil m-w ru>ioinrr>
throughout the country. , | have done lnmiu-n
WhoUtaU Agent* in New York. ! flpr*l Sill 7
HOAIILKV.I-HKLrs* l:„, u; 1V, 1,., ! A*Vli-P»»rfl AOS • •
KUSHTON & Co, 110 ..roadway. I BOATMANS’ LINK,
A Hie I) SANDS, corner Fuito.ia&.l U ilium. - lt „„ ° f
ASPINWALL, 11C Will,am street. ' j il K ,m Z,l Tkw VcL°
Orders addresied to me at Sing Sing, N V.v.m,; S«aMUKL \^•|uHT^tANAC? M 0:,
be attended to. UKOROL K S'l’AN'J'On, p..r 0 .-r L.l.ciij *trcei ami Canal Ba*m. Pitwburcb
Prnprii lor A L GKRH AKT A Co,
For sale 111 Pittsburgh by L WII-LDX. Jr. m I J • No XA .MtiVkri Mrrti, l'hila.lel|dna.
KIDD i Co. Allegheny City, JOHN SAIIDKNT KLDKIt, (jRLSTON A Co, Agent*,
, Birmingham.JOHN SMITH. ih.l'j , KKFKRKNCFy lu,, ' roo “*.MU.
JA YNK'S KXPKCrottA.NT— U’r mvne aitem.o.i <• ITITSHUHIiH—Ja"». MrCully" hr o . Moremi ACo
this admirable remedy for PulrAonary nlfi-cUnn* W MeCully A Co, 11 A Sninp'on A Co, N| AllenA Co.
The principle there announced of the morbid chatnnrr I*IIII.A DF'LPIIIA—Morris Patterson A (Vi, yiwitil
of obiiraciicuis—ii« tendency to otigmair uitlmiiJi.on McFnrlumJ A Co. Fleming A- tln/by, iVin Wright A
of ihr Rrjnchia, mid cunsi-ijurni vi>iiain.u 01 tlx- n;uu- Son. 1 liispbum. Jniepli tiral/
ml huino.K—n. beyond d.vj.uic, the truth .i«elf ’l'liu NKtV YORK— l Doodboe a Co, Thro. Perry A Co.
only practicable mode of removing such olmtucnon, i« . UOt*TON—Reed. Hold A Co.
by means of expectoration, a rrautl which we are con* CINCINNATI—Adams A Crcagh, W \V Scarhor
ymced can always be obtained by a judicious exhiln* oiwh.
tiou of the remedy of -Dr. Jayne.—[i’hiJa'Snirit of the • PT. PLKASANT. VA—P A Machier.
Tune* NASHVII.LK—F Flrimr.jt
For salein Pituburch at the Pekin Tea rlorc, T-.Mih Nora—All tneichandife from New York and Boston,
•trect, near wood, indiilM at the Drug Store of H I* consigned to A L (scchan A Co, Philadelphia, will b<-
Frderal« Alletbeny city. mylldAwF iir-n.ipi!*- forwarded commission. f.-hIS
'adiea. I’m osioni'hedT ~~ LRKCH dt CO’B
A„‘d'lL 0 lVJll.S" ' SJUSySC-"- Kjpre.i M Li c'.'-
.r 7,v h L
would give your Skm on .Vi« N^ L ‘" > 'T h, S. ,f ' U mrnced running on Thursday. March |A
and at ihr .inr and mm ol'*', An laov « ltl«T will he dispatched lady until the cln«r
MCKHONH, HQ Ilibcnv I V,' , ? 11 Sold at 0 f U.r eanali.t* *rs«on
..uen>.. I rire J 5 criin per U»x Apply m IM.KKCM A t’„
| mrhlb Penil tt and Cai-sl
LV iU-a* r.*.** p u ees'
Kxtlunvtlf for Pnurngm.
THE puMir are respectfully Informed ihi» Line
will rnmniroec running on or about the IGth inMUd.
and continue throughout ihe •ra*on The proprietor*
haec now plnecd a superior clas» of Parkcu aim Rail
mud Car* o« ihe route, wuh extra accommodations,
nh'rh wi'l give greatercomfon to iruvrlco.
A Packet Koui will always In- in port, and ihe l*nv
rlmi; poM-c are requesied to call and damme them,
i. r«- vu-Li in engaging pa»*uge rlsewhcte.
(liiri-i the I‘eckcM will leave llie lunJiiig. (opposite
ihe Cmir-I Siam* Hold.) corner Penn siriet and the
Canal. «-v«-ry uighi at !)o’r'tn-k
l"or in - ornmiiion npplv ni ilia office, Monnngahcia
llou-r U nicr •irert. oi to I) LEECH A Co
nii-hn cor Penn *|reel and Cana!
I ' 17-
BETWEEN I*l rrsßLHtilL
'l'llK Mock oi dii* line cnn*i‘l» of a double daily
1 line oi Ro-n* ami Car* [owned by thein«ilvr*|
winch are in good ord-r The »üb*criber« ure prepa
r«d jo forward a large (juuni.iy of Merchandize and
Produce wih < rlluliit) and di*pi!eti..
Produce or Mi-rc.handi-e ■ <>H»ignrd to kny ol ihe un
de* -igiicd. i» toruMriled Ifee ol any chatgeiot roinini*-
Bill* l~iU.ii! iran*in tn-d and nil instruction* promt tly
S:i|rl»:ill< krrpn.g |>ri IK'i|<!--k Acilrr»», of n|.jil> 10
l» 1.K1.1'1l & I'o I'nipru‘iiir*.
Canal Uamm. I’iiikl meli
A l'r»|>(inoi>.
No [:)S.uili Unfit 'lira l’in!ut]rli<|,iu
N>> 1 M Noith llownnl Mrru. Italic mar?
U tl U lI.SON, Afiii.l,
N„?v\V«i *irrrt.N« w.Vork
gteagga is 17
l£7“\Vulmui Tran.lnpiiifnt.-/~n
* Cno/I* ■'oiirirfiirtl io our care will I'c iof\r*nlf.l wnli
mn ilduy nt itic low.*«i rtirrrni raic«. Hill* or" l.ailiux
!raiiMi>'Ui-il. an.l all uisirueiinn* promptly ullrnd.ilw.
,it-< from any extra for or couUDiii*<i>n
Aililrr«* or applv to «: A UcANI.’LTY A,Co
' Canal lb«in.
STORAGE. i ii vriy large anil rornntodiou* wirchou*',
wr am prepared lo receive <m addition <o fieighl for.
•hipmcnij ■ large amount of Product!. 4c . onsu>rasc ai
Imv nun. (warn) C A .McAM’LTY * Co
ISI7. 3aL» 7fc>
EXO.I'SIVKLY lor the ttnn»p'ir>Shon Of WaV
FREIGHT between IMt.burgh. Hlatrsville, John*-
town. Ilnllidny*burg!i. Water Street, Peierstiorth ami.
at) intetmedute plarc*
One Boat wilt leave the warehouse of C A Mr Anally
ii‘«. Fdi«buigli. every .lay. (eiccpi Sundji) ■•] ami
»lnppef.can ulway* . epcml nn having Uimr gnod* Inr-
Tin* (.me tva< loim-.l tot the •penal aeromnuHtatlon
oi tt.r vay bu*<ne*». ami the proprn-tor* tekpeeifully
•olir.t t I'ieral »|iare of patronage.
itoMKur Woods
JOHN MH.LKH. Ilnli-dm'-l.uigh !l
i: 11 I'ANAN J.du.-tc.wn I
c A Mi-AM 1.l ( A c«, r ti'tiim:tv)
J J MeD-vm. John Parker. Rol.crtM.airj-. Hagalcy
LAKE EE IE US glCßlliujMi^
’ I 'lit-** Im-hii* conipo'i-d or S eainl>oiil» Late Kn
1 n..,1 M .-li'i-aii, running -In i> 1..-1 wren ' Pilf.l.ui .*,
S'- li.o';V
»»r u..l I i.- i* n.l i-imil ri ntj w.tli
on :h«- wdi !-« prr-pnr. il ujtni i|,c eußm-wopm
ingot Navigation to cany Freight and PaH.oiierm to
.ill po riuon um River, t.' and Luke*
tla% .tig i *etv lu. il.iy (or convey mg ire.ghl and pit*
-rngt-t- ptm-.pltie ** and di«p:»icb. the. proprietor
ii mf nt-ci.t* ic-pe. liii’ i> *ol.e'.l lioio then friends ulld
lie p.i : e reneraiu ibmr nnliouage. /
0 M RKKU, Erie, Proprietor
REEDS. PARKS A To. leaver. Am*
JOHN A CAFGHKY, Pm-t/gti.!..
t’.ii u.i.i VV .in r »;• nppo' ie the .KJu.inng i
ai rtK tu
• \V lif t i«r, Croi'ln A C<- J\f *• York
Xi-.. U«v,., Uuda.u
,K N I’ark* A Co. Cl. vdaml
JJ.»• A Ann»itung A Co. I>•-1ro.f
I.MrOlure A VV,mam». Mllwaukic
jlliico! A IVricr, I Thu-ago
Wm rower*. l'ovrrr»iown. I’cnna
Ijro .XI arliclm) ir, Kvan«t.argti. I‘ciann
JOIIJI MeAnhui. Ilunwumn, ilo
XV>k A Acker. Ulrt-llVlllr. tl/i
Craig A Kruiii|)i»n. Clarksville. do
lliyiA I’luiuti Sharpaliuigft, I’a
XV C Mulan, Sharon. do
It XV Cumifieiiara NVw I'anlr, do ninrS
W'ILL be jvirjiiin-il on rarlic-i npcn.ngofcanal nav-
Ignlinn 10 receive property id hi* wharl Ixlst or
■n w»ret.«>n«c. for all no.m* on Kr.e Kxien*i<in. Cro-»
I'm, ami Omn Canal*; lor all |«mi mi Like I'm* an. l
upper l.akc-«.u« nl*o 10 onward pfodu* r, 4r ,liy IVlm'n
Improvement- ApplT t«»nr nd.lre**
• J.IS l***»er
JSL is-ui- ami
daily link op
TMiiS well known and popular Lino in Steamer* ha>
been greatly improved ihr ps-i u’i • ••r. I.y ibe ad
dit on or several new and nr*ciiifn< .i Loam, liuitt
eipre»*ly tor tSr* Packet and n.c entire line .«
now rumpoerd of eight of the largrM. best &m«lird nntl
furn—bed. and most powettul Imat* on Hie Wuici* of
th- \Ve»t. Kvery nceooiinodanorMhat money well pYn
core lia* Let;'* provided lor Pn*«eng,-:lind no |nnii
wll apaied to rcaderthem rcKtitortm ic and the trip*
agree aide They leavr Pittsburgh and Cmcntnni: dirty
nnj jvo«iiively at Hi o'clock, A M
The MONONfJAHKLA.Capt S.-enr, will leave Pitts
burgh ever}' Monday tnotninc at H) o'clork. Wheeling
every Monday evening ni 10 I'. M ; and t'mcmnai; ev
ery Thursday ui Il> o clock A. M.
The IMIIKRNIa, NO. *4, Capt J K:.»fPWtrr. w,!i
leave Pitul.urgh everv Tuesday mom.iii; JilUo'clo k.
Wheeling every Tue-tlat evei'ntg ui Hi P M , .\ml
Cinnniiaii every Friday ai Itio'elock, A. M
The XKW KNtil.AM>. NO a, I’npi. N. /ban. «'
leave Pni«hureh every Wednesday moriiitig ni .«
o'eUirk, Whecbng evei y Wrdue«.lny evening at in P
M ; and Cmrmnau eveiy Saturday at lOo'rlm-k. A M.
Tlte WISCONSIN. Capt. ft. J U*ar>, w,|! leave Put*,
burgh every Tbur«day morning at Ido'. lm k; Wbrrlmg
every Thursday evriiitig at in P M , mul ('•nemnati
every Sunday ai H* ci'clot k. A M
TbeOUPPI K, NO *4, Fnpl r-ooii.w.l! P.rt--
buiglt tv cry inoinuig ui |U o'clock. Whrebig
rvery* evening nt H> P M.; ftmlC.iiririnau .-very
Mot.dnv ui 111 o'clock, A M
The MFJSSK\OKH,.I>pi. l.mfot.l. will leave put*
burgh every Saturday tiinruu|g ni lOo'c ock; \\ Ueel.i.g
every Saturday evening at in P M.. ami ('iticmtuiti
evety TucntaV ai lOo'eloek. A M
The ISAAC NKWTON, Capl A (i Maun, will
leave Pnuhurgh everv Suinlav itinrnmg in IlinYlnck,
W hfeliug rvny Sunday ev. ting ai ItM’ M: ami Cm.
at, every Weilre.ilay at clock. A M
(a/- riie*e I'ackem willbe »l thexr :-erlh« a; PnNhuigh
ami t*iucnuiiLli. legulnrty. Ibr day pres 'Oil* lo leaving
each |*orl. lor the reception of ire ghl. rmry ol Par-
No llerthor Stale Room rornCdered engaged until p-nd
lor. feliS
if ri "" ''"uKAVBU, 1 "" '
fcwmM r-*m rimei..* n..,*/ i om.nciic.- h<
ir i.- U..; day. In,vine
burgh U 1 WoVloeA. k. m .a il lir-iver Ml -J u'elnek.T v
r-nnfrlihg witii.)l’iil*l'Uißh .»n.t O.eveland I me ol t'u
mil llo.u* daily nri'levclai.d. »' . Reaver, Waircit nit
t'lcvelainl Line of C.tiinl Pjckei* and Stage Coaene
Jarty-io Warren ami f eve.ami I'mial Pi.eitci Line, i
New I't‘ili' and |'j . Ite Krten«:on l.m
in Memlville and Fee Ned. Mmt.e ,v f.i'. Line* t
Sage Coach.- 'or Clevel lti.l ami U on«l. r leave Ret
P itthu'gli A pp 1 vin
t. M H \KtON 4 Co. Pili-I.urgt.
npll I'I.ARKI'.A Ci. Reav-rl
' SsVl.Vklt I K «M. OHIO |-»l»*t.«,
F. N PARKS \ < o. ('levelami. • > 1
K (i PARKS. Braver. Pa | |’!.ii-
IV T MATHKR, PiiKt.urcU. l*.« )
r |MI K‘ above Lm« >• now (uuy pn-p.i.0l .« ti .e-pori
1 Freight and Pa*»etiger. limn p ii.i.urgli ami Cleve
land, to any mi ih» Peut»*t I van.a 4 »>U » uml Oluo
C[ }il al ‘. .- ....
The facdii.e.oi -aid Line are m.i e.junl'e.l by any «
• gu! Cana!*, .ii uuiuber* and ca.meii) oi Roai* etp
nenee nf Capiaiti* ami [ nuiipine** of Agent*. A.
vine linat let..--* Piil.buigh .imt Clevel.Tnd dilH r.i
mug in ronm—''on will die ainri •
M.chigan and Lake F.r.r h..1«e.-n 1 , -ii-m.. K l. .u
Heaver, and a or lu*i . «.* MriitidMia.-, proju
i. i*. ling* ami Schooner*, «m Lake* h r i- Huron, A
chigan and Oulnr.o
Proitern fnrwatiie.l to any panr.i the I mini w
ill—natch K N PARKS A C’o. Cleveland, Agl*
RKKD. PAKKS&C*.. Reaver. Agi*
\\ T MATHF.H./’ituhurgh. -\«t .
,;i| Ca>r Water and SiDiihbeldvtrret-
ca '-it miilA
in Rallimore df/liiui-
Taue to Philadelphia • • • M •
|Ouly 71 Mile* Staging.|
rp||K » and ia*i running .leatn* r* C 4 in. u r. la.t
1 * Melumr and swatara. have cotninem-eil muk m
double il.tdy trip*. One Im.H will leave the Motuing:
l.rln whan ev.-rv utormng pirtruelv ui - o'efm-k.-
Pa.*enget« by th - morning tine w ill ai rive m Ra.i.umi
lie it eren'ix m lute’ lor the Philadelphia Mai Rntii. i
Had Ri.a.l ear* The evening w-ll leave lh
whin daily -1 4 o'clock, except Sunday • Pa.** ligei
I.y It,,- Im.iii wdilmlg- on board n *im
Thu* uvnnimg utgttl trove! u hogeliiet 'I
*eai* again el ple-i.uie. and have . 1.0 c. ol Rail Rt
or Rdinm.r.- and P|, iJdelph.j.
Sec me -. I.lli .tri, I* ..1 It lh, r at.e l„ 11..U*
nr St t'l, ■* lev I Inti ! J Mt.SKI.MFV
TMROI t.ll IN *4-1 HOI US.
J)ACKKT Rom * SwjLojlv ict.l IV ,-gr.pii
nutrn’.ng H*»a' from l*iit*burgh an i air vr m
linte tut the Mint L-'.e ol Singe*, win h lea
aiely thereafter and arrive id Cm velaii.t lit .
C-UTt-S A LKFI INi.VX HI .I. XX »m-u n.-p
RKKI>. l\\Kh> A C«. Aa^iMf
JOHN A CAl'I-lU*..*'. riini'-r XV .-, r ami SmdhlirlJ
upr-ly Opp.iMie !!••• llou»>* I’li'n-un
j-aokkt AM) nn-.iuiiT mm:
'JMIIS I-inr comon-ngof jn-ghs ami pa.*..--',-- r I\mA'
DraviVNmi Orsfi' I*4 l>) wh eh t r . ;*in aiidp**'
iM-itirrr* iirtw.*rii llir mu pm ill*, will pninip.i
Mid ai !!.<• s-iwm rai- «
WICK* A .X HCIIF.K. nvi'lr, ,\gt.
I'KAll-i hKAM»'To\. Cmrk.v.! . do
McKaKI.aND iKi Si-. |i, e |5-„d d...
rl.r.Mlt ,I|.
XV C MAI.AN. Slmron. do
XVM. MA I lIFXVS, INtlua*,. do.
UKKU. I'AUKS A Co. Uenvi-i. d..
JOHN AC a I'll II FY, corner XVj,f, ar.dSm il. f i. 1.1 . .
>M»* j Ojijawiif lUr Miinoi'gutir'.i l!„o*r. hmimm
1847. MM
»«>n tiik Tnifupi-HTi tmn up
Philadelphia, Dalrl.uor*, New York
and Ooilnn,
fill IK encouragement ihj<s [me In* received MIIf
X ll* commencement, h-m induced the pruprn
tors In inrro nr the stock In adding number ol lir
riant*; .uni instead i.rgivini: rcreipi* ai ( lirrrl.
freight shipped by thm linr *
'J'lie hoatt are all portable, consequently !*■ «.**|*l
istikrn the whole dl.btncc without tran«hipincri
thereby preventing damage from Irrqucnl liarullin
on Ihr rouie, and n* each ho-it i.h- .-wned hy Hi
Captain who runs tliem, wlneli i* a auliicient'gua
nitre that there will h- no delay on the rouie. '
AH I’ro.lure or- Merchandise consigned to il,
underKigi.rir will he forwarded F REE OK COM
M|s*t|ONdfnr advancing and forwarding, and hi
he shipped! without delay at the lowest rale* i
Irtjijjht \
We rotpertfully ■tdteil a share *»•" public p.itr.
Canal Basin, I'llUhurgh
i HAHi. BELLAS A Cn . Agt
Brriud Strop). I'hii.uiclphia.
-I F'MtLI.KR, Agent
Rowlr ) fc Wharf.
I'ittnhuM’li. Feh. IK. l!!47.
IS--Hi * Kn . IS 17
TO Tllli K.IKT UY‘momiiEL.4 ItUCTE,
VIA imoWNSVILLK ,V iTM|ii;it|..\M)
’PIIK to.-W-ngiied Ure now nr-pnr. ,| U, forward pi*.
1 dure. A I- .111 ihr Ci\-t,'rn Nlurket- Ihr ri,-«
me Wmi.'i on tin tmnt (avotnliir irrin-. by u,i-eipe
t AH piopert) r*.U*i«oed l»U« Will hr forwarded .11 ihr
.-ivr.l I.> 'III* mill'- |>r<nii|>ily -(i.r
J C ItIOWKU.. Ar’i I'.iw.Mfv!.
ii «* CASS Urnw.i.viH.'
I* WiKKToN A. (•„ Cii„|i. i . r lnin!
Mr ir ll'iiril.
'I’HK Mili-iT.Urr* will receipt for die delivery of l’io
-1 diirr iu llalimiule hy Ihr ,Moi(ongati«-i;i Slack water
al tin |inrr*. -
l A-ln-. Ilnon. Ilutt-r, Lead.-'l.iiril, 1-ork. | u ,! mv .
\V ln*kr> I lirr*r, HI d (ilu*»—etj et* prr lilt) 11,s i n, Mciiip, F'hix mid U'lieni - [it rl* per IIH) lb-
A*l|i-« {l*oll Apple*, Chee-r, Flax.Serd Ola*. md
l.rallirr - inti eft f er MSI II.«
Oils, Skim Shed*. Wool— 110 ct,« per MK* ll,*
Hce-wax.Feather-, Fur*, Gui.rrig, tmd Snake Itooi
—IW ct* |» r lUI Ih*.
AH properly consigned lorilhrt of the undesigned
will hr tut warded witliout drl.iy, free of Conißii*»>vii
■ l above rate*. VV II CL A RK. Krownavillr
HANNA A WATKHMAN. I*iu*h.i r< li.
FKhKitl I EKS mid oilier* \vi«hing
, i »» have Fire Dr.ek. I'.oduer, Ac*
hioughl to lh>* plaer from Stent,nmlfe
I nnd iMternirilmir landing*, run make
I arraiigcmeut*. liycallini* •», tne, us I
hnve a Boat lunimiß regularly between ritt«l>urgh uuil
Sii .iiiroviiii' tiKii. it MU.rKMiK»<;i:K.
l ml Steamboat Agcm, V, Wuirr -t
lv TMEtfteatnlioai IIARf.KM rej aitrd
i IL . | and refitted in hamlroinr »tyle and
■■DBl "he I" unproved she i* well adupieii (or
carrying freight mid pa**cngeti,or for iuwiur; *h ha
great cmpneity and power. Anv {ximhi di*po*. d iv
purchase will ofre»ur*e inupeci ht-r
I also propone to lea*e, for one or more vrnr* m) tonl
Works-, and to a man of energy uihj l>u«iin’«* habn- they
offer great advantage*. I can funn-h ihr lr.-ce, cither
on sale or rhnrter, aty tow boat “MINKK " Hr can
also have on fair term* *ix borre*. three fiat*, ami iwo
coal bottom*, sixteen cars with rope*, fixtures. X, „
made for full operations An examination of thee <-
laldithmcni i« iiivucil. IVrsdn* disposed to negotiate
with tne nr reference tn any of the above particular »,
may o*ldre*» me at my Office >» Siuarl'* lludd.n a4a
ali. ei, t'lii-nurch or at Harirm. neui Mi.imuruhcl;. chv
*oga> ' THOS II VAIFiD
[Nearthe I'pper Cruise, AlJeghesrCur )
THK proprietor* of ih»' Star Cotton Faruvrv rr *[»•< i
tul!\ iti'b'iii ,| i.rrm.4 < u -iirer •
fui optuliiin I'u. - >s • itijiii.)-"iin'r- i> t. \N
}*ar* in iho jiniir-pal lactone* of All* jfbriiy l'n\.
[hry would inform .Weicham* and Dt-nfoi* hi crneral
Ihal they w.'l ;ilwn\» liave on hnnd »u[>f nor Coitun
V»ru> of all No* . Uatlme*. Warp*, anil Blown .Vum-ii*
of luj' imkr N YOKIiTLN A
N |i —Order* left at the Jfiil, or ai ilir *t.jie of My
rr«. llunirr K Co , Jr- l.ilx-uy •Hfret. will l.e prompry
infhtfSCUn N V 4 Co
MANnwi.Tv'KK ccrrro.v YARN
Candle-Wick, Batting, Twine. Coverlet
Vaij.n. iwtu-pr chain. Wards. he . he .
(Successor* oi Ar buckle* A Avery.)
jaiiS Proprietor*
Itt1 1* alsjve c«t*bli«lnneiii being how in *orce#*fhf
op- r:nion. MV arr nianuniciuring. very ext,-u»ively.
M. "' •**> mauuimiuiHU. hi) •
an ar rie ni heavy ■■■••. well uduptrd to llie retail
irade. winch mr beauty and ijunlity rannoi l>e excelled
t»; hiiy filler make it llie country. Tlie attention of
purchaser* i« MiScitrti to an exanmiat-nn
icl.i I.l4mAwli KFNNF.n- ttmi.OSA Co
y»c h k ibr i i-' r.
“\Vhu tthougb tlie earner niuy not l>c ciplumrd, ,
Since their rjfeeu arc ‘lnly ascertained.
Jwl not delD'ion. prejudice, or pride. ,
lildui’e timnkiltd 10 Net ihe menu* aside:
Mean* which iho'•itnpie. nrr l.> Mcav. i. dc» f.n‘d
To alleviate the .II" of human kud ”
'IMIIS remarkable invent.(in. winch I.u« receive.l ihc
1 uuivrrral approbation in llie rnrdn j| proics.ion ol
lire .it lima.n. comprises hr entirety new application ot
t.nlvnnism. a- a remedial ugent. l>; mean* pi wleeli the
ordinary Outvalue IJatirne*. Kleetnc and M'agnetit Mu-,
i innei.. fte , are entirely di»peii«cd will., mid the
mil* [wiwci of (irit up[tl.ed wilhuut ait) of the
object on nlueh arc in-eparabie innii tin: general mode
now iji u»e. Tlie »u.dig dose*. mid tnoguliir.intervala
ill which Galvan.*tn n uppl'eil hi lie.* .Machine*, lin*
>Ueitirtlly trijunvu* hud il m u* to remedy tin* radical de
leel tins new .ippl.caiio't irm projected,
n> It- pn-rnt .1:111 of |« rCeeimu The Oaleanit Kinfi
an-wer ali the ptirpo*e. of-tlie mom expensive Mi
elu'ie*. and .n rt_un> oilier r>--pcci- are more ki/V mid
"Thun ii arcnnitilivliiiM; lin desired effrcl
The (ialmnir itingi u.ed m eoniieeuoo with the Mag
nthr Flui.l. reroninieiidi-d in nil ill tor
fro irhtch aritt from nr» m/rtUtd ot unhtaltif tlau oj
the hmtiui or riinJ tytlsm. iirr-l there eoinpl.nnt* ore
among ihe tno.i pamtul unit nitiver.ol to which we ore
•ultjeel The) at!*' wtlhoril exception, from me Sim
ple n derangement of the Nervnu. t*>*:rm—
and >t \va> ni liif.e .••»«<" thru other •remedies' having
so often failed a new agent wj< greatly needed which
1 .• roiifitleni ly t.elirve.t. Ini* heel! found in llie propi r
ami judicious i.ppl.enticu .4 (iulvJluim.
The Halvnnir* have hern u*rd will) entire stic
er»« m all cn*r■ oi Kiiccmatmm. acute o; cUrot.'i*. ap
;>l) ; iic to the head, line nr limbs trout. Tx-IkJoirux.
Toolhaeht. Fr.intlitlu. Ttrtign. /Vrrrou.i or Siii //ra./ccAe,
Iniligi.rtion. Filialyiii. Fab y, FfiiUjiy, Fib. f ‘ramp.
PalfiiUWnit of the H<art. d/u/'irj-g, Rliffneu qf Joint'.
'•fiMfiJ ConryJatnU. l.umlsigo. Seuralgux, .Yertwm Trr
nuur, Duxirreii o/ the Huht. pain in (a< Chat arui Side,
firnerat IhhlUtu. cf iVetvtu and Phytuitl Kn
ergy an.l nil NKKVOU* DISORDKRS. In cores at
lOiitinnrd J); whndi i» ‘imply « nervuu- <ie
ranceimTil id ilir dirtr.i.venrgiin.. they have lieeu found
eiju.tity -u< <v«»ful. Tlie.r exl. anrddlur) edjret* upon
rrnam preventive for the preceding complaint* llm)
treeijuaH) r -eominemled The Ring* are of J lTerem
,>r.< < •, l.c.tig tonile oi ail .i<e., and of various oma
mrinni pxiirrii-. nml run he worn hy the most delicate
the Tii.ution it rurher aerreald. than otherwi*e.
The (hilranic Bells, Bracelets* Ramis*
(inrtcr*. Necklaces* Ac.
In mine ru«r» of u Vrte »evrre churacteX.and ol long
«tatnLnK the |»OMVr a» hy the (lalvim e Ring*
s not ‘udieient to nrfe*i rl,c progre«< ol diwn.c and
till.mule‘y re.lo.r health. The improved mniliftcnt'On
.n the (iatvaiue 4leli», Htßeeieu, S*.. entirely reme
die. rhi- ohjertion; any degree of |>ower that I* requi
red run readily he ohmmcii, amt ho complaint which
ihr in>-n'* iigemnl tiulvHiu.m cauetiril Mill lad
lo he poiiiu nr nt I) rdievrd. These article* are adap
ted to the w«i«t. tirm«. wrist*. liruli*. ancle*, or ntty port
nf the u«dy. m-hli |n rfcri rtinvciuetice. The Guivamc
Nre k lure. u-e«l vrdh gtrtner heiteCl -it core, ol
Itrnm hit', nr iltFr t t.on* of llie tlrfoal cciierull) . al*o in
ea»-» of Nervou* Ikafi-e**. and w:rli ulmo.i umlnrni
■un-r«« u« J preventive fm Apoplexy. Fit*.
Christie's Magnetic Plaid
i« u*ed 'll ennnecl im wnh 'he fialvinic R.ugr and'all
he.r inod.firniiuiiß. '1 h‘» cni.j <i..non h»* loin pn>-
nouitreil h) ihe French f'ln-m .i. in l.e one oi the mo*i
>i. v. .! m ■ • -i. r.-ii. irk.rhi.-p ti
i.tutui- u gali-irue n-Uca ' , tlii- ni- jii. nil'* ”.
J ■ once nt Ai. I»n of ihe . I, ll ur nc, K( the -*cut til' disease,
iliu« giv.nv iitp'd and pi nnatu-iil lylief No othi r
rdici.trr to impart s.iiclar pni(*rriy in die nervou.
agu.-i •• Ftunl i-.oniaiii. nolhnie capaLie oi ihe .lig.‘i_-
e-t iguivlil- nppl cutnn i* a"tcnhle, und it :* a.
Full c r |>hi liit.oii* uud diic ( lion, iieeompany it Tin
the r •uii.r *nig erhcai \ und perinanent l-rnefit
Christie’s Utiitauic strengrthealue Plrs
Tbe.*e or'ii le* form another * olu i! ie i;
the nil .ter.on* Tidu.-ru cni (i.ilv .MI.‘III The) art an
.miHirmiu in» the uu nc (iu.vaine Ring* ami the - ot ninir ..rcm application P The;
are i iiiifideiii ) n-coinuiendcd u. a valuable addiLon in
•hr .(iced) r ure oi Kiicum..t mi. mute or chronic: m all
i.i-ivuu. i and a« a po.ifve reru.-ov in cav *
ol I'aui an i MY.ik’i*** ri* Fark. Pa minv-i
bi-fr. m Aiihrruitu Affietiorn. nn.l ,u lffakn*is o' Ojryrt*.
• run o' the Pulmonary Organi In Spin ii Complain',
din r etl. > t- Hfi oi. ihe irui.i dreirt. d char j. ii-r, and tin >
:tl*o ni Hi- gre:i!e»l jtlvuritiic -a l‘a n* and V.’c:,k,, r ..
ol Ihc liri-.1.1, and urr highl) rccoiiiiuendrd for many ol
i)n»*e complaint* to wlm-h fcintilr* are e«|wctally liable.
A«* u-r .ifengthening ihe »y«tem
for Colds and all nt utlecr.on* ol die Chest, gpo'etall)
the trunan.c Mf< Mglln-n-nc I'utster will lr«: found id nml pefruanci.t udvnntiig. In a few words; d
iTtihrare* nit lin- virtue* oi the best tome preparation,
with the important addition of the galvanic influence:
which *• neither impiored nor einuu.ted. while the in -
non ronnnues Ttier>r nrtirle* wdl he found entirely
free from liio.e oi.;rf-|ii.ii* wtnr.i are U cODsianl source
<d eoniid nut wnh the urdniary plaster* in common utc
irr The greut celebrity and seces.of rhere m.rli r
tins caused them to be counterfeited by unprincipled
persons To ptov.ilc HgamS nn|>o«iiioli. Dr OliOlfTit
tins Imt one authorized agent in each city of the Union.
The ettly agent in Fitishurch. \V W tVIIXIV
Of the lughest and nursi re-piTtal-.e choracter. are con
*ianti.y received, regarding die exirnord.nary value
and sum e»« nf Ihe alarve arlu- It. Ilia hel ever! Ih-it
oi the city of New York alone, upward* of KKiilT
THOUSAND FKRSONS .luring a period of lr«. thmi
a year, have been entirely relieved of tlie rno-t p-..n-ul
elinunc ditorJer*. some ol which have completely I. li
fted all funner effort* of medical art. Indeed marry oi
llie fir-t pay«n-;aii* nf tins cn.y. who drsipprove of tlis
(i.ilv.uw llml Magiretic Muchuirs. enn«tamly rtcnnr
•mend III!* in ihc r practice, and wnh the ex
cepuc.l, nf those who are too prewired i.vgive n a in
111. the -tiv.-.Tt:,.n Ji4« recrjjrgd unsmuimis favor
flm mo-1 ■ nieiiigror anuui.g t'.e American* Facirliy J).
i.’ht'Si-r ji u'i iitiiiivi-acii aud mo*i4)appy to g.vr
even Ucu.iv ro phy*i«-,an«. .ind all interested, for tc.f
mg the i mill 1,1 i,,. a«<crt. >n- imd the efficacy of [,,*
.1 Muvery
Hgrnr-; ,n I’.ii.liurgh corner till mt.l Market *t
r'FFKirrr.VI.LV uml cured hy ihe u*r n
Cs ih. Gre-u Krm«dv o/ \4Hjn-. AMERICAN OIL.
It ulrnost inir.n-u'uu-l) r> «lni r« inflammation, aud cnn-
M ijornily i» warranted n nil tt> Irnvr no •pain or
•< nr in tlir d«— li-
5.1.1 m.j i.y wm Jackson.,m h«
llcvoi mill Shop Sinrp mid I'airni Mi-d.tmr Wairhou«r,
■t* LilipM)' *lf rrl.|iirjil n- Wood, Pilt*l|Ufgh Pru-i- 50
C«-ni* and fl per Ixiitlc.
W Jmk-Min brine |lip Kxrhr.jvr Agrm for W. *l. rn
IV».nl van.n, m.iirl. grmm..- but •old I.y HIM
or MIS !i,i|Nnnipd Ae. nl* .
N II A Pamphlet i-nnmuMtie umplrd rortion*. Ac.
w ilb the nmii'-o mill mbt»r«- i.l tin Proprietor und I*i ■.J
pal Agent. '• Ptivp[.i|>«-il wiiii >\ ropprr oi' each hoitiu
Abniujam'roi . rl(n*'• i»• • ■■an en at thr Smn*.
© I,\(iS.—Srr • ul.i in all its multiplied forma,
wheitier in (hat of Kin"'* F.vil, cnbr"ftiivnli o the
(rlandi. or boor a. I ioitre. While Swelling*. I‘brun t
Klieuinatiam, I anser. <li*en»pa ol the Skin or Spine,
nr of I’ulmi.mry • 'nnsuinplion, emanate from one
.tiulthr rami 1 ramr. winch .» a pm.innou- pnnrip e
more or lc*s mh .rent in die tytlem. There*
Tore, iihicya tin* principle ran he destrmeil. no r.idi cure r.m he ellecfe.l, lull .1 the principle upon
winch die demise .lejienils, ta removed, a cure
muni of neressily Inllow, no inallrr under w lut lorm
die disease should mutwlcM lived. This. Iherefore
is tlie reason why Javmf.'s Al.Tr.usTi vt: is to uiu
veraallv siircn**lul in lelnovmg so many malignant
diseases. It destroy* die virus or principle from
wine i those diseases li ive their origin, by entering
into die nreiH.ilinn. and with die blood is convevt d
to the minutest fibre, removing every p rlirletf
disea-e Iroio the sysiem I'ieparc.i and sold at No.
II Third Mrvrt, Philadelphia.
>Mdd at the Prk.n Tea .Store. No. Ti Fourth strec
{FrnmiiicSnir.ofd.c Tunes |
A Ri'iilloinan nl St-rofulnu* l.alm* from nnliM-rclici.
ol iln-Tliriini :iml No e. nml a di«.igrceuli[r mid iroo
l>li'*omr rniplion oflhe Skill. lii*<pp>l. lii- whole
<»ue hand nod vvr.»l were •.» imti li iitlcclcd dint he hod
ln»l the, n-r of ihr liati.l, every part brine eovered wi h
deep, painful. auJ ntlen»ive t'lrrrs. and were a* hol
low und ponin* a* n bonpt -coinl. It was at th.s Mage
o' In* conipluiiil.wheii.druih uppeaied inevitable. from
a londiwniip diM-nsr. lluil In- commenced the use of
JaVNK'S AI.TFIfNATIVK. mid having mken bii-
Ifpu Inittlf*. i* now peffeetly currd.
_Tln« ALTKKN ATI V'K oprrnirs through thejfirctila
imii. mid punfie. the Wood and eradicntes diseases
imm dir *yfciiin. whrrevrr loentcd, and the numerous
cure* it has prrformrd ui di’ean-s of Skin. Cmtce'.
Scrofula, Goitre. I aver Complaint, Dyspepsia, and olhr r
Chronic ih«ea*c». i» iruly niionndiing.
For sulr'ni Pittsburgh at Ihe IVkin Tpa Slo'rr, Til 4di
• lien, near wood, and ulfoat ihr Drug Store of M H
Srhwiirfi.J-rdrr»l M JTIy4JAw F
hr. AlcLaiie's \Vorm Specific
fIMIIS I. IO.CII.I) that, hv inking o,„. vml of Doctor
X Mcl-unr • \% orm a child of Joine* Sliuw - *
pn»*rd upwards of Tti wonns, ami hy the use of said
medicine a c Inld of my own passed H large worm*.—
li i« fuly the most surprising worm medicine I ever
• ecu 1 must have two mote vial*.
_ Wdkm* Towpslnp
For su c hy J No f.O Wood street. Pitts
v rncUVO
il SOAP, for soficning the Sk,n. tradicaime I’onplcs
und all Kiupnoiis; for healing c hupped l.amtsor cractf*
11. sn. far dispelling irccklr«. tan, sunlmrii nod blotched
»kln, and producing a linr. henPht. yrmhfid clearn-ss
Price 37| cents per cake. The genuine article i* for
sale hy n A FAIINFtfT«*CK A Co
!*nM err Ist rvn.l wood ••• and w«wt and «lh I
bI'TS. TimPKNTI»K-lO Dhl*. ju«t receiTrd
and for sale i.y uiyl k ORAIfN A REITF.R
For ur n'lnonl a*d i ermanem earo of-all disease*
sn«iß» Ma aa state of the blood
orbabttof w«
Snafu!.,. Ki- «c*» FJkeurtaO'm. Okttinaw Cuian*nc>
hru/uris iSftvla'tr P*ttuluan tht >«c*. bleickn,
BiUt t WrVj F«.t? Js»*», J ting Worm or TsOw. Scaid
H.a >. pai* tki B*m MdJ*n*b
Stubborn rum. Stfkilttu Symptoms, Sciotua tr L*m
‘ Lfico. and UiunwJ arixinijrtm an tnjMduurUSUM sf
Mmn,ry. AtrtUiar thoyig, or Impntdmet t*
ii/f. A.’U). Chrome Conrruuuofioi Diterdtn.
I’l> adinim*tr;ittf>n has been attended w. lint
bappirti result* in many anomalous affeetioos; bu
n >► chiefly intended lofillihe void which exists between
cailmruc and aperient medicines; bence its owduep
rttndt i~ (Lai m an alterative directly—indirectly, pro
vint; 3 l»»img tonic to the system.
It i* highl) comruiraied lor convenience andporta-
Inluy. containing nothing but the expressed essence,
and i-> the rep.rreniative •>'the Sarsaparilla Root, ia
the ►muc tnßQiirras <4uuune is of Peruvian Dark, or
Morphin'* of Clp urn It i« an established fact,, that a
few prams of either or Morphine contains all
the turdiemal value of a liege quantity of the erode
►uli*iam-c»; beace the superiority of those preparations
—and no itivalid "could desire to drink a gallon taiiture
when a bait pint contained the same medicinal value.
Thr Sarsaparilla can be diluted wheMaken avrecable
10 the directions, and made to ssitjne taste of the pa*
The following certificate addressed to the Agents at
Chicago- furnishes conclusive proof of its great value
in fast-* ol fever Sores.
I - ' CmcAOo, 111. Sept. IS: ISW.
fitebbm* k R. ed—Clems: In May, 16*5,1 ob*
tamed at your store u botilc of Sand's Sarsaparilla,and
was then cnnfitied lotny bet), without sleep ?ora week,
occasioned by violent pain from a regulir fever soteof
lone standing. on nty right leg. My physicians advised
mo to have the limb amputated, saying it was the only
means bkcly to pieserve my life. After using half the
bott'e th« r-nin began to subside, and by the ume .I had
UM-J nearly tltrre bottles, I wasableto transactmv reg*
uiar busmens, ami before I had finished the fpurthbot
tic I was ns well and sound as everl had been, lhave
no hesitation in sat ing that Sand’s Sarsaparilla was the
menu* under Providence, of saving my' limb and t
doubt not m>; lire. 1 mo«t cheerfully recommend it a f
ibc best nrtide i-Xlant for the purification Of the blood
Voars. most'respectfully,
The following certificate i« only another link in the
erciit chain of testimony to its meriu: „
►uitn lloltu.l. Canada Fast. April In, IHI.
Messrs. Sands—(ientiemen: Exposed as we are to
the aunt-ksof disease, and so frequently disappointed
m propo*c<l remedies, we cannot but look on the effort*
<>i suct-essiul praciitiniicrs with interest ard gratitude
• n „. ,i i r uc respecting your valuable preparation of
tMtsapurilla. I have been severely alllictcd for 33year*
with a disease about which"doctor's disagree,” and
their prescription* wereViilf inoro diverse. I tried va
rious remedies but found no relief until I commenced
u-mg >eur excellent medicine,.at which time l was
wholly run fund to in), l.rd After using-It a few months
I :iiii imw :ii.'.c to wale about rideoutjtr.d enjoy a eoiu
inriuiilc degtre of health, winch I attribute entirely lo
tl e use of t*amr« Sarsaparilla- Please"accept my as
surance of gratitude trod .regard.
ncqiointcd with tbc above slate
mi-ni. / herihv entity that the Ramp i* true. ‘
Fakuieu Te«timos\. —The following i« on extract
lroiA u letter i; reived from Rev. William Gslasbo:
iiEBSRUiIX, V1..0c1. «, 1815.
«. Samir: I have been nili rtcil with aaeveie
l<niit in tuy ml.-. ureusionrdby a diseased liver, for the
! m twenty >iw sudenng ai ime* what language
. a:iiu>< <«nv<'>. i ni *nn e talcing %nurSarsaparilla, I
have breu I’rr.ulv relieved, so much so that l have been
:>!•!•' m nMniil us my husiur**, <uid preach occaaionally
t„j (he t:iM fiftrrn ntonih 4 . I wholly discarded all oilier
mriJiciiie. ami thoroughly trie d the Sarsaparilla, which
lean reioinmciid in truth ami all tho*e who
lire hi any way afflicted with any »perie* of Krofulou*
complain! l There have been some remarkable eurr*
eifeeied by it* u*c m thi* vicinity. Mr*. I. Shaw, by
ilie u«c of *ii boiiles.was rcMoied to belter health than
• be hml before rnjoj ed for ten ) ear*, and Mi*. W. Bte-
VIII*, who bad been severely afflicted With the Ery**p
,.|Qq *. :l , rnun-lv cured by die u*c of a few bottles. .
Y tsar* truly. WJI. DALUBIIA
For further particular* and coaclorivo cyidepcc of it*
superior value and effleacy, *ee pamphlet*, which may
he obtained of Agent* gratis.
1 reparrdand *o d by A-R- A DSand*.Dtaggi*l*,lH)
Fulton *t, rornerof William, New York.
Sold nl*o by L. WII.COX, Jr., H. liar
wnmi. Heaver; IVo. Waiwn. New CaalJe; p. N. Kob
i«o„. Rrowiißville; A. Crt-ign, Washiuglou; and by
l>rufegi*t* generally throughout lh. United States.
I‘nce 81 per bottle—*ix boitle* for 85.
The public .ate respectfully requested to remember
‘that n i« f?aud’« Sarsaparilla that it t« constantly achiev*
mg surb remarkable cure* of the most difficult cits* of
ji.ra*r» to which the human frame is subject; there*
tore n«k for band's Sarsaparilla, and take no other.
nbat bu« r»lic««d bin in stwh a short lime from bn Jif
iirnliy ..f breathing, Cough aad suffocation? He
■ t miLI tell you it w*» ‘•the Oknaoaiaa, or All
Healing Balam. ’’ Ask the eooiuaptWr
vibal has allayed hi* Cough, removed
fthe Pain iu his Hide and Cbett,
cheeked his night sweats, and
placed the rose of health,
outfit his cheek? and
be will tell you
Ask jiiiir friends if they kuow of anything that will to spec
dily eurr a hing and tedious Cough. Raising of Blood,' Bras
rhitu, Dyspcetic Cuasumptioa, Hoarseness, Influcnn. and
disease, uf the Throat, as the Ohwaunian? and they will tell
you There neter yet has been a remedy introduced to
publie notice which has been productive of so much good in
•n short a sjoce of lime. Read the following
Aetonletilng Curea.
Wm. BoitDy-lhr crlebrrtrd.Bostoncracker baker, iW Nas
sau .trrcl, UkoUljii, •lairs Hut bis wife has been afflicted
ntlli Auhina tor Ik) yrars, and could Dot hud permanent re
lief from the Ikil medical ’advice which New York and
llruuhHu could produce, was induced to try this great reme-.
dy h!.e is now nrarly well Hi* daughter who was suffer
, mg from the rune disease, tried it, and was also cured by it
Mrs lloud is now so Well that she is able to rixfnim her
bed early in tbc woruiugatsdalteod to her.usualdciiesthrough
the day witboul any annoyance from her 'distressing malady.
Hkkvv Jackson, 13th street, near the CatholicCeaetry,
came in the store for the purpose of obtaining a bottle of the
having been afflicted with the Asthots for morr
than ID y*ars, aud was so exhausted on bis arrival that be
could not speak. He purchased a bottle and rode home.—
Four days aflenrard hr walked from his residence to the of
6re without fatigue, a distance of over two mile*, to tell of
the wonderful relief which he had eaperieoetd uom using
about oue half of oor bottle.
Consumption of the Lnn|i<
Mr. CnaroXT, 35 White street, was *0 low lavlhc month
of December last- that he was given up by his physician. Hi*,
friends entertained no hope of his recovery. He was persua
ded to try the Olosaonian, and to hi* surprise it has *o far
restorrd him to health that he is now able to walk about the
streets I
Mr, ATTasi, thr wifr of Wn H. Attrrc,JsmuHsrsxsn,
K«<j uui treu W. Hayt, Em{. esn all bear tesdaway from
their i«o ripene&ec of the healing properties of this Ortal*
lUmrii) m CoQMusptioa of the Lung*. ...
bpllltns Blood.
slr«- TuocmocaiiK, Mooros tlrret, who had been
troubled for a gnat Irorlh of time by a-seTsre cough, and'
ral>e<l t|uanliticj of blood, wat reltcred by one bottle of (be
Ollhstueui, and deehm It the grcaleit remedy in the world.
DiMsts Ksllt, 20 Water itreel, was afro relieved from
(he same complaint, although he was very much reduced
when he commenced taking ilpEattng been under the care of
hi» physician during the past winter. Although ha eoegfaed
cou.tandT and was eery much troubled with night sweats, 3
bottles of the remedy rnableil him to return to his daily
work.. He was .entirely relieved. ._
Dstid llcndsesos, 60 Lairfat stmt, Geo W. Burnett,
formerly of Newark, S', J., Henry Llsbua, 199 Riviogton
street, and numerous utherpervoDs have been speedily and
permaucuily cured of the same complaint by thbeameuy.
The Array* .of Names
which could be produced of neraoof *bo hare tutd tbb {ml
remedy would mere than fill a column. Amcor the number
we are permitted to refer to A. M. Biniorer. l& Barclay tt.,
Mr Wtbon of Hoboken; Mn Bell of Momitowo, J». J.;
Jtonß Dtroe'. 101 Reade »t.; Mr*. M'Caffree,so Attorney
»!,; F Smith, M Third Amur, Mr* ffa, H. AUreeof thu
my, anJ Mr. Archibald,3s White »t
Sold whuteuV and retail by Wn JeekaOc, al hi* Faint
Medicine WiuthouK and Hoot and Shoe Stare, IfoßO Liber*
l£.lrrc - prU*’—■
Por Congiiv Aitbma, aod^onsamplifip!
Oauatts, Asthma, amt-CONSUMPTION, is the HUN
QAOUN tUIJiAM OtVLIFE. discovered hy the c«*t
hnled Dr. Uuctun, of
(pto the United State* under the immoillate atiperintend
arm* of the Inventor. I
‘ Ttm aitranrrftnar)' •"«.<•* of this itiedlelne, in the
core'of Pulmonary disease*, the American
Agent In soliciting for treatment the [WORST POS
gftllX CA»*E3 (bat can he found in ibe eonußanhy—
c«saa that seek relief in vain front anylof tha core mop
nmedies of the dar, aud Itave been given us hy tha
most dlattngulsbad t’hnldiuii u COhrlRMEu AND
INOURAOLE The liuncarian Ralsani has cured, and
vis curs, the MOST UF.APEUATE OF CASES. It is
do Tuack ouftrum, but a standard English medicine, of
known anJ cstaMished ethcacy. [
Ky«rv family In the United Stale* should b« supplied
trill) Ruchan's Hungarian llalsam of lUfo, not only to
enantaraet tlie consumptive tendaneW of Ihe climate,
cut to be used as a preventive medicine in all eases of
Qaida, Uougtut, Homing of Wood. Pain In tha SUe and
Qrd, Irritation and Soreness of the J.tintv.,Bronchitis
Dh&auky of Breathing, Hectic Kev*r, Night Sir oats,
Emael&lwn and Genarel Daklllty, Asthma, Influents,
Unplug Cough, and Group.
O Send In larga botligs, pt (1 per bottle, with fall dim*
lions for the ruetomioa of Uaultb. s
paophfau, eoaaJntnr a ohm of English and Ameri
can 'cuntficataa, eviiaace, slwurtnc the an
esoaUei raerito. of this Grunt Batllah Remedy, foay It
ootulned of the Aganta, gratuitously.
DAVID F. DRADLEB, sole Agent for the JDnhad
Stliei. Itfl Court etreal. Boston.
TVW. DYOTT General Wholesale Agents,
No, 13S North Second street, Philadelphia.
Fo »aJe l»y B A FAHNESTOCK A Co. corner of
wood lino trout Ufren rax g
LADIEH Who UVirOomiuoli Prepared UhalK, are
oilen not aware how frightfully inJuriotia l it 10
the tkm! how coarae. bow rough, how Milov, yellow,
tuid unhealthy the »kin appear* after game preparrd
Chalk! Uc«idc», it i» injuriou*, containing alsigr uaaa*
lity ni lend. Hr have prepared a beautiful vrrriahlr
''Wh wte calf JONES'S SPANISH ,LUA
H ItITFJ It i« perfectly innocent, beinrpurifieaof all
ilrirtrriou* qualiiim; and it imparta 10 the akin ■ natu
tnl. healthy, alahaeirr,clear, living while, allb«.»*m*
nine acting ua a coamctic on the »kin, making it »nrt
ami rmootn.
Dr- James Anunr*on, Practical Cheraiat of Ma*»a*
ehu»-tl# eaya: “After anaiyaing Jone*>Sp*ni»b l.i If
Wimp, I final it pooeoec* ihe mmi beautiful am* naio*
tal. ut the .rune time imtoeroi wbifb 1 everaaw, 1
certainly ran roiircieniiouil)’ recouuneod ; iU we to all
wbo«o akin rrquirea beautifying”
WX. jVWn, at hi. Boot and Shoe !
Store, SO Liberty aticet, bead of Wood, ai the aignof
,i,e tr.» item . _____ !
MuiiuAii'i* gouoH tbould t>« 1
tiuhlixheal and made known U> the public >’ Thia
wa.Uir ex ,,rc*»iotioi an old man who tried Ihe Syrup
I'itt»m!*sh, February 1, imr.
Mi. Morgan.— Tbit may-certify that being afflicted
wnh a imuhlerome cough aame time, 1 bought a bottle
of Morsan’aConfib Syrup, and am happy loaiy.alier
u-ing it. iny cough i» entirely snred. I pronounce your
Cough Syrup the hen medicine I have ever nted. No
faunly abouhl he without thia valuable medicine
DAVID .VoROBERTS, Allegheny City
-Jly'Thi* medicine i« prepared wholesale and mail
ittlie Drug Store of JOHN D MORGAN
Hood aued, one door below Diamond Alley •
price*4s rent* per bottle. Mu
Til*. MOORISH llAia DYK-For ptrrai
ncmljr rircirig Ught, Bed or Gray Hair a Dark
Drown or Block color, withoatdyeing or iujoring the
■kin.; Sold with foil direction* Friee SO cents, orfl
o bottle. _
rOfSo)J by \VM. JACKSON, at hi* Piient Medicine
W mrehoote, 89 Libelry street, head if Wood, at the
sign of the Big Boot ja
Ku diwv.crcd ■ w a , tae-L;
alchildr.o will lake u r.wdny anj,, .
ajatumuttt around tath Ik.v.h t .’
• Pi»tc ou lhe ; Kick of nth I’la.Ur,
•re the «al«»l, meat .are and efiecliMi
id*, cumimptiou, whooping cvur% t ..
ae I unitor cheat, etc, etc. I'tte
mniutunce where they did Hi* ei»r i*. „
rtm Dwuund tiuhta hare be«a (b |,t
'in* to health pervmi in ataod *rtr\
i thomr laboring under the tuwM di»t<«»j
They dt> hot check and dry up tbt tv...
, prwautr nprclotaliou, alLy the DcUm.'
( .eaw»e Die pruiimate or »»citu.r cir^
i bey arf: mad rj from a combuialioo ol a nuwi raluabU
lurant, or coogn medicines,and hre uudouhteuly lU |„ r *;,.
cerr thing Ut tor for those complaints. HuaJmli u {*>u |,,
tired* been offered ofihttr wondtrnn *
lues, from lbo*« who harehretisaTed from ao <u>liun It 51,
mod restored to Jwriect health bj tuing thrtn.
Whtrlf the rejis much pain tu DiebrTa.toraidr.oat s> ; „
tnao’i Poor Alaji’a Plaster* (price only 1-|} ceuu,)
applied Ot«r the jwrt, and mat till relieicd. U *n. n.
w ith cmtirenesL a lew cathartie or iaiatir* lozenge., .
mild cathartic medicine, thould be toed a. occasion
Theme worm lorragr* birr been >4 mote lima l,t
000 cam to be infallible; Abe only crrtilu iw«rin drkti»>
medicine eter Jurotrml. Many diseases arise* tii«mw
and occasion tong and luletuerntfering, aodeveu death,*.
1 e*er being impeded; grown person. are eery .n
afflieled with them, and are doctored lor eiriou* cvu>|-Uii
without any benefit; when one dote 01' the* Lowiim.
■perdily csrethenL |
Spnipioau tj IFonru.—ram* its Ihe joints or litnb*;T.i
Mte breath, picking at the uw, grinding of the irnjt tli.i
»lrep, andmtumcsa paleness about lhelii«,witli fiiuheO elm
tiKediug at the ntwr, a gnawing sensational'
et of beal.oter the'iortace til the body, MbblchilD or »l
Jmm., ..Jd„ .u,,,,,, „ ,u,|., „tli frid.l U
hue, fiu, bad Uitc in Die wouUi, dilßculi breathitr', i«i
eu>u* appetite, leaner**, bloated stomach Jr limbs, *»ipn
shooting paiu* in t.riou. ~rl. of Die body, , “n- t. *•
thing ruing inDie Oiruai, itching of the an*, luwa.d. n.ct.
frriueat desire to pa» something from Uiejbow.L. au>l
tuneiduchargt* ol alime and mucu*. -
sheb.maiv’S camphor lozenges
They give immedmte relief iu n » MOU , u'.-u ,
jolpltaltun of (lie heart,. lowness of ,h, spirits,
uitbmiuatorj « putrid ton throat, bou.l J J
j-Uiat, fainting, oppfwM* or a s*m«„r .inking ,TZ \\
thpUc, spoww, map of the stomach a ,
aflccljoc*, andall nrrToiu d diwwwnra »,«*»?.
day, and wakeiuloea. through the eight; cholera ... c
e« B»|W diarrhoea, WitaJ, o, , OJtai ' ,
mu imellu* or attending large partis, williioJ u„ L o
g« rraUj reviving .and impartm S lb« bujyiney u f
* A *, r u .‘ U * , J’* l,flB ' lil «7 Wmtore ll.e fouYolthr L-.em
f™|7* . rnnoT * “I the-unplcasant symptoms arising i
l V u r iVS»: /"*»• *W h.*, brio L highlit,
abandoned theu-diujpnled habits, fim , ,h rK S Lo„ l]C ,’
■unblr composers of the nrrves. 6
• The be*t .trengdmung plaslrr in the wot Id, and am n r
° r ****"*•»‘hr back, loin,, tide, a
limb*, wtou, rheumatism, lumbago, fc c , fc e n
year td! not .apply the deWiuT'r *y ’
mg beftW afrrhcati.m. Warran.ed a| , tr V
(hr one quarUMhe usual priee , «aki„tuot ; i*, '
the« bcapest phiUr m the world. i u
Louis, and make, aiumiihing cure. _
the rkgioo of the liter or slumach, aud it mil afford r real
Mlaji-hme rtltrl In «m K I„, dj, I Ml i im ™ g
br..lhm s , onmni of lb. d,„, or iu.rob, ,b., .1
DKdmulr aioA ud mill, burbi tU |?,
■.d-bUr, habm, or lto« oblfed lo .bid „o t |„ ~11 m
d«»l.d.«p»rt from 00. of olj. ,i trlltf l„ i „
. .Z 1 , C.bermll, r.u0.m.00 ihrm, id iiiS o,
% JiS T".? I ?‘' 1 ,ticl “ ,r ■»'! •"'■id I
tr relier. In tlieir operation, llierarf MimulfDt. luuil
anodyoe. They ar. composed of entirely direVrent i„r
enta Ircjmanir other, and loom, from theMi-ericcr „i
*■»««** the uuitrd lestimo
r) !i and distinguished clergy aud phyuruu
MtWfuJ apd highly tnrdicatrd plailer.
Several pAvon. have called .t th. warehouse to ...
MitS 1 "' •‘■•a-f ™«1~. 10r..’
ofeach (ilajler, a
bcimiie orpr. Shennan ■ uanie. It himporuutjou .1
lhrShmaan’. Poor .Man’i Pliter, ai.d
roupt,a. there are *orthU l.n.t;
hawked alow and w>ld C. r the m,, fh.itnau’. riu.-n
uamiseijdedjdraler., |
Sold and retail by W. JACKSON at l.» I
N “-
. .„,,,'«?.!»**«• JBEIiICINES. _
/ UNSIbI li\l« ol hie Prophylactic Synip. a
, r *® lorall Co.tsuaJpTivf. and
looi aflectiona; though Strip,
centra led -extract of* Sarajtparill.l, * det i«
aupertor to all other extracts, having i
when all others have failed, being through a
m ° f ® concentrated Ilian any other
olTered to the public. ASTHMATH' PI.I
having elltcled permanent cures ol that-Uul.
disease, when of more than vears 'a an
hence it stands will,hut n rival i» that muen d.c
Dr. Roses LINIMt,N'|*, for ajfcascs ‘or x
neas or'pata, tnd a complete substitute for Ut
Dr Rose's TOXIC MIXTURK, an ii.hi
cure for cnil ■ and fevers, and indeed is mmi
specific for fevers of ail kinds than batk or
• here known, is used-in prtTprenoc to ai.i
Vermifuge preparation TOMI* ANTIJuiSPEITir, ».
diseases of the Stomach and bowels, Ch, It t
fections, Ace Too high an encomium CTlini
passed on the merits ol this medicine, iu cu
Oispepm_nnd all dUcascslhat result from v
nesa ol stomsch oi bad digestion,
Dr. Rose’s FEMAI.E I H I fe, a most val
Wtncdy,tor those general complaints to whic
males are aubjcct.
No pill ever before oiicred the public so h-i
corublncp'Ujc «l a valuaole niedicine
anti-dtspeplic, LIVER or Stomachic pill, coi
mg those diseases, and thereby preventing
sumption. A young Lady'tlh ycara of age, b
adiseasetl liver lor some time, her strength
traled and appetite gone, was completely rot
in six weeks by the use ol the Anti-dispeplic
tureand thesepills alone.
ENINU PLASTER, lor weakness oi the bark
breast, dtc.
Dr. Koac’a SPECIFIC EPILEPSY,the im«t
tun remedy for aU cases of lits or consuls
wtietherio infants or adults. So rurfain a apt
u it lor this formidable disease that the most
stioate cases, sad tliose too of long standing,
yielded at once. !
l)r.Rose's RHEUMATIC {MIXTURE—After i
years of diligent research ib.s compound wnadi
ered, and ils ncrer failing efficacy places its.ellie
•bove Bl * ol l»r , 'orthr.caie !of Rheumatism.
•remedy for - spitting blood, j indeed for di*. burg
blood whether from tangli, tosrcls or other nun. <
body. rl.
Dr. Rose’s SVRUP for Cholera andßowr! Jnmp
.—This mixture will effectually cote Lowe! rrtmp:
Dysentery,Cholera Morhusjaud Cholna. Ai thr
Ute Asiatic Cholera Was raging m rhiludelpiiiu it
found to be the most rucccsiful in arresungit, e
nine tenths of all those-whal used it. .
'Vhat may be said of one lof Ihcse remedies ma
said of all; their value will only l*j* appnT*ati
those wbo try them. Enters from those'who bine
cured of tkr canons raalailiex that affiiriiiltr In
body might he given, but rwc are Willing to re
matter on the merits ofthej compounds.. .\\ «• In
paitacra for tferotsln. in its rartous forms, w> toml.
andr efficacious that its healing power ha* .i-ton
muiiv. A cose of Cancer,< courting in the, wife *
lateuoventor of Delaware was complete!) fme
few months. .Therancer had been twice «'ut c
prominent burgeons, and renewed itself with tnrr
malignity,yet noiwithstand itg the debility of Cm
tion and removal of the tod parts, the n«e of the
pbylactic completely removed every ve»t re «
disease. i
Qmos innumerable of the various rjtrei th*
followed the use. of these remedies are p <>tir [
tioit, bat it is not deemed necessary to inurr.eiai
as the use of them will recommend them to all.
J. ttCHOONMAKER, A Co.', No M Word
Arenf for Pitrshuryh «bc :
*1 uui
BRi — ■ -A Blessing! A Miracle!! a\\oj
—To cure Eruption* and Disfigurement*
Purples. Frecklr*, Puuhurn, Sail Rheum, Fcim
Head*, Ac., Ac.
Four years ago last Aogust, iJik rnpiialnf
was asiom*bed in consequence of a rfu-coven |i
an Italian Chemist. 'Many doubled—'ci seemed
air impossibility that anything made by me l,
man. could have such singular a* ilm, c
by Antonia Ye+fuini for his invention. .Mtuij
bim and bis invention a* a butniiug, {xml ulae
roolieh persons without trying do the »nmo u
tenrh. after lestihg it in die hospitals. tin- Mr.i!
eiety of Paris [ihe lw-«trbetiii«t«<nt!u- nnrlillik.
the following repoil to f*igi*oi Vesj.ntn: '
“We have npw minutely and eurcfuity cctii,,
singular invention of Yesprim. We |,uv« -man
component parts—we have u*rd it .11 »rv c ciil'c-»-
we heiiiate nof to pronounce 11 (the Imiina O
t*oapJ as a great blearing, and a duly nomUifi.
dy tor any pitaneou* eruption or dirfiguruiiei.
skm: in inventor we rnnoder the tiu-nlolmi
of «adermgmankind.
From thr inventor tiling If i.i ih,. I'nux
. . Nov 4'
in con«ider«tioii of ihe «um of I i.uvr
red to Mr. T. Jour*, residii)* m ii»- rny of ,>cw
N. A.i the whole proce«« of ui
wiib a statementof the ingredient* m
ian Chemical Sup Hr i» loinsitDlurturr n |..i
the United r*Ulr« only, and to'hme i)m- prrv. i v.-
min* ir'Jones’ltalian Chemical soap."
Witne»»: Unity J. Ifoldswofth.
•ISigned) AMt»,NIA Vt *l‘l!
QP-J'oldby W JACKSON. at In* I’almi V.
t\ arehouir, Liberty rirrri. brail of W m»i,
sign of the lli* 8001.
The only place in l a itul>ari?h where ihr ni:.\
can lieobtained. Ail other* arc tVpnwfen
Morgan scklkbkatkd i.nihan u
FILLS, for the cure of Liter Complain
all'diseases arising from thcLivcr.. In *icU
ache, and as a purgstive and Anti*.l»iliou* I'ill
pasted by none. *
SrHPToHs nr a Diseased LIVF.It.-~n
inQamslion of ihe Liver, when hot Hie cou»eq<
of an.acut* attack ofnhs disease, begin* gn,
with symptoms of a functional disorder of Hm <
tire and biliary organ*, and ciy«|>c|.<<ia Irrryi
teems In be the only affection present. ‘I h'fjt
complains of irregular appetite and inpaired n
ofdigeation, acidity, flatulence. aligfit cholic
occasional nattaea and vomiting; and n tlinh
paio and weight are »elt in the right aide qt-c.
nted in some cases with a dragging pain in thr
shoulder. Moat commonly, however no di
pain la. eipertcnced in the region nl .Hie 1
s?if2EL W « 0 ® rro p re,,ure la made 011 this p
Ibe’boweU are always trery irregular, cnatit
being cctnmrin in some insUnecs-witli dtarriioe
discharge* scanty, dark colored, offensive, 1
greenish or tnoduy. One «*| the inoit contati
characteristic symptoms of Chronic Livrr
ptaiht is a dry, harsh, constricted state <>l tun
a abortdry cough, with slight difficulty in lire*
ia *a frequent attendant on Hit* dttran*. |
chronic as in the acute form of this disca»o, 1!
tient can spldom rest as easy on the. left as .
right side.' As the disease idvaneci{s*ight 1
come on towards evening, attended with a In
heat in the palms ofthe hands and soles of the
the night* are restless, tod when the lnlbmit
terminates in suppuration, hectic andmpid cn
tion consume the vital powers.
Manufactured and told wholesale and relaN
JOHN I>. MORGAN, Dreggis
Wood street, Fittaboi
vmgGieaaeapou, Kama, or Mark* from l
toilette. Carpel*. Ae., Ac.. and rrndeririK tin
Wantf il it applied clear, brifhi. new. and erotic
Fold with ftat? direction* P-nt** uea
rnrSold by WAI. JACKFON,W Liberty »uer
oMVcnJ- at hii JJoct and Shoe wore, wun of i